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Question :
(TCO 4) What is the final number output for the following code snippet?
for (i = 1 ; i <= 20 ; i = i + 2);
cout << << i ;




This is an illegal set-up of for loop parameters.

Question 2. Question :
(TCO 4) Which of the following is not a C++ logical operator?




Question 3. Question :
(TCO 4) What is the value of data after the following code executes?
unsigned char data = 0xA5;
data = data & 0xF0;





Question 4. Question :
(TCO 4) Why does this code snipper give a compile error?
int loopCounter = 0;
int numberOfScores = 20;
while (loopcounter < numberOfScores)
cout << \nInside the loop;

The value of the control loop control variable does not change the
loop body.

The curly brackets are missing around the loop body.

The loopCounter variable is not spelled consistently.

All of the above

Question 5. Question :
(TCO 4) If firstName and lastName are string object variables, which
statement can be used to combine (append or concatenate) the two into
a single string variable?

fullName = firstName + lastName;

fullName = firstName, lastName;

fullName = firstName & lastName;

fullName = firstName && lastName;

Question 6. Question :
(TCO 4) What is wrong with the following switch statement?
case 0:
cout << x;
case 2:
cout << 2 / x;
cout << error;

The value of x could be something other than 1 or 2.

There is no break statement for case 1.

There is no semicolon after the closing bracket.

All of the above

Question 7. Question :
(TCO 4) Given the code below,
struct student
string name;
double gpa;
which statement declares an array of 10 students, called myClass?

const int N=10; struct student x[N];

const int N=10; struct myClass students[N];

int N=10; struct student myClass[N];

const int N=10; struct student myClass[N];

Question 8. Question :
(TCO 4) The code below computes the length of a C-style string. What
should the value of FLAG be?
char name[20]= "Lancilot";
int length=0;
while(name[length] != FLAG)
length = length+1;
cout << length << endl;





Question 9. Question :
(TCO 4) What is the data type of bullpen[3].era?
struct pitcher
string name;
double era;
pitcher p1;
pitcher bullpen[10];




const pointer to pitcher

Question 10. Question :
(TCO 4) Given the following code fragment, what is the data type of
struct student
string name;
double gpa;
student thisStudent;


const pointer to student



Question 11. Question :
(TCO 4) If the function square(x) returns the square of x, then x should
be passed by

value so it is protected (cannot be changed).

reference so it is protected (cannot be changed).

pointer so it is protected (cannot be changed).

None of the above. X cannot be protected; square can change the
value of x regardless of how it is passed.

Question 12. Question :
(TCO 4) Identify the correct prototype for a function that receives an
array of doubles, computes the sum of all the elements of the array, and
returns the sum to the calling function.

void computeSum(double array[], int size, double * sum);

void computeSum(double array[], int size, double & sum);

double computeSum(double array[], int size);

All of the above


Question 13. Question :
(TCO 4) The function call below is designed to return, in variable result,
the product of x and y. All the variables are of type int. What is the
correct prototype for such a function?
myFunction(result, x, y);

void myFunction(int &, int, int) ;

void myFunction(int, int, int) ;

void myFunction(const int *, const int, const int) ;

void myFunction(int *, const int *, const int *) ;

Question 14. Question :
(TCO 4) Which of the following functions is taking an array of MyStruct
structures as a pass by value parameter?

void MyFunc( MyStruct data[ ] );

void MyFunc( MyStruct &data[ ] );

void MyFunc( MyStruct *data[ ] ) ;

Not allowed in C++

Question 15. Question :
(TCO 4) Which of the following is called automatically each time an
object is created?





Question 16. Question :
(TCO 4) Which of the following is called automatically each time an
object goes out of scope?





Question 17. Question :
(TCO 4) Creating classes with private data members is an example of

Student Answer:




Question 18. Question :
(TCO 4) When organizing a program into three files (main, class
implementation, and class header), which is not a .cpp file?

Student Answer:

None are .cpp

Class header

Class implementation

Question 19. Question :
(TCO 4) Assume you have a class, called Simple, that has two data
members, a and b, both of type int. What can be said about the
function prototype given below? (Choose the best answer.)
Simple(int=0, int=0);

It is the prototype for the default constructor.

It is the prototype for the 2-argument constructor.

It is both the 0-argument, and the 2-argument, constructor.

It is incorrect.

Question 20. Question :
(TCO 4) Which of the following is a valid declaration to overload the
following function?
int whatever (double x);

double whatever (double x);

int whatever (int x);

int whatever2 (double x);

int overload (double x);

Question 21. Question :
(TCO 4) What is the default behavior for the overloaded operator and
the copy constructor functions?

There is no default behavior. The user has to write both functions.

It is shallow copy.

It is deep copy.

Both functions are empty stubs.

Question 22. Question :
(TCO 4) Assume you have to write a class that makes use of dynamic
memory allocation (the class needs to allocate and deallocate memory).
According to best practices, which function should you overwrite for
proper memory management?

Assignment operator function

Copy constructor

Assignment operator and copy constructor

None of the above

Question 23. Question :
(TCO 4) Assume you have to write a class that makes use of dynamic
memory allocation (the class needs to allocate and de-allocate memory).
According to best practices, where would the keyword new be placed?

Classes are smart data types. The compiler takes care of calling

In the constructor

In the destructor

In a separate, dedicated function

Question 24. Question :
(TCO 4) What is the output of the following code snippet?
int *list = new int[5];
int *ptr;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i ++)
list [ i] = i+ 1;
ptr = list;
delete [ ] list;
cout << *ptr;


Address of list

Address of ptr

Error ptr references memory that no longer belongs to the

Question 25. Question :
(TCO 4) What is the output of the following code snippet?
int value = 10;
int * iptr = &value;
*iptr = 5;
Cout << *iptr << << value;

5 5

10 10

5 10

10 5

1. Question :
(TCO 4) What output does the following code produce?
cout << fixed << setprecision(3);
double pi = 3.14159;
cout << pi << endl;

Student Answer:



None of the above


Question 2. Question :
(TCO 4) Which of the following expressions is correct if you want to end
a while-loop when the character variable keepgoing is anything other
than character y in either upper or lowercase?

Student Answer:
while (keepgoing == y keepgoing == Y)

while (keepgoing == y && keepgoing == Y)

while (keepgoing == y keepgoing == Y)

while (keepgoing == y keepgoing == Y)


Question 3. Question :
(TCO 4) What is the result of 5 % 7?

Student Answer:





Question 4. Question :
(TCO 4) If firstName and lastName are string object variables, which
statement can be used to combine (append or concatenate) the two into
a single string variable?

Student Answer:
fullName = firstName + lastName;

fullName = firstName, lastName;

fullName = firstName & lastName;

fullName = firstName && lastName;


Question 5. Question :
(TCO 4) A variable declared before and outside all function blocks

Student Answer:
is visible only in main.

is visible to all functions.

is visible to all functions except main.

is not visible to any functions.


Question 6. Question :
(TCO 4) How many times will variable i be printed to the screen?
for (i = 1 ; i <= 20 ; i = i + 2);
cout << << i ;

Student Answer:





Question 7. Question :
(TCO 4) The code below computes the length of a C-style string. What
should the value of FLAG be?
char name[20]= "Lancilot";
int length=0;
while(name[length] != FLAG)
length = length+1;
cout << length << endl;

Student Answer:





Question 8. Question :
(TCO 4) Given the following code fragment, what is the data type of
struct student
string name;
double gpa;
student thisStudent;

Student Answer:

const pointer to student




Question 9. Question :
(TCO 4) Which type of error does the following code fragment cause?
const int MAX = 500;
int main (void)
int foo [MAX];
for (int i = 0; i <= MAX; i++)
foo [i] = i * 2;

Student Answer:
Compiler, because of out-of-bounds array subscript

Run-time, because of out-of-bounds array subscript

Compiler, because of invalid array initialization

None of the above. It does not create any type of error.


Question 10. Question :
(TCO 4) Which statement correctly declares an array of 10 LunchBoxes.
The LunchBox data type is already defined and is a struct that contains
a snack field, and a drink field.

Student Answer:
snack snacks[10]; drink drinks[10];

LunchBox snacks[10];

x LunchBox[10]

snacks LunchBox[10];


Question 11. Question :
(TCO 4) Identify the correct prototype for a function that receives an
array of doubles, finds the position of the largest value in the array, and
returns the position to the calling function.

Student Answer:
void findPosition(double array[], int size, double * position);

void findPosition (double array[], int size, int * position);

double findPosition (double array[], int size);

All of the above


Question 12. Question :
(TCO 4) When a variable is passed by reference

Student Answer:
the variable can be changed by the calling and the called function.

the parameter name is an alias of the variable passed.

the called function can change the value of the variable in
the calling program.

All of the above


Question 13. Question :
(TCO 4) What is the output of the following code?
void func(int x[ ])
x[0] = x[0] * 3;
x[1[ = x[1] * 3;
x[2] = x[2] * 3;
void main ()
int x[ ] = {1, 2, 3};
cout << x[0] << << x[1] << << x[2] << endl;

Student Answer:
1 2 3

3 4 5

3 6 9

3 3 3


Question 14. Question :
(TCO 4) The function call below is designed to return, in variable result,
the product of x and y. All the variables are of type int. What is the
correct prototype for such a function?
myFunction(&result, &x, &y);

Student Answer:
void myFunction(int, int, int) ;

void myFunction(int *, int *, int *) ;

void myFunction(const int *, const int *, const int *) ;

void myFunction(int *, const int *, const int *) ;


Question 15. Question :
(TCO 4) Creating one class from another in a parent/child hierarchy is
an example of

Student Answer:





Question 16. Question :
(TCO 4) Variables defined to be of a user-declared class are referred to

Student Answer:

member variables.

primitive variables.



Question 17. Question :
(TCO 4) Assume you have a class, called Simple, that has two data
members, a and b, both of type int. What can be said about the
function prototype given below? (Choose the best answer.)
Simple(int=0, int=0);

Student Answer:
It is the prototype for the default constructor.

It is the prototype for the 2-argument constructor.

It is both the 0-argument, and the 2-argument, constructor.

It is incorrect.


Question 18. Question :
(TCO 4) Given the following class definition and lines of code, Line 1 in
main is a call to what?

class Distance
int feet;
double inches;
Distance( );
Distance(int initFt, double initIn);
void setFeet(int feetIn);
void setInches(double inchesIn);
int getFeet() const;
double getInches( ) const;
int main( )
Distance d1; //Line 1
const int MAX = 100; //Line 2
Distance list[MAX]; //Line 3
Distance d2(1, 2.3); //Line 4
Distance * pDist; //Line 5
d1.feet = 5; //Line 6
// etc. assume the remaining code is correct

Student Answer:
The 0-argument Distance constructor

The 2-argument, int, double, Distance constructor

The 2-argument, double, int, Distance constructor

The 1-argument, int, Distance constructor


Question 19. Question :
(TCO 4) A derived class is typically an example of

Student Answer:
a has a relationship.

an is a relationship.

a uses a relationship.

a is used relationship.


Question 20. Question :
(TCO 4) The word const inside the parentheses of the following
declaration of isEqual
bool isEqual (const Distance & rightSideObject) const;

Student Answer:
ensures the member variables of the called objects are protected
(cannot be changed).

ensures the argument passed in to the function is protected
(cannot be changed).

ensures the return value of the function is protected (cannot be

ensures the return value is routed to the proper variable.


Question 21. Question :
(TCO 4) Given the following definitions and statements,
void myFunction (double * dptr);;
double data [10];
which of the following statements correctly calls the function passing in
the address of the data array?

Student Answer:





Question 22. Question :
(TCO 4) What is the output of the following code snippet?
int value = 10;
int * iptr = &value;
*iptr = 5;
Cout << *iptr << << value;

Student Answer:
5 5

10 10

5 10

10 5


Question 23. Question :
(TCO 4) What is the output of the following code snippet?
int *p;
int *q;
p = new int;
*p = 43;
q = p;
*q = 52;
p = new int;
*p = 78;
q = new int;
*q = *p;
cout << *p << " " << *q << end1

Student Answer:





Question 24. Question :
(TCO 4) Given a class called Employee and the following definitions and
void myFunction (Employee * eptr);
Employee emp;
which of the following statements correctly calls the function passing in
the address of the data array?

Student Answer:





Question 25. Question :
(TCO 4) What is the output of the following code snippet?
int *list = new int[5];
int *ptr;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i ++)
list [ i] = i+ 1;
ptr = list;
delete [ ] list;
cout << *ptr;

Student Answer:

Address of list

Address of ptr

Error ptr references memory that no longer belongs to the

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