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Department of Performing and Screen Arts

Bachelor in Performing and

Screen Arts
Course No. Course Name Semester Year
PASA7261 Film & Television Projects 3a 1 2009
Lecturer (s) Course Co-ordinator
All TFTV Tutors Dan Wagner
Marker(s) Moderator(s)
All TFTV Tutors Victor Grbic
Assignment No. & Title Course grade % Due Date Return Date
1 Professional Practice – Online Reflection 40% 16 April 18 May
Learning outcome(s):
2. Identify, demonstrate and self-critique own professional standards of collaboration, responsibility, and problem solving
skills in the performance of a specialist role.

This assignment requires you to make a commitment to growing stronger in a particular area and, with a
support partner, track each others’ development in that area through the duration of the production period.
The assignment also examines your ability to self-reflect about your processes and practices during the
Video Dance production period. The mechanism for the assessment is through your regular postings to a
blog on Blackboard.
Please note: the assignment is to be concluded prior to post-production; Editors will be assessed in their
roles as collaborators during preproduction and the shoot.

The first step in this process is for you to discuss with your support partner the aspects of professionalism
(enumerated in the bullet point list below) in which you feel you are already strong, and the aspects in
which you feel you could use growth and strengthening. From this list, you will each identify one item as
your Main Goal for growth. Your support partner is allowed to contribute their own observations (having
worked with you the last 2 years) to help determine what your Main goal is. But the final decision for your
Main Goal for growth lies with you.
Once you have determined your Main Goal, make your first blog entry by relating how you (and your
support partner) arrived at that choice. A bit of personal reflection is in order here.
• Explain how you perceive yourself to be in need of development in the area you’ve chosen (“I feel I
don’t speak clearly enough because I find myself getting tongue-tied a lot”).
• State exactly what you want to achieve with the Goal and what it will look like once you’ve gotten
there. (“I want to be able to say exactly what I mean the first time and not have to keep modifying and editing myself. I’ll
speak more powerfully and people will listen to me more.”)
• Chart a path for growth which will deliver you to that goal. (“First, I need to choose to clearly identify for
myself exactly what it is I want to say; then I need to figure out how to say it; then I intend to sort of hear myself saying it in
my head – all before I even open my mouth.”)
Each week, you will post at least one blog entry chronicling your growth in the area you’ve identified
as your Main Goal. Your support partner will then comment on how they’ve observed your growth that
week in that area. This is done in the Comments just under the post itself.
[By the way, it’s okay if you feel you didn’t make progress that week, or even if you felt you made a step backward.
The important quality here is your ability to honestly self-reflect, arising out of your genuine desire to grow.]

In addition to tracking your Main Goal, each week you will choose two additional bullet points from
the list below to address in your blog. This is to be different items each week. Your support partner will
then add a comment on their observations about your work in these areas. [Again, please self-critique honestly.
If you feel you could’ve been stronger in a given area, it’s valuable for you to acknowledge it.]


As Support Partner, you’ll be checking your partner’s blog daily. (Alternatively, you could subscribe via
RSS.) Your job is to comment on their Main Goal postings, offering your impressions about…
• The level to which they have or have not moved toward their goal.

PASA 7261 - Assignment 1 – Professional Practice – BRIEF – p. 2

• If the level of growth leaves something to be desired, you need to articulate how it falls short and
also you must suggest at least one way to look at it differently and/or to accomplish it.
• You must also, in your comments, say something positive about their progress in regards to
their stated Goal.
You are required to comment on their Main Goal postings. If you wish (and have something to say), you
may also comment on their Secondary Goal postings

• As Self-Assessor, you will be marked for:
o Posting the required amount of times (1/week for Main Goal + 2 Secondary Goals/week);
o The quality of your self-critiquing
 Self-honesty
 Genuine desire to improve
 Addressing the issues sincerely and thoroughly
o The level to which the tutor ascertains you’ve achieved your goals
• As Support Partner, you’ll be marked for:
o Level of attention to your partner
 Commenting the required amount of times and in a timely fashion
o Respectful honesty
o Quality of suggestions to improve
o Degree of encouragement
o Acknowledgement of strong points / improvements

 Proactive vs. Reactive Communication
 Level of Listening
 Approaches to Conflict Resolution
 Taking / Giving Constructive Criticism throughout the project
 Engaging in constructive dialogue to advance the project
 Clarity of communication
 Acknowledgement of communications received
 Reachability
 Keeping team informed
 Contribution of ideas
 Lending a helping hand
 Following-through on commitments made
 Initiating/facilitating/contributing to meetings/recces as is applicable to your/their
 Understanding & Respecting Boundaries between your/their role & others’ roles
 Appropriate Attitudes
~ Humility
~ Good-faith
~ Generosity
~ Can-do
~ Respect for others (incl. talent, crew, Unitec staff and the general public)
 Initiative
 Sense of Ownership (of own area and of whole project)
 Respect for things and places (incl. gear and locations)
 Preparing gear/facilities/workplaces effectively
 Using effective problem-solving techniques if and when required
 Meeting project deadlines
 Observing schedules
 Punctuality
 Prompt completion of allocated tasks
PASA 7261 - Assignment 1 – Professional Practice – BRIEF – p. 3

~ Including how you/they manage your/their own time within the task

PASA 7261 - Assignment 1 – Professional Practice – BRIEF – p. 4


You Support Partner

Video Dance Intro Pair-up, exchange contact info

3rd March Discuss and decide on each person's Main Goal for growth

end of Intro Week Each make first posting about your discussion and your conclusions.
- BY 8th March You relate what your Main Goal is and chart your targeted growth path.
(Sun.) Support Partner shares any comments they feel pertain.

1 post on Main Goal read posts, comment on Main Goal

1st Week of project
2 posts on Secondary (minimum)
- BY 15th March and Secondary Goals (if called-for)
goals (1ea)
1 post on Main Goal read posts, comment on Main Goal
2nd Week
2 posts on Secondary (minimum)
- BY 22nd March and Secondary Goals (if called-for)
goals (1 ea)
1 post on Main Goal read posts, comment on Main Goal
3rd Week
2 posts on Secondary (minimum)
- BY 29th March and Secondary Goals (if called-for)
goals (1 ea)
1 post on Main Goal read posts, comment on Main Goal
4th Week
2 posts on Secondary (minimum)
- BY 5th April and Secondary Goals (if called-for)
goals (1 ea)
1 post on Main Goal read posts, comment on Main Goal
5th Week
2 posts on Secondary (minimum)
- BY 12th April and Secondary Goals (if called-for)
goals (1 ea)
In comments section, post a peer
Post a summary of how well
end of Project appraisal of strong points /
you achieved your goal &
- BY Friday 17th improvements in general +
something you want to work
April suggestions for future

Word to the wise:

You don't have to wait until the last day, you're encouraged to post as soon as the thought strikes
you. More than one post/comment per topic is

PASA 7261 - Assignment 1 – Professional Practice – BRIEF – p. 5

Assessment Criteria

1. Identify and describe primary (main) and weekly secondary goals for growth from a provided list
of professional practice traits. (10%)
2. Chronicle your process of attaining these goals by means of blog entries posted at regular
intervals (at least once weekly for: 1 Main Goal and 2 weekly Secondary Goals). (10%)
3. Provide evidence via the blog entries of attempts made to improve own professional standards of
collaboration, responsibility, and problem solving skills. (10%)
4. Critically examine your development, the degree to which you have moved toward your goal(s)
and identify areas where you feel added development could occur. (20%)
5. Conclude your postings on the given date with a summary of your development by assessing how
far you’ve come toward your goals, identifying areas for further growth and declaring at least one
aspect of your professional character in which you are already strong. (15%)
6. Comment on your partner’s blog postings the required amount of times (once per week for each
Main Goal posting, optionally for Secondary Goals) and in a timely fashion (each comment must
be within a week of the original post). (10%)
7. Demonstrate respectful honesty in comments on your partner’s development, using constructive
and practical suggestions for improvements, if applicable. (15%)
8. Offer comments and suggestion in a spirit of encouragement, acknowledging where your partner
is strong and where they have improved. (10%)


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