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Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin

1920-1939 -why? aftermath of WWI : expense + new national identities

Aftermath -Competitors for future Europe

-communism, socialism, capitalism
-US- isolationism
-Russia- nurture own growth = power vacuum
Economically -Treaty of Versailles
-France -attacked by Germany 2x in 40 years
-20% of men ages 25-45 dead
-national economy crushing under war
-The Big Winner- USA
-selling + countries borrowing $
-Europe owes them millions
-retreats to be passivist + isolationist country = dont believe in war
-Germans-we were betrayed by gov + dictated peace
-changed map of Europe; 50 million dead; 50 million maimed/dead from flu
Socially -optimism gone
-rid theory that men are rational beings
-birth rate down
-victim mentality of Germany
Europe = a laboratory atop a graveyard---Thomas Massraq, 1
Pres. Of Czech

Hopeful Years (1924-29) -France and G.B.- new gov.
-Germany- Weimar Republic
1924 -Dawes Plan- reduce reparations + US investment in Germany
-Germany slowly put back on feet
-based on foreign loans + investments
1925 -Treaty of Locarno- between France and Germany
-high point of international good will
-prevent overthrow of Versailles Treaty lets work this out
-France+Belgium border guaranteed (E German border not guaranteed)
-Czech will help if Germany invades
1927 -Kellogg-Briand Pact- 63 Nations renounce war
-1926- Germany in League of Nations
-war not answer to problems between countries---war is bad
-PROB: dont know what happens if treaty violated (Hitler 1
to violate)
-Pacts- good intentions + ideas---not a whole lot
Gov.- control
over every
aspect of life
Ideology (set
+ glorify
state goals;
justify gov's
State Control
of Individual
Methods of
(secret police;
fear of police;
taught to hate
at younf age;
book burning
(use for
propaganda +
State Control of
(religion, art,
personal life,
youth groups,
ed., labour,
1 Party Rule
Leader (unify
symbolize gov,
encourage pop.,
support gained
w/ force of
Age of Dictators

-1924-9: US dollar value decreases
1928 -US withdraws $ from Germany

-capitalism-gov out of everything-Adam Smith
-gov should create jobs + housing + etc.-John Maynard Keys

Results -totalitarianism, fascism, autocracy, dictatorship
-only France + G.B. remain democratic by 1939

Great Depression Causes: -slide of domestic economies
1930s -international financial crisis
-crash American banks
-9,000 US banks + 9 million savings gone
-wages down 60%---25% unemployment(15 million)
Repercussions: -high unemployment
gangs democracy on defensive

Democratic States -G.B.: John Maynard Keyes
-France: becomes strongest power on continent

Retreat from Democracy -modern totalitarian state
=absolute control over every aspect of life
-single leader-single party
-individual subordinate to state
-ideology, technology, police, terror
Themes -democracy and capitalism not viable; they didnt work
-looking for alt.

Germany (1918) -Weimer Republic-est. by Ebery Fredrick
-fear of communism
-hate diktat peace
-struggles w/ communism + parties emerging for power
-no foundation for Democracy- even Bismarck ran a tight shop
-start-Kaiser leaves
-stable gov. based on parliament + people
-1917- Rev in Russia- scared + dont want rev in Germany
-hate comm. + crush all uprisings violently
-rests on fragile coalition between Catholics, Liberals, and Democrats
-social entitlements, min. wage, etc., but
1. People shocked @ lost war- propaganda made them think otherwise
Causes War
2. Civilian pop. felt stabbed in the back by Jewish leader + Socialists
-military blames them
3. Hitler- offers solutions
-only lasts 10 years

Causes of WWII -Treaty of Versailles
- true peace settlement--- long term
-Great Depression
-1931-all power to Nazi Germany---only one w/ some solutions

Mussolini (1883-1945) -socialist-fascist (Latin: fasci= to bundle)
1920-21 -form of squadristic- attack unions
-then attack socialists
-no coherent ideology
-state before individual
-promotes violence + opposition parliamentary
March on Rome
-threatens to take power---a big comedy
August 1922 -King Victor Emmanuel makes him PM
1929 -Lateran Agreement w/ church
-Slogan: believe, obey, fight; Mussolini is always right
-new calendar
-comical, scary
-not military general or household name from prior success
-great politician- sec.po., prop., violence, great orator, opposition illegal, chose cabinet
-Italian parties- socialist, liberal, popals Cath. party
-had soldiers attack publicist against him
-Fascism- no policy/ideology/idea that it tried to achieve
-emblem- sticks bundled w/ax in middle
-violence +opposition to parliamentary rule---we get power or take it by force
-known as El Duce=leader
-supporters: landowners + businessmen
-Vatican its own state if Church leaves him alone
-women dont work- 14+ kids= medal
-new calendar based on fascism (start w/1902 as Holy Days)
-no papers can show his age or if he is ill to public
-scared of Hitler
-made atrocities of WWI constant even @
1929 -stock markets crashed- effect his stability
1939 -pact of steel w/ Germany
1940 -Italy enters war
-after US invades Italy- Mu. let go from position
-Hitler gets N. Italy for him
1945 -shot + dragged through the streets
-War alone keys up all human energies.

Russian Revolution -Lenin plots events to make sure Rev. happens
-Bloody Sunday, social inequality, Czar at warfront---wife + Rasputin
-March 12, 1917- Czar steps down- Duma in charge
- Lenin in power- NEP, end of warm redistribution of land, communism
-Treaty of Brest-Litovsk- Poland, Ukraine, Finland, Baltic given up
-Lenin dies of stroke Trotsky
-end of NEP, rapid industrialize, spread communism aboard
-Trotsky killed Stalin- General Secretary---gains control of Comm. Party
-end of NEP, 5 Year Plans---workers given compassion, collectivization
Stalin (1879-1953) -a man of steel
1917 -editor of Pravda
-good organizer General Secretary
-appointed local party secretaries
-use post to gain control
-discard NEP-begin 5 year plan
1928-37 -industrial production increases---famine
-5 Year Plans- enormous human cost
-Industrializes Russia in 20 years at the cost of people
-big machines to show off---people dont have comfort or luxury
-they are worked to death
-all productive + creative people he feared would push back---gone
-literacy rate up + women more equal( u here work; its right)
-Hitler + Mussolini let women work---based on slave labor
-slaves not motivated about war
1930 -collectivization- 250 million farms to 250,000
-peasants revolt + burn everything starve Stalin lets them

Great Terror -purges, gulags, ethnic groups viewed w/ suspicions
-Results: -complete reorder of gov.
-illiteracy reduced
-gov. assistance working mom
-declining birthrate
-productive people gone
-barely able to w/stand Germany

-wife died-marries younger woman
-tells public he is best choice
-perceived threats killed
-NEP-allows small farmers + businessmen to work
-got rid of it
-trained to be a priest
-alcoholic + abusive father
1917 -editor of Pravda---becomes important because of this
-appointed General Secretary- job to appoint cabinet leaders (10,000)
=only people who support him = they owe him their loyalty
stays in power
-worst mass murderer of own people-admits to about 20 million
-wanted to focus on Russia
-forced Kulaks(rich landowners) to Siberian Gulags (prison camps)
(any who push back) -kill Bolsheviks, head Sec. Po., Ed. People(scientists, writers, artists), military elite

Hitler (1889-1945) -born in poverty in Austria goes to Viennas art school as aspiring artist
-dad dies at 14, mom dies at 16
- get into art school homeless Jewish man bails him out by buying his art
-enlists in army for WWI- finds family in his comrades- new life
-Munich-National Socialist German Workers Party- Nazi
-gained so much power because people angry @ war w/ treaties
-people believed + trusted him
Goals/Beliefs -restore Germanys power
-unification of all ethnic Germans
-undo Treaty of Versailles
-rearm Germany

-Germans are the master race (Aryans)
-Non-Aryans: inferior
-Versailles Treaty an outrage-brought dishonor to Germany
-Germany needs lebensraum- living space
-offers easy answers to all problems
-Joseph Goebbels=disgusting man- propaganda for Nazis to keep people in support
-mass demonstrations, spectacles, rallies
-people controlled w/ church, school, universities
-gains majority in Reichstag but join any cabinet
-say he wont make a party unless Hitler appt. Chancellery
to campaign by plane- 21 cities in 6 days for speeches
-uses slave labor to fuel war- happy feeling w/labor
-Germany must get ready for war of East---W are Aryans
-shocked when Churchill agree w/ him
-Russia- Hitler thought them weak + inferior
(1941)-uses modern technology- Stalin prepared, think Hitler would
invade -Russia throws raw meat @ forces; made that USA hurting

1921 -De Fuhrer to followers (Leader)---people think he is a silly little man
1923 -failed in overthrow of gov. of Bavaria in Munich
-declares he will take over gov. in bar
jailed for 7 months- writes Mein Kampf (goals but no time table)
-economic situation gives him traction
Mein Kampf(My Struggle) 1. German are Aryans- master race: tall, blonde, blue-eyed
- school/education; get buff/strong
-Jews, Slavs, Gypsies up to mark so get rid of them
-breeding a better animal
2. Lebensraum: we are overcrowded---living space
-get it by conquering East
3. Treaty of Versailles: not fair---we need to get rid of it
-extreme nationalism, anti-Semitism, anti-comm. social Darwin theory of struggle
1924 -left prison
1928 -elections- began to make gains
-Goebbels portrays- helps w/ propaganda
-Nazis- answer to Germanys problems
1930 -18% vote
1933 -37% vote
-Reichstag fine with this- March
January 30 -Hindenburg appointed his Chancellor
-hoped he would create conservative coalition of multiple groups
-Hindenburg gets letter from General Lundeberg
-he will bring our nation into unmistakable misery
-Hitler takes over economy
-ends unemployment w/public works
-women work, Hitler Youth/League of German Girls
-declares 3
Reich under Enabling Act
-unlimited power for 4 years until problems fixed---never gives power back
-becomes Dictator- purge of Jews, democratic elements, trade unions, other parties
-Nuremberg Laws- Jews citizens, classified by g-moms religion,, interracial
marriage, wear Stars of David + carry ID card saying Jew

-Jews encouraged to leave the country

1936 -Alliance w/ Mussolini- Rome + Berlin Axis
1938 -Anti-Comintern Pact w/ Japan against Russia
-Kristalncactch- Night of Broken Glass
-synagogues burned, 70,000 businesses destroyed, 100 killed, 30,000 sent
to concentration camps
Path to War 1. 1936-reoccupies Rhineland
-violates Treaty of Locarno w/ France
-sends in troops, looks around, no one stops him, keeps going
2. 1938 March- annexes Austria to unite German minorities
- tells him to stop- Germanys land before so why shouldnt they have it?
-Europe- start war over little thing -USA(W POV)- right
3. 1938- Sudetenland- around Czech
- Munich Conference- given Sudetenland
-Eng. PM Chamberlain, Mussolini, Czech Leader, France- Daladier
-Cham-I have achieved peace in my time; Leopold tell him to go
-Churchill appt. German know now there will be war
-appeasement- if you give me this, I wont want/do any more
4. 1939- Rest of Czech- Bohemia + Moravia
-G.B+France tell Romania+Poland if he invades, we will protect you
5. April 1939- annexes Memel
-August 23, 1939- Pact of Steel w/ Germany; Mu. Tells Hitler start war
6. September 1, 1939- Hitler invades Poland
-Anti-Aggression Pact w/ Stalin- divide Poland in 2

-Blitzkrieg- strategy used in Spain
: airplanes, bombs, tanks infantry to clean things up
-Power creates justice.

WWII -Japans ambitions fuel it
1895 -defeat China
-Russia- obstacle to empires prosperity
1931 -Japan invades Manchuria- League of Nations condemns
-for slave labor
-Japan feels they have put up w/ W interference enough
1936-37 -47% budget on military
1937 -Rape of Nanking
-Chaing Kai Shek- Chinese National leader
-Asia for Asians
-General Tojo + Emperor Hirohito argue
-to subdue China + get resources
-very brutal + violent; Chinese still remember today
1940 -Tri-Party Pact w/Germany + Italy
US cuts off oil + scrap iron
-US understands Japanese wants Asia for Asians
-stops sending raw materials Japan realizes they have to attack; USA #1 enemy
-want US out of Pacific Ocean
attack on Pearl Harbor
-Yamamoto(best naval officer)- making a big mistake; we may win @ 1
--- then lose
Dec. 7 1941 *Pearl Harbor- Japan attack on US in war
-US enters war
-Japan has: 1)bombs traveling through decks 2)Torpedo in shallow H
O 3)submarines

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