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(Opportunity to Cure)
Thomas-i!!iam o" the hite "ami!y
Re#istere$ %ost &
Noti'e $ate(
Respon$ent(s)( AC )ETT
Ser#eant *+,-
Superinten$ant o" Tra""i'
+. S'ar/orou#h St
Southport 0LD 1*2-
3our re"eren'e( (as o" 2-th O'to/er) SERRCI 2,4-2561
(as o" **n$ O'to/er) SERRCI42,-2561
This instrument is a Noti'e o" Fau!t in Dishonor pursuant to the Constru'ti7e Noti'e o" Con$itiona!
A''eptan'e8 9hi'h 9as sent '4o Austra!ia %ost 9ith the Re#istere$ :ai! No; -,<,5162*,25 an$
re'ei7e$ /y the Respon$ent(s) on or a/out O'to/er 2<8 *,2, at the a$$ress re"eren'e$ a/o7e;
)y "ai!in# to honor the o""er 9ithin the Constru'ti7e Noti'e o" Con$itiona! A''eptan'e stipu!ate$
hereun$er8 the Respon$ent(s) are p!a'e$ at "au!t; The o""er o" "u!! an$ 'omp!ete per"orman'e o" a!!e#e$
o""en'e un$er the 'on$ition that the '!aim o" a 'i7i! $e/t or 'rimina! o/!i#ation /e su/stantiate$ /eyon$
mere $e'!aration 9as not a''epte$ 9ithin the #i7en time "rame an$ I am thus !ea$ to /e!ie7e that
Respon$ent(s) either re"use$ or ne#!e'te$ this opportunity to reme$y the situation;
)y re'ei7in# the Constru'ti7e Noti'e o" Con$itiona! A''eptan'e8 respon$ents ha7e the $uty to pro7i$e
su""i'ient response to time!y an$ in #oo$ "aith honor the instrument; No su'h response 9as ma$e that
met the 'riteria o" sai$ instrument "or 9hi'h this instrument as a #esture o" #oo$ "aith pro7i$es the
respon$ent an e=tension o" time;
On!y a response that meets the "o!!o9in# 'riteria >ua!i"ies as a su""i'ient 7eri"ie$ response(
2; Any response must /e ma$e un$er oath or attestation8 upon "u!! 'ommer'ia! !ia/i!ity an$ si#ne$
un$er pena!ty o" per?ury;
*; Any response must pro7i$e e7i$en'e o" a 'rimina! o/!i#ation su'h as /ut not !imite$ to a '!aim or
'omp!aint OR pro7i$e e7i$en'e o" a 'i7i! $e/t su'h /ut not !imite$ to an instrument o" $e/t or /i!!;
<; Any response must /e re'ei7e$ at the top re"eren'e$ a$$ress no !ater than ten (2,) $ays "rom the
re'eipt o" this instrument;
Fai!ure8 re"usa! or ne#!e't to respon$ appropriate!y 9ithin ten (2,) $ays as $e"ine$ a/o7e8 to this
Noti'e o" Fau!t in Dishonor is 'onsentin# 9ith the entry an$ ?u$#ment o" a Noti'e o" De"au!t in
Dishonor8 9hi'h is e=p!aine$ /e!o9;
De"au!t is 9ith the Respon$ent(s) 'on"ession o" ?u$#ment to the "o!!o9in#(
2; %resentments o" pro'e$ura! instrument(s) mentione$ herein are su""i'ient "or the $is'har#e8
sett!ement8 set-o"" an$ '!osure o" any an$ a!! a!!e#e$ $e/t8 o/!i#ations an$ !ia/i!ities o" or re!atin# to
In"rin#ement Noti'e No; A 1+*+*22-2 re#ar$in# THO:AS ILLIA: HITE;
*; The /a!an'e $ue on a''ount No; A 1+*+*22-2 is @ero $o!!ars (A,;,,)
Use o" a Busti'e o" the %ea'e is "or attestation an$ 7eri"i'ation purposes on!y an$ $oes not 'onstitute a
'han#e in status;
Noti'e to a#ent is noti'e to prin'ipa! an$ noti'e to prin'ipa! is noti'e to a#ent;
Sin'ere!y8 Thomas-i!!iam o" the hite "ami!y
%!ease $ire't responses to(
Thomas-i!!iam o" the hite "ami!y
itnesse$ on this $ay the CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
Busti'e o" the %ea'eCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
The a$ministrator has $isa/!e$ pu/!i' 9rite a''ess;
Affidavit process
Documents enclosed in ZIP file download
A""i$a7it samp!e
Noti'e o" Fau!t an$ Opportunity to Cure samp!e
Noti'e o" De"au!t samp!e
Certi"ie$ Copy $o'ument
A""i$a7it pro'ess
A private affidavit, if the whole process is done correctly, creates a lawfully
binding agreement/contract between the parties that rises far, far above any
legal contract/agreement in fact as paperwor! goes, an affidavit from the
private side is superior to all other documents, full stop" #ou could go as far as to
term the private un-rebutted affidavit as $overeign %aw because an affidavit from
the private side and sworn under unlimited commercial liability indicates that a
sentient living private man/woman is behind it, and therefore a $overeign&
(Warning - Please make sure that whatever you put on an affidavit is your truth).
I have attached an affidavit for you to peruse and use if you wish& I have actually
used this affidavit in a slightly longer format, yet I have removed a few points that
I used as they may have been confusing to some, yet as you will see the points on
the attached affidavit create an agreement 'law of the parties( that would cover, I
believe, every eventuality between the private 'real( and public 'fiction(& If you
cannot stand)under any of the points on the attached affidavit then remove them
or research them until you are convinced without a shadow)of)doubt that they are
now your truth&
Do N! use affidavits lightly& *esearch what you are doing if you are unsure&
Affidavits are simple and incredibly powerful law documents& +here is nothing to
be fearful of whilst using them, but please comprehend what you are doing before
firing them off"
". ,ow does this affidavit create an agreement of the parties-
A. .ecause of +acit Procuration and $tare Decisis 'see below for more on stare
decisis(& +acit Procuration basically means silent agreement 'agreement through
ac/uiescence( and this is the reason why ignoring documents is considered a
lethal act in Admiralty& If the *espondent does not respond then he/she is simply
saying, 0#es I agree/affirm by my ac/uiescence&1 +acit procuration enables what is
commonly !nown as self authenticating contracts&
". 2hy use a 3otary Public-
A. +he reason 3otary Public verification on important documents is so powerful is
because simply, in effect, by the time you have a 3otice of Default signed and
sealed by a 3otary you have lawful summary 4udgement which cannot be
overturned, as long as your paperwor! and process is correct& '.y the way, if at a
later date you discover your paperwor! is lac!ing in some way, then simply create
another one with all the corrections on& *emember, every party has to have the
ability to e5haust their administrative remedies, and creating an affidavit is part of
that process(& 6uite simply you now have STARE DECISIS 7 #at$ %to stand by that
which is decided.% !he principal that the precedent decisions are to be followed by the
courts$ and you also have RES JUDICATA 7 #at$ decided or determined by &udicial
power$ a thing &udicially decided$ a &udgment that is considered final and bars re-litigation
on the same matter. A 3otary is the 4udicial power" Also important is the fact that a
3otary can act as a conduit between the private and public in regards to foreign
4urisdiction a solicitor cannot do this& Private is classed as foreign to the public&
8ne of the great deceptions of official agencies is the use of the Stare
Decisis doctrine& $tare Decisis originates from 9ommon %aw courts and it is in
9ommon %aw that the principles of precedent decisions e5ist& Precedent decisions
do not have to be used in Admiralty
courts: http://topics&law&cornell&edu/we5/Admiralty
$o an official agency sends another party a document& +he document gets
ignored 'lethal in Admiralty(, and so the agency sends out a follow up of some
!ind& If the document gets ignored again then the 9ommon %aw doctrine of Stare
Decisis gives the official agency summary 4udgement the case is now already
decided and cannot be argued&
". 2hat is a 3otice of ;ault and 8pportunity to 9ure and why do I need to use
A. A 3otice of ;ault and 8pportunity to 9ure is correct procedure and therefore
gives the Affiant uncompromised standing& +here may be a very genuine reason
why the *espondent couldnt respond maybe a death in the family, maybe they
were hospitali<ed etc& $o you are saying, 04ust in case there is a genuine reason
why you couldnt respond I am !indly granting you a further three '=( days to
respond& #ou are being nice, and so you should be, as you want to stay
honourable at A%% times&
". Do I have to put all the points on my affidavit-
A. 3o of course not& >a!e sure it is your truth and besides you can always create
more affidavits at anytime& Affidavits create your law law between the parties&
$o if you are not happy with their law, create your own& #ours are far more
powerful in every single way if done correctly& #our affidavit can have one single
point or hundreds it is your document so you can ma!e it whatever you want and
for whatever suits your purpose&
". 2hy is a private affidavit so powerful-
A. .asically because as a private man/woman you can operate under unlimited
commercial liability and public entities cannot& #ou see all public entities have
what is called a scope of office 7 which is basically a 4ob description and
conditions for which they have limited liability insurance cover& ;or instance, if a
Police 8fficer believes that you are becoming threatening or aggressive he can
ma!e the decision to use appropriate force to restrict and arrest you& 3ow if in the
tussle you fell and bro!e your arm, the Police 8fficer does not have to worry about
prosecution because using appropriate force in this situation is in his scope of
office and therefore falls under his limited liability insurance policy& .ut, if the
Police 8fficer was to punch you in the face whilst you were sat in your car, he can
now be prosecuted for a criminal offence& If the prosecution stands then his
insurance would not cover him in anyway& +herefore he could do 4ail time, be fined
and lose his 4ob as his actions did not fall under his insured scope of office&
?@?*# public official, agent and employee has a scope of office 7 thats worth
In commerce, the game is won by the party who too! the biggest ris!, and as you
sign under unlimited 'full( commercial liability, the public entity cannot match that
as they are under limited liability unless they are willing to forego this and ris!
losing their own possessions and career as far as I !now no public entity has ever
wanted to ta!e that ris!, understandably as they !now they are involved in fiction&
+his is why it is also worthy of reiterating that you should only put your truth on
an affidavit, because if it turns out that you have deliberately lied then you ris!
your commercial credibility for life and anyway it is against ?@?*# law to use
fraud/lies in your contracts, as so it should be, so D83+ do it" 'I have listed some
>a5ims of law near the bottom of the page concerning affidavits so you can
ascertain yourself why affidavits are seen as so powerful(&
". 9an the *espondent 4ust return it-
A. #es, but then they havent responded to the points raised so they are instantly
at fault, so you can continue with the 3otice of ;ault and 8pportunity to 9ure due
to non response& Damned if they do and damned if they dont springs to mind&
". 9an the *espondent 4ust respond with something li!e, 0I disagree with point =,
A, B, C, D, EE, EA, EF, EG, and HE&1
A. #es they can, but once again they would be at fault& A 'a(im of #aw states,
0An affidavit must be rebutted point)for)point&1 And any rebuttal must have
evidence provided to the Affiant to demonstrate why the Affiants point isnt true,
and the *espondent needs to provide his/her rebuttal in sworn affidavit form& 3ow
as long as you have your believed truth on the affidavit, they are 38+ going to
rebut your facts with their fiction, guaranteed"
)o the process is as follows*
2;%rint out your a""i$a7it on 7ery hi#h >ua!ity paper; I 9ou!$ re'ommen$ somethin# !iDe
ESouth9orthF Cotton paper8 /ut i" "inan'es 9onFt a!!o9 then try an$ "in$ the /est >ua!ity you 'an
a""or$ /e'ause this a""i$a7it 9i!! /e'ome a 7a!ua/!e $o'ument to you;
*;Gisit a Notary %u/!i' to atten$ an EA""i$a7it Oath S9earin#F an$ maDe sure you taDe a 7a!i$
passport an$ a 'urrent uti!ity /i!! or /anD statement as the Notary 9i!! re>uire these "or ID
purposes; 3ou 9i!! /e in the Notaries o""i'e "or no !on#er than a/out <, minutes; (I a!so
re'ommen$ that you /uy a sma!! inD pa$ so you 'an put your thum/print sea! ne=t to your
auto#raph "or a$$e$ 7a!i$ity an$ se'urity8 yet i" you are un'om"orta/!e 9ith this then simp!y
!ea7e this part out); I" you $o not 9ant to use a Notary then use t9o (*) pri7ate 9itnesses on the
a""i$a7it8 Noti'e o" Fau!t an$ Opportunity to Cure8 /ut $o #et the Noti'e o" De"au!t Notarise$;
This is sti!! 7ery e""e'ti7e8 sa7es money an$ you are sti!! #ettin# summary ?u$#ementH a!thou#h
9ith 'ertain $o'uments I 9ou!$ su##est #ettin# the 9ho!e pro'ess Notarise$ i" possi/!e "or the
a$$e$ 9ei#ht an$ your o9n psy'ho!o#i'a! 'on"i$en'e;
<;%hoto'opy the entire a""i$a7it an$ then use the supp!ie$ ECerti"ie$ CopyF temp!ate to run the
photo'opie$ a""i$a7it /a'D throu#h your printer 9hi!st a$$in#4printin# the ECerti"ie$ CopyF
$etai!s; (The Ho!$er in $ue 'ourse o" a $o'ument 'an !a9"u!!y maDe true8 'orre't an$ 'omp!ete
'opies o" the ori#ina!sH an$ the ho!$er in $ue 'ourse in this instan'e is the
EVIDENCE THAT A LAWFUL AGREEMENT EXISTS! Si#n an$ $ate the 'erti"ie$ 'opies;
1;%ost the 'opies usin# Spe'ia! De!i7ery8 an$ I 9ou!$ su##est 9ithin 16 hours o" the Notaries
DOCU:ENTS; Then make anohe! a""o#nmen $#h he Noa!% &o! anohe! 'Oah
S$ea!#n() #n *+ , -a%. #me/
-;%repare a Noti'e o" Fau!t an$ Opportunity to Cure8 a#ain usin# hi#h >ua!ity paper8 an$
'ontinue the same pro'ess as a/o7e #i7in# the Respon$ent the set amount o" time to
respon$; Then make anohe! a""o#nmen $#h he Noa!% &o! anohe! 'Oah S$ea!#n() #n
0 , -a%. #me/
.;%repare a Noti'e o" De"au!t an$ on'e a#ain 'ontinue 9ith the a/o7e pro'ess; On'e you ha7e a
E$e"au!tF ?u$#ement "rom the Notary you no9 ha7e a /ona "i$e !a9"u!!y /in$in#
3ow if you so wish, every time that you need to inform a public entity that you
have a lawful agreement with Iordon .rown, d/b/a Prime >inister 'or whoever(
then simply ma!e another 9ertified 9opy and send it to them the affidavit copy
and the default copy& If they still dare to proceed 'e5tremely unli!ely(, maybe
subpoena the 9?8 of the JK, in this instance Iordon .rownL it would be a laugh
and raise a few eyebrows hey" In truth once you have a valid and lawful
agreement you shouldnt even be going to court, thats their little playhouse of
fairytales, so let them !eep it and ta!e care of your business administratively on
the private side&
I remember studying what is sometimes 'erroneously in my opinion( called
9ommercial *edemption under 2inston $hrout and I would hear 2inston say the
following statement on many occasions, 0If you dont li!e their law, then create
your own&1 ;or months I didnt grasp /uite what he meant and 2inston is a great
teacher 'spiritually as well as commercially(, and so I believe he was waiting for
fol! to have the ears to hear this particular loaded message, yet I received the
light)bulb moment early whilst watching and studying 2instons 9ommercial
%ien D@D 'which I highly recommend(& >y often research buddy and friend, Iuy,
had the very same light bulb moment a few wee!s later whilst watching the e5act
same D@D without any interaction between us regarding this matter, and so we
!new we were on to something when we shared our individual e5periences& +hen
Iuy met with 2inston at a private seminar and informed him of what we were
currently doing and showed him our private material 2inston was suitably
impressed and informed Iuy that our method was absolutely roc! solid and the
correct and lawful procedure& +o be truly honest we already sensed this but of
course it is always a pleasure to receive confirmation from someone who has
inspired your learning& $ince then we have had this information confirmed time
and time again, yet as stated before, we didnt really need this confirmation as
our confidence in this process felt very solid and once you realise who you really
are I am sure you will comprehend, or already do comprehend, what I am tal!ing
*emember it is the agreement of the parties that is important& +heir law is contract
law, and theirs is built on fraud and deception, so create the contracts that you
want, not what they want, and yours will be built on fact and truth& If they do not
rebut or reply to your paperwor! 'they wont( then you have a lawfully binding
agreement that no other party can lawfully or legally impair& .y the way, if the
respondent violates the contract then you have instant lien right, but that is for
another day& >y personal opinion is this affidavits and maritime liens 'which are
affidavits of obligation from the private side( wipe the floor of everything in their
laughable and wea! fictional system&
'a(ims of law. (Affidavit based)
An un-re/utte$ a""i$a7it stan$s as truth in 'ommer'e;
An un-re/utte$ a""i$a7it is a'te$ upon as the ?u$#ment in 'ommer'e;
An a""i$a7it must /e re/utte$ point-"or-point;
If you dont li!e the idea of creating and sending in such an elaborate affidavit as
the one provided, and yet you have situations that would benefit from getting the
other party into an agreement, then 4ust a very few points can have an almighty
effect& ?5ample:
A""iant is a pri7ate !i7in# sentient man;
A""iant is not BOHN S:ITH or any other arti"i'ia! entity4!e#a! "i'tion;
The A""iant is not !ia/!e to or "or any Jo7ernment statutes8 ru!es an$4or 'o$es8 in'!u$in#8
9ithout !imitation8 UNITED IINJDO: Co$es an$ statutes an$4or 'o$es o" any o"
Respon$entsF po!iti'a! su/$i7isions;
The A""iant is not !ia/!e "or BOHN S:ITH or any arti"i'ia! $eri7ati7e thereo" at anytime
The A""iant is not !ia/!e "or any pu/!i' $e/ts4!ia/i!ities at any time 9hatsoe7er;
The A""iant is not a mem/er o" any so'iety 9hatsoe7er an$ there"ore the A""iant is not /oun$
/y any so'ietyFs statutes8 ru!es or 'o$es;
3ow if the above si5 'B( points are your truths 'and they should be( and you put
them on an affidavit to the *espondent, the *espondent has to provide evidence
to the contrary of all the B points if they want to rebut& I thin! you can see for
yourself that they wont be able to do that& I thin! you will also notice that you
dont even have to use the above B points E would be enough for most cases, but
try and thin! of any situation you are involved with that couldnt be solved by
having a lawfully binding agreement/contract such as the above&
$top messing around in fear, controversy, statutes, and other self limiting ways
many of the limiting ways I witness on this and many other forums& 9reate the law
you want with the corporate entities& 8nce you realise who you are and why your
true identity and power has been !ept at bay, you will realise why a private
sovereign affidavit is so powerful& Keep your original affidavits very safe and !eep
certified copies on you at all times& An enforcement agent will only proceed so
far after they have chec!ed the validity of your paperwor! because you will have
made sure of the following:
3ou Dno9 9ho an$ 9hat you are;
3ou Dno9 9hat you are not;
3ou are 9orDin# throu#h your an#er8 resentment an$ /!ame issues;
3ou ha7e stoppe$ /ein# a 7i'tim in !i"e;
3ou are rea!isin# that on!y you ha7e the po9er to maDe you "ee!;
3ou are 9orDin# to9ar$s treatin# ALL others 9ith un$erstan$in#8 patien'e8 "or#i7eness8
empathy an$ to!eran'e;
3ou o""er your se!" in ser7i'e to others at some points throu#hout your $ay49eeD;
3our !a94a#reement $o'uments are 'orre't;
State of Virginia________________ )
) Scilicet
County of Tucker_______________ )

"Indeed, no more than (affidavits) is necessary to make the prima facie case"
!nited States v "is, #$% &'
, $'#, $)# (*
Cir +,%+)- Cert .enied, $/ !S
01 '+#,- S Ct 2arch '', +,%'

Tom 4ones 5 .irector and individually
Court 5 +++ 2aple Street
6oanoke, Tucker County, Virginia

Notice to agent is notice to principal. Notice to principal is notice to agent.

Thomas &rederick, a living man
Care of +''' 2ain Street
6oanoke, Virginia 7 non domestic55 outside of !nited States (corp)8

Certificate/ Notice of:
_ Conditional 9cceptance for Value3 _ 9dministrative 6emedy, _ :roof of Claim
Truth in 0ending 9ct TI09 ) days, 6espond to self ; to 3rd party or notary
<otice of .efault and =pportunity to Cure and Contest
&inal <otice of .efault and 6es 4udicata 9ffidavit > Certificate if <otary
9dministrative 4udgment
9ffidavit of <on56esponse

.ear Tom 4ones3 ' 2arch '/??

Write your notice, statements of law, etc. in here.

Time3 I a@ait your reply @ith either a check or an instrument, or a Aill>
:resentment in regards to the deBt, @ithin ten days of this mailing
(6espond in time frame as per Truth in 0ending 9ct (TI09), Title I 5 C may
e?ercise the right to rescind until midnight of the third Business day follo@ing
consummation of the transaction)

Honor > .ishonor3 &ailure to respond puts respondent in dishonor, and defaults
to the favor or stated conclusions of the affiant
<umerous laws, acts of legislators, definitions from AlackDs ; other la@
dictionaries are Background for this affidavit Some are e?pressed on other
puBlic documents of the affiant

I assert the aforesaid to Be true, accurate and complete to the Best of my
kno@ledge This affidavit includes things personally kno@n to Be true 9ffiant
statements are determined to the Best of his e?perience, kno@ledge, study,
research, and Belief <othing here @ithin is intended to misleading, nor no@
kno@n to Be in error This affidavit stands true, relevant, valid and duraBle on
any and all items that are not disproven, @ith reButting affidavit, signed under
penalty of perEury, complete, point for point, @ith verifiaBle proof from puBlic
records, @ithin time frame restrains and suBmitted directly to the affiant and his
third party @itness @ith proof of delivery

=missions consistent @ith intent
9ll rights reserved, including But not limited to3 FC the people have all po@erG

Respond to3
Thomas- of &rederick H family
c>o Temporary post location, Care of +''' 2ain Street
6oanoke <on5domestic
Virginia 7Iip code e?empt (.22 +'')') near )J)?? 7Iip code e?empt (.22 +'')') near )J)??8
and to3
Tommy Kammer H
c>o :ost =ffice Ao? J$JJ* L
6oanoke <on5domestic
Virginia 7Iip code e?empt (.22 +'')') near )J)??8

SuBscriBed and s@orn, @ithout dishonor, @ithout preEudice,
@ithout recourse, all rights reserved By3
my hand and mark as suBscriBer

autograph3 Thomas- of &rederick H family
9ffiant, :rincipal, By Special 9ppearance, in :ropria :ersona, proceeding Sui 4uris
Secured :arty Creditor, private man, :reserving all rights and liBerties,
9uthoriIed 6epresentative and 9ttorney5In5&act in Behalf of TK=29S &6M.M6IC" , Mns legis,

AC#N!$%ED&E'ENT ( <otary
The follo@ing <otary :uBlic in and for 1MST VI6NI<I9,(state), @itnessed the personally appearance
and signature of the aBove5signator, Thomas- of &rederick H family, the flesh and Blood, living
man, kno@n to me to Be the one @hose name is autographed on this instrument By personal
kno@ledge and or proved to me, and he has ackno@ledged to me that he has e?ecuted the same

:rinted <ame3_____________________ SuBscriBed to and s@orn Before me this (+/th) day of 2arch,
'/?? 9.

2y Commission M?pires3 > > Common 0a@ Seal3

D!CU'ENT CUT!DIAN ( Certified Tr)e Cop*
I, O =llie Clifford H, a 1est Virginia notary, certify that this is a true copy and or duplicate original of
this document I am custodian of this document
<otary :uBlic in and for 1MST VI6NI<I9,(state), .ate3 +/ 2arch, '/??

Signed3______________________________ Common 0a@ Seal
2y Commission M?pires3 > >

CERTIFICATE !F ERVICE ( Third :arty 1itness
I certify on this +/th day of 2arch, '/??, a true and e?act copy of the aforesaid document @as
sent, _ By !S mail to Respondent named ; address at Beginning of this document

2ethod of .elivery3 _ :ersonal Service, _ Certified 2ail, _ !S &irst Class 2ail,
_ other3 carrier3 Item
P .ate3 > > '/??

This document (and or related documents) may Be recorded at3
_ Tucker County Court, _ !CC =ffice of Virginia Secretary of State,
_ !nited States .epartment of State, 9uthentication .epartment

References3 :lease refer to any and all other puBlic documents recorded By
this affiant at locations listed for further definitions, defenses, status, etc Some
items mentioned may not commonly Be kno@n, But may Be confirmed in other
affidavits By this author> affiant or may Be suBseQuently more formally proven By
further research and > or presentation The internet makes easy the task of
revealing and proving acts, la@s, court cases, etc, things once suppressed By
dominate authorities
Some .ocuments are recorded at the Tucker County Court, and some are
sho@n at this @eBsite3 @@@+++"net>inde?htm, possiBly including3
5 2emorandum of 9dministrative 6emedy
5 9ffidavit of .enial of Corporation M?istence
5 9ffidavit of Status as ec)red ,art* and Creditor
5 Common Cop*ri-.t <otice for name, road,
5 :roof of Claim, general terms and conditions
5 9dministrative 6emedy5 2emo
5 9dministrative 6emedy5 <otice
5 Challenge 4urisdiction
5 Status of 0iving man in Common la@ 4urisdiction
5 Statement of o@nership, value, terms of private property recorded at !CC
office on !CC + &inancial Statement
5 =ne meaning of !nited States is a private corporation, @hich is Aankrupt since
aBout +,)) It deals @ith living people R represented By corporate fictions, only
through the offer of contracts, @hich must Be fully disclosed, signed By live
people of Both parties, Be conscionaBle (reasonaBle), and signed @illingly
@ithout threat, duress or coercion !nited States, the corp, has Eurisdiction only
over designated &ederal Sones, noted By Iip codes and ' letter (state)
aBBreviations, and over people outside of the .istrict of ColumBia, :6, Nuam,
and federal territories > properties @ho volunteer (contract) to Be suBEect to the
!S corp
5 !nited States incorporated in +%*+, the individual states govDts have
incorporated into the !S corp via the Auck 9ct, =ther municipalities and
corporations have also incorporated into the !S corp
5 9ccording to the Supreme Court, the !S (corp) gave up itDs sovereignty to deal
in commerce, allo@ing it to Be sued and or to sue
5 The original Constitution of the united States aBout +*%% @as e?panded @ith
the +)th amendment aBout +%+' @hich prohiBited any one receiving any titles of
noBility (honored or s@earing allegiance to any foreign po@er) @as Bared from
Being citiIen of !S and or holding any puBlic office
2any of these notices have Been puBlicly announced in legal ads in the
6oanoke <e@spaper

o" Denia!
2 De'!aration o" In$epen$en'e
2 Commer'ia! Noti'e o" Tra$e Name
2 De'!aration o" %ea'e in the nature o" an A""i$a7it
2 UCC < Amen$ment Form
< Con$itiona! A''eptan'e For Ga!ue (CAFG)
< Noti'e o" De"au!t an$ Opportunity to Cure an$ Contest
< Noti'e o" De"au!t K Res Bu$i'ata
< A$ministrati7e Bu$#ment
< A""i$a7it o" Non-Response
* Asser7ation o" Status
* De'!aration K Certi"i'ate o" So7erei#n Status
* Noti'e o" Fau!t an$ Opportunity to Cure
< Noti'e o" De"au!t
Th#. #. a oa1 o& 233 "a(e. o& -o45mena#on6 no #n415-#n( he

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