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Write your Name and STaRT-2013 Student Registration No. in the space provided below.

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Please read the instructions carefully. You are allotted additional 5 minutes specifically for this purpose.
Duration : 120 Minutes Date : 13-01-13 Max. Marks : 300
Best of Luck
1 3
A. General :
1. This Question Paper contains 75 questions. Please check before
starting to attempt. The question paper consists of 6 parts Physics
(1 to 10), Chemistry(11 to 18), Mathematics(19 to 43), Biology
(44 to 50), General Awareness (51 to 65) & Mental Ability
(66 to 75)
2. Space is provided within question paper for rough work hence no
additional sheets will be provided.
3. Blank paper, clipboard, log tables, slide rules, calculators, cellular
phones, pagers and electronic gadgets in any form are not allowed
inside the examinaiton hall.
4. The answer sheet, a machine-gradable Objective Response
Sheet (ORS), is provided separately.
5. Do not Tamper / mutilate the ORS or this booklet.
6. Do not break the seals of the question-paper booklet before
instructed to do so by the invigilators.
7. SUBMIT the ORS to the invigilator after completing the test &
take away the test paper with you.
8. Any student found/reported using unfair means to improve
his/her performance in the test, shall be disqualified from STaRT-
B. How to fill Objective Response Sheet (ORS) for filling details
marking answers:
9. Use only HB Pencil/Blue or Black ball point pen for filling the ORS.
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10. Write your STaRT-2013 Student Registration No. in the boxes given
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Also, darken the corresponding bubbles with HB Pencil/Blue or
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C. Question paper format and Marking scheme :
15. For each right answer you will be awarded 4 marks if you
darken the bubble corresponding to the correct answer and zero
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answer, minus one (1) mark will be awarded.
v- lkekU; %
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l nn ni i nri li ni ni () i-i ini| l l|
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RESONANCE STaRT2013 _VIII_13-01-13 3
PART - I (PHYSICS) -rrn- I (-rr|n+ |nr)
Straight Objective Type
This section contains (1-10) multiple choice questions. Each question has choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
=|=r n|a +r
; i - (1-10) rl(-i r| - 4 l(- (A), (B), (C) nii (D) r, l- |= + =;| r|
1. What type of lens is used as a remedy for a short sighted person.
(A) Concave lens (B) Convex lens (C) Cylindrical lens (D) none of the above
l- l- ii iln ln ii i l nr l(ii li ini r `
(A) (n (B) -i (C) ii (D) ;- i; ri
2. A solenoid having an iron core has its terminals connected across an ideal D.C. source. If the iron core is
removed the current flowing through solenoid :
(A) increases (B) decreases
(C) remains unchanged (D) nothing can be said
lili ii l ii i. i. in r| l lili i i li i i, n r (ii iii
(A) ^i (B) i-^i (C) l(lnn r^i (D) ii ri ri i ni
3. A current of 2A flow's in a system of conductors the potential difference V
(in volts) in figure ?
2A i iii ii i - r ri r| l(i(in V
i -i i ri^i `
2V1V 2V2V
(A) 12 V (B) 14 V (C) 8 V (D) 10 V
RESONANCE STaRT2013 _VIII_13-01-13 4
4. In the circuits drawn in column-I of the following table, all the bulbs are identical. Match the entries of column-I with
entries of column-II :
i- - i l li - ii - r| i--1 ( i--2 i ilii i ri l-i il `
Column-I (+r=-1) Column-II (+r=-1)
P. current drawn from the battery is maximum (-i in iii -i- r)
Q. current drawn from the battery is the least ( -i in iii -i- r)
R. bulbs will glow the brightest (- ii iii ^)
S. bulbs will lit with brightness lying between maximum and minimum value
(- i iii -li ( n- i-i i ri^i)
(A) AQ, BR, CP, DS (B) AQ, BP, CP, DS
(C) AS, BR, CQ, DP (D) AS, BR, CP, DQ
5. The speed of light in glass is
C and speed of light in a liquid is
C (C = speed of light in air). The refractive index
of liquid with respect to glass is :
i - ii i ( ^
r i li ( - ii i ( ^
r (c = l(i n - ii i ( ^) | i i -i ( i (ni
ri ^i
6. National standards of all the basic units in India are maintained by :
(A) National Physical Laboratory (B) National Physics Laboratory
(C) Indian Standards Institute (D) Bureau of Indian Standards
iin - ii - -iii i-i -ii i l-in i -iil-( l -ii r, (r r
(A) i-i iilni i^iii (B) i-i iiln l(ni i^iii
(C) iini -i -ii (D) iini -i i
RESONANCE STaRT2013 _VIII_13-01-13 5
7. Pascal's law states that :
(A) there is no pressure inside a liquid
(B) pressure at a point inside a liquid acts only in vertically downward direction
(C) Pressure at a point inside a liquid is different in different directions
(D) Pressure exerted at a point inside a liquid transmitted equally in all directions
i- l- i i r :
(A) ( i ri rini
(B) ( li l i l iii ii - i i i i ni r|
(C) ( li l i li liii - li rini r|
(D) ( li l ^ii ^i i ii liii - -i ln rini r
8. Match the correct column :
i- 1 ( 2 i ilii i ri l-i il
Column-I (+r=1) Column-II (+r=2)
A. electromagnetic(. l(nn i i) P. Faraday (i)
B. Generator (li) Q. horse shoe magnet ( i )
C. calculator (-) R. button cell (- )
D. current carrying solenoid (lili - rni l(nn iii ) S. bar magnet ( )
(A) AQ, BP, CS, DR (B) AP, BR, CQ, DS
(C) AP, BQ, CR, DS (D) AQ, BQ, CR, DS
9. To an astronaut in outer space, colour of sky, appears as :
(A) Red (B) Blue (C) White (D) Black
nl-i iii i nl-i - iii i ^ lii; ^i
(A) i (B) ii (C) (D) ii
10. On a thermometer the freezing point of water is at 20 and boiling point is at 160 . If the temperature of a liquid on
celsius scale is 60 C,then the temperature of the same liquid recorded by this thermometer in degrees will be :
i-i-i- ii i lr-i 20 nii (ii 160 -ii r| l li ( i ni l- -i 60 C r, ni
; i-i-i- ( i ni ii - ri^i
(A) 84 (B) 96 (C) 104 (D) 120
RESONANCE STaRT2013 _VIII_13-01-13 6
PART - II (CHEMISTRY) -rrn- II (=r |nr)
Straight Objective Type
This section contains (11-18) multiple choice questions. Each question has choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
=|=r n|a +r
; i - (11-18) rl(-i r| - 4 l(- (A), (B), (C) nii (D) r, l- |= + =;| r|
11. The electronic configuration of (Fe) is - (Atomic number of iron = 26)
i i ;-il l(i r (i i -ii >-i = 26)
(A) 2, 8, 16 (B) 2, 9, 10, 5 (C) 2, 8, 10, 6 (D) 2, 8, 14, 2
12. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true ?
(i) Every mineral is an ore, but every ore is not a mineral.
(ii) Slag is a product formed during smelting by combination of flux and impurities .
(iii) During electrorefining of a metal, impure metal is made cathode
(iv) Aluminium is the most abundant metal in the earths crust
l - ii/i i - r `
(i) - il - r, n - - il ri r|
(ii) iin-, ^ >- ii ^i ( il,i l- (ii -i r|
(iii) iin i ;-i li;l^ (l(nn li) >- ii i, iin i ii li ini r|
(iv) -l-l- i-i - (ili ilni l- (ii iin r|
(A) (i) and (ii) (B) (ii) and (iii) (C) (ii) and (iv) (D) (iii) and (iv)
13. Which of the following plastic is a thermosetting plastic ?
l - ii il-- ni il-- r `
(A) PVC (B) Polystyrene (C) Polyethylene (D) Bakelite
14. The fibre similar to silk is -
(A) nylon (B) rayon (C) acrylic (D) wool
l - ii ii i- -i r
(A) ii (B) i (C) > l (D) +
RESONANCE STaRT2013 _VIII_13-01-13 7
15. Which one is observed when zinc, iron and copper are added to three different test tubes containing
solution of aluminium sulphate ?
-l-l- -- l( ii r; ni lili ili - >-i l, iri ( i l-i l -
ii li-ii ii ini r `
(A) Displacement of aluminium by zinc occurs in first test tube
i- ii - l ,ii -l-l- i l(-ii rini r|
(B) Each test tube becomes hot after some time
- ii - in ^- ri ini r|
(C) A brown mass is deposited on the surface of each metal
- iin i nr ii -i (-iln rini r|
(D) No change is observed
i; l(n i i ri l-ni r|
16. Which one of the following polymers is not properly matched to its monomer ?
(A) Orlon - Acrylonitrile (B) Synthetic rubber - 2 -Chlorobuta - 1, 3- diene.
(C) Nylon - Adipic acid & Hexamethylene diamine (D) Teflon - Vinyl chloride
l - ii r -ln ri r `
(A) ii>i;i i;-i;
(B) lin 2-ii-i-1,3-i;;
(C) ii ll l ( ril-ii;i i;-i
(D) -i(i;l ii;
17. Which of the following is used as an anti - knocking compound ?
l - ii lniiiln (-iil^) il^ r `
(A) TEL (B) C
OH (C) Glyoxal (D) Freon
18. Some salts have the tendency to absorb water from air and turn into a solution. This property is known as-
(A) hydration (B) dehydration (C) solvation (D) deliquesence
(ii - (i (iilin l( - l(lnn ri i (l-i rini r| r ^ii- l i- ii ini r `
(A) i (B) lii (C) l(i (D) -(
RESONANCE STaRT2013 _VIII_13-01-13 8
Straight Objective Type
This section contains (19-42) multiple choice questions. Each question has choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
=|=r n|a +r
; i - (19-43) rl(-i r| - 4 l(- (A), (B), (C) nii (D) r, l- |= + =;| r|
19. If tax on a commodity is decreased by 15% and its consumption increases by 10% then the percentage decrease
in the revenue is :
li (-n - 15% i -i ri in - 10% i (l, ri ini r ni i-( - lnin -i r;
(A) 15 (B) 8
(C) 6
(D) 5
20. If the square root of a number is between 6 and 7, then its cube root lies between :
(A) 2 and 3 (B) 2.5 and 3 (C) 3 and 4 (D) 4 and 4.5
l li i i (^- 6 nii 7 i ri ni i i i- lllin - l i r `
(A) 2 i 3 (B) 2.5 i 3 (C) 3 i 4 (D) 4 i 4.5
21. Two positive numbers x and y are inversely proportional. If x increases by 20%, then percentage decrease in y is :
i ii-- ii x nii y ->-iini r| l x - 20%, i (l, rini r ni y - lnin -i rini r|
(A) 20 (B) 16
(C) 5 (D) 1
22. Given a number x = 2
1. Then between 5 and 10, x has/have :
(A) no factor (B) only one factor (C) two factors (D) three factors
i r ; i x = 2
1, l 5 i 10, i x
(A) i; ^ii ri r| (B) ( ^ii r|
(C) i ^ii r| (D) ni ^ii r|
23. Half of a herd of deer are grazing in the field and three fourths of the remaining are playing nearby. If the remaining
9 are drinking water from a pond, then the difference between the number of deer who are grazing and those who are
playing is a multiple of :
lrii n - ii lri in - r r| ii i ni iii; i ri - i r r| l ii 9 nii ii i r r, ni
(i ( i (i lrii i i n lllin - l i ^i r `
(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) 9
24. If the angles A, B, C and D of a quadrilateral ABCD in the same order are in the ratio 3 : 7: 6 : 4, then ABCD is a :
(A) Parallelogram (B) Rhombus (C) Trapezium (D) Kite
l li ni A BCD ii A, B, C nii D >- 3 : 7: 6 : 4, in - ri ni ABCD r
(A) -in ni (B) -ni (C) - (D) n^
RESONANCE STaRT2013 _VIII_13-01-13 9
25. In the following figure, !ABD " !ACD. If # BDC = 110 and #DAC = 30, then the measure of angle #DBA is :
lllin iln, - !ABD " !ACD, l # BDC = 110 i #DAC = 30, ni #DBA i -i r
(A) 70 (B) 40 (C) 30 (D) 25
26. Let C and A be the circumference and the area of a circle respectively. If xC is the circumference of another circle
whose area is 2A, then x equals:
-i il C nii A >-i (n i lli nii -ii r| l xC (-i i lli ri li -ii 2A, ri ni x i r
(A) 2
(B) 2 (C)
27. If x denotes an angle between any two lines of symmetry of a regular hexagon, then the minimum value of x is :
l x li -ri i -l-n iii i i ii ri ni x i - - -i r
(A) 30 (B) 45 (C) 60 (D) 90
28. The mean of the median, the mode and the range of the following data :
lllin ii -ili, r nii l i -i nin il|
84, 56, 39, 45, 54, 39, 56, 54, 84, 21, 77, 56 is
(A) 55 (B) 56 (C) 58 (D) 63
29. The sum of digits of the number
8 n 4
1 10
, where 'n' is a positive integer, is :
8 n 4
1 10
, ri 'n' ii-- ii r, i i i^ r :
(A) 4 (B) 8 (C) 9 (D) 11
30. The rational expression
a 1
a a
a 1
a 1
, a - 1, is equal to :
a 1
a a
a 1
a 1
, a - 1, i r
1 a
a 1
1 a
a 1
31. If 6 x y 5 is a four digit number divisible by 55, then (y x) is equal to :
l 6 x y 5 i i i i r i 55 l(iiln ri ini r ni (y x) i r
(A) 2 (B) 1 (C) 1 (D) 2
RESONANCE STaRT2013 _VIII_13-01-13 10
32. A point is taken anywhere inside an equilateral triangle. From this point perpendiculars are drawn to each side of
the triangle. If 's' be the sum of these perpendiculars and 2a be the length of the side of the triangle, then
-ir lii i; l n r i l lii i - ii in r| l 's' ; ii i
i i^ r nii '2a' lii i ii i i; ri ni
(A) s >
a (B) s =
a (C) s <
a (D) s = 3 a
33. A shopkeeper announces sale price of an article at
of its market price (MP). If its cost price (CP) is
th of the
price at which it was actually sold, then CP : MP is :
ii li (-n i l(> -- ii -- (MP) i
liiln ni r| l (-n i > -- (CP)
-- i l (-n (i-n( - i ^i r,
ri ni CP : MP i r :
(A) 1 : 3 (B) 1 : 2 (C) 2 : 3 (D) 3 : 4
34. In solving an equation ax b = 0, where 'a' and 'b' are coprime natural numbers, julie made a mistake in reading 'b'
and obtained
as its solution whereas Rashmi made a mistake in reading 'a' and obtained
as its solution. The
correct solution differs from the mean of these solution by
-ii ax b = 0, ri 'a' nii 'b' - ii in i r, i r - i 'b' i - ^ni i i r
in li l l- 'a' i - ^ni i i r
in li| ri r i, ; ii ri -i n r|
35. If the sum of all angles except one of a convex polygon is 2180, then the number of sides of the polygon is :
l li -i ri i i ii iii i i^ 2180 r, ni ri i iii i i r :
(A) 19 (B) 17 (C) 15 (D) 13
36. ABCD is a trapezium in which AB || CD. If #ADC = 2#ABC, AD = a cm and CD = b cm, then the length (in cm) of
AB is :
ABCD - (-il-) r l- AB || CD| #ADC = 2#ABC, AD = a -i nii CD = b -i ni AB = b -i ni AB
i i; (-i -) r|
+ 2b (B) a + b (C)
a + b (D) a +
37. If the height of a right circular cylinder is increased by 10%, while the radius of its base is decreased by 10%, then
the curved surface area of the cylinder
(A) remains the same (B) decreases by 1% (C) increases by 1% (D) increases by 0.1%
l li (-ii i +i; 10% i i i i ; iii i lii 10% i-i i i ni (> n i
(A) (ri rni r (B) 1% - ri ini r (C) 1% ini r (D) 0.1% ini r
RESONANCE STaRT2013 _VIII_13-01-13 11
38. The mean age of a group of persons is 40. Another group has mean age 48. If the ratio of number of persons in two
groups is 5 : 3, then mean age of all the persons in two groups is :
lni -r i - i -i 40 r| -r i -i - 48 r| l ii - lni i i i in
5 : 3 r ni ii lni i l-i - i -i r :
(A) 42 (B) 43 (C) 44 (D) 45
39. Which is the greatest number amongst 2
, 3
, 8
and 9
, 3
, 8
nii 9
- i i ii r ?
(A) 9
(B) 8
(C) 3
(D) 2
40. If the product of two numbers is 21 and their difference is 4, then the ratio of the sum of their cubes to the difference
of their cubes is
(A) 185 : 165 (B) 165 : 158 (C) 185 : 158 (C) 158 : 145
l i ii i ^i 21 ( i n 4, ri ni ii i ( ii n i in ri^i
(A) 185 : 165 (B) 165 : 158 (C) 185 : 158 (C) 158 : 145
41. Two candles have different lengths and thickness. The shorter lasts 11 hours and the longer 7 hours when both are
lit simultaneously. If after 3 hours of their being lit together at the same time, both have the same length, then the
ratio of their original lengths is :
i -i-l-ii i i; ( -i-i; li r| ii i ii ii ini r ni i-i 11 i- ( i 7 i- ni r| ii
ii l 3 i- i ii i i; -i ri ni i (i-nl( i;i i in r
(A) 5 : 8 (B) 11 : 14 (C) 10 : 13 (D) 7 : 11
42. A lady reaches her office 20 minutes late by traveling at a speed of 20 km/h and reaches 15 minutes early by
traveling at 30 km/h. By how much time will she be early or late if she travels at 25 km/h ?
-lri 20 l-i,i- i ni n 20 l-- rni r nii 30 l-i/i- i ni
15 l-- r rni r| l (r 25 l-i,i- i ni i ni ln - r i(i r^i`
(A) 1 minute early (1 l-- r ) (B) 5 minutes early (5 l-- r )
(C) 1 minute late (1 l-- ) (D) 5 minutes late (5 l-- )
43. If a cube has surface area S and volume V, then the volume of the cube of surface area 2S is
l i i nr i -ii S ( in V, ri ni 2S -ii i nr (i i i in ri^i
V (B) 2V (C) 2 2 V (D) 4V
RESONANCE STaRT2013 _VIII_13-01-13 12
PART - IV (BIOLOGY) -rrn- IV (| |nr)
Straight Objective Type
This section contains (44-50) multiple choice questions. Each question has choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
=|=r n|a +r
; i - (44-50) rl(-i r| - 4 l(- (A), (B), (C) nii (D) r, l- |= + =;| r|
44. For whichenzyme is acidic medium necessary ?
(A) Trypsin (B) Pepsin (C) Lipase (D) Amylase
l i;- l i -i- i( r ?
(A) l-i (B) i (C) i; (D) -i;
45. Decreasing order of size is :
ii i i-ni >- r :
(A) DNA, t RNA, m RNA (B) m RNA, DNA, t RNA
(C) t RNA, DNA, m RNA (D) DNA, m RNA, t RNA
46. The essential hormome for ripening of fruits is :
(A) Auxin (B) Cytokinin (C) Ethylene (D) Gibberellin
i l i( ri-i rini r :
(A) il (B) i;-i i;l (C) ;ii;i (D) ll
47. Examples of bacterial diseases are :
(A) Smallpox, Typhoid, Tuberculosis (B) Typhoid, Tuberculosis, Tetanus
(C) Polio, Smallpox, Whooping cough (D) Diphtheria, Smallpox, Typhoid
i(ii ln i^ iri r :
(A) , -i;i;, -i (B) -i;i;, -i, l--
(C) ili, , iii (D) lliili, , -i;i;
48. In opium source of substnace of medicinal value is :
(A) Seed (B) Latex of young fruit
(C) Latex of ripe fruit (D) Latex of leaves
i- - iiii ii i -iin rini r :
(A) i (B) i -
(C) i - (D) l-ii i -
49. Universal donor blood group is :
i(li ini - -r rini r :
(A) O
(B) O
(C) AB
(D) AB
50. In birds nitrogenous waste is :
(A) urea (B) ammonia (C) uric acid (D) amino acids
l-ii - -ln i;-ii ii rini r :
(A) li (B) -ili (C) l (D) -ii
RESONANCE STaRT2013 _VIII_13-01-13 13
PART-V (GENERAL AWARENESS) -rrn- V (=r=r- nr)
Straight Objective Type
This section contains (51-65) multiple choice questions. Each question has choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
=|=r n|a +r
; i - (51-65) rl(-i r| - 4 l(- (A), (B), (C) nii (D) r, l- |= + =;| r|
51. Given below are the names of cyclones occurring in different parts of the world. Identify the correct pairs.
a. India - Hurricane
b. China - Typhoons
c. Central America - Cyclone
d. Australia - Willy Willies
(A) a and b (B) b and c (C) b and d (D) c and d
i l(( l(li ii^i - - ri (i >(ini i- l ^ r| ri -i i ril|
(a) iin ri (b) i -i;
(c) - -li >(in (d) i--li l(i l(i
(A) (a) nii (b) (B) (b) nii (c) (C) (b) nii (d) (D) (c) nii (d)
52. Which of the following statements refers to transhumance?
(A) Seasonal movement of people from one region to other region for better economic opportunities.
(B) Seasonal movement of people from one country to the other country in search of jobs.
(C) Seasonal movement of people from mountainous areas to plain areas to avoid cold weather.
(D) Seasonal movement of people along with their herds of livestock In search of pastures from one region to the
l - ii i ~n ni i li ni r `
(A) i ili (i l i^i i i i - ~nl- ^-i^-
(B) i^i - i^i i ii - i i - ~nl- ^-i^-|
(C) i^i i (ni ii^i - -ii ii^i - iin ~n i( l ~nl- ^-i^-|
(D) i^i i ii ii ii -i i ii - -ii -ii - ~nl- ^-i^-|
53. The Revolt of 1857 was a landmark in the history of British India because
(A) resistance of native powers collapsed
(B) India passed under the direct control of British Crown.
(C) AngloFrench conflict subsided in Europe and India.
(D) Indian rulers entered into subsidiary alliance with the British.
1857 i l(ir ll-i iin ;lnri i ^inii i-i ii il
(A) ii nini i lnii -in ri ^i| (B) iin ll-i ni ii lii - i ^i|
(C) i ( iin - iiii ii iin ri ^i| (D) iini ii l- ii ri li - i ^|
RESONANCE STaRT2013 _VIII_13-01-13 14
54. The East India Company introduced the 'Permanent Settlement' in 1793. Which of the following was not a feature
of this system ?
(A) The Rajas and Talukdars were recognized as Zamindars.
(B) The revenue was calculated on the basis of assessment of land and size of fields in each village.
(C) The Zamindars collected rent from the peasants and paid revenue to the Company.
(D) The revenue was fixed permanently and was not to be increased in future.
;-- ;li i 1793 - -iii i-n ii li| l - ii ; (-ii i l(iini ri ii `
(A) ii ( nii -ii - linin l ^|
(B) - ^i( - ini ii ( il- ^ini iii i-( i ^ii i ini ii|
(C) -ii lii ^i lin n i i i i i-( n i|
(D) i-( -iii - lln li ii ( il( - ii ri ini ii|
55. Westem education proved to be singificant because it
(A) changed the habits of Indians (B) led to industrialization of India
(C) established democracy in India (D) Changed the thinking and outlook of the Indian
ii- li-ii ii l, r; il ;
(A) iinii i in i| (B) iin i ini^ii i i ii|
(C) iin - ini -iiln li| (D) iinii i i ( l-ii i li|
56. The Indigo farmers (ryots) were facing oppressive conditions for a long time. However, they decided to rebel against
the planters in 859 because
(A) ryots had to sign an agreement for planing indigo against a loan.
(B) planters forced the ryots to plant indigo on the best soil meant for cultivating rice.
(C) the price that the ryots got for the indigo was very low and the cycle of loans never ended
(D) ryots had the support of local zamindars, village headmen as well as of the British Govemment.
i -i li (n) ii - -i-- ll-ilni i i-i r i, niiln ri 859 -
i^i-ili l(, l(ir i l li il
(A) ~i ( - n i i ^i -nin -nin i ni ii|
(B) i^i-ili ni i ii ^i i (i-i- il- i ^i i i li|
(C) i i i i-n n i l-ni ii (r ii - ii i ~ii i > ii i-- ri rini ii|
(D) n i -iii -iii, ^i- -ii iiii ll-i i i -i ii|
57. Read the following statements
a. Ozone in found mostly in the stratosphere
b. Ozone layer lies 55-75 kms above the surface of the earth.
c. Ozone absorbs-ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.
d. Ozone layer has no significance for life on the earth.
Which set of the statements is correct ?
(A) a and c (B) b and d (C) b and c (D) a and d
l ii i l|
a.ii iin -ni - - i; ini r|
b. ii n (i i nr 55-75 l-i + i; ini r|
c. ii i (ii i^i lii i iini r|
d. (i i( l ii n i i; -r-ii ri r|
ii i ii -r ri r `
(A) a ( c (B) b ( d (C) b ( c (D) a ( d
RESONANCE STaRT2013 _VIII_13-01-13 15
58. Match list . (Forest types) with list ..(Types of trees)
List -I List-II
a. Tropical Evergreen I-Oak, pine, eucalyptus
b. Temperate Evergeen II-Oak, ash, beech
c. Tropical Deciduous III-Rosewood, ebony, mahogany
d. Temperate Deciduous IV- Sal, teak, shisham
Which of the following is the correct matching ?
(A) (a-II), (b-IV), (c-III), (D-I) (B) (a-IV), (b-II), (c-I), (D-III)
(C) (a-I), (b-III), (c-II), (D-IV) (D) (a-III), (b-I), (c-IV), (D-II)
i - . i- .. ((i i) i .. ((-ii i) l-i;
i -I i-II
a. i l-ii iri I-i, i, i
b.iinii l-ii iri II-i, i (-i, i (-i
c. il-ii iini III-i (-i, i, -ri^i
d. iinii l-ii iini IV- i, -i, iii-
l - ii ri -ln r ?
(A) (a-II), (b-IV), (c-III), (D-I) (B) (a-IV), (b-II), (c-I), (D-III)
(C) (a-I), (b-III), (c-II), (D-IV) (D) (a-III), (b-I), (c-IV), (D-II)
59. A republic is a state in which the Head of the State is :
(A) nominated by the Prime Minister (B) elected, directly or indirectly, by the people
(C) selected by the ruling party (D) self-appointed.
^ini i i rini r l- ii-i
(A) ii-ii ,ii i-iln rini r| (B) --i i(i i-i ni ,ii l(iln rini r|
(C) ii ,ii ln rini r| (D) -( ,ii l- rini r|
60. India is federal state because its constitution provides for
(A) dual citizenship
(B) division of powers between the union and the states
(C) a written constitution
(D) election of members of Parliament by the people
iin ( ii i r il
(A) ; l(ii - iri i^lni i i(ii r|
(B) ; l(ii - i ( ii i ilni l(ii i i(ii r|
(C) ;i llin l(ii r|
(D) ; l(ii - ni ,ii -i l(i i i(ii r|
61. Which Fundamental Right of the citizens of India was violated in the Bhopal Gas Tradedy (1984) ?
(A) Right of Equality (B) Right to Freedom
(C) Right to Life (D) Right against exploitation
iii ^ iilni (1984) - iin i^li l -il lii i r ri ii ?
(A) -ni i lii (B) -(in lii
(C) i(ilii (D) iiii l(, lii
RESONANCE STaRT2013 _VIII_13-01-13 16
62. India's Constitution has specifically ensured cultural justice for the minorities through
(A) Preamble (B) Fundamental Right
(C) Directive Principles of state policy (D) Free Elections
iin i l(ii -ii l i-ln i i l(li- ; l-in ini r|
(A) lii (i--i) (B) -il lii
(C) i iln li l,in (D) -(ni i(
63. State-controlled media is inconsistent with the ideology of
(A) Democratic state (B) Communist state (C) Fascist state (D) Theocratic state
i l lin i -i-i i (iiii ; ln r |
(A) inili i (B) i(ii i
(C) ii(ii (lii(ii) i (D) i-nili i
64. The appeal of Democracy is based on the fact that Democracy :
(a) upholds freedom of conscience.
(b) offers the opportunity of free thinking and expression
(c) guarantees equal opportunity to have jobs in the public sector.
(d) protects the privileges of the elites.
Which pair of answers is true ?
(A) a and b (B) b and c (C) c and d (D) a and d
ini ;l i ^ni r il ini
(a) ni--i i -(nini i -ini i ( i ini r|
(b) -(ni ln ( liln i ( i ini r|
(c) i(l -ii - i^i -i ( i ^i-i ni r|
(d) l(li- (^ l(iiiliii i -ii ni r|
ii -i- ri r ?
(A) a i b (B) b i c (C) c i d (D) a i d
65. Read the following statements.
a. Unity in spite of dissimilarities implies unity in diversity
b. Indians diverse dress and food habits threaten national unity.
c. There has been a feeling of general unity among Indians since ancient time
d. Communalism weakens unity in diversity.
Which alternative has all the correct statements?
(A) a, b, d (B) a, c, d (C) a, b, c (D) b, c, d
l ii i l|
a. -inii i( ni i llrnii r l(l(ini - ni|
b. iinii i l(l(i (iiii ( iii i ln i-i ni l ini r|
c. ii i ri iinii - i ni i iln ri r|
d. iilni l(l(ini - ni i -i ni r|
;- l l(- - ii ri i r ?
(A) a, b, d (B) a, c, d (C) a, b, c (D) b, c, d
RESONANCE STaRT2013 _VIII_13-01-13 17
PART - VI (MENTAL ABILITY) -rrn- VI (=r|=+ rnr)
Straight Objective Type
This section contains (66-75) multiple choice questions. Each question has choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
=|=r n|a +r
; i - (66-75) rl(-i r| - 4 l(- (A), (B), (C) nii (D) r, l- |= + =;| r|
Directions (66 to 67) : Find the missing terms:
|r (66 to 67) : n nin il
66. 1, 3, 7, 25, 103, ?
(A) 526 (B) 521 (C) 515 (D) 509
11 49
12 8 54
15 4 ?
(A) 36 (B) 7 (C) 25 (D) 0
69. If TRAIN is coded as GIZRM the code for SCOOTER would be :
l TRAIN i GIZRM i li i ni SCOOTER i l i li i^i ?
70. Aman placed three sheets with two carbons to get two extra copies of the original. Then he decided to get more
carbon copies and folded the paper in such a way that the upper half of the sheets were on top of the lower half.
Then he typed. How many carbon copies did he get ?
- i i i ni i i lnln ii in l i^ - ini r| li i ii in
l (r i ; i -ini r i i +i iii lr-i i ii lr- ii| l (r lii iii ni r|
ni; lni i ii in i r ?
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
71. A baby who was born on 29th Feb. 1896, when did he celebrate his first birthday.
i i - 29th (i 1896, i ri ii, i ri - l ii ri^i ?
(A) 28th Feb. 1897 (28th (i 1897) (B) 29th Feb. 1900 29th (i 1900
(C) 29th Feb. 1904 (29th (i 1904) (D) 20th Feb. 1908 (20th (i 1908)
RESONANCE STaRT2013 _VIII_13-01-13 18
Direction : (72) Find out the correct number from the options to fill in the blanks. The number which is in some way
related to the number on the right as well as to the number on its left is the correct answer.
funsZ'k : (72) fuEu iz'uksa esa fj LFkku dks lgh vad (fodYi) dks pqfu,s tks fd vius nk;ha o ck;ha vkSj ds vadksa ls fdl rjg
lEcfU/kr gks %
72. 35: 91 :: 189 : ( ? )
(A) 343 (B) 280 (C) 341 (D) 210
73. Three persons P, Q and R are standing in a queue. There are five persons between P and Q and eight persons
between Q and R. If there be three persons ahead of R and 18 persons behind P, what could be the minimum
number of persons in the queue ?
ni l- P,Q, i R l- - ; i i ri l, P i Q - i l- ri nii Q i R - i- l- ri
| l R r ni l- ri i -ir l- P i ri,ni ni - - - ln l- ri n r|
(A) 38 (B) 37 (C) 25 (D) 28
74. If the following scrambled letters are rearranged to form the name of a city, the city so formed is famous for its :
l i l ^ (l-in -ii i (l-in ir i i- ni r| (r ir l l l, r :
(A) Locks (B) Steel Plant (C) Temples (D) Pottery
75. What is the number of triangles in this figure ?
l iln - ln lii r ?
(A) 12 (B) 20 (C) 22 (D) 24

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