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Estonian blood sausages for Christmas table

Blood sausages are considered to be one of the most Estonian like foods, and they are never
left out from our Christmas table. However, the custom of making blood sausages arrived to
us only at the beginning of the 19
Traditional Estonian blood sausage is made from pigs blood, hulled barley, pork and spices
and is stuffed into pigs small intestine. Nowadays, thin sheep intestines are also used. In the
old days every farm made their own sausages, but now the Estonians mostly buy them from
shops as in December there are dozens of different kinds to get. However, a significant
number of housewives take up this time-wasting and bloody work, and the result is definitely
worth the effort.
Blood sausages are cooked in the oven for about 15-20 minutes at 180 - degree heat, and then
the temperature should be risen to 200 degrees for ten minutes. By doing so, the sausage will
be adequately crunchy.
If desired, the blood sausages can lightly be brushed with cooking oil; it protects the sausages
against breaking and gives them a nice sheen. By greasing the sausages with honey or
flambing them especially crunchy crust can be achieved, as well as particularly festive
For the best taste experience the blood sausages are served hot with traditional cranberry
salad. Good additions are also sour cream and pumpkin- or beetroot salad.
And more about the Estonian Christmas table you must eat at least seven or even nine times
on Christmas night and the food cannot run out from the table during the whole night.
Five reasons to eat blood sausages:
1 Blood has high iron content.
2 Blood contains vitamin B12.
3 The organism absorbs better the iron found in blood than in vegetarian food.
4 Bloods fat content is low, the water and protein contents high.
5 Blood products are rich in nutrients and energy, which is why they are good to consume in
the cold and dark winter period.

Verivorstid eestlaste jululaual
Verivorsti peetakse heks kige eestlaslikumaks toiduks ning need ei puudu kunagi meie
jululaualt. Ometi on verivorstide valmistamise komme meie maile judnud alles 19. sajandi
Traditsiooniline eesti verivorst valmistatakse seaverest, odratangust, sealihast ja
maitseainetest ning topitakse sea peensoolde. Tnapeval kasutatakse palju ka peenemaid
lambasooli. Kui vanasti valmistas iga talu omad vorstid ise, siis praegu ostavad eestlased
verivorstid philiselt poest, kus neid on detsembrikuus saada kmneid erinevaid variante.
Siiski vtavad mitmedki perenaised ise ette selle aeganudva ja verise t, ent tulemus on
vaeva vrt!
Verivorste kpsetatakse ahjus umbes 1520 minutit 180-kraadises kuumuses ja seejrel tuleks
tsta temperatuur kmneks minutiks 200 kraadini. Nii toimides saab vorst parajalt krbe.
Soovi korral vib verivorste kergelt toiduliga pintseldada, see kaitseb vorsti purunemise eest
ja annab kestale kena like. Eriti krmpsuva kooriku saab vorste meega mrides vi
flambeerides nii on ka serveerimine eriti pidulik.
Parima maitseelamuse saamiseks serveeritakse verivorste kuumalt koos traditsioonilise
pohlasalatiga. Heaks lisandiks on ka hapukoor ja krvitsa- vi peedisalat.
Ja veel eestlaste jululauast sma peab juluhtul vhemalt 7 vi isegi 9 korda ning toit ei
tohi kogu jooksul laualt lppeda!

Viis phjust verivorstide smiseks:
1. Veri on krge rauasisaldusega.
2. Veri sisaldab B12 vitamiini.
3. Veres leiduvat rauda omastab organism paremini kui taimetoidus sisalduvat.
4. Vere rasvasisaldus on vike, vee- ja valgusisaldus suur.
5. Veretooted on toitainete- ja energiarikkad, selleprast ongi neid hea tarbida just klmal ja
pimedal talveperioodil.

Christmas table - jululaud
blood sausage (black pudding) verivorst
crunchy krbe
cooking oil toiduli
taste experience maitseelamus
sour cream hapukoor
cranberry salad pohlasalat
iron content - rauasisaldus
vitamin vitamiin
consume - tarbida

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