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' I

Journl lt'nt.
' . . OlDER THAN IOWA . . L,--flr--,-I.WJ Jrl___,lt'lre
Ntn1er 111 You
I I I WJU.r CO'-'\'EN.E 1. 1 PL.\NXED ,tT )JEETDiG. I
[ND MORE TROOPS FORMER PR(SIOENT i , wagbmgton, D. c Feb

I Jones a11d her "atm)" o( "lllkers"1
tencr Reform b Needed, D''n&Imte I Xew York, between ____ __
1 '.. .gettes and h-er nrm:r, are on foot, :
I I \ The suttragettes have "Planned a, I G<Herument ;\.-ction Imcr.o;
'l'Nnton, N. J., Feb. 24.-Presi- [ndlanapolis, lnd, Feo. ::!4-.-Re- 'arge bn.nquet and a smilar af!'air ,.._ d
)IOBlLJZ:\TIOX OP Sl!:CONJ> .\lntr DL\.Z WlJ,JJ HE1.'1JRX IJ'O den1;...elect Wilson. announced today organiz.ation of the International\ be lleld b\' the ' u: ovummerce ........ L .e

F'OH.l\llr;Jt. PRl:snJE:ST :D I) "\'ICE C."'-L
HI\'1SIOX onm:mw. :\IBXICO UNJJESS NEEDED. that tbe extra session or congress Bndge and Structural all] ?1-Irs. J\rthtlr Dodge, or Xcw I J)epredatJ.ons Attributed to OI'J::an ..
, I but two of whose executive otftcers I York president of tlle assoClatlon op- ti
Oflldnl };xplanation 'fhat 'l'wo would be conened on 'I uesday, were conVlCted lnat 'December of pro- :posed to woman snffl', arnYed
1 on Engaged in Strike .
.\len 'I'rH.d to F.sci"Jle \\"!wn )fllJor GlJJJCrnl ("mtcr Ol'liCrcU to )Jo- lu Case o1' Porcign Complu::.q.tiuJJs He AJ)rll l ] matlng the M'Namara. dynam; te PI?:s I here today and assumed general C.1-'
The govet1lor declared that he had m Nnnectlon Wlth the s stnke !"ection or the anh-suffrage campaign, I
AttncJte(l Gund UIJize EnUro Second Dlfl.siou at woultl lice[] Country's Cull- n.rnved at this decision as o. result against 'Open shoo'' coutra<:ts IS ;nth :ill iss :Mlnn
e Bronson, the Clucago, 111., Feb. :24.-Two local
rerml-( to Pcnltcntlnr,1. Goln_ston. Othcwiso He Will WlJlt.
a; a. letter received today from Rep- :p.Jfmned n.t the :assoc1ntion ern.l secretary She 'began the work. muons -of the International Brotiler-
Undenvoad, domocratlo c.omentlou tadaJ.
of arratlglng the demonstration on hood o( ElectrJC<ll Workars.
------ --- i house leader. I Jt is the Umon s flr;;t con' ent on saturday nlght, ,
"f ha>e \'ulted '' sa!d ::O.J ... ViTsQn lsmce held ln ln.Se:D- M1s 9 sntd :l.ll etrortlsued b;.- the federal g-overnment l1e1e
m;J..l.ln'J;\'. Keueh, Eh"i.Pt, Fcl.l.
-Porflrio i ''to .ust wh'at st::tie" 0e .p1; 1191.1, se,cral monthe oefore ,.., o'uld be mado ta bave ; lal ge num- toOos 1,mder the ShernHill mtltl'u,t
.. llinJ,:;loll, Feb !!4.-Cnmplcto D.m:, former dlcw,toi ot ::HI:lxlca, de- purcdness cangrees was' ln the .Joho J. J.fc:;,\1J1or(l., tllen secret:l.ry ver of leadlll women came frorn 1 l:tw for alleged mrerferc'ncc '11ih
C>rllfJI'"l l\'cro b"'ucil late tmlnr h,'' Scl-rclllrt;!ll today that he 1\<l.S holdmg: blr.
-jJ;mslncss of the new BI3.Ssion I pleaded QUilty to d:rn.am1tir.g at LoBI Xew YorJ for
the Spealt-cr;; .... t;S of the Postal Teleg-ra]lh-
1l'lta,r to in to res:pond

the I The gaYI3rnor-&ald ho llacl bcen
An;;eles be

lu-mtcrgt4\e cam-
)ln.lkC\1 Tc-ndcrny to Act'l'pt Xew 01'- Cm ter, tu mnhlllr.o _the .!'t'f.>OlH! mm), 1 ca,J of his cot.ntl3" ln. Cttse horeign cor.respondlng with Mt, UnderWOO(l Tt to '!:ave helrl SiZ"}lw add teas tbe gathCl'iTI!; , wercc Local 'umons number anrl
dct .,r Thing-; Shown Hy .'\11 t1hi"ilon !It Gnh'<'"iton, I "Should and cutJse lin tlJJs eonn-ectlor., and had Corue to I tember,, but was postponed ,;ecause Yo wl.l 'Je held at ill-1, n.rc named a::; defendants
C>JtlcJs llnll ()cen Js-.uccl cuJilcJ in the I t ton 1 tiJe concluBlGn that April
w'"u the of tte Dynaro.te consp.Ul.CY tr!al

, \uashlngton nnlve::'Sltv il.!\1 ,,
11 01
thlabor "'at :l""alu
(,(1\Cl'Umcnt lin" dil)' Jle salcl he would not Teltllll to1 ..., h Ch resulted
:1 the convlctl.o:J. >.:rt' ., - "'" "' ->v
' -u----
utll settled gOH!lnmeut had mo,t reas1ble date He lntnnatcd
, R . , d
tv-t othe llael been pla.nned hv the auti-sui'l'ta.-1 the tll.e c:o,ern-
rlw 'L'flpC'I' Hnnd
t,t fnl' the . " boen re-estabhslled bere nn. ]'is. n I that mtcnul beb,eell Marca 4 and, Fran,{ )an an t nl wo r gisrs. Miss Branson was to l1ae n.d; ment -charge:s atr1cer::; and
\\ ashtnP:tOu, D. C eb nppoara.nce on the scene cg

bo I Apl'il l mlgbt be deYated to C:lUCttses 1 ,
t m local dres5ed Ule studClrts. but because o. I of tlle union with combining and eon-
).[Ole Ol'ders for toops to rl;q-

'heir. and eonfere:tces i A! ou l ce ega ''

th ihe attil'a.l or Dqdge, the rn-eet- 1
splliilg, through :lC't:; VIolence an1l
--- C:.LlVOston, '1\!th tho purpose con- n.ged e!nres den"t
1'wo editors of a )Vall street m the W
:ng "as postponed. to lDJur.e the Postal
'1. ,, ,, centru.tlng u rtrmy lliylslau ex lalned tbe
110 0
tlln.t , o!'t pa.per -cnJ1ed upon the prcstd-ent-eler.tJlOO mClllbers tlle orga
7.a lOU R1kel's Rc ... t nt Uuldntote. "r:.tpll w1res and to mterfere \\!tlt

.. I the1e, in nccorc:ance Witll the. pol1cy would fontl'luo to 1be tbe today e.nd urged that financial ques-1 t tn.yafh

Baltnno1 e, )lid., Feb. "::!.; -; 11,':

t'hi'! tra.11 smiSs1on of go\'ernrueut a.Hl
c a
e , , , ,.. of 11reparedness as outl.ncd P1es- JJollc or the United 'St!ates GeneJall tlons be tuken up ence e ea' e
, d 1 most of the mem:Oers of Gene1al
connnerctal messages m .luterstate

I fn a .s!Jeech. m Diaz,Y was greatly elated ai: the 1 ?iscussing lli.s talk wlt_h

Ronlle J?nes' armr _wblcll :ommerce. The alleged Interference
:bel!e re'inils that lt wlll substantl-1 :\ew l orlt: last SatUJ day m.,ht, '' :_re cess of his nc[Jhew Fel:x Din;:, and: afte. 'i'. ards, Mr. 1lson said, EY- f I P r -el ction d since lus release. mto Ba.l.Jru.ore e., cmnp; IS declared to baY been deliberate.
ate Oftlclal , O.''l:llons
the occnr- by the war department ca. ly of General Huerta, t.he tJrovJslonall ery'llody ls ngreed tllat there should
r Ryall has been I ?11 1ts to Washmgton remained I Whtle restramt or mtersta:e com-
..0 ce tadn\. preslclont wb'om he considers quite l])e cttrrency re-form as soon u.s posst-1 lir ct o. the conventJOn !Jll beU th1s forenoo:1, obtaiumg much-1 me1ce lS alleged, the Sherman
' fact that the bodies or the two :Vhdor Ccneral Wm. } I. Carter, c.a1Ja'ble a'r worldng out tlte s:a1Yatlon II ble" i < and Edwm Lewis Saul needed 1est l.11 preparation for a busy 1 1s nat spe< mentioned 111
cta.te:rocn ore l'Cconned in th renr clopnrtment ami the <dvislonal com- 0!9f:he re:;lllbllc ll'':r:andsc/ both executJYe 'board afteJ'noon and evemr.g of speecb-
go,ernment's bill of complamt,
or' tho \\M P.xplnlncd to- malldf!r nt Cblcngo, will be olaced The Ex-J')resl(lent Dahabenh 1s memlbers 'were the
'nly ot I maldng.
which declares the defen-
dav lJ. tho th tl socoJHl In ,::;uprcrno coruruautl , moored at U1Js. ancient I PRISON SENT[NCES the u:n 1011 not cCn.dcted ,1, the Qyna- "Gen-er<Ll" lones ball 1lants alleged unlawrul acts h&\'B
ocr:urred clo'o to the- ,n addlt10n to tl10 faurllL hdgac.o gat1lcrlng place or TlJlg-rlms, whe1ce '!)lot Ill t:te cases of tlle other I <!ancelled all of the v!olai.Ed the ri.hl:ts h1<\nted undeT .tht!
bui{J.Ino:. It srud llle antomobl!ol ol the, of \t(l bad ma<le triPs to Dende-1 I offict;;.ls the, Jury
ustrvned t.te gOY- ments for tile o,r and the laws of the
Jan ahead nnd that )!ad-oro nlldl the :;,.rd, 26th and_ 2 I th Jtah uno otlH'lr noted tcm;p]cs.
1 r etnment's charges that the ,tnlQn s tlunng thdr i\1"0 States to the telegraph
Sua:'C?. jumpc(l O\lt nnrl wo1c now :,t the m1ddlo \\CSt, orders PROV 0[0 BY Bill fnnds welo!ated nat thi3 hmc, except the lunc.Jeon tendered! v.nd to the sentler.s or rucssoge,; 1 ht:!
\\ hP.n bt:!twaan tlHl fire or tlw lssu(!d tQdllr for tb12 rneparatlon , The ntter p!endinf I ':\-1"::'\amo.t",J. Brothers an C. OrtLe E. them by ').Ira R. g-oy-ernment asl;;ed that U1e defen-
!::Ual dH nnt:J tho att.Jclqnt:' partie!!, ent.ralnmer.t of the sixth llr,- entLo aloofness tram tho a,-! i l)i':Of'amgul might par expen&es of I Jlre-liltlent of tl1C !If an land rust Go'. be enJoined from obstructm.c:
thus accoantin for "ottnc'ls ,hndc, comprif'>lng tho llth an. trY, l.a,rs o ... his <:Olll\trv precluded nln 1 (lestro)' lllg the ])ropcrty ot contrac-1 ermllent n.t her :home in Go\- 1 .:nerstate and goYernme1lt messa.F:e;;
ln(Jicted en r
om dlflo"Cnt lll- Col at lo1t; Dn. crlt1cls.m !by h!lll or the Jato Prcsi- tars "ho refused ta 12 mploy only anB today, and another lnncheo:J far 1 OYe: the Postal. from cutting, bUill
tectlons RnsRel\, tho l RU1 lnhm- dent Fr:mdsco :\fadel'o's ndmlnistra.- lOW.\ ::,OIJON 'VOUJJD )H . .li SA l:11'!Jor I tomorrow 'by the Sons of Jo,'e, tbel ii1g ot otbelwise its tel-e-
al (,ovNnor IInortJ\ ll.ll(i tty, Col. Thofi"IU.8 1
Dos d. at Fon tlon, mn.d() th!3 following X Er, Se
,. tu
Secct.. i local dulb. . grapli lme$. antl f1omlnterfermg lJY
n , on> s r l'e 'Lrnestl Wyo., and Fort Bliss, to t
lf'> Assodaterl Press LOO. J\ " .. lERS OBEl: 1 , em Ul "'\ '.Cl'1.., Ttl the nrJous ;JOSpJta]J- lhreats, ln.t.JmidatJons, pcrsua!!IOn or
'l'ex. :J'he !.!2nd !nfnnl!'y, Col J]Miel ''I prorer to s.Ly 1

\vas ex- lies. "General'' .Tones sald she felt fol co w1th employes or nrospe<:the
mf"nt w:t.H Jact n, in :tnd A, Frederlcre, nt l<'ort Bliss, Texas. thu faults or Franclf:.Co , I ended for the at the ttla.l in\ l!l" tlme l1ere could better be etnplo,-, employes the <:ompa.nJ,
that the (Ieath prlsonerg The fourtll field artl!len', tho E::ec- rule o; the .cfluses af the re\olutlo!J, I ,,ICII"Ute J'ro,hles Prlson S..CuU.."11CO indl!ana':'.lolls This was procured 1 ed in preaching t1tc doctrine 0[ eq11al1 flual _the :;:Ilea.ds ,ar
(!UI'! to unforeseen OJHl battnllor\ at engtr.e,etR, and slg- ns a ,:olltical

or .\itcl' Tithe] Conviction :tor Yta tthrougll n.ssesung the rnem'bers, suffrar:;-e to tl1e unconvenerl l .1 tem1mrary mJunctton ag:uust "Lhe
There i.q a marlwrl tendency on the nnl corps company 'D', comprising not
1 0
c:om de.ed : .::n <lddttion more $200,000 I alleged acts.
pnrt of nll classel:' to acceiJt the newtPn.l't of the sixth brfgade, alreadY ;} " ', ,. latrons of lJiquor lJJms. I was ratsed for the derense or theM'- ANKHU T llefendants :Sfi.UIC!l.
OI'(!E'r or things. From varlouH po.rts ha.Yc been ordered to Galveston. fk: Hu.!I1ta Is an --- NamaTa's the fund lbelng in charge of JAIL MRS. p RS ! The follov.iug are named as defer.-
or tho? conntry rep
ts have> been re- wlll not be,.JJOssible to nccom- . Elr !age t ;mnn llosseilaes officials or tl:e American Fede1at1on
rulvod tellmt; or rurt.her nclhas!ons to mod nll tlle second (livislon troops t.l!e confidence oC all -classes In :Hex- Des Molr.cs, Ia, Feb.
FOR BOMB EXPLOSION I International Brotherhood of.Elec-
lhe now ndmln!strntion Tho morn-jon the Fort (J'ockett reserl'atlon

g;eate\t keepe's comtcted threatlmes ot v1o- .:\Ir so.ld all the sess1om ___ trical \\Totkers, Local Ult!ons J\o;,; !'l

also herald the ilCIV and a number must l,e <>ncampe(1 ,lt ch pe
r a on n Hm ]lntlon of the l!Quor lllWS will be Of comeutJon are to lbe secret , l 134-:-:\Iart!n r.

era and tlrO(Jbo('S)' !mn1cdlnte I Toxns CitY. dtstant, nnd to ce:cort
rnC /om

I rorced to serve three Yenrs ln ]}rison I Samuel Gom])ers, preeldent of the I London, Feb 24 -)ll'S Em11v I BaJ '\ llllam J, Sloan, "
Lil.d the e11rty resnml1t!on of Houston .!
exi e I if a bl!I introduced b.Y Rep. :Kewcomb American Federation of l..Wbor Is tlX:- Pankhurst was, arrestee tad<w in IllS, E Ln.mic, T. J. Elliott, ;a.
g conclltlons. J .. nter, fol't11al ordel'S wete prepar-
OBltion t m.alnta a s n :t today lS enacted. I pected to address tile delegates later connection wlt11 the destruction of 1 Conra-d, Eel. Chanks, C. F Loram.
General Huerta'>< go\'ernment un- o to actuall;: start the Sixth b:-lgade1 a The measure pro'\!1ded tbat the 11n the I the residence or DaVId Lloy-d-George w. Saunders, H. S. ', H
doubterllr, for the '
resent at least, nncl the Fourth ':Jrigadc on the deflnltel
second oft'ense shall ba punis1Ied brl To Bar of by u bomb explosJOn last l'.-eek II Sinclaf:-. S 0. )!!nor, A."

has the upper han<l i:1. the country. to Gn.1veston. Orders for the move- I ""'ben Y uestloned re' "'rdl th
!l. fine of $300 tn $a00. The tffird by I ''An el'fort 1s being mnde to fo1b1d Her arrest 1esulted from her F. S. Allen, H. Coghill, )f. 0

\ commtttee or fol\ower8 of Znpn-
ment of the Slxtll caYatry at Des of !ttrther 1 1mpnsoument or three to five year!l discussion of the clynam1te cases at laratlon at a publle meeung that she 1 C. Carroll, Jr J. Gaul,

ta todaY to discuss part of the Third cavalry bn-lin DJaz relied r The J>Iun l<".ot Small Cities. the conYention because roppeals are bad conspired w1th and incited hetland H. Carroll, a 1 of
ments to Urlag about pcaca In tael f,:ade, also were prepared. It was ex- "That depends entl;.e
/ upOn tl:el Gibes of over 2,000 populattan are still "B11t 1ollo1\ers to -carry out the outrage. ' Pointing_ to thi
soltth. J)ecLed that Secretary Stimson v.ouldlouer of tho rovlsional overnment pernlltted to estabhsh the commis-lmany delegjates are deter:r.unect to de-
lmg-bouse mdustry eentullng n l-
Rcpot t." rtom lhc stare or Onx.tca them )ate today, in st;;pressmt:"!)l ..
"'nnd lsi on form of governo.ent and the sal- mand de 'bate on the suibJect: I DECltEE OX RECORDS. cago and the Qperatlone. or the Clllca-
'ndJC tic that lhe cllsflllPctetl Jncllans The 1Cglne1HR or the Il"lg-acles aro Pelt:-. D az 'lws .. ex-l of +Jw city officmls are fi:-:ed in Only rtlusne!ls IJiertammg t.o t11e --- j ;o board or trade, the bill declare!!
I havo bflort plncMed up to \\nr :cnren;tlt. enLJro 1
enc.e in and fuH h l'(!n]:la

passed the scuutc of "1TI!on's at to-1 )fQtJOil 01 St111e to- DhQlCCI without and
fuLL'\ Sanch{'Ho \con tho pro\ lclP.nt second d!vlston ;;J.S it exists today the imporla:lCI3
.. re jlo,va tod,,J' I dlay s Msson It ,.,as o.nnouuccd ri'Om Jle.::ord OeJlf('d. td tclct;rapluc aer\'ke bet cen pmnt
or Fl )fn(\cro, ,1 ,18 Wlll lr!>s th.m s,Ol)O flt-;ht- spect He
'ProPertY,, - 'The b1l) l.nd :1lrend:; passed tlle I that Joill' T Bmlcr. BuO'alo, X. Y, 1 Chtca"'o Ill Fob ..,
-The mo-j m otllc:- statas and foreig'::l cotmtnC:;j.
1 from torluy tnr.; With ]lei htLps t1 thousand al1Xll- . 'When' l of the llO.SsJbJllt:. or \llOl}f18 but be;ause of au <1.mendmeJ1t re-celved a sJx year sentence mj tJO!l {\d stat'e to [1 orn the 1lle sh!prne_nt praducla
]\JIIrtl Ill .'1-iHhlr'"ht Hltlc. 1al'it>B Theol tlus Ll1JSIOn lntr>ncullon 'bY the Umt"'cl States I WbJch was ac,dctl bv ll,e wr]ll JJc, IS to !be recOl d the jhol'CC or Crace and mcchandJse lU JDtc st:l'l.e comr
Jfuh'l; nml r 1n0 >1ltO!tltl Ue J s 000 st1 on"' Tho ex- wet;e mtmlloncd tlt" forme; \ll'Cf1l(lent
to back to ,tc house fc; fin a< 1
e(l as ' ce-{Jl 111 succel!sors II hcJm flou \v
llmm G\;gg. euheim c 01, me tee would be seriouslr ...tnterfercJ
' ' ' I' ' c w nctwn to be aelected fol' \ '1 wit'l and that the
I, !lied In n rn,dnlght rldol tent 'o ',\ l11ch 1 ecogmtron ma, be ex- mtorlcd 1' ' o J rhe. Jt was obta.lned h h ,
llllder guard rrom the lltlilonal Jlnl- (CttHied by the L'nrted tG th<:! ntH;,.. .Xot Jll-pbct IutcJ."\L'llllOll ll g]allC\', Sa_u

<;OJ1US101l ,lnd baud llJ)On the! the

'Jandmyadherentsalways ha'"" :\ev;, Oteans, rnn!, coUJt w.1s dellJed b\' Judge Heard
181 e
Tlle clrcum:>tances the
tennined F1 om present indlcaUOilS llbeen and wdl remui11 smcere f-Iends I MANN WHITE SLAV[ t ant! Jf here 'too ax Sin-ce the divorce, bath 1' be

t Septemhel'.
death of thE'< Ill'C!!Ident aml 1tllls 'I Ill de]JCIItl hlT,.(ol.Y upon the of the United Statos r;(l\'e nment, li


l]lnr\'lals married, ln various
rbou b l \nth p t
'lee- or the> 1 e]m!Jllc '1\eteiJ of Arni.lassador '\Y1l- cannot the UJ\1ted Stntcs or
t le execut
t"e L oar :L th
w.Jom attempts ta hMe the dtvorce annull-
T tl. or
e C "
'IIL](JJOWn f',trl}' tocl!n, eXCt!]IC Hon, "bo been gn en Jn.rge !.lu;:-1 othe1s t.akJng .nny :1ction tn STATUTE IS UPH nere sen e,l.Yenwor ed, the former )'Irs Guggenheim te:::- t a) e in Se
en ltl otrlclut i\CC'OlltltS, \\'hl(;h do not crut!onnrr authol'ity ln tho mattei. I out wrth well lmowa ELO \.KGELl .. JS DFLl:Gl'D llllled tbat. she ::;wore falsely liS to
o:"ourorn in ul! case!'! Tho only v;.t- '!'he t]llt::StlOll is JrKely to be lHOught: ltonesty, ot PUI"pose '' ...::::..____ "' 111. ll1mols. ficJa'ls"' that
'l'ero ttrOI'iC: ac.:tually to l\U very soon th::ough some 1 Genet a! Dlat. ho],eB .md 1mends to I " h ld establlsh "'he closed
1n the kllllng u;Jpllcatlon r1 om the Huertn. govern-! return to nt some time. 'Ibts, I ____ Streets :\Iut1el anc1 'l'raf(lt:: 'lJ'H.(i'E GR.:\.."'\'I.'IXG lU' PER.'ll'l',l ou The companY refused
The provisional )JresHlent, General ment, whicll, It understood, .!s not 11.owever, he salrl, will "not occ.ur 1111- I Demora.Jb;ed HCJwy Ra.iu. --- .\ l
Jl Pdded' because it would
Vlctorlnno Huertn. the lclllln; or disposed to 1emnlo satlsned ;nth the t1l peace l1hs q)een firmly re-esta'bl.sll- \Yas'lnn;ton, D. C, Feb. Los Angeles, cat FGll Tait Will Xot Ha\'e Time to Gi\el 'the discharge of old and
two men was lnctOental to n.! 1L.ctlon or Ambns;mdor Wilson In 1ec- Cc] ar.d my l:eturn cannot have any federal "White S!ave Traffic act" ofiJy four and one-hn.lf mches of rain I 'Flisco Hetclt Hetchy Water!". 'employes not members at
fight bet we-on thell' gnnl'd and a par-1 ognl;:lng it as a de !acto gove1nment misconstruction JJlMed on lt. Should, 191 0 was. Ullheld n.s eonstltut10nal iu lS hours-the I1eaviest prectp1ta- Waslungton, D. C., Feb. the union Some of the
ty to JlbeL'atc tuem. 1 only, howevm, foreign cow'Ph.catlons arise, todaJ by t.1e s.u1n emc . court oC the non recorded in Los Angeles, since resentatives and Hayes, of 1 ar-e alleged to ha,e the
minister Gf forclgn relations, 1 'l'he trngLC eents o[ Sunday a1 c I wl;l

ent.rely nt my States ll1 an OPllllOU by Judge) the weather bureau was esfulbhahed
California, today urged President: Postal com pan..- that if they refused
Francisco De La Barra, tho'llll;:e\y to be -cot
n-r)::; sen,:e. MKenna -made tivera of the streets today, I Taft to dlNct the war- department toto agree theywauld call a strike.
');elth- The wlthholrllng or rul\ 1ecogni- General D\az. has not s:ttled on The
court took a recess demora.IJ;:lng street<:ar traffic, stall- issue :l..llermtt to San Francisco toiAt this stage when a strike was
er m{lkes deflnlte stlttement as Loj tlon howevet Is not in anv sense 1Jlf1 pRtns !or tl1C lut
zre beJond ]!ate chis MtoJnoon, '\ltbout an- ed automobiles 'bv fl.oodlng the mag- usa the waters of the Hetch Het<:hY'mineJ\t thi:! government savs the
whir.!:!. Hldo flH'rl ttu' 1a:nl shot", It hl\'o,hcd In .._'ctuc\;lon or
nes- on :JI':rch 10 fo:-Pa.l
S. He noundng ,lJly dcc1s
on in the ltl- netos, mterrupte.d telephone A1m; engineers decid-
telegraph company on Octobe; 15,
ls uot Inwos:.dh!e thatndther 1 tlon of !ntar\cntlon n1 al- f
nd tt.e mlembf:
of hia fantlly s:n portant rr.tQ Cil!O!e.'J pending. rr:un!Catlon .and seriously lnconven- ed tlmt the city s\1ould bo granted dlscbn.rged em-ploves who mem-
0J"'lcrc4l, ll'nlrs 1'1es'dent Trtft hlmscH has

t.ea. \\lth and jlC'lCCd the entire cay Indt-cat!ons the perml:>ston, but tbo president bcrs of tho 1.mio:ri' and tllelr
_.An al'flclaJ, dcchucd th\lt he nas not chong-ed 'l SC\er,tl months hJe Y. M. C. A. CONVENTION tlFLt the storm would thiJ.t tbe press of business ntade J>lac<:!lswlth non-members.
(Jtclo.(ld to th.o 1espon!il I his vol!c, .n L.h:-t.t rega:-d ns :-cstllt ,g /for another 12 llO\ll'S wltllO\l" it llrobable that l1e ,o;ould 'bo una.blcl Thrc!lts against officers and em-
:l)ll!ty, fll\cl hnlel ot tho lntcet <l'l"JOtlments 111 the f tl , AT OTTUMWA ENDED ment. tQ pass on the proposition.
J>loves Q"( the tele""'"aph compan'\" Im-
t.h !It 1'1 u " " to caner 1.:pon 10 srtua- ...-. d f t
bean mm e 1 J,at c.- .} \\
:Mex1can ca1,Jtal n.nd it remn!ns true: twn led Stimson t.o lSSilO .;xea1ly CYeJ'"'o Y was Otll) o _ " ... I medtately followed, <t ls
puntsb.ed that probably only th} th t Dl t I --- t.'l\o hours late !n getting- down town I <JOlmT 'l\ILL :SOT ]a.ud of violence began to be
Xot unnntur'alir. a great part oC ( rdy or Aneric LnS and foreigners
s.a e en Ito :bttamess laundry wa..gon" were --- I committed da!ly tn Chlc:tg() against
the otflthl.l vct-
n )foxlco \\auld be rcgarOed ns "1 have no hformn.tlon of nnr Ottumwa, Ia, Feb 21-Five popular and 1r.o.nv Ctlolole From]the eompan)'t; property, V.:h-erebY
!.IOns >;'oJt!t doubt. m mlnd tho Hll fl!cJCnt fo:- n. depo.rtul'e sucb arJpointme'lt I uelie e, ho\\- hundl,Ud mel! '\'i'lth JOined fb.e cozllr ensconced W! th the Arttic Circles.
telegraph. lines were cut, m)ured
Cor Dr . ,he notottou", !rom t.hat poltc." eve1 tha.t all membe1 or :\lr Taft's be tho T1e That Bmds , wee'k s wash, splas.Jlng caut 1 .,i\"a:;hlngt.on, D -c , Fe-b !!4 -The I and del!troycd by the use of aeld:s ar
"Lc, !ttr;.t, thl' ulll'i'llt-cn J,\\\ which I , , , , ndrnrmstl':ttton ready to n.s the .uctJon or tb.e Iowa tllrou;;-h i.\\o to rout feet or ''a-lsumreme court declined to 1lll other means. lnterferm& and c"'lj')-
is !nl'OK.ecl when thr. dP:dh of n. \\ 1Hon :wmd .J::t\ e \Vllson n:1d the mem- stale o( the Y M C A. tcr <t terrere with tile !Prison ot Geo
pling tbo -company's !Service.
oncr is desired Alter appl
ca-\ A lcelln):;' ae auxlety O\er tho slt- beTs of cabinet .111 Jnfarrnatron In the l\1, E chu1ch here on Matheson for the alJeged murder of
acts of depredation. sa.ld to
tlon thero 1s wrlttch on the recotds.
1W.tion in l\Iexlco continued tbrough- as to the slttltltlon '' Sunda) etening, .ORDIX.l.X'CE IS Gus Law!efis at Cl:ilcken C't'eelt, AlaB-Iba.\'e been repeated almost
"Pr!soner shot tJ) 1 np: to csc!Lpe." out orftclnl cl rctcs duri!lg the early Fom th Infatltl'y En Hontc South. The <lay was devoted to special . ka, in l SIO'S, It was one or tile flrst 1 dunng t.he entLre period since u 1e
Senora widow or the part of the -<lay bnt there were no Omahn, Feb, 24 -Shortly Y. :M. C A. talks, iu all the Evan-
Pottlanrl Can U1L1 und eases to eome to the court !rom,dischnrge <If tbe former employas
r:r-esadent. rcceJ\'Hl the first defiu!te addlttonnl dispatches made public before !! o'cloclt this o.l'ternoon tbe gellcalcburches, I 11'reight Cars l<"'rom Streets. wtthin the Arctic -circle I have been performed or directed or
information. or h1s death from the to thro\\' further light on tho condl- first section or tile troop tram car- Iowa Y. :YI C. A. Uoosters went Washington, D. c .. Feb. 24 -The\
1conni\"'ed at, it !s by the de-
Spanish minister, Cologan Y.Jt.ons existing It was felt that the rylng the }'ourth infantry, left Fott on record with a pledge of $20.000 Portlnnd (Ore.) ordinance 1907l HOSTUOX XRJitiVES IXU. S. rendants Healy and Boyle and otlt-
Colognn. She ah>eady had hea1'd l'e- 'dtatemeot or Ambassa,Lor Wilson Crook far Galveston to u.pply on the ilalf million fund makmg it ttnlawfnl to o]lerate steam --- I ers.
flOrtg that something unusual nnd lnat sa) log that the diplo- Loading Qr the secOnd section be- to be raised fat the Chicago tramingJ or freight <:ara on tbej ;Kew York, Feb. 2.4.-CaJPtaht A. Telegraph Comtlanl" Powerles10.
rlons had happened, but frlenlls had I mat! c. cor11" would not attend the gnn at once, The train Wtll be run school of secretaries and dl-1 Soutberu Pacific railroad track on1 H. Rostron, commander of' the steam- I The telegraph company, the go,-
endcll.VOled ttll to rhat time W prt'!- luncheon to tJo lh!s nool! to 1n :fonr section'!. rcctots The coming year will find Fourih slreet was tod:a:y upheld a.s s)tip Carpatb!a, when she rescuedjerument continues have been pow-
11om the whalu dlst\lfi$ tl.!e p"rave n Cartel l''l'CJII\16 tt )(o,P.. the association men cente1Jng the1r canslltutwnal ln by the Sl1l'VIVOJS at.' the l:lst A.pr1llcr1es8 to prevent tbese A.Cts of Yio-
1fU(lJ snfnc\.;-nt lnd!enUon t.;> tbe Chien go, Jil., l'eb :! 1,-.1\faJar ertorts on recruiting new men to as- pren'e -court, wh1ch, however, 1eserY- b.rn">ed from England, today tore- lt>nce on lta ca.bles ::Lnd wtr-ea ll.lld Ull-
Soon alti!l '' a1 tl. arcompltmerl b nntlwl'lnes o! tht:- pUl'.POF-'!'1 ol this General 1\'m. H Carte', <:omrn;J.nd- soclatwn '\Ork and raising addltJOn- ed der.1slon upon the mer1tl!- o! t;he .celve the YOtl!d reller Is a.trorded bY ihe court
brotlter, Josl'l Pr1ez, and )rer- 01 uU. othuJ go'ierumcntH to ,twalt <LS- lng tlw second rlhJslon H S A .. W<t.S ttl ft:nds to expanrl thP fleld In Iov.a llUestlon o; freig;Jt cars: bemg haulctl, The av.:ard "I I !J)P. made m \Vaslnn;>,- j 1be petition. rn:J.i.nW...Ins that tlleRP.
reLleR ).fadero. o. of f'ranciHCO. tlJe bloodv ordered toduy to hold hJUISeH an{1
the street, leaving tllut o;H.H1 to I ton I alleged nets of violence v. III contlnnf'
).[adeto ta tho\tcn- jul!t enacll:!d l\:d not OCC\Irreci d!Yi>llonal headqunrtets l11 1eadiness TO COT'J'OX QUOT.\.TIOSS .rut'l.tre llt.Jgatloll jto service.
til1rY but J(rns(!d P!Hmlsslan to t!i. 1ough connivance or the llOW to respo-nd at nny moment to o1der.s The go"'ernment 'bHl l.l:'o'
tlw body or h'1' lean this has to proceed !lOuth Tlle Fourth aud IBlll to Ra.r I.n:formfttlon .\.bout C()tf,()n I HE?\Y r . \;\'GFORn II <77:. W' h II AttorDeY General Wlelret'ftham !llld
Sllare;o; also \\0.$1 denle(] .tdmlttanee to been ln lltntement by PlO- Slxtb b:r\g-acle 1\bLCh lecerved }i'O.tures :.!rom Coming Up. I ----- 3A..L.1.e eat er.S... 11111 a.ssistaD!- Ja.m.u A:. Fowler, Wl!l.fl.
rhe nlortunry, wlwtlc 1Jl\yslcums, tn vl!!lonnl President HuertLL nr.d Mill- similar orders, ,tre :n General C.a.r- Washlngton, l) C., Feb -Feel- Pre,.ide[lt or Amerlt:n.n lflled by '[Jnited States AttorbeS
accotllnnce with th1 we1e [ler- Do J.,1 J'Ct n.!lsurances ter's cliYislon. \ cTn.l legislation to prohibit tra.ns- cut J,. ))earl. I . I V\.llkerson, of Chteago.
totmln_t: an at;toJ"':'\, \\'ere at tho sn-r.1e tlnl.u giYen of a 1\:l'Dl;\' Oftir.!Hl Gnh'C!-.ron mis!rion by telegraph of in!ormatlon PittsbnrKh, }'a., Feb'. 24.-Het:trrl IOWA' and warmEr tanlgllt __
)fndt'I'O .. SJstl'l .\('Cll"c... searching lnYeMtlgatlon ,\il.lch \'iould San Francisco, l fJb 2 i -Lleut concerning cotton futures -a.nd ap- Lan;rord 'Wllson, pre:o;ident or the Wi"Ch Increasing and wn.r- D.\.::O..,SH UOl:AL'l'i: nil
Tn contrast to ll\0 widow, whose ortlclnlly determine the clrctnnstaucc- Col George )II K. \\'llllnmson, coo- tton11 ta to come before the senate Arc'haeologJcal Institute at AmeYJca mer 1l1 east portton. 1 ---
j:!'rl<'lf was or a plt!a.bly s1lerrt charac- mHICJ' whtch the traKody oceutred strttcttng quattermastel at Fora )1a- morrow. Senator Smith, or so11 th and professor or Roron.n nrchaeolog/1 Temperature n.t Muscatine a.t se.-- Berlin, Feb. ChrltJtlan
tel', expre.c;sed ln oto'os, 1[erCOde>J Mn To Conrm "Jtll 'T11:-;on. son, here, recetvcd orders from Carolina gave notice today thar he and eplsraphy in Johns Hopkins 1 en o'cl'{)Ck a m , 4 dl?S:r<l'es ab-ove nnd_Queen .Alex&n.drla., -or D.enmu'k.
cicro, a 'beautiful young edn- Puhllcatlan or a St!\tement thaL yestcrduy to JenYe im- w-ould ask to have the Jlldic.iar:;' unh-erl!lt.y, d;ed tt pneumonla In ajzero arrl\"'ed berc todtlJ on a \'IIJ!t o!
r.n.tcd !n Paris, who hll$ haena bi'll elec.t wnsnn had request- mediately for Galveston, Texas. ancl committee discharged from further hospital here during last n!gltt. Hoi Stage of the r!v-er at Mmocatlne to- courOOay to the German @mpo!!rorr
llant. leader or flOC let) since tho Nl secretaryR Knox and Stlmson and repott ror duty at the mobilization eonslderatlon''of the bill now befor:e became 111 while slttlng 1n the oft'lce day, 2tfeet, 3 inche.11. l!lnd I!!D.IJMSS after the
------- 'Mtljor Gonernl \Vood o meet bu. c:lmp or troops LhorJ>. pending a de-,lt 'rhc mea!:ure the h101use of Dtrector W J. Holland nt the I Sunrise, 6:3-t; v::l:3: the period of mourning w c}l 1-;
{Continued Ol. Pf!gc ;ll BnJ'llngton, ,'\, J., 'l'hursdnY cis1on In th 13-:-.rexiC'Hl! Rituation. ll:u;t :.ummrr. MuseUm l1ere l.n;l FrHlny n'oont'IRP, n;114 n. m. lov.ed the dcat.'!1 or King Frederick.,

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