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Third Periodical Examination

Earth Science


I. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of your answer to the question on the space provided.
1-8. Choose the best possible answer to the following questions about The face and interior of the Earth."

____1. From the center of the Earth outward, what are the three layers of Earth?
a. crust - mantle core b. mantle - crust core c. core - mantle crust d. core - crust - mantle

____2. Which of the following is the thinnest Earth shell?
a. outer core b. Mantle c. Crust d. inner core

3-10. Label the diagram with the appropriate terms.
For each item below, select the letter that labels the correct part of the image.

_______1. oceanic crust

_______2. mantle

_______3. lithosphere

_______4. inner core

_______5. mesosphere

_______6. continental crust

_______7. asthenosphere

_______8. outer core

11-18.Match the term with the
appropriate description. Match each item on the left to the corresponding item at right.

3. mesosphere
4. inner core
5. outer core
6. mantle
7.continental crust
8.oceanic crust

A. the thin, rocky outer skin, topped by continents
B. the thin, rocky outer skin, topped by oceans
C. a solid, rocky shell composing about 82% of Earths volume
D. solid iron-nickel alloy at the center of the Earth
E. the strong lower mantle, below the asthenosphere
F. a liquid layer at the top of the core, that generates Earths magnetic
G. weak, soft layer composed of the mantle beneath the lithosphere
H. strong, rigid layer composed of the crust and the upper mantle

____19-20. All of the following are true about the Earths lithosphere except _______. (2 possible answers)
Lithospheric plates are moving due to flow in the asthenosphere.
The lithosphere is a single solid shell and the outermost layer.
The lithosphere is either continental or oceanic based upon what type of crust is on top.
The lithosphere is composed of crust and the upper-most mantle.
The lithosphere is broken into several plates.
The lithosphere is mostly about 100 km thick.
The lithosphere is the Earths outermost skin.
The lithosphere is above the asthenosphere.

____21.The oceanic crust is composed of dark igneous rocks called __________; whereas the upper continental crust has an average
composition of a __________ rock.
a. limestone/metamorphic b. shale/basaltic c. basalt/granitic d. granite/secondary e. none of the above
Earth's Interior
____1. Which of the following best describes the material that makes up the earth's asthenosphere?
A. a rigid solid B. a solid that is able to flow C. a liquid at high temperature D. a gas under great pressure
____2. The lithosphere is made up of the upper mantle and the
A. crust B. Asthenosphere C. Hydrosphere D. core
____3. The part of the earth that is solid but has the ability to flow is the
A. lithosphere B. oceanic crust C. Asthenosphere D. inner core
____4. Which zone of the earth is made up of liquid iron?
A. the asthenosphere B. the outer core C. the upper mantle D. the inner core
____5. The boundary between the earth's crust and mantle where the speed of seismic waves changes is called the
A. Moho B. shadow zone C. Magnetosphere D. hydrosphere
____6. Geologist believe the source of the earth's magnetic field may be the
A. core B. Magnetosphere C. Crust D. magnetic pole
____7.The mass of an object is defined by
A. how much the object weighs on earth B. the amount of water the object displaces
C. the strength of the pull of gravity on the object D. the amount of matter in the object
____8. The shock waves produced by an earthquake are called __?__
A. seismic waves B. sonar waves C. laser waves D. radiowaves

____9. The crust of the earth is made mostly of

A. oxygen & silicon B. iron & silicon C.
iron & nickel D. copper & nickel
____10. The layer that makes up most of the earth's mass and
volume is the
A. mantle B. Magma C.
Crust D. core
____ 1. The study of natural geologic systems is complicated by
the fact that
A. the earth has formed over billions of years
B. many geologic systems are too large to model
accurately in the laboratory
C. rocks are chemically complex and may have been
altered several times before the present
D. all of the above
____2. Since the Earths formation,
A. the only remaining rock forming material is lava.
B. no rocks on the surface have remained unchanged.
C. sedimentary rock has been the only new rock produced.
D. the only remaining original material is metamorphic
____3. Which of the following elements is most common in the
Earths crust?
A. silicon B. Carbon C. Oxygen D.
____4. Which one of the following statements explains why the
earth's surface has NOT been eroded to a flat plain, nearly at sea
A. As the earth ages, weathering processes become less
B. The earth is not old enough to have undergone the
necessary erosion.
C. Parts of the earth's crust are continually uplifted by
tectonic forces.
D. Volcanic activity builds up the land surface faster
than it can be eroded.
E. Processes of erosion become less effective as the
elevation of the land surface is lowered.
____5. The main source of geothermal heat is
A. convection currents.
B. friction between the plates.
C. radioactive decay of elements.
D. chemical reactions in the mantle.
____10. When the Earth's crust first formed, which rock type
would have been most common on its surface?
A. Plutonic. B. Volcanic.
C. Sedimentary. D. Metamorphic.

____11. The two elements which together comprise
approximately 74% of the Earths crust are
A. iron and calcium B. oxygen and silicon C.
sodium and potassium D. magnesium and aluminum

____12. What do geologists think is the mechanism by which the
plates move?
A. tidal forces of the Moon and Sun
B. magnetic repulsion and attraction
C. expansion of hot rocks at spreading centres
D. convection currents in the asthenosphere
II. Part 2

____ 1. An earthquakes epicenter is ____.
a. the place on the surface directly above the focus
b. a spot halfway between the focus and the surface
c. the spot below the focus
d. any spot along the nearest fault
____ 2. When an earthquake occurs, energy radiates in all
directions from its source, which is called the ____.
a. epicenter c.fault
b. focus d. seismic center
____ 3. Earthquakes are usually associated with ____.
a. violent weather c. large cities
b. faults d.the east coast of North America
____ 4. Which seismic waves travel most rapidly?
a. P waves c.surface waves
b. S waves d.tsunamis
____ 5. Which one of the following statements is true about P
a. They travel only through solids.
b. They travel faster than S waves.
c. They are the most destructive type of seismic wave.
d. They cannot be recorded on a seismograph.
____ 6. Which seismic waves compress and expand rocks in the
direction the waves travel?
a. P waves c. surface waves
b. S waves d. transverse waves
____ 7. Overall, which seismic waves are the most destructive?
a. P waves c. compression waves
b. S waves d. surface waves
____ 8. What is the minimum number of seismic stations that is
needed to determine the location of an earthquakes epicenter?
a. two c. four b. one d. three
____ 9. What instrument records earthquake waves?
a. seismogram c. Richter scale
b. seismograph d. barometer
____ 10. Tsunamis are ____.
a. often generated by movements of the ocean floor
b. waves that are produced by tidal forces
c. waves that cannot cause damage on land
d. also known as tidal waves
____ 11. The geographic distribution of the swimming reptile
Mesosaurus provides evidence that
a. Europe was covered by a shallow sea when Mesosaurus lived
b. a land bridge existed between Australia and India
c. South America and Africa were once joined
d. the Atlantic Ocean was wider when Mesosaurus lived than it is
____ 12. What layer of Earth is labeled C in Figure 8-2?

____ 13. What layer of Earth is labeled E in Figure 8-2?
a. the continental crust c. the oceanic crust
b. the lithosphere d. the mantle

____ 14. Wegeners continental drift hypothesis stated that all the
continents once joined together to form ____.
a. two major supercontinents
b. two major supercontinents and three smaller continents
c. one major supercontinent
d. three major supercontinents
____ 15. The supercontinent in the continental drift hypothesis
was called ____.
a. Panthalassa c. Mesosaurus b. Pangaea d. Africa

____ 16. According to the theory of plate tectonics, ____.
a. the asthenosphere is divided into plates
b. the lithosphere is divided into plates
c. the asthenosphere moves over the lithosphere
d. the asthenosphere is strong and rigid
____ 17. In the plate tectonics theory, the lithosphere is divided into
a. 100 major plates b.7 major plates and many smaller plates
c. many small plates, but no large plates d. 50
major plates and many smaller plates
____ 18. A divergent boundary at two oceanic plates can result in a
a. Sea floor spreading c. continental volcanic arc
b. volcanic island arc d. subduction zone
____ 19. What type of boundary occurs where two plates move
together, causing one plate to descend into the mantle
beneath the other plate?
a. transform fault boundary c. convergent boundary
b. divergent boundary d. transitional boundary
____ 20. Which of the following is a geographic example of a
transform fault boundary?
a. the East African Rift valley c. the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
b. the San Andreas Fault d. the Andes Mountains
____ 21. New ocean crust is formed at ____.
a. divergent boundaries c. continental volcanic arcs b.
convergent boundaries d. transform fault
____ 22. Which of the following results when divergence occurs
between two oceanic plates?
a. seafloor spreading c. an ocean trench
b. a subduction zone d. a volcanic island arc
____ 23. What forms when one oceanic plate is forced beneath
another plate?
a. an ocean basin c. a subduction zone
b. an ocean ridge d. a rift valley
____ 24. The Himalayas in South Asia are an example of what type
of plate boundary?
a. convergent oceanic-continental boundary b.
convergent continental-continental boundary
c. divergent boundary
d. transform fault boundary
____ 25. At a transform fault boundary, ____.
a. new oceanic crust is formed
b. oceanic lithosphere is destroyed
c. lithosphere is neither destroyed nor produced
d. new continental crust is formed
____ 26. The Hawaiian Islands were formed when the Pacific Plate
moved over ____.
a. a subduction zone c. the Aleutian Plate b.
an ocean ridge d. a hot spot
____ 27. According to whole-mantle convection, ____.
a. small amounts of material from the lower mantle move
upward to the surface
b. slabs of cold oceanic lithosphere move down and into the
lower mantle
c. large chunks of continental crust are pulled down into the
lower mantle
d. material from the inner core rises into the mantle to form
super hot plumes
____ 28. What type of plate boundary is illustrated in Figure 9-1?
a. transform fault boundary
b. divergent boundary
c. convergent oceanic-oceanic boundary
d. convergent oceanic-continental boundary

____ 29. What layer of Earth is labeled C in Figure 9-1?
a. asthenosphere c. oceanic crust
b. continental lithosphere d. continental crust

____30. What process is illustrated by the area labeled G in
Figure 9-1?
a.seafloor spreading c.Rifting
b.continental volcanism d.subduction

____31. The broad, slightly dome-shaped volcanoes of Hawaii
are ____.
a. composite cone volcanoes c. pyroclastic volcanoes
b. shield volcanoes d. cinder cone volcanoes
____32. Most of the active volcanoes on Earth are located in a
belt known as the ____.
a. circum-Atlantic belt c. Ring of Lava
b. Ring of Fire d. East African Rift Valley
____33. Which type of landform develops at plate boundaries
where one oceanic plate descends beneath another?
a. rift valley b. volcanic island arc
c. mountain ranges formed by a batholith
d. lava plateau

Completion (2 pts each)
Complete each sentence or statement.

34. The location on Earths surface above the point where an
earthquake starts is the ____________________.

35. Movements that follow a major earthquake often produce smaller
earthquakes called ____________________.

36. The theory of ____________________ states that Earths rigid
outer shell is divided into about seven major segments.

37. The theory of plate tectonics states that Earths rigid outer shell is
divided into several individual segments called

38. The type of plate boundary where plates move apart, resulting in
upwelling of material from the mantle to create new seafloor, is
referred to as a(n) ____________________ plate boundary.

39. ____________________ is the mechanism responsible for
producing the new oceanic crust between two diverging plates.

Prepared by:
ESR Teacher
Noted by:
Principal II
Noted by:
Chairman Science Dept.

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