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The structure of space-ti me i s a quanti zed i nfi ni te scal ar Fl ower of

Li fe l atti ce. In other words, space i tsel f i s made of di screet super

ti ny ti ny ti ny packets of energy: the smal l est l i ttl e vi brati on that
the el ectromagneti c spectrum does. These ti ny packets are what
you coul d thi nk of as the "pi xel s" that make up the uni verse and
si nce they are not square, but spheri cal , they are actual l y cal l ed
"voxel s".

Fi rst di scovered by Max Pl anck, the smal l est di stance you can
possi bl y measure i s the l ength of thi s uni versal fundamental wave-
from cal l ed the Pl anck l ength:
(10 to the -35cm)

It i s nearl y i mpossi bl e to vi sual i ze how smal l the Pl anck i s.
However i f you pi cture a l i ttl e dot that i s .1mm (or about the
smal l est thi ng the unai ded human eye can see) and bl ew up that
l i ttl e dot l i ke a bal l oon to the si ze of the observabl e uni verse, the
Pl anck woul d then be about a .1mm dot i n that uni verse. Or i n
other words, that ori gi nal .1mm dot i s about 1/2 way i n scal e
between the si ze of the observabl e uni verse and the Pl ank!

Nassi m Haramei n cal l s these ti ny energy packets Pl anck Spheri cal
Uni ts (PSU) because they are spheri cal , l i ke most other structures
the uni verse creates at al l scal es. These spheri cal waveforms
overl ap and perfectl y pack together to form the 3D fl ower of l i fe
structure of space i tsel f.

Usi ng these uni versal voxel s (spheri cal pi xl es), Nassi m cal cul ates
how many of them fi t on the i nsi de of a proton vol ume compared
to how many are present on the outsi de surface area of the proton
(or any bl ack hol e). Thi s rati o, a geometri c rel ati onshi p, i s the
gravi tati onal fi el d!

Gravi ty i s essenti al l y a rati o of i nformati on on the i nsi de to
i nformati on on the surface of bl ack hol es i n a hol ofractographi c
space-ti me mani fol d.

Nassi m has di scovered a di screet, quanti zed, pi xel ated (voxel ated)
way of descri bi ng gravi ty i n whi ch al l you need to do i s essenti al l y
count these l i ttl e Pl anck Spheri cal Uni ts wi thout havi ng to use
hi ghl y compl ex tensor equati ons normal l y needed to sol ve Al bert
Ei nstei n' s fi el d equati ons.

A geometri c sol uti on for gravi ty.

The i rony of i t al l i s that thi s sol uti on has been ri ght under our
noses thi s whol e ti me thanks to many anci ent cul tures encodi ng
thi s geometri c rel ati onshi p ri ght i nto thei r monuments and
documents i n the form of the fl ower of l i fe symbol .

Detai l s can be found i n Nassi m Haramei n' s l atest paper "Quantum
Gravi ty and the Hol ographi c Mass"
here: http://resonance.i s/expl ore/quantum-gravi ty-and-the-
hol ographi c-mass-trai l er-and-press-rel ease/

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