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' '


There were a number of Christian Scten-
Women's Descent on Albany Re-
, suits in Setting Its Third
Reading for March 19.
on the speolal train, who gave the
Senators and Assemblymen absent treat
ment to prepare the way In advance tor
the suffragists Among these were Mrs.
Harlot Holt Dey, Mrs E L Norton, Miss
Freeman, Miss Mabel Wilkinson of Eng-
land, and Miss Brannan. J',lrs Arthur
Townse!ld Treasurer of the Woman's
Pollttcal Union, which arranged the dele-
gation, looked after the financial end of
the , atfalr The hearing before the As-
eembly Judiciary Committee will be held
at 2 o'clock to-morrow The women wlll
stand tor the first time as silent sentinel
outside of the Assembly Chamber dQor
The sentinels wtll be Mrs Blatch. Mrs
and Miss Brannan, Mrs Rogers, and Mrs
Townsend Dr Mary Walker was at the
Capitol to-day
Westchester Boss Explains He
Has Been Ill and Has Not De-
serted to William BarneS', Jr.
Breaks the Dignified Silence In the
Senate by Urging Leglelatore
to Speak Up.
lo ThO Nl'l11 York T1mt1
ALBANY, March 12.-The women trom
New York City and up-State, 'Who ap-
peared here to-day In force to ask why
t-heir suffrage resolution should not re
celve Immediate consideration, said at the
clo" of proceedings that It had been a
moet eatlsfactory day, even though some
of tile Senators and Assemblyman re-
to be amenable to their arguments.
' .reiJ:e on Aoleemb1yman Dana.
Sea&tor Wagner was the special object
et tiM women's efforts. They wanted to
lmow why he had arranged not to bring
out the suffrage resolution until March
20, too late for further action thl8 ses-
They accused him of against
them !n the big placards with which they
decorated the car windows of their spe-
cial train
".Senator Wagner stands between us
and the Senate." was prmted In big let-
ters that every one could read A big
delegation that filled every Inch ot stand-
Ing room In the Senator's pnvate offtce
waited upon h!m at 3 ao Mrs Stanton
Blatch..t.. Miss Caroline Lexow, and Mrs
John ttogers, Jr , made addresses. The
flret two told him It was absurd to
Btand In the way ot"'brlnglng out consti-
tutional amendments that affected half
Mrs. Montague Glass, Mrs M L. Mac-
Leod, and Mrs W J O'Sullivan caught
Louis A. Cuvllller of the Thirtieth Assem-
bly New York, napping this
afternoon. mr Cuvllller drafted many
btlls against which the New York women
made such a warm fight last November,
and he was not pleased to receive his In-
terviewers Finally he snapped
"The legislators would vote for the
Woman SuffraA"e bill If tney didn't think
It "as just foolishness "
"Whv don't thev vote for some ot y\)ur
bills then, Mr Cuvilller," asked Mrs
While one army of New York women
was at the Capitol, halt as many more
"ere at a woman suffrage reception at
the home of Mrs Edward Easton, 148
State Street Mrs Raymond Brown was
the speaker of the afternoon, and Miss
Harriet Mav Mills, the State suffrage
President, made a short address. Re-
freshments were sErved later
A big mass meeting was held this even-
Ing In the Assembly Chamber under the
auspices of the Suffrage Co-operative
Committee of New York City, and repre-
sented seven different suffrage organiza-
tions, Including the Men's League. There
was a large attendaance, although It was
heavily ratnlng outside all the evening
Many legisla tors were Present Miss Har-
riet May Mtlls presided, Mrs Ella A
Boole, President of the New York State
Women's Christian Temperance Union ,
Mrs Raymond Brown, John S Crosby,
and Gilbert Roe or New York wer<> the
" I don't worry about you girls.": said
Mr. Crosby In the course of his remarks
" you will surely get the suffrage, but
I am ashamed of you men, who try to
keep the women from It "
He Thinks Rooaevalt Hae a
Chanco of Getting New England
Vote In tho Chicago Convention.
There wu jubilation In the Rooeevelt
headquarters In the Metropolitan rower ..
yesterday over the tact that WllllafD J...
Ward, Republican National Committee-
man from Westchester, had reappeared
after an absence of several weeks. When
Roosevelt headquarters In the city were
first "'stabllshed It was announced that
Mr Ward, who Is a member of the Old
Guard In the Republican organization of
the State, had agreed to be a member
ot the Gommlttee and that be
would b6 on hand jlal)y at headquarter
direct the destlntee ot the Rooeevelt
When Mr. Ward failed to appear after
the Roosevelt committee wu flrat eatab
llshed It was declared by the Republican
organization that be had repented of biB
stand for Roosevelt and bad. dtsa,ppeared
at the bebeat ot William Barnes, :Jr.,
Chairman of the Republican State Com-
mittee All these stories were set at
est yesterday when Mr. Ward walked
Into the Roosevelt headquarters and said
that he bad been lii tor the last tew
weeks, but that he bad fully recovered
and was now owllllng to take up any tuk
that was assigned to him. After a long
conference with Chairman Duell of the
Roosevelt CJty Committee It was an-
nounced that trom now until after the
Republican National Conveit\ton Mr.
Ward woul4 be at headquarters every
the bill adocate'd
so much woree
the people In the State, and Mrs.

talked straight suffrage The Senator

told them he thought other bills were
more Important than theirs, but he did
:ylsld as far as to promise to let the auf-
trace btll come up m general orders on
Match 19, which might give a chance tor
The most
tlon given
quarters re1s!erdll
men have told me It
better to have bad no
Col Roosevelt's attention was also
called to a newspaper story that George
Washington had never gooe definitely on
record regarding the third term The
Col<nel eald that Washington had Indi-
cated that limiting a President to two
terms might be a wise policy
a vote on the third reading.
Nearly every other woman who could
reach Senator Wagner Individually had
; something to say to htm, and all the other
Senatore IUld ASsemblymen had delega-
tions ot women calhng upon them when-
ever they could be reached. That was a
lit-tle difficult usually, for the doorman
waa obdurate about taking cards, and the
men worked against each other carrying
c&l"da for the suffragettes
A queer little woman nearly upset the
demonstration In the Capitol
The women came up In a special train
They formed a well-dressed and fine-
looking gathering as they !lied into the
visitors' galleries of the Senate Chamber,
and one that might well Impress even
untmpresslonable Sen'"tors The women
prided themselves on their dignity, good
looke, and good manners, particularly the
But they were hardly seated In the big-
gallery before something happened It
wu a stUl small voice which became
audible, but which. however, managed to
make lteelt beard very plainly It was
traced to a little woman dressed In black
She was addressing the Senators on the
floor The suffrage leaders were startled
to hear her call out.
" I can't hear what you say up here "
No one else could make out the Sena-
torial words, but Just then, as It In re-
few clear sentences floated up.
better,'' said the little woman
that. Tut, tut, tut' " she
as the gavel came down with
ltonll! come up In the- train?
o' us? asked the suf-
every min-
_tl:____ gallery would be
you, but It we
you, we will "
a on Assembly-
IliaD Oharlea Dana, has always
been one of their arch-enemies Mrs
:John. Wlnten Brannan, Miss Lydia Em-
mett, the artist; Mrs Edward Livingston
Hunt, and Miss Eleanor Erving saw
.AIIsemblyman and he told them he was
opposed to woman suffrage,. but he did
think the question was becoming more
"The women In Oregon have been doing
Yery well wltlt the suffrage,'' he satd
" Mr Dana Is so sensitive that we didn't
like to tell him that the women In Oregon
didn't have the vote," llllld one of the
dele!fates, "110 we only asked him ft he
dldn t think the women In New York
would do as well as the Oregon women "
"No, I don't think the women ot New
York would"
Mrs. Eldon Bfsbee, Mrs Robertson
and Mrs Wlllam H Sheldon gave
,mblyman Thomas S Coleman a list
of nAmes ot prominent constituents of his
who favor woman s suffrage, among them
Norman Hapgood, Charles Strong of the
City Club, Henry B Barnes and others
He uked them for the names of women.
wantlntr suffrage.
" He will be more Interested , II) tht>
-n when they vote against him In/ the
aext election " said the women 7
Senator Wainwright told the women
he was considering the eubject seriously,
&nd Senator Pollock said he was wtth
them. E!enator McManus wouldn't make
up his mind, even when Mrs W J O'Sul-
llvan, a friend of the farr.ll;, reminded
lbtm that his own mother was a clever
polltlclaa tytd a woman constituent could
11ot lafl:aence him.
a Chai'DliDir Maa.
Mlee- Katllerlne Foote, the well-known
Jologiet, interviewed Senator :ij:lnman,
'but abe !lipped short on seelnc a re-
porter aro)IJI'd, and wouldn't say any-
th,lng about the Senator except that be
waa a charming man
:Hrs. William L Colt says she thinks
he will have to become a matrimonial
qent. She Is VIce President of the West-
cheater County suffragists. Of the tour
.AIIaemblymen trom that county, only
Frank Cotter Is opposed to the cauae.
" I have done everything to convert
" Aid Mre Colt, "and I think I will
marry him to a autfrutst wtfe "
come ou of this !letter than I
-r.t!:C!- I would,'' said Senator Wag-
ever have such fair
? " he asked the women.
oh! " exclaimed the wo-
Miss Pankhurst Defines Limits
VIolence and Gives List of Weapons.
The rul<s ot warfare tor the army of
EngliEh suffragettes were laid down yes-
tude y by Miss Sylvia Parnkhurst, a
daughter of Mrs Emmeline Pankhurst,
I oer of the movement In England, who
Is now In prtson as a result of her part
In the recent window-smashing outbreak
fn London
It Is the f irst time that the rules under
"'hlch women are wagi ng thetr war for
the ballot have been set forth and the
line drawn as to how far they consider It
fair t< go. Miss Pankhurst got back from
a lrcture tour yesterday and In now the
gtwst of M1ss Allee Lewlsohn of 43 Filth
Thf- suffragette, says Miss Pankhurst,
IH allowed to resort to stone-throwing,
ne>thlng to determine the kind or the
weight ot the mlssUe, the use of the ham-
mer or other similar Instrument in the
dt structlon of property
The use of hammers Is favored more
than stones, Miss Pankhurst explained, for
they can be made the more effective and
ulre less skill as to the accuracy. She
advhes the use of the hammer, for with
is less chance of tlte. m-
Ask qu<.stlons, no matter how unpleas-
ant when one can get a hearing. or within
vocal distance of a Cabinet Mlulster, Is
another rule Miss Pankhurst also In-
dorses petlhons by personal appeal and
post; the holdmg of meetings and wrlttj!n
app<'.als to reoresentahves In Parliament.
l"inalty she urges the recruiting up of
mere man to the cause
The destruction of Government prop-
erty has been discarded This was In-
effective as the taxpayer and not the
Government suffered Miss Pankhurst
did not discuss the advisability of kid-
napping, an expedient already talked of.
Miss Pankhurst does not look half as
militant as her words She told of broken
Government promises, and charged that
powerful money Interests must be behind
the present opposition, for without such a
prop the English Government would not
have held out so long The war, she said,
Is to go on, but she Is hopeful that the
suffrag9 bill will be passed at the present
session of Parliament She said that In
case of Its defeat other violent measures
would be pursued, but nothing so destruc-
tive as dynamite Is In contemplation
" When a Go\ ernment forces people to
fight for their rights as we are forced to
do there Is no telling what may happen,"
said Miss Pankhurst " There Is the pos-
olblllty> that some hotheads may act It
Is rather remarkable that there has been
so )little loss of lite when the Importance
ot the movement and the Injustice of the
Government are considered. I do not
want It said. that I say tbts as a threat,
but rather as a possibility
" I want the American people to know
that at any time they may hear of a ter-
rible tragedy In Holloway Jatl The feed-
Ing of prisoners by force Is dangerous and
death may result Wlthtn two years they
tried It on two criminals, and both died,
one suffragette, a man, was so fed and
he became Insane Any one of the women
now confined in prison may die at any
"We do not want martyrs to the cause,
tor we can get the vote wtthout that
The women are willing to die for the
cauee, and have gone to prison prepared
to die If necessary The question Is now
so urgent that I would not hesitate If It
came to sacrificing myself, nor would
others Why hesitate to sacrifice one or
two lives when the alternative Is the sac-
rifice ot millions of women and chil-
When the name of Lady Warwick was
mentioned In connection with suffrage,
Mlea Pankhurst drew !le:-oe1r up and said
"I will not discuss the Countess of
Warwick. Slie Is not a serious politician
What does she know of life? I won't
discuss her.
" There will be no peace," she con-
tinued, "unless , we get what we want
Properly Is always destroyed In warfare
We want those who suffer to go to the
Government and demand the passage or
the Suffrage bilL It was no good to de-
stroy Government for the Gov-
ernment does not care ana the taxpayer
pays. We have broken windows to get
the big insurance companies busy
" It has been suggested that women
strike That would do no _good, for those
who do housework would strike against
their fathers, brothers, and husbands,
who favor our cause, We want to get
the people b'ehlnd the Government and
urge It to give us our rights Some shop.
keepers who have suffered at our banda
have urged ue to go on Wtth the cam-
It must be glorious to be over
now I wish I could go I am to
about March 26, and I may go earlier
the call to duty comes"
of Mr
S Straus,
through New ,t;_rg!ana,
Col Roosevelt a
Ung the NPw England In the
Convention Mr Straus added that he
had discovered that the New Englanders
looked UflOn (t,e third term argument as
&kin to the argument which was ad-
vanced In George Washington's time,
when the Father of his Country had an-
nounced that he wouldn't accept a second
term Mr Straus drew an ana,ogy be-
tween Col Rooaf.velt's statement In 1904
that he wouldn't nccept another term with
the statement of.. President Washington
In 17!12 that he wouldn't accept another,
cr second, term Mr Straus eald
" The sltuatlc.n In Boston Is
Interesting, as I understand that In spite
of opposition of th eMurray
have f, a primary
tllem an ODDOirtunlt.Y

Duell eald he found much
the Information he had re-
many llPUrces throughout the
alwayS' good news to the Roose-
to hear that Republican
any State are to have an oppor-
tunity express their Presidential pret-
erence at primaries,'' he said, " and the
action of the Massachusetts Legislature
yesterday Is, therefore, very acceptable
to us It was a hard tight to get the bill
through, but In Mueachuaetts, as In other
States, If we can get to the people and
Brouse their Interest the Roosevelt cause
finally prevails. Apparently we are to
have a primary In Illinois, too. Gov
Dineen favors It and will call a special
session of the Legislature on lt.
" When such States as Massachueette,
Illinois, Michigan, and Nebraska express
themselves by popular vote, we believe it
will be found that Roosevelt Is the man
to nominate If the Republican Party
wants to be sure of winning next No-
vember. By the way I was Informed
by telephone this morning that Secretary
Nagle's meeting In Indianapolis last night
had exactly twenty-four people on the
platform that seata 400 people, and that
not more than 400 people were In the hall
which seate 2.000 I was also Informed
by telephone this morning that Secretary
Nagle cut his speech short when he found
what a ellm audience he had All the re-
ports from Indiana Indicate that the
Roosevelt sentiment Is eteadlly rising
Samuel Kot>nlg l'18.1d yesterday In answer
to Mr. Dueii'A challenge that the Taft
should publish their criticisms of the
oosevelt primary pet1tlona:
" I see that M:r Duell stopped long
enough yeeterday from counting the straw
vote ot Oklahoma and capturing Ml88oUrl
to tum his attention for a few minutes
to New York City Far be It from me
to disturb the harmony ot the Colonel's
heauquarten staff, but his etatement that
Mr. Greenbaum Is running agalnet me tor
National Delegate ought to be corrected
It Is strang@' that some ot the " Pro-
gressives " who Chairman Duell
not point out hla ertor to him, tor the
t!lct Is that Greenbaum le running tor
National Delegate .agalnet Alexander
Wolt an4 l, Van Vechten
" Greenbaum Is a candidate on the
Roosevelt petition tor the Twelfth Con-
gressional District, and Is a resident of
the Fourth Assembly DistriCt. I am of
thP Sixth Auembly District, and will be
a Taft delegate for the Fourteenth Con-
gressional District. Thls formality of
.district bOundaries does not seem to
bother Chairman Duell In his statement
any more than It bOthered the notaries
who collected the signatures for the
Roosevelt petitions "
County Chairman Koenig furnished a
list of alleged lrregularltlee tound In the
Roosevelt petitions, which, he said, In-
cluded five namee that were signed twice
In the Sixteenth Congre881onal Dlstnct.
eighteen signatures In one election district
In the Tenth Assembly District " which
are unsworn and therefore lnalld " , In
the Fifteenth Congressional Dletrlct 18
names of men who live In the Seventeenth
Congressional District; many names In
the Fourteenth Assemol:r District, which
were by wives, daughtere, and
sons, and not b7 the voter tbemaelvee.
In the Firat lllnembly Dletrlct. he Mid,
eight ot the tlfteen candldatee tor the
County Committee bad written that their
were put on the JN!tltlo,ns " wttb
out their coneent."
" But those who study the life ot Wash-
Ington " conttnued the Colonel, " will find
that all along he wu opposed to limiting
the number of terms' In which a Presi-
dent might hold ottlce because )le seemed
to realize that 'a time might come when
the bt>at Interests of tne -country might
be served by a man who had previously
been President "
Waa the String-Puller In Panama
Canal Polltlce, He Saya.
Before several hundred members of the
.::!anadlan Club who assembled at the
Waldort-Astorla Jut night tor an Infor-
mal emoker, :John F. Wallace, the first
engineer ot the new Panama Canal, paid
hle'reepecte to William Nelson Cromwell,
and, by Indirection, to ex-President
Roosevelt, In no uncertain tenns. Of
Mr Cromwell the speaker said that " he
was the Bunty who pulled the atrtnge of
the Roosevelt Administration In all at-
fairs pertaining to the canal."
Mr Wallace characterized the Inaction
of the United Sfatea In the matter of
Colombia's claim tor reparation for
fomenting the Panama revolution amd the
seizure ot the Canal Zone as "the black-
est stain on this country'e history." '
"Until we take ott our hat." he de
" and apologize to that Govern
we have no right to pride ourllelvea
on our aebtevemente In the Canal Zone."
Mr. Wallace 18 now Cbalnnan ot the
Westinghouse, Church, Kerr Co. He
prefaced !Its remarke by ea)'lnc that he
wu ping to talk on canaf matters con-
rtdentlally, and for the tint time In alx
years. He waa evidently labOring under
the Jmpreselon tliat there were no re-
porters present but when approached by
the repreeentai!ve of ae'l!eral papers atter-
watd he said that he would stand by all
be pad Ald. Hla addreu proved the
principal feature of the eveolng, and wu
Interrupted by frequent applause when
he criticised the acttone ot the Rooaevelt
Mr. 'Vallace, who bad previously acted
as General Manager of the Illlnole Cen
tral explained biB appointment u being
In the ne.tute of an accldenL He ll&ld that
the seven membere of the original Isth-
mian Comm18slon paid an lnepectlon visit
to the canal and were all taken sick
within twenty-four hours, with the reault
that they decided that the work of au-
pervlslon should be lett to an engineer
lle- said that sanitary conditions were
Impossible when he took llhll.rge, and that
out of seventeen assistants In his office
only two or three were still In service at
the end of a few weeke He htmself went
down with a light attack or yellow fever,
from which he recovered without It be-
comtnc known among the great body ot
employes that he had been a victim.
He found the canal district a jungle oT
dlseue, with no precautions against yel-
low fever In his talk he charged the
powers at Washington with having tailed
lamentably In belDing tile engineers to
cleanse the zone and cited aa typical a
letter from the Chairman of the Commis-
sion complaining of the Chief Engineer's
free un of the cable In demanding sup-
plies. .
Mr. Wallace al'd that the. cruteet need
was a municipal water SJJJIPIY ay11tem, for
which all preparations l1ad been made
month before Wuhlngtgn could be pre-
vailed upon to supply the neceeeary pipes
Mr. Wallace hae alwaya been an advo-
cate of a sea-level canal He Rid that
engineers. naval men, and the shipping
lntl!{este all favored tbte method of oon-
atructton, and that the flret Walker Com-
mialllon wae removed for recommendlntr
this 11tyle ot canal Mr. Wallace's expla-
natloa of the Administration opposition to
this plan was that the Spooner act had
been passed wltll the Idea that tt would
fall to the lot of President McKinley to
exerctae the liberal powers therein con-
ferred. and that when Mr Roosevelt came
Into power he was afraid that It new
legislation became necessary to make It
possible to build a sea-level type of canal
he woul4 not be able to get the eame
amount of authority The speaker eaJd
the decision favoring the high-level plan
was not the of engineering but po-
litical preeeure
The Spooner act empowered the Presi-
dent, Mr. Wallace explained, to acquire
the Panama Canll.l and all concessions,
" lock, stock, and barrel," for $40.000,000.
It this could not be obtained on those
terms the Nicaragua lake route was to be
adopted. Mr. Wallace said that while
the necotlatlone were pending an addi-
tional charge of for Interest
wae tacked on, and that Mr Cromwell
worked bard to get this bill paid
" I reJ(ard Mr Cromwell as the sharp-
eat and shrewdest man of his type In
this count17 to-day," said the speaker
" J!lve17 expedient to obtain payment of
the bill wae adopted, but to the face of
&U the opposition aroused not even Mr
R_.velt had the nerve to paY It when It
came to blm tor declalon.'
Miss Pankhurst denied the report
her sister, Chrlstabel, is a fugitive
justice and may come here
Secretat;v Duell eald yeeterd&y that re-
porte trolli &11 over the country Bbowed
that the Rooeevelt movement was stead-
Ily lncreaslnl' Sectetary Wlleon of the
Roosevelt Committee In Philadelphia. be
said, sent word that tl1e Roosevelt forcee
are now organized In every district of the
city From Delaware came word that ex-
Con!P"8Ssman Hiram R. --ll1l_rton had come
out tor the Colonel. It he Ia nominated
" the succeu of the Republican Party 11
absolutely auured " Mr. Burton fa quoted
as aa.ytns.
Mr, W&Uaoe said tha.t tn setttnc thl
Govemment to buy the ean&l Mr. Cram-
wu as tlee&l apnt tor the
ne Panama Republic and ae COUIIIIBl for
the new Panama Canal Company, which
had obtained the rights of the old De
Leueps concern
" She Is directing the campaign," she
aald " She Is In England and she Is not
coming here She Is not from
justice, or rather, Injustice With so
many In Jail It Is necessary to have some
at Uberty to direct the campaign, and
my 8hlter Is doing that nQw."
.A.LBANt', March 12.-It Is not probable
that any steps will be taken by the rela-
tives of Mise Allee Morgan Wright of thle
city to obtain her release trom the Eng..
llh prison to which she was commtttell
for two month tor participation In the
window-smashing camJ?algn carried on by
militant auffragettes 1n London ten
ne1nr"- B
Lawter for Boy In Damap Salt Ex-
<ease4 tile ColeneL
S''""l '" Tlu Nw York Tilllt6.
OYSTER BAY, L I, March 12-Col
Roosevelt sat for a few minutes to-day
In the jury box In the Mineola CoQrt
House In th4! courae of the day he lex-
pressed the .Qlllnlan that Georce W&Bb
lngton had never oppoiNid a third term.
He 1110 denounced; the New York IJI1Dt&r7
law. The Colqnel 011
letter addi"esaed to. hllll 117 C-.rsrma
. -
As tor the aucceae of the canal Mr. Wal-
lace predicted that It would never pay ae
a commercial venture, and equ41
the Suez Canal In benefiting shipPing
He estimated that the mutmum ;,early would be between 7,000,000 4
8.000,000 toll8, ae the 18,000,000
tone moving tbroup ,Sues.
He quoted an Intimate talk which be
had with the late E. H. Harriman. In
the cpuree ot which be &eked the rallro&d
leader It the tranllCOntfnental llnee were
OPJIO!Iing the conatructton. J(r.
Harriman's reply wu tl!At no i'o&d wvuld
spend a cent or lift a ftnger to block the
canal, and that It could not be completed
too soon !or the tranacontfnental
companies The more bul!ln888 which 'de-
veloped on the A tlaDtlo &lld Pacific eea-
boarde, the greater 'be tonnage for tb&
land lines, be held. Kr. W&llace al8o
1couted the ld that the caoai will help
thla JeoiUlQ"J Ia lte trade wl(h South
Auwiloa. & dloaatat tb&t the mutmum
toUa :eo]ll4 Mt lle.GY .,_..
. -.
Tries to Oet by Tramp-
lirfl Down Others, Oaynor
Writes jersey
Wlleon'e Strictum on Hie Farewell
Addreae Don't Matter Aayway,
the Mayor Thlnkat
IE!pme pereon mdelltly to &rOQie
G!LYDOr nnt blm an article ttom
The New York Amerlcau rldlcuUnc Gov.
WoOdrow Wllaon ot New :Jeney tor saY
that Washington did not write hie
" :trarewelt Addrfee." Thereupon the
:Ha:vor wrote Gov. Wilson a letter attack-
In&' WIWam R. Heant, proprietor of Tbol
American, and uytn1r that while perhape
lol&dllon and HamUton did write tbe fare-
well ' &ddre88es tor " the Father ot Hl8
Coont17,'' It didn't make any clltference
an,.way. Here 18 the Mayor'e letter to
Gov. Wlleon:
lralar'e Otn"' New '!'orl{, ll&reb 8, U12.
Dear Gov. Wllaon: We have Ia thla town
prGpnetor ot eevual newopapen, 1Dclu4lna
one In Ylddloh, who tblab hJJDaelf fit for
&nJ' &lid even otttee tb&t eomu atona. Ill
cludiDJr the Pruldeacy Once ever:r four
:vean be II a violent candidate tor tb&t or-
floe, to the of tbe Nation, more
or lea. He aometimea &''"'ta Jn the conveD
tJon the votea of tho delecate. from the
Statu wblch we ordlaarlly call " purcbu-
able " He Is now puftlnc himself up In hio
pubUcaUbna aad crying down eve,.,. one else
whom he thinks may oe tn hla way u a can-
didate His method Ia like that of some hop
In a tire. or a llke emergency. namely, to
JWDP uPOn all othere In his -Y and bear
tbem down &lid trample tbe hoboalls or bla
oboes Into their tleoh In his etforta to oave
hie own Tbto Is hlo ...,. ot otrlvtna
tor a ..Dom.IJlatJon or an eleetton.
Not until the human boart _ ... n,. be-
eemeo u cold aad hue u hie will that W&J'
oucceed The averap human heart II khld
and true. Borne one baa sent to me &D attack
of bla 011 you. He wants to cet you down
and aet tbe ot blo ehoel IDto your
fleoh The more tit :rou are the more he
wantl to trample on you, because you 11n1 ID
hll war He rldlculea- and denounceo you tor
oaytnc eomewhere that Washtacton did not
write tbe "FareweiJ..Addrels."_ Ao uoual,
he aeeke to eKclte -ton and prejudice 1>Y
to the tgnoranL It 11 no dlecrecllt
to W blncton tbe t he had the " Farewell
Addre " wrtttea hJ' othen
All l remember .Teffenon' account. Kadl
eon ..-red 4 farewell addreae for Wuhtnr-
ton at 1:.11 requeot when tbe end ot 1111 tint
term wu approaching, and Hamlltoo revised
It at the end of Wuhlncton'l oeconcl tenn.
and It was uoec1 In that form by Wublqton,
But I write to you only to Y tb&t I am clad
that you do not pay any attenUon to thll
common libeler He can neither add to nor
detract from a man like :rou Blncerel)'
youro, W. l. GAYNOB. Mayor.
Hon. Woodrow Wlleon, Trenton, N. l.
The Mayor's letter wae Bent to TND-
ton, but presumbaly Gov, WlleoD wae
not there when It arrived. It wu five
daye later that he anewered the HUor'a
letter. Here Is ble reply:
Executive OM"' '
Trenton. N. l., ll&rcb 11, 1ttS.
117 Dear Mr. Gaynor I am deepiJ' RDIIIble
of your klndne ID WI'IU... me )"OW' letter ot
Karch 8.
MllrepreontaUon 18 the penalt)' which -
In public life muot espec:t ID the ooune ot
tbelr effort to render Tbe unfortun-
ate !act Is that tbere 11n1 probably hundredl
ot men In America of fll'lt rate IDtellectual
torce, of aenulne puhUc oplrlt and broad
patrtotlom, who would -.,. of lmmeuurable
value to public eenrlce. but who are deterred
from entering It becaue the,. abrlnlr from
tblo particular penalt:r TbeF prefer to pur-
' -
....... Uld 111111' ""mill'!' te tlldltC!IW GI'IU
c'- aad aacc!. &114 a.. COJIDlrF U....IIF
lmpov..Ubed.. &IICb _....,..., .,_
ate ))ei'80nal teelm. aa4 pan,. tact!OD8. wllleb
render tbe' - ot COVerJIDleDI IDtlnlteiF
dlttlcult tor any one wbo unaenu.. IL It
Ia tbe more bowever, u I Joolr at
It, tbat tb- tbl- 1boutd be """'- wltb
fortitude, It DOt lndltte....,ce. In order tbat
our dutF m&F be reDdered without .....- to
our penonal feellna
Your det- of U.. lllltGI'Ical - -
tbe atate"""'t attrlbutea to - wu fti'F
aenerou, aad I trult tbat I ma,. baft tbe
plejlaure ot IMIAa 7ou -n to tballk 10U 1n
- I bave otten ehle-.IJ' .,...pathl""
wltb you ID tb oomplu - bcmle-
dutleo of your 'hlcb ottlee. Tbe counti'F
oometlmeo doeo not adequatalF , appreotatl
tbe IS""Ve probleiDI of cltJ' ..,el'IIJIIent tbat
are beJnC eolved In a -t ell)' eueb u
youn. Jla,. I not co...,..tuJate :rw on the
character of the admlnllltraUon 70U have
oucceeded In ctvtna tbe ..Uteat IDitropol(-
tan cltJ' of the counti'F Cordtan,. and stn-
Tho Hen. Wllllam 1. Gaynor, New Yom
The Ietten were avell to the reporter
Jut n!A'ht at Gov. WU11011'e Bu-
reau, on the ninth t)oor vt the at
42 Broadway.
Woman Polltlolan In
Charge of Hie Campaign.
S,ICtol lo TM Nlfll Yor-' T-1.
ST. PAUL. Mlnn, March 12 -Elolee L.
Callhan leo n the job. In other words.
the Taft In Mlnneeota 18 for-
mally on.
------ -----------
HE eUminatfoD of
fire risk is as mum
' matter of fire safe'
corlstruction as of fire-
proof materials.
seal of fire safety"
is upon all buildings built
according to the meth-
ods and of the materials
of the
Fn Proofiac
c:-.1 Ofllo.:
l'lliSBUilG, PA.
As a result there wae some ectlvlty In the Ryan Hotel yesterday when Mise
Callban a.-riV'ed and !)ep.n to put thlnp
In ehape to deliver the Mlanesota dele-
gation tor William Howard Tatt. After
more than ten :reare of retirement from
active polltlce, Mise C&llhan retorne to
LIBI8t In one of the totemoet Prealdeatlal
tlbte Mlanesota bu ever had.
Sbe holde the reccrd qt the only
woman In llrtnneeota who really lmowe
practical politics. She won't say whether
she Is a uttragist or not. She refusee to
be Interviewed Between ordering dray-
men about alld telling Mr Ken!\edY, Pres-
Ident ot t!1e St. Paul Taft Club, the next
move, lllse Ca11han Is too bW!y to give
ten reasons why Taft should be nomi-
nated. Cut abe promises to give fifty or
more when matters get really a-oinc at
the Tatt headquartere
i1r1Ja11 Callhari entered Mlnneeota poll-
tics In the daya when Tams Bixby wu
Chairman of the Mlnneeota State Central
Committee. lobn Goodnow former Min-
later to China, Mr Bixby, knute Nelson,
now a United States Senator, and a few
more, were the whole thing In Minnesota
polttlcs, those day&
Bixby and Goodnow &!ways declared
tli!Lt Mlea Callhan wu the best poli-
tician In the State. She directed the
stenographere, met the up-State politi-
cians, and had charge of the correspon-
dence of a confidential nature. She knew
every leader In each county that could
deliver a vote. other than his own and
knew tum by his tlret name '
Her ttrat campaign waa when William
R Merriam ran for Governor In the later
eighties. In 1902 she more or less had
to do with assisting to shape the State
ticket. It Is .aid that during Gov Eber-
hart's last campaign abe was called Into
several conferences When Tame Bixby
acquired the townsite at Bemidji, Mlnn ,
she was placed In charge ot the
force, and b&8 been In that place ever
ldnce. Since then she has dabbled In
polltlca as a side line
From now on she will give the St. Paul
Taft Club the full benefit of ber knowl-
edge of Minnesota politics and politicians.
For many years she was virtually Secre-
tary of the State Centrlll Committee She
baa had a. number of excellent 'teachers
durlna' her career, and It looks as though
abe wlll make the Roosevelt headquarters
elt up and take notice
Soon atter the arrival of Mise Callhan
at the Taft headquarters came word that
beare out this prediction A meeting of
the Taft Club was called to discuss aetlve
plane for the State campaign. Literature
wtll soon be tn the bands of voters and
county organization urged to get out and
capture delegates. D. :r.
Foster of Vermont has been assigned u
one of the Taft speakere to assist In the
Mlnne110ta campaign A echedule ot
epeakers and dates tor T&tt le
expected soon. Meanwhile Mlu C&llbaa
bu let It be known that no atone will be
lett unturned to place the people ot JOn
neeota tn a receptive mood tor th-
Slta by Conway aa Bill to Aid Sight
leN Children Ia Paned.
lo Tlw Ntm Yor-' TtfM6.
ALBANY, March 12 - A little bltad
girl eat at the side of Lieut. Gov. c-
way to-day as the Senate passed a bill
pennltttng the International Suneblne So-
ciety to take care of slghtleea cbU4ren
under the age of 8 ;rears. The child,
who s time wu a coneplcuoue
In the Capitol, Ia Rachel Aakenaa, crt
Greek parentage and 7 Yeare old. nu-n
the care of the society she hae becaaie
proficient as a plano player and C8ll .-
operate a typewriter She will ba edu-
cated to become a teacher ot blln4 cJdl.
There Is at present no State tnllt1tottoa
tor the care of blind Infante, and the
Sunshine Society desires to care for them
up to the age when they may be eent to
the State Mrs Cynthia West-
over Alden, President of the NatiOD&l
society, and Mrs Jonn D Whish ot the
local society called to-day on Gov. Db:
to obtain his co-operation In beb&lf ot
the bill
Committee Report Meaaurn Provld
lng a Referendum to Decide Chan ...
Spwal lo TM NI'W y.,._. T-.
ALBANY, March 12.-The Aaem'IIIJ'
Committee on Internal Attain reported
favorably to-night the Yule and Scbector
bills Bronx County. The Tu1e
bill provides to:r a referendum to aacer-
taln the eentlment of the Bronx at the
election next Fall
The Schector bUI Ia elmllar to tb&t ot
Senator Stilwell, which Ia on the order
tor final passage ln. the Senate. Senator
Stilwell has amended hie blll 110 aa to pro-
vide that the county plan be eubmltted to
a vote of Bronx Borough before it be-
comes effective.

Lichtenstein Millinery
538-540 Fifth A venue
Between 44th and 46th Streets,
In justice to ourselves we wish to infonn our patrons that the anJlC)UDCellleDt
made by Callot Soeurs in the local newspapers of Monday and Tuesday II Incorrect.
for they omitted to mention our name among those who have purchased their models.
We feel justified in publishing a photograph of the original invoice, now on file In the
Custom House of the Port of New York, for models purchased from thfa house, re-
ceived per S. S. "La Provence" which arrived in this port on Sunday, March lOth.-1912.
' . .

This invoice shows but-a part of our order from Callot Soeurs as another shipment
from them is due to al'l'Ne at the end of thia week.

' ' /

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