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Q. Which of these packaging options of enterprise beans are

recommended for most J2EE applications?
(a) Package each enterprise bean for an application in its own EJB module
(b) Package all enterprise beans for an application in one EJB module
(c) Package all related enterprise beans for an application in one EJB
(d) None of These
Q. You want to use UR rewriting to support client browsers! which
do not use cookies. Which method will "ou use to attach the session
id to a UR that is to be used for the sendRedirect#$ method of the
(a) encodeUR
(b) encodeRedirectUR
(c) encode!essionUR
(d) encode!essionRedirectUR
Q. Which of the following should ()* be used to share data
between ser'lets in a distributed web application?
(a) "ttributes of !er#let$onte%t
(b) Enterprise Ja#a Beans
(c) "ttributes of &ttp!ession
(d) 'atabase
Q. Which enterprise bean t"pe is defined without an" client 'iew
(a) B(P Entit) bean
(b) $(P Entit) bean
(c) !tateful !ession bean
(d) (essage 'ri#en Bean
Q. Your application supports multiple client t"pes including %**+
clients. Your business la"er is implemented using Enterprise Ja'a
,eans. Which of the following is best suited for maintaining client
(a) !tateful session beans
(b) Entit) Beans
(c) &ttp!ession attributes
(d) $ookies
Q. . Ja'a 'irtual machine/ #J0-$ supporting 121 has no support
(a) *loating point numbers
(b) Reflection
(c) JN+
(d) "ll of the abo#e
Q. *he -42+ user interface .+4 is a subset of the .W*5 +ro6ect
&wing libraries?
(a) *alse
(b) True
Q. Which class would "ou use to write applications to access low7
le'el input e'ents or to issue graphics calls for drawing to the
(a) ,rong
(b) 'ispla)
(c) $ommand
(d) !creen
Q. *he heart of the 8eneric 1onnection framework is?
(a) -a#a%.microedition.$onnection
(b) -a#a%.microedition.$onnection
(c) -a#a%.microedition.!tream$onnectio
(d) -a#a%.microedition.&ttp$onnection
Q. Which one of the following methods of the -42let abstract class
must be implemented b" a midlet?
(a) init"pp/ start"pp
(b) start"pp/ destro)"pp
(c) init"pp/ start"pp/ pause"pp/ destro)"pp
(d) start"pp/ pause"pp/ destro)"pp
Q. Which of the following techni9ues can be used for wireless
session tracking?
(a) $ookies
(b) UR Rewriting
(c) &idden *ields
(d) None of the abo#e
Q. 4f a midlet needs to recei'e high7le'el e'ents from the
implementation! which interface should it implement?
(a) "ctionistener
(b) $ommandistener
(c) ,indows istener
(d) $hoiceistener
Q. .ll -42+ 8U4 classes are contained in what package?
(a) -a#a%.microedition.gui
(b) -a#a%.microedition.lcd
(c) -a#a%.microedition.lcdui
(d) -a#a%.microedition.displa)
b b
. . midlet is a Ja'a class that e:tends the abstract
(a) -a#a%.microedition.(+'let
(b) -a#a%.microedition.midlet
(c) -a#a%.microedition.midlet.(+'let
(d) -a#a%.microedition.midlet.midlet
Q. .ll -42+ implementations are re9uired to support what image
(a) 0+*
(b) JP0
(c) B(P
(d) PN0
Q. *he ; < return= < > simpl" aborts the processing of J&+?
(a) true
(b) false
(c) can1t sa)
(d) None of the abo#e
Q. *he listener is notified when the &er'let conte:t #i.e.! the Web
application$ is initiali?ed and destro"ed ?
(a) !er#let conte%t attribute
(b) !er#let conte%t listeners
(c) !ession "ttribute
(d) !ession isteners
Q. What is the possible wa" of communication between applet and
&er'let ?
(a) &TTP $ommunication (Te%t2based and ob-ect2based)
(b) !ocket $ommunication
(c) R(+ $ommunication
(d) "ll of the abo#e
Q. Which of the following statements is true about J&+ tag librar"?
(a) +t defines the standard tag that works the same e#er)where
(b) +t is a single librar) and we can use it in multiple -sp containers
(c) +t has support for the common structural tasks like iteration and
(d) "ll of the abo#e
Q. UR1onnection instance represents a link for accessing or
communicating with the resource at the location?
(a) true
(b) false
(c) can1t sa)
(d) None of the abo#e
Q. *he ma:imum length of the session 4d#length identifier$ is
(a) 3k
(b) 4k
(c) 5k
(d) 6k
Q. 4f the session ob6ect is in'alidated can it be again regained or
(a) 7es
(b) No
(c) $an1t sa)
(d) None of the abo#e
Q. What tools can be used to generate the multiple 'iews in 6sp ?
(a) %alan2J
(b) !a%on
(c) Jdk8.9
(d) None of the abo#e
Q. *he 6sp3use,ean attribute is used to indicate the &eriali?ed bean?
(a) true
(b) false
(c) can1t sa)
(d) none of the abo#e
Q. *he session tracking in the J&+ can be done b"
(a) UR rewriting
(b) $ookies
(c) User2"uthori:ation
(d) &idden #alue
Q. %ow man" transaction isolation le'els are defined in
6a'a.s9l.1onnection interface?
(a) 3
(b) ;
(c) 9
(d) 4
Q. When the message A(o &uitable 2ri'erB occurs?
(a) ,hen the dri#er is not registered b) $lass.forname() method
(b) ,hen the user name/ password and the database does not match
(c) ,hen the J'B$ database UR passed is not constructed properl)
(d) ,hen the t)pe 3 dri#er is used
Q. .re prepared statements actuall" compiled?
(a) 7es/ the) compiled
(b) No/ the) are bound b) the J'B$ dri#er
Q. Which of the following methods finds the ma:imum number of
connections that a specific dri'er can obtain?
(a) 'atabase.get(a%$onnections
(b) $onnection.get(a%$onnections
(c) 'atabase(eta'ata.get(a%$onnections
(d) Result!et(eta'ata.get(a%$onnections
Q. *he class 6a'a.s9l.*imestamp has its super class as
(a) -a#a.s<l.Time
(b) -a#a.util.'ate
(c) -a#a.util.Time
(d) None of the abo#e
Q. .ll raw data t"pes #including binar" documents or images$
should be read and uploaded to the database as an arra" of
(a) b)te
(b) int
(c) boolean
(d) char
Q. Which dri'er is efficient and alwa"s preferable for using J2,1
(a) T)pe = 3
(b) T)pe = 8
(c) T)pe = ;
(d) T)pe = 4
Q. *he J2,17)2,1 ,ridge supports multiple concurrent open
statements per connection?
(a) True
(b) *alse
&er'e lets
Q. *he J2,17)2,1 bridge is
(a) Three tiered
(b) (ultithreaded
(c) Best for an) platform
(d) "ll of the abo#e
Q. J2,1 facilitates to store the 6a'a ob6ects b" using which of the
methods of +repared&tatement /. set)b6ect #$ 2. set,lob#$ C.
(a) 8/ 4
(b) 8/4/;
(c) 8/;
(d) 4/;
Q. What are the mechanisms a'ailable in &er'let1onte:tistener
(a) conte%t+nit()/ conte%t!er#ice()/ conte%t'estro)ed()
(b) conte%t+nitiali:ed(()/conte%t'estro)ed()
(c) conte%t+nitiali:ed()/ conte%t!er#ice()/ conte%t'estro)ed()
(d) None of the abo#e
Q. %ow man" &er'let1onte:t ob6ects are a'ailable for an entire web
(a) >ne each per ser#let
(b) >ne each per re<uest
(c) >ne each per response
(d) >nl) one
Q. *he init parameter name and 'alue pairs that are defined in
web.:ml file are handled b"
(a) !er#let$onfig ob-ect
(b) !er#let$onte%t ob-ect
(c) !er#letRe<uest ob-ect
(d) !er#letResponse ob-ect
Q. *he life c"cle of a ser'let is managed b"
(a) ser#let conte%t
(b) ser#let container
(c) the supporting protocol (such as http or https)
(d) all of the abo#e
Q. &er'let mapping defines
(a) an association between a UR pattern and a ser#let
(b) an association between a UR pattern and a re<uest page
(c) an association between a UR pattern and a response page
(d) "ll of the abo#e
Q. . ser'let maintain session in
(a) !er#let container
(b) !er#let conte%t
(c) !er#let re<uest heap
(d) !er#let response heap
Q. *he method forward#re9uest!response$ will
(a) return back to the same method from where the forward was in#oked
(b) not return back to the same method from where the forward was
in#oked and the web pages na#igation continues
(c) Both " and B are correct
(d) None of the abo#e
Q. *he tasks D authentication7blocking of re9uests! data
compression! logging and auditing D are performed b"
(a) ser#let filter
(b) ser#let config
(c) ser#let conte%t
(d) ser#let container
Q. *he get&ession#$ method with EtrueF as its parameter
G get&ession#true$ H it will return the appropriate session ob6ect
(a) the session is completed
(b) the session ob-ect is passed to another method
(c) the session does not e%ists
(d) the session is e%isting
Q. Which of the following are the session tracking techni9ues?
(a) UR rewriting/ using session ob-ect/ using response ob-ect/ using
hidden fields
(b) UR rewriting/ using session ob-ect/ using cookies/ using hidden fields
(c) UR rewriting/ using ser#let ob-ect/ using response ob-ect/ using
(d) UR rewriting/ using re<uest ob-ect/ using response ob-ect/ using
session ob-ect
Q. Which method is used to specif" before an" lines that uses the
(a) setPageT)pe()
(b) set$onte%tT)pe()
(c) set$ontentT)pe()
(d) setResponseT)pe()
Q. Which method cannot be called b" a stateful session bean using
bean7managed transactions?
(a) getUserTransaction()
(b) getRollback>nl)()
(c) get!tatus()
(d) None of these
Q. WhatIs the difference between ser'lets and applets?
(a) !er#lets e%ecutes on !er#ers/ where as "pplets e%ecutes on Browser
(b) !er#lets ha#e no 0U+/ where as an "pplet has 0U+
(c) !er#lets creates static web pages/ where as "pplets creates d)namic
web pages
(d) !er#lets can handle onl) a single re<uest/ where as "pplet can handle
multiple re<uests
Q. . ser'let needs to ac9uire a data source through a J(24 naming
lookup. Which of the following is the best place to do this?
(a) $onstructor
(b) init method
(c) ser#ice method
(d) do0et method
Q. 4f the %**+ error JKK is generated b" "our ser'let! "ou do not
want to show the L4nternal &er'er ErrorL page to the client.
4nstead! "ou want a custom error page to be displa"ed. What is the
best wa" to accomplish this?
(a) *orward the user to the error page using
&ttp!er#letResponse.sendRedirect method.
(b) *orward the user to the error page using Re<uest'ispatcher.forward
(c) !pecif) the mapping of the error2code 9?? and the error page in the
deplo)ment descriptor.
(d) +t is not possible to accomplish this.
&et /

Q. ME.*URE& of automatic memor" management in .(et
(a) "llocating memor)
(b) Releasing memor)
(c) +mplementing finali:ers
(d) "ll of the abo#e

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