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... through Bertha Dudde

Gods care for the vineyard laourers ....
!hose of you "ho offer to "or# in $y vineyard are eing led and
guided y $e .... %evertheless& you 'ust consider it a (riority&
for you receive and distriute everlasting spiritual
(ossessions .... "hereas all secular "or# 'erely (rovides you
"ith transient goods .... )nd do you #no" ho" long your
e*istence on earth "ill last+ ....
,ence& you can "or# and "or# and yet derive no enefit fro'
"hat you ac-uire through earthly e*ertion .... !he "or# for $e
and $y #ingdo'& ho"ever& is follo"ed y 'any s(iritual lessings
"hich "ill e (er'anent and "ill also (rovide earthly enefits&
for you "ill truly not need to live in "ant as long as you& as $y
servants& fulfil the "ill of your Guardian& as long as you are of
service to $e during the last days efore the end "hen . "ill
(articularly re-uire your assistance.
/ou can indeed elieve that your earthly "orries "ill di'inish as
long as you consider your "or# for Me more important& for .
said 01ee# ye first the #ingdo' of God .... and all these things
shall e added unto you ....
2ven so& as long as "orldly needs are ta#en into account first&
the "or# for $e "ill fade into the ac#ground and then you "ill
find it increasingly 'ore difficult to co''it yourselves to $e and
$y #ingdo' .... /our thoughts "ill e far 'ore inclined to"ards
the "orld3 $y #ingdo'& ho"ever& is not of this "orld and the
hu'an eing 'ust fight if he "ants to 'a#e heartfelt contact
"ith $e again ....
But . urgently need you as fello" "or#ers& ecause . dont force
anyone to (lace hi'self at $y dis(osal since only a free act of
coo(eration "ill result in the lessing that the rede'(tive "or#
"ill e successful& regardless of "hich "or# you acco'(lish for
$e .... )s soon as you are (er'eated y love for $e and your
neighour you are suitale assistants for $e and this love "ill
al"ays i'(art u(on you the strength to "or# for $e.
!herefore& dont allo" yourselves to eco'e de(ressed y
"orldly "orries "hich . can easily avert and "ill indeed do so
once you predominantly co''it yourselves to the s(iritual
(rofit you "ill achieve through your #een coo(eration .... oth for
yourselves as "ell as for the souls needing redee'ing and& not
least of all& for $e as "ell& once . have regained these souls for
$e through your activity for $e and $y #ingdo'.
/ou should al"ays ear in 'ind that every (ersons life can co'e
to an end to'orro" and that no a'ount of earthly gain "ill e of
use to you any'ore& ut that you 'ay ta#e the s(iritually
ac-uired rich treasure "ith you into the #ingdo' of the eyond
and that your activity in this #ingdo' "ill then e a lessed one&
ecause then you 'ay distriute and receive again "ithout li'it.
)nd if those of you "ho "ant to serve $e as faithful servants
al"ays ear a near end in 'ind& irres(ective of "hether it
concerns the "hole of the hu'an race or 4ust yourselves .... then
you "ill recognise the futility of earthly laour and "ill surely give
(riority to s(iritual "or#& and you "ill certainly also e sustained
y $e $yself. /ou "ill not need to suffer hardshi(& ecause .
$yself& as your Guardian& "ill loo# after your (hysical needs as
"ell so that you "ill e ale to acco'(lish your tas# ....
/ou should elieve that . "ill al"ays find 'eans and "ays& that
nothing is i'(ossile for $e& that you only need to fulfil $y "ill
to e certain of $y hel( at all ti'es ....
,o"ever& . "ill often also (ut you to the test as to "hether you
are "illing to resist the "orlds onslaught& and you need to (ass
such tests of faith ecause (recisely your faith 'ust e
(articularly strong if you "ant to "ithstand $y adversarys
te'(tations& as he "ill confront you ti'e and again in order to
(revent you fro' "or#ing for $e and $y #ingdo' .... But then
you should #no" that $y (o"er is stronger and that . "ill
certainly (rotect you fro' hi' if only you are "illing to e of
service to $e ....
5ulished y friends of ne" revelations of God 6.nfor'ation&
do"nload of all translated revelations& the'e7oo#lets at8


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