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17 January 2014

No. 02
Moderator: C Evans
%&#!&'(&n$ o) Ana$#*"$*&!#
+ECHANIS+ OF THE INTUBATION RESPONSE................................................4
BLUNTING THE HAE+O%,NA+IC RESPONSE..................................................7
. 2 AGONISTS.....................................................................................................10
/ BLOCERS.......................................................................................................11
+AGNESIU+ SULPHATE 0+GSO41...................................................................12
NO2EL I%EAS......................................................................................................13
SU++AR, OF E2I%ENCE..................................................................................14
BENEFITS OF ATTENUATING THE RESPONSE...............................................17
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Discuss the mechanism of the intubation response
Explore the various pharmacological methods to attenuate the intubation the
Attempt to determine the benefits of blunting the intubation response
Page 3 of 27
ar!ngoscop! and tracheal intubation are noxious stimuli associated "ith a
transient increase in autonomic response# $ing et al described this response more
than %& !ears ago#
*t is most often associated "ith an increase in heart rate and blood pressure and
is thought to be of little conse+uence in the health! individual but could be
deleterious in the vulnerable patient#
,his response varies "ith depth of
anaesthesia- duration and difficulties during lar!ngoscop! and intubation- and
certain patient factors including histor! of diabetes
and cardiovascular disease

0asic anatom!:
F&5ur$ 1: the sensor! innervation of the air"a!s
,he phar!nx: sensor! innervation 1 2lossophar!ngeal nerve supplies the
posterior third of the tongue- the fauces and tonsillae- anterior epiglottis and all
parts of the phar!nx "ith visceral sensor! 3bers#Motor innervation4 the phar!nx
receives efferent suppl! from the vagus nerve through its phar!ngeal branch#
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,he lar!nx: sensor! innervation 1 the internal lar!ngeal nerve- branch of the
superior lar!ngeal nerve- provides sensor! suppl! from the posterior epiglottis to
the vocal cords# ,he recurrent lar!ngeal nerve supplies the lar!nx belo" the vocal
cords and the trachea#
Motor innervation: the recurrent lar!ngeal nerve supplies all intrinsic muscles of
the lar!nx except the cricoth!roid muscles#

F&5ur$ 2: innervation of the lar!nx
5impl! put- "ith regards to sensor! innervation- the orophar!nx- posterior third of
the tongue and anterior part of the epiglottis are supplied b! glossophar!ngeal#
,he posterior epiglottis and distal air"a! structures are supplied b! branches of
the vagus nerve#
+$!"an&#6 o) *"$ &n*u7a*&on r$#'on#$
,he precise mechanism of the intubation response '*6) is elusive but it has been
established that it has both a s!mpathetic and paras!mpathetic element# ,he
effect is transient occurring 3& seconds after intubation and lasting for less than
(& minutes thereafter#
,he s!mpathetic response is a pol!s!naptic path"a! "ith
the glossophar!ngeal and vagus nerve forming the afferent arc to the s!mpathetic
nervous s!stem via the brain stem and spinal cord# ,his ensures a diffuse
autonomic response at the efferent side including increased firing of the cardio4
accelerator fibres and release of adrenergic mediators including norepinephrine-
epinephrine and vasopressin#
Page / of 27
,he net effect of this autonomic surge is an increased 0lood pressure '0P)- heart
rate '86)- pulmonar! arter! "edge pressure and decreased e9ection fraction#
,he paras!mpathetic reflex is monos!naptic and more common in children but
can occur in some adults# ,he reflex is mediated b! increased vagal tone at the
5A node#
,he haemod!namic response to lar!ngeal and endo4 tracheal intubation 'E,*) is
transient and in most patients thought to be of little conse+uence# *n patients "ith
coronar! arter! disease 'CAD)- h!pertension- raised intra cranial or intra ocular
pressure it ma! be associated "ith m!ocardial ischaemia- infarction- arrh!thmias-
cardiac failure- pulmonar! oedema and cerebral haemorrhage#
,he process of intubation comprises of different phases and these affect the
haemod!namic response differentl!# :rotracheal intubation consists of 2 phases:
direct lar!ngoscop! and passing of endotracheal tube through the vocal cords and
<our studies loo=ed at this differential effect# 5ing
- 5hin9i
and 8assan
concur that tracheal intubation and cuff inflation produce a substantial
haemod!namic effect- significantl! greater than lar!ngoscop! alone# 5hribman
ho"ever found that orotracheal intubation did not significantl! contribute to the
haemod!namic effect# ,hese studies give the impression that greatest increase in
86 occurs during E,* and greatest increase in 0P occurs during lar!ngoscop!#
>ith no active attempt at blunting this haemod!namic response- increases in 50P
of .(4/3 mm8g- 86 2&423 and MAP of up to (&&? above baseline have been
Page % of 27
,he possibilities to offset or blunt the intubation response are numerous# :ptions
include pharmacological- peripheral bloc=s and variations in techni+ues including
various blades and conduits for intubations#
,his boo=let "ill onl! focus on pharmacological techni+ues#
Pharmacological options:
ocal anaesthetics
2abapentin- pregabalin
,he effectiveness of lignocaine to blunt the intubation response '*6) is
contentious# Bumerous studies dating from (;%& have loo=ed at different doses-
timing and routes of administering ignocaine# <rom the discussion above on the
nerve suppl! of the lar!nx and the effect that tracheal intubation has on the *6 it is
apparent "h! lar!ngeal tracheal routes "ill not entirel! blunt the response#

8amill et al and aurito et al both loo=ed at the *C route of ignocaine to blunt the
response to E,*#
used a dose of (#/mgD=g- ivi (minute prior to E,* and compared this to
.ml of a .? solution spra!ed lar!ngealtracheall!# ,he group that received topical
lignocaine sustained significant increase in 86 and 0P after E,* that lasted for
more than 2 minutes# ,he authors note that the *C route did not completel!
attenuate the response as there "as still significant increase in 0P and 86
although onl! sustained for ( minute or less# aurito et al
compared *C
ignocaine '2mgD=g) ( minute pre E,* to nebuliEed lignocaine .mgD=g (/
minutes prior to E,*# >ithin each group all haemod!namic variables increased
significantl!# >ith mean arterial pressures of (.&mm8g recorded#
Miller et al
also failed to demonstrate that ignocaine attenuates the
haemod!namic response to E,*# ,he! studied ignocaine (#/mg ivi given (-2
and 3 minutes prior to E,*# 5=lar et al
found that aerosol application of
lignocaine (2&mg "as effective in attenuating the both the 0P and 86 response
in adults# ,his "as applied for / minutes duration and 7#/ min prior to induction#
Carious other studies support the use of ignocaine (-/mgD=g ivi given bet"een 24
. minutes to attenuate the response# ,am et al
and 5plinter et al
could onl!
demonstrate benefit "ith regards to the 0P response- ho"ever 8elfman
found a
dose of (-/ mgD=g- given 2 minutes prior to E,*- to blunt both the 0P and 86
,he principal limitation "hen comparing studies is heterogeneit! of the studies#
Carious doses- timings- pre medications and induction agents are used#
Page 7 of 27
At best- intra venous ignocaine "ill occasionall! blunt the 0P response and
almost never the 86 response# *f administered it should be at a dose of (-/mgD=g-
3 minutes prior to intubation
,opical routes are not effective in blunting the intubation response and fe" studies
have sho"n convincing benefit of the aerosol route#
,he addition of opioids deepens the level of anaesthesia and therefor decreases
the s!mpathetic outflo"#
Alfentanil: numerous studies sho" that a dose of 3&FgD=g given bet"een (#/ and
2 minutes prior to intubation provides complete attenuation of the haemod!namic
o"er dosages- (/FgD=g- seem to attenuate the 0P response but not the 86
*n the elderl! (&FgD=g given 34. minutes pre induction has also been sho"n to
completel! blunt the haemod!namic response#
8igher dosages have been associated "ith brad!cardia and h!potension#
<e" studies distinguish bet"een h!pertensive and non4h!pertensive patients#
:nl! Miller
et al used patients from A5A (43 stages but did not specif! the
reason for the staging#
A dose of Alfentanil (&FgD=g given over 3& seconds has been suggested to be
effective in blunting the cardiovascular effect in h!pertensive patients on long term
treatment# *n this stud! 3D2& patients developed h!potension re+uiring Ephedrine#
,he rapid onset and short duration of 6emifentanil ma=es it an attractive drug for
attenuating the *6#
,hompson et al
initiall! found that a dose of (FgD=g follo"ed b! and infusion of
&#/FgD=gDmin attenuated the haemod!namic response in health! adults# ,his dose
"as associated "ith profound brad!cardia and h!potension in half the patients#
A subse+uent stud!
indicated that &#/FgD=g follo"ed b! an infusion of
&#2/FgD=gDmin "as as effective in blunting the response "ith no incidence of
brad!cardia or h!potension re+uiring treatment# ,he! also indicate that at the
higher doses- pre4treatment "ith gl!cop!rrolate 2&&Fg- decreases the incidence of
side effects#
Page 7 of 27
Maguire et al
demonstrated that a bolus dose of &#/FgD=g follo"ed b! infusion
at &#(FgD=gDmin effectivel! reduces the response to E,* in h!pertensive patients
on treatment# :f note is that all patients "ere pre4treated "ith gl!cop!rrolate 2&&
Fg# Bone of the patients developed a brad!cardia but 7D2& patients re+uired
rescue medication for h!potension# '50P 7&4(&& mm82)#
Most studies agree that a dose of 2FgD=g significantl! reduces the 0P and 86 and
that this dose is not recommended for the elderl! or compromised patient#
8art et al
compared 6emifentanil ' &#/FgD=g follo"ed b! an infusion of
&#(FgD=gDmin) and Alfentanil ' (&FgD=g) in elderl! patients# ,he stud! included
patients of A5A *4*** but excluded patients "ith evidence of cardiovascular
,he! concluded that both drugs similarl! attenuated the haemod!namic response
but that the incidence of h!potension in both groups 9ustifies caution in the elderl!#
Bumerous studies have loo=ed at various doses and timing to administer <entan!l
and its effect on the intubation response# Gnsurprisingl!- high doses of /&47/FgD=g
completel! blunt the response but are associated "ith significant side effects#
*n normotensive A5A *D** patients various authors indicate that a dose of 2FgD=g
given bet"een 3-/4/ min pre E,* suppress the response#
$autto et al
and <eng at al
indicated that although the 0P response "as
attenuated at this dose- the 86 response "as not sufficientl! obtunded#
:thers indicate that a dose of /47FgD=g given bet"een 3-/4/ min pre E,*
completel! blunts the response#
*n elderl! patients a dose of 3FD=g has been indicated to prevent a haemod!namic

Again- most studies are heterogenic and difficult to compare# Dosages that seem
to be most effective are bet"een /4%FgD=g given 34/ minutes prior to E,*# Dose
reduction is prudent in the elderl!# >ith these doses there is a ris= for
complications including respirator! depression and dela!ed a"a=ening in short

,he use of 5ufentanil has been researched extensivel! in the paediatric
population but research in the adult population appears scant!#
$a! et al reported a dose of &-/4(FgD=g given 2 minutes pre E,* sufficientl!
bloc=ed the response in adults
Hhang et al
reported that in patients for heart valve replacement- a dose of
(FgD=g sufficientl! bloc=ed the 0P and 86 response# A dose of (#/FgD=g "as
associated "ith significant brad!cardia re+uiring Atropine administration in 27? of
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*n t"o comparable studies in normotensive A5A *4*** patients- a bolus dose of
&#(FgD=g follo"ed b! an infusion of &#&(FgD=gDmin for / minutes prior to E,* "as
effective in blunting both the 0P and 86 response#
*n children- a dose bet"een &#24&#3FgD=g administered 2 min prior to E,* has
been found to significantl! attenuate the haemod!namic response to intubation#
Bone of the children in the higher range group experienced significant side
effects re+uiring treatment#
5timulation of the pres!naptic @ receptors leads to reduced secretion of nor4
adrenaline and renin# Cagotonic effects that decrease the 86 are also present#
Most of the studies compare Clonidine as a premedication to various methods of
anaesthesia that included variable doses of <entan!l and Alfentanil#
5tudies indicate that- used in addition to a standard general anaesthetic- Clonidine
.4/FgD=g po given bet"een %&4;& minutes prior to surger! can be beneficial#
0enefits include reduced doses of opioids and induction agents- decreased
haemod!namic response to E,* and improved intraoperative haemod!namics#
,he ris= of brad!cardia is al"a!s present and "as treated "ith Atropine in some
of the studies#
Dra"bac=s of Clonidine include long duration of onset- prolonged duration of
action and therefore the ris= of post4operative sedation in short procedures as "ell
as the ris= of h!potension and brad!cardia#
Dexmedetomidine is a highl! selective @
agonist# A biphasic cardiovascular
response has been described# After a bolus of (FgD=g- a transient increase in 0P
and decrease in 86 is seen# ,his is thought to be due to stimulation of @
receptors in vascular smooth muscle# ,he vasoconstriction effect thus appears
before the central effects# ,his response can be decreased but not completel!
avoided b! giving the bolus dose as an infusion over (& minutes#
Aho et al
sho"ed in health! patients a bolus infusion of &#(2FgD=g over (& min
follo"ed b! an infusion of &#&&%FgD=g significantl! reduced the 86 but not the 0P
response to E,*# :f note is that .&? of the patients in the Dexmedetomidine
group re+uired Atropine to treat brad!cardia#
Iaa=ola et al
found an infusion of &#%FgD=gDmin (& minutes prior to E,*
reduced the 0P and 86 response in patients presenting for ophthalmic surger!#
0a9"a et al
indicated that an infusion of (FgD=g over 2& minutes attenuated but
did not completel! obtund the response to E,*# Bone of the patients in this stud!
had a significant brad!cardiac or h!potensive episode ho"ever onl! health! A5A *
patients "ere included#
Page (& of 27
Menda et al investigated patients undergoing fast trac= CA02 surger!# An
infusion of (FgD=g "as given over (/ minutes# ,his "as compared to a placebo
group# ,heir conclusion "as that Dexmedetomidine can safel! be used to
attenuate the haemod!namic response# ,he incidence of h!pertension post
intubation in the placebo group "as statisticall! significant# ,he incidence of
h!potension "as not statisticall! significantl! bet"een the 2 groups#
5ulaiman et al
confirm these results but at much lo"er doses# %& patients for off
pump CA02 "ere randoml! allocated to a Dexmedetomidine group or placebo
group# An infusion of &#/FgD=g over (& minutes found better haemod!namic
control post E,* in the Dexmedetomidine group# Bo adverse effects needing
treatment "ere observed# 5ignificantl!- almost /&? of the patients in each group
"ere on A4bloc=ers pre4operativel!#
*n summar!- from the above studies- it appears that doses bet"een &#/4(FgD=g as
an infusion over (&42& minutes prior to E,*- in addition to lo" dose opioids-
decrease the response to E,* and improve haemod!namics#
,he ris= of h!potension and brad!cardia should al"a!s be considered# A recent
meta4anal!sis confirmed- in cardiac patients for non4cardiac surger!- peri4
operative Dexmedetomidine significantl! increased the incidence of h!potension
and brad!cardia#
abetolol has a combination of @ and A bloc=ade# ,he @ bloc=ade is specific for @
and non4specific for A bloc=ade# ,he ratio of @
to A bloc=ing effect is (:7# *t has an
onset of (4/ minutes and a half4life of up to /#/ hours#
*nanda et al
compared abetolol '/mg and (&mg) to ignocaine '(&&mg) and a
placebo group in health! patients presenting for general surger!#
abetolol (&mg ivi 'JD4 &#(.mgD=g) 2 minutes prior to E,* bloc=ed the 86
response better than the other 2 groups but the 0P response "as the same in all
four groups#
Chung et al
confirmed these findings "ith a larger dose of &#.mgD=g
administered / minutes prior to E,*#
eslie et al
compared doses bet"een &#2/mgD=g to (mgD=g# *t "as found that
abetalol effectivel! attenuated the 86 and 0P response in a dose dependant
manner# 0ut the! also state that although the higher doses bloc= the 0P
response- the! are at the expense of significant post intubation h!potension#
:ne of the main concerns of abetalol is the prolonged duration of action#
Esmolol is a cardio selective A bloc=er "ith rapid onset and offset#
*t reaches
pea= blood levels in about 2 minutes and has an approximated half4life of ;
Page (( of 27
5everal studies have assessed the effectiveness of Esmolol in blunting the
response to E,*# As "ith man! of the other drugs mentioned- little consensus
has been reached "ith regards to optimal dose- time and ris= of side effects in the
different population groups#
A recent meta4anal!sis
attempts to determine the optimal dose of Esmolol
needed to minimiEe the response to E,* and decrease post intubation
h!potension# ,he anal!sis includes 37 studies and concludes that a loading dose
of /&&FgD=g over . minutes follo"ed b! an infusion of 2&&43&&FgD=gDmin is the
best approach# *t also states that a dose dependant ris= of h!potension is entailed
during induction and its routine use is not recommended#
A comment on this meta4anal!sis is that of the 37 studies evaluated- onl! %
studies evaluated the use of Esmolol in patients "ith h!pertension or coronar!
arter! disease# A sub anal!sis could not be done as the numbers "ere insufficient#
Bevertheless these % studies indicated that neither the effectiveness of the drug
nor the magnitude of adverse effects "ere seemingl! different from the studies in
health! patients#
:f note is that (; of the included studies included the use of different opioids as
premedication or as part of induction#
Mg5:. is involved in several ph!siological processes including control of
vasomotor tone- cardiac excitabilit! and release of neurotransmitters# ,hrough
various methods it causes vasodilation and decreases release of catecholamines
from the nerve terminals and adrenal gland#
A small but elo+uent stud! b! Iames et al
studied the effect of %&mgD=g Mg5:
pre4treatment on the cardiovascular response to E,* and catecholamine release#
(% health! male patients "ere randoml! allocated to a placebo group or the
group# All patients "ere pre4medicated "ith DiaEepam (&mg po ( hour pre
surger!# Bo opioids "ere used during induction# Although Mg5:
caused a slight
increase in 86 after in9ection- the increase post intubation "as still less "hen
compared to the placebo group#
0P readings "ere significantl! lo"er in the Mg5:
group post E,*# ,he stud!
also indicated that Mg5:
can significantl! attenuate catecholamine output at the
time of E,*#
Puri et al
studied the use of Mg5:
in patients "ith coronar! arter! disease
presenting for CA02# A dose of /&mgD=g'nK(;) "as compared to ignocaine
(mgL=g 'nK(7)#
Page (2 of 27
,he! concluded that Mg5:
attenuated the haemod!namic response to E,*
more effectivel! than ignocaine# Bone of the patients in the Mg5:
significant 5, changes- compared "ith three patients in the ignocaine group#
Panda et al
determined that the minimal effective dose of Mg5:
needed to
attenuate the intubation response in controlled h!pertensive patients "as
8igher dosages "ere associated "ith significant h!potension#
Iames et al
compared ignocaine '(-/mgD=g)- Alfentanil '(&FgD=g) and Mg5:
'.&mgD=g) in h!pertensive- proteinuric pregnant patients# 5!stolic blood pressure
exceeded baseline values the first / min after tracheal intubation in the lignocaine
group- but no mean increase in pressure occurred in the t"o other groups#
Alfentanil caused the least change in heart rate- but resulted in significant fetal
*n a subse+uent stud!
- Mg5:
.&mgD=g "as compared to Mg5:
3&mgD=g "ith
Alfentanil 7#/FgD=g# ,he conclusion "as that both methods controlled the
haemod!namic response satisfactoril! but that the combination "as superior in
controlling both the 0P and 86 response# ,here "as no difference in fetal
outcome bet"een the t"o groups#
2abapentin inhibits membrane voltage gated calcium channels# *t is being used
more fre+uentl! as an ad9unct for treatment of acute post4operative pain in the
setting of chronic pain#
<assoula=i et al
studied the impact of their standard analgesic regime of
2abapentin- on the haemod!namic changes during E,*# .% A5A *4** patients
scheduled for elective h!sterectom! "ere randoml! allocated to receive
2abapentin .&&mg or placebo % hourl!- starting at noon the da! prior to theatre
'total dose (%&&mg)# Bo other premedication "as given and a standard induction
"as done "ith Propofol and Cisatracuruim# Bo opioids "ere given prior to
intubation# ,he! found that this regime attenuated the 0P response but not the 86
$umari et al
studied the effect of a single dose of ;&&mg given 2 hours pre4
operativel!# ,he onl! statisticall! significant effect "as noted at the (& minute post
E,* interval# Although this stud! came to the conclusion that a single dose is
effective in reducing the response to E,*- it is +uestionable since most authors
agree that the response to E,* lasts a maximum of (& minutes "ith the pea=
effect in the first fe" minutes# Bo mention is made of an anxiol!tic or opioid given
pre induction "ith Propofol 2#/mgD=g#
*n a similar stud! 0afna et al
found that a single dose of (g- (hour pre op had a
statisticall! significant effect in controlling the 0P and 86# :nce again this stud!
"as conducted in health! patients for elective surger!#
Page (3 of 27
,he significant difference is that the patients "ere pre4medicated "ith MidaEolam
and <entan!l and induced "ith ,hiopentone /mgD=g# ,he most convincing stud!
of a single dose of 2abapentin is Memis et al
# ;& health! patients "ere
randomised to either a placebo- 2abapentin .&&mg or 7&&mg group administered
( hour before surger!# Bo other pre medications "ere given and no opioids "ere
used during induction# Patients "ere induced "ith Propofol 2mgD=g# ,he! sho"ed
a statisticall! significant decrease in 86 and 0P- in the 7&&mg group- at all
intervals recorded "hen compared to the other groups#
Pregabalin is structurall! but not functionall! related to gamma4aminobut!ric acid
'2A0A)# *t acts b! inhibiting the s!nthesis of the neurotransmitter glutamate#
a prospective stud! 0ha"na et al
randoml! allocated ;& health! patients to
either a placebo 'group *)- Pregabalin 7/mg 'group **) or Pregabalin (/&mg 'group
***) group administered ( hour pre induction# 5tatisticall! significant increases in
0P post E,* "ere seen in group * and ** "hile a significant decrease "as seen in
group ***# ,here "as no significant decrease in 86 in an! group# ,hese results
are confirmed b! another stud!# 5under et al
found that a single dose of
Pregabalin (/&mg attenuated the response to E,* in patients presenting for
cardiac surger!# *n contrast to 0ha"na et al this stud! sho"ed a statisticall!
significant reduction in 86 response to E,*# Possible reasons for this include that
the 5under trial "as done in cardiac patients and a therefor a significant
proportion of patients "ere on rate modulating medication# Another contributing
factor is that the 5under stud! used opioids a part of the induction#
Page (. of 27
%o#$ Rou*
8 BP
8 HR
L&5no!a&n$ .ml of .?
M (.
(#/mgD=g ivi moder
.mgD=g Bebu4
M (%
2mgD=g ivi M (%
(#/mgD=g ivi M (7
(2&mg Aero4
M M (7
(#/mgD=g ivi M (;-2&
(#/mgD=g ivi M M 2(
A()$n*an&( 3&FgD=g ivi M M 2342%
ivi M M 27
Page (/ of 27
Tr$a*$8 HT
&<& = = 2-
F$n*any( 2FgD=g
34/ min pre
ivi moderate moderate 32
2FgD=g ivi M none 33-3.
/47FgD=g ivi M M 3.43%
R$6&)$n*an&( &#/FgD=g
bolus then
ivi M M 3&
&#/FgD=g then
&#(FD=gDmin in
8,D elderl!
ivi M M 27-3(
Su)$n*an&( (FgD=g 2min
prior to E,*
ivi M M 3743;
&#(FgD=g then
for / min
ivi M M .&-.(
C(on&8&n$ /FgD=g
%&4;& pre
po moderate moderate ./4.7
over (&min
ivi M /&
over (& min
ivi M M /(
(FgD=g over
2& min
ivi moderate moderate /2
&#/FgD=g over
(& minutes- in
cardiac pt
ivi moderate moderate /.
La7$*o(o( (&mg ivi M %(
&#.mgD=g ivi M %2
E#6o(o( /&&FgD=g
over .min
then 2&&4
ivi moderate M /
Pr$5a7a(&n 7/mg-( hour
pre E,*
po x %/
Page (% of 27
(/&mg-( hour
pre op
po M %/-73
Ga7a'$n*&n .&&mgD%
po M %(
s pre E,*
po M %2
(g- ( hour pre
po M M %3
.&&mg ( hour
pre E,*
po M
7&&mg-( hour
pre op
po moderate moderate %.
+a5n$#&u6 %&mgD=g ivi M moderate /7
3&mgD=g ivi M moderate /%
.&mgL=g ivi M moderate /;4%&
/&mgL=g ivi M moderate /7
MK effect on parameter
Central to the +uestion regarding the benefit of blunting the *6 is the differentiation
bet"een final outcomes 'death- peri4operative M*) and process outcome
As seen- numerous studies have been done to modif! the response to E,*# ,he!
invariabl! report on variables such as 86- 0P- rate4 pressure ratio and 5,
Most studies record this for approximatel! (& minutes post E,*# Cer! fe" report
on the influence these have on final outcomes# '%%)
,herefore- benefits of the techni+ues described are presumptive and "e assume
that b! altering the haemod!namic response to E,*- "e "ill improve or alter
0oth 86 and 0P are determinants of deliver! and demand of ox!gen# An increase
in heart rate deleteriousl! affects both suppl! and demand of ox!gen# 0P is
related to cardiac output 'C:) and s!stemic vascular resistance '5C6)# A change
in either C: or 5C6 "ill result in a compensator! change in the other#
8!pertension can therefore affect both suppl! and demand
# All other organs but
most important to this discussion- the brain- heart and =idne!s depend on
s!stemic pressure to maintain perfusion pressure#
,herefore it is inferred that certain patients cannot tolerate the conse+uences of
the haemod!namic response to E,*#
Page (7 of 27
,hese "ould unarguabl! include eclamptic patients due to the ris= of cerebral
haemorrhage and pulmonar! oedema# :ther such populations "ould include
patients "ith raised intra cranial pressure- patients presenting for cardiac surger!
or patients "ith acute h!pertensive urgenciesDemergencies#
,he gre! area appears "hen researching the benefit in patients "ith ris= factors
for cardiovascular disease but "ith no target organ damage presenting for non4
cardiac surger!#
6eich et al
performed a retrospective sub anal!sis 'nK7;7)# ,he aim "as to see
if intra4operative deviations of 86 and 0P "ere associated "ith peri4operative
mortalit! and morbidit!# All patients "ere undergoing complex non cardiac surger!
and controlled for the influence or pre4operative medical conditions#
Deviations "ere defined as 86N ./ DO((&- MAPN//DO(&&mm8g and
50PN7&DO(%&mm8g or an! duration of time#
,he primar! end4point "as negative surgical outcome 'B5:) including post4
operative hospital sta! O (&da!s "ith a morbid condition or death during the same
,here "as no strong association bet"een B5: and variations in haemod!namics
in surgeries lasting less than 22& min#
<or surgeries lasting more than 22&min there "as a strong association "ith lo"
MAP and increased 86# *ncreased 86 "as the stronger predictor#
*ncreased 86 and increased 50P "ere both strong- independent predictors of
adverse outcomes in surgeries lasting more than 22& minutes#
0i9=er et al
studied the association bet"een ( !ear mortalit! and intra operative
h!potension '*:8)# ,his retrospective revie" 'nK(7&/) included patients
undergoing general and vascular surger!# Among others- the stud! examines the
effect of h!potension- defined in .7 different "a!s- on mortalit!#
After ad9usting for confounding variables- the regression anal!sis failed to sho"
an! association bet"een *:8 and ( !ear mortalit!#
,he onl! positive associations "ere bet"een advanced age- histor! of
h!pertension- prolonged surger! and *:8# ,his stud! failed to indicate "hat
degree and "hat duration of *:8 can be tolerated during surger!#
Mon= et al
studied the association bet"een anaesthetic management and one
!ear mortalit! after non cardiac surger!# ,his stud! included 77& patients#
Multivariate anal!sis indicated 3 significant predictors of ( !ear mortalit!# :ne of
these predictors included *:8# 5!stolic h!potension increased mortalit! ris= b!
(#&3%'66) per minute belo" N7&mm8g# ';/ ? C* (#&&%4(#&%%)
Page (7 of 27
>alsh et al
anal!sed prospectivel! gathered data from over 33 &&& patients
undergoing non cardiac surger!# ,he! found that a MAP N//mm8g "as
independentl! associated "ith the development of acute =idne! in9ur!- m!ocardial
in9ur! and cardiac complications# ,his ris= escalates "ith time spent under
MAPN//mm8g but there does not appear to be an! safe amount of time to spend
under a MAPN//mm8g#
A Cochrane revie" from 2&(3
had the primar! ob9ective to determine the
effectiveness of pharmacological agents in preventing the morbidit! and mortalit!
resulting from the haemod!namic changes during E,*# 5econdar! ob9ectives
included the effect on arrh!thmias and on EC2 changes associated "ith
ischemia# ,he revie" included 72 randomised controls trials that studied the effect
of 32 different drugs belonging to different pharmacological classes#
:nl! 2 trials mentioned the primar! outcome of morbidit! and mortalit! and both
these trials reported no ma9or morbidit! or mortalit!# <rom this revie" there is no
observed evidence that pharmacological agents influence morbidit! or mortalit!#
,his revie" also suggests that the pre4treatment "ith pharmacological
interventions is associated "ith a decreased ris= of arrh!thmias# Bone of the
studies commented on the percentage of patients re+uiring treatment for the
observed arrh!thmias or an! further conse+uences related to the rh!thm
3( studies included m!ocardial ischaemia# Bone of the studies examined the final
outcome of intra operative evidence of ischaemia in the post4operative period#
:ver all- pharmacological intervention reduced the ris= of m!ocardial ischaemia#
0ut all the evidence came from ; trials and therefor it should be treated "ith
caution# <urther- ocal anaesthetic "as the onl! contributor in this sub group but
the anal!sis "as dominated b! a single stud!# A bloc=ers "ere the largest
contributor in this sub group anal!sis and sho"ed no advantage# :nce again this
should be treated "ith caution as the studies "ere mostl! underpo"ered to loo=
for this complication#
*n the sub group anal!sis comparing high ris= '(7 studies) to lo" ris= patients-
treatment "as effective in lo" ris= patients but not in high ris= patients# ,his could
be due to underpo"ering of the studies or due to other medications not accounted
for in the high ris= group# :verall all the studies "ere underpo"ered to detect a
reduction in the ris= of EC2 abnormalities#
*n summar!- in lo" ris= patients- pre4induction use of pharmacological agents
reduces the ris= of arrh!thmias from (3? to .? and appears effective in reducing
the ris= of m!ocardial ischaemia#
*n high ris= patients pharmacological agents resulted in a reduction in the ris= of
arrh!thmias but not in EC2 evidence of ischaemia#
,he above summar! must be vie"ed "ith the limitations discussed previousl!#
Page (; of 27
Evidence of the hemod!namic effect to E,* has been available for more than %&
!ears# ,he precise mechanism is still being debated but the immediate
ph!siological conse+uences are "ell documented#
Bumerous methods are available to attenuate this response and literarll!
thousands of trials have been done to this regard# ,he long4term conse+uences
and effect on morbidit! and mortalit! of the intubation response in different
surgical population groups are not "ell established# ,herefore the benefit of
attenuating this response in all patients is not clear cut#
,he interventions applied to blunt the response are not "ithout complications-
some of "hich have their o"n effect on morbidit! and mortalit!#
*n certain high ris= groups the benefit is inferred as it "ould be unethical to stud!
the conse+uence of not blunting the response#
Modification of the haemod!namic response to E,* is an admirable ob9ective and
clearl! "arranted in a select group of patients in "hom a transient h!per4d!namic
episode can lead to catastrophe# 8o"ever- extending the principle of vigilant
haemod!namic control to the entire peri4operative period holds more logic than
tunnel vision surrounding the 2 minutes around intubation#
Page 2& of 27
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.7# 2upta $- 5harma D- 2upta P$# :ral premedication "ith pregabalin or
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%7# 0i9=er I0- van $lei >A- Cergou"e S- Eleveld DI- van >olfs"in=el - Moons
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7&# >alsh M- Devereaux P- 6odseth 6B- 6elationship bet"een *ntraoperative
Mean Arterial Pressure and Clinical :utcomes after Boncardiac 5urger!#
Anesthesiolog!# 2&(3P((;'3):/&71(/#

7(# $han <- Gllah 8# Pharmacological agents for preventing morbidit! associated
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73# 5undar- A-5- $odali- 6- 5ulaiman- 5# ,he effects of preemptive pregabalin on
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