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How to Survive the Next Tribulation of the Apocalypse

Three of the worst catastrophes in American history have taken place under
George W. Bush's current watch. They are Sept. 11 the !ra" War and the
devastation of #ew $rleans. %et them serve as warnings to the American people
that even greater disasters await them lest they unite in the Spirit of Truth come
to full repentance and return to God&s laws as a nation. Then and only then will
God intervene and deliver this once great nation out from under the 'ondage it
find itself in. (ailure to do so will 'ring even more death and destruction from
Satan&s agents of the #ew World $rder. )ach event will increase in magnitude
and with intensity per their evil plan to rule the world. *onsider each horri'le
event as an additional warning sent from the +ost ,igh that America must turn
away from man-made laws and return to God&s .erfect %aws of %i'erty.
!n all of these strange and horri'le events perhaps the one warning Americans
should have heeded most of all was ironically made 'y the one they put in
office who in /ecem'er 0111 was "uoted 'y the Associated .ress as saying 2!f
this were a dictatorship it would 'e a heck of a lot easier 3ust so long as !'m the
dictator.2 $n 4uly 15 0116 that statement 'ecame a reality and that reality has
now 'ecome a nightmare for America as well as for the rest of the world. !n
perhaps one of the most shocking events since the rise to power of #a7i
Germany&s Adolph ,itler the 8nited States (ederal *ourt 4udges conferred upon
the American .resident complete dictatorial powers to wage war and rule his
)mpire as he and only he sees fit.
W$)9 W$)9 W$) :unto the inha'iters of the )arth; The Seals of the <evelation
of Saint 4ohn the /ivine have 'een 'roken. (or the shocking proof of this go to
http=>>>theiofk.htm and see it firsthand for yourself and know for sure
that the Seals are 'roken and that time is running out :http=>>>3ah>signs.htm;.
<ead on to discover what you need to do in order to survive World War ? the
second of its Three Woes>.hases :the (irst Woe 'eing the !nvasion of @uwait -
Gulf War; http=>>>theiofk.htm
We Americans are not warmongers. We have always trusted our leaders to shed
'lood in our name only if and when it is a'solutely necessary. The war on terror
is phony. The evidence speaks for itself :type Bush ,igh Treason in your search
engine and see for yourself;. The Bush administration was dead set on taking
this nation to war for oil profits regardless of the facts. *onse"uently TeAas-
'ased energy companies are getting astronomically rich 'ecause of the !ra" War.
!ndeed the wider the wealth gap gets the more the rest of us seem to 'e losing
"uite literally everything. Gas prices in 0111 averaged around B1.51. Gas prices
today are dou'le that.
William $'<ouke from the *hicago Sun-Times :C>1D>16; writes 2+ost everyone
connected to Big $il is raking in the dough. .resident Bush signed the oil-rich
energy 'ill at the Sandia #ational %a'oratories flanked again 'y smiling white
8n'eknownst to Americans the 8nited States 'elongs to the !lluminati a satanic
secret society directing (reemasonry. Their sym'ol the pyramid and 2all seeing2
eye is on the 8.S. one-dollar 'ill. So is the year 1EE5 which refers to +ay 1
their anniversary not 4uly D as people think. The sym'ol was put on the dollar 'y
(/< a ?0-degree mason. +ost American presidents ca'inet mem'ers and
congressional leaders are (reemasons and>or mem'ers of the *(<.
(oreign 'ankers sponsor the !lluminati and control us through their monopoly on
credit. $ur money is created in the form of a de't that the government owes to
them plus interest. TaApayers are on the hook to the tune of B1D1111 for every
man woman and child. Americans are 'eing readied for a de'tors' prison i.e. the
#ew World $rder. http=>>>3ah>?11.htm They need to destroy degrade and
demorali7e us so we will accept their world government.
As many of you already know George W. Bush is a mem'er of one of the
!lluminati's oldest chapters in America the Skull and Bones Society.
These are the startling facts folks whether you accept them or not. !f you do
accept them then !t should 'e o'vious to you that George W Bush has 'een
3ockeyed into his new eAalted role as the supreme world dictator 'y The ,idden
,and a small group who say they are 4ews 'ut are not and who through their
cunning deceptions stole your and my hard earned money and now controls the
wealth of the world and desires to rule all of humanity with their man-made laws
all of which are contrary to God&s .erfect %aws of .eace .rosperity and
,armony. Bush claims to 'e a God fearing man 'ut he is not. ,e speaks out of
'oth sides of his mouth while 'reaking all the *ommandments of God. !f you
cannot see the evil in this wretched agent of Satan you will never see the %ight
and you will surely perish.
$ne can only wonder what this insane war mongering self-righteous dictator will
do neAt to shock degrade and demorali7e Americans so they will accept the loss
of national sovereignty as called for in the sickening agenda of the #ew World
$rder. Some of his near term options include http=>>3udicial-
inc.'i7>Sun'urnF+issile.htm G http=>>>news>n15HD.cfm
America cries out to purge this organi7ed evil that lurks within and which is a
threat to all humanity. The Almighty has heard those cries and has given America
a solution that is guaranteed to work for the 'etterment of all mankind. The $#%I
solution is to enforce The .lan against the traitorous #.W.$. Jionist !lluminati
mass- murder inside-3o' perpetrators of $@* H11 and the phoney War on
Terror=- http=>>>3ah>plan.htm
The time has come for Americans to organi7e in Spirit and in Truth as re"uired to
turn this nightmare around. !f you can accept it here is some great news. Iou
can survive the #eAt Tri'ulation of the Apocalypse 'y visiting the following links
and doing the things you are told to do.
:A; http=>>>spiritual>theforceoflove
:B; http=>>>node>1?E1
:*; http=>>>spiritual>theFaffirmitiveFwill
!f you are already a devoted .rayer Warrior please include the following prayer
in your time apart with the *omforter -
/ear ,eavenly (ather please open the eyes of every American and help us as a
demonstration nation to the rest of the world to see that KWe The .eople9 in order
to form a more perfect union and set ourselves free from oppression9 demand
that all of the legislative 'ranches of government= federal state and local
including the .resident and Lice .resident shall repeal and cease to enforce all
and every piece of man-made legislation all of which is criminal9 fraudulent and
treason against the God in Whom we trust and also against we ,is people.M
Also pray for all Americans regardless of race color or creed that they will each
come to the reali7ation that there are no free rides to salvation. )veryone must
wake up and come to full repentance with their God 'efore it is too late.
/on&t think for one minute that you will survive all of this simply 'ecause you are
wearing the *hristian la'el. Iou will not. 8S!#G !T !#S8%TS G$/ and 'reaks
the Third *ommandment of the Song of +oses that was given to all of us 'y the
<uler of the 8niverse through +oses. $nly God is worthy of using the *hristian
name and God ,imself *onfirms this in the (ifth *ommandment of the #ew
Song :http=>>>comand.htm;. !f you fail to 'elieve this you will
surely perish. ,um'le yourself therefore and come down from your puffed up
*hristian pride and arrogance. $'ey God and ,is *ommandments and survive.
/on&t think for another minute that you will get to check your own test in the final
hour when that /ay of 4udgment comes. Iou will not. Search the scriptures.
God&s Word is clear concerning this and the way you should worship. (ather
always says clearly what ,e means and ,e always means what ,e says.
)veryone must repent now.
!t is crucial that you forward this to everyone on your mailing list. /on&t wait for
the neAt 'ig one 'efore you decide to do this.
Iou have 'een shown herewith what to do to survive #eAt Tri'ulation of the
Apocalypse. (urthermore you are herewith warned of the conse"uences for
failure to do what you are told to do in order to survive. The time is near. Amen

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