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© Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.

Issues in Development

Three-Dimensional Structure Prediction of the Interaction of

CD34 with the SH3 Domain of Crk-L




The monomeric 115-kDa surface protein CD34, which is present on many stem cell populations, has
been useful to enumerate the quality and viability of cell suspensions for engraftment. Although
these studies assure the validity of CD34 as a stem cell marker, the functional role of this molecule
has not been defined. CD34 has been demonstrated to regulate adhesion, differentiation, and pro-
liferation of hematopoietic stem cells and other progenitors. The cytoplasmic domain of CD34 is
known to be essential for its function. However, it is not clear how this domain’s interactions with
other molecules support the functional activity of CD34. Here we show that the cytoplasmic tail of
CD34 is structurally similar to the carboxyl terminus of the gap junction protein Connexin 43 (Cx43).
Because the activity of CD34 is mediated through its interaction with an SH3 domain of an intra-
cellular protein, we attempted to define the SH3 binding region and amino acids involved in this in-
teraction. We identified Glu325 to Ser334 as potential SH3 binding sites. Our results suggest that
the interaction of the cytoplasmic tail of CD34 with the shallow proline-rich motif-binding groove
of Crk-L is essential for the function of CD34 in stem cell development.

INTRODUCTION that it is a highly glycosylated, type I integral protein. Other

studies have implicated CD34 in regulation of the adhesive


matopoietic stem cells is presently used as a selective
marker for enumeration of these populations for transfu-
properties of hematopoietic progenitors (2,3,5) and in cy-
tokine-induced differentiation and secondary colony-form-
ing capability, as demonstrated in myeloid leukemia cell
sion and engraftment for hematopoietic disorders (1). A line and normal CD34 progenitors in vitro, respectively
small subset of stem cells and progenitors that are capable (6,7). These results, while not defining, have led to the as-
of regenerating hematopoietic cells from different onto- sumption that CD34 is essential for multidimensional func-
logical sources, such as bone marrow, invariably express tions in hematopoietic milieu such as adhesion, differenti-
this antigen (2–4). Ongoing efforts to unravel the structural ation, and proliferation. However, the role of CD34 in stem
and biological significance of this molecule have shown cell function remains to be elucidated.

1Stem-Cell Gene Therapy Research Group, Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences, Delhi-110054, India.
2Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Center for Bio-Medical Research, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007, India.
3Department of Hematology, Oncology and Stem Cell Therapeutics, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Phila-

delphia, PA 19104.
4These authors contributed equally to this work.


The predicted CD34 structure consists of a large ex- (19,20). The Crk–Cas complex activates c-Jun kinase
tracellular domain (278 residues), followed by a stretch through activation of p21rac, which is frequently associ-
of hydrophobic amino acids within the transmembrane ated with enhanced migration and adhesion (21).
region (22 residues) and a small cytoplasmic tail (73 SH3 domains are involved in a diverse range of pro-
residues) (3,5). The vast number of N/O-linked carbohy- cesses, and their structural investigations have been ini-
drates present on the extracellular domain are necessary tiated at various levels from folding and thermodynam-
for stability, specific antigencity, and interaction of CD34 ics to protein ligand recognition and binding (22–25). It
with counter-receptors or ligands. Although the cyto- has been established that SH3 domains bind to a polypro-
plasmic tail is devoid of any known enzymatic catalytic line helical ligand containing a consensus P-X-X-P se-
domain, it possesses two consensus protein kinase C quence (24,25). Generally, the SH3 domain bears a rel-
(PKC) sites and one protein tyrosine kinase recognition atively flat, hydrophobic, ligand-binding surface, which
site at Thr356, Ser362, and Tyr318, respectively. The sto- consists of three shallow pockets or a groove defined by
chiometric phosphorylation of the CD34 cytoplasmic tail conserved aromatic residues. Most of the SH3 ligands
(CD34CT) by PKC at these sites is correlated with up- adopt an extended -helical conformation termed as
regulated surface expression (3,5). polyproline type II (PP II) helix. The PPII helix has three
CD34 is recognized as a counter receptor of L-selectin residues per turn, which means that it is roughly trian-
on vascular epithelial cells, (8) but not hematopoietic tis- gular in cross section and the base of this triangle sits on
sues. Monoclonal antibodies to CD34 on hematopoietic the surface of SH3 domain (24,25). SH3 domains are con-
cells mimic its natural ligand and induce enhanced ad- sidered to bear three specific ligand binding pockets, and
hesiveness (9). Deletion of the cytoplasmic domain of two of them are occupied by two hydrophobic proline
CD34 abrogates its ability to up-modulate these adhesive (P) in dipeptide on two adjacent turns of the helix.
functions; thus, intracellular signaling regulation of the Whereas the third ‘specificity pocket’ in most cases in-
adhesive functions of CD34 may play a key role in its teracts with a basic residue in the ligand distal to the
activity (7). CD34CT may rely on adapter proteins such PxP core. The helical conformation appears to play
as Crk-L to participate in such a signaling cascade (10). an important role in binding of PPII helix to the SH3 sur-
Complexes of Crk family proteins along with other mem- faces (26,27). This fact is evident from the observation
bers such as Nck and homologs of Grb2/Sem5 are well of intramolecular binding of the Src SH3 domain to a
known in cellular signaling (11,12). The Crk-L gene, linker region between SH2 and catalytic domain of the
identified by ten Hoeve et al., (13) shares 60% sequence Src kinase, which adopts typical PPII helical conforma-
homology with the Crk-II, one of the two proteins gen- tion despite the absence of sequence similarity to known
erated by alternative splicing of human Crk proto-onco- Src SH3 binding sites (26). The helical conformation of
gene. Both proteins are related to v-Crk, the oncogenic PPII ligand also provides freedom to bind in either “plus”
avian retrovirus CT10. Crk-L has been implicated in var- or “minus” orientations (24,25).
ious biological activities, including signal transduction by In view of the known CD34 interaction with Crk-L and
integrins, B cell and T cell receptors, and cytokines, such lack of knowledge about interacting regions in CD34 cy-
as erythropoietin, interleukin-3, stem cell factor, and toplasmic tail, which are of biological significance, we
thrombopoietin (14–16). Overexpression of Crk-L in have explored details about SH3 domain of Crk-L inter-
Ba/F3 cell lines and adhesion of hematopoietic cells to action with the CD34 cytoplasmic tail. We have analyzed
fibronectin-coated surfaces (17) simultaneously demon- interacting regions in both the proteins. Because the pri-
strate a confirmatory functional link between Crk-L and mary amino acid sequence of CD34 does not possess the
CD34. canonical P-X-X-P motif, we searched for non-P-X-X-P
The Crk-L protein consists of one SH2 and two SH3 ligands. Recently, sequences lacking the P-X-X-P motif
domains, which may interact with large number of pro- display the ability to bind to SH3 domains including se-
teins forming a multiprotein complex at the site of re- quences with the consensus P-X-X-D-Y derived from
ceptor activation. For example, integrin cross-linking e3bl/Abi-1 and RN-tre proteins (28), sequence with con-
leads to induction of rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of sensus PX [VI][DN] RXXKP from the UBPY, Gab-1,
Crk-L and binding through its SH2 domain to other cel- AMSH, and SLP-76 proteins (28, 29), sequence with the
lular tyrosine phosphorylated proteins such as Cas, Cbl, consensus RKXXYXXY from the protein SKAP55 (30),
paxillin, etc. At the same time, the SH3 domain of Crk- and sequence with the consensus WXXXFXXLE from
L constitutively binds to the Proline-X-X-Proline (P-X- the protein Pex5p (31,32). These results provide essen-
X-P) sequence present in various proteins, including c- tial support for the assumption that it is very likely that
Abl, Dock 180, C3G, etc. (17,18). Proteins like Cbl and interactions with the SH3 domain are essential for CD34
Cas function as docking proteins, which interact with cel- functions. The above-mentioned proteins have been dem-
lular kinases such as 14-3-3 kinase and thus provide a onstrated to interact with a variety of proteins such as
link between the nonkinase receptors and cellular kinases Eps8 (recognizing consensus P-X-X-D-Y sequence),


Hbp, STAM, and Grb-2 (recognizing consensus PX other methods used in fold recognition, does not require
[VI][DN] RXXKP sequence), Fyb, Fyn, and Lck any information about any native structure to draw the
(recognizing consensus RKXXYXXY sequence), and comparison. This property of MetaBASIC helped us to
Pex13p (recognizing consensus WXXXFXXLE se- predict the structurally related protein structure on to
quence), respectively. However, the exact non-P-X-X-P which the CD34CT model can be built, although it has
ligand-binding site may vary among different proteins. low sequence similarity in known databases.
To address the mode of CD34CT interaction with the
Crk-L SH3 domain, we examined the putative CD34CT Generation and validation of the CD34 three-
structure and explored distant homology to the gap junc- dimensional model
tion protein Cx43 (33). The remote homology between
the two families (CD34 and connexins) was over 30%; a The three-dimensional model for the cytoplasmic tail of
similar secondary structural homology was detected in a CD34 was developed on SWISS-MODEL protein homol-
GRDB search (34). At the same time, we generated a ogy modeling server (
three-dimensional comparative model of CD34CT and in- SWISS-MODEL) (36). The sequence alignment generated
vestigated its ability to interact with the Crk-L SH3 do- by GRDB was used to predict the three-dimensional model
main. The molecular docking of this pair resulted in the of CD34CT. The stereochemical quality of model was an-
identification of a non-P-X-X-P SH3 binding region alyzed by Procheck (37) and Whatcheck (38) and by pro-
flanking a region from Gly325 to Ser335 that is likely to grams on Structure Analysis and Validation Server
interact in the classical P-X-X-P ligand-binding groove. ( The quality of
The interaction between the two molecules might be sta- model was further evaluated by calculating Root Mean
bilized by a total of five hydrogen-bonding interacting Square Deviation (RMSD) between the template and the
pair of CD34 residues: Glu325, Gly326, Tyr327, Ser334, CD34CT model. The RMSD values were calculated by su-
and Crk-L SH3 domain residues Asn146, Asp147, and perimposition of C-atoms of CD34 model over the tem-
Tyr186 (see Fig. 4) and hydrophobic interacting pairs of plate Cx43 (pdb1r5s; accession number, P8050), all-
Thr333-Glu149, Pro331-Asp147, Glu325-Tyr186, and against-all using the swisspdb viewer program (36).
Gly326-Phe143. In agreement with this observation, a
similar Crk-L SH3 domain residue has been reported to Docking of CD34 cytoplasmic tail with Crk-L
be involved in the association of Crk-L with classical P- SH3 domain
X-X-P ligands of SH3 domain viz C3G and Sos (11,19).
Overall, the present study suggests the possible interac- The CD34 and Crk-L SH3 domain interaction and their
tion of CD34CT in the shallow proline-rich motif-bind- molecular simulation was performed by using the pro-
ing groove of Crk-L and the sequence amino terminal to tein–protein docking program Hex 4.2 (39). The three-di-
the region described here might be supporting complex- mensional model for the Crk-L protein structure (pdb1cka;
ation. These results are likely to facilitate the delineation accession number, Q64010) was obtained from PDB. The
of the CD34–Crk-L interaction by providing an initial information about the SH3 ligand was used as an initial
guide for the development of specific and more sophis- guide. The C atoms of the Tyr186 residue in Crk-L SH3
ticated exploring measures, which are a prerequisite for domain were chosen as ‘receptor’ origin and the CD34CT
elucidating the biological significance of the CD34–Crk- as ‘ligand’. The expected ligand-binding site in Crk-L was
L interaction in a hematopoietic intracellular milieu. positioned close to the residues of CD34CT, and docking
was performed with receptor cutoff angle of 45°. Evalua-
tion of the local environment and residue contacts in the
MATERIALS AND METHODS docked complex was done by using Verify 3D program (40)
and Parameter Optimized Surface (POPS) server (41,42),
Recognition of the CD34 putative fold which provided assessment of the complex on residue level
and helped in locating misfolded regions and correct con-
Alignment of CD34 protein sequence as a target (Gene formations. POPS program used the information about the
Bank-M81104) in the Gene Relate Sequence Database local secondary structure, solvent accessibility, and the frac-
(GRDB) (35) identified the putative homology fold for tion of side chain area of the docked complex that is cov-
CD34CT. The GRDB system contains the characteristic ered by polar atoms. The solvent-accessible surface area
profiles computed for many protein families collected (SASA), which is a useful index of protein–protein interac-
from Pfam cluster of ortholog groups, the Protein Data tion, was computed for the individual proteins in the free
Bank 7 (PDB 7), and other genomic sequences. GRDB and bound state. Beside SASA, composition of the interface
uses the MetaBASIC program to compare any protein, in terms of constituent residues and overall hydropathy and
like the CD34CT sequence, with about 100,000 protein surface compatibility, which are critical elements in any as-
sequences in the database (35). MetaBASIC, unlike many sociative process, were also calculated.


arginine dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas putida (pdbI-

jmx; accession number, Q88EMO), and 60S ribosomal
protein (pdb1s1iV; accession number, P02606) from
yeast (Fig. 1) (43). The structural similarities were also
identified between these proteins by their comparison
through protein structural comparison program TOPS
(Topology Of Protein Structure) (43) (Fig. 1).
Multiple sequence alignment between consensus se-
quences of the CD34CT and the four families showed the
conservation of sequence patterns and secondary struc-
ture despite low amino acid identity (Fig. 2). On the ba-
sis of 30% sequence and structural similarity, Cx43 was
used to predict the three-dimensional structure of
CD34CT (Fig. 3). The model satisfied all stereochemical
restraints, and all of the marginal restraints were within
acceptable parameters (Table 1). The RMSD from the
ideal values for bond lengths, angles, and improper di-
hedral angles are given in Table 1. A Ramachandran plot
for the CD34CT model predicted 43.6% residues in the
CORE region and 74.4% residues in CORE and AL-
LOWED regions, whereas GENEROUS regions con-
tained 26.6 % residues and no residue was present in DIS-
FIG. 1. Topological representation of the CD34 structure and ALLOWED regions.
related protein structures sharing structural similarity with the
cytoplasmic domain of wild-type CD34 protein. The circular
Docking simulations of CD34 and Crk-L
structure represents helices in all of the structures. Structures
compared include: (1) CD34, (2) gap junction protein (PDB1r5s),
molecular interaction
(3) amine dehydrogenase (PDB1jmx), and (4) 60S ribosomal
protein (PDB1sliv0). The topological cartoons were generated In the light of previous reports on CD34 interaction
by TOPS program (43). with the Crk-L adapter protein and the fact that template
used in this modeling, Cx43 is a SH3 ligand. We ana-
lyzed their interaction and reported stable complex for-
RESULTS mation between them. For docking CD34CT and Crk-L
three-dimensional structural coordinates were used.
Recognition of the CD34 specific-fold and There is evidence that the Crk-L SH3 domain contains a
validation of its three-dimensional structure ligand binding site between the RT loop, n-Src loop, and
residues Phe143, Asp147, and Tyr186 along with other
On using the sequence of CD34CT as a query, one re- residues strongly interact with the ligand (44). Therefore,
lated structure of the gap junction protein Cx43 from rat we expected to see a docking solution in which these
(pdb1r5s; accession mumber, P8050) was found. This residues were physically close to CD34CT. However, vi-
protein also has a SH3 binding region and a PDZ do- sual inspection of our docking solutions showed only one
main-binding region separated by 100 residues (44). orientation (rank 1 after clustering) with a close approach
Unlike most of the reported SH3 ligands, the commonly of aforementioned residues. Hence, this orientation was
formed left-handed type II polyproline helices were not chosen as the only feasible solution.
observed in Cx43 protein. Beside Cx43, weak structural Comparison of the SASA of the Crk-L–CD34 complex
similarities was also detected between CD34 cytoplasmic with the combined area of two individual proteins indi-
tail and rat kinesin (pdb2kinA; accession number, P56538), cated a substantial overall reduction of 9% of SASA. Those

FIG. 2. Alignment generated by GRDB. Predicted secondary structures share similarities with the secondary structures of the
known proteins (three-dimensional structures) in the database. -Helices are encircled and -sheets are underlined.


Crk-L protein competitively in in vitro coimmunopre-

cipitation assays, which suggests the possible Crk-L in-
teracting region. However, validation with specific SH3
domain interacting residues and structural elements needs
to be determined. Here we have attempted to demonstrate
the possible residues and type of interaction between the
two proteins by applying current molecular simulation
techniques. The protein–protein docking of CD34CT and
FIG. 3. Superimposition of CD34CT (Arg311-His367, light) the Crk-L SH3 domain implicated a region exactly fol-
and template structure Connexin 43 (Ile 77-Ile132, dark). The lowing the sequence as described by Donna et al. flank-
root mean square deviation between the structures is 0.10 Å.
ing Gln325-Ser334 in the membrane proximal region of
The CD34 model starts with the Arg311 (out of 373 residues
of the wild-type CD34 protein) and ends at His367, whereas
template (PDB 1r5s) starts at Ile77 and ends at Ile132 (out of Using standard methods, such as the Basic Local Align-
381). ment and Search Tool (BLAST), it was impossible to find
CD34 homologs with known structures. Our search of a
elements in SASAs that are buried on complex formation structural homolog for CD34CT resulted in identification
are listed in Table 1. In the Crk-L–CD34 complex, a total of a set of structurally similar proteins (Fig. 2). The gap
of 16 residues were identified whose SASAs reduced on junction protein Cx43 (Fig. 2) shared 30% sequence ho-
binding (Table 2). Of these, 9 residues (56.29%) were hy- mology with the CD34CT and was used as template for
drophobic. Analysis of the hydrophobic surfaces of indi- the comparative modeling. Cx43 is a membrane-embed-
vidual protein residues revealed the presence of discrete ded protein possessing a SH3 ligand region (P-X-X-P) and
complementary hydrophobic patches. a PDZ binding motif. There are several Ser/Thr phos-
The Crk-L–SH3-N domain interaction has been very phorylation sites in the protein. The protein is likely to
well demonstrated to polyproline (PP) helix II peptides regulate opening and closing of gap junctions in a Ca2-
from C3G and Sos proteins (22). There were close fit in- and nucleotide exchange factor-independent manner. Sim-
teractions between the hydrophobic side chain residues ilarly, CD34CT possesses a consensus sequence for Tyr
presented by PPII helix and highly conserved hydropho- and Ser/Thr phosphorylation. Primary sequence analysis
bic residues (Phe141, Phe143, Pro183, and Tyr186) (22). of CD34CT by the motif-predicting server scansite (45)
In our modeling studies, a total of five hydrogen bond indicates a putative PDZ domain-binding region in the
interactions were observed between CD34 residues distal part of the sequence (data not shown). CD34CT-me-
Gln325, Gly326, Tyr327, Ser334, and Crk SH3 N-do- diated adhesion signaling is also independent of Ca2 and
main residues Asn146, Asp147, and Tyr186 (Fig. 4). All ATP exchange. All of these are in favor of Cx43 selec-
of the hydrogen bonds were in the range of 2–2.5Å, which tion as a template for the homology modeling.
is stable enough to hold the protein in the SH3 ligand- A molecular docking study of CD34CT to the Crk-L
binding pocket. Among them, there were four hy- SH3 domain was performed to identify the putative SH3
drophobically interacting pairs of Thr333-Glu149, binding region in the CD34CT. The SH3 domain consists
Pro331-Asp147, Gln325-Tyr186, and Gly326-Phe143, of two antiparallel -sheets packed at right angles to each
which fit in closer to each other within the docking dis- other (24). There are two SH3 variable loops, the RT and
tance range of 5Å. n-Src loop flanking a SH3 ligand binding groove formed



The CD34 antigen present on the hematopoietic stem Stereochemical parameters CD34CT
cells/hematopoietic progenitor cells (HSCs/HPCs) is the
Bond length (Å)a 0.014
most widely used selective marker shown to have po-
Bond angles (°)a 2.120
tential for intrinsic signaling leading to an up-modulat-
Most favored – anglesb 17 (43.6%)
ing effect on the adhesion of HPCs/HSCs. Donna et al.
Additional allowed – anglesb 12 (30.8%)
(10) have described CD34 constitutive interaction with
Generously allowed – anglesb 10 (26.6%)
the Crk-L adapter protein, which is a regulatory mole-
Disallowed – anglesb 0 (0.0%)
cule in transducing signals from proteins lacking intrin-
 Angle planarity st. devb 3.997
sic kinase activity (e.g., CD34) to other intracellular pro-
Bad contacts/100 residuesb 1.000
teins (e.g., Cas, Sos, etc.) necessary during adhesion
events (10,18,19). A membrane-proximal region of aRMSD from ideal values.
CD34CT was shown to inhibit interaction of CD34CT and bPROCHECK values.



Protein Residues

Crk-L Phe141; [57.5%], Phe143; [58%], Asp147; [26.3%], Glu149; [49.28%], Arg162; [65.8%], Asp163;
[47.2%], Trp169; [17.26%], Pro183; [34.09%], Pro185; [47.57%], Tyr186; [9.4%]
CD34 Gln25; [9.46%], Gly26; [8.8%], Ser 29; [8.8%], Gly30; [10.1%], Pro31; [56.5%], Thr33; [21.7%]

by hydrophobic residues (viz. Phe-141, Phe143, Pro183, and Asp147 in the complex, respectively. The above-men-
Tyr186, Trp169, and Pro185), which are well conserved tioned conserved residues in the SH3 domain have been
in the Src family. These hydrophobic residues interact demonstrated to form a ridge on the surface on the SH3
with the consensus P-X-X-P motif (33). The scrutiniza- groove that interacts with the ligand residues (23). The
tion of final docking solution of CD34CT and Crk-L re- spacing of side chain of these hydrophobic residues en-
vealed hydrogen bonding between the CD34CT residues ables them to fit close enough to residues of the ligands
Gln325, Gly326, and Tyr327 with the hydrophobic (PPII helix) (13,20). In the CD34CT–Crk-L complex, a
residue Tyr186 in the Src loop. There are two more H- close-fit interaction is visible among the residues Thr323-
bonding interactions between Tyr327, Ser334, and Asn146 Glu149, Pro331-Aso147, Glu325-Tyr186, and Gly326-

FIG. 4. (A) CD34–Crk-L interaction. CD34CR (right, light-shaded) and Crk-L (left, dark-shaded) were used as ligand and recep-
tor for the docking. The numbers of residues in both the molecules are shown in boxes. Interacting residues both in CD34 (Gln15,
Gly16, Pro21, Thr23) and Crk-L (Glu149, Asp147, Phe143, Tyr186) are highlighted in the space-filled version and the rest of the
molecules are in ribbon form. (B) Hydrogen bond interactions between CD34CT (Gln15, Gly16, Tyr17, Ser24) and the c-Crk SH3
N-domain (Tyr186, Asn146, Asp147). H bonds are shown as dotted lines and their distances are given in angstroms. The figure was
generated by the swiss pdb viewer. (The number indicates the residue number in the model; e.g., Gln15  Gln325 in the CD34 wild-
type protein. In the rest of the text, residues have been assigned their actual number in the CD34 wild-type protein only.)


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