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Name: _Isabelle Adams_

Career Research Guide Worksheet

Make sure you have completed the career exploration and have a good idea of the career that interests you!
Use point form or sentences. Make sure it is in our OWN words! Do not copy
from the Internet.
Your job title (be specific): aeronautical engineer
ob o!er!ie"#What the$ do (%ro!ide a para&raph descriptio' of the job( What "ould a t$pical da$ o' the job
look like)):
Aero'autical *'&i'eers help to de!elop a'$ machi'e that flies( +he$ desi&', ma'ufacture a'd operate aircraft,
rockets a'd missiles( +here are ma'$ differe't subspecialties, depe'di'& o' the t$pe of aircraft o'e chooses (
A t$pical da$ "ould be spe't i' a laborator$ setti'&, probabl$ "orki'& for either a &o!er'me't or pri!ate
aerospace compa'$( -ost time "ould be desi&'i'& a'd testi'& models for feasibilit$( I "ould be most
i'terested i' rocket desi&' a'd de!elopi'& e'&i'es that "ould allo" more rapid space tra!el(
Worki'& co'ditio's (.ours $ou ca' e/pect to "ork) Risk of i'juries) +ime of da$#time of $ear)
I'doors#outdoors) Clothi'& re0uired)
I "ould e/pect that about half of m$ "ork time "ould be spe't i' a' office#lab "ith multiple other t$pes of
e'&i'eers, collaborati'& o' ideas a'd past e/perie'ces( +ime "ould be spe't drafti'& desi&'s of
aircraft#rockets both o' paper a'd "ith computer pro&rams( +his "ould i'!ol!e a &reat deal of k'o"led&e i'
both math a'd ph$sics( +he other half of m$ time "ould be spe't i' a test lab or outdoors( -ost rocket testi'&
sites "ould be i' lar&e, barre' a'd u'populated areas other tha' the e'&i'eeri'& facilit$( I "ould e/pect hours
"ould be 0uite fle/ible, "ith &ood emplo$ers allo"i'& me to do some desi&' "ork at home if desired( +here
ma$ be projects that re0uire e/te'ded hours, but these "ould hopefull$ be o'l$ episodic( I "ould e/pect that
re0uired clothi'& "ould be 0uite fle/ible as lo'& as it is safe a'd appropriate for a professio'al setti'&( 1uri'&
testi'&, I "ould 'eed to "ear comfortable clothi'& that ca' &et dirt$(
2alar$ ("hat "a&e ca' $ou e/pect to ear')):
I "ould e/pect a starti'& "a&e to be appro/imatel$ 345,55563755,555, depe'di'& o' "hether I "orked for a
pri!ate or &o!er'me't compa'$( I "ould e/pect that pri!ate compa'ies "ould offer hi&her "a&e i'crease
possibilities based o' performa'ce
8uture outlook ("ill this job be i' dema'd i' the future) Wh$#"h$ 'ot)): I feel that impro!eme'ts i' the desi&'
of aircraft, aimed at decreasi'& their e'!iro'me'tal impact, "ill be i' hi&h dema'd, especiall$ o!er the 'e/t
95$rs( I also e/pect that space e/ploratio' "ill become i'creasi'&l$ importa't as resources o' earth become
scarce a'd populatio's boom(
Post!econdary Institute"#raining Program $%
%. &achelors Degree in 'eronautical (ngineering.
). Masters Degree in 'eronautical (ngineering
*ocation and name of program+ (Where the school is located( What is the 'ame of the pro&ram) Also tell us "h$ this
school appeals to $ou)
U&, Okanagan- first year in .aculty 'pplied !cience /(ngineering0. #ransfer to 1ancou2er ,ampus U&, in
second year- aim for (ngineering Physics or Integrati2e (ngineering for the 3roadest - most multidisciplinary
program. #his appeals to me 3ecause I can li2e at home in the Okanagan for the first year- and then I could li2e
with my grandmother in 1ancou2er. !he li2es in the Uni2ersity *ands. I would like to go to ,arleton Uni2ersity
for my master4s degree as they ha2e one of the top rated aeronautical programs.
,ost+ 7( 8irst $ear tuitio': 3;<5;(=; > 2tude't fees :375<?(55 > books a'd supplies :379;5(55 : #otal 5 67)8.9:
Prere;uisites of program+ *'&lish 79, Chemistr$ 79, %h$sics 79, %re6Calculus 79, 2ocial 2tudies 77( Grade %oi't
A!era&e -i'imum :=(=#? or 4=@(
What are = related occupatio's $ou could take if this o'e did'At "ork out for $ou ("hat "ould $ou do if $ou
do'At e'd up doi'& this career a'd "h$)): Biomedical *'&i'eeri'&6 desi&'i'& medical de!ices ie pacemakers,
prostheses( C *lectrical *'&i'eeri'&6 1esi&'i'&#I'stalli'& electrical s$stems i'to machi'er$, !ehicles( Ge'eral
A'd most importa'tl$D I choose this as m$ optio' A because I lo!e ph$sics a'd mathematics a'd e'jo$
"orki'& o' theoretical problems( I am fasci'ated b$ "atchi'& the de!elopme't of 'e" &ad&ets that impro!e
peopleAs li!es( I ha!e al"a$s bee' fasci'ated i' bei'& able to fl$( I feel that I am creati!e a'd "ill perse!ere
"ith projects u'til I ha!e success(

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