Sei sulla pagina 1di 32


August 1736
Jonathan Edwards
Romans 5:10
For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son.
SECTIO I......................................................................................................................................5
SECTIO II.....................................................................................................................................!
SECTIO III..................................................................................................................................11
SECTIO I".................................................................................................................................1#
SECTIO "...................................................................................................................................1$
SECTIO "I.................................................................................................................................22
SECTIO "II................................................................................................................................26
SECTIO "III...............................................................................................................................30
SECTIO I%.................................................................................................................................32
T&e a'ost(e) *rom t&e +eginning o* t&e e'ist(e) to t&e +eginning o* t&is c&a'ter) &ad insisted on
t&e doctrine o* ,usti*ication +- *ait& a(one. In t&is c&a'ter &e goes on to consider t&e +ene*its t&at
are conse.uent on ,usti*ication) /i0. 1eace 2it& 3od) 'resent &a''iness) and &o'e o* g(or-. 1eace
2it& 3od is mentioned in t&e *irst /erse) T&ere*ore +eing ,usti*ied +- *ait&) 2e &a/e 'eace 2it&
3od) t&roug& our 4ord 5esus C&rist. In t&e *o((o2ing /erses &e s'ea6s o* 'resent +(essedness)
and &o'e o* g(or-) 7- 2&om a(so 2e &a/e access +- *ait& into t&is grace) 2&erein 2e stand) and
re,oice in &o'e o* t&e g(or- o* 3od. And concerning t&is +ene*it) t&e &o'e o* g(or-) t&e a'ost(e
'articu(ar(- ta6es notice o* t2o t&ings) /i0. t&e +(essed nature o* t&is &o'e) and t&e sure ground o*
I. 8e insists on t&e +(essed nature o* t&is &o'e) in t&at in ena+(es us to g(or- in tri+u(ations. T&is
e9ce((ent nature o* true C&ristian &o'e is descri+ed in t&e *o((o2ing 2ords :/erses 3;5<) And not
on(- so) +ut 2e g(or- in tri+u(ations a(so) 6no2ing t&at tri+u(ation 2or6et& 'atience= and
'atience) e9'erience= and e9'erience) &o'e= and &o'e ma6et& not as&amed) +ecause t&e (o/e o*
3od is s&ed a+road in our &earts +- t&e 8o(- 3&ost 2&ic& is gi/en unto us. As i* &e &ad said)
t&roug& &o'e o* a +(essed re2ard) t&at 2i(( a+undant(- more t&an ma6e u' *or a(( tri+u(ation) 2e
are ena+(ed to +ear tri+u(ation 2it& 'atience= 'atient(- +earing) and 'atient(- 2aiting *or t&e
re2ard. And 'atience 2or6s e9'erience= *or 2&en 2e t&us +ear tri+u(ation 2it& 'atient 2aiting
*or t&e re2ard) t&is +rings e9'erience o* t&e earnest o* t&e re2ard) /i0. t&e earnest o* t&e S'irit) in
our *ee(ing t&e (o/e o* 3od s&ed a+road in our &earts +- t&e 8o(- 3&ost. So t&at our &o'e does
not ma6e us as&amed: it is not disa''ointed= *or in t&e midst o* our tri+u(ation) 2e e9'erience
t&ose +(essed incomes o* t&e S'irit in our sou(s) t&at ma6e e/en a time o* tri+u(ation s2eet to us=
and is suc& an earnest a+undant(- con*irms our &o'e= and so e9'erience 2or6s &o'e.
II. T&e a'ost(e ta6es notice o* t&e sure ground t&ere is *or t&is &o'e= or t&e a+undant e/idence 2e
&a/e) t&at 2e s&a(( o+tain t&e g(or- &o'ed *or) in t&at 'eace 2e &a/e 2it& 3od) +- our
,usti*ication t&roug& C&rist>s +(ood. ?or 2&i(e 2e 2ere 2it&out strengt&) in due time C&rist died
*or us= e/en 2&i(e 2e 2ere ungod(- and sinners) enemies to 3od and C&rist :See /erses 6;10<.
T&e a'ost(e>s argument is e9ceeding c(ear and strong. I* 3od &as done a(read- so great a t&ing
*or us) as to gi/e us C&rist to die and s&ed &is 'recious +(ood *or us) 2&ic& 2as /ast(- t&e
greatest t&ing) 2e need not dou+t +ut t&at &e 2i(( +esto2 (i*e u'on us. It is +ut a sma(( t&ing *or
3od actua((- to +esto2 eterna( (i*e) a*ter it is 'urc&ased= to 2&at it is *or &im to gi/e &is o2n Son
to die) in order to 'urc&ase it. T&e gi/ing C&rist to 'urc&ase it) 2as /irtua((- a((. It inc(uded t&e
2&o(e grace o* 3od in sa(/ation. @&en C&rist &ad 'urc&ased sa(/ation at suc& a dear rate) a(( t&e
di**icu(t- 2as got t&roug&) a(( 2as /irtua((- o/er and done. It is a sma(( t&ing) in com'arison) *or
3od to +esto2 sa(/ation) a*ter it &as +een t&us 'urc&ased at a *u(( 'rice. Sinners 2&o are ,usti*ied
+- t&e deat& o* C&rist) are a(read- /irtua((- sa/ed. T&e t&ing is) as it 2ere) done. @&at remains is
no more t&an t&e necessar- conse.uence o* 2&at is done. C&rist 2&en &e died made an end o*
sin. And 2&en &e rose *rom t&e dead) &e did /irtua((- rise 2it& t&e e(ect. 8e +roug&t t&em u'
*rom deat& 2it& &im) and ascended into &ea/en 2it& t&em. And t&ere*ore) 2&en t&is is a(read-
done) and 2e are t&us reconci(ed to 3od t&roug& t&e deat& o* &is Son) 2e need not *ear +ut t&at
2e s&a(( +e sa/ed +- &is (i*e. T&e (o/e o* 3od a''ears muc& more in &is gi/ing &is Son to die *or
sinners) t&at in gi/ing eterna( (i*e a*ter C&rist>s deat&.
T&e gi/ing o* C&rist to die *or us is &ere s'o6en o* as a muc& greater t&ing) t&an t&e actua(
+esto2ment o* (i*e= +ecause t&is is a(( t&at &as an- di**icu(t- in it. @&en 3od did t&is *or us) &e
did it *or us as sinners and enemies. 7ut in actua((- +esto2ing sa(/ation on us a*ter 2e are
,usti*ied) 2e are not (oo6ed u'on as sinners) +ut as 'er*ect(- rig&teous 'ersons. 8e +e&o(ds no
ini.uit- in us. @e are no more enemies) +ut reconci(ed. @&en 3od ga/e C&rist to die *or t&e
e(ect) &e (oo6ed on t&em as t&e- are in t&emse(/es= +ut in actua((- +esto2ing eterna( (i*e) &e
(oo6s on t&em as t&e- are in C&rist.
T&ere are t&ree e'it&ets used in t&e te9t and conte9t) as a''ertaining to sinners as t&e- are in
t&emse(/es) /erse 6;!.
T&e- are 2it&out strengt&) t&e- cannot &e(' t&emse(/es. T&e- are ungod(- or sinners) and t&e-
are enemies. As in t&e te9t. ATARA4 BE ARE 3OC>S EEBIES.
3od) t&oug& t&e Creator o* a(( t&ings) -et &as some enemies in t&e 2or(d. Ben in genera( 2i((
o2n t&at t&e- are sinners. T&ere are *e2) i* an-) 2&ose consciences are so +(inded as not to +e
sensi+(e Dt&atE t&e- &a/e +een gui(t- o* sin. And most sinners 2i(( o2n t&at t&e- &a/e +ad &earts.
T&e- 2i(( o2n t&at t&e- do not (o/e 3od so muc& as t&e- s&ou(d do= t&at t&e- are not so t&an6*u(
as t&e- oug&t to +e *or mercies= and t&at in man- t&ings t&e- *ai(. And -et *e2 o* t&em are
sensi+(e t&at t&e- are 3od>s enemies. T&e- do not see &o2 t&e- can +e tru(- so ca((ed= *or t&e-
are not sensi+(e t&at t&e- 2is& 3od an- &urt) or endea/or to do &im an-.
7ut 2e see t&at t&e Scri'ture s'ea6s o* t&em as enemies to 3od. So in our te9t) and e(se2&ere)
And -ou t&at 2ere sometime a(ienated) and enemies in -our minds +- 2ic6ed 2or6s) Co(. 1:21.
T&e carna( mind is enmit- against 3od) Rom. !:7. And t&at a(( natura( or unregenerate men are
indeed suc&) is 2&at I s&a(( endea/or no2 'articu(ar(- to s&o2. @&ic& I 'ro'ose to do in t&e
*o((o2ing met&od. 1articu(ar(- In 2&at res'ects t&e- are enemies to 3od To &o2 great a degree
t&e- are enemies And 2&- t&e- are enemies. T&en I s&a(( ans2er some o+,ections.
In what respects natural men are Gods enemies.
1. T&eir enmit- a''ears in t&eir ,udgments) t&eir natura( re(is&) t&eir 2i((s) a**ections) and
'ractice. T&e- &a/e a /er- mean esteem o* 3od. Ben are read- to entertain a good esteem o*
t&ose 2it& 2&om t&e- are *riends. T&e- are a't to t&in6 &ig&(- o* t&eir .ua(ities) to gi/e t&em
t&eir due 'raises= and i* t&ere +e de*ects) to co/er t&em. 7ut o* t&ose to 2&om t&e- are enemies)
t&e- are dis'osed to &a/e mean t&oug&ts. T&e- are a't to entertain a dis&onora+(e o'inion o*
t&em. T&e- 2i(( +e read- to (oo6 contem'ti+(- u'on an-t&ing t&at is 'raise2ort&- in t&em.
So it is 2it& natura( men to2ards 3od. T&e- entertain /er- (o2 and contem'ti+(e t&oug&ts o*
3od. @&ate/er &onor and res'ect t&e- ma- 'retend) and ma6e a s&o2 o* to2ards 3od) i* t&eir
'ractice +e e9amined) it 2i(( s&o2) t&at t&e- certain(- (oo6 u'on &im as a 7eing t&at is +ut (itt(e
to +e regarded. T&e (anguage o* t&eir &earts is) @&o is t&e 4ord) t&at I s&ou(d o+e- &is /oiceF
E9o. 5:2. @&at is t&e A(mig&t-) t&at 2e s&ou(d ser/e &imF and 2&at 'ro*it s&ou(d 2e &a/e i* 2e
'ra- unto &imF 5o+ 21:15. T&e- count &im 2ort&- neit&er to +e (o/ed nor *eared. T&e- dare not
+e&a/e 2it& t&at s(ig&t and disregard to2ards one o* t&eir *e((o2;creatures) 2&en a (itt(e raised
a+o/e t&em in 'o2er and aut&orit-) as t&e- dare) and do) to2ards 3od. T&e- /a(ue one o* t&eir muc& more t&an 3od) and are ten times more a*raid o* o**ending suc&) t&an o* dis'(easing
t&e 3od t&at made t&em. T&e- cast suc& e9ceeding contem't on 3od) as to 're*er e/er- /i(e (ust
+e*ore &im. And e/er- 2or(d(- en,o-ment is set &ig&er in t&eir esteem t&an 3od. A morse( o*
meat) or a *e2 'ence o* 2or(d(- gain) is 're*erred +e*ore &im. 3od is set (ast and (o2est in t&e
esteem o* natura( men.
2. T&e- are enemies in t&e natura( re(is& o* t&eir sou(s. T&e- &a/e an in+red distaste and disre(is&
o* 3od>s 'er*ections. 3od is not suc& a +eing as t&e- 2ou(d &a/e. T&oug& t&e- are ignorant o*
3od= -et *rom 2&at t&e- &ear t&e- o* &im) and *rom 2&at is mani*est +- t&e (ig&t o* nature) t&e-
do not (i6e &im. 7- &is +eing endo2ed 2it& suc& attri+utes as &e is) t&e- &a/e an a/ersion to
&im. T&e- &ear 3od is an in*inite(- &o(-) 'ure) and rig&teous 7eing) and t&e- do not (i6e &im
u'on t&is account= t&e- &a/e no re(is& o* suc& .ua(i*ications. T&e- ta6e no de(ig&t in
contem'(ating t&em. It 2ou(d +e a mere tas6) a +ondage to a natura( man) to +e o+(iged to set
&imse(* to contem'(ate t&ose attri+utes o* 3od. T&e- see no manner o* +eaut- or (o/e(iness) nor
taste an- s2eetness) in t&em. And on account o* t&eir distaste o* t&ese 'er*ections) t&e- dis(i6e
a(( &is ot&er attri+utes. T&e- &a/e greater a/ersion to &im +ecause &e is omniscient and 6no2s a((
t&ings= and +ecause &is omniscience is a &o(- omniscience. T&e- are not '(eased t&at &e is
omni'otent) and can do 2&ate/er &e '(eases= +ecause it is a &o(- omni'otence. T&e- are enemies
e/en to &is merc-) +ecause it is a &o(- merc-. T&e- do not (i6e &is immuta+i(it-) +ecause +- t&is
&e ne/er 2i(( +e ot&er2ise t&an &e is) an in*inite(- &o(- 3od.
It is *rom t&is disre(is& t&at natura( men &a/e o* t&e attri+utes o* 3od) t&at t&e- do not (o/e to
&a/e muc& to do 2it& 3od. T&e natura( tendenc- o* t&e &eart o* man is to *(- *rom 3od) and 6ee'
at a distance *rom &im) as *ar o** as 'ossi+(e. A natura( man is a/erse to communion 2it& 3od)
and is natura((- disinc(ined to t&ose e9ercises o* re(igion) 2&erein &e &as immediate(- to do 2it&
&im. It is said o* 2ic6ed men) 1sa. 10:#) 3od is not in a(( t&eir t&oug&ts. It is e/ident) t&at t&e
mind o* man is natura((- a/erse to t&in6ing a+out 3od. And &ence i* an- t&oug&ts o* &im +e
suggested to t&e mind) t&e- soon go a2a-. Suc& t&oug&ts are not a't to rest in t&e minds o*
natura( men. I* an-t&ing is said to t&em o* 3od) t&e- are a't to *orget it. It is (i6e seed t&at *a((s
u'on t&e &ard 'at&) t&e *o2(s o* t&e air soon ta6e it a2a-: or (i6e seed t&at *a((s u'on a roc6.
Ot&er t&ings 2i(( stic6= +ut di/ine t&ings re+ound. And i* t&e- 2ere cast into t&e mind) t&e- meet
2it& t&at t&ere 2&ic& soon t&rusts t&em out again. T&e- meet 2it& no suita+(e entertainment) +ut
are soon c&ased a2a-.
8ence a(so it is) t&at natura( men are 2it& di**icu(t- 'ersuaded to +e constant in t&e dut- o* secret
'ra-er. T&e- 2ou(d not +e so a/erse to s'ending a .uarter o* an &our) nig&t and morning) in
some +odi(- (a+or= +ut it is +ecause t&e- are a/erse to a 2or6) 2&erein t&e- &a/e so immediate(-
to do 2it& 3od= and t&e- natura((- (o/e to 6ee' at a distance *rom &im.
3. T&eir 2i((s are contrar- to &is 2i((. 3od>s 2i(( and t&eirs are e9ceeding cross t&e one to t&e
ot&er. 3od 2i((s t&ose t&ings t&at t&e- &ate) and are most a/erse to= and t&e- 2i(( t&ose t&ings
t&at 3od &ates. 8ence t&e- o''ose 3od in t&eir 2i((s. T&ere is a dread*u() /io(ent) and o+stinate
o''osition) o* t&e 2i(( o* natura( men to t&e 2i(( o* 3od.
T&e- are /er- o''osite to t&e commands o* 3od. It is *rom t&e enmit- o* t&e 2i(( :Rom. !:7<)
t&at t&e carna( mind is not su+,ect to t&e (a2 o* 3od) neit&er indeed can +e. 8ence natura( men
are enemies to 3od>s go/ernment. T&e- are not (o-a( su+,ects) +ut enemies to 3od) considered as
4ord o* t&e 2or(d. T&e- are entire enemies to 3od>s aut&orit-.
#. T&e- are enemies to 3od in t&eir a**ections. T&ere is in e/er- natura( man a seed o* ma(ice
against 3od. And it o*ten dread*u((- +rea6s *ort&. T&oug& it ma- in great measure (ie &id in
secure times) 2&en 3od (ets men a(one) and t&e- meet 2it& no great distur+ance o* +od- or
mind= -et) i* 3od does +ut touc& men in t&eir consciences) +- mani*esting to t&em a (itt(e o* &is
2rat& *or t&eir sins) t&is o*tentimes +rings out t&e 'rinci'(e o* ma(ice against &im. T&is is
e9ercised in dread*u( &eart;risings) in2ard 2rang(ings and .uarre(ings) and +(as'&emous
t&oug&ts= 2&erein t&e &eart is (i6e a /i'er) &issing and s'itting 'oison at 3od. And &o2e/er *ree
*rom it t&e &eart ma- seem to +e) 2&en (et a(one and secure) -et a /er- (itt(e t&ing 2i(( set it in a
rage. Tem'tations 2i(( s&o2 2&at is in t&e &eart. T&e a(teration o* a man>s circumstances 2i((
o*ten disco/er t&e &eart. 1&arao& &ad no more natura( enmit- against 3od t&an ot&er men= and i*
ot&er natura( men &ad +een in 1&arao&>s circumstances) t&e same corru'tions 2ou(d &a/e 'ut
*ort& t&emse(/es in as dread*u( a manner. T&e scri+es and 1&arisees &ad natura((- no more
ma(ice in t&eir &earts against C&rist t&an ot&er men) and ot&er natura( men 2ou(d) in t&eir case)
and &a/ing as (itt(e restraint) e9ercise as muc& ma(ice against C&rist as t&e- did. @&en 2ic6ed
men come to +e cast into &e(() t&en t&eir ma(ice against 3od 2i(( a''ear. T&en t&eir &earts 2i((
a''ear as *u(( o* ma(ice) as &e(( is *u(( o* *ire. 7ut 2&en 2ic6ed men come to +e in &e(() t&ere 2i((
+e no ne2 corru'tions 'ut into t&eir &eart= +ut on(- o(d ones 2i(( t&en +rea6 *ort& 2it&out
restraint. T&at is a(( t&e di**erence +et2een a 2ic6ed man on eart&) and a 2ic6ed man in &e(() t&at
in &e(( t&ere 2i(( +e more to stir u' t&e e9ercise o* corru'tion) and (ess to restrain it) t&an on
eart&. 7ut t&ere 2i(( +e no ne2 corru'tion 'ut in. A 2ic6ed man 2i(( &a/e no 'rinci'(e o*
corru'tion in &e(() +ut 2&at &e carried to &e(( 2it& &im. T&ere are no2 t&e seeds o* a(( t&e ma(ice
t&at 2i(( +e e9ercised t&en. T&e ma(ice o* damned s'irits is +ut a +ranc& o* t&e root t&at is in t&e
&earts o* natura( men no2. A natura( man &as a &eart (i6e t&e &eart o* a de/i(= on(- corru'tion is
more under restraint in man t&an in de/i(s.
5. T&e- are enemies in t&eir 'ractice. T&e- 2a(6 contrar- to &im. In t&eir enmit- against 3od)
t&e- are e9ceeding acti/e. T&e- are engaged in 2ar against 3od. Indeed t&e- cannot in,ure 3od
D*orE &e is so muc& a+o/e t&em= +ut -et t&e- do 2&at t&e- can. T&e- o''ose t&emse(/es to &is
&onor and g(or-. T&e- o''ose t&emse(/es to t&e interest o* &is 6ingdom in t&e 2or(d. T&e-
o''ose t&emse(/es to t&e 2i(( and command o* 3od. And Dt&e-E o''ose &im in &is go/ernment.
T&e- o''ose 3od in &is 2or6s) and in &is dec(ared designs= 2&i(e &e is doing one 2or6) t&e- are
doing t&e contrar-. 3od see6s one t&ing) and t&e- see6 direct(- t&e contrar-. T&e- (ist under
Satan>s +anner) and are &is 2i((ing so(diers in o''osing t&e 6ingdom o* 3od.
The degree of mens natural enmity to God.
I no2 'roceed to sa- somet&ing 2it& res'ect to t&e degree o* t&is enmit-: tending in some
measure to s&o2) &o2 great enemies to 3od are natura( men.
1. T&e- &a/e no (o/e to 3od= t&eir enmit- is mere enmit- 2it&out an- mi9ture o* (o/e. A natura(
man is 2&o((- destitute o* an- 'rinci'(e o* (o/e to 3od) and t&ere*ore ne/er &ad t&e (east e9ercise
o* t&is (o/e. Some natura( men &a/e +etter tem'ers t&an ot&ers= and some are +etter educated
t&an ot&ers= and some (i/e a great dea( more so+er(- t&an ot&ers. 7ut one &as no more (o/e to
3od t&an anot&er= *or none &a/e t&e (east s'ar6 o* t&at. T&e &eart o* a natura( man is as destitute
o* (o/e to 3od) as a dead) sti**) co(d cor'se is o* /ita( &eat. 5o&n 5:#2) I 6no2 -ou) t&at -e &a/e
not t&e (o/e o* 3od in -ou.
2. E/er- *acu(t- and 'rinci'(e o* action is 2&o((- under t&e dominion o* enmit- against 3od. T&e
nature o* man is 2&o((- in*ected 2it& t&is enmit- against 3od. 8e is tainted 2it& it t&roug&out)
in a(( &is *acu(ties and 'rinci'(es. And not on(- so) +ut e/er- *acu(t- is entire(- and 'er*ect(-
su+dued under it) and ens(a/ed to it. T&is enmit- against 3od) &as t&e a+so(ute 'ossession o* t&e
man. T&e a'ost(e 1au() s'ea6ing o* 2&at &e 2as natura((-) sa-s) Rom. 7:1#) I am carna() so(d
under sin.
T&e understanding is under t&e reigning 'o2er o* t&is enmit- against 3od) so t&at it is entire(-
dar6ened and +(inded 2it& regard to t&e g(or- and e9ce((enc- o* 3od. T&e 2i(( is 2&o((- under
t&e reigning 'o2er o* it. A(( t&e a**ections are go/erned +- enmit- against 3od. T&ere is not one
a**ection) nor one desire) t&at a natura( man &as) or t&at &e is e/er stirred u' to act *rom) +ut 2&at
contains in it enmit- against 3od. A natura( man is as *u(( o* enmit- against 3od) as an- /i'er) or
an- /enomous +east) is *u(( o* 'oison.
3. T&e 'o2er o* t&e enmit- o* natura( men against 3od) is so great) t&at it is insu'era+(e +- an-
*inite 'o2er. It &as too great and strong a 'ossession o* t&e &eart) to +e o/ercome +- an- created
'o2er. Indeed) a natura( man ne/er sincere(- stri/es to root out &is enmit- against 3od. 8is
endea/ors are &-'ocritica(. 8e de(ig&ts in &is enmit-) and c&ooses it. eit&er can ot&ers do it)
t&oug& t&e- sincere(-) and to t&eir utmost) endea/or to o/ercome t&is enmit-. I* god(- *riends
and neig&+ors (a+or to 'ersuade t&em to cast a2a- t&eir enmit-) and +ecome *riends to 3od) t&e-
cannot 'ersuade t&em to it. T&oug& ministers use ne/er so man- arguments and entreaties) and
set *ort& t&e (o/e(iness o* 3od= te(( t&em o* t&e goodness o* 3od to t&em) &o(d *ort& 3odGs o2n
gracious in/itations) and entreat t&em ne/er so earnest(- to cast o** t&eir o''osition) and +e
reconci(ed= -et t&e- cannot o/ercome it. Sti(( t&e- 2i(( +e as +ad enemies to 3od) as e/er t&e-
2ere. T&e tongue o* men or o* ange(s cannot 'ersuade t&em to re(in.uis& t&eir o''osition to
3od. Birac(es 2i(( not do it. 8o2 man- mirac(es did t&e c&i(dren o* Israe( see in t&e 2i(dernessH
Iet t&eir enmit- against 3od remained= as a''eared +- t&eir o*ten murmuring. And &o2 o*ten
did C&rist use mirac(es to t&is end 2it&out e**ect) +ut t&e 5e2s o+stinate(- stood out. Bat. 23:37)
O 5erusa(em) 5erusa(em) t&ou t&at 6i((est t&e 'ro'&ets) and stonest t&em 2&ic& are sent unto t&ee)
&o2 o*ten 2ou(d I &a/e gat&ered t&- c&i(dren toget&er) e/en as a &en gat&eret& &er c&ic6ens
under &er 2ings) and -e 2ou(d not. And &o2 great did t&e enmit- o* t&ese 'eo'(e a''ear to +e
a*ter a((= &o2 s'ite*u( and /enomous 2ere t&eir &earts to2ards C&rist) as a''ears +- t&eir crue(
treatment o* &im) in &is (ast su**eringsH
#.. T&e- are morta( enemies to 3od= i.e. t&e- &a/e t&at enmit- in t&eir &earts) t&at stri6es at t&e
(i*e o* 3od. A man ma-+e no *riend to anot&er) and ma- &a/e an i(( s'irit to2ards &im= and -et
not +e &is morta( enem-. 8is enmit- 2i(( +e satis*ied 2it& somet&ing s&ort o* t&e deat& o* t&e
'erson. 7ut it is not so 2it& natura( men) 2it& res'ect to 3od. T&e- are morta( enemies. T&eir
im+eci(it- is no argument t&at t&is is not t&e tendenc- o* t&e 'rinci'(e.
atura( men are enemies to t&e dominion o* 3od= and t&eir nature s&o2s t&eir good;2i(( to
det&rone &im i* t&e- cou(dH Iea) t&e- are enemies to t&e +eing o* 3od) and 2ou(d +e g(ad i*
t&ere 2as no 3od. And t&ere*ore it necessari(- *o((o2s) t&at t&e- 2ou(d cause t&at t&ere s&ou(d
+e none) i* t&e- cou(d. 1sa. 1#:1) T&e *oo( &at& said in &is &eart) T&ere is no 3od. T&is im'(ies)
not on(- an a'tness to .uestion t&e +eing o* 3od= +ut) t&at &e inc(ines it s&ou(d +e so. 8is &eart
sa-s) i.e. &is inc(ination sa-s. T&e 2ords in t&e origina( are) T&e *oo( &at& said in &is &eart) o
3od. T&at is) I 2ou(d &a/e none) I do not desire an-) I 2is& t&ere 2as none= t&at 2ou(d suit m-
inc(ination +est. 4et t&e 2or(d +e em'tied o* a 3od) &e stands in m- 2a-. And &ence &e is an
at&eist in &is &eart.
T&e /i'erGs 'oison is dead(- 'oison= and 2&en &e +ites &e see6s t&e 'recious (i*e. And men are in
t&is res'ect a generation o* /i'ers. T&eir 'oison) 2&ic& is enmit- against 3od) see6s t&e (i*e o*
3od. Bat. 3:7) O generation o* /i'ers. 1sa. 5!:3;#) T&e 2ic6ed are estranged *rom t&e 2om+
T&eir 'oison is (i6e t&e 'oison o* a ser'ent. Ceu. 32:32;33) ?or t&eir /ine is t&e /ine o* Sodom)
and o* t&e *ie(ds o* 3omorra&: t&eir gra'es are t&e gra'es o* ga(() t&eir c(usters are +itter. T&eir
/ine is t&e 'oison o* dragons) and t&e crue( /enom o* as's. T&e di/ine nature +eing immorta()
and in*inite(- out o* our reac&) t&ere is no ot&er tria( 'ossi+(e) 2&et&er t&e enmit- t&at is
natura((- in t&e &eart against 3od) +e morta( or no) +ut on(- *or 3od to ta6e on &im t&e &uman
nature) and +ecome man= so as to come 2it&in man>s reac&. T&ere can +e no ot&er e9'eriment.
And 2&at &as +een t&e e/entF @&-) 2&en once 3od +ecame man) and came do2n to d2e(( &ere)
among suc& /i'ers as *a((en men) t&e- &ated and 'ersecuted &im= and ne/er desisted ti(( t&e- &ad
im+rued t&eir &ands in &is +(ood. T&ere 2as a mu(titude o* t&em t&at a''eared com+ined in t&is
design. ot&ing 2ou(d do) +ut &e must +e 'ut to deat&. A(( cr- out) Cruci*- &im) cruci*- &im.
A2a- 2it& &im. T&e- &ad rat&er 7ara++as 2&o great(- deser/ed deat&) s&ou(d (i/e) t&an &e
s&ou(d not die. ot&ing 2ou(d restrain t&em *rom it= e/en a(( &is 'reac&ing) and a(( &is mirac(es.
7ut t&e- 2ou(d 6i(( &im. And it 2as not t&e ordinar- 6ind o* e9ecution t&at 2ou(d satis*- t&em=
+ut it must +e t&e most crue( and most ignominious t&e- 'ossi+(- cou(d in/ent. And t&e-
aggra/ated it as muc& as t&e- cou(d) +- moc6ing &im) and s'itting on &im) and scourging &im.
T&is s&o2s 2&at t&e nature and tendenc- o* man>s enmit- against 3od is= &ere it a''eared in its
true co(ors.
5. atura( men are greater enemies to 3od t&an t&e- are to an- ot&er +eing 2&atsoe/er. atura(
men ma- +e /er- great enemies to t&eir *e((o2;creatures= +ut not so great as t&e- are to 3od.
T&ere is no ot&er +eing t&at so muc& stands in sinners 2a-) in t&ose t&ings t&at t&e- c&ie*(- set
t&eir &earts u'on) as 3od. Ben are 2ont to &ate t&eir enemies in 'ro'ortion to t2o t&ings) /i0.
t&eir o''osition to 2&at t&e- (oo6 u'on to +e t&eir interest) and t&eir 'o2er and a+i(it-. A great
and 'o2er*u( enem- 2i(( +e more &ated) t&an one 2&o is 2ea6 and im'otent. 7ut none is so
'o2er*u( as 3od.
BanGs enmit- to ot&ers ma- +e got o/er. Time ma- 2ear it out) and t&e- ma- +e reconci(ed. 7ut
natura( men) 2it&out a mig&t- 2or6 o* 3od to c&ange t&eir &earts) 2i(( ne/er get o/er t&eir
enmit- against 3od. T&e- are greater enemies to 3od t&an t&e- are to t&e de/i(. Iea) t&e- treat
t&e de/i( as t&eir *riend and master) and ,oin 2it& &im against 3od. 5o&n !:##) Ie are o* -our
*at&er t&e de/i() and t&e (usts o* -our *at&er -e 2i(( do: &e 2as a murderer *rom t&e +eginning.
On what account men are enemies to God.
T&e genera( reason is) t&at 3od is o''osite to t&em in t&e 2ors&i' o* t&eir ido(s. T&e a'ostas- o*
man summari(- consists in de'arting *rom t&e true 3od) to ido(s= *orsa6ing &is Creator) and
setting u' ot&er t&ings in &is room. @&en 3od at *irst created man) &e 2as united to &is Creator=
t&e 3od t&at made &im 2as &is 3od. T&e true 3od 2as t&e o+,ect o* &is &ig&est res'ect) and &ad
t&e 'ossession o* &is &eart. 4o/e to 3od 2as t&e 'rinci'(e in &is &eart) t&at ru(es o/er a(( ot&er
'rinci'(es= and e/er-t&ing in t&e sou( 2as 2&o((- in su+,ection to it. 7ut 2&en man *e(() &e
de'arted *rom t&e true 3od) and t&e union t&at 2as +et2een &is &eart and &is Creator 2as
+ro6en. 8e 2&o((- (ost &is 'rinci'(e o* (o/e to 3od. And &ence*or2ard man c(a/e to ot&er gods.
8e ga/e t&at res'ect to t&e creature) 2&ic& is due to t&e Creator. @&en 3od ceased to +e t&e
o+,ect o* &is su'reme (o/e and res'ect) ot&er t&ings o* course +ecame t&e o+,ects o* it.
Ban 2i(( necessari(- &a/e somet&ing t&at &e res'ects as &is god. I* man DdoesE not gi/e &is
&ig&est res'ect to t&e 3od t&at made &im) t&ere 2i(( +e somet&ing e(se t&at &as t&e 'ossession o*
it. Ben 2i(( eit&er 2ors&i' t&e true 3od) or some ido(. It is im'ossi+(e it s&ou(d +e ot&er2ise.
Somet&ing 2i(( &a/e t&e &eart o* man. And t&at 2&ic& a man gi/es &is &eart to) ma- +e ca((ed &is
god. And t&ere*ore 2&en man +- t&e *a(( e9tinguis&ed a(( (o/e to t&e true 3od) &e set u' t&e
creature in &is room. ?or &a/ing (ost &is esteem and (o/e o* t&e true 3od) and set u' ot&er gods
in &is room) and in o''osition to &im= and 3od sti(( demanding t&eir 2ors&i') and o''osing
t&em= enmit- necessari(- *o((o2s.
T&at 2&ic& a man c&ooses *or &is god) &e sets &is &eart main(- u'on. And not&ing 2i(( so soon
e9cite enmit-) as o''osition in t&at 2&ic& is dearest. A man 2i(( +e t&e greatest enem- to &im
2&o o''oses &im in 2&at &e c&ooses *or &is god. 8e 2i(( (oo6 on none as standing so muc& in
&is 2a-) as &e t&at 2ou(d de'ri/e &im o* &is god. 5dg. 1!:2#) Ie &a/e ta6en a2a- m- gods= and
2&at &a/e I moreF A man) in t&is res'ect) cannot ser/e t2o masters t&at stand in com'etition *or
&is ser/ice. And not on(-) i* &e ser/es one) &e cannot ser/e t&e ot&er= +ut i* &e c(ea/es to one) &e
2i(( necessari(- &ate t&e ot&er. Bat. 6:2#) o man can ser/e t2o masters= *or eit&er &e 2i(( &ate
t&e one) and (o/e t&e ot&er) or e(se &e 2i(( &o(d to t&e one) and des'ise t&e ot&er. Ie cannot ser/e
3od and mammon. And t&is is t&e /er- reason t&at men &ate 3od. In t&is case it is) as 2&en t2o
6ings set u' in one 6ingdom) in o''osition one to t&e ot&er= and t&e- +ot& c&a((enge t&e same
t&rone) and are com'etitors *or t&e same cro2n. T&e- 2&o are (o-a() &eart- su+,ects to t&e one)
2i(( necessari(- +e enemies to t&e ot&er. As t&at 2&ic& is a man>s god) is t&e o+,ect o* &is &ig&est
(o/e= so t&at 3od 2&o c&ie*(- o''oses &im in it) must +e t&e o+,ect o* &is greatest &atred.
T&e gods 2&ic& a natura( man 2ors&i's) instead o* t&e 3od t&at made &im) are &imse(* and t&e
2or(d. 8e &as 2it&dra2n &is esteem and &onor *rom 3od) and 'roud(- e9a(ts &imse(*. As Satan
2as not 2i((ing to +e in su+,ection= and t&ere*ore re+e((ed) and set u' &imse(*= so a natura( man)
in t&e 'roud and &ig& t&oug&ts &e &as o* &imse(*) sets u' &imse(* u'on 3od>s t&rone. 8e gi/es
&is &eart to t&e 2or(d) 2or(d(- ric&es) 2or(d(- '(easures) and 2or(d(- &onors. T&e- &a/e t&e
'ossession o* t&at regard 2&ic& is due to 3od. T&e a'ost(e sums u' a(( t&e ido(atr- o* 2ic6ed
men in t&eir (o/e o* t&e 2or(d. 1 5o&n 2:15;16) 4o/e not t&e 2or(d) neit&er t&e t&ings t&at are in
t&e 2or(d. I* an- man (o/e t&e 2or(d) t&e (o/e o* t&e ?at&er is not in &im. ?or a(( t&at is in t&e
2or(d) t&e (ust o* t&e *(es&) t&e (ust o* t&e e-e) and t&e 'ride o* (i*e) is not o* t&e ?at&er) +ut is o*
t&e 2or(d. And t&e a'ost(e 5ames o+ser/es t&at a man must necessari(- +e t&e enem- o* t&e true
3od) i* &e +e a *riend o* t&e 2or(d. @&osoe/er t&ere*ore 2i(( +e a *riend o* t&e 2or(d) is t&e
enem- o* 3od) 5am. #:#.
A(( t&e sin t&at men commit) is 2&at t&e- do in t&e ser/ice o* t&eir ido(s. T&ere is no one act o*
sin) +ut 2&at is an act o* ser/ice to some *a(se god. And t&ere*ore 2&erein soe/er 3od o''oses
sin in t&em) &e is o''osite to t&eir 2ors&i' o* t&eir ido(s. On 2&ic& account t&e- are &is enemies.
3od o''oses t&em in t&eir ser/ice o* t&eir ido(s) in t&e *o((o2ing res'ects:
1. 8e mani*ests &is utter a+&orrence o* t&eir attac&ment to t&eir ido(s. T&eir ido(s are 2&at t&e-
(o/e a+o/e a(( t&ings: t&e- 2ou(d +- no means 'art 2it& t&em. T&is 2ic6edness is s2eet unto
t&em. 5o+ 20:12. I* -ou ta6e t&em a2a-) 2&at &a/e t&e- moreF I* t&e- (ose t&eir ido(s) t&e- (ose
t&eir a((. To rend a2a- t&eir ido(s *rom t&em) 2ou(d +e more grie/ous to t&em) t&an to rend +od-
and sou( asunder. It is (i6e rending t&eir &eart in t2ain. T&e- (o/e t&eir ido(atr-. 7ut 3od does
not a''ro/e o* it) +ut e9ceeding(- &ates it. 8e 2i(( +- no means +e reconci(ed to it= and t&ere*ore
t&e- &ate &im. 3od dec(ares an in*inite &atred o* e/er- act t&e- do) in t&e ser/ice o* t&eir *a(se
gods. 8e dec(ares &imse(* to +e a &o(- and a ,ea(ous 3od= a 3od 2&o is /er- ,ea(ous o* &is o2n
&onor= and t&at great(- a+&ors gi/ing t&at &onor to anot&er.
2. 8e utter(- *or+ids t&eir c(ea/ing to t&ose ido(s) and a(( t&e ser/ice t&at t&e- do to t&em. 8e not
on(- s&o2s t&at &e dis(i6es it) +ut &e utter(- *or+ids it= and demands t&at t&e- s&ou(d 2ors&i'
&im= ser/e &im on(-) and gi/e t&eir &earts 2&o((- to &im: 2it&out to(erating an- com'etitor. 8e
a((o2s t&em to ser/e t&eir ido(s in no degree= +ut re.uires t&em to cast t&em a2a- utter(- and 'a-
no more 2ors&i' to t&em) at an- time. 8e re.uires a *ina( 'arting 2it& t&eir ido(s. ot on(- t&at
t&e- s&ou(d re*rain *rom t&em *or a 2&i(e) +ut cast t&em a2a- *ore/er= and ne/er grati*- t&eir
ido(atrous res'ect to t&em an- more. T&is is so e9ceeding contrar- to t&em) and 2&at t&e- are so
a/erse to) t&at t&e- are enemies to 3od *or it. T&e- cannot endure 3od>s commands) +ecause
t&e- *or+id a(( t&at in 2&ic& t&eir &earts are so engaged. And as t&e- &ate 3od>s commands) so
t&e- &ate 8im 2&ose commands t&e- are.
3. 8e t&reatens t&em 2it& e/er(asting damnation *or t&eir ser/ice o* t&eir ido(s. 8e t&reatens
t&em *or t&eir 'ast ido(atr-. 8e t&reatens t&em 2it& &is eterna( 2rat&) *or t&eir &a/ing de'arted
*rom &im) and t&eir &a/ing c&osen to t&emse(/es ot&er gods. 8e t&reatens t&em *or t&at
dis'osition t&e- &a/e in t&eir &earts to c(ea/e to ot&er gods. 8e t&reatens t&e (east degrees o* t&at
res'ect 2&ic& t&e- &a/e in t&eir &earts to t&eir ido(s. 8e mani*ests t&at &e 2i(( not to(erate an-
regard to t&em) +ut &as *i9ed eterna( deat&) as t&e 2ages o* e/er- degree o* it. And &e 2i(( not
re(ease t&em *rom t&eir gui(t= &e &o(ds t&em to t&eir o+(igations= and &e 2i(( acce't o* no
atonement t&at t&e- can ma6e. 8e 2i(( not *orgi/e t&em *or 2&ate/er t&e- do in re(igion=
2&ate/er 'ains t&e- ta6e= 2&ate/er tears t&e- s&ed. 8e 2i(( acce't o* no mone- or 'rice t&at t&e-
&a/e to o**er.
And &e t&reatens e/er- *uture act o* t&eir ido(atr-. 8e not on(- *or+ids t&em e/er to +e gui(t- o*
t&e (east act) +ut *or+ids t&em on 'ain o* eterna( damnation. So strict(- does 3od 'ro&i+it t&em
*rom t&e ser/ice o* t&eir +e(o/ed ido(sH 8e t&reatens t&em 2it& e/er(asting 2rat& *or a(( e9ercises
o* inordinate (o/e o* 2or(d(- 'ro*it= *or a(( mani*estations o* inordinate regard to 2or(d(-
'(easures) or 2or(d(- &onors. 8e t&reatens t&em 2it& e/er(asting torments *or t&eir se(*;
e9a(tations. 8e re.uires t&em to den- and renounce t&emse(/es) and to a+ase t&emse(/es at &is
*eet) on 'ain o* +earing &is 2rat& to a(( eternit-.
T&e strictness o* 3od>s (a2 is a 'rinci'a( cause o* man>s enmit- against 3od. I* 3od 2ere one
t&at did not so muc& &ate sin= i* &e 2ou(d a((o2 t&em in t&e grati*ication o* t&eir (usts in some
degree) and &is t&reatenings 2ere not so a2*u( against a(( crimina( indu(gence= i* &is t&reatenings
2ere not so a+so(ute= i* &is dis'(easure cou(d +e a''eased +- a *e2 tears) a (itt(e re*ormation) or
t&e (i6e= t&e- 2ou(d not +e so great enemies) nor &ate &im so muc& as t&e- do. 7ut 3od s&o2s
&imse(* to +e an im'(aca+(e enem- to t&eir ido(s) and &as t&reatened e/er(asting 2rat&) in*inite
ca(amit-) *or a(( t&at t&e- do in t&e ser/ice o* t&eir (usts. And t&is ma6es t&em irreconci(a+(e
enemies to &im.
?or t&is reason) t&e scri+es and 1&arisees 2ere suc& +itter enemies to C&rist= +ecause &e s&o2ed
&imse(* to +e suc& an enem- to t&eir 'ride) conceit o* t&eir o2n 2isdom) se(*;rig&teousness) and
inordinate a**ectation o* t&eir o2n &onor) 2&ic& 2as t&eir god. atura( men are enemies to 3od)
+ecause &e is so o''osite to t&em) in t&at in 2&ic& t&e- '(ace t&eir a((. I* -ou go to ta6e a2a- t&at
2&ic& is /er- dear to a man) not&ing 2i(( 'ro/o6e &im more. 3od is in*inite(- o''osite to t&at in
2&ic& natura( men '(ace a(( t&eir de(ig&t) and a(( t&eir &a''iness. 8e is an enem- to t&at 2&ic&
natura( men /a(ue as t&eir greatest &onor and &ig&est dignit-= and to 2&ic& t&e- 2&o((- trust= /i0.
t&eir o2n rig&teousness.
8ence natura( men are greater enemies to 3od t&an t&e- are to an- ot&er +eing. Some o* t&eir
*e((o2;creatures ma- stand /er- muc& in t&eir 2a-) 2it& regard to some t&ings on 2&ic& t&e- set
t&eir &earts= +ut 3od o''oses t&em 2it& res'ect to A44 t&eir ido(s) and &is o''osition to t&em is
in*inite(- great. one o* our *e((o2;creatures e/er o''ose us in an- o* our interests so muc& as
3od o''oses 2ic6ed men in t&eir ido(atr-. 8is in*inite o''osition is mani*ested +- &is
t&reatening an in*inite 'unis&ment) /i0. &is dread*u( 2rat& to a(( eternit-) miser- 2it&out end.
8ence 2e need not 2onder t&at natura( men are enemies to 3od.
The objection that men are not conscious of this enmity, answered.
ATARA4 men do not genera((- concei/e t&emse(/es to +e so +ad= t&e- &a/e not t&is notion o*
t&emse(/es) t&at t&e- are enemies to 3od. And t&ere*ore 2&en t&e- &ear suc& doctrine as t&is
taug&t t&em) t&e- stand read- to ma6e o+,ections. Some ma- +e read- to sa-) I do not 6no2) I
am not sensi+(e) t&at I &ate 3od) and &a/e a morta( enmit- against &im. I *ee( no suc& t&ing in
m- se(*) and i* I &a/e suc& enmit-) 2&- do not I *ee( itF I* I am a morta( enem-) 2&- s&ou(d not I
6no2 it +etter t&an an-+od- e(seF 8o2 can ot&ers see 2&at is in m- &eart +etter t&an I m-se(*F I*
I &ate one o* m- *e((o2;creatures) I can *ee( it in2ard(- 2or6ing. To suc& an o+,ection I 2ou(d
1. I* -ou do +ut o+ser/e -ourse(*) and searc& -our o2n &eart) un(ess -ou are strange(- +(inded)
-ou ma- +e sensi+(e o* t&ose t&ings) 2&erein enmit- does *undamenta((- consist. 1articu(ar(-)
-ou ma- +e sensi+(e t&at -ou &a/e at (east &ad a (o2 and contem'ti+(e estimation o* 3od. And
t&at) in -our esteem) -ou set t&e tri*(es and /anities o* t&is 2or(d *ar a+o/e &im= so as to regard
t&e en,o-ment o* t&ese t&ings *ar +e*ore t&e en,o-ment o* 3od) and to /a(ue t&ese t&ings +etter
t&an &is (o/e. And -ou ma- +e sensi+(e t&at -ou des'ise t&e aut&orit- o* 3od) and /a(ue &is
commands and &is &onor +ut /er- (itt(e. Or i* +- some means -ou &a/e +(inded -ourse(*) so as to
t&in6 -ou do regard t&em no2) dou+t(ess -ou can (oo6 +ac6 and see t&at -ou &a/e not regarded
t&em. Iou ma- +e sensi+(e t&at -ou &a/e &ad a disre(is& and a/ersion to2ards 3od= an
o''osition to t&in6ing o* &im= so t&at it 2ou(d &a/e +een a /er- uncom*orta+(e tas6 to &a/e +een
con*ined to t&at e9ercise *or an- time. T&e /anities o* t&e 2or(d) at t&e same time) &a/e +een
/er- '(easing to -ou= and -ou &a/e +een a(( s2a((o2ed u' +- t&em) 2&i(e -ou &a/e +een a/erse
to t&e t&ings o* re(igion. I* -ou (oo6 into -our &eart) it is t&ere '(ain to +e seen) t&at t&ere is an
enmit- in -our 2i(() t&at it is contrar- to 3od>s 2i(() *or -ou &a/e +een o''osing t&e 2i(( o* 3od
a(( -our (i*e (ong. T&ese t&ings are '(ain= it is not&ing +ut some great de(usion t&at can &ide t&em
*rom -ou. T&ese are t&e *oundation o* a(( enmit-. And i* t&ese t&ings +e in -ou) a(( t&e rest t&at
2e &a/e s'o6en o* 2i(( *o((o2 o* course.
2. One reason 2&- -ou &a/e not more sensi+(- *e(t t&e e9ercises o* ma(ice against 3od) is t&at
-our enmit- is no2 e9ercised 'art(- in -our un+e(ie* o* 3od>s +eing= and t&is 're/ents its
a''earing in ot&er 2a-s. Ban &as natura((- a 'rinci'(e o* at&eism in &im= an indis'osition to
rea(i0e 3od>s +eing) and a dis'osition to dou+t o* it. T&e +eing o* 3od does not ordinari(- seem
rea( to natura( men. A(( t&e disco/eries t&at t&ere are o* 3od>s +eing in &is 2or6s) 2i(( not
o/ercome t&e 'rinci'(e o* at&eism in t&e &eart. And t&oug& t&e- seem in some measure to +e
rationa((- con/inced) -et it does not a''ear rea(= t&e con/iction is *aint. T&ere is no strong
con/iction im'ressed on t&e mind t&at t&ere is a 3od. And o*tentimes t&e- are read- to t&in6 t&at
t&ere is none. o2 t&is 2i(( 're/ent t&e e9ercise o* t&is enmit-) 2&ic& ot&er2ise 2ou(d +e *e(t=
'articu(ar(-) it ma- +e an occasion o* t&ere not +eing sensi+(e e9ercises o* &atred.
It ma- in some measure +e t&us i((ustrated. I* -ou &ad a rooted ma(ice against anot&er man) a
'rinci'(e t&at &ad +een (ong esta+(is&ed t&ere) and i* -ou s&ou(d &ear t&at &e 2as dead) t&e
sensi+(e 2or6ings o* -our ma(ice 2ou(d not +e *e(t) as 2&en -ou rea(i0ed it t&at &e 2as a(i/e. 7ut
i* -ou s&ou(d a*ter2ard &ear t&e ne2s contradicted) and 'ercei/e t&at -our enem- 2as sti(( a(i/e=
-ou 2ou(d *ee( t&e same 2or6ings o* &atred t&at -ou did +e*ore. And t&us -our not rea(i0ing t&e
*act t&at 3od &as a +eing) ma- 're/ent t&ose sensi+(e 2or6ings o* &atred t&at ot&er2ise -ou
2ou(d &a/e. I* 2ic6ed men in t&is 2or(d 2ere sensi+(e o* t&e rea(it- o* 3od>s +eing) as t&e
2ic6ed are in anot&er) t&e- 2ou(d *ee( more o* t&at &atred 2&ic& men in anot&er 2or(d do. T&e
e9ercise o* corru'tion in one 2a-) ma-) and o*ten does) 're/ent it 2or6ing in ot&er 2a-s. As
co/etousness ma- 're/ent t&e e9ercise o* 'ride) so at&eism ma- 're/ent ma(ice= and -et it ma-
+e no argument o* t&ere +eing an- (ess enmit- in t&e &eart= *or it is t&e same enmit-) 2or6ing in
anot&er 2a-. T&e same enmit- t&at in t&is 2or(d 2or6s +- at&eism) 2i(( in anot&er 2or(d) 2&ere
t&ere 2i(( +e no room *or at&eism) 2or6 +- ma(ice and +(as'&em-. T&e same morta( enmit-
2&ic&) i* -ou sa2 t&ere 2as a 3od) mig&t ma6e -ou to 2is& t&ere 2ere none) ma- no2 dis'ose
and inc(ine -ou to t&in6 t&ere is none. Ben are /er- o*ten a't to t&in6 t&ings are as t&e- 2ou(d
&a/e t&em to +e. T&e same 'rinci'(e dis'oses -ou to t&in6 3od &as no e9istence) 2&ic&) i* -ou
6ne2 &e &ad) 2ou(d dis'ose -ou) i* it 2ere 'ossi+(e) to dis'ossess &im o* it.
3. I* -ou t&in6 t&at &ere is a 3od) -et -ou do not rea(i0e it) t&at &e is suc& a 3od as &e rea((- is.
Iou do not rea(i0e it) t&at &e is so &o(- as &e is= t&at &e &as suc& a &atred o* sin as indeed &e &as=
t&at &e is so ,ust a 3od as &e is) 2&o 2i(( +- no means c(ear t&e gui(t-. 7ut t&at in t&e 1sa(ms is
a''(ica+(e to -ou: t&ese t&ings &ast t&ou done) and I 6e't si(ence: t&ou t&oug&test t&at I 2as
a(toget&er suc& an one as t&-se(*) 1sa. 50:21. So t&at -our at&eism a''ears in t&is) as 2e(( as in
t&in6ing t&ere is no 3od. So t&at -our o+,ection arises *rom t&is) t&at -ou do not *ind suc& a
sensi+(e &atred against t&at god 2&ic& -ou &a/e *ormed) to suit -ourse(*= a god t&at -ou (i6e
+etter t&an t&e true 3od. 7ut t&is is no argument t&at -ou &a/e not +itter enmit- against t&e true
3od= *or it 2as -our enmit- against t&e true 3od) and -our not (i6ing &im) t&at &as 'ut -ou u'on
*orming u' anot&er in -our imagination) t&at -ou (i6e +etter. It is -our enmit- against t&ose
attri+utes o* 3od>s &o(iness and ,ustice) and t&e (i6e) t&at &as 'ut -ou u'on conceiting anot&er)
2&o is not so &o(- as &e is) and does not &ate sin so muc&) and 2i(( not +e so strict(- ,ust in
'unis&ing it= and 2&ose 2rat& against sin is not so terri+(e.
7ut i* -ou 2ere sensi+(e o* t&e /anit- o* -our o2n conceits) and t&at 3od 2as not suc& an one as
-ou &a/e imagined= +ut t&at &e is) as &e is indeed) an in*inite(- &o(-) ,ust) sin &ating and sin
re/enging 3od) 2&o 2i(( not to(erate nor endure t&e 2ors&i' o* ido(s) -ou 2ou(d +e muc& more
(ia+(e to *ee( t&e sensi+(e e9ercises o* enmit- against &im t&an -ou are no2. And t&is e9'erience
con*irms. ?or 2e see t&at 2&en men come to +e under con/ictions) and to +e made sensi+(e t&at
3od is not as t&e- &a/e &ereto*ore imagined= +ut t&at &e is suc& a ,ea(ous) sin &ating 3od) and
2&ose 2rat& against sin is so dread*u() t&e- are muc& more a't to &a/e sensi+(e e9ercises o*
enmit- against &im t&an +e*ore.
#. Iour &a/ing a(2a-s +een taug&t t&at 3od is in*inite(- a+o/e -ou) and out o* -our reac&) &as
're/ented -our enmit- +eing e9ercised in t&ose 2a-s) t&at ot&er2ise it 2ou(d &a/e +een. And
&ence -our enmit- &as not +een e9ercised in re/enge*u( t&oug&ts= +ecause re/enge &as ne/er
*ound an- room &ere= it &as ne/er *ound an- &and(e to ta6e &o(d o*: t&ere &as +een no conce'tion
o* an- suc& t&ing) and &ence it &as (ain sti((. A ser'ent 2i(( not +ite) or s'it 'oison) at t&at 2&ic&
it sees at a great distance= 2&ic& i* it sa2 near) 2ou(d do it immediate(-. O''ortunit- o*ten
s&o2s 2&at men are) 2&et&er *riends or enemies. O''ortunit- to do 'uts men in mind o* doing=
2a6ens u' suc& 'rinci'(es as (a- dormant +e*ore. O''ortunit- stirs u' desire to do) 2&ere t&ere
2as +e*ore a dis'osition) t&at 2it&out o''ortunit- 2ou(d &a/e (ain sti((. I* a man &as &ad an o(d
grudge against anot&er) and &as a *air o''ortunit- to +e re/enged) t&is 2i(( re/i/e &is ma(ice) and
2a6en u' a desire o* re/enge.
I* a great and so/ereign 'rince in,ures a 'oor man) and 2&at &e does is (oo6ed u'on as /er-
crue() t&at 2i(( not ordinari(- stir u' 'assionate re/enge) +ecause &e is so muc& a+o/e &im) and
out o* &is reac&. Ban- a man &as a''eared ca(m and mee6) 2&en &e &as &ad no 'o2er in &is
&ands) and &as not a''eared) eit&er to &imse(* or ot&ers) to &a/e an- dis'osition to crue( acts= -et
a*ter2ards) 2&en &e came to &a/e o''ortunit- +- une9'ected ad/ancement) or ot&er2ise) &as
a''eared (i6e a ra/enous 2o(*) or de/ouring (ion. So it 2as 2it& 8a0ae(. And 8a0ae( said) @&-
2ee'et& m- (ordF And &e ans2ered) 7ecause I 6no2 t&e e/i( t&at t&ou 2i(t do unto t&e c&i(dren
o* Israe(: t&eir strong &o(ds 2i(t t&ou set on *ire) and t&eir -oung men 2i(t t&ou s(a- 2it& t&e
s2ord) and 2i(t das& t&eir c&i(dren) and ri' u' t&eir 2omen 2it& c&i(d. And 8a0ae( said) 7ut
2&at is t&- ser/ant a dog) t&at &e s&ou(d do t&is great t&ingH And E(is&a ans2ered) t&e 4ord &at&
s&o2ed me t&at t&ou s&a(t +e 6ing o/er S-ria) 2 Jings !:12) 13. 8a0ae( 2as t&en a ser/ant= &e
&ad no 'o2er in &is &ands to do as &e '(eased= and so &is crue( dis'osition &ad (ain &id) and &e
did not &imse(* imagine t&at it 2as t&ere. 7ut a*ter2ards) 2&en &e +ecame 6ing o* S-ria) and 2as
a+so(ute) &a/ing none to contro( &im= t&en it +ro6e out and a''eared) and &e did as t&e 'ro'&et
&ad *oreto(d. 8e committed t&ose /er- acts o* crue(t- t&at &e t&oug&t it 2as not in &is &eart to do.
It 2as 2ant o* o''ortunit- t&at made t&e di**erence. It 2as a(( in &is &eart +e*ore. 8e 2as suc& a
dog t&en as to do t&is t&ing) +ut on(- &ad not o''ortunit-. And t&ere*ore 2&en &e seems
sur'rised t&at t&e 'ro'&et s&ou(d sa- so o* &im) a(( t&e reason t&e 'ro'&et gi/es is) T&e 4ord &at&
s&o2ed me t&at t&ou s&a(t +e 6ing o/er S-ria.
Some natura( men are suc& dogs as to do t&ings) i* t&e- &ad o''ortunit-) 2&ic& t&e- do not
imagine it is in t&eir &earts to do. Iou o+,ect against -our &a/ing a mora( &atred against 3od=
t&at -ou ne/er *e(t an- desire to det&rone &im. 7ut one reason &as +een) t&at it &as a(2a-s +een
concei/ed so im'ossi+(e +- -ou. 7ut i* t&e t&rone o* 3od 2ere 2it&in -our reac&) and -ou 6ne2
it) it 2ou(d not +e sa*e one &our. @&o 6no2s 2&at t&oug&ts 2ou(d 'resent(- arise in -our &eart
+- suc& an o''ortunit-) and 2&at dis'osition 2ou(d +e raised u' in -our &eart. @&o 2ou(d trust
-our &eart) t&at t&ere 2ou(d not 'resent(- +e suc& t&oug&ts as t&ese) t&oug& t&e- are enoug& to
ma6e one trem+(e to mention t&emF o2 I &a/e o''ortunit- to set m-se(* at (i+ert- t&at I need
not +e 6e't in continua( s(a/er- +- t&e strict (a2 o* 3od. T&en I ma- ta6e m- (i+ert- to 2a(6 in
t&at 2a- I (i6e +est) and need not +e continua((- in suc& s(a/is& *ear o* 3odGs dis'(easure. And
3od &as not done 2e(( +- me in man- instances. 8e &as done most un,ust(- +- me) in &o(ding
me +ound to destruction *or un+e(ie*) and ot&er t&ings 2&ic& I cannot &e('. 8e &as s&o2n merc-
to ot&ers) and not to me. I &a/e no2 an o''ortunit- to de(i/er m-se(*) and t&ere can +e no danger
o* m- +eing &urt *or it. T&ere 2i(( +e not&ing *or us to +e terri*ied a+out) and so 6ee' us in
@&o 2ou(d trust -our &eart t&at suc& t&oug&ts 2ou(d not ariseF Or ot&ers muc& more &orrid and
too dread*u( to +e mentionedF And t&ere*ore I *or+ear. T&ose natura( men are *oo(is&(-
insensi+(e o* 2&at is in t&eir o2n &earts) 2&o t&in6 t&ere 2ou(d +e no danger o* an- suc&
2or6ings o* &eart) i* t&e- 6ne2 t&e- &ad o''ortunit-.
5. Iou (itt(e consider &o2 muc& -our &a/ing no more o* t&e sensi+(e e9ercises o* &atred to 3od
is o2ing to a +eing restrained +- *ear. Iou &a/e a(2a-s +een taug&t 2&at a dread*u( t&ing it is to
&ate 3od) and &o2 terri+(e &is dis'(easure= t&at 3od sees t&e &eart and 6no2s a(( t&e t&oug&ts=
and t&at -ou are in &is &ands) and &e can ma6e -ou as misera+(e as &e '(eases) and as soon as &e
'(eases. And t&ese t&ings &a/e restrained -ou. And t&e *ear t&at &as risen *rom t&em) &as 6e't
-ou *rom a''earing 2&at -ou are= it &as 6e't do2n -our enmit-) and made t&at ser'ent a*raid to
s&o2 its &ead) as ot&er2ise it 2ou(d do. I* a 2rat&*u( man 2ere 2&o((- under t&e 'o2er o* an
enem-) &e 2ou(d +e a*raid to e9ercise &is &atred in out2ard acts) un(ess it 2ere 2it& great
disguise. And i* it +e su''osed t&at suc& an enem-) in 2&ose 'o2er &e 2as) cou(d see &is &eart)
and 6no2 a(( &is t&oug&ts= and a''re&ended t&at &e 2ou(d 'ut &im to a terri+(e deat&) i* &e sa2
t&e 2or6ings o* ma(ice t&ere) &o2 great(- 2ou(d t&is restrainH 8e 2ou(d +e a*raid so muc& as to
+e(ie/e &imse(*) t&at &e &ated &is enem-. 7ut t&ere 2ou(d +e a(( manner o* disguise and
&-'ocris-) and *eigning e/en o* t&oug&ts and a**ections.
T&us -our enmit- &as +een 6e't under restraint= and t&us it &as +een *rom -our in*anc-. Iou
&a/e gro2n u' in it) so t&at it is +ecome an &a+itua( restraint. Iou dare not so muc& as t&in6 -ou
&ate 3od. I* -ou do e9ercise &atred) -ou &a/e a disguise *or it) 2&ere+- -ou endea/or e/en to
&ide it *rom -our o2n conscience= and so &a/e a(( a(ong decei/ed -ourse(*. Iour deceit is /er-
o(d and &a+itua(. T&ere &as +een on(- restraint= not morti*ication. T&ere &as +een an enmit-
against 3od in its *u(( strengt&. It &as +een on(- restrained) (i6e an enem- t&at durst not rise u'
and s&o2 &imse(*.
6.. One reason 2&- -ou &a/e not *e(t more sensi+(e &atred to 3od ma- +e +ecause -ou
&a/e not &ad muc& tria( o* 2&at is in -our &eart. It ma- +e 3od &as &it&erto) in a great measure)
(et -ou a(one. T&e enmit- t&at is in men>s &earts against 3od) is (i6e a ser'ent) 2&ic&) i* it +e (et
a(one (ies sti((. 7ut i* an-+od- distur+s it) 2i(( soon &iss) and +e enraged) and s&o2 its ser'entine
s'ite*u( nature.
ot2it&standing t&e good o'inion -ou &a/e o* -ourse(*) -et a (itt(e tria( 2ou(d s&o2 -ou to +e a
/i'er) and -our &eart 2ou(d +e set a(( on rage against 3od. One t&ing t&at restrains -ou no2 is
-our &o'e. Iou &o'e to recei/e man- t&ings *rom 3od. Iour o2n interest is concerned. So t&at
+ot& &o'e and *ear o'erate toget&er) to restrain -our enmit- *rom sensi+(e e9ercises. 7ut i* once
&o'e 2ere gone) -ou 2ou(d soon s&o2 2&at -ou 2ere= -ou 2ou(d *ee( -our enmit- against 3od
in a rage.
7. I* -ou 'retend t&at -ou do not *ee( enmit- against 3od) and -et act as an enem-) -ou ma-
certain(- conc(ude t&at it is not +ecause -ou are no enem-) +ut +ecause -ou do not 6no2 -our
o2n &eart. Actions are t&e +est inter'reters o* t&e dis'osition. T&e- s&o2) +etter t&an an-t&ing
e(se) 2&at t&e &eart is. It must +e +ecause -ou do not o+ser/e -our o2n +e&a/ior t&at -ou
.uestion 2&et&er -ou are an enem- to 3od.
@&at ot&er account can -ou gi/e o* -our o2n carriage) +ut on(- -our +eing 3od>s enem-F @&at
ot&er account can +e gi/en o* -our o''osing 3od in -our 2a-s= 2a(6ing so e9ceeding contrar- to
&im) contrar- to &is counse(s) contrar- to &is commands) and contrar- to &is g(or-F @&at ot&er
account can +e gi/en o* -our casting so muc& contem't u'on 3od= -our setting &im so (o2= -our
acting so muc& against &is aut&orit-) and against &is 6ingdom and interest in t&e 2or(dF @&at
ot&er account can +e gi/en o* -our so setting -our 2i(( in o''osition to 3od>s 2i(() and t&at so
o+stinate(-) *or so (ong a time) against so man- 2arnings as -ou &a/e &adF @&at ot&er account
can +e gi/en o* -our ,oining so muc& 2it& Satan) in t&e o''osition &e is ma6ing to t&e 6ingdom
o* 3od in t&e 2or(dF And t&at -ou 2i(( ,oin 2it& &im against 3od) t&oug& it +e so muc& against
-our o2n interest) and t&oug& -ou e9'ose -ourse(* +- it to e/er(asting miser-F
Suc& (i6e +e&a/ior in one man to2ards anot&er) 2ou(d +e su**icient e/idence o* enmit-. I* &e
s&ou(d +e seen to +e&a/e t&us) and t&at it 2as &is constant manner) none 2ou(d 2ant +etter
e/idence t&at &e 2as an enem- to &is neig&+or. I* -ou -ourse(* &ad a ser/ant t&at carried it
to2ards -ou) as -ou do to2ards 3od) -ou 2ou(d not t&in6 t&ere 2as need o* an- greater
e/idence o* &is +eing -our enem-. Su''ose -our ser/ant s&ou(d mani*est muc& contem't o* -ou=
and disregard -our commands as muc& as -ou do t&e commands o* 3od= s&ou(d go direct(-
contrar-) and in man- 2a-s act t&e /er- re/erse o* -our commands= s&ou(d seem to set &imse(*
in 2a-s t&at 2ere contrar- to -our 2i(( o+stinate(- and incorrigi+(-) 2it&out an- amendment
*rom -our re'eated ca((s) 2arnings) and t&reatenings= and s&ou(d act so cross to -ou da- and
nig&t) as -ou do to 3od= 2ou(d &e not +e ,ust(- deemed -our enem-F Su''ose) *urt&er) 2&en -ou
soug&t one t&ing) &e 2ou(d see6 t&e contrar-= 2&en -ou did an- 2or6) &e 2ou(d) as muc& as in
&im (a-) undo and destro- t&at 2or6= and su''ose &e s&ou(d continua((- dri/e at suc& ends) as
tended to o/ert&ro2 t&e ends -ou aimed at. @&en -ou soug&t to +ring to 'ass an- design) &e
2ou(d endea/or to o/ert&ro2 -our design= and set &imse(* as muc& against -our interest) as -ou
do -ourse(* against 3od>s &onor. And su''ose -ou s&ou(d moreo/er see &im) *rom time to time)
2it& t&ose 2&o 2ere -our dec(ared morta( enemies= ma6ing t&em &is counse(ors) and &ear6ening
to t&eir counse(s) as muc& as -ou do to Satan>s tem'tations= s&ou(d -ou not t&in6 -ou &ad
su**icient e/idence t&at &e 2as -our enem-F T&ere*ore consider serious(- -our o2n 2a-s) and
2eig& -our o2n +e&a/ior. 8o2 canst t&ou sa-) I am not 'o((utedF see t&- 2a- in t&e /a((e-)
6no2 2&at t&ou &ast done) 5er. 2:23.
The objections, that they show respect to God, and eperience some religious affections,
ATARA4 men ma- +e read- to o+,ect) t&e res'ect t&e- s&o2 to 3od) *rom time to time. T&is
ma6es man- to t&in6 t&at t&e- are *ar *rom +eing suc& enemies to 3od. T&e- 'ra- to &im in
secret) and attend on 'u+(ic 2ors&i') and ta6e a great dea( o* 'ains to do it in a decent manner. It
seems to t&em t&at t&e- s&o2 3od a great dea( o* res'ect. T&e- use man- /er- res'ect*u( terms
in t&eir 'ra-er. T&e- are res'ect*u( in t&eir manner o* s'ea6ing) t&eir /oice) gestures) and t&e
(i6e. 7ut to t&is I ans2er) t&at a(( t&is is done in mere &-'ocris-. A(( t&is seeming res'ect is
*eigned) t&ere is no sincerit- in it. T&ere is e9terna( res'ect) +ut none in t&e &eart. T&ere is a
s&o2) and not&ing e(se. Iou on(- co/er -our enmit- 2it& a 'ainted /ei(. Iou 'ut on t&e disguise
o* a *riend) +ut in -our &eart -ou are a morta( enem-. T&ere is e9terna( &onor) +ut in2ard
contem't= t&ere is a s&o2 o* *riends&i' and regard) +ut in2ard &atred. Iou do +ut decei/e
-ourse(* 2it& -our s&o2 o* res'ect= and endea/or to decei/e 3od= not considering t&at 3od (oo6s
not on t&e out2ard a''earance) +ut on t&e &eart. 8ere consider 'articu(ar(-)
1. T&at muc& o* t&at seeming res'ect 2&ic& natura( men s&o2 to 3od) is o2ing to t&eir
education. T&e- &a/e +een taug&t *rom t&eir in*anc- t&at t&e- oug&t to s&o2 great res'ect to
3od. T&e- &a/e +een taug&t to use res'ect*u( (anguage 2&en s'ea6ing a+out 3od) and to +e&a/e
2it& so(emnit-) 2&en attending on t&ose e9ercises o* re(igion) 2&erein t&e- &a/e to do 2it& &im.
?rom t&eir c&i(d&ood) t&e- &a/e seen t&at t&is is t&e manner o* ot&ers) 2&en t&e- 'ra- to 3od) to
use re/erentia( e9'ressions. and a re/erentia( +e&a/ior +e*ore &im.
T&ose 2&o are +roug&t u' in '(aces 2&ere t&e- &a/e) common(- *rom t&eir in*anc-) &eard men
ta6e t&e name o* 3od in /ain) and s2ear and curse) and +(as'&eme= t&e- (earn to do t&e same=
and it +ecomes &a+itua( to t&em. And it is t&e same 2a-) and no ot&er) t&at -ou &a/e (earned to
+e&a/e res'ect*u((- to2ards 3od. DIt isE not t&at -ou &a/e an- more res'ect to 3od t&an t&e-= +ut
t&e- &a/e +een +roug&t u' one 2a-) and -ou anot&er. In some 'arts o* t&e 2or(d) men are
+roug&t u' in t&e 2ors&i' o* ido(s o* si(/er) and go(d) and 2ood) and stone) made in t&e s&a'e o*
men and +east. T&e- sa- o* t&em) 4et t&e men t&at sacri*ice) 6iss t&e ca(*) 8os. 13:2. In some
'arts o* t&e 2or(d) t&e- are +roug&t u' to 2ors&i' ser'ents) and are taug&t *rom t&eir in*anc- to
s&o2 great res'ect to t&em. And in some '(aces) t&e- are +roug&t u' in 2ors&i''ing t&e de/i()
2&o a''ears to t&em in a +odi(- s&a'e= and to +e&a/e 2it& a s&o2 o* great re/erence and &onor
to2ards &im. And 2&at res'ect -ou s&o2 to 3od &as no +etter *oundation= it comes t&e same
2a-) and is 2ort& no more.
2. T&at s&o2 o* res'ect 2&ic& -ou ma6e is *orced. Iou come to 3od) and ma6e a great s&o2 o*
res'ect to &im) and use /er- res'ect*u( terms) 2it& a re/erentia( tone and manner o* s'ea6ing=
and -our countenance is gra/e and so(emn. Iou 'ut on an &um+(e as'ect= and use &um+(e)
res'ect*u( 'ostures) out o* *ear. Iou are a*raid t&at 3od 2i(( e9ecute &is 2rat& u'on -ou) and so
-ou *eign a great dea( o* res'ect) t&at &e ma- not +e angr- 2it& -ou. T&roug& t&e greatness o*
t&- 'o2er s&a(( t&ine enemies su+mit t&emse(/es unto t&ee) 1sa. 66:3. In t&e origina( it is) s&a((
t&ine enemies (ie to t&ee. It is rendered t&ere*ore in t&e margin) s&a(( -ie(d *eigned o+edience to
t&ee. A(( t&at -ou do in re(igion is *orced and *eigned. T&roug& t&e greatness o* 3od>s 'o2er)
-ou -ie(d *eigned o+edience. Iou are in 3od>s 'o2er) and &e is a+(e to destro- -ou. And so -ou
*eign a great dea( o* res'ect to &im) t&at &e mig&t not destro- -ou. As one mig&t do to2ards an
enem- t&at &ad ta6en &im ca'ti/e) t&oug& &e at t&e same time 2ou(d g(ad(- ma6e &is esca'e) i*
&e cou(d) +- ta6ing a2a- t&e (i*e o* &im 2&o &ad ta6en &im ca'ti/e.
3. It is not rea( res'ect t&at mo/es -ou to +e&a/e so to2ards 3od. Iou do it +ecause -ou &o'e
-ou s&a(( get +- it. It is res'ect to -ourse(*) and not res'ect to 3od t&at mo/es -ou. Iou &o'e to
mo/e 3od +- it to +esto2 t&e re2ards o* &is c&i(dren. Iou are (i6e t&e 5e2s 2&o *o((o2ed
C&rist) and ca((ed &im Ra++i) and 2ou(d ma6e &im a 6ing. ot t&at t&e- &onored &im so muc& in
t&eir &earts) as to t&in6 &im 2ort&- o* t&e &onor o* a 6ing= or t&at t&e- &ad t&e res'ect o* sincere
su+,ects= +ut t&e- did it *or t&e sa6e o* t&e (oa/es. 5esus 'ercei/ed t&at t&e- 2ou(d come and
ma6e &im a 6ing. And 2&en t&e- &ad *ound &im on t&e ot&er side o* t&e sea) t&e- said unto &im)
Ra++i) &o2 camest t&ou &it&erF 5esus ans2ered and said unto t&em) "eri(-) /eri(- I sa- unto -ou)
Ie see6 me) not +ecause -ou sa2 t&e mirac(es) +ut +ecause -e did eat o* t&e (oa/es) and 2ere
*i((ed) 5o&n 6:15) 25) 26.
T&ese t&ings do not argue +ut t&at -ou are im'(aca+(e enemies to 3od. I* -ou e9amine -our
'ra-ers and ot&er duties) -our o2n consciences 2i(( te(( -ou) t&at t&e seeming res'ect 2&ic& -ou
&a/e s&o2n to 3od in t&em) &as +een on(- in &-'ocris-. O*tentimes -ou &a/e set *ort& in -our
'ra-ers) t&at 3od 2as a great) a g(orious) and an in*inite(- &o(- 3od) as i* -ou great(- &onored
&im on t&e account o* t&ese attri+utes= and) at t&e same time) -ou &ad no sense in -our &eart o*
t&e greatness and g(or- o* 3od) or o* an- e9ce((enc- in &is &o(iness. Iour o2n consciences 2i((
te(( -ou) t&at -ou &a/e o*ten 'retended to +e t&an6*u(= -ou &a/e to(d 3od) t&at -ou t&an6ed &im
-ou 2as a(i/e) and t&an6ed &im *or /arious mercies) 2&en -ou &a/e not *ound t&e (east ,ot o*
t&an6*u(ness in -our &eart. And so -ou &a/e to(d 3od o* -our o2n un2ort&iness) and set *ort&
2&at a /i(e creature -ou D2ereE= 2&en -ou &a/e &ad no &um+(e sense o* -our o2n un2ort&iness.
I* t&ese *orementioned restraints 2ere t&ro2n o**) -ou 2ou(d soon t&ro2 o** a(( -our s&o2 o*
res'ect. Ta6e a2a- *ear) and a regard to -our o2n interest) and t&ere 2ou(d soon +e an end to a((
t&ose a''earances o* (o/e) &onor) and re/erence) 2&ic& no2 -ou ma6e. A(( t&ese t&ings are not
at a(( inconsistent 2it& t&e most im'(aca+(e enmit-. T&e de/i( &imse(* made a s&o2 o* res'ect to
C&rist) 2&en &e 2as a*raid t&at &e 2as going to torment &im= and 2&en &e &o'ed to 'ersuade
C&rist to s'are &im (onger. @&en &e sa2 5esus) &e cried out) and *e(( do2n +e*ore &im) and 2it&
a (oud /oice said) @&at &a/e I to do 2it& t&ee) 5esus) t&ou Son o* 3od most &ig&F I +eseec& t&ee)
torment me not) 4u6e !:2!.
Some ma- 'er&a's o+,ect against t&is doctrine o* t&eir +eing 3od>s enemies) t&e re(igious
a**ections t&e- &a/e sometimes e9'erienced. T&e- ma- +e read- to sa- t&at 2&en t&e- &a/e
come +e*ore 3od in 'ra-er) t&e- &a/e not on(- used res'ect*u( terms and gestures) +ut t&e- &a/e
'ra-ed 2it& a**ection= t&eir 'ra-ers &a/e +een attended 2it& tears) 2&ic& t&e- are read- to t&in6
s&o2ed somet&ing in t&e &eart. 7ut to t&is it is ans2ered) t&at t&ese a**ections &a/e risen *rom
ot&er causes) and not *rom an- true res'ect to 3od.
:1.< T&e- &a/e risen *rom se(*;(o/e) and not (o/e to 3od. I* -ou &a/e 2e't +e*ore 3od) *rom t&e
consideration o* -our o2n 'iti*u( case= t&at &as +een +ecause -ou (o/ed -ourse(*) and not +ecause
-ou &ad an- res'ect to 3od. I* -our tears &a/e +een *rom sorro2 *or -our sins= -ou &a/e
mourned *or -our sins) +ecause -ou &a/e sinned against -ourse(*) and not +ecause -ou &a/e
sinned against 3od. @&en -e *asted and mourned) did -e at a(( *ast unto me) e/en unto meF Kec.
:2.< 1ride) and a good t&oug&t o* t&emse(/es) /er- common(- &as a great &and in t&e a**ections
o* natura( men. T&e- &a/e a good o'inion o* 2&at t&e- are doing 2&en t&e- are 'ra-ing= and t&e
re*(ection on t&at a**ects t&em. T&e- are a**ected 2it& t&eir o2n goodness. Ben>s se(*;
rig&teousness o*ten occasions tears. A &ig& o'inion o* t&emse(/es +e*ore 3od) and an
imagination o* t&eir +eing 'ersons o* great account 2it& &im) &as a**ected t&em in t&eir
transactions 2it& 3od. T&ere is common(- a+undance o* 'ride in t&e midst o* tears= and o*ten
'ride is in a great measure t&e source o* t&em. And t&en t&e- are so *ar *rom +eing an argument
t&at -ou are not an enem- to 3od) t&at on t&e contrar-) t&e- are an argument) t&at -ou are. In
-our /er- tears) -ou are) in a /ain conceit o* -ourse(*) e9a(ting -ourse(* against 3od.
:3.< T&e a**ections o* natura( men o*ten arise *rom 2rong notions t&e- &a/e o* 3od. T&e-
concei/ed o* 3od a*ter t&e manner t&e- do o* men) as t&oug& &e 2ere a +eing (ia+(e to +e
2roug&t u'on in &is a**ections. T&e- concei/e o* &im as one 2&ose &eart cou(d +e dra2n) 2&ose
a**ections can +e o/ercome) +- 2&at &e sees in t&em. T&e- concei/e o* &im as +eing ta6en 2it&
t&em) and t&eir 'er*ormances= and t&is 2or6s on t&eir a**ections= and t&us one tear dra2s
anot&er) and t&eir a**ections increase +- re*(ection. And o*tentimes t&e- concei/ed o* 3od as one
t&at (o/es t&em) and is a *riend to t&em. And suc& a mista6e ma- 2or6 muc& on t&eir a**ections.
7ut suc& a**ections t&at arise to2ards 3od) as t&e- conceit &im to +e) is no argument t&at t&e-
&a/e not t&e same im'(aca+(e &atred to2ards 3od) considered as &e rea((- is. T&ere is no
conc(uding t&at men are not enemies) +ecause t&e- are a**ected and s&ed tears in t&eir 'ra-ers)
and t&e (i6e. Sau( 2as /er- muc& a**ected 2&en Ca/id e9'ostu(ated 2it& &im a+out 'ursuing
a*ter &im) and see6ing to 6i(( &im. Ca/id>s 2ords 2roug&t e9ceeding(- u'on Sau(>s a**ections.
And it came to 'ass 2&en Ca/id &ad made an end o* s'ea6ing t&ese 2ords unto Sau() t&at Sau(
said) Is t&is t&- /oice) m- son Ca/idF and Sau( (i*t u' &is /oice and 2e't) 1 Sam. 2#:16) c&a'
26:1) 10. 8e 2as so a**ected t&at &e 2e't a(oud) and ca((ed Ca/id &is son) t&oug& &e 2as +ut ,ust
+e*ore see6ing &is (i*e. 7ut t&is a**ection o* Sau( 2as no argument t&at &e did not sti(( continue in
&is enmit- against Ca/id. 8e 2as Ca/id>s morta( enem- +e*ore) and soug&t &is (i*e= and so &e
did a*ter2ards. It 2as +ut a 'ang. 8is enmit- 2as not morti*ied or done a2a-. T&e ne9t ne2s 2e
&ear o* Sau( is t&at &e 2as 'ursuing Ca/id) and see6ing &is (i*e again.
!estraining grace a great pri"ilege.
I* natura( men are 3odGs enemies) t&en &ence 2e ma- (earn) &o2 muc& 2e are inde+ted to 3od
*or &is restraining grace. I* a(( natura( men are 3odGs enemies) 2&at 2ou(d t&e- not do) i* t&e-
2ere not restrainedH ?or 2&at &as one t&at is an enem- in &is dis'osition) to restrain &im *rom
acting against &im to 2&om &e is an enem-F 8atred 2i(( not restrain a man *rom acting an-t&ing
against &im t&at is &ated. ot&ing is too +ad *or &atred) i* it +e mere &atred and no (o/e. 8atred
s&o2s no 6indness eit&er in doing) or *or+earing. It 2i(( ne/er ma6e a man *or+ear to act against
3od= *or t&e /er- nature o* &atred is to see6 e/i(. 7ut 2ic6ed men) as &as +een s&o2n) are mere
enemies to 3od. T&e- &a/e &atred) 2it&out an- (o/e at a((. And &ence natura( men &a/e not&ing
2it&in t&em) in t&eir o2n nature) to restrain t&em *rom an-t&ing t&at is +ad. And t&ere*ore t&eir
restraint must not +e o2ing to nature) +ut to restraining grace. And t&ere*ore 2&ate/er
2ic6edness 2e &a/e +een 6e't *rom) it is not +ecause 2e &a/e not +een +ad enoug& to commit it=
+ut it is 3od &as restrained us) and 6e't us +ac6 *rom sin. T&ere can +e no 2orse 'rinci'(e) t&an a
'rinci'(e o* &atred to 3od. And t&ere can +e no 'rinci'(e t&at 2i(( go *urt&er in 2ic6edness t&an
t&is) i* it +e neit&er morti*ied nor restrained. 7ut it is not morti*ied in natura( men= and t&ere*ore
a(( t&at 6ee's t&em *rom an- degree o* 2ic6edness) is restrained. I* 2e &a/e seen ot&ers do
t&ings t&at 2e ne/er did= and i* t&e- &a/e done 2orse t&an 2e) t&is is o2ing to restraining grace.
I* 2e &a/e not done as +ad as 1&arao&) it is o2ing to di/ine restraints. I* 2e &a/e not done as +ad
as 5udas) or as t&e scri+es and 1&arisees) or as +ad as 8erod) or Simon Bagus) it is +ecause 3od
&as restrained our corru'tion. I* 2e &a/e e/er &eard or read o* an- t&at &a/e done 2orse t&an 2e=
i* 2e &a/e not gone t&e (engt& in sinning) t&at t&e most 2ic6ed 'irates or carna( 'ersecutors &a/e
gone) t&is is o2ing to restraining grace. ?or 2e are a(( natura((- t&e enemies o* 3od as muc& as
t&e-. I* 2e &a/e not committed t&e un'ardona+(e sin) it is o2ing to restraining grace. T&ere is no
2orse 'rinci'(e in e9ercise in t&at sin) t&an enmit- against 3od. T&ere is t&e entire *ountain) and
a(( t&e *oundation o* t&e sin against t&e 8o(- 3&ost) in t&at enmit- against 3od t&at natura((-
reigns in us.
It is not 2e t&at restrain ourse(/es *rom t&e commission o* t&e greatest imagina+(e 2ic6edness=
*or enmit- against 3od reigns in us and o/er us= 2e are under its 'o2er and dominion) and are
so(d under it. @e do not restrain t&at 2&ic& reigns o/er us. A s(a/e) as (ong as &e continues a
mere s(a/e) cannot contro( &is master. 8e t&at committet& sin) is t&e ser/ant o* sin) 5o&n !:3#. So
t&at t&e restraint o* t&is our crue( t-rant) is o2ing to 3od) and not to us. @&at does a 'oor)
im'otent su+,ect do to restrain t&e a+so(ute 4ord) t&at &as &im 2&o((- under &is 'o2erF 8o2
muc& 2i(( it a''ear t&at t&e 2or(d is inde+ted to t&e restraining grace o* 3od) i* 2e consider t&at
t&e 2or(d is *u(( o* enemies to 3od. T&e 2or(d is *u(( o* in&a+itants= and a(most a(( are 3od>s
enemies) &is im'(aca+(e and morta( enemies. @&at t&ere*ore 2ou(d t&e- not do) 2&at 2or6
2ou(d t&e- not ma6e) i* 3od did not restrain t&emF
3od>s 2or6 in t&e restraint t&at &e e9ercises o/er a 2ic6ed 2or(d) is a g(orious 2or6. 3odGs
&o(ding t&e reins u'on t&e corru'tions o* a 2ic6ed 2or(d) and setting +ounds to t&eir 2ic6edness)
is a more g(orious 2or6) t&an &is ru(ing t&e raging o* t&e sea) and setting +ounds to its 'roud
2a/es) and sa-ing) &it&erto s&a(t t&ou come) and no *urt&er. In &e(() 3od (ets t&e 2ic6edness o*
2ic6ed s'irits &a/e t&e reins) to rage 2it&out restraint= and it 2ou(d +e in a great measure u'on
eart& as it is in &e(() did not 3od restrain t&e 2ic6edness o* t&e 2or(d. 7ut in order to t&e +etter
understanding &o2 it is o2ing to t&e restraining grace o* 3od) t&at 2e are 6e't and 2it&&e(d
*rom t&e &ig&est acts o* sin) I 2ou(d &ere o+ser/e se/era( t&ings.
1. @&ene/er men are 2it&&e(d *rom sinning +- t&e common in*(uence o* 3odGs S'irit) t&e- are
2it&&e(d +- restraining grace. I* sinners are a2a6ened) and are made sensi+(e o* t&e great gui(t
t&at sin +rings) and t&at it e9'oses to a dread*u( 'unis&ment= under suc& circumstances t&e- dare
not a((o2 t&emse(/es in 2i((*u( sin= 3od restrains t&em +- t&e con/ictions o* &is S'irit= and
t&erein t&eir +eing 6e't *rom sin) is o2ing to restraining grace. And una2a6ened sinners t&at (i/e
under t&e gos'e() 2&o are in a great measure secure) common(- &a/e some degrees o* t&e
in*(uence o* 3odGs S'irit) 2it& &is ordinances in*(uencing natura( conscience. And t&oug& t&e- +e
not su**icient t&oroug&(- to rouse t&em out o* securit-) or ma6e t&em re*orm= -et t&e- 6ee' t&em
*rom going suc& (engt&s in sin) as ot&er2ise t&e- mig&t do. And t&is is restraining grace. T&e-
are indeed /er- stu'id and sottis&. Iet t&e- 2ou(d +e a great dea( more so) i* 3od s&ou(d (et
t&em 2&o((- a(one.
2. A(( t&e restraints t&at men are under *rom t&e 2ord and ordinances is *rom grace. T&e 2ord
and ordinances o* 3od mig&t &a/e some degree o* in*(uence on menGs natura( 'rinci'(es o* se(*;
(o/e) to restrain t&em *rom sin) 2it&out an- degree o* t&e in*(uence o* 3od>s S'irit. 7ut t&is
2ou(d +e t&e restraining grace o* 3od= *or 3od>s goodness and merc- to a sin*u( 2or(d a''ears
in &is gi/ing &is 2ord to +e a restraint on t&e 2ic6edness o* t&e 2or(d. @&en men are restrained
+- *ear o* t&ose 'unis&ments t&at t&e @ord o* 3od t&reatens= or +- t&e 2arnings) t&e o**ers) and
'romises o* it= 2&en t&e @ord o* 3od 2or6s u'on &o'e) or *ear) or natura( conscience) to
restrain men *rom sin) t&is is t&e restraining grace o* 3od) and is o2ing to &is merc-. It is an
instance o* 3od>s merc- t&at &e &as re/ea(ed &e(() to restrain men>s 2ic6edness= and t&at &e &as
re/ea(ed a 2a- o* sa(/ation) and a 'ossi+i(it- o* eterna( (i*e. T&is 2&ic& &as great in*(uence on
men to 6ee' t&em *rom sin) is t&e restraining grace o* 3od.
3. @&en men are restrained *rom sin) +- t&e (ig&t o* nature) t&is a(so is o* grace. I* men are
destitute o* t&e (ig&t o* 3od>s @ord) -et t&e (ig&t o* natura( conscience teac&es t&at sin +rings
gui(t) and e9'oses to 'unis&ment. T&e (ig&t o* nature teac&es t&at t&ere is a 3od 2&o go/erns t&e
2or(d) and 2i(( re2ard t&e good and 'unis& t&e e/i(. 3od is t&e aut&or o* t&e (ig&t o* nature) as
2e(( as t&e (ig&t o* re/e(ation. 8e in merc- to man6ind ma6es 6no2n man- t&ings +- natura(
(ig&t to 2or6 u'on men>s *ear and se(*;(o/e) in order to restrain t&eir corru'tions.
#. @&en 3od restrains men>s corru'tions +- &is 'ro/idence) t&is is *rom grace. And t&at 2&et&er
it +e &is genera( 'ro/idence in ordering t&e state o* man6ind= or &is 'ro/identia( dis'osa(s
to2ards t&em in 'articu(ar.
:1.< 3od great(- restrains t&e corru'tion o* t&e 2or(d) +- ordering t&e state o* man6ind. 8e &at&
set t&em &ere in a morta( state) and in a state o* 'ro+ation *or eternit-= and t&at is a great restraint
to corru'tion. 3od &at& so ordered t&e state o* man6ind) t&at ordinari(- man- 6inds o* sin and
2ic6edness are disgrace*u() and 2&at tend to t&e &urt o* a man>s c&aracter and re'utation
amongst &is *e((o2men= and t&at is a great restraint. 8e &at& so dis'osed t&e 2or(d) t&at man-
6inds o* 2ic6edness are man- 2a-s /er- contrar- to men>s tem'ora( interest= and man6ind DisE
(ed to 'ro&i+it man- 6inds o* 2ic6edness +- &uman (a2s= and t&at is a great restraint. 3od &at&
set u' a c&urc& in t&e 2or(d) made u' o* t&ose 2&o) i* t&e- are ans2era+(e to t&eir 'ro*ession)
&a/e t&e *ear and (o/e o* 3od in t&eir &earts= and t&e- +- &o(ding *ort& re/ea(ed (ig&t) +- 6ee'ing
u' t&e ordinances o* 3od) and +- 2arning ot&ers) are a great restraint to t&e 2ic6edness o* t&e
In a(( t&ese t&ings) t&e restraining grace o* 3od a''ears. It is 3od>s merc- to man6ind) t&at &e
&as so ordered t&eir state) t&at t&e- s&ou(d &a/e so man- t&ings) +- *ear and a regard to t&eir o2n
interest) to restrain t&eir corru'tions. It is 3od>s merc- to t&e 2or(d) t&at t&e state o* man6ind
&ere di**ers *rom t&e state o* t&e damned in &e((= 2&ere men 2i(( &a/e none o* t&ese t&ings to
restrain t&em. T&e 2isdom o* 3od) as 2e(( as t&e attri+utes o* &is grace) great(- a''ear in t&us
dis'osing t&ings *or t&e restraining o* t&e 2ic6edness o* men.
:2.< 3od great(- restrains t&e corru'tions o* men +- &is 'ro/idence to2ards 'articu(ar 'ersons=
+- '(acing men in suc& circumstances as to (a- t&em under restraints. And to t&is it is o*ten
o2ing t&at some natura( men ne/er go suc& (engt&s in sinning) or are ne/er gui(t- o* suc&
atrocious 2ic6edness) as some ot&ers) t&at 1ro/idence &as '(aced t&em in di**erent
circumstances. I* it 2ere not *or t&is) man- t&ousands o* natura( men) 2&o no2 (i/e so+er and
order(- (i/es) 2ou(d do as 1&arao& did. T&e reason 2&- t&e- do not) is) t&at 1ro/idence &as
'(aced t&em in di**erent circumstances. I* t&e- 2ere in t&e same circumstances as 1&arao& 2as
in) t&e- 2ou(d do as &e did. And so) i* in t&e same circumstances as Banassa&) as 5udas) or ero.
7ut 1ro/idence restrains t&eir corru'tions) +- 'utting t&em in suc& circumstances) as not to o'en
suc& a door or out(et *or t&eir corru'tion) as &e did to t&em. So some do not 'er'etrate suc&
&orrid t&ings) t&e- do not (i/e suc& &orri+(- /icious (i/es) as some ot&ers) +ecause 1ro/idence
&as restrained t&em) +- ordering t&at t&e- s&ou(d &a/e a +etter education t&an ot&ers. 1ro/idence
&as ordered t&at t&e- s&ou(d +e t&e c&i(dren o* 'ious 'arents) it ma- +e) or s&ou(d (i/e 2&ere t&e-
s&ou(d en,o- man- means o* grace= and so 1ro/idence &as (aid t&em under restraints. o2 t&is is
restraining grace= or t&e attri+ute o* 3od>s grace e9ercised in t&us restraining 'ersons.
And o*tentimes 3od restrains men>s corru'tions +- 'articu(ar e/ents o* 'ro/idence. 7- 'articu(ar
a**(ictions t&e- are +roug&t under) or +- 'articu(ar occurrences) 2&ere+- 3od does) as it 2ere)
+(oc6 u' men>s 2a- in t&eir course o* sin) or in some 2ic6edness t&at t&e- &as de/ised) and t&at
ot&er2ise t&e- 2ou(d 'er'etrate. Or somet&ing &a''ens une9'ected to &o(d men +ac6 *rom t&at
2&ic& t&e- 2ere a+out to commit. T&us 3od restrained Ca/id +- &is 'ro/idence *rom s&edding
+(ood) as &e intended to do. o2 t&ere*ore) m- (ord) as t&e 4ord (i/et&) and as t&- sou( (i/et&)
seeing t&e 4ord &at& 2it&&o(den t&ee *rom coming to s&ed +(ood) and *rom a/enging t&-se(* 2it&
t&ine o2n &and) 1 Sam 25:26. 3od 2it&&e(d &im *rom it no ot&er2ise) t&an +- ordering it so in
&is 'ro/idence t&at A+igai( s&ou(d come) and +- &er 2isdom s&ou(d coo() 'aci*-) and 'ersuade
&im to a(ter &is 'ur'ose. See /erse 32) 33) 3#.
5. 3od(- 'ersons are great(- inde+ted to restraining grace) in 6ee'ing t&em *rom dread*u( acts o*
sin. So it 2as in t&at instance o* Ca/id) ,ust mentioned. E/en god(- 'ersons) 2&en 3od &as (e*t)
and &as not restrained t&em) &a/e *a((en into dread*u( acts o* sin. So did Ca/id) in t&e case o*
Aria&= and 4ot) and 1eter. And 2&en ot&er god(- 'ersons are 6e't *rom *a((ing into suc& sins) or
muc& 2orse sins t&an t&ese) it is o2ing to t&e restraining grace o* 3od. Bere(- &a/ing a
'rinci'(e o* grace in t&eir &earts) or mere(- t&eir +eing god(- 'ersons) 2it&out 3od>s 'resence to
restrain t&em) 2i(( not 6ee' t&em *rom great acts o* sin. T&at t&e god(- do not *a(( into t&e most
&orrid sins t&at can +e concei/ed o*) is o2ing not so muc& to an- inconsistenc- +et2een t&eir
*a((ing into suc& sins) and t&e &a/ing a 'rinci'(e o* grace in t&e &eart) as it is o2ing to t&e
co/enant merc- o* 3od) 2&ere+- &e &as 'romised ne/er to (ea/e nor *orsa6e &is 'eo'(e= and t&at
&e 2i(( not su**er t&em to +e tem'ted a+o/e 2&at t&e- are a+(e= +ut 2it& t&e tem'tation 2i((
ma6e a 2a- *or t&em to esca'e. I* sa/ing grace restrains men *rom great acts o* sin) t&at is o2ing
to 3od 2&o gi/es suc& e9ercises o* grace at t&at time 2&en t&e tem'tation comes) t&at t&e- are
4et not t&e god(- t&ere*ore +e insensi+(e o* t&eir o+(igations to t&e restraining grace o* 3od.
T&oug& t&e- cannot +e said to +e enemies to 3od) +ecause a 'rinci'(e o* enmit- does not reign=
-et t&e- &a/e t&e /er- same 'rinci'(e and seed o* enmit- in t&em) t&oug& it +e morti*ied. T&oug&
it +e not in reigning 'o2er) -et it &as great strengt&= and is too strong *or t&em) 2it&out 3od>s
a(mig&t- 'o2er to &e(' t&em against it. T&oug& t&e- +e not enemies to 3od) +ecause t&e- &a/e a
'rinci'(e o* (o/e= -et t&eir o(d man) t&e +od- o* sin and deat& t&at -et remains in t&em) is a
morta( enem- to 3od. Corru'tion in t&e god(-) is not +etter t&an it is in t&e 2ic6ed= +ut is o* as
+ad a nature e/er- 2&it) as t&at 2&ic& is in a morta( enem- to 3od. And t&oug& it +e not in
reigning 'o2er= -et it 2ou(d dread*u((- rage) 2ere it not *or 3od>s restraining grace.
3od gi/e &is restraining grace to +ot& natura( and god(- men. 7ut t&ere is t&is di**erence= &e
gi/es &is restraining grace to &is c&i(dren in t&e 2a- o* co/enant merc-= it is 'art o* t&e merc-
'romised in &is co/enant. 3od is *ait&*u() and 2i(( not (ea/e t&em to sin in (i6e manner as 2ic6ed
men do= ot&er2ise t&e- 2ou(d do e/er- 2&it as +ad. 4et not t&ere*ore t&e god(- attri+ute it to
t&emse(/es) or mere(- to t&eir o2n goodness) t&at t&e- are not gui(t- o* suc& &orrid crimes as
t&e- &ear o* in ot&ers= (et t&em consider it as not o2ing to t&em) +ut to 3od>s restraints. T&us)
a(() +ot& god(- and ungod(-) ma- (earn *rom t&is doctrine) t&eir great o+(igations to t&e
restraining grace o* 3od.
#hy natural men are not willing to come to $hrist, and their dreadful condition.
8ence 2e ma- (earn t&e reason 2&- natura( men 2i(( not come to C&rist. T&e- do not come
+ecause t&e- 2i(( not come. Ie 2i(( not come to me) t&at -e mig&t &a/e (i*e) 5o&n 5:#0. @&en
2e sa- t&at natura( men are not 2i((ing to come to C&rist) it is not meant t&at t&e- are not 2i((ing
to +e de(i/ered *rom &e((= *or 2it&out dou+t) no natura( man is 2i((ing to go to &e((. or is it
meant) t&at t&e- are not 2i((ing t&at C&rist s&ou(d 6ee' t&em *rom going to &e((. @it&out dou+t)
natura( men under a2a6enings o*ten great(- desire t&is. 7ut t&is does not argue t&at t&e- are
2i((ing to come to C&rist. ?or) not2it&standing t&eir desire to +e de(i/ered *rom &e(() t&eir &earts
do not c(ose 2it& C&rist) +ut are a/erse to &im. T&e- see not&ing in C&rist 2&ere*ore t&e- s&ou(d
desire &im= no +eaut- nor come(iness to dra2 t&eir &earts to &im. And t&e- are not 2i((ing to ta6e
C&rist as &e is= t&e- 2ou(d *ain di/ide &im. T&ere are some t&ings in &im t&at t&e- (i6e) and
ot&ers t&at t&e- great(- dis(i6e. 7ut consider &im as &e is) and as &e is o**ered to t&em in t&e
gos'e() and t&e- are not 2i((ing to acce't o* C&rist= *or in doing so) t&e- must o* necessit- 'art
2it& a(( t&eir sins= t&e- must se(( t&e 2or(d) and 'art 2it& t&eir o2n rig&teousness. 7ut t&e- &ad
rat&er) *or t&e 'resent) run t&e /enture o* going to &e(() t&an do t&at.
@&en men are tru(- 2i((ing to come to C&rist) t&e- are *ree(- 2i((ing. It is not 2&at t&e- are
*orced and dri/en to +- t&reatenings= +ut t&e- are 2i((ing to come) and c&oose to come 2it&out
+eing dri/en. 7ut natura( men &a/e no suc& *ree 2i((ingness. 7ut on t&e contrar- &a/e an
a/ersion. And t&e ground o* it is t&at 2&ic& 2e &a/e &eard) /i0. t&at t&e- are enemies to 3od.
T&eir &a/ing suc& a reigning enmit- against 3od) ma6es t&em o+stinate(- re*use to come to
C&rist. I* a man is an enem- to 3od) &e 2i(( necessari(- +e an enem- to C&rist too= *or C&rist is
t&e Son o* 3od= &e is in*inite(- near to 3od) -ea) &as t&e nature o* 3od) as 2e(( as t&e nature o*
man. 8e is a Sa/ior a''ointed o* 3od. 8e anointed &im) and sent &im into t&e 2or(d. And in
'er*orming t&e 2or6 o* redem'tion) &e 2roug&t t&e 2or6s o* 3od= a(2a-s did t&ose t&ings t&at
'(eased &im= and a(( t&at &e does as a Sa/ior) is to &is g(or-. And one great t&ing &e aimed at in
redem'tion) 2as to de(i/er t&em *rom t&eir ido(s) and +ring t&em to 3od. T&e case +eing so) and
sinners +eing enemies to 3od) t&e- 2i(( necessari(- +e o''osite to coming to C&rist= *or C&rist is
o* 3od) and as a Sa/ior see6s t&em to +ring t&em to 3od on(-. 7ut natura( men are not o* 3od)
+ut are a/erse to &im.
8ence 2e see) &o2 dread*u( is t&e condition o* natura( men. T&eir state is a state o* enmit- 2it&
3od. I* 2e consider 2&at 3od is) and 2&at men are) it 2i(( +e eas- *or us to conc(ude t&at suc&
men as are 3od>s enemies) must +e misera+(e. Consider) -e t&at are enemies to 3od) &o2 great
&e is. 8e is t&e eterna( 3od 2&o *i((s &ea/en and eart&) and 2&om t&e &ea/en o* &ea/ens cannot
contain. 8e is t&e 3od t&at made -ou= in 2&ose &and -our +reat& is) and 2&ose are a(( -our
2a-s= t&e 3od in 2&om -ou (i/e) and mo/e) and &a/e -our +eing= 2&o &as -our sou( and +od- in
&is &ands e/er- moment.
Iou 2ou(d (oo6 on -ourse(* as in /er- un&a''- circumstances) i* -our neig&+ors 2ere a(( -our
enemies) and none o* -our *e((o2;creatures 2ere -our *riends. I* e/er-+od- 2ere set against -ou)
and a(( des'ised and &ated -ou) -ou 2ou(d +e read- to t&in6) -ou &ad +etter +e out o* t&e 2or(d
t&an in it. 7ut i* it +e suc& a ca(amit- to &a/e enmit- maintained +et2een -ou and -our *e((o2;
creatures) 2&at is it) 2&en -ou and t&e a(mig&t- 3od are enemiesF @&at a/ai(s eit&er t&e
*riends&i' or enmit- o* -our neig&+ors) 'oor 2orms o* t&e dust) in com'arison o* t&e *riends&i'
or enmit- o* t&e great 3od o* &ea/en and eart&F Consider)
1. I* -ou continue in -our enmit- a (itt(e (onger) t&ere 2i(( +e a mutua( enmit- +et2een 3od and
-ou to a(( eternit-. 3od 2i(( a''ear to +e -our dread*u( and irreconci(a+(e enem-. I* -ou s&ou(d
die an enem- to 3od) t&ere 2i(( +e no suc& t&ing as an- reconci(iation a*ter deat&. 3od 2i(( t&en
a''ear to -ou in &atred) 2it&out an- (o/e) an- 'it-) and an- merc- at a((. As -ou &ate 3od) &e
2i(( &ate -ou. And t&at 2i(( +e /eri*ied o* -ou. B- sou( (oat&ed t&em) and t&eir sou( a+&orred
me) Kec. 11:!. And t&en 3od 2i(( +e -our enem- *ore/er. I* -ou +e not reconci(ed so as to
+ecome &is *riend in t&is (i*e) 3od ne/er 2i(( +ecome -our *riend a*ter deat&. I* -ou continue an
enem- to 3od ti(( deat&) 3od 2i(( continue an enem- to -ou to a(( eternit-. Iou 2i(( &a/e no
mediator o**ered -ou) t&ere 2i(( +e no da- s;man +et2i9t -ou. So t&at it +ecomes -ou to consider
2&at it 2i(( +e to &a/e 3od -our enem- to a(( eternit-) 2it&out an- 'ossi+i(it- o* +eing
Consider) 2&at 2i(( it +e to &a/e t&is enmit- to +e mutua() and maintained *ore/er on +ot& sidesF
?or as 3od 2i(( *ore/er continue an enem- to -ou) so -ou 2i(( *ore/er continue an enem- to
3od. I* -ou continue 3od>s enem- unti( deat&) -ou 2i(( a(2a-s +e &is enem-. And a*ter deat&
-our enmit- 2i(( &a/e no restraint) +ut it 2i(( +rea6 out and rage 2it&out contro(. @&en -ou
come to +e a *ire;+rand &e(() -ou 2i(( +e so in t2o res'ects) /i0. as -ou 2i(( +e *u(( o* t&e *ire o*
3od>s 2rat&= and as -ou 2i(( +e on a +(a0e 2it& s'ite and ma(ice to2ards 3od. Iou 2i(( +e as
*u(( o* t&e *ire o* ma(ice) as -ou 2i(( 2it& t&e *ire o* di/ine /engeance) and +ot& 2i(( ma6e -ou
*u(( o* torment. T&en -ou 2i(( a''ear as -ou are) a /i'er indeed. Iou are no2 under great
disguise= a 2o(* in s&ee'>s c(ot&ing. 7ut t&en -our mas6 2i(( +e 'u((ed o**. Iou s&a(( (oose -our
garments) and 2a(6 na6ed. Re/. 16:15. T&en 2i(( -ou /ent -our rage and ma(ice in *ear*u(
+(as'&emies. T&at same tongue) to coo( 2&ic& -ou 2i(( 2is& *or a dro' o* 2ater) 2i(( +e eterna((-
em'(o-ed in cursing and +(as'&eming 3od and C&rist. And t&at not *rom an- ne2 corru'tion
+eing 'ut into -our &eart= +ut on(- *rom 3od>s 2it&dra2ing &is &and *rom restraining -our o(d
corru'tion. And 2&at a misera+(e 2a- 2i(( t&is +e o* s'ending -our eternit-H
2. Consider) 2&at 2i(( +e t&e conse.uence o* a mutua( enmit- +et2een 3od and -ou) i* it +e
continuedF T&oug& &it&erto -ou &a/e met 2it& no /er- great c&anges) -et t&e- 2i(( come. A*ter a
(itt(e 2&i(e) d-ing time 2i(( come= and t&en 2&at 2i(( +e t&e conse.uence o* t&is enmit-F 3od)
2&ose enem- -ou are) &as t&e *rame o* -our +od- in &is &ands. Iour times are in &is &and= and
&e it is t&at a''oints -our +ounds. And 2&en &e sends deat& to arrest -ou) to c&ange -our
countenance) to disso(/e -our *rame) and to ta6e -ou a2a- *rom a(( -our eart&(- *riends) and
*rom a(( t&at is dear and '(easant to -ou in t&e 2or(d= 2&at 2i(( +e t&e issueF @i(( not -ou t&en
stand in need o* 3od>s &e('F @ou(d not &e +e t&e +est *riend in suc& a case) 2ort& more t&an ten
t&ousand eart&(- *riendsF I* 3od +e -our enem-) t&en to 2&om 2i(( -ou +eta6e -ourse(* *or a
*riendF @&en -ou (aunc& *ort& into t&e +ound(ess gu(* o* eternit-) t&en -ou 2i(( need some
*riend to ta6e care o* -ou) +ut i* 3od +e -our enem-) 2&ere 2i(( -ou +eta6e -ourse(*F Iour sou(
must go na6ed into anot&er 2or(d) in eterna( se'aration *rom a(( 2or(d(- t&ings= and -our sou(
2i(( not +e in its o2n 'o2er) to de*end or dis'ose o* itse(*. @i(( -ou not t&en need to &a/e 3od
*or a *riend) into 2&ose &ands -ou ma- commend -our s'iritF 7ut &o2 dread*u( 2i(( it +e) to
&a/e 3od -our enem-H
T&e time is coming 2&en t&e *rame o* t&is 2or(d s&a(( +e disso(/ed. C&rist s&a(( descend in t&e
c(ouds o* &ea/en) in t&e g(or- o* &is ?at&er= and -ou) 2it& a(( t&e rest o* man6ind) must stand
+e*ore &is ,udgment;seat. T&en 2&at 2i(( +e t&e conse.uence o* t&is mutua( enmit- +et2een 3od
and -ouF I* 3od +e -our enem-) 2&o 2i(( stand -our *riendF o2) it ma- +e) it does not a''ear
to +e /er- terri+(e to &a/e 3od *or -our enem-. 7ut 2&en suc& c&anges as t&ese are +roug&t to
'ass) it 2i(( great(- a(ter t&e a''earance o* t&ings. T&en 3od>s *a/or 2i(( a''ear to -ou o* in*inite
2ort&. T&e-) and t&e- on(-) 2i(( t&en a''ear &a''-) 2&o &a/e t&e (o/e o* 3od. And t&en -ou
2i(( 6no2 t&at 3od>s enemies are misera+(e. 7ut under t&is &ead) consider more 'articu(ar(-
se/era( t&ings.
@&at 3od can do to &is enemies. Or rat&er) 2&at can &e not doF 8o2 misera+(e can &e 2&o is
a(mig&t- ma6e &is enemiesH Consider) -ou t&at are enemies to 3od) 2&et&er or not -ou s&a(( +e
a+(e to ma6e -our 'art good 2it& &im. Co 2e 'ro/o6e t&e 4ord to ,ea(ous-F Are 2e stronger
t&an &eF 1 Cor. 10:22. 8a/e -ou suc& a conceit o* -our o2n strengt&) as t&at -ou t&in6 to tr- it
out 2it& 3odF Co -ou intend to run t&e ris6 o* an encounter 2it& &imF Co -ou imagine t&at -our
&ands can +e strong) or -our &eart can endureF Co -ou t&in6 -ou s&a(( +e 2e(( a+(e to de*end
-ourse(*) or to esca'e out o* &is &andF Co -ou t&in6 t&at -ou s&a(( +e a+(e to u'&o(d -our s'irits)
2&en 3od acts as an enem- to2ards -ouF I* so) t&en gird u' -our (oins) and see 2&at t&e e/ent
2i(( +e. T&ere*ore t&us 2i(( I do unto t&ee and +ecause I 2i(( do t&is unto t&ee) 're'are to meet
t&- 3od. Amos #:12. Is it not in /ain to set t&e +riers and t&orns in +att(e arra- against de/ouring
*(ames= 2&ic& t&oug& t&e- seemed to +e armed 2it& natura( 2ea'ons )-et t&e *ire 2i(( 'ass
t&roug& t&em) and +urn t&em toget&erF See Isa. 27:#.
And i* -ou endea/or to su''ort -ourse(* under 3od>s 2rat&) cannot 3od (a- -ou under suc&
miser-) as to cause -our s'irit .uite to *ai(= so t&at -ou s&a(( *ind no strengt& to resist &im) or to
u'&o(d -ourse(*F @&- s&ou(d a 2orm t&in6 o* su''orting &imse(* against an omni'otent
ad/ersar-F Consider) 3od &as made -our sou(= and &e can *i(( it 2it& miser-. 8e made -our
+od-) and can +ring 2&at torments &e 2i(( u'on it. 3od 2&o made -ou) &as gi/en -ou a ca'acit-
to +ear torment= and &e &as t&at ca'acit- in &is &ands. 8o2 dread*u( must it +e to *a(( into t&e
&ands o* suc& an enem-H Sure(-) it is a *ear*u( t&ing to *a(( into t&e &ands o* t&e (i/ing 3od) 8e+.
:2.< I* 3od +e -our enem-) -ou ma- rationa((- conc(ude t&at &e 2i(( act as suc& in &is dea(ings
2it& -ou. @e &a/e a(read- o+ser/ed t&at -ou &a/e enmit- 2it&out an- (o/e or true res'ect. So) i*
-ou continue to +e so) 3od 2i(( a''ear to +e -our mere enem-= and 2i(( +e so *ore/er) 2it&out
+eing reconci(ed. 7ut i* it +e so) &e 2i(( dou+t(ess act as suc&. I* &e eterna((- &ates -ou) &e 2i((
act in &is dea(ings 2it& -ou) as one t&at &ates -ou 2it&out an- (o/e or 'it-. T&e 'ro'er tendenc-
and aim o* &atred is t&e miser- o* t&e o+,ect &ated= so t&at -ou ma- e9'ect 3od 2i(( ma6e -ou
misera+(e) and t&at -ou 2i(( not +e s'ared. o2) 3od does not act as -our mere enem-. I* &e
corrects -ou) it is in measure. 8e no2 e9ercises a+undance o* merc- to -ou. 8e t&reatens -ou
no2= +ut it is in a 2a- o* 2arning) and so in a merci*u( 2a-. 8e no2 ca((s) in/ites) and stri/es
2it& -ou) and 2aits to +e gracious to -ou. 7ut &erea*ter t&ere 2i(( +e an end to a(( t&ese t&ings. In
anot&er 2or(d 3od 2i(( cease to s&o2 -ou merc-.
:3.< I* -ou 2i(( continue 3od>s enem-) -ou ma- rationa((- conc(ude t&at 3od 2i(( dea( 2it& -ou
so as to ma6e it a''ear &o2 dread*u( it is to &a/e 3od *or an enem-. It is /er- dread*u( to &a/e a
mig&t- 'rince *or an enem-. T&e 2rat& o* a 6ing is as t&e roaring o* a (ion) 1ro. 1$:12. 7ut i* t&e
2rat& o* a man) a *e((o2;2orm) +e so terri+(e) 2&at is t&e 2rat& o* 3odH And 3od 2i(( dou+t(ess
s&o2 it to +e immense(- more dread*u(. I* -ou 2i(( +e an enem-) 3od 2i(( act so as to g(ori*-
t&ose attri+utes 2&ic& &e e9ercises as an enem-= 2&ic& are &is ma,est-) &is 'o2er) and ,ustice.
8is great ma,est-) &is a2*u( ,ustice) and mig&t- 'o2er) s&a(( +e s&o2ed u'on -ou. @&at i* 3od)
2i((ing to s&o2 &is 2rat&) and to ma6e &is 'o2er 6no2n) endured 2it& muc& (ong;su**ering t&e
/esse(s o* 2rat& *itted to destruction) Rom. $:22.
:#.< Consider) 2&at 3od &as said &e 2i(( do to &is enemies. 8e &as dec(ared t&at t&e- s&a(( not
esca'e= +ut t&at &e 2i(( sure(- 'unis& t&em. T&ine &and s&a(( *ind out a(( t&ine enemies) t&- rig&t
&and s&a(( *ind out a(( t&ose t&at &ate t&ee) 1sa. 21:!. And re'a-et& t&em t&at &ate &im to t&eir
*ace) to destro- t&em: &e 2i(( not +e s(ac6 to &im t&at &atet& &im) &e 2i(( re'a- &im to &is *ace)
Ceu. 7:10. T&e 4ord s&a(( 2ound t&e &ead o* &is enemies) and t&e &air- sca(' o* suc& an one as
goet& on sti(( in &is tres'asses) 1sa. 6!:21.
Iea) 3od &at& s2orn t&at &e 2i(( +e a/enged on t&em= and t&at in a most a2*u( and dread*u(
manner. ?or I (i*t u' m- &and to &ea/en) and sa-) I (i/e *ore/er. I* I 2&et m- g(ittering s2ord)
and mine &and ta6e &o(d on ,udgment= I 2i(( render /engeance to mine enemies) and I 2i((
re2ard t&em t&at &ate me. I 2i(( ma6e mine arro2s drun6 2it& +(ood :and m- s2ord s&a(( de/our
*(es&<) and t&at 2it& t&e +(ood o* t&e s(ain *rom t&e +eginning o* re/enges on t&e enem-) Ceu.
32:#0) #1) #2. T&e terri+(eness o* t&e t&reatened destruction is &ere /arious(- set *ort&. 3od
2&ets &is g(ittering s2ord) as one t&at 're'ares &imse(* to do some great e9ecution. 8is &ands
ta6e &o(d on ,udgment) to signi*- t&at &e 2i(( sure(- re2ard t&em as t&e- deser/e. 8e 2i(( render
/engeance to &is enemies) and re2ard t&em t&at &ate &im. i.e. 8e 2i(( render t&eir *u(( re2ard. I
2i(( ma6e mine arro2s drun6 2it& +(ood. T&is signi*ies t&e greatness o* t&e destruction. It s&a((
not +e a (itt(e o* t&eir +(ood t&at s&a(( satis*-= +ut &is arro2s s&a(( +e g(utted 2it& t&eir +(ood.
And &is s2ord s&a(( de/our *(es&. T&at is) it s&a(( ma6e dread*u( 2aste o* it. T&is is t&e terri+(e
manner in 2&ic& 3od 2i(( one da- rise u' and e9ecute /engeance on &is enemiesH
Again) t&e com'(eteness o* t&eir destruction is re'resented in t&e *o((o2ing 2ords: T&e 2ic6ed
s&a(( 'eris&) t&e enemies o* t&e 4ord s&a(( +e as t&e *at o* (am+s) t&e- s&a(( consume: into smo6e
s&a(( t&e- consume a2a-) 1sa. 37:20. T&e *at o* (am+s) 2&en it is +urnt in t&e *ire) +urns a(( u'=
t&ere is not so muc& as a cinder (e*t= it a(( consumes into smo6e. T&is re'resents t&e 'er*ect
destruction o* 3od>s enemies in &is 2rat&. So 3od &at& 'romised C&rist= t&at &e 2ou(d ma6e &is
enemies &is *ootstoo() 1sa. 110:1. i.e. 8e 2ou(d 'our t&e greatest contem't u'on t&em) and as it
2ere tread t&em under *oot. Consider) t&at a(( t&ese t&ings 2i(( +e e9ecuted on -ou) i* -ou
continue 3od>s enemies.
God may justly withhold mercy
I* natura( men are 3od>s enemies) &ence 2e ma- (earn) &o2 ,ust(- 3od ma- re*use to s&o2 -ou
merc-. ?or is 3od o+(iged to s&o2 merc- to &is enemiesF Is 3od +ound to set &is (o/e on t&em
t&at &a/e no (o/e to &im= +ut &ate &im 2it& 'er*ect &atredF Is &e +ound to come and d2e(( 2it&
t&em t&at &a/e an a/ersion to &im) and c&oose to 6ee' at a distance *rom &im) and *(- *rom &im
as one t&at is &ate*u( to t&emF E/en s&ou(d -ou desire t&e sa(/ation o* -our sou() is 3od +ound to
com'(- 2it& -our desires) 2&en -ou a(2a-s resist and o''ose &is 2i((F Is 3od +ound to 'ut
&onor u'on -ou) and to ad/ance -ou to suc& dignit- as to +e a c&i(d o* t&e Jing o* 6ings) and t&e
&eir o* g(or-) 2&i(e at t&e same time -ou set &im too (o2 to &a/e e/en t&e (o2est '(ace in -our
T&is doctrine a**ords a strong argument *or t&e a+so(ute so/ereignt- o* 3od) 2it& res'ect to t&e
sa(/ation o* sinners. I* 3od is '(eased to s&o2 merc- to &is &aters) it is certain(- *it t&at &e
s&ou(d do it in a so/ereign 2a-) 2it&out acting as an- 2a- o+(iged. 3od 2i(( s&o2 merc- to &is
morta( enemies= +ut t&en &e 2i(( not +e +ound) &e 2i(( &a/e &is (i+ert- to c&oose t&e o+,ects o*
&is merc-= to s&o2 merc- to 2&at enem- &e '(eases) and to 'unis& and destro- 2&ic& o* &is
&aters &e '(eases. And certain(- t&is is a *it and reasona+(e t&ing. It is *it t&at 3od s&ou(d
distri+ute sa/ing +(essings in t&is 2a-) and in no ot&er) /i0. in a so/ereign and ar+itrar- 2a-.
And t&at e/er an-+od- t&oug&t o* or de/ised an- ot&er 2a- *or 3od to s&o2 merc-) t&an to &a/e
merc- on 2&om &e 2i(( &a/e merc-) must arise *rom ignorance o* t&eir o2n &earts) 2&ere+-
t&e- 2ere insensi+(e 2&at enemies t&e- natura((- are to 3od. 7ut consider &ere t&e *o((o2ing
1. 8o2 cause(ess(- -ou are enemies to 3od. Iou &a/e no manner o* reason *or it) eit&er *rom
2&at 3od is) or *rom 2&at &e &as done. Iou &a/e no reason *or t&is *rom 2&at &e is. ?or &e is an
in*inite(- (o/e(- and g(orious 7eing. T&e *ountain o* a(( e9ce((enc-) a(( t&at is amia+(e and (o/e(-
in t&e uni/erse) is origina((- and eminent(- in &im. ot&ing can 'ossi+(- +e concei/ed o* t&at
cou(d +e (o/e(- in 3od) t&at is not in &im) and t&at in t&e greatest 'ossi+(e degree.
And -ou &a/e no reason *or t&is) *rom 2&at 3od &as done. ?or &e &as +een a good and +ounti*u(
3od to -ou. 8e &as e9ercised a+undance o* 6indness to -ou= &as carried -ou *rom t&e 2om+)
'reser/ed -our (i*e) ta6en care o* -ou) and 'ro/ided *or -ou) a(( -our (i*e (ong. 8e &as e9ercised
great 'atience and (ong;su**ering to2ards -ou. I* it &ad not +een *or t&e 6indness o* 3od to -ou)
2&at 2ou(d &a/e +ecome o* -ouF @&at 2ou(d &a/e +ecome o* -our +od-F And 2&at) +e*ore t&is
time) 2ou(d &a/e +ecome o* -our sou(F And -ou are no2) e/er- da- and &our) maintained +- t&e
goodness and +ount- o* 3od. E/er- ne2 +reat& -ou dra2) is a ne2 gi*t o* &is to -ou. 8o2
cause(ess(- t&en are -ou suc& dread*u( enemies to 3odH And &o2 ,ust(- mig&t &e *or it eterna((-
de'ri/e -ou o* a(( merc-) seeing -ou do t&us re.uite 3od *or &is merc- and 6indness to -ouH
2. Consider) &o2 -ou 2ou(d resent it) i* ot&ers 2ere suc& enemies to -ou) as -ou are to 3od. I*
t&e- &ad t&eir &earts so *u(( o* enmit- to -ou= i* t&e- treated -ou 2it& suc& contem't) and
o''osed -ou) as -ou do 3od= &o2 2ou(d -ou resent itH Co -ou not *ind t&at -ou are a't great(-
to resent it) 2&en an- o''ose -ou) and s&o2 an i(( s'irit to2ards -ouF And t&oug& -ou e9cuse
-our o2n enmit- against 3od *rom -our corru't nature t&at -ou +roug&t into t&e 2or(d 2it& -ou)
2&ic& -ou cou(d not &e('. Iet -ou do not e9cuse ot&ers *or +eing enemies to -ou *rom t&eir
corru't nature t&at t&e- +roug&t into t&e 2or(d) 2&ic& t&e- cou(d not &e('= +ut are read- +itter(-
to resent it not2it&standing.
Consider t&ere*ore) i* -ou) a 'oor) un2ort&-) un(o/e(- creature) do so resent it) 2&en -ou are
&ated) &o2 ma- 3od ,ust(- resent it 2&en -ou are enemies to &im) an in*inite(- g(orious 7eing=
and a 7eing *rom 2&om -ou &a/e recei/ed so muc& 6indnessH
3. 8o2 unreasona+(e is it *or -ou to imagine t&at -ou can o+(ige 3od to &a/e res'ect to -ou +-
an-t&ing t&at -ou can do) continuing sti(( to +e &is enem-. I* -ou t&in6 -ou &a/e 'ra-ed) and
read) and done somet&ing considera+(e *or 3od= -et 2&o cares *or t&e seeming 6indness o* an
enem-F @&at /a(ue 2ou(d -ou -ourse(* set u'on a man ma6ing a s&o2 o* *riends&i') 2&en -ou
6ne2 at t&e same time) t&at &e 2as in2ard(- -our morta( enem-F @ou(d -ou (oo6 u'on -ourse(*
o+(iged *or suc& res'ect and 6indnessF @ou(d -ou not rat&er a+&or itF @ou(d -ou count suc&
res'ect to +e /a(ued) as 5oa+>s to2ards Amasa) 2&o too6 &im +- t&e +eard) and 6issed &im) and
said) Art t&ou in &ea(t&) m- +rot&erF And smote &im at t&e same time under t&e *i*t& ri+) and
6i((ed &imH @&at i* -ou do 'ra- to 3odF Is &e o+(iged to &ear t&e 'ra-ers o* an enem-F @&at i*
-ou &a/e ta6en a great dea( o* 'ainsF Is 3od o+(iged to gi/e &ea/en *or t&e 'ra-ers o* an enem-F
8e ma- ,ust(- a+&or -our 'ra-ers) and a(( t&at -ou do in re(igion) as t&e *(atter- o* a morta(
%ractical Impro"ement
8ence 2e ma- (earn)
1. 8o2 2onder*u( is t&e (o/e t&at is mani*ested in gi/ing C&rist to die *or us. ?or t&is is (o/e to
enemies. @&i(e 2e 2ere enemies) 2e 2ere reconci(ed to 3od +- t&e deat& o* &is Son. 8o2
2onder*u( 2as t&e (o/e o* 3od t&e ?at&er) in gi/ing suc& a gi*t to t&ose 2&o not on(- cou(d not
+e 'ro*ita+(e to &im) +ut 2ere &is enemies) and to so great a degreeH T&e- &ad great enmit-
against &im= -et so did &e (o/e t&em) t&at &e ga/e &is o2n Son to (a- do2n &is (i*e) in order to
sa/e t&eir (i/es. T&oug& t&e- &ad enmit- t&at soug&t to 'u(( 3od do2n *rom &is t&rone= -et &e so
(o/ed t&em) t&at &e sent do2n C&rist *rom &ea/en) *rom &is t&rone t&ere) to +e in t&e *orm o* a
ser/ant= and instead o* a t&rone o* g(or-) ga/e &im to +e nai(ed to t&e cross) and to +e (aid in t&e
gra/e) t&at so 2e mig&t +e +roug&t to a t&rone o* g(or-.
8o2 2onder*u( 2as t&e (o/e o* C&rist) in t&us e9ercising d-ing (o/e to2ards &is enemiesH 8e
(o/ed t&ose t&at &ated &im) 2it& &atred t&at soug&t to ta6e a2a- &is (i*e) so as /o(untari(- to (a-
do2n &is (i*e) t&at t&e- mig&t &a/e (i*e t&roug& &im. 8erein is (o/e= not t&at 2e (o/ed &im) +ut
t&at &e (o/ed us) and (aid do2n &is (i*e *or us.
2. I* 2e are a(( natura((- 3odGs enemies) &ence 2e ma- (earn 2&at a s'irit it +ecomes us as
C&ristians to 'ossess to2ards our enemies. T&oug& 2e are enemies to 3od) -et 2e &o'e t&at 3od
&as (o/ed us) t&at C&rist &as died *or us) t&at 3od &as *orgi/en or 2i(( *orgi/e us= and 2i(( do us
good) and +esto2 in*inite mercies and +(essings u'on us) so as to ma6e us &a''- . A(( t&is merc-
2e &o'e &as +een) or 2i(( +e) e9ercised to2ards us *ore/er
Certain(- t&en) it 2i(( not +ecome us to +e +itter in our s'irits against t&ose t&at are enemies to
us) and &a/e in,ured and i(( treated us= and t&oug& t&e- &a/e -et an i(( s'irit to2ards us. Seeing
2e de'end so muc& on 3odGs *orgi/ing us) t&oug& enemies) 2e s&ou(d e9ercise a s'irit o*
*orgi/eness to2ards our enemies. And t&ere*ore our Sa/ior inserted it in t&at 'ra-er) 2&ic& &e
dictated as a genera( director- to a((= ?orgi/e us our de+ts) as 2e *orgi/e our de+tors) to en*orce
t&e dut- u'on us) and to s&o2 us &o2 reasona+(e it is. And 2e oug&t to (o/e t&em e/en 2&i(e
enemies= *or so 2e &o'e 3od &at& done to us. @e s&ou(d +e t&e c&i(dren o* our ?at&er) 2&o is
6ind to t&e unt&an6*u( and e/i(. 4u6e 6:35.
I* 2e re*use t&us to do) and are o* anot&er s'irit) 2e ma- ,ust(- e9'ect t&at 3od 2i(( den- us &is
merc-) as &e &ad t&reatenedH I* -e *orgi/e men t&eir tres'asses) -our &ea/en(- ?at&er 2i(( a(so
*orgi/e -ou: +ut i* -e *orgi/e not men t&eir tres'asses) neit&er 2i(( -our ?at&er *orgi/e -our
tres'asses) Bat. 6:1#) 15. T&e same 2e &a/e in t&e 'ara+(e o* t&e man) 2&o o2ed &is (ord ten
t&ousand ta(ents. Bat. 1!:23;35.

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