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Salon Ceramic At Glance

2. Origin
3. Growth & Development
4. Technology
5. e!earch & Development
". A#ter $ar%et S&pport
'. (re!ent Stat&!
). $i!!ion o# the Company
*. $ar%et Strategy
1+. Organi,ation Str&ct&re.
-ame . Salon Ceramic /t0.
A00re!! . )1A -ational 2ighway3
/alpar oa03$or4i.
5!ta4li!hment 6ear . 2++1
7orm o# Organi,ation . (rivate /imite0
Acco&nting 6ear . 31
(hone . 8+2)229 241*'13 32*4'+
7a: . 8+2)229 241*21
51mail . !ale!;Salon
<e4!ite . www.Salon
=an%er! . =an% O# =aro0a.
>Salon Ceramic (ro0&ct? wa! e!ta4li!he0 in 2++1. The
company o##er! yo& @n0iaA! mo!t relia4le ceramic tile! with worl0
cla!! technology #rom the worl0A! lea0ing ceramic man&#act&ring
companie! o# @taly.
>Salon Ceramic (ro0&ct /t0. <a! !et &p in 2++1 with the
initial inve!tment o# 3 crore r&pee! an0 !ince then the company i!
man&#act&ring 1++B @n0igeno&! Ceramic <allTile!?.
Salon Ceramic (ro0&ct !tarte0 it! operatin in @n0ia in 2++1a! a
(rivate #irm #or the tra0ing o# importe0 Ceramic Tile!. Then a#ter the
comapny ha! thin% over the 1++B @n0igeno&! !anitary ware !cale &
&ltimately it !tarte0 it! operation in @n0ia in 2++2.
<hen we ta%e a4o&t the pro0&ct! an0 0evelopment i! that
Salon Ceramic i! the lea0er in @n0ia. @t ha! vario&! %in0! o# Tile! an0
wa! #ir!t to intro0&ce Concept !erie! in $or4i.
Salon Ceramic li!t! among the top 5 Ceramic man&#act&re!3
with over 1)+++ c&!tomer!. <e o##er! one o# the wi0e!t range o#
Ceramic Tile!.
Salon Ceramic are very e:ite0 a4o&t the la&nch o# o&r 4ran0
new 12+% technology. Thi! i! a technological 4rea% thro&gh #or
Ceramic man&#act&re!.. -oi!e #ilter! an0 one o# the !emicon0&ctor
in0&!trie! in recent time.
<hen we tal% a4o&t the re!earch o# Salon Ceramic pro0&ct3
company ha! it! own 0epartment which wor%! #or ho&r! & ho&r! &
trie! to 0evelop a high acc&racy with capacity along with low price!
an0 &ltimately company ha! recently la&nche0 Concept Serie!
0i!playe0 !cale which i! incl&0e0 o# all #eat&re! i.e. high acc&racy3
with high capacity at low price.
De0icate0 the !ervice o# the @n0ian @n0&!try an0 c&!tomer!3 o&r
re!earch & 0evelopment i! 0e!igning innovating an0 attempting
4rea%thro&gh in the Ceramic Tile!.
A term o# pro#e!!ional! !pecially a!!igne0 to provi0e pro0&ct
an0 technical !&pport to o&r c&!tomer! thro&gh @n0iaA! mo!t a0vance0
& #&lly comp&teri,e0 c&!tomer! !&pport center at $or4i.
Salon Ceramic (ro0&ct! i! committe0 to long term growth3 ha!
now reache0 a !tage where it can #orge a hea0 on the !trong
#o&n0ation it ha! 4&ilt. Strong #o&n0ation in term! o# man power3
in#ra!tr&ct&re3 !ale! an0 0i!tri4&tion channel!3 0ealer networ%3
!y!tem! integration3 all @n0ia retail an0 !ervice pre!ence to 0eliver
a4!ol&te c&!tomer !ati!#action. The company ha! charte0 it! growth
0eli4erately 4eginning with in#ra!tr&ct&re 0evelopment an0
con!oli0ation in the !econ0 pha!e an0 ha! now entere0 mar%et
penetration an0 target! to 4e among the top! in each pro0&ct !egment
4y year 2++5.
@n #iercely competitive in0&!try3 con!&mer 0&ra4le mar%et!
company mi!!ion i! to ma%e a 0i##erence in the li#e!tyle an0 intro0&ce
new 0imen!ion to enCoyment o##er new age technology an0 0igital
concept! wor%ing han0 with 0ome!tic in0&!try to pro0&ce an0 !ell
e:cellence an0 come clo!e to the @n0ian c&!tomer thro&gh committe0
The company ha! 0rawn &p two prolonge0 mar%eting !trategy
to achieve thi!. @ntro0&cing new Concept Serie! thro&gh importance
channel! !&pport the!e with #oc&!e0 promotion!.
>Once the mar%et achieve! optim&m !i,e3 ta%e &p the pro0&ct!
#or local man&#act&re?.
To !&pport the pop&lar pro0&ct! which are c&rrently
man&#act&re0 an0 mar%ete0 in @n0ia3 incl&0ing the mega range3 with
high powere0 promotion! an0 C&0icio&! me0ia mi:.
Organi,ation !tr&ct&re i! the 0iagrammatic repre!entation o#
a&thority re!pon!i4ility relation!hip.
GC$$7 have #latten organi,ation !tr&ct&re 4eca&!e it
#acilitie! e##ective co1or0ination an0 comm&nication.
(illar! o# management.
C&!tomer #oc&!
(eople involvement
Eal&e! o# change management.
S1 Sel# 0i!cipline
(1 (atience
O1 Openne!!
1 e!pect
T1 Tr&!t
GC$$7 ha! e!ta4li!he0 2OS2@- FA-@. @t helpe0 to en!&re
that all employee! are aware o# !hort3 me0i&m an0 long term plan!
an0 it involve! all their employee!.
The TD$ movement i! evi0ent in the A$G/ H&ality circle.
They have traine0 their employee! with a !haper 4&!ine!! per!pective
which ta%e! into acco&nt the comple:itie! o# changing mar%et
To ma%e them ore competitive in the 7$CG environment they
(er#ormance a&0it programmer!
@nvite0 e:pert con!&ltancy gro&p to !&pport competency
4&il0ing #or GC$$7.
Thi! help to 0e#ine each po!ition! role! an0 re!pon!i4ilitie!
4etter along with the reH&ire0 %nowle0ge3 !%ill! an0 attit&0e!.
$ar%eting i! the proce!! o# planning an0 e:ec&ting the
conception3 pricing3 promotion an0 0i!tri4&tion o# i0ea!3 goo0! an0
!ervice! to create e:change that !ati!#y in0ivi0&al an0 organi,ation
Tra0itional3 m&ch importance wa! given to pro0&ct rather than
nee0! an0 want! o# con!&mer!. $ar%eting manager go on 0e!ign their
pro0&ct witho&t giving thro&gh to he nee0! an0 want! o# con!&mer.
They were trying to !ell their pro0&ct at any co!t. Con!&mer! were
4om4ar0e0 with a0verti!ementI in all call!3 telephone call!3 etc.
The aim wa! to earn pro#it thro&gh high !ale! vol&me.
$oreover3 mar%eting wa! con!i0ere0 a! 4&ying an0 !elling the
=&t now3 time ha! change03 $ar%eting i! con!i0ere0 to 4e
m&ch moreI the #oc&!e0 i! given to the nee0! an0 want! to con!&mer!.
(ro0&ct! are 0e!igne0 accor0ing to the !peci#ication o# con!&mer!.
Con!&merA! !ati!#action i! given m&ch importance. The aim to earn
pro#it thro&gh c&!tomer !ati!#action. $oreover3 mar%eting #&nction
ha! al!o wi0ene0. $ar%eting incl&0e! 4ac% war0ing an0 #orwar0ing
0evelopment3 mar%eting re!earch3 a0verti!ing3 an0 many more. @n
#orwar0ing #&nctioning it incl&0e! po!t tr&ncation re!earch3 a#ter !ale!
!ervice3 0i!po!al o# the pro0&ct3 JKL &!e o# the pro0&ct3 etc.
-owa0ay! way! o# a0verti!ing i! al!o changing. Tra0itional mo!tly
&!e0 me0ia wa! televi!ion. -ow people !tarte0 &!ing internet a!
me0ia o# a0verti!ing. $ore an0 more n&m4er o# people i! t&rning to
0evelopment to we4!ite an0 net a0verti!ing.
ecently new ( i! intro0&cing in mar%eting. 7ir!t there were 5
(A!. -ow there are ) (A!. /a!t year -ew ( a00! i! pro0&ct port#olio
management. -owa0ay! more importance i! al!o given to mar%eting
re!earch al!o %now! the latent nee0! o# con!&mer!.
Th&!3 $ar%eting ye!ter0ay an0 to0ay i! totaling 0i##erent. One
ha! to a0apt the change to !&rvive in thi! mar%et.
Social mar%eting concept may 4e 0e#ine0 a!3
>The ta!% o# achieving organi,ational goal! i! to i0enti#ying the
nee0! an0 want! o# con!&mer! an0 !ati!#ying the nee0! an0 want! 4y
0elivering the 0e!ire0 goo0! an0 !ervice more e##iciently an0
e##ectively than competitor! in a way the pre!erve or enhance !ociety
well 4eing?
The GC$77 are contri4&ting in their own way to vario&!
0e!iro&! !ocial change!. They too% !tep! li%e.
Training mo0&le o# arti#icial in!emination !ervice.
5!ta4li!hment o# cattle #ee0 ma%ing.
$ar%eting mi: i! the vario&! mar%eting tool! that mar%eter &!e
to !ell it! pro0&ct!. There are 4 (A! o# mar%eting $i:.
4. (ro0&ctA! o# $ar%eting
A li!t o# the relevant mar%et #orce! an0 the element o# the
mar%eting mi: wo&l0 4e help#&l in analy,ing mar%eting pro4lem!.
The main aim o# all mar%eting activitie! i! >pro#ita4ility?. The
mar%eting manger !ho&l0 there#ore 0evi!e !&ch a mar%eting mi: that
will give the optim&m pro#it #or the pro0&ct he ha! to mar%et.
=y 4len0ing thi! mar%eter ma%e a proper plan o# action to p&!h
it! pro0&ct! in the mar%et.
Accor0ing to (hillp Fotler3 >$ar%eting $i: i! the !et o#
mar%eting tool! that the #irm &!e! to p&r!&e it! mar%eting o4Cective! in
the target mar%et?.
(ro0&ct (rice (romotion (lace
The mo!t 4a!ic mar%eting mi: tool i! pro0&ct the #irm tangi4le
o##er to the mar%et3 which incl&0e! the pro0&ct H&ality3 0e!ign3
#eat&re!3 4ran0ing3 an0 pac%ing. A! part o# itA! pro0&ct o##ering3
provi0ing a#ter !ale! !ervice!3 !&ch !&pport !ervice! can provi0e a
competitive a0vantage in the glo4ally competitive mar%et place.
(ro0&ct $i: incl&0e! #ollowing thing!.
(ro0&ct Eariety
=ran0 name
Salon Ceramic ha! goo0 pro0&ct mi:. @t ha! long variety o#
pro0&ct3 with 0i##erent rea0a4ility an0 !i,e o# goo0 H&ality o# pro0&ct
which i! given ne:t. A! #ar are !ervice i! concern3 company ha! given
that re!pon!i4ility to the 0ealer to give the 4e!t H&ality !ervice.
According to PHILIP KOTLER
A (ro0&ct i! anything that can 4e o##ere0 to a mar%et #or
attention3 acH&i!ition3 &!e o# con!&mption that might !ati!#y a want or
a nee0. @t incl&0e! phy!ical o4Cect!3 !ervice!3 per!on!3 place!3
organi,ation an0 i0ea!.
According to EDLERSON
(ro0&ct i! a 4&n0le o# &tilitie! con!i!ting o# vario&! pro0&ct
#eat&re! an0 accompanying !ervice!.
There are 5 level! o# the pro0&ct which mar%eter m&!t ta%e in
Core =ene#it
M(ro0&ct mi: i! the !et o# all pro0&ct line an0 item! that a
partic&lar !eller o##er! #or !ale to the 4&yer.A
M(ro0&ct line i! a gro&p o# pro0&ct! that are clo!ely relate0
4eca&!e they #&nction in a !imilar manner3 are !ol0 to the !ame
c&!tomer gro&p!3 are mar%ete0 tho&gh !ame type! o# o&tlet! o# #all
within a given price rangeA.
The typical new pro0&ct 0evelopment proce!! #ollowe0 4y
Salon Ceramic i! a! #ollow!.
The #ollowing !tage! are involve0 in -(D proce!!.
-ew (ro0&ct! are 4orn #rom i0ea!. =e#ore !earching i0ea!3 top
management !ho&l0 0e#ine the pro0&ct! an0 mar%et! an0 !ho&l0 al!o
!tate the o4Cective! #or -(D.
Sources of new product ideas:
/oyal c&!tomer! o#ten recogni,e the nee0 #or improvement in
the pro0&ct 4e#ore companie! can 0o. Companie! can i0enti#y
c&!tomer! nee0 thro&gh complaint letter!3 #orce0 gro&p 0i!c&!!ion3
etc. an0 can ma0e change! accor0ingly.
Scientists! Ep"o#ees! Engineers:
Company m&!t 0evelop a c&lt&re !o that employee! are
enco&rage0 to give new i0ea!. They !ho&l0 al!o 0evelop an incentive
!cheme #or tho!e who give 4e!t i0ea!.
Company can p&rcha!e the competitor! pro0&ct to !ee the
#&nctioning an0 accor0ingly they can 0evelop new pro0&ct.
Ot$er Sources:
(attern attorney!3 &niver!ity3 a0verti!ing3 agencie!3 mar%eting
re!earch #irm!3 &niver!ity3 4&!ine!! p&4lication an0 !o on.
Attri%ute Listing:
@t i! li!ting an e:i!ting pro0&ct! attri4&te! an0 then mo0i#ying
each attri4&te! in the !earch #or an improve0 pro0&ct.
&orced Re"ations$ip:
@n thi! !everal o4Cect! are con!i0ere0 in relation to one another
to create a new pro0&ct.
'orp$o"ogica" Ana"#sis:
@t i! i0enti#ying the !tr&ct&ral 0imen!ion! o# a pro4lem an0
e:amining the relation!hip! among them.
Need and Pro%"e Identification:
2ere c&!tomerA! nee0! an0 pro4lem! are i0enti#ie0.
@t i! a gro&p activity to !tim&late the #low o# i0ea! 4y 0i!c&!!ing
a !peci#ie0 pro4lem. 2ere r&le i!1
><e want a! many i0ea! a! po!!i4le an0 remem4er no
@n thi! !tage new i0ea! are eval&ate0 to 0etermining the
promi!ing one!. The p&rpo!e o# i0ea! !creening i! to 0rop poor i0ea!
a! early a! po!!i4le 4eca&!e pro0&ct 0evelopment co!t ri!e!
!&4!tantially at each !&cce!!ive !tage.
The committee !ho&l0 avoi0 two type! o# error!.
Drop error: @t occ&r! when committee 0rop an i0ea which i! goo0.
Go error: @t occ&r! when committee go with an i0ea which i! poor.
$o!t o# the company &!e! pro0&ct i0ea rating 0evice while
!creening the i0ea price per#ormance3 H&ality3 c&!tomer !ati!#action3
matche! with company re!o&rce!3 !trategie!3 o4Cective!3 etc. Then
i0ea i! matche0 with thi! certain criteria an0 i# it 0oe! not match then
i0ea i! 0roppe0.
(hilip Fotler !ay!3
MAttractive i0ea! m&!t 4e re#ine0 into te!ta4le pro0&ct
Con!&mer! 0o not 4&y pro0&ct i0ea! 4&t pro0&ct concept.
(ro0&ct @0ea . A po!!i4le pro0&ct that the company might
o##er to the mar%et.
(ro0&ct Concept . An ela4orate0 ver!ion o# i0ea! e:pre!!e0 in
con!&mer meaning#&l term!.
(ro0&ct @mage . A partic&lar pict&re in the min0! o#
Concept De)e"opent:
A pro0&ct i0ea can 4e t&rne0 into a !everal pro0&ct concept.
Concept Positioning:
5ach concept i! reH&ire0 to 4e po!itione0 !o that it help! to
&n0er!tan0 the pro0&ct competition in relation to co!t3 time
preparation3 H&ality3 etc. The!e compari!on! can 4e &!e0 to
comm&nicate the pro0&ct concept to the mar%et.
(reci!ion (lat#orm Scale! =i,er4a !cale
Co&nting Scale Salon CeramicA!
2@G2 (@C5
S&man 3 Option3 An0 (recio&!3 Satorio&!
Salon Ceramic Other!
/O< (@C5
The maCor competitor! o# Salon Ceramic are.
Salon Ceramic are po!itione0 again!t them a!
>SCA/5 O7 2@G2 DGA/@T6 AT 5ASO-A=/5 (@C5?
Concept Testing:
Concept te!ting call! #or te!ting thi! concept with an
appropriate gro&p o# target con!&mer!. The concept may 4e pre!ente0
!ym4olically or phy!ically. Con!&mer! are pre!ente0 with an
ela4orate0 ver!ion o# each concept an0 they are a!%e0 to react to each
@# company have &n0erta%e proper concept 0evelopment an0
concept te!ting then it can avoi0 any pro4lem that ari!e! in the mar%et
place later on in the initially !tage only.
The new pro0&ct manager will have to 0evelop a preliminary
mar%eting !trategy !tatement #or intro0&cing thi! pro0&ct into the
mar%et. Thi! !trategy will 4e re#ine0 in the !&4!eH&ent !tage!.
Thi! mar%eting !trategy plan con!i!t! o# 3 part!.
&irst part descri%es:
Target mar%et3 !tr&ct&re3 4ehavior3 !ale!3 mar%et !hare3 pro#it
goal! !o&ght in the #ir!t #ew year!.
Second part descri%es:
(ro0&ctA! planne0 price3 0i!tri4&tion !trategy an0 the mar%eting
4&0get #or the #ir!t year.
The Salon Ceramic will 4e o##ere0 with lower price .
T$ird part descri%es:
/ong r&n !ale! an0 pro#it goal! an0 mar%eting mi: !trategy over
Once the pro0&ct concept an0 mar%eting !trategy are
0eveloping management eval&ate the 4&!ine!! attractivene!! o# the
propo!al. $anagement eval&ate! the !ale!3 co!t an0 pro#it to
0etermine whether they !ati!#y the companyA! o4Cective!. @# they 0o
them the propo!al move into ne:t !tage.
Estiating Tota" Sa"es:
$anagement nee0! to e!timate whether !ale! will 4e high
eno&gh to yiel0 a !ati!#actory pro#it.
Total Sale! O 7ir!t time !cale P eplacement !ale! P epeat Sale!.
Sale! e!timation 0epen0! on whether a pro0&ct i! one time
p&rcha!e0 in#reH&ently p&rcha!e0 or #reH&ently p&rcha!e0 pro0&ce0.
Scale i! one time p&rcha!e0 pro0&ct. 2ere n&m4er o# #ir!t 4&yer
initially le!! an0 then 0ecrea!e a! #ew 4&yer! are le#t. epeat !ale!
will !oon occ&r provi0e0 that it !ati!#ie! !ome 4&yer!. The repeat
!ale! c&rve event&ally #all! an0 4ecome !tea0y 4eca&!e 4y thi! time3
the pro0&ct i! longer a new pro0&ct?.
Estiating &irst tie sca"e:
The #ir!t ta!% i! to e!timate the #ir!t time !ale! o# a new pro0&ct
in each perio0.
Estiating Rep"aceent Sa"es:
To e!timate replacement !ale!3 management ha! to re!earch the
pro0&ct !&rvival age 0i!tri4&tion. The low en0 o# 0i!tri4&tion
in0icate! when the #ir!t replacement !ale! will ta%e place. Since3
replacement !ale! are 0i##ic&lt to mea!&re 4e#ore act&al la&nch3 mo!t
o# company 4a!e their act&al 0eci!ion !olely on their e!timate o# #ir!t
time !ale!.
Estiating Repeat Sa"e:
7or a #reH&ently p&rcha!e0 pro0&ct one ha! to e!timate the
repeat !ale!. A high rate o# repeat p&rcha!e in0icate! that the
con!&mer! are !ati!#ie0 with the pro0&ct.
Estiating Costs * Profits:
A#ter !ale! #oreca!ting management have to e!timate the co!t!
an0 pro#it! o# thi! vent&re. The co!t! are e!timate 4y the & D3
man&#act&ring 0epartment3 mar%eting an0 #inance 0epartment
@ the pro0&ct pa!!3 the 4&!ine!! te!t3 it move! to &D to 4e
0evelope0 into a phy!ical pro0&ct. Gp to now it e:i!t in the #orm o#
wor0 0e!cription3 a 0rawing3 or a prototype. At the !tage the company
will 0etermine whether the pro0&ct i0ea can 4e tran!late0 into a
technically an0 commercially #ea!i4le pro0&ct.
The &D 0epartment will 0evelop one or more prototype. The
company hope! to #in0 a prototype that !ati!#ie! c&!tomer
reH&irementI it per#orm! !a#ely an0 can 4e pro0&ce0 with the
4&0gete0 man&#act&ring co!t!.
Developing an0 man&#act&ring a !&cce!!#&l prototype can ta%e
0ay!3 month! or even year!. /a4 !cienti!t! m&!t not only 0e!ign the
pro0&ct! reH&ire0 #&nctional characteri!tic! 4&t al!o they !ho&l0 %now
how to comm&nicate it! a!pect!.
At thi! !tage vario&! 0eci!ion! li%e.
(ro0&ct 5ngineering
7orm&lating the comm&nication programme!3 etc.
<hen prototype i! rea0y they go thro&gh #&nctional an0
con!&mer te!t.
7&nctional te!t! are con0&cte0 &n0er la4oratory an0 #iel0
con0ition to ma%e !&re that the pro0&ct per#orm! !a#ely an0
Con!&mer te!ting can ta%e variety o# #orm! #rom 4rining
con!&mer! into a la4oratory to giving them !ample! to &!e in their
Con!&mer! are given prototype to ta!te an0 their !&gge!tion!
are ta%en to ma%e #&rther change! in the pro0&ct an0 to improve their
pro0&ct. @n !hort3 Salon Ceramic &n0ergone con!&mer te!t.
The #inal prototype o# Salon Ceramic !cale wa! availa4le at
33B o# a retail price o# other !cale! o# company topping!.
A#ter management i! !ati!#ie0 with the pro0&ct! #&nctional
per#ormance3 the pro0&ct i! rea0y to 4e 0re!!e0 &p with a 4ran0 name3
pac%aging3 an0 preliminary mar%eting programme!.
The p&rpo!e o# mar%et te!ting i! to learn how con!&mer an0
0ealer! react to han0ling3 &!ing an0 rep&rcha!ing the act&al pro0&ct
an0 how large the mar%et i!Q
The amo&nt o# te!t mar%eting i! in#l&ence0 4y inve!tment co!t3
ri!% #actor!3 time pre!!&re an0 re!earch co!t3 !o3 not all the companie!
choo!e the ro&te o# mar%et te!ting.
1. Sale! wave re!earch 1. (ro0&ct &!e te!t
2. Sim&late0 te!t mar%eting 2. Tra0e !how
3. Controlle0 te!t mar%eting 3. Di!tri4&tor! & 0ealer! 0i!play
4. Te!t $ar%eting 4. Controlle0 te!t mar%eting
Salon Ceramic !cale i! a con!&mer goo0. TechniH&e &!e0 4y
Salon Ceramic #or te!t mar%eting i! Te!t $ar%et. @t i! a techniH&e
where company &!&ally !elect! #ew repre!entative citie! in which the
company !ale! #orce will try to !ell the pro0&ct with #&ll e:po!&re o#
a0verti!ing3 promotion campaign3 etc.
Salon Ceramic !electe0 citie! li%e $or4i3 Ahem0a4a03 S&rat3
=aro0a3 etc. #or te!t mar%eting with a 0i!co&nt o# r&pee!.
T$is et$od gi)es se)era" %enefits "i.e:
$ore relia4le #oreca!t o# #&t&re !ale!.
Company may 0eliver #a&lt that e!cape0 in pro0&ct
0evelopment !tage.
Liitation of t$is et$od:
There i! 0i##ic&lty in converting -ational me0ia plan! into local
There i! pro4lem o# o4taining a !et o# mar%et that rea!ona4ly
repre!ent! the co&ntry a! a whole.
$ar%et te!ting give! i0ea to management whether to la&nch the
pro0&ct or not. @# company goe! #or pro0&ct la&nch it call! #or high
inve!tment 4eca&!e to la&nch a new pro0&ct into the national mar%et
reH&ire! heavy !pen0ing on a0verti!ement an0 promotion in the #ir!t
Commerciali,ation involve! the #ollowing a!pect!.
/$en 0Tiings1:
@n la&nching a new pro0&ct company ha! to thin% whether it i!
a right time to la&nch the new pro0&ct. The company #ace! 3 choice!
7ir!t entry
(arallel entry
/ate entry
Salon Ceramic !cale wa! la&nche0 on R&ly 2++2 to gra4 the
e:pan0ing mar%et o# !cale range.
The company m&!t 0eci0e whether too la&nch the pro0&ct in
!ingle locality3 region3 national mar%et or the international mar%et.
7inancial !o&n0 company may la&nch their pro0&ct into #&ll national
mar%et. <hile !mall company #ir!t !elect one citie! an0 !lowly they
into other citie! an0 they 0i!tri4&te in whole nation.
Salon Ceramic !cale wa! initially la&nche0 in S&rat3
Ahme0a4a03 an0 =aro0a an0 then they enter other citie! an0 now it i!
availa4le in the whole nation.
To /$o:
The company m&!t target it! 0i!tri4&tion an0 promotion to the
4e!t pro!pect gro&p!. Companie!A 4e!t pro!pect gro&p i! one.
<ho are early a0opter!Q
<ho are heavy &!er!Q
<ho wo&l0 4e opinion lea0er!Q
<ho co&l0 4e reache0 at a low co!tQ
Salon Ceramic !cale target mar%et i! low 4&0get c&!tomer3 r&##
&!er!3 etc.
The company m&!t 0evelop action plan #or intro0&cing the new
pro0&ct into the mar%et!.
Salon Ceramic !cale wa! la&nche0 at a 0i!co&nt o# 15B
initially an0 now no 0i!co&nt i! given to c&!tomer!.
Th&!3 the entire proce!! o# new pro0&ct 0evelopment wa!
complete0 in aro&n0 1 or 1.5 year.
A0opter! o# Salon Ceramic !cale are in the trial an0 a0option
$ain #actor! which a##ect the a0option o# Salon Ceramic !cale
=elie#! o# c&!tomer!
Tra0itional ha4it!
The pro0&ct li#e cycle i! an important concept that provi0e!
in!ight into a pro0&ctA! competitive 0ynamic.
(ro0&ct li#e cycle i! an attempt to recogni,e the 0i!tinct !tage!
in the !ale! hi!tory o# the pro0&ct. =y i0enti#ying the !tage o# pro0&ct
li#e cycle company can #orm&late 4etter mar%eting plan! an0
$o!t o# the pro0&ct li#e cycle portray! typical 4ell!hape0 c&rve
or S1!hape0 pro0&ct li#e cycle3 which i! a! #ollow!.
'ar.eting Strateg#
Introduction Maturity
Sales & pro
There are other #orm! o# pro0&ct li#e cycle al!o. They are.
Cycle1ecycle pattern
Scallope0 pattern
Style pattern
7a!hion pattern
7a0 pattern
The 0i##erent !tage! o# pro0&ct li#e cycle are.
23 Introduction Stage:
Thi! !tage !tart! when the pro0&ct i! newly la&nche0. @n thi!
!tage pro#it are negative or low. $ain o4Cective o# the mar%et! i! to
create pro0&ct awarene!!. So3 promotional e:pen0it&re are at their
highe!t ratio to !ale!.
4! 'ar.eting Strategies:
Con!i0ering price an0 promotion mar%eting can p&r!&e one o#
the !trategie! in the intro0&ction !tage.
2@G2 /O<
api0 !%imming !trategy Slow !%imming !trategy
api0 penetration !trategy Slow penetration !trategy
Salon CeramicA! /CD !cale which i! &n0er their S-O<CA(A!
#ro,en !cale 0ivi!ion i! in the intro0&ction !tage. A! #ar a! it!
mar%eting !trategie! are concerne0 it i! a! #ollow!.
(rice. @t i! price0 very rea!ona4ly i.e. 33B o# a retail price o#
other !cale o# company.
Di!tri4&tion. @t i! 0i!tri4&te0 thro&gh their 0i!tri4&tion Gol0
chain. They are given #ree training3 a0verti!ing allowanceI they
were given 1+ t+ 15B o# margin.
D&ality. @t i! place0 a! high H&ality pro0&ct.
(romotion. They !pen0 heavily on promotion to compete with
!cale companyA! li%e San!&i3 Atoc3 A-D3 etc.
@n !hort3 a! #ar a! mar%eting !trategie! in intro0&ction !tage i!
concerne0 Salon Ceramic #ollow! api0 (enetration Strategy.
43 -RO/TH STA-E:
Thi! !tage i! mar%e0 4y rapi0 clim4 in the !ale!. (rice! remain
where they are or #all3 promotional e:pen0it&re i! maintain or rai!e03
!ale! increa!e!3 pro#it al!o increa!e!.
$ar%eting Strategie!.
The company &!e! !everal !trategie! to !&!tain mar%et growth
a! long a! po!!i4le. The company &!e! !trategie! li%e.
A00 new #eat&re! to the pro0&ct
5nter new !egment
@mprove pro0&ct H&ality
/ower the price o# the pro0&ct3 etc.
@n thi! !tage company !pen0! heavily on pro0&ct improvement3
promotion an0 0i!tri4&tion 4&t they #orgo c&rrent pro#it in the hope o#
ma%ing it in the #&t&re.
Salon Ceramic mo!t o# the pro0&ct !erie! are in growth !tage
li%e Gol03 Silver3 Diamon03 @n0&!trial3 retailer etc.
To !&!tain their mar%et growth Salon Ceramic i!.
A00ing new #eat&re! to their pro0&ct.
Developing new varietie! o# e:i!ting pro0&ct
Trying to enter new mar%et !egment 4y intro0&cing new
53 'AT,RIT6 STA-E:
At thi! !tage the pro0&ct rate or growth will 0own. Thi! !tage
la!t! longer than the previo&! !tage!. $at&rity !tage can 4e 0ivi0e0
into 3 pha!e.
Growth $at&rity
Sta4le $at&rity
Decaying $at&rity
'ar.eting Strategies:
@n thi! !tage company #eel! they can 0o very little. =&t
mar%eter! can con!i0er !trategie! o#.
$ar%eting mo0i#ication !trategie!.
The company !ho&l0 try to e:pan0 their mar%et either 4y
increa!ing the n&m4er 4ran0 &!er! or 4y increa!ing &!age rater
per &!er!.
(ro0&ct mo0i#ication.
They can al!o increa!e their !ale! either 4y improving the
H&ality3 #eat&re! or !tyle.
$ar%eting mi: mo0i#ication.
They can al!o !tim&late !ale! 4y mo0i#y price!3 0i!tri4&tion3
a0verti!ing3 !ale! promotion3 !ervice!3 per!onal !elling
Salon CeramicA! !cale o# Gol0 !erie! i! in the mat&rity !tage. To
increa!e the !ale they are.
Trying to enter new !egment 4y intro0&cing with high
acc&racy an0 high capacity.
Trying to increa!e more &!age per occa!ion 4y
@ntro0&cing !ale promotion !cheme li%e gi#t!3 0i!co&nt3
conte!t3 etc.
@mprove their H&ality o# pro0&ct.
@n thi! !tage !ale! o# the pro0&ct 0ecline. D&e to #all in !ale!
pro0&ction 0ecrea!e!3 price c&t! an0 pro#it ero!ion. Some #irm!
with0raw #rom the mar%et3 while !ome with0raw #orm the !maller
$ar%eting Strategie!.
@0enti#ying wea% pro0&ct
Determining the mar%eting !trategie!
Drop 0eci!ion
-o pro0&ct! o# Salon Ceramic are in the 0ecline !tage.
Salon Ceramic (ro0&ct /t0. i! a &niH&e &nit in it!el#. Thro&gh
e!ta4li!hment o# D(/ (&4lic /t0. movement i! !tarte0 which le0 to
!tan0ar0 o# living.
@ #eel gla0 that @ have 4een the part o# it #or #ew 0ay!.
The &nit i! well eH&ippe0 with late!t technology an0 mo0ern
machine! an0 eH&ipment!.
Sel# 0i!cipline i! #ollowe0 4y employee!.
A! it i! weighing in0&!try acc&racy play! a very important role
4eca&!e it a##ect! the H&antity o# pro0&ct. The &nit i! %ept very
acc&rate capacity.
The !ta## an0 wor%er! were well organi,e0 an0 co1operative.
@t ha! it! &niH&e name in the in0&!try an0 it i! one o# the well
%nown &nit!. <hen @ wa! &n0er going training along with
metho0ology many !t&0ent! were wa! &n0er going training.
@ !incerely3 wi!h Salon Ceramic all the 4e!t #or it! #&t&re an0
hope that it !&ccee0! in achieving all the goal! that it ha! !et #or it!el#.
The S<OT analy!i! C&!t a n&t !ell! view o# all the important
a!pect! o# the pro0&ct. S<OT !tan0 #or S S Strength3 < S <ea%ne!!3
O S Opport&nity an0 T S Threat. The S<OT analy!i! o# the /CD
!creen 0i!playe0 !cale.
Strength of the company
Technically innovative pro0&ct
=etter 4ran0 name
=etter 4ran0 pre#erence
Goo0 0i!tri4&tion channel!
Goo0 a#ter !ale! !ervice.
Weakness of the company
/ow en0 pro0&ct
-o !cheme allowe0
Speci#ically 0ealer !cheme
An0 con!&mer! !cheme
Opportunity of the company
@ncrea!e mar%et !hare
Aiming to 4e 3
4y 2++5
@ncrea!e the !ell o# new
Threat of the
/ow en0 pro0&ct may ta%e over the mar%et their 4y
in mar%et !hare
in !ale! vol&me.
Salon Ceramic to0ay i! one o# the lea0ing company in the !cale
an0 now it! aiming to 4ecome a entire !cale company. <ith it! newly
a00e0 tag o# >the electronic weighing people an0 clever #orm&lation
o# price an0 pro0&ct it target! virt&ally all !egment! o# the mar%et.
Salon Ceramic /CD !creen 0i!playe0 !cale i! al!o one !&ch
pro0&ct with low price3 high capacity an0 high acc&racy a00e0 more
val&e to the company targeting the price !en!itive con!&mer! in the
Thi! !cale i! #acing !ome pro4lem in the mar%et an0 it not
!howing any growth tren0!. =&t it #o&n0 to 4e !howing !ome negative
tren0! in!tea0. =&t with proper con!i0eration an0 !ome reH&ire0
change! li%e aggre!!ive promotion3 re1po!itioning3 an0 4etter
pac%aging the pro0&ct can ma%e it 4ig into the mar%et3 provi0e0 there
i! no increa!e in it! price levelA! an0 it remain at part with it! local
co&nter part!.
@ wi!h Salon Ceramic (ro0&ct /t0. & it! /CD !creen 0i!playe0
!cale all the tr&c% #or a progre!!ive #&t&re.
-ame o# 4oo% A&thorA! name
1. $ar%eting $anagement S.A. Sherle%ar
2. $ar%eting $anagement R. C. Gan0hi
3. CompanyA! we4!ite

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