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8 Bit arithmetic operations

1. What is meant by byte and word?
2. What are the types of registers used in 8bit operations?
3. What is meant by commands mov ax, bx and add ax, bx
4. What is meant by commands MUL bl and DIV bl.
5. What are the general purpose registers and what is its bit capacity.
6. What is meant by commands int21h, mov ah, 4ch
7. What is the operation of mov ax, data
8. What are the different types of segment registers?
9. What is the address bit capacity of a 8086 mp.
10. What is meant by accumulator and how many flag registers are there .what are they?

16 Bit operations

1. What is meant by Accumulator what is its bit capacity
2. How many Flag registers are there .what are they ?
3. How many registers are used in 16bit operations
4. Explain the operation of mov ax,[si].
5.What is the meaning of commands mov and int21h?
6. What is the meaning of command lea si,ax
7.Draw the basic flag structure and explain the each flag register.
8.What are Addressing Modes.
9.What is meant by dd and dq.
10.What is BCD and give the BCD representation for 78 .

32bit operations

1.What is meant by commands op-code and operand?
2.What is meant by commands lea ax,[si] and lea bp,res.
3.Do manual calculations for addition of any two four byte numbers .
4. Do manual calculations for subtraction of any two four byte numbers.
5.What is meant by commands INC and CLC.
6.How many bits are there for four byte number.
7. Draw the basic flag structure and explain the each flag register.
8.what are Maximum and Minimun modes draw the pin diagram of 8086.
9.what is meant by DMA and the DMA controller diagram.
10.what is meant by interfacing and interrupt subroutine

MultiByte Operation

1.What is meant by commands JNZ and JNC
2. How many registers are used in MULTIBYTE operations.
3.What is meant by pipelining.
4. What is meant by commands mov al,[si] and mov [bp],al .
5.Explain the operation of
back:mov al,[si]
inc si
mov bl,[di]
inc di
adc al,bl
mov [bp],al
inc bp
dec cl
jnz back

6. Draw the basic flag structure and explain the each flag register.
7.What is the hexa code for numbers 16,17,19,25,32.
8. .Do manual calculations for addition of any two eight byte numbers.
9.What is the difference between stack pointer and base pointer.
10. What is the difference between push and pop instructions


1. How many registers are used in AVERAGE OF N NUMBERS operation.
2. What is meant by array and lea si,array.
3.Explain the operation of
back:add al,[si]
jnc go
inc ah
go:inc si
dec cl
jnz back
4.Do manual calculations for average of N numbers.
5. What is the difference between LCALL,ACALL and SCALL instructions.
6. What is the difference between conditional and unconditional instructions.
7. What is the difference between intersegment and intraegment.
8.What is Nesting.
9. What is the difference between auto increment and autodecriment.
10.What are the onebit memory locations.

Decimal operations

1. What is meant by commands DAA and DAS?
2. Give address locations of I/O ports.
3. Explain
Start: mov ax, data
mov ds, ax
xor ax, ax

4. Do manual calculations for decimal addition.
5. Do manual calculations for decimal subtraction.
6. Convert given Hexadecimal code to decimal code.
7. Convert given decimal code to binary code.
8. convert given octal code to decimal code.
9.what is the use of 2s complement in subtractions.
10.use of 9s compliment subtraction.

1. give acronym for ASCII.
2.what is the use of ASCII code.
3.What Is The Length Of Ascii Code
4.what is the use of ASCII code.
5. how you represents ASCII numbers withy in the processors.
6. What is the operation of commands AAA & AAS.
7. How many registers are used in ASCII operations.
8. Do manual calculations for addition any two ASCII numbers.
9. Do manual calculations for subtractions any two ASCII numbers.
10.what is ASCII representation of RCE ECE .

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