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(VOLUNTARY) Write the reasons you think immigration is bad.

A lot of immigrants get stuck at the bottom of the lower class, so I don't think just anybody should be let in, because they
might not be better off.
All the immigrants from Mexico and Puerto Rico and places like that are grease balls who do nothing but do sketchy ass
drugs, gang violence, and generally make a town an unsafe and not good place to live in.
Because the majority would be upset against immigrants for being "different"; Capitalists favor immigrants than natives
because many of them are willing to work for less
Can bring our country down with uneducated workers. If they recieve welfare, they might come here just for that.
Can cause culture-crashes if not handled correctly.
Since only the richest few of poor countries can emigrate, poor countries might lose sime of their most valuable assets;
educated people.
Completely open borders can bleed out local economies and leave local workforces without any bargaining power.
Depending on the ethnicity of origin, some immigrants can desire to change everything about the country, as opposed to going
their simply for a better life and assimilating.
despite the benefits described above, I think the diversity of opinion makes governing a large country like the united states
more difficult. Because of regionalized demographic differences that are selectively catered to throughout the electoral
process, amalgamating these opinions into a unified policy is difficult.
Don't pay enough taxes and bring drugs and crime with them.
Economic - taking jobs British people are already willing to do and lowering the expectation of what minimum wage should be
Ghettoisation - Ghettos in cities of ethnic/religious groups, causing antagonism between different groups
Economic damage mitigation, multiculturalism, open-mindedness towards each culture diminishes on both sides
*I think the US' immigration policy should be more lenient than most; we are an amalgamation of immigrants, after all.
English is the official US language, not Spanish or Arabic.
I do not think it's bad
I don't think immigration's bad. See previous answer.
I don't think there is too much immigration, but I think we should screen out anyone who does not hold the ideals of secular
democracy. As an atheist ex-Muslim born in Pakistan, I feel we should restrict the immigration of anyone who believes in
Islamism (that a country's laws should come from Sharia law).
I only really disagree with illegal immigration.
I wrote "Arab" on groups I disfavor but it's not the entire group. The extremists who move and want to change the laws of
their new country make me weary. (And that's a common feature with that group in the news lately.) It's dangerous for a
society's cohesiveness when groups segregate themselves but I'm not suggesting assimilation or Anglicisation. Integration is
the way to go, in my opinion, and I believe we need immigrants who want to integrate into their new country.
If left unchecked (EXTREMELY UNCHECKED-- just to emphasize), it can burden society, possibly abolish communal
identity and ties, and foster racial tension
If the immigrant provides nothing and leeches off of the country. Or if they come pregnant just to give birth to and cheat the
system that way to be able to stay.
If there is a large influx of immigrants there may not be the infrastructure to deal with them.
If there's too many immigrants there is a loss of culture and country values. Mixing of values and culture is great, but losing it
entirely is a negative outcome of too much immigration.
Immigrants might push their political and religious ideas on the majority of the country to which they've immigrated.
Immigration is bad because we first need to ensure our own self- sufficiency before taking on more people... if that makes
sense. Immigration is great as long as there is integration. Completely separate communities are problematic because they foster
distrust and resentment rather than harmony and mutual understanding. I don't expect people to give up their language and
culture, but I do want them to interact with people outside of their own group, and for people who are here to interact with
It ain't nigga
It can be bad when it's colonialism.
It can be seen as a threat to national identity. However in Canada the identity is partly is based on multiculturalism so this is
less of an issue.
It can fracture the coherency of society, especially when a community takes pride in its non-assimilation. Fractured societies
of this type are easy for outside political forces to manipulate, compared to fully assimilated societies.
It increases irrational complaints from old people
It's a hassle to have to learn more than one language. (Boo fucking hoo. In europe most kids learn at least 3 or 4 languages.)
It's not.
Job security and crime.
Limited resources
Limited resources, lack of jobs, lack of housing and yet thousands more people keep arriving in the UK.
Maintaining a country's cultural identity is good to a certain extent, because it normally promotes a moral code and set of
behaviours that work well for society. Blending these too much can cause friction, adversity, and sometimes crime.
My country is already overpopulated. Population moving in is really bad for us.
non acceptance or adherence to new countries' laws by immigrants
- exploitation of immigrants by new country population (e.g. illegal work/pay practices where immigrants are unaware of
certain laws)
- lack of willingness by some immigrants to learn language of new home (non-assimilation?) which can cause great difficulties
on both sides
Not the immigration per se but the way it's handled, creating centers of poverty and crime
Of course, a society can only sustain so many people. My only concern is that too many people may try to live in this country.
All of society would collapse under that weight.
Open borders would be hard at first but its something ibyuijk we can do. Our country is small and we have leftover immigrants (Russians) and their descendants from the Soviet times - and those
already are like 30-35% of the population. I don't think immigration would help us to preserve/retain our culture and language.
I also wouldn't want immigrants bringing their religion and it's consequences to our country - see what happened in UK &
Sweden with muslims. get a bunch of people from different cultures into a "melting pot" and sometimes it just burns up.
Raise unemployment.
Resources to sustain populations, pollution, over crowding, ideologies and religion conflict sometimes.
Some immigrants take advantage of the benefits without giving back to the nation
Some people come simply to reap the benefits of this being a 1st world country.
Some people take advantage and do not contribute to our economies. Loyalty. Unwillingness to integrate. I'm a first-
generation immigrant myself but I think everyone to an extent should adopt to the native customs of their new country. That's
like a way of showing gratitude for them for letting you in their country.
Sometimes cultures can be very harmful like in the Arab world with their anti-women stance. Also while not all Muslims are
not all crazy, their specific religion tends to breed many extremists.
The only restriction should be if they have a violent criminal past. We also tend not to treat them well, in some instances like
slaves, which is obviously horrible.
The people that refuse to integrate into the society they move into are a problem. How can you expect to live in a country
where you don't even speak a common language or know the laws of the place. Tose people end up just being a jobless drain
on the country because no one hires a worker they can't understand.
There is too much crowding. And honestly some immigrants bring their third world habits with them and really make
neighborhoods look dirty and ghetto. Like they don't see the problem with parking cars on grass or building altars in their
front yard.
Too many Russian immigrants are threat to national security.
Too much money is spent trying to stop immigration and immigrants upset lower socioeconomic classes, typically where the
immigrants can afford
Uhhh.. sometimes immigrants can be really rude and inflexible to the culture, like Russian immigrants in Latvia. Many
Russians there refuse to learn Latvian, and as a result, a lot of Latvians just know a bit of Russian.
Unfortunately, in my country the borders are porous and half of the leadership uses immigrant (legal and illegal) labor to
depress wages. The other half grooms them to support social programs that appear to offer parity while they instead entrap
people in poverty. The lack of good jobs and education to these groups makes them dependent upon the leadership that tricks
them into voting their way on the promise of a better life. While being stuck in this lifestyle, crime becomes easy, if not
necessity, as it does for many if not all impoverished persons.
We don't know how to handle it in our modern society. Even in the 1800 and early 1900s, immigration was a challenge
because demographics were changing constantly and there was concern about keeping diseases like cholera out of the country.
We would have to face similar and new challenges with immigration in our times.
We get too many immigrants who are uneducated and unwilling too work. The worst we have here are the male Somalis who
are often ex- child soldiers. They commit a disproportionately large amount of the rapes and murders. In some areas of the
country, you actually have a higher chance of being killed by a Somali than by a local person. Our immigration laws are
ridicolous. We accept people who should be in prison or in mental institutions. Instead they walk the streets, raping and
causing trouble. I'm not a racist, but sadly the Somalis are a danger. Like I said before, it's often caused by past trauma, as
many have been child soldiers.
Immigration is also bad because some immigrants ignore "when in Rome..." We have trouble here with Muslim immigrants
yelling "Whore!" etc at local women just because they don't wear hijab.
When too many immigrants are allowed to in to work and live, less used to the working conditions that have been built in the
country they are moving to, it depresses those conditions for all people in that country and creates racist animosity. It
necessarily leads to unemployment and more required assistance for people during tough economic times.

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