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How to Keep a Healthy Lifestyle

The seven components of a healthy lifestyle cover all aspects of life, including your mental,
physical and emotional health. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle helps prevent such chronic
illnesses as diabetes, heart disease and stroke. It also improves your overall quality of life by
helping you maintain a healthy weight, as well as physical strength and flexibility, and a
positive outlook on life. The key to keeping a healthy lifestyle lies in understanding the
components that contribute to said lifestyle.
1. Get enough sleep. The National Institutes of Health recommends at least eight hours,
but sleep needs vary by individual. To discover how much sleep you need, choose a
night when you'll be able to sleep without setting an alarm. Go to bed at your normal
time and make note of the time you wake up. Consult your physician if you have
trouble getting to sleep, or staying asleep
2. Follow a healthy diet. Eat a variety of foods with an emphasis on whole grains, low-fat
dairy products and lean protein, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. Eat at regular
intervals throughout the day and incorporate at least one fruit or vegetable into each
meal. Eat while sitting at a table and with minimal distractions, such as television,
whenever possible. Consult for the correct portion sizes and calories
for your height, weight, age and activity levels.
3. Exercise most days of the week. The American College of Sports Medicine
recommends at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise five days a week and
strength training exercises two days a week. Take an aerobic or weight lifting class or
go for a walk after your evening meal.
4. Practice proper hygiene. Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a fluoride
toothpaste. Wash your hands regularly, especially before eating, while preparing food,
and after using the bathroom or handling animals. Bathe regularly, wear clean clothes
and underwear, and keep your home environment clean. Schedule regular physical
exams and health screening tests.
5. Pay attention to safety. Wear your seatbelt. Avoid texting or talking on the phone while
driving. Look both ways before crossing the street and be aware of safety exits in
public places.
6. Achieve work-life balance. Take time out of each day to relax with such activities as
reading or writing in your journal. Spend time with friends outside of work. Avoid
taking work home with you whenever possible. Find activities you enjoy and that
enrich your life.
7. Encourage a healthy home environment. This requires more than just a clean house. It
also includes your relationship with others within your home and structural issues, such
as ventilation. If you live with other people, foster healthy relationships with those
people or take steps to sever unhealthy relationships. Check your windows to ensure
they all open and provide adequate air flow. Keep plants to improve the air quality.
Avoid smoking indoors.

There are a quite a benefits of healthy living, and in this article we'll take a look at a few of
I'll weave in my personal story and experiences. I'll share what has worked for me and what
If you're having second thoughts about living a more balanced, healthy life, I say don't,
because it's worth the effort, even though it may be a struggle at first.
So let's dive right into the different benefits, shall we?
1. Energy
One of the biggest benefits of healthy living is energy. When your body isn't burdened by
having to digest food that isn't really food, it gives you ample amounts of energy for other
things, such as having fun, enjoying life, running around, and so on.
This sometimes takes time, because if you've been eating an unhealthy diet and you start
eating healthier, your body will take advantage of that and start getting rid of bad stuff.
So don't be alarmed if at first you feel worse. Just eat healthy and stay with it.
2. Mood
Another benefit is mood. Yes, you can actually turn up your happiness by eating
healthier. Researchers back me up on this benefit.
When you start eating more whole foods, fruits and vegetables, you'll start getting more
vitamins and minerals in your body, which is good news.
If you eat nutritionally deficient food, it will affect everything you do from mood to brain
function to overall health.
5. Save Money
The healthier you become, the more you reduce you risk of ending up in the hospital or with
an illness. It's insurance for the future. Cool, isn't it?
This is a tough one though, because it's hard to change your habits and to change your
lifestyle. It feels easier and more rewarding to just stick with what you've always done.
And let's not even go into the whole battle of the mind on what you eat and how you live. It's
tricky, no one is saying it's easy, but I am saying that it is worth it.
6. Sleep
When you start exercising, eating better, and thinking better, you start sleeping better, which
again makes everything even better.
It's a positive cycle that keeps going up and up and up. Sleep is crucial to your wellbeing, so
whatever you do, don't skimp on it.
Make sure you go to sleep on time, that you sleep in a calm environment, and that you get
your 6-8 hours per day. Do whatever you can to get those hours in!
7. Stress
And last but not least, when you eat healthier, you help your body handle stress better. Your
body no longer has to worry so much about what you're eating, so it can focus on helping you
with other things.
When your stress levels go down, your health once again improves. You sleep better, think
better, feel better, and move better.
It's amazing how the benefits of healthy living just keep piling up, isn't it?
The simple takeaway is that living a healthy, balanced life is well worth it. Yes, there will be
obstacles on your path, and it won't always be easy, but it WILL be worth it.
The key is to start with small, small steps. Don't try to overhaul your lifestyle in one go.
Instead start by switching one food for a healthier one.
If you tend to eat cookies while you watch movies, try eating a healthier variety of popcorn or
another healthy snack, maybe even carrots if you feel frisky?

What Are the Benefits of Living a Healthy Lifestyle?
Last Updated: Aug 16, 2013 | By Gail Morris
Living a healthy lifestyle can be a challenge when you are faced with processed foods, lack
of time for exercise and going out with friends. Too many options are available for fast food,
poor exercise choices and alcoholic beverages that negate other healthier lifestyle choices you
may have made. There are significant benefits to improving the way in which you live so you
can have a healthier and longer life.
Disease Prevention
One of the long-term benefits of living a healthier lifestyle is the prevention of diseases such
as heart disease, stroke and diabetes. According to MayoClinic, these changes can be
difficult. Even though you may understand the relationship between eating specific foods and
your risk for heart disease, it can be difficult to undo years of unhealthy eating habits.
However, the benefit is the prevention of arthritis, osteoporosis, stroke, diabetes and other
immune-mediated illnesses that are affected by the dietary and lifestyle choices we make
every day.
Injury Prevention
Living a healthy lifestyle includes paying close attention to safety issues that may increase
your potential for being injured. For instance, according to, using
appropriate lifting techniques when weight lifting will help to prevent back injuries that can
plague you for the remainder of your life. Other smart lifestyle choices include wearing a
helmet when bike riding, wearing seatbelts in the car and using appropriate safety gear when
playing sports.
Increased Energy
Changing lifestyle choices and eating healthy food are not about being unrealistically thin but
rather about having more energy and staying as healthy as possible. According to, eating smart is about both what you eat and how you eat. Eating healthy can
boost your energy levels and allow you to participate in more activities on a daily basis.
According to a study at the University of Georgia, researchers found overwhelming evidence
that regular exercise also plays a role in increasing energy levels and reducing fatigue.
Researcher Patrick O'Connor, from the exercise physiology laboratory at the University of
Georgia, commented that while people may not want to exercise while fatigued, a bit more
activity will often help to reduce feelings of fatigue and exhaustion.
Healthy Weight
The healthy lifestyle choices of stopping smoking, reducing alcohol intake and eating a well-
balanced diet that is high in fruits and vegetables and low in processed foods and fats will
help to maintain a healthy weight. According to the Cleveland Clinic, reducing weight to
within normal limits can also significantly reduce the risk of heart disease and improve
overall health and well-being.
Good Mental Health
Your mental health also depends upon your healthy lifestyle choices. According to, eating well and exercising can help defend against depression and will
sharpen your memory and stabilize your mood. By learning to expand your range of food
choices and make smart lifestyle decisions, such as reducing or eliminating alcohol from the
diet and stopping smoking, you can benefit with an improved mood and a better outlook on

Think baby steps, because the more consistent you can be, the better results you will get.
There's no rush, so do things at your own pace.

Healthy Lifestyles:
Improving and Maintaining the Quality of Your Life
You Have the Power to Change
Whether you are newly diagnosed with a mood disorder or have been managing depression or
bipolar illness for years, you can benefit from a healthy lifestyle. While you cannot change
your diagnosis, you can change aspects of your life to manage or lessen your symptoms and
improve the quality of your life.
When you were first diagnosed with a mood disorder, you may have felt powerless or afraid.
This page will suggest ways to empower yourself and play an active role in the way you live
day-to-day with your illness. Regular appointments with your health care provider and
attendance at DBSA support group meetings, in addition to the suggestions outlined here, can
put a healthy lifestyle within your reach.
This web page was developed from a survey of DBSA support group memberspeople
living with a mood disorder just like youas a resource on the lifestyle issues they said were
of greatest concern. Add a few ideas of your own, or ask for suggestions from your doctor or
DBSA support group. Use the checklist found at the end of this page to periodically evaluate
your lifestyle. Many of the suggestions detailed here may become habits after a period of
time, and healthy habits help build a healthy life.
Reducing Stress
Stress can cause or worsen symptoms of mania or depression. It is important to learn what
causes your stress, ways to identify and deal with stressors, and ways to minimize your day-
to-day stress level. Stress may be caused by a variety of factors, both external and internal,
some of which you may not be aware of. Repeated or constant stress can lead to tension,
chronic pain, anxiety, and an inability to enjoy life. With the right treatment and therapy, you
can learn to anticipate and deal with stress, and with support, you can work on breaking out
of stressful patterns or situations.
Lack of sleep or too much sleep can worsen moods. Keep a regular sleep schedule whenever
possible. Set an alarm if necessary, and try to get up at the same time every morning, even on
weekends, and go to sleep around the same time every night. If you tend to have insomnia,
try avoiding naps during the day, since they can interfere with nighttime sleep.
Adopt bedtime rituals or ways that you can slowly wind down from your day and ease
yourself into bed. Try using relaxation exercises to get to sleep.
Avoid over-the-counter sleep medicines, unless your doctor has recommended them and is
monitoring your use of them.
Avoid caffeine, especially near the end of the day. Check ingredients. Certain sodas and teas
can contain as much caffeine as a cup of coffee. Large meals may keep you awake; light
snacks may help you sleep (milk and turkey are often helpful).
Changing the time of day you take your medication may help you sleep. Discuss your
medication, its side effects, dosage, and time of day taken with your doctor.
If at all possible, avoid late evening or overnight shift work. If you must work a late shift, try
to work the same hours every night, so you are asleep at the same time and for the same
amount of time each day.
If you wake up early in the morning and are unable to get back to sleep, it may be helpful to
get out of bed and do a quiet activity like reading.
If you find yourself needing significantly more or less sleep than usual, you may be
experiencing symptoms of depression or mania. Be aware of any changes in your sleep
patterns and discuss them with your doctor or mental health professional.
Eating Right
Eat a variety of foods daily to get the energy, protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber you need.
Include plenty of vegetables and fruits (preferably raw) and whole grains.
Moderate your intake of fat, cholesterol, sugars, and salt.
Drink at least 8 glasses (64 oz.) of water per day, or more if you exercise. If you are taking
certain types of medication, you may require even more water. Check with your doctor or
Moderate your intake of alcohol and caffeine, or better yet, avoid them completely.
Avoid crash diets that deprive you of food or of one or more food groups. Instead of radical
diets, use a combination of regular physical activity and smaller portions at mealtimes if you
are concerned about your weight.
Be aware of changes in your appetite. Loss of appetite or overeating may be symptoms of
depression. Discuss any changes with your doctor.
Dont skip meals, even if your energy and appetite are low.
If you tend to overeat, look for stressors or triggers that may cause overeating. Discuss ways
to avoid or cope with these triggers with your doctor or therapist. It may be useful to write
down how you are feeling or what has been happening at the time you overeat to help
determine your triggers.
Have food on hand that is healthy, quick, and easy to eat, such as fresh fruit, yogurt, whole
grain bread, crackers, or bagels for times when you are in a hurry or dont feel like preparing
a meal. Try to schedule regular grocery shopping trips so you dont have to eat fast food or
junk food just because you are hungry.
Choose a method of physical activity that you enjoyone that will not feel like a chore. You
may want to choose several activities so you have variety.
Focus on making the experience as pleasant as possible. For example, if you feel self-
conscious exercising in a gym or outdoors, begin by exercising at home. If you feel you need
extra motivation or company, try exercising with a friend or family member.
Consult your doctor before beginning any exercise regimen. Do not choose a method of
exercise that puts your health at risk. Consider all of the medications you are taking and be
sure that factors such as increased heart rate and sweating will not cause problems with your
medication. You may need to take special precautions when you exercise, such as drinking
extra water.
Start slowly and work up to a healthy frequency. Pace yourself so you dont run out of energy
and become discouraged early.
Dont ignore your own physical limitations or exercise to the point of pain.
A good exercise goal to work toward is 30 minutes per day, 3 times per week.
Work more physical activity into your daily routine. Take the stairs instead of the elevator,
get off the bus before your stop and walk an extra block, or park at the far end of the parking
back to top
A good treatment plan is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. Though it may take time to
adjust to medication and therapy, they are your best defenses against symptom recurrence.
Everyone has a different physical and emotional makeup, so it often takes time and patience
for you and your doctor or mental health professional to find the right treatment strategy for
you. It is most important that you communicate your needs to your health care providers and
work with them to discover the best possible approach to symptom management. Your loved
ones can play an important role in your treatment plan, too. You can help them to help you by
making them aware of your medication needs and having them watch for signs of symptom

Leading a Healthy Life:
Six Steps to Living Long and Staying Healthy
Step 1: Give your body the energy it needs.
Your body needs some foods to stay strong and healthy. Other foods, if eaten too often,
contribute to many illnesses.
Step 2: Stay physically active.
Regular physical activity helps people:
live longer and feel better throughout their lives
be stronger and more flexible
build strong bones and fight osteoporosis
prevent depression
strengthens your ability to fight off illness
maintain a healthy body weight
It is best to get at least one half hour of exercise three times a week, but any amount of
exercise is better than none at all! If you do not want to go jogging or swimming, try
going for a brisk walk with a friend, working vigorously in the yard, or riding your bike
to work.
Step 3: A healthy mind is part of a healthy body.
When you are in a good state of mind, you make good decisions for yourself about
your job, your lifestyle, and your health. Here are some things you can do to keep your
mind healthy:
Reduce stress in your life. For ideas on reducing stress, try this Web
Make time in your life for things that are fun. Make a list of activities you like and
sure you have at least a little time each day for doing something you enjoy.
Get enough sleep. Most Americans get too little sleep. Being sleepy reduces your
concentration, increases mood swings, and causes many car accidents. Health Beat
has more information at
Get help if you feel depressed or anxious for more than several days at a time. Talk
with a friend or your health care provider for some help.
Step 4: Keep your mind and body free of harmful drugs and alcohol.
Tobacco causes more health problems than any other drug and is the most addictive,
most widely used. Cutting down or stopping the use of cigarettes, cigars, or chewing
tobacco can save your health and save your money.
Too much alcohol is definitely dangerous, causing liver damage, fetal alcohol
syndrome, and accidents. The tricky question is, how much is too much?

Street drugs like marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, or pain pills not
prescribed for you are dangerous to your health. Street drugs can be diluted with
substances that are harmful for you. People often put themselves in dangerous
situations to get street drugs. If you are using street drugs and would like to stop but
are having difficulty, talk to your health care provider.

Did you know...
Accidents and injuries are the fifth leading cause of death in the US among children,
they are the second leading cause of death.
Women under 35 are more likely to die in motor vehicle accidents than from any
other cause.
Accidents in the home cause thousands of permanent injuries every year.
Stay safe on the road.
o Wearing a seatbelt dramatically reduces your chances of death in an accident.
o Keep children under 60 pounds in an appropriate car seat or booster.
o Do not ride with someone who has been drinking or drugging.
o Wear a helmet when riding a bicycle or motorcycle. Find more information
about highway safety at National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,
Find protection from people who are violent or threatening in your life.
Wash your hands regularly to avoid the spread of germs.
Step 6: Get regular health care.
Many people think they only need to see a doctor when they are sick or injured. The
truth is, health care providers are also experts at preventing illnesses and finding and
treating problems before you ever feel sick.
Find a health care provider who works WITH you.
Know what diseases you are at risk for and attend regular screenings for them.
Get yourself and the children in your family immunized against life-threatening
illnessesHEALTH is WEALTH. Plain and simple.

The more Good Stuff we put into our bodies the more our bodies THRIVE and
become INVALUABLE. We are faced with choices everyday and one that I believe is the
most important is our HEALTH. Something we take for granted. Ill start my diet next
week or I dont have time to exercise, Im too busy! The truth is, we dont have to go
all gung-ho with a crazy diet and exercise endlessly. We just need to make SIMPLE lifestyle
choices DAILY, to sustain our health-hungry bodies
Here you will find a hale + hearty list of how to get healthy and STAY healthy!

A healthy breakfast is the key to a robust diet. It is a meal that provides the opportunity to eat
a serving of whole grains, protein, and a serving of fruit. The energy we gain from a healthy
breakfast can power us through the morning. If you make the choice of a muffin or a coffee,
you will find you will burn out fairly quickly.
A simple mix such as this should send you out the door cheering! Keep this mix in your
pantry in an air tight container and keep your serving size reasonable (depending on your
activity level).
Water is fundamental to all life on earth. Our bodies are made up of 60% water. It is involved
in every function in the body, including circulation, digestion, absorption of nutrients and the
movement of electrical currents in the body which control our nerves, muscles and hormones.
It is essentially, OUR LIFEBLOOD. Be sure to guzzle 2-3 litres everyday to stay hydrated!
Youve heard it again and again: Eat your fruit and vegetables! Here are a few nutritional
facts that tell you why they are so important for a healthy diet.
Many fruits and vegetables are packed with fibre, which is great for digestive health!
They are packed with vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants!
Many fruits and vegetables can be eaten raw, making them quick and easy to eat!
They can help you stick to a weight-loss or weight-maintenance diet, since they are filling
and, in many instances, have surprisingly few calories!
Most importantly theyre DELICIOUS!
Many of us have problems with getting some shut-eye. Whether it be worries from work,
family or financial difficulties. Many of us resort to taking medication in order to have a
restful sleep. These drugs often dont treat the cause of sleep problems, thus becoming a
facade instead of a cure. Not to mention the plethora of side-effects that go along with them!
One of the most effective remedies is (believe it or not!), keeping a regular bed and wake
time schedule. 7-9 hours is generally a great start! If youre used to getting up at 6am on
weekdays to go to work but sleep in until 10am on weekends, your sleeping rhythms change
as if you flew across the country every weekend. Now you know why youre so tired on a
Monday Morning! SLEEP, SLEEP, SLEEP!

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