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Consumer product limited
23 Lavkush Mehra
30 Neharika Khattar
26 Mahenra Ma!i
2" #ahu#enre
$ %
Introduction to FMCG
History of FMCG products
Major players internationally
Major players Indian
Sector profile
Company profile
Vision and Mission
Current events
Financial Overview
Marketing Strategy
H policy
Market S!are
Swot analysis
"wards and recognition
CS #Corporate Social esponsi$ility%
Our overview
Our deep sense of gratitude to all our seniors and for their
support and guidance. Thanks and appreciation to the
helpful people at INDIRA INTIT!T" O#
$ANA%"$"NT &!N"' for their support.
(e )ould also like to thank m* Institution and m* facult*
mem+ers )ithout )hom this pro,ect )ould ha-e +een a
distant realit*. I also e.tend our heartfelt thanks to our all
)ell )ishers.

Fast Moving Consumer Goods 0FMCG1 are products that are sold 2uickl*
at relati-el* lo) cost ".amples include non3dura+le goods such as soft
drinks' toiletries' grocer* items etc. Though the a+solute profit made on
#$C% products is relati-el* small' the* generall* sell in large 2uantities' so
the cumulati-e profit on such products can +e large.
The term #$C% refers to those retail goods that are generall* replaced or
full* used up o-er a short period of da*s' )eeks' or months' and )ithin one
*ear. This contrasts )ith dura+le goods or ma,or appliances such as kitchen
appliances' )hich are generall* replaced o-er a period of se-eral *ears.
#$C%s ha-e a short shelf life' either as a result of high consumer demand
or +ecause the product deteriorates rapidl*. ome #$C%s 4 such as meat'
fruits and -egeta+les' dair* products and +aked goods 4 are highl*
perisha+le. Other goods such as alcohol' toiletries' pre3packaged foods' soft
drinks and cleaning products ha-e high turno-er rates.
The follo)ing are the t*pical characteristics of #$C%s
#rom the consumers5 perspecti-e6
#re2uent purchase
7o) in-ol-ement 0little or no effort to choose the item 33
products )ith strong +rand lo*alt* are e.ceptions to this rule1
7o) price
#rom the marketers5 angle6
8igh -olumes
7o) margins
".tensi-e distri+ution net)orks
8igh stock turno-er
S*C,O .OFI)*
The Indian #$C% sector is the fourth largest in the econom* and has a
market si:e of !;13.1 +illion. (ell3esta+lished distri+ution net)orks' as
)ell as intense competition +et)een the organi:ed and unorgani:ed
segments are the characteristics of this sector. #$C% in India has a strong
and competiti-e $NC presence across the entire -alue chain. It has +een
predicted that the #$C% market )ill reach to !; 33./ +illion in 2<19 from
! ; +illion 11.= in 2<<3. The middle class and the rural segments of the
Indian population are the most promising market for #$C%' and gi-e +rand
makers the opportunit* to con-ert them to +randed products. $ost of the
product categories like ,ams' toothpaste' skin care' shampoos' etc' in India'
ha-e lo) per capita consumption as )ell as lo) penetration le-el' +ut the
potential for gro)th is huge.
The Indian "conom* is surging ahead +* leaps and +ounds' keeping pace
)ith rapid ur+ani:ation' increased literac* le-els' and rising per capita
The +ig firms are gro)ing +igger and small3time companies are catching up
as )ell. According to the stud* conducted +* AC Nielsen' =2 of the top 1<<
+rands are o)ned +* $NCs' and the +alance +* Indian companies. #ifteen
companies o)n these =2 +rands' and 2> of these are o)ned +* 8industan
7e-er. &epsi is at num+er three follo)ed +* Thums !p. ?ritannia takes the
fifth place' follo)ed +* Colgate 0=1' Nirma 0>1' Coca3Cola 0@1 and &arle 0A1.
These are figures the soft drink and cigarette companies ha-e al)a*s shied
a)a* from re-ealing. &ersonal care' cigarettes' and soft drinks are the three
+iggest categories in #$C%. ?et)een them' the* account for 39 of the top
1<< +rands.
,H* ,O. /0 COM."'I*S I' FMCG S*C,O
S1 'O1 Companies
1. 8industan !nile-er 7td.
2. ITC 0Indian To+acco Compan*1
3. NestlB India
/. %C$$# 0A$!71
9. Da+ur India
=. Asian &aints 0India1
>. Cad+ur* India
@. ?ritannia Industries
A. &rocter C %am+le 8*giene and 8ealth Care
1<. $arico Industries
The companies mentioned a+o-e' are the leaders in their respecti-e sectors.
The personal care categor* has the largest num+er of +rands' inclusi-e of
7u.' 7ife+uo*' #air and 7o-el*' Dicks' and &onds. There are 11 877
+rands in the 21' aggregating Rs. 3'>AA crore or 9/E of the personal care
categor*. Cigarettes account for 1>E of the top 1<< #$C% sales' and ,ust
+elo) the personal care categor*. ITC alone accounts for =<E -olume
market share and ><E +* -alue of all filter cigarettes in India.
The foods categor* in #$C% is gaining popularit* )ith a s)ing of launches
+* 877' ITC' %odre,' and others. This categor* has 1@ ma,or +rands'
aggregating Rs. /'=3> crore. Nestle and Amul slug it out in the po)ders
segment. The food categor* has also seen inno-ations like softies in ice
creams' chapattis +* 877' read* to eat rice +* 877 and pi::as +* +oth
%C$$# and %odre, &ills+ur*. This categor* seems to ha-e faster
de-elopment than the stagnating personal care categor*. Amul' India5s
largest foods compan*' has a good presence in the food categor* )ith its ice3
creams' curd' milk' +utter' cheese' and so on. ?ritannia also ranks in the top
1<< #$C% +rands' dominates the +iscuits categor* and has launched a
series of products at -arious prices.
In the household care categor* 0like mos2uito repellents1' %odre, and
Reckitt are t)o pla*ers. %ood knight from %odre,' is )orth a+o-e Rs 21>
crore' follo)ed +* Reckitt5s $ortein at Rs 1/A crore. In the shampoo
categor*' 8775s Clinic and unsilk make it to the top 1<<' although &C%5s
8ead and houlders and &antene are also tr*ing hard to +e positioned on top.
Clinic is nearl* dou+le the si:e of unsilk.
Da+ur is among the top fi-e #$C% companies in India and is a her+al
specialist. (ith a turno-er of Rs. 1A +illion 0appro.. !; /2< million1 in
2<<932<<=' Da+ur has +rands like Da+ur Amla' Da+ur Ch*a)anprash'
Datika' 8a,mola and Real. Asian &aints is en,o*ing a formida+le presence in
the Indian su+3continent' outheast Asia' #ar "ast' $iddle "ast' outh
&acific' Cari++ean' Africa and "urope. Asian &aints is India5s largest paint
compan*' )ith a turno-er of Rs.22.= +illion 0around !D 913 million1.
#or+es %lo+al maga:ine' !A' ranked Asian &aints among the 2<< ?est
mall Companies in the (orld.
Cad+ur* India is the market leader in the chocolate confectioner* market
)ith a ><E market share and is ranked num+er t)o in the total food drinks
market. Its popular +rands include Cad+ur*5s Dair* $ilk' 9 tar' "clairs' and
%ems. The Rs.19.= +illion 0!D 3@< $illion1 $arico is a leading Indian
group in consumer products and ser-ices in the %lo+al ?eaut* and (ellness
The main segments of this sector are personal care 0oral care' hair care'
soaps' cosmetics' toiletries1' household care 0fa+ric )ash and household
cleaners1' +randed and packaged food' +e-erages 0health +e-erages' soft
drinks' staples' cereals' dair* products' chocolates' +aker* products1 and
to+acco. The Indian #$C% sector is an important contri+utor to the
countr*5s %D&. It is the fourth largest sector in the econom* and is
responsi+le for 9E of the total factor* emplo*ment in India. The industr*
also creates emplo*ment for 3 m people in do)nstream acti-ities' much of
)hich is dis+ursed in small to)ns and rural India. This industr* has
)itnessed strong gro)th in the past decade. This has +een due to
li+erali:ation' ur+ani:ation' increase in the disposa+le incomes and altered
lifest*le. #urthermore' the +oom has also +een fuelled +* the reduction in
e.cise duties' de3reser-ation from the small3scale sector and the concerted
efforts of personal care companies to attract the +urgeoning affluent segment
in the middle3class through product and packaging inno-ations.
The Indian #$C% sector is the fourth largest sector in the econom* )ith a
total market si:e in e.cess of !; 13.1 +illion. The #$C% market is set to
tre+le from !; 11.= +illion in 2<<3 to !; 33./ +illion in 2<19.
&enetration le-el as )ell as per capita consumption in most product
categories like ,ams' toothpaste' skin care' hair )ash etc in India is lo)
indicating the untapped market potential. ?urgeoning Indian population'
particularl* the middle class.
There is a huge gro)th potential for all the #$C% companies as the per
capita consumption of almost all products in the countr* is amongst the
lo)est in the )orld. Again the demand or prospect could +e increased
further if these companies can change the consumer5s mindset and offer ne)
generation products. "arlier' Indian consumers )ere using non3+randed
apparel' +ut toda*' clothes of different +rands are a-aila+le and the same
consumers are )illing to pa* more for +randed 2ualit* clothes. It5s the
2ualit*' promotion and inno-ation of products' )hich can dri-e man*
In India' companies like ITC' 877' Colgate' Cad+ur* and Nestle ha-e +een
a dominant force in the #$C% sector )ell supported +* relati-el* less
competition and high entr* +arriers 0import dut* )as high1. These
)ere' therefore' a+le to charge a premium for their products. In this conte.t'
the margins )ere also on the higher side. (ith the gradual opening up of the
econom* o-er the last decade' #$C% companies ha-e +een forced to fight
for a market share. In the process' margins ha-e +een compromised' more so
in the last si. *ears 0#$C% sector )itnessed decline in demand1.
COM."'2 .OFI)*
Godrej Group
The %odre, %roup is an Indian conglomerate founded +* Ardeshir and
&iro,sha %odre, in 1@A>' 7al+aug' $um+ai. "sta+lished in 1@A>' the %odre,
group has gro)n in India from the da*s of the charkha to nights at the call
centres. Our founder' Ardeshir %odre,' la)*er3turned3locksmith' )as a
persistent in-entor and a strong -isionar* )ho could see the spark in the
future. 8is in-entions' manufactured +* his +rother &iro,sha %odre,' )ere
the foundation of toda*Fs %odre, empire. One of IndiaFs most trusted +rands'
%odre, en,o*s the patronage and trust of o-er /<< million Indians e-er*
single da*. Our customers mean the )orld to us. (e are happ* onl* )hen
)e see a delighted customer smile.
%odre, %roup is one of the largest conglomerates +ased in $um+ai' India'
in-ol-ed in -arious industries that include appliances' precision e2uipment'
machine tools' furniture' healthcare' interior solutions' office e2uipment'
food3processing' securit*' materials handling and industrial storage
solutions' construction and information technolog*. Its products include
securit* *stems and afes' T*pe)riters and (ord processors' Rocket
7aunchers' Refrigerators and #urniture' Outsourcing er-ices' $achine
Tools and &rocess "2uipment' Cosmetics and Detergents' "ngineering
(orkstations' $edical Diagnostics and Aerospace "2uipment' "di+le Oils
and Chemical' $os2uito Repellents' Car perfumes' Chicken and Agri3
products' $aterial 8andling "2uipments 7ike #ORG7I#T Trucks' tackers'
T*re handlers' )eeping machines' access e2uipments etc. The %roup is
headed +* Adi %odre, and Hamsh*d %odre, .
Traditionall*' Dikhroli' a su+ur+ to the Northeast of $um+ai has +een
%odre,5s manufacturing +ase' +ut increasingl* the group ha-e mo-ed
significant production facilities a)a* from $um+ai. The %odre, group also
o)ns -ast land in Dikhroli' occup*ing 39<< acres 01/ s2 km1 of land on +oth
sides of the Dikhroli section of the 7? marg. That makes the %odre, group
the +iggest pri-ate land o)ner in $um+ai +* far
uch -ast land can' in
theor*' +e used to create at least 19<< acres of residential floor space' )hich'
at -er* modest rates 0Rs.1<<<<Is2 ft1' can +e sold for !D 1= +illion . Thus'
the %odre, group is sitting on an in-isi+le cash pile that is en-* of other
Indian conglomerates.
Godrej Consumer .roducts )td
M1+ 3Ma!endram
400/ 3 %odre, Consumer &roducts 7td 0%C&71 is setting up a parallel +oard
of directors kno)n as the Joung ".ecuti-e ?oard.
4004 3%odre, Consumer &roducts 7td has informed ?" that it )ould
+u*+ack its o)n full* paid up e2uit* shares of face -alue of Rs./ each from
the open market.
3%C&7 has entered into the deodorants categor* )ith the launch of Cinthol
International &erfumed deodrant.
3%odre, has entered the traditional po)dered 5henna5 market )ith the launch
of po)dered henna under the +rand 5Nupur5' )hich is priced at Rs.12 for an
@<gm pack.
3(hirlpool of India and %odre, Appliances ha-e filed complaints )ith
$RT&C against 7% "lectronics India alleging that compan* )as o-er3
claiming the liter3capacit* of its frost3free refrigerators.
3%C&7 has relaunched %odre, #air %lo)' India5s first and largest selling
fairness soap' )ith an impro-ed product +lend.
3%C&7 has classified its +usiness into t)o groups6 soaps and personal care.
3As per OR%3%#G figures' (hirlpool and %odre, are in the top 2 positions
among refrigerator +rands during the festi-al season.
4005 3ICRA has assigned D%2 C C%R2 ratings to %odre, consumer
products 7td.
3%odre, Consumer &roducts 7td test3launched for the outhern region a ne)
soap under its Rs.@<cr #air %lo) +rand' the #air %lo) affron Toilet soap.
3Contract Ad-ertising5s $um+ai office has )on the creati-e duties for
%odre, ha-ing cream and %odre, ha-ing gel.
3%C&7 has entered into an agreement )ith hogun Diapers 7td. for
ac2uisition of trademark and cop*right relating to the +rand 5snugg*5.
3%odre, consumer products has re launched its sha-ing cream range and
introduced four ne) -ariants including Rich #oam' 7ime fresh' $enthol
$ist and &rotect plus.
3%C&l has un-eiled ne) A*ur-edic soap in Gerala under the %odre, No.1
3%odre, Consumer &roducts has launched %odre, ":ee ilk 7i2uid detergent
in Gerala' )hich is speciall* formulated li2uid detergent )ith a ne) p8
+alance technolog*.
3Recei-ed intimation from Citi+ank NA on $arch <3' 2<</ that their client
R? te)art I-or* Asia &acific )as holding 31'@2'@11 shares of the
compan* and the same has +een transferred to a ne) entit*' #irst tate Asia
&acific #und. The date of ac2uisition is #e+ruar* 2=' 2<</ and the mode of
ac2uisition is +* )a* of 6 Off market transaction. The shareholding of #irst
tate Asia &acific #und after the said ac2uisition is 31'@2'@11 shares
amounting to 9.9A3E of the total paid up capital of %odre, Consumer
&roducts 7imited.
3Dlist from the Ahmeda+ad tock ".change 0A"1 )ith effect from Octo+er
19' 2<</.
4006 3%C&7 launches 5Cinthol Deo oap5
3%odre, Consumer mulls to +u*3+ack e2uit* shares from open market
3%C&7 to tap rural market )ith +rand ne) soap 5Nimin5
4007 3Delist e2uit* shares from The Calcutta tock ".change Association
7td 0C"1 ).e.f. $arch 3<'
4007. 3 %odre, Consumer &roducts 7td 0%C&71' ropes in $ona ingh of
Hassi Haissi Goi Nahin 0a popular serial on the on* channel1 to +e the +rand
am+assador for %odre, No.1 soaps.
3%odre, Consumer ac2uires #$C% compan* Ge*line ?rands 7td' !.G.
4008 3%C&7 ac2uires hair3colour +i: in . Africa
3%C&7 rolls out "DITA age control soap
3%C&7 ,oins other #$C% ma,ors for o-erseas ac2uisitions
4009 3%odre, Consumer 3 Ac2uisition of 1<<E o)nership interest in %odre,
%lo+al $ideast #K"' har,ah
3%odre, ,oins hand )ith )edish co
3%C&7 C CA 8*giene &roducts A?' )eden form 9<69< ,oint -enture
400: 3The compan* has issued rights in the ratio of 16> at a premium of
Rs.122I3&er hare.
%C&7 is an Indian #$C% compan*. %ro)ing at a fast rate. The $arket
leader in 8air colours and the second +iggest compan* in Toilet soaps
categor* )ith +rands like %odre, No 1' Cinthol and #airglo).
%odre, No 1 is the 3rd largest selling soap +rand in the countr*' a market
leader in North and in the states of &un,a+' 8ar*ana and !&.?ranch Offices
in $um+ai' Delhi' Golkata and Chennai ensure pan3India co-erage' )hile
factories located at $alanpur 0$adh*a &radesh1' Thana 08imachal &radesh1'
Gatha 08imachal &radesh1' %u)ahati 0Assam1 and ikkim cater to the
di-erse re2uirements of our product portfolio.
(ith the ac2uisition of Ge*line ?rands in the !nited Gingdom' Rapidol and
Gink* %roup' outh Africa and %odre, %lo+al $ideast #K"' a 1<<E
su+sidiar* of %odre, International' %C&7 no) o)ns international +rands
and trademarks in "urope' Australia' Canada' Africa and the $iddle "ast.
At %C&7' )e are dri-en +* our mission to continuousl* enhance the 2ualit*
of life of consumers in high3gro)th markets )ith superior32ualit* and
afforda+le personal care and h*giene products.
Our -ision is to +e a leader in the Indian #ood and +e-erage space +*
+reaking into the e.clusi-e league of top ten #$C% food companies in
India. %odre, in "-er* 8ome and (ork place
%odre, $ission is to operate in e.isting and ne) +usinesses
)hich capitali:e on the %odre, +rand and corporate image of
relia+ilit* and integrit*.
%odre, o+,ecti-e is to delight itFs customer +oth in India and
%odre, shall stri-e for e.cellence +* nurturing' de-eloping and
empo)ering itFs emplo*ees and suppliers.
%odre, encourageFs an open atmosphere' conduci-e to learning
and team )ork
%odre, mission is to do sales of Rs. 1<<< Crores +* 2<12' profita+l* at
margins that are +est in class in #$C% goods. (e )ill achie-e it through
unparalleled +usiness inno-ations and consumer satisfaction.
GO+*; .O+-C,
%odre, Consumer &roducts' leading #$C% ma,or has
reported a handsome gro)th of >@E in its net profit
for the first 2uarter ended Hune 3<' 2<<A.During the
reporting period' the compan* has recorded a net
profit of Rs =A crore.
In a communi2uB to ?om+a* tock ".change 0?"1'
the compan* said that it has clocked a much higher profit in the latest
2uarter compared to a net profit of Rs 3A crore in the same period last *ear
%ODR"H CON!$"R &ROD!CT 7TD has launched Cinthol Deo oap3
port' )hich is said to offer the user +enefit of a deodorant )ith the
con-enience of soap. It is a-aila+le at Rs 13 0>9g1 and Rs 2< 0129g1' )ith an
offer of L?u* 3 %et 1 #ree.5
CO'S-M* .OFI)*
M";O .)"2*S I',*'",IO'")
1. !nile-er
2. Colgate C &almoli-e
3. Cad+ur*
/. %illette
9. Nestle
=. Da+ur India
>. %eneral mills
@. Reckitt ?enckiser5s
A. &arle
M";O .)"2*S +OM*S,IC
1.8industan !nile-er 7.T.D.
2. ITC
3. Nestle india
/. %C$$# 0Amul1
9. Da+ur India ltd
=. Asian &aints
>. Cad+ur*
@. ?ritannia Industries
A. $arico Industries ltd
1<.Nirma ltd
11.Rasna ltd
12.$odi Re-lon
M"&*, SH"*
%C&7 e*eing 29E market share in hand saniti:er segment. #$C% ma,or
%odre, Consumer &roducts 0%C&71 is targeting a 29 per cent market share
in the hand saniti:er segment this fiscal' a top compan* official said. The
compan* has launched se-eral products' including saniti:ers' )et3)ipes and
hand3)ash under its +rand &rotekt' )ith an aim to get a grip on the hand
h*giene market. MThe saniti:er market is o-er Rs 29 crore...(e are e*eing a
29 per cent share in this fiscal'M %C&75s ".ecuti-e Dice3&resident $arketing
Tarun Arora told reporters here toda*' after launching 5#reedom to Touch5
campaign for its product.
%odre, Consumer &roducts 7td 0%C&71 had organi:ed an anal*st meet to
discuss #J<@ results and its future strategies. The ke* highlights of the meet
are listed +elo)6
%C&7 3 the second largest toilet soap pla*er in the countr*' recorded 19.AE
*o* gro)th in net sales at Rs11+n during #J<@' dri-en +* strong 1A.@E *o*
gro)th in toilet soaps and 21./E in hair color segment. A+out 29E of the
compan*5s turno-er is from international +usiness' )hich includes its past
ac2uisitions' e.ports' and ,oint -enture 3 %odre, CA 8*giene 7td.
Segmental $reak3up
egments N/ #J<@ N/ #J<> *o* 0E1 #J<@ #J<> *o* 0E1
oaps 1'2=< 1'1>A =.A 9'=A< /'>91 1A.@
8air Colour =A> 939 3<./ 2'91@ 2'<>/ 21./
Toiletries =2/ =12 1.A 2'23< 2'1/A 3.@
7i2uid Detergents => 93 2= 3@9 3@@ 31
%odre, ?rands 2'=/@ 2'3>A 11.3 1<'@23 A'3=2 19.=
?* products sale >< 3A @<.= 2<3 193 32.A
Total 2'>1@ 2'/1@ 12./ 11'<2= A'919 19.A
C!anging revenue mi<
1. Operating margins e.panded +* =<+ps to 1A.9E aided +* drop in ra)
material cost 01=<+ps1. %C&7 mitigated the impact of higher ra)
material prices +* increasing soap prices and +etter procurement
management. The compan* had recei-ed an e.traordinar* income of
RsAAmn during #J<> 0ta. ad,ustment of Rs/@.1mn and profit of
Rs9<.>mn from sale of nugg* +rand to %odre, CA 8*giene 7td.1
Ad,usted net profit for the *ear rose +* 1<.=E *o* to Rs1.=+n.
%C&7 had taken a price hike of 93@E in its soap +rands during N1
#J<@ and N3 #J<@ to mitigate the impact of firm -egeta+le oil
prices. %C&7 is likel* to undertake one more price hike in the soap
categor* if -egeta+le oil prices continue to rise. The compan* has no
plans to undertake price hike in an* other categor*.
The management e.pects its add spend to +e higher +* O9<E 0from
O=3>E of net sales to OAE of net sales1 on *o* +asis in the first and
second 2uarter of current fiscal.
During #J<@' %C&7 relaunched its po)der hair d*e as %odre, ".pert
8air D*e )ith perfume and conditioner. It has also introduced Rene)
&o)der 8air Colour and relaunched flagship +rand Cinthol in a range
of soaps' talc and deo spra*s.
%C&7 has incurred a cape. of Rs1.1+n for capacit* e.pansions during
#J<> and #J<@. %C&7Ps Gatha plant +ecame operational from
Decem+er 2<<=' )hile ikkim facilit* +ecame operational from
$arch 2<<>. %C&7Ps $alanpur plant 0fatt* acid and soap noodles1
has commenced operations from $a* 2<<@.
Of distri+uting %odre, #$C% products in the $iddle "ast.
%C&7 is soaps shipments registered a strong 1A.3E gro)th )ell
ahead of categor* gro)th of A.=E during #J<@. %C&7 has achie-ed a
A.1E market share in the domestic soap market and its %odre, No. 1
soap has +ecome the largest selling %rade 1 soap in the countr*.
SO".S= V")-* GO(,H

Source= Company> India Infoline esearc!
%C&7 is hair colour segment gre) +* 12E )hile the categor* gre)
+* 13.3E during #J<@. %C&7 is the market leader in the hair colour
market )ith a strong 39.1E market share. &o)der hair colour
accounts for 9/E of -olumes in this categor*.
Hair Colorants= value growt!
Source= Company> India Infoline esearc!
".ports currentl* account for O29E of %C&7Ps total re-enues. %C&7
has added four ne) countries P Curacao' 7i+eria' 7i+*a and Tan:ania
during the *ear. The compan* no) e.ports to 3@ countries. During the
*ear' %C&7 has made its first shipment of its products to Ge*line
?rands 7td 0po)der hair d*e in +ottles and #air%lo) soap1 and
Rapidol &t*. 7td 0%odre, No. 1 soap' Rene) hair colour1.
,rend in e<ports
Source= Company> India Infoline esearc!
.erformance of &eyline ?rands )td
0Rs mn1 #J<@ #J<> *o* 0E1
Total income 1'=@< 1'=>9 <.3
&?IT 1@1 23> 023.=1
Interest 3A 3A 3
&?T 1/2 1AA 02@.=1
Ta. /A 9A 01=.A1
&AT A3 13A 033.11
"DAQ <.9 32.< 3
ource6 Compan*' India Infoline Research. 0Date of ac2uisition 3
eptem+er <1' 2<<=1
During April 2<<@' %C&7 ac2uired 1<<E stake in the Gink* %roup
0&roprietar*1 7td' outh Africa 0Gink*1 for O2=9mn outh African
Rand. Gink* offers a -ariet* of products like hair' hair +raids' hair
pieces' )igs' )efted pieces and hair accessories like st*ling gels' hair
spra*s and oil free shampoo. Gink* has a market share of 1<E in the
outh African market. Gink* recorded re-enues of @93A<mn outh
African rand in #J<@ )ith a profit3to3sales ratio at 3<339E. Gink* has
+een gro)ing +* 2<ER and has a higher gro)th potential. %C&7
e.pects the Gink* +rand to register strong gro)th post e.pansion to
more geographies )ith its portfolio of natural and artificial hair
products. %C&7 is strengthening its hair care product portfolio and is
looking to +u* such companies o-erseas.
On Octo+er <1' 2<<>' %C&7 ac2uired %odre, glo+al $ideast #K"' a
1<<E su+sidiar* of %odre, International 7td. It )as esta+lished in
har,ah )ith the o+,ecti-e.
FI'"CI") OV*VI*(
#inancials Rs 0in Crores1
For t!e year
Operating Income
Net &rofit
Net (orth
No. of hares 0in crore1
Ad,usted "& 0Rs1
?ook -alue per hare 0Rs1
D-dnd per hare 0Rs1
Net &rofit $argin 0E1
Current Ratio
7t De+t "2uit*
Development/management of human resource policies of the
Ensuring compliance of human resource policies of the
company to relevant legislation applicable to the sphere;
Development of training programs for the personnel of the
Training of personnel;
Execution of HR management, including recruitment process,
employment and further retention of personnel;
Development/management of compensation and benefits
policies and schemes;
Development of salary policy and support to the accountant in
payment processes;
Identification of the needs of the personnel and development
of programs to meet the needs for ensuring higher efficiency;
Reporting to the eneral !anager and provision of support in
all HR related issue"
C-*', *V*',
?usiness Ne)s %odre,3CA HD
8e)itt ?est "mplo*ers A)ard
%reat &laces to (ork A)ard
Nupur Hagruti 3A -oice against Do)r*
Ne) Gochi %odo)n
%C&7 and CA 8*giene &roducts A?' )eden form 9<69< ,oint -enture
%odre, Consumer &roducts Ranks =th in "T38e)itt ?est "mplo*ers of India
%C&7 ranked 19th in %reat &laces to (ork 2<<= sur-e*
%C&76 ?ack To Class
AT %odre, Consumer &roducts 7td 0%C&71' the* make sure learning ne-er
stops. Three *ears ago' the compan* +egan a 2<3month e.ecuti-e $?A
programme for its emplo*ees' )ith 29 people on +oard. Toda*' the num+er
is four times that. In addition' (e+3+ased learning is made possi+le through
%O7D 0%odre, Organi:ation for 7earning and De-elopment1. It has signed
up )ith !G3+ased Net% to distri+ute e3learning modules among its
)orkforce. %odre, Nupur Hagruti 3MA Doice Against Do)r*M launched in
On the occasion of (omen5s Da* on $arch @th' %odre, Nupur' the $ehendi
+rand of %odre, Consumer &roducts 7imited launched 5Nupur Hagruti3Dahe,
Ge Ghilaf "k A)a:5 an initiati-e to tand against Do)r*. Citi:ens pledged
their support to this anti3do)r* campaign +* forming a human chain in a +id
to their stance at the %ate)a* of India' $um+ai.
":ee 3Ad,udged a Consumer uper +rand +* the uper +rand Council
%odre, ":ee )as conferred the Consumer uper +rand a)ard at a glittering
function at Ta, 7ands "nd on April 12th 2<<>.
&roduct Ne)s
7aunch of #air%lo) in a +rand ne) pack
7aunch of Digil %rade I health soap
%C&7 launches SDigilF' the first %rade 1 8ealth oap in India
I',*'",IO'") M"&*,
(ith the ac2uisition of Ge*line ?rands in the !nited Gingdom' Rapidol and
Gink* %roup' outh Africa and %odre, %lo+al $ideast #K"' a 1<<E
su+sidiar* of %odre, International 7td.' %C&7 no) o)ns international
+rands and trademarks in "urope' Australia' Canada' Africa and the $iddle
S(O, "'")2SIS
1. The Compan* has got )ide range of +ranches )ithin the
2. The Compan* has )ide range of product line.
3. %odre, is ha-ing +etter ales after ser-ices.
/. The Compan* has there respecta+le and +elie-a+le +rand
9. Compan* is ha-ing large num+er of customer )ith higher
=. The management is trained and efficient C the net)ork of
ser-ice centers is good in all states.
1. The Compan* does not go for ad-ertising' )hich is one of
the +iggest disad-antage of %odre,.
2. Its emphasis more on the ad-ertising of office automation C
prime di-ision.
3. The compan* is focusing man* securit* products at a same
/. The effecti-e selling schemes are not a-aila+le like pa*ment
on installment.
1. %odre, has more opportunities to gro) as it has earned good
name in securit* sector.
2. Technical up gradation time to time is also one of the
3. %odre, can focus on +ig pro,ect like construction. (here
there is a great demand of securit* e2uipments
The gro)ing competition in the securit* sector is threat for all
manufacturing companies so it is also threat for %odre, to stand in
the market )ith the higher position.
"("+S A *COG'I,IO'
In 1@A>' %odre, Introduced the first lock )ith le-er technolog* in India.
In 1A<2' %odre, made the first Indian safe.
In 1A99' %odre, produced India5s first indigenous t*pe)riter
In 1A@A' %odre, +ecame the first compan* to introduce &!#
0 &ol*urethane #oam1
Introduced India5s first and onl* 1<<E C#C' 8C#C' 8#C free
%C&7' the 8ighest Ranked Indian #$C% in Asia5s 8ot %ro)th
Companies5 7ist +* ?usiness (eek
%odre, Consumer &roducts 7td. has +een ranked 1/th in The ?est
Companies to (ork #or stud*. This stud* )as ,ointl* conducted +*
?usiness Toda*' $ercer and Ta*lor Nelson ofres 0TN1
%odre, Consumer &roducts Ranks =th in "T38e)itt ?est "mplo*ers of
India sur-e*
%C&7 ranked 19th in %reat &laces to (ork 2<<= sur-e*
The Corporate Citi:en of the Jear A)ard gi-en +* "conomic Times.
#lagship +rands %ood knight' Cinthol and ":ee selected uper+rands +*
the uper +rands Council
%odre, ara 7ee' the HD +et)een the %odre, %roup and ara lee
Corporation' !A is ackno)ledged the (orld5s largest mat
manufacturers and outh Asia5s largest manufacturers of Coils.
%odre, Consumer &roducts 7imited' ad,udged as a ?usiness uper +rand
+* the uper ?rands Council.
The Return on Capital "mplo*ed and Return on Net (orth ratios of
%odre, Consumer &roducts 3 the highest in corporate India.
%odre, Consumer &roducts )as a)arded the M?est $anaged (orkforceM
a)ard gi-en +* 8e)itt Associates and CN?C TD1@.
%odre, Consumer &roducts features in the Top 29 list of %reat &laces to
(ork 0sur-e* conducted +* %ro)Talent in association )ith ?usiness
(orld1 for four *ears in a ro).
7ifetime Achie-ement A)ard for %odre, Industries from C8"$"TCI7'
the ?asic Chemicals &harmaceuticals and Cosmetics ".ports &romotion
CS #C.O",* SOCI") *.O,%
The* +elie-e that en-ironment' safet* and health are important components
of an* )ell3 run +usiness and )ould like e-er* mem+er of the %odre,
5pari-ar5' and the e.tended famil*' to inculcate these -alues. %odre,
Compan* has a green imageU the credit goes to %odre, founders. !ntil 1AA9
%odre, had not pu+lici:ed their efforts. The* )ere doing things for the ,o* it
ga-e them. It )as in 1AA= that the* adopted the *stem5s approach and then
the entire +usiness )as in-ol-ed in changing processes and setting
procedures to gi-e due consideration to the mangro-es. As a matter of fact'
some of the +usinesses found that the conser-ation of mangro-es actuall*
helped them in strengthening +usiness relationships )ith clients' go-ernment
and customers. $AN%ROD" D"D"7O&$"NT6 $angro-es are essential
to the ecolog* of the coast and the island. The* pro-ide fertile ground for
fish to feed and +reed in and nurture a large -ariet* of +irds. $angro-e
conser-ation has +een the ke* focus of the "n-ironment Cell. The
"n-ironment Cell has a +road mandate to mentor and monitor all their
acti-ities so as to ensure high standards. The residential to)nship and
communit* around the compan* is also a focus of their "n-ironment Cell.
0$AN%ROD" AR"A DIG8RO7I1 ?N8 and the oona+ai &hiro,sha
%odre, #oundation made efforts to replant mangro-es in Dikhroli3%hatkopar
in the earl* A<5s
The Compan* should ad-ertise its ecurit* e2uipment. Toda* &rice +ased
competition is sk*rocketing so if it is possi+le that Compan* should cut
do)n its securit* e2uipments price. Compan* should promote its securit*
e2uipment through canop*. Compan* should do mall acti-ities once in a
)eek +ecause it is necessar* to promote the high in-ol-ement securit*
O- OV*VI*(
The %odre, %roup stands in a strong position toda*. (ith annual sales in
e.cess of ;1 +illion' a )orkforce of appro.imatel* 1@'<<<' and a strong
di-ersified portfolio' %odre, has pro-en its a+ilit* to deli-er strong financial
The philanthropic acti-ities +* the chairman $r.ADI %ODR"H and other
famil* mem+er se-en +efore the )ord CR )as kno)n has made the %odre,
group one of the most trusted +usiness house in India. Toda* the group holds
an e.ample of ethical and most transparent group of +usiness )ho is
concerned not onl* to ma.imi:e shareholders -alue +ut at the same time
in-ests responsi+l* in social and en-ironmental )elfare.
The %odre, %roup is toda* one of the most accomplished and di-ersified
+usiness houses
in India. %odre,Fs success has +een dri-en +* the compan*Fs commitment to
deli-ering inno-ation and e.cellence. Through the consistent application of
this commitment and a centur* of ethical +usiness conduct' %odre, has
earned an unparalleled reputation for trust and relia+ilit*

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