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Create 2-D graphic table GUI component

uitable('PropertyName1', value1,'PropertyName2',value2,...)
handle = uitable(...)
uitable creates a 1-by-1 uitable object in the current figure window, using default
property values. If no figure exists, a new figure window opens.
uitable('PropertyName1', value1,'PropertyName2',value2,...) creates a
uitable object with specified property values. Properties that you do not specify assume
the default property values. See the Uitable Properties reference page for information about
the available properties.
uitable(parent,...) creates a uitable object as a child of the specified parent handle
parent. The parent can be a figure or uipanel handle. If you also specify a different value
for the Parent property, the value of the Parent property takes precedence.
handle = uitable(...) creates a uitable object and returns its handle.
After creating a uitable object, you can set and query its property values using the set
and get functions.
Users can change values in a table if the ColumnEditable property is true for the column
they attempt to edit. By default, this property is false for all columns. If the column
contains pop-up choices, only the current choice is visible (and not the pop-up menu
control) when its column cannot be edited.
After editing a value, the edited value is displayed and the CellEditCallback fires when
the user does any of the following:
Types Enter
Clicks another table cell
Clicks anywhere else within the table
Clicks another control or area within the same figure window
However, the CellEditCallback does not fire if the user edits a cell and clicks in another
figure window or desktop tool. If the user then returns to the table to edit a different cell,
the previous CellEditCallback still does not fire. Even though the table displays the
results of the previous edit, the underlying data matrix (the table's Data property) is not
updated to contain the value that appears in the cell.
Note If you attempt to create a uitable when running MATLAB on a Linux system
without a Java virtual machine (matlab -nojvm) or without a display (matlab
nodisplay), no table generates and you receive an error.
Example 1
This example creates a table in the current figure. If no figure exists, one is created.
t = uitable;

As the table has no content (its Data property is empty), it initially displays no rows or
columns. Provide data (a magic square), and set column widths to 25 pixels uniformly to
make the entire table visible.

The uitable ColumnWidth property is specified as a cell array. It can contain:
One number (a width measured in pixels) or the string 'auto'
A cell array containing a list of pixel sizes having up to as many entries as the table
has columns
If a list has n entries, where n is smaller than the number of columns, it sets the first n
column widths only. You can substitute 'auto' for any value in the cell array to have the
width of that column calculated automatically.
Example 2
This example creates a table with a 3-by-3 data matrix. This example specifies the column
names, parent, and position of the table:
f = figure('Position',[100 100 300 150]);
dat = rand(3);
cnames = {'X-Data','Y-Data','Z-Data'};
t = uitable('Data',dat,'ColumnName',cnames,...
'Parent',f,'Position',[20 20 250 100]);

Example 3
This example creates a table with a 3-by-4 array that contains numeric, logical, and string
data in the following columns:
First column (Rate): Numeric, with three decimals (not editable)
Second column (Amount): Currency (not editable)
Third column (Available): Check box (editable)
Fourth column (Fixed/Adj): Pop-up menu with two choices: Fixed and
Adjustable (editable)
f = figure('Position',[100 100 400 150]);
dat = {6.125, 456.3457, true, 'Fixed';...
6.75, 510.2342, false, 'Adjustable';...
7, 658.2, false, 'Fixed';};
columnname = {'Rate', 'Amount', 'Available', 'Fixed/Adj'};
columnformat = {'numeric', 'bank', [], {'Fixed' 'Adjustable'}};
columneditable = [false false true true];
t = uitable('Units','normalized','Position',...
[0.1 0.1 0.9 0.9], 'Data', dat,...
'ColumnName', columnname,...
'ColumnFormat', columnformat,...
'ColumnEditable', columneditable);

For more information about working with uitables, see the following examples in the
MATLAB Creating Graphical User Interfaces documentation:

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