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Planning and Starting a Sustainable Community

7 Steps to Getting a Sustainable Community Up and Running,

Even if all You Have to Start it! is a "ision#$
Written and compiled by Jambhala Rinpo
Edition - Copyright (c) 2014 - Tribehares!com " #reeboo$% to be distrib&ted and shared 'reely
(n this in'ormational 'reeboo$% )e*re going to go o+er a 'rame)or$ 'or planning% designing% '&nding%
and b&ilding yo&r o)n s&stainable comm&nity! The ideas presented are in accord )ith the principles o'
permac&lt&re to create harmonic systems not ,&st in the garden b&t also in the str&ct&re o'
b&siness-./0% economics% alternati+e b&ilding methods% '&nding% and social dynamics! This
'reeboo$ is a )or$ in progress and )ill hope'&lly be e1panded by others e1perienced in 'orming
comm&nities ((' yo& ha+e content yo& )ish to add to this boo$% please contact me)! The goal o' this
'reeboo$ is to gi+e people the &nderstanding o' ho) to start their o)n comm&nity based on principles
)hich )ill essentially create more 'reedom 'or the inhabitants and s&stainability )ithin their close-$nit
gro&p! Tribehares!com is also o''ering them allegiance )ithin a net)or$ o' comm&nities inno+ating
ne) and better )ays o' li+ing in greater harmony )ith mother earth% her reso&rces as )ell as each
other! 0&r hope is that any comm&nities created by &se o' this te1t )ill ,oin o&r net)or$ and contrib&te
to)ards 'reely sharing in'ormation% and technologies to help bene'it all comm&nities!
%able of Contents page 2
Step &' ()*uiring a +o)ation,+and -
Water 3
&n 3
Earth 3
Wind 4
#lora 4
#a&na 4
5lready 0)n 6and7 4
Joint 8ent&re With a 6and 0)ner9 4
Cro)d'&nding and :&ying 6and9 ;
Step .' /ormation of a Corporation, %rust, or 0G1 7
Step 2' 3esign Your Community 4
ocial tr&ct&re <
0+er+ie) o' the Tribehares ocial =esign >
=e'inition o' a Realm >
=e'inition o' a Tribe 10
tarting% Joining% or 6ea+ing a Tribe 11
tarting a Tribe 11
Joining a Tribe 12
6ea+ing a Tribe 12
Tribal /o+ernment ystems 1?
Traditional Tribe 1?
=emocracy 1?
Comm&nism 1?
5narchism 1?
Consens&s 14
E1pansion @ /ro)th 14
.e) Tribes 14
Aember /ro)th 14
5lternati+e 6ocal C&rrencies or Trading ystems 13
Water o&rce 14
Earth and Terrain 14
/ardens @ Bermac&lt&re Cones 1;
Common 5menities 1>
Composting Toilets 1>
ho)ers and :aths 20
Ditchens 21
ocial /athering 5reas 2?
5ccommodations 24
torage and Recycling 5reas 24
Comm&nity :&sinesses 23
Step 5' Cost (nalysis and 6udget .7
EE&ipment 2;
&pplies-Aaterials 2<
6abo&r 2<
Step -' ()*uiring /unding 27
Cro)d'&nding )ith Tribehares!com ?1
et Ailestones ?1
Brepare Fo&r Blan 'or Bresenting ?1
Bersonal Bro'ile ?1
Aedia " Bict&res @ 8ideos ?2
Re)ards% Aemberships% @ 8irt&al hares ?2
Step 8' Promote Your Campaign 22
ocial .et)or$s ??
Bost on #aceboo$ and other social net)or$s ??
Email or end (n+itations ?4
Bost on #or&ms and in /&estboo$s ?4
Bost a :anner on Fo&r Website or ocial Bro'iles ?4
:logging and Bodcasting ?4
Bost 8ideos ?3
5rticle Writing @ Bress Releases ?3
/oogle 5d)ords @ 0ther Baid-'or 5d+ertising ?3
0''line Bromotions ?4
Word o' Ao&th ?4
:&siness Cards ?4
#liers @ Bosters ?4
Bhones @ t1t Aessages ?4
Step 7' 6uild 9t# 27
5ppendi1 5 " E1ample o' Charter @ /&idelines 'or a Realm ?;
5ppendi1 : " 8al&able Reso&rces ?<
Step &' ()*uiring a +o)ation,+and
The location o' yo&r comm&nity is an important one )hich may greatly a''ect )ho yo&r comm&nity
attracts% ho) it gro)s% and ho) easy or di''ic&lt it may be getting started! 0b+io&sly ha+ing easy access
to reso&rces both nat&ral and man-made )ill play a large role! .at&ral reso&rces s&ch as )ater% good
soil% and s&n )ill be o' highest importance 'or yo&r comm&nity to s&r+i+e long term! 0ther nat&ral
reso&rces may be o' importance depending on the type o' constr&ction yo& plan to implement! #or
e1ample cobb% adobe% earthbag reE&ire a lot o' clay and stra) or other organic 'ibers! (' the location has
a lot o' stone% then &tiliGe it 'or 'o&ndations% )alls% and stairs! (' yo& plan to b&ild tree-ho&ses then
ma$e s&re yo& ha+e a location )ith large trees! (' yo& plan to &se a lot o' bamboo and gro) bamboo
then a site )ith plenty o' s&n and )ater )ill s&it yo&!
The more nat&ral reso&rces that yo& can tap into% the better! (t*s a good idea )hen +isiting properties
that may be potential comm&nities% to )rite a list o' the nat&ral reso&rces that it has! Ta$e a small
sho+el and ta$e samples and meas&rements! Ta$ing samples o' topsoil-h&m&s layer to chec$ le+els o'
silt-sand-clay! =igging do)n a 'oot or more past the top layer o' decaying debris to ta$e samples o' the
earth clay-sand content 'or doing ,ar tests (more on that later Htesting earth 'or it*s inherent constr&ction
Ta$ing note o' the trees and i' $no)ledgeable eno&gh )hat type o' trees they are! We don*t generally
)ant to promote c&tting do)n trees 'or l&mber% as it is one o' the least s&stainable nat&ral reso&rces!
Io)e+er% in certain cases it may be )arranted% as densely 'orested areas can o'ten bene'it 'rom
spacing% by ta$ing o&t some o' the trees to allo) the others more rootspace! Remo+ing trees in certain
dense canopy*s can also allo) s&n into an other)ise shaded area% creating a ne) ecosystem )hich adds
di+ersity to the area! With intelligent designing% any trees remo+ed can be &tiliGed to their '&llest )hile
promoting a di+erse ecosystem to attract h&mans and animals ali$e!
Reso&rces to loo$ 'or incl&deJ
ater - (n the 'orm o' ri+ers% cree$s% seasonal cree$s% la$es% ponds% ocean% gro&nd)ater% springs%
)ells% rain)ater catchment (ho) m&ch rain 'alls per year7)! 5lso% )hat E&ality is the )ater onsite7 Will
it need to be 'iltered or distilled be'ore &sing7 (' yo& ha+e a ri+er% cree$% or stream then yo& may be
able to &tiliGe )ater t&rbines% )ater mills% or )ater p&mps 'rom it! 5 trompe co&ld also be b&ilt to
harness compressed air )hich can be &sed 'or po)ering eco-+ehicles% po)er tools%
'reeGers-re'rigeration% or sc&ba tan$s!
Sun - 0pen areas that recei+e '&ll s&n% partial s&n% etc!!! Bro1imity o' potential b&ilding sites to the
s&n! ie! )ill b&ilding be in the s&n or the shade% )ill this a''ect plans 'or passi+e solar heating or
gardens-greenho&ses! olar arrays o' Bhoto+oltaic (B8) panels% solar o+ens% solar collectors% solar ice
ma$ers% and solar )ater heaters can all be &tiliGed )ith the right placements to get the most o&t o' yo&r
s&nny spots!
Eart! - oil compositions! ilt% lea+es% and )oody debris in the &pper h&m&s le+el are good 'or
composting and ma$e rich soil 'or gro)ing plants! (' yo& ha+e a lot o' blac$ soil then yo&r gardens )ill
be prod&cti+e! (' yo& don*t ha+e rich soil on yo&r location yo& )ill ha+e to p&t more e''ort in to create
yo&r o)n soils +ia composting% h&man&re% and-or gathering nat&ral 'ertiliGers 'rom other locations to
s&pplement and b&ild yo&r gardens! Clay is a great nat&ral reso&rce as a binder 'or alternati+e
constr&ction! 5dobe bloc$s% cobb% and s&peradobe earthbag mi1es are most economically done )ith
clay! 8ery p&re clays can be &se'&l 'or pottery as )ell! and is another great reso&rce )hich is also
good 'or adobe bloc$s% cobb and s&peradobe earthbags as a strengthener! 0'ten clay and sand )ill be
mi1ed together already% and i' in the right ratio may be &se'&l 'or constr&ction as is% or may need more
sand or more clay added to get the right mi1 'or constr&ction! tone can o'ten be &sed in constr&ction
o' stairs% )alls% and 'or strengthening 'o&ndations!
ind - Wind is important% both to $no) )here the )inds are coming 'rom and going to% so yo& can
design yo&r comm&nity to either protect yo& home and plants 'rom hea+y )inds% or &tiliGe )ind 'or
'resh air and $eeping things cool in the topics! (' yo& ha+e a site )ith a decent amo&nt o' )ind% then
yo& can also &tiliGe it 'or )ind t&rbines to assist in po)ering yo&r s&stainable energy system! This can
incl&de both electrical generating )ind t&rbines% as )ell as )ind po)ered )ater p&mps% or the good ol*
'ashioned )ind mill 'or grinding grains% shelling n&ts% and other processing needs!
/lora - Trees ha+e ob+io&s &se in constr&ction as )ell as habitat creation! Blants and 'lo)ers nati+e
to the location sho&ld be loo$ed into 'or their potential &se as 'oods% medicines% 'odder 'or li+estoc$%
'ibers in cobb or adobe bloc$s% di+ersity as 'ood plants 'or )ildli'e% and-or di+ersity as to their &se in
permac&lt&re as companion plants% nitrogen 'i1ers% or m&lch-composting plants!
/auna - What animals 'reE&ent the land7 :irds% b&tter'lies% liGards% sna$es% deer% sE&irrels% and
)hate+er else yo& spot! (t is all good to ta$e note o' and thin$ abo&t these animals and ho) they )ill
)or$ into yo&r designs later! Creating )ildli'e sanct&aries in yo&r comm&nity to n&rt&re these animals
)ill enco&rage them coming aro&nd and help yo& $eep better relations )ith them! 5lso% i' there are too
many pests% s&ch as mosE&itoes or rats% be s&re to incorporate into yo&r designs )ays to disco&rage
them 'rom pestering yo&! (e! ma$e $itchens rat-proo'! Remo+e stagnant )ater breeding areas 'or
mosE&itoes% or t&rn dirty ponds into aE&aponic 'ish habitats that eat the mosE&ito lar+ae and prod&ce
+egetables at the same time!
(lready 1:n +and;
(' yo& already o)n land s&itable 'or b&ilding a comm&nity then congrat&lations! 5'ter yo&*+e done yo&r
soil testing and made a list o' the reso&rces yo& ha+e on the land% yo& can mo+e on to the ne1t step!
<oint "enture it! a +and 1:ner#
5 ,oint +ent&re is an agreement bet)een t)o or more persons% corporations% or ./0*s! Ks&ally the 2 or
more in+ol+ed parties each ha+e di''erent s$ills or reso&rces necessary to mani'est a certain goal and
th&s by ,oint +ent&ring together% they can mani'est together% something that they co&ld not do each
alone! (n this case the comm&nity manager-organiGer )ho is planning the comm&nity see$s a person
)ho has &n&sed land s&itable 'or a comm&nity! When a potential land o)ner is 'o&nd% one m&st then
negotiate an agreement bet)een the t)o )hereby both parties are happy )ith the contract set o&t!
Bhilanthropist land o)ners may )ish to contrib&te their land to a comm&nity b&ilding pro,ect ,&st 'or
the prestige o' doing something good! These ideal ,oint +ent&re partners only need to be con+inced that
yo& the manager-organiGer )ill 'ollo) thro&gh )ith getting the pro,ect '&nded and 'ollo)ing thro&gh
)ith it*s creation as planned!
5ngel in+estors% or other in+estors are li$ely to be loo$ing 'or a ret&rn on their in+estment! =epending
on the str&ct&re o' yo&r plan% this may 'it or not )ith )hat yo& )ant to create! Fo&*ll ha+e better l&c$
'inding in+estors i' yo&*+e planned a str&ct&re to re)ard the land o)ner )ith shares% or pro'its o'
b&siness operations! Common b&sinesses 'or a comm&nity co&ld be 'arming o' medicinal plants-herbs
@ spices-'ood or li+estoc$% cra't prod&cts li$e honey% cheeses% )ines% bead-)or$% )ea+ing% ,e)elery%
clothing% renting space 'or )or$shops-retreats-social e+ents% ser+ices s&ch as massage% alternati+e
healing-body)or$% and also to&rism (ie! accommodations% to&rs% etc!!!)! 5 simple negotiation co&ld be
to o''er a percentage o' sales o' any cra't or ser+ices sold by the comm&nity to those o&tside the
comm&nity! This can be added in the comm&nity g&idelines that a percentage o' ta1 )o&ld be added 'or
any b&siness operations that happen on comm&nity land! (n the same respect a similar percentage
sho&ld go to the comm&nities acco&nts 'or &p$eep and maintenance! The comm&nity co&ld also set a
certain goal amo&nt o' money to be paid bac$ to the land o)ner o+er time (This co&ld also be paid o''
thro&gh payments o' ne) members ,oining)!
Whate+er is agreed &pon sho&ld be p&t into a proper contract and can be implemented in a sa'e )ay 'or
all parties thro&gh setting &p a tr&st )hereby the land o)ner becomes the ettlor% the comm&nity
manager or their corporation-./0 becomes the Tr&stee% and they both as )ell as other members that
,oin become the :ene'iciaries! Aore on this in the ne1t chapter!
Cro:dfunding and 6uying +and#
(' yo& ha+e eno&gh money in yo&r acco&nt to b&y land straight a)ay and get the comm&nity b&ilt to it*s
basic operating then yo&*re in a good position to mo+e things along more E&ic$ly! (' yo&*re li$e most o'
&s and yo& can*t e+en a''ord land% then cro)d'&nding may be ,&st the tic$et! Tribehares!com is no)
set&p to be yo&r cro)d'&nding plat'orm% and )e ha+e speci'ically designed o&r ser+ice 'or
cro)d'&nding ne) s&stainable comm&nities% philanthropy% and s&stainable pro,ects! 5s s&ch )e are
pro+iding yo& this 'reeboo$ to help yo& plan and design a comm&nity better% so that yo& can more
easily acE&ire '&nding thro&gh o&r cro)d'&nding plat'orm! Cro)d'&nding reE&ires planning in as m&ch
detail as possible so that yo&r potential bac$ers ha+e con'idence in yo&r ability to create the
eco-comm&nity once yo& are '&nded! 5 )ell )ritten plan )ill most certainly attract more
bac$ers-'&nders and increase yo&r chances o' s&ccess!
(n cro)d'&nding yo&r comm&nity% yo& can o''er any n&mber o' types o' re)ards to bac$ers! These can
incl&de ser+ices or goods that )ill come a'ter the pro,ect is completed! (t can also incl&de memberships
to yo&r comm&nity% )hether '&ll time members that ha+e b&ilding rights% or transient members that stay
'or a 'e)s days% a )ee$ or a month! We*ll get into this more in tep 3 etting &p Cro)d'&nding% b&t it*s
good to $eep in mind )hen designing yo&r comm&nity as yo& may )ant to add special
accommodations 'or yo&r bac$ers!
Step .' /ormation of a Corporation, %rust, or 0G1
#orming a corporation is ideal 'or holding the land title and assets o' the comm&nity! The corporation
also allo)s 'or any b&sinesses to be r&n 'rom the comm&nity! =epending on yo&r comm&nity location
an (nternational :&siness Corporation ((:C) 'rom an o''shore ,&risdiction co&ld be most ideal 'or the
p&rposes% allo)ing 'or creati+e str&ct&ring o' member shares-memberships% ta1ation bene'its% less
paper)or$% and more 'reedom! =epending on the co&ntry o' the comm&nity location% local corporations
or ./0*s may need to be 'iled i' doing local b&siness! Ia+ing an international ./0 already registered
can ma$e it easier to register in yo&r local co&ntry or +isa +ersa! 5ny corporation can apply to become
an ./0 i' the comm&nity chooses at a later time!
Tr&sts are good to 'orm in the case o' ,oint +ent&ring )ith a land o)ner! Fo& t&rn a land o)ner into a
land donor and the tr&st allo)s a )ay 'or the land donor to set a contract )ith the tr&stee ((n this case
the person-team or legal entity )ho )ill start the comm&nity)! The land donor )o&ld be the ettlor and
trans'er the land title to the tr&st based on an agreement that the Tr&stee manage the tr&st as laid o&t in
the deed 'or the bene'it o' the named :ene'iciaries! The bene'iciaries co&ld be the land donor% the
tr&stee% and any o' the members or '&nders! The deed is the contract that the tr&stee and settlor agree
&pon! This type o' legal agreement helps 'orm a harmony 'or the creation o' s&stainable comm&nities
enabling both parties to better &se their s$ills and reso&rces!
(' yo& need help getting a corporation% 'o&ndation% or tr&st set&p% contact &s at Tribeshares!com% as )e
ha+e e1perience )ith this and can help recommend a set&p 'or yo&r comm&nities needs and )e o''er
pac$age deals to ha+e a corporation% 'o&ndation% or tr&st )ith ban$ acco&nt and-or merchant acco&nt
set&p! We*ll help ma$e the process easy 'or yo&!
Step 2' 3esign Your Community
Bermac&lt&re% 'eng sh&i% sacred geometry% alternati+e constr&ction methods% aE&aponics% hydroponics%
solar-hydro electric% gardens% composting toilets% bio-gas har+esters% etc!!!etc!!! the list can go on and
on! There*s a lot to dream &p and a lot to consider )hen designing yo&r s&stainable comm&nity! When (
say s&stainable% ( mean a comm&nity that can s&stain itsel'! (n the best de'inition o' the )ord% (
en+ision a comm&nity )here all yo&r 'ood and )ater are healthy and clean and ab&ndant! The 'ood is
all gro)n )ithin the comm&nity 'or the comm&nity% eaten 'resh! ( also en+ision people getting along
and ha+ing '&n together! Ia+ing all their needs met% socially and spirit&ally beca&se they ha+e the time
to 'oc&s on higher goals since their primary needs o' 'ood and shelter are )ell ta$en care o'! Io) )e
ma$e s&re those primary needs are ta$en care o' is thro&gh systems o' permac&lt&re% hydroponics% and
aE&aponics% gro)ing o&r o)n organic 'ood ab&ndantly! 0nce )e ha+e o&r 'ood and )ater systems and
other basic necessary amenities planned o&t% )e can get creati+e and start designing )ith o&r social
So)ial Stru)ture
(' yo&*+e read thro&gh the Tribehares!com )ebsite be'ore% yo&*ll see some ideas on setting &p a social
str&ct&re 'or yo&r comm&nity incl&ding 'orms o' go+ernment to &se% trib&nal agreements% and realm
g&idelines! We s&ggest creating a realm o' tribes depending on the siGe o' yo&r land and ho) many
people it can s&stain! (' yo& ha+e 20 or more acres to )or$ )ith% then setting &p tribes is ideal! 6ess
than 20 acres may be better s&ited to a single tribe comm&nity )ith room 'or e1pansion o' that tribe!
The idea o' setting &p tribes is to allo) 'or greater di+ersity o' c&lt&re )hile still maintaining a
harmony on a higher le+el o' s&stainability and shared reso&rces! E1amples co&ld be o' ha+ing a
m&sicians tribe )hich has 'acilities 'or recording and per'orming m&sic as part o' common amenities%
)hile ,&st do)n the path is the artists comm&nity )ith a center '&ll o' eE&ipment and s&pplies 'or artists
to &tiliGe! =i''erent tribes can similarly be created 'or people )ho 'ollo) di''erent spirit&al practices or
,&st ha+e their small gro&p o' people that they )ant to li+e in closer pro1imity than the rest o' the
greater comm&nity!
(' yo& choose to &tiliGe this design system% yo&*ll need to come &p )ith a n&mber o' tribes 'or the land%
incl&ding ho) m&ch land is dedicated per tribe% and ho) many people can each tribe s&stain initially!
Fo& )ill also need to 'ig&re on ho) m&ch land is dedicated as the greater comm&nities common space%
and set&p some g&idelines 'or the realm!
1vervie: of t!e %ribeS!ares So)ial 3esign
Tribeshares is a system 'or creating intentional comm&nities )ithin a greater comm&nity net)or$ to
'acilitate sharing o' reso&rces% $no)ledge% and technology! (t is created to allo) people the ability to
,oin or create a s&b-comm&nity (tribe) o' their o)n% )here they can e1press themsel+es more 'reely in a
smaller sel' go+erned partition (micro-comm&nity) o' a larger intentional comm&nity! This allo)s 'or a
greater di+ersity o' c&lt&re to 'lo&rish )ithin the s&b-comm&nities (or tribes) )hich then shares in
c&lt&re )ith the greater comm&nity (or realm)!
Remember that is ,&st a s&ggested system based on permac&lt&re principles% b&t at this stage in h&man
history% )e enco&rage e1perimentation and e+ol&tion o' ideas! (n the long r&n )e )ill see )hat
comm&nities ha+e de+eloped the most '&nctional or harmonio&s systems and ha+e more data to assess
)hich direction )e are headed! This ta$es e1perimenting% inno+ating% re-thin$ing% and e1ploring
di''erent )ays to accomplish the same thing! 0&r goal is s&stainability and harmony on all le+els 'rom
physical to spirit&al! o &se this in'ormation as a base to start 'rom or ta$e ideas 'rom and )or$ into
yo&r o)n &niE&e system!
3efinition of a Realm
5 realm is the greater comm&nity that holds )ithin it all the tribes and their tribal lands in addition to
common territory or common areas shared amongst all the tribes! The realm is go+erned by a co&ncil
made &p o' representati+es o' the tribes that li+e there! The realm has a set o' g&idelines-charter )hich
all tribes m&st 'ollo) despite their o)n indi+id&al so+ereignty! These are generally ecological standards
to protect the realm and all the tribes )ithin it 'rom the dangers o' chemicals s&ch as pesticides% /A0
seeds and other things that )o&ld damage the en+ironment )hich they all li+e )ithin! The realm
co&ncil can add to these g&idelines or restrictions i' needed% b&t it may reE&ire a re'erend&m to enact
ne) r&les i' a member o' co&ncil reE&ires it! /enerally% the realm )ill be registered as an ./0 )ith its
co&ncil members listed as its directors! Knder certain circ&mstances a corporation or tr&st co&ld be
'o&nded instead% i' the realm and it*s tribes had ideas o' b&siness dealings they )ished to in+ol+e
themsel+es in!
/enerally the realm co&ncil primarily deals )ith iss&es o' the realm and management decisions o' the
common territory! =ecisions regarding )here '&nds or labo&r is allocated 'or the common territory is
decided by democratic +otingL ma,ority r&les! The co&ncil )ill meet once a month to ma$e decisions%
&nless there is an emergency meeting called d&e to an &rgent matter! The common territory )ill
generally ha+e a comm&nity center )ith a set o' common 'acilities s&ch as $itchen and bathrooms! (t is
also a place )here s&stainable 'ood 'orests% gardens% and aE&aponic systems may be set&p!
The realm )ill reE&ire the collection o' a 'orm o' contrib&tions 'rom the tribes members% ho)e+er% this
can be paid by either an international c&rrency% the realms local alternati+e c&rrency% or by labo&r-trade
)hich has a rate +al&e based on the local alternati+e c&rrency! This allo)s comm&nist or traditional
tribal go+ernment systems that may not generally &se a c&rrency to do )or$ in the realm gardens or
comm&nity center &p$eep rather than pay a 'ee! 5lternati+ely i' other tribes contrib&te in the 'orm o'
c&rrency% then ,obs o' the realm may come a+ailable% )hich members can p&t in )or$ ho&rs to earn and
then e1change 'or some other goods or ser+ices! These contrib&tions may +ary 'rom time to time%
depending on the needs 'or &p$eep o' the realm! Aa1im&ms and-or minim&ms can be allocated
depending on the needs or )ants o' the realm co&ncil (Eg! 1 )or$day or 10 &nits c&rrency per month
per citiGen minim&m! 3 )or$days or 30 &nits per month per citiGen ma1im&m)! Reasons contrib&tions
may go &p% )o&ld be i' the comm&nity center )as in desperate need o' repairs% or i' the realm co&ncil
+oted that they )anted to ha+e ne) 'acilities b&ilt! Tho&gh the realm may ha+e in it*s g&idelines that
there is a ma1im&m as )ell as minim&m )or$ inp&t reE&ired that cannot be changed e1cept &nder
speci'ically de'ined protocols!
Re*uirements for Starting a Realm=
6arge plot o' land )ith )ater reso&rces or eno&gh money to in+est in s&ch ((' it has some
s&itable amenities already b&ilt on it% that )o&ld be a pl&s)
#o&nding an ./0% Tr&st% or #o&ndation
5n o&tline o' the realm (Charter-g&idelines% 2 o' tribes% map o' tribal land borders @ common
territory% s&stainability principle de'ined% protocols% etc!!!)
=esigns 'or initial common 'acilities (Comm&nity center% $itchen% bathrooms% sho)ers% gardens%
Beople to help get it started
ee 5ppendi1 5 at the end o' this boo$ 'or an e1ample o' possible Realm Charter @ /&idelines!
3efinition of a %ribe
5 tribe is a *'amily*% not necessarily 'amily by bloodline% b&t a gro&p o' people or 'riends that choose to
li+e in +ery close pro1imity to each other! 5 tribe shares and go+erns an area o' tribal land )ithin a
comm&nity% and it*s members )or$ together to create harmony and a le+el o' s&stainability )ithin their
tribe! 5 tribe )ill ha+e it*s o)n common amenities to manage% incl&ding bathrooms% sho)ers% $itchens%
gardens-nat&re% common areas and )hate+er the tribe )ishes to create 'or their micro-comm&nity!
5 tribe can be go+erned ho)e+er they choose to go+ern themsel+es! This can be democratic%
comm&nist% anarchist% r&led by a chie'% by consens&s% or any system o' their o)n that they come &p
)ith! 5s tribes are a lot smaller in scale to co&ntries% any o' the abo+e 'orms o' go+erning are a lot
simpler% and )on*t reE&ire as m&ch comple1ity! ee o&r HTribehares /o+ernment ystemsH section
belo) 'or some e1amples! Kpon deciding on a tribal go+erning system% a trib&nal agreement o&tlining
r&les% g&idelines and-or pledges )ill be signed by all members o' the tribe and a corporation )ill be
'o&nded% )ith shares distrib&ted to it*s members (1 share per member generally)! 5lternati+ely
depending on the goals and intentions o' the tribe% an ./0 co&ld be created )ith members listed as it*s
directors% or a tr&st )ith members listed as it*s bene'actors!
Starting, <oining, or +eaving a %ribe
tarting a tribe reE&ires either ha+ing a gro&p o' people )ho are )illing to p&t do)n their in+estments
together and b&ild the initial in'rastr&ct&re to get started% or ha+ing one person )ho has eno&gh assets
them-sel' to get things started and set&p! (' there are some tribes already started% then one needs to learn
abo&t them% agree )ith their trib&nal agreements% and then contact them to apply 'or ,oining! 6ea+ing a
tribe% means yo& )ere either e1iled d&e to brea$ing the r&les-g&idelines o' the tribe% or yo& didn*t pass
the trial period% or yo& ,&st )ant something else in li'e and choose to lea+e on yo&r o)n!
Starting a %ribe
To start a tribe reE&ires some )or$% s$ills% and assets or interested members )ith assets! (' yo& ha+e the
assets to get started yo&rsel' then great! (n this case yo& co&ld b&ild a tribe )ith yo& as the sole leader
or chie'% and then in+ite others to ,oin yo&r tribe! Fo& may ha+e to gi't them or disco&nt their
membership% as it may be hard to sell them on yo& being their chie' or leader! Then again% maybe yo&*re
a nat&ral born leader% and they tr&st yo& completely (ome people pre'er to be led by others% that*s part
o' the di+ersity o' h&man c&lt&re)! Either )ay% yo& still ha+e to p&t all the details o' ho) yo&r
go+ernment )or$s into yo&r trib&nal agreement% 'o&nd a corporation% and 'ind a realm to host yo&r
tribe! 5lternati+ely i' yo& thin$ yo& can str&ct&re an attracti+e tribe that yo& can sell shares in% then go
'or it! There may be pro'it to be made% i' that is yo&r goal% or the re)ard o' being a 'o&nder o'
something incredible!
5nother )ay to get started is to 'orm a gro&p o' li$e-minded% comm&nity oriented indi+id&als that can
get together and create the 'o&ndations o' a tribe! This )ill ta$e some &nderstanding and )or$ing on
ho) to str&ct&re their trib&nal agreement so that e+eryone agrees% and are ready to in+est in it!
(' yo& don*t $no) anyone else interested in this% and yo& can*t '&nd it all by yo&rsel'% then contact &s
)ith yo&r tribe proposal! (' yo& can get the gro&nd)or$ done and create an attracti+e tribe that others
)o&ld be interested to ,oin% then )e*ll add yo& to o&r list o' Tribes #orming!
Re*uirements for Starting a %ribe=
=ecide on go+ernment str&ct&re and )rite trib&nal agreement
#ind a realm to host yo&r tribe
#ind members-in+estors% or '&nd it yo&rsel'
#o&nd a corporation )ith trib&nal agreement integrated into corporate doc&ments (alternati+ely
one co&ld integrate the ideals o' the tribes into the Realm*s corp% tr&st% or ./0)
:&ild basic in'rastr&ct&re ($itchen% bathrooms-sho)ers% gardens% @ d)ellings)
Costs in+ol+ed in start&p can +ary depending on the realm and siGe o' tribal land! Tribes can be as small
as an acre and consist o' only 3 people% )hich may only cost M23%000 initially (not incl&ding b&ilding
o' basic in'rastr&ct&re)! (deally a tribe starting )ith 12 people on 3 acres )ith a start&p cost o' M144%000
is more realistic! This co&ld incl&de the basic amenities o' $itchen% bathrooms and sho)ers% and a
hango&t palapa-gaGebo! (n this e1ample% each member o' this tribe )o&ld only need to contrib&te
M12%000 'or their share% b&t they*d still need to b&ild a d)elling a'ter that! Brices are o' co&rse relati+e
to many 'actors% li$e location! (n co&ntries li$e /&atemala% .icarag&a% or :oli+ia costs )ill be
signi'icantly less than in .orth 5merica% as )ill red tape regarding constr&ction and start-&p! These
co&ntries may be more ideal 'or this p&rpose!
<oining a %ribe
Joining a tribe that already e1ists is an ideal )ay to get started and reE&ires the least amo&nt o' )or$!
Fo& )ill o' co&rse need to do yo&r research! Read their trib&nal agreements and ma$e s&re that yo&
also agree )ith them! Fo&*ll also need to meet their reE&irements 'or ,oining! Then i' yo& li$e the realm
they*re in% yo& can contact them and apply to ,oin their tribe!
Tribes )ill +ary on their reE&irements 'or ,oining! Aost% i' not all )ill reE&ire a share 'ee! This may be
an ongoing monthly or ann&al 'ee% or it co&ld ,&st be an initial b&y-in 'or yo&r corporate share!
econdly% they may ha+e a probation period or trial period time that yo& ha+e to stay )ith them to
ma$e s&re that yo& are )ell li$ed in the tribe and get along )ell )ith other members (This is good 'or
yo& too% to ma$e s&re yo& act&ally )ant to be there)!
There also may be reE&irements based on the r&les o' the realm! Realms )ill reE&ire that a potential
citiGen% once accepted by a tribe% be )orthy be'ore being s)orn in by a ceremony and signing an
agreement o' the realms r&les-g&idelines! CitiGenship may incl&de 'ees (&p'ront and-or on-going)%
payable in international c&rrency% or local alternati+e c&rrency or thro&gh )or$ e1change! There can
also be a probation period )here yo& need to be on good beha+io&r% or ris$ being e1iled!
Trial-probation periods )o&ld typically by aro&nd 4 months to a year% b&t may +ary by realm!
Re*uirements for <oining a %ribe=
#ind a tribe yo& )ant to ,oin (read their trib&nal agreement% chec$ their costs o' membership%
meet their members)
5pply-become accepted by the tribe
5pply to Realm co&ncil to become a realm citiGen% and get accepted
ign agreements and pay 'or yo&r tribe share and realm citiGenship
+eaving a %ribe
#irst and 'oremost% i' someone 'eels they*+e tried the comm&nity li+ing and don*t li$e it or don*t li$e the
tribe they ,oined% they may )ant to lea+e! .ormally they can do so at any time% b&t their share )o&ld
still remain theirs! They can either sell it ((n )hich case% a member )ishing to ,oin can apply to ,oin the
tribe and b&y it 'rom them)% or in some cases trade it 'or another tribe share 'rom a di''erent tribe! ('
they trade it% then they*ll need to 'ind a s&itable person to trade )ith% )hich may be di''ic&lt!
5nother case 'or lea+ing a tribe is by being e1iled! This can happen by brea$ing too many
r&les-g&idelines o' a tribe or realm! :oth the tribe and the realm co&ncil can e1ile someone! There is
o'ten a ? stri$es and yo&r o&t r&le d&ring probation% and this sometimes can still apply 'or certain
se+ere r&les% depending on the tribe or realm! (n some cases the tribe or realm )ill ret&rn yo&r money%
(this sho&ld al)ays be the case d&ring probation)! 0ther)ise yo& may ha+e to sell or try to trade yo&r
%ribal Government Systems
:elo) are brie' descriptions o' e1ample systems that can be &sed 'or go+erning a tribe )ithin a
Tribehares Realm! #or each o' these systems% some agreements m&st be made 'or e1act details o' ho)
they )ill )or$ (Eg! 2 o' meetings per month% ho) elections )or$% 2 o' elected leaders-positions% any
speci'ic r&les or byla)s made% tenets to 'ollo)% etc!!!)! The 'ollo)ing are gi+en as e1ample system ideas
that can also be mi1ed and matched into hybrid go+ernment systems and 'leshed o&t in more details by
potential members )ishing to start their o)n tribe! 0nce a go+ernment system is completed and agreed
&pon by it*s members% then their trib&nal agreement )ill be integrated into their corporate doc&ments
)hen 'orming their corporation or ./0! Each member )ill then become a shareholder o' the
tribe-corporation or director o' the ./0!
%raditional %ribe
R&led by a chie' as the primary leader! Chie' may be elected (as in democracy) by the tribe% or chosen
by contest% or birthright!
(n this system% the chie's d&ty is to be 'air% and ma$e decisions in the best interest o' the tribe! Aeetings
are held )ith any elders-respected members o' the tribe to disc&ss any important iss&es o' the tribe! 5
tal$ing stic$ is passed aro&nd so each member o' the meeting can ha+e their moment to spea$ their
iss&es% or share ad+ice )ith the chie' and other elders! 5'ter e+eryone has spo$en% the chie' has the
'inal )ord on )hat is decided 'or the iss&es at hand!
(n a democracy% any members interested in the politics o' their tribe meet reg&larly 'or
decision-ma$ing! 5 chairperson manages the meeting% )hile a note-ta$er )rites &p the min&tes o' )hat
is disc&ssed and )hat decisions are made! (ss&es are bro&ght &p% one at a time% )ith disc&ssions on ho)
to deal )ith them! 5'ter disc&ssion% +oting on decisions to deal )ith a'orementioned iss&es
commences! /reater n&mber o' +otes in 'a+or denotes a decision 'inaliGed! 5ction steps are then ta$en
to 'ollo) thro&gh )ith the decisions made!
5 leader and-or small co&ncil is chosen or elected by the comm&nity! This person and-or co&ncil
acco&nts 'or the )hole tribe*s reso&rces% s$ills% and assets! They then address any iss&e as 'airly as
possible 'or the betterment o' the comm&nity as a )hole% by &tiliGing these reso&rces% s$ills% and assets
'or the higher good! (n this $ind o' system% e+erything is shared% and any s$ill or asset o' a member
may be called &pon by the leader or co&ncil to help in sit&ations that arise! Thro&gh this% e+eryone in
the tribe sho&ld also get a 'air share o' 'ood and shelter! 5 tribe s&ch as this m&st be tr&ly &nited in
intentions to maintain eE&ality!
E+eryone does )hat they )ant% )hen they )ant! They agree not to ha+e any hard strict r&les% b&t may
'ollo) tenets instead! These tenets co&ld beJ Beace% 6o+e% Knity% and Respect! There are no meetings
necessary% and go+ernment doesn*t e1ist as s&ch! (' iss&es arise )ithin the tribe% then they are dealt )ith
by those closest to the iss&e% and i' help is needed% then one m&st inspire others to help them! (deally
others )ill help each other beca&se they garner respect 'or those needing help! Io)e+er% no-one is
'orced to do anything% and no 'irm decisions m&st be made or dealt )ith in any partic&lar 'ashion! 5
'&nctioning 5narchist system can )or$ )ell i' people are independent and respect'&l o' others!
(n a consens&s system% meetings are held reg&larly to disc&ss iss&es o' the tribe! 5ll members can come
to these meetings to disc&ss iss&es! 5ny member has the right to address an iss&e they choose% or share
their opinion or tho&ghts on an iss&e already addressed by another! =ecision ma$ing is by consens&s%
)hich means that e+eryone m&st agree be'ore the 'inal decision is made! (n this manner% iss&es may be
disc&ssed% and re-disc&ssed% and-or decisions re-)or$ed &ntil they address all iss&es o' e+ery member
and can be agreed as a good decision by all members!
E>pansion ? Gro:t!
E1pansion and gro)th is nat&ral and e1pected! With this &nderstanding% the meas&re and system o'
gro)th sho&ld be acco&nted 'or to some degree in the beginning o' the 'o&nding o' a realm! 5 realm
can gro)% by adding more tribes% and tribes can gro) by adding more members!
0e: %ribes
There are a co&ple o' )ays that ne) tribes can be created in a realm! The 'irst )ay is i' the realm has
land set aside 'rom the beginning )ith the idea that a ne) tribe or tribes can be created )hen a certain
le+el o' s&stainability has been reached )ithin the realm! These )o&ld be li$e sleeping tribal lands%
a)aiting to be a)a$ened and acti+ated )hen the time is right! (t co&ld be categoriGed as temporary
common territory% b&t citiGens or potential citiGens o' the realm sho&ld &nderstand this 'rom the
beginning% so they don*t 'eel at a loss i'-)hen a ne) tribe is created and gi+en that land as their o)n!
The second )ay 'or a realm to create a ne) tribe% is i' the realm is able to e1pand into ne) ad,acent
properties thro&gh the p&rchase or gi'ting o' land! This )o&ld be speci'ic to the location o' the realm
and as to )hether there are properties that can be acE&ired nearby! (n s&ch a case% it )o&ld reE&ire that
the realm co&ncil agree that this is in the interest o' the realm% and the co&ncil may decide that s&ch an
e1pansion reE&ires a re'erend&m since s&ch an e1pansion )o&ld e''ect e+eryone in the realm!
@ember Gro:t!
(n the 'o&nding o' a realm% there )ill be a certain n&mber o' shares allotted per tribe! This n&mber )ill
be determined by the siGe o' tribal land allotted% and the a+ailable reso&rces o' the realm! The intentions
o' $eeping things s&stainable thro&gho&t the realm means that this n&mber cannot increase abo+e
s&stainable limits! There'or there )ill be a certain s&stainability principle 'or each realm that )ill allo)
at certain points to iss&e ne) shares (ie! increase the n&mber o' potential members per tribe) &pon
reaching certain le+els o' s&rpl&ses in s&stainable reso&rces! This )o&ld li$ely be on a per tribe basis%
b&t depending i' reso&rce s&rpl&ses )ere to increase )ithin the common territory o' the realm itsel'% it
co&ld mean an eE&al increase o' shares across all tribes!
5n e1ample o' this )o&ld be i' a certain tribe )ere to be e1tremely s&ccess'&l in implementing
s&stainable gardens and aE&aponics that they had an e1cess o' 'ood! (' they also b&ilt a bigger cistern
and set&p good rain)ater catchment% then they )o&ld also ha+e more )ater than they need! 5t this
point they co&ld apply to the realm co&ncil 'or an increase o' tribe shares based on their s&rpl&ses! ('
indeed their primary reso&rces (essentially 'ood @ )ater% b&t perhaps shelter as )ell) are in satis'actory
le+els o' s&rpl&s% then the co&ncil )o&ld grant an eE&i+alent increase in tribe shares!
(n a realm e1pansion% the same thing co&ld apply% b&t )ithin the common territory! (' the common
gardens are prod&cing large s&rpl&ses o' 'ood% and a ne) )ell or spring is tapped into to pro+ide
eno&gh s&rpl&ses o' 'ood and )ater% then an eE&i+alent increase o' shares can be iss&ed across all
tribes! This )o&ld be according to the speci'ications o' the realms s&stainability principle! The
s&stainability principle may +ary 'rom realm to realm% as they ha+e di''erent reso&rces that may be in
ab&ndance or in lac$ (#or instance a realm )ith a ri+er r&nning thro&gh it% may reE&ire 'iltration
systems to pro+ide eno&gh potable )ater to satis'y the s&stainability principle)! 5 realm may also
reE&ire an &pgrade o' technology 'or internet connections-band)idth or electricity generation (&ch as
a solar array and larger battery ban$s)! (t all depends on )hat the realm 'eels are the reE&irements to
maintain s&stainability on all le+els!
The other point o' member gro)th co&ld be i' a member becomes pregnant and has a child! Each realm
may ha+e a di''erent )ay to deal )ith this% altho&gh in s&ch a case a ne) share may be gi'ted to the
ne)born or at a time )hen they come o' age! (n this case there may be restrictions on the share gi+en%
s&ch that the share cannot be re-sold or traded! 5nother model co&ld grant citiGenship in the realm% and
membership in the tribe b&t )itho&t ha+ing a share iss&ed% and-or )aiting &ntil the s&stainability
principle is met be'ore iss&ing the member an o''icial share!
(lternative +o)al Curren)ies or %rading Systems
5lternati+e local c&rrencies% also $no)n as 6ocal E1change Trading ystems or 6ET% allo) 'or a
comm&nity to ha+e a c&rrency )hich is bac$ed by local reso&rces and s$ills o' its members! This
'acilitates trade in a )ay that can help a comm&nity become s&stainable% by people helping people on a
local le+el!
(t '&nctions by 'irst setting &p a &nit o' c&rrency )hich can then be &sed as a denomination to 'acilitate
trade! #or e1ample% let*s say :ob has s$ills as a b&ilder% Aary has s$ills as a masse&se% and Carl*s a
cra'tsman! Carl needs help b&ilding his rain)ater catchment system% so he as$s :ob to help him 'or N
&nits per ho&r! 5'ter a )ee$ o' )or$ing :ob needs a massage% so he gets a massage 'rom Aary 'or N
&nits per ho&r! Aary needs some cra'ts to gi+e as gi'ts to her nieces and nephe)s that )ill be +isiting
ne1t )ee$% so she p&rchases some o' Carl*s cra'ts 'or N &nits per cra't! /et the idea7 .one o' these
e+ents has to happen at the same time% beca&se the 6ET system allo)s a member to borro) on credit
at no interest! There'or Carl got the s$ills o' :ob to begin )ith% and then paid o'' his debt later )hen
Aary p&rchased his cra'ts!
5 greater c&rrency &tiliGed across a net)or$ o' locations )o&ld 'acilitate the trade o' commodities s&ch
as 'r&its and +egetables bac$ and 'orth bet)een temperate and tropical climates as )ell as +aried types
o' cra'ts and s$ills! The more people and reso&rces that can be p&t into the system% the more '&nctional
the system )ill be! What ma$es a s&ccess'&l 6ET system is ha+ing a lot o' people &sing it% )hich
pro+ides more s$ills and more prod&cts to choose 'rom )hen trading!
0n a more local le+el% setting &p a 6ET system 'or the sole &se o' a tribe can help ma$e things easier
to manage as )ell! (n a tribe there are certain tas$s or chores that need to be done reg&larly! 5 potential
problem in a tribe is )hen one person is not p&lling their )eight! This ca&ses other members o' the
tribe to resent them% or 'eel disrespected by them and their ab&se o' others $indness! (' an alternati+e
c&rrency is set&p 'or the tribe% then they can assign certain +al&es o' credit per chore as a s&re )ay to
meas&re ho) m&ch e''ort each member is p&tting in! That )ay there are no e1c&ses 'or laGiness% and i'
one member is serio&sly in debt to the others% it can*t be arg&ed% and the acc&sed member m&st 'ind
some chores to do% or a )ay to repay their 'ello) members! imply by ha+ing s&ch a system in place
)ill enco&rage members to be more pro-acti+e! (t is not mandatory that a tribe &se a 6ET system% b&t
'or some o' the go+erning systems that 'oc&s highly on eE&ality (6i$e comm&nism or consens&s
go+ernments) it is a +al&able tool!
The )ebsite Cyclos!org o''ers a 'ree open so&rce so't)are to $eep trac$ o' all trades )ithin a trading
system! (t can be installed and set&p on a local comm&nity intranet ser+er% or i' yo& are hoo$ed &p to
internet% yo& can open an online acco&nt and $eep trac$ o' all trades &tiliGing the Cyclos!org ser+er!
ater Sour)e
5 )ater so&rce is the li'eblood o' yo&r comm&nity! Clean drin$able )ater is best s&ch as 'rom
mo&ntain ri+ers% cree$s% or springs! /ro&nd )ater 'rom )ells can be e1cellent depending on the mineral
contents! Rain)ater is great i' yo& can catch eno&gh to store thro&gh any dry seasons! 5 combination o'
di''erent )ater so&rces is best 'or long term s&stainability! =irtier )aters 'rom ponds and la$es can be
'iltered and solar distilled i' necessary! Cisterns o' large and small siGes )ill be necessary 'or storing
clean )ater! Bonds 'or aE&aponic ecosystems and irrigation can be set&p to add more )ater so&rces and
prod&ce 'ish% aE&atic plants% and +egetables!
(t is best to obser+e a comm&nity land to see )here )ater r&ns d&ring the rains% )here it pools and
ma$es p&ddles or m&d! 6oo$ing at the landscape to see )here nat&res )ater catchment is and )here the
)ater r&n-o'' goes to! This gi+es yo& ideas o' ho) to best &tiliGe that )ater by terracing 'or irrigation
and-or ma$ing series o' ponds that 'ill nat&rally 'rom the rains and r&n-o'' to irrigate gardens! Create
'o&ntains and )ater'alls )here possible!
/ardens and sho)er areas can be placed near )ater so&rces to ma$e 'or simpler systems! Water cisterns
placed on to)ers or on hills can be 'illed )ith solar p&mps or e+en hand or bicycle po)ered p&mps and
then ha+e gra+ity 'ed )ater press&re!
Eart! and %errain
(' yo& ha+e 'lat land to )or$ )ith% it certainly ma$es it easy to do constr&ction designs! (' yo&r land is
hilly or sloped then yo& )ill )ant to terrace the land to catch more silt and plant n&trients% irrigate% and
ma$e them more )or$able! C&tting into sides o' hills and p&lling bac$ the earth )ill E&ic$ly ma$e a
terrace )hich can be rein'orced )ith roc$ or s&peradobe )alls! 5llo) yo&r terraces to )or$ )ith each
other spreading ca&ght )ater into the gro&nd 'rom one terrace to the ne1t!
:e s&re to p&t in proper drainage% partic&larly di+erting a)ay 'rom 'o&ndations o' b&ildings! (t*s &s&ally
best to constr&ct b&ildings on higher and more solid gro&nd! Ta$e into acco&nt so&th 'acing hills as
they )ill get the most s&n and depending on yo&r climate yo& may )ant to &tiliGe those areas 'or solar
catchment )ith B8 panels% collectors% or passi+e solar heating!
6ocating b&ilding areas ne1t to earthen b&ilding materials can be con+enient% and-or &sing e1ca+ated
earth 'rom a terra-'ormed area! (' yo& ha+e thatching palms or grasses gro)ing in an area &se them to
b&ild palapas-gaGebos close to )here they )ere gro)n! Aap o&t )here )al$)ays and paths )ill be
based on the nat&ral ley o' the land! 5nimal trails can be le't as animal trails or adapted 'or h&mans and
animals to share! Winding paths 'eel so'ter and more rela1ing to )al$ thro&gh than straight paths!
Gardens ? Perma)ulture Aones
/ardens sho&ld al)ays be all thro&gho&t and )here-e+er there is space! Io)e+er i' yo& are in a
location limited o' )ater s&pply% then stic$ing )ith more compact )ater e''icient hydroponics and
aE&aponics systems may better s&it yo&! There are a n&mber o' di''erent types o' gardens that yo& can
set&p% so )e*ll go o+er them each in brie' to get an idea o' )hich ones yo& may )ish to implement
s&ited to yo&r locations needs!
There are also di''erent Gones laid o&t according to permac&lt&re 'or creating ideal eco-systems 'or
di''erent types o' animals% plants% and trees! This is also important as 'ar as &tiliGing the reso&rces at
hand to their best e''iciency! Reso&rces to ta$e into acco&nt here incl&de personal time and energy o'
inhabitants% )ater )ays-)atersheds% s&n-shaded areas% )ind% types o' earth silt-clay-stone-sand% and any
other reso&rces that may be &niE&e or common to yo&r area o' designing! etting the Gones )ill reE&ire
one to thin$ abo&t the interplay o' these reso&rces and the needs o' the animals% plants and trees that
yo& )ish to create habitats 'or! Aa$ing lin$s bet)een the reso&rces and elements )ill allo) yo& to
design a more e''icient system )hich )ill reE&ire the least amo&nt o' e1tra energy inp&t to s&pply all
the needs o' each ecosystem created thro&gho&t the Gones! These sho&ld be ta$en into acco&nt in the
design layo&t o' yo&r comm&nity! 0bser+ation o' the land thro&gho&t a )hole year o' seasons is most
ideal 'or ma$ing the decisions o' Goning% altho&gh i' that time can*t be done ahead o' time% many
decisions can be made based on predictions 'rom common principles! 0ne can al)ays create an initial
design to get started )ith and )or$ slo)ly o+er the 'irst year% being conser+ati+e abo&t p&tting in
E&estionable permanent 'eat&res &ntil a year has passed and seasonal changes o' energy 'lo) ha+e been
more acc&rately obser+ed and noted! :elo) is a basic brea$-do)n o' Goning principles% altho&gh it is
recommended to cons&lt a permac&lt&re designer or see$ more training or in'ormation in permac&lt&re
design to get the most o&t o' yo&r design!
Cone 0 is o'ten the home itsel' or homes o' the comm&nity members! This incl&des all the principles
o' designing an e''icient home based on ones climate% and inhabitants needs! 5 )hole boo$ can be
)ritten on this s&b,ect alone% as it incl&des many potentials 'or designing and b&ilding o' the
s&stainable home! 5lso in this area may be indoor hydroponics-aE&aponics-aeroponics systems )hich
create small micro eco-systems! ( belie+e these systems are a good sa'ety net% as they o'ten don*t rely
on the o&ter climate and nat&re to s&stain them% and th&s has a 'ailsa'e% i' dro&ghts% 'loods% or other
nat&ral or h&man made disasters occ&r (ie! (' radioacti+e contamination in the atmosphere )e to come
thro&gh and ca&se to1ic-acid rains% yo& may ha+e contaminated crops o&tside% )here-as indoor plants
may be &n-a''ected% or less a''ected)! Beople o'ten don*t )ant to thin$ o' these possibilities% yet a'ter the
#&$oshima n&clear contaminations in Japan% )e can see ho) this is a realistic concern! ('
cl&ster-ho&sing 'or m&ltiple 'amilies or people is b&ilt into yo&r design% then all o' the li+ing space
incl&ding inner co&rtyards are incl&ded in this Gone% and th&s there may be many crosso+ers )ith
Cone 1 is the most &sed herbs and spices as )ell as salad greens that yo& )ant as close to the $itchen
as possible to be easy to get and add to 'ood )hile coo$ing! Ia+ing these ,&st o&tside the $itchen door
along a short path is con+enient! /reen ho&ses close to the ho&se as )ell as trellises )ith +ine
+egetables and other goodies! ome consider these Gone 0% b&t the main idea is that Gone 1 )ill incl&de
those aspects o' the system that reE&ire the most attention or the most +isits and-or the most
obser+ation! ince yo& need to +isit these areas the most% it sa+es yo& time and energy to locate them
+ery close to ho&se so yo& can $eep a close eye on them and maintain them easily! Rain)ater
catchment cisterns% plant n&rseries% chic$en coops% and +egetable gardens all 'it in this Gone )ithin
abo&t ?0 'eet o' the ho&se 'or easy access! 5ny other animals yo& may need to $eep caged and 'eed
reg&larly s&ch as rabbits or g&inea pigs sho&ld be here as )ell! (' yo& don*t li$e the smell o' the
animals% then set them a good distance a)ay 'rom )indo)s and doors% and )here the )ind )ill blo)
their smell a)ay 'rom the ho&se! 0&tside composting toilets and sho)ers are )ell s&ited to this Gone%
)ith grey)ater soa$ing into phosphoro&s and )ater lo+ing plants and the toilet compost ne1t to yo&r
garden area 'or close access to 'ertiliGe! mall E&iet meditati+e sanct&aries% bea&ti'&l Gen gardens )ith
decorati+e 'lo)ers% roc$ gardens% and small coGy social areas )ith benches are ideal in this Gone!
Cone 2 is 'or things that reE&ire less +isits or management! /ardens o' root +egetables as )ell as
orchards o' 'r&its and n&ts )hich ha+e their speci'ic har+est times are good here! #oraging areas 'or
li+estoc$ and barns can also be in this area! Terraces and aE&ac&lt&re ponds% hedges and bamboo
thic$ets% bee hi+es% and anything that reE&ires less reg&lar maintenance is 'or this Gone! 5s 'ar as
b&ildings% this area can be )here yo&r comm&nity center and other larger social gathering areas s&ch as
gaGebos and-or thatch palapas 'illed )ith hammoc$s% hanging macrame chairs or la)n chairs are
Cone ? is o'ten considered an area 'or commercial crops% or '&rther range 'or prod&ction li+estoc$!
This area can incl&de cross-o+ers 'rom Gone 2 depending on i' yo&r intentions are to 'arm these thing
'or commercial resale in larger E&antities s&ch as larger aE&ac&lt&re 'ish ponds% large bamboo thic$ets%
cattle% sheep% goats% barns! 5 comm&nity store-consignment trading post is o'ten best located in this
Gone along a roadside 'or easy access o' +isitors and ne1t to yo&r commercial crops and li+estoc$!
ome may )ish to p&t their comm&nity center here as )ell% especially i' they plan to host dances%
)or$shops% or other lo&d e+ents that are pre'erred to be distant 'rom comm&nity member homes! ('
setting &p a m&lti-tribe comm&nity% then Gones 1 and 2 )ill al)ays be mapped o&t )ithin each tribe%
)here-as Gone ? is the 'irst Gone that becomes inter-tribal common! (' the tribes ha+e large areas 'or
their designated tribe% then they may set&p all Gones )ithin their tribe% as )ell as sharing a Gone ?-3
)ith the greater realm comm&nity common areas!
Cone 4 is an area bordering )ild 'orest or habitat! (t is yo&r managed 'orest area and a great place to
set&p 'ood 'orests! This incl&des local )ild edibles and plants that basically manage themsel+es! (t is a
great place 'or )al$ing trails or bi$e trails! Fo& may )ish to set&p some co+ered benches alongside
trails 'or bird )atching! The area )ill attract )ildli'e% and plants speci'ically 'or attracting )ild animals
can be planted here to b&ild habitat! Fo& may )ish to b&ild a palapa% gaGebo% or meditation area here
'or obser+ing nat&re!
Cone 3 is &s&ally set-aside )ild 'orest that yo& lea+e &p to nat&re to manage! trails can be made
thro&gh the area% b&t only 'or recreational obser+ation )itho&t any management! .o b&ildings sho&ld
be constr&cted here! =ead)ood can be har+ested 'rom this area% or it can be le't completely alone to
obser+e nat&res o)n system in it*s p&rity!
Common (menities
(' yo&*+e decided on a comm&nity o' tribes% then common amenities s&ch as composting toilets%
sho)ers and $itchens )ill need to be set&p 'or each tribe! /ardens and social gathering areas may be
set&p per tribe as )ell% or ,&st added to common areas o' the greater comm&nity! We only co+er a small
n&mber o' ideas in this eboo$ to get yo& thin$ing% b&t 'or more open so&rce s&stainable sol&tions and
systems% please +isit 5ppropedia!org!
Composting %oilets
There are n&mber o' di''erent designs 'or composting toilets! The simplest is a hole in the gro&nd good
old-'ashioned o&tho&se! This has ad+antages and disad+antages! The biggest ad+antage is ease o'
set&p-simplicity! =isad+antages are that yo& &nder-&tiliGe the compost 'or plants i' yo& ha+e a deep
hole d&g 'ar a)ay 'rom plant roots! Fo& also ha+e potential danger o' )atershed contamination i' the
hole is d&g do)n to the )ater-table or close to it! 5 better and still simple idea is to ma$e shallo)er
holes 'or yo&r composting toilet% and then create a mo+able bathroom ho&se! ome call this the Hplant a
tree toiletH beca&se a'ter yo& 'ill the shallo) hole% yo& mo+e the composting toilet to a ne) hole )here
yo& )ant to plant a tree! 5'ter co+ering the old hole )ith earth and letting it compost 'or a month or so%
yo& can then plant a tree there to &tiliGe the rich compost le't there by yo&r pre+io&s toilet!
There are also many pre'abricated indoor composting toilets that &se incineration or composting
enGymes to speed the process o' yo&r compost trans'ormation and eliminate smell! Ksing
)oodchips-sa)d&st and-or a sprin$le o' lime-cal can also remo+e smell and speed composting in a
traditional composting toilet!
ome systems &tiliGe a rotator chamber &nderneath the toilet! This essentially allo)s yo& to 'ill b&c$ets
or containers% and then rotate to a ne) container! This allo)s the recently 'illed container to trans'orm
)aste into compost% and then be'ore the container has made it*s ro&nd on the rotator% yo& empty the
composted soil and &se it 'or the garden! Iope'&lly yo& ha+e gi+en the container long eno&gh to
completely t&rn to soil and ha+e an earthy rather than 'o&l smell!
olar toilets can be made )ith a rotator or )itho&t! The di''erence is that the )aste chamber or
container gets passi+e solar heating by being in a location that gets direct s&n and ampli'ying heat by
painting the chamber blac$ or ha+ing re'lectors-collectors to heat it li$e a solar o+en! This )ill dry and
coo$ the )aste speeding the composting or t&rning it into ash depending on ho) m&ch heat it gets! 5
big ad+antage o' the solar toilet is that the t&rno+er o' )aste is speeded &p% allo)ing 'or less toilets to
ser+ice more people! (t also eliminates smell E&ic$ly! To )or$ best yo& sho&ld add a solar con+ection
+ent to +ent o&t the smell o' coo$ing )aste!
olar con+ection +ents )ill help air o&t yo&r )aste and can remo+e smells 'rom almost any composting
toilets! They m&st be designed )ell so that they p&ll in cool air and channel o'' methane gases and
smells E&ic$ly! imply place a +ent pipe in a high point o' the toilet and lead it &p and o&tside! Baint
the top 'e) 'eet blac$ so )hen the s&n hits it% it )ill heat the air inside )hich )ill rise o&t and create a
con+ection p&lling air &p thro&gh the pipe! This )ill s&c$ &p and eliminate smelly gases that other)ise
might linger in the bathroom area!
The gra+ity slide composting toilet design has a slide b&ilt in )hich leads to a door )hich can be
opened 'rom the o&tside% pre'erably in the garden )here compost can be easily remo+ed and &sed in
gardening immediately! The slide has hal' slit pipes installed )hich creates airspaces as the )aste gets
p&shed do)n the slide speeding the composting process! :y the time the )aste gets to the bottom o' the
slide% it sho&ld be composted and ready 'or the garden!
:iogas har+esters are a great design )hich enco&rages the nat&ral gases to release (This means no
)ood chips% sa) d&st% or lime)! Fo& ma$e a chamber )hich )ill catch the rising gases and allo)
press&re to b&ild! Fo& then ha+e a +al+e at the top o' the chamber to open and pipe o&t to yo&r $itchen
or another gas storage container! This gas can no) be &sed li$e propane or b&tane to '&el yo&r coo$ing
sto+e! Coo$ing )ith poo gas% so&nds delicio&s doesn*t it7 0' co&rse the gas may smell% b&t it doesn*t
carry any bacteria% and it b&rns clean! :iogas toilets are best &sed in places )here the toilets get a lot o'
&se 'rom many people! Fo& need a lot o' organic )aste degassing to ma$e eno&gh gas to &se! 0ne
common complaint abo&t biogas har+esters is that they are the most li$ely alternati+e toilet to smell! ('
the gas isn*t being &sed 'ast eno&gh and it bac$s &p the system then it )ill lea$ o&t and ma$e
e+erything stin$! (t can also smell bad lea$ing o&t crac$s% spaces% or most commonly the )aste inta$e
hole )hich can*t be sealed o'' completely!
ome composting toilets ha+e separate &rine catchment systems! Krine )ill slo) the composting o'
solid matter as it )ill ma$e it too moist% and the ammonia can inhibit the composting enGymes gro)th!
#ort&nately &rine ma$es a great nat&ral 'ertiliGer and is )ell )orth sa+ing% partic&larly 'or those
interested in hydroponics% and aeroponics! (*m still )or$ing on mi1ing ratios or nat&ral 'ertiliGers to
ma$e a per'ect 'ertiliGer sol&tion that*s pl&g n play 'or hydro-aeroponics systems! (n basic% &rine can be
mi1ed 30-30 )ith )ater and then 'ed to plants! Ai1ing 1 to 3 ratio &rine to )ater can e+en be good 'or
misting on lea+es! (' &rine is le't to sit 'or a)hile% the ammonia )ill o''-gas and )hat )ill be le't )ill
be a cleaner nitrogen and phosphoro&s sol&tion!
0'tentimes people 'ind it easier to ,&st get rid o' &rine as E&ic$ly as possible and not deal )ith
har+esting it! ( )o&ld at least set&p a &rine irrigation pipe that r&ns it into a leach'ield planted )ith
nitrogen-lo+ing plants or tree that can handle the high &rine inta$e! (t simply ta$es b&rying a pipe )ith
holes in it and connecting it to a &rinal% or &rine speci'ic toilet! 5nother simple )ay to &tiliGe &rine
n&trients is to ha+e a stra)bale )hich acts as a &rine 'ilter! Fo& pee on it% and it absorbs most o' the
nitrogen and phosphoro&s% )hile allo)ing the )ater to r&n-o'' or e+aporate! 5'ter a)hile o' &sage% yo&
s)itch the stra)bale 'or a ne) one and p&t the &sed one in the compost bin% or &se it 'or a m&lch
aro&nd nitrogen lo+ing plants and trees!
#ig&re o&t ho) many people yo& )ill need to ser+ice% and then ma$e eno&gh toilets to ser+ice them!
Ksing a 'e) types o' toilets in yo&r design can allo) 'or people to 'ind their pre'erences and
e1periment a little! Remember to place toilet 'acilities in easy to access locations 'or any part o' the
comm&nity )here people )ill need them! =on*t s$imp on toilets9 (n my e1perience li'e is easier i' yo&
ha+e good toilets% partic&larly i' yo& are a )oman or ha+e a girl'riend!
S!o:ers and 6at!s
Ta$e note o' )here yo&r )ater so&rce is most concentrated% and start )ith p&tting general sho)ering
areas there 'irst! Then set&p pl&mbing 'or other areas that yo& )ant sho)ers and baths in later as these
)ill reE&ire more time% e''ort% and money! /ra+ity 'eed )ater press&re is simple% a''ordable% and more
s&stainable than )ater press&re tan$s% or electric p&mp set&ps! With a gra+ity 'eed system yo& ,&st need
to b&ild a )ater to)er% or i' yo&*re located in a place )ith hills% then yo& can ,&st place a large cistern
on the hill and p&t in piping so yo& can 'ill it 'rom cisterns belo)!
(t*s important to note that the )ater press&re )ill be based on ho) big yo&r cistern is on the to)er or
hill% and ho) )ide yo&r pl&mbing pipes are! Wider pipes )ill allo) 'aster 'lo) and more )ater
press&re! (t may be )ise not to allo) too high a )ater press&re% as more )ater press&re can mean
higher )ater &sage! ( ha+e al)ays 'o&nd that bet)een ?-4 to an inch diameter pipes are satis'actory! ('
yo& ha+e a lot o' )ater onsite then yo& may pre'er higher )ater press&re )ith no concern 'or )ater
management restrictions! That*s great that yo& are blessed )ith so m&ch )ater! Kse it9
5 gra+ity 'ed )ater press&re system needs to be 'illed reg&larly! Bassi+e solar p&mps can be *set and
'orget* easy! They p&mp )hene+er there is s&n% altho&gh they only p&mp small amo&nts at a time!
=epending on yo&r )ater &sage yo& may need a larger solar p&mp or a 'e) smaller ones to $eep yo&r
gra+ity press&re tan$ '&ll! 5lternati+ely% yo& ,&st 'ill the tan$ )hene+er it gets belo) a certain le+el
)ith a reg&lar )ater p&mp! #loat s)itches-+al+es can be &sed to trigger this a&tomatically% or yo& can
de+ise a man&al s)itch to t&rn on e+ery 'e) days as yo& chec$ the tan$*s )ater le+el or )hen yo& r&n
o&t o' )ater! 5&tomatic s)itches or systems may ca&se problems i' yo&r )ater so&rce belo) r&ns
empty% ca&sing p&mps to b&rno&t 'rom not being )ater-primed! Aa$e s&re that i' yo& install an
a&tomatic system% that it &ses an a&tomatic 'loat s)itch in yo&r reser+oir that t&rns o'' any p&mps
operations )hen it r&ns o&t o' )ater!
Water recycling can be done in a 'e) )ays! #or sho)ers and grey)ater o&tp&t% a simple sol&tion is to
set&p some b&ried irrigation pipes )ith holes that r&n grey)ater into a leach'ield! :ananas% papayas%
bamboo% and other phosphoro&s )ater-lo+ing plants )ill thri+e in this area and clean the soap! =on*t
&se any dangero&s chemical soaps o' co&rse! Aost biodegradable soaps )ill brea$ do)n into
phosphoro&s )hich )ill be &tiliGed as n&trients by the plants! (n locations )ith )ater management
restrictions it may be better to re'ilter yo&r grey)ater and &se it to ha+e another sho)er! Fo& can do this
by setting &p large barrels or cisterns )hich r&n the )ater thro&gh layers o' gra+el% charcoal% cocon&t
h&s$ (or other bio'ibers)% Geolite% diatomaceo&s earth% ceramic% or any other n&mber o' 'iltration media!
(t depends on ho) clean yo& )ant the )ater that gets recycled! (' yo& ,&st recycle it 'or &sing to
sho)er% then yo& don*t need to clean it do)n to the microbial le+el% ,&st eno&gh to appear clear and
clean! (' yo& )ant it s&perclean drin$able )ater% then b&ilding a solar distillation &nit )o&ld be best!
0nce yo& ha+e a gra+ity 'ed )ater press&re system% all yo& need to ma$e sho)ers are rooms )ith pipes
and +al+es! =esign these to yo&r pre'erence! They can be simple% made )ith reed or bamboo )alls% or
be made )ith any alternati+e constr&ction method o' choice!
Ditchens need to be made )ith good 'ood prep areas or co&nter-tops% coo$ing 'acilities incl&ding
sto+es% o+ens% gas b&rners% and storage 'or 'ood and $itchen &tensils incl&ding dra)ers% c&pboards%
pantries% and closets! :asic $itchens don*t need e+erything listed% b&t 'or a common comm&nity $itchen
it is better to incl&de as m&ch as possible to appease e+eryone )ho &ses it! (t is good to p&t yo&r
$itchen ne1t to or close to social gathering areas or dining areas! (deal places )o&ld be as a connected
or integrated b&ilding in the main comm&nity center% or as part o' plans 'or accommodations!
6arger comm&nity $itchens )ill need space 'or many people to be preparing 'ood! Co&nter-tops 'or
'ood prep sho&ld be made at di''erent heights to ergonomically accommodate people o' di''erent siGes
(This is more important than it may so&nd% especially i' yo& ha+e comm&nity members o' +ario&s
E+ery s&stainable comm&nity $itchen sho&ld ha+e a 'e) types o' coo$ing apparat&s! olar o+ens are
easy to b&ild% and +ery e''icient! They may reE&ire good )eather conditions% and only be &sable at
certain times% b&t they are good addition to $itchen! (' the $itchen has a so&th 'acing )indo)% or is an
o&tdoor $itchen (most ideal 'or tropical climates) then yo& ,&st need to set&p the solar o+en )here it
can get s&n!
Roc$et sto+es and cobb-clay o+ens are e''icient )ood-b&rning coo$ers that reE&ire little )ood to '&el
them% and can prod&ce a lot o' heat! Broper chimney +entilation is reE&ired 'or indoor &nits% b&t it*s best
to ha+e them o&tdoors in hotter climates as they prod&ce a lot o' heat! Roc$et sto+es allo) yo& to coo$
on top o' the 'ire li$e a b&rner! Cobb o+ens allo) yo& to ba$e bread% piGGas% and other delicio&s things!
Roc$et sto+es and cobb o+ens are relati+ely easy to ma$e% and there are lots o' designs online to choose
/as sto+es are simple and easy to set&p initially% altho&gh gas may or may not be the most s&stainable
thing! (' yo& ha+e a biogas har+ester% then it is necessary to ha+e a gas sto+e-b&rner to &tiliGe yo&r
biogas! 0ther)ise yo& are relying on and s&pporting the nat&ral gas ind&stry% )hich may or may not be
a good thing depending on )hat company yo& b&y 'rom and )hether they har+est their gas s&stainably!
Electric sto+es are another option )hich may or may not be s&stainable depending on yo&r comm&nity
electrical reso&rces! (t is certainly easy and con+enient to b&y an electric sto+e )ith b&rners and pl&g it
in! (' yo& are setting &p a $itchen )ith an electrical sto+e% then yo&*ll need to 'ig&re )hat yo&r needs
)ill be regarding electricity and-or battery ban$s! (' yo& ha+e limited electricity to )or$ )ith% then
thin$ abo&t &sing small con+ection o+ens-toaster o+ens% as they are more energy e''icient% and may s&it
yo&r p&rposes!
Re'rigeration is a big concern )hen trying to be s&stainable! Ksing a reg&lar re'rigerator is +ery costly
in electricity and may not be doable to s&it a large o''-grid comm&nity! olar ice-ma$ers are one o' the
best sol&tions% b&t are not easy to come-by or to ma$e! ( ha+en*t seen any easy to b&ild designs o&t
there yet% b&t they sho&ld be coming soon% as the principles are solid! olar ice-ma$ers )or$ by &se o'
the cooling e''ect o' decompressing gas! The gas commonly &sed it ammonia! =&ring the day and solar
collector )ill heat the gas ca&sing it to e1pand and press&riGe thro&gho&t t&bes or into space that r&ns
aro&nd a cooling chamber '&ll o' giant ice bloc$ trays! Each night as the system cools% the gas
decompresses ca&sing e1treme cold )hich 'reeGes the ice-bloc$ trays! (n the morning one can trans'er
ice-bloc$s 'rom the chamber into ice-bo1es% to $eep them cold 'or the day! 5lternati+ely the system can
be designed so that the cooling chamber is s&rro&nded by ice bloc$s and becomes the 'reeGer-'ridge
itsel' )hen each day the )ater bloc$s are re'roGen to $eep it cool!
5 problem )ith this system is that yo& need )arm s&nny days to re'reeGe each night! (' yo& had a series
o' dar$ days% then yo&r 'ood may de'rost! 5lso% the spacing 'or creating a 'ridge temperat&re and a
'reeGer temperat&re is tric$y to master and may be inconsistent thro&gho&t the day! (e! Fo&r 'reeGer
may t&rn into 'ridge temperat&res by late a'ternoon% )hen yo&r 'ridge becomes )arm! 0+erall tho&gh%
it*s a good system to implement )hen creating a s&stainable comm&nity! E+en i' it is ,&st a bac$&p 'or
)hen yo& may not ha+e electricity!
5 good option )hich is energy sa+ing is to con+ert an old 'reeGer into a 'ridge! Fo& can simply r&n a
'reeGer at higher temperat&res to act as a 'ridge% and it becomes 'ar more energy e''icient than a 'ridge
o' eE&i+alent siGe! /o 'ig&re9 This still doesn*t lea+e yo& )ith a 'reeGer tho&gh! =epending on yo&r
comm&nity needs% i' yo& )ant a lot o' 'reeGer space and canLt get by )ith a small 12+ 'reeGer% then
yo&*ll ha+e to bee' &p yo&r alternati+e energy systems to accommodate )hate+er 'reeGer siGe yo& need!
0b+io&sly yo& )ant to get as energy e''icient a 'reeGer as possible!
Ia+ing a cellar is a good idea 'or storing things that need to be $ept cooler! Wines% cheeses% pic$les%
and other preser+es! 5lso ma$ing storage containers in yo&r cellar 'or long term storing o' +egetables!
Fes% yo& can store a lot o' +egetables 'or a 'e) season i' done correctly! Aa$e a large bin 'ill it )ith
)ood chips or cr&mpled ne)spapers and then place carrots% beats% cabbages% potatoes% and other hardy
+egetables in the bin )rapped in ne)spaper or placed so that no +egetable to&ches another! Close the
top o' the bin and ma$e s&re it*s pest proo'! 5s long as the +egetables are relati+ely cool and $ept dry%
they can last &p to 4 months or more!
=rying% pic$ling% or canning 'r&its and +egetables is also a good )ay to store s&rpl&ses o' 'ood! (n
ma$ing yo&r $itchen designs% a comm&nity $itchen is best designed )ith an &ndergro&nd cellar or other
)ell ins&lated storage room )ith lots o' shel+es 'or storing 'ood s&rpl&ses long term!
So)ial Gat!ering (reas
ocial gathering areas )ill be the places )here people spend a lot o' their time! 5t least )hen they*re
are social acti+ities going on! These places need to ha+e easy access to 'acilities s&ch bathrooms% and
'or a main comm&nity hall% a $itchen as )ell! These areas sho&ld be designed 'or ergonomic com'ort%
as )ell as artistic 'or social appeal! 6ots o' benches% chairs% and hammoc$s 'or rela1ed social e+ents!
pace 'or dancing i' there are m&sical e+ents% perhaps e+en a stage 'or per'ormances! ( )o&ld place
social gathering areas in the most bea&ti'&l parts o' the comm&nity land% so that those areas can be
en,oyed by all together (Knless the most bea&ti'&l part is a nat&re reser+e to be le't alone)!
imple hang o&ts s&ch as palapas )ith hammoc$s or reading areas are simple% elegant and ser+e their
p&rpose )ell! Fo& may )ish to ha+e a technological area )ith )i'i internet and comp&ter stations or
des$s to pl&g-in and charge yo&r laptop )hile yo& )or$ online! These areas )o&ld need to ha+e eno&gh
alternati+e energy to po)er them and large battery ban$s! :icycle po)er stations co&ld be added 'or
people to ride and charge )hile they )or$ (e1ercising brain and bra)n sim&ltaneo&sly)!
There*s a lot o' 'le1ibility in ho) yo& design yo&r social gathering areas and it )ill mainly depend on
)hat yo& )ill &se them 'or and )hat amenities those &ses reE&ire! (' it is ,&st 'or comm&nity members
to hang o&t and socialiGe% then ,&st ma$e com'ortable lo&nging areas! (' yo& plan to hold )or$shops%
seminars% or other larger e+ents% then 'actor in )hat these )ill reE&ire and design accordingly!
Technological set&ps )ith pro,ectors and so&nd systems )ill reE&ire a good energy a&dit on the
eE&ipment to be &sed and calc&lation o' energy reE&irements 'or it! Aodern 6E= pro,ectors can limit
the energy reE&irements o' this considerably% and high E&ality :ose spea$er systems can also sa+e on
energy (tho&gh they can be pretty e1pensi+e too)!
ocial gathering areas% partic&larly the comm&nity center can be the h&b o' comm&nity acti+ities! Deep
this in mind to ma$e them easy con+enient access 'rom areas o' accommodations! Fo& also may )ant
to $eep them close to any road access points and-or at the 'ront gate o' yo&r comm&nity so that +isitors
can easily 'ind them and +isit )itho&t going all thro&gh yo&r comm&nity to 'ind it! This also ma$es it
easier to bring in s&pplies!
5ccommodations are o' high importance and can be created to accommodate +ario&s types o' people!
#irst o' all% yo& need to consider )hether yo& )ill be o''ering accommodations to to&rists-transient
+isitors! (' so% then yo& can choose )hat types to accommodate! 8ol&nteers are great 'or helping to
b&ild and learn abo&t comm&nities! 5s +ol&nteers% they )ill be satis'ied )ith moderate
accommodations! =orms )ith b&n$ beds% and shared bathrooms-sho)ers )ill do ,&st 'ine! 5 small
basic $itchen area 'or +ol&nteers to ma$e 'ood )ill ma$e things easier% &nless yo& plan to ma$e meals
'or them!
mall single or do&ble occ&pancy rooms are the ne1t le+el &p% still )ith shared bathroom-sho)er and
$itchen 'acilities!
6arger home s&ites )ith pri+ate bathroom-sho)ers and pri+ate $itchen are more l&1&rio&s and
probably )hat a more mat&re generation )o&ld pre'er!
(' yo& )ill be renting o&t accommodations% then yo& sho&ld be able to 'it all types into yo&r b&dget% or
'oc&s on certain types o' +isitors and )hat their needs )o&ld be! 0'tentimes there )ill be di+ersity and
to e+en ,&st ha+e a 'e) more l&1&rio&s accommodations onsite 'or those that desire it )ill probably
pay-o'' in the end!
&stainable accommodations are best b&ilt &sing alternati+e constr&ction techniE&es! There are many
options these days and it is o'ten best to decide based on the a+ailability o' reso&rces necessary!
&stainability in+ol+ed &sing as little energy as possible to accomplish the most possible! Chec$ bac$
on yo&r land reso&rce assessment to see )hat yo& ha+e readily to )or$ )ith! (' yo& ha+e lots o' clay%
and sand% then thin$ abo&t &sing cobb% adobe% s&peradobe% earthbags% or rammed earth!
(' yo& ha+e easy access to stra)bales% then perhaps stra)bale constr&ction is the most e''icient choice!
Aost places e1cept the +ery remote ha+e easy access to cement% E&ic$lime% and rebar% )hich can allo)
yo& to ma$e some creati+e designs &sing shotcrete% papercrete% 'errocement% or monolithic domes &sing
in'latable dome 'orms!
(' yo& li+e near a recycling plant or garbage d&mp then perhaps yo& )ant to b&ild an earthship o&t o'
recycled garbage! (' yo& ha+e a mat&re bamboo thic$et on yo&r land then &se bamboo! There are many
options% and ne) methods o' alternati+e constr&ction are appearing all the time! There are also a 'e)
alternati+e to concrete s&ch as grancrete% and bl&ecrete! Kn'ort&nately these alternati+es are still
patented commercial prod&cts% b&t hope'&lly someone )ill come-&p )ith a replacement 'or cement
)hich )e can all ma$e )ith basic materials!
ince there are so many possibilities% ( am not going to go into it in depth! This man&al is to gi+e yo&
ideas o' )hat yo& need and principles to design it and yo& can do the 'ine detailed )or$ o' ho) and
)hat yo& )ant it to loo$ li$e!
Storage and Re)y)ling (reas
We o'ten collect a lot o' ,&n$! We also collect a lot o' +al&able st&''! :&ilding a large bodega or storage
loc$er area 'or members is &se'&l! Fo& )ill also ha+e a lot o' tools and eE&ipment )hich needs to be
stored some)here% and )hat do yo& do )ith the recycling7 Recycling bins can be made 'or a storage
room to allo) separation o' glass% al&min&m% cardboard% paper% etc!! E+en i' yo& li+e in a co&ntry that
has no proper recycling 'acilities% it*s best to separate and sa+e this things e+en i' only 'or yo&r o)n
re-&se! There are many re-&ses% incl&ding b&ilding earthships that )ill ma$e it +al&able to separate and
store all this st&'' 'or later!
Fo& also may )ant to thin$ abo&t b&ilding materials and s&pplies d&ring yo&r constr&ction phase! (t
may be a good idea to b&ild a large storage dome as one o' the priorities% so yo& can sa'ely store all
yo&r materials% and ha+e them ready at hand )hen yo& need them! (' yo&*re going to reE&ire this% then
list it as a priority to ha+e b&ilt 'irst! 5'ter yo&*+e completed the pro,ect and the storage area is empty%
yo& can reno+ate it to ma$e storage loc$ers 'or yo&rs members and recycling bins to separate yo&r
precio&s garbage!
Community 6usinesses
Fo& may or may not )ant to ha+e commercial enterprises in yo&r comm&nity! (t has the ad+antage o'
creating 'inancial s&stainability% )hich can increase yo&r amenities and reso&rces o+er time! 5 tr&e
comm&nity b&siness )o&ld be r&n by the comm&nity as a co-op% and this is the best e1ample to 'ollo)%
as anyone )ho )ants to participate can! (' yo& are ma$ing money o'' the residents o' the comm&nity%
that*s a )hole di''erent dynamic than i' yo& are ma$ing money o'' the global comm&nity or trading
)ith other s&stainable comm&nities! Aa$e s&re that any b&siness proposed to be part o' yo&r
comm&nity )ill be in harmony )ith it*s members and the other b&sinesses created!
Co-op*s can set&p to pay it*s members based on ho&rs o' )or$ inp&t into the b&siness and pro'its
earned! This can be done on a per )ee$ or per month basis! Bro'its can also be shared based on a per
pro,ect set&p% s&ch as a co-op $itchen allo)ing it*s operators to earn per day 'rom the 'ood they made
and sold that day or 'or their time-slot! (' &tiliGing a 6ET 'or local comm&nity members% then
participants can be paid their )ages )ith a combination o' global dollars and comm&nity c&rrency
credit di+ided eE&ally per amo&nts the b&siness earned (ie! Jerry and J&ne r&n the co-op $itchen 'or a
day earning M330 and N?30 in comm&nity credit% since they both p&t in the same amo&nt o' )or$% they
each get M2;3% and N1;3 in comm&nity credit )ithin the 6ET)!
Common b&siness a''airs 'or a comm&nity co&ld be 'arming 'r&its% +egetables% bees% medicinals% and
animals! 5lso any byprod&cts o' 'arming or cra'ts s&ch as artisan goods% te1tiles% )ea+ing% cheese%
)ine% yog&rt etc!!! Constr&ction prod&cts s&ch as bamboo% adobe bloc$s% or alternati+e home b&ilding
$its are great and help open doors 'or others to become more green! 5ll these types o' prod&cts co&ld
be set&p in a consignment style co-op comm&nity store and sold to g&ests and +isitors% or bro&ght to a
mar$etplace to sell o&tside the comm&nity!
5 member )or$ing as a salesperson in the consignment store may get paid a )age per ho&r% or per
percentage o' )hat gets sold d&ring their shi't! (n the latter option% the salesperson is enco&raged to sell
more prod&cts beca&se o' the commissions earned (this is also more s&stainable% as the comm&nity may
not be able to pay someone per ho&r i' ho&rs go by that nothing is sold)! This person may or may not be
a prod&cer o' prod&cts sold in the store! Brod&cers o' prod&cts may get paid a percentage per prod&ct
they ma$e that gets sold% th&s enco&raging them to ma$e pop&lar sellable prod&cts! 5 comm&nity
consignment store does not need to be open all the time% there can be certain ho&rs that the rest o' the
comm&nity is in'ormed abo&t that )ill be the time to get yo&r s&pplies! (' e+ents are happening )ith
many people% or a to&r b&s is coming thro&gh% then the store can be opened at those times to
accommodate potential b&sy times! alespeople can e+en be on call in case an &ne1pected cro)d
arri+es! This is more con+enient in the comm&nity en+ironment then in the modern )estern )orld% as
the member li+es close eno&gh to be able to come by and open the store o'ten )ithin 13 min&tes or so!
er+ice based b&sinesses are also +ery good% s&ch as permac&lt&re design and cons&lting% alternati+e
constr&ction% and renting spaces in the comm&nity s&ch as accommodations% and-or the comm&nity
center hall 'or e+ents% and )or$shops! The local members )ith s$ills to share can &se the comm&nity
center 'or a disco&nted 'ee or by percentage o' the pro'its made 'rom their o)n training )or$shops or
e+ents that they )ish to hold% charging per g&est that attends! Comm&nity center &sage 'ees or
percentages sho&ld be set o&t in yo&r comm&nity g&idelines!
Iealing centers can be set&p by the comm&nity itsel'% or by a 'e) members o' the comm&nity )ho
)ish to o''er ser+ices in massage% body)or$% energy healing% n&trition% etc!!! 5 small n&mber o' healing
rooms-sanct&aries can accommodate a large n&mber o' healers 'or their di''erent modalities and can be
a great added ser+ice 'or to&rists +isiting the comm&nity i' accommodations are being rented!
Renting accommodations 'or eco-to&rism can be a great )ay 'or earning e1tra income 'or indi+id&al
comm&nity members and the comm&nity at large! ome members may only li+e at the comm&nity 'or
part o' the year% and so their homes can be rented o&t either pri+ately according to comm&nity
g&idelines or ha+ing the rentals managed by the comm&nity or other permanent members )ho )ish to
ta$e responsibility! The Tribeshares!com )ebsite is )illing to ad+ertise yo&r a+ailable accommodations
in an online comm&nity accommodations listings 'or this p&rpose% and )ill ta$e a small percentage 'or
boo$ing accommodations online! (' yo& are interested in listing yo&r accommodations )ith &s% please
contact &s 'or more in'ormation! We )o&ld also li$e to ha+e home-share system set&p so that
s&stainable comm&nities can o''er their accommodations in trade 'or stays at other comm&nities or 'or
Tribeshares!com e1change c&rrency to &se 'or anything )e o''er in o&r 6ET as )ell as other
accommodations! 5gain% contact &s 'or more in'ormation on ho) to get listed in either o' o&r
5 co-op resta&rant is a great b&siness )hich can ser+e both the comm&nity and to&rists! KtiliGing the
comm&nity center $itchen% or ha+ing a separate resta&rant )ith $itchen )or$s )ell! (n a co-op $itchen%
interested members can sign-&p 'or time slots 'or brea$'asts% l&nches% or dinners% or per day time slots
to o''er meals! The men& )ill o'ten be changing daily and set per meal depending on the participants o'
the co-op% and ho) they )ish to operate by set sched&les per )ee$ or m&table sched&les!
(' yo& ha+e a di+erse comm&nity then a combination o' the abo+e listed can )or$ together to create a
retreat center% attracting to&rism by holding recreational or )or$shop-training e+ents% renting them
accommodations% selling them 'ood )hile they stay% healing treatments% cra'ts and prod&cts% etc!!! This
is permac&lt&re in a b&siness sense% ma$ing lin$s bet)een each o' the separate b&sinesses to create a
harmony )ith each other! (' a percentage o' pro'its 'rom each goes to)ards the greater comm&nity
acco&nt 'or &p$eep and impro+ements o' in'rastr&ct&re and amenities% then the comm&nity gro)s 'rom
e1ternal trade% and the members o' the comm&nity ha+e a 'orm o' sel' employment as )ell! 5
s&stainable comm&nity may be speci'ically designed aro&nd a certain harmony o' s&stainable
b&sinesses% and in this case the comm&nity members may e+en be speci'ically attracted and reE&ested
by their s$ills and E&ali'ications to 'ill the )or$ needs o' the net)or$ o' b&sinesses designed! (n s&ch
cases% s&bsidies can be o''ered to entice-attract the members E&ic$ly% so that operations can begin!
0ther more passi+e members may then be attracted later as they see a '&ll set o' ser+ices to s&pport
their needs and i' they are already retired% ha+e a b&siness )or$ing online in the global economy% or
,&st )ish to li+e s&stainably and o''-grid% doing their o)n e1changes )ithin the comm&nity thro&gh the
6ET alone!
6ocal E1change Trading ystems (6ET) can be set&p easily )ithin the comm&nity to 'acilitate trade
)ithin the comm&nity 'or both goods and ser+ices! Traditionally on paper this is a complicated tas$%
ho)e+er modern open-so&rce comp&ter so't)are can no) easily $eep trac$ o' all this! 8isit Cyclos!org
'or a 'ree open so&rce sol&tion to setting &p yo&r o)n 6ET!
Step 5' Cost (nalysis and 6udget
Fo&*ll need to come &p )ith a 'air estimate o' the cost o' the pro,ect and sho) a b&dget detailing )hat
the money )ill be spent on! This )ill help yo& get '&nding i' yo& plan to &se in+estors or cro)d'&nding
to start yo&r comm&nity% and i' yo& ha+e the capital already then this )ill ,&st help yo& $eep records
and be ready 'or e1penses as they come! Dno)ing )hat materials yo& )ill be &sing 'or constr&ction
and ha+ing them ordered and ready 'or )hen yo& need them onsite is important as )ell! ( ha+e o'ten
been in scenarios )here a b&nch o' )or$ers are )aiting 'or materials to be deli+ered in order to
contin&e )or$! This interr&pts a good )or$'lo) and can increase yo&r labo&r costs in the end!
( generally classi'y e1penses into ? main categories being EE&ipment% &pplies-materials% and 6abo&r!
EE&ipment% s&pplies% and materials are easy% as yo& can price them o&t in yo&r locality% negotiate b&l$
disco&nts i' yo& are b&ying in E&antities% and ma$e a list o' e+erything yo& ha+e on hand and )hat
yo&*ll need to b&y! 6abo&r is a bit tric$ier to estimate% as the E&ality and-or s$ills o' yo&r )or$'orce can
+ary considerably! There can also be a lot o' &n$no)ns )hen act&ally in+ol+ed in b&ilding-constr&ction
and these may be reE&ire )or$ ho&rs that yo& hadn*t planned 'or! (t*s best to add e1tra ho&rs to yo&r
'inal g&estimate!
(s there any special eE&ipment that yo& )ill need to p&rchase 'or the pro,ect7 Bo)er tools 'or yo&r
constr&ction may be necessary! 6ist and price any that yo&*ll need! 8ehicles may also be part o' the
cost! (' yo& are b&ilding a large comm&nity% then it may be )orth b&ying a tr&c$ instead o' paying 'or
deli+ery o' materials all the time! (' yo& li+e on a remote r&gged terrain then perhaps yo&*ll need a E&ad
)ith a trailer to mo+e eE&ipment and materials to harder to get to places! Fo&r eE&ipment )ill be
dictated by yo&r designs and )hat types o' constr&ction yo& plan to &se!
Common hand tools are li$ely necessary in any comm&nity sit&ation! The &s&al list incl&des hammers
(small and large)% sho+els% pic$-a1es% a1es% ra$es% hoes% tro)els (gardening @ 'or st&cco-cement)%
)ire-c&tters% )renches% scre)dri+er sets% pliers% sa)s% and machetes!
EE&ipment and tools% as )ell as being necessary 'or b&ilding and setting &p yo&r comm&nity also
become a reso&rce 'or it*s members! Tools can be &sed by it*s members and i' need be 'or a larger
comm&nity signed o&t o' a toolshed similar to ho) a library signs o&t boo$s! (n a tr&st)orthy
comm&nity this is done more so that yo& $no) )ho to go as$ 'or a tool i' yo& need it and it*s not in the
toolshed! 5lternati+ely% a comm&nity )or$shop can be set&p and g&idelines dictating that yo& &se the
eE&ipment in the )or$shop and lea+e it there! This is ideal 'or po)ertools partic&larly that can*t be
mo+ed easily% b&t it also pro+ides a space 'or members to )or$ )ith )or$benches% tables and all the
tools necessary 'or b&ilding pro,ects! (n some cases it may be necessary to ta$e tools o&t o' a )or$shop%
s&ch as a drill so that one can drill a hole in their bedroom )all to mo&nt something! Ia+ing a boo$ to
signo&t the tool and sign it bac$ in% helps e+eryone $eep trac$ o' )here things are and respects
e+eryone in the comm&nity!
Aa$e a list o' all the materials and s&pplies yo& )ill need 'or constr&ction! :y materials% )e mean
things li$e cement% sand% clay% stra)% rebar% Ginc roo'ing panels% ply)ood% timber etc!!! &pplies are
considered to be things li$e scre)s% nails% n&ts *n bolts% tie-)ire% pl&mbing parts% electrical parts% and
other &sable parts that yo& need to b&ild according to yo&r constr&ction plans!
imilar to yo&r eE&ipment list% ma$e s&re to list e+erything yo&*ll need to 'inish the ,ob! (n the case o'
s&pplies and materials yo&*ll need to be loo$ing at the E&antities yo& b&y o' each needed item! (t*s best
to calc&late these on a per str&ct&re-b&ilding basis! This )ay yo& can ha+e the materials and s&pplies
ready 'or each str&ct&re yo& b&ild% and i' yo& are going to r&n o+er-b&dget% yo& can calc&late )hich
priority b&ildings yo& still ha+e eno&gh materials-s&pplies to b&ild% and complete )hat yo& can )ith the
b&dget yo& ha+e!
Fo& may need to cons&lt an engineer or s$illed contractor in the 'ield o' constr&ction yo& ha+e chosen%
in order to get good estimates and brea$do)ns o' the materials and s&pplies needed 'or yo&r chosen
b&ilding designs! This is one o' the most important parts o' the process o' b&dgeting% so be s&re to
act&ally 'ig&re o&t yo&r costs acc&rately here! (' it seems a da&nting tas$% and yo& can*t 'ind any decent
cons&ltants to help yo&% then try searching online 'or people )ho ha+e done similar pro,ects! Ks&ally
there are many people )ho ha+e b&ilt something similar% and )ith alternati+e constr&ction most people
in+ol+ed are =o (t Fo&rsel'ers that are happy to share their material lists and costs that they managed to
b&ild 'or! 5lternati+ely% the easy )ay% b&t in many cases more e1pensi+e )ay is to b&y pre-'abricated
eco-home $its or bl&eprints! /ood bl&eprints )ill gi+e yo& yo&r material list and allo) yo& to go o&t
and calc&late )hat they )ill cost 'or yo& locally! /ood pre-'abricated eco-home $its )ill come )ith all
the materials and s&pplies yo& need in one p&rchase% or )ill lea+e o&t the hea+y and readily a+ailable
materials li$e cement% sand% and rebar (Which yo& can then easily price o&t in yo&r local area)!
There are many eco-home $its a+ailable! Aost are o' geodesic dome designs% as )ell as bamboo
homes% y&rts% and other o'ten patented simple ready to go b&ilding systems! =o some online searches to
see )hat comes &p! .o)adays% there are also many open-so&rce alternati+e design pro,ects starting and
they are 'ree to &se the designs! They may reE&ire parts that can be printed 'rom yo&r ?d printer% )hich
is +ery cost e''ecti+e and allo)s yo& to prod&ce yo&r o)n s&pplies as yo&*ll need them!
6abo&r is ho) e+erything gets done in the end! The most important 'actor i' yo& really loo$ at it% and
possibly the highest cost i' yo& are paying )or$ers to do the ,ob! With alternati+e constr&ctions
methods% yo& )ill commonly ha+e more labo&r in+ol+ed )hile the costs o' materials )ill &s&ally be
less! This is beca&se alternati+e constr&ction is generally 'or =o (t Fo&rsel'ers (=(F) and hobbyists that
en,oy spending the time b&ilding themsel+es rather than hiring )or$ers! 0' co&rse many )ill hire and
)or$ themsel+es% and-or get a gro&p o' 'riends or recr&it +ol&nteers to help them b&ild! 5n iss&e that
&s&ally comes &p )ith alternati+e constr&ction is that it is hard to 'ind )or$ers s$illed in alternati+e
constr&ction techniE&es! This means that hiring general labo&rers and spending e1tra ho&rs teaching
them may be reE&ired! Fo& )o&ld ha+e to teach yo&r 'riends or +ol&nteers that yo& recr&it as )ell% so
this may need to be 'actored into the amo&nt o' )or$ ho&rs needed on a per person-)or$er basis!
(' yo& don*t ha+e the s$ills necessary to do the alternati+e constr&ction% then yo&*ll need to get training
+ideos% or see$ an e1perienced pro'essional! (t may be )orth it to hire a pro'essional in an area o'
alternati+e constr&ction that yo& can then ad+ertise as a )or$shop or 'ree alternati+e constr&ction
)or$shop in order to attract +ol&nteers to come help b&ild yo&r comm&nity! (' yo& decide to charge a
'ee 'or the )or$shop% this money earned can go to)ards paying the teacher% and maybe e+en paying 'or
some o' the b&ilding materials as )ell! This is a good option to consider! 5s an e1ample% Cal-Earth in
Cali'ornia is a )ell-$no)n )ell-established organiGation in+ol+ed in teaching &peradobe b&ilding!
They charge high prices 'or their )or$shops% and i' yo& loo$ at their port'olio% they ha+e b&ilt a lot o'
str&ct&res )ith st&dent t&itions% e+en tho&gh the st&dents only )al$ a)ay )ith the $no)ledge and
e1perience to b&ild and Cal-earth retains the prod&ct o' their training!
Aany comm&nities &tiliGe +ol&nteers or W00#ers (Wor$ing 0n 0rganic #arms) to help them get
established and learn ne) s$ills 'rom the +ol&nteers )ho may ha+e +isited a n&mber o' comm&nities or
organic 'arms and ha+e tips and techniE&es to share! The &s&al deal )ith +ol&nteers and W00#ers is to
o''er them room and board in e1change 'or a n&mber o' )or$ ho&rs per day! O&ality and e1periences
+ary 'rom location to location% b&t in my e1perience it is best to o''er them a basic b&t healthy diet o'
proteins% 'r&its% +egetables% and carbohydrates (o'ten rice and beans )ith 'r&its and +eggies)!
5ccommodations can be dormitory style )ith bathroom-sho)ering 'acilities and a $itchen! 5 good
)or$ sched&le is to as$ 'or no more than 4-4 ho&rs a day! :e prepared to g&ide them on )hat tas$s are
needed and teach the &ne1perienced ho) to do ,obs correctly! 8ol&nteers can then 'eel ta$en care o'%
not o+er)or$ed% and tr&st me )hen ( say yo&*ll get better )or$ o&t o' them i' yo& $eep their )or$ho&rs
per day to a com'ortable medi&m!
5s mentioned earlier% it is challenging to estimate the n&mber o' )or$ ho&rs needed to complete large
b&ilding pro,ects! (t gets e+en more challenging )hen &sing &ns$illed labo&r s&ch as +ol&nteers or
constr&ction )or$ers )itho&t e1perience in the constr&ction methods yo& plan to &se! The best plan o'
action here is to contact pro'essionals-e1perts in the types o' alternati+e constr&ction methods yo&
choose and as$ them E&estions! They may gi+e yo& E&otes on both ho) many ho&rs 'or training% and
ho) many ho&rs 'or trained )or$ers!
(' yo& are hiring contractors% it can be ad+antageo&s% partic&larly )hen yo& ha+e a b&dget% to pay a
contractor per pro,ect! This )ay yo& can get an estimate 'rom them% and be clear that yo& )ill only be
paying them )hat they*+e E&oted % and 'or that they m&st complete the pro,ect! (n my e1perience% this
helps get )hat yo& )ant )itho&t e1cessi+e costs! Contractors and )or$ers are then moti+ated to
complete the pro,ect E&ic$ly% e''iciently% and on time! (' yo& pay them ,&st per ho&r% then they tend to
ta$e longer to do any tas$% and drag o&t the constr&ction process in order to $eep getting paid! Fo&
don*t )ant to ha+e contractors s$imp on E&ality either% so let them $no) be'ore they gi+e their 'irst
E&ote so that they are prepared to o''er a bid that they can complete 'or the price!
Costs o' labo&r can be ad+antageo&s in certain co&ntries li$e Central and o&th 5merica! These places
are ideal 'or setting &p s&stainable comm&nities d&e to ab&ndance o' nat&ral reso&rces% +ery a''ordable
and 'air trade labo&r costs% as )ell as there being +ery little red tape or +irt&ally no b&ilding codes to
'ollo) in some places! 6and is also +ery cheap% )hich can 'actor in greatly to yo&r ability to start an
eco comm&nity or not! Tribehares!com has been 'oc&sing e''orts in Central and o&th 5merica 'or
these +ery reasons! We belie+e that once )e ha+e established a n&mber o' comm&nities% that the rest o'
the )orld )ill catch-on% and s&stainable practices )ill be integrated into b&ilding codes based on their
time-tested s&ccess in co&ntries that )ere able to test them s&ch as in Central and o&th 5merica!
0nce yo& ha+e yo&r estimates on )or$ ho&rs reE&ired per b&ilding% then yo& can calc&late ho) many
)or$ers yo&*ll need and ro&ghly ho) long yo&r pro,ect )ill ta$e to get to completion or ,&st to reach
certain milestones!
Fo& may also ha+e to or )ant to hire managers or specialists to deal )ith di''erent tas$s! 0rganiGers%
pro,ect managers% cons&ltants% planners% )eb designers% mar$eters% contractors% etc!!! These employees
)ill o'ten be paid higher )ages 'or their e1pertise! 5gain% it may be challenging to calc&late ho&rs o'
)or$ needed! ome o' these ,obs can be done o' per pro,ect basis s&ch as )eb designers! Ksing a site
li$e Elance!com to post yo&r pro,ect and get )eb designers to bid on it! Then yo& ,&st loo$ at each bids
pro'ile and 'eedbac$ to choose the best one 'or the ,ob! Fo&*ll only pay them as m&ch as their bid%
&nless yo& as$ them to do things that )eren*t described in yo&r original posted pro,ect! (t is important
)hen posting yo&r pro,ect to be as speci'ic as possible% so that yo& get e1actly )hat yo& )ant 'or the
bid they gi+e!
Aar$eters can also be hired per pro,ect or pac$age o' implementing some speci'ic mar$eting
techniE&es! Aar$eters can also be hired on a pay per action basis! This means that yo& only pay them
per lead they gi+e yo&% or per prod&ct or ser+ice that their mar$eting e''orts yield! This is ideal 'or any
b&siness% and has been made simple to set&p &sing clic$ trac$ing so't)are! (' this so&nds complicated%
it really isn*t% and yo& can o&tso&rce the trac$ing and payments to an a''iliate net)or$% )hich )ill o'ten
pl&g yo& into a net)or$ o' mar$eters )ho are already e1perienced and s$illed in ma$ing money on a
per action basis! The bea&ty o' this is that yo& only pay 'or res&lts% so it*s al)ays a )in-)in! Chec$ o&t
Ber'ormance-:ased 'or an a''iliate net)or$ that 'oc&ses on ecological and s&stainable companies
prod&cts and ser+ices as their target mar$et!
Step -' ()*uiring /unding
(' yo& don*t already ha+e tens o' tho&sands or h&ndreds o' tho&sands o' dollars in yo&r ban$ acco&nt
that yo& can leis&rely spend on starting a comm&nity% then yo&*ll need to acE&ire the '&nding by
attracting in+estors or acc&m&late donations thro&gh cro)d'&nding! 5ngel in+estors can be an ideal
)ay to 'orm ,oint +ent&res that )ill help yo& realiGe yo&r dreams! Cro)d'&nding sites are popping &p
e+ery)here% and it seems to be s&ccess'&lly helping in+entors and entreprene&rs to '&nd their creations
e+ery)here! Tribehares!com is set&p speci'ically 'or cro)d'&nding s&stainable-philanthropic pro,ects
and )e*re certainly )illing to help yo& get yo&r pro,ect '&nded!
There are a n&mber o' net)or$s that one can ,oin in order to post yo&r pro,ect and get it seen by
potentially interested angel in+estors! (t*s a good idea to post any)here yo& can that allo)s yo& to do so
'or 'ree! ( )o&ld a+oid sites that charge a 'ee% as this may not get any better res&lts than the 'ree
ser+ices! Fo& can also set&p yo&r o)n )ebsite 'or the pro,ect listing yo&r plans in details and
reE&esting potential in+estors to contact yo&% or donate &sing a payment processor! These may )or$ to
some degree or more% b&t personally ( )o&ld recommend &sing Tribehares!com cro)d'&nding system
to attract the '&nding yo& need! Fo&*ll also be s&pporting other s&stainable comm&nities and pro,ects!
Cro:dfunding :it! %ribeS!aresC)om
Fo& can &se these principles 'or setting &p a cro)d'&nding campaign on any cro)d'&nding plat'orm!
We do ho)e+er enco&rage yo& to &se Tribe hares!com 'or a 'e) reasons! #irstly% Tribehares only
charges 3P )hether yo&r pro,ect reaches it*s goal or not! econdly% the percentage o' '&nds that
Tribeshares earns 'rom cro)d'&nding campaigns )ill be in+ested into b&ilding more s&stainable
comm&nities and-or philanthropic pro,ects! Thirdly% i' yo& are planning a s&stainable comm&nity% )e
)ill be )illing to help yo& design% '&nd% and la&nch yo&r comm&nity! end any E&estions yo& ha+e to
Tribeshares s&pport% and )e )ill ans)er as soon as possible! We )ill also help yo& connect )ith
e1perts and others )ho can help ma$e yo&r comm&nity a s&ccess'&l reality!
Set @ilestones
5 milestone is a signi'icant mar$ o' progress! (t is recommended to set&p yo&r plan in an order o'
priorities 'or once yo&*+e commenced! 5s a s&stainable comm&nity this may mean b&ilding a set o'
composting toilets% sho)ers% $itchen% and some basic accommodations! This )o&ld ma$e yo&r
comm&nity li+able in a basic 'orm% e+en tho&gh yo& may not ha+e b&ilt e+erything in the plans! Either
)ay yo& can mar$ this as a Ailestone% and ha+e it*s only costs o' completion! 0thers may call this a
phase% as is o'ten the terminology &sed in large constr&ction contracts! (' yo& ha+e a 'e) milestones
be'ore then it ma$es it easier 'or people to see ho) a big pro,ect can reach completion! (t also gi+es
people 'aith that the pro,ect )ill mani'est at least in part i' only '&nding 'or the 'irst milestone is
reached! (t gi+es them 'aith in yo&r ability as pro,ect manager to act&ally achie+e yo&r goal as )ell% and
allo)s them to see the nat&ral progression o' steps to '&ll completion!
Prepare Your Plan for Presenting
(' yo&*+e 'ollo)ed the 'irst 4 steps o' this g&ide already% then yo& sho&ld ha+e a lot )ritten do)n and be
ready to compile yo&r designs and into a p&blicly presentable plan! (deally this sho&ld &tiliGe )ritten
e1planations on each section% as )ell as pict&res% +ideos% diagrams% and any other media to e1press or
e1plain the )ho% )hat% )hen% )here% and )hy*s that )ill come &p in the minds o' potential
cro)d'&nders! 6i$e most presentation g&idelines% start )ith a general o+er+ie) or introd&ction% then
'lesh o&t the details% and 'inish o'' )ith )ith a concise s&mmary and call to action (ie! H#&nd (t9H)!
(' the plan is +ery in depth and long% then yo& may )ant to con+ert it into a B=# 'ile that people can
do)nload and read-thro&gh at their leis&re! :e s&re to add a lin$ to the cro)d'&nding campaign and
'&nding b&ttons in the pd'% so that they can clic$-thro&gh and '&nd it immediately and )ith ease! (' yo&
o''er the B=# detailed plan% then yo&*ll still need to ha+e a )ritten o+er+ie) and basic plan posted% b&t
yo& can s$ip a lot o' the details )ith re'erence to the B=# 'or those interested! #oc&s on selling the
bene'its o' yo&r pro,ect and trying to stim&late the emotions o' yo&r potential cro)d'&nders to get them
Personal Profile
Botential '&nders are going to need to ha+e con'ident in yo& to act&ally 'ollo) thro&gh and complete
yo&r pro,ect! 6ist yo&r rele+ant s$ills in yo&r pro'ile and try to sell yo&rsel' as an e1pert% and-or so
passionate abo&t it that yo& con+ince them based p&rely on yo&r dri+ing desire to s&cceed! Kse yo&r
pro'ile 'or this% and yo& can also mention there any other e1perts or pro'essionals that )ill be in+ol+ed
in the pro,ect to help yo& achie+e yo&r goals!
@edia D Pi)tures ? "ideos
(' yo& don*t ha+e a +ideo or any pict&res then prepare some! Ta$e pict&res and shoot +ideo o' the
proposed land 'or the pro,ect! =ra) diagrams on graph paper and scan them in% or &se so't)are to ma$e
pro'essional images-diagrams! Aa$e animations or hire someone on Elance to do animations 'or yo&
that yo& can add to yo&r )ebsite and +ideo! Aa$e or hire someone to do ?d designs &sing $etch&p or
another ?d design so't)are! These loo$ +ery impressi+e% and can easily allo) yo& to ha+e )al$-thro&gh
+ideo ?d animations! 5dd these to yo&r +ideos and display pict&res o' yo&r ?d designs in yo&r pd' plan
and-or on the campaign page!
When ma$ing a +ideo 'or yo&r pro,ect% yo& can introd&ce any o' the $ey pro,ect members and their
s$ills and responsibilities! Fo& can also ,&st ha+e +ideo o' yo& tal$ing passionately abo&t the pro,ect
and yo&r dreams and desires in relation to it! 5l)ays list yo&r )ebsite% or the &rl o' the cro)d'&nding
campaign at the end o' the +ideo% in case it gets shared aro&nd o&t o' conte1t and people need to trac$ it
bac$ to )here they can '&nd it!
Re:ards, @embers!ips, ? "irtual S!ares
Re)ards are incenti+es that yo& can o''er to potential cro)d'&nders to enco&rage them to '&nd yo&r
pro,ect! Re)ards can be anything seen o' +al&e that yo& can o''er! Fo& )ill be able to set certain
amo&nts reE&ired to be '&nded in order to recei+e the o''ered re)ard! This means yo& can ha+e
m&ltiple types o' re)ards o''ered 'or di''erent le+els o' '&nding! These can be items that yo& ship%
+irt&al goods s&ch as +ideo% a&dio% or eboo$s% or ser+ices o' any $ind!
Re)ards don*t necessarily ha+e to be things yo& c&rrently ha+e! They can be '&t&re promises 'or once
the pro,ect is completed! #or e1ample% i' yo& are planning to ha+e a sheep raising b&siness in yo&r
comm&nity% yo& can o''er )ool prod&cts that yo& plan to man&'act&re% and o''er them as '&t&re re)ards
)hen yo& get to the man&'act&ring stage! Fo& co&ld also o''er them a +acation stay at accommodations
that yo& plan to b&ild! Fo& can also add accommodations into yo&r plan solely 'or &sing to '&l'ill
re)ards 'or cro)d'&nders! L)
(' yo& are planning a comm&nity% then yo& m&st need members! Fo& can o''er +ario&s membership
types as re)ards 'or certain donation le+els! This can incl&de stays o' any n&mber o' days% or months%
as )ell as '&ll time memberships )here they may or may not get b&ilding rights to design and b&ild
their o)n home onsite! Bermanent memberships may reE&ire a pretty siGable donation% b&t i' it*s not
o''ered then yo& )on*t get any bites% so p&t it o&t there! Fo& can also add e1pirations o' said gi'ts i' yo&
)ant them to be redeemed on a timeline! (' it is something that can*t be redeemed &ntil a'ter yo&*+e
completed the pro,ect% then set the e1piration date relati+e to the pro,ect completion date (ie! H5 one
)ee$ stay in a l&1&rio&s geodomeH Qm&st be redeemed )ithin ? years o' completion o' the geodome)!
Fo& may )ant to o''er a Co-'o&nder or #o&nder membership 'or high dollar contrib&tors% )hich may
gi+e them the ability to li+e '&ll time in the comm&nity% b&t also gi+es them the prestige o' being a
'o&nder or co-'o&nder )itho&t ha+ing to p&t in the e''ort o' doing most o' the )or$ in starting it! Fo&
can also o''er to b&ild a mon&ment 'or 'o&nders% or any le+el o' contrib&tors! ( li$e ho) the )ord
'&nder i' ,&st 'o&nder )itho&t the o!
8irt&al shares can be similar to real company shares% e1cept that they are iss&ed by contract and
agreement rather than by corporate str&ct&re! (t )o&ld be similar to ho) a membership )or$s% e1cept
that yo& might be o''ering them a percentage o' pro'its 'or an agreed &pon time% or &pon paid o&t
pro'its reaching a certain pre-agreed &pon amo&nt! These can be iss&ed i' yo& ha+e planned b&sinesses
in yo&r comm&nity plans! 5 +irt&al share co&ld pro+ide them )ith a share o' the b&sinesses prod&ce%
prod&cts% or ser+ices! 8irt&al shares co&ld also entitle them to a '&ll time membership as described in
the pre+io&s paragraph% only yo& )o&ld call it a 8irt&al hare as opposed to a membership! Fo& can
really ma$e a +irt&al share anything yo& )ant to! J&st be s&re to ha+e a legal contract made-&p 'or them
to agree )ith be'ore '&nding% so that they $no) e1actly )hat it means to recei+e a +irt&al share and
)hat to e1pect 'rom it!
Step 8' Promote Your Campaign
5 s&ccess'&l promotion strategy 'or yo&r cro)d'&nding campaign )ill 'irst and 'oremost in+ol+e &sing
social net)or$s to spread the )ord abo&t it! 5lmost e+eryone is no) &sing social net)or$s o' some
$ind or another! Email mar$eting has 'allen by the )ayside% as people are o'ten easier to connect )ith
on social net)or$s! These sho&ld be the 'oc&s o' yo&r promotions% b&t not the only )ay yo& promote!
Contacting o)ners o' eGines% and high tra''ic )ebsites targeted to yo&r potential mar$et is also
important! Bress releases% and &sing press release ser+ices can certainly p&t yo&r message in 'ront o' the
masses! Common strategies o' )eb-mar$eting li$e earch Engine 0ptimiGation (E0)% article
mar$eting-article net)or$s% pay-per clic$ ads li$e /oogle 5d)ords% blogging% and posting in 'or&ms
are all e''ecti+e methods that can get yo&r campaign seen!
So)ial 0et:orEs
0b+io&sly #aceboo$ and T)itter come-&p at the top o' the list 'or pop&larity! (' yo& don*t ha+e a
#aceboo$ acco&nt% then yo& better start one no)! (t*s best to start a #aceboo$ gro&p )hich can ha+e all
yo&r plan details as per the cro)d'&nding campaign% )ith a lin$ to the campaign page to get them to
'&nd yo&! :e s&re to add social net)or$ *share* b&ttons on any )ebpage that relates to yo&r campaign!
Beople are laGy% b&t i' it comes do)n to ,&st a clic$% they may be )illing to share yo&r cro)d'&nding
campaign on their 'a+orite social net)or$s! Fo& can do)nload 'ree scripts online to add share b&ttons
+ia a little c&t @ pasted html code!
ReE&est yo&r 'riends to li$e yo&r pages! ReE&est yo&r 'riends to share yo&r pages! ReE&est yo&r 'riends
to reE&est their 'riends to li$e and share yo&r pages! The most s&ccess'&l mar$eting strategy has and
al)ays )ill be +iral )ord o' mo&th re'errals! (' yo& can le+erage yo&r 'riend net)or$ to help yo& '&nd
yo&r pro,ect% it can go +iral! 5 )ell designed plan and )ell presented campaign )ill also help 'acilitate
this o' co&rse% so don*t rely only on the 'act that yo& ha+e lots o' 'riends on #aceboo$! =esign yo&r plan
to appeal to e+eryone% beca&se )hen yo&r 'riends start sharing yo&r cro)d'&nding campaign% people
)ho don*t $no) yo& are going to see it!
ocial5dr is also a &se'&l site that can allo) yo& to increase the amo&nt o' t)eets and li$es that yo&r
social net)or$ posts get!
Post on /a)ebooE and ot!er so)ial net:orEs
(' yo& are a member o' #aceboo$ or other social net)or$s% &tiliGe them to help spread the )ord! Bost a
note abo&t yo&r cro)d'&nding campaign )ith the lin$ at the end and tag 'riends that yo& thin$ might be
interested in '&nding or co&ld share it )ith others )ho might '&nd it! =o the same 'or any other social
net)or$s or )ebsites that yo& &se! The more places yo& post yo&r lin$ online% the more li$ely people
)ill clic$ on it (please only post in rele+ant places% $eep it targeted to people )ho )o&ld be interested)!
Email or send invitations
end emails to people yo&*d li$e to in'orm! .0 B5A9 end emails indi+id&ally and the best )ay to
con+ince people to chec$ o&t yo&r lin$ is to personaliGe the messages to them! #or better res&lts email
yo&r 'riends again later to inE&ire i' they +isited the lin$ 'rom the in+itation yo& sent pre+io&sly and as$
them )hat they tho&ght abo&t it! This reE&est 'or 'eedbac$ 'rom them )ill enco&rage them to +isit i'
they hadn*t already!
Post on /orums and in GuestbooEs
There are many online 'or&ms related to almost e+ery topic yo& can thin$ o'! (' yo& are a member o' a
'or&m already then yo& can easily add yo&r lin$ to yo&r 'or&m signat&re (5 'or&m signat&re gets
a&tomatically attached to any posts yo& ma$e )ith yo&r name and o'ten lin$s to yo&r 'a+orite or
personal )ebsites)!
Fo& can also ,oin 'or&ms and start participating in the 'or&m topics! =on*t ,oin a 'or&m ,&st to post yo&r
lin$! Fo& )ill li$ely be banned i' yo& appear s&ddenly and only post ad+ertisements! The tric$ is to
search 'or topics related to s&stainability and-or other things related to )hat yo&r comm&nity
Cro)d'&nding campaign is abo&t (ie! alternati+e constr&ction% alternati+e energy% intentional
comm&nities% eco-green li+ing% alternati+e li'estyles% ad+ent&re to&rism% +ol&nto&rism% healing-health%
spirit&ality% alternati+e ed&cation% etc!!!)! 0nce yo& 'ind rele+ant topics% yo& can post E&estions or
comments on them and &se yo&r 'or&m signat&re to attach yo&r lin$ )ith a E&ic$ one-liner s&ch as
H&stainable eco-comm&nity cro)d'&nding pro,ect9H! 5lternati+ely i' the 'or&m topic is more rele+ant%
yo& may be able to share a bit abo&t yo&r cro)d'&nding campaign right in the post )itho&t seeming
li$e an ad!
Aany )ebsites ha+e g&estboo$s )hich any +isitor can sign! These are great to post yo&r lin$ on! 5gain
it*s best not to loo$ li$e a blatant ad+ertisement% so be s&btle! tart )ith a comment or t)o abo&t the
)ebsite )hich hosts the g&estboo$ and then post yo&r lin$ )ith a E&ic$ in+itation or comment to
inspire c&riosity to clic$!
Post a 6anner on Your ebsite or So)ial 0et:orE Profile
(' yo& ha+e a )ebsite% yo& can post a banner on yo&r site )here people )ill easily see it to clic$ on!
Fo&*ll ha+e to ma$e a banner% )hich can easily be done in a paint program &sing a photograph and
adding some te1t on top o' it! 5lternati+ely yo& can post banners on yo&r #aceboo$ or other social
net)or$ pro'ile page so that people )ho +isit yo&r page )ill see it again and again! (n o&r b&sy modern
li'e it sometimes ta$es seeing or hearing abo&t something a 'e) times be'ore )e are ready to chec$ it
6logging ? Pod)asting
(' yo& already ha+e a blog or podcast% then this a great )ay to promote! Aa$e a post and-or podcast
abo&t yo&r cro)d'&nding campaign and be s&re to g&ide people to clic$ on yo&r lin$ and li$e-share on
#aceboo$ or other social net)or$s! There are also some handy tools that allo) yo& to a&tomatically
&pdate yo&r T)itter% #aceboo$ page% 6in$ed (n% and other social net)or$ acco&nts )hene+er yo&
&pdate yo&r blog! Ioote&ite is one% b&t more may be 'o&nd by a simple search engine search!
(' yo& don*t ha+e a :log or Bodcast% there are many 'ree ser+ices online that allo) yo& to start one
easily! J&st do a search 'or 'ree blog or 'ree podcast acco&nt and sign-&p and start blogging-podcasting!
Post "ideos
(' yo& don*t mind being in 'ront o' a camera% or yo&*+e got a creati+e mind to animate or mi1 an
interesting +ideo then this may be 'or yo&! 8ideos are po)er'&l promoters )hen done correctly! 8iral
+ideos are those that people ,&st can*t help b&t share )ith 'riends! This can be one o' the most e''ecti+e
mar$eting strategies!
The main 'eat&res o' a +ideo that ca&se it to go +iral )ill &s&ally contain something '&nny%
contro+ersial% taboo% c&te% or totally craGy! =epending on yo&r a&dience% yo& co&ld ma$e a +ideo in
each o' the categories and send them to the appropriate a&diences!
(rti)le riting ? Press Releases
(' yo& thin$ yo& can )rite% then article )riting is strongly enco&raged! This can be anything 'rom a
re+ie) o' yo&r cro)d'&nding campaign% a report on a related topic )ith lin$ to yo&r campaign% an
inspired rephrasing o' yo&r pro,ect +ision% and-or any other $ind o' inspired article on related topics
that may tie-in to cro)d'&nding campaign pro,ect )ith an in+itation to '&nd it and lin$ to get them
there! 5rticles li$e these can be posted 'or 'ree on many article sites (=o a search online 'or Harticle
sitesH or Harticle s&bmissionH to get a list)! Fo& can also )rite a press release type o' article )hich
)o&ld s&mmariGe )hat cro)d'&nding campaign goals are and in+ite people to '&nd it! This can then be
sent in to Bress Release ser+ices% to be blasted o&t to a n&mber o' media so&rces! Aost press release
ser+ices ha+e a cost% b&t they can be in+al&able in the ret&rn o' tra''ic and '&nding that they pro+ide!
Google (d:ords
(' yo& ha+e a /oogle acco&nt already% then all yo& ha+e to do is login to yo&r /oogle acco&nt and loo$
'or the /oogle 5d)ords icon! /oogle allo)s yo& to b&y targeted ad+ertising on sites rele+ant to yo&r
$ey)ords! (t is +ery simple to set&p% and ( )on*t go into it here beca&se /oogle gi+es a m&ch better
e1planation o' ho) they )or$! Essentially yo& set a price yo& are )illing to pay per clic$ on yo&r ads%
and yo& only pay )hen people clic$ on them! Fo& can set yo&r b&dget and see ho) it goes!
1t!er PaidDfor (dvertising
Blease be discerning abo&t )ho yo& pay 'or ad+ertising yo&r lin$! There are many )eblin$ ad+ertising
ser+ices that are .0T )orth the money! 5nything that &ses B5A-bots to plaster lin$s all o+er the
internet illegally are &seless! Fo&r 'irst cl&e as to these ser+ices is i' they promise a lot o' tra''ic 'or a
+ery cheap price (ie! M;!30 'or 1000 +isitors to yo&r site)! =o not &se these ser+ices! =irectory
s&bmission ser+ices are not only ine''ecti+e% they act&ally lo)er yo&r search engine ran$ings o+erall!
5ny a&to-s&bmission ser+ices )hich promise lots o' tra''ic are C5A! =0 .0T &se them!
That being said% i' yo& )ish to b&y ad+ertising 'rom any ma,or search engines li$e Fahoo% :ing% etc!!!
'eel 'ree! Aa,or search engine ad+ertising is an easy )ay to get )ell-targeted tra''ic that )ill con+ert
into '&nders i' mar$eted correctly! Brices and deals +ary per search engine% b&t 'eel 'ree to &se them!
ome high tra''ic )ebsites )ill also sell ad space! (' the sites niche-topics are rele+ant to )hat yo&r
cro)d'&nding pro,ect is abo&t then they may also ma$e good places to b&y ads! Kse yo&r common
sense% ,&st beca&se a site has high tra''ic and a''ordable ad-space doesn*t mean that the type o' people
)ho +isit the site )o&ld be interested in '&nding yo&r pro,ects! (t*s &s&ally best to test ad+ertising
spaces on a small scale 'irst and trac$ yo&r res&lts! (' yo& get a decent con+ersion rate% then yo& can
scale &p 'rom there!
1ffline Promotions
ince yo&*ll be cro)d'&nding a real li'e comm&nity or s&stainability pro,ect% it ma$es sense to &se
o''line promotions as m&ch as online ones! This is especially tr&e i' yo& plan to set&p the comm&nity or
pro,ect in yo&r local comm&nity! Beople respond best to things they can see% hear% and to&ch! The
internet is a place '&ll o' mar$eting% so it*s easy 'or emails and ads to go &nnoticed% or be categoriGed as
the &s&al things to ignore! :est res&lts 'or promoting yo&r cro)d'&nding campaign )ill be seen thro&gh
a combination o' online and o''line mar$eting! 5n other)ise ignored email% may be something loo$ed
at again i' matched )ith some o''line reminder li$e a 'lier!
ord of @out!
:y 'ar% the best )ay to promote yo&r cro)d'&nding campaign is by )ord o' mo&th! Tal$ to people yo&
$no) and tell them all abo&t it! hare )ith them )hy yo& started it and )hat inspires yo& abo&t yo&r
pro,ect! When yo& tal$ to people in person% yo& can easily ans)er any E&estions they might ha+e and
g&ide the con+ersation to)ards )hat interests them the most abo&t it! (' people sho) interest% then get
their email addresses and tell them yo&*ll send them the lin$ and-or more in'ormation on it! Fo& can
also gi+e them a b&siness card or 'lier )ith a lin$ on it to the cro)d'&nding page% or )rite do)n yo&r
lin$ 'or them!
6usiness Cards
:&siness cards can come in handy! Fo& can ma$e a b&siness card )ith yo&r cro)d'&nding campaign
lin$ on it to hand o&t to people! There are many b&siness card templates online% and a lot o' o''ice
so't)are s&ites come )ith b&siness card templates! Fo& can print them o&t yo&rsel' or get them
pro'essionally done at a local o''ice s&pply store!
/liers ? Posters
#liers and posters are pretty% and easy to promote )ith! (' yo& print o&t 'liers yo& can hand them o&t at
social gatherings% 'esti+als% dances% mar$ets% or set them any places )here interested people )ill see
them! #liers and posters can also be posted on b&lletin boards or at comm&nity centers! Bosters can
passi+ely re'er people to yo&r cro)d'&nding campaign )hen p&t in the right places! #or best res&lts be
s&re to choose the places )isely% ma$ing s&re that they are seen by the type o' people that )o&ld be
most interested in yo&r pro,ect!
P!ones ? %>t @essages
Why not send t1t*s to yo&r 'riends )ith yo&r campaign lin$ and an in+itation to '&nd! T1t*s are cheap%
and it*s an easy )ay to reach people! (t*s not as personal as a phone call% )hich yo& can also do% b&t can
be +ery e''ecti+e! 5 t1t can easily be ignored i' someone is b&sy% b&t is less intr&si+e than a phone call!
Fo& can also &se it as a con+ersation starter and to 'ollo)-&p )hen yo& see them in person ne1t! 5s$
them i' they got yo&r t1t regarding yo&r cro)d'&nding pro,ect% and )hether they chec$ed o&t the lin$!
Step 7' 6uild 9t#
5lright9 Fo&*+e planned and prepared! Fo&*+e promoted and prospered! .o) yo& ha+e the '&nding% the
plan% hope'&lly the people% yo& only need to p&t yo&r plan into action and start mani'esting yo&r
comm&nity! (' yo&*+e set milestones 'or yo&rsel' li$e s&ggested earlier% then yo& can start 'oc&sing on
completing yo&r 'irst milestone! The milestones or phases ma$e it a lot easier and less stress'&l to
act&ally go abo&t completing yo&r pro,ect!
Aa$e s&re yo& go abo&t managing any other people in+ol+ed in the pro,ect! 6et them $no) )hat*s
needed o' them and get them mo+ing 'or)ard on it! 0rder any s&pplies% materials% and eE&ipment that
yo& need as laid o&t in yo&r plan! Fo& may only need to order eno&gh s&pplies and materials to reach
yo&r 'irst milestone! (' yo& ha+e a large storage dome in the plans 'or yo&r 'irst milestone% and yo&
ha+e plenty o' space% then 'ill it &p so yo& ha+e e+erything ready )hen yo& need it! Aa$e s&re the site
is )ell g&arded% especially i' yo& don*t ha+e anyone li+ing permanently onsite!
(ppendi> ( D E>ample C!arter ? Guidelines for a Realm
C!arter of t!e Realm
(t is the d&ty o' all citiGens o' the realm to en'orce and &phold the r&les o' the realm! 5ny citiGen or
g&est that is 'o&nd or acc&sed o' disobeying the r&les thro&gh ignorance or other)ise m&st be bro&ght
to the realm co&ncil 'or deciding a ,&st r&ling on the sit&ation!
(bide by t!e %enets
5ll citiGens and g&ests o' the realm m&st agree to abide by the tenets o' Beace% 6o+e% Knity% Respect%
Ionesty% and Brosperity! This means enco&raging a peace'&l lo+ing attit&de to yo&r 'ello) citiGens%
see$ing to create harmony and &nity )ithin the realm and respecting each persons indi+id&ality% belie's
and )ays o' li'e! This also means being honest )ith yo&r 'ello) citiGens and )or$ing to)ards creating
a more prospero&s realm!
Create Sustainability
5ll creations% )hether they be homes% mon&ments% art)or$s% systems% technologies or other)ise m&st
be done &sing s&stainable and-or recyclable ecologically 'riendly materials! They sho&ld not o+er&se or
)aste reso&rces in their constr&ction nor maintenance!
Iomes% systems% technologies% and any reso&rce hea+y pro,ect m&st be designed 'or greatest e''iciency
and appro+ed by realm co&ncil be'ore b&ilding!
Brotect Ecosystems
Trees% )atersheds% and any partic&lar areas o' nat&re m&st be protected! 5ny alterations to s&ch areas
m&st be appro+ed by realm co&ncil be'ore action is ta$en!
CitiGens are restricted 'rom poll&ting ecosystems! 0nly appro+ed synthetic chemicals and s&bstances
may be bro&ght into the realm% some o' )hich )ill ha+e restrictions in their &se!
.at&ral organic s&bstances are al)ays pre'erred% ho)e+er littering o' s&ch items is prohibited! 0rganic
s&bstances or materials i' not recyclable% sho&ld be composted or bio-charred!
Respe)t %ribal +ands ? %!eir Rules
CitiGens m&st respect the tribal lands and r&les o' their o)n tribe as )ell as other tribes )ithin the
realm! This means respecting their borders as )ell as abiding by their r&les )hate+er they may be%
)hen on their lands! (t is best to only enter another tribes land i' in+ited% and to learn their r&les so that
yo& can respect their tribe '&lly )hile in their territory!
Respe)t Realm Coun)il
The realm co&ncil is made &p o' representati+es 'rom each o' the tribes! 5ny decisions or disp&tes o'
the realm that do not 'all &nder Tribal ,&risdiction are dealt )ith by them! Their decisions regarding the
realm are to be respected and &nderstood as absol&te!
Help 1ut
5ll citiGens o' the realm participate in the gro)th and de+elopment o' the realm by contrib&ting < ho&rs
per month (>4 ho&rs per year) on &p$eep-pro,ects! 5lternati+ely% a citiGen can choose to pay N?2 per
month (N being the local realm c&rrency) or the eE&i+alent +al&e in an international c&rrency!
5ll g&ests o' the realm )ill contrib&te 4 ho&rs per )ee$% or pay N14 per )ee$% or the eE&i+alent +al&e
in an international c&rrency!
(ppendi> 6 F "aluable Resour)es
5ppropedia!orgJ This )ebsite is a great s&stainable reso&rce )i$i! (t has a great n&mber o' open so&rce
plans and instr&ctions on do it yo&rsel' s&stainable pro,ects! O&ic$ shelters% composting toilets% roc$et
sto+es and m&ch more! Chec$ it o&t9 5nd contrib&te yo&r o)n te$s to the gro)ing library o'
Cyclos!orgJ 5n open-so&rce pro,ect that has created an ideal so't)are to manage any comm&nity 6ET
(6ocal E1change Trading ystem) or alternati+e comm&nity c&rrencies! Fo& can do)nload and install
on yo&r ser+er 'ree% or &se their 'ree ser+er hosted option!
ElanceJ This is a great place to hire s$illed people in many types o' b&sinesses and )or$! Fo& can post
as pro,ect yo& need completed and then 'reelancers 'rom aro&nd the )orld )ill bid on yo&r pro,ect! Fo&
get to read &p on the bidders 'eedbac$ 'rom other ,obs they*+e completed and choose the best one 'or
the ,ob!
Ber'ormance-:asedJ This is an 5''iliate .et)or$ 'or /reen b&sinesses! That means they ha+e a
net)or$ o' a''iliated )ebsites that ad+ertise green prod&cts 'or any b&siness )ho signs &p to host their
o)n a''iliate program )ith them! (' yo& r&n or plan on r&nning a green b&siness% this site )ill help yo&
earn more and get yo&r prod&cts and ser+ices o''ered to more c&stomers )orld-)ide!
Bermies!comJ The largest permac&lt&re site on the internet! With incredible 'or&ms that co+er any
topics yo& might ha+e E&estions abo&t 'or starting yo&r o)n comm&nity! This is a great reso&rce% not
only 'or in'ormation% b&t 'or net)or$ing )ith e1perts in the 'ield!
o&lpods!orgJ 5 partner in creating s&stainable comm&nities% o&lpods has created an online social
net)or$ li$e #aceboo$% only speci'ically 'or alternati+e people )ho don*t )ant to be grossly ad+ertised
to or spied on% and )ith an emphasis 'or creating real li'e member based s&stainable comm&nities that
yo& can ,oin as a part-time member!
TribeharesJ Kpdated reg&larly )ith ne)s% articles% and cro)d'&nding pro,ects! 0&r goal is to help
ma$e a more prospero&s and s&stainable planet by 'acilitating s&stainability and harmony on a local
comm&nity scale )hile net)or$ing )ith the greater global comm&nity to share ideas and technologies
in an open so&rce 'ree en+ironment! Cro)d'&nd yo&r s&stainable pro,ects )ith &s and e1perience the
&n'olding o' a ne) )orld!

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