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Andrew is the Aussie bloke living in the U.S.

, Heather is the American gal living in

Australia; together they travel the world sharing strategies on how to put your
business on Autopilot. Doing business online is no longer about having a website. To
get more clients and take care o the ones you have, you!ll need a map. They!ve got
it. So, sit back and rela", and welcome aboard. This light is bound to Autopilot #our
Andrew McCauley: Today, we!re talking about what gets measured gets done.
MC: Have you picked up our online survival guide yet% &et prepped or the uture o
online marketing by going to
Andrew McCauley: Hey everybody' This is Andrew (c)auley. *elcome to podcast
Today, we are talking about things that get measured oten get done, and what are
the things that you should be paying attention to in your business whether it!s online
or oline. *e have been head.deep in measuring stu or ourselves and our clients,
and we thought today we were going to share it around with you.
So, Heather /orter, you are all the way rom Sydney, Australia. Hello'
Heather Porter: That would be me. Hello' Hello, Andrew' And hello, everybody'
*elcome back'
$eore we even get stuck into it, 0 1ust wanted to do a couple o 2uick little shout.
outs. *e were speaking o measuring, looking at our listeners to our show and where
they are rom all over the world, and 0 thought it was really cool that was have loads
o Te"ans and people rom 3ew #ork listening to us in the US. 0sn!t that cool%
Andrew McCauley: 3ot only in the US but 0!ll tell you what was surprising to me
was that we have a bunch o people rom &ermany. Hello, &ermany'
Heather Porter: #es.
Andrew McCauley: 0 0 knew my &erman 0!d give it a crack, but you really don!t
want me to butcher your language. 0taly, Spain, and 0 think Holland was another big
one. So, hello to everybody in those countries' 0t!s awesome to have you. *e are so
glad that you are listening rom wherever you are in those countries. 0t!s awesome.
*e!re in 4- countries.
Heather Porter: *ow'
Andrew McCauley: 4- countries around the globe are listening. So, i you are one
o those people in one o those countries 5 you probably are 5 hello and welcome'
Heather Porter: 0t!s the coolest thing ever. 0 love it.
Andrew McCauley: 0 know. And, i you!re not, well, we!re still going to pretend you
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Heather Porter: #eah. So, thanks you guys or your support. 0t!s great.
3ow, yeah, measuring. 6ook, as Andrew was saying, our heads are deep in
measuring or lots o reasons which we!ll bring up. $ut, beore we do that, there!s a
Andrew McCauley: *hat did 0 learn% *ell, you know what%
Heather Porter: #eah, what did you learn%
Andrew McCauley: 0!ll kick it o because it actually goes with what
we!re talking about today and it!s part o the reason why we sort o came up with this
podcast because 0 learned some stu 5 as you did, too, but 0!m going to claim it as
my own 5 we!re doing a little launch o a small product that we created and we 1ust
wanted to test a ew things. 0t!s a pretty cheap product; it!s a 74.88 product and we
have tested things like this beore but 1ust on their own.
This time, we decided to put an upsell on the other end o this product and it wasn!t a
lot o upsell 5 it was about 7-4.88 5 but what we were inding was that a massive
percentage 5 0!m talking 98 percent or so 5 bought the upsell.
Heather Porter: Ama:ing.
Andrew McCauley: And, you know, ordinarily, we would have 1ust given the 74.88
and said, ;Hey, that!s pretty cool,< but all these people bought the upsell and we were
like, ;*ow. *e!ve been leaving money on the table.<
So, you know, it!s one o those things that 0 hear all the time, especially rom pretty
astute marketers who say, ;#ou know, you!ve got to have an upsell, you!ve got to
have an upsell,< and 0!m like, ;#eah, yeah, yeah,< and, you know, we!ve tested this
beore and know it!s worked, but it 1ust goes to show that 0 don!t think we!ll ever not
do an upsell again rom now on because it!s one o those things that, hey, people
want it 5 i they want it, they want to buy it, give them the opportunity to do that.
So, 0 learned that this week was all about making sure we remember the good stu
and implement it in your business.
Heather Porter: =ery, very cool. 0 know 0 was pretty shocked, too 5 ama:ed and
happy about the whole learning and 1ust seeing it unold. >ne little trick on that is
that we gave a video training and then we basically were upselling a live training with
Andrew and 0 to actually walk through what we were doing in the video training. So, a
nice natural progression. 0t!s like, i you!re giving something to somebody, how else
can you help them out% And you can use that as an upsell.
Andrew McCauley: #es, yes. 3ow, what did you learn this week% &ive us a
rundown o what you learned.
Heather Porter: Sure. 0 was reading some interesting articles 1ust on, 0 guess,
more o the child side o the 0nternet and 0 know, in the news yesterday, there!s a
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new story that broke that there was this horrible pedophilia ring that ?88@8A@A9
unclearB thousands o people that are putting, you know, pictures o kids and sharing
them rom the age range o CD to CE. And it got me to thinking, you know what% How
could kids protect themselves better online% $ecause, when you use search engines
like &oogle and you!re going onto dierent websites, there!s these things called
cookies that are dropped onto your computer and that!s how, when you travel around
the 0nternet, dierent websites know what sorts o ads to dish up. They keep data on
you 5 on your whole 1ourney o wherever you go. And it ultimately starts with a
search in &oogle.
So, 0 came across a really cool search engine called DuckDuck&o 5 like, remember
that old children!s game, Duck Duck &o 5 Duck Duck &oose, actually, it was called.
DuckDuck& and, basically, it protects 5 especially as a child 5 it!s a search
engine that does not track you and your 0/ address, your demographics, and your
movements throughout the 0nternet. So, it!s 1ust a cool little tool 0 stumbled across
that, potentially, or kids and or those o us that are scared about our protection and
privacy online could use to ind things online. /retty cool.
Andrew McCauley: So, do you think that would be a good site or schools and stu
like that%
Heather Porter: #eah.
Andrew McCauley: 0 they were into the marketing stu, yeah.
Heather Porter: #eah.
Andrew McCauley: Anyone that!s got minors or young people they!re trying to
educate or let them use things. That!s a great idea, actually.
Heather Porter: And you can set it as your homepage on your computer in your
house. So, i you have a amily home, you can set it as the homepage and 1ust say to
your kids, ;Fvery time you!re looking or stu, you know, or reports or whatever, go
ahead and start there. That!s where you start.<
Andrew McCauley: So, let me ask you a cra:y 2uestion, would that browser have a
history in it% )ould you go back to your history o that browser%
Heather Porter: Grom when 0 looked, no. 0t!s all very sae.
Andrew McCauley: That!s what 0!m thinking.
Heather Porter: 0t!s untrackable.
Andrew McCauley: That!s what 0!m thinking. #ou wouldn!t be able to have a
Heather Porter: 3o.
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Andrew McCauley: #ou close the tab and it!s like, ;*hat was that page again%<
#ou!ve lost it.
Heather Porter: #eah.
Andrew McCauley: So, yeah, i you!re anything like me, don!t use it because 0 use
that history button all the time.
Heather Porter: #eah, 0!m the same and 0!m cool about my data getting out there,
you know% *hatever. 0t!s what it is. $ut, yeah, or those that are more protective, it!s
a potential tool.
Andrew McCauley: #eah.
Heather Porter: So, yeah. And now, basically, talking about measuring, the reason
why we!ve thought o this, obviously, we!re doing a lot o it right now, but 0 think it!s
a cool topic because one o our clients not too long ago, they said to me, ;*e want to
have a weekly report,< and 0 said, ;*hat would you like to see on that report%< and
there was crickets. Honestly, they didn!t know. 0t!s like that whole thing, ;0 you don!t
know what you don!t knowH< especially i you!re newer to online marketing, ;Hyou
otentimes don!t even know what!s available to you to look at.<
Andrew McCauley: That!s hilarious. 0 get a lot. 0t!s like, ;*e need a report' *e
need a report' Iuickly' Iuickly'< ;>kay. Here it is.< ;0t!s a blank page.< ;#es, what
did you want%< ;0 don!t know. 0 don!t know.<
Heather Porter: $ut the thing is, too, it got to that point o, ;>kay, would you like
to see your email statistics% Thereore, how many were sent out, how many were
opened and click.< ;>h, yeah, that!d be great. ?88@8J@8- unclearB see what happened
as a result o the email.< ;*hat do you mean%< ;#ou know, did people buy
something% Did they book into something%< ;>h. >h, really% #ou could track that%<
$ut, seriously, in all seriousness, what we!ve put together now is 2uite an intricate,
helpul little tool that they now reer to 5 not only then but other people we!ve been
using and we!re starting it up or 0 guess using more o it in our own business.
So, we thought we should 1ust have a candid talk about, 0 guess, what people don!t
know is available to them and also some easy things that you can look at to start to
track what!s going on.
Andrew McCauley: #eah, and we!re not going to get into too much o the how to go
and do these or how to go ind these because we!ve done a podcast on this beore
and a lot o that is still very relevant so, although the 0nternet changes a lot, our
podcast series that we did, and you might be able to tell me what numbers they
were, H, because 0 can!t remember rom the top o my head, but we did a series on
dierent optimi:ations and how to grow your business using analytics and that sort o
thing so it!s well worth going back and checking that out i you want to ind out how
to use these speciically.
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$ut, today, 0 think we!re 1ust going to talk about why you want to do that. *hat are
some o the things that you get out o looking at these various bits and pieces o data
that you!ve got available to you.
Heather Porter: #eah, and 1ust to know that they even e"ist in the irst place and
that there might be some little tweaks that you can do as a result o listening to this
episode to start to actually measure what we!re going to suggest to you which is cool.
And, Andrew, by the way, those episodes, they start with episode +C9 and, i you go
to our website, Autopilot#our$usiness.comKpodcast, there is a yellow little banner on
the right.hand side that says, ;6earn to love your stats,< and, i you click on it, you!ll
have a ew podcasts on that page that are us actually walking you through the how.
to!s o what we!re going to talk about.
Andrew McCauley: *e are so organi:ed. That!s ama:ing.
Heather Porter: There you go. So, let!s start with emails. 6et!s have a chat around
what can or the why o tracking emails.
Andrew McCauley: #eah, yeah, okay. &ood.
Heather Porter: *ith an email, all email tools that you use to send out marketing
emails other than >utlook, you know, your own internal email tools 5 we!re talking
marketing tools like (ail)himp, ?88@C8@CJ unclearB Leport, or >ice Autopilot,
0nusionsot, Aweber, those 5 they all have statistics. And so, a really good habit to
build is, every time you send an email, go and have a look at how many were
delivered, what your undeliverable rate is, opt.out rate, click.through rate.
Start to get riendly with your numbers to start to see i there!s, you know, trends, or
ups and downs, or what!s actually happening. And, o course, this is a really good
chance to see which emails are most popular.
Andrew McCauley: 6et me ask you a 2uestion. *hen do you do that% 6ike, you hit
the send button and then go and look at the statistics% Should you wait a couple o
days% *hat!s the general timerame you like to use%
Heather Porter: #eah, 0 like to use it twice. So, 0!ll go in, generally, i it!s an email
that!s sent out in the evening, 0!ll check it in the morning. $ut 0!ll deinitely wait a
couple o hours in the aternoon, i 0 sent it in the aternoon or morning. So, a couple
o hours ater the ne"t morning and then 0 wait sort o another C- hours and 0 have a
look at that point, 0 ind that the ma1ority o people will open an email within sort o
that -8.hour range.
Andrew McCauley: >kay. So, let!s break this down a little bit. So, 0!ve sent out an
email to a list. 6et!s say, 1ust or argument!s sake and ease o mathematics here,
there!s C88 people on my list and 0 know that each list will be dierent and it!ll
depend but there must be, and there!s an industry or a generic accepted standard o
how many people would open my email. So, 0!m looking at my open rate and 0 see a
igure. *hat igure would be a good igure or me to be looking and saying, ;Hey, 0!m
happy with that sort o igure<%
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Heather Porter: Gor their open rate%
Andrew McCauley: #es.
Heather Porter: And, yes, it does totally depend on the industry. So, i you!re more
in, like, inancial services or real estate or even some types o seminars, you!re going
to be on the lower end. So, we!re talking, like, CJ percent, -8 percent. The higher
range or non.proits or 5 what do you call them% 5 not.or.proit businesses.
Andrew McCauley: 3ot.or.proit, yeah.
Heather Porter: #eah, yeah, yeah, or art or music, those are the higher end, the
more creative, those are upwards o about D8 percent as the going rate across all,
you know, types o businesses in these industries.
So, general small business products or services sit right in the middle. So, i you!re
getting around -E percent, it!s really good.
Andrew McCauley: So, that!s one in every our people on my list will open my
email. That!s it.
Heather Porter: #eah.
Andrew McCauley: So, it doesn!t matter how good my copy is inside the email.
There!s only one in every our people opening my email.
Heather Porter: That!s right.
Andrew McCauley: *ow. So, when we talk about how do we i" that sort o
problem, how do we get more people to open your email rate, you either, 0 guess,
you!ve got to test your sub1ect headings to really attract people to open it or engage
with your customers a lot better because, you know, 0 was talking to someone
recently, they have an open rate o ,E percent, and 0!m like, ;*ow' How much time
do you spend with your customer%< and they said, ;*ell, we spend a lot o time. 0
make sure that 0!m really personali:ing everything,< and it!s paying o because si"
out o ten people now are opening those emails which is a lot better than our out o
ten 5 sorry 5 two out o ten, our out o ten. 0 can!t do my math.
So, yeah, that!s pretty ama:ing, isn!t it%
Heather Porter: So, 0 guess the rule o thumb around that is that, i you don!t even
know what!s happening then you have no idea, irst o all, which are your most
popular emails and what people are actually liking. 0!ve seen a lot people 1ust put
emails out and 1ust keep doing the same thing over and over again without ever even
caring about the results.
And so, looking at that as an industry, like, a benchmark and then, i you can go
above that, then you know you!re doing something right.
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Andrew McCauley: #eah, right. >kay.
Heather Porter: So, that!s the irst thing.
3ow, the second thing to look at is your list growth. So, is your email list actually
growing or is it shrinking% >bviously, your email list is going to shrink naturally over
time because you!re going to have people opting out. $ut the big thing that people
ail to look at is they reak out about, ;>h, my god, 0 have all these opt.outs,< but are
you also looking at your growth%
So, to know what!s happening with your growth is to look at your opt.ins 5 where the
dierent orms are across all o your web properties and how many people are
actually coming in 5 and then you can compare that across your opt.out rate.
Andrew McCauley: So, opt.outs are people that don!t want to hear rom you
anymore, they!ve said, ;#ou know, 0!d had enough. &et me out o here.<
Heather Porter: That!s right. And, your opt.ins, again, i you!re using an email
program like a (ail)himp, you!ll have orms in these and those are the orms you
stick on your website, and you have what!s called list growth or, basically, when
people are signing up and they!re going into an email list o yours, you can track that
every week. #ou can see how many people are coming into your list. So, o course, as
a business, you always want your list to grow. So, you!re looking at, ;>kay. 0 always
want to keep my growth ahead o the opt.outs,< knowing that you!re going to get
opt.outs and that!s totally normal. So, how are you going to grow your list% And
that!s why, you know, you and 0 talk a lot about where do you put your orms,
how do you use landing pages, where do you send people or what social media
accounts, how do you talk about your opt.ins and get people to those pages to opt in.
0t!s so important to be ocusing on your and your list growth in addition to
sending out your on.going emails.
Andrew McCauley: #eah, 0 like what you said, too, about don!t take it personally
because, you know, sometimes, 0 know when 0 started, 0!m like, ;That person opted
out' *hat% Did 0 upset them% Are they okay% Are they even going to talk to me
again%< /eople do it all the time. 0t!s not a big deal.
$ut what 0 was going to add was e"tremely important and it is this@ you know, as
your business grows, and over time, let!s say you had a business or two or three
years, what you are oering two or three years ago may be a little bit dierent than
what you!re oering now. #our services have, you know, grown and evolved, and
sometimes, when you oer something new, people that were signing up or your
inormation two or three years ago are thinking it!s not relevant or they may have
even changed their re2uirements, too. #ou know, they may have been in a 1ob or a
position where they wanted your knowledge. They may have moved on to a dierent
place. They!ve still got the same email address. There is no need or your inormation
anymore so they opt out. So, it!s not a personal thing. 0t!s 1ust sometimes it!s 1ust the
way that their lie has evolved and your business has evolved so don!t take it as a
personal attack, that!s or sure.
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Heather Porter: #eah, absolutely. Must e"pect it. $e happy with it because that
means that you!re keeping a list is responsive and resh.
Andrew McCauley: And, on top o that, the more people that stay on your list, the
more responsive that will get 5 you know, that -8 percent or the -E percent That will start getting higher as you get better 2uality people on your list, too.
Heather Porter: #eah, e"actly.
3ow, the ne"t thing o this, so we talked about, you know, your on.going email
communications and those stats. *e!ve also talked about looking at your list to
making sure it!s growing and comparing the two. $ut then, o course, it!s important to
look at the results 5 you know, the results o your marketing. So, the L>0 sort o
igure which a lot o people will say, ;&ive me the L>0.< So, that is, i you send out an
email, does the person become a client or take the ne"t action% *hatever that action
is that you want them to take. So, that could be buying a product, that could be
signing up or a coaching session, that could be getting another ree report. So, this is
the conversion and you want to be looking at what is happening or that. And 0
actually report that as a separate area or a separate tab in your spreadsheet or
however you want to look at it. And there!s dierent ways o doing that.
So, the key thing with this is going orward in your business, making sure that those
links that you put in your emails are trackable in some way, shape, or orm so you
know that, i /erson A gets the email, they click on the link, and they go sign up, and
they!re on suddenly another list, and they!ve gotten, say, your ree ebook rom that
email, do you know and can you track that /erson A did that because o the email
that you sent out% >r are you 1ust randomly going, ;>h, cool' 0 have more ebook
subscribers in this list,< but you have no idea where they came rom.
So, again, we!re talking about how, 0 guess, the bigger picture 5 the ;why,< not the
;how.< (ost programs that you!re going to be using will have some sort o way o
tracking these links and, i you!re currently not doing this, this is the paying point,
this is the thing when 0 was saying to that client, ;*hat do you want in your report%<
and then 0 said, ;6et!s also track what!s going on with your emails,< and they!re like,
;>h, my gosh' *hat a concept'<
Andrew McCauley: #eah, really.
Heather Porter: $ut they 1ust didn!t know it could actually be done and that they
could analy:e their data in this way. So, i you!re not tracking that yet, you need to
be, and you need to ind out how.
Andrew McCauley: And 0!m betting that they!re not the only people out there who
didn!t know about this stu.
Heather Porter: (ost people.
Andrew McCauley: #ou know, there!s a lot o people out there who 1ust don!t know
what they don!t know 5 as you said at the start o the show.
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Heather Porter: #eah, they!re 1ust looking at list growth or independent ways
rather than looking at it holistically and what!s happening inside o your list.
Andrew McCauley: #es, yes. *hat else have you got in there% *hat else is some o
Heather Porter: >kay. So, we!ve talked about, you know, the emails and the list
and all that stu. $ut what about bigger picture like your keywords and your website
and your traic% So, traic!s a big part, o course, building your list and where is that
coming rom% So, 0 guess, there!s two types o traic that 0 look at and one is your
social media and your insights over there, but you!re also looking at your website
itsel using analytics.
Andrew McCauley: #eah, yeah, yeah.
Heather Porter: So, let!s start with social media. *hat are some o the things, 0
guess, that you and 0 are looking at when we look in our social media accounts%
Andrew McCauley: Are we talking in terms o traic or the actual traic rom social
media or you want to talk about the traic inside your social media platorms%
Heather Porter: $oth, 0 guess, yeah, both.
Andrew McCauley: *ell, 0 guess, let!s look at social media platorms. A lot o them
will have some sort o analytics attached to it. Gacebook does. 6inked0n has a little bit
o analytics 5 not a lot but it has a little bit. Twitter, there!s a whole bunch o third.
party apps that you can use or analytics or that as well. #ouTube certainly has a lot
o analytics. &oogleN has analytics connected to it as well, and &oogle Analytics itsel
is connected to &oogleN.
So, there!s a whole range o dierent tools that you can use out there. *hat was one
o the biggest things% 6et!s talk about Gacebook because Gacebook!s the biggest 5 still
the biggest 5 platorm out there. $ut Gacebook, you know, one o the biggest
measurement aspects o Gacebook was, ;>h, 0!ve got all these likes on my page.
*hoopi doo'< At the end o the day, likes were a good thing or a little while, but then
people could reali:e they could buy likes, they could get them all manuactured sort
o thing.
So, the biggest engagement right now 5 sorry, 0 1ust gave it away 5 the biggest
actor on Gacebook is engagement. How engaged are your people on your page% Are
they sharing, commenting, and liking your posts% And, i they!re doing that, then
you!re going to be engaged and Gacebook will look at that and say, ;Hey, these
people are engaged, that means other people might like the same content as well.<
So, as ar as organic growth goes, you want to be looking at what your engagement
actors are on Gacebook.
Heather Porter: #eah, e"actly. *e 1ust did a past episode on Twitter tools as well.
*e recommend you go check that out because we talked about how to, you know, do
some Twitter analytics in there and some o the tools that you can use or that.
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And, as ar as #ouTube, like, when 0 look in #ouTube, 0 1ust like to go into =ideo
(anager. So, you log into your #ouTube account, go into =ideo (anager, and you can
see in one place down the list o all your videos and how many views you!re getting.
So, on a snapshot, you can see what your most popular videos are.
Andrew McCauley: #eah, and you know, one o the good little tools that!s available
on analytics or #ouTube is the how many minutes were watched on your videos. 0t
tells you how long people are watching your videos.
Heather Porter: #es' #eah.
Andrew McCauley: And it also gives you an indication o how long people are
watching a speciic video. So, i you!re doing a little video that goes or three minutes
and, or some reason, there!s a massive drop.o ater C@-8, you can go back to that
video and look at what happens at C@-8 that 0 lose everybody. #ou know, does the
sound 2uality disappear% 0s there a blank space on the video% >r is it something that
1ust really oends people at that C@-8 mark% And you can go back and look at that
and then really think, ;*ell, how do 0 change that and i" that up so you can rectiy
that sort o situation%< So, it!s some really good analytics you can use to do that sort
o thing.
Heather Porter: #eah. So, look, 0 mean, 0 think it!s important 5 even i you!re not
going to get in the habit o doing this every week or even every day 5 to make it a
point to do this once a month where you kind o sit down on your Saturday, have
your cup o coee in the morning, and you go, ;)ool. 0!m going to go into my social
media accounts and check out what!s going on,< because this, o course, is where you
igure out what to do more o. >bviously, i one video has ive views and one has
E88, you wouldn!t keep doing the topic with the ive.
0t!s 1ust knowing and being smart to the act that all these platorms have these
measurable in them and you can go check them out and really use them.
Andrew McCauley: #eah.
Heather Porter: Then, let!s talk about, 0 guess, traic on your website and, again,
look, &oogle Analytics is the most well.known tool that!s out there and it!s pretty easy
to use. 0 mean, 0!ll tell you the three things 0 like to look at and 0!d be curious to see
i you agree, Andrew.
$ut 0 like to look at, o course, the homepage to see 1ust the general overview in
analytics o the website. So, looking at the graph that they provide or traic going up
and down because you can see 5 which days o the week even 5 is where your traic
comes rom.
Andrew McCauley: #es.
Heather Porter: So, or me, 0 would say, ;>kay. So, i it!s (onday, what else can 0
do on a (onday% )an 0 do my blogs on a (onday% 0s there something 0 could do on
my website to beneit rom that%< (aybe there!s a special that 0 oer every (onday.
So, look at it like that.
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So, in Analytics, there!s a menu in there and 0 like to go down to $ehavior, and under
there, there!s something called Site )ontent and then also 6anding /ages. #ou guys
can &oogle this easy, 1ust go in Analytics, how to ind landing pages. $ut what a
landing page is it!s telling me where people are inding my site. So, 0 think it!s
incredibly important. #ou actually can see the pages in your site people are landing
and you can start to work out why that!s happening. So, is there speciic blogs that
people are avoring% Speciic topics% #ou know, how are they inding your site%
And then, the last thing 0 like to look at is keywords as well. So, there!s a keywords
area in there. They still are showing some keywords so you can get an idea o what.
Andrew McCauley: 0 was about to say, ;Are you going to be seeing them or long%<
because 0 know that they!re about to sort o hide those and reduce the amount o
those pretty rapidly.
Heather Porter: #eah, and they already are. $ut 0!m still seeing them so, 0 guess,
at the time you!re listening to this, you can still see them in there. $ut, yeah, you!re
So, that!s how 0 use it. *hat about you% Are there other things that you look or
whenever you go into it%
Andrew McCauley: #eah, 0 look at a couple o things. 0 look at the bounce rate. 0
like to know i people are getting to my site and then bouncing o. Do they look
anywhere else or they 1ust leave%
Heather Porter: #eah.
Andrew McCauley: $ecause, i you!ve got a large, really high bounce rate 5 like,
say, 98 percent, it means 98 percent o the people that go there go, ;>h, 0!m in the
wrong place,< 5 now, what does that mean% 0t could mean that some o your
inormation that comes up in &oogle search could be misleading.
Heather Porter: &ood point.
Andrew McCauley: /eople are looking or a speciic topic, they get taken to a page,
and they!re like, ;>h, this is not what 0!m looking or,< and then they!re out o there
which aects your bounce rate.
The other thing 0 like to look at is their time on site. How long do people spend on my
site% Have 0 got stu there that!s keeping them there% Are there videos there that
people are watching% Are there images or are there articles that they!re reading
which let them stay on my site% 0s there other inormation that they may want to look
at that keeps them there% So, 0 like to look at my time on site.
>ne thing 0 do want to add 5 and you said go and do a &oogle search or &oogle
Analytics 5 &oogle Analytics has their own #ouTube channel and they have playlists
or beginners and e"perts and all sorts o things 5 really, really good 2uality videos.
So, go and check them out i you want to get into analytics. 0t!s almost an entire
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course in itsel or ree on #ouTube and they!ve got it so that you can watch one ater
the other. So, it!s &oogle Analytics. )heck that out on their #ouTube channel. 0t!s
really, really cool.
Heather Porter: That is a really good piece o advice right there because that!s
going to help anybody start to think rom a numbers perspective a little bit more. So,
that!s good.
Andrew McCauley: #es.
Heather Porter: The ne"t thing 0 like to look at 5 and 0 know we!re starting to get
close to the end here 5 is then what happens or ollow.up% So, you know, we talked
about L>0 or 0 guess conversions and what happens past the point when you have a
conversion% *hether that!s an or is that somebody that signs up or a product,
then what% Are you tracking what happens ne"t%
So, that could be, do you have tasks that go to your team% Do they do phone calls
and are you doing a reporting system with that team member to see what happens
ne"t% Do you have some sort o ollow.up program that!s happening behind the
scenes% And, i so, how many o those emails are being opened% So, it!s more 1ust
looking at what am 0 currently doing to people that actually take action with me to
support them, to have customer service, and have that ne"t step.
So, in the case o this report, one o the things 5 0!m thinking or one o our clients 5
they have a unnel and, in that unnel, there!s a point in that unnel where an auto.
responder email goes out to invite the person to an event. So, the system that they
have is actually ?88@-4@AD unclearB Leport or >ice Autopilot and it has a task in it. A
lot o bigger systems have you do this. *hat happens is that you can trigger an email
to go out to a particular person on the team to say, ;/erson A 1ust got the event
invite email. Gollow them up,< and then you can actually send in the data o that
person and then that sales person on the team gets that in their inbo", it!s a task,
and then they know at that point, ;)ool. This person 1ust got this email. They have a
copy o the email in ront o them,< and they can then call the person and reer
directly to the email that the person got.
So, we have reporting on that so the head o marketing gets a list o all the people
that have come in and her sales team, you know, who!s been alerted during that
week so she can then go to the sales team and say, ;Hey guys' How!d it all go% )an
you tell me the updates on all these people%< Up until a month ago, she would have
not ever even known to do this with her sales team.
Andrew McCauley: #eah, really. 0t makes it so easy or her, doesn!t it%
Heather Porter: 0t!s right there. 0t!s all right there and everyone!s on the same
page now and, now, everything with the systems in the business are tightening as a
result o it.
Andrew McCauley: #eah. >ne 2uestion 0 like to ask some o our clients is, you
know, what!s the lietime value o a customer% And so many people don!t understand
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what that is or know what that means, and not only do they not know what it means,
they don!t even know why they should know'
0!ll give you an e"ample. 0 was talking to a lady who sells cupcakes recently and 0
said to her, ;#ou know, what!s the lietime value o a customer%< because we were
talking about opt.ins and how she should be building a database. #ou know, she goes
to these local airs and she sells her cupcakes at a stand and she!s like, ;*ell, you
know, 0 don!t get many people on my website,< and 0 said, you know, ;*hy aren!t
you collecting names and addresses at the air%< and then she said, ;*ell, you know,
0 1ust see people walking past and 0 try and give them some ree cupcakes and that
sort o stu,< and 0!m like, ;>kay. 6et!s break this down 1ust or a little second right
now. *hat!s the lietime value o a customer%< and she said, ;0 don!t know.<
0 said, ;*ell, i 0 was a customer and 0 was going to come back and buy some
cupcakes over and over again, how much money would 0 spend per year%< and she
said, ;>h, probably 7E8.< 0!m like, ;>kay. That!s a little amount. $ut, okay, let!s say
it!s 7E8,< 0 said, ;And you!ve got all these people walking past your stand. 3ow, i you
were to collect C88 people!s names and addresses while you!re standing at the
stand,< because she!s got oot traic, like, physical traic, and this is where the
bridge comes in where so many businesses have physical oot traic whether they!re
restaurants or servicing people where they!re connecting with them all the time or
they!re at networking events and that sort o thing. #ou know, 0 said, ;0 you get C88
people in your list there and you emailed out to, let!s say they!re all new because
they!re walking past your stand, they!re not on your list, they!ve never bought rom
you, you get C88 people in that list and you send out an email and let!s say 5 and we
use the igures that you talked about today 5 let!s say -8 percent o those people that
walked past open an email rom you ne"t week, how many people, what!s -8 percent
o C88 people%< She said, ;-8,< and 0 said, ;>kay, great. 6et!s say 1ust ten percent o
those people become a customer 5 1ust ten percent o that -8 5 how many is that%
0t!s two people.< And she!s like, ;>kay.< 0 said, ;So, what!s the lietime value o those
two people added together%< She said, ;7C88.< 0 said, ;So, thereore, you!re looking
at every person that signs up to your list is worth 7C.88 to you,< and she!s like, ;Ah'
So, now, ne"t time you sit at the air and you watch all those people walk people,
count the dollars. )ount the dollars that are walking past. Fvery time someone walks
past you, i you can get them to sign up, 1ust know that that could be a dollar or you
coming into your bank account. And she!s like, ;*ow' 0 never thought o it that way,<
And 0!m like, ;That!s the problem. /eople don!t see that. They don!t see.< 0 mean, you
don!t look at people as money all the time. $ut understand what that is worth to you.
$ecause they!re signing up or a ree report, don!t 1ust think it!s 1ust a name. /ut a
dollar value to it and say, ;*ow' This person could be worth a dollar to me down the
Heather Porter: 0 love that. That is a goodH 0 remember when you brought meH
*e have ormulas or that and everything, too, and you were showing me your
spreadsheet. 0 thought that is such a cool thing because it was even knew to me at
that time as well.
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Andrew McCauley: #eah, yeah, and, you know, it had made sense. 6ike, when you
break it down to a simple little e"ercise like that, they go, ;Ah'< and it dawns on them
that, you know, ;0!ve been looking at people and 0!m 1ust thinking they!re wasting my
time,< but then you stick a little dollar sign on their heads as they walk past, all o a
sudden it!s like, ;Hey, 0!m working hard to get some e"tra dollars here,< you know%
Heather Porter: 0t!s a good one.
Andrew McCauley: #eah.
Heather Porter: 3ow, there!s one more thing, 0 guess, that 0 want to say 2uickly
about the report that 0 think!s important is that, i you!re a company and you have M=
partners or ailiates, then you should also be aware o what they!re doing.
So, two easy things on that, you can easily use &oogle Analytics 5 i you have ailiate
links, you can use &oogle Analytics and go into the landing pages and see which o
your M= partners is promoting you because it!ll show you the UL6 o the landing page
that people come in on. So, every single week, you can do a report and you can
reward your biggest reerrals.
Andrew McCauley: So, you don!t need to have e"pensive ailiates tracking
Heather Porter: 3o, not at all. The ailiate sotware is what you need to give them
a link. $ut, to actually see i they!re doing their 1ob and they!re sending traic, you
can 1ust use analytics on that one.
Andrew McCauley: *ow.
Heather Porter: *hich is, again, it allows you to build your tribe o reerral partners
because you!re really knowing who are the ones you should pay attention to and
reward. So, that!s something you can look at as well as 1ust emails that are going out
to your ailiate partners. #ou!d want to track that separately to see are they also
opening them% Are they responding to you% How are they engaging with the
marketing materials that you send to them as part o the program%
Andrew McCauley: #es.
Heather Porter: So, 1ust a whole other thing to be thinking o because, a lot o the
times, the whole M= structure is 1ust let on the side and you think, once you give
somebody an ailiate link, that!s it. Hopeully they!ll go promote.
Andrew McCauley: That!s the hardest thing ever.
Heather Porter: #eah.
Andrew McCauley: The biggest mistake you!ll get is thinking that even your
riends, even your parents, your brother and your sister, will go and promote like
heck or you. They won!t and you can 2uickly see who is and who isn!t using those
sort o tools. That!s great.
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Heather Porter: F"actly. Those are the things, 0 guess, or me, that 0 look at rom a
perspective o every business owner should know. $ig picture o what!s going on in all
those areas.
Andrew McCauley: #eah, good. That!s awesome.
*ell, 0 think that!s a pretty good rundown. 0 know we!ve gone over a little bit o time
today but, you know, 0 think there!s some good clarity coming out o that little
session today, H.
Heather Porter: 0 agree' So important this stu and it!s so much the stu that
people 1ust go, ;Uh' 0 don!t want to hear it' 0 am out o here' 0t!s overwhelming' (y
head!s rying'<
Andrew McCauley: #ou know, 0 did an interview yesterday with a guy who!s a
coach. He coaches sort o e"perts all over the world and, you know, 0 asked him what
was the best piece o advice and he said, ;As much as you may hate numbers, you!ve
got to treat them as your best riend because that gives you the indication o where
your business is going.< 0 so believe that. #ou know, it!s one o those things that it!s
?88@DA@E8 unclearB so apt. So, yeah.
Heather Porter: #eah, very well.said.
Andrew McCauley: Awesome.
Heather Porter: All right'
Andrew McCauley: All right. 0 people want to ind out more, where can they go%
*here can they get the resources and what else do they need to know%
Heather Porter: &uys, we!d love you to pop on by iTunes, actually. 0 you haven!t
let us a review there yet, this is how we know i we!re doing our 1ob right by you.
Any comments, any reviews that you can leave or us on iTunes, we have a cool little
tool where we can read them rom all over the world so we!d love to hear you there.
And, also, Autopilot#our$usiness.comKpodcast, that!s where we have our show notes
and resources and past episodes. And, i you haven!t grabbed your Survival &uide
yet, you deinitely want to make sure and get that. So, you go to
Andrew McCauley: 0 want to see a review rom somebody in 0taly and 0 want to
see someone in &ermany. 0 want them to tell us what they were doing when they
listened to this podcast. 0 want to hear them talking pi::a, pasta.
Heather Porter: (e, too. (e, too.
Andrew McCauley: And, i you!re not, 1ust make it up. All right, H.
Heather Porter: All right.
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Andrew McCauley: See you later, everybody.
Heather Porter: )ool. Thanks, guys. Talk soon'
MC: (ake sure to grab out ree business automation guide now and get access to
other special bonuses. Head on over to
All passengers and cabin crew should now be seated with their seatbelt securely
astened. 6adies and gentlemen, this is the irst oicer speaking. >n behal o your
captains, Andrew (c)auley and Heather /orter, we would like to thank you or taking
the 1ourney with us to Autopilot #our $usiness. #ou are now closer to putting your
own business on autopilot using the 0nternet.
> course, i you would like to rack up some re2uent lyer points, visit our website
www.Autopilot#our$ or check us out on Gacebook at
Gacebook.comKAutopilot#our$usiness. These re2uent lyer points are totally useless
but the inormation is gold.
Until we ly again, happy travels'
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