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Universitatea "Babes-Bolyai"

- Facultatea de drept-
Legal Expressions
Student:Sima Daniela Sabina
1.public scrutiny(control public)=Permanent or periodic
verification activity,situations etc, to track her progress and
to take action to improve.
e$: % &ill does not have to be preceded by a 'hite or
(reen paper,although it may have been presented for public
scrutiny,that is,e$amination,in draft form earlier.
)Public control is done at the time of check in means of
transport tickets
*.point of la(problema +uridica)=,atter that presents
blurred issues, issues that re-uire clarification, an
indication that lends itself to discussion.
e$:% point of la is encountered at every turn in the legal
..offices ith support (birouri cu suport)=/ocal, local or
part of a room here a person orks or service.
e$:&oth public notaries and layers orking in the so)
called office.
0.practise at the &ar(practica la &arou)=1ffective
implementation and verification of theoretical knoledge
ac-uired in any field.
(2$ford 3ollocations 4ictionary)
e$:'hen you ork as a barriser is practise at the &ar
5.public servant (functionar public)=6he person ho
fulfills the administrative ork.
e$:3ivil servants operating in the public domain.
7.poer of attorney(imputernicire)=(iving someone the
poer to do something, he gives mandate to authorise.
($ut% Gairns" Stuart $edman "#dioms &nd '%rasal (erbs")
e$:6o represent the rights of a person legally you need a
poer of attorney.
8.practical training(instruire practica)=6eaching knoledge
and skills in an institution invtamant9 instruction.
e$:6o get a layer, +udge re-uires a practical training.
:.police officers(ofiteri de politie)=(eneric name for
military ranks from lieutenant to general, the person ho
ears one of these degrees, the title given to officers ith
duties or special assignments person ith this title.
e$:Police officers are subordinate prosecutor.
;.<ustice of the Peace(+udecator de pace)==tate official,
appointed or elected, ho settled through court processes
by a ruling.
(2$ford 3ollocations 4ictionary)
e$:<ustices of the Peace have very important role in the
settlement of disputes.
1>.to appeal to the public (a face apel la public)='ritten or
oral call addressed to a body or person.
e$:6o change the articles of the constitution, the president
appeal to the public.

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