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MsllW ...... P.....,
Dom! Plenlry
- BMtMclt Plenel)'
Co1'IM-I> reek
- Pletl8ly
J UIE 2to.1tl, I 014
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8:30-11:00 A AdlottMlllll .......... ll!qwlllo ntlll
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Nlmura.s.-m -lnllMWI.,
1-frl'l"a t..,IC..S.'W*
RMpcnHsto>Un1'W Wduuillm Deolgn
ndR<l-11' Flllll)I J.B.- A
-II Hl.d to 881
c.tllf 1 m of I noqllll lfi -'Wllllf"!lil<lf Aboull.-n.y
c.pertn o nto11on In Ille
Yolnl.J. '.Mb, poellM t.'kl-19flll9'
Dlltllbulon: polltcel _,omylne
lldmn &111111 on ,.,..beral" a<:edomle, &aencllk,A 'Ro)idlg Mllce' 1ee&-1911' Rej&<:f Otll -tho
PMohe RocepUon of
OlnMJI. R. 'Ad11tn, E. 'M:a.d1mlc e.p.tn1n1lll
Slnllll_h_ngt> FfMdam Conn
._,...,, ....
ofWMl<Du1111' lnlll1- FfMdam:
Thi d....,1111montof
Sllglllf 1 \4ewl'
Cllnul, Y.'The

PelA Silnl uo II on.>ll e<onomllll and
II poHClll oklt of
11:1512'-45 B _,..,llhl
l<i.f>o,8.'Blmmln9 Sotlul, S. *A. D'Onoth>, F.
TrHHolrtoM1m H8)clklon e,.lllndan Economloa
lllnHll: D11911d sto...rt ofHll)U'a 'Epl1llmlo -'Ca<pcnNlmo 1n
and Non-Qoomy Wordeor
Vero Ion tlfPoUdc.i Helfeld, C. 'Dding ModolriB!on "'1lje<:l'I'
EQlnom)I tl&RlllMof
Rdonel\r. Jaccl> Sana. G..,,,. Slugglo
Diii Degan, F. '8mltl Ml18cllllland die lotlhe E.eDn om I c &cllA
an.soo..,_ ,. Notm_T....,ln of"Nknlma1om:
.Gnomic S...nomlco, 11143
-.. .. "'_ ..
rale 18114' OiIW\'-ln
of---rdln Pollmllorill Clll.lna,

__ .... ,
CUnlw,A """ll\IOll
l>lquld\,D. '1
lnlllllutana of
0... lopnont 1Gnomtoa an
Economloo:...,, ln1111utana Int
economic cjornlnotlon
_,_,, ,,,.
111 colledh>e a'Nfon' ffOcdontot
&lndllenda, R. 'lite edit!'
1849 Wotld Bank
MUlcfl lo Colomblll
1111 lollcroMlp: Thi

cam1**'9>lolora at n-wtcalan
l.ouollln Clinle and -aalRllo\
AlbMtH!raohman lfla ConOll'lof
8uPffn)lllr,C.E. Non-tnpefllllls

EQlnomlc:. In llnrd:
ti& Fold Rlunddon
c.J lehen, G. .,
and die bfldnnhilt of of. 8odel eye
, ..... nd
.. , . ....-.
Gtooa!I, N,. au11o111 D. 'k
-.ipotton- Untmplo)ln111
llMdom tlf-ln
die (0 m14b .. re. of 'Thool)'llf
lmlc:an entl!Nof Unemplo)men
R!JtlGlfold, M. 'MllMlt Talaunl, N. 'Bel
ootc1e.-:rno hllalon: CO.ti
lnefil\loMllltVllw' lnlldonlllllOll
l.lrlo Un
Jclnon,M. ._ .. ,
Bucftsnan and Ille
creaang ldanatyand DeaRochas, T. 1961-1966' Problem of Fordar, J. 'Elgh
aoclal ralaaonahlps' 'Natural Capital: A Radlatrlbutlon In Publlc Iha Phllllps cur
Nowl Concept or the Sutela, P. 'Economists Choice' authentic and c
Lange, J. 'Positiw Sama Old Slllw?' and Authoritarian inauthentic'
feedback in Adam Regimes: The So\liet
Smith's theory of Union in 1932-1962'
2:00-3:30 c Adam Smith Ill YOUllG Scholars II 1h8 Dlsclplne al A'lecMch Wiii HllY11k Monetllrylhe1
Economics II
Ewns ky, J. 'Adam Bracarense, N. 'Raul Caldwell B. and L. Grandi, G. 'The
Smith's Economics: Prablach'a Cora and Kates, S. 'la the History Monies, 'Ha)'llk, Chlla Reid on Mone1
Prologue' Periphery Anal)'llls: h1 of Economic Thought and Plnochaf and ln1Braaf
Ewlution /lwayfrom a Economics? A
Perelman, M. 'Tha Dichotomous \/lew' Discussion of Iha Rola HorwiU, S. 'Ha)'llk on Ahiakpor, J. 'M
Curious Case of Adam and Future of HEr the Neunlity of Money' and Ba
Smilh's pin factory' Fajardo, M. 'Latin The Radundar
America, the UN and Boland, L. 'The main Lewis, P. 'The Frae-Banklng ,
Schumacher, R. 'Adam the Making of Iha First fallura of Econom lea Emergence of
Smith's Benefits from Regional Economic 101: Msleading "Emergence in Iha Coutinho, M.
Trade: A Further Note Surwy, 1947-1949' studenlS' Work of FA Hayek: An a 'S1andard Ml
on Iha Vant-for-Surplus Hlstor1cal Anal)'llls' 1600-1780 M
Theory' Serra, G. 'The A. 'Albert 0. Wr1Ungs'
Statistical Bureau, the Hirschman as a
Field and the Nation: Historiam of Economic
How Iha 1960 Thoughf
Populatlon Canaua
"Mada" Postcolonlal
Collea Break
3:45-5:15 D Adam Smith IV Econamlclheoryand Hletoryof Econamlc Chicago Hllnnard
Malhemat!Ga Thought and Economic
Ozier, S. 'Defenses and Complexity Medema, S. 'On lhe Santos-Redor
M:lrallty. Adam Smith, Moacaa, I. 'Auatrtan Origins of Iha Term, "Elizabeth Boe
Sigmund Fraud and Debates on Utlllty Colander, D. 'Chicago School" Schumpetar ("
Contemporary Maasuramantfrom 'ComplelCityand 1953): Econor
P)'llchoanal)'llis' Menger to Ha)ek' Economic Policy Van Hom,R. 'Hanerd wife"
'Corporate Funding,
Brllban, L. 'Smllhlan Carwjallno, J. 'The Dallis, J. 'Refte)dve Edward Lalli, and the Wlble, J. 'C.S.
S)m pathy: from Mode mist Economlc/lgents and Rise of Chicago Law Theory of Pbd1
Cognition to Emotion' Transformation of Consciousness: The and Economics in Iha El!pactations'
Economics During the SLAMapp!llach' 1950s'
Bae, M. 'Adam Smllh 1930s and 1940s In the Hoo1111r, K.D. 'l
and the Harmony of U.S.: Tensions Jownolllc, F. 'Breaking Boumans M. 'Friedman S. Peirce on Iii
Society: Between MalhemaUcal down the curious and the Cowles Science of Ea
101111 and structures and barrier belwaen Commission'
friendship' Mathern atical Feels' econophysics and
DQppe, T. 'Koopmans
In Iha Solliat Union: A Schlnckus, C .. 'The
trawl report oflhe owrusa of agent-based
sum mer of 1965' modelling in economic
5:15 -6:30 MHllng
Sunday E AdamSmlthV Aonllld H. Coue:A 17t!).18th CenlurlH Juatlce and Modem
9:30-11:QO Trlbuta S.Hlon Colonla .. m MaCl"08COl1oml
Blosser, J. 'From Virtue Ramos, A., 'The
1D Responsibility: Lavy, D. and S.J., Drapier as Economist Noell, E., 'ldantif)ing DuarlB, P., 'Fro1
Pushing Adam Sm ilh's 'When Ronald Coase Jonathan Swift's the Rights of the Poor. business C)de
M:lral Theoryfor a Was Asked to Testify Drapiera Leaara on Economic Provisions, Keynesian to D
Poat-Great Recession forlhe Fabian Society: Monayand Economic Oppress Ion and Macroeconom le
Worid' CompeUUw D81111lopmenf Go\ammental and models In I
Discussion in Liberal Responsbility in the amergance of a
Quinn, K. 'Smith's Ideology' Berdell, J., 'Jeremy Old Teslamenf consensus'
M:lral Objectlllism' Bentham: h1 Early
Marciano, A., 'Llablllty, AdllDCB.111 ofRegulatlng Clement, A., 'The Issue Dlmand, R., 'Ja
hldraws, D. 'Natura eldamalities and Bankers and !hair of the colonies in the Tobin and Mode
and Natural Order in Coasa's legacyin law Capital' first half of Iha 18th M:lnataryThaor
Iha Wealth of Nations' and economics' cenb.Jry'
Prasch, R., 'Dupont de Ramalho da Sii
Paganelli,M. Bertrand, E., '"The Nemours and the Emmet, R., 'Malthus, 'The Establish
'Educaaon In Sm Ith' Fuglaw": The ftgure of Orig Ina of Iha "Laissez Iha Sla\18 Trade, and Robert E. Luca1
the judge In Coasa's Faire, LalHez Pasaar" the CNlllzlng Elfadof Mllcroeconom le
economics' Maxim' the PrewnU\18 Chscks' EqulllMum In ti
Collea Break
11:15 12:45 F Austri.ns and Young II Topled'lt"9 H19toryof &plorlngt"9 l:ei:inomle, Hb
HungarillM OlineH Eeonomic DillciplSlary the Blogoaphe1
KonstanUnldla, C., Thought Bounclllrlu of 1 Ith roundlabl9 on I
Klausinger, H., 'Ha)lllk 'RadiSCOll8ring cantury Polltlcal history of reca
in Vienna: His projecls community in Peach, T., 'Tha His1Dry l:eonomy mcroeconmn
and publishers' economic thoughr of Ancient Chinese
Economic Thought A Charles,L, Pedro Duarte
Wasserman, J., Desmarais-Trembley, (R&-) lntrcducUon' 'Phielocracy end (Chairmen)
'Between Deba1Bs: M., 'AGeneelogyofthe Eighteenth-Century S1B118Ambler
The Resaardl Coni:iapt of Merit Chang, L. and Zhang, Sciences' Mlroal Boumar
Progr11m of Auslrian Wents' S., 'Choice and Kei,;n Hi:ioner
Economics In tha lnno118lon: the Crain, A., 'Rhe1Drlc and
1920s' Ragatz, J., 'Did the CharactBrlsacs of the the Language of
Consensus on Spread ofWes1Bm Political Economyin
Di Gitlllinazm, V., 'A Neoclassical Economics in M>dem Eighteenth-Century
matter ofcharaclar. Economics Represent China with M Anal)Bis France'
The relevance of ScienUftc Progress? A ofthe Transformaaon
Fromm's social New Approeci'I' of Chinese TradlUonel Relnert,S.,
anal)ISis 1D Sci1Dvsky's Economic Thought and 'Globali:zation and the
critique of the Institutions (1840- Culture of Capitalism:
consumer society' 1949Y Benjamin Franklin's
The Weyto Wealth
Weng, F. and Xiong, J., .Around the World'
'The Relationship
betwaan Economic
Thought and S)Btem in
the TranslUon Period of
r.tldem China (1840-
1949): A Casa Sludyof
the E>Qlution of the
Land S)91Bm'
Yue, X., 'Climatic
lnftuances on
Ph)Biocratic Thought in
the Hlslcryof
Chine: A Time Serles
.Analysis and Casa
K.ynole Ad*esa: Professor Da>id Engerman
Collea Break
G Sclentlfte Vlsl- Young Scholars IV 19th cantury Ti..m .. l:con011118ts and the Mi:i...taryand
Nation Empirical T"91
Centarlno, N. Chaaaon6ry- V6zlna, S., 'lndle: Carey,
'Circulation is the ZaTgouche, C., '"The Marxand the New York Zabal;m, J., 'Spanish Gomez, R.enc
Plinciple oflifa: Disturbing Effect of Tribune, 111..tsiled' Economisls and the Y., 'Paul wn ZJ.
Medical Thought and Sentiment and Clisis of Capitalism and the first )9
Econom le Anal)Bls In Prejudice": Francis Persky, J., 'Was John during U..e 1930s' US Federal Re
the Work of Ysidro Edgeworth on Stuart Mii an Hlslcrlcel System: A Hist
()Jes nay' Women's Wages' Ma1Brlallst? Was Kar1 Folrt>s, M.H., 'French Fed from a Mi
Manta Utilitarian?' School of Regulation Belgian Prime
Kaerg11ard, N. Romaniuc, R., 11nd Recent Economic
and 'Accident coals, San-Julian-Arrupa, J., Crisea' Pahtez,J., 'Nii
agrtcultural Resource allocaUon 'Economic Thought spirits end the
economics as and lndi>idual behind a Fiscal Tum. Klim ina, A., 'From demand'
inspiration' Rationality. Blum and Roads towards Weslem liber111ism of
Kalwn w. Calabresi' Progressi\18 TBJCation in early 19908 to neo- Kapuria-Foren
Tleben B. 'Whyls Europe at the End of the Euraslanlsm of lale 'Cross-Sedlor
there no entrepreneur Cla1188U, F., 19th Century' 2000s: changing the Tlm&-Serlas:
in Mses' Human 'Macrod!l'lamics of lens in Russian ParadOlllS in I
Action?' Economics: A eoonomios" Economics'
Bibliomelric History'
4:45-6:00 Dlllaigulahed Fellow Award
Prealdantlal AddreH: Proliaaaor rlargaret Schabas
Unleaa otherwise Indicated, all conliarenca actMUes are at UQAMs Pa-Allan De Sllw, O.e., De S6v& building). This Is
laca1Bd at320 st Catherine street a s ~ close 1D the ln1Brsectlon wl1h Sl Denis strut Please see Canfllr11nce Map.
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