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High in the mountains of BayanKara-Ula, on the boarders of China and Tibet - a team of archeologists
were conducting a very detailed routine survey of a series of interlinked caves. Their interests had been
ecited by the discovery of lines of neatly arranged graves which contained the skeletons of what must
have been a strange race of human beings! strange because they had unnaturally s"indly bodies and large,
overdevelo"ed heads. #t first, it had been thought that the caves had been the home of a hitherto unkown
s"ecies of a"e. But as the leader of the team - the Chinese archeologist, $rofessor Chi $u Tei - "ointed out,
%&ho ever heard of a"es burying each other'% (t was while studying the skeletons that one of the team
stumbled on a large, round stone disk, half buried in the dust on the floor of the cave. The team gathered
round the discovery, turning it this way and that. (t looked, absurdly, like a kind of )*tone #ge +ramo"hone
record). There was a hole in the center and a fine, s"iral groove radiated to the rim. Closer ins"ection,
however, showed that the groove was, in fact, a continous s"iralling line of closely written characters. The
ob,ect was a )record) ... in more ways then one. -nly nobody at the time - the year was ./01 - "ossessed the
key to its incredible message. The disc was labeled and filed away among other finds in the area. 2ven
those who knew of its eistence knew nothing of its meaning.
3any e"erts tried to translate the hierogly"hs in the 45 years the disc languished in $eking. They all
failed. (t was not until another "rofessor - 6r. Tsum Um 7ui - broke the code and started to deci"her the
)s"eaking grooves) that the etraordinary im"lications of the disc were reali8ed. 9eali8ed, that is, only by
only a select few. The outside world remained in ignorance. :or the "rofessor)s conclusions on the meaning
of the disc were so shattering that they were offically su""ressed. The $eking #cademy of $re-History
forbade him to "ublish his findings. Two years later, in ./;<, the "rofessor and four of his colleagues were
finally given "ermission to reveal their theory. (t a""eared under the long- winded but intriguing title, %The
+rooved *cri"t concerning *"ace-shi"s which, as recorded on the 6iscs, landed on 2arth .4,555 years
ago%. The )records) - =.; of the grooved discs were later uncovered in the same caves - told an astonishing
story of a )s"ace "robe) by the inhabitants of another "lanet which came to grief in the Bayan-Kara-Ula
mountain range. The strange, s"iral scri"t told how the "eaceful intentions of the )aliens) had been
misunderstood and how many of them were hunted down and killed by members of the Ham tribe, who
lived in the neighboring caves.
#ccording to Tsum Um 7ui, one of the lines of the hierogly"hs read, %The 6ro"as came down from the
clouds in their aircraft. -ur men, women and children hid in the caves ten times before sunrise. &hen at
last they understood the sign language of the 6ro"as, they reali8ed that the newcomers had "eaceful
intentions...%. #nother section e"ressed )regret) by the Ham tribe that the aliens) s"aceshi" had crash-
landed in such a remote and inaccessible mountains and that there had been no way to building a new one
to enable 6ro"as to return to their own "lanet. (n the years since the discovery of the first disc,
archeologists and anthro"ologists had learned more about the isolated Bayan-Kara-Ula area. #nd much of
the information seemed to corroborate the bi8arre story recorded on the discs. >egend still "reserved in the
area s"oke of small, gaunt, yellow faced men who )came from the clouds, long, long ago). The men had
huge, bulging heads and "uny bodies and were so ugly and re"ellent that they were hounded down by local
tribesmen on horseback. *trangely, the descri"tion of the )invaders) tallied with the skeletons orginally
discovered in the caves by $rofessor Chi $u Tei. -n the walls of the caves themselves archeologists had
uncovered crude "ictures of the rising *un, the 3oon, unidentifiable stars and the 2arth... all ,oined
together by lines of "ea-si8ed dots. #long with the discs, the cave drawings had been dated around .4,555
years old.
The cave area was still inhabited by two semi-troglodyte tribes known as the Hams and the 6ro"as,
themselves etremely odd in a""earance. The frail and stunted tribesmen averaged only about five feet in
height and were neither ty"ically Chinese nor Tibetan. %Their racial back-ground,% said one e"ert, %is a
mystery.% But even with the "ublications of $rofessor Tsum Um 7ui)s ama8ing trans- lation, the story of
the )s"ace discs) was not over. 9ussian scientists asked to see the discs and several were sent to 3oscow for
eamination. They were scra"ed free of rock "articles which had stuck to them and then "ut through
chemical analysis. To the su"rise of the scientists, they we found to contain large amounts of cobalt and
other metallic substances. That was not all. &hen "laced on a s"ecial turntable - according to 6r.
?yatcheslav *ai8ev, who described the e"eriments in the *oviet maga8ine *"utnik - they vibrated or
)hummed) in an unusual rhythm as though an electic charge was "assing through them. -r as one scientist
suggested, %as if they formed some "art of an electrical circuit.% #t some time, they had clearly been
e"osed to etraordinarily high votages.
6id the discs actually record an abortive s"ace mission by alien astro- nauts .4,555 years ago' 7early all
the leading )s"ace s"eculators) - theorists like 2rich von 6aniken and $eter Kolosimo - believe so. :or once
one acce"ts the "ro"osition that aliens may have already have visited earth, then it follows that some of
their s"ace-"robes must have failed and the astronauts must have been destroyed.
The *tonedisks of Baian-Kara-Ula

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