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Submitted By:-
Bushra Akbar , Shaista Khan , Hashmat Bibi
C#No.s 2 , 2! ,2"
#.$hil. 2
semester %Bat&h '()
*o+i& :
,-se o. &oal .ly ash in &ement and its im+e&t on +ro+erties o. &ement/.

De+artment o. &hemistry A0K-#
Use of coal fly ash in cement and its impect on properties of cement
1lyash is a 2aste 2hi&h is obtained .rom the &ombustion o. &oal in ele&tri& +o2er
station.34tra&tion o. .ly ash .rom ele&tro .ilter is made in three se&tions.*he .ly ash &olle&ted
.rom di..erent se&tion e4ibit di..erent +ro+erties.1ly ash has been used as an additi5e in ordinary
$ortland &ement %6$C) or as admi4ture o. &on&rete.*he main +ro+erty o. .ly ash is ,its
+o77olani& a&ti5ity,2hi&h de&ides about the a++li&ation o. .ly ash in &ement.*he analysis o. data
sho2s that +o77olani& a&ti5ity o. .ly ash is de+end on their .ineness, their &hemi&al and
+hase &om+osition as 2ell as 8lass stru&ture. A&&ordin8 to
authors &o-burnin8 bituminous &oal and biomass de&reases
+o77olani& a&ti5ity o. .ly ashes.1ly ash addition in.luen&e the +ro+erties o. &ement.*he .ly ash
&ement ha5e lon8er settin8 t.
'n5esti8ation 2as &arried on the in.luen&e o. .ly ashes on &ement.
1ly ash &ement sho2 lon8er settin8 time .*he &hara&teristi&
+ro+erty o. .ly ash &ement is lo2er early &om+ressi5e
stren8th, but 2ith time this &om+ressi5e stren8th, 2hi&h in&reases 2ith times.1ly ash &ement is
resisti5e to &orrosion.

*he +o77olani& rea&tion 9 +ro&eedin8 in .ly ash &ement 9 de&reases amount o. Ca%6H)2
released in 6$C hydration.
'n&or+oration o. .ly ashes in &ement redu&es &al&ium aluminate
&ontent in &ement, 2hi&h resuts in lo2er amount o. &al&ium
aluminate hydrates in &ement +aste. 1ly ashes redu&es alkali-sili&a
rea&tion and in&reases .ree7e resistan&e o. &on&rete.
Addition o. .ly ashes to &on&rete in amount o. :; results in a &onditions 2hi&h is ne&essary .or
+assi5ation o. steel in &on&rete.&ement +ro+erties are .ound to modi.ied by .ly ash addition
to &ement +aste.*he .iner .ly ash .ra&tions ha5e hi8h +o77olani&
a&ti5ity and 8i5e &onsiderable amount o. C9S9H .rom +o77olani& rea&tion in &ement +aste.
*he mi&rostru&ture o. &ement +aste 2hi&h &ontain .iner .ly ashes is more ti8ht as &om+ared to
&on5entional .ly ashes. *his &ement +aste ha5e hi8her &om+ressi5e stren8th and hi8her resistan&e
to &hemi&al atta&k due to lo2er &a+illary +orosity and hi8her &ontent o. 8el +ores.
Ne&essary &ondition is suitable 8rain-si7e distribution o. .ly ashes.*he most a&ti5ity take +la&e
belo2 the .ra&tion <" lm. *he &om+ressi5e stren8th o. the ealrly &ement in&reases by this .ly ash
.ra&tion ,2hereas &oarse .ly ashes in&rease &ement &om+ressi5e stren8th a.ter lon8 time.
"2.2 e ty+e &ement is obtainsed by .ly ash .ra&tion belo2 =2um and >: mi&rometer in abundan&e
o. .ly ashes. ash.*he &ement &ontainin8 these .ly ashes ha5e lon8 indu&tion +eriod and to lo2
+o77olani& a&ti5ity.
C3# ''?A-( "2." N or +o77olani& &ement ty+e C3# '(?A-( <2."@ &an be obtained by the
addition o. .ly ashes belo2 >:um 1rom the se&ond and third se&tion ele&tro .ilter.Ao2 Si62 and
Al26= is &on.irmed by analysin8 the &hemi&al &om+osition o. 2nd and =rd se&tion .ly
molar ratio as 2ell as &al&ium aluminate hydrates %C<AH>= and C2AHC)
and &al&ium aluminosili&ate hydrates %hydro8ehlenite C2ASHC and hydro8arnets
C=AS=9C=AH:). 't &an be seen that the se+arated .ly ashes sho2 8reat 5ariability in loss on
i8nition, +robably &aused by the +resen&e o. 8reat residue o. unburned &arbon in them.
A&&ordin8 to $N-3N <" standard the analysed .ly ashes are Duali.ied to Cate8ory C %loss on
i8nition bet2een < and ! 2t;). *he soluble +hos+hate &ontent in analysed .ly ashes, &al&ulated
as +hos+horus +ento4ide, does not e4&eed > m8?k8.
*able >
*he +hysi&al +ro+erties o. $ortland &ement C3# ' <2."@.
$hysi&al +ro+erties $ortland &ement C3# ' <2."@
Blaine 5alue %m2?k8) =!C
0ater reDuirement %;H26) 2E.:
Settin8 time %min)
'nitial settin8 time ><"
'nitial settin8 time >!"
Com+ressi5e stren8th %#$a)
A.ter 2 days 2C.:
Alter 2C days "=.
*able 2
*he &hemi&al analysis o. $ortland &ement C3# ' <2."@.
Chemi&al analysis %2t;) $ortland &ement C3# > <2."@
Si62 22.>
Al26= ".=
1e26= 2.2
Ca6 :=.E
#86 2.<
S6= =.>
Na26 .>2
K26 .Na26e .E!< F>G
*hrou8h ei8ht &hannel mi&ros-&alorimeter hydraion heat at bur &ement ,.lyash sin8le do+ed
&ement as 2ell as .lyash and .louro8y+sum.&o-do+ed &ement .lyash .lour8y+sum redu&e the heat
o. hydration ,the e4othermi& +eak o. the &o-do+ed &ement as obser5ed erlier,than that o. a sin8le
do+ed &ement.
Hydratioon heat hydrate ratio do+ed &ement is de&reased 2ith de&reased o. tem+erture. &o-
do+ed &ement &om+risin8 the &on&rete has 8reater &om+ressi5e stren8th.
'n &ool burnin8 +o2er +lant +rodu&e < million i&ons o. .ly ash 2hi&h is &onsidered as
indusrtial 2astes.
Air and 2ater sour&es are &ontaminated by .ly ash and .louro 8y+sum.&ement +rodu&toin
&osumes least amount o. heat 2hi&h &an be o5er&ome by addin8 .ly ash ,.lour8y+sum as an
Heo +olymer in&rease the &om+ressi5e stren8th o. the &ement i. it &ontain ma4imum si?Al ratio
o. 2:2 at ele5ated tem+rature.
Si?Al ratio e..e&t the +hysi&al a++earan&e, 2ei8ht losses,residual stren8th,5olumetri& shrinka8e
and 2ater sor+ti5ity at di..erent tem+erature S3# and ener8y dis+ersi5e 4-ray and B@D are used
to e4amine &han8es in mi&ro stru&ture and mineralo8y durin8 the thermal e4+osure.F=G
*he durability and me&hni&al related +ro+erties o. &ement &an be in&reased by addin8 mineral
admi4ture.*hese admi4tures &ome out .rom the industry as a by-+rodu&t.'t is re-used to redu&e
the C62 and other 8reenhou&se 8ases.'t also hel+ to redu&e land.ill e...e&t on
en5ironment.Normally most 2aste o. broken 8lass &omes out .rom the botlin8 in ustry.sin&e
8lass de++osite in land.ill are not e5ironmental .riendly.Also all +o77olani& material are
insu..i&iently a5ailable .or the &onstru&tion industry.No2 adays &i5il &onstru&tion are sear&hin8
.or alternati5es to &o+e 2ith the in&reasin8 demands o. &ement and &on&rete +rodu&tion.'n
+ortlo8ue the dis+ossed o. 8lass and bottles are re-ussed as ne2 +rodu&t.*he o4ides &om+ositions
o. 8lass 2aste sam+le sho2s that the 8lass stis.y the reDuirements .or +o77olana.Ho2e5er it does
not sho2 a&&ordan&e 2ith the akali metal,be&ause o. +resen&e o8 hi8h amount o. Na26.F<G
*he &oal ashes) .rom the minin8 o+eration e4hibit hi8h +o77olnai&ity,so &an be used
in the manu.a&ture o. blended &ement a.ter a&ti5ation at :" IC .or 2 hours.*his addition does
not e..e&t the initial settin8 time but de&rease the &om+ressi5e stren8th.
*hou8h &ement is addin8 C62 to the atmos+here ,but it also absorb industrial 2astes in&ludin8
.ly ashes at di..erent sta8es o. manu.a&turin8 +ro&esses,+re+aration o. ra2 materials,use o.
alternati5e .uels and blendin8 2ith +o77olanas &an also be added to &linkers durin8 &ement
manu.a&ture. As mata Koolin is a standered +o77olana, its addition to blended &ement im+ro5e
its +ro+erties.
&oal minin8 o. sili&o-aluminous a&ti5ated &oae .ormation o. hi8her sili&a %Si62) and alumina
%Al62) Content o. the blended &ement. >; addition o. AC0 raise the 2ater demand o. &ement
by <.E;.and 2; addition raise it by >2.>->2.C;.F"G
1ly ash based 8eo+olymer is en5ironmental .riendly &an re+la&e ordinary +ortland &ement %6$C)
.or the &onstru&tion o. rail2ay slee+ers and multi.lue &himneys J the the 5ibration &ontrol
&a+ability o. the materail must be taken in &osideration.1ly ash is a&ti5ated by alkali solution
2ith di..erent Si62?Na26.@atio and then 8eo+olymer is +re+ared.
6$S bien8 used in &onstru&tion e5ol5in8 lar8e amount lar8e amount o. C62 it manu.a&tures .C
o. C62 is emitted by > ton at &ement &onstituents "-C; o. 2orld 2ide C62 emission.
Coal .ired steam +lant +rodu&e one billion tons o. 1ly ash annualy 2orld 2ide.
't is a kind o. en5ironmental +ollution 2hi&h 2e &ould o5er-ride by de5elo+in8 inor8ani&
alumino-sili&ates manner &alled 8eo+lymer.Heo+olymer &an be used as a binder to +rodu&e
&on&rete instead o. 6$C.
De5o&ots de5elo+ an alumino sili&ato binder in the mid >!E,2hi&h is named
8eo+olymer.Hoe+lymer e4hibit hi8h &om+ressi5e stren8th di..erent .rom 6$,be&ause it &onatins
aluminium and sili&on s+e&ies soluble in alkaline solution,2hi&h under8oes +oly &ondensation.'t
o..ers resistan&e to a&id and a88re8ate alkali rea&tion.
*he +ro+eties o. .ly ash based 8eo +olymer is based on ra2 material , &om+osition and +ro&esses
&onditions.'ntermediate Si?Al ratio %si,AlK>,!) is res+onsible .or 6+timi7ed me&hni&al stren8th
o. 8eo+olymer.
$ul5eri7ed &oal .ly ash e4tra&ted Al26= release .ly ash reside %here a.ter 1A@ as a by +rodu&t an
industrial 2aste reDuirin8 a++ro++riate treatment and utili7ation.1A@?Si62 mi4ture by dynami&
hydrothermal treatment at 22! .or CH resultin8 in the .ormation o. Al substituted
bermorite.B@D,S3#,1*'@ and B3* methods and &hemi&al analyis are used to 1A@ and its
hydrothermal rea&tion.Di&al&uim sili&ate e4istin8 in 1A@ is &on5erted into bermorite sho2n by
B@D. 1A@?Si62 mi4tures &onsists o. mi&ro-+orous s+heri&al +arti&les.F:G
An in5esti8ation about the ri&h +et &oke 2ith eDual+arti&le si7e by heatin8 o. +ortland &ement
+aste and mortor is re&orded.*he addition o. +et &oke and redu&e +arti&le si7e or .inness
u+toL."mm +arti&le si7e de&rease the heat &ontent o. both +aste and mortor.'. there E";2t it
de&reases the thermal &ondu&ti5ity as .>22t.*his sho2s that a E:; de&rease in the thermal
&ondu&ti5ity &ontrol the di..erent sam+les.Di..erent other .a&tors in addition to +et &oke addition
are also dis&ussed here.
1ly ashes results .rim the &ombustion o. &oke and &oal mainly &om+osed o. (,,#o and unburned
&arbon.2hen these .ly ashes are added to &ement kiln it +rodu&e alkali sul+hate rin8s in kiln
2hi&h ad5ersly e..e&t the &ement .ormation.'t is estimated that the +rodu&tion o. +et &oke.'n the
year o. 2 it 2as C>ml and in&rease by "; to >2= in 2>.'t is e4+e&te that about 2>" it 2ill
rea&h >:>mt.*he re-use o. +et &oke sho2 that only those +et &oke 2hi&h ha5e lo2 sul+her
&ontent &an be re-used.A&&ordin8 to 8lobal data %anre+ort +et &oke su++ly has e4&eeded demand
by around >"-2mt lyr durin8 the last > years and as the Duantities o. lo2 8rade +et &oke are
only e4+e&ted to in&rease in the .uture resea&h,and the re-use o. other a++li&ation is needed.$et
&oke 8ranules are usin8 in &ement +reodu&tion be&ause o. its lo2 density,hi8h +orousity and
amor+hous mi&rostru&ture.6.
2hen the +et &oke is added to the &ement due to its mi&rostru&ture?&om+osition,ot in&reases the
thermal &ondu&ti5ity o. the materials.*he thermal &ondu&ti5ity 5alue in&rease is dire&tly related
to heatin8 and &oolin8 o. buildin8.Somr other material i.e 8lass .ibre minred 2ood,+olytyren
ethane also in&rease the thermal &ondu&ti5ity o. &ement.Ho2e5er there remains a reDuirement
.or hi8h thermally insulatin8 &ement and &on&rete2it 8ood dimensional stability and the use o.
industrial by-+rodu&ts to redu&e the thermal &ondu&ti5ity o. &ement based material has
si8ni.i&ant ad5anta8es asso&iated 2ith im+ro5e resour&e e..i&ien&y.@ela5ant resear&h has
in&luded 2ork on li8ht 2ei8ht &ement based materials &ontanin8 2aste 8lass, .ly ash ,sili&a
.umes,tyre rubber,e4+anded &lay ,2ood and +a+er.
*he obMe&ti5e this resaer&h 2as as an alternati5e to +otentially +roblemati& &ombustion, to
&riti&ally asses the e..e&t o. hi8h sul+hur &ontent +et &oke addition to &ement +astes and mortars
on thermal and me&hani&al +ro+erties. FEG
3le&tri& Ar& .una&e dust %3A1D) is a ha77ardous 2aste be&ause it is &ontaminated 2ith hea5y
metals.*hey &an be in5esti8ated by stabili7ation and solidi.i&ation +ro&ess 2ithin the +ortland
&ement.Cement +aste &ontainin8 >?mass ; 3A1D ha5e lo2er 5alues o. &om+ressi5e stren8th.
Durin8 the ele&tri& ar& .una&e steel makin8 +ro&ess ar& .una&e dus 3A1D is 8enerated, a
ha77ardous industrail 2ast.'t is in +o2der .orm,&onsitutin8 +art o. the smoke e5ol5in8 .rom the
.una&e.'t is &olle&ted .rom the .urna&e throu8h &oolin8 +i+es by s+e&ially desi8ned .ilters.
3AD1 &om+osed o.:
1e26= %"mass ;)
Nn6 %2>?mass ;)
Si62 J 64ide o. Ni,Cr and $b et&.
'ts 8eneration is about >?#ass; o. the steel +rodu&tion.
Aeakability o. hea5y metals make it ha77ardous and need +ro+er dis+osal by 2orld
en5ironmental +rodu&tion a8en&y.1AD im+ro5es the +ro+erties o. both .resh and hardline
&on&rete.'t enhan&es the dettin8 time.A&id treatment 1AD lo2ers the settin8 time, but it im+ro5es
me&hni&al +ro+erties o. &on&rete.3A1D 2as stabali7ed by addition o. &ementin8 system
&ontainin8 ty+e . &oal .ly ash ,time dolomite line,ty+e> +ortland &ement. FCG
+ortland &emen has been &onsidered as an edde&ti5e stabili7ation +hysio-&hemi&al method .or
ha77ard 2astes.*he resear&h 2as &arried out on the immobali7ation o. metas in mi4tures o.
+ortland &ement and .ly ash 2aste.*his stay ash in &ement 2as in5esti8ated under 2ide
ran8ebilai7tion o. .lo. +H &ondition %=->2).*he leakability test 2ere used to .ind the e..i&ien&y o.
en&a+sulation ,by studin8 the dissolution o. alkali and alkaline earth metal.*he hi8h stbili7tion o.
.ly ash 2ere .ound in +H %!->>).
Stabili7ation is the +ro&ess used .or the +re-land.ill treatment o. .ly ash.1ly sdh sre inor8nai&
thermal 2astes 2hi&h are obtined .rom the thermal 2astes ,by +o2er station.'t is +rodu&ed
million tons +er year,2hi&h is si8ni.i&ant .or the en5ironment.Some im+urities su&h as
radioa&ti5e elements are also sometimes +resent in &oal, 2hi&h are then .ind in .ly ash a.ter its
&ombustion +ro&ess.*he stabili7ation method &an be used to en&a+sulate the 2astes by
adsor+tion ,hydration or +er&i+itation rea&tion 2ith &ement and 2ater.*he result o. this rea&tion
in .ormation o. stable .orm o. 2astes,2hi&h are non ha77ardous or less ha77ardous than the ra2
*he .ly ash 2aste mana8ement has been im+otant im+ortant isssue in the 2orld 2ide
e5ironment.*here.ore the +ro+er &olle&tion and dis+osal o. these material ha5e been im+ro5ed as
they dire&tly im+a&t the health risks.*he +ro+er &om+osition the 2aste mi4ture as a binder
should be used in +lanin8 stabili7ation?solidi.i&ation +ro&ess to obtain most stable .orm o.
immi&ible &ontaminator.
3arly hydration %u+to 2Cth days)o. &al&ium aluminato &ement 2as on.luen&ed by :
>) 1ly ash +ul5eri7ed &ombustion.
2) $ul5eri7ed &ombustion o. hard &oal.
=) $ortland &ement.
Calorimetery ,thermal analysis and '@ s+e&tros&o+y e4amined the &ement +astes,&ontainin8 ,"
and 2";2t o. additi5es ,&on.irmin8 that ty+e o. addition and its amount e..e&t the hydration o.
&al&ium aluminate.
Cal&ium aluminate &ement are a++lied in the +rodu&tion o. .ire resistant materials as they are
hydrauli& binders o. s+e&ial +ro+erties.and a++li&ations.*his kind o. &ement is also used in &ase
o. &on&retin8 in tem+erature belo2 7ero,ha5in8 hi8h resistan&e .or sul+hate a88ression.'t may
also be used as Dui&k hardenin8 or e4+ensi5e binders.
&al&ium aluminate &ement in &om+arison to +ortland &ement are e4+ensi5e.Addition o. di..erent
.ine 8rained addit5es as 2aste materials.1ly ash ,sla8,s+ent alumino sili&ates as 2ell as other ty+e
o. &ement resultin8 in ne2 binder o. im+ro5e +ro+ertied,also in.luen&in8 the +hysi&al and
&hemi&al +ro+erties arisin8 +rodu&t o. hydration.Hydrated he4a8onal &al&ium aluminates o.
CAH> and C2AHC, aluminum hydro4ide AH= are the main +rodu&t o. hydration o. ambient
tem+erature %2-2"IC ).*hese +rodu&ts are metastastable.
Addition o. +o77olani& or hyrauli& additi5es re+la&e +art o. &ement in the material ,redu&in8
hydrate &on5ersion and its ne8ati5e e..e&ts.*hese material release sili&a rea&t 2ith &al&ium
aluminate to +rodu&e C2ASHC,leadin8 to the .ormaion o. C2AHC , a5oidin8 &on5ersion to
C=AH:.@esear&hes sho2s the addition o. .ly ashes to &ement &omin8 .rom &ombustion on
hydration o. &ement.@esea&hes sho2s no introdu&tion o. .ly ash .rom .luidi7ed &ombustion o.
&oal into hydratin8 aluminate &ement system.
1luidi7ed .ly ash ha5e +orous 8rains in &om+arison to &on5entional .ly ash ,not ha5in8 8lass or
s+heri&al 8rains.Com+osition o. .luidi7ed .ly ash in&lude dehydrated alumino sili&ated,
Duart7,&al&ium &om+ound in the .orm o. Ca6, Ca%6H)2 and &al&ium &arbonate as 2ell as
hydride or 8y+sum .rom the .lue 8as desu+huri7ation,and also non-&ombusted &oal.
1luidi7ed .ly ash e4hibits hi8her +o77olani& a&ti5ity than &on5entional .ly ash in the +resen&e o.
CaOO ions.
#ain &om+onent o. the testin8 sam+le 2as taken as Horka &ement +rodu&in8 8rey &al&iun
aluminate &ement.64ides 2as taken as %mass;) Al26= P<;, Ca6 P=:; ,Si62L<; , 1e26=
Q><; and minerolo8i&al &om+osition is %A is as a basi& +hase and C<A1 , C>2 AE and C2AS As
a&&om+nyin8 +hases.
*2o kinds o. .lya ashes obtainin8 .rom di..erent te&hnolo8ies o. &ombustion o. hard &oal and
+otential &ement ty+e o. C3# >=2".
1ly ash obtainin8 .rom .luidi7ed &ombustion %ha5in8 tem+erature o. &ombustion C") o. hard
&oal 2as named as .luidi7ed .ly ash.
1ly ash obtinin8 .rom &on5entional +ul5iri7ed &ombustion ha5in8 tem+ertature o. &ombstion
>IC 2as named as +ul5eri7ed .ly ash.
*he o4ide &hemi&al &om+osition o. .ly ashes are 8i5en belo2:
""; Si62
>:; Al26=
"; 1e26=
>; Ca6
"; S6=
And for pulverized fly ash composition is :
"; Si62
2; Al26=
E; 1e26=
"; Ca6
>; S6=
%mass ; in all &ases)
Cement +astes 2as studied as sam+le %." and 2" mass ;additi5e in the mass o. dry
binders).2ater ?&ement O addit5e ratio is ." on the 2nd and 2Cth day o. thermal analysis 2as
&arried out .or &ement +aste hydration at 22R.F!G
1ly ash is 8enerated by thermal +o2er station as a 2aste in lar8e amounts &onsistin8 o. hollo2
+arti&les 2ith +orous shells.*hese +arti&les 2ere used as .ilter &om+osite 2ere +re+ared the
mati4 2ith daly urea.*he density and tensile +ro+erties o. &o+osite 2ere studied by 5arrien8 the
5olume .ra&tion and +arti&les si7e o. .ly ash.*he .ra&ture sur.a&es o. the &om+osites 2ere
sutudied by s&annin8 ele&tron mi&ros&o+e 2hi&h indi&ate that the density o. &om+osites 2as
linearly de&reased by the addition o. .ly ash.*ensile stress 2as de&reased by in&reasin85olume
.r&tion o. .ly ash.
.ra&tro8ra+hi& analysis indi&ate that lar8e +ari&les o. .ly ash 2ere &rushed and .iner +arti&les
tended to de-bond.F>G
3..e&t o. 5aryin8 tem+erature bet2een and :IC 2as studied on the hydration +ro&ess ,+ore
stru&ture 5ariation and &om+ressi5e stren8th de5elo+ment o. a&ti5ated &oal 8an8ue &ement blend
hardened ACHC 2as e4amined .or hydration +riod >-=:.usin8 a 5ariety o. methods as non-
e5+orable 2ater method,themal analyis,mer&ury intrusion,+orosimetry and me&hani&al
testin8.1ly ash &ement blend 2as used to study as a &introl the e..e&t o. a&ti5ated &oal
8an8ue%ACH) as a su++limentary &ementin8 material,2hi&h indi&ates that &urin8 tem+erture
a&&elarates +o77olani& rea&tions in5ol5in8 the SC#S &ement blend,stren8th is also enhan&ed.
3..e&t at &urin8 tm+erature 2as .ound more in .ly ash &ement than a&ti5ated &oal 8an8ue &ement
$olymer &on&rete is also kno2s as syntheti& resine &on&rete or8a&i5 +olymer &on&rete,has hi8hly
desirable stru&tural en8ineerin8 +ro+erties.*here.ore it used .or many stru&tural a++li&ations. PC
is very strong, durable and cures very rapidly.One of most its important application in
civil engineering is transportation, utility, marine and building components .It is widely
used in civil and structural applications such as bridge decking, concrete crack repair,
pavement overlays, hazardous waste containers, waste water pipes and decorative
construction panels. In this study the impact on the various properties of polymer such
as resin &ontent, 5oid ratio and .ly ash on +olyester, 5inyl ester and e+o4y based +olymer
&on&rete mortar is in5esti8ated. &om+ressi5e, tensile and .le4ural stren8ths o. the +olymer
&on&rete sam+les. *hese in5esti8ation is based on tests &arried out to &he&k the &om+ressi5e,
tensile and .le4ural stren8ths o. the +olymer &on&rete sam+les. *he .ollo2in8
&on&lusions are deri5ed .rom this study.
Hi8h Com+ressi5e stren8ths ,as > #$a &an be a&hie5ed usin8 +olyester, 5inylester and
e+o4y based +olymer &on&rete.
About C; o. the 2C-day &om+ressi5e stren8th &an be a&hie5ed in E days .or $C 2hi&h is
a 8ood +ro+erty .or +otential use in +re&ast a++li&ations.
*he addition o. .ly ash as .iller material, results in a redu&tion in the amount o. resin, and
hel+ in in&rease the &om+ressi5e stren8ths .or $C 2ith all the three ty+es o. resins.
0hen &ontent o. .ly ash dereases, the du&tility 8rt im+ro5e .or all the mi4es o. $C
#udulus o. elasti&ity also in&reases 2ith in&rease in .ly ash &ontent.
S+lit tensile stren8th and .le4ural stren8th de&rease 2ith in&rease in the .ly ash &ontent .o
all the mi4es.
65erall results indi&ate that addin8 a reasonable amount o. .ly
ash in the mi4 &ould lead to e&onomi&al +olymer &on&rete 2ith
lesser &han8es to its me&hani&al +ro+erties.F>2G
F>G 3. *ka&7e2ska , @. #ro7, H. AoM, Coal9biomass .ly ashes .or &ement +rodu&tion o. C3#
''?A-( <2."@, Constru&tion and Buildin8 #aterials ,2>2R2C R++ :==9:=!
F2G Ban y,Dao-0, 2e2-Mia2li, 'n.luen&e o. .ly ash J .louro Hy+sum on the hydration heat and
&om+ressi5e stren8th o. &ement,*hermal analysis and &alorimetry,2>>R>:%=)R++ C!-CE"
F=G Suresh *,Kay , #andal SH, Si?Al ratio on +er.orman&e o. .ly ash 8eo+olymer at ele5ated
tem+erature, 3..e&&t o. Arbian Sournal .or s&ien&e,2>>R=E%<)R++ !EE-!C!
F<G Aui7 A. $ereira-de-6li5eira , SoTo $. Castro-Homes, $edro #.S. Santos, *he +otential
+o77olani& a&ti5ity o. 8lass and red-&lay &erami& 2aste as &ement mortars &om+onents,
Constru&tion and Buildin8 #aterials,2>2R=>R ++ >!E92=

F"G#. 1rUas a, #.'. San&he7 de @oMas a, @. Har&Ua b, A. Suan (aldVs &, C. #edina, 3..e&t o.
a&ti5ated &oal minin8 2astes on the +ro+erties o. blended &ement, Cement J Con&rete
Com+osites,2>2R ++ :EC9:C=
F:G SanMou D,Harel,D 2allah, @ ,Dam+in8 and mi&rostru&ture o. .ly ash based 8eo+olymers
FEG S. 6lmeda , #.'. San&he7 de @oMas , #. 1rias , S. Donatello , C.@. Cheeseman, 3..e&t o.
+etroleum %+et) &oke addition on the density and thermal &ondu&ti5ity
o. &ement +astes and mortars, 1uel 2>=R++ >=C9><:
FCG 3isae 2, Salah A, 3l-3,-tili7ation o. ele&tri& ar& .urna&e dust as an admi4ture to $ortland
&ement, *hermal analysis and &alorimetry ,2>=R++
F!G 3. Sobie&ka, 'n5esti8atin8 the &hemi&al stabili7ation o. ha7ardous 2aste
material ash) en&a+sulated in $ortland &ement, 'nt. S. 3n5ironmental S&ien&e J
*e&hnolo8y,2>2R++ >-:
F>G Sin8o,Haohui 2,*ensile +ro+erties o. .ly ash?+olyuria &om+osites, material s&ien&e,
2>>R<:%>>)R++ =!="-=!<>
F>>G $ei-min8 0an8, Bian-+in8 Aiu, 3..e&t o. tem+erature on the hydration +ro&ess and stren8th
de5elo+ment in blends o. $ortland &ement and a&ti5ated &oal 8an8ue or .ly ash, Sournal o.
NheMian8 -ni5ersity SC'3NC3 A, 1ebruary 2>>R>2%2)R ++ >:2->E
F>2G 0eena Aoku8e, *hiru Ara5inthan, 3..e&t o. .ly ash on the beha5iour o. +olymer &on&rete
2ith di..erent ty+es o. resin, #aterials and Desi8n,2>=R%">)R++ >E"9>C>

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