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Panel Proposal

Para-Academic Practices: Becoming Ungovernable?

As higher education continues to undergo dramatic changes to the character of its affairs,
moments of resistance, critique, and optimism have sprung up under the banner of para-
academia. !he phrase carries multiple valences "#asciandaro and $o%, &'(&), from activities
against universities "*aldrop and *ithers, forthcoming) to the absorption of radical thin+ing into
the purvie, of neoliberal universities "-ousselle, &'(.), to a description of the unbundling and
de-s+illing of professors into +no,ledge ,or+ers "#acfarlane, &'((). !his is a practitioners/
panel discussion of para-academic practices, motivations, thorn% problems, and affordances
possible. Panelists include Paul Boshears "Ph0 candidate at the 1uropean 2raduate 3chool,
continent.), -obert $ac+son "Ph0 candidate at 4ancaster Universit%, Speculations), and 5intan
6e%lan of the 0ublin Unit for 3peculative !hought "0.U.3.!.)
Bruce #acfarlane "&'(() !he #orphing of Academic Practice: Unbundling and the -ise of the
Para-academic Higher Education Quarterly 89.(: 9:;<.
6icola #asciandaro and 1ileen $o% "&'(&) Panel 0iscussion on Para-Academic Publishing =
Boo+ Part% !he Public 3chool 6e, >or+ http:??
0uane -ousselle "&'(.) Para-Academia: 5rom 7onceptual Point to Antuitionistic 7oncept
0A62PB4A!AC http:??dingpoliti+.,'(.?'<?&D?para-academia-from-conceptual-
AleE *ardrop and 0eborah *ithers "forthcoming, &'(D) The Para-Academic Handbook: A
Toolkit for making-learning-creating-acting, FammerBn Press.
Panelist Abstracts
Paul Boshears
Ph0 candidate, the 1uropean 2raduate 3chool
7o-founder, continent.
9&9 2len Aris 0rive 61
Unit &8(@
Atlanta, 2eorgia .'.'@
-udderless Piloting, Un,avering Pivoting, 2overning ,ithout 7oercion
1ducation is fraught ,ith treacher%. !he student in search of a teacher is tas+ed ,ith finding the
right teacher, but b% definition cannot be trusted to +no, ,hat the right teacher ,ould be.
Universities continue to manifest their transformation into factories ,ell-stoc+ed ,ith +no,ledge
,or+ers bundled together ,ithin disciplines mar+eted b% the degree of open access to social,
political, and financial capital the% ,ill provide their clients. Against "alongside, perhaps because
of) this manifest transformation, sites of learning and ,a%s of sharing +no,ledge ,ithout
concern for economic gain are blossoming again, some under the banner of para-academic
practices. 1lse,here A/ve put for,ard para-academic publishing as acts of public-ma+ing,
publicating socialit%. Bf course, this public good so created can be consumed and as such subIect
to the coercion capital eEchanges encourage. 0uane -ousselle has recentl% raised concerns about
compromising the revolutionar% potential of para-academic practices, characteriJed as ta+ing the
eas% road, that ,e pic+ up a fe, dollars outside of the universit% so that ,e can remain inside
the universit%. #% response, in friendship, ,ill consider the perspectives on education ,e find
in the classical 7hinese teEts Zhuangi and ZhongyongKteaching the usefullness of becoming
useless in the former, and the co-creative potential ,ithin a focus upon the familiar affairs of our
da%s in the latter. A ,ill argue that this focusing on familiar, a translation of the title Zhongyong
"), is a technique of profanation not unli+e ,hat 2iogio Agamben suggests in his essa%
concerning dispositif. *ith these perspectives in mind, can ,e thin+ of para-academic practices
as a +ind of becoming ungovernable?
Fintan Neylan
7o-founder, 0ublin Unit for 3peculative !hought
7olbert Fouse,
&@ -anelagh road,
0ublin 8,
G.9. "') @< :&(D(@<
!he 4ogic of Para-Brganisation
An this paper A shall argue that ,hile para-academia in its current form must situate itself as
alongside the universit%, ultimatel% its true success ,ill lie in ho, it follo,s other avenues of
development that are either not contained ,ith the logic of the universit% or completel% alien to
it. As para-academia ta+es up the practice and completion of intellectual "and increasingl%
artistic) life and proIects, this tas+ seems all the more urgentL doubl% so given the recent decade/s
attac+ on the universit%, the institution most readil% associated ,ith being the nest of intellectual
*hile initiall% para-academic entities find themselves on the outside, this ma% turn out to be
their great strength in surviving. 0ue to its ambiguous status "neither pure-academic nor non-
academic) it can present itself in a metamorphic manner, e.g. in corporate or civil terms, enabling
it to eEploit the resources from niches ,hich are unavailable to certain official academic proIects
Kcit% councils, businesses, etcM
Bver the course of m% paper A shall sho, that the issue of the para-academic entit% blends the
philosophical possibilit% of that ,hich can move across our current segmented realit% ,ith the
far more concrete necessit% of brea+ing out of the t%rann% of stifling funding frame,or+s ,hich
intellectual and artistic proIects have come to rel% upon. !hus para-academia must eEplore ,hat
else it is alongside, in order to discover for intellectual proIects other possible lines of
development indeed perhaps be%ond the universit% itself.
Robert Jackson
Ph0 7andidate
4ancaster Universit%
4A( D>*
United Cingdom
#obile '<9(8 8(:(8D
Para-academia and the 1ducation of 2ro,nups
Filar% Putnam once remar+ed that 3tanle% 7avell is one of the fe, t,entieth centur%
philosophers, anal%tic or other,ise, to eEplore philosoph% as education. An part, this reflects
7avell/s practice, defined b% o,n vie, of philosoph% as the education of gro,nups: a famous
tag-line in 7avellian literature, %et never full% ac+no,ledged in either mainstream philosoph% or
As an associate editor of 3peculations, a para-academic philosoph% Iournal, A might subIect
7avell/s quip ,ith contempt, as an outdated description of contemporar% academic practice: that
academic philosoph% is the only subIect ,hich educates gro,nups. *ho is 7avell to state such
things, as a distinguished Professor 1meritus at Farvard? #oreover, ,hat is a gro,nup an%,a%?
An one pith% sense, it might resemble ever%thing academic life once upheld, %et no, onl% eEists
in mar+etable chains ,hich condemns its members into a gro,nup neoliberal life.
>et, the paper ,ill argue an alternative point. As an%one ,ho has half-read 7avell +no,s, the
education of gro,nups isn/t a remar+ ,hich defines academic life unambiguousl% as some sort
of professionalised educational theor%. 7avell, much li+e his prose, defines the education of
gro,nups ,ith an impervious un-go!ernance, ,hich esche,s profession, offering little in the
,a% of formulaic results. 5urthermore, such an education might be reclaimed and rene,ed
to,ards the proliferating intentions of para-academic practice: namel%, the rebirth of ones
conditions for change outside of the academ%. An the face of controlled education ,hich
continues to be uncontested, ,e should all be educated as unprofessional children.

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