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Anyone who has honestly followed the seemingly unending thread of unnecessary crisis trailing Nigeria
this while, must have encountered the atrocity termed the "Witch Children". For a longtime, it has been
propagated in the news like a plague with no sign of beginning and no sign of ending. But who are these
children? Really. It is no doubt that we live in very interesting times, and even animals can now attest to
this reality, whether we chose to acknowledge it or not. From a clear scientific understanding, children
are the offspring of their progenitors. So if a child is termed a "witch", its mother and father (the male
and female progenitors) are equally "witches" by default. However, given the pervading superstitious
thinking of most communities in need of greater enlightenment, the term "witch" is often assigned to all
unexplainable phenomena.
To put it very simply and straight forward: the so called "Witch Children" of Nigeria are nothing but
gifted children. They are born with their natural extrasensory abilities already activated. Unlike the older
generations to which most of their parents belong, their soul energy is intensely refined and liberated.
Their peers around the world are presently been recognized and trained to further apply these gifts for
the good of their generation and our world in general, unlike in Nigeria. The minds of these children
need a different kind of training, which is presently not in our school systems. I have encountered this
reality in many occasions and I know that several others have. In ages past, it was through the soul that
these abilities where expressed. However, to express subtle energy strongly enough from the soul
consciousness and have this impact the elements, most inherited emotional blockages or limiting traits
like fear, anxiety, self-doubt, paranoia, nervousness, unprovoked aggression etc. will have to be erased
during one's training. This is the CENTRAL distinction between the children of today and those who were
raised in the by gone era and world of colonialism and forced industrialization, which went hand in hand
with deep seeded fear and extreme self-depreciation, leading to the latency of soul energy on a massive
human scale.
It should be borne in mind that religions as we have it then and now, are more preoccupied with the
"judgment of souls" than "enlightenment of souls", "conversion of souls" than "upliftment of souls".
Come this age of information, the scenario is beginning to drastically change. Our present world, as a
result of this, needs great upliftment, starting out with uninhibited enlightenment of spiritual reality.
Today's children are born into a world where information is abundantly circulated and their parents of
today are less fear stricken and less self-limiting than their forbears of the last couple traumatic
centuries. The only problem is that, with this massive influx of information, true knowledge becomes
camouflaged. Thus, Clarity of Thought and Visionary Discernment becomes a key need for this age, and
since these are both fundamental qualities of the Liberated Mind, there is no doubt why the parents of
these children are doomed to make their mistakes. When one has been taught for decades on end to
devalue their own mind power and soul consciousness, there is nothing left but well-masked mental
degradation, hence the present state of Nigeria: a nation laden with all manners of resources, but
abjectly lacking of true administrative minds. The children of this age however, have these gifts of mind
already unpacked within them by nature, according to the cosmic season in which they have found
themselves blooming, naturally. They only need little special training in the right direction, on how to
use these gifts to further unpack the rest packages in them and liberate their generation. For the
children of this age in general, extrasensory mind training is a must, for they will need these to fine tune
many of the information which have been left unrefined by the past generations of their forebears. This
is among the key tasks that nature has slated for them. They are the knowledge refiners, who will
precede the future generation of human-energy refiners: those who will end the mystery of sickness and
diseases for humanity for good. The much older generations were mostly trained in the use of physical
labor and very little mental exertion, talk less of original thinking or expression. Very soon, there will be
a proper place in South-Eastern Nigeria (presently in the making) where such children of marked gifts
will be trained to use their gifts, whilst also acquiring world class cutting edge education. Then, we shall
brace ourselves to see who the real Witches of Nigeria truly are: the Fraudster Religionists and their
Politricktian Chorhorts, or the innocent Gifted Children of Nigeria who are here to save their generation
from the perennial degradation that has befallen our land.
-------Written by Omenigbo (Chukwukadibia E. Nwafor)

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