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Most of the laboratory problems so far have involved objects moving with constant acceleration because the
total force acting on those objects was constant. In this set of laboratory problems, the total force acting on
an object, and thus its acceleration, will change with position. When the position and the acceleration of an
object change in a periodic manner, we say that the object undergoes oscillations.
You are familiar with many objects that oscillate, such as pendula and the strings of a guitar. At the atomic
level, atoms oscillate within molecules, and molecules oscillate within solids. This molecular oscillation
gives an object the internal energy that defines its temperature. prings are a common e!ample of objects
that e!ert the type of force that will cause oscillatory motion.
In this lab you will study oscillatory motion caused by springs e!erting a changing force on an object. You
will use different methods to determine the strength of the total force e!erted by different spring
configurations, and you will investigate what determines a system"s oscillation frequency.
After successfully completing this laboratory, you should be able to#
$ %rovide a &ualitative e!planation of the behavior of oscillating systems using the concepts of
restoring force and e&uilibrium position.
$ Identify the physical &uantities that influence the period 'or fre&uency( of the oscillatory motion
and describe this influence &uantitatively.
$ )escribe &ualitatively the effect of additional forces on an oscillator*s motion.
+ead erway , -uille .hapter /0 sections /0./, /0.1, and /0.0
2efore coming to lab you should be able to#
$ )escribe the similarities and differences in the behavior of the sine and cosine functions.
+ecogni3e the difference between amplitude, fre&uency, and period for repetitive motion.
$ )etermine the force on an object e!erted by a spring using the concept of a spring constant.
Lab VIII - 1
You are selecting springs for use in a large anti&ue cloc4. In order to determine the force that they
e!ert when stretched, you need to 4now their spring constants. 5ne boo4 recommends a static
apprac!, in which objects of different weights hang from the spring and the displacement from
e&uilibrium is measured. Another boo4 suggests a "#$a%ic apprac!, in which an object hanging
from the end of a spring is set into motion and its oscillation fre&uency is measured. You wish to
determine if these different approaches yield the same value for the spring constant. You decide to
ta4e both static and dynamic measurements and then compare.
You will have a spring, a table clamp and metal rod, assorted
masses, a mass hanger, a meter stic4, a triple6beam balance,
and a stopwatch.
/. Write an e!pression for the relationship between the spring constant and the displacement of an
object hanging from a spring.
1. Write an e!pression for the relationship between the spring constant and the period of oscillation
of an object hanging from a spring.
+ead erway , -uille, .hapter /0, ections /0./ and /0.1
M*t!" #1 +Static Apprac!,
/. Ma4e two pictures of the situation, one before you attach an object to a spring, and one after an
object is suspended from the spring and is at rest. )raw a coordinate system. 5n each picture,
label the position where the spring is unstretched, the distance from the unstretched position to
the stretched position, the mass of the object, and the spring constant.
Lab VIII - 2
1. )raw a force diagram for an object hanging from a spring at rest. 7abel the forces acting on the
object. 8se 9ewton*s second law to write the e&uation of motion for the object.
0. olve the e&uation of motion for the spring constant in terms of the other values in the e&uation.
What does this tell you about the slope of a displacement 'from the unstretched position( versus
weight of the object graph:
M*t!" #- +'#$a%ic Apprac!,: uppose you hang an object from the spring, start it oscillating,
and measure the period of oscillation.
/. Ma4e three pictures of the oscillating system# '/( when the mass is at it ma!imum displacement
below its e&uilibrium position, '1( after one half period, and '0( after one period. 5n each picture
put arrows to represent the object"s velocity and acceleration.
1. Write down an e&uation that is the relationship between the object"s period, its mass, and the
spring constant. olve the e&uation for the spring constant in terms of the object"s mass and
M*t!" #1 ) Static Apprac!:
elect a series of masses that give a usable range of displacements / The largest mass should not pull
the spring past its elastic limit, for two reasons# '/( beyond the elastic limit there is no well6defined
spring constant, and '1( a spring stretched beyond the elastic limit will be damaged.
.lamp the metal rod to the table, and hang the spring from the rod. )ecide on a procedure that
allows you to measure the distance a spring stretches when an object hangs from it in a consistent
manner. )ecide how many measurements you will need to ma4e a reliable determination of the
spring constant.
M*t!" #- ) '#$a%ic Apprac!:
ecure the spring to the metal rod and select a mass that gives a regular oscillation without e!cessive
wobbling. The largest mass you choose should not pull the spring past its elastic limit and the
smallest mass should be much greater than the mass of the spring. %ractice starting the mass in
motion smoothly and consistently.
)ecide how to measure the period of oscillation of the object6spring system most accurately. ;ow
can you minimi3e the uncertainty introduced by your reaction time in starting and stopping the
stopwatch: ;ow many times should you measure the period to get a reliable value: ;ow will you
determine the uncertainty in the period:
<or both methods, ma4e the measurements that you need to determine the spring constant. 'O
'AMAGE THEM/ Analy3e your data as you go along so you can decide how many measurements
you need to ma4e to determine the spring constant accurately and reliably with each method.
Lab VIII - 3
Method =/# >raph displacement versus weight for the object6spring system. <rom the slope of this
graph, calculate the value of the spring constant. ?stimate the uncertainty in this measurement of the
spring constant.
Method =1# >raph period versus mass for the object6spring system. If this graph is not a straight
line, use Appendix C: How do I linearize my data? as a guide to lineari3e the graph. <rom the slope of
the straight6 line graph, calculate the value of the spring constant. ?stimate the uncertainty in this
measurement of the spring constant.
<or each method, does the graph have the characteristics you predicted: ;ow do the values of the
spring constant compare between the two methods: Which method do you feel is the most reliable:
@ustify your answers.
Lab VIII - 4
Your company has bought the prototype for a new flow regulator from a local inventor. Your job is
to prepare the prototype for mass6production. While studying the prototype, you notice the
inventor used some rather innovative spring configurations to supply the tension needed for the
regulator valve. In one location the inventor had fastened two different springs side6by6side, as in
<igure A below. In another location the inventor attached two different springs end6 to6end, as in
<igure 2 below.
To decrease the cost and increase the reliability of the flow regulator for mass production, you need
to replace each spring configuration with a single spring. These replacement springs must e!ert the
same forces when stretched the same amount as the original spring configurations.
You have two different springs that have the same unstretched length, but different spring constants
and 4
. These springs can be hung vertically side6by6side '<igure A( or end6 to6end '<igure 2(.
Figure A
Figure B
As in %roblem =/, you will have a table clamp and metal rod, a meter stic4, a mass holder, assorted
masses, a balance, and a stopwatch.
The spring constant for a single spring that replaces a configuration of springs is called its effective
spring constant.
/. Write an e!pression for the effective spring constant for a side6by6side spring configuration
'<igure A( in terms of the two spring constants 4
and 4
1. Write an e!pression for the effective spring constant for an end6 to6end spring configuration
'<igure 2( in terms of the two spring constants 4
and 4
Lab VIII - 5
Is the effective spring constant larger when the two springs are connected side6by6side or end6 to6
end: ?!plain your reasoning.
+ead erway , -uille, .hapter /0, ections /0./ and /0.1
Apply the following warmup to the sidebyside configuration! and then repeat for the endtoend
1/ Ma4e a picture of the spring configuration similar to each of the drawings in the ?&uipment
section '<igure A and <igure 2(. )raw a coordinate system. 7abel the positions of each
unstretched spring, the final stretched position of each spring, the two spring constants, and the
mass of the object suspended. %ut arrows on your picture to represent any forces on the object.
Assume that the springs are massless.
<or the side6by6side configuration, assume that the light bar attached to the springs remains
hori3ontal 'i.e. it does not twist(.
<or each two spring configurations ma4e a second picture of a single 'massless( spring with
spring constant 4* that has the same object suspended from it and the same total stretch as the
combined springs. 2e sure to label this picture in the same manner as the first.
-/ )raw force diagrams of both spring systems and the e&uivalent single spring system. 7abel the
forces. <or the end6 to6end configuration, draw an additional force diagram of a point at the
connection of the two springs.
3/ Apply 9ewton*s laws to the object suspended from the combined springs and the object
suspended from the single replacement spring. .onsider carefully which forces and
displacements will be e&ual to each other
<or the end6 to6end configuration# )raw an additional force diagram for the connection point
between the springs. At the connection point, what is the force of the top spring on the bottom
spring: What is the force of the bottom spring on the top spring:
4. olve your e&uations for the effective spring constant '4*( for the single replacement spring in
terms of the two spring constants.
To test your predictions, you must decide how to measure each spring constant of the two springs
and the effective spring constants of the side6by6side and end6 to6end configurations.
<rom your results of %roblem =/, select the best method for measuring spring constants 'the static or
dynamic method(. @ustify your choice.
%erform an e!ploration consistent with your selected method. If necessary, refer bac4 to the
appropriate ?!ploration section of %roblem =/. +emember that the smallest mass must be much
greater than the mass of the spring to fulfill the massless spring assumption. 'O NOT STRETCH
Lab VIII - 6
Write down your measurement plan.
<ollow your measurement plan to ta4e the necessary data. If necessary, refer bac4 to the appropriate
Measurement section of %roblem =/. What are the uncertainties in your measurements:
)etermine the effective spring constants 'with uncertainties( of the side6by6side spring configuration
and the end6 to6end spring configuration. If necessary, refer bac4 to %roblem =/ for the analysis
techni&ue consistent with your selected method.
)etermine the spring constants of the two springs. .alculate the effective spring constants 'with
uncertainties( of the two configurations using your %rediction e&uations.
;ow do the measured values and predicted values of the effective spring constant for the
configurations compare:
What are the effective spring constants of a side6by6side spring configuration and an end6 to6end
spring configuration: Which is larger: )id your measured values agree with your initial
predictions: Why or why not: What are the limitations on the accuracy of your measurements and
analysis: .an you apply what you learned to find the spring constant of a comple! system of
springs in the flow regulator:
Lab VIII - 7
You have a summer job with a research group at the 8niversity. 2ecause of your physics
bac4ground, your supervisor as4s you to design e&uipment to measure earth&ua4e aftershoc4s. A
calibration sensor needs to be isolated from the earth movements, yet it must be free to move. You
decide to place the sensor on a low friction cart on a trac4 and attach a spring to both sides of the
cart. To ma4e any &uantitative measurements with the sensor you need to 4now the fre&uency of
oscillation for the cart as a function of the spring constants and the mass of the cart.
You will have an aluminum trac4, a %A.5 cart, two adjustable end stops, two springs, a meter
stic4, and a stopwatch. You will also have a video camera and a computer with video analysis
applications written in LabVIEW (VideoRECORDER and VideoTOOL).

Write an e!pression for the fre&uency of the cart in terms of its mass and the two spring constants.
+ead erway , -uille, .hapter /0, ections /0./ and /0.1
1/ Ma4e two pictures of the oscillating cart '/( one at its e&uilibrium position and '1( one at
some other position and time while it is oscillating. 5n your pictures, show the direction of
the velocity and acceleration of the cart and the forces on the cart.
-/ )raw a force diagram of the oscillating cart when it is at a position away from its
e&uilibrium position. 7abel the forces.
3/ Write down an e&uation for the total force on the cart in terms of the two spring constants
and its displacement from the e&uilibrium position.
Lab VIII - 8
4/ 9ow imagine that only one spring was attached to the cart, but it e!erted the same force at
the same displacement as the two6 spring system. ;ow would the motion of these two
systems compare: What is the relationship between the spring constant of the single spring
system and the two for the two6 spring system:
5/ Write down an e&uation for the fre&uency of the imaginary one spring system. ;ow does it
compare with the fre&uency of the two6spring system:
0/ 8se the simulation A7abimBC 'ee Appendix " for a brief e!planation of how to use the
simulations( to appro!imate the conditions of this problem.
)ecide the best method to determine the spring constants based on your results of %roblem =/. 'O
<ind the best place for the adjustable end stop on the trac4. #o not stretch the springs past $% cm, but
stretch them enough so the cart oscillates smoothly. <ind the most appropriate cart mass.
%ractice releasing the cart smoothly. ;ow long does it ta4e for the oscillations to stop: What effect
will this have on your measured values compared to your predicted values: ;ow can you affect this
time: What amplitude will you use to ta4e your measurements: 2etween what positions should
you measure a cycle: 5ver how many cycles should you measure to get a precise result:
)etermine the spring constants. +ecord these values. What is the uncertainty in these
Measure the period of oscillation of the cart. ;ow many times should you ta4e this measurement to
be sure that it is reliable: What is the uncertainty in your measurement:
Analy3e your video to find the period of oscillation. .alculate the fre&uency 'with uncertainty( of
the oscillations from your measured period. .alculate the fre&uency 'with uncertainty( using your
%rediction e&uation. ;ow does your measured fre&uency compare with your predicted fre&uency:
What is the fre&uency of the oscillating cart: )id your measured fre&uency agree with your
predicted fre&uency: Why or why not: What are the limitations on the accuracy of your
measurements and analysis:
If you completed %roblem =1# What is the effective spring constant of this configuration: ;ow does
it compare with the effective spring constants of the side6by6side and end6 to6end configurations:
Lab VIII - 9
You are the technical advisor for the ne!t 2ruce Willis action adventure movie, #ie &ven Harder,
which is being filmed in Minnesota. The script calls for a spectacular stunt# 2ruce Willis is dangling
over a cliff from a long rope that is tied to the evil villain, who is on the ice6covered ledge of the cliff.
The villain*s elastic parachute line is tangled in a tree located several feet from the edge of the cliff.
2ruce and the villain are in simple harmonic motion. At the top of his motion, 2ruce unsuccessfully
tries to grab for the cliff edge while the villain reaches for his boot 4nife. The script calls for the
villain to cut the rope just as 2ruce reaches the top of his motion again. It is e!pensive 'and
dangerous( to have Willis hanging from the rope while the crew films close6ups of the villain.
;owever, the stunt6 double weighs more than 2ruce Willis. The director needs to 4now if the stunt
double will have a different oscillatory motion than 2ruce. You decide to solve this problem by
modeling the situation with a cart on a trac4 with a spring attached to one end and a hanging object
attached to the other by a string. The trac4 represents the ice6covered ledge of the cliff, the
adjustable end6 stop represents the tree, the spring represents the elastic parachute, the cart
represents the villain, the string represents the rope, and the hanging object represents 2ruce Willis
or his stunt double in this problem.
You have an aluminum trac4 with an adjustable end6 stop, a pulley that attaches to the end of the
trac4, a spring, a %A.5 cart, some string, a mass hanger, assorted masses, a meter stic4, and a

Write an e!pression for how the fre&uency of oscillation of the system depends on the mass of the
object hanging over the table.
Lab VIII - 10
8se your e&uation to s4etch the e!pected shape of a graph of oscillation fre&uency versus hanging
mass. Will the fre&uency i$cr*as*, "*cr*as* or sta# t!* sa%* as the hanging mass increases:
+ead erway , -uille, .hapter /0, ections /0./, /0.1 and /0.0
1/ Ma4e a picture of the situation when the cart and hanging object are at their e&uilibrium
positions. Ma4e another picture at some other time, while the system is oscillating. 5n your
pictures, for the cart and the hanging object, show the directions of the acceleration and velocity.
;ow are they related: Identify and label the 4nown forces on the cart and on the hanging object.
-/ Write down how to determine the fre&uency of a spring system"s motion, if you 4now the
relationship between the force on the object and the object"s mass.
3/ )raw separate force diagrams of the oscillating cart and hanging object when the system is not
in its e&uilibrium position. 7abel the forces.
4/ Independently apply 9ewton*s laws to the cart and to the hanging object. Is the force of the
string on the hanging mass constant:
5/ Write down the e&uation that relates the acceleration of the cart to the forces on it. To determine
the force of the string on the cart, use the same type of relationship for the hanging mass.
0/ <rom the resulting e&uation that gives the acceleration of the cart in terms of the spring constant
and masses, write down the fre&uency of oscillation of the cart. To determine the fre&uency, you
should ignore any constant terms in this e&uation. >ive an argument for doing this.
6/ 8se your e&uation to s4etch the e!pected shape of the graph of oscillation fre&uency versus the
hanging object*s mass.
If you do not 4now the spring constant of your spring, you should decide the best way to determine
the spring constant based on your results of %roblem =/.
<ind the best place for the adjustable end stop on the trac4. 'O NOT STRETCH THE SPRING
so the cart and hanging mass oscillate smoothly.
)etermine cart mass you will use for your measurements. )etermine the best mass range for the
hanging object.
%ractice how you will release the cart6hanging mass system. ;ow long does it ta4e for the
oscillations to stop: What effect will this have on your measured values compared to your predicted
value: ;ow can you affect this time: What amplitude will you use to ta4e your measurements:
2etween what positions should you measure a cycle: 5ver how many cycles should you measure to
get a precise result:
Write down your measurement plan.
Lab VIII - 11
If necessary, determine the spring constant of your spring. What is the uncertainty in your measurement:
<or each different hanging mass, measure the period of oscillation of the cart. ;ow many times should you
measure each period to be sure that it is reliable: What is the uncertainty of each measurement:
Analy3e your data as you go along, so you can determine the si3e and number of different hanging masses you
need to use.
.ollect enough data to convince yourself and others of your conclusion about how the oscillation fre&uency
depends on the hanging mass.
<or each hanging mass, calculate the oscillation fre&uency 'with uncertainty( from your measured
period. 8se your e!pression from the %rediction and Warm6 up to calculate the predicted fre&uency
for each mass.
>raph the fre&uency versus the hanging object*s mass. 5n the same graph, show your predicted
What are the limitations on the accuracy of your measurements and analysis: 5ver what range of
values does the measured graph match the predicted graph best: )o the two curves start to diverge
from one another: If so, where: What does this tell you about the system:
)oes the oscillation fre&uency increase, decrease, or stay the same as the hanging object*s mass
What will you tell the director: )o you thin4 the motion of the actors in the stunt will change if the
heavier stunt man is used instead of 2ruce Willis: ;ow much heavier than 2ruce would the stunt
man have to be to produce a noticeable difference in the oscillation fre&uency of the actors: ?!plain
your reasoning in terms the director would understand.
Lab VIII - 12
You are now prepared to calibrate your seismic detector 'from %roblem =0(. You need to determine
how the amplitude of the oscillations of the detector will vary with the fre&uency of the earth&ua4e
aftershoc4s, so you replace the end stop on the trac4 with a device that moves the end of the spring
bac4 and forth, simulating the earth moving beneath the trac4. The device, called a mechanical
driver, is designed so you can change its fre&uency of oscillation.
You will use a %A.5 cart, two springs, an aluminum trac4, an adjustable end6 stop, a signal
generator, and a mechanical driver.
The mechanical driver is somewhat li4e a loudspea4er with one end of a metal rod attached to the
center, and the other end of the rod is attached to one of the springs. The driver is connected to the
signal generator that causes the rod to oscillate bac4 and forth with adjustable fre&uencies that can
be read off the display on the signal generator.
Ma4e your best6guess s4etch of how you thin4 a graph of the amplitude of the cart versus the
fre&uency of the mechanical driver will loo4. Assume the driver has a constant amplitude of a few
Lab VIII - 13
+ead erway , -uille, .hapter /0, ections /0./ and /0.1
8se the simulation A7abimBC 'ee Appendix " for a brief e!planation of how to use the simulations( to
appro!imate the conditions of this problem.
?!amine the mechanical driver. Mount it at the end of the trac4, using the clamp and metal rod so
its shaft is aligned with the cart*s motion. .onnect it to the signal generator, using the output
mar4ed L 'for DDlow impedance**(. 8se the smallest amplitude that is sufficient to observe the
oscillation of the cart at the lowest fre&uency possible.
)etermine the accuracy of the digital display on the fre&uency generator by timing one of the lower
)evise a scheme to accurately determine the amplitude of a cart on the trac4, and practice the
techni&ue. <or each new fre&uency, should you restart the cart at rest:
When the driver is at or near the undriven fre&uency 'natural fre&uency( of the cart6spring system,
try to simultaneously observe the motion of the cart and the shaft of the driver. What is the
relationship: What happens when the driver fre&uency is twice as large as that fre&uency:
If you do not 4now the fre&uency of your system when it is not driven, determine it using the
techni&ue of %roblem =0.
.ollect enough cart amplitude and driver fre&uency data to test your prediction. 2e sure to collect
several data points near the undriven fre&uency of the system.
Ma4e a graph the oscillation amplitude of the cart versus driver fre&uency.
Is the graph what you had anticipated: Where is it different: Why: What are the limitations on the
accuracy of your measurements and analysis:
.an you e!plain your results: Is energy conserved: What will you tell your boss about your design
for a seismic detector:
Lab VIII - 14
/. The diagram below shows an oscillating mass E spring system at times F, TEG, TE1, 0TEG, and T,
where T is the period of oscillation. <or each of these times, write an e!pression for the
displacement '!(, the velocity 'v(, the acceleration 'a(, the 4inetic energy 'H?(, and the potential
energy '%?( in terms of the amplitude of the oscillations 'A(! the angular velocity 'w(! and the spring
constant ')(.
t x v KE PE a
1. Identical masses are attached to identical springs that
hang vertically. The masses are pulled down and
released, but mass 2 is pulled further down than mass A,
as shown at right.
a. Which mass will ta4e a longer time to reach the
e&uilibrium position: ?!plain.
b. Which mass will have the greater acceleration at the
instant of release, or will they have the same
acceleration: ?!plain.
c. Which mass will be going faster as it passes through
e&uilibrium, or will they have the same speed:
d. Which mass will have the greater acceleration at the
e&uilibrium point, or will they have the same
acceleration: ?!plain.
Lab VIII - 15
0. Two different masses are attached to different
springs that hang vertically. Mass A is larger,
but the period of simple harmonic motion is the
same for both systems. They are pulled the same
distance below their e&uilibrium positions and
released from rest.
a. Which spring has the greater spring constant: ?!plain.
b. Which spring is stretched more at its e&uilibrium position: ?!plain.
c. The instant after release, which mass has the greater acceleration: ?!plain.
d. If potential energy is defined to be 3ero at the e&uilibrium position for each mass, which
system has the greater total energy of motion: ?!plain.
e. Which mass will have the greater 4inetic energy as it passes through its e&uilibrium
position: ?!plain
f. Which mass will have the greater speed as it passes through e&uilibrium: ?!plain.
G. <ive identical springs and three
identical masses are arranged as
shown at right.
a. .ompare the stretches of the
springs at e&uilibrium in the
three cases. ?!plain.
b. Which case, a, b, or c, has the
greatest effective spring
constant: The smallest effective
spring constant: ?!plain.
c. Which case would e!ecute
simple harmonic motion with
the greatest period: With the
least period: ?!plain.
m a
Lab VIII - 16
TA 9ame#
La8rat r# VIII
9ame and I)=#
)at e perfor med# )ayETime secti on meet s#
7ab %art ner s* 9ames#

%robl em = and Title#
7ab Instruct or* s Initials#
Gra"i $9 C!*c:; i s t %oint s
'individual predi cti ons and war m6 up compl et ed in journal before
each lab sessi on (
'meas ur e me nt plan recorded in journal, tabl es and graphs made in
journal as dat a is collect ed, observat i ons writt en in journal (
'clear and readabl eI logical progr es si on from probl em st at e me nt
through concl usi onsI pict ur es provi ded wher e neces s ar yI correct
grammar and spellingI section headi ngs provi dedI physi cs st at ed
correctl y (
'clear and readabl eI unit s and assi gned uncert ai nt i es clearl y st at ed(
'resul t s clearl y indicat edI correct , logical, and well6 organi 3ed
calcul ati ons with uncer t ai nt i es indicat edI scal es, label s and
uncert ai nt i es on graphsI physi cs st at ed correctl y(
'compari son to predi ction , theory discus s ed with physi cs st at ed
correctl y I possi bl e sources of uncer t ai nt i es identifiedI att ent i on
called to e!peri ment al probl ems (
TOTAL'incorr ect or missi ng st at eme nt of physi cs will resul t in a
ma!i mum of JFK of the tot al point s achi evedI incorrect grammar or
spelling will resul t in a ma!i mum of LFK of the tot al point s
achi eved(
'as specifi ed by course policy(
Lab VIII - 17
M An N+N in the point s column means to rewri t e that section only and ret urn it to
your lab inst ruct or withi n two days of the ret ur n of the report to you.
Lab VIII - 18
TA 9ame#
Lab VIII - 19

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