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Nowadays, cosmetic surgery has become more popular for modern people.

Some people believe that it

is a science to increase the beauty of a person. The basic aim of this surgery is to enhance the
appearance of the individual that is done by altering the parts of the body. On the other hand, other
people disagree with it. They said that cosmetic surgery involves risk which may cause serious diseases
such as heart attack. Can we trust the surgeons? Can we change our appearance to whatever we want
by getting cosmetic surgery?
Yes No
It can alleviate mental illnesses
Some people are so consumed with their
appearance that they let it affect their mental well
being. There are even some mental illnesses which
are based solely on the bodys appearance, things
like anorexia and body dismorphia. These are
illnesses whereby people harm themselves
through worry about their appearance. If we have
people who have the ability to change what these
people do not like about their bodies then why
should we not use it to help these people with
their mental well being?

This is not solving the problem at route. The
problem is the perception that the mind has on
what is important. All cosmetic surgery is doing is
changing the appearance but not the mental state.
Someone who has such a mental disposition to
these illnesses will have their offending limb
changed, but they will ultimately always find
something they are not happy with. Instead of
cosmetic surgery, these people should be offered
psychological help. Cosmetic surgery only masks
the inner problem.
People have freedom of expression. .
A legal argument can be made for cosmetic
surgery. Under the Human Rights Act which
enshrines the European Convention on Human
Rights, we have the freedom to express ourselves,
Article 10 ECHR. If we feel that our body does not
reflect who we are as people, then we have the
right to change it. If we can dye our hair, change
our clothes and have piercings, why should we not
be able to express ourselves via cosmetic surgery.
Now, this right would not extend to NHS payment
for the cosmetic surgery, but if someone can
afford to spend money on their own appearance,
there is no reason why they should not be able to,
and there is a legal reason why they should be able

It is laughable to think that having larger breasts or
lips can be classified as the use of freedom of
expression. How low has our society gone if we
think the most valuable use of our right to
freedom of expression is the right to have
cosmetic surgery and dye our hair? The availability
of cosmetic surgery and the making it more
acceptable only lets the idea infiltrate society that
it is ok to want physical perfection, and that
appearance is important. Surely we would want
our young to grow up with higher hopes and
Wealthy people need to spend their money some
Currently, we are in a recession. But even in a
healthy economy it is never good to have vast
amounts of stagnant cash remaining in one family.
This money is economically redundant. If people
have money, and they wish to spend it they should
be implored to do so. The money would be paid to
surgeons who have their own surgeries. Those
Whilst money changing hands is always good in an
economy, the reality is the money is going from
the hands of the rich back into the hands of the
rich. Surgeons are already among the upper
middle class stratum. Then you have to take into
consideration that rich people will use the most
experienced and popular surgeons. These
surgeons will be of a higher income than the other
surgeons (who would still have a hefty salary). The
surgeries would pay for receptionists, cleaners,
repairmen. These are all jobs created out of
money which would otherwise be left sitting in the
banks of the rich. Cosmetic surgery is a way of
prising money out of the hands of the rich and
vain, which is most certainly a good thing.

wages paid to cleaners and the other menial
workers would pale insignificant to what the
surgeons were earning. The surgeon would then
keep the money and they would save it, so the
money would still be redundant in our failing
If the person had a car crash or was burned in
fire, the might have a cosmetic surgery to
improve their appearance
If a person did get into an terriable accident,and in
thier unfortunate case their body was severly
damaged .Then (I think) they would not only suffer
physical dismay but mential dismay as well. Can
you imagine having the same appearence for most
of your life and then suddenlly you look in the
miorror and you see,not you but
someone/something (there have been cases
where these poeple refer to themselvs as
something instead of someone) else? If most
people we under these circumstances then they
would not be able to handle the emotional
warfare between what they see and what they
know, and the only way SOME might find out of
hell, is to plastic surgery...(unfortunatly)
hi my name is santhosh my trunk was burned i
want surgury to get my first look

You need to show your true colours and not hide
behind a mask. (Or plastic...)
it depends
someone said that : " i love the artificial beauty
rather than the natural ugliness".that point of view
is right, in some extent. comestic surgery is not
bad, itself.we cant deny that enhance the
apperance is the demand of people coz everyone
always want to be more good-looking in others'
eyes. The point here is the way you make it. If you
take too much advantage of comestic surgery, it's
really dangerous and you can face unforeseen
consequences. then it's too late for u to regret.
Donatella Versace is a typical example.(i'm sure
you guys know her- famous fashion designer ).Her
face changes drastically due to some unfortunate
plastic surgery. so think carefully before you make
any comestic surgery .

People go into debt copying celebrities
Surgery is becoming more and more common, and
contrary to popular belief, it is not among the rich.
Poorer people now are considering cosmetic
surgery as a viable option for them. These people
will save and save, sacrificing their ordinary day
lives in order to look like celebrities; whether that
be extreme fanaticism or just having the perfect
body. This is not healthy, if these people did not
have the option to have cosmetic surgery they
would live better lives. They would spend their
money on things that are more important that
their appearance. A case can also be made that
cosmetic surgery helped create our recession.
People filled their heads with ambitions of looking
good, and took on debt in order to cover the cost.
This was debt on credit cards and mortgages which
ultimately led to the credit crunch.

People take what can be good to the extreme.
In some cases, cosmetic surgery does help
individuals. Things like skin grafts on burn victims,
or the correcting of an abnormal feature on the
human body. These things help people feel more
normal. This is how cosmetic surgery was first
used. Then people started to use cosmetic surgery,
not to look merely normal, but to look perfect.
They wanted their bodies to look like the
airbrushed girl/boy in the magazines. However, we
have now been taken one step further into the
nightmare by people using surgery to look
abnormal. People having their features changed in
order to look like animals or serpents. This freaky
use of cosmetic surgery is not healthy. What was
once medical and good is now nothing more than
a freaky side show.

There will be a severe case of side effects
1. experts(even the pro-cosmetics) warn that the
physical pain is quite severe. This includes back
pain, bruises, and so on. This is so serious that you
may have to wear head bandages after a surgery.
2. Also, years after you have surgery, you will have
to face the later side effects: that is, the effects
which will disfigure you. a very funny example of
this is South Korea: you often see people who
suffer because of those effects. You will know if
you ever surf in the Korean Internet.

Good and Bad
I believe that cosmetic surgery is a personal option

but in some cases it becomes a bad addiction. In
the case of the personal option, i don't think that
plastic surgery is necessarily a bad thing. All human
beings have some sense of insecurity and for some
people that insecurity is their appearance. I think
that plastic surgery is a self esteem booster, which
a little boost is not a problem. For example, my
mother's friend Valerie was self conscious about
the size of her breast for twenty four years of her
life. She would not go out in public with a bathing
suit on, she would be very selective on the type of
blouses she would wear, and she felt that men
would not date her because of her breast size. She
finally decided to pursue a breast augmentation.
Afterwards, she says that she felt like a different
woman. No longer was her self esteem low, but
she actually felt good about herself. As Valerie
describes, "This minor cosmetic surgery drastically
changed my life." These circumstances where
plastic surgery is minor but creates a positive
change in a person's life are not bad. Also cosmetic
surgery, in many cases, helps save people's lives.
For example, a burn victim needs new skin on their
face so that they will not bleed to death or a
woman is diagnosed with breast cancer and has to
remove her breasts in order to survive. Cosmetic
surgery is changing their appearance just like
someone were to change their hair color, or get an
ear piercing. If the changes are made moderately
to make someone happy than ultimately I believe
there is nothing wrong with it unless it becomes
Secondly, I believe when cosmetic surgery
becomes an obsession is when it turns into a bad
situation. People start changing their perception
from a physical to a mental problem. That is why I
believe that cosmetic surgery should have
limitations. If someone is coming in weekly for a
different procedure, than i classify that as a
problem. At this point people get surgery not
because it makes them happy but because it has
become a norm to their lifestyle. This is why
doctors should come up with a test to evaluate the
mental state of their patient before they undergo
procedures. The test should ask specific questions
so that doctors can tell if their patient is at a point
where the surgery is going to make them happy or
the surgery is just another form of an addiction. I
don't believe it would be difficult to tell this
distinction because in my opinion there is a fine
line between the two types of people. Overall, this
is the reason that I chose to argue it depends. Each
individual person truly contributes to cosmetic
surgery to be both good and bad.
Nowadays, cosmetic surgery has become more popular for modern people. Some people believe that it
is a science to increase the beauty of a person. The basic aim of this surgery is to enhance the
appearance of the individual that is done by altering the parts of the body. On the other hand, other
people disagree with it. They said that cosmetic surgery involves risk which may cause serious diseases
such as heart attack. Can we trust the surgeons? Can we change our appearance to whatever we want
by getting cosmetic surgery?

Plastic surgery, the practice of reshaping body tissues for reconstructive or aesthetic purposes dates
back to antiquity. Derived from the Greek plastikos, meaning to mold, plastic surgery holds a critical
place in cultures all over the world. For centuries, tribes would disc their lips, stretch their earlobes, bind
their feet, file their teeth, and tattoo and scar their skin. If contemporary popular series such as Extreme
Makeover andNip/Tuck are any indication, plastic surgery has not lost any of its cultural power. While
filed teeth may not appeal to everyone, men and women of today still have a wide range of surgical
procedures from which to choose, including liposuction, nose jobs, eyelid surgery, tummy tucks, and
breast augmentation and reduction. The term plastic surgery also includes nonsurgical options such as
Botox, microdermabrasion, collagen injections, laser hair removal, and chemical peels. Plastic surgery,
however, was not always so readily available or varied and was even shrouded in mystery, magic, and

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