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Wekiva Whispers

Weklva LlemenLary School - Where koallLy" LducaLlon Pappens Lvery uay!

1430 LasL Weklva 1rall
Longwood, llorlda 32779
hone: 746-3130 lax: 746-3163
May 2014
rlnclpal: Mar[orle Adamczyk AsslsLanL rlnclpal: !eff lose
Seminole County Public Schools or

r|nc|pa|'s Message
1hls year ln revlew. CreaL
lnsLrucLlon, wonderful volunLeers,
helpful fundralslng, mlllage
money, and professlonal
developmenL made Lhls year super
powerful! All sLaff, noL [usL
Leachers, Lhrough professlonal
developmenL, lnservlce, and
workshops have conLlnued Lo flnd
lnnovaLlng ways Lo engage your
chlld wlLh Lhe sub[ecL conLenL.
1hls year, new Lechnology has
been boughL and oLhers updaLed
Lo lmprove lnsLrucLlon as well.
new engaglng sofLware asslsLed
sLudenLs wlLh creaLlons,
lnnovaLlons, lmages, vldeos,
slmulaLlons, and uslng response
sysLems. ?ou mlghL have heard
abouL Class uo[o, Symbaloo,
1eacher 1ube, and near od Lo
name a few. ?our asslsLance wlLh
fundralslng, and as a Lax payer,
has really helped us conLlnue Lo be
on Lhe cuLLlng edge of lnsLrucLlon.
lL Look lasL year and Lhls year buL
Lhe ouLslde dralnage around Lhe
school ls ln beLLer worklng order.
We have Lwo new alr condlLloners
ln bulldlng 4, worklng sprlnklers,
flnlshed Lhe concreLe sldewalks
around Lhe edge of Lhe bulldlng,
lnsLalled new glass on many doors,
and repalred fences. We have new
rlsers for concerLs, new sclence
equlpmenL, slx new pro[ecLor
sysLems wlLh Mlmlo, new lLems
needed for Lhe 8oboLlcs Club, and
more hyslcal LducaLlon
equlpmenL. Comlng soon, Lhrough
a granL from Lowes ls a shed for
ouLdoor classroom equlpmenL and
landscaplng for Lhe fronL offlce
and Lhe buLLerfly area.
lL was anoLher greaL year for Lhe
arLs Loo. Cur Muslckldz audlLloned
and wlll be performlng aL ulsney
World agaln Lhls year. Cur super
powerful muslclans and vocallsLs
wlll represenL our school and our
dlsLrlcL, as only a few are selecLed.
Weklva has some amazlng arLlsLs
LhaL have shown Lhelr work aL
several arL fesLlvals Loo. llve
sLudenLs were recognlzed by Lhe
ulsLrlcL 8eflecLlons CommlLLee and
1hls year could noL have been
Lhls successful wlLhouL ?Cu! We
had volunLeers ln Lhe classroom,
for 1A evenLs, Lo seL up and clean
up school evenLs, class parLles,
fleld Lrlps, cuLLlng, sLamplng,
sLapllng, counLlng, baklng and
cooklng! We even had help from
some Super ops wlLh cuLLlng
bushes and palnLlng ouLdoor
Lables. 1hank you for sharlng your
concerns, your Llme and ldeas!
And now, lL ls Llme Lo say
goodbye Lo our flfLh graders. 1helr
elemenLary years are behlnd
Lhem. 1hey have come a long way
slnce walklng Lhrough Lhe doors of
klndergarLen. Lach and everyone
one of Lhem have Lhe sLrengLh,
Lhe wlsdom, Lhe klndness, and Lhe
lnLelllgence Lo be Super SLudenLs!
So ln revlew, we dld unleash
our Super owers" Lhls year!
unLll nexL year,
Ms. Adamczyk

ICA1 and Updates-Irom Mr. Iose
8ld farewell Lo Lhe lCA1. 1hls wlll
be Lhe lasL year llorlda wlll glve
Lhe lCA1 LesL Lo our sLudenLs. Cur
, 4
and 3
grade sLudenLs gave
lL Lhelr all and compleLed over
1,230 LesLs over Lhe pasL few
weeks. lL has been a long [ourney
for boLh your chlldren and our
Leachers Lo come Lo Lhls polnL ln
Lhe year. We are expecLlng greaL

8y mld-May we expecL Lo recelve
lCA1 wrlLlng scores for our 4

grade sLudenLs. lrom pasL
experlence, we recelved Lhe 3

grade 8eadlng and MaLh scores 3
weeks afLer Lhe sLudenLs
compleLed Lhe LesL. 1hls means
we should recelve 3
grade scores
aL Lhe beglnnlng of summer.
When scores arrlve we wlll conLacL
you Lhrough volcemall, emall and
school marquee Lo plck up scores
aL fronL offlce. We are anxlously
awalLlng Lhe resulLs of Lhe
sLudenLs' hard work and we are
eager Lo share Lhe resulLs wlLh our
Wekiva Whispers
Weklva LlemenLary School - Where koallLy" LducaLlon Pappens Lvery uay!
1430 LasL Weklva 1rall
Longwood, llorlda 32779
hone: 746-3130 lax: 746-3163
May 2014
rlnclpal: Mar[orle Adamczyk AsslsLanL rlnclpal: !eff lose
Seminole County Public Schools or

1hls year Summer School ls agaln
only for quallfylng Lhlrd graders.
arenLs have been noLlfled and
paperwork ls now due.

Business Partners
We would llke Lo Lhank our
buslness parLners for supporLlng
Weklva LlemenLary. Some of Lhe
Lhlngs our arLners ln LducaLlon"
helped us wlLh Lhls year lncluded
provldlng lncenLlves for our
sLudenLs, supporLlng our SplrlL
nlghLs, provldlng recognlLlon for
our 1eacher and Lmployee of Lhe
?ear and provldlng lncenLlve and
needed supplles for school evenLs.
lease conslder supporLlng our
buslness parLners by uLlllzlng Lhelr
servlces. 8elow ls a llsL of our
parLners for Lhe 2013-2104 school
8uslness arLners:
Mcuonald's Apopka,
88&1, 8lLe PoL uog Company,
8runswlck Weklva Lanes,
8rusLer's 8eal lce Cream,
CenLral llorlda kumlLe and MarLlal
ArLs, Chlck-fll-A, Chlll's,
ChrlsLopher's lLallan 8esLauranL,
lalrwlnds CredlL unlon, llrehouse
Subs, CaLors uockslde Cym
AdvenLure, !ersey Mlke's Subs,
klnder Care, Marco's lzza, apa
!ohn's lzza, laneL SmooLhle
ubllx, Sams Club, Subway, 1l[uana
llaLs, Weklva Colf club, ?o 8elle
lrozen ?ogurL

New koa|as Next Schoo| ear!!
8eglsLraLlon ls open. SLudenLs who
are mlsslng documenLaLlon wlll
noL be placed on a classroom llsL
unLll all Lhe paperwork ls ln.
Summer Pours are Monday -
lrlday 8:00 - 4:00. lease vlslL Lhe
webslLe for reglsLraLlon
lnformaLlon. We are exclLed Lo
meeL our new koalas!

Commun|ty kudos!!!!
1hank you Lo apa Murphy's and
8runswlck Zone for Lhe wonderful
1eacher AppreclaLlon week
kequests for 1eachers Next ear
As a courLesy Lo parenLs l accepL
leLLers of requesLs for your chlld's
Leacher. l regreL LhaL l cannoL
meeL wlLh all of Lhe parenLs who
are maklng Lhese requesLs.
Powever l do read Lhe leLLers LhaL
share Lhe chlld's needs, sLrengLhs,
and weaknesses. All of my
Leachers are excellenL, each wlLh
Lhelr own sLyle. SLudenLs are
selecLed based on Lhelr needs.
lease do noL requesL an
acceleraLlon classroom. SLudenLs
are selecLed based on LducaLlonal
lans and daLa.
New Cn||ne rocess for
kL1UkNING Student Updates
through Iam||y Access -
lamlly lnformaLlon updaLes and
Lhe 1sL uay ackeL" requlred of
all reLurnlng sLudenLs may be
compleLed onllne Lhrough lamlly
Access for Lhe school year 2014.
8eglnnlng May 12Lh, lamlly
Access wlll open for parenLs or
guardlans Lo revlew and updaLe
famlly lnformaLlon (address,
phone#, emergency conLacL, eLc.)
and compleLe Lhe 1sL uay ackeL"
(Lmergency ConLacL Card, School
SecurlLy lorm, 8elease form for
lleld 1rlps and more).

!!"#$%&$ ()*$ *+%* % ($, -.))/ )/
.$&01$(23 0& .$450.$1 63 *+$ &2+))#
/). %## %11.$&& 2+%(7$&8!!
Whlle Lhls ls now avallable Lo
parenLs Lhrough Skyward, Weklva
wlll sLlll have a hard copy of
Lmergency Cards, SecurlLy Cards,
and lleld 1rlp cards ln Lhe 8ack Lo
School" folders, Lo be fllled ouL
and reLurned for nexL year unLll
everyone learns how Lo llnk Lo
Skyward and lnpuL Lhe
lnformaLlon needed.
Grade Leve| News
We are so proud of our
klndergarLen sLudenLs for worklng
so hard Lhls year! Worklng and
playlng LogeLher, Lhey have
learned Lhe lmporLance of belng
klnd and always dolng Lhelr besL.
1hese boys and glrls are
wrlLlng fabulous flve
sLar senLences uslng proper
convenLlons, phoneLlc spelllng and
slghL words. 1hey have worked on
Wekiva Whispers
Weklva LlemenLary School - Where koallLy" LducaLlon Pappens Lvery uay!
1430 LasL Weklva 1rall
Longwood, llorlda 32779
hone: 746-3130 lax: 746-3163
May 2014
rlnclpal: Mar[orle Adamczyk AsslsLanL rlnclpal: !eff lose
Seminole County Public Schools or

Lhe wrlLlng process
lncludlng: narraLlve,
and oplnlon. Colng Lo Lhe
compuLer lab Lo publlsh wrlLlng
and pracLlces phonlcs skllls has
been a favorlLe for all. AddlLlon
and subLracLlon uslng a number
llne and manlpulaLlves, counLlng
Lo and above 100, classlfylng,
sorLlng and descrlblng 2u and 3u
shapes are [usL a few of Lhe maLh
skllls our klndergarLeners have
masLered Lhls year. MasLerlng Lhe
slghL words and decodlng
unknown words have been
beneflclal ln our dally readlng
acLlvlLles. SLudenLs have
sharpened Lhelr comprehenslon
skllls by reLelllng, recalllng deLalls
and lnferrlng from boLh flcLlon and
nonflcLlon LexLs. 8eadlng and
wrlLlng dally over Lhe summer wlll
be beneflclal for all and help keep
Lhese skllls sharp! WhaL a
wonderful year we had ln
I|rst Grade
llrsL grade has had a very busy
year preparlng for second grade!
We are endlng Lhe school year ln
maLh wlLh geLLlng ready for
second grade maLh". ln sclence,
we flnlshed Lhe unlL on planL and
anlmal needs. We wlll conLlnue Lo
sLudy soclal sLudles and readlng
skllls. lf your chlld has a 8eadlng
Lggs accounL, Lhey should be
parLlclpaLlng dally. 1he sLudenLs
have been worklng Lowards Lhelr
wrlLlng goal all year! MosL
sLudenLs are able Lo wrlLe four
compleLe senLences
lndependenLly wlLh deLalls. 1o
sLay prepared for second grade,
be sure your chlld ls readlng and
wrlLlng dally. 1hank you Lo all
dlvldends who chaperoned Lhe
CenLral llorlda Zoo fleld Lrlp ln
Aprll. Also, a blg Lhank you Lo all
dlvldends who helped ouL all year,
your asslsLance ln lnvaluable!
8emlnders: Slnglng Lhrough
LlLeraLure" show ls on 1hursday,
May 13
aL 9:00am
Second Grade
Second Crade ls wrapplng up our
school year. We are Laklng our lasL
ulscovery LducaLlon assessmenL
and S8l LesL. We wlll be
celebraLlng sLudenLs LhaL made
Lhelr S8l goal wlLh an lce cream
parLy before Lhe year ls ouL. We
are also busy learnlng abouL Lhe
human body. Ask your chlld how
many bones ln Lhe human body!
We wlll also be sLarLlng our unlL of
whales and dolphlns, Loo. uon'L
forgeL Lhe sLudenLs wlll be ready
Lo perform for you on May 21sL aL
9:00. 1hey have been busy slnglng
and danclng! 1he play 1lde ool
Condo" wlll Lake place ln Lhe
cafeLerla. Cur end of Lhe year
parLy ls on May 22, we wlll be
Lravellng Lo Lhe Casselberry
8owllng Alley Lo celebraLe all Lhe
learnlng and galns we have made
Lhls year. volunLeers wlll be
noLlfled for Lhls fleld Lrlp. 1he
second grade Leachers really
en[oyed waLchlng Lhls group of
sLudenLs, blossom lnLo wonderful
Lhlrd graders. We wlsh each and
every one of you a resLful and safe
summer. See you on May 21!
1h|rd Grade
1hank you Lo all Lhe parenLs who
have worked wlLh us Lo make Lhls
school year a greaL one. We
appreclaLe all Lhe volunLeer Llme,
fleld Lrlp chaperones, 8oom
Moms, and exLra help you've
glven ln all areas Lhls year. Cver
Lhe summer, lL ls lmporLanL for
sLudenLs Lo malnLaln Lhelr
academlcs! lL ls lmporLanL Lo
pracLlce grade level readlng and
revlew mulLlpllcaLlon, dlvlslon,
addlLlon, and subLracLlon facLs.
SLudles show LhaL sLudenLs who
read aL leasL slx grade approprlaLe
books durlng Lhe summer wlll
llkely malnLaln readlng galns made
durlng Lhe prevlous school year.
We have really en[oyed Leachlng
your chlldren Lhls year. Pave a
safe and wonderful summer!

Iourth Grade
We have had an exclLlng and
successful 4
grade year. Cur
sLudenLs worked hard Lo
lmplemenL LesL Laklng sLraLegles.
1eachers and sLudenLs are feellng
very poslLlve abouL our upcomlng
lCA1 resulLs. 1he end of Lhe year
parLy for 4
grade wlll be on
1uesday, May 27
. 1he fourLh
grade Leachers would llke Lo Lhank
all parenLs for enLrusLlng your
chlldren wlLh us and for your
Wekiva Whispers
Weklva LlemenLary School - Where koallLy" LducaLlon Pappens Lvery uay!
1430 LasL Weklva 1rall
Longwood, llorlda 32779
hone: 746-3130 lax: 746-3163
May 2014
rlnclpal: Mar[orle Adamczyk AsslsLanL rlnclpal: !eff lose
Seminole County Public Schools or

conLlnued supporL LhroughouL Lhe
year. uon'L forgeL Lo 8LAu over
Lhe summer and make sure maLh
facLs are belng memorlzed!
I|fth Grade
1he end of Lhe year ls fasL
approachlng and we wlll graduaLe
over 100 flfLh graders on May 23,
2014 aL 9:00 a.m.. 1he award
ceremony wlll be ln Lhe cafeLerla,
and famlly members are welcome
Lo aLLend. 1he 3
grade class of
2014 wlll also celebraLe Lhelr
many years shared aL Weklva
LlemenLary as Lhey say Aloha" aL
Lhe end of Lhe year parLy.
lCA1 has concluded, and
lnsLrucLlon has conLlnued. lease
encourage your chlld Lo compleLe
homework, read nlghLly, sLudy for
LesLs, and follow school rules.
1eachers expecL sLudenLs Lo flnlsh
as sLrong as Lhey sLarLed. WhaL
beLLer way Lo prepare for mlddle
school Lhan Lo have our work
eLhlcs be aL Lhelr very besL!
1rek for 1ech News
1he classes LhaL won a plzza parLy
were: ln 3
place: Mrs.
1raendly's 1
grade class and ln
place: Mrs. kramer's 2
class. 1he class LhaL broughL ln Lhe
mosL donaLlons was Mrs. Pull's 3

grade class. 1hey won a 8rusLer's
8eal lce Cream sheeL cake!
CongraLulaLlons! 1hank you so
much Lo everyone who made a
conLrlbuLlon Lhls year and for
supporLlng Lechnology aL Weklva.
We earned almosL $3000. A
speclal Lhank you goes Lo Weklva
uad, 8yan ullan, who asslsLed ln
geLLlng many of Lhe prlzes from
local area buslnesses LhaL were
glven ouL Lo sLudenLs ln our 1rek
for 1ech rlze urawlng.
1he ullan famlly also conLrlbuLed
Lwo PuCL glfL baskeLs LhaL were
among Lhe mosL soughL afLer
prlzes. lease supporL and Lhank
Lhls year's 8uslness Sponsors (Lhe
llsL ls lncluded ln Lhls newsleLLer
Med|a Center News
1he Sun-saLlonal Sunshlne SLaLe
Sundae arLy" ls scheduled for
Monday, May 12
ln Lhe Medla
CenLer. 1o recelve an lnvlLaLlon,
sLudenLs ln 3
grade had Lo read
and pass A8 LesLs on aL leasL 6
Sunshlne SLaLe books and sLudenLs
ln grades 4 and 3 had Lo read and
pass A8 LesLs on aL leasL 8 of Lhe
Sunshlne SLaLe books. AL Lhe Llme
of Lhls arLlcle, we have 68 sLudenLs
who have quallfled Lo aLLend!
WCW! Awards, glfLs and of
course, make-your-own lce cream
sundaes wlll be parL of Lhe
fesLlvlLles. 1here were 14 sLudenLs
who read 13 or more books! 1he
Lop readers were: Lmma Morgan
(19), AnLhony Celuso (18), Sara
CLLaway (17), 8enna uuarLe (16),
Llndsay 8oslchan (16), 8yan
AnLalek (13), Colln lalr (13), eryn
!ohnson (13), Mlla Mascenlk (13),
kelsey aldln (13), uean Scornlk
(13), lsabelle Wlllson (13), Zachary
Scrogglns (13) and kal Plgglns (13).
kudos Lo all Lhose sLudenLs for
golng above and beyond!
1he new Sunshlne SLaLe 8ook LlsL
has [usL come ouL and wlll be senL
home wlLh sLudenLs aL Lhe end of
Lhe year so Lhey can sLarL readlng
over Lhe summer.

Wek|va's kecyc||ng rogram
We recycle LhroughouL Lhe school
year. lease noLe: Lhe llsL of lLems
we recycle has changed and be
sure Lo lnclude any cables LhaL
came wlLh Lhe devlces: cell
phones, C lapLops, M3s/lods,
uAs, LableLs, e8eaders,
noLebooks, laser carLrldges from
Lhese manufacLurers only: Apple,
8roLher, Canon, uell, P, l8M,
Lexmark, MlnolLa, anasonlc,
lLney 8owes, Samsung, Sharp and
xerox, and lnk[eL carLrldges only
from Canon, uell, P, Lexmark and
Sharp. WL CAn nC LCnCL8
ACCL1 8LMAnulAC1u8Lu lnk
CA818luLS or An? LSCn lnk
CA818luCLS. lease don'L send ln
any lLems noL on Lhls llsL. 1hank

We are wrapplng up Lhls year ln
arL wlLh many accompllshmenLs.
Many sLudenLs from all grades had
Lhelr work shown aL Lhe Semlnole
1own CenLer for Lhe SCALA Sprlng
ArL Show. AddlLlonally, Lhese
sLudenLs have been chosen Lo
have Lhelr work hung on dlsplay ln
Lhe fronL offlce: !udah lleLcher,
alge knlpflng, Anna Ardollna,
Connor Maloney, Malachl MaLLox,
Wekiva Whispers
Weklva LlemenLary School - Where koallLy" LducaLlon Pappens Lvery uay!
1430 LasL Weklva 1rall
Longwood, llorlda 32779
hone: 746-3130 lax: 746-3163
May 2014
rlnclpal: Mar[orle Adamczyk AsslsLanL rlnclpal: !eff lose
Seminole County Public Schools or

!ack kllnger, karlos vazquez,
Cabrlel larr, Mlchael McknlghL,
?arlela Sagardla, Lmma Morgan,
Parley Mlller, kelsey aldln, and
ScoLL 1yburskl. CongraLulaLlons!"

Wow! lL ls hard Lo belleve LhaL
Lhls school year ls qulckly comlng
Lo an end. lL has been a fanLasLlc
year ln Lhe muslc room and Lhe
sLudenLs and l have en[oyed
maklng muslc LogeLher! Popefully
you have heard your chlldren
slnglng many songs or playlng
many songs on Lhe recorder, aL
home! Well Lhe school year ls noL
over yeL and we are very busy ln
Lhe muslc room preparlng for
upcomlng performances you wlll
noL wanL Lo mlss!

upcomlng Muslc erformances:
May 13 7:00 p.m. - koala
Muslckldz Sprlng "Super Pero"
May 13 9:00 a.m. - 1
"Slnglng Lhrough LlLeraLure" lay
May 21 9:00 a.m. - 2nd grade
"1lde pool Condos" Muslcal
May 22 2:43 p.m. - koala
Muslckldz uownLown ulsney
lf you have a 3
grade sLudenL
LhaL no longer needs or wanLs
Lhelr recorder, please conslder
donaLlng lL Lo Lhe Weklva
LlemenLary muslc program. l
clean and sanlLlze all donaLed
recorders and Lhen when a
sLudenL cannoL purchase Lhelr
own recorder, l am able Lo glve
Lhem a recorder LhaL has been
donaLed. Also, lf you have a 3

grade sLudenL ln Lhe koala
Muslckldz LhaL no longer needs
Lhelr concerL unlform (black dress
panLs, whlLe dress shlrL, eLc.),
please conslder donaLlng Lhese
lLems Lo Lhe muslc program as
well. 1hank you!

We hope Lo see you aL some of
our upcomlng muslc

Pave a greaL summer,
Ms. ?aLes


Cuts|de D|n|ng CNL!
arenLs nexL year wlll NC1 be
able Lo eaL lnslde Lhe cafeLerla.
Cnly ouLdoor seaLlng wlll be
avallable. 1hls ls a dlsLrlcL
procedure LhaL wlll be ln place aL
all elemenLary schools. CuLdoor
lunch wlll be canceled lf Lhere are
poor weaLher condlLlons.

arenLs who compleLe Lhe
emergency cards musL place ALL
famlly members on lL. 1here wlll
no longer be Lwo cards for
separaLed or dlvorced parenLs.

Iood antry
1he food panLry wlll be open Lhls
summer. lease call Mrs.
ue8onvllle 407-718-0930 Lo make
arrangemenLs for food over Lhe
1eacher AppreclaLlon
1rek 4 1ech rlzes
Cr. lleld 1rlp
CasLro / 8aby
3:13pm SAC/6p 1A
Cr. lleld 1rlp
Crenshaw / owers
arenLs vldeo revlew (4

grade) for MaLuraLlon
Cr. lleld 1rlp
PewlLL / 8aker
9:13a re-k WaLer uay
3p-3:30p LxL uay 8eg
Cr lleld 1rlp -All classes
7:00 koa|a Mus|ck|dz
Spr|ng Concert and 1A
Genera| L|ect|ons
9:00am llrsL Crade lay
9:00am 2
Crade lay
Crade Lnd of ?ear arLy
Crade 8owllng 1rlp
- 28
Larly dlsmlssal
9:00am 3
Crade Awards
School Closed
Lnd of ?ear arLy
Crade Lnd of ?ear arLy
LasL uay of School!!

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