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University of Luzon

Course Syllabus
Title: Philippine Education System Problems and Issues
Credit Units: 3 Units / 54 hours
ourse !escription"
The course covers the perspective o the !hilippine education syste" in ter"s o vision# "ission and $oals%
historical account# challen$es and issues in the !hilippine education syste"% the basic and tertiary education&s
pro$ra" thrusts and delivery syste"% the role o Technical Education and S'ills Develop"ent Authority (TESDA)
to !hilippine develop"ent in ter"s o conductin$ trainin$ or hi$h *uality +ilipino "iddle level "anpo,er that ,ill
"atch the "anpo,er needs o the econo"y-
ourse #b$ectives"
.t is intended to articulate the perspectives o the !hilippine education syste" and the chan$es to "a'e it attuned and
beca"e responsive to the recent advances in science and technolo$y and contribute to the attain"ent o the national
develop"ent $oals- Speciically# the students should be able to:
/- Discuss and react on the current issues and proble"s in !hilippine Education-
0- 1eet the de"ands o trainin$ schools to indicate the relationship bet,een social lie and
2- Reco$ni3e their roles as "odel educators to achieve the total develop"ent o "an as the ulti"ate
ob4ective o education-
5- Gain an overvie, o education and the society% philosophy# vision# "ission and "andate o
!hilippine Education# education ladder and challen$es and issues o the !hilippine education syste"-
6- Articulate the basic education vision# "ission# $oals and ob4ectives% delivery syste"% basic
restructured curriculu"% teachin$ "odels% and its i"plication to develop"ent-
7- Spell out the state o hi$her education in the !hilippine philosophy# vision# "ission and $oals#
pro$ra" thrust# delivery syste"# and i"plication to the country&s develop"ent% and
8- Deter"ined the role o technical education and s'ills develop"ent (TESDA) to !hilippine
develop"ent as a tool and conduit o trainin$ hi$h *uality "iddle level "anpo,er develop"ent-
ourse #utline"
a- 9ature o Education
b- Ob4ectives
c- !hilosophies
d- +unctions
..- THE !H.L.!!.9E EDUCAT.O9 S=STE1
a- The !hilippine Education Historical :ries% and Challen$e and .ssues in the !hilippine Education
Syste" as advocated in the !CS!E# !D7>A# SOUTELE and EDCO1 Report
b- :asic Education and Develop"ent in ter"s o:
DepEd vision# "ission and ob4ectives%
DepEd :asic Education Delivery Syste"%
Le$al :asis o 0??0 :asic Education Restructured Curriculu" (R:EC)
:asic +eatures o the 0??0 R:EC and learnin$ areas% and
."plication o the 0??0 R:EC to !hilippine Develop"ent
c- Tertiary education and national develop"ent
Concept o hi$her education
State o hi$her education in the !hilippine
Hi$her education&s philosophy# vision# "ission# $oals and ob4ective%
Hi$her education pro$ra" thrust%
Strate$ies and i"ple"entin$ "echanis"% and
."plication o Hi$her education to develop"ent
d- The role o Technical Education and s'ills Develop"ent (TESDA) to !hilippine develop"ent as
$leaned ro" its:
<ision# "ission and $oals%
!ro$ra" thrusts and strate$ies and unctions%
@ey players in TESDA pro$ra"s and undin$s% and
Role o TESDA in the national develop"ent $oals
...- Speciic .ssuesAConcerns o !hilippine Education
A*uino# G- <- /BC6- Educational Ad"inistration: Theory and !ractice- 1anila: ReD !rintin$ !ress-
A*uino# G- <- /B85- +unda"entals o Eective Teachin$- 1etro 1anila: 9avotas !ress-
Carpio# E- :- /BCB- The Educational Reorientation !ro$ra"- !hilippine Education: <isions and !erspective- 1etro
1anila: national :oo' Store-
EEEEEEEEE Education Act o /BC0 or :atas !a"bansa :l$- 020-
Gon3ales# E- /BCB- Secondary Education Develop"ent !ro$ra"- !hilippine Education: <isions and !erspective- 1etro
1anila: 9ational :oo' Store# .nc-
Guerrero# ;- S- /BCB- Thrusts and Reor" !ro$ra" in Ele"entary Education: ."plication to Teacher Education#
!hilippine Education: <isions and !erspective- 1etro 1anila: 9ational :oo' Store# .nc-
1anuel# ;- L- /B80- Educational Reor": An ."perative or Develop"ent# Daily EDpress# Sept- /8# /B80-
1uhi# E-T- et al- /BC7- Dyna"ics o Develop"ent: The !hilippine EDperience# 1etro 1anila: 9ational :oo' Store# .nc-
!erecto# F- S- /B88- +uture Direction in !hilippine Education# +oo'ien Ti"es =earboo'- 1anila: 1EC !lannin$
EEEEEEEEE !-D- 7>A- Educational Develop"ent Act o /B80-
!o"eroy# F- ;- /B85- !CS!E# Education +or 9ational Develop"ent# 9e, !atterns# 9e, Direction- An A"erican 1ade
Tra$edy- 9eo>Colonialis" and Dictatorship in the !hilippines- 9e, =or': .nternational !ublishers-
Ro"ulo# R- !- /BCB- 9on>or"al Education Thrusts- !hilippine Education <isions and !erspective- 1etro 1anila:
9ational :oo' Store# .nc-
Guisu"bin$# L- R- /BCB- Reor"# Thrusts and .nnovation in Ele"entary and Secondary Education- !hilippine Education#
<ision and !erspective- Gue3on City: 9ational :oo'store# .nc-
EEEEEEEEE The 0??0 :asic Education Curriculu"# Depart"ent o Education- DepEd Co"pleD# 1eralco Avenue# !asi$
Written Reports
Oral Presentations
Case Reviews
Video Presentation of Interviews with an Educator
Midterm and Final Exams
Term Paper

Prepared by: Mr. Randy S. Occidental, RN, MAN
!ME" ################################################### $!TE"
TOPIC" ###################################################

m Points
Introdution $escri%e &our pro%lem or issue in the Philippine Educational
'&stem( )ive enou*h detail to full& descri%e the situation
and wh& it is an issue or a pro%lem(
Si#ni$ian% o$
t&% Pro'(%m
Provide data +from &our literature review, to explain wh& we
should care a%out the pro%lem- Wh& is &our topic
T&% Pro'(%m
+s&nthesis from
the literature,
Examine theoretical and actual sources. /ournals.
pu%lications. documentaries. research reports. etc( +at least
01. %ut pro%a%l& man& more, to *ain a clear understandin*
of the issue2pro%lem(
What is 3nown a%out the issue2pro%lem- What is not
What could %e contri%utin* to the issue2pro%lem-
T&% So(ution
+s&nthesis from
the literature,
What solutions are su**ested %& the literature- What are
the stren*ths and wea3nesses of the issue2pro%lem- Where
are the *aps in &our issue2pro%lem- What is not &et 3nown-
What possi%le solution to the pro%lem2issue do &ou want to
Con(usions Provide a summar& of the ma/or points that &ou learned
a%out the issue2pro%lem from &our literature review and &our
What further readin* do &ou need to do to further clarif& the
issue2pro%lem and possi%le solution- )ives
recommendations and shows a%ilit& to handle 4uestions(
Format + V%r'a(
5o*ical. clear. or*ani6ed presentation of ideas( Correct
*rammar. spellin*. punctuations. and formattin*( Relevance
of oral presentation. continuit&. %alance of emphasis.
utili6ation of time allotment( Clear. audi%le speech. no
distractin* mannerisms. *ood vocal emphasis. e&e contact
with audience(
Tota( Sor% ,-our #rad%. !**
/- Fhat do you li'e about your 4ob as a (state the position)H
0- Fhat rustrates you about your 4obH
2- Fhat about your 4ob "a'es you proud to be a (state your position)H
5- Fhat is so"ethin$ a person ,ho does not ,or' in your particular ield "i$ht ind
surprisin$ about your 4obH
6- Ho, ,ere you able to reach the pea' o your careerH
7- Fhat advise can you $ive or youn$ teachers ,ho ,ould li'e to be a (state the "ana$erial
position) li'e youH
8- .n your o,n ,ay# ,hat have you done to raise the *uality o education in our countryH
C- In this present time' do you still believe that education is important( )hy(
B- Do you consider education in our country a ri$ht or a privile$eH
/?- Fhat do you thin' is the pressin$ issue or proble" in our education and educational
//- Fhat do you su$$est must be done in order to remedy this problem(
/0- *enerally spea+in,' one of the bi,,est complaints of teachers and students is lac+ of
fundin, and poor allocation of funds- . you ,ere $iven a B??>"illion peso bud$et#
,hat ,ill you do ,ith this und to i"prove your schoolAoiceAa$encyH FhyH
/2- Do you eel that educatorsAteachers in the country receive ade*uate support or their
/5- Are teachers ,ell salaried or paidH FhyH
/6- Ho, ,ill you encoura$e children and the youth to inish their schoolin$ and pursue
continuin$ educationH
/7- Ho, do you see our country&s education 6 to /? years ro" no,H
/8- . you ,ere in>char$e# ,hat ,ill you chan$e in your oiceAschool or in our
education/educational system( and .hy(
.ndividual Oral !resentation
0ame" 666666666666666666666666666666666666666 !ate" 666666666666666666666666
2opic" 666666666666666666666666666666666666666
Crit%ria B%(o2 %x3%t%d (%4%( At %x3%t%d (%4%( A'o4% %x3%t%d (%4%(
Introduction of topic
Topic introduced( Topic introduced clearl&. and
purpose of tal3 was made clear(
Topic introduced clearl& and in
an interestin* wa&( Purpose of
tal3 was made clear( Outline of
points was *iven(
Development of topic
'ome understandin* of topic
shown( 'ome lin3s and
connections made %etween
ideas( Points are usuall&
developed with minimum detail(
Information is usuall& relevant(
)ood understandin* of topic
shown( 5in3s and connections
%etween ideas made clear(
Information was relevant and
expressed in own words( Points
were developed with sufficient
and appropriate details(
! ver& *ood understandin* of
the topic shown( 5in3s and
connections %etween ideas
made clear( Information was
relevant and well expressed in
own words( Points were well7
or*anised and developed with
sufficient and appropriate
Ability to engage and
involve audience
'ome e&e contact was made(
Techni4ues used to en*a*e
audience were minimal. or
mainl& ineffective(
!n interestin* approach ta3en to
topic( 'pea3er used techni4ues
such as visual aids and props.
anecdote. surprisin* facts. direct
audience participation(
'pea3er monitored audience
and adapts presentation
accordin*l&( !n interestin* or
ori*inal approach ta3en to the
topic( 'pea3er used techni4ues
such as visual aids and props.
anecdote. humour. surprisin*
facts. direct audience
Suitability of
presentation for
purpose and
!ttempts were made to tailor the
presentation content to the
intended purpose of informin*.
interestin* or persuadin*(
The presentation content and
structure was tailored to the
audience and to the intended
purpose of informin*. interestin*
or persuadin*(
The presentation content.
structure and deliver& were
closel& tailored to the audience
and to the intended purpose of
informin*. interestin* or
Voice: clarity, pace,
Presenter occasionall& spo3e
clearl& and at a *ood pace(
Presenter usuall& spo3e clearl&
to ensure audience
comprehension( $eliver& was
usuall& fluent(
Presenter spo3e clearl& and at a
*ood pace to ensure audience
comprehension( $eliver& was
fluent and expressive(
Vocabulary, sentence
structure, grammar
The voca%ular& of the
presentation was mainl&
appropriate for the topic( The
presentation content was
occasionall& *rammaticall&
The voca%ular& of the
presentation was appropriate for
the topic( 'entence structures
were usuall& correct( The
presentation content was
usuall& *rammaticall& correct(
The voca%ular& of the
presentation was appropriate for
the topic( ! variet& of phrases
and sentence structures were
used( The presentation content
was *rammaticall& correct(
Pronunciation occasionall&
correct. %ut often hesitant and
Pronunciation and intonation is
usuall& correct(
Pronunciation and intonation is
correct and confident(
Use of visual aids
o visual aids were used8 OR
Visual aids were occasionall&
appropriate and related to the
spo3en messa*e(
Visual aids supported the
presentation effectivel&( The&
clarified and reinforced the
spo3en messa*e(
Visual aids were carefull&
prepared and supported the
presentation effectivel&( The&
clarified and reinforced the
spo3en messa*e( The aids
added impact and interest to the
Conclusion of topic
!n attempt was made to
conclude the presentation(
The presentation was summed
up clearl&(
The presentation was summed
up clearl& and effectivel&. with
3e& points emphasised(
Answering uestions
from audience
ot all 4uestions could %e
answered( 9uestions answered
with difficult&. and little
3nowled*e of the topic was
Most 4uestions answered(
!nswers showed *ood
3nowled*e and understandin*
of the topic( 5an*ua*e was
mainl& correct(
9uestions answered with little
difficult&( Ver& *ood 3nowled*e
of the topic was demonstrated(
5an*ua*e was correct and
omments and Su,,estions for improvement

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