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Laws of Attraction and the 11 Forgotten

by Angela Schulz-Henke
How to apply the universal laws to empower your life?

Many have seen the Secret and tried hard to do their affirmations and positive thinking. But
why did not get major results? I have been in the same boat until I understood how our brain
We need to start here and then we can implement all the tools like affirmations, gratitude,
vision board and journaling to reach our goals. Always bear in mind that the 11 Forgotten
Laws work, whether we are aware of it or not.If we do not give it new instructions and put the
old belief system in the bin, our non conscious mind will keep us in our comfort zone. We
have to do a major clean out first.

But how does the conscious and non conscious brain work?

John Assaraf tells us in his book the Answer how the brain works. Here are a few examples:
- the conscious brain occupies only 17% of the total brain mass and controls 2 to 4 % of the
actual perception and behavior. On the other side occupies the non conscious mind 83% of the
total brain mass and controls 96 to 98%.
Can you grasp what that means?

- Conscious impulses travel at speed of 120 to 14o mph. The non conscious impulses travel at
a speed of more than 100,000 mph, or 800 times faster than conscious impulses. What a

- The conscious brain processes about 2,000 bits of information per second. The non
conscious brain processes about 400,000,000,000 bits of information per second. Can you
understand now?

- The conscious brain works volitional: it is the part you control by conscious will, the part
which sets goals and judges the outcome. The non conscious brain is servile: it does not set
goals and it never judges. But it executes the goal it is provided with. It only checks whether
the values of results match the given goals. Here we need to start with.

- The conscious brain only perceives past and future. It is the non conscious brain that only
perceives, what happens now. Got it?

- The conscious brain operates with a very short-term memory span, generally limited to
about 20 seconds. But the non conscious brain remembers everything and forever.

Understanding these factors and then work with them, will bring results.
Imagine that in your non conscious brain there are lots of huge shelves all full with all the
thoughts you ever thought and all the belief systems you ever acquired. And the older we are
the more clutter sits in these shelves.
We need to recalibrate our non conscious brain. How do we do that?
Here comes Bob Proctor with The 11 Forgotten Laws. This program helps to work with all
the universal laws and empower your life forever. God is a creator and as a part of him so are
we. We can create anything if we are ready to work with our non conscious brain.
Author's Bio
I was starting with positive thinking ages ago and just wondered why it did not work. When I
was shown The Secret end of 2007 I understood abit more. With a friend of mine we
organised seminars to teach people how to apply the Law of Attraction. That was in Portugal.
Meanwhile my mentors are Bob Proctor and John Assaraf.
I recently moved to Munich and decided that I will coach people and give seminars.

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