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Short Span 3150.00 mm
Long Span 2150.00 mm
Thickness of slab 150.00 mm
Load/Unit Area .01 N/

Permissible stresses:Uncracked Section

Concrete: M20
Direct Tension [Ft] 1.2000 N/
Tension due to Bending [Ftb] 1.7000 N/
Direct Compression [Fc] 5.0000 N/
Compression due to Bending [Fcb] 7.0000 N/

Steel: Fe415
Strength in Steel [Fy] 150.0000 N/
Moment Short Span 4583.78 Nmm/mm
Area of Steel .34
Moment Long Span 2037.24 Nmm/mm
Area of Steel .34

Design of Long Wall:

Density of Liquid [w] .00 N/
Length of wall [b] 3000.00 mm
Depth of Liquid [a] 3500.00 mm
b/a Raio 0.86

Permissible stresses:Uncracked Section

Concrete: M20
Direct Tension [Ft] 1.2000 N/
Tension due to Bending [Ftb] 1.7000 N/
Direct Compression [Fc] 5.0000 N/
Compression due to Bending [Fcb] 7.0000 N/
Steel: Fe415
Strength in Steel [Fy] 150.0000 N/

"Wall Panel top free, Bottom and Vertical Edges Fixed"

x/a y = 0 y = b/4 y = b/2

mx my mx my mx my

Moment Coefficients, Table3, IS:33701967:

0 0 0.00614 0 0.00143 0 0.01171
1/4 0.00143 0.00929 0 0.00243 0.00329 0.01614
1/2 0.00671 0.01129 0.00329 0.00386 0.00429 0.02214
3/4 0.00743 0.00057 0.00386 0.00343 0.00343 0.016
1 0.02871 0.00586 0.018 0.00386 0 0

Moment values: Nmm/mm

0 .0 2633.7 .0 612.5 .0 5022.5
1/4 612.5 3981.2 .0 1041.3 1408.7 6921.2
1/2 2878.7 4838.7 1408.7 1653.7 1837.5 9493.8
3/4 3185.0 245.0 1653.7 1470.0 1470.0 6860.0
1 12311.3 2511.3 7717.5 1653.7 .0 .0

Depth Computation: Constant R = .3060

0 .0 92.8 .0 44.7 .0 128.1
1/4 44.7 114.1 .0 58.3 67.8 150.4
1/2 97.0 125.7 67.8 73.5 77.5 176.1
3/4 102.0 28.3 73.5 69.3 69.3 149.7
1 200.6 90.6 158.8 73.5 .0 .0

Depth Provided: mm

0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0
1/4 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0
1/2 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0
3/4 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0
1 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0

Area of steel required:

0 .514 .514 .514 .514 .514 .514
1/4 .514 .514 .514 .514 .514 .514
1/2 .514 .514 .514 .514 .514 .514
3/4 .514 .514 .514 .514 .514 .514
1 .514 .514 .514 .514 .514 .514

Moment of resistance of the section: Nmm/mm

0 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2
1/4 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2
1/2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2
3/4 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2
1 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2

Design of Wall Footing:

Total Base Width = 1500.0000 mm
Toe Projection = 300.0000 mm
Thickness of Base slab = 300.0000 mm
Effective cover = 25.0000 mm

Permissible stresses:Uncracked Section

Concrete: M20
Direct Tension [Ft] = 1.2000 N/
Tension due to Bending [Ftb] = 1.7000 N/
Direct Compression [Fc] = 5.0000 N/
Compression due to Bending [Fcb] = 7.0000 N/

Steel: Fe415
Strength in Steel [Fy] = 150.0000 N/

Stability Calculations:

No. Description Weight Eccn. Moment
N/mm mm Nmm/mm

1 Due to Roof 6.0697 425.0000 2579.6197
2 Due to Wall 22.5000 425.0000 9562.5000
3 Due to Base 9.3750 750.0000 7031.2500
4 Due to Water 33.2500 1025.0000 34081.2500
5 Due to Soil 3.6000 150.0000 540.0000
6 Due to TRB .0000 425.0000 .0000
Wall Moment 7717.5000

Total 74.7947 46077.1197

Z = Total Moment/Total Load = 616.0480 mm
Eccentricity e = B/2Z = 133.9520 mm
Maximum Upward Pressure = .0766 N/
Minimum Upward Pressure = .0231 N/

Design of Heel Slab:

Width of Heel = 950.0000 mm
Thickness of Heel = 300.0000 mm
Height of Liquid = 3500.0000 mm
Pressure @ Junction = .0570 N/

No. Description Weight Eccn. Moment
N/mm mm Nmm/mm

1 Due to Water 33.2500 475.0000 15793.7500
2 Due to Base 7.1250 475.0000 3384.3750
Due to Earth pressure 15535.0037

Design moment 3643.1213

Area of steel required = .5829
Resisting Moment = 27944.1143 Nmm/mm

Reinforcement Provision:
Provide #12@190.00C/C Both ways

Design of Toe Slab:

Width of Toe = 300.0000 mm
Thickness of Heel = 300.0000 mm
Foundation Depth = 1000.0000 mm
Pressure @ Junction = .0659 N/

No. Description Weight Eccn. Moment
N/mm mm Nmm/mm

1 Due to Soil 3.3600 150.0000 504.0000
2 Due to Base 2.2500 150.0000 337.5000
Due to Earth pressure 3285.8064

Design moment 2444.3064

Area of steel required = .5829
Resisting Moment = 27944.1143 Nmm/mm

Reinforcement Provision:
Provide #12@190.00C/C Both ways

Design of Short Wall:

Density of Liquid [w] = .00 N/
Length of wall [b] = 2000.00 mm
Depth of Liquid [a] = 3500.00 mm
b/a Raio = .57

Permissible stresses:Uncracked Section

Concrete: M20
Direct Tension [Ft] = 1.2000 N/
Tension due to Bending [Ftb] = 1.7000 N/
Direct Compression [Fc] = 5.0000 N/
Compression due to Bending [Fcb] = 7.0000 N/

Steel: Fe415
Strength in Steel [Fy] = 150.0000 N/

"Wall Panel top free, Bottom and Vertical Edges Fixed"

x/a y = 0 y = b/4 y = b/2

mx my mx my mx my

Moment Coefficients, Table3, IS:33701967:

0 .00000 .00186 .00000 .00029 .00000 .00343
1/4 .00029 .00586 .00000 .00129 .00129 .00600
1/2 .00286 .00714 .00129 .00157 .00229 .01129
3/4 .00486 .00629 .00157 .00157 .00157 .00871
1 .01757 .00357 .01000 .00229 .00000 .00000

Moment values: Nmm/mm

0 .0 796.2 .0 122.5 .0 1470.0
1/4 122.5 2511.3 .0 551.3 551.3 2572.5
1/2 1225.0 3062.5 551.3 673.7 980.0 4838.7
3/4 2082.5 2695.0 673.7 673.7 673.7 3736.2
1 7533.8 1531.3 4287.5 980.0 .0 .0

Depth Computation: Constant R = .3060

0 .0 51.0 .0 20.0 .0 69.3
1/4 20.0 90.6 .0 42.4 42.4 91.7
1/2 63.3 100.0 42.4 46.9 56.6 125.7
3/4 82.5 93.8 46.9 46.9 46.9 110.5
1 156.9 70.7 118.4 56.6 .0 .0

Depth Provided: mm

0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0
1/4 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0
1/2 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0
3/4 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0
1 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0

Area of steel required:

0 .514 .514 .514 .514 .514 .514
1/4 .514 .514 .514 .514 .514 .514
1/2 .514 .514 .514 .514 .514 .514
3/4 .514 .514 .514 .514 .514 .514
1 .514 .514 .514 .514 .514 .514

Moment of resistance of the section: Nmm/mm

0 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2
1/4 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2
1/2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2
3/4 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2
1 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2 18924.2

Design of Wall Footing:

Total Base Width = 1500.0000 mm
Toe Projection = 300.0000 mm
Thickness of Base slab = 300.0000 mm
Effective cover = 25.0000 mm

Permissible stresses:Uncracked Section

Concrete: M20
Direct Tension [Ft] = 1.2000 N/
Tension due to Bending [Ftb] = 1.7000 N/
Direct Compression [Fc] = 5.0000 N/
Compression due to Bending [Fcb] = 7.0000 N/

Steel: Fe415
Strength in Steel [Fy] = 150.0000 N/

Stability Calculations:

No. Description Weight Eccn. Moment
N/mm mm Nmm/mm

1 Due to Roof 6.0697 425.0000 2579.6197
2 Due to Wall 22.5000 425.0000 9562.5000
3 Due to Base 9.3750 750.0000 7031.2500
4 Due to Water 33.2500 1025.0000 34081.2500
5 Due to Soil 3.6000 150.0000 540.0000
6 Due to TRB .0000 425.0000 .0000
Wall Moment 4287.5000

Total 74.7947 49507.1197

Z = Total Moment/Total Load = 661.9068 mm
Eccentricity e = B/2Z = 88.0932 mm
Maximum Upward Pressure = .0674 N/
Minimum Upward Pressure = .0323 N/

Design of Heel Slab:

Width of Heel = 950.0000 mm
Thickness of Heel = 300.0000 mm
Height of Liquid = 3500.0000 mm
Pressure @ Junction = .0545 N/

No. Description Weight Eccn. Moment
N/mm mm Nmm/mm

1 Due to Water 33.2500 475.0000 15793.7500
2 Due to Base 7.1250 475.0000 3384.3750
Due to Earth pressure 17919.7430

Design moment 1258.3820

Area of steel required = .5829
Resisting Moment = 27944.1143 Nmm/mm

Reinforcement Provision:
Provide #12@190.00C/C Both ways

Design of Toe Slab:

Width of Toe = 300.0000 mm
Thickness of Heel = 300.0000 mm
Foundation Depth = 1000.0000 mm
Pressure @ Junction = .0604 N/

No. Description Weight Eccn. Moment
N/mm mm Nmm/mm

1 Due to Soil 3.3600 150.0000 504.0000
2 Due to Base 2.2500 150.0000 337.5000
Due to Earth pressure 2929.0864

Design moment 2087.5864

Area of steel required = .5829
Resisting Moment = 27944.1143 Nmm/mm

Reinforcement Provision:
Provide #12@190.00C/C Both ways

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