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NSEL Investors Forum

1010, Maker Chambers V, Nariman Point, Mumbai -400021

e!" 022-22#$ 02#%&4'2$ Fa(" 022-22#% $211 Emai!"
)run *a!mia
May 27, 2014
Shri Piyush Goyal,
Honble Minister of State,
Ministry of New and Renewable ner!y,
"lo#$ No 14, %G& %o'(le), *odhi Road,
New +elhi,11000-
Res(e#ted Sir,
. ho(e this letter finds you in the best of health/ 0t the outset . wish to #on!ratulate you heartily for
the s(e#ta#ular ele#toral 1i#tory for "2P and Pri'e Minister Shri Narendra Modi3i/ 4e all ha1e
been ins(ired by your $nowled!e, hu'ility, (ra!'atis' and sin#erity e)hibited by you in all your
re(resentations and in your o1erall your (oliti#al #areer till date/ . a' #onfident that you ha1e
ins(ired 'illions of youn! .ndians with your sin#ere #ondu#t in Parlia'ent/ 0s you would be
aware, . also had the !ood fortune to 'eet you a few 'onths earlier in the NS* s#a' #ase
alon! with Shri 0nand Rathi3i/
.n these diffi#ult ti'es, Shri Modi3i has re(osed tre'endous faith in your abilities entrustin! you
with (osts of MoS in New and Renewable ner!y, Power and Ports/ .t is only befittin! of a wi5ard
%hartered 0##ountant li$e yourself to deli1er on the e)(e#tations of 'illions of .ndians/
4e would li$e to on#e a!ain draw your attention to the dayli!ht robbery of Rs/ 6700 #rores #arried
out with i'(unity by NS* and 89 Grou(/ .n one fell swoo( this s#a' has hit 1-000 in1estors/ .t
has been 'ore than : 'onths but no si!nifi#ant re#o1ery has been a#hie1ed/ ;ou would be
aware that when we 'et you so'e 'onths ba#$ to air our !rie1an#es re!ardin! NS* s#a'
issue, you !a1e us a 1ery (atient hearin!/ 0fter our 'eetin! . was 1ery i'(ressed with your wide
ran!in! $nowled!e and your sin#ere and i''ediate efforts in #onta#tin! se1eral $ey fi!ures in
order to resol1e this issue, ri!ht in front of us/ ;ou were at the forefront in atte'(tin! to resol1e
the NS* issue for the sa$e of 1-000 fa'ilies/ Howe1er due to the then in#u'bent Go1ern'ent,
nothin! 'u#h #ould be a#hie1ed des(ite your her#ulean efforts/ 0dditionally you would a((re#iate
that this s#a' is uni<ue in the sense that 'ost of the 'oney lost by in1estors is still 1ery 'u#h
inta#t by way of real estate and other assets belon!in! to the (er(etrators of the fraud/ 0ll that is
now re<uired to resol1e the issue and hel( in1estors re#o1er their 'onies is stron! will to do so/ .
a' su(re'ely #onfident that you will 'a$e all efforts at your #o''and to hel( the NS* 1i#ti's
!et ba#$ their 'oney/ 4e are now sure that for us ha(less in1estors, 0##hhe +in 0a Gaye Hain=
4e understand that the res(onsibility entrusted with you by Modi3i is not dire#tly #on#erned with
su#h 'atters, but we are ho(eful that you would definitely raise this issue a'on!st your
#ollea!ues and seniors whi#h #ould hel( brin! this #ase to its lo!i#al #on#lusion/
0t this 3un#ture we are well aware of the tre'endous res(onsibilities on you in steerin! the nation
out of a dee( #risis and we wish you all the lu#$ and !ood wishes/ 4e truly belie1e that with your
i''ense $nowled!e and (ra!'atis' you will e)#eed the e)(e#tations of 1/26 billion .ndians/
9han$in! you,
;ours faithfully,
For NSEL Investors Forum
)run *a!mia

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