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Table of Contents


+ --- %O%%( AN, MOMM(
- --- !USH IN *ORL, *AR II
/ --- THE %ERMIAN !ASIN GANG 0-)1$-2 b3tes4
/-b --- THE !A( O %IGS AN, THE #ENNE,(
ASSASSINATION0)-125' b3tes4
1) -- !USH IN !EI&ING
1--- CAM%AIGN 12/5
'51 12/1
$5 -- THE %HON( *AR ON ,RUGS
$1 -- OMAHA
$) -- THE NE* *ORL, OR,ER
INTRO,UCTION" A8erican Cali9ula
T:e t:esis of t:is boo; is si8<le" if Geor9e !us: =ere to be re- elected in No>e8ber 122$
for a second ter8 as t:e <resident of t:e United States1 t:is countr3 and t:e rest of t:e
=orld =ould face a catastro<:e of 9i9antic <ro<ortions?
T:e necessit3 of =ritin9 t:is boo; beca8e o>er=:el8in9 in t:e 8inds of t:e aut:ors in t:e
=a;e of t:e 9:astl3 slau9:ter of t:e Ira@ =ar of &anuar3-ebruar3 1221? T:at =ar =as an
act of sa>a9e and <re8editated 9enocide on t:e <art of !us:1 underta;en in conni>ance
=it: a cli@ue in London =:ic: :as1 in its :istorical continuit31 re<resented bot: t:e =orst
ene83 of t:e lon9-ter8 interests of t:e A8erican <eo<le1 and t:e 8ost i8<lacable
ad>ersar3 of t:e <ro9ress of t:e :u8an s<ecies?
T:e aut:ors obser>ed Geor9e !us: >er3 carefull3 as t:e Gulf crisis and t:e =ar unfolded1
and :ad no doubt t:at :is enra9ed <ublic outbursts constituted real <s3c:otic e<isodes1
indicati>e of a deran9ed 8ental state t:at =as full of o8inous <ortent for :u8anit3? T:e
aut:ors =ere also :orrified b3 t:e de9ree to =:ic: t:eir fello= citiAens =illfull3 i9nored t:e
s:oc;in9 realit3 of t:ese <ublic fits? A 8aBorit3 of t:e A8erican <eo<le <ro>ed 8ore t:an
=illin9 to lend its su<<ort to a des<icable enter<rise of ;illin9?
!3 t:eir role-call >otes of &anuar3 1$1 12211 t:e Senate and t:e House of Re<resentati>es
9a>e t:eir aut:oriAation for !us:7s <lanned and i88inent =ar 8easures to restore t:e E8ir
of #u=ait1 =:o o=ns and :olds c:attel sla>es? T:at >ote =as a cri8e a9ainst God7s Bustice?
T:is boo; is <art of an atte8<t to :el< t:e8 to sur>i>e an3=a31 bot: for t:e sa;e of t:e
=orld and for t:eir o=n sa;e? It is intended as a contribution to a <rocess of education t:at
8i9:t still sa>e t:e A8erican <eo<le fro8 t:e a=eso8e destruction of a second !us:
<residenc3? It is furt:er intended as a =arnin9 to all citiAens t:at if t:e3 fail to den3 !us: a
second ter81 t:e3 =ill deser>e =:at t:e3 9et after 122'?
As t:is boo; 9oes to <ress in t:e autu8n of 12211 <ublic a=areness of t:e lon9-ter8
de<ression of t:e A8erican econo83 is ra<idl3 9ro=in9? If !us: =ere re-elected1 :e =ould
>ie= :i8self as be3ond t:e reac: of t:e >oters and t:e <o<ular =illC =it: t:e federal deficit
risin9 be3ond a billion dollars a da31 a second !us: ad8inistration =ould dictate suc:
crus:in9 austerit3 as to brin9 t:e countr3 to t:e brin; of ci>il =ar? So8e :arbin9ers of =:at
8i9:t be co8in9 are described in t:e last c:a<ter of t:is boo;? Our 9oal :as been to
asse8ble as 8uc: of t:e trut: about !us: as <ossible =it:in t:e ti8e constraints i8<osed
b3 t:e 122$ election? Ti8e and resources :a>e not <er8itted us 8eticulous attention to
certain 8atters of detailC =e can sa31 ne>ert:eless1 t:at bot: our co88it8ent to t:e trut:
and our final <roduct are better t:an an3t:in9 an3one else :as been able to 8uster1
includin9 ne=s or9aniAations and intelli9ence a9encies =it: ca<abilities t:at far sur<ass our
Ho= can =e :o<e to fi9:t t:e 8i9:til3 !us: <o=er cartel =it: a bio9ra<:31 a 8ere boo;D
*e :a>e no illusions of eas3 success1 but =e =ere encoura9ed in our =or; b3 t:e :o<e t:at
a bio9ra<:3 8i9:t sti8ulate o<<osition to !us: and :is <olicies? It =ill certainl31 if onl3 b3
>irtue of its no>elt31 <ose a ne= set of <roble8s to t:ose see;in9 to 9et !us: re- elected?
or alt:ou9: !us: is no= =:at Bournalists call a =orld leader1 no accurate account on :is
actual career eEists in t:e <ublic do8ain?
T:e >olu8e =:ic: =e sub8it :ere=it: to t:e court of =orld <ublic o<inion is1 to t:e best of
our ;no=led9e1 t:e first and onl3 boo;- len9t:1 unaut:oriAed bio9ra<:3 of Geor9e !us:? It
is t:e first a<<roEi8ation of t:e trut: about :is life? T:is is t:e first bio9ra<:3 =ort:3 of t:e
na8e1 a fact t:at sa3s a 9reat deal about t:e sinister <o=er and obsessi>e secrec3 of t:is
<ersona9e? None of t:e ot:er self-announced bio9ra<:ies 0includin9 !us:7s ca8<ai9n
autobio9ra<:34 can be ta;en seriousl3C eac: of t:ese boo;s is a <astic:e of lies1 distortions
and banalities t:at run t:e 9a8ut fro8 ca8<ai9n <ane93ric to t:e Goebbels !i9 Lie to fa;e
but edif3in9 stories for credulous c:ildren? Al8ost =it:out eEce<tion1 t:e a>ailable !us:
literature is =ort:less?
!ut =it: !us:1 t:is is onl3 t:e be9innin9 of t:e <roble8? !us:7s fa8il3 <edi9ree establis:es
:i8 as a net=or; asset of !ro=n !rot:ers1 Harri8an1 one of t:e 8ost <o=erful <olitical
forces in t:e United States durin9 8uc: of t:e t=entiet: centur31 and for 8an3 3ears t:e
lar9est <ri>ate ban; in t:e =orld? It suffices in t:is conteEt to t:in; of A>erell Harri8an
ne9otiatin9 durin9 *orld *ar II in t:e na8e of t:e United States =it: C:urc:ill and Stalin1
or of t:e role of !ro=n !rot:ers1 Harri8an <artner Robert Lo>ett in 9uidin9 &o:n ?
#enned37s c:oice of :is cabinet1 to be9in to see t:e i8<lications of Senator %rescott !us:7s
<ost as 8ana9in9 <artner of t:is ban;? !ro=n !rot:ers1 Harri8an net=or;s <er>ade
9o>ern8ent and t:e 8ass 8edia? A9ain and a9ain in t:e course of t:e follo=in9 <a9es =e
=ill see stories e8barrassin9 to Geor9e !us: refused <ublication1 docu8ents e8barrassin9
to !us: sus<iciousl3 disa<<ear1 and =itnesses incul<ator3 to !us: be o>erta;en b3
83sterious and con>enientl3 ti8ed deat:s? T:e fe= rele>ant facts =:ic: :a>e found t:eir
=a3 :ere and t:ere into t:e <ublic do8ain :a>e necessaril3 been filtered b3 t:is 9i9antic
a<<aratus? T:is <roble8 :as been co8<ounded b3 t:e corru<tion and ser>ilit3 of aut:ors1
Bournalists1 ne=s eEecuti>es and <ublis:ers =:o :a>e functioned 8ore and 8ore as ;e<t
ad>ocates for !us:?
Geor9e !us: =ants ;e3 as<ects of :is life to re8ain co>ert? At t:e sa8e ti8e1 :e senses t:at
:is need for co>eru< is a >ulnerabilit3? T:e need to <rotect t:is =ea; flan; accounts for t:e
stead3 strea8 of fa;e bio9ra<:ical and :istorical 8aterial concernin9 Geor9e1 as =ell as t:e
s<in 9i>en to 8an3 studies of recent :istor3 t:at 8a3 ne>er 8ention Geor9e directl3? O>er
t:e <ast se>eral 8ont:s1 =e :a>e seen a ne= boo; about *ater9ate t:at <retends to tell t:e
<ublic so8et:in9 ne= b3 fin9erin9 Al Hai9 as ,ee< T:roat1 but i9norin9 t:e central role of
Geor9e !us: and :is business <artners in t:e *ater9ate affair? *e :a>e a ne= boo; b3 Lt?
Col? Oli>er Nort: =:ic: alle9es t:at Rea9an ;ne= e>er3t:in9 about t:e Iran-contra affair1
but t:at Geor9e !us: =as not <art of Nort:7s c:ain of co88and? T:e latter <oint 8erel3
<ara<:rases !us:7s o=n la8e eEcuse t:at :e =as Fout of t:e loo<F durin9 all t:ose ille9al
transactions? ,urin9 t:e :earin9s on t:e no8ination of Robert Gates to beco8e ,irector of
Central Intelli9ence1 nobod3 :ad an3t:in9 ne= to add about t:e role of Geor9e !us:1 t:e
boss of t:e National Securit3 Council7s S<ecial Situation Grou< crisis staff t:at =as a
co88and center for t:e =:ole affair? T:ese c:arades are <eddled to a >er3 credulous <ublic
b3 o<erati>es =:ose tas; 9oes be3ond 8ere da8a9e control to 8ind control-- t:e FM#F in
t:e 9o>ern8ent7s M# Ultra o<eration?
%art of t:e free ride enBo3ed b3 Geor9e !us: durin9 t:e 12// elections is reflected in t:e
fact t:at at no <oint in t:e ca8<ai9n =as t:ere an3 serious effort b3 an3 of t:e so-called
ne=s or9aniAations to <ro>ide t:e <ublic =it: so8et:in9 a<<roac:in9 an accurate and
co8<lete account of :is <olitical career? At least t=o bio9ra<:ies of ,u;a;is a<<eared
=:ic:1 alt:ou9: :ardl3 critical1 =ere not unifor8l3 laudator3 eit:er? !ut in t:e case of
!us:1 all t:e <ublic could turn to =as !us:7s old 12/5 ca8<ai9n bio9ra<:3 and a ne=er
ca8<ai9n autobio9ra<:31 bot: of t:e8 a tissue of lies?
Earl3 in t:e course of our researc: for t:e <resent >olu8e it beca8e a<<arent t:at all boo;s
and 8ost lon9er articles dealin9 =it: t:e life of Geor9e !us: :ad been 9enerated fro8 a
sin9le <rint-out of t:orou9:l3 sanitiAed1 a<<ro>ed and canonicall3 ad8itted FfactsF about
!us: and :is fa8il3? *e learned t:at durin9 12.2-12/51 !us: aide %ete Roussel atte8<ted
to recruit bio9ra<:ers to <re<are a life of !us: based on a collection of <ress releases1 ne=s
su88aries1 and si8ilar <re-di9ested 8aterial? Most bio9ra<:ical =ritin9 about !us:
consists 8erel3 of t:e <oints fro8 t:is <rintout1 strun9 out c:ronolo9icall3 and 8ade into a
narrati>e t:rou9: t:e inter<retation of co88ents1 anecdotes1 e8bellis:8ents1 or s<ecial
st3listic de>ices?
T:e canonical !us:-a<<ro>ed <rintout is readil3 identified? One dead 9i>ea=a3 t:at
beca8e a Bo;e a8on9 t:e aut:ors of t:e <resent stud3 =as t:e ine>itabilit3 =it: =:ic: t:e
:ac;s out to co>er u< t:e substance of !us:7s life refer to a 12). red Studeba;er =:ic:
Geor9e !us: alle9edl3 dro>e into Odessa1 TeEas in 12)/? T:is is t:e sort of detail =it:
=:ic: suc: :ac;s atte8<t to :u8aniAe t:eir subBect1 in t:e sa8e =a3 t:at :orses:oes1 <or;
rinds1 and countr3 and =estern 8usic :a>e been introduced into !us:7s real life in a
deliberate and dece<ti>e atte8<t to :u8aniAe :is i8a9e? It :as been our eE<erience t:at an3
teEt t:at features a reference to !us:7s red Studeba;er :as <robabl3 been deri>ed fro8
!us:7s list of a<<ro>ed facts1 and is t:erefore <racticall3 =ort:less for serious researc: into
!us:7s life? *e t:erefore assi9n suc: teEts to t:e Fred Studeba;er sc:oolF of co>eru< and
So8e eEa8<lesD T:is is fro8 !us:7s ca8<ai9n autobio9ra<:31 Loo;in9 or=ard1 9:ost-
=ritten b3 :is aide 6ic Gold"
Headin9 into TeEas in 83 Studeba;er1 all I ;ne= about t:e state7s landsca<e =as =:at I7d
seen fro8 t:e coc;<it of a 6ultee 6ibrator durin9 83 trainin9 da3s in t:e Na>3? Gfn 1H
Here is t:e sa8e 8o8ent as reca<tured b3 !us:7s cron3 itA:u9: Green1 a friend
of t:e Malt:usian financier Russell Train1 in :is Geor9e !us:" An Inti8ate %ortrait1
<ublis:ed after !us: :ad =on t:e <residenc3" He G!us:H 9assed u< :is 12)/ Studeba;er1
arran9ed for :is =ife and son to follo=1 and :eaded for Odessa1 TeEas? Gfn $H
Harr3 Hurt III =rote t:e follo=in9 lines in a 12/' TeEas 8a9aAine article t:at =as e>en
decorated =it: a dra=in9 of =:at a<<arentl3 is su<<osed to be a Studeba;er1 but =:ic:
does not loo; li;e a Studeba;er of t:at >inta9e at all"
*:en Geor9e Herbert *al;er !us: dro>e :is battered red Studeba;er into Odessa in t:e su88er
of 12)/1 t:e to=n7s <o<ulation1 t:ou9: constantl3 increasin9 =it: ne=l3-arri>ed oil field :ands1
=as still under '51555? Gfn 'H
*e see t:at Harr3 Hurt :as 8ore i8a9ination t:an 8an3 !us: bio9ra<:ers1 and :is article
does <ro>ide a fe= useful facts? More de9raded is t:e >ersion offered b3 Ric:ard !en
#ra8er1 =:ose bio9ra<:3 of !us: is eE<ected to be <ublis:ed durin9 122$1 and is t:us
intended to ser>e as t:e ca8<ai9n bio9ra<:3 to <a>e t:e =a3 for !us:7s second election
>ictor3? God :el< us? Cra8er =as 9i>en t:e unen>iable tas; of breat:in9 life once 8ore into
t:e sa8e tired old <rintout? !ut t:e >er3 fact t:at t:e !us: tea8 feels t:at t:e3 re@uire
anot:er bio9ra<:3 indicates t:at t:e3 still feel t:at t:e3 :a>e a <otential >ulnerabilit3 :ere?
Cra8er :as atte8<ted to sol>e :is <roble8 b3 recastin9 t:e sa8e old 9arba9e into a frenetic
and :3<er;inetic1 =e =ould al8ost sa3 :3<ert:3roid st3le? T:e follo=in9 is fro8 an eEcer<t
of t:is fort:co8in9 boo; t:at =as <ublis:ed in Es@uire in &une1 1221"
In &une1 after t:e Colle9e *orld Series and 9raduation da3 in Ne= Ha>en1 %o<<3 <ac;ed u< :is
ne= red Studeba;er 0a 9raduation 9ift fro8 %res41 and started dri>in9 sout:? Gfn )H
*as t:at Studeba;er s:in3 and ne=1 or old and batteredD %er:a<s t:e <rintout is not s<ecific
on t:is <ointC in an3 case1 as =e see1 our aut:orities di>er9e?
&oe H3a8s7s 1221 ro8ance of !us: at =ar1 t:e li9:t of t:e A>en9er1 does not include t:e
obli9ator3 Fred Studeba;erF reference1 but t:is is 8ore t:an co8<ensated b3 t:e 8ost
elaborate fa=nin9 o>er ot:er details of our :ero7s =ar ser>ice Gfn +H? T:e <ublication of
li9:t of t:e A>en9er1 =:ic: concentrates on an :eroic retellin9 of !us:7s =ar record1 and
i9nores all e>idence t:at 8i9:t tend to <uncture t:is 83t:1 =as ti8ed to coincide =it: t:e
Gulf crisis and !us:7s =ar =it: Ira@? T:is is a >ile tract =ritten =it: t:e o<en assistance of
!us:1 !arabara !us:1 and t:e *:ite House staff? li9:t of t:e A>en9er recalls t:e <ractice
of totalitarian states accordin9 to =:ic: a =ar =a9ed b3 t:e re9i8e s:ould be acco8<anied
b3 <ro<a9anda =:ic: de<icts t:e re9i8e7s stron9 8an in an a<<ro<riatel3 8artial <osture?
In an3 case1 t:is boo; deals =it: !us:7s life u< to t:e end of *orld *ar IIC =e ne>er reac:
Onl3 one of t:e full-len9t: accounts <roduced b3 t:e !us: <ro<a9anda 8ac:ine about t:eir
candidate ne9lects t:e red Studeba;er stor3? T:is is Nic:olas #in97s Geor9e !us:" A
!io9ra<:31 t:e first boo;-len9t: >ersion of !us:7s life1 <roduced as a result of %ete
Roussel7s efforts for t:e 12/5 ca8<ai9n? Nic:olas #in9 :ad ser>ed as !us:7s s<o;es8an
=:en :e =as US A8bassador to t:e United Nations? #in9 ad8its at t:e be9innin9 of :is
boo; t:at :e can be i8<u9ned for =ritin9 a =or; of t:e 8ost trans<arent a<olo9etics" FIn
retros<ect1F :e sa3s in :is <reface1 Ft:is boo; 8a3 see8 o<en to t:e c:ar9e of <uffer31 for
t:e >ie= of its subBect is fa>orable all around?F Gfn -H Indeed?
!oo;s about !arbara !us: sla>is:l3 re:earse t:e sa8e details fro8 t:e sa8e <rintout? Here
is t:e rele>ant eEcer<t fro8 t:e =ar8l3 ad8irin9 Si8<l3 !arabara !us:" A %ortrait of
A8erica7s Candid irst Lad31 =ritten b3 ,onnie Radcliffe and <ublis:ed after !us:7s 12//
election >ictor3"
*it: I'1555 left o>er after :e 9raduated in &une1 12)/1 :e :eaded for TeEas in t:e 12). red
Studeba;er :is fat:er :ad 9i>en :i8 for 9raduation after Geor9e7s car died on t:e :i9:=a3? Gfn .H
E>en forei9n Bournalists atte8<tin9 to infor8 t:eir <ublics about conditions in t:e United
States :a>e fallen >icti8 to t:e sa8e old !us: <rintout? T:e Ger8an aut:or and re<orter
Rainer !on:orst1 t:e for8er *as:in9ton corres<ondent of t:e *estdeutsc:e All9e8eine
Jeitun91 in :is 12// boo; Geor9e !us:" ,er neue Mann i8 *eissen Haus1 na8ed a c:a<ter
of t:is !us: <olitical bio9ra<:3 FI8 roten Studeba;er nac: TeEas?F !on:orst =rites as
,ann =ar da noc: die Sac:e 8it de8 roten Studeba;er? Sie s<ielt--9leic: nac: de8
*elt;rie9seinsatA-- eine A=eite Aentrale Rolle in der Lebens9esc:ic:te des Geor9e !us:? Es ist die
Gesc:ic:te seiner Rebellion? ,er Sc:ritt1 der aus de8 steifen Neuen9laender einen laessi9en
TeEaner 8ac:te1 aus de8 reic: 9eborenen %atriAierso:n einen Self8ade8ann? G???H Also <ac;ten
Geor9e und !arbara !us:1 $) und $' &a:re alt1 er 9erade 8it de8 Studiu8 ferti91 sie >orAeiti9aus
i:rer Uni>ersitaet aus9esc:ieden und seit ein <aar Monaten Mutter1 i:r !ab3 und i:re #offer und
luden sie auf i:r ;nallrotes Studeba;er-Cou<e? FEin su<er8oderner1 sc:nitti9er *a9en1 allerdin9s
et=as laut fuer den neuen9lisc:en Gesc:8ac;1F erinnerten sic: die !us:s s<aeter? Aber
sc:liesslic: 9in9 es Ba ab nac: TeEas? Gfn /H
*e see t:at !on:orst is acutel3 a=are of t:e s38bolic i8<ortance assu8ed b3 t:e red
Studeba;er in t:ese :a9io9ra<:ic accounts of !us:7s life?
*:at is finall3 t:e trut: of t:e 8atterD T:ere is 9ood reason to belie>e t:at Geor9e !us:
did not first co8e to Odessa1 TeEas1 in a red Studeba;er? One ;no=led9eable source is t:e
=ell-;no=n TeEas oil 8an and !us: ca8<ai9n contributor Oscar *3att of Houston? In a
recent letter to t:e TeEas Mont:l31 *3att s<ecifies t:at F=:en <eo<le s<ea; of Mr? !us:7s
:u8ble be9innin9s in t:e oil industr31 it s:ould be noted t:at :e rode do=n to TeEas on
,resser7s <ri>ate aircraft? He =as acco8<anied b3 :is fat:er1 =:o at t:at ti8e =as one of
t:e directors of ,resser Industries?F FI :ate it =:en <eo<le 8a;e state8ents about Mr?
!us:7s :u8ble be9innin9s in t:e oil industr3? It Bust didn7t :a<<en t:at =a31F =rites Mr?
*3att? Gfn 2H ,resser =as a Harri8an co8<an31 and !us: 9ot :is start =or;in9 for one of
its subsidiaries? One :istor3 of ,resser Industries contains a <:oto9ra<: of Geor9e !us:
=it: :is <arents1 =ife1 and infant son Fin front of a ,resser co8<an3 air<lane in *est
TeEas?F Gfn 15 trisH Can t:is be a <:oto of !us:7s arri>al in Odessa durin9 t:e su88er of
12)/D In an3 case1 t:is 8ost c:eris:ed 83t: of t:e !us: bio9ra<:ers is >er3 8uc: o<en to
a=nin9 bio9ra<:ies of bloodt:irst3 t3rants are not:in9 ne= in =orld literature? T:e red
Studeba;er sc:ool 9oes bac; a lon9 =a3C t:ese =riters of toda3 can be usefull3 co8<ared
=it: a certain Gaius 6elleius %aterculus1 =:o li>ed in t:e Ro8an E8<ire under t:e
e8<erors Au9ustus and Tiberius1 and =:o t:us an a<<roEi8ate conte8<orar3 of &esus
C:rist? 6elleius %aterculus =as an :istorian and bio9ra<:er =:o is ;no=n toda31 if at all1
for :is bio9ra<:ical notes on t:e E8<eror Tiberius1 =:ic: are contained =it:in %aterculus7s
:istor3 of Ro8e fro8 t:e ori9ins do=n to :is o=n ti8e?
%aterculus1 =ritin9 under Tiberius1 9a>e a >er3 fa>orable treat8ent of &ulius Caesar1 and
beca8e fulso8e =:en :e ca8e to =rite of Au9ustus? !ut t:e =orst eEcesses of flatter3
ca8e in 6elleius %aterculus7s treat8ent of Tiberius :i8self? Here is <art of =:at :e =rites
about t:at t3rannical ruler"
Of t:e transactions of t:e last siEteen 3ears1 =:ic: :a>e <assed in t:e >ie=1 and are fres: in t:e
8e8or3 of all1 =:o s:all <resu8e to 9i>e a full accountD G???H credit :as been restored to
8ercantile affairs1 sedition :as been banis:ed fro8 t:e foru81 corru<tion fro8 t:e Ca8<us
Martius1 and discord fro8 t:e senate- :ouseC Bustice1 e@uit3 and industr31 =:ic: :ad lon9 lain
buried in ne9lect1 :a>e been re>i>ed in t:e stateC aut:orit3 :as been 9i>en to t:e 8a9istrates1
8aBest3 to t:e senate1 and sole8nit3 to t:e courts of BusticeC t:e blood3 riots in t:e t:eater :a>e
been su<<ressed1 and all 8en :a>e :ad eit:er a desire eEcited in t:e81 or a necessit3 i8<osed on
t:e81 of actin9 =it: inte9rit3? 6irtuous acts are :onored1 =ic;ed deeds are <unis:ed? T:e :u8ble
res<ects t:e <o=erful1 =it:out dreadin9 :i8C t:e <o=erful ta;es <recedence of t:e :u8ble =it:out
conde8nin9 :i8? *:en =ere <ro>isions 8ore 8oderate in <riceD *:en =ere t:e blessin9s of
<eace for abundantD Au9ustan <eace1 diffused o>er all t:e re9ions of t:e east and t:e =est1 and all
t:at lies bet=een t:e sout: and t:e nort:1 <reser>es e>er3 corner of t:e =orld free fro8 all dread
of <redator3 8olestation? ortuitous losses1 not onl3 of indi>iduals1 but of cities1 t:e 8unificence
of t:e <rince is read3 to relie>e? T:e cities of Asia :a>e been re<airedC t:e <ro>inces :a>e been
secured fro8 t:e o<<ression of t:eir 9o>ernors? Honor <ro8<tl3 re=ards t:e deser>in91 and t:e
<unis:8ent of t:e 9uilt31 if slo=1 is certain? Interest 9i>es <lace to Bustice1 solicitation to 8erit? or
t:e best of <rinces teac:es :is countr38en to act ri9:tl3 b3 :is o=n <racticeC and =:ile :e is t:e
9reatest in <o=er1 :e is still 9reater in eEa8<le?
Ha>in9 eE:ibited a 9eneral >ie= of t:e ad8inistration of Tiberius Caesar1 let us no= enu8erate a fe=
<articulars res<ectin9 it? G???H Ho= for8idable a =ar1 eEcited b3 t:e Gallic c:ief Sacro>ir and &ulius lorius1
did :e su<<ress1 and =it: suc: a8aAin9 eE<edition and ener931 t:at t:e Ro8an <eo<le learned t:at t:e3
=ere con@uerors1 before t:e3 ;ne= t:at t:e3 =ere at =ar1 and t:e ne=s of t:e >ictor3 outstri<<ed t:e ne=s
of t:e dan9erK T:e African =ar too1 <erilous as it =as1 and dail3 increasin9 in stren9t:1 =as @uic;l3
ter8inated under :is aus<ices and direction? G???H *:at structures :as :e erected in :is o=n na8e1 and t:ose
of :is fa8il3K *it: =:at dutiful 8unificence1 e>en eEceedin9 belief1 is :e buildin9 a te8<le to :is fat:erK
G???H *it: =:at <erfect ease to t:e <ublic does :e 8ana9e t:e raisin9 of troo<s1 a business of constant and
eEtre8e a<<re:ension1 =it:out t:e consternation attendant on a le>3K Gfn 11 H
All of t:is =as =ritten in <raise of t:e re9i8e t:at crucified &esus C:rist1 and one of t:e
=orst 9enocidal t3rannies in t:e :istor3 of t:e =orld? %aterculus1 =e 8ust sadl3 conclude1
=as a s3co<:ant of t:e Tiberius ad8inistration? So8e of :is t:e8es are close <arallels to
t:e <ro<a9anda of toda37s !us: 8ac:ine?
In addition to feedin9 t:e <ersonalit3 cult of Tiberius1 %aterculus also la>is:ed <raise on
Lucius Aelius SeBanus1 t:e %refect of t:e %retorian Guard and for 8an3 3ears Tiberius7s
nu8ber one fa>orite1 second in co88and1 and li;el3 successor? In 8an3 res<ects SeBanus
=as not unli;e &a8es !a;er III under t:e !us: re9i8e? *:ile Tiberius s<ent all of :is ti8e
in seclusion on :is island of Ca<ri near Na<les1 SeBanus assu8ed da3 to da3 control of t:e
>ast e8<ire and its 15515551555 subBects? %aterculus =rote of SeBanus t:at :e =as Fa 8ost
eEcellent coadButor in all t:e toils of 9o>ern8ent???a 8an of <leasin9 9ra>it31 and of
unaffected c:eerfulness???assu8in9 not:in9 to :i8self?F T:at =as t:e >oice of t:e red
Studeba;er sc:ool in about '5 A,? %aterculus s:ould :a>e li8ited :is fa=nin9 to Tiberius
:i8selfC so8e=:at later t:e e8<eror1 sus<ectin9 a cou< <lot1 conde8ned SeBanus and :ad
:i8 torn li8b fro8 li8b in 9rueso8e retribution?
!ut =:3 brin9 u< Ro8eD So8e readers1 and not Bust re9istered Re<ublicans1 8a3 be
scandaliAed b3 t:e t:in9s t:at trut: obli9es us to record about a sittin9 <resident of t:e
United States? Are =e not disres<ectful to t:is :i9: officeD No? One of t:e reasons for
9lancin9 bac; at I8<erial Ro8e is to re8ind oursel>es t:at in ti8es of 8oral and cultural
de9radation li;e our o=n1 rulers of 9reat e>il :a>e inflicted incalculable sufferin9 on
:u8anit3? In our 8odern ti8e of =ar and de<ression1 t:is is once a9ain t:e case? If Cali9ula
=as <ossible t:en1 =:o could clai8 t:at t:e A8erica of t:e Ne= *orld Order s:ould be
eEe8<tD Let us t:erefore tarr3 for a 8o8ent =it: t:ese old Ro8ans1 because t:e3 can s:o=
us 8uc: about oursel>es?
In order to find Ro8an =riters =:o tell us an3t:in9 reliable about t:e first doAen e8<erors1
=e 8ust =ait until t:e infa8ous &ulio-Claudian d3nast3 of &ulius Caesar1 Au9ustus1
Tiberius1 Cali9ula1 Claudius1 Nero and t:e rest :ad entirel3 <assed fro8 t:e scene1 to be
su<<lanted b3 ne= rulin9 :ouses? Tiberius rei9ned fro8 1) to '. A,C Cali9ula1 :is
desi9nated successor1 fro8 '. to )1 A,C and Nero fro8 +) to -/ A,? !ut t:e first accurate
account of t:e cri8es of so8e of t:ese e8<erors co8es fro8 %ublius Cornelius Tacitus1 a
>er3 :i9: Ro8an official1 and it a<<eared about 11+-11. A,1 late in t:e rei9n of t:e
e8<eror TraBan? It =as feasible for Tacitus to =rite and <ublis: a 8ore realistic account of
t:e &ulio- Claudian e8<erors because one of t:e constant t:e8es of TraBan7s <ro<a9anda
=as to 9lorif3 :i8self as an enli9:tened e8<eror t:rou9: co8<arison =it: t:e earlier series
of blood3 t3rants?
Tacitus is i8<ortant because :e 8ana9es to con>e3 so8et:in9 of :o= t:e destructi>eness of
t:ese e8<erors in t:eir <ersonal li>es correlated =it: t:eir 8ass eEecutions and t:eir
9enocidal econo8ic <olicies? Tacitus =as fa8iliar =it: t:e 8ac:iner3 of Ro8an I8<erial
<o=er" :e =as of senatorial ran;1 ser>ed as consul in Ital3 in 2. A,1 and =as t:e 9o>ernor
of t:e i8<ortant <ro>ince of =estern Anatolia 0toda37s Tur;e34 =:ic: t:e Ro8ans referred
to si8<l3 as Asia? Tacitus =rites of Tiberius"
???:is cri8inal lusts s:a8ed :i8? T:eir uncontrollable acti>it3 =as =ort:3 of an oriental t3rant?
ree-born c:ildren =ere :is >icti8s? He =as fascinated b3 beaut31 3out:ful innocence1 and
aristocratic birt:? Ne= na8es for t3<es of <er>ersions =ere in>ented? Sla>es =ere c:ar9ed to
locate and <rocure :is re@uire8ents? G???H It =as li;e t:e sac; of a ca<tured cit3?
Tiberius =as able to do8inate t:e le9islati>e branc: of :is 9o>ern8ent1 t:e senate1 b3
sub>ersion and terror"
It =as1 indeed1 a :orrible feature of t:is <eriod t:at leadin9 senators beca8e infor8ers e>en on
tri>ial 8atters-- so8e o<enl31 8an3 secretl3? riends and relati>es =ere as sus<ect as stran9ers1
old stories as da8a9in9 as ne=? In t:e Main S@uare1 at a dinner-<art31 a re8ar; on an3 subBect
8i9:t 8ean <rosecution? E>er3one co8<eted for <riorit3 in 8ar;in9 do=n t:e >icti8?
So8eti8es t:is =as self-defense1 but 8ostl3 it =as a sort of conta9ion1 li;e an e<ide8ic? G???H I
realiAe t:at
8an3 =riters o8it nu8erous trials and conde8nations1 bored b3 re<etition or afraid t:at
catalo9ues t:e3 t:e8sel>es :a>e found o>er-lon9 and dis8al 8a3 e@uall3 de<ress t:eir readers?
!ut nu8erous unrecorded incidents1 =:ic: :a>e co8e to 83 attention1 ou9:t to be ;no=n?
G???H E>en =o8en =ere in dan9er? T:e3 could not be c:ar9ed =it: ai8in9 at su<re8e <o=er? So t:e3 =ere
c:ar9ed =it: =ee<in9" one old lad3 =as eEecuted for la8entin9 :er son7s deat:? T:e senate decided t:is
case? G???H In t:e sa8e 3ear t:e :i9: <rice of corn nearl3 caused riots? G???H
renAied =it: bloods:ed1 GTiberiusH no= ordered t:e eEecution of all t:ose arrested for co8<licit3 =it:
SeBanus? It =as a 8assacre? *it:out discri8ination of seE or a9e1 e8inence or obscurit31 t:ere t:e3 la31
stre=n about-- or in :ea<s? Relati>e and friends =ere forbidden to stand b3 or la8ent t:e81 or e>en 9aAe
for lon9? Guards surrounded t:e81 s<3in9 on t:eir sorro=1 and escorted t:e rottin9 bodies until1 dra99ed to
t:e Tiber1 t:e3 floated a=a3 or 9rounded -- =it: none to cre8ate or touc: t:e8? Terror :ad <aral3Aed
:u8an s38<at:3? T:e risin9 sur9e of brutalit3 dro>e co8<assion a=a3? Gfn 1$H
T:is is t:e sa8e Tiberius ad8inistration so eEtra>a9antl3 <raised b3 6elleius %aterculus?
T:e ot:er Latin aut:or =:o =rites about t:ese &ulio-Claudian e8<erors =as Gaius
Suetonius Tran@uillus1 =:o is far less able t:an Tacitus to fat:o8 t:e 9reat issues of
i8<erial <olic3 =:ic: t:ese de9enerate e8<erors influenced? Suetonius is a tabloid >ersion
of Tacitus1 and :e concentrates on t:e :orrors and <er>ersions of t:e e8<erors in t:eir
<ersonal s<:ere1 as =ell as t:e bloodbat:s t:e3 ordered? Since 8an3 readers o>er t:e
centuries :a>e found t:ese c:ronicles :i9:l3 accessible1 Suetonius :as al=a3s been =idel3
!ecause of lacunae in t:e 8anuscri<ts of Tacitus7s =or; t:at :a>e co8e do=n to us1 8uc:
of =:at =e ;no= of t:e rule of Cali9ula 0Gaius Caesar1 in <o=er fro8 '. to )1 A,4 deri>es
fro8 Suetonius7s boo; ;no=n as T:e Li>es of t:e T=el>e Caesars? T:e c:aracter and
ad8inistration of Cali9ula <resent so8e stri;in9 <arallels =it: t:e subBect of t:e <resent
As a stoic1 Cali9ula =as a 9reat ad8irer of :is o=n Fi88o>able ri9or?F His 8otto =as
FRe8e8ber t:at I :a>e t:e ri9:t to do an3t:in9 to an3bod3?F He 8ade no secret of :is
bloodt:irst3 >indicti>eness? Cali9ula =as a fan of t:e 9reen tea8 in t:e Ro8an arena1 and
=:en t:e cro=d a<<lauded a c:arioteer =:o =ore a different color1 Cali9ula cried out1 FI
=is: t:e Ro8an <eo<le :ad but a sin9le nec;?F At one of :is state dinners Cali9ula burst
into a fit of uncontrollable lau9:ter1 and =:en a consul as;ed :i8 =:at =as so funn31 :e
re<lied t:at it =as t:e t:ou9:t t:at as e8<eror Cali9ula :ad t:e <o=er to :a>e t:e t:roats of
t:e to< officials cut at an3 ti8e :e c:ose? Cali9ula carried t:is sa8e attitude into :is
<ersonal life" =:ene>er :e ;issed or caressed t:e nec; of :is =ife or one of :is 8istresses1
:e li;ed to re8ar;" FOff co8es t:is beautiful :ead =:ene>er I 9i>e t:e =ord?F
Abo>e all1 Cali9ula =as >indicti>e? After :is deat:1 t=o noteboo;s =ere found a8on9 :is
<ersonal <a<ers1 one labelled FT:e S=ordF and t:e ot:er labelled FT:e ,a99er?F T:ese =ere
lists of t:e <ersons :e :ad <roscribed and li@uidated1 and =ere t:e forerunners of t:e
ene8ies7 lists and discreditin9 co88ittee of toda3? Suetonius fran;l3 calls Cali9ula Fa
8onster1F and s<eculates on t:e <s3c:olo9ical roots of :is cri8inal dis<osition" FI t:in; I
8a3 attribute to 8ental =ea;ness t:e eEistence of t=o eEactl3 o<<osite faults in t:e sa8e
<erson1 eEtre8e assurance and1 on t:e ot:er :and1 eEcessi>e ti8orousness?F Cali9ula =as
Ffull of t:reatsF a9ainst Ft:e barbarians1F but at t:e sa8e ti8e <rone to <reci<itous retreats
and fli9:ts of <anic? Cali9ula =or;ed on :is Fbod3 lan9ua9eF b3 F<racticin9 all ;inds of
terrible and fearso8e eE<ressions before a 8irror?F
Cali9ula built an eEtension of :is <alace to connect =it: t:e Te8<le of Castor and %olluE1
and often =ent t:ere to eE:ibit :i8self as an obBect of <ublic =ors:i<1 deli9:tin9 in bein9
:ailed as F&u<iter LatiarisF b3 t:e <o<ulace? Later Cali9ula =ould officiall3 o<en te8<les in
:is o=n na8e? Cali9ula =as brutal in :is inti8idation of t:e senate1 =:ose 8e8bers :e
subBected to o<en :u8iliations and co>ert attac;sC 8an3 senators =ere Fsecretl3 <ut to
deat:?F FHe often in>ei9:ed a9ainst all t:e Senators ali;e?F FHe treated t:e ot:er orders
=it: li;e insolence and cruelt3?F Suetonius recites =:ole catalo9ues of Fs<ecial instances of
:is innate brutalit3F to=ards <ersons of all =al;s of life? He enBo3ed inflictin9 torture1 and
re>elled in li@uidatin9 <olitical o<<onents or t:ose =:o :ad insulted or snubbed :i8 in
so8e =a3? He :ad a taste for ca<ital eEecutions as t:e <erfect bac;dro< for <arties and
ban@uets? Cali9ula also did e>er3t:in9 :e could to sull3 and deni9rate t:e 8e8or3 of t:e
9reat 8en of <ast e<oc:s1 so t:at t:eir fa8e could not ecli<se :is o=n" FHe assailed
8an;ind of al8ost e>er3 e<oc: =it: no less en>3 and 8alice t:an insolence and cruelt3? He
t:re= do=n t:e statues of fa8ous 8en???1F and tried to destro3 all t:e teEts of Ho8er?
Cali9ula Fres<ected neit:er :is o=n c:astit3 nor t:at of an3 one else?F He =as rec;less in
:is eEtra>a9ance1 and soon e8<tied out t:e i8<erial treasur3 of all t:e funds t:at old
Tiberius :ad s@uirreled a=a3 t:ere? After t:at1 Cali9ula tried to re<lenis: :is coffers
t:rou9: a s3ste8 of s<ies1 false accusations1 <ro<ert3 seiAures1 and <ublic auctions? He also
Fle>ied ne= and un:eard- of taEes1F to t:e <oint t:at Fno class of co88odities =as eEe8<t
fro8 so8e ;ind of taE or ot:er?F Cali9ula taEed all foodstuffs1 too; a fortiet: of t:e a=ard
in an3 la=suit1 an ei9:t: of t:e dail3 =a9es of t:e <orters1 and de8anded t:at t:e
<rostitutes <a3 :i8 a dail3 fee e@ual to t:e a>era9e <rice c:ar9ed to eac: indi>idual
custo8er? It is ru8ored t:at t:is <art of Cali9ula7s career is under stud3 b3 t:ose <lannin9
Geor9e !us:7s second ter8? Cali9ula also o<ened a brot:el in :is <alace as an additional
source of inco8e1 =:ic: 8a3 <refi9ure toda37s *:ite House staff? A8on9 Cali9ula7s 8ore
sin9ular :obbies Suetonius includes :is lo>e of rollin9 and =allo=in9 in <iles of 9old coins?
Cali9ula ;e<t :is =ife1 Caesonia 0described b3 Suetonius as Fneit:er beautiful nor 3oun9F4
=it: :i8 until t:e >er3 end? !ut :is 9reatest de>otion =as to :is :orse1 =:o8 :e 8ade
consul of t:e Ro8an state? Ulti8atel3 Cali9ula fell >icti8 to a cons<irac3 of t:e %raetorian
Guard1 led b3 t:e tribune Gaius C:aerea1 a 8an =:o8 Cali9ula :ad ta;en s<ecial deli9:t in
:u8iliatin9? Gfn 1'H
T:e aut:ors of t:e <resent stud3 are con>inced t:at t:ese references to t:e de<ra>it3 of t:e
Ro8an E8<erors1 and to t:e records of t:at de<ra>it3 <ro>ided b3 suc: aut:ors as Tacitus
and Suetonius1 are directl3 9er8ane to our <resent tas; of follo=in9 t:e career of a 8e8ber
of t:e senatorial class of t:e An9lo-A8erican elite t:rou9: t:e >arious sta9es of :is
for8ation1 a<<rentices:i<1 intri9ues1 and ulti8ate ascent to i8<erial <o=er? T:e Ro8an
I8<erial 8odel is 9er8ane because t:e A8erican rulin9 elite of toda3 is far closer to t:e
=orld of Tiberius and Cali9ula t:an it is to t:e =orld of t:e A8erican Re>olution or t:e
Constitutional Con>ention of 1./2? T:e leit8oti> of 8odern A8erican <residential <olitics
is un@uestionabl3 an i8<erial t:e8e1 8ost blatantl3 eE<ressed b3 !us: in :is slo9an for
12251 FT:e Ne= *orld Order1F and for 12211 t:e F<aE uni>ersalis?F T:e central <roBect of
t:e !us: <residenc3 is t:e creation and consolidation of a sin9le1 uni>ersal An9lo-
A8erican 0or An9lo-SaEon4 e8<ire >er3 directl3 8odelled on t:e >arious <:ases of t:e
Ro8an E8<ire?
T:ere is one ot:er as<ect of t:e bio9ra<:ical-:istorical 8et:od of t:e Graeco-Ro8an =orld
=:ic: =e :a>e sou9:t to borro=? E>er since T:uc3dides co8<osed :is 8onu8ental =or;
on t:e %elo<onnesian =ar1 t:ose =:o :a>e sou9:t to i8itate :is st3le - -=it: t:e Ro8an
:istorian Titus Li>ius <ro8inent a8on9 t:e8-- :a>e e8<lo3ed t:e de>ice of attributin9
lon9 s<eec:es to :istorical <ersona9es1 e>en =:en it a<<ears >er3 unli;el3 t:at suc: len9t:3
orations could :a>e been 8ade b3 t:e <rota9onists at t:e ti8e? T:is :as not:in9 to do =it:
t:e s3nt:etic dialo9ue of current A8erican <olitical =ritin91 =:ic: atte8<ts to <resent
:istorical e>ents as a series of tri>ial and banal soa<-o<era eEc:an9es =:ic: carr3 on for
suc: inter8inable len9t:s as to su99est t:at t:e aut:ors are 9ettin9 <aid b3 t:e =ord? Our
idea of fidelit3 to t:e classical st3le :as si8<l3 been to let Geor9e !us: s<ea; for :i8self
=:ere>er <ossible1 t:rou9: direct @uotation? *e are con>inced t:at b3 lettin9 !us: eE<ress
:i8self directl3 in t:is =a31 =e afford t:e reader a 8ore fait:ful-- and da8nin9-- account
of !us:7s actions?
Geor9e !us: 8i9:t a9ree t:at F:istor3 is bio9ra<:31F alt:ou9: =e sus<ect t:at :e =ould not
a9ree =it: an3 of our ot:er conclusions? T:ere 8a3 be a fe= <eculiarities of t:e <resent
=or; as bio9ra<:3 t:at are =ort:3 of eE<lanation at t:e outset?
One of our basic t:eses is t:at Geor9e !us: is1 and considers :i8self to be1 an oli9arc:?
T:e notion of oli9arc:3 includes first of all t:e idea of a <atrician and =ealt:3 fa8il3
ca<able of introducin9 its offs<rin9 into suc: elite institutions as Ando>er1 (ale1 and S;ull
and !ones? Oli9arc:3 also subsu8es t:e self- conce<tion of t:e oli9arc: as belon9in9 to a
s<ecial1 eEalted breed of 8an;ind1 one t:at is su<erior to t:e co88on run of 8an;ind as a
8atter of :ereditar3 9enetic su<eriorit3? T:is 8entalit3 9enerall3 9oes to9et:er =it: a
fascination for eu9enics1 race science and Bust <lain racis8 as a 8eans of buildin9 a case
t:at one7s o=n fa8il3 tree and racial stoc; are indeed su<erior? T:ese notions of Fbreedin9F
are a constant in t:e :istor3 of t:e titled feudal aristocrac3 of Euro<e1 es<eciall3 !ritain1
to=ards inclusion in =:ic: an indi>idual li;e !us: 8ust necessaril3 stri>e? At t:e >er3
least1 oli9arc:s li;e !us: see t:e8sel>es as de8i9ods occu<3in9 a 8iddle 9round bet=een
t:e i88ortals abo>e and t:e :oi <oloi belo=? T:e cul8ination of t:is insane delusion1
=:ic: !us: :as de8onstrabl3 lon9 since attained1 is t:e obsessi>e belief t:at t:e <rinci<al
fa8ilies of t:e An9lo-A8erican elite1 asse8bled in t:eir free8asonic orders1 b3 t:e8sel>es
directl3 constitute an Ol38<ian %ant:eon of li>in9 deities =:o :a>e t:e ca<abilit3 of
abro9atin9 and disre9ardin9 t:e la=s of t:e uni>erse accordin9 to t:eir o=n irrational
ca<rice? If =e do not ta;e into account t:is ele8ent of fatal and 8e9alo8aniac :ubris1 t:e
lunatic An9lo-A8erican <olicies in re9ard to t:e Gulf =ar1 international finance1 or t:e
AI,S e<ide8ic 8ust def3 all co8<re:ension?
%art of t:e et:os of oli9arc:is8 as <racticed b3 Geor9e !us: is t:e e8<:asis on one7s o=n
fa8il3 <edi9ree and blood line? T:is accounts for t:e attention =e dedicate in t:e o<enin9
c:a<ters of t:is boo; to !us:7s fa8il3 tree1 reac:in9 bac; to t:e nineteent: centur3 and
be3ond? It is i8<ossible to 9ain insi9:t into !us:7s 8entalit3 unless =e realiAe t:at it is
i8<ortant for :i8 to be considered a cousin1 :o=e>er distant1 of Lueen EliAabet: II of t:e
House of Mountbatten-*indsor1 or t:at :is =ife !arbara does not =is: us for9et t:at s:e is
in so8e sense a descendant of %resident ran;lin %ierce?
or related reasons1 it is our s<ecial dut3 to illustrate t:e role <la3ed in t:e for8ation of
Geor9e !us: as a <ersonalit3 b3 :is 8aternal 9randfat:er and uncle1 Geor9e Herbert
*al;er and Geor9e Herbert *al;er1 &r?1 and b3 Geor9e H?*? !us:7s fat:er1 t:e late Senator
%rescott !us:? In t:e course of t:is tas;1 =e 8ust s<ea; at len9t: about t:e institution to
=:ic: Geor9e !us: o=es t:e 8ost1 t:e *all Street international in>est8ent ban; of !ro=n
!rot:ers1 Harri8an1 t:e <olitical and financial <o=er:ouse 8entioned abo>e? or Geor9e
!us:1 !ro=n !rot:ers Harri8an =as and re8ains t:e fa8il3 fir8 in t:e dee<est sense? T:e
for8idable <o=er of t:is ban; and its ubi@uitous net=or;1 =ielded b3 Senator %rescott
!us: u< t:rou9: t:e ti8e of :is deat: in 12.$1 and still acti>e on Geor9e7s be:alf do=n to
t:e <resent da31 is t:e sin9le 8ost i8<ortant ;e3 to e>er3 ste< of Geor9e7s business1 co>ert
o<erations1 and <olitical career?
In t:e case of Geor9e !us:1 as 8an3 =:o :a>e ;no=n :i8 <ersonall3 :a>e noted1 t:e
net=or; loo8s 8uc: lar9er t:an Geor9e7s o=n c:aracter and =ill? T:e reader =ill searc: in
>ain for stron9 <rinci<led co88it8ents in Geor9e !us:7s <ersonalit3C t:e 8ost t:at =ill be
found are a series of c:aracteristic obsessions1 of =:ic: t:e 8ost durable are race1 >anit31
<ersonal a8bition1 and settlin9 scores =it: ad>ersaries? *:at e8er9es b3 contrast is t:e
decisi>e i8<ortance of !us:7s net=or; of connections? His res<onse to t:e Gulf crisis of
1221 =ill be lar9el3 <redeter8ined1 not b3 an3 9reat flas:es of 9eo<olitical insi9:t1 but
rat:er b3 :is connections to t:e !ritis: oli9arc:31 to #issin9er1 to Israeli and Jionist circles1
to TeEas oil8en in :is fundraisin9 base1 to t:e Saudi Arabian and #u=aiti ro3al :ouses? If
t:e @uestion is one of finance1 t:en t:e o<inions of &? Hu9: Liedt;e1 Henr3 #ra>is1 Robert
Mosbac:er1 T? !oone %ic;ens1 Nic:olas !rad31 &a8es !a;er III and t:e Cit3 of London =ill
be decisi>e? If co>ert o<erations and dirt3 tric;s are on t:e a9enda1 t:en t:ere is a =:ole
stable of CIA old bo3s =it: =:o8 :e =ill consult1 and so on do=n t:e line? ,urin9 8uc: of
12/21 des<ite :is control o>er t:e <residenc31 !us: a<<eared as a =ea; and <assi>e
eEecuti>e =aitin9 for :is net=or;s to s:o= :i8 =:at it =as :e =as su<<osed to do? *:en
Ger8an reunification and t:e cru8blin9 of t:e So>iet e8<ire s<urred t:ose --<ri8aril3
!ritis:- net=or;s into action1 !us: =as suddenl3 ca<able of >iolent and darin9 ad>entures?
As :is battle for a second ter8 a<<roac:es1 !us: 8a3 be s:o=in9 increasin9 si9ns of a
ra9e-dri>en self-starter ca<abilit31 es<eciall3 =:en it co8es to startin9 ne= =ars desi9ned
to secure :is re-election?
!io9ra<:3 :as its o=n in:erent disci<line" it 8ust be concerned =it: t:e life of its
<rota9onist1 and cannot stra3 too far a=a3? In no =a3 :as it been our intention to offer an
account of A8erican :istor3 durin9 t:e lifeti8e of Geor9e !us:? T:e <resent stud3
ne>ert:eless reflects 8an3 as<ects of t:at recent :istor3 of US decline? It =ill be noted t:at
!us: :as succeeded in <ro<ortion as t:e countr3 :as failed1 and t:at !us:7s ad>ance8ent
:as <roceeded <ari <assu =it: t:e de9radation of t:e national sta9e u<on =:ic: :e :as
o<erated and =:ic: :e :as co8e to do8inate? At >arious <:ases in :is career1 !us: :as
co8e into conflict =it: <ersons t:at =ere intellectuall3 and 8orall3 su<erior to :i8? One
suc: =as Senator (arborou9:1 and anot:er =as Senator ran; C:urc:? Our stud3 =ill be
found to catalo9ue t:e constant decline in t:e @ualities of !us:7s ad>ersaries as :u8an
t3<es until t:e 12/57s1 b3 =:ic: ti8e :is o<<onents1 as in t:e case of Al Hai91 are no better
t:an !us: :i8self?
As for t:e <olitical rele>ance of our <roBect1 =e t:in; t:at it is >er3 real? ,urin9 t:e Gulf
crisis1 it =ould :a>e been i8<ortant for t:e <ublic to ;no= 8ore about !us:7s business
dealin9s =it: t:e Ro3al a8il3 of #u=ait? ,urin9 t:e 122$ <residential ca8<ai9n1 as *all
Street7s recent cro< of Bun;-bond assisted le>era9ed bu3outs line u< at t:e entrance to
ban;ru<tc3 court1 and state =or;ers all across t:e United States are infor8ed t:at t:e
retire8ent <ensions t:e3 :ad been <ro8ised =ill ne>er be <aid1 t:e relations bet=een
Geor9e !us: and Henr3 #ra>is =ill surel3 constitute an eE<losi>e <olitical issue? Si8ilarl31
once !us:7s !ritis: and #issin9erian <edi9ree is reco9niAed1 t:e 8et:ods :e is li;el3 to
<ursue in re9ard to situations suc: as t:e <lanned Ro8anian-st3le o>ert:ro= of t:e Castro
re9i8e in Cuba1 or t:e <ro>ocation of a s<lendid little nuclear =ar in>ol>in9 Nort: #orea1
or of a ne= Indo-%a;istani =ar1 =ill :ardl3 be 83sterious?
T:e aut:ors :a>e been at so8e <ains to 8a;e t:is =or; intelli9ible to readers around t:e
=orld? *e offer t:is boo; to t:ose =:o s:are our a>ersion to t:e i8<erialist-colonialist
Ne= *orld Order1 and our <rofound :orror at t:e conce<t of a return to a sin9le1 =orld=ide
Ro8an E8<ire as su99ested b3 !us:7s F<aE uni>ersalisF slo9an? T:is =or; is tan9ible
e>idence t:at t:ere is an o<<osition to !us: inside t:e United States1 and t:at t:e ne=
Cali9ula is >er3 >ulnerable indeed on t:e le>el of t:e eE<osure of :is o=n 8isdeeds?
It =ill be ar9ued t:at t:is boo; s:ould :a>e been <ublis:ed before t:e 12// election1 =:en
a !us: <residenc3 8i9:t :a>e been a>oided? T:at is certainl3 true1 but it is an obBection
=:ic: s:ould also be directed to 8an3 institutions and a9encies =:ose resources for
sur<ass our 8odest ca<abilities? *e can onl3 re8ind our fello= citiAens t:at =:en :e as;s
for t:eir >otes for :is re-election1 Geor9e !us: also enters t:at court of <ublic o<inion in
=:ic: :e is obli9ed to ans=er t:eir @uestions? T:e3 s:ould not =aste t:is o<<ortunit3 to
9rill :i8 on all as<ects of :is career and future intentions1 since it is !us: =:o co8es
for=ard a<<ealin9 for t:eir su<<ort?
*e do not delude oursel>es t:at =e :a>e said t:e last =ord about Geor9e !us:? !ut =e
:a>e for t:e first ti8e s;etc:ed out at least so8e of t:e 8ost salient features and 9at:ered
t:e8 into a co8<re:ensible =:ole? *e encoura9e an aroused citiAenr31 as =ell as
s<ecialiAed researc:ers1 to i8<ro>e u<on =:at =e :a>e been able to acco8<lis:? In so
doin91 =e recall t:e =ords of t:e lorentine Gio>anni !occaccio =:en :e reluctantl3
acce<ted t:e order of a <o=erful ;in9 to <roduce an account of t:e old Ro8an %ant:eon"
1? Geor9e !us: and 6ic Gold1 Loo;in9 or=ard1 0Ne= (or;" ,oubleda31 12/.41 <? ).?
$? itA:u9: Green1 Loo;in9 or=ard1 0Ne= (or;" NHi<<ocrene1 12/241 <? +'?
'? Harr3 Hurt III1 FGeor9e !us:1 %luc;3 Lad1F TeEas Mont:l31 &une1 12/'1 <? 1)$?
)? Ric:ard !en Cra8er1 FHo= He Got Here1F Es@uire1 &une1 12211 <? /)?
+? &oe H3a8s1 li9:t of t:e A>en9er 0Ne= (or;1 122141 <? ?
-? Nic:olas #in91 Geor9e !us:" A !io9ra<:3 0Ne= (or;1 ,odd1 Mead1 12/541 <? Ei?
.? ,onnie Radcliffe1 Si8<l3 !arbara !us:1 0Ne= (or;" *arner1 12/241 <? 15'?
/? Rainer !on:orst1Geor9e !us:1 ,er neue Mann i8 *eissen Haus1 0!er9isc: Gladbac:" Gusta> Luebbe
6erla91 12//41 <<? /5- /1?
2? See FT:e Roar of t:e Cro=d1F TeEas Mont:l31 No>e8ber1 1221? See also &an &arboe1 FMeaner T:an a
&un;3ard ,o91F TeEas Mont:l31 A<ril 12211 <? 1$$ ff? Here *3att obser>es" FI ;ne= fro8 t:e be9innin9
Geor9e !us: ca8e to TeEas onl3 because :e =as <oliticall3 a8bitious? He fle= out :ere on an air<lane
o=ned b3 ,resser Industries? His dadd3 =as a 8e8ber of t:e board of ,resser?F
15? ,ar=in %a3ne1 Initiati>e in Ener93 0Ne= (or;" Si8on and S:uster1 12.241 <? $''?
11? &o:n Selb3 *atson 0translator41 Sallust1 lorus1 and 6elleius %aterculus 0London" Geor9e !ell and Son1
1/.241 <<? +)$-+)-?
1$? Cornelius Tacitus1 T:e Annals of I8<erial Ro8e 0%en9uin1 12-$41 <<? 12'-$$1?
1'? Gaius Suetonius Tran@uillus1 T:e Li>es of t:e T=el>e Caesars 0Ne= (or;" Modern Librar31 12'141 <<?
1-+-$5)1 <assi8?
C:ar<ter - I - T:e House of !us:" !orn in a !an;
*:o is Geor9e !us:D Ho= did :e beco8e t:e )1st U?S? %residentD
He is said to be a 8an of t:e Fold establis:8ent1F =:o Fc:ose to see; :is fortune as an
inde<endent oil8an????F
In fact1 !us: =as ne>er Finde<endent?F E>er3 career ste< in :is u<=ard cli8b relied on :is
fa8il37s <o=erful associations? T:e !us: fa8il3 Boined t:e Eastern Establis:8ent
co8<arati>el3 recentl31 and onl3 as ser>itors? T:eir =ealt: and influence resulted fro8 t:eir
lo3alt3 to anot:er1 8ore <o=erful fa8il31 and t:eir =illin9ness to do an3t:in9 to 9et a:ead?
or =:at t:e3 did1 !us:7s forebears s:ould :a>e beco8e >er3 fa8ous1 or infa8ous? T:e3
re8ained obscure fi9ures1 8ana9ers fro8 be:ind t:e scenes? !ut t:eir actions--includin9
:is fat:er7s role as ban;er for Adolf Hitler--:ad tra9ic effects for t:e =:ole <lanet?
It =as t:ese ser>ices to :is fa8il37s benefactors1 =:ic: <ro<elled Geor9e !us: to t:e to<?
%rescott Goes to *ar
%resident Geor9e Herbert *al;er !us: =as born in 12$)1 t:e son of %rescott S? !us: and
,orot:3 *al;er !us:? *e =ill be9in t:e Geor9e !us: stor3 about a decade before :is birt:1
on t:e e>e of *orld *ar I? *e =ill follo= t:e career of :is fat:er1 %rescott !us:1 t:rou9:
:is 8arria9e =it: ,orot:3 *al;er1 on t:e <at: to fortune1 ele9ance and <o=er?
%rescott !us: entered (ale Uni>ersit3 in 121'? A nati>e of Colu8bus1 O:io1 %rescott :ad
s<ent t:e last fi>e 3ears before colle9e in St? Geor9e7s E<isco<al <re<arator3 sc:ool in
Ne=<ort1 R:ode Island?
%rescott !us:7s first colle9e 3ear1 121'1 =as also t:e fres:8an 3ear at (ale for E? Roland
0 F!unn3F 4 Harri8an1 =:ose older brot:er 0*8?4 A>erell Harri8an :ad Bust 9raduated
fro8 (ale? T:is is t:e A>erell Harri8an =:o =ent on to fa8e as t:e U?S? a8bassador to t:e
So>iet Union durin9 *orld *ar II1 as a 9o>ernor of Ne= (or; State1 and as a <residential
ad>isor =:o =as 9reatl3 res<onsible for startin9 t:e 6ietna8 *ar?
T:e Harri8ans =ould beco8e t:e s<onsors of t:e !us:es1 to lift t:e8 onto t:e sta9e of
=orld :istor3?
In t:e s<rin9 of 121-1 %rescott !us: and F!unn3F Harri8an =ere c:osen for 8e8bers:i< in
an elite (ale senior-3ear secret societ3 ;no=n as S;ull and !ones? T:is unusuall3 8orbid1
deat:-celebratin9 9rou< :el<ed *all Street financiers find acti>e 3oun9 8en of F9ood birt:F
to for8 a ;ind of i8itation !ritis: aristocrac3 in A8erica?
*orld *ar I =as t:en ra9in9 in Euro<e? *it: t:e <ros<ect t:at t:e U?S?A? =ould soon Boin
t:e =ar1 t=o S;ull and !ones F%atriarc:sF 1 A>erell Harri8an 0class of 121'4 and %erc3 A?
Roc;efeller 0class of 125541 <aid s<ecial attention to %rescott7s class of 121.? T:e3 =anted
reliable cadres to :el< t:e8 <la3 t:e Great Ga8e1 in t:e lucrati>e ne= i8<erial era t:at t:e
=ar =as o<enin9 u< for London and Ne= (or; 8one3crats? %rescott !us:1 b3 t:en a close
friend of F!unn3F Harri8an1 and se>eral ot:er !ones8en fro8 t:eir class of 121. =ould
later co8<rise t:e core <artners in !ro=n !rot:ers Harri8an1 t:e =orld7s lar9est <ri>ate
in>est8ent ban;?
*orld *ar I did 8a;e an i88ense a8ount of 8one3 for t:e clan of stoc; s<eculators and
!ritis: ban;ers =:o :ad Bust ta;en o>er U?S? industr3? T:e Harri8ans =ere stars of t:is
ne= An9lo-A8erican elite?
A>erell7s fat:er1 stoc; bro;er E?H? Harri8an1 :ad 9ained control of t:e Union %acific
Railroad in 1/2/ =it: credit arran9ed b3 *illia8 Roc;efeller1 %erc37s fat:er1 and b3 #u:n
Loeb N Co?7s !ritis:-affiliated <ri>ate ban;ers1 Otto #a:n1 &acob Sc:iff and eliE *arbur9?
*illia8 Roc;efeller1 treasurer of Standard Oil and brot:er of Standard founder &o:n ,?
Roc;efeller1 o=ned National Cit3 !an; 0later FCitiban;F 4 to9et:er =it: TeEas-based &a8es
Still8an? In return for t:eir bac;in91 E?H? Harri8an de<osited in Cit3 !an; t:e >ast recei<ts
fro8 :is railroad lines? *:en :e issued tens of 8illions of dollars of F=ateredF 0fraudulent4
railroad stoc;1 Harri8an sold 8ost of t:e s:ares t:rou9: t:e #u:n Loeb co8<an3?
T:e irst *orld *ar ele>ated %rescott !us: and :is fat:er1 Sa8uel %? !us:1 into t:e lo=er
ran;s of t:e Eastern Establis:8ent?
As =ar loo8ed in 121)1 National Cit3 !an; be9an reor9aniAin9 t:e U?S? ar8s industr3?
%erc3 A? Roc;efeller too; direct control of t:e Re8in9ton Ar8s co8<an31 a<<ointin9 :is
o=n 8an1 Sa8uel ? %r3or1 as t:e ne= c:ief eEecuti>e of Re8in9ton?
T:e U?S entered *orld *ar I in 121.? In t:e s<rin9 of 121/1 %rescott7s fat:er1 Sa8uel %?
!us:1 beca8e c:ief of t:e Ordnance1 S8all Ar8s and A88unition Section of t:e *ar
Industries !oard? T:e senior !us: too; national res<onsibilit3 for 9o>ern8ent assistance to
and relations =it: Re8in9ton and ot:er =ea<ons co8<anies?
T:is =as an unusual a<<oint8ent1 as %rescott7s fat:er see8ed to :a>e no bac;9round in
8unitions? Sa8uel !us: :ad been <resident of t:e !uc;e3e Steel Castin9s Co? in
Colu8bus1 O:io1 8a;ers of railcar <arts? His entire career :ad been in t:e railroad
business-- su<<l3in9 e@ui<8ent to t:e *all Street-o=ned railroad s3ste8s?
T:e *ar Industries !oard =as run b3 !ernard !aruc:1 a *all Street s<eculator =it: close
<ersonal and business ties to old E?H? Harri8an? !aruc:7s bro;era9e fir8 :ad :andled
Harri8an s<eculations of all ;inds?
In 121/1 Sa8uel !us: beca8e director of t:e acilities ,i>ision of t:e *ar Industries
!oard? %rescott7s fat:er re<orted to t:e !oard7s C:air8an1 !ernard !aruc:1 and to !aruc:7s
assistant1 *all Street <ri>ate ban;er Clarence ,illon?
Robert S? Lo>ett1 %resident of Union %acific Railroad1 c:ief counsel to E?H? Harri8an and
eEecutor of :is =ill1 =as in c:ar9e of national <roduction and <urc:ase F<rioritiesF for
!aruc:7s board?
*it: t:e =ar 8obiliAation conducted under t:e su<er>ision of t:e *ar Industries !oard1
U?S? consu8ers and taE<a3ers s:o=ered un<recedented fortunes on =ar <roducers and
certain :olders of ra= 8aterials and <atents? Hearin9s in 12') b3 t:e co88ittee of U?S?
Senator Gerald N3e attac;ed t:e FMerc:ants of ,eat:F -- =ar <rofiteers suc: as Re8in9ton
Ar8s and t:e !ritis: 6ic;ers co8<an3 --=:ose sales8en :ad 8ani<ulated 8an3 nations
into =ars1 and t:en su<<lied all sides =it: t:e =ea<ons to fi9:t t:e8?
%erc3 Roc;efeller and Sa8uel %r3or7s Re8in9ton Ar8s su<<lied 8ac:ine 9uns and Colt
auto8atic <istolsC 8illions of rifles to CAarist RussiaC o>er :alf of t:e s8all-ar8s
a88unition used b3 t:e An9lo-A8erican allies in *orld *ar IC and -2 <ercent of t:e rifles
used b3 t:e United States in t:at conflict?
Sa8uel !us:7s =arti8e relations:i< to t:ese business8en =ould continue after t:e =ar1 and
=ould es<eciall3 aid :is son %rescott7s career of ser>ice to t:e Harri8ans?
Most of t:e records and corres<ondence of Sa8uel !us:7s ar8s- related section of t:e
9o>ern8ent :a>e been burned1 Fto sa>e s<aceF in t:e National Arc:i>es? T:is 8atter of
destro3ed or 8is<laced records s:ould be of concern to citiAens of a constitutional re<ublic?
Unfortunatel31 it is a rat:er constant i8<edi8ent =it: re9ard to researc:in9 Geor9e !us:7s
bac;9round" He is certainl3 t:e 8ost Fco>ertF A8erican c:ief eEecuti>e?
No=1 ar8s <roduction in =arti8e is b3 necessit3 carried on =it: 9reat securit3 <recautions?
T:e <ublic need not ;no= details of t:e <ri>ate li>es of t:e 9o>ern8ent or industr3
eEecuti>es in>ol>ed1 and a broad interrelations:i< bet=een 9o>ern8ent and <ri>ate-sector
<ersonnel is nor8al and useful?
!ut durin9 t:e <eriod <recedin9 *orld *ar I1 and in t:e =ar 3ears 121)-121. =:en t:e
U?S? =as still neutral1 interloc;in9 *all Street financiers subser>ient to !ritis: strate93
lobbied :ea>il31 and t=isted U?S? 9o>ern8ent and do8estic <olice functions? Led b3 t:e
&?%? Mor9an concern1 !ritain7s o>erall <urc:asin9 a9ent in A8erica1 t:ese financiers =anted
a =orld =ar and t:e3 =anted t:e United States in it as !ritain7s all3? T:e U?S? and !ritis:
ar8s co8<anies1 o=ned b3 t:ese international financiers1 <oured out =ea<ons abroad in
deals not subBect to t:e scrutin3 of an3 electorate bac; :o8e? T:e sa8e 9entle8en1 as =e
s:all see1 later su<<lied =ea<ons and 8one3 to Hitler7s NaAis?
T:at t:is <roble8 <ersists toda31 is in so8e res<ect due to t:e FcontrolF o>er t:e
docu8entation and t:e :istor3 of t:e ar8s traffic;ers?
*orld *ar I =as a disaster for ci>iliAed :u8anit3? It :ad terrible1 un<recedented casualties1
and s:atterin9 effects on t:e 8oral <:iloso<:3 of Euro<eans and A8ericans?
!ut for a brief <eriod1 t:e =ar treated %rescott !us: rat:er =ell?
In &une1 121/1 Bust as :is fat:er too; o>er res<onsibilit3 for relations of t:e 9o>ern8ent
=it: t:e <ri>ate ar8s <roducers1 %rescott =ent to Euro<e =it: t:e U?S? Ar83? His unit did
not co8e near an3 fire until Se<te8ber? !ut on Au9ust /1 121/1 t:e follo=in9 ite8 a<<eared
on t:e front <a9e of !us:7s :o8e-to=n ne=s<a<er"
Hi9: Militar3 Honors Conferred on Ca<t? !us:
or Notable Gallantr31 *:en Leadin9 Allied Co88anders *ere Endan9ered1 Local Man is
A=arded renc:1 En9lis: and U?S? Crosses?
International Honors1 <er:a<s un<recedented in t:e life of an A8erican soldier1 :a>e been
conferred u<on Ca<tain %rescott S:eldon !us:1 son of Mr? and Mrs? S?%? !us: of
U<on 3oun9 !us: ??? =ere conferred" Cross of t:e Le9ion of Honor1 ??? 6ictoria Cross1 ???
,istin9uis:ed Ser>ice Cross????
Conferrin9 of t:e t:ree decorations u<on one 8an at one ti8e i8<lies reco9nition of a deed
of rare >alor and <robabl3 of 9reat 8ilitar3 i8<ortance as =ell?
ro8 =ord =:ic: :as reac:ed Colu8bus durin9 t:e last fe= da3s1 it a<<ears as if t:e
ac:ie>e8ent of Ca<tain !us: =ell 8easures u< to t:ese re@uire8ents?
T:e incident occurred on t:e =estern front about t:e ti8e t:e Ger8ans =ere launc:in9 t:eir
9reat offensi>e of &ul3 1+???? T:e :istor3 of t:e re8ar;able >ictor3 scored later b3 t:e allies
8i9:t :a>e been =ritten in anot:er >ein1 but for t:e :eroic and @uic; action of Ca<tain
T:e ??? t:ree allied leaders1 Gen? GerdinandH oc:1 Sir ,ou9las Hai9 and Gen? G&o:n &?H
%ers:in9 ??? =ere 8a;in9 an ins<ection of A8erican <ositions? Gen? %ers:in9 :ad sent for
Ca<tain !us: to 9uide t:e8 about one sector???? Suddenl3 Ca<tain !us: noticed a s:ell
co8in9 directl3 for t:e8? He s:outed a =arnin91 suddenl3 dre= :is bolo ;nife1 stuc; it u<
as :e =ould a ball bat1 and <arried t:e blo=1 causin9 t:e s:ell to 9lance off to t:e ri9:t????
*it:in $) :ours 3oun9 !us: =as notified ??? Gt:atH t:e t:ree allied co88anders :ad
reco88ended :i8 for <racticall3 t:e :i9:est :onors =it:in t:eir 9ift???? Ca<tain !us: is $'
3ears old1 a 9raduate of (ale in t:e class of 121.? He =as one of (ale7s best- ;no=n at:letes
??? =as leader of t:e 9lee club ??? and in :is senior 3ear =as elected to t:e fa8ous S;ull and
!ones Societ3????
T:e da3 after t:is astonis:in9 stor3 a<<eared1 t:ere =as a lar9e cartoon on t:e editorial
<a9e? It de<icted %rescott !us: as a s8all bo31 readin9 a stor3-boo; about 8ilitar3 :erois81
and sa3in9" FGeeK I =onder if an3t:in9 li;e t:at could e>er trul3 :a<<en to a bo3?F T:e
ca<tion belo= =as a re:as: of t:e battin9- a=a3- t:e-deadl3-s:ell eE<loit1 =ritten in
stor3boo; st3le?
Local eEcite8ent about t:e 8ilitar3 F!abe Rut:F lasted Bust four =ee;s? T:en t:is so8ber
little boE a<<eared on t:e front <a9e"
Editor State &ournal"
A cable recei>ed fro8 83 son1 %rescott S? !us:1 brin9s =ord t:at :e :as not been
decorated1 as <ublis:ed in t:e <a<ers a 8ont: a9o? He feels dreadfull3 troubled t:at a letter1
=ritten in a s<irit of fun1 s:ould :a>e been 8isinter<reted? He sa3s :e is no :ero and as;s
8e to 8a;e eE<lanations? I =ill a<<reciate 3our ;indness in <ublis:in9 t:is letter????
lora S:eldon !us:? Colu8bus1 Se<t? +? %rescott !us: later clai8ed t:at :e s<ent Fabout 15
or 11 =ee;sF in t:e area of co8bat in rance? F*e =ere under fire t:ere???? It =as @uite
eEcitin91 and of course a =onderful eE<erience?F
%rescott !us: =as disc:ar9ed in 8id-12121 and returned for a s:ort ti8e to Colu8bus1
O:io? !ut :is :u8iliation in :is :o8e to=n =as so intense t:at :e could no lon9er li>e
t:ere? T:e F=ar :eroF stor3 =as :encefort: not s<o;en of in :is <resence? ,ecades later1
=:en :e =as an i8<ortant1 ric: U?S? Senator1 t:e stor3 =as =:is<ered and <uAAled o>er
a8on9 t:e Con9ress8en?
Loo;in9 to be rescued fro8 t:is u9l3 situation1 Ca<tain !us: =ent to t:e 1212 reunion of
:is (ale class in Ne= Ha>en1 Connecticut? S;ull and !ones %atriarc: *allace Si88ons1
closel3 tied to t:e ar8s 8anufacturers1 offered %rescott !us: a Bob in :is St? Louis railroad
e@ui<8ent co8<an3? !us: too; t:e offer and 8o>ed to St? Louis--and :is destin3?
A T:orou9:bred Marria9e
%rescott !us: =ent to St? Louis to re<air :is troubled life? So8eti8e t:at sa8e 3ear1 A>erell
Harri8an 8ade a tri< t:ere on a <roBect =:ic: =ould :a>e 9reat conse@uences for %rescott?
T:e $/- 3ear-old Harri8an1 until t:en so8et:in9 of a <la3bo31 =anted to brin9 :is in:erited
8one3 and contacts into action in t:e arena of =orld affairs?
%resident T:eodore Roose>elt :ad denounced Harri8an7s fat:er for Fc3nicis8 and dee<-
seated corru<tionF and called :i8 an Fundesirable citiAen?F or t:e still- s8artin9 A>erell to
ta;e :is <lace a8on9 t:e 8a;ers and brea;ers of nations1 :e needed a financial and
intelli9ence-9at:erin9 or9aniAation of :is o=n? T:e 8an Harri8an sou9:t to create suc: an
institution for :i8 =as !ert *al;er1 a Missouri stoc; bro;er and cor<orate =:eeler- dealer?
Geor9e Herbert 0 F!ertF 4 *al;er1 for =:o8 %resident Geor9e H?*? !us: =as na8ed1 did
not i88ediatel3 acce<t Harri8an7s <ro<osal? *ould *al;er lea>e :is little St? Louis
e8<ire1 to tr3 :is influence in Ne= (or; and Euro<eD
!ert =as t:e son of a dr3 9oods =:olesaler =:o :ad t:ri>ed on i8<orts fro8 En9land? T:e
!ritis: connection :ad <aid for *al;er su88er :ouses in Santa !arbara1 California1 and in
Maine-- F*al;er7s %ointF at #ennebun;<ort? !ert *al;er :ad been sent to En9land for :is
<re< sc:ool and colle9e education?
!3 1212 !ert *al;er :ad stron9 ties to t:e Guarant3 Trust Co8<an3 in Ne= (or; and to
t:e !ritis:-A8erican ban;in9 :ouse &?%? Mor9an and Co? T:ese *all Street concerns
re<resented all t:e i8<ortant o=ners of A8erican railroads" t:e Mor9an <artners and t:eir
associates or cousins in t:e inter8arried Roc;efeller1 *:itne31 Harri8an and 6anderbilt
!ert *al;er =as ;no=n as t:e 8id=est7s <re8ier deal-arran9er1 a=ardin9 t:e in>est8ent
ca<ital of :is international-ban;er contacts to t:e 8an3 railroads1 utilities and ot:er
8id=estern industries of =:ic: :e and :is St? Louis friends =ere eEecuti>es or board
*al;er7s o<erations =ere al=a3s @uiet1 or 83sterious1 =:et:er in local or 9lobal affairs? He
:ad lon9 been t:e F<o=er be:ind t:e t:roneF in t:e St? Louis ,e8ocratic %art31 alon9 =it:
:is cron31 for8er Missouri Go>ernor ,a>id R? rancis? *al;er and rancis to9et:er :ad
sufficient influence to select t:e <art37s candidates?
!ac; in 125)1 !ert *al;er1 ,a>id rancis1 *as:in9ton Uni>ersit3 %resident Robert
!roo;in9s and t:eir ban;erObro;er circle :ad or9aniAed a =orld7s fair in St? Louis1 t:e
Louisiana %urc:ase EE<osition? In line =it: t:e old Sout:ern Confederac3 fa8il3
bac;9rounds of 8an3 of t:ese s<onsors1 t:e fair featured a FHu8an JooF " li>e nati>es fro8
bac;=ard Bun9le re9ions =ere eE:ibited in s<ecial ca9es under t:e su<er>ision of
ant:ro<olo9ist *illia8 &? McGee?
So A>erell Harri8an =as a natural <atron for !ert *al;er? !ert s:ared A>erell7s <assion for
:orse breedin9 and :orse racin91 and easil3 acco88odated t:e Harri8an fa8il37s related
social <:iloso<:3? T:e3 belie>ed t:at t:e :orses and racin9 stables t:e3 o=ned s:o=ed t:e
=a3 to=ard a s:ar< u<9radin9 of t:e :u8an stoc;--Bust select and 8ate t:orou9:breds1 and
s<urn or eli8inate inferior ani8als?
T:e irst *orld *ar :ad brou9:t t:e little St? Louis oli9arc:3 into t:e Confederate-
sla>eo=ner-oriented ad8inistration of %resident *oodro= *ilson and :is ad>isors1 Col?
Ed=ard House and !ernard !aruc:?
*al;er7s friend Robert !roo;in9s 9ot into !ernard !aruc:7s *ar Industries !oard as
director of national %rice iEin9 0sic4? ,a>id R? rancis beca8e U?S? a8bassador to Russia
in 121-? As t:e !ols:e>i; Re>olution bro;e out1 =e find !ert *al;er bus3 a<<ointin9
<eo<le to rancis7s staff in %etro9rad?
*al;er7s earliest acti>ities in relation to t:e So>iet state are of si9nificant interest to
:istorians1 9i>en t:e acti>ist role :e =as to <la3 t:ere to9et:er =it: Harri8an? !ut *al;er7s
life is as co>ert as t:e rest of t:e !us: clan7s1 and t:e sur>i>in9 <ublic record is eEtre8el3
T:e 1212 6ersailles <eace conference brou9:t to9et:er !ritis: i8<erial strate9ists and t:eir
A8erican friends to 8a;e <ost=ar 9lobal arran9e8ents? or :is o=n intended international
ad>entures1 Harri8an needed !ert *al;er t:e seasoned intri9uer1 =:o @uietl3 re<resented
8an3 of t:e !ritis:-desi9nated rulers of A8erican <olitics and finance?
After t=o <ersuasion tri<s =est b3 Harri8an1 *al;er at len9t: a9reed to 8o>e to Ne=
(or;? !ut :e ;e<t :is fat:er7s su88er :ouse in #ennebun;<ort1 Maine?
!ert *al;er for8all3 or9aniAed t:e *?A? Harri8an N Co? <ri>ate ban; in No>e8ber 1212?
*al;er beca8e t:e ban;7s <resident and c:ief eEecuti>eC A>erell Harri8an =as c:air8an
and controllin9 co-o=ner =it: :is brot:er Roland 0 F!unn3F 41 %rescott !us:7s close friend
fro8 (aleC and %erc3 Roc;efeller =as a director and a foundin9 financial s<onsor?
In t:e autu8n of 12121 %rescott !us: 8ade t:e ac@uaintance of !ert *al;er7s dau9:ter
,orot:3? T:e3 =ere en9a9ed t:e follo=in9 3ear1 and =ere 8arried in Au9ust1 12$1? A8on9
t:e us:ers and 9roo8s at t:e elaborate =eddin9 =ere Eller3 S? &a8es1 #ni9:t *oolle3 and
four ot:er fello= S;ull and !ones8en fro8 t:e (ale Class of 121.? T:e !us:-*al;er
eEtended fa8il3 :as 9at:ered eac: su88er at t:e F*al;er countr3 :o8eF in
#ennebun;<ort1 fro8 t:is 8arria9e of %resident !us:7s <arents do=n to t:e <resent da3?
*:en %rescott 8arried ,orot:31 :e =as onl3 a 8inor eEecuti>e of t:e Si88ons Co?1
railroad e@ui<8ent su<<liers1 =:ile :is =ife7s fat:er =as buildin9 one of t:e 8ost 9i9antic
businesses in t:e =orld? T:e follo=in9 3ear t:e cou<le tried to 8o>e bac; to Colu8bus1
O:ioC t:ere %rescott =or;ed for a s:ort ti8e in a rubber <roducts co8<an3 o=ned b3 :is
fat:er? !ut t:e3 soon 8o>ed a9ain to Milton1 Mass?1 after outsiders bou9:t t:e little fa8il3
business and 8o>ed it near t:ere?
T:us %rescott !us: =as 9oin9 no=:ere fast1 =:en :is son Geor9e Herbert *al;er !us:--
t:e future U?S? %resident--=as born in Milton1 Mass?1 on &une 1$1 12$)?
%er:a<s it =as as a birt:da3 9ift for Geor9e1 t:at F!unn3F Harri8an ste<<ed in to rescue
:is fat:er %rescott fro8 obli>ion1 brin9in9 :i8 into t:e Harri8an-controlled U?S? Rubber
Co? in Ne= (or; Cit3? In 12$+ t:e 3oun9 fa8il3 8o>ed to t:e to=n =:ere Geor9e =as to
9ro= u<" Green=ic:1 Connecticut1 a suburb bot: of Ne= (or; and of Ne= Ha>enO(ale?
T:en on Ma3 11 12$-1 %rescott !us: Boined *?A? Harri8an N Co? as its >ice <resident1
under t:e ban;7s <resident1 !ert *al;er1 :is fat:er-in-la= and Geor9e7s 8aternal
9randfat:er--t:e :ead of t:e fa8il3?
T:e Great Ga8e
%rescott !us: =ould de8onstrate stron9 lo3alt3 to t:e fir8 :e Boined in 12$-? And t:e
ban;1 =it: t:e sco<e and <o=er of 8an3 ordinar3 nations1 could a8<l3 re=ard its a9ents?
Geor9e !us:7s Grandfat:er *al;er :ad <ut t:e enter<rise to9et:er1 @uietl31 secretl31 usin9
all t:e international connections at :is dis<osal? Let us briefl3 loo; bac; at t:e be9innin9 of
t:e Harri8an fir8--t:e !us: fa8il3 enter<rise--and follo= its course into one of :istor37s
dar;est <roBects?
T:e fir87s first 9lobal le>er =as its successful arran9e8ent to 9et into Ger8an3 b3
do8inatin9 t:at countr37s s:i<<in9? A>erell Harri8an announced in 12$5 t:at :e =ould re-
start Ger8an37s Ha8bur9- A8eri;a Line1 after 8an3 8ont:s of sc:e8in9 and ar8-
t=istin9? Ha8bur9-A8eri;a7s co88ercial stea8s:i<s :ad been confiscated b3 t:e United
States at t:e end of t:e irst *orld *ar? T:ese s:i<s :ad t:en beco8e t:e <ro<ert3 of t:e
Harri8an enter<rise1 b3 so8e arran9e8ents =it: t:e U?S? aut:orities t:at =ere ne>er 8ade
T:e deal =as breat:ta;in9C it =ould create t:e =orld7s lar9est <ri>ate s:i<<in9 line?
Ha8bur9-A8eri;a Line re9ained its confiscated >essels1 for a :ea>3 <rice? T:e Harri8an
enter<rise too; Ft:e ri9:t to <artici<ate in +5 <ercent of all business ori9inated in Ha8bur9F
C and for t:e neEt t=ent3 3ears 012$5-12)541 t:e Harri8an enter<rise :ad Fco8<lete control
of all acti>ities of t:e Ha8bur9 line in t:e United States?F
Harri8an beca8e co-o=ner of Ha8bur9-A8eri;a? T:e Harri8an-*al;er fir8 9ained a
ti9:t :old on its 8ana9e8ent1 =it: t:e not-so-subtle bac;in9 of t:e <ost-*orld *ar I
occu<ation of Ger8an3 b3 t:e ar8ies of En9land and A8erica?
&ust after Harri8an7s <ublic state8ent1 t:e St? Louis <ress celebrated !ert *al;er7s role in
asse8blin9 t:e 8one3 to consu88ate t:e deal"
FEE-St? Louisan or8s Giant S:i< Mer9erF FG? H? *al;er is Mo>in9 %o=er !e:ind
Harri8an-Morton S:i<<in9 Co8bine????F T:e stor3 celebrated a F8er9er of t=o bi9
financial :ouses in Ne= (or;1 =:ic: =ill <lace <racticall3 unli8ited ca<ital at t:e dis<osal
of t:e ne= A8erican-Ger8an s:i<<in9 co8bine????F !ert *al;er :ad arran9ed a F8arria9eF
of &?%? Mor9an credit and Harri8an fa8il3 in:erited =ealt:?
*?A? Harri8an N Co?1 of =:ic: *al;er =as <resident and founder1 =as 8er9in9 =it: t:e
Morton N Co? <ri>ate ban;--and *al;er =as FG<Hro8inent in t:e affairs of Morton N Co?1F
=:ic: =as interloc;ed =it: t:e Mor9an-controlled Guarant3 Trust Co?
T:e Ha8bur9-A8eri;a ta;eo>er created an effecti>e instru8ent for t:e 8ani<ulation and
fatal sub>ersion of Ger8an3? One of t:e 9reat F8erc:ants of deat:1F Sa8uel %r3or1 =as in it
fro8 t:e be9innin9? %r3or1 t:en c:air8an of t:e eEecuti>e co88ittee of Re8in9ton Ar8s1
:el<ed arran9e t:e deal and ser>ed =it: *al;er on t:e board of Harri8an7s s:i<<in9 front
or9aniAation1 t:e A8erican S:i< and Co88erce Co?
*al;er and Harri8an too; t:e neEt 9iant ste< in 12$$1 settin9 u< t:eir Euro<ean
:ead@uarters office in !erlin? *it: t:e aid of t:e Ha8bur9-based *arbur9 ban;1 *?A?
Harri8an N Co? be9an s<readin9 an in>est8ent net o>er Ger8an industr3 and ra=
ro8 t:e !erlin base1 *al;er and Harri8an t:en <lun9ed into deals =it: t:e ne=
dictators:i< of t:e So>iet Union? T:e3 led a select 9rou< of *all Street and !ritis: E8<ire
s<eculators =:o re-started t:e Russian oil industr31 =:ic: :ad been de>astated b3 t:e
!ols:e>i; Re>olution? T:e3 contracted to 8ine So>iet 8an9anese1 an ele8ent essential to
8odern steel8a;in9? T:ese concessions =ere arran9ed directl3 =it: Leon Trots;31 t:en
=it: eli;s ,AerA:ins;31 founder of t:e So>iet dictators:i<7s secret intelli9ence ser>ice
0#?G?!41 =:ose :u9e statue =as finall3 <ulled do=n b3 <ro- de8ocrac3 de8onstrators in
T:ese s<eculations created bot: c:annels of co88unication1 and t:e st3le of acco8odation1
=it: t:e co88unist dictators:i<1 t:at :a>e continued in t:e fa8il3 do=n to %resident !us:?
*it: t:e ban; launc:ed1 !ert *al;er found Ne= (or; t:e ideal <lace to satisf3 :is <assion
for s<orts1 9a8es and 9a8blin9? *al;er =as elected <resident of t:e U?S? Golf Association
in 12$5? He ne9otiated ne= international rules for t:e 9a8e =it: t:e Ro3al and Ancient
Golf Club of St? Andre=s1 Scotland? After t:ese tal;s :e contributed t:e t:ree-foot-:i9:
sil>er *al;er Cu<1 for =:ic: !ritis: and A8erican tea8s :a>e since co8<eted e>er3 t=o
!ert7s son-in-la= %rescott !us: =as later secretar3 of t:e U?S? Golf Association1 durin9 t:e
9ra>e <olitical and econo8ic crises of t:e earl3 12'5s? %rescott beca8e USGA %resident in
12'+1 =:ile :e =as ot:er=ise e8broiled in t:e fa8il3 fir87s =or; =it: NaAi Ger8an3?
*:en Geor9e =as one 3ear old1 in 12$+1 !ert *al;er and A>erell Harri8an :eaded a
s3ndicate =:ic: rebuilt Madison S@uare Garden as t:e 8odern %alace of S<ort? *al;er =as
at t:e center of Ne= (or;7s 9a8blin9 scene in its :e3da31 in t:at %ro:ibition era of colorful
and blood3 9an9sters? T:e Garden bloo8ed =it: 8illion-dollar <riAe fi9:tsC boo;ies and
t:eir clients <ooled 8ore 8illions1 tr3in9 to 8atc: t:e <ace of t:e s<eculation-craAed stoc;
and bond 8en? T:is =as t:e era of For9aniAedF cri8e--t:e national 9a8blin9 and bootle9
s3ndicate structured on t:e Ne= (or; cor<orate 8odel?
!3 12'51 =:en Geor9e =as a bo3 of siE1 Grand<a *al;er =as Ne= (or; State Racin9
Co88issioner? T:e >i>id colors and sounds of t:e racin9 scene 8ust :a>e i8<ressed little
Geor9e as 8uc: as :is 9randfat:er? !ert *al;er bred race :orses at :is o=n stable1 t:e Lo9
Cabin Stud? He =as <resident of t:e !el8ont %ar; race trac;? !ert also <ersonall3 8ana9ed
8ost as<ects of A>erell7s racin9 interests-- do=n to <ic;in9 t:e colors and fabrics for t:e
Harri8an racin9 9ear?
ro8 12$-1 Geor9e7s fat:er %rescott !us: s:o=ed a fierce lo3alt3 to t:e Harri8ans and a
do99ed deter8ination to ad>ance :i8selfC :e 9raduall3 ca8e to run t:e da3-to-da3
o<erations of *?A? Harri8an N Co? After t:e fir87s 12'1 8er9er =it: t:e !ritis:-
A8erican ban;in9 :ouse !ro=n !rot:ers1 %rescott !us: beca8e 8ana9in9 <artner of t:e
resultin9 co8<an3" !ro=n !rot:ers Harri8an? T:is =as ulti8atel3 t:e lar9est and
<oliticall3 t:e 8ost i8<ortant <ri>ate ban;in9 :ouse in A8erica?
inancial colla<se1 =orld de<ression and social u<:ea>al follo=ed t:e fe>ered s<eculation
of t:e 12$5s? T:e 12$2-'1 cras: of securities >alues =i<ed out t:e s8all fortune %rescott
!us: :ad 9ained since 12$-? !ut because of :is de>otion to t:e Harri8ans1 t:e3 Fdid a >er3
9enerous t:in91F as !us: later <ut it? T:e3 sta;ed :i8 to =:at :e :ad lost and <ut :i8 bac;
on :is feet?
%rescott !us: described :is o=n role1 fro8 12'1 t:rou9: t:e 12)5s1 in a confidential
I e8<:asiAe ??? t:at t:e Harri8ans s:o=ed 9reat coura9e and lo3alt3 and confidence in us1 because
t:ree or four of us =ere reall3 runnin9 t:e business1 t:e da3 to da3 business? A>erell =as all o>er
t:e <lace in t:ose da3s ??? and Roland =as in>ol>ed in a lot of directors:i<s1 and :e didn7t 9et do=n
into t:e Flift- u<-and-bear-do=nF acti>it3 of t:e ban;1 3ou see-- t:e da3- to-da3 decisions ??? =e
=ere reall3 runnin9 t:e business1 t:e da3 to da3 business1 all t:e ad8inistrati>e decisions and t:e
eEecuti>e decisions? *e =ere t:e ones t:at did it? *e =ere t:e 8ana9in9 <artners1 let7s sa3?
!ut of t:e Ft:ree or fourF <artners in c:ar9e1 %rescott =as effecti>el3 at t:e :ead of t:e
fir81 because :e :ad ta;en o>er 8ana9e8ent of t:e 9i9antic <ersonal in>est8ent funds of
A>erell and E? Roland F!unn3F Harri8an?
In t:ose inter=ar 3ears1 %rescott !us: 8ade t:e fa8il3 fortune =:ic: Geor9e !us:
in:erited? He <iled u< t:e 8one3 fro8 an international <roBect =:ic: continued until a ne=
=orld =ar1 and t:e action of t:e U?S? 9o>ern8ent1 inter>ened to sto< :i8?
Notes for C:a<ter I
1? *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9? 1-1 12211 <? A1?
$? Gen? Hu9: S? &o:nson to MaBor &?H?#? ,a>is1 &une -1 121/1 file no? '')?/O1-/ or '')?/O)+1 in U?S? National Arc:i>es1 Suitland1 Mar3land?
'? !ernard M? !aruc:1 M3 O=n Stor3 0Ne= (or;" Henr3 Holt and Co?1 12+.41 <<? 1'/-'2? !aruc: related t:at Four fir8 did a lar9e business for
Mr? Harri8an???? In 125- Harri8an :ad GusH <lace :ea>3 bets on C:arles E>ans Hu9:es in :is race for Go>ernor of Ne= (or; a9ainst *illia8
Randol<: Hearst? After se>eral :undred t:ousand dollars :ad been =a9ered1 Gour fir8H sto<<ed? Hearin9 of t:is1 Harri8an called ??? u<? P,idn7t I
tell 3ou to betD7 :e de8anded? PNo= 9o on?7QF
)? Alden Hatc:1 Re8in9ton Ar8s" An A8erican Histor31 12+-1 co<3ri9:t b3 t:e Re8in9ton Ar8s Co?1 <<? $$)-$+?
+? T:e O:io State &ournal1 Colu8bus1 O:io1 T:ursda31 Au9? /1 121/?
-? T:e O:io State &ournal1 rida31 Au9? 21 121/?
.? T:e O:io State &ournal1 rida31 Se<t? -1 121/?
/? Inter>ie= =it: %rescott !us: in t:e Oral Histor3 Researc: %roBect conducted b3 Colu8bia Uni>ersit3 in 12--1 Eisen:o=er Ad8inistration
%art IIC <<? +--? T:e inter>ie= =as su<<osed to be ;e<t confidential and =as ne>er <ublis:ed1 but Colu8bia later sold 8icrofil8s of t:e
transcri<t to certain libraries1 includin9 AriAona State Uni>ersit3?
2? T:eodore Roose>elt to &a8es S? S:er8an1 Oct? -1 125-1 8ade <ublic b3 Roose>elt at a <ress conference A<ril $1 125.? Luoted in Henr3 ?
%rin9le1 T:eodore Roose>elt 0Ne= (or;" Harcourt1 !race and Co8<an31 12'141 <? )+$? Roose>elt later confided to Harri8an la=3er Robert S?
Lo>ett t:at :is >ie=s on Harri8an =ere based on =:at &?%? Mor9an :ad told :i8?
15? See T:e Industries of St? Louis1 <ublis:ed 1//+ b3 &?M? Elstner N Co?1 <<? -1--$ for Cro=1 Ha9ardine N Co?1 ,a>id *al;er7s first businessC
and <? /- for El3 N *al;er?
11? See Letter of G?H? *al;er to ,?R? rancis1 Marc: $51 125+1 in t:e rancis collection of t:e Missouri Historical Societ31 St? Louis1
Missouri1 on t:e or9aniAation of t:e Re<ublicans and ,e8ocrats to run t:e election of t:e 8a3or1 a ,e8ocrat acce<table to t:e sociall3
<ro8inent? T:e neEt da3 *al;er beca8e t:e treasurer and rancis t:e <resident of t:is FCo88ittee of 1555?F See also Geor9e H? *al;er
obituar31 St? Louis Globe-,e8ocrat1 &une $+1 12+'?
1$? Letter of %err3 rancis to :is fat:er1 A8bassador ,a>id R? rancis1 Oct? 1+1 121.1 rancis collection of t:e Missouri Historical Societ3? F???
&oe Miller left for San rancisco last Tuesda3 ni9:t1 =:ere :e =ill recei>e orders to continue to %etro9rad? I =as told b3 Mildred #otan3
G*al;er7s sister-in-la=H t:at !ert *al;er 9ot :i8 :is a<<oint8ent t:rou9: !rec; Lon9? I didn7t ;no= &oe =as after it1 or could :a>e :el<ed :i8
83self? He =ill be 9ood co8<an3 for 3ou =:en :e 9ets t:ere????F
1'? %ri>ate inter>ie= =it: a *al;er fa8il3 8e8ber1 cousin of %resident !us:?
1)? %rescott !us:1 Colu8bia Uni>ersit31 o<? cit?1 <? .?
1+? St? Louis Globe ,e8ocrat1 Au9? .1 12$1? 1-? T:is is t:e se@uence of e>ents1 fro8 Si88ons to U?S? Rubber1 =:ic: %rescott !us: 9a>e in
:is Colu8bia Uni>ersit3 inter>ie=1 o<? cit?14 <<? .-/?
1.? %ublic state8ent of A>erell Harri8an1 Ne= (or; Ti8es1 Oct? -1 12$51 <? 1?
1/? St? Louis Globe-,e8ocrat1 Oct? 1$1 12$51 <? 1?
12? S<orts-as-business :as continued in t:e fa8il3 u< t:rou9: Geor9e !us:7s adult life? !ert7s son Geor9e *al;er1 &r?--%resident !us:7s uncle
and financial an9el in TeEas--co-founded t:e Ne= (or; Mets and =as t:e baseball club7s >ice <resident and treasurer for 1. 3ears until :is
deat: in 12..? T:e %resident7s son1 Geor9e *al;er !us:1 =as co-o=ner of t:e TeEas Ran9ers baseball club durin9 :is fat:er7s <residenc3?
$5? %rescott !us:1 Colu8bia Uni>ersit31 o<? cit?1 <<? 1--$$?
C:a<ter - II - T:e Hitler %roBect
!us: %ro<ert3 SeiAed--Tradin9 =it: t:e Ene83
In October 12)$1 ten 8ont:s after enterin9 *orld *ar II1 A8erica =as <re<arin9 its first
assault a9ainst NaAi 8ilitar3 forces? %rescott !us: =as 8ana9in9 <artner of !ro=n
!rot:ers Harri8an? His 1/-3ear-old son Geor9e1 t:e future U?S? %resident1 :ad Bust be9un
trainin9 to beco8e a na>al <ilot? On Oct? $51 12)$1 t:e U?S? 9o>ern8ent ordered t:e seiAure
of NaAi Ger8an ban;in9 o<erations in Ne= (or; Cit3 =:ic: =ere bein9 conducted b3
%rescott !us:?
Under t:e Tradin9 =it: t:e Ene83 Act1 t:e 9o>ern8ent too; o>er t:e Union !an;in9
Cor<oration1 in =:ic: !us: =as a director? T:e U?S? Alien %ro<ert3 Custodian seiAed
Union !an;in9 Cor<?7s stoc; s:ares1 all of =:ic: =ere o=ned b3 %rescott !us:1 E? Roland
F !unn3 77 Harri8an1 t:ree NaAi eEecuti>es1 and t=o ot:er associates of !us:?
T:e order seiAin9 t:e ban; F >ests 77 0seiAes4 F all of t:e ca<ital stoc; of Union !an;in9
Cor<oration1 a Ne= (or; cor<oration1 77 and na8es t:e :olders of its s:ares as"
F E? Roland Harri8an--'221 s:ares 77 Gc:air8an and director of Union !an;in9 Cor<?
0U!C4C t:is is F !unn3 77 Harri8an1 described b3
%rescott !us: as a <lace :older =:o didn7t 9et 8uc: into ban;in9 affairsC %rescott 8ana9ed :is
<ersonal in>est8entsH
F Cornelis Lie>ense--) s:ares 77 G<resident and director of U!CC Ne= (or; resident ban;in9
functionar3 for t:e NaAisH
F Harold ,? %ennin9ton--1 s:are 77 Gtreasurer and director of U!CC an office 8ana9er
e8<lo3ed b3 !us: at !ro=n !rot:ers
F Ra3 Morris--1 s:are 77
Gdirector of U!CC <artner of !us: and t:e Harri8ansH
F %rescott S? !us:--1 s:are 77 Gdirector of U!C1 =:ic: =as co-founded and s<onsored b3 :is
fat:er-in-la= Geor9e *al;erC
senior 8ana9in9 <artner for E? Roland Harri8an and A>erell Harri8anH
F H?&? #ou=en:o>en--1 s:are 77 Gdirector of U!CC or9aniAed U!C as t:e e8issar3 of ritA
T:3ssen in ne9otiations =it: Geor9e
*al;er and A>erell Harri8anC 8ana9in9 director of U!C7s Net:erlands affiliate under NaAi
occu<ationC industrial eEecuti>e in NaAi Ger8an3C director and c:ief forei9n financial eEecuti>e of
t:e Ger8an Steel TrustH
F &o:ann G? Groenin9er--1 s:are 77 Gdirector of U!C and of its Net:erlands affiliateC
industrial eEecuti>e in NaAi Ger8an3H
F all of =:ic: s:ares are :eld for t:e benefit of ??? 8e8bers of t:e T:3ssen fa8il31 GandH is
<ro<ert3 of nationals ??? of a desi9nated ene83 countr3???? 77
!3 Oct? $-1 12)$1 U?S? troo<s =ere under =a3 for Nort: Africa? On Oct? $/1 t:e
9o>ern8ent issued orders seiAin9 t=o NaAi front or9aniAations run b3 t:e !us:-Harri8an
ban;" t:e Holland-A8erican Tradin9 Cor<oration and t:e Sea8less Steel E@ui<8ent
U?S? forces landed under fire near Al9iers on No>? /1 12)$C :ea>3 co8bat ra9ed t:rou9:out
No>e8ber? NaAi interests in t:e Silesian-A8erican Cor<oration1 lon9 8ana9ed b3 %rescott
!us: and :is fat:er-in-la= Geor9e Herbert *al;er1 =ere seiAed under t:e Tradin9 =it: t:e
Ene83 Act on No>? 1.1 12)$? In t:is action1 t:e 9o>ern8ent announced t:at it =as seiAin9
onl3 t:e NaAi interests1 lea>in9 t:e NaAis7 U?S? <artners to carr3 on t:e business?
T:ese and ot:er actions ta;en b3 t:e U?S? 9o>ern8ent in =arti8e =ere1 tra9icall31 too little
and too late? %resident !us:7s fa8il3 :ad alread3 <la3ed a central role in financin9 and
ar8in9 Adolf Hitler for :is ta;eo>er of Ger8an3C in financin9 and 8ana9in9 t:e buildu< of
NaAi =ar industries for t:e con@uest of Euro<e and =ar a9ainst t:e U?S?A?C and in t:e
de>elo<8ent of NaAi 9enocide t:eories and racial <ro<a9anda1 =it: t:eir =ell- ;no=n
T:e facts <resented :ere 8ust be ;no=n1 and t:eir i8<lications reflected u<on1 for a <ro<er
understandin9 of %resident Geor9e Herbert *al;er !us: and of t:e dan9er to 8an;ind t:at
:e re<resents? T:e %resident7s fa8il3 fortune =as lar9el3 a result of t:e Hitler <roBect? T:e
<o=erful An9lo-A8erican fa8il3 associations1 =:ic: later boosted :i8 into t:e Central
Intelli9ence A9enc3 and u< to t:e *:ite House1 =ere :is fat:er7s <artners in t:e Hitler
%resident ran;lin Roose>elt7s Alien %ro<ert3 Custodian1 Leo T? Cro=le31 si9ned 6estin9
Order Nu8ber $)/ seiAin9 t:e <ro<ert3 of %rescott !us: under t:e Tradin9 =it: t:e Ene83
Act? T:e order1 <ublis:ed in obscure 9o>ern8ent record boo;s and ;e<t out of t:e ne=s1
eE<lained not:in9 about t:e NaAis in>ol>edC onl3 t:at t:e Union !an;in9 Cor<oration =as
run for t:e F T:3ssen fa8il3 77 of F Ger8an3 andOor Hun9ar3 77--F nationals ??? of a
desi9nated ene83 countr3? 77
!3 decidin9 t:at %rescott !us: and t:e ot:er directors of t:e Union !an;in9 Cor<? =ere
le9all3 front 8en for t:e NaAis1 t:e 9o>ern8ent a>oided t:e 8ore i8<ortant :istorical
issue" In =:at =a3 =ere Hitler7s NaAis t:e8sel>es :ired1 ar8ed and instructed b3 t:e Ne=
(or; and London cli@ue of =:ic: %rescott !us: =as an eEecuti>e 8ana9erD Let us
eEa8ine t:e Harri8an-!us: Hitler <roBect fro8 t:e 12$5s until it =as <artiall3 bro;en u<1
to see; an ans=er for t:at @uestion?
Ori9in and EEtent of t:e %roBect
ritA T:3ssen and :is business <artners are uni>ersall3 reco9niAed as t:e 8ost i8<ortant
Ger8an financiers of Adolf Hitler7s ta;eo>er of Ger8an3? At t:e ti8e of t:e order seiAin9
t:e T:3ssen fa8il37s Union !an;in9 Cor<?1 Mr? ritA T:3ssen :ad alread3 <ublis:ed :is
fa8ous boo;1 I %aid Hitler1 ad8ittin9 t:at :e :ad financed Adolf Hitler and t:e NaAi
8o>e8ent since October 12$'? T:3ssen7s role as t:e leadin9 earl3 bac;er of Hitler7s 9rab
for <o=er in Ger8an3 :ad been noted b3 U?S? di<lo8ats in !erlin in 12'$? T:e order
seiAin9 t:e !us:-T:3ssen ban; =as curiousl3 @uiet and 8odest about t:e identit3 of t:e
<er<etrators =:o :ad been nailed?
!ut t=o =ee;s before t:e official order1 9o>ern8ent in>esti9ators :ad re<orted secretl3 t:at
F *? A>erell Harri8an =as in Euro<e so8eti8e <rior to 12$) and at t:at ti8e beca8e
ac@uainted =it: ritA T:3ssen1 t:e Ger8an industrialist? 77 Harri8an and T:3ssen a9reed to
set u< a ban; for T:3ssen in Ne= (or;? F GCHertain of GHarri8an7sH associates =ould ser>e
as directors???? 77 T:3ssen a9ent F H? &? #ou=en:o>en ??? ca8e to t:e United States ??? <rior to
12$) for conferences =it: t:e Harri8an Co8<an3 in t:is connection????
*:en eEactl3 =as F Harri8an in Euro<e so8eti8e <rior to 12$) 77D In fact1 :e =as in !erlin
in 12$$ to set u< t:e !erlin branc: of *?A? Harri8an N Co? under Geor9e *al;er7s
T:e Union !an;in9 Cor<oration =as establis:ed for8all3 in 12$)1 as a unit in t:e
Man:attan offices of *?A? Harri8an N Co?1 interloc;in9 =it: t:e T:3ssen-o=ned !an;
>oor Handel en Sc:ee<>aart 0!HS4 in t:e Net:erlands? T:e in>esti9ators concluded t:at F
t:e Union !an;in9 Cor<oration :as since its ince<tion :andled funds c:iefl3 su<<lied to it
t:rou9: t:e ,utc: ban; b3 t:e T:3ssen interests for A8erican in>est8ent? 77
T:us b3 <ersonal a9ree8ent bet=een A>erell Harri8an and ritA T:3ssen in 12$$1 *?A?
Harri8an N Co? 0alias Union !an;in9 Cor<oration4 =ould be transferrin9 funds bac; and
fort: bet=een Ne= (or; and t:e F T:3ssen interests 77 in Ger8an3? !3 <uttin9 u< about
I)5515551 t:e Harri8an or9aniAation =ould be Boint o=ner and 8ana9er of T:3ssen7s
ban;in9 o<erations outside of Ger8an3?
Ho= i8<ortant =as t:e NaAi enter<rise for =:ic: %resident !us:7s fat:er =as t:e Ne= (or;
T:e 12)$ U?S? 9o>ern8ent in>esti9ati>e re<ort said t:at !us:7s NaAi-front ban; =as an
interloc;in9 concern =it: t:e 6ereini9te Sta:l=er;e 0United Steel *or;s Cor<oration or
Ger8an Steel Trust4 led b3 ritA T:3ssen and :is t=o brot:ers? After t:e =ar1
Con9ressional in>esti9ators <robed t:e T:3ssen interests1 Union !an;in9 Cor<? and related
NaAi units? T:e in>esti9ation s:o=ed t:at t:e 6ereini9te Sta:l=er;e :ad <roduced t:e
follo=in9 a<<roEi8ate <ro<ortions of total Ger8an national out<ut" +5?/R of NaAi
Ger8an37s <i9 iron )1?)R of NaAi Ger8an37s uni>ersal <late '-?5R of NaAi Ger8an37s
:ea>3 <late '/?+R of NaAi Ger8an37s 9al>aniAed s:eet )+?+R of NaAi Ger8an37s <i<es and
tubes $$?1R of NaAi Ger8an37s =ire '+?5R of NaAi Ger8an37s eE<losi>es?
%rescott !us: beca8e >ice <resident of *?A? Harri8an N Co? in 12$-? T:at sa8e 3ear1 a
friend of Harri8an and !us: set u< a 9iant ne= or9aniAation for t:eir client ritA T:3ssen1
<ri8e s<onsor of <olitician Adolf Hitler? T:e ne= Ger8an Steel Trust1 Ger8an37s lar9est
industrial cor<oration1 =as or9aniAed in 12$- b3 *all Street ban;er Clarence ,illon? ,illon
=as t:e old co8rade of %rescott !us:7s fat:er Sa8 !us: fro8 t:e F Merc:ants of ,eat: 77
bureau in *orld *ar I?
In return for <uttin9 u< I.5 8illion to create :is or9aniAation1 8aBorit3 o=ner T:3ssen 9a>e
t:e ,illon Read co8<an3 t=o or 8ore re<resentati>es on t:e board of t:e ne= Steel Trust?
T:us t:ere is a di>ision of labor" T:3ssen7s o=n confidential accounts1 for <olitical and
related <ur<oses1 =ere run t:rou9: t:e *al;er-!us: or9aniAationC t:e Ger8an Steel Trust
did its cor<orate ban;in9 t:rou9: ,illon Read?
T:e *al;er-!us: fir87s ban;in9 acti>ities =ere not Bust <oliticall3 neutral 8one3- 8a;in9
>entures =:ic: :a<<ened to coincide =it: t:e ai8s of Ger8an NaAis? All of t:e fir87s
Euro<ean business in t:ose da3s =as or9aniAed around anti-de8ocratic <olitical forces?
In 12$.1 criticis8 of t:eir su<<ort for totalitarianis8 dre= t:is retort fro8 !ert *al;er1
=ritten fro8 #ennebun;<ort to A>erell Harri8an" F It see8s to 8e t:at t:e su99estion in
connection =it: Lord !earsted7s >ie=s t:at =e =it:dra= fro8 Russia s8ac;s so8e=:at of
t:e i8<ertinent???? I t:in; t:at =e :a>e dra=n our line and s:ould :e= to it? 77
A>erell Harri8an 8et =it: Ital37s fascist dictator1 !enito Mussolini? A re<resentati>e of t:e
fir8 subse@uentl3 tele9ra<:ed 9ood ne=s bac; to :is c:ief eEecuti>e !ert *al;er" F ???
,urin9 t:ese last da3s ??? Mussolini ??? :as eEa8ined and a<<ro>ed our cGoHntract 1+ &une? 77
T:e 9reat financial colla<se of 12$2-'1 s:oo; A8erica1 Ger8an3 and !ritain1 =ea;enin9
all 9o>ern8ents? It also 8ade t:e :ard-<ressed %rescott !us: e>en 8ore =illin9 to do
=:ate>er =as necessar3 to retain :is ne= <lace in t:e =orld? It =as in t:is crisis t:at certain
An9lo-A8ericans deter8ined on t:e installation of a Hitler re9i8e in Ger8an3?
*?A? Harri8an N Co?1 =ell-<ositioned for t:is enter<rise and ric: in assets fro8 t:eir
Ger8an and Russian business1 8er9ed =it: t:e !ritis:-A8erican in>est8ent :ouse1 !ro=n
!rot:ers1 on &anuar3 11 12'1? !ert *al;er retired to :is o=n G?H? *al;er N Co?
T:is left t:e Harri8an brot:ers1 %rescott !us: and T:atc:er M? !ro=n as t:e senior
<artners of t:e ne= !ro=n !rot:ers Harri8an fir8? 0T:e London1 En9land branc: of t:e
!ro=n fa8il3 fir8 continued o<eratin9 under its :istoric na8e--!ro=n1 S:i<le3?4
Robert A? Lo>ett also ca8e o>er as a <artner fro8 !ro=n !rot:ers? His fat:er1 E?H?
Harri8an7s la=3er and railroad c:ief1 :ad been on t:e *ar Industries !oard =it: %rescott7s
fat:er? T:ou9: :e re8ained a <artner in !ro=n !rot:ers Harri8an1 t:e Bunior Lo>ett soon
re<laced :is fat:er as c:ief eEecuti>e of Union %acific Railroad?
!ro=n !rot:ers :ad a racial tradition t:at fitted it =ell for t:e Hitler <roBectK A8erican
<atriots :ad cursed its na8e bac; in U?S? Ci>il *ar da3s? !ro=n !rot:ers1 =it: offices in
t:e U?S?A? and in En9land1 :ad carried on t:eir s:i<s full3 .+ <ercent of t:e sla>e cotton
fro8 t:e A8erican Sout: o>er to !ritis: 8ill o=ners? No= in 12'11 t:e >irtual dictator of
=orld finance1 !an; of En9land Go>ernor Monta9u Collet Nor8an1 =as a for8er !ro=n
!rot:ers <artner1 =:ose 9randfat:er :ad been boss of !ro=n !rot:ers durin9 t:e U?S? Ci>il
*ar? Monta9u Nor8an =as ;no=n as t:e 8ost a>id of Hitler7s su<<orters =it:in !ritis:
rulin9 circles1 and Nor8an7s inti8ac3 =it: t:is fir8 =as essential to :is 8ana9e8ent of t:e
Hitler <roBect?
In 12'11 =:ile %rescott !us: ran t:e Ne= (or; office of !ro=n !rot:ers Harri8an1
%rescott7s <artner =as Monta9u Nor8an7s inti8ate friend T:atc:er !ro=n? T:e !an; of
En9land c:ief al=a3s sta3ed at t:e :o8e of %rescott7s <artner on :is :us:-:us: tri<s to Ne=
(or;? %rescott !us: concentrated on t:e fir87s Ger8an acti>ities1 and T:atc:er !ro=n sa=
to t:eir business in old En9land1 under t:e 9uidance of :is 8entor Monta9u Nor8an?
Hitler7s Ladder to %o=er
Adolf Hitler beca8e C:ancellor of Ger8an3 &anuar3 '51 12''1 and absolute dictator in
Marc: 12''1 after t=o 3ears of eE<ensi>e and >iolent lobb3in9 and electioneerin9? T=o
affiliates of t:e !us:-Harri8an or9aniAation <la3ed 9reat <arts in t:is cri8inal underta;in9"
T:3ssen7s Ger8an Steel TrustC and t:e Ha8bur9-A8eri;a Line and se>eral of its
Let us loo; 8ore closel3 at t:e !us: fa8il37s Ger8an <artners?
ritA T:3ssen told Allied interro9ators after t:e =ar about so8e of :is financial su<<ort for
t:e NaAi %art3" F In 12'5 or 12'1 ??? I told GHitler7s de<ut3 Rudol<:H Hess ??? I =ould
arran9e a credit for :i8 =it: a ,utc: ban; in Rotterda81 t:e !an; fur Handel und Sc:iff
Gi?e? !an; >oor Handel en Sc:ee<>aart 0!HS41 t:e Harri8an-!us: affiliateH? I arran9ed t:e
credit ??? :e =ould <a3 it bac; in t:ree 3ears???? I c:ose a ,utc: ban; because I did not =ant
to be 8iEed u< =it: Ger8an ban;s in 83 <osition1 and because I t:ou9:t it =as better to do
business =it: a ,utc: ban;1 and I t:ou9:t I =ould :a>e t:e NaAis a little 8ore in 83
:ands??? ?
F T:e credit =as about $+5-'551555 G9oldH 8ar;s--about t:e su8 I :ad 9i>en before? T:e
loan :as been re<aid in <art to t:e ,utc: ban;1 but I t:in; so8e 8one3 is still o=in9 on
it???? 77
T:e o>erall total of T:3ssen7s <olitical donations and loans to t:e NaAis =as =ell o>er a
8illion dollars1 includin9 funds :e raised fro8 ot:ers--in a <eriod of terrible 8one3
s:orta9e in Ger8an3?
riedric: lic; =as t:e 8aBor co-o=ner of t:e Ger8an Steel Trust =it: ritA T:3ssen1
T:3ssen7s lon9-ti8e collaborator and occasional co8<etitor? In <re<aration for t:e =ar
cri8es tribunal at Nure8ber91 t:e U?S? 9o>ern8ent said t:at lic; =as F one of leadin9
financiers and industrialists =:o fro8 12'$ contributed lar9e su8s to t:e NaAi %art3 ???
8e8ber of PCircle of riends7 of Hi88ler =:o contributed lar9e su8s to t:e SS?
lic;1 li;e T:3ssen1 financed t:e NaAis to 8aintain t:eir <ri>ate ar8ies called Sc:utAstaffel
0S?S? or !lac; S:irts4 and Stur8abteilun9 0S?A?1 stor8 troo<s or !ro=n S:irts4?
T:e lic;-Harri8an <artners:i< =as directl3 su<er>ised b3 %rescott !us:1 %resident !us:7s
fat:er1 and b3 Geor9e *al;er1 %resident !us:7s 9randfat:er?
T:e Harri8an-*al;er Union !an;in9 Cor<? arran9e8ents for t:e Ger8an Steel Trust :ad
8ade t:e8 ban;ers for lic; and :is >ast o<erations in Ger8an3 b3 no later t:an 12$-?
T:e Harri8an ifteen Cor<oration 0Geor9e *al;er1 <resident1 %rescott !us: and A>erell
Harri8an1 sole directors4 :eld a substantial sta;e in t:e Silesian Holdin9 Co? at t:e ti8e of
t:e 8er9er =it: !ro=n !rot:ers1 &an? 11 12'1? T:is :oldin9 correlated to A>erell
Harri8an7s c:air8ans:i< of t:e Consolidated Silesian Steel Cor<oration1 t:e A8erican
9rou< o=nin9 one-t:ird of a co8<leE of steel-8a;in91 coal-8inin9 and Ainc-8inin9
acti>ities in Ger8an3 and %oland1 in =:ic: riedric: lic; o=ned t=o-t:irds?
T:e Nure8ber9 <rosecutor c:aracteriAed lic; as follo=s"
F %ro<rietor and :ead of a lar9e 9rou< of industrial enter<rises 0coal and iron 8ines1 steel
<roducin9 and fabricatin9 <lants4 ??? P*e:r=irtsc:aftsfu:rer71 12'/ Gtitle a=arded to
<ro8inent industrialists for 8erit in ar8a8ents dri>e--PMilitar3 Econo83 Leader7H????
or t:is buildu< of t:e Hitler =ar 8ac:ine =it: coal1 steel and ar8s <roduction1 usin9 sla>e
laborers1 t:e NaAi lic; =as conde8ned to se>en 3ears in <rison at t:e Nure8ber9 trialsC :e
ser>ed t:ree 3ears? *it: friends in Ne= (or; and London1 :o=e>er1 lic; li>ed into t:e
12.5s and died a billionaire?
On Marc: 121 12')1 %rescott !us:--t:en director of t:e Ger8an Steel Trust7s Union
!an;in9 Cor<oration--initiated an alert to t:e absent A>erell Harri8an about a <roble8
=:ic: :ad de>elo<ed in t:e lic; <artners:i<? !us: sent Harri8an a cli<<in9 fro8 t:e Ne=
(or; Ti8es of t:at da31 =:ic: re<orted t:at t:e %olis: 9o>ern8ent =as fi9:tin9 bac;
a9ainst A8erican and Ger8an stoc;:olders =:o controlled F %oland7s lar9est industrial
unit1 t:e U<<er Silesian Coal and Steel Co8<an3???? 77
T:e Ti8es article continued" F T:e co8<an3 :as lon9 been accused of 8is8ana9e8ent1
eEcessi>e borro=in91 fictitious boo;;ee<in9 and 9a8blin9 in securities? *arrants =ere
issued in ,ece8ber for se>eral directors accused of taE e>asions? T:e3 =ere Ger8an
citiAens and t:e3 fled? T:e3 =ere re<laced b3 %oles? Herr lic;1 re9ardin9 t:is as an atte8<t
to 8a;e t:e co8<an37s board entirel3 %olis:1 retaliated b3 restrictin9 credits until t:e ne=
%olis: directors =ere unable to <a3 t:e =or;8en re9ularl3? 77
T:e Ti8es noted t:at t:e co8<an37s 8ines and 8ills F e8<lo3 $+1555 8en and account for
)+ <ercent of %oland7s total steel out<ut and 1$ <ercent of :er coal <roduction? T=o- t:irds
of t:e co8<an37s stoc; is o=ned b3 riedric: lic;1 a leadin9 Ger8an steel industrialist1
and t:e re8ainder is o=ned b3 interests in t:e United States? 77
In >ie= of t:e fact t:at a 9reat deal of %olis: out<ut =as bein9 eE<orted to Hitler Ger8an3
under de<ression conditions1 t:e %olis: 9o>ern8ent t:ou9:t t:at %rescott !us:1 Harri8an
and t:eir NaAi <artners s:ould at least <a3 full taEes on t:eir %olis: :oldin9s? T:e U?S? and
NaAi o=ners res<onded =it: a loc;out? T:e letter to Harri8an in *as:in9ton re<orted a
cable fro8 t:eir Euro<ean re<resentati>e" F Ha>e underta;en ne= ste<s London !erlin ???
<lease establis: friendl3 relations =it: %olis: A8bassador Gin *as:in9tonH? 77
A 12'+ Harri8an ifteen Cor<oration 8e8o fro8 Geor9e *al;er announced an a9ree8ent
:ad been 8ade F in !erlin 77 to sell an /1555 bloc; of t:eir s:ares in Consolidated Silesian
Steel? !ut t:e dis<ute =it: %oland did not deter t:e !us: fa8il3 fro8 continuin9 its
<artners:i< =it: lic;?
NaAi tan;s and bo8bs F settled 77 t:is dis<ute in Se<te8ber1 12'2 =it: t:e in>asion of
%oland1 be9innin9 *orld *ar II? T:e NaAi ar83 :ad been e@ui<<ed b3 lic;1 Harri8an1
*al;er and !us:1 =it: 8aterials essentiall3 stolen fro8 %oland?
T:ere =ere <robabl3 fe= <eo<le at t:e ti8e =:o could a<<reciate t:e iron31 t:at =:en t:e
So>iets also attac;ed and in>aded %oland fro8 t:e East1 t:eir >e:icles =ere fueled b3 oil
<u8<ed fro8 !a;u =ells re>i>ed b3 t:e Harri8anO*al;erO!us: enter<rise?
T:ree 3ears later1 nearl3 a 3ear after t:e &a<anese attac; on %earl Harbor1 t:e U?S?
9o>ern8ent ordered t:e seiAure of t:e NaAis7 s:are in t:e Silesian-A8erican Cor<oration
under t:e Tradin9 =it: t:e Ene83 Act? Ene83 nationals =ere said to o=n )2 <ercent of t:e
co88on stoc; and )1?-. <ercent of t:e <referred stoc; of t:e co8<an3?
T:e order c:aracteriAed t:e co8<an3 as a F business enter<rise =it:in t:e United States1
o=ned b3 Ga front co8<an3 inH Juric:1 S=itAerland1 and :eld for t:e benefit of
!er9=er;s9esellsc:aft Geor9e >on Giesc:e7s Erben1 a Ger8an cor<oration???? 77
!ert *al;er =as still t:e senior director of t:e co8<an31 =:ic: :e :ad founded bac; in
12$- si8ultaneousl3 =it: t:e creation of t:e Ger8an Steel Trust? Ra3 Morris1 %rescott7s
<artner fro8 Union !an;in9 Cor<? and !ro=n !rot:ers Harri8an1 =as also a director?
T:e in>esti9ati>e re<ort <rior to t:e 9o>ern8ent crac;do=n eE<lained t:e F NATURE O
!USINESS" T:e subBect cor<oration is an A8erican :oldin9 co8<an3 for Ger8an and
%olis: subsidiaries1 =:ic: o=n lar9e and >aluable coal and Ainc 8ines in Silesia1 %oland
and Ger8an3? Since Se<te8ber 12'21 t:ese <ro<erties :a>e been in t:e <ossession of and
:a>e been o<erated b3 t:e Ger8an 9o>ern8ent and :a>e undoubtedl3 been of considerable
assistance to t:at countr3 in its =ar effort? 77
T:e re<ort noted t:at t:e A8erican stoc;:olders :o<ed to re9ain control of t:e Euro<ean
<ro<erties after t:e =ar?
Control of NaAi Co88erce
!ert *al;er :ad arran9ed t:e credits Harri8an needed to ta;e control of t:e Ha8bur9-
A8eri;a Line bac; in 12$5? *al;er :ad or9aniAed t:e A8erican S:i< and Co88erce Cor<?
as a unit of t:e *?A? Harri8an N Co?1 =it: contractual <o=er o>er Ha8bur9- A8eri;a7s
As t:e Hitler <roBect =ent into :i9: 9ear1 Harri8an-!us: s:ares in A8erican S:i< and
Co88erce Cor<? =ere :eld b3 t:e Harri8an ifteen Cor<?1 run b3 %rescott !us: and !ert
It =as a con>enient stroll for t:e =ell-tanned1 at:letic1 :andso8e %rescott !us:" ro8 t:e
!ro=n !rot:ers Harri8an s;3scra<er at +2 *all Street--=:ere :e =as senior 8ana9in9
<artner1 confidential in>est8ents 8ana9er and ad>iser to A>erell and :is brot:er F !unn3
77--:e =al;ed across to t:e Harri8an ifteen Cor<oration at One *all Street1 ot:er=ise
;no=n as G?H? *al;er N Co?--and around t:e corner to :is subsidiar3 offices at '2
!road=a31 for8er :o8e of t:e old *?A? Harri8an N Co?1 and still t:e offices for A8erican
S:i< and Co88erce Cor<?1 and of t:e Union !an;in9 Cor<oration?
In 8an3 =a3s1 !us:7s Ha8bur9-A8eri;a Line =as t:e <i>ot for t:e entire Hitler <roBect?
A>erell Harri8an and !ert *al;er :ad 9ained control o>er t:e stea8s:i< co8<an3 in 12$5
in ne9otiations =it: its <ost-*orld *ar I c:ief eEecuti>e1 *il:el8 Cuno1 and =it: t:e line7s
ban;ers1 M?M? *arbur9? Cuno =as t:ereafter co8<letel3 de<endent on t:e An9lo-
A8ericans1 and beca8e a 8e8ber of t:e An9lo-Ger8an riends:i< Societ3? In t:e 12'5-'$
dri>e for a Hitler dictators:i<1 *il:el8 Cuno contributed i8<ortant su8s to t:e NaAi %art3?
Albert 6oe9ler =as c:ief eEecuti>e of t:e T:3ssen-lic; Ger8an Steel Trust for =:ic:
!us:7s Union !an;in9 Cor<? =as t:e Ne= (or; office? He =as a director of t:e !us:-
affiliate !HS !an; in Rotterda81 and a director of t:e Harri8an-!us: Ha8bur9- A8eri;a
Line? 6oe9ler Boined T:3ssen and lic; in t:eir :ea>3 12'5-'' NaAi contributions1 and
:el<ed or9aniAe t:e final NaAi lea< into national <o=er?
T:e Sc:roeder fa8il3 of ban;ers =as a linc:<in for t:e NaAi acti>ities of Harri8an and
%rescott !us:1 closel3 tied to t:eir la=3ers Allen and &o:n oster ,ulles?
!aron #urt >on Sc:roeder =as co-director of t:e 8assi>e T:3ssen-Hutte foundr3 alon9
=it: &o:ann Groenin9er1 %rescott !us:7s Ne= (or; ban; <artner? #urt >on Sc:roeder =as
treasurer of t:e su<<ort or9aniAation for t:e NaAi %art37s <ri>ate ar8ies1 to =:ic: riedric:
lic; contributed? #urt >on Sc:roeder and Monta9u Nor8an7s <rote@aa9e@aa HBal8ar
Sc:ac:t to9et:er 8ade t:e final arran9e8ents for Hitler to enter t:e 9o>ern8ent?
!aron Rudol<: >on Sc:roeder =as >ice <resident and director of t:e Ha8bur9-A8eri;a
Line? Lon9 an inti8ate contact of A>erell Harri8an7s in Ger8an31 !aron Rudol<: sent :is
9randson !aron &o:ann Rudol<: for a tour of %rescott !us:7s !ro=n !rot:ers Harri8an
offices in Ne= (or; Cit3 in ,ece8ber 12'$--on t:e e>e of t:eir Hitler- triu8<:?
Certain actions ta;en directl3 b3 t:e Harri8an-!us: s:i<<in9 line in 12'$ 8ust be ran;ed
a8on9 t:e 9ra>est acts of treason in t:is centur3?
T:e U?S? e8bass3 in !erlin re<orted bac; to *as:in9ton t:at t:e F costl3 election
ca8<ai9ns 77 and F t:e cost of 8aintainin9 a <ri>ate ar83 of '551555 to )551555 8en 77 :ad
raised @uestions as to t:e NaAis7 financial bac;ers? T:e constitutional 9o>ern8ent of t:e
Ger8an re<ublic 8o>ed to defend national freedo8 b3 orderin9 t:e NaAi %art3 <ri>ate
ar8ies disbanded? T:e U?S? e8bass3 re<orted t:at t:e Ha8bur9-A8eri;a Line =as
<urc:asin9 and distributin9 <ro<a9anda attac;s a9ainst t:e Ger8an 9o>ern8ent1 for
atte8<tin9 t:is last-8inute crac;do=n on Hitler7s forces?
T:ousands of Ger8an o<<onents of Hitleris8 =ere s:ot or inti8idated b3 <ri>atel3 ar8ed
NaAi !ro=n S:irts? In t:is connection =e note t:at t:e ori9inal F Merc:ant of ,eat:1 77
Sa8uel %r3or1 =as a foundin9 director of bot: t:e Union !an;in9 Cor<? and t:e A8erican
S:i< and Co88erce Cor<? Since Mr? %r3or =as eEecuti>e co88ittee c:air8an of
Re8in9ton Ar8s and a central fi9ure in t:e =orld7s <ri>ate ar8s traffic1 :is use to t:e Hitler
<roBect =as en:anced as t:e !us: fa8il37s <artner in NaAi %art3 ban;in9 and trans- Atlantic
T:e U?S? Senate ar8s-traffic in>esti9ators <robed Re8in9ton after it =as Boined in a cartel
a9ree8ent on eE<losi>es to t:e NaAi fir8 I?G? arben? Loo;in9 at t:e <eriod leadin9 u< to
Hitler7s seiAure of <o=er1 t:e Senators found t:at F Ger8an <olitical associations1 li;e t:e
NaAi and ot:ers1 are nearl3 all ar8ed =it: A8erican ??? 9uns???? Ar8s of all ;inds co8in9
fro8 A8erica are transs:i<<ed in t:e Sc:eldt to ri>er bar9es before t:e >essels arri>e in
Ant=er<? T:e3 t:en can be carried t:rou9: Holland =it:out <olice ins<ection or
interference? T:e Hitlerists and Co88unists are <resu8ed to 9et ar8s in t:is 8anner? T:e
<rinci<al ar8s co8in9 fro8 A8erica are T:o8<son sub8ac:ine 9uns and re>ol>ers? T:e
nu8ber is 9reat? 77
T:e be9innin9 of t:e Hitler re9i8e brou9:t so8e biAarre c:an9es to t:e Ha8bur9- A8eri;a
Line--and 8ore betra3als?
%rescott !us:7s A8erican S:i< and Co88erce Cor<? notified MaE *arbur9 of Ha8bur91
Ger8an31 on Marc: .1 12''1 t:at *arbur9 =as to be t:e cor<oration7s official1 desi9nated
re<resentati>e on t:e board of Ha8bur9-A8eri;a?
MaE *arbur9 re<lied on Marc: $.1 12''1 assurin9 :is A8erican s<onsors t:at t:e Hitler
9o>ern8ent =as 9ood for Ger8an3" F or t:e last fe= 3ears business =as considerabl3
better t:an =e :ad antici<ated1 but a reaction is 8a;in9 itself felt for so8e 8ont:s? *e are
actuall3 sufferin9 also under t:e >er3 acti>e <ro<a9anda a9ainst Ger8an31 caused b3 so8e
un<leasant circu8stances? T:ese occurrences =ere t:e natural conse@uence of t:e >er3
eEcited election ca8<ai9n1 but =ere eEtraordinaril3 eEa99erated in t:e forei9n <ress? T:e
Go>ern8ent is fir8l3 resol>ed to 8aintain <ublic <eace and order in Ger8an31 and I feel
<erfectl3 con>inced in t:is res<ect t:at t:ere is no cause for an3 alar8 =:atsoe>er?
T:is seal of a<<ro>al for Hitler1 co8in9 fro8 a fa8ous &e=1 =as Bust =:at Harri8an and
!us: re@uired1 for t:e3 antici<ated rat:er serious F alar8 77 inside t:e U?S?A? a9ainst t:eir
NaAi o<erations?
On Marc: $21 12''1 t=o da3s after MaE7s letter to Harri8an1 MaE7s son1 Eric: *arbur91
sent a cable to :is cousin rederic; M? *arbur91 a director of t:e Harri8an railroad s3ste8?
He as;ed rederic; to F use all 3our influence 77 to sto< all anti-NaAi acti>it3 in A8erica1
includin9 F atrocit3 ne=s and unfriendl3 <ro<a9anda in forei9n <ress1 8ass 8eetin9s1 etc? 77
rederic; cabled bac; to Eric:" F No res<onsible 9rou<s :ere GareH ur9in9 GaH bo3cott GofH
Ger8an 9oodsG1H 8erel3 eEcited indi>iduals? 77 T=o da3s after t:at1 On Marc: '11 12''1 t:e
A8erican-&e=is: Co88ittee1 controlled b3 t:e *arbur9s1 and t:e !7nai !7rit:1 :ea>il3
influenced b3 t:e SulAber9ers 0Ne= (or; Ti8es41 issued a for8al1 official Boint state8ent of
t:e t=o or9aniAations1 counselin9 F t:at no A8erican bo3cott a9ainst Ger8an3 be
encoura9ed1 77 and ad>isin9 F t:at no furt:er 8ass 8eetin9s be :eld or si8ilar for8s of
a9itation be e8<lo3ed? 77
T:e A8erican &e=is: Co88ittee and t:e !7nai !7rit: 08ot:er of t:e F Anti-,efa8ation
Lea9ue 774 continued =it: t:is :ardline1 no-attac;-on-Hitler stance all t:rou9: t:e 12'5s1
bluntin9 t:e fi9:t 8ounted b3 8an3 &e=s and ot:er anti-fascists?
T:us t:e decisi>e interc:an9e re<roduced abo>e1 ta;in9 <lace entirel3 =it:in t:e orbit of
t:e Harri8anO!us: fir81 8a3 eE<lain so8et:in9 of t:e relations:i< of Geor9e !us: to
A8erican &e=is: and Jionist leaders? So8e of t:e81 in close coo<eration =it: :is fa8il31
<la3ed an u9l3 <art in t:e dra8a of NaAiis8? Is t:is =:3 F <rofessional NaAi-:unters 77 :a>e
ne>er disco>ered :o= t:e !us: fa8il3 8ade its 8one3D
T:e eEecuti>e board of t:e Ha8bur9 A8eri;a Line 0Ha<a94 8et Bointl3 =it: t:e Nort:
Ger8an Llo3d Co8<an3 board in Ha8bur9 on Se<t? +1 12''? Under official NaAi
su<er>ision1 t:e t=o fir8s =ere 8er9ed? %rescott !us:7s A8erican S:i< and Co88erce
Cor<? installed C:ristian &? !ec;1 a lon9-ti8e Harri8an eEecuti>e1 as 8ana9er of frei9:t
and o<erations in Nort: A8erica for t:e ne= Boint NaAi s:i<<in9 lines 0Ha<a9-Llo3d4 on
No>? )1 12''?
Accordin9 to testi8on3 of officials of t:e co8<anies before Con9ress in 12')1 a su<er>isor
fro8 t:e NaAi Labor ront rode =it: e>er3 s:i< of t:e Harri8an-!us: lineC e8<lo3ees of
t:e Ne= (or; offices =ere directl3 or9aniAed into t:e NaAi Labor ront or9aniAationC
Ha8bur9-A8eri;a <ro>ided free <assa9e to indi>iduals 9oin9 abroad for NaAi <ro<a9anda
<ur<osesC and t:e line subsidiAed <ro-NaAi ne=s<a<ers in t:e U?S?A?1 as it :ad done in
Ger8an3 a9ainst t:e constitutional Ger8an 9o>ern8ent?
In 8id-12'-1 %rescott !us:7s A8erican S:i< and Co88erce Cor<? cabled M?M? *arbur91
as;in9 *arbur9 to re<resent t:e co8<an37s :ea>3 s:are interest at t:e fort:co8in9
Ha8bur9-A8eri;a stoc;:olders 8eetin9? T:e *arbur9 office re<lied =it: t:e infor8ation
t:at F =e re<resented 3ou 77 at t:e stoc;:olders 8eetin9 and F eEercised on 3our be:alf 3our
>otin9 <o=er for R8 G9old 8ar;sH '1+521-55 Ha<a9 stoc; de<osited =it: us? 77
T:e *arbur9s trans8itted a letter recei>ed fro8 E8il Helfferic:1 Ger8an c:ief eEecuti>e
of bot: Ha<a9-Llo3d and of t:e Standard Oil subsidiar3 in NaAi Ger8an3" F It is t:e
intention to continue t:e relations =it: Mr? Harri8an on t:e sa8e basis as :eretofore???? 77 In
a colorful 9esture1 Ha<a97s NaAi c:air8an Helfferic: sent t:e line7s <resident across t:e
Atlantic on a Je<<elin to confer =it: t:eir Ne= (or; strin9-<ullers?
After t:e 8eetin9 =it: t:e Je<<elin <assen9er1 t:e Harri8an-!us: office re<lied" F I a8
9lad to learn t:at Mr? Hellferic: GsicH :as stated t:at relations bet=een t:e Ha8bur9
A8erican Line and oursel>es =ill be continued on t:e sa8e basis as :eretofore?
T=o 8ont:s before 8o>in9 a9ainst %rescott !us:7s Union !an;in9 Cor<oration1 t:e U? S?
9o>ern8ent ordered t:e seiAure of all <ro<ert3 of t:e Ha8bur9-A8eri;a Line and Nort:
Ger8an Llo3d1 under t:e Tradin9 =it: t:e Ene83 Act? T:e in>esti9ators noted in t:e <re-
seiAure re<ort t:at C:ristian &? !ec; =as still actin9 as an attorne3 re<resentin9 t:e NaAi
In Ma3 12''1 Bust after t:e Hitler re9i8e =as consolidated1 an a9ree8ent =as reac:ed in
!erlin for t:e coordination of all NaAi co88erce =it: t:e U?S?A? T:e Harri8an
International Co?1 led b3 A>erell Harri8an7s first cousin Oli>er1 =as to :ead a s3ndicate of
1+5 fir8s and indi>iduals1 to conduct all eE<orts fro8 Hitler Ger8an3 to t:e United States?
T:is <act :ad been ne9otiated in !erlin bet=een Hitler7s econo8ics 8inister1 HBal8ar
Sc:ac:t1 and &o:n oster ,ulles1 international attorne3 for doAens of NaAi enter<rises1 =it:
t:e counsel of MaE *arbur9 and #urt >on Sc:roeder?
&o:n oster ,ulles =ould later be U?S? Secretar3 of State1 and t:e 9reat <o=er in t:e
Re<ublican %art3 of t:e 12+5s? oster7s friends:i< and t:at of :is brot:er Allen 0:ead of t:e
Central Intelli9ence A9enc341 9reatl3 aided %rescott !us: to beco8e t:e Re<ublican U?S?
Senator fro8 Connecticut? And it =as to be of inesti8able >alue to Geor9e !us:1 in :is
ascent to t:e :ei9:ts of F co>ert action 9o>ern8ent1 77 t:at bot: of t:ese ,ulles brot:ers
=ere t:e la=3ers for t:e !us: fa8il37s far-flun9 enter<rise?
T:rou9:out t:e 12'5s1 &o:n oster ,ulles arran9ed debt restructurin9 for Ger8an fir8s
under a series of decrees issued b3 Adolf Hitler? In t:ese deals1 ,ulles struc; a balance
bet=een t:e interest o=ed to selected1 lar9er in>estors1 and t:e needs of t:e 9ro=in9 NaAi
=ar-8a;in9 a<<aratus for <roducin9 tan;s1 <oison 9as1 etc?
,ulles =rote to %rescott !us: in 12'. concernin9 one suc: arran9e8ent? T:e Ger8an-
Atlantic Cable Co8<an31 o=nin9 NaAi Ger8an37s onl3 tele9ra<: c:annel to t:e United
States1 :ad 8ade debt and 8ana9e8ent a9ree8ents =it: t:e *al;er-Harri8an ban; durin9
t:e 12$5s? A ne= decree =ould no= >oid t:ose a9ree8ents1 =:ic: :ad ori9inall3 been
reac:ed =it: non-NaAi cor<orate officials? ,ulles as;ed !us:1 =:o 8ana9ed t:ese affairs
for A>erell Harri8an1 to 9et A>erell7s si9nature on a letter to NaAi officials1 a9reein9 to t:e
c:an9es? ,ulles =rote"
Se<t? $$1 12'.
Mr? %rescott S? !us:
+2 *all Street1 Ne= (or;1 N?(? ,ear %ress1 I :a>e loo;ed o>er t:e letter of t:e Ger8an-
A8erican GsicH Cable Co8<an3 to A>erell Harri8an???? It =ould a<<ear t:at t:e onl3 ri9:ts
in t:e 8atter are t:ose =:ic: inure in t:e ban;ers and t:at no le9al e8barrass8ent =ould
result1 so far as t:e bond:olders are concerned1 b3 3our ac@uiescence in t:e 8odification of
t:e ban;ers7 a9ree8ent?
Sincerel3 3ours1 &o:n oster ,ulles ,ulles enclosed a <ro<osed draft re<l31 !us: 9ot
Harri8an7s si9nature1 and t:e c:an9es =ent t:rou9:? In conBunction =it: t:ese
arran9e8ents1 t:e Ger8an Atlantic Cable Co8<an3 atte8<ted to sto< <a38ent on its debts
to s8aller A8erican bond:olders? T:e 8one3 =as to be used instead for ar8in9 t:e NaAi
state1 under a decree of t:e Hitler 9o>ern8ent?
,es<ite t:e bus3 efforts of !us: and ,ulles1 a Ne= (or; court decided t:at t:is <articular
Hitler F la= 77 =as in>alid in t:e United StatesC s8all bond:olders1 not <arties to deals
bet=een t:e ban;ers and t:e NaAis1 =ere entitled to 9et <aid?
In t:is and a fe= ot:er of t:e atte8<ted s=indles1 t:e intended >icti8s ca8e out =it: t:eir
8one3? !ut t:e NaAi financial and <olitical reor9aniAation =ent a:ead to its tra9ic cli8aE?
or :is <art in t:e Hitler re>olution1 %rescott !us: =as <aid a fortune? T:is is t:e le9ac3 :e
left to :is son1 %resident Geor9e !us:?
An I8<ortant Historical Note"
Ho= t:e Harri8ans Hired Hitler
It =as not ine>itable t:at 8illions =ould be slau9:tered under fascis8 and in *orld *ar II?
At certain 8o8ents of crisis1 crucial <ro-NaAi decisions =ere 8ade outside of Ger8an3?
T:ese decisions for <ro-NaAi actions =ere 8ore a99ressi>e t:an t:e 8ere F a<<ease8ent 77
=:ic: An9lo-A8erican :istorians later <referred to discuss?
%ri>ate ar8ies of '551555 to )551555 terrorists aided t:e NaAis7 rise to <o=er? *?A?
Harri8an7s Ha8bur9-A8eri;a Line inter>ened a9ainst Ger8an37s 12'$ atte8<t to brea;
t:e8 u<?
T:e 12$2-'1 econo8ic colla<se ban;ru<ted t:e *all-Street-bac;ed Ger8an Steel Trust?
*:en t:e Ger8an 9o>ern8ent too; o>er t:e Trust7s stoc; s:ares1 interests associated =it:
#onrad Adenauer and t:e anti-NaAi Cat:olic Center %art3 atte8<ted to ac@uire t:e s:ares?
!ut t:e An9lo-A8ericans--Monta9u Nor8an1 and t:e Harri8an-!us: ban;-- 8ade sure
t:at t:eir NaAi <u<<et ritA T:3ssen re9ained control o>er t:e s:ares and t:e Trust?
T:3ssen7s ban;rollin9 of Hitler could t:en continue un:indered?
Un<a3able debts crus:ed Ger8an3 in t:e 12$5s1 re<arations re@uired b3 t:e 6ersailles
a9ree8ents? Ger8an3 =as looted b3 t:e London-Ne= (or; ban;in9 s3ste81 and Hitler7s
<ro<a9anda eE<loited t:is Ger8an debt burden?
!ut i88ediatel3 after Ger8an3 ca8e under Hitler7s dictators:i<1 t:e An9lo-A8erican
financiers 9ranted debt relief1 =:ic: freed funds to be used for ar8in9 t:e NaAi state?
T:e Nort: Ger8an Llo3d stea8s:i< line1 =:ic: =as 8er9ed =it: Ha8bur9-A8eri;a Line1
=as one of t:e co8<anies =:ic: sto<<ed debt <a38ents under a Hitler decree arran9ed b3
&o:n oster ,ulles and HBal8ar Sc:ac:t?
#u:n Loeb and Co?7s eliE *arbur9 carried out t:e Hitler finance <lan in Ne= (or;? #u:n
Loeb as;ed Nort: Ger8an Llo3d bond:olders to acce<t ne= lo=er interest stea8s:i<
bonds1 issued b3 #u:n Loeb1 in <lace of t:e better <re-Hitler bonds?
T:e O<<osition
Ne= (or; attorne3 &acob C:ait;in1 fat:er of coaut:or Anton C:ait;in1 too; t:e cases of
8an3 different bond:olders =:o reBected t:e s=indle b3 Harri8an1 !us:1 *arbur91 and
Hitler? Re<resentin9 a =o8en =:o =as o=ed I'5 on an old stea8s:i< bond--and o<<osin9
&o:n oster ,ulles in Ne= (or; 8unici<al court--C:ait;in t:reatened a =rit fro8 t:e
s:eriff1 t3in9 u< t:e '51555 ton transatlantic liner Euro<a until t:e client recei>ed :er I'5?
0Ne= (or; Ti8es1 &anuar3 151 12')1 <? '1 col? '4?
T:e A8erican &e=is: Con9ress :ired &acob C:ait;in as t:e le9al director of t:e bo3cott
a9ainst NaAi Ger8an3? T:e A8erican ederation of Labor coo<erated =it: &e=is: and
ot:er 9rou<s in t:e anti-i8<ort bo3cott? On t:e ot:er side1 >irtuall3 all t:e NaAi trade =it:
t:e United States =as under t:e su<er>ision of t:e Harri8an interests and functionaries
suc: as %rescott !us:1 fat:er of %resident Geor9e !us:?
Mean=:ile1 t:e *arbur9s de8anded t:at A8erican &e=s not F a9itate 77 a9ainst t:e Hitler
9o>ern8ent1 or Boin t:e or9aniAed bo3cott? T:e *arbur9s7 decision =as carried out b3 t:e
A8erican &e=is: Co88ittee and t:e !7nai !7rit:1 =:o o<<osed t:e bo3cott as t:e NaAi
8ilitar3 state 9re= increasin9l3 <o=erful?
T:e :istorical co>eru< on t:ese e>ents is so ti9:t t:at >irtuall3 t:e onl3 eE<ose@aa of t:e
*arbur9s ca8e in Bournalist &o:n L? S<i>a;7s F *all Street7s ascist Cons<irac31 77 in t:e
<ro-co88unist Ne= Masses <eriodical 0&an? $2 and eb? +1 12')4? S<i>a; <ointed out t:at
t:e *arbur9s controlled t:e A8erican &e=is: Co88ittee1 =:ic: o<<osed t:e anti- NaAi
bo3cott1 =:ile t:eir #u:n Loeb and Co? :ad under=ritten NaAi s:i<<in9C and :e eE<osed
t:e financin9 of <ro-fascist <olitical acti>ities b3 t:e *arbur9s and t:eir <artners and allies1
8an3 of =:o8 =ere bi9=i9s in t:e A8erican &e=is: Co88ittee and !7nai !7rit:?
Gi>en =:ere t:e S<i>a; <iece a<<eared1 it is not sur<risin9 t:at S<i>a; called *arbur9 an
all3 of t:e Mor9an !an;1 but 8ade no 8ention of A>erell Harri8an? Mr? Harri8an1 after
all1 =as a <er8anent :ero of t:e So>iet Union?
&o:n L? S<i>a; later under=ent a curious transfor8ation1 :i8self Boinin9 t:e co>eru<? In
12-.1 :e =rote an autobio9ra<:3 0A Man in His Ti8e1 Ne= (or;" HoriAon %ress41 =:ic:
<raises t:e A8erican &e=is: Co88ittee? T:e <ro-fascis8 of t:e *arbur9s does not a<<ear
in t:e boo;? T:e for8er F rebel 77 S<i>a; also <raises t:e action ar8 of t:e !7nai !7rit:1 t:e
Anti-,efa8ation Lea9ue? %at:eticall31 :e co88ents fa>orabl3 t:at t:e Lea9ue :as s<3 files
on t:e A8erican <o<ulace =:ic: it s:ares =it: 9o>ern8ent a9encies?
T:us is :istor3 erasedC and t:ose decisions1 =:ic: direct :istor3 into one course or anot:er1
are lost to t:e ;no=led9e of t:e current 9eneration?
1? Office of Alien %ro<ert3 Custodian1 6estin9 Order No? $)/? T:e order =as si9ned b3 Leo T? Cro=le31
Alien %ro<ert3 Custodian1 eEecuted October $51 12)$C ?R? ,oc? )$-11+-/C iled1 No>e8ber -1 12)$1
11"'1 A?M?C . ed? Re9? 252. 0No>? .1 12)$4? See also t:e Ne= (or; Cit3 ,irector3 of ,irectors 0a>ailable
at t:e Librar3 of Con9ress4? T:e >olu8es for t:e 12'5s and 12)5s list %rescott !us: as a director of Union
!an;in9 Cor<oration for t:e 3ears 12') t:rou9: 12)'?
$? Alien %ro<ert3 Custodian 6estin9 Order No? $+2" Sea8less Steel E@ui<8ent Cor<orationC 6estin9 Order
No? $-1" Holland-A8erican Tradin9 Cor<?
'? Alien %ro<ert3 Custodian 6estin9 Order No? '.5" Silesian-A8erican Cor<?
)? T:e Ne= (or; Ti8es on ,ece8ber 1-1 12))1 ran a fi>e-<ara9ra<: <a9e $+ article on actions of t:e Ne=
(or; State !an;in9 ,e<art8ent? Onl3 t:e last sentence refers to t:e NaAi ban;1 as follo=s" F T:e Union
!an;in9 Cor<oration1 '2 !road=a31 Ne= (or;1 :as recei>ed aut:orit3 to c:an9e its <rinci<al <lace of
business to 1$5 !road=a3? 77
T:e Ti8es o8itted t:e fact t:at t:e Union !an;in9 Cor<oration :ad been seiAed b3 t:e 9o>ern8ent for
tradin9 =it: t:e ene831 and e>en t:e fact t:at 1$5 !road=a3 =as t:e address of t:e 9o>ern8ent7s Alien
%ro<ert3 Custodian?
+? ritA T:3ssen1 I %aid Hitler1 12)11 re<rinted in 0%ort *as:in9ton1 N?(?" #enni;at %ress1 12.$41 <? 1''?
T:3ssen sa3s :is contributions be9an =it: 1551555 8ar;s 9i>en in October 12$'1 for Hitler7s atte8<ted F
<utsc: 77 a9ainst t:e constitutional 9o>ern8ent?
-? Confidential 8e8orandu8 fro8 U?S? e8bass31 !erlin1 to t:e U?S? Secretar3 of State1 A<ril $51 12'$1 on
8icrofil8 in Confidential Re<orts of U?S? State ,e<t?1 12'5s1 Ger8an31 at 8aBor U?S? libraries?
.? Oct? +1 12)$1 Me8orandu8 to t:e EEecuti>e Co88ittee of t:e Office of Alien %ro<ert3 Custodian1
sta8<ed CONI,ENTIAL1 fro8 t:e ,i>ision of In>esti9ation and Researc:1 Ho8er &ones1 C:ief? No=
declassified in United States National Arc:i>es1 Suitland1 Mar3land anneE? See Record Grou< 1'11 Alien
%ro<ert3 Custodian1 in>esti9ati>e re<orts1 in file boE relatin9 to 6estin9 Order No? $)/?
/? Eli8ination of Ger8an Resources for *ar" Hearin9s !efore a Subco88ittee of t:e Co88ittee on
Militar3 Affairs1 United States Senate1 Se>ent3-Nint: Con9ressC %art +1 Testi8on3 of Gt:e United StatesH
Treasur3 ,e<art8ent1 &ul3 $1 12)+? %? +5." Table of 6ereini9te Sta:l=er;e out<ut1 fi9ures are <ercent of
Ger8an total as of 12'/C T:3ssen or9aniAation includin9 Union !an;in9 Cor<oration <<? .$.-'1?
2? Robert Sobel1 T:e Life and Ti8es of ,illon Read 0Ne= (or;" ,utton-%en9uin1 122141 <<? 2$-111? T:e
,illon Read fir8 coo<erated in t:e de>elo<8ent of Sobel7s boo;?
15? Geor9e *al;er to A>erell Harri8an1 Au9? 111 12$.1 in t:e *? A>erell Harri8an <a<ers at t:e Librar3
of Con9ress 0desi9nated :ereafter *AH <a<ers4?
11? F Iaccarino 77 to G? H? *al;er1 RCA Radio9ra8 Se<t? 1$1 12$.? T:e s<ecific nature of t:eir business
=it: Mussolini is not eE<lained in corres<ondence a>ailable for <ublic access?
1$? Andre= !o3le1 Monta9u Nor8an 0London" Cassell1 12-.4?
Sir Henr3 Cla31 Lord Nor8an 0London1 MacMillan N Co?1 12+.41 <<? 1/1 +.1 .5-.1?
&o:n A? #ou=en:ou>en1 %artners in !an;in9 ??? !ro=n !rot:ers Harri8an 0Garden Cit3" ,oubleda3 N
Co?1 12-24?
1'? Coordination of 8uc: of t:e Hitler <roBect too; <lace at a sin9le Ne= (or; address? T:e Union
!an;in9 Cor<oration :ad been set u< b3 Geor9e *al;er at '2 !road=a3? Mana9e8ent of t:e Ha8bur9-
A8eri;a Line1 carried out t:rou9: Harri8an7s A8erican S:i< and Co88erce Cor<?1 =as also set u< b3
Geor9e *al;er at '2 !road=a3?
1)? Interro9ation of ritA T:3ssen1 EOMeO1 of Se<t? )1 12)+ in U?S? Control Council records1 <:otostat on
<a9e 1-. in Ant:on3 Sutton1 An Introduction to T:e Order 0!illin9s1 Mt?" Libert3 House %ress1 12/-4?
1+? NaAi Cons<irac3 and A99ression--Su<<le8ent !1 b3 t:e Office of United States C:ief of Counsel for
%rosecution of AEis Cri8inalit31 United States Go>ern8ent %rintin9 Office1 0*as:in9ton" 12)/41 <<? 1+2.1
1-? F Consolidated Silesian Steel Cor<oration - G8inutes of t:eH Meetin9 of !oard of ,irectors1 77 Oct? '11
12'5 0Harri8an <a<ers1 Librar3 of Con9ress41 s:o=s A>erell Harri8an as C:air8an of t:e !oard?
%rescott !us: to *?A? Harri8an1 Me8orandu8 ,ec? 121 12'5 on t:eir Harri8an ifteen Cor<?
Annual Re<ort of United #oni9s and Laura Steel and Iron *or;s for t:e 3ear 12'5 0Harri8an <a<ers1
Librar3 of Con9ress4 lists F ,r? riedric: lic; ??? !erlin 77 and F *illia8 A>erell Harri8an ??? Ne= (or; 77
on t:e !oard of ,irectors?
F Harri8an ifteen Cor<oration Securities %osition ebruar3 $/1 12'11 77 Harri8an <a<ers1 Librar3 of
Con9ress? T:is re<ort s:o=s Harri8an ifteen Cor<oration :oldin9 '$1+.- s:ares in Silesian Holdin9 Co?
6?T?C? =ort: 0in scarce de<ression dollars4 I11-$/1/551 Bust o>er :alf t:e >alue of t:e Harri8an ifteen
Cor<oration7s total :oldin9s?
T:e Ne= (or; Cit3 ,irector3 of ,irectors >olu8es for t:e 12'5s 0a>ailable at t:e Librar3 of Con9ress4
s:o= %rescott S:eldon !us: and *? A>erell Harri8an as t:e directors of Harri8an ifteen Cor<?
F A<<oint8ents1 77 0t:ree t3<ed <a9es4 8ar;ed F Noted Ma3 1/ 12'1 *?A?H?1 77 0a8on9 t:e <a<ers fro8
%rescott !us:7s Ne= (or; Office of !ro=n !rot:ers Harri8an1 Harri8an <a<ers1 Librar3 of Con9ress41
lists a 8eetin9 bet=een A>erell Harri8an and riedric: lic; in !erlin at )"55 %?M?1 *ednesda3 A<ril $$1
12'1? T:is =as follo=ed i88ediatel3 b3 a 8eetin9 =it: *il:el8 Cuno1 c:ief eEecuti>e of t:e Ha8bur9-
A8eri;a Line?
T:e F Re<ort To t:e Stoc;:olders of t:e Harri8an ifteen Cor<oration1 77 Oct? 121 12'' 0in t:e Harri8an
<a<ers1 Librar3 of Con9ress4 na8es G?H? *al;er as <resident of t:e cor<oration? It s:o=s t:e Harri8an
ifteen Cor<oration7s address as 1 *all Street--t:e location of G?H? *al;er and Co?
1.? NaAi Cons<irac3 and A99ression--Su<<le8ent !1 o<? cit?1 <? 1-/-?
1/? &i8 la:ert3 0a !!H 8ana9er1 %rescott !us:7s e8<lo3ee41 Marc: 121 12') to *?A? Harri8an?
F ,ear A>erell"
In Roland7s absence %resGcottH t:ou9:t it ad>isable for 8e to let 3ou ;no= t:at =e recei>ed t:e follo=in9 cable fro8 Gour
Euro<ean re<resentati>eH Rossi dated Marc: 1.t: Grelatin9 to conflict =it: t:e %olis: 9o>ern8entH????77
12? Harri8an ifteen Cor<oration notice to stoc;:olders &an? .1 12'+1 under t:e na8e of Geor9e *al;er1
$5? Order No? '.5" Silesian-A8erican Cor<? EEecuted No>? 1.1 12)$? Si9ned b3 Leo T? Cro=le31 Alien
%ro<ert3 Custodian? ?R? ,oc? )$-1)1/'C iled ,ec? '11 12)$1 11"$/ A?M?C / ed? Re9? '' 0&an? 11 12)'4?
T:e order confiscated t:e NaAis7 :oldin9s of 2/1555 s:ares of co88on and +51555 s:ares of <referred stoc;
in Silesian-A8erican?
T:e NaAi <arent co8<an3 in !reslau1 Ger8an3 =rote directl3 to A>erell Harri8an at +2 *all St? on Au9?
+1 12)51 =it: F an in>itation to ta;e <art in t:e re9ular 8eetin9 of t:e 8e8bers of t:e
!er9=er;s9esellscG:Haft Geor9 >on Giesc:e7s Erben???? 77 *AH <a<ers?
$1? Se<t? $+1 12)$1 Me8orandu8 To t:e EEecuti>e Co88ittee of t:e Office of Alien %ro<ert3 Custodian1
sta8<ed CONI,ENTIAL1 fro8 t:e ,i>ision of In>esti9ation and Researc:1 Ho8er &ones1 C:ief? No=
declassified in United States National Arc:i>es1 Suitland1 Mar3land anneE? See Record Grou< 1'11 Alien
%ro<ert3 Custodian1 in>esti9ati>e re<orts1 in file boE relatin9 to 6estin9 Order No? '.5?
$$? Geor9e *al;er =as a director of A8erican S:i< and Co88erce fro8 its or9aniAation t:rou9: 12$/?
Consult Ne= (or; Cit3 ,irector3 of ,irectors?
F Harri8an ifteen Cor<oration Securities %osition ebruar3 $/1 12'11 77 o<? cit? T:e re<ort lists )-1/-1
s:ares in t:e A8erican S:i< N Co88erce Cor<?
See F Messa9e fro8 Mr? !ullfin1 77 Au9? '51 12') 0Harri8an ifteen section1 Harri8an <a<ers1 Librar3 of
Con9ress4 for t:e Boint su<er>ision of !us: and *al;er1 res<ecti>el3 director and <resident of t:e
$'? Cuno =as later eE<osed b3 *alter un;1 T:ird Reic: %ress C:ief and Under Secretar3 of %ro<a9anda1
in un;7s <ost=ar Bail cell at Nure8ber9C but Cuno :ad died Bust as Hitler =as ta;in9 <o=er? *illia8 L?
S:irer1 T:e Rise and all of t:e T:ird Reic: 0Ne= (or;" Si8on and Sc:uster1 12-541 <? 1))? NaAi
Cons<irac3 and A99ression--Su<<le8ent !1 o<? cit?1 <? 1-//?
$)? See F Eli8ination of Ger8an Resources for *ar1 77 o<? cit?1 <<? //1-/$ on 6oe9ler?
See Annual Re<ort of t:e 0Ha8bur9-A8eri;anisc:e-%ac;etfa:rt-A;tien-Gesellsc:aft 0Ha<a9 or Ha8bur9-
A8eri;a Line41 Marc: 12'11 for t:e board of directors? A co<3 is in t:e Ne= (or; %ublic Librar3 AnneE at
11t: A>enue1 Man:attan?
$+? NaAi Cons<irac3 and A99ression--Su<<le8ent !1 o<? cit?1 <<? 11./1 1)+'-+)1 1+2.1 1+22?
See F Eli8ination of Ger8an Resources for *ar1 77 o<? cit?1 <<? /.5-.$ on Sc:roederC <? .'5 on
$-? Annual Re<ort of Ha8bur9-A8eri;a1 o<? cit?
!aron Rudol<: Sc:roeder1 Sr? to A>erell Harri8an1 No>? 1)1 12'$? #Gni9:tH *Goole3H :and=ritten note
and draft re<l3 letter1 ,ec? 21 12'$?
In :is letter1 !aron Rudol<: refers to t:e fa8il37s A8erican affiliate1 &? Henr3 Sc:roder Gna8e an9liciAedH1
of =:ic: Allen ,ulles =as a director1 and :is brot:er &o:n oster ,ulles =as t:e <rinci<al attorne3?
!aron !runo Sc:roder of t:e !ritis: branc: =as ad>iser to !an; of En9land Go>ernor Monta9u Nor8an1
and !aron !runo7s <artner ran; C3ril Tiar;s =as Nor8an7s co-director of t:e !an; of En9land t:rou9:out
Nor8an7s career? #urt >on Sc:roeder =as HBal8ar Sc:ac:t7s dele9ate to t:e !an; for International
Settle8ents in Gene>a1 =:ere 8an3 of t:e financial arran9e8ents for t:e NaAi re9i8e =ere 8ade b3
Monta9u Nor8an1 Sc:ac:t and t:e Sc:roeders for se>eral 3ears of t:e Hitler re9i8e ri9:t u< to t:e
outbrea; of *orld *ar II?
$.? Confidential 8e8orandu8 fro8 U?S? e8bass31 !erlin1 o<? cit?
$/? U?S? Senate F N3e Co88ittee 77 :earin9s1 Se<t? 1)1 12')1 <<? 112.-2/1 eEtracts fro8 letters of Col?
*illia8 N? Ta3lor1 dated &une $.1 12'$ and &an? 21 12''?
$2? A8erican S:i< and Co88erce Cor<oration to ,r? MaE *arbur91 Marc: .1 12''?
MaE *arbur9 :ad bro;ered t:e sale of Ha8bur9-A8eri;a to Harri8an and *al;er in 12$5? MaE7s brot:ers
controlled t:e #u:n Loeb in>est8ent ban;in9 :ouse in Ne= (or;1 t:e fir8 =:ic: :ad sta;ed old E?H?
Harri8an to :is 1/25s bu3out of t:e 9iant Union %acific Railroad?
MaE *arbur9 :ad lon9 =or;ed =it: Lord Milner and ot:ers of t:e racialist !ritis: Round Table
concernin9 Boint <roBects in Africa and Eastern Euro<e? He =as an ad>isor to HBal8ar Sc:ac:t for se>eral
decades and =as a to< eEecuti>e of Hitler7s Reic:sban;? T:e reader 8a3 consult ,a>id arrer1 T:e
*arbur9s" T:e Stor3 of A a8il3 0Ne= (or;" Stein and ,a31 12.+4?
'5? MaE *arbur91 at M?M? *arbur9 and Co?1 Ha8bur91 to A>erill GsicH Harri8an1 cOo Messrs? !ro=n
!rot:ers Harri8an N Co?1 +2 *all Street1 Ne= (or;1 N?(?1 Marc: $.1 12''?
'1? T:is corres<ondence1 and t:e Boint state8ent of t:e &e=is: or9aniAations1 are re<roduced in Mos:e R?
Gottlieb1 A8erican Anti-NaAi Resistance1 12''-)1" An Historical Anal3sis 0Ne= (or;" #ta> %ublis:in9
House1 12/$4?
'$? In>esti9ation of NaAi %ro<a9anda Acti>ities and In>esti9ation of Certain Ot:er %ro<a9anda Acti>ities"
%ublic Hearin9s before A Subco88ittee of t:e S<ecial Co88ittee on Un-A8erican Acti>ities1 United
States House of Re<resentati>es1 Se>ent3 T:ird Con9ress1 Ne= (or; Cit31 &ul3 2-1$1 12')--Hearin9s No?
.'-N(-. 0*as:in9ton" U?S? Go>t? %rintin9 Office1 12')4? See testi8on3 of Ca<t? rederic; C? Mensin91
&o:n Sc:roeder1 %aul >on Lilienfeld-Toal1 and su88aries b3 Co88ittee 8e8bers?
See Ne= (or; Ti8es1 &ul3 1-1 12''1 <? 1$1 for or9aniAin9 of NaAi Labor ront at Nort: Ger8an Llo3d1
leadin9 to Ha8bur9-A8eri;a after 8er9er?
''? A8erican S:i< and Co88erce Cor<oration tele9ra8 to Rudol<: !rinc;8ann at M?M? *arbur91 &une
1$1 12'-?
Rudol<: !rinc;8ann to A>erell Harri8an at +2 *all St?1 &une $51 12'-1 =it: enclosed note trans8ittin9
Helfferic:7s letter?
Re<l3 to ,r? Rudol<: !rinc;8ann cOo M?M? *arbur9 and Co1 &ul3 -1 12'-1 in t:e Harri8an <a<ers at t:e
Librar3 of Con9ress? T:e file co<3 of t:is letter carries no si9nature1 but is <resu8abl3 fro8 A>erell
')? Office of Alien %ro<ert3 Custodian1 6estin9 Order No? 1$-? Si9ned b3 Leo T? Cro=le31 Alien %ro<ert3
Custodian1 eEecuted Au9ust $/1 12)$? ?R? ,oc? )$-/..)C iled Se<te8ber )1 12)$1 15"++ A?M?C . ?R?
.5-1 0No? 1.-1 Se<t? +1 12)$?4 &ul3 1/1 12)$1 Me8orandu8 To t:e EEecuti>e Co88ittee of t:e Office of
Alien %ro<ert3 Custodian1 sta8<ed CONI,ENTIAL1 fro8 t:e ,i>ision of In>esti9ation and Researc:1
Ho8er &ones1 C:ief? No= declassified in United States National Arc:i>es1 Suitland1 Mar3land anneE?
See Record Grou< 1'11 Alien %ro<ert3 Custodian1 in>esti9ati>e re<orts1 in file boE relatin9 to 6estin9
Order No? 1$-?
'+? Ne= (or; Ti8es1 Ma3 $51 12''? Leadin9 u< to t:is a9ree8ent is a tele9ra8 =:ic: so8e:o= esca<ed
t:e s:redder and 8a3 be seen in t:e Harri8an <a<ers in t:e Librar3 of Con9ress? It is addressed to NaAi
official HBal8ar Sc:ac:t at t:e Ma3flo=er Hotel1 *as:in9ton1 dated Ma3 111 12''" F Muc: disa<<ointed
to :a>e 8issed seein9 3ou Tuesda3 afternoon???? I :o<e to see 3ou eit:er in *as:in9ton or Ne= (or;
before 3ou sail?
=it: 83 re9ards *?A? Harri8an 77
'-? ,ulles to !us: letter and draft re<l3 in *AH <a<ers?
'.? Ne= (or; Ti8es1 &an? 121 12'/?
C:a<ter -III- Race H39iene" T:ree !us: a8il3
FT:e G9o>ern8entH 8ust <ut t:e 8ost 8odern 8edical 8eans in t:e ser>ice of t:is ;no=led9e????
T:ose =:o are <:3sicall3 and 8entall3 un:ealt:3 and un=ort:3 8ust not <er<etuate t:eir
sufferin9 in t:e bod3 of t:eir c:ildren???? T:e <re>ention of t:e facult3 and o<<ortunit3 to <rocreate
on t:e <art of t:e <:3sicall3 de9enerate and 8entall3 sic;1 o>er a <eriod of onl3 -55 3ears1 =ould
??? free :u8anit3 fro8 an i88easurable 8isfortune?77
FT:e <er ca<ita inco8e 9a< bet=een t:e de>elo<ed and t:e de>elo<in9 countries is increasin91 in
lar9e <art t:e result of :i9:er birt: rates in t:e <oorer countries???? a8ine in India1 un=anted
babies in t:e United States1 <o>ert3 t:at see8ed to for8 an unbrea;able c:ain for 8illions of
<eo<le--:o= s:ould =e tac;le t:ese <roble8sD???? It is @uite clear t:at one of t:e 8aBor c:allen9es
of t:e 12.5s ??? =ill be to curb t:e =orld7s fertilit3?77
T:ese t=o @uotations are ali;e in t:eir 8oc; s:o= of concern for :u8an sufferin91 and in
t:eir c3nical re8ed3 for it" !i9 !rot:er 8ust <re>ent t:e F un=ort:3 77 or F un=anted 77
<eo<le fro8 li>in9?
Let us no= furt:er in@uire into t:e fa8il3 bac;9round of our %resident1 so as to :el<
illustrate :o= t:e second @uoted aut:or1 Geor9e !us: ca8e to s:are t:e outloo; of t:e first1
Adolf Hitler?
*e s:all eEa8ine :ere t:e alliance of t:e !us: fa8il3 =it: t:ree ot:er fa8ilies" aris:1
,ra<er and Gra3?
T:e <ri>ate associations a8on9 t:ese fa8ilies :a>e led to t:e %resident7s relations:i< to :is
closest1 8ost confidential ad>isers? T:ese alliances =ere for9ed in t:e earlier Hitler <roBect
and its i88ediate after8at:? Understandin9 t:e8 =ill :el< us to eE<lain Geor9e !us:7s
obsession =it: t:e su<<osed o>er<o<ulation of t:e =orld7s non-An9lo-SaEons1 and t:e
dan9erous 8eans :e :as ado<ted to deal =it: t:is F <roble8? 77
!us: and aris:
*:en Geor9e !us: =as elected 6ice %resident in 12/51 TeEas 83ster3 8an *illia8 0F *ill
774 Sta8<s aris: III too; o>er 8ana9e8ent of all of Geor9e !us:7s <ersonal =ealt: in a F
blind trust? 77 #no=n as one of t:e ric:est 8en in TeEas1 *ill aris: ;ee<s :is business
affairs under t:e 8ost intense secrec3? Onl3 t:e source of :is i88ense =ealt: is ;no=n1 not
its e8<lo38ent?
*ill aris: :as lon9 been !us:7s closest friend and confidante? He is also t:e uni@ue <ri>ate
:ost to !ritain7s Lueen EliAabet: II" aris: o=ns and boards t:e studs =:ic: 8ate =it: t:e
Lueen7s 8ares? T:at is :er <ublic rationale =:en s:e co8es to A8erica and sta3s in aris:7s
:ouse? It is a >ital lin; in t:e 8ind of our An9lo<:ile %resident?
%resident !us: can count on *ill aris: not to betra3 t:e >iolent secrets surroundin9 t:e
!us: fa8il3 8one3? or aris:7s o=n fa8il3 fortune =as 8ade in t:e sa8e Hitler <roBect1
in a ni9:t8aris: <artners:i< =it: Geor9e !us:7s fat:er?
On Marc: $+1 12)$1 U?S? Assistant Attorne3 General T:ur8an Arnold announced t:at
*illia8 Sta8<s aris: 09randfat:er of t:e %resident7s 8one3 8ana9er4 :ad <led F no
contest 77 to c:ar9es of cri8inal cons<irac3 =it: t:e NaAis? aris: =as t:e <rinci<al 8ana9er
of a =orld=ide cartel bet=een Standard Oil Co? of Ne= &erse3 and t:e I?G? arben concern?
T:e 8er9ed enter<rise :ad o<ened t:e Ausc:=itA sla>e labor ca8< on &une 1)1 12)51 to
<roduce artificial rubber and 9asoline fro8 coal? T:e Hitler 9o>ern8ent su<<lied <olitical
o<<onents and &e=s as t:e sla>es1 =:o =ere =or;ed to near deat: and t:en 8urdered?
Arnold disclosed t:at Standard Oil of N?&? 0later ;no=n as EEEon41 of =:ic: aris: =as
<resident and c:ief eEecuti>e1 :ad a9reed to sto< :idin9 fro8 t:e United States <atents for
artificial rubber =:ic: t:e co8<an3 :ad <ro>ided to t:e NaAis?
A Senate in>esti9atin9 co88ittee under Senator 0later U?S? %resident4 Harr3 Tru8an of
Missouri :ad called Arnold to testif3 at :earin9s on U?S? cor<orations7 collaboration =it:
t:e NaAis? T:e Senators eE<ressed outra9e at t:e c3nical =a3 aris: =as continuin9 an
alliance =it: t:e Hitler re9i8e t:at :ad be9un bac; in 12''1 =:en aris: beca8e c:ief of
&erse3 Standard? ,idn7t :e ;no= t:ere =as a =ar onD
T:e &ustice ,e<art8ent laid before t:e co88ittee a letter1 =ritten to Standard <resident
aris: b3 :is >ice <resident1 s:ortl3 after t:e be9innin9 of *orld *ar II 0Se<t? 11 12'24 in
Euro<e? T:e letter concerned a rene=al of t:eir earlier a9ree8ents =it: t:e NaAis"
Re<ort on Euro<ean Tri<
Oct? 1$1 12'2
Mr? *?S? aris:
'5 Roc;efeller %laAa
,ear Mr? aris:" ??? I sta3ed in rance until Se<t? 1.t:???? In En9land I 8et b3 a<<oint8ent t:e
Ro3al ,utc: GS:ell Oil Co?H 9entle8en fro8 Holland1 and ??? a 9eneral a9ree8ent =as reac:ed on
t:e necessar3 c:an9es in our relations =it: t:e I?G? GarbenH1 in >ie= of t:e state of =ar???? GTH:e
Ro3al ,utc: S:ell 9rou< is essentiall3 !ritis:???? I also :ad se>eral 8eetin9s =it: ??? t:e G!ritis:H
Air Ministr3????
I re@uired :el< to obtain t:e necessar3 <er8ission to 9o to Holland???? After discussions =it: t:e
GA8ericanH A8bassador G&ose<: #enned3H ??? t:e situation =as cleared co8<letel3???? T:e
9entle8en in t:e Air Ministr3 ??? >er3 ;indl3 offered to assist 8e GlaterH in reenterin9 En9land????
%ursuant to t:ese arran9e8ents1 I =as able to ;ee< 83 a<<oint8ents in Holland G:a>in9 flo=n
t:ere on a !ritis: Ro3al Air orce bo8berH1 =:ere I :ad t:ree da3s of discussion =it: t:e
re<resentati>es of I?G? T:e3 deli>ered to 8e assi9n8ents of so8e $1555 forei9n <atents and =e
did our best to =or; out co8<lete <lans for a 8odus >i>endi =:ic: could o<erate t:rou9: t:e
ter8 of t:e =ar1 =:et:er or not t:e U?S? ca8e in???? Ge8<:asis addedH
6er3 trul3 3ours1 Gran;H A? Ho=ard
Here are so8e cold realities be:ind t:e tra9ed3 of *orld *ar II1 =:ic: :el< eE<lain t:e
!us:-aris: fa8il3 alliance--and t:eir <eculiar closeness to t:e Lueen of En9land"
S:ell Oil is <rinci<all3 o=ned b3 t:e !ritis: ro3al fa8il3? S:ell7s c:air8an1 Sir Henri
,eterdin91 :el<ed s<onsor Hitler7s rise to <o=er1 b3 arran9e8ent =it: t:e ro3al fa8il37s
!an; of En9land Go>ernor1 Monta9u Nor8an? T:eir all3 Standard Oil =ould ta;e <art in
t:e Hitler <roBect ri9:t u< to t:e blood31 9rueso8e end?
*:en 9randfat:er aris: si9ned t:e &ustice ,e<art8ent7s consent decree in Marc: 12)$1
t:e 9o>ern8ent :ad alread3 started <ic;in9 its =a3 t:rou9: t:e tan9led =eb of =orld-
8ono<ol3 oil and c:e8ical a9ree8ents bet=een Standard Oil and t:e NaAis? Man3 <atents
and ot:er NaAi-o=ned as<ects of t:e <artners:i< :ad been seiAed b3 t:e U?S?
Alien %ro<ert3 Custodian?
Uncle Sa8 =ould not seiAe %rescott !us:7s Union !an;in9 Cor<oration for anot:er se>en
T:e !us:-aris: aEis :ad be9un bac; in 12$2? In t:at 3ear t:e Harri8an ban; bou9:t
,resser Industries1 su<<lier of oil-<i<eline cou<lers to Standard and ot:er co8<anies?
%rescott !us: beca8e a director and financial cAar of ,resser1 installin9 :is (ale class8ate
Neil Ma:lon as c:air8an? Geor9e !us: =ould later na8e one of :is sons after t:e ,resser
*illia8 S? aris: =as t:e 8ain or9aniAer of t:e Hu8ble Oil Co? of TeEas1 =:ic: aris:
8er9ed into t:e Standard Oil Co8<an3 of Ne= &erse3? aris: built u< t:e Hu8ble-
Standard e8<ire of <i<elines and refineries in TeEas?
T:e stoc; 8ar;et cras:ed Bust after t:e !us: fa8il3 9ot into t:e oil business? T:e =orld
financial crisis led to t:e 8er9er of t:e *al;er-Harri8an ban; =it: !ro=n !rot:ers in
12'1? or8er !ro=n <artner Monta9u Nor8an and :is <rote@aa9e@aa HBal8ar Sc:ac:t
<aid frantic >isits to Ne= (or; t:at 3ear and t:e neEt1 <re<arin9 t:e ne= Hitler re9i8e for
T:e 8ost i8<ortant A8erican <olitical e>ent in t:ose <re<arations for Hitler =as t:e
infa8ous F T:ird International Con9ress on Eu9enics1 77 :eld at Ne= (or;7s A8erican
Museu8 of Natural Histor3 Au9ust $1-$'1 12'$1 su<er>ised b3 t:e International ederation
of Eu9enics Societies? T:is 8eetin9 too; u< t:e stubborn <ersistence of African-A8ericans
and ot:er alle9edl3 F inferior 77 and F sociall3 inade@uate 77 9rou<s in re<roducin91 eE<andin9
t:eir nu8bers1 and a8al9a8atin9 =it: ot:ers? It =as reco88ended t:at t:ese F dan9ers 77 to
t:e F better 77 et:nic 9rou<s and to t:e F =ell- born1 77 could be dealt =it: b3 steriliAation or F
cuttin9 off t:e bad stoc; 77 of t:e F unfit? 77 Ital37s fascist 9o>ern8ent sent an official
re<resentati>e? A>erell Harri8an7s sister Mar31 director of F Entertain8ent 77 for t:e
Con9ress1 li>ed do=n in 6ir9inia foE-:untin9 countr3C :er state su<<lied t:e s<ea;er on F
racial <urit31 77 *?A? %lec;er1 6ir9inia co88issioner of >ital statistics? %lec;er re<ortedl3
:eld t:e dele9ates s<ellbound =it: :is account of t:e stru99le to sto< race-8iEin9 and inter-
racial seE in 6ir9inia?
T:e Con9ress <roceedin9s =ere dedicated to A>erell Harri8an7s 8ot:erC s:e :ad <aid for
t:e foundin9 of t:e race-science 8o>e8ent in A8erica bac; in 12151 buildin9 t:e Eu9enics
Record Office as a branc: of t:e Galton National Laborator3 in London? S:e and ot:er
Harri8ans =ere usuall3 escorted to t:e :orse races b3 old Geor9e Herbert *al;er--t:e3
s:ared =it: t:e !us:es and t:e aris:es a fascination =it: F breedin9 t:orou9:breds 77
a8on9 :orses and :u8ans?
A>erell Harri8an <ersonall3 arran9ed =it: t:e *al;erO!us: Ha8bur9-A8eri;a Line to
trans<ort NaAi ideolo9ues fro8 Ger8an3 to Ne= (or; for t:is 8eetin9? T:e 8ost fa8ous
a8on9 t:ose trans<orted =as ,r? Ernst Rudin1 <s3c:iatrist at t:e #aiser *il:el8 Institute
for Genealo93 and ,e8o9ra<:3 in !erlin1 =:ere t:e Roc;efeller fa8il3 <aid for ,r? Rudin
to occu<3 an entire floor =it: :is eu9enics F researc:? 77 ,r? Rudin :ad addressed t:e
International ederation7s 12$/ Munic: 8eetin91 s<ea;in9 on F Mental Aberration and Race
H39iene1 77 =:ile ot:ers 0Ger8ans and A8ericans4 s<o;e on race-8iEin9 and steriliAation of
t:e unfit? Rudin :ad also led t:e Ger8an dele9ation to t:e 12'5 Mental H39iene Con9ress
in *as:in9ton1 ,?C?
At t:e Harri8ans7 12'$ Ne= (or; Eu9enics Con9ress1 Ernst Rudin =as unani8ousl3
elected <resident of t:e International ederation of Eu9enics Societies? T:is =as
reco9nition of Rudin as founder of t:e Ger8an Societ3 for Race H39iene1 =it: :is co-
founder1 Eu9enics ederation >ice <resident Alfred %lotA?
As de<ression-8addened financiers sc:e8ed in !erlin and Ne= (or;1 Rudin =as no=
official leader of t:e =orld eu9enics 8o>e8ent? Co8<onents of :is 8o>e8ent included
9rou<s =it: o>erla<<in9 leaders:i<1 dedicated to"
steriliAation of 8ental <atients 0F 8ental :39iene societies 774C eEecution of t:e insane1
cri8inals and t:e ter8inall3 ill 0F eut:anasia societies 774C and eu9enical race-<urification
b3 <re>ention of birt:s to <arents fro8 F inferior 77 blood stoc;s 0F birt: control societies 774?
!efore t:e Ausc:=itA deat: ca8< beca8e a :ouse:old =ord1 t:ese !ritis:-A8erican-
Euro<ean 9rou<s called o<enl3 for t:e eli8ination of t:e F unfit 77 b3 8eans includin9 force
and >iolence?
Ten 8ont:s later1 in &une 12''1 Hitler7s interior 8inister *il:el8 ric; s<o;e to a eu9enics
8eetin9 in t:e ne= T:ird Reic:? ric; called t:e Ger8ans a F de9enerate 77 race1
denouncin9 one-fift: of Ger8an37s <arents for <roducin9 F feeble-8inded 77 and F defecti>e
77 c:ildren? T:e follo=in9 8ont:1 on a co88ission b3 ric;1 ,r? Ernst Rudin =rote t:e F
La= for t:e %re>ention of Hereditar3 ,iseases in %osterit31 77 t:e steriliAation la= 8odeled
on <re>ious U?S? statutes in 6ir9inia and ot:er states?
S<ecial courts =ere soon establis:ed for t:e steriliAation of Ger8an 8ental <atients1 t:e
blind1 t:e deaf and alco:olics? A @uarter 8illion <eo<le in t:ese cate9ories =ere steriliAed?
Rudin1 %lotA and t:eir collea9ues trained a =:ole 9eneration of <:3sicians and
<s3c:iatrists--as steriliAers and as ;illers?
*:en t:e =ar started1 t:e eu9enicists1 doctors and <s3c:iatrists staffed t:e ne= F T) 77
a9enc31 =:ic: <lanned and su<er>ised t:e 8ass ;illin9s" first at F eut:anasia centers1 77
=:ere t:e sa8e cate9ories =:ic: :ad first been subBect to steriliAation =ere no= to be
8urdered1 t:eir brains sent in lots of $55 to eE<eri8ental <s3c:iatristsC t:en at sla>e ca8<s
suc: as Ausc:=itAC and finall31 for &e=s and ot:er race >icti8s1 at strai9:t eEter8ination
ca8<s in %oland1 suc: as Treblin;a and !elsen?
In 12''1 as =:at Hitler called :is F Ne= Order 77 a<<eared1 &o:n ,? Roc;efeller1 &r?
a<<ointed *illia8 S? aris: t:e c:air8an of Standard Oil Co? of Ne= &erse3 0in 12'. :e
=as 8ade <resident and c:ief eEecuti>e4? aris: 8o>ed :is offices to Roc;efeller Center1
Ne= (or;1 =:ere :e s<ent a 9ood deal of ti8e =it: Her8ann Sc:8itA1 c:air8an of I?G?
arbenC :is co8<an3 <aid a <ublicit3 8an1 I>3 Lee1 to =rite <ro-I?G? arben and <ro-NaAi
<ro<a9anda and 9et it into t:e U?S? <ress?
No= t:at :e =as outside of TeEas1 aris: found :i8self in t:e s:i<<in9 business--li;e t:e
!us: fa8il3? He :ired NaAi Ger8an cre=s for Standard Oil tan;ers? And :e :ired E8il
Helfferic:1 c:air8an of t:e *al;erO!us:OHarri8an Ha8bur9-A8eri;a Line1 as c:air8an
also of t:e Standard Oil Co8<an3 subsidiar3 in Ger8an3? #arl Linde8ann1 board 8e8ber
of Ha8bur9-A8eri;a1 also beca8e a to< aris:-Standard eEecuti>e in Ger8an3?
T:is interloc; bet=een t:eir NaAi Ger8an o<erations <ut aris: to9et:er =it: %rescott
!us: in a s8all1 select 9rou< of 8en o<eratin9 fro8 abroad t:rou9: Hitler7s F re>olution1 77
and calculatin9 t:at t:e3 =ould ne>er be <unis:ed?
In 12'21 aris:7s dau9:ter Mart:a 8arried A>erell Harri8an7s ne<:e=1 Ed=ard Harri8an
Gerr31 and aris: in-la=s beca8e %rescott !us:7s <artners at +2 !road=a3?
!ot: E8il Helfferic: and #arl Linde8ann =ere aut:oriAed to =rite c:ec;s to Heinric:
Hi88ler1 c:ief of t:e NaAi S?S?1 on a s<ecial Standard Oil account? T:is account =as
8ana9ed b3 t:e Ger8an-!ritis:-A8erican ban;er1 #urt >on Sc:roeder? Accordin9 to U?S?
intelli9ence docu8ents re>ie=ed b3 aut:or Ant:on3 Sutton1 E8il Helfferic: continued :is
<a38ents to t:e S?S? into 12))1 =:en t:e S?S? =as su<er>isin9 t:e 8ass 8urder at t:e
Standard-I?G? arben Ausc:=itA and ot:er deat: ca8<s? Helfferic: told Allied interro9ators
after t:e =ar t:at t:ese =ere not :is <ersonal contributions--t:e3 =ere cor<orate Standard
Oil funds? After <leadin9 F no contest 77 to c:ar9es of cri8inal cons<irac3 =it: t:e NaAis1
*illia8 Sta8<s aris: =as fined I+1555? 0Si8ilar fines =ere le>ied a9ainst Standard Oil--
I+1555 eac: for t:e <arent co8<an3 and for se>eral subsidiaries?4 T:is of course did not
interfere =it: t:e 8illions of dollars t:at aris: :ad ac@uired in conBunction =it: Hitler7s
Ne= Order1 as a lar9e stoc;:older1 c:air8an and <resident of Standard Oil? All t:e
9o>ern8ent sou9:t =as t:e use of <atents =:ic: :is co8<an3 :ad 9i>en to t:e NaAis--t:e
Ausc:=itA <atents--but :ad =it::eld fro8 t:e U?S? 8ilitar3 and industr3?
!ut a =ar =as on1 and if 3oun9 8en =ere to be as;ed to die fi9:tin9 Hitler ??? so8et:in9
8ore =as needed? aris: =as :auled before t:e Senate co88ittee in>esti9atin9 t:e national
defense <ro9ra8? T:e co88ittee c:air8an1 Senator Harr3 Tru8an1 told ne=s8en before
aris: testified" F I t:in; t:is a<<roac:es treason? 77
aris: be9an brea;in9 a<art at t:ese :earin9s? He s:outed :is F indi9nation 77 at t:e
Senators1 and clai8ed :e =as not F dislo3al? 77
After t:e Marc:-A<ril :earin9s ended1 8ore dirt ca8e 9us:in9 out of t:e &ustice
,e<art8ent and t:e Con9ress on aris: and Standard Oil? aris: :ad decei>ed t:e U?S?
Na>3 to <re>ent t:e Na>3 fro8 ac@uirin9 certain <atents1 =:ile su<<l3in9 t:e8 to t:e NaAi
=ar 8ac:ineC 8ean=:ile1 :e =as su<<l3in9 9asoline and tetraet:3l lead to Ger8an37s
sub8arines and air force? Co88unications bet=een Standard and I?G? arben fro8 t:e
outbrea; of *orld *ar II =ere released to t:e Senate1 s:o=in9 t:at aris:7s or9aniAation
:ad arran9ed to decei>e t:e U?S? 9o>ern8ent into <assin9 o>er NaAi-o=ned assets" T:e3
=ould no8inall3 bu3 I?G?7s s:are in certain <atents because F in t:e e>ent of =ar bet=een
oursel>es and Ger8an3 ??? it =ould certainl3 be >er3 undesirable to :a>e t:is $5 <ercent
Standard-I?G? <ass to an alien <ro<ert3 custodian of t:e U?S? =:o 8i9:t sell it to an
unfriendl3 interest? 77
&o:n ,? Roc;efeller1 &r? 0fat:er of ,a>id1 Nelson and &o:n ,? Roc;efeller III41 controllin9
o=ner of Standard Oil1 told t:e Roose>elt ad8inistration t:at :e ;ne= not:in9 of t:e da3-
to-da3 affairs of :is co8<an31 t:at all t:ese 8atters =ere :andled b3 aris: and ot:er
In Au9ust1 aris: =as brou9:t bac; for 8ore testi8on3? He =as no= fre@uentl3 accused of
l3in9? aris: =as crus:ed under t:e intense1 <ublic 9rillin9C :e beca8e 8orose1 as:en?
*:ile %rescott !us: esca<ed <ublicit3 =:en t:e 9o>ern8ent seiAed :is NaAi ban;in9
or9aniAation in October1 aris: :ad been nailed? He colla<sed and died of a :eart attac; on
No>? $21 12)$?
T:e aris: fa8il3 =as de>astated b3 t:e eE<osure? Son *illia8 Sta8<s aris:1 &r?1 a
lieutenant in t:e Ar83 Air orce1 =as :u8iliated b3 t:e <ublic ;no=led9e t:at :is fat:er
=as fuelin9 t:e ene837s aircraftC :e died in a trainin9 accident in TeEas siE 8ont:s later?
*it: t:is double deat:1 t:e fortune co8<risin9 8uc: of Standard Oil7s <rofits fro8 TeEas
and NaAi Ger8an3 =as no= to be settled u<on t:e little four-3ear-old 9randson1 *illia8 0F
*ill 774 Sta8<s aris: III? *ill aris: 9re= u< a recluse1 t:e 8ost secreti>e 8ulti-
8illionaire in TeEas1 =it: in>est8ents of F t:at 8one3 77 in a 8ultitude of forei9n countries1
and a :ost of eEotic contacts o>erla<<in9 t:e intelli9ence and financial =orlds- -<articularl3
in !ritain?
T:e !us:-aris: aEis started Geor9e !us:7s career? After :is 12)/ 9raduation fro8 (ale
0and S;ull and !ones41 Geor9e !us: fle= do=n to TeEas on a cor<orate air<lane and =as
e8<lo3ed b3 :is fat:er7s ,resser Industries? In a cou<le of 3ears :e 9ot :el< fro8 :is uncle1
Geor9e *al;er1 &r?1 and aris:7s !ritis: ban;er friends1 to set :i8 u< in t:e oil <ro<ert3
s<eculation business? Soon t:ereafter1 Geor9e !us: founded t:e Ja<ata Oil Co8<an31
=:ic: <ut oil drillin9 ri9s into certain locations of 9reat strate9ic interest to t:e An9lo-
A8erican intelli9ence co88unit3?
*ill aris: at $+ 3ears old =as a <ersonal aide to Ja<ata c:air8an Geor9e !us: in !us:7s
unsuccessful 12-) ca8<ai9n for Senate? *ill aris: used F t:at Ausc:=itA 8one3 77 to bac;
Geor9e !us: financiall31 in>estin9 in Ja<ata? *:en !us: =as elected to Con9ress in 12--1
aris: Boined t:e Ja<ata board?
*:en Geor9e !us: beca8e U?S? 6ice %resident in 12/51 t:e aris: and !us: fa8il3
fortunes =ere a9ain co8<letel31 secretl3 co88in9led? As =e s:all see1 t:e old <roBects
=ere no= bein9 re>i>ed on a breat:ta;in9 scale?
!us: and ,ra<er
T=ent3 3ears before :e =as U?S? %resident1 Geor9e !us: brou9:t t=o F race-science 77
<rofessors in front of t:e Re<ublican Tas; orce on Eart: Resources and %o<ulation? As
c:air8an of t:e Tas; orce1 t:en-Con9ress8an !us: in>ited %rofessors *illia8 S:oc;le3
and Art:ur &ensen to eE<lain to t:e co88ittee :o= alle9edl3 runa=a3 birt:- rates for
African-A8ericans =ere F do=n-breedin9 77 t:e A8erican <o<ulation?
After=ards !us: <ersonall3 su88ed u< for t:e Con9ress t:e testi8on3 :is blac;-
inferiorit3 ad>ocates :ad 9i>en to t:e Tas; orce? Geor9e !us: :eld :is :earin9s on t:e
t:reat <osed b3 blac; babies on Au9ust +1 12-21 =:ile 8uc: of t:e =orld =as in a better
fra8e of 8ind--celebratin9 8an;ind7s <ro9ress fro8 t:e first 8oon landin9 1- da3s earlier?
!us:7s obsessi>e t:in;in9 on t:is subBect =as 9uided b3 :is fa8il37s friend1 Gen? *illia8
H? ,ra<er1 &r?1 t:e founder and c:air8an of t:e %o<ulation Crisis Co88ittee1 and >ice
c:air8an of t:e %lanned %arent:ood ederation? ,ra<er :ad lon9 been steerin9 U?S? <ublic
discussion about t:e so-called F <o<ulation bo8b 77 in t:e non-=:ite areas of t:e =orld?
If Con9ress8an !us: :ad eE<lained to :is collea9ues :o= :is fa8il3 :ad co8e to ;no=
General ,ra<er1 t:e3 =ould <er:a<s :a>e felt so8e alar81 or e>en <anic1 and <aid 8ore
:ealt:3 attention to !us:7s <resentation? Unfortunatel31 t:e ,ra<er-!us: <o<ulation
doctrine is no= official U?S? forei9n <olic3?
*illia8 H? ,ra<er1 &r? :ad Boined t:e !us: tea8 in 12$.1 =:en :e =as :ired b3 ,illon
Read N Co?1 Ne= (or; in>est8ent ban;ers? ,ra<er =as <ut into a ne= Bob slot at t:e fir8"
:andlin9 t:e T:3ssen account?
*e recall t:at in 12$)1 ritA T:3ssen set u< :is Union !an;in9 Cor<oration in Geor9e
Herbert *al;er7s ban; at '2 !road=a31 Man:attan? ,illon Read N Co?7s boss1 Clarence
,illon1 :ad be9un =or;in9 =it: ritA T:3ssen so8eti8e after A>erell Harri8an first 8et
=it: T:3ssen--at about t:e ti8e T:3ssen be9an financin9 Adolf Hitler7s <olitical career?
In &anuar3 12$-1 ,illon Read created t:e Ger8an Credit and In>est8ent Cor<oration in
Ne=ar;1 Ne= &erse3 and !erlin1 Ger8an31 as T:3ssen7s s:ort-ter8 ban;er? T:at sa8e 3ear
,illon Read created t:e 6ereini9te Sta:l=er;e 0Ger8an Steel Trust41 incor<oratin9 t:e
T:3ssen fa8il3 interests under t:e direction of Ne= (or; and London finance?
*illia8 H? ,ra<er1 &r? =as 8ade director1 >ice <resident and assistant treasurer of t:e
Ger8an Credit and In>est8ent Cor<? His business =as s:ort-ter8 loans and financial
8ana9e8ent tric;s for T:3ssen and t:e Ger8an Steel Trust? ,ra<er7s clients s<onsored
Hitler7s terroristic ta;eo>erC :is clients led t:e buildu< of t:e NaAi =ar industr3C :is clients
8ade =ar a9ainst t:e United States? T:e NaAis =ere ,ra<er7s direct <artners in !erlin and
Ne= &erse3" AleEander #reuter1 residin9 in !erlin1 =as <residentC rederic !randi1 =:ose
fat:er =as a to< coal eEecuti>e in t:e Ger8an Steel Trust1 8o>ed to t:e U?S? in 12$- and
ser>ed as ,ra<er7s co-director in Ne=ar;?
,ra<er7s role =as crucial for ,illon Read N Co?1 for =:o8 ,ra<er =as a <artner and
e>entuall3 >ice <resident? T:e Ger8an Credit and In>est8ent Cor<? 0GCI4 =as a F front 77
for ,illon Read" It :ad t:e sa8e Ne= &erse3 address as U?S? N International Securities
Cor<? 0USIS41 and t:e sa8e 8an ser>ed as treasurer of bot: fir8s?
Clarence ,illon and :is son C? ,ou9las ,illon =ere directors of USIS1 =:ic: =as
s<otli9:ted =:en Clarence ,illon =as :auled before t:e Senate !an;in9 Co88ittee7s
fa8ous F %ecora 77 :earin9s in 12''? USIS =as s:o=n to be one of t:e 9reat s<eculati>e
<3ra8id sc:e8es =:ic: :ad s=indled stoc;:olders of :undreds of 8illions of dollars?
T:ese in>est8ent <olicies :ad rotted t:e U?S? econo83 to t:e core1 and led to t:e Great
,e<ression of t:e 12'5s?
!ut *illia8 H? ,ra<er1 &r?7s GCI F front 77 =as not a<<arentl3 affiliated =it: t:e USIS F
front 77 or =it: ,illon1 and t:e GCI esca<ed t:e Con9ress8en7s li8ited scrutin3? T:is
o>ersi9:t =as to <ro>e 8ost unfortunate1 <articularl3 to t:e +5 8illion <eo<le =:o
subse@uentl3 died in *orld *ar II?
,illon Read :ired <ublic relations 8an I>3 Lee to <re<are t:eir eEecuti>es for t:eir
testi8on3 and to confuse and furt:er baffle t:e Con9ress8en? Lee a<<arentl3 too; enou9:
ti8e out fro8 :is duties as i8a9e-8a;er for *illia8 S? aris: and t:e NaAi I?G? arben
Co?C :e 8ana9ed t:e con9ressional t:in;in9 so t:at t:e Con9ress8en did not disturb t:e
,ra<er o<eration in Ger8an3--and did not 8eddle =it: T:3ssen1 or interfere =it: Hitler7s
U?S? 8one38en?
T:us in 12'$1 *illia8 H? ,ra<er1 &r? =as free to finance t:e International Eu9enics
Con9ress as a F Su<<ortin9 Me8ber 77? *as :e usin9 :is o=n inco8e as a T:3ssen trust
ban;erD Or did t:e funds co8e fro8 ,illon Read cor<orate accounts1 <er:a<s to be =ritten
off inco8e taE as F eE<enses for Ger8an <roBect" race <urification 77D ,ra<er :el<ed select
Ernst Rudin as c:ief of t:e =orld eu9enics 8o>e8ent1 =:o used :is office to <ro8ote =:at
:e called Adolf Hitler7s F :ol31 national and international racial :39ienic 8ission? 77
*?S? aris:1 as =e :a>e seen1 =as <ublicl3 eE<osed in 12)$1 :u8iliated and destro3ed? &ust
before aris: died1 %rescott !us:7s NaAi ban;in9 office =as @uietl3 seiAed and s:ut do=n?
!ut %rescott7s close friend and <artner in t:e T:3ssen-Hitler business1 *illia8 H? ,ra<er1
&r?1 neit:er died nor 8o>ed out of Ger8an affairs? ,ra<er listed :i8self as a director of t:e
Ger8an Credit and In>est8ent Cor<? t:rou9: 12)$1 and t:e fir8 =as not li@uidated until
No>e8ber 12)'? !ut a =ar =as onC ,ra<er1 a colonel fro8 <re>ious 8ilitar3 ser>ice1 =ent
off to t:e %acific t:eater and beca8e a 9eneral?
General ,ra<er a<<arentl3 :ad a :obb3" 8a9ic--illusions1 slei9:t of :and1 etc?--and :e =as
a 8e8ber of t:e Societ3 of A8erican Ma9icians? T:is is not irrele>ant to :is subse@uent
T:e NaAi re9i8e surrendered in Ma3 12)+? In &ul3 12)+1 General ,ra<er =as called to
Euro<e b3 t:e A8erican 8ilitar3 9o>ern8ent aut:orities in Ger8an3? ,ra<er =as
a<<ointed :ead of t:e Econo8ics ,i>ision of t:e U?S? Control Co88ission? He =as
assi9ned to ta;e a<art t:e NaAi cor<orate cartels? T:ere is an astonis:in9 but <erfectl3
lo9ical rationale to t:is--,ra<er ;ne= a lot about t:e subBectK General ,ra<er1 =:o :ad
s<ent about 1+ 3ears financin9 and 8ana9in9 t:e dirtiest of t:e NaAi enter<rises1 =as no=
aut:oriAed to decide =:o =as eE<osed1 =:o lost and =:o ;e<t :is business1 and in <ractical
effect1 =:o =as <rosecuted for =ar cri8es?
0,ra<er =as not uni@ue =it:in t:e <ost=ar occu<ation 9o>ern8ent? Consider t:e case of
&o:n &? McClo31 U?S? Militar3 Go>ernor and Hi9: Co88issioner of Ger8an31 12)2- 12+$?
Under instructions fro8 :is *all Street la= fir81 McClo3 :ad li>ed for a 3ear in Ital31
ser>in9 as an ad>isor to t:e fascist 9o>ern8ent of !enito Mussolini? An inti8ate
collaborator of t:e Harri8anO!us: ban;1 McClo3 :ad sat in Adolf Hitler7s boE at t:e 12'-
Ol38<ic 9a8es in !erlin1 at t:e in>itation of NaAi c:ieftains Rudolf Hess and Her8ann
*illia8 H? ,ra<er1 &r?1 as a F conser>ati>e1 77 =as <aired =it: t:e F liberal 77 U?S? Treasur3
Secretar3 Henr3 Mor9ent:au in a >icious 9a8e? Mor9ent:au de8anded t:at Ger8an3 be
utterl3 destro3ed as a nation1 t:at its industr3 be dis8antled and it be reduced to a <urel3
rural countr3? As t:e econo8ic boss in 12)+ and 12)-1 ,ra<er F <rotected 77 Ger8an3 fro8
t:e Mor9ent:au %lan ??? but at a <rice?
,ra<er and :is collea9ues de8anded t:at Ger8an3 and t:e =orld acce<t t:e collecti>e
9uilt of t:e Ger8an <eo<le as t:e eE<lanation for t:e rise of Hitler7s Ne= Order1 and t:e
NaAi =ar cri8es? T:is1 of course1 =as rat:er con>enient for General ,ra<er :i8self1 as it
=as for t:e !us: fa8il3? It is still con>enient decades later1 allo=in9 %rescott7s son1
%resident !us:1 to lecture Ger8an3 on t:e dan9er of Hitleris8? Ger8ans are too slo=1 it
see8s1 to acce<t :is Ne= *orld Order?
After se>eral 3ears of 9o>ern8ent ser>ice 0often =or;in9 directl3 for A>erell Harri8an in
t:e Nort: Atlantic Alliance41 General ,ra<er =as a<<ointed in 12+/ c:air8an of a
co88ittee =:ic: =as to ad>ise %resident ,=i9:t Eisen:o=er on t:e <ro<er course for U?S?
8ilitar3 aid to ot:er countries? At t:at ti8e1 %rescott !us: =as a U?S? Senator fro8
Connecticut1 a confidential friend and 9olf <artner =it: National Securit3 ,irector Gordon
Gra31 and an i8<ortant 9olf <artner =it: ,=i9:t Eisen:o=er as =ell? %rescott7s old la=3er
fro8 t:e NaAi da3s1 &o:n oster ,ulles1 =as Secretar3 of State1 and :is brot:er Allen
,ulles1 for8erl3 of t:e Sc:roder ban;1 =as :ead of t:e CIA?
T:is friendl3 en>iron8ent e8boldened General ,ra<er to <ull off a stunt =it: :is 8ilitar3
aid ad>isor3 co88ittee? He c:an9ed t:e subBect under stud3? T:e follo=in9 3ear t:e ,ra<er
co88ittee reco88ended t:at t:e U?S? 9o>ern8ent react to t:e su<<osed t:reat of t:e F
<o<ulation eE<losion 77 b3 for8ulatin9 <lans to de<o<ulate t:e <oorer countries? T:e 9ro=t:
of t:e =orld7s non-=:ite <o<ulation1 :e <ro<osed1 s:ould be re9arded as dan9erous to t:e
national securit3 of t:e United StatesK
%resident Eisen:o=er reBected t:e reco88endation? !ut in t:e neEt decade1 General ,ra<er
founded t:e F %o<ulation Crisis Co88ittee 77 and t:e F ,ra<er und1 77 Boinin9 =it: t:e
Roc;efeller and ,u %ont fa8ilies to <ro8ote eu9enics as F <o<ulation control? 77 T:e
ad8inistration of %resident L3ndon &o:nson1 ad>ised b3 General ,ra<er on t:e subBect1
be9an financin9 birt: control in t:e tro<ical countries t:rou9: t:e U?S? A9enc3 for
International ,e>elo<8ent 0USAI,4?
General ,ra<er =as Geor9e !us:7s 9uru on t:e <o<ulation @uestion? !ut t:ere =as also
,ra<er7s 8one3--fro8 t:at uni@uel3 :orrible source--and ,ra<er7s connections on *all
Street and abroad? ,ra<er7s son and :eir1 *illia8 H? ,ra<er III1 =as co-c:air8an for
finance 0c:ief of fundraisin94 of t:e !us:-for-%resident national ca8<ai9n or9aniAation in
12/5? *it: Geor9e !us: in t:e *:ite House1 t:e 3oun9er ,ra<er :eads u< t:e
de<o<ulation acti>ities of t:e United Nations t:rou9:out t:e =orld?
General ,ra<er =as >ice <resident of ,illon Read until 12+'? ,urin9 t:e 12+5s and 12-5s1
t:e c:ief eEecuti>e t:ere =as rederic !randi1 t:e Ger8an =:o =as ,ra<er7s co- director
for t:e NaAi in>est8ents and :is <ersonal contact 8an =it: t:e NaAi Ger8an Steel Trust?
Nic:olas !rad3 =as !randi7s <artner fro8 12+)1 and re<laced :i8 as t:e fir87s c:ief
eEecuti>e in 12.1? Nic:olas !rad31 =:o ;no=s =:ere all t:e bodies are buried1 =as
c:air8an of :is friend Geor9e !us:7s 12/5 election ca8<ai9n in Ne= &erse31 and :as been
United States Treasur3 Secretar3 t:rou9:out !us:7s <residenc3?
!us: and Gra3
T:e U?S? A9enc3 for International ,e>elo<8ent sa3s t:at sur9ical steriliAation is t:e !us:
ad8inistration7s F first c:oice 77 8et:od of <o<ulation reduction in t:e T:ird *orld?
T:e United Nations %o<ulation und clai8s t:at '. <ercent of contrace<tion users in Ibero-
A8erica and t:e Caribbean :a>e alread3 been sur9icall3 steriliAed? In a 1221 re<ort1
*illia8 H? ,ra<er III7s a9enc3 asserts t:at $+) 8illion cou<les =ill be sur9icall3 steriliAed
o>er t:e course of t:e 1225sC and t:at if <resent trends continue1 /5 <ercent of t:e =o8en
in %uerto Rico and %ana8a =ill be sur9icall3 steriliAed?
T:e U?S? 9o>ern8ent <a3s directl3 for t:ese steriliAations?
MeEico is first a8on9 tar9eted nations1 on a list =:ic: =as dra=n u< in &ul3 12211 at a
USAI, strate93 session? India and !raAil are second and t:ird <riorities1 res<ecti>el3?
On contract =it: t:e !us: ad8inistration1 U?S? <ersonnel are =or;in9 fro8 bases in
MeEico to <erfor8 sur9er3 on 8illions of MeEican 8en and =o8en? T:e ac;no=led9ed
strate93 in t:is <ro9ra8 is to steriliAe t:ose 3oun9 adults =:o :a>e not alread3 co8<leted
t:eir fa8ilies?
Geor9e !us: :as a rat:er dee<-seated <ersonal feelin9 about t:is <roBect1 in <articular as it
<its :i8 a9ainst %o<e &o:n %aul II in Cat:olic countries suc: as MeEico? 0See C:a<ter )
belo=1 on t:e ori9in of a !us: fa8il3 9rud9e in t:is re9ard?4
T:e s<endin9 for birt: control in t:e non-=:ite countries is one of t:e fe= ite8s t:at is
:eaded u<=ards in t:e !us: ad8inistration bud9et? As its 122$ bud9et =as bein9 set1
USAI, said its %o<ulation Account =ould recei>e I'55 8illion1 a $5 <ercent increase o>er
t:e <re>ious 3ear? *it:in t:is <roBect1 a si9nificant su8 is s<ent on <olitical and
<s3c:olo9ical 8ani<ulations of tar9et nations1 and rat:er blatant sub>ersion of t:eir
reli9ions and 9o>ern8ents?
T:ese acti>ities 8i9:t be eE<ected to cause serious obBections fro8 t:e >icti8iAed
nationalities1 or fro8 U?S? taE<a3ers1 es<eciall3 if t:e <ro9ra8 is so8e:o= 9i>en
=ides<read <ublicit3?
Luite aside fro8 8oral considerations1 le9al @uestions =ould naturall3 arise1 =:ic: could
be su88ed u<" Ho= does Geor9e !us: t:in; :e can 9et a=a3 =it: t:isD
In t:is 8atter t:e %resident :as eE<ert ad>ice? Mr? 0Cla3land4 !o3den Gra3 :as been
counsel to Geor9e !us: since t:e 12/5 election? As c:ief le9al officer in t:e *:ite House1
!o3den Gra3 can =al; t:e %resident t:rou9: t:e dan9ers and co8<leEities of =a9in9 suc:
unusual =arfare a9ainst T:ird *orld <o<ulations? Gra3 ;no=s :o= t:ese t:in9s are done?
*:en !o3den Gra3 =as four and fi>e 3ears old1 :is fat:er or9aniAed t:e <ilot <roBect for
t:e <resent =orld=ide steriliAation <ro9ra81 fro8 t:e Gra3 fa8il3 :ouse:old in Nort:
It started in 12)-? T:e eu9enics 8o>e8ent =as loo;in9 for a =a3 to be9in a9ain in
NaAi deat: ca8<s suc: as Ausc:=itA :ad Bust t:en seared t:e conscience of t:e =orld? T:e
SteriliAation Lea9ue of A8erica1 =:ic: :ad c:an9ed its na8e durin9 t:e =ar to F
!irt:ri9:t1 Inc?1 77 =anted to start u< a9ain? irst t:e3 :ad to o>erco8e <ublic ner>ousness
about crac;<ots <ro<osin9 to eli8inate F inferior 77 and F defecti>e 77 <eo<le? T:e Lea9ue
tried to surface in Io=a1 but :ad to bac; off because of ne9ati>e <ublicit3" A little bo3 :ad
recentl3 been steriliAed t:ere and :ad died fro8 t:e o<eration?
T:e3 decided on Nort: Carolina1 =:ere t:e Gra3 fa8il3 could <la3 t:e <erfect :ost?
T:rou9: !ritis: i8<erial contacts1 !o3den Gra37s 9randfat:er1 !o=8an Gra31 :ad beco8e
<rinci<al o=ner of t:e R?&? Re3nolds Tobacco Co? !o3den7s fat:er1 Gordon Gra31 :ad
recentl3 founded t:e !o=8an Gra3 08e8orial4 Medical Sc:ool in *inston-Sale81 usin9
:is in:erited ci9arette stoc; s:ares? T:e 8edical sc:ool =as alread3 a eu9enics center?
As t:e eE<eri8ent be9an1 Gordon Gra37s 9reat aunt1 Alice S:elton Gra31 =:o :ad raised
:i8 fro8 c:ild:ood1 =as li>in9 in :is :ouse:old? Aunt Alice :ad founded t:e F Hu8an
!etter8ent Lea9ue1 77 t:e Nort: Carolina branc: of t:e national eu9enical steriliAation
Aunt Alice =as t:e official su<er>isor of t:e 12)--). eE<eri8ent? *or;in9 under Miss
Gra3 =as ,r? Claude Nas: Herndon1 =:o8 Gordon Gra3 :ad 8ade assistant <rofessor of F
8edical 9enetics 77 at !o=8an Gra3 Medical Sc:ool?
,r? Clarence Ga8ble1 :eir to t:e %roctor and Ga8ble soa< fortune1 =as t:e steriliAers7
national field o<erations c:ief?
T:e eE<eri8ent =or;ed as follo=s? All c:ildren enrolled in t:e sc:ool district of *inston-
Sale81 N?C?1 =ere 9i>en a s<ecial F intelli9ence test? 77 T:ose c:ildren =:o scored belo= a
certain arbitrar3 lo= 8ar; =ere t:en cut o<en and sur9icall3 steriliAed?
*e @uote no= fro8 t:e official stor3 of t:e <roBect"
In *inston-Sale8 and in Gnearb3H Oran9e Count31 Nort: Carolina1 t:e GSteriliAation Lea9ue7sH
field co88ittee :ad <artici<ated in testin9 <roBects to identif3 sc:ool a9e c:ildren =:o s:ould be
considered for steriliAation? T:e <roBect in Oran9e Count3 =as conducted b3 t:e Uni>ersit3 of
Nort: Carolina and =as financed b3 a PMr? Hanes17 a friend of Clarence Ga8ble and su<<orter of
t:e field =or; <roBect in Nort: Carolina? T:e *inston-Sale8 <roBect =as also financed b3 Hanes?
77 GF Hanes 77 =as under=ear 8o9ul &a8es Gordon Hanes1 a trustee of !o=8an Gra3 Medical
Sc:ool and treasurer of Alice Gra37s 9rou<H????
T:e 8edical sc:ool :ad a lon9 :istor3 of interest in eu9enics and :ad co8<iled eEtensi>e
:istories of fa8ilies carr3in9 in:eritable disease? In 12)-1 ,r? C? Nas: Herndon ??? 8ade a
state8ent to t:e <ress on t:e use of steriliAation to <re>ent t:e s<read of in:eritable diseases????
T:e first ste< after 9i>in9 t:e 8ental tests to 9rade sc:ool c:ildren =as to inter<ret and 8a;e
<ublic t:e results? In Oran9e Count3 t:e results indicated t:at t:ree <ercent of t:e sc:ool a9e
c:ildren =ere eit:er insane or feeble8inded???? GT:enH t:e field co88ittee :ired a social =or;er to
re>ie= eac: case ??? and to <resent an3 cases in =:ic: steriliAation =as indicated to t:e State
Eu9enics !oard1 =:ic: under Nort: Carolina la= :ad t:e aut:orit3 to order steriliAation????
Race science eE<eri8enter ,r? Claude Nas: Herndon <ro>ided 8ore details in an inter>ie=
in 1225?
Alice Gra3 =as t:e 9eneral su<er>isor of t:e <roBect? S:e and Hanes sent out letters <ro8otin9 t:e
<ro9ra8 to t:e co88issioners of all 155 counties in Nort: Carolina???? *:at did I doD Not:in9
besides ridin9 :erd on t:e =:ole t:in9K T:e social =or;ers o<erated out of 83 office? I =as at t:e
ti8e also director of out<atient ser>ices at Nort: Carolina !a<tist Hos<ital? *e =ould see t:e
Gtar9etedH <arents and c:ildren t:ere???? I?L? tests =ere run on all t:e c:ildren in t:e *inston-Sale8
<ublic sc:ool s3ste8? Onl3 t:e ones =:o scored reall3 lo= G=ere tar9eted for steriliAationH1 t:e
real botto8 of t:e barrel1 li;e belo= .5?
,id =e do steriliAations on 3oun9 c:ildrenD (es? T:is =as a relati>el3 8inor o<eration???? It =as
usuall3 not until t:e c:ild =as ei9:t or ten 3ears old? or t:e bo3s1 3ou Bust 8a;e an incision and
tie t:e tube???? *e 8ore often <erfor8ed t:e o<eration on 9irls t:an =it: bo3s? Of course1 3ou :a>e
to cut o<en t:e abdo8en1 but a9ain1 it is relati>el3 8inor?
,r? Herndon re8ar;ed cooll3 t:at F =e :ad a >er3 9ood relations:i< =it: t:e <ress 77 for t:e
<roBect? T:is is not sur<risin91 since Gordon Gra3 o=ned t:e *inston-Sale8 &ournal1 t:e
T=in Cit3 Sentinel and radio station *S&S?
In 12+5 and 12+11 &o:n oster ,ulles1 t:en c:air8an of t:e Roc;efeller oundation1 led
&o:n ,? Roc;efeller III on a series of =orld tours1 focusin9 on t:e need to sto< t:e
eE<ansion of t:e non-=:ite <o<ulations? In No>e8ber 12+$1 ,ulles and Roc;efeller set u<
t:e %o<ulation Council1 =it: tens of 8illions of dollars fro8 t:e Roc;efeller fa8il3?
At t:at <oint1 t:e A8erican Eu9enics Societ31 still cautious fro8 t:e recent bad <ublicit3
>is-a->is Hitler1 left its old :ead@uarters at (ale Uni>ersit3? T:e Societ3 8o>ed its
:ead@uarters into t:e office of t:e %o<ulation Council1 and t:e t=o 9rou<s 8elded to9et:er?
T:e lon9-ti8e secretar3 of t:e A8erican Eu9enics Societ31 rederic; Osborne1 beca8e t:e
first <resident of t:e %o<ulation Council? T:e Gra3 fa8il37s c:ild-steriliAer1 ,r? Claude
Nas: Herndon1 beca8e <resident of t:e A8erican Eu9enics Societ3 in 12+'1 as its =or;
eE<anded under Roc;efeller <atrona9e?
Mean=:ile1 t:e International %lanned %arent:ood ederation =as founded in London1 in
t:e offices of t:e !ritis: Eu9enics Societ3?
T:e undead ene83 fro8 *orld *ar II1 rena8ed F %o<ulation Control1 77 :ad no= been
Geor9e !us: =as U?S? a8bassador to t:e United Nations in 12.$1 =:en =it: <roddin9
fro8 !us: and :is friends1 t:e U?S? A9enc3 for International ,e>elo<8ent first 8ade an
official contract =it: t:e old SteriliAation Lea9ue of A8erica? T:e Lea9ue :ad c:an9ed its
na8e t=ice a9ain1 and =as no= called t:e F Association for 6oluntar3 Sur9ical
Contrace<tion? 77 T:e U?S? 9o>ern8ent be9an <a3in9 t:e old fascist 9rou< to steriliAe non-
=:ites in forei9n countries?
T:e Gra3 fa8il3 eE<eri8ent :ad succeeded?
In 12//1 t:e U?S? A9enc3 for International ,e>elo<8ent si9ned its latest contract =it: t:e
old SteriliAation Lea9ue 0a?;?a? Association for 6oluntar3 Sur9ical Contrace<tion41
co88ittin9 t:e U?S? 9o>ern8ent to s<end I/5 8illion o>er fi>e 3ears?
Ha>in9 9otten a=a3 =it: steriliAin9 se>eral :undred Nort: Carolina sc:ool c:ildren1 F not
usuall3 less t:an ei9:t to ten 3ears old1 77 t:e identical 9rou< is no= aut:oriAed b3 %resident
!us: to do it to +/ countries in Asia1 Africa and Ibero-A8erica? T:e 9rou< 8odestl3 clai8s
it :as directl3 steriliAed F onl3 77 t=o 8illion <eo<le1 =it: /. <ercent of t:e bill <aid b3 U?S?
Mean=:ile1 ,r? Clarence Ga8ble1 !o3den Gra37s fa>orite soa< 8anufacturer1 for8ed :is
o=n F %at:finder und 77 as a s<lit-off fro8 t:e SteriliAation Lea9ue? Ga8ble7s %at:finder
und1 =it: additional 8illions fro8 USAI,1 concentrates on <enetration of local social
9rou<s in t:e non-=:ite countries1 to brea; do=n <s3c:olo9ical resistance to t:e sur9ical
steriliAation tea8s?
1? %:3llis Tilson %iotro=1 *orld %o<ulation Crisis" T:e United States Res<onse 0Ne= (or;" %rae9er
%ublis:ers1 12.'41 F or=ard 77 b3 Geor9e H?*? !us:1 <<? >ii->iii?
$?Adolf Hitler1 Mein #a8<f 0!oston1 Hou9:ton Mifflin Co8<an31 12.141 <? )5)?
'?F T:e Ten Ric:est %eo<le in Houston1 77 in Houston %ost Ma9aAine1 Marc: 111 12/)? F I1+5 8illion to
I$+5 8illion fro8 ??? in:eritance1 <lus subse@uent in>est8ents ??? c:ief :eir to a fa8il3 fortune in oil
stoc;???? As to :is financial interests1 :e is ??? co3? He once described one of :is businesses as a co8<an3
t:at Pin>ests in and o>ersees a lot of s8aller co8<anies ??? in a lot of forei9n countries?777
)? T:e announce8ents =ere 8ade in testi8on3 before a S<ecial Co88ittee of t:e U?S? Senate
In>esti9atin9 t:e National ,efense %ro9ra8? T:e :earin9s on Standard Oil =ere :eld Marc: +1 $)1 $-1 $.1
'11 and A<ril 11 $1 ' and .1 12)$? A>ailable on 8icrofic:e1 la= section1 Librar3 of Con9ress? See also Ne=
(or; Ti8es1 Marc: $- and Marc: $.1 12)$1 and *as:in9ton E>enin9 Star1 Marc: $- and Marc: $.1 12)$?
+? Ibid?1 EE:ibit No? '-/1 <rinted on <<? )+/)-/. of t:e :earin9 record? See also C:arles Hi9:a81 Tradin9
*it: T:e Ene83 0Ne= (or;" ,elacorte %ress1 12/'41 <? '-?
-? Confidential 8e8orandu8 fro8 U?S? e8bass31 !erlin1 o<? cit?1 c:a<ter $? Sir Henri ,eterdin9
=as a8on9 t:e 8ost notorious <ro-NaAis of t:e earl3 =ar <eriod?
.? See sections on %rescott !us: in ,ar=in %a3ne1 Initiati>e in Ener93" ,resser Industries1 Inc? 0Ne=
(or;" ,istributed b3 Si8on and Sc:uster1 12.24 0<ublis:ed b3 t:e ,resser Co8<an34?
/? *illia8 Sta8<s aris: obituar31 Ne= (or; Ti8es1 No>? '51 12)$?
2? A ,ecade of %ro9ress in Eu9enics" Scientific %a<ers of t:e T:ird International Con9ress of Eu9enics
:eld at A8erican Museu8 of Natural Histor3 Ne= (or;1 Au9? $1-$'1 12'$? 0!alti8ore" *illia8s N
*il;ins Co8<an31 Se<t?1 12')4?
T:e ter8 F eu9enics 77 is ta;en fro8 t:e Gree; to si9nif3 F 9ood birt: 77 or F =ell-born1 77 as in aristocrat? Its
basic assu8<tion is t:at t:ose =:o are not F =ell-born 77 s:ould not eEist?
15? See a8on9 ot:er suc: letters1 Geor9e Herbert *al;er1 '2 !road=a31 N?(?1 to *? A? Harri8an1 London1
eb? $11 12$+1 in *AH <a<ers?
11? A>erell Harri8an to ,r? C:arles !? ,a>en<ort1 %resident1 T:e International Con9ress of Eu9enics1 Cold
S<rin9 Harbor1 L?I?1 N?(?
&anuar3 $11 12'$
,ear ,r? ,a>en<ort"
I =ill be onl3 too 9lad to <ut 3ou in touc: =it: t:e Ha8bur9-A8erican Line ??? t:e3 8a3 be able to co-o<erate in 8a;in9
su99estions =:ic: =ill ;ee< t:e eE<enses to a 8ini8u8? I :a>e referred 3our letter to Mr? E8il Lederer Gof t:e Ha8bur9-A8eri;a
eEecuti>e board in Ne= (or;H =it: t:e re@uest t:at :e co88unicate =it: 3ou?
,a>en<ort to Mr? *?A? Harri8an1
+2 *all Street1 Ne= (or;1 N?(?
&anuar3 $'1 12'$
,ear Mr? Harri8an"
T:an; 3ou >er3 8uc: for 3our ;ind letter of &anuar3 $1st and t:e action 3ou too; =:ic: :as resulted at once in a letter fro8 Mr?
E8il Lederer? T:is letter =ill ser>e as a startin9 <oint for corres<ondence1 =:ic: I :o<e =ill enable 8ore of our Ger8an collea9ues
to co8e to A8erica on t:e occasion of t:e con9resses of eu9enics and 9enetics1 t:an ot:er=ise?
Con9ressional :earin9s in 12') establis:ed t:at Ha8bur9-A8eri;a routinel3 <ro>ided free transatlantic
<assa9e for t:ose carr3in9 out NaAi <ro<a9anda c:ores? See In>esti9ation of NaAi %ro<a9anda Acti>ities
and In>esti9ation of Certain Ot:er %ro<a9anda Acti>ities1 o<? cit?1 c:a<ter $?
1$? AleEis Carrel1 Man t:e Un;no=n 0Ne= (or;" Halc3on House1 <ublis:ed b3 arran9e8ent =it: Har<er
N !rot:ers1 12'+41 <<? '1/-12?
T:e battle cr3 of t:e Ne= Order =as sounded in 12'+ =it: t:e <ublication of Man t:e Un;no=n1 b3 ,r?
AleEis Carrel of t:e Roc;efeller Institute in Ne= (or;? T:is Nobel %riAe-=inner said F enor8ous su8s are
no= re@uired to 8aintain <risons and insane as3lu8s???? *:3 do =e <reser>e t:ese useless and :ar8ful
bein9sD T:is fact 8ust be s@uarel3 faced? *:3 s:ould societ3 not dis<ose of t:e cri8inals and t:e insane
in a 8ore econo8ical 8annerD ??? T:e co88unit3 8ust be <rotected a9ainst troubleso8e and dan9erous
ele8ents???? %er:a<s <risons s:ould be abolis:ed???? T:e conditionin9 of t:e <ett3 cri8inal =it: t:e =:i<1 or
so8e 8ore scientific <rocedure1 follo=ed b3 a s:ort sta3 in :os<ital1 =ould <robabl3 suffice to insure
order? GCri8inals includin9 t:oseH =:o :a>e ??? 8isled t:e <ublic on i8<ortant 8atters1 s:ould be
:u8anel3 and econo8icall3 dis<osed of in s8all eut:anasic institutions su<<lied =it: <ro<er 9ases? A
si8ilar treat8ent could be ad>anta9eousl3 a<<lied to t:e insane1 9uilt3 of cri8inal acts? 77
Carrel clai8ed to :a>e trans<lanted t:e :ead of a do9 to anot:er do9 and ;e<t it ali>e for @uite so8e ti8e?
1'? !ern:ard Sc:reiber1 T:e Men !e:ind Hitler" A Ger8an *arnin9 to t:e *orld1 rance" La Ha3-
MureauE1 ca? 12.+41 En9lis: lan9ua9e edition su<<lied b3 H N %? TadeusA1 '-2 Ed9e=ere Road1 London
*$? A co<3 of t:is boo; is no= :eld b3 Union Colle9e Librar31 S3racuse1 N?(?
1)? Hi9:a81 o<? cit?1 <? '+?
1+? En9a9e8ent announced eb? 151 12'21 Ne= (or; Ti8es1 <? $5? See also ,irector3 of ,irectors for Ne=
(or; Cit31 12'5s and 12)5s?
1-? Hi9:a81 o<? cit?1 <<? $51 $$ and ot:er references to Sc:roeder and Linde8ann?
Ant:on3 Sutton1 *all Street and t:e Rise of Hitler 0Seal !eac:" 7.- %ress1 12.-4? Sutton is also a 9ood
source on t:e Harri8ans?
1.? *as:in9ton E>enin9 Star1 Marc: $.1 12)$1 <? 1?
1/? Hi9:a81 o<? cit? <? +5?
12? Ibid?1 <? )/?
$5? *as:in9ton %ost1 A<ril $21 12251 <? )? Hi9:a81 o<? cit?1 <<? +$-+'?
$1? Ja<ata annual re<orts1 12+5s--5s1 Librar3 of Con9ress 8icrofor8s?
$$? See Con9ressional Record for !us: s<eec: in t:e House of Re<resentati>es1 Se<t? )1 12-2? !us:
inserted in t:e record t:e testi8on3 9i>en before :is Tas; orce on Au9? +1 12-2?
$'? Sobel1 o<? cit?1 <<? 2$-111? See also !o3le1 o<? cit?1 c:a<ter 11 concernin9 t:e Mor9an-led ,a=es
Co88ittee of Ger8an37s forei9n creditors?
Li;e Harri8an1 ,illon used t:e Sc:roeder and *arbur9 ban;s to stri;e :is Ger8an bar9ains? All ,illon
Read N Co? affairs in Ger8an3 =ere su<er>ised b3 &?%? Mor9an N Co? <artner T:o8as La8ont1 and =ere
aut:oriAed b3 !an; of En9land Go>ernor Monta9u Nor8an?
$)? See %oor7s Re9ister of ,irectors and EEecuti>es1 0Ne= (or;" %oor7s %ublis:in9 Co8<an31 late 12$5s1
7'5s and 7)5s4? See also Standard Cor<oration Records 0Ne= (or;" Standard N %oor41 12'+ edition <<?
$+.1-$+1 and 12'/ edition <<? .)'--'/1 for descri<tion and :istor3 of t:e Ger8an Credit and In>est8ent
Cor<oration? or rederic !randi1 See also Sobel1 o<? cit?1 <<? $1'-1)?
$+? Sobel1 o<? cit?1 <<? 1/51 1/-? I>3 Lee :ad been :ired to i8<ro>e t:e Roc;efeller fa8il3 i8a9e1
<articularl3 difficult after t:eir 121) 8assacre of stri;in9 8iners and <re9nant =o8en in Ludlo=1
Colorado? Lee 9ot old &o:n ,? Roc;efeller to <ass out di8es to <oor <eo<le lined u< at :is <orc:?
$-? T:ird International Eu9enics Con9ress <a<ers o<? cit?1 footnote .1 <? +1$1 F Su<<ortin9 Me8bers? 77
$.? Sc:reiber1 o<? cit?1 <? 1-5? T:e T:ird Int? Eu9enics Con9ress <a<ers1 <? +$-1 lists t:e officers of t:e
International ederation as of <ublication date in Se<te8ber1 12')? Rudin is listed as <resident--a 3ear
after :e :as =ritten t:e steriliAation la= for Hitler?
$/? ,irector3 of ,irectors for Ne= (or; Cit31 12)$? Inter>ie= =it: Nanc3 !o=les1 librarian of ,illon Read
N Co?
$2? Hi9:a81 o<? cit?1 <? 1$21 $1$-1+1 $12-$'?
'5? *alter Isaacson and E>an T:o8as1 T:e *ise Men" SiE riends and t:e *orld T:e3 Made--Ac:eson1
!o:len1 Harri8an1 #ennan1 Lo>ett1 McClo3 0Ne= (or;" Si8on and Sc:uster1 12/-41 <<? 1$$1 '5+?
'1? %iotro=1 o<? cit?1 <<? '--)$?
'$? Ibid?1 <? >iii? F As c:air8an of t:e s<ecial Re<ublican Tas; orce on %o<ulation and Eart: Resources1 I
=as i8<ressed b3 t:e ar9u8ents of *illia8 H? ,ra<er1 &r???? Gen? ,ra<er continues to lead t:rou9: :is
tireless =or; for t:e U?N? %o<ulation und? 77
''? Sobel1 o<? cit?1 <<? $2/1 '+)?
')? Inter>ie= &ul3 1-1 12211 =it: &oanne Grossi1 an official =it: t:e USAI,7s %o<ulation Office?
'+? ,r? Nafis Sadi;1 F T:e State of *orld %o<ulation1 77 12211 Ne= (or;1 United Nations %o<ulation und?
'-? See User7s Guide to t:e Office of %o<ulation1 12211 Office of %o<ulation1 !ureau for Science and
Tec:nolo931 United States A9enc3 for International ,e>elo<8ent? A>ailable fro8 SNTO%O%1 Roo8 /11
SA-1/1 USAI,1 *as:in9ton ,?C? $5+$'-1/12?
'.? F Histor3 of t:e Association for 6oluntar3 SteriliAation Gfor8erl3 SteriliAation Lea9ue of A8ericaH1
12'+--)1 77 t:esis sub8itted to t:e facult3 of t:e 9raduate sc:ool of t:e Uni>ersit3 of Minnesota b3 *illia8
Ra3 6an Essendelft1 Marc:1 12./1 a>ailable on 8icrofil81 Librar3 of Con9ress? T:is is t:e official :istor31
=ritten =it: full coo<eration of t:e SteriliAation Lea9ue?
'/? Inter>ie= =it: ,r? C? Nas: Herndon1 &une $51 1225?
C:a<ter - I6 -PT:e Center of %o=er is in *as:in9ton7
!ro=n !rot:ers Harri8an N Co?
+2 *all Street1 Ne= (or;
Cable Address FS:i<le3-Ne= (or;77
!usiness Establis:ed 1/1/
%ri>ate !an;ers
Se<te8ber +1 12))
T:e Honorable *?A? Harri8an
A8erican A8bassador to t:e U?S?S?R?
A8erican E8bass31
Mosco=1 Russia
,ear A>erell"
T:in;in9 t:at <ossibl3 !ullitt7s article in t:e recent issue
of FLIE77 8a3 not :a>e co8e to 3our attention1 I :a>e cli<<ed
it and a8 sendin9 it to 3ou1 feelin9 t:at it =ill interest 3ou?
At <resent =ritin9 all =ell :ere?
*it: =ar8 re9ards1 I a81
Sincerel3 3ours1
F At <resent =ritin9 all is =ell :ere? 77 T:us t:e a8bassador to Russia =as reassured b3 t:e
8ana9in9 <artner of :is fir81 %rescott !us:? Onl3 $$-1O$ 8ont:s before1 t:e U?S?
9o>ern8ent :ad seiAed and s:ut do=n t:e Union !an;in9 Cor<?1 =:ic: :ad been o<erated
on be:alf of NaAi Ger8an3 b3 !us: and t:e Harri8ans 0see C:a<ter $4? !ut t:at =as
be:ind t:e8 no= and t:e3 =ere safe? T:ere =ould be no <ublicit3 on t:e Harri8an- !us:
s<onsors:i< of Hitleris8?
%rescott7s son Geor9e1 t:e future U?S? %resident1 =as also safe? T:ree da3s before t:is note
to Mosco= =as =ritten1 Geor9e !us: :ad <arac:uted fro8 a Na>3 bo8ber air<lane o>er
t:e %acific Ocean1 ;illin9 :is t=o cre= 8e8bers =:en t:e un<iloted <lane cras:ed?
i>e 8ont:s later1 in ebruar3 12)+1 %rescott7s boss1 A>erell Harri8an1 escorted %resident
ran;lin Roose>elt to t:e fateful su88it 8eetin9 =it: So>iet leader &ose<: Stalin at (alta?
In A<ril Roose>elt died? T:e a9ree8ent reac:ed at (alta1 callin9 for free elections in %oland
once t:e =ar ended1 =as ne>er enforced?
O>er t:e neEt ei9:t 3ears 012)+ t:rou9: 12+$41 %rescott !us: =as Harri8an7s anc:or in t:e
Ne= (or; financial =orld? T:e increasin9l3 <o=erful Mr? Harri8an and :is allies 9a>e
Eastern Euro<e o>er to So>iet dictators:i<? A Cold *ar =as t:en underta;en1 to F
counterbalance 77 t:e So>iets?
T:is !ritis:-ins<ired strate93 <aid se>eral ni9:t8aris: di>idends? Eastern Euro<e =as to
re8ain ensla>ed? Ger8an3 =as F <er8anentl3 77 di>ided? An9lo-A8erican <o=er =as
Bointl3 eEercised o>er t:e non-So>iet F ree *orld? 77 T:e confidential functions of t:e
!ritis: and A8erican 9o>ern8ents =ere 8er9ed? T:e Harri8an cli@ue too; <ossession of
t:e U?S? national securit3 a<<aratus1 and in doin9 so1 t:e3 o<ened t:e 9ate and let t:e !us:
fa8il3 in?
ollo=in9 :is ser>ices to Ger8an37s NaAi %art31 A>erell Harri8an s<ent se>eral 3ears
8ediatin9 bet=een t:e !ritis:1 A8erican and So>iet 9o>ern8ents in t:e =ar to sto< t:e
NaAis? He =as a8bassador to Mosco= fro8 12)' to 12)-?
%resident Harr3 Tru8an1 =:o8 Harri8an and :is friends :eld in a8used conte8<t1
a<<ointed Harri8an U?S? a8bassador to !ritain in 12)-?
Harri8an =as at lunc: =it: for8er !ritis: %ri8e Minister *inston C:urc:ill one da3 in
12)-1 =:en Tru8an tele<:oned? Harri8an as;ed C:urc:ill if :e s:ould acce<t Tru8an7s
offer to co8e bac; to t:e U?S? as Secretar3 of Co88erce? Accordin9 to Harri8an7s account1
C:urc:ill told :i8" F Absolutel3? T:e center of <o=er is in *as:in9ton? 77
&u<iter Island
T:e reor9aniAation of t:e A8erican 9o>ern8ent after *orld *ar II--t:e creation of t:e U?S?
Central Intelli9ence A9enc3 alon9 !ritis: lines1 for eEa8<le--:ad de>astatin9
conse@uences? *e are concerned :ere =it: onl3 certain as<ects of t:at o>erall
transfor8ation1 t:ose 8atters of <olic3 and fa8il3 =:ic: 9a>e s:a<e to t:e life and 8ind of
Geor9e !us:1 and 9a>e :i8 access to <o=er?
It =as in t:ese <ost=ar 3ears t:at Geor9e !us: attended (ale Uni>ersit31 and =as inducted
into t:e S;ull and !ones societ3? T:e !us: fa8il37s :o8e at t:at ti8e =as in Green=ic:1
Connecticut? !ut it =as Bust t:en t:at Geor9e7s <arents1 %rescott and ,orot:3 *al;er !us:1
=ere =interin9 in a <eculiar s<ot in lorida1 a <lace t:at is eEcluded fro8 8ention in
literature ori9inatin9 fro8 !us: circles?
Certain national ne=s accounts earl3 in 1221 featured t:e obser>ations on %resident !us:7s
c:ild:ood b3 :is elderl3 8ot:er ,orot:3? S:e =as said to be a resident of Hobe Sound1
lorida? More <recisel31 t:e %resident7s 8ot:er li>ed in a :3<er-securit3 arran9e8ent
created a :alf-centur3 earlier b3 A>erell Harri8an1 adBacent to Hobe Sound? Its correct
na8e is &u<iter Island?
,urin9 :is <olitical career1 Geor9e !us: :as clai8ed 8an3 different F :o8e 77 states1
includin9 TeEas1 Maine1 Massac:usetts and Connecticut? It :as not been eE<edient for :i8
to clai8 lorida1 t:ou9: t:at state :as a >ital lin; to :is role in t:e =orld1 as =e s:all see?
And Geor9e !us:7s :o8e base in lorida1 t:rou9:out :is adult life1 :as been &u<iter Island?
T:e uni@ue1 biAarre setu< on &u<iter Island be9an in 12'11 follo=in9 t:e 8er9er of *?A?
Harri8an N Co? =it: t:e !ritis:-A8erican fir8 !ro=n !rot:ers?
T:e reader =ill recall Mr? Sa8uel %r3or1 t:e F Merc:ant of ,eat:? 77 A <artner =it: t:e
Harri8ans1 %rescott !us:1 Geor9e *al;er and NaAi boss ritA T:3ssen in ban;in9 and
s:i<<in9 enter<rises1 Sa8 %r3or re8ained eEecuti>e co88ittee c:air8an of Re8in9ton
Ar8s? In t:is <eriod1 t:e NaAi <ri>ate ar8ies 0S?A? and S?S?4 =ere su<<lied =it: A8erican
ar8s--8ost li;el3 b3 %r3or and :is co8<an3--as t:e3 8o>ed to o>ert:ro= t:e Ger8an
re<ublic? Suc: 9un-runnin9 as an instru8ent of national <olic3 =ould later beco8e
notorious in t:e F Iran-Contra 77 affair?
Sa8uel %r3or7s dau9:ter %er8elia 8arried (ale 9raduate &ose<: 6? Reed on t:e last da3 of
12$.? Reed i88ediatel3 =ent to =or; for %rescott !us: and Geor9e *al;er as an
a<<rentice at *?A? Harri8an N Co?
,urin9 *orld *ar II1 &ose<: 6? Reed :ad ser>ed in t:e F s<ecial ser>ices 77 section of t:e
U?S? Ar83 Si9nal Cor<s? A s<ecialist in securit31 codes and es<iona9e1 Reed later =rote a
boo; entitled un =it: Cr3<to9ra8s?
No=1 Sa8 %r3or :ad :ad <ro<ert3 around Hobe Sound1 lorida1 for so8e ti8e? In 12'11
&ose<: and %er8elia %r3or Reed bou9:t t:e entiret3 of &u<iter Island?
T:is is a t3<icall3 beautiful Atlantic coast F barrier island1 77 a :alf-8ile =ide and nine 8iles
lon9? T:e 8iddle of &u<iter Island lies Bust off Hobe Sound? T:e sout: brid9e connects t:e
island =it: t:e to=n of &u<iter1 to t:e nort: of %al8 !eac:? It is about 25 8inutes b3 auto
fro8 Mia8i--toda31 a fe= 8inutes b3 :elico<ter?
Earl3 in 12211 a ne=s<a<er re<orter as;ed a friend of t:e !us: fa8il3 about securit3
arran9e8ents on &u<iter Island? He res<onded1 F If 3ou called u< t:e *:ite House1 =ould
t:e3 tell 3ou :o= 8an3 securit3 <eo<le t:e3 :adD It7s not t:at &u<iter Island is t:e *:ite
House1 alt:ou9: :e GGeor9e !us:H does co8e do=n fre@uentl3? 77
!ut for se>eral decades before !us: =as %resident1 &u<iter Island :ad an ordinance
re@uirin9 t:e re9istration and fin9er<rintin9 of all :ouse;ee<ers1 9ardeners and ot:er non-
residents =or;in9 on t:e island? T:e &u<iter Island <olice de<art8ent sa3s t:at t:ere are
sensors in t:e t=o 8ain roads t:at can trac; e>er3 auto8obile on t:e island? If a car sto<s in
t:e street1 t:e <olice =ill be t:ere =it:in one or t=o 8inutes? Sur>eillance is a dut3 of all
e8<lo3ees of t:e to=n of &u<iter Island? Ne=s re<orters are to be <re>ented fro8 >isitin9
t:e island?
To create t:is astonis:in9 <ri>ate club1 &ose<: and %er8elia %r3or Reed sold land onl3 to
t:ose =:o =ould fit in? %er8elia Reed =as still t:e 9rande da8e of t:e island =:en Geor9e
!us: =as inau9urated %resident in 12/2? In reco9nition of t:e fact t:at t:e Reeds ;no=
=:ere all t:e bodies are buried1 %resident !us: a<<ointed %er8elia7s son1 &ose<: 6? Reed1
&r?1 c:ief of <rotocol for t:e U?S? State ,e<art8ent1 in c:ar9e of <ri>ate arran9e8ents =it:
forei9n di9nitaries?
A>erell Harri8an 8ade &u<iter Island a sta9in9 9round for :is 12)5s ta;eo>er of t:e U?S?
national securit3 a<<aratus? It =as in t:at connection t:at t:e island beca8e <ossibl3 t:e
8ost secreti>e <ri>ate <lace in A8erica?
Let us briefl3 sur>e3 t:e nei9:bor:ood1 bac; t:en in 12)--)/1 to see so8e of t:e uses
>arious of t:e residents :ad for t:e Harri8an cli@ue?
Residents on &u<iter Island
&u<iter Islander Robert A? Lo>ett1 %rescott !us:7s <artner at !ro=n !rot:ers Harri8an1
:ad been Assistant Secretar3 of *ar for Air fro8 12)1 to 12)+? Lo>ett =as t:e leadin9
A8erican ad>ocate of t:e <olic3 of terror-bo8bin9 of ci>ilians? He or9aniAed t:e Strate9ic
!o8bin9 Sur>e31 carried out for t:e A8erican and !ritis: 9o>ern8ents b3 t:e staff of t:e
%rudential Insurance Co8<an31 9uided b3 London7s Ta>istoc; %s3c:iatric Clinic?
In t:e <ost=ar <eriod1 %rescott !us: =as associated =it: %rudential Insurance1 one of
Lo>ett7s intelli9ence c:annels to t:e !ritis: secret ser>ices? %rescott =as listed b3
%rudential as a director of t:e co8<an3 for about t=o 3ears in t:e earl3 12+5s?
T:eir Strate9ic !o8bin9 Sur>e3 failed to de8onstrate an3 real 8ilitar3 ad>anta9e accruin9
fro8 suc: outra9es as t:e fire-bo8bin9 of ,resden1 Ger8an3? !ut t:e Harri8anites
ne>ert:eless <ersisted in t:e ad>ocac3 of terror fro8 t:e air? T:e3 9lorified t:is as F
<s3c:olo9ical =arfare1 77 a <art of t:e uto<ian 8ilitar3 doctrine o<<osed to t:e >ie=s of
8ilitar3 traditionalists suc: as Gen? ,ou9las MacArt:ur?
Robert Lo>ett later ad>ised %resident L3ndon &o:nson to terror-bo8b 6ietna8? %resident
Geor9e !us: re>i>ed t:e doctrine =it: t:e bo8bin9 of ci>ilian areas in %ana8a1 and t:e
destruction of !a9:dad?
On Oct? $$1 12)+1 Secretar3 of *ar Robert %atterson created t:e Lo>ett Co88ittee1 c:aired
b3 Robert A? Lo>ett1 to ad>ise t:e 9o>ern8ent on t:e <ost-*orld *ar II or9aniAation of
U?S? intelli9ence acti>ities? T:e eEistence of t:is co88ittee =as un;no=n to t:e <ublic
until an official CIA :istor3 =as released fro8 secrec3 in 12/2? !ut t:e CIA7s aut:or 0=:o
=as %resident !us:7s <re< sc:ool :istor3 teac:erC see c:a<ter +4 9i>es no real details of t:e
Lo>ett Co88ittee7s functionin91 clai8in9" F T:e record of t:e testi8on3 of t:e Lo>ett
Co88ittee1 unfortunatel31 =as not in t:e arc:i>es of t:e a9enc3 =:en t:is account =as
=ritten? 77
T:e CIA7s self-:istor3 does infor8 us of t:e ad>ice t:at Lo>ett <ro>ided to t:e Tru8an
cabinet1 as t:e official *ar ,e<art8ent intelli9ence <ro<osal?
Lo>ett decided t:at t:ere s:ould be a se<arate Central Intelli9ence A9enc3? T:e ne= a9enc3
=ould F consult 77 =it: t:e ar8ed forces1 but it 8ust be t:e sole collectin9 a9enc3 in t:e
field of forei9n es<iona9e and counteres<iona9e? T:e ne= a9enc3 s:ould :a>e an
inde<endent bud9et1 and its a<<ro<riations s:ould be 9ranted b3 Con9ress =it:out <ublic
Lo>ett a<<eared before t:e Secretaries of State1 *ar and Na>3 on No>e8ber 1)1 12)+? He
s<o;e :i9:l3 of t:e !I7s =or; because it :ad F t:e best <ersonalit3 file in t:e =orld?
77 Lo>ett said t:e !I =as eE<ert at <roducin9 false docu8ents1 an art F =:ic: =e de>elo<ed
so successfull3 durin9 t:e =ar and at =:ic: =e beca8e outstandin9l3 ade<t? 77 Lo>ett
<ressed for a >irtual resu8<tion of t:e =arti8e Office of Strate9ic Ser>ices 0OSS4 in a ne=
U?S? 8ilitar3 traditionalists centered around Gen? ,ou9las MacArt:ur o<<osed Lo>ett7s
T:e continuation of t:e OSS :ad been attac;ed at t:e end of t:e =ar on t:e 9rounds t:at t:e
OSS =as entirel3 under !ritis: control1 and t:at it =ould constitute an A8erican Gesta<o?
!ut t:e CIA =as establis:ed in 12). accordin9 to t:e <rescri<tion of Robert Lo>ett1 of
&u<iter Island?
C:arles %a3son and :is =ife1 &oan *:itne3 %a3son1 =ere eEtended fa8il3 8e8bers of
Harri8an7s and business associates of t:e !us: fa8il3?
&oan7s aunt1 Gertrude 6anderbilt *:itne31 =as a relati>e of t:e Harri8ans? Gertrude7s son1
Cornelius 6anderbilt 0F Sonn3 774 *:itne31 lon9-ti8e c:air8an of %an A8erican Air=a3s
0%rescott =as a %an A8 director41 beca8e Assistant Secretar3 of t:e U?S? Air orce in 12).?
Sonn37s =ife Marie :ad di>orced :i8 and 8arried A>erell Harri8an in 12'5? &oan and
Sonn37s uncle1 Air Mars:all Sir T:o8as El8:irst1 =as director of intelli9ence for t:e
!ritis: Air orce fro8 12)+ to 12).?
&oan7s brot:er1 &o:n Ha3 0F &oc; 774 *:itne31 =as to be a8bassador to Great !ritain fro8
12++ to 12-1--=:en it =ould be >ital for %rescott and Geor9e !us: to :a>e suc: a friend?
&oan7s fat:er1 9randfat:er and uncle =ere 8e8bers of t:e S;ull and !ones secret societ3?
C:arles %a3son or9aniAed a uraniu8 refiner3 in 12)/? Later :e =as c:air8an of 6itro
Cor<?1 8a;ers of <arts for sub8arine-launc:ed ballistic 8issiles1 e@ui<8ent for fre@uenc3
sur>eillance and tor<edo 9uidance1 and ot:er subsurface =ea<onr3?
Na>al =arfare :as lon9 been a <reoccu<ation of t:e !ritis: E8<ire? !ritis: <enetration of
t:e U?S? Na>al Intelli9ence ser>ice :as been <articularl3 :ea>3 since t:e tenure of &oan7s
An9lo<:ile 9randfat:er1 *illia8 C? *:itne31 as Secretar3 of t:e Na>3 for %resident Gro>er
Cle>eland? T:is traditional co>ert !ritis: orientation in t:e U?S? Na>31 Na>al Intelli9ence
and t:e Na>37s included ser>ice1 t:e Marine Cor<s1 for8s a bac;dro< to t:e career of
Geor9e !us:--and to t:e =:ole nei9:bor:ood on &u<iter Island? Na>al Intelli9ence
8aintained direct relations =it: 9an9ster boss Me3er Lans;3 for An9lo- A8erican <olitical
o<erations in Cuba durin9 *orld *ar II1 =ell before t:e establis:8ent of t:e CIA? Lans;3
officiall3 8o>ed to lorida in 12+'?
Geor9e Herbert *al;er1 &r? 0S;ull and !ones 12$.41 =as eEtre8el3 close to :is ne<:e=
Geor9e !us:1 :el<in9 to s<onsor :is entr3 into t:e oil business in t:e 12+5s? F Uncle Herbie
77 =as also a <artner of &oan *:itne3 %a3son =:en t:e3 co-founded t:e Ne= (or; Mets
baseball tea8 in 12-5? His son1 G?H? *al;er III1 =as a (ale class8ate of Nic:olas !rad3
and Moreau ,? !ro=n 0T:atc:er !ro=n7s 9randson41 for8in9 =:at =as called t:e F (ale
Mafia 77 on *all Street?
*alter S? Car<enter1 &r? :ad been c:air8an of t:e finance co88ittee of t:e ,u %ont
Cor<oration 012'5-)54? In 12''1 Car<enter o>ersa= ,u %ont7s <urc:ase of Re8in9ton Ar8s
fro8 Sa8 %r3or and t:e Roc;efellers1 and led ,u %ont into <artners:i< =it: t:e NaAi I?G?
arben Co8<an3 for t:e 8anufacture of eE<losi>es? Car<enter beca8e ,u %ont7s <resident
in 12)5? His cartel =it: t:e NaAis =as bro;en u< b3 t:e U?S? 9o>ern8ent? Ne>ert:eless1
Car<enter re8ained ,u %ont7s <resident as t:e co8<an37s tec:nicians <artici<ated
8assi>el3 in t:e Man:attan %roBect to <roduce t:e first ato8ic bo8b? He =as c:air8an of
,u %ont fro8 12)/ to 12-$1 retainin9 :i9:-le>el access to U?S? strate9ic acti>ities?
*alter Car<enter and %rescott !us: =ere fello= acti>ists in t:e Mental H39iene Societ3?
Ori9inatin9 at (ale Uni>ersit3 in 125/1 t:e 8o>e8ent :ad been or9aniAed into t:e *orld
ederation of Mental Healt: b3 Monta9u Nor8an1 :i8self a fre@uent 8ental <atient1
for8er !ro=n !rot:ers <artner and !an; of En9land Go>ernor? Nor8an :ad a<<ointed as
t:e federation7s c:air8an1 !ri9adier &o:n Ra=lin9s Rees1 director of t:e Ta>istoc;
%s3c:iatric Clinic1 c:ief <s3c:iatrist and <s3c:olo9ical =arfare eE<ert for t:e !ritis:
intelli9ence ser>ices? %rescott =as a director of t:e societ3 in ConnecticutC Car<enter =as a
director in ,ela=are?
%aul Mellon =as t:e leadin9 :eir to t:e Mellon fortune1 and a lon9-ti8e nei9:bor of
A>erell Harri8an7s in Middlebur91 6ir9inia1 as =ell as &u<iter Island1 lorida? %aul7s fat:er1
Andre= Mellon1 U?S? Treasur3 Secretar3 12$1-'$1 :ad a<<ro>ed t:e transactions of
Harri8an1 %r3or and !us: =it: t:e *arbur9s and t:e NaAis? %aul Mellon7s son-in-la=1
,a>id #?E? !ruce1 =or;ed in %rescott !us:7s *?A? Harri8an N Co? durin9 t:e late 12$5sC
=as :ead of t:e London branc: of U?S? intelli9ence durin9 *orld *ar IIC and =as A>erell
Harri8an7s Assistant Secretar3 of Co88erce in 12).-)/? Mellon fa8il3 8one3 and
<artici<ation =ould be instru8ental in 8an3 do8estic U?S? <roBects of t:e ne= Central
Intelli9ence A9enc3?
Carl Tuc;er 8anufactured electronic 9uidance e@ui<8ent for t:e Na>3? *it: t:e Mellons1
Tuc;er =as an o=ner of Sout: A8erican oil <ro<erties? Mrs? Tuc;er =as t:e 9reat aunt of
Nic:olas !rad31 later Geor9e !us:7s Iran-Contra <artner and U?S? Treasur3 Secretar3? T:eir
son Carll Tuc;er1 &r? 0S;ull and !ones 12).41 =as a8on9 t:e 1+ !ones8en =:o selected
Geor9e !us: for induction in t:e class of 12)/?
C?,ou9las ,illon =as t:e boss of *illia8 H? ,ra<er1 &r? in t:e ,ra<er-%rescott !us:-
ritA T:3ssen NaAi ban;in9 sc:e8e of t:e 12'5s and )5s? His fat:er1 Clarence ,illon1
created t:e 6ereini9te Sta:l=er;e 0T:3ssen7s Ger8an Steel Trust4 in 12$-? C? ,ou9las
,illon 8ade Nic:olas !rad3 t:e c:air8an of t:e ,illon Read fir8 in 12.1 and :i8self
continued as c:air8an of t:e eEecuti>e co88ittee? C? ,ou9las ,illon =ould be a >ital all3
of :is nei9:bor %rescott !us: durin9 t:e Eisen:o=er ad8inistration?
%ublis:er Nelson ,oubleda3 :eaded :is fa8il37s <ublis:in9 fir81 founded under t:e
aus<ices of &?%? Mor9an and ot:er !ritis: E8<ire re<resentati>es? *:en Geor9e !us:7s F
Uncle Herbie 77 died1 ,oubleda3 too; o>er as 8aBorit3 o=ner and c:ief eEecuti>e of t:e
Ne= (or; Mets baseball tea8?
Geor9e *? Merc;1 c:air8an of Merc; N Co?1 dru9 and c:e8ical 8anufacturers1 =as
director of t:e *ar Researc: Ser>ice" Merc; =as t:e official c:ief of all U?S? researc: into
biolo9ical =arfare fro8 12)$ until at least t:e end of *orld *ar II? After 12))1 Merc;7s
or9aniAation =as <laced under t:e U?S? C:e8ical *arfare Ser>ice? His fa8il3 fir8 in
Ger8an3 and t:e U?S? =as fa8ous for its 8anufacture of 8or<:ine?
A?L? Cole =as useful to t:e &u<iter Islanders as an eEecuti>e of Readers ,i9est? In 12-+1
Bust after <erfor8in9 a rat:er dirt3 fa>or for Geor9e !us: 0see C:a<ter 241 Cole beca8e
c:air8an of t:e eEecuti>e co88ittee of t:e ,i9est1 t:e =orld7s lar9est-circulation
ro8 t:e late 12)5s1 &u<iter Island :as ser>ed as a center for t:e direction of co>ert action
b3 t:e U?S? 9o>ern8ent and1 indeed1 for t:e co>ert 8ana9e8ent of t:e 9o>ern8ent? &u<iter
Island =ill rea<<ear later on1 in our account of Geor9e !us: in t:e Iran-Contra affair?
Tar9et" *as:in9ton
Geor9e !us: 9raduated fro8 (ale in 12)/? He soon entered t:e fa8il37s ,resser oil su<<l3
concern in TeEas? *e s:all no= briefl3 describe t:e forces t:at descended on *as:in9ton1
,?C? durin9 t:ose 3ears =:en !us:1 =it: t:e assistance of fa8il3 and <o=erful friends1 =as
beco8in9 F establis:ed in business on :is o=n? 77
ro8 12)/ to 12+51 %rescott !us:7s boss A>erell Harri8an =as U?S? F a8bassador-at- lar9e
77 to Euro<e? He =as a non-8ilitar3 F t:eater co88ander1 77 t:e ad8inistrator of t:e 8ulti-
billion-dollar Mars:all %lan1 <artici<atin9 in all 8ilitar3Ostrate9ic decision-8a;in9 b3 t:e
An9lo-A8erican alliance?
T:e U?S? Secretar3 of ,efense1 &a8es orrestal1 :ad beco8e a <roble8 to t:e Harri8anites?
orrestal :ad lon9 been an eEecuti>e at ,illon Read on *all Street? !ut in recent 3ears :e
:ad 9one astra3? As Secretar3 of t:e Na>3 in 12))1 orrestal <ro<osed t:e racial inte9ration
of t:e Na>3? As ,efense Secretar3 :e <ressed for inte9ration in t:e ar8ed forces and t:is
e>entuall3 beca8e t:e U?S? <olic3?
orrestal o<<osed t:e uto<ians7 strate93 of a<<ease8ent cou<led =it: brin;8ans:i<? He
=as si8<l3 o<<osed to co88unis8? On Marc: $/1 12)21 orrestal =as forced out of office
and flo=n on an Air orce <lane to lorida? He =as ta;en to F Hobe Sound 77 0&u<iter
Island41 =:ere Robert Lo>ett and an ar83 <s3c:iatrist dealt =it: :i8?
He =as flo=n bac; to *as:in9ton1 loc;ed in *alter Reed Ar83 Hos<ital and 9i>en insulin
s:oc; treat8ents for alle9ed F 8ental eE:austion? 77 He =as denied all >isitors eEce<t :is
estran9ed =ife and c:ildren--:is son :ad been A>erell Harri8an7s aide in Mosco=? On Ma3
$$1 &a8es orrestal7s bod3 =as found1 :is bat:robe cord tied ti9:tl3 around :is nec;1 after
:e :ad <lun9ed fro8 a siEteent:-stor3 :os<ital =indo=? T:e c:ief <s3c:iatrist called t:e
deat: a suicide e>en before an3 in>esti9ation =as started? T:e results of t:e Ar837s in@uest
=ere ;e<t secret? orrestal7s diaries =ere <ublis:ed1 /5 <ercent deleted1 after a 3ear of direct
9o>ern8ent censors:i< and re=ritin9?
Nort: #orean troo<s in>aded Sout: #orea in &une 12+51 after U?S? Secretar3 of State ,ean
Ac:eson 0Harri8an7s >er3 close friend4 <ublicl3 s<ecified t:at #orea =ould not be
defended? *it: a ne= =ar on1 Harri8an ca8e bac; to ser>e as %resident Tru8an7s ad>iser1
to F o>ersee national securit3 affairs? 77
Harri8an re<laced Clar; Clifford1 =:o :ad been s<ecial counsel to Tru8an? Clifford1
:o=e>er1 re8ained close to Harri8an and :is <artners as t:e3 9ained 8ore and 8ore
<o=er? Clifford later =rote about :is cordial relations =it: %rescott !us:"
%rescott !us: ??? :ad beco8e one of 83 fre@uent 9olfin9 <artners in t:e fifties1 and I :ad
bot: li;ed and res<ected :i8???? !us: :ad a s<lendid sin9in9 >oice1 and <articularl3 lo>ed
@uartet sin9in9? In t:e fifties1 :e or9aniAed a @uartet t:at included 83 dau9:ter &o3ce????
T:e3 =ould sin9 in *as:in9ton1 and1 on occasion1 :e in>ited t:e 9rou< to Hobe Sound in
lorida to <erfor8? His son GGeor9eH1 t:ou9:1 :ad ne>er struc; 8e as a stron9 or forceful
<erson? In 12//1 :e <resented :i8self successfull3 to t:e >oters as an outsider--no s8all
tric; for a 8an =:ose roots =ound t:rou9: Connecticut1 (ale1 TeEas oil1 t:e CIA1 a
<atrician bac;9round1 =ealt:1 and t:e 6ice-%residenc3?
*it: &a8es orrestal out of t:e =a31 A>erell Harri8an and ,ean Ac:eson dro>e to
Leesbur91 6ir9inia1 on &ul3 11 12+51 to :ire t:e !ritis:-bac;ed U?S? Gen? Geor9e C?
Mars:all as Secretar3 of ,efense? At t:e sa8e ti8e1 %rescott7s <artner1 Robert Lo>ett1
:i8self beca8e Assistant Secretar3 of ,efense?
Lo>ett1 Mars:all1 Harri8an and Ac:eson =ent to =or; to un:orse Gen? ,ou9las
MacArt:ur1 co88ander of U?S? forces in Asia? MacArt:ur ;e<t *all Street7s intelli9ence
a9encies a=a3 fro8 :is co88and1 and fa>ored real inde<endence for t:e non-=:ite
nations? Lo>ett called for MacArt:ur7s firin9 on Marc: $'1 12+11 citin9 MacArt:ur7s
insistence on defeatin9 t:e Co88unist C:inese in>aders in #orea? MacArt:ur7s fa8ous
8essa9e1 t:at t:ere =as F no substitute for >ictor31 77 =as read in Con9ress on A<ril +C
MacArt:ur =as fired on A<ril 151 12+1?
T:at Se<te8ber1 Robert Lo>ett re<laced Mars:all as Secretar3 of ,efense? Mean=:ile1
Harri8an =as na8ed director of t:e Mutual Securit3 A9enc31 8a;in9 :i8 t:e U?S? c:ief of
t:e An9lo-A8erican 8ilitar3 alliance? !3 no=1 !ro=n !rot:ers Harri8an =as e>er3t:in9
but Co88ander-in-C:ief?
T:ese =ere1 of course eEcitin9 ti8es for t:e !us: fa8il31 =:ose =a9on =as
:itc:ed to t:e financial 9ods of Ol38<us--to &u<iter1 t:at is?
!ro=n !rot:ers Harri8an N Co?
+2 *all Street1 Ne= (or; +1 N?(?
!usiness Establis:ed 1/1/
Cable Address FS:i<le3-Ne= (or;77
%ri>ate !an;ers
A<ril $1 12+1
T:e Honorable *?A? Harri8an1
T:e *:ite House1
*as:in9ton1 ,?C?
,ear A>erell"
I =as sorr3 to 8iss 3ou in *as:in9ton but a<<reciate 3our cordial note?
I s:all :o<e for better luc; anot:er ti8e? I :o<e 3ou :ad a 9ood rest at Hobe Sound?
*it: affectionate re9ard1 I a81
Sincerel3 3ours1
%res Gsi9nedH
%rescott S? !us:?
A central focus of t:e Harri8an securit3 re9i8e in *as:in9ton 012+5-+'4 =as t:e
or9aniAation of co>ert o<erations1 and F <s3c:olo9ical =arfare? 77 Harri8an1 to9et:er =it:
:is la=3ers and business <artners1 Allen ,ulles and &o:n oster ,ulles1 =anted t:e
9o>ern8ent7s secret ser>ices to conduct eEtensi>e <ro<a9anda ca8<ai9ns and 8ass-
<s3c:olo93 eE<eri8ents =it:in t:e U?S?A?1 and <ara8ilitar3 ca8<ai9ns abroad? T:is =ould
su<<osedl3 ensure a stable =orld-=ide en>iron8ent fa>orable to An9lo-A8erican financial
and <olitical interests?
T:e Harri8an securit3 re9i8e created t:e %s3c:olo9ical Strate93 !oard 0%S!4 in 12+1? T:e
8an a<<ointed director of t:e %S!1 Gordon Gra31 is fa8iliar to t:e reader as t:e s<onsor of
t:e c:ild steriliAation eE<eri8ents1 carried out b3 t:e Harri8anite eu9enics 8o>e8ent in
Nort: Carolina follo=in9 *orld *ar II 0see C:a<ter '4?
Gordon Gra3 =as an a>id An9lo<:ile1 =:ose fat:er :ad 9otten controllin9 o=ners:i< of t:e
R?&? Re3nolds Tobacco Co8<an3 t:rou9: alliance =it: t:e !ritis: I8<erial Tobacco cartel7s
U?S? re<resentati>es1 t:e ,u;e fa8il3 of Nort: Carolina? Gordon7s brot:er1 R?&? Re3nolds
c:air8an !o=8an Gra31 &r?1 =as also a Na>al Intelli9ence officer1 ;no=n around
*as:in9ton as t:e F founder of o<erational intelli9ence? 77 Gordon Gra3 beca8e a close
friend and <olitical all3 of %rescott !us:C and Gra37s son beca8e for %rescott7s son1 Geor9e1
:is la=3er and t:e s:ield of :is co>ert <olic3?
!ut %resident Harr3 Tru8an1 as 8alleable as :e =as1 constituted an obstacle to t:e co>ert
=arriors? An insular Missouri <olitician >a9uel3 fa>orable to t:e U?S? Constitution1 :e
re8ained s;e<tical about secret ser>ice acti>ities t:at re8inded :i8 of t:e NaAi Gesta<o?
So1 F co>ert o<erations 77 could not full3 ta;e off =it:out a c:an9e of t:e *as:in9ton
re9i8e? And it =as =it: t:e Re<ublican %art3 t:at %rescott !us: =as to 9et :is turn?
%rescott :ad 8ade :is first atte8<t to enter national <olitics in 12+51 as :is <artners too;
control of t:e le>ers of 9o>ern8ental <o=er? Re8ainin9 in c:ar9e of !ro=n !rot:ers
Harri8an1 :e ran a9ainst Connecticut7s *illia8 !enton for a seat in t:e U?S? Senate? 0T:e
race =as for a t=o-3ear uneE<ired ter81 left e8<t3 b3 t:e deat: of t:e <re>ious Senator?4
In t:ose da3s1 *isconsin7s drun;en Senator &ose<: R? McCart:3 =as 8a;in9 a circus- li;e
crusade a9ainst co88unist influence in *as:in9ton? McCart:3 attac;ed liberals and
leftists1 State ,e<art8ent <ersonnel1 <oliticians and Holl3=ood fi9ures? He 9enerall3 left
unscat:ed t:e *all Street and London strate9ists =:o donated Eastern Euro<e and C:ina to
co88unist dictators:i<--li;e Geor9e !us:1 t:eir 9eo<olitics =as be3ond left and ri9:t?
%rescott !us: :ad no <ublic ties to t:e notorious &oe McCart:31 and a<<eared to be neutral
about :is crusade? !ut t:e *isconsin Senator :ad :is uses? &oe McCart:3 ca8e into
Connecticut t:ree ti8es t:at 3ear to ca8<ai9n for !us: and a9ainst t:e ,e8ocrats? !us:
:i8self 8ade c:ar9es of F #orea1 Co88unis8 and Corru<tion 77 into a slic; ca8<ai9n
<:rase a9ainst !enton1 =:ic: t:en turned u< as a national Re<ublican slo9an?
T:e res<onse =as disa<<ointin9? Onl3 s8all cro=ds turned out to :ear &oe McCart:31 and
!enton =as not :urt? McCart:37s <ro-!us: rall3 in Ne= Ha>en1 in a :all t:at seated -15551
dre= onl3 '.- <eo<le? !enton Bo;ed on t:e radio t:at F $55 of t:e8 =ere 83 s<ies? 77
%rescott !us: resi9ned fro8 t:e (ale !oard of ello=s for :is ca8<ai9n1 and t:e board
<ublis:ed a state8ent to t:e effect t:at t:e F (ale >ote 77 s:ould su<<ort !us:--des<ite t:e
fact t:at *illia8 !enton =as a (ale 8an1 and in 8an3 =a3s identical in outloo; to !us:?
(ale7s *:iffen<oof sin9ers a<<eared re9ularl3 for %rescott7s ca8<ai9n? None of t:is =as
<articularl3 effecti>e1 :o=e>er1 =it: t:e >otin9 <o<ulation?
T:en %rescott !us: ran into a co8<letel3 uneE<ected <roble8? At t:at ti8e1 t:e old
Harri8an eu9enics 8o>e8ent =as centered at (ale Uni>ersit3? %rescott !us: =as a (ale
trustee1 and :is for8er !ro=n !rot:ers Harri8an <artner1 La=rence Ti9:e1 =as (ale7s
treasurer? In t:at connection1 a sli9:t 9li88er of t:e trut: about t:e !us:-Harri8an fir87s
NaAi acti>ities no= 8ade its =a3 into t:e ca8<ai9n?
Not onl3 =as t:e A8erican Eu9enics Societ3 itself :ead@uartered at (ale1 but all <arts of
t:is undead fascist 8o>e8ent :ad a bus3 :o8e at (ale? T:e coerci>e <s3c:iatr3 and
steriliAation ad>ocates :ad 8ade t:e (aleONe= Ha>en Hos<ital and (ale Medical Sc:ool
t:eir laboratories for :ands-on <ractice in brain sur9er3 and <s3c:olo9ical eE<eri8entation?
And t:e !irt: Control Lea9ue =as t:ere1 =:ic: :ad lon9 tru8<eted t:e need for eu9enical
birt:s--fe=er birt:s for <arents =it: F inferior 77 bloodlines? %rescott7s <artner Ti9:e =as a
Connecticut director of t:e lea9ue1 and t:e Connecticut lea9ue7s 8edical ad>isor =as
eu9enics ad>ocate ,r? *internitA of (ale Medical Sc:ool?
No= in 12+51 <eo<le =:o ;ne= so8et:in9 about %rescott !us: ;ne= t:at :e :ad >er3
unsa>or3 roots in t:e eu9enics 8o>e8ent? T:ere =ere t:en1 Bust after t:e anti-Hitler =ar1
fe= o<en ad>ocates of steriliAation of F unfit 77 or F unnecessar3 77 <eo<le? 0T:at =ould be
re>i>ed later1 =it: t:e :el< of General ,ra<er and :is friend Geor9e !us:?4 !ut t:e !irt:
Control Lea9ue =as <ublic--Bust about t:en it =as c:an9in9 its na8e to t:e eu<:e8istic F
%lanned %arent:ood? 77
T:en1 >er3 late in t:e 12+5 senatorial ca8<ai9n1 %rescott !us: =as <ublicl3 eE<osed for
bein9 an acti>ist in t:at section of t:e old fascist eu9enics 8o>e8ent? %rescott !us: lost t:e
election b3 about 11555 out of /-$1555 >otes? He and :is fa8il3 bla8ed t:e defeat on t:e
eE<ose@aa? T:e defeat =as burned into t:e fa8il37s 8e8or31 lea>in9 a bitterness and
<er:a<s a desire for re>en9e?
In :is fore=ord to a <o<ulation control <ro<a9anda boo;1 Geor9e !us: =rote about t:at
12+5 election" F M3 o=n first a=areness of birt: control as a <ublic <olic3 issue ca8e =it:
a Bolt in 12+5 =:en 83 fat:er =as runnin9 for United States Senate in Connecticut? ,re=
%earson1 on t:e Sunda3 before Election da31 Pre>ealed7 t:at 83 fat:er =as in>ol>ed =it:
%lanned %arent:ood???? Man3 <olitical obser>ers felt a sufficient nu8ber of >oters =ere
s=a3ed b3 :is alle9ed contacts =it: t:e birt: controllers to cost :i8 t:e election????
%rescott !us: =as defeated1 =:ile t:e ot:er Re<ublican candidates fared =ell in
Connecticut? *:en :e tried a9ain1 %rescott !us: =ould not lea>e t:e outco8e to t:e blind
=:i8s of t:e <ublic?
%rescott !us: 8o>ed into action a9ain in 12+$ as a national leader of t:e <us: to 9i>e t:e
Re<ublican <residential no8ination to Gen? ,=i9:t ,? 0F I;e 774 Eisen:o=er? A8on9 t:e
ot:er tea8 8e8bers =ere !us:7s Hitler-era la=3er &o:n oster ,ulles1 and &u<iter Islander
C? ,ou9las ,illon?
,illon and :is fat:er =ere t:e <i>ots as t:e Harri8an-,ulles co8bination readied I;e for
t:e <residenc3? As a friend <ut it" F *:en t:e ,illons ??? in>ited GEisen:o=erH to dinner it
=as to introduce :i8 to *all Street ban;ers and la=3ers? 77
I;e7s :i9:er-le>el bac;ers belie>ed1 correctl31 t:at I;e =ould not interfere =it: e>en t:e
dirtiest of t:eir co>ert action <ro9ra8s? T:e bland1 <leasant %rescott !us: =as in fro8 t:e
be9innin9" a friend to I;e1 and an ori9inal bac;er of :is <residenc3?
On &ul3 $/1 12+$1 as t:e election a<<roac:ed1 Connecticut7s senior U?S? Senator1 &a8es
O7!rien McMa:on1 died at t:e a9e of )/?S
T:is =as eEtre8el3 con>enient for %rescott? He 9ot t:e Re<ublican no8ination for U?S?
Senator at a s<ecial dele9ated 8eetin91 =it: bac;in9 b3 t:e (ale-do8inated state <art3
leaders:i<? No= :e =ould run in a s<ecial election for t:e suddenl3 >acant Senate seat? He
could eE<ect to be s=e<t into office1 since :e =ould be on t:e sa8e electoral tic;et as t:e
<o<ular =ar :ero1 General I;e? !3 a tec:nicalit31 :e =ould instantl3 beco8e Connecticut7s
senior Senator1 =it: eEtra <o=er in Con9ress? And t:e neEt re9ularl3 sc:eduled senatorial
race =ould be in 12+- 0=:en McMa:on7s ter8 =ould :a>e ended41 so %rescott could run
a9ain in t:at <residential election 3ear--once a9ain on I;e7s coattailsK
*it: t:is arran9e8ent1 t:in9s =or;ed out >er3 s8oot:l3? In Eisen:o=er7s 12+$ election
>ictor31 I;e =on Connecticut b3 a 8ar9in of 1$21+5. >otes out of 1152$1).1? %rescott !us:
ca8e in last a8on9 t:e state=ide Re<ublicans1 but 8ana9ed to =in b3 '51'.' out of
115//1.22 >otes case1 :is 8ar9in nearl3 1551555 be:ind Eisen:o=er? He too; t:e
traditionall3 Re<ublican to=ns?
In Eisen:o=er7s 12+- reelection1 I;e =on Connecticut b3 '5'15'- out of 1111)12+) >otes1
t:e lar9est <residential 8ar9in in Connecticut7s :istor3? %rescott !us: 8ana9ed to =in
a9ain1 b3 1$21+)) >otes out of 115/+1$5---:is 8ar9in t:is ti8e $2515/$ s8aller t:an
In &anuar3 12-'1 =:en t:is electoral strate93 :ad been <la3ed out and :is second ter8
eE<ired1 %rescott !us: retired fro8 9o>ern8ent and returned to !ro=n !rot:ers Harri8an?
T:e 12+$ Eisen:o=er >ictor3 8ade &o:n oster ,ulles Secretar3 of State1 and :is brot:er
Allen ,ulles :ead of t:e CIA? T:e rei9nin9 ,ulles brot:ers =ere t:e F Re<ublican 77
re<lace8ents for t:eir client and business <artner1 F ,e8ocrat 77 A>erell Harri8an?
Occasional <ublic <osturin9s aside1 t:eir strate9ic co88it8ents =ere identical to :is?
Undoubtedl3 t:e 8ost i8<ortant =or; acco8<lis:ed b3 %rescott !us: in t:e ne= re9i8e
=as on t:e 9olf lin;s1 =:ere :e =as I;e7s fa>orite <artner?
To=ard t:e FNational Securit3 State77
%rescott !us: =as a 8ost elusi>e1 secreti>e Senator? !3 dili9ent researc:1 :is >ie=s on
so8e issues 8a3 be traced" He =as o<<osed to t:e de>elo<8ent of <ublic <o=er <roBects
li;e t:e Tennessee 6alle3 Aut:orit3C :e o<<osed t:e constitutional a8end8ent introduced
b3 O:io Senator &o:n *? !ric;er1 =:ic: =ould :a>e re@uired con9ressional a<<ro>al of
international a9ree8ents b3 t:e eEecuti>e branc:?
!ut %rescott !us: =as essentiall3 a co>ert o<erati>e in *as:in9ton?
On &une 151 12+)1 !us: recei>ed a letter fro8 Connecticut resident H? S8it: Ric:ardson1
o=ner of 6ic; C:e8ical Co8<an3 0cou9: dro<s1 6a<o-Rub4"
F ??? At so8e ti8e before all1 Senator1 I =ant to 9et 3our ad>ice and counsel on a Gne=H
subBect--na8el3 =:at s:ould be done =it: t:e inco8e fro8 a foundation =:ic: 83 brot:er
and I set u<1 and =:ic: =ill be9in its o<eration in 12+-????
77 T:is letter <resa9es t:e establis:8ent of t:e H? S8it: Ric:ardson oundation1 a !us:
fa8il3-dictated <ri>ate slus: fund =:ic: =as to be utiliAed b3 t:e Central Intelli9ence
A9enc31 and b3 6ice %resident !us:1 for t:e conduct of :is Iran-Contra ad>entures?
T:e !us: fa8il3 ;ne= Ric:ardson and :is =ife t:rou9: t:eir 8utual friends:i< =it: Sears
Roebuc;7s c:air8an1 Gen? Robert E? *ood? General *ood :ad been <resident of t:e
A8erica irst or9aniAation1 =:ic: :ad lobbied a9ainst =ar =it: Hitler Ger8an3? H? S8it:
Ric:ardson :ad contributed t:e start-u< 8one3 for A8erica irst and :ad s<o;en out
a9ainst t:e U?S? F Boinin9 t:e Co88unists 77 b3 fi9:tin9 Hitler? Ric:ardson7s =ife =as a
<roud relati>e of Nanc3 Lan9e:orne fro8 6ir9inia1 =:o 8arried Lord Astor and bac;ed t:e
NaAis fro8 t:eir Cli>eden Estate?
General *ood7s dau9:ter Mar3 :ad 8arried t:e son of Standard Oil <resident *illia8
Sta8<s aris:? T:e !us:es :ad stuc; =it: t:e aris:es t:rou9: t:eir disastrous eE<osure
durin9 *orld *ar II 0see C:a<ter '4? (oun9 Geor9e !us: and :is bride !arbara =ere
es<eciall3 close to Mar3 aris:1 and to :er son *?S? aris: III1 =:o =ould be t:e 9reat
confidante of Geor9e7s <residenc3?
T:e H? S8it: Ric:ardson oundation =as or9aniAed b3 Eu9ene Stetson1 &r?1 Ric:ardson7s
son-in-la=? Stetson 0S;ull and !ones1 12')4 :ad =or;ed for %rescott !us: as assistant
8ana9er of t:e Ne= (or; branc: of !ro=n !rot:ers Harri8an?
In t:e late 12+5s1 t:e H? S8it: Ric:ardson oundation too; <art in t:e F <s3c:olo9ical
=arfare 77 of t:e CIA? T:is =as not a forei9n1 but a do8estic1 co>ert o<eration1 carried out
8ainl3 a9ainst un=ittin9 U?S? citiAens? CIA ,irector Allen ,ulles and :is !ritis: allies
or9aniAed F M#-Ultra1 77 t:e testin9 of <s3c:otro<ic dru9s includin9 LS, on a >er3 lar9e
scale1 alle9edl3 to e>aluate F c:e8ical =arfare 77 <ossibilities? In t:is <eriod1 t:e Ric:ardson
oundation :el<ed finance eE<eri8ents at !rid9e=ater Hos<ital in Massac:usetts1 t:e
center of so8e of t:e 8ost brutal M#-Ultra tortures? T:ese outra9es :a>e been 9ra<:icall3
<ortra3ed in t:e 8o>ie1 Titticut ollies?
,urin9 12251 an in>esti9ator for t:is boo; toured H? S8it: Ric:ardson7s Center for
Creati>e Leaders:i< Bust nort: of Greensboro1 Nort: Carolina? T:e tour 9uide said t:at in
t:ese roo8s1 a9ents of t:e Central Intelli9ence A9enc3 and t:e Secret Ser>ice are trained?
He de8onstrated t:e t=o-=a3 8irrors t:rou9: =:ic: t:e 9o>ern8ent e8<lo3ees are
=atc:ed1 =:ile t:e3 are <ut t:rou9: 8ind-bendin9 <s3c:odra8as? T:e 9uide eE<lained t:at
F >irtuall3 e>er3one =:o beco8es a 9eneral 77 in t:e U?S? ar8ed forces also 9oes t:rou9:
t:is F trainin9 77 at t:e Ric:ardson Center?
Anot:er office of t:e Center for Creati>e Leaders:i< is in Lan9le31 6ir9inia1 at t:e
:ead@uarters of t:e Central Intelli9ence A9enc3? Here also1 Ric:ardson7s Center trains
leaders of t:e CIA?
%rescott !us: =or;ed t:rou9:out t:e Eisen:o=er 3ears as a confidential all3 of t:e ,ulles
brot:ers? In &ul3 12+-1 E93<t7s %resident Ga8el Abdul Nasser announced :e =ould acce<t
t:e U?S? offer of a loan for t:e construction of t:e As=an ,a8 <roBect?
&o:n oster ,ulles t:en <re<ared a state8ent tellin9 t:e E93<tian a8bassador t:at t:e
U?S?A? :ad decided to retract its offer? ,ulles 9a>e t:e eE<losi>e state8ent in ad>ance to
%rescott !us: for :is a<<ro>al? ,ulles also 9a>e t:e state8ent to %resident Eisen:o=er1 and
to t:e !ritis: 9o>ern8ent?
Nasser reacted to t:e ,ulles brus:-off b3 nationaliAin9 t:e SueA Canal to <a3 for t:e da8?
Israel1 t:en !ritain and rance1 in>aded E93<t to tr3 to o>ert:ro= Nasser1 leader of t:e anti-
i8<erial Arab nationalists? Ho=e>er1 Eisen:o=er refused 0for once4 to <la3 t:e ,ulles-
!ritis: 9a8e1 and t:e in>aders :ad to lea>e E93<t =:en !ritain =as t:reatened =it: U?S?
econo8ic sanctions?
,urin9 12+-1 Senator %rescott !us:7s >alue to t:e Harri8an-,ulles <olitical 9rou<
increased =:en :e =as <ut on t:e Senate Ar8ed Ser>ices Co88ittee? !us: toured U?S? and
allied 8ilitar3 bases t:rou9:out t:e =orld1 and :ad increased access to t:e national securit3
decision-8a;in9 <rocess?
In t:e later 3ears of t:e Eisen:o=er <residenc31 Gordon Gra3 reBoined t:e 9o>ern8ent? As
an inti8ate friend and 9olfin9 <artner of %rescott !us:1 Gra3 co8<le8ented t:e !us:
influence on I;e? T:e !us:-Gra3 fa8il3 <artners:i< in t:e F secret 9o>ern8ent 77 continues
u< t:rou9: t:e Geor9e !us: <residenc3?
Gordon Gra3 :ad been a<<ointed :ead of t:e ne= %s3c:olo9ical Strate93 !oard in 12+1
under A>erell Harri8an7s rule as assistant to %resident Tru8an for national securit3 affairs?
ro8 12+/ to 12-11 Gordon Gra3 =as national securit3 c:ief under %resident Eisen:o=er?
Gra3 acted as I;e7s inter8ediar31 strate9ist and :and-:older1 in t:e %resident7s relations =it:
t:e CIA and t:e U?S? and allied 8ilitar3 forces?
Eisen:o=er did not o<<ose t:e CIA7s co>ert action <roBectsC :e onl3 =anted to be <rotected
fro8 t:e conse@uences of t:eir failure or eE<osure? Gra37s <ri8ar3 tas;1 in t:e 9uise of F
o>ersi9:t 77 on all U?S? co>ert action1 =as to <rotect and :ide t:e 9ro=in9 8ass of CIA and
related secret 9o>ern8ent acti>ities?
It =as not onl3 co>ert <roBects =:ic: =ere de>elo<ed b3 t:e Gra3-!us:-,ulles
co8binationC it =as also ne=1 :idden structures of t:e United States 9o>ern8ent?
Senator Henr3 &ac;son c:allen9ed t:ese arran9e8ents in 12+2 and 12-5? &ac;son created a
Subco88ittee on National %olic3 Mac:iner3 of t:e Senate Co88ittee on Go>ern8ental
O<erations1 =:ic: in>esti9ated Gordon Gra37s rei9n at t:e National Securit3 Council? On
&anuar3 $-1 12-51 Gordon Gra3 =arned %resident Eisen:o=er t:at a docu8ent re>ealin9
t:e eEistence of a secret <art of t:e U?S? 9o>ern8ent :ad so8e:o= 9otten into t:e
biblio9ra<:3 bein9 used b3 Senator &ac;son? T:e unit =as Gra37s F +)1$ Grou< 77 =it:in t:e
ad8inistration1 officiall3 but secretl3 in c:ar9e of a<<ro>in9 co>ert action? Under Gra37s
9uidance1 I;e F QP=as clear and fir8 in :is res<onse7 t:at &ac;son7s staff not be infor8ed of
t:e eEistence of t:is unit Ge8<:asis in t:e ori9inalH? 77 Se>eral fi9ures of t:e Eisen:o=er
ad8inistration 8ust be considered t:e fat:ers of t:is <er8anent co>ert action 8onolit:1
8en =:o continued s:e<:erdin9 t:e 8onster after its birt: in t:e Eisen:o=er era"
Gordon Gra31 t:e s:ado=3 assistant to t:e %resident for national securit3 affairs1 %rescott
!us:7s closest eEecuti>e branc: cron3 and 9olf <artner alon9 =it: Eisen:o=er? !3 12+2--51
Gra3 :ad I;e7s total confidence and ser>ed as t:e Harri8anites7 8onitor on all U?S? 8ilitar3
and non-8ilitar3 <roBects?
!ritis: intelli9ence a9ent #i8 %:ilb3 defected to t:e Russians in 12-'? %:ilb3 :ad 9ained
>irtuall3 total access to U?S? intelli9ence acti>ities be9innin9 in 12)21 as t:e !ritis: secret
ser>ices7 liaison to t:e Harri8an-do8inated CIA? After %:ilb37s defection1 it see8ed
ob>ious t:at t:e aristocratic !ritis: intelli9ence ser>ice =as in fact a 8enace to t:e =estern
cause? In t:e 12-5s1 a s8all tea8 of U?S? counterintelli9ence s<ecialists =ent to En9land to
in>esti9ate t:e situation? T:e3 re<orted bac; t:at t:e !ritis: secret ser>ice could be
t:orou9:l3 trusted? T:e leader of t:is F eE<ert 77 tea81 Gordon Gra31 =as t:e :ead of t:e
counteres<iona9e section of t:e %resident7s orei9n Intelli9ence Ad>isor3 !oard for
%residents &o:n #enned3 t:rou9: Gerald ord?
Robert Lo>ett1 !us:7s &u<iter Island nei9:bor and !ro=n !rot:ers Harri8an <artner1 fro8
12+- on a 8e8ber of t:e %resident7s orei9n Intelli9ence Ad>isor3 !oard? Lo>ett later
clai8ed to :a>e criticiAed--fro8 t:e F inside 77--t:e <lan to in>ade Cuba at t:e !a3 of %i9s?
Lo>ett =as as;ed to c:oose t:e cabinet for &o:n #enned3 in 12-1?
CIA ,irector Allen ,ulles1 !us:7s for8er international attorne3? #enned3 fired ,ulles
after t:e !a3 of %i9s in>asion1 but ,ulles ser>ed on t:e *arren Co88ission1 =:ic:
=:ite=as:ed %resident #enned37s 8urder?
C? ,ou9las ,illon1 nei9:bor of !us: on &u<iter Island1 beca8e Undersecretar3 of State in
12+/ after t:e deat: of &o:n oster ,ulles? ,illon :ad been &o:n oster ,ulles7s
a8bassador to rance 012+'-+.41 coordinatin9 t:e ori9inal U?S? co>ert bac;in9 for t:e
renc: i8<erial effort in 6ietna81 =it: catastro<:ic results for t:e =orld? ,illon =as
Treasur3 Secretar3 for bot: &o:n #enned3 and L3ndon &o:nson?
A8bassador to !ritain &oc; *:itne31 eEtended fa8il3 8e8ber of t:e Harri8ans and
nei9:bor of %rescott !us: on &u<iter Island? *:itne3 set u< a <ress ser>ice in London
called oru8 *orld eatures1 =:ic: <ublis:ed <ro<a9anda furnis:ed directl3 b3 t:e CIA
and t:e !ritis: intelli9ence ser>ices? !e9innin9 in 12-11 *:itne3 =as c:air8an of t:e
!ritis: E8<ire7s F En9lis: S<ea;in9 Union? 77 Senator %rescott !us:1 friend and counselor
of %resident Eisen:o=er?
!us:7s ter8 continued on in t:e Senate after t:e Eisen:o=er 3ears1 t:rou9:out 8ost of t:e
aborted #enned3 <residenc3?
In 12-$1 t:e National Strate93 Infor8ation Center =as founded b3 %rescott !us: and :is
son %rescott1 &r?1 *illia8 Case3 0t:e future CIA c:ief4 and Leo C:erne? T:e center ca8e to
be directed b3 ran; !arnett1 for8er <ro9ra8 officer of t:e !us: fa8il37s H? S8it:
Ric:ardson oundation? T:e center conduited funds to t:e London-!ased oru8 *orld
eatures1 for t:e circulation of CIA-aut:ored F ne=s stories 77 to so8e '55 ne=s<a<ers
F ,e8ocrat 77 A>erell Harri8an rotated bac; into official 9o>ern8ent in t:e #enned3
ad8inistration? As Assistant Secretar3 and Undersecretar3 of State1 Harri8an :el<ed <us:
t:e United States into t:e 6ietna8 *ar? Harri8an :ad no <ost in t:e Eisen:o=er
ad8inistration? (et :e =as <er:a<s 8ore t:an an3one t:e leader and t:e 9lue for t:e
incredible e>il t:at =as :atc:ed b3 t:e CIA in t:e final Eisen:o=er 3ears" a :alf-<ublic1
:alf-<ri>ate Harri8anite ar831 ne>er since de8obiliAed1 and increasin9l3 associated =it:
t:e na8e of !us:?
ollo=in9 t:e rise of Castro1 t:e U?S? Central Intelli9ence A9enc3 contracted =it: t:e
or9aniAation of Mafia boss Me3er Lans;3 to or9aniAe and train assassination s@uads for use
a9ainst t:e Cuban 9o>ern8ent? A8on9 t:ose e8<lo3ed =ere &o:n Rosselli1 Santos
Trafficante and Sa8 Giancana? Uncontested <ublic docu8entation of t:ese facts :as been
<ublis:ed b3 con9ressional bodies and b3 leadin9 Establis:8ent acade8ics?
!ut t:e disturbin9 i8<lications and later conse@uences of t:is en9a9e8ent are a crucial
8atter for furt:er stud3 b3 t:e citiAens of e>er3 nation? T:is 8uc: is establis:ed"
On Au9? 1/1 12-51 %resident Eisen:o=er a<<ro>ed a I1' 8illion official bud9et for a secret
CIA-run 9uerrilla =ar a9ainst Castro? It is ;no=n t:at 6ice %resident Ric:ard M? NiEon
too; a :and in t:e <ro8otion of t:is initiati>e? T:e U?S? 8ilitar3 =as ;e<t out of t:e co>ert
action <lans until >er3 late in t:e 9a8e?
T:e first of ei9:t ad8itted assassination atte8<ts a9ainst Castro too; <lace in 12-5?
T:e <ro9ra8 =as1 of course1 a failure1 if not a circus? T:e in>asion of Cuba b3 t:e CIA7s
anti-Castro eEiles =as <ut off until after &o:n #enned3 too; o>er t:e <residenc3? T:e
in>asion at t:e !a3 of %i9s =as a fiasco1 and Castro7s forces easil3 <re>ailed? !ut t:e
<ro9ra8 continued?
In 12-51 eliE Rodri9ueA1 Luis %osada Carriles1 Rafael F C:i C:i 77 Luintero1 ran; Stur9is
0or F ran; iorini 774 and ot:er lorida-based Cuban eEiles =ere trained as ;illers and dru9-
traffic;ers in t:e Cuban initiati>eC t:eir su<er>isor =as E? Ho=ard Hunt? T:eir o>erall CIA
boss =as Mia8i station c:ief T:eodore G? S:ac;le31 seconded b3 T:o8as Clines? In later
c:a<ters =e =ill follo= t:e subse@uent careers of t:ese c:aracters-- increasin9l3 identified
=it: Geor9e !us:--t:rou9: t:e *ater9ate cou<1 and t:e Iran- Contra scandal?
1? *alter Isaacson and E>an T:o8as1 T:e *ise Men" SiE riends and t:e *orld T:e3 Made--
Ac:eson1 !o:len1 Harri8an1 #ennan1 Lo>ett1 McClo3 0Ne= (or;" Si8on and Sc:uster1 12/-41 <? '..?
$? Reed =as better ;no=n in :i9: societ3 as a 8inor di<lo8at1 t:e founder of t:e Triton %ress and t:e
<resident of t:e A8erican S:a;es<eare T:eater?
'? %al8 !eac: %ost1 &an? 1'1 1221?
)? or Lo>ett7s residenc3 t:ere see Isaacson and T:o8as1 o<? cit?1 <? )1.? So8e &u<iter Island residencies
=ere >erified b3 t:eir inclusion in t:e 12). 8e8bers:i< list of t:e Hobe Sound (ac:t Club1 in t:e
Harri8an <a<ers1 Librar3 of Con9ressC ot:ers =ere establis:ed fro8 inter>ie=s =it: lon9-ti8e &u<iter
+? Art:ur !urr ,arlin91 T:e Central Intelli9ence A9enc3" An Instru8ent of Go>ern8ent1 to 12+5 0Colle9e
Station" %enns3l>ania State Uni>ersit31 122541 <? +2?
-? T:e C:ica9o Tribune1 eb? 21 12)+1 for eEa8<le1 =arned of F Creation of an all-<o=erful intelli9ence
ser>ice to s<3 on t:e <ost=ar =orld and to <r3 into t:e li>es of citiAens at :o8e? 77 Cf? Ant:on3 Ca>e
!ro=n1 *ild !ill ,ono>an" T:e Last Hero 0Ne= (or;" Ti8es !oo;s1 12/$41 <? -$+1 on =arnin9s to ,R
about t:e !ritis: control of U?S? intelli9ence?
.? ,ennis Eisenber91 Uri ,an1 Eli Landau1 Me3er Lans;3" Mo9ul of t:e Mob 0Ne= (or;" %addin9ton %ress1
12.24 <<? $$.-$/?
/? See &o:n Ranela9:1 T:e A9enc3" T:e Rise and ,ecline of t:e CIA 0Ne= (or;" Si8on and Sc:uster1
12/.41 <<? 1'1-'$?
2? Clar; Clifford1 Counsel to t:e %resident 0Ne= (or;" Rando8 House1 12214?
15? Sidne3 H38an1 T:e Li>es of *illia8 !enton 0C:ica9o" T:e Uni>ersit3 of C:ica9o %ress1 12-241 <<?
11? %:3llis Tilson %iotro=1 *orld %o<ulation Crisis" T:e United States Res<onse 0Ne= (or;" %rae9er
%ublis:ers1 12.'41 F ore=ard1 77 b3 Geor9e H?*? !us:1 <? >ii?
1$? Herbert S? %ar8et1 Eisen:o=er and t:e A8erican Crusades 0Ne= (or;" T:e Mac8illan Co8<an31
12.$41 <? 1)?
1'? Ne= (or; Ti8es1 Se<t? -1 12+$1 No>? +1 12+$1 No>? .1 12+-?
1)? Ric:ardson to %rescott !us:1 H? S8it: Ric:ardson %a<ers1 Uni>ersit3 of Nort: Carolina1 C:a<el Hill?
1+? *a3ne S? Cole1 A8erica irst" T:e !attle A9ainst Inter>ention1 12)5-12)1 0Madison" t:e Uni>ersit3 of
*isconsin %ress1 12+'4C inter>ie=s =it: Ric:ardson fa8il3 e8<lo3eesC H? S8it: Ric:ardson oundation
annual re<ortsC Ric:ardson to %rescott !us:1 Marc: $-1 12+)1 Ric:ardson %a<ers? *as:in9ton %ost1 A<ril
$21 1225?
1-? %ar8et1 o<? cit?1 <? )/1?
1.? &o:n %rados1 #ee<ers of t:e #e3s" A Histor3 of t:e National Securit3 Council fro8 Tru8an to !us:
0Ne= (or;" *illia8 Morro=1 12214 <<? 2$-2+?
1/? Robert Calla9:an in Co>ert Action1 No? ''1 *inter 1225? %rescott1 &r? =as a board 8e8ber of t:e
National Strate93 Infor8ation Center as of 1221? !ot: %rescott Sr? and &r? =ere dee<l3 in>ol>ed alon9 =it:
Case3 in t:e circles of %an A8erican Airlines1 %an A87s o=ners t:e Grace fa8il31 and t:e CIA7s Latin
A8erican affairs? T:e center1 based in *as:in9ton1 ,?C?1 declines <ublic in@uiries about its foundin9?
See also EIR S<ecial Re<ort" F A8erican Le>iat:an" Ad8inistrati>e ascis8 under t:e !us: Re9i8e 77
0*iesbaden1 Ger8an3" EEecuti>e Intelli9ence Re>ie= Nac:ric:tena9entur1 A<ril 122541 <? 12$?
12? or eEa8<le1 see Tru8bull Hi99ins1 T:e %erfect ailure" #enned31 Eisen:o=er1 and t:e CIA at t:e !a3
of %i9s 0Ne= (or;" *?*? Norton and Co?1 12/.41 <<? ++-+-1 /2-25?
Un>erified infor8ation on t:e s@uads is <ro>ided in t:e affida>it of ,aniel %? S:ee:an1 attorne3 for t:e
C:ristic Institute1 re<roduced in EIR S<ecial Re<ort"1 F %roBect ,e8ocrac3" T:e P%arallel Go>ern8ent7
be:ind t:e Iran-Contra Affair 77 0*as:in9ton1 ,?C?" EEecuti>e Intelli9ence Re>ie=1 12/.41 <<? $)2-+5?
So8e of t:e :ired assassins :a>e <ublis:ed t:eir 8e8oirs? See1 for eEa8<le1 eliE Rodri9ueA and &o:n
*eis8an1 Secret *arrior 0Ne= (or;" Si8on and Sc:uster1 12/24C and E? Ho=ard Hunt1 Underco>er"
Me8oirs of an A8erican Secret A9ent 0Ne= (or;" G?%? %utna87s Sons1 12.)4?
S McMa:on :ad been Assistant U?S? Attorne3 General1 in c:ar9e of t:e Cri8inal ,i>ision1 fro8 12'+ to 12'2? *as t:ere a c:ance :e 8i9:t
so8eda3 s<ea; out about t:e un<unis:ed NaAi-era cri8es of t:e =ealt:3 and <o=erfulD
C:a<ter - 6 - %o<<3 and Mo883
FO: Mot:er1 Mot:erK *:at :a>e 3ou doneD !e:oldK t:e :ea>ens do o<e? T:e 9ods loo;
do=n1 and t:is unnatural scene t:e3 lau9: at? 77
Coriolanus1 S:a;es<eare?
T:e Sil>er S<oon
Geor9e Herbert *al;er !us: =as born in Milton1 Massac:usetts1 on &une 1$1 12$)? ,urin9
t:e neEt 3ear t:e fa8il3 8o>ed to Green=ic:1 Connecticut1 and establis:ed t:eir <er8anent
%rescott and ,orot:3 *al;er !us: :ad :ad a son1 %rescott1 &r?1 before Geor9e? Later t:ere
=as a little sister1 Nanc31 and anot:er brot:er1 &onat:anC a fourt: son1 *illia8 0F !uc;3 7741
=as born 1) 3ears after Geor9e1 in 12'2?
Geor9e =as na8ed after :is 9randfat:er1 Geor9e Herbert *al;er? Since Geor9e7s 8ot:er
called Grandfat:er *al;er F %o<1 77 s:e be9an callin9 :er son1 :is na8esa;e1 F little %o<1 77
or F %o<<3? 77 Hence1 %o<<3 !us: is t:e na8e t:e %resident7s fa8il3 friends :a>e called :i8
since :is 3out:?
%rescott1 Sr? Boined *?A? Harri8an N Co? Ma3 11 12$-? *it: :is fa8il37s lucrati>e
totalitarian <roBects1 Geor9e !us:7s c:ild:ood be9an in co8fort and ad>anced dra8aticall3
to luEur3 and ele9ance?
T:e !us:es :ad a lar9e1 dar;-s:in9led :ouse =it: F broad >erandas and a <ortecoc:ere 77
0ori9inall3 a roofed structure eEtendin9 out to t:e dri>e=a3 to <rotect t:e 9entr3 =:o
arri>ed in coac:es4 on Gro>e Lane in t:e ,eer %ar; section of Green=ic:?
Here t:e3 =ere attended b3 four ser>ants--t:ree 8aids 0one of =:o8 coo;ed4 and a
T:e U?S?A? =as <lun9ed into t:e Great ,e<ression be9innin9 =it: t:e 12$2-'1 financial
colla<se? !ut Geor9e !us: and :is fa8il3 =ere totall3 insulated fro8 t:is crisis? !efore and
after t:e cras:1 t:eir li>es =ere a frolic1 sealed off fro8 t:e concerns of t:e <o<ulation at
,urin9 t:e su88ers1 t:e !us:es sta3ed in a second :o8e on t:e fa8il37s ten-acre s<read at
*al;er7s %oint at #ennebun;<ort1 Maine? lus: fro8 t:e So>iet oil deals and t:e T:3ssen-
NaAi %art3 arran9e8ents1 Grandfat:er *al;er :ad built a :ouse t:ere for %rescott and
,orot:3? T:e3 and ot:er =ell-to-do su88er colonists used #ennebun;<ort7s Ri>er Club for
tennis and 3ac:tin9? In t:e =inter season1 t:e3 too; t:e train to Grandfat:er *al;er7s
<lantation1 called F ,uncannon1 77 near !arn=ell1 Sout: Carolina? T:e no>ices =ere
instructed in s;eet s:ootin91 t:en =ent out on :orsebac;1 follo=in9 t:e :ounds in <ursuit of
@uail and do>e? Geor9e7s sister Nanc3 recalled F t:e care ta;en 77 b3 t:e ser>ants F o>er t:e
sli9:test t:in9s1 li;e t:e tri88ed ed9es of t:e 9ra<efruit? *e =ere =aited on b3 t:e 8ost
=onderful blac; ser>ants =:o =ould co8e into t:e bedroo8s earl3 in t:e 8ornin9 and li9:t
t:ose crac;lin9 <ine-=ood fires???? 77
T:e 8one3 <oured in fro8 t:e Ha8bur9-A8eri;a stea8s:i< line1 its =or;force cris<l3
re9ulated b3 t:e NaAi Labor ront? T:e fa8il3 too; 3et anot:er :ouse at Ai;en1 Sout:
Carolina? T:ere t:e !us: c:ildren :ad sociall3 acce<table F tennis and ridin9 <artners?
Ai;en =as a Sout:ern ca<ital of <olo in t:ose da3s1 a =inter resort of considerable
distinction and serenit3 t:at attracted 8an3 Nort:erners1 es<eciall3 t:e e@uestrian oriented?
T:e !us: c:ildren naturall3 rode t:ere1 too???? 77 A>erell Harri8an1 a =orld- class <olo
<la3er1 also fre@uented Ai;en?
%o<<3 !us:7s fat:er and 8ot:er anEiousl3 <ro8oted t:e fa8il37s distin9uis:ed linea9e1 and
its 9ro=in9 i8<ortance in t:e =orld? %rescott !us: clai8ed t:at :e F could trace :is
fa8il37s roots bac; to En9land7s #in9 Henr3 III1 8a;in9 Geor9e a t:irteent: cousin1 t=ice
re8o>ed of Lueen EliAabet:? 77
T:is <articular conceit 8a3 be a bad o8en for %resident !us:? T:e co=ardl31 acid- ton9ued
Henr3 III =as defeated b3 rance7s Louis IM 0Saint Louis4 in Henr37s 9rab for <o=er o>er
rance and 8uc: of Euro<e? Henr37s o=n barons at len9t: re>olted a9ainst :is blunderin9
arro9ance1 and :is <o=er =as curbed?
As t:e 12'5s econo8ic crisis dee<ened1 A8ericans eE<erienced un<recedented :ards:i<
and fear? T:e !us: c:ildren =ere tau9:t t:at t:ose =:o suffered t:ese <roble8s :ad no one
to bla8e but t:e8sel>es?
A :ac; =riter1 :ired to <uff %resident !us:7s F :eroic 8ilitar3 bac;9round1 77 =rote t:ese
lines fro8 8aterial su<<lied b3 t:e *:ite House"
F %rescott !us: =as a t:rift3 8an???? He :ad no s38<at:3 for t:e nou>eau ric:es =:o
flaunted t:eir =ealt:--t:e3 =ere =it:out class1 :e said? As a sa9e and strictl3 :onest
business8an1 :e :ad often turned failin9 co8<anies around1 8a;in9 t:e8 <rofitable a9ain1
and :e :ad scorn for <eo<le =:o =ent ban;ru<t because t:e3 8is8ana9ed t:eir 8one3?
%rescott7s lessons =ere absorbed b3 3oun9 Geor9e????
*:en :e reac:ed t:e a9e of fi>e1 Geor9e !us: Boined :is older brot:er %res in attendin9 t:e
Green=ic: Countr3 ,a3 Sc:ool? T:e brot:ers7 F li>es =ere c:arted fro8 birt:? T:eir fat:er
:ad deter8ined t:at :is sons =ould be ??? educated and trained to be 8e8bers of A8erica7s
elite???? Green=ic: Countr3 ,a3 Sc:ool G=asH an eEclusi>e all-8ale acade83 for
3oun9sters slated for <ri>ate secondar3 sc:ools????
FAlec1 t:e fa8il3 c:auffeur1 dro>e t:e t=o bo3s to sc:ool e>er3 8ornin9 after dro<<in9
%rescott1 Sr? at t:e railroad station for t:e 8ornin9 co88ute to Man:attan? T:e ,e<ression
=as no=:ere in e>idence as t:e bo3s 9lided in t:e fa8il37s blac; Olds8obile <ast t:e stone
fences1 stables1 and s=i88in9 <ools of one of t:e =ealt:iest co88unities in A8erica? 77
!ut t:ou9: t:e 3oun9 Geor9e !us: :ad no concerns about :is 8aterial eEistence1 one 8ust
not o>erloo; t:e i8<ortant1 <ri>ate anEiet3 9na=in9 at :i8 fro8 t:e direction of :is
T:e %resident7s =ife1 !arbara1 :as <ut 8ost succinctl3 t:e @uestion of ,orot:3 !us: and
:er effect on Geor9e" F His 8ot:er =as t:e 8ost co8<etiti>e li>in9 :u8an? 77
If =e loo; :ere in :is 8ot:er7s s:ado=1 =e 8a3 find so8et:in9 be3ond t:e routine 8edical
eE<lanations for %resident !us:7s F dri>en 77 states of ra9e1 or :3<eracti>it3?
Mot:er !us: =as t:e best at:lete in t:e fa8il31 t:e fastest runner? S:e =as :ard? S:e
eE<ected ot:ers to be :ard? T:e3 8ust =in1 but t:e3 8ust al=a3s a<<ear not to care about
T:is is <ut <olitel31 delicatel31 in a F bio9ra<:3 77 =ritten b3 an ad8irin9 friend of t:e
%resident" F S:e =as =it: t:e8 da3 after da31 ??? often curbin9 t:eir e9os as onl3 a 8arine
drill instructor can? Once =:en ??? Geor9e lost a tennis 8atc:1 :e eE<lained to :er t:at :e
:ad been off :is 9a8e t:at 8ornin9? S:e retorted1 P(ou don7t :a>e a 9a8e?7 77
Accordin9 to t:is account1 !arbara =as fascinated b3 :er 8ot:er-in-la=7s continuin9
Geor9e1 <la3in9 8iEed doubles =it: !arbara on t:e #ennebun;<ort court1 ran into a <orc:
and inBured :is ri9:t s:oulder blade? F His 8ot:er said it =as 83 ball to :it1 and it :a<<ened
because I didn7t run for it? S:e =as <robabl3 ri9:t1 77 !arbara told Gan inter>ie=erH???? *:en
a discussion of so8eone7s 9a8e ca8e u<1 as !arbara described it1 F if Mrs? !us: =ould sa31
PS:e :ad so8e 9ood s:ots17 it 8eant s:e stan;? T:at7s Bust t:e =a3 s:e 9ot t:e 8essa9e
across? *:en one of t:e 9randc:ildren brou9:t t:is 9irl :o8e1 e>er3bod3 said1 P*e t:in;
:e7s 9oin9 to 8arr3 :er17 and s:e said1 PO:1 no1 s:e =on7t <la3 net?7 77
A 9oad to ra<id 8otion beca8e e8bedded in :is <ersonalit3? It is obser>able t:rou9:out
Geor9e !us:7s life?
A co8<anion trait =as %o<<37s uncann3 ur9e1 :is 8aster obsession =it: t:e need to F ;iss
u<1 77 to <ro<itiate t:ose =:o 8i9:t in an3 =a3 ad>ance :is interests? A life of suc: efforts
could at so8e <oint reac: a cli8aE of released ra9e1 =:ere t:e triu8<:ant one 8a3 finall3
sa31 F No= it is onl3 I =:o 8ust be feared? 77
T:is dan9erous c3cle be9an >er3 earl31 a res<onse to :is 8ot:er7s <roddin9 and
inti8idationC it intensified as Geor9e beca8e 8ore able to calculate :is ad>anta9e?
His 8ot:er sa3s"
F Geor9e =as a 8ost unselfis: c:ild? *:en :e =as onl3 a little 8ore t:an t=o 3ears old ???
=e bou9:t :i8 one of t:ose <edal cars 3ou cli8b into and =or; =it: 3our feet?
FGHis brot:erH %res ;ne= Bust :o= to =or; it1 and Geor9e ca8e runnin9 o>er and 9rabbed
t:e =:eel and told %res :e s:ould P:a>e :alf17 8eanin9 :alf of :is ne= <ossession? PHa>e
:alf1 :a>e :alf17 :e ;e<t re<eatin91 and for a =:ile around t:e :ouse =e called :i8 PHa>e
:alf?7 77
Geor9e F learned to as; for no 8ore t:an =:at =as due :i8? Alt:ou9: not t:e sc:ool7s
leadin9 student1 :is re<ort card =as al=a3s 9ood1 and :is 8ot:er =as <articularl3 <leased
t:at :e =as al=a3s 9raded PeEcellent7 in one cate9or3 s:e t:ou9:t of 9reat i8<ortance"
PClai8s no 8ore t:an :is fair s:are of ti8e and attention?7 T:is consistent ran;in9 led to a
little fa8il3 Bo;e--Geor9e al=a3s did best in PClai8s no 8ore?7
FHe =as not a selfis: c:ild1 did not e>en dis<la3 t:e innocent <ossessi>eness co88on to
8ost c:ildren???? 77
Geor9e !us: left Green=ic: Countr3 ,a3 Sc:ool in 12'-? He Boined :is older brot:er at
%:illi<s Acade83 in Ando>er1 Massac:usetts1 $5 8iles nort: of !oston?
F %o<<3 77 =as 1$ 3ears old1 :andso8e and ric:? T:ou9: t:e U?S? econo83 too; a sa>a9e
turn for t:e =orse t:e follo=in9 3ear1 Geor9e7s fat:er =as <ilin9 u< a fortune1 arran9in9
bond s=indles for t:e NaAis =it: &o:n oster ,ulles?
Onl3 about one in 1) U?S? secondar3 sc:ool students could afford to be in <ri>ate sc:ools
durin9 Geor9e !us:7s sta3 at Ando>er 012'--)$4? T:e Ne= En9land <re<arator3 or F <re< 77
sc:ools =ere t:e 8ost eEclusi>e? T:eir students =ere al8ost all ric: =:ite bo3s1 8an3 of
t:e8 E<isco<alians? And Ando>er =as1 in certain stran9e =a3s1 t:e 8ost eEclusi>e of t:e8
A 12/5 ca8<ai9n bio9ra<:3 <re<ared b3 !us:7s o=n staff concedes t:at F it =as to Ne=
En9land t:at t:e3 returned to be educated at select sc:ools t:at <roduce leaders =it: a
<atrician or aristocratic sta8<--adBecti>es1 incidentall31 =:ic: cause a collecti>e =ince
a8on9 t:e !us:es???? At t:e close of t:e 12'5s ??? t:ese sc:ools ??? brou9:t t:e fa8ous Pold-
bo3 net=or;s7 to t:e <ea; of t:eir <o=er?
T:ese A8erican institutions :a>e been consciousl3 8odeled on En9land7s elite <ri>ate
sc:ools 0confusin9l3 called F <ublic 77 sc:ools because t:e3 =ere o<en to all En9lis: bo3s
=it: sufficient 8one34? T:e <:iloso<:3 inculcated into t:e son of a !ritis: Lord Ad8iral or
Sout: African <olice c:ief1 =as to be i8bibed b3 sons of t:e A8erican re<ublic?
Geor9e 8ade so8e decisi>e 8oral c:oices about :i8self in t:ese first 3ears a=a3 fro8
:o8e? T:e institution =:ic: 9uided t:ese c:oices1 and :el<ed s:a<e t:e <eculiar obsessions
of t:e )1st %resident1 =as a <it of An9lo<:ile aristocratic racialis8 =:en Geor9e !us:
ca8e on t:e scene?
F Ando>er =as ??? less dedicated to Pelitis87 t:an so8e Gsc:oolsH???? T:ere =ere e>en a
cou<le of blac;s in t:e classes1 to;ens of course1 but t:is at a ti8e =:en a blac; student at
al8ost an3 ot:er Nort:eastern <re< sc:ool =ould :a>e been unt:in;able? 77
Ando>er :ad a >aunted F tradition1 77 inter8in9led =it: t:e <roud bloodlines of its students
and alu8ni1 t:at =as su<<osed to reac: bac; to t:e sc:ool7s foundin9 in 1../? !ut a closer
eEa8ination re>eals t:is F tradition 77 to be a fraud? It is <art of a lar9er1 :i9:l3 si9nificant
:istorical fallac3 <er<etrated b3 t:e An9lo-A8ericans- -and curiousl3 stressed b3 !us:7s
a9ents in forei9n countries?
T:o8as Coc:ran1 a <artner of t:e &?%? Mor9an ban;in9 fir81 donated considerable su8s to
construct s=an;3 ne= Ando>er buildin9s in t:e 12$5s? A8on9 t:ese =ere Geor9e
*as:in9ton Hall and %aul Re>ere Hall1 na8ed for leaders of t:e A8erican Re>olution
a9ainst t:e !ritis: E8<ire? T:ese and si8ilar F <atriotic 77 tra<<in9s1 =it: t:e alu8ni7s old
sc:ool-affiliated 9enealo9ies1 8i9:t see8 to indicate an unbro;en line of racial i8<erialists
li;e Coc:ran and :is circle1 reac:in9 bac; to t:e :eroes of t:e Re>olutionK
Let us briefl3 tour Ando>er7s :istor31 and t:en <onder =:et:er General *as:in9ton =ould
=ant to be identified =it: %o<<3 !us:7s sc:ool?
T:irt3 3ears after Sa8uel %:illi<s founded t:e Acade83 at Ando>er1 Massac:usetts1 t:e
@uiet little sc:ool beca8e e8broiled in a >iolent contro>ers3? On one side =ere certain
die:ard <ro-!ritis: fa8ilies1 ;no=n as !oston !ra:8ins1 =:o :ad <ros<ered in t:e s:i<
trans<ortation of ru8 and blac; sla>es? T:e3 :ad re9ained <o=er in !oston since t:eir allies
:ad lost t:e 1..+-/' A8erican Re>olution?
In 1/5+ t:ese c3nical1 neo-<a9an1 F Tor3 77 fa8ilies succeeded in <lacin9 t:eir re<resentati>e
in t:e Hollis c:air of %:iloso<:3 at Har>ard Colle9e? T:e Tories1 <aradin9 <ublicl3 as
liberal reli9ionists called Unitarians1 =ere o<<osed b3 A8erican nationalists led b3 t:e
9eo9ra<:er-:istorian Re>? &edidia: Morse 01.-1- 1/$-4? T:e nationalists rallied t:e
C:ristian c:urc:es of t:e nort:eastern states be:ind a <lan to establis:1 at Ando>er1 a ne=
reli9ious institution =:ic: =ould counter t:e !ritis: s<ies1 at:eists and cri8inals =:o :ad
ta;en o>er Har>ard?
!ritis: E8<ire <olitical o<erati>es Ste<:en Hi99inson1 &r? and &o:n Lo=ell1 &r? <ublis:ed
counterattac;s a9ainst Re>? Morse1 clai8in9 :e =as tr3in9 to rouse t:e lo=er classes of
citiAens to :atred a9ainst t:e =ealt:3 8erc:ant fa8ilies? T:en t:e Tories <la3ed t:e F
conser>ati>e 77 card? Ultra-ort:odoE Cal>inists1 actuall3 business <artners to t:e Har>ard
liberals1 t:reatened to set u< t:eir o=n reli9ious institution in Tor3-do8inated
Ne=bur3<ort? T:eir assertion1 t:at Morse =as not conser>ati>e enou9:1 s<lit t:e resources
of t:e re9ion7s C:ristians1 until t:e Morse 9rou< reluctantl3 brou9:t t:e Ne=bur3<ort ultras
as <artners into t:e 8ana9e8ent of t:e Ando>er T:eolo9ical Se8inar3 in 1/5/?
T:e ne= t:eolo9ical se8inar3 and t:e adBacent bo3s7 acade83 =ere no= 9o>erned to9et:er
under a co88on board of trustees 0balanced bet=een t:e Morse nationalists and t:e
Ne=bur3<ort anti-nationalists1 t:e o<<osin9 =in9s of t:e old ederalist %art34?
&edidia: Morse 8ade Ando>er t:e :ead@uarters of a rat:er :eroic1 anti-racist1 C:ristian
8issionar3 8o>e8ent1 brin9in9 literac31 <rintin9 <resses1 8edicine and tec:nolo9ical
education to Sout:east Asia and A8erican Indians1 notabl3 t:e Geor9ia C:ero;ees? T:is
acti>ist Ando>er doctrine of racial e@ualit3 and A8erican Re>olutionar3 s<irit =as des<ised
and feared b3 !ritis: o<iu8 <us:ers in East Asia and b3 !oston7s blue-blooded
An9lo<:iles? Ando>er 8issionaries =ere e>entuall3 Bailed in Geor9iaC t:eir too-8odern
C:ero;ee allies =ere 8urdered and dri>en into eEile b3 <ro-sla>er3 8obs?
*:en &edidia: Morse7s 9eneration died out1 t:e Ando>er 8issionar3 8o>e8ent =as
crus:ed b3 Ne= En9land7s elite fa8ilies--=:o =ere t:en !ritain7s <artners in t:e boo8in9
o<iu8 traffic? Ando>er =as still for8all3 C:ristian after 1/)5C !oston7s c3nical !ra:8ins
used Ando>er7s ort:odoE %rotestant board to <rosecute >arious of t:eir o<<onents as F
:eretics? 77
Neo-<a9anis8 and occult 8o>e8ents bloo8ed after t:e Ci>il *ar =it: ,ar=in7s ne=
8aterialist doctrines? In t:e 1/.5s t:e deat:-=ors:i<<in9 S;ull and !ones Societ3 sent its
alu8ni 8e8bers bac; fro8 (ale Uni>ersit31 to or9aniAe aristocratic secret satanic societies
for t:e teena9ers at t:e Ando>er <re< sc:ool? !ut t:ese cults did not 3et @uite flouris:?
National <o=er =as still <recariousl3 balanced bet=een t:e i8<erial An9lo-A8erican
financiers1 and t:e old-line nationalists =:o built A8erica7s railroads1 steel and electrical
T:e Ne= A9e aristocrats <roclai8ed t:eir >ictor3 under T:eodore Roose>elt7s <residenc3
01251-524? T:e Ando>er T:eolo9ical Se8inar3 =ound u< its affairs and 8o>ed out of to=n1
to be 8er9ed =it: t:e Har>ard ,i>init3 Sc:oolK Ando>er <re< sc:ool =as no= lar9el3 free
of t:e anno3ance of reli9ion1 or an3 connection =:atsoe>er =it: t:e A8erican s<irit? Secret
societies for t:e sc:ool7s c:ildren1 8odeled on t:e barbarian orders at (ale1 =ere no=
establis:ed in <er8anent1 incor<orated :ead@uarters buildin9s Bust off ca8<us at Ando>er?
Official sc:ool ad>isers =ere assi9ned to eac: secret societ31 =:o <artici<ated in t:eir cruel
and literall3 insane rituals?
*:en &?%? Mor9an <artner T:o8as Coc:ran built Ando>er7s luEurious 8odern ca8<us for
bo3s li;e %o<<3 !us:1 t:e usur<ers of A8erica7s na8e :ad cause to celebrate? Under t:eir
su<er>ision1 fascis8 =as risin9 in Euro<e? T:e ne= ca8<us librar3 =as na8ed for Oli>er
*endell Hol8es1 Ando>er class of 1/$+? T:is dreadful <oet of t:e F leisure class1 77 a to=er
of !oston blue-blooded conceit1 =as fa8ous as t:e fat:er of t:e t=entiet: centur3 U?S?
Su<re8e Court Bustice? His son1 Oli>er *endell Hol8es1 &r?1 s38boliAed t:e arbitrar3 rule
of t:e racial <urit3 ad>ocates1 t:e usur<ers1 o>er A8erican societ3?
Ando>er installed a ne= :ead8aster in 12''? Claude Moore uess 0r:38es =it: fleece4
re<laced >eteran :ead8aster Alfred E? Stearns1 =:o8 t:e !ra:8ins sa= as a d3ed-in-t:e-
=ool reactionar3? Stearns =as forced out o>er a F scandal 77" a =ido=er1 :e :ad 8arried :is
:ouse;ee<er1 =:o =as beneat: :is social class?
T:e ne= :ead8aster =as considered for=ard-loo;in9 and fleEible1 read3 to 8eet t:e
c:allen9es of t:e =orld <olitical crisis" for eEa8<le1 uess fa>ored <s3c:iatr3 for t:e bo3s1
so8et:in9 Stearns =ouldn7t tolerate?
Claude uess :ad been an Ando>er :istor3 teac:er since 125/1 and 9ained fa8e as an
:istorian? He =as one of t:e 8ost s;illful liars of t:e 8odern a9e?
uess :ad 8arried into t:e !oston Cus:in9 fa8il3? He :ad =ritten t:e fa8il3- aut:oriAed
=:ite=as: bio9ra<:3 of :is =ife7s relati>e1 Caleb Cus:in91 a <ro- sla>er3 <olitician of t:e
8iddle nineteent: centur3? T:e outlandis:1 =idel3 ;no=n corru<tion of Cus:in97s career
=as 8atc:ed b3 uess7s bold1 outra9eous co>eru<?
,urin9 Geor9e !us:7s 3ears at Ando>er1 euss1 :is :ead8aster1 =rote an aut:oriAed
bio9ra<:3 of Cal>in Coolid9e1 t:e late U?S? %resident? T:is =or; =as celebrated in Best as a
c:a8<ion s<eci8en of un=:oleso8e flatter3? In ot:er boo;s1 also about t:e blue bloods1
uess =as si8<l3 9i>en t:e fa8il3 <a<ers and desi9nated t:e c:ief liar for t:e F !ostonian
Race? 77
!ot: t:e Cus:in9 and Coolid9e fa8ilies :ad 8ade t:eir fortunes in o<iu8 traffic;in9?
!us:7s :ead8aster na8ed :is son &o:n Cus:in9 uess1 <er:a<s after t:e fabled nineteent:-
centur3 do<e ;in9<in =:o :ad 8ade t:e Cus:in9s ric:?
Head8aster uess used to sa3 to :is staff1 F I ca8e to <o=er =it: Hitler and Mussolini? 77
T:is =as not 8erel3 a <leasantr31 referrin9 to :is a<<oint8ent t:e 3ear Hitler too; o>er
In :is 12'2 8e8oirs1 Head8aster uess eE<ressed t:e <:iloso<:3 =:ic: 8ust 9uide t:e
education of t:e =ell-born 3oun9 9entle8en under :is care"
Our declinin9 birt: rate ??? 8a3 <er:a<s indicate a ste< to=ards national deterioration?
A8on9 t:e so-called u<<er and leisure classes1 noticeabl3 a8on9 t:e uni>ersit3 9rou<1 t:e
<resent birt: rate is stri;in9l3 lo=? A8on9 t:e Sla>onic and Latin i88i9rants1 on t:e ot:er
:and1 it is relati>el3 :i9:? *e see8 t:us to be lettin9 t:e best blood t:in out and disa<<earC
=:ile at t:e sa8e ti8e our :u8anitarian efforts for t:e <reser>ation of t:e less fit1 t:ose
=:o for so8e reason are cri<<led and inca<acitated1 are bein9 9reatl3 sti8ulated? T:e effect
on t:e race =ill not beco8e a<<arent for so8e 9enerations and certainl3 cannot no= be
accuratel3 <redictedC but t:e <:eno8enon 8ust be 8entioned if 3ou are to :a>e a true
<icture of =:at is 9oin9 on in t:e United States?
*ould Geor9e !us: ado<t t:is anti-C:ristian outloo; as :is o=nD One can ne>er ;no= for
sure :o= a 3oun9 <erson =ill res<ond to t:e doctrines of :is elders1 no 8atter :o= cle>erl3
<resented? T:ere is a 8uc: :i9:er de9ree of certaint3 t:at :e =ill confor8 to cri8inal
eE<ectations1 :o=e>er1 if t:e student is brou9:t to <ractice cruelt3 a9ainst ot:er 3oun9sters1
and to de9rade :i8self in order to 9et a:ead? At Ando>er1 t:is =as =:ere t:e Secret
Societies ca8e in?
T:e Secret Societies
Not:in9 li;e Ando>er7s secret societies eEisted at an3 ot:er A8erican sc:ool? *:at =ere
t:e3 all aboutD
!us:7s friend itA:u9: Greene =rote in 12/2"
Robert L? F Ti8 77 Ireland1 !us:7s lon9ti8e su<<orter Gand !ro=n !rot:ers Harri8an
<artnerH1 =:o later ser>ed on t:e Ando>er board of trustees =it: :i81 said :e belie>ed
G!us:H :ad been in AU6? F *:at7s t:atD I as;ed? FCan7t tell 3ou1 77 lau9:ed Ireland? F It7s
secretK 77 !ot: at Ando>er and (ale1 suc: 9rou<s onl3 brin9 in a s8all <ercenta9e of t:e total
enroll8ent in an3 class? F T:at7s a bit cruel to t:ose =:o don7t 8a;e AUG6H or P!ones17 77
conceded Ireland?
A retired teac:er1 =:o =as an ad>iser to one of t:e 9rou<s1 cautiousl3 disclosed in :is
bicentennial :istor3 of Ando>er1 so8e as<ects of t:e secret societies? T:e reader s:ould
;ee< in 8ind t:at t:is account =as <ublis:ed b3 t:e sc:ool1 to celebrate itself" A c:ar8in9
account of t:e earl3 da3s of #?O?A1 t:e oldest of t:e Societies1 =as <re<ared b3 &ac; Gi?e?
Claude MooreH uess1 a 8e8ber of t:e or9aniAation1 on t:e occasion of t:eir iftiet:
Anni>ersar3? T:e Societ3 =as founded in ??? 1/.)????
GAH 8aBor concern of t:e 8e8bers:i< =as t:e initiation cere8on3? In #?O?A? t:e cere8on3
in>ol>ed >isitin9 one of t:e local ce8eteries at 8idni9:t1 >arious ;inds of tortures1 runnin9
t:e 9auntlet--t:ou9: t:e no>ice =as a<<arentl3 <unc:ed rat:er t:an <addled1 bein9 ba<tiAed
in a =ater tan;1 bein9 :oisted in t:e air b3 a <ulle31 and finall3 bein9 <laced in a coffin1
=:ere :e =as cross-eEa8ined b3 t:e 8e8bers???? #?O?A? =as able to :old t:e lo3alt3 of its
8e8bers o>er t:e 3ears to beco8e a <o=erful institution at %:illi<s Acade83 and to erect a
:andso8e <illared Societ3 :ouse on Sc:ool Street?
T:e second Societ3 of t:e se>en t:at =ould sur>i>e until 12+5 =as A?U?6? GGeor9e !us:7s
9rou<H? T:e letters stood for Auctoritas1 Unitas1 6eritas? GAut:orit31 Unit31 Trut:?H T:is
or9aniAation resulted fro8 a 8er9er of t=o ??? earlier Societies ??? in 1/..? A ne=
constitution =as dra=n u< ??? <ro>idin9 for four c:ief officers--I8<erator Gco88anderH1
6ice I8<erator G>ice-co88anderH1 Scri<tor Gsecretar3H1 and Luaestor G8a9istrate or
Li;e #?O?A1 A?U?6? :ad an elaborate initiation cere8on3? Once a <led9e :ad been a<<ro>ed
b3 t:e acult31 :e =as 9i>en a letter =it: a list of rules :e =as to follo=? He =as to be in
t:e ce8eter3 e>er3 ni9:t fro8 1$"'5 to +"551 deli>er a 8ornin9 <a<er to eac: 8e8ber of
t:e Societ3 eac: 8ornin91 8ust not co8b or brus: :is :air nor =as: :is face or :ands1
s8o;e not:in9 but a cla3 <i<e =it: Luc;3 Stri;e tobacco1 and not s<ea; to an3 student
eEce<t 8e8bers of A?U?6?
After t:e <led9e :ad 8e8oriAed t:ese rules1 :is letter of instruction =as burned? T:e <led9e
:ad no= beco8e a F scut 77 and =as co8<elled to learn 8an3 8ottoes and incantations? On
rida3 ni9:t of initiation =ee; t:e scut =as ta;en to Harti9an7s dru9store do=nto=n and
9i>en a F scut sundae1 77 =:ic: consisted of <e<<er1 ice crea81 o3sters1 and ra= li>er? Later
t:at ni9:t :e re<orted to t:e Sout: C:urc: ce8eter31 =:ere :e :ad to =ait for t=o :ours for
t:e 8e8bers to arri>e? T:ere follo=ed t:e usual :orse<la3--t:e scut =as used as a tac;lin9
du8831 t:reats =ere 8ade to loc; :i8 in a to8b1 and >arious ot:er cere8onies obser>ed?
On Saturda3 afternoon t:e scut =as ta;en on a lon9 =al; around to=n1 bein9 forced to sto<
at so8e :ouses and as; for food1 to urinate on a fe= <orc:es1 and 9enerall3 to 8a;e a fool
of :i8self? On Saturda3 ni9:t ca8e t:e initiation <ro<er? T:e scut =as <re<ared b3
re<ortin9 to t:e cellar in :is under=ear and :a>in9 dirt and flour s8eared all o>er :is bod3?
He =as finall3 cleaned u< and brou9:t to t:e initiation roo81 =:ere a sole8n cere8on3
follo=ed1 endin9 =it: t:e lon9ed-for =ords F Let :i8 :a>e li9:t1 77 at =:ic: <oint :is
blindfold =as re8o>ed1 so8e oat:s =ere ad8inistered1 and t:e bo3 =as finall3 a 8e8ber????
S:ortl3 after 121+ t:e <resent GA?U?6?H :ouse =as constructed? ro8 t:en until t:e Societ3
crisis of t:e 12)5s1 A?U?6? continued stron9 and successful? T:ere =ere1 to be sure1 so8e
<roble8s? In t:e 8id-12$5s1 t:e sc:olars:i< a>era9e of t:e Societ3 dro<<ed ab3s8all3? T:e
8e8bers :ad also been <led9in9 students ille9all3--=it:out t:e a<<ro>al of t:e acult3
9uardian? In one initiation a bo3 :ad been so battered t:at :e =as unable to run in t:e
Ando>er-EEeter trac; 8eet????
(et t:e Societ3 8ana9ed to o>erco8e t:ese <roble8s and =ell deser>ed its <osition as one
of t:e bi9 t:ree a8on9 t:e sc:ool7s Societies????
ro8 all a>ailable e>idence1 at Ando>er <re< Geor9e !us: =as co8<letel3 obsessed =it:
status1 =it: see8in9 to be i8<ortant? His 12/5 ca8<ai9n bio9ra<:3 boasts t:at :e ac:ie>ed
t:is 9oal"
F T:ere =as1 as t:ere al=a3s is at an3 institution1 an elitis8 in ter8s of t:e 9rou< t:at ran
t:in9s1 t:e <o=er 9rou< a8on9 t:e bo3s =:o reco9niAed eac: ot:er as <eers? Geor9e =as
a8on9 t:is 9rou<1 but for :i8 it =as natural???? 77
T:e A?U?6? roster1 '$ 8e8bers includin9 Geor9e !us:1 is 9i>en in t:e Ando>er Class of
12)$ 3earboo;? *:3 =as it F natural 77 for Geor9e to be F a8on9 t:is 9rou< 77D
T:e :ierarc:ical to< banana of t:e A?U?6? in Geor9e7s class =as Godfre3 Anderson 0F
Roc;3 774 Roc;efeller? In t:e 3earboo; Bust abo>e t:e A?U?6? roster is a <:oto9ra<: of F
Roc;3 Roc;efeller 77 and F Le8 GLe:8an ?H !eardsle3 77C Roc;efeller stands i8<eriousl3
=it:out a s:irt1 !eardsle3 sco=ls fro8 be:ind sun9lasses? Certainl3 t:e real 8onarc: of
Geor9e !us:7s Ando>er secret societ31 and Geor9e7s s<onsor1 =as t:is Roc;37s fat:er1
Godfre3 S? Roc;efeller?
T:e latter 9entle8an :ad been on t:e staff of t:e (ale Uni>ersit3 establis:8ent in C:ina in
12$1-$$? (ale and t:e Roc;efellers =ere breedin9 a 9rotes@ue co88unist insur9enc3 =it:
!ritis: E8<ire ideolo93C anot:er (ale staffer t:ere =as Mao Jedon91 later t:e co88unist
dictator and 8ass 8urderer? *:ile :e =as o>er in C:ina1 %a<a Godfre37s cousin Isabel :ad
been t:e brides8aid at t:e =eddin9 of Geor9e !us:7s <arents? His Uncle %erc3 :ad co-
founded t:e Harri8an ban; =it: Geor9e *al;er1 and bac;ed Geor9e !us:7s fat:er in
se>eral NaAi Ger8an enter<rises? His 9randfat:er :ad been t:e foundin9 treasurer of t:e
Standard Oil Co8<an31 and :ad 8ade t:e Harri8ans 0and t:us1 ulti8atel31 Geor9e !us:4
acult3 ad>iser to A?U?6? in t:ose da3s =as Nor=ood %enrose Hallo=ellC :is fat:er b3 t:e
sa8e na8e =as c:air8an of Lee1 Hi99inson N Co? <ri>ate ban;ers1 t:e c:ief financiers of
!oston7s eEtre8e racialist <olitical 8o>e8ents? T:e elder Hallo=ell =as based in London
t:rou9:out t:e 12'5s1 on inti8ate ter8s =it: Monta9u Nor8an and :is <ro-Hitler
A8erican ban;in9 friends?
!ut t:is ;ind of bac;in91 b3 itself1 cannot ensure t:at a <erson =ill rise to t:e to<1 to
aut:entic F bi9-s:ot 77 status? (ou :a>e to =ant it >er31 >er3 badl3?
One of %o<<3 !us:7s teac:ers at Ando>er1 no= in retire8ent1 offered to an inter>ie=er for
t:is boo;1 a stri;in9 <icture of :is for8er <u<il? Ho= =as t:e %resident as a studentD
F He ne>er said a =ord in class? He =as bored to deat:? And ot:er teac:ers told 8e !us:
=as t:e =orst En9lis: student e>er in t:e sc:ool? 77
!ut =as t:is teena9er si8<l3 slo=1 or dullD On t:e contrar3?
F He =as t:e classic P!MOC7 0!i9 Man On Ca8<us4? A 9reat 9lad-:ander? Al=a3s s8ilin9?
Lea>in9 acade8ic studies aside1 Geor9e !us: =as t:e 8ost insistent self- <ro8oter on t:e
ca8<us? He =as able to <ursue t:is career1 bein9 fortunatel3 s<ared fro8 t:e 8ore
8undane c:ores so8e ot:er students :ad to do? or eEa8<le1 :e 8ailed :is dirt3 laundr3
:o8e eac: =ee;1 to be done b3 t:e ser>ants? It =as 8ailed bac; to :i8 clean and folded?
Student records s:o= a 8assi>e list of offices and titles for %o<<31 <er:a<s 8ore t:an for
an3 ot:er student"
%resident of Senior Class 01 ter84 Secretar3 of Student Council 01 ter84 Student
Council 012)1-)$4 0sur>eillance of students durin9 tests1 ;ee<in9 order in t:e 8o>ies1
in>esti9atin9 student t:ie>es4 %resident of Societ3 of In@uir3 012)1-)$4 Senior %ro8
Co88ittee C:air8an of Student ,eacons 012)1-)$4 Ad>isor3 !oard 08ana9e8ent of
s<orts1 c:oosin9 of %?A? %olice to control student bod31 c:oosin9 of c:eerleaders4
%resident of Gree;s 012)5-)$4 Ca<tain of !aseball 012)$4 Ca<tain of Soccer 012)14
Mana9er of !as;etball 012)14 Societ3 of In@uir3 012)5-)$4 0for8erl3 a C:ristian 8ission
9rou<1 no= 8ana9e8ent of eEtra-curricular acti>ities4 Student ,eacon 012)5-)$4
Editorial !oard of t:e %:illi<ian 012'/-'24 All-club Soccer 012'/4 !usiness !oard of
t:e %ot %ourri 012)5-)$4 ,e<ut3 House8aster 6arsit3 Soccer S@uad 012'2-)14 6arsit3
!as;etball Tea8 012)1-)$4 &unior 6arsit3 !aseball Tea8 012'24
6arsit3 !aseball S@uad 012)54 6arsit3 !aseball Tea8 012)1-)$4 &o:ns Ho<;ins %riAe
012'/4 Treasurer of Student Council 01 ter84 To be sure1 so8e of t:ese distinctions =ere1
=ell1 a bit less t:an :e :ad :o<ed for? T:e Class of 12)$ =as officiall3 <olled1 to see =:o
:ad t:e 8ost status a8on9 t:e students t:e8sel>es?
or F !est All-Around ello=1 77 %o<<3 !us: =as t:ird? !us: did not s:o= u< in t:e F Most
Intelli9ent 77 cate9or3?
Interestin9l31 !us: ca8e in second on F Most acult3 ,ra9 77--t:e teac:ers7 <ets-- e>en
t:ou9: !us: did not a<<ear at all on t:e sc:ool7s Sc:olastic Honors list? In fact1 no 8e8ber
of t:e Roc;efeller-!us: A?U?6? =as on t:e Honors list--des<ite c:antin9 incantations1 bein9
s8eared =it: filt: and urinatin9 on <orc:es?
!arbara %ierce7s Tradition
T:e &a<anese attac;ed t:e U?S? na>al base at %earl Harbor1 Ha=aii on ,ec? .1 12)11
brin9in9 A8erica into *orld *ar II? !ecause of :is fa8il37s in>ol>e8ent =it: t:e NaAis1
t:is =ould later <ose a >er3 different <roble8 for Ando>er senior %o<<3 !us: t:an for t:e
ordinar3 3oun9 8an :is a9e?
Mean=:ile1 t:e social =:irl =ent on? A cou<le of =ee;s after %earl Harbor1 durin9
C:rist8as >acation1 Geor9e =ent to a F cotillion at t:e Round Hill Countr3 Club in
Green=ic:1 Connecticut? It =as a social affair attended b3 u<co8in9 debutantes and
acce<table 3oun9 8en? 77
Here Geor9e !us: 8et :is future =ife1 !arbara %ierce1 =:ose fa8il3 =as in t:e Hi9:
Societ3 set in nearb3 R3e1 Ne= (or;? !arbara =as an attracti>e 1--3ear-old 9irl1 at:letic
li;e Geor9e7s 8ot:er? S:e =as :o8e for t:e :olida3s fro8 :er eEclusi>e boardin9 sc:ool1
As:le3 Hall1 in C:arleston1 Sout: Carolina? Her breedin9 =as acce<table"
F !arbara7s bac;9round1 t:ou9: not @uite so aristocratic as Geor9e7s1 =as also sociall3
i8<ressi>e in a da3 =:en Societ3 =as defined b3 breedin9 rat:er t:an =ealt:? Her fat:er1
Mar>in %ierce1 =as a distant ne<:e= of %resident ran;lin %ierce 01/+'-+.4???? !arbara7s
8ot:er1 %auline Robinson ??? =as Gt:e dau9:ter ofH an O:io Su<re8e Court Bustice? 77
!arbara7s fat:er1 Mar>in %ierce1 =as t:en >ice <resident of McCall Cor<oration1 <ublis:er
of Redboo; and McCall7s 8a9aAines? After :is dau9:ter Boined t:e ban;in9 oli9arc:3 b3
8arr3in9 into t:e !us: fa8il3 012)+41 %ierce beca8e McCall7s c:ief eEecuti>e? %ierce and
:is 8a9aAine7s t:e8e of F To9et:erness 77-- stressin9 fa8il3 social eEistence di>orced fro8
<olitical1 scientific1 artistic or creati>e acti>ities--<la3ed a role in t:e cult of confor8it3 and
8ediocrit3 =:ic: crus:ed U?S? 8ental life in t:e 12+5s?
A 9reat deal is 8ade about !arbara %ierce !us:7s fa8il3 connection to U?S? %resident
ran;lin %ierce? It is inserted in boo;s =ritten b3 !us: friends and staff 8e8bers? !arbara
!us:7s 9ossi<-colu8n bio9ra<:er sa3s" F Her o=n 9reat-9reat- 9reat uncle %resident
ran;lin %ierce :ad :is G*:ite HouseH office in t:e Treat3 Roo8???? 77 In fact1 %resident
%ierce =as a distant cousin of !arbara %ierce7s 9reat- 9reat 9randfat:er1 not :is brot:er1 as
t:is clai8 =ould i8<l3? SS
SS GEstablis:ed t:rou9: consultation =it: t:e Ne= Ha8<s:ire Historical Societ3 and %ierce fa8il3
eE<erts in %enns3l>ania1 t:is fact is ac;no=led9ed b3 Mrs? !us:7s *:ite House staff?H
Li;e t:e Henr3 III ancestral clai81 ran;lin %ierce 8a3 be a bad o8en for Geor9e !us:?
T:e catastro<:ic %ierce =as refused reno8ination b3 :is o=n <olitical <art3? %ierce bac;ed
sc:e8es to s<read sla>er3 b3 :a>in9 8ercenaries1 called F filibusters1 77 in>ade MeEico1
Central A8erica and t:e Caribben islands? ,urin9 t:e Ci>il *ar1 :e attac;ed t:e
E8anci<ation %rocla8ation t:at outla=ed blac; sla>er3 in t:e rebel states? His for8er
bac;ers a8on9 t:e =ealt:3 Ne= En9land fa8ilies abandoned :i8 and treated :i8 li;e dirt?
He died un8ourned in 1/-2?
One 8a3 as;1 in =:at =a3 are %resident !us: and :is bac;ers conscious of an oli9arc:ical
traditionD or a clue1 let us loo; at t:e case of Art:ur !urr ,arlin91 Geor9e !us:7s <re<
sc:ool :istor3 teac:er?
&ust after Claude uess F ca8e into <o=er =it: Hitler and Mussolini 77 in 12''1 uess
brou9:t ,arlin9 in to teac:? ,r? ,arlin9 =as :ead of t:e Ando>er :istor3 de<art8ent fro8
12'. to 12+-1 and acult3 Guardian of one of t:e secret societies? His %olitical C:an9es in
Massac:usetts1 1/$) to 1/)/ co>ered t:e <eriod of Ando>er7s ecli<se b3 !oston7s
aristocratic o<iu8 lords? ,arlin97s boo; attac;s Ando>er7s 9reatest :u8anitarian1 &edidia:
Morse1 as a dan9erous lunatic1 because Morse =arned about international cri8inal
cons<iracies in>ol>in9 t:ese res<ectable !ostonians? T:e sa8e boo; attac;s %resident &o:n
Luinc3 Ada8s as a 8is9uided trouble8a;er1 res<onsible =it: Morse for t:e anti-
free8asonic 8o>e8ent in t:e 1/$5s-'5s?
Art:ur !urr ,arlin91 =:ile still :ead of Ando>er7s :istor3 de<art8ent1 =as c:osen b3 t:e
Harri8anites to or9aniAe t:e :istorical files of t:e ne= Central Intelli9ence A9enc31 and to
=rite t:e CIA7s o=n official account of its creation and first 3ears? Since t:is c3nical <roBect
=as secret1 ,arlin97s 12.1 obituar3 did not reflect :is CIA e8<lo38ent? ,arlin97s T:e
Central Intelli9ence A9enc3" An Instru8ent of Go>ern8ent1 to 12+5 =as classified Secret
on its co8<letion in ,ece8ber 12+'? or '- 3ears it =as onl3 to be consulted for self-
Bustification b3 t:e Harri8anites? T:is 8ercenar3 =or; =as finall3 declassified in 12/2 and
=as <ublis:ed b3 %enns3l>ania State Uni>ersit3 in 1225? Subse@uent editions of *:o *as
*:o in A8erica =ere c:an9ed1 in t:e fas:ion of &oe Stalin7s F :istor3 re>isers1 77 to tell t:e
latest1 official >ersion of =:at Geor9e !us:7s :istor3 teac:er :ad done =it: :is life?
Ha>in9 8et :is future =ife !arbara1 %o<<3 !us: returned fro8 t:e C:rist8as :olida3s after
Ne= (ear7s ,a31 12)$1 for :is final 8ont:s at Ando>er? T:e U?S? entr3 into *orld *ar II
8ade t:in9s rat:er a=;=ard for !us: and so8e of :is sc:ool8ates1 and cast a dar; s:ado=
on :is future?
Since earl3 12)11 t:e &ustice ,e<art8ent :ad been in>esti9atin9 t:e NaAi su<<ort a<<aratus
a8on9 U?S? fir8s? T:is <robe centered on t:e Harri8an1 Roc;efeller1 ,u %ont and related
enter<rises1 i8<licatin9 Geor9e7s fat:er %rescott1 :is <artners and t:e !us:es7 close fa8il3
On Marc: +1 12)$--at about t:e ti8e %o<<3 !us: and Roc;3 Roc;efeller =ere
conte8<latin9 t:e tortures t:e3 =ould inflict on t:e Class of 12)' A?U?6? recruits--t:e
S<ecial Co88ittee of t:e U?S? Senate In>esti9atin9 t:e National ,efense %ro9ra8 be9an
eE<losi>e <ublic :earin9s in *as:in9ton1 ,?C? T:e subBect" cartel a9ree8ents bet=een U?S?
and NaAi fir8s t:at s:ould be :it =it: anti-trust actions? %earl Harbor1 t:e draft of A8erican
bo3s1 and t:ese sensational :earin9s =ere causin9 a <o<ular attitude @uite dan9erous for t:e
:i9:er-le>el NaAi collaborators 0see C:a<ter $4?
!ut on Marc: $51 12)$1 Henr3 L? Sti8son1 U?S? Secretar3 of *ar and <resident of Ando>er
<re<7s !oard of Trustees1 sent a 8e8orandu8 to %resident ran;lin Roose>elt
reco88endin9 sto<<in9 t:e in>esti9ations of t:e U?S?-NaAi trusts" t:e resultin9 la=suits
=ould F una>oidabl3 consu8e t:e ti8e of eEecuti>es and e8<lo3ees of t:ose cor<orations
=:ic: are en9a9ed in =ar =or;? 77 Sti8son 9ot Na>3 Secretar3 ran; #noE and Assistant
Attorne3 General T:ur8an Arnold to co-si9n t:e 8e8o? %resident Roose>elt a9reed to
Sti8son7s re@uest1 but conceded to Arnold and :is antitrust staff t:at :e =ould <ress for
eEtended statutes of li8itation to 8a;e <ost=ar <rosecutions <ossible?
Sti8son7s inter>ention for :is friends could not1 :o=e>er1 entirel3 cancel t:e alread3
on9oin9 eE<osure and <rosecution of Roc;efeller7s Standard Oil of Ne= &erse31 as =e sa=
in C:a<ter )? After aris:7s deat:1 t:e <rosecutions =ere sus<ended1 but t:e seiAures of NaAi
cor<orate assets continued1 and t:is =ould soon lead to %rescott !us: and to Grandfat:er
*al;er? Could aristocratic friends be relied u<on to <re>ent scandal or le9al trouble fro8
s8as:in9 u< %o<<37s =orld1 and =rec;in9 :is carefull3 <re<ac;a9ed 9olden futureD
As Geor9e =ound u< :is Ando>er career1 and <aid court to !arbara1 U?S? 9o>ern8ent
in>esti9ators sifted t:rou9: t:e affairs of t:e Hitler-Harri8an-!us: stea8s:i< lines1
Ha8bur9-A8eri;a and Nort: Ger8an Llo3d? T:eir final re<ort1 issued under confidential
seal on &ul3 1/1 12)$1 =ould s:o= t:at lon9-ti8e Harri8an-!us: eEecuti>e C:ristian &?
!ec; =as still t:e Ne= (or; attorne3 for t:e 8er9ed NaAi fir8s? 0See C:a<ter ' for details
and descri<tion of sources?4
SeiAure orders on t:e s:i<<in9 lines =ould be issued in Au9ust? T:e 9o>ern8ent =ould
seiAe ot:er NaAi assets1 still 8ana9ed b3 t:e !us: fa8il31 in t:e autu8n? %rescott !us:1
le9all3 res<onsible for NaAi Ger8an ban;in9 o<erations in Ne= (or;1 =ould :a>e to be
na8ed in a seiAure order? Could friends in :i9: <laces ;ee< all t:is out of t:e <ublic e3eD
Alon9 about t:is ti8e1 so8et:in9 =as 9oin9 >er3 =ron9 =it: t:e secret societies at
Ando>er <re< sc:ool?
Ando>er7s :istorian1 as @uoted abo>e1 affir8ed t:at F until t:e Societ3 crisis of t:e 12)5s1
A?U?6? continued stron9 and successful? 77 !ut a fe= 8ont:s after %o<<3 !us: and Roc;3
Roc;efeller left t:e sc:ool1 Head8aster uess and :is trustees announced t:e3 =ere closin9
and bannin9 t:e secret societies fore>er? T:is set off a stor8 of contro>ers3?
!us:7s A?U?6? :ad been :u8iliatin9 students and teac:in9 anti-C:ristian rituals since 1/..?
uess =as :i8self a 8e8ber of one of t:e Societies? *:at :ad :a<<ened1 to <reci<itate t:is
drastic decisionD
T:e 9reat Societ3 crisis at Ando>er =as :i9:l3 c:ar9ed1 because so 8an3 of t:e alu8ni and
<arents of current students =ere leaders of 9o>ern8ent and finance? An u9l3 scandal t:ere
=ould re>erberate around t:e =orld? *:ate>er reall3 <ro8<ted t:e close-do=n decision
=as ;e<t a ti9:t secret1 and re8ains =ra<<ed in 83ster3 toda31 a :alf-centur3 later?
Head8aster uess clai8ed t:at an e>ent =:ic: :a<<ened nine 3ears earlier :ad 8o>ed :i8
to t:e decision? T:is e>ent =as dul3 recorded in t:e Ando>er :istor3 boo;"
F In 12') one under9raduate :ad been ;illed durin9 t:e course of a Societ3 initiation? A
9rou< of alu8ni :ad Boined t:e under9raduates for <art of t:e cere8onies t:at =ere :eld in
a barn on t:e outs;irts of Ando>er? On t:e =a3 bac; t:e initiate rode on t:e runnin9 board
of a car dri>en b3 one of t:e alu8ni? T:e roads =ere sli<<er31 and t:e car cras:ed into a
tele9ra<: <ole1 crus:in9 t:e bo31 =:o died in ,r? uess7s <resence in t:e :os<ital a fe=
:ours later? 77
!ut t:is tra9ed3 :ad been brus:ed off b3 t:e sc:ool ad8inistration1 =it: no su99estion of
interferin9 =it: t:e satanic Societies? *as t:ere anot:er1 si9nificantl3 =orse disaster1 t:at
:a<<ened to Class of 12)' secret societ3 recruitsD
*:en t:e alu8ni :eard about t:e decision1 t:e3 eE<loded into action? T:e3 accused uess
of F fascis8 77 and attac;ed :is F star-c:a8ber <roceedin9s? 77 A !oston ne=s<a<er :eadline
<roclai8ed1 F 151555 Ando>er Alu8ni !attle Trustees on Abolis:in9 Secret Societies? 77 T:e
:ead8aster1 releasin9 no s<ecifics to bac; u< :is <ro<osal1 said1 F t:e <ur<ose for =:ic: t:e
secret societies =ere founded no lon9er see8s a<<arent? 77 His allies said1 @uite >a9uel31 t:at
t:e Societies F <ro8oted eEclusi>eness1 77 o<erated F on a s<ecial <ri>ile9e basis1 77 and
created F social clea>a9e? 77
T:e stealt:3 s:ut-do=n decision1 :a>in9 no= beco8e loudl3 <ublic1 :ad to be s@uelc:ed?
Ando>er7s !oard of Trustees <resident1 Secretar3 of *ar Sti8son1 settled t:e 8atter and
;e<t a lid on t:in9s =it: :is fa8iliar refrain t:at t:e =ar effort s:ould not be disturbed?
*:ate>er :ad <us:ed uess and t:e trustees to act1 =as ne>er disclosed? T:e Societies =ere
@uietl3 closed do=n in 12+5?
Secretar3 of *ar Sti8son 8ade a fa8ous s<eec: in &une 12)$1 to %o<<3 !us: and t:e ot:er
9raduatin9 Ando>er bo3s? Sti8son told t:e8 t:e =ar =ould be lon91 and t:e31 t:e elite1
s:ould 9o on to colle9e?
!ut Geor9e !us: :ad so8e >er3 co8<licated <roble8s? T:e decision :ad alread3 been
8ade t:at :e =ould Boin t:e ser>ice and 9et @uite far a=a3 fro8 =:ere :e :ad been? or
reasons of fa8il3 0=:ic: =ill be discussed in C:a<ter .41 t:ere =as a >er3 s<ecial nic:e
=aitin9 for :i8 in na>al a>iation?
T:ere =as one serious :itc: in t:is <lan? It =as ille9al? T:ou9: :e =ould be 1/ 3ears old on
&une 1$1 :e =ould not :a>e t:e t=o 3ears of colle9e t:e Na>3 re@uired for its a>iators?
*ell1 if 3ou :ad an ur9ent <roble81 <er:a<s t:e la= could be si8<l3 set aside1 for 3ou and
3ou alone1 a:ead of all t:e fi>e 8illion <oor slobs =:o :ad to 9o in t:e 8ud =it: t:e
infantr3 or s=ab so8e stin;in9 dec;--es<eciall3 if 3our <ri>ate sc:ool7s <resident =as
currentl3 Secretar3 of *ar 0Henr3 Sti8son41 if 3our fat:er7s ban;in9 <artner =as currentl3
Assistant Secretar3 of *ar for Air 0Robert Lo>ett41 and if 3our fat:er :ad launc:ed t:e
career of t:e current Assistant Na>3 Secretar3 for Air 0Arte8us Gates4?
And it =as done?
As a !us:-aut:oriAed >ersion <uts it1 F One =onders =:3 t:e Na>3 relaEed its t=o 3ears of
colle9e re@uire8ent for fli9:t trainin9 in Geor9e !us:7s case? He :ad built an outstandin9
record at sc:ool as a sc:olar GsicH1 at:lete and ca8<us leader1 but so :ad countless
t:ousands of ot:er 3out:s?
F(et it =as Geor9e !us: =:o a<<eared to be t:e onl3 beneficiar3 of t:is rule- =ai>in91 and
t:us :e e>entuall3 e8er9ed as t:e 3oun9est <ilot in t:e Na>3--a fact t:at :e can still boast
about and because of =:ic: :e enBo3ed a certain celebrit3 durin9 t:e =ar? 77
Notes for C:a<ter 6
1? Nic:olas #in91 Geor9e !us:" A !io9ra<:3 0Ne= (or;" ,odd1 Mead N Co8<an31 12/541 <<?
$? Ibid?1 <? 12?
'? Ibid?
)? &oe H3a8s1 li9:t of t:e A>en9er" Geor9e !us: at *ar 0Ne= (or;" Harcourt1 !race1
&o>ano>itc:1 122141 <? 1)?
+? Ibid?1 <? 1.?
-? Ibid?1 <<? 1--1.?
.? ,onnie Radcliffe1 Si8<l3 !arbara !us: 0Ne= (or;" *arner !oo;s1 12/241 <? 1'$?
/? itA:u9: Green1 Geor9e !us:" An Inti8ate %ortrait 0Ne= (or;" Hi<<ocrene !oo;s1 12/241 <?
2? Radcliffe1 o<? cit?1 <? 1''?
15? #in91 o<? cit1 <? 1)?
11? H3a8s1 o<? cit?1 <<? 1.-12?
1$? #in91 o<? cit?1 <<? 151 $5?
1'? Ibid?1 <? $1?
1)? Claude M? uess1 T:e Life of Caleb Cus:in91 $ >ols? 0Ne= (or;" Harcourt1 !race and
Co8<an31 12$'4?
1+? &o:n %er;ins Cus:in9 =as a 8ulti-8illionaire o<iu8 s8u99ler =:o retired to *aterto=n1
Massac:usetts =it: ser>ants dressed as in a Canton 9an9ster carni>al? See 6ernon L? !ri99s1
Histor3 and Genealo93 of t:e Cabot a8il31 1).+-12$. 0!oston" <ri>atel3 <rinted1 12$.41 >ol? II1
<? ++/-++2? &o:n Murra3 orbes1 Letters and Recollections 0re<rinted Ne= (or;" Arno %ress1
12/141 6ol I1 <? -$--'? Mar3 Caroline Cra=ford1 a8ous a8ilies of Massac:usetts 0!oston"
Little1 !ro=n N Co?1 12'541 $ >ols?
1-? Inter>ie= =it: a retired Ando>er teac:er?
1.? Claude M? uess1 Creed of a Sc:ool8aster 0re<rinted ree<ort1 Ne= (or;" !oo;s for Libraries
%ress1 12.541 <<? 12$-2'?
1/? Green1 o<? cit?1 <? )2?
12? rederic; S? Allis1 (out: fro8 E>er3 Luarter" A !icentennial Histor3 of %:illi<s Acade831
Ando>er 0Ando>er1 Mass?" %:illi<s Acade831 12.241 distributed b3 t:e Uni>ersit3 %ress of Ne=
En9land1 Hano>er1 N?H?41 <<? +5+-.?
$5? #in91 o<? cit?1 <? $1?
$1? S<o;e on condition of non-attribution?
$$? H3a8s1 o<? cit?1 <<? $'-$)?
$'? Ibid?1 <? $)?
$)? Ibid?1 <? $.?
$+? See Ne= (or; Ti8es1 No>? $21 12.1?
$-? &ose<: !or;in1 T:e Cri8e and %unis:8ent of I?G? arben 0Ne= (or;" Mac8illan %ublis:in9
Co?1 12./41 <? /2?
$.? Allis1 o<? cit?1 <? +1$?
$/? Ne=s=ee;1 Au9ust 21 12)'C !oston Globe1 &ul3 $$1 12)'?
$2? Green1 o<? cit?1 <a9e $/?
C:a<ter - 6I -!us: in *orld *ar II
%lut auE dieuE @ue ce fut le dernier de ses cri8esK --Racine1 !ritannicus
Geor9e !us: :as al=a3s traded s:a8elessl3 on :is alle9ed record as a na>al a>iator durin9
t:e Second *orld *ar in t:e %acific t:eatre? ,urin9 t:e 12-) senate ca8<ai9n in TeEas
a9ainst Senator Ral<: (arborou9:1 !us: tele>ised a 9rain3 old fil8 =:ic: de<icted 3oun9
Geor9e bein9 rescued at sea b3 t:e cre= of t:e sub8arine USS innbac; after :is A>en9er
tor<edo bo8ber =as :it b3 &a<anese anti-aircraft fire durin9 a bo8bin9 raid on t:e island of
C:ic:i &i8a on Se<te8ber $1 12))? T:at fil81 retrie>ed fro8 t:e Na>3 arc:i>es1 bac;fired
=:en it =as <ut on t:e air too 8an3 ti8es1 e>entuall3 beco8in9 so8et:in9 of a 8aladroit
!us:7s ca8<ai9n literature :as al=a3s celebrated :is alle9ed eE<loits as a na>al a>iator and
t:e ,istin9uis:ed l3in9 Cross :e recei>ed? As =e beco8e increasin9l3 fa8iliar =it: t:e
<o=er of t:e !ro=n !rot:ers1 Harri8anOS;ull and !ones net=or; =or;in9 for Senator
%rescott !us:1 =e =ill learn to beco8e increasin9l3 s;e<tical of suc: official accolades and
of t:e official accounts on =:ic: t:e3 are <re8issed?
!ut Geor9e !us: :as al=a3s traded s:a8elessl3 on :is alle9ed =ar record? ,urin9 !us:7s
Gulf =ar ad>enture of 1225-211 t:e adulation of !us:7s ostensible =arrior <ro=ess reac:ed
le>els t:at =ere <re>iousl3 considered c:aracteristic of o<enl3 totalitarian and 8ilitaristic
re9i8es? Late in 12251 after !us: :ad co88itted :i8self irre>ocabl3 to :is ca8<ai9n of
bo8bin9 and sa>a9er3 a9ainst Ira@1 :ac; =riter &oe H3a8s co8<leted an aut:oriAed
account of Geor9e !us: at =ar? T:is =as entitled li9:t of t:e A>en9er 0Ne= (or;"
Harcourt !race &o>ano>ic:1 122141 and a<<eared durin9 t:e ti8e of t:e Middle East
confla9ration t:at =as t:e <roduct of !us:7s obsessions? H3a8s7s =or; :ad t:e
un8ista;eable i8<ri8atur of t:e re9i8e" not Bust Geor9e1 but also !arbara :ad been
inter>ie=ed durin9 its <re<aration1 and its adulator3 tone <laced t:is s@ualid teEt s@uarel3
=it:in t:e Fred Studeba;erF sc:ool of <olitical :a9io9ra<:3?
T:e a<<earance of suc: a boo; at suc: a ti8e is su99esti>e of t:e <ractice of t:e 8ost
infa8ous t=entiet:-centur3 dictators:i<s1 in =:ic: t:e fi9ure of t:e stron9 8an1 ue:rer1
duce1 or >oA:d as :e 8i9:t be called1 :as been used for t:e trans8ission of s38bolic-
alle9orical directi>es to t:e subBect <o<ulation? *as fascist Ital3 see;in9 to assert its
econo8ic autar;3 in food <roduction in t:e face of trade sanctions b3 t:e Lea9ue of
NationsD T:en a fil8 =ould be <roduced b3 t:e MINCUL%O% 0t:e Ministr3 of %o<ular
Culture1 or <ro<a9anda4 de<ictin9 Mussolini indefati9abl3 :ar>estin9 9rain? *as NaAi
Ger8an3 in t:e final sta9es of <re<aration of a 8ilitar3 ca8<ai9n a9ainst a nei9:borin9
stateD If so1 Goebbels =ould orc:estrate a cascade of 8a9aAine articles and best-sellin9
<ul< e>o;in9 t:e 9lories of Hitler in t:e trenc:es of 121)-1/? Closer to our o=n ti8e1
Leonid !reA:ne> sou9:t to ali8ent :is o=n <ersonalit3 cult =it: a little boo; called
Mala3a Je8l3a1 an account of :is =ar eE<eriences =:ic: =as used b3 :is <ro<a9andists to
8oti>ate :is <ro8otion to Mars:al of t:e USSR and t:e erection of a statue in :is :onor
durin9 :is o=n lifeti8e? T:is is t:e tradition to =:ic: li9:t of t:e A>en9er belon9s?
!us: tells us in :is ca8<ai9n autobio9ra<:3 t:at :e decided to enlist in t:e ar8ed forces1
s<ecificall3 na>al a>iation1 s:ortl3 after :e :eard of t:e &a<anese attac; on %earl Harbor?
About siE 8ont:s later1 !us: 9raduated fro8 %:illi<s Acade831 and t:e co88ence8ent
s<ea;er =as Secretar3 of *ar Henr3 Sti8son1 e8inence 9rise of t:e US rulin9 elite?
Sti8son =as <ossibl3 8indful of t:e :ecato8b of 3oun9 8e8bers of t:e !ritis: rulin9
classes =:ic: :ad occurred in t:e trenc:es of *orld *ar I on t:e =estern front? In an3
e>ent1 Sti8son7s ad>ice to t:e Ando>er 9raduates =as t:at t:e =ar =ould 9o on for a lon9
ti8e1 and t:at t:e best =a3 of ser>in9 t:e countr3 =as to continue one7s education in
colle9e? %rescott !us: su<<osedl3 as;ed :is son if Sti8son7s reco88endation :ad altered
:is <lan to enlist? (oun9 !us: ans=ered t:at :e =as still co88itted to Boin t:e na>3?
Henr3 L? Sti8son =as certainl3 an aut:oritati>e s<o;es8an for t:e Eastern Liberal
Establis:8ent1 and !us:8an <ro<a9anda :as latel3 eEalted :i8 as one of t:e se8inal
influences on !us:7s <olitical outloo;? Sti8son :ad been educated at bot: (ale 0=:ere :e
:ad been ta<<ed b3 S;ull and !ones4 and Har>ard La= Sc:ool? He beca8e t:e la= <artner
of Eli:u Root1 =:o =as T:eordore Roose>elt7s secretar3 of state? Sti8son :ad been
T:eodore Roose>elt7s anti-corru<tion1 trust-bustin9 US Attorne3 in Ne= (or; Cit3 durin9
t:e first 3ears of t:e !I1 t:en Taft7s secretar3 of =ar1 a colonel of artiller3 in *orld *ar I1
Go>ernor General of t:e %:ili<<ines for Coolid9e1 secretar3 of state for Hoo>er1 and
enunciator of t:e FSti8son doctrine?F T:is last =as a <iece of :3<ocritical <osturin9
directed a9ainst &a<an1 assertin9 t:at c:an9es in t:e international order brou9:t about b3
force of ar8s 0and t:us in contra>ention of t:e #ello99-!riand %act of 12$/4 s:ould not be
9i>en di<lo8atic reco9nition? T:is a8ounted to a US co88itt8ent to u<:old t:e 6ersailles
s3ste81 t:e sa8e <olic3 u<:eld b3 !a;er1 Ea9lebur9er1 and #issin9er in t:e Serbian =ar on
Slo>enia and Croatia durin9 1221? Sti8son1 t:ou9: a Re<ublican1 =as brou9:t into
Roose>elt7s =ar cabinet in 12)5 in to;en of bi<artisan intentions?
!ut in 12)$1 !us: =as not bu3in9 Sti8son7s ad>ice? It is doubtless si9nificant t:at in t:e
8ind of 3oun9 Geor9e !us:1 *orld *ar T=o 8eant eEclusi>el3 t:e =ar in t:e %acific1
a9ainst t:e &a<anese? In t:e !us:-a<<ro>ed accounts of t:is <eriod of :is life1 t:ere is
scarcel3 a 8ention of t:e Euro<ean t:eatre1 des<ite t:e fact t:at Roose>elt and t:e entire
An9lo-A8erican establis:8ent :ad accorded strate9ic <riorit3 to t:e FGer8an3 firstF
scenario? (oun9 Geor9e1 it =ould a<<ear1 :ad :is :eart set on beco8in9 a na>3 flier?
Nor8all3 t:e Na>3 re@uired t=o 3ears of colle9e fro8 >olunteers =is:in9 to beco8e na>al
a>iators? !ut1 for reasons =:ic: :a>e ne>er been satisfactoril3 eE<lained1 3oun9 Geor9e
=as eEe8<ted fro8 t:is re@uire8ent? Had fat:er %rescott7s cron3 Arte8us Gates1 t:e
Assistant Secretar3 of t:e Na>3 for Air1 been instru8ental in 8a;in9 t:e eEce<tion1 =:ic:
=as t:e ;e3 to allo=in9 Geor9e to beco8e t:e 3oun9est of all na>3 <ilotsD On &une 1$1
12)$1 :is ei9:teent: birt:da31 !us: Boined t:e na>3 in !oston as a sea8an second class? Gfn
1H He =as ordered to re<ort for acti>e dut3 as an a>iation cadet on Au9ust -1 12)$? After a
last date =it: !arbara1 Geor9e =as ta;en to %enn Station in Ne= (or; Cit3 b3 fat:er
%rescott to board a troo< train :eaded for C:a<el Hill1 Nort: Carolina? At C:a<el Hill Na>al
Air Station1 one of !us:7s fello= cadets =as t:e =ell- ;no=n !oston Red SoE :itter Ted
*illia8s1 =:o =ould later Boin !us: on t:e ca8<ai9n trail in :is des<erate fi9:t in t:e Ne=
Ha8<s:ire <ri8ar3 in ebruar31 12//?
After <refli9:t trainin9 at C:a<el Hill1 !us: 8o>ed on to *old-C:a8berlain Na>al Airfield
in Minnea<olis1 Minnesota1 =:ere :e fle= solo for t:e first ti8e in No>e8ber1 12)$? In
ebruar31 12)' !us: 8o>ed on to Cor<us C:risti1 TeEas1 for furt:er trainin9? !us: recei>ed
:is co88ission as an ensi9n at Cor<us C:risti on &une 21 12)'?
After t:is !us: 8o>ed t:rou9: a nu8ber of na>al air bases o>er a <eriod of al8ost a 3ear
for >arious t3<es of ad>anced trainin9? In 8id-&une 12)' :e =as learnin9 to fl3 t:e
Gru88an T! A>en9er tor<edo-bo8ber at ort Lauderdale1 lorida? In Au9ust :e 8ade
landin9s on t:e USS Sable1 a <addle =:eel s:i< t:at =as used as an aircraft carrier for
trainin9 <ur<oses? ,urin9 t:e su88er of 12)' !us: s<ent a cou<le of =ee;s of lea>e =it:
!arbara at *al;er7s %oint in #ennebun;<ortC t:eir en9a9e8ent =as announced in t:e Ne=
(or; Ti8es of ,ece8ber 1$1 12)'?
Later in t:e su88er of 12)' !us: 8o>ed on to t:e Na>al Air !ase at Norfol;1 6ir9inia? In
Se<te8ber1 12)' !us:7s ne= s@uadron1 called 6T-+11 8o>ed on to t:e Na>al Air Station at
C:incotea9ue1 6ir9inia1 located on t:e ,el8ar>a <eninsula? On ,ece8ber 1)1 12)' !us:
and :is s@uadron =ere brou9:t to %:iladel<:ia to attend t:e co88issionin9 of t:e USS San
&acinto 0C6L'541 a li9:t attac; carrier built on a cruiser :ull? Since t:e na8e of t:e s:i<
recalled Sa8 Houston7s defeat of t:e MeEican leader Santa Anna in 1/'-1 and since t:e
s:i< fle= a Lone Star fla91 !us:8an <ro<a9anda :as 8ade 8uc: of t:ese artefacts in an
atte8<t to buttress Fcar<etba9F !us:7s tenuous connections to t:e state of TeEas? !us:7s 6-
+1 s@uadron re<orted on board t:is s:i< for a s:a;edo=n cruise on ebruar3 -1 12))1 and
on Marc: $+1 12)) t:e San &acinto left for San ,ie9o b3 =a3 of t:e %ana8a Canal? T:e
San &acinto reac:ed %earl :arbor on A<ril $51 12))1 and =as assi9ned to Ad8iral Marc A?
Mitsc:er7s Tas; orce +/O'/1 a 9rou< of fast carriers1 on Ma3 $1 12))?
In &une !us:7s s:i< Boined battle =it: &a<anese forces in t:e Marianas arc:<ela9o? Here
!us: fle= :is first co8bat 8issions? On &une 1.1 a loss of oil <ressure forced !us: to 8a;e
an e8er9enc3 landin9 at sea? !us:1 alon9 =it: :is t=o cre=8e8bers1 9unner Leo Nadeau
and radio8an-tail 9unner &o:n L? ,elane31 =ere <ic;ed u< b3 a US destro3er after so8e
:ours in t:e =ater? !us:7s first A>en9er1 na8ed b3 :i8 t:e !arbara1 =as lost?
,urin9 &ul31 12)) !us: too; <art in t:irteen air stri;es1 8an3 in connection =it: t:e US
8arines landin9 on Gua8? In Au9ust !us:7s s:i< <roceeded to t:e area of I=o &i8a and
C:ic:i &i8a in t:e !onin Islands for a ne= round of sorties?
On Se<te8ber $1 12))1 !us: and t:ree ot:er A>en9er <ilots1 escorted b3 Hellcat fi9:ter
<lanes1 =ere directed to attac; a radio trans8itter on C:ic:i &i8a? %lanes fro8 t:e USS
Enter<rise =ould also Boin in t:e attac;? On t:is 8ission !us:7s rear-seat 9unner =ould not
be t:e usual Leo Nadeau1 but rat:er Lt? 0B94 *illia8 Gardner FTedF *:ite1 t:e s@uadron
ordnance officer of 6T-+11 alread3 a (ale 9raduate and alread3 a 8e8ber of S;ull and
!ones? *:ite7s fat:er :ad been a class8ate of %rescott !us:? *:ite too; :is <lace in t:e
rear-facin9 8ac:ine 9un turret of !us:7s T!M A>en9er1 t:e !arbara II? T:e radio8an-
9unner =as &o:n L? ,elane31 a re9ular 8e8ber of !us:7s cre=?
*:at :a<<ened in t:e s;ies of C:ic:i &i8a t:at da3 is a 8atter of li>el3 contro>ers3? !us:
:as <resented se>eral differin9 >ersions of :is o=n stor3? In :is ca8<ai9n autobio9ra<:3
<ublis:ed in 12/. !us: 9i>es t:e follo=in9 account"
T:e fla; =as t:e :ea>iest I7d e>er flo=n into? T:e &a<anese =ere read3 and =aitin9" t:eir
antiaircraft 9uns =ere set u< to nail us as =e <us:ed into our di>es? !3 t:e ti8e 6T-+1 =as read3
to 9o in1 t:e s;3 =as t:ic; =it: an9r3 blac; clouds of eE<lodin9 antiaircraft fire?
,on Mel>in led t:e =a31 scorin9 :its on a radio to=er? I follo=ed1 9oin9 into a t:irt3-fi>e de9ree
di>e1 an an9le of attac; t:at sounds s:allo= but in an A>en9er felt as if 3ou =ere :eaded strai9:t
do=n? T:e tar9et 8a< =as stra<<ed to 83 ;nee1 and as I started into 83 di>e1 I7d alread3 s<otted
t:e tar9et area? Co8in9 in1 I =as a=are of blac; s<lotc:es of 9unfire all around?
Suddenl3 t:ere =as a Bolt1 as if a 8assi>e fist :ad crunc:ed into t:e bell3 of t:e <lane? S8o;e
<oured into t:e coc;<it1 and I could see fla8es ri<<lin9 across t:e crease of t:e =in91 ed9in9
to=ards t:e fuel tan;s? I sta3ed =it: t:e di>e1 :o8ed in on t:e tar9et1 unloaded our four +55-
<ound bo8bs1 and <ulled a=a31 :eadin9 for t:e sea? Once o>er =ater1 I le>eled off and told
,elane3 and *:ite to bail out1 turnin9 t:e <lane to starboard to ta;e t:e sli<strea8 off t:e door
near ,elane37s station?
U< to t:at <oint1 eEce<t for t:e stin9 of dense s8o;e blurrin9 83 >ision1 I =as in fair s:a<e? !ut
=:en I =ent to 8a;e 83 Bu8<1 trouble ca8e in <airs? Gfn $H
In t:is account1 t:ere is no 8ore 8ention of *:ite and ,elane3 until !us: :it t:e =ater and
be9an loo;in9 around for t:e8? !us: sa3s t:at it =as onl3 after :a>in9 been rescued b3 t:e
USS innbac;1 a sub8arine1 t:at :e Flearned t:at neit:er &ac; ,elane3 nor Ted *:ite :ad
sur>i>ed? One =ent do=n =it: t:e <laneC t:e ot:er =as seen Bu8<in91 but :is <arac:ute
failed to o<en?F T:e H3a8s account of 1221 =as =ritten after an Au9ust 12// inter>ie=
=it: C:ester MierAeBe=s;i1 anot:er 8e8ber of !us:7s s@uadron1 :ad raised i8<ortant
@uestions about t:e :aste =it: =:ic: !us: bailed out1 rat:er t:an atte8<tin9 a =ater
landin9? MierAeBe=s;i7s account1 =:ic: is su88ariAed belo=1 contradicted !us:7s o=n
>ersion of t:ese e>ents1 and :inted t:at !us: 8i9:t :a>e abandoned :is t=o cre=8e8bers
to a :orrible and needless deat:? T:e H3a8s account1 =:ic: is <artl3 intended to refute
MierAeBe=s;i1 de>elo<s as follo=s"
???!us: =as <ilotin9 t:e t:ird <lane o>er t:e tar9et1 =it: Moore fl3in9 on :is =in9? He nosed o>er
into a t:irt3-de9ree 9lide1 :eadin9 strai9:t for t:e radio to=er? ,eter8ined to finall3 destro3 t:e
to=er1 :e used no e>asi>e tactics and :eld t:e <lane directl3 on tar9et? His >ision a:ead =as
occasionall3 cancelled b3 bursts of blac; s8o;e fro8 t:e &a<anese antiaircraft 9uns? T:e <lane
=as descendin9 t:rou9: t:ic;enin9 clouds of fla; <ierced b3 t:e fla8in9 arc of tracers?
T:ere =as a sudden flas: of li9:t follo=ed b3 an eE<losion? FT:e <lane =as lifted for=ard1 and
=e =ere en>elo<ed in fla8es1F !us: recalls? FI sa= t:e fla8es runnin9 alon9 t:e =in9s =:ere t:e
fuel tan;s =ere and =:ere t:e =in9s fold? I t:ou9:t1 T:is is reall3 badK It7s :ard to re8e8ber t:e
details1 but I loo;ed at t:e instru8ents and couldn7t see t:e8 for t:e s8o;e?F
,on Mel>in1 circlin9 abo>e t:e action =:ile =aitin9 for :is <ilots to dro< t:eir bo8bs and 9et out1
t:ou9:t t:e &a<anese s:ell :ad :it an oil line on !us:7s A>en9er? F(ou could :a>e seen t:at s8o;e
for a :undred 8iles?F
%er:a<s so1 but it is difficult to understand =:3 t:e s8o;e fro8 !us:7s <lane =as so
distinctl3 >isible in suc: a s8o;e-filled en>iron8ent? H3a8s 9oes on to describe !us:7s
co8<letion of :is bo8bin9 run? His account continues"
!3 t:en t:e =in9s =ere co>ered in fla8es and s8o;e1 and t:e en9ine =as blaAin9? He considered
8a;in9 a =ater landin9 but realiAed it =ould not be <ossible? !ailin9 out =as absolutel3 t:e last
c:oice1 but :e :ad no ot:er o<tion? He 9ot on t:e radio and notified s@uadron leader Mel>in of :is
decision? Mel>in radioed bac;1 FRecei>ed 3our 8essa9e? Got 3ou in si9:t? *ill follo=?F
G???H Milt Moore1 fl3in9 directl3 be:ind !us:1 sa= t:e A>en9er 9oin9 do=n s8o;in9? FI <ulled u<
to :i8C t:en :e lost <o=er and I =ent sailin9 b3 :i8?F
As soon as :e =as bac; o>er =ater1 !us: s:outed on t:e interco8 for *:ite and ,elane3 to F:it
t:e sil;KF G???H ,ic; Gor8an1 Moore7s radio8an-9unner1 re8e8bers :earin9 so8eone on t:e
interco8 s:out1 FHit t:e sil;KF and as;in9 Moore1 FIs t:at 3ou1 RedDF
FNo1F Moore re<lied? FIt7s !us:1 :e7s :itKF
Ot:er s@uadron 8e8bers :eard !us: re<eatin9 t:e co88and to bail out1 o>er and o>er1 on t:e
T:ere =as no res<onse fro8 eit:er of !us:7s cre=8en and no =a3 :e could see t:e8C a s:ield of
ar8or <late bet=een :i8 and Lt? *:ite bloc;ed :is >ie= be:ind? He =as certain t:at *:ite and
,elane3 :ad bailed out t:e 8o8ent t:e3 9ot t:e order? Gfn 'H
H3a8s @uotes a later entr3 b3 Mel>in in t:e s@uadron lo9 as to t:e fate of !us:7s t=o
cre=8en" FFAt a <oint a<<roEi8atel3 nine 8iles bearin9 5)+7T 0de9rees4 fro8 Mina8i
&i8a1 !us: and one ot:er <erson =ere seen to bail out fro8 about '1555 feet? !us:7s c:ute
o<ened and :e landed safel3 in t:e =ater1 inflated :is raft1 and <addled fart:er a=a3 fro8
C:i-C:i &i8a? T:e c:ute of t:e ot:er <erson =:o bailed out did not o<en? !us: :as not 3et
been returned to t:e s@uadron???so t:is infor8ation is inco8<lete? *:ile Lt? B?9? *:ite and
&?L? ,elane3 are re<orted 8issin9 in action1 it is belie>ed t:at bot: =ere ;illed as a result of
t:e abo>e described action?F Gfn )H !ut it is interestin9 to note t:at t:is re<ort1 contrar3 to
usual standard na>3 <ractice1 :as no date? T:is s:ould alert us to t:at ta8<erin9 =it: <ublic
records1 suc: as !us:7s filin9s at t:e Securities and EEc:an9e Co88ission durin9 t:e
12-57s1 =:ic: a<<ears to be a s<ecialt3 of t:e !ro=n !rot:ers1 Harri8anOS;ull and !ones
or co8<arison1 let us no= cite t:e cursor3 account of t:is sa8e incident
<ro>ided b3 !us:7s aut:oriAed bio9ra<:er in t:e candidate7s 12/5 <residential
ca8<ai9n bio9ra<:3" On a run to=ard t:e island1 !us:7s <lane =as struc; b3 &a<anese
antiaircraft s:ells? One of :is t=o cre=8en =as ;illed instantl3 and t:e aircraft =as set on fire?
!us: =as able to score :its on t:e ene83 installations =it: a cou<le of fi>e-:undred <ound bo8bs
before :e =ri99led out of t:e s8o;in9 coc;<it and floated to=ards t:e =ater? T:e ot:er cre=8an
also bailed out but died al8ost i88ediatel3 t:ereafter because1 as t:e fi9:ter <ilot be:ind !us:7s
<lane =as later to re<ort1 :is <arac:ute failed to o<en <ro<erl3? !us:7s o=n <arac:ute beca8e
8o8entaril3 fouled on t:e tail of t:e <lane after :e :it t:e =ater? Gfn +H
#in97s account in interestin9 for its o8ission of an3 8ention of !us:7s inBur3 in bailin9 out1
a 9as:ed fore:ead :e 9ot =:en :e struc; t:e tail asse8bl3 of t:e <lane? T:is :ad to :a>e
occurred lon9 before !us: :ad :it t:e =ater1 so t:is account is 9arbled indeed?
Let us also cite <arts of t:e account <ro>ided b3 itA:u9: Green in :is 12/2 aut:oriAed
bio9ra<:3? Green :as !us: 8a;in9 :is attac; Fat a -5-de9ree an9le?F For :is t=o cre=
8e8bers1F notes Green1 Flife =as about to end?F His >ersion 9oes on"
Half=a3 t:rou9: !us:7s di>e1 t:e ene83 found :is ran9e =it: one or 8ore s:ells? S8o;e filled :is
cabinC :is <lane controls =ea;enedC t:e en9ine be9an cou9:in91 and still :e =asn7t close enou9: to
t:e tar9et? He <resu8ed t:e T!M to be ter8inall3 da8a9ed? i9:tin9 to sta3 on course1 e3es
s8artin91 !us: 8ana9ed to launc: :is bo8bs at t:e last <ossible 8o8ent? He couldn7t discern t:e
result t:rou9: blac; fu8es? !ut a co8<anion <ilot affir8ed later t:at t:e installation ble= u<1
alon9 =it: t=o ot:er buildin9s? T:e na>3 =ould decorate !us: for literall3 stic;in9 to :is 9uns
until :e co8<leted :is 8ission under ferocious ene83 fire?
GoodK No= t:e tric; =as to ;ee< t:e <lane aloft lon9 enou9: to acco8<lis: t=o obBecti>es" first1
9et far enou9: a=a3 fro8 t:e island to allo= rescue fro8 t:e sea before ca<ture or ;illin9 b3 t:e
ene83C second1 9i>e :is <lane8ates ti8e to <arac:ute out of t:e burnin9 aircraft?
T:e T!M s<uttered on its last fe= :undred 3ards? Unbe;no=nst to !us:1 one 8an freed :i8self?
Neit:er fello= s@uadron <ilots nor !us: e>er =ere sure =:ic: cre=8e8ber t:is =as? As :e
Bu8<ed1 :o=e>er1 :is <arac:ute snarled and failed to o<en? Gfn -H
Green =rites t:at =:en !us: =as s=i88in9 in t:e =ater1 :e realiAed t:at F:is cre= :ad
disa<<earedF and t:at Ft:e loss of t:e t=o 8en nu8bed !us:?F
or t:e 122$ <residential ca8<ai9n1 t:e !us:8en :a>e readied 3et anot:er re:as: of t:e
adulator3 Fred Studeba;erF <rintout in t:e for8 of a ne= bio9ra<:3 b3 Ric:ard !en
Cra8er? T:is is distin9uis:ed as a literar3 effort abo>e all b3 t:e artificial >erbal
<3rotec:nics =it: =:ic: t:e aut:or atte8<ts to breat:e ne= life into t:e do9-eared !us:
canonical <rintout? or t:ese1 Cra8er relies on a :3<er;inetic st3le =it: non->erbal s3ntaE
=:ic: to so8e de9ree ec:oes !us:7s o=n disBointed 8anner of s<ea;in9? T:e resultin9 teEt
8a3 :a>e found fa>or =it: !us: =:en :e =as 9ri<<ed b3 :is :3<ert:3roid ra9es durin9 t:e
buildu< for t:e Gulf =ar? A <art of t:is teEt :as a<<eared in Es@uire Ma9aAine? Gfn .H Here
is Cra8er7s descri<tion of t:e critical <:ase of t:e incident"
He felt a Barrin9 lurc:1 a crunc:1 and :is <lane lea<ed for=ard1 li;e a 9iant :ad struc; it fro8
belo= =it: a fist? S8o;e started to fill t:e coc;<it? He sa= a ton9ue of fla8e strea8in9 do=n t:e
ri9:t =in9 to=ard t:e crease? C:ristK T:e fuel tan;sK
He called to ,elane3 and *:ite--*e7>e been :itK He =as di>in9? Mel>in :it t:e to=er dead-on--
four fi>e :undred <ounders? *est =as on t:e sa8e bea8? !us: could :a>e <ulled out? Ha>e to 9et
rid of t:ese bo8bs? #ee< t:e di>e????A fe= seconds???
He dro<<ed on t:e tar9et and let 7e8 fl3? T:e bo8bs s<un do=n1 t:e <lane s:ru99ed =it: release1
and !us: ban;ed a=a3 :ard to t:e east? No =a3 :e7d 9et to t:e rendeA>ous <oint =it: Mel>in? T:e
s8o;e =as so bad :e couldn7t see t:e 9au9es? *as :e cli8bin9D Ha>e to 9et to t:e =ater? T:e3
=ere dead if t:e3 bailed out o>er land? T:e &a<s ;illed <ilots? Gonna :a>e to bail out? !us: radioed
t:e s;i<<er1 called :is cre=? No ans=er? ,oes *:ite ;no= :o= to 9et to :is c:uteD !us: loo;ed
bac; for an instant? God1 =as *:ite :itD He =as 3ellin9 t:e order to bail out1 turnin9 ri9:t rudder
to ta;e t:e sli<strea8 off t:eir :atc:???:ad to 9et :i8self out? He le>elled off o>er =ater1 onl3 a
fe= 8iles fro8 t:e island???8ore1 ou9:t to 9et out fart:er????t:at7s it1 9ot to be no=???He flic;ed t:e
red to99le s=itc: on t:e das:--t:e I1 Identification riend or oe --su<<osed to alert an3 US
s:i<1 send a s<ecial fre@uenc3 bac; to :is o=n carrier???no ot:er =a3 to co88unicate1 :ad to 9et
out no=1 :ad to be ??? NO*?
It =ill be seen t:at t:ese >ersions contain nu8erous internal contradictions1 but t:at t:e
:all8ar; of Fred Studeba;erF ort:odoE31 es<eciall3 after t:e a<<earance of t:e
MierAeBe=s;3 account1 is t:at !us:7s <lane =as on fire1 =it: >isible s8o;e and fla8es? T:e
!us: <ro<a9anda 8ac:ine needs t:e fire on board t:e A>en9er in order to Bustif3 !us:7s
<reci<itous decision to bail out1 lea>in9 :is t=o cre= 8e8bers to t:eir fate1 rat:er t:an
atte8<tin9 t:e =ater landin9 =:ic: 8i9:t :a>e sa>ed t:e8?
T:e onl3 <erson =:o :as e>er clai8ed to :a>e seen !us:7s <lane 9et :it1 and to :a>e seen it
:it t:e =ater1 is C:ester MierAeBe=;si1 =:o =as t:e rear turret 9unner in t:e aircraft flo=n
b3 S@uadron Co88ander ,ou9las Mel>in? ,urin9 12/.-//1 MierAeBe=;si beca8e
increasin9l3 indi9nant as :e =atc:ed !us: re<eat :is canonical account of :o= :e =as s:ot
do=n? S:ortl3 before t:e Re<ublican National Con>ention in 12//1 MierAe;e=s;i1 b3 t:en
a -/ 3ear old retired aircraft fore8an li>in9 in C:es:ire1 Connecticut1 decided to tell :is
stor3 to Allan *ol<er and Al Ellenber9 of t:e Ne= (or; %ost1 =:ic: <rinted it as a
co<3ri9:ted article? Gfn /H
FT:at 9u3 is not tellin9 t:e trut:1F MierAeBe=s;i said of !us:?
As t:e rear-loo;in9 turret 9unner on Co88ander Mel>in7s <lane1 MierAeBe=s;i :ad t:e
8ost ad>anta9eous <osition for obser>in9 t:e e>ents in @uestion :ere? Since Mel>in7s <lane
fle= directl3 a:ead of !us:7s1 :e :ad a direct and unobstructed >ie= of =:at =as :a<<enin9
aft of :is o=n <lane? *:en t:e Ne= (or; %ost re<orters as;ed for8er Lt? Le9are Hole1 t:e
eEecuti>e officer of !us:7s s@uadron1 about =:o 8i9:t :a>e best obser>ed t:e last 8inutes
of t:e !arbara II1 Hole re<lied" FT:e turret 9unner in Mel>in7s <lane =ould :a>e :ad a 9ood
>ie=? If t:e <lane =as on fire1 t:ere is a >er3 9ood c:ance :e =ould be able to see t:at? T:e
<ilot can7t see e>er3t:in9 t:at t:e 9unner can1 and :e7d 8iss an a=ful lot1 F Hole told t:e
Ne= (or; %ost?
Gunner La=rence Mueller of Mil=au;ee1 anot:er for8er 8e8ber of !us:7s s@uadron =:o
fle= on t:e C:ic:i &i8a 8ission1 =:en as;ed =:o =ould :a>e :ad t:e best >ie=1 re<lied"
FT:e turret 9unner of Mel>in7s <lane?F MierAeBe=;si for :is <art said t:at :is <lane =as
fl3in9 about 155 feet a:ead of !us:7s <lane durin9 t:e incident - so close t:at :e could see
into !us:7s coc;<it?
MierAeBe=;i1 =:o is also a reci<ient of t:e ,istin9uis:ed l3in9 Cross1 told t:e Ne= (or;
%ost t:at :e sa= Fa <uff of s8o;eF co8e out of !us:7s <lane and @uic;l3 dissi<ate? He
asserted t:at after t:at t:ere =as no 8ore s8o;e >isible1 t:at !us:7s F<lane =as ne>er on
fireF and t:at Fno s8o;e ca8e out of :is coc;<it =:en :e o<ened :is cano<3 to bail out?F
MierAeBe=s;i stated t:at onl3 one 8an e>er 9ot out of t:e !arbara II1 and t:at =as !us:
:i8self? FI =as :o<in9 I =ould see so8e ot:er <arac:utes? I ne>er did? I sa= t:e <lane 9o
do=n? I ;ne= t:e 9u3s =ere still in it? It =as a :el<less feelin9?F
MierAeBe=s;i :as lon9 been troubled b3 t:e notion t:at !us:7s decision to <arac:ute fro8
:is da8a9ed aircraft 8i9:t :a>e cost t:e li>es of Radio8an second class &o:n ,elane31 a
close friend of MierAeBe=;s31 as =ell as 9unner Lt? &unior Grade *illia8 *:ite? 7I t:in;
G!us:H could :a>e sa>ed t:ose li>es1 if t:e3 =ere ali>e? I don7t ;no= t:at t:e3 =ere1 but at
least t:e3 :ad a c:ance if :e :ad atte8<ted a =ater landin917F MierAeBe=s;i told t:e Ne=
(or; %ost?
or8er eEecuti>e officer Le9are Hole su88ed u< t:e @uestion for t:e Ne= (or; %ost
re<orters as follo=s" FIf t:e <lane is on fire1 it :astens 3our decision to bail out? If it is not
on fire1 3ou 8a;e a =ater landin9?F T:e <oint is t:at a =ater landin9 :eld out 8ore :o<e for
all 8e8bers of t:e cre=? T:e A>en9er :ad been desi9ned to float for a<<roEi8atel3 t=o
8inutes1 9i>in9 t:e tail9unner enou9: ti8e to inflate a raft and 9i>in9 e>er3one an eEtra
8ar9in of ti8e to 9et free of t:e <lane before it san;? !us: :ad carried out a =ater landin9
bac; in &une =:en :is <lane :ad lost oil <ressure?
T:e official- but undated- re<ort on t:e incident a8on9 t:e s@uadron records =as si9ned b3
Co88ander Mel>in and an intelli9ence officer na8ed Lt? Martin E? #il<atric;? #il<atric;
is deceased1 and Mel>in in 12// =as :os<italiAed =it: %ar;inson7s disease and could not be
inter>ie=ed? MierAeBe=s;i in earl3 Au9ust 12// :ad ne>er seen t:e undated intelli9ence
re<ort in @uestion? F#il<atric; =as t:e first <erson I s<o;e to =:en =e 9ot bac; to t:e
s:i<1F :e said? FI told :i8 =:at I sa=? I don7t understand =:3 it7s not in t:e re<ort?F
Gunner La=rence Mueller tended to corroborate MierAeBe=;i7s account? Mueller :ad ;e<t a
lo9 boo; of :is o=n in =:ic: :e 8ade notations as t:e s@uadron =as debriefed in t:e read3
roo8 after eac: 8ission? or Se<te8ber $1 12))1 Mueller7s <ersonal lo9 :ad t:e follo=in9
entr3" F*:ite and ,elane3 <resu8ed to :a>e 9one do=n =it: <lane?F Mueller told t:e Ne=
(or; %ost t:at Fno <arac:ute =as si9:ted eEce<t !us:7s =:en t:e <lane =ent do=n?F T:e
Ne= (or; %ost re<orters =ere s<ecific t:at accordin9 to Mueller1 no one in t:e San &acinto
read3 roo8 durin9 t:e debriefin9 :ad said an3t:in9 about a fire on board !us:7s <lane?
Mueller said" FI =ould :a>e <ut it in 83 lo9boo; if I :ad :eard it?F
Accordin9 to t:is Ne= (or; %ost article1 t:e re<ort of !us:7s debriefin9 aboard t:e
sub8arine innbac; after :is rescue 8a;es no 8ention of an3 fire aboard t:e <lane? *:en
t:e Ne= (or; %ost re<orters inter>ie=ed T:o8as R? #eene1 an air8an fro8 anot:er carrier
=:o :ad been <ic;ed u< b3 t:e innbac; a fe= da3s after !us:1 and referred to t:e alle9ed
fire on board !us:7s <lane1 F#eene =as sur<rised to :earF it? F7,id :e sa3 t:atD1F #eene
Leo Nadeau1 !us:7s usual rear turret 9unner1 =:o :ad been in contact =it: !us: durin9 t:e
12/57s1 atte8<ted to undercut MierAeBe=s;i7s credibilit3 b3 statin9 t:at FS;i1F as
MierAeBe=s;i =as called1 =ould :a>e been Ftoo bus3 s:ootin9F to :a>e been able to focus
on t:e e>ents in>ol>in9 !us:7s <lane? !ut e>en t:e <ro-!us: accounts a9ree t:at t:e reason
t:at *:ite :ad been allo=ed to co8e aloft in t:e first <lace =as t:e eE<ectation t:at t:ere
=ould be no &a<anese aircraft o>er t:e tar9et1 8a;in9 a t:orou9:l3 trained and eE<erienced
9unner su<erfluous? Indeed1 no account alle9es t:at an3 &a<anese aircraft a<<eared o>er
C:ic:i &i8a?
!us: and MierAeBe=s;i 8et a9ain on board t:e San &acinto after t:e do=ned <ilot =as
returned fro8 t:e innbac; about a 8ont: after t:e loss of t:e !arbara II? Accordin9 to t:e
Ne= (or; %ost account1 about a 8ont: after all t:ese e>ents !us:1 clad in Red Cross
<aBa8as1 returned to t:e San &acinto? FHe ca8e into t:e read3 roo8 and sat do=n neEt to
8e1F MierAeBe=;si recounted? FHe G!us:H ;ne= I sa= t:e =:ole t:in9? He said1 7S;i1 I78
sure t:ose t=o 8en =ere dead? I called t:e8 on t:e radio t:ree ti8es? T:e3 =ere dead?7
*:en :e told 8e t:e3 =ere dead1 I couldn7t <ro>e t:e3 =eren7t? He see8ed distrau9:t? He
=as tr3in9 to assure 8e :e did t:e best :e could? I78 t:in;in9 =:at a8 I 9oin9 to sa3 to
:i81F MierAeBe=s;i co88ented in 12//?
MierAeBe=s;i be9an to beco8e concerned about !us:7s <resentation of :is =ar record
=:ile =atc:in9 !us:7s ,ece8ber 12/. inter>ie= =it: ,a>id rost1 =:ic: =as one of t:e
candidate7s 8ost sancti8onious <erfor8ances? In Marc:1 12// MierAeBe=es;i =rote to
!us: and told :i8 t:at :is recollections =ere >er3 different fro8 t:e >ice <resident7s stor3?
MierAeBe=s;i7s letter =as not :ostile in tone1 but >oiced concern t:at <olitical o<<onents
8i9:t co8e for=ard to dis<ute !us:? T:ere =as no re<l3 to t:is letter1 and C:ester
MierAeBe=s;i ulti8atel3 elected to tell :is o=n uni@ue e3e-=itness >ersion of t:e facts to
t:e Ne= (or; %ost? Certainl3 :is aut:oritati>e1 first-:and account <laces a lar9e @uestion
8ar; o>er t:e e>ents of Se<te8ber $1 12)) =:ic: !us: :as so often sou9:t to eE<loit for
<olitical 9ain?
Se>eral da3s after MierAeBe=s;i7s inter>ie= =as <ublis:ed1 !us:7s office obtained and
released to t:e <ress a co<3 of t:e 0undated4 s@uadron lo9 re<ort? One ,onald R:odes of
!us:7s office called MierAeBe=;si to offer :i8 a co<3 of t:e re<ort?
It is t3<ical of &oe H3a8s7 :ac; =or; for !us: in T:e li9:t of t:e A>en9er t:at :e ne>er
8entions MierAeBe=;si7s critical account1 alt:ou9: :e is ob>iousl3 acutel3 a=are of t:e
obBections raised b3 MierAeBe=s;i and =ants >er3 8uc: to discredit t:ose obBections?
Indeed1 H3a8s totall3 i9nores MierAeBe=s;i as a source1 and also studiousl3 i9nores t:e
ot:er =itness =:o =ould :a>e su<<orted MierAeBe=s;i1 t:at is to sa3 Mueller? H3a8s :ad
t:e su<<ort of !us:7s *:ite House staff in arran9in9 inter>ie=s for :is boo;1 but so8e:o=
:e ne>er 9ot around to tal;in9 to MierAeBe=s;i and Mueller? T:is 8ust increase our
sus<icion t:at !us: :as so8e da8nin9 cicru8stance :e =is:es to :ide?
!us: :i8self ad8its t:at :e =as in a bi9 :urr3 to 9et out of :is coc;<it" FT:e =ind =as
<la3in9 tric;s1 or 8ore li;el31 I <ulled t:e ri< cord too soon?F Gfn 2H T:is caused :is 9as:ed
fore:ead and da8a9ed :is <arac:ute?
Concernin9 t:e abilit3 of !ro=n !rot:ers1 Harri8an to fiE a co8bat re<ort in na>al
a>iation1 it is clear t:at t:is could be acco8<lis:ed as easil3 as fiEin9 a <ar;in9 tic;et?
Arte8us Gates is so8eone =:o could :a>e :el<ed out? Ot:er !ro=n !rot:ers1 Harri8an
assets in <o=erful <osts included Secretar3 of *ar Sti8son1 Secretar3 of *ar for Air
Robert Lo>ett1 S<ecial En>o3 *? A>erell Harri8an1 and e>en %resident Roose>elt7s
confidant and >irtual alter e9o1 Harr3 Ho<;ins1 an asset of t:e Harri8an fa8il3?
!us: =as >er3 u<set about =:at :ad :a<<ened to :is t=o cre=8en? Later1 durin9 one of :is
S;ull and !ones FLife Histor3F self-eE<osures1 !us: referred to Lt? *:ite1 t:e S;ull and
!ones 8e8ber =:o :ad 9one to :is deat: =it: t:e !arbara II" FI =is: I :adn7t let :i8 9o1F
said !us:1 accordin9 to for8er Con9ress8an T:o8as *? L? 0Lud4 As:le31 a fello= S;ull
and !ones 8e8ber and durin9 1221 one of t:e ad8inistrators of t:e Neil !us: le9al
defense fund? Accordin9 to As:le31 F!us: =as :eartbro;en? He :ad 9one o>er it in :is 8ind
1551555 ti8es and concluded :e couldn7t :a>e done an3t:in9????He didn7t feel 9uilt3 about
an3t:in9 t:at :a<<ened????!ut t:e incident =as a source of real 9rief to :i8?
It tore :i8 u<1 real an9uis:? It =as so fres: in :is 8ind? He :ad a real friends:i< =it: t:is
8an1F said As:le3? Gfn 15H
!us: later =rote letters to t:e fa8ilies of t:e 8en =:o :ad died on :is <lane? He recei>ed a
re<l3 fro8 ,elane37s sister1 Mar3 &ane ,elane3? T:e letter read in <art"
(ou 8ention in 3our letter t:at 3ou =ould li;e to :el< 8e in so8e =a3? T:ere is a =a31 and
t:at is to sto< t:in;in9 3ou are in an3 =a3 res<onsible for 3our <lane accident and =:at :as
:a<<ened to 3our 8en? I 8i9:t :a>e t:ou9:t 3ou =ere if 83 brot:er &ac; :ad not al=a3s
s<o;en of 3ou as t:e best <ilot in t:e s@uadron? Gfn 11H
!us: also =rote a letter to :is <arents in =:ic: :e tal;ed about *:ite and ,elane3" FI tr3 to
t:in; about it as little as <ossible1 3et I cannot 9et t:e t:ou9:t of t:ose t=o out of 83 8ind?
O:1 I78 O#- I =ant to fl3 a9ain and I =on7t be scared of it1 but I ;no= I =on7t be able to
s:a;e t:e 8e8or3 of t:is incident and I don7t belie>e I =ant to co8<letel3?F Gfn 1$H
As !us: :i8self loo;ed bac; on all t:ese e>ents fro8 t:e t:res:old of :is 9enocidal assault
on Ira@1 :e co8<lacentl3 concluded t:at t:e <a9an fates :ad <reser>ed :is life for so8e
future <ur<ose? He told H3a8s"
T:ere =asn7t a sudden re>elation of =:at I =anted to do =it: t:e rest of 83 life1 but t:ere
=as an a=a;enin9? T:ere7s no @uestion t:at underl3in9 all t:at =ere 83 o=n reli9ious
beliefs? In 83 o=n >ie= t:ere7s 9ot to be so8e ;ind of destin3 and I =as bein9 s<ared for
so8et:in9 on eart:? Gfn 1'H
After :a>in9 deliberatel3 i9nored t:e rele>ant dissentin9 >ie=s about t:e :erois8 of :is
<atron1 H3a8s c:ooses to conclude :is boo; on t:e follo=in9 disturbin9 note" *:en fl3in9
:is A>en9er off t:e dec; of t:e San &ac1 !us: =as res<onsible for :is o=n fate as =ell as
:is cre=8en7s? As <resident :e is res<onsible for t:e fate of all A8ericans as =ell as t:at of
8uc: of t:e =orld?
And t:at is <recisel3 t:e <roble8?
1? or details of !us:7s na>3 career1 see &oe H3a8s1 li9:t of t:e A>en9er 0Ne= (or;1 122141 <assi8?
$? !us: and Gold1 Loo;in9 or=ard1 <? '-?
'? H3a8s1 li9:t of t:e A>en9er1 <<? 15--15.?
)? H3a8s1 li9:t of t:e A>en9er1 <? 111?
+? Nic:olas #in91 Geor9e !us:" A !io9ra<:3 0Ne= (or;1 12/541 <<? '5-'1?
-? itA:u9: Green1 Geor9e !us:" An Inti8ate %ortrait 0Ne= (or;1 12/241 <<? '--'.?
.? Ric:ard !en Cra8er1 FGeor9e !us:F Ho= He Got Here1F Es<@uire1 &une 1221?
/? Allan *ol<er and Al Ellenber91 FT:e ,a3 !us: !ailed Out1F Ne= (or; %ost1 Au9ust 1$1 12//1 <? 1 ff?
15? !us: and Gold1 <? '-?
11? *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust .1 12//
1$? H3a8s1 <? 1)'?
1' bis? !us: and Gold1 <<? )5-)1?
1)? H3a8s1 <? 1')
C:a<ter -6II- S;ull and !ones" T:e Racist Ni9:t8are at
F*ise states8en ??? establis:ed t:ese 9reat self-e>ident trut:s1 t:at =:en in t:e distant future so8e
8an1 so8e faction1 so8e interest1 s:ould set u< t:e doctrine t:at none but ric: 8en1 or none but
=:ite 8en1 =ere entitled to life1 libert3 and t:e <ursuit of :a<<iness1 t:eir <osterit3 s:ould loo; u<
a9ain at t:e ,eclaration of Inde<endence and ta;e coura9e to rene= t:e battle =:ic: t:eir fat:ers
-- Abra:a8 Lincoln --
T:e U?S? Na>3 deli>ered Geor9e !us: bac; :o8e for 9ood on C:rist8as E>e1 12))C t:e
=ar in t:e %acific ra9ed on o>er t:e neEt :alf 3ear1 =it: Allied forces ta;in9 Sout:east Asia1
t:e Net:erlands East Indies 0Indonesia41 and islands suc: as I=o &i8a and O;ina=a?
!arbara %ierce @uit S8it: Colle9e in :er so<:o8ore 3ear to 8arr3 Geor9e? %rescott and
Mot:er !us: 9a>e a s<lendid <renu<tial dinner at t:e Green=ic: ield Club? T:e =eddin9
too; <lace &anuar3 -1 12)+1 in t:e R3e1 Ne= (or; %resb3terian C:urc:1 as t:e U?S? T:ird
leet bo8barded t:e 8ain %:ili<<ine island of LuAon in <re<aration for in>asion?
After=ards t:ere =as a 9la8orous rece<tion for '55 at A<<a=a8is Countr3 Club? T:e
ne=l3=eds :one38ooned at T:e Cloisters1 a fi>e-star :otel on Sea Island1 Geor9ia1 =it:
s=i88in91 tennis and 9olf?
Geor9e7s neEt assi9n8ent =as to train <ilots at Norfol;1 6ir9inia Na>al Air Station?
FGeor9e7s dut3 ??? =as li9:t? As for ot:er 3oun9 8arrieds1 =:ose :usbands =ere bet=een
=arAone tours1 t:is =as ;ind of an eEtended 0and <aid4 :one38oon?77
&a<an surrendered in Au9ust? T:at fall1 Geor9e and !arbara !us: 8o>ed to Ne= Ha>en
=:ere !us: entered (ale Uni>ersit3? He and !arbara 8o>ed into an a<art8ent at '.
Hill:ouse A>enue1 across t:e street fro8 (ale %resident C:arles Se38our?
Colle9e life =as 9ood to Geor9e1 =:at :e sa= of it? A colle9e career usuall3 occu<ies four
3ears? !ut =e ;no= t:at Geor9e !us: is a ra<idl3 8o>in9 8an? T:us :e =as <leased =it:
t:e s<ecial arran9e8ent 8ade for >eterans1 b3 =:ic: (ale allo=ed :i8 to 9et :is de9ree
after attendin9 classes for onl3 t=o and a :alf 3ears?
!us: and :is friends re8e8ber it all fondl31 as re<resentati>es of t:e as:ionable Set"
FGMHe8bers of G!us:7sH class :a>e since si9:ed =it: nostal9ia for t:ose da3s of t:e late
12)5s???? Trolle3 cars still ru8bled alon9 t:e Ne= Ha>en streets? On autu8n afternoons
t:e3 =ould be cro=ded =it: students 9oin9 out to football 9a8es at t:e (ale !o=l1
scatterin9 <ennies alon9 t:e =a3 and s:outin9 Pscra8ble7 to t:e street ;ids di>in9 for
t:e877Ge8<:asis addedH?
In 12).1 !arbara 9a>e birt: to Geor9e *? !us:1 t:e %resident7s na8esa;e?
!3 t:e ti8e of :is 12)/ 9raduation1 :e :ad been elected to %:i !eta #a<<a1 an :onor
traditionall3 associated =it: acade8ic ac:ie>e8ent? A 9reat deal is ;no=n about Geor9e
!us:7s career at (ale1 eEce<t t:e <art about boo;s and studies? Unfortunatel3 for t:ose =:o
=ould =is: to consider :is intellectual acco8<lis:8ent1 e>er3t:in9 about t:at :as been
sealed s:ut and is to< secret? T:e (ale ad8inistration sa3s t:e3 :a>e turned o>er to t:e !I
custod3 of all of !us:7s acade8ic records1 alle9edl3 because t:e !I needs suc: access to
c:ec; t:e resu8e@eacuteC of i8<ortant office :olders?
ro8 all a>ailable testi8on31 :is 8ental life before colle9e =as an3t:in9 but outstandin9?
His ca8<ai9n literature clai8s t:at1 as a >eteran1 !us: =as Fserious77 at (ale? !ut =e cannot
c:ec; eEactl3 :o= :e ac:ie>ed election to %:i !eta #a<<a1 in :is abbre>iated colle9e
eE<erience? *it:out to< secret clearance1 =e cannot consult :is test results1 read :is essa3s1
or learn 8uc: about :is <erfor8ance in class? *e ;no= t:at :is fat:er =as a trustee of t:e
uni>ersit31 in c:ar9e of Fde>elo<8ental77 fundraisin9? And :is fa8il3 friends =ere in control
of t:e U?S? secret ser>ices?
A 9reat deal is ;no=n1 :o=e>er1 about Geor9e !us:7s status at (ale?
His fello= student &o:n H? C:afee1 later a U?S? Senator fro8 R:ode Island and Secretar3 of
t:e Na>31 declared" F*e didn7t see 8uc: of :i8 because :e =as 8arried1 but I 9uess 83
first i8<ression =as t:at :e =as--and I don7t 8ean t:is in a dero9ator3 fas:ion--in t:e inner
set1 t:e 8o>ers and s:a;ers1 t:e establis:8ent? I don7t 8ean :e <ut on airs or an3t:in91
but ??? Bust e>er3bod3 ;ne= :i8?77
C:afee1 li;e !us:1 and ,an Lua3le1 =as in t:e i8<ortant national fraternit31 ,elta #a<<a
E<silon 0,#E or t:e F,e;es774? !ut C:afee sa3s1 FI ne>er re8e8ber seein9 :i8 t:ere? He
=asn7t one to :an9 around =it: t:e fello=s?77
T:e To8b
Geor9e !us:1 in fact1 <assed :is 8ost i8<ortant da3s and ni9:ts at (ale in t:e stran9e
co8<anions:i< of t:e senior-3ear S;ull and !ones Societ3?
Out of t:ose fe= =:o =ere c:osen for !ones 8e8bers:i<1 Geor9e =as t:e last one to be
notified of :is selection--t:is :onor is traditionall3 reser>ed for t:e :i9:est of t:e :i9: and
His fat:er1 %rescott !us:1 se>eral ot:er relati>es and <artners1 and Roland and A>erell
Harri8an1 =:o s<onsored t:e !us: fa8il31 =ere also 8e8bers of t:is secret societ3?
T:e undoubted <olitical and financial <o=er associated =it: S;ull and !ones :as 9i>en
rise to 8an3 <o<ular @uestions about t:e nature and ori9in of t:e 9rou<? Its 8e8bers :a>e
fed t:e 83ster3 =it: false leads and sill3 s<eculations?
T:e order =as incor<orated in 1/+- under t:e na8e FRussell Trust Association?77 !3 s<ecial
act of t:e state le9islature in 12)'1 its trustees are eEe8<ted fro8 t:e nor8al re@uire8ent of
filin9 cor<orate re<orts =it: t:e Connecticut Secretar3 of State?
As of 12./1 all business of t:e Russell Trust =as :andled b3 its lone trustee1 !ro=n
!rot:ers Harri8an <artner &o:n !? Madden1 &r? Madden started =it: !ro=n !rot:ers
Harri8an in 12)-1 under senior <artner %rescott !us:1 Geor9e !us:7s fat:er?
Eac: 3ear1 S;ull and !ones 8e8bers select 0Fta<774 1+ t:ird-3ear (ale students to re<lace
t:e8 in t:e senior 9rou< t:e follo=in9 3ear? Graduatin9 8e8bers are 9i>en a siAeable cas:
bonus to :el< t:e8 9et started in life? Older 9raduate 8e8bers1 t:e so-called F%atriarc:s177
9i>e s<ecial bac;in9 in business1 <olitics1 es<iona9e and le9al careers to 9raduate
!ones8en =:o eE:ibit talent or usefulness?
T:e :o8e of S;ull and !ones on t:e (ale ca8<us is a stone buildin9 rese8blin9 a
8ausoleu81 and ;no=n as Ft:e To8b?77 Initiations ta;e <lace on ,eer Island in t:e St?
La=rence Ri>er 0an island o=ned b3 t:e Russell Trust Association41 =it: re9ular reunions
on ,eer Island and at (ale? Initiation rites re<ortedl3 include strenuous and trau8atic
acti>ities of t:e ne= 8e8ber1 =:ile i88ersed na;ed in 8ud1 and in a coffin? More
i8<ortant is t:e FseEual autobio9ra<:377" T:e initiate tells t:e Order all t:e seE secrets of :is
3oun9 life? *ea;ened 8ental defenses a9ainst 8ani<ulation1 and t:e blac;8ail <otential of
suc: infor8ation1 :a>e ob>ious <er8anent uses in enforcin9 lo3alt3 a8on9 8e8bers?
T:e lo3alt3 is intense? One of !us:7s for8er teac:ers1 =:ose o=n fat:er =as a S;ull and
!ones 8e8ber1 told our inter>ie=er t:at :is fat:er used to stab :is little S;ull and !ones
<in into :is s;in to ;ee< it in <lace =:en :e too; a bat:?
Me8bers continue t:rou9:out t:eir li>es to unburden t:e8sel>es on t:eir <s3c:o-seEual
t:ou9:ts to t:eir !ones !rot:ers1 e>en if t:e3 are no lon9er sittin9 in a coffin? T:is :as been
t:e case =it: %resident Geor9e !us:1 for =:o8 t:ese ties are re<orted to :a>e a dee<
<ersonal 8eanin9? !e3ond t:e <s3c:olo9ical 8ani<ulation associated =it: free8asonic
8u88er31 t:ere are >er3 solid <olitical reasons for !us:7s stron9 identification =it: t:is
Obser>ers of S;ull and !ones1 a<olo9ists and critics ali;e1 :a>e acce<ted >arious dece<ti>e
notions about t:e order? T:ere are t=o outstandin91 a8on9 t:ese false:oods"
14 t:at it is essentiall3 an A8erican 9rou<1 an asse8bl3 of =ealt:31 elite F<atriots77C it is in
fact1 an a9enc3 for !ritis: E8<ire <enetration and sub>ersion of t:e A8erican re<ublicC and
$4 t:at it is so8e:o= t:e uni@ue center of cons<iratorial control o>er t:e United States? T:is
8isconce<tion is certainl3 understandable1 9i>en t:e rat:er astonis:in9 nu8ber of
<o=erful1 :istoricall3 i8<ortant and 9rotes@uel3 anti-:u8an indi>iduals1 =:o :a>e co8e
out of S;ull and !ones? !ut t:ere are in fact con9ruent or9aniAations at ot:er I>3 Lea9ue
colle9es1 =:ic: reflect1 as does S;ull and !ones1 t:e o>er-arc:in9 oli9arc:ical <o=er of
se>eral :ea>il3 inter8arried financier fa8ilies?
T:e 8ista;en1 s<eculati>e notions 8a3 be corrected b3 eEa8inin9 t:e :istor3 of S;ull and
!ones1 >ie=ed =it:in t:e realit3 of t:e A8erican Eastern Establis:8ent?
S;ull and !ones--t:e Russell Trust Association--=as first establis:ed a8on9 t:e class
9raduatin9 fro8 (ale in 1/''? Its founder =as *illia8 Huntin9ton Russell of Middleto=n1
Connecticut? T:e Russell fa8il3 =as t:e 8aster of incalculable =ealt: deri>ed fro8 t:e
lar9est U?S? cri8inal or9aniAation of t:e nineteent: centur3" Russell and Co8<an31 t:e
9reat o<iu8 s3ndicate?
T:ere =as at t:at ti8e a dee< sus<icion of1 and national re>ulsion a9ainst1 free8asonr3 and
secret or9aniAations in t:e United States1 fostered in <articular b3 t:e anti-8asonic =ritin9s
of for8er U?S? %resident &o:n Luinc3 Ada8s? Ada8s stressed t:at t:ose =:o ta;e oat:s to
<oliticall3 <o=erful international secret societies cannot be de<ended on for lo3alt3 to a
de8ocratic re<ublic?
!ut t:e Russells =ere <rotected as <art of t:e 8ulti<l3-inter8arried 9rou<in9 of fa8ilies
t:en rulin9 Connecticut 0see acco8<an3in9 c:art4? T:e blood-<roud 8e8bers of t:e
Russell1 %ier<ont1 Ed=ards1 !urr1 Gris=old1 ,a31 Also< and Hubbard fa8ilies =ere
<ro8inent in t:e <ro-!ritis: <art3 =it:in t:e state? Man3 of t:eir sons =ould be a8on9 t:e
8e8bers c:osen for t:e S;ull and !ones Societ3 o>er t:e 3ears?
T:e bac;9round to S;ull and !ones is a stor3 of O<iu8 and E8<ire1 and a bitter stru99le
for <olitical control o>er t:e ne= U?S? re<ublic?
Sa8uel Russell1 second cousin to !ones founder *illia8 H?1 establis:ed Russell and
Co8<an3 in 1/$'? Its business =as to ac@uire o<iu8 fro8 Tur;e3 and s8u99le it into
C:ina1 =:ere it =as strictl3 <ro:ibited1 under t:e ar8ed <rotection of t:e !ritis: E8<ire?
T:e <rior1 <redo8inant A8erican 9an9 in t:is field :ad been t:e s3ndicate created b3
T:o8as Handas3d %er;ins of Ne=bur3<ort1 Massac:usetts1 an a99re9ation of t:e self-
st3led Fblue bloods77 or !ra:8ins of !oston7s nort: s:ore? orced out of t:e lucrati>e
African sla>e trade b3 U?S? la= and Caribbean sla>e re>olts1 leaders of t:e Cabot1 Lo=ell1
Hi99inson1 orbes1 Cus:in9 and Stur9is fa8ilies :ad 8arried %er;ins siblin9s and
c:ildren? T:e %er;ins o<iu8 s3ndicate 8ade t:e fortune and establis:ed t:e <o=er of
t:ese fa8ilies? !3 t:e 1/'5s1 t:e Russells :ad bou9:t out t:e %er;ins s3ndicate and 8ade
Connecticut t:e <ri8ar3 center of t:e U?S? o<iu8 rac;et? Massac:usetts fa8ilies
0Coolid9e1 Stur9is1 orbes and ,elano4 Boined Connecticut 0Also<4 and Ne= (or; 0Lo=4
s8u99ler-8illionaires under t:e Russell aus<ices?
SS Certain of t:e <ro8inent !oston o<iu8 fa8ilies1 suc: as Cabot and *eld1 did not affiliate directl3 =it:
Russell1 Connecticut and (ale1 but =ere identified instead =it: Har>ard?
&o:n Luinc3 Ada8s and ot:er <atriots :ad fou9:t t:ese 8en for a @uarter centur3 b3 t:e
ti8e t:e Russell Trust Association =as set u< =it: its o<en <irate e8ble8--S;ull and
*it: !ritis: ties of fa8il31 s:i<<in9 and 8erc:ant ban;in91 t:e old Ne= En9land Tories
:ad continued t:eir :ostilit3 to A8erican inde<endence after t:e Re>olutionar3 *ar of
1..+-/'? T:ese <retended conser>ati>e <atriots <roclai8ed T:o8as &efferson7s 1/51
<residential inau9uration Fradical usur<ation?77
T:e Massac:usetts Tories 0FEsseE &unto774 Boined =it: 6ice %resident Aaron !urr1 &r? 0a
8e8ber of t:e Connecticut Ed=ards and %ier<ont fa8ilies4 and !urr7s cousin and la=
<artner T:eodore ,=i9:t1 in <olitical 8o>es desi9ned to brea; u< t:e United States and
return it to !ritis: alle9iance?
T:e U?S? nationalist leader1 for8er Treasur3 Secretar3 AleEander Ha8ilton1 eE<osed t:e
<lan in 1/5)? !urr s:ot :i8 to deat: in a duel1 t:en led a fa8ous aborti>e cons<irac3 to
for8 a ne= e8<ire in t:e Sout:=est1 =it: territor3 to be torn fro8 t:e U?S?A? and S<anis:
MeEico? or t:e Fblue bloods177 t:e ro8antic fi9ure of Aaron !urr =as e>er after=ards t:e
s38bol of !ritis: feudal re>en9e a9ainst t:e A8erican re<ublic?
T:e Connecticut Tor3 fa8ilies :osted t:e infa8ous Hartford Con>ention in 1/1+1 to=ard
t:e end of t:e second =ar bet=een t:e U?S? and !ritain 0t:e *ar of 1/1$4? T:eir
secessionist <ro<a9anda =as rendered i8<otent b3 A8erica7s defensi>e 8ilitar3 >ictor3?
T:is faction t:en retired fro8 t:e o<en <olitical arena1 <ursuin9 instead entirel3 <ri>ate and
co>ert alliances =it: t:e !ritis: E8<ire? T:e incestuousl3 inter8arried Massac:usetts and
Connecticut fa8ilies associated t:e8sel>es =it: t:e !ritis: East India Co8<an3 in t:e
cri8inal o<iu8 traffic into C:ina? T:ese fa8ilies 8ade increased <rofits as <artners and
surro9ates for t:e !ritis: durin9 t:e blood3 1/'2-)$ O<iu8 *ar1 t:e race =ar of !ritis:
forces a9ainst C:inese defenders?
Sa8uel and *illia8 Huntin9ton Russell =ere @uiet1 =ar3 builders of t:eir faction7s <o=er?
An inti8ate collea9ue of o<iu8 9an9ster Sa8uel Russell =rote t:is about :i8"
*:ile :e li>ed1 no friend of :is =ould >enture to 8ention :is na8e in <rint? *:ile in C:ina1 :e
li>ed for about t=ent3-fi>e 3ears al8ost as a :er8it1 :ardl3 ;no=n outside of :is factor3 Gt:e
Canton =are:ouse co8<oundH eEce<t b3 t:e c:osen fe= =:o enBo3ed :is inti8ac31 and b3 :is
9ood friend1 Ho@ua GC:inese securit3 director for t:e !ritis: East India Co8<an3H1 but stud3in9
co88erce in its broadest sense1 as =ell as its 8inutest details? Returnin9 :o8e =it: =ell-earned
=ealt: :e li>ed :os<itabl3 in t:e 8idst of :is fa8il31 and a s8all circle of inti8ates? Scornin9
=ords and <retensions fro8 t:e botto8 of :is :eart1 :e =as t:e truest and staunc:est of friendsC
:atin9 notoriet31 :e could al=a3s be absolutel3 counted on for e>er3 9ood =or; =:ic: did not
in>ol>e <ublicit3?
T:e Russells7 S;ull and !ones Societ3 =as t:e 8ost i8<ortant of t:eir do8estic <roBects
F=:ic: did not in>ol>e <ublicit3?77 A <olice-blotter t3<e re>ie= of Russell7s or9aniAation =ill
s:o= =:3 t:e secret order1 t:ou9: <o=erful1 =as not t:e uni@ue or9an of Fcons<irac377 for
t:e U?S? Eastern Establis:8ent? T:e follo=in9 9entle8en =ere a8on9 Russells7 <artners"
Au9ustine Heard 01./+-1/-/4" s:i< ca<tain and <ioneer U?S? o<iu8 s8u99ler?
&o:n Cle>e Green 01/55-.+4" 8arried to Sara: Gris=oldC 9a>e a fortune in o<iu8 <rofits
to %rinceton Uni>ersit31 financin9 t:ree %rinceton buildin9s and four <rofessors:i<sC trustee
of t:e %rinceton T:eolo9ical Se8inar3 for $+ 3ears?
Abiel Abbott Lo= 01/11-2'4" :is o<iu8 fortune financed t:e construction of t:e
Colu8bia Uni>ersit3 Ne= (or; Cit3 ca8<usC fat:er of Colu8bia7s <resident Set: Lo=?
&o:n Murra3 orbes 01/1'-2/4" :is o<iu8 8illions financed t:e career of aut:or Ral<:
*aldo E8erson1 =:o 8arried orbes7s dau9:ter1 and ban;rolled t:e establis:8ent of t:e
!ell Tele<:one Co8<an31 =:ose first <resident =as orbes7s son?
&ose<: Coolid9e" :is Au9ustine Heard a9enc3 9ot I15 8illion 3earl3 as surro9ates for t:e
Scottis: do<e-runners &ardine Mat:eson durin9 t:e fi9:tin9 in C:inaC :is son or9aniAed t:e
United ruit Co8<an3C :is 9randson1 Arc:ibald Car3 Coolid9e1 =as t:e foundin9 eEecuti>e
officer of t:e An9lo-A8ericans7 Council on orei9n Relations?
*arren ,elano1 &r?" c:ief of Russell and Co? in CantonC 9randfat:er of U?S? %resident
ran;lin ,elano Roose>elt?
Russell Stur9is" :is 9randson b3 t:e sa8e na8e =as c:air8an of t:e !arin9 !an; in
En9land1 financiers of t:e ar East o<iu8 trade?
Suc: <ersons as &o:n C? Green and A?A? Lo=1 =:ose na8es adorn >arious buildin9s at
%rinceton and Colu8bia Uni>ersities1 8ade little atte8<t to :ide t:e cri8inal ori9in of t:eir
influential 8one3? Si8ilarl3 =it: t:e Cabots1 t:e Hi99insons and t:e *elds for Har>ard?
T:e secret 9rou<s at ot:er colle9es are analo9ous and closel3 related to (ale7s S;ull and
%rinceton :as its Featin9 clubs177 es<eciall3 I>3 Club and Cotta9e Club1 =:ose oli9arc:ical
tradition runs fro8 &onat:an Ed=ards and Aaron !urr t:rou9: t:e ,ulles brot:ers? At
Har>ard t:ere is t:e ultra-blue-blooded %orcelian 0;no=n also as t:e %orc or %i9 club4C
T:eodore Roose>elt bra99ed to t:e Ger8an #aiser of :is 8e8bers:i< t:ereC ran;lin
Roose>elt =as a 8e8ber of t:e sli9:tl3 Flo=er77 l3 Club?
A fe= of t:e earl3 initiates in S;ull and !ones =ent on to careers in ob>ious defiance of t:e
order7s oli9arc:ical c:aracterC t=o suc: =ere t:e scientists !enBa8in Silli8an1 &r? 0S;ull
and !ones 1/'.41 and *illia8 C:au>enet 0S;ull and !ones 1/)54? T:is reflects t:e
continued i8<ortance of re<ublican factions at (ale1 Har>ard and ot:er colle9es durin9 t:e
8iddle t:ree decades of t:e nineteent: centur3? Silli8an and C:au>enet beca8e ene8ies of
e>er3t:in9 S;ull and !ones stood for1 =:ile t:e (ale secret 9rou< ra<idl3 confor8ed to t:e
Russells7 eE<ectations?
(ale =as t:e nort:ern colle9e fa>ored b3 sout:ern sla>eo=nin9 =ould-be aristocrats?
A8on9 (ale7s sout:ern students =ere &o:n C? Cal:oun1 later t:e fa8ous Sout: Carolina
defender of sla>er3 a9ainst nationalis81 and &uda: %? !enBa8in1 later Secretar3 of State for
t:e sla>eo=ners7 Confederac3?
(oun9 Sout: Carolinian &ose<: Heatl3 ,ulles1 =:ose fa8il3 bou9:t t:eir sla>es =it: t:e
8one3 fro8 contract-securit3 =or; for t:e !ritis: con@uerors in India1 =as in a <re>ious
secret (ale 9rou<1 t:e FSociet3 of !rot:ers in Unit3?77 At (ale ,ulles =or;ed =it: t:e
Nort:ern secessionists and attac:ed :i8self to ,aniel LordC t:eir t=o fa8ilies clo>e
to9et:er in t:e fas:ion of a 9an9? T:e Lords beca8e <o=erful An9lo-A8erican *all Street
la=3ers1 and &?H? ,ulles7s 9randson =as t:e fat:er of Allen ,ulles and &o:n oster ,ulles?
In 1/'$-'' S;ull and !ones =as launc:ed under t:e Russell <irate fla9?
A8on9 t:e earl3 initiates of t:e order =ere Henr3 Rootes &ac;son 0SN! 1/'241 a leader of
t:e 1/-1 Geor9ia Secession Con>ention and <ost-Ci>il *ar <resident of t:e Geor9ia
Historical Societ3 0t:us t:e false accounts of t:e F9ood old sla>er3 da3s77 and t:e Fbad
nort:ern in>aders774C &o:n %er;ins1 &r? 0SN! 1/)541 c:air8an of t:e 1/-1 Louisiana
Secession Con>ention1 =:o fled abroad for 1' 3ears after t:e Ci>il *arC and *illia8 Ta3lor
Sulli>an !arr3 0SN! 1/)141 a national leader of t:e secessionist =in9 of t:e ,e8ocratic
%art3 durin9 t:e 1/+5s1 and c:air8an of t:e 1/-1 Mississi<<i Secession Con>ention?
Al<:onso Taft =as a !ones8an alon9side *illia8 H? Russell in t:e Class of 1/''? As U?S?
Attorne3 General in 1/.--..1 Al<:onso Taft :el<ed or9aniAe t:e bac;roo8 settle8ent of
t:e deadloc;ed 1/.- <residential election? T:e bar9ain 9a>e Rut:erford !? Ha3es t:e
<residenc3 01/..-/14 and =it:dre= t:e U?S? troo<s fro8 t:e Sout:1 =:ere t:e3 :ad been
enforcin9 blac;s7 ri9:ts?
Al<:onso7s son1 *illia8 Ho=ard Taft 0SN! 1/./41 =as U?S? %resident fro8 1252 to 121'?
%resident Taft7s son1 Robert Al<:onso Taft 0SN! 121541 =as a leadin9 U?S? Senator after
*orld *ar IIC :is fa8il37s An9lo-SaEon racialOancestral <reoccu<ation =as t:e disease
=:ic: cri<<led Robert Taft7s leaders:i< of A8erican nationalist Fconser>ati>es?77
Ot:er <re-Ci>il *ar !ones8en =ere"
*illia8 M? E>arts 0SN! 1/'.4" *all Street attorne3 for !ritis: and sout:ern sla>eo=ner
<roBects1 collaborator of Taft in t:e 1/.- bar9ain1 U?S? Secretar3 of State 1/..-/1C Morris
R? *aite 0SN! 1/'.4" C:ief &ustice of t:e U?S? Su<re8e Court 1/.)-//1 =:ose rulin9s
destro3ed 8an3 ri9:ts of African-A8ericans 9ained in t:e Ci>il *arC :e :el<ed :is co:orts
Taft and E>arts arran9e t:e 1/.- <residential settle8ent sc:e8e to <ull t:e ri9:ts-enforcin9
U?S? troo<s out of t:e Sout:C ,aniel Coit Gil8an 0SN! 1/+$4" co-incor<orator of t:e
Russell TrustC foundin9 <resident of &o:ns Ho<;ins Uni>ersit3 as a 9reat center for t:e
racialist eu9enics 8o>e8entC Andre= ,? *:ite 0SN! 1/+'4" foundin9 <resident of
Cornell Uni>ersit3C <s3c:ic researc:erC and di<lo8atic co:ort of t:e 6enetian1 Russian and
!ritis: oli9arc:iesC
C:aunce3 M? ,e<e= 0SN! 1/+-4" 9eneral counsel for t:e 6anderbilt railroads1 :e :el<ed
t:e Harri8an fa8il3 to enter into :i9: societ3?
!3 about t:e 8id-1//5s1 t:e S;ull and !ones 8e8bers:i< roster be9an to c:an9e fro8 its
earlier1 often Fsc:olarl3177 colorationC t:e c:an9e reflected t:e de9radation of A8erican
<olitical and econo8ic life b3 i8<erialist1 neo-<a9an and racialist ideolo93?
Ir>in9 is:er 0SN! 1///4 beca8e t:e racialist :i9: <riest of t:e econo8ics facult3 0(ale
<rofessor 1/2--12)-41 and a fa8ous 8erc:ant of !ritis: E8<ire <ro<a9anda for free trade
and reduction of t:e non-=:ite <o<ulation? is:er =as foundin9 <resident of t:e A8erican
Eu9enics Societ3 under t:e financial lar9esse of A>erell Harri8an7s 8ot:er?
Gifford %inc:ot 0SN! 1//24 in>ented t:e aristocrats7 Fconser>ation77 8o>e8ent? He =as
%resident T:eodore Roose>elt7s c:ief forester1 substitutin9 federal land-control in <lace of
Abra:a8 Lincoln7s free-land-to-fa8ilies far8 creation <ro9ra8? %inc:ot7s !ritis: E8<ire
acti>itis8 included t:e %s3c:ical Researc: Societ3 and :is >ice-<residenc3 of t:e first
International Eu9enics Con9ress in 121$?
Hel<in9 %inc:ot initiate t:is centur37s racialist en>iron8entalis8 =ere :is co:orts Geor9e
*? *oodruff 0SN! 1//241 Tedd3 Roose>elt7s Assistant Attorne3 General and Actin9
Interior Secretar3C and Henr3 Solon Gra>es 0SN! 1/2$41 c:ief U?S? forester 1215-$5?
rederic; E? *e3er:auser 0SN! 1/2-41 o=ner of >ast tracts of A8erican forest1 =as a
follo=er of %inc:ot7s 8o>e8ent1 =:ile t:e *e3er:auser fa8il3 =ere acti>e collaborators of
!ritis:-Sout: African su<er-racist Cecil R:odes? T:is fa8il37s friends:i< =it: %resident
Geor9e !us: is a >ital factor in t:e <resent en>iron8entalist 8o>e8ent?
*it: Henr3 L? Sti8son 0SN! 1///4 =e co8e to t:e Eastern Liberal Establis:8ent =:ic:
:as ruled A8erica durin9 t:e t=entiet: centur3? Sti8son =as %resident Taft7s Secretar3 of
*ar 01211-1'41 and %resident Herbert Hoo>er7s Secretar3 of State 012$2-''4? As Secretar3
of *ar 012)5-)+41 t:is ti8e under %resident Harr3 Tru8an1 Sti8son <ressed Tru8an to
dro< t:e ato8ic bo8b on t:e &a<anese? T:is decision in>ol>ed 8uc: 8ore t:an 8erel3
F<ra98atic77 8ilitar3 considerations? T:ese An9lo<:iles1 u< t:rou9: Geor9e !us:1 :a>e
o<<osed t:e A8erican re<ublic7s tradition of alliance =it: national as<irations in AsiaC and
t:e3 =orried t:at t:e in>ention of nuclear ener93 =ould too <o=erfull3 unsettle t:e =orld7s
toleration for <o>ert3 and 8iser3? !ot: t:e U?S? and t:e Ato8 :ad better be dreaded1 t:e3
T:e <resent centur3 o=es 8uc: of its record of :orrors to t:e influential An9lo<:ile
A8erican fa8ilies =:ic: ca8e to do8inate and e8<lo3 t:e S;ull and !ones Societ3 as a
<olitical recruitin9 a9enc31 <articularl3 t:e Harri8ans1 *:itne3s1 6anderbilts1 Roc;efellers
and t:eir la=3ers1 t:e Lords and Tafts and !und3s?
T:e <oliticall3 a99ressi>e Guarant3 Trust Co8<an31 run al8ost entirel3 b3 S;ull and !ones
initiates1 =as a financial >e:icle of t:ese fa8ilies in t:e earl3 1255s? Guarant3 Trust7s
su<<ort for t:e !ols:e>i; and NaAi re>olutions o>erla<<ed t:e 8ore intense endea>ors in
t:ese fields b3 t:e Harri8ans1 Geor9e *al;er and %rescott !us: a fe= bloc;s a=a31 and in
S;ull and !ones =as do8inated fro8 121' on=ard b3 t:e circles of A>erell Harri8an?
T:e3 dis<laced re8ainin9 traditionalists suc: as ,ou9las MacArt:ur fro8 <o=er in t:e
United States?
or Geor9e !us:1 t:e S;ull and !ones Societ3 is 8ore t:an si8<l3 t:e !ritis:1 as o<<osed
to t:e A8erican1 strate9ic tradition? It is 8er9ed in t:e fa8il3 and <ersonal net=or; =it:in
=:ic: :is =:ole life :as been1 in a sense1 :anded to :i8 <re<ac;a9ed?
!ritain7s (ale l3in9 Unit
,urin9 %rescott !us:7s student da3s1 t:e Harri8an set at (ale decided t:at *orld *ar I =as
sufficientl3 a8usin9 t:at t:e3 ou9:t to 9et into it as recreation? T:e3 for8ed a s<ecial (ale
Unit of t:e Na>al Reser>e l3in9 Cor<s1 at t:e insti9ation of ? Trubee ,a>ison? Since t:e
United States =as not at =ar1 and t:e (ale students =ere 9oin9 to ser>e !ritain1 t:e (ale
Unit =as <ri>atel3 and la>is:l3 financed b3 ? Trubee7s fat:er1 Henr3 ,a>ison1 t:e senior
8ana9in9 <artner at &?%? Mor9an and Co? At t:at ti8e1 t:e Mor9an ban; =as t:e official
financial a9enc3 for t:e !ritis: 9o>ern8ent in t:e United States? T:e (ale Unit7s leader =as
a8ateur <ilot Robert A? Lo>ett? T:e3 =ere based first on Lon9 Island1 Ne= (or;1 t:en in
%al8 !eac:1 lorida?
T:e (ale Unit :as been described b3 Lo>ett7s fa8il3 and friends in a collecti>e bio9ra<:3
of t:e Harri8an set"
Trainin9 for t:e (ale l3in9 Unit =as not eEactl3 boot ca8<? ,a>ison7s fat:er ??? :el<ed finance
t:e8 ro3all31 and ne=s<a<ers of t:e da3 dubbed t:e8 Ft:e 8illionaires7 unit?77 T:e3 cut ra;is:
fi9ures1 and ;ne= itC t:ou9: so8e dis8issed t:e8 as dilettantes1 t:e :earts of 3oun9 Lon9
Island belles fluttered at t:e si9:t????
GInH %al8 !eac: ??? t:e3 ostentatiousl3 <ursued a relaEed st3le? FT:e3 =ere rolled about in
=:eel c:airs b3 African sla>es a8id tro<ical 9ardens and coconut <al8s177 =rote t:e unit7s
:istorian???? For li9:t eEercise1 t:e3 learned to 9lance at t:eir ne= =rist=atc:es =it: an air
of eas3 nonc:alance77???? GLo>ettH =as 8ade c:ief of t:e unit7s <ri>ate club1 t:e *a9s1 =:ose
8e8bers started t:eir sentences1 F!ein9 a *a9 and t:erefore a su<er8an77????
,es<ite t:e snide co88ents of t:ose =:o dis8issed t:e8 as fri>olous ric: bo3s1 Lo>ett7s
unit <ro>ed to be darin9 and i8a9inati>e =arriors =:en t:e3 =ere dis<atc:ed for acti>e
dut3 in 121. =it: !ritain7s Ro3al Na>al Air Ser>ice?
Lo>ett =as transferred to t:e U?S? Na>3 after t:e U?S? Boined !ritain in *orld *ar I?
T:e (ale l3in9 Unit =as t:e 9lor3 of S;ull and !ones? Roland Harri8an1 %rescott !us:
and t:eir 121. !ones8ates selected for 121/ 8e8bers:i< in t:e secret order t:ese (ale
l3in9 Unit leaders" Robert Lo>ett1 ? Trubee ,a>ison1 Arte8us La8b Gates1 and &o:n
Martin 6or3s? Unit fl3ers ,a>id Sinton In9alls and ? Trubee7s brot:er1 Harr3 %? ,a>ison
0=:o beca8e Mor9an >ice c:air8an41 =ere ta<<ed for t:e 12$5 S;ull and !ones?
Lo>ett did not actuall3 :a>e a senior 3ear at (ale" FHe =as ta<<ed for S;ull and !ones not
on t:e Old Ca8<us but at a na>al station in *est %al8 !eac:C :is initiation1 instead of
bein9 conducted in t:e Pto8b7 on Hi9: Street1 occurred at t:e :ead@uarters of t:e Na>37s
Nort:ern !o8bin9 Grou< bet=een ,un;ir; and Calais?77
So8e 3ears later1 A>erell Harri8an 9at:ered Lo>ett1 %rescott !us: and ot:er <ets into t:e
uto<ian oli9arc:s7 co88unit3 a fe= 8iles to t:e nort: of %al8 !eac:1 called &u<iter Island
0see C:a<ter )4?
!ritis: E8<ire lo3alists fle= ri9:t fro8 t:e (ale Unit into U?S? strate938a;in9 <ositions"
? Trubee ,a>ison =as Assistant U?S? Secretar3 of *ar for Air fro8 12$- to 12''? ,a>id
S? In9alls 0on t:e board of &u<iter Island7s %an A8erican Air=a3s4 =as 8ean=:ile Assistant
Secretar3 of t:e Na>3 for A>iation 012$2-'$4? ollo=in9 t:e A8erican Museu8 of Natural
Histor37s Hitlerite 12'$ eu9enics con9ress1 ,a>ison resi9ned :is 9o>ern8ent Air <ost to
beco8e t:e Museu87s <resident? T:en1 under t:e Harri8an- Lo>ett national securit3 re9i8e
of t:e earl3 12+5s1 ? Trubee ,a>ison beca8e ,irector of %ersonnel for t:e ne= Central
Intelli9ence A9enc3?
Robert Lo>ett =as Assistant Secretar3 of *ar for Air fro8 12)1-)+?
Lo>ett7s 121/ !ones8ate Arte8us Gates 0c:osen b3 %rescott and :is fello=s4 beca8e
Assistant Secretar3 of t:e Na>3 for Air in 12)1? Gates retained t:is <ost t:rou9:out t:e
Second *orld *ar until 12)+? Ha>in9 a 8an li;e Gates u< t:ere1 =:o o=ed :is <osition to
A>erell1 !ob1 %rescott and t:eir set1 =as @uite reassurin9 to 3oun9 na>al a>iator Geor9e
!us:C es<eciall3 so1 =:en !us: =ould :a>e to =orr3 about t:e record bein9 correct
concernin9 :is contro>ersial fatal cras:?
Ot:er I8<ortant !ones8en
Ric:ard M? !issell1 &r? =as a >er3 i8<ortant 8an to t:e deniAens of &u<iter Island? He
9raduated fro8 (ale in 12'$1 t:e 3ear after t:e Harri8anites bou9:t t:e island?
T:ou9: not in S;ull and !ones1 !issell =as t:e 3oun9er brot:er of *illia8 Truesdale
!issell1 a !ones8an fro8 t:e class of 12$+? T:eir fat:er1 Connecticut insurance eEecuti>e
Ric:ard M? !issell1 Sr?1 :ad <ut t:e U?S? insurance industr37s inside ;no=led9e of all fire-
insured industrial <lants at t:e dis<osal of 9o>ern8ent <lanners durin9 *orld *ar I?
T:e senior !issell1 a <o=erful (ale alu8nus1 =as also t:e director of t:e Neuro- %s3c:iatric
Institute of t:e Hartford Retreat for t:e InsaneC t:ere1 in 125)1 (ale 9raduate Clifford !eers
under=ent 8ind-destro3in9 treat8ent =:ic: led t:is 8ental <atient to found t:e Mental
H39iene Societ31 a 8aBor (ale-based S;ull and !ones <roBect? T:is =ould e>ol>e into t:e
CIA7s cultural en9ineerin9 effort of t:e 12+5s1 t:e dru9s and brain=as:in9 ad>enture
;no=n as FM#-Ultra?77 Ric:ard M? !issell1 &r? studied at t:e London Sc:ool of Econo8ics
in 12'$ and 12''1 and tau9:t at (ale fro8 12'+ to 12)1? He t:en Boined Harri8an7s
entoura9e in t:e U?S? 9o>ern8ent? !issell =as an econo8ist for t:e Co8bined S:i<<in9
AdBust8ent !oard in 12)$-)'1 =:ile A>erell Harri8an =as t:e U?S? leader of t:at board in
In 12). and 12)/1 !issell =as eEecuti>e secretar3 of t:e FHarri8an Co88ission177
ot:er=ise ;no=n as t:e %resident7s Co88ission on orei9n Aid? *:en Harri8an =as t:e
ad8inistrator of t:e Mars:all %lan1 !issell =as assistant ad8inistrator?
Harri8an =as director of Mutual Securit3 012+1-+'41 =:ile !issell =as consultant to t:e
director of Mutual Securit3 12+$?
!issell t:en Boined ? Trubee ,a>ison at t:e Central Intelli9ence A9enc3? *:en Allen
,ulles beca8e CIA ,irector1 !issell =as one of :is t:ree aides?
*:3 could t:is be of interest to our loridiansD *e sa= in C:a<ter )1 t:at t:e 9reat anti-
Castro co>ert initiati>e of 12+2--1 =as su<er>ised b3 an a=eso8e arra3 of Harri8an
a9ents? *e need no= add to t:at assess8ent onl3 t:e fact t:at t:e detailed 8ana9e8ent of
t:e in>asion of Cuba1 and of t:e assassination <lannin91 and t:e trainin9 of t:e s@uads for
t:ese Bobs1 =as 9i>en into t:e :ands of Ric:ard M? !issell1 &r?
T:is 12-1 in>asion failed? idel Castro sur>i>ed t:e =idel3-discussed assassination <lots
a9ainst :i8? !ut t:e initiati>e succeeded in =:at =as <robabl3 its core <ur<ose" to or9aniAe
a force of 8ulti-use <rofessional assassins?
T:e lorida-trained ;illers sta3ed in business under t:e leaders:i< of Ted S:ac;le3? T:e3
=ere all around t:e assassination of %resident #enned3 in 12-'? T:e3 ;e<t 9oin9 =it: t:e
O<eration %:oeniE 8ass 8urder of 6ietna8ese ci>ilians1 =it: Middle East dru9 and
terrorist <ro9ra8s1 and =it: Geor9e !us:7s Contra =ars in Central A8erica?
Har>e3 Hollister !und3 0SN! 12524 =as Henr3 L? Sti8son7s Assistant Secretar3 of State
012'1-''4C t:en :e =as Sti8son7s S<ecial Assistant Secretar3 of *ar1 alon9side Assistant
Secretar3 Robert Lo>ett of S;ull and !ones and !ro=n !rot:ers Harri8an?
Har>e37s son *illia8 %? !und3 0SN! 12'24 =as a CIA officer fro8 12+1 to 12-1C as a
12-5s defense official1 :e <us:ed t:e Harri8an-,ulles sc:e8e for a 6ietna8 =ar? Har>e37s
ot:er son1 McGeor9e !und3 0SN! 12)541 co-aut:ored Sti8son7s 8e8oirs in 12)/? As
%resident &o:n #enned37s ,irector of National Securit31 McGeor9e !und3 or9aniAed t:e
=:ite=as: of t:e #enned3 assassination1 and i88ediatel3 s=itc:ed t:e U?S? <olic3 a=a3
fro8 t:e #enned3 <ullout and bac; to=ard =ar in 6ietna8?
T:ere =as also Henr3 Luce1 a !ones8an of 12$5 =it: ,a>id S? In9alls and Harr3
%o8ero3? Luce <ublis:ed Ti8e 8a9aAine1 =:ere :is ironicall3-na8ed FA8erican Centur377
blusterin9 =as strai9:t !ritis: E8<ire doctrine" !ur3 t:e re<ublics1 :ail t:e An9lo-SaEon
*illia8 Sloane Coffin1 ta<<ed for 12)2 S;ull and !ones b3 Geor9e !us: and :is !one
co8<anions1 =as fro8 a lon9 line of S;ull and !ones Coffins? *illia8 Sloane Coffin =as
fa8ous in t:e 6ietna8 *ar <rotest da3s as a leader of t:e left <rotest a9ainst t:e =ar? *as
t:e fact t:at :e =as an a9ent of t:e Central Intelli9ence A9enc3 e8barrassin9 to *illia8
T:is =as no contradiction? His uncle1 t:e Re>erend Henr3 Sloane Coffin 0SN! 1/2.41 :ad
also been a F<eace77 a9itator1 and an oli9arc:ical a9ent? Uncle Henr3 =as for $5 3ears
<resident of t:e Union T:eolo9ical Se8inar31 =:ose board c:air8an =as %rescott !us:7s
<artner T:atc:er !ro=n? In 12'.1 Henr3 Coffin and &o:n oster ,ulles led t:e U?S?
dele9ation to En9land to found t:e *orld Council of C:urc:es1 as a F<eace 8o>e8ent77
9uided b3 t:e <ro-Hitler faction in En9land?
T:e Coffins :a>e been 8ainsta3s of t:e liberal deat: lobb31 for eut:anasia and eu9enics?
T:e Coffins outlasted Hitler1 arri>in9 into t:e CIA in t:e 12+5s?
A8or3 Ho=e !radford 0SN! 12')4 8arried Carol *arbur9 Rot:sc:ild in 12)1? Carol7s
8ot:er1 Carola1 =as t:e ac;no=led9ed :ead of t:e *arbur9 fa8il3 in A8erica after *orld
*ar II? T:is fa8il3 :ad assisted t:e Harri8ans7 rise into t:e =orld in t:e nineteent: and
earl3 t=entiet: centuriesC in concert =it: t:e SulAber9ers at t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es1 t:e3 :ad
used t:eir A8erican &e=is: Co88ittee and !7nai !7rit: to <rotect t:e Harri8an-!us: deals
=it: Hitler? T:is 8ade it nice for A>erell Harri8an1 Bust li;e fa8il31 =:en A8or3 Ho=e
!radford =or;ed on t:e %lannin9 Grou< of Harri8an7s NATO secretariat in London1 12+1-
+$? !radford =as 8ean=:ile assistant to t:e <ublis:er of t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es1 and =ent on
to beco8e 9eneral 8ana9er of t:e Ti8es?
Ot:er 8odern !ones8en :a>e been closel3 tied to Geor9e !us:7s career?
Geor9e Herbert *al;er1 &r? 0SN! 12$.4 =as t:e %resident7s uncle and financial an9el? In
t:e 12.5s :e sold G?H? *al;er N Co? to *:ite1 *eld N Co? and beca8e a director of
*:ite1 *eldC co8<an3 :eir *illia8 *eld1 t:e current Massac:usetts 9o>ernor1 is an acti>e
!us: Re<ublican?
%ublis:er *illia8 ? !uc;le3 0SN! 12+54 :ad a fa8il3 oil business in MeEico? T:ere
!uc;le3 =as a close all3 to CIA co>ert o<erations 8ana9er E? Ho=ard Hunt1 =:ose let:al
antics =ere <erfor8ed under t:e e3es of Mia8i Station and &u<iter Island?
,a>id L3le !oren 0SN! 12-'4 =as assistant to t:e director of t:e Office of Ci>il and
,efense MobiliAation1 and a <ro<a9anda anal3st for t:e U?S? Infor8ation A9enc31 before
9raduatin9 fro8 (ale? T:us =:ile :e =as i8bibin9 t:e !ritis: >ie= at OEford Uni>ersit3
012-'--+41 !oren =as alread3 an An9lo-A8erican intelli9ence o<erati>e1 listed in t:e
Fs<ea;ers bureau77 of t:e A8erican e8bass3 in London? ,a>id !oren =as elected to t:e
U?S? Senate in 12.2 and beca8e c:air8an of t:e Senate Intelli9ence Co88ittee?
T:ou9: a ,e8ocrat 0=:o s<o;e ;no=in9l3 of t:e F<arallel 9o>ern8ent77 o<eratin9 in Iran-
Contra41 !oren7s Intelli9ence Co88ittee rulin9s :a>e been 0not uneE<ectedl34 8ore and
8ore fa>orable to :is F%atriarc:77 in t:e *:ite House?
!us:7s O=n !ones
A8on9 t:e traditional artifacts collected and 8aintained =it:in t:e Hi9: Street To8b are
:u8an re8ains of >arious deri>ations? T:e follo=in9 concerns one suc: set of S;ull and
Geroni8o1 an A<ac:e faction leader and =arrior1 led a <art3 of =arriors on a raid in 1/.-1
after A<ac:es =ere 8o>ed to t:e San Carlos Reser>ation in AriAona territor3? He led ot:er
raids a9ainst U?S? and MeEican forces =ell into t:e 1//5sC :e =as ca<tured and esca<ed
8an3 ti8es?
Geroni8o =as finall3 interned at ort Sill1 O;la:o8a? He beca8e a far8er and Boined a
C:ristian con9re9ation? He died at t:e a9e of .2 3ears in 12521 and =as buried at ort Sill?
T:ree-@uarters of a centur3 later1 :is tribes8en raised t:e @uestion of 9ettin9 t:eir fa8ous
=arrior reinterred bac; in AriAona?
Ned Anderson =as Tribal C:air8an of t:e San Carlos A<ac:e Tribe fro8 12./ to 12/-?
T:is is t:e stor3 :e tells "
Around t:e fall of 12/'1 t:e leader of an A<ac:e 9rou< in anot:er section of AriAona said
:e =as interested in :a>in9 t:e re8ains of Geroni8o returned to :is tribe7s custod3? Ta;in9
u< t:is idea1 Anderson said t:at t:e re8ains <ro<erl3 belon9ed to :is 9rou< as 8uc: as to
t:e ot:er A<ac:es? After 8uc: discussion1 se>eral A<ac:e 9rou<s 8et at a ;ind of su88it
8eetin9 :eld at ort Sill1 O;la:o8a? T:e ar83 aut:orities =ere not fa>orable to t:e
8eetin91 and it onl3 occurred t:rou9: t:e inter>ention of t:e office of t:e Go>ernor of
As a result of t:is 8eetin91 Ned Anderson =as =ritten u< in t:e ne=s<a<ers as an articulate
A<ac:e acti>ist? Soon after=ards1 in late 12/' or earl3 12/)1 a S;ull and !ones 8e8ber
contacted Anderson and lea;ed e>idence t:at Geroni8o7s re8ains :ad lon9 a9o been
<ilfered--b3 %rescott !us:1 Geor9e7s fat:er? T:e infor8ant said t:at in Ma3 of 121/1
%rescott !us: and fi>e ot:er officers at ort Sill desecrated t:e 9ra>e of Geroni8o? T:e3
too; turns =atc:in9 =:ile t:e3 robbed t:e 9ra>e1 ta;in9 ite8s includin9 a s;ull1 so8e ot:er
bones1 a :orse bit and stra<s? T:ese <riAes =ere ta;en bac; to t:e To8b1 t:e :o8e of t:e
S;ull and !ones Societ3 at (ale in Ne= Ha>en1 Connecticut? T:e3 =ere <ut into a dis<la3
case1 =:ic: 8e8bers and >isitors could easil3 >ie= u<on entr3 to t:e buildin9?
T:e infor8ant <ro>ided Anderson =it: <:oto9ra<:s of t:e stolen re8ains1 and a co<3 of a
S;ull and !ones lo9 boo; in =:ic: t:e 121/ 9ra>e robber3 :ad been recorded? T:e
infor8ant said t:at S;ull and !ones 8e8bers used t:e <ilfered re8ains in <erfor8in9 so8e
of t:eir T:ursda3 and Sunda3 ni9:t rituals1 =it: Geroni8o7s s;ull sittin9 out on a table in
front of t:e8?
Outra9ed1 Anderson tra>eled to Ne= Ha>en? He did so8e in>esti9ation on t:e (ale ca8<us
and :eld nu8erous discussions1 to learn =:at t:e A<ac:es =ould be u< a9ainst =:en t:e3
too; action1 and =:at t3<e of action =ould be 8ost fruitful?
T:rou9: an attorne31 Ned Anderson as;ed t:e !I to 8o>e into t:e case? T:e attorne3
con>e3ed to :i8 t:e !ureau7s res<onse" If :e =ould turn o>er e>er3 scra< of e>idence to
t:e !I1 and co8<letel3 re8o>e :i8self fro8 t:e case1 t:e3 =ould 9et in>ol>ed? He
reBected t:is bar9ain1 since it did not see8 li;el3 to lead to=ard reco>er3 of Geroni8o7s
,ue to :is <ersistence1 :e =as able to arran9e a Se<te8ber 12/- Man:attan 8eetin9 =it:
&onat:an !us:1 Geor9e !us:7s brot:er? &onat:an !us: >a9uel3 assured Anderson t:at :e
=ould 9et =:at :e :ad co8e after1 and set a follo=u< 8eetin9 for t:e neEt da3? !ut !us:
stalled--Anderson belie>es t:is =as to 9ain ti8e to :ide and secure t:e stolen re8ains
a9ainst an3 <ossible rescue action?
T:e S;ull and !ones attorne3 re<resentin9 t:e !us: fa8il3 and 8ana9in9 t:e case =as
Endicott %eabod3 ,a>ison? His fat:er =as t:e ? Trubee ,a>ison 8entioned abo>e1 =:o
:ad been <resident of Ne= (or;7s A8erican Museu8 of Natural Histor31 and <ersonnel
director for t:e Central Intelli9ence A9enc3? T:e 9eneral attitude of t:is Museu8 cro=d :as
lon9 been t:at FNati>es77 s:ould be stuffed and 8ounted for dis<la3 to t:e as:ionable Set?
inall31 after about 11 da3s1 anot:er 8eetin9 occurred? A dis<la3 case =as <roduced1 =:ic:
did in fact 8atc: t:e one in t:e <:oto9ra<: t:e infor8ant :ad 9i>en to Ned Anderson? !ut
t:e s;ull :e =as s:o=n =as t:at of a ten-3ear-old c:ild1 and Anderson refused to recei>e it
or to si9n a le9al docu8ent <ro8isin9 to s:ut u< about t:e 8atter?
Anderson too; :is co8<laint to AriAona Con9ress8en Morris Uda:l and &o:n McCain III1
but =it: no results? Geor9e !us: refused Con9ress8an McCain7s re@uest t:at :e 8eet =it:
Anderson =rote to Uda:l1 enclosin9 a <:oto9ra<: of t:e =all case and s;ull at t:e FTo8b177
s:o=in9 a blac; and =:ite <:oto9ra<: of t:e li>in9 Geroni8o1 =:ic: 8e8bers of t:e
Order :ad boastfull3 <osted neEt to t:eir dis<la3 of :is s;ull? Anderson @uoted fro8 a S;ull
and !ones Societ3 internal :istor31 entitled Continuation of t:e Histor3 of Our Order for
t:e Centur3 Celebration1 1. &une 12''1 b3 T:e Little ,e>il of ,71$1?
ro8 t:e =ar da3s G*?*? IH also s<ran9 t:e 8ad eE<edition fro8 t:e Sc:ool of ire at ort Sill1
O;la:o8a1 t:at brou9:t to t:e TGo8bH its 8ost s<ectacular Fcroo;177 t:e s;ull of Geroni8o t:e
terrible1 t:e Indian C:ief =:o :ad ta;en fort3-nine =:ite scal<s? An eE<edition in late Ma31 121/1
b3 8e8bers of four Clubs Gi?e? four 9raduatin9-class 3ears of t:e Societ3H1 Mit ,?11)1 !arebones1
Caliban and ,in9bat1 ,?11+1 S7Mi;e ,?11-1 and Hellbender ,?11.1 <lanned =it: 9reat caution
since in t:e =ords of one of t:e8" FSiE ar83 ca<tains robbin9 a 9ra>e =ouldn7t loo; 9ood in t:e
<a<ers?77 T:e stirrin9 cli8aE =as recorded b3 Hellbender in t:e !lac; !oo; of ,?11." F??? T:e rin9
of <ic; on stone and t:ud of eart: on eart: alone disturbs t:e <eace of t:e <rairie? An aEe <ried
o<en t:e iron door of t:e to8b1 and %atGriarc:H !us: entered and started to di9? *e du9 in turn1
eac: on relief ta;in9 a turn on t:e road as 9uards???? inall3 %atGriarc:H Eller3 &a8es turned u< a
bridle1 soon a saddle :orn and rotten leat:ers follo=ed1 t:en =ood and t:en1 at t:e eEact botto8 of
t:e s8all round :ole1 %atGriarc:H &a8es du9 dee< and <ried out t:e tro<:3 itself???? *e @uic;l3
closed t:e 9ra>e1 s:ut t:e door and s<ed :o8e to %atGriarc:H Mallon7s roo81 =:ere =e cleaned t:e
!ones? %atGriarc:H Mallon sat on t:e floor liberall3 a<<l3in9 carbolic acid? T:e S;ull =as fairl3
clean1 :a>in9 onl3 so8e fles: inside and a little :air? I s:o=ered and :it t:e :a3 ??? a
:a<<3 8an????77
T:e ot:er 9ra>e robber =:ose na8e is 9i>en1 Eller3 &a8es1 =e encountered in C:a<ter 1--
:e =as to be an us:er at %rescott7s =eddin9 t:ree 3ears later? And t:e fello= =:o a<<lied
acid to t:e stolen s;ull1 burnin9 off t:e fles: and :air1 =as Neil Mallon? (ears later1 %rescott
!us: and :is <artners c:ose Mallon as c:air8an of ,resser IndustriesC Mallon :ired
%rescott7s son1 Geor9e !us:1 for Geor9e7s first BobC and Geor9e !us: na8ed :is son1 Neil
Mallon !us:1 after t:e fles:-<ic;er?
In 12//1 t:e *as:in9ton %ost ran an article1 ori9inatin9 fro8 t:e Establis:8ent-line
AriAona Re<ublic1 entitled FS;ull for Scandal" ,id !us:7s at:er Rob Geroni8o7s Gra>eD77
T:e article included a s8all @uote fro8 t:e 12'' S;ull and !ones Histor3 of Our Order"
FAn aEe <ried o<en t:e iron door of t:e to8b1 and ??? !us: entered and started to di9????77 and
so fort:1 but ne9lected to include ot:er na8es beside !us:?
Accordin9 to t:e *as:in9ton %ost1 t:e docu8ent =:ic: !us: attorne3 Endicott ,a>ison
tried to 9et t:e A<ac:e leader to si9n1 sti<ulated t:at Ned Anderson a9reed it =ould be
Fina<<ro<riate for 3ou1 8e G&onat:an !us:H or an3one in association =it: us to 8a;e or
<er8it an3 <ublication in connection =it: t:is transaction?77 Anderson called t:e docu8ent
F>er3 insultin9 to Indians?77 ,a>ison clai8ed later t:at t:e Order7s o=n :istor3 boo; is a
:oaE1 but durin9 t:e ne9otiations =it: Anderson1 !us:7s attorne3 de8anded Anderson 9i>e
u< :is co<3 of t:e boo;?
!us: cron3 itA:u9: Green 9i>es t:e >ie= of t:e %resident7s bac;ers on t:is affair1 and
con>e3s t:e arro9ant racial attitude t3<ical of S;ull and !ones"
F%rescott !us: :ad a colorful side? In 12// t:e <ress re>ealed t:e co8<laint of an A<ac:e
leader about !us:? T:is =as Ned Anderson of San Carlos1 O;la:o8a GsicH1 =:o c:ar9ed
t:at as a 3oun9 ar83 officer !us: stole t:e s;ull of Indian C:ief GsicH Geroni8o and :ad it
:un9 on t:e =all of (ale7s S;ull and !ones Club? After eE<osure of Ptrue facts7 b3
Anderson1 and consideration b3 so8e re<resentati>es in Con9ress1 t:e issue faded fro8
<ublic si9:t? *:et:er or not t:is alle9ed s;ulldu99er3 actuall3 occurred1 t:e 8ere idea casts
t:e senior !us: in an ad>enturous li9:t77Ge8<:asis addedH?
Geor9e !us:7s cro=nin9 as a !ones8an =as intensel31 <ersonall3 i8<ortant to :i8? T:ese
8en =ere ta<<ed for t:e Class of 12)/"
T:o8as *illia8 Ludlo= As:le3 Lucius Horatio !i9lo=1 &r? Geor9e Herbert *al;er !us:
&o:n Er=in Caul;ins *illia8 &ud;ins Clar; *illia8 &a8es Connell31 &r? Geor9e Coo; III
,a>id C:arles Gri8es Ric:ard El=ood &en;ins Ric:ard Gerstle Mac; T:o8as *ilder
Mosele3 Geor9e Harold %fau1 &r? Sa8uel Sloane *al;er1 &r? Ho=ard Sa3re *ea>er 6alleau
*il;ie1 &r?
Sur>i>ors of t:is 12)/ !ones 9rou< =ere inter>ie=ed for a 12// *as:in9ton %ost
ca8<ai9n <rofile of Geor9e !us:? T:e 8e8bers described t:eir continuin9 inti8ac3 =it:
and financial su<<ort for !us: u< t:rou9: :is 12/5s >ice-<residenc3? T:eir ori9inal seEual
to9et:erness at (ale is stressed"
T:e relations:i<s t:at =ere for8ed in t:e FTo8b77 ??? =:ere t:e Societ37s 8eetin9s too; <lace eac:
T:ursda3 and Sunda3 ni9:t durin9 t:e acade8ic 3ear1 :a>e :ad a stron9 <lace in !us:7s life1
accordin9 to all 11 of :is fello= !ones8en =:o are still ali>e?
Se>eral described in detail t:e ritual in t:e or9aniAation t:at builds t:e bonds? !efore 9i>in9
:is life :istor31 eac: 8e8ber :ad to s<end a Sunda3 ni9:t re>ie=in9 :is seE life in a tal;
;no=n in t:e To8b as C!1 or Fconnubial bliss77????
FT:e first ti8e 3ou re>ie= 3our seE life???? *e =ent all t:e =a3 around a8on9 t:e 1+177 said
Lucius H? !i9lo= &r?1 a retired Seattle attorne3? FT:at =a3 3ou 9et e>er3bod3 co88itted to
a certain eEtent???? It =as a 9radual =a3 of buildin9 confidence?77
T:e seEual :istories :el<ed brea; do=n t:e nor8al defenses of t:e 8e8bers1 accordin9 to
se>eral of t:e 8e8bers fro8 :is class? *illia8 &? Connell31 &r? ??? said1 FIn S;ull and !ones
=e all stand to9et:er1 1+ brot:ers under t:e s;in? GIt isH t:e 9reatest alle9iance in t:e =orld?77
Here is our future U?S? %resident =it: t:e ot:er =ealt:31 a8oral 3oun9 8en1 eEcited about
t:eir future unli8ited <o=er o>er t:e i9norant co88on <eo<le1 s:arin9 t:eir seE secrets in
a 8ausoleu8 surrounded b3 :u8an re8ains? T:e eEcited 3oun9 8en are entirel3 directed
b3 t:e F%atriarc:s177 t:e c3nical alu8ni financiers =:o are t:e le9al o=ners of t:e Order?
T:e (ale Tories *:o Made S;ull and !ones
T:is c:art de<icts fa8il3 relations:i<s =:ic: =ere >ital to t:e <ersons a<<earin9 on t:e
c:art? At less eEalted le>els of societ31 one is su<<osed to be <raised or bla8ed onl3
accordin9 to one7s o=n actions? !ut in t:ese (ale circles1 Ffa8il377--9enealo93--is an
o>er=:el8in9 consideration =:en e>aluatin9 indi>iduals? T:us =:at =e <resent :ere is
8ore t:an si8<l3 a s3ste8 of associations? It is a tradition =:ic: :as o<erated <o=erfull3
on t:e e8otions and Bud98ent of t:e leaders of (ale Uni>ersit3C t:e3 :a>e 8er9ed t:eir
o=n identities into t:is tradition?
Lines are directed do=n=ards fro8 <arents to t:eir c:ildren? A double :3<:en--si9nifies
t:e 8arria9e of t:e <ersons on eit:er side?
14 Re>? Nodia: Russell" One of 15 or 1$ 8en =:o founded (ale Uni>ersit3 in 1.51? (ale
Trustee 1.51-1'? %astor1 irst Con9re9ational C:urc:1 Middleto=n1 Ct? ca? 1-21-1.1-?
$4 Re>? &a8es %ier<ont" Most celebrated of t:e (ale founders? (ale Trustee1 1.51-1)?
'4 *illia8 Russell" (ale Trustee 1.)+--1? %astor1 irst Con9re9ational C:urc:1
Middleto=n1 Ct? 1.1---1?
)4 &onat:an Ed=ards" Graduated (ale 1.$5? Ultra-Cal>inist t:eolo9ian1 <resident of
%rinceton Uni>ersit3 0called t:en FColle9e of Ne= &erse3774?
+4 Re>? Nodia: Russell" Graduated (ale 1.+5?
-4 %ier<ont Ed=ards 01.+5-1/$-4" Made Master of Connecticut Masons b3 t:e !ritis:
Ar83 occu<3in9 Ne= (or; in 1./'C :e ad8inistered t:e estate of t:e traitor !enedict
.4 Aaron !urr1 Sr?" Graduated 3ale 1.'+? %resident of %rinceton Uni>ersit3 0FColle9e of
Ne= &erse3774?
/4 Matt:e= Talcott Russell" Graduated (ale 1.-2? ,eacon of irst Con9re9ational C:urc:1
Middleto=n1 Ct? for '5 3ears? La=3er for t:e Middleto=n Russell fa8il3? ,ied ca? 1/1.?
24 Ca<tain &o:n Russell? ,ied 1/51 or 1/5$?
154 Henr3 *? Ed=ards" Go>ernor of Connecticut 1/''1 1/'+-'/? %rotector of Sa8uel
Russell7s o<iu8-financed enter<rises1 <atron of *illia8 Huntin9ton Russell7s ne= secret
societ31 S;ull and !ones?
114 Aaron !urr1 &r?" U?S? 6ice %resident 1/51-5/? #illed AleEander Ha8ilton in a duel in
1/5)? Secession cons<irator? Ac@uitted of treason in 1/5.1 but =anted for 8urder1 :e fled to
En9land? Returned to U?S?A? in 1/1$? *all Street la=3er1 1/1$-'-? Hero of i8<erial An9lo-
1$4 T:eodore ,=i9:t 01.-)-1/)-4" La= <artner of :is cousin Aaron !urr1 &r? Secretar3 of
t:e secessionist Hartford Con>ention1 1/1+? He united t:e Connecticut <ro-!ritis: <art3
=it: Massac:usetts FEsseE &unto?77 1'4 Ti8ot:3 ,=i9:t" Secessionist? %resident of (ale1
1)4 *illia8 Huntin9ton Russell 01/52-/+4" Graduated (ale 1/''? ounder of S;ull and
!ones Societ3 0or Russell Trust Association41 =:ic: ca8e to do8inate (ale? ounded <re<
sc:ool for bo3s1 1/'-? His secret or9aniAation s<read in t:e 1/.5s to %:illi<s Acade831 t:e
Ando>er1 Massac:usetts <re< sc:ool?
1+4 Sa8uel Russell" !orn in 1./2 in t:e 8ain ancestral :ouse of t:e Russell fa8il3 of
Middleto=n? T:is :ouse :ad been o=ned b3 t:e co-founder of (ale1 Nodia: Russell 0141
and b3 *illia8 Russell 0'4 and :is =ife Mar31 sister-in-la= to &onat:an Ed=ards?
He beca8e :ead of t:e Middleto=n Russells? He establis:ed Russell and Co? in 1/$'1
=:ic: b3 t:e 1/'5s su<erseded %er;ins s3ndicate as lar9est A8erican o<iu8 s8u99lin9
or9aniAation? His <artners included leadin9 !oston fa8ilies?
He founded t:e Russell Manufacturin9 Co8<an31 Middleto=n1 in 1/'.C :e =as <resident of
MiddleseE Count3 !an;? ,urin9 t:e for8ati>e 3ears of S;ull and !ones1 t:e fabulousl3
=ealt:3 Sa8uel Russell =as undis<uted ;in9 of Middleto=n?
Note to Reader"
or t:e sa;e of clarit31 =e :a>e o8itted fro8 t:is c:art t:e ancestral line fro8 Re>? &a8es %ier<ont 0$4 to
:is 9reat 9randson Re>? &o:n %ier<ont? Re>? &o:n %ier<ont =rote <oetr3 for t:e <ro-!ritis: secessionistsC :e
denounced %resident T:o8as &efferson for sa3in9 t:at %ier<ont7s Ne= En9land relati>es =ere Funder t:e
influence of t:e =:ore of En9land?77 Re>? &o:n =as an e8<lo3ee of Aaron !urr7s fa8il3 durin9 !urr7s
=estern cons<irac3? Re>? &o:n7s dau9:ter &uliet 8arried Connecticut-born !ritis: ban;er &unius Mor9an
and 9a>e birt: to U?S? financial ;in9<in &o:n %ier<ont Mor9an1 na8ed for :is 9randfat:er Re>? &o:n?
1? S<eec: at Le=isto=n1 Illinois1 Au9ust 1.1 1/+/C @uoted in &a8es Mellon 0editor41 T:e ace of Lincoln
0Ne= (or;" 6i;in9 %ress1 12.241 <? '+?
$? itA:u9: Green1 Geor9e !us:" An Inti8ate %ortrait 0Ne= (or;" Hi<<ocrene !oo;s1 12/241 <? )1? '?
Nic:olas #in91 Geor9e !us:" A !io9ra<:3 0Ne= (or;" ,odd1 Mead N Co8<an31 12/541 <? '/?
)? Green1 o<? cit?1 <? ).?
+? Ibid?1 <? )/?
-? A8on9 t:e sources used for t:is section are"
S;ull and !ones 8e8bers:i< list1 1/''-12+51 <rinted 12)2 b3 t:e Russell Trust Association1 Ne=
Ha>en1 Connecticut1 a>ailable t:rou9: t:e (ale Uni>ersit3 Librar31 Ne= Ha>en?
!io9ra<:ies of t:e Russells and related fa8ilies1 in t:e (ale Uni>ersit3 Librar31 Ne= Ha>en1 and in t:e
Russell Librar31 Middleto=n1 Connecticut?
Ron C:erno=1 T:e House of Mor9an" An A8erican !an;in9 ,3nast3 and t:e Rise of Modern inance
0Ne= (or;" Atlantic Mont:l3 %ress1 12254?
Ant:on3 C? Sutton1 Ho= t:e Order Creates *ar and Re>olution1 0%:oeniE" Researc: %ublications1 Inc?1
Ant:on3 C? Sutton1 A8erica7s Secret Establis:8ent" An Introduction to t:e Order of S;ull and !ones1
0!illin9s1 Mt?" Libert3 House %ress1 12/-4?
Anton C:ait;in1 Treason in A8erica" ro8 Aaron !urr to A>erell Harri8an1 second edition 0Ne= (or;"
Ne= !enBa8in ran;lin House1 12/+4?
Anton C:ait;in1 FStation Identification" Mor9an1 Hitler1 N!C177 Ne= Solidarit31 Oct? /1 12/)?
Inter>ie=s =it: !ones 8e8bers and t:eir fa8ilies?
.? *alter Isaacson and E>an T:o8as1 T:e *ise Men" SiE riends and t:e *orld T:e3 Made--Ac:eson1
!o:len1 Harri8an1 #ennan1 Lo>ett1 McClo3 0Ne= (or;" Si8on and Sc:uster1 12/-41 <<? 25-21?
/? Ibid?1 <? 2'?
2? Inter>ie= =it: Ned Anderson1 No>? -1 1221?
15? Luoted in Ned Anderson to Anton C:ait;in1 ,ec? $1 12211 in <ossession of t:e aut:ors?
11? Article b3 %aul !rin;le3-Ro9ers of t:e AriAona Re<ublic1 in t:e *as:in9ton %ost1 Oct? 11 12//?
1$? Green1 o<? cit?1 <? +5?
1'? !ob *ood=ard and *alter %incus1 F!us: O<ened U< To Secret (ale Societ3177 *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9?
.1 12//?
C:a<ter -6III- T:e %er8ian !asin Gan91 12)/-+2
%ecunia non olet?
-- 6es<asian
,urin9 t:e 3ears follo=in9 t:e Second *orld *ar1 t:e <atrician fa8ilies of t:e Eastern
An9lo<:ile Liberal Establis:8ent sent nu8bers of t:eir offs<rin9 to coloniAe t:ose
9eo9ra<:ic re9ions of t:e United States =:ic:1 t:e fa8ilies esti8ated1 =ere li;el3 to
<ros<er in t:e <ost=ar <eriod? On t:e surface1 t:is a<<ears as a si8<le refleE of 9reed" cadet
sons =ere des<atc:ed to t:ose areas of t:e <ro>inces =:ere t:eir instincti>e 8et:ods of
s<eculation and usur3 could be e8<lo3ed to <arasitiAe e8er9in9 =ealt:?
More funda8entall31 t:is 8i9ration of 3oun9 <atrician ban;ers ans=ered t:e necessit3 of
<olitical control? T:e Eastern Establis:8ent1 understood as an a99lo8eration of financier
factions :ead@uartered in *all Street1 :ad been t:e do8inant force in A8erican <olitics
since &?%? Mor9an :ad bailed out t:e Gro>er Cle>eland re9i8e in t:e 1/257s? Since t:e
assassination of *illia8 Mc#inle3 and t:e ad>ent of T:eodore Roose>elt1 t:e <o=er of t:e
*all Street 9rou< :ad 9ro=n continuousl3? T:e Eastern Establis:8ent 8a3 :a>e :ad its
earliest roots nort: of !oston and in t:e Hudson Ri>er 6alle31 but it =as deter8ined to be1
not a 8ere re9ional financier faction1 but t:e undis<uted rulin9 elite of t:e United States as
a =:ole1 fro8 !oston to !o:e8ian Gro>e and fro8 %al8 !eac: to t:e %acific Nort:=est? It
=as t:us i8<erati>e t:at t:e constant tendenc3 to=ards t:e for8ation of re9ional factions
be <re-e8<ted b3 t:e <er>asi>e <resence of 8en bound b3 blood lo3alt3 to t:e do8inant
cli@ues of *as:in9ton1 Ne= (or;1 and t:e F8ot:er countr31F t:e Cit3 of London?
If t:e Eastern Liberal Establis:8ent =ere t:ou9:t of as a cancer1 t:en after 12)+ t:at cancer
=ent into a ne= <:ase of 8ali9nant 8etastasis1 infectin9 e>er3 <art of t:e A8erican bod3
<olitic? Geor9e !us: =as one of t:ose 8otile1 8ali9nant cells? He =as not aloneC Robert
Mosbac:er also 8ade t:e Bourne3 fro8 Ne= (or; to TeEas1 in Mosbac:er7s case directl3 to
T:e >arious s3co<:ant 83t:o9ra<:ers =:o :a>e s<un t:eir 3arns about t:e life of Geor9e
!us: :a>e al=a3s atte8<ted to <resent t:is <:ase of !us:7s life as t:e case of a fiercel3
inde<endent 3oun9 8an =:o could :a>e 9one strai9:t to t:e to< in *all Street b3 tradin9
on fat:er %rescott7s na8e and connections1 but =:o c:ose instead to stri;e out for t:e ne=
frontier a8on9 t:e =ildcatters and rou9:nec;s of t:e =est TeEas oil fields and beco8e a
self-8ade 8an?
As Geor9e !us: :i8self recounted in a 12/' inter>ie=1 FIf I =ere a <s3c:oanal3Aer1 I
8i9:t conclude t:at I =as tr3in9 to1 not co8<ete =it: 83 fat:er1 but do so8et:in9 on 83
o=n? M3 sta3 in TeEas =as no Horatio Al9er t:in91 but 8o>in9 fro8 Ne= Ha>en to Odessa
Bust about t:e da3 I 9raduated =as @uite a s:ift in lifest3le?F Gfn 1H
T:ese fair3 tales fro8 t:e Fred Studeba;erF sc:ool see; to obscure t:e facts" t:at !us:7s
transfer to TeEas =as arran9ed fro8 t:e to< b3 %rescott7s !ro=n !rot:ers1 Harri8an
cronies1 and t:at e>er3 ste< for=ard 8ade b3 !us: in t:e oil business =as assisted b3 t:e
ca<ital resources of our :ero7s 8aternal uncle1 Geor9e Herbert *al;er1 &r?1 FUncle Herbie1F
t:e boss of G?H? *al;er N Co? in>est8ent fir8 of *all Street? Uncle Herbie :ad 9raduated
fro8 (ale in 12$.1 =:ere :e :ad been a 8e8ber of S;ull and !ones? T:is is t:e Uncle
Herbie =:o =ill s:o= u< as lead in>estor and 8e8ber of t:e board of !us:- O>erbe3 oil1
of Ja<ata %etroleu81 and of Ja<ata Offs:ore after 12+2? If =e assu8e t:at t:e !us:-*al;er
clan as an eEtended oli9arc:ical fa8il3 decided to send cadet son Geor9e !us: into t:e
TeEas and O;la:o8a oilfields1 =e =ill not be far =ron9?
at:er %rescott <rocured Geor9e not one Bob1 but t=o1 in eac: case contactin9 cronies =:o
de<ended at least <artiall3 on !ro=n !rot:ers1 Harri8an for business?
One cron3 contacted b3 fat:er %rescott =as Ra3 #ra>is1 =:o =as in t:e oil business in
Tulsa1 O;la:o8a? O;la:o8a :ad eE<erienced a colossal oil boo8 bet=een t:e t=o =orld
=ars1 and Ra3 #ra>is :ad cas:ed in1 buildin9 u< a <ersonal fortune of so8e I$+ 8illion?
Ra3 =as t:e son of a !ritis: tailor =:ose fat:er :ad co8e to A8erica and set u< a
:aberdas:er3 in Atlantic Cit31 Ne= &erse3? (oun9 Ra3 #ra>is :ad arri>ed in Tulsa in 12$+1
in t:e 8idst of t:e oil boo8 t:at =as 8a;in9 t:e colossal fortunes of 8en li;e &? %aul Gett3?
Ra3 #ra>is =as <ri8aril3 a taE accountant1 and :e :ad in>ented a >er3 s<ecial taE s:elter
=:ic: allo=ed oil <ro<erties to be F<ac;a9edF and sold in suc: a =a3 as to reduce t:e taE
on <rofits earned fro8 t:e nor8al oil <ro<ert3 rate of /1R to a 8ere 1+R? T:is 8eant t:at
t:e national taE base =as eroded1 and eac: indi>idual taE<a3er bil;ed1 in order to subsidiAe
t:e for8ation of i88ense <ri>ate fortunesC t:is =ill be found to be a constant t:e8e a8on9
Geor9e !us:7s business associates do=n to t:e <resent da3?
Ra3 #ra>is7s deEterit3 in settin9 u< t:ese taE s:elters attracted t:e attention of &ose<: %?
#enned31 t:e bucaneerin9 bootle99er1 entre<reneur1 <olitical boss1 and <atriarc: of t:e
Massac:usetts #enned3 clan? or 8an3 3ears Ra3 #ra>is functioned as t:e 8ana9er of t:e
#enned3 fa8il3 fortune 0or fondo41 t:e sa8e Bob t:at later de>ol>ed to Ste<:en S8it:? Ra3
#ra>is and &oe #enned3 bot: =intered in %al8 !eac:1 =:ere t:e3 =ere so8eti8es 9olf
<artners? Gfn $H
In 12)/-)21 fat:er %rescott =as t:e 8ana9in9 <artner of !ro=n !rot:ers1 Harri8an?
%rescott ;ne= Ra3 #ra>is as a local Tulsa finance 8o9ul and =:eeler-dealer =:o =as often
called u<on b3 *all Street in>est8ent :ouses as a consultant to e>aluate t:e oil reser>es of
>arious co8<anies? T:e esti8ates t:at Ra3 #ra>is <ro>ided often in>ol>ed t:e a8ount of
oil in t:e 9round t:at t:ese fir8s <ossessed1 and t:ese esti8ates =ent to t:e :eart of t:e oil
business as a 9round rent eE<loitation in =:ic: current oil <roduction =as far less i8<ortant
t:an t:e reser>es still beneat: t:e soil?
Suc: acti>it3 i8<arted t:e ;ind of <ri8iti>e accu8ulation 8entalit3 t:at =as later seen to
ani8ate Ra3 #ra>is7s son Henr3? ,urin9 t:e 12/57s1 as =e =ill see1 Henr3 #ra>is
<ersonall3 9enerated so8e I+/ billion in debt for t:e <ur<ose of ac@uirin9 '- co8<anies
and asse8blin9 t:e lar9est cor<orate e8<ire1 in <a<er ter8s1 of all ti8e? And1 as =e =ill
also see1 Henr3 #ra>is =as to beco8e one of t:e leaders of t:e le>era9ed bu3out 9an9
=:ic: beca8e a 8ainsta3 of t:e <olitical 8ac:ine of Geor9e !us:? !ut in 12)/1 t:ese
e>ents =ere all far in t:e future?
So fat:er %rescott as;ed Ra3 if :e :ad a Bob for 3oun9 Geor9e? T:e ans=er =as1 of course
:e did?
!ut in t:e 8eanti8e %rescott !us: :ad also been tal;in9 =it: anot:er cron3 be:olden to
:i81 Henr3 Neil Mallon1 =:o =as t:e %resident and C:air8an of t:e !oard of ,resser
Industries1 a leadin9 8anufacturer of drill bits and related oil =ell drillin9 e@ui<8ent?
,resser :ad been incor<orated in 125+ b3 Solo8on R? ,resser1 but :ad been bou9:t u< and
reor9aniAed b3 *?A? Harri8an N Co8<an3 in 12$/-12$2?
Henr3 Neil Mallon1 for =:o8 t:e infa8ous Neil Mallon !us: of Hinc;le3 and Sil>erado
fa8e is na8ed1 ca8e fro8 a Cincinnati fa8il3 =:o =ere traditional retainers for t:e Taft
clan in t:e sa8e =a3 t:at t:e !us:-*al;er fa8il3 =ere retainers for t:e Harri8ans? As a
c:ild1 Neil Mallon :ad 9one =it: :is fa8il3 to >isit t:eir close friends1 %resident *illia8
Ho=ard Taft and :is fa8il31 at t:e *:ite House? Mallon :ad t:en attended t:e Taft Sc:ool
in *aterto=n1 Connecticut1 and :ad 9one on to (ale Uni>ersit3 in t:e fall of 121'1 =:ere
:e 8et !unn3 Harri8an1 %rescott !us:1 #ni9:t *oole31 and t:e ot:er !ones8en?
One da3 in ,ece8ber1 12$/ !unn3 Harri8an1 fat:er %rescott and #ni9:t *oole3 =ere
sittin9 around t:e Harri8an countin9 :ouse discussin9 t:eir reor9aniAation of ,resser
Industries? Mallon1 =:o =as returnin9 to O:io after siE 8ont:s s<ent 8ountaineerin9 in t:e
Al<s1 ca8e b3 to >isit? At a certain <oint in t:e con>ersation1 !unn3 <ointed to Mallon =as
eEclai8ed1 F,resserK ,resserK?F Mallon =as t:en inter>ie=ed b3 Geor9e Herbert *al;er1
t:e <resident of *?A? Harri8an N Co? As a result of t:is inter>ie=1 Mallon =as
i88ediatel3 8ade <resident of ,resser1 alt:ou9: :e :ad no eE<erience in t:e oil business?
Mallon clearl3 o=ed t:e *al;er-!us: clan so8e fa>ors? Gfn 'H
%rescott !us: :ad beco8e a 8e8ber of t:e board of directors of ,resser Industries in 12'51
in t:e =a;e of t:e reor9aniAation of t:e co8<an3 =:ic: :e :ad <ersonall3 :el<ed to direct?
%rescott !us: =as destined to re8ain on t:e ,resser board for t=ent3-t=o 3ears1 until
12+$1 =:en :e entered t:e United States Senate? at:er %rescott =as t:us callin9 in a c:it
=:en <rocured Geor9e a second Bob offer1 t:is ti8e =it: ,resser Industries or one of its
Geor9e !us: ;ne= t:at t:e oil boo8 in O;la:o8a :ad <assed its <ea;1 and t:at Tulsa
=ould no lon9er offer t:e sterlin9 o<<ortunities for a fast buc; it :ad <resented t=ent3
3ears earlier? ,resser1 b3 contrast1 =as a >ast international cor<oration ideall3 suited to
9ainin9 a ra<id o>er>ie= of t:e oil industr3 and its lootin9 <ractices? Geor9e !us:
accordin9l3 called Ra3 #ra>is and1 in t:e in9ratiatin9 tones :e =as =ont to use as :e
cla=ed :is =a3 to=ards t:e to<1 said t:at :e =is:ed res<ectfull3 to decline t:e Bob t:at
#ra>is :ad offered :i8 in Tulsa? His first <reference =as to 9o to =or; for ,resser? Ra3
#ra>is1 =:o loo;ed to %rescott for business1 released :i8 at once? FI ;no= Geor9e !us:
=ell1F said Ra3 #ra>is 3ears later? FI7>e ;no=n :i8 since :e 9ot out of sc:ool? His fat:er
=as a >er3 9ood friend of 8ine?F Gfn )H T:is is t:e 8a9ic 8o8ent in =:ic: all t:e official
!us: bio9ra<:ies s:o= our :ero ridin9 into Odessa1 TeEas in t:e le9endar3 red Studeba;er1
to ta;e u< a <ost as an e@ui<8ent cler; and trainee for t:e ,resser subsidiar3 I,ECO
0International ,erric; and E@ui<8ent Co8<an34?
!ut t:e red Studeba;er 83t:1 as alread3 noted1 8isre<resents t:e facts? Accordin9 to t:e
se8i-official :istor3 of ,resser Industries1 Geor9e !us: =as first e8<lo3ed b3 ,resser at
t:eir cor<orate :ead@uarters in Cle>eland1 O:io1 =:ere :e =or;ed for ,resser eEecuti>e
R?E? Rei8er1 an all3 of Mallon? Gfn +H T:is stint in Cle>eland is :ardl3 8entioned b3 t:e
<ro-!us: bio9ra<:ers1 8a;in9 us =onder =:at is bein9 co>ered u<? T:e ,resser :istor3
also :as Geor9e !us: =or;in9 for anot:er subsidiar31 %acific %u8<s1 before =or;in9 for
I,ECO? On t:e sa8e <a9e t:at relates t:ese interestin9 facts1 t:ere is a <icture t:at s:o=s
fat:er %rescott1 ,orot:31 !arbara !us:1 and Geor9e :oldin9 :is infant son Geor9e *al;er
!us:? (oun9 Geor9e *? is =earin9 co=bo3 boots? T:e3 are all standin9 in front of a
,resser Industries eEecuti>e air<lane1 a<<arentl3 a ,C-'? Could t:is be t:e =a3 Geor9e
reall3 arri>ed in OdessaD
T:e ,resser :istor3 :as Geor9e !us: =or;in9 for %acific %u8<s1 anot:er ,resser
subsidiar31 before finall3 Boinin9 I,ECO? Accordin9 to !us:7s ca8<ai9n autobio9ra<:31 :e
:ad been =it: I,ECO for a 3ear in Odessa1 TeEas before bein9 transferred to =or; for
%acific %u8<s in Huntin9ton %ar; and !a;ersfield1 California? !us: sa3s :e =or;ed at
Hunton9ton %ar; as an asse8bl38an1 and it =as :ere t:at :e clai8s to :a>e Boined t:e
United Steel=or;ers Union1 obtainin9 a union card t:at :e =ill still <ull out =:en
confronted for :is lon9 :istor3 of union-bustin91 as for eEa8<le =:en :e =as :ec;led at a
s:i<3ard in %ortland1 Ore9on1 durin9 t:e 12// ca8<ai9n? Ot:er accounts <lace !us: in
6entura1 Co8<ton and FRic:ard NiEon7s :o8e to=n of *:ittierF durin9 t:is sa8e <eriod?
Gfn -H If !us: actuall3 =ent to California first and onl3 later to Odessa1 :e 8a3 be l3in9 in
order to stress t:at :e c:ose TeEas as :is first c:oice1 a distortion t:at 8a3 :a>e been
concocted >er3 earl3 in :is <olitical career to defend :i8self a9ainst t:e constant c:ar9e
t:at :e =as a car<etba99er?
Odessa1 TeEas1 and t:e nearb3 cit3 of Midland =ere bot: located in t:e 9eolo9ical
for8ation ;no=n as t:e %er8ian !asin1 t:e scene of an oil boo8 t:at de>elo<ed in t:e
3ears after t:e Second *orld *ar? Odessa at t:is ti8e =as a co8<leE of 3ards and
=are:ouses =:ere oil drillin9 e@ui<8ent =as brou9:t for distribution to t:e oil ri9s t:at
=ere drillin9 all o>er t:e landsca<e?
At I,ECO1 !us: =or;ed for su<er>isor !ill Nelson1 and :ad one Hu9: E>ans a8on9 :is
co-=or;ers? Concernin9 t:is <eriod1 =e are re9aled =it: stories about :o= !us: and
!arbara 8o>ed into a s:ot9un :ouse1 an a<art8ent t:at :ad been di>ided b3 a <artition
do=n t:e 8iddle1 =it: a bat:roo8 t:e3 s:ared =it: a 8ot:er and dau9:ter <rostitute tea8?
T:ere =as a <er>asi>e odor of 9as1 =:ic: ca8e not fro8 a lea; in t:e o>en1 but fro8
nearb3 oil =ells =:ere t:e 9as =as flared off? Geor9e and !arbara =ere to s<end so8e ti8e
slu88in9 in t:is settin9? !ut !us: =as anEious to in9ratiate :i8self =it: t:e rou9:nec;s
and roustaboutsC :e be9an eatin9 t:e standard Odessa diet of a bo=l of c:ili =it: crac;ers
and beer for lunc:1 and c:ic;en-friend stea; for dinner? %er:a<s :is affected li;in9 for
countr3 and =estern 8usic1 <or; rinds1 and ot:er <ublic relations <lo3s 9o bac; to t:is ti8e?
!us: is also fond of recountin9 t:e stor3 of :o=1 on C:rist8as E>e1 12)/1 :e 9ot drun;
durin9 >arious I,ECO custo8er rece<tions and <assed out1 dead drun;1 on :is o=n front
la=n1 =:ere :e =as found b3 !arbara? Geor9e !us:1 =e can see1 is trul3 a re9ular 9u3?
Accordin9 to t:e official !us: >ersion of e>ents1 Geor9e and !ar <ere9rinated durin9 12)2
far fro8 t:eir belo>ed TeEas to >arious to=ns in California =:ere ,resser :ad subsidiaries?
!us: clai8s t:at :e dro>e a t:ousand 8iles a =ee; t:rou9: t:e CarriAo %lains and t:e
Cu3a8a 6alle3? ,urin9 t:at sa8e 3ear 0or =as it 12+5D4 t:e3 8o>ed to Midland1 anot:er
tu8ble=eed to=n in =est TeEas? Midland offered t:e ad>anta9e of bein9 t:e location of t:e
=est TeEas :ead@uarters of 8an3 of t:e oil co8<anies t:at o<erated in Odessa and t:e
surroundin9 area? In Midland1 Geor9e and !ar first sta3ed at a 8otel =:ile :e co88uted b3
car eac: da3 to t:e I,ECO =are:ouse in Odessa1 t=ent3 8iles to t:e sout:=est? T:en1 for
I.1+551 t:e3 bou9:t a :o8e on Ma<le Street in a <ost=ar 8ini-Le>itto=n de>elo<8ent
called Easter E99 Ro=?
Realit3 =as so8e=:at 8ore co8<leE? T:e !us: social circle in Odessa =as :ardl3
co8<osed of oil field rou9:nec;s? Rat:er1 t:eir <eer 9rou< =as co8<osed 8ore of t:e sorts
of <eo<le t:e3 :ad ;no=n in Ne= Ha>en" a cli@ue of =ell-:eeled recent 9raduates of
<resti9ious eastern colle9es =:o :ad been attracted to t:e %er8ian !asin in t:e sa8e =a3
t:at Stanford1 Ho<;ins1 Croc;er1 and t:eir il; =ere attracted to San rancisco durin9 t:e
9old rus:? Here =ere Tob3 Hilliard1 &o:n As:8un1 and %o8ero3 S8it:1 all fro8 %rinceton?
Earle Crai9 :ad been at (ale? Midland t:us boasted a (ale Club1 and Har>ard Club1 and a
%rinceton Club? T:e nati>es referred to t:is cli@ue as Ft:e (alies?F Also <resent on t:e scene
in Midland =ere &? Hu9: Liedt;e and *illia8 Lied;te1 =:o :ad 9ro=n u< in O;la:o8a1
but =:o :ad attended colle9e at A8:erst in Massac:usetts?
Man3 of t:ese indi>iduals :ad access to <atrician fortues bac; east for t:e >enture ca<ital
t:e3 8obiliAed be:ind t:eir >arious deals? Tob3 Hilliard7s full na8e =as Harr3 Talbot
Hilliard of oE C:a<el near %ittsbur9:1 =:ere t:e Mellons :ad t:eir <alatial residence?
Earle Crai9 =as also :oo;ed u< to bi9 8one3 in t:e sa8e area? T:e Lied;te brot:ers1 as =e
=ill see1 :ad connections to t:e bi9 oil 8one3 t:at :ad e8er9ed around Tulsa? Man3 of
t:ese F(aliesF also li>ed in t:e Easter E99 Ro= nei9:bor:ood? A fe= :ouses a=a3 fro8
Geor9e !us: t:ere li>ed a certain &o:n O>erbe3? Accordin9 to O>erbe31 t:e F<eo<le fro8
t:e east and t:e <eo<le fro8 TeEas or O;la:o8a all see8ed to :a>e t=o t:in9s in co88on?
T:e3 all :ad a c:ance to be stoc;bro;ers or in>est8ent ban;ers? And t:e3 all =anted to
learn t:e oil business instead?F Gfn .H O>erbe3 8ade :is li>in9 as a land8an? Since Geor9e
!us: =ould s:ortl3 also beco8e a land8an1 it is =ort: in>esti9atin9 =:at t:is occu<ation
actuall3 entailsC in doin9 so1 =e =ill 9ain a <er8anent insi9:t into !us:7s c:aracter? T:e
role of t:e land8an in t:e TeEas oil industr3 =as to tr3 to identif3 <ro<erties =:ere oil
8i9:t be found1 so8eti8es on t:e basis of lea;ed 9eolo9ical infor8ation1 so8eti8es after
obser>in9 t:at one of t:e 8aBor oil co8<anies =as drillin9 in t:e sa8e locale? T:e land 8an
=ould scout t:e <ro<ert31 and t:en atte8<t to 9et t:e o=ner of t:e land to si9n a=a3 t:e
8ineral ri9:ts to t:e <ro<ert3 in t:e for8 of a lease? If t:e <ro<ert3 o=ner =ere =ell
infor8ed about t:e <ossibilit3 t:at oil 8i9:t in fact be found on :is land1 t:e <rice of t:e
lease =ould ob>iousl3 9o u<1 because si9nin9 a=a3 t:e 8ineral ri9:ts 8eant t:at t:e
inco8e 0or Fro3altiesF4 fro8 an3 oil t:at 8i9:t be found =ould ne>er 9o to t:e o=ner of t:e
land? A cunnin9 land8an =ould tr3 to 9at:er as 8uc: insider infor8ation as :e could and
;ee< t:e ranc:er as 8uc: in t:e dar; as <ossible? In rural TeEas in t:e 12)57s1 t:e role of t:e
land8an could rat:er easil3 de9enerate into t:at of t:e rut:less1 8one3-9rubbin9 con artist
=:o =ould tr3 to con>ince an ill-infor8ed and <ossibl3 i9norant TeEas dirt far8er =:o =as
Bust co8in9 u< for air after t:e 9reat de<ression t:at t:e c:ances of findin9 oil on :is land
=ere Bust about Aero1 and t:at e>en a to;en fee for a lease on t:e 8ineral ri9:ts =ould be
e8inentl3 =ort: ta;in9?
Once t:e far8er or ranc:er :ad si9ned a=a3 :is ri9:t to future oil ro3alties1 t:e land8an
=ould turn around and atte8<t to Fbro;erF t:e lease b3 sellin9 it at an inflated <rice to a
8aBor oil co8<an3 t:at 8i9:t be interested in drillin91 or to so8e ot:er bu3er? T:ere =as a
li>el3 8ar;et in suc: leases in t:e restaurant of t:e Sc:arbauer Hotel in Midland1 =:ere
8a<s of t:e oil fields :un9 on t:e =alls and oil leases could c:an9e :ands re<eatedl3 in t:e
course in t:e course of a sin9le da3? So8eti8es1 if a land8an =ere forced to sell a lease to
t:e 8ineral ri9:ts of land =:ere :e reall3 t:ou9:t t:ere 8i9:t be oil1 :e =ould see; to
retain an o>erride1 <er:a<s a8ountin9 to a siEteent: or a t:irt3-second of t:e ro3alties fro8
future <roduction? !ut t:at =ould 8ean less cas: or e>en no cas: recei>ed no=1 and s8all-
ti8e o<erators li;e O>erbe31 =:o :ad no ca<ital resources of t:eir o=n1 =ere al=a3s
stra<<ed for cas:? O>erbe3 =as luc;3 if :e could realiAe a <rofit of a fe= :undred dollars
on t:e sale of a lease?
T:is for8 of acti>it3 clearl3 a<<ealed to t:e 8ean-s<irited and t:e 9reed31 to t:ose =:o
enBo3ed roo;in9 t:eir fello= 8an? It =as one t:in9 for O>erbe31 =:o 8a3 :a>e :ad no
alternati>e to su<<ort :is fa8il3? It =as @uite anot:er t:in9 for Geor9e Herbert *al;er
!us:1 a 3oun9 <lutocrat out slu88in9? !ut !us: =as dra=n to t:e land8an and ro3alt3
9a8e1 so 8uc: so t:at :e offered to raise ca<ital bac; east if O>erbe3 =ould Boin :i8 in a
<artners:i<? Gfn /H
O>erbe3 acce<ted !us:7s <ro<osition t:at t:e3 ca<italiAe a co8<an3 t:at =ould trade in t:e
>anis:ed :o<es of t:e ranc:ers and far8ers of nort:=est TeEas? !us: and O>erbe3 fle=
bac; east to tal; =it: Uncle Herbie in t:e oa;-<aneled board roo8 of G?H? *al;er N Co? in
*all Street? Accordin9 to Es@uire1 F!us:7s <artner1 &o:n O>erbe31 still re8e8bers t:e
diAA3in9 =:irl of a 8one3-raisin9 tri< to t:e East =it: Geor9e and Uncle Herbie" lunc: at
Ne= (or;7s $1 Club1 =ee;ends at #ennebun;<ort =:ere a bracin9 Sunda3 di< in t:e
Atlantic off *al;er7s %oint ended =it: a ser>ant =ra<<in9 3ou in a lar9e terr3 to=el and
:andin9 3ou a 8artini?F Gfn 2H
T:e result of t:e od3sse3 bac; east =as a ca<ital of I'5515551 8uc: of it 9at:ered fro8
Uncle Herbie7s clients in t:e Cit3 of London1 =:o =ere of course deli9:ted at t:e <ros<ect
of <arasitiAin9 TeEas ranc:ers? One of t:ose ea9er to cas: in =as &i883 Ga88ell of
Edinbur9:1 Scotland1 =:ose I>or3 and Si8e countin9 :ouse <ut u< I+51555 fro8 its
Atlantic Asset Trust? Ga88ell is toda3 t:e e8inence 9rise of t:e Scottis: in>es8ent
co88unit31 and :e :as retained a close <ersonal relation to !us: o>er t:e 3ears? Mar; t:is
Ga88ell =ellC :e =ill return to our narrati>e s:ortl3?
Eu9ene Me3er1 t:e o=ner of t:e *as:in9ton %ost and t:e fat:er of t:at <a<er7s <resent
o=ner1 #at:arine Me3er Gra:a81 anted u< an in>est8ent of I+51555 on t:e basis of t:e
taE-s:elter ca<abilities <ro8ised b3 !us:-Oberbe3? Me3er1 a <resident of t:e *orld !an;1
also <rocured an in>est8ent fro8 :is son-in-la= %:il Gra:a8 for t:e !us: >enture? at:er
%rescott !us: =as also counted in1 to t:e tune of about I+51555? In t:e da3s of real 8one31
t:ese =ere considerable su8s? T:e London in>estors 9ot s:ares of stoc; in t:e ne=
co8<an31 called !us:-O>erbe31 as =ell as !us:-O>erbe3 bonded debt?
!us: and O>erbe3 8o>ed into an office on t:e 9round floor of t:e %etroleu8 !uildin9 in
T:e business of t:e land8an1 it :as been <ointed out1 rested entriel3 on <ersonal relations
and sc:8ooAe? One :ad to be a disse8bler and an intelli9encer? One :ad to learn to
culti>ate friends:i<s =it: t:e 9eolo9ists1 t:e scouts1 t:e <ett3 bureaucrats at t:e count3
court :ouse =:ere t:e land records =ere ;e<t1 t:e Bournalists at t:e local <a<er1 and =it:
one7s o=n ri>als1 t:e ot:er land8en1 =:o 8i9:t in>ite so8eone =it: so8e ris; ca<ital to
co8e in on a deal? Co88unit3 ser>ice =as an eEcellent 8ode of in9ratiation1 and Geor9e
!us: >olunteered for t:e Co88unit3 C:est1 t:e (MCA1 and t:e C:a8ber of Co88erce? It
8eant s8all tal; about =i>es and ;ids1 attendin9 c:urc:-- dece<tion <ostures t:at in a s8all
to=n :ad to <er>ade t:e s8allest details of one7s life? It =as at t:is ti8e in :is life t:at !us:
see8s to :a>e ac@uired t:e :abit of =ritin9 in9ratiatin9 little <ersonal notes to <eo<le :e
:ad recentl3 8et1 a :abit t:at :e =ould use o>er t:e 3ears to culti>ate and 8aintain :is
<ersonal net=or;? Out of all t:is in9ratiatin9 !abbitr3 and boosteris8 =ould co8e
ac@uaintances and t:e bits of infor8ation t:at could lead to =indfall <rofits?
T:ere :ad been a boo8 in Scurr3 Count31 but t:at =as subsidin9? !us: dro>e to %3ote1 to
Sn3der1 to Sterlin9 Cit31 to Mona:ans1 =it: Rattlesna;e Air orce !ase Bust outside of
to=n? Ho= 8an3 TeEas ranc:ers can re8e8ber sellin9 t:eir 8ineral ri9:ts for a <ittance to
s8ilin9 Geor9e !us:1 and t:en :a>in9 oil disco>ered on t:e land1 oil fro8 =:ic: t:eir
fa8il3 =ould ne>er earn a <enn3D
Across t:e street fro8 !us:-O>erbe3 =ere t:e offices of Liedt;e N Liedt;e1 Attorne3s at
la=? &? Hu9: Liedt;e and *illia8 Liedt;e =ere fro8 Tulsa1 O;la:o8a1 =:ere t:e31 li;e
!us:1 :ad 9ro=n u< ric: as t:e sons of a local Bud9e =:o :ad beco8e one of t:e to<
cor<orate la=3ers for Gulf Oil? T:e Liedt;e7s 9randfat:er :ad co8e fro8 %russia1 but :ad
ser>ed in t:e Confederate Ar83? &? Hu9: Liedt;e :ad found ti8e alon9 t:e =a3 to ac@uire
t:e notorious Har>ard Master of !usiness Ad8inistration de9ree in one 3ear? After ser>ice
in t:e na>3 durin9 t:e =ar1 t:e Liedt;es obtained la= de9rees of t:e Uni>ersit3 of TeEas
la= sc:ool1 =:ere t:e3 rented t:e ser>ant7s @uarters of t:e :o8e of US Senator L3ndon !?
&o:nson1 =:o =as a=a3 in *as:in9ton 8ost of t:e ti8e? ,urin9 t:ose 3ears1 &o:nson7s
:o8e =as occu<ied 8ost of t:e ti8e b3 :is <rote9e1 &o:n Connall3?
T:e Liedt;es co8bined t:e ra=1 uncout: <ri8iti>e accu8ulation 8entalit3 of t:e oil boo8
to=n =it: t:e refined arts of usur3 and s<eculation as Har>ard tau9:t t:e8? T:eir la=
<ractice =as a la= <ractice in na8e onl3C t:eir <ri8ar3 and al8ost eEclusi>e acti>it3 =as
bu3in9 u< ro3alt3 leases on be:alf of a 8one3 ba9s in Tulsa =:o =as a friend of t:eir
fa8il3C t:e Liedt;es 9ot a +R co88ission on e>er3 deal t:e3 :andled?
Hu9: Liedt;e =as al=a3s on t:e loo;out for t:e Main C:ance? ollo=in9 in t:e footste<s
of :is fello= Tulsan Ra3 #ra>is1 Hu9: Liedt;e sc:e8ed and sc:e8ed until :e :ad found a
=a3 to 9o be3ond :ustlin9 for ro3alt3 leases" :e concocted a 8et:od of tradin9 oil-
<roducin9 <ro<erties in suc: a =a3 as to <er8it t:e e>entual o=ner to defer all taE
liabilities until t:e field =as de<leted? So8eti8es Hu9: Liedt;e =ould co88ute bet=een
Midland and Tulsa on an al8ost dail3 basis? He =ould s<end t:e da3li9:t :ours <ro=lin9
t:e %er8ian !asin for a land deal1 8a;e t:e t:irteen :our dri>e to Tulsa o>erni9:t to
con>ince :is bac;ers to ante u< t:e cas:1 and t:en race bac; to Midland to close t:e deal
before t:e suc;er 9ot a=a3? It =as durin9 t:is <:ase t:at it occurred to Liedt;e t:at :e could
sa>e :i8self a lot of 8arat:on co88uter dri>in9 if :e could <ut to9et:er a 8illion dollars
in >enture ca<ital and Fin>entor3F t:e deals :e =as ot:er=ise forced to 8a;e a <iece8eal
and ad :oc basis? Gfn 15H
T:e Liedt;e brot:ers no= =anted to 9o be3ond ro3alt3 leases and land sale taE dod9es1 and
be9in lar9e-scale drillin9 for and <roduction of oil? Geor9e !us:1 b3 no= =ell >ersed in t:e
al<:as and o8e9as of oil as 9round rent1 =as t:in;in9 alon9 t:e sa8e lines? In a
con>er9ence t:at =as full of o8inous <ortent for t:e US econo83 of t:e 12/57s1 t:e Liedt;e
brot:ers and Geor9e !us: decided to <ool t:eir ca<ital and t:eir ra<acious talents b3 9oin9
into business to9et:er? O>erbe3 =as on board initiall31 but =ould soon fall a=a3?
T:e 3ear =as 12+'1 and Uncle Herbie7s G?H? *al;er N Co? beca8e t:e <rinci<al
under=riter of t:e stoc; and con>ertible debentures t:at =ere to be offered to t:e <ublic?
Uncle Herbie =ould also <urc:ase a lar9e <ortion of t:e stoc; :i8self? *:en t:e ne=
co8<an3 re@uired furt:er infusions of ca<ital1 Uncle Herbie =ould float t:e necessar3
bonds? &i883 Ga88ell re8ained a ;e3 <artici<ant and =ould find a seat on t:e board of
directors of t:e ne= co8<an3? Anot:er of t:e ;e3 in>estors =as t:e Clar; a8il3 Estate1
8eanin9 t:e trustees =:o 8ana9ed t:e Sin9er Se=in9 8ac:ine fortune? Gfn 11H So8e ot:er
8one3 ca8e fro8 >arious <ension funds and endo=8ents1 sources t:at =ould beco8e >er3
<o<ular durin9 t:e le>era9ed bu3out or93 !us: <resided o>er durin9 t:e 12/57s? Of t:e
ca<ital of t:e ne= !us:-Liedt;e concern1 about I+551555 =ould co8e fro8 Tulsa cronies
of t:e Liedt;e brot:ers1 and t:e ot:er I+551555 fro8 t:e circles of Uncle Herbie? T:e latter
=ere referred to b3 Hu9: Liedt;e as Ft:e Ne= (or; 9u3s?F
T:e na8e c:osen for t:e ne= concern =as Ja<ata %etroleu8? Accordin9 to Hu9: Liedt;e1
t:e ne= entre<reneurs =ere attracted to t:e na8e =:en t:e3 sa= it on a 8o>ie 8ar@uee1
=:ere t:e ne= release 6i>a Ja<ataK1 starrin9 Marlon !rando as t:e MeEican re>olutionar31
=as <la3in9? Liedt;e c:aracteristicall3 eE<lains t:at <art of t:e a<<eal of t:e na8e =as t:e
confusion as to =:et:er Ja<ata :ad been a <atriot or a bandit? Gfn 1$H
T:e !us:-Liedt;e co8bination concentrated its attention on an oil <ro<ert3 in Co;e Count3
called &a8eson ield1 a barren eE<anse of <rairie and sa9ebrus: =:ere siE =idel3 se<arated
=ells :ad been <roducin9 oil for so8e 3ears? Hu9: Liedt;e =as con>inced t:at t:ese siE oil
=ells =ere ta<<in9 into a sin9le under9round <ool of oil1 and t:at doAens or e>en :undreds
of ne= oil =ells drilled into t:e sa8e field =ould all <ro>e to be 9us:ers? In ot:er =ords1
Liedt;e =anted to 9a8ble t:e entire ca<ital of t:e ne= fir8 on t:e :3<ot:esis t:at t:e =ells
=ere1 in oil <arlance1 Fconnected?F One of Liedt;e7s Tulsa bac;ers =as su<<osedl3
uncon>inced1 and ar9ued t:at t:e =ells =ere too far a<artC t:e3 could not <ossibl3 connect?
FGodda8n1 t:e3 doKF =as Hu9: Liedt;e7s reBoinder? He insisted on s:ootin9 t:e =or;s in a
>a-ban@ue o<eration? Uncle Herbie7s circles =ere ner>ous" FT:e Ne= (or; 9u3s =ere Bust
about to <ee in t:eir <ants1F boasted Leidt;e 3ears later? !us: and Hu9: Liedt;e ob>iousl3
:ad t:e better infor8ation" t:e =ells =ere connected1 and 1$. =ells =ere drilled =it:out
encounterin9 a sin9le dr3 :ole? As a result1 t:e <rice of a s:are of stoc; in Ja<ata =ent u<
fro8 . cents a s:are to I$'?
,urin9 t:is ti8e1 Hu9: Liedt;e collaborated on se>eral s8all deals in t:e Midland area
=it: a certain T? !oone %ic;ens1 later one of t:e 8ost notorious cor<orate raiders of t:e
12/57s1 one of t:e ori9inators of t:e F9reen8ailF strate93 of eEtortion b3 =:ic: a raider
=ould accu8ulate <art of t:e s:ares of a co8<an3 and t:reaten to 9o all t:e =a3 to a :ostile
ta;eo>er unless t:e 8ana9e8ent of t:e co8<na3 a9reed to bu3 bac; t:ose s:ares at an
outra9eous <re8iu8? %ic;ens is t:e buccaneer =:o =as self-ri9:teousl3 indi9nant =:en t:e
&a<anese business co88unit3 atte8<ted to <re>ent :i8 fro8 introducin9 t:ese s:a8less
lootin9 <ractices into t:e &a<anese econo83?
%ic;ens1 too1 =as a <roduct of t:e !us:-Liedt;e social circle of Midland? *:en :e =as Bust
9ettin9 started in t:e 8id-fifties1 %ic;ens =anted to bu3 t:e Hu9oton %roduction Co8<an31
=:ic: o=ned t:e Hu9oton field1 one of t:e =orld7s 9reat ons:ore de<osits of natural 9as?
%ic;ens en9ineered t:e :ostile ta;eo>er of Hu9oton b3 turnin9 to Hu9: Liedt;e to be
introduced to t:e trustees of t:e Clar; a8il3 Estate1 =:o1 as =e :a>e Bust seen1 :ad <ut u<
<art of t:e ca<ital for Ja<ata? %ic;ens <ro8ised t:e Clar; Trustees a :i9:er return t:an =as
bein9 <ro>ided b3 t:e current 8ana9e8ent1 and t:is su<<ort <ro>ed to be decisi>e in
<er8ittin9 %ic;ens7s Mesa %etroleu8 to ta;e o>er Hu9oton1 launc:in9 t:is corsair on a
career of lootin9 and <illa9e t:at still continues? In 12//1 Geor9e !us: =ould 9i>e an
inter>ie= to a 8a9aAine o=ned b3 %ic;ens in =:ic: t:e 6ice %resident =ould defend
:ostile le>era9ed bu3outs as necessar3 to t:e interests of t:e s:are:olders?
In t:e 8eanti8e1 after t=o to t:ree 3ears of o<erations1 t:e oil flo= out of Ja<ata7s ;e3
&a8eson field :ad be9un to slo= do=n? Alt:ou9: t:ere =as still abundant oil in t:e 9round1
t:e natural <ressure :ad been ra<idl3 de<leted1 so !us: and t:e Liedt;es :ad to be9in
resortin9 to strata9e8s in order to brin9 t:e oil to t:e surface? T:e3 be9an <u8<in9 =ater
into t:e under9round for8ations in order to forced t:e oil to t:e surface? ro8 t:en on1
Fen:anced reco>er3F tec:ni@ues =ere necessar3 to ;ee< t:e &a8eson field on line?
,urin9 12++ and 12+-1 Ja<ata =as able to re<ort a s8all <rofit? In 12+.1 t:e 3ear of t:e
inci<ient Eisen:o=er recession1 t:is turned into a loss of I1++11/'1 as t:e oil fro8 t:e
&a8eson field be9an to slo= do=n? In 12+/1 t:e loss =as I)$.1.+$1 and in 12+2 t:ere =as
I$5.1.)$ of red in;? 12-5 0after !us: :ad de<arted fro8 t:e scene4 brou9:t anot:er loss1
t:is ti8e of I'.$1$+/1 It =as not until 12-1 t:at Ja<ata =as able to <ost a s8all <rofit of
I+51)/$? Gfn 1'H ,es<ite t:e fact t:at !us: and t:e Liedt;es all beca8e 8illionaires
t:rou9: t:e increased >alue of t:eir s:ares1 it =as not eEactl3 an en>iable recordC =it:out
t:e dee< <oc;ets of !us:7s Uncle Herbie *al;er and :is !ritis: bac;ers1 t:e entire >enture
8i9:t :a>e foundered at an earl3 date?
!us: and t:e Liedt;es :ad been >er3 luc;3 =it: t:e &a8eson field1 but t:e3 could :ardl3
eE<ect suc: results to be re<eated indefinitel3? In addition1 t:e3 =ere no= <ostin9 losses1
and t:e >alue of Ja<ata stoc; :ad 9one into a decline? !us: and t:e Liedt;e brot:ers no=
concluded t:at t:e e<oc: in =:ic: lar9e oil fields could be disco>ered =it:in t:e
continental United States =as no= o>er? Ma88ot: ne= oil fields1 t:e3 belie>ed1 could onl3
be found offs:ore1 located under :undreds of feet of =ater on t:e continental s:el>es1 or in
s:allo= seas li;e t:e Gulf of MeEico and t:e Caribbean? !3 a :a<<3 coincidence1 in 12+)
t:e US federal 9o>ern8ent =as Bust be9innin9 to auction t:e 8ineral ri9:ts for t:ese
offs:ore areas? *it: fat:er %rescott !us: directin9 :is <otent !ro=n !rot:ers1
Harri8anOS;ull and !ones net=or; fro8 t:e US Senate =:ile re9ularl3 :ob-nobbin9 =it:
%resident Eisen:o=er on t:e 9olf lin;s1 Geor9e !us: could be confident of recei>in9
s<ecial <ri>ile9ed treat8ent =:en it ca8e to t:ese 8ineral ri9:ts? !us: and :is <artners
t:erefore Bud9ed t:e 8o8ent ri<e for launc:in9 a for-:ire drillin9 co8<an31 Ja<ata
Offs:ore1 a ,ela=are cor<oration t:at =ould offer its ser>ices to t:e co8<anies 8a;in9 u<
t:e Se>en Sisters international oil cartel in drillin9 under=ater =ells? )5R of t:e offs:ore
co8<an37s stoc; =ould be o=ned b3 t:e ori9inal Ja<ata fir8? T:e ne= co8<an3 =ould
also be a bu3er of offs:ore ro3alt3 leases? Uncle Herbie :el<ed arran9e a ne= issue of stoc;
for t:is Ja<ata offs:oot? T:e s:ares =ere eas3 to unload because of t:e 12+) boo8 in t:e
Ne= (or; stoc; 8ar;et? FT:e stoc; 8ar;et lent itself to s<eculation1F !us: =ould eE<lain
3ears later1 Fand 3ou could 9et e@uit3 ca<ital for ne= >entures?F Gfn 1)H
12+) =as also t:e 3ear t:at t:e US o>ert:re= t:e 9o>ern8ent of &aco<o ArbenA in
Guate8ala? T:is =as t:e be9innin9 of a dense flurr3 of US co>ert o<erations in central
A8erica and t:e Caribbean1 featurin9 es<eciall3 Cuba?
T:e first asset of Ja<ata Offs:ore =as t:e SCOR%ION1 a I '?+ 8illion dee<-sea drillin9 ri9
t:at =as financed b3 I1?+ 8illion fro8 t:e initial stoc; sale <lus anot:er I$ 8illion fro8
bonds 8ar;eted =it: t:e :el< of Uncle Herbie? T:e SCOR%ION =as t:e first t:ree- le99ed
self-ele>atin9 8obile drillin9 bar9e1 and it =as built b3 R? G? LeTourneau1 Inc?1 of
6ic;sbur91 Mississi<<i? T:e <latfor8 =ei9:ed so8e 2 8illion <ounds and 8easured 1/5 b3
1+5 feet1 and t:e t:ree le9s =ere 1)5 feet lon9 =:en full3 eEtended? T:e ri9 =as floated
into t:e desired drillin9 <osition before t:e le9s =ere eEtended1 and t:e 8ain bod3 =as t:en
<us:ed u< abo>e t:e =a>es b3 electric 8otors? T:e SCOR%ION =as deli>ered earl3 in
12+-1 and =as co88issioned at Gal>eston in Marc:1 12+-1 and =as <ut to =or; at
eE<lorator3 drillin9 in t:e Gulf of MeEico durin9 t:e rest of t:e 3ear?
,urin9 12+-1 t:e Ja<ata %etroleu8 officers included &? Hu9: Liedt;e as <resident1 Geor9e
H?*? !us: as >ice <resident1 and *illia8 !ru8le3 of Midland1 TeEas as treasurer? T:e
board of directors lined u< as follo=s"
Geor9e H?*? !us:1 Midland1 TeEasC
&?G?S? Ga88ell1 Edinbur9:? Scotland1 Mana9er of !ritis: Assets Trust1 Li8itedC &? Hu9:
Liedt;e1 Midland1 TeEasC *illia8 C? Liedt;e1 inde<endent oil o<erator1 Midland1 TeEasC
Art:ur E? %al8er1 &r?1 Ne= (or;1 N(1 a <artner in *int:ro<1 Sti8son1 %utna81 and RobertsC
G?H? *al;er &r? 0Uncle Herbie41 8ana9in9 <artner of G?H? *al;er and Co?1 Ne= (or;1 N(C
Ho=ard &? *:ite:ill1 inde<endent oil <roducer of Tulsa1 O;la:o8aC
Eu9ene ? *illia8s1 &r?1 secretar3 of t:e St? Louis Union Trust Co8<an3 of St? Louis1
,?,? !o>aird1 <resident of t:e !o>aird Su<<l3 Co? of Tulsa1 O;la:o8a1 and c:air8an of
t:e board of t:e O;la:o8a Cit3 branc: of t:e Tent: ederal ,istrict of t:e ederal Reser>e
!oardC and
Geor9e L? Cole8an1 in>est8ents1 Mia8i1 O;la:o8a?
An interi8 director t:at 3ear :ad been Ric:ard E? le8in9 of Robert le8in9 and Co?1
London1 En9land? Counsel =ere listed as !a;er1 !otts1 Andre=s N S:e<:erd of Houston1
TeEasC auditors =ere Art:ur Andersen in Houston1 and transfer a9ents =ere &?%? Mor9an N
Co?1 Inc?1 of Ne= (or; Cit3 and t:e irst National !an; and Trust Co8<an3 of Tulsa? Gfn
Geor9e !us: <ersonall3 =as 8uc: 8ore in>ol>ed =it: t:e financial 8ana98ent of t:e
co8<an3 t:an =it: its actual oil-field o<erations? His 8ain acti>it3 =as not findin9 oil or
drillin9 =ells but1 as :e :i8self <ut it1 Fstretc:in9 <a<erF -- rollin9 o>er debt and 8a;in9
ne= financial arran9e8ents =it: t:e creditors? Gfn 1-H
,urin9 12+-1 des<ite continuin9 losses and t:an;s a9ain to Uncle Herbie1 Ja<ata =as able
to float 3et anot:er offerin91 t:is ti8e a con>ertible debenture for I$?1+ 8illion for t:e
<urc:ase of a second Le Tourneau drillin9 <latfor81 t:e 6INEGAROON1 na8ed after a
=est TeEas stin9in9 insect? T:e 6INEGAROON =as deli>ered durin9 12+.1 and soon
scored a Fluc;3F :it drillin9 in bloc; /- off 6er8ilion %aris:1 Louisiana? T:is =as a
co8bination of 9as and oil1 and one =ell =as rated at 11' barrels of distillate and '?-
8illion cubic feet of 9as <er da3? Gfn 1.H T:is =as es<eciall3 re8unerati>e because Ja<ata
:ad ac@uired a :alf-interest in t:e ro3alties fro8 an3 oil or 9as t:at 8i9:t be found?
6INEGAROON t:en continued to drill of Louisiana on a far8out fro8 Continental Oil1
also off 6er8ilion %aris:?
As for t:e SCOR%ION1 durin9 <art of 12+. it =as under contract to t:e !a:a8a- California
Oil Co8<an31 drillin9 bet=een lorida and Cuba? It =as t:en leased b3 Gulf Oil and
Standard Oil of California1 on =:ose be:alf it started drillin9 durin9 12+/ at a <osition on
t:e Ca3 Sal !an;1 1'1 8iles sout: of Mia8i1 lorida1 and Bust +) 8iles nort: of Isabela1
Cuba? Cuba =as an interestin9 <lace Bust t:enC t:e US-bac;ed insur9enc3 of idel Castro
=as ra<idl3 under8inin9 t:e older US-i8<osed re9i8e of ul9encio !atista? T:at 8eant
t:at SCOR%IO =as located at a :ot corner?
,urin9 12+. a certain di>er9ence be9an to a<<ear bet=een Uncle Herbie *al;er1 !us:1 and
t:e FNe= (or; 9u3sF on t:e one :and1 and t:e Liedt;e brot:ers and t:eir Tulsa bac;ers on
t:e ot:er? As t:e annual re<ort for t:at 3ear noted1 FT:ere is no doubt t:at t:e drillin9
business in t:e Gulf of MeEico :as beco8e far 8ore co8<etiti>e in t:e last siE 8ont:s t:an
it :as been at an3 ti8e in t:e <ast?F ,es<ite t:at1 !us:1 *al;er and t:e Ne= (or; in>estors
=anted to <us: for=ard into t:e offs:ore drillin9 and drillin9 ser>ices business1 =:ile t:e
Liedt;es and t:e Tulsa 9rou< =anted to concentrate on ac@uirin9 oil in t:e 9round and
natural 9as de<osits?
T:e 12+/ annual re<ort notes t:at =it: no 8aBor disco>eries 8ade1 12+/ :ad been Fa
difficult 3ear?F It =as1 of course1 t:e 3ear of t:e brutal Eisen:o=er recession? SCO%R%ION1
6INEGAROON1 and NOLA I1 t:e offs:ore co8<an37s t:ree drillin9 ri9s1 could not be ;e<t
full3 occu<ied in t:e Gulf of MeEico durin9 t:e =:ole 3ear1 and so Ja<ata Offs:ore :ad
lost I+$)1))11 8ore t:an Ja<ata %etroleu87s o=n loss of I)$.1.+$ for t:at 3ear? T:e
Liedt;e >ie=<oint =as reflected in t:e notation t:at Fdis<osin9 of t:e offs:ore business :ad
been considered?F T:e 9reat t3coon !us: conceded in t:e Ja<ata Offs:ore annual re<ort for
12+/" F*e erroneousl3 <redicted t:at 8ost 8aBor GoilH co8<anies =ould :a>e acti>e
drillin9 <ro9ra8s for 12+/? T:ese drillin9 <ro9ra8s si8<l3 did not 8aterialiAe???F In 1225
!us: denied for 8ont:s t:at t:ere =as a recession1 and t:rou9: 1221 clai8ed t:at t:e
recession :ad ended =:en it :ad lon9 since turned into a de<ression? His blindness about
econo8ic conBunctures =ould a<<ear to be not:in9 ne=?
!3 12+21 t:ere =ere re<orts of increasin9 <ersonal tensions bet=een t:e do8ineerin9 and
abrasi>e &? Hu9: Liedt;e on t:e one :and and !us:7s Uncle Herbie *al;er on t:e ot:er?
Liedt;e =as obsessed =it: :is <lan for creatin9 a ne= 8aBor oil co8<an31 t:e boundless
a8bition t:at =ould <ro<el :i8 do=n a <at: littered =it: asset-stri<<ed cor<orations into
t:e de>astatin9 %ennAoil-Gett3-TeEaco =ars of a @uarter centur3 later? ,urin9 t:e course of
t:is 3ear1 t:e t=o 9rou<s of in>estors arri>ed at a se<aration t:at =as billed as Fa8icable1F
and =:ic: in an3 case ne>er interru<ted t:e close coo<eration a8on9 !us: and t:e Liedt;e
brot:ers? T:e solution =as t:at t:e e>er-<resent Uncle Herbie =ould bu3 out t:e Liedt;e-
Tulsa )5R sta;e in Ja<ata Offs:ore1 =:ile t:e Liedt;e bac;ers =ould bu3 out t:e !us:-
*al;er interest in Ja<ata %etroleu8?
or t:is to be acco8<lis:ed1 Geor9e !us: =ould re@uire 3et anot:er lar9e infusion of
ca<ital? Uncle Herbie no= raised 3et anot:er tranc:e for Geor9e1 t:is ti8e o>er I/551555?
T:e 8one3 alle9edl3 ca8e fro8 !us:-*al;er friends and relati>es? Gfn 1/H E>en if t:e
fait:ful efforts of Uncle Herbie are ta;en into account1 it is still <uAAlin9 to see a series of
lar9e infusions of cas: into a <oorl3 8ana9ed s8all co8<an3 t:at :ad <osted a series of
substantial losses and =:ose future <ros<ects =ere an3t:in9 but ros3? At t:is <oint it is
t:erefore le9iti8ate to <ose t:e @uestion" =as Ja<ata Offs:ore an intelli9ence co88unit3
front at its foundation in 12+)1 or did it beco8e one in 12+21 or <er:a<s at so8e later <ointD
T:is @uestion cannot be ans=ered =it: finalit3?
Geor9e !us: =as no= t:e <resident of :is o=n co8<an31 t:e undis<uted boss of Ja<ata
Offs:ore? Alt:ou9: t:e co8<an3 =as fallin9 be:ind t:e rest of t:e offs:ore drillin9
industr31 !us: 8ade a desultor3 atte8<t at eE<ansion t:rou9: di>ersification1 in>estin9 in a
<lastics 8ac:iner3 co8<an3 in Ne= &erse31 a TeEas <i<e linin9 co8<an31 and a 9as
trans8ission co8<an3C none of t:ese in>est8ents <ro>ed to be re8unerati>e?
!3 contrast1 Hu9: Liedt;e7s a<<roac: to business =as a99ressi>e to t:e <oint of bein9
<icares@ue? Liedt;e decided t:at :e =ould use t:e 8one3 :e :ad 9otten bac; for sellin9 :is
interest in Ja<ata Offs:ore ot Uncle Herbie in order to ta;e a 9iant ste< on t:e road to
buildin9 t:e to<-fli9:t oil co8<an3 of :is drea8s1 a ne= sister for t:e An9lo-A8erican oil
cartel? In Liedt;e7s Malt:usian 8entalit31 drillin9 for oil no lon9er 8ade sense1 since all t:e
8aBor finds :ad been 8ade" =:at counted no= =as bu3in9 u< t:e oil t:at alread3 eEisted?
His i88ediate tar9et =as Sout: %enn Oil Co8<an31 t:e o=ner of a <iece of t:e !radford
oil field1 and t:e <roducer of a brand of 8otor oil called %ennAoil1 =:ic: it sold b3 t:e @uart
in c:aracteristic 3ello= cans? Sout: %enn <ossessed a si9nificant @uantit3 of oil in t:e
9round? In order to seiAe control of Sout: %enn1 Liedt;e ca<italiAed on :is <ersonal
ac@uaintance =it: &? %aul Gett31 t:e founder of Gett3 Oil1 =:o8 :e :ad ;no=n since Gett3
:ad s:o=n u< at an en9a9e8ent <art3 in :onor of Liedt;e at t:e Tulsa :o8e of t:e S;ell3
fa8il3 durin9 t:e =anin9 3ears of *orld *ar II? &? %aul Gett3 o=ned about 15R of t:e
stoc; of Sout: %enn? Liedt;e asse8bled an in>est8ent <artners:i< and 8atc:ed Gett37s
sta;e =it: a 15R interest of :is o=n? Liedt;e :3<ocriticall3 reassured t:e 8ana9e8ent of
Sout:e %enn t:at :e =as accu8ulatin9 t:eir stoc; Ffor in>est8ent <ur<oses onl3?F *:en
Liedt;e :ad bou9:t as 8uc: stoc; as :e :ad funds to afford1 :e a<<ealed to Gett3 to :onor
a <re>ious co88itt8ent and install &? Hu9: Liedt;e as t:e ne= <resident of Sout: %enn?
Gett31 =:o :ad been a corsair of t:e stoc; 8ar;et durin9 t:e 12$57s1 =:en :e :ad
en9ineered t:e :ostile ta;eo>er of Tide *ater Associated Oil1 su<<orted Liedt;e1 and t:e
<re>ious Sout: %enn 8ana9e8ent =as ousted in fa>or of t:e Liedt;e tea8? &? Hu9: Lied;te
8er9ed Ja<ata %etroleu8 =it: Sout: %enn1 and 9a>e t:e ne= cor<oration t:e na8e
No= &? Hu9: Liedt;e1 follo=in9 in t:e footste<s of &? %aul Gett31 :ad carried out a :ostile
ta;eo>er of :is o=n? *it:in a cou<le of 3ears1 Liedt;e =ould eEecute a second cor<orate
raid1 t:is ti8e t:e ta;oe>er of United Gas %i<eline Co8<an3 of S:re>e<ort1 Louisiana?
United Gas o<erated /1/55 8iles of 9as <i<eline1 and carried about .R of t:e natural 9as
consu8ed in t:e United States? Hu9: and !ill Liedt;e calculated t:at t:e infrastructure of
United Gas :ad been eE<ensi>e to build and install1 but t:at it =ould be c:ea< to o<erate?
Runnin9 United Gas into t:e 9round could 9enerate <rodi9ious @uantities of cas:? T:is
cas: could t:en be 8obiliAed b3 t:e Liedt;es to bu3 u< ot:er co8<anies? In addition1
United Gas o=ned oil1 co<<er1 sul<:ur1 and ot:er 8ineral de<osits? United Gas =as a
cor<oration about siE ti8es t:e siAe of %ennAoil1 but t:e Liedt;es be9an to ac@uire s:ares?
%roble8s arose =:en t:e Liedt;e brot:ers7 intentions beca8e <ublic ;no=led9e" t:e <rice
of United Gas =ent u< s:ar<l31 and a ri>al 9rou< of bu3ers of United Gas stoc; a<<eared?
FAs t:e %ennAoil board <ondered its neEt 8o>e1 a Scots8an ser>in9 as director su99ested a
ne= strate93" a cas: tender offer1 a ta;eo>er <ractice t:at =as >irtuall3 un:eard of in t:e
US1 but =as =idel3 used in !ritain? %ennAoil could <ublicl3 announce an offerin9 <rice to
t:e <ublic for onl3 a <ortion of t:e s:aresC t:e stoc;:olders1 fearful t:at t:e stoc; <rice
=ould tu8ble once t:e offer =as closed1 =ould 7tender7 as 8an3 s:ares as %ennAoil could
afford to bu3? T:e co8<an37s t:understruc; 8ana9e8ent resisted in e>er3 =a3 <ossible1 but
t:e s:ares flooded in and before lon9 %ennAoil o=ned )$R of GUnited GasH?F Gfn 12H T:e
Scots8an in @uestion could onl3 :a>e been &?G?S? Ga88ell1 =:o :ad re8ained =it: t:e
Liedt;es as a 8e8ber of t:eir board? T:is =as t:e sa8e Ga88ell =:o8 !us: and Uncle
Herbie :ad brou9:t into t:e United States to in>est in !us:- O>erbe3 bac; in 12+5?
Ga88ell :ad brou9:t =it: :i8 t:e <articularl3 >irulent bacillus of !ritis: stoc;Bobbin9
8et:ods? %ennAoil :ad to borro= a @uarter of a billion dollars to bu3 u< t:e United 9as
stoc;1 but =:en t:e dust :ad settled1 %ennAoil :ad 9ro=n b3 +55R1 al8ost eEclusi>el3 on
t:e basis of borro=ed 8one31 usur3 and debt?
T:e ra<acious Liedt;e brot:ers t:en <roceeded to subBect United Gas to a brutal <rocess of
asset stri<<in9? T:e3 forced United Gas to <a3 I$5 8illion 8ore in di>idends to %ennAoil
t:an United Gas e>er earned? T:e3 detac:ed t:e 8ore <rofitable branc:es of United Gas1
es<eciall3 t:e oil and 8ineral de<osits1 and transferred t:e8 to %ennAoil? T:e3 forced
United Gas to for; o>er I155 8illion =ort: of <referred stoc; to %ennAoil in t:e for8 of
3et anot:er di>idend? T:is a8ounted to a transfer of I155 8illion of United Gas ca<ital into
t:e Liedt;e coffers?
!3 12.$1 Geor9e !us: =as a NiEon Ad8inistration cabinet 8e8ber and insider1 s<ea;in9
for Tric;3 ,ic; and #issin9er at t:e United Nations? Geor9e7s influence 8ust :a>e been
conduci>e to t:e efforts of t:e Lied;te brot:ers to <lace t=o of t:eir la=3ers fro8 !a;er N
!otts on t:e ederal %o=er Co88ission? *it: t:ese Liedt;e stoo9es in <lace1 t:e ederal
%o=er Co88ission <roceeded to a<<ro>e a series of transactions b3 =:ic: United Gas1
i9norin9 eEistin9 contracts1 di>erted natural 9as destined for deli>er3 in Louisiana in fa>or
of ot:er 8ar;ets =:ere t:e <rice =as 8uc: :i9:er? T:e result of t:is :i9:-:anded 9reed =as
a se>ere 9as s:orta9e in Louisiana1 =:ic: i8<acted bot: industrial users and :o8e
consu8<tion? T:e t:en Louisiana Go>ernor Ed=in Ed=ards declared durin9 t:e =inter of
12.$ t:at Ft:e :ealt: and safet3 of 8illions of Louisiana7s citiAens are 9ra>el3 t:reatenedF
as a result of t:ese Liedt;e 8ac:inations? Go>ernor Ed=ards denounced an Fabsolute
disre9ard for t:e <ublic interest in t:is stateF on t:e <art of %ennAoilOUnited Gas? T:ere
=ere la3offs at industrial <lants1 and at least one la=suit accused t:e Lied;te concerns of
breac:in9 t:eir eEisitin9 contracts? All in all it =as esti8ated 0b3 Middle Sout: utilities4
t:at a =:o<<in9 eEtra I$55 8illion :ad been added to t:e 9as and electric bills of
custo8ers in t:e ,ee< Sout:1 t:e <oorest <art of t:e United States1 in order to <ro>ide
alternate su<<lies of boiler fuels? !ut t:e Liedt;e brot:ers =ere not disturbed b3 all t:is1 for
t:e3 =ere beco8in9 8ulti8illionaires t:rou9: t:e lootin9 and asset-stri<<in9 of United
In 12.)1 t:e Liedt;es decided t:at t:e des<oiled carcass of United Gas s:ould no= be cast
adrift? T:e stor3 of t:is s@ualid final c:a<ter of t:e <illa9in9 of United Gas =as entitled
FLo>e Her and Lea>e HerF b3 orbes 8a9aAine" FT:at1 sa3 t:e critics1 is Bust =:at t:e
Lied;te brot:ers did =it: United Gas-- ac@uirin9 it1 deflo=erin9 it1 t:en du8<in9 it?F Gfn
$5H As orbes also noted1 Fcontacts =it: 8en li;e &o:nson1 Connall31 and !us: ne>er did
t:e Lied;tes an3 :ar8?F It =as considered dubious t:at t:e <ost- Liedt;e United Gas could
a>oid colla<se as a result of its >astl3 =ea;ened condition? !ut1 =it: *ater9ate and t:e
cru8blin9 of t:e NiEon <o=er cartel1 t:e Lied;tes :ad no= 9one be3ond =:at t:e
*as:in9ton traffic =ould bear? ederal re9ulators forced t:e 9reed3 brot:ers to return t:e
I155 8illion <referred stoc; ca<ital transfer? T:e Liedt;es =ere also nailed for insider
tradin9 in bu3in9 1$+1555 %ennAoil s:ares Bust before t:e stoc; =ent u< as t:e ne=s of t:e
I155 8illion transfer beca8e ;no=n on *all StreetC t:e3 :ad to cou9: u< I15/11$+ in
<rofits t:us realiAed1 and t:e3 =ere obli9ed to si9n a consent decree t:at t:e3 =ould ne>er
re<eat a ca<er of t:is sort? !ut t:is =as a =:oll3 insi9nificant su8 =:en 8easured a9ainst
t:e lar9e oil reser>es fro8 United Gas t:at %ennAoil =as allo=ed to retain?
,urin9 t:e late 12.57s1 t:e Lied;te brot:ers =ould recei>e an entree into t:e %eo<le7s
Re<ublic of C:ina t:an;s to t:e <ersonal connections ac@uired t:ere b3 t:eir for8er
business <artner and lifeti8e cron31 Geor9e !us:? And later1 durin9 t:e Rea9an-!us: 3ears1
=:en federal re9ulator3 inter>ention a9ainst 8onstrous stoc; 8ar;et s=indles >irtuall3
disa<<eared as a result of Geor9e !us:7s Tas; orce on Re9ulator3 Relief1 &? Hu9: Liedt;e1
b3 t:at ti8e s<ortin9 t:e nic;na8e of FC:air8an Mao1F =ould be t:e <rota9onist of t:e
%ennAoilOGett3OTeEaco =ar1 a confla9ration t:at laid =aste to =:ole c:un;s of a fatall3
=ea;ened US econo83? And in t:ose future da3s1 &? Hu9: Liedt;e =ould re<eatedl3 flaunt
:is continuin9 close friends:i< =it: :is old business <artner Geor9e !us:? Gfn $1H
In 12+2--51 Geor9e !us: =as o<eratin9 out of :is ne= cor<orate base in Houston1 TeEas1
=:ere Ja<ata Offs:ore :ad transferred u<on se<aratin9 fro8 t:e Lied;tes? Econo8ic
conditions =ere slo=l3 i8<ro>in91 and Uncle Herbie7s abilit3 to 8obiliAe ca<ital <er8itted
Geor9e to 8o>e to=ards eE<andin9 :is fleet of offs:ore drillin9 e@ui<8ent? !3 12-'
Ja<ata Offs:ore :ad four o<erational ri9s" SI,E*IN,ER1 6INEGAROON1
SCOR%IONONOLA I1 and NOLA III? !us:7s interest =as attracted do=n to t:e Gulf at
Gal>eston1 east to Ne= Orleans1 t:en furt:er east and sout: to Mia8i1 and still furt:er sout:
t:e Cuba1 t:e tar9et of t:e i88ense co>ert action o<eration =:ic: t:e Eisen:o=er
Ad8inistration1 ad>ised b3 fat:er %rescott !us:1 =as asse8blin9 in sout: lorida and in
Guate8ala under t:e code na8e of &MO*A6E1 =:ic: in t:e s<rin9 of 12-1 =ould beco8e
8anifest to t:e =orld in t:e for8 of t:e !a3 of %i9s atte8<ted in>asion of Cuba?
In a Ja<ata Offs:ore Annual Re<ort issued a cou<le of 3ears later1 !us:
<ublis:ed t:e follo=in9 descri<tion of t:e nature of t:e co8<an37s business"
Historicall31 fe= 8aBor oil co8<anies :a>e o=ned t:eir o=n offs:ore drillin9 ri9s? T:ese
o<erators <refer to contract for t:e ser>ices of ri9s and t:eir cre=s fro8 inde<endent contractors1
nor8all3 on a fiEed cost <er da3 basis? T:is <olic3 enables o<erators to secure t:e best t3<e of ri9
for eac: Bob and relie>es t:e8 of t:e res<onsibilit3 of ;ee<in9 t:eir o=n ri9s bus3 =:en t:eir
<ro9ra8s are curtailed?
T:e contractors =:o su<<l3 t:ese ri9s co8<ete =it: eac: ot:er to <ro>ide t:e 8ost efficient cre=s
and e@ui<8ent? Since t:e cost of 8o>in9 suc: e@ui<8ent is 9reat1 contractors 8ust also :a>e t:e
ri9:t t3<e of ri9 a>ailable at or near t:e o<erator7s lease at t:e ti8e t:e o<erator =ants to drill :is
Off-s:ore contract drillin9 differs fro8 contract drillin9 on land in 8an3 =a3s? Most land
contractors a9ree to drill a :ole to a certain de<t: for a fiEed cost? T:us1 t:e drillin9 :aAards
encountered on land are nor8all3 borne b3 t:e drillin9 contractor? Since off-s:ore contractors
nor8all3 furnis: e@ui<8ent on a da3-rate basis1 8ost ris;s in connection =it: a :ole drilled
offs:ore are borne b3 t:e o<erator? O<erators :a>e re<resentati>es aboard off-s:ore ri9s =:ic:
t:e3 :a>e en9a9ed to direct t:e actions to be ta;en in t:e e>ent <roble8s are encountered =:ile
A t3<ical land ri9 costs bet=een I+551555 and I111551555? A self-contained offs:ore ri9 costs
fro8 I'1+551555 to I.1+551555? T:us1 off-s:ore contractors :a>e a 8uc: 9reater in>est8ent in
e@ui<8ent t:an do land contractors? or t:is reason1 t:e nu8ber of co8<etin9 off-s:ore fir8s is
s8aller? Gfn $$H
T:is account 8a;es clear t:at t:e 8ost i8<ortant factor for Ja<ata Offs:ore =as contracts
fro8 t:e bi9 oil co8<anies of t:e Se>en Sisters An9lo-A8erican cartel1 t:e =orld oil
oli9o<ol3 =:ic: durin9 t:ese 3ears defended its do8ination of t:e =orld oil 8ar;et =it:
t:e assassination of Enrico Mattei1 t:e %resident of t:e Ente NaAionale Idrocarburi1 t:e
Italian State Oil Co8<an31 =:o :ad dared to undercut t:e arro9ant lootin9 8et:ods of t:e
Se>en Sisters and c:allen9e t:e oli9o<ol3 in nort: Africa and t:e Arab =orld? In t:e earl3
3ears of Ja<ata Offs:ore1 contracts :ad co8e fro8 Gulf Oil and Standard Oil of California1
as =e :a>e seen? ,urin9 t:e earl3 12-57s1 8ore and 8ore contracts ca8e fro8 co8<onents
of Ro3al ,utc: S:ell1 t:e An9lo-,utc: :eart of t:e Se>en Sisters cartel1 t:e do8inant
strate9ic force in t:e oli9o<ol3? Ja<ata Offs:ore soon :ad !ritis: insurance1 !ritis:
contracts1 !ritis: in>estors1 a !ritis: director1 and drillin9 sites in !ritis: Co88on=ealt:
oil fields in 8an3 <arts of t:e =orld? T:is s:ould co8e as no sur<rise" after all1 %rescott
!us:7s <artner1 A>erell Harri8an1 :ad been ran;lin ,?
Roose>elt7s s<ecial en>o3 to C:urc:ill durin9 t:e first 3ears of *orld *ar II1 and A>erell
later 8arried t:e di>orced for8er =ife of C:urc:ill7s son Randol<:?
Alt:ou9: Ja<ata Offs:ore =as a co8<an3 of 8odest di8ensions1 !us: ne>ert:eless
created a net=or; of subsidiaries =:ic: =as sus<iciousl3 co8<leE? T:is to<ic is difficult to
researc: because of t:e >er3 con>enient disa<<earance of t:e Ja<ata Offs:ore filin9s =it:
t:e Securities and EEc:an9e Co88ission in *as:in9ton for t:e 3ear 12-5-12-- =:ic:
=ere Finad>ertentl3F destro3ed b3 a federal =are:ouse? T:is is t:e ;ind of con>enient
ta8<erin9 =it: official records fro8 =:ic: !us: :as benefitted a9ain and a9ain o>er :is
career1 fro8 t:e co8bat re<ort on t:e San &acinto in 12)) to t:e disa<<earance of t:e
Has:e8i-%ottin9er ta<es and t:e s:reddin9 of Iran-contra docu8ents 8ore recentl3?
So8e illu8ination is <ro>ided b3 a s:ort <rofile of t:e Ja<ata Offs:ore cor<orate
substructure researc:ed b3 a Mr? Allan Mandel and sub8itted to TeEas Senator Ral<:
(arborou9: on October 1'1 12-)1 in t:e 8idst of !us:7s atte8<t to unseat t:e senator? Gfn
$'H T:is re<ort =as based on FStandard and %oors1 oil industr3 <ublications1 GandH <ersonal
inter>ie=s =it: Interior ,e<art8ent officials?F
At t:is ti8e1 Mr? Mandel found1 Ja<ata Offs:ore o=ned +5R of Seacat-Ja<ata Offs:ore
Co8<na31 =:ic: o<erated t:e drillin9 ri9 NOLA III in t:e %ersian Gulf? In addition1
Mandel identified t:e follo=in9 Ja<ata Offs:ore subsidiaries"
A? Ja<ata de MeEico
!? Ja<ata International Cor<oration
C? Ja<ata Linin9 Cor<oration
,? Ja>ala Oil Co8<an3
E? Ja<ata O>erseas Cor<oration
? Ja<ata o=ns )1 <ercent of A8ata Gas Cor<oration?
Ja<ata Linin9 =as t:e <i<e linin9 concernC it =as di>ested in 12-)? O=ners:i< of A8ata
Gas =as s:ared =it: t:e A8erican Researc: and ,e>elo<8ent Cor<oration of !oston? T:e
Ja<ata Annual Re<ort for 12-) is stran9el3 silent about t:e ot:er co8<anies1 =it: t:e
eEce<tion of Seacat Ja<ata?
Geor9e !us: :as al=a3s lo>ed secrec31 and t:is a<<ears to :a>e eEtended to t:e business
acti>ities -- or alle9ed business acti>ities -- of Ja<ata Offs:ore? A s8all =indo= on a =:ole
ran9e of secret and se8isecret acti>ities and transactions durin9 t:ese 3ears is <ro>ided b3
recentl3 <ublis:ed infor8ation about !us:7s s:ad3 business relations =it: &or9e ,iaA
Serrano of MeEico1 t:e for8er :ead 012.--12/14 of t:e MeEican national oil co8<an3
%e8eE1 =:o =as con>icted and Bailed for defraudin9 t:e MeEican 9o>ern8ent of I+/
8illion? ,urin9 12-51 !us: and ,iaA Serrano secretl3 =or;ed to9et:er to set u< a MeEican
drillin9 co8<an3 called %erforaciones Marinas del Golfo1 or %er8ar9o? At t:at ti8e ,iaA
Serrano :ad been =or;in9 as a sales8an for ,resser Industries1 !us:7s old fir8? ,iaA
Serrano ca8e into contact =it: an A8erican oil8an =:o =anted to drill in MeEicoC a ne=
MeEican la= sti<ulated t:at drillin9 contracts could be a=arded onl3 to MeEican nationals?
T:e A8erican oil8an =as Ed=in %aule3 of %an A8erican %etroleu8 Cor<? *:en ,iaA
Serrano =anted to bu3 drillin9 e@ui<8ent fro8 ,resser Industries1 ,resser de8anded t:at
,iaA ta;e on !us: as a co-o=ner in t:e >enture? !us:7s s<o;es8an %eter Hart conceded in
12// t:at !us: and Ja<ata :ad been <artners =it: ,iaA Serrano1 but alle9ed t:at t:e
<artners:i< :ad lasted for onl3 se>en 8ont:s?
,iaA Serrano is >er3 o<en about bein9 a <ersonal friend of !us:? FOne re8e8bers a 8an
t:at one li;es and a<<reciates1F sa3s ,iaA1 =:o =anted to beco8e t:e <resident of MeEico
before :e =as sentenced to fi>e 3ears in Bail for a<<ro<riatin9 9o>ern8ent 8oniesC t:e
business dealin9s s<a=ned Fa friends:i< of =:ic: I a8 8ost <roud?F In 12/$1 ,iaA Serrano
=as 8ade MeEican A8bassador to Mosco=1 and :e sto<<ed off to tal; =it: !us: in t:e
*:ite House on :is =a3 to :is ne= assi9n8ent?
!us: reci<rocates t:e friends:i<" FI :a>e :i9: re9ard for &or9e1F !us: told %eo<le
Ma9aAine in 12/1C FI consider :i8 a friend?F
One of &or9e ,iaA Serrano7s associates in t:e drillin9 deal =as :is lon9-ti8e <artner1 &or9e
Escalante1 =:o :as also re8ained in contact =it: !us: o>er t:e inter>enin9 3ears1 a fact
t:at !us:7s office also confir8s?
!us: =as clearl3 dis:onest in t:at t:e annual re<orts of Ja<ata Offs:ore do not 8ention
t:is deal =it: %er8ar9o1 =:ic: created a co8<an3 t:at =as in direct co8<etition =it:
Ja<ata Offs:ore itself1 8uc: to t:e detri8ent of t:at Fs:are:older >alueF =:ic: !us:
<rofessed to :old sacred =:ene>er :is cli@ue of cronies =as on t:e trac; of a ne= le>era9ed
bu3out? !us: 8a3 also :a>e ille9all3 concealed :is dealin9s fro8 t:e 9o>ern8ent? T:e
Ja<ata Offs:ore filin9s =it: t:e SEC bet=een 12++ and 12+2 are cr3<tic1 and t:e SEC files
on Ja<ata Offs:ore bet=een 12-5 and 12--1 =:en !us: :ad eEclusi>e control of t:e
co8<an31 =ere destro3ed b3 t:e SEC eit:er in 12/11 =:en !us: :ad Bust beco8e >ice
<resident1 or so8e=:at later1 in October1 12/'1 accordin9 to >arious SEC officials? %er:a<s
t:ese files =ere re8o>ed not Bust to <rotect !us:1 but also to <rotect Ja<ata Offs:ore as a
front o<eration for t:e US intelli9ence co88unit3? T:e 12-) Ja<ata offs:ore Annual re<ort
does note t:at t:e drillin9 bar9e NOLA I =as sold Fto a subsidiar3 of a MeEican drillin9
co8<an3F because it :ad beco8e Fa 8ar9inal o<erationF in t:at it could onl3 be used in t:e
su88er because of a lac; of sea=ort:iness in bad =eat:er1 but e>en t:is annual re<ort does
not na8e %er8ar9o1 =:ic: a<<ears to be t:e MeEican co8<an3 t:at bou9:t NOLA I? Gfn
,iaA recalls t:at !us: =as a :i9:l3 <olitical business8an bac; in 12-5" FIn t:ose da3s1 I
re8e8ber >er3 clearl31 :e =as a >er3 3oun9 c:a< and =:en =e =ere tal;in9 business =it:
:i8 at :is office :e s<ent 8ore ti8e on t:e tele<:one tal;in9 about <olitics t:an <a3in9
attention to t:e drillin9 affairs? He =as a born <olitician?F
!us:7s business dealin9s :ad brou9:t :i8 into direct contact =it: a nu8ber of t:e cor<orate
raiders =:o =ould later act out t:e <aroE3s8 of s<eculation1 lootin91 and usur3 t:at =ould
8ar; t:e Rea9an-!us: 3ears? T:e %er8ian basin of t:e 12)57s and 12+57s :ad attracted
suc: fi9ures as t:e Liedt;e brot:ers1 t:eir friend !laine #err1 and T? !oone %ic;ens1 all
leadin9 <ractitioners of t:e le>era9ed bu3outs1 :ostile ta;eo>ers1 9reen8ail1 8er9ers and
ac@uisitions of t:e 12/57s? Geor9e !us: =as in touc: =it: t:e81 and =it: t:e #ra>is fa8il3
of Tulsa? Nic; !rad3 of ,illon1 Reed =as an old friend of t:e fa8il3 =:o =ould also Boin in
t:e or93 of t:e ei9:ties? ran; LorenAo =ould also co8e into t:e <icture a little later on?
!us:7s 8ain business success =as in asse8blin9 t:is le9ion of 9reed as a base of <olitical
su<<ort for later on?
Ot:er=ise !us: =as a business8an of >er3 8ediocre success1 ;e<t afloat b3 constant
ca<ital infusions fro8 :is dotin9 Uncle Herbie?
1? Harr3 Hurt III1 FGeor9e !us:1 %luc;3 Lad1F TeEas Mont:l31 &une 12/'?
$? See Sara: !artlett1 T:e Mone3 Mac:ine" Ho= ##R Manufactured %o=er and %rofits 0Ne= (or;1 122141
<<? 2-1$?
'? ,ar=in %a3ne1 Initiati>e in Ener93" ,resser Industries1 Inc?1 1//5-12./ 0Ne= (or;" Si8on and Sc:uster1
12.241 <? $'$ ff?
)? !artlett1 T:e Mone3 Mac:ine1 <? $-/?
+? ,ar=in %a3ne1 Initiati>e in Ener931 <? $'$-$''?
-? Harr3 Hurt III1 FGeor9e !us:1 %luc;3 Lad1F TeEas Mont:l31 &une 12/'?
.? Harr3 Hurt III1 FGeor9e !us:1 %luc;3 Lad1F TeEas Mont:l31 &une 12/'?
/? F!us: !attle t:e 7*i8< actor71 Ne=s=ee;1 October 121 12/.?
2? See Ric:ard !en #ra8er1 FHo= He Got Here1F Es@uire1 &une 1221?
15? See T:o8as %etAin9er1 &r?1 Oil and Honor" T:e TeEaco-%ennAoil *ars 0Ne= (or;1 12/.41 <? '. ff?
11? %etAin9er1 <? 2'?
1$? %etAin9er1 <? )5?
1'? See Ja<ata %etroleu8 annual re<orts1 Librar3 of Con9ress Microfor8 Readin9 Roo8?
1)? %etAin9er1 <? )1?
1+? See Ja<ata %etroleu8 Cor<oration annual re<ort for 12+-1 Microfor8 Readin9 Roo81 Librar3 of
1-? Harr3 Hurt III1 <? 12)?
1.? FJa<ata %etroleu8 Cor<?1F ortune1 A<ril1 12+/?
1/? *alter %incus and !ob *ood=ard1 F,oin9 *ell *it: Hel< ro8 a8il31 riends1F *as:in9ton %ost1
Au9ust 111 12//?
12? %etAin9er1 <? -'?
$5? FLo>e Her And Lea>e Her1F orbes1 Se<te8ber 1+1 12.)1 <<? +)-+?
$1? See %etAin9er1 <<? -)--.?
$$? Ja<ata Offs:ore Annual Re<ort 12-)1 Microfor8 Readin9 Roo81 Librar3 of Con9ress?
$'? See !us: folder1 (arborou9: %a<ers1 Eu9ene C? !ar;er TeEas Histor3 Center1 Uni>ersit3 of TeEas1
$)? See &onat:an #=itn31 FT:e MeEican Connection of Geor9e !us:1F !arron7s1 Se<te8ber 121 12//?
F???&MO*A6E ???<roliferated across GloridaH in <re<aration for t:e !a3 of %i9s in>asion? A
subculture of fronts1 <ro<rietaries1 su<<liers1 transfer a9ents1 conduits1 du883 cor<orations1
blind dro<s1 detecti>e a9encies1 la= fir8s1 electronic fir8s1 s:o<<in9 centers1 airlines1 radio
stations1 t:e 8ob and t:e c:urc: and t:e ban;s" a false and secret ner>ous s3ste8 t=itc:in9
to sti8uli su<<lied b3 t:e corteE in Clandestine Ser>ices in Lan9le3? After defeat on t:e
beac: in Cuba1 &MO*A6E beca8e a continuin9 and eEtended Mia8i Station1 CIA7s lar9est
in t:e continental United States? A lar9e si9n in front of t:e G???H buildin9 co8<leE reads" US
,onald reed1 ,eat: in *as:in9ton 0*est<ort1 Connecticut1 12/541 <?
T:e re>ie= offered so far of Geor9e !us:7s acti>ities durin9 t:e late 12+57s and earl3 12-57s
is al8ost certainl3 inco8<lete in >er3 i8<ortant res<ects? T:ere is 9ood reason to belie>e
t:at !us: =as en9a9ed in so8et:in9 8ore t:an Bust t:e oil business durin9 t:ose 3ears?
Startin9 about t:e ti8e of t:e !a3 of %i9s in>asion in t:e s<rin9 of 12-11 =e :a>e t:e first
:ints t:at !us:1 in addition to =or;in9 for Ja<ata Offs:ore1 8a3 also :a>e been a
<artici<ant in certain co>ert o<erations of t:e US intelli9ence co88unit3?
Suc: <artici<ation =ould certainl3 be co:erent =it: Geor9e7s role in t:e %rescott !us:1
S;ull and !ones1 and !ro=n !rot:ers1 Harri8an net=or;s? ,urin9 t:e t=entiet: centur31
t:e S;ull and !onesOHarri8an circles :a>e al=a3s 8aintained a siAable and often decisi>e
<resence inside t:e intelli9ence or9aniAations of t:e State ,e<art8ent1 t:e Treasur3
,e<art8ent1 t:e Office of Na>al Intelli9ence1 t:e Office of Strate9ic Ser>ices1 and t:e
Central Intelli9ence A9enc3? Indeed1 t:e Harri8an and related An9lo<:ile financier factions
of *all Street :a>e 9enerall3 re9arded t:ose <arts of t:e state a<<aratus dealin9 =it:
intelli9ence and co>ert o<erations as t:eir o=n >er3 s<ecial <ro<ert31 <ro<ert3 =:ic: :ad to
be ;e<t seeded =it: control net=or;s in order to be effecti>el3 steered fro8 abo>e? or
Geor9e !us: to interface =it: t:e intelli9ence co88unit3 =:ile ostensibl3 en9a9ed in :is
business career =ould be co:erent =it: t:at =ell-establis:ed <attern?
A bod3 of leads :as been asse8bled =:ic: su99ests t:at Geor9e !us: 8a3 :a>e been
associated =it: t:e CIA at so8e ti8e before t:e autu8n of 12-'? Accordin9 to &ose<:
Mc!ride of T:e Nation1 Fa source =it: close connections to t:e intelli9ence co88unit3
confir8s t:at !us: started =or;in9 for t:e a9enc3 in 12-5 or 12-11 usin9 :is oil business as
a co>er for clandestine acti>ities?F 1 !3 t:e ti8e of t:e #enned3 assassination1 =e :a>e an
official !I docu8ent =:ic: refers to FMr? Geor9e !us: of t:e Central Intelli9ence
A9enc31F and des<ite official disclai8ers t:ere is e>er3 reason to t:in; t:at t:is is indeed
t:e 8an in t:e *:ite House toda3? T:e 83ster3 of Geor9e !us: as a <ossible co>ert
o<erator :in9es on four <oints1 eac: one of =:ic: re<resents one of t:e 9reat <olitical and
es<iona9e scandals of <ost=ar A8erican :istor3? T:ese four cardinal <oints are"
1? T:e aborti>e !a3 of %i9s in>asion of Cuba1 launc:ed on A<ril 1--1.1 12-11 <re<ared
=it: t:e assistance of t:e CIA7s FMia8i StationF 0also ;no=n under t:e code na8e
&MO*A6E4? After t:e failure of t:e a8<:ibious landin9s of !ri9ade $+5-1 Mia8i station1
under t:e leaders:i< of T:eodore S:ac;le31 beca8e t:e focus for O<eration Mon9oose1 a
series of co>ert o<erations directed a9ainst Castro1 Cuba1 and <ossibl3 ot:er tar9ets?
$? T:e assassination of %resident &o:n ? #enned3 in ,allas on No>e8ber $$1 12-'1 and t:e
co>eru< of t:ose res<onsible for t:is cri8e?
'? T:e *ater9ate scandal1 be9innin9 =it: an A<ril1 12.1 >isit to Mia8i1 lorida b3 E?
Ho=ard Hunt on t:e tent: anni>ersar3 of t:e !a3 of %i9s in>asion to recruit o<erati>es for
t:e *:ite House S<ecial In>esti9ations Unit 0t:e F%lu8bersF and later *ater9ate bur9lars4
fro8 a8on9 Cuban- A8erican !a3 of %i9s >eterans?
)? T:e Iran-contra affair1 =:ic: beca8e a <ublic scandal durin9 October- No>e8ber 12/-1
se>eral of =:ose central fi9ures1 suc: as eliE Rodri9ueA1 =ere also >eterans of t:e !a3 of
Geor9e !us:7s role in bot: *ater9ate and t:e October sur<riseOIran-contra co8<leE =ill be
treated in detail at later <oints in t:is boo;? Ri9:t no= it is i8<ortant to see t:at t:irt3 3ears
of co>ert o<erations1 in 8an3 res<ects1 for8 a sin9le continuous =:ole? T:is is es<eciall3
true in re9ard to t:e dra8atis <ersonae? Geor9ie Anne Ge3er <oints to t:e ob>ious in a
recent boo;" F???an entire ne= Cuban cadre no= e8er9ed fro8 t:e !a3 of %i9s? T:e na8es
Ho=ard Hunt1 !ernard !ar;er1 Rolando MartineA1 eliE Rodri9ueA and Eu9enio MartineA
=ould1 in t:e neEt @uarter centur31 <o< u<1 often decisi>el31 o>er and o>er a9ain in t:e 8ost
dan9erous A8erican forei9n <olic3 crises? T:ere =ere Cubans fl3in9 8issions for t:e CIA
in t:e Con9o and e>en for t:e %ortu9uese in AfricaC Cubans =ere t:e bur9lars of *ater9ateC
Cubans <la3ed ;e3 roles in Nicara9ua1 in Iran9ate1 in t:e A8erican 8o>e into t:e %ersian
Gulf?F $ eliE Rodri9ueA tells us t:at :e =as infiltrated into Cuba =it: t:e ot:er 8e8bers
of t:e FGre3 Tea8F in conBunction =it: t:e !a3 of %i9s landin9sC t:is is t:e sa8e 8an =e
=ill find directin9 t:e contra su<<l3 effort in central A8erican durin9 t:e 12/57s1 =or;in9
under t:e direct su<er>ision of ,on Gre99 and Geor9e !us:? ' T:eodore S:ac;le31 t:e
&MO*A6E station c:ief1 =ill later s:o= u< in !us:7s 12.2-/5 <residential ca8<ai9n?
To a >er3 lar9e de9ree1 suc: co>ert o<erations 0and t:e 9reat <olitical scandals attendant
u<on t:e84 :a>e dra=n u<on t:e sa8e <ool of <ersonnel? T:e3 are a si9nificant eEtent t:e
:andi=or; of t:e sa8e cro=d? It is t:erefore re>ealin9 to eEtra<olate for=ard and bac;=ard
in ti8e t:e indi>iduals and 9rou<s of indi>iduals =:o a<<ear as t:e cast of c:aracters in one
scandal and co8<are t:e8 =it: t:e cast of c:aracters for t:e ot:er scandals1 includin9 t:e
secondar3 ones t:at :a>e not been enu8erated :ere? Ho=ard Hunt1 for eEa8<le1 s:o=s u<
as a confir8ed <art of t:e o>ert:ro= of t:e Guate8alan 9o>ern8ent of &aco<o ArbenA in
12+)1 as an i8<ortant <art of t:e c:ain of co88and in t:e !a3 of %i9s1 as a <erson
re<eatedl3 accused of :a>in9 been in ,allas on t:e da3 #enned3 =as s:ot1 and as one of
t:e central fi9ures of *ater9ate? 0One =onders =:at secrets1 after all1 =ere contained in
Ho=ard Hunt7s safe1 t:e contents of =:ic: =ere so con>entientl3 Fdee< siEedF b3 !I
,irector %atric; Gra3?4
Geor9e !us: is de8onstrabl3 one of t:e 8ost i8<ortant <rota9onists of t:e *ater9ate
scandal1 and =as t:e o>erall director of Iran-contra? Since :e a<<ears es<eciall3 in Iran-
contra in close <roEi8it3 to !a3 of %i9s :oldo>ers1 it is surel3 le9iti8ate to =onder =:en
:is association =it: t:ose !a3 of %i9s Cubans 8i9:t :a>e started?
12+2 =as t:e 3ear t:at !us: started o<eratin9 out of :is Ja<ata Offs:ore :ead@uarters in
HoustonC it =as also t:e 3ear t:at idel Castro seiAed <o=er in Cuba? Officiall31 as =e :a>e
seen1 Geor9e =as no= a business8an =:ose =or; too; :i8 at ti8es to Louisiana1 =:ere
Ja<ata :ad offs:ore drillin9 o<erations? Geor9e 8ust :a>e been a fre@uent >isitor to Ne=
Orleans? !ecause of :is fa8il37s estate on &u<iter Island1 :e =ould also :a>e been a
fre@uent >isitor to t:e Hobe Sound area? And t:en1 t:ere =ere Ja<ata Offs:ore drillin9
o<erations in t:e lorida Strait? On all of t:ese acti>ities1 t:e official Fred Studeba;erF
bio9ra<:ical 8aterial and t:e Ja<ata Offs:ore annual re<orts are eEtre8el3 cr3<tic?
T:e &u<iter Island connection and fat:er %rescott7s !ro=n !rot:ers1 Harri8anOS;ull and
!ones net=or;s are doubtless t:e ;e3? &u<iter Island 8eant A>erell Harri8an1 Robert
Lo>ett1 C? ,ou9las ,illon and ot:er An9lo<:ile financiers =:o :ad directed t:e US
intelli9ence co88unit3 lon9 before t:ere :ad been a CIA at all? And1 in t:e bac; 3ard of
t:e &u<iter Island Ol38<ians1 and under t:eir direction1 a <o=erful co>ert o<erations base
=as no= bein9 asse8bled1 in =:ic: Geor9e !us: =ould :a>e been <resent at t:e creation
as a 8atter of birt:ri9:t?
,urin9 12+2--51 Allen ,ulles and t:e Eisen:o=er Ad8inistration be9an to asse8ble in
sout: lorida t:e infrastructure for co>ert action a9ainst Cuba? T:is =as t:e &MO*A6E
ca<abilit31 later for8all3 constituted as t:e CIA Mia8i station? &MO*A6E =as an
o<erational center for t:e Eisen:o=er re9i8e7s <roBect of sta9in9 an in>asion of Cuba usin9
a secret ar83 of anti-Castro Cuban eEiles or9aniAed1 ar8ed1 trained1 trans<orted1 and
directed b3 t:e CIA? T:e Cubans1 called !ri9ade $+5-1 =ere trained in secret ca8<s in
Guate8ala1 and t:e3 :ad air su<<ort fro8 !-$- bo8bers based in Nicara9ua? T:is in>asion
=as crus:ed b3 Castro7s defendin9 forces in less t:an t:ree da3s?
!efore 9oin9 alon9 =it: t:e <lan so ea9erl3 touted b3 Allen ,ulles1 #enned3 :ad
establis:ed t:e <re-condition t:at under no circu8stances =:atsoe>er =ould t:ere be direct
inter>ention b3 US 8ilitar3 forces a9ainst Cuba? On t:e one :and1 ,ulles :ad assured
#enned3 t:at t:e ne=s of t:e in>asion =ould tri99er an insurrection =:ic: =ould s=ee<
Castro and :is re9i8e a=a3? On t:e ot:er1 #enned3 :ad to be concerned about <ro>o;in9 a
9lobal t:er8onuclear confrontation =it: t:e USSR1 in t:e e>entualit3 t:at N?S? #:rus:c:e>
decided to res<ond to a US Cuban 9a8bit b31 for eEa8<le1 cuttin9 off US access to !erlin?
Hints of t:e co>ert <resence of Geor9e !us: are scattered :ere and t:ere around t:e !a3 of
%i9s in>asion? Accordin9 to so8e accounts1 t:e code na8e for t:e !a3 of %i9s =as
O<eration %luto? ) !ut !a3 of %i9s >eteran Ho=ard Hunt scornfull3 denies t:at t:is =as t:e
code na8e used b3 &MO*A6E <ersonnelC Hunt =rites" FSo <er:a<s t:e %enta9on referred to
t:e !ri9ade in>asion as %LUTO? CIA did not?F + !ut Hunt does not tell us =:at t:e CIA
code na8e =as1 and t:e contents of Hunt7s *ater9ate era *:ite House safe1 =:ic: 8i9:t
:a>e told us t:e ans=er1 =ere of course Fdee<-siEedF b3 !I ,irector %atric; Gra3? One
code na8e fre@uentl3 used b3 CIA Mia8i Station <ersonnel a<<ears to :a>e been F,on
Eduardo1F rou9:l3 t:e S<anis: e@ui>alent of FMr? Ed=ardF or <er:a<s FMr? Ed?F -
Accordin9 to reliable sources and <ublis:ed accounts1 t:e CIA code na8e for t:e !a3 of
%i9s in>asion =as O<eration Ja<ata1 and t:e <lan =as so referred to b3 Ric:ard !issell of
t:e CIA1 one of t:e <lan7s <ro8oters1 in a briefin9 to %resident #enned3 in t:e Cabinet
Roo8 on Marc: $21 12-1? . ,oes O<eration Ja<ata :a>e an3t:in9 to do =it: Ja<ata
Offs:oreD T:e run-of-t:e-8ill !us:8an 8i9:t res<ond t:at E8iliano Ja<ata1 after all1 :ad
been a <ublic fi9ure in :is o=n ri9:t1 and t:e subBect of a recent Holl3=ood 8o>ies starrin9
Marlon !rando? As &? Hu9: Liedt;e :ad obser>ed1 :e =as t:e classic fi9ure for t:e
re>olutionar3-cu8- bandit? A 8ore ;no=led9eable !us:8an 8i9:t ar9ue t:at t:e 8ain
landin9 beac:1 t:e %la3a Giron1 is located sout: of t:e cit3 of Cienfue9os on t:e Ja<ata
%eninula1 on t:e sout: coast of Cuba?
T:en t:ere is t:e @uestion of t:e !ri9ade $+5- landin9 fleet1 =:ic: =as co8<osed of fi>e
older frei9:ters bou9:t or c:artered fro8 t:e Garcia Stea8s:i< Lines1 bearin9 t:e na8es of
Houston1 Rio Esondido1 Caribe1 Atlantic1 and La;e C:arles? In addition to t:ese >essels1
=:ic: =ere outfitted as trans<ort s:i<s1 t:ere =ere t=o so8e=:at better ar8ed fire su<<ort
s:i<s1 t:e !la9ar and t:e !arbara? 0In so8e sources !arbara &?4 / T:e !arbara =as
ori9inall3 an LCI 0Landin9 Craft Infantr34 of earlier >inta9e? Our attention is attracted at
once to t:e !arbara and t:e Houston1 in t:e first case because =e :a>e seen Geor9e !us:7s
:abit of na8in9 :is co8bat aircraft after :is =ife1 and1 in t:e second case1 because !us:
=as at t:is ti8e a resident1 booster1 and Re<ublican acti>ist of Houston1 TeEas? !ut of
course1 t:e a<<earance of na8es li;e FJa<ata1F !arbara1 and Houston can b3 itself onl3
arouse sus<icion1 and <ro>es not:in9?
After t:e i9no8inious defeat of t:e !a3 of %i9s in>asion1 t:ere =as 9reat ani8osit3 a9ainst
#enned3 a8on9 t:e sur>i>ors of !ri9ade $+5-1 so8e of =:o8 e>entuall3 8ade t:eir =a3
bac; to Mia8i after bein9 released fro8 Castro7s <risoner of =ar ca8<s? T:ere =as also
9reat ani8osit3 a9ainst #enned3 on t:e <art of t:e &MO*A6E <ersonnel?
,urin9 t:e earl3 12+57s1 E? Ho=ard Hunt :ad been t:e CIA station c:ief in MeEico Cit3? As
,a>id Atlee %:illi<s 0anot:er e8bittered &MO*A6E >eteran4 tells us in :is autobio9ra<:ical
account1 T:e Ni9:t *atc:1 Ho=ard Hunt :ad been t:e i88ediate su<erior of a 3oun9 CIA
recruit na8ed *illia8 ? !uc;le31 t:e (ale 9raduate and S;ull and !ones 8e8ber =:o
later founded t:e National Re>ie=? In :is autobio9ra<:ical account =ritten durin9 t:e da3s
of t:e *ater9ate scandal1 Hunt includes t:e follo=in9 tirade about t:e !a3 of %i9s"
No e>ent since t:e co88uniAation of C:ina in 12)2 :as :ad suc: a <rofound effect on t:e
United States and its allies as t:e defeat of t:e US- trained Cuban in>asion bri9ade at t:e
!a3 of %i9s in A<ril 12-1?
Out of t:at :u8iliation 9re= t:e !erlin *all1 t:e 8issile crisis1 9uerrilla =arfare t:rou9:out
Latin A8erican and Africa1 and our ,o8inican Re<ublic inter>ention? Castros7 beac::ead
triu8<: o<ened a botto8less %andora7s boE of difficulties t:at affected not onl3 t:e United
States1 but 8ost of its allies in t:e ree *orld? T:ese blood3 and sub>ersi>e e>ents =ould
not :a>e ta;en <lace :ad Castro been to<<led? Instead of standin9 fir81 our 9o>ern8ent
<3ra8ided cruciall3 =ron9 decisions and allo=ed !ri9ade $+5- to be destro3ed? T:e
#enned3 ad8inistration 3ielded Castro all t:e eEcuse :e needed to 9ain a ti9:ter 9ri< on t:e
island of &ose Marti1 t:en 8o>ed s:a8efacedl3 into t:e s:ado=s and :o<ed t:e Cuban issue
=ould si8<l3 8elt a=a3?2
Hunt =as t3<ical of t:e o<inion t:at t:e debacle :ad been #enned37s fault1 and not t:e
res<onsibilit3 of 8en li;e Allen ,ulles and Ric:ard !issell1 =:o :ad desi9ned it and
reco88ended it? After t:e e8barrassin9 failure of t:e in>asion1 =:ic: ne>er e>o;ed t:e
:o<ed-for s<ontaneous anti-Castro insurrection1 #enned3 fired Allen ,ulles1 :is
Harri8anite de<ut3 !issell1 and CIA de<ut3 ,irector C:arles Cabell 0=:ose brot:er =as
t:e 8a3or of ,allas at t:e ti8e #enned3 =as s:ot4?
,urin9 t:e da3s after t:e !a3 of %i9s debacle1 #enned3 =as dee<l3 sus<icious of t:e
intelli9ence co88unit3 and of <ro<osals for 8ilitar3 escalation in 9eneral1 includin9 in
<laces li;e Sout: 6ietna8? #enned3 sou9:t to <rocure an outside1 eE<ert o<inion on
8ilitar3 8atters? or t:is :e turned to t:e for8er co88ander in c:ief of t:e Sout:=est
%acific T:eatre durin9 *orld *ar II1 General ,ou9las MacArt:ur? Al8ost ten 3ears a9o1 a
reliable source s:ared =it: one of t:e aut:ors an account of a 8eetin9 bet=een #enned3
and MacArt:ur in =:ic: t:e >eteran 9eneral =arned t:e 3oun9 <resident t:at t:ere =ere
ele8ents inside t:e US 9o>ern8ent =:o e8<:aticall3 did not s:are :is <atriotic 8oti>es1
and =:o =ere see;in9 to destro3 :is ad8inistration fro8 =it:in? MacArt:ur7s =arned t:at
t:e forces bent on destro3in9 #enned3 =ere centered in t:e *all Street financial
co88unit3 and its >arious tentacles in t:e intelli9ence co88unit3?
It is a 8atter of <ublic record t:at #enned3 8et =it: MacArt:ur in t:e latter <art of A<ril1
12-11 after t:e !a3 of %i9s? Accordin9 to #enned3 aide T:eodore Sorenson1 MacArt:ur
told #enned31 FT:e c:ic;ens are co8in9 :o8e to roost1 and 3ou :a<<en to :a>e Bust 8o>ed
into t:e c:ic;en :ouse?F 15 At t:e sa8e 8eetin91 accordin9 to Sorenson1 MacArt:ur
F=arned G#enned3H a9ainst t:e co88itt8ent of A8erican foot soldiers on t:e Asian
8ainland1 and t:e %resident ne>er for9ot t:is ad>ice?F 11 T:is <oint is 9rud9in9l3
confir8ed b3 Art:ur M? Sc:lesin9er1 a #enned3 aide =:o :ad a >ested interest in >ilif3in9
MacArt:ur1 =:o =rote t:at FMacArt:ur eE<ressed :is old >ie= t:at an3one =antin9 to
co88it A8erican 9round forces to t:e 8ainland Gof AsiaH s:ould :a>e :is :ead eEa8ined?F
1$ MacArt:ur restated t:is ad>ice durin9 a second 8eetin9 =it: #enned3 =:en t:e
General returned fro8 :is last tri< to t:e ar East in &ul31 12-1?
#enned3 >alued MacArt:ur7s <rofessional 8ilitar3 o<inion :i9:l31 and used it to ;ee< at
ar8s len9t: t:ose ad>isers =:o =ere ar9uin9 for escalation in Laos1 6ietna81 and
else=:ere? He re<eatedl3 in>ited t:ose =:o <ro<osed to send land forces to Asia to
con>ince MacArt:ur t:at t:is =ould as 9ood idea? If t:e3 could con>ince MacArt:ur1 t:en
:e1 #enned31 8i9:t also 9o alon9? At t:is ti8e1 t:e 9rou< <ro<osin9 escalation in 6ietna8
0as =ell as <re<arin9 t:e assassination of %resident ,ie84 :ad a :ea>3 !ro=n !rot:ers1
Harri8anOS;ull and !ones o>ertone" t:e :a=;s of 12-1--' =ere Harri8an1 McGeor9e
!und31 *illia8 !und31 Henr3 Cabot Lod9e1 and so8e ;e3 London oli9arc:s and
t:eoreticians of counterinsur9enc3 =ars? And of course1 Geor9e !us: durin9 t:ese 3ears
=as callin9 for escalation in 6ietna8 and c:allen9in9 #enned3 to F8uster t:e coura9eF to
tr3 a second in>asion of Cuba? In t:e 8eanti8e1 t:e &MO*A6E- Mia8i station co8<leE
=as 9ro=in9 ra<idl3 to beco8e t:e lar9est of Lan9le37s 8an3 satellites? Its center =as at t:e
for8er Ric:8ond Na>al Air Station sout: of Mia8i1 =:ic: :ad been a base for
antisub8arine bli8<s durin9 *orld *ar II? ,urin9 t:e 3ears after t:e failure of t:e !a3 of
%i9s1 t:is co8<leE :ad as 8an3 as '1555 Cuban a9ents and suba9ents1 =it: a s8all ar83 of
case officers to direct and loo; after eac: one? Accordin9 to one account1 t:ere =ere at least
++ du883 cor<orations to <ro>ide e8<lo38ent1 co>er1 and co88ercial dis9uise for all
t:ese o<erati>es? T:ere =ere detecti>e bureaus1 9un stores1 real estate bro;era9es1 boat
re<air s:o<s1 and <art3 boats for fis:in9 and ot:er entertain8ents? T:ere =as t:e
clandestine Radio S=an1 later rena8ed Radio A8ericas? T:ere =ere fleets of s<eciall3
8odified boats based at Ho8estead Marina1 and at ot:er 8arinas t:rou9:out t:e lorida
#e3s? A9ents =ere assi9ned to t:e Uni>ersit3 of Mia8i and ot:er educational institutions?
T:e raison d7Ttre of t:e 8assi>e ca<abilit3 co88anded b3 T:eodore S:ac;le3 =as no=
O<eration Mon9oose1 a <ro9ra8 for sabota9e raids and assassinations to be conducted on
Cuban territor31 =it: a s<ecial effort to eli8inate idel Castro <ersonall3? In order to run
t:ese o<erations fro8 US territor31 fla9rant and eEtensi>e >iolation of federal and state la=s
=as t:e order of t:e da3? ,ocu8ents re9ardin9 t:e incor<oration of businesses =ere
falsified? Inco8e taE returns =ere fa;ed? AA re9ulations =ere >iolated b3 <lanes ta;in9
off for Cuba or for for=ard bases in t:e !a:a8as and else=:ere? EE<losi>es 8o>ed across
:i9:=a3s t:at =ere full of ci>ilian traffic? T:e Munitions Act1 t:e Neutralit3 Act1 t:e
custo8s and i88i9rations la=s =ere routinel3 flaunted? 1' Abo>e all1 t:e dru9 la=s =ere
8assi>el3 >iolated as t:e 9allant anti-co88unist fi9:ters filled t:eir <lanes and boats =it:
ille9al narcotics to be s8u99led bac; into t:e US =:en t:e3 returned fro8 t:eir 8issions?
!3 12-'1 t:e dru9-runnin9 acti>ities of t:e co>ert o<erati>es =ere be9innin9 to attract
attention? &MO*A6E1 in su81 accelerated t:e slide of sout: lorida to=ards t:e status of
dru9 and 8urder ca<ital of t:e United States it ac:ie>ed durin9 t:e 12/57s1 =:en it beca8e
as notorious as C:ica9o durin9 %ro:ibition?
It cannot be t:e tas; of t:is stud3 to e>en be9in to treat t:e reasons for =:ic: certain
leadin9 ele8ents of t:e An9lo-A8erican financial oli9arc:31 <er:a<s actin9 =it: certain
;inds of su<<ort fro8 continental Euro<ean aristocratic and neofascist net=or;s1 ordered
t:e 8urder of &o:n ? #enned3? T:e !ritis: and t:e Harri8anites =anted escalation in
6ietna8C b3 t:e ti8e of :is assassination #enned3 =as co88itted to a <ullout of US
forces? #enned31 as s:o=n b3 :is A8erican Uni>ersit3 s<eec: of 12-'1 =as also interested
in see;in9 a 8ore stable <at: of =ar a>oidance =it: t:e So>iets1 usin9 t:e US 8ilitar3
su<eriorit3 de8onstrated durin9 t:e Cuban 8issile crisis to con>ince Mosco= to acce<t a
<olic3 of =orld <eace t:rou9: econo8ic de>elo<8ent? #enned3 =as interested in t:e
<ossibilities of anti-8issile strate9ic defense to <ut an end to t:at ni9:t8are of 8utuall3
assured destruction =:ic: a<<ealed to Henr3 #issin9er1 a dis9runtled for8er e8<lo3ee of
t:e #enned3 ad8inistration =:o8 t:e <resident :ad denounced as a 8ad8an? #enned3
=as considerin9 8o>es to li8it or <er:a<s abolis: t:e usur<ation of aut:orit3 o>er t:e
national currenc3 b3 t:e *all Street and London interests controllin9 t:e ederal Reser>e
S3ste8? If re-elected to a second ter81 #enned3 =as li;el3 to :a>e re-asserted <residential
control1 as distinct fro8 *all Street control1 o>er t:e intelli9ence co88unit3? T:ere is 9ood
reason to belie>e t:at #enned3 =ould :a>e ousted &? Ed9ar Hoo>er fro8 :is self- a<<ointed
life tenure at t:e !I1 subBectin9 t:at a9enc3 to <residential control for t:e first ti8e in
8an3 3ears? #enned3 =as co88itted to a >i9orous eE<ansion of t:e s<ace <ro9ra81 t:e
cultural i8<act of =:ic: =as be9innin9 to alar8 t:e finance oli9arc:s? Abo>e all1 #enned3
=as actin9 li;e a 8an =:o t:ou9:t :e =as <resident of t:e United States1 >iolatin9 t:e
colle9ialit3 of oli9arc:ical trustees:i< of t:at office t:at :ad been in force
since t:e final da3s of Roose>elt? #enned3 furt:er8ore :ad t=o 3oun9er brot:ers =:o
8i9:t succeed :i81 <uttin9 a stron9 <residenc3 be3ond t:e control of t:e Eastern
An9lo<:ile Liberal Establis:8ent for decades? Geor9e !us: Boined in t:e Harri8anite
o<<osition to #enned3 on all of t:ese <oints?
After #enned3 =as ;illed in ,allas on No>e8ber $$1 12-'1 it =as alle9ed t:at E? Ho=ard
Hunt and ran; Stur9is :ad bot: been <resent1 <ossibl3 to9et:er1 in ,allas on t:e da3 of t:e
s:ootin91 alt:ou9: t:e trut: of t:ese alle9ations :as ne>er been finall3 establis:ed? !ot:
Hunt and Stur9is =ere of course !a3 of %i9s >eterans =:o =ould later a<<ear center sta9e
in *ater9ate? T:ere =ere also alle9ations t:at Hunt and Stur9is =ere a8on9 a 9rou< of siE
to ei9:t derelicts =:o =ere found in boEcars sittin9 on t:e railroad trac;s be:ind t:e 9rass3
;noll near ,eale3 %laAa1 and =:o =ere rounded u< and ta;en in for @uestionin9 b3 t:e
,allas <olice on t:e da3 of t:e assassination? So8e sus<ected t:at Hunt and Stur9is :ad
<artici<ated in t:e assassination? So8e of t:ese alle9ations =ere at t:e center of t:e
celebrated 12/+ defa8ation case of Hunt >? Libert3 Lobb31 in =:ic: a lorida federal Bur3
found a9ainst Hunt? !ut1 since t:e ,allas %olice ,e<art8ent and Count3 S:eriff ne>er
<:oto9ra<:ed or fin9er<rinted t:e FderelictsF in @uestion1 it :as so far <ro>en i8<ossible
definiti>el3 to resol>e t:is @uestion? !ut t:ese alle9ations and t:eories about t:e <ossible
<resence and acti>ities of Hunt and Stur9is in ,allas =ere sufficientl3 =ides<read so as to
co8<el t:e Co88ission on CIA Acti>ities *it:in t:e United States 0t:e Roc;efeller
Co88ission4 to atte8<t to refute t:e8 in its 12.+ re<ort? 1)
Accordin9 to Geor9e !us:7s official bio9ra<:31 :e =as durin9 12-' a =ell-to-do
business8an residin9 in Houston1 t:e bus3 <resident of Ja<ata Offs:ore and t:e c:air8an
of t:e Harris Count3 Re<ublican Or9aniAation1 su<<ortin9 !arr3 Gold=ater as t:e GO%7s
li;el3 12-) <residential candidate1 =:ile at t:e sa8e ti8e acti>el3 <re<arin9 :is o=n 12-)
bid for t:e US Senate? !ut durin9 t:at sa8e <eriod of ti8e1 !us: 8a3 :a>e s:ared so8e
co88on ac@uaintances =it: Lee Har>e3 Os=ald?
!et=een October1 12-$ and A<ril1 12-'1 Lee Har>e3 Os=ald and :is Russian =ife Marina
=ere in fre@uent contact =it: a Russian e8i9rU cou<le li>in9 in ,allas" t:ese =ere Geor9e
de Mo:rensc:ildt and :is =ife &eanne? ,urin9 t:e *arren Co88ission in>esti9ation of t:e
#enned3 assassination1 de Mo:rensc:ildt =as inter>ie=ed at len9t: about :is contacts =it:
Os=ald? *:en1 in t:e s<rin9 of 12..1 t:e discreditin9 of t:e *arren Co88ission re<ort as
a blatant co>eru< :ad 8ade <ublic <ressure for a ne= in>esti9ation of t:e #enned3
assassination irresistible1 t:e House Assassinations Co88ittee <lanned to inter>ie= de
Mo:rensc:ildt once a9ain? !ut in Marc:1 12..1 Bust before de Mo:rensc:ildt =as sc:eduled
to be inter>ie=ed b3 Gaeton onAi of t:e House co88ittee7s staff1 :e =as found dead in
%al8 !eac:1 lorida? His deat: =as @uic;l3 ruled a suicide? One of t:e last <eo<le to see
:i8 ali>e =as Ed=ard &a3 E<stein1 =:o =as also inter>ie=in9 de Mo:rensc:ildt about t:e
#enned3 assassination for an u<co8in9 boo;? E<stein is one of t:e =riters on t:e #enned3
assassination =:o enBo3ed eEcellent relations =it: t:e late &a8es An9leton of t:e CIA? If
de Mo:rensc:ildt =ere ali>e toda31 :e 8i9:t be able to enli9:ten us about :is relations =it:
Geor9e !us:1 and <er:a<s afford us so8e insi9:t into !us:7s acti>ities durin9 t:is e<oc:?
&eanne de Mo:rensc:ildt reBected t:e findin9 of suicide in :er :usband7s deat:? FHe =as
eli8inated before :e 9ot to t:at co88ittee1F t:e =ido= told a Bournalist in 12./1 Fbecause
so8eone did not =ant :i8 to 9et to it?F S:e also 8aintained t:at Geor9e de Mo:rensc:ildt
:ad been surre<titiousl3 inBected =it: 8ind-alterin9 dru9s? 1+ After de Mo:rensc:ildt7s
deat:1 :is <ersonal address boo; =as located1 and it contained t:is entr3" F!us:1 Geor9e
H?*? 0%o<<34 1)1$ *? O:io also Ja<ata %etroleu8 Midland?F T:ere is of course t:e
<roble8 of datin9 t:is reference? Geor9e !us: :ad 8o>ed :is office and :o8e fro8
Midland to Houston in 12+21 =:en Ja<ata Offs:ore =as constituted1 so <er:a<s t:is
reference 9oes bac; to so8e ti8e before 12+2? T:ere is also t:e nu8ber" F)--'++?F T:ere
are1 of course1 nu8erous ot:er entries1 includin9 one *?? !uc;le3 of t:e !uc;le3 brot:ers
of Ne= (or; Cit31 *illia8 S? %ale3 of C!S1 <lus 8an3 oil 8en1 stoc; bro;ers1 and t:e li;e?
Geor9e de Mo:rensc:ildt recounted a nu8ber of different >ersions of :is life1 so it is >er3
difficult to establis: t:e facts about :i8? Accordin9 to one >ersion :e =as t:e Russian
Count Ser9ei de Mo:rensc:ildt1 but =:en :e arri>ed in t:e United States in 12'/ :e carried
a %olis: <ass<ort identif3in9 :i8 as &erA3 Ser9ius >on Mo:rensc:ildt1 born in MoA3r1
Russia in 1211? He 8a3 in fact :a>e been a %olis: officer1 or a corres<ondent for t:e %olis:
Ne=s Ser>ice1 or none of t:ese? He =or;ed for a ti8e for t:e %olis: e8bass3 in
*as:in9ton ,C? So8e sa3 t:at de Mo:rensc:ildt 8et t:e C:air8an of Hu8ble Oil1 !laffer1
and t:at !laffer <rocured :i8 a Bob? Ot:er sources sa3 t:at durin9 t:is ti8e de
Mo:rensc:ildt =as affiliated =it: t:e *ar ,e<art8ent? Accordin9 to so8e accounts1 :e
later =ent to =or; for t:e renc: ,euEiV8e !ureau1 =:ic: =anted to ;no= about
<etroleu8 eE<orts fro8 t:e United States to Euro<e?
,e Mo:rensc:ildt in 12)1 beca8e associated =it: a certain !aron #onstantin >on Ma3dell
in a <ublic affairs >enture called Facts and il8?F Ma3dell =as considered a NaAi a9ent b3
t:e !I1 and in Se<te8ber 12)$ :e =as sent to Nort: ,a;ota for an intern8ent t:at =ould
last four 3ears? ,e Mo:rensc:ildt =as also re<ortedl3 in contact =it: &a<anese net=or;s at
t:is ti8e? In &une1 12)11 de Mo:rensc:ildt =as @uestioned b3 <olice at %ort Art:ur1 TeEas1
on t:e sus<icion of es<iona9e after :e =as found 8a;in9 s;etc:es of <ort facilities? ,urin9
12)1 de Mo:rensc:ildt a<<lied for a <ost in t:e US Office of Strate9ic Ser>ices 0OSS4?
Accordin9 to t:e official account1 :e =as not :ired? Soon after :e 8ade t:e a<<lication1 :e
=ent to MeEico =:ere :e sta3ed until 12))? In t:e latter 3ear :e establis:ed :is na8e as de
Mo:rensc:ildt1 Bettisonin9 t:e Ger8an >ersion of >on Mo:rensc:ildt1 and be9an stud3 for a
8aster7s de9ree in <etroleu8 en9ineerin9 at t:e Uni>ersit3 of TeEas? Accordin9 to so8e
accounts1 durin9 t:is <eriod de Mo:rensc:ildt =as in>esti9ated b3 t:e Office of Na>al
Intelli9ence because of alle9ed co88unist s38<at:ies? After t:e =ar1 de Mo:rensc:ildt
=or;ed as a <etroleu8 en9ineer in Cuba and 6eneAuela1 and in Caracas :e :ad se>eral
8eetin9s =it: t:e So>iet a8bassador? ,urin9 t:e <ost=ar 3ears :e also =or;ed in t:e
Ran9el3 oil field in Colorado? ,urin9 t:e 12+57s1 after :a>in9 8arried *inifred S:ar<less1
t:e dau9:ter of an oil 8illionaire1 de Mo:rensc:ildt =as acti>e as an inde<endent oil
In 12+.1 de Mo:rensc:ildt =as a<<ro>ed b3 t:e CIA Office of Securit3 to be :ired as a US
9o>ern8ent 9eolo9ist for a 8ission to (u9osla>ia? U<on :is return :e =as inter>ie=ed b3
one &? *alter Moore of t:e CIA7s ,o8estic Contact Ser>ice1 =it: =:o8 :e re8ained in
contact? ,urin9 12+/1 de Mor:ensc:ildt >isited G:ana1 To9o1 ,a:o8e3C durin9 12+2 :e
>isited Africa a9ain and returned b3 =a3 of %oland? In 12+2 :e 8arried &eanne1 :is fourt:
=ife1 a for8er ballet dancer and dress desi9ner =:o :ad been born in Manc:uria1 =:ere :er
fat:er :ad been one of t:e directors of t:e C:inese Eastern Railroad? ,urin9 t:e su88er of
12-51 Geor9e and &eanne de Mo:rensc:ildt told t:eir friends t:at t:e3 =ere 9oin9 to
e8bar; on a =al;in9 tour of 111555 8iles alon9 Indian trails fro8 MeEico to Central
A8erica? One of t:eir <rinci<al destinations =as Guate8ala Cit31 =:ere t:e3 =ere sta3in9
at t:e ti8e of t:e !a3 of %i9s in>asion in A<ril1 12-11 after =:ic: t:e3 8ade t:eir =a3
:o8e b3 =a3 of %ana8a and Haiti? After t=o 8ont:s in Haiti1 t:e Mo:rensc:ildts returned
to ,allas1 =:ere t:e3 ca8e into contact =it: Lee Har>e3 Os=ald1 =:o :ad co8e bac; to
t:e United States fro8 :is soBourn in t:e So>iet Union in &une1 12-$? !3 t:is ti8e de
Mo:rensc:ildt =as also fre@uentin9 Ad8iral Henr3 C? !ruton and :is =ife1 to =:o8 :e
introduced t:e Os=alds? Ad8iral !ruton =as t:e for8er director of na>al co88unications1
and :ad su<erintended a co8<re:ensi>e 8oderniAation and reor9aniAation of t:e na>37s
8eans of ;ee<in9 in touc: =it: s:i<s1 <lanes1 8issiles1 sub8arines1 and t:e li;e?
It is establis:ed t:at bet=een October1 12-$ and late A<ril1 12-'1 de Mo:rensc:ildt =as a
>er3 i8<ortant fi9ure in t:e life of Os=ald and :is Russian =ife? ,es<ite Os=ald7s lac; of
social 9races1 de Mo:rensc:ildt introduced :i8 into ,allas societ31 too; :i8 to <arties1
assisted :i8 in findin9 e8<lo38ent1 and 8uc: 8ore? It =as t:rou9: de Mo:rensc:ildt t:at
Os=ald 8et a certain 6ol;8ar Sc:8idt1 a 3oun9 Ger8an 9eolo9ist =:o :ad studied =it:
%rofessor *il:el8 #uete8e3er1 an eE<ert in <s3c:oso8atic 8edicine and reli9ious
<:iloso<:3 at t:e Uni>ersit3 of Heidelber91 =:o co8<iled a detailed <s3c:olo9ical <rofile
of Os=ald? &eanne and Geor9e :el<ed Marina 8o>e :er belon9in9s durin9 one of :er 8an3
estran9e8ents fro8 Os=ald? Accordin9 to so8e accounts1 de Mo:rensc:ildt7s influence on
Os=ald =as so 9reat durin9 t:is <eriod t:at :e could >irtuall3 dictate i8<ortant decisions to
t:e 3oun9 eE-8arine si8<l3 b3 8a;in9 su99estions? Os=ald =as in a=e of de
Mo:rensc:ildt1 accordin9 to so8e?
Accordin9 to so8e >ersions1 de Mo:rensc:ildt =as a=are of Os=ald7s alle9ed A<ril 151
12-' atte8<t to assassinate t:e =ell-;no=n ri9:t-=in9 General Ed=in *al;er? Accordin9
to Marina1 de Mo:rensc:ildt once as;ed Os=ald1 FLee1 :o= did 3ou 8iss General *al;erDF
On A<ril 121 Geor9e and &eanne de Mo:rensc:ildt =ent to Ne= (or; Cit31 and on A<ril $2
t:e CIA Office of Securit3 found t:at it :ad no obBection to de Mo:rensc:ildt7s acce<tance
of a contract =it: t:e ,u>alier re9i8e of Haiti in t:e field of natural resource de>elo<8ent?
,e Mo:rensc:ildt a<<ears to :a>e de<arted for Haiti on Ma3 11 12-'? In t:e 8eanti8e
Os=ald :ad left ,allas and tra>eled to Ne= Orleans?
Accordin9 to Mar; Lane1 Ft:ere is e>idence t:at de Mo:rensc:ildt ser>ed as a CIA control
officer =:o directed Os=ald7s actions?F Muc: of t:e eEtensi>e <ublis:ed literature on de
Mo:rensc:ildt con>er9es on t:e idea t:at :e =as a bab3 sitter1 :andler1 case officer1 or
control a9ent for Os=ald on be:alf of so8e intelli9ence a9enc3? 1. ,e Mo:rensc:ildt7s
<edi9ree e>o;es :auntin9 <arallels to t:e t3<ical fi9ures of t:e %ERMIN,EM net=or;s of
Geor9es Mandel1 erenc Na931 MaE Ha9er8an1 MaE Seli98an1 Carlo d7A8elio1 Le=is
Morti8er !loo8field1 and Cla3 S:a=1 to =:ic: <ublic attention =as called durin9 t:e
in>esti9ations of Ne= Orleans district attorne3 &a8es Garrison?
It is t:erefore :i9:l3 interestin9 t:at Geor9e !us:7s na8e turned u< in t:e <ersonal address
boo; of Geor9e de Mo:rensc:ildt? T:e *arren Co88ission =ent to absurd len9t:s to co>er
u< t:e fact t:at Geor9e de Mo:rensc:ildt =as a deniAen of t:e =orld of t:e intelli9ence
a9encies? T:is included i9norin9 t:e =ell- de>elo<ed <a<er trial on de Mo:rensc:ildt as
NaAi and co88unist s38<at:iAer1 and later as a US asset abroad? T:e *arren Co88ission
T:e Co88ission7s in>esti9ation :as de>elo<ed no si9ns of sub>ersi>e or dislo3al conduct
on t:e <art of eit:er of t:e de Mo:rensc:ildts? Neit:er t:e !I1 CIA1 nor an3 =itnesses
contacted b3 t:e Co88ission :as <ro>ided an3 infor8ation lin;in9 t:e de Mo:rensc:ildts
to sub>ersi>e or eEtre8ist or9aniAations? Nor :as t:ere been an3 e>idence lin;in9 t:e8 in
an3 =a3 =it: t:e assassination of %resident #enned3? 1/
On t:e da3 of t:e #enned3 assassination1 !I records s:o= Geor9e !us: as re<ortin9 a
ri9:t-=in9 8e8ber of t:e Houston (oun9 Re<ublicans for 8a;in9 t:reatenin9 co88ents
about %resident #enned3? Accordin9 to !I docu8ents released under t:e reedo8 of
Infor8ation Act1
On No>e8ber $$1 12-' Mr? GEORGE H?*? !USH1 ++$+ !riar1 Houston1 TeEas1
tele<:onicall3 ad>ised t:at :e =anted to relate so8e :ear sa3 t:at :e :ad :eard in recent
=ee;s1 date and source un;no=n? He ad>ised t:at one &AMES %ARROTT :ad been tal;in9
of ;illin9 t:e %resident =:en :e co8es to Houston?
%ARROTT is <ossibl3 a student at t:e Uni>ersit3 of Houston and is acti>e in <olitics in t:e
Houston area?
Accordin9 to related !I docu8entation1 Fa c:ec; =it: Secret Ser>ice at Houston1 TeEas
re>ealed t:at a9enc3 :ad a re<ort t:at %ARROTT stated in 12-1 :e =ould ;ill %resident
#enned3 if :e 9ot near :i8?F Here !us: is described as Fa re<utable business8an?F !I
a9ents =ere sent to interro9ate %arrott7s 8ot:er1 and later &a8es Milton %arrott :i8self?
%arrott :ad been disc:ar9ed fro8 t:e US Air orce for <s3c:iatric reasons in 12+2? %arrott
:ad an alibi for t:e ti8e of t:e ,allas s:ootin9sC :e :ad been in t:e co8<an3 of anot:er
Re<ublican acti>ist? Accordin9 to <ress accounts1 %arrott =as a 8e8ber of t:e ri9:t-=in9
faction of t:e Houston GO% =:ic: =as oriented to=ards t:e &o:n !irc: Societ3 and =:ic:
o<<osed !us:7s c:air8ans:i<? 12 Accordin9 to t:e San rancisco EEa8iner1 !us:7s <ress
office in Au9ust1 12// first said t:at !us: :ad not 8ade an3 suc: call1 and c:allen9ed t:e
aut:enticit3 of t:e !I docu8ents? Se>eral da3s later !us:7s s<o;es8an said t:at t:e
candidate Fdoes not recallF <lacin9 t:e call?
One da3 later after :e re<orted %arrott to t:e !I1 !us: recei>ed a :i9:l3 sensiti>e1 :i9:-
le>el briefin9 fro8 t:e !ureau"
Date: November 29, 1963
To: Director
Bureau of Intelligence and Reearc!
De"artment of #tate
$rom: %o!n &dgar 'oover, Director
#ub(ect: )##)##IN)TI*N *$ +R&#ID&NT %*'N $, -&NN&D.
N*/&0B&R 22, 1963
*ur 0iami, $lorida, *ffice on November 23, 1963 advied
t!at t!e *ffice of 1oordinator of 1uban )ffair in 0iami
advied t!at t!e De"artment of #tate feel ome miguided
anti21atro grou" mig!t ca"itali3e on t!e "reent ituation
and underta4e an unaut!ori3ed raid againt 1uba, believing
t!at t!e aaination of +reident %o!n $, -enned5 mig!t
!erald a c!ange in 6# "olic5, 7!ic! i not true,
*ur ource and informant familiar 7it! 1uban matter in
t!e 0iami area advie t!at t!e general feeling in t!e anti2
1atro 1uban communit5 i one of tunned dibelief and,
even among t!oe 7!o did not entirel5 agree 7it! t!e
+reident8 "olic5 concerning 1uba, t!e feeling i t!at t!e
+reident8 deat! re"reent a great lo not onl5 to t!e 6#
but to all 9atin )merica, T!ee ource 4no7 of no "lan for
unaut!ori3ed action againt 1uba,
)n informant 7!o !a furni!ed reliable information in t!e
"at and 7!o i cloe to a mall "ro21atro grou" in 0iami
!a advied t!at t!oe individual are afraid t!at t!e
aaination of t!e +reident ma5 reult in trong
re"reive meaure being ta4en againt t!em and,
alt!oug! "ro21atro in t!eir feeling, regret t!e
T!e ubtance of t!e foregoing information 7a orall5
furni!ed to 0r, :eorge Bu! of t!e 1entral Intelligence
)genc5 and 1a"tain ;illiam &d7ard of t!e Defene
Intelligence )genc5 on November 23, 1963, b5 0r, ;,T,
$or5t! of t!i Bureau,
*illia8 T? ors3t:1 since deceased1 =as an official of t:e !I7s *as:in9ton :ead@uartersC
durin9 t:e ti8e :e =as attac:ed to t:e !ureau7s sub>ersi>e control section1 :e ran t:e
in>esti9ation of Re>? Martin Lut:er #in9? *as :e also a <art of t:e !I7s :arass8ent of ,r?
#in9D T:e efforts of Bournalists to locate Ca<tain Ed=ards :a>e not been successful?
T:is !I docu8ent identif3in9 Geor9e !us: as a CIA a9ent in No>e8ber1 12-' =as first
<ublis:ed b3 &ose<: Mc!ride in T:e Nation in &ul31 12//1 Bust before !us: recei>ed t:e
Re<ublican no8ination for <resident? Mc!ride7s source obser>ed" FI ;no= G!us:H =as
in>ol>ed in t:e Caribbean? I ;no= :e
=as in>ol>ed in t:e su<<ression of t:in9s after t:e #enned3 assassination? T:ere =as a >er3
definite =orr3 t:at so8e Cuban 9rou<s =ere 9oin9 to 8o>e a9ainst Castro and atte8<t to
bla8e it on t:e CIA?F $5 *:en <ressed for confir8ation or denial1 !us:7s s<o;es8an
Ste<:en Hart co88ented" FMust be anot:er Geor9e !us:?F *it:in a s:ort ti8e t:e CIA
itself =ould <eddle t:e sa8e da8a9e control line? On &ul3 121 12// in t:e =a;e of =ide
<ublic attention to t:e re<ort <ublis:ed in T:e Nation1 CIA s<o;es=o8an S:arron !asso
de<arted fro8 t:e nor8al CIA <olic3 of refusin9 to confir8 or den3 re<orts t:at an3 <erson
is or =as a CIA e8<lo3ee? CIA s<o;es=o8an !asso told t:e Associated <ress t:at t:e CIA
belie>ed t:at Ft:e record s:ould be clarified?F S:e said t:at t:e !I docu8ent Fa<<arentl3F
referred to a Geor9e *illia8 !us: =:o :ad =or;ed in 12-' on t:e ni9:t s:ift at CIA
:ead@uarters1 and t:at F=ould :a>e been t:e a<<ro<riate <lace to :a>e recei>ed suc: an !I
re<ort?F Accordin9 to :er account1 t:e Geor9e *illia8 !us: in @uestion :ad left t:e CIA to
Boin t:e ,efense Intelli9ence A9enc3 in 12-)?
or t:e CIA to >olunteer t:e na8e of one of its for8er e8<lo3ees to t:e <ress =as a
s:oc;in9 >iolation of traditional 8et:ods1 =:ic: are su<<osedl3 desi9ned to ;ee< suc:
na8es a closel3 9uarded secret? T:is re>elation 8a3 :a>e constituted a >iolation of federal
la=? !ut no eEertions =ere too 9reat =:en it ca8e to da8a9e control for Geor9e !us:?
Geor9e *illia8 !us: :ad indeed =or;ed for t:e CIA1 t:e ,IA1 and t:e AleEandria1
6ir9inia ,e<art8ent of %ublic *elfare before Boinin9 t:e Social Securit3 Ad8inistration1 in
=:ose Arlin9ton1 6ir9inia office :e =as e8<lo3ed as a clai8s re<resentati>e in 12//?
Geor9e *illia8 !us: told T:e Nation t:at =:ile at t:e CIA :e =as FBust a lo=l3 researc:er
and anal3stF =:o =or;ed =it: docu8ents and <:otos and ne>er recei>ed intera9enc3
briefin9s? He :ad ne>er 8et ors3t: of t:e !I or Ca<tain Ed=ards of t:e ,IA? FSo it
=asn7t 8e1F said Geor9e *illia8 !us:? $1
Later1 Geor9e *illia8 !us: for8aliAed :is denial in a s=orn state8ent to a federal court in
*as:in9ton1 ,C? T:e affida>it ac;no=led9es t:at =:ile =or;in9 at CIA :ead@uarters
bet=een Se<te8ber 12-' and ebruar3 12-)1 Geor9e *illia8 !us: =as t:e Bunior <erson
on a t:ree to four 8an =atc: s:ift =:ic: =as on dut3 =:en #enned3 =as s:ot? !ut1 as
Geor9e *illia8 !us: 9oes on to sa31
I !ave carefull5 revie7ed t!e $BI memorandum to t!e Director,
Bureau of Intelligence and Reearc!, De"artment of #tate dated
November 29, 1963 7!ic! mention a 0r, :eorge Bu! of t!e
1entral Intelligence )genc5,,,,I do not recogni3e t!e content of t!e
memorandum a information furni!ed to me orall5 or ot!er7ie
during t!e time I 7a at t!e 1I), In fact, during m5 time at t!e 1I), I
did not receive an5 oral communication from an5 government
agenc5 of an5 nature 7!atoever, I did not receive an5 information
relating to t!e -enned5 aaination during m5 time at t!e 1I)
from t!e $BI,
Baed on t!e above, it i m5 concluion t!at I am not t!e 0r,
:eorge Bu! of t!e 1entral Intelligence )genc5 referred to in t!e
memorandum, 22
So =e are left =it: t:e stron9 sus<icion t:at t:e FMr? Geor9e !us: of t:e CIAF referred to
b3 t:e !I is our o=n Geor9e Herbert *al;er !us:1 =:o1 in addition to :is <ossible contact
=it: Lee Har>e3 Os=ald7s controller1 8a3 t:us also Boin t:e ran;s of t:e #enned3
assassination co>er-u<? It 8a;es <erfect sense for Geor9e !us: to be called in on a 8atter
in>ol>in9 t:e Cuban co88unit3 in Mia8i1 since t:at is a <lace =:ere Geor9e :as
traditionall3 :ad a constituenc3? Geor9e in:erited it fro8 :is fat:er1 %rescott !us: of &u<iter
Island1 and later <assed it on to :is o=n son1 &eb?
1- &ose<: Mc!ride1 F7Geor9e !us:17 CIA O<erati>e1F T:e Nation1 &ul3 1-1 12//?
$- Geor9ie Anne Ge3er1 Guerilla %rince 0!oston" Little1 !ro=n1 12214?
'- eliE Ro9ri@ueA1 S:ado= *arrior 0Ne= (or;" Si8on and S:uster1 12/24?
)- On %luto1 see t:e East Ger8an stud3 b3 Guenter Sc:u8ac:er1 O<eration %luto 0!erlin1
,eutsc:er Militaer>erla91 12-)4?
+- E? Ho=ard Hunt1 Gi>e Us T:is ,a3 0Ne= Roc:elle" Arlin9ton House1 12.'41 <? $1)?
-- Secret A9enda?
.- or O<eration Ja<ata1 see Mic:ael R? !esc:loss1 T:e Crisis (ears" #enned3 and #:rus:c:e>1
12-5--' 0Ne= (or;" Ed=ard !urlin9a8e !oo;s1 122141 <? /2?
/- or t:e na8es of t:e s:i<s at t:e !a3 of %i9s1 see Luintin %ino Mac:ado1 La !atalla de Giron
0La Habana" Editorial de Ciencias Sociales1 12/'41 <<? .2-/5? T:is source @uotes one s:i< as t:e
!arbara &?F See also Sc:u8ac:er1 O<eration %luto1 <<? 2/-22? See also %eter *3den1 !a3 of %i9s1
T:e Untold Stor3 0Ne= (or;" Si8on and S:uster1 12.241 =:ic: also :as t:e !arbara &? Accordin9
to Luintin %ino 8aca:do1 t:e Houston :ad been 9i>en t:e ne= na8e of A9uBa 0S=ordfis:4 and t:e
!arbara t:at of !arracuda for t:e <ur<oses of t:is o<eration?
2- Ho=ard Hunt1 Gi>e Us T:is ,a31 <<? 1'-1)?
15- T:eodore Sorenson1 #enned3 0Ne= (or;" !anta81 12--41 <? '$2?
11- Sorenson1 #enned31 <? .$'?
1$- Art:ur M? Sc:lesin9er1 A T:ousand ,a3s 0!oston1 12-+41 <? ''2?
1'- See *arren Hinc;le and *illia8 *? Turner1 T:e is: is Red 0Ne= (or;" Har<er and Ro=1
12/141 <? 11$ ff?
1)- Re<ort to t:e %resident b3 t:e Co88ission on CIA Acti>ities *it:in t:e United States
0*as:in9ton" US Go>er8ent %rintin9 Office1 12.+41 <<? $+1-$-.?
1+- &i8 Marrs1 F*ido= dis<utes suicide1F ort *ort: E>enin9 Star-Tele9ra81 Ma3 111 12./
1-- A <:otoco<3 of Geor9e de Mo:rensc:ildt7s <ersonal address boo; is <reser>ed at t:e
Assassination Arc:i>es and Researc: Center1 *as:in9ton1 ,C? T:e !us: entr3 is also cited in
Mar; Lane1 %lausible ,enial 0Ne= (or;" T:under7s Mout: %ress1 122141 <? ''$?
1.- or de Mo:rensc:ildt1 see Mar; Lane1 %lausible ,enial1 Ed=ard &a3 E<stein1 Le9end" T:e
Secret *orld of Lee Har>e3 Os=ald 0London" Hutc:inson1 12./4C C? Robert !la;e3 and Ric:ard
N? !illin9s1 T:e %lot to #ill t:e %resident 0Ne= (or;" Ti8es !oo;s1 12/14C and Robert Sa8
Anson1 FT:e37>e #illed T:e %residentKF 0Ne= (or;" !anta81 12.+4?
1/- Re<ort of t:e *arren Co88ission on t:e Assassination of %resident #enned3 0Ne= (or;"
!anta81 12-)41 <? $-$?
12- Mi9uel Acoca1 F!I" 7!us:7 called about &# ;illin91F San rancisco EEa8iner1 Au9ust $+1
$5- &ose<: Mc!ride1 F7Geor9e !us:17 CIA O<erati>e1F T:e Nation1 &ul3 1-O$'1 12//1 <? )$
$1- &ose<: Mc!ride1 F*:ere *as Geor9eDF1 T:e Nation1 Au9ust 1'O$51 12//1 <? 11.?
$$- United States ,istrict Court for t:e ,istrict of Colu8bia1 Ci>il Action //-$-55 GHR1
Arc:i>es and Researc: Center >? Central Intelli9ence A9enc31 Affida>it of Geor9e *illia8 !us:1
Se<te8ber $11 12//?
C:a<ter -IM- !us: C:allen9es (arborou9: for t:e
!us:7s unsuccessful atte8<t in 12-) to unseat TeEas ,e8ocratic Senator Ral<: (arborou9:
is a 8atter of funda8ental interest to an3one see;in9 to <robe t:e =ells<rin9s of !us:7s
actual <olitical t:in;in9? In a societ3 =:ic: ;no=s not:in9 of its o=n recent :istor31 t:e
e>ents of a @uarter centur3 a9o 8i9:t be classed as re8ote and irrele>ant? !ut as =e re>ie=
t:e <rofile of t:e !us: Senate ca8<ai9n of 12-)1 =:at =e see co8in9 ali>e is t:e
c:aracteristic 8entalit3 t:at rules t:e O>al Office toda3? T:e 8ain traits are all t:ere" t:e
o>erridin9 obession =it: t:e race issue1 eEe8<lified in !us:7s bitter reBection of t:e ci>il
ri9:ts bill before t:e Con9ress durin9 t:ose 8ont:sC t:e 9enocidal bluster in forei9n affairs1
=it: <ro<osals for nuclear bo8bard8ent of 6ietna81 an in>asion of Cuba1 and a reBection
of ne9otiations for t:e return of t:e %ana8a CanalC t:e autono8ic refleE for union-bustin9
eE<ressed in t:e r:etoric of Fri9:t to =or;FC t:e <aean to free enter<rise at t:e eE<ense of
far8ers and t:e disad>anta9ed1 =it: all of t:is <ac;a9ed in a slic;1 de8a9o9ic tele>ision
and ad>ertisin9 effort?
,urin9 t:is Senate race1 !us: assu8ed t:e coloration of a Gold=ater Re<ublican? It
re8ains :i9:l3 si9nificant t:at !us: be9an :is <ublic <olitical career in t:e ideolo9ical
9uise of a sout:ern Re<ublican1 s<ecificall3 in TeEas? T:e Re<ublican %art3 in TeEas :ad
been in total ecli<se since t:e ti8e of Reconstruction1 =it: t:e state GO%ers co8<lainin9
t:at t:e3 =ere li>in9 in a one-<art3 state? ,urin9 t:e 12+57s1 t:e <ersonal <o<ularit3 of
Eisen:o=er and t:e increasin9 >isibilit3 of ultra-left *all Street in>est8ent ban;ers in t:e
circle of Adlai Ste>enson7s bac;ers be9an to offer t:e TeEas Re<ublicans so8e o<enin9s? In
12+$ and 12+-1 TeEas ,e8ocratic Go>ernor Allan S:i>ers su<<orted Eisen:o=er1 =:o
carried TeEas =it: a substantial 8aBorit3 bot: ti8es? In 12-51 TeEas :ad 9i>en its electoral
>otes to #enned31 alt:ou9: t:e 8ar9in of ,e8ocratic >ictor3 =as so t:in as to constitute an
e8barrass8ent to #enned37s runnin9 8ate1 TeEas Senator and ,e8ocratic MaBorit3 Leader
L3ndon !? &o:nson? !ut NiEon :ad carried t:e cit3 of Houston and Harris Count31 =:ic:
turned out to be t:e lar9est 8etro<olitan area to 9o for t:e NiEon-Lod9e tic;et t:at 3ear? In
12-51 TeEas Re<ublicans scored t:eir 9reatest success in a centur3 b3 elected &o:n To=er to
t:e US Senate on a <latfor8 t:at =as a :arbin9er of t:e Gold=ater 8o>e8ent? To=er =as
once as;ed if t:ere =as a sin9le do8estic le9islati>e <ro9ra8 of &o:n ? #enned3 t:at :e
could su<<ort1 and :is ans=er =as t:at :e could not t:in; of a sin9le one? T:is is t:e sa8e
To=er =:o =ould Boin =it: Ed8und Mus;ie and !rent Sco=croft in earl3 12/. to concoct
t:e absurd =:ite=as: of t:e Iran- contra affair t:at =ould eEonerate !us: and attribute t:e
central res<onsibilit3 to *:ite House c:ief of Staff ,on Re9an1 forcin9 :is ouster? T:is =as
t:e sa8e To=er =:ose no8ination b3 !us: to t:e <ost of Secretar3 of ,efense =ould be
derailed b3 accusation of alco:olis8 and =o8aniAin91 follo=ed b3 To=er7s deat: in a
83sterious air<lane cras: in earl3 1221?
T:e TeEas ,e8ocratic %art3 =as di>ided in t:ose da3s into t=o =in9s =:ic: fou9:t eac:
ot:er in t:e ,e8ocratic <ri8aries1 =:ic: =ere often tant8ount to election? One of t:ese
=in9s =as called liberal and =as identified abo>e all =it: !us:7s o<<onent1 Senator Ral<:
(arborou9:? T:e FliberalF :ere is lar9el3 a 8isno8erC 8ore accurate =ould be <o<ulist1 but
<o<ulist ennobled b3 t:e re>i>al of t:e classic nineteent: centur3 A8erican s3ste8 t:at
occurred in TeEas durin9 ran;lin ,? Roose>elt7s *orld *ar II 8obiliAation1 =:en diri9ist
reco>er3 <olicies <ulled t:e TeEas econo83 out of a sta9nation t:at :ad its roots in t:e
failure of <ost-1/-+ econstruction? T:e stron9 suits of t:ese <o<ulist ,e8ocrats =ere
education and infrastructure-- a 9ood first a<<roEi8ation of t:e actual business of
T:e ot:er =in9 =as called conser>ati>e1 and =as 9rou<ed around fi9ures li;e Allan
S:i>ers and L!&7s <rote9e &o:n Connall31 =it: =:o8 !us: :as :ad a :istor3 of
alternatin9 stretc:es of conflict and 8o8ents of ra<<roc:e8ent? L!& :i8self =as close
to t:e S:i>ers-Connall3 9rou<? T:e t3<ical fi9ure :ere is Connall31 t:e 9o>ernor =:o
=as =ounded in ,eale3 %laAa in ,allas t:e da3 t:at #enned3 =as ;illed1 and =:o later
=ent on t:e Boin t:e NiEon Ad8inistration as t:e Secretar3 of t:e Treasur3 =:o
a<<ro>ed t:e abolition of t:e <ost-12)) !retton *oods 9old reser>e standard in Ca8<
,a>id on Au9ust 1+1 12.1? Connall3 subse@uentl3 <la3ed out t:e lo9ic of beco8in9 not
Bust a Re<ublican1 but indeed a Re<ublican <residential candidate1 and of clas:in9 =it:
Geor9e !us: once or t=ice in t:e sno=s of Ne= Ha8<s:ire in 12.2-/5?
T:e TeEas ,e8ocratic %art3 also contained an arra3 of <ersonalities of national i8<ortance
=:ose <ositi>e traits are <art of =:at :as been lost in t:e descent into toda37s crisis" call
t:e8 <o<ulists1 call t:e8 t:e <ost-Ne= ,eal or t:e <ost-air ,eal1 but do not 8ista;e t:e
fact t:at t:e3 =ere better for t:e countr3 t:an t:eir successors? T:ese =ere <oliticians li;e
t:e le9endar3 S<ea;er of t:e House1 Sa8 Ra3burn1 Con9ress8an *ri9:t %at8an of t:e
House !an;in9 Co88ittee1 =:o =as a source of continuin9 <o<ulist irritation to t:e Ne=
(or; ban;in9 co88unit31 and To8 Clar;1 =:o =as Attorne3 General under Tru8an and
=:o later =ent on to t:e US Su<re8e Court1 and =:ose son1 Ra8sa3 Clar;1 :as been
distin9uis:ed b3 :is denunciation of t:e =ar cri8es of t:e !us: re9i8e in t:e Gulf =ar of
1221? A later 9eneration of t:is sa8e circle =as re<resented b3 for8er S<ea;er of t:e
House &i8 *ri9:t1 =:o =as :ounded fro8 office durin9 t:e first 3ear of Geor9e !us:7s
%residential tenure1 and b3 Con9ress8an Henr3 GonAaleA? GonAaleA stands out as one of
t:e >er3 fe= of t:e old TeEas <o<ulist ,e8ocrats left in elected office toda3? GonAaleA :as
<ut ne= luster on t:e ti8e-:onored 8a>eric; tradition b3 offerin9 a bill of i8<eac:8ent for
Ronald Rea9an in t:e =a;e of t:e Iran-contra re>elations of 12/-1 8ore recentl3 b3
sub8ittin9 a bill for t:e i8<eac:8ent of Geor9e !us: for :is ille9al conduct of O<eration
,esert S:ield1 and b3 raisin9 :is >oice as first in t:e Con9ress for t:e cause of :u8anit3
a9ainst 9enocide =it: a call for t:e liftin9 of t:e econo8ic sanctions a9ainst Ira@ to <re>ent
t:e needless slau9:ter of :undreds of t:ousands of c:ildren after t:e bo8bin9 ca8<ai9n
:ad ended? And e>en toda3 t:ere are still ot:ers of t:is tradition left in <ositions of ;e3
influence" for eEa8<le1 Con9ress8an &ac; !roo;s of t:e nint: district of TeEas1 t:e salt3
c:air8an of t:e House &udiciar3 Co88ittee1 =:o dared to sub<oena Attorne3 General
Ric:ard T:ornbur9: to a<<ear before :is co88ittee =it: a ducis tecu8 of t:e docu8ents of
t:e ,e<art8ent of &ustice t:eft of co8<uter soft=are in t:e Insla= case?
One of t:e continuin9 <roBects of Geor9e !us:7s life :as been t:e eEtir<ation of <recisel3
t:is <o<ulist and so8eti8es diri9ist 9rou< of ,e8ocrats1 and t:eir re<lace8ent =it: Ffree
enter<riseF Re<ublican ideolo9ues1 or financier ,e8ocrats of t:e Llo3d !entsen >ariet3?
T:e TeEas and O;la:o8a <o<ulist ,e8ocrats 8ust be distin9uis:ed fro8 t:eir collea9ues
of t:e Old Sout: of Geor9ia1 Alaba8a1 and Mississi<<i? !ut for t:e Eastern Liberal
Establis:8ent1 it :as <ro>en 8ore con>enient to lu8< t:e8 all to9et:er under t:e <ur>e3ed
i8a9e of t:e racist1 bourbon-s=illin9 sout:ern Con9ressional co88ittee c:air8an
cons<irin9 in ci9ar-clouded roo8s to def3 t:e <o<ular =ill as eE<ressed b3 t:e tele>ision
net=or;s? All sout:ern ,e8ocrats of t:e old sc:ool tended to :a>e cri<<lin9 =ea;nesses on
t:e race issue and on t:e @uestion of union-bustin9? !ut on t:e ot:er side of t:e led9er1
8an3 sout:ern ,e8ocrats :ad an eEcellent 9ras< of infrastructure in t:e broadest sense"
internal i8<ro>e8ents li;e :i9:=a3s1 canals1 =ater <roBects1 rural electrification1 @ualit3
accessible <ublic education1 :ealt: ser>ices1 electric <o=er 9eneration?
T:e nascent sout:ern Re<ublicans of t:e fifties and siEties1 b3 contrast1 =ere 9enerall3 as
bad or =orse t:an t:e ,e8ocrats on race and labor relations1 and =ere at t:e sa8e suc:
fanatics of Ada8 S8it:7s Ffree 8ar;etF 83stification t:at all 9o>ern8ent co88itt8ent to
8aintainin9 infrastructure1 :ealt: care1 and education =ent b3 t:e boards? T:e onl3 <ositi>e
<oint left for so8e of t:ese e8er9in9 sout:ern Re<ublicans1 suc: as t:ose =:o folllo=ed
!arr3 Gold=ater in 12-)1 =as a <atriotic reBection of t:e 8ac:inations of t:e Eastern
Liberal Establis:8ent as e8bodied 8ost 9ra<:icall3 in t:e fi9ure of Ne= (or; Go>ernor
Nelson Roc;efeller? !us: =as indeed a Gold=ater 8an in t:ose da3s1 as =e =ill see? !ut
since !us: =as :i8self an or9an of t:at sa8e :ated Eastern Liberal Establis:8ent1 :e stood
utterl3 bereft of redee8in9 9race?
T:e enter<rise in =:ic: =e no= find !us: en9a9ed1 t:e creation of a Re<ublican %art3 in
t:e sout:ern states durin9 t:e 12-57s1 0includin9 t:e so-called <ost-12-1 Ft=o-<art3 TeEasF4
:as <ro>en to be an :istorical catastro<:e? In order to create a Re<ublican %art3 in t:e
sout:1 it =as first necessar3 to s8as: t:e old ,R Ne= ,eal constitutent coalition of labor1
t:e cities1 far8ers1 blac;s1 and t:e Solid Sout:? As !us: co8<lains in :is ca8<ai9n
FT:e state =as solidl3 ,e8ocratic1 and t:e alle9iance of TeEans to t:e 7<art3 of our fat:ers7
beca8e e>en stron9er durin9 t:e lean 3ears of t:e ,e<ression? T:e ,e8ocratic ca8<ai9n
line in t:e 12'57s =as t:at t:e 7Hoo>er Re<ublicans7 =ere res<onsible for une8<lo38ent
and far8 foreclosuresC ran;lin ,? Roose>elt and t:e ,e8ocratic %art3 =ere said to be t:e
onl3 friends t:e <eo<le :ad?F Gfn 1H !ut as far as Geor9e !us: =as concerned1 all t:is =as
of no conse@uence" F%:iloso<:icall31 I =as a Re<ublican????F Gfn $H After !us: :ad declared
:is candidac3 for (arborou9:7s seat1 t:e >eteran <olitical =riters at t:e state ca<ital in
Austin s:oo; t:eir :eads" !us: :ad Ft=o crosses to bear - runnin9 as a Re<ublican and not
a nati>e TeEan?F Gfn 'H
T:e 8et:od t:at t:e sout:ern Re<ublicans de>ised to breac: t:is solid front =as t:e one
t:eoriAed 3ears later b3 Lee At=ater1 t:e 8ana9er of !us:7s 12// %residential ca8<ai9n?
T:is =as t:e tec:ni@ue of t:e F=ed9e issues1F so called <recisel3 because t:e3 =ere c:osen
to s<lit u< t:e old Ne= ,eal coalition usin9 t:e c:isels of ideolo93? T:e =ed9e issues are
also ;no=n as t:e F:ot-button social issues1F and t:e 8ost eE<losi>e a8on9 t:e8 :as
al=a3s tended to be race? T:e Re<ublicans could =in in t:e sout: b3 <ortra3in9 t:e
,e8ocratic %art3 :as <ro-blac;? At=ater :ad learned to be a cunnin9 and >icious
<ractitioner of t:e F=ed9e issueF 8et:od in t:e sc:ool of Stro8 T:ur8ond of Sout:
Carolina after t:e latter :ad s=itc:ed o>er to t:e Re<ublicans in t:e siEties? Racial
in>ecti>e1 anti-union de8a9o931 Bin9oistic c:au>inis81 t:e s8earin9 of o<<onents for t:eir
alle9ed fealt3 to Fs<ecial interestsF-- none of t:is be9an in t:e !a;er-At=ater effort of
12-/? T:ese =ere t:e stoc; in trade of t:e sout:ern strate931 and t:ese =ere all Leit8oti>s
of !us:7s 12-) effort a9ainst (arborou9:?
ro8 t:e >anta9e <oint of t:e <olice state conditions of t:e earl3 12257s1 =e can discern a
furt:er i8<lication of t:e sout:ern Re<ublican <roBect of =:ic: !us: =as in se>eral
8o8ents of t:e 12-57s a leadin9 o<erati>e? As t:e sout:ern GO% e8er9ed out of t:e <la3 of
9an9 and counter-9an9 bet=een McGo>ernite left liberal in>est8ent ban;ers and NiEon-
Rea9an ri9:t liberal in>est8ent ban;ers 0and !us: :as been bot:41 it 8ade <ossible t:at
Sout:ern Strate93 =:ic: elected NiEon in 12-/ and =:ic: :as 9i>en t:e Re<ublicans a
>irtual loc; on t:e electoral colle9e e>er since? T:e *ater9ate-Carter ano8al3 of 12.-
confir8s rat:er t:an alters t:is o>erall <icture?
T:e Sout:ern Strate93 t:at !us: turns out to :a>e been ser>in9 in t:e siEties =as not called
to t:e attention of t:e <ublic until so8e=:at after t:e 12-) election in =:ic: Gold=ater :ad
9arnered electoral >otes eEclusi>el3 in t:e sout:? As *illia8 Rus:er =rote in t:e National
Re>ie=" FT:e ,e8ocrats :ad for 3ears be9un eac: race =it: an assured batc: of dele9ates
fro8 t:e Sout:?F FT:e Re<ublican %art3 strate931F ar9ued Rus:er1 needs refi9urin91 9i>en a
c:ance to brea; into t:is bloc once denied t:e8????F His conclusion =as t:at FFRe<ublicans
can <ut t:e8sel>es in t:e <osition of :a>in9 t:e Sout:ern bloc as a startin9 :andica<C after
t:at1 t:e3 can co8<ete for t:e rest of t:e countr31 needin9 onl3 t:at +5 <er cent 8inus 0sa34
111 Gof t:e electoral colle9e >otesH?F ,oin9 all t:is1 Rus:er contended1 =ould allo=
Re<ublican %residential candidates to i9nore t:e F traditional centers of urban liberalis81F
es<eciall3 in t:e nort:east? Gfn )H T:ese ideas =ere furt:er refined in Ric:ard NiEon7s brain
trust1 <resided o>er b3 *all Street bond la=3er &o:n Mitc:ell at ))+ %ar; A>enue1 and
recei>ed t:eir definiti>e elaboration fro8 #e>in %:illi<s1 =:o in t:ose 3ears ad>anced t:e
t:esis t:at t:e F=:ole secret of <oliticsF is in F;no=in9 =:o :ates =:o1F =:ic: is of course
anot:er =a3 of s<ea;in9 of =ed9e issues?
T:e result of t:e successful a<<lication of t:e Sout:ern Strate93 in 12-/ and in t:e
follo=in9 3ears :as been a a <eriod of 8ore t:an t=o decades of one-<art3 Re<ublican
control o>er t:e EEecuti>e !ranc:1 of =:ic: Geor9e !us: <ersonall3 :as been t:e leadin9
beneficiar31 first t:rou9: :is 8ulti<le a<<oint8ents1 t:en t:rou9: t:e >ice- <residenc31 and
no= t:rou9: t:e <ossession of t:e *:ite House itself? T:is :as :ad t:e decisi>e structural
conse@uence of 8a;in9 <ossible t:e ;ind of continuous1 entrenc:ed bureaucratic <o=er t:at
=e see in t:e !us: re9i8e and its leadin9 functionaries? As =e =ill see1 suc: ad8inistrators
of t:e cor<orate state as &a8es !a;er and !rent Sco=croft1 for =:o8 t:e eEercise of
eEecuti>e <o=er :as lon9 since beco8e a =a3 of life1 a<<ear to t:e8sle>es and to ot:ers as
i88une to t:e <o<ular rec;onin9? T:e de8ocratic re<ublic re@uires t:e 8o8ent of
cat:arsis1 of t:ro=in9 t:e bu8s out1 if t:e arro9ance of t:e <o=erful is e>er to be
c:astened? If t:ere is no <ros<ect for t:e *:ite House c:an9in9 :ands1 t:is a8ounts to a
one- <art3 state? T:e sout:ern Re<ublican %art31 includin9 t=o- <art3 TeEas1 :as <ro>ided
t:e Re<ublican loc; on t:e *:ite House =:ic: :as <ro>en a 8i9:t3 sti8ulus to t:ose
tendencies to=ards aut:oritarian and e>en totalitarian rule =:ic: :a>e cul8inated in t:e
Ad8inistrati>e ascis8 of t:e current !us: re9i8e?
!us:7s o<<onent in t:at Gold=ater 3ear of 12-) =as Senator Ral<: *ebster (arborou9:?
(arborou9: :ad been born in C:andler1 TeEas in 125' as t:e se>ent: of ele>en c:ildren? He
attended <ublic sc:ools in C:andler and T3ler1 =or;ed on a far81 and =ent on to attend
Sa8 Houston State Teac:ers Colle9e and1 for one 3ear1 t:e US Militar3 Acade83 at *est
%oint? He =as a 8e8ber of t:e '-t: di>ision of t:e TeEas National Guard1 in =:ic: :e
ad>anced fro8 <ri>ate to ser9eant? After *orld *ar I :e =or;ed a <assa9e to Euro<e on
board a frei9:ter1 and found a Bob in Ger8an3 =or;in9 in t:e offices of t:e A8erican
C:a8ber of Co88erce in !erlin? He also <ursued studies in Stenda:l1 Ger8an3? He
returned to t:e United States to earn a la= de9ree at t:e Uni>ersit3 of TeEas in 12$.1 and
=or;ed as a la=3er in El %aso? At one <oint :e found a Bob as a :ar>est :and in t:e
O;la:o8a dust bo=l of t:e late 12$57s1 and also ser>ed a stint as a rou9:nec; in t:e oil
fields? (arborou9: entered <ublic ser>ice as an Assistant Attorne3 General of TeEas fro8
12'1 to 12')? After t:at1 :e =as a foundin9 director of t:e Lo=er Colorado Ri>er
Aut:orit31 a 8aBor =ater <roBect in central TeEas1 and =as t:en elected as a district Bud9e in
(arborou9: ser>ed in t:e US Ar83 9round forces durin9 *orld *ar II1 and =as a 8e8ber
of t:e onl3 di>ision =:ic: too; <art in t:e <ost=ar occu<ation of Ger8an3 as =ell as in
MacArt:ur7s ad8inistration of &a<an? *:en :e left t:e 8ilitar3 in 12)- :e :ad attained t:e
ran; of lieutenant colonel? It clear fro8 an o>er>ie= of (arborou9:7s career t:at :is
>ictories and defeats =ere essentiall3 :is o=n1 t:at for :i8 t:ere =as no %rescott !us: to
secure lines of credit or to <rocure i8<ortant <osts b3 tele<:one calls to bi9=i9s in
free8asonic net=or;s?
(arborou9: :ad c:allen9ed Allan S:i>ers in t:e 9o>ernor7s contest of 12+$1 and :ad 9one
do=n to defeat? Successi>e bids for t:e state :ouse in Austin b3 (arborou9: =ere turned
bac; in 12+) and 12+-? T:en1 =:en Senator 0and for8er 9o>ernor4 %rice ,aniel resi9ned
:is seat1 (arborou9: =as finall3 >ictorious in a s<ecial election? He :ad t:en been re-
elected to t:e Senate for a full ter8 in 12+/?
(arborou9: =as distin9uis:ed first of all for :is >otin9 record on ci>il ri9:ts? &ust 8ont:s
after :e :ad entered t:e Senate1 :e =as one of onl3 fi>e sout:ern senators 0includin9 L!&4
to >ote for t:e =aters:ed Ci>il Ri9:ts Act of 12+.? In 12-51 (arborou9: =as one of four
sout:ern senators- a9ain includin9 L!&- =:o cast >otes in fa>or of t:e Ci>il Ri9:ts Act of
12-5? (arborou9: =ould be t:e lone senator fro8 t:e ele>en states for8erl3 co8<osin9 t:e
Confederate States of A8erica to >ote for t:e 12-) ci>il ri9:ts bill1 t:e 8ost s=ee<in9 since
Reconstruction? T:is is t:e bill =:ic:1 as =e =ill see1 <ro>ided !us: =it: t:e a88unition
for one of t:e <rinci<al t:e8es of :is 12-) election attac;s? Later1 (arborou9: =ould be
one of onl3 t:ree sout:ern senators su<<ortin9 t:e 6otin9 Ri9:ts Act of 12-+1 and one of
four su<<ortin9 t:e 12-/ o<en :ousin9 bill? Gfn +H
After (arborou9: :ad left t:e Senate1 :is bitter ene8ies at t:e ,allas Mornin9 Ne=s felt
obli9ed to concede t:at F:is na8e is <robabl3 attac:ed to 8ore le9islation t:an t:at of an3
ot:er senator in TeEas :istor3?F (arborou9: :ad beco8e t:e c:air8an of t:e Senate
Co88ittee on Labor and %ublic *elfare? Here :is lodestar =as infrastructure1 infrastructure
in t:e for8 of education and infrastructure in t:e for8 of <:3sical i8<ro>e8ents?
In education1 (arborou9: =as eit:er t:e aut:or or a leadin9 su<<orter of >irtuall3 e>er3
i8<ortant <iece of le9islation to beco8e la= bet=een 12+/ and 12.11 includin9 so8e nine
8aBor bills? As a fres:8an senator1 (arborou9: =as t:e co-aut:or of t:e National ,efense
Education Act of 12+/1 =:ic: =as t:e basis for federal aid to education1 <articularl3 to
:i9:er education?
Under t:e <ro>isions of N,EA1 a @uarter of a 8illion students =ere at an3 9i>en ti8e
enabled to <ursue under9raduate trainin9 =it: lo=-cost loans and ot:er benefits? or
9raduate students1 t:ere =ere t:ree-3ear fello=s:i<s t:at <aid tuition and fees <lus 9rants
for li>in9 eE<enses in t:e a8ount of I$$551 I$)551 and I$-55 o>er t:e t:ree 3ears--an
a8<le su8 in t:ose da3s? (arborou9: also s<onsored bills for 8edical education1 colle9e
classroo8 construction1 >ocational education1 aid to t:e 8entall3 retarded1 and librar3
facilities? (arborou9:7s !ilin9ual Education !ill <ro>ided s<ecial federal fundin9 for
sc:ools =it: lar9e nu8bers of students fro8 non-En9lis: s<ea;in9 bac;9rounds? So8e of
t:ese <oints =ere outlined b3 (arborou9: durin9 a ca8<ai9n s<eec: of Se<te8ber 1/1
12-)1 =it: t:e title FHi9:er Education as it relates to our national <ur<ose?F
As c:air8an of t:e >eterans7 subco88ittee1 (arborou9: aut:ored t:e Cold *ar GI !ill of
Ri9:ts1 =:ic: sou9:t to eEtend t:e benefits accorded >eterans of *orld *ar II and #orea1
and =:ic: =as to a<<l3 to ser>ice8en on dut3 bet=een &anuar31 12++ and &ul3 11 12-+? or
t:ese >eterans (arborou9: <ro<osed readBust8ent assistance1 educational and >ocational
trainin91 and loan assistance to allo= >eterans to <urc:ase :o8es and far8s at a 8aEi8u8
interest rate of +?$+R <er annu8? T:is bill =as finall3 <assed after 3ears of do99ed effort
b3 (arborou9: a9ainst t:e o<<osition of %residents Eisen:o=er1 #enned31 and &o:nson?
(arborou9: =as instru8ental in obtainin9 a fi>e 3ear eEtension of t:e Hill- !urton act1
=:ic: <ro>ided )1555 additional beds in 6eterans Ad8inistration Hos<itals? In <:3sical
i8<ro>e8ents1 (arborou9: su<<orted a<<ro<riations for coastal na>i9ation? He fou9:t for
I$2 8illion for t:e Rural Electrification Ad8inistration for counties in t:e Cor<us C:risti
area alone? In ele>en counties in t:at <art of TeEas1 (arborou9: :ad :el<ed obtain federal
9rants for I)?+ 8illion and loans of I?-) 8illion under t:e #enned3 Ad8inistration
accelerated <ublic =or;s <roBects <ro9ra8 to <ro>ide clean =ater and se=ers for to=ns and
cities t:at could not ot:er=ise afford t:e8? Concernin9 :is co88itt8ent to t:is t3<e of
infrastructure1 (arborou9: co88ented to a dinner in Cor<us C:risti" FT:ese are t:e
<roBects1 alon9 =it: t:e s:i< c:annels1 da8s and reser>oirs1 =ater researc: <ro9ra8s1
:urricane and flood control <ro9ra8s t:at brin9 dele9ations of cit3 officials1 8e8bers of
count3 court1 8e8bers of ri>er and =aters:ed aut:orities1 co-o< dele9ations1 into 83 office
literall3 b3 t:e t:ousands 3ear after 3ear for aid1 =:ic: is al=a3s 9i>en1 ne>er refused?F
(arborou9: =ent on" F*:ile our efforts and ac:ie>e8ents are lar9el3 un<ubliciAed???t:ere
is satisfaction be3ond acclai8 =:en a s8all to=n =it:out a =ater s3ste8 is enabled to
<ro>ide its <eo<le for t:e first ti8e =it: =ater and se=era9e???=:en t:e course of a ri>er is
s:ored u< a little to sa>e a far8er7s cro<s1 =:en a free=a3 o<ens u< ne= a>enues of
co88erce?F Gfn -H In t:e area of oil <olic31 al=a3s >ital in TeEas1 (arborou9: strained to
9i>e t:e industr3 e>er3t:in9 it could reasonabl3 eE<ect1 and 8ore? ,es<ite t:is1 :e =as
i8<lacabl3 :ated b3 8an3 business circles? In s:ort1 Ral<: (arborou9: :ad a real
co88itt8ent to racial and econo8ic Bustice1 and =as1 all in all1 a8on9 t:e best t:at t:e
<ost-Ne= ,eal ,e8ocratic %art3 :ad to offer? Certainl3 t:ere =ere =ea;nesses" one of t:e
<rinci<al ones =as to >eer in t:e direction of en>iron8entalis8? Here (arborou9: =as t:e
<ri8e 8o>er be:ind t:e Endan9ered S<ecies Act?
!us: 8o>ed to Houston in 12+21 brin9in9 t:e cor<orate :ead@uarters of Ja<ata Offs:ore
=it: :i8? Houston =as b3 far t:e bi99est cit3 in TeEas1 a center of t:e cor<orate
bureaucracies of fir8s doin9 business in t:e oil <atc:? T:ere =as also t:e !a;er and !otts
la= fir81 =:ic: =ould function in effect as <art of t:e !us: fa8il3 net=or;1 since !a;er
and !otts =ere t:e la=3ers =:o :ad been :andlin9 t:e affiars of t:e Harri8an railroad
interests in t:e sout:=est? One <ro8inent la=3er in Houston at t:e ti8e =as &a8es !a;er
III1 a scion of t:e fa8il3 ens:rined in t:e !a;er and !otts na8e1 but :i8self a <artner in
anot:er fir8 because of t:e so-called anti- ne<otis8 rule t:at <re>ented t:e c:ildren of
!a;er and !otts <artners fro8 Boinin9 t:e fir8 t:e8sel>es? Soon !us: =ould be :ob-
nobbin9 =it: !a;er and ot:er re<resentati>es of t:e Houston oli9arc:31 of t:e Hobb3 and
Cullen fa8ilies1 at t:e %etroleu8 Club and at 9arden <arties in t:e :ot1 :u8id1 subtro<ical
su88ers? Geor9e1 !arbara and t:eir c:ildren 8o>ed into a ne= :o8e on !riar ,ri>e?
Less t:an an :our7s dri>e b3 car sout: of Houston lies Gal>eston1 a <ort on t:e Gulf of
MeEico? Houston itself is connected to t:e Gulf b3 a s:i< c:annel =:ic: :as <er8itted t:e
cit3 to beca8e a lar9e <ort in its o=n ri9:t? !e3ond Gal>eston t:ere =as t:e Gulf1 and
be3ond t:e Gulf t:e Greater Antilles =it: Cuba set in t:e 8iddle of t:e arc:i<ela9o1 and
be3ond Cuba Guate8ala1 Nicara9ua1 Granada1 tar9ets of filibusterers old and ne=?
!efore lon91 !us: beca8e acti>e in t:e Harris Count3 Re<ublican %art31 =:ic: =as in t:e
<rocess of beco8in9 one of t:e GO% stron9<oints in t:e state=ide a<<aratus t:en bein9
asse8bled b3 %eter O7,onnell1 t:e Re<ublican state c:air8an1 and :is associate T:ad
Hutc:eson? !3 no= Geor9e !us: =as a 8illionaire in :is o=n ri9:t1 and 9i>en :is
i8<eccable *all Street connections it =as not sur<risin9 to find :i8 on t:e Harris Count3
GO% finance co88ittee1 a function t:at :e :ad underta;en in Midland for t:e Eisen:o=er-
NiEon tic;ets in 12+$ and 12+-? He =as also a 8e8ber of t:e candidates co88ittee?
In 12-$ t:e ,e8ocrats =ere <re<arin9 to no8inate &o:n Connall3 for 9o>ernor1 and t:e
TeEas GO% under O7,onnell =as able to 8ount a 8ore for8idable bid t:an <re>iousl3 for
t:e state :ouse in Austin? T:e Re<ublican candidate =as &ac; CoE1 a <art3 acti>ist =it: a
ri9:t-=in9 <rofile? !us: a9reed to ser>e as t:e Harris Count3 co-c:air8an of t:e &ac; CoE
for Go>ernor finance co88ittee? In t:e 9ubernatorial election of 12-$1 CoE recei>ed
.151555 >otes1 a sur<risin9l3 lar9e result? Connall3 =on t:e 9o>ernors:i<1 and it =as in t:at
ca<acit3 t:at :e =as <resent in t:e #enned3 8otorcade in ,allas on No>e8ber $$1 12-'?
,urin9 t:ese 3ears1 a si9nificant influence =as eEercised in t:e TeEas GO% b3 t:e &o:n
!irc: Societ31 =:ic: :ad 9ro=n u< durin9 t:e 12+57s t:rou9: t:e leaders:i< and financin9
of Robert *elc:? *ater for t:e !irc: 8ill =as abundantl3 <ro>ided b3 t:e liberal
Re<ublicanis8 of t:e Eisen:o=er ad8inistration1 =it: counted %rescott !us:1 Nelson
Roc;efeller1 Gordon Gra31 and Robert #eit: Gra3 a8on9 its 8ost infleuntial fi9ures? In
reaction a9ainst t:is *all Street liberalis81 t:e !irc:ers offered an ideolo93 of i8<otent
ne9ati>e <rotest based on self-ri9:teous c:au>inis8 in forei9n affairs and t:e 83stifications
of t:e free 8ar;et at :o8e? !ut t:e3 =ere :i9:l3 sus<icious of t:e financier cli@ues of
lo=er Man:attan1 and to t:at eEtent t:e3 :ad Geor9e !us:7s nu8ber?
!us: is still co8<lainin9 about t:e indi9nities :e suffered at t:e :ands of t:ese !irc:ers1
=it: =:o8 :e =as strainin9 to :a>e as 8uc: as <ossible in co88on? !ut :e 8et =it:
re<eated frustration1 because :is Eastern Liberal Establis:8ent <edi9ree =as al=a3s t:ere?
In :is ca8<ai9n autobio9ra<:31 !us: la8ents t:at 8an3 TeEans t:ou9:t t:at Redboo;
Ma9aAine1 <ublis:ed b3 :is fat:er-in-la= Mar>in %ierce of t:e McCall Co<oration1 =as an
official <ublication of t:e Co88unist %art3?
!us: recounts a ca8<ai9n tri< =it: :is aide Ro3 Goodearle to t:e TeEas <an:andle1 durin9
=:ic: :e =as =or;in9 a cro=d at one of :is t3<ical free food1 free beer F<olitical
barbecues?F !us: 9a>e one of :is <al8 cards to a 8an =:o conceded t:at :e :ad :eard of
!us:1 but @uic;l3 added t:at :e could ne>er su<<ort :i8? !us: t:ou9:t t:is =as because :e
=as runnin9 as a Re<ublican? F!ut1F G!us:H t:en realiAed1 F83 bein9 a Re<ublican =asn7t
t:e t:in9 bot:erin9 t:e 9u3? It =as so8et:in9 =orse t:an t:at?F !us:7s interlocutor =as
u<set o>er t:e fact t:at Ja<ata Offs:ore :ad eastern in>estors? *:en !us: =:ined t:at all
oil co8<anies :ad eastern in>estors1 for suc: =as t:e nature of t:e business1 :is tor8entor
<ointed out t:at one of !us:7s 8ain ca8<ai9n contributors1 a <ro8inent Houston attorne31
=as not Bust a Fsonofabitc:1F but also a 8e8ber of t:e Ne= (or; Council on orei9n
!us: eE<lains1 =it: t:e =:ine in :is lar3nE in o>erdri>e" FT:e lesson =as t:at in t:e 8inds
of so8e >oters t:e Council on orei9n Relations =as not:in9 8ore t:an a One *orld tool
of t:e Co88unist-*all Street internationalist cons<irac31 and to 8a;e 8atters =orse1 t:e
Houston la=3er :ad also =or;ed for %resident Eisen:o=er-- a ;no=n tool of t:e
Co88unists1 in t:e e3es of so8e &o:n !irc: 8e8bers?F urt:er elucidation is t:en added
in a footnote" FA decade and a :alf later1 runnin9 for %resident1 I ran into so8e of t:e sa8e
<olitical t3<es on t:e ca8<ai9n trail? !3 t:en1 t:e37d unco>ered an international cons<irac3
e>en 8ore sinister t:an t:e Council on orei9n Relations-- t:e Trilateral Co88ission1 a
9rou< t:at %resident Rea9an recei>ed at t:e *:ite House in 12/1?F T:is1=:ic: included t:e
eE<osure of !us:7s 8e8bers:i< not Bust in ,a>id Roc;efeller7s Trilateral1 but also in S;ull
and !ones1 about =:ic: !us: al=a3s refuses to co88ent? *:en Ronald Rea9an and ot:er
candidates too; u< t:is issue1 !us: ended u< loosin9 t:e Ne= Ha8<s:ire <ri8ar3 and =it:
it :is best :o<e of ca<turin9 t:e %residenc3 in 12/5? !us:1 in s:ort1 :as been a=are since
t:e earl3 siEties t:at serious attention to :is oli9arc:ical <edi9ree causes :i8 to lose
elections? His res<onse :as been to see; to declare t:ese >er3 rele>ant 8atters off li8its1
and to order dirt3 tric;s and co>ert o<erations a9ainst t:ose =:o <ersist in 8a;in9 t:is an
issue? Gfn .H
%art of t:e influence of t:e !irc: Societ3 in t:ose da3s =as due to t:e su<<ort and
financin9 afforded b3 t:e Hunt d3nast3 of ,allas? In <articular1 t:e fabulousl3 =ealt:3
oil8an H?L? Hunt1 one of t:e ric:est 8en in t:e =orld1 =as an a>id s<onsor of ri9:t=in9
<ro<a9anda =:ic: :e <ut out under t:e na8e of LIE LINE? On at least one occasion Hunt
called !us: to ,allas for a 8eetin9 durin9 one of t:e latter7s TeEas <olitical ca8<ai9ns?
FT:ere7s so8et:in9 I7d li;e to 9i>e 3ou1F Hunt told !us:? !us: a<<eared =it: re8ar;able
alacrit31 and Hunt en9a9ed :i8 in a lon9 con>ersation about 8an3 t:in9s1 but 8entioned
neit:er <olitics nor 8one3? inall31 as !us: =as 9ettin9 read3 to lea>e1 Hunt :anded :i8 a
t:ic; bro=n en>elo<e? !us: ea9erl3 o<ened t:e en>elo<e in t:e fir8 eE<ectation t:at it
=ould contain a lar9e su8 in cas:? *:at :e found instead =as a t:ic; =ad of LIE LINE
literature for :is ideolo9ical refor8ation? Gfn /H
It =as in t:is conteEt t:at Geor9e !us:1 8ediocre oil8an1 fortified b3 :is *all Street and
S;ull and !ones connections1 but =it: al8ost no >isible @ualifications1 and scarcel3 ;no=n
in TeEas outside of Odessa1 Midland1 and Houston1 decided t:at :e :ad attained senatorial
caliber? In t:e Ro8an E8<ire1 8e8bers:i< in t:e Senate =as an :ereditar3 attribute of
<atrician fa8il3 ran;? %rescott !us: :ad left t:e Senate in earl3 &anuar3 of 12-'? !efore t:e
3ear =as out1 Geor9e !us: =ould 8a;e :is clai8? As Senator (arborou9: later
co88ented1 it =ould turn out to be an act of ter8erit3?
,urin9 t:e s<rin9 of 12-' !us: set about asse8blin9 an institutional base for :is ca8<ai9n?
T:e c:osen >e:icle =ould be t:e Re<ublican c:air8ans:i< of Harris Count31 t:e area
around Houston1 a bul=ar; of t:e TeEas GO%? !us: :ad been <artici<atin9 in t:e Harris
Count3 or9aniAation since 12-5?
One Sunda3 8ornin9 !us: in>ited so8e count3 Re<ublican acti>ists to :is :o8e on !riar
,ri>e? %resent =ere Ro3 Goodearle1 a 3oun9 inde<endent oil 8an =:o1 before !arbara
!us: a<<ro<riated it1 =as 9i>en t:e nic;na8e of Ft:e Sil>er oEF in t:e *as:in9ton scene?
Also <resent =ere &ac; Steel1 To8 and Nanc3 T:a=le31 and so8e ot:ers?
Goodearle1 <resu8abl3 actin9 as t:e la=3er for t:e !us: faction1 addressed t:e 8eetin9 on
t:e dan9ers <osed b3 t:e sectarians of t:e &o:n !irc: Societ3 to t:e <ros<ects of t:e GO% in
Houston and else=:ere? O>er lunc: <re<ared b3 !arbara !us:1 Goodearle outlined t:e
tactical situation in t:e Harris Count3 or9aniAation" a !irc:ite faction under t:e leaders:i<
of state senator *alter Men9don1 alt:ou9: still a 8inorit31 =as e8er9in9 as a <o=erful
inner-<art3 o<<osition a9ainst t:e liberals and 8oderates? In t:e last >ote for GO% count3
leader1 t:e !irc: candidate :ad been narro=l3 defeated? No=1 after t:ree 3ears in office1 t:e
8ore 8oderate count3 c:air8an1 &a8es A? !ertron1 =ould announce on ebruar3 /1 12-'
t:at :e could no lon9er ser>e as c:air8an of t:e Harris Count3 Re<ublican EEecuti>e
Co88ittee? His resi9nation1 :e =ould state1 =as Fnecessitated b3 ne9lect of 83 <ersonal
business due to 83 <olitical acti>ities?F Gfn 2H T:is =as doubtless >er3 con>enient in t:e
li9:t of =:at !us: :ad been <lannin9?
!ertron =as @uittin9 to 8o>e to lorida? In 12-11 !ertron :ad been attendin9 a Re<ublican
fundraisin9 9at:erin9 in *as:in9ton ,C1 =:en :e =as accosted b3 none ot:er t:an Senator
%rescott !us:? !us: too; !ertron aside and de8anded" F&i8831 =:en are 3ou 9oin9 to 9et
Geor9e in>ol>edDF FSenator1 I78 tr3in91F !etron re<lied1 e>identl3 =it: so8e >eEation?
F*e7re all tr3in9?F Gfn 15H In 12-1 or at an3 ot:er ti8e it is doubtful t:at Geor9e !us: could
:a>e found :is =a3 to t:e 8en7s roo8 =it:out t:e :el< of a <aid infor8ant sent b3 Senator
%rescott !us:?
Goodearle =ent on to tell t:e asse8bled Re<ublicans t:at unless a Fstron9 candidateF no=
entered t:e race1 a !irc:er =as li;el3 to =in t:e <ost of count3 c:air8an? !ut in order to
defeat t:e =ell-or9aniAed and Aealous !irc:ers1 said Goodearle1 an anti-!irc:er =ould :a>e
to underta;e a 9ruelin9 ca8<ai9n1 tourin9 t:e count3 and 8a;in9 s<eec:es to t:e
Re<ublican fait:ful e>er3 ni9:t for se>eral =ee;s? T:en1 under t:e ur9in9 of Goodearle1 t:e
asse8bled 9rou< turned to !us:" could :e be <re>ailed on to <ut :is :at in t:e rin9D !us:1
b3 :is o=n account1 needed no ti8e to t:in; it o>er1 and acce<ted on t:e s<ot?
*it: t:at1 Geor9e and !arbara =ere on t:e road in t:eir first ca8<ai9n in =:at !us: later
called Fanot:er a<<rentices:i<?F *:ile !arbara busied :erself =it: needle<oint in order to
sta3 a=a;e t:rou9: a s<eec: s:e :ad :eard re<eatedl31 Geor9e c:urned out a <itc: on t:e
>irtues of t:e t=o-<art3 s3ste8 and t:e ad>anta9es of :a>in9 a Re<ublican alternati>e to t:e
entrenc:ed Houston establis:8ent? In effect1 :is <latfor8 =as t:e Sout:ern Strate93 a>ant
la lettre? Local obser>ers soon noticed t:at !arbara !us: =as able to 9ain acce<tance as a
ca8<ai9n co8rade for Re<ublican >olunteers1 in addition ot bein9 estee8ed as t:e =ealt:3
candidate7s =ife?
*:en t:e >ote for count3 c:air8an ca8e1 t:e candidate o<<osin9 !us:1 Russell %rior1
<ulled out of t:e race for reasons t:at :a>e not been satisfactoril3 eE<lained1 t:us
<er8ittin9 !us: to be elected unani8ousl3 b3 t:e eEecuti>e co88ittee? Hencefort:1
=innin9 uno<<osed :as been !us:7s taste in elections" t:is is :o= :e =as returned to t:e
House for :is second ter8 in 12-/1 and !us: <ro<a9andists flirted =it: a si8ilar a<<roac:
to t:e 122$ <residential contest?
At t:e ti8e of :is election1 '/-3ear old Geor9e =as not eEactl3 a :ouse:old =ord1 not e>en
in Houston? In announcin9 :is >ictor31 t:e Houston C:ronicle <rinted t:e <icture of a totall3
different <erson1 ca<tioned as FGeor9e !us:1F t:e 8an =:o =anted to F:one t:e <art3 to a
fine ed9e for t:e i8<ortant Bob a:ead in 12-)F--t:at is to sa31 for t:e Gold=ater for
%resident ca8<ai9n? Gfn 11H As c:air8an1 !us: =as free to a<<oint t:e officers of t:e
count3 GO%? So8e of t:ese c:oices are not =it:out rele>ance for t:e future course of =orld
:istor3? or t:e <ost of <art3 counsel1 !us: a<<ointed *illia8 !? Cassin of !a;er and
!otts1 S:e<:erd and Coates la= fir8? or :is assistant count3 c:air8en1 !us: ta<<ed
Ant:on3 arris1 Gene Cross8an1 Ro3 Goodearle1 and for eEecuti>e director1 *illia8 R?
Si88ons? Not to be o>erlooo;ed is t:e c:oice of Ant:on3 &?%? FTou9: Ton3F arris? He :ad
been a Marine 9unner aboard di>e bo8bers and tor<edo bo8bers durin9 t:e =ar1 and :ad
later 9raduated fro8 t:e Uni>ersit3 of Houston La= Sc:ool1 subse@uentl3 settin9 u< a
9eneral la= <ractice in t:e Sterlin9 !uildin9 in do=nto=n Houston? T:e F%F stood for
%ereA1 and arris =as a =:eel:orse in t:e MeEican-A8erican co88unit3 =it: t:e FA8i9os
for !us:F in a nu8ber of ca8<ai9ns? arris =as an unsuccessful Con9ressional candidate1
but =as later re=arded b3 t:e NiEon ad8inistration =it: t:e <ost of United States Attorne3
in Houston? T:en arris =as elected to t:e Harris Count3 benc: in 12/5? *:en Geor9e
!us:7s for8er business <artner and constant cron31 &? Hu9: Liedt;e of %ennAoil1 sued
TeEaco for da8a9es in t:e celebrated Gett3 Oil case of 12/+1 it =as &ud9e Tou9: Ton3
arris =:o <resided o>er 8ost of t:e trial and 8ade t:e ;e3 rulin9s on t:e =a3 to t:e
9rantin9 of t:e bi99est da8a9e a=ard in :istor31 an unbelie>able I 1111$512.-1115?/'1 all
for t:e benefit of !us:7s 9ood friend &? Hu9: Liedt;e? Gfn 1$H
On Marc: $11 !us: told t:e Houston C:ronicle t:at t:e Harris Count3 GO% is
Fconser>ati>e1F and not FeEtre8ist"F FT:e Re<ublican <art3 in t:e <ast -- and so8eti8es
=it: Bustification-- :as been connected in t:e 8ind of t:e <ublic =it: eEtre8is81F said
!us:? F*e7re not1 or at least 8ost of us are not1 eEtre8ists? *e7re Bust res<onsible <eo<le?F
!us: <led9ed t:at :is 8essa9e =ould be t:e sa8e all o>er t:e count31 and t:at :e =ould
Fsa3 t:e sa8e t:in9s in Ri>er Oa;s as in t:e East End1 or in %asadena?F
At t:e sa8e ti8e t:at :e =as in>ei9:in9 a9ainst eEtre8is81 !us: =as dra9oonin9 :is <art3
a<<aratus to 8ount t:e Houston ,raft Gold=ater dri>e T:e 9oal of t:is effort =as to
<rocure 1551555 si9natures for Gold=ater1 =it: eac: si9ner also <lun;in9 do=n a dollar to
fill t:e GO% coffers? FAn eEcellent =a3 for t:ose =:o su<<ort Gold=ater-li;e 8e- to 8a;e
it ;no=n1F o<ined C:air8an Geor9e? !us: fostered a <artisan --one 8i9:t sa3 >indicti>e--
8ood at t:e count3 GO% :ead@uarters" t:e Houston C:ronicle of &une -1 12-' re<orts t:at
GO% acti>ists =ere a8usin9 t:e8sel>es b3 tossin9 darts at a balloons sus<ended in front of
a <:oto9ra<: of %resident &o:nson? !us: told t:e C:ronicle" FI sa= t:e incident and it did
not offend 8e? It =as Bust a 9a9?F
!ut !us:7s <ro-Gold=ater efforts =ere not uni>ersall3 a<<reciated? In earl3 &ul3 Crai9
%e<er1 t:e current c:air8an of t:e <art3 finance co88ittee1 stood u< in a <art3 9at:erin9
and attac;ed t:e leaders of t:e ,raft Gold=ater 8o>e8ent1 includin9 !us: as Fri9:t =in9
eEtre8ists?F !us: :ad not been <ur9in9 an3 !irc:ers1 but :e =as not =illin9 to <er8it suc:
attac;s fro8 :is left? !us: accordin9l3 <ur9ed %e<er1 de8andin9 :is resi9nation after a <ro-
Gold=ater 8eetin9 at =:ic: !us: :ad boasted t:at :e =as F155R for t:e draft Gold=ater
A fe= =ee;s after oustin9 %e<er1 !us: contributed one of :is first <ublic <olitical
state8ents as an o< ed in t:e Houston C:ronicle of $/ &ul3 12-'? Concernin9 :e recent
or9aniAational <roble8s1 :e =:ined t:at t:e count3 or9aniAation =as Fafflicted =it: so8e
dr3-8artini critics =:o tal; and don7t =or;?F T:en1 in confor8it3 =it: :is fa8il3 doctrine
and :is o=n do8inant obsession1 !us: turned to t:e issue of race? As a conser>ati>e1 :e :ad
to la8ent t:at fact t:at FNe9roesF Ft:in; t:at conser>atis8 8eans se9re9ation?F Not:in9
could be furt:er fro8 t:e trut:? T:is =as rat:er t:e result of slanderous <ro<a9anda =:ic:
Re<ublican <ublic relations 8en :ad not sufficientl3 refuted" First1 t:e3 atte8<t to <resent
us as racists? T:e Re<ublican <art3 of Harris Count3 is not a racist <art3? *e :a>e not
<resented our stor3 to t:e Ne9roes in t:e count3? Our failure to attract t:e Ne9ro >oter :as
not been because of a racist <:iloso<:3C rat:er1 it :as been a <roduct of our not :a>in9 :ad
t:e or9aniAation to tac;le all <arts of t:e countr3?F *:at t:en =as t:e GO% line on t:e race
@uestionD F*e belie>e in t:e basic <re8iss t:at t:e indi>idual Ne9ro surrenders t:e >er3
di9nit3 and freedo8 :e is stru99lin9 for =:en :e acce<t 8one3 for :is >ote or =:en :e
9oes alon9 =it: t:e bloc; >ote dictates of so8e ,e8ocratic boss =:o couldn7t care less
about t:e @ualit3 of t:e candidates :e is <us:in9?F So t:e GO% =ould tr3 to se<arate t:e
blac; >oter fro8 t:e ,e8ocrats? !us: conceded" F*e :a>e a tou9: ro= to :oe :ere?F
After t:ese <ronounce8ents on race1 !us: t:en =ant on to t:e trade union front?
(arborou9:7s labor bac;in9 =as eEceedin9l3 stron91 and !us: lost no ti8e in assailin9 t:e
state AL-CIO and its Co88ittee on %olitical Education 0CO%E4 for 9earin9 u< to :el<
(arborou9: in :is race? or !us: t:is 8eant t:at t:e AL-CIO =as not su<<ortin9 t:e Ft=o
-<art3 s3ste8?F FA stron9 <itc: is bein9 8ade to dun t:e GunionH 8e8bers:i< to :el< elect
(arborou9:F-- :e c:ar9ed -- Flon9 before (arborou9:7s o<<onent is e>en ;no=n?F
!us: also s<o;e out durin9 t:is <eriod on forei9n affairs1 He de8anded t:at %resident
#enned3 F8uster t:e coura9eF to underta;e a ne= attac; on Cuba? Gfn 1'H
!efore announcin9 :is bid for t:e senate1 !us: decided to ta;e out =:at =ould a<<ear in
retros<ect to be a >er3 i8<ortant insurance <olic3 for :is future <olitical career? On A<ril
$$1 !us:1 =it: t:e su<<ort of Re<ublican state c:air8an %eter O7,onnell1 filed a suit in
federal court callin9 for t:e rea<<ortion8ent of t:e Con9ressional districts in t:e Houston
area? T:e suit ar9ued t:at t:e urban >oters of Harris Count3 =ere bein9 <artiall3
disenfranc:ised b3 a s3ste8 t:at fa>ored rural >oters and de8anded as a re8ed3 t:at a ne=
Con9ressional district be dra=n in t:e area? FT:is is not a <artisan 8atter1F co88ented t:e
ci>ic-8inded !us:? FT:is is so8et:in9 of concern to all Harris Count3 citiAens?F !us:
=ould later =in t:is suit1 and t:at =ould lead to a court-ordered redistrictin9 =:ic: =ould
create t:e Se>ent: Con9ressional ,istrict1 <ri8aril3 out of t:ose <recincts =:ic: !us: :ad
8ana9ed to carr3 in t:e 12-) Senate race? *as t:is t:e in>isible :and of S;ull and !onesD
T:is =ould also 8ean t:at t:ere =ould be no entrenc:ed incu8bent1 no incu8bent of an3
;ind1 in t:at Se>ent: ,istrict =:en !us: 9ot around to 8a;in9 :is bid t:ere in 12--? !ut
for no=1 t:is =as all still in t:e future?
On Se<te8ber 151 12-' !us: announced :is ca8<ai9n for t:e US Senate? He =as full3
endorsed b3 t:e state Re<ublican or9aniAation and its c:air8an1 %eter O7,onnell1 =:o
accordin9 to so8e accounts :ad encoura9ed !us: to run? !3 ,ece8ber + !us: :ad furt:er
announced t:at :e =as <lannin9 to ste< do=n as Harris Count3 c:air8an and de>ote
:i8self to full-ti8e state-=ide ca8<ai9nin9 startin9 earl3 in 12-)? At t:is <oint1 !us:7s
fore8ost strate9ic concern a<<ears to :a>e been 8one3--bi9 8one3? On October 121 t:e
Houston C:ronicle carried :is co88ent t:at oustin9 (arborou9: =ould re@uire nearl3 I$
8illion Fif 3ou =ant to do it ri9:t?F Muc: of t:is =ould 9o to t:e !ro=n and Sn3der
ad>ertisin9 a9enc3 in Houston for tele>ision and billboards? In 12-'1 t:is =as a
considerable su81 but !us:7s cron3 C? red C:a8bers1 also an oil8an1 =as co88itted to
raisin9 it? ,urin9 t:ese 3ears C:a8bers a<<ears to :a>e been one of !us:7s closest friends1
and :e recei>ed t:e ulti8ate a<ot:eosis of :a>in9 one of t:e !us: fa8il3 do9s na8ed in :is
:onor? Gfn 1)H
It is i8<ossible to establis: in retros<ect :o= 8uc: !us: s<ent in t:is ca8<ai9n? State
ca8<ai9n finance filin9s do eEist1 but t:e3 are fra98entar3 and 9rossl3 underesti8ate t:e
8one3 t:at =as actuall3 co88itted?
In ter8s of t:e tradeoffs of t:e ca8<ai9n1 !us: and :is :andlers =ere confronted =it: t:e
follo=in9 confi9uration" t:ere =ere t:ree co8<etitors for t:e Re<ublican senatorial
no8ination? T:e 8ost for8idable co8<etition ca8e fro8 &ac; CoE1 t:e Houston oil8an
=:o :ad run for 9o>ernor a9ainst Connall3 in 12-$1 and =:ose state=ide reco9nition =as
8uc: :i9:er t:an !us:7s? CoE =ould <osition :i8self to t:e ri9:t of !us: and =:o =ould
recei>e t:e endorse8ent of General Ed=in *al;er1 =:o :ad been forced to resi9n :is
infantr3 co88and in Ger8an3 because of :is radical s<eec:es to t:e troo<s? A for8er
,e8ocrat1 CoE =as re<orted to :a>e financial bac;in9 fro8 t:e Hunts of ,allas? CoE
ca8<ai9ned a9ainst 8edicare1 federal aid to education1 t:e =ar on <o>ert31 and t:e loss of
US so>erei9nt3 to t:e UN?
Co8<etin9 =it: CoE =as ,r? Milton ,a>is1 a t:oracic sur9eon fro8 ,allas =:o =as
eE<ected to be t:e =ea;est candidate but =:ose <ositions =ere <er:a<s t:e 8ost
distincti>e" Morris =as for Fno treaties =it: Russia1F t:e re<eal of t:e federal inco8e taE1
and t:e Fsellin9 off of eEcess 9o>ern8ent industrial <ro<ert3 suc: as T6A and REAF-- =:at
t:e Rea9an-!us: ad8inistrations =ould later call <ri>atiAation?
Co8<etin9 =it: !us: for t:e less 8ilitant conser>ati>es =as ,allas la=3er Robert Morris1
=:o reco88ended de<ri>in9 t:e US Su<re8e Court of a<<ellate Burisdiction in sc:ool
<ra3er cases? Gfn 1+H In order to a>oid a :u8iliatin9 second-round runoff in t:e <ri8ar31
!us: =ould need to score an absolute 8aBorit3 t:e first ti8e around? To do t:at :e =ould
:a>e to first co8<ete =it: CoE on a ri9:t-=in9 terrain1 and t:en 8o>e to t:e center after t:e
<ri8ar3 in order to ta;e >otes fro8 (arborou9: t:ere?
!ut t:ere =as also <ri8ar3 co8<etition on t:e ,e8ocratic side for (arborou9:? T:is =as
Gordon McLendon1 t:e o=ner of a radio net=or;1 t:e Libert3 !roadcastin9 S3ste81 t:at
=as loaded =it: debt? Libert3 !roadcastin97s to< creditor =as Houston ban;er Ro3 Cullen1
a !us: cron3? Ro3 Cullen7s na8e a<<ears1 for eEa8<le1 alon9 =it: suc: died-in - t:e =ool
!us:8en as *?S? arris: III1 &a8es A? !a;er III1 C? red C:a8bers1 Robert Mosbac:er1
*illia8 C? Liedt;e1 &r?1 &ose<: R? Neu:aus1 and *illia8 !? Cassin in a !us: ca8<ai9n ad
in t:e Houston C:ronicle of late A<ril1 12-)? *:en McLendon finall3 =ent ban;ru<t1 it
=as found t:at :e o=ed Ro3 Cullen 8ore t:an a 8illion dollars? So <er:a<s it is not
sur<risin9 t:at McLendon7s ca8<ai9n functioned as an auEiliar3 to !us:7s o=n efforts?
McLendon s<ecialiAed in s8earin9 (arborou9: =it: t:e !illie Sol Estes issue1 and it =as to
t:is t:at McLendon de>oted 8ost of :is s<ea;in9 ti8e and 8edia bud9et?
!illie Sol Estes in t:ose da3s =as notorious for :is con>iction for defraudin9 t:e US
9o>ern8ent of lar9e su8s of 8one3 in a sca8 in>ol>in9 t:e stora9e of c:e8icals t:at
turned out not to eEist? !illie Sol =as <art of t:e L!& <olitical 8ilieu? As t:e Estes scandal
de>elo<ed1 a re<ort e8er9ed t:at :e :ad 9i>en (arborou9: a <a38ent of I+51555 on No>? -1
12-5? !ut later1 after a t:orou9: in>esti9ation1 t:e ,e<art8ent of &ustice :ad issued a
state8ent declarin9 t:at t:e c:ar9es in>ol>in9 (arborou9: =ere F=it:out an3 foundation in
fact and unsu<<orted b3 credible testi8on3?F FT:e case is closed1F said t:e &ustice
,e<art8ent? !ut t:is did not sto< !us: fro8 usin9 t:e issue to t:e :ilt" FI don7t intend to
8ud-slin9 =it: G(arborou9:H about suc: 8atters as t:e !illie Sol Estes case since
(arborou9:7s connections =it: Estes are a si8<le 8atter of record =:ic: an3 one can
c:ec;1F said !us:? FG(arborou9: isH 9oin9 to :a>e to <ro>e to t:e TeEas >oters t:at :is
connections =it: !illie Sol Estes =ere as casual as :e clai8s t:e3 =ere?F Gfn 1-H In a
release issued on A<ril $)1 !us: Fsaid :e =elco8es t:e assistance of Gordon McLendon1
(arborou9:7s <ri8ar3 o<<onent1 in tr3in9 to force t:e incu8bent Senator to ans=er?F !us:
added t:at :e <lanned to F:a88er at (arborou9: e>er3 ste< of t:e =a3F Funtil I 9et so8e
sort of ans=er?F
T:e ot:er accusation t:at =as used a9ainst (arborou9: durin9 t:e ca8<ai9n =as ad>anced
8ost notabl3 in an article <ublis:ed in t:e Se<te8ber1 12-) issue of Reader7s ,i9est? T:e
stor3 =as t:at (arborou9: :ad facilitated bac;in9 and subsidies t:rou9: t:e TeEas Area
Reconstruction Ad8inistration for an industrial de>elo<8ent <roBect in Croc;ett1 TeEas1
onl3 to :a>e t:e <roBect fail o=in9 to t:e inabilit3 of t:e co8<an3 in>ol>ed to build t:e
factor3 t:at =as <lanned? T:e accusation =as t:at Audio Electronics1 t:e <ros<ecti>e
factor3 builders1 :ad recei>ed a state loan of I'/'1555 to build t:e <lant1 =:ile to=ns<eo<le
:ad raised so8e I-51555 to bu3 t:e <lant site1 before t:e entire deal fell t:rou9:?
T:e Reader7s ,i9est told disa<<ro>in9l3 of (arborou9: addressin9 a 9rou< of '+ Croc;ett
residents on a tele<:one s@ua=; boE in Marc:1 12-'1 tellin9 t:e8 t:at :e =as aut:oriAed
b3 t:e *:ite House to announce Ft:at 3ou are 9oin9 to 9ain a fine ne= industr3-one t:at
=ill <ro>ide ne= Bobs for 1/5 <eo<le1 add ne= stren9t: to 3our area?F
T:e Reader7s ,i9est article left t:e distinct i8<ression t:at t:e I-51555 in>ested b3 local
residents :ad been lost? F!ecause <eo<le belie>ed t:at t:eir Senator7s 7*:ite House
announc8ent7 of t:e ARA loan to Audio 9uaranteed t:e fir87s soundness1 se>eral TeEans
in>ested in it and lost all? One 8an dro<<ed I)51555? A retired Air orce officer <lo=ed in
I.555?F It turned out in realit3 t:at t:ose =:o :ad in>ested in t:e real estate for t:e <lant
site :ad lost not:in91 but :ad rat:er been 8ade an offer for t:eir land t:at re<resented a
<rofit of one t:ird on t:e ori9inal in>est8ent1 and t:us stood to 9ain substantiall3?
!us: ca8<ai9n :ead@uarters i88ediatel3 9ot into t:e act =it: a state8ent t:at Fit is a
s:a8eF t:at TeEans :ad to <ic; u< t:e Reader7s ,i9est and find t:eir senator F:oldin9 t:e
:and of scandal?F FT:e citiAens of t:e area raised I-51555 in cas:1 in>ested it in t:e
co8<an31 and lost it because t:e <roBect =as a fraud and ne>er started?F (arborou9: s:ot
bac; =it: a state8ent of :is o=n1 <ointin9 out t:at !us:7s clai8s =ere Fbasel3 false1F and
addin9 t:at t:e Frec;less1 irres<onsible false c:ar9es b3 83 o<<onent furt:er de8onstrate
:is untrut:fulness and unfitness for t:e office of US Senator?F Most tellin9 =as
(arborou9:7s c:ar9e on :o= t:e Reader7s ,i9est 9ot interested in Croc;ett1 TeEas1 in t:e
first <lace" FT:e fact t:at 83 o<<onent7s 8ulti-8illionaire fat:er7s *all Street in>est8ent
ban;in9 connections enable t:e <lantin9 of false and libellous articles about 8e in national
8a9aAine li;e t:e Reader7s ,i9est =ill not enable t:e Connecticut candidate to bu3 a TeEas
seat in t:e US Senate?F T:at =as on tar9et1 t:at :urt? !us: =:ined in res<onse t:at it =as
(arborou9:7s state8ent =:ic: =as Ffalse1 libellous1 and :o9=as:1F and c:allen9in9 t:e
senator to <ro>e it or retract it? Gfn 1.H
!e3ond t:ese atte8<ts to s8ear (arborou9:1 it is once a9ain c:aracteristic t:at t:e <rinci<al
issue around =:ic: !us: built :is ca8<ai9n =as racis81 eE<ressed t:is ti8e as o<<osition
to t:e ci>il ri9:ts bill t:at =as before t:e Con9ress durin9 12-)? !us: did t:is certainl3 in
order to confor8 to :is <ro-Gold=ater ideolo9ical <rofile1 and in order to 9arner >otes
0es<eciall3 in t:e Re<ublican <ri8ar34 usin9 racist and states7 ri9:ts bac;las:1 but 8ost of
all in order to eE<ress t:e dee<est tenets of t:e <:iloso<:ical =orld- outloo; of :i8self and
:is oli9arc:ical fa8il3?
6er3 earl3 in t:e ca8<ai9n !us: issued a state8ent sa3in9" FI a8 o<<osed to t:e Ci>il
Ri9:ts bill no= before t:e Senate?F Not content =it: t:at1 !us: <roceeded i88ediatel3 to
ta< t:e =ells<rin9s of nullification and inter<osition" FTeEas :as a co8<arabl3 9ood record
in ci>il ri9:ts1F :e ar9ued1 Fand I78 o<<osed to t:e ederal Go>ern8ent inter>enin9 furt:er
into State affairs and indi>idual ri9:ts?F At t:is <oint !us: clai8ed t:at :is @uarrel =as not
=it: t:e entire bill1 but rat:er =it: t=o s<ecific <ro>isions1 =:ic: :e clai8ed :ad not been
a <art of t:e ori9inal draft1 but =:ic: :e :inted :ad been added to <lacate >iolent blac;
eEtre8ists? Accordin9 to :is state8ent of Marc: 1.1 F!us: <ointed out t:at t:e ori9inal
#enned3 Ci>il Ri9:ts bill in 12-$ did not contain <ro>isions eit:er for a <ublic
acco8odations section or a air E8<lo38ent %ractices Co88ission 0E%C4 section?F
FT:en1 after t:e :ot1 turbulent su88er of 12-$1 =:en it beca8e a<<arent t:at in order to 9et
t:e Ci>il Ri9:ts leaders7 su<<ort and >otes in t:e 12-) election so8et:in9 8ore 8ust be
done1 t:ese t=o bad sections =ere added to t:e bill1F accordin9 to !us:? FI su99est t:at
t:ese t=o <ro>isions of t:e bill-- =:ic: I 8ost :eatedl3 o<<ose -- =ere <oliticall3
8oti>ated and are c3nical in t:eir a<<roac: to a 8ost serious <roble8?F !ut soon
abandoned t:is :air-s<littin9 a<<roac:1 and on Marc: $+ :e told t:e &a3cees of T3ler FI
o<<ose t:e entire bill?F !us: eE<lained later t:at be3ond t:e <ublic acco8odations section
and t:e air E8<lo38ent %ractices Co88ittee1 :e found t:at Ft:e 8ost dan9erous <ortions
of t:e bill are t:ose =:ic: 8a;e t:e ,e<art8ent of &ustice t:e 8ost <o=erful <olice force
in t:e Nation and t:e Attorne3 General t:e Nation7s 8ost <o=erful <olice c:ief?F
*:en Ted #enned3 of Massac:usetts deli>ered :is 8aiden s<eec: to t:e Senate in A<ril of
12-)1 :e included a <assa9e referrin9 to t:e late &o:n ? #enned31 sa3in9 t:at t:e dead
%resident :ad belie>ed t:at F=e s:ould not :ate1 but lo>e one anot:er?F !us: las:ed out at
#enned3 for =:at :e called Funfair criticis8 of t:ose =:o o<<ose t:e Ci>il Ri9:ts bill?F In
!us:7s inter<retation1 F#enned37s dra8atic1 al8ost tearful <lea for <assa9e of t:e bill
<resented all t:ose =:o disa9ree =it: it as :ate 8on9ers?F FT:e inference is clear1F !us:
said? FIn ot:er =ords1 Ted #enned3 =as sa3in9 t:at an3 one =:o o<<oses t:e <resent Ci>il
Ri9:ts bill does so because t:ere is :ate in :is :eart? Not:in9 could be furt:er fro8 t:e
trut:? T:is is not a @uestion of :ate or lo>e1 but of Constitutionalit3?F !us: Fand ot:er
res<onsible conser>ati>esF si8<l3 t:in; t:at t:e bill is <oliticall3 ins<ired? FT:is bill1F !us:
said1 =ould 8a;e furt:er inroads into t:e ri9:ts of indi>iduals and t:e States1 and e>en
<ro>ide for t:e ulti8ate destruction of our trial b3 Bur3 s3ste8? *e si8<l3 feel t:at t:is t3<e
of class le9islation1 based on furt:er federal control and inter>ention1 is bad for t:e nation?F
F!us: said t:e Ci>il Ri9:ts <roble8 is bascall3 a local <roble81 best left to t:e States to
:andle?F Here surel3 =as a res<ectable-soundin9 racis8 for t:e era of Sel8a and !ull
!us: =as <ro>ided =it: ne= r:etorical a88unition =:en Alaba8a Go>ernor Geor9e
*allace >entured into t:e <residential <ri8aries of t:at 3ear and de8onstrated uneE<ected
>ote-9ettin9 <o=er in certain nort:ern states1 usin9 a <itc: t:at included o>ertl3 racist
a<<eals? In t:e =a;e of one suc: result in *isconsin1 !us: ca8<ai9n issued a release
@uotin9 t:e candidate as bein9 Fsure t:at a 8aBorit3 of A8ericans are o<<osed to t:e Ci>il
Ri9:ts bill no= bein9 debated in t:e Senate?F F!us: called attention to t:e sur<risin9 $+R
of t:e *isconsin <ri8ar3 >ote recei>ed b3 Go>ernor Geor9e C? *allace of Alaba8a1F said
t:e release? In !us:7s >ie=1 F3ou can be sure t:is bi9 >ote =as not cast for *allace :i8self1
but =as used as a 8eans of s:o=in9 <ublic o<<osition to t:e Ci>il Ri9:ts !ill?F FIf a
fla8bo3ant Go>ernor *allace can 9et t:at ;ind of a >ote in a nort:ern state suc: as
*isconsin1 it indicates to 8e t:at t:ere 8ust be 9eneral concern fro8 8an3 res<onsible
<eo<le o>er t:e Ci>il Ri9:ts bill all o>er t:e nation1F !us: said in Houston? FIf I =ere a
8e8ber of t:e Senate toda31 I =ould >ote a9ainst t:is bill in its entiret3?F
!us: =as described in t:e TeEas <ress as atte8<tin9 a 8elan9e of FGold=ater7s <olicies1
#enned37s st3le?F Gfn 1/H T:is co>era9e re>eals traits of t:e narcissistic 8ac:o in t:e )5-
3ear old <lutocrat" F:e is t:e sort of fello= t:e ladies turn t:eir :eads to see at t:e countr3
club c:arit3 ball?F Abundant ca8<ai9n financin9 allo=ed !us: Fto attract eEtra <eo<le to
rallies =it: free barbecue1 free drin;s1 and 8usical entertainers?F T:ese =ere billed b3 t:e
!us: ca8<ai9n as a return to t:e Fold fas:ioned <olitical rall31F and featured suc: 8usical
9rou<s as t:e !lac; Mountain !o3s and t:e !luebonnet !elles? At Garcia7s Restaurant in
Austin !us: encountered a 9rou< of t=o doAen or so s<ort3 3oun9 Re<ublican =o8en
:oldin9 !us: ca8<ai9n <lacards? FO: 9irlsKF crooned t:e candidate?
F(ou all loo; 9reat?K (ou loo; terrific? All dolled u<?F T:e =o8en F=ere 9a-9a about :i8
in return1F =rote <olitical re<orter Ronnie ,u99er in t:e TeEas Obser>er1 addin9 t:at !us:7s
Fca8<ai9n to beco8e t:is state7s second Re<ublican senator 9ets a lot of ener93 and s<ar;le
fro8 t:e 3oun9 Re<ublican 8atrons =:o are ent:usiastic about :i8 <ersonall3 and :a>e
<lent3 of 8one3 for bab3 sitters and not:in9 8uc: to do =it: t:eir ti8e?F !ut in
eE:ortations for 8ilitaristic ad>enturis8 abroad1 t:e substance =as indeed <ure Gold=ater?
As could be eE<ected fro8 t:e 8an =:o :ad so recentl3 c:allen9ed &o:n ? #enned3 to
F8uster t:e coura9eF to attac; Cuba1 an3 of !us:7s 8ost >e:e8ent <ronounce8ents
concerned Castro and Ha>ana1 and =ere doubtless 8uc: a<<reciated b3 t:e sur>i>ors of
!ri9ade $+5- and t:e Mia8i Cubans? !us: started off =it: =:at <assed for a 8oderate
<osition in TeEas Gold=ater circles" FI ad>ocate reco9nition of a Cuban 9o>ern8ent in
eEile and =ould encoura9e t:is 9o>ern8ent e>er3 =a3 to reclai8 its countr3? T:is 8eans
financial and 8ilitar3 assistance?F FI t:in; =e s:ould not be found =antin9 in coura9e to
:el< t:e8 liberate t:eir countr31Fsaid !us:? Candidate Morris :ad a si8ilar <osition1 but
bot: CoE and ,a>is called for an i88ediate restoration of t:e na>al bloc;ade of Cuba?
!us: t:erefore =ent t:e8 one u<1 and endorsed a ne= in>asion of Cuba? A !us: for Senate
ca8<ai9n broc:ure de<icted a nu8ber of ne=s<a<er articles about t:e cnadidate? T:e
:eadline of one of t:ese1 fro8 an unidentified ne=s<a<er1 reads as follo=s" FCU!A
IN6ASION URGE, !( GO% CAN,I,ATE?F T:e subtitle reads" FGeor9e !us:1 Houston
oil8an1 ca8<ai9nin9 for t:e Re<ublican no8ination to t:e US Senate called for a ne=
9o>ern8ent-in- eEile in>asion of Cuba1 no ne9otiation of t:e %ana8a Canal treat31 and a
freedo8 <ac;a9e in Austin?F Ot:er ca8<ai9n fl3ers state t:at FCuba???under Castro is a
8enace to our national securit3? I ad>ocate reco9nition of a Cuban 9o>ern8ent in eEile and
su<<ort of t:is 9o>ern8ent to reclai8 its countr3? *e 8ust reaffir8 t:e Monroe ,octrine?F
Anot:er ca8<ai9n :andout c:aracteriAes Cuba as Fan unredee8ed di<lo8atic disaster
abetted b3 a lac; of a fir8 Cuban <olic3?F
*:at !us: =as <ro<osin9 =ould :a>e a8ounted to a >ast and =ell-funded <ro9ra8 for
ar8in9 and financin9 anti-Castro Cuban eEiles in Mia8i1 and <uttin9 t:e United States
9o>ern8ent at t:e ser>ice of t:eir ad>entures-- <resu8abl3 far in eEcess of t:e substantial
<ro9ra8s t:at =ere alread3 bein9 funded? !eneficiaries =ould :a>e included T:eodore
S:ac;le31 =:o =as b3 no= t:e station c:ief at CIA Mia8i station1 eliE Rodri9ueA1 C:i C:i
Luintero1 and t:e rest of t:e bo3s fro8 t:e Enter<rise?
!us: attac;ed Senator &? *illia8 ulbri9:t1 ,e8ocrat of Ar;ansas1 for t:e latter7s call in a
s<eec: for a 8ore conciliator3 <olic3 to=ards Cuba1 endin9 t:e US econo8ic bo3cott? FI
>ie= t:e s<eec: =it: 9reat sus<icion1F said !us:? FI feel t:is is a trial balloon on t:e <art of
t:e State ,e<art8ent to see =:et:er t:e A8erican <eo<le =ill bu3 anot:er ste< in a
disastrous1 soft forei9n <olic3?F !us: called on Secretar3 of State ,ean Rus;1 a leadin9
:a=;1 to :old fir8 a9ainst t:e <olic3 s:ift t:at ulbri9:t =as <ro<osin9? Fulbri9:t sa3s
Cuba is a 7distasteful nuisance71 but I belie>e t:at Castro7s Co88unist re9i8e 25 8iles fro8
our s:ores is an intolerable nuisance? I a8 in fa>or onl3 of total liberation of Cuba1F
<roclai8ed !us:1 Fand I belie>e t:is can onl3 be ac:ie>ed b3 reco9nition of a Cuban
9o>ern8ent in eEile1 bac;ed u< to t:e fullest b3 t:e United States and t:e Or9aniAation of
A8erican States?F
In t:e 8iddle of A<ril a Re<ublican <olic3 foru8 :eld in Mia8i :eard a re<ort fro8 a
Cuban eEile leader t:at t:e So>iets :ad <osition 8issles on t:e ocean floor off Cuba1 =it:
t:e 8issles <ointed at t:e United States1 and t:at t:is :ad been confir8ed b3 di<lo8atic
sources in Ha>ana? T:is =ould a<<ear in retros<ect to :a>e been a <lanted stor3? or !us:
it =as ob>ious 9rist for :is ca8<ai9n 8ill? !us:1 s<ea;in9 in A8arillo1 called t:e re<ort
Ft:e 8ost alar8in9 ne=s in t:is :e8is<:ere in t=o 3ears?F He called for efforts to Fdri>e
t:e Co88unists out of Cuba?F
!ut1 in ;ee<in9 =it: t:e ti8es1 !us:7s 8ost 9enocidal ca8<ai9n state8ents =ere 8ade in
re9ard to 6ietna8? Here !us: 8ana9ed to identif3 :i8self =it: t:e =ar1 =it: its escalation1
and =it: t:e use of nuclear =ea<ons?
Senator Gold=ater :ad recentl3 raised t:e <ossibilit3 of usin9 tactical nuclear =ea<ons as
t:e 8ost effecti>e defoliants to stri< a=a3 t:e tri<le cano<3 Bun9le of 6ietna8? In a
res<onse to t:is1 an Associated %ress stor3 @uoted !us: as sa3in9 t:at :e =as in fa>or of
an3t:in9 t:at could be done safel3 to=ard finis:in9 t:e fi9:tin9 in Sout:east Asia? F!us:
said :e fa>ors a li8ited eEtension of t:e =ar in 6iet Na81 includin9 restricted use of
nuclear =ea<ons if 78ilitaril3 <rudent17F accordin9 to t:e A% release? Gfn 12H A !us:
ca8<ai9n release of &une 1 :as :i8 sa3in9 :e fa>ors a Fcautious1 Budicious1 and 8ilitaril3
sound eEtension of t:e =ar in 6ietna8?F T:is =as all before t:e Gulf of Ton;in incident and
=ell before US 9round troo<s =ere co88itted to 6ietna8?
!us: :ad se>eral ot:er notes to sound concernin9 t:e loo8in9 =ar in Sout:east Asia? In
Ma3 :e attac;ed t:e State ,e<ar8ent for Fda=dlin9F in 6ietna81 a <olic3 =:ic: :e said
:ad Fcost t:e li>es of so 8an3 3oun9 A8ericans?F He furt:er c:ar9ed t:at t:e US troo<s in
6ietna8 =ere bein9 issued Fs:odd3 =ar 8aterial?F Res<ondin9 to a <rediction fro8
,efense Secretar3 McNa8ara t:at t:e =ar 8i9:t last 15 3ears1 !us: retorted" FT:is =ould
not be t:e case if =e :ad de>elo<ed a =innin9 <olic3 fro8 t:e start of t:is dan9erous brus:
fire?F Also in Ma31 !us: res<onded to a %at:et Lao offensi>e in Laos as follo=s" FT:is
s:ould be a =arnin9 to us in 6ietna8? *:ene>er t:e Co88unist =orld-- eit:er Russian or
C:inese-- si9n a treat31 or an3 ot:er a9ree8ent1 =it: a nation of t:e free =orld1 t:at treat3
isn7t =ort: t:e <a<er it7s =ritten on?F
!us: <u9naciousl3 too; issue =it: t:ose =:o =anted to disen9a9e fro8 t:e 6ietna8
@ua98ire before t:e bul; of t:e =ar7s :u8an losses :ad occurred? He 8ade t:is <art of :is
Freedo8 %ac;a9e1F =:ic: =as a ;ind of 8anifesto for a =orld=ide US i8<erialist and
colonialist offensi>e --a <recursor of t:e ne= =orld order ante littera8? A Marc: '5
ca8<ai9n release <roclai8s t:e Freedo8 %ac;a9eF in t:ese ter8s" F7I do not =ant to
continue to li>e in a =orld =:ere t:ere is no :o<e for a real and lastin9 <eace17 !us: said?
He decried 7=it:dra=al s38<to8s7 <ro<ounded b3 UN A8bassador Adlai Ste>enson and
Senators *illia8 ulbri9:t and Mi;e Mansfield? 7Adlai :as <ro<osed =e GinterHnationaliAe
t:e %ana8a Canal17 !us: <ointed out1 7ulbri9:t as;s us to acco88odate Red Cuba and
rene9otiate our %ana8a treat31 and Mansfield su99ests =e =it:dra= fro8 t:e 6iet Na8
stru99le? T:is is t:e ;ind of retreatis8 =e :a>e 9ro=n accusto8ed to a8on9 our su<<osed
=orld leaders and it is Bust =:at t:e #re8lin ordered?7F
Nor did !us:7s obsession =it: %ana8a and t:e %ana8a Canal be9in =it: Norie9a? In :is
ca8<ai9n literature !us: <rinted :is basic <osition t:at t:e F%ana8a canal???is ours b3 ri9:t
of treat3 and :istorical circu8stance? T:e Canal is critical to our do8estic securit3 and US
so>erei9nt3 o>er t:e Canal 8ust be 8aintained?F *:at is 8eant b3 t:e ri9:t of :istorical
circu8stanceD FI a8 o<<osed to furt:er ne9otiation in %ana8a1F !us: stated re<eatedl3 in
:is ca8<ai9n s<eec:es and releases?
If !us: sa= a Sadda8 Hussein1 a dar;-s;inned1 Mosle8 non-ali9ned t:ird =orld nationalist
in t:e =orld of 12-)1 t:en t:at forei9n leader =as %resident Su;arno of Indonesia? Su;arno1
alon9 =it: Ne:ru1 Nasser1 N;ru8a1 Tito1 and !our9uiba =as one of t:e central fi9ures of
t:e non- ali9ned 8o>e8ent of t:e de>elo<in9 nations t:at :ad e8er9ed fro8 t:e !andun9
Conference of $2 Afro-Asian states in 12++? ,urin9 12-) Su;arno =as atte8<tin9 to
<re>ent t:e creation of Mala3sia out of t:e !ritis: Confederation of Mala3a? %art of
Su;arno7s bloc;in9 8anue>er =as t:e de<lo38ent of <ro-Indonesian 9uerillas into t:e
Malaccan <eninsula abo>e Sin9a<ore1 and into certain areas of nort:ern !orneo1 includin9
Sara=a; and Saba:? ro8 t:ere1 t:ese 9uerillas =ere causin9 <roble8s for !us:7s business
<artner in t:e oil trade1 t:e Sultan of !runei? !us: tar9etted Indonesia and Su;arno
<ersonall3 for a series of >iolent and abusi>e attac;s?
In A<ril1 Su;arno told t:e US A8bassador Ho=ard %? &ones t:at Ft:ere is one countr3
t:reatenin9 to sto< its forei9n aid to Indonesia? T:at countr3 t:in;s it can scare Indonesia? I
sa3 9o to :ell =it: 3our aid?F !us:1 fro8 !i9 S<rin91 co88ented in an A<ril $' state8ent"
FIt7s eas3 for %resident Su;arno of Indonesia to tell us to 79ot to :ell7 =it: our forei9n aid--
no= t:at :e :as alread3 recei>ed I/2) 8illion =ort:?F !us: eE<lained t:at :e :ad been in
!orneo durin9 12-'1 durin9 t:e ti8e t:at t:e Mal3sian ederation =as co8in9 into
eEistence Fin fa>or of t:e ree *orld?F FT:at1F said !us:1 F=as t:e 8ista;e t:e Mala3sian
ederation 8adeC co8in9 into t:e =orld of nations in fa>or of A8erica and t:e free =orld?
T:e >er3 neEt da3 Su;arno1 =:o8 =e7>e tried to bu3 =it: I/2) 8illion in aid1 turned on
Mala3sia and announced :e =ould destro3 t:e ne= ederation?F !us:7s release notes t:at
F!us:1 =:o =as %resident of Ja<ata Off-S:ore1 said one of t:e fir87s drillin9 ri9s =as at
t:at ti8e1 and is toda31 =or;in9 off t:e coast of !orneo?F *as t:is a conflict of interestD
*it: accents t:at <ro>ide an eerie <resenti8ent of t:e 1225-1221 Gulf crisis1 !us: =ent
on" FToda3 t:e borders of t:e Mala3sian ederation are lined =it: Indonesian troo<s1
bearin9 Russian-8ade ar8s1 <urc:ased =it: A8erican dollars? T:e Indonesians are still
<oised to crus: Mala3sia? And =:at :a>e =e doneD *e 9entl3 sla<<ed Su;arno on t:e
=rist1 t:en loaned :i8 anot:er I$5 8illion1 =:ic: :e used to bu3 a cou<le of Bet aircraft1
one of =:ic: :e uses to fl3 :is foul assi9nations around t:e far east? *:at =e s:ould :a>e
done1 and still s:ould do1 is tell Su;arno" 7(ou >iolate t:e sanctit3 of t:e Mal3sian border
and 3ou :a>e to deal =it: t:e force of t:e entire free =orldK7F S:ortl3 t:ereafter1 TeEas GO%
Senator &o:n To=er s<onsored a cutoff of US aid to Su;arno1 =:ic: <assed1 alt:ou9:
(arborou9: >oted to 8aintain t:e aid? !us: 8ade t:is t:e occasion for a ne= onslau9:t? In
a contorted ar9u8ent1 !us: <ointed out t:at (arborou9:7s >ote for aid to Indonesia :ad
co8e one da3 after Su;arno :ad eEtended Ft:e friendl3 :and of reco9nition to t:e
co88unist 9o>ern8ent of Nort: 6iet Na8? T:is countr31 Su;arno7s friend1 is =a9in9 a =ar
in =:ic: scarcel3 a da3 before (arborou9:7s >ote1 co88unist bullets sla88ed t:rou9: t:e
bod3 of a 3oun9 :elico<ter <ilot fro8 TeEas? (arborou9: >oted to 9i>e US aid to a countr3
t:at is friends =it: a 8ob t:at is ;illin9 3oun9 A8ericans and TeEans???He >otes to aid t:e
friends of a 8ob t:at is ;illin9 TeEas bo3s?F (arborou9: reBected t:is F=ild criticis81F and
said t:at t:e c:ar9es illustrated !us:7s lac; of co8<re:ension of t:e Fdelicate balance of
<o=er in forei9n affairs1 and :is lac; of ;no=led9e of t:e state of affairs in Sout:east Asia?F
(arborou9:7s <oint =as t:at t:e i8<ortant t:in9 =as to <re>ent an3 =ar bet=een Indonesia
and Mala3sia1 and t:at t:is tas; 8ust o>erride an3 desire to :u8iliate Su;arno?
!us:7s re8ar;s in t:is ca8<ai9n 8es: <erfectl3 =it: t:e US buildu< for t:e 12-+ 8ilitar3
cou< d7etat in Indonesia1 in =:ic: 8ore t:an $551555 <ersons =ere ;illed1 <ri8aril3 durin9
t:e course of anti- co88unist 8assacres carried out b3 t:e ar83 =it: t:e encoura9e8ent of
US ad>isors?
In econo8ic <olic31 !us:7s startin9 <oint =as al=a3s Funbridled free enter<rise1F as :e
stressed in a state8ent on une8<lo38ent on Marc: 1-" FOnl3 unbridled free enter<rise can
cure une8<lo38ent? !ut1 I don7t belie>e t:e federal 9o>ern8ent :as 9i>en t:e <ri>ate sector
of our econo83 a 9enuine o<<ortunit3 to relie>e t:is une8<lo38ent? or eEa8<le1 t:e
G&o:nson =ar on <o>ert3 <ro9ra8H contains a ne= >ersion of t:e CCC1 a ,o8estic %eace
Cor<s1 and >arious and sundr3 :alf-ba;ed <ies in t:e s;3?F !us:7s <rinted ca8<ai9n
literature stated under t:e :eadin9 of Ffederal econo83F t:at Ft:e free enter<rise s3ste8
8ust be unfettered? A stron9 econo83 8eans Bobs1 o<<ortunit31 and <ros<erit3? A controlled
econo83 8eans loss of freedo8 and bureaucratic bun9lin9?F On A<ril $1 !us: told t:e
>oters" F*e 8ust be9in a <:ase of re- e8<:asiAin9 t:e <ri>ate sector of our econo831
instead of t:e <ublic sector?F
!3 A<ril 1+1 !us: :ad been infor8ed t:at t:ere =ere so8e '' 8illion A8ericans li>in9 in
<o>ert31 to =:ic: :e re<lied" FI cannot see :o= dra<in9 a socialistic 8edi-care <ro9ra8
around t:e sa99in9 nec; of our social securit3 <ro9ra8 =ill be a blo= to <o>ert3? And I can
see onl3 one ans=er to Gt:e <roble8 of <o>ert3H" Let us turn our free enter<rise s3ste8
loose fro8 9o>ern8ent control?F Ot:er=ise1 !us: :eld it Ft:e res<onsibilit3 of t:e local
9o>ern8ent first to assu8e t:e burden of relie>in9 <o>ert3 =:ere>er its eEists1 and I ;no=
of 8an3 co88unities t:at are 8ore t:an ca<able of =or;in9 =it: t:is <roble8?F
!us:7s a<<roac: to far8 <olic3 =as alon9 si8ilar lines1 co8binin9 t:e r:etoric of Ada8
S8it: =it: intransi9ent defense of t:e food cartels? :is ca8<ai9n broc:ure :e o<ined t:at
FA9riculture???8ust be restored to a free 8ar;et econo831 subBect to t:e basic la=s of
su<<l3 and de8and?F On A<ril 2 in *aco1 !us: assailed t:e *:eat-Cotton subsid3 bill
=:ic: :ad Bust recei>ed t:e a<<ro>al of t:e House? FIf I a8 elected to t:e Senate1F said
!us:1 I =ill Bud9e eac: a9ricultural 8easure on t:e basis of =:et:er it 9ets t:e Go>ern8ent
furt:er into1 or out of1 <ri>ate business?F !us: added t:at far8 subsidies are a8on9 Four
8ost eE<ensi>e federal <ro9ra8s?F
Anot:er of !us:7s recurrent obsessions =as :is desire to brea; t:e labor 8o>e8ent? ,urin9
t:e 12-57s1 :e eE<ressed t:is in t:e conteEt of ca8<ai9ns to <re>ent t:e re<eal of section 1)
0b4 of t:e Taft-Hartle3 la=1 =:ic: <er8itted t:e states to outla= t:e closed s:o< and union
s:o<1 and t:us to <rotect state la=s 9uaranteein9 t:e so- called o<en s:o< or Fri9:t to
=or;1F a de>ice =:ic: in <ractice <re>ented t:e or9aniAation of lar9e sectors of t:e =or;in9
<o<ulation of t:ese states into unions? !us:7s editorialiAin9 ta;es :i8 bac; to t:e era =:en
t:e S:er8an Anti-trust Act =as still bein9 used a9ainst labor unions?
FI belie>e in t:e ri9:t-to-=or; la=s1F said !us: to a 9rou< of <ro8inent Austin
business8en at a lunc:eon in t:e Co88odore %err3 Hotel on Marc: +? FAt e>er3
o<<ortunit31 I ur9e union 8e8bers to resist <a38ent of <olitical assess8ents? If t:ere7s onl3
one in 155 =:o t:in;s for :i8self and >otes for :i8self1 t:en :e s:ould not be assessed b3
On Marc: 12 !us: asserted t:at Flabor7s blatant attac; on ri9:t-to- =or; la=s is o<en
ad8ission t:at labor does :a>e a 8ono<ol3 and =ill ta;e an3 ste< to 8a;e t:is 8ono<ol3?
Union de8ands are a direct cause of t:e inflationar3 s<iral lo=erin9 t:e real inco8e of
=or;ers and increasin9 t:e costs of <roduction?F T:is is1 fro8 t:e <oint of scientific
econo8ics1 an absurdit3? !ut four da3s later !us: returned to t:e to<ic1 attac;in9 United
Auto *or;ers %resident *alter Reut:er1 a fi9ure =:o8 !us: re<eatedl3 sou9:t ot identif3
=it: (arborou9:1 for de8ands =:ic: F=ill onl3 cause t:e eEtinction of free enter<rise in
A8erica? A <erfect eEa8<le of labor7s <ricin9 a <roduct out of eEistence is found in *est
6ir9inia? &o:n L? Le=is7 eEcessi>e de8ands on t:e coal industr3 raised t:e <rice of coal1
forced t:e consu8er to use a substitute c:ea<er <roduct1 ;illed t:e coal industr3 and no=
*est 6ir9inia :as an eEcessi>e rate of une8<lo38ent?F
On Labor ,a31 !us: s<o;e to a rall3 in t:e court :ouse s@uare of Luana:1 and called for
F<rotection of t:e ri9:ts of t:e indi>idual laborer t:rou9: t:e state rat:er t:an t:e federal
9o>ern8ent? T:e indi>idual laborin9 8an is bein9 for9otten b3 t:e *alter Reut:ers and
Ral<: (arborou9:s1 and it7s u< to t:e business co88unit3 to <rotect our countr37s >aluable
labor resources fro8 eE<loitation b3 t:ese left -=in9 labor leaders1F said !us:1 =:o 8i9:t
Bust as =ell :a>e su99ested t:at t:e foE be allo=ed to 9uard t:e c:ic;en coo<?
East TeEas =as an area of unusuall3 :i9: racial tension1 and !us: s<ent 8ost of :is ti8e
t:ere attac;in9 t:e ci>il ri9:ts bill? !ut t:e alliance bet=een (arborou9: and bi9 labor =as
one of :is fa>orite t:e8es? T:e standard <itc: =ent so8et:in9 li;e t:is1 as before t:e Austin
business8en? (arborou9:1 :e =ould start off sa3in9 F8ore nearl3 re<resents t:e state of
Mic:i9an t:an :e does TeEas?F T:is1 as =e =ill see1 =as <artl3 an atte8<ted1 la8e rebuttal
of (arborou9:7s c:ar9e t:at !us: =as a nort:eastern car<etba99er? !us: =ould t:en
continue" FOne of t:e 8ain reasons (arborou9: re<resents TeEas so badl3 is t:at :e7s
s<endin9 8ost of :is ti8e re<resentin9 labor interests in ,etroit? His >otin9 record 8a;es
8en li;e *alter Reut:er and &a8es Hoffa >er3 :a<<3? T:is 8an :as >oted for e>er3 s<ecial
interest bill1 for e>er3 bi9 s<endin9 8easure t:at7s co8e to :is attention?F
,urin9 t:is <eriod Ca8co1 an oilfield e@ui<8ent co8<an3 of =:ic: !us: =as a director1
=as e8broiled in so8e bitter labor dis<utes? T:e re9ional office of t:e National Labor
Relations !oard sou9:t a federal inBunction a9ainst Ca8co in order to force t:e fir8 to re-
:ire four union or9aniAers =:o :ad been ille9all3 fired? Officials of t:e Mac:inists7 Union1
=:ic: =as tr3in9 to or9aniAe Ca8co1 also accused !us: of bein9 co8<licit in =:at t:e3
said =as Ca8co7s ille9al failure to carr3 out a 12-$ NLR! order directin9 Ca8co to re-:ire
ele>en =or;ers fired because t:e3 :ad attended a union 8eetin9? !us: ans=ered t:at :e
=as not 9oin9 to be inti8idated b3 labor? FAs e>er3bod3 ;no=s1 t:e union bosses are all-
out for Sen? Ral<: (arborou9:1 F countered !us:1 and :e :ad been too bus3 =it: Ja<ata to
<a3 attention to Ca8co an3=a3? Gfn $5H Accordin9 to Ro3 E>ans1 t:e Secretar3-Treasurer
of t:e TeEas AL-CIO1 !us: =as Fa 8e8ber of t:e dinosaur =in9 of t:e Re<ublican %art3?F
E>ans called !us: Ft:e Houston t:ro=bac;1F and 8aintained t:at !us: :ad Flost touc: =it:
an3one in TeEas eEce<t t:e radicals of t:e ri9:t?F
!ac; in ebruar31 (arborou9: :ad re8ar;ed in :is t3<ical <o<ulist >ein t:at :is le9islati>e
a<<roac: =as to F<ut t:e Ba8 on t:e lo=er s:elf so t:e little 8an can 9et :is :and in?F T:is
scandaliAed !us:1 =:o countered on ebruar3 $. t:at Fit7s a c3nical attitude and one t:at
tends to set t:e so-called little 8an a<art fro8 t:e rest of :is countr38en?F or !us:1 t:e
Ba8 =ould al=a3s re8ain under loc; and ;e31 eEce<t for t:e c:osen fe= of *all Street? A
fe= da3s later1 on Marc: +1 !us: elaborated t:at :e =as Fo<<osed to s<ecial interest
le9islation because it tends to :3<:enate A8ericans? I don7t t:in; =e can afford to :a>e
>eteran-A8ericans1 Ne9ro-A8ericans1 Latin-A8ericans and labor-A8ericans t:ese da3s?F
Here is !us: as <olitical <:iloso<:er1 8aintainin9 t:at t:e <o=er of t:e aut:oritarian state
8ust confront its citiAens in a =:oll3 ato8iAed for81 not or9aniAed into interest 9rou<s
ca<able of defendin9 t:e8sel>es?
!us: =as es<eciall3 irate about (arborou9:7s Cold *ar GI !ill1 =:ic: :e branded t:e
senator7s F<et <roBect?F Fortunatel31F said !us:1 F:e :as been unable to cra8 :is Cold *ar
GI !ill do=n Con9ress7 t:roat? It7s bad le9islation and s<ecial interest le9islation =:ic: =ill
erode our A8erican =a3 of life? I :a>e four sons1 and I7d sure :ate to t:in; t:at an3 of t:e8
=ould 8easure t:eir de>otion and ser>ice to t:eir countr3 b3 =:at s<ecial benefits Uncle
Sa8 could 9i>e t:e8?F Neil !us: =ould certainl3 ne>er do t:atK An3=a31 t:e Cold *ar GI
!ill =as not:in9 but a Fc3nical effort to 9et >otes1F !us: concluded?
T:ere =as a soft s<ot in !us:7s :eart for at least a fe= s<ecial interests1 :o=e>er? He =as a
de>oted su<<orter of t:e Fti8e-<ro>enF $.?+R oil de<letion allo=ance1 a taE =riteoff =:ic:
allo=ed t:e se>en sisters oil cartel to esca<e a si9nificant <ortion of =:at t:e3 ot:er=ise
=ould :a>e <aid in taEes? %ublic <ressure to reduce t:is allo=ance =as increasin91 and t:e
oil cartel =as <re<arin9 to concede a 8inor adBust8ent in t:e :o<es t:at t:is =ould
neutraliAe atte8<ts to 9et t:e de<letion allo=ance abolis:ed entirel3? !us: also called for
=:at :e described as a F8eanin9ful oil i8<ort <ro9ra81 one =:ic: =ould restrict i8<orts at
a le>el t:at =ill not be :ar8ful to our do8estic oil industr3?F FI ;no= =:at it is to earn a
<a3c:ec; in t:e oil business1F :e boasted? !us: also told TeEas far8ers t:at :e =anted to
li8it t:e i8<orts of forei9n beef so as to <rotect t:eir do8estic 8ar;ets?
(arborou9:7s counterattac; on t:is issue is of 9reat rele>ance to understandin9 =:3 !us:
=as so fanaticall3 co88itted to =a9e =ar in t:e Gulf to restore t:e de9enerate1
sla>e:oldin9 E8ir of #u=ait? (arborou9: <ointed out t:at !us:7s co8<an31 Ja<ata
Offs:ore1 =as drillin9 for oil in #u=ait1 t:e %ersian Gulf1 !orneo1 and Trinidad? FE>er3
<roducin9 oil =ell drilled in forei9n countries b3 A8erican co8<anies 8eans 8ore c:ea<
forei9n oil in A8erican <orts1 fe=er acres of TeEas land under oil and 9as lease1 less
inco8e to TeEas far8ers and ranc:ers??1F (arborou9: stated? Ft:is issue is clear-cut in t:is
ca8<ai9n - a ,e8ocratic senator =:o is fi9:tin9 for t:e life of t:e free enter<rise s3ste8 as
eEe8<lified b3 t:e inde<endent oil and 9as <roducers in TeEas1 and a Re<ublican candidate
=:o is t:e contractual driller for t:e international oil cartel?F In t:ose da3s t:e oil cartel did
not deal 8ildl3 =it: t:ose =:o attac;ed it in <ublic? One t:in;s a9ain of t:e Italian oil8an
Enrico Mattei? or !us:1 t:ese cartel interests =ould al=a3s be sacrosanct? On A<ril 11
!us: tal;ed of t:e 9eo<olitics of oil" FI =as in London at t:e ti8e of t:e SueA crisis and I
@uic;l3 sa= :o= t:e rest of t:e free =orld can beco8e co8<letel3 de<endent on A8erican
oil? *:en t:e Canal =as s:ut do=n1 free nations all o>er t:e =orld i88ediatel3 started
cr3in9 for TeEas oil?F
Later in t:e ca8<ai9n1 (arborou9: >isited t:e to=n of Glade=ater in East TeEas? T:ere1
standin9 in >ie= of t:e oil derric;s1 (arborou9: tal;ed about !us:7s o=ners:i< of %ennAoil
stoc;1 and about %ennAoil7s @uota of 11-25 barrels <er da3 of i8<orted oil1 c:ar9in9 t:at
!us: =as under8inin9 t:e TeEas <roducers b3 i8<ortin9 c:ea< forei9n oil?
T:en1 accordin9 to a ne=s<a<er account1 Ft:e senator s<iced :is c:ar9e =it: a reference to
t:e 7S:ei; of #u=ait and :is four =i>es and 155 concubines7 =:o1 :e said1 are li>in9 in
luEur3 off t:e oil fro8 !us:- drilled =ells in t:e %ersian Gulf and sold at cut-rate <rices in
t:e United States? He said t:at i8<orted oil sells for I1?$+ a barrel =:ile TeEas oil1 sellin9
at I'1 <a3s sc:ool1 cit31 count31 and federal taEes and ;ee<s <a3rolls 9oin9? (arborou9:
be9an :is da3 of ca8<ai9nin9 at a brea;fast =it: su<<orters in Lon9>ie=? Later1 in
Glade=ater1 :e said :e :ad seen a F!us: for SenatorF bu8<er stic;er on a car in Lon9>ie=?
7Isn7t t:at a co8e-do=n for an East TeEan to be a stra<-:an9er for a car<etba99er fro8
Connecticut =:o is drillin9 oil for t:e S:ei; of #u=ait to :el< ;ee< t:at :are8 9oin9D7F Gfn
(arborou9: c:allen9ed !us: re<eatedl3 to release 8ore details about :is o>erseas drillin9
and <roducin9 interests? He s<o;e of !us:7s FS?A? cor<orations drillin9 in t:e %ersian Gulf
in Asia?F He c:ar9ed t:at !us: :ad F9one to Latin A8erica to incor<orate t=o of :is
co8<anies to drill in t:e ar East1 instead of incor<oratin9 t:e8 in t:e United States?F T:at
in turn1 t:ou9:t (arborou9:1 Fraises @uestions of taE a>oidance?F FTell t:e81 Geor9e1F :e
Beered1 F=:at 3our 7S?A?7 co8<anies1 financed =it: A8erican dollars1 A8erican ca<ital1
A8erican resources1 are doin9 about A8erican inco8e taEes?F !us: <rotested t:at Fe>er3
sin9le taE dollar due b3 an3 co8<an3 t:at I o=n an interest in :as been <aid?F Gfn $$H
T:e status of t:e Rural Electrification Ad8inistration =as also a ca8<ai9n issue? Gold=ater
:ad said in ,en>er1 Colorado on Ma3 '1 12-' t:at t:e ti8e :ad co8e Fto dissol>e t:e Rural
Electrification Ad8inistration?F *is:in9 to a<<ear as an ort:odoE Gold=ater clone in e>er3
res<ect1 !us: :ad failed to distance :i8self fro8 t:is de8and? T:e REA =as Bustl3 <o<ular
for its efforts to brin9 electric <o=er to i8<o>eris:ed sectors of t:e countr3side?
(arborou9: noted first of all t:at !us: F=ouldn7t ;no= a cotton boll fro8 a corn s:uc;1F
but :e insisted on le>ellin9 Fso un-TeEan a blo= at t:e far8ers and ranc:ers of TeEas? To
sell t:e REA7s in TeEas to t:e <ri>ate <o=er 8ono<ol3 =ould be carr3in9 out t:e de8ands
of t:e bi9 Eastern <o=er structure and t:e =is:es of t:e Ne= (or; in>est8ent ban;ers =:o
:andle t:e <ri>ate <o=er 8ono<ol3 financin9? M3 o<<onent is in line to in:erit :is s:are of
t:at Ne= (or; in>est8ent ban;in9 structure1F (arborou9: told a 9at:erin9 of TeEas REA
ollo=in9 in %rescott !us:7s footste<s1 Geor9e !us: =as i8<lacabl3 :ostile to
9o>ern8ent-s<onsored infrastructure <roBects? Suc: <roBects are of course t:e essence of
t:e A8erican S3ste8 of <olitical econo83 as understood b3 ran;lin1 Ha8ilton1 Lincoln1
and ,R? One on9oin9 =ater <roBect in TeEas in 12-) =as t:e Trinit3 Ri>er <roBect?
Earl3 in t:e ca8<ai9n1 !us: said t:at :e could not su<<ort t:is <roBect because it =as
eEacerbatin9 a federal bude9t defecit t:at =as alread3 too :i9:? !ut t:is stance <ro>ed so
un<o<ular in t:e TeEas electorate t:at !us: later fli<-flo<<ed1 sa3in9 t:at :e :ad been
s38<at:etic to t:e Trinit3 Ri>er <roBect all alon91 and t:at 8a3be t:ere =as a =a3 to 9et it
done =it:out addin9 to t:e defecit?
On ot:er issues1 !us: :ad t:e follo=in9 <ositions"
On education" FEducation is a res<onsibilit3 of t:e States? ederal aid ine>itabl3 8eans
e>entual federal control? I fa>or retention of 8ore taE 8one3 b3 t:e States so as to build t:e
local and state education <ro9ra8s? *e 8ust 8eet t:e c:allen9e of education !UT at t:e
State and local le>els?F Has t:e Education %resident ad>ocated an3t:in9 differentD
On ood sta8<s" !us: called t:e8 a FNe= rontier 9i88ic;F =it: Finterestin9 blac;
8ar;et <ossibilities :ere?F
On sc:ool <ra3er !us: =as dul3 sancti8onious" FI a8 concerned about t:e erosion of our
8oral fibre and reli9ious :erita9e? I belie>e t:at <ra3ers in t:e <ublic sc:ools on a >oluntar3
basis are in ;ee<in9 =it: t:e 9reat traditions u<on =:ic: t:is countr3 =as founded???6icious
attac;s in t:e courts on <ra3ers in t:e sc:ools or in reference to God in our li>es 8ust be
On Red C:ina" !eiBin91 said !us: in 12-) F8ust ne>er be ad8itted to t:e UN? In t:e e>ent
t:is does occur1 t:en I ad>ocate =it:dra=al fro8 t:e United Nations?F !us: =as t:e 8an
=:o later cast :is >ote for t:e ad8ission of Red C:ina to t:e =orld bod3 in 12.1?
On t:e UN" T:e United Nations Fas <resentl3 constituted is 9ra>el3 deficient and :as been
a failure in <reser>in9 <eace? T:e United States :as ta;en t:e res<onsibilit3 for t:e freedo8
of t:e =estern =orld? T:is res<onsibilit3 =e 8ust not relin@uis: to t:e General Asse8bl3?
All nations s:ould <a3 t:eir dues or lose t:eir >ote?F
orei9n Aid1 !us:7s ca8<ai9n broc:ure reco88ends1 Fs:ould be reduced drasticall3 eEce<t
in t:ose areas =:ere tec:nolo9ical and 8ilitar3 assistance is necessar3 to t:e defense of t:e
free =orld and is econo8icall3 ad>anta9eous to t:e United States? *e s:ould use our
forei9n aid to stren9t:en our friends and eEtend freedo81 not to <lacate our ene8ies?F
T:e Nuclear test !an treat31 alt:ou9: ne9otiated b3 A>erell Harri8an :i8self1 =as reBected
b3 !us:? Accordin9 to ca8<ai9n :andouts1 t:e treat3 Fas ratified b3 t:e Senate1 =ill not
=or;? I =ould be for a treat3 =it: ade@uate1 fool<roof safe9uards?F !us: added t:at :e =as
ta;in9 t:is <osition Falt:ou9: an3one o<<osed Gto t:e treat3H is accused of =ar- 8on9erin9?
I78 t:e fat:er of fi>e c:ildren and Bust as concened as an3one else about t:e cleanliness of
t:e air and t:e sanctit3 of t:e :o8e1 but t:is is a :alf-=a3 8easure and doesn7t do t:e Bob?F
As t:e Re<ublican senatorial <ri8ar3 a<<roac:ed1 !us: declared t:at :e =as confident t:at
:e could =in an absolute 8aBorit3 and a>oid a runoff? On A<ril '51 :e <redicted t:at Hill
Rise =ould =in t:e #entuc;3 ,erb3 =it:out a runoff1 and t:at :e =ould also carr3 t:e da3
on t:e first round? T:ere =as no runoff in t:e #entuc;3 ,erb31 but !us: fell s:ort of :is
9oal? !us: did co8e in first =it: about ))R of t:e >ote or -$1+.2 >otes1 =:ile &ac; CoE
=as second =it: ))15.21 =it: Morris t:ird and ,a>is fourt:? T:e total nu8ber of >otes cast
=as 1)$12-11 so a second round =as re@uired?
CoE1 =:o :ad attracted .151555 >otes in :is 12-$ race a9ainst Connall3 for t:e
9o>ernors:i<1 =as at t:is <oint far better ;no=n around t:e state t:an !us:? CoE :ad t:e
bac;in9 of Gen? Ed=in *al;er1 =:o :ad 8ade a bid for t:e ,e8ocratic 9ubernatorial
no8ination in 12-$ :i8self and 9otten so8e 1'/1555 >otes? CoE also :ad t:e bac;in9 of
H?L? Hunt?
Morris :ad carried ,allas Count31 and :e ur9ed :is su<<orters to >ote a9ainst !us:? Morris
told t:e ,allas Mornin9 Ne= of Ma3 + t:at !us: =as Ftoo liberalF and t:at !us:7s stren9t:
in t:e <ri8ar3 =as due to FliberalF Re<ublican su<<ort?
!et=een earl3 Ma3 and t:e runoff election of &une -1 CoE 8ounted a >i9orous ca8<ai9n of
denunciation and eE<osure of !us: as a creature of t:e Eastern Liberal Establis:8ent1 *all
Street ban;in9 interests1 and of Gol=ater7s <rinci<al anta9onist for t:e GO% %residential
no8ination1 t:e :ated Go>? Nelson Roc;efeller of Ne= (or;? Accordin9 to a stor3 filed b3
Stuart Lon9 of t:e Lon9 Ne=s Ser>ice in Austin on Ma3 $+ and <reser>ed a8on9 t:e
(arborou9: <a<ers in t:e !ar;er TeEas Histor3 Center in Austin1 CoE7s su<<orters
circulated letters <ointin9 to %rescott !us:7s role as a <artner in !ro=n !rot:ers Harri8an
as t:e basis for t:e c:ar9e t:at Geor9e !us: =as t:e tool of FLiberal Eastern #in98a;ers?F
Accordin9 to Lon91 t:e letters also include references to t:e Ne= (or; Council on orei9n
Relations1 =:ic: :e described as a Fblac;-tie dinner 9rou<?F Gfn $'H T:e <ro-CoE letters
also asserted t:at !us:7s Ja<ata Offs:ore Co8<an3 :ad a :istor3 of biddin9 on drillin9
contracts for Roc;efeller7s Standard Oil of Ne= &erse3?
One anti-!us: broc:ure <reser>ed a8on9 t:e (arborou9: <a<ers at t:e !ar;er Center in
Austin is entitled F*:o7s !e:ind t:e !us:DF 1 <ublis:ed b3 t:e Coalition of Conser>ati>es
to !eat t:e !us:es1 =it: one Harold ,e3o of ,allas listed as c:air8an?
T:e attac; on !us: :ere centers on t:e Council on orei9n Relations1 of =:ic: !us: =as
not at t:at ti8e a <ublic 8e8ber? T:e broc:ure lists a nu8ber of !us: ca8<ai9n
contributors and t:en identifies t:ese as 8e8bers of t:e CR? T:ese include ,illon
Anderson and &?C? Hutc:eson III of !a;er and !otts1 Andre=s and S:e<:erd1 Leland
Anderson of Anderson1 Cla3ton and Co8<an31 La=rence S? Reed of TeEas Gulf %roducin91
ran; Mic:auE1 *?A? #ir;land of t:e board of irst Cit3 National !an;? T:e broc:ure t:en
focuses on %rescott !us:1 identified as a F<artner =it: A>erell Harri8an in !ro=n !rot:ers1
Harri8an1 and Co8<an3? A>erell Harri8an is listed as a 8e8ber of t:e Council on orei9n
Relations? FCould it be t:at %rescott S? !us:1 in concert =it: :is Eastern CR friends1 is
raisin9 all t:ose 7(an;ee ,ollars7 t:at are flo=in9 into Geor9e7s ca8<ai9nD It is reliabl3
re<orted t:at Mr? Geor9e !us: :as contracted for eEtensi>e and eE<ensi>e tele>ision ti8e
for t:e last =ee; of t:e Runoff?F T:e broc:ure also tar9ets %aul #a3ser of Anderson1
Cla3ton and !us:7s Harris Count3 ca8<ai9n c:air8an? i>e officers of t:is co8<an31
na8ed as *?L? Cla3ton1 L? le8in91 Maurice McAs:an1 Leland Anderso1 and S3ndor
Oden1 are said to be 8e8bers of t:e CR?
On t:e CR itself1 t:e broc:ure @uotes fro8 Helen %? Lasell7s stud3 entitled F%o=er !e:ind
Go>ern8ent Toda31F =:ic: found t:at t:e CR Ffro8 its ince<tion :as :ad an i8<ortant
<art in <lannin9 t:e =:ole diabolical sc:e8e of creatin9 a ONE *ORL, E,ERATION
of socialist states under t:e United Nations?F FT:ese carefull3 =or;ed out1 detailed <lans1 in
connection =it: t:e *ORL, !AN# and t:e use of billions of taE- eEe8<t foundation
dollars1 =ere carried out secreti>el3 o>er a <eriod of 3ears? T:eir fruition could 8ean not
onl3 t:e absolute destruction of our for8 of 9o>ern8ent1 national inde<endence and
so>erei9nt31 but to a de9ree at least1 t:at of e>er3 nation in t:e =orld?F T:e Ne= *orld
Order1 =e see1 is reall3 not:in9 ne=? T:e broc:ure furt:er accuses one Mrs? M? S?
Ac:er8an1 a leadin9 !us: su<<orter in Houston1 of :a>in9 <ro8oted a =rite- in ca8<ai9n
for liberal1 !oston !ra:8in for8er Senator Henr3 Cabot Lod9e of Massac:usetts in t:e
TeEas <residential <ri8ar3? Lod9e :ad =on t:e 12-) Ne= Ha8<s:ire <ri8ar31 <ro8<tin9
!us: to announce t:at t:is =as 8erel3 a re9ional <:eno8enon and t:at :e =as Fstill for
As t:e runoff >ote a<<roac:ed1 CoE focused es<eciall3 on t:e eastern financin9 t:at !us:
=as recei>in9? On Ma3 $+ in Abilene1 CoE assailed !us: for :a>in9 8ounted Fone of t:e
9reatest s<endin9 s<rees e>er seen in an3 <olitical ca8<ai9n?F CoE said t:at :e could not
:o<e to 8atc: t:is fundin9 Fbecause &ac; CoE is not1 nor =ill e>er be1 connected in an3
8anner =it: t:e Eastern ;in98a;ers =:o see; to control <olitical candidates?
Conser>ati>es of TeEas =ill ser>e notice on &une - t:at Bust as surel3 as Roc;efeller7s
8illions can7t bu3 <residential no8ination1 t:e 8illions at Geor9e !us:7s dis<osal can7t bu3
:i8 a senate no8ination?F CoE clai8ed t:at all of :is contributions :ad co8e fro8 inside
O7,onnells7s TeEas Re<ublican or9aniAation =as o>er=:el8in9l3 8obiliAed in fa>or of
!us:? !us: :ad t:e endorse8ent of t:e state7s leadin9 ne=s<a<ers? *:en t:e runoff finall3
ca8e1 !us: =as t:e =inner =it: so8e -$R of t:e >otes cast? (arborou9: co88ented t:at
!us: Fs8ot:ered &ac; CoE in 9reenbac;s?F
Gordon McLendon1 true to for81 :ad used :is o=n <re-<ri8ar3 tele>ision broadcast to
re:as: t:e !illie Sol Estes c:ar9es a9ainst (arborou9:? (arborou9: ne>ert:eless defeated
McLendon in t:e ,e8ocratic senatorial <ri8ar3 =it: al8ost +.R of t:e >ote? Gi>en t:e
lo<sided TeEas ,e8ocratic ad>anta9e in re9istered >oters1 and 9i>en L!&7s i8<osin9 lead
o>er Gold=ater at t:e to< of t:e ,e8ocratic tic;et1 it 8i9:t :a>e a<<eared t:at
(arborou9:7s >ictor3 =as no= a fore9one conclusion? T:at t:is =as not so =as due to t:e
internal di>isions =it:in t:e TeEas ,e8ocratic ran;s?
irst =ere t:e ,e8ocrats =:o ca8e out o<enl3 for !us:? T:e >e:icle for t:is defection =as
called Conser>ati>e ,e8ocrats for !us:1 c:aired b3 Ed ,ra;e1 t:e for8er leader of t:e
state7s ,e8ocrats for Eisen:o=er in 12+$? ,ra;e =as Boined b3 for8er Go>ernor Allan
S:i>ers1 =:o :ad also bac;ed I;e and ,ic; in 12+$ and 12+-? T:en t:ere =as t:e FEast
TeEas ,e8ocrats for Geor9e !us: Co88ittee1F c:aired b3 E?!? Ger8an31 t:e for8er state
,e8ocratic leader and in 12-) t:e c:air8an of t:e board of Lone Star Steel?
T:en t:ere =ere >arious for8s of co>ert su<<ort for !us:? Millionaire Houston oil8an
Llo3d !entsen1 =:o :ad been in Con9ress bac; in t:e late 12)57s1 :ad been in discussion as
a <ossible senate candidate? !us:7s basic contention =as t:at L!& :ad interfered in TeEas
<olitics to tell !entsen to sta3 out of t:e senate race1 t:us a>oidin9 a 8ore for8idable
<ri8ar3 c:allen9e to (arborou9:? On A<ril $) !us: stated t:at !entsen =as a F9ood
conser>ati>eF =:o :ad been ;e<t out of t:e race b3 F(arborou9:7s bleedin9 :eart act?F T:is
and ot:er indications <oint to a co>ert <olitical entente bet=een !us: and !entsen =:ic:
re-a<<eared durin9 t:e 12// <residential ca8<ai9n?
T:en t:ere =ere t:e forces associated =it: Go>ernor !i9 &o:n Connall3? (arborou9: later
confided t:at Connall3 :ad done e>er3t:in9 in :is <o=er to =rec; :is ca8<ai9n1 subBect
onl3 to certain restraints i8<osed b3 L!&? E>en t:ese li8itations did not a8ount to real
su<<ort for (arborou9: on t:e <art of L!&1 but =ere rat:er attributable to L!&7s desire to
a>oid t:e e8barrass8ent of seein9 :is nati>e state re<resented b3 t=o Re<ublican senators
durin9 :is o=n tenure in t:e *:ite House? !ut Connall3 still sabota9ed (arborou9: as
8uc: as L!& =ould let :i8 9et a=a3 =it:? Gfn $)H !us: and Connall3 :a>e :ad a co8<leE
relation1 =it: <oints of con>er9ence and 8an3 <oints of di>er9ence? !ac; in 12+-1 a
lobb3ist =or;in9 for TeEas oil8an Sid Ric:ardson :ad t:reatened to Frun G!us:7sH ass out
of t:e offs:ore drillin9 businessF unless %rescott !us: >oted for 9as dere9ulation in t:e
Senate? Gfn $+H Connall3 later beca8e t:e trustee for so8e of Ric:ardson7s interests? *:ile
>isitin9 ,allas on Marc: 121 !us: issued a state8ent sa3in9 t:at :e a9reed =it: Connall3
in :is criticis8s of attorne3 Mel>in !elli1 =:o :ad conde8ned t:e ,istrict Court in ,allas
=:en :is client1 &ac; Rub31 =as 9i>en t:e deat: sentence for :a>in9 slain Lee Har>e3
Os=ald t:e <re>ious No>e8ber?
In <ublic1 L!& =as for (arborou9:1 alt:ou9: :e could not =:oll3 <ass o>er t:e frictions
bet=een t:e t=o? S<ea;in9 at Stone=all after t:e ,e8ocratic national con>ention1 L!& :ad
co88ented" F(ou :a>e :eard and 3ou :a>e read t:at Sen? (arborou9: and I :a>e :ad
differences at ti8es? I :a>e read a 9ood deal 8ore about t:e8 t:an I =as e>er a=are of? !ut
I do =ant to sa3 t:is1 t:at I don7t t:in; t:at TeEas :as :ad a senator durin9 83 lifeti8e
=:ose record I a8 8ore fa8iliar =it: t:an Sen? (arborou9:7s? And I don7t t:in; TeEas :as
:ad a senator t:at >oted for t:e <eo<le 8ore t:an Sen? (arborou9: :as >oted for t:e8? And
no 8e8ber of t:e US Senate :as stood u< and fou9:t for 8e or fou9:t for t:e <eo<le 8ore
since I beca8e %resident t:an Ral<: (arborou9:?F or :is <art1 !us: 3ears later @uoted a
Ti8e Ma9aAine anal3sis of t:e 12-) senate race =:ic: concluded t:at Fif L3ndon =ould
sta3 out of it1 Re<ublican !us: =ould :a>e a c:ance? !ut &o:nson is not about to sta3 out
of it1 =:ic: 8a;es !us: t:e underdo9?F Gfn $-H
(arborou9: for :is <art :ad referred to L!& as a F<o=er-8ad TeEas <olitician1F and :ad
called on %resident #enned3 to ;ee< L!& out of TeEas <olitics? (arborou9:7s attac;s on
Connall3 =ere e>en 8ore eE<licit and colorful" :e accused Connall3 of actin9 li;e a
F>icero31 and =e 9ot rid of t:ose in TeEas =:en MeEico too; o>er fro8 S<ain?F Accordin9
to (arborou9:1 FTeEas :ad not :ad a <ro9ressi>e 9o>ernor since &i883 Alfred1F =:o :ad
:eld office in 12'+-'2? !us: too; <ains to s<ell out t:at t:is =as an attac; on ,e8ocrats *?
Lee O7,aniel1 Co;e Ste>enson1 !uford H? &ester1 Allan S:i>ers1 %rice ,aniel1 and &o:n
(arborou9: also criticiAed t:e ri9:t-=in9 oli9arc:s of t:e ,allas area for :a>in9
transfor8ed t:at cit3 fro8 a ,e8ocratic to=n to a Fcitadel of reaction?F or (arborou9:1
t:e ort *ort: Star-Tele9ra8 =as F=orse t:an %ra>da?F
(arborou9:7s strate93 in t:e No>e8ber election centered on identif3in9 !us: =it:
Gold=ater in t:e 8inds of >oters1 since t:e AriAona Re<ublican7s =arli;e r:etoric =as no=
dra99in9 :i8 do=n to certain defeat? (arborou9:7s first instict :ad been to run a substanti>e
ca8<ai9n1 stressin9 issues and :is o=n le9islati>e acco8<lis:8ents? (arborou9: in 12//
told !us: bio9ra<:er itA:u9: Green" F*:en I started 83 ca8<ai9n for re-election I =as
toutin9 83 record of siE 3ears in t:e senate? !ut 83 s<eec: ad>isors said1 all 3ou :a>e to do
is @uote !us:1 =:o :ad alread3 called :i8self 155 <er cent for Gold=ater and t:e 6ietna8
=ar? So t:at7s =:at I did1 and it =or;ed >er3 =ell?F Gfn $.H
Ca8<ai9nin9 in %ort Art:ur on Oct? '51 a <art of t:e state =:ere :is labor su<<ort loo8ed
lar9e1 (arborou9: re<eatedl3 attac;ed !us: as F8ore eEtre8e t:an !arr3 Gold=ater?F
Accordin9 to (arborou9:1 e>en after !arr3 Gold=ater :ad re<udiated t:e su<<ort of t:e
&o:n !irc: Societ31 !us: said t:at :e F=elco8ed su<<ort of t:e !irc: Societ3 and
e8braced it?F FLet7s 3ou elect a senator fro8 TeEas1 and not t:e Connecticut in>est8ent
ban;ers =it: t:eir I$1+5515551F (arborou9: ur9ed t:e >oters? Gfn $/H T:ese attac;s =ere
:i9:l3 effecti>e1 and !us:7s res<onse =as to 8obiliAe :is 8edia bud9et for 8ore screenin9s
of :is *orld *ar II Ffli9:t of t:e A>en9erF tele>ision s<ot1 =:ile :e <re<ared a last- 8inute
tele>ision dirt3 tric;? T:ere =as to be no debate bet=een !us: and (arborou9:1 but t:is did
not <re>ent !us: fro8 sta9in9 a tele>ised Fe8<t3 c:airF debate1 =:ic: =as aired on 8ore
t:an a doAen stations around t:e state on October $.? T:e !us: ca8<ai9n staff scri<ted a
debate in =:ic: !us: ans=ered doctored @uotes fro8 audio ta<es of (arborou9: s<ea;in91
=it: t:e sentences often cut in :alf1 ta;en out of conteEt1 and ot:er=ise distorted?
(arborou9: res<onded b3 sa3in9" FT:e snea;3 tric; 83 o<<onent is tr3in9 to <ull on 8e
toni9:t of <ullin9 sentences of 8ine out of conteEt =it: 83 recorded >oice and <la3in9 83
>oice as a <art of :is broadcast is ille9al under t:e la=1 and a discredit to an3one =:o
as<ires to be a US Senator? I intend to <rotest t:is ille9al tric; to t:e ederal
Co88unications Co88ission?F !us:7s 8et:od =as to Fcut 83 state8ents in :alf1 t:en let
:is Madison A>enue s<eec: =riters ans=er t:ose sin9le sentences?F FM3 o<<onent is an
eE<onent of eEtre8is81 <eddlin9 s8ear and fear =:ere>er :e 9oes?F FHis conduct loo;s
8ore li;e &o:n !irc: Societ3 conduct t:an United States Senate conduct1F (arborou9:
added? !us: also distorted t:e sound of (arborou9:7s >oice al8ost be3ond reco9nition?
(arborou9: <rotested to t:e CC in *as:in9ton1 alle9in9 t:at !us: :ad >iolated section
'1+ of t:e ederal Co88unications Act as it t:en stood1 because (arborou9:7s re8ar;s
=ere <re-censored and used =it:out :is <er8ission? (arborou9: also accused !us: of
>iolation of section '$+ of t:e sa8e act1 since it a<<eared t:at <arts of t:e Fe8<t3 c:airF
broadcast =ere 8aterial t:at :ad been <re>iousl3 broadcast else=:ere1 and =:ic: could not
be re-used =it:out <er8ission? T:e CC res<onded b3 sa3in9 t:at t:e ta<es used :ad been
8ade in :alls =:ere (arborou9: =as s<ea;in9?
All durin9 t:e ca8<ai9n1 (arborou9: :ad been tal;in9 about t:e dan9ers of electronic
ea>esdro<<in9? He :ad <ointed out t:at Fan3bod3 can be an ea>esdro<<er1 a =ireta<<er1 a
bu99er1 =:o :as a fe= dollars for t:e c:ea<er de>ices on t:e 8ar;et? Tin3 recorders and
8icro<:ones are no= 8ade to rese8ble la<el buttons or tie clas<s???Recorders can also be
found t:e siAe of a boo; or a ci9arette <ac;? T:ere is a briefcase a>ailable =it: a
8icro<:one built into t:e loc;1 and 8an3 a>ilable recorders 8a3 be carried in briefcases1
=:ile t:e =rist-=atc: 8icro<:one is no lon9er a <roduct used b3 ,ic; Trac3-- it can
actuall3 be bou9:t for I'.?+5?F (arborou9: c:ar9ed durin9 t:e <ri8ar3 ca8<ai9n <eriod
t:at :is *as:in9ton office :ad been =ireta<<ed1 and 3ears later indicated t:at t:e CIA :ad
been bu99in9 all of Ca<itol Hill durin9 t:ose 3ears? Gfn $2H
!us: =as also s8artin9 under (arborou9:7s re<eated references to :is Ne= En9land birt:
and bac;9round? !us: clai8ed t:at :e =as no car<etba99er1 but a TeEan b3 c:oice1 and
co8<ared :i8self in t:at re9ard to Sa8 Ra3burn1 Sa8 Houston1 Austin1 Colonel !ill
Tra>is1 ,a>3 Croc;ett1 &i8 !o=ie1 and ot:er :eroes of t:e Ala8o? !us: =as not :obbled
b3 an3 false 8odest3? At least1 !us: asserted la8el31 :e =as not as bi9 a car<etba99er as
!obb3 #enned31 =:o could not e>en >ote in Ne= (or; state1 =:ere :e =as 8a;in9 a
successful bid for election to t:e Senate? It Fde<ends on =:ose ba9 is bein9 car<eted1F !us:
In t:e last da3s of t:e ca8<ai9n1 Allan ,uc;=ort: of t:e <ro-!us: ,allas Mornin9 Ne=s
=as tr3in9 to con>ince :is readers t:at t:e race =as :eadin9 for a F<:oto finis:?F !ut in t:e
end1 %rescott7s net=or;s1 t:e 8illions of dollars1 t:e recordin9s1 and t:e endorse8ents of '-
ne=s<a<ers =ere of no a>ail for !us:? (arborou9: defeated !us: b3 a 8ar9in of 11)-'12+/
to 111')1''.? *it:in t:e conteEt of t:e L!& landslide >ictor3 o>er Gold=ater1 !us: :ad
done so8e=:at better t:an :is <art37s standard bearer" L!& beat Gold=ater in TeEas b3
11--'11/+ to 2+/1+--? (arborou9:1 t:an;s in <art to :is >ote in fa>or of t:e Ci>il Ri9:ts
Act1 =on a stron9 8aBorit3 of t:e blac; districts1 and also ran =ell a:ead a8on9 Latinos?
!us: =on t:e t:e usual Re<ublican counties1 includin9 t:e <oc;ets of GO% su<<ort in t:e
Houston area?
(arborou9: =ould continue for one 8ore ter8 in t:e Senate1 >ocall3 o<<osin9 t:e =ar in
6ietna8? In t:e closin9 da3s of t:e ca8<ai9n :e :ad s<o;en of !us: and :is retinue as
:arbin9ers of a Fti8e and societ3 =:en nobod3 s<ea;s for t:e =or;in9 8an?F Geor9e !us:1
defeated t:ou9: :e =as1 =ould no= redouble :is stru99le to 8a;e suc: a =orld a realit3?
(arborou9:1 alt:ou9: >ictorious1 a<<ears in retros<ect as t:e fadin9 rear9uard of an
i8<erfect but better A8erica t:at =ould disa<<ear durin9 t:e late siEties and se>enties?
1? Geor9e !us: and 6ictor Gold1 Loo;in9 or=ard 0Ne= (or;1 12/.41 <? /)?
$? !us: and Gold1 <? /)?
'? &o:n R? #na99s1 T=o-%art3 TeEas 0Austin1 12/+41 <? ')?
)? or a su88ar3 of t:e sout:ern strate931 see Garr3 *ills1 NiEon A9onistes 0!oston1 12.541 <<? $-$ ff?
+? or a <rofile of (arborou9:7s >otin9 record on t:is and ot:er issues1 see C:andler ,a>idson1 Race and
Class in TeEas %olitics 0 %rinceton1 122541 <<? $2 ff?
-? or (arborou9:7s Senate ac:ie>e8ents u< to 12-)1 see Ronnie ,u99er1 FT:e Substance of t:e Senate
Contest1F in T:e TeEas Obser>er1 Se<t? 1/1 12-)?
.? !us: and Gold1 Loo;in9 or=ard1 <? .. ff?
/? See Harr3 Hurt III1 TeEas Ric: 0Ne= (or;41 <? 121?
2? On !us:7s dri>e to beco8e Harris Count3 c:air8an1 it is instructi>e to co8<are :is Loo;in9 or=ard
=it: t:e cli<<in9s fro8 t:e Houston C:ronicle of t:ose da3s <reser>ed on 8icrofic:e in t:e TeEas
Historical Societ3 in Houston? !us: sa3s t:at :e decided to run for t:e <ost in t:e s<in9 of 12-$1 but t:e
Houston <ress clearl3 situates t:e ca8<ai9n in t:e s<rin9 of 12-'? !us: also clai8s to :a>e been count3
c:iar8an for t=o 3ears1 =:ereas t:e Houston <a<ers s:o= t:at :e ser>ed fro8 ebruar3 $5 12-' to around
,ece8ber + 12-'1 less t:an one 3ear?
15? Harr3 Hurt III1 FGeor9e !us:1 %luc;3 Lad1F TeEas Mont:l31 &une1 12/'1 <? 12-?
11? Houston C:ronicle1 $1 ebruar3 12-'?
1$? or Ant:on3 arris in t:e %ennAoil >s? TeEaco case1 see belo= and also T:o8as %etAin9er1 &r?1 Oil and
Honor 0Ne= (or;1 12/.41 <assi8?
1'? !oston Globe1 &une 1$1 12//1 cited in Mic:ael R? !esc:loss1 T:e Crisis (ears1 <? +/1?
1)? See !arbara !us:1 C? red7s Stor3 0Ne= (or;1 12/)41 <?$? T:is is an eEa8<le of Mrs? !us:7s sin9ular
:abit of co8<osin9 boo;s in =:ic: s:e s<ea;s t:rou9: a canine <ersona1 a feat s:e :as re<eated for t:e
current fa8il3 <et and <ublic relations <lo31 Millie? In :er account of :o= C? red t:e do9 9ot :is na8e1
Geor9e !us: is :eard rulin9 out usual do9 na8es =it: t:e co88ent" FNot at all? *e !us:es :a>e al=a3s
na8ed our c:ildren after <eo<le =e lo>ed?F So1 =rites C? red1 FI a8 na8ed after Geor9e !us:7s best
friend1 C? red C:a8bers of Houston1 TeEas? I :a>e 8et :i8 8an3 ti8es and :e doesn7t reall3 see8 to
a<<reciate t:e 9reat :onor t:at t:e !us:es besto=ed u<on :i8?F
1+? See Ronnie ,u99er1 FT:e our Re<ublicans1F in T:e TeEas Obser>er1 A<ril 1.1 12-)?
1-? Luotations fro8 !us: and (arborou9: ca8<ai9n 8aterial1 eEce<t as ot:er=ise indicated1 are fro8
Senator (arborou9:7s <a<ers on de<osit in t:e Eu9ene C? !ar;er TeEas Histor3 Center at t:e Uni>ersit3 of
TeEas in Austin?
1.? See Ronnie ,u99er1 FT:e Substance of t:e Senate Contest1F in T:e TeEas Obser>er1 Se<te8ber 1/1
1/? See FT:e Historic TeEas Senate Race1F in T:e TeEas Obser>er1 October '51 12-)?
12? Cited in Ronnie ,u99er1 FT:e Substance of t:e Senate Contest1F T:e TeEas Obser>er1 Se<te8ber 1/1
$5? Ibid?
$1? ,allas Ne=s1 October $)1 12-)?
$$? ,allas Ne=s1 October '1 12-)?
$'? An untitled re<ort a8on9 t:e (arborou9: <a<ers in t:e !ar;er TeEas Histor3 Center refers to FSenator
!us:7s affiliation in a Ne= (or; ;nife-and-for;-club t3<e of or9aniAation called1 7T:e Council on orei9n
Relations?7 In a 9eneral s8ear--8ainl3 >ia t:e FI :a<<en to ;no=7 letter c:ain of co88unication--t:e elder
!us: =as fre@uentl3 attac;ed1 and t:e 3oun9er !us:es =ere 9reatl3 relie>ed =:en !arr3 Gold=ater
>olunteered =ords of affectionate <raise for :is for8er collea9ue durin9 a I155-a-<late ,allas dinner?F
$)? &ust :o= far t:ese efforts 8i9:t :a>e 9one is a 8atter of s<eculation? ,ou9las Cadd3 in :is boo;1 T:e
Hundred Million ,ollar %a3off 0Ne= Roc:elle41 <? '551 re<rints an internal 8e8orandu8 of t:e 8ac:inists
Non-%artisan %olitical Lea9ue =:ic: eE<resses alar8 about t:e election outloo; for (arborou9:1 =:o is
described as Ft:e last stand-u< ,e8ocratic liberal =e :a>e in t:e sout:?F T:e 8e8o1 fro8 &ac; O7!rien to
A?&? Ha3es1 is dated October $.1 12-)1 and cites re<orts fro8 >arious labor o<erati>es to t:e effect t:at Ft:e
7fiE is in7 to defeat Ral<: (arborou9: and to re<lace :i8 =it: a Re<ublican1 !us:1 t:e son of %rescott !us:
of Connecticut? T:e onl3 @uestion at issue is =:et:er t:is 7fiE7 is a <roduct of Go>ernor Connall3 alone or is
t:e <roduct of a Boint effort bet=een Connall3 and %resident &o:nson?F Accordin9 to t:e 8e8o1 F*alter
Reut:er called L3ndon &o:nson to eE<ress :is concern =it: t:e failure to in>ite Mrs? (arborou9: to
acco8<an3F L!&7s <lane t:rou9: TeEas? Labor leaders =ere tr3in9 to :el< raise 8one3 for last-8inute
tele>ision broadcasts b3 (arborou9:1 and also to eEtract 8ore >ocal su<<ort for t:e senator fro8 L!&?
$+? See !us: and Gold1 Loo;in9 or=ard1 <? /$?
$-? !us: and Gold1 Loo;in9 or=ard1 <? /.?
$.? itA:u9: Green1 Geor9e !us:" An Inti8ate %ortrait 0Ne= (or;1 12/24 1 <? /+?
$/? ,allas Ne=s1 October '11 12-)
$2? Ronnie ,u99er1 FGold=ater7s %olicies1 #ennd37s St3leF in TeEas Obser>er1 October '51 12-)?
C:a<ter -M- Rubbers Goes to Con9ress
,urin9 t:e :eat of t:e senate ca8<ai9n1 !us:7s redistrictin9 la=suit :ad <ro9ressed in a
=a3 t:at 8ust :a>e <ro>ided :i8 8uc: solace a8idst t:e bitterness of :is defeat? *:en
!us: =on :is suit in t:e Houston federal district court1 t:ere =as a loud s@ua=; fro8
Go>ernor &o:n Connall31 =:o called t:at au9ust tribunal as a FRe<ublican court?F !us:
=:ined t:at Connall3 =as bein9 F>itriolic?F ,urin9 !us:7s <ri8ar3 ca8<ai9n1 a t:ree-
Bud9e <anel of t:e federal circuit court of a<<eals :ad ruled t:at t:e state of TeEas 8ust be
redistricted? !us: called t:at result Fa real >ictor3 for all t:e <eo<le of TeEas?F !3 Marc:1
!us:7s redistrictin9 suit :ad recei>ed fa>orable action b3 t:e US Su<re8e Court? T:is
8eant t:at t:e =a3 =as clear to create a no-incu8bent1 desi9ner district for Geor9e in a
8aster<iece of 9err38anderin9 t:at =ould 8a;e :i8 an elected official1 t:e first
Re<ublican Con9ress8an in t:e recent :istor3 of t:e Houston area?
T:e ne= Se>ent: ,istrict =as dra=n to create a liberal Re<ublican seat1 carefull3 ta;in9
into account =:ic: areas !us: :ad succeeded in carr3in9 in t:e senate race? *:at e8er9ed
=as for t:e 8ost <art a lill3-=:ite1 sil;-stoc;in9 district of t:e affluent u<<er 8iddle and
u<<er crust? T:ere =ere also s8all blac; and His<anic encla>es? In t:e <recinct boEes of t:e
ne= district1 !us: :ad rolled u< an ei9:t to fi>e 8ar9in o>er (arborou9:? Gfn 1H
!ut before 9earin9 u< a Con9ressional ca8<ai9n in t:e Se>ent: ,istrict in 12--1 !us: first
:ad to Bettison so8e of t:e useless ideolo9ical ballast :e :ad ta;en on for :is 12-)
Gold=ater <rofile? ,urin9 t:e 12-) ca8<ai9n1 !us: :ad s<o;en out 8ore fran;l3 and 8ore
bluntl3 on a series of <olitical issues t:an :e e>er :as before or since? A<art fro8 t:e
Gold=ater coloration1 one co8es a=a3 =it: t:e i8<ression t:at 8uc: of t:e ti8e t:e
s<eec:es =ere not Bust in>entions1 but often reflected :is o=n oli9arc:ical instincts and
dee<l3-rooted obsessions? In late 12-) and earl3 12-+1 !us: =as afflicted b3 a :an9o>er
induced b3 =:at for :i8 :ad been an un<recedented or93 of self-re>elation?
T:e 12-+--- 8odel Geor9e !us: =ould beco8e a 8oderate1 abandonin9 t:e s:rillest notes
of t:e 12-) conser>ati>e crusade?
irst ca8e an E<isco<alian 8ea cul<a? As !us:7s ad8irer itA:u9: Green re<orts1 Fone of
:is first ste<s =as to s:uc; off a bot:erso8e trace fro8 :is 12-) ca8<ai9n? He :ad
es<oused so8e conser>ati>e ideas t:at didn7t Bibe =it: :is o=n 8oderate attitude?F %re>ious
state8ents =ere beco8in9 ino<erati>e1 one 9at:ers1 =:en !us: discussed t:e 8atter =it:
:is An9lican <astor1 &o:n Ste>ens? F(ou ;no=1 &o:n1F said !us:1 FI too; so8e of t:e far
ri9:t <ositions to 9et elected? I :o<e I ne>er do it a9ain? I re9ret it?F His radical stance on
t:e Ci>il Ri9:ts bill =as alle9edl3 a bi9 <art of :is Fre9ret?F Ste>ens later co88ented" FI
sus<ect t:at :is 9oal on ci>il ri9:ts =as t:e sa8e as 8ine" it7s Bust t:at :e =anted to 9o
t:rou9: t:e eEistin9 aut:orities to attain it? In t:at =a3 not:in9 =ould 9et done? Still1 :e
re<resents about t:e best of noblesse obli9e?F Gfn $H It =as c:aracteristicall3 t:rou9: an
atte8<ted <ur9e in t:e Harris Count3 GO% or9aniAation t:at !us: si9nalled t:at :e =as
re>ersin9 :is field? His 9a8bit :ere =as to call on <art3 acti>ists to ta;e an Fanti -eEtre8ist
and anti-intolerance <led9e1F as t:e Houston C:ronicle re<orted on Ma3 $-1 12-+? Gfn 'H
!us: attac;ed unna8ed a<ostles of F9uilt b3 associationF and Ffar-out fear <s3c:olo931 and
:is <ronounce8ents touc:ed off a bitter and <rotracted ro= in t:e Houston GO%? !us:
8ade clear t:at :e =as tar9ettin9 t:e &o:n !irc: Societ31 =:ose acti>ists :e :ad been ea9er
to lure into :is o=n 12-) effort? No= !us: beat u< on t:e !irc:ers as a =a3 to correct :is
ri9:t-=in9 <rofile fro8 t:e 3ear before? !us: said =it: :is usual tortured s3ntaE t:at !irc:
8e8bers clai8 to Fab:or s8ear and slander and 9uilt b3 association1 but :o= 8an3 of
t:e8 s<ea; out a9ainst it <ublicl3DF
T:is =as soon follo=ed b3 a !us:-ins<ired 8o>e to oust !ob Gilbert1 =:o :ad been !us:7s
successor as t:e GO% count3 c:air8an durin9 t:e Gold=ater <eriod? !us:7s retainers <ut
out t:e line t:at t:e FeEtre8istsF :ad been 9ainin9 too 8uc: <o=er under Gilbert1 and t:at
:e t:erefore 8ust 9o? T:e !us: faction b3 no= :ad enou9: clout to oust Gilbert on &une
1$1 12-+? T:e e8inence 9rise of t:e ri9:t-=in9 faction1 State senator *alter Men9don1 told
t:e <ress t:at t:e ouster of Gilbert :ad been dictated b3 !us:?
!us: =:ined in res<onse t:at :e =as >er3 disa<<ointed =it: Men9don? FI :a>e sta3ed out
of count3 <olitics? I belie>ed all Re<ublicans :ad bac;ed 83 ca8<ai9n1F !us: told t:e
Houston C:ronicle on t:e da3 Gilbert fell?
On &ul3 1 t:e Houston <a<ers re<orted t:e election of a ne=1 Fanti- eEtre8istF Re<ublican
count3 leader? T:is =as &a8es M? Ma3or1 =:o defeated &a8es !o=ers b3 a 8ar9in of 2+
>otes a9ainst /5 in t:e count3 eEecuti>e co88ittee? Ma3or =as endorsed b3 !us:1 as =ell
as b3 Senator To=er? !o=ers =as an auctioneer =:o called for a return to t:e Gold=ater
F8a9ic?F GO% state c:air O7,onnell :o<ed t:at t:e ne= c:air8an =ould be able to <ut an
end to Ft:e 9reat deal of dissension =it:in t:e <art3 in Harris Count3 for se>eral 3ears?F
,es<ite t:is <ious =is:1 acri8onious faction fi9:tin9 tore t:e count3 or9aniAation to <ieces
o>er t:e neEt se>eral 3ears? At one <oint t:e Ri<on Societ31 a nation=ide liberal Re<ublican
9rou<in9 =:ic: clai8ed to be <art of a 8oderatin9 rebuildin9 effort after t:e Gold=ater
debacle1 inter>ened in t:e count3 to <rotect Ma3or a9ainst t:e ri9:t-=in9 o<<osition? In so
doin91 t:e Ri<on Societ3 =as also inter>enin9 in fa>or of !us:? T:e Ri<on <eo<le <ointed
to t:e 9uerilla =arfare a9ainst Ma3or as Fanot:er de8onstration of t:e <ersistent stren9t: of
t:e far ri9:t =it:in t:e TeEas GO%?F S:ortl3 after t:is scara8ouc:e1 t:e dissident faction of
t:e Harris Count3 GO% controlled /. of 1/2 <recinct c:airs?
!ut at t:e sa8e ti8e !us: too; care to <olice :is left flan;1 distancin9 :i8self fro8 t:e
be9innin9s of t:e 8o>e8ent a9ainst t:e =ar in 6ietna8 =:ic: :ad been >isible b3 t:e
8iddle of 12-+? A re8ar;able docu8ent of t:is 8anue>er is t:e teEt of t:e debate bet=een
!us: and Ronnie ,u99er1 t:e =riter and editor of t:e TeEas Obser>er? T:e debate =as :eld
&ul3 11 12-+ before t:e &unior !ar of TeEas con>ention in ort *ort:? ,u99er :ad endorsed
!us:--in a =a3 ,u99er said =as Fnot =it:out =:i8sical intentF in t:e GO% senate <ri8ar3
t:e 3ear before? ,u99er =as no radicalC at t:is <oint =as not reall3 a9ainst t:e 6ietna8 =ar1
and :e actuall3 endorsed t:e <olic3 of L!&1 sa3in9 t:at t:e %resident :ad Fno eas3 =a3 out
of 6iet Na81 but :e is see;in9 and see;in9 :ard for an :onorable =a3 out?F Gfn )H
Ne>ert:eless1 ,u99er found t:at L!& :ad 8ade a series of 8ista;es in t:e i8<le8entation
of :is <olic3? ,u99er also e8braced t:e <ro>isos ad>anced b3 Senator ulbri9:t to t:e
effect t:at Fsee;in9 a co8<lete 8ilitar3 >ictor3 =ould cost 8ore t:an t:e re@uire8ents of
our interest and :onor?F So ,u99er ar9ued a9ainst an3 furt:er escalation1 and ar9ued t:at
anti-=ar de8onstrations and ci>il disobedience could be beneficial?
!us:7s first real cause for alar8 =as seein9 Ft:e ci>il ri9:ts 8o>e8ent bein9 8ade o>er
into a 8assi>e >e:icle =it: =:ic: to attac; t:e %resident7s forei9n <olic3 in 6ietna8?F He
started b3 attac;in9 Conrad L3nn1 a FNe9ro la=3erF =:o :ad told students at F83 old
uni>ersit3- (ale Uni>ersit3F - t:at FT:e United States =:ite su<re8acists7 ar83 :as been
sent to su<<ress t:e non-=:ite <eo<le of t:e =orld?F Accordin9 to !us: FT:e (ale ,ail3
Ne=s re<orted t:at t:e audience a<<lauded =:en GL3nnH annunced t:at se>eral Ne9roes :ad
9one to Asia to enlist in t:e Nort: 6iet Na8 ar83 to fi9:t a9ainst t:e United States?F T:en
!us: turned to :is real tar9et1 Martin Lut:er #in9? #in91 :e said1 =:o is Fidentified =it:
t:e freedo8 of t:e Ne9ro cause1 sa3s in !oston t:e ot:er da3 t:at :e doesn7t =ant to sit at a
se9re9ated lunc: counter =:ere 3ou :a>e strontiu8 25 in t:e 8il;1 o>erloo;in9 t:e fact t:at
it7s t:e co88unists =:o are testin9 in t:e at8os<:ere toda31 t:e Red C:inese? It7s not t:e
United States?F T:en t:ere =as !a3ard Rustin1 Fa leadin9 indi>idual in t:e Ne9ro stru99le
for freedo81 G=:oH calls for =it:dra=al fro8 6iet Na8?F T:is is all :3<ocritical in !us:7s
>ie=1 since Ft:e3 tal; about ci>il ri9:ts in t:is countr31 but t:e3 are =illin9 to sacrifice t:e
indi>idual ri9:ts in t:e co88unist countries?F
!us: =as e@uall3 riled u< o>er anti-=ar de8onstrations1 since t:e3 =ere <eo<led b3 =:at
:e called FeEtre8ists"F FI a8 sure 3ou ;no= =:at an eEtre8ist is? T:at7s a 9u3 =:o ta;es a
9ood idea and carries it to si8<l3 <re<osterous ends? And t:at7s =:at7s :a<<ened? Of course1
t:e re-e8er9ence of t:e <olitical beatni; is causin9 8e <ersonall3 a 9ood deal of <leasure?
Man3 conser>ati>es =inced durin9 12-) as =e =ere labelled eEtre8ists of t:e ri9:t? And
certainl3 =e =ere e8barrassed b3 t:e booin9 of Nelson Roc;efeller at t:e con>ention1 and
so8e of t:e co88ents t:at referred to t:e s8ell of fascis8 in t:e air at t:e Re<ublican
con>ention1 and t:in9s li;e t:is1 and =e =inced?F
*ar8in9 to t:e subBect1 !us: continued" FLet 8e 9i>e 3ou so8e eEa8<les of t:is ;ind of
left =in9 eEtre8is8? A>erell Harri8an-- surel3 not ;no=n for :is reactionar3 >ie=s--
s<ea;in9 at Cornell Uni>ersit31 tal;in9 about 6iet Na8 before a cro=d t:at calls FLiarKF
GT:e3H booed :i8 to t:e state :e could :ardl3 finis:1 and finall3 :e 9ot so frustrated :e
as;ed1 7Ho= 8an3 in t:e audience are co88unistsD7 And a bunc: of <eo<le t:ere --s8all I
=ill ad8it--:eld u< t:eir :ands?F
So eEtre8ists1 for !us:1 =ere t:ose =:o assailed Roc;efeller and Harri8an?
!us: defended t:e House Co88itte on Una8erican Acti>ities a9ainst t:e de8onstrations
or9aniAed b3 &a8es ore8an and SNCC1 co88iserated =it: a State ,e<art8ent official
=:o :ad been branded a fascist at Io=a State1 and =ent on to assail t:e !er;ele3 Ffilt:3
s<eec:F 8o>e8ent? As an eEa8<le of t:e F<ure nai>eteF of ci>il ri9:ts leaders1 :e cited
Coretta Scott #in9 =:o F8ana9ed to lin; 9lobal <eace and ci>il ri9:ts1 so8e:o= 8ana9ed
to tie t:ese t=o t:in9s to9et:er <:iloso<:icall3F -- =:ic: !us: <rofessed not to fat:o8? FIf
=e can be non->iolent in Sel8a1 =:3 can7t =e be non->iolent in 6iet Na81F Ossie ,a>is
:ad said1 and !us: <ro<osed :e be a=arded t:e F9reen *ienerF for :is Fabsurd t:eor31F for
F=:at7s 9ot to be t:e fuAAiest t:in;in9 of t:e 3ear?F
!e3ond t:is ine>itable obsession =it: race1 !us: =as fran;l3 a :a=;1 fran;l3 for
escalation1 o<enin9 t:e door to nuclear =ea<ons in 6iet Na8 onl3 a little 8ore subtl3 t:an
:e :ad t:e 3ear before" FAnd so I stand :ere as one =:o sa3s I =ill bac; u< t:e %resident
and 8ilitar3 leaders no 8atter =:at =ea<ons t:e3 use in Sout:east Asia?F
,urin9 12-)1 12-+ and 12--1 !us: =as still functionin9 as t:e full- ti8e <resident of
Ja<ata Offs:ore1 alt:ou9: so8e of :is co-=or;ers co8<lained t:at :e =as e>en less sin9le-
8inded about 8a;in9 8one3? ,urin9 t:is <eriod1 t:e co8<an37s o<erations =ere ra<idl3
eE<andin9 and LeTourneau7s 6ic;sbur9 3ard turned out a series of offs:ore drillin9
<latfor8s1 includin9 so8e of ne= desi9n? !usiness :ad been 9ood durin9 12-)1 =it: net
inco8e u< /+R o>er t:e <re>ious 3ear? !us: =rote in t:e 12-) Ja<ata %etroleu8 Annual
Re<ort" FT:e offs:ore drillin9 industr3 in =:ic: =e o<erate continues stron9 and acti>e1
=it: >irtuall3 all e@ui<8ent in t:e Gulf of MeEico e8<lo3ed 155R of t:e ti8e?
urt:er8ore1 ot:er 8ar;et around t:e =orld are acti>e1 and ne= 8ar;ets are o<enin9 u<?F
T:e latest LeTourneau drillin9 <latfor8 =as t:e MA6ERIC#1 =:ic: =as at t:at ti8e t:e
lar9est self-ele>atin9 drillin9 bar9e in action an3=:ere in t:e =orld? T:e self-ele>atin9
bar9es =ere 8obile ri9s =it: le9s t:at rested on t:e botto8 of t:e ocean? FT:e 8aEi8u8
de<t: of =ater in =:ic: self-ele>atin9 bar9es can =or; is li8ited b3 t:e len9t: of t:eir
le9s1F !us: re8inded t:e s:are:olders? Ma>eric; =ent to =or; for t:e California Co8<an3?
T:e MA6ERIC# desi9n =as so <ro8isin91 !us: told t:e s:are:olders1 t:at Ja<ata :ad
co8<leted ne9otiations to build t=o ne= ri9s of t:e MA6ERIC# class1F =:ic: =ould 9o to
=or; for S:ell? Gulf oil =as also anEious to :ire one of Ja<ata7s ne= ri9s?
T:e SCOR%ION1 =:ic: :ad been t:e first of t:e self-ele>atin9 8obile bar9es1 s<ent 12-)
off t:e coast of Lousiana1 under contract to S:ell oil? T:e 6INEGAROON s<ent t:e first
:alf of t:e 3ear off Trinidad1 and t:en 8o>ed to a <osition off t:e coast of Louisiana? T:e
SI,E*IN,ER1 Ja<ata7s s:i<-s:a<ed floatin9 drillin9 >essel1 :ad been to=ed b3 Ro3al
,utc: S:ell7s !runei S:ell %etroleu8 Co8<na3 Ltd? to a <osition off t:e sultanate of
!runei on t:e nort: coast of !orneo? !us: =rote in t:e 12-) Ja<ata annual re<ort t:at
F!runei S:ell %etroleu8 Co8<na31 Ltd?1 :as notified 3our co8<an3 of S:ell7s intention to
eEercise its o<tion1 contained in t:e drillin9 contract1 to <urc:ase t:e SI,E*IN,ER?
Mone3 deri>ed fro8 t:e sale of SI,E*IN,ER =ill be used to defra3 <art of t:e cost of t:e
ne= ri9s? S:ell <lans to 8o>e t:e SI,E*IN,ER to t:e %ersian Gulf =:ere Seacat- Ja<ata1
our %ersian Gulf affiliate1 =ill o<erate t:e SI,E*IN,ER =it: anot:er S:ell subsidiar3?F
A8on9 t:e older ri9s1 t:e NOLA I1 t:e *orld *ar II frei9:ter :ull =it: a drillin9 a<<aratus
built in1 =as no= considered obsolete? T:e NOLA I =as sold to a MeEican drillin9
co8<an31 <resu8abl3 one connected to ,iaA Serrano or one of :is cor<orate fronts? T:e
NOLA III1 =:ic: :ad been sold in 12-1 to Ja<ata-Seacat Offs:ore Co8<an31 one of !us:7s
subsidiaries1 =as still acti>e in t:e Frelati>el3 cal8 =atersF of t:e %ersian Gulf? F,urin9
12-)1 NOLA III =or;ed for #u=ait S:ell %etroleu8 ,e>elo<8ent Co8<an3 and
Continental Oil Co8<an31F !us: =rote in :is 12-) annual re<ort? So t:e Sultan of !runei
and t:e E8ir of #u=eit =ere indeed !us:7s business <artners?
T:e Ja<ata fleet of drillin9 ri9s =as under9oin9 continuous 8oderniAation1 =it: t:e s:i<-
s:a<ed floatin9 ri9s bein9 <:ased out in fa>or of t:e self-ele>atin9 drillin9 <latfor8s? In
12-)1 t:ree of Ja<ata7s fi>e ri9s =ere s:i<-s:a<ed floaters1 but b3 12--1 !us: =rote1 onl3
t:e NOLA III =ould re8ain acti>e in t:is class? One t:reat to t:e Ja<ata fleet =as <osed b3
t:e :urricanes in t:e Gulf" in 12-) :urricane Hilda :ad done so8e da8a9e to SCOR%ION1
6INEGAROON1 and t:e ne= MA6ERIC#?
Sur>e3in9 t:e =orld 8ar;et for drillin9 ri9s1 !us: <ointed out t:at Fdisco>eries off t:e
coast of Ni9eria are dra=in9 ri9s to t:at area?F T:ere =as also t:e recent disco>er3 of oil in
t:e Nort: Sea1 =it: t:e result t:at1 Fdurin9 t:e su88er1 t:e United #in9do8 leased a >ast
area off its east coast for offs:ore eE<loration?F FMost of t:e =orld7s 8aBor oil co8<anies
are in>estin9 :ea>il3 in t:e Nort: Sea1F !us: obser>ed? T:ere =as also t:e %ersian Gulf1
=:ere Fa 8aBor lease sale off t:e Nort:ern Coast of t:e %ersian Gulf is bein9 co8<leted b3
t:e Iranian 9o>ern8ent as t:is re<ort 9oes to <ress?F FAll of t:ese de>elo<8ents are
eE<ected to :a>e a beneficial effect on Ja<ata7s business o>er t:e neEt se>eral 3ears1F !us:
In 12-+1 !us: =as able to boast in :is last Ja<ata Annual Re<ort t:at earnin9s <er s:are
:ad risen for t:e siEt: 3ear out of t:e se>en of :is tenure? One se>ere setbac; :ad been t:e
destruction of t:e MA6ERIC# <latfor8 b3 Hurricane !ets3 in t:e Gulf? !ut !us: =as able
to reassure t:e s:areolders" FI a8 <leased to note t:at =it:in t:ree =ee;s of Hurricane
!ets31 3our co8<an3 :ad been <aid t:e full >alue b3 t:e insurance co8<anies? T:e
co>era9e =as carried =it: Llo3ds of London and !ritis: Insurance Co8<anies1 and t:e
offs:ore drillin9 business s:ould be 9rateful for t:e =a3 in =:ic: t:ese co8<anies :a>e
res<onded =:en disaster :as struc;?F
!us:7s =orld offs:ore drillin9 8ar;et sur>e3 no= included t:e coast of Ni9era1 t:e Iranian
leases in t:e nort:ern %ersian Gulf1 Austrialian off-s:ore fields t:en o<enin9 u<1 t:e Gulf of
SueA1 and t:e be9innin9 of drillin9 in t:e Nort: Sea fields b3 bot: !ritain and Nor=a3?
Ja<ata1 said !us:1 =as ;ee<in9 in close contact =it: !ritis: %etroleu81 Continental1 and
S:ell? On t:e =orld oil 8ar;et o>erall1 !us: @uoted &o:n Loudon1 t:e senior 8ana9in9
director of t:e Ro3al ,utc: S:ell Grou< as sa3in9 t:at in $+ 3ears t:e free =orld =as 9oin9
to re@uire t:ree ti8es t:e current a8ount of oil for its consu8<tion?
Later1 t:e SI,E*IN,ER co8<leted its tri< fro8 t:e Sultan of !runei7s do8ains off t:e
coast of nort:ern !orneo1 and be9an o<eratin9 in t:e %ersian Gulf? !ut to re<lace
SI,E*IN,ER1 Sout:eastern-Jaa<ata ,rllin91 a one-t:ird o=ned affiliate1 :ad built a ne=
ri9 in &a<an at a cost of so8e I-?+ 8illion1 and t:is ri9 :ad been 8o>ed to t:e !orneo coast
under contract to S:ell? Seacat Ja<ata7s NOLA III :ad left t:e %ersian Gulf and =as no=
o<eratin9 in t:e Gulf of Tunis1 =:ence it =ould <roceed to t:e Red Sea coast of Et:io<ia?
6INEGAROON =as =or;in9 off t:e coast of Louisiana for C:e>ron1 and a ne= ri91
tentati>el3 labelled RIG /1 =as also destined for t:e Gulf of MeEico? O<<ortunities see8ed
i88inent in Australia1 =:ere Ja<ata :ad set u< a s<ecial relations:i< =it: Oil ,rillin9 and
EE<loration Ltd? of Australia?
In 12--1 t:e 3ear t:at !us: sa3s :e left t:e 8ana9e8ent of Ja<ata to de>ote :i8self full-
ti8e to <olitics1 Ja<ata eE<erienced anot:er increase in earnin9s <er s:are? Accordin9 to t:e
12-- Ja<ata Annual Re<ort1 Ja<ata7s Fnet <rofits for 12-- eEceeded t:e net <rofits of
se>eral ortune +55 co8<anies?F T:e >alue of Ja<ata7s offs:ore drillin9 fleet =as an
esti8ated I') 8illion1 and t:e co8<an37s stoc; =as no= tradin9 on t:e A8erican Stoc;
EEc:an9e? *it: de<arture of Geor9e H?*? !us: as c:air8an of t:e board1 t:e cor<orate
<ersonalities of Ja<ata under=ent a s:a;eu<? Alon9 =it: !us: de<arted :is 8aternal Uncle
Herbie1 a;a G?H? *al;er &r?1 t:e Mana9in9 ,irector of G?H? *al;er and Co?1 Ne= (or;?
&?*? Gardner =as out as <resident1 re<laced b3 *illia8 H? l3nn? T:e ne= c:air8an of t:e
board and c:ief eEecuti>e officer =as no= ,? ,o3le MiAe1 =:o :ad <re>iousl3 been a
8e8ber of t:e board? T:e Under=ood1 Neu:aus Co? interests ;e<t t:eir seat on t:e Ja<ata
board1 but t:eir re<resentati>e c:an9ed fro8 Milton R? Under=ood to *illia8 Sta8<s
arris: III1 !us:7s !ee>ille :untin9 <artner and t:e 9randson of t:e Standard Oil eEecuti>e
=:o :ad been eE<osed for dealin9 =it: NaAi fir8s? Added to t:e board =ere also t=o
re<resentati>es of leadin9 Houston la= fir8s1 includin9 R?%? !us:8an of 6inson1 El;ins1
*ee8s1 and Searls and !?&? Mac;in of !a;er1 !otts1 S:e<:erd and Coates? &ud9in9 fro8
t:e <resence of arris: and t:e Houston la=3ers1 =e 8a3 conclude t:at alt:ou9: !us: :ad
de<arted fro8 t:e for8al structure of Ja<ata1 :e still :ad board 8e8bers to re<resent :is
interests1 =:ic: =as i8<ortant in li9:t of t:e Ja<ata stoc; :e continued to :old? T:e sole
Ne= (or;er on t:e <ost-!us: board =as also a ne= face1 Mic:ael M? T:o8as of Le:8an
Ne= drillin9 <latfor8s included t:e EN,EA6OUR1 HERON1 and CHA%%ARAL1 <lus a
-5R s:are of a s:i<-s:a<ed floatin9 >essel off t:e coast of Austrialia? Gulf Oil of ,en8ar;
:ad si9ned a I2 8illion contract for a ne= <latfor8 called t:e MAERS# EM%LORER1 t:e
first of a ne= 9eneration of LeTourneau drillin9 units? CHA%%ARAL =as under contract to
AGI%1 a subsidiar3 of t:e Italian state oil co8<na3 ENI1 for o<erations in t:e Adriatic Sea?
6INEGAROON =as under contract to %etrobras of !raAil? Ja<ata7s offs:ore drillin9
acti>it3 b3 no= co8<re:ended areas off ,en8ar;1 !raAil1 Ital31 En9land1 t:e %ersian Gulf1
Australia1 and Louisiana?
Turnin9 to t:e =orld drillin9 8ar;et1 t:e ne= <ost-!us: 8ana9e8ent offered t:e follo=in9
o>er>ie=" FT:e offs:ore drillin9 industr31 in =:ic: Ja<ata is a si9nificant <artici<ant1 :as
unde9one a substantial c:an9e in c:aracter and sco<e in t:e <ast fi>e 3ears? i>e 3ears a9o1
al8ost all t:e offs:ore drillin9 units =ere o<eratin9 in one 9eo9ra<:ical area1 t:e Gulf of
MeEico? Toda31 siE se<arate offs:ore <ro>inces :a>e e8er9ed as s:o=in9 solid e>idence of
:a>in9 8aBor :3drocarbon de<osits?F *orld :oriAons =ere >ast1 =it: t:e Ja<ata
8an9e8ent countin9 se>enteen countries =it: offs:ore oil or 9as <roduction alread3
under=a31 and fift3 ot:er countries eE<lorin9 or drillin9 for oil? Ja<ata7s abilit3 to o<erate
in suc: <laces as t:e Nort: Sea1 Austrialia1 and #u=ait is indicati>e not Bust of a >er3 close
relations:i< bet=een Ja<ata and t:e se>en sisters oil cartel1 but of an eEcellent entree =it:
t:e inner sanctu8 of t:at cartel1 t:e Ro3al ,utc: S:ell-!ritis: %etroleun neEus1 =:ic:
eEercised t:e decisi>e influence on t:e <olicies and contin9enc3 <lannin9 of t:e cartel?
Ro3al ,utc: S:ell =as for eEa8<le t:e co8<an3 t:at a>ailed itself of t:e ser>ices of Lord
6ictor Rot:sc:ild for its future <lannin9?
T:e 12-- Ja<ata Annual re<ort esti8ated t:at about +5R of t:e co8<an37s <rofits ca8e
fro8 US o<erations1 $5R fro8 t:e Nort: Sea1 15R fro8 t:e Middle East1 15R fro8
Austrialia1 and 15R fro8 a subsidiar3 called *illia8s-Mc*illia8s1 =:ic: carried on
dred9in9 o<erations in t:e Gulf of MeEico and t:e lo=er Mississi<<i Ri>er? One can
i8a9ine t:at Geor9e !us: :ad to so8e de9ree <artici<ated in t:e ne9otiations for t:ese
o<erations? ,urin9 :is 3ears =it: Ja<ata1 it =ould t:us a<<ear t:at :e :ad been able to
eEtend t:e sco<e of :is acti>it3 fro8 t:e Cuban-Caribbean arena to t:e %ersian Gulf1 ot:er
<arts of t:e Arab =orld1 !raAil1 Scandina>ia1 and t:e Adriatic =aters bet=een Ital3 and
As t:e 12-- Con9ressional election a<<roac:ed1 !us: =as o<ti8istic about :is c:ances of
finall3 9ettin9 elected? T:is ti8e1 instead of s=i88in9 a9ainst t:e tide of t:e Gold=ater
catacl3s81 !us: =ould be fa>ored b3 t:e classic 8id-ter8 election refleEt =:ic: al8ost
al=a3s :el<s t:e Con9ressional candidates of t:e <art3 out of <o=er? And L!& in t:e *:ite
House =as >ulnerable on a nu8ber of <oints1 fro8 t:e escalation of t:e 6iet Na8 =ar to
sta9flation? T:e desi9ner 9err38anderin9 of t:e ne= Houston con9ressional district :ad
functioned <erfectl31 and so :ad :is de8a9o9ic s:ift to=ards t:e F>ital centerF of 8oderate
conser>atis8? !ecause t:e district =as ne=l3 dra=n1 t:ere =ould be no =ell-;no=n
incu8bent to contend =it:? And no=1 b3 one of t:e con>enient coincidences t:at see8 to
be stre=n t:rou9: !us:7s life 1 t:e onl3 obstacle bet=een :i8 and election =as a tro9lod3te
,e8ocratc conser>ati>e of an u9l3 and >indicti>e t3<e1 t:e sort of fi9ure =:o =ould 8a;e
e>en !us: loo; reasonable?
T:e ,e8ocrat in @uestion =as ran; !riscoe1 a for8er district attorne3? Accordin9 to t:e
TeEas Obser>er1 Fran; !riscoe =as one of t:e 8ost >icious <rosecutors in Houston7s
:istor3? He actuall3 8aintained a 7ten 8ost =anted con>ictions list7 b3 =:ic: :e ;e<t t:e
<ublic ad>ised of :o= 8uc: luc; :e :ad 9ettin9 con>ictions a9ainst :is c:osen defendants
t:en bein9 :eld in custod3? No=1 as a candidate for Con9ress1 !riscoe is runnin9 red-e3ed
for t:e ri9:t-=in9 in Houston? He is anti-,e8ocratic1C anti-ci>il ri9:tsC anti-forei9n aidC
anti-=ar on <o>ert3? T:e fact t:at :e calls :i8self a ,e8ocrat is utterl3 irrele>ant?F !3
contrast1 fro8 t:e <oint of >ie= of t:e TeEas Obser>er1 FHis o<<onent1 Geor9e !us:1 is a
conser>ati>e 8an? He fa>ors t:e =ar in 6ietna8C :e =as for Gold=ater1 alt:ou9: <robabl3
reluctantl3C :e is nobod37s firebrand? (et !us: is si8<l3 ci>iliAed in race relations1 and :e is
no= o<enl3 reBectin9 t:e su<<ort of t:e &o:n !irc: Societ3? T:is is one case =:ere electin9
a Re<ublican to Con9ress =ould :el< <reser>e t:e t=o-<art3 balance of t:e countr3 and at
t:e sa8e ti8e s<are TeEas t:e e8barrass8entF of :a>in9 so8ebod3 li;e !riscoe 9o to
*as:in9ton? Gfn +H !us:7s ideolo9ical face-liftin9 =as =or;in9? FI =ant conser>atis8 to be
sensiti>e and d3na8ic1 not scared and reactionar31F !us: told t:e *all Street &ournal?
!riscoe a<<ears in retros<ect as a candidate 8ade to order for !us:7s ne= 8oderate <rofile1
and t:ere are indications t:at is Bust =:at :e =as? Sources in Houston recall t:at in 12--
t:ere =as anot:er ,e8ocratic candidate for t:e ne= Con9ressional seat1 a 8oderate and
attracti>e ,e8ocrat na8ed *ildent:al? T:ese sources sa3 t:at !us:7s bac;ers <ro>ided
lar9e-scale financial su<<ort for !riscoe in t:e ,e8ocratic <ri8ar3 ca8<ai9n1 =it: t:e
result t:at *ildent:al lost out to !riscoe1 settin9 u< t:e race t:at !us: found to :is
ad>anta9e? A desi9ner district =as not enou9: for Geor9eC :e also re@uired a desi9ner
o<<onent if :e =as to <re>ail-- a fact =:ic: 8a3 be rele>ant to t:e final e>aulation of =:at
:a<<ened in 12//?
One of t:e ;e3 <oints of differentiation bet=een !us: and !riscoe =as on race? T:e district
:ad about 1+R blac; <o<ulation1 but 8a;in9 so8e inroads :ere a8on9 re9istered
,e8ocrats =ould be of decisi>e i8<ortance for t:e GO% side? !us: 8ade sure t:at :e =as
seen s<onsorin9 a blac; baseball tea81 and tal;ed a lot about :is =or; for t:e United Ne9ro
Colle9e und =:en :e :ad been at (ale? He told t:e <ress t:at Fblac; <o=erF a9itators =ere
not a <roble8 a8on9 t:e 8ore res<onsible blac;s in Houston FI t:in; t:e da3 is <ast1F !us:
noted1 F=:en =e can afford to :a>e a lil3 =:ite district? I =ill not atte8<t to a<<eal to t:e
=:ite bac;las:? I a8 in ste< =it: t:e 12-57s?F !us: e>en too; u< a <osition in t:e Office of
Econo8ic O<<ortunit3 anti-<o>et3 a<<aratus in t:e cit3? He su<<orted %roBect Head Start?
!3 contrast1 !riscoe FaccusedF !us: of courtin9 blac; su<<ort1 and re8inded !us: t:at
ot:er TeEas Con9ress8en :ad been >otin9 a9ainst ci>il ri9:ts le9islation =:en it ca8e u<
in Con9ress? !riscoe :ad anta9oniAed <arts of t:e blac; co88unit3 b3 :is relentless <ursuit
of t:e deat: <enalt3 in cases in>ol>in9 blac; ca<ital defendants? Accordin9 to t:e Ne= (or;
Ti8es1 FNe9ro leaders :a>e 8ounted a @uiet ca8<ai9n to 9et Ne9roes to >ote for G!us:H?F
!riscoe7s ca8<ai9n ads stressed t:at :e =as a ri9:t-=in9er and a TeEan1 and accused !us:
of bein9 Ft:e darlin9 of t:e Lindse3 GsicH- &a>its cro=d1F endorsed b3 labor unions1 liberal
<rofessors1 liberal Re<ublicans and liberal s3ndicated colu8nists? !riscoe =as <roud of :is
endorse8ents fro8 Go>? &o:n Connall3 and t:e Conser>ati>e Action Co88ittee1 a local
ri9:t-=in9 9rou<? One endorse8ent for !us: t:at caused !riuscoe so8e difficult3 =as t:at
of !us: 8entor Ric:ard M? NiEon? !3 12--1 NiEon =as on t:e co8ebac; trail1 :a>in9
=i:stood t:e >irtual ner>ous brea;do=n :e :ad under9one after losin9 :is bid for t:e
9o>ernors:i< of California in 12-$? NiEon =as no= in t:e course of asse8blin9 t:e
dele9ates t:at =ould 9i>e :i8 t:e GO% <residential no8ination in Mia8i in 12-/? NiEon
ca8e to Houston and 8ade ca8<ai9n a<<earances for !us:1 as :e :ad in 12-)?
!us: :ad brou9:t in a ne= 9rou< of :andlers and i8a9e-8on9ers for t:is 12-- race? His
ca8<ai9n 8ana9er =as &i8 Allison fro8 Midland? Harr3 Trelea>en =as brou9:t in desi9n
!us:7s <ro<a9anda?
Trelea>en :ad been =or;in9 at t:e &? *alter T:o8<son Ad>ertisin9 A9enc3 in Ne= (or;
Cit31 but :e too; a lea>e of absence fro8 &? *alter to co8e to =or; for !us: in TeEas? At &?
*alter T:o8<son1 Trelea>en :ad sold t:e <roducts of %an A8erican1 RCA1 ord1 and Lar;
ci9arettes? He =as attracted to !us: because :e :ad <lent3 of 8one3 and =as =illin9 to
s<end it liberall3? After t:e ca8<ai9n =as o>er1 Trelea>en =rote a lon9 8e8o about =:at
:e :ad done? He called it FU<set" T:e Stor3 of a Modern %olitical Ca8<ai9n?F One of t:e
basic <oints in Trelea>en7s sellin9 of !us: =as t:at issues =ould <la3 no role? FMost
national issues toda3 are so co8<licated1 so difficult to understand1 and :a>e o<inions on
t:at t:e3 eit:er inti8idate or1 8ore often1 bore t:e a>era9e >oter???e= <oliticians reco9niAe
t:is fact?F In :is 8e8o1 Trelea>en describes :o= :e =al;ed around Houston in t:e :ot
Au9ust of 12-- and as;ed <eo<le =:at t:e3 t:ou9:t of Geor9e !us:? He found t:at 8an3
considered !us: to be Fan eEtre8el3 li;eable <erson1F but t:at Ft:ere =as a :aAiness about
eEactl3 =:ere :e stood <oliticall3?F
or Trelea>en1 t:is =as an ideal situation? FT:ere7ll be fe= o<<ortunities for lo9ical
<ersuasion1 =:ic: is all ri9:t-- because <robabl3 8ore <eo<le >ote for irrational1 e8otional
reasons t:an <rofessional <oliticians sus<ect?F Trelea>en7s a<<roac: =as t:at F<oliticians
are celebrities?F Trelea>en <ut /+R of !us:7s :eft3 ca8<ai9n bud9et into ad>ertisin91 and
+2R of t:at =as for tele>ision? Ne=s<a<er ad 9ot 'R? Trelea>en ;ne= t:at !us: =as
be:ind in t:e <olls? F*e can turn t:is into an ad>anta9e1F :e =rote1 Fb3 creatin9 a 7fi9:tin9
underdo9 7 i8a9e? !us: 8ust con>ince >oters t:at :e reall3 =ants to be elected and is
=or;in9 :ard to earn t:eir >ote? %eo<le s38<at:iAe =it: a 8an =:o tries :ard" t:e3 are also
flattered t:at an3one =ould reall3 eEert :i8self to 9et t:eir >ote? !us:1 t:erefore1 8ust be
s:o=n as a 8an =:o7s =or;in9 :is :eart out to =in?F
As &oe McGinnis su88ed u< t:e tele>ision ads t:at resulted" FO>er and o>er1 on e>er3
tele>ision set in Houston1 Geor9e !us: =as seen =it: :is coat slun9 o>er a s:oulderC :is
slee>es rolled u<C =al;in9 t:e streets of :is districtC 9rinnin91 9ri<<in91 s=eatin91 lettin9 t:e
>oter ;no= :e cared? About =:at1 =as ne>er 8ade clear?F Gfn .H
Coac:ed b3 t:ese <rofessional s<in doctors1 !us: =as actin9 as 8ainstrea81 fair1 and
conciliator3 as could be? In an eEc:an9e =it: !riscoe in t:e Houston C:ronicle a fe= da3s
before t:e election1 :e ca8e out for Fa 8an7s ri9:t to Boin a union and :is ri9:t to stri;e1 but
I additionall3 =ould fa>or fair le9islation to see t:at no stri;e can cri<<le t:is nation and
endan9er t:e 9eneral =elfare?F !ut :e =as still for t:e TeEas ri9:t to =or; la=? !us:
su<<orted L!&7s F<resent 6ietna8 <osition?? I =ould li;e to see an All -Asian Conference
con>ened to atte8<t to settle t:is :orrible =ar? T:e Re<ublican leaders:i<1 %resident
&o:nson1 and Secretar3 Rus; and al8ost all but t:e real 7do>es7 endorse t:is?F !us: =as
a9ainst Fs=ee<in9 9un control?F !riscoe =anted to cut FeEtra>a9ant do8estic s<endin91F
and t:ou9:t t:at 8one3 8i9:t be found b3 forcin9 rance and t:e USSR to finall3 <a3 u<
t:eir =ar debts fro8 t:e t=o =orld =arsK
*:en it ca8e to urban rene=al1 !us: s<o;e u< for t:e C:arles %erc3 National Ho8e
O=ners:i< oundation1 =:ic: carried t:e na8e of a leadin9 liberal Re<ublican senator?
!us: =anted to <lace t:e federal e8<:asis on suc: t:in9s as Fre:abilitatin9 old :o8es?F FI
fa>or t:e conce<t of local o<tion on urban rene=al? Let t:e <eo<le decide1F :e said1 =it: a
sli9:t nod in t:e direction of t:e e8er9in9 Ne= Left?
In !us:7s ca8<ai9n ads :e in>ited t:e >oters to Fta;e a cou<le of 8inutes and see if 3ou
don7t a9ree =it: 8e on siE i8<ortant <oints1F includin9 6ietna81 inflation1 ci>il
disobedience1 Bobs1 >otin9 ri9:ts1 and FeEtre8is8F 0!us: =as a9ainst t:e far ri9:t and t:e
far left4? And t:ere =as Geor9e1 billed as Fsuccessful business8an???ci>ic leader???=orld
tra>eler??=ar :ero1F bare:eaded in a =:ite s:irt and tie1 =it: :is Bac;et slun9 o>er :is
s:oulder in t:e <ost-#enned3 fas:ion?
In t:e conteEt of a <ro-GO% trend t:at brou9:t +2 fres:8an Re<ublican Con9ress8en into
t:e House1 t:e bi99est influE in t=o decades1 !us:7s calculated a<<roac: =or;ed? !us: 9ot
about '+R of t:e blac; >ote1 ))R of t:e usuall3 3ello=-do9 ,e8ocrat rural >ote1 and .5R
in t:e eEclusi>e Ri>er Oa;s suburb? Still1 :is 8ar9in =as not lar9e" !us: 9ot +/R of t:e
>otes in t:e district? !ob Gra31 t:e candidate of t:e Constitution %art31 9ot less t:an 1R?
,es<ite t:e role of blac; >oters in :is narro= >ictor31 !us: could not refrain fro8 =:inin9?
FIf t:ere =as a disa<<ointin9 as<ect in t:e >ote1 it =as 83 bein9 s=a8<ed in t:e blac;
<recincts1 des<ite our 8a;in9 an all-out effort to attract blac; >oters? It =as bot: <uAAlin9
and frustratin91F !us: obser>ed in :is 12/. ca8<ai9n autobio9ra<:3? Gfn -H After all1 !us:
co8<lained1 :e :ad <ut t:e GO%7s funds in a blac;- o=ned ban; =:en :e =as <art3
c:air8anC :e :ad o<ened a <art3 office =it: full-ti8e staff near TeEas Sout:ern a blac;
colle9e1C :e :ad =or;ed closel3 =it: !ill Trent of t:e United Ne9ro Colle9e und1 all =it:
scant <a3off as !us: sa= it? Man3 blac; >oters :ad not been <re<ared to re=ard !us:7s
noblesse obli9e and t:at t:re= :i8 into a ra9e state1 =:et:er or not :is t:3roid =as alread3
=or;in9 o>erti8e in 12--?
*:en !us: 9ot to *as:in9ton in &anuar31 12-.1 t:e !ro=n !rot:ers1 Harri8an net=or;s
deli>ered" !us: beca8e t:e first fres:8an 8e8ber of t:e House of eit:er <art3 to be 9i>en
a seat on t:e *a3s and Means Co88ittee since 125)? And :e did t:is1 it 8ust be recalled1
as a 8e8ber of t:e 8inorit3 <art31 and in an era =:en t:e fres:8an Con9ress8an =as
su<<osed to be seen and not :eard? T:e *a3s and Means Co88ittee in t:ose 3ears =as still
a real center of <o=er1 one of t:e 8ost strate9ic <oints in t:e House alon9 =it: t:e Rules
Co88ittee and a fe= ot:ers? !3 Constitutional <ro>ision1 all taE le9islation :ad to ori9inate
in t:e House of Re<resentati>es1 and 9i>en t:e traditions of co88ittee or9aniAation1 all taE
bills :ad to ori9inate in t:e *a3s and Means Co88ittee? In addition to t:e national
i8<ortance of suc: a co88ittee assi9n8ent1 *a3s and Means o>ersa= t:e le9islation
i8<actin9 suc: >ital TeEas and district concerns as oil and 9as de<letion allo=ances1 and
t:e li;e?
Later =riters :a>e 8ar>elled at !us:7s ac:ie>e8ent in 9ettin9 a seat on *a3s and Means?
or &o:n R? #na99s1 t:is reflected Ft:e 9reat <otential national Re<ublicans :eld for Geor9e
!us:?F T:e Houston C:ronicle1 =:ic: :ad su<<orted !riscoe in t:e election1 found t:at
=it: t:is a<<oint8ent Ft:e GO% =as able to <oint u< to t:e state one benefit of a t=o-<art3
s3ste8?F Gfn /H In t:is case1 unli;e so 8an3 ot:ers1 =e are able to establis: :o= t:e
in>isible :and of S;ull and !ones actuall3 =or;ed to <rocure !us: t:is i8<ortant <olitical
<lu8? T:is is due to t:e indiscretion of t:e 8an =:o =as c:air8an of *a3s and Means for
8an3 3ears1 ,e8ocratic Con9ress8an *ilbur ,? Mills of Ar;ansas? Mills =as :ounded out
of office because of an alco:olis8 <roble81 and later found =or; as an attorne3 for a taE
la= fir8? As;ed about t:e !us: a<<oint8ent to t:e co88ittee :e controlled bac; in 12-.1
Mills said" FI <ut :i8 on? I 9ot a <:one call fro8 :is fat:er tellin9 8e :o= 8uc: it 8attered
to :i8? I told :i8 I =as a ,e8ocrat and t:e Re<ublicans :ad to decideC and :e said t:e
Re<ublicans =ould do it if I Bust as;ed &err3 ord?F Mills said t:at :e :ad as;ed ord and
&o:n *? !3rnes of *isconsin1 =:o =as t:e ran;in9 Re<ublican on *a3s and Means1 and
!us: =as in1 t:an;s once a9ain to ,add3 *arbuc;s1 %rescott !us:? Gfn 2H
*ilbur Mills 8a3 :a>e let :i8self in for a lot of trouble in later 3ears b3 not al=a3s
treatin9 Geor9e =it: due res<ect? !ecause of !us:7s obsession =it: birt: control for t:e
lo=er orders1 Mills 9a>e !us: t:e nic;na8e FRubbers1F =:ic: stuc; =it: :i8 durin9 :is
3ears in Con9ress? Gfn 15H %o<<3 !us: =as not a8used? One da3 Mills 8i9:t <onder in
retros<ect1 as so 8an3 ot:ers :a>e1 on !us:7s >indicti>eness?
On one occasion Mills <rolon9ed t:e @uestionin9 of *alter Reut:er of t:e UA*1 =:o =as
a<<earin9 as a =itess in :earin9s before t:e co88ittee1 to let Geor9e !us: 9et a fe=
@uestions in and loo; 9ood for t:e :o8e-to=n <ress? Mills7 career in <ublic life =as
destro3ed durin9 t:e ord %residenc3 =:en :e =as found ca>ortin9 drun; in <ublic =it:
t:e dancer ann3 oEe? T:is ca8e in an era =:en t:e C:urc: and %i;e co88ittees of
Con9ress :ad been <oundin9 t:e CIA1 and =:en Geor9e !us: =as about to ta;e o>er as
CIA ,irector? T:e fall of *ilbur Mills1 to9et:er =it: t:e #orea9ate scandal of alle9ed
Con9ressional influence <eddlin91 a<<eared at t:e ti8e as retaliation desi9ned to ;noc; t:e
Con9ress on t:e defensi>e?
Geor9e and !arbara clai8 to :a>e bou9:t a :o8e on Hillbroo; Lane in nort:=est
*as:in9ton si9:t unseen o>er t:e tele<:one fro8 Sen? Mil=ard Si8<son of *3o8in91 t:e
fat:er of Sen? Al Si8<son1 t:e current GO% 8inorit3 =:i<? Later t:e fa8il3 8o>ed to
%alisade Lane?
!us:7s Con9ressional office in t:e Lon9=ort: !uildin9 =as run b3 ad8inistrati>e assistant
Rose Ja8aria1 =it: %ete Roussel actin9 as t:e Con9ress8an7s <resse secretar31 and &i8
Allison and Aleene S8it: also on t:e staff? !us: sa3s t:at :is closest cronies in t:ose da3
included !ill Stei9er of *isconsin1 Re<? Sonn3 Mon9o8er3 of Mississi<<i1 liberal
Re<ublican !arber Conable of Ne= (or; 0later attac;ed as F!arbarian CannibalF in so8e
de>elo<in9 countries =:en :e =as %resident of t:e *orld !an; in t:e Rea9an- !us: 3ears41
To8 #le<<e of Nort: ,a;ota and &o:n %aul Ha88ersc:8idt of Ar;ansas 0a lon9-ter8
In &anuar31 12-/1 L!& deli>ered :is State of t:e Union 8essa9e to Con9ress1 e>en as t:e
6iet Con97s Tet offensi>e =as 8a;in9 a s:a8bles of :is 6ietna8 =ar <olic3? T:e
Re<ublican re<l3 ca8e in a series of s:ort state8ents b3 for8er %resident Eisen:o=er1
House Minorit3 leader &err3 ord1 Re<? Mel>in Laird1 Senator Ho=ard !a;er1 and ot:er
8e8bers of Con9ress? Anot:er tribute to t:e efforts of t:e %rescott !us:-S;ull and !ones
net=or;s =as t:e fact t:at a8id t:is <arade of Re<ublican =ort:ies t:ere a<<eared1 =it:
tense Ba= and fist clenc:ed to <ound on t:e table1 Re<? Geor9e !us:?
T:e &o:nson Ad8inistration :ad clai8ed t:at austerit3 8easures =ere not necessar3 durin9
t:e ti8e t:at t:e =ar in 6ietna8 =as bein9 <rosecuted? L!& :ad <ro8ised t:e <eo<le F9uns
and butter1F but no= t:e econo83 =as be9innin9 to 9o into decline? !us:7s o>erall <ublic
r:etorical stance durin9 t:ese 3ears =as to de8and t:at t:e ,e8ocratic ad8inistration
i8<ose s<ecific austerit3 8easures and re<lace bi9- s<endin9 <ro9ra8s =it: a<<ro<riate
defecit-cuttin9 ri9or? Here is =:at !us: told a nation=ide net=or; tele>ision audience on
&an? $'1 12-/"
FT:e nation faces t:is 3ear Bust as it did last a tre8endous deficit in t:e ederal bud9et1 but in t:e
%resident7s 8essa9e t:ere =as no sense of sacrifice on t:e <art of t:e Go>ern8ent1 no assi9n8ent
of <riorities1 no :int of t:e need to <ut first t:in9s first? And t:is rec;less <olic3 :as i8<osed t:e
cruel taE of risin9 <rices on t:e <eo<le1 <us:ed interest rates to t:eir :i9:est le>els in 155 3ears1
s:ar<l3 reduced t:e rate of real econo8ic 9ro=t: and saddled e>er3 8an and =o8an and c:ild in
A8erican =it: t:e lar9est taE burden in our :istor3?
FAnd =:at does t:e %resident sa3D He sa3s =e 8ust <a3 still 8ore taEes and :e <ro<oses drastic
restrictions on t:e ri9:ts of A8ericans to in>est and tra>el abroad? If t:e %resident =ants to control
inflation1 :e7s 9ot to cut bac; on ederal s<endin9 and t:e best =a31 t:e best =a3 to sto< t:e 9old
drain is to li>e =it:in our 8eans in t:is countr3?F Gfn 11H
T:ose =:o =anted to read !us:7s li<s at a distance bac; in t:ose da3s found t:at :e =as
indeed co88itted to a ;ind of austerit3? In Ma3 of 12-/1 =it: &o:nson alread3 a la8e duc;1
t:e *a3s and Means Co88ittee a<<ro>ed =:at =as dubbed on Ca<itol Hill t:e F15-/-)F
defecit control <ac;a9e? T:is 8andated a taE increase of I15 billion <er 3ear1 cou<led =it:
a I) billion cut in eE<enditures? !us: Boined =it: four *a3s and Means Re<ublicans 0t:e
ot:ers =ere Conable1 Sc:neebeli1 and !attin4 to a<<ro>e t:e 8easure? Gfn 1$H
!ut t:e <rinci<al focus of !us:7s acti>it3 durin9 :is tenure in t:e House of Re<resentati>es
centered on a <roBect t:at =as 8uc: 8ore sinister and far-reac:in9 t:an t:e 8ere
i8<osition of bud9et austerit31 destructi>e as t:at de8and =as at t:e ti8e? *it: a =ill
infor8ed b3 t:e ideas about <o<ulation1 race1 and econo8ic de>elo<8ent t:at =e :a>e seen
current in %rescott !us:7s circles at !ro=n !rot:ers1 Harri8an1 Geor9e !us: =ould no=
beco8e a <rota9onist of a series of institutional c:an9es =:ic: =ould contribute to t:at
o>erall de9radation of t:e cultural <aradi98 of =estern ci>iliAation =:ic: =as e8er9ent at
t:e end of t:e 12-57s?
T:e bac;dro< for t:is transfor8ation in t:e cultural 8atriE of Nort: A8erica1 =estern
Euro<e1 and t:e rest of t:e =orld =as t:e end of t:e 9lobal <ost=ar econo8ic boo8 t:at
:ad be9un at t:e end of t:e 12)57s? T:e eE<ansion of t:e US econo83 :ad been eE:austed
b3 t:e ti8e of t:e 12+/ recession1 alt:ou9: it :ad been re>i>ed to so8e de9ree b3 t:e
i8<ulse i8<arted to t:e s<ace <ro9ra8 b3 t:e #enned3 Ad8inistration? !ut e>en before t:e
A<ollo astronauts :ad reac:ed t:e 8oon1 NASA =as in t:e <rocess of bein9 9utted b3 t:e
cost- accountants of t:e &o:nson re9i8e? US ca<ital structures =ere su<<orted into t:e
siEties on t:e basis of a round of in>est8ents in =estern Euro<e1 but t:e Italian and ederal
Ger8an recessions of 12-) and 12-- =ere t:e si9nal t:at t:e <ost=ar reconstruction boo8
=as o>er? In t:e fall of 12-.1 so8e 8ont:s after !us: :ad entered Con9ress1 t:e ter8inal
a9on3 of t:e !ritis: <ound sterlin9 as a reser>e currenc3 :ad 9ri<<ed t:e currenc3
eEc:an9es of t:e =orld? In t:e s<rin9 of 12-/1 t:e 9old and dollar crisis =ould brin9 t:e
entire =orld 8onetar3 s3ste8 to t:e brin; of a <anic colla<se? T:e =orld =as be9innin9 to
eE<erience t:e first <aroE3s8s of t:at colla<se of t:e 12)) !retton *oods 8onetar3 s3ste8
=:ic: =ould beco8e official at Ca8< ,a>id on Au9ust 1+1 12.11 =:en NiEon =ould
announce t:e end of t:e 9old con>ertibilit3 of t:e dollar and also <roclai8 F%:ase OneF of a
=a9e and <rice freeAe austerit3 for t:e A8erican labor force? Gfn 1'H
To understand !us:7s actions durin9 t:ese 3ears1 =e 8ust understand t:e :i9:l3 subBecti>e
and ideolo9iAed reactions of t:e An9lo-A8erican finance oli9arc:3 to t:ese e>ents? As =e
:a>e seen reflected in t:e 8entalit3 of A>erell Harri8an and %rescott !us:1 t:e An9lo-
A8erican financier elite is funda8entall3 :ostile to 8odern industrial- tec:nolo9ical
de>elo<8ent and to lar9e-scale 8odern urban life? T:e :o<es of t:e An9lo- A8erican elite
for t:e <ost=ar =orld =ere eE<ressed in t:e Mor9ent:au %lan for t:e destruction of Ger8an
industr3 and t:e de<o<ulation of central Euro<e? T:ese <lans :ad <ro>en to be untenable in
t:e li9:t of t:e So>iet t:reat to Euro<e1 and t:e oli9arc:3 :ad been obli9ed to acce<t a
<ost=ar Euro<ean reco>er3 =:ic: =as >er3 lucrati>e for *all Street1 brutall3 austere for
t:e Ger8ans1 and =:ic: ;e<t t:e So>iets at ba3 for t:e duration of t:e Cold *ar? !ut e>en
=it:in t:e conteEt of t:e <ost=ar boo81 t:e Malt:usian dis<osition of t:e oli9arc:3
re8ained1 as eE<ressed in t:e accelerated lootin9 of t:e for8er colonial sector1 t:e ra<ine of
t:e oil cartel1 and t:e sabota9e of industrial and infrastructural eE<ansion inside t:e US to
t:e eEtent t:at traffic =ould bear? As t:e <ost=ar boo8 s:o=ed increased si9ns of
eE:austion at t:e end of t:e 12-57s1 t:e oli9arc:ical elite felt t:at t:e 8o8ent :ad co8e to
assert t:e Malt:usian i8<ulse 8ore a99ressi>el3?
or t:e An9lo-A8erican finance oli9arc:s1 t:e leadin9 <roble8s of t:e =orld t:en as no=
could be su88ed u< under t:e :eadin9s of o>er<o<ulation1 es<eciall3 a8on9 t:e non-=:ite
et:nic 9rou<s of t:e <lanet1 and industrial <ollution? T:e re8edies1 t:en as no=1 =ere to be
sou9:t in li8itin9 <o<ulation 9ro=t:1 or better 3et reducin9 t:e eEistin9 <o<ulation
=:ere>er <ossible1 =:ile at t:e sa8e ti8e s:uttin9 do=n indsutr3? In t:is =a3 t:e oli9arc:s
sou9:t to return to t:eir bucolic and 8edie>al drea8 =orld1 and es<eciall3 to a de9raded
and ser>ile 8ass <s3c:olo93 a9reeable to oli9arc:ical for8s of do8ination? or oli9arc:s
li;e !us: are =ell a=are t:at t:ere are onl3 t=o =a3s to or9aniAe :u8an affairs1 na8el3 t:e
re<ublican and t:e oli9arc:ical 8odes? T:e re<ublican 8ode de<ends u<on t:e <resence of
citiAens-- =ell educated1 tec:nolo93-oriented1 8ature1 and coura9eous <eo<le =:o are
=illin9 to t:in; for t:e8sel>es? Oli9arc:ical for8s function best in t:e <resence of a
culturall3 <essi8istic1 :edonist1 su<ersititious 8ass of <assi>e =itnesses to t:e <assin9
T:us1 at t:e end of t:e 12-57s1 London financiers and t:eir *all Street counter<arts 8ade
a>ailable abundant foundation fundin9 for suc: <roBects as t:e Tri<le Re>olution1 =:ic:
<ro<osed t:e no=- acco8<lis:ed transition fro8 a <roducti>e societ3 to a <ost-industrial
societ31 and t:e 12-/ foundin9 of t:e Club of Ro8e =it: its absurd FLi8its to 9ro=t:F
:oaE of a fe= 3ears later1 t:e international fla9s:i< for t:e Malt:usian re>i>al? *:at t:e
oli9arc:3 :ad in 8ind =as not Bust a 8inor adBust8ent of t:e Jeit9eist" t:e 9reenin9 of t:e
=estern cultural <aradi98 8ade 8andator3 t:e @uic; erosion of t:e i8<erati>es of
subduin9 and do8inatin9 nature contained in t:e first boo; of Genesis1 t:e de8olition of
t:e beliefs in education1 science and <ro9ress =:ic: :ad ani8ated t:e <:iloso<:3 and
nation buildin9 of St? Au9ustine1 C:arle8a9ne1 t:e Italian Renaissance1 LeibnitA1 ran;lin1
and t:e A8erican Re>olution?
T:e i8<le8entation of t:is intent on t:e :o8e front dictated t:e dis8antlin9 of a
constituenc3-based <olitical structure t:at assu8ed t:at t:e <ur<ose of 9o>ern8ent =as to
8ana9e econo8ic de>elo<8ent and e@uitabl3 to distribute t:e fruits of 8aterial and cultural
<ro9ress? T:is :ad to be re<laced b3 an aut:oritarian-totalitarian re9i8e =:ose 8ain
function =as t:e i8<osition of austerit3 and sacrifices? Malt:usianis8 at :o8e also
9enerated <roble8s abroad1 to =:ic: t:e #issin9er NSC and t:e #issin9er State
,e<art8ent =ere to <ro>e t:e8sel>es es<eciall3 sensiti>e? Alt:ou9: t:e Malt:usian
oli9arc:3 sou9:t to den3 t:at industr3 and <o<ulation 9ro=t: re<resented real <o=er1 t:e3
=ere at <ains to slo= de8o9ra<:ic and industrial 9ro=t: abroad1 usin9 >arious :ollo=
<reteEts? AleEander #in91 alon9 =it: Aurelio %eccei one of t:e founders of t:e Club of
Ro8e1 once conceded t:at t:e real <ur<ose of :is institution =as to bloc; t:e de8o9ra<:ic
eE<ansion of t:e non-=:ite <eo<les of t:e =orld? or %rescott !us: and Geor9e !us:1 t:e
de<o<ulation of t:e t:ird =orld1 t:e 9enocide of non-=:ite <o<ulations1 =as and is a life-
lon9 and consu8in9 obsession?
!3 an3 definition a racist li;e !us: 8i9:t offer1 t:e =:ite race1 or 8ore <recisel3 t:e
An9lo-SaEon race1 is a s8all and d=indlin9 8inorit3 of :u8anit3? Ne>ert:eless1 t:e
co8<ulsi>e i8<erati>e of t:e London-Ne= (or; financiers is t:eir co88itt8ent to An9lo-
SaEon do8ination of t:e <lanet? T:is 8eans t:at in t:e >ie= of t:e financiers1 non- =:ites
and non-An9lo-SaEons 8ust be <re>ented fro8 8ulti<l3in9 inside t:e i8<erial :o8eland
and if <ossible deci8ated1 so as to a>oid c:allen9es to An9lo-SaEon financier rule? Outside
US borders1 t:e An9lo-A8erican elite <rescribes =ar1 fa8ine1 and <estilence to cut a
blood3 s=at: t:rou9: t:e bro=n1 blac;1 red and 3ello= races so as to reduce t:eir 8ilitar3
and econo8ic <otential? If <ossible1 in t:e >ie= of t:e oli9arc:s1 non-=:ite <o<ulations in
areas of 9reat oil and ot:er strate9ic ra= 8aterials =ealt: s:ould be =i<ed out co8<letel3
so t:at t:ese areas can be re-coloniAed b3 t:e An9lo- SaEon 8aster race1 =:o =ill enBo3 t:e
use of t:e ra= 8aterials into t:e future? T:ese are t:e <oints at =:ic: =e see Geor9e !us:
in action durin9 :is Con9ressional 3ears?
T:e econo8ics of Malt:us1 t:e Club of Ro8e1 and of (ale econo8ist Geor9e !us: lead
ineEorabl3 to =orld de<ression and an econo8ic brea;do=n crisis so se>ere as to <ut t:e
future <ros<ects of =orld ci>iliAation itself into t:e 9ra>est Beo<ard3? !us:7s 8ost
fanaticall3 :eld beliefs concernin9 An9lo-SaEon race su<eriorit3 are e@uall3 ban;ru<t and
9rotse@ue? Hu8an bein9s :a>e no 9enetic-racial identit3? Hu8an bein9s belon9 to cultures1
=:ic: are learned as c:ildren are reared in t:e :o8e and educated in sc:ools1 but =:ic:
:a>e not:in9 to do =it: :eredit3 or blood1 as t:e A8erican eE<erience itself in its better
8o8ents 8ost i8<ressi>el3 docu8ents? Indeed1 t:ere is no suc: t:in9 as a race or breed
a8on9 :u8ans as t:ese cate9ories eEist a8on9 do9s and :orses? A8on9 t:ese ani8als1 race
or breed defines a fiEed re<ertoire of be:a>ior and reaction1 a fiEed 8ental dis<osition
=:ic: rules out 8ost c:an9es t:at education 8i9:t brin9? A8on9 :u8an bein9s1 it is Bust
t:e o<<osite" an3 c:ild of =:ate>er color or et:nic bac;9rund1 if <laced as an infant in a
fa8il3 of a different color and lan9ua9e1 =ill in>ariabl3 be accultured into t:e ci>iliAation
of t:e ne= fa8il3? T:is reflects t:e uni>ersalit3 of t:e :u8an <ersonalit3 be3ond all
distinctions of race1 color1 reli9ion1 culture1 and nationalit31 and <ro>es t:e t:esis of t:e
,eclaration of Inde<endence t:at all 8en are created e@ual? T:e uni>ersalit3 of a<ostolic
C:ristianit3 as a =orld reli9ion see;in9 to reac: out to all et:nic 9rou<s on t:e <lanet
=it:out eEce<tion is eE<ressed in t:e idea t:at eac: and e>er3 concrete :u8an indi>idual is
>er3 <racticall3 t:e li>in9 i8a9e of God1 and no difference of color or FraceF can c:an9e
t:is in t:e sli9:test?
Oli9arc:ical t:in;in9 reBects all t:is? Oli9arc:s :a>e :istoricall3 been obsessed =it:
Bustif3in9 and <er<etuatin9 t:e irrational and destructi>e do8ination of a feudal aristocrac31
9enerall3 in t:e for8 of a titled nobilit3 rulin9 t:rou9: usurious ban;in9 <ractices1 secret
intelli9ence a9encies1 and 8ilitaris81 at t:e eE<ense of t:e <ro9ress of :u8anit3? If t:e
:u8an <ersonalit3 is indeed uni>ersal1 t:en t:ere is no suc: t:in9 as an :erditar3
aristocrac31 and t:e conce<t of oli9arc:3 itself is in bi9 trouble? !ut feudal aristocrats1
breedin9 :orses and do9s as t:eir status s38bols1 are often i8becilic enou9: to t:in; t:at
t:e3 :a>e beco8e aut:orities on :u8an 9enetics?
T:ere is also a reason =:3 A8erican elitists li;e t:e Harri8ans and t:e !us:es beco8e
suc: fanatics for eu9enics and <o<ulation reduction? T:is :as to do =it: t:e <osition of
suc: fa8ilies as >irtual <ar>enu u<starts =it:in t:e An9lo-A8erican :ierarc:3? In order to
:a>e standin9 in t:e oli9arc:3 it is necessar3 to :a>e a <atent of nobilit3 9oin9 bac; at t:e
>er3 least a centur3 or t=o1 =it: four to fi>e :undred 3ears bein9 <referable? T:is <uts
fa8ilies li;e Harri8an or !us: into a >irtual status frenA3? *:en *? A>erell Harri8an =as
a c:ild1 %resident T:eodore Roose>elt <ublicl3 attac;ed :is fat:er1 t:e railroad builder E?&?
Harri8an1 as a robber baron and a <ublic 8enace for t:e countr3? An associate of *?
A>erell Harri8an in t:e State ,e<art8ent once recounted :is i8<ression t:at t:e 3oun9er
Harri8an and indeed t:e rest of :is fa8il3 :ad ne>er 9otten o>er t:e colossal :u8iliation of
t:is incident? T:is interestin9 fact casts li9:t on t:e tireless efforts of A>erell7s 8ot:er to
bu3 t:e fa8il3 status and res<ectabilit3 b3 fundin9 eu9enics researc: to in>esti9ate t:e
cri8inal tendencies of t:ose incorri9ible lo=er orders and 8ental defecti>es? T:e
Harri8ans =ere b3 i8<lication a race a<art? It also :el<ed to eE<lain =:at t:e associate
described A>erell7s life-lon9 :istor3 as a co8<ulsi>e liar =:ene>er a situation e8er9ed in
=:ic: :e could i8<ro>e :is i8a9e at t:e eE<ense of ot:ers b3 l3in9?
Alt:ou9: <er:a<s i8<ressi>e b3 A8erican standards1 Geor9e !us:7s <edi9ree dis<la3ed its
o=n 9ra>e =ea;nesses =:en eEa8ined =it:in t:e fra8e of reference of t:e trans- Atlantic
An9lo-A8erican oli9arc:3 of t:e t=entiet: centur31 and t:is doubtless i8<arted eEtra
fanaticis8 to Geor9e7s fanatical <ursuit of racial <urit3 in t:e :alls of Con9ress?
In 12-2 !us: told t:e House of Re<resentati>es t:at1 unless t:e 8enace of :u8an
<o<ulation 9ro=t: =ere Freco9niAed and 8ade 8ana9eable1 star>ation1 <estilence and =ar
=ill sol>e it for us?F !us: re<eatedl3 co8<ared <o<ulation 9ro=t: to a disease? G2 bisH In
re8ar;s to t:e House &ul3 '51 12-21 :e li;ened t:e fi9:t a9ainst t:e <olio >irus to t:e
crusade to reduce t:e =orld7s <o<ulation? Ur9in9 t:e federal 9o>ern8ent to ste< u<
<o<ulation control efforts1 :e said" F*e :a>e a clear <recedent" *:en t:e Sal; >accine =as
disco>ered1 lar9e-scale <ro9ra8s =ere underta;en to distribute it? I see no reason =:3
si8ilar <ro9ra8s of education and fa8il3 <lannin9 assistance s:ould not be instituted in t:e
United States on a 8assi>e sco<e?F
As &essica Mat:e=s1 >ice-<resident of one of *as:in9ton7s 8ost influential Aero-9ro=t:
outfits1 t:e *orld Resources Institute1 later =rote of !us: in t:ose 3ears" FIn t:e 12-5s and
7.5s1 !us: :ad not onl3 e8braced t:e cause of do8estic and international fa8il3 <lannin91
:e :ad a99ressi>el3 sou9:t to be its c:a8<ion???? As a 8e8ber of t:e *a3s and Means
Co88ittee1 Re<? !us: s:e<:erded t:e first 8aBor brea;t:rou9: in do8estic fa8il3
<lannin9 le9islation in 12-.1F and Flater co -aut:ored t:e le9islation co88onl3 ;no=n as
Title M1 =:ic: created t:e first federal fa8il3 <lannin9 <ro9ra8????F
FOn t:e international front1F Mat:e=s =rote1 !us: Freco88ended t:at t:e U?S? su<<ort t:e
United Nations <o<ulation fund???? He ur9ed1 in t:e stron9est =ords1 t:at t:e U?S? and
Euro<ean countries 8a;e 8odern contrace<ti>es a>ailable Fon a 8assi>e scale1F to all t:ose
around t:e =orld =:o =anted t:e8?
!us: belon9ed to a s8all 9rou< of con9ress8en =:o successfull3 cons<ired to force a
<rofound s:ift in t:e official U?S? attitude and <olic3 to=ard <o<ulation eE<ansion?
E8bracin9 t:e Fli8its to 9ro=t:F ideolo93 =it: a >en9eance1 !us: and :is coterie1 =:ic:
included suc: ultraliberal ,e8ocrats as t:en- Senator *alter Mondale 0Minn?4 and Re<?
&a8es Sc:euer 0N?(?41 labored to enact le9islation =:ic: institutionaliAed <o<ulation
control as U?S? do8estic and forei9n <olic3?
!us: be9an :is Malt:usian acti>is8 in t:e House in 12-/1 =:ic: =as t:e 3ear in =:ic:
%o<e %aul 6I issued :is en3clical FHu8anae 6itae1F =:ic: contained a <ro<:etic =arnin9
of t:e dan9er of coercion b3 9o>ern8ents for t:e <ur<ose of <o<ulation control? T:e %o<e
=rote" FLet it be considered also t:at a dan9erous =ea<on =ould be <laced in t:e :ands of
t:ose <ublic aut:orities =:o <lace no :eed of 8oral eEi9encies???? *:o =ill sto< rulers fro8
fa>orin91 fro8 e>en i8<osin9 u<on t:eir <eo<le1 t:e 8et:od of contrace<tion =:ic: t:e3
Bud9ed to be 8ost efficaciousDF or <oorer countries =it: a :i9: <o<ulation rate1 t:e
enc3clical identified t:e onl3 rational and :u8ane <olic3" FNo solution to t:ese difficulties
is acce<table =:ic: does >iolence to 8an7s essential di9nit3????T:e onl3 <ossible solution ???
is one =:ic: en>isa9es t:e social and econo8ic <ro9ress bot: of indi>iduals and of t:e
=:ole of :u8an societ3????F
T:is =as a direct c:allen9e to t:e cultural <aradi98 transfor8ation =:ic: !us: and ot:er
eE<onents of t:e oli9arc:ical =orld outloo; =ere <ro8otin9? Not for t:e first ti8e nor for
t:e last ti8e1 !us: issued a direct attac; on t:e Hol3 See? &ust da3s after Hu8anae 6itae
=as issued1 !us: declared" FI :a>e decided to 9i>e 83 >i9orous su<<ort for <o<ulation
control in bot: t:e United States and t:e =orld?F He also las:ed out at t:e %o<e? For t:ose
of us =:o =:o feel so stron9l3 on t:is issue1 t:e recent en3clical =as 8ost discoura9in9?F
,urin9 :is four 3ears in Con9ress1 !us: not onl3 introduced ;e3 <ieces of le9islation to
enforce <o<ulation control bot: at :o8e and abroad? He also continuousl3 introduced into
t:e con9ressional debate rea8s of <ro<a9anda about t:e t:reat of <o<ulation 9ro=t: and t:e
inferiorit3 of blac;s1 and :e set u< a s<ecial Re<ublican tas; force =:ic: functioned as a
foru8 for t:e 8ost rabid Malt:usian ideolo9ues?
F!us: =as reall3 out front on t:e <o<ulation issue1F a <o<ulation- control acti>ist recentl3
said of t:is <eriod of 12-.-.1? FHe =as sa3in9 t:in9s t:at e>en =e =ere reluctant to tal;
about <ublicl3?F
!us:7s o<en <ublic ad>ocac3 of 9o>ern8ent 8easures tendin9 to=ards Aero <o<ulation
9ro=t: =as a radical de<arture fro8 t:e <olicies built into t:e federal bureaucrac3 u< until
t:at ti8e? T:e cli8ate of o<inion Bust a fe= 3ears earlier1 in ,ece8ber 12+21 is illustrated
b3 t:e co88ents of %resident Eisen:o=er1 =:o :ad said1 Fbirt: control is not our business?
I cannot i8a9ine an3t:in9 8ore e8<:aticall3 a subBect t:at is not a <ro<er <olitical or
9o>ern8ental acti>it3 ??? or res<onsibilit3?F
As a con9ress8an1 !us: <la3ed an absolutel3 <i>otal role in t:is s:ift? S:ortl3 after arri>in9
in *as:in9ton1 :e tea8ed u< =it: fello= Re<ublican Her8an Sc:neebeli to offer a series
of a8end8ents to t:e Social Securit3 Act to <lace <riorit3 e8<:asis on =:at =as
eu<:e8isticall3 called Ffa8il3 <lannin9 ser>ices?F T:e a>o=ed 9oal =as to reduce t:e
nu8ber of c:ildren born to =o8en on =elfare?
!us:7s and Sc:neebeli7s a8end8ents reflected t:e Malt:usian- 9enocidalist >ie=s of ,r?
Alan Gutt8ac:er1 t:en <resident of %lanned %arent:ood1 and a <rote9e of its founder1
Mar9aret San9er? In t:e 3ears before t:e 9risl3 outco8e of t:e NaAi cult of race science and
eu9enics :ad in:ibited <ublic calls for defense of t:e F9ene <ool1F San9er :ad de8anded
t:e =eedin9 out of t:e FunfitF and t:e Finferior races1F and :ad ca8<ai9ned >i9orousl3 for
steriliAation1 infanticide and abortion1 in t:e na8e of Frace better8ent?F
Alt:ou9: %lanned %arent:ood =as forced durin9 t:e fascist era and i88ediatel3 t:ereafter
to tone do=n San9er7s racist r:etoric fro8 Frace better8entF to Ffa8il3 <lannin9F for t:e
benefit of t:e <oor and blac;s1 t:e or9aniAation7s basic 9oal of curbin9 t:e <o<ulation
9ro=t: rate a8on9 FundesirablesF ne>er reall3 c:an9ed? !us: <ublicl3 asserted t:at :e
a9reed F11555 <ercentF =it: %lanned %arent:ood
,urin9 :earin9s on t:e Social Securit3 a8end8ents1 !us: and =itness Alan Gutt8ac:er
:ad t:e follo=in9 collo@u3" !us:" Is t:ere an3 Go<<osition to %lanned %arent:oodH fro8
an3 ot:er or9aniAations or 9rou<s1 ci>il ri9:ts 9rou<sD
Gutt8ac:er" *e do :a>e <roble8s? *e are in a sensiti>e area in re9ard <articularl3 to t:e
Ne9ro? T:ere are so8e ele8ents in t:e Ne9ro 9rou< t:at feel =e are tr3in9 to ;ee< do=n
t:enu8bers? *e are >er3 sensiti>e to t:is? *e :a>e a co88unit3 relations de<art8ent
:eaded b3 a 8ost ca<able Ne9ro social =or;er to tr3 to :andle t:at <art of t:e <roble8?
T:is does1 of course1 cause us a 9ood bit of concern?
!us:" I a<<reciate t:at? or t:e record1 I =ould li;e to sa3 I a8 11555 <ercent in accord
=it: t:e 9oals of 3our or9aniAation? I t:in; <er:a<s 8ore t:an an3 ot:er t3<e of
or9aniAation 3ou can do 8ore in t:e field of <o>ert3 and 8ental :ealt: and e>er3t:in9 else
t:an an3 ot:er 9rou< t:at I can t:in; of? I co88end 3ou?
Gutt8ac:er Gto !us:H" Ma3 I use 3ou as a <ublic s<ea;erD
Li;e :is fat:er before :i81 !us: su<<orted %lanned %arent:ood at e>er3 o<<ortunit3? Ti8e
after ti8e1 :e rose on t:e floor of t:e House to <raise %lanned %arent:ood7s =or;? In 12-.1
!us: called for F:a>in9 t:e 9o>ern8ent a9encies =or; e>en 8ore closel3 =it: 9oin9
<ri>ate a9encies suc: as %lanned %arent:ood?F A 3ear later1 :e ur9ed t:ose interested in
Fad>ancin9 t:e cause of fa8il3 <lannin91F to Fcall 3our local %lanned %arent:ood CenterF
to offer F:el< and su<<ort?F
T:e !us:-Sc:neebeli a8end8ents =ere ai8ed at reducin9 t:e nu8ber of c:ildren born to
blac;s and <oor =:ites? T:e le9islation re@uired all =elfare reci<ients1 includin9 8ot:ers of
3oun9 c:ildren1 to see; =or;1 and barred increases in federal aid to states =:ere t:e
<ro<ortion of de<endent c:ildren on =elfare increased?
Reducin9 t:e =elfare rolls =as a <ri8e !us: concern? He fre@uentl3 8oti>ated :is
<o<ulation-control crusade =it: t:inl3 >eiled a<<eals to *illie Horton-st3le racis8? Tal;in9
about t:e rise in t:e =elfare rolls in a &ul3 12-/ state8ent1 !us: la8ented t:at Four national
=elfare costs are risin9 <:eno8enall3?F *orse1:e =arned1 t:ere =ere far too 8an3 c:ildren
bein9 born to =elfare 8ot:ers" FT:e fastest-9ro=in9 <art of t:e relief rolls e>er3=:ere is
aid for de<endent c:ildren--A,C? At t:e end of t:e 12-/ fiscal 3ear1 a little o>er I$ billion
=ill be s<ent for A,C1 but b3 fiscal 12.$ t:is =ill increase b3 o>er .+ <ercent?F
!us: e8<:asiAed t:at 8ore c:ildren are born into non-=:ite <oor fa8ilies t:an to =:ite
ones? !lac;s 8ust reco9niAe1 :e said1 Ft:at t:e3 cannot :o<e to ac@uire a lar9er s:are of
A8erican <ros<erit3 =it:out cuttin9 do=n on birt:s????F
orcin9 8ot:ers on =elfare to =or; =as belie>ed to be an effecti>e 8eans of reducin9 t:e
nu8ber of blac; c:ildren born1 and !us: s<onsored a nu8ber of 8easures to do Bust t:at? In
12.51 :e :el<ed lead t:e fi9:t on t:e Hill for %resident NiEon7s notorious =elfare bill1 t:e
a8il3 Assistance %ro9ra81 ;no=n as A%? !illed as a boon to t:e <oor because it <ro>ided
an inco8e floor1 t:e 8easure called on e>er3 able-bodied =elfare reci<ient1 eEce<t 8ot:ers
=it: c:ildren under siE1 to ta;e a Bob ? T:is soon beca8e ;no=n as NiEon7s F=or;fareF
sla>e-labor bill? Monetarist t:eoreticians of econo8ic austerit3 =ere @uic; to see t:at
forced labor b3 =elfare reci<ients could be used to brea; t:e unions =:ere t:e3 eEisted1
=:ile lo=erin9 =a9es and =orsenin9 =or;in9 conditions for t:e entire labor force? *elfare
reci<ients could e>en be :ired as scabs to re<lace =or;ers bein9 <aid accordin9 to nor8al
<a3 scales? T:ose =or;ers1 after t:e3 :ad been fired1 =ould t:e8sel>es end u< destitute and
on =elfare1 and could t:en be forced to ta;e =or;fare for e>en lo=er =a9es t:an t:ose =:o
:ad been on =elfare at t:e outset of t:e <rocess? T:is =as ;no=n as Frec3clin9?F
Critics of t:e NiEon =or;fare bill <ointed out t:at it contained no 8ini8u8 standards
re9ardin9 t:e ;inds of Bobs or t:e le>el of =a9es =:ic: =ould be forced u<on =elfare
reci<ients1 and t:at it contradicted t:e ori9inal <ur<ose of =elfare1 =:ic: =as to allo=
8ot:ers to sta3 :o8e =it: t:eir c:ildren? urt:er1 it =ould set u< a <ool of >irtual sla>e-
labor1 =:ic: could be used to re<lace =or;ers earnin9 :i9:er =a9es?
!ut !us: t:ou9:t t:ese tou9: 8easures =ere eEactl3 =:at t:e eE<losion of t:e =elfare rolls
de8anded? ,urin9 House debate on t:e 8easure A<ril 1+1 12.51 !us: said :e fa>ored A%
because it =ould force t:e laA3 to =or;" FT:e fa8il3 assistance <lan ??? is oriented to=ard
=or;1F :e said? FT:e <resent federal-state =elfare s3ste8 encoura9es idleness b3 8a;in9 it
8ore <rofitable to be on =elfare t:an to =or;1 and <ro>ides no 8et:od b3 =:ic: t:e State
8a3 li8it t:e nu8ber of indi>iduals added to t:e rolls?F
!us: :ad onl3 Fone 8aBor =orr31 and t:at is t:at t:e =or; incenti>e <ro>isions =ill not be
enforced???? it is essential t:at t:e <ro9ra8 be ad8inistered as >isualiAed b3 t:e *a3s and
Means Co88itteeC na8el31 if an indi>idual does not =or;1 :e =ill not recei>e funds?F T:e
Manc:ester Sc:ool7s Iron La= of *a9es as eE<ounded b3 Geor9e !us:1 self -st3led eE<ert
in t:e dis8al science??
In 12-.1 !us: Boined =it: Re<? &a8es Sc:euer 0,-N?(?41 to successfull3 s<onsor le9islation
t:at re8o>ed <ro:ibitions a9ainst 8ailin9 and i8<ortin9 contrace<ti>e de>ices? More t:an
o<enin9 t:e door to renc:-8ade condo8s1 !us:7s 9oal :ere =as a ;ind of ideolo9ical
succes de scandale? T:e Aero- 9ro=t: lobb3 dee8ed t:is a 8aBor brea;t:rou9: in 8a;in9
t:e <ara<:enalia for do8estic <o<ulation control accessible?
In ra<id succession1 !us: introduced le9islation to create a National Center for %o<ulation
and a8il3 %lannin9 and *elfare1 and to redesi9nate t:e ,e<art8ent of t:e Interior as t:e
,e<art8ent of Resources1 En>iron8ent and %o<ulation?
On t:e forei9n <olic3 front1 :e :el<ed s:ift U?S? forei9n assistance a=a3 fro8 fundin9
de>elo<8ent <roBects to 9ra<<le =it: t:e <roble8 of :un9er in t:e =orld1 to under=ritin9
<o<ulation control? FI <ro<ose t:at =e totall3 re>a8< our forei9n aid <ro9ra8 to 9i>e
<ri8ar3 e8<:asis to <o<ulation control1F :e stated in t:e su88er of 12-/1 addin9" FIn 83
o<inion1 =e :a>e 8ade a 8ista;e in our forei9n aid b3 concentratin9 on buildin9 :u9e steel
8ills and concrete <lants in underde>elo<ed nations????F
One of !us:7s 8ore i8<ortant initiati>es on t:e do8estic side =as :is s<onsor:i< of t:e
a8il3 %lannin9 Ser>ices and %o<ulation Researc: Act of 12.51 brainc:ild of Sen?
&ose<: T3din9s of Mar3land? Si9ned into la= b3 %resident NiEon on ,ece8ber $)1 12.51
t:e T3din9s-!us: bill drasticall3 increased t:e federal financial co88it8ent to <o<ulation
control1 aut:oriAin9 an initial I'/$ 8illion for fa8il3 <lannin9 se>ices1 <o<ulation researc:1
<o<ulation education and infor8ation t:rou9: 12.'? Muc: of t:is 8one3 =as funnelled
t:rou9: <ri>ate institutions1 <articularl3 local clinics run b3 !us:7s belo>ed %lanned
%arent:ood? T:e T3din9s-!us: 8easure 8andated t:e notorious Title M1 =:ic: eE<licitl3
<ro>ided Ffa8il3 <lannin9 assistanceF to t:e <oor? !us: and :is Aero- 9ro=t: co:orts tal;ed
constantl3 about t:e i8<ortance of disse8inatin9 birt: control to t:e <oor? T:e3 clai8ed
t:at t:ere =ere o>er + 8illion <oor =o8en =:o =anted to li8it t:eir fa8ilies1 but could not
afford to do so?
On October $'1 12-21 !us: <raised t:e Office of Econo8ic O<<ortunit3 for carr3in9 out
so8e of t:e F8ost successfulF fa8il3 <lannin9 <roBects1 and said :e =as F<leasedF t:at t:e
NiEon ad8inistration Fis 9i>in9 t:e8 additional financial 8uscle b3 increasin9 t:eir funds
+5 <ercent--fro8 I1+ 8illion to I$$ 8illion?F
T:is increased effort :e attributed to t:e NiEon ad8inistration7s F9oal to reac: in t:e neEt
fi>e 3ears t:e + 8illion =o8en in need of t:ese ser>icesF--all of t:e8 <oor1 8an3 of t:e8
fro8 racial or et:nic 8inorities? He added" FOne needs onl3 to loo; @uic;l3 at t:e re<ort
<re<ared b3 t:e %lanned %arent:ood-*orld %o<ulation Researc: ,e<art8ent to see :o=
ineffecti>e federal1 state1 and local 9o>ern8ents :a>e been in <ro>idin9 suc: necessar3
ser>ices? T:ere is certainl3 not:in9 ne= about t:e fact t:at un=anted <re9nancies of our
<oor and near-<oor =o8en ;ee< t:e incidence of infant 8ortalit3 and 8ental retardation in
A8erica at one of t:e :i9:est le>els of all t:e de>elo<ed countries?F
T:e rates of infant 8ortalit3 and 8ental retardation !us: =as so concerned about1 could
:a>e been si9nificantl3 reduced1 :ad t:e 9o>ern8ent <ro>ided sufficient financin9 to <re-
natal care1 nutrition1 and ot:er factors contributin9 to t:e :ealt: of infants and c:ildren? On
t:e sa8e da3 :e si9ned t:e T3din9s-!us: bill1 NiEon >etoed--=it: !us:7s su<<ort- -
le9islation t:at =ould :a>e set u< a t:ree-3ear1 I$$+ 8illion <ro9ra8 to train fa8il3
!us: see8ed to be con>inced t:at 8ental retardation1 in <articular1 =as a 8atter of
:eredit3? T:e eu9enicists of t:e 12$57s :ad s<un t:eir <seudoscientific t:eories around
F:ereditar3 feeble- 8indedness1F and clai8ed t:at t:e F#alli;a;s and t:e &u;esF b3
re<roducin9 successi>e Ffeeble-8indedF 9enerations :ad cost Ne= (or; state tens of
8illions of dollars o>er decades? !ut =:at about learnin9 disorders li;e d3sleEia1 =:ic: :as
been ;no=n to afflict oli9arc:ical fa8iles !us: =ould consider =ealt:31 =ell-bred1 and
ableD Nelson Roc;efeller1 !us:7s friend Nic; !rad31 and !us:7s o=n son Neal :a>e
suffered fro8 d3sleEia1 a readin9 disorder? !ut t:ese oli9arc:s are not li;el3 to fall >icti8 to
t:e in>oluntar3 steriliAation as F8ental defecti>esF =:ic: t:e3 =is: to inflict on t:ose t:e3
ter8 t:e lo=er orders?
In introducin9 t:e House >ersion of t:e T3din9s bill on be:alf of :i8self and !us:1 Re<?
&a8es Sc:euer 0,-N?(?4 ranted t:at =:le 8iddle-class =o8en F:a>e been li8itin9 t:e
nu8ber of offs<rin9 for 3ears ??? =o8en of lo=-inco8e fa8iliesF did not? FIf <o>ert3 and
fa8il3 siAe are so closel3 related =e as;1 P*:3 don7t <oor =o8en sto< :a>in9 babiesD7F
T:e !us:-T3din9s bill too; a 9iant ste< to=ard forcin9 t:e8 to do so?
A8on9 !us:7s 8ost i8<ortant contributions to t:e neo-Malt:usian cause =:ile in
Con9ress =as :is role in t:e Re<ublican Tas; orce on Eart: Resources and %o<ulation?
T:e tas; force1 =:ic: !us: :el<ed found and t:en c:aired1 c:urned out a stead3 strea8 of
<ro<a9anda clai8in9 t:at t:e =orld =as alread3 seriousl3 o>er<o<ulatedC t:at t:ere =as a
fiEed li8it to natural resources and t:at t:is li8it =as ra<idl3 bein9 reac:edC and t:at t:e
en>iron8ent and natural s<ecies =ere bein9 sacrificed to :u8an <ro9ress? !us:7s tas; force
sou9:t to accredit t:e idea t:at t:e :u8an race =as bein9 Fdo=n bred1F or reduced in
9enetic @ualit3s b3 t:e <o<ulation 9ro=t: a8on9 blac;s and ot:er non-=:ite and :ence
alle9edl3 inferior races at a ti8e =:en t:e An9lo- SaEons =ere :ardl3 able to <re>ent t:eir
nu8bers fro8 s:rin;in9?
Co8<rised of o>er $5 Re<ublican con9ress8en1 !us:7s Tas; orce =as a ;ind of
Malt:usian >an9uard or9aniAation =:ic: :eard testi8on3 fro8 assorted Frace scientists1
s<onsored le9islation and ot:er=ise <ro<a9andiAed t:e Aero- 9ro=t: outloo;? In its +5- odd
:earin9s durin9 t:ese 3ears1 t:e tas; force <ro>ided a <ublic foru8 to nearl3 e>er3 =ell-
;no=n Aero-9ro=t: fanatic1 fro8 %aul E:rlic:1 founder of Jero %o<ulation Gro=t: 0J%G41
to race scientist *illia8 S:oc;le3 to t:e ;e3 Aero-9ro=t: ad>ocates infestin9 t:e federal
Gi>in9 a <resti9ious Con9ressional <latfor8 to a discredited racist c:arlatan li;e *illia8
S:oc;le3 in t:e 3ear after t:e assassination of ,r? Martin Lut:er #in9 <oints u< t:e
arro9ance of !us:7s co88itt8ent to eu9enics? S:oc;le31 li;e :is co-t:in;er Art:ur &ensen1
:ad caused a furore durin9 t:e 12-57s b3 ad>ancin9 :is t:esis1 alread3 re<eatedl3 dis<ro>en1
t:at blac;s =ere 9enticall3 inferior to =:ites in co9niti>e faculties and intelli9ence? In t:e
sa8e 3ear in =:ic: !us: in>ited :i8 to a<<ear before t:e GO% tas; force1 S:oc;le3 :ad
=ritten" FOur nobl3 intended =elfare <ro9ra8s 8a3 be encoura9in9 d3s9enics--
retro9ressi>e e>olution t:rou9: dis<ro<ortionate re<roduction of t:e 9eneticall3
disad>anta9ed???*e fear t:at 7fatuous beliefs7 in t:e <o=er of =elfare 8one31 unaided b3
eu9enic foresi9:t1 8a3 contribute to a decline of :u8an @ualit3 for all se98ents of societ3?F
To :alt =:at :e sa= as <er>asi>e do=n breedin9 of t:e @ualit3 of t:e US 9ene <ool1
S:oc;le3 ad>ocated a <ro9ra8 of 8ass steriliAation of t:e unfit and 8entall3 defecti>e
=:ic: :e called :is F!onus SteriliAation %lan?F Mone3 bonuses for allo=in9 oneself to be
steriliAed =ould be <a3ed to an3 <erson not <a3in9 inco8e taE =:o :ad a 9enetic
deficienc3 or c:ronic disease1 suc: as diabetes or e<ile<s31 or =:o could be s:o=n to be a
dru9 addict? FIf Gt:e 9o>ern8ent <aidH a bonus rate of I11555 for eac: <oint belo= 155 IL1
I'51555 <ut in trust for so8e .5 IL 8oron of $5- c:ild <otential1 it 8i9:t return I$+51555
to taE<a3ers in reduced cost of 8ental retardation care1 F S:oc;le3 said?
T:e s<ecial tar9et of S:oc;le37s <rescri<tions for 8ass steriliAations =ere blac;s1 =:o8 :e
sa= as re<roducin9 too fast? FIf t:ose blac;s =it: t:e least a8ount of Caucasian 9enes are
in fact t:e 8ost <rolific and t:e least intelli9ent1 t:en 9enetic ensla>e8ent =ill be t:e
destin3 of t:eir neEt 9eneration1F :e =rote? Loo;in9 at t:e recent <ast1 S:oc;le3 said in
12-." FT:e lesson to be dra=n fro8 NaAi :istor3 is t:e >alue of free s<eec:1 not t:at
eu9enics is intolerable?F As for %aul E:rlic:1 :is <ro9ra8 for 9enocide included a call to :e
US 9o>ern8e8t to <re<are Ft:e addition of???8ass steriliAation a9entsF to t:e US food and
=ater su<<l31 and a Ftou9: forei9n <olic3F includin9 ter8ination of food aid to star>in9
nations? As radical as E:rlic: 8i9:t :a>e sounded t:en1 t:is latter <oint :as beco8e a sta<le
of forei9n <olic3 under t:e !us: Ad8inistration?
On &ul3 $)1 12-21 t:e tas; force :eard fro8 Gen? *illia8 ,ra<er1 t:en national c:air8an of
t:e %o<ulation Crisis Co88ittee1 and a close friend of !us:7s fat:er1 %rescott? Accordin9 to
!us:7 resu8e of :is fa8il3 friend7s testi8on31 ,ra<er =arned t:at t:e <o<ulation eE<losion
=as li;e a Frisin9 tide1F and asserted t:at Four stri>in9s for t:e indi>idual 9ood =ill beco8e
a scour9e to t:e co88unit3 unless =e use our God- 9i>en brain <o=er to brin9 bac; a
balance bet=een t:e birt: rate and t:e deat: rate?F ,ra<er las:ed out at t:e Cat:olic
C:urc:1 c:ar9in9 t:at its o<<osition to contrace<tion and steriliAation =as frustratin9
<o<ulation -control efforts in Latin A8erica?
A =ee; later1 !us: in>ited Oscar Har;a>31 c:ief of t:e ord oundation7s <o<ulation
<ro9ra81 to testif3? In su88ariAin9 Har;a>37s re8ar;s for t:e Au9ust ) Con9ressional
Record1 !us: co88ented" FT:e <o<ulation eE<losion is co88onl3 reco9niAed as one of
t:e 8ost serious <roble8s no= facin9 t:e nation and t:e =orld? Mr? Har;a>3 su99ested1
t:erefore1 t:at =e 8ore ade@uatel3 fund <o<ulation researc:? It see8s inconsistent t:at
cancer researc: funds total I$+5-$.+ 8illion annuall31 8ore t:an ei9:t ti8es t:e a8ount
s<ent on re<roducti>e biolo93 researc:?F
In re<ortin9 on testi8on3 b3 ,r? *illia8 McElro3 of t:e National Science oundation1
!us: stressed t:at FOne of t:e crises t:e =orld =ill face as a result of <resent <o<ulation
9ro=t: rates is t:at1 assu8in9 t:e =orld <o<ulation increases $ <ercent annuall31 urban
<o<ulation =ill increase b3 - <ercent1 and 9:etto <o<ulation =ill increase b3 1$ <ercent?F
In ebruar3 12-21 !us: and ot:er 8e8bers <ro<osed le9islation to establis: a Select &oint
Co88ittee on %o<ulation and a8il3 %lannin91 t:at =ould1 !us: said1 Fsee; to focus
national attention on t:e do8estic and forei9n need for fa8il3 <lannin9?7 *e need to 8a;e
<o<ulation and fa8il3 <lannin9 :ouse:old =ords1F !us: told :is House collea9ues? F*e
need to ta;e t:e sensationalis8 out of t:is to<ic so t:at it can no lon9er be used b3 8ilitants
=:o :a>e no real ;no=led9e of t:e >oluntar3 nature of t:e <ro9ra8 but1 rat:er1 are usin9 it
as a <olitical ste<<in9stone?F FA t:orou9: in>esti9ation into birt: control and a collection of
data =:ic: =ould 9i>e t:e Con9ress t:e criteria to deter8ine t:e effecti>eness of its
<ro9ra8s 8ust co8e s=iftl3 to sta>e off t:e nu8ber of future 8out:s =:ic: =ill feed on an
e>er -decreasin9 <ro<ortion of food1F !us: continued? F*e need an e8<:asis on t:is
critical <roble8??? =e need a 8assi>e <ro9ra8 in Con9ress =it: :earin9s to e8<:asiAe t:e
<roble81 and ear8ar;ed a<<ro<riations to do so8et:in9 about it? *e need 8assi>e
coo<eration fro8 t:e *:ite House li;e =e :a>e ne>er :ad before and =e need a
deter8ination b3 t:e eEecuti>e branc: t:at t:ese funds =ill be s<ent as ear8ar;ed?F
On Au9ust -1 12-21 !us:7s GO% tas; force introduced a bill to create a Co88ission on
%o<ulation and t:e A8erican uture =:ic:1 !us: said1 =ould Fallo= t:e leaders:i< of t:is
countr3 to <ro<erl3 establis: criteria =:ic: can be t:e basis for a national <olic3 on
<o<ulation?F T:e 8o>e ca8e in res<onse to %resident NiEon7s call of &ul3 1/ to create a
blue-ribbon co88ission to draft a U?S? <o<ulation <olic3? !us: =as triu8<:ant o>er t:is
de>elo<8ent1 :a>in9 re<eatedl3 ur9ed suc: a ste< at >arious <oints in t:e <receedin9 fe=
3ears? On &ul3 $11 :e 8ade a state8ent on t:e floor of t:e House to Fco88end t:e
%residentF for :is action? F*e no= ;no=1F :e intoned1 Ft:at t:e fantastic rate of <o<ulation
9ro=t: =e :a>e =itnessed t:ese <ast $5 3ears continues =it: no letu< in si9:t? If t:is
9ro=t: rate is not c:ec;ed no=-- in t:is neEt decade--=e face a dan9er t:at is as
defenseless as nuclear =ar?F
Headed b3 &o:n ,? Roc;efeller III1 t:e co88ission re<resented a radical1 9o>ern8ent-
sanctioned attac; on :u8an life? Its final re<ort1 issued in 12.$1 asserted t:at Ft:e ti8e :as
co8e to c:allen9e t:e tradition t:at <o<ulation 9ro=t: is desirable" *:at =as unintended
8a3 turn out to be un=anted1 in t:e societ3 as in t:e fa8il3?F Not onl3 did t:e co88ission
de8and an end to <o<ulation 9ro=t: and econo8ic <ro9ress1 it also attac;ed t:e
foundations of *estern ci>iliAation b3 insistin9 t:at 8an7s reason :ad beco8e a 8aBor
i8<edi8ent to ri9:t li>in9? FMass urban industrialis8 is based on science and tec:nolo931
efficienc31 ac@uisition1 and do8ination t:rou9: rationalit31F ra>ed t:e co88ission7s re<ort?
FT:e eEercise of t:ese sa8e >alues no= contain t:e <otential for t:e destruction of our
:u8anit3? Man is losin9 t:at balance =it: nature =:ic: is an essential condition of :u8an
T:e co88ission7s <rinci<al conclusion =as t:at Ft:ere are no substantial benefits to be
9ained fro8 continued <o<ulation 9ro=t:1F C:air8an Roc;efeller eE<lained to t:e Senate
A<<ro<riations Co88ittee? T:e co88ission 8ade a :ost of reco88endations to curb bot:
<o<ulation eE<ansion and econo8ic 9ro=t:? T:ese included" liberaliAin9 la=s restrictin9
abortion and steriliAationC :a>in9 t:e 9o>ern8ent fund abortionsC and <ro>idin9 birt:
control to teena9ers? T:e co88ission :ad a <rofound i8<act on A8erican attitudes to=ard
t:e <o<ulation issue1 and :el<ed accelerate t:e <lun9e into outri9:t 9enocide? Co88ission
EEecuti>e director C:arles *estoff =rote in 12.+ t:at t:e 9rou< Fre<resented an i8<ortant
effort b3 an ad>anced countr3 to de>elo< a national <o<ulation <olic3--t:e basic t:rust of
=:ic: =as to slo= 9ro=t: in order to 8aEi8iAe t:e F@ualit3 of life?F T:e colla<se of t:e
traditional fa8il3-centered for8 of societ3 durin9 t:e 12.57s and 12257s =as but one
conse@uence of suc: reco88endations? It also is =idel3 ac;no=led9ed t:at t:e co88ission
!us: fou9:t so lon9 and so :ard to create bro;e do=n t:e last barriers to le9aliAed abortion
on de8and? Indeed1 Bust one 3ear after t:e co88ission7s final re<ort =as issued1 t:e
Su<re8e Court deli>ered t:e Roe >? *ade decision =:ic: did Bust t:at?
A=are t:at 8an3 blac;s and ot:er 8inorities :ad noticed t:at t:e <o<ulation control
8o>e8ent =as a 9enocide <ro9ra8 ai8ed at reducin9 t:eir nu8bers1 t:e co88ission =ent
out of its =a3 to co>er its real intent b3 sti<ulatin9 t:at all races s:ould cut bac; on t:eir
birt: rates? !ut t:e racist ani8us of t:eir conclusions could not be :idden? Co88ssion
EEecuti>e ,irector *estoff1 =:o o=ed :is Bob and :is fundin9 to !us: 9a>e a :int of t:is in
a boo; :e :ad =ritten in 12--1 before Boinin9 t:e co88ission staff1 =:ic: =as entitled
ro8 No= to Jero1 and in =:ic: :e be8oaned t:e fact t:at t:e blac; fertilit3 rate =as so
8uc: :i9:er t:an t:e =:ite?
T:e <o<ulation control or Aero <o<ulation 9ro=t: 8o>e8ent =:ic: 9re= ra<idl3 in t:e late
12-5s t:an;s to free 8edia eE<osure and foundation 9rants for a strea8 of <seudoscientific
<ro<a9anda about t:e alle9ed F<o<ulation bo8bF and t:e Fli8its to 9ro=t:1F =as a
continuation of t:e old <re=ar <rotofascist eu9enics 8o>e8ent1 =:ic: :ad been forced to
9o into te8<orar3 ecli<se =:en t:e =orld recoiled in :orror at t:e atrocities co88itted b3
t:e NaAis in t:e na8e of eu9enics? !3 t:e 8id-12-5s1 t:e sa8e old crac;<ot eu9enicists :ad
resurrected t:e8sel>es as t:e <o<ulation- control and en>iron8entalist 8o>e8ent? %lanned
%arent:ood =as a <erfet eEa8<le of t:e trans8o9rification? No=1 instead of de8andin9 t:e
steriliAation of t:e inferior races1 t:e ne=l3 <ac;a9ed eu9enicists tal;ed about t:e
<o<ulation bo8b1 and 9i>in9 t:e <oor Fe@ual accessF to birt: contol1 and Ffreedo8 of
c:oice?F !ut not:in9 :ad substanti>el3 c:an9ed-- includin9 t:e use of coercion? *:ile !us:
and ot:er ad>ocates of 9o>ern8ent Ffa8il3 <lannin9F <ro9ra8s insisted t:ese =ere stricl3
>oluntar31 t:e realit3 =as far different? !3 t:e 8id-12.5s1 t:e nu8ber of in>oluntar3
steriliAations carried out b3 <ro9ra8s =:ic: !us: :el<ed brin9 into bein91 :ad reac:ed
:u9e <ro<ortions? *it:in t:e blac; and 8inorit3 co88unities1 =:ere 8ost of t:e
steriliAations =ere bein9 done1 <rotests arose =:ic: cul8inated in federal liti9ation as a suit
=as brou9:t?
In :is 12.) rulin9 on t:is suit1 ederal ,istrict &ud9e Ger:ard Gesell found t:at1 FO>er t:e
last fe= 3ears1 an esti8ated 1551555 to 1+51555 lo=-inco8e <ersons :a>e been steriliAed
annuall3 under federall3 funded <ro9ra8s? Alt:ou9: Con9ress :as been insistent t:at all
fa8il3 <lannin9 <ro9ra8s function on a <urel3 >oluntar3 basis1F &ud9e Gesell =rote1 Ft:ere
is uncontro>erted e>idence ??? t:at an indefinite nu8ber of <oor <eo<le :a>e been
i8<ro<erl3 coerced into acce<tin9 a steriliAation o<eration under t:e t:reat t:at >arious
federall3 su<<orted =elfare benefits =ould be =it:dra=n unless t:e3 sub8itted to
irre>ersible steriliAation?F Gesell concluded fro8 t:e e>idence t:at t:e Fdi>idin9 line
bet=een fa8il3 <lannin9 and eu9enics is 8ur;3?F
As =e :a>e seen1 Geor9e !us: in:erited :is obsession =it: <o<ulation control and racial
Fdo=n breedin9F fro8 :is fat:er1 %rescott1 =:o staunc:l3 su<<orted %lanned %arent:ood
datin9 bac; at least to t:e 12)5s? In fact1 %rescott7s affiliation =it: Mar9aret San9er7s
or9aniAation cost :i8 t:e Senate race in 12+51 a defeat :is son :as al=a3s bla8ed on t:e
Cat:olic C:urc:1 and =:ic: is at t:e root of Geor9e7s lifelon9 >endetta a9ainst t:e %a<ac3?
%rescott7s 12+5 defeat still ran;led1 as s:o=n b3 !us:7s eEtraordinar3 9esture in e>o;in9 it
durin9 testi8on3 :e 9a>e on t:e ot:er side of Ca<itol Hill before Senator Gruenin97s
subco88ittee of t:e Senate Go>ern8ent O<erations Co88ittee on No>e8ber $1 12-.?
!us:7s >en9eful tirade is =ort: @uotin9 at len9t:"
FI 9et t:e fellin9 t:at it is a little less unfas:ionable to be in fa>or of birt: control and <lanned
<arent:ood toda3 t:an it used to be? If 3ou =ill eEcuse one <ersonal reference :ere" M3 fat:er1
=:en :e ran for t:e US Senate in 12+51 =as defeated b3 -55 or .55 >otes? On t:e ste<s of se>eral
Cat:olic C:urc:es in Connecticut1 t:e Sunda3 before t:e election1 <eo<le stood t:ere <assin9 out
<a8<:lets sa3in91 7Listen to =:at t:is co88entator :as to sa3 toni9:t? Listen to =:at t:is
co88entator :as to sa3?7 T:at ni9:t on t:e radio1 t:e co88entator ca8e on and said1 FOf interest
to >oters in Connecticut1 %rescott !us: is :ead of t:e %lanned %arent:ood !irt: Control Lea9ue17
or so8et:in9 li;e t:is? *ell1 :e lost b3 about -55 >otes and t:ere are so8e us =:o feel t:at t:is
:ad so8et:in9 to do =it: it? I do not t:in; t:at an3bod3 can 9et a=a3 =it: t:at t3<e of t:in9 an3
T:e Harri8an fa8il3 s<onsored t:e creation of t:e eu9enics 8o>e8ent in t:e United
States1 =:ic: successfull3 ca8<ai9ned for t:e 8ass steriliAation of t:e Ffeeble-8indedF and
Fraciall3 inferiorF durin9 t:e 12$5s--<ractices later co<ied1 not ori9inated1 b3 t:e NaAis? As
<art of t:is ca8<ai9n1 t:e Harri8ans :el<ed or9aniAe a series of international eu9enics
conferences? At t:e 12'$ conference1 :eld at t:e Museu8 of Natural Histor3 in Ne= (or;1
t:e 9uest of :onor =as none ot:er t:an ,r? Ernst Rudin1 t:e :ead of t:e Ger8an Societ3 for
Racial H39iene1 =:o1 Bust a fe= 3ears later1 drafted t:e NaAi 8isce9enation la=s a9ainst te
&e=s1 93<sies1 and Sla>s?
A8on9 t:e A8ericans =:o rubbed s:oulders =it: Rudin at t:e 12'$ conference =as Gen?
*illia8 ,ra<er1 a Ne= (or; in>est8ent ban;er and close <ersonal friend of %rescott !us:1
=:o beca8e one of t:e 8ost influential crusaders for radical <o<ulation control 8easures?
He ca8<ai9ned endlessl3 for Aero <o<ulation 9ro=t:1 and <raised t:e C:inese Co88unists
for t:eir Finno>ati>eF 8et:ods of ac:ie>in9 t:at 9oal? ,ra<er7s 8ost influential outlet =as
t:e %o<ulation Crisis Co88ittee 0%CC4-,ra<er und1 set u< in 12-+ b3 Hu9: Moore1 =:o
:ad ta;en o>er t:e Hu8an !etter8ent Association1 a leadin9 eu9enics outfit1 in 12'.1
rena8in9 it t:e Association for 6oluntar3 SteriliAation?
In 12-.--/1 a %CC-,ra<er und offs:oot1 t:e Ca8<ai9n to C:ec; t:e %o<ulation
EE<losion1 ran a nation=ide ad>ertisin9 ca8<ai9n :3<in9 t:e <o<ulation eE<losion fraud1
and attac;in9 t:ose--<articularl3 at t:e 6atican--=:o stood in t:e =a3 of radical <o<ulation
In a 12.1 article1 ,ra<er li;ened t:e de>elo<in9 nations to an Fani8al reser>e177 =:ere1
=:en t:e ani8als beco8e too nu8erous1 t:e <ar; ran9ers Farbitraril3 reduce one or anot:er
s<ecies as necessar3 to <reser>e t:e balanced en>iron8ent for all ot:er ani8als?
F!ut =:o =ill be t:e <ar; ran9er for t:e :u8an raceD177 :e as;ed? F*:o =ill cull out t:e
sur<lus in t:is countr3 or t:at countr3 =:en t:e <ressure of too 8an3 <eo<le and too fe=
resources increases be3ond enduranceD *ill t:e deat:-dealin9 Horse8en of t:e
A<ocal3<se--=ar in its 8odern nuclear dress1 :un9er :auntin9 :alf t:e :u8an race1 and
disease--=ill t:e 9aunt and forbiddin9 Horse8en beco8e %ar; Ran9er for t:e t=o-le99ed
ani8al called 8anD77
,ra<er collaborated closel3 =it: Geor9e !us: durin9 t:e latter7s con9ressional career? As
noted abo>e1 !us: in>ited ,ra<er to testif3 to :is Tas; orce on Eart: Resources and
%o<ulationC re<ortedl31 ,ra<er :el<ed draft t:e !us:-T3din9s bill?
!us: felt an o>er=:le8in9 affinit3 for t:e bestial and de9raded i8a9e of 8an reflected in
t:e ra>in9 state8ents of ,ra<er? In Se<te8ber 12-21 !us: 9a>e a 9lo=in9 tribute to ,ra<er
t:at =as <ublis:ed in t:e cf$ Con9ressional Record cf1 ? FI =is: to <a3 tribute to a 9reat
A8erican177 said !us:? FI a8 >er3 8uc: a=are of t:e si9nificant leaders:i< t:at General
,ra<er :as eEecuted t:rou9:out t:e =orld in assistin9 9o>ern8ents in t:eir efforts to sol>e
t:e a=eso8e <roble8s of ra<id <o<ulation 9ro=t:? No ot:er <erson in t:e <ast fi>e 3ears
:as s:o=n 8ore initiati>e in creatin9 t:e a=areness of t:e =orld7s leaders in reco9niAin9
t:e econo8ic conse@uences of our <o<ulation eE<losion?77
In a 12.' <ublication1 !us: <raised t:e %CC itself for :a>in9 <la3ed a F8aBor role in
assistin9 9o>ern8ent <olic3 8a;ers and in 8obiliAin9 t:e United States7 res<onse to t:e
=orld <o<ulation c:allen9e????77 T:e %CC 8ade no bones about its ad8iration for !us:C its
ne=sletters fro8 t:e late 12-5s-earl3 12.5s feature nu8erous articles :i9:li9:tin9 !us:7s
role in t:e con9ressional <o<ulation-control ca8<ai9n? In a 12.2 re<ort assessin9 t:e
:istor3 of Con9ressional action on <o<ulation control1 t:e %CCO,ra<er und <laced !us:
s@uarel3 =it: t:e F8ost cons<icuous acti>ists177 on <o<ulation-control issues1 and lauded
:i8 for F<ro<osin9 all of t:e 8aBor or contro>ersial reco88endations77 in t:is arena =:ic:
ca8e before t:e U?S? Con9ress in t:e late 12-5s?
,ra<er7s son1 *illia8 III1 :as ent:usiasticall3 carried out :is fat:er7s 9enocidal le9ac3--
fre@uentl3 =it: t:e :el< of !us:? In 12/51 ,ra<er1 an ent:usiastic bac;er of t:e Carter
ad8inistration7s notorious cf$ Global $555 cf1 re<ort1 ser>ed as national c:air8an of t:e
!us: <residential ca8<ai9n7s finance co88itteeC in earl3 12/11 !us: con>inced Rea9an to
a<<oint ,ra<er to :ad t:e U?S? EE<ort-I8<ort !an;? At t:e ti8e1 a ,ra<er aide1 S:aron
Ca8<1 disclosed t:at ,ra<er intended to reorient t:e ban;7s functions to=ard e8<:asiAin9
<o<ulation control <roBects?
In 12/.1 a9ain at !us:7s be:est1 ,ra<er =as na8ed b3 Rea9an as ad8inistrator of t:e
United Nations ,e>elo<8ent %ro9ra81 =:ic: functions as an adBunct of t:e *orld !an;1
and :as :istoricall3 <us:ed <o<ulation reduction a8on9 T:ird *orld nations? In late
&anuar3 of 12211 ,ra<er 9a>e a s<eec: to a conference in *as:in9ton1 in =:ic: :e stated
t:at t:e core of !us:7s Fne= =orld order77 s:ould be <o<ulation reduction?
!us: =as not reluctant to feature anti-blac; bac;las: t:e8es in ot:er <arts of :is <olitical
re<ertoire? In t:e =a;e of t:e assassination of ,r? Martin Lut:er #in9 in A<ril1 12-/1 lar9e
scale riots and lootin9 bro;e out in *as:in9ton and ot:er cities? !us: =as @uic; to
introduce a bill =:ic: <ro>ided t:at an3 <erson con>icted of brea;in9 t:e la= durin9 ci>il
disorders =ould be :encefort: <ro:ibited fro8 retainin9 or 9ettin9 federal Bobs? !us:
clai8ed t:at durin9 t:e *as:in9ton riot t:at follo=ed t:e 8urder of #in91 of t:e first 112
riot sus<ects brou9:t to court1 15R said t:e3 =or;ed for t:e federal 9o>ern8ent?Gfn 1+H
!us:7s ca8<ai9n autobio9ra<:3 and t:e aut:oriAed and adulator3 ca8<ai9n bio9ra<:3 b3
itA:u9: Green 8a;e >irtuall3 no 8ention of t:ese Con9ressional acti>ities in t:e ser>ice
of racis81 Malt:usianis81 and de<o<ulation? Instead1 !us: and :is i8a9e-8on9ers <refer to
focus on t:e Con9ress8an7s :eroic fi9:t a9ainst racis8 as eE<ressed in an A<ril1 12-/
o<<osition in !us:7s district a9ainst t:e bill t:at =as later to beco8e t:e air Housin9 Act
of 12-/? T:is bill contained Fo<en :ousin9F <ro>isions <ro:ibitin9 t:e discri8ination in t:e
sale1 rentin91 or financin9 of :ousin9 on t:e basis of race1 color1 reli9ion1 seE1 or national
ori9in? !us: decided to >ote for t:e bill? FLetters fro8 t:e district =ere o>er=:el8in9l3
a9ainst t:e bill? After I >oted for it1 t:e 8ail 9ot :ea>ier? And u9lier1F :e =rote later?
FT:reats =ere directed not onl3 a9ainst 8e but a9ainst 8e8bers of 83 staff?F
As !us: tells it1 :e t:en decided to confront :is critics at a rall3 sc:eduled to be :eld in t:e
Me8orial-*est section of :is district? FT:e <lace =as Ba88ed? &ud9in9 fro8 t:e boos and
catcalls =:en I =as introduced1 it =as also seet:in9? T:e tone =as set b3 anot:er s<ea;er
on t:e <ro9ra81 =:o <redicted t:at t:e o<en :ousin9 bill 7=ill lead to 9o>ern8ent control
of <ri>ate <ro<ert31 t:e Co88unists7 nu8ber one 9oal?7F
In order to reduce t:e seet:in9 8asses to docilit31 !us: be9an b3 citin9 t:e !ritis: E8<ire
liberal1 cultural relati>ist81 and t:eoretician of For9anic c:an9e1F Ed8und !ur;e" F(our
re<resentati>e o=es 3ou not onl3 :is industr31 but :is Bud98ent1F !ur;e :ad said? !us: t:en
recalled t:at blac;s1 His<anics1 and ot:er 8inorities =ere ris;in9 t:eir li>es in t:e 6ietna8
=ar? Ho= could t:e3 be denied o<en :ousin9D FSo8e:o= it see8s funda8ental t:at a 8an
s:ould not :a>e a door sla88ed in :is face because :e is a Ne9ro or s<ea;s =it: a Latin
A8erican accent?F O<en :ousin9 =ould be a ra3 of :o<e for blac;s and ot:er 8inorities
Floc;ed out b3 :abit and discri8ination1F !us: concluded? !us: sa3s :e loo;ed at t:e no=
silent faces of t:e audience1 and t:en turned to t:an; t:e 8oderator? FFIt =as t:en t:at t:e
a<<lause be9an1 9ro=in9 louder until t:ere =as a standin9 o>ation? All t:e u9liness t:at :ad
9one before see8ed to =as: a=a31 and I sensed t:at so8et:in9 s<ecial :ad :a<<ened?F
ConBurin9 u< t:e >ision of t:is alle9ed triu8<: in t:e late 12/57s1 !us: :ad t:e 9all to
=rite" FMore t:an t=ent3 3ears later I can trut:full3 sa3 t:at not:in9 I7>e eE<erienced in
<ublic life1 before or since1 :as 8easured u< to t:e feelin9 I :ad =:en I =ent :o8e t:at
ni9:t?F His s3co<:ant1 t:e 83t:o9ra<: itA:u9: Green1 adds" F!us: :ad s<o;en fro8 :is
<ersonall3 :eld >alues? He clearl3 :ad found t:e decent core of t:ose =:o :ad :eard :i8?
Co8<laints a9ainst :is >ote on t:is issue slo=ed to a tric;le? T:is 8atter =as anot:er
8ar;er on :is trail to=ard t:e acce<tance of blac; A8ericans?F Gfn 1-H
T:ese accounts :a>e not:in9 to do =it: a true :istorical record1 but rat:er illustrate t:e
blatant1 Goebbels-st3le bi9 lies =:ic: are s:a8elessl3 dis:ed u< b3 t:e !us: <ro<a9andists?
T:e 83t:olo9iAed accounts of t:is e<isode =is: to lea>e t:e distinct i8<ression of !us: as
a 12-57s fi9:ter for ci>il ri9:ts1 in contradiction to :is entire <olitical career1 fro8 t:e 12-)
ci>il ri9:ts bill to racist eu9enics to *illie Horton? Co8<arin9 t:ese fantastic accounts to
t:e realit3 of !us:7s 9enocidal dail3 =or; in t:e Con9ress1 =e also obtain t:e <ro<er
fra8e=or; in =:ic: to e>aluate t:e trut: of !us:7s <ublic eE<lanations of :is role in Iran-
contra and ot:er scandals? !us: stands out as one of t:e 8ost acco8<lis:ed liars in t:e
:i9:l3 co8<etiti>e field of <ost=ar A8erican <olitics?
!ut =e s:all not conclude t:at !us: de>oted t:e entiret3 of :is Con9ressional career to t:e
<ro8otion of race science and 9lobal de<o<ulation? He =as also concerned =it: <ro>idin9
constituent ser>ice? T:is ser>ice ca8e in t:e for8 of !us:7s central role in t:e
i8<le8entation of a so<:isticated strate93 b3 t:e oil cartel to 8aintain its 9round-rent taE
<ri>ile9es at t:e :i9:est rate t:at t:e cli8ate of <ublic o<inion =ould <er8it? *it:in t:is
strate931 !us: =or;ed to <rotect t:e oil de<letion allo=ance as t:e <rinci<al taE 9i>ea=a3
enBo3ed b3 t:e cartel?
T:e oil de<letion allo=ance =as a $.?+R taE =riteoff for oil <roducers t:at :ad been
introduced in 12$-1 alle9edl3 to stren9t:en t:e US <etroleu8 industr3? T:e i8<act of a
$.?+R de<eltion allo=ance =as t:at 8an3 of t:e lar9est oil co8<anies1 includin9 so8e of
t:e =ealt:iest cor<orate 9iants1 <aid a >er3 lo= rate of cor<orate inco8e taE? On &ul3 151
12-21 Con9ress8an !ertra8 %odell of Ne= (or; =rote an o<en letter to House *a3s and
Means C:air8an *ilbur Mills in =:ic: :e <ointed out t:at1 <ri8aril3 as a result of t:e :i9:
oil de<letion allo=ance1 Gulf oil :ad <aid an effecti>e taE rate of onl3 ?/1R on 8ore t:an a
billion dollars of 12-/ inco8e1 =:ile Mobil :ad <aid '?'R1 and Atlantic Ric:field :ad <aid
1?$R? In :is letter1 %odell <aid ironic tribute to t:e oil cartel7s F<assionate de>otion to old-
fas:ioned >irtues1 suc: as 9reedF to t:e <oint t:at t:e Foil industr3 8a;es t:e 8afia loo;
li;e a <us:cart o<erationF =:ile Ft:rou9: our >arious taE loo<:oles1 <rofessional taE
e>aders li;e t:e oil industr3 c:urn li;e <anAers o>er foot soldiers?F Gfn 1.H
In 12+51 %resident Tru8an :ad declared t:at no taE loo<:ole =as Fso ine@uitableF as t:e
de<letion allo=ance1 and cited t:e eEa8<le of one oil8an =:o enBo3ed a taE-free inco8e of
alo8st I+ 8illion t:an;s to t:is <ro>ision? Tru8an clai8ed t:at :e =anted to cut t:e
de<letion allo=ance to 1+R1 but Con9ress8en o<<osed to t:e :i9: de<letion allo=ance
later clai8ed t:at :e :ad done >er3 little to carr3 out t:is <led9e? Senators of t:e stri<e of
Hu8<:re31 ,ou9las1 *illia8s of ,ela=are and ot:er offered a8end8ents to reduce t:e
de<letion allo=ance to 1+R1 or to restrict t:e $.?+R to oil <roducers =it: inco8es belo= a
certain le>el1 but t:ese efforts =ere defeated in 12+11 12+)1 12+/1 12-$1 12-)1 and 12-.?
!ut in 12-2 t:e issue =as bac; in t:e for8 of a cla8or for taE refor8 as t:e econo83
deteriorated1 and a 9reat deal of <ublic :eat =as focussed on t:e $.?+R for Roc;efeller7s oil
Con9ress8an C:arles 6anic; of O:io1 =:o =as <rofilin9 :i8self as a leadin9 taE refor8er1
calculated t:at t:e oil de<letion allo=ance :ad resulted in t:e loss of o>er I1)5 billion in
taE re>enues since t:e ti8e it =as instituted?
In res<onse to t:is <ublic :ue and cr3 a9ainst t:e $.?+R1 t:e <ublic relations 8en of t:e oil
cartel de>ised an elaborate <ublic c:arade1 =it: t:e de<letion allo=ance to be cut sli9:tl3 in
order to turn off t:e <ublic <ressure and sa>e t:e bul; of t:e =rite-off? In Ma3 of 12-2
c:air8an Mills said t:at t:e $.?+R =as a Fs38bolicF fi9ure and could be sli9:tl3 tri88ed?
In &ul31 t:e *a3s and Means Co88itte re<orted out a 8easure to cut t:e de<letion
allo=ance to $5R? Con9ress8an 6anic; =as :a<<3 to :a>e so8et:in9 to s:o= for :is
efforts" F*e7>e reall3 9ot a refor8 bill no=1F :e told t:e <ress? !us: =as 9oin9 alon9 =it:
t:e $5R1 but defended t:e <rinci<le of a substantial de<letion allo=ance? Accordin9 to
!us:1 FunrefutedF eE<ert testi8on3 :ad <ro>en t:at a taE incenti>e =as necessar3 for oil
and 9as eE<loration Fdue to t:e serious 9as reser>e s:orta9es in t:is countr3?F F,e<letion1F
said !us:1 F:as beco8e a s38bol to so8e <eo<le and =it:out eEa8inin9 t:e reasons for its
eEistence or its funda8ental i8<ortance to t:is countr31 so8e =ant to slu9 a=a3 at it?F Gfn
On Au9ust $/1 12-2 Con9ress8an Geor9e !us: and TeEas Senator &o:n To=er fle= to San
Cle8ente to 8eet =it: %resident NiEon on t:is issue? NiEon :ad said durin9 t:e 12-/
ca8<ai9n t:at :e fa>ored t:e $.?+R allo=ance1 but :e =as =illin9 to <la3 ball =it: t:e oil
cartel? NiEon1 !us: and To=er =ere Boined in San Cle8ente b3 Treasur3 Secretar3 ,a>id
#enned31 =:o =as <re<arin9 to testif3 on oil taEes before t:e Russell Lon97s Senate
inance Co88ittee? To=er and !us: instructed NiEon t:at t:e oil cartel =as =illin9 to
acce<t so8e reduction of t:e de<letion allo=ance1 and t:at t:e Ad8inistration s:ould
8erel3 state t:at it =as =illin9 to acce<t =:ate>er t:e Con9ress a<<ro>ed? Accordin9 to
one :istorian of t:e oil industr31 FT:is =as t:e first ste< in <re<aration for t:e 7stin9?7 !ut
t:ere =as one sli9:t stu8ble before t:e con 8en 9ot t:eir si9nals =or;ed out <erfectl3?F Gfn
#enned3 9ot confused b3 t:e $5R fi9ure t:at :ad been bandied about in t:e <ublic debate?
He told t:e Senate t:at =:ile NiEon =ould <refer to ;ee< t:e $.?+R fi9ure1 :e =as also
=illin9 to co8e do=n to $5R? T:is =as 8ore t:an t:e to;en concession t:at t:e oil cartel
:ad been <re<ared to 8a;e? On October . t:e House <assed t:e $5R fi9ure b3 a >ote of
'2) to '51 =it: !us: >otin9 for t:e cut? T:is entailed >er3 little ris;1 since Senator Russell
Lon9 of t:e Senate inance Co88ittee1 :i8self an oil <roducer t:rou9: :is <artici<ation in
t:e Lon9 fa8il3 *in or Lose Cor<oration1 =as un=illin9 to reduce t:e de<letion allo=ance
belo= $'R? NiEon7s de<ut3 *:ite House counsel Harr3 S? ,ent =rote a letter to a count3
Bud9e in Midland1 TeEas1 of all <laces1 =:ic: stated t:at Treasur3 Secretar3 #enned3 :ad
been in error about NiEon seein9 t=o alternati>es1 $.?+R or $5R1 and t:at Ft:e %resident
=ill abide b3 t:e Bud98ent of Con9ress?F An aide of Senator %roE8ire co8<lained" FIf t:e
co88ittee cuts bac; t:e de<letion allo=ance b3 a 8odest a8ount--sa3 to $'R--it 8a3
re<resent a lo= enou9: <rofile t:at Senate liberals =ill :a>e a 8ore difficult ti8e cuttin9 it
furt:er?F T:e $'R fi9ure =as t:e one t:at =as ulti8atel3 acce<ted1 and t:e reduction in t:e
de<letion allo=ance t:us acco8<lis:ed =as calculated to :a>e increased t:e taE bill of t:e
do8estic US oil and 9as co8<anies b3 t:e triflin9 su8 of I1.+ 8illion <er 3ear? T:e issue
:ad been defused1 and t:e cartel could resu8e its nor8al o<erations1 t:an;s in <art to t:e
ste=ards:i< of Geor9e !us:?
!3 t:e ti8e of t:e House *a3s and Means Co88itte >ote of &ul31 12-21 referenced abo>e1
t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es =as alread3 toutin9 !us: as a li;el3 Senate candidate1 and !us: =as
indeed to be a candidate for t:e Senate fro8 TeEas in 12.5? In !us:7s ca8<ai9n
autobio9ra<:31 :e atte8<ts to <ortra3 :is decision to run for t:e Senate a second ti8e as a
decision assisted b3 for8er %resident L3ndon !? &o:nson? T:at1 =e s:ould sa31 is alread3
bad enou9:? !ut in realit31 t:e decisi>e encoura9e8ent1 funds1 and t:e <ro8ise of future
ad>ance8ent t:at 8o>ed !us: to atte8<t t:e lea< into t:e Senate once a9ain ca8e fro8
one Ric:ard Mil:ous NiEon1 and t:e 8one3 in>ol>ed ca8e fro8 t:e circles of NiEon7s
NiEon1 it =ill be recalled1 :ad ca8<ai9ned for !us: in 12-) and 12--1 and =ould do so
also in 12.5? ,urin9 t:ese 3ears1 !us:7s <ositions ca8e to be al8ost <erfectl3 alli9ned =it:
t:e t:e line of t:e I8<erial %residenc3? And1 t:an;s in lar9e <art to t:e =or;in9s of :is
fat:er7s !ro=n !rot:ers1 Harri8an net=or;s--%rescott :ad been a fiEture in in Eisen:o=er
*:ite House =:ere NiEon =or;ed1 and in t:e Senate o>er =:ic: NiEon fro8 ti8e to ti8e
<resided-- !us: beca8e a NiEon all3 and cron3? !us:7s NiEon connection1 =:ic: <ro-!us:
<ro<a9anda tends to 8ini8Ae1 =as in fact t:e ;e3 to !us:7s career c:oices in t:e late 12-57s
and earl3 12.57s?
!us:7s inti8ate relations =it: Tric;3 ,ic; are best illustrated in !us:7s close brus: =it: t:e
12-/ GO% >ice-<residential no8ination at t:e Mia8i con>ention of t:at 3ear?
Ric:ard NiEon ca8e into Mia8i a:ead of Ne= (or; Go>ernor Nelson Roc;efeller and
California Go>ernor Ronald Rea9an in t:e dele9ate count1 but Bust before t:e con>ention
Rea9an1 encoura9ed b3 :is 9ro=in9 su<<ort1 announced t:at :e =as s=itc:in9 fro8 bein9 a
fa>orite son of California to t:e status of an all-out candidate for t:e <residential
no8ination? Rea9an atte8<ted to con>ince 8an3 conser>ati>e sout:ern dele9ations to
s=itc: fro8 NiEon to :i8self1 since :e =as t:e <urer ideolo9ical conser>ati>e and better
lo>ed in t:e sout: t:an t:e ne= 0or old4 Tric;3 ,ic;? NiEon7s defense of :is sout:ern
dele9ate base =as s<ear:eaded b3 Sout: Carolina Senator Stro8 T:ur8ond1 =:o ;e<t t:e
>ast 8aBorit3 of t:e dele9ates in line1 so8eti8es =it: t:e :el< of t:e unit rule? FT:ur8ond7s
<oint of reasonin9 =it: Sout:ern dele9ates =as t:at NiEon =as t:e best conser>ati>e t:e3
could 9et and still =in1 and t:at :e :ad obtained assurances fro8 NiEon t:at no >ice-
<residential candidate intolerable to t:e Sout: =ould be selected1F =rote one obser>er of
t:e Mia8i con>ention? Gfn $5H *it: t:e sout:ern conser>ati>es 9uaranteed a >eto <o=er
o>er t:e second s<ot on t:e tic;et1 T:ur8ond7s efforts =ere successfulC a leader of t:e
Louisiana caucas =as :eard to re8ar;" FIt brea;s 83 :eart t:at =e can7t 9et be:ind a fine
8an li;e Go>ernor Rea9an1 but Mr? NiEon is deser>in9 of our c:oice1 and :e 8ust recei>e
T:ese =ere t:e circu8stances in =:ic: NiEon1 :a>in9 =on t:e no8ination on t:e first
ballot1 8et =it: :is ad>isers a8idst t:e 9rotes@ue arc:itecture of t:e fifteent: floor of t:e
Mia8i %laAa-Hilton in t:e earl3 8ornin9 of Au9ust 21 12-/? T:e =a3 NiEon tells t:e stor3
in :is 8e8oirs1 :e :ad alread3 <rett3 8uc: settled on Go>? S<iro A9ne= of Mar3land1
reasonin9 t:at F=it: Geor9e *allace in t:e race1 I could not :o<e to s=ee< :e Sout:? It =as
absolutel3 necessar31 t:erefore1 to =in t:e entire ri8land of t:e Sout:--t:e border states--as
=ell as t:e 8aBor states of t:e Mid=est and *est?F T:erefore1 sa3s NiEon1 :e let :is
ad>isors 8ention na8es =it:out tellin9 t:e8 =:at :e :ad alread3 lar9el3 decided? FT:e
na8es 8ost 8entioned b3 t:ose attendin9 =ere t:e fa8iliar ones" Ro8ne31 Rea9an1 &o:n
Lindsa31 %erc31 Mar; Hatfield1 &o:n To=er1 Geor9e !us:1 &o:n 6ol<e1 Roc;efeller1 =it:
onl3 an occasional 8ention of A9ne=1 so8eti8es alon9 =it: Go>ernors &o:n Lo>e of
Colorado and ,aniel E>ans of *as:in9ton?F Gfn $1H NiEon also sa3s t:at :e offered t:e >ice
<residenc3 to :is close friends Robert inc: and Ro9ers Morton1 and t:en told :is <eo<le
t:at :e =anted A9ne=?
!ut t:is account disin9enuousl3 underesti8ates :o= close !us: ca8e to t:e >ice-
<residenc3 in 12-/? Accordin9 to a =ell-infor8ed1 but fa>orable1 s:ort bio9ra<:3 of !us:
<ublis:ed as :e =as about to ta;e o>er t:e *:ite House1 Fat t:e 12-/ GO% con>ention t:at
no8inated NiEon for %resident1 !us: =as said to be on t:e four-na8e s:ort list for >ice
<resident? He attributed t:at to t:e ca8<ai9nin9 of :is friends1 but t:e seriousness of
NiEon7s consideration =as =idel3 attested? Certainl3 NiEon =anted to <ro8ote !us: in one
=a3 or anot:er?F Gfn $$H T:eodore H? *:ite <uts !us: on NiEon7s conser>ati>e list alon9
=it: To=er and Ho=ard !a;er1 =it: a se<arate cate9or3 of liberals and also F<olitical
eunuc:sF li;e A9ne= and Massac:usetts Go>ernor &o:n 6ol<e? Gfn $'H &ules *itco>er
t:ou9:t t:e reason t:at !us: :ad been eli8inated =as t:at :e F=as too 3oun91 onl3 a House
8e8ber1 and :is selection =ould cause trouble =it: &o:n To=er1F =:o =as also an as<irant?
Gfn $)H T:e acce<ted =isdo8 is t:at NiEon decided not to c:oose !us: because1 after all1 :e
=as onl3 a one -ter8 Con9ress8an? Most li;el31 NiEon =as concerned =it: co8<arisons
t:at could be dra=n =it: !arr3 Gold=ater7s 12-) c:oice of Ne= (or; Con9ress8an !ill
Miller for :is runnin9 8ate? NiEon feared t:at if :e1 onl3 four 3ears later1 =ere to c:oose a
Con9ress8an =it:out a national <rofile1 t:e :ostile <ress =ould co8<are :i8 to Gold=ater
and brand :i8 as 3et anot:er Re<ublican loser?
Later in Au9ust1 !us: tra>eled to NiEon7s beac:front 8otel suite at Mission !a31 California
to discuss ca8<ai9n strate93? It =as decided t:at !us:1 Ho=ard !a;er1 Re<? Clar;
MacGre9or of Minnesota1 and Go>? 6ol<e =ould all function as Fsurro9ate candidates1F
ca8<ai9nin9 and standin9 in for NiEon at en9a9e8ents NiEon could not fill? And t:ere is
Geor9e1 in a <icture on t:e to< of t:e front <a9e of t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es of Au9ust 1.1 12-/1
Boinin9 =it: t:e ot:er t:ree to sla< a 9rinnin9 and eu<:oric NiEon on t:e bac; and s:a;e :is
:and before t:e3 =ent fort: to t:e :ustin9s?
!us: :ad no <roble8s of :is o=n =it: t:e 12-/ election1 since :e =as runnin9 uno<<osed
-- a neat tric; for a Re<ublican in Houston1 e>en ta;in9 t:e desi9ner 9err38anderin9 into
account? Runnin9 uno<<osed see8s to be !us:7s idea of an ideal election? Accordin9 to t:e
Houston C:ronicle1 F!us: :aGdH beco8e so <oliticall3 for8idable nobod3 cared to t;e :i8
on1F =:ic: s:ould :a>e beco8e re@uired readin9 for Gar3 Hart so8e 3ears later? !us: :ad
9reat :o<es t:at :e could :el< deli>er t:e TeEas electoral >otes into t:e NiEon colu8n? T:e
GO% =as countin9 on furt:er o<en =arfare bet=een (arborou9: and Connall31 but t:ese
di>isions <ro>ed to be insufficient to <re>ent Hubert Hu8<:re31 t:e ,e8ocratic no8inee1
fro8 carr3in9 TeEas as :e =ent do=n to defeat? As one account of t:e 12-/ >ote <uts it"
TeEas Fis a lar9e and eE:austin9 state to ca8<ai9n in1 but :ere s<ecial e8<:asis =as laid on
7surro9ate candidates7" notabl3 Con9ress8an Geor9e !us:1 a fit-loo;in9 fello= of eEcellent
birt: =:o re<resented t:e s<ace-to=n suburbs of Houston and =as not o<<osed in :is
district--an indication of t:e stren9t: of t:e Re<ublican tec:nocrac3 in TeEas?F 0%er:a<s1 if
tec:nocrac3 is a s3non38 for F<lu8bers?F4 *innin9 a second ter8 =as no <roble8C !us:
=as1 :o=e>er 8i9:til3 e8barrassed b3 :is inabilit3 to deli>er TeEas for Tric;3 ,ic;? F7I
don7t ;no= =:at =ent =ron917 !us: 8uttered =:en inter>ie=ed in ,ece8ber? 7T:ere =as a
:ell of a lot of 8one3 s<ent17F 8uc: of it co8in9 fro8 t:e <redecessor or9aniAations to t:e
CREE%? Gfn $+H As usual1 !us: :ad a <ost festu8 t:eor3 of =:at :ad 9one =ron9" :e
bla8ed it on t:e blac; >oters? In Houston1 !us: found1 t:ere =ere +/1555 >oters1 and NiEon
onl3 9ot /55 of t:e8? F(ou7d t:in;1F said !us:1 Ft:at t:ere =ould :a>e been 8ore <eo<le
Bust co8e in t:ere and 8a;e a 8ista;eKF Gfn $-H *:en in 12.) !us: briefl3 a<<eared to be
t:e front-runner to be c:osen for t:e >ice <residenc3 b3 t:e ne= %resident Gerald ord1 t:e
*as:in9ton %ost <ointed out t:at alt:ou9: !us: =as 8a;in9 a serious bid1 :e :ad al8ost
no @ualifications for t:e <ost? T:at criticis8 a<<lied e>en 8ore in 12-/" for 8ost <eo<le1
!us: =as a rat:er obscure TeEas <ol1 and :e :ad one lost state=ide race <re>ious to t:e
election t:at 9ot :i8 into Con9ress? T:e fact t:at :e 8ade it into t:e final round at t:e
Mia8i Hilton =as anot:er tribute to t:e net=or; 8obiliAin9 <o=er of %rescott !us:1 !ro=n
!rot:ers1 Harri8an1 and S;ull and !ones?
As t:e 12.5 election a<<roac:ed1 NiEon 8ade !us: an attracti>e offer? If !us: =ere
=illin9 to 9i>e u< :is a<<arentl3 safe Con9ressional seat and :is <lace on t:e *a3s and
Means Co88ittee1 NiEon =ould be :a<<3 to :el< finance t:e senate race? If !us: =on a
Senate seat1 :e =ould be a front-runner to re<lace S<iro A9ne= in t:e >ice-<residential s<ot
for 12.$? If !us: =ere to lose t:e election1 :e =ould t:en be in line for an a<<oint8ent to
an i8<ortant <ost in t:e EEecuti>e !ranc:1 8ost li;el3 a cabinet <osition? T:is deal =as
enou9: of an o<en secret to be discussed in t:e TeEas <ress durin9 t:e fall of 12.5" at t:e
ti8e1 t:e Houston %ost @uoted !us: in res<onse to <ersistent *as:in9ton ne=s<a<er re<orts
t:at !us: =ould re<lace A9ne= on t:e 12.$ tic;et? !us: said t:at =as Ft:e 8ost =ildl3
s<eculati>e <iece I7>e seen in a lon9 ti8e?F FI :ate to =aste ti8e tal;in9 about suc: =ild
s<eculation1F !us: said in Austin? FI ou9:t to be out t:ere s:a;in9 :ands =it: t:ose <eo<le
=:o stood in t:e rain to su<<ort 8e?F Gfn $.H
At t:is ti8e !us: calculated t:at a second c:allen9e to (arborou9: =ould :a>e a 9reater
c:ance for success t:an :is first atte8<t? True1 12.5 =as anot:er off-3ear election in =:ic:
,e8ocrats runnin9 a9ainst t:e Re<ublican NiEon *:ite House =ould :a>e a certain
statistical ad>anta9e? 12.5 =as also t:e 9reat 3ear of t:e Silent MaBorit31 Middle A8erica
bac;las: a9ainst t:e 6ietna8 =ar <rotesters? T:is =as to be t:e 3ear in =:ic: %at !uc:anan
and *illia8 Safire of t:e NiEon *:ite House =ould ar8 A9ne= =it: a series of
>ulcaniAed1 one-line Ain9ers =:ic: t:e >ice <resident =ould t:en ta;e on t:e <olitical lo=
road" F<usillani8ous <uss3footers1F F>icars of >acillation1F F:o<eless1 :3sterical
:3<oc:ondriacs1F Fnatterin9 nabobs of ne9ati>is81F Fradic-libsF and Feffete snobs1F so =ent
t:e alliteratin9 A9ne= sound bites? T:is =as t:e Con9ressional election 3ear t:at <ea;ed in
t:e near- insurrection a9ainst NiEon in San &ose1 California on October $21 12.51 =:en
NiEon1 Go>ernor Rea9an1 and Senator Geor9e Mur<:3 ca8e close to bein9 la<idated b3
and an9r3 cro=d in an incident so <erfect for NiEon7s <ro<a9anda needs t:at <er:a<s onl3
t:e 8ost acco8<lis:ed a9ents <ro>ocateurs could :a>e carried it off? In suc: an
at8os<:ere1 !us: could see :i8self >eerin9 off s:ar<l3 to :ard-:at r:etoric 1 attac;in9
(arborou9: for bein9 in lea9ue =it: >iolent and obscene de8ostrators after (arborou9:7s
endorse8ent of t:e >er3 ta8e October1 12.5 Moratoriu8 de8onstrations a9ainst t:e =ar in
In an ob>ious slei9:t of :and1 !us: uses :is ca8<ai9n autobio9ra<:3 to 8a;e it loo; li;e it
=as L!&1 not NiEon1 =:o ur9ed :i8 to run? He tells of :o= :e :ad been t:e onl3
Re<ublican at Andre=s Air orce !ase to see L!& off after NiEon =as inau9urated? He tells
us t:at :e >isited L!& on :is celebrated ranc: on t:e ban;s of t:e %edernales Ri>er1 and =as
dri>en b3 t:e for8er %resident o>er dirt roads in L!&7s Lincoln Continental at s<eeds of /5
8iles <er :our? All a clic:e1 as is t:e scene =:ere !us: as;s L!& =:et:er :e s:ould tr3 ot
unseat (arborou9:? !us: :as L!& ans=er =it: t:e little stor3 t:at e>er3 sc:oolbo3 ;ne= in
t:e late 12-57s1 and =:ic: L!& 8ust :a>e recounted ten t:ousand ti8es o>er :is career1
=:ic: =as t:at :e :ad ser>ed in bot: t:e House and t:e Senate1 and t:at Ft:e difference
bet=een bein9 a 8e8ber of t:e Senate and a 8e8ber of t:e House is t:e difference
bet=een c:ic;en salad and c:ic;en s:it?F Gfn '5H *e s:ould also recall t:at <oor old L!& in
t:ese declinin9 3ears =as a :ated recluse1 so des<erate for co8<anions:i< t:at :e ea9erl3
e>en =elco8ed t:e <s3c:oseEual anal3tic sessions of ,oris #earns of t:e #enned3 Sc:ool
of Go>ern8ent? Of course1 !us: =as an9lin9 to in9ratiate :i8self =:ere>er :e could1 of
course L!& still :ad so8e assets t:at 8i9:t 8a;e a difference in a TeEas senate race1 and
!us: =ould ne>er be indifferent to 8ar9inal ad>anta9e? %art of it =as Geor9e7s instincti>e
<lo3 of tradin9 on %rescott7s old friends:i<s" L!& and %rescott :ad ser>ed to9et:er on t:e
Senate Ar8ed Ser>ices Co88ittee in t:e 12+57s? !ut !us:7s account is ulti8atel31 as is
t3<ical of :i81 a calculated dece<tion? No1 no1 Geor9e" L!& resented (arborou9: for :a>in9
o<<osed :i8 on 6ietna81 but L!& =as a :as-been in 12.51 and it =as Tric;3 ,ic; =:o told
3ou to 8a;e 3our senate bid in 12.51 and =:o s=eetened t:e <ot =it: bi9 buc;s and t:e
<ro8ise of <resti9ious <osts if 3ou failed?
In Se<te8ber1 t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es re<orted t:at NiEon =as acti>el3 recruitin9 Re<ublican
candidates for t:e Senate? FI8<lies He *ill %artici<ate in T:eir Ca8<ai9ns and Offer &obs
to LosersFC Financial Aid is Hinted1F said t:e subtitles Gfn $/H? It =as 8ore t:an :inted1 and
t:e article listed Geor9e !us: as first on t:e list? As it turned out1 !us:7s senate race =as t:e
sin9le 8ost i8<ortant focus of NiEon7s efforts in t:e entire countr31 =it: bot: t:e %resident
and A9ne= acti>el3 en9a9ed on t:e 9round? !us: =ould recei>e 8one3 fro8 a NiEon slus:
fund called t:e FTo=n:ouseF fund1 an o<eration in t:e CREE% orbit? !us: =as also t:e
reci<ient of t:e lar9esse of *? Cle8ent Stone1 a C:ica9o insurance t3coon =:o :ad donated
:ea>il3 to NiEon7s 12-/ ca8<ai9n? !us:7s friend To=er =as t:e c:air8an of t:e GO%
Senatorial Ca8<ai9n Co88ittee1 and !us:7s for8er ca8<ai9n aide1 &i8 Allison1 =as no=
t:e de<ut3 c:air8an of t:e Re<ublican National Co88ittee?
!us: :i8self =as ensconced in t:e coils of t:e GO% fund-raisin9 bureaucrac3? *:en in
Ma31 12-21 NiEon7s cron3 Robert inc:1 t:e Secretar3 of Healt:1 Education1 and *elfare
8et =it: 8e8bers of t:e Re<ublican !oosters Club1 12-21 !us: =as =it: :i81 alon9 =it:
To=er1 Ro9ers Morton1 and Con9ress8an !ob *ilson of Califronia? T:e !oosters alon9
=ere esti8ated to be 9ood for about I1 8illion in fundin9 for GO% candidates in 12.5? Gfn
!3 ,ece8ber of 12-2 it =as clear to all t:at !us: =ould 9et al8ost all of t:e cas: in t:e
TeEas GO% coffers1 and t:at E99ers1 t:e <art37s candidate for 9o>ernor1 =ould 9et s:ort
s:rift indeed? On ,ece8ber $2 t:e Houston C:ronicle front <a9e o<ined" FGO% Mone3 To
!ac; !us:1 Not E99ers?F T:e ,e8ocratic Senate candidate =ould later accuse NiEon7s
cro=d of Ftr3in9 to bu3F t:e Senate election for !us:" F*as:in9ton :as been s:o>ellin9 so
8uc: 8one3 into t:e Geor9e !us: ca8<ai9n t:at no= ot:er Re<ublican candidates around
t:e countr3 are de8andin9 an accountin91F said !us:7s o<<onent? Gfn '1H
!ut t:at o<<onent =as Llo3d !entsen1 not Ral<: (arborou9:? All calculations about t:e
12.5 Senate race :ad been u<set =:en1 at a relati>el3 late :our1 !entsen1 ur9ed on b3 &o:n
Connall31 announced :is candidac3 in t:e ,e8ocratic <ri8ar3? (arborou9:1 bus3 =it: :is
=or; as C:air8an of t:e Senate Labor Co88ittee1 started :is ca8<ai9nin9 late? !entsen7s
<itc: =as to attac; anti-=ar <rotesters and radicals1 <ortra3in9 (arborou9: as bein9 a
rin9leader of t:e eEtre8ists?
(arborou9: :ad lost so8e of :is >i8 o>er t:e 3ears since 12-)1 and :ad >eered into su<<ort
for 8ore ecolo9ical le9islation and e>en for so8e of t:e anti-:u8an F<o<ulation <lannin9F
8easures t:at !us: and :is circles :ad been <ro<osin9? !ut :e fou9:t bac; 9a8el3 a9ainst
!entsen? *:en !entsen boasted of :a>in9 done a lot for t:e C:icanos of t:e Rio Grande
6alle31 (arborou9: countered" F*:at :as Llo3d !entsen e>er done for t:e >alle3D T:e
>alle3 is not for sale? (ou can7t bu3 <eo<le? I ne>er :eard of :i8 doin9 an3t:in9 for 8i9rant
labor? All I e>er :eard about =as :is fat:er =or;in9 t:ese =etbac;s? All I e>er :eard =as
t:e8 eE<loitin9 =etbac;s1F said (arborou9:? *:en !entsen boasted of :is record of
eE<erience1 (arborou9: counter-attac;ed" FT:e onl3 eE<erience t:at 83 o<<onents :a>e
:ad is in re<resentin9 t:e financial interest of bi9 business? T:e3 :a>e bot: s:o=n 8ar;ed
insensiti>it3 to t:e needs of t:e a>era9e citiAen of our state?F
!ut1 on Ma3 $1 !entsen defeated (arborou9:1 and an era ca8e to an end in TeEas <olitics?
!us:7s 15 to 1 =in in :is o=n <ri8ar3 o>er :is old ri>al fro8 12-)1 Robert Morris1 =as
scant consolation? *:ereas it :ad been clear :o= !us: =ould :a>e run a9ainst (arborou9:1
it =as not at all clear :o= :e could differentiate :i8self fro8 !entsen? Indeed1 to 8an3
<eo<le t:e t=o see8ed to be t=ins" eac: =as a <lutocrat oil8an fro8 Houston1 eac: one
=as a99ressi>el3 An9lo-SaEon1 eac: one :ad been in t:e House of Re<resentati>es1 eac:
one flaunted a record as a *orld *ar II air8an? In fact1 all !entsen needed to do for t:e rest
of t:e race =as to a<<ear <lausible and <olite1 and let t:e o>er=:el8in9 ,e8ocratic
ad>anta9e in re9istered >oters1 es<eciall3 in t:e 3ello=- do9 ,e8ocrat rural areas1 do :is
=or; for :i8? T:is !entsen <osture =as <unctuated fro8 ti8e to ti8e b3 a<<eals to
conser>ati>es =:o t:ou9:t t:at !us: =as too liberal for t:eir tastes?
!us: :o<ed for a ti8e t:at :is slic; tele>ision <ac;a9in9 could sa>e :i8? His 8an Harr3
Trelea>en =as once 8ore brou9:t in? !us: <aid 8ore t:an :alf a 8illion dollars1 a tid3 su8
at t:at ti8e1 to Glenn Ad>ertisin9 for a series of #enned3es@ue Fnatural loo;F ca8<ai9n
s<ots? Soon !us: =as ca>ortin9 on t:e tube in all of :is arid >a<idit31 Bo99in9 across t:e
street1 trottin9 do=n t:e ste<s1 boundin9 around *as:in9ton and <la3in9 touc: football1
al=a3s filled =it: 3out:1 >i9or1 action1 and t:r3oEin? T:e %lain ol;s <raised !us: as F&ust
fantasticF in t:ese s<ots? Sufferin9 t:e >oters to co8e unto :i81 !us: res<onded to all
co8ers t:at :e Funderstands1F =it: t:e s:ot fadin9 out before :e could sa3 =:at it =as :e
understood or =:at :e 8i9:t <ro<ose to do? Gfn '$H FSure1 it7s tou9: to be u< a9ainst t:e
8ac:ine1 t:e bi9 bo3s1F said t:e S;ull and !ones candidate in t:ese s<otsC !us: actuall3
:ad 8ore 8one3 to s<end t:an e>en t:e =ell-:eeled !entsen? T:e unif3in9 slo9an for
i8<artin9 t:e <ro<er s<in to !us: =as FHe can do 8ore?F FHe can do 8oreF :ad <roble8s
t:at =ere e>ident e>en to so8e of t:e 12.5 !us:8en" FA fe= in t:e !us: ca8< @uestioned
t:at 9eneral a<<roac: because once ad>ertisin9 <ro9ra8s are set into 8otion t:e3 are
eEtre8el3 difficult to c:an9e and t:ere =as t:e concern t:at if NiEon s:ould be un<o<ular
at ca8<ai9n7s end1 t:e t:e8e line =ould beco8e1 7He can do 8ore for NiEon17 =it: ob>ious
do=nsides? Gfn ''H Alt:ou9: !entsen7s s<ots =ere said to 9i>e :i8 Fall t:e ani8ation of a
cada>er1F :e =as 8ore substanti>e t:an !us:1 and :e =as 8o>in9 a:ead?
*ere t:ere issues t:at could :el< Geor9eD His ads <ut :is o<<osition to sc:ool busin9 to
ac:ie>e racial balance at t:e to< of t:e list1 but t:is =ed9e-8oner9in9 9ot :i8 no=:ere?
!ecause of :is ser>ilit3 to NiEon1 !us: :ad to su<<ort t:e buAA-=ord of a F9uaranteed
annual inco8e1F =:ic: =as t:e label under =:ic: NiEon =as 8ar;etin9 t:e =or;fare sla>e
labor <ro9ra8 alread3 described1 but to 8an3 in TeEas t:at sounded li;e a ne= 9i>e-a=a31
and !entsen =as @uic; to ta;e ad>anta9e? !us: bra99ed t:at :e :ad been one of t:e
ori9inal s<onsors of t:e bill t:at :ad Bust se8i-<ri>atiAed t:e US %ost Office ,e<art8ent as
t:e %ostal Ser>ice? !us: ca8e on as a Ffiscal conser>ati>e1F but t:is also =as of little :el<
a9ainst !entsen?
In an inter>ie= on =o8en7s issues1 !us: first Bo;ed t:at t:ere reall3 =as no consensus
a8on9 =o8en -- Ft:e conce<t of a =o8en7s 8o>e8ent is unreal--3ou can7t 9et t=o =o8en
to a9ree on an3t:in9?F On abortion :e co88ented" FI realiAe t:is is a <oliticall3 sensiti>e
area? !ut I belie>e in a =o8an7s ri9:t to c:ose? It s:ould be an indi>idual 8atter? I t:in;
ulti8atel3 it =ill be a constitutional @uestion? I don7t fa>or a federal abortion la= as suc:?F
After 12/51 for t:ose =:o c:oose to belie>e :i81 t:is c:an9ed to stron9 o<<osition to
One issue t:at :el<ed !entsen =as Finflationar3 recession1F also called sta9flation? FI t:in;
Gt:e %residentH s:ould use t:e 8oral <ersuasion of t:e *:ite House to :el< ;ee< =a9es and
<rices =it:in reason1 instead of follo=in9 <olicies =:ic: :a>e <ut nearl3 $ 8illion
A8ericans out of Bobs =it:out sto<<in9 inflation1F said !entsen? !us: =as stuc; =it:
<arrottin9 t:e lines of t:e 12.5 8odel NiEon1 =:ic: =as about read3 for a closeout?
Could NiEon and A9ne= :el< !us:D A9ne=7s 8essa9e fell flat in TeEas1 since :e ;ne= it
=as too dan9erous to tr3 to 9et to t:e ri9:t of !entsen and attac; :i8 fro8 t:ere? Instead1
A9ne= =ent t:rou9: t:e foll=in9 contortion" a >ote for !entsen1 A9ne= told audiences in
Lubboc; and A8arillo1 Fis a >ote to ;ee< *illia8 ulbri9:t c:air8an of t:e Senate orei9n
Relations Co88ittee1F and t:at =as not =:at FTeEans =ant at all?F A9ne= tried to <ut
!entsen in t:e sa8e boat =it: Fradical liberalsF li;e (arborou9:1 ulbri9:t1 McGo>ern1 and
#enned3? !entsen in>ited A9ne= to 8o>e on to Ar;ansas and fi9:t it out =it: ulbri9:t1
and t:at =as t:at?
Could NiEon :i8self :el< !us:D NiEon did ca8<ai9n in t:e state? !entsen t:en told a
9rou< of FAn9lo-A8ericanF business8en" TeEans =ant Fa 8an =:o can stand alone
=it:out bein9 <ro<<ed u< b3 t:e *:ite House?F In t:e end !entsen defeated !us: b3 a >ote
of 1112.1.$- to !us:7s 115'+1.2)1 about +'R to ).R? T:e official !us:8an eE<lanation
=as t:at t:ere =ere t=o <ro<osed a8end8ents to t:e TeEas constitution on t:e ballot1 one
to allo= saloons1 and one to allo= all unde>elo<ed land to be taEed at t:e sa8e rate as
far8land? Accordin9 to !us:8an a<olo9etics1 t:ese t=o <ro<ositions attracted so 8uc:
interest a8on9 F3ello= do9F rural conser>ati>es t:at '551555 eEtra >oters ca8e out1 and
t:is 9a>e !entsen :is critical 8ar9in of >ictor3? T:ere =as also s<eculation t:at NiEon and
A9ne= :ad attracted so 8uc: attention t:at 8ore >oters :ad co8e out1 but 8an3 of t:ese
=ere !entsen su<<orters? On t:e ni9:t of t:e election1 !us: said t:at :e Ffelt li;e General
Custer? T:e3 as;ed :i8 =:3 :e :ad lost and :e said FT:ere =ere too 8an3 Indians?7 All I
can sa3 at t:is <oint is t:at t:ere =ere too 8an3 ,e8ocrats1F said t:e fres: t=o-ti8e loser?
!entsen su99ested t:at it =as ti8e for !us: to be a<<ointed to a :i9: <osition in t:e
9o>ern8ent? Gfn ')H
!us:7s ot:er consolation =as a tel9ra8 dated No>e8ber +1 12.5"
T:is =as NiEon7s eu<:e8istic =a3 of reassurin9 !us: t:at t:e3 still :ad a deal? Gfn '+H
1? See itA:u9: Green1 Geor9e !us:1 <? 2$1 and !us: and Gold1 Loo;in9 or=ard1 <? 25?
$? Ste>ens7 re8ar;s =ere <art of a %ublic !roadcastin9 S3ste8 FrontlineF docu8entar3 <ro9ra8 entitled
FCa8<ai9n" T:e C:oice1F of No>e8ber $)1 12//? Cited b3 itA:u9: Green1 <? 21?
'? or t:e c:ronicles of t:e Harris Count3 GO%1 see local <ress articles a>ailable on 8icrofic:e at t:e TeEas
Historical Societ3 in Houston?
)? FGeor9e !us: >s? Obser>er Editor1F T:e TeEas Obser>er1 &ul3 $'1 12-+?
+? TeEas Obser>er1 October 1)1 12--?
-? !us: and Gold1 Loo;in9 or=ard1 <? 21?
.? &oe McGinniss1 T:e Sellin9 of t:e %resident 12-/ 0Ne= (or;1 12-/41 <<? )$-)+?
/? See #na99s1 T=o-%art3 TeEas1 <? 111?
2? Con9ressional Luarterl31 %resident !us:" T:e C:allen9e A:ead 0 *as:in9ton1 12/241 <? 2)?
15? Harr3 Hurt III1 FGeor9e !us:1 %luc;3 Lad1F in TeEas Mont:l31 &une 12/'?
11? Ne= (or; Ti8es1 &aunar3 $)1 12-/?
1$? Ne= (or; Ti8es1 Ma3 .1 12-/?
1)? T:e follo=in9 account of !us:7s Con9ressional record on <o<ulation and related is issues is deri>ed
fro8 t:e 9round-brea;in9 researc: of #at:leen #lenets;31 to =:o8 t:e aut:ors are <leased to ac;no=led9e
t:eir indebtedness? T:e 8aterial t:at follo=s incor<orates sections of #at:leen #lenets;31 F!us: !ac;ed
NaAi 7Race Science17F EEecuti>e Intelli9ence Re>ie=1 Ma3 '1 1221 and Ne= ederalist1 A<ril $21 1221?
1+? Ne= (or; Ti8es1 A<ril 111 12-/?
1-? !us:1 Loo;in9 or=ard1 <<? 2$-2'1 and Green1 Geor9e !us:1 <<? 15-- 15.?
1.? See Robert S:errill1 T:e Oil ollies of 12.5-12/5 0Ne= (or;1 12/'4 1 <<? -1--+?
1/? Ne= (or; Ti8es1 &ul3 $$1 12-2?
12? S:errill1 <? -)?
$5? Nor8an Mailer1 Mia8i and t:e Sie9e of C:ica9o 0Ne= (or;1 12-/41 <<? .$-.'?
$1? Ric:ard NiEon1 RN" T:e Me8oirs of Ric:ard NiEon1 <? '1$?
$$? Con9ressional Luarterl31 %resident !us: 0*as:in9ton1 12/241 <? 2)?
$'? T:eodore H? *:ite1 T:e Ma;in9 of t:e %resident 12-/ 0Ne= (or;1 12-241 <? $+1?
$)? &ules *itco>er1 T:e Resurrection of Ric:ard NiEon1 <? '+$?
$+? Le=is C:ester et al?1 T:e %residential Ca8<ai9n of 12-/ 0London" ,eutc:1 12-241 <? -$$?
$-? C:ester et al?1 <? .-'?
$.? Houston %ost1 October $21 12.5?
$/? Ne= (or; Ti8es1 Ma3 1'1 12-2?
$2? Ne= (or; Ti8es1 Se<t1 $.1 12-2?
'5? !us: and Gold1 Loo;in9 or=ard1 <<? 2/-15'?
'1? Houston C:ronicle1 October -1 12.5?
'$? See FTubin9 =it: Llo3dOGeor9e1F T:e TeEas Obser>er1 October '51 12.5?
''? #na99s1 T=o-%art3 TeEas1 <? 1)/?
')? Houston %ost1 No>e8ber +1 12.5?
'+? !us: and Gold1 Loo;in9 or=ard1 <a9e 15$?
C:a<ter -MI- United Nations A8bassador1 #issin9er
At t:is <oint in :is career1 Geor9e !us: entered into a <:ase of close association =it: bot:
Ric:ard NiEon and Henr3 #issin9er? As =e =ill see1 !us: =as a 8e8ber of t:e NiEon
cabinet fro8 t:e s<rin9 of 12.1 until t:e da3 t:at NiEon resi9ned? *e =ill see !us: on a
nu8ber of i8<ortant occasions literall3 actin9 as NiEon7s s<ea;in9 tube1 es<eciall3 in
international crisis situations? ,urin9 t:ese 3ears1 NiEon =as !us:7s <atron1 <ro>idin9 :i8
=it: a<<oint8ents and ur9in9 :i8 to loo; for=ard to bi99er t:in9s in t:e future? On certain
occasions1 :o=e>er1 !us: =as u<sta9ed b3 ot:ers in :is @uest for NiEon7s fa>or? T:en t:ere
=as #issin9er1 far and a=a3 t:e 8ost <o=erful fi9ure in t:e *as:in9ton re9i8e of t:ose
da3s1 =:o beca8e !us:7s boss =:en t:e latter beca8e t:e US A8bassador to t:e United
Nations in Ne= (or; Cit3? Later1 on t:e ca8<ai9n trail in 12/51 !us: =ould offer to 8a;e
#issin9er Secretar3 of State in :is ad8inistration?
!us: =as no= listin9 a net =ort: of o>er I1?' 8illion Gfn 1H1 but t:e fact is t:at :e =as no=
une8<lo3ed1 but anEious to assu8e t:e neEt official <ost1 to ta;e t:e neEt ste< of =:at in
t:e career of a Ro8an Senator =as called t:e cursus :onoru81 t:e <atrician career1 for t:is
is =:at :e felt t:e =orld o=ed :i8?
NiEon :ad <ro8ised !us: an attracti>e and <resti9ious <olitical <lu8 in t:e EEecuti>e
branc:1 and it =as no= ti8e for NiEon to deli>er? !us:7s <roble8 =as t:at in late 12.5
NiEon =as 8ore interested in =:at anot:er TeEan could contribute to :is Ad8inistration?
T:at ot:er TeEan =as &o:n Connall31 =:o :ad <la3ed t:e role of !us:7s ne8esis in t:e
elections Bust concluded b3 >irtue of t:e encoura9e8ent and decisi>e su<<ort =:ic:
Connall3 :ad 9i>en to t:e !entsen candidac3? NiEon =as no= fascinated b3 t:e <ros<ect of
includin9 t:e ri9:t-=in9 ,e8ocrat Connall3 in :is cabinet in order to <ro>ide :i8self =it:
a <atina of bi-<artisans:i<1 =:ile e8<:asiAin9 t:e dissension a8on9 t:e ,e8ocrats1
stren9t:enin9 Tric;3 ,ic;7s c:ances of successfull3 eEecutin9 :is Sout:ern Strate93 a
second ti8e durin9 t:e 12.$ elections?
T:e =ord a8on9 NiEon7s inner circle of t:is <eriod =as FT:e !oss is in lo>e1F and t:e
obBect of :is affections =as !i9 &a=n? NiEon clai8ed t:at :e =as not :a<<3 =it: t:e stature
of :is current cabinet1 tellin9 :is do8estic <olic3 ad>isor &o:n E:rlic:8ann in t:e fall of
12.5 t:at FE>er3 cabinet s:ould :a>e at least one <otential %resident in it? Mine doesn7t?F
NiEon :ad tried to recruit leadin9 ,e8ocrats before1 as;in9 Senator Henr3 &ac;son to be
Secretar3 of ,efense and offerin9 t:e <ost of United Nations A8bassador to Hubert
*it:in :ours after t:e <olls :ad closed in t:e TeEas senate race1 !us: =as recei>ed a call
fro8 C:arles !artlett1 a *as:in9ton colu8nist =:o =as <art of t:e %rescott !us: net=or;?
!artlett ti<<ed !us: to t:e fact t:at Treasur3 Secretar3 ,a>id #enned3 =as lea>in91 and
ur9ed :i8 to 8a;e a 9rab for t:e Bob? !us: called NiEon and <ut in :is re@uest? After t:at1
:e =aited b3 t:e tele<:one? !ut it soon beca8e clear t:at Tric;3 ,ic; =as about to recruit
&o:n Connall3 and =it: :i81 <er:a<s1 t:e i8<ortant TeEas electoral >otes in 12.$?
Secretar3 of t:e Treasur3K One of t:e t:ree or four to< <osts in t:e cabinetK And t:at before
!us: :ad been 9i>en an3t:in9 for all of :is useless slo99in9 t:rou9: t:e 12.5 ca8<ai9nK
!ut t:e Bob =as about to 9o to Connall3? O>er t=o decades1 one can al8ost :ear !us:7s
=:inin9 co8<laint?
T:is 8o>e =as not totall3 un<re<ared? ,urin9 t:e fall of 12.51 =:en Connall3 =as
ca8<ai9nin9 for !entsen a9ainst !us:1 Connall3 :ad been in>ited to <artici<ate in t:e As:
Co88ission1 a stud3 9rou< on 9o>ern8ent re-or9aniAation c:aired b3 Ro3 As:? FT:is
*:ite House access =as dan9erousl3 under8inin9 Geor9e !us:1F co8<lained TeEas GO%
c:air8an O7,onnell? A <ersonal friend of !us: on t:e *:ite House staff na8ed %eter
lani9an1 9enerated a 8e8o to *:ite House c:ief of staff H?R? Halde8an =it: t:e
notation" FConnall3 is an i8<lacable ene83 tof t:e Re<ublican <art3 in TeEas1 and1
t:erefore1 attracti>e as :e 8a3 be to t:e %resident1 =e s:ould a>oid usin9 :i8 a9ain?F
NiEon found Connall3 an attracti>e <olitical <ro<ert31 and :ad soon a<<ointed :i8 to t:e
8ain *ite House <anel for intelli9ence e>aulations" FOn No>e8ber '51 =:en Connall37s
a<<oint8ent to t:e orei9n Intelli9ence Ad>isor3 !oard =as announced1 t:e senior senator
fro8 TeEas1 &o:n To=er1 and Geor9e !us: =ere instantl3 in touc: =it: t:e *:ite House to
eE<ress t:eir 7eEtre8e7 distress o>er t:e a<<oint8ent? Gfn $H To=er =as indi9ant because :e
:ad been <ro8ised b3 E:rlic:8an so8e ti8e before t:at Connall3 =as not 9oin9 to recei>e
an i8<ortant <ost? !us:7s <ersonal <li9:t =as e>en 8ore <oi9nant" FHe =as out of =or;1
and :e =anted a Bob? As a defeated senatorial candidate1 :e :o<ed and full3 eE<ected to 9et
a 8aBor Bob in t:e ad8inistration? (et t:e ad8inistration see8ed to be <a3in9 8ore
attention to t:e >er3 ,e8ocrat =:o :ad <ut :i8 on t:e Bob 8ar;et *:at 9i>esD !us: =as
Bustified in as;in9?F Gfn 'H
T:e a<<oint8ent of Connall3 to re<lace ,a>id #enned3 as Secretar3 of t:e Treasur3 =as
concluded durin9 t:e first =ee; of ,ece8ber1 12.5? !ut it could not be announced =it:out
causin9 an u<:ea>al a8on9 t:e TeEas Re<ublicans until so8et:in9 :ad been done for la8e
duc; Geor9e? On ,ece8ber .1 NiEon retainer H?R? Halde8ann =as =ritin9 8e8os to
:i8self in t:e *:ite House? T:e first =as" FConnall3 set?F T:en ca8e" FHa>e to do
so8et:in9 for !us: ri9:t a=a3?F Could !us: beco8e t:e ,irector of NASAD Ho= about
t:e S8all !usiness Ad8inistrationD Or t:e Re<ublican National Co88itteeD Or t:en a9ain1
:e 8i9:t li;e to be *:ite House Con9ressional liaison1 or <er:a<s undersecretar3 of
co88erce? As one account <uts it1 Fsince no Bob i88ediatel3 ca8e to 8ind1 !us: =as
assured t:at :e =ould co8e to t:e *:ite House as a to< <residential ad>iser on so8et:in9
or ot:er1 until anot:er fittin9 Bob o<ened u<?F !us: =as called to t:e *:ite House on
,ece8ber 21 12.5 to 8eet =it: NiEon and tal; about a <ost as Assistant to t:e %resident
F=it: a =ide ran9e of uns<ecified 9eneral res<onsibilities1F accordin9 to a *:ite House
8e8o initialed b3 H?R? Halde8ann? !us: acce<ted suc: a <ost at one <oint in :is :a99lin9
=it: t:e NiEon *:ite House? !ut !us: also sou9:t t:e UN Bob1 ar9uin9 t:at t:ere F=as a
dirt: GsicH of NiEon ad>ocac3 in Ne= (or; Cit3 and t:e 9eneral Ne= (or; area t:at :e
could fill t:at need in t:e Ne= (or; social circles :e =ould be 8o>in9 in as A8bassador?
Gfn )H NiEon7s UN A8bassador :ad been C:arles (ost1 a ,e8ocrat =:o =as no= lea>in9?
!ut t:e *:ite House :ad alread3 offered t:at Bob to ,aniel %atric; Mo3ni:an1 =:o :ad
acce<ted? !ut1 a<<arentl3 a fe= :ours after t:e !us:-NiEon 8eetin91 =ord ca8e in t:at
Mo3ni:an =as not interested?
!ut t:en Mo3ni:an decided t:at :e did not =ant t:e UN a8bassador <ost after all1 and1
=it: a si9: of relief1 t:e *:ite House offered it to !us:? !us:7s a<<oint8ent =as
announced on ,ece8ber 111 Connall37s on ,ece8ber 1)?F Gfn +H In offerin9 t:e <ost to
!us:1 Halde8ann :ad been brutall3 fran;1 tellin9 :i8 t:at t:e Bob1 alt:ou9: of cabinet ran;1
=ould :a>e no <o=er attac:ed to it? !us:1 stressed Halde8ann1 =ould be ta;in9 orders
directl3 fro8 #issin9er? FI co88ented t:at e>en if so8ebod3 =:o too; t:e Bob didn7t
understand t:at1 Henr3 #issin9er =ould 9i>e :i8 a t=ent3-four :our cras: course on t:e
subBect1F !us: sa3s :e re<lied? Gfn -H
NiEon told :is cabinet and t:e Re<ublican Con9ressional leaders:i< on ,ece8ber 1)1 12.5
=:at :ad been in t:e =or;s for so8e ti8e1 t:at Connall3 =as Fco8in9 not onl3 as a
,e8ocrat but as Secretar3 of t:e Treasur3 for t:e neEt t=o full 3ears?F Gfn .H E>en 8ore
:u8iliatin9 for !us: =as t:e fact t:at our :ero :ad been on t:e recei>in9 end of Connall37s
assistance? As NiEon told t:e cabinet" FConnall3 said :e =ouldn7t ta;e it until Geor9e !us:
9ot =:ate>er :e =as entitled to? I don7t ;no= =:3 Geor9e =anted t:e UN a<<oint8ent1 but
:e =anted it so :e 9ot it?F Onl3 t:is <recondition fro8 Connall31b3 i8<lication1 :ad finall3
<ro8<ted NiEon to ta;e care of <oor Geor9e? NiEon turned to Senator To=er1 =:o =as in
t:e 8eetin9" FT:is is :ard for 3ou? I a8 for e>er3 Re<ublican runnin9? *e need &o:n To=er
bac; in 12.$?F To=er re<lied" FI78 a <ra98atic 8an? &o:n Connall3 is <:iloso<:icall3
attuned to 3ou? He is articulate and <ersuasi>e? I for one =ill defend :i8 a9ainst t:ose in
our o=n <art3 =:o 8a3 not li;e :i8?F Gfn /H
T:ere is e>idence t:at NiEon considered Connall3 to be a <ossible successor in t:e
<residenc3? Connall37s a<<roac: to t:e international 8onetar3 crisis t:en unfoldin9 =as t:at
Fall forei9ners are out to scre= us and it7s our Bob to scre= t:e8 first1F as :e told C? red
!er9sten of #issin9er7s NSC staff? NiEon7s bu8blin9 8ana9e8ent of t:e international
8onetar3 crisis =as one of t:e reasons =:3 :e =as *ater9ated1 and !i9 &a=n =as certainl3
seen b3 t:e financiers as a bi9 <art of t:e <roble8? !us: =as :u8iliated in t:is e<isode1 but
t:at is not:in9 co8<ared to =:at later :a<<ened to bot: Connall3 and NiEon? Connall3
=ould be indicted =:ile !us: =as in %e;in91 and later :e =ould face t:e furt:er :u8ilation
of <ersonal ban;ru<tc3? In t:e >ie= of &a8es Reston1 &r?1 FGeor9e !us: =as to 8aintain a
s8olderin91 >isceral disli;e of Connall31 one t:at lasted =ell into t:e 12/57s?F Gfn 2H As
ot:ers disco>ered durin9 t:e Gulf =ar1 !us: is >indicti>e?
!us: a<<eared before t:e Senate orei9n Relations Co88ittee for :is <ro for8a and
<erfunctor3 confir8ation :earin9s on ebruar3 /1 12.1? It =as a free ride? Man3 of t:e
senators :ad ;no=n %rescott !us:1 and se>eral =ere still %rescott7s friends? Actin9 li;e
friends of t:e fa8il31 t:e3 9a>e !us: friendl3 ad>ice =it: a tone t:at =as con9ratulator3
and =ar81 and a>oided an3 tou9: @uestions? Stuart S38in9ton =arned !us: t:at :e =ould
:a>e to deal =it: t:e Fdualit3 of aut:orit3F bet=een :is no8inal boss1 Secretar3 of State
*illia8 Ro9ers1 and :is real boss1 NSC c:ief #issin9er? T:ere =as onl3 <assin9 reference
to !us:7s ser>ice of t:e oil cartel durin9 :is ti8e in t:e House1 and !us: >e:e8entl3 denied
t:at :e :ad e>er tried to F<lacateF t:e Foil interests?F Claiborne %ell said t:at !us: =ould
en:ance t:e luster of t:e UN <ost?
On <olic3 8atters1 !us: said t:at it =ould F8a;e senseF for t:e UN Securit3 Council to
conduct a debate on t:e =ars in Laos and Ca8bodia1 =:ic: =as so8et:in9 t:at t:e US :ad
been atte8<tin9 to <rocure for so8e ti8e? !us: t:ou9:t t:at suc: a debate could be used as
a foru8 to eE<ose t:e a99ressi>e acti>ities of t:e Nort: 6ietna8ese? No senator as;ed !us:
about C:ina1 but !us: told Bournalists =aitin9 in t:e :all t:at t:e @uestion of C:ina =as
no= under intensi>e stud3? T:e *as:in9ton %ost =as i8<ressed b3 !us:7s Flit:e and
3out:ful 9ood loo;s?F !us: =as easil3 confir8ed?
At !us:7s s=earin9 in later in ebruar3 NiEon1 <robabl3 anEious to cal8 !us: do=n after
t:e strains of t:e Connall3 affair1 :ad recalled t:at %resident *illia8 Mc#inle3 :ad lost an
election in O:io1 but ne>ert:less 9one on to beco8e %resident? F!ut I78 not su99estin9
=:at office 3ou s:ould see; and at =:at ti8e1F said NiEon? T:e da3 before1 Senator Adlai
Ste>enson III of Illinois :ad told t:e <ress t:at !us: =as Ftotall3 un@ualifiedF and t:at :is
a<<oint8ent :ad been Fan insultF to t:e UN? !us: <resented :is credentials on Marc: 1?
T:en !us:1 F:andso8e and tri8F at ).1 8o>ed into a suite at t:e *aldorf-Astoria Hotel in
Man:attan1 and settled into :is usual :3<er;inetic1 t:r3roid-dri>en life st3le? T:e
*as:in9ton %ost 8ar>elled at :is F=:irl=ind sc:eduleF =:ic: see8ed 8ore suitable for a
F<olitical as<irant t:an one usuall3 associated =it: a di<lo8at?F He rose e>er3 8ornin9 at .
AM1 and t:en 8ounted :is eEerc3cle for a t=el>e 8inute =or;out =:ile ta;in9 in a
tele>ision ne=s <ro9ra8 t:at also lasted eEactl3 t=el>e 8inutes? He ate a s8all brea;fast
and left t:e *aldorf at /1 to be dri>en to t:e US 8ission to t:e UN at Turtle !a3 =:ere :e
9enerall3 arri>ed at /"15? T:en :e =ould 9et t:e o>erni9:t cable traffic fro8 :is secretar31
Mrs? Aleene S8it:1 and t:en =ent into a conference =it: :is eEecuti>e assistant1 To8 Lais?
Later t:ere =ould be 8eetin9s =it: :is t=o de<uties1 A8bassadors C:risto<:er %:illi<s and
*? Ta<le3 !ennett of t:e State ,e<art8ent? %ete Roussel =as also still =it: :i8 as
<ublicit3 8an?
or !us:1 a 1--:our =or; da3 =as 8ore t:e rule t:an t:e eEce<tion? His da3s =ere <ac;ed
=it: one a<<oint8ent after anot:er1 lunc:eon en9a9e8ents1 rece<tions1 for8al dinners-- at
least one rece<tion and one dinner <er da3? So8eti8es t:ere =ere t:ree rece<tions <er da3--
@uite an o<<ortunit3 for net=or;in9 =it: li;e-8inded free8asons fro8 all o>er t:e =orld?
!us: also tra>elled to *as:in9ton for cabinet 8eetin9s1 and still did s<ea;in9 en9a9e8ents
around t:e countr31 es<eciall3 for Re<ublican candidates? FI tr3 to 9et to bed b3 11"'5 if
<ossible1 F said !us: in 12.11 Fbut often 83 calendar is so filled t:at I fall be:ind in 83
=or; and :a>e to ta;e it :o8e =it: 8e?F !us: bra99ed t:at :e =as still a F<rett3 tou9:F
doubles <la3er in tennis1 9ood enou9: to tea8 u< =it: t:e <ros? !ut :e clai8ed to lo>e
basbeall 8ost? He Bo;ed about @uestions on :is <in9 <on9 s;ills1 since t:ese =ere t:e
8ont:s of <in9 <on9 di<lo8ac31 =:en t:e in>itation for a US <in9 <on9 tea8 to >isit
%e;in9 beca8e a <art of t:e <re<aration for #issin9er7s C:ina card? Mainl3 !us: ca8e on
as an ultra-ort:odoE NiEon lo3alist? *as :e a liberal conser>ati>eD1 as;ed a re<orter?
F%eo<le in TeEas used to as; 8e t:at in t:e ca8<ai9ns1F re<lied !us:? FSo8e e>en called
8e a ri9:t-=in9 reactionar3? I li;e to t:in; of 83self as a <ra98atist1 but I :a>e learned to
def3 bein9 labelled???*:at I can sa3 is t:at I a8 a stron9 su<<orter of t:e %resident? If 3ou
can tell 8e =:at :e is1 I can tell 3ou =:at I a8?F !arbara li;ed t:e *aldorf suite1 and t:e
ent:usiastic :ost and :ostess soon laid on a de8andin9 sc:edule of rece<etions1 dinners1
and entertain8ents?
Soon after ta;in9 u< :is UN <ostin91 !us: recei>ed a <:one calle fro8 Assistant Secretar3
of State for Middle Eastern Affairs &ose<: Sisco1 one of #issin9er7s <rinci<al :enc:8en?
Sisco :ad been an9ered b3 so8e co88ents !us: :ad 8ade about t:e Middle East situation
in a <ress conference after <resentin9 :is credentials? ,es<ite t:e fact t:at !us:1 as a
cabinet officer1 ran;ed se>eral le>els abo>e Sisco1 Sisco =as in effect t:e >oice of
#issin9er? Sisco told !us: t:at it =as Sisco =:o s<o;e for t:e United States 9o>ern8ent on
t:e Middle East1 and t:at :e =ould do bot: t:e on-t:e-record tal;in9 and t:e lea;in9 about
t:at area? !us: ;nunc;led under1 for t:ese =ere t:e realities of t:e #issin9er 3ears?
Henr3 #issin9er =as no= !us:7s boss e>en 8ore t:an NiEon =as1 and later1 as t:e
*ater9ate scandal <ro9ressed into 12.'1 t:e do8inion of #issin9er =ould beco8e e>en
8ore absolute? ,urin9 t:ese 3ears !us:1 ser>in9 :is a<<rentices:i< in di<lo8ac3 and =orld
strate93 under #issin9er1 beca8e a >irtual #issin9er clone in t=o senses? irst1 to a
si9nificant de9ree1 #issin9er7s net=or;s and connections 8er9ed to9et:er =it: !us:7s o=n1
fores:ado=in9 a 12/2 ad8inistration in =:ic: t:e NSC director and t:e nu8ber t=o 8an
in t:e State ,e<art8ent =ere bot: #issin9er7s business <artners fro8 :is consultin9 and
influence-<eddlin9 fir81 #issin9er associates? Secondl31 !us: assi8ilated #issin9er7s
c:aracteristic !ritis:-st3le 9eo<olitical 8entalit3 and a<<roac: to <roble8s1 and t:is is no=
t:e e<iste8olo93 t:at dictates !us:7s o=n dealin9 =it: t:e 8ain @uestions of =orld
T:e #issin9er net=or;s in @uestion can be su88ed u< :ere under four :eadin9s? #issin9er
=as at once !ritis: i8<erialist1 Jionist1 So>iet1 and Red C:inese in :is orientation1 all
=ra<<ed u< in a <arcel of 9reed1 8e9alo8ania1 and <er>ersion? Gfn 2H #issin9er =as one of
t:e fe= <ersons in t:e =orld =:o still :ad an3t:in9 to teac: Geor9e !us: in an3 of t:ese
T:e 8ost essential le>el of #issin9er =as t:e !ritis: one? T:is 8eant t:at US forei9n
<olic3 =as to be 9uided b3 !ritis: i8<erial 9eo<olitics1 in <articular t:e notion of t:e
balance of <o=er" t:e United States 8ust al=a3s all3 =it: t:e second stron9est land <o=er
in t:e =orld 0Red C:ina4 a9ainst t:e stron9est land <o=er 0t:e USSR4 in order to <reser>e
t:e balance of <o=er? T:is =as eE<ressed in t:e 12.1 -.$ NiEon-#issin9er o<enin9 to
%e;in91 to =:ic: !us: =ould contribute fro8 :is UN <ost? T:e balance of <o=er1 since it
rules out a <ositi>e en9a9e8ent for t:e econo8ic <ro9ress of t:e international co88unit3
as a =:ole1 :as al=a3s been a reci<e for ne= =ars? #issin9er =as in constant contact =it:
!ritis: forei9n <olic3 o<erati>es li;e Sir Eric Roll of S?G? *arbur9 in London1 Lord Trend1
Lord 6ictor Rot:sc:ild1 t:e !arin9s ban;1 and ot:ers?
On Ma3 151 12/$1 in a s<eec: entitled FReflections on a %artners:i<F 9i>en at t:e Ro3al
Institute of International Affairs at C:at:a8 House in London1 Henr3 #issin9er o<enl3
eE<ounded :is role and <:iloso<:3 as a !ritis: a9ent of influence =it:in t:e US
9o>ern8ent durin9 t:e NiEon and ord 3ears"
FT:e !ritis: =ere so 8atter-of-factl3 :el<ful t:at t:e3 beca8e a <artici<ant in internal
A8erican deliberations1 to a de9ree <robabl3 ne>er before <racticed bet=een so>erei9n
nations? In 83 <eriod in office1 t:e !ritis: <la3ed a se8inal <art in certain A8erican
bilateral ne9otiations =it: t:e So>iet Union--indeed1 t:e3 :el<ed draft t:e ;e3 docu8ent? In
83 *:ite House incarnation t:en1 I ;e<t t:e !ritis: orei9n Office better infor8ed and
8ore closel3 en9a9ed t:an I did t:e A8erican State ,e<art8ent???? In 83 ne9otiations o>er
R:odesia I =or;ed fro8 a !ritis: draft =it: !ritis: s<ellin9 e>en =:en I did not full3 9ras<
t:e distinction bet=een a =or;in9 <a<er and a Cabinet- a<<ro>ed docu8ent?F
#issin9er =as also careful to <oint out t:at t:e United States 8ust su<<ort colonial and
neo-colonial strate9ies a9ainst t:e de>elo<in9 sector"
FA8ericans fro8 ran;lin Roose>elt on=ard belie>ed t:at t:e United States1 =it: its
Pre>olutionar37 :erita9e1 =as t:e natural all3 of <eo<le stru99lin9 a9ainst colonialis8C =e
could =in t:e alle9iance of t:ese ne= nations b3 o<<osin9 and occasionall3 under8inin9
our Euro<ean allies in t:e areas of t:eir colonial do8inance? C:urc:ill1 of course1 resisted
t:ese A8erican <ressures???? In t:is conteEt1 t:e eE<erience of SueA is instructi>e???? Our
:u8iliation of !ritain and rance o>er SueA =as a s:atterin9 blo= to t:ese countries7 role
as =orld <o=ers? It accelerated t:eir s:eddin9 of international res<onsibilities1 so8e of t:e
conse@uences of =:ic: =e sa= in succeedin9 decades =:en realit3 forced us to ste< into
t:eir s:oes--in t:e %ersian Gulf1 to ta;e one notable eEa8<le? SueA t:us added enor8ousl3
to A8erica7s burdens?F #issin9er =as t:e :i9: <riest of i8<erialis8 and neocolonialis81
ani8ated b3 an instincti>e :atred for Indira Gand:i1 Aldo Moro1 Ali !:utto1 and ot:er
nationalist =orld leaders? #issin9er7s !ritis: 9eo<olitics si8<l3 accentuated !us:7s o=n
fanaticall3 An9lo<:ile <oint of >ie= =:ic: :e :ad ac@uired fro8 fat:er %rescott and
i8bibed fro8 t:e at8os<:ere of t:e fa8il3 fir81 !ro=n !rot:ers Harri8an1 ori9inall3 t:e
US branc: of a !ritis: countin9 :ouse?
#issin9er =as also dedicated to econo8ic1 di<lo8atic1 and 8ilitar3 su<<ort of Israeli
a99ression and eE<ansionis8 to ;ee< t:e Middle East in tur8oil so as to <re>ent Arab unit3
and Arab econo8ic de>elo<8ent =:ile usin9 t:e re9ion to 8ount c:allen9es to t:e So>iets?
#issin9er7s soul-8ates =ere fi9ures li;e Gen? Ariel S:aron1 t:e :arbin9er of endless =ars in
t:e Middle East? In t:is :e =as a follo=er of !ritis: %ri8e Minister !enBa8in ,israeli and
Lord !alfour? In t:e 12.' Middle East =ar =:ic: :e :ad conni>ed to unleas:1 #issin9er
=ould 8aster8ind t:e US resu<<l3 of Israel and =ould declare a US-=orld =ide
t:er8onuclear alert? In later 3ears #issin9er =ould enric: :i8self t:rou9: s<eculati>e real
estate <urc:ases on t:e *est ban; of t:e &ordan1 bu3in9 u< land and buildin9s t:at :ad been
>irtuall3 confiscated fro8 defenseless %alestinian Arabs?
#issin9er =as also <ro-So>iet in a sense t:at =ent far be3ond :is s<onsors:i< of t:e 12.57s
detente1 SALT I1 and t:e A!M treat3 =it: Mosco=? %olis: #G! a9ent Mic:ael
Golenie=s;i is =idel3 re<orted to :a>e told t:e !ritis: 9o>ern8ent in 12.$ t:at :e :ad
seen #G! docu8ents in %oland before :is 12+2 defection =:ic: establis:ed t:at #issin9er
=as a So>iet asset? Accordin9 to Golenie=s;i1 #issin9er :ad been recruited b3 t:e So>iets
durin9 :is Ar83 ser>ice in Ger8an3 after t:e end of *orld *ar II1 =:en :e :ad =or;ed as
a :u8ble c:auffeur? #issin9er :ad alle9edl3 been recruited to an es<iona9e cell called
O,RA1 =:ere :e recei>ed t:e code na8e of F!ORF or FCOLONEL !OR?F So8e >ersions
of t:is stor3 also s<ecif3 t:at t:is cell :ad been lar9el3 co8<osed of :o8oseEuals1 and t:at
:o8oseEualit3 :ad been an i8<ortant <art of t:e =a3 t:at #issin9er :ad been <ic;ed u< b3
t:e #G!? T:ese re<orts =ere re<ortedl3 <artl3 su<<orted b3 Golits3n1 anot:er So>iet
defector? T:e late &a8es &esus An9leton1 t:e CIA counter-intelli9ence director for t=ent3
3ears u< to 12.' =as said to :a>e been t:e US official =:o =as :anded Golenie=s;i7s
re<ort b3 t:e !ritis:? An9leton later tal;ed a lot about #issin9er bein9 FobBecti>el3 a So>iet
a9ent1F but t:at =as a t:ro=-a=a3 line b3 t:at ti8e? It :as not been establis:ed t:at
An9leton e>er ordered an acti>e in>esti9ation of #issin9er or e>er assi9ned :is case a
#issin9er7s C:inese side =as >er3 8uc: in e>idence durin9 12.1-.' and be3ondC durin9
t:ese 3ears :e =as obsessed =it: an3t:in9 re8otel3 connected =it: C:ina and sou9:t to
8ono<oliAe decisions and contacts =it: t:e :i9:est le>els of t:e C:inese leaders:i<? T:is
attitude =as dictated 8ost of all b3 t:e !ritis: 8entalit3 and 9eo<olitical considerations
indicated abo>e1 but it is also un@uestionable t:at #issin9er felt a stron9 <ersonal affinit3
for C:ou En-Lai1 Mao tse-tun91 and t:eir 9rou< of C:inese leaders1 =:o :ad been
res<onsible for t:e 9enocide of 15515551555 8illion of t:eir o=n <eo<le after 12)2?
#issin9er <ossessed ot:er di8ensions in addition to t:ese1 includin9 close lin;s to t:e
Me3er Lans;3 under=orld? T:ese =ill also loo8 lar9e in Geor9e !us:7s career?
or all of t:ese #issin9erian enor8ities1 !us: no= beca8e t:e <rinci<al s<o;es8an? In t:e
<rocess1 :e =as to beco8e a #issin9er clone?
T:e definin9 e>ents in t:e first 3ear of !us:7s UN tenure reflected #issin9er7s 9eo<olitical
obsession =it: :is C:ina card? Re8e8ber t:at in :is 12-) ca8<ai9n1 !us: :ad stated t:at
Red C:ina 8ust ne>er be ad8itted to t:e UN and t:at if %e;in9 e>er obtained t:e C:inese
seat on t:e Securit3 Council1 t:e US 8ust de<art fort:=it: fro8 t:e =orld bod3? T:is
state8ent ca8e bac; to :aunt :i8 once or t=ice? His stoc; ans=er =ent li;e t:is" Ft:at =as
12-)1 a lon9 ti8e a9o? T:ere7s been an a=ful lot c:an9ed since???A <erson =:o is un=illin9
to ad8it t:at c:an9es :a>e ta;en <lace is out of t:in9s t:ese da3s? %resident NiEon is not
bein9 nai>e in :is C:ina <olic3? He is reco9niAin9 t:e realities of toda31 not t:e realities of
se>en 3ears a9o?F One of t:e realities of 12.1 =as t:at t:e ban;ru<t !ritis: :ad declared
t:e8sel>es to be financiall3 unable to 8aintain t:eir 8ilitar3 <resence in t:e Indian Ocean
and t:e ar East1 in t:e area FEast of SueA?F %art of t:e ti8in9 of t:e #issin9er C:ina card
=as dictated b3 t:e !ritis: desire to ac@uire C:ina as a counter=ei9:t to Russia and India
in t:is >ast area of t:e =orld1 and also to insure a US 8ilitar3 <resence in t:e Indian Ocean1
as seen later in t:e US de>elo<8ent of an i8<ortant base on t:e island of ,ie9o Garcia?
On a =orld tour durin9 12-21 NiEon :ad told %resident (a:3a #:an1 t:e dictator of
%a;istan1 t:at :is ad8inistration =anted to nor8aliAe relations =it: Red C:ina and =anted
t:e :el< of t:e %a;istani 9o>ern8ent in eEc:an9in9 8essa9es? Re9ular 8eetin9s bet=een
t:e US and %e;in9 :ad 9one on for 8an3 3ears in *arsa=1 but =:at NiEon =as tal;in9
about =as a total re>ersal of US C:ina <olic3? U< until 12.11 t:e US :ad reco9niAed t:e
9o>ern8ent of t:e Re<ublic of C:ina on Tai=an as t:e sole so>erei9n and le9iti8ate
aut:orit3 o>er C:ina? T:e US1 unli;e !ritain1 rance1 and 8an3 ot:er =estern countries1
:ad no di<lo8atic relations =it: t:e %e;in9 Co88unist re9i8e? T:e C:inese seat a8on9
t:e fi>e <er8anent 8e8bers of t:e United Nations Securit3 Council =as :eld b3 t:e
9o>ern8ent in Tai<ei? E>er3 3ear in t:e earl3 autu8n t:ere =as an atte8<t b3 t:e non-
ali9ned bloc to oust Tai<ei fro8 t:e Securit3 Council and re<lace t:e8 =it: %e;in91 but so
far t:is >ote :ad al=a3s failed because of US ar8-t=istin9 in Latin A8erica and t:e rest of
t:e t:ird =orld? One of t:e reasons t:at t:is arran9e8ent :ad endured so lon9 =as t:e
i88ense <resti9e of ROC %resident C:ian9 #ai-S:e; and t:e senti8ental <o<ularit3 of t:e
#uo8intan9 in t:e United States electorate? T:ere still =as a >er3 <o=erful C:ina lobb31
=:ic: =as es<eciall3 stron9 a8on9 ri9:t-=in9 Re<ublicans of =:at :ad been t:e Taft and
#no=land factions of t:e <art31 and =:ic: Gold=ater continued? No=1 in t:e 8idst of t:e
6ietna8 =ar1 =it: US strate9ic and econo8ic <o=er in decline1 t:e An9lo-A8erican elite
decided in fa>or of a 9eo<olitical alliance =it: C:ina a9ainst t:e So>iets for t:e foreseeable
future? T:is 8eant t:at t:e :onor of US co88it8ents to t:e ROC :ad to be du8<ed
o>erboard as so 8uc: useless ballast1 =:ate>er t:e do8estic <olitical conse@uences 8i9:t
be? T:is =as t:e tas; 9i>en to #issin9er1 NiEon1 and Geor9e !us:?
T:e 8aneu>er on t:e a9enda for 12.1 =as to oust t:e ROC fro8 t:e UN Securit3 and
assi9n t:eir seat t:ere to %e;in9? #issin9er and NiEon calculated t:at du<licit3 =ould
insulate t:e8 fro8 do8estic <olitical da8a9e" =:ile t:e3 =ere o<enin9 to %e;in91 t:e3
=ould call for a Ft=o C:inasF <olic31 under =:ic: bot: %e;in9 and Tai<ei =ould be
re<resented at t:e UN1 at least in t:e General Asse8bl31 des<ite t:e fact t:at t:is =as an
alternati>e t:at bot: C:inese 9o>ern8ents >e:e8entl3 reBected? T:e US =ould <retend to
be fi9:tin9 to ;ee< Tai<ei in t:e UN1 =it: Geor9e !us: leadin9 t:e fa;e c:ar9e1 but t:is
effort =ould be defeated? T:en t:e NiEon Ad8inistration could clai8 t:at t:e >ote in t:e
UN =as be3ond its control1 co8fortabl3 resi9n itself to %e;in9 in t:e Securit3 Council1 and
<ursue t:e C:ina card? *:at =as called for =as a c3nical1 du<licitious di<lo8atic c:arade
in =:ic: !us: =ould :a>e t:e leadin9 <art?
T:is scenario =as co8<licated b3 t:e ri>alr3 bet=een Secretar3 of State Ro9ers and NSC
boss #issin9er? Ro9ers =as an old friend of NiEon1 but it =as of course #issin9er =:o
8ade forei9n <olic3 for NiEon and t:e rest of t:e 9o>ern8ent1 and #issin9er =:o =as
inco8<arabl3 t:e 9reater e>il? !et=een Ro9ers and #issin9er1 !us: =as un:esitatin9l3 on
t:e side of #issin9er? In later Con9ressional testi8on3 Ra3 Cline1 a =:eel :orse of t:e
!us: faction of t:e CIA1 :as tried to ar9ue t:at Ro9ers and !us: =ere ;e<t in t:e dar; b3
NiEon and #issin9er about t:e real nature of t:e US C:ina <olic3? T:e i8<lication is t:at
!us:7s efforts to ;ee< Tai=an at t:e UN =ere in 9ood fait:? Accordin9 to Cline7s fantastic
account1 FNiEon and #issin9er actuall3 7under8ined7 t:e de<art8ent7s efforts in 12.1 to
sa>e Tai=an?F Gfn 15H Ro9ers 8a3 :a>e belie>ed t:at :el<in9 Tai=an =as US <olic31 but
!us: did not? Cline7s >ersion of t:ese e>ents is an insult to t:e intelli9ence of an3 serious
T:e NiEon era C:ina card too; s:a<e durin9 &ul31 12.1 =it: #issin9er7s FO<eration Marco
%olo I1F :is secret first tri< to %e;in9? #issin9er sa3s in :is 8e8oirs t:at !us: =as
considered a candidate to 8a;e t:is Bourne31 alon9 =it: ,a>id !ruce1 Elloit Ric:ardson1
Nelson Roc;efeller1 and Al Hai9? Gfn 11H #issin9er first Bourne3ed to India1 and t:en to
%a;istan? ro8 t:ere1 =it: t:e :el< of (a:3a #:an1 #issin9er =ent on to !eiBin9 for
8eetin9s =it: C:ou En-Lai and ot:er C:inese officals? He returned b3 =a3 of %aris1 =:ere
:e 8et =it: Nort: 6ietna8ese ne9otiator Le ,uc T:o at t:e %aris tal;s on Indo- C:ina?
Returnin9 to *as:in9ton1 #issin9er briefed NiEon on :is understandin9 =it: C:ou? On
&ul3 1+1 12.1 NiEon announced to a :u9e tel>ision and radio audience t:at :e :ad acce<ted
F=it: <leasureF an in>itation to >isit C:ina at so8e occasion before Ma3 of 12.$? He
la8el3 assured Fold friendsF 08eanin9 C:ian9 #ai-S:e; and t:e ROC 9o>ern8ent on
Tai=an4 t:at t:eir interests =ould not be sacrificed? Later in :e sa8e 3ear1 bet=een October
1-t: and $-t:1 #issin9er undertoo; o<eration F%olo II1F a second1 <ublic >isit =it: C:ou in
%e;in9 to decide t:e details of NiEon7s >isit and :a88er out =:at =as to beco8e t:e US-
%RC S:an9:ai Co88uni@ue71 t:e Boint state8ent issued durin9 NiEon7s sta3? ,urin9 t:is
>isit C:ou cautioned #issin9er not to be disoriented b3 t:e :ostile %e;in9 <ro<a9anda line
a9ainst t:e US1 8anifestations of =:ic: =ere e>er3=:ere to be seen? Anti-US slo9ans on
t:e =alls1 said C:ou1 =ere 8eanin9less1 li;e Ffirin9 an e8<t3 cannon?F NiEon and
#issin9er e>entuall3 Bourne3ed to %e;in9 in ebruar31 12.$?
It =as before t:is bac;dro< t:at !us: =a9ed :is farcical ca8<ai9n to ;ee< Tai=an in t:e
UN? T:e State ,e<art8ent :ad stated t:rou9: t:e 8out: of Ro9ers on Au9ust $ t:at t:e US
=ould su<<ort t:e ad8ission of Red C:ina to t:e UN1 but =ould o<<ose t:e eE<ulsion of
Tai=an? T:is =as t:e so-called Ft=o C:inasF <olic3? In an Au9ust 1$ inter>ie=1 !us: told
t:e *as:in9ton %ost t:at :e =as =or;in9 :ard to line u< t:e >otes to ;ee< Tai=an as a UN
8e8ber =:en t:e ti8e to >ote ca8e in t:e fall? Res<ondin9 to t:e ob>ious i8<ression t:at
t:is =as a fraud for do8estic <olitical <ur<oses onl31 !us: <led9ed :is :onor on NiEon7s
co88itt8ent to Ft=o C:inas?FFI ;no= for a fact t:at t:e %resident =ants to see t:e <olic3
i8<le8ented1F said !us:1 a<<arentl3 =it: a strai9:t face1 addin9 t:at :e :ad discussed t:e
8atter =it: NiEon and #issin9er at t:e *:ite House onl3 a fe= da3s before? !us: said t:at
:e and ot:er 8e8bers of :is 8ission :ad lobbied -- countries so far1 and t:at t:is fi9ure
=as li;el3 to rise to /5 b3 t:e follo=in9 =ee;? Ulti8atel3 !us: =ould clai8 to :a>e tal;ed
<ersonll3 =it: 2) dele9ations to 9et t:e8 to let Tai=an sta31 =:ic: a fello= di<lo8at called
Fa @uantitati>e trac; record?F
,i<lo8atic obser>ers noted t:at t:e US acti>it3 =as entirel3 confined to t:e :i9:-<rofile
F9lass <alaceF of t:e UN1 and t:at >irtuall3 not:in9 =as bein9 done b3 US a8bassadors in
ca<itals around t:e =orld? !ut !us: countered t:at if it =ere Bust a @uestion of 9oin9
t:rou9: t:e 8otions as a 9esture for Tai=an1 :e =ould not be de>otin9 so 8uc: of :is ti8e
and ener93 to t:e cause? T:e 8ain effort =as at t:e UN because Ft:is is =:at t:e UN is for1F
:e co88ented? !us: said t:at :is o<ti8is8 about ;ee<in9 t:e Tai=an 8e8bers:i< :ad
increased o>er t:e <ast t:ree =ee;s? Gfn 1$H
!3 late Se<te8ber1 !us: =as sa3in9 t:at :e sa= a better t:an +5-+5 c:ance t:at t:e UN
General Asse8bl3 =ould seat bot: C:inese 9o>ern8ents? !3 t:is ti8e1 t:e official US
<osition as enunciated b3 !us: =as t:at t:e Securit3 Council seat s:ould 9o to %e;in91 but
t:at Tai<ei ou9:t to be allo=ed to re8ain in t:e General Asse8bl3? Since 12-11 t:e US
strate93 for bloc;in9 t:e ad8ission of %e;in9 :ad de<ended on a <rocedural defense1
obtainin9 a si8<le 8aBorit3 of t:e General Asse8bl3 for a resolution definin9 t:e seatin9 of
%e;in9 as an I8<ortant Luestion1 =:ic: re@uired a t=o-t:irds 8aBorit3 in order to be
i8<le8ented? T:us1 if t:e US could 9et a si8<le 8aBorit3 on t:e <rocedural >ote1 one t:ird
<lus one =ould suffice to defeat %e;in9 on t:e second >ote?
T:e General Asse8bl3 con>ened on Se<te8ber $1? !us: and :is aides =ere runnin9 a
ludicrous all-court <ress on scores of dele9ations? T=ice a da3 t:ere =as a State ,e<art8ent
briefin9 on t:e >ote tall3? F(es1 !urundi is =it: us???About Ar9entina =e7re not sure1F etc?4
All t:is attention 9ot !us: an a<<earance on Face t:e NationF1 =:ere :e said t:at t:e t=o-
C:ina <olic3 s:ould be a<<ro>ed re9ardless of t:e fact t:at bot: %e;in9 and Tai<ei reBected
it? FI don7t t:in; =e :a>e to 9o t:rou9: t:e a9on3 of =:et:er t:e Re<ublic of C:ina =ill
acce<t or =:et:er %e;in9 =ill acce<t1F !us: told t:e inter>ie=ers? FLet t:e United Nations
for a c:an9e do so8et:in9 t:a reall3 does face u< to realit3 and t:en let t:at decision be
8ade b3 t:e <arties in>ol>ed1F said !us: =it: :is usual ini8itable r:etorical flair?
T:e UN debate on t:e C:ina seat =as sc:eduled to o<en on October 1/C on October 1$
NiEon 9a>e a <ress conference in =:ic: :e totall3 i9nored t:e subBect1 and 8ade no a<<eal
for su<<ort for Tai=an? On October 1-1 #issin9er de<arted =it: 9reat fanfare for C:ina?
#issin9er sa3s in :is 8e8oirs t:at :e :ad been encoura9ed to 9o to C:ina b3 !us:1 =:o
assured :i8 t:at a :i9:l3 <ubliciAed #issin9er tri< to %e;in9 =ould :a>e no i8<act
=:ate>er on t:e UN >ote? On October $+1 t:e General Asse8bl3 defeated t:e US resolution
to 8a;e t:e C:ina seat an I8<ortant Luestion b3 a >ote of +2 to +)1 =it: 1+ abstentions?
Ninet3 8inutes later ca8e t:e >ote on t:e Albanian resolution to seat %e;in9 and eE<el
Tai<ei1 =:ic: <assed b3 a >ote of .- to '+? !us: t:en cast t:e US >ote to seat %e;in91 and
t:en :urried to escort t:e ROC dele9ate1 Liu C:ie:1 out of t:e :all for t:e last ti8e? T:e
General Asse8bl3 =as t:e scene of a Bubilant de8onstration led b3 t:ird =orld dele9ates
o>er t:e fact t:at Red C:ina :ad been ad8itted1 and e>en 8ore so t:at t:e US :ad been
defeated? T:e TanAanian dele9ate danced a Bi9 in t:e aisle? Henr3 #issin9er1 fl3in9 bac;
fro8 %e;in91 9ot t:e ne=s on :is telet3<e and <raised !us:7s F>aliant efforts?F
Ha>in9 conni>ed in sellin9 Tai=an do=n t:e ri>er1 it =as no= an eas3 8atter for t:e NiEon
re9i8e to fa;e a 9reat deal of indi9nation for do8estic <olitical consu8<tion about =:at
:ad :a<<ened? NiEon7s s<o;es8an Ron Jie9ler declared t:at NiEon :ad been outra9ed b3
t:e Fs<ectacleF of t:e Fc:eerin91 :andcla<<in91 and dancin9F dele9ates after t:e >ote1 =:ic:
NiEon :ad seen as a Fs:oc;in9 de8onstrationF of undis9uised 9leeF and F<ersonal
ani8osit3?F Notice t:at Jie9ler :ad not:in9 to sa3 a9ainst t:e >ote1 or a9ainst %e;in91 but
concentrated t:e fire on t:e t:ird =orld dele9ates1 =:o =ere also t:reatened =it: a cutoff of
US forei9n aid?
T:is =as t:e line t:at !us: =ould sla>is:l3 follo=? On t:e last da3 of October t:e <a<ers
@uoted :i8 sa3in9 t:at t:e de8onstration after t:e >ote =as Fso8et:in9 u9l31 so8et:in9
:ars: t:at transcended nor8al disa<<oint8ent or elation?F FI reall3 t:ou9:t =e =ere 9oin9
to =in1F said !us:1 still =it: a strai9:t face? FI78 so???disa<<ointed?F FT:ere =asn7t Bust
cla<<in9 and ent:usias8 Fafter t:e >ote1 :e =:ined? F*:en I =ent u< to s<ea; I =as :issed
and booed? I don7t t:in; it7s 9ood for t:e United Nations and t:at7s t:e <oint I feel >er3
stron9l3 about?F In t:e >ie= of a *as:in9ton %ost staff =riter1 Ft:e bo3is: loo;in9 US
a8bassador to t:e United Nations loo;ed considerabl3 t:e =orse for =ear? !ut :e still
con>e3s t:e i8<ression of an earnest fello= tr3in9 to be t:e class >aledictorian1 as :e once
=as described?F G fn 1'H !us: eE<ected t:e %e;in9 dele9ation to arri>e in ne= (or; soon1
because t:e3 <robabl3 =anted to ta;e o>er t:e <residenc3 of t:e Securit3 Council1 =:ic:
rotated on a 8ont:l3 basis? F!ut =:3 an3bod3 =ould =ant an earl3 case of c:ic;en <oE1 I
don7t ;no=1F said !us:?
*:en t:e %e;in9 dele9ation did arri>e1 C:inese ,e<ut3 orei9n Minister C:7aio #uan- :ua
deli>ered a 8aiden s<eec: full of ideolo9ical bo8bast alon9 t:e lines of <assa9es #issin9er
:ad con>inced C:ou to cut out of t:e draft teEt of t:e S:an9:ai co88uni@ue so8e da3s
before? #issin9er t:en tele<:oned !us: to sa3 in :is o=n s<eec: t:at t:e US re9retted t:at
t:e C:inese :ad elected to inau9urate t:eir <artici<ation in t:e UN b3 Ffirin9 t:ese e8<t3
cannons of r:etoric?F !us:1 li;e a >entrilo@uist7s du8831 obedientl3 8out:ed #issin9er7s
one-liner as a ;ind of coded 8essa9e to %e;in9 t:at all t:e <ublic bluster 8eant not:in9
bet=een t:e t=o secret and increasin9l3 <ublic allies?
T:e farce of !us:7s <anto8i8e in su<<ort of t:e #issin9er C:ina card >er3 nearl3 turned
into t:e tra9ed3 of 9eneral =ar later in 12.1? T:is in>ol>ed t:e ,ece8ber1 12.1 =ar
bet=een India and %a;istan =:ic: led to t:e creation of an inde<endent state of
!en9lades:1 and =:ic: 8ust be counted as one of t:e least-;no=n t:er8onuclear
confrontations of t:e US and t:e USSR? or #issin9er and !us:1 =:at =as at sta;e in t:is
crisis =as t:e consolidation of t:e C:ina card?
In 12.51 (a:3a #:an1 t:e !ritis:-connected1 Sand:urst-educated dictator of %a;istan1 =as
forced to announce t:at elections =ould be :eld in t:e entire countr3? It =ill be recalled t:at
%a;istan =as at t:at ti8e t=o se<arate re9ions1 east and =est1 =it: India in bet=een? In East
%a;istan or !en9al1 t:e A=a8i Lea9ue of S:ei; MuBibur Ra:8an ca8<ai9ned on a
<latfor8 of autono83 for !en9al1 accusin9 t:e central 9o>ern8ent in far-off Isla8abad of
ine<titude and eE<loitation? T:e resent8ent in East %a;istan =as 8ade 8ore acute b3 t:e
fact t:at !en9al :ad Bust been :it b3 a t3<:oon1 =:ic: :ad caused eEtensi>e floodin9 and
de>astation1 and b3 t:e failure of t:e 9o>ern8ent in =est %a;istan to or9aniAe and effecti>e
relief effort? In t:e elections1 t:e A=a8i lea9ue =on 1-. out of 1-2 seats in t:e east? (a:3a
#:an dela3ed t:e seatin9 of t:e ne= national asse8bl3 and on t:e e>enin9 of Marc: $+
ordered t:e %a;istani ar83 to arrest MuBibur and to =i<e out :is or9aniAation in East
%a;istan? T:e ar83 <roceeded to launc: a ca8<ai9n of <olitical 9enocide in East %a;istan?
Esti8ates of t:e nu8ber of >icti8s ran9e fro8 +551555 to t:ree 8illion dead? All 8e8bers
of t:e A=a8i Lea9ue1 all Hindus1 all students and intellectuals =ere in dan9er of eEecution
b3 ro>in9 ar83 <atrols? A senior US orei9n Ser>ice officer sent :o8e a de<atc: in =:ic:
:e told of *est %a;istani soldiers settin9 fire to a =o8en7s dor8itor3 at t:e Uni>ersit3 of
,acca and t:en 8ac:ine- 9unnin9 t:e =o8en =:en t:e3 =ere forced b3 t:e fla8es to run
out? T:is ca8<ai9n of ;illin9 =ent on until ,ece8ber1 and it 9enerated an esti8ated 15
8illion refu9ees1 8ost of =:o8 fled across t:e nearb3 borders to India1 =:ic: :ad territor3
all around East %a;istan? T:e arri>al of ten 8illion refu9ees caused indescribable c:aos in
India1 =:ose 9o>ern8ent =as unable to <re>ent untold nu8bers fro8 star>in9 to deat:? Gfn
ro8 t:e >er3 be9innin9 of t:is 8onu8ental 9enocide1 #issin9er and NiEon 8ade it clear
t:at t:e3 =ould not conde8n (a:3a #:an1 =:o8 NiEon considered a <ersonal friend?
#issin9er referred 8erel3 to t:e Fstron9 -ar8 tactics of t:e %a;istani 8ilitar31F and NiEon
circulated a 8e8o in :is o=n :and=ritin9 sa3in9 FTo all :ands? ,on7t s@ueeAe (a:3a at t:is
ti8e? RNF NiEon stressed re<eatedl3 t:at :e =anted to FtiltF in fa>or of %a;istan in t:e
One le>el of eE<lanation for t:is acti>e co8<licit3 in 9enocide =as t:at #issin9er and
NiEon re9arded (a:3a #:an as t:eir indis<ensable bac; c:annel to %e;in9? !ut #issin9er
could soon 9o to %e;in9 an3ti8e :e =anted1 and soon :e could tal; to t:e C:inese UN
dele9ate in one of t:e CIA7s Ne= (or; safe :ouses? T:e essence of t:e su<<ort for t:e
butc:er (a:3a #:an =as t:is" in 12-$ India and C:ina :ad en9a9ed in a brief border =ar1
and t:e %e;in9 leaders re9arded India as t:eir 9eo<olitical ene83? In order to in9ratiate
:i8self =it: C:ou and Mao1 #issin9er =anted to ta;e a <osition in fa>or of %a;istan1 and
t:erefore of %a;istan7s all3 C:ina1 and a9ainst India and a9ainst India7s all31 t:e USSR?
0S:ortl3 after #issin9er7s tri< to C:ina :ad ta;en <lace and NiEon :ad announced :is
intention to 9o to %e;in91 India and t:e USSR :ad si9ned a t=ent3 3ear friends:i< treat3?
In #issin9er7s >ie=1 t:e Indo-%a;istani conflict o>er !en9al =as sure to beco8e a Sino-
So>iet clas: b3 <roE31 and :e =anted t:e United States ali9ned =it: C:ina in order to
i8<ress %e;in9 =it: t:e >ast benefits to be deri>ed fro8 t:e US-%RC strate9ic alliance
under t:e :eadin9 of t:e FC:ina card?F
#issin9er and NiEon =ere isolated =it:in t:e *as:in9ton bureaucrac3 on t:is issue?
Secretar3 of State Ro9ers =as >er3 reluctant to 9o on su<<ortin9 %a;istan1 and t:is =as t:e
<re>alent >ie= in o993 !otto8 and in t:e e8bassies around t:e =orld? Tric;3 ,ic; and
at Henr3 =ere isolated fro8 t:e >ast 8aBorit3 of Con9ressional o<inion1 =:ic: eE<ressed
:orror and outra9e o>er t:e eEtent of t:e carna9e bein9 carried out =ee; after =ee;1 8ont:
after 8ont:1 b3 (a:3a #:an7s ar8ed forces? E>en t:e 8edia and US <ublic o<inion could
not find an3 reason for t:e friendl3 FtiltF in fa>or of (a:3a #:an? On &ul3 '11 #issin9er
eE<loded at a 8eetin9 of t:e Senior Re>ie= Grou< =:en a <ro<osal =as 8ade t:at t:e
%a;istani ar83 could be re8o>ed fro8 !en9al? F*:3 is it our business :o= t:e3 9o>ern
t:e8sel>es1F #issin9er ra9ed? FT:e %resident al=a3s sa3s to tilt to %a;istan1 but e>er3
<ro<osal I 9et Gfro8 inside t:e US 9o>ern8entH is in t:e o<<osite direction? So8eti8es I
t:in; I a8 in a nut :ouse?F T:is =ent on for 8ont:s? On ,ece8ber '1 at a 8eetin9 of
#issin9er7s *as:in9ton S<ecial Action Grou<1 #issin9er eE<loded a9ain1 eEclai8in9 FI7>e
been catc:in9 uns:irted :ell e>er3 :alf-:our fro8 t:e <resident =:o sa3s =e7re not tou9:
enou9:? He reall3 doesn7t belie>e =e7re carr3in9 out :is =is:es? He =ants to tilt to=ards
%a;istan and :e belie>es t:at e>er3 briefin9 or state8ent is 9oin9 t:e ot:er =a3?F Gfn 1+H
!ut no 8atter =:at Ro9ers1 t:e State ,e<art8ent and t:e rest of t:e =as:in9ton
bureaucrac3 8i9:t do1 #issin9er ;ne= t:at Geor9e !us: at t:e UN =ould <la3 alon9 =it:
t:e <ro-%a;istan tilt? FAnd I ;ne= t:at Geor9e !us:1 our able UN a8bassador1 =ould carr3
out t:e %resident7s <olic31F =rote #issin9er in :is 8e8oirs in describin9 :is decision to
dro< US o<<osition to a Securit3 Council debate on t:e subcontinent? T:is 8ade !us: one
of t:e 8ost de9raded and ser>ile US officials of t:e era?
Indira Gand:i :ad co8e to *as:in9ton in No>e8ber to atte8<t a <eaceful settle8ent to t:e
crisis1 but =as crudel3 snubbed b3 NiEon and #issin9er? T:e c:ronolo93 of t:e acute final
<:ase of t:e crisis can be su88ed u< as follo=s"
,ece8ber '-- (a:3a #:an ordered t:e %a;istani Air orce to carr3 out a series of sur<rise
air raids on Indian air bases in t:e nort: and =est of India? T:ese raids =ere not effecti>e in
destro3in9 t:e Indian air force on t:e 9round1 =:ic: :ad been (a:3a #:an7s intent1 but
(a:3a #:an7s a99ression did <reci<itate t:e feared Indo-%a;istani =ar? T:e Indian Ar83
8ade ra<id ad>ances a9ainst t:e %a;istani forces in !en9al1 =:ile t:e Indian na>3
bloc;aded %a;istan7s <orts? At t:is ti8e1 t:e bi99est-e>er buidldu< in t:e So>iet na>al
forces in t:e Indian Ocean also be9an?
,ec? )-- At t:e UN Securit3 Council1 Geor9e !us: deli>ered a s<eec: in =:ic: :is 8ain
t:rust =as to accuse India of re<eated incursions into East %a;istan1 and c:allen9in9 t:e
le9iti8ac3 of India7s resort to ar8s1 in s<ite of t:e <lain e>idence t:at %a;istan :ad struc;
first? !us: introduced a draft resolution =:ic: called on India and %a;istan i88ediatel3 to
cease all :ostilities? !us:7s resolution also 8andated t:e i88ediate =it:dra=al of all Indian
and %a;istani ar8ed forces bac; to t:eir o=n territor31 8eanin9 in effect t:at India s:ould
<ull bac; fro8 East %a;istan and let (a:3a #:an7s forces t:ere 9et bac; to t:eir 8ission of
9enocide a9ainst t:e local <o<ulation? Obser>ers =ere to be <laced alon9 t:e Indo-%a;istani
borders b3 t:e UN Secretar3 General? !us:7s resolution also contained a 9rotes@ue call on
India and %a;istan to FeEert t:eir best efforts to=ards t:e creation of a cli8ate conduci>e to
t:e >oluntar3 return of refu9ees to East %a;istan?F T:s resolution =as out of touc: =it: t:e
t=o realities" t:at (a:3a #:an :ad started t:e 9enocide in East %a;istan bac; in Marc:1 and
t:at (a:3a :ad no= launc:ed a99ression a9ainst India =it: :is air raids? !us:7s resolution
=as >etoed b3 t:e So>iet re<resentati>e1 (a;o> Mali;?
,ece8ber -- T:e Indian Go>ern8ent eEtended di<lo8atic reco9nition to t:e inde<endent
state of !en9lades:? Indian troo<s 8ade continued <ro9ress a9ainst t:e %a;istani ar83 in
On t:e sa8e da31 an N!C ca8era tea8 fil8ed 8uc: of NiEon7s da3 inside t:e *:ite
House? %art of =:at =as recorded1 and later broadcast1 =as a tele<:one call fro8 NiEon to
Geor9e !us: at t:e United Nations1 9i>in9 !us: :is instructions on :o= to :andle t:e
India-%a;istan crisis? FSo8e1 all o>er t:e =orld1 =ill tr3 to 8a;e t:is basicall3 a <olitical
issue1F said NiEon to !us:? F(ou7>e 9ot to do =:at 3ou can? More i8<ortant t:an an3t:in9
else no= is to 9et t:e facts out =it: re9ard to =:at =e :a>e done1 t:at =e :a>e =or;ed for a
<olitical settle8ent1 =:at =e :a>e done for t:e refu9ees and so fort: and so on? If 3ou see
t:at so8e :ere in t:e Senate and House1 for =:ate>er reason1 9et out and 8isre<resent our
o<inions1 I =ant 3ou to :it it frontall31 stron9l31 and tou9:l3C is t:at clearD &ust ta;e t:e
9lo>es off and crac; it1 because 3ou ;no= eEactl3 =:at =e :a>e done1 O#DF Gfn 1-H
,ece8ber .- Geor9e !us: at t:e UN 8ade a furt:er ste< for=ard to=ards 9lobal
confrontation b3 brandin9 India as t:e a99ressor in t:e crisis1 as #issin9er a<<ro>in9l3
notes in :is 8e8oirs? !us:7s draft resolution described abo>e1 =:ic: :ad been >etoed b3
Mali; t:e in Securit3 Council1 =as a<<ro>ed b3 t:e General asse8bl3 b3 a non-bindin9
>ote of 15) to 111 =:ic: #issin9er considered a triu8<: for !us:? !ut on t:e sa8e da3
(a:3a #:an infor8ed t:e 9o>ern8ent in *as:in9ton t:at :is 8ilitar3 forces in east
%a;istan =ere ra<idl3 disinte9ratin9? #issin9er and NiEon seiAed on a dubious re<ort fro8
an alle9ed CIA a9ent at a :i9: le>el in t:e Indian Go>ern8ent =:ic: <ur<orted to
su88ariAe recent re8ar;s of Indira Gand:i to :er cabinet? Accordin9 to t:is re<ort1 =:ic:
8a3 :a>e co8e fro8 t:e later %ri8e Minister MoraBi ,esai1 Mrs? Gand:i :ad <led9ed to
con@uer t:e sout:ern <art of %a;istani-:eld #as:8ir? If t:e C:inese Frattled t:e s=ord1F t:e
re<ort @uoted Mrs? Gand:i as sa3in91 t:e So>iets =ould res<ond? T:is unreliable re<ort
beca8e one of t:e <illars for furt:er actions b3 NiEon1 #issin9er1 and !us:?
,ece8ber /- !3 t:is ti8e t:e So>iet na>3 :ad so8e $1 s:i<s eit:er in or a<<roac:in9 t:e
Indian Ocean1 in contrast to a <re-crisis le>el of ' s:i<s? At t:is <oint1 =it: t:e 6ietna8 =ar
ra9in9 unabated1 t:e US :ad a total of t:ree s:i<s in t:e Indian Ocean- t=o old destro3ers
and a sea<lane tender? T:e last s@uadron of t:e !ritis: na>3 =as de<artin9 fro8 t:e re9ion
in t:e fra8e=or; of t:e !ritis: <ullout fro8 east of SueA?
In t:e e>enin91 NiEon su99ested to #issin9er t:at t:e sc:eduled Mosco= su88it 8i9:t be
cancelled? #issin9er ra>ed t:at India =anted to detac: not Bust !en9al1 but #as:8ir also1
leadin9 to t:e furt:er secession of !aluc:istan and t:e total dis8e8ber8ent o9 %a;istan?
Funda8entall31F =rote #issin9er of t:is 8o8ent1 Four onl3 card left =as to raise t:e ris;s
for t:e So>iets to a le>el =:ere Mosco= =ould see lar9er interests Beo<ardiAedF b3 its
su<<ort of India1 =:ic: :ad been lu;e=ar8 so far?
,ece8ber 2-- T:e State ,e<art8ent and ot:er a9encies =ere s:o=in9 si9ns of bein9 al8ost
:u8an1 see;in9 to under8ine t:e NiEon-#issin9er- !us: <olic3 t:rou9: da8a9in9 lea;s
and bureaucratic obstructionis8? NiEon1 Fbeside :i8selfF o>er t:e da8a9in9 lea;s1 called
in t:e <rinci<al officers of t:e *as:in9ton S<ecial Action Grou< and told t:e8 t:at =:ile
:e did not insist on t:eir bein9 lo3al to t:e %resident1 t:e3 ou9:t at least to be lo3al to t:e
United States? A8on9 t:ose NiEon insulted =as Undersecretar3 of State U? AleEis &o:nson?
!ut t:e lea;s onl3 increased?
,ece8ber 15--#issin9er ordered t:e US na>3 to create Tas; orce .)1 consistin9 of t:e
nuclear aircraft carrier Enter<rise =it: escort and su<<l3 s:i<s1 and to :a>e t:ese s:i<s
<roceed fro8 t:eir <ost at (an;ee Station in t:e Gulf of Ton;in off 6ietna8 to Sin9a<ore?
Gfn 1.H
In ,acca1 East %a;istan1 MaBor General Rao ar8an Ali #:an1 t:e co88ander of %a;istani
forces in !en9al as;ed t:e United Nations re<resentati>e to :el< arran9e a cease-fire1
follo=ed b3 t:e transfer in of <o=er in East %a;istan to t:e elected re<resentati>es of t:e
A=a8i Lea9ue and t:e Fre<atriation =it: :onorF of :is forces bac; to *est %a;istan? At
first it a<<eared t:at t:is de facto surrender :ad been a<<ro>ed b3 (a:3a #:an? !ut =:en
(a:3a #:an :eard t:at t:e US fleet :ad been ordered into t:e Indian Ocean1 :e =as so
encoura9ed t:at :e Bun;ed t:e idea of a surrender and ordered Gen? Ali #:an to resu8e
fi9:tin91 =:ic: :e did?
Colonel Mel>in Holst1 t:e US 8ilitar3 attac:e in #at8andu1 Ne<al1 a s8all countr3
sand=ic:ed bet=een India and C:ina in t:e Hi8ala3as1 recei>ed a call fro8 t:e Indian
8ilitar3 attac:e1 =:o as;ed =:et:er t:e A8erican :ad an3 ;no=led9e of a C:inese 8ilitar3
buildu< in Tibet? FT:e Indian :i9: co88and :ad so8e sort of infor8ation t:at 8ilitar3
action =as increasin9 in Tibet1F said Holst in :is cable to *as:in9ton? T:e sa8e e>enin9
fro8 t:e So>iet 8ilitar3 attac:e1 Lo9ino>1 =:o also as;ed about C:inese 8ilitar3 acti>it3?
Lo9ino> said t:at :e :ad s<o;en o>er t:e last da3 or t=o =it: t:e C:inese 8ilitar3 attac:e1
C:ao #uan9-c:i: Fad>isin9 C:ao t:at t:e %RC s:ould not 9et too serious about
inter>ention because USSR =ould react1 :ad 8an3 8issles1 etc?F Gfn 1/H At t:e 8o8ent t:e
Hi8ala3a 8ountain <asses1 t:e corridor for an3 C:inese troo< 8o>e8ent1 =ere all o<en
and free fro8 sno=? T:e CIA :ad noted F=ar <re<arationsF in Tibet o>er t:e 8ont:s since
t:e !en9al crisis :ad be9un? Ni;olai %e9o>1 t:e So>iet A8bassador to Ne= ,e:li1 :ad
assured t:e Indian 9o>ern8ent t:at in t:e e>entualit3 of a C:inese attac; on India1 t:e
So>iets =ould 8ount a Fdi>ersionar3 action in Sin;ian9?F
,ece8ber 11- #issin9er :ad been in to=n t:e <re>ious da31 8eetin9 t:e C:inese UN
dele9ate? Toda3 #issin9er =ould 8eet =it: t:e %a;istani ,e<ut3 %ri8e Minister1 Ali
!:utto1 in !us:7s suit at t:e *aldorf- Astoria? Huan9 Hua1 t:e C:inese dele9ate1 8ade
re8ar;s =:ic: #issin9er c:ose to inter<ret as 8eanin9 t:at t:e FC:inese 8i9:t inter>ene
8ilitaril3 e>en at t:is late sta9e?F
,ece8ber 1$- NiEon1 #issin9er1 and Hai9 8et in t:e O>al Office earl3 Sunda3 8ornin9 in
a council of =ar? #issin9er later described t:is as a crucial 8eetin91 =:ere1 as it turned out1
Ft:e first decision to ris; =ar in t:e trian9ular So>iet-C:inese-A8ericanF relation =as
ta;en? Gfn 12H
,urin9 NiEon7s 12.+ secret 9rand Bur3 testi8on3 to t:e *ater9ate S<ecial %rosecution
orce1 t:e for8er %resident insisted t:at t:e United States :ad co8e Fclose to nuclear =arF
durin9 t:e Indo- %a;istani conflict? Accordin9 to one attorne3 =:o :eard NiEon7s testi8on3
in 12.+1 NiEon :ad stated t:at F=e :ad t:reatened to 9o to nuclear =ar =it: t:e Russians?F
Gfn $5H T:ese re8ar;s 8ost <robabl3 refer to t:is ,ece8ber 1$ 8eetin91 and t:e actions it
set into 8otion?
Na>3 Tas; orce .) =as ordered to <roceed t:rou9: t:e Straits of Malacca and into t:e
Indian Ocean1 and it attracted t:e attention of t:e =orld 8edia in so doin9 t:e follo=in9
da3? Tas; orce .) =as no= on =arti8e alert?
At 11"'5 AM local ti8e1 #issin9er and Haid sent t:e #re8lin a 8essa9e o>er t:e Hot Line?
T:is =as t:e first use of t:e Hot Line durin9 t:e NiEon ad8inistration1 and a<<arentl3 t:e
onl3 ti8e it =as used durin9 t:e NiEon 3ears =it: t:e eEce<tion of t:e October 12.'
Middle East *ar? Accordin9 to #issin9er1 t:is Hot Line 8essa9e contained t:e ulti8atu8
t:at t:e So>iets res<ond to earlier A8erican de8andsC ot:er=ise NiEon =ould order !us:
to Fset in train certain 8o>es F in t:e UN Securit3 Council t:at =ould be irre>ersible? !ut is
t:is all t:e 8essa9e saidD #issin9er co88ents in :is 8e8oirs a fe= <a9es later" FOur fleet
<assed t:rou9: t:e Strait of Malacca into t:e !a3 of !en9al and attracted 8uc: 8edia
attention? *ere =e t:reatenin9 IndiaD *ere =e see;in9 to defend East %a;istanD Had =e
lost our 8indsD It =as in fact sober calculation? *e :ad so8e se>ent3-t=o :ours to brin9
t:e =ar to a conclusion before *est %a;istan =ould be s=e<t into t:e 8aelstro8? It =ould
ta;e India t:at lon9 to s:ift its forces and 8ount an assault? Once %a;istan7s air force and
ar83 =ere destro3ed1 its i8<otence =ould 9uarantee t:e countr37s e>entual disinte9ration???
*e :ad to 9i>e t:e So>iets a =arnin9 t:at 8atters 8i9:t 9et out of control on our side too?
*e :ad to be read3 to bac; u< t:e C:inese if at t:e last 8o8ent t:e3 ca8e in after all1 our
UN initiati>e :a>in9 failed? G???H Ho=e>er unli;el3 an A8erican 8ilitar3 8o>e a9ainst
India1 t:e ot:er side could not be sureC it 8i9:t not be =illin9 to acce<t e>en t:e 8inor ris;
t:at =e 8i9:t act irrationall3?F Gfn $1H
T:ese co88ents b3 #issin9er lead to t:e conclusion t:at t:e Hot Line 8essa9e of
,ece8ber 1$ =as <art of a calculated eEercise in t:er8onuclear blac;8ail and
brin;s8ans:i<? #issin9er7s reference to actin9 irrationall3 recalls t:e infa8ous RAN,
Cor<oration t:eories of t:er8onculear confrontations as c:ic;en 9a8es in =:ic: it is useful
to :int to t:e o<<osition t:at one is insane? If 3our ad>ersar3 t:in;s 3ou are craA31 t:en :e is
8ore li;el3 to bac; do=n1 t:e ar9u8ent 9oes? *:ate>er t:reats =ere 8ade b3 #issin9er
and Hai9 t:at da3 in t:eir Hot Line 8essa9e are li;el3 to :a>e been of t:at >ariet3? All
e>idence <oints to t:e conclusion t:at on ,ece8ber 1$1 12.11 t:e =orld =as indeed close to
t:e brin; of t:er8onuclear confrontation?
And =:ere =as Geor9eD He =as actin9 as t:e =illin9 8out:<iece for 8ad8en? Late in t:e
e>enin9 ,ece8ber 1$1 !us: deli>ered t:e follo=in9 re8ar;s to t:e Securit3 Council1 =:ic:
are recorded in #issin9er7s 8e8oirs"
FT:e @uestion no= arises as to India7s furt:er intentions? or eEa8<le1 does India intend to
use t:e <resent situation to destro3 t:e %a;istan ar83 in t:e *estD ,oes India intend to use
as a <reteEt t:e %a;istani counterattac;s in t:e *est to anneE territor3 in *est %a;istanD Is
its ai8 to ta;e <arts of %a;istan-controlled #as:8ir contrar3 to t:e Securit3 Council
resolutions of 12)/1 12)21 and 12+5D If t:is is not India7s intention1 t:en a <ro8<t
disa>o=al is re@uired? T:e =orld :as a ri9:t to ;no=" *:at are India7s intentionsD
%a;istan7s ai8s :a>e beco8e clear" It :as acce<ted t:e General Asse8bl37s resolution
<assed b3 a >ote of 15) to 11? M3 9o>ern8ent :as as;ed t:is @uestion of t:e Indian
Go>ern8ent se>eral ti8es in t:e last =ee;? I re9ret to infor8 t:e Council t:at India7s
re<lies :a>e been unsatisfactor3 and not reassurin9?F
FIn >ie= of India7s defiance of =orld o<inion eE<ressed b3 suc: an o>er=:el8in9 8aBorit31
t:e United States is no= returnin9 t:e issue to t:e Securit3 Council? *it: East %a;istan
>irtuall3 occu<ied b3 Indian troo<s1 a continuation of t:e =ar =ould ta;e on increasin9l3
t:e c:aracter of ar8ed attac; on t:e >er3 eEistence of a Me8ber State of t:e United
Nations?F Gfn $$H
!us: introduced anot:er draft resolution of <ro-%a;istan tilt =:ic: called on t:e
9o>ern8ents of India and %a;istan to ta;e 8easures for an i88ediate cease-fire and
=it:dra=l of troo<s1 and for 8easures to :el< t:e refu9ees? T:is resolution =as also >etoed
b3 t:e USSR?
,ece8ber 1)-- #issin9er s:oc;ed US <ublic o<inion b3 statin9 off t:e record to Bournalists
in a <lane returnin9 fro8 a 8eetin9 =it: renc: %resident Geor9es %o8<idou in t:e AAores
t:at if So>iet conduct continued in t:e <resent 8ode1 t:e US =as F<re<ared to ree>aluate
our entire relations:i<1 includin9 t:e su88it?F
,ece8ber 1+--T:e %a;istani co88ander in East %a;istan1 after fi>e additional da3s of
<ointless ;illin91 a9ain offered a cease-fire? #issin9er clai8ed t:at t:e fi>e inter>enin9 da3s
:ad allo=ed t:e US to increase t:e <ressure on India and <re>ent t:e Indian forces fro8
turnin9 on *est %a;istan?
,ece8ber 1-- Mrs1 Gand:i offered an unconditional cease-fire in t:e =est1 =:ic: %a;istan
i88edaitel3 acce<ted? #issin9er o<ined t:at t:is decision to end all fi9:tin9 :ad been
FreluctantF on t:e <art of India1 and :ad been 8ade <ossible t:rou9: So>iet <ressure
9enerated b3 US t:reats? C:ou En-lai also said later t:at t:e US :ad sa>ed *est %a;istan?
#issin9er <raised NiEon7s Fcoura9e and <atriotis8F and :is co88itt8ent to F<reser>e t:e
balance of <o=er for t:e ulti8ate safet3 of all free <eo<le?F A<<rentice 9eo<olitician
Geor9e !us: :ad carried out 3eo8an ser>ice in t:at i88oral cause?
After a self-ser>in9 and false descri<tion of t:e Indo-%a;istani crisis of 12.11 #issin9er
<ontificates in :is 8e8oirs about t:e necessar3 <riorit3 of 9eo<olitical 8ac:inations"
FT:ere is in A8erica an idealistic tradition t:at sees forei9n <olic3 as a conteEt bet=een
e>il and 9ood? T:ere is a <ra98atic tradition t:at see;s to sol>e 7<roble8s7 as t:e3 arise?
T:ere is a le9alistic tradition t:at treats international issues as Buridical cases? T:ere is no
9eo<olitical tradition?F In t:eir stubborn <ursuit of an alliance =it: t:e second stron9est
land <o=er at t:e eE<ense of all ot:er considerations1 #issin9er1 NiEon1 and !us: =ere
follo=in9 t:e dictates of classic 9eo<olitics? T:is is t:e sc:ool in =:ic: !us: =as trained1
and t:is is :o= :e :as reacted to e>er3 international crisis do=n t:rou9: t:e Gulf =ar1
=:ic: =as ori9inall3 concei>ed in London as a F9eo<oliticalF adBust8ent in fa>or of t:e
An9lo-SaEons a9ainst Ger8an31 &a<an1 t:e Arabs1 t:e de>elo<in9 sector1 and t:e rest of t:e
12.$ =as t:e second 3ear of !us:7s UN tenure1 and it =as durin9 t:is ti8e t:at :e
distin9uis:ed :i8self as a s:a8eless a<olo9ist for t:e 9enocidal and >indicti>e #issin9er
<olic3 of <rolon9in9 and escalatin9 t:e =ar in 6ietna8? ,urin9 8ost of :is first ter81
NiEon <ursued a <olic3 :e called t:e F6ietna8iAationF of t:e =ar? T:is 8eant t:at US land
forces =ere <ro9ressi>el3 =it:dra=n =:ile t:e Sout: 6ietna8ese Ar83 =as ostensibl3
built u< so t:at it could bear t:e battle a9ainst t:e 6iet Con9 and t:e Nort: 6ietna8ese
re9ulars? T:is <olic3 =ent into crisis in Marc:1 12.$ =:en t:e Nort: 6ietna8ese launc:ed
a t=el>e- di>ision assault across t:e ,e8ilitariAed Jone a9ainst t:e sout:? On Ma3 /1 12.$1
NiEon announced t:at t:e full-scale bo8bin9 of t:e nort:1 =:ic: :ad been sus<ended since
t:e s<rin9 of 12-/1 =ould be resu8ed =it: a >en9eance" NiEon ordered t:e bo8bin9 of
Hanoi and t:e 8inin9 of Hai<:on9 :arbor1 and t:e sa>a9in9 of trans<ortation lines and
8ilitar3 installations all o>er t:e countr3? T:is 8inin9 :ad al=a3s been reBected as a tactic
durin9 t:e <re>ious conduct of t:e =ar because of t:e <ossibilit3 t:at bo8bin9 and 8inin9
t:e :arbors 8i9:t :it So>iet1 C:inese1 and ot:er forei9n s:i<s1 ;illin9 t:e cre=s and
creatin9 t:e ris; of retaliation b3 t:ese countries a9ainst t:e US? No=1 before t:e 12.$
elections1 #issin9er and NiEon =ere deter8ined to F9o a<e1F discardin9 t:eir <re>ious
li8its on offensi>e action and ris;in9 =:ate>er C:ina and t:e USSR 8i9:t do? It =as
anot:er 9esture of rec;less confrontation1 frau9:t =it: incalculable conse@uences? Later in
t:e sa8e 3ear1 in ,ece8ber1 NiEon =ould res<ond to a brea;do=n in t:e %aris tal;s =it:
t:e Hanoi 9o>ern8ent b3 orderin9 t:e infa8ous C:rist8astide !-+$ attac;s on t:e nort:?
It =as Geor9e !us: =:o officiall3 infor8ed t:e international di<lo8atic co88unit3 of
NiEon7s Marc: decisions? !us: addressed a letter to t:e %residenc3 of t:e UN Securit3
Council in =:ic: :e outlined =:at NiEon :ad set into 8otion"
FT:e %resident directed t:at t:e entrances to t:e <orts of Nort: 6ietna8 be 8ined and t:at
t:e deli>er3 of seaborne su<<lies to Nort: 6ietna8 be <re>ented? T:ese 8easures of
collecti>e self-defense are :ereb3 bein9 re<orted to t:e United Nations Securit3 Council as
re@uired b3 Article +1 of t:e United Nations C:arter?F !us: =ent on to c:aracteriAe t:e
Nort: 6ietna8ese actions? He s<o;e of Ft:e 8assi>e in>asion across t:e de8ilitariAed Aone
and international boundaries b3 t:e forces of Nort: 6ietna8 and t:e continuin9 a99ressionF
of Hanoi? He accused t:e nort: of Fblatant >iolation of t:e understandin9s ne9otiated in
12-/ in connection =it: t:e cessation of t:e bo8bin9 of t:e territor3 of Nort: 6ietna8?F
FT:e eEtent of t:is rene=ed a99ression and t:e 8anner in =:ic: it :as been directed and
su<<orted de8onstrate =it: 9reat clarit3 t:at Nort: 6ietna8 :as e8bar;ed on an all-out
atte8<t to ta;e o>er Sout: 6ietna8 b3 8ilitar3 force and to disru<t t:e orderl3 =it:dra=al
of United States forces?F !us: furt:er accused t:e nort: of refusin9 to ne9otiate in 9ood
fait: to end t:e =ar?
T:e 9uts of !us:7s 8essa9e1 t:e <art t:at =as read =it: 9reatest attention in Mosco=1
%e;in91 and else=:ere1 =as contained in t:e follo=in9 su88ar3 of t:e =a3 in =:ic:
Hai<:on9 and t:e ot:er :arbors :ad been 8ined"
FAccordin9l31 as t:e 8ini8u8 actions necessar3 to 8eet t:is t:reat1 t:e Re<ublic of
6ietna8 and t:e United States of A8erica :a>e Bointl3 decided to ta;e t:e follo=in9
8easures of collecti>e self-defense" T:e entrances to t:e <orts of Nort: 6ietna8 are bein9
8ined1 co88encin9 5255 Sai9on ti8e Ma3 21 and t:e 8ines are set to acti>ate
auto8aticall3 be9innin9 1255 :ours Sai9on ti8e Ma3 11? T:is =ill <er8it >essels of ot:er
countries <resentl3 in Nort: 6ietna8ese <orts t:ree da3li9:t <eriods to de<art safel3?F In a
lon9 circu8locution1 !us: also con>e3ed t:at all s:i<<in9 8i9:t also be t:e tar9et of
indsicri8inate bo8bin9? !us: called t:ese 8easures Frestricted in eEtent and <ur<ose?F T:e
US =as =illin9 to si9n a cease-fire endin9 all acts of =ar in Indoc:ina 0t:us includin9
Ca8bodia1 =:ic: :ad been in>aded in 12.51 and Laos1 =:ic: :ad been in>aded in 12.14
=it:in four 8ont:s1 as =ell as t:e 6ietna8s4 and brin9 all US troo<s :o8e =it:in four
T:ere =as no bi<artisan su<<ort for t:e bo8bin9 and 8inin9 <olic3 !us: announced?
Senator Mi;e Mansfield <ointed out t:at t:e decision =ould onl3 <rotract t:e =ar? Senator
%roE8ire called it Frec;less and =ron9?F our So>iet s:i<s =ere da8a9ed b3 t:ese US
actions? T:ere =as a li>el3 debate =it:in t:e So>iet %olitburo on :o= to res<ond to t:is1
=it: a faction around S:elest de8andin9 t:at NiEon7s in>itation to t:e u<co8in9 Mosco=
su<er<o=er su88it be rescinded? !ut S:elest =as ousted b3 !reA:ne>1 and t:e su88it
=ent for=ard at t:e end of Ma3? T:e FC:ina cardF t:eoreticians con9ratulated t:e8sel>es
t:at t:e So>iets :ad been <aral3Aed b3 fear =:at %e;in9 8i9:t do if Mosco= beca8e
e8broiled =it: %e;in97s ne= de facto all31 t:e US?
In &ul31 12.$1 re<orts e8er9ed in t:e international <ress of c:ar9es b3 Hanoi t:at t:e US
:ad been deliberatel3 bo8bin9 t:e da8s and di;es1 =:ic: =ere t:e irri9ation and flood
control s3ste8 around 6ietna87s Red Ri>er? Once a9ain it =as !us: =:o ca8e for=ard as
t:e a<olo9ist for NiEon7s F8ad bo8berF forei9n <olic3? !us: a<<eared on t:e N!C
Tele>ison FToda3F s:o= to assure t:e US <ublic t:at t:e US bo8bin9 :ad created onl3 Ft:e
8ost incidental and 8inor i8<actF on Nort: 6iet Na87s di;e s3ste8? T:is1 of course1
a8ounted to a bac;:anded confor8ation t:at suc: bo8bin9 :ad been done1 and da8a9e
=rou9:t in t:e <rocess? !us: =as in :is t3<ical =:inin9 8ode in defendin9 t:e US <olic3
a9ainst =orld=ide criticis8 of =ar 8easures t:at see8ed desi9ned to inflict =ide<sread
floodin9 and deat: on Nort: 6ietna8ese ci>ilians? Accordin9 to Nort: 6ietna8ese
statistics1 8ore t:an :alf of t:e nort:7s $5 8illion <eo<le li>ed in areas near t:e Red Ri>er
t:at =ould be flooded if t:e di;e s3ste8 =ere breac:ed? An article =:ic: a<<eared in a
Hanoi <ublication :ad stated t:at at flood crest 8an3 ri>ers rise to FsiE or se>e 8eters
abo>e t:e surroundin9 fieldsF and t:at because of t:is situation Fan3 di;e brea;1 es<eciall3
in t:e Red Ri>er delta1 is a disaster =it: incalculable conse@uences?F
!us: :ad ne>er seen an o<<ortunit3 for 9enocide :e did not li;e? FI belie>e =e are bein9 set
u< b3 a 8assi>e <ro<a9anda ca8<ai9n b3 t:e Nort: 6ietna8ese in t:e e>ent t:at t:ere is
t:e sa8e ;ind of floodin9 t:is 3ear--to attribute it to bo8bs =:ereas last 3ear it :a<<ened
Bust out of lac; of 8aintenance1F !us: ar9ued? FT:ere7s been a stud3 8ade t:at I :o<e =ill
be released s:ortl3 t:at =ill clarif3 t:is =:ole @uestion1F :e =ent on? T:e stud3 F=ould be
>er3 :el<ful because I t:in; it =ill s:o= =:at t:e Nort: 6ietna8ese are u< to in =:ere t:e3
<lace strate9ic tar9ets?F *:at !us: =as dri>in9 at :ere =as an alle9ation t:at Hanoi
custo8aril3 <laced strate9ic assets near t:e di;es in order to be able to accuse t:e US of
9enocide if air attac;s breac:ed t:e di;es and caused floodin9? !us:7s 8ilitar3 s<o;es8en
used si8ilar ar9u8ents dirin9 t:e Gulf =ar1 =:en Ira@ =as accused of <lacin9 8ilitar3
e@ui<8ent in t:e 8idst of ci>ilian residential areas?
FI t:in; 3ou =ould :a>e to reco9niAe1F retorted !us:1 Ft:at if t:ere =as an3 intentionF of
breac:in9 t:e di;es1 Fit =ould be >er31 >er3 si8<le to do eEactl3 =:at =e are accused of- -
and t:at is =:at =e are not doin9?F Gfn $'H
T:e bo8bin9 of t:e nort: continued1 and reac:ed a final <aroE3s8 at C:rist8as1 =:en !-
+$s 8ade unrestricted terror bo8bin9 raids a9ainst Hanoi and ot:er cities? T:e C:rist8as
bo8bin9 =as =idel3 conde8ned1 e>en b3 t:e US <ress" FNe= Madness in 6ietna8F =as
t:e :eadline of t:e St? Louis %ost-,is<atc: On ,ec? 12C FTerror fro8 t:e S;iesF t:at of t:e
Ne= (or; Ti8es ,ec? $$C FTerror !o8bin9 in t:e Na8e of %eaceF of t:e *as:in9ton %ost
,ec? $/C and F!e3ond All RasonF of t:e Los An9eles Ti8es of ,ec? $/?
!us:7acti>it3 at t:e UN also coincided =it: #issin9er7s <re<aration of t:e October1 12.'
Middle East =ar? ,urin9 t:e 12/57s1 !us: atte8<ted to culti>ate a <ublic i8a9e as a US
<olitician =:o1 alt:ou9: oriented to=ards close relations =it: Israel1 =ould not sla>is:l3
a<<ease e>er3 de8and of t:e Israelis and t:e Jionist lobb3 in t:e United States1 but =ould
ta;e an inde<endent <osition desi9ned to foster US national interests? ro8 ti8e to ti8e1
!us: snubbed t:e Israelis b3 :intin9 t:at t:e3 :eld :osta9es of t:eir o=n1 and t:at t:e
Israeli anneEation of &erusale8 =ould not be acce<ted b3 t:e United States? or so8e1 t:ese
delusions :a>e sur>i>ed e>en a refutation so cate9oric as t:e e>ents of t:e #u=ait crisis of
1225-21? !us:1 =:ose differences =it: an Israeli leader li;e S:a8ir are less si9nificant t:an
t:e differences bet=een S:a8ir and ot:er Israeli <oliticians? !us:7s <edi9ree is t:e refleE of
a neo-conser>ati>e net=or; and a fanaticall3 <ro-Israeli ideolo9ical-<olitical trac; record
=:ic: =as alread3 8assi>e durin9 t:e UN 3ears?
In Se<te8ber 12.$ %alestinian terrorists describin9 t:e8sel>es as t:e F!lac; Se<te8berF
or9aniAation attac;ed t:e @uarters of t:e Israeli Ol38<ic tea8 <resent in Munic: for t:e
Ol38<ic 9a8es of t:at 3ear1 ;illin9 a nu8ber of t:e Israeli at:letes? T:e Israeli 9o>ern8ent
seiAed on t:ese e>ents as carte blanc:e to launc: a series of air attac;s a9ainst S3ria and
Lebanon1 ar9uin9 t:at t:ese countries could be :eld res<onsible for =:at :ad :a<<ened in
Munic:? So8alia1 Greece1 and Guinea ca8e for=ard =it: a resolution in t:e Securit3
Council =:ic: si8<l3 called for t:e i88ediate cessation of Fall 8ilitar3 o<erationsF? T:e
Arab states ar9ued t:at t:e Israeli air attac;s =ere totall3 =it:out <ro>ocation or
Busitification1 and ;illed nu8erous ci>ilians =:o :ad not:in9 =:ate>er to do =it: t:e
terrorist actions in Munic:?
T:e NiEon re9i8e1 =it: one e3e on t:e autu8n 12.$ elections and t:e need to 8obiliAe t:e
Jionist lobb3 in su<<ort of Tric;3 ,ic;7s second ter81 =anted to find a =a3 to o<<ose t:is
resolution1 since it did not sufficientl3 ac;no=led9e t:e uni@ue ri9:teousness of t:e Israeli
cause and Israel7s in:erent ri9:t to co88it acts of =ar a9ainst its nei9:bors? It =as !us:
=:o aut:ored a co8<etin9 resolution =:ic: called on all interested <arties Fto ta;e all
8easures for t:e i88ediate cessation and <re>ention of all 8ilitar3 o<erations and terrorist
acti>ities?F It =as !us: =:o dis:ed u< t:e rationaliAations for US reBection of t:e first
resolution? T:at resolution =as no 9ood because it did not reflect t:e fact t:at Ft:e fabric of
>iolence in t:e Middle East in ineEtricabl3 inter=o>en =it: t:e 8assacre in Munic:1F !us:
ar9ued? 7!3 our silence on t:e terror in Munic: are =e indeed in>itin9 8ore Munic:sD1F :e
as;ed? &ustif3in9 t:e Israeli air raids on S3ria and Lebanon1 !us: 8aintained t:at certain
9o>ern8ents Fcannot be absol>ed of res<onsibilit3 for t:e c3cle of >iolenceF because of
t:eir =ords and deeds1 or because of t:eir tacit ac@uiescence? Sli9:tl3 later1 after t:e >ote
:ad ta;en <lace1 !us: ar9ued t:at Fb3 ado<tin9 t:is resolution1 t:e council =ould :a>e
i9nored realit31 =ould :a>e s<o;en to one for8 of >iolence but not anot:er1 =ould :a>e
loo;ed to t:e effect but not t:e cause?F
*:en t:e resolution =as <ut to a >ote1 !us: 8ade front-<a9e :eadlines around t:e =orld
b3 castin9 t:e US >eto1 a >eto t:at :ad been cast onl3 once before in t:e entire :istor3 of
t:e UN? T:e >ote =as 1' to 11 =it: t:e US castin9 t:e sole ne9ati>e >ote? %ana8a =as t:e
lone abstention? T:e onl3 ot:er ti8e t:e US >eto :ad been used :ad been in 12.51 on a
resolution in>ol>in9 R:odesia?
T:e Israeli UN a8bassador (osef Te;oa: did not attend t:e debate because of t:e &e=is:
:olida3 of Ros: Has:ana:? !ut Israel7s cause =as =ell defended--b3 !us:? Accordin9 to an
Israeli Bournalist obser>in9 t:e <roceedin9s =:o =as @uoted b3 t:e *as:in9ton %ost1 F!us:
sounds 8ore <ro-Israeli t:an Te;oa: =ould :a>e?F Gfn $)H
Later in 12.$1 atte8<ts =ere 8ade b3 non-ali9ned states and t:e UN Secretariat to arran9e
t:e indis<ensable basis for a Middle East <esce settle8ent-- t:e =it:dra=al of Israel fro8
t:e territories occu<ied durin9 t:e 12-. =ar? Once a9ain1 !us: =as 8ore Jionist t:an t:e
In ebruat3 of 12.$1 t:e UN7s Middle East 8ediator1 Gunnar &arrin9 of Nor=a31 :ad as;ed
t:at t:e Securit3 Council reaffir8 t:e ori9inal contents of resolution $)$ of 12-. b3
reiteratin9 t:at Israel s:ould surrender Arab territor3 seiAed in 12-.? FLand for <eaceF =as
anat:e8a to t:e Israeli 9o>ern8ent t:en as no=? !us: undertoo; to blunt t:is non- alli9ned
<eace bid?
Late in 12.$ t:e non-ali9ned 9rou< <ro<osed a resolution in t:e General Asse8bl3 =:ic:
called for Fi88ediate and unconditionalF Israeli =it:dra=al fro8 t:e occu<ied territories
=:ile in>itin9 ot:er countries to =it:old assistance t:at =ould :el< Israel to sustain its
occu<ation of t:e Arab land? !us: @uic;l3 rose to assail t:is teEt?
In a s<eec: to t:e General Asse8bl3 in ,ece8ber 12.$1 !us: =arned t:e asse8bl3 t:at t:e
ori9inal teEt of resolution $)$ =as Ft:e essential a9reed basis for UN <eace efforts and t:is
bod3 and all its 8e8bers s:ould be 8indful of t:e need to <reser>e t:e ne9otiatin9 asset
t:at it re<resents?F FT:e asse8bl31F !us: =ent on1 Fcannot see; to i8<ose courses of action
on t:e countries directl3 concerned1 eit:er b3 8a;in9 ne= de8ands or fa>orin9 t:e
<ro<osals or <ositions of one side o>er t:e ot:er?F Ne>er1 ne>er =ould Geor9e !us: e>er
ta;e sides or acce<t a double standard of t:is t3<e? !us: did clai8 t:at t:e US continued to
su<<ort $)$ and t:e &arrin9 8ission? !ut !us: =as su99estin9 t:at Israel and E93<t be9in
tal;s under US 8ediation for an interi81 bilateral deal to re-o<en t:e SueA canal? Here =e
can obser>e t:e <olic3 t:rust =:ic: cul8inated in Ca8< ,a>id not so 8an3 3ears later1
after t:e 12.' =ar :ad been fou9:t??
An interestin9 docu8ent of t:is <eriod is t:e teEt of secret con>ersations bet=een !us: and
t:e E93<tian orei9n Minister and t:e bet=een !us: and t:e Israeli orei9n Minister?
T:ese con>ersations =ere <art of secret State ,e<art8ent cables t:at =ere lea;ed to t:e
colu8nist &ac; Anderson1 =:o <ublis:ed t:eir contents?
T:e first con>ersation is be3=een !us: and Ma:8oud Riad1 t:e orei9n Miniser oif E93<t?
FA8bassador !us:???sou9:t out or8in Riad in UN Indonesian Loun9e to discuss E93t<ian
draft res re Middle East???Notin9 t:at E93<tian draft res a<<eared fro8 initial readin9 to be
9enerall3 satisfactor311 !us: stated t:at 8aBor stu8blin9 bloc; for USG Gie1 t:e NiEon
re9i8eH =as <lacin9 of lan9ua9e re &arrin9 8ission in o<erati>e <ara9ra<: section???!us:
as;ed if Riad =illin9 to consider re8o>al of t:is lan9ua9e fro8 o<erati>e section to
*:at !us: =as clearl3 tr3in9 to do =as to =ea;en t:e references to &arrin91 =:o =as
identified =it: t:e idea t:at t:e Israelis 8ust @uit t:e occu<ied territories in order to 8a;e
<eace <ossible? T:e cable continues"
FRiad re<lied in ne9ati>e but not before :e stressed t:at for E93<tians inclusion of t:is
lan9ua9e in o<erati>e section not re<eat not 8erel3 se8antic eEercise1 on contrar31 E93<t
con>inced t:at Israel tr3in9 to 9et out of 9i>in9 fa>orable re<l3 to &arrin9 and t:at onl3 =a3
to force Israel is b3 8eans of eE<licit UN resolution?F
!us: res<onded to t:is b3 8a;in9 se>eral <ro<osal for 8inor c:an9es1 but t:en sub8itted
t:ese to Israeli orei9n Minister Abba Eban? A cable 8ar;ed FE3es Onl3-S<ecat EEclusi>eF
describes t:e !us:-Eban con>ersation" F!us:???:ad 8eetin9 t:e or8in Abba Eban t:is
afternoon???Eban said Israel could not re<eat not acce<t USG <ro<osal???He noted ???t:at
&arrin9 :as not been too :el<ful and c:aracteriAed :i8 as 7ne9ati>istic indi>idual?7 On t:e
ot:er :and :e o<ined t:at if &arrin9 =ould =ould 8a;e 8o>e to=ard Israel 7*e7ll see =:at
=e can do to :el< :i8?7F At anot:er 8eetin9 bet=een Eban and !us:1 Eban Fobser>ed???t:at
on <olitical 9rounds Israel not :a>e an3 reference GsicH to &arrin9 but a<<reciated t:at
<arlia8entar3 reasons 8a3 dictate need for so8e t:in9? !ot: Eban and Te;oa: su88ed u<
t:at fro8 Israel <oint of >ie=1 best course =ould be to li8it resolution lan9ua9e to
7co8<li8entar3 reference to &arrin9?7F
*:at all t:ese 8ac:inations finall3 3ielded =as a resolution t:at <assed =it: t:e United
States abstainin9 and Israel o<<osed? At t:e sa8e ti8e1 t:e US <ro8ised Israel a continuin9
su<<l3 of %:anto8 Bets1 and t:ere =as =ar in t:e Middle East before t:e 3ear =as out1 Bust
as #issin9er :ad <lanned?
!us: :i8self :as al=a3s been reluctant about flauntin9 :is o=n i8<eccable Jionist
credentials1 <robabl3 because of :is desire to 8aintain close ties to t:e 8one3 and <o=er
centers of t:e Arab =orld? In :is ca8<ai9n autobio9ra<:31 !us: see;s re<eatedl3 to <rofile
:i8self as a tar9et of t:e eEtre8ists of t:e &e=is: ,efense Lea9ue? On one occasion1 !us:
recounts1 :e =as accosted at t:e entrance to t:e US 8ission to t:e United Nations b3 Rabbi
Meir #a:ane1 t:e leader of t:e &,L? F*:3 =on7t 3ou tal; to 8eD All I =ant is a dialo9ue1F
said #a:ane1 accordin9 to !us:7s account? !us: sa3s :e refused to sto<1 but told #a:ane in
<assin9" F!ecause I7>e seen 3our idea of a dialo9ue-t:ose s:ots fired into t:e So>iet
E8bass31 and I don7t condone 3our 9rou<7s >iolence an3 8ore t:an >iolence directed at
&e=s b3 Arab terrorists1F =:ic: =as a 8ar>el of e>en-:anded r:etoric in full career?
Anot:er !us: anecdote of unconfir8ed >eracit3 is attributed b3 itA:u9: Green to Ne=
(or; East Side restauranteur *alter &? GanAi1 =:o recounted after t:e 12// election t:at
!us: :ad <acified and dis<ersed a 8enacin9 cro=d of se>eral t:ousand an9r3 &,L
de8onstrators one da3 b3 8a;in9 an i8<ro8<tu s<eec: suffused =it: leaders:i< c:aris8a?
!us:7s ad8irers clai8 t:at :e =as res<onsible for NiEon7s creation of a ne= <olice force1
t:e EEecuti>e %rotecti>e Ser>ice1 =:ic: is assi9ned to 9uard forei9n officials >isitin9 t:e
US? Gfn $+H
ro8 &anuar3 $/ t:rou9: ebruar3 )1 12.$1 t:e Securit3 Council :eld its first 8eetin9 in
t=ent3 3ears outside of Ne= (or; Cit3? T:e >enue c:osen =as Addis Ababa1 Et:io<ia?
!us: 8ade t:is t:e occasion for a tri< t:rou9: t:e Sudan1 #en3a1 Ja8bia1 Jaire1 Gabon1
Ni9eria1 C:ad1 and !ots=ana? !us: later told a House subco88ittee :earin9 t:at t:is =as
:is second tri< to Africa1 =it: t:e <recedin9 one :a>in9 been a Bun;et to E93<t and Lib3a
Fin 12-' or 12-)?F Gfn $-H ,urin9 t:is tri< !us: 8et =it: se>en c:iefs of state1 includin9
%resident Mobutu of Jaire1 E8<eror Haile Selassie of Et:io<ia1 %resident To8balba3e of
C:ad1 and %resident Ni8eiri of t:e Sudan?
At t:e 8eetin9 in Addis Ababa1 !us: =as blind-sided b3 a s<eec: deli>ered b3 t:e dele9ate
of %ana8a1 one of t:e rotatin9 8e8bers of t:e Securit3 Council? T:e %ana8ian
re<resentati>e1 A@uilino !o3d1 >i9orousl3 attac;ed t:e US Foccu<ationF of t:e %anana
Canal Jone? !us: =as forced into <arlia8entar3 8anue>erin9 to a>oid furt:er discussion
of t:e %ana8anian co8<laint1 clai8in9 t:at !o3d =as out of order in t:at t:e Canal Jone
8atter =as not on t:e a9enda1 =:ic: =as su<<osed to be oriented to=ards African 8atters?
T:is 8ar;s one of !us:7s earliest <ublic encounters =it: t:e %ana8a issue1 =:ic: =as
destined to beco8e :is blood3 obsession durin9 t:e first 3ear of :is <residenc3? Gfn $.H
!us: in Addis Ababa >oted in fa>or of t=o resolutions on Na8ibia1 one of =:ic: set u< t:e
8ac:iner3 under =:ic: t:e UN Secretar3 General =as e8<o=ered to contact t:e Sout:
African 9o>ern8ent about t:e status of t:e trustees:i< territor3 usur<ed b3 %retoria? !us:
t:ou9:t t:at t:is first Na8ibia resolution :ad been Ft:e 8ost <ositi>e t:in9 t:at ca8e out?F
!us: also >oted for a furt:er resolution on a<art:eid1 and abstained on t:e resolutions
concernin9 %ortu9uese colionies and on R:odesia? !us:7s >ote on t:e R:odesian resolution
a8ounted to a >ote of confidence in a 8ission led b3 t:e !ritis: Lord %earce on t:e
R:odesian @uestion1 a 8ission =:ic: 8an3 African states o<<osed?
At a <ress conference in Addis Ababa1 African Bournalists destabiliAed !us: =it: a99ressi>e
@uestions about t:e US <olic3 of i9norin9 8andator3 UN econo8ic sanctions a9ainst t:e
racist1 =:ite su<re8acist Ian S8it: re9i8e in R:odesia? T:e Securit3 Council :ad i8<osed
t:e 8andator3 sanctions1 but later t:e US Con9rsss :ad <assed1 and NiEon :ad si9ned into
la=1 le9islation incor<oratin9 t:e so-called !3rd a8end8ent1 =:ic: allo=ed t:e US
<resident to i8<ort c:ro8e fro8 R:odesia in t:e e>ent of s:orta9es of t:at strate9ic ra=
8aterial? C:ro8e =as readil3 a>ailable on t:e =orld 8ar;et1 es<eciall3 fro8 t:e USSR1
alt:ou9: t:e So>iet c:ro8e =as 8ore eE<ensi>e t:an t:e R:odesian c:ro8e? In :is
Con9ressional testi8on31 !us: =:ined at len9t: about t:e eEtensi>e criticis8 of t:is
declared US <olic3 of breac:in9 t:e R:odesian sanctions on t:e <art of Ft:ose =:o are Bust
usin9 t:is to reall3 :a88er us fro8 a <ro<a9anda stand<oint?F F*e :a>e ta;en t:e ra< on
t:is t:in91F co8<lained !us:? F*e :a>e ta;en t:e :eat on it?F F*e :a>e ta;en a 9reat deal
of abuse fro8 t:ose =:o =anted to e8barrass us in Africa1 to e8<:asiAe t:e ne9ati>e and
not t:e <ositi>e in t:e United Nations?F !us: tal;ed of :is o=n efforts at da8a9e control on
t:e issue of US su<<ort for t:e racist R:odesian re9i8e" F???=:at =e are tr3in9 to do is to
restrict an3 :3<ocris3 =e are accused of?F FI certainl3 don7t t:in; t:e US <osition s:ould be
t:at t:e Con9ress =as tr3in9 to furt:er colonialis8 and racis8 in t:is action it too;1F !us:
told t:e Con9ress8en? FIn t:e UN1 I 9et t:e feelin9 =e are cate9oriAed as i8<erialists and
colonialists1 and I 8a;e clear t:is is not =:at A8erica stands for1 but ne>ert:eless it is
re<eated o>er and o>er and o>er a9ain1F :e =:ined? Gfn $/H
,urin9 t:e :earin9s1 !us: =as confronted b3 Con9ress8an ,i99s =it: an account
<ublis:ed in t:e Los An9eles Ti8es of ebruar3 $-1 12.$1 accordin9 to =:ic: t:e US :ad
t:reatened to use t:e >eto a9ainst a draft resolution statin9 t:at all sanctions a9ainst
R:odesia s:ould re8ain full3 in force until t:e <eo<le of R:odesia :ad freel3 and e@uall3
eEercised t:eir ri9:t to self-deter8ination? Re<? ,i99s referred to a re<ort in t:is article t:at
t:e African and t:ird =orld s<onsors of t:is resolution :ad been forced to =ater it do=n in
order to a>oid a >eto to be cast b3 !us:? !us: duc;ed an3 direct ans=er on t:is be:ind-t:e-
scenes >eto t:reat? F???=e si8<l3 cannot1 9i>en t:e restrictions <laced on us b3 la=1 a<<ear
to be t=o-faced on t:ese t:in9s1F !us: told ,i99s?
So8e =ee;s later1 !us: 9a>e a lecture to students at Tulane Uni>ersit3 in Ne= Orleans1
=:ere :e announced t:at t:e US =as no= usin9 t:e <ro>isions of t:e !3rd a8end8ent
actuall3 to <urc:ase R:odesian c:ro8e1 and conceded t:at t:is =as indeed a >iolation of
t:e UN econo8ic sanctions? Notin9 t:at t:e <olic3 =as causin9 t:e NiEon re9i8e
Fconsiderable e8barrass8ent1F !us: ne>ert:eless defended t:e c:ro8e <urc:ases1 sa3in9
t:at t:e US =as actin9 Fnot in su<<ort of colonialis8 or totalitarianis8 but it see8ed t:e
realistic solution1F 8ore desirable t:an <a3in9 Ft=ice t:e <riceF for Russian c:ro8e? !us:
la8el3 <ointed out t:at 8an3 ot:er countries =ere >iolatin9 t:e sanctions co>ertl31 =:ereas
t:e US =as doin9 so o>ertl31 =:ic: :e su99ested =as less re<re:ensible? Gfn $2H
On t:e <roble8s of Africa in 9eneral1 !us:1 e>er true to Malt:usian for81 stressed abo>e all
t:e o>er<o<ulation of t:e continent? As :e told t:e Con9ress8en" F%o<ulation =as one of
t:e t:in9s I =or;ed on =:en I =as in t:e Con9ress =it: 8an3 <eo<le :ere in t:is roo8? It is
so8et:in9 t:at t:e UN s:ould do? It is so8et:in9 =:ere =e are better ser>ed to use a
8ultilateral c:annel1 but it :as 9ot to be done efficientl3 and effecti>el3? T:ere :as to be
so8e deli>er3 s3ste8s? It s:ould not be studied to deat: if t:e A8erican <eo<le are 9oin9 to
see t:at =e are better off to use a 8ultilateral c:annel and I a8 con>inced =e are? *e don7t
=ant to be i8<osin9 A8erican standards of rate of 9ro=t: on so8e countr31 but =e are
sa3in9 t:at if an international co88unit3 decides it is =ort: =:ile to :a>e t:ese <ro9ra8s
and education1 =e =ant to stron9l3 su<<ort it?F Gfn '5H
On indi>idual African countries1 !us: as;ed t:e Con9ress8en to increase US aid to C:ad1
8a;in9 it obli@uel3 clear t:at :is interest in C:ad ca8e fro8 t:e countr37s Ffierce
inde<endenceF in a F<ressure area >is-a->is t:e nort:1F 8eanin9 Laddafi7s Lib3a? !us:
discussed t:e Middle East crisis at len9t: =it: Ni8eiri of t:e Sudan1 =it: =:o8 t:e US
:ad no di<lo8atic relations? !us: t:ou9:t t:at Ni8ieri =as interested in restorin9 and
i8<ro>in9 relations =it: t:e US? T:ese eEc:an9es are :istoricall3 ironic in t:e li9:t of
!us:7s later role in t:e cou< t:at o>ert:re= Ni8ieri in t:e 8id-12/57s? !3 contrast1 !us:
said t:at So8alia1 =:ere t:e US :ad recentl3 cut off aid1 :ad s:o=n no interest in
i8<ro>in9 ties =it: t:e US? In !ots=ana1 !us: sa3s :e =as i8<ressed b3 t:e 8inisters :e
8et? In Ja8bia1 t:e bi9 e8<:asis =as on t:e <roble8s of t:e front-line states? In all of t:e
African ca<itals on :is itinerar31 !us: =as struc; b3 t:e intensit3 of t:e co88itt8ent of
9o>ern8ents to <ro9ress and to so>erei9nt3" F???in =:ate>er <art of Africa and :o=e>er
di>erse Africa is1 t:ere =as al=a3s a lar9e a8ount of ti8e de>oted to de>elo<8ent1
econo8ics1 and1 a9ain1 inde<endence1 nation:ood1 t:is ;ind of t:in9?F It =as clear t:at !us:
=ould ne>er :a>e 8uc: s38<at:3 for t:e Fnation:ood t:in9?F !ut :e =as a=are t:at Africa
:ad )$ >otes out of 1'$ UN 8e8ber states in t:e General Asse8bl3?
T=o as<ects of !us:7s testi8on3 on :is African tri< t:ro= li9:t on t:e <er8anent aEio8s of
:is t:in;in9 <rocess? In one suc: re>ealin9 incident1 !us: describes :is Fnot :ostileF but
F>er3 fran;F dialo9ue =it: Fa bunc: of t:e intellectuals in Ni9eria?F !us: told t:e
Con9ress8en t:at t:ese intellectuals F=ere inclined to e@uate our @uest for <eaceful c:an9e
=it: t:e status @uo1 no c:an9e at all1 and t:e3 =ould state1 7Loo;1 3our o=n Re>olution =as
a non<eaceful c:an9e?7F T:is eEc:an9e beca8e a =a3 for !us: to state t:at t:e <rinci<les of
natural la= in t:e stru99le a9ainst colonialis8 =:ic: =ere eE<ressed in t:e A8erican
Re>olution :ad no= been su<erceded b3 t:e su<ernational <rinci<le of t:e United Nations
as a =orld 9o>ern8ent =:ic: 8ust >alidate all <olitical c:an9e? Here is t:e =a3 !us:
eE<ressed t:is idea" FAnd 83 ans=er to t:at =as1 one1 =e 8ean bot: <eaceful and c:an9e1
and t=o1 t:e United Nations C:arter =as not in eEistence at t:e ti8e of t:e US Re>olution?
*e are not 9oin9 to 9i>e u< on t:e United Nations1 =:ic: co88its itself to <eaceful
c:an9e?F Gfn '1H
T:e second re>ealin9 eEc:an9e in>ol>ed !us:7s relation to t:e <olicies t:at :e =as carr3in9
out? As;ed b3 Con9ress8an ,i99s to <in<oint =:ere decisions on R:odesian <olic3 and
related issues =ere 8ade1 !us: re<lied" FT:at is so8et:in9 3ou can ne>er do in t:e State
,e<art8ent?F He t:en =ent on to describe :is relations to 8ac:iner3 of <olic3 8a;in9" FI
=ould be :a<<3 to ta;e res<onsibilit3 for it Gt:e R:odesian >oteH1 if 3ou are loo;in9 for
so8ebod3 to do t:at1 because I a8 t:e %resident7s re<resentati>e to t:e United Nations1 and
t:e buc; sto<s =it: so8e of t:ese t:in9s =it: 8e? !ut I don7t <rofess to be t:at bi9 a deal
t:at I can sa3 t:is is t:e =a3 it is 9oin9 to be1 and t:at is t:e =a3 it :a<<ens? !ut in ter8s of
res<onsibilit3 for t:is <osition1 I =ould be :a<<3 to acce<t it?F T:en !us: added" FI do
t:in; t:at t:ere is roo8 for so8e criticis8 about t:e ;ind of facelessness of t:e <rocess1 but
I =ould sa3 for t:ese resolutions1 or an3t:in9 t:at =e :a>e done in ter8s of <olic31 =:et:er
it is subcontinent1 or Middle East1 or C:ina1 I :a>e been in accord =it: t:ese 8aBor
decisions1 and I ta;e t:e res<onsibilit3 for t:e8 as t:e <residentiall3 a<<ointed
re<resentati>e to t:e United Nations? (et I so8eti8es a8 frustrated b3 t:e 8ac:iner31 I
8ust sa3?F
One senses t:at t:is is !us:7s <led9e of <ersonal alle9iance to t:e #issin9er <olicies t:at
do8inated in t:e areas :e 8entions1 and t:at :is frustration is reser>ed for t:e <assi>e
resistance t:at still fro8 ti8e to ti8e 8er9ed fro8 t:e Ro9ers State ,e<art8ent? A8on9
ot:er t:in9s1 !us: =as endorsin9 t:e NiEon-#issin9er re9i8e7s su<<ort for t:e 8ilitar3
Bunta of t:e Gree; colonels1 a 8atter =:ic: beca8e a 8inor issue in t:e 12// <residential
As t:e for8er Gu3ana orei9n Minister red *ills :as <ointed out in se>eral s<ea;in9
en9a9e8ents for t:e Sc:iller Institute o>er recent 3ears1 t:e United States A8bassador to
t:e United Nations <resides o>er an i88ense co>ert a<<aratus of es<iona9e1 ar8- t=istin91
inti8idation1 entra<8ent1 and blac;8ail1 all directed a9ainst forei9n dele9ates =:o8 t:e
US is see;in9 to co8<ro8ise1 bribe1 or turn? T:e 9a8bits :abituall3 e8<lo3ed in t:is brutal
and s@ualid 9a8e ran9e fro8 bas;ets of fruit deli>ered to t:e :otel roo8s and residences of
a8bassadors and 8inisters1 to t:e de<lo38ent of a stable of 8ale and fe8ale seE o<erati>es
to entra< un=ar3 forei9n di<lo8ats1 to blac;-ba9 o<erations and occasional =et=or;? It
8a3 also be rele>ant t:at t:e Ma3or of Ne= (or; Cit3 durin9 t:ese 3ears =as &o:n 6?
Lindsa31 a (ale 9raduate and S;ull and !ones 8e8ber1 =it: =:o8 !us: :ad dealin9s on
8atters of <olice and securit3 <olic3 affectin9 t:e UN di<lo8atic co88unit3?
In t:e course of t:e 8an3 Con9ressional in>esti9ations of do8estic co>ert o<erations
durin9 t:e *ater9ate <eriod1 attention =as called to a nu8ber of 83sterious and unsol>ed
brea;-ins related to United Nations functions =:ic: too; <lace in t:e Ne= (or; area durin9
t:e a<<roEi8ate ti8e t:at Geor9e !us: =as UN a8bassador1 =:ic: =as fro8 ebruar3
12.1 until &anuar3 12.'? T:ese included a brea;-in at t:e :o8e of 6ictor Rioseco1 an
econo8ic counselor for t:e C:ilean 8ission to t:e United Nations1 on ebruar3 151 12.1C a
brea;-in at t:e :o8e of Hu8berto ,iaA-Casaneu>a1 t:e C:ilean A8bassador to t:e United
Nations1 on A<ril +1 12.11 and anot:er bur9lar3 at t:e Ne= (or; a<art8ent of &a>ier
Urrutia1 t:e c:ief of t:e C:ilean ,e>elo<8ent Cor<oration1 on A<ril 111 12.1? It =ill be
noted t:at one co88on deno8inator of t:ese brea;-ins =as a tar9ettin9 of C:ilean
re<resentati>esC t:e C:ilean 9o>ern8ent at t:is ti8e =as t:at of %resident Sal>ador Allende
Gossens1 later to<<led b3 a US-directed cou< in Se<te8ber1 12.'? T:e C:ilean E8bass3 in
*as:in9ton =as t:e scene of 3et anot:er brea;-in on Ma3 1'-1)1 12.$?
Naturall31 !us:7s aut:oriAed bio9ra<:3 and ca8<ai9n autobio9ra<:3 sa3 not:in9 about an3
of t:ese interestin9 e>ents? itA:u9: Green describes t:e F9racious1 <rofessional tea8=or;F
of !arbara and Geor9e at di<lo8atic rece<tions1 =it: !us:7s <ersonal assistant Rudol<:
FoE3F Carter fin9erin9 di<lo8ats and =i>es to be button:oled b3 Mrs? !us: and t:en
ta;en o>er to 8eet Geor9e? It =as also durin9 t:ese UN 3ears t:at !us: consolidated :is
:abit of =ritin9 lar9e @uantities of s:ort <ersonal lon9:and notes and cards to friends and
ac@uantainces? !us:7s :abit =as to <ersonall3 sit t:ou9: t:e lon9 s<eec:es of di<lo8ats
re<resentin9 US allies and ot:ers =:o8 !us: =is:ed to <ro<itiate? !ut in order to use t:e
ti8e1 oE3 Carter =ould 8a;e sure t:at :e :ad a sufficient su<<l3 of s8all note cards to be
able to turn out a continuous flo= of bread and butter notes1 9reetin9s1 and =or;in9
co88unications1 so8e of =:ic: could be deli>ered to di<lo8ats <resent in t:e roo8 =:ere
!us: =as sittin9? In t:is =a31 !us: succeeded in in9ratiatin9 :i8self =it: 8an3 dele9ates?
T:is <ractice fores:ado=s :is later Fs<eed-dialin9 8odeF of contacts =it: =orld leaders
durin9 crises suc: as t:e Gulf ad>enture? Gfn '$H
!us: s<ent Bust less t:an t=o 3ears at t:e UN? His tenure coincided =it: so8e of t:e 8ost
8onstruous cri8es a9ainst :u8anit3 of t:e NiEon- #issin9er duo1 for =:o8 !us:
functioned as an international s<o;es8an to =:o8 no #issin9er <olic3 =as too odious to
be ent:usiaticall3 <roclai8ed before t:e international co88unit3 and =orld <ublic o<inion?
T:rou9: t:is do99edl3 lo3al ser>ice1 !us: for9ed a lin; =it: NiEon t:at =ould be
e<:e8eral but >ital for :is career =:ile it lasted1 and a lin; =it: #issin9er t:at =ould be
decisi>e in s:a<in9 !us:7s o=n ad8inistration in 12//-/2? T:e =a3 in =:ic: !us: set
about or9aniAin9 t:e anti-Ira@ coalition of 1225-21 =as decisi>el3 s:a<ed b3 :is United
Nations eE<erience? His initial a<<roac: to t:e Securit3 Council1 t:e t3<es of resolutions
t:at =ere <ut for=ard b3 t:e US1 and t:e alternation of 8ilitar3 escalation =it:
consultations a8on9 t:e fi>e <er8anent 8e8bers of t:e Securit3 Council- all t:is :ar;ened
bac; to t:e eE<erience !us: ac@uired as #issin9er7s en>o3 to t:e =orld bod3?
To=ards t:e close of !us:7s <ostin9 to t:e UN1 :is fat:er1 %rescott !us:1 died at t:e Sloan-
#etterin9 Hos<ital in Ne= (or; Cit3? It =as October /1 12.$? %rescott !us: :ad been
dia9nosed as sufferin9 fro8 lun9 cancer?
1? In 12.51 !us:7s <ortfolio included $2 co8<anies in =:ic: :e :ad an interest of 8ore t:an I)555? He :ad
151555 s:ares of A8erican 9eneral Insurance Co?1 +1+55 s:ares of A8erican Standard1 $55 s:ares of
ATNT1 /'$ s:ares of C!S1 and +/1 s:ares of Industries EEc:an9e und? He also :eld stoc; in t:e #ro9er
Co8<n31 Si8<leE *ire and Cale Co? 0$+1555 s:ares41 I!M1 and Allied C:e8ical? In addition1 :e :ad
created a trust fund for :is c:ildren?
$? &a8es Reston1 &r?1 T:e Lone Star" T:e Life of &o:n Connall3 0Ne= (or;1 12/241 <? '/5?
' Safire1 !efore t:e all1 <? -)-?
)? *alter %incus and !ob *ood=ard1 F%residential %osts and ,as:ed Ho<es1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust 21
+? Reston1 <? '/$?
-? !us: and Gold1 Loo;in9 or=ard1 <? 115?
.? or t:e NiEon side of t:e !us: UN a<<oint8ent1 see *illia8 Safire1 !efore t:e all 0Ne= (or;1 12..41
es<eciall3 FT:e %resident alls in Lo>e1F <<? -)$ ff?
/? Reston1 <? '/$? Reston 0<<? +/--+/.4 tells t:e stor3 of :o=1 3ears later in t:e 12/5 Io=a caucuses
ca8<ai9n =:en bot: !us: and Connall3 =ere in t:e race1 !us: =as enra9ed b3 Connall37s deni9ration of
:is 8an:ood in re8ar;s to TeEans t:at !us: =as 7all :at and no cattle?7 !us: =as =al;in9 b3 a tele>ision
set in t:e Hotel ort ,es Moines =:en Connall3 ca8e on t:e screen? !us: reac:ed out to=ard Connall37s
i8a9e on t:e screen as if to s:a;e :ands? T:en !us: screa8ed1 FT:an; 3ou1 sir1 for all t:e ;ind t:in9s 3ou
and 3our friends :a>e been sa3in9 about 8eKF T:en !us: sla88ed :is fist on t:e to< of t:e set1 3ellin9
FT:at <ric;KF
2? On #issin9er1 see Scott T:o8<son and &ose<: !re=da1 F#issin9er Associates" T=o !irds in t:e !us:1F
EEecuti>e Intelli9ence Re>ie=1 Marc: '1 12/2?
15? See Tad SAulc1 T:e Illusion of %eace 0Ne= (or;1 12./41 <? )2/?
11? Henr3 #issin9er1 *:ite House (ears 0!oston1 12.241 <? .1+?
1$? SAulc1 <? +551 and *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust 1$1 12.1?
1'? *as:in9ton %ost1 October '11 12.1?
1)? See Se38our M? Hers:1 T:e %rice of %o=er 0Ne= (or;1 12/'41 <<? ))) ff?
1+? Henr3 #issin9er1 *:ite House (ears1 <? /2.? T:e 9eneral outlines of t:ese rea8r;s =ere first <ublis:ed
in t:e &ac; Anderson colu8n1 and re<rinted in &ac; Anderson1 T:e Anderson %a<ers 0 Ne= (or;1 12.'4?
1-? #issin9er1 <? /2-?
1.? &ac; Anderson1 T:e Anderson %a<ers1 <? $$-?
1/? El8o Ju8=alt1 On *atc: 0Ne= (or;1 12.-41 <? '-.?
12? Anderson1 <? $-5-1?
$5? #issin9er1 <? 252?
$1? Hers:1 T:e %rice of %o=er1 <? )+.?
$$? #issin9er1 <<? 211-21$?
$'? See R?C? Gu<ta1 US %olic3 To=ards India and %a;istan 0,el:i1 12..4 1 <? /) ff?
$)? *as:in9ton %ost1 &ul3 $.1 12.$?
$+? *as:in9ton %ost1 Se<te8ber 111 12.$?
$-? !us: and Gold1 <? 11)C Green1 <? 1$$?
$.? US House of Re<resentati>es1 &oint Hearin9 !efore t:e Subco88ittee on Africa and t:e Subco88ittee
on International Or9aniAations and Mo>e8ents of t:e Co88ittee on orei9n Affairs1 Ninet3-Second
Con9ress1 Second Session1 Marc: 11 12.$1 0*as:in9ton" US Go>ern8ent %rintin9 Office1 12.$41 <? 1$?
$/? In Marc:1 12.'1 t:e US >eto =as used to bloc; a resolution in t:e Securit3 Council =:ic: called for t:e
Ffull res<ect for %ana8a7s effecti>e so>erei9nt3 o>er all its territor3?F T:is resolution ot:er=ise recei>ed 1'
<ositi>e >otes1 and t:ere =as one abstention? See Castin9 Out %ana8a7s ,e8on1 %ana8a Cit31 12251 <? $$?
$2? House of Re<resentati>es1 &oint Hearin91 <<? 15-111 .?
'5? *as:in9ton %ost1 A<ril $'1 12.$?
'1? House of Re<resentati>es1 &oint Hearin91 <<? .-/?
'$? Ibid1 <? 1+?
''? Green1 <<? 11/1 1$+?
C:a<ter -MII- C:air8an Geor9e in *ater9ate
In No>e8ber1 12.$1 !us:7s F8ost influential <atron1F Ric:ard NiEon Gfn 1H1 =on re-
election to t:e *:ite House for a second ter8 in a landslide >ictor3 o>er t:e McGo>ern-
S:ri>er ,e8ocratic tic;et? NiEon7s election >ictor3 :ad <roceeded in s<ite of t:e arrest of
fi>e *:ite House-lin;ed bur9lars in t:e offices of t:e ,e8ocratic National Co88ittee at
t:e *ater9ate buildin9 in *as:in9ton earl3 on &une 1. of t:e sa8e 3ear? T:is =as t:e
be9innin9 of t:e infa8ous *ater9ate scandal1 =:ic: =ould o>ers:ado= and ulti8atel3
ter8inate NiEon7s second ter8 in 12.)? After t:e election1 !us: recei>ed a tele<:one call
infor8in9 :i8 t:at NiEon =anted to tal; to :i8 at t:e Ca8< ,a>id retreat in t:e Catoctin
Mountains of Mar3land? !us: :ad been loo;in9 to *as:in9ton for t:e ine>itable <ersonnel
c:an9es t:at =ould be 8ade in <re<aration for NiEon7s second ter8? !us: tells us t:at :e
=as a=are of NiEon7s <lan to reor9aniAe :is cabinet around t:e idea of a Fsu<er cabinetF of
to<-le>el1 inner cabinet 8inisters or Fsu<er secretariesF =:o =ould =or; closel3 =it: t:e
*:ite House =:ile rele9atin9 t:e da3-to-da3 functionin9 of t:eir eEecuti>e de<art8ents to
sub-cabinet de<uties? One of t:e bi9 =inners under t:is <lan =as sc:eduled to be Geor9e
S:ultA1 t:e for8er Labor Secretar3 =:o =as no=1 after t:e de<arture of Connall31 su<<osed
to beco8e Su<er Secretar3 of t:e Treasur3? S:ultA =as a !ec:tel eEecuti>e =:o =ent on to
be Rea9an7s second Secretar3 of State after Al Hai9? !us: and S:ultA =ere future 8e8bers
of t:e !o:e8ian Club of San rancisco and of t:e !o:e8ian Gro>e su88er 9at:erin9?
S:ultA =as a %rinceton 9raduate =:o =as re<uted to :a>e a ti9er1 t:e sc:ool7s s38bol1
tatooed on :is ru8<? !us: sa3s :e recei>ed a call fro8 NiEon7s to< do8estic aide1 &o:n
E:rlic:8an 0alon9 =it: Halde8ann a <artner in t:e FC:inese =allF around NiEon
8aintained b3 t:e *:ite House <alace 9uard4? E:rlic:8an told !us: t:at Geor9e S:ultA
=anted to see :i8 before :e =ent on to 8eet =it: NiEon at Ca8< ,a>id? As it turned out1
S:ultA =anted to offer !us: t:e <ost of undersecretar3 of t:e Treasur31 =:ic: =ould
a8ount to de facto ad8inistrati>e control o>er t:e de<art8ent =:ile S:ultA concentrated on
:is <roBected su<er secretar3 <olic3 functions? !us: sa3s :e t:an;ed S:ultA for :is
Fflatterin9F offer1 too; it under consideration1 and t:en <ressed on to Ca8< ,a>id? Gfn $H At
Ca8< ,a>id1 !us: sa3s t:at NiEon tal;ed to :i8 in t:e follo=in9 ter8s" FGeor9e1 I ;no=
t:at S:ultA :as tal;ed to 3ou about t:e Treasur3 Bob1 and if t:at7s =:at 3ou7d li;e1 t:at7s fine
=it: 8e? Ho=e>er1 t:e Bob I reall3 =ant 3ou to do1 t:e <lace I reall3 need 3ou1 is o>er at t:e
National Co88ittee runnin9 t:in9s? T:is is an i8<ortant ti8e for t:e Re<ublican %art31
Geor9e? *e :a>e a c:ance to build a ne= coalition in t:e neEt four 3ears1 and 3ou7re t:e one
=:o can do it?F G fn 'H !ut t:is =as not t:e Bob t:at Geor9e reall3 =anted? He =anted to be
<ro8oted1 but :e =anted to continue in t:e <ersonal retinue of Henr3 #issin9er? FAt first
!us: tried to <ersuade t:e %resident to 9i>e :i81 instead1 t:e nu8ber-t=o Bob at t:e State
,e<art8ent1 as de<ut3 to Secretar3 Henr3 #issin9er? orei9n affairs =as :is to< <riorit31 :e
said? NiEon =as cool to t:is idea1 and !us: ca<itulated?F Gfn )H Accordin9 to !us:7s o=n
account1 :e as;ed NiEon for so8e ti8e to <onder t:e offer of t:e RNC c:air8ans:i<?
A8on9 t:ose =:o !us: said :e consulted on =:et:er or not to acce<t =as Ro9ers C?!?
Morton1 t:e for8er Con9ress8an =:o8 NiEon :ad 8ade Secretar3 of Co88erce? Morton
su99ested t:at if !us: =anted to acce<t1 :e insist t:at :e continue as a 8e8ber of t:e
NiEon cabinet1 =:ere1 it s:ould be recalled1 :e :ad been sittin9 since :e =as na8ed to t:e
UN? %enns3l>ania Senator Hu9: Scott1 one of t:e Re<ublican Con9ressional leaders1 also
ad>ised !us: to de8and to continue on in t:e cabinet" FInsist on it1F !us: recalls :i8
sa3in9? !us: also consulted !arbara? T:e stor3 9oes t:at !ar :ad de8anded t:at Geor9e
<led9e t:at t:e one Bob :e =ould ne>er ta;e =as t:e RNC <ost? !ut no= :e =anted to ta;e
<recisel3 t:at <ost1 =:ic: a<<eared to be a <olitical 9ra>e3ard1 Geor9e eE<lained :is
=i8<is: obedience to NiEon" F!o31 3ou can7t turn a %resident do=n?F Gfn +H !us: t:en told
E:rlic:8an t:at :e =ould acce<t <ro>ided :e could sta3 on in t:e cabinet? NiEon a<<ro>ed
t:is condition1 and t:e era of C:air8an Geor9e :ad be9un?
Of course1 8a;in9 t:e c:air8an of t:e Re<ublican %art3 an eE- officio 8e8ber of t:e
<resident7s cabinet see8s to i8<l3 so8et:in9 rese8blin9 a one-<art3 state? !ut Geor9e =as
not deterred b3 suc: difficulties?
*:ile :e =as at t:e UN1 !us: :ad ;e<t :is e3es o<en for t:e neEt <ost on t:e =a3 u< :is
<ersonal cursus :onoru8? In No>e8ber of 12.1 t:ere =as a boo8let for !us: a8on9 TeEas
Re<ublican leaders =:o =ere loo;in9 for a candidate to run for 9o>ernor? Gfn -H NiEon7s
c:oice of !us: to :ead t:e RNC =as announced on ,ece8ber 111 12.$? T:e out9oin9 RNC
C:ari8an =as Senator !ob ,ole of #ansas1 an asset of t:e 9rain cartel but1 in t:at <eriod1
not totall3 de>oid of :u8an @ualities? Accordin9 to <ress re<orts1 NiEon <alace 9uard
:ea>ies li;e Halde8an and C:arles *? Colson1 later a central *ater9ate fi9ure1 =ere not
:a<<3 =it: ,ole because :e =ould not ta;e orders fro8 t:e *:ite House? ,ole also tended
to function as a conduit for 9rass roots co8<laints and resistance to *:ite House directi>es
fro8 t:e GO% ran; and file? In t:e conteEt of t:e 12.$ ca8<ai9n1 F*:ite HouseF 8eans
s<ecificall3 Clar; MacGre9or7s Co88ittee to Re- Elect t:e %resident 0CREE%41 one of t:e
collecti>e <rota9onists of t:e *ater9ate scandal? Gfn .H ,ole =as considered re8ar;able for
:is Firre>erenceF for NiEon" F:e Bo;ed about t:e *ater9ate issue1 about t:e *:ite House
staff and about t:e 8ana9e8ent of t:e Re<ublican con>ention =it: its Ps<ontaneous
de8onstrations t:at =ill last <recisel3 ten 8inutes?7F G fn /H !us:7s o=n account of :o= :e
9ot t:e RNC <ost i9nores ,ole1 =:o =as !us:7s 8ost serious ri>al for t:e 12// Re<ublican
<residential no8ination? Accordin9 to ,ole7s >ersion1 :e conferred =it: NiEon about t:e
RNC <ost on No>e8ber $/1 and told t:e <resident t:at :e =ould :a>e to @uit t:e RNC in
12.' in order to 9et read3 to run for re-election in 12.)? Accordin9 to ,ole1 it =as :e =:o
reco88ended !us: to NiEon? ,ole e>en said t:at :e :ad 9one to Ne= (or; to con>ince
!us: to acce<t t:e <ost? ,ole sou9:t to re8o>e an3 i8<lication t:at :e :ad been fired b3
NiEon1 and contradicted Fs<eculation t:at I =ent to t:e 8ountainto< to be <us:ed off1F for
Ft:at =as not t:e case?F *:at =as clear =as t:at NiEon and retainers :ad c:osen a
re<lace8ent for ,ole =:o8 t:e3 eE<ected to be 8ore obedient to t:e co88ands of t:e
*:ite House <alace 9uard? !us: assu8ed :is ne= <ost in &anuar31 12.'1 in t:e 8idst of t:e
trial of t:e *ater9ate bur9lars? He sou9:t at once to con>e3 t:e i8a9e of a <ra98atic
tec:nocrat on t:e loo;out for Re<ublican candidates =:o could =in1 rat:er t:an an
ideolo9ue? FT:ere7s ;ind of a narro= line bet=een standin9 for not:in9 and i8<osin9 one7s
>ie=s1F !us: told t:e <ress? He stressed t:at t:e RNC =ould :a>e a lot of 8one3 to s<end
for recruitin9 candidates1 and t:at :e =ould <ersonall3 control t:is 8one3? FT:e *:ite
House is si8<l3 not 9oin9 to control t:e bud9et1F said !us:? FI belie>e in t:e i8<ortance of
t:is Bob and I :a>e confidence I can do it1F :e added? FI couldn7t do it if I =ere so8e
reluctant dra9on bein9 dra99ed a=a3 fro8 a t:ree-=ine lunc:eon?F Gfn 2H !us: a<<ointed
To8 Lias as :is <rinci<al <olitical assistant? Harr3 ,ent1 t:e for8er c:ief counsel to NiEon1
=as na8ed t:e c:ief counsel to t:e GO%? ,ent :ad been one of t:e ideolo9ues of t:e <art37s
sout:ern strate93? ,?#? F%atF *ilson beca8e t:e <art3 finance c:air8an1 and Re<? *illia8
Stei9er of *isconsin beca8e t:e leader of a s<ecial co88ittee t:at =as su<<osed to
broaden t:e electoral base of t:e <art3? Stei9er =as i88ediatel3 attac;ed b3 t:e ri9:t-=in9
Hu8an E>ents 8a9aAine as F>er3 8uc: a <art of t:e defeated liberal refor8 8o>e8entF in
t:e <art3? Gfn 15H Ric:ard T:aEton =as t:e RNC <atrona9e director? &o:n Lofton1 t:e editor
of t:e GO% =ee;l3 Bournal called Monda31 =as eased out1 and =ent to Boin Ho=ard %:illi<s
in t:e tas; of li@uidatin9 t:e Office of Econo8ic O<<ortunit3? &anet &? &o:nston of
California beca8e t:e RNC co- c:air? !us: inau9urated :is ne= <ost =it: a <led9e t:at t:e
Re<ublican %art31 fro8 %resident NiEon on do=n1 =ould do Fe>er3t:in9 =e <ossibl3 canF
to 8a;e sure t:at t:e GO% =as not in>ol>ed in <olitical dirt3 tric;s in t:e future? FI don7t
t:in; it is 9ood for <olitics in t:is countr3 and I a8 sure I a8 reflectin9 t:e %resident7s
>ie=s on t:at as :ead of t:e <art31F intoned !us: in an a<<earance on FIssues and
Ans=ers?F Gfn 11H *:et:er or not !us: li>ed u< to t:at <led9e durin9 :is 8ont:s at t:e
RNC1 and indeed durin9 :is later <olitical career1 =ill be sufficientl3 ans=ered durin9 t:e
follo=in9 <a9es? !ut no= C:air8an Geor9e1 sittin9 in NiEon7s cabinet =it: suc: 8en as
&o:n Mitc:ell1 :is e3es fiEed on Henr3 #issin9er as :is lodestar1 is about to set sail on t:e
turbulent seas of t:e *ater9ate t3<:oon? !efore =e acco8<an3 :i81 =e 8ust briefl3
re>ie= t:e co8<leE of e>ents lu8<ed to9et:er under t:e :eadin9 of F*ater9ate1F so t:at =e
8a3 t:en situate !us:7s re8ar;able and biAarre be:a>ior bet=een &anuar3 12.' and Au9ust
of 12.)1 =:en NiEon7s fall beca8e t:e occasion for 3et anot:er !us: atte8<t to seiAe t:e
>ice <residenc3? !3 t:e be9innin9 of t:e 12257s1 it :as beco8e so8et:in9 of a
co88on<lace to refer to t:e co8<leE of e>ents surroundin9 t:e fall of NiEon as a cou<
d7etat? Gfn 1$H It =as to be sure a cou< d7etat1 but one =:ose or9aniAers and beneficiaries
8ost co88entators and :istorians are reluctant to na8e1 8uc: less to confront? !roadl3
s<ea;in91 *ater9ate =as a cou< d7etat =:ic: =as instru8ental in la3in9 t:e basis for t:e
s<ecific ne= t3<e of aut:oritarian-totalitarian re9i8e =:ic: no= rules t:e United States?
T:e <ur<ose of t:e cou< =as to rearran9e t:e do8inant institutions of t:e US 9o>ern8ent
so as to en:ance t:eir abilit3 to carr3 out <olicies a9reeable to t:e increasin9l3 ur9ent
dictates of t:e !ritis:-do8inated Mor9an- Roc;efeller-Mellon-Harri8an financier faction?
T:e i88ediate beneficiaries of t:e cou< :a>e been t:at class of bureaucratic1 tec:nocratic
ad8inistrators =:o :a>e :eld t:e :i9:est <ublic offices1 eEercisin9 <o=er in 8an3 cases
al8ost =it:out interru<tion1 since t:e da3s of t:e *ater9ate scandal? It is ob>ious t:at
Geor9e !us: :i8self is one of t:e 8ost <ro8inent of suc: beneficiaries? As t:e Ro8an
<la3=ri9:t Seneca =arns us1 FCui <rodest scelus1 is fecitF-- t:e one =:o deri>es ad>anta9e
fro8 t:e cri8e is t:e one 8ost li;el3 to :a>e co88itted it? T:e <olicies of t:e *all Street
in>est8ent ban;in9 interests na8ed are t:ose of usur3 and Malt:usianis81 stressin9 t:e
decline of a <roducti>e industrial econo83 in fa>or of sa>a9e T:ird *orld lootin9 and anti-
<o<ulation 8easures? T:e c:an9es subsu8ed b3 *ater9ate included t:e abolition of
9o>ern8ent7s function as a 8eans to distribute t:e re=ards and benefits of econo8ic
<ro9ress a8on9 t:e <rinci<al constituenc3 9rou<s u<on =:ose su<<ort t:e s:iftin9 <olitical
coalitions de<ended for t:eir success? Hencefort:1 9o>ern8ent =ould a<<ear as t:e 8eans
b3 =:ic: t:e sacrifices and <enalties of austerit3 and declinin9 standards of li>in9 =ould be
i8<osed on a <assi>e and stu<efied <o<ulation? T:e constitutional office of t:e <resident
=as to be >irtuall3 destro3ed1 and t:e <o=er of t:e usurious ban;in9 elites abo>e and
be:ind t:e <residenc3 =as to be radicall3 en:anced?
T:e reason =:3 t:e *ater9ate scandal escalated into t:e o>ert:ro= of NiEon :as to do =it:
t:e international 8onetar3 crisis of t:ose 3ears1 and =it: NiEon7s inabilit3 to 8ana9e t:e
colla<se of t:e !retton *oods s3ste8 and t:e US dollar in a =a3 satisfactor3 to t:e An9lo-
A8erican financial elite?
It =as t:e leadin9 An9lo-A8erican financier factions =:o decided to du8< NiEon1 and
a>ailed t:e8sel>es of t:e <re-eEistin9 *ater9ate affair in order to reac: t:eir 9oal? T:e
financiers =ere able to i8<le8ent t:eir decision all t:e 8ore easil3 t:an;s to t:e nu8erous
o<erati>es of t:e intelli9ence co88unit3 =:o :ad been e8bedded =it:in t:e %lu8bers
fro8 t:e 8o8ent of t:eir creation in res<onse to an eE<licit de8and co8in9 fro8 Geor9e
!us:7s <ersonal 8entor1 Henr3 #issin9er?
*ater9ate included t:e o<tion of ra<id ste<s in t:e direction of a dictators:i< not so 8uc:
of t:e 8ilitar3 as of t:e intelli9ence co88unit3 and t:e la= enforce8ent a9encies actin9 as
eEecutors of t:e =ill of t:e *all Street circles indicated? T:e FSe>en ,a3s in Ma3F
o>ertone of *ater9ate1 t:e 8ore or less o>ert brea; =it: constitutional for8s and rituals
=as ne>er eEcluded? *e 8ust recall t:at t:e bac;dro< for *ater9ate :ad been <ro>ided first
of all b3 t:e colla<se of t:e international 8onetar3 s3ste81 as 8ade official b3 NiEon7s
austerit3 decrees i8<osin9 a =a9e and <rice freeAe startin9 on t:e fateful da3 of Au9ust 1+1
12.1? *:at follo=ed =as an atte8<t to run t:e entire US econo83 under t:e to<-do=n
di;tat of t:e %a3 !oard and t:e %rice Co88ission? T:is econo8ic state of e8er9enc3 =as
t:en co8<ounded b3 t:e artificial oil s:orta9es orc:estrated b3 t:e co8<anies of t:e
international oil cartel durin9 late 12.' and 12.)1 all in t:e =a;e of #issin9er7s October
12.' Middle East *ar and t:e Arab oil bo3cott? In Au9ust1 12.)1 =:en Gerald ord
decided to 8a;e Nelson Roc;efeller1 and not Geor9e !us:1 :is >ice- <resident desi9nate1 :e
=as acti>el3 considerin9 furt:er eEecuti>e orders to declare a ne= econo8ic state of
e8er9enc3? Suc: colossal econo8ic dislocations :ad i8<elled t:e ne= Trilateral
Co88ission and suc: t:eorists as Sa8uel Huntin9ton to conte8<late t:e in:erent
un9o>ernabilit3 of de8ocrac3 and t:e necessit3 of be9innin9 a transition to=ards for8s
t:at =ould <ro>e 8ore durable under conditions of a99ra>ated econ8o8ic brea;do=n?
Ulti8atel31 8uc: to t:e disa<<oint8ent of Geor9e !us:1 =:ose ti8etable of boundless
<ersonal a8bition and 9reed for <o=er :ad once a9ain sur9ed a:ead of =:at :is <eers of
t:e rulin9 elite =ere <re<ared to acce<t1 t:e <ers<ecti>es for a 8ore o>ertl3 dictatorial for8
of re9i8e ca8e to be e8bodied in t:e fi9ure of 6ice %resident Nelson Roc;efeller? S;e<tics
=ill <oint to t:e :u8iliatin9 announce8ent1 8ade b3 %resident ord =it:in t:e conteEt of
:is 12.+ FHallo=een 8assacreF res:uffle of ;e3 <osts1 t:at Roc;efeller =ould not be
considered for t:e 12.- >ice <residential no8ination? !ut Roc;efeller1 t:an;s to t:e efforts
of Sara: &ane Moore and L3nette FS@uea;3F ro88e1 eac: of =:o8 atte8<ted to
assassinate ord1 :ad alread3 co8e >er3 close to t:e O>al Office on t=o se<arate occasions?
ord :i8self =as re<utedl3 one of t:e 8ost eEalted ree8asons e>er to occu<3 t:e
<residenc3? %re<onderant <o=er durin9 t:e last 3ears of NiEon and durin9 t:e ord 3ears
=as in an3 case eEercised b3 Henr3 #issin9er1 t:e de facto <resident1 about =:ose <edi9ree
and strate93 so8et:in9 :as been said abo>e? T:e <reser>in9 of constitutional for8 and
ritual as a :ollo= facade be:ind =:ic: to realiAe <ractices 8ore and 8ore dictatorial in
t:eir substance =as a t3<ical <ra98atic ada<tation 8ade <ossible b3 t:e abilit3 of t:e
financiers to en9ineer t:e slo= and 9radual decline of t:e econo831 a>oidin9 u<:ea>als of
<o<ular <rotest?
!ut in retros<ect t:ere can be no doubt t:at *ater9ate =as a cou< d7etat1 a cree<in9 and
8uffled cold cou< in t:e institutions =:ic: :as eEtended its conse@uences o>er al8ost t=o
decades? T:e roots of t:e ad8inistrati>e fascis8 of t:e Rea9an and !us: 3ears are to be
found in t:e institutional tre8ors and c:an9ed <o=er relations set off b3 t:e banal farce of
t:e *ater9ate brea;-in?
In t:e >ie= of t:e do8inant sc:ool of <ro-re9i8e Bournalis81 t:e essence of t:e *ater9ate
scandal lies in t:e ille9al es<iona9e and sur>eillance acti>it3 of t:e *:ite House co>ert
o<erations tea81 t:e so-called %lu8bers1 =:o are alle9ed to :a>e been cau9:t durin9 an
atte8<t to bu9lariAe t:e offices of t:e ,e8ocratic National Co88ittee in t:e *ater9ate
office buildin9 near t:e %oto8ac? T:e su<<osed 9oal of t:e brea;-in =as to filc:
infor8ation and docu8ents =:ile <lantin9 bu9s? Accordin9 to t:e official le9end of t:e
*as:in9ton %ost and Holl3=ood1 NiEon and :is retainers res<onded to t:e arrest of t:e
bu9lars b3 co8<oundin9 t:eir ori9inal cri8e =it: obstruction of Bustice and all of t:e
abuses of a co>eru<? T:en t:e *as:in9ton %ost Bournalists !ob *ood=ard and Carl
!ernstein1 dedicated <artiAans of t:e trut:1 ble= t:e stor3 o<en =it: t:e :el< of *ood=ard7s
83sterious source ,ee< T:roat1 settin9 into 8otion t:e in>esti9ation of t:e Senate
co88ittee under Sa8 Er>in1 leadin9 to i8<eac:8ent <roceedin9s b3 Re<? %eter Rodino7s
House &udiciar3 Co88ittee =:ic: ulti8atel3 forced NiEon to resi9n?
T:e recei>ed inter<retation of t:e salient facts of t:e *ater9ate e<isode is a fantastic and
9rotes@ue distortion of :istorical trut:? E>en t:e ;ind of cursor3 eEa8ination of t:e facts in
*ater9ate =:ic: =e can <er8it oursel>es =it:in t:e conteEt of a bio9ra<:3 of *ater9ate
fi9ure Geor9e !us: =ill re>eal t:at t:e actions =:ic: caused t:e fall of NiEon cannot be
reduced to t:e si8<listic account Bust su88ariAed? T:ere is1 for eEa8<le1 t:e @uestion of
t:e infiltration of t:e *:ite House staff and of t:e %lu8bers t:e8sel>es b3 8e8bers and
assets of t:e intelli9ence co88unit3 =:ose lo3alt3 =as not to NiEon1 but to t:e An9lo-
A8erican financier elite? T:is includes t:e <resence a8on9 t:e %lu8bers of nu8erous
assets of t:e Central Intelli9ence A9enc31 and s<ecificall3 of t:e CIA bureaus traditionall3
lin;ed to Geor9e !us:1 suc: as t:e Office of Securit3- Securit3 Researc: Staff and t:e
Mia8i Station =it: its <ool of Cuban o<erati>es?
T:e %lu8bers =ere created at t:e de8and of Henr3 #issin9er1 =:o told NiEon t:at
so8et:in9 :ad to be done to sto< lea;s in t:e =a;e of t:e F%enta9on %a<ersF affair of 12.1?
!ut if t:e %lu8bers =ere called into eEistence b3 #issin9er1 t:e3 =ere funded t:rou9: a
8ec:anis8 set u< b3 #issin9er clone Geor9e !us:? A salient fact about t:e *:ite House
S<ecial In>esti9ations Unit 0or %lu8bers4 of 12.1-.$ is t:at t:e 8one3 used to finance it
=as <ro>ided b3 Geor9e !us:7s business <artner and lifelon9 inti8ate friend1 !ill Liedt;e1
t:e <resident of %ennAoil? !ill Liedt;e =as a re9ional finance c:air8an for t:e NiEon
ca8<ai9ns of 12-/ and 12.$1 and :e =as one of t:e 8ost successful1 re<ortedl3 eEceedin9
:is @uota b3 t:e lar9est 8ar9in a8on9 all :is fello= re9ional c:air8en? Liedt;e sa3s t:at :e
acce<ted t:is <ost as a <ersonal fa>or to Geor9e !us:? In 12.$1 !ill Liedt;e raised
I.551555 in anon38ous contributions1 includin9 =:at a<<ears to :a>e been a sin9le
contribution of I1551555 t:at =as laundered t:rou9: a ban; account in MeEico? Accordin9
to Harr3 Hurt1 <art of t:is 8one3 ca8e fro8 !us:7s boso8 cron3 Robert Mosbac:er1 no=
Secretar3 of Co88erce? Accordin9 to one account1 Ft=o da3s before a ne= la= =as
sc:eduled to be9in 8a;in9 anon38ous donations ille9al1 t:e I.551555 in cas:1 c:ec;s1 and
securities =as loaded into a briefcase at %ennAoil :ead@uarters and <ic;ed u< b3 a co8<an3
>ice <resident1 =:o boarded a *as:in9ton- bound %ennAoil Bet and deli>ered t:e funds to
t:e Co88ittee to Re- elect t:e %resident at ten o7cloc; t:at ni9:t?F Gfn 1)H
T:ese MeEican c:ec;s =ere turned o>er first to Maurice Stans of t:e CREE%1 =:o
transferred t:e8 in turn to *ater9ate bur9lar Gordon Lidd3? Lidd3 <assed t:e8 on to
!ernard !ar;er1 one of t:e Mia8i station Cubans arrested on t:e ni9:t of t:e final
*ater9ate brea;- in? !ar;er =as actuall3 carr3in9 so8e of t:e cas: left o>er fro8 t:ese
c:ec;s =:en :e =as a<<re:ended? *:en !ar;er =as arrested1 :is ban; records =ere
sub<oenaed b3 t:e ,ade Count31 lorida district attorne31 Ric:ard E? Gerstein1 and =ere
obtained b3 Gerstein7s c:ief in>esti9ator1 Martin ,ardis? As ,ardis told Carl !ernstein of
t:e *as:in9ton %ost1 about I1551555 in four cas:ier7s c:ec;s :ad been issued in MeEico
Cit3 b3 Manuel O9arrio ,a9uerre1 a <ro8inent la=3er =:o :andled Stans7 8one3-
launderin9 o<eration t:ere? Gfn 1+H Liedt;e e>entuall3 a<<eared before t:ree 9rand Buries
in>esti9atin9 t:e different as<ects of t:e *ater9ate affair1 but neit:er :e nor %ennAoil =as
e>er brou9:t to trial for t:e CREE% contributions? !ut it is a 8atter of 8ore t:an <assin9
interest t:at t:e 8one3 for t:e %lu8bers ca8e fro8 one of !us:7s inti8ates and at t:e
re@uest of !us:1 a 8e8ber of t:e NiEon Cabinet fro8 ebruar31 12.1 on? Ho= 8uc: did
!us: :i8self ;no= about t:e acti>ities of t:e %lu8bers1 and =:en did :e ;no= itD
T:e U?S? House of Re<resentati>es !an;in9 and Currenc3 Co88ittee1 c:aired b3 TeEas
,e8ocrat *ri9:t %at8an1 soon be9an a >i9orous in>esti9ation of t:e 8one3 financin9 t:e
brea;-in1 lar9e a8ounts of =:ic: =ere found as cas: in t:e <oc;ets of t:e bur9lars?
C:air8an %at8an o<ened t:e follo=in9 eE<losi>e leads" %at8an confir8ed t:at t:e lar9est
a8ount of t:e funds 9oin9 into Mia8i ban; account of *ater9ate bur9lar !ernard !ar;er1 a
CIA o<erati>e since t:e !a3 of %i9s in>asion1 =as t:e I1551555 sent in b3 TeEas CREE%
c:air8an *illia8 Liedt;e1 lon9ti8e business <artner of Geor9e !us:? T:e 8one3 =as sent
fro8 Houston do=n to MeEico1 =:ere it =as FlaunderedF to eli8inate its accountin9 trail? It
t:en ca8e bac; to !ar;er7s account as four c:ec;s totallin9 I/21555 and I111555 in cas:? A
s8aller a8ount1an anon38ous I$+1555 contribution1 =as sent in b3 Minnesota CREE%
officer #ennet: ,a:lber9 in t:e for8 of a cas:ier7s c:ec;?
%at8an relentlessl3 <ursued t:e true sources of t:is 8one31 as t:e best route to t:e trut:
about =:o ran t:e brea;-in1 and for =:at <ur<ose? CREE% national c:air8an Maurice Stans
later described t:e situation Bust after t:e bur9lars =ere arrested1 8ade dan9erous b3
F???Con9ress8an *ri9:t %at8an and se>eral of :is <olitical :atc:et 8en =or;in9 on t:e
staff of t:e House !an;in9 and Currenc3 Co88ittee? *it:out s<ecific aut:oriAation b3 :is
co88ittee1 %at8an announced t:at :e =as 9oin9 to in>esti9ate t:e *ater9ate 8atter1 usin9
as :is entr3 t:e ban;in9 transactions of t:e ,a:lber9 and MeEican c:ec;s? In t:e 9uise of
co>erin9 t:at 9round1 :e ob>iousl3 intended to roa8 =idel31 and :e al8ost did1 but :is o=n
co88ittee1 des<ite its ,e8ocratic 8aBorit31 e>entuall3 sto<<ed :i8?F Gfn 1-H
T:ese are t:e facts t:at %at8an :ad establis:ed--before F:is o=n co88ittee???sto<<ed :i8?F
T:e anon38ous Minnesota I$+1555 :ad in fact been <ro>ided to ,a:lber9 b3 ,=a3ne
Andreas1 c:ief eEecuti>e of t:e Arc:er-,aniels- Midland 9rain tradin9 co8<an3?
T:e TeEas I15515551 sent b3 Liedt;e1 in fact ca8e fro8 Robert H? Allen1 a 83sterious
nuclear =ea<ons 8aterials eEecuti>e? Allen =as c:air8an of Gulf Resources and C:e8ical
Cor<oration in Houston? His co8<an3 controlled :alf t:e =orld7s su<<l3 of lit:iu81 an
essential co8<onent of :3dro9en bo8bs?
On A<ril '1 12.$ 0.+ da3s before t:e *ater9ate arrests41 I1551555 =as transferred b3
tele<:one fro8 a ban; account of Gulf Resources and C:e8ical Cor<? into a MeEico Cit3
account of an officiall3 defunct subsidiar3 of Gulf Resources? Gulf Resources7 MeEican
la=3er Manuel O9arrio ,a9uerre =it:dre= it and sent bac; to Houston t:e <ac;a9e of four
c:ec;s and cas:1 =:ic: Liedt;e for=arded for t:e CIA bur9lars? Gfn 1.H
Robert H? Allen =as TeEas CREE%7s c:ief financial officer1 =:ile !us: <artner *illia8
Liedt;e =as o>erall c:air8an? !ut =:at did Allen re<resentD In ;ee<in9 =it: its strate9ic
nuclear :oldin9s1 Allen7s Gulf Resources =as a ;ind of co88ittee of t:e 8ain co8<onents
of t:e London-Ne= (or; oli9arc:3? or8ed in t:e late 12-57s1 Gulf Resources :ad ta;en
o>er t:e Ne= (or;-based Lit:iu8 Cor<oration of A8erica? T:e <resident of t:is subsidiar3
=as Gulf Resources eEecuti>e >ice <resident Harr3 ,? eltenstein1 &r? &o:n Ro9er Men;e1 a
director of bot: Gulf Resources and Lit:iu8 Cor<?1 =as also a consultant and director of
t:e United Nuclear Cor<oration1 and a diretor of t:e Hebre= Tec:nical Institute? T:e et:nic
bac;9round of t:e Lit:iu8 subsidiar3 is of interest due to Israel7s ;no=n <reoccu<ation
=it: de>elo<in9 a nuclear =ea<ons arsenal? Anot:er Gulf Resources and Lit:iu8 Cor<?
director =as Minnesotan Sa8uel H? Ro9ers1 =:o =as also a director of ,=a3ne Andreas7s
Arc:er-,aniels-Midland Cor<? Andreas =as a lar9e financial bac;er of t:e FJionist Lobb3F
t:rou9: t:e Anti-,efa8ation Lea9ue of !7Nai !7Rit:?
Gulf Resources c:air8an Robert H? Allen recei>ed t:e FTorc: of Libert3F a=ard of t:e
Anti-,efa8ation Lea9ue in 12/$? Allen =as a =:ite An9lo-SaEon conser>ati>e? No
credible reason for t:is a=ard =as su<<lied to t:e <ress1 and t:e A,L stated t:eir
satisfaction t:at Mr? Allen7s financin9 of t:e *ater9ate brea;-in =as si8<l3 a 8ista;e1 no=
in t:e distant <ast?
ro8 t:e be9innin9 of Gulf Resources1 t:ere =as al=a3s a re<resentati>e on its board of
Ne= (or;7s !ear Stearns fir81 =:ose <artner &ero8e #o:lber91 &r?1 <ioneered le>era9ed
bu3outs and 8er9ed =it: !us:7s Henr3 #ra>is? T:e 8ost <resti9ious board 8e8ber of
Allen7s Gulf Resources =as Geor9e A? !utler1 ot:er=ise t:e c:air8an of Houston7s %ost
Oa; !an;? !utler re<resented t:e ultra-secreti>e *? S? 0FAusc:=itAF4 aris: III1 confidant
of Geor9e !us: and U?S? :ost of Lueen EliAabet:? aris: =as t:e founder and controllin9
o=ner of !utler7s %ost Oa; !an;1 and =as c:air8an of t:e ban;7s eEecuti>e co88ittee as
of 12//? Gfn 1/H
A decade after *ater9ate1 it =as re>ealed t:at t:e Hunt fa8il3 :ad controlled about 1+ <er
cent of Gulf Resources s:ares? T:is TeEas oil fa8il3 :ired Geor9e !us: in 12.. to be t:e
eEecuti>e co88ittee c:air8an of t:eir fa8il3 enter<rise1 t:e irst International !an; in
Houston? In t:e 12/5s1 Ra3 Hunt secured a 8assi>e oil contract =it: t:e ruler of Nort:
(e8en under t:e s<onsors:i< of t:en-6ice %resident !us:? Ra3 Hunt continues in t:e 1221-
2$ <residential ca8<ai9n as Geor9e !us:7s bi99est TeEas financial an9el?
Here1 in t:is one <o=erful Houston cor<oration1 =e see earl3 indications of t:e alliance of
Geor9e !us: =it: t:e FJionist lobb3F--an alliance =:ic: for <olitical reasons t:e !us:
ca8< =is:es to ;ee< co>ert? T:ese1 t:en1 are t:e An9lo-A8erican 8o9uls =:ose 8one3
<aid for t:e bur9lar3 of t:e *ater9ate Hotel? It =as t:eir 8one3 t:at Ric:ard NiEon =as
tal;in9 about on t:e fa8ous Fs8o;in9 9unF ta<e =:ic: lost :i8 t:e %residenc3? 0In 12/'1
!ritis: in>estor Alan Clore 8o>ed in for a :ostile ta;eo>er of Gulf Resources and C:e8ical
Cor<? Senator &o:n To=er1 Re<ublican fro8 TeEas1 ar9ued t:at t:e 9o>ern8ent s:ould sto<
t:e ta;eo>er on 9rounds of Fnational securit3F1 since t:e co8<an3 controlled t:e 8aterials
for t:e =orld7s nuclear =ea<ons? Certainl31 t:e 8ana9e8ent of suc: an enter<rise is closel3
su<er>ised b3 t:e U?S? intelli9ence co88unit3? It is t:en ob>ious =:3 a Con9ressional
<robe t:at led t:rou9: Liedt;e and !us: to t:e secret ser>ices :ad to be sabota9ed?4 On
Oct? '1 12.$1 t:e House !an;in9 and Currenc3 Co88ittee >oted $5-1+ a9ainst continuin9
c:air8an *ri9:t %at8an7s in>esti9ation? T:e >ote <re>ented t:e issuance of $' sub<oenas
for CREE% officials to co8e testif3 to Con9ress? T:e 8ar9in of <rotection to t:e 8o9uls
=as <ro>ided b3 siE ,e8ocratic 8e8bers of t:e Co88ittee =:o >oted =it: t:e
Re<ublicans a9ainst c:air8an %at8an? As CREE% c:air8an Maurice Stans <ut it1 FT:ere
=ere???indirect a<<roac:es to ,e8ocratic Gco88itteeH 8e8bers? An all-out ca8<ai9n =as
conducted to see t:at t:e in>esti9ation =as ;illed off1 as it successfull3 =as?F Certain
ele8ents of t:is infa8ous Fca8<ai9nF are ;no=n? !an;in9 Co88ittee 8e8ber ran;
!rasco1 a lieral ,e8ocratic Con9ress8an fro8 Ne= (or;1 >oted to sto< t:e <robe? Ne=
(or; Go>ernor Nelson Roc;efeller :ad arran9ed a 8eetin9 bet=een !rasco and U?S?
Attorne3 General &o:n Mitc:ell? !rasco =as a tar9et of a &ustice ,e<art8ent in>esti9ation
for alle9ed fraud and briber3 since 12.51 and Mitc:ell successfull3 =arned !rasco not to
bac; %at8an? Later1 in 12.)1 !rasco =as con>icted of briber3?
!efore *ater9ate1 bot: &o:n Mitc:ell and Henr3 #issin9er :ad !I re<orts i8<licatin9
California Con9ress8an Ric:ard Hanna in t:e recei<t of ille9al ca8<ai9n contributions
fro8 t:e #orean Central Intelli9ence A9enc3? Hanna sur<rised %at8an b3 >otin9 a9ainst
t:e in>esti9ation? Hanna =as later 012./4 con>icted for :is role in t:e #orea9ate scandal in
12./? T:e secretar3 of Con9ress8an *illia8 C:a<<ell co8<lained in 12-2 t:at t:e lorida
,e8ocrat :ad forced :er to ;ic; bac; so8e of :er salar3? T:e &ustice ,e<art8ent1 :oldin9
t:is infor8ation1 :ad declined to <rosecute? C:a<<ell1 a 8e8ber of t:e !an;in9 Co88ittee1
>oted to sto< %at8an7s in>esti9ation? #entuc;3 ,e8ocratic Con9ress8an *illia8 Curlin1
&r?1 re>ealed in 12.' t:at Fcertain 8e8bers of t:e co88ittee =ere re8inded of >arious <ast
<olitical indiscretions1 or of relati>es =:o 8i9:t suffer as a result of GaH <ro-sub<oena >ote?F
T:e &ustice ,e<art8ent =or;ed o>erti8e to s8ear %at8an1 includin9 an atte8<t to lin; :i8
to FCo88unist a9entsF in Greece? Gfn 12H
T:e da3 before t:e Co88ittee >ote1 t:e &ustice ,e<art8ent released a letter to %at8an
clai8in9 t:at an3 Con9ressional in>esti9ation =ould co8<ro8ise t:e ri9:ts of t:e accused
*ater9ate bur9lars before t:eir trial?
House Re<ublican leader Gerald ord led t:e attac; on %at8an fro8 =it:in t:e Con9ress?
T:ou9: :e later stated :is re9rets for t:is >icious ca8<ai9n1 :is e>entual re=ard =as t:e
U?S? %residenc3?
Cancellin9 t:e %at8an <robe 8eant t:at t:ere =ould be no in>esti9ation of *ater9ate
before t:e 12.$ %residential election? T:e *as:in9ton %ost >irtuall3 ended reference to t:e
*ater9ate affair1 and s<o;e of NiEon7s o<<onent1 Geor9e McGo>ern1 as un@ualified for t:e
%residenc3? T:e Re<ublican %art3 =as :anded anot:er four 3ear Ad8inistration? !us:1
#issin9er1 Roc;efeller and ord =ere t:e 9ainers? !ut t:en Ric:ard NiEon beca8e t:e
focus of all Establis:8ent attac;s for *ater9ate1 =:ile t:e 8one3 trail t:at %at8an :ad
<ursued =as for9otten? *ri9:t %at8an =as forced out of :is Co88ittee c:air8ans:i< in
12.)? On t:e da3 NiEon resi9ned t:e %residenc31 %at8an =rote to %eter Rodino1 c:air8an
of t:e House &udiciar3 Co88ittee1 as;in9 :i8 not to sto< in>esti9atin9 *ater9ate? T:ou9:
%at8an died in 12.-1 :is ad>ice still :olds 9ood? SSS
As t:e late !I ,irector &? Ed9ar Hoo>er told t:e Bournalist Andre= Tull3 in t:e da3s
before &une1 12.$1 F!3 God1 :e7s GNiEon7sH 9ot so8e for8er CIA 8en =or;in9 for :i8 t:at
I7d ;ic; out of 83 office? So8eda31 t:at bunc: =ill ser>e :i8 u< a fine 8ess?F Gfn $5H T:e
CIA 8en in @uestion =ere a8on9 t:e %lu8bers1 a unit alle9edl3 created in t:e first <lace to
stanc: t:e flo= of lea;s1 includin9 t:e &ac; Anderson 8aterial about suc: e<isodes as t:e
,ece8ber1 12.1 brus: =it: nuclear =ar discussed abo>e? Leadin9 %lu8bers included
retired :i9: officials of t:e CIA? %lu8ber and *ater9ate bur9lar E? Ho=ard Hunt :ad been
a GS-1+ CIA staff officerC :e :ad <la3ed a role in t:e 12+) to<<lin9 of Guate8alan
%resident &acobo ArbenA GuA8an1 and later :ad been one of t:e <lanners in t:e !a3 of %i9s
in>asion of 12-1? After t:e failure of t:e !a3 of %i9s1 Hunt is t:ou9:t to :a>e been a <art of
t:e continuin9 CIA atte8<ts to assassinate Castro1 code- na8ed O<eration Mon9oose1
on9oin9 at t:e ti8e of t:e #enned3 assassination? All of t:is <uts :i8 in t:e t:ic; of t:e
CIA Mia8i station? One of Hunt7s close <ersonal friends =as Ho=ard Osborne1 an official
of t:e CIA Office of Securit3 =:o =as t:e i88ediate su<erior of &a8es McCord? In t:e
s<rin9 of 12.1 Hunt =ent to Mia8i to recruit fro8 a8on9 t:e Cubans t:e contin9ent of
*ater9ate bur9lars1 includin9 !ernard !ar;er1 Eu9enio MartineA1 and t:e rest? T:is =as t=o
8ont:s before t:e <ublication of t:e %enta9on %a<ers1 lea;ed b3 ,aniel Ellsber91 <ro>ided
#issin9er =it: t:e <reteEt :e needed to 9et NiEon to initiate =:at =ould s:ortl3 beco8e t:e
Anot:er leadin9 *ater9ate bur9lar =as &a8es McCord1 a for8er to< official of t:e CIA
Office of Securit31 t:e a9enc3 bureau =:ic: is su<<osed to 8aintain contacts =it: US
<olice a9encies in order to facilitate its basic tas; of <ro>idin9 securit3 for CIA installations
and <ersonnel? T:e Office of Securit3 =as t:us :ea>il3 i8<licated in t:e CIA7s ille9al
do8estic o<erations1 includin9 cointel<ro o<erations a9ainst <olitical dissidents and 9rou<s1
and =as t:e >e:icle for suc: 8ind-control eE<eri8ents as O<erations !luebird1 Artic:o;e1
and M#-Ultra? T:e Office of Securit3 also utiliAed 8ale and fe8ale <rostitutes and ot:er
seE o<erati>es for <ur<oses of co8<ro8isin9 and blac;8ailin9 <ublic fi9ures1 infor8ation
9at:erin91 and control? Accordin9 to Hou9an1 t:e Office of Securit3 8aintained a Ffa9 fileF
of so8e '551555 US citiAens1 =it: :ea>3 stress on :o8oseEuals? T:e Office of Securit3
also :ad res<onsibilit3 for So>iet and ot:er defectors? &a8es McCord =as at one ti8e
res<onsible for t:e <:3sical securit3 of all CIA <re8ises in t:e US? McCord =as also a
close friend of CIA Counterintelli9ence ,irector &a8es &esus An9leton? McCord =as
anEious to co>er t:e CIA7s roleC at one <oint :e =rote to :is su<erior1 General Ga3nor1
ur9in9 :i8 to Fflood t:e ne=s<a<ers =it: lea;s or anon38ous lettersF to discredit t:ose
=:o =anted to establis: t:e res<onsibilit3 of Ft:e co8<an3?F Gfn $1H !ut accordin9 to one
of McCord7s o=n <olice contacts1 Gare3 !ittenbender of t:e *as:in9ton ,C <olice
Intelli9ence ,i>ision1 =:o reco9niAed :i8 after :is arrest1 McCord :ad a>erred to :i8 t:at
t:e *ater9ate brea;-ins :ad been Fa CIA o<eration1F an account =:ic: McCord :eatedl3
denied later? Gfn $$H
T:e t:ird leader of t:e *ater9ate bur9lars1 G? Gordon Lidd31 :ad =or;ed for t:e !I and
t:e Treasur3? Lidd37s autobio9ra<:31 *ill1 <ublis:ed in 12/51 and >arious state8ents s:o=
t:at Lidd37s =orld outloo; :ad a nu8ber of si8ilarities =it: t:at of Geor9e !us:" :e =as1
for eEa8<le1 obsessed =it: t:e 8aintenance and trans8ission of :is Ffa8il3 9ene <ool?F
Anot:er ;e3 8e8ber of t:e %lu8bers unit =as &o:n %aisle31 =:o functioned as t:e official
CIA liason to t:e *:ite House in>esti9ati>e unit? It =as %aisle3 =:o assu8ed
res<onsibilit3 for t:e o>erall Flea; anal3sis1F t:at is to sa31 for definin9 t:e <roble8 of
unaut:oriAed di>ul9in9 of classified 8ateral =:ic: t:e %lu8bers =ere su<<osed to co8bat?
%aisle31 alon9 =it: Ho=ard Osborne of t:e Office of Securit31 8et =it: t:e %lu8bers1 led
b3 #issin9er o<erati>e ,a>id (oun91 at CIA Head@uarters in Lan9le31 6ir9inia on Au9ust
21 12.1? %aisle37s i8<ortant <lace on t:e %lu8bers7 roster is 8ost re>ealin91 since %aisle3
=as later to beco8e an i8<ortant a<<ointee of CIA ,irector Geor9e !us:? In t:e 8iddle of
12.-1 !us: decided to aut:oriAe a 9rou< of eE<erts1 ostensibl3 fro8 outside of t:e CIA1 to
<roduce an anal3sis =:ic: =ould be co8<ared =it: t:e CIA7s o=n National Intelli9ence
Esti8ates on So>iet ca<abilities and intentions? T:e <anel of outside eE<erts =as 9i>en t:e
desi9nation of FTea8 !?F !us: c:ose %aisle3 to be t:e CIA7s FcoordinatorF of t:e t:ree
subdi>isions of Tea8 !? %aisle3 =ould later disa<<ear =:ile sailin9 on C:esa<ea;e !a3 in
Se<te8ber of 12./?
In a *:ite House 8e8orandu8 b3 ,a>id (oun9 su88ariAin9 t:e Au9ust 21 12.1 8eetin9
bet=een t:e %lu8bers and t:e official CIA leaders1 =e find t:at (oun9 F8et =it: Ho=ard
Osborn and a Mr? %aisle3 to re>ie= =:at it =as t:at =e =anted CIA to do in connection
=it: t:eir files on lea;s fro8 &anuar31 12-2 to t:e <resent?F T:ere t:en follo=s a fourteen-
<oint list of lea;s and t:eir classification1 includin9 t:e fre@uenc3 of lea;s associated =it:
certain Bour8alists1 t:e 9ra>it3 of t:e lea;s1 t:e fre@uenc3 of t:e lea;s1 and so fort:? A data
base =as called for1 and Fit =as decided t:at Mr? %aisle3 =ould 9et t:is done b3 neEt
Monda31 Au9ust 1-1 12.1?F On areas =:ere 8ore clarification =as needed1 t:e 8e8o
noted1 Ft:e abo>e @uestions s:ould be re>ie=ed =it: %aisle3 =it:in t:e neEt t=o da3s?F Gfn
T:e lesser *ater9ate bur9lars ca8e fro8 t:e ran;s of t:e CIA Mia8i Station Cubans"
!ernard !ar;er1 Eu9enio MartineA1 eli<e de ,ie9o1 ran; Sur9is1 6ir9ilio GonAaleA1 and
Reinaldo %ico? Once t:e3 :ad started =or;in9 for Hunt1 MartineA as;ed t:e Mia8i Station
C:ief1 &a;e Esterline1 if :e =as fa8iliar =it: t:e acti>ities no= bein9 carried out under
*:ite House co>er? Esterline in turn as;ed Lan9le3 for its o<inion of Hunt7s *:ite House
<osition? A re<l3 =as =ritten b3 Cord Me3er1 later o<enl3 <rofiled as a !us: ad8irer1 to
,e<ut3 ,irector for %lans 0t:at is to sa31 co>ert o<erations4 T:o8as #ara8essines? T:e
i8<ort of Me3er7s directions to Esterline =as t:at t:e latter s:ould Fnot ???concern :i8self
=it: t:e tra>els of Hunt in Mia8i1 t:at Hunt =as on do8estic *:ite House business of an
un;no=n nature and t:at t:e C:ief of Station s:ould 7cool it?7F Gfn $)H
,urin9 t:e s<rin9 of 12.'1 Geor9e !us: =as no lon9er si8<l3 a lon9-standin9 8e8ber of
t:e NiEon Cabinet? He =as also1 de facto1 a *:ite House official1 o<eratin9 out of t:e sa8e
Old EEecuti>e Office !uildin9 0or old State-*ar-Na>34 =:ic: is adBacent to t:e EEecuti>e
Mansion and for8s <art of t:e sa8e securit3 co8<ound? As =e read1 for eEa8<le1 in t:e
&ac; Anderson F*as:in9ton Merr3-Go- RoundF colu8n for Marc: 151 12.'1 in t:e
*as:in9ton %ost" F*as:in9ton *:irl- !us:7s Office--Re<ublican National C:air8an
Geor9e !us:1 as befittin9 t:e :ead of a <art3 =:ose coffers are o>erflo=in91 :as been
<ro>ided =it: a <lus: office in t:e ne= Eisen:o=er !uildin9 :ere? He s<ends 8uc: of :is
ti8e1 :o=e>er1 in a 9o>ern8ent office neEt to t:e *:ite House? *:en =e as;ed :o= a
<art3 official rated a 9o>ern8ent office1 a GO% s<o;es8an eE<lained t:at t:e office =asn7t
assi9ned to :i8 but =as 8erel3 a >isitor7s office? T:e s<o;es8an ad8itted1 :o=e>er1 t:at
!us: s<ends a lot of ti8e t:ere?F T:is 8eans t:at !us:7s <rinci<al office =as in t:e buildin9
=:ere NiEon 8ost li;ed to =or;C NiEon :ad =:at =as called :is F:idea=a3F office in t:e
OEO!? Ho= often did Geor9e dro< in on ,ic;1 or ,ic; on Geor9e1 or :o= often did t:e3
Bust 8eet in t:e :allD
As to t:e state of Geor9e7s relations =it: NiEon at t:is ti8e1 =e :a>e t:e testi8on3 of a
F(an;ee Re<ublicanF =:o :ad ;no=n and li;ed fat:er %rescott1 as cited b3 Bournalist Al
Reinert" FI can7t t:in; of a 8an I7>e e>er ;no=n for =:o8 I :a>e 9reater res<ect t:an %res
!us:???I7>e al=a3s been ;ind of sorr3 :is son turned out to be suc: a Ber;? Geor9e :as been
;issin9 NiEon7s ass e>er since :e ca8e u< :ere?F Gfn $+H Reinert co88ents t:at F=:en
NiEon beca8e <resident1 !us: beca8e a teac:er7s <et1F Fa <residential fa>orite1 described
in t:e <ress as one of 7NiEon7s 8en?7F
On t:e surface Geor9e =as an in9ratiatin9 s3co<:ant? !ut :e disse8bled? T:e NiEon *:ite
House =ould see8 to :a>e included at least one :i9:l3 <laced official =:o betra3ed :is
<resident to !ob *ood=ard of t:e *as:in9ton %ost1 8a;in9 it <ossible for t:at ne=s<a<er
to re<eatedl3 outflan; NiEon7s atte8<ts at stone=allin9? T:is =as t:e celebrated1 and still
anon38ous source *ood=ard called F,ee< T:roat?F
Al Hai9 :as often been accused of :a>in9 been t:e fi9ure of t:e NiEon *:ite House =:o
<ro>ided *ood=ard and !ernstein =it: t:eir leads? If t:ere is an3 consensus about t:e true
identit3 of ,ee< T:roat1 it =ould a<<ear to be t:at Al Hai9 is t:e <ri8e sus<ect? Ho=e>er1
t:ere is no conclusi>e e>idence about t:e true identit3 of t:e <erson or <ersons called ,ee<
T:roat1 assu8in9 t:at suc: a <:eno8enon e>er eEisted? As soon as Hai9 is na8ed1 =e 8ust
beco8e sus<icious" t:e <ro<a9anda of t:e !us: net=or;s :as ne>er been ;ind to Hai9?
Hai9 and !us:1 as leadin9 clones of Henr3 #issin9er1 =ere loc;ed on a nu8ber of
occasions into a ;ind of siblin9 ri>alr31 a ri>alr3 =:ic: beca8e es<eciall3 acute durin9 t:e
first 8ont:s of t:e Rea9an Ad8inistration?
One of t:e 8aBor sub-<lots of *ater9ate1 and one t:at =ill e>entuall3 lead us bac; to t:e
docu8ented <ublic record of Geor9e !us:1 is t:e relation of t:e >arious acti>ities of t:e
%lu8bers to t:e =ireta<<in9 of a 9rou< of <rostitutes =:io o<erated out of a brot:el in t:e
Colu8bia %laAa A<art8ents1 located in t:e i88ediate >icinit3 of t:e *ater9ate buildin9s?
Gfn $-H A8on9 t:e custo8ers of t:e <rostitutes t:ere a<<ear to :a>e been a US Senator1 an
astronaut1 A Saudi <rince 0t:e E8bass3 of Saudi Arabia is nearb341 US and Sout: #orean
intelli9ence officials1 and abo>e all nu8erous ,e8ocratic %art3 leaders =:ose <resence can
be <artiall3 eE<lained b3 t:e <ro<in@uit3 of t:e ,e8ocratic National Co88itte offices in
t:e *ater9ate? T:e Colu8bia %laAa A<art8ents brot:el =as under intense CIA sur>eillance
b3 t:e Office of Securit3OSecurit3 Researc: Staff t:rou9: one of t:eir assets1 an a9in9
<ri>ate detecti>e out of t:e <a9es of ,a8on Run3on =:o =ent b3 t:e na8e of Louis &a8es
Russell? Russell =as1 accordin9 to Hou9an1 es<eciall3 interested in bu99in9 a :ot line
<:one t:at lin;ed t:e ,NC =it: t:e nearb3 brot:el? ,urin9 t:e *ater9ate brea;-ins1 &a8es
McCord7s recruit to t:e %lu8bers1 Alfred C? !ald=in1 =ould a<<ear to :a>e been bu99in9
t:e tele<:ones of t:e Colu8bia %laAa brot:el?
Lou Russell1 in t:e <eriod bet=een &une $5 and &ul3 $1 12.'1 =as =or;in9 for a detecti>e
a9enc3 t:at =as :el<in9 Geor9e !us: <re<are for an u<co8in9 <ress conference? In t:is
sense1 Russell =as =or;in9 for !us:?
Russell is rele>ant because :e see8s 0alt:ou9: :e denied it4 to :a>e been t:e fabled siEt:
8an of t:e *ater9ate brea;-in1 t:e bur9lar =:o 9ot a=a3? He 8a3 also :a>e been t:e bu9lar
=:o ti<<ed off t:e <olice1 if indeed an3one did? Russell =as a :arle@uin =:o :ad been t:e
ser>ant of 8an3 8asters? Lou Russell :ad once been t:e c:ief in>esti9ator for t:e House
Co88ittee on Un-A8erican Acti>ities? He :ad =or;ed for t:e !I? He :ad been a strin9er
for &ac; Anderson1 t:e colu8nist? In ,ece8ber1 12.1 :e :ad been an e8<lo3ee of General
Securit3 Ser>ices1 t:e co8<an3 t:at <ro>ided t:e 9uards =:o <rotected t:e *ater9ate
buildin9s? In Marc: of 12.$ Russell :ad 9one to =or; for &a8es McCord and McCord
Associates1 =:ose client =as t:e CREE%? Later1 after t:e scandal :ad bro;en1 Russell
=or;ed for McCord7s ne= and 8ore successful fir81 Securit3 Associates? Russell :ad also
=or;ed directl3 for t:e CREE% as a ni9:t =atc:8an? Russell :ad also =or;ed for &o:n
Leon of Allied In>esti9ators1 Inc?1 a co8<an3 t:at later =ent to =or; for Geor9e !us: and
t:e Re<ublican National Co88ittee? Still later1 Russell found a Bob =it: t:e :ead@uarters of
t:e McGo>ern for %resident ca8<ai9n? Russell7s la=3er =as !ud enster=ald1 and
so8eti8es Russell <erfor8ed in>esti9ati>e ser>ices for enster=ald and for enster=ald7s
Co88ittee to In>esti9ate Assassinations? In Se<te8ber1 12.$1 =ell after t:e scandal :ad
beco8e notorious1 Russell see8s to :a>e Boined =it: one Nic; !eltrante in carr3in9 out
electronic counter8easures s=ee<s of t:e ,NC :ead@uarters1 and durin9 one of t:ese :e
a<<ears to :a>e <lanted an electronic ea>esdro<<in9 de>ice in t:e <:one of ,NC =or;er
S<encer Oli>er =:ic:1 =:en it =as disco>ered1 re-focussed <ublic attention on t:e
*ater9ate scandal at t:e end of t:e su88er of 12.$?
Russell =as =ell ac@uainted =it: Car8ine !ellino1 t:e c:ief in>esti9ator on t:e staff of
Sa8 Er>in7s Senate Select Co88ittee on %residential Ca8<ai9n %ractices? !ellino =as a
#enned3 o<erati>e =:o :ad su<erintended t:e sea83 side of t:e &# *:ite House1
includin9 suc: fi9ures as &udit: EEner1 t:e <resident7s alle9ed <ara8our? Later1 !ellino
=ould beco8e t:e tar9et of Geor9e !us:7s 8ost re>ealin9 <ublic action durin9 t:e
*ater9ate <eriod? !ellino7s friend *illia8 !irel3 later <ro>ided Russell =it: an a<art8ent
in Sil>er S<rin91 Mar3land1 0t:us allo=in9 :i8 to lea>e :is roo8 in a roo8in9 :ouse on L
Street in t:e ,istrict41 a ne= car1 and su8s of 8one3?
Russell :ad been a :ea>3 drin;er1 and :is social circle =as t:at of t:e <rostitutes1 =:o8 :e
so8eti8es <atroniAed and so8eti8es ser>ed as a bouncer and 9oon? His fa8iliarit3 =it:
t:e brot:el 8ilieu faciliatated :is ser>ice for t:e Office of Securit31 =:ic: =as to o>ersee
t:e bu99in9 and ot:er sur>eillance of Colu8bia %laAa and ot:er locations?
Lou Russell =as incontestabl3 one of t:e 8ost fascinatin9 fi9ures of *ater9ate? Ho=
re8ar;able1 t:en1 t:at t:e indefati9able ferrets *ood=ard and !ernstein de>oted so little
attention to :i81 dee8in9 :i8 =ort:3 of 8ention in neit:er of t:eir t=o boo;s? *ood=ard
and 8et =it: Russell1 but :ad ostensibl3 decided t:at t:ere =as Fnot:in9 to t:e stor3?
*ood=ard clai8s to :a>e seen not:in9 in Russell be3ond t:e ob>ious Fold drun;?F Gfn $.H
T:e !I :ad @uestioned Russell after t:e ,NC brea;-ins1 <robin9 :is =:ereabouts on &une
1--1. =it: t:e sus<icion t:at :e :ad indeed been one of t:e bur9lars? !ut t:is @uestionin9
led to not:in9? Instead1 Russell =as contacted b3 Car8ine !ellino1 and later b3 !ellino7s
bro;er !irel31 =:o set Russell u< in t:e ne= a<art8ent 0or safe :ouse4 alread3 8entioned1
=:ere one of t:e Colu8bia %laAa <rostitutes 8o>ed in =it: :i8?
!3 12.'1 8inorit3 Re<ublican staffers at t:e Er>in co88ittee be9an to realiAe t:e
i8<ortance of Russell to a re>isionist account of t:e scandal t:at 8i9:t eEonerate NiEon to
so8e eEtent b3 s:iftin9 t:e burden of 9uilt else=:ere? On Ma3 21 12.'1 t:e Er>in co88itte
accordin9l3 sub<oenaed Russell7s tele<:one1 Bob1 and ban; records? T=o da3s later Russell
re<lied to t:e co88ittee t:at :e :ad no Bob records or diaries1 :ad no ban; account1 8ade
lon9-distance calls onl3 to :is dau9:ter1 and could do not:in9 for t:e co88ittee?
On Ma3 1--1.1 12.'1 ,ee< T:roat =arned *ood=ard t:at Fe>er3bod37s life is in dan9er?F
On Ma3 1/1 =:ile t:e staff of t:e Er>in co88ittee =ere <onderin9 t:eir neEt 8o>e >is-a>is
Russell1 Russell suffered a 8assi>e :eart attac;? T:is =as t:e sa8e da3 t:at McCord1
ad>ised b3 :is la=3er and Russell7s1 enster=ald1 be9an :is <ublic testi8on3 to t:e Er>in
co88ittee on t:e co>eru<? Russell =as ta;en to *as:in9ton Ad>entist Hos<ital1 =:ere :e
reco>ered to so8e de9ree and con>alesced until &une $5? Russell =as con>inced t:at :e :ad
been t:e >icti8 of an atte8<ted assassination? He told :is dau9:ter after lea>in9 t:e
:os<ital t:at :e belie>ed t:at :e :ad been <oisoned1 t:at so8eone :ad entered :is a<art8ent
0t:e !ellino-!irel3 safe :ouse in Sil>er S<rin94 and Fs=itc:ed <ills on 8e?F Gfn $/H
Lea>in9 t:e :os<ital on &une $51 Russell =as still >er3 =ea; and <ale? !ut no=1 alt:ou9: :e
re8ained on t:e <a3roll of &a8es McCord1 :e also acce<ted a retainer fro8 :is friend &o:n
Leon1 =:o :ad been en9a9ed b3 t:e Re<ublicans to carr3 out a counterin>esti9ation of t:e
*ater9ate affair? Leon =as in contact =it: &erris Leonard1 a la=3er associated =it: NiEon1
t:e GO%1 t:e Re<ublican National Co88ittee1 and =it: C:air8an Geor9e !us:? Leonard
=as a for8er assistant attorne3 9eneral for ci>il ri9:ts in t:e NiEon ad8inistration? Leonard
:ad ste<<ed do=n as :ead of t:e La= Enforce8ent Assistance Ad8inistration 0LEAA4 on
Marc: 1.1 12.'? In &une1 12.' Leonard =as s<ecial counsel to Geor9e !us: <ersonall31
:ired b3 !us: and not b3 t:e RNC? Leonard sa3s toda3 t:at :is Bob consisted in :el<in9 to
;ee< t:e Re<ublican %art3 se<arate fro8 *ater9ate1 deflectin9 *ater9ate fro8 t:e <art3 Fso
it =ould not be a <art3 t:in9?F Gfn $2H As Hou9an tells it1 FLeon =as con>inced t:at
*ater9ate =as a set-u<1 t:at <rostitution =as at t:e :eart of t:e affair1 and t:at t:e
*ater9ate arrests :ad ta;en <lace follo=in9 a ti<-off to t:e <oliceC in ot:er =ords1 t:e &une
1. bu9lar3 :ad been sabota9ed fro8 =it:in1 Leon belie>ed1 and :e intended to <ro>e it?F
Gfn '5H FInte9ral to Leon7s t:eor3 of t:e affair =as Russell7s relations:i< to t:e Er>in
co88ittee7s c:ief in>esti9ator1 Car8ine !ellino1 and t:e circu8stances surroundin9
Russell7s relocation to Sil>er S<rin9 in t:e i88ediate after8at: of t:e *ater9ate arrests? In
an in>esti9ati>e 8e8orandu8 sub8itted to GO% la=3er &erris Leonard1 Leon described
=:at :e :o<ed to <ro>e" t:at Russell1 re<ortin9 to !ellino1 :ad been a s<3 for t:e
,e8ocrats =it:in t:e CR%1 and t:at Russell :ad ti<<ed off !ellino 0and t:e <olice4 to t:e
&une 1. brea;-in? T:e 8an =:o ;ne= 8ost about t:is =as1 of course1 Leon7s ne=
e8<lo3ee1 Lou Russell?F
Is it <ossible t:at &erris Leonard co88unicated t:e contents of Leon7s 8e8orandu8 to t:e
RNC and to its C:air8an Geor9e !us: durin9 t:e da3s after :e recei>ed itD It is <ossible?
!ut for Russell1 t:e 9a8e =as o>er" on &ul3 $1 12.'1 barel3 t=o =ee;s after :is release
fro8 t:e :os<ital1 Russell suffered a second :eart attac;1 =:ic: ;illed :i8? He =as buried
=it: @uite sus<icious :aste t:e follo=in9 da3? T:e <otential =itness =it: <er:a<s t:e lar9est
nu8ber of <ersonal ties to *ater9ate <rota9onists1 and t:e =itness =:o 8i9:t :a>e re-
directed t:e scandal1 not Bust to=ards !ellino1 but to=ard t:e <ri8e 8o>ers be:ind and
abo>e McCord and Hunt and %aisle31 :ad <eris:ed in a =a3 t:at recalls t:e fate of so 8an3
;no=led9eable Iran-contra fi9ures?
*it: Russell silenced fore>er1 Leon a<<ears to :a>e turned :is attention to tar9ettin9
!ellino1 <er:a<s =it: a >ie= to forcin9 :i8 to sub8it to de<ositionin9 or ot:er @uestionin9
in =:ic: @uestions about :is relations:i< to Russell 8i9:t be as;ed? Leon1 =:o :ad been
con>icted in 12-) of =ireta<<in9 in a case in>ol>in9 El %aso Gas Co? and Tennesse Gas
Co?1 :ad =ea<ons in :is o=n <ossession t:at could be used a9ainst !ellino? ,urin9 t:e ti8e
t:at Russell =as still in t:e :os<ital1 on &une /1 Leon :ad si9ned an affida>it for &erris
Leonard in =:ic: :e stated t:at :e :ad been :ired b3 ,e8ocratic o<erati>e !ellino durin9
t:e 12-5 <residential ca8<ai9n to Finfiltrate t:e o<erationsF of Albert !? FAbF Her8ann1 a
staff 8e8ber of t:e Re<ublican National Co88ittee? Leon asserted in t:e affida>it t:at
alt:ou9: :e :ad not been able to infiltrate Her8ann7s office1 :e obser>ed t:e office =it:
field 9lasses and e8<lo3ed Fan electronic de>ice ;no=n as 7t:e bi9 ear7 ai8ed at Mr?
Her8ann7s =indo=?F Leon recounted t:at :e :ad been assisted b3 for8er CIA officer &o:n
ran;1 Oli>er *? An9elone and for8er Con9ressional in>esti9ator Ed &ones in t:e anti-
NiEon 12-5 o<erations?
Leon collected ot:er s=orn state8ents t:at all =ent in t:e sa8e direction1 <ortra3in9
!ellino as a ,e8ocratic dirt3 tric;s o<erati>e unleas:ed b3 t:e #enned3 faction a9ainst
NiEon? &ose<: S:i8on1 =:o :ad been an ins<ector for t:e *as:in9ton %olice ,e<art8ent
told of :o= :e :ad been a<<roac:ed b3 #ennd3 o<erati>e Oli>er *? An9elone1 =:o alle9ed
t:at :e =as =or;in9 for !ellino1 =it: a re@uest to :el< An9elone 9ain access to t:e t=o to<
floors of t:e *ard8an %ar; Hotel 0no= t:e S:eraton %ar;4 Bust before t:e3 =ere occu<ied
b3 NiEon on t:e e>en of t:e NiEon-#enned3 tele>ision debate? Ed=ard Murra3 &ones1 t:en
li>in9 in t:e %:ili<<ines1 said in :is affida>it t:at :e :ad been assi9ned b3 !ellino to tail
indi>iduals at *as:in9ton National Air<ort and in do=nto=n *as:in9ton? Gfn '1H
Accordin9 to Hou9an1 Ft:ese sensational alle9ations =ere <ro>ided b3 Leon to Re<ublican
attorne3s on &ul3 151 12.'1 eEactl3 a =ee; after Russell7s funeral? I88ediatel31 attorne3
&erris Leonard conferred =it: RNC C:air8an Geor9e !us:? It a<<eared to bot: 8en t:at a
=a3 :ad been found to <lace t:e *ater9ate affair in a ne= <ers<ecti>e1 and1 <er:a<s1 to turn
t:e tide? A state8ent =as <re<ared and a <ress conference sc:eduled at =:ic: Leon =as to
be t:e star =itness1 or s<ea;er? !efore t:e <ress conference could be :eld1 :o=e>er1 Leon
suffered a :eart attac; on &ul3 1'1 12.'1 and died t:e sa8e da3?F Gfn '$ H
T=o i8<ortant =itnesses1 eac: of =:o8 re<resented a t:reat to reo<en t:e 8ost basic
@uestions of *ater9ate1 dead in little 8ore t:an a =ee;K !us: is li;el3 to :a>e ;no=n of t:e
i8<ort of Russell7s testi8on31 and :e is <ro>en to :a>e ;no=n of t:e content of Leon7s?
&erris Leonard later told Hou9an t:at t:e deat: of &o:n Leon Fca8e as a co8<lete s:oc;? It
=as???=ell1 to be :onest =it: 3ou1 it =as fri9:tenin9? It =as onl3 a =ee; after Russell7s
deat:1 or so8et:in9 li;e t:at1 and it :a<<ened on t:e >er3 e>e of t:e <ress conference? *e
didn7t ;no= =:at =as 9oin9 on? *e =ere scared?F Gfn ''H Hou9an co88ents" F*it: t:e
<rinci<al =itness a9ainst !ellino no lon9er a>ailable1 and =it: Russell dead as =ell1
NiEon7s last :o<e of di>ertin9 attention fro8 *ater9ate--sli8 fro8 t:e be9innin9--=as laid
to rest fore>er?F
!ut Geor9e !us: =ent a:ead =it: t:e <ress conference t:at :ad been announced1 e>en if
&o:n Leon1 t:e <rinci<al s<ea;er1 =as no= dead? Accordin9 to NiEon1 !us: :ad been
F<ri>atel3 <leadin9 for so8e action t:at =ould 9et us off t:e defensi>eF since bac; in t:e
s<rin9ti8e? Gfn ')H On &ul3 $)1 12.'1 !us: 8ade <ublic t:e affida>its b3 Leon1 &ones1 and
S:i8on =:ic: c:ar9ed t:at t:e Er>in co88ittee c:ief in>esti9ator Car8ine !ellino :ad
recruited s<ies to :el< defeat NiEon bac; in 12-5? FI cannot and do not >ouc: for t:e
>eracit3 of t:e state8ents contained in t:e affida>its1F said !us:1 Fbut I do belie>e t:at t:is
8atter is serious enou9: to concern t:e Senate *ater9ate co88ittee1 and <articularl3 since
its c:ief in>esti9ator is t:e subBect of t:e c:ar9es contained in t:e affida>its? If t:ese
c:ar9es are true1 a taint =ould 8ost certainl3 be attac:ed to so8e of t:e co88ittee7s =or;?F
!us:7s state8ent to t:e <ress <rediscounted ,e8ocratic c:ar9es t:at :is re>elations =ere
<art of a NiEon Ad8inistration counter-offensi>e to deflect *ater9ate?
!us: s<ecified t:at on t:e basis of t:e S:i8on and Leon affida>its1 :e =as FconfidentF t:at
&ones and An9elone F:ad bu99ed t:e NiEon s<ace or ta<<ed :is <:ones <rior to t:e
tele>ision debate?F He conceded t:at Ft:ere =as corru<tionF in t:e ran;s of t:e GO%? F!ut
no= I :a>e <resented so8e serious alle9ations t:at if true could =ell :a>e affected t:e
outco8e of t:e 12-5 <residential race? T:e NiEon- #enned3 election =as a real cliff-
:an9er1 and t:e debates bore :ea>il3 on t:e outco8e of t:e <eo<le7s decision?F !us:
reBected an3 c:ar9e t:at :e =as releasin9 t:e affida>its in a bid to FBustif3 *ater9ate?F He
asserted t:at :e =as actin9 in t:e interest of Ffair <la3?F
!us: said t:at :e :ad ta;en t:e affida>its to Sen? Sa8 Er>in1 t:e c:air8an of t:e Senate
*ater9ate Co88ittee1 and to GO% Sen? Ho=ard !a;er1 t:at co88ittee7s ran;in9
Re<ublican1 but t:at t:e co88ittee :ad failed to act so far? FI :a>en7t seen 8uc: action on
it1F !us: added? *:en t:e accurac3 of t:e affida>its =as c:allen9ed1 !us: re<lied1 F*e7>e
:ear a lot 8ore :earsa3 bandied about t:e G*ater9ateH co88ittee t:an is <resented :ere? I7d
li;e to ;no= :o= serious it is? I7d li;e to see it loo;ed into1F said !us:?
He called on Sa8 Er>in and :is co88ittee to <robe all t:e c:ar9es fort:=it:? !us: =as
Fcon>inced t:at t:ere is in fact substance to t:e alle9ations?F
In 12211 t:e !us: da8a9e control line is t:at e>ents relatin9 to t:e 12/5 FOctober sur<riseF
deal of t:e Rea9an-!us: ca8<ai9n =it: t:e Iranian #:o8eini 8ulla:s of Iran to bloc; t:e
freein9 of t:e US :osta9es are so re8ote in t:e <ast t:at nobod3 is interested in t:e8 an3
8ore? !ut in 12.'1 !us: t:ou9:t t:at e>ents of 12-5 =ere :i9:l3 rele>ant to *ater9ate?
!ellino labelled !us:7s c:ar9es Fabsolutel3 false?F FI cate9oricall3 and une@ui>ocall3 den3
t:at I :a>e e>er ordered1 re@uested1 directed1 or <artici<ated in an3 electronic sur>eillance
=:atsoe>er in connection =it: an3 <olitical ca8<ai9n1F said !ellino? F!3 attac;in9 8e on
t:e basis of suc: false and 8alicious lies1 Mr? !us: :as atte8<ted to distract 8e fro8
carr3in9 out =:at I consider one of t:e 8ost i8<ortant assi9n8ents of 83 life? I s:all
continue to eEert all 83 efforts to ascertain t:e facts and t:e trut: <ertinent to t:is
Here !us: =as o<eratin9 on se>eral le>els of realit3 at once? T:e i8<lications of t:e
Russell-Leon interstices =ould be sus<ected onl3 in retros<ect? *:at a<<eared on t:e
surface =as a lo3al Re<ublican 8ountin9 a di>ersionar3 attac; in succor of :is e8battled
<resident? At dee<er le>els1 t:e realit3 8i9:t be t:e re>erse1 t:e stiffin9 of NiEon in order to
defend t:e forces be:ind t:e brea;-in and t:e scandal?
!ac; in A<ril1 as t:e Er>in co88ittee =as <re<arin9 to 9o into action a9ainst t:e *:ite
House1 !us: :ad <artici<ated in t:e ar9u8ent about =:et:er t:e co88ittee sessions s:ould
be tele>ised or not? !us: discussed t:is issue =it: Senators !a;er and !roc;1 bot:
Re<ublicans =:o =anted t:e :earin9s to be tele>ised- in !a;er7s case1 so t:at :e could be
on tele>ision :i8self as t:e ran;in9 Re<ublican on t:e <anel? E:rlic:8ann1 to =:o8 !us:
re<orted in t:e *:ite House1 8indful of t:e ob>ious <otential da8a9e to t:e ad8inistration1
=anted t:e :earin9s not tele>ised1 not e>en <ublic1 but in eEecuti>e session =it: a sanitiAed
transcri<t :anded out later? So !us:1 :a>in9 no fir8 con>ictions of :is o=n1 but al=a3s
loo;in9 for :is o=n ad>anta9e1 told E:rlic:8an :e s38<at:iAed =it: bot: sides of t:e
ar9u8ent1 and =as Fsittin9 :a<<il3 on t:e 8iddle of t:e fence =it: a <ic;et stic;in9 u< 83
3ou ;no= =:at? I7ll see 3ou?F Gfn '+H !ut NiEon7s da8a9e control interest :ad been
sacrificed b3 !us:7s >acillatin9 ad>ocac31 and t:e de>astatin9 testi8on3 of fi9ures li;e
,ean and McCord =ould :a>e its 8aEi8u8 i8<act?
!us: :ad tal;ed in <ublic about t:e Er>in co88ittee durin9 a >isit to Seattle on &une $2 in
res<onse to s<eculation t:at NiEon 8i9:t be called to testif3? !us: ar9ued t:at t:e
<residenc3 =ould be di8inis:ed if NiEon =ere to a<<ear? !us: =as ada8ant t:at NiEon
could not be sub<oenaed and t:at :e s:ould not testif3 >oluntaril3? S:ortl3 t:ereafter !us:
:ad de8anded t:at t:e Er>in co88ittee =ra< u< its <roceedin9s to Fend t:e s<eculationF
about NiEon7s role in t:e co>eru<? FLet7s 9et all t:e facts out1 let7s 9et t:e =:ole t:in9 o>er
=it:1 9et all t:e <eo<le u< t:ere before t:e *ater9ate co88ittee? I don7t belie>e &o:n
,ean7s testi8on3?F Gfn '-H Senator Sa8 Er>in <laced !us:7s inter>ention a9ainst Car8ine
!ellino in t:e conteEt of ot:er di>ersionar3 efforts launc:ed b3 t:e RNC? Er>in1 alon9 =it:
,e8ocratic Senators Tal8ad9e and Inou3e =ere tar9etted b3 a ca8<ai9n ins<ired b3
!us:7s RNC =:ic: alle9ed t:at t:e3 :ad tried to <re>ent a full <robe of L!& inti8ate
!obb3 !a;er bac; in 12-'? Later1 s<ea;in9 on t:e Senate floor on October 21 12.'1 Er>in
co88ented" One can but ad8ire t:e Aeal eE:ibited b3 t:e Re<ublican National Co88ittee
and its Bournalistic allies in t:eir des<erate effort to in>ent a red :errin9 to dra9 across t:e
trail =:ic: leads to t:e trut: concernin9 *ater9ate?F Gfn '.H
!ut Er>in sa= !us:7s !ellino 8aterial as a 8ore serious assault? F!us:7s c:ar9e distressed
8e >er3 8uc: for t=o reasons? irst1 I dee8ed it unBust to !ellino1 =:o denied it and =:o8
I :ad ;no=n for 8an3 3ears to be an :onorable 8an and a fait:ful <ublic ser>antC and1
second1 it =as out of c:aracter =it: t:e :i9: o<inion I entertained of !us:? Co<ies of t:e
affida>its :ad been <ri>atel3 sub8itted to 8e before t:e ne=s conference1 and I :ad
eE<ressed 83 o<inion t:at t:ere =as not a scintilla of co8<etent or credible e>idence in
t:e8 to sustain t:e c:ar9es a9ainst !ellino?F Gfn '/H
Sa8 ,as:1 t:e c:ief counsel to t:e Er>in co88ittee1 :ad a dar;er and 8ore detailed >ie=
of !us:7s actions? ,as: later recounted" FIn t:e 8idst of t:e <ressure to co8<lete a
s:ortened =itness list b3 t:e be9innin9 of Au9ust1 a nast3 incident occurred t:at =as clearl3
8eant to sidetrac; t:e co88ittee and destro3 or i88obiliAe one of 83 8ost >aluable staff
assistants--Car8ine !ellino1 83 c:ief in>esti9ator? On &ul3 $)1 12.'1 t:e da3 after t:e
co88ittee sub<oena for t:e *:ite House ta<es =as ser>ed on t:e %resident1 t:e Re<ublican
national c:air8an1 Geor9e !us:1 called a <ress conference????F FT:ree da3s later1 as if
carefull3 orc:estrated1 t=ent3-t=o Re<ublican senators si9ned a letter to Senator Er>in1
ur9in9 t:e Senate *ater9ate Co88ittee to in>esti9ate !us:7s c:ar9es and callin9 for
!ellino7s sus<ension <endin9 t:e outco8e of t:e in>esti9ation? Er>in =as forced into a
corner1 and on Au9ust ' :e a<<ointed a subco88ittee consistin9 of Senators Tal8ad9e1
Inou3e1 and Gurne3 to in>esti9ate t:e c:ar9es? T:e *:ite House ;ne= t:at Car8ine
!ellino1 a =iAard at reconstructin9 t:e recei<ts and eE<enditures of funds des<ite
launderin9 tec:ni@ues and t:e destruction of records1 =as :ot on t:e trail of Herbert
#al8bac: and !ebe ReboAo? !ellino7s dili9ent1 8eticulous =or; =ould ulti8atel3 disclose
#al8bac:7s fundin9 sc:e8e for t:e *:ite House7s dirt3 tric;s ca8a<ai9n and unra>el a
substantial se98ent of ReboAo7s secret cas: transactions on be:alf of NiEon?F Gfn '2H ,as:
=rites t:at !ellino =as de>astated b3 !us:7s attac;s1 Frendered e8otionall3 unable to =or;
because of t:e c:ar9es?F T:e 8ec:anis8 tar9etted b3 !ellino is of course rele>ant to !ill
Liedt;e7s fundin9 of t:e CREE% described abo>e? %er:a<s !us: =as in fact see;in9 to s:ut
do=n !ellino solel3 to defend onl3 :i8self and :is confederates?
Me8bers of ,as:7s staff soon realiAed t:at t:ere :ad been anot:er <artici<ant in t:e <rocess
of asse8blin9 t:e 8aterial t:at !us: :ad <resented? Accordin9 to ,as:1 Ft:e c:ar9es
beca8e e>en 8ur;ier =:en our staff disco>ered t:at t:e <erson =:o :ad <ut t:e8 to9et:er
=as a 8an na8ed &ac; !uc;le3? In t:eir dirt3 tric;s in>esti9ation of t:e 12.$ <residential
ca8<ai9n1 Terr3 LenAner and :is staff :ad identified !uc;le3 as t:e Re<ublican s<31 ;no=n
as at &ac;1 =:o :ad interce<ted and <:oto9ra<:ed Mus;ie7s 8ail bet=een :is ca8<ai9n
and Senate offices as <art of Rub3 I 0a <roBect code na8ed in Lidd37s Ge8stone <olitical
es<iona9e <lan4?F It =ould a<<ear t:at at &ac; !uc;le3 =as no= =or;in9 for Geor9e
!us:? Er>in t:en found t:at Senators Gurne3 and !a;er1 bot: Re<ublicans1 8i9:t be
=illin9 to listen to additional c:ar9es 8ade b3 !uc;le3 a9ainst !ellino? ,as: sa3s :e
Fs8elled t:e u9l3 odor of blac;8ail on t:e <art of so8ebod3 and I did not li;e it?F Later
Senators Tal8ad9e and Inou3e filed a re<ort co8<letel3 eEoneratin9 !ellino1 =:ile Gurne3
conceded t:at t:ere =as no direct e>idence a9ainst !ellino1 but t:at t:ere =as so8e
conflictin9 testi8on3 t:at ou9:t to be noted? ,as: su8s u< t:at in late No>e8ber1 12.'1
Ft:e 8atter ended =it: little fanfare and al8ost no ne=s<a<er co88ent? T:e re<utation of a
<ublic official =it: 8an3 3ears7 ser>ice as a dedicated and incorru<tible in>esti9ator :ad
been dee<l3 =ounded and tarnis:ed1 and !ellino =ould retire fro8 federal ser>ice
belie>in9-ri9:tl3-t:at :e :ad not been 9i>en t:e fullest o<<ortunit3 :e deser>ed to clear :is
9ood na8e?F
Anot:er !us: concern durin9 t:e su88er of 12.' =as :is desire to li@uidate t:e CREE%1
not out of 8oralistic 8oti>es1 but because of :is desire to seiAe t:e CREE%7s I) 8illon <lus
cas: sur<lus? ,urin9 t:e 8iddle of 12.'1 so8e of t:is 8one3 :ad alread3 been used to <a3
t:e le9al fees of *ater9ate cons<irators1 as in t:e case of Maurice Stans? Gfn )5H
,urin9 Au9ust1 !us: =ent into an offensi>e of sancti8onious 8oraliAin9? !us: a<<ears to
:a>e concluded t:at NiEon =as doo8ed1 and t:at it =as i8<erati>e to distance :i8self and
:is o<eration fro8 NiEon7s i8<endin9 do=nfall? On t:e N!C Toda3 S:o=1 !us: obBected
to &o:n ,? E:rlic:8an7s defense before t:e Er>in co88ittee of t:e ca8<ai9n <ractice of
<robin9 t:e seE and drin;in9 :abits of <olitical o<<onents? FCra=lin9 around in t:e 9utter
to find so8e =ea;ness of a 8an1 I don7t t:in; =e need t:at1F said !us:? FI t:in; o<<onent
researc: is >alid? I t:in; if an o<<onent is t:ou9:t to :a>e done so8et:in9 :orrendous or
t:ou9:t to be unfit to ser>e1 researc: is >alid? !ut t:e idea of Bust ;ind of di99in9 u< dirt
=it: t:e <ur<ose of blac;8ail or e8barrassin9 so8ebod3 so :e7d lose1 I don7t t:in; t:at is a
le9iti8ate <ur<oose1F <ostured !us:? !3 t:is ti8e E:rlic:8an1 =:o :ad :ired retired co<s
to di9 u< suc: dirt1 :ad been t:ro=n to t:e =ol>es? Gfn )1H
A cou<le of da3s later !us: deli>ered a s<eec: to t:e A8erican !ar Association on FT:e
Role and Res<onsibilit3 of t:e %olitical Candidate?F His t:e8e =as t:at restorin9 <ublic
trust in t:e <olitical s3ste8 =ould re@uire candidates =:o =ould set a :i9:er 8oral tone for
t:eir ca8<ai9ns? FA candidate is res<onsible for or9aniAin9 :is ca8<ai9n =ell--t:at is1
<ic;in9 <eo<le =:o8 :e trusts1 <ic;in9 t:e ri9:t <eo<le?F T:is =as an obli@ue but clear
attac; on NiEon1 =:o :ad clearl3 <ic;ed t:e =ron9 <eo<le in addition to =:ate>er else :e
did? !us: =as for stricter rules1 but e>en 8ore for Fold-fas:ioned conscienceF as t:e best
=a3 to ;ee< <olitics clean? He a9ain criticiAed t:e a<<roac: =:ic: set out to F9et dirtF on
<olitical ad>ersaries-- a9ain a s=i<e at NiEon7s notorious Fene8ies7 listF <ractices? !us:
said t:at t:ere =ere F9ra3 areas in deter8inin9 =:at =as in 9ood taste?F !us: :as ne>er
been noted for :is sense of self-iron31 and it a<<ears t:at :e =as not a=are of :is o=n
<unnin9 reference to L? %atric; Gra31 t:e actin9 !I ,irector =:o :ad Fdee<-siEedF
Ho=ard Hunt7s incri8inatin9 records and =:o :ad t:en been left b3 E:rlic:8an to F:an9
t:ereF and to Ft=ist slo=l31 slo=l3 in t:e =ind?F !us: actuall3 co88ented t:at
E:rlic:8an7s co88ents on Gra3 :ad been in @uestionable taste? At t:is conference1 !us:
rubbed s:oulders =it: Geor9ia Go>ernor &i883 Carter? Gfn )$H
T:e neEt da3 !us: =as at it a9ain1 announcin9 t:at :e =as re- o<enin9 an in>esti9ation into
alle9ed courses in <olitical sabota9e and dirt3 tric;s tau9:t b3 t:e GO% to colle9e
Re<ublicans in =ee;end se8inars durin9 12.1 and 12.$? !us: <led9ed to F9et to t:e
botto8F of c:ar9es t:at t:e Colle9e Re<ublican National Co88ittee1 =it: 1555 ca8<us
clubs and 1551555 8e8bers listed :ad <ro>ided instruction in dirt3 tric;s? FFI78 a little less
relaEed and 8ore concerned t:an =:en 3ou first brou9:t it to our attention1F !us: told
Bournalists? Gfn )'H
!us: :ad clearl3 distanced :i8self fro8 t:e fate of t:e NiEon *:ite House? !3 t:e ti8e
S<iro A9ne= resi9ned as >ice <resident on October 151 12.'1 !us: =as in a <osition to
<raise A9ne= for :is F9reat <ersonal coura9eF =:ile endorsin9 t:e resi9nation as Fin t:e
best interest of t:e countr3?F Gfn ))H
Later t:e sa8e 8ont: ca8e NiEon7s Saturda3 ni9:t 8assacre1 t:e firin9 of S<ecial
%rosecutor CoE and t:e resi9nation of Attorne3 General Elliot Ric:ardson and :is de<ut31
*illia8 Ruc;els:aus? To <lacate <ublic o<inion1 NiEon a9reed to obe3 a court order
co8<ellin9 :i8 to :and o>er :is *:ite House ta<es? !us: :ad said t:at NiEon =as
sufferin9 fro8 a Fconfidence crisisF about t:e ta<es1 but no= co88ented t:at =:at NiEon
:ad done F=ill :a>e a soot:in9 effect? Clearl3 it =ill :el< <oliticall3???Ho<efull31 :is 8o>e
=ill cool t:e e8otions and <er8it t:e %resident to deal =it: 8atters of enor8ous do8estic
and international concern?F Gfn )+H Later1 in No>e8ber1 !us: bo=ed out of a <ossible
candidac3 in t:e 12.) TeEas 9ubernatorial race? S<eculation =as t:at Ft:e s<ecter of
*ater9ateF =ould :a>e been used a9ainst :i81 but !us: <referred sancti8onious
eE<lanations? F6er3 candidl31F :e said1 bein9 9o>ernor of TeEas :as enor8ous a<<eal to 8e1
but our <olitical s3ste8 is under fire and I :a>e an o>erridin9 sense of res<onsibilit3 t:at
co8<els 8e to re8ain in 83 <resent Bob?F !us: said t:at *ater9ate =as Freall3
al8ost???noneEistentF as in issue in t:e TeEas race? FCorru<tion and clean 9o>ern8ent didn7t
s:o= u< >er3 :i9: at all1F :e concluded? Gfn )-H
!3 t:e s<rin9 of 12.)1 t:e i8<endin9 doo8 of t:e NiEon re9i8e =as t:e cue for !us:7s
c:aracteristic reed3 =:inin9? In Ma3 of 12.)1 after a 8eetin9 of t:e Re<ublican
Con9ressional leaders:i< =it: NiEon1 !us: told :is friend Con9ress8an !arber Conable
t:at :e =as considerin9 resi9nin9 fro8 t:e RNC? Conable did not ur9e :i8 to sta3 on? A
fe= da3s later1 &o:n R:odes1 =:o :ad re<laced Gerald ord as House Minorit3 Leader
=:en ord =as ta<<ed b3 NiEon for t:e >ice <residenc31 told a 8eetin9 of House
Re<ublicans t:at !us: =as 9ettin9 read3 to resi9n1 and if :e did so1 it =ould be i8<ossible
for t:e *:ite House to F9et an3bod3 of stature to ta;e :is <lace?F Gfn ).H
!ut e>en in t:e 8idst of t:e final colla<se1 !us: still 8ade occasional in9ratiatin9 9estures
to NiEon? NiEon <at:eticall3 recounts :o= !us: 8ade :i8 an encoura9in9 offer in &ul31
12.)1 about a 8ont: before t:e end" FT:ere =ere ot:er si9ns of t:e sort t:at <olitical <ros
8i9:t be eE<ected to a<<reciate" NC C:air8an Geor9e !us: called t:e *:ite House to sa3
t:at :e =ould li;e to :a>e 8e a<<ear on a fund-raisin9 telet:on?F Gfn )/H T:is is =:at !us:
=as tellin9 NiEon? !ut durin9 t:is sa8e <eriod1 at:er &o:n McLau9:lin of t:e NiEon staff
as;ed !us: for RNC lists of GO% die:ards across t:e countr3 for t:e <ur<ose of 9eneratin9
su<<ort state8ents for NiEon? !us: refused to <ro>ide t:e8? Gfn )2H
On Au9ust +1 12.)1 t:e *:ite House released t:e transcri<t of t:e celebrated Fs8o;in9
9unF ta<ed con>ersation of &une $'1 12.$ in =:ic: NiEon discussed =a3s to frustrate t:e
in>esti9ation of t:e *ater9ate brea;-ins? C:air8an Geor9e =as one of t:e leadin9 NiEon
Ad8inistration fi9ures consultin9 =it: Al Hai9 in t:e course of t:e 8ornin9? *:en !us:
:eard t:e ne=s1 :e =as >er3 u<set1 undoubtedl3 concerned about all t:e >er3 ne9ati>e
<ublicit3 t:at :e :i8self =as destined to recei>e in t:e blo=bac; of NiEon7s no= i88inent
do=nfall? T:en after a =:ile :e cal8ed do=n so8e=:at? One account describes !us: as
Fso8e=:at relie>edF b3 t:e ne=s t:at t:e cou< de 9race ta<e =as 9oin9 to be 8ade <ublic1
Fan act <robabl3 fatal1F as Hai9 :ad said? Finall3 t:ere =as so8e one t:in9 t:e national
c:air8an could see clearl3? T:e a8bi9uities in t:e e>idence :ad been tearin9 t:e <art3
a<art1 !us: t:ou9:t?F Gfn +5H At t:is <oint !us: beca8e t:e 8ost outs<o;en and 8ilitant
or9aniAer of NiEon7s resi9nation1 a Cassius of t:e I8<erial %residenc3?
A little later *:ite House Con9ressional liaison *illia8 Ti88ons =anted to 8a;e sure
t:at e>er3one :ad been full3 briefed about t:e transcri<ts 9oin9 out1 and :e turned to
NiEon7s <olitical counselor ,ean !urc:? F,ean1 does !us: ;no= about t:e transcri<t 3etDF1
Ti88ons as;ed? !urc: re<lied1 F(es?F F*ell1 =:at did :e doDF1 Ti88ons as;ed?
FHe bro;e out in ass:oles and s:it :i8self to deat:1F =as !urc:7s ans=er? Gfn +1H
!ut =:31 it 8a3 be as;ed1 t:e der8al dia::reaD *:3 s:ould !us: be so distrau9:t o>er t:e
release to t:e <ress of t:e transcri<t of t:e notorious *:ite House 8eetin9 of &une $'1
12.$1 =:ose eE:can9es bet=een NiEon and Halde8an =ere to <ro>e t:e cou< de 9race to
t:e a9on3 of t:e NiEon re9i8eD As =e :a>e seen1 t:ere is <lent3 of e>idence t:at t:e final
fall of NiEon =as Bust t:e denoue8ent t:at !us: =anted? T:e ans=er is t:at !us: =as u<set
about t:e fabulous Fs8o;in9 9unF ta<e because :is friend Mosbac:er1 :is business <artner
!ill Liedt;e1 and :i8self =ere referred to in t:e 8ost sensiti>e <assa9es? (es1 a 9eneration
of A8ericans :as 9ro=n u< recallin9 so8et:in9 about a Fs8o;in9 9unF ta<e1 but not 8an3
no= recall t:at =:en NiEon referred to Ft:e TeEans1F :e 8eant Geor9e !us:? 0F,as
!e;annte ueber:au<t ist daru81 =eil es be;annt ist1 nic:t er;annt1F as e>en old He9el
T:e o<en secret of t:e 8uc:-cited but little anal3Aed Fs8o;in9 9unF ta<e is t:at it
refers to NiEon7s desire to 8obiliAe t:e CIA to :alt t:e !I in>esti9ation of t:e
*ater9ate bur9lars on t:e 9rounds t:at 8one3 can be traced fro8 donors in TeEas
and else=:ere to t:e coffers of t:e CREE% and t:ence to t:e <oc;ets of !ernard
!ar;er and t:e ot:er Cubans arrested? T:e 8one3 referred to1 of course1 is <art of
!ill Liedt;e7s I.551555 discussed abo>e? A first crucial <assa9e of t:e Fs8o;in9
9unF ta<e 9oes as follo=s1 =it: t:e first s<ea;er bein9 Halde8an" H" No=1 on t:e
in>esti9ation1 3ou ;no= t:e ,e8ocratic brea;-in t:in91 =e7re bac; in t:e <roble8 area because
t:e !I is not under control1 because G!I c:iefH Gra3 doesn7t eEactl3 ;no= :o= to control it and
t:e3 :a>e --t:eir in>esit9ation is leadin9 into so8e <roducti>e areas because t:e37>e been able to
trace t:e 8one3--not t:rou9: t:e 8one3 itself--but t:rou9: t:e ban; sources--t:e ban;er? And1
and it 9oes in so8e directions =e don7t =ant it to 9o? A:1 also t:ere :a>e been so8e t:in9s--li;e
an infor8ant ca8e in off t:e street to t:e !I in Mia8i =:o =as a <:oto9ra<:er or
:as a friend =:o =as a <:oto9ra<:er or :as a friend =:o =as a <:oto9ra<:er =:o de>elo<ed so8e
fil8s t:rou9: t:is 9u3 !ar;er and t:e fil8s :ad <ictures of ,e8ocratic national Co88ittee
letter:ead docu8ents and t:in9s? So it7s t:in9s li;e t:at t:at are filterin9 in? Mitc:ell ca8e u< =it:
3esterda31 and &o:n ,ean anal3Aed >er3 carefull3 last ni9:t and concludes1 concurs no= =it:
Mitc:ell7s reco88endation t:at t:e onl3 =a3 to sol>e t:is1 and =e7re set u< beautifull3 to do it1 a:1
in t:at and t:at-- t:e onl3 net=or; t:at <aid an3 attention to it last ni9:t =as N!C--t:e3 did a
8assi>e stor3 on t:e Cuban t:in9?
%" GNiEonH T:at7s ri9:t?
H" T:at t:e =a3 to :andle t:is no= is for us to :a>e GCIA ,e<ut3 ,irector 6ernonH *alters call
%at Gra3 and Bust sa3 FSta3 t:e :ell out of t:is--t:is is a:1 business :ere =e don7t =ant 3ou to 9o
an3 furt:er on it? T:at7s not an unusal de>elo<8ent1 and a:1 t:at =ould ta;e care of it?
%" *:at about %at Gra3--3ou 8ean %at Gra3 doesn7t =ant toD
H" %at does =ant to? He doesn7t ;no= :o= to1 and :e doesn7t :a>e1 :e doesn7t :a>e an3 basis for
doin9 it? Gi>en t:is1 :e =ill t:en :a>e t:e basis? He7ll call Mar; elt in1 and t:e t=o of t:e8--and
Mar; elt =ants to coo<erate because :e7s a8bitious--
%" (ea:
H" He7ll call :i8 in and sa31 F*e7>e 9ot t:e si9nal fro8 acorss t:e ri>er to <ut t:e :old on t:is?F
And t:at =ill fit rat:er =ell because t:e !I a9ents =:o are =or;in9 t:e case1 at t:is <oint1 feel
t:at7s =:at it is?
%" T:is is CIAD T:e37>e traced t:e 8one3D *:o7d t:e3 trace it toD
H" *ell t:e37>e traced it to a na8e1 but t:e3 :a>en7t 9otten to t:e 9u3 3et?
%" *ould it be so8ebod3 :ereD
H" #en ,a:lber9?
%" *:o t:e :ell is #en ,a:lber9D He 9a>e I$+1555 in Minnesota and1 a:1 t:e c:ec; =ent directl3
to t:is 9u3 !ar;er?
%" It isn7t fro8 t:e co88ittee t:ou9:1 fro8 StansD (ea:? It is? It7s directl3 traceable and t:ere7s
so8e 8ore t:rou9: so8e TeEas <eo<le t:at =ent to t:e MeEican ban; =:ic: can also be traced to
t:e MeEican ban;-- t:e37ll 9et t:eir na8es toda3? And 0<ause4
%" *ell1 I 8ean1 t:ere7s no =a3--I78 Bust t:in;in9 if t:e3 don7t coo<erate1 =:at do t:e3 sa3D T:at
t:e3 =ere a<<roac:ed b3 t:e Cubans? T:at7s =:at ,a:lber9 :as to sa31 t:e TeEans too1 t:at t:e3--
H" *ell1 if t:e3 =ill? !ut t:en =e7re rel3in9 on 8ore and 8ore <eo<le all t:e ti8e? T:at7s t:e
<roble81 and t:e37ll sto< if =e could ta;e t:is ot:er route?
%" All ri9:t?
H" And 3ou see8 to t:in; t:e t:in9 to do is 9et t:e8 to sto<D
%" Ri9:t1 fine?
#ennet: ,a:lber9 =as a front 8an for ,=a3ne Andreas of Arc:er- ,aniels-Midland?
NiEon =anted to <rotect :i8self1 of course1 but t:ere is no doubt t:at :e is tal;in9 about
Liedt;e1 %ennAoil1 Robert Mosbac:er--:is !us:-lea9ue TeEas 8one3-raisin9 s@uad? *it:
t:at co88ent1 NiEon :ad du9 :is o=n 9ra>e =it: =:at =as =idel3 >ie=ed as a <ri8a facie
case of obstruction of Bustice =:en t:is ta<e =as released on Au9ust +? !ut NiEon and
Halde8an :ad a fe= ot:er interestin9 t:in9s to sa3 to eac: ot:er t:at da31 se>eral of =:ic:
e>o;e associations redolent of !us:?
S:ortl3 after t:e eEcer<ts <ro>ided abo>e1 NiEon :i8self su8s u< =:3 t:e CIA
ou9:t to :a>e its o=n interest in <uttin9 a lid on t:e *ater9ate affair" %" Of course1
t:is Hunt1 t:at =ill unco>er a lot of t:in9s? (ou o<en t:at scab t:ere7s a :ell of a lot of t:in9s and
=e Bust feel t:at it =ould be >er3 detri8ental to :a>e t:is t:in9 9o an3 furt:er? T:is in>ol>es
t:ese Cubans1 Hunt1 and a lot of :an;3-<an;3 t:at =e :a>e not:in9 to do =it: oursel>es? *ell
=:at t:e :ell1 did Mitc:ell ;no= about t:isD
H" I t:in; so? I don7t t:in; :e ;ne= t:e details1 but I t:in; :e ;ne=?
%" He didn7t ;no= :o= it =as 9oin9 to be :andled t:rou9: --=it: ,a:lber9 and t:e TeEans and so
fort:D *ell =:o =as t:e ass:ole t:at didD Is it Lidd3D Is t:at t:e fello=D He 8ust be a little nutsK
S:ortl3 after t:is1 t:e con>ersation turned to !us Mosbac:er1 =:o =as resi9nin9 as t:e
C:ief of %rotocol? NiEon Bo;ed t:at =:ile Mosbac:er =as escortin9 t:e >isitin9 dinitaries1
bac:elor Henr3 #issin9er al=a3s ended u< escortin9 Mosbac:er7s =ife? !ut before too lon9
NiEon =as bac; to t:e CIA a9ain"
%" *:en 3ou 9et in-- =:en 3ou 9et in 0unintelli9ible4 <eo<le1 sa31 FLoo; t:e =:ole <roble8 is t:at
t:is =ill o<en t:e =:ole1 t:e =:ole !a3 of %i9s t:in9 and t:e %resident Bust feels t:at a:1 =it:out
9oin9 into t:e details--don7t1 don7t lie to t:e8 to t:e eEtent to sa3 t:ere is no in>ol>e8ent1 but Bust
sa3 t:is is a co8ed3 of errors1 =it:out 9ettin9 into it1 t:e %resident belie>es t:at it is 9oin9 to o<en
t:e =:ole !a3 of %i9s t:in9 u< a9ain? And1 a:1 because t:ese <eo<le are <lu99in9 for
0unintelli9ible4 and t:at t:e3 s:ould call t:e !I in and 0unintelli9ible4 don7t 9o an3 furt:er into
t:is case <eriodK 0inaudible4 our cause?
It =ould also a<<ear t:at NiEon7s references to Ho=ard Hunt and t:e !a3 of %i9s are an
obli@ue allusion to t:e #enned3 assassination1 about =:ic: NiEon 8a3 :a>e ;no=n 8ore
t:an :e :as e>er told? Later t:e sa8e da3 Halde8an re<orted bac; to NiEon about :is
8eetin9 =it: *alters"
H" *ell1 it =as ;ind of interestin9? *alters 8ade t:e <oint and I didn7t 8ention Hunt? I Bust said
t:at t:e t:in9 =as leadin9 into directions t:at =ere 9oin9 to create <otential <roble8s because
t:e3 =ere eE<lorin9 leads t:at led bac; into areas t:at =ould be :ar8ful to t:e CIA and :are8ful
to t:e 9o>ern8ent 0unintelli9ible4 didn7t :a>e an3t:in9 to do unintelli9ible4?
Later Halde8an returned to t:is sa8e t:e8e"
H" Gra3 called Hel8s and said I t:in; =e7>e run ri9:t into t:e 8iddle of a CIA co>ert o<eration?
%" Gra3 said t:atD
H" (ea:? And 0unintelli9ible4 said not:in9 =e7>e done at t:is <oint and a: 0unintellibible4 sa3s
=ell it sure loo;s to 8e li;e it is 0unintelli9ible4 and a:1 t:at =as t:e end of t:at con>ersation
0unintelli9ible4 t:e <roble8 is it trac;s bac; to t:e !a3 of %i9s and it trac;s bac; to so8e ot:er t:e
leads run out to <eo<le =:o :ad no in>ol>e8ent in t:is1 eEce<t b3 contracts and connection1 but it
9ets to areas t:at are liable to be raisedD T:e =:ole <roble8 0unintelli9ible0 Hunt? So at t:at <oint
:e ;ind of 9ot t:e <icture? He said1 :e said =e7ll be >er3 :a<<3 to be :el<ful 2unintelli9ible4
:andle an3t:in9 3ou =ant? I =ould li;e to ;no= t:e reason for bein9 :el<ful1 and I 8ade it clear to
:i8 :e =asn7t 9oin9 to 9et eE<licit 0unintelli9ible4 9eneralit31 and :e said fine? And *alters
0unintelli9ible41 *alters is 9oin9 to 8a;e a call to Gra3? T:at7s t:e =a3 =e <ut it and t:at7s t:e =a3
it =as left?
%" Ho= does t:at =or; t:ou9:1 :o= t:e37>e 9ot to 0unintelli9ible4 so8ebod3 fro8 t:e Mia8i
H" 0Unintelli9ible4 T:e <oint &o:n 8a;es --t:e !ureau is 9oin9 on t:is because t:e3 don7t ;no=
=:at t:e3 are unco>erin9 0unintelli9ible4 continue to <ursue it? T:e3 don7t need to because t:e3
alread3 :a>e t:eir case as far as t:e c:ar9es a9ainst t:ese 8en 0unintelli9ible4 One t:in9 Hel8s
did raise? He said? Gra3--:e as;ed Gra3 =:3 t:e3 t:ou9:t t:e3 :ad run into a CIA t:in9 and Gra3
said because of t:e a8ount of 8one3 in>ol>ed1 a lot of dou9: 0unintelli9ible4 and a:
%" 0Unintelli9ible4
H" *ell1 I t:in; t:e3 =ill? If it runs 0unintelli9ible4 =:at t:e :ell =:o ;no=s 0unintelli9ible4
contributed CIA?
H" (a1 it7s 8one3 CIA 9ets 8one3 0unintelli9ible4 I 8ean t:eir 8one3 8o>es in a lot of different
=a3s1 too? Gfn +$H
NiEon7s train of associations ta;es :i8 fro8 t:e %ennAoil-Liedt;e Mosbac:er-!us: slus:
fund o<eration to Ho=ard Hunt and t:e !a3 of %i9s and Fa lot of :an;3-<an;3?F and t:en
bac; to !us Mosbac:er1 Robert7s elder brot:er? Later on Halde8an stresses t:at t:e !I1
disco>erin9 a lar9e 8one3 launderin9 o<eration bet=een %ennAoil and !ill Liedt;e in
Houston1 MeEico Cit31 Maurice Stans and t:e CREE% in *as:in9ton1 and so8e CIA Mia8i
Station Cubans1 si8<l3 concluded t:at t:is =as all a CIA co>ert o<eration?
As Halde8an :i8self later su88ed it u<"
If t:e MeEican ban; connection =as actuall3 a CIA o<eration all alon91 un;no=n to NiEonC and
NiEon =as destro3ed for as;in9 t:e !I to sto< in>esti9atin9 t:e ban; because it 8i9:t unco>er a
CIA o<eration 0=:ic: t:e Hel8s 8e8o see8s to indicate it actuall3 =as after all4 t:e 8ulti<le
la3ers of dece<tion b3 t:e CIA are astoundin9? Gfn +'H
Later on NiEon7s last Monda31 !us: Boined *:ite House Counsel &? red !uA:ardt and
,ean !urc: on a >isit to Con9ress8an R:odes1 and s:o=ed :i8 t:e transcri<t of t:e
s8o;in9 9un ta<e? FT:is 8eans t:at t:ere7s Bust no c:ance in t:e =orld t:at :e7s not 9oin9 to
be i8<eac:ed1F said R:odes? FIn fact1 t:ere7s no c:ance in t:e =orld t:at I =on7t >ote to
i8<eac: :i8?F !us: 8ust :a>e :ea>ed a si9: of relief1 since t:is is =:at :e :ad =anted
R:odes to tell NiEon to 9et :i8 to @uit? FR:odes later let it be ;no=n t:at :e =as offended
t:at !us: :ad been briefed before :e =as1F but of course1 !us: =as a to< official of t:e
NiEon *:ite House? Gfn +)H
!ut NiEon still refused to @uit1 raisin9 t:e <ros<ect of a trial before t:e Senate t:at could be
da8a9in9 to 8an3 besides NiEon? T:e neEt da31 Tuesda31 Au9ust -1 12.) sa= t:e last
8eetin9 of t:e NiEon cabinet1 =it: C:air8an Geor9e in attendance? T:is =as t:e Cabinet
8eetin9 described as FunrealF b3 !us: later? NiEon7s o<enin9 state8ent =as" FI =ould li;e
to discuss t:e 8ost i8<ortant issue confrontin9 t:is nation1 and confrontin9 us
internationall3 too--inflation?F NiEon t:en ar9ued ada8antl3 for so8e 8inutes t:at :e :ad
eEa8ined t:e course of e>ents o>er t:e recent <ast and t:at :e :ad Fnot found an
i8<eac:able offense1 and t:erefore resi9nation is not an acce<table course?F 6ice %resident
ord <redicted t:at t:ere =ould be certain i8<eac:8ent b3 t:e House1 but t:at t:e outco8e
in t:e Senate could not be <redicted? Ot:er=ise1 said ord1 :e =as an interested <art3 on t:e
resi9nation issue and =ould 8a;e no furt:er co88ent?
NiEon t:en =anted to tal; about t:e bud9et a9ain1 and about an u<co8in9 su88it
conference on t:e econo83? Attorne3 General SaEbe interru<ted :i8? FMr? %resident1 I
don7t t:in; =e ou9:t to :a>e a su88it conference? *e ou9:t to 8a;e sure 3ou :a>e t:e
abilit3 to 9o>ern?F NiEon @uietl3 assured SaEbe t:at :e :ad t:e abilit3 to 9o>ern? T:en
C:air8an Geor9e <i<ed u<1 in su<<ort of SaEbe? T:e %resident7s abilit3 to 9o>ern =as
i8<aired1 said Geor9e? T:e Re<ublican %art3 =as in a s:a8bles1 :e =ent on1 and t:e
fort:co8in9 Con9ressional election t:reatened to be a disaster? *ater9ate :ad to be brou9:t
to an end eE<editiousl31 !us: ar9ued? ro8 :is >anta9e <oint at NiEon7s ri9:t elbo=1
#issin9er could see t:at !us: =as ad>ancin9 to=ards t:e conclusion t:at NiEon :ad to
resi9n? FIt =as cruel? And it =as necessar31F t:ou9:t #issin9er? FMore t:an enou9: :ad
been said1F =as t:e Secretar3 of State7s i8<ression? #issin9er =as see;in9 to a>oid bac;in9
NiEon into a corner =:ere :e =ould beco8e 8ore stubborn and 8ore resistant to t:e idea
of resi9nation1 8a;in9 t:at dreaded Senate trial 8ore li;el3? And t:is =as t:e li;el3
conse@uence of !us:7s line of ar9u8ent?
FMr? %resident1 can7t =e Bust =ait a =ee; or t=o and see =:at :a<<ensDF1 as;ed SaEbe?
!us: started to su<<ort SaEbe a9ain1 but no= NiEon =as 9ettin9 8ore an9r3? NiEon 9lared
at !us: and SaEbe1 t:e o<en ad>ocates of :is resi9nation? FNo1F :e sna<<ed? FT:is is too
i8<ortant to =ait?F
No= t:e senior cabinet officer decided :e :ad to ta;e t:e floor to a>oid a total
confrontation t:at =ould lea>e NiEon besie9ed but still :oldin9 t:e O>al Office? #issin9er7s
9uttural accents =ere :eard in t:e cabinet roo8" F*e are not :ere to offer eEcuses for =:at
=e cannot do? *e are :ere to do t:e nation7s business? T:is is a >er3 difficult ti8e for our
countr3? Our dut3 is to s:o= confidence? It is essential t:at =e s:o= it is not safe for an3
countr3 to ta;e a run at us? or t:e sa;e of forei9n <olic3 =e 8ust act =it: assurance and
total unit3? If =e can do t:at1 =e can >indicate t:e structure of <eace?F T:e 8ain <ur<ose of
t:is <o8<ous tirade :ad been to brin9 t:e 8eetin9 to a ra<id end1 and it =or;ed? FT:ere =as
a 8o8ent of e8barrassed silence around t:e table1F recalls NiEon1 and after a fe= 8ore
re8ar;s on t:e econo831 t:e 8eetin9 bro;e u<?
#issin9er sta3ed be:ind =it: NiEon to ur9e :i8 to resi9n1 =:ic: NiEon no= said :e felt
co8<elled to do? !us: sou9:t out Al Hai9 to <onder :o= NiEon 8i9:t be forced out? F*:at
are =e 9oin9 to doDF1 as;ed !us:? Hai9 told !us: to cal8 do=n1 eE<lainin9" F*e 9et :i8
u< to t:e 8ountainto<1 t:en :e co8es do=n a9ain1 t:en =e 9et :i8 u< a9ain?F Gfn ++H
#issin9er =al;ed bac; to :is office in t:e *est *in9 and 8et Gen? !rent Sco=croft1 t:e
NSC ,irector? #issin9er told Sco=croft t:at Ft:ere =as <recious little su<<ort for t:e
%resident? #issin9er1 no 8ean :3<ocrite in :is o=n ri9:t1 t:ou9:t t:at SaEbe :ad been
F=ea;-li>ered?F !us: and SaEbe :ad bot: been <ett3 and insensiti>e1 #issin9er t:ou9:t? He
co8<ared !us: and SaEbe and t:e rest to a se>enteent:- centur3 ro3al court =it: t:e
courtiers scurr3in9 about1 concerned =it: t:e8sel>es rat:er t:an =it: t:eir countr3?
,urin9 t:is cabinet 8eetin91 !us: =as alread3 carr3in9 a letter to NiEon t:at =ould soon
beco8e t:e un;indest cut of all for C:ari8an Geor9e7s =retc:ed <atron? T:is letter =as
deli>ered to NiEon on Au9ust .? It read as follo=s"
,ear Mr? %resident1
It is 83 considered Bud98ent t:at 3ou s:ould no= resi9n? I eE<ect in 3our lonel3 e8battled
<osition t:is =ould see8 to 3ou as an act of dislo3alt3 fro8 one 3ou :a>e su<<orted and :el<ed in
so 8na3 =a3s? M3 o=n >ie= is t:at I =ould no= ill ser>e a %resident =:ose 8assi>e
acco8<lis:8ents I =ill al=a3s res<ect and =:ose fa8il3 I lo>e1 if I did not no= 9i>e 3ou 83
Bud98ent? Until t:is 8o8ent resi9nation :as been no ans=er at all1 but 9i>en t:e i8<act of t:e
latest de>elo<8ent1 and it =ill be a lastin9 one1 I no= fir8l3 feel resi9nation is best for t:e
countr31 best for t:is %resident? I belie>e t:is >ie= is :eld b3 8ost Re<ublican leaders across t:e
countr3? T:is letter is 8uc: 8ore difficult because of t:e 9ratitude I =ill al=a3s :a>e for 3ou? If
3ou do lea>e office :istor3 =ill <ro<erl3 record 3our ac:ie>e8ents =it: a lastin9 res<ect? Gfn +-H
,urin9 !us:7s confir8ation :earin9s for t:e <ost of CIA ,irector in ,ece8ber1 12.-1 =:en
it beca8e i8<ortant to s:o= :o= inde<endent !us: :ad been1 Senator !arr3 Gold=ater
>olunteered t:at !us: :ad been Ft:e first 8an to 83 ;no=led9e to let t:e %resident ;no=
:e s:ould 9o?F T:at <resu8abl3 8eant1 t:e first a8on9 cabinet and *:ite House officials?
T:e neEt da31 Au9ust /1 12.)1 NiEon deli>ered :is resi9nation to Henr3 #issin9er?
#issin9er could no= loo; for=ard to eEercisin9 t:e <o=ers of t:e <residenc3 at least until
&anuar31 12..1 and <er:a<s =ell be3ond?
or a final e>aluation of !us: in *ater9ate1 =e 8a3 refer to a s;etc: of :is role durin9
t:ose ti8es <ro>ided b3 !us:7s friend Maurice Stans1 t:e finance director of t:e CREE%?
T:is is :o= Stans siAes u< !us: as a *ater9ate <la3er"
Geor9e !us:1 for8er 8e8ber of Con9ress and for8er A8bassador to t:e United Nations? !us:1
=:o <ro>ed :e =as one of t:e bra>est 8en in *as:in9ton in a9reein9 to :ead t:e Re<ublican
National Co88ittee durin9 t:e 12.'-.) <:ase of *ater9ate1 ;e<t t:e <art3 or9aniAation to9et:er
and its 8orale :i9:1 des<ite 8assi>e difficulties of <ress criticis8 and 9ro=in9 <ublic disaffection
=it: t:e ad8inistration? Totall3 =it:out infor8ation as to =:at :ad 9one on in *ater9ate be:ind
t:e scenes1 :e =as unable to res<ond ;no=led9eabl3 to @uestions and because of t:at unBustl3
beca8e t:e <ersonal tar9et of continuin9 sarcas8 and c3nicis8 fro8 t:e 8edia?F Gfn +.H
!ut t:ere are 8an3 indications t:at !us: =as in realit3 so8eone =:o1 =:ile ta;in9 <art in
t:e fra31 actuall3 :el<ed to steer *ater9ate to=ards t:e strate9ic outco8e desired b3 t:e
do8inant financier faction1 t:e one associated =it: !ro=n !rot:er1 Harri8an and =it:
London? As =it: so 8uc: in t:e life of t:is <ersona9e1 8uc: of !us:7s real role in
*ater9ate re8ains to be uneart:ed? To borro= a <:rase fro8 &a8es McCord7s defense of
:is boss1 Ric:ard Hel8s1 =e 8ust see to it t:at Fe>er3 tree in t:e forest =ill fall?F
1? itA:u9: Green1 Geor9e !us:1 <? 1'.?
$? !us: and Gold1 <<? 1$5-1$1?
'? !us: and Gold1 <? 1$1?
)? itA:u9: Green1 <? 1$2?
+? Harr3 Hurt III1 FGeor9e !us:1 %luc;3 Lad1F in TeEas Mont:l31 &une 12/'?
-? ,allas Mornin9 Ne=s1 No>e8ber $+1 12.1?
.? *as:in9ton %ost1 ,ece8ber 1$1 12.$?
/? Ibid?
2? *as:in9ton %ost1 &anuar3 $$1 12.'?
15? *as:in9ton %ost1 ebruar3 -1 12.'?
11? *as:in9ton %ost1 &anuar3 $$1 12.'?
1$? See for eEa8<le Len C:olodn3 and Robert Gettlin1 Silent Cou< 0Ne= (or;1 12214?
1'? L3n Marcus1 FU<-6aluation of Ger8an Mar; uels *ater9ate Attac; on NiEon1F Ne= Solidarit31 &ul3
2-1'1 12.'1 <<? 15-11?
1)? See T:o8as %etAin9er1 Oil and Honor 0Ne= (or;1 12/.41 <<? -)- -+? See also Harr3 Hurt7s article
8entioned abo>e? *ri9:t %at8an7s House !an;in9 Co88ittee re>ealed <art of t:e acti>ities of !ill Liedt;e
and Mosbac:er durin9 t:e *ater9ate era?
1+? Carl !ernstein and !ob *ood=ard1 All t:e %resident7s Men 0Ne= (or;1 12.)41 <resent t:e c:ec;s
recei>ed b3 !ar;er as one of t:e =a3s t:e3 breac:ed t:e =all of secrec3 around t:e CREE%1 =it: t:e aid of
t:eir anon38ous source F!oo;;ee<er?F !ut neit:er in t:is boo; nor in T:e inal ,a3s 0Ne= (or;1 12.-41
do F*oodsteinF 9et around to 8entionin9 t:at t:e MeEico Cit3 8one3 ca8e fro8 !ill Liedt;e? T:is
8ar;ed <attern of silence and reticence on 8atters <ertainin9 to Geor9e !us:1 certainl3 one of t:e 8ost
<ro8inent of t:e %resident7s 8en1 is a c:aracteristic of *ater9ate Bournalis8 in 9eneral? or 8ore
infor8ation re9ardin9 *illia8 Liedt;e7s role in financin9 t:e CREE%1 see Hearin9s !efore t:e Select
Co88ittee on %residential Ca8<ai9n Acti>ities1 2'rd Con9ress1 includin9 testi8on3 b3 Hu9: Sloan1 &une
-1 12.'C and b3 Maurice Stans1 &une 1$1 12.'C see also t:e inal Re<ort of t:e co88ittee1 issued in &une1
12.)? Rele>ant <ress co>era9e fro8 t:e <eriod includes FStans Scat:es Re<ort1F b3 *ood=ard and
!ernstein1 *as:in9ton %ost1 Se<te8ber 1)1 12.$C and FLiedt;e Lin;ed to %C C:oice1F United %ress
International1 &une $-1 12.'? Liedt;e also influenced NiEon a<<oint8ents in areas of interest to :i8self?
1-? Maurice H? Stans1 T:e Terrors of &ustice" T:e Untold Side of *ater9ate?
1.? Ne= (or; Ti8es1 Au9ust $-1 12.$1 and No>? 11 12.$?
1/? Inter>ie= =it: a %ost Oa; !an; eEecuti>e No>? $11 1221? Houston %ost1 ,ec? $.1 12//?
12? Stanle3 L? #utler1 T:e *ars of *ater9ate" T:e Last Crisis of Ric:ard NiEon 0Ne= (or;1 122541 <<?
$5? See &i8 Hou9an1 Secret A9enda 0Ne= (or;1 12/)41 <? 2$?
$1? Er>in Co88ittee Hearin9s1 !oo; 2 <<? '))1-)-1 and Re<ort of t:e NedAi Co88ittee of t:e House of
Re<resenati>es1 <? $511 cited b3 Hou9an1 <? '1/?
$$? NeAdi Co88ittee re<ort1 <<? ))$-)'1 @uoted in Hou9an1 <? $1?
$'? Hou9an1 <<? )--).?
$)? Er>in Co88ittee inal R<ort1 <<? 11)--)21 and Hou9an1 <<? 1'1-1'$?
$+? Al Reinert1 F!ob and Geor9e Go To *as:in9ton or T:e %ost-*ater9ate Scra8ble1F TeEas Mont:l31
A<ril1 12.)?
$-? T:e @uestion of t:e Colu8bia %laAa A<art8ents is a central t:e8e of &i8 Hou9an1 Secret A9enda 0Ne=
(or;1 12/)4? *e :a>e also relied on Hou9an7s >ersion of t:e Russell-Leon-!ellino sub<lot described
belo=? Hou9an7s boo;1 alt:ou9: it studiousl3 a>oids dra=in9 ob>ious conclusions about !us:1 #issin9er1
Roc;efeller1 and 8an3 ot:ers1 is a con>enient startin9 <oint for t:e necessar3 8etacriti@ue of *ater9ate?
!3 contrast1 t:e Colodn3-Gettlin Silent Cou< 0Ne= (or;1 12214 re<resents a ste< bac;=ard1 a=a3 fro8 t:e
trut: of t:e 8atter on nu8erous <oints?
$.? Hou9an1 <? '$)?
$/? Hou9an1 <? '.5?
$2? Inter>ie= of &erris Leonard =it: Ton3 C:ait;in1 Au9ust $-1 1221?
'5? Hou9an1 <? '.)-'.+?
'1? See &ules *itco>er1 F%olitical S<ies Accuse Co88ittee In>esti9ator1F *as:in9ton %ost1 &ul3 $+1 12.'1
and &o:n Geddie1 F!us: Alle9es !u9s1F ,allas Ne=s1 &ul3 $+1 12.'? See also 6ictor Las;31 It ,idn7t Start
=it: *ater9ate 0Ne= (or;1 12..41 <<? )1-++?
'$? Hou9an1 <? '.-? Notice t:at t:e da3 of Leon7s deat: =as also t:e da3 t:at *:ite House staffer
!utterfield told Con9ressional in>esti9ators of t:e eEistence of NiEon7s ta<in9 s3ste8?
''? Ibid?
')? RN" T:e Me8oirs of Ric:ard NiEon1 <? /11?
'+? %incus and *ood=ard1 %residential %osts and ,as:ed Ho<es1 *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust 21 12//?
'-? *as:in9ton %ost1 &ul3 1$1 12.'?
'.? Sa8 &? Er>in1 &r?1 T:e *:ole Trut: 0Ne= (or;1 12/541 <? $/?
'/? Er>in1 <? $2?
'2? Sa8 ,as:1 C:ief Counsel 0Ne= (or;1 12.-41 <? 12$?
)5? E>ans and No>a;1 &ul3 111 12.'?
)1? *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust .1 12.'?
)$? *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust 21 12.'?
)'? *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust 151 12.'?
))? *as:in9ton %ost1 October 111 12.'?
)+? *as:in9ton %ost1 October $)1 12.'?
)-? *as:in9ton %ost1 No>e8ber 1.1 12.'?
).? !ernstein and *ood=ard1 T:e inal ,a3s1 <<? 1+21 1.-?
)/? RN" T:e Me8oirs of Ric:ard NiEon1 <? 15)$?
)2? itA:u9: Green1 <? 1'+?
+5? T:e inal da3s1 <? '-/?
+1? T:e inal ,a3s1 <? '-2?
+$? or t:e Fs8o;in9 9unF transcri<t of &une $'1 12.$1 see *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust -1 12.)?
+'? H? R? Halde8an1 T:e Ends of %o=er 0Ne= (or;1 12./41 <? -)?
+)? T:e inal ,a3s1 <? '.)?
++? A>ailable accounts of NiEon7s last cabinet 8eetin9 are fra98entar31 but see" RN" T:e Me8oirs of
Ric:ard NiEon1 <? 15--C T:e inal ,a3s1 <<? '/--'/2C T:eodore H? *:ite1 !reac: of ait:" T:e all of
Ric:ard NiEon 0Ne= (or;1 12.+41 <? $)C Henr3 #issin9er1 (ears of U<:ea>al1 <<? 1$5$-1$5'C &? Ant:on3
Lu;as1 Ni9:t8are" T:e Underside of t:e NiEon (ears 0Ne= (or;1 12.-41 << ++/-++2? T:ese :a>e been
collated for t:e account offered :ere?
+-? T:e ostensible full teEt of t:is letter is found in Nic:olas #in91 Geor9e !us:" A !io9ra<:3 0Ne= (or;1
12/541 <? /.? 6ic Gold 9i>es onl3 se>en lines of eEcer<ts? itA:u9: Green1 in :is <ost No>e8ber 12//
:a9io9ra<:31 li@uidates t:e 8atter in fe=er t:an fi>e lines? In eac: case t:e calculatin9 e3e of t:e <ublic
relations 8an is obser>in9 t:e reader li;e t:e suc;er in a 8edicine s:o=? A<<arentl3 !us:7s :andlers
concluded t:at t:ere =as less and less to 9ain fro8 distancin9 t:eir candidate fro8 NiEonC <er:a<s t:eir
<olls =ere s:o=in9 t:at <o<ular resent8ent of NiEon :ad so8e=:at declined?
+.? Maurice H? Stans1 T:e Terrors of &ustice" T:e Untold Side of *ater9ate1 <? --?
C:a<ter -MIII- !us: Atte8<ts T:e 6ice %residenc31 12.)
T:ose =:o betra3 t:eir benefactors are seldo8 :i9:l3 re9arded? In ,ante7s ,i>ine Co8ed31
traitors to benefactors and to t:e establis:ed aut:orities are consi9ned to t:e nint: circle of
t:e Inferno1 =:ere t:eir souls are sus<ended1 li;e insects in a8ber1 in t:e froAen Ri>er
Coc3tus? T:is is t:e Giudecca1 =:ere t:e t:ree arc:-traitors &udas Iscariot1 !rutus1 and
Cassius are c:e=ed for all eternit3 in t:e t:ree 8out:s of Lucifer? T:e cri8es of NiEon
=ere 8onstrous1 es<eciall3 in 6ietna8 and in t:e India-%a;istan =ar1 but in t:ese !us: :ad
been an ent:usiastic <artici<ant? No= !us:7s da99er1 a8on9 ot:ers1 :ad no= found its
tar9etC NiEon =as 9one? In t:e de<t:s of :is Inferno1 ,ante relates t:e stor3 of rate
Alberi9o to illustrate t:e belief t:at in cases of t:e 8ost :einous treac:er31 t:e soul of t:e
offender <lun9es at once into :ell1 lea>in9 t:e bod3 to li>e out its <:3sical eEistence under
t:e control of a de8on? %er:a<s t:e stor3 of old rate Alberi9o =ill illu8inate us as =e
follo= t:e furt:er career of Geor9e !us:?
As NiEon left t:e *:ite House for :is :o8e in San Cle8ente1 California1 in t:e earl3
afternoon of Au9ust 21 12.)1 C:air8an Geor9e =as alread3 <lottin9 :o= to scale still
furt:er u< t:e diAA3 :ei9:ts of state? ord =as no= <resident1 and t:e >ice-<residenc3 =as
>acant? Accordin9 to t:e MM6 A8end8ent1 it =as no= u< to ord to desi9nate a >ice
<resident =:o =ould t:en re@uire a 8aBorit3 >ote of bot: :ouses of Con9ress to be
confir8ed? Seein9 a 9olden o<<ortunit3 to seiAe an office t:at :e :ad lon9 re9arded as t:e
final ste<<in9 stone to :is ulti8ate 9oal of t:e *:ite House1 !us: i88ediatel3 8obiliAed
:is eEtensi>e !ro=n !rot:ers1 Harri8anOS;ull and !ones net=or;1 includin9 as 8an3
Jionist lobb3 auEiliaries as :e could 8uster? Geor9e :ad learned in 12-/ t:at an or9aniAed
effort co88ensurate =it: :is o=n boundless lust for <o=er =ould be re@uired to succeed?
One of t:e first ste<s =as to set u< a boiler s:o< o<eration in a suite of roo8s at t:e Statler
Hilton Hotel in *as:in9ton? Here Ric:ard L? Her8an1 t:e Nebras;a GO% national
co88ittee8an and t=o assistants be9an c:urnin9 out a cascade of calls to Re<ublicans and
ot:ers around t:e countr31 ur9in91 t:reatenin91 caBolin91 callin9 in c:its1 <ro8isin9 future
fa>ors if C:air8an Geor9e =ere to beco8e 6ice %resident Geor9e? Gfn 1H Since !us:
controlled t:e RNC a<<aratus1 t:is lar9e 8ac:iner3 could also be t:ro=n into t:e fra3?
T:ere =ere ot:er1 for8idable candidates1 but none =as so a99ressi>e as C:air8an Geor9e?
Nelson Roc;efeller1 =:o :ad resi9ned as Go>ernor of Ne= (or; so8e 8ont:s before to
de>ote 8ore ti8e to :is o=n consu8in9 a8bition and to :is Co88ission on Critical
C:oices1 =as in 8an3 =a3s t:e front runner? Nelson7s >ast notoriet31 :is i8<osin9 cursus
:onoru81 :is o=n <o=erful *all Street net=or;1 :is financial and ban;in9 faction-- all of
t:ese =ould count :ea>il3 in :is fa>or? !ut Nelson1 :a>in9 been t:e incarnation of t:e
Eastern Liberal Establis:8ent internationalists a9ainst =:o8 Gold=ater :ad ca8<ai9ned
so :ard in 12-)1 also :ad a >er3 :i9: ne9ati>e? %eo<le :ated Nelson? His su<<ort =as
considerable1 but :e :ad 8ore acti>e o<<osition t:an an3 ot:er candidate? T:is 8eant t:at
ord :ad to :esitate in c:oosin9 Nelson because of =:at t:e blo=bac; 8i9:t 8ean for a
<robable ord candidac3 in 12.-?
T:e conser>ati>e Re<ublicans all re9arded Gold=ater as t:eir senti8ental fa>orite1 but t:e3
also ;ne= t:at ord =ould be reluctant to select :i8 because of a different set of
i8<lications for 12.-? !e3ond Roc;efeller and Gold=ater1 eac: a leader of a =in9 of t:e
<art31 t:e na8es 8ulti<lied" Senator Ho=ard !a;er1 Elliot Ric:ardson1 Go>ernor *illia8
Scranton1 Mel>in Laird1 Senator !ill !roc;1 Go>ernor ,an E>ans1 ,onald Ru8sfeld1 and
8an3 ot:ers? !us: ;ne= t:at if :e could 9et Gold=ater to s:o= :i8 so8e su<<ort1 t:e
Gold=ater conser>ati>es could be 8oti>ated to 8a;e t:eir influence felt for !us:1 and t:is
8i9:t concei>abl3 <ut :i8 o>er t:e to<1 des<ite Roc;efeller7s stren9t: in t:e financial and
intelli9ence co88unities? %art of t:e battle =ould be to con>ince ord t:at !us: =ould be
a bi99er asset for 12.-?
irst C:air8an Geor9e :ad to <ut on t:e 8as; of conciliation and 8oderation? As NiEon
=as <re<arin9 :is de<arture s<eec:1 !us: lost no ti8e in 8eetin9 =it: ord1 no= less t:an
$) :ours a=a3 fro8 bein9 s=orn in as <resident? !us: told t:e <ress t:at ord :ad Fsaid
:e7d be <leased if I sta3ed onF at t:e RNC1 but :ad to concede t:at ord :ad 9i>en no
indication as to :is c:oice for t:e >ice <resident? !us:7s net=or; in t:e House of
Re<resentati>es1 8aintained since :is Rubbers da3s1 =as no= full3 8obiliAed1 =it: Fa
s:o=in9 of si9nificant su<<ort in t:e House and a8on9 GO% officialsF for !us: on t:e da3
before NiEon left to=n? !us: also <ut out a state8ent fro8 t:e RNC sa3in91 FT:e battle is
o>er? No= is t:e ti8e for ;indess???Let us all tr3 no= to restore to our societ3 a cli8ate of
ci>ilit3?F !ut des<ite t:e :3<ocritical ;inder and 9entler r:etoric1 C:air8an Geor9e7s
stru99le for <o=er =as Bust be9innin9? Gfn $H
Mel>in Laird soon ca8e out for Roc;efeller1 and t:ere =ere senti8ental dis<la3s for
Gold=ater in 8an3 @uarters? *it: !us:7s net=or; in full career1 :e =as be9innin9 to attract
fa>orable 8ention fro8 t:e colu8nists? E>ans and No>a; on Au9ust 11 clai8ed t:at Fas t:e
ne= %resident =as s=orn in1 Roc;efeller :ad beco8e a considerabl3 less li;el3 <ros<ect
t:an eit:er Senator Ho=ard !a;er of Tennessee or Geor9e !us:1 t:e 9re9arious <atrician
and trans<lanted TeEan =:o :eads t:e Re<ublican National Co88ittee?F Colu8ns li;e t:is
one =ent on at len9t: about t:e 8an3 disad>anta9es of c:oosin9 Roc;efeller1 not t:e least
of =:ic: =as t:at :e =ould ecli<se ord?
On Au9ust 151 ord announced t:at :e =ould <oll Re<ublicans at all le>els across t:e
countr3? So8e eE<ressed t:eir <references directl3 to t:e *:ite House1 but t:e Re<ublican
National Co88ittee 8e8bers :ad to re<ort t:eir c:oices t:rou9: C:air8an Geor9e? Man3
of t:e81 fearin9 t:e <rice t:e3 8i9:t :a>e to <a3 for lese 8aBeste1 indicated !us: as t:eir
first c:oice? T:is 8atter =as t:e subBect of a co8<laint b3 To8 E>ans of t:e RNC1 =:o
tal;ed to t:e <ress and also =rote letters to t:e ord *:ite House1 as =e =ill see?
!3 Au9ust 1)1 t:e *as:in9ton %ost =as re<ortin9 a Ffull scale ca8<ai9nF on be:alf of
!us:1 =it: an Fi8<ressi>e arra3 of su<<ortF a9ainst Roc;efeller? !us:7s ca8<ai9n 8ana9er
and c:ief boiler roo8 o<erator Ric:ard L? Her8an of Nebras;a su88ed u< :is tal;in9
<oints" !us:1 said Her8an1 Fis t:e onl3 one in t:e race =it: no o<<osition? He 8a3 not be
t:e first c:oice in all cases1 but :e7s not lo=er t:an second =it: an3one?F Her8an said :e
=as Fassistin9F a broader or9aniAation on t:e Hill and of course at t:e RNC itself t:at =as
8obiliAed for !us:? !us: Fcan do 8ore to :el< t:e Re<ublican %art3 t:an an3one else and
is totall3 acce<table t:rou9:out t:e countr31F blat:ered Her8an? !us: =as Fob>iousl3
a=are of =:at =e7re doin91F said Her8an? T:e old %rescott !us: net=or;s =ere still a bi9
<lus1 :e stressed? A 9rou< of House conser>ati>es ca8e out for Gold=ater1 =it: !us: in
second <lace?
Su<<ort for Gold=ater =as a<t to turn into su<<ort for !us: at an3 ti8e1 so !us: =as
9ainin9 8i9:til31 runnin9 second to Roc;3 alone? Ta;in9 note of t:e situation1 e>en !us:7s
old allies at t:e *as:in9ton %ost :ad to re9ister so8e @ual8s? In an editorial <ublis:ed on
Au9ust 1+1 12.) on t:e subBect of FT:e 6ice %residenc31F %ost co88entators @uoted t:e
ubi@uitous Ric:ard Her8an on !us:7s @ualifications? T:e %ost found t:at !us:7s
Fbac;9round and abilities =ould a<<ear to @ualif3 :i8 for t:e >ice <residenc3 in Bust about
all res<ects1 eEce<t for t:e one t:at see8s to us to reall3 8atter" *:at is cons<icuousl3
lac;in9 is an3 co8<ellin9 or de8onstrable e>idence t:at :e is @ualified to be %resident?F
Nelson 8i9:t be better1 su99ested t:e %ost? In an3 case1 F=e :a>e t:e recent eEa8<le of Mr?
A9ne= to re8ind us of t:e <itfalls in t:e c:oice of 6ice %residents b3 t:e a<<lication of
irrele>ant criteria?F
!ut des<ite t:ese darts1 C:air8an Geor9e continued to sur9e a:ead? T:e bi9 brea; ca8e
=:en !arr3 Gold=ater1 s<ea;in9 in Colu8bia1 Sout: Carolina1 told a Re<ublican fund-
raiser t:at :e :ad a F9ut feelin9F t:at ord =as 9oin9 to select !us: for t:e >ice <residenc3?
!arr31 =e recall1 :ad been >er3 coA3 =it: fat:er %rescott in t:e old da3s? Gold=ater
<ortra3ed !us: and Roc;efeller as t:e t=o co8<etin9 front-runners? T:is =as <recisel3
=:ere !us: =anted to <osition :i8self so t:at :e could benefit fro8 t:e =ides<read and
>ocal o<<osition to Roc;efeller? On Au9ust 1+1 a source close to ord told ,a>id !roder
and Lou Cannon t:at !us: no= :ad t:e Finside trac;F for t:e >ice <residenc3? Roc;efeller7s
s<o;es8an Hu9: Morro= retorted t:at F=e7re not runnin9 a boiler s:o< or callin9 an3one
or doin9 an3t:in91F unli;e t:e stron9-ar8 !us: tea8? Gfn 'H
Inside t:e ord *:ite House1 res<onses to ord7s sollicitaton =ere co8in9 in? A8on9 t:e
to< *:ite House councillors1 !us: 9ot t:e su<<ort of #ennet: Rus:1 =:o :ad al8ost
beco8e NiEon7s Secretar3 of State and =:o asserted t:at !us: F=ould :a>e a broader
a<<eal to all se98ents of t:e <olitical s<ectru8 t:an an3 ot:er @ualified c:oice? His relati>e
3out:1 TeEas residence =it: a Ne= En9land bac;9round1 =ide <o<ularit3 in business and
<olitical circles1 and un@ualified inte9rit3 and abilit31 co8bined =it: :is <ersonal @ualities
of c:ar8 and tact1 =ould 8a;e :i8 a natural for t:e ne= %residentialO6ice %residential
tea8?F T:is enco8iu8 is @uoted at len9t: because it see8s to be a for8 letter or <rintout
t:at =as distributed b3 t:e !us: o<eration as tal;in9 <oints for !us: su<<orters? Gfn )H
,ean !urc: =rote a 8e8o to ord <ointin9 out t:at a8on9 t:e <ro8inent candidates1 Fonl3
a fe= :a>e a <ost-12/5 <olitical future?F FM3 o=n c:oice1F !urc: told ord1 F=ould be a
6ice %resident =it: a lon9 ter8 <olitical future?--a <otential candidate1 at least1 for t:e
%residenc3 in :is o=n ri9:t?F In !urc:7s conclusion1 FStill o<eratin9 on t:is assu8<tion1 83
<ersonal c:oice is Geor9e !us:?F Gfn )H ?
T:e cabinet s:o=ed 8ore senti8ent for Roc;efeller? Ro9ers Morton of t:e Interior1
*einber9er of HE*1 &a8es L3nn of HU,1 rederic; ,ent of Co88erce1 and Attorne3
General SaEbe =ere all for Roc;3? Earl !utA of A9riculture =as for Gold=ater1 and &a8es
R? Sc:lesin9er of ,efense =as for Eliott Ric:ardson? No =ritten o<inion b3 Henr3
#issin9er a<<ears eEtant at t:e ord Librar3? A8on9 t:e cabinet and t:e senior *:ite
House counselors1 t:erefore1 Roc;3 :ad bested !us: . to '1 =it: !urc: and Rus: <ro>idin9
C:air8an Geor9e7s 8ost con>inced su<<ort?
T:en t:e *:ite House staff =as <olled? %at !uc:anan ad>ised ord to a>oid all t:e 3oun9er
8en1 includin9 !us:1 and told t:e <resident t:at Roc;efeller =ould Fre9rettabl3F :a>e to be
:is c:oice? &o:n McLau9:lin also told ord to 9o for Roc;31 alt:ou9: :e 8entioned t:at
!us: F=ould also be a fine >ice <resident?F Gfn +H Ric:ard A? Moore =as for !us: based on
:is econo8ic credentials1 assertin9 t:at !us:7s Ffat:er and 9radfat:er =ere bot: :i9:l3
res<ected in>est8ent ban;ers in Ne= (or;?F In t:e *:ite House staff1 !us: =on out o>er
Roc;efeller and Scranton? A8on9 <ersonal friends of ord1 !us: =on out o>er Roc;3 b3 a
) to ' 8ar9in?
A8on9 Re<ublican 9o>ernors1 t:ere =as si9nificant resistance to !us:? or8er
%enns3l>ania Go>ernor *illia8 Scranton1 =:o :ad been considered of <residential caliber1
=rote to ord aide %:illi< !uc:en of !us:" FLuite fran;l31 in 83 eE<erience =it: :i8 :is
one dra=bac; is a li8itation of :is ad8inistrati>e abilit3?F Gfn -H A8on9 ser>in9 9o>ernors1
onl3 T:o8as &? Mes;ill of Connecticut1 and Otis R? !o=en of Indiana <ut !us: in first
<lace? *:en all t:e 9o>ernors7 <references =ere tabulated1 !us: ca8e in t:ird1 trailin9
Roc;efeller and Go>ernor ,aniel &? E>ans of *as:in9ton?
A8on9 t:e Re<ublican Senators1 !us: :ad intense co8<etition1 but t:e %rescott !us:
net=or; <ro>ed it could :old its o=n? Ho=ard !a;er <ut !us: second1 =:ile Henr3
!ell8on and ,e=e3 !artlett sent in a Boint letter in su<<ort of !us:? !ob ,ole but
C:air8an Geor9e last a8on9 :is list of <references1 co88entin9 t:at t:e c:oice of !us:
=ould be =idel3 re9arded as Ftotall3 <artisan?F %ete ,o8inici <ut !us: as :is first c:oice1
but also conceded t:at :e =ould be seen as a <artisan <ic;? Rot: of ,ela=are :ad !us: in
t:ird <lace after &o:n &? *illia8s and Roc;3? Hu9: Scott of %enns3l>ania =anted Roc;3 or
Gold=ater1 but <ut !us: in t:ird <lace? &a8es %earson of #ansas :ad !us: as first c:oice?
&esse Hel8s 8entioned !us:1 but in fift: <lace after Gold=ater1 Harr3 !3rd1 Rea9an1 and
&a8es !uc;le3? Gfn .H In t:e final tall3 of Senate <ic;s1 Roc;3 ed9ed out !us: =it: 1)
c:oices to !us:7s 1$1 follo=ed b3 Gold=ater =it: 11?
!us: =as stron9er in t:e House1 =:ere 8an3 8e8bers :ad ser>ed side b3 side =it: t:eir
old friend Rubbers? !us: =as t:e first c:oice of !ill Arc:er of TeEas 0=:o :ad in:erited
!us:7s old district1 and =:o <raised !us: for :a>in9 Fled t:e fi9:t in Con9ress for
disclosure and refor8F41 S;i< !afalis of lorida1 *illia8 G? !ra3 of Indiana1 ,an
!rotA8an of Colorado1 &oe !ro3:ill of 6ir9inia1 &o:n !uc:ana of Alaba8a1 C:arles
C:a8berlain of Mic:i9an1 ,onald Clanc3 of O:io1 ,el ,a=son of California1 and T:ad
Coc:ran of Mississi<<i? *illia8 Ar8stron9 of Colorado struc; a discordant note b3 ur9in9
ord to <ic; Fa <erson =:o :as eEtensi>e eE<erience in ELECTE, <ublic office?F *illia8
S? Co:en of Maine found t:at !us: did Fnot :a>e @uite t:e ran9e of eE<erience of
Ric:ardson or Roc;efeller? &a8es Collins fa>ored !us: Fas a TeEan?F Glenn ,a>is of
*isconsin1 ,er=in;si of Illinois 0a lon9-ter8 all3 =:o e>entuall3 rose to t:e !us: cabinet
after :a>in9 ser>ed =it: !us: at t:e UN 8ission in Ne= (or;41 Sa8 ,e>ine of O:io1 and
%ierre S? ,u %ont I6 of ,ela=are -all for !us:? *illia8 ,ic;inson of Alaba8a found !us:
F<:3sicall3 attracti>eF =it: Fno <olitical scars I a8 a=are ofF and F<ersonall3 >er3
<o<ular?F !ut t:en ca8e &o:n &? ,uncan of Tennessee1 =:o told ord t:at :e could not
Fsu<<ort an3 of t:e fifteen or so 8entioned in t:e ne=s 8edia?F
Mar>in Esc: of Mic:i9an =as for !us:1 as =as %eter relin9:u3sen of Ne= &erse3? Ed=in
,? Es:el8an told ord to 9o for !us: Fif 3ou =ant a 8oderate?F T:e !us: bri9ade =ent on
=it: C:arles Gubser of California1 and Ha88ersc:8idt of Ar;ansas1 still >er3 close to
!us: toda3? &o:n HeinA of %enns3l>ania =as :a>in9 none of !us:1 but ur9ed ord to ta;e
Roc;efeller1 Scranton1 or Ric:ardson1 in t:at order? &o:n Erlenborn of Illinois =as 8ore
t:an ca<ti>ated b3 !us:1 =ritin9 ord t:at !us: Fis attracti>e <ersonall3--<eo<le tend to
li;e :i8 on si9:t?F *:31 F:e :as al8ost no <olitical ene8iesF t:at Erlenborn ;ne= of? !ud
Hillis of Indiana1 Andre= Hins:ar of California1 MarBorie Holt- for !us:? La=rence Ho9an
of Mar3land =as so FdisturbedF about t:e <ros<ect of Roc;efeller t:at :e =as for !us: too?
Hudnut of Indiana <ut !us: as :is second c:oice after fa>orite son Go>? Otis !o=en
because !us: =as Ffine1 clean?F
&ac; #e8< of Ne= (or;1 no= in t:e !us: cabinet1 =as for !us: =a3 bac; t:en1
interestin9l3 enou9:? La9o8arsino of California <ut !us: t:ird1 Latta of O:io <ut :i8
second onl3 to Roc;3? Trent Lott of Mississi<<i1 =:o :as since 8o>ed u< to t:e Senate1
told ord t:at :e needed so8ebod3 F3oun9 and cleanF and t:at F<er:a<s Geor9e !us: fits
t:at <osition?F Manuel LuBan of Ne= MeEico1 =:o also 8ade t:e !us: cabinet1 =as a solid
!us: rooter1 as =as *ile3 Ma3ne of Io=a? %ete McClos;e3 <ut !us: second to Ric:ardson1
but a:ead of Roc;3? &o:n McCollister of Nebras;a deluded :i8self t:at !us: could be
confir8ed =it:out too 8uc: trouble" McCollister =as for !us: because FI belie>e :e could
<ass t:e &udiciar3 Co88ittee7s stern testF because F:e :ad no <olic3 8a;in9 role in t:e sad
da3s no= ended1F but <er:a<s ord ;ne= better on t:at one?
Clarence Miller of O:io =as for !us:? Con9ress8an !ob Mic:el1 e>er cli8bin9 in t:e
House GO% :ierarc:31 :ad lon9-=inded ar9u8ents for !us:? Roc;31 :e t:ou9:t1 could
F:el< 8ostF o>er t:e re8ainder of ord7s ter81 but !us: =ould be a tru8< card for 12.-?
FGeor9e !us: =ould not co88and all t:e i88ediate adulation si8<l3 because :e :asn7t
:ad as lon9 a <ro>en trac; record in t:e business and industrial co88unit31 but :is
credentials are 9ood1F =rote Mic:el? FHe is 3oun9 and :e =ould =or; da3 and ni9:t and :e
=ould ne>er atte8<t to 7u<sta9e t:e boss?7 Aside fro8 <roBectin9 a 7strai9:t arro= i8a9e17 :e
=ould be acce<table to t:e 8ore conser>ati>e ele8ent in t:e <art3 t:at =ould be offended
b3 t:e a<<oint8ent of Roc;efeller?F In addition1 assured Mic:el1 !us: enBo3ed su<<ort
a8on9 ,e8ocrats Ffro8 @uarters I =ould not :a>e belie>ed <ossible1F Fand t:e3 are indeed
influential ,e8ocrats?F FO>er and abo>e t:is1 =e 8a3 be 9i>in9 one of our o=n a 9ood
o<<ortunit3 to follo= on after a siE-3ear ord ad8inistration1F Mic:el concluded?
,onal Mitc:ell of Ne= (or; =as for !us: because of :is Fric: bac;9round1F =:ic:
<resu8abl3 8eant 8one3? Anc:er Nelson t:ou9:t !us: :ad Fc:aris8a1F and :e =as for
:i8? !ut Geor9e O7!rien of Illinois =as also t:ere =it: t:at bot:erso8e re@uest for
Fso8eone =:o =as elected and =as ser>in9 in a federal <osition?F Stan %arris of
AleEandria1 6ir9inia1 a fait:ful 3es-8an for !us: until :is defeat in 12251 =as for !us:- of
course? &err3 %ettis of California for !us:? !ob %rice of TeEas ur9ed ord to ta< !us:1 in
<art because of :is FeEcellentF ties to t:e Senate1 =:ic: =ere Fdue to :is o=n efforts and
t:e friends:i<s of :is fat:er?F Albert Luie of Minnesota :ad so8e su<<ort of :is o=n for t:e
nod1 but :e tal;ed fa>orabl3 about !us:1 =:o8 :e also found F:andso8e?F FHe :as onl3
one :andica<1F t:ou9:t Luie1 Fand t:at is1 :e lost an election for t:e Senate?F Ma;e t:at t=o
:andica<s? Score &? #ennet: Robinson of 6ir9inia for !us:1 alon9 =it: %:ili< Ru<<e of
Mic:i9an1 =:o lauded !us:7s F:u8an =ar8t:?F Earl Rut: of nort:ern California and
*illia8 Stei9ler of *isconsin for !us:? Ste>e S388s of Ida:o1 later a senator1 =anted Fa
Gold=ater 8anF li;e Rea9an1 or *illia8s of ,ela=are? !ut1 S388s added1 FI =ould acce<t
our National C:air8an !us:?F Gu3 6ander &a9t of Mic:i9an confided to :is for8er
collea9ue ord t:at F83 <ersonal reco88endation is Geor9e !us:?F &o:n H? *are bro;e a
lance for C:air8an Geor9e1 and t:en ca8e t:e endorse8ent of G? *illia8 *:ite:urst of
6ir9inia1 an endorse8ent t:at stood out for its free8asonic o>ertones in a field =:ere
free8asonic 8odulations =ere rife? Accordin9 to *:ite:urst1 =:o :as a <ar;=a3 =it: :is
na8e on it in t:e ca<ital1 !us: de8onstrates Ft:ose s<ecial c:aracteristics t:at @ualif3 a
8an for t:e :i9:est office if fate so desi9nates?F T:is is one ord =ould :a>e :ad no trouble
understandin9? !ob *ilson of California =as for !us:1 also considerin9 t:e lon9 ter8
<ers<ecti>esC :e li;ed !us:7s 3out:ful ent:usias8 and sa= :i8 as Fa real leader for
8oderationF Larr *innof #ansas1 *endell *3att of Ore9on1 !ill (oun9 of lorida1 ,on
(oun9 of Alas;a1 Ro9er Jion of Indiana-- all listed !us: as t:eir <ri8e c:oice? T:e
Re<ublican House Steerin9 Co88ittee =ent for !us: because of :is F9eneral acce<tance?F
Gfn /H
*:en ord7s staff tabulated t:e House results1 !us:7s co8bined total of 151 first1 second
and t:ird c:oice 8entions <ut :i8 in t:e lead1 o>er Roc;3 at -/ and Rea9an at $'?
A8on9 all t:e Re<ublican elected and a<<ointed offocials =:o :ad eE<ressed an o<inion1
!us: too; first <lace =it: $++ <oints1 =it: Roc;efeller second =it: 1/11 Gold=ater t:ird
=iit: /'1 Rea9an =it: +$1 follo=ed b3 Ric:ardson1 Mel>in Laird1 and t:e rest? It =as a
sur<rise to no one t:at !us: =as t:e clear =inner a8on9 t:e Re<ublican National
Co88ittee res<ondents1 =:ic: :e :ad <ersonall3 solicited and screened1 and e>en ord7s
<eo<le do not see8 to :a>e been o>erl3 i8<ressed b3 t:is <art of t:e result? !ut all in all it
=as trul3 a 8onu8ent to t:e !us: net=or;1 ac:ie>ed for a candidate =it: no @ualifications
=:o :ad >er3 8uc: <artici<ated in t:e sleaAe of t:e NiEon era?
T:e >oE <o<uli sa= t:in9s sli9:tl3 differentl3? In t:e nu8ber of tele9ra8s recei>ed b3 t:e
*:ite House1 Gold=ater =as =a3 a:ead =it: $$/5 in :is fa>or1 and onl3 15$ a9ainst? !us:
:ad //. for :i8 and 2$ a9ainst? Roc;3 :ad +)) in fa>or1 and a =:o<<in9 '$5$ a9ainst? Gfn
!ut e>en :ere1 t:e !us: net=or; :ad been totall3 8obiliAed1 =it: a >er3 lar9e effort in t:e
,allas business co88unit31 a8on9 blac; Re<ublicans1 and b3 la= fir8s =it: lin;s to t:e
Jionist lobb3? *ard La3 of rito-La3 Boined =it: Her8an *? La3 to su<<ort !us:? T:e la=
fir8 of Mc#enAie and !aer of ,allas assured ord t:at !us: =as FMr? Clean?F T:ere =as a
tele9ra8 fro8 C:arles %istor of t:e Re<ublic National !an; of ,allas1 and 8an3 ot:ers?
T:e all court <ress a<<lied b3 t:e !us: 8ac:ine also 9enerated bad blood? Roc;efeller
su<<orter To8 E>ans1 a for8er RNC co-c:air1 =rote to ord =it: t:e obser>ation t:at Fno
one s:ould ca8<ai9n for t:e <osition and I offer t:ese t:ou9:ts onl3 because of an acti>e
ca8<ai9n t:at is bein9 conducted on Geor9e !us:7s be:alf =:ic: I do not belie>e <ro<erl3
reflects Re<ublican o<inion?F E>ans =as 8ore substanti>e t:an 8ost reco88endations"
FCertainl3 one of t:e 8aBor issues confrontin9 our countr3 at t:is ti8e is t:e econo83 and
t:e related <roble8s of inflation1 une8<lo38ent1 and :i9: interest rates? I res<ectfull3
su99est t:at 3ou need so8eon8e =:o can :el< substanti>el3 in t:ese areas? Geor9e is 9reat
at %R but :e is not as 9ood in substanti>e 8atters? T:is o<inion can be confir8ed b3
indi>iduals =:o :eld ;e3 <ositions at t:e National Co88ittee?F E>ans also ar9ued t:at
!us: s:ould :a>e <ut 9reater distance bet=een t:e GO% and NiEon sooner t:an :e did? Gfn
So Nelson7s net=or;s =ere not 9oin9 to ta;e t:e !us: stron9-ar8 a<<roac: l3in9 do=n?
!us:7s 8ost ob>ious >ulnerabilit3 =as :is close relations:i< to NiEon1 <lus t:e fact t:at :e
:ad been u< to :is nec; in *ater9ate? It =as la=ful t:at !us:7s ties to one of NiEon7s slus:
funds ca8e bac; to :aunt :i8? T:is =as t:e FTo=n:ouseF fund a9ain1 t:e one 8ana9ed b3
&ac; A? Gleason and California attorne3 Herbert *? #al8bac:1 NiEon7s <ersonal la=3er1
=:o :ad 9ained @uite so8e <ersonal notoriet3 durin9 t:e *ater9ate 3ears? T:ese t=o :ad
bot: <leaded 9uilt3 earlier in 12.) to runnin9 an ille9al ca8<ai9n fun-raisin9 o<eration1
=it: none of t:e re@uired re<orts e>er filed?
!3 Au9ust 121 t:e e>en of ord7s eE<ected announce8ent1 t:e *as:in9ton %ost re<orted
t:at unna8ed *:ite House sources =ere tellin9 Ne=s=ee; 8a9aAine t:at !us:7s >ice
<residential bid F:ad sli<<ed badl3 because of alle9ed irre9ularities in t:e financin9 of :is
12.5 Senate race in TeEas?F Ne=s=ee; @uoted *:ite House sources t:at Ft:ere =as
<otential e8barrass8ent in re<orts t:at t:e NiEon *:ite House :ad funneled about
I1551555 fro8 a secret fund called t:e 7To=n:ouse O<eration7 into !us:7s losin9 Senate
ca8<ai9n a9ainst ,e8ocrat Llo3d !entsen four 3ears a9o?F Ne=s=ee; also added t:at
I)51555 of t:is 8one3 8a3 not :a>e been <ro<erl3 re<orted under t:e election la=s? !us:
=as una>ailable for co88ent t:at da31 and retainers &a8es !a3less and C? red C:a8bers
scra8bled to deli>er <lausible denials1 but t:e issue =ould not 9o a=a3?
!us:7s s<ecial treat8ent durin9 t:e 12.5 ca8<ai9n =as a subBect of acute resent8ent1
es<eciall3 a8on9 senate Re<ublicans ord needed to ;ee< on board? !ac; in 12.51 Senator
Mar; Hatfield of Ore9on :ad de8anded to ;no= =:3 &o:n To=er :ad 9i>en !us: nearl3
t=ice as 8uc: 8one3 as an3 ot:er Senate Re<ublican? Senator To=er :ad tried to den3
fa>oritis81 but Hatfield and Ed=ard !roo;e of Massac:usetts :ad not been <lacated? No=
t:ere =as t:e t:reat t:at if !us: :ad to 9o t:rou9: len9t:3 confir8ation :earin9s in t:e
Con9ress1 t:e entire To=n:ouse affair 8i9:t be dred9ed u< once a9ain? Accordin9 to so8e
accounts1 t:ere =ere as 8an3 as 1/ Re<ublican senators =:o :ad 9otten 8one3 fro8
To=n:ouse1 but =:ose na8es :ad not been di>ul9ed? Gfn 11H An3 atte8<t to force !us:
t:rou9: as >ice <resident 8i9:t lead to t:e fin9erin9 of t:ese senators1 and <er:a<s ot:ers1
8i9:til3 anta9oniAin9 t:ose =:o :ad fi9ured t:e3 =ere 9ettin9 off =it: a =:ole coat?
Ri<<in9 off t:e scabs of *ater9ate =ounds in t:is =a3 conflicted =it:e ord7s F:ealin9
ti8eF strate931 =:ic: =as desi9ned to <ut an :er8etic lid on t:e festerin9 8ass of
*ater9ate? !us: =as too dan9erous to ord? !us: could not be c:osen? ?
!ecause :e =as so redolent of NiEonian sleaAe1 !us:7s 8aEi8u8 eEertions for t:e >ice
<residenc3 =ere a failure? ord announced :is c:oice of Nelson Roc;efeller on Au9ust $51
12.)? It =as ne>ert:eless astoundin9 t:at !us: :ad co8e so close? He =as defeated for t:e
8o8ent1 but :e :ad establis:ed a clai8 on t:e office of t:e >ice <residenc3 t:at :e =ould
not relin@uis:? ,es<ite :is :ollo=1 arro9ant a8bition and total inco8<etence for t:e office1
:e =ould auto8naticall3 be considered for t:e >ice <residenc3 in 12.- and t:en a9ain in
12/5? or Geor9e !us: =as an aristocrat of senatorial ran;1 alt:ou9: denied t:e senate1 and
:is conduct betra3ed t:e con>iction t:at :e =as o=ed not Bust a <lace at t:e <ublic trou9:1
but t:e accolade of national <olitical office?
1? *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust 1-1 12.)?
$? *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust 21 12.)?
'? *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust 1-1 12.)?
)? Gerald R? ord Librar31 Robert T? Hart8an iles1 !oE $1?
+? Gerald R? ord Librar31 Robert T? Hart8ann iles1 !oE 12?
-? %:ili< !uc:en iles1 !oE -'?
.? Robert T? Hart8an iles1 !oE $1?
/? Robert T? Hart8ann iles1 !oEes 12 and $5?
2? Robert T? Hart8ann iles1 !oE $1?
15? Robert T? Hart8ann iles1 !oE $5?
11? *alter %incus and !ob *ood=ard1 F%residential %osts and ,as:ed Ho<es1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust
21 12//?
C:a<ter -MI6- !us: in !eiBin9
*:ate>er beni9n star it is t:at tends Geor9e !us:7s destin31 li9:ts :is a8bition1 it =as earl3 on
tra<<ed in t:e fla=ed orbit of Ric:ard NiEon? !us:7s 8eteoric ascent1 in a decade7s ti8e1 fro8
count3 GO% c:air8an to national c:air8an1 includin9 :is <resti9ious a8bassadors:i< to t:e
United Nations1 =as due lar9el3 to t:e stron9 tu9 of NiEonian 9ra>it3? Li;e=ise1 :is blunted :o<es
and di88ed future1 li;e t:e Co8et #o:oute;1 result fro8 t:e too-close a<<roac: to a fatal sun? Gfn
Se>eral 8inutes before ord a<<eared for t:e first ti8e before t:e tele>ision ca8eras =it:
Nelson Roc;efeller1 :is >ice <resident desi9nate1 :e :ad <laced a call to !us: to infor8 :i8
t:at :e :ad not been c:osen1 and to reassure :i8 t:at :e =ould be offered an i8<ortant <ost
as a consolation? T=o da3s later1 !us: 8et ord at t:e *:ite House? !us: clai8s t:at ord
told :i8 t:at :e could c:oose bet=een a future as US en>o3 to t:e Court of St? &a8es in
London1 or <resentin9 :is credentials to t:e %alais de l7El3see in %aris? !us: =ould :a>e us
belie>e t:at :e t:en told ord t:at :e =anted neit:er London nor %aris1 but !eiBin9? !us:7s
accounts t:en <ortra3 ord1 ne>er t:e @uic;est1 as ta8<in9 :is <i<e1 scratc:in9 :is :ead1
and as;in91 F*:3 !eiBin9DF Here !us: is l3in9 once a9ain?
ord =as certainl3 no 9enius1 but no one =as better situated t:an :e to ;no= t:at it =ould
:a>e been utter foll3 to <ro<ose !us: for an a8bassadors:i< t:at :ad to be a<<ro>ed b3 t:e
*:3 !eiBin9D T:e first consideration1 and it =as an i8<erati>e one1 =as t:at under no
circu8stances could !us: face Senate confir8ation :earin9s for an3 eEecuti>e branc:
a<<oint8ent for at least one to t=o 3ears? T:ere =ould :a>e been @uestions about t:e
To=n:ouse slus: fund1 about :is inter>ention on Car8ine !ellino1 <er:a<s about Leon and
Russell1 and about 8an3 ot:er acutel3 e8barrassin9 t:e8es? All of t:e reasons =:ic: :ad
led ord to eEclude !us: as >ice <resident1 for =:ic: :e =ould :a>e needed t:e a<<ro>al of
bot: Houses of Con9ress1 =ere >alid in rulin9 out an3 no8ination t:at :ad to 9et <ast t:e
senate? After *ater9ate1 !us:7s na8e =as Bust too s8ell3 to send u< to t:e Hill for an3
reason1 des<ite all t:e <o=er of t:e usual !ro=n !rot:er1 Harri8anOS;ull and !ones
net=or; 8obiliAation? It =ould ta;e ti8e to cauteriAe certain lesions and to cool off certain
in>esti9ati>e trac;s? Certain scandals :ad to be fiEed? %er:a<s in a 3ear or t=o t:in9s 8i9:t
cool do=n1 and t:e cli8ate of o<inion alter? !ut =:ile t:e <s3c:olo93 of *ater9ate
do8inated t:e le9islati>e branc:1 a :i9:-<rofile Bob for !us: =as out of t:e @uestion?
As !us: :i8self sl3l3 notes" FT:e United States didn7t 8aintain for8al di<lo8atic relations
=it: t:e %eo<le7s Re<ublic at t:e ti8e1 so 83 a<<oint8ent =ouldn7t need Senate
confir8ation?F An asteris; sends us to t:e additional fact t:at Fbecause I7d been a8bassador
to t:e United Nations I carried t:e title 7a8bassador7 to C:ina?F T:e <erson t:at =ould :a>e
to be con>inced1 !us: correctl3 noted1 =as Henr3 #issin9er1 =:o 8ono<oliAed all
decisions on :is <riAed C:ina card? Gfn $H !ut Geor9e =as ri9:t about t:e confir8ation?
Official di<lo8atic relations bet=een t:e US and 8ainland C:ina ca8e onl3 =it: t:e Carter
C:ina card of 12.2? In 12.)1 =:at !us: =as as;in9 for =as t:e US Laison Office 0USLO41
=:ic: did not :a>e t:e official status of an e8bass3? T:e c:ief of t:at office =as t:e
<resident7s <ersonal re<resentati>e in C:ina1 but it =as a <ost t:at did not re@uire senate
!us:7s notorious cron3 Robert Mosbac:er1 certainl3 =ell >ersed enou9: to @ualif3 as a
conoisseur of sleaAe1 =as unc:aracteristicall3 close to t:e :eart of t:e 8atter =:en :e
o<ined t:at in late Au9ust1 12.)1 !us: F=anted to 9et as far a=a3 fro8 t:e stenc: Gof
*ater9ateH as <ossible?F Gfn 'H Li;e ,on Gre99 in 12/21 !us: =anted to 9et out of to=n
and let t:in9s blo= o>er for a =:ile? His o=n stor3 t:at !eiBin9 =ould be a Fc:allen9e1 a
Bourne3 into t:e un;no=nF is <ure tri<e? More i8a9inati>e1 but e@uall3 8endacious is t:e
late ,ean !urc:7s eE<lanation t:at !us: :ad Fa Marco %olo co8<leE1 t:in;in9 :e could
<entrate t:e 83ster3 of t:e <lace?F T:e trut: is t:at =it: *as:in9ton tee8in9 =it:
Con9ressional co88ittees1 s<ecial <rosecutors1 9rand Buries1 all in a furor of ostracis81
!us: =anted to 9et as far a=a3 as :e could1 and !eiBin9 =as ideal?
Ot:er attractions in:erent in t:e !eiBin9 <ostin9 are su99ested b3 t:e fact t:at !us:7s
<redecessor in !eiBin9 =as ,a>id #?E? !ruce1 =:o :ad o<ened t:e liason office in Marc:1
12.'? !ruce :ad been t:e c:ief of t:e London bureau of t:e Office of Strate9ic Ser>ices
durin9 *orld *ar II1 =:ic: 8eant t:at :e :ad been t:e boss of all Euro<ean OSS
o<erations1 includin9 Allen ,ulles in S=itAerland and all t:e rest? T:e <resence in !eiBin9
of !ruce1 a true e8inence 9rise of An9lo-A8erican intelli9ence1 <oints u< t:e i8<ortance
of t:e <ost1 es<eciall3 in t:e co>ert and intelli9ence do8ain?
Ot:er=ise1 as !us: :as alread3 8entioned1 ser>in9 in !eiBin9 8eant furt:er close
subordination to Henr3 #issin9er? #issin9er told !us: before :e left t:at <olic3 =ould be
i8<le8ented directl3 b3 #issin9er :i8self1 in contact =it: t:e C:inese liaison in
*as:in9ton and t:e C:inese re<resentati>e at t:e United Nations? In <ractice1 !us: =ould
be ordered about b3 suc: #issin9er clones as Ric:ard Solo8on of t:e NSC1 Assistant
Secretar3 of State %:ili< Habib1 and *inston Lord1 director of t:e State ,e<art8ent7s
%olic3 %lannin9 Staff and t:e scion of an old S;ull and !ones fa8il3? !ut t:en a9ain1 !us:
=as a leadin9 #issin9er clone in :is o=n ri9:t?
inall31 an3one =:o :as obser>ed !us:7s stubborn1 obsessi>e1 8orall3 insane su<<ort for
,en9 Miao-<in91 Li %en91 and (an9 S:an;un durin9 t:e after8at: of t:e Tien An Men
8assacre of &une1 12/2 is dri>en to=ards t:e conclusion t:at !us: 9ra>itated to=ards
C:ina because of an electi>e affinit31 because of a <rofound attraction for t:e 8et:ods and
outloo; of C:inese leaders li;e Mao Tse-tun91 C:ou En-lai1 and ,en91 for =:o8 !us: :as
8anifested a steadfast and uns:a;eable de>otion in t:e face of :einous cri8es and
si9nificant <olitical <ressure to re<udiate t:e8? !us: =anted to 9o to C:ina because :e
found C:inese co88unists 9enuinel3 con9enial?
*:en !us: =as about to lea>e for C:ina1 :is cron3 ,ean !urc: 0no lon9er troubled1 as =e
see1 b3 !us:7s der8al diarr:ea4 arran9ed for a fifteen 8inute sendoff 8eetin9 =it: ord1
but t:is =as reduced to 15 8inutes b3 NSC director Sco=croft1 at t:at ti8e t:e 8ost
i8<ortant #issin9er clone of t:e8 all? !efore :e left for !eiBin91 !us: could not resist
8a;in9 so8e sententious and self-ser>in9 <ronounce8ents to t:e <ress about :is
eE<erience in *ater9ate? He told ,a>id !roder of t:e *as:in9ton %ost" F*e7>e done a lot
of runnin9 Bust to sta3 in <lace1 and I =as so8eti8es de<ressed b3 t:e a8ount of bic;erin9
t:at 9oes on? !ut t:en I loo; across to=n at !ob Strauss and :is <roble8s1 and I feel li;e
t:is =as a $5-8ont: :one38oon?F !ob Strauss =as at t:is ti8e !us:7s counter<art at t:e
,e8ocratic National Co88ittee? !us: noted t:at t:ere =as F<:iloso<:ical discontentF
a8on9 ri9:t-=in9 Re<ublicans about t:e <olicies of NiEon and ord1 but o<ined t:at t:ese
=ould ne>er lead to a t:ird <art3 on t:e ri9:t? !us: defended F<atrona9eF and said :e =as
F=orried about t:e :ealt: of t:e t=o-<art3 s3ste8F e>en t:ou9: :e =orried t:at t:is cause
is Freall3 not >er3 <o<ular ri9:t no=?F Gfn )H
!us:7s staff in !eiBin9 included de<ut3 c:ief of 8ission &o:n Holdrid9e1 ,on Anderson1
Herbert Horo=itA1 !ill T:o8as1 and !us:7s FeEecuti>e assistant1F &ennifer itA9erald1 =:o
:as re8ained >er3 close to !us:1 and =:o :as so8eti8es been ru8ored to be :is 8istress?
&ennifer itA9erald in 1221 =as t:e de<ut3 c:ief of <rotocol in t:e *:ite HouseC =:en
Ger8an C:acellor #o:l >isited !us: in t:e s<in9 of 12211 :e =as 9reeted on t:e *:ite
House ste<s b3 &ennifer itA9erald? !us:7s closest contacts a8on9 C:inese officialdo8
included >ice 8inister of forei9n affairs Liao Guan:ua and :is =ife J:an9 HanA:i1 also a
to< official of t:e forei9n 8inistr3? T:is is t:e sa8e Liao =:o is re<eatedl3 8entioned in
#issin9er7s 8e8oirs as one of :is 8ost i8<ortant Red C:inese di<lo8atic interlocutors?
T:is is t:e FLord LiaoF eni98aticall3 8entioned b3 Mao durin9 #issin9er7s 8eetin9 =it:
Mao and J:ou En-lai on No>e8ber 1$1 12.'? Liao and J:an9 later lost <o=er because
t:e3 sided =it: t:e left eEtre8ist Gan9 of our after t:e deat: of Mao in 12.-1 !us: tells
us? !ut in 12.)-.+1 t:e <o=er of t:e <roto-Gan9 of our faction =as at its :ei9:t1 and it
=as to=ards t:is 9rou< t:at !us: @uic;l3 9ra>itated? In 8o>in9 instincti>el3 to=ards t:e
:ardline Mao faction1 !us: =as also doubtless a=are of of Mao7s connections =it: t:e (ale
in C:ina <ro9ra8 around t:e ti8e of t:e irst *orld *ar? T:e S;ull and !ones net=or;
could turn u< in uneE<ected <laces?
!us: and !arbara =ere careful to create t:e i8<ression t:at t:e3 =ere rusticatin9 a=a3 in
!eiBin9? !arbara told ,on Oberdorfer in earl3 ,ece8ber" F!ac; in *as:in9ton or at t:e
United Nations t:e tele<:one =as rin9in9 all t:e ti8e? Geor9e =ould co8e :o8e and sa31
eEcuse 8e1 and <ic; u< t:e <:one? It7s >er3 different :ere? In t:e first fi>e =ee;s I t:in; :e
recei>ed t=o tele<:one calls1 eEce<t for t:e ones fro8 8e? I tr3 to call :i8 once a da3? I
t:in; :e 8isses t:e <:one as 8uc: as an3t:in9?F
*as Mrs? !us: bein9 entirel3 candidD E>en if s:e =as1 !us: could console :i8self and :is
:3<er;inetic t:3roid =it: t:e fact t:at if t:ere =ere no calls1 t:ere =ere also no sub<oenas?
!us: :i8self added" FA lot of <eo<le said1 7(ou don7t ;no= =:at 3ou7re 9ettin9 into1F but
on t:e basis of a 8ont: I78 >er3 :a<<3? Sure1 t:e <lace is >er3 different but I =anted a
c:an9e of <ace? *:at t:e :ell1 I78 +5? It =on7t :urt an3t:in91F said !us: =it: a =:inin9
note of self-<it3? Gfn +H T:e self-<it3 =as a dece<tion t:is ti8e1 since1 as =e =ill see1 !us:
:ad <lent3 to do in !eiBin9? T:e US Liason Office =as located in a =alled co8<ound in an
area occu<ied b3 ot:er forei9n 8issions in a !eiBin9 suburb? A 9uard fro8 t:e %eo<le7s
Liberation Ar83 =as <osted outside at all ti8es? !us: told Oberdorfer t:at :e started t:e
da3 =it: t:e ne=s on t:e 6oice of A8erica1 follo=ed b3 a 3o9:urt brea;fast1 t:en staff
8eetin9s and atte8<ts at C:ina-=atc:in9 deci<:erin9 of t:e editorials of Ren Min Ribao
0T:e %eo<le7s ,ail34? At 11")51 !us: and !arbara recei>ed t:eir C:inese lesson fro8 t:eir
Mandarin teac:er1 Mrs? Tan9? T:en ca8e a 8ulticourse lunc:? *ednesda3 and Saturda3
afternoons =ere ti8e off1 as =ell as Sunda3s? !us: tried to attract attention b3 ridin9 a
bic3cle to di<lo8atic en9a9e8ents? FE>er3bod3 =as astonis:ed1 <articularl3 because it =as
so different fro8 t:e di9nified 8anner of ,a>id !ruce1F said one di<lo8at? FI t:in; t:e
C:inese <robabl3 t:ou9:t t:e3 =ere doin9 it for effect?F Geor9e =as :a>in9 bac; trouble1
and found an osteo<at: to treat :is bac; at a <ublic bat::ouse? !us:7s attention-9ettin9
<lo3s :ad so8e effect on t:e !eiBin9 of Mao Tse-tun91 or at least on t:e forei9ners? F!us: is
an instant success around :ere1 F said a Canadian ne=s8an? FT:e real test =ill co8e1
t:ou9:1 =:en t:e no>elt3 =ears off and :is ent:usias8 runs do=n?F
NSSM $55
*:en !us: :ad been in !eiBin9 for about a 8ont:1 Henr3 #issin9er arri>ed for one of :is
<eriodic >isits to discuss current business =it: t:e !eiBin9 leaders:i<? #issin9er arri>ed
=it: :is usual ar83 of retainers and Secret Ser>ice 9uards? ,urin9 t:is >isit1 !us: =ent
=it: #issin9er to see 6ice-%re8ier ,en9 Miao-<in9 and orei9n Minister Liao? T:is =as
one of four re<orted >isits b3 #issin9er t:at =ould <unctuate !us:7s sta3?
!us:7s tenure in !eiBin9 8ust be understood in t:e conteEt of t:e Malt:usian and fran;l3
9enocidal <olicies of t:e #issin9er *:ite House? T:ese are a<tl3 su88ed u< for reference
in t:e recentl3 declassified National Securit3 Stud3 Me8orandu8 $551 FI8<lications of
*orld=ide %o<ulation Gro=t: for US Securit3 and O>erseas Interests1F dated ,ece8ber
151 12.)? Gfn -H NSSM $551 a Boint effort b3 #issin9er and :is de<ut3 General !rent
Sco=croft1 <ro>ided a :it list of 1' de>elo<in9 countries for =:ic: t:e NSC <osited a
Fs<ecial US <olitical and strate9ic interestF in <o<ulation reduction or li8itation? T:e list
included India1 !en9lades:1 %a;istan1 Ni9eria1 MeEico1 Indonesia1 !raAil1 t:e %:ili<<ines1
T:ailand1 E93<t1 Tur;e31 Et:io<ia1 and Colo8bia? ,e8o9ra<:ic 9ro=t: in t:ese and ot:er
t:ird =orld nations =as to be :alted and if <ossible re>ersed for t:e brutal reason t:at
<o<ulation 9ro=t: re<resented increased strate9ic1 and 8ilitar3 <o=er for t:e countries in
%o<ulation 9ro=t:1 ar9ues NSSM $551 =ill also increase <ressure for t:e econo8ic and
industrial de>elo<8ent of t:ese countries1 an e>entualit3 =:ic: t:e stud3 sees as a t:reat to
t:e United States? In addition1 bi99er <o<ulations in t:e t:ird =orld are alle9ed to lead to
:i9:er <rices and 9reater scarcit3 of strate9ic ra= 8aterials? As #issin9er su88ed u<"
F,e>elo<8ent of a =orld=ide <olitical and <o<ular co88itt8ent to <o<ulation
stabiliAation is funda8ental to an3 effecti>e strate93????T:e US s:ould encoura9e L,C
leaders to ta;e t:e lead in ad>ancin9 fa8il3 <lannin9?F *:en NSSM $55 9oes on to as;1
F=ould food be considered an instru8ent of national <o=erDF it is clear to all t:at acti>e
8easures of 9enocide are at t:e :eart of t:e <olic3 bein9 <ro<ounded? A later #issin9er
re<ort <raises t:e C:inese co88unist leaders:i< for t:eir co88itt8ent to <o<ulation
control? ,urin9 12.+1 t:ese C:inese co88unists1 Henr3 #issin9er and Geor9e !us: =ere
to tea8 u< to create a de8onstration 8odel of t:e NSSM $55 <olic3" t:e %ol %ot re9i8e in
,urin9 t:e ti8e t:at !us: =as in !eiBin91 t:e fi9:tin9 in 6ietna8 ca8e to an end as t:e
Sout: 6ietna8ese ar83 colla<sed in t:e face of a lar9e-scale in>asion fro8 t:e nort:? T:e
insane ad>enture of 6ietna8 :ad been or9aniAed b3 !us:7s o=n !ro=n !rot:ers1
Harri8anOS;ull and !ones net=or;? *:en &o:n ? #enned3 :ad been elected <resident in
12-51 :e :ad turned to !ro=n !rot:ers1 Harri8an <artner Robert Lo>ett to <ro>ide :i8 a
list of li;el3 c:oices for :is cabinet? ro8 t:is list =ere dra=n Rus; and McNa8ara1 t:e
leadin9s :a=;s in t:e cabinet? McGeor9e and *illia8 !und31 descendants of t:e Lo=ells
of !oston1 but closel3 related to t:e Sti8son-Ac:eson circles1 =ere 8ainsta3s of t:e <art3
of escalation? Henr3 Cabot Lod9e =as t:e US A8bassador in Sai9on =:en t:e Harri8an
:ad insisted on assassinatin9 %resident ,ie81 t:e leader of t:e countr3 t:e US =as
su<<osedl3 defendin9? Harri8an1 startin9 as assistant secretar3 for Sout:east Asian affairs1
:ad =or;ed :is =a3 u< t:rou9: t:e #enned3-&o:nson State ,e<art8ent =it: t:e sa8e
<ro9ra8 of eE<andin9 t:e =ar? No= t:at Harri8an-Lo>ett <olic3 :ad led to t:e ine>itable
debacle? !ut t:e <ost-=ar sufferin9 of sout:east Asia =as onl3 be9innin9?
Tar9et Ca8bodia
One of t:e 9a8bits used b3 #issin9er to de8onstrate to t:e !eiBin9 co88unist leaders t:e
utilit3 of ra<<roc:e8ent =it: t:e US =as t:e un:a<<3 nation of Ca8bodia? T:e <ro- US
9o>ern8ent of Ca8bodia =as :eaded b3 Mars:al Lon Nol1 =:o :ad ta;en <o=er in 12.51
t:e 3ear of t:e <ublic and 8assi>e US 9round incursion into t:e countr3? !3 t:e s<rin9 of
12.+1 =:ile t:e Nort: 6ietna8ese ad>anced on Sai9on1 t:e Lon Nol 9o>ern8ent =as
fi9:tin9 for its life a9ainst t:e ar8ed insurrection of t:e #:8er Rou9e co88unist 9uerillas1
=:o =ere su<<orted b3 8ainland C:ina? #issin9er =as as anEious as usual to ser>e t:e
interests of !eiBin91 and no= e>en 8ore so1 because of t:e alle9ed need to increase t:e
<o=er of t:e C:inese and t:eir assets1 t:e #:8er rou9e1 a9ainst t:e triu8<:ant Nort:
6ietna8ese? T:e 8ost i8<ortant consideration re8ained to all3 =it: C:ina1 t:e second
stron9est land <o=er1 a9ainst t:e USSR? Secondaril31 it =as i8<ortant to 8aintain t:e
balance of <o=er in Sout:east Asia as t:e US <olic3 colla<sed? #issin9er7s <olic3 =as
t:erefore to Bettison t:e Lon Nol 9o>ern8ent1 and to re<lace it =it: t:e #:8er rou9e?
Geor9e !us:1 as #issin9er7s liaison 8an in !eiBin91 =as one of t:e instru8ents t:rou9:
=:ic: t:is <olic3 =as eEecuted? !us: did :is <art1 and t:e result is ;no=n to =orld :istor3
under t:e :eadin9 of t:e %ol %ot re9i8e1 =:ic: co88itted a 9enocide a9ainst its o=n
<o<ulation <ro<ortionall3 9reater t:an an3 ot:er in recent =orld :istor3?
Until 12.51 t:e 9o>ern8ent of Ca8bodia =as led b3 %rince Si:anou;1 a for8er ;in9 =:o
:ad ste<<ed do=n fro8 t:e t:rone to beco8e <ri8e 8inister? ,es<ite :is 8an3 li8itations1
Si:anou; =as t:en1 and re8ains toda31 t:e 8ost >iable s38bol of t:e national unit3 and
:o<e for so>erei9nt3 of Ca8bodia? Under Si:anou;1 Ca8bodia :ad 8aintained a 8easure
of stabilit3 and :ad abo>e all 8ana9ed to a>oid bein9 co8<letel3 en9ulfed b3 t:e s=irlin9
8aelstro8 of t:e =ars in Laos and in 6ietna8? !ut durin9 12-21 NiEon and #issin9er :ad
ordered a secret bo8bin9 ca8<ai9n a9ainst Nort: 6ietna8ese troo< concentrations on
Ca8bodian territor3 under t:e code na8e of FMenu?F T:is bo8bin9 =ould :a>e been a real
and substanti>e 9rounds for t:e i8<eac:8ent of NiEon1 and it did constitute t:e fourt:
<ro<osed article of i8<eac:8ent a9ainst NiEon sub8itted to t:e House &udiciar3
Co88ittee on &ul3 '51 12.)? !ut after t:ree articles of i8<eac:8ent :a>in9 to do =it: t:e
*ater9ate brea;-ins and subse@uent co>eru< =ere a<<ro>ed b3 t:e co88ittee1 t:e 8ost
i8<ortant article1 t:e one on 9enocide in Ca8bodia1 =as defeated b3 a >ote of $- to 1$?
Ca8bodia =as dra99ed into t:e Indo-C:ina =ar b3 t:e US-s<onsored cou< d7etat in %:no8
%en: on Marc:1 12.51 =:ic: ousted Si:anou; in fa>or of Mars:al Lon Nol of t:e
Ca8bodian ar831 =:ose re9i8e =as ne>er able to ac:ie>e e>en a 8odicu8 of stabilit3?
S:ortl3 t:ereafter1 at t:e end of A<ril1 12.51 NiEon and #issin9er launc:ed a lar9e-scale US
8ilitar3 in>asion of Ca8bodia1 citin9 t:e use of Ca8bodian territor3 b3 t:e Nort:
6ietna8ese ar8ed forces for t:eir FHo C:i Min: trailF su<<l3 line to sustain t:eir forces
de<lo3ed in Sout: 6ietna8? T:e F<arrot7s bea;F area of Ca8bodia1 =:ic: eEtended dee<
into Sout: 6ietna81 =as occu<ied?
%rince Si:anou;1 =:o described :i8self as a neutralist1 establis:ed :i8self in !eiBin9 after
t:e seiAure of <o=er b3 Lon Nol? In Ma3 of 12.5 :e beca8e t:e titular leader and :ead of
state of a Ca8bodian 9o>ern8ent in eEile1 t:e Gou>erne8ent Ro3al d7Union Nationale du
#a8<uc:ea1 or GRUN#? T:e GRUN# =as in essence a united front bet=een Si:anou; and
t:e #:8er Rou9e1 =it: t:e latter eEercisin9 8ost of t:e real <o=er and co88andin9 t:e
ar8ed forces and secret <olice? Si:anou; =as 8erel3 a fi9ure:ead1 and :e ;ne= it? He told
Italian Bournalist Oriana allaci in 12.' t:at =:en Ft:e3 Gt:e #:8er Rou9eH no lon9er need
8e1 t:e3 =ill s<it 8e out li;e a c:err3 <it?F
,urin9 t:ese 3ears1 t:e Ca8bodian Co88unist <art3 or #:8er Rou9e1 =:ic: :ad launc:ed
a s8all 9uerilla insurrection durin9 12-/1 =as a ne9li9eable 8ilitar3 factor in Ca8bodia1
fieldin9 onl3 a >er3 fe= t:ousand 9uerilla fi9:ters? One of its leaders =as Salot: Sar1 =:o
:ad studied in %aris1 and =:o :ad t:en soBourned at len9t: in Red C:ina at t:e :ei9:t of t:e
Red Guards7 a9itation? Salot: Sar =as one of t:e 8ost i8<ortant leaders of t:e #:8er
Rou9e1 and =ould later beco8e infa8ous under :is no8 de 9uerre of %ol %ot? ,ecisi>e
su<<ort for %ol %ot and for t:e later 9enocidal <olicies of t:e #:8er Rou9e al=a3s ca8e
fro8 !eiBin91 des<ite t:e atte8<ts to 8is9uided or l3in9 co88entators 0li;e Henr3
#issin9er4 to de<ict t:e #:8er Rou9e as a creation of Hanoi?
!ut in t:e 3ears after 12.51 t:e #:8er Rou9e1 =:o =ere deter8ined i88ediatel3 to
transfor8 Ca8bodia into a co88unist uto<ia be3ond t:e drea8s e>en of t:e =ildest
Maoist Red Guards1 8ade ra<id 9ains? T:e 8ost i8<ortant sin9le in9edient in t:e rise of t:e
#:8er Rou9e =as <ro>ided b3 #issin9er and NiEon1 t:rou9: t:eir s3ste8atic ca8<ai9n of
terror bo8bin9 a9ainst Ca8bodian territor3 durin9 12.'? T:is =as called Arcli9:t1 and
be9an s:ortl3 after t:e &anuar31 12.' %aris accords on 6ietna8? *it: t:e <reteEt of :altin9
a #:8er Rou9e attac; on %:no8 %en:1 US forces carried out .212+2 officiall3 confir8ed
sorties =it: !-+$ and -111 bo8bers a9ainst tar9ets inside Ca8bodia1 dro<<in9 +'211$2
tons of eE<losi>es? Man3 of t:ese bo8bs fell u<on t:e 8ost densel3 <o<ulated sections of
Ca8bodia1 includin9 t:e countr3side around %:no8 %en:? T:e nu8ber of deat:s caused b3
t:is 9enocidal ca8<ai9n :as been esti8ated as bet=een '51555 and +551555? Gfn .H
Accounts of t:e de>astatin9 i8<act of t:is 8ass terror bo8bin9 lea>e no doubt t:at it
s:attered 8ost of =:at re8ained of Ca8bodian societ3 and <ro>ided ideal <reconditions
for t:e furt:er eE<ansion of t:e #:8er Rou9e insur9enc31 in 8uc: t:e sa8e =a3 t:at t:e
catastro<:e of t:e irst *orld *ar =ea;ened Euro<ean societ3 so as to o<en t:e door for
t:e 8ass irrationalist 8o>e8ents of fascis8 and !ols:e>is8?
,urin9 12.)1 t:e #:8er Rou9e consolidated t:eir :old o>er <arts of Ca8bodia? In t:ese
encla>es t:e3 s:o=ed t:eir c:aracteristic 8et:ods of 9enocide1 dis<ersin9 t:e in:abitants of
t:e cities into t:e countr3side1 =:ile eEecutin9 teac:ers1 ci>il ser>ants1 intellectuals--
so8eti8es all t:ose =:o could read and =rite? T:is <olic3 =as re8ar;abl3 si8ilar to t:e
one bein9 carried out b3 t:e US under T:eodore S:ac;le37s O<eration %:oeniE in
nei9:borin9 Sout: 6ietna81 and #issin9er and ot:er officials be9an to see t:e <otential of
t:e #:8er Rou9e for i8<le8entin9 t:e 9enocidal <o<ulation reductions t:at :ad no= been
8ade t:e official doctrine of t:e US re9i8e?
Su<<ort for t:e #:8er Rou9e =as e>en 8ore attracti>e to #issin9er and NiEon because it
<ro>ided an o<<ortunit3 for t:e 9eo<olitical <ro<itiation of t:e Maoist re9i8e in C:ina?
Indeed1 in t:e de>elo<8ent of t:e C:ina card bet=een 12.' and 12.+1 durin9 8ost of
!us:7s sta3 in !eiBin91 Ca8bodia loo8ed >er3 lar9e as t:e sin9le 8ost i8<ortant bilateral
issue bet=een t:e US and Red C:ina? Alread3 in No>e8ber1 12.$ #issin9er told !us:7s
later <ri8e contact Liao Guan:ua t:at t:e US =ould :a>e no real obBection to a Si:anou;-
#:8er Rou9e 9o>ern8ent of t:e t3<e t:at later e8er9ed" F*:oe>er can best <reser>e it
GCa8bodiaH as an inde<endent neutral countr31 is consistent =it: our <olic31 and =e belie>e
=it: 3ours1F said #issin9er Gfn /H J:ou En-lai told #issin9er in ebruar31 12.' t:at if Nort:
6ietna8 =ere to eEtend its do8ination o>er Ca8bodia1 t:is F=ould result in e>en 9reater
*:en !us:7s <redecessor ,a>id !ruce arri>ed in !eiBin9 to o<en t:e ne= US Liason Office
in t:e s<rin9 of 12.'1 :e sou9:t contact =it: J:ou En-lai? On Ma3 1/1 12.' J:ou stressed
t:at t:e onl3 solution for Ca8bodia =ould be for Nort: 6ietna8ese forces to lea>e t:at
countr3 entirel3? A fe= da3s later #issin9er told C:inese dele9ate Huan9 Hua in Ne= (or;
t:at US and Red C:inese interests in Ca8bodia =ere co8<atible1 since bot: sou9:t to
a>oid Fa bloc =:ic: could su<<ort t:e :e9e8onial obBecti>es of outside <o=ers1F 8eanin9
Nort: 6ietna8 and Hanoi7s bac;ers in Mosco=? T:e 9enocidal terror bo8bin9 of Ca8bodia
=as ordered b3 #issin9er durin9 t:is <eriod? #issin9er =as a<o<lectic o>er t:e 8o>e b3 t:e
US Con9ress to <ro:ibit furt:er bo8bin9 of Ca8bodia after Au9ust 1+1 12.'1 =:ic: :e
called Fa totall3 un<redictable and senseless e>ent?F Gfn 2H #issin9er al=a3s <retends t:at
t:e #:8er Rou9e =ere a tool of Hanoi1 and in :is Me8oirs :e s<ins out an absurd t:eor3
t:at t:e =ea;enin9 of J:ou and t:e ascendanc3 of t:e Gan9 of our =as caused b3
#issin9er7s o=n inabilit3 to ;ee< bo8bin9 Ca8bodia? In realit31 !eiBin9 =as bac;in9 its
o=n allies1 t:e #:8er Rou9e1 as is ob>ious fro8 t:e account t:at #issin9er :i8self
<ro>ides of :is 8eetin9 =it: !us:7s friend Liao in October1 12.'? Gfn 15H
Startin9 in t:e second :alf of 12.)1 Geor9e !us: =as :ea>il3 en9a9ed on t:is Sino-
Ca8bodian front1 <articularl3 in :is contacts =it: :is 8ain ne9otiatin9 <artner1 Liao? !us:
:ad t:e ad>anta9e t:at secret di<lo8ac3 carried on =it: t:e Red C:inese re9i8e durin9
t:ose da3s =as subBect to >er3 little <ublic scrutin3? T:e su88aries of !us:7s dealin9s =it:
t:e Red C:inese no= a=ait t:e liberation of t:e files of t:e orei9n Ministr3 in !eiBin9 or
of t:e State ,e<art8ent in *as:in9ton1 =:ic:e>er co8es first? !us:7s in>ol>e8ent on t:e
Ca8bodian @uestion :as been establis:ed b3 later inter>ie=s =it: %rince Si:anou;7s c:ef
de cabinet1 %un9 %en9 C:en91 as =ell as =it: renc: and US officials ;no=led9eable about
!us:7s acti>ities in !eiBin9 durin9 t:at ti8e? *:at =e :a>e :ere is ad8ittedl3 t:e ti< of t:e
iceber91 t:e 8erest :ints of t:e 8onstrous ini@uit3 3et to be uneart:ed? Gfn 11H
T:e #:8er Rou9e launc:ed a dr3-season offensi>e a9ainst %:no8 %en: in earl3 12.)1
=:ic: fells s:ort of its 9oal? T:e3 tried a9ain t:e follo=in9 3ear =it: a dr3 season offensi>e
launc:ed on &anuar3 11 12.+? Soon su<<lies to %:no8 %en: =ere cut off1 bot: on t:e land
and alon9 t:e Me;on9 Ri>er? Units of Lon Nol7s forces fou9:t t:e battle of t:e %:no8 %en:
<eri8eter t:rou9: Marc:? On A<ril 11 12.+1 %resident Lon Nol resi9ned and fled t:e
countr3 under t:e <ressure of t:e US E8bass31 =:o =anted :i8 out as @uic;l3 as <ossible
as <art of t:e <ro9ra8 to a<<ease !eiBin9? Gfn 1$H
*:en Lon Nol :ad left t:e countr31 #issin9er beca8e concerned t:at t:e o<en con@uest of
%:no8 %en: b3 t:e #:8er Rou9e co88unist 9uerillas =ould create <ublic relations and
<olitical <roble8s for t:e s:a;e3 ord re9i8e in t:e United States? #issin9er accordin9l3
beca8e interested in :a>in9 %rince Si:anou;1 t:e titular :ead of t:e insur9ent coalition of
=:ic: t:e #:8er Rou9e =ere t:e leadin9 <art1 tra>el fro8 !eiBin9 to %:no8 %en: so t:at
t:e ne= 9o>ern8ent in Ca8bodia could be <ortra3ed 8ore as a neutralist-nationalist1 and
less as a fran;l3 co88unist1 re9i8e? T:is turns out to be t:e e<isode of t:e Ca8bodian
tra9ed3 in =:ic: Geor9e !us:7s <ersonal in>ol>e8ent is 8ost readil3 de8onstrated?
%rince Si:anou; :ad re<eatedl3 sou9:t direct contacts =it: #issin9er? At t:e end of Marc:1
12.+ :e tried a9ain to o<en a c:annel to *as:in9ton1 t:is ti8e =it: t:e :el< of t:e renc:
E8bass3 in !eiBin9? Si:anou;7s c:ef de cabinet %un9 %en9 C:en re@uested a 8eetin9 =it:
&o:n Holdrid9e1 !us:7s de<ut3 c:ief of station? T:is 8eetin9 =as :eld at t:e renc:
E8bass3? %un9 told Holdrid9e t:at %rince Si:anou; :ad a fa>or to as; of %resident ord"
Fin G Si:anou;7s H old :o8e in %:no8 %en: =ere co<ies of t:e fil8s of Ca8bodia :e :ad 8ade in
t:e siEties =:en :e :ad been an ent:usiastic cineaste? T:e3 constituted a uni@ue cultural record of
a Ca8bodia t:at =as 9one fore>er" =ould t:e A8ericans <lease rescue t:e8D #issin9er ordered
,ean G t:e US A8bassador in Ca8bodia H to find t:e fil8s and also instructed !us: to see; a
8eetin9 =it: Si:anou;? T:e %rince refused1 and durin9 t:e first ten da3s of A<ril1 as t:e noose
around %:no8 %en: ti9:tened1 :e continued :is <ublic tiradesF a9ainst t:e US and its Ca8bodian
<u<<ets? Gfn 1'H
On t:e sa8e da31 A<ril 111 ord announced t:at :e =ould not re@uest an3 furt:er aid for
Ca8bodia fro8 t:e US Con9ress1 since an3 aid for Ca8bodia a<<ro>ed no= =ould be Ftoo
lateF an3=a3? ord :ad ori9inall3 been as;in9 for I''' 8illion to sa>e t:e 9o>ern8ent of
Ca8bodia? Se>eral da3s later ord =ould re>erse :i8self and rene= :is re@uest for t:e aid1
but b3 t:at ti8e it =as reall3 too late?
On A<ril 11 t:e US E8bass3 =as <re<arin9 a dra8atic e>acuation1 but t:e e8bass3 =as
bein9 ;e<t o<en as <art of #issin9er7s effort to brin9 %rince Si:anou; bac; to %:no8 %en:?
FIt =as no=1 on A<ril 111 12.+1 as ,ean =as tellin9 9o>ern8ent leaders :e 8i9:t soon be lea>in91
t:at #issin9er decided t:at Si:anou; s:ould be brou9:t bac; to Ca8bodia? In %e;in91 Geor9e
!us: =as ordered to see; anot:er 8eetin9C t:at afternoon &o:n Holdrid9e 8et once 8ore =it:
%un9 %en9 C:en9 at t:e renc: E8bass3? T:e A8erican di<lo8at eE<lained t:at ,r? #issin9er
and %resident ord =ere no= con>inced t:at onl3 t:e %rince could end t:e crisis? *ould :e <lease
as; t:e C:inese for an aircraft to fl3 :i8 strai9:t bac; to %:no8n %en:D T:e United States =ould
9uarantee to re8ain t:ere until :e arri>ed? ,r? #issin9er =is:ed to i8<ose no conditions?F FOn
A<ril 1$ at + AM %e;in9 ti8e Holdrid9e a9ain 8et =it: %un9? He told :i8 t:at t:e %:no8 %en:
<eri8eter =as de9eneratin9 so fast t:at t:e A8ericans =ere <ullin9 out at once? Si:anou; :ad
alread3 issued a state8ent reBectin9 and denouncin9 #issin9er7s in>itation?F Gfn 1)H
Si:anou; :ad a certain follo=in9 a8on9 liberal 8e8bers of t:e US Senate1 and :is
<resence in %:no8 %en: in t:e 8idst of t:e debacle of t:e old Lon Nol forces =ould
doubtless :a>e been reassurin9 for US <ublic o<inion? !ut Si:anou; at t:is ti8e :ad no
abilit3 to act inde<endentl3 of t:e #:8er Rou9e leaders1 =:o =ere :ostile to :i8 and =:o
:eld t:e real <o=er1 includin9 t:e inside trac; to t:e Red C:inese? %rince Si:anou; did
return to %:no8 %en: later in 12.+1 and :is strained relations =it: %ol %ot and :is
collea9ues soon beca8e e>ident? Earl3 in 12.-1 Si:anou; =as <laced under :ouse arrest b3
t:e #:8er Rou9e1 =:o a<<ear to :a>e intended to eEecute :i8? Si:anou; re8ained under
detention until t:e Nort: 6ietna8ese dro>e %ol %ot and :is forces out of %:no8 %en: in
12./ and set u< t:eir o=n 9o>ern8ent t:ere?
In follo=in9 t:e #issin9er-!us: 8ac:inations to brin9 %rince Si:anou; bac; to Ca8bodia
in 8id-A<ril1 12.+1 one is also sus<icious t:at an included o<tion =as to increase t:e
li;eli:ood t:at Si:anou; 8i9:t be li@uidated b3 t:e #:8er Rou9e? *:en t:e #:8er Rou9e
entered %:no8 %en:1 t:e3 i88ediatel3 carried out a 8assacre on a 9rand scale1 sla3in9 an3
8e8bers of t:e Lon Nol and Lon9 !oret cabinets t:e3 could 9et t:eir :ands on? T:ere =ere
8ass eEecutions of teac:ers and 9o>ern8ent officials1 and all of t:e $?+ 8illion residents of
%:no8 %en: =ere dri>en into t:e countr3side1 includin9 seriousl3 ill :os<ital <atients?
Under t:ese circu8stances1 it =ould :a>e been relati>el3 eas3 to assassinate Si:anou;
a8idst t:e 9eneral or93 of slau9:ter? Suc: an e>entualit3 =as eE<licitl3 referred to in a
#issin9er NSC briefin9 <a<er circulated in Marc: 12.+1 in =:ic: Si:anou; =as @uoted as
follo=s in re8ar;s 8ade ,ece8ber 151 12.1" FIf I 9o on as c:ief of state after >ictor31 I run
t:e ris; of bein9 <us:ed out t:e =indo= b3 t:e Co88unists1 li;e Masar3;1 or t:at I 8i9:t
be i8<risoned for re>isionis8 or de>iationis8?F
More t:an $ 8illion Ca8bodians out of an esti8ated total <o<ulation of sli9:tl3 8ore t:an
. 8illion <eris:ed under t:e #:8er Rou9eC accordin9 to so8e esti8ates1 t:e 9enocide
;illed '$R of t:e total <o<ulation? Gfn 1+H T:e United States and Red C:ina1 actin9 to9et:er
under t:e #issin9er FC:ina cardF <olic31 :ad li@uidated one Ca8bodian 9o>ern8ent1
destro3ed t:e fabric of ci>il societ3 in t:e countr31 ousted a <ro-US 9o>ern8ent1 and
installed a ne= re9i8e t:e3 ;ne= to be 9enocidal in its intentions? or #issin9er1 it =as t:e
eEe8<lification of t:e ne= US strate9ic doctrine contaied in NSSM $55? or Geor9e !us:1
it =as t:e fulfill8ent of :is fa8il37s fanaticall3 :eld belief in t:e need for 9enocide to
<re>ent t:e 8ore <rolific1 but inferior races of t:e eart:1 in t:is case t:ose =it: 3ello=
s;ins1 fro8 Fout-breedin9F t:e i8<erial An9lo-SaEon racial stoc;? In addition to
o<<ortunities to <ro8ote 9enocide1 !us:7s tenure in !eiBin9 <resented :i8 =it: nu8erous
occasions to eE<loit <ublic office for t:e <ri>ate 9ain of financiers and business8en =:o
=ere a <art of :is net=or;?
Meetin9 of t:e Monsters
In Se<te8ber1 12.+1 as ord =as <re<arin9 for a 3ear-end >isit to C:ina1 #issin9er
or9aniAed a %residential rece<tion at t:e *:ite House for a dele9ation fro8 t:e !eiBin9
C:ina Council for t:e %ro8otion of International Trade? T:is =as t:e first :i9:-le>el trade
dele9ation to co8e to t:e United States fro8 C:ina? T:e 8eetin9 =as carefull3
c:oreo9ra<:ed b3 #issin9er and Sco=croft? T:e ord Librar3 :as <reser>ed a
su<<le8entar3 8e8o to Sco=croft1 at t:at ti8e t:e NSC c:ief1 fro8 Ric:ard H? Solo8on
of t:e NSC staff1 =:ic: reads as follo=s" FRe9ardin9 t:e %resident7s 8eetin9 =it: t:e
C:inese trade 9rou<1 State :as called 8e re@uestin9 t:at A8bassador !us: and G#issin9er
:enc:8anH %:il Habib attend t:e 8eetin9? (ou =ill recall :a>in9 a<<ro>ed !us:7s sittin9 in
on t:e %resident7s 8eetin9 =it: t:e Con9ressional dele9ation t:at recentl3 returned fro8
C:ina? Hence1 !us: =ill be floatin9 around t:e *:ite House at t:is <eriod of ti8e an3=a3?
I <ersonall3 t:in; it =ould be useful to :a>e !us: and Habib sit in? T:e Cabinet Roo8
s:ould be able to :old t:e8? *in Lord is so8eone else =:o 8i9:t be in>ited?F T:is
8eetin9 =as e>entuall3 :eld on Se<te8ber /1 12.+? A little earlier !us: en route to
*as:in9ton1 :ad sent a :and-=ritten note to Sco=croft dated Au9ust $21 12.+? T:is 8issi>e
ur9ed Sco=croft to 9rant a re@uest fro8 Codel Anderson1 =:o :ad Bust co8<leted a >isit to
C:ina co8<lete =it: a 8eetin9 =it: ,en9 Miao-<in91 to be allo=ed to re<ort bac; to ord
<ersonall3? T:ese =ere t:e t3<e of contacts =:ic: later <aid off for !us:7s cronies? ,urin9
12..1 !us: returned to C:ina as a <ri>ate citiAen1 ta;in9 =it: :i8 :is for8er Ja<ata
business <artner1 &? Hu9: Liedt;e? In &anuar31 12./1 Liedt;e =as on :and =:en t:e C:inese
oil 8inister =as !us:7s 9uest for dinner at :is :o8e in Houston? In Ma31 12./1 Liedt;e and
%ennAoil =ere at t:e to< of t:e C:inese 9o>ern8ent7s list of US oil fir8s co8<etin9 to be
accorded contracts for drillin9 in C:ina? T:en1 in t:e late su88er of 12./1 &? Hu9: Liedt;e
of %ennAoil 8ade anot:er tri< to C:ina1 durin9 =:ic: :e =as allo=ed to >ie= 9eolo9ical
studies =:ic: :ad <re>iousl3 been :eld as state secrets b3 !eiBin9? %ennAoil =as in t:e lead
for a contract to be9in offs:ore drillin9 in t:e Sout: C:ina sea? Gfn 1-H #issin9er 8ade four
>isits to !eiBin9 durin9 !us:7s tenure t:ere1 t:ree solo a<<earances and a final Bun;et
acco8<anied b3 ord? On October 121 12.+1 #issin9er arri>ed in !eiBin9 to <re<are for
ord7s >isit1 set for ,ece8ber? T:ere =ere tal;s bet=een #issin9er and ,en9 Miao-<in91
=it: !us:1 Habib1 *inston Lord and orei9n Minister Liao ta;in9 <art? It =as durin9 t:is
>isit t:at1 !us: =ould :a>e us belie>e1 t:at :e :ad :is first face to face 8eetin9 =it: Mao
Tse Tun91 t:e leader of a co88unist re>olution =:ic: :ad clai8ed t:e li>es of so8e
15515551555 C:inese since t:e end of t:e Second *orld *ar?
Mao1 one of t:e 9reatest 8onsters of t:e t=entiet: centur31 =as /1 3ears old at t:at ti8e?
He =as in >er3 bad :ealt:C =:en :e o<ened :is 8out: to 8eet #issin9er1 Fonl3 9uttural
noises e8er9ed?F Mao7s stud3 contained tables co>ered =it: tubes and 8edical a<<aratus1
and a s8all oE39en tan;? Mao =as unable to s<ea; co:erentl31 but :ad to =rite C:inese
c:aracters and an occasional =ord in En9lis: on a note <ad =:ic: :e s:o=ed to :is
inter<reters? #issin9er in@uired as to Mao7s :ealt:? Mao <ointed to :is :ead sa3in91 FT:is
<art =or;s =ell? I can eat and slee<?F T:en Mao ta<<ed :is le9s" FT:ese <arts do not =or;
=ell? T:e3 are not stron9 =:en I =al;? I also :a>e so8e trouble =it: 83 lun9s? In a =ord1 I
a8 not =ell? I a8 a s:o=case for >isitors1 F Mao su88ed u<? T:e croa;in91 9uttural >oice
continued" FI a8 9oin9 to :ea>en soon? I :a>e alread3 recei>ed an in>itation fro8 God?F
If Mao =as a basso <rofondo of 9uttural croa;in91 t:en #issin9er =as at least a bass-
baritone" F,on7t acce<t it too soon1F :e re<lied? FI acce<t t:e orders of t:e ,octor1F =rote
Mao on :is note <ad? Mao at t:is <oint :ad sli9:tl3 less t:an a 3ear to li>e? !us: <ro>ided
counter<oint to t:ese lo=er re9isters =it: :is o=n =:inin9 tenor?
!us: =as 8uc: i8<ressed b3 Mao7s rustic bac;9round and re<ertiore of C:inese barn3ard
eE<ressions? Referrin9 to a certain <roble8 in Sino-A8erican relations1 Mao dis8issed it as
no 8ore i8<ortant t:an a Ffan9 9o <i1F no 8ore i8<ortant t:an a do9 fart? !us: :as al=a3s
:ad a stran9e fascination for scatolo9ical references1 =:ic: is <robabl3 rooted a8id t:e
taboos of :is clenc:ed An9lo-SaEon fa8il3 bac;9round1 =:ere t:e bo3s ne>er :eard t:eir
fat:er fart? *e :a>e seen !us:7s obsessi>e recountin9 of L!&7s 8uc:- told Fc:ic;en s:itF
anecdote about t:e House of Re<resentati>es?
Mao =ent on1 co88entin9 about US 8ilitar3 su<eriorit31 and t:en sa3in9" FGod blesses
3ou1 not us? God does not li;e us because I a8 a 8ilitant =arlord1 also a Co88unist? No1
:e doesn7t li;e 8e? He li;es 3ou t:ree?F Mao <ointed to #issin9er1 !us:1 and *inston Lord?
To=ards t:e end of t:e encounter1 t:is lu9ubrious 8onster sin9led out !us: for s<ecial
attention? Mao turned to *inston Lord? FT:is a8bassador1F said Mao =:ile 9esturin9
to=ards !us:1 Fis in a <li9:t? *:3 don7t 3ou co8e >isit DF FI =ould be :onored1F !us:
re<lied accordin9 to :is o=n account1 Fbut I78 afraid 3ou7re >er3 bus3?F FO:1 I78 not bus31F
said Mao?FI don7t loo; after internal affairs? I onl3 read t:e international ne=s? (ou s:ould
reall3 co8e >isit?F
!us: clai8s Gfn 1.H t:at :e ne>er acce<ted C:air8an Mao7s in>itation to co8e around for
<ri>ate tal;s? !us: sa3s t:at :e =as con>inced b3 8e8bers of :is o=n staff t:at Mao did
not reall3 8ean to in>ite :i81 but =as onl3 bein9 <olite? *as !us: reall3 so reticent1 or is
t:is anot:er one of t:e falsifications =it: =:ic: :is official bio9ra<:ies are studdedD T:e
=orld 8ust a=ait t:e o<enin9 of t:e !eiBin9 and o993 !otto8 arc:i>es? In t:e 8eanti8e1
=e 8ust ta;e a 8o8ent to conte8<late t:at 9at:erin9 of October1 12.+ in C:air8an Mao7s
<ri>ate >illa1 secluded be:ind 8an3 court3ards and screens in t:e C:un9nan:ai encla>e of
C:inese rulers not far fro8 t:e Great Hall of t:e %eo<le and Tien An Men1 =:ere less t:an
a 3ear later an initial round of <ro-de8ocrac3 de8onstrations =ould be <ut do=n in blood
in t:e =a;e of t:e funeral of J:ou En-lai?
Mao1 #issin9er1 and !us:" :as :istor3 e>er seen a tete-a-tete of suc: 8ass 8urderersD Mao1
identif3in9 :i8self =it: C:in S:i: Huan91 t:e first e8<eror of all of C:ina and founder of
t:e C:in d3nast31 =:o :ad built t:e Great *all1 burned t:e boo;s1 and ;illed t:e Confucian
sc:olars-- t:is Mao :ad 8assacred ten <er cent of :is o=n <eo<le1 ra>a9ed #orea1 stran9led
Tibet? #issin9er7s cri8es =ere endless1 fro8 t:e Middle East to 6ietna81 fro8 t:e oil crisis
of .'-.) =it: t:e endless deat: in t:e Sa:el to India- %a;istan1 C:ile1 and 8an3 8ore?
#issin9er1 Mao1 and !us: :ad collaborated to install t:e %ol %ot #:8er Rou9e re9i8e in
Ca8bodia1 =:ic: =as no= a<<roac:in9 t:e Aenit: of its 9enocidal career? Co8<ared to t:e
ot:er t=o1 !us: 8a3 :a>e a<<eared as an a<<rentice of 9enocide" :e :ad done so8e
filibusterin9 in t:e Caribbean1 :ad been <art of t:e c:eerin9 section for t:e Indonesia
8assacres of 12-+1 and t:en :e :ad beco8e a <art of t:e #issin9er a<<aratus1 s:arin9 in t:e
res<onsibilit3 for India-%a;istan1 t:e Middle East1 Ca8bodia? !ut as !us: ad>anced
t:rou9: :is <ersonal cursus :onoru81 :is <o=er and :is 9enocidal deEterit3 =ere 9ro=in91
fores:ado=in9 suc: future triu8<:s as t:e de>astation of El C:orillo in %ana8a in
,ece8ber1 12/21 and :is later 8aster=or; of sa>a9er31 t:e Gulf =ar of 1221? !3 t:e ti8e
of !us:7s ad8inistration1 An9lo-A8erican finance and t:e International Monetar3 und
=ere a>era9in9 so8e +515551555 needless deat:s <er 3ear in t:e de>elo<in9 sector?
!ut Mao1 #issin9er1 and !us: eEc:an9ed <leasantries t:at da3 in Mao7s sittin9 roo8 in
C:un9nan:ai? If t:e s:ades of Hitler or Stalin :ad sou9:t ad8ission to t:at collo@iu81 t:e3
8i9:t :a>e been denied entrance? Later1 in earl3 ,ece8ber1 Gerald ord1 acco8<anied b3
:is :a<less =ife and dau9:ter1 ca8e to see t:e 8oribund Mao for =:at a8ounted to a <:oto
o<<ortunit3 =it: a li>in9 cada>er? T:e A% =ire issued t:at da3 :3<ed t:e fact t:at Mao :ad
tal;ed =it: ord for 1 :our and fift3 8inutes1 nearl3 t=ice as lon9 as t:e Great Steers8an
:ad 9i>en to NiEon in 12.$? %artici<ants in t:is 8eetin9 included #issin9er1 !us:1
Sco=croft1 and *inston Lord? E>en suc: #issin9erian :ea>ies as Undersecretar3 of State
&ose<: Sisco1 Assistant Secretar3 of State for East Asian and %acific Affairs1 and Ric:ard
Solo8on of t:e NSC =ere not allo=ed to sta3 for t:e 8eetin9? !us: =as no= trul3 a
leadin9 #issin9er clone? A Boint co88uni@ue issued after t:is session said t:at Mao and
ord :ad :ad Fearnest and si9nificant discussions ???on =ide-ran9in9 issues in a friendl3
at8os<:ere?F At t:is 8eetin91 C:air8an Mao 9reeted !us: =it: t:e =ords1 F(ou7>e been
<ro8oted?F Mao turned to ord1 and added" F*e :ate to see :i8 9o?F At a <ri>ate lunc:
=it: 6ice %re8ier ,en9 Miao-<in91 t:e risin9 star of t:e <ost-Mao succession1 ,en9
assured !us: t:at :e =as considered a friend of t:e C:inese Co88unist :ierarc:3 =:o
=ould al=a3s be =elco8e in C:ina1 Fe>en as :ead of t:e CIA?F or1 as =e =ill see1 t:is
=as to be t:e neEt sto< on !us:7s cursus :onoru8? Later #issin9er and !us: also 8et =it:
Liao Guan:ua1 still t:e orei9n Minister? Accordin9 to ne=s<a<er accounts1 t:e
<:raseolo93 of t:e Boint co88uni@ue su99ested t:at t:e 8eetin9 :ad been 8ore t:an
usuall3 cordial? T:ere :ad also been a t=o-:our 8eetin9 =it: ,en9 Miao-<in9 re<orted b3
t:e ord *:ite House as Fa constructi>e eEc:an9e of >ie=s on a =ide ran9e of
international issues?F At a ban@uet1 ,en9 used a toast for an anti-So>iet tirade =:ic: t:e
So>iet ne=s a9enc3 TASS criticiAed as F>icious attac;s?F Gfn 1/H ord t:ou9:t1 <robabl3
because :e :ad been told b3 #issin9er1 t:at t:e fact t:at Mao :ad acco8<anied :i8 to t:e
door of :is >illa after t:e 8eetin9 =as a s<ecial :onor1 but :e =as disabused b3 !eiBin9-
based corres<ondents =:o told :i8 t:at t:is =as Mao7s custo8ar3 <ractice? ord7s dau9:ter
Susan =as s<ortin9 a full-len9t: 8us;rat coat for :er tri< to t:e Great *all? FIt7s 8ore t:an
I e>er eE<ected1F s:e 9us:ed?
FI feel li;e I78 in a fantas3? It7s a =:ole ot:er =orld?F ,a3s after ord de<arted fro8
!eiBin91 !us: also left t:e C:inese ca<ital? It =as ti8e for a ne= ste< in :is i8<erial cursus
:onoru8? ,urin9 :is entire sta3 in !eiBin91 !us: :ad ne>er sto<<ed sc:e8in9 for ne= <at:s
of <ersonal ad>ance8ent to=ards t:e >er3 a<eE of <o=er? !efore !us: =ent to !eiBin91 :e
:ad tal;ed to :is net=or; asset and cron3 Ro9ers C?!? Morton about :is fa>orite to<ic1 :is
o=n <ros<ects for future career a99randiAe8ent? Morton at t:at ti8e =as Secretar3 of
Co88erce1 but :e =as <lannin9 to ste< do=n before 8uc: lon9er? Morton told !us:"
F*:at 3ou ou9:t to t:in; about is co8in9 bac; to *as:in9ton to re<lace 8e =:en I lea>e?
It7s a <erfect s<rin9board for a <lace on t:e tic;et?F T:is idea is t:e t:e8e of a ord *:ite
House 8e8o <reser>ed in t:e &ac; Mars: iles at t:e ord Librar3 in Ann Arbor? T:e
8e8o is addressed to &ac; Mars:1 counsellor to t:e %resident1 b3 Russell Rour;e of
Mars:7s staff? T:e 8e8o1 =:ic: is dated Marc: $51 12.+1 reads as follo=s" FIt7s 83
i8<ression and <artial understandin9 t:at Geor9e !us: :as <robabl3 :ad enou9: of e99
rolls and %e;in9 b3 no= 0and :as <robabl3 9otten o>er :is lost 6?%? o<<ortunit34? He7s one
:ell of a %residential surro9ate1 and =ould be an outstandin9 s<o;es8an for t:e *:ite
House bet=een no= and No>e8ber 7.-? ,on7t 3ou t:in; :e =ould 8a;e an outstandin9
candidate for Secretar3 of Co88erce or a si8ilar <ost so8eti8e durin9 t:e neEt siE
T:e NeEt Ste<
!us: =as no= obsessed =it: t:e idea t:at :e :ad a ri9:t to beco8e >ice <resident in 12.-?
As a 8e8ber of t:e senatorial caste1 :e :ad a ri9:t to enter t:e senate1 and if t:e <lebeians
=it: t:eir c:an9eable :u8ors barred t:e electi>e route1 t:en t:e onl3 ans=er =as to be
a<<ointed to t:e second s<ot on t:e tic;et and enter t:e senate as its <residin9 officer? As
!us: =rote in :is ca8<ai9n autobio9ra<:3" FHa>in9 lost out to Roc;efeller as ord7s >ice
<residential c:oice in 12.)1 I 8i9:t be considered b3 so8e as a leadin9 contender for t:e
nu8ber t=o s<ot in #ansas Cit3????F Gfn 12H
!us: <ossessed a re8ar;able ca<abilit3 for t:e blac;8ailin9 of ord" :e could enter t:e
12.- Re<ublican <residential <ri8aries as a candidate in :is o=n ri9:t1 and could occasion
a :e8orr:a9in9 of liberal Re<ublican su<<ort t:at 8i9:t ot:er=ise :a>e 9one to ord?
ord1 t:e first non-elected <resident1 =as t:e =ea;est of all incu8bents1 and :e =as alread3
<re<arin9 to face a <o=erful c:allen9e fro8 :is ri9:t 8ounted b3 t:e Ronald Rea9an ca8<?
T:e <resence of an additional ri>al =it: !us:7s net=or;s a8on9 liberal and 8oderate
Re<ublican la3ers 8i9:t constitute a fatal i8<edi8ent to ord7s <ros<ects of 9ettin9 :i8self
elected to a ter8 of :is o=n?
Accordin9l31 =:en #issin9er >isited !us: in !eiBin9 in October1 12.+1 :e <ointedl3
in@uired as to =:et:er !us: intended to enter an3 of t:e Re<ublican <residential <ri8aries
durin9 t:e 12.- season? T:is =as t:e <rinci<al @uestion t:at ord :ad directed #issin9er to
as; of !us:? !us:7s eEit fro8 !eiBin9 occurred =it:in t:e conteEt of ord7s celebrated
Hallo=een Massacre of earl3 No>e8ber1 12.+? T:is F8assacre1F re8iniscent of NiEon7s
cabinet <ur9e of 12.' 0Ft:e Saturda3 ni9:t 8assacreF41 =as a nu8ber of firin9s and
transfers of :i9: officials at t:e to< of t:e eEecuti>e branc: t:rou9: =:ic: ord sou9:t to
fi9ure fort: t:e <olitical <rofile =:ic: :e intended to carr3 into t:e <ri8aries and1 if :e
=ere successful in t:e =inter and s<rin91 into t:e Re<ublican con>ention and1 be3ond t:at1
into t:e fall ca8<ai9n? So eac: of t:ese c:an9es :ad a <ur<ose t:at =as ulti8atel3 rooted in
In t:e Hallo=een 8assacre1 it =as announced t:at 6ice %resident Nelson Roc;efeller =ould
under no circu8stances be a candidate to continue in t:at office? Nelson7s ne9ati>es =ere
si8<l3 too :i9:? &a8es FRodne3 t:e RobotF Sc:lesin9er =as su88aril3 ousted as t:e
Secretar3 of ,efenseC Sc:lesin9er7s F,r? Stran9elo>eF o>ertones =ere Bud9ed not
<resentable durin9 an election 3ear? To re<lace Sc:lesin9er1 ord7s *:ite House c:ief of
staff1 ,onald Ru8sfeld =as 9i>en t:e %enta9on? Henr3 #issin9er1 =:o u< to t:is 8o8ent
:ad been runnin9 t:e ad8inistration fro8 t=o <osts1 NSC director and Secretar3 of State1
:ad to 9i>e u< :is *:ite House office and =as obli9ed to direct t:e business of t:e
9o>ern8ent fro8 o993 !otto8? In consolation to :i81 t:e NSC Bob =as assi9ned to :is
de>oted clone and later business associate1 retired Air orce Lieutenant General !rent
Sco=croft1 a Mor8on =:o =ould later <la3 t:e role of eEter8inatin9 de8on durin9 !us:7s
Gulf =ar ad>enture? At t:e ,e<art8ent of Co88erce1 t:e secretar37s <ost t:at :ad been so
:i9:l3 touted to !us: =as bein9 >acated b3 Ro9ers Morton? inall31 *illia8 Colb31 :is
<ublic re<utation t:orou9:l3 dela<idated as a result of t:e re>elations 8ade durin9 t:e
C:urc: Co88ittee and %i;e Co88ittee in>esti9ations of t:e abuses and cri8es of t:e CIA1
es<eciall3 =it:in t:e US do8estic s<:ere1 =as canned as ,irector of Central Intelli9ence?
Could t:is elaborate res:uffle be 8ade to 3ield a Bob for !us:D It =as an3t:in9 but
9uaranteed? T:e <ost of CIA director =as offerred to *as:in9ton la=3er and influence
bro;er Ed=ard !ennett *illia8s? !ut :e turned it do=n?
T:en t:ere =as t:e <ost at Co88erce? T:is =as one t:at !us: ca8e >er3 close to 9ettin9?
In t:e &ac; Mars: files at t:e Gerald ord Librar3 t:ere is a draft 8ar;ed FSu99ested cable
to Geor9e !us:1F but =:ic: is undated? T:e tele9ra8 be9ins" FCon9ratulations on 3our
selection b3 t:e %resident as Secretar3 of Co88erce?F T:e Bob title is crossed out1 and
F,irector of t:e Central Intelli9ence A9enc3F is <encilled in?
So !us: al8ost =ent to Co88erce1 but t:en =as <ro<osed for Lan9le3 instead? !us: in :is
ca8<ai9n autobio9ra<:3 su99ests t:at t:e CIA a<<oint8ent =as a tactical defeat1 t:e one
ne= Bob t:at =as 8ore or less 9uaranteed to ;ee< :i8 off t:e GO% tic;et in 12.-? As CIA
,irector1 if :e 9ot t:at far1 :e =ould :a>e to s<end Ft:e neEt siE 8ont:s ser>in9 as <oint
8an for a contro>ersial a9enc3 bein9 in>esti9ated b3 t=o 8aBor Con9ressional co88ittees?
T:e scars left b3 t:at eE<erience =ould <ut 8e out of contention1 lea>in9 t:e s<ot o<en for
ot:ers?F Gfn $5H !us: su99ests t:at Ft:e Lan9le3 t:in9F =as t:e :andi=or; of ,onald
Ru8sfeld1 =:o :ad a leadin9 role in desi9nin9 t:e res:uffle? 0So8e ti8e later *illia8
Si8on confided <ri>atel3 t:at :e :i8self :ad been tar9etted for <roscri<tion b3 FRu8831F
=:o =as 8ore interested in t:e Treasur3 t:an :e =as in t:e %enta9on?4
On All Saints7 ,a31 No>e8ber 11 12.+1 !us: recei>ed a tele9ra8 fro8 #issin9er infor8in9
:i8 t:at Ft:e %resident is <lannin9 to announce so8e 8aBor <ersonnel s:ifts on Monda31
No>e8ber '1 at ."'5 %M1 *as:in9ton ti8e? A8on9 t:ose s:ifts =ill be t:e transfer of !ill
Colb3 fro8 CIA? T:e %resident as;s t:at 3ou consent to :is no8inatin9 3ou as t:e ne=
director of t:e Central Intelli9ence A9enc3?F Gfn $1H
!us: <ro8<tl3 acce<ted?
1? Al Reinert1 F!ob and Geor9e Go To *as:in9ton or T:e %ost-*ater9ate Scra8bleF in TeEas Mont:l31
A<ril 12.)?
$? !us: and Gold1 Loo;in9 or=ard1 <? 1'5?
'? *alter %incus and !ob *ood=ard1 F%residential %osts and ,as:ed Ho<es1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust 21
)? *as:in9ton %ost1 Se<te8ber 1-1 12.)?
+? *as:in9ton %ost1 ,ece8ber $1 12.)?
-? See Hassan A:8ed and &ose<: !re=da1 F#issin9er1 Sco=croft1 !us: %lotted T:ird *orld Genocide1F
EEecuti>e Intelli9ence Re>ie=1 Ma3 '1 12211 <<? $--'5?
.? Russell R? Ross ed?1 Ca8bodia" A Countr3 Stud3 0*as:in9ton1 122541 <? )-?
/? #issin9er1 (ears of U<:ea>al 0!oston1 12/$41 <? ')1? T:is second >olu8e of #issin9er7s 8e8oirs1
<ublis:ed =:en :is close all3 !us: :ad alread3 beco8e >ice <resident1 :as 8uc: less to sa3 about Geor9e7s
acti>ities1 =it: onl3 one reference to :i8 in 8ore t:an 1$55 <a9es? *e see a9ain t:at !us: <refers t:at
8ost of :is actual record re8ain co>ert?
2? #issin9er1 (ears of U<:ea>al1 <? '-.?
15? #issin9er1 (ears of U<:ea>al1 <? -/1?
11? See *illia8 S:a=cross1 Sides:o=" #issin9er1 NiEon1 and t:e ,estruction of Ca8bodia 0Ne= (or;1
12/.41 <<? '-5-'-1?
1$? Lt? Gen? Sa; Sutsa;:an1 t:e leader of t:e last Ca8bodian 9o>ern8ent before t:e ad>ent of t:e #:8er
Rou9e1 ar9ues t:at t:e >ictor3 of t:e co88unists =as not a fore9one conclusion1 and t:at 8odest A8erican
aid1 in t:e for8 of $5 aircraft and a fe= doAen obsolescent tan;s =aitin9 for deli>er3 in T:ailand1 could
:a>e 8ateriall3 c:an9ed t:e 8ilitar3 outco8e? See Sutsa;:an7s T:e #:8er Re<ublic at *ar and t:e inal
Colla<se 0*as:in9ton1 ,C41 <<? 1-'1 1--? 1
'? S:a=cross1 Sides:o=1 <? '-5?
1)? S:a=cross1 Sides:o=1 <? '-1?
1+? Ca8bodia" A Countr3 Stud31 <? +1?
1-? orbes1 Se<te8ber )1 12./?
1.? See !us: and Gold1 <<? 1)+-1)2 for !us:7s account of :is alle9ed first 8eetin9 =it: Mao?
1/? Ne= Orleans Ti8es-%ica3une1 ,ece8ber '1 12.+?
12? !us: and Gold1 <? 1+.?
$5? !us: and Gold1 <<? 1+.-1+/?
$1? !us: and Gold1 <? 1+'?
Geor9e !us:" T:e Unaut:oriAed !io9ra<:3 --- b3 *ebster G? Tar<le3 N Anton
C:a<ter -M6- CIA ,IRECTOR
In late 12.+1 as a result in <articular of :is role in *ater9ate1 !us:7s confir8ation as CIA
,irector =as not auto8atic? And t:ou9: t:e debate at :is confir8ation =as su<erificial1
so8e senators1 includin9 in <articular t:e late ran; C:urc: of Ida:o1 8ade so8e
obser>ations about t:e dan9ers in:erent in t:e !us: no8ination t:at :a>e turned out in
retros<ect to be useful?
T:e <olitical scene on t:e :o8efront fro8 =:ic: !us: :ad been so anEious to be absent
durin9 12.+ =as t:e so-called F(ear of Intelli9ence1F in t:at it :ad been a 3ear of intense
scrutin3 of t:e ille9al acti>ities and abuses of t:e intelli9ence co88unit31 includin9 CIA
do8estic and co>ert o<erations? On ,ece8ber $$1 12.) t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es <ublis:ed t:e
first of a series of articles b3 Se38our M? Hers: =:ic: relied on lea;ed re<orts of CIA
acti>ities asse8bled b3 ,irector &a8es Rodne3 Sc:lesin9er to eE<ose alle9ed 8isdeeds b3
t:e a9enc3?
It =as =idel3 reco9niAed at t:e ti8e t:at t:e Hers: articles =ere a self-eE<osure b3 t:e CIA
t:at =as desi9ned to set t:e a9enda for t:e ord-a<<ointed Roc;efeller Co88ission1 =:ic:
=as set u< a fe= da3s later1 on &anuar3 )1 12.+? T:e Roc;efeller Co88ission 8e8bers
included &o:n T? Connor1 C? ,ou9las ,illon1 Er=in N? Gris=old1 Lane #ir;land1 L38an
Le8nitAer1 Ronald Rea9an1 and Ed9ar ? S:annon1 &r? T:e Roc;efeller Co88ission =as
su<<osed to eEa8ine t:e 8alfeasance of t:e intelli9ence a9encies and 8a;e
reco88endations about :o= t:e3 could be reor9aniAed and refor8ed? In realit31 t:e
Roc;efeller Co88ission <ro<osals =ould reflect t:e transition fro8 t:e structures of t:e
cold =ar to=ards t:e 9ro=in9 totalitarian tendencies of t:e 12/57s?
*:ile t:e Roc;efeller Co88ission =as a ti9:tl3 controlled >e:icle of t:e Eastern
An9lo<:ile liberal establis:8ent1 Con9ressional in>esti9atin9 co88ittees =ere e8<aneled
durin9 12.+ =:ose <roceedin9s =ere so8e=:at less ri9idl3 controlled? T:ese included t:e
Senate Intelli9ence Co88ittee1 ;no=n as t:e C:urc: Co88ittee1 and t:e corres<ondin9
House co88ittee1 first c:aired b3 Re<? Lucien NedAi 0=:o :ad <re>iousl3 c:aired one of
t:e <rinci<al *ater9ate-era <robes4 and t:en 0after &ul34 b3 Re<? Otis %i;e? One eEa8<le
=as t:e %i;e Co88ittee7s issuance of a conte8<t of Con9ress citation a9ainst Henr3
#issin9er for :is refusal to <ro>ide docu8entation of co>ert o<erations in No>e8ber1 12.+?
Anot:er =as C:urc:7s role in leadin9 t:e o<<osition to t:e !us: no8ination?
T:e C:urc: Co88ittee launc:ed an in>esti9ation of t:e use of co>ert o<erations for t:e
<ur<ose of assassinatin9 forei9n leaders? !3 t:e nature of t:in9s1 t:is <robe =as lead to
9ra<<le =it: t:e <roble8 of =:et:er co>ert o<erations sanctioned to eli8inate forei9n
leaders :ad been re-tar9etted a9ainst do8estic <olitical fi9ures? T:e ob>ious case =as t:e
#enned3 assassination?
C:urc: =as es<eciall3 dili9ent in attac;in9 CIA co>ert o<erations1 =:ic: !us: =ould be
anEious to defend? T:e CIA7s co>ert branc:1 C:urc: t:ou9:t1 =as a Fself-ser>in9
a<<aratus?F FIt7s a bureaucrac3 =:ic: feeds on itself1 and t:ose in>ol>ed are constantl3
sittin9 around t:in;in9 u< sc:e8es for Gforei9nH inter>ention =:ic: =ill =in t:e8
<ro8otions and Bustif3 furt:er additions to t:e staff???It self-9enerates inter>entions t:at
ot:er=ise ne>er =ould be t:ou9:t of1 let alone aut:oriAed?F Gfn 1H
It =ill be seen t:at at t:e be9innin9 of !us:7s tenure at t:e CIA1 t:e Con9ressional
co88ittees =ere on t:e offensi>e a9ainst t:e intelli9ence a9encies? !3 t:e ti8e t:at !us:
de<arted Lan9le31 t:e tables =ere turned1 and it =as t:e Con9ress =:ic: =as t:e focus of
scandals1 includin9 #orea9ate? Soon t:ereafter1 t:e Con9ress =ould under9o t:e assault of
%re<aration for =:at =as to beco8e t:e Hallo=een 8assacre be9an in t:e ord *:ite
House durin9 t:e su88er of 12.+? T:e ord Librar3 in Ann Arbor1 Mic:i9an <reser>es a
8e8o fro8 ,onald Ru8sfeld to ord dated &ul3 151 12.+1 =:ic: deals =it: an arra3 of
<ossible c:oices for CIA ,irector? Ru8sfeld :ad <olled a nu8ber of *:ite House and
ad8inistration officials and as;ed t:e8 to eE<ress <references a8on9 Foutsiders to t:e
CIA?F Gfn $H
A8on9 t:e officials <olled b3 C:ene3 =as Henr3 #issin9er1 =:o su99ested C? ,ou9las
,illon1 Ho=ard !a;er1 Gal>in1 and Robert Roosa? ,ic; C:ene3 of t:e *:ite House staff
<ro<osed Robert !or;1 follo=ed b3 !us: and Lee Iacocca? Nelson Roc;efeller =as also for
C? ,ou9las ,illon1 follo=ed b3 Ho=ard !a;er1 Conner1 and &a8es R? Sc:lesin9er?
Ru8sfeld :i8self listed !or;1 ,illon1 Iacoca1 Stanle3 Resor1 and *alter *riston1 but not
!us:? T:e onl3 officials <uttin9 !us: on t:eir F<ossibleF lists ot:er t:an C:ene3 =ere &ac;
O? Mars:1 a *:ite House counselor to ord1 and ,a>id %ac;ard? *:en it ca8e ti8e for
Ru8sfeld to su8 u< t:e a99re9ate nu8ber of ti8es eac: <erson =as 8entioned1 8inus one
<oint for eac: ti8e a <erson :ad been reco88ended a9ainst1 t:e list =as as follo=s"
Robert !or; GreBected in 12/. for t:e Su<re8e CourtH *:ite McGee oster G&o:n S? oster
of %IA!1 for8erl3 of t:e ,e<art8ent of ,efenseH ,illon Resor Roosa Hau9e
It =ill be seen t:at !us: =as not a8on9 t:e leadin9 candidates1 <er:a<s because :is
net=or;s =ere con>inced t:at :e =as 9oin9 to 8a;e anot:er atte8<t for t:e >ice-
<residenc3 and t:at t:erefore t:e Co88erce ,e<art8ent or so8e si8ilar <ost =ould be
8ore suitable? T:e su88ar3 <rofile of !us: sent to ord b3 Ru8sfeld found t:at !us: :ad
FeE<erience in 9o>ern8ent and di<lo8ac3F and =as F9enerall3 fa8iliar =it: co8<onents
of t:e intelli9ence co88unit3 and t:eir 8issionsF =:ile :a>in9 8ana9e8ent eE<erience?F
Under FConsF Ru8sfeld noted" FRNC <ost lends undesirable <olitical cast?F As =e :a>e
seen1 t:e CIA <ost =as finall3 offered b3 ord to Ed=ard !ennett *illia8s1 <er:a<s =it:
an e3e on buildin9 a bi<artisan brid9e to=ards a <o=erful faction of t:e intelli9ence
co88unit3? !ut *illia8s did not =ant t:e Bob? !us:1 ori9inall3 slated for t:e ,e<art8ent
of Co88erce1 =as 9i>en t:e CIA a<<oint8ent?
T:e announce8ent of !us:7s no8ination occasioned a stor8 of criticis81 =:ose t:e8es
included t:e inad>isabilit3 of c:oosin9 a *ater9ate fi9ure for suc: a sensiti>e <ost so soon
after t:at scandal :ad finall3 be9un to subside? References =ere 8ade to !us:7s recei<t of
financial lar9esse fro8 NiEon7s To=n:ouse fund and related o<erations? T:ere =as also t:e
@uestion of =:et:er t:e do8estic CIA a<<<aratus =ould 9et 8iEed u< in !us:7s eE<ected
ca8<ai9n for t:e >ice <residenc3? T:ese t:e8es =ere de>elo<ed in editorials durin9 t:e
8ont: of No>e8ber1 12.-1 =:ile !us: =as ;e<t in !eiBin9 b3 t:e re@uire8ents of
<re<arin9 t:e ord-Mao 8eetin9s of earl3 ,ece8ber? To so8e de9ree1 !us: =as Bust
:an9in9 t:ere and slo=l31 slo=l3 t=istin9 in t:e =ind? T:e slo=-=itted ord soon realiAed
t:at :e :ad been ine<t in su88aril3 firin9 Colb31 since !us: =ould :a>e to re8ain in
C:ina for so8e =ee;s and t:en return to face confir8ation :earin9s? ord :ad to as; Colb3
to sta3 on in a careta;er ca<acit3 until !us: too; office? T:e dela3 allo=ed o<<osition
a9ainst !us: to cr3stalliAe to so8e de9ree1 but :is o=n net=or; =as also @uic; to s<rin9 to
:is defense?
or8er CIA officer To8 !raden1 =ritin9 in t:e ort Lauderdale Ne=s1 noted t:at t:e !us:
a<<oint8ent to t:e CIA loo;ed bad1 and loo;ed bad at a ti8e =:en <ublic confidence in t:e
CIA =as so lo= t:at e>er3t:in9 about t:e a9enc3 des<eratel3 needed to loo; 9ood? !raden7s
colu8n =as entitled FGeor9e !us:1 !ad C:oice for CIA &ob?F
Roland E>ans and Robert No>a;1 =ritin9 in t:e *as:in9ton %ost1 co88ented t:at Ft:e
!us: no8ination is re9arded b3 so8e intelli9ence eE<erts as anot:er 9ra>e 8orale deflator?
T:e3 reason t:at an3 identified <olitician1 no 8atter :o= resol>ed to be <oliticall3 <ure1
=ould a99ra>ate t:e CIA7s credibilit3 9a<? Instead of an identifed <olitician li;e
!us:???=:at is needed1 t:e3 feel1 is a res<ected non-<olitician1 <er:a<s fro8 business or t:e
acade8ic =orld?F E>ans and No>a; conceded t:at Fnot all eE<erts a9ree? One for8er CIA
official =ants t:e CIA <laced under <olitical leaders:i< ca<able of =or;in9 closel3 =it:
Con9ress? !ut e>en t:at distinctl3 8inorit3 <osition rebels a9ainst an3 %residential scenario
t:at loo;s to t:e CIA as <ossible ste<<in9-stone to t:e 6ice-%residential no8ination?F
T:e *as:in9ton %ost ca8e out a9ainst !us: in an editorial entitled FT:e !us:
A<<oint8ent?F Here t:e reasonin9 =as t:at t:is <osition Fs:ould not be re9arded as a
<olitical <ar;in9 s<ot1F and t:at <ublic confidence in t:e CIA :ad to be restored after t:e
recent re>elations of =ron9doin9?
After a lon9-=inded ar9u8ent1 Geor9e *ill ca8e to t:e conclusion t:at A8bassador !us:
at t:e CIA =ould be Ft:e =ron9 ;ind of 9u3 at t:e =ron9 <lace at t:e =orst <ossible ti8e?F
Senator C:urc: >ie=ed t:e !us: a<<oint8ent in t:e conteEt of a letter sent to :i8 b3 ord
on October '11 12.+1 de8andin9 t:at t:e co88ittee7s re<ort on US assassination <lots
a9ainst forei9n leaders be ;e<t secret? In C:urc:7s o<inion1 t:ese t=o de>elo<8ents =ere
<art of a <attern1 and a8ounted to a ne= stone=allin9 defense b3 =:at C:urc: :ad called
Ft:e ro9ue ele<:ant?F C:urc: issued a <ress state8ent in res<onse to ord7s letter atte8<tin9
to i8<ose a blac;out on t:e assassination re<ort? FI a8 astonis:ed t:at %resident ord =ants
to su<<ress t:e co88ittee7s re<ort on assassination and ;ee< it concealed fro8 t:e
A8erican <eo<le1F said C:urc:? T:en1 on No>e8ber '1 C:urc: =as a<<roac:ed b3
re<orters outside of :is Senate :earin9 roo8 and as;ed b3 ,aniel Sc:orr about t:e firin9 of
Colb3 and :is li;el3 re<lace8ent b3 !us:? C:urc: res<onded =it: a >oice t:at =as
tre8blin9 =it: an9er? FT:ere is no @uestion in 83 8ind but t:at conceal8ent is t:e ne=
order of t:e da31F :e said? FHidin9 e>il is t:e trade8ar; of a totalitarian 9o>ern8ent?F Gfn
'H? Sc:orr said t:at :e :ad ne>er seen C:urc: so u<set?
T:e follo=in9 da31 No>e8ber )1 C:urc: read Leslie Gelb7s colu8n in t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es
su99estin9 t:at Colb3 :ad been fired1 a8on9 ot:er t:in9s1 Ffor not doin9 a 9ood Bob
containin9 t:e Con9ressional in>esti9ations?F Geor9e !us:1 Gelb t:ou9:t1 F=ould be able
to 9o to Con9ress and as; for a 9race <eriod before <ressin9 t:eir in>esti9ations furt:er? A
*as:in9ton Star :eadline of t:is <eriod su88ed u< t:is ar9u8ent" FCIA NEE,S !USH7S
%R TALENT?F C:urc: tal;ed =it: :is staff t:at da3 about =:at :e sa= as an o8inous
<attern of e>ents? He told re<orters" First ca8e t:e >er3 deter8ined ad8inistration effort to
<re>ent an3 re>elations concernin9 NSA1 t:eir stone=allin9 of <ublic :earin9s? T:en ca8e
t:e <resident7s letter? No= co8es t:e firin9 of Colb31 Mr? Sc:lesin9er1 and t:e 9eneral belief
t:at Secretar3 #issin9er is be:ind t:ese latest de>elo<8ents?F or C:urc:1 Fclearl3 a <attern
:as e8er9ed no= to tr3 and disru<t t:is GSenate Intelli9ence Co88itteeH in>esti9ation? As
far as I78 concerned1 it =on7t be disru<ted1F said C:urc: 9ri8l3?
One of C:urc:7s for8er aides1 s<eec:-=riter Loc: #? &o:nson1 describes :o= :e =or;ed
=it: C:urc: to <re<are a s<eec: sc:eduled for deli>er3 on No>e8ber 111 12.+ in =:ic:
C:urc: =ould sta;e out a <osition o<<osin9 t:e !us: no8ination"
T:e no8ination of Geor9e !us: to succeed Colb3 disturbed :i8 and :e =anted to =ind u< t:e
s<eec: b3 o<<osin9 t:e no8ination? G???H He :o<ed to influence Senate o<inion on t:e no8ination
on t:e e>e of Ar8ed Ser>ices Co88ittee :earin9s to confir8 !us:?
I ra<idl3 Botted do=n notes as C:urc: discussed t:e lines :e =ould li;e to ta;e a9ainst t:e
no8ination? FOnce t:e3 used to 9i>e for8er national <art3 c:air8en Gas !us: :ad been under
%resident NiEonH <ost8aster 9enerals:i<s--t:e 8ost <olitical and least sensiti>e Bob in
9o>ern8ent1F :e said? FNo= t:e3 :a>e 9i>en t:is for8er <art3 c:air8an t:e 8ost sensiti>e and
least <olitical a9enc3?F C:urc: =anted 8e to stress :o= !us: F8i9:t co8<ro8ise t:e
inde<endence of t:e CIA--t:e a9enc3 could be <oliticiAed?F
So8e da3s later C:urc: a<<eared on t:e C!S <ro9ra8 ace t:e Nation1 :e =as as;ed b3
Geor9e Her8an if :is o<<osition to !us: =ould 8ean t:at an3one =it: <olitical eE<erience
=ould be a <riori unacce<table for suc: a <ostD C:urc: re<lied" FI t:in; t:at =:oe>er is
c:osen s:ould be one =:o :as de8onstrated a ca<acit3 for ind<endence1 =:o :as s:o=n
t:at :e can stand u< to t:e 8an3 <ressures?F C:urc: :inted t:at !us: :ad ne>er stood u< for
<rinci<le at t:e cost of <olitical office? Moreo>er1 Fa 8an =:ose bac;9round is as <artisan
as a <ast c:air8an of t:e Re<ublican <art3 does serious da8a9e to t:e a9enc3 and its
intended <ur<oses?F Gfn )H
T:e !ro=n !rot:ers1 Harri8anOS;ull and !ones cro=d counterattac;ed in fa>or of !us:1
8obiliAin9 so8e si9nificant resources? One =as none ot:er t:an Leon &a=ors;i1 t:e for8er
*ater9ate s<ecial <rosecutor? &a=ors;i7s 8ission for t:e !us: net=or; a<<ears to :a>e been
to 9et t:e To=n:ouse and related NiEon slus:fund issues off t:e table of t:e <ublic debate
and confir8ation :earin9s? &a=ors;i1 s<ea;in9 at a con>ention of for8er !I S<ecial
A9ents 8eetin9 in Houston1 defended !us: a9ainst c:ar9es t:at :e :ad acce<ted ille9al or
i8<ro<er <a38ents fro8 NiEon and CREE% o<erati>es? FT:is =as in>esti9ated b3 8e =:en
I ser>ed as *ater9ate s<ecial <rosecutor? I found no in>ol>e8ent of Geor9e !us: and 9a>e
:i8 full clearance? I :o<e t:at in t:e interest of fairness1 t:e 8atter =ill not be bandied
about unless so8et:in9 ne= :as a<<eared on t:e :oriAon?F &a=ors;i1 =:o b3 t:en =as bac;
in Houston =or;in9 for :is la= fir8 of ulbri9:t and &a=ors;i1 sent a co<3 of t:e Houston
%ost article re<ortin9 t:is state8ent to ord7s *:ite House counselor %:ili< !uc:en? Gfn +H
Saul #o:ler of t:e Ne=:ouse Ne=s Ser>ice offered t:e ord *:ite House an all-<ur<ose
refutation of t:e ar9u8ents ad>anced b3 t:e o<<onents of !us: durin9 No>e8ber and into
,ece8ber? FAnd no=1F =rote #o:ler1 F%resident ord is catc:in9 all sorts of :eat fro8 a lot
of <eo<le for a<<ointin9 !us: to t:e non-<olitical sensiti>e CIA because :e once ser>ed as
C:air8an of t:e Re<ublican national Co88ittee?F Ho= unfair1 t:ou9:t #o:ler1 Ffor of all
t:e a<<oint8ents ord 8ade last =ee;end1 t:e no8ination of !us: =as t:e best?F or one
t:in91 F3ou7d :a>e to 9o a lon9 =a3 to find a 8an =it: less 9uile t:an Geor9e !us:?F !us:
:ad been 9reat at t:e RNC- F:e 8ana9ed to ;ee< t:e RNC a=a3 fro8 t:e eE<leti>e deleted
of t:at dar; c:a<ter in A8erican <olitical :istor3?F FNot onl3 did :e ;ee< t:e <art3
a<<aratus clean1 :e ;e<t :is o=n i8a9e clean???F And t:en" F*as Cordell Hull less
distin9uis:ed a Secretar3 of State because :e :ad :eaded t:e ,e8ocratic National
Co88itteeD1F and so fort:? #o:ler @uoted a *:ite House official co88entin9 on t:e !us:
no8ination" FT:e 9a9 line around :ere e>er since T:e !oss announced Geor9e for t:e CIA
is t:at s<3in9 is 9oin9 to be a bore fro8 no= on because Geor9e is suc: a clean 9u3?F Gfn -H
In t:e 8eanti8e1 !us: 9ot read3 for :is second 8eetin9 =it: Mao and <re<ared t:e
docu8entation for :is conflict of interest and bac;9round c:ec;s? In a letter to &o:n C?
Stennis1 t:e c:air8an of t:e Senate Ar8ed Ser>ices Co88ittee1 =:ic: =ould :old t:e
:earin9s on :is no8ination1 !us: stated t:at :is onl3 or9aniAational affiliations =ere as a
trustee of %:ili<s Acade83 in Ando>er1 Massac:usetts1 and as a 8e8ber of t:e !oard of t:e
E<isco<al C:urc: oundation in Ne= (or; Cit3? In t:is letter1 !us: refers to t:e F!us:
C:ildren TrustF :e :ad created for :is fi>e c:ildren1 and Ffunded b3 a di>ersified <ortfolioF
=:ic: 8i9:t <ut :i8 into conflicts of interest? He told Stennis t:at if confir8ed1 :e =ould
resi9n as trustee of t:e !us: C:ildren und and direct t:e ot:er trustees to sto< disclosin9
to :i8 an3 details of t:e o<erations of t:e !us: C:ildren Trust? Ot:er=ise !us: said t:at :e
=as not ser>in9 as officer1 director1 or <artner of an3 cor<oration1 alt:ou9: :e :ad a lu8<-
su8 retire8ent benefit fro8 Ja<ata Cor<oration in t:e a8ount of I)51555? Accordin9 to :is
o=n account1 :e o=ned a :o8e in *as:in9ton ,C1 :is su88er :ouse at #ennebun;<ort1 a
s8all residential lot in Houston1 <lus so8e ban; accounts and life insurance <olicies? He
:ad a securities <ortfolio 8ana9ed b3 T? Ro=e %rice in !alti8ore1 and :e assured Stennis
:e =ould be =illin9 to di>est an3 s:ares t:at 8i9:t <ose conflict of interest <roble8s? Gfn .H
Con9ressional reaction reac:in9 t:e *:ite House before !us:7s :earin9s =as not
ent:usiastic? ,ic; C:ene3 of t:e *:ite House staff ad>ised ord to call Senator &o:n
Stennis on No>e8ber '1 notin9 t:at Stennis Fcontrols confir8ation <rocess for CIA and
,O,?F ord re<lied s:ortl3 after1 FI did?F Gfn /H A fe= da3s later ord :ad a tele<:one
con>ersation =it: Senator Mi;e Mansfield1 t:e ,e8ocratic 8aBorit3 leader1 and one of :is
notations =as FGeo !us:--for :i8 but :e 8ust sa3 no <olitics?F Gfn 2H
Ne9ati>e 8ail fro8 bot: :ouses of Con9ress =as also co8in9 in to t:e *:ite House? On
No>e8ber 1$1 ord recei>ed a sin9ular note fro8 GO% Con9ress8an &a8es M? Collins of
,allas1 TeEas? Collins =rote to ord" FI :o<e 3ou =ill reconsider t:e a<<oint8ent of
Geor9e !us: to t:e CIA? At t:is ti8e it see8s to 8e t:at it =ould be a 9reater ser>ice for
t:e countr3 for Geor9e to continue :is ser>ice in C:ina? He is not t:e ri9:t 8an for t:e
CIA1F =rote Collins1 =:o :ad been =illin9 to su<<ort !us: for t:e >ice <residenc3 bac; in
12.)? F(esterda31F =rote Collins1 FI sat neEt to 83 friend ,ale Milford =:o is t:e onl3
friendl3 ,e8ocrat on %i;e7s Co88ittee? He strenuousl3 @uestioned =:3 !us: =as bein9
<ut in c:ar9e of t:e CIA? He li;es Geor9e but :e is con>inced t:at t:e Liberals =ill contend
fro8 no= to ,oo8sda3 t:at Geor9e is a <artisan Re<ublican >oice? T:e3 are 9oin9 to sin9
t:is son9 about Re<ublican C:air8en and let t:e liberal <ress beat it out in :eadlines e>er3
da3? I :a>e :eard t:is sa8e stor3 fro8 8an3 on t:e Hill =:o stand =it: 3ou? %lease use
Geor9e in so8e ot:er =a3? T:e3 are 9oin9 to crucif3 :i8 on t:is Bob and Senator C:urc:
=ill lead t:e <rocession? I :o<e 3ou find an ur9ent need to ;ee< !us: in C:ina1F =rote
Collins1 a Re<ublican and a TeEan1 to ord? Gfn 15H
T:ere =as also a letter to ord fro8 ,e8ocratic Con9ress8an Lucien NedAi of Mic:i9an1
=:o :ad been t:e c:air8an of one of t:e <rinci<al House *ater9ate in>esti9atin9
co88ittees? NedAi =rote as follo=s"
T:e <ur<ose of 83 letter is to eE<ress dee< concern o>er t:e announced a<<oint8ent of Geor9e
!us: as t:e ne= ,irector of t:e Central Intelli9ence A9enc3?
As C:air8an of t:e S<ecial Subco88ittee on Intelli9ence of t:e House Ar8ed Ser>ices
Co88ittee since 12.11 I :a>e :ad t:e obli9ation and o<<ortunit3 to closel3 obser>e t:e CIA1 t:e
ot:er intelli9ence a9encies1 t:e eEecuti>e and le9islati>e relations:i<s of t:ese a9encies1 and >ice-
>ersa? *e are at a critical Buncture?
After reassurin9 ord t:at :e :ad no <ersonal ani8us a9ainst !us:1 NedAi =ent on"
Ho=e>er1 :is <ro<osed a<<oint8ent =ould brin9 =it: it ine>itable co8<lications for t:e
intelli9ence co88unit3? Mr? !us: is a 8an =it: a recent <artisan <olitical <ast and a <robable
near-ter8 <artisan <olitical future? T:is is a burden neit:er t:e A9enc31 nor t:e le9islati>e
o>ersi9:t co88ittee1 nor t:e EEecuti>e s:ould :a>e to bear as t:e CIA enters <er:a<s t:e 8ost
difficult <eriod of its :istor3?
T:e ,irector of t:e CIA 8ust be unfettered b3 an3 doubts as to :is <olitics? He 8ust be free of
t:e a<<earance1 as =ell as t:e substance1 t:at :e is actin91 or not actin91 =it: <artisan <olitical
considerations in 8ind?
In 83 Bud98ent1 as one buffeted b3 t:e =inds of t:e CIA contro>ers3 of t:e last fe= 3ears1 I a9ree
t:at a 8an of stature is needed1 but a non-<olitical 8an?
Accordin9l31 I res<ectfull3 ur9e t:at 3ou reconsider 3our a<<oint8ent of Mr? !us: to t:is 8ost
sensiti>e of <ositions? Gfn 11H
Senator *illia8 6? Rot: of ,ela=are sent !us: a letter on No>e8ber $5 =:ic: 8ade a
related <oint"
,ear Geor9e"
It is 83 dee< con>iction t:at t:e securit3 of t:is nation de<ends u<on an effecti>e >iable Central
Intelli9ence A9enc3? T:is de<ends in <art u<on t:e intelli9ence a9enc3 bein9 in>ol>ed in no =a3
in do8estic <olitics1 es<eciall3 in t:e after8at: of *ater9ate? or t:at reason1 I belie>e 3ou :a>e
no c:oice but to =it:dra= 3our na8e une@ui>ocall3 fro8 consideration for t:e 6ice %residenc31 if
3ou desire to beco8e ,irector of t:e CIA? G???H
If !us: still =anted to <ursue national office1 =rote Rot:1 Ft:en I belie>e t:e =ise decision
is for 3ou to as; t:e %resident to =it:dra= 3our no8ination for t:e CIA ,irectors:i<?F Gfn
1$H Rot: sent a co<3 of t:e sa8e letter to ord?
T:rou9: &ac; Mars: at t:e *:ite House1 !us: also recei>ed a letter of ad>ice fro8 TeE
McCrar31 t:e Ne= (or; tele>ision and radio <ersonalit3 =:o =as also an e8inence 9rise of
S;ullN!ones? FOld TeEF ur9ed !us: to F:old a <ress conference in %e;in9 =:ile t:e
%resident is t:ere1 or fro8 %earl Harbor on ,ece8ber .1 and ta;e 3ourself out of t:e 6ice
%residential s=ee<sta;es for 7.-?F McCrar37s co88unication s:o=s t:at :e =as a =ar8
su<<orter of !us:7s confir8ation? Gfn 1'H
*it:in Bust a cou<le of da3s of 8a;in9 !us:7s no8ination <ublic1 t:e ord *:ite House
=as a=are t:at it :ad a si9nificant <ublic relations <roble8? To 9et re-elected1 ord :ad to
a<<ear as a refor8er1 brea;in9 decisi>el3 =it: t:e bad old da3s of NiEon and t:e %lu8bers?
!ut =it: t:e !us: no8ination1 ord =as <uttin9 a for8er <art3 c:air8an and future
candidate for national office at t:e :ead of t:e entire intelli9ence co88unit3? ord7s staff
be9an to 8ars:al atte8<ted rebuttals for t:e attac;s on !us:? On No>e8ber +1 &i8 Connor
of ord7s staff :ad so8e trite boiler-<late inserted into ord7s !riefin9 !oo; in case :e =ere
as;ed if t:e ad>ent of !us: re<resented a 8o>e to obstruct t:e C:urc: and %i;e
co88ittees? ord =as told to ans=er t:at :e F:as as;ed ,irector Colb3 to coo<erate full3
=it: t:e Co88itteeF and FeE<ects A8bassador !us: to do li;e=ise once :e beco8es
,irector? As 3ou are a=are1 t:e =or; of bot: t:e C:urc: and %i;e Co88ittees is slated to
=ind u< s:ortl3?F Gfn 1)H In case :e =ere as;ed about !us: <oliticiAin9 t:e CIA1 ord =as
to ans=er"F FI belie>e t:at Re<ublicans and ,e8ocrats =:o ;no= Geor9e !us: and :a>e
=or;ed =it: :i8 ;no= t:at :e does not let <olitics and <artisans:i< interfere =it: t:e
<erfor8ance of <ublic dut3?F T:at =as a 8out:ful? FNearl3 all of t:e 8en and =o8en in
t:is and <receedin9 Ad8inistrations :a>e :ad <artisan identities and :a>e :eld <artisan
<art3 <osts?F FGeor9e !us: is a <art of t:at A8erican tradition and :e =ill de8onstrate t:is
=:en :e assu8es :is ne= duties?F
!ut =:en ord1 in an a<<earance on a Sunda3 tal; s:o=1 =as as;ed if :e =ere read3 to
eEclude !us: as a <ossible >ice-<residential candidate1 :e refused to do so1 ans=erin9 FI
don7t t:in; <eo<le of talent ou9:t to be eEcluded fro8 an3 field of <ublic ser>ice?F At a
<ress conference1 ord said1 FI don7t t:in; :e7s eli8inated fro8 consideration b3 an3bod31
t:e dele9ates or t:e con>ention or 83self?
In t:e 8eanti8e1 !us: =as in touc: =it: t:e ord *:ite House about :is i8<endin9 return
to *as:in9ton? On No>e8ber $. :e =rote to MaE L? riedersdorf1 an assistant to ord"
F*e7ll be bac; t:ere in 8id-,ece8ber? It loo;s li;e I a8 =al;in9 into t:e 8idst of a real
=:irl=ind1 but all I ;no= to do is to 9i>e it 83 all and be direct =it: t:e Co88ittee?F T:en1
<encilled in b3 :and" FMaE- I =ill be t:ere in EO! on t:e 15t:-- &ennifer itA9erald =it:
8e no= in C:ina =ill be settin9 u< a sc:edule for 8e a da3 or so in ad>ance1F and =ould
ridersdorf <lease coo<erate =it: !us:7s 9irl rida3? Gfn 1+H
ord7s lobb3in9 o<eration =ent into :i9: 9ear? Inside t:e *:ite House1 MaE riedersdorf
=rote a 8e8o to *illia8 #endall on No>e8ber -1 sendin9 alon9 t:e useful fact t:at FI
understand t:at Senator Ho=ard !a;er is 8ost anEious to assist in t:e confir8ation of
Geor9e !us: at t:e CIA?F Mi;e ,u>al =rote to &ac; Mars: on No>e8ber 1/ t:at FGRe<?H
Sonn3 Mont9o8er3 0a close friend of !us:4 s:ould contact Senator Stennis?F ,u>al also
related :is findin9s t:at FSenators McGee and !ell8on =ill be 8ost su<<orti>e1F =:ile
FSenator Stie9er can ad>ise 3ou =:at House 8e8bers =ould be 8ost useful in tal;in9 to
t:eir o=n Senators1 if t:at is needed?F Gfn 1-H It =as?
!us:7s confir8ation :earin9s 9ot under =a3 on ,ece8ber 1+1 12.+? E>en Bud9ed b3 !us:7s
standards of toda31 t:e3 constitute a land8ar; eEercise in sancti8onious :3<ocris3 so
astoundin9 as to def3 co8<re:ension? If !us: =ere e>er to tr3 an actin9 career1 :e 8i9:t be
best cast in t:e role of Moliere7s Tartuffe?
!us:7s s<onsor =as GO% Senator Stro8 T:ur8ond of Sout: Carolina1 t:e ran;in9
Re<ublican on Senator &o:n Stennis7s Senate Ar8ed Ser>ices Co88ittee? Later1 in 12//1 it
=as to be T:ur8ond7s <olitical <rote9e1 Lee At=ater1 cunnin9 in t:e =a3s of t:e GO%
Fsout:ern strate931F =:o ran !us:7s <residential ca8<ai9n? T:ur8ond unloaded a 8a=;is:
<ane93ric in fa>or of !us:" FI t:in; all of t:is s:o=s an interest on 3our <art in :u8anit31
in ci>ic de>elo<8ent1 lo>e of 3our countr31 and =illin9ness to ser>e 3our fello= 8an?F
Could t:e aide =ritin9 t:at1 e>en if it =as Lee At=ater1 :a>e ;e<t a strai9:t faceD
!us:7s o<enin9 state8ent =as also in t:e 8ain a tissue of banalit3 and clic:es? He indicated
:is su<<ort for t:e Roc;efeller Co88ission re<ort =it:out :a>in9 8astered its contents in
detail? He <ointed out t:at :e :ad attended Cabinet 8eetin9s fro8 12.1 to 12.)1 =it:out
8entionin9 =:o t:e <resident =as in t:ose da3s? E>er3bod3 =as =aitin9 for t:is
consu88ate <ontificator to 9et to t:e issue of =:et:er :e =as 9oin9 to atte8<t t:e >ice-
<residenc3 in 12.-? Readers of !us:7s <ro<a9anda bio9ra<:ies ;no= t:at :e ne>er decides
on :is o=n to run for office1 but al=a3s res<onds to t:e ur9in9 of :is friends? *it:in t:ose
li8its1 :is ans=er =as t:at :e =as a>ailable for t:e second s<ot on t:e tic;et? More
re8ar;abl31 :e indicated t:at :e :ad a :ereditar3 ri9:t to it--it =as1 as :e said1 :is
*ould !us: acce<t a draftD FI cannot in all :onest3 tell 3ou t:at I =ould not acce<t1 and I
do not t:in;1 9entle8en1 t:at an3 A8erican s:ould be as;ed to sa3 :e =ould not acce<t1 and
to 83 ;no=led9e1 no one in t:e :istor3 of t:is Re<ublic :as been as;ed to renounce :is
<olitical birt:ri9:t as t:e <rice of confir8ation for an3 office? And I can tell 3ou t:at I =ill
not see; an3 office =:ile I :old t:e Bob of CIA ,irector? I =ill <ut <olitics =:oll3 out of 83
s<:ere of acti>ities?F E>en 8ore1 !us: ar9ued1 :is =illin9ness to ser>e at t:e CIA reflected
:is sense of noblesse obli9e? riends :ad as;ed :i8 =:3 :e =anted to 9o to Lan9le3 at all1
F=it: all t:e contro>ers3 s=irlin9 around t:e CIA1 =it: its ob>ious barriers to <olitical
Ma9nani8ousl3 !us: re<lied to :is o=n r:etorical @uestion" FM3 ans=er is si8<le? irst1
t:e =or; is des<eratel3 i8<ortant to t:e sur>i>al of t:is countr31 and to t:e sur>i>al of
freedo8 around t:e =orld? And second1 old fas:ioned as it 8a3 see8 to so8e1 it is 83 dut3
to ser>e 83 countr3? And I did not see; t:is Bob but I =ant to do it and I =ill do 83 >er3
best?F Gfn 1.H
Stennis res<onded =it: a Bo;e t:at sounds eerie in retros<ect" FIf I t:ou9: t:at 3ou =ere
see;in9 t:e 6ice %residential no8ination or %residential no8ination b3 =a3 of t:e route of
bein9 ,irector of t:e CIA1 I =ould @uestion 3ou Bud98ent 8ost se>erel3?F T:ere =as
lau9:ter in t:e co88ittee roo8?
Senators Gold=ater and Stuart S38in9ton 8ade clear t:at t:e3 =ould 9i>e !us: a free ride
not onl3 out of deference to ord1 but also out of re9ard for t:e late %rescott !us:1 =it:
=:o8 t:e3 :ad bot: started out in t:e Senate in 12+$? Senator McInt3re =as 8ore
de8andin91 and raised t:e issue of ene8ies7 list o<erations1 a notorious abuse of t:e NiEon
0and subse@uent4 ad8inistratio ns"
F*:at if 3ou 9et a call fro8 t:e %resident1 neEt &ul3 or Au9ust1 sa3in9 7Geor9e1 I =ould li;e
to see 3ou?7 (ou 9o in t:e *:ite House? He ta;es 3ou o>er in t:e corner and sa3s1 7loo;1
t:in9s are not 9oin9 too =ell in 83 ca8<ai9n? T:is Rea9an is 9ainin9 on 8e all t:e ti8e?
No=1 :e is a 8o>ie star of so8e reno=n and :as tra>eled =it: t:e fast set? He =as a
Hol3=ood star? I =ant 3ou to 9et an3 dirt 3ou can on t:is 9u3 because I need it?F
*:at =ould !us: do D FI do not t:in; t:at is difficult1 sir1F intoned !us:? FI =ould si8<l3
sa3 t:at it 9ets bac; to c:aracter and it 9ets bac; to inte9rit3C and furt:er8ore1 I cannot
concei>e of t:e incu8bent doin9 t:at sort of t:in9? !ut if I =ere <ut into t:at ;ind of
<osition =:ere 3ou :ad a clear 8oral issue1 I =ould si8<l3 sa3 Fno1F because 3ou see I
t:in;1 and 8a3be-- I :a>e t:e ad>anta9es as e>er3one on t:is co88ittee of $5-$5 :indsi9:t1
t:at t:is a9enc3 8ust sta3 in t:e forei9n intelli9ence business and 8ust not :arass A8erican
citiAens1 li;e in O<eration C:aos1 and t:at t:ese ;inds of t:in9s :a>e no business in t:e
forei9n intelli9ence business?F T:is =as t:e sa8e !us: =:ose 12/5 ca8<ai9n =as :ea>il3
staffed b3 CIA >eterans1 so8e retired1 so8e on acti>e ser>ice and in fla9rant >iolation of
t:e Hatc: Act? T:is is t:e >ice-<resident =:o ran Iran-contra out of :is o=n <ri>ate office1
and so fort:?
Gar3 Hart also :ad a fe= @uestions? Ho= did !us: feel about assassinationsD !us: Ffound
t:e8 8orall3 offensi>e and I a8 <leased t:e %resident :as 8ade t:at <osition >er31 >er3
clear to t:e Intelli9ence Co88ittee???F Ho= about Fcou<s d7etat in >arious countries around
t:e =orld1F Hart =anted to ;no=D
F(ou 8ean in t:e co>ert field1F re<lied !us:? F(es?F FI =ould =ant to :a>e full benefit of
all t:e intelli9ence? I =ould =ant to :a>e full benefit of :o= t:ese 8atters =ere ta;in9
<lace but I cannot tell 3ou1 and I do not t:in; I s:ould1 t:at t:ere =ould ne>er be an3
su<<ort for a cou< d7etatC in ot:er =ords1 I cannot tell 3ou I cannot concei>e of a situation
=:ere I =ould not su<<ort suc: action?F In retros<ect1 t:is =as a 8o8ent of refres:in9
Gar3 Hart ;ne= =:ere at least one of !us:7s bodies =as buried"
Senator Hart" (ou raised t:e @uestion of 9ettin9 t:e CIA out of do8estic areas totall3? Let us
:3<t:esiAe a situation =:ere a %resident :as ste<<ed o>er t:e bounds? Let us sa3 t:e !I is
in>esti9atin9 so8e <eo<le =:o are in>ol>ed1 and t:e3 9o ri9:t to t:e *:ite House? T:ere is so8e
<ossible CIA interest? T:e %resident calls 3ou and sa3s1 I =ant 3ou as ,irector of t:e CIA to call
t:e ,irector of t:e !I to tell :i8 to call off t:is o<eration because it 8a3 Beo<ardiAe so8e CIA
Mr? !us:? *ell1 9enerall3 s<ea;in91 and I t:in; 3ou are :3<ot:ecatin9 a case =it:out s<ellin9 it
out in enou9: detail to ;no= if t:ere is an3 real le9iti8ate forei9n intelli9ence as<ect??? G???H
T:ere it =as" t:e s8o;in9 9un ta<e a9ain1 t:e notorious !us:-Lietdt;e-Mosbac:er-
%ennAoil contribution to t:e CREE% a9ain1 t:e 8one3 t:at :ad been found in t:e <oc;ets of
!ernard !ar;er and t:e %lu8bers after t:e *ater9ate brea;-in? !ut Hart did not 8ention it
o>ertl31 onl3 in t:is obli@ue1 !3Aantine 8anner? Hart =ent on" FI a8 :3<ot:esiAin9 a case
t:at actuall3 :a<<ened in &une1 12.$? T:ere 8i9:t :a>e been so8e tan9ential CIA interest
in so8et:in9 in MeEico? unds =ere laundered and so fort:?F
Mr? !us:? Usin9 a +5-+5 :indsi9:t on t:at case1 I :o<e I =ould :a>e said t:e CIA is not 9oin9 to
9et in>ol>ed in t:at if =e are tal;in9 about t:e sa8e one?
Senator Hart? *e are?
Senator Lea:3? Are t:ere ot:ersD
!us: =as on t:e ed9e of :a>in9 :is entire *ater9ate <ast co8e out in t:e =as:1 but t:e
liberal ,e8ocrats =ere alread3 far too de>oted to t:e one-<art3 state to 9rill !us: seriousl3?
In a fe= seconds1 res<ondin9 to anot:er @uestion fro8 Hart1 !us: =as off t:e :oo;1
dronin9 on about <lausible deniabilit31 of all t:in9s"F???and t:ou9: I understand t:e need for
<lausible deniabilit31 I t:in; it is eEtre8el3 difficult?F In :is neEt 9o-round1 Hart as;ed !us:
about t:e i8<act of t:e cut:roat at8os<:ere of t:e Cold *ar and its i8<act on A8erican
>alues? !us: res<onded" FI a8 not 9oin9 to sit :ere and sa3 =e need to 8atc: rut:lessness
=it: rut:lessness? I do feel =e need a co>ert ca<abilit3 and I :o<e t:at it can 8ini8iAe
t:ese <roble8s t:at offend our A8ericans? *e are li>in9 in a >er3 co8<licated1 difficult
=orld?F T:is note of su<<ort for co>ert o<erations =ould co8e u< a9ain and a9ain?
Indicati>e of !us:7s t:in;in9 =as :is res<onse to a @uer3 fro8 Hart about =:et:er :e
=ould su<<ort a US >ersion of t:e !ritis: Official Secrets Act1 =:ic: defines as a state
secret an3 official infor8ation =:ic: :as not been for8all3 released to t:e <ublic1 =it: stiff
cri8inal <enalties for t:ose =:o di>ul9e or <rint it? In t:e era of OIA1 !us: did not
:esitate" F*ell1 I understand t:at =as one of t:e reco88endations of t:e Roc;efeller
Co88ission? Certainl3 I =ould 9i>e it so8e serious attention?F *:ic: ree;s of
T:e neEt da31 ,ece8ber 1-1 12.+1 C:urc:1 a<<earin9 as a =itness1 deli>ered :is <:illi<ic
a9ainst !us:? After citin9 e>idence of =ides<read <ublic concern about t:e rene=ed
intrusion of t:e CIA in do8estic <olitics under !us:1 C:urc: re>ie=ed t:e situation"
So :ere =e stand? Need =e find or loo; to :i9:er <laces t:an t:e %residenc3 and t:e no8inee
:i8self to confir8 t:e fact t:at t:is door Gof t:e 6ice %residenc3 in 12.-H is left o<en and t:at :e
re8ains under acti>e consideration for t:e tic;et in 12.-D *e stand in t:is <osition in t:e close
=a;e of *ater9ate1 and t:is co88ittee :as before it a candidate for ,irector of t:e CIA1 a 8an of
stron9 <artisan <olitical bac;9round and a bec;onin9 <olitical future? Under t:ese ciru8stances I
find t:e a<<oint8ent astonis:in9? No=1 as ne>er before1 t:e ,irector of t:e CIA 8ust be
co8<letel3 abo>e <olitical sus<icion? At t:e >er3 least t:is co88ittee1 I belie>e1 s:ould insist t:at
t:e no8inee disa>o= an3 <lace on t:e 12.- %residential tic;et? G???H I belie>e t:at t:is co88ittee
s:ould insist t:at t:e no8inee disa>o= an3 <lace on t:e 12.- %residential tic;et? Ot:er=ise :is
<osition as CIA ,irector =ould be :o<lessl3 co8<ro8ised? G???H Mr? C:air8an1 let us not 8a;e a
tra>est3 out of our efforts to refor8 t:e CIA? T:e Senate and t:e <eo<le =e re<resent :a>e t:e
ri9:t to insist u<on a Central Intelli9ence A9enc3 =:ic: is <oliticall3 neutral and totall3
<rofessional? It is stran9e t:at I s:ould :a>e to co8e before t:is of all co88ittees to 8a;e t:at
If A8bassador !us: =ants to be ,irector of t:e CIA1 :e s:ould see; t:at <osition? If :e =ants to
be 6ice %resident1 t:en t:at ou9:t to be :is 9oal? It is =ron9 for :i8 to =ant bot: <ositions1 e>en
in a !icentennial 3ear?
It =as an ar9u8ent t:at conceded far too 8uc: to !us: in t:e effort to be fair? !us: =as
inco8<etent for t:e <ost1 and t:e ar9u8ent s:ould :a>e ended t:ere? C:urc:7s
un=illin9ness to de8and t:e un@ualified reBection of suc: a no8inee no 8atter =:at future
9oodies :e =as =illin9 te8<oraril3 to renounce :as cast lon9 s:ado=s o>er subse@uent
A8erican :istor3? !ut e>en so1 !us: =as in trouble? T:e ot:er senators @uestioned C:urc:?
T:ur8ond =as a bull3in9 <artisan for !us:1 de8andin9 t:at C:urc: certif3 Geor9e for t:e
GO% tic;et in 12.-1 =:ic: C:urc: =as un=isel3 =illin9 to do? Senator To=er =anted to
;no= about C:urc:7s o=n <residential a8bitions1 and brou9:t u< t:at t:e <ress cor<s called
t:e Senate Intelli9ence Co88ittee t:e FC:urc: for %residentF co88ittee? *:3 didn7t
C:urc: renounce :is <residential a8bitions so as to 9i>e :is criticis8 8ore credibilit3D
Gold=ater s<un out a 8iti9atin9 defense of !us:? C:urc: fou9:t bac; =it: =:at =e 8a3
consider t:e <redecessor of t:e F=i8<F ar9u8ent1 t:at !us: =as al=a3s t:e 3es-8an of :is
<atrons" if 3ou =ere 9oin9 to <ut a <ol into Lan9le31 :e ar9ued1 Ft:en I t:in; t:at it ou9:t to
be a 8an =:o :as de8onstrated in :is <olitical career t:at :e can and is =illin9 to stand u<
and ta;e t:e :eat e>en =:ere it courts t:e dis<leasure of :is o=n %resident?F F!ut I do not
t:in; t:at Mr? !us:7s <olitical record :as been of t:at c:aracter?F
C:urc: =as at :is ironic best =:en :e co8<ared !us: to a recent c:air8an of t:e
,e8ocratic national Co88ittee" F???if a ,e8ocrat =ere %resident1 Mr? Larr3 O7!rien ou9:t
not to be no8inated to be ,irector of t:e CIA? Of all ti8es to do it1 t:is is t:e =orst1 ri9:t at
a ti8e =:en it is ob>ious t:at <ublic confidence needs to be restored in t:e <rofessional1
i8<artial1 and non<olitical c:aracter of t:e a9enc3? So1 =e :a>e t:e =orst of all <ossible
=orlds?F C:urc: tellin9l3 underlined t:at F!us:7s birt:ri9:t does not include bein9 ,irector
of t:e CIA? It includes t:e ri9:t to run for <ublic office1 to be sure1 but t:at is @uite a
different 8atter t:an confir8in9 :i8 no= for t:is <articular <osition?F
C:urc: said :e =ould under no circu8stance >ote for !us:1 but t:at if t:e latter renounced
t:e .- tic;et1 :e =ould refrain fro8 atte8<tin9 to can>ass ot:er >otes a9ainst !us:? It =as
an a8bi9uous <osition?
*:ile still reelin9 fro8 C:urc:7s <:ili<<ic1 !us: also :ad to absorb a state8ent fro8
Senator Cul>er1 =:o announced t:at :e also =ould >ote a9ainst !us:?
!us: ca8e bac; to t:e =itness c:air in an un8ista;eable =:inin9 8ood? He =as offended
abo>e all b3 t:e co8<arison of :is au9ust self to t:e u<start Larr3 O7!rien" FI t:in; t:ere is
so8e difference in t:e @ualifications1F said !us: in a :3<ert:3roid ra9e? FLarr3 O7!rien did
not ser>e in t:e Con9ress of t:e United States for ) 3ears? Larr3 O7!rien did not ser>e1 =it:
no <artisans:i<1 at t:e United Nations for $ 3ears? Larr3 O7!rien did not ser>e as t:e C:ief
of t:e US Liaison Office in t:e %eo<le7s Re<ublic of C:ina?F Not onl3 !us: but :is =:ole
cursus :onoru8 =ere insultedK FI =ill ne>er a<olo9iAe1F said !us: a fe= second later1
referrin9 to :is o=n record? T:en !us: <ulled out :is F3ou 8ust resi9nF letter to NiEon"
FNo=1 I sub8it t:at for t:e record t:at t:at is de8onstrable inde<endence? I did not do it b3
callin9 t:e ne=s<a<ers and sa3in91 7Loo;1 I a8 :a>in9 a <ress conference? Here is a
sensational state8ent to 8a;e 8e1 to se<arate 8e fro8 a %resident in 9reat a9on3?7F
!us: reco>ered so8e=:at under @uestionin9 b3 Hu9: Scott of %enns3l>ania1 a reliable all3?
Senator S38in9ton ur9ed !us: to co88itt to ser>e at t:e CIA for at least t=o 3earsC !us:
=as non-co88ittal1 but t:e <ressure =as beco8in9 unbearable? After so8e s<arrin9
bet=een !us: and Gar3 Hart1 Henr3 &ac;son of *as:in9ton ca8e in for t:e first ti8e?
&ac;son7s constant refrain =as t:at t:e 8aladroit and bu8blin9 ord :ad <ut !us: in a >er3
a=;=ard and unfair <osition b3 no8inatin9 :i8"
To be >er3 candid about it1 it see8s to 8e t:at t:e %resident :as <ut 3ou in a >er3 a=;=ard
<osition? T:e need :ere is reall3 to sa>e t:e CIA? I do not need to recite =:at t:e A9enc3 :as 9one
t:rou9:? It :as been a >er3 rou9: <eriod? And it see8s to 8e t:at t:e Bud98ent of t:e %resident in
t:is 8atter is at best i8<osin9 a terrible burden on t:e CIA and on 3ou? It raises a <roble8 :ere of
no8inatin9 so8eone1 =:o is a <otential candidate1 for ser>ice of less t:an a 3ear? T:is is =:at
reall3 troubles 8e because I :a>e t:e :i9:est re9ard and <ersonal res<ect for 3our abilit3 and
abo>e all1 3our inte9rit3? Mr? C:air8an1 it see8s to 8e t:at t:e %resident s:ould assure
t:is co88ittee t:at :e =ill not as; A8bassador !us: to be on t:e tic;et?
&ac;son1 a for8er c:air8an of t:e ,e8ocratic national Co88ittee1 :ad turned do=n an
offer fro8 NiEon to be Secretar3 of ,efense1 and :ad cited :is <art3 <ost as a reason for
declinin9? *:ile Geor9e s@uir8ed1 &ac;son ;e<t re<eatin9 :is litan3 t:at FA8bassador
!us: is in an a=;=ard <osition?F !us: as;ed for t:e o<<ortunit3 to re<l31 sa3in9 t:at :e
=ould 8a;e it Fbrief and stron9?F He be9an citin9 &a8es Sc:lesin9er ser>in9 a fe= 8ont:s
at t:e CIA before 9oin9 on to t:e %enta9on1 a la8entable co8<arison all around? *it: !us:
red-faced and =:inin91 ;no=in9 t:at t:e da3 =as 9oin9 >er3 badl3 indeed1 Stennis tried to
<ut :i8 out of :is 8iser3 b3 endin9 t:e session? !ut e>en t:is =as not >ouc:safed to <oor1
tor8ented Geor9e? He still :ad to endure Senator Lea:3 eE<lainin9 =:3 :e1 too1 =ould >ote
a9ainst t:e !us: no8ination?
!us: =:ined in re<l3 FSenator1 I ;no= 3ou :a>e arri>ed at 3our conclusion :onestl3 and I
=ould onl3 sa3 I t:in; it is unfortunate t:at 3ou can sa3 I :a>e t:e c:aracter and I :a>e t:e
inte9rit31 t:e <erce<tion1 but t:at t:e =a3 it is loo;ed at b3 so8ebod3 else o>errides t:at?F A
candidate for t:e CIA =as in 8ortal <eril1 but a <ublic =i8< =as born?
!us: :ad been sa>a9ed in t:e :earin9s1 and :is no8ination =as no= in 9ra>e dan9er of
bein9 reBected b3 t:e co88ittee1 and t:en b3 t:e full Senate? Later in t:e afternoon of
No>e8ber 1-1 a da8a9e control <art3 8et at t:e *:ite House to assess t:e situation for
ord? Gfn 1/H Accordin9 to %atric; O7,onnell of ord7s Con9ressional Relations Office1 t:e
8ost !us: could :o<e for =as a bare 8aBorit3 of 2 out of 1- >otes on t:e Stennis
co88ittee? T:is re<resented t:e co88ittee Re<ublicans1 <lus Stennis1 Harr3 !3rd of
6ir9inia1 and Stuart S38in9ton? !ut t:at =as <a<er t:in1 t:ou9:t O7,onnell" FT:is 9i>es is
a bare 8aBorit3 and =ill1 of course1 lead to an acti>e floor fi9:t =:ic: =ill brin9 t:e ran;
and file ,e8ocrats to9et:er in a >ote =:ic: =ill e8barrass t:e %resident and badl3 tarnis:1
if not destro31 one of :is bri9:test stars?F O7,onnell =as 8uc: concerned t:at &ac;son :ad
Fcalled for t:e %resident to <ulicl3 re8o>e Geor9e !us: fro8 t:e >ice <residential race?F
Senator Cannon :ad not attended t:e :earin9s1 and =as :ard to Bud9e? Senator McInt3re
ob>iousl3 :ad serious reser>ations1 and Cul>er1 Lea:31 and Gar3 Hart =ere all sure to >ote
no? A <ossible additional ,e8ocratic >ote for !us: =as t:at of Sa8 Nunn of Geor9ia1
=:o8 O7,onnell described as Falso >er3 :esitant but stron9l3 res<ects Geor9e and :as
stated t:at a fa>orable >ote =ould onl3 be because of t:e <ersonal relations:i<?F O7,onnell
ur9e ord to call bot: Cannon and Nunn?
L!& :ad obser>ed t:at ord =as so dull t:at :e =as inca<able of =al;in9 and c:e=in9 9u8
at t:e sa8e ti8e? !ut no= e>en ord ;ne= :e =as facin9 t:e s:i<=rec; of one of :is 8ost
<oliticall3 sensiti>e no8inations1 i8<ortant in :is efforts to dissociate :i8self fro8 t:e
intelli9ence co88unit3 8a3:e8 of t:e recent <ast?
ord =as inclined to 9i>e t:e senators =:at t:e3 =anted1 and eEclude !us: a <riori fro8
t:e >ice <residential contest? *:en ord called Geor9e o>er to t:e O>al Office on
,ece8ber 1/1 :e alread3 :ad t:e teEt of a letter to Stennis announcin9 t:at !us: =as
su88aril3 ruled off t:e tic;et if ord =ere t:e candidate 0=:ic: =as an3t:in9 but certain4?
ord s:o=ed !us: t:e letter? *e do not ;no= =:at =:inin9 8a3 :a>e been :eard in t:e
*:ite House t:at da3 fro8 a senatorial <atrician de<ri>ed 0for t:e 8o8ent4 of :is
birt:ri9:t? ord could not 3ieldC it =ould :a>e t:ro=n :is entire election ca8<ai9n into
acute e8barrass8ent Bust as :e =as tr3in9 to 9et it off t:e 9round under t:e li;es of !o
Calla=a3? *:en Geor9e sa= t:at ord =as obdurate1 :e <ro<osed t:at t:e letter be
a8ended to 8a;e it loo; as if t:e initiati>e to rule :i8 out as a runnin9 8ate :ad ori9inated
=it: !us:? T:e fateful letter"
,ear Mr? C:air8an"
As =e bot: ;no=1 t:e nation 8ust :a>e a stron9 and effecti>e forei9n intelli9ence ca<abilit3? &ust
o>er t=o =ee;s a9o1 on ,ece8ber . =:ile in %earl Habor1 I said t:at =e 8ust ne>er dro< our
9uard nor unilaterall3 dis8antle our defenses? T:e Central Intelli9ence A9enc3 is essential to
8aintainin9 our national securit3?
I no8inated A8bassador Geor9e !us: to be CIA ,irector so =e can no= 9et on =it: a<<ro<riate
decisions concernin9 t:e intelli9ence co88unit3? I need-- and t:e nation needs-- :is leaders:i< at
CIA as =e rebuild and stren9t:en t:e forei9n intelli9ence co88unit3 in a 8anner =:ic: earns t:e
confidence of t:e A8erican <eo<le?
A8bassador !us: and I a9ree t:at t:e Nation7s i88ediate forei9n intelli9ence needs 8ust ta;e
<recedence o>er ot:er considerations and t:ere s:ould be continuit3 in :is CIA leaders:i<?
T:erefore1 if A8bassador !us: is confir8ed b3 t:e Senate as ,irector of Central Intelli9ence1 I
=ill not consider :i8 as 83 6ice %residential runnin9 8ate in 12.-?
He and I :a>e discussed t:is in detail? In fact1 :e ur9ed t:at I 8a;e t:is decision? T:is sa3s
so8et:in9 about t:e 8an and about :is desire to do t:is Bob for t:e nation? G???H
On ,ece8ber 121 t:is letter =as recei>ed b3 Stennis1 =:o announced its contents to :is
co88ittee? T:is co88itte <ro8<tl3 a<<ro>ed t:e !us: a<<oint8ent b3 a >ote of 1$ to )1
=it: Gar3 Hart1 Lea:31 Cul>er1 and McInt3re >otin9 a9ainst :i8? !us:7s na8e could no=
be sent to t:e floor1 =:ere a recrudescence of anti-!us: senti8ent =as not li;el31 but could
not be ruled out?
!us:1 true to for81 sent a :and-=ritten note to #endall and O7,onnell on ,ece8ber 1/?
F(ou 9u3s =ere 9reat to 8e in all t:is =:irl=ind1F =rote !us:? FT:an; 3ou for 3our :el<--
and for 3our understandin9? I :a>e ne>er been in one @uite li;e t:is before and it :el<ed to
:a>e a cou<le of 9u3s =:o see8ed to care and =ant to :el<? T:an;s1 8en-- T:an; MaE1
GriedersdorfH too -Geor9eF Gfn 12H
!ut underneat: :is usual net=or;-tendin9 :abits1 !us: =as no= en9ulfed b3 a <rofound
ra9e? He :ad fou9:t to 9et elected to t:e Senate t=ice1 in 12-) and 12.51 and failed bot:
ti8es? He :ad tried for t:e >ice <residenc3 in 12-/1 in 12.$1 :ad been <assed o>er b3 NiEon
in late 12.' =:en ord =as c:osen1 in 12.)1 and =as no= out of t:e runnin9 in 12.-? T:is
=as si8<l3 intolerable for a senatorial <atrician1 and t:at =as indeed !us:7s conce<t of :is
o=n Fbirt:ri9:t?F
!us: 9a>e t:e lie to Aristotle7s t:eor3 of t:e :u8ors" neit:er blood nor <:le98 nor blac;
nor e>en t:e 3ello= bile of ra9e 8o>ed :i81 but :3<ert:3roid trans<orts of a 8anic ra9e
t:at =ent be3ond t:e 8erel3 bilious? Geor9e !us: :ad alread3 :ad enou9: of t:e Stennis
Co88ittee1 enou9: of t:e C:urc: Co88ittee1 enou9: of t:e %i;e Co88ittee? (ears later1
on t:e ca8<ai9n trail in 12//1 :e >o8ited out :is ra9e a9ainst :is tor8entors of 12.+? !us:
said t:at :e :ad 9one to t:e CIA Fat a >er3 difficult ti8e? I =ent in t:ere =:en it :ad been
de8oraliAed b3 t:e attac;s of a bunc: of little untutored s@uirts fro8 Ca<itol Hill1 9oin9 out
t:ere1 loo;in9 at t:ese confidential docu8ents =it:out one si8<le iota of concern for t:e
le9iti8ate national securit3 interests of t:is countr3? And I stood u< for t:e CIA t:en1 and I
stand u< for it no=? And defend it? So let t:e liberals =rin9 t:eir :ands and consider it a
liabilit3? I consider it a stren9t:?F
!ut in 12.+ t:ere =as no doubt t:at Geor9e !us: =as in a to=erin9 ra9e? As C:rist8as
a<<roac:ed1 no >isions of su9ar<lu8s danced in !us:7s :ead? He drea8ed of a sin9le
triu8<:ant stro;e t:at =ould send C:urc: and all t:e rest of :is tor8entors reelin9 in
dis8a31 and 9i>e t:e ne= CIA ,irector a di9nified and <er:a<s triu8<:ant inau9uration?
T:en1 t=o da3s before C:rist8as1 t:e CIA c:ief in At:ens1 Ric:ard *elc: =as 9unned
do=n in front of :is :o8e b3 8as;ed assassins as :e returned :o8e =it: :is =ife fro8 a
C:rist8as <art3? A 9rou< callin9 itself t:e FNo>e8ber 12 Or9aniAationF later clai8ed credit
for t:e ;illin9?
Certain net=or;s i88ediatel3 be9an to use t:e *elc: assassination as a blud9eon a9ainst
t:e C:urc: and %i;e co88ittees? An eEa8<le ca8e fro8 colu8nist C:arles !artlett =ritin9
in t:e old *as:in9ton Star" FT:e assassination of t:e CIA Station C:ief1 Ric:ard *elc:1 in
At:ens is a direct conse@uence of t:e sta9e3 :earin9s of t:e C:urc: Co88ittee? S<ies
traditionall3 function in a 9ra3 =orld of i88unit3 fro8 suc: crudities? !ut t:e Co88ittee7s
<rolon9ed focus on CIA acti>ities in Greece left a9ents t:ere eE<osed to rando8
>en9eance?F Gfn $5H Staffers of t:e C:urc: co88ittee <ointed out t:at t:e C:urc:
co88ittee :ad ne>er said a =ord about Greece or 8entioned t:e na8e of *elc:?
CIA ,irector Colb3 first bla8ed t:e deat: of *elc: on Counters<3 8a9aAine1 =:ic: :ad
<ublis:ed t:e na8e of *elc: so8e 8ont:s before? T:e neEt da3 Colb3 bac;ed off1 bla8in9
a 8ore 9eneral cli8ate of :3steria re9ardin9 t:e CIA =:ic: :ad led to t:e assassination of
*elc:? In :is boo;1 Honorable Men1 <ublis:ed so8e 3ears later1 Colb3 continued to
attribute t:e ;illin9 to t:e Fsensational and :3sterical =a3 t:e CIA in>esti9ations :ad been
:andled and tru8<eted around t:e =orld?F
T:e ord *:ite House resol>ed to eE<loit t:is tra9ic incident to t:e li8it? Liberals raised a
:ue and cr3 in res<onse? Les As<in later recalled t:at Ft:e air trans<ort <lane carr3in9
G*elc:7sH bod3 circled Andre=s Air orce !ase for t:ree-@uarters of an :our in order to
land li>e on t:e 7Toda37 S:o=?F ord =ai>ed restrictions in order to allo= interr8ent at
Arlin9ton Ce8eter3? T:e funeral on &anuar3 . =as described b3 t:e *as:in9ton %ost as Fa
s:o= of <o8< usuall3 reser>ed for t:e nation7s 8ost reno=ned 8ilitar3 :eroes?F Ant:on3
Le=is of t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es described t:e funeral as Fa <olitical de>iceF =it: cere8onies
Fbein9 8ani<ulated in order to arouse a <olitical bac;las: a9ainst le9iti8ate criticis8?F
Nor8an #e8<ster in t:e *as:in9ton Star found t:at Fonl3 a fe= :ours after t:e CIA7s
At:ens station c:ief =as 9unned do=n in front of :is :o8e1 t:e a9enc3 be9an a subtle
ca8<ai9n intended to <ersuade A8ericans t:at :is deat: =as t:e indirect result of
con9ressional in>esti9ations and t:e direct result of an article in an obscure 8a9aAine?F
Here1 in t:e =ords of a *as:in9ton Star :eadline1 =as Fone CIA effort t:at =or;ed?F
!et=een C:rist8as and Ne= (ear7s in #ennbun;<ort1 loo;in9 for=ard to t:e decisi>e floor
>ote on :is confri8ation1 !us: =as at =or; tendin9 and 8obiliAin9 ;e3 <arts of :is
net=or;? One of t:ese =as a certain Leo C:erne?
Leo C:erne is not a :ouse:old =ord1 but :e :as been a <o=erful fi9ure in t:e US
intelli9ence co88unit3 o>er t:e <eriod since *orld *ar II? Leo C:erne =as to be one of
!us:7s 8ost i8<ortant allies =:en :e =as CIA ,irector and t:rou9:out !us:7s subse@uent
career1 so it is =ort: ta;in9 a 8o8ent to 9et to ;no= C:erne better?
C:erne7s <arents =ere bot: <rinters =:o ca8e to t:e US fro8 Ro8ania? In :is 3out: :e =as
a c:a8<ion orator of t:e A8erican Jionist Association1 and :e :as re8ained a <art of !7nai
!7rit: all :is life? He =as trained as an attorne31 and :e Boined t:e Researc: Institute of
A8erica1 a <ublis:er of business boo;s1 in 12'-? He clai8s to :a>e :el<ed to draft t:e ar83
and na>3 industrial 8obiliAation <lans for *orld *ar II1 and at t:e end of t:e =ar :e =as an
econo8ic ad>isor to Gen? ,ou9las MacArt:ur in &a<an? ,urin9 t:at ti8e :e =or;ed for
Ft:e dis8antlin9 of t:e <er>asi>e control o>er &a<anese societ3 =:ic: :ad been 8aintained
b3 t:e Jaibnatsu fa8ilies1F Gfn $1H and de>ised a ne= &a<anese taE structure? C:erne built
u< a lon9 association =it: t:e Industrial Colle9e of t:e Ar8ed orces?
C:erne =as t3<ical of t:e so-calledFneoconser>ati>esF =:o :a>e been <ro8inent in
9o>ern8ent and <olic3 circles under Rea9an-!us:1 and !us:? C:erne =as t:e founder of
t:e International Rescue Co88ittee1 =:ic: accordin9 to C:erne7s o=n blurb Fca8e into
eEistence one =ee; after Hitler ca8e to <o=er to assist t:ose =:o =ould :a>e to flee fro8
NaAi Ger8an3???In t:e 3ears since1 =e :a>e :el<ed t:ousands of &e=s =:o :a>e fled fro8
t:e Iron Curtain countries1 all of t:e81 and :a>e =or;ed to assist in t:e re- settle8ent of
&e=s in Euro<e and t:e United States =:o :a>e left t:e So>iet Union?F
C:erne7s IRC =as clearl3 a conduit for neo-!u;:arinite o<erations bet=een east and =est
in t:e Cold *ar1 and it =as also re<utedl3 a CIA front or9aniAation? CIA fundin9 for t:e
IRC ca8e t:rou9: t:e &?M? #a<lan und1 a ;no=n CIA conduit1 and also t:rou9: t:e
Nor8an oundation1 accordin9 to ran; A? Ca<<ell7s Re>ie= of t:e Ne=s 0Marc: 1.1
12.-4? IRC o<erations in !an9lades: included t:e conduitin9 of CIA 8one3 to 9rou<s of
intellectuals? Ca<ell noted t:at C:erne :ad Fclose ties to t:e leftist ele8ent in t:e CIA?F
C:erne =as also on 9ood ter8s =it: Sir %erc3 Craddoc;1 t:e !ritis: intelli9ence
coordinator1 and Sir Leonard Hoo<er?
C:erne =as a ra>in9 :a=; durin9 t:e 6ietna8 =ar1 =:en :e =as associated =it: t:e as 3et
unreconstructed #issin9er clone Morton Hal<erin in t:e A8erican riends of 6ietna8?
Alon9 =it: &o:n Connall31 C:erne =as a co-c:air of ,e8ocrats for NiEon in 12.$? He :ad
been a foundin9 8e8ber of Her8an #a:n7s Hudson Institute1 a sc:ool for #issin9erian
Stran9elo>es1 and :as al=a3s been a leader of Ne= (or;7s reedo8 House?
C:erne =as also bi9 on Robert O? Anderson7s National Co88ission on Co<in9 =it:
Interde<endence and on Nelson Roc;efeller7s T:ird Centur3 Cor<oration?
C:erne =as a close friend of *illia8 Case31 =:o =as =or;in9 in t:e NiEon Ad8inistration
as Undersecretar3 of State for Econo8ic Affairs in 8id-12.'? T:at =as =:en C:erne =as
na8ed to t:e <resident7s orei9n Intelli9ence Ad>isor3 !oard 0%IA!4 b3 NiEon? On
Marc: 1+1 12.-1 C:erne beca8e t:e c:air8an of t:is bod31 =:ic: s<ecialiAes in conduitin9
t:e de8ands of financier and related interests into t:e intelli9ence co88unit3? C:erne1 as
=e =ill see1 =ould be alon9 =it: !us: a leadin9 beneficiar3 of ord7s s<rin91 12.-
intelli9ence re-or9aniAation?
To to< it all off1 C:erne :as al=a3s been so8et:in9 of a 8e9alo8aniac? His self-ser>in9
RIA bio9ra<:ical s;etc: cul8inates" F%olitical scientist1 econo8ist1 scul<tor1 la=3er1
forei9n affairs s<ecialist-- an3 one and all of t:ese descri<tions fit Leo C:erne? A
Renaissance 8an born in t:e $5t: centur31 :e is e@uall3 at :o8e in fields of fine arts1 <ublic
affairs1 industr31 econo8ics1 or forei9n <olic3?F
!us:7s corres<ondence =it: C:erne lea>es no doubt t:at t:eirs =as a >er3 s<ecial
relations:i<? C:erne re<resented for !us: a stren9t:enin9 of :is lin;s to t:e Jionist-
neoconser>ati>e 8ilieu1 =it: o<tions for bac;c:annelin9 into t:e So>iet bloc;? So on Ne=
(ear7s E>e !us:7s t:ou9:ts1 <er:a<s sti8ulated b3 :is a=areness of =:at :el< t:e Jionist
lobb3 could 9i>e to :is still e8battled no8ination1 =ent out to Leo C:erne in one of :is
celebrated :and=ritten notes" FI read 3our testi8on3 =it: ;een interest and a<<reciation? I
a8 reall3 loo;in9 for=ard to 8eetin9 3ou and =or;in9 =it: 3ou in connection =it: 3our
%IA! c:ores? Ha>e a =onderful 12.-1F !us: =rote?
&anuar3 12.- =as not aus<icious for !us:? He :ad to =ait until al8ost t:e end of t:e 8ont:
for :is confir8ation >ote1 :an9in9 t:ere1 slo=l3 t=istin9 in t:e =ind? In t:e 8eanti8e1 t:e
%i;e Co88ittee re<ort =as a<<roac:in9 co8<letion1 after 8ont:s of <robin9 and :a99lin91
and =as sent to t:e Go>ern8ent %rintin9 Office on &anuar3 $'1 des<ite continuin9
ar9u8ents fro8 t:e *:ite House and fro8 t:e GO% t:at t:e co88ittee could not re>eal
confidential and secret 8aterial <ro>ided b3 t:e eEecuti>e branc:? On Sunda3 &anuar3 $+1 a
co<3 of t:e re<ort =as lea;ed to ,aniel Sc:orr of C!S Ne=s1 and =as eE:ibited on
tele>ision t:at e>enin9? T:e follo=in9 8ornin91 t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es <ublis:ed an
eEtensi>e su88ar3 of t:e entire %i;e Co88ittee re<ort1 =:ic: t:is ne=s<a<er :ad also
,es<ite all t:is eE<osure1 t:e House >oted on &anuar3 $2 t:at t:e %i;e Co88ittee re<ort
could not be released? A fe= da3s later it =as <ublis:ed in full in t:e 6illa9e 6oice1 and
C!S corrs<ondent ,aniel Sc:orr =as :eld res<onsible for its a<<earance? T:e %i;e
Co88ittee re<ort attac;ed Henr3 #issin9er F=:ose co88ents1F it said Fare at >ariance
=it: t:e facts?F In t:e 8idst of :is i8<erial re9enc3 o>er t:e United States1 an una8used
#issin9er res<onded t:at F=e are facin9 a ne= >ersion of McCart:3is8?F A fe= da3s later
#issin9er said of t:e %i;e Co88ittee" FI t:in; t:e3 :a>e used classified infor8ation in a
rec;less =a31 and t:e >ersion of co>ert o<erations t:e3 :a>e lea;ed to t:e <ress :as t:e
cu8ulati>e effect of bein9 totall3 untrue and da8a9in9 to t:e nation?F Gfn $$H T:us1 as
!us:7s confir8ation >ote a<<roac:ed1 t:e ord *:ite House on t:e one :and and t:e %i;e
and C:urc: co88ittees on t:e ot:er =ere close to Fo<en <olitical =arfare1F as t:e
*as:in9ton %ost <ut it at t:e ti8e? One eE<lanation of t:e lea;in9 of t:e %i;e re<ort =as
offered b3 Otis %i;e :i8self on ebruar3 11" FA co<3 =as sent to t:e CIA? It =ould be to
t:eir ad>anta9e to lea; it for <ublication?F !3 no= ord =as ra>in9 about 8obiliAin9 t:e
!I to find out :o= t:e re<ort :ad been lea;ed?
On &anuar3 121 Geor9e !us: =as <resent in t:e EEecuti>e Galler3 of t:e House of
Re<resentati>es1 seated close to t:e unfortunate !ett3 ord1 for t:e %resident7s State of t:e
Union Address? T:is =as a <:oto o<<ortunit3 so t:at ord7s CIA candidate could 9et on
tele>ision for a ca8eo a<<earance t:at 8i9:t boost :is standin9 on t:e e>e of confir8ation?
T:e in>itation =as :andled b3 &i8 Connor of t:e *:ite House staff1 =:o dul3 recei>ed a
:and-=ritten note of t:an;s fro8 t:e as<irin9 ,CI?
Senate floor debate =as under=a3 on &anuar3 $-1 and Senator McInt3re las:ed out at t:e
!us: no8ination as Fan insensiti>e affront to t:e A8erican <eo<le?F T:e Ne= Ha8<s:ire
,e8ocrat ar9ued" FIt is clearl3 e>ident t:at t:is colla<se of confidence in t:e CIA =as
brou9:t on not onl3 b3 t:e eE<osure of CIA 8isdeeds1 but b3 t:e <ainful realiAation t:at
so8e of t:ose 8isdeeds =ere encoura9ed b3 <olitical leaders =:o sou9:t not an
intelli9ence ad>anta9e o>er a forei9n ad>ersar31 but a <olitical ad>anta9e o>er t:eir
do8estic critics and t:e o<<osition <art3?F
McInt3re =ent on" FAnd =:o can loo; at t:e :istor3 of <olitical subordination of t:e CIA
and eE<ect t:e <eo<le to 9i>e an a9enc3 director so clearl3 identified =it: <olitics t:eir full
fait: and confidenceD To 8e it is a trans<arent absurdit3 t:at 9i>en t:e sensiti>it3 of t:e
issue1 %resident ord could not find anot:er no8inee of e@ual abilit3--and less sus<ect
credentials--t:an t:e for8er national c:air8an of t:e <resident7s <olitical <art3?F
In furt:er debate on t:e da3 of t:e >ote1 &anuar3 $.1 Senator !iden Boined ot:er ,e8ocrats
in assailin9 !us: as Ft:e =ron9 a<<oint8ent for t:e =ron9 Bob at t:e =ron9 ti8e?F C:urc:
also continued :is attac;1 brandin9 !us: Fan indi>idual =:ose <ast record of <olitical
acti>is8 and <artisan ties to t:e <resident contradict t:e >er3 <ur<ose of i8<artialit3 and
obBecti>it3 for =:ic: t:e a9enc3 =as created?F C:urc: a<<ealed to t:e Senate to reBect
!us:1 a 8an Ftoo dee<l3 e8broiled in <artisan <olitics and too intert=ined =it: t:e <olitical
destin3 of t:e <resident :i8selfF to be able to lead t:e CIA? Gold=ater1 To=er1 %erc31
Ho=ard !a;er1 and Clifford Case all s<o;e u< for !us:?
!us:7s floor leader =as Stro8 T:ur8ond1 =:o su<<orted !us: b3 attac;in9 t:e C:urc: and
%i;e Co88ittees? FT:at is =:ere t:e <ublic concern lies1 on disclosures =:ic: are tearin9
do=n t:e CIA1F orated T:ur8ond1 Fnot u<on t:e selection of t:is :i9:l3 co8<etent 8an to
re<air t:e da8a9e of t:is o>er-eE<osure?F
inall3 it ca8e to a roll call and !us: <assed b3 a >ote of -)-$.1 =it: Lo=ell *eic;er of
Connecticut >otin9 <resent? T:ose >otin9 a9ainst !us: =ere" AboureA;1 !iden1 !u8<ers1
C:urc:1 Clar;1 Cranston1 Cul>er1 ,ur;in1 ord1 Gar3 Hart1 %:ili< Hart1 Has;ell1 Hel8s Gt:e
lone GO% o<<onentH1 Huddleston1 Inou3e1 &o:nston1 #enned31 Lea:31 Ma9nuson1
McInt3re1 Metcalf1 Mondale1 Mor9an1 Nelson1 %roE8ire1 Stone1 and *illia8s? C:urc:7s
staff felt t:e3 :ad failed la8entabl31 :a>in9 9otten onl3 liberal ,e8ocrats and t:e sin9le
Re<ublican >ote of &esse Hel8s? Gfn $'?
It =as t:e da3 after !us:7s confir8ation t:at t:e House Rules co88ittee >oted 2 to . to
bloc; t:e <ublication of t:e %i;e Co88ittee re<ort? T:e issue t:en =ent to t:e full House
on &anuar3 $21 =:ic: >oted1 1)- to 1$)1 t:at t:e %i;e Co88ittee 8ust sub8it its re<ort to
censors:i< b3 t:e *:ite House and t:us b3 t:e CIA? At al8ost t:e sa8e ti8e1 Senator
Ho=ard !a;er Boined To=er and Gold=ater in o<<osin9 t:e <rinci<al final reco88endation
of t:e C:urc: Co88ittee1 suc: as it =as1 t:e establis:8ent of a <er8anent intelli9ence
o>ersi9:t co88ittee?
%i;e found t:at t:e atte8<t to censor :is re<ort :ad 8ade Fa co8<lete tra>est3 of t:e =:ole
doctrine of se<aration of <o=ers?F In t:e >ie= of a staffer of t:e C:urc: co88ittee1 Fall
=it:in t=o da3s1 t:e House Intelli9ence Co88ittee :ad 9round to a :alt1 and t:e Senate
Intelli9ence Co88ittee :ad s<lit asunder o>er t:e center<iece of its reco88endations? T:e
*:ite House 8ust :a>e reBoicedC t:e *elc: deat: and lea;s fro8 t:e %i;e co88ittee re<ort
:ad <roduced1 at last1 a bac;las: a9ainst t:e con9ressional in>esti9ations?F Gfn $)H
Ridin9 t:e crest of t:at =a>e of bac;las: =as Geor9e !us:? T:e constellation of e>ents
around :is confir8ation <refi9ures t:e =retc:ed state of Con9ress toda3" a rubber sta8<
<arlia8ent in a totalitarian state1 inca<able of o>erridin9 e>en one of !us:7s $$ >etoes?
On rida31 &anuar3 '51 ord and !us: =ere Boined at t:e CIA auditoriu8 for !us:7s
s=earin9 in cere8on3 before a lar9e 9at:erin9 of a9enc3 e8<lo3ees? Colb3 =as also t:ere"
so8e said :e :ad been fired <ri8aril3 because #issin9er t:ou9:t t:at :e =as di>ul9in9 too
8uc: to t:e Con9ressional co88ittees1 but #issin9er later told Colb3 t:at t:e latter7s
strata9e8s :ad been correct? Colb3 o<ened t:e cere8on3 =it: a fe= brief =ords" FMr?
%resident1 and Mr? !us:1 I :a>e t:e 9reat :onor to <resent 3ou to an or9aniAation of
dedicated <rofessionals? ,es<ite t:e tur8oil and tu8ult of t:e last 3ear1 t:e3 continue to
<roduce t:e best intelli9ence in t:e =orld?F T:is =as 8et b3 a burst of a<<lause? Gfn $+H
ord7s line =as" F*e cannot i8<ro>e t:is a9enc3 b3 destro3in9 it?F !us: <ro8ised to 8a;e
FCIA an instru8ent of <eace and an obBect of <ride for all our <eo<le?F !us: =ent on to
sa3" FI =ill not turn 83 bac; fro8 t:e <ast? *e7>e learned a lot about =:at an intelli9ence
a9enc3 8ust do to 8aintain t:e confidence of t:e <eo<le in an o<en societ3? !ut t:e
e8<:asis =ill no= be on t:e future? I78 deter8ined to <rotect t:ose t:in9s t:at 8ust be ;e<t
secret? And I a8 8ore deter8ined to <rotect t:ose unselfis: and <atriotic <eo<le =:o =it:
total dedication ser>e t:eir countr31 often <uttin9 t:Beir li>es on t:e line1 onl3 to :a>e so8e
<eo<le bent on destro3in9 t:is a9enc3 eE<ose t:eir na8es?F A nu8ber of senators =ere
in>ited1 =it: Stennis1 T:ur8ond1 To=er1 Gold=ater1 !a;er and !roo;e leadin9 t:e <ac;C
ot:ers :ad been added b3 t:e *:ite House after c:ec;in9 b3 tele<:one =it: &ennifer
!efore <rocedin91 let us ta;e a loo8 at !us:7s tea8 of associates at t:e CIA1 since =e =ill
find t:e8 in 8an3 of :is later <olitical ca8<ai9ns and office staffs?
*:en !us: beca8e ,CI1 :is <rinci<al de<ut3 =as General 6ernon *alters1 a for8er ar83
lieutenant 9eneral? T:is is t:e sa8e Gen? 6ernon *alters =:o =as 8entioned b3 Halde8an
and NiEon in t:e notorious Fs8o;in9 9unF ta<e alread3 discussed1 but =:o of course denied
t:at :e e>er did an3 of t:e t:in9s t:at Halde8an and E:rlic:8an said t:at :e :ad <ro8ised
to do? *alters :ad been at t:e CIA as ,,CI since Ma31 12.$--a NiEon a<<ointee =:o :ad
been =it: NiEon =:en t:e t:en >ice <resident7s car =as stoned in Caracas1 6eneAuela =a3
bac; =:en? E>er since t:en NiEon :ad seen :i8 as <art of t:e old 9uard? *alters left to
beco8e a <ri>ate consultant in &ul31 12.-?
To re<lace *alters1 !us: <ic;ed Enno Henr3 #noc:e1 =:o :ad Boined CIA in 12+' as an
intelli9ence anal3st s<ecialiAin9 in ar Eastern <olitical and 8ilitar3 affairs? #noc:e ca8e
fro8 t:e na>3 and ;ne= C:inese? ro8 12-$ to 12-. :e :ad been t:e c:ief of t:e National
%:oto9ra<:ic Inter<retation Center? In 12-21 :e :ad beco8e de<ut3 director of <lannin9 and
bude9tin91 and c:aired t:e internal CIA co88ittee in c:ar9e of co8<uteriAation? 0T:is
e8<:asis =as reflected durin9 t:e !us: tenure b3 :ea>3 e8<:asis on satellites and SIGINT
co88unications 8onitorin9?4 #noc:e =as t:en de<ut3 director of t:e Office of Current
Intelli9ence1 =:ic: <roduces on9oin9 assess8ents of international e>ents for t:e %resident
and t:e NSC? After 12.$1 #noc:e :eaded t:e Intelli9ence ,irectorate7s Office of Strate9ic
Researc:1 c:ar9ed =it: e>aluatin9 strate9ic t:reats to t:e US? In 12.+1 #noc:e :ad been a
s<ecial liaison bet=een Colb3 and t:e Roc;efeller Co88ission1 as =ell as =it: t:e C:urc:
and %i;e Co88ittees? T:is =as a >er3 sensiti>e <ost1 and !us: clearl3 loo;ed to #noc:e to
:el< :i8 deal =it: continuin9 c:allen9es co8in9 fro8 t:e Con9ress? In t:e fall of 12.+1
#noc:e :ad beco8e t:e nu8ber t=o on Colb37s staff for t:e coordination and 8ana9e8ent
of t:e intelli9ence co88unit3? Accordin9 to so8e1 #noc:e =as to function as !us:7s
FIndian 9uideF t:rou9: t:e secrets of Lan9le3C :e ;ne= F=:ere t:e bodies =ere buiried?F
Ot:er=ise1 #noc:e =as ;no=n for :is lo>e of tennis?
#noc:e =as :i9:l3 critical of Colb37s <olic3 of :andin9 o>er li8ited a8ounts of classified
8aterial to t:e %i;e and C:urc: co88ittees1 =:ile fi9:tin9 to sa>e t:e core of co>ert
o<erations? #noc:e told a 9rou< of friends durin9 t:is <eriod" FT:ere is no
counterintelli9ence an3 8ore?F T:is i8<lies a conde8nation of t:e Con9ressional
co88ittees =it: =:o8 #noc:e :ad ser>ed as liaison1 and can also be read as a la8ent for
t:e oustin9 of &a8es &esus An9leton1 c:ief of t:e CIA7s Counterintelli9ence o<erations until
12.+ and director of t:e 8ail-o<enin9 o<eration t:at :ad been eE<osed b3 >arious <robers?
Gfn $-H
Here =as a de<ut3 =:o could <rotect !us:7s flan; =it: :is Con9ressional tor8entors1 =:o
=ould call !us: to t:e Hill 8ore t:an fift3 ti8es durin9 :is a<<roEi8atel3 one 3ear of CIA
tenure? He =ould also a<<ear to :a>e :ad enou9: ad8inistrati>e eE<erience to run t:in9s1
s:ieldin9 !us: fro8 t:e defect t:at Go>ernor Scranton :ad <ointed out 3ears before- t:e
lac; of ad8inistrati>e abilit3? Ne>ert:eless1 *ood=ard and %incus Gfn $.H <ortra3 t:e
#noc:e a<<oint8ent as 9ettin9 8iEed re>ie=s =it:in t:e CIA1 and @uote Ad8iral ,aniel &?
Mur<:37s >ie= t:at t:e #noc:e no8ination =as Fnot <o<ular?F or *ood=ard and %incus
#noc:e =as Fa <ersonable1 tennis-<la3in9 9iant of a 8an?F T:e Ad8iral ,aniel &? Mur<:3
Bust 8entioned =as !us:7s de<ut3 director for t:e intelli9ence co88unit31 and later beca8e
!us:7s c:ief of staff durin9 :is first ter8 as >ice <resident? Muc: later1 in No>e8ber1 12/.1
Mur<:3 >isited %ana8a in t:e co8<an3 of Sout: #orean business8an and intelli9ence
o<erati>e Ton9sun %ar;1 and 8et =it: Gen? Manuel Antonio Norie9a? Mur<:3 =as later
obli9ed to testif3 to t:e Senate orei9n Relations Co88ittee about :is 8eetin9 =it:
Norie9a? Mur<:3 clai8ed t:at :e =as onl3 in %ana8a to F8a;e a buc;1F but t:ere are
indications t:at :e =as carr3in9 8essa9es to Norie9a fro8 !us:? Ton9sun %ar;1 Mur<:37s
ostensible business associate1 =ill soon turn out to :a>e been t:e central fi9ure of t:e
#orea9ate scandal of 12.-1 a >er3 i8<ortant de>elo<8ent on !us:7s CIA =atc:? Gfn $/H
Ot:er na8es on t:e !us: flo= c:art included :oldo>er Ed=ard %roctor and t:en !us:
a<<ointee Sa3re Ste>ens in t:e slot of ,e<ut3 ,irector for Intelli9enceC :oldo>er Carl
,uc;ett and t:en !us: a<<ointee Leslie ,ir;s as ,e<ut3 ,irector for Science and
Tec:nolo93C &o:n !la;e1 :oldo>er as ,e<ut3 ,irector for Ad8inistrationC and :oldo>er
*illia8 Nelson1 follo=ed b3 !us: a<<ointee *illia8 *ells1 ,e<ut3 ,irector for
O<erations ?
*illia8 *ells as ,e<ut3 ,irector for O<erations =as a >er3 si9nificant c:oice? He =as a
career co>ert o<erations s<ecialist =:o :ad 9raduated fro8 (ale a fe= 3ears before !us:?
*ells soon ac@uired :is o=n de<ut31 reco88ended b3 :i8 and a<<ro>ed b3 !us:" t:is =as
t:e infa8ous T:eodore S:ac;le31 =:ose title t:us beca8e Associate ,e<ut3 ,irector for
Co>ert O<erations? S:ac;le3 later e8er9ed as one of t:e central fi9ures of t:e Iran- contra
scandal of t:e 12/57s? He is re<utedl3 one of t:e do8inant <ersonalities of a CIA old bo3s7
net=or; ;no=n as T:e Enter<rise1 =:ic: =as at t:e :eart of Iran-contra and t:e ot:er
ille9al co>ert o<erations of t:e Rea9an-!us: 3ears?
,urin9 t:e earl3 12-57s1 after t:e !a3 of %i9s1 T:eodore S:ac;le3 :ad been t:e :ead of t:e
CIA Mia8i Station durin9 t:e 3ears in =:ic: O<eration Mon9oose =as at its <ea;? T:is
=as t:e Ho=ard Hunt and *ater9ate Cubans cro=d1 circles fa8iliar to eliE Rodri9ueA
0MaE Go8eA41 =:o in t:e 12/57s su<er>ised 9un-runnin9 and dru9-runnin9 out of !us:7s
>ice <residential office?
Later1 S:ac;le3 =as re<ortedl3 t:e c:ief of t:e CIA station in 6ientiane1 Laos1 bet=een &ul3
12-- and ,ece8ber 12-/? So8e ti8e after t:at :e 8o>ed on to beco8e t:e CIA station
c:ief in Sai9on1 =:ere :e :ad directed t:e i8<le8entation of t:e Ci>ilian O<erations and
Rural ,e>elo<8ent Su<<ort 0COR,S4 <ro9ra1 better ;no=n as O<eration %:oeniE1 a
9enocidal cri8e a9ainst :u8anit3 =:ic: ;illed tens of t:ousands of 6ietna8ese ci>ilians
because t:e3 =ere sus<ected of =or;in9 for t:e 6ietcon91 or so8eti8es si8<l3 because
t:e3 =ere able to read and =rite? As for S:ac;le31 t:ere are also re<orts t:at :e =or;ed for a
ti8e in t:e late 12-57s in Ro8e1 durin9 t:e <eriod =:en t:e CIA7s GLA,IO ca<abilities
=ere bein9 used to launc: a =a>e of terroris8 in t:at countr3? Suc: =as t:e 8an t:at !us:
c:ose to a<<oint to a <osition of re<onsibilit3 in t:e CIA? Later1 S:ac;le3 =ill turn u< as a
Fs<eec: =riterF for !us: durin9 t:e 12.2-/5 ca8<ai9n?
Alon9 =it: S:ac;le3 ca8e :is associate and for8er Mia8i station second in co88and1
T:o8as Clines1 a <artner of General Ric:ard Secord and Albert Ha;;i8 durin9 t:e Iran-
contra o<eration1 con>icted in Se<te8ber 1225 on four felon3 taE counts for not re<ortin9
:is ill-9otten 9ains1 and sentenced to 1- 8ont:s in <rison and a fine of I)51555?
,urin9 !us:7s tenure S:ac;le37s circles =ere 8i9:tli3 re8oraliAed? In <articular Ed *ilson1
a >eteran of S:ac;le37s Mia8i station1 no= a retired CIA officer =:o =or;ed closel3 =it:
ser>in9 CIA <ersonnel to or9aniAe 9un runnin91 seE o<erati>es1 and ot:er acti>ities1 <lied
:is trade undisturbed? T:e *ilson scandal1 =:ic: :ad 9ro=n u< on !us:7s =atc:1 =ould
be9in to eE<lode onl3 durin9 t:e tenure of Stansfield Turner1 under Carter?
Anot:er career co>ert o<erations 8an1 &o:n *aller1 beca8e t:e Ins<ector General1 t:e
officer =:o =as su<<osed to ;ee< trac; of ille9al o<erations? or le9al ad>ice1 !us: turned
first to :oldo>er General Counsel Mitc:ell Ro9o>in1 =:o :ad in ,ece8ber 12.+ t:eoriAed
t:at intelli9ence acti>ities belon9ed to t:e Fin:erent <o=ersF of t:e %residenc31 and t:at no
s<ecial Con9ressional e9islation =as re@uired to <er8it suc: t:in9s as co>ert o<erations to
9o on? Later !us: a<<ointed Ant:on3 La<:a81 (ale 7+/1 as CIA General Counsel? La<:a8
=as t:e scion of an old San rancisco ban;in9 fa8il31 and :is brot:er =as Le=is La<:a81
t:e editor of Har<er7s Ma9aAine? La<:a8 =ould ta;e a leadin9 role in t:e CIA co>eru< of
t:e Letelier assassination case? Gfn $2H
T3<ical of t:e broad section of CIA officers =:o =ere deli9:ted =it: t:eir ne= boss fro8
!ro=n !rot:ers1 Harri8anOS;ull and !ones =as Cord Me3er1 =:o :ad 8ost recentl3 been
t:e station c:ief in London fro8 12.' on1 a =ild and =ool3 ti8e in t:e ti9:t little island1 as
=e =ill see? Me3er1 a co>ert action >eteran and *ater9ate o<erati>e1 =rites at len9t: in :is
autobio9ra<:3 about :is ent:usias8 for t:e !us: re9i8e at CIA1 =:ic: induced :i8 to
<rolon9 :is o=n career t:ere"
I a9ain seriousl3 t:ou9:t of retirin9 fro8 t:e A9enc3 but t:e ne= at8os<:ere in CIA7s Lan9le3
:ead@uarters c:an9ed 83 8ind? Geor9e !us: :ad been a<<ointed b3 %resident ord to succeed
Colb3 as ,CI in &anuar31 and b3 t:e ti8e of 83 return :e :ad co8<letel3 dis<elled t:e fears t:at
:ad been aroused b3 :is for8er <olitical connections? Ha>in9 ser>ed in t:e Con9ress as a
Re<ublican re<resentati>e fro8 TeEas and :a>in9 recentl3 been c:air8an of t:e Re<ublican
National Co88ittee1 :e =as initiall3 >ie=ed =it: sus<icion as an a8bitious <olitician =:o 8i9:t
tr3 to use t:e A9enc3 for <artisan <ur<oses? Ho=e>er1 :e @uic;l3 <ro>ed b3 :is <erfor8ance t:at
:e =as <re<ared to <ut <olitics aside and to de>ote all :is considerable abilit3 and ent:usias8 to
restorin9 t:e 8orale of an institution t:at :ad been battered enou9: b3 sucessi>e in>esti9ations?
Instead of reac:in9 outside for defeated Re<ublican candidates to fill ;e3 Bobs1 :e c:ose fro8
=it:in t:e or9aniAation a8on9 8en =:o :ad de8onstrated t:eir co8<etence t:rou9: lon9 careers
in intelli9ence =or;? He leaned o>er bac;=ard to <rotect t:e obBecti>it3 and inde<endence of t:e
A9enc37s esti8ates and to a>oid slantin9 t:e results to fit so8e <reconcei>ed notion of =:at t:e
%resident =anted to :ear?
On t:e ot:er :and1 :is close relations:i< to ord G!us: =as a re9ular tennis doubles <artner =it:
ordH and t:e trust t:at t:e %resident ob>iousl3 :ad in :i8 9a>e !us: an access to t:e *:ite
House and an influence in t:e =ider *as:in9ton bureaucrac3 t:at Colb3 :ad ne>er enBo3ed? Not
onl3 did 8orale i8<ro>e as a result1 but t:rou9: !us: t:e A9enc37s >ie=s carried ne= =ei9:t and
influence in t:e to< reac:es of t:e ord Ad8inistration? In effect1 I found on 83 return t:at t:e
=or;in9 en>iron8ent at t:e A9enc3 =as far better t:an I :ad i8a9ined it to be fro8 83 eE<osed
<osition abroad and I deter8ined to sta3 on for a <eriod before retirin9? !us: and FHan;F
#noc:e1 t:e ne=l3 a<<ointed de<ut3 director1 as;ed 8e to ser>e as a s<ecial assistant1 and 9a>e
8e as first assi9n8ent t:e tas; of re>ie=in9 t:e entire structure of t:e intelli9ence co88unit3 to
t:e ade@uac3 of t:e arran9e8ents for <ro>idin9 strate9ic =arnin9 a9ainst an attac; on t:e United
States and for :andlin9 8aBor international crises? Gfn '5H
T:is all sounds li;e a !us: ca8<ai9n broc:ure1 but it is t3<ical of t:e intelli9ence
co88unit3 forces lo3al to !us:C as for Cord Me3er1 it 8a3 be t:at :e de>elo<ed t:e desi9n
for t:e S<ecial Situation Grou< =:ic: !us: c:aired fro8 Marc:1 12/1 to &anuar31 12/21
t:rou9: =:ic: !us: ran Iran-Contra and all of t:e ot:er si9nificant co>ert o<erations and
cou<s of t:e entire Rea9an era?
And =:at did ot:er CIA officers1 suc: as intelli9ence anal3sts1 t:in; of !us:D A co88on
i8<ression is t:at :e =as a su<erficial li9:t=ei9:t =it: no serious interest in intelli9ence?
,e<ut3 ,irector for Science and tec:nolo93 Carl ,uc;ett1 =:o =as ousted b3 !us: after
t:ree 8ont:s1 co88ented t:at :e Fne>er sa= Geor9e !us: feel :e :ad to understand t:e
de<t: of so8et:in9????G:eH is not a 8an tre8endousl3 dedicated to a cause or ideas? He7s not
fer>ent? He 9oes =it: t:e flo=1 loo;in9 for :o= it =ill <la3 <oliticall3?F Accordin9 to
Maurice Ernst1 t:e :ead of t:e CIA7s office of econo8ic researc: fro8 12.5 to 12/51
FGeor9e !us: doesn7t li;e to 9et into t:e 8iddle of an intellectual debate???:e li;ed to
dele9ate it? I ne>er reall3 :ad a serious discussion =it: :i8 on econo8ics?F Anot:er for8er
CIA aide to !us: =:o =anted to re8ain anon38ous obser>ed t:at Fit =as an a<<roac:
re8ar;abl3 si8ilar to =:at a 3oun9er1 8ore acti>e Ronald Rea9an 8i9:t :a>e done?F Hans
He38ann =as !us:7s National Intelli9ence Officer for Econo8ics1 and :e re8e8bers
:a>in9 been i8<ressed b3 !us:7s %:i !eta #a<<a (ale de9ree in econo8ics? As He38ann
later recalled !us:7s res<onse1 FHe loo;ed at 8e in :orror and said1 7I don7t re8e8ber a
t:in9? It =as so lon9 a9o1 so I78 9oin9 to :a>e to rel3 on 3ou?7F Gfn '1H
Ot:er CIA e8<lo3ees re8e8ber !us: as a 8ana9er =:o =ould not 9ra<<le =it: conce<ts1
but =:o rat:er sa= :i8self as a <roble8 sol>er and consensus builder =:o =ould tr3 to
resol>e difficulties b3 9ettin9 <eo<le into a roo8 to find a co8<ro8ise basis of a9ree8ent?
In realit31 8uc: of t:is =as also a calculated <ose? No one :as e>er accused !us: of
<rofundit3 on an3 subBect1 eEce<t <er:a<s race :atred1 but :is disen9a9ed stance a<<ears as
an elaborate dece<tion to conceal :is real >ie=s fro8 t:e official c:ain of co88and?
In t:e 8eanti8e1 t:e scuttlebut around Lan9le3 and t:e %enta9on =as1 accordin9 to a :i9:
CIA official1 t:at Ft:e CIA and ,O, =ill lo>e Geor9e !us: and ,on Ru8sfeld 8ore t:an
t:e3 :ated or feared !ill Colb3 and &i8 Sc:lesin9er because neit:er =ill 8a;e an3 real
=a>es?F One =riter su88ed u< !us:7s su<erficial <ublic <rofile durin9 t:is <eriod as Fnot
alto9et:er inco8<etent?F Gfn '$H
,urin9 t:e first fe= =ee;s of !us:7s tenure1 t:e ord ad8inistration =as 9ri<<ed b3 a Ffirst
stri;eF <3sc:osis? T:is :ad not:in9 to do =it: t:e So>iet Union1 but =as rat:er ord7s
desire to <re-e8<t an3 <ro<osals for refor8 of t:e intelli9ence a9encies co8in9 out of t:e
%i;e or C:urc: co88ittees =it: a <seudo-refor8 of :is o=n1 <re8issed on :is o=n in-
:ouse stud31 t:e Roc;efeller re<ort1 =:ic: reco88ended an increase of secrec3 for co>ert
o<erations and classified infor8ation? Since about t:e ti8e of t:e !us: no8ination1 an
intera9enc3 tas; force ar8ed =it: t:e Roc;efeller co88ission reco88endations :ad been
8eetin9 under t:e c:air8ans:i< of ord7s counselor &ac; O? Mars:? T:is =as t:e
Intelli9ence Coordinatin9 Grou<1 =:ic: included dele9ates of t:e intelli9ence a9encies1
<lus NSC1 OM!1 and ot:ers? T:is 9rou< =or;ed u< a series of final reco88endations t:at
=ere 9i>en to ord to stud3 on :is C:rist8as >acation in 6ail1 Colorado? At t:is <oint ord
=as inclined to F9o slo= and =or; =it: Con9ress?F
!ut on &anuar3 15 Mars: and t:e intelli9ence a9enc3 bosses 8et a9ain =it: ord1 and t:e
strate93 be9an to s:ift to=ards <re-e8<tin9 Con9ress? On &anuar3 '51 ord and !us: ca8e
bac; fro8 t:eir a<<earance at t:e CIA auditoriu8 s=earin9 in session and 8et =it: ot:er
officials in t:e Cabinet Roo8? Attendin9 besides ord and !us: =ere Secretar3 of State
#issin9er1 Secretar3 of ,efense Ru8sfeld1 Attorne3 General Le>i1 &ac; Mars:1 %:il
!uc:en1 !rent Sco=croft1 Mi;e ,u>al1 and %eter *allison re<resentin9 6ice %resident
Roc;efeller1 =:o =as out of to=n t:at da3? Gfn ''H Here ord <resented :is tentati>e
conclusions for furt:er discussion? T:e 9eneral line =as to <re-e8<t t:e Con9ress1 not to
coo<erate =it: it1 to increase secrec31 and to increase aut:oritarian tendencies?
ord sc:eduled a *:ite House <ress conference for t:e e>enin9 of ebruar3 1.? In an
at8os<:ere of intense last-8inute :a99lin9 o>er bureaucratic <rero9ati>e1 !us: =as careful
to 8eet =it: Leo C:erne to consolidate :is relations =it: bot: C:erne and %IA!? C:erne7s
8e8o of ebruar3 - s:o=s t:at :e as;ed !us: to F8a;e sure t:at =e on t:e board are not
sur<rised?F C:erne stressed t:e need to ;no= as 8uc: as <ossible about c:an9es in t:e
Sino-So>iet relations:i< and t:e need to u<9rade econo8ic intelli9ence1 =:ic:1 :e
la8ented1 =as beco8in9 flabbier as t:e oil crisis and t:e acco8<an3in9 s:oc;s to t:e
international 8onetar3 s3ste8 receded? C:erne =as for declassif3in9 =:ate>er could be
declassified1 a bureaucratic <osture t:at could not 9o =ron9? C:erne t:ou9:t t:at t:e F%i;e
Co88ission :as a <oor staff1 issued a dreadful final re<ort1 but it did in t:e course of its
in@uir3 as; t:e ri9:t @uestions?F T:ese1 C:erne told !us:1 s:ould be ans=ered? C:erne also
=anted to set u< Fnon-<uniti>e re9ular 8onitorin9F to e>aluate t:e successes and failures of
t:e intelli9ence co88unit3? T:is <ro<osal s:ould be noted1 for :ere =e :a>e t:e 9er8inal
idea for Tea8 !1 =:ic: !us: set u< a fe= 8ont:s later to e>aluate t:e a9enc37s record in
Bud9in9 t:e strate9ic intentions and ca<abilities of t:e USSR? Gfn ')H
In :is <ress conference of ebruar3 1.1 ord scoo<ed t:e Con9ress and touted :is
bureaucratic res:uffle of t:e intelli9ence a9encies as t:e 8ost s=ee<in9 refor8 and
reor9aniAation of t:e United States intelli9ence a9encies since t:e <assa9e of t:e National
Securit3 Act of 12).? FI =ill not be a <art3 to t:e dis8antlin9 of t:e CIA or ot:er
intelli9ence a9encies1F :e intoned? He re<eated t:at t:e intelli9ence co88unit3 :ad to
function under t:e direction of t:e National Securit3 Council as if t:at =ere so8et:in9
eart:-s:a;in9 and ne=C fro8 t:e <ers<ecti>e of Oli>er Nort: and Ad8iral %oindeEter =e
can see in retros<ect t:at it 9uaranteed not:in9? A ne= NSC co88ittee c:aired b3 !us:
=as entrusted =it: t:e tas; of 9i>in9 9reater central coordination to t:e intelli9ence
co88unit3 as a =:ole? T:is co88ittee =as to consist of !us:1 #issin9er clone *illia8
H3land of t:e National Securit3 Council Staff1 and Robert Ells=ort:1 t:e assistant secretar3
of ,efense for Intelli9ence? T:is co88ittee =as Bointl3 to for8ulate t:e bud9et of t:e
intelli9ence co88unit3 and allocate its resources to t:e >arious tas;s?
T:e )5 Co88ittee1 =:ic: :ad o>erseen co>ert o<erations1 =as no= to be called t:e
O<erations Ad>isor3 Grou<1 =it: its 8e8bers:i< res:uffled to include Sco=croft of NSC1
#issin9er1 Ru8sfeld1 C:air8an of t:e &oint C:iefs of Staff Geor9e !ro=n1 <lus obser>ers
fro8 t:e Attorne3 General and t:e Office of Man9e8ent and !ud9et?
An inno>ation =as t:e creation of t:e Intelli9ence O>ersi9:t !oard 0in addition to t:e
%resident7s orei9n Intelli9ence Ad>isor3 !oard41 =:ic: =as c:aired b3 A8bassador
Robert ,? Mur<:31 t:e old ad>ersar3 of C:arles deGaulle durin9 *orld *ar II? T:e IO!
=as su<<osed to be a =atc:do9 to <re>ent ne= abuses fro8 co8in9 out of t:e intelli9ence
co88unit3? Also on t:is board =ere Ste<:en Ailes1 =:o :ad been Undersecretar3 of
,efense for #enned3 and Secretar3 of t:e Ar83 for L!&? T:e t:ird fi9ure on t:is IO! =as
Leo C:erne1 =:o =as soon to be <ro8oted c:air8an of %IA! as =ell? T:e increasin9l3
co8<licit relations:i< of C:erne to !us: 8eant t:at all alle9ed o>ersi9:t b3 t:e IO! =as a
8oc;er3? T:e a>era9e a9e of t:e IO! =as about .51 leadin9 Carl Ro=an to Bo;e t:at it =as
a case of Ri< 6an *in;le 9uardin9 t:e CIA? None of t:e IO! 8e8bers1 Ro=an <ointed out1
=as 3oun91 <oor1 or blac;?
!elie>e it or not1 ord also =anted a >ersion of t:e Official Secrets Act =:ic: =e :a>e seen
!us: su<<ortin9" :e called for Fs<ecial le9islation to 9uard critical intelli9ence secrets? T:is
le9islation =ould 8a;e it a cri8e for a 9o>ern8ent e8<lo3ee =:o :as access to certain
:i9:l3 classified infor8ation to re>eal t:at infor8ation i8<ro<erl3?F *:ic: =ould :a>e
8ade t:e *as:in9ton lea; 9a8e rat:er 8ore dice3 t:an it is at <resent?
T:e Official Secrets Act =ould :a>e to be <assed b3 Con9ress1 but 8ost of t:e rest of =:at
ord announced =as e8bodied in EEecuti>e Order 1125+? C:urc: t:ou9:t t:at t:is =as
o>erreac:in91 since it a8ounted to c:an9in9 so8e <ro>isions of t:e National Securit3 Act
b3 <residential fiat? !ut t:is =as no= t:e ne= te8<er of t:e ti8es?
As for t:e CIA1 EEecuti>e Order 1125+ aut:oriAed it Fto conduct forei9n
counterintelli9ence acti>ities???in t:e United States1F =:ic: o<ened t:e door to 8an3 t:in9s?
A<art fro8 restrictions on <:3sical searc:es and electronic bu99in91 it =as still o<en season
on A8ericans abroad? T:e !I =as <ro8ised t:e Le>i 9uidelines1 and ot:er a9encies =ould
9et c:arters =ritten for t:e8? In t:e interi81 t:e <o=er of t:e !I to co8bat >arious
Fsub>ersi>eF acti>ities =as reaffir8ed? %olitical assassination =as banned1 but t:ere =ere
no li8itations or re9ulations <laced on co>ert o<erations1 and t:ere =as not:in9 about
8easures to i8<ro>e t:e intelli9ence and anal3tical <roduct of t:e a9encies?
In t:e >ie= of t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es1 t:e bi9 =inner =as !us:" Fro8 a 8ana9e8ent <oint
of >ie=1 Mr? ord toni9:t centraliAed 8ore <o=er in t:e :ands of t:e ,irector of Central
Intelli9ence t:an an3 :ad :ad since t:e creation of t:e CIA? T:e director :as al=a3s been
t:e no8inal :ead of t:e intelli9ence co88unit31 but in fact :as :ad little <o=er o>er t:e
ot:er a9encies1 <articularl3 t:e ,e<art8ent of ,efense?F !us: =as no= de facto
intelli9ence cAar? Gfn '+H
%oor ord =as unable to realiAe t:at :is interest =as to be seen as a refor8er1 not as
so8eone =:o =anted to re-i8<ose secrec3? *:en :e =as as;ed if :is Official Secrets Act
could not be used to deter =:istle-blo=ers on future bureaucratic abuses1 ord res<onded
t:at all federal e8<lo3ees =ould be 8ade to si9n a state8ent <led9in9 t:at t:e3 =ould not
di>ul9e classified infor8ation1 and t:at t:e3 could eE<ect draconian <unis:8ent if t:e3
e>er did so?
Con9ress8an %i;e said t:at ord7s reor9aniAation =as bent Flar9el3 on <reser>in9 all of t:e
secrets in t:e eEecuti>e branc: and >er3 little on 9uaranteein9 a lac; of an3 furt:er abuses?F
C:urc: co88ented t:at =:at ord =as reall3 after =as Fto 9i>e t:e CIA a bi99er s:ield and
a lon9er s=ord =it: =:ic: to stab about?F
An incident of t:ose da3s re>eals so8et:in9 of =:at =as 9oin9 on? ,aniel Sc:orr of C!S1
=:ose na8e :ad <o<<ed u< on t:e NiEon ene8ies7 list durin9 t:e *ater9ate :earin9s1 :ad
obtained a co<3 of t:e %i;e Co88itte re<ort and <assed it on to t:e 6illa9e 6oice? Sc:orr
:ad attended ord7s <ress conference1 and listened as ord denounced t:e lea;in9 of t:e
%i;e re<ort? T:e neEt da31 co>erin9 Ca<itol Hill1 Sc:orr encountered !us: =:ile t:e ne=
CIA boss =as on :is =a3 to testif3 before t:e Senate orei9n Relations Co88ittee? A
=ire<:oto of an an9r3 !us: 9esticulatin9 at Sc:orr =ound u< on t:e front <a9e of t:e
*as:in9ton Star under t:e :eadline" FAnot:er Confrontation?F *it: t:at1 Sc:orr7s t=ent3-
3ear career =it: C!S =as o>er1 and :e =as soon to face a =itc::unt b3 t:e House Et:ics
Co88ittee? Ot:er re<orters soon cau9:t on t:at under t:e ne= !us: re9i8e1 <olitical
o<<onents =ould be sla88ed? 0Sc:orr later s<eculated about CIA lin;s to C!S o=ner
*illia8 %ale3C t:ere =as no need to loo; an3 furt:er t:an t:e fact t:at Harri8an :ad :el<ed
to create C!S and t:at %rescott !us: :ad been a C!S director durin9 t:e 12+57s1 9i>in9 t:e
!us:8an net=or; a fir8 <resence t:ere?
,urin9 t:ese da3s1 t:e ,e<art8ent of &ustice announced t:at it =ould not <rosecute for8er
CIA ,irector Ric:ard Hel8s for :is role in an ille9al brea;-in at a <:oto9ra<:ic studio in
airfaE1 6ir9inia durin9 12.1? T:e rationale =as fro8 t:e National Securit3 Act of 12)."
Ft:e director of central intelli9ence s:all be res<onsible for <rotectin9 intelli9ence sources
and 8et:ods fro8 unaut:oriAed disclosure1F e>en if it 8eant brea;in9 t:e la= to do it? !us:
=ould beco8e a <ast 8aster of t:is Fsources and 8et:odsF clause1 =:ic: could be used to
co>er u< al8ost an3ut:in9?
T:e C:urc: Co88ittee =as still functionin91 and =as loo;in9 into Bournalists controlled b3
t:e CIA1 =:ic: so8e senators =anted to eE<ose b3 na8e? On t:e sa8e da3 as ord7s <ress
conference1 Senators Huddleston and Mat:ias dro>e out to Lan9le3 to confront !us: and
de8and t:at :e di>ul9e t:e na8es of t:ese CIA 8edia assets? T:e CIA =as Fnot at libert3 to
re>eal t:e na8es1F !us: told t:e t=o senators? Instead1 !us: offered docu8ents t:at
9enerall3 described t:e CIA7s use of re<orters and sc:olars o>er t:e 3ears1 but =it: no
na8es? Senators !a;er1 Hart1 and Mondale t:en called !us: and ur9ed t:at t:e na8es be
8ade <ublic? !us: refused?
!us: <ointed to :is state8ent1 8ade on ebruar3 1$ as t:e first <ublic act of :is CIA
career1 re8o>in9 all Ffull-ti8e or <art-ti8e ne=s corres<ondents accredited b3 an3 US
ne=s ser>ice1 ne=s<a<er1 <eriodicals1 radio or T6 net=or; or stationF fro8 t:e CIA <a3roll?
He also clai8ed t:at t:ere =ere no cler938en or 8issionaries on t:e CIA <a3roll at all? As
far as t:e Bournalists =ere concerned1 in A<ril t:e Senate Select Co88ittee on Intelli9ence
Aciti>ities announced t:at t:e3 :ad alread3 cau9:t !us: l3in91 and t:at at least $+
Bournalists and re<orters =ere still on t:e CIA <a3roll1 and t:e CIA =as deter8ined to ;ee<
t:e8 t:ere? !us: :ad @uibbled on t:e =ord Faccredited?F T:is li8ited t:e <ur9e to
accredited corres<ondents issued ne=s credentials? !ut t:is eEcluded free lance re<orters1
editors1 ne=s eEecuti>es1 and forei9n ne=s or9aniAations at all le>els? *:en dealin9 =it:
!us:1 it <a3s to read t:e fine <rint?
T:e !us:-#issin9er-ord counteroffensi>e a9ainst t:e Con9ressional co88itttes =ent
for=ard? On Marc: + t:e CIA lea;ed t:e stor3 t:at t:e %i;e Co88ittee :ad lost 8ore t:an
$'$ secret docu8ents =:ic: :ad been turned o>er fro8 t:e files of t:e eEecuti>e branc:?
%i;e said t:at t:is =as anot:er classic CIA <ro>ocation desi9ned to discredit :is co88ittee1
=:ic: :ad ceased its acti>it3? !us: denied t:at :e :ad en9ineered t:e lea;" FT:e CIA did
not do an3 suc: t:in9? Not:in9 of t:at nature at all1F !us: told a re<orter to =:o8 :e :ad
<laced a call to =:ine out :is denial? FM3 =:ole <ur<ose =as to a>oid an ar9u8ent =it:
:i81F said !us:1 alt:ou9: :e said t:at F%i;e =as t:e cause of t:is =:ole <roble8 under
9reat <ressure?F
In Marc: !us: :ad to ta;e action in t:e =a;e of t:e lea;in9 of a CIA re<ort s:o=in9 t:at
Israel :ad bet=een 15 and $5 nuclear bo8bsC t:e re<ort =as <ublis:ed b3 Art:ur #ranis:1
t:e editor of Science Trends Ma9aAine? C:urc:1 =:o :ad Jionist lobb3 ties of :is o=n and
=:o =as in t:e 8idst of a bid for t:e ,e8ocratic <residential no8ination1 de8anded an
in>esti9ation" FCan 3ou i8a9ine :o= a lea; of t:at ;ind =ould :a>e been treated if it :ad
co8e out of t:e Con9ress of t:e United StatesKF In retros<ect1 t:e re<ort 8a3 :a>e been
so8e ti8el3 =indo=-dressin9 for Israeli <ro=ess in a ord re9i8e in =:ic: Israel7s 8ilitar3
>alue as an all3 =as :otl3 contestedC a little later Gen? Geor9e !ro=n1 t:e c:air8an of t:e
Boint c:iefs1 =as @uoted to be t:e effect t:at Israeli and its ar8ed forces :ad F9ot to be
considered a burdenF for t:e United States?
In A<ril1 !us: told t:e A8erican Societ3 of Ne=s<a<er Editors t:at :e =as Bust bac; fro8 a
secret >isit to t:ree countries in Euro<e1 =:ic: :e refused to na8e1 durin9 =:ic: :e
conceded t:at :e F8i9:t or 8i9:t notF :a>e 8et =it: ran; Sinatra? 0!rot:er &onat:an
!us: :ad said in ebruar3 t:at Sinatra :ad offered :is ser>ices to t:e ne= CIA boss?4 !us:
<raised t:e CIA in :is s<eec:" FIt is a fantastic reser>oir of disci<line in t:e CIA? Our
<ersonnel <eo<le sa3 t:e @ualit3 of a<<<lications is u<? T:is is an eE<ression of confidence
in t:e a9enc3? Morale is A-one?F T:ere =as s<eculation t:at !us: 8i9:t :a>e 9one to Ital31
=:ere terrorist acti>it3 =as increasin9 and t:e Italian Co88unist %art31 <rofitin9 fro8 t:e
>o9ue of FEuro-co88unis81F =as ra<idl3 increasin9 its >ote s:are durin9 12.+-.-?
In Ma31 !I ,irector Clarence #elle3 a<olo9iAed to t:e A8erican <eo<le for t:e abuses
co88itted b3 :is secret <olice? #elle3 said t:at :e =as Ftrul3 sorr3F for <ast abuses of
<o=er1 all of =:ic: =ere neatl3 laid at t:e door of t:e deceased for8er director1 &? Ed9ar
Hoo>er? !us:1 for :is <art1 a99ressi>el3 refused to a<olo9iAe? !us: conceded t:at :e felt
Foutra9eF at t:e ille9al CIA do8estic o<erations of t:e *ater9ate era1 but t:at Ft:at7s all I78
9oin9 to sa3 about it???3ou can inter<ret it an3 =a3 3ou =ant?F !us:7s line =as t:at all
abuses :ad alread3 been :alted under Colb3 b3 t:e latter7s Fad8inistrati>e dictu81F and t:at
t:e issue no= =as t:e i8<le8entation of t:e Roc;efeller Co88ission re<ort1 to =:ic:
!us: once a9ain <led9ed fealt3? !us: :ad no co88ent on t:e Loc;:eed scandal1 =:ic: :ad
be9un to destabiliAe t:e &a<anese1 Ger8an1 Italian1 and Net:erlands 9o>ern8ents? T:e
ad>ance of t:e Italian co88unists and t:e %ana8a canal treaties =ere all F<olic3 @uestions
for t:e *:ite HouseF in :is >ie=? Alt:ou9: C:ina =as bein9 roc;ed b3 t:e Fde8ocrac3
=allF 8o>e8ent and t:e first Tien An Men 8assacre of 12.-1 !us:1 e>er lo3al to :is
C:inese co88unist cronies1 found t:at all t:at did not add u< to an3t:in9 Fdra8aticall3
A >isit to t:e TeEas !rea;fast Club on Ma3 $. found !us: tr3in9 to burnis: :is i8a9e as a
9ood 9u3 b3 tal;in9 about t:e eEistential dile88as of a 9ood 8an in an3 i8<erfect =orld1
=:ile <leadin9 for 8ore co>ert o<oerations all t:e ti8e? FI ;no= in a li8ited =a3 t:ere are
conflicts of conscience1F !us: told t:e brea;fasters? F!ut =e7re not li>in9 in a <articularl3
8oral =orld? *e7re li>in9 in a =orld t:at7s not <ure blac; or <ure =:ite? *e7re li>in9 in a
=orld =:ere Gt:e USH :as to :a>e a co>ert ca<abilit3?F On t:e ot:er :and1 !us: =as Fnot
unconcerned about t:e constitutional @uestions t:at t:e eEcesses of t:e <ast :a>e raised?F
FI78 not 9oin9 to defend t:e t:in9s t:at =ere done but I78 not 9oin9 to d=ell on t:e8
eit:er?F FI78 :a<<3 to sa3 I t:in; t:in9s are 8o>in9 a=a3 fro8 t:e 8ore sensational
re>elations of t:e <ast1F lea>in9 t:e CIA as an institution Fintact?F Necessit31 <ontificated
!us:1 so8eti8es de8ands Fco8<ro8ise =it: t:e <urit3 of 8oral decisions?F
On &une '1 t:e Houston %ost touted !us: as a 9ood >ice <residential candidate after all1
8oderate and sout:ern1 no 8atter =:at ord :ad <ro8ised to t:e senate to 9et !us:
confir8ed? !us: =as 8u8?
A fe= da3s later !us: <aid tribute to t:e Israeli ,efense orces1 =:o :ad Bust rescued a
9rou< of :osta9es at Entebbe? !us: deni9rated US ca<abilities in co8<arison =it: t:ose of
Israel1 sa3in9 t:at t:e US could not 8atc: =:at Israel =as able to do" F*e do :a>e a >er3
i8<ortant role in furnis:in9 intelli9ence to <olic3 8a;ers and our friends on t:e 8o>e8ent
of international terrorists1 but to indicate t:at =e :a>e t:at ;ind of action ca<abilit3--t:e
ans=er is >er3 fran;l3 no?F !us: said t:at :is <olic3 on t:is 8atter =as to fi9:t terroris8
=it: better intelli9ence1 for Ft:e 8ore t:e A8erican <eo<le understand t:is1 t:e 8ore
su<<ort t:e CIA =ill :a>e?F (et1 !us: =as unable to sto< a terrorist 8urder in *as:in9ton
,C1 des<ite t:e fact t:at :e :ad <ersonall3 recei>ed a teler9a8 infor8in9 :i8 t:at t:e
assassins =ere co8in9 to >isit :i8-- scarcel3 a 9ood eEa8<le of usin9 intelli9ence to fi9:t
!3 Se<te8ber1 !us: could boast in <ublic t:at :e :ad =on t:e i88ediate en9a9e8ent" :is
ad>ersaries in t:e Con9ressional in>esti9atin9 co88ittees =ere defeated? FT:e CIA1F !us:
announced1 F:as =eat:ered t:e stor8?F FT:e 8ood in Con9ress :as c:an9ed1F :e cro=ed?
FNo one is ca8<ai9nin9 a9ainst stron9 intelli9ence? T:e ad>ersar3 t:in91 :o= =e can ferret
out corru<tion1 :as 9i>en =a3 to t:e 8ore serious @uestion :o= =e can :a>e better
As !us: ne>er tired of re<eatin91 t:at 8eant 8ore co>ert o<erations? In t:e 8iddle of
October1 !us: s<o;e once a9ain on t:is 8atter to t:e TeEas Mid-Continent Oil and Gas
Association" F*e =ould be stu<id to 9i>e u< co>ert o<erations and =e are not 9oin9 to do it
as lon9 as I :a>e an3t:in9 to sa3 about it?F !us: clai8ed t:at co>ert o<erations consu8ed
onl3 $R of t:e entire CIA bud9et but t:at suc: o<erations =ere necessar3 because Fnot
e>er3bod3 is 9oin9 to <la3 b3 Mar@uis of Lueensbur3 rules?F
Suc: =as t:e <ublic <rofile of !us:7s CIA tenure u< until about t:e ti8e of t:e No>e8ber1
12.- elections? If t:is :ad been t:e =:ole stor31 t:en =e 8i9:t acce<t t:e usual tal; about
!us:7s <eriod of une>entful rebuildin9 and 8orale boostin9 =:ile :e =as at Lan9le3? *e
8i9:t s:are t:e conclusions of one aut:or t:at F!us: =as <ic;ed because :e could be
trusted to <ro>ide no sur<rises? A8iable and =ell-li;ed b3 old CIA :ands1 :e sincerel3
belie>ed in t:e a9enc3 and its 8ission? !us: soot:ed Con9ress1 tried to restore confidence
and 8orale and Lan9le31 and a>oided del>in9 too dee<l3 into t:e a9enc37s dar;er recesses?F
Gfn '-H Or1 =e 8i9:t acce<tt:e follo=in9 edif3in9 su88ar3" 7G!us:H :ad a funda8ental
lo3alt3 to t:e a9enc3 and its <eo<le e>en t:ou9: :e =as an outsider? He =as a 8an =it: a
stron9 sense of obli9ation do=n=ard? Under :i8 t:e <eo<le of t:e CIA soon realiAed t:at
t:e3 =ere not 9oin9 to be ser>ed u< <iece8eal? He <robabl3 did 8ore for a9enc3 8orale
and standin9 in Con9ress t:an an3 ,CI since Allen ,ulles? Unli;e Colb31 =:o =as lo3al to
t:e ideal of t:e CIA rat:er t:an to t:e <eo<le1 !us: =as co88itted to bot:? He =as a
9enuine conser>ati>e in :is <olitics and :is a<<roac:1 con>e3in9 no touc: of ori9inalit31
and =as not a 8an to ta;e initiati>es? %eo<le ;ne= eEactl3 =:ere t:e3 stood =it: :i8? He
=as a classic custodian1 and it =as t:is @ualit3 t:at ord :ad reco9niAed in :i8? or !us:
bein9 ,CI =as 7t:e best Bob in *as:in9ton?7F Gfn '.H T:e s<irit of t:e red Studeba;er sc:ool
of idolatr31 =e see1 :ad follo=ed !us: to Lan9le3 and t:ence into 8an3 standard :istories
of t:e CIA?
Realit3 loo;ed different? T:e ad8inistration !us: ser>ed :ad ord as its titular :ead1 but
8ost of t:e real <o=er1 es<eciall3 in forei9n affairs1 =as in t:e :ands of #issin9er? !us:
=as 8ore t:an =illin9 to <la3 alon9 =it: t:e #issin9er a9enda?
T:e first <riorit3 =as to <ut an end to suc: e<isodes as conte8<t citations for Henr3
#issin9er? T:an;s to t:e <resence of ,on Gre99 as CIA station c:ief in Seoul1 Sout: #orea1
t:at =as eas3 to arran9e? T:is =as t:e sa8e ,on Gre99 of t:e CIA =:o =ould later ser>e as
!us:7s national securit3 ad>isor durin9 t:e second >ice <residential ter81 and =:o =ould
8ana9e decisi>e <arts of t:e Iran-contra o<erations fro8 !us:7s o=n office? Gre99 ;ne= of
an a9ent of t:e #orean CIA1 Ton9sun %ar;1 =:o :ad for a nu8ber of 3ears been 8a;in9
lar9e <a38ents to 8e8bers of Con9ress1 abo>e all to ,e8ocratic 8e8bers of t:e House of
Re<resentati>es1 in order to secure t:eir su<<<ort for le9islation t:at =as of interest to %ar;
C:un9 Hee1 t:e Sout: #orean leader? It =as t:erefore a si8<le 8atter to blo= t:e lid off
t:is stor31 causin9 a =a>e of :3steria a8on9 t:e literall3 :undreds of 8e8bers of Con9ress
=:o :ad attended <arties or9aniAed b3 Ton9sun %ar;1 =:o :ad beco8e t:e %erle Mesta of
t:e 12.57s =:en it ca8e to entertainin9 Con9ressional bi9=i9s? Ton9sun %ar; also :ad a
stable of call 9irls a>ailable1 and could <ro>ide ot:er ser>ices? T:e US A8bassador to t:e
Re<ublic of #orea durin9 t:is <eriod =as Ric:ard Sneider?
T:e #orea9ate :eadlines be9an to a<<ear a fe= da3s after !us: :ad ta;en o>er at Lan9le3?
In ebruar3 t:ere =as a stor3 b3 MaEine C:es:ire of t:e *as:in9ton %ost re<ortin9 t:at t:e
,e<art8ent of &ustice =as in>esti9atin9 Con9ress8en !ob Le99ett and &ose<: Addabbo
for alle9edl3 acce<tin9 bribes fro8 t:e #orean 9o>ern8ent? !ot: 8en =ere lin;ed to SuAi
%ar; T:o8son1 =:o :ad been :ostin9 <arties of t:e #orean E8bass3? Later it turned out
t:at S<ea;er of t:e House Carl Albert :ad ;e<t SuAi %ar; T:o8son on :is <a3roll for all of
t:e siE 3ears t:at :e :ad been S<ea;er? Con9ress8en Hanna1 Galla9:er1 !roo8field1 Hu9:
Care31 and Lester *olf =ere all i8<licated? T:e na8es of Ti< O7Neill1 !rade8as1 and
Mcall also ca8e u<? T:e Ne= (or; Ti8es esti8ated t:at as 8an3 as 11+ Con9ress8en
=ere in>ol>ed?
In realit3 t:e nu8ber =as 8uc: lo=er1 but for8er *ater9ate S<ecial %rosecutor Leon
&a=ors;i =as brou9:t bac; fro8 Houston to beco8e s<ecial <rosecutor for t:is case as
=ell? T:is underlined t:e <ress line t:at Ft:e ,e8ocrats7 *ater9ateF :ad finall3 arri>ed? It
=as e8barrassin9 to t:e !us: CIA =:en Ton9sun %ar;7s official a9enc3 file disa<<eared for
se>eral 8ont:s1 and finall3 tuned u< s:orn of ;e3 infor8ation on t:e CIA officers =:o :ad
been =or;in9 8ost closel3 =it: %ar;? E>entuall3 Con9ress8an Hanna =as con>icted and
sent to Bail1 =:ile Con9ress8an Otto %ass8an of Louisiana =as ac@uitted1 lar9el3 because
:e :ad :ad t:e <resence of 8ind to secure a >enue in :is o=n state? A nu8ber of ot:er
con9ress8en @uit1 and it is t:ou9:t t:at t:e <rinci<al reason for t:e decision b3 ,e8ocratic
S<ea;er of t:e House Carl Albert to retire at t:e end of 12.- =as t:e fact t:at :e :ad been
touc:ed b3 t:e breat: of t:is scandal1 =:ic: =ould 9o into t:e c:ronicles as F#orea9ate?F
*it: t:is1 8ost of t:e Con9ress =as brou9:t to :eel? *e note in <assin9 t:at =:en Geor9e
!us: ta;es a ste< u< t:e ladder in *as:in9ton1 t:e S<ea;er of t:e House is li;el3 to be
ousted? As; &i8 *ri9:t?
An interestin9 sideli9:t of #orea9ate in>ol>es t:en Con9ress8an Ed=ard ,er=in;si1 toda3
!us:7s Secretar3 of 6eteran7s Affairs? An article in t:e *all Street &ournal durin9 t:is <eriod
alle9ed t:at federal in>esti9ators sus<ected ,er=in;si of infor8in9 t:e #orean CIA t:at
one of t:eir officers =as about to defect to t:e US for t:e <ur<ose of coo<eratin9 =it: t:e
#ore9ate in>esti9ations? ,er=ins;i denied t:e accusations1 and :e =as ne>er <rosecuted?
Gfn '/H
*it: t:at1 t:e Con9ress =as terroriAed and brou9:t to :eel? In t:is at8os<:ere1 !us: 8o>ed
to reac: a secret forei9n <olic3 consensus =it: ;e3 Con9ressional leaders of bot: <arties of
t:e one-<art3 state? Accordin9 to t=o senior 9o>ern8ent officials in>ol>ed1 li8ited co>ert
o<erations in suc: <laces as An9ola =ere continued under t:e <reteEt t:at t:e3 =ere
necessar3 for <:asin9 out t:e earlier1 lar9er1 and 8ore eE<ensi>e o<erations? !us:7s secret
deal =as es<eciall3 successful =it: t:e <ost-C:urc: Senate Intelli9ence Co88ittee?
!ecause of t:e cli8ate of restoration t:at <re>ailed1 a nu8ber of ,e8ocrats on t:is
co88ittee concluded t:at t:e3 8ust brea; off t:eir a99ressi>e in@uiries 0Ft:e ad>ersar3
t:in9F4 and 8a;e <eace =it: !us:1 accordin9 to re<orts of re8ar;s b3 t=o senior 8e8bers
of t:e co88ittee staff? T:e result =as an interre9nu8 durin9 =:ic: t:e Senate co88ittee
=ould neit:er set s<ecific re<ortin9 re@uire8ents1 nor atte8<t to <ass an3 bindin9
le9islation to restrict CIA co>ert and related acti>it3? In return1 !us: =ould <retend to 8a;e
a fe= disclosures to create a >eneer of coo<eration? Gfn '2H T:ese 12.- deals set t:e sta9e
for 8an3 of t:e forei9n intelli9ence 8onstrosities of t:e &i883 Carter era? E>er since1 t:e
<retense of Con9ressional o>ersi9:t o>er t:e intelli9ence co88unit3 :as been a 8oc;er3?
One t:eatre of co>ert o<erations in =:ic: !us: beca8e in>ol>ed =as An9ola? Here a ci>il
=ar :ad eru<ted in 12.) =it: t:e end of %ortu9uese colonial rule1 <ittin9 t:e US- bac;ed
UNITA of &onas Sa>i8bi and t:e NLA of Holden Roberto a9ainst t:e MarEist M%LA? In
,ece8ber1 12.+ t:e Senate <assed t:e Clar; A8end8ent1 desi9ned to cut off US fundin9
for t:e 8ilitar3 factions? T:e Clar; A8end8ent <assed t:e House1 and a ban on CIA
o<erations in An9ola beca8e la= on ebruar3 21 12.-? T:e c:ief of t:e CIA An9ola tas;
force1 &o:n Stoc;=ell1 later =rote t:at after ebruar3 21 t:e CIA ;e<t sendin9 <laneloads of
=ea<ons fro8 Jaire to UNITA forces in An9ola1 des<ite t:e fact t:at t:is =as no= ille9al?
T:ere =ere at least $$ of suc: fli9:ts? Also in ebruar31 t:e !us: CIA be9an 8a;in9 lar9e
cas: <a3offs Fto an3one =:o :ad been associated =it: our side of t:e An9olan =ar?F T:is
8eant t:at %resident Mobutu of Jaire 9ot I$ 8illion =:ic: :e =as su<<osed to 9i>e to <ro-
=estern 9uerilla factionsC Mobutu si8<l3 ;e<t t:e 8one31 and t:e CIA7s 9uerillas F=ere left
star>in91F said Stoc;=ell? T:e Con9ress found out about !us:7s ille9al lar9esse1 and
subBected :i8 to a series of :ostile co88itte :earin9s in =:ic: full disclosure =as
de8anded? T:e House A<<ro<riations Co88ittee <laced a tea8 of auditors in CIA
:ead@uarters to re>ie= accountin9 on t:e An9ola <ro9ra81 =:ic: =as code na8ed
IAEATURE? On Marc: 1$ !us: sent a cable to all CIA stations orderin9 t:at no funds be
s<ent on IAEATURE? One da3 later1 an uninsured car9o <lane =as s:ot do=n inside
An9ola? ,es<ite t:is i9no8inious conclusion1 !us: ordered a=ards and co88endations for
t:e 155 CIA <ersonnel =:o :ad =or;ed on t:e <ro9ra8? G fn )5H
,urin9 !us:7s first 8ont:s in Lan9le31 t:e CIA under orders fro8 Henr3 #issin9er
launc:ed a ca8<ai9n of destabiliAation of &a8aica for t:e <ur<ose of <re>entin9 t:e re-
election of %ri8e Minister Mic:ael Manle3? T:is included a lar9e-scale ca8<ai9n to fo8ent
>iolence durin9 t:e election1 and lar9e a8ounts of ille9al ar8s =ere s:i<<ed into t:e island?
I15 8illion =as s<ent on t:e atte8<t to o>ert:ro= Manle31 and at least t:ree assassination
atte8<ts too; <lace =it: t:e conni>ance of t:e CIA? Gfn )1H
T:e !us: CIA also continued a <ro9ra8 in Iran =:ic: =ent under t:e na8e of I!EM? T:is
ai8ed at buildin9 and o<eratin9 a I+55 8iilion electronic and <:oto9ra<:ic ca<abilit3 to
co>er t:e entire re9ion1 includin9 <arts of t:e USSR? On Au9ust $/1 12.-1 t:ree A8ericans
=or;in9 on t:e <roBect =ere assassinated in Te:eran? Accordin9 to a *as:in9ton %ost
account b3 !ob *ood=ard1 a 8ont: before t:ese ;illin9s t:e for8er CIA ,irector and t:en
current US A8bassador to Iran1 Ric:ard Hel8s1 sent !us: a note co8<lainin9 about abuses
connected =it: t:e <roBect1 and in <articular de8andin9 t:at !us: in>esti9ation corru<t
<ractices =:ic: Hel8s sus<ected =ere in>ol>ed =it: t:e <roBect? Hel8s a<<arentl3 =anted
to be s<ared 8ore e8barrass8ent in case I!EM =ere to beco8e t:e obBect of a ne=
scandal? Gfn )$H
,urin9 !us:7s CIA tenure1 t:e CIA =as found to :a>e conducted electronic su>eillance
a9ainst t:e re<resentati>es of Micronesia1 a UN Trustees:i< territor3 in t:e %acific t:at :ad
been ad8inistered b3 t:e United States1 and =:ic: =as t:en about to beco8e inde<endent?
In a stor3 b3 !ob *ood=ard1 t:e *as:in9ton %ost alle9ed t:at t:e CIA :ad been bu99in9
t:e Micronesian 9o>ern8ent o>er a four 3ear <eriod =it: a >ie= to ac@uirin9 details of
t:eir ne9otiatin9 strate93 in tal;s =it: t:e State ,e<art8ent concernin9 relations =it: t:e
United States after inde<endence? T:e CIA7s rebuttal see8s to :a>e been t:at =:ile it
=ould indeed :a>e been ille9al to bu9 t:e Micronesians if t:e3 =ere US citiAens1 t:e3 =ere
no= forei9ners1 and suc: bu99in9 :ad ne>er been restricted?
,urin9 !us:7s ti8e at t:e CIA1 a series of 9o>ern8ents around t:e =orld =ere destabiliAed
b3 t:e Loc;:eed briber3 scandal1 t:e 9reatest 8ultinational scandal of t:e 12.57s? T:is
scandal 9re= out of :earin9s before a Senate subco88ittee c:aired b3 ran; C:urc:1
alt:ou9: se<arate fro8 t:e Intelli9ence Co88ittee 8entioned abo>e? A nu8ber of
Loc;:eed eEecuti>es testified t:at t:e3 :ad s3ste8aticall3 bribed officials of allied
9o>ern8ents to secure contracts t:e sale of t:eir 8ilitar3 aircraft? T:is s3ste8 of unre<orted
<a38ents e>entuall3 i8<licated suc: fi9ures as for8er &a<anese %ri8e Minister #a;uei
Tana;a1 t:e leader of t:e 8ost i8<ortant faction in t:e Liberal ,e8ocratric %art31 and
ranA &osef Strauss1 a for8er ederal Ger8an ,efense Minister1 %ri8e Minister of !a>aria1
and t:e leader of t:e C:ristian Social Union1 t:en a <art of t:e o<<osition in t:e !undesta9
in !onn? Also i8<licated =ere a series of Italian C:ristian ,e8ocratic and Social
,e8ocratic <olitical leaders1 includin9 t:e t:en %ri8e Minister Giulio Andreotti1 t:e
%resident of t:e Italian Re<ublic Gio>anni Leone1 and for8er ,efense Ministers Mario
Tanassi of t:e %S,I and Lui9i Gui of t:e ,C? In t:e Net:erlands1 %rince !ern:ard1 t:e
consort of Lueen &uliana1 =as i8<licated1 and >irtuall3 no NATO countr3 =as s<ared? T:e
Loc;:eed scandal1 co8in9 as it did out of a 8ileu full of 8ilitar3 intelli9ence connections1
=as co:erent =it: a lon9-ter8 An9lo-A8erican desi9n of destabiliAin9 and =ea;enin9
allied 9o>ern8ents and t:e <olitical forces t:at constituted t:ose 9o>ern8ents?
T:ose =:o :a>e =itnessed t:e 9:oulis: <ublic lo>e affair bet=een Geor9e !us: and t:e
fascist FIron Lad3F of Great !ritain1 Mar9aret T:atc:er1 8a3 be interested in indications
t:at CIA ,irector !us: :el<ed to brin9 Mrs? T:atc:er to <o=er? At t:e be9innin9 of !us:7s
tenure1 t:e !ritis: %ri8e Minister =as Harold *ilson of t:e Labor %art31 =:o :ad =on t=o
9eneral elections durin9 12.) and =:ose ter8 =ould nor8all3 :a>e ended in 12./? !ut
*ilson =as destabiliAed and forced out of office? Alt:ou9: :is i88ediate successor =as
&a8es Calla9:an1 also of t:e Labor %art31 Calla9:an7s cabinet =as 8erel3 t:e <relude to t:e
ad>ent of T:atc:er1 =:o =ould re8ain in <o=er for 8ore t:an 11 3ears1 until late in 1225?
Gfn )'H
!us:7s i8<lication in t:e 8atter is be3ond an3 doubt? S:ortl3 after !us: :ad arri>ed at
Lan9le31 %ri8e Minister *ilson des<atc:ed :is close friend Lord *eidenfeld to t:e United
States =it: a confidential letter to be 9i>en to Senator Hubert Hu8<:re3? *ilson and
*eidenfeld 8et on ebruar3 151 12.-? T:e letter enu8erated t:e na8es of a nu8ber of MI-
+ and MI-- officers of =:o8 *ilson =as sus<icious? *ilson7s letter re@uested t:at
Hu8<:re3 9o to !us: and a;s :i8 =:et:er t:e CIA ;ne= an3t:in9 about t:ese !ritis:
counter-intelli9ence and intelli9ence officers? *as it <ossible1 *ilson =anted to ;no=1 t:at
t:ose na8ed in t:e letter =ere actuall3 =or;in9 =it: or for t:e CIAD *ere t:e !ritis:
officials in lea9ue =it: a CIA faction t:at =as carr3in9 out eletronic or ot:er sur>eillance of
*ilson1 includin9 in :is office in 15 ,o=nin9 StreetD I8<lied =as t:e furt:er @uestion" =as
t:e CIA <art of an o<eration to destabiliAe *ilson and brin9 :i8 do=nD
It is ;no=n t:at !us: too; *ilson7s letter @uite seriousl31 so seriousl3 t:at :e fle= to
London to tal; to *ilson and assured :i8 t:at t:e CIA :ad not been res<onsible for an3
sur>eillance of t:e %M? !ut b3 t:e ti8e !us: reac:ed London1 *ilson :ad alread3 resi9ned
in a sur<rise announce8ent 8ade on Marc: 1-1 12.-? *:at role :ad t:e CIA actuall3
T:e transition fro8 Harold *ilson to Mar9aret T:atc:er a8ounts to t:e re<lace8ent of
Lord 6ictor Rot:sc:ild7s fa>orite <u<<et <olitician of t:e 12-57s =it: Lord 6ictor
Rot:sc:ild7s <referred c:oice for t:e 12/57s? T:e <reteEt used to :arrass *ilson out of
office =as *ilson7s =ell-;no=n close ties to co88unists and to t:e So>iet bloc;1 but all of
t:at :ad been =ell ;no=n bac; in 12-) =:en :e :ad co8e to <o=er for t:e first ti8e? T:e
<reteEt a<<ears in all of its iron3 =:en =e recall t:at Lord 6ictor Rot:sc:ild =as :i8self
t:e leadin9 candidate to be na8ed as t:e le9endar3 Fift: ManF of t:e #G!-SIS s<3 tea8
of %:ilb31 Maclean1 !ur9ess1 and !lunt?
A leadin9 <ur>e3or of t:e ar9u8ent t:at *ilson =as a So>iet asset =as &a8es &esus
An9leton1 li;e !us: a (ale 9raduate? An9leton :ad been t:e counterintelli9ence director of
t:e CIA until 12.+1 but :e :ad not been >er3 successful? An9leton :ad al=a3s been
obsessed b3 t:e <resence of :i9:-le>el CIA 8oles in t:e US 9o>ern8ent and :is o=n
a9enc3? An9leton =as in touc: =it: %eter *ri9:t of MI-+? *ri9:t =as also bitterl3 o<<osed
to *ilson1 =:o8 :e c:aracteriAed as a FSo>iet-Jionist a9ent1F =:ic: =as <erfectl3 accurate
as far as it =ent? !ut a9ain1 all t:at :ad been clear bac; in 12-) and e>en 8uc: earlier?
*ri9:t :ad <ro>ided C:a<8an %inc:er1 a ri9:t-=in9 !ritis: Bournalist and also an asset of
Lord 6ictor1 =it: t:e 8aterial for t:e boo; T:eir Trade is Treac:er31 a Fli8ited :an9outF
=:ic: <ro>ided 8an3 interestin9 facts about t:e So>iet <entration of !ritis: intelli9ence1
but =:ic: =as 8ainl3 desi9ned to ;ee< Lord 6ictor out of t:e s<otli9:t? Later *ri9:t7s o=n
boo;1 S<3catc:er1 succeeded e>en better in <rotectin9 Lord 6ictor b3 beco8in9 an
international succes de scandale t:at allo=ed Lord 6ictor to die a natural deat: =it:out e>er
:a>in9 been a<<re:ended b3 !ritis: aut:orities? T:e cro=nin9 iron3 is t:at %:ilb37s old <al
Lord 6ictor1 *ri9:t1 and t:e obsessi>e An9leton =ere all in a stran9e united front to >illif3
*ilson for :is lin;s to So>iet intelli9ence1 =:ic: =ere of course 8assi>e but =:ic: :ad
been =ell ;no=n all alon9?
T:e CIA7s s<ecific contributions to t:e destabiliAation of *ilson included t:e a9enc37s
s<onsors:i< of a boo; =ritten b3 a CAec: defector na8ed &osef roli;? T:is to8e accused
&o:n Stone:ouse1 t:e %ost8aster General in *ilson7s cabinet1 of bein9 an east bloc a9ent?
Stone:ouse later atte8<ted to 9o under9round in Australia after fei9nin9 suicide?
Stone:ouse =as later found and brou9:t bac;1 alt:ou9: :e still asserts :is innocence of
es<iona9e c:ar9es? T:is affair1 co8<lete =it: a fu9iti>e cabinet 8inister1 =as a colossal
e8barrass8ent to *ilson?
*ilson1 as indicated1 =as con>inced t:at :e =as bein9 bu99ed1 <ossibl3 =it: CIA
<artici<ation? Accordin9 to C:a<8an %inc:er1 F=:et:er t:is sur>eillance eEtended to
inde<endent bu99in9 b3 t:e CIA and NSA is un;no=n1 alt:ou9: t:e CIA :as denied it?
Under t:e An9lo-A8erican a9reee8ent datin9 bac; to 12).1 t:ere :ad lon9 been an
eEc:an9e of su>eillance infor8ation1 includin9 cable and letter interce<ts1 but it is not
i8<ossible t:at t:e A8ericans a9encies occasionall3 undertoo; acti>ities denied1 b3 =rit or
circu8stances1 to t:e !ritis:?F Gfn ))H In ot:er =ords1 it =as easier for t:e An9lo- A8erican
establis:8ent to :a>e t:e CIA :andle t:e bu99in9 in London1 since t:is =as not ille9al
under t:e CIA7s re9ulations? *as t:ere reci<rocit3 in t:is res<ectD %art of t:e destabiliAation
of *ilson =as run t:rou9: %ri>ate E3e 8a9aAine? Anot:er li;el3 <artici<ant =as Tor3
acti>ist Aire3 Nea>e1 =:o :ad =anted to re<lace for8er %ri8e Minister Ed=ard Heat: =it:
T:atc:er =:en Heat: fell in 12.)? Ulti8atel31 T:atc:er =ould be t:e leadin9 beneficiar3 of
t:e fall of *ilson?
Anot:er 9o>ern8ent destabiliAed t:rou9: t:e CIA durin9 t:e sa8e <eriod =as t:e Gou9:
*:itla8 Labor %art3 9o>ern8ent of Australia? *:itla8 t:reatened to de<ri>e t:e CIA of its
;e3 %ine Ga< electronic listenin9 <ost after :e disco>ered t:at t:e Austrialian intelli9ence
ser>ices :ad been =or;in9 =it: t:e CIA to brin9 do=n Allende? On No>e8ber /1 12.+1
=it: !us:7s li;el3 ad>ent at t:e CIA alread3 <ublic ;no=led9e1 T:eodore S:ac;le3
des<atc:ed a tele9ra8 to t:e Australian intelli9ence ser>ices t:reatenin9 to cut off all
eEc:an9es1 :an9in9 t:e Australians out to dr3? On No>e8ber 111 in a :i9:l3 unusual action1
t:e Ro3al Go>ernor General dis8issed *:itla8 as %ri8e Minister1 brin9in9 Malcol8 rase
and t:e conser>ati>es bac; to <o=er? *:en *:itla87s Labor %art3 8aBorit3 in t:e lo=er
:ousr res<onded b3 >otin9 no confidence in raser1 t:e Ro3al Go>ernor General dissol>ed
t:e lo=er :ouse and called a election? It =as a cou< ordered directl3 b3 Lueen EliAabet: II1
and carried out =it: !us:7s :el<? In t:e bac;9round of t:is affair is t:e Nu9an Hand ban;1
an An9lo-A8erican intelli9ence <ro<rietar3 in>ol>ed =it: dru9 8one3 launderin9?
One of t:e 8ost s<ectacular scandals of !us:7s tenure at t:e CIA =as t:e assassination in
*as:in9ton ,C of t:e C:ilean eEile leader Orlando Letelier1 =:o :ad been a 8inister in t:e
9o>ern8ent of Sal>ador Allende Gossens1 =:o :ad been o>ert:ro=n b3 #issin9er in 12.'?
Letelier alon9 =it: Ronnie Moffitt of t:e *as:in9ton Institute for %olic3 Studies died on
Se<te8ber $11 12.- in t:e eE<losion of a car bo8b on S:eridan Circle1 in t:e :eart of
*as:in9ton7s E8bass3 Ro= district alon9 Massac:usetts A>enue?
Relati>el3 fe= cases of international terroris8 :a>e ta;en <lace on t:e territor3 of t:e
United States1 but t:is =as certainl3 an eEce<tion? !us:7s acti>ities before and after t:is
assassination a8ount to one of t:e 8ost biAarre e<isodes in t:e annals of secret intelli9ence
One of t:e assassins of Letelier =as un@uestionabl3 one Mic:ael 6ernon To=nle31 a CIA
a9ent =:o :ad =or;ed for ,a>id Atlee %:ili<s in C:ile? After t:e o>ert:ro= of Allende and
t:e ad>ent of t:e %inoc:et ditators:i<1 ,a>id Atlee %:ili<s :ad beco8e t:e director of t:e
CIA7s =estern :e8i<s:ere o<erations? In 12.+ %:illi<s founded AIO1 t:e Association of
or8er Intelli9ence Officers1 =:ic: :as su<<orted Geor9e !us: in e>er3 ca8<ai9n :e :as
e>er =a9ed since t:at ti8e? To=nle31 as a Ffor8erF CIA a9ent1 :ad 9one to =or; for t:e
,INA1 t:e C:ilean secret <olice1 and :ad been assi9ned b3 t:e ,INA as its liaison 8an
=it: a 9rou< called CORU? CORU =as t:e acron38 for Co88and of United
Re>olutionar3 Or9aniAations1 a united front of four anti-Castro Cuban or9aniAations based
<ri8aril3 in t:e nei9:bor:ood of Mia8i called Little Ha>ana? *it: CORU1 =e are bac; in
t:e 8ilieu of Mia8i anti-Castro Cubans =:ose <olitical 9odfat:er Geor9e !us: :ad been
since >er3 earl3 in t:e 12-57s? CORU =as at t:at ti8e =or;in9 to9et:er =it: t:e
intelli9ence ser>ices of C:ile7s %inoc:et1 %ara9ua37s Alfredo Stroessner1 and Nicara9ua7s
So8oAa for o<erations a9ainst co88on ene8ies1 includin9 C:ilean left- =in9 e8i9res and
Castro assets? Soon after t:e foundation of CORU1 bo8bs be9an to 9o off at t:e Cuban
Mission to t:e United Nations in Ne= (or;?
,urin9 t:is <eriod a Mia8i doctor na8ed Orlando !osc: =as arrested1 alle9edl3 because
:e :ad been <lannin9 to assassinate Henr3 #issin9er1 and t:at ostensibl3 because of
#issin9er7s concessions to Castro? ,urin9 t:e sa8e <eriod1 t:e C:ilean ,INA =as
8ountin9 its so-called O<eration Condor1 a <lan to assassinate e8i9re o<<onents of t:e
%inoc:et dictators:i< and its Milton ried8an1 C:ica9o sc:ool econo8ic <olicies? Gfn )+H
It =as under t:ese circu8stances t:at t:e US A8bassador to C:ile1 Geor9e Landau1 sent a
cable to t:e State ,e<art8ent =it: t:e sin9ular re@uest t:at t=o a9ents of t:e ,INA be
allo=ed to enter t:e United States =it: %ara9ua3an <ass<orts? One of t:ese a9ents is li;el3
to :a>e been To=nle3? T:e cable also indicated t:at t:e t=o ,INA a9ents also =anted to
8eet =it: Gen? 6ernon *alters1 t:e out9oin9 ,e<ut3 ,irector of Central Intelli9ence1 and
so t:e cable also =ent to Lan9le3? Here t:e cable =as read b3 *alters1 and also <assed into
t:e :ands of ,irector Geor9e !us:? !us: not onl3 :ad t:is cable in :is :andsC !us: and
*alters discussed t:e contents of t:e cable and =:at to do about it1 includin9 =:et:er
*alters ou9:t to 8eet =it: t:e ,INA a9ents? T:e cable also reac:ed t:e des; of Henr3
#issin9er? One of Landau7s @uestions a<<ears to :a>e been =:et:er t:e 8ission of t:e
,INA 8en :ad been a<<ro>ed in ad>ance b3 Lan9le3C :is cable =as acco8<anied b3
<:otoco<ies of t:e %ara9ua3an <ass<orts? 0Later on1 in 12/51 !us: denied t:at :e :ad e>er
seen t:is cableC :e :ad not Bust been out of t:e loo<1 :e clai8sC :e :ad been in C:ina? 0T:e
red Studeba;er :ac;s1 includin9 !us: :i8self in :is ca8<ai9n autobio9ra<:31 do not bot:er
den3in9 an3t:in9 about t:e Letelier caseC t:e3 si8<l3 o8it it? Gfn )-H
On Au9ust )1 on t:e basis of t:e con>ersations bet=een !us: and *alters1 t:e CIA sent a
re<l3 fro8 *alters to Landau statin9 t:at t:e for8er F=as una=are of t:e >isit and t:at :is
A9enc3 did not desire to :a>e an3 contact =it: t:e C:ileans?F Landau res<onded b3
re>o;in9 t:e >isas t:at :e :ad alread3 9ranted and tellin9 t:e I88i9ration and
NaturaliAation Ser>ice to <ut t:e t=o ,INA 8en on t:eir =atc: list to be <ic;ed u< if t:e3
tried to enter t:e US? T:e t=o ,INA 8en entered t:e US an3=a3 on Au9ust $$1 =it: no
a<<arent difficult3? T:e ,INA 8en reac:ed *as:in9ton1 and it is clear t:at t:e3 =ere
:ardl3 tra>elin9 inco9nito" t:e3 a<<ear to :a>e as;ed a C:ilean e8bass3 official call t:e
CIA to re<eat t:eir re@uest for a 8eetin9? Accordin9 to ot:er re<orts1 t:e ,INA 8en 8et
=it: Ne= (or; Senator &a8es !uc;le31 t:e brot:er of conser>ati>e colu8nist *illia8
!uc;le3 of S;ull and !ones? It is also said t:at t:e ,INA 8en 8et =it: ran; Ter<il1 a
close associate of Ed *ilson1 and no stran9er to t:e o<erations of t:e S:ac;le3- Clines
Enter<rise? Accordin9 to one suc: >ersion1 FTo=nle3 8et =it: ran; Ter<il one =ee;
before t:e Letelier 8urder1 on t:e sa8e da3 t:at :e 8et =it: Senator &a8es !uc;le3 and
aides in Ne= (or; Cit3? T:e eE<losi>es sent to t:e United States on C:ilean airlines =ere to
re<lace eE<losi>es su<<lied b3 Ed=in *ilson1 accordin9 to a source close to t:e office of
Assistant US Attorne3 La=rence !arcella?F Gfn ).H T:e bo8b t:at ;illed Letelier and
Moffitt =as of t:e sa8e t3<e t:at t:e !I belie>ed t:at Ed *ilson =as sellin91 =it: t:e
sa8e ti8er 8ec:anis8?
!us: t:erefore :ad <lent3 of =arnin9 t:at a ,INA o<eration =as about to ta;e <lace in
*as:in9ton1 and it =as no secret t:at it =ould be =et=or;? As ,in9es and Landau <oint
out1 =:en t:e ,INA :it8en airri>ed in *as:in9ton t:e3 Falerted t:e CIA b3 :a>in9 a
C:ilean e8bass3 e8<lo3ee call General *alters7 office at t:e CIA7s Lan9le3 :ead@uarters?
It is @uite be3ond belief t:at t:e CIA is so laE in its counteres<iona9e functions t:at it
=ould si8<l3 :a>e i9nored a clandestine o<eration b3 a forei9n intelli9ence ser>ice in
*as:in9ton ,C1 or an3=:ere in t:e United States? It is e@uall3 i8<lausible t:at !us:1
*alters1 Landau and ot:er officials =ere una=are of t:e c:ain of international
assassinations t:at :ad been attributed to ,INA?F Gfn )/H One 8i9:t sa3 t:at !us: :ad been
an accessor3 before t:e fact?
!us:7s co8<licit3 dee<ens =:en =e turn to t:e <ost-assassination co>eru<? T:e <rosecutor
in t:e Letelier-Moffitt 8urders =as Assistant US Attorne3 Eu9ene M? %ro<<er? Nine da3s
after t:e assassinations1 %ro<<er =as tr3in9 =it:out success to 9et so8e coo<eration fro8
t:e CIA1 since it =as ob>ious enou9: to an3one t:at t:e C:ilean re9i8e =as t:e <ri8e
sus<ect in t:e ;illin9 of one of its 8ost <ro8inent <olitical o<<onents? T:e CIA :ad been
crudel3 stone=allin9 %ro<<er? He :ad e>en been unable to secure t:e re@uisite securit3
clearance to see docu8ents in t:e case? T:en %ro<<er recei>ed a tele<:one call fro8
Stanle3 %ottin9er1 Assistant Attorne3 General in c:ar9e of t:e Ci>il Ri9:ts ,i>ision of t:e
&ustice ,e<art8ent? %ottin9er said t:at :e :ad been in contact =it: 8e8bers of t:e Institute
for %olic3 Studies =:o :ad ar9ued t:at t:e Ci>il Ri9:ts ,i>ision ou9:t to ta;e o>er t:e
Letelier case because of its clear <olitical i8<lications? %ro<<er ar9ued t:at :e s:ould ;ee<
control of t:e case since t:e %rotection of orei9n Officials Act 9a>e :i8 Burisdiction?
%ottin9er a9reed t:at %ro<<er =as ri9:t1 and t:at :e ou9:t to ;ee< t:e case? *:en %ottin9er
offered to be of :el< in an3 <ossible =a31 %ro<<er as;ed if %ottin9er could eE<edite
coo<eration =it: t:e CIA?
As %ro<<er later recounted t:is con>ersation"
Instant1 =ar8 confidence s:ot t:rou9: t:e tel<:one line? T:e assistant attorne3 9eneral re<lied t:at
:e :a<<ened to be a <ersonal friend of t:e CIA director :i8self1 Geor9e !us:? %ottin9er called
:i8 FGeor9e?F or :i81 t:e CIA ,irector =as onl3 a <:one call a=a3? *ould %ro<<er li;e an
a<<oint8entD !3 t:at afternoon :e1 Gan !I a9ent =or;in9 on t:e caseH1 and %ottin9er =ere
sc:eduled for lunc: =it: ,irector !us: at CIA :ead@uarters on Monda3? A &ustice ,e<art8ent
li8ousine =ould <ic; t:e8 u< at noon? %ro<<er =:istled to :i8self? T:is =as ;no=n in
*as:int9ton as access? Gfn )2H
At CIA :ead@uarters1 F%ottin9er introduced %ro<<er to ,irector !us:1 and !us: introduced
t:e t=o la=3ers to Ton3 La<:a81 :is 9eneral counsel? T:en1 9raciousl31 t:e ,irector said1
7*ould 3ou 9entl8en care for so8e s:err3DF An old butler in a =:ite coat ser>ed s:err3 and
c:eese :ors d7oeu>res? T:en t:e 9rou< 8o>ed into t:e ,irector7s <ri>ate dinin9 roo81 =:ere
an ele9ant table =as laid on =:ite linen?F
T:ere =as so8e <olite con>ersation? T:en1
=:en finall3 called on to state :is business1 %ro<<er said t:at t:e Letelier-Moffitt 8urders
=ere 8ore t:an li;el3 <olitical assassinations1 and t:at t:e in>esti9ation =ould <robabl3
8o>e outside t:e United States into t:e A9enc37s real8 of forei9n intelli9ence? T:erefore1
%ro<<er =anted CIA coo<eration in t:e for8 of re<orts fro8 =it:in C:ile1 re<orts on
assassins1 re<orts on forei9n o<erati>es enterin9 t:e United States1 and t:e li;e? He =anted
an3t:in9 :e could 9et t:at 8i9:t bear u<on t:e 8urders?
If !us: :ad =anted to be candid1 :e could :a>e infor8ed %ro<<er t:at :e :ad been
infor8ed of t:e co8in9 of t:e ,INA tea8 t=ice1 once before t:e3 left Sout: A8erica and
once =:en t:e3 :ad arri>ed in *as:in9ton? !ut !us: ne>er >olunteered t:is :i9:l3
<ertinent infor8ation? Instead1 :e =ent into a so<:isticated stone=all routine"
FLoo;1F said !us:1 FI78 a<<alled b3 t:e bo8bin9? Ob>iousl3 =e can7t allo= <eo<le to co8e ri9:t
:ere into t:e ca<ital and ;ill forei9n di<lo8ats and A8erican citiAens li;e t:is? It =ould be a
:ideous <recedent? So1 as ,irector1 I =ant to :el< 3ou? As an A8erican citiAen1 I =ant to :el<?
!ut1 as director1 I also ;no= t:at t:e A9enc3 can7t :el< in a lot of situations li;e t:is? *e7>e 9ot
so8e <roble8s? Ton31 tell :i8 =:at t:e3 are?F
La<:a87s ar9u8ent =ent li;e t:is1 =it: !us: loo;in9 on"
T:e first <roble8 is t:at e>er3 ti8e =e7>e tried to :el< &ustice in t:e <ast1 t:e37>e scre=ed us?
T:e3 al=a3s <ro8ise us t:at if =e 9i>e t:e8 t:is assistance of t:at assistance1 t:e37ll Bust use it
for bac;9round1 but t:e neEt t:in9 =e ;no=1 t:e37re tr3in9 to 8a;e a =itness out of our source?
T:e37re tr3in9 to <ut :i8 in court? *e can7t attract and :old sources if t:e37re afraid t:e37ll 9et
sla<<ed into court?
F*ell1 t:at sounds le9iti8ate to 8e1F said %ro<<er1 Fbut I78 sure =e can fi9ure out a =a3 to =or;
around it?F
FT:at7s not all1F said La<:a8? F*e 9ot torn to <ieces last 3ear for do8estic intelli9ence1 so no=
e>er3bod3 o>er :ere is 9un-s:3 about re<Hortin9 on A8ericans or an3 acti>ities in t:is countr3?
*e can7t do it? T:at7s strictl3 out? T:e liberals don7t li;e so8e t:in9s =e do and t:e conser>ati>es
don7t li;e ot:ers1 and t:e =a3 t:e rule boo; is no=1 =e sta3 clean b3 ;ee<in9 out of cri8inal stuff
and do8estic stuff? (ou7>e 9ot a 8urder :ere in t:e states? T:at7s bot:? T:at 8a;es it tou9:?F
FI see1F said %ro<<er? F!ut I can7t belie>e t:ere7s not so8e =a3 for 3ou to 9et into t:is case? T:ere
:as to be a =a3? If so8ebod3 co8es into t:e countr3 fro8 o>erseas and assassinates <eo<le :ere in
*as:in9ton1 t:at7s 9ot to be 3our ;ind of =or;? T:e3 8i9:t do it a9ain? *:o else =ill sto< itDF
FSure1F said La<:a8? FT:at7s a securit3 8atter? T:at7s ours? !ut =e don7t ;no= t:is is a securit3
8atter 3et1 and =e7d :a>e to in>esti9ate a cri8e to find out?F Gfn +5H
Notice t:e consu88ate Aristotelian obfuscation b3 La<:a81 =:o is <ro<oundin9 a c:ic;en
and e99 <aradoE of la= and ad8inistration? A<art fro8 suc: so<:ists1 e>er3one ;ne= t:at
%inoc:et =as a <ri8e sus<ect? La<:a8 and %ro<<er finall3 a9reed t:at t:e3 could :andle
t:e 8atter best t:rou9: an eEc:an9e of letters bet=een t:e CIA ,irector and Attorne3
General Le>i? Geor9e !us: su88ed u<" FIf 3ou t=o co8e u< =it: so8et:in9 t:at Ton3
t:in;s =ill <rotect us1 =e7ll be all ri9:t?F T:e date =as October )1 12.-?
Contrar3 to t:at <led9e1 !us: and t:e CIA be9an acti>el3 to sabota9e %ro<<er7s
in>esti9ation in <ublic as =ell as be:ind t:e scenes? !3 Saturda3 t:e *as:in9ton %ost =as
re<ortin9 8an3 details of %ro<<er7s arran9e8ent =it: t:e CIA? E>en 8ore interestin9 =as
t:e follo=in9 ite8 in t:e F%erisco<eF colu8n of Ne=s=ee; 8a9aAine of October 11"
After stud3in9 !I and ot:er field in>esti9ations1 t:e CIA :as concluded t:at t:e C:ilean secret
<olice =ere not in>ol>ed in t:e deat: of Orlando Letelier????T:e a9enc3 reac:ed its decision
because t:e bo8b =as too crude to be t:e =or; of eE<erts and because t:e 8urder1 co8in9 =:ile
C:ile7s rulers =ere =ooin9 US su<<ort1 could onl3 da8a9e t:e Santia9o re9i8e?F
Accordin9 to t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es of October 1$" S
Gord Ad8inistrationH intelli9ence officials said it a<<eared t:at t:e !I and t:e Central
Intelli9ence A9enc3 :ad >irtuall3 ruled out t:e idea t:at Mr? Letelier =as ;illed b3 a9ents of t:e
C:ilean 8ilitar3 Bunta????GT:e3H said t:e3 understood ,INA =as fir8l3 under t:e control of t:e
9o>ern8ent of Gen? Au9usto %inco:et and t:at ;illin9 Mr? Letelier could not :a>e ser>ed t:e
Bunta7s <ur<oses????T:e intelli9ence officials said a <arallel in>esti9ation =as <ursuin9 t:e
<ossibilit3 t:at Mr? Letelier :ad been assassinated b3 C:ilean left-=in9 eEtre8ists as a 8eans of
disru<tin9 United States relations =it: t:e 8ilitar3 Bunta?
On No>e8ber 1? t:e *as:in9ton %ost re<orted a lea; fro8 !us: <ersonall3"
CIA officials sa3???t:e3 belie>e t:at o<erati>es of t:e <resent C:ilean 8ilitar3 Bunta did not ta;e <art in
Letelier7s ;illin9? Accordin9 to infor8ed sources1 CIA ,irector !us: eE<ressed t:is >ie= in a con>ersation
last =ee; =it: Secretar3 of State #issin9er1 t:e sources said? *:at e>idence t:e CIA :as obtained to su<<ort
t:is initial conclusion =as not disclosed? S
Most re8ar;abl31 !us: is re<orted to :a>e flo=n to Mia8i on No>e8ber / =it: t:e
<ur<ose or <reteEt of ta;in9 Fa =al;in9 tour of little Ha>ana?F As aut:or ,onald reed tells
it1 FActuall3 G!us:H 8et =it: t:e Mia8i !I S<ecial A9ent in C:ar9e &ulius Matson and t:e
c:ief of t:e anti-Castro terroris8 s@uad? Accordin9 to a source close to t:e 8eetin9 !us:
=arned t:e !I a9ainst allo=in9 t:e in>esti9ation to 9o an3 furt:er t:an t:e lo=est le>el
Cubans?F Gfn +1H In a 8eetin9 <resided o>er b3 %ottin9er1 %ro<<er =as onl3 able to 9et
La<:a8 to a9ree t:at t:e &ustice ,e<art8ent could as; t:e CIA to re<ort an3 infor8ation
on t:e Letelier 8urder t:at 8i9:t relate to t:e securit3 of t:e United States a9ainst forei9n
inter>ention? It =as t=o 3ears before an3 =ord of t:e &ul3-Au9ust cables =as di>ul9ed?
Ulti8atel3 so8e lo=-le>el Cubans =ere con>icted in a trial t:at sa= To=nle3 co< a <lea
bar9ain and 9et off =it: a li9:ter sentence t:an t:e rest? Material about To=nle3 under :is
>arious aliases stran9le3 disa<<eared fro8 t:e INS files1 and records of t:e &ul3- Au9ust
cable traffic =it: *alters 0and !us:4 =as eE<un9ed? No doubt t:at t:ere :ad been
obstruction of Bustice1 no doubt t:ere :ad been a co>er-u<?
On October -1 bo8bs destro3ed a Cubana Airlines ,C-/ fl3in9 fro8 #in9ston1 &a8aica to
Ha>ana1 ;illin9 .' <assan9ers and cre=1 includin9 t:e Cuban national fencin9 tea8 =:ic:
=as returnin9 fro8 6eneAuela? Anon38ous callers to ne=s<a<ers and radio stations
clai8ed res<onsibilit3 for CORU and O<eration Condor1 =:ile idel Castro i88ediatel3
bla8ed t:e CIA? 6eneAuelan <olice arrested CORU leaders Orlando !osc: 0freed fro8 Bail
in t:e US4 and Luis %osada Carriles1 =:o8 =e =ill later see as an associate of !us:
o<erati>e eliE Rodri9ueA in Iran-contra?
,urin9 12.-1 Ed *ilson1 officiall3 retired1 :ad been =or;in9 =it: CIA officials on a
<roBect to deli>er eE<losi>es1 ti8ers1 =ea<ons1 and ulti8atel3 Rede3e 8issles to Laddafi of
Lib3a? *ilson =as recei>in9 assistance fro8 acti>e dut3 CIA a9ents1 includin9 *illia8
*eisenbur9er and fro8 Scientific Co88unications1 a CIA front co8<an3? *ilson =as
=or;in9 =it: Clines1 =:o =as still on t:e CIA <a3roll? CIA 8an #e>in Mulca:3 :ad
re<orted to T:eodore S:ac;le3 about *ilson7s acti>ities1 and S:ac;le3 :ad infor8ed de<ut3
director *illia8 *ells1 =:o in turned :ad <assed t:e :ot <otato on to Ins<ector General
&o:n *aller? T:e result of t:is round =as a <robe of Mulca:37s re<ort under T:o8as CoE of
*allers7 staff1 assisted b3 T:o8as Clines1 of all <eo<le? On t:e basis of t:is in-:ouse
in>esti9ation1 !us: on Se<te8ber 1. decided to <ass t:e entire case on to t:e !I?
Anot:er as<ect of *ilson7s s;ulldu99er3 =as re<orted to Clines b3 Rafael FC:i C:iF
Luintero1 anot:er fiEture of t:e Enter<rise1 =:o co8<lained t:at *ilson =as tr3in9 to
recruit :i8 for an assassination atte8<t a9ainst FCarlos1F t:e fabled international terrorist?
(ears later *ilson =as 9i>en a lon9 Bail sentence1 =:ile :is side;ic; ran; Ter<il =ent
under9round? *:at is essential :ere is t:at under !us:7s ad8inistration1 t:e CIA and its
associated Enter<rise and ot:er old bo3s net=or;s be9an to run a8o; alon9 <at:s t:at lead
us to=ards t:e Iran-contra affair and t:e ot:er 9reat co>ert action secret =ars of t:e 12/57s
and 12257s?
,urin9 t:e last da3s of t:e ord Ad8inistration1 Attorne3 General Ed=ard Le>i :ad
occasion to assert t:at t:e CIA7s <olic3 of refusin9 to turn docu8ents and ot:er e>idence
o>er to t:e &ustice ,e<art8ent Fs8ac;ed of a *ater9ate co>er-u<?F T:is =as in connection
=it: t:e <rosecution of one Ed=in Gibbons Moore1 =:o =as alle9edl3 tr3in9 to sell secret
<a<ers to t:e So>iet E8bass3? T:e !us: CIA :ad refused to turn o>er >arious docu8ents
9er8ane to t:is stran9e case?
,urin9 t:e Rea9an 3ears1 !us: =as 9i>en a 8uc:-<ubliciAed assi9n8ent as :ead of t:e
Sout: lorida Tas; orce and related efforts t:at =ere billed as <art of a F=ar on dru9s?F In
12.+1 %resident ord :ad ordered t:e CIA to collect intelli9ence on narcotics traffic;in9
o>erseas1 and also to Fco>ertl3 influenceF forei9n offocials to :el< US anti- dru9 acti>ities?
Ho= =ell did !us: carr3 out t:is critical <art of :is res<onsibilitiesD
%oorl31 accordin9 to a &ustice ,e<art8ent FRe<ort on In@uir3 into CIA-Related Electronic
Sur>eillance Acti>ities1F =:ic: =as co8<iled in 12.-1 but =:ic: :as onl3 <artl3 co8e into
t:e <ublic do8ain? *:at e8er9es is a s3ste8atic <attern of co>eru< t:at recalls La<:a87s
s<urious ar9u8ents in t:e Leletier case? Usin9 t:e notorious stone=all t:at t:e first
res<onsibilit3 of t:e CIA =as to s:ield its o=n F8et:ods and sourcesF fro8 bein9 eE<osed1
t:e a9enc3 eE<ressed fear Ft:at t:e confidentialit3 of CIA7s o>erseas collection 8et:ods
and sources =ould be in Beo<ard3 s:ould disco>er3 <roceedin9s re@uire disclosure of t:e
CIA7s electronic sur>eillance acti>ities?F Gfn +$H T:is caused Fse>eral narcotics
in>esit9ations and7or <rosecutions???to be ter8inated?F
It =as durin9 12.- t:at !us: 8et t:e %ana8anian leader Manuel Antonio Norie9a?
Accordin9 to ,on Gre991 t:is 8eetin9 too; <lace on t:e ed9es of a lunc:eon conference
=it: se>eral ot:er >isitin9 %ana8anian officials?
T:is all 8a;es an i8<ressi>e catalo9ue of debacles in t:e area of co>ert o<erations? !ut
=:at about t:e intelli9ence <roduct of t:e CIA1 in <articular t:e National Intelli9ence
Esti8ates t:at are t:e center<iece of t:e CIA7s =or;? Here !us: =as to o>ersee a 8aneu>er
8ar;edl3 to en:ance t:e influence of t:e <ro-Jionist =in9 of t:e intelli9ence co88unit3?
As =e :a>e alread3 seen1 t:e idea of ne= <rocedures alle9edl3 desi9ned to e>aluate t:e
CIA7s trac; record in intelli9ence anal3sis :ad been ;ic;in9 around in Leo C:erne7s %IA!
for so8e ti8e? In &une1 12.-1 !us: acce<ted a <ro<osal fro8 Leo C:erne to carr3 out an
eE<eri8ent in Fco8<etiti>e anal3sisF in t:e area of National Intelli9ence Esti8ates of
So>iet air defenses1 So>iet 8issle accurac31 and o>erall So>iet strate9ic obBecti>es? !us:
and C:erne decided to conduct t:e co8<etiti>e anal3sis b3 co88issionin9 t=o se<arate
9rou<s1 eac: of =:ic: =ould <resent and ar9ue for its o=n conclusions? On t:e one1 Tea8
A =ould be t:e CIA7s o=n National Intelli9ence Officers and t:eir staffs? !ut t:ere =ould
also be a se<arate Tea8 !1 a 9rou< of ostensibl3 inde<endent outside eE<erts?
T:e 9rou< leader of Tea8 ! =as Har>ard :istor3 <rofessor Ric:ard %i<es1 =:o =as
=or;in9 in t:e !ritis: Museu8 in London =:en :e =as a<<ointed b3 !us: and C:erne?
%i<es :ad enBo3ed su<<ort for :is =or; fro8 t:e office of Senator Henr3 &ac;son1 =:ic:
:ad been one of t:e <rinci<al incubators of a 9eneration of =:iA ;ids and t:in; tan;ers
=:ose entire strate9ic outloo; re>ol>ed around t:e stated or unstated <re8iss of t:e
absolute <ri8ac3 of su<<ortin9 Israel in e>er3 i8a9inable eEcess or ad>enture1 =:ile
fre@uentl3 sacrificin9 >ital US interests in t:e <rocess?
T:e liason bet=een %i<es7 Tea8 ! and Tea8 A1 t:e official CIA1 =as <ro>ided b3 &o:n
%aisle31 =:o :ad earlier ser>ed as t:e liaison bet=een Lan9le3 and t:e McCord-Hunt-
Lidd3 %lu8bers? In t:is sense %aisle3 ser>ed as t:e staff director of t:e Tea8 A-Tea8 !
eE<eri8ent? %i<es t:en be9an c:oosin9 t:e 8e8bers of Tea8 !? irst :e selected fro8 a list
<ro>ided b3 t:e CIA t=o 8ilitar3 8en1 Lieutenant General &o:n 6o9t and !ri9adier
General &as<er *elc:1 &r?1 bot: of t:e Air orce? %i<es t:e added se>en additional 8e8bers"
%aul NitAe1 Gen? ,aniel Gra:a81 t:e retirin9 :ead of t:e ,efense Intelli9ence A9enc31
%rofessor *illia8 >an Clea>e of t:e Uni>ersit3 of Sout:ern California1 for8er US
A8bassador to Mosco= o3 #o:ler1 %aul *olfo=itA of t:e Ar8s Control and ,isar8a8ent
A9enc31 T:o8as *olfe of t:e RAN, Cor<oration1 and Se38our *eiss1 a for8er to< State
,e<art8ent official? T=o ot:er c:oices b3 %i<es =ere reBected b3 !us:?
Tea8 ! be9an 8eetin9 durin9 late Au9ust of 12.-? %aisle3 and ,on Suda <ro>ided Tea8 !
=it: t:e sa8e ra= intelli9ence bein9 used b3 National Intelli9ence Officer Ho=ard
StoertA7s Tea8 A? Tea8 !7s basic conclusion =as t:at t:e So>iet 8ilitar3 <re<arations =ere
not eEclusi>el3 defensi>e1 but rat:er re<resented t:e atte8<t to ac@uire a first-stri;e
ca<abilit3 t:at =ould allo= t:e USSR to unleas: and <re>ail in t:er8onculear =ar? T:e US
=ould face a =indo= of >ulnerabilit3 durin9 t:e 12/57s? !ut it is clear fro8 %i<es7 o=n
discussion of t:e debate t:at Tea8 ! Gfn +'H =as less interested in t:e So>iet Union and its
ca<abilities t:an in seiAin9 :e9e8on3 in t:e intelli9ence and t:in; tan; co88unit3 in
<re<aration for seiAin9 t:e ;e3 <osts in t:e Re<ublican ad8inistration t:at 8i9:t follo=
Carter in 12/5? %i<es =as li>id =:en1 at t:e final Tea8 A-Tea8 ! 8eetin91 :e =as not
allo=ed to sit at !us:7s table for lunc:? T:e ar9u8ent in Tea8 ! @uarters =as t:at since t:e
So>iets =ere turnin9 a99ressi>e once a9ain1 t:e US 8ust do e>er3t:in9 <ossible to
stren9t:en t:e onl3 staunc: and reliable A8erican all3 in t:e Middle East or <ossibl3
an3=:ere in t:e =orld1 Israel? T:is 8eant not Bust t:at Israel :ad to be financed =it:out
stint1 but t:at Israel :ad to be brou9:t into central A8erica1 t:e ar East1 and Africa? T:ere
=as e>en a desi9n for a ne= NATO constructed around Israel1 =:ile Bun;in9 t:e old NATO
because it =as absorbin9 >ital US resources needed b3 Israel?
!3 contrast1 Tea8 ! su<<orters li;e Ric:ard %erle1 =:o ser>ed as Assistant Secretar3 of
,efense under Rea9an1 =ere later bitterl3 :ostile to t:e Strate9ic ,efense Initiati>e1 =:ic:
=as <lainl3 t:e onl3 rational res<onse to t:e So>iet buildu<1 =:ic: =as >er3 real indeed?
T:e F=indo= of >ulnerabilit3F ar9u8ent :ad 8erit1 but t:e <olic3 conclusions fa>ored b3
Tea8 ! :ad none1 since t:eir idea of res<ondin9 to t:e So>iet t:reat =as1 once a9ain1 to
subordinate e>er3t:in9 to Israeli re@uire8ents?
Tea8 A and Tea8 ! =ere su<<osed to be secret1 but lea;s a<<eared in t:e !oston Globe in
October? %i<es =as sur<rised to find an e>en 8ore detailed account of Tea8 ! and its 9ri8
esti8ate of So>iet intent in t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es s:ortl3 after C:rist8as1 but %aisle3 told
:i8 t:at !us: and CIA official Ric:ard Le:8an :ad alread3 been lea;in9 to t:e <ress1 and
ur9ed %i<es to be9in to offer so8e inter>ie=s of :is o=n? Gfn +)H
T3<icall3 enou9:1 !us: a<<eared on ace t:e Nation earl3 in t:e ne= 3ear to sa3 t:at :e
=as Fa<<alledF b3 t:e lea;s of Tea8 !7s conclusions? !us: confessed t:at Foutside
eE<ertise :as enor8ous a<<eal to 8e?F He refused to discuss t:e Tea8 ! conclusions
t:e8sel>es1 but did sa3 t:at :e =anted to F9un do=nF s<eculation t:at t:e CIA :ad lea;ed a
tou9: esti8ate of t:e USSR7s 8ilitar3 buildu< in order to sto< Carter fro8 cuttin9 t:e
defense bud9et? T:at s<eculation FBust couldn7t be furt:er fro8 t:e trut:1F said !us:1 =:o
=as t:us cau9:t l3in9 neit:er for t:e first nor last ti8e in :is eEistence? As if b3 co8<ulsi>e
association1 !us: =ent on" FT:at 9ets to t:e inte9rit3 of t:e <rocess? And I a8 :ere to
defend t:e inte9rit3 of t:e intelli9ence <rocess? T:e CIA :as 9reat inte9rit3? It =ould ne>er
ta;e directions fro8 a <olic38a;er-- 8e or an3bod3 else--in order to co8e u< =it:
conclusions to force a %resident-elect7s :and or a %resident7s :and1F <ontificated !us: =it:
Ol38<ian :3<ocris3?
or :is <art1 Henr3 #issin9er1 =it:in a 3ear or t=o1 in an inter>ie= =it: t:e London
Econo8ist1 e8braced ;e3 as<ects of t:e Tea8 ! <osition?
Con9ress soon 9ot into t:e act1 and Geor9e !us: testified at a closed :earin9 of t:e Senate
orei9n Relations Co88ittee on &anuar3 1/1 12..? It turned out t:at Tea8 ! and its
F=orst-caseF scenario enBo3ed stron9 su<<ort fro8 Hubert Hu8<:re31 Clifford Case1 and
&acob &a>its? Later it also beca8e clear t:at Adlai Ste>enson1 t:e c:iar8an of t:e Senate
Intelli9ence Co88ittee Subco88ittee on Collection1 %roduction1 and Lualit3 of
Intelli9ence =as also su<<orti>e of Tea8 !1 alon9 =it: 8an3 ot:er senators suc: as
Mo3ni:an and *allo<? Gar3 Hart =as :ostile1 but %erc3 =as o<en to dialo9ue =it: Tea8 !?
After t:e Tea8 ! conclusions :ad been bruited around t:e =orld1 %i<es beca8e a leadin9
8e8ber of t:e Co88ittee on t:e %resent ,an9er1 =:ere :is fello= Tea8 ! >eteran %aul
NitAe =as alread3 ensconced1 alon9 =it: Eu9ene 6? Rosto=1 ,ean Rus;1 Lane #ir;land1
MaE #a8<el8an1 Ric:ard Allen1 ,a>id %ac;ard1 and Henr3 o=ler? About '5 8e8bers of
t:e Co88ittee on t:e %resent dan9er =ent on to beco8e :i9: officials of t:e Rea9an
Ronald Rea9an :i8self e8bracedt:e F=indo= of >ulerabilit3F t:esis1 =:ic: =or;ed as =ell
for :i8 as t:e bo8ber 9a< and 8issle 9a< ar9u8ents :ad =or;ed in <re>ious elections?
*:en t:e Rea9an Ad8inistration =as bein9 asse8bled1 !us: and &a8es !a;er :ad a lot to
sa3 about =:o 9ot =:at a<<oint8ents? !us: =as t:e founder of Tea8 !1 and t:at is t:e
funda8ental reason =:ic: suc: <ro-Jionist neoconser>ati>es as MaE #a8<el8an1 Ric:ard
%erle1 Ste>en !r3en1 Noel #oc:1 %aul *olfo=itA and ,o> Ja;e8 s:o=ed u< in t:e Rea9an
Ad8inistration? or in one of :is 8an3 ideolo9ical reincarnations1 Geor9e !us: is also a
neoconser>ati>e :i8self? *:at counted for Tea8 ! =as to occu<3 t:e offices1 and to
do8inate t:e debate? Tea8 ! 9reatl3 influenced t:e strate9ic assu8<tions and r:etoric of
t:e first Rea9an Ad8inistrationC t:eir one outstandin9 defeat =as t:e launc:in9 of t:e S,I?
In a 9ri8 <ostlude to t:e Tea8 ! eEercise1 !us:7s :and-<ic;ed staff director for t:e
o<eration1 &o:n %aisle31 t:e So>iet anal3st 0%aisle3 =as t:e for8er de<ut3 director of t:e
CIA7s Office of Strate9ic Researc:4 and CIA liaison to t:e %lu8bers1 disa<<eared on
Se<te8ber $)1 12./ =:ile sailin9 on C:esa<ea;e !a3 in :is sloo<1 t:e !rilli9? Se>eral da3s
later a bod3 =as found floatin9 in t:e ba3 in an ad>anced state of deco8<osition1 and =it:
a 9un s:ot =ound be:ind t:e left ear? T:e cor<se =as =ei9:ed do=n b3 t=o sets of
<onderous di>in9 belts? T:e bod3 =as four inc:es s:orter t:an %aisle37s o=n :ei9:t1 and
%aisle37s =ife later asserted t:at t:e bod3 found =as not t:at of :er :usband? ,es<ite all
t:is1 t:e bod3 =as <ositi>el3 identified as %aisle37s1 t:e deat: su88aril3 ruled a suicide1
and t:e bod3 @uic;l3 cre8ated at a funeral :o8e a<<ro>ed b3 t:e Office of Securit3?
%aisle3 :ad been in>ol>ed alon9 =it: An9leton in t:e debriefin9 and 8ana9in9 of So>iet
defectors li;e Nosen;o and Ni;olai Arta8ono>OFS:adrin1F and >arious as<ects of t:is case
s:o= t:at t:e !us:-C:erne Tea8 ! :ad not reall3 ceased its o<erations after 12.--..1 but
:ad continued to function? So8e :a>e atte8<ted to identif3 %aisle3 as ,ee< T:roat? Ot:ers
:a>e su99ested t:at :e =as a #G! 8ole? Eit:er stor31 if true1 8i9:t lead to :i9:l3
e8barrassin9 conse@uences for Geor9e !us:? Gfn ++H
T:e S:adrin case Bust 8entioned allo=s us to follo= !us: a fe= ste<s furt:er into t:e =orld
of So>iet defectors1 eEc:an9es1 ;idna<<in9s1 8urders1 and ot:er 9risl3 rites of t:e cold =ar?
Nicolai Arta8ono> alias Nic; S:adrin =as a So>iet na>al officer =:o :ad defected to t:e
=est in t:e 12+57s1 and =:o =or;ed for t:e ,efense Intelli9ence A9enc3? T:ere are
indications t:at S:adrin =as encoura9ed b3 :is US :andlers to let :i8self be contacted b3
t:e So>iets so t:at :e could beco8e a double a9ent? In ,ece8ber1 12.+ S:adrin =as sent to
6ienna b3 t:e CIA1 =:ere :e disa<<eared? Accordin9 to so8e >ersions1 :e :ad been a
So>iet a9ent all alon91 and =ent bac; to Mosco= under t:e orders of t:e #G!? Accordin9
to ot:er >ersions1 S:adrin =as c3nicall3 deli>ered u< b3 :is CIA :andlers to certain deat: at
t:e :ands of t:e #G! =it:in t:e fra8e=or; of a dirt3 o<eration to en:ance t:e career of
anot:er #G! a9ent =:o :ad secretl3 9one to =or; for t:e CIA =:ile re8ainin9 =it: t:e
#G!? Gfn +-H
T:e :andlin9 of defectors suc: as S:adrin re<resented t:at <art of CIA o<erations =:ere
&a8es &esus An9leton s<un :is =eb1 so =ere are 8o>in9 t:rou9: an obfuscated =ilderness
of 8irrors in broac:in9 t:is subBect? !ut it see8s =ell establis:ed t:at !us: ac@uired a
<ersonal role in t:e S:adrin affair t:rou9: :is dece<tion of S:adrin7s =ife1 E>a S:adrin1
=:o =as des<eratel3 see;in9 to find out =:at :ad :a<<ened to :er :usband?
*it: t:e :el< of friends1 E>a S:adrin a<<ealed for assistance to Senators &o:n S<ar;8an1
and &a8es Eastland1 to S<ea;er of t:e House Carl Albert1 to %enta9on officials and to
%IA!? On ebruar3 +1 Mrs? S:adrin recei>ed a call fro8 !rent Sco=croft sa3in9 t:at t:e
case :ad been brou9:t to :is attention? T:e sa8e da3 Gen? 6ernon *alters called to sa3 t:at
Sco=croft =as 8eetin9 =it: :i8 at t:at >er3 :our to see =:at could be done? !us: t:en
a<<ointed CIA Counterintelli9ence C:ief Geor9e #alaris to o>ersee coo<eration =it: Mrs?
Sadrin and :er la=3er1 Ric:ard Co<a;en? #alaris is accused in one <ublis:ed account of
t:is stor3 of :a>in9 :el<ed to deli>ered S:adrin into t:e :ands of t:e #G!? Later1 on
October /1 12.- Mrs? S:adrin and Co<a;en =ere recei>ed b3 !us: at Lan9le3 in a 8eetin9
also attended b3 #alaris and for8er CIA e8<lo3ee C:ester Coo<er? 6arious <ossibilities for
forcin9 an eEc:an9e of S:adrin =ere brou9:t u< b3 Mrs?
S:adrin1 but =ere ruled out b3 !us:? !us: also refused to sa3 =:et:er or not S:adrin =as
on a secret 8ission for t:e CIA? !us: did a9ree to set u< a 8eetin9 for Mrs? S:adrin =it:
%resident ord?
On No>e8ber +1 ord recei>ed Mrs? S:adrin at t:e *:ite House? Mrs? S:adrin recalled
ord as Fcold and austere1F a 8an =:ose Fe3es see8ed 9laAed o>er li;e a bullfro97s =:ile I
tal;ed?F ord =as un=illin9 to 8a;e an3 co88itt8ent on be:alf of S:adrin? In t:e
8eanti8e1 !us: :ad allo=ed Co<a;en to inter>ie= se>eral CIA clandestine officers1
includin9 t:e last CIA contact to see S:adrin1 one C3nt:ia Haus8ann? T:is =as considered
a :i9:l3 unusual fa>or b3 t:e ,CI1 e>en t:ou9: Haus8ann7s co>er :ad alread3 been blo=n
b3 %:ili< A9ee? !ut in t:e end1 Mrs? S:adrin concluded t:at :er :usband :ad been set u< b3
t:e CIA1 and t:at Fs:e :ad been a fool to belie>e an3t:in9 told :er b3 Geor9e !us:????F Gfn
Related di8ensions of !us:7s intri9ues at t:e CIA can onl3 be :inted at? T:ere is for
eEa8<le t:e case of Ral<: &ose<: Si9ler1 an ar83 se9reant =:o =or;ed as a double a9ent
=it: t:e east bloc until :e =as found brutall3 8urdered b3 electrocution in a 8otel in A<ril1
12.-? A8on9 Si9ler7s belon9in9s =as a <:oto9ra<: of :i8self to9et:er =it: CIA ,irector
!us:? Gfn +/H
T:e @uestion raised b3 t:ese cases =as al8ost uni>ersall3 dod9ed durin9 t:e 12// election
ca8<ai9n" F,o t:e A8erican <eo<le reall3 =ant to elect a for8er director of t:e CIA as
t:eir %resident1F as To8 *ic;er <osed it in t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es of A<ril $21 12//? FT:at7s
:ardl3 been discussed so farC but it see8s ob>ious t:at a CIA c:ief 8i9:t =ell be <ri>3 to
t:e ;ind of 7blac;7 secrets t:at could later 8a;e :i8-- as a <ublic fi9ure-- subBect to
blac;8ail?F Here is one area =:ere =e can be sure t:at =e :a>e onl3 scratc:ed t:e surface?
As :e 8ana9ed t:e for8idable =orld-=ide ca<abilities of t:e CIA durin9 12.-1 !us: =as
la3in9 t:e 9round=or; for :is <ersonal ad>ance8ent to :i9:er office and 9reater <o=er in
t:e 12/57s? As =e :a>e seen1 t:ere =as so8e inter8ittent s<eculation durin9 t:e 3ear t:at1
in s<ite of =:at ord :ad <ro8ised t:e Senate1 !us: 8i9:t s:o= u< as ord7s runnin9 8ate
after all? !ut1 at t:e Re<ublican con>ention1 ord c:ose #ansas Senator !ob ,ole for >ice-
<resident? If ord :ad =on t:e election1 !us: =ould certainl3 :a>e atte8<ted to secure a
furt:er <ro8otion1 <er:a<s to Secretar3 of State1 ,efense1 or Treasur3 as a s<rin9board for
a ne= <residential bid of :is o=n in 12/5? !ut if Carter =on t:e election1 !us: =ould
atte8<t to raise t:e banner of t:e non-<olitical status of t:e CIA in order to con>ince Carter
to let :i8 sta3 at Lan9le3 durin9 t:e <eriod 12..-/1 as a Fnon-<artisanF ad8inistrator?
Carter and !us: =ere not destined to 9et alon9? Carter =ore t:e 8as; of t:e cult of
,ion3sios1 de8andin9 t:at t:e secrets of t:e inner te8<le be t:ro=n o<en to t:e <lebs for
=:ic: :e <retended to act as tribune? !us: =ore t:e 8as; of t:e te8<le of A<ollo1 and
ar9ued in <ublic for t:e sanctit3 of state secrets and t:e <riorit3 of co>ert o<erations =:ile
:e secretl3 de<lo3ed :is o=n irre9ular ar8ies? Carter :ad i8<licitl3 attac;ed !us: durin9
t:e earl3 <:ases of t:e <residential ca8<ai9n in an Au9ust 1$ s<eec: in =:ic: t:e Geor9ian
:ad deni9rated t:e ord Ad8inistration as a Fdu8<in9 9round for unsuccessful candidates1
fait:ful <olitical <artisans1 out-of-fa>or *:ite House aides and re<resentati>es of t:e
s<ecial interests?F T:at da31 !us: :ad tra>elled to %lains1 Geer9ia to <ro>ide Carter =it: a
fi>e-:our intelli9ence briefin9? Re<orters as;ed !us: about Carter7s co88ents1 =:ic:
elicited a fit of a<o<leE3 fro8 our :ero" FT:at7s >er3 interestin91F said !us:? *e ca8e
do=n :ere to do a <rofessional Bob? T:e %resident directed 8e to brief :i8 on intelli9ence
8atters? E>er3t:in9 =ent >er3 =ell?F Carter bac;ed off a da3 later1 sa3in9 FI :a<<en to
t:in; a lot of Geor9e !us:?F
In t:e close 12.- election1 Carter <re>ailed b3 >ote fraud in Ne= (or;1 O:io1 and ot:er
states1 but ord =as con>inced b3 Nelson and Ha<<3 Roc;efeller1 as =ell as b3 :is o=n
distrau9:t =ife !ett31 t:at :e 8ust concede in order to <reser>e t:e =or; of F:ealin9F t:at
:e :ad acco8<lis:ed since *ater9ate? Carter =ould t:erefore enter t:e *:ite House?
!us: <re<ared to 8a;e :is bid for continuit3 at t:e CIA? S:ortl3 after t:e election1 :e =as
sc:eduled to Bourne3 to %lains to brief Carter once a9ain =it: t:e :el< of :is de<ut3 Henr3
#noc:e? Earl3 in t:e 8ornin9 !us: and #noc:e sto<<ed off at t:e Old EEecuti>e Office
!uildin9 to tal; to !ud9et ,irector Robert L3nn in order to secure a cas: infusion for t:e
CIA1 =:ic: =as facin9 a bud9etar3 crunc:? !us: t:en dro<<ed in on 6ice %resident Nelson
Roc;efeller1 and also =ent into t:e O>al Office to tal; to ord?
T:e critical 8eetin9 =it: Carter =ent >er3 badl3 indeed? !us: too; Carter aside and ar9ued
t:at in 12-5 and 12-/1 CIA ,irectors =ere retained durin9 <residential transitions1 and t:at
it =ould 8a;e Carter loo; 9ood if :e did t:e sa8e? Carter si9nalled t:at :e =asn7t
interested? T:en !us: la8el3 sta88ered t:at if Carter =anted :is o=n 8an in Lan9le31
!us: =ould be =illin9 to resi9n? =:ic: is of course standard <rocedure for all a9enc3 :eads
=:en a ne= <resident ta;es office? Carter said t:at t:at =as indeed eEactl3 =:at :e =anted1
and t:at :e =ould :a>e :is o=n ne= ,CI read3 b3 &anuar3 $11 12..? !us: and #noc:e
t:en briefed Carter and :is <eo<le for so8e siE :ours? Carter insiders told t:e <ress t:at
!us:7s briefin9 :ad been a Fdisaster?F F&i883 Bust =asn7t i8<ressed =it: !us:1F said a ;e3
Carter staffer? Gfn +2H
!us: and #noc:e t:en fle= bac; to *as:in9ton1 and on t:e <lane !us: =rote a 8e8o for
Henr3 #issin9er describin9 :is eEc:an9es =it: Carter? At 8idni9:t1 !us: dro>e to
#issin9er7s :o8e and briefed :i8 for an :our?
#noc:e said later t:at :e =as 8i9:til3 i8<ressed b3 !us:7s lon9 da3 of 8eetin9 t:e bud9et
director1 t:e <resident1 t:e >ice <resident1 t:e <resident-elect and t:e secretar3 of state1 all
on t:e sa8e da31 e>en if t:e result :ad been t:at !us: =as fired? At !us:7s 2"'5 AM staff
8eetin9 in Lan9le3 t:e neEt da31 #noc:e and a 9rou< of ot:er officialsa=arded !us: t:e
Intelli9ence Medal of Merit? FIt =as a >er3 touc:in9 da31F said #noc:e?
Carter first atte8<ted to 8a;e T:eodore Sorenson1 t:e for8er #enned3 inti8ate1 :is ne=
CIA ,irector? It soon beca8e clear t:at certain circles =ere deter8ined to bloc; t:is
no8ination? T:e Sorenson no8ination =as soon tor<edoed b3 a series of lea;s1 includin9
re>elations t:at Sorenson :ad been a conscientious obBector durin9 *orld *ar II1 <lus
accusations t:at :e :ad ta;en classified docu8ents =it: :i8 =:en :e :ad left t:e
9o>ern8ent in 12-)? Carter tried to 9et NATO General !ernard Ro9ers for t:e <ost1 but
finall3 :ad to settle for Na>3 Ad8iral Stansfield Turner fro8 :is o=n class at Anna<olis?
An i8<ortant internal CIA issue t:at arose durin9 Turner7s ti8e in Lan9le3 =as t:e
@uestion of <ersonnel cuts1 es<eciall3 in t:e o<erations directorate? To understand !us:7s
inflCuence on t:is to<ic1 =e 8ust 9o bac; to t:e *ater9ate era?
,urin9 t:e Sc:lesin9er-Colb3 <eriod1 about $1555 CIA <ersonnel1 re<resentin9 about 1+R
of t:e CIA 8an<o=er co8<le8ent1 =ere dis8issed? T:e 8et:od of t:ese firin9s a<<ears to
:a>e been :ea>il3 influenced b3 S:ac;le3 and :is faction1 =:o ar9ued t:at CIA <ersonnel
=:o =ere in dan9er of bein9 eE<osed b3 %:ili< A9ee s:ould be <re- e8<ti>el3 ter8inated?
T:ere is t:erefore 8uc: reason to t:in; t:at S:ac;le3 and A9ee =ere in ca:oots? T:is <ur9e
touc:ed 8an3 i8<ortant <osts1 =:ic: could t:en be filled b3 S:ac;le3 lo3alists? A
descri<tion of t:e <rocess is offered b3 retired CIA a9ent &ose<: !ur;:older S8it:1 =:o
ser>ed in t:e *estern He8is<:ere di>ision"
A defensi>e o<eration =as started i88ediatel3 and e>er3 acti>it31 a9ent1 and officer =as
scrutiniAed to deter8ine if A9ee :ad alread3 blo=n t:e8 or if :e =ould =rite about t:e8 in :is
boo;? A S:ac;le3 :enc:8an =as installed as c:ief of o<erations G=as t:is *illia8 NelsonDH and a
cr3<ton381 t:e A9enc37s bad9e of securit3 si9nificance1 =as assi9ned to t:e tas; of 9ettin9 rid of
t:e di>ision7s o<erations and 8uc: of its office staff-- t:e <re-S:ac;le3 staff1 so8e =ere @uic; to
<oint out? T:e3 doubted =:et:er so 8uc: destruction =as necessar31 es<eciall3 since S:ac;le3
:ad a re<utation for rut:lessness and for fillin9 ;e3 Bobs =it: :is fa>orites?
*:et:er or not suc: a >ast a8ount of :ouse cleanin9 =as reall3 necessar31 I could not decide? All
I ;ne= =as t:at it =as dis8al =or;? G???H
Ne>ert:eless1 I =as disturbed to :a>e to dis8iss so 8an3 lo3al 8en and u<set to :a>e t:e defenses
I ;e<t <uttin9 u< to tr3 to sal>a9e so8et:in9 of t:eir old li>es su88aril3 dis8issed b3 t:e Star
C:a8ber conductin9 t:e <ur9e in *as:in9ton? *:en A9ee7s boo; finall3 a<<eared1 not one of t:e
<eo<le I =as ordered to fire =as 8entioned? Gfn -5H
All of t:e CIA7s di>isions =ere <ur9ed1 =it: Bustifications offered t:at ran9ed fro8 t:e
t:reat of denunciation b3 A9ee to bud9et constraints to <oor <erfor8ance to t:e need to
8a;e roo8 for ne= blood? Sc:lesin9er1 =:o fired -'5 officers in fi>e 8ont:s1 =as said to
be acco8<anied b3 bod39uards durin9 t:is <eriod for fear t:at so8e dis9runtled co>ert
=arrior 8i9:t eEact a :orrible re>en9e?
,urin9 !us:7s tenure1 t:e sa8e *illia8 Nelson a<<arentl3 8entioned b3 S8it: see8s to
:a>e su99ested t:at t:e ad8inistrati>e <ur9e :ad not 9one far enou9:? In t:e s<rin9 of
12.-1 =:en :e =as about to be re<laced b3 *illia8 *ells1 Nelson a9ain raised t:e issue of
o<erations directorate <ersonnel? FT:ere =ere a lot of <eo<le in t:e ,O G,irectorate of
O<erationsH =:o =ere 8ar9inal <erfor8ers1F said Nelson in a 12// inter>ie=? FT:e lo=
8iddle? *e needed @ualit31 not @uantit3? I told G!us:H t:at t:e lo=er $+ <er cent s:ould be
identified and s:ould be encoura9ed to see; ot:er e8<lo38ent????I said =e o=ed t:ese
<eo<le a lot but not a lifeti8e Bob? He G!us:H <ut it in :is <oc;et and said :e =ould t:in;
about it?F Gfn -1H
T:is ne= round of firin9s =as rele9ated to Turner1 =:o re<ortedl3 =as told b3 #noc:e on
arri>in9 at t:e CIA t:at t:e a9enc3 =as Fto<-:ea>3?F T:ere =as t:e case of Cord Me3er1
#noc:e said1 =:o :ad too 8uc: ran; for t:e =or; :e =as doin9? As Turner later recalled1
FIt =as at t:is <oint t:at I learned about a stud3 t:e es<iona9e Go<erationsH branc: itself :ad
done on its <ersonnel situation in 8id 12.-1 =:ile Geor9e !us: =as ,CI? It called for a
reduction in t:e siAe of t:e branc: b3 1'+5 <ositions o>er a fi>e-3ear <eriod? No action :ad
been ta;en? !us: :ad not reBected it1 but neit:er :ad :e faced u< to it?F Gfn -$H Turner t:en
<roceeded to abolis: /$5 Bobs1 =:ic: :e clai8s =as acco8<lis:ed t:rou9: attrition? Ot:er
esti8ates of t:e Turner firin9s ran9e bet=een /$5 and $1/55?
T:e <lan Turner i8<le8ented =as t:us accordin9 to so8e t:e Nelson-S:ac;le3-!us: <lan?
Certain acti>ities of t:e intelli9ence co88unit3 =ere bein9 <ri>atiAed and far8ed out to
suc: or9anis8s as t:e National Endo=8ent for ,e8ocrac3 and ot:er suc: @uasi-
autono8ous non-9o>ern8ental or9aniAations of %roBect ,e8ocrac3? Under Rea9an1 t:is
<ri>atiAation of intelli9ence o<erations and t:eir increasin9 assi9n8ent to non-
9o>ern8ental or9aniAations =as 8ade offocial t:rou9: EEecuti>e Order 1$'''?
Ot:er=ise1 Geor9e !us: used :is last da3s at t:e CIA for :is lifelon9 <assti8e1 ser>icin9
:is net=or;? On ,ece8ber 1-1 :e a<<eared at an a=ards cere8on3 in t:e !ubble at
Lan9le3 to <resent a 8edal to &uanita Mood3 of t:e National Securit3 A9enc3 %roduct
Or9aniAation staff? Gfn -'H
,urin9 :is 3ear at Lan9le31 !us: =as es<eciall3 fort:co8in9 to=ards *all Street1 abo>e all
to=ards t:e fa8il3 fir8? On at least one occasion1 !us: 9a>e an eEclusi>e <ri>ate briefin91
includin9 forecasts on t:e future de>elo<8ent of t:e =orld ener93 8ar;et1 for <artners and
eEecuti>es of !ro=n !rot:ers1 Harri8an? Suc: an incident1 it is su<erfluous to <oint out1
entails t:e 9ra>est @uestions of conflict of interest? On anot:er occasion1 !us: 9a>e a
si8ilar briefin9 to t:e board of directors of t:e C:ase Man:attan !an;? Gfn -)H
As al=a3s1 !us: :ad s<ecial attention for Leo C:erne1 t:e source of so 8uc: of t:e <olic3
:e i8<le8ented at t:e CIA? On No>e8ber /1 !us: :ad called C:erne7s attention to a s8all
ite8 in US Ne=s and *orld Re<ort =:ic: su99ested t:at FUS assess8ents :a>e so
underrated Russia7s strate9ic buildu< t:at a to<-secret stud3 is under =a3 to decide =:et:er
to stri< t:e CIA of res<onsibilit3 for t:e esti8ates and 9i>e it to an inde<endent office
ans=erable directl3 to t:e %resident?F Anot:er lea; on Tea8 !K !us: told C:erne t:at Ft:e
attac:ed is t:e ;ind of <ublicit3 t:at I a8 sure 3ou =ould a9ree is >er3 da8a9in9? I reall3
don7t t:in; t:ere is 8uc: =e can do about it at t:is <oint1 but I =orr3 about it?F
!us: left Lan9le3 =it: Carter7s inau9uration1 lea>in9 #noc:e to ser>e a cou<le of 8ont:s
as actin9 ,CI? In earl3 ebruar3 !us: =rote a9ain to Leo C:erne1 =it: =:o8 :e =as no=
on a first-na8e basis"
T:an;s for t:at lo>el3 letter 3ou sent 8e on eb? $nd? I alread3 8iss our contacts a lot? I =ill be
lea>in9 for Houston a =ee; fro8 toda3? G???H
S:ould 3ou 9et do=n t:at =a3 it =ould be 9reat to see 3ou? I a8 Boinin9 a cou<le of !oards t:at
=ill brin9 8e East fro8 ti8e to ti8e? I :o<e to ;ee< u< 83 interest in forei9n affairs and in
national <olitics? It is @uite unclear at t:e 8o8ent :o= to do t:ese t:in9s?
T:e <ast :as been fantasticC but no= I a8 deter8ined to loo; to t:e future? I ;no= it =ill be full
of c:allen9e? I :o<e it :olds fre@uent contacts =it: Leo C:erne?
I =ill follo= =it: interest t:e %resident7s decisions on %IA!? Holler if I can e>er be of :el< to
3ou? I >alue our friends:i<?
Sincerel31 Geor9e Gfn -+H
Carter abolis:ed %IA! and fired C:erne fro8 t:e IO!? Geor9e !us: no= turned to :is
fa8il3 business of international ban;in9?
1? Nat:an Miller1 S<3in9 for A8erica1 0Ne= (or;1 12/241 <? '22?
$? Gerald R? ord Librar31 Ric:ard !? C:ene3 iles1 !oE +?
'? See Loc: #? &o:nson1 A Season of In@uir3"T:e Senate Intelli9ence In>esti9ation 0Uni>ersit3 %ress of
#entuc;31 12/+41 <<? 15/-152?
)? &o:nson1 A Season of In@uir31 <<? 11+-11-?
+? Gerald R? ord Librar31 %:ili< !uc:en iles1 !oE $)? Article is fro8 Houston %ost1 No>e8ber /1 12.+?
-? Ne=:ouse Ne=s Ser>ice article b3 Saul #o:ler1 No>e8ber1 12.+1 =it: letter fro8 ord7s <ress secretar3
Ron Nessen1 at Gerald R? ord Librar31 *illia8 T? ;endall iles1 !oE .?
.? Letter fro8 !us: to Stennis1 ,ece8ber 1$1 12.+ in ord Librar31 %:ili< *? !uc:en iles1 !oE '.?
/? ord Librar31 %residential Hand=ritin9 ile1 !oE 2?
2? ord Librar31 %residential Hand=ritin9 ile1 !oE 2?
15? Collins to ord1 No>e8ber 1$1 12.+1 ord Librar31 &o:n O? Mars: iles1 !oE 1?
11? NedAi to ord1 ,ece8ber 1$1 12.+1 ord Librar31 &o:n O? Mars: iles1 !oE 1?
1$? Rot: to !us:1 No>e8ber $51 12.+1 ord Librar31 &o:n O? Mars: iles1 !oE 1?
1'? ord Librar31 *illia8 T? #endall iles1 !oE .
1)? ord Librar31 *illia8 T? #endall iles1 !oE .?
1+? ord Librar31 *illia8 T? #endall iles1 !oE .?
1-? ord Librar31 *illia8 T? #endall iles1 !oE .?
1.? US Senate1 Co88ittee on Ar8ed Ser>ices1 No8ination of Geor9e !us: to be ,irector of Central
Intelli9ence1 ,ece8ber 1+-1-1 12.+1 <? 15?
1/? Me8o of ,ece8ber 1-1 12.+ fro8 O7,onnell to Mars: t:rou9: riedersdorf on t:e li;el3 >ote in t:e
Stennis Senate Ar8ed Ser>ices Co88ittee? ord Librar31 *illia8 T? #endall iles1 !oE .?
12? ord Librar31 *illia8 T? #endall iles1 !oE .?
$5? or an account of t:e eE<litation of t:e *elc: incident b3 t:e ord Ad8inistration1 see Loc: #?
&o:nson1 A Season of In@uir3 0Uni>ersit3 %ress of #entuc;31 12/+41 <<? 1-1-1-$?
$1? ord Librar31 Leo C:erne %a<ers1 !oE /?
$$? or an account of t:e lea;in9 of t:e %i;e Co88ittee re<ort and t:e situation in late &anuar3 and
ebruar31 12.-1 see ,aniel Sc:orr1 Clearin9 t:e Air 0!oston1 12..4 es<eciall3 <<? 1.2-$5.1 and Loc: #?
&o:nson1 A Season of In@uir31 <<? 1.$-121?
$'? A Season of In@uir31 <? 1/5?
$)? A Season of In@uir31 <? 1/$?
$+? T:o8as %o=ers1 T:e Man *:o #e<t t:e Secrets 0Ne= (or;1 12/.41 <? 1$?
$-? *illia8 Colb31 Honorable Men 0Ne= (or;1 12./41 <? )+$?
$.? !ob *ood=ard and *alter %incus1 FAt CIA1 a Rebuilder 7Goes *it: t:e lo=17F *as:in9ton %ost1
Au9ust 151 12//? T:e bio9ra<:ical infor8ation on #noc:e is also dra=n fro8 a 1-<a9e su88ar3 in t:e
ord Librar31 *illia8 T? #endall iles1 !oE 2?
$/? On Mur<:3 and Norie9a1 see ran; McNeil1 *ar and %eace in Central A8erica1 0Ne= (or;1 Scribner41
<? $./?
$2? Cord Me3er1 acin9 Realit3" ro8 *orld ederalis8 to t:e CIA 0Uni>ersit3 %ress of A8erica1 12/$41
<<? $$+-$$-?
'5? See &o:n %rados1 %residents7 Secret *ars 0Ne= (or;1 41 T:o8as %o=ers1 T:e Man *:o #e<t t:e
Secrets" Ric:ard Hel8s and t:e CIA 0Ne= (or;1 12/.41 and &o:n Ranela9:1 T:e A9enc3" T:e Rise and
,ecline of t:e CIA 0Ne= (or;1 12/.4?
'1? *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust 151 12//?
'$? *illia8 R? Corson1 T:e Ar8ies of I9norance 0Ne= (or;1 ,ial %ress41 <? ))-?
''? ord Librar31 %:ili< *? !uc:en iles1 !oE $?
')? Me8o b3 Leo C:erne1 ebruar3 -1 12.-1 in ord Librar3 Leo C:erne %a<ers1 !oE 1?
'+? or ord7s reor9aniAation1 see Loc: #? &o:nson1 A Season of In@uir31 <<? 12)-12.1 and Ne= (or;
Ti8es1 ebruar3 1/1 12.-?
'-? or #ore9ate1 see Robert !? !oettc:er1 Gifts of ,eceit 0Ne= (or;1 Holt Rin:eart and *inston1 12/54?
'.? Nat:an Miller1 S<3in9 or A8erica" T:e Hidden Histor3 of US Intelli9ence 0Ne= (or;1 %ara9on
House1 12/241 <<? )5$-)5'?
'/? Ranela9:1 T:e A9enc31 <? -'$?
'2? Scott Ar8stron9 and &eff Nason1 FCo8<an3 Man1F Mot:er &ones1 October1 12//?
)5? &o:n Stoc;=ell1 In Searc: of Ene8ies1 0Ne= (or;1 12./4?
)1? ,a>id Corn1 FT:e Sa8e Old ,irt3 Tric;s1F T:e Nation1 Au9ust $'1 12//?
)$? ,a>id Corn1 FT:e Sa8e Old ,irt3 Tric;s1F T:e Nation1 Au9ust $'1 12//?
)'? C:a<8an %inc:er1 T:e S<3catc:er Affair0Ne= (or;1 12//41 <? 1).?
))? or t:e CIA-Harold *ilson affair1 see" ,a>id Lei9:1 T:e *ilson %lot 0Ne= (or;1 12//4C %:ili<
#ni9:tle31 T:e Second Oldest %rofession 0Ne= (or;1 Norton4C Ric:ard ,eacon1 T:e !ritis: Connection
0London1 Ha8is: Ha8ilton4C and C:a<8an %inc:er1 T:e S<3catc:er Affair 0Ne= (or;1 12//4? To8
Man9old1 Cold *arrior 0Ne= (or;1 12214 Boins t:e red Studeba;er sc:ool of :istorio9ra<:3 on !us: in t:e
An9leton-*ilson affair?
)+? Accounts of t:e Letelier Affairs include &o:n ,in9es and Saul Landau1 Assassination on E8bass3 Ro=
0Ne= (or;1 12/54C ,onald reed1 ,eat: in *as:in9ton 0*est<ort1 Connecticut1 12/541 and Scott
Ar8stron9 and &eff Nason1 FCo8<an3 Man1F Mot:er &ones1 October 12//?
)-? See Ar8stron9 and Nason1 <? )'?
).? reed1 <? 1.)?
)/? ,in9es and Landau1 <? '/)?
)2? Ta3lor !ranc: and Eu9ene M? %ro<<er1 Lab3rint: 0Ne= (or;1 12/$41 <? .$?
+5? Lab3rint:1 <<? .)-.+?
+1? reed1 ,eat: in *as:in9ton1 <? 1.)?
+$? &efferson Morle31 F!us:7s ,ru9 %roble8- and Ours1F T:e Nation1 Au9ust $.1 12//?
+'? Ric:ard %i<es1 FTea8 !" T:e Realit3 !e:ind t:e M3t:1F Co88entar31 October 12/-?
++? %i<es1 FTea8 !1F Co88entar31 October1 12/-1 <? ')? %i<es 8a;es clear t:at it =as !us: and Ric:ard
Le:8an =:o bot: lea;ed to ,a>id !inder of t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es? Le:8an also encoura9ed %i<es to lea;?
T:e >erson offered b3 *illia8 R? Corson et al? in *ido=s 0Ne= (or;1 12/241 na8el3 t:at %aisle3 did t:e
lea;in91 8a3 also be true1 but =ill not eEonerate !us:? T:e aut:ors of *ido=s are in 9ra>e dan9er of bein9
banis:ed to t:e red Studeba;er sc:ool of co>eru< in t:at t:e3 i9nore %i<es7 account and its included
fin9erin9 of !us: as t:e lead lea;er?
++? See *illia8 R? Corson1 Susan !? Trento1 &ose<: &? Trento1 *ido=s?
+-? See *illai8 R? Corson et al?1 *ido=s1 and Henr3 Hurt1 S:adrin" T:e S<3 *:o Ne>er Ca8e !ac;?
+.? Henr3 Hurt1 S:adrin1 <? $-5?
+/? Corson1 *ido=s1 <? '51?
+2? E>ans and No>a; colu8n1 Houston %ost1 ,ece8ber 11 12.-? or t:e <ro-!us: account of t:ese e>ents1
see Nic:olas #in91 Geor9e !us:1 <<? 152-115?
-5? &ose<: !ur;:older S8it:1 %ortrait of a Cold *arrior 0Ne= (or;1 %utna841 <? 1$?
-1? *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust 151 12//?
-$? Ad8iral Stansfield Turner1 Secrec3 and ,e8ocrac3 0!oston1 12/+41 <? 12-?
-'? &a8es !a8ford1 T:e %uAAle %alace1 <? $+5?
-)? *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust 151 12//?
-+? ord Librar31 Leo C:erne %a<ers1 !oE 1?
Geor9e !us:" T:e Unaut:oriAed !io9ra<:3 --- b3 *ebster G? Tar<le3 N Anton
C:a<ter -M6I- Ca8<ai9n 12/5
Le 8ercennarie et ausiliarie sono inutili e <ericoloseC e1 se uno tiene lo stato suo fondato in
sulle ar8e 8ercennarie1 non sara7 8ai fer8o ne7 sicuro?
--Mac:ia>elli1 Il %rinci<e
As =e follo= Geor9e !us: alon9 t:e Geor9e *as:in9ton %ar;=a3 as :e dri>es a=a3 fro8
:is Lan9le3 office in &anuar31 12..1 =e enter an es<eciall3 s:ado=3 and inscrutable
interlude in :is career? ,urin9 t:eir su<erficial and dilator3 12// in@uir3 into !us:7s career1
!ob *ood=ard and *alter %incus did establis: one t3<ical <:eno8enon of !us:7s acti>it3
bet=een &anuar31 12.. and :is e8er9ence as a <residential candidate" !us: ;e<t ;e3 <arts
of :is acti>it3 a secret fro8 :is o=n aides and office staff1 e>en 9oin9 so far as to
8anufacture alibis =:ic: =ould a<<ear to :a>e been in>entions? *ood=ard and %incus
described a F83ster3 about !us: and t:e a9enc3F =:ic: arose durin9 t:e course of t:eir
inter>ie=s about t:e <ost-12.. <eriod? FAccordin9 to t:ose in>ol>ed in !us:7s first <olitical
action co88ittee1 t:ere =ere se>eral occasions in 12./- .21 =:en !us: =as li>in9 in
Houston and tra>ellin9 t:e countr3 in :is first run for t:e <residenc31 t:at :e set aside
<eriods of u< to $) :ours and told aides :e :ad to fl3 to *as:in9ton for a secret 8eetin9 of
for8er CIA ,irectors? !us: told :is aides t:at :e could not di>ul9e :is =:ereabouts1 and
t:at :e =ould not be reac:able?F T:e 83ster3 described b3 *ood=ard and %incus arose
=:en ot:er inter>ie=s cast 9ra>e doubt on t:e >eracit3 of t:is co>er stor3C F???accordin9 to
for8er directors and ot:er senior CIA officials1 t:ere =ere no 8eetin9s of for8er directors
durin9 t:at <eriod1 and !us: :ad no assi9n8ents of an3 ;ind fro8 t:e CIA?F Stansfield
Turner co88ented t:at :e Fne>er ;ne= for8er directors :ad 8eetin9s and t:ere =ere none
=:en I =as t:ere?F Ste<:en Hart of !us:7s staff told *ood=ard and %incus t:at t:e ;ee<ers
of !us:7s sc:edule could Frecall no CIA acti>it3 of an3 ;ind1F but eE<lained t:e absences as
F<ersonal ti8e in *as:in9tonF for Ftennis1 >isits =it: friends1 and dinners?F Gfn 1H Suc:
eni98as are t3<ical of t:e 12..-12.2 interlude in !us:7s career?
S:ortl3 after lea>in9 Lan9le31 !us: asserted :is birt:ri9:t as an international financier in
t:e =a3 :e :ad indicated to :is close friend Leo C:erne1 t:at is to sa3 b3 beco8in9 a
8e8ber of t:e board of directors of a lar9e ban;? On ebruar3 $$1 12.. Robert H? Ste=art
III1 t:e c:air8an of t:e :oldin9 co8<an3 for irst International !an;s:ares of ,allas1
announced t:at !us: =ould beco8e t:e c:air8an of t:e eEecuti>e co88ittee of irst
International !an; in Houston and =ould si8ultaneousl3 beco8e a director of irst
International !an;s:ares Ltd? of London1 a 8erc:ant ban; o=ned b3 irst International
!an;s:ares1 Inc? !us: also beca8e a director of irst International !an;s:ares Inc?1 =:ic:
=as t:e :oldin9 co8<an3 for t:e entire international 9rou<? T:us1 less t:an t=o 3ears
before Mar9aret T:atc:er ca8e to <o=er1 !us: ac@uired t:e status of in>est8ent ban;er in
t:e Cit3 of London1 t:e :o8e of t:e Eurodollar 8ar;et and t:e :o8e of !ritis: i8<erial
financial circles in =:ic: suc: fi9ures as Lord 6ictor Rot:sc:ild1 Tin3 Ro=land1 t:e Sultan
of !runei1 #in9 a:d of Saudi Arabia1 and t:e E8ir of #u=ait =ere at :o8e? An annual fee
of I.+1555 as a FconsultantF also s=eetened t:is <ot? ,urin9 t:e 12// ca8<ai9n1 !us: 9a>e
t:e i8<lacable stone=all to an3 @uestions about t:e ser>ices :e <erfor8ed for t:e irst
International !an;s:ares 9rou< or about an3 ot:er as<ects of :is business acti>ities durin9
t:e <re-12/5 interlude? Interfirst =as t:en t:e lar9est ban; in TeEas and =as re<ortedl3
runnin9 s<eculation all o>er Sout: A8erica1 C:ina1 and Euro<e?
Later1 after t:e Rea9an-!us: or93 of s<eculation and usur3 :ad ruined t:e TeEas econo831
t:e TeEas co88ercial ban;s be9an to colla<se into ban;ru<tc3? irst International of ,allas
0or FInterfirstF4 8er9ed =it: Re<ublic!an; durin9 12/. to for8 irst Re<ublic!an;1 =:ic:
beca8e t:e bi99est co88ercial ban; in TeEas? !an;ru<tc3 o>ertoo; t:e ne= colossus Bust a
fe= 8ont:s later1 but federal re9ulators dela3ed t:eir ine>itable inter>ention until after t:e
TeEas <ri8ar3 in t:e s<rin9 of 12// in order to a>oid a <otentiall3 acute e8barrass8ent for
!us:? Once !us: :ad t:e no8ination loc;ed u<1 t:e ederal ,e<osit Insurance Cor<oration
a=arded t:e assets of irst Re<ublic!an; to t:e Nort: Carolina National !an; in eEc:an9e
for no <a38ent =:atsoe>er on t:e <art of NCNC1 =:ic: is re<utedl3 a darlin9 of t:e
intelli9ence co88unit3?
,urin9 t:e :ead3 da3s of !us:7s directors:i< at Interfirst1 t:e ban; retained a la= fir8 in
=:ic: one La=rence Gibbs =as a <artner? T=o <artners of Gibbs FBoined t:ree
re<resentati>es of t:e ener93 de<art8ent of Interfirst !an; on a tri< to %e;in91 =:ere t:e3
conducted a =ee;-lon9 se8inar on financin9 t:e <roduction of natural resources for t:e Oil
and Gas Ministr3 of t:e %eo<le7s Re<ublic of C:ina?F Gfn $H T:is >isit =as 8ade in t:e
conteEt of tri<s to C:ina b3 !us: for t:e <ur<ose of settin9 u< a lucrati>e oil concession for
&? Hu9: Lietd;te of %ennAoil1 !us:7s old bunsiness <artner? Gibbs1 a clear !us: asset1 =as
8ade Co88issioner of Internal Re>enue on Au9ust )1 12/-? Here :e en9ineered t:e
s=ee:eart deal for NCN! b3 decreein9 I1?- billion in taE brea;s for t:is ban;? T:is is
t3<ical of t:e 8assi>e fa>ors and 9raft for <ro-!us: financier interests at t:e eE<ense of t:e
taE<a3er =:ic: are t:e :all8ar; of t:e !us: 8ac:ine?
!us: also Boined t:e board of %urolator Oil Co8<an3 in Ra:=a31 Ne= &erse3 =:ere :is
cron31 *all Street raider Nic:olas !rad3 0later !us:7s Secretar3 of t:e Treasur34 =as t:e
c:air8an? !us: also Boined t:e board of Eli Lill3 N Co?1 a >er3 lar9e and >er3 sinister
<:ar8aceutical co8<an3? T:e t:ird board !us: Boined =as t:at of TeEas Gulf Inc? !us:7s
total 12.. ra;eoff fro8 t:e four co8<anies =it: =:ic: :e =as in>ol>ed =as I11$15551
accordin9 to !us:7s 12.. taE return?
,urin9 t:is ti8e1 !us: beca8e a director of !a3lor Medical Colle9e1 a trustee of Trinit3
Medical Colle9e in San Antonio1 and a trustee of %:ili<s Acade83 in Ando>er? He =as also
listed as an adBunct <rofessor at Rice Uni>ersit3?
!us: also found ti8e line :is <oc;ets in a series of :i9:-3ield deals t:at be9in to 9i>e us
so8e fla>or of =:at =ould later be described as t:e Ffinancial eEcesses of t:e 12/57sF in
=:ic: !us:7s circle =as to <la3 a decisi>e role?
A t3<ical !us: >enture of t:is <eriod =as %onderosa orest A<art8ents1 a :i9:l3
re8unerati>e s<eculati>e <la3 in real estate? %onderosa bou9:t u< a 1/5-unit a<art8ent
co8<leE near Houston t:at =as in financial trouble1 9entrified t:e interiors1 and :i;ed t:e
rents? Horace T? Ardin9er1 a ,allas real estate 8an =:o =as a8on9 !us:7s <artners in t:is
deal described t:e transaction as Fa 9ood taE 9i88ic;???and a t3<ical TeEas Boint >enture
offerin9?F Accordin9 to !us:7s taE returns fro8 12.. t:rou9: 12/+1 t:e %onderosa
<artners:i< accrued to !us: a <a<er loss of I$$+11-5 =:ic: allo=ed :i8 to a>oid <a38ent
of so8e I1551555 in federal taEes alone1 <lus a direct <rofit of o>er I1)1555 and a ca<ital
9ain of I$1.1$./? T:is t3<e of =indfall re<resents <recisel3 t:e for8 of real estate s=indle
t:at contributed to t:e TeEas real estate and ban;in9 crisis of t:e 8id-12/57s? T:e deal
illustrates one of t:e i8<ortant =a3s in =:ic: t:e federal taE base :as been eroded t:rou9:
real estate sca8s? *e also see =:3 it is no sur<rise t:at t:e one fiscal inno>ation =:ic: :as
earned !us:7s sustained attention is t:e idea of a reduction in t:e ca<ital 9ains taE to allo=
t:ose =:o en9a9e in s=indles li;e t:ese to <a3 an e>en s8aller federal taE bite? It is also
t3<ical of t:e !us: st3le t:at red M? Jeder1 t:e <ro8oter of t:e %onderosa deal1 =as 8ade
US A8bassador to t:e Mars:all Island in t:e Sout: %acific b3 t:e !us: Ad8inistration
after :e :ad contributed o>er I'51555 to !us:7s 12// ca8<ai9n?
In 12./1 !us: cron3 and cabinet 8e8ber Robert Mosbac:er1 a >eteran of t:e Lietdt;e-
CREE% 8one3 transfers1 de>ised a sc:e8e to set u< a <artners:i< to bu3 so8e s8all bar9es
to trans<ort <etroleu8 <roducts? !us: in>ested I+51555 in t:is deal1 =:ic: :ad netted :i8
so8e I11+1'.' in inco8e b3 12//1 =:en !us:7s s:are :ad increased in >alue to I-51555? In
12// it =as forecast t:at t:is in>est8ent =ould continue to <a3 I$51555 <er 3ear for t:e
foreseeable future? &a8es !a;er III also san; I+51555 into t:is deal1 and :as been re=arded
b3 si8ilar :andso8e <a3offs? Mosbac:er co88ented t:at t:is bar9e ca<er :ad turned out to
be a F>er31 >er3 9ood in>est8ent?F
!ut !us:7s 8ain <reoccu<ation durin9 t:ese 3ears =as to asse8ble a <olitical 8ac:ine =it:
=:ic: :e could blud9eon :is =a3 to <o=er? After :is nu8erous frustrations of t:e <ast1
!us: =as resol>ed to or9aniAe a ca8<ai9n t:at =ould 9o far be3ond t:e innocuous eEercise
of a<<ealin9 for citiAens7 >otes? If suc: a 8ac:ine =ere actuall3 to succeed in seiAin9 <o=er
in *as:in9ton1 tendencies to=ards t:e edification of an aut:oritarian <olice state =it:
8ar;ed totalitarian tendencies =ould ine>itabl3 increase?
!ut first let us re>ie= so8e of !us:7s <ublic acti>ities durin9 t:e <re-ca8<ai9n interlude? In
A<ril1 12./ !us: a<<eared alon9 =it: E? Henr3 #noc:e and *illia8 Colb3 at Senate
:earin9s on <ro<osed le9islation to 8odif3 t:e 8et:ods b3 =:ic: Con9ress eEercised
o>ersi9:t of t:e intelli9ence a9encies? T:e bill bein9 discussed :ad a <ro>ision to outla=
assassinations of forei9n officials and to <unis: >iolations =it: life in <rison? T:e 8easure
=ould also :a>e <ro:ibited co>ert o<erations in>ol>in9 Ftorture1F Ft:e creation of e<ide8ics
of diseases1F and Ft:e creation of food or =ater s:orta9es or floods?F !us: and #noc:e bot:
obBected to t:e ban on assassinations 0=:ic: Colb3 acce<ted41 and bot: =ere critical of t:e
entire bill? #noc:e said :is fear =as t:at if enacted t:e bill 8i9:t create Fa =eb =o>en so
ti9:t around t:e a>era9e intelli9ence officer t:at 3ou7re 9oin9 to deaden :is creati>it3?F
!us: denounced t:e Senate bill for its FeEcessi>eF re<ortin9 re@uire8ents? FT:e Con9ress
s:ould be infor8ed1 full3 infor8ed1 but it ou9:t not to 8icro-8ana9e t:e intelli9ence
business1F <rotested !us:? He =as es<eciall3 indi9nant about a <ro>ision t:at =ould :a>e
re@uired notification of t:e House and Senate o>ersi9:t co88ittees e>er3 ti8e a US
intelli9ence a9enc3 =anted to sti<ulate an a9ree8ent =it: a forei9n intelli9ence a9enc31 or
do8estic securit3 ser>ice? FI don7t belie>e t:at ;ind of inti8ate disclosure is essential1F said
!us:? !us: =as con>inced t:at Fso8e US sources are dr3in9 u< because forei9n ser>ices
don7t belie>e t:e US Con9ress can ;ee< secrets?F T:is1 fro8 t:e 8an =:o :ad lea;ed t:e
Tea8 ! re<ort to t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es1 and t:en :ad 9one on tele>ision to sa3 t:at :e =as
!us: ur9ed t:e senators to dro< lan9ua9e in t:e bill t:at =ould :a>e se>ered t:e ,CI <ost
fro8 t:e CIA? !us: =arned >e:e8entl3 t:at an intelli9ence cAar sittin9 in t:e *:ite House
Fand se<arated fro8 :is CIA troo<s???=ould be >irtuall3 isolated? He needs t:e CIA as :is
<rinci<al source of su<<ort to be 8ost effecti>e? And t:e CIA needs its :ead to be t:e c:ief
forei9n intelli9ence ad>iser to t:e <resident?F Gfn 'H
A fe= 8ont:s later :e <artici<ated in a sin9ular round table or9aniAed b3 t:e *as:in9ton
Luarterl3 of t:e Geor9eto=n Center for Strate9ic and International Studies =it: none ot:er
t:an Mic:ael Ledeen as 8oderator? 0Ledeen1 =:o >aunted inti8ate connections to Israeli
intelli9ence1 =as later one of t:e central fi9ures in t:e 8id-12/57s acceleration of US ar8s
s:i<8ents to Iran?4 In t:is round table1 !us: =as Boined b3 for8er ,CIs Ric:ard Hel8s and
*illia8 Colb3 as =ell as b3 Ra3 Cline?
Accordin9 to !us: t:ere =as Fan underl3in9 feelin9 on t:e <art of t:e A8erican <eo<le
t:at =e 8ust :a>e clandestine ser>ices?F Abo>e all :e re9retted Ft:at so8e of t:e t:rust of
t:e le9islation before t:e Hill is still flo99in9 CIA for so8et:in9 t:at =as lon9 corrected1 or
t:at ne>er :a<<ened?F E>en Holl3=ood =as a9ainst t:e CIA1 !us: t:ou9:t1 Fand 3ou 9et
8o>ies and tele>ision <ro9ra8s and it :as a >er3 sinister ;ind of <ro<a9andistic o>ertone?F
Here !us: =anted to defend :is o=n record" FI7ll 9i>e 3ou one eEa8<le t:at :a<<ened on
83 =atc:" One of t:ese rat:er ribald 8a9aAines described a <ur<orted destabiliAation effort
a9ainst G%ri8e Minister Mic:aelH Manle3 in &a8iaca?F F!ut1F said !us: =it: t:at self-
ri9:teous =:ine1 Fit ne>er :a<<ened? T:ere =asn7t an3 trut: in it?F
An i8<ortant @uestion ca8e fro8 Ledeen" FIs t:e a9enc3 <enetratedDF !us: =as read3 to
ad8it t:at it 8i9:t be" FNobod3 is sa3in9 t:at t:ere7s not:in9?F FHo= about double a9entsDF
Ledeen =anted to ;no=? F*ell1 ob>iousl3 =e7>e :ad double a9ents but t:at7s not officers of
t:e a9enc31F =as !us:7s a8bi9uous re<l3? !us: =ent on"
T:e 9reat So>iet a9ents =ere recruited =:en t:e So>iet re<resented so8et:in9 ideolo9icall3?
*:en t:e3 re<resented antifascis8? T:at7s =:en t:e3 9ot <eo<le li;e %:ilb3? !ut t:e fact is t:at
=e7>e Bust =ent GsicH t:rou9: a <eriod in =:ic: =e :ad :undreds of t:ousands of our 3oun9 <eo<le
out screa8in9 a9ainst t:eir 9o>ern8ent? No= t:e3 =ere totall3 o<<osed to t:eir 9o>ern8ent1 but
t:e3 =eren7t <ro-So>iet?
!us: and Cline Boined to <raise t:e Fbeni9n co>ert <olitical actionF of t:e 12)57s and 12+57s
b3 =:ic: t:e CIA sent US intellectuals to Euro<e to tal; to t:e Euro<eans? F*e essentiall3
=on t:at ideolo9ical battle1F said !us:?Gfn )H
*:en Carter and !rAeAins;i <la3ed t:eir treac:erous C:ina card in ,ece8ber1 12./1 !us:
=as @uic;1 des<ite :is o=n 8iserable record on t:is issue1 to launc: a <re-election attac; on
Carter =it: an o<-ed in t:e *as:in9ton %ost? !us: :ar;ened bac; to t:e da3 in ,ece8ber1
12.+ 0alt:ou9: !us: =rote October4 =:en :e1 ord1 and #issin9er :ad sat do=n =it:
C:air8an Mao? ro8 Mao7s re8ar;s t:at da31 !us: sa3s1 it =as clear t:at Red C:ina =as
obsessed =it: t:e So>iet t:reat1 and =as =illin9 to =ait indefinitel3 for C:ina to be
reunited =it: Tai=an? No= Carter :ad bro;en di<lo8atic relations =it: Tai=an1 be9un t:e
<ullout of US forces1 abro9ated t:e US-Tai=an securit3 treat31 and =as =indin9 do=n ar8s
assistance to Tai=an? !us: =as t:e 8an =:o :ad <resided o>er t:e eBection of t:e Re<ublic
of C:ina fro8 t:e UN? It =as a c:ea< s:ot for :i8 to @uote %eter !er9er about t:e
<ri8ae>al <rinci<le of 8oralit3 t:at Fone 8ust not deli>er one7s friends to t:eir ene8ies?F
After !us:7s su<<ort for ,en9 Miao-<in9 after t:e 12/2 Tein An Men 8assacre1 t:e
:3<ocris3 is e>en 8ore ob>ious?
!ut !us: :ad so8e ot:er <oints to 8a;e a9ainst Carter? One =as t:at =:en Fblac;
8oderates in R:odesia arran9ed =it: %ri8e Minister Ian S8it: for t:e transfer of <o=er
and free elections1 =e G8eanin9 CarterH t:re= in our lot =it: MarEist radicals?F
T:en t:ere =as t:e Middle East1 =:ere Ft:e Israelis announced t:at t:e3 =ere <re<ared to
acce<t a final <lan drafted =it: A8erican :el<? !ut =:en E93<t raised t:e ante1 =e
8odified our <osition to acce<t t:e ne= E93<tian <ro<osals1 and =:en t:e Israelis refused
to 9o alon91 =e <ublicl3 ;ic;ed t:e8 in t:e s:ins?F E>en t:e Carter of Ca8< ,a>id1 =:o
s<lit t:e Arab front =it: a se<arate <eace bet=een Israel and E93<t1 =as not Jionist enou9:
for !us:?
A<art fro8 t:ese <ublic <ronounce8ents1 !us: =as at =or; asse8blin9 a ca8<ai9n
One of t:e central fi9ures of t:e !us: effort =ould be &a8es !a;er III1 !us:7s friend of ten
3ears7 standin9? !a;er7s <o=er base deri>ed first of all fro8 :is fa8il37s Houston la= fir81
!a;er N !otts1 =:ic: =as founded Bust after t:e end of t:e Ci>il *ar b3 defeated <artiAans
of t:e Confederate cause? &ud9e %eter Gra3 and *alter !ro=ne !otts establis:ed a la=
<artners:i< in 1/--1 and t:is beca8e !a;er N !otts durin9 t:e 1/.57s =:en &a8es !a;er
0t:e 9reat-9randfat:er of !us:7s Secretar3 of State4 Boined t:e fir8?
!a;er N !otts founder %eter Gra3 :ad been Assistant Treasurer of t:e Confederate States of
A8erica and financial su<er>isor of t:e CSA7s FTrans-Mississi<<i ,e<art8ent?F Gra31
actin9 on orders of Confederate Secretar3 of State Robert Too8bs1 financed t:e sub>ersi>e
=or; of Confederate 9eneral Albert %i;e a8on9 t:e Indian tribes of t:e sout:=est? T:e
close of t:e =ar in 1/-+ :ad found %i;e :idin9 in Canada1 and Too8bs in eEile in En9land?
%i;e =as eEcluded fro8 t:e 9eneral US a8nest3 for rebels because :e =as t:ou9:t to :a>e
induced Indians to co88it 8assacres and =ar cri8es?
%i;e and Too8bs re-establis:ed t:e FSout:ern &urisdictionF of t:e Scottis: Rite of
ree8asonr31 of =:ic: %i;e :ad been t:e leader in t:e sla>e states before t:e =ar of t:e
rebellion? %i;e7s de<ut31 one %:illi< C? Tuc;er1 returned fro8 Scottis: Rite indoctrination in
Great !ritain to set u< a Scottis: rite lod9e in Houston in t:e s<rin9 of 1/-.? Tuc;er
desi9nated *alter !ro=ne !otts and :is relati>e !enBa8in !otts as t:e leaders of t:is ne=
Scottis: Rite lod9e? Gfn +H
T:e <olic3 of t:e Scottis: Rite =as to re9rou< unreconstructed Confederates to secure t:e
disenfranc:ise8ent of blac; citiAens and to <ro8ote An9lo<:ile do8ination of finance and
business? !3 t:e be9innin9 of t:e t=entiet: centur31 t:ere =re t=o 9reat <o=ers do8inatin9
TeEas" on t:e one :and1 t:e railroad e8<ire of E?H? Harri8an1 ser>ed b3 t:e la= fir8 of
!a;er N !ottsC and on t:e ot:er1 t:e !ritis:-trained <olitical o<erati>e Colonel Ed=ard M?
House1 t:e controller of %resident *oodro= *ilson? T:e close relation bet=een !a;er N
!otts and t:e Harri8an interests :as re8ained in <lace do=n to t:e <resent? And since t:e
ti8e t:at Ca<tain !a;er founded t:e TeEas Co88erce !an;1 t:e !a;er fa8il3 :as :el<ed
t:e London-Ne= (or; aEis run t:e TeEas ban;in9 s3ste8?
In 12511 t:e disco>er3 of lar9e oil de<osits in TeEas offered 9reat <ro8ise for t:e future
econo8ic de>elo<8ent of t:e state1 but also attracted t:e An9lo-A8erican oil cartel? T:e
!a;er fa8il3 la= fir8 in TeEas1 li;e t:e !us: and ,ulles fa8ilies in Ne= (or;1 =as
ali9ned =it: t:e Harri8an-Roc;efeller cartel? Robert S? Lo>ett1 a !a;er N !otts <artner
fro8 1//$ on1 later beca8e t:e c:air8an of Harri8an7s Union %acific Railroad and c:ief
counsel to E?H? Harri8an? T:e !a;ers =ere <ro8inent in su<<ortin9 eu9enics and uto<ian-
feudalist social en9ineerin9?
Ca<tain &a8es A? !a;er1 so t:e stor3 9oes1 t:e 9randfat:er of t:e current boss of o993
!otto81 sol>ed t:e 8urder of :is client *illia8 Mars: Rice and too; control of Rice7s :u9e
estate? !a;er used t:e 8one3 to start Rice Uni>ersit3 and beca8e t:e c:air8an of t:e
sc:ool7s board of trustees? !a;er sou9:t to create a center of diffusion of racist eu9enics1
and for t:is <ur<ose brou9:t in &ulian HuEle3 of t:e infa8ous !ritis: oli9arc:ical fa8il3 to
found t:e biolo93 <ro9ra8 at Rice startin9 in 121$? Gfn -H HuEle3 =as t:e >ice <resident of
t:e !ritis: Eu9enics Societ3 and actuall3 :el<ed to or9aniAe Frace scienceF <ro9ra8s for
t:e NaAi Interior Ministr31 before beco8in9 t:e foundin9 ,irector General of UNESCO in
&a8es A? !a;er III =as born A<ril $/1 12'51 in t:e fourt: 9eneration of :is fa8il37s =ealt:?
!a;er :oldin9s :a>e included EEEon1 Mobil1 Atlantic Ric:field1 Standard Oil of California1
Standard Oil of Indiana1 #err-McGee1 Merc;1 and ree<ort Minerals? !a;er also :eld stoc;
in so8e lar9e Ne= (or; ban;s durin9 t:e ti8e t:at :e =as ne9otiatin9 t:e Latin A8erican
debt crisis in :is ca<acit3 as Secretar3 of t:e Treasur3? Gfn .H
!a;er 9re= u< in <atrician surroundin9s? His social <rofile :as been described as FTeE-
<re<?F Li;e :is fat:er1 &a8es III attended t:e Hill Sc:ool near %:iladel<:ia1 and t:en =ent
on to %rinceton1 =:ere :e =as a 8e8ber of I>3 Club1 a traditional <reser>e of Eastern
An9lo<:ile Liberal Establis:8ent oli9arc:s? Nanc3 Rea9an =as enc:anted b3 !a;er7s
sartorial ele9ance and s8oot: sa>oir-faire? Nanc3 li;ed !a;er far 8ore t:an s:e e>er did
!us:1 and t:is =as a ;e3 ad>anta9e for !us:-!a;er durin9 t:e factional stru99les of t:e
Rea9an 3ears?
!a;er N !otts 8aintains an Fanti-ne<otis8F <olic31 so &a8es III beca8e a boss of
Houston7s Andre=s1 #urt:1 Ca8<bell1 N &ones la= fir81 a satellite of !a;er N !otts?
!a;er7s relation to !us: eEtends across bot: la= fir8s" in 12..1 !a;er N !otts <artner
!laine #err beca8e <resident of %ennAoil1 and in 12.21 !a;er N !otts <artner !? &? Mac;in
beca8e c:air8an of Ja<ata Cor<oration? !a;er N !otts :a>e al=a3s re<resented Ja<ata1
and are often listed as counsel for Sc:lu8ber9er1 t:e oil ser>ices fir8? &a8es !a;er and :is
Andre=s1 #urt: <artners =ere t:e Houston attorne3s for irst International !an; of
Houston =:en Geor9e !us: =as c:air8an of t:e ban;7s eEecuti>e co88ittee?
,urin9 t:e 12/5 ca8<ai9n1 !a;er beca8e t:e c:air8an of t:e Rea9an-!us: ca8<ai9n
co88ittee1 =:ile fello= TeEan !ob Strauss =as c:air8an of t:e Carter-Mondale ca8<ai9n?
!ut !a;er and Strauss =ere at t:e >er3 sa8e ti8e business <artners in Her8an !rot:ers1
one of A8erica7s lar9est beer distributors? !us: ,e8ocrat Strauss later =ent to Mosco= as
!us:7s a8bassador to t:e USSR and later1 to Russia?
In 12251 t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es offered a co8<arison of !us: and !a;er1 and sou9:t to
con>e3 t:e i8<ression t:at !a;er =as t:e far 8ore de>ious of t:e duo"
*:en 3ou sit across fro8 t:e %resident1 it is li;e :oldin9 an M-ra3 <late u< to t:e li9:t? (ou can
see if :e feels defensi>e or anno3ed or a8used? He is often distracted1 to3in9 =it: so8et:in9 on
:is des;? His t:ou9:ts start and sto< and start a9ain1 as t:ou9: :e :ad call-=aitin9 in :is brain?
T:ere is a s<ontaneit3 and =ar8t: about :i8?
*:en 3ou sit across fro8 !a;er1 it is li;e loo;in9 at a len9t: of blac; sil;? T:ere is a stillness1
as !a;er :olds 3ou loc;ed in :is 9aAe and Sout:ern co8fort >oice1 occasionall3 flas:in9 a rat:er
=intr3 s8ile???He :as a co8<ellin9 <resence1 but :e is suc: a foE t:at 3ou feel t:e i8<ulse to
c:ec; 3our =allet =:en 3ou lea>e :is office? Gfn /H
Anot:er leadin9 !us: su<<orter =as Ra3 Cline? ,urin9 12.2 it =as Ra3 Cline =:o :ad
9one >irtuall3 <ublic =it: a loose and infor8al but :i9:l3 effecti>e ca8<ai9n net=or;
8ainl3 co8<osed of for8er intelli9ence officers? Cline :ad been t:e CIA Station C:ief in
Tai=an fro8 12+/ to 12-$? He :ad been ,e<ut3 ,irector of Central Intelli9ence fro8 12-$
to 12--1 and :ad t:en 9one on to direct t:e intelli9ence 9at:erin9 o<eration at t:e State
,e<art8ent? Cline beca8e a de facto *:ite House official durin9 t:e first !us:
Ad8inistration1 and =rote t:e *:ite House boiler <late entitled FNational Securit3 Strate93
of t:e United StatesF under =:ic: t:e Gulf =ar =as carried out?
Cline later said t:at :is a<<roac: to !us:7s 12.2-/5 <ri8ar3 ca8<ai9n =as to For9aniAe
so8et:in9 li;e one of 83 old CIA staffs?F FI found t:ere =as a tre8endous constituenc3 for
t:e CIA =:en e>er3one in *as:in9ton =as still urinatin9 all o>er it1F co88ented Cline to
t:e *as:in9ton %ost of Marc: 11 12/5? FIt7s <anned out al8ost too 9ood to be true? T:e
countr3 is =a;in9 u< Bust in ti8e for Geor9e7s candidac3?F
Headin9 u< t:e !us: ca8<ai9n 8uc;-ra;in9 Fresearc:F staff =as Stefan Hal<er1 Ra3
Cline7s son in la= and a for8er official of t:e NiEon *:ite House?
A 8e8ber of Hal<er7s staff =as a CIA >eteran na8ed Robert Ga8bino? Ga8bino :ad :eld
t:e sensiti>e <ost of director of t:e CIA7s Office of Securit3? It =ill be recalled t:at t:e
Office of Securit3 constitutes t:e interface bet=een Lan9le3 and state and local <olice
de<art8ents all across t:e United States =it: =:o8 it 8ust coo<erate to <rotect t:e securit3
of CIA buildin9s and CIA <ersonnel1 as for eEa8<le in cases in =:ic: t:ese latter 8a3 run
afoul of t:e la=? T:e Office of Securit3 is re<uted to <ossess eEtensi>e files on t:e do8estic
acti>ities of A8erican citiAens? ,a>id Aaron1 !rAeAins;i7s de<ut3 at t:e Carter National
Securit3 Council1 recalled t:at so8e :i9: Carter officials =ere Fu<setF t:at Ga8bino :ad
9one to =or; for t:e !us: ca8<? Accordin9 to Aaron1 Fse>eral GCIAH <eo<le too; earl3
retire8ent and =ent to =or; for !us:7s so-called securit3 staff? T:e t:in9 t:at u<set us1 =as
t:at a 9u3 =:o :as been :ead of securit3 for t:e CIA :as been <ri>3 to a lot of dossiers1 and
t:e <ossibilit3 of abuse =as @uite :i9:1 alt:ou9: =e ne>er :eard of an3 occasion =:en
Ga8bino called so8eone u< and forced t:e8 to do so8et:in9 for t:e ca8<ai9n?F Gfn 2H
Ot:er :i9:-le>el s<oo;s acti>e in t:e !us: ca8<ai9n included Lt? General Sa8 6? *ilson
and Lt? General Harold A? Aaron1 bot: for8er directors of t:e ,efense Intelli9ence A9enc3?
Anot:er ent:usiastic !us:8an =as retired General Ric:ard Still=ell1 for8erl3 t:e CIA7s
C:ief of Co>ert O<erations for t:e ar East? T:e for8er ,e<ut3 ,irector for O<erations
T:eodore S:ac;le3 =as also on board1 re<ortedl3 as a s<eec:=riter1 but 8ore li;el3 for
so8e=:at :ea>ier =or;?
Accordin9 to one esti8ate1 at least $+ for8er intelli9ence officials =or;ed directl3 for t:e
!us: ca8<ai9n? As !ill %eterson of t:e *as:in9ton %ost =rote on Marc: 11 12/51 FSi8<l3
<ut1 no <residential ca8<ai9n in recent 8e8or3--<er:a<s e>er--:as attracted as 8uc:
su<<ort fro8 t:e intelli9ence co88unit3 as t:e ca8<ai9n of for8er CIA ,irector Geor9e
urt:er intelli9ence >eterans a8on9 t:e !us:8en =ere ,aniel C? Arnold1 t:e for8er CIA
Station c:ief in !an9;o;1 T:ailand1 =:o retired earl3 to Boin t:e ca8<ai9n durin9 12.2?
Harr3 *ebster1 a for8er clandestine a9ent1 beca8e a 8e8ber of !us:7s <aid staff for t:e
lorida <ri8ar3? CIA >eteran !ruce Rounds =as !us:7s Fdirector of o<erationsF durin9 t:e
;e3 Ne= Ha8<s:ire <ri8ar3? Also on board =it: t:e !us:8en =as &on R? T:o8as1 a
for8er clandestine o<erati>e =:o :ad been listed as a State ,e<art8ent official durin9 a
tour of dut3 in S<ain1 and =:o later =or;ed on terroris8 and dru9 traffic;in9 at t:e State
,e<arte8ent? Andre= al;ie=icA1 t:e for8er s<o;es8an of t:e CIA in Lan9le31 attended
so8e of !us:7s <re-ca8<ai9n brainstor8in9 sessions as a consultant on forei9n <olic3
8atters? Accordin9 to an unna8ed for8er CIA de<ut3 director for intelli9ence =:o
alle9edl3 tal;ed to Rollin9 Stone 8a9aAine in Marc:1 12/51 Ft:e !us: ca8<ai9n is1 I t:in;1
e8barrassed b3 all t:e craA3 s<oo;s runnin9 around tr3in9 to :el< t:e8?F Anot:er retired
to< s<oo; told t:e *as:in9ton %ost t:at Ft:ere is a >er3 :i9: le>el of su<<ort for Geor9e
!us: a8on9 current and for8er CIA e8<lo3ees?F
So8e =orried t:at all t:is intelli9ence co88unit3 su<<ort 8i9:t :a>e da8a9in9 b3-
<roducts for !us:? FI can see t:e :eadlines Gno=H1F said one for8er clandestine officer
durin9 t:e <ri8aries" F!USH S%RIN#LES CAM%AIGN *ITH ORMER S%OO#S?F
One leadin9 bastion of t:e !us:8en =as <redictabl3 ,a>id Atlee %:ili<7s AIO1 t:e
Association of or8er Intelli9ence Officers? &ac; Coa;le3 =as a for8er director and !us:7s
ca8<ai9n coordinator for 6ir9inia? He certified t:at at t:e AIO annual 8eetin9 in t:e fall
of 12.21 :e counted 125 F!us: for %residentF buttons a8on9 $)5 dele9ates to t:e
con>ention? Gfn 15H
,urin9 t:e course of t:e 12/) ,ebate9ate in>esti9ation1 a nu8ber of !us: ca8<ai9n
acti>ists =ere de<ositioned about <ossible abuses in t:e course of t:is ca8<ai9n? Most
re>ealin9 =as t:e s=orn state8ent of An9elo Code>illa1 a for8er na>al intelli9ence officer
=:o =as a fiEture for a nu8ber of 3ears on t:e staff of t:e Senate Intelli9ence Co88ittee?
Under @uestionin9 b3 &o:n itA9erald1 =:o =as actin9 as counsel for t:e House
subco88ittee c:aired b3 Re<? ,on Albosta1 Code>illa res<onded"
I a8 a=are t:at acti>e dut3 a9ents of t:e Central Intelli9ence A9enc3 =or;ed for t:e Geor9e !us:
<ri8ar3 ca8<ai9n? Ho=e>er1 I cannot no= re8e8ber so8e of t:ese <ersons and I a8 not at
libert3 to identif3 ot:ers b3 na8es or <ositions because to do so =ould co8<ro8ise t:eir co>er?
Gfn 11H
!ut before si9nin9 t:is as an affida>it1 Code>illa crossed out Fa8 a=areF to F:a>e :eardF in
t:e first sentence? In t:e second sentence1 :e cancelled Fidentif3 ot:ersF and <ut in Fdiscuss
t:ese ru8ors?F Acti>e intelli9ence co88unit3 officers =:o 8i9:t :a>e =or;ed for t:e !us:
ca8<ai9n =:ile still dra=in9 t:eir federal <a3roll c:ec;s =ere li;el3 to :a>e been in
>iolation t:e Hatc: Act1 =:ic: <ro:ibits federal e8<lo3ees fro8 en9a9in9 in <artisan
<olitical acti>it3?
!a;er =as t:e ob>ious c:oice to be !us:7s ca8<ai9n 8ana9er? He :ad ser>ed !us: in t:is
function in t:e failed senate ca8<ai9n of 12.5? ,urin9 t:e ord 3ears1 !a;er :ad ad>anced
to beco8e ,e<ut3 Secretar3 of Co88erce? !a;er :ad been t:e 8ana9er of ord7s failed
12.- ca8<ai9n? !rin9in9 !a;er into t:e !us: ca8<ai9n 8eant t:at :e could brin9 =it:
:i8 8an3 of t:e ord <olitical o<erati>es and 8uc: of t:e ord <olitical a<<aratus and
>olunteers in a nu8ber of states? In t:e 12./1 !a;er :ad atte8<ted to 9et :i8self elected
attorne3 9eneral of TeEas1 but :ad been defeated? ,a>id #eene =as <olitical ad>isor? As
al=a3s1 no !us: ca8<ai9n =ould be co8<lete =it:out Robert Mosbac:er :eadin9 u< t:e
national finance o<eration? Mosbac:er7s eE<erience1 as =e :a>e seen1 reac:ed bac; to t:e
!ill Lietd;e con>e3ances to Maurice Stans of t:e CREE% in 12.$? Tea8in9 u< =it:
Mosbac:er =ere red !us: in Houston and &ac; Sloat in *as:in9ton?
*it: t:e :el< of !a;er and Mosbac:er1 !us: be9an to set u< <olitical ca8<ai9n co88ittees
t:at could be used to con>o3 @uasi-le9al Fsoft 8one3F into :is ca8<ai9n coffers? T:is is t:e
classic strata9e8 of settin9 u< <olitical action co88ittees t:at are re9istered =it: t:e
ederal Election Co88ission for t:e alle9ed <ur<ose of c:annelin9 funds into t:e
ca8<ai9ns of deser>in9 Re<ublican 0or ,e8ocratic4 candidates? In realit31 al8ost all of t:e
8one3 is used for t:e <residential candidate7s o=n staff1 office1 8ailin9s1 tra>el1 and related
eE<enses? !us:7s <rinci<al >e:icle for t:is t3<e of fundin9 =as called t:e und for Li8ited
Go>ern8ent? ,urin9 t:e first - 8ont:s of 12/.1 t:is 9rou< collected I221555 and s<ent
I)-15551 of =:ic: onl3 I$1+55 =ent to ot:er candidates? T:e rest =as in effect s<ent to
finance !us:7s ca8<ai9n <re<arations? !us: :ad a second %AC called t:e Con9ressional
Leaders:i< Co88ittee1 =it: Senator Ho=ard !a;er and Con9ress8an &o:n R:odes on t:e
board1 =:ic: did 8ana9e to dole out t:e <rincel3 su8 of I+55 to eac: of $1 GO% office-
T:e cas: for t:e und for Li8ited Go>ern8ent ca8e fro8 +) fat cat contributors1 :alf of
t:e8 in TeEas1 includin9 %ennAoil1 Ha99ar Slac;s1 McCor8ic; Oil and Gas1 Houston Oil
and Minerals1 and TeEas Instru8ents? Mone3 also ca8e in fro8 EEEon1 Mc,onnell-
,ou9las1 and Clairol cos8etics? Gfn 1$H
,es<ite t:e :a<<3 facade1 !us:7s ca8<ai9n staff =as <la9ued b3 tur8oil and 8orale
<roble8s1 leadin9 to a :i9: rate of turno>er in ;e3 <osts? One =:o :as sta3ed on all alon9
:as been &ennifer itA9erald1 a !ritis: =o8an born in 12'$ =:o :ad been =it: !us: since
at least !eiBin9? itA9erald later =or;ed in !us:7s >ice-<residential office1 first as
a<<oint8ents secretar31 and later as eEecuti>e assistant? Accordin9 to so8e *as:in9ton
=a9s1 s:e controlled access to !us: in t:e sa8e =a3 t:at Martin !or8ann controlled
access to Hitler? Accordin9 to Harr3 Hurt1 a8on9 for8er !us: staffers FitA9erald 9ets
>itu<erati>e re>ie=s? S:e :as been accused of bun9lin9 t:e 12/5 <residential ca8<ai9n b3
cancellin9 !us: a<<earances at factor3 sites in fa>or of lunc:eon club s<eec:es? Critics of
:er <erfor8ance sa3 s:e 8isre<resents staff sc:edulin9 re@uests and bloc;s access to :er
boss?F FA nu8ber of t:e >ice <resident7s close friends =orr3 t:at 7t:e &ennifer <roble87 --or
t:e a<<earance of one-- 8a3 ini:ibt !us:7s future <olitical career?
7T:ere7s Bust so8et:in9 about :er t:at 8a;es :i8 feel 9ood17 sa3s one trusted !us:
confidant? 7I don7t t:in; it7s seEual? I don7t ;no= =:at it is? !ut if !us: e>er runs for
<resident a9ain1 I t:in; :e7s 9oin9 to :a>e to 8a;e a c:an9e on t:at score?7F Gfn 1'H
!us: for8all3 announced :is <residential candidac3 on Ma3 11 12.2? One of !us:7s t:e8es
=as t:e idea of a FUnion of t:e En9lis:-S<ea;in9 %eo<les?F !us: =as as;ed later in :is
ca8<ai9n b3 a re<orter to elaborate on t:is? !us: stated at t:at ti8e t:at Ft:e !ritis: are t:e
best friend A8erica :as in t:e =orld toda3? I belie>e =e can benefit 9reatl3 fro8 8uc:
close collaboration in t:e econo8ic1 8ilitar31 and <olitical s<:eres? Sure I a8 an
An9lo<:ile? *e s:ould all be? !ritain :as ne>er done an3t:in9 bad to t:e United States?F Gfn
&ules *itco>er and &ac; Ger8ond1 t=o eE<erienced obser>ers of <residential ca8<ai9ns1
obser>ed t:at !us:7s =as t:e first ca8<ai9n in :istor3 to :a>e <ea;ed before it e>er started?
,urin9 t:e su88er of 12.21 !us: 9ra<<led =it: =:at :as since been called Ft:e 6ision
T:in9?F *:at could :e tell t:e >oters =:en :e =as as;ed =:3 :e =anted to be <residentD
,urin9 t:at su88er !us: in>ited eE<erts on >arious areas of <olic3 to co8e to
#ennebun;<ort and 9i>e :i8 t:e benefit of t:eir >ie=s? !us: 8et =it: t:ese eE<erts fro8
business1 acade8ia1 and 9o>ern8ent in se8inars t:ree da3s a =ee; fro8 2 to + o>er a
<eriod of siE =ee;s? Man3 =ere in>ited to t:e fa8il3 :ouse at *al;er7s %oint for lunc:?
In t:e e>enin9s t:ere =ere barbecues and coc;tails on t:e ocean front?
It is an indication of t:e eEtraordinar3 intellectual aridit3 of Geor9e !us: t:at t:ese blab
sessions <roduced al8ost no identifiable <olic3 ideas for !us:7s 12/5 ca8<ai9n? !us: :ad
=anted to a>oid t:e fate of Ted #enned3 :ad been =idel3 ridiculed =:en :e :ad <ro>en
unable to res<ond to t:e @uestion of =:3 :e =anted to be <resident? !ut !us: ne>er
de>elo<ed an ans=er to t:is @uestion eit:er?
Or1 8ore <recisel31 it =as t:e i8<erati>e to a>oid an3 identifiable idea content t:at e8er9ed
as !us:7s strate93? or1 Bust as 8uc: as Ronald Rea9an and &i883 Carter1 Geor9e !us: =as
one of t:e <ioneers of t:e :ollo=1 de8a9o9ic1 tele>ision-based ca8<ai9n st3le t:at :ad
beco8e do8inant durin9 t:e 12/57s1 9reasin9 t:e s;ids to <olitical atro<:3 and national
To9et:er =it: &a8es !a;er III1 al=a3s t:e idea 8an of t:e !us:-!a;er co8bo1 t:e !us:
ca8<ai9n studied &i883 Carter7s success stor3 of 12/5? T:e3 ;ne= t:e3 =ere startin9 =it:
a FGeor9e *:oDF1 >irtuall3 un;no=n to 8ost >oters? irst of all1 !us: =ould a<e t:e Carter
strate93 of s:o=in9 u< in Io=a and Ne= Ha8<s:ire earl3 and offer1 atte8<tin9 to in9ratiate
:i8self =it: t:e little <eo<le b3 assiduous culti>ation? !us: s<ent $. da3s in Io=a before
t:e caucuses t:ere1 and +) da3s in Ne= Ha8<s:ire?
,urin9 t:is <eriod1 !us: =as o>er:eard tellin9 a Ne= (or; Ti8es re<orter t:at :e didn7t
=ant to Fresist t:e Carter analo93?F !us: readil3 ad8itted t:at :e =as Fan elitist candidate?F
FIf Carter could do it =it: no credentials1 I can do it =it: fantastic credentials1F !us:
blurted out? He conceded t:at t:e fact t:at nobod3 ;ne= an3t:in9 about :is Ffantastic
credentialsF =as a little discoura9in9? F!ut t:e3 =illK T:e3 =illKF
T:an;s to Mosbac:er7s o<eration1 t:e !us: ca8<ai9n =ould ad>ance on a cus:ion of
8one3-- :e s<ent I1?' 8illion for t:e Illinois <ri8ar3 alone? T:e bi99est ite8 =ould be
8edia bu3s- abo>e all tele>ision? T:is ti8e !us: brou9:t in !alti8ore 8edia eE<ert Robert
Good8an1 =:o desi9ned a series of tele>ision s:orts t:at =ere described as Ffast- 8o>in91
ne=sfil8li;e <ortraits of an enere9tic1 d3ani8c !us: creatin9 eEcite8ent and 8o>in9
t:rou9: cro=ds1 =it: an u<beat 8usical trac; be:ind :i8? Eac: of t:e ad>ertise8ents used
a slo9an t:at atte8<ted to ca<italiAe on !us:7s eE<erience1 =:ile :ittin9 Carter7s =retc:ed
on-t:e-Bob <erfor8ance and Ronald Rea9an7s ineE<erience on t:e national scene" 7Geor9e
!us:17 t:e announcer intoned1 7a %resident =e =on7t :a>e to train?7F Gfn 1+H One of t:ese
s:orts s:o=ed !us: tal;in9 about inflation to a 9rou< of a<<ro>in9 factor3 =or;ers? In
anot:er1 !us: cli8bed out of a <ri>ate <lane at a s8all air<ort1 surrounded b3 su<<orters
=it: stra= :ats and <lacards and 3elled F*e7re 9oin9 all t:e =a3F to t:e acco8<ani8ent of
a<<lause and 8usic Good8an :o<ed =ould sound F<residential?F T:e ine>itable foota9e of
!us: 9ettin9 fis:ed out of t:e drin; off C:ic:i &i8a s:ootdo=n =as also aired?
Net=or; ca8era cre=s =ere offered re<eated c:ances to fil8 !us: =:ile :e =as Bo99in9?
T:is =as an obli@ue =a3 of <ointin9 out t:at Rea9an =ould be .5 3ears old b3 t:e be9inin9
of t:e <ri8ar3 season? FI78 u< for t:e 12/57s1F =as a fa>orite !us: @uote for inter>ie=s?
T:ere =ere no attac;s on Rea9anC indeed !us: =as see;in9 to co8e across as a 8oderate
conser>ati>e1 in order first to fend off t:e c:allen9e of Sen? Ho=ard !a;er1 =:o =as also
runnin91 and to 9ain on Rea9an?
In a rat:er sla>is: i8itation of t:e Carter >ictor3 scenario1 !us: also c:ose to i8itate =:at
:ad been called Carter7s FfuAAiness1F or un=illin9ness to sa3 an3t:in9 of substance about
issues? !us: =as t:e unabas:ed de8a9o9ue1 tellin9 ,iane Sa=3er of C!S =:en :e =ould
finall3 tal; about t:e issues" Fif t:e3 can s:o= 8e :o= it =ill 9et 8e 8ore >otes
so8e<lace1 I7ll be 9lad to do it?F
!us: tal;ed >a9uel3 about taE cuts to s<ur business and in>est8entC :e =as un:a<<3 about
t:e Fdecline in A8erica7s stature o>erseasF due to CarterC :e =as a9ainst eEcessi>e
9o>ern8ent re9ulation? Militar3 a99ression o>erseas :as ne>er been far belo= t:e surface
of !us:7s <s3c:eC in 12.2 :e tal;ed about t:e need to o>erco8e t:e <ost-6ietna8 9uilt
s3ndro8e? He =as1 :e <roclai8ed1 Fsic; and tired of :earin9 <eo<le a<olo9iAe for
A8erica?F !us: =as stri>in9 to a<<ear as si8ilar to Rea9an1 but 8ore 8oderate in
<ac;a9in91 3oun9er and 8ore d3na8ic1 and abo>e all1 a *inner?
!ut in t:e 8idst of !us:7s su88er1 12.2 <re<arations for :is <residential bid1 t:ere =as one
>er3 serious 8o8ent of <re<aration t:at addressed t:e so8e real issues1 albeit in a =a3
>irtuall3 in>isible fro8 t:e ca8<ai9n trail? T:is =as a conference !us: attended at t:e
&onat:an Institute in &erusale8 on &ul3 $-+? Instead of 8u99in9 for t:e tele>ision ca8eras
=:ile eatin9 :otdo9s on t:e ourt: of &ul3 at a <icnic in Io=a or Ne= Ha8<s:ire1 !us:
Bourne3ed to Israel for =:at =as billed as t:e &erusale8 Conference on International
T:e &onat:an Institute :ad been founded earlier t:e sa8e 3ear b3 !enBa8in Netan3a:u1 a
3oun9 craA3 of t:e Li;ud bloc;1 in 8e8or3 of :is brot:er &onat:an1 =:o :ad been ;illed
durin9 t:e Israeli raid on Entebbe in 12.-? T:e &onat:an Institute =as a se8i-co>ert
<ro<a9anda o<eration and could onl3 be defined as a branc: of t:e Israeli 9o>ern8ent? T:e
co88ittee s<onsorin9 t:is conference on terroris8 =as :eaded u< b3 %ri8e Minister
Menac:e8 !e9in1 follo=ed b3 Mos:e ,a3an and 8an3 ot:er <ro8inent Israeli <oliticians
and 9enerals?
T:e US dele9ation to t:e conference =as di>ided accordin9 to <artisan lines1 but =as
9enerall3 united b3 s38<at:3 for t:e ideas and outloo; of t:e !us:-C:erne Tea8 !? T:e
,e8ocratic dele9ation =as led b3 t:e late Senator Henr3 &ac;son of *as:in9ton? T:is
9rou< included ci>il ri9:ts leader !a3ard Rustin1 <lus Nor8an %od:oretA and Mid9e ,ecter
of Co88entar3 Ma9aAine1 t=o of t:e 8ost 8ilitant and influential Jionist
neoconser>ati>es? !en *attenber9 of t:e A8erican Enter<rise Institute =as also on :and?
Alt:ou9: t:e 9rou< t:at arri>ed =it: Scoo< &ac;son =ere su<<osedl3 ,e8ocrats1 8ost of
t:e8 =ould su<<ort Rea9an-!us: in t:e No>e8ber1 12/5 election?
T:en t:ere =as t:e GO% dele9ation1 =:ic: =as led b3 Geor9e !us:? Here =ere !us:
acti>ist Ra3 Cline1 MaBor General Geor9e #ee9an1 a stal=art su<<orter of Tea8 !1 and
%rofessor Ric:ard %i<es of Har>ard1 t:e leader of Tea8 !? Here =ere Senator &o:n
,anfort: of Missouri and !rian CroAier1 a Fterroris8 eE<ert?F %seudo-intellectual colu8nist
Geor9e *ill 0F*ill t:e S:illF4 =as also on :and1 as =as Ro8e-based Bournalist Claire
Sterlin91 =:o :ad been acti>e in co>erin9 u< t:e role of Henr3 #issin9er in t:e 12./
assassination of Italian %ri8e Minister Aldo Moro1 and =:o =ould later be blind to
indications of an An9lo-A8erican role in t:e atte8<ted assassination of %o<e &o:n %aul II?
International <artici<ation =as also notable" Annie #rie9el and &ac@ues Soustelle of rance1
Lord Alun C:alfont1 %aul &o:nson1 and Robert Moss of t:e United #in9do81 and 8an3
leadin9 Israelis?
T:e ;e3note state8ent =as 8ade b3 %ri8e Minister !e9in1 =:o told t:e <artici<ants t:at
t:e3 s:ould s<read t:rou9: t:e =orld t:e 8ain idea of t:e conference1 =:ic: =as t:at all
terroris8 in t:e =orld1 =:ate>er its ori9in1 is controlled b3 t:e So>iet Union? Ra3 Cline
8ade a 8aBor <resentation1 de>elo<in9 :is t:eor3 t:at terroris8 s:ould not be seen as a
s<ontaneous res<onse to o<<ression b3 frustrated 8inorities1 but rat:er onl3 as t:e <referred
tool of So>iet bloc sub>ersion? or Cline1 t:e 9reat =aters:ed =as an alle9ed 12-2 decision
b3 t:e %oliburo in Mosco= to use t:e %alestine Liberation Or9aniAation as t:e #re8lin7s
fift: colu8n in t:e Middle East1 and s<ecificall3 to subsidiAe %LO terrorist attac;s =it:
8one31 trainin91 and co88unications <ro>ided b3 t:e #G!? or Cline1 t:e %LO1 des<ite
t:e fact t:at it enBo3ed t:e su<<ort of t:e >ast 8aBorit3 of %alestinians1 =as 8erel3 a
s3nt:etic tool of So>iet intelli9ence? It =as a >er3 con>enient ar9u8ent for Jionist
Ric:ard %i<es t:en dre= on Russian :istor3 to illustrate t:e sin9ular t:esis t:at terroris8
=as a <roduct of Russian :istor31 and of no ot:er :istor3? FT:e roots of So>iet terroris81
indeed of 8odern terroris81F accordin9 to %i<es1 Fdate bac; to 1/.2???It 8ar;s t:e
be9innin9 of t:at or9aniAation =:ic: is t:e source of all 8odern terrorist 9rou<s1 =:et:er
t:e3 be na8ed t:e Tu<a8aros1 t:e !aader-Mein:of 9rou<1 t:e *eat:er8en1 Red !ri9ades
or %LO? I refer 3ou to t:e establis:8ent in 1/.2 of a Con9ress in t:e s8all Russian to=n of
Li<es;1 of an or9aniAation ;no=n as Narodna3a 6ol3a1 or t:e %eo<le7s *ill?F
T:ere is no doubt t:at t:e #G! and its east bloc satellite a9encies =ere 8assi>el3 in>ol>ed
in runnin9 terroris81 as for8er So>iet bloc arc:i>es o<ened after 12/2 definiti>el3 s:o=?
!ut is it reall3 true t:at terroris8 =as in>ented in Li<es; in 1/.2D And is terroris8 reall3
t:e absolute 8ono<ol3 of t:e #G!D ,id t:at include Menac:e8 !e9in1 =:o ble= u< t:e
#in9 ,a>id Hotel in &erusale8D ,id it include ot:er 8e8bers of t:e Ir9un and Stern
9an9sD E>er3one <resent see8s to :a>e found 9ood reasons for belie>in9 t:at t:e ludicrous
t:esis of t:e conference =as true? or t:e Israelis1 it =as a ne= reason not to ne9otiate =it:
t:e %LO1 =:o could be classed as So>iet terrorist <u<<ets? or t:e i88ediate needs of
!us:7s election-3ear de8a9o931 it =as an ar9u8ent t:at could be used a9ainst Carter7s
e@uall3 de8a9o9ic F:u8an ri9:tsF slo9aneerin9? More broadl31 it could be used to alle9e a
clear and <resent uni>ersal dan9er t:at 8ade it 8andator3 to close t:e boo; once and for all
on t:e old C:urc: co88ittee-%i;e co88itte 8entalit3? All t:e <artici<ants1 fro8 CIA1 MI-
-1 S,ECE1 Mossad1 and so on do=n t:e line could readil3 a9ree t:at onl3 t:e #G!1 and
ne>er t:e3 t:e8sel>es ran terroris8? Hardl3 e>er?
!e9in :ad been a terrorist :i8selfC Soustelle :ad been in t:e renc: OAS durin9 t:e
Al9erian =ar =:ere t:e S,ECE :ad co88itted 8onu8ental cri8es a9ainst :u8anit3C
!us: and Cline =ere 9odfat:ers of t:e Enter<riseC t:e Mossad =as re<uted to :a>e an a9ent
on t:e Abu Nidal central co88ittee1 and also eEercised influence o>er t:e Italian Red
!ri9adesC =:ile t:e c:a<s fro8 MI-- :ad t:e lon9est and bloodiest i8<erial records? !ut
Ian !lac; =rote in t:e &ersuale8 %ost =rote t:at Ft:e conference or9aniAers eE<ect t:e
e>ent to initiate a 8aBor anti-terrorist offensi>e?F In %aris1 t:e ri9:t-=in9 L7Aurore ran an
article under t:e :eadline FTouBours le #G!1F =:ic: <raised t:e conference for :a>in9
confir8ed t:at =:en it co8es to international terroris81 t:e So>iets <ull all t:e strin9s?
Gfn 1-H
T:ere =ere s;e<tics1 e>en in t:e US intelli9ence co88unit31 =:ere Ra3 Cline7s 8ono8ania
=as reco9niAed? At t:e 12/5 8eetin9 of AIO1 Cline =as criticiAed b3 Ho=ard !ane1 t:e
for8er CIA station c:ief in Mosco=1 =:o su99ested F*e7>e 9ot to 9et Cline off t:is
Mosco= control of terrorists? It7s di>isi>e? It7s not true? T:ere7s not one sin9le but of trut: to
it?F A retired CIA officer na8ed Harr3 RostiA;e <ut in" FIt7s t:at far- ri9:t stuff1 t:at7s all? It7s
Ne>ert:eless1 t:e absurd t:esis of t:e &erusale8 Conference =as soon re9ur9itated b3
se>eral ne= to< officials of t:e Rea9an Ad8inistration? In AleEander Hai97s first ne=s
conference as Secretar3 of State on &anuar3 $/1 12/11 Hai9 t:undered t:at t:e #re8lin =as
tr3in9 to Ffoster1 su<<ort1 and eE<andF terrorist acti>it3 =orld=ide t:rou9: t:e Ftrainin91
fundin91 and e@ui<<in9F of terrorist ar8ies? Hai9 8ade it official t:at Finternational
terroris8 =ill ta;e t:e <lace of :u8an ri9:tsF as t:e central international concern of t:e
Rea9an Ad8inistration? And t:at 8eant t:e #G!?
,urin9 12./ and 12.21 t:e Carter Ad8inistration deliberatel3 to<<led t:e S:a: of Iran1 and
deliberatel3 re<laced :i8 =it: #:o8eini? T:e US :ad s:i<<ed ar8s to t:e S:a:1 and ne>er
sto<<ed suc: s:i<8ents1 des<ite t:e ad>ent of #:o8eini and t:e ta;in9 of US :osta9es? T:e
continuit3 of t:e ar8s deli>eries1 so8eti8es 8ediated t:rou9: Israel1 =ould later lead into
t:e Iran-contra affair? In t:e 8eanti8e !us: and :is <artners in t:e Israeli Mossad :ad
sealed a <act and si9nalled it in <ublic =it: a ne= ideolo9ical s8o;e- screen t:at1 t:e3
:o<ed1 =ould co>er a ne= =orld-=ide u<sur9e in co>ert o<erations durin9 t:e 12/57s?
On No>e8ber '1 12.21 !us: bested Sen? Ho=ard !a;er in a Fbeaut3 contestF stra= <oll
ta;en at t:e Maine Re<ublican con>ention in %ortland? !us: =on b3 a <a<er-t:in 8ar9in of
$5 >otes out of 11''- cast1 and Maine =as reall3 :is :o8e state1 but t:e !ro=n !rot:ers1
Harri8an net=or;s at t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es deli>ered a front<a9e lead stor3 =it: a sub:ead
t:at read F!us: 9ainin9 stature as 7/5 contender?F
!us:7s bi99est lift of t:e 12/5 ca8<ai9n ca8e =:en :e =on a <luralit3 in t:e &anuar3 $1
Io=a caucuses1 narro=l3 bestin9 Rea9an1 =:o :ad not <ut an3 effort into t:e state? At t:is
<oint t:e !ro=n !rot:ers1 Harri8anOS;ull and !ones 8edia o<eration =ent into :i9: 9ear?
T:at sa8e ni9:t *alter Cron;ite told >ie=ers" FGeor9e !us: :as a<<arentl3 done =:at :e
:o<ed to do1 co8in9 out of t:e <ac; as t:e <rinci<al c:allen9er to front-runner Ronald
In t:e inter>al bet=een &anuar3 $1 and t:e Ne= Ha8<s:ire <ri8ar3 of ebruar3 $-1 t:e
Eastern Liberal Establis:8ent labored 8i9:til3 to <ut Geor9e !us: into <o=er as <resident
t:at sa8e 3ear? T:e <ress :3<e in fa>or of !us: =as o>er=:el8in9? Ne=s=ee;7s co>er
featured a :a<<3 and s8ilin9 !us: tal;in9 =it: :is su<<orters" F!USH !REA#S OUT O
THE %AC#1F =ent t:e :eadline? S8aller <icutres s:o=ed a sco=lin9 Senator !a;er and a
decidedl3 un-tele9enic Rea9an 9ri8acin9 before a 8icro<:one? T:e Ne=s=ee; re<orters
<la3ed u< !us:7s <lan to redo t:e Carter scri<t fro8 12.-1 and =ent on to assert t:at !us:7s
triu8<: in Io=a Fraised t:e serious <ossibilit3 t:at :e could acco8<lis: on t:e Re<ublican
side t:is 3ear =:at Carter did in 12.---<arla3 a =ell-tuned <ersonal a<<etite for on-t:e-
9round ca8<ai9nin9 into a Lon9 Marc: to :is <art37s %residential no8ination?F So =rote
t:e 8a9aAine controlled b3 t:e fa8il3 8one3 of !us:7s old business associate Eu9ene
Me3er1 and !us: =as a<<reciati>eC doubl3 so for t:e reference to :is old friend Mao?
Ti8e1 =:ic: :ad been founded b3 Henr3 Luce of S;ull and !ones1 s:o=ed a :u9e1
9rinnin9 !us: and a s8aller1 >er3 cross Rea9an1 :eadlined" F!USH SOARS?F T:e leadin9
<olls1 al=a3s doctored b3 t:e intelli9ence a9encies and ot:er interests1 s:o=ed a !us:
boo8" Lou Harris found t:at =:ereas Rea9an :ad led !us: into Io=a b3 '$-- nation=ide1
!us: :ad <ulled e>en =it: Rea9an at $.-$. =it:in $) :ours after t:e Io=a result :ad
beco8e ;no=n?
Sa>>3 Re<ublican o<erati>es =ere re<orted to be floc;in9 to t:e !us: band=a9on? E>en
seasoned obser>ers stuc; t:eir nec;s outC *itco>er and Ger8ond =rote in t:eir colu8n of
ebruar3 $$ t:at Fa rou9: consensus is ta;in9 s:a<e a8on9 8oderate Re<ublican
<oliticians t:at Geor9e !us: 8a3 ac:ie>e a co88andin9 <osition =it:in t:e neEt t:ree
=ee;s in t:e contest for t:e Re<ublican no8ination? And t:ose =it: unresol>ed
reser>ations about !us: are be9innin9 to =onder <ri>atel3 if it is e>en <ossible to ;ee< an
alternati>e <oliticall3 ali>e for t:e late <ri8aries?F
Robert Heal3 of t:e !oston Globe stuc; :is nec; out e>en furt:er for t:e neo-Harri8anite
cause =it: a forecast t:at Fe>en t:ou9: :e is still called leadin9 candidate in so8e <laces1
Rea9an does not loo; li;e :e7ll be on t:e %residential sta9e 8uc: lon9er?F It =as e>en
<ossible1 Heal3 9us:ed t:at !us: F=ill 9o t:rou9: 12/5???=it:out losin9 an i8<ortant
%residential <ri8ar3?F *illia8 Safire of t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es clai8ed t:at :is contacts =it:
Re<ublican insiders across t:e countr3 :ad 3ielded Fa 9ro=in9 sus<icion t:at Rea9an 8a3
once a9ain be b3<assed for t:e :istoric role???a 9eneral feelin9 t:at :e 8a3 be a 8an =:ose
cause 8a3 triu8<:1 but =:ose o=n ti8e 8a3 ne>er co8e?F Gfn 1.H
N!C7s !ro;a= started callin9 Rea9an t:e Ffor8er front-runner?F To8 %etit of t:e sa8e
net=or; =as 8ore direct" FI =ould li;e to su99est t:at Ronald Rea9an is <oliticall3 dead?F
Once a9ain t:e c:oice of <ictures 8ade !us: loo; 9ood1 Rea9an bad?
T:e Eastern Liberal establis:8ent :ad left no doubt =:o its darlin9 =as" !us:1 and not
Rea9an? In t:eir arro9ance1 t:e Ol38<ians :ad once a9ain co88itted t:e error of confusin9
t:eir collecti>e <atrician =:i8 =it: real <rocesses on9oin9 in t:e real =orld? T:e Ne=
Ha8<s:ire <ri8ar3 =as to <ro>e a de>astatin9 setbac; for !us:1 in s<ite of all t:e :3<e t:e
!us:8an net=or;s =ere able to cran; out? Ho= did it :a<<enD
Geor9e !us: =as of course a life-lon9 8e8ber of t:e S;ull and !ones secret societ3 of
(ale Uni>ersit31 t:rou9: =:ic: :e ad>anced to=ards t:e free8asonic u<<er reac:es of t:e
An9lo-A8erican establis:8ent1 to=ards t:ose eEalted circles of London1 Ne= (or;1 and
*as:in9ton in =:ic: t:e transatlantic destin3 of t:e self-st3led An9lo-SaEon 8aster race is
elaborated? T:e entrees <ro>ided b3 S;ull and !ones 8e8bers:i< =ould al=a3s be1 for
!us:1 t:e 8ost >ital ones? !ut1 in addition to suc: eEalted feudal brot:er:oods as S;ull and
!ones1 t:e An9lo-A8erican Establis:8ent also 8aintains a series of broader- based elite
or9aniAations =:ose function is to 8anifest t:e :e9e8onic An9lo-A8erican <olic3 line to
t:e broader la3ers of t:e establis:8ent1 includin9 bureaucrats1 business8en1 ban;ers1
Bournalists1 <rofessors1 and ot:er suc: assorted retainers and ste=ards of <o=er?
Geor9e !us: :ad t:us found it <olitic o>er t:e 3ears to beco8e a 8e8ber of t:e Ne= (or;
Council on orei9n Relations? !3 12.21 !us: =as a 8e8ber of t:e board of t:e CR1
=:ere :e sat neEt to :is old <atron Henr3 #issin9er? T:e %resident of t:e CR durin9 t:is
<eriod =as #issin9er clone *inston Lord of t:e traditional S;ull and !ones fa8il3?
Geor9e =as also a 8e8ber of t:e !o:e8ian Club of San rancisco1 =:ic: :ad been
founded b3 A8brose !ierce after t:e Ci>il *ar to cater to t:e Stanfords1 Huntin9tons1
Croc;ers1 Ho<;ins1 and t:e ot:er nou>eau-ric:e t3coons t:at :ad e8er9ed fro8 t:e 9old
rus:? T:e !o:e8ian Club 8ade a su88er outin9 e>er3 3ear to its ca8< at !o:e8ian
Gro>e1 a secluded1 $1.55 acre stand of 8aBestic red=oods about .+ 8iles fro8 San
rancisco? A si9n o>er t:e 9ate ad>ises" FS<iders *ea>e Not Here?F U< to 11-55 8e8bers1
=it: t:e occasional forei9n 9uest li;e Ger8an C:ancellor Hel8ut Sc:8idt1 9at:er in 8id-
su88er for free8asonic cere8onies featurin9 t:e ritual interr8ent of Fdull careF1 ca>ort in
=o8en7s <ant3 :ose in fe88e i8<ersonatuer t:eatricals1 or better 3et frolic in t:e nude
near t:e ban;s of t:e Russian Ri>er? Herbert Hoo>er =as a de>oted re9ular1 Eisen:o=er
and Allen ,ulles 8ade cold =ar s<eec:es t:ereC NiEon and Rea9an :ad discussed <ros<ects
for t:e 12-/ electionC !ec:tel =as al=a3s bi9C and Henr3 #issin9er lo>ed to <ontificate1 all
at t:e Gro>e?
T:en t:ere =as t:e Trilateral Co88ission1 founded b3 ,a>id Roc;efeller in 12.'-.)? One
branc: fro8 Nort: A8erica1 one branc: fro8 Euro<e1 one branc: fro8 &a<an1 =it: t:e
resultin9 or9anis8 a ;ind of <olic3 foru8 ai8in9 at an international consensus a8on9
financier factions1 under o>erall An9lo-A8erican do8ination? T:e Trilateral Co88ission
e8er9ed at t:e sa8e ti8e t:at t:e Roc;efeller-#issin9er interests <er<etrated t:e first oil
:oaE? So8e of its first studies =ere de>oted to t:e 8ec:anics of i8<osin9 aut:oritarian-
totalitarian for8s of 9o>ern8ent in t:e US1 Euro<e1 and &a<an to 8ana9e t:e austerit3 and
econo8ic deca3 t:at =ould be t:e results of Trilateral <olicies? T:e Carter Ad8inistration
=as >er3 o>ertl3 a Trilateral Ad8inistration? %o<ular :atred of Carter and :is cre= 8ade
t:e Trilterals an attracti>e tar9et? Rea9an <ro8ised t:at :e =ould c:an9e all t:at1 but :is
9o>ern8ent =as also do8inated b3 t:e Trilateraloids?
!us: =as also a 8e8ber of t:e Alibi Club1 a societ3 of *as:in9ton insiders =:o 9at:er
<eriodicall3 to assert t:e <ri8ac3 of oli9arc:is8 o>er suc: <artisan or ot:er di>isions t:at
:a>e been concocted to di>ert t:e 8asses? !us: :ad also Boined anot:er *as:in9ton
association1 t:e Alfalfa Club1 =it: 8uc: t:e sa8e et:os and a sli9:tl3 differrent cast of
c:aracters? !us: =as clearl3 a Boiner? Later1 in 12251 :e =ould acce<t a bid to Boin !ritain7s
Ro3al and Ancient Golf Club of St? Andre=7s in Scotland as t:e nint: :onorar3 8e8ber in
t:e :istor3 of t:at au9ust bod3? T:is =as also a tribute to Geor9e Herbert *al;er1 a <ast
<resident of t:e US Golf Association1 and to %rescott !us:1 =:o =as also <resident of t:e
As =e sa= briefl3 durin9 !us:7s senate ca8<ai9n1 t:e co8bination of ban;ru<tc3 and
arro9ance =:ic: =as t:e :all8ar; of Eastern Liberal Establis:8ent rule o>er t:e United
States 9enerated resent8ents =:ic: could 8a;e 8e8bers:i< in suc: or9aniAations a
distinct <olitical liabilit3?
One =:o =as cau9:t u< in t:e turbulence =as *illia8 Loeb1 t:e o<inionated cur8ud9eon
of %ride7s Crossin91 Massac:usetts =:o =as t:e <ublis:er of t:e Manc:ester Union-Leader1
t:e 8ost i8<ortant ne=s<a<er in t:e state? Loeb :ad su<<orted Rea9an in 12.- and =as for
:i8 a9ain in 12/5? Loeb 8i9:t :a>e dis<ersed :is fire a9ainst all of Rea9an7s Re<ublican
ri>als1 includin9 Ho=ard !a;er1 Robert ,ole1 %:il Crane1 &o:n Anderson1 &o:n Connall31
and !us:? Loeb =ould launc: a barra9e of slas:in9 attac;s on !us:? T:e ot:er GO%
contenders =ould be >irtuall3 i9nored b3 Loeb?
Loeb :ad assailed ord as F&err3 t:e &er;F in 12.-C :is attac;s on Sen? Mus;ie reduced t:e
latter to tears durin9 t:e 12.$ <ri8ar3? Loeb be9an to <la3 u< t:e t:e8e of !us: as a
liberal1 as a candidate controlled b3 t:e FinternationalistF 0or #issin9er4 =in9 of t:e GO%
and t:e *all Strreet ban;ers1 al=a3s soft on co88unis8 and al=a3s read3 to under8ine
libert3 t:rou9: !i9 Go>ern8ent :ere at :o8e? A ebruar3 editorial b3 Loeb reacted to
!us:7s Io=a success =it: t:ese =arnin9s of >ote fraud"
T:e !us: o<eration in Io=a :ad all t:e s8ell of a CIA co>ert o<eration????Stran9e as<ects of t:e
Io=a o<eration GincludedH a lon91 slo= count and t:en t:e co8<uters bro;e do=n at a >er3
con>enient <oint1 =it: !us: :a>in9 a siE <er cent bul9e o>er Rea9an???*ill t:e elite no8inate t:eir
8an1 or =ill =e no8inate Rea9anD Gfn 12H
or Loeb t:e 8ost da8nin9 e>idence =as !us:7s 8e8bers:i< in t:e Trilateral Co88ission1
t:e creature of ,a>id Roc;efeller and t:e intern8ational ban;ers? Carter and :is
ad8inistration :ad been <ac;ed =it: Trilateral 8e8bersC t:ere =ere indications t:at t:e
establis:8ent c:oice of Carter to be t:e neEt US <resident :ad been 8ade at a 8eetin9 of
t:e Trilateral Co88ission in #3odo1 &a<an1 =:ere Carter :ad been introduced b3 Gianni
A9nelli of Ital37s IAT 8otor co8<an3?
Loeb si8<lified all t:at" FGeor9e !us: is a LiberalF =as t:e title of :is editorial <ublis:ed
t:e da3 before t:e <ri8ar3? Loeb fla3ed !us: as a Fs<oiled little ric: ;id =:o :as been =et-
nursed to succeed and no=1 <ac;a9ed b3 ,a>id Roc;efeller7s Trilateral Co88ission1 t:in;s
:e is entitled to t:e *:ite House as :is latest to3?F
S:ortl3 before t:e election Loeb ran a cartoon entitled FSil; Stoc;in9 Re<ublicans1F =:ic:
s:o=ed !us: at a coc;tail <art3 =it: a ci9arette and 9lass in :and? !us: and t:e ot:er
<artici<ants1 all 8ale1 =ere =earin9 =o8en7s <ant3-:ose? T:is =as t:e 8essa9e t:at Loeb
:ad a<<arentl3 9otten fro8 !us:7s bod3 lan9ua9e?
%aid <olitical ads be9an to a<<ear in t:e Union-Leader s<onsored b3 9rou<s fro8 all o>er
t:e countr31 so8e :el<ed alon9 b3 &o:n Sears of t:e Rea9an ca8<ai9n? One s:o=ed a
dra=in9 of !us: BuEta<osed =it: a Mr? %eanut lo9o" FT:e sa8e <eo<le =:o 9a>e 3ou
&i883 Carter =ant no= to 9i>e 3ou Geor9e !us:1F read t:e :eadline? T:e teEt described a
Fcoalition of liberals1 8ultinational cor<orate eEecuti>es1 bi9-cit3 ban;ers1 and :un9r3
<o=er bro;ersF led b3 ,a>id Roc;efeller =:ose F<ur<ose is to control t:e A8erican
9o>ern8ent1 re9ardless of =:ic: <olitical <art3--,e8ocrat or Re<ublican-- =ins t:e
<residenc3 t:is co8in9 No>e8berKF FT:e TroBan :orse for t:is sc:e8e1F t:e ad =ent on1 Fis
Connecticut-(an;ee-turned-TeEas oil8an Geor9e !us:- t:e out-of-no=:ere Re<ublican
=:o o<enl3 ad8its :e is usin9 t:e sa8e F9a8e-<lanF de>elo<ed for &i883 Carter in t:e
12.- <residential no8ination ca8<ai9n?F T:e ad =ent on to 8en8tion t:e Council on
o<rei9n Relations and t:e FRoc;efeller 8one3F t:at =as t:e lifeblood of !us:7s effort? Gfn
$5H On ebruar3 $)1 Loeb trotted out Gen? ,ann3 Gra:a81 <art of !us:7s Tea8 !
o<eration1 to tal; about FGeor9e !us:7s =ea;ness as t:e :ead of t:e CIA and :is co8<lete
failure to esti8ate correctl3 t:e So>iet t:reat?F !us: :ad Fstac;edF t:e Tea8 A-Tea8 !
debate1 Gra:a8 =as no= clai8in9? !rent Sco=croft1 Lt? Gen? Sa8 *ilson and Ra3 Cline
all rus:ed to !us:7s defense? FAn3 inference t:at Geor9e =as too soft in :is anal3sis of t:e
So>iet Union =as Bust dead =ron91F res<onded Cline? FGeor9e is <robabl3 8ore s;e<tical
and concerned about So>iet be:a>ior t:an an3one in to=n?F F!alone3KF =as Gra:a87s
Loeb :3<ed a de8and fro8 t:e National Alliance of Senior CitiAens t:at !us: re<udiate
and a<olo9iAe for a re8ar; t:at Social Securit3 :ad Fbeco8e lar9el3 a =elfare <ro9ra8?F
Here !us: =as scour9ed for :is Finsensiti>it3 to t:e inde<endence of Social Securit3
reci<ients?F Ri9:t underneat: =as anot:er article fro8 a Union-Leader s<ecial
corres<ondent in Ne= (or; Cit3 re<ortin9 t:at !us:7s dele9ates :ad been t:ro=n off t:e
ballot t:ere b3 t:e !oard of Elections because !us:7s <etitions F=ere ille9al?F
*:ile all t:is =as 9oin9 on1 !us: =as <ratin9 about :is F8o8entu8F =it: ca8<ai9n
state8ents t:at focussed eEclusi>el3 on tec:nicalities rat:er t:an offerin9 reasons =:3
an3bod3 s:ould su<<ort !us:? Ri9:t after t:e Io=a >ictor31 :ere =as !us:" FClearl31 =e7re
9oin9 to co8e out of :ere =it: 8o8entu8???*e a<<ear to :a>e beaten bot: Connall3 and
!a;er >er31 >er3 badl3? T:e nu8bers loo; substantial? And t:e3 are 9oin9 to :a>e to 9et
so8e 8o8entu8 9oin91 and I78 co8in9 out of :ere =it: 8o8entu8?F A fe= =ee;s later1
!us: =as still re<eatin9 t:e sa8e 9ibberis:? !us: told !ob Sc:ieffer of C!S about :is
ad>anta9e for Ne= Ha8<s:ire"
*:at =e7ll :a>e1 3ou see1 is 8o8entu8? *e =ill :a>e for=ard F!i9 MoF on our side1 as t:e3 sa3
in at:letics?
!i9 MoD
(ea:1 !us: said? FMo1F 8o8entu8?
*:ile ca8<ai9nin91 !us: =as as;ed once a9ain about t:e 8one3 :e recei>ed fro8 NiEon7s
12.5 To=n:ouse slus: fund? !us:7s stoc; re<l3 =as t:at :is friend &a=ors;i :ad cleared
:i8" FT:e ans=er ca8e bac;1 clean1 clean1 clean1F said !us:?
!3 no= t:e Rea9an ca8< :ad cau9:t on t:at so8et:in9 i8<ortant =as :a<<enin91
so8et:in9 =:ic: could benefit Rea9an enor8ousl3? irst Rea9an7s cron3 Ed=in Meese
<i<ed u< in obli@ue reference to t:e Trilateral 8e8bers:i< of so8e candidates1 includin9
!us:" Fall t:ese <eo<le co8e out of an international econo8ic industrial or9aniAation =it:
a <attern of t:in;in9 on =orld affairsF t:at led to a Fsoftenin9 on defense?F T:at <la3ed
=ell1 and Rea9an decided :e =ould <ic; u< t:e t:e8e? On ebruar3 .1 12/5 Rea9an
obser>ed in a s<eec: t:at 12 ;e3 8e8bers of t:e Carter Ad8inistration1 includin9 Carter1
=ere 8e8bers of t:e Trilateral Co88ission? Accordin9 to Rea9an1 t:is influence :ad
indeed led to a Fsoftenin9 on defenseF because of t:e Trilateraloids7 belief t:at business
Fs:ould transcend1 <er:a<s1 t:e national defense?F Gfn $1H T:is 8ade sense" !us: =ould
later :el< enact NATA and GATT? 6oters =:ose fat:ers re8e8bered t:e co8<laint of a
beaten !ones8an1 Robert Taft1 in 12+$-- t:at e>er3 GO% <residential candidate since 12'-
:ad been c:osen b3 C:ase ban; and t:e Roc;efellers-- found t:is touc:ed a res<onsi>e
!us: realiAed t:at :e =as faced =it: an u9l3 <roble8? He su88aril3 resi9ned fro8 bot:
t:e Traileral Co88ission and fro8 t:e Ne= (or; Council on orei9n Relations? !ut :is
situation in Ne= Ha8<s:ire =as des<erate? His co>er :ad been lar9el3 blo=n? He sto<<ed
tal;in9 about t:e F!i9 MoF and be9an babblin9 t:at :e =as Ft:e issues candidate?F T:is =as
an error in de8a9o931 also because !us: :ad not:in9 to sa3? *:en :e tried to 9ra<<le =it:
issues1 :e i88ediatel3 ca8e under fire fro8 t:e <ress? Ne=s=ee; no= found :is solutions
F>a9ue?F T:e *as:in9ton %ost re<orted t:at !us: F:as been ill-<re<ared to res<ond to
si8<le @uestions about basic issues as t:e3 arise? *:en :e =as as;ed about %resident
Carter7s ne= bud9et t:is =ee;1 :is re<lies =ere >a9ue and contradictor3?F T:e *all Street
&ournal a9reed t:at !us:7s <ositions =ere Fs:ort on detail? In econo8ics :is s<endin9 and
taE <riorities re8ain fuAA3? In forei9n <olic31 :e :asn7t 8ade it at all clear :o= :e en>isions
usin9 A8erican 8ilitar3 <o=er to ad>ance econo8ic and <olitical interests?F
T:ese =ere t:e <ress or9ans t:at :ad 8ounted t:e :3<e for !us: a fe= =ee;s before? No=
t:e real <olls1 t:e ones t:at are 9enerall3 not <ublis:ed1 s:o=ed !us: colla<sin91 and e>en
8edia t:at =ould nor8all3 :a>e been rabidl3 <ro-!us: =ere obli9ed to distance t:e8sel>es
fro8 :i8 in order to defend t:eir o=n Fcredibilit31F 8eanin9 t:eir future abilit3 to <l3 t:e
citiAens =it: lies and disorientation? %art of Rea9an7s su<<ort reflected a desire b3 >oters to
stic; it to t:e 8edia?
!us: =as no= runnin9 scared1 sufficientl3 so as to entertain t:e <ros<ect of a debate a8on9
candidates? One =as :eld in Manc:ester1 =:ere !us: tried to bait Rea9an about an et:nic
Bo;e t:e latter :ad told? FI =as stiffed1F eE<lained Rea9an1 and =ent into :is a>uncular act
=:ile !us: s@uir8ed?
&o:n Sears of t:e Rea9an ca8<ai9n si9nalled to t:e Nas:ua Tele9ra<:1 a <a<er <ublis:ed in
sout:ern Ne= Ha8<s:ire1 t:at Rea9an =ould acce<t a one-on-one debate =it: !us:? &a8es
!a;er =as 9ulled" :e =elco8ed t:e idea because t:e debate for8at =ould establis: !us: as
t:e 8ain alternati>e to Rea9an? F*e t:ou9:t it =as t:e best t:in9 since sliced bread1F said
!a;er? !ob ,ole co8<lained to t:e ederal Elections Co88ission about bein9 eEcluded1
and t:e Rea9an ca8< su99ested t:at t:e debate be <a3ed for out of ca8<ai9n funds1 :alf b3
Rea9an and :alf b3 !us:? !us: refused to <a31 but Rea9an <ronounced :i8self =illin9 to
defra3 t:e entire cost? T:us it ca8e to <ass t:at a bilateral !us:-Rea9an debate =as
sc:eduled for ebruar3 $' at a 938anasiu8 in Nas:ua?
or 8an31 t:is e>enin9 =ould <ro>ide t:e e<i<:an3 of Geor9e !us:1 a 8o8ent =:en :is
<ersonal essence =as 8ade 8anifest?
!us: <ro<a9anda :as al=a3s tried to <ortra3 t:e Nas:ua Tele9:ra<: debate as so8e ;ind of
a8bus: <lanned b3 Rea9an7s diabolical ca8<ai9n 8ana9er1 &o:n Sears? Establis:ed facts
include t:at t:e Nas:ua Tele9ra<: o=ner1 blueblood &? Her8an %ouliot1 and Tele9ra<:
editor &o:n !reen1 =ere bot: close <ersonal friends of for8er Go>ernor Hu9: Gre991 =:o
=as !us:7s ca8<ai9n director in t:e state? !us: :ad 8et =it: !reen before t:e debate?
%er:a<s it =as !us: =:o =as tr3in9 to set so8e ;ind of a tra< for Rea9an?
On t:e ni9:t of ebruar3 $'1 t:e 938anasiu8 =as <ac;ed =it: 8ore t:an $)55 <eo<le?
!us:7s cron3 Re<? !arber Conable 0or F!arbarian Cannibal1F later !us:7s 8an at t:e *orld
!an;4 =as t:ere =it: a 9rou< of Con9ress8en for !us:? T:en t:e eEcluded GO%
candidates1 &o:n Anderson1 Ho=ard !a;er1 !ob ,ole1 and %:il Crane all arri>ed and as;ed
to 8eet =it: Rea9an and !us: to discuss o<enin9 t:e debate u< to t:e8 as =ell? 0Connall31
also a candidate1 =as in Sout: Carolina?4 Rea9an a9reed to 8eet =it: t:e8 and =ent
bac;sta9e into a s8all office =it: t:e ot:er caandidates? He eE<ressed a 9eneral =illin9ness
to let t:e8 Boin in? !ut !us: refused to tal; to t:e ot:er candidates1 and sat on t:e sta9e
=aitin9 i8<atientl3 for t:e debate to be9in? &o:n Sears told %eter Teele3 t:at Sears =anted
to tal; to !us: about t:e debate for8at? FIt doesn7t =or; t:at =a31F :issed t:e liberal Teele31
=:o sent &a8es !a;er to tal; =it: Sears? Sears said it =as ti8e to :a>e an o<en debate?
!a;er <assed t:e buc; to t:e Nas:ua Tele9ra<:?
ro8 t:e roo8 be:ind t:e sta9e =:ere t:e candidates =ere 8eetin91 t:e Rea9an <eo<le sent
US Senator Gordon Hu8<:re3 out to ur9e !us: to co8e and confer =it: t:e rest of t:e8?
FIf 3ou don7t co8e no=1F said Hu8<r:e3 to !us:1 F3ou7re doin9 a disser>ice to <art3 unit3?F
!us: =:ined in re<l3" F,on7t tell 8e about unif3in9 t:e Re<ublican %art3K I7>e done 8ore
for t:is <art3 t:an 3ou7ll e>er doK I7>e =or;ed too :ard for t:is and t:e37re not 9oin9 to ta;e
it a=a3 fro8 8eKF In t:e bac; roo81 t:ere =as a <ro<osal t:at Rea9an1 !a;er1 ,ole1
Anderson1 and Crane s:ould 9o on sta9e to9et:er and announce t:at Rea9an =ould refuse
to debate unless t:e ot:ers =ere included?
FE>er3one see8ed @uite irritated =it: !us:1 =:o8 t:e3 >ie=ed as actin9 li;e a s<oiled
c:ild1F =rote an aide to Anderson later? Gfn $$H !us: refused to e>en ac;o=led9e t:e
<resence of ,ole1 =:o :ad :el<ed :i8 9et started as GO% c:air8anC of Anderson and
Crane1 for8er House collea9uesC and of Ho=ard !a;er1 =:o :ad :el<ed :i8 9et confir8ed
at t:e CIA? Geor9e ;e<t tellin9 an3bod3 =:o ca8e close t:at :e =as stic;in9 =it: t:e
ori9inal rules?
T:e audience =as c:eerin9 for t:e four eEcluded candidates1 de8andin9 t:at t:e3 be
allo=ed to s<ea;? %ublis:er %ouliot addressed t:e cro=d? FT:is is 9ettin9 to sound 8ore
li;e a boEin9 8atc:? In t:e rear are four ot:er candidates =:o :a>e not been in>ited b3 t:e
Nas:ua Tele9ra<:1F said %ouliot? He =as roundl3 booed? FGet t:e8 c:airs1F cried a =o8an1
and s:e =as a<<lauded? !us: ;e<t starin9 strai9:t a:ead into s<ace1 and t:e :ostilit3 of t:e
cro=d =as focussin9 8ore and 8ore on :i8?
Rea9an started to s<ea;1 8oti>atin9 =:3 t:e debate s:ould be o<ened u<? Editor !reen1 a
rubber3-loo;in9 :ac; =it: a bald <ate and 9lasses1 <i<ed u<" FTurn Mr? Rea9n7s
8icro<:one off?F T:ere =as <ande8oniu8? F(ou HitlerKF screa8ed a 8an in t:e front ro=
ri9:t at !reen?
Rea9an re<lied" FI78 <a3in9 for t:is 8icro<:one1 Mr? Green?F T:e cro=d bro;e out in =ild
c:eers? !us: still stared strai9:t a:ead in :is te8<er tantru8? Rea9an s<o;e on to as; t:at
t:e ot:ers be included1 sa3in9 t:at eEclusion =as unfair? !ut :e =as unsure of :i8self1
loo;in9 to Nanc3 Rea9an for a si9n as to =:at :e s:ould do? At t:e end Rea9an said :e
=ould <refer an o<en debate1 but t:at :e =ould acce<t t:e bilateral for8at if t:at =ere t:e
onl3 =a3?
*it: t:at t:e ot:er candidates left t:e <odiu8 in a to=erin9 ra9e? FT:ere7ll be anot:er da31
Geor9e1F 9ro=led !ob ,ole?
Rea9an and !us: t:en debated1 and t:ose =:o =ere still <a3in9 attention a9reed t:at !us:
=as t:e loser? A staff 8e8ber later told !us:1 FT:e 9ood ne=s is t:at nobod3 <aid an3
attention to t:e debate? T:e bad ne=s is 3ou lost t:at1 too?F
!ut 8ost <eo<le7s attention1 and t:e ca8era tea8s1 :ad s:ifted to a 8usic roo8 =:ere t:e
eBected :o<efuls =ere unifor8l3 sla88in9 !us:? Anderson asserted t:at FClearl3 t:e
res<onsibilit3 for t:is =:ole tra>est3 rests =it: Mr? !us:?F FHe refused to e>en co8e bac;
:ere and tal;?F Ho=ard !a;er called !us:7s be:a>ior Ft:e 8ost fla9rant atte8<t to return to
t:e closed door I7>e e>er seen?F !a;er =as beside :i8self" FT:e <un;est <olitical de>ice I
e>er sa=KF FHe =ants to be ;in91 F ra9ed !ob ,ole? FI :a>e ne>er been treated t:is =a3 in
83 life? *:ere do =e li>eD Is t:is A8ericaD So far as Geor9e !us: is concerned :e7d better
find anot:er Re<ublican %art3 if :e can7t tal; to t:ose of us =:o co8e u< :ere?F FHe didn7t
=ant us to debate? He can7t <ro>ide leaders:i< for t:e Re<ublican %art3 =it: t:at attitude1F
,ole ;e<t re<eatin9?
il8 foota9e of Rea9an 9rabbin9 t:e 8icro<:one =:ile !us: ste=ed in :is te8<er tantru8
=as all o>er local and net=or; tele>ision for t:e neEt )/ :ours? It =as t:e e<i<:an3 of a
No= t:e !us: da8a9e control a<<aratus =ent into t:at 8ode it finds so con9enial" l3in9? A
radio co88ercial =as <re<ared under orders fro8 &a8es !a;er for Ne= Ha8<s:ire
stations" :ere an announcer1 not !us:1 intoned t:at Fat no ti8e did Geor9e !us: obBect to a
full candidate foru8? T:is accusation b3 t:e ot:er candidates is =it:out foundation
*alter Cron;ite :eard a =:inin9 >oice fro8 Houston TeEas as :e inter>ie=ed !us: on :is
ne= <ro9ra8" FI =anted to do =:at I a9reed to do1F said t:e =:ine? FI =anted to debate
=it: Ronald Rea9an?F
Ha3nes &o:nson of t:e *as:in9ton %ost cau9:t so8et:in9 of t:e 8o8ent" FIt =as !us:7s
o=n <ersonal res<onse to t:e contro>ers3 t:at destro3ed :i8? T:e self-<ortrait of Geor9e
!us: dra=n t:ese last fe= da3s before t:e ballotin9 =as sin9ularl3 unattracti>e? !us: ca8e
o>er as a <etulant <olitician1 lac;in9 9race and di9nit31 and co8<lainin9 <ee>is:l3 about
bein9 7sandba99ed7 and 7a8bus:ed7 b3 all t:e ot:er nast3 <oliticians? He rese8bled not:in9
8ore t:an a s<oiled c:ild =:ose to3 :as been ta;en a=a3?F T:at =as t:e tal; of Ne=
Ha8<s:ire t:rou9: t:e <ri8ar3?
!us:7s :andlers =ere resi9nedC so8e of t:e8 ;ne= it =as all o>er? F*:at can I sa3D He
c:o;ed u<1F said one? FGeor9e does not :a>e a sense of t:eater1F noted anot:er?
T:e Ne= Ha8<s:ire <ri8ar3 =as a debacle for !us:? Rea9an =on +5R of t:e >otes to
Geor9e7s $'R1 =it: 1'R for !a;er and 15R for Anderson? !i9 Mo :ad <ro>en to be fic;le?
Gfn $'H
As for t:e old cur8ud9eon *illia8 Loeb1 :e =as dead =it: t=o 3ears?
!us: <la3ed out t:e strin9 t:rou9: t:e <ri8aries1 but :e =on onl3 four states
0Massac:usetts1 Connecticut1 %enns3l>ania1 and Mic:i9an4 <lus %uerto Rico? Rea9an too;
$2? E>en in %enns3l>ania1 =:ere t:e !us:8en outs<ent Rea9an b3 a colossal 8ar9in1
Rea9an 8ana9ed to 9arner 8ore dele9ates e>en t:ou9: !us: 9ot 8ore >otes?
So8eti8e durin9 t:e s<rin9 of 12/51 !us: be9an attac;in9 Rea9an for :is Fsu<<l3-sideF
econo8ic <olicies? !us: 8a3 :a>e t:ou9:t :e still :ad a c:ance to =in t:e no8ination1 but
in an3 case :e coined t:e <:rase F>oodoo econo8ics?F !us: later clai8ed t:at t:e idea :ad
co8e fro8 :is !ritis:-born <ress secretar31 %eter Teele3? Later1 =:en t:e ti8e ca8e to
in9ratiate :i8self =it: Rea9an7s follo=in91 !us: clai8ed t:at :e :ad ne>er used t:e
offendin9 ter8? !ut1 in a s<eec: 8ade at Carne9ie-Mellon Uni>ersit3 on A<ril 151 12/51 :e
attac;ed Rea9an for Fa >oodoo econo8ic <olic3?F He co8<ared Rea9an7s a<<roac: to
so8et:in9 =:ic: for8er Go>ernor &err3 !ro=n of California1 FGo>ernor Moonbea81F
8i9:t :a>e concocted?
!us: =as able to ;ee< 9oin9 after Ne= Ha8<s:ire because Mosbac:er7s 8ac:inations :ad
9i>en :i8 a <ost-Ne= Ha8<s:ire =ar c:est of I' 8illion? T:e Rea9an ca8< :ad s<ent t=o
t:irds of t:eir le9al total eE<enditure of I1/ 8illion before t:e <ri8aries :ad be9un? T:is
:ad <ro>en effecti>e1 but it 8eant t:at in 8ore t:an a doAen <ri8aries1 Rea9an could afford
no tele>ision <urc:ases at all? T:is allo=ed !us: to 8o>e in and s8ot:er Rea9an under a
cascade of 9reenbac;s in a fe= states1 e>en t:ou9: Rea9an =as on :is =a3 to t:e
no8ination? T:at =as t:e stor3 in %enns3l>ania and Mic:i9an? T:e i8<ortant t:in9 for
!us: no= =as to outlast t:e ot:er candidates and to build :is credentials for t:e >ice
<residenc31 since t:at =as =:at :e =as no= runnin9 for?
One of !us:7s friends did not desert :i8? *:en !us: ca8e to Houston on A<ril $/ for a
lunc::our rall31 :e =as introduced b3 for8er *ater9ate s<ecial <rosecutor Leon &a=ors;i1
a 8an de>oted to :is cause? &a=ors;i conde8ned Rea9an as an FeEtre8ist =:ose o>er-t:e-
counter si8<listic re8edies and s:o<=orn <latitudes of solutions trouble o<en-8inded and
infor8ed >oters?F &a=ors;i assailed Carter as a F,e8ocrat in des<air1F and called on t:e
TeEas >oters Fto <a3 no attention to t:e also-rans =:o 8arc:ed to t:e altar of <ublic
o<inion1 =ooin9 t:e >oters =it: lar9e ca8<ai9n c:ests and =:o are no= bac; :o8e lic;in9
t:eir =ounds as reBected suitors?F T:is =as a >eiled attac; on Connall31 =:o :ad s<ent I1$
8illion 9ettin9 one Ar;ansas dele9ate1 dro<<ed out1 and endorsed Rea9an? &a=ors;i7s
*ater9ate-era lo3alties ran dee<? Gfn $)H !us: still clai8ed t:at TeEas =as :is :o8e state1
so :e =as obli9ed to 8a;e an effort t:ere in ad>ance of t:e Ma3 ' <ri8ar3? Here !us:
s<ent about :alf a 8illion dollars on tele>ision1 =:ile t:e Rea9anauts =ere unable to bu3
ti8e o=in9 to t:eir lac; of 8one3C Rea9an :ad no= reac:ed :is EC s<endin9 ceilin9? T:e
secret societ3 issue =as as bi9 in TeEas as it :ad been in Ne= Ha8<s:ireC durin9 an
a<<earance at t:e Uni>ersit3 of TeEas !us: deli>ered a =:inin9 ulti8atu8 to Rea9an to
order :is ca8<ai9n =or;ers to Fsto< <assin9 out insidious literatureF @uestionin9 !us:7s
<atriotis8 because of :is 8e8bers:i< in t:e Trilateral Co88ission1 =:ic: !us:
c:aracteriAed as a 9rou< t:at sou9:t to i8<ro>e US relations =it: our closest allies? He
=anted Rea9an to re<udiate t:ie entire line of attac;1 =:ic: =as still :urtin9 t:e !us:8en
badl3? ,urin9 a fi>e-da3 <lane-:o<<in9 blitA of t:e state1 !us: ca8e across as Fcr3<ticall3
,es<ite t:e lac; of 8one3 for tele>ision1 Rea9an defeated !us: b3 +$R to ).R of t:e :alf
a 8illion >otes cast? !ut because of t:e =inner-ta;e-all rule in indi>idual <recincts1 Rea9an
too; -1 dele9ates to !us:7s 12? !us:7s onl3 areas of stren9t: =ere in :is old Houston liberal
Re<ublican encla>e and in nort:=est ,allas? Rea9an s=e<t t:e rest1 es<eciall3 t:e rural
areas? Gfn $+ H
T:e issue beca8e acute a8on9 t:e !us:8en on Ma3 $5? T:is =as t:e da3 !us: =on in
Mic:i9an1 but t:at !us: =in =as irrele>ant because Rea9an1 b3 =innin9 t:e Nebras;a
<ri8ar3 t:e sa8e da31 :ad ac@uired enou9: <led9ed dele9ates to ac@uire t:e arit:8etical
certaint3 of bein9 no8inated on t:e first ballot? In t:e tradition of ,in; Sto>er at (ale1
=:ic: sa3s t:at one 8ust not be a @uitter1 !us: 8ade so8e noises about 9oin9 on to O:io
and to California on t:e outside c:ance t:at Rea9an 8i9:t self-destruct t:rou9: so8e
:orrendous 9affe1 but t:is =as 8erel3 :istrionics? !us: allo=ed :i8self to be con>inced
t:at discretion =as t:e better <art of >alor b3 ,a>id #eene and s<eec:=riter 0and later red
Studeba;er bio9ra<:er4 6ic Gold? His ca8<ai9n =as no= I)551555 in debt1 but Mosbac:er
later clai8ed to :a>e =i<ed t:at slate clean =it:in t=o 8ont:s? !us: officiall3 ca<itulated
on Ma3 $-1 12/51 and declared t:at :e =ould su<<ort Rea9an all t:e =a3 to No>e8ber?
Rea9an1 ca8<ai9nin9 t:at da3 at t:e San !ernardino Count3 air9rounds1 co88ended
!us:7s ca8<ai9n and t:an;ed :i8 for :is su<<ort?
All t:e 8one3 and or9aniAation :ad not sufficed? !us: no= turned :is entire attention to
t:e @uest for :is Fbirt:ri9:t1F t:e >ice <residenc3? T:is =ould be :is fift: atte8<t to attain
t:at office1 and once a9ain1 des<ite t:e <o=er of !us:7s net=or;1 success =as uncertain?
Inside t:e Rea9an ca8<1 one of !us:7s 9reatest assets =ould be *illia8 Case31 =:o :ad
been closel3 associated =it: t:e late %rescott !us:? Case3 =as to be Rea9an7s ca8<ai9n
8ana9er for t:e 12/5 elections? In 12-$1 %rescott and Case3 :ad co-founded a t:in; tan;
called t:e National Strate93 Infor8ation Center in Ne= (or; Cit31 a foru8 =:ere *all
Street la=3ers li;e Case3 could Boin :ands =it: <oliticians fro8 %rescott7s =in9 of t:e
Re<ublican %art31 financiers1 and t:e intelli9ence co88unit3? T:e National Strate93
Infor8ation Center <ro>ided 8aterial for a ne=s a9enc3 called oru8 *orld eatures1 a
CIA <ro<rietar3 t:at o<erated in London1 and =:ic: =as in liaison =it: t:e !ritis:
Infor8ation Researc: ,e<art8ent1 a cold-=ar <ro<a9anda unit set u< b3 C:risto<:er
Ma3:e= of !ritis: intelli9ence =it: t:e a<<ro>al of %M Cle8ent Attlee? oru8 *orld
eatures =as <art of t:e net=or; t:at 9ot into t:e act durin9 t:e destabiliAation of Harold
*ilson for t:e benefit of Mar9aret T:atc:er? Gfn $-H
T:is %rescott !us:-*illia8 Case3 t:in; tan; <ro8oted t:e creation of endo=ed c:airs in
strate9ic anal3sis1 national intelli9ence1 and t:e li;e on a nu8ber of ca8<uses? T:e
Geor9eto=n Center for Strate9ic and International Studies1 later t:e :o8e of #issin9er1
Ledeen1 and a =:ole stable of ideolo9ues of An9lo-A8erican e8<ire1 =as in <art a result of
t:e =or; of Case3 and %rescott?
Case3 =as also an old friend of Leo C:erne? *:en C:erne =as a<<ointed to %IA! in t:e
su88er of 12.'1 Case31 =:o =as at t:at ti8e NiEon7s Undersecretar3 of State for
Econo8ic Affairs1 sent C:erne a =ar8 note of con9ratulations tellin9 :o= Fdeli9:tedF :e
:ad been to 9et t:e official notice of C:erne7s ne= <ost? Gfn $.H
Case3 =as also a close associate of Geor9e !us:? ,urin9 12.-1 ord a<<ointed Case3 to
%IA!1 =:ere Case3 =as an ent:usiastic su<<orter of t:e Tea8 ! o<eration alon9 =it:
!us: and C:erne? Geor9e !us: and Case3 =ould <la3 decisi>e roles in t:e secret
9o>ern8ent o<erations of t:e Rea9an 3ears?
As t:e Re<ublican con>ention 9at:ered in ,etroit in &ul31 12/51 t:e <roble8 =as to
con>ince Rea9an of t:e ine>itabilit3 of ta<<in9 !us: as :is runnin9 8ate? !ut Rea9an did
not =ant !us:? He :ad concei>ed an anti<at:31 e>en a :ostilit3 for Geor9e? One factor 8a3
:a>e been !ritis: liberal %eter Teele37s line about Rea9an7s F>oodoo econo8ics?F !ut t:e
decisi>e factor =as =:at Rea9an :ad eE<erienced <ersonall3 fro8 !us: durin9 t:e Nas:ua
Tele9ra<: debate1 =:ic: :ad left a lastin9 and :i9:l3 dero9ator3 i8<ression?
Accordin9 to one account of t:is <:ase1 Fe>er since t:e e<isode in Nas:ua in ebruar31
Rea9an :ad co8e to :old t:e <re<<3 (an;ee trans<lant in1 as t:e late Senator Robert #err
of O;la:o8a used to sa31 8i8u8u8 :i9: re9ard? 7Rea9an is a >er3 9racious contestant17
one of :is inner circle said1 7and :e 9enerall3 >ie=s :is o<<onents =it: a 9ood deal of
res<ect? T:e t:in9 :e couldn7t understand =as !us:7s conduct at t:e Nas:ua Tele9ra<:
debate? It i8<rinted =it: Rea9an t:at !us: =as a =i8<? He re8e8bered t:at ni9:t clearl3
=:en =e :ad our >ice-<residential discussions? He couldn7t understand :o= a 8an could
:a>e sat t:ere so <assi>el3? He felt it s:o=ed a lac; of coura9e?F And no= t:at it =as ti8e
to t:in; about a runnin9 8ate1 t:e <ros<ecti>e <residential no8inee 9a>e a s38<at:etic ear
to t:ose =:o obBected to !us: for reasons t:at ran1 one of t:e 9rou< said later1 fro8 :is
be:a>ior at Nas:ua to 7anit-Trilateralis87F Accordin9 to t:is account1 conser>ati>es see;in9
to sto< !us: at t:e con>ention =ere citin9 t:eir sus<icions about a F7cons<irac37 bac;ed b3
Roc;efeller to 9ain control of t:e A8erican 9o>ern8ent?F Gfn $/H
,re= Le=is =as a leadin9 !us:8an sub8arine in t:e Rea9an ca8<1 tellin9 t:e candidate
t:at !us: could :el< :i8 in electoral colle9e 8e9astates li;e %enns3l>ania and Mic:i9an
=:ere Ted #enned3 :ad de8onstrated t:at Carter =as >ulnerable durin9 t:e <ri8aries?
Le=is bad9ered Rea9an =it: t:e <ros<ect t:at if :e =aited too lon91 :e =ould :a>e to
acce<t a <oliticall3 neutral runnin9 8ate in t:e =a3 t:at ord too; ,ole in 12.-1 =:ic:
8i9:t end u< costin9 :i8 t:e election? Accordin9 to Le=is1 Rea9an needed to broaden :is
base1 and !us: =as t:e 8ost <alatable and <ractical >e:icle for doin9 so?
Muc: to :is credit1 Rea9an resistedC F:e told se>eral staff 8e8bers and ad>isers t:at :e still
:arbored 7doubts7 about !us:1 based on Nas:ua? FIf :e can7t stand u< to t:at ;ind of
<ressure17 Rea9an told one inti8ate1 7:o= could :e stand u< to t:e <ressure of bein9
<residentD7 To anot:er1 :e said" FI =ant to be >er3 fran; =it: 3ou? I :a>e stron9 reser>ations
about Geor9e !us:? I78 concerned about turnin9 t:e countr3 o>er to :i8?7F
As t:e con>ention ca8e closer1 Rea9an continued to be :ounded b3 !us:8en fro8 inside
and outside :is o=n ca8<ai9n? A fe= da3s before t:e con>ention it be9an to da=n on
Rea9an t:at one alternati>e to t:e un<alatable !us: 8i9:t be for8er %resident Gerald ord1
assu8in9 t:e latter could be con>inced to 8a;e t:e run? T=o da3s before Rea9an left for
,etroit1 accordin9 to one of :is strate9ists1 Rea9an Fca8e to t:e conclusion t:at it =ould be
!us:1 but :e =asn7t all t:at :a<<3 about it?F Gfn $2H !ut t:is =as not 3et t:e last =ord?
Case31 Meese1 and ,ea>er sounded out ord1 =:o =as reluctant but did not issue a
cate9orical reBection? Stuart S<encer1 ord7s 12.- ca8<ai9n 8ana9er1 re<orted to Rea9an on
:is contacts =it: ord? 77Ron17 S<encer said1 7ord ain7t 9onna do it1 and 3ou7re 9onna <ic;
!us:?7 !ut Bud9in9 fro8 Rea9an7s reaction1 S<encer recalled later1 FT:ere =as no =a3 :e
=as 9oin9 to <ic; !us:17and t:e reason =as si8<le" Rea9an Bust didn7t li;e t:e 9u3? FIt =as
c:e8istr317 S<encer said? Gfn '5H
Rea9an no= :ad to be 9round do=n b3 an assort8ent of Eastern Liberal Establis:8ent
<erce<tion-8on9ers and <olitical :ea>ies? Muc: of t:e =ell-;no=n <rocess of ne9otiation
bet=een Rea9an and ord for t:e F,rea8 Tic;etF of 12/5 =as si8<l3 a c:arade to disorient
and de8oraliAe Rea9an =:ile eatin9 u< t:e cloc; until t:e <oint =as reac:ed =:en Rea9an
=ould :a>e no c:oice but to 8a;e t:e classic <:one call to !us:? It is ob>ious t:at Rea9an
offered t:e 6ice %residenc3 to ord1 and t:at t:e latter refused to acce<t it outri9:t1 but
en9a9ed in a <rocess of ne9otiations ostensibl3 in order to establis: t:e conditions under
=:ic: :e 8i9:t1 e>entuall31 acce<t? G fn '1H Case3 called in Henr3 #issin9er and as;ed :i8
to intercede =it: ord? *:at t:en de>elo<ed =as a 8arat:on of :a99lin9 in =:ic: ord
=as re<resented b3 #issin9er1 Alan Greens<an1 &ac; Mars:1 and !ob !arrett? Rea9an =as
re<resented b3 Case31 Meese1 and <erce<tion-8on9er Ric:ard *irt:lin? ,ic; C:ene31
ord7s for8er c:ief of staff and no= !us:7s <ro-9enocide Secretar3 of ,efense1 also 9ot
into t:e act?
T:e strate93 of !us: and Case3 =as to dra= out t:e tal;s1 runnin9 out t:e cloc; until
Rea9an =ould be forced to <ic; so8eone? Inside t:e ne9otiations1 t:e ord ca8< 8ade
de8and after de8and? *ould ord :a>e a >oice on forei9n <olic3 and defenseD *ould :e
be a 8e8ber of t:e cabinetD *ould :e beco8e t:e *:ite House c:ief of staffD At t:e sa8e
ti8e1 lea;s =ere 8ade to t:e <ress about t:e ne9otiations and :o= s=ee<in9 constitutional
issues =ere bein9 :a99led o>er in a classic s8o;e-filled roo8? T:ese lea;s beca8e 8ore
and 8ore e8barrassin91 8a;in9 it eas3 to con>ince Rea9an t:at :is i8na9e =as bein9
tarnis:ed1 t:at :e ou9:t to call off t:e tal;s and <ic; !us:?
T:is co8<leE strate93 of intri9ue cul8inated in ord7s notorious inter>ie= =it: *alter
Cron;ite1 in =:ic: t:e C!S anc:or 8an as;ed ord if FIt7s 9ot to be so8et:in9 li;e a co-
<residenc3DF FT:at7s so8et:in9 Go>ernor Rea9an reall3 ou9:t to consider1F re<lied ord1
=:ic: =as not =:at a serious >ice <residential candidate 8i9:t sa31 but did corres<ond
rat:er =ell to =:at F&err3 t:e &er;F =ould sa3 if :e =anted to e8barass Rea9an and :el<
!us:? As for Cron;ite1 =as it <ossible t:at :is coinin9 of t:e ter8 Fco-<residenc3F =as
sti8ulated b3 so8eone fro8 %rescott !us:7s old circles at C!SD
!o8barded b3 t:e 8edia no= =it: t:e Fco-<residentF t:esis1 Rea9an be9an to see
fores:ado=in9s of a <ublic relations debacle? Tele>ision re<orters be9an to :3<e an
i88inent >isit b3 Rea9an and ord to t:e con>ention to <resent t:e F,rea8 Tic;et?F Meese
=as des<atc:ed to #issin9er to de8and a strai9:t ans=er fro8 t:e ord ca8<? F#issin9er
told Meese t:at t:e ord side 8i9:t not be able to :a>e an ans=er until t:e neEt 8ornin91 if
t:en1 because t:ere =ere still 8an3 @uestions about :o= t:e arran9e8ent 8i9:t =or;?F
Rea9an called ord and as;ed for a <ro8<t decision?
Rea9an aide L3n NofAi9er concluded at t:is <oint" FHe31 =e don7t t:in; t:is is 9oin9 to
=or;1 and t:ese 9u3s are ;ind of stallin9 for ti8e :ere?F NofAi9er sus<ected t:at ord =as
tr3in9 to bac; Rea9an into a corner1 9oin9 do=n to t:e =ire in a =a3 t:at =ould obli9e
Rea9an to ta;e ord and acce<t an3 conditions t:at ord 8i9:t c:oose to i8<ose? !ut t:en
ord =ent to Rea9an7s :otel roo8 to F9i>e :i8 83 decision1 and 83 decision is no?F FAs
ord left1 Rea9an =i<ed :is bro= and said1 7No= =:ere t:e :ell7s Geor9e !us:D7F Gfn '$H
Rea9an :ad been so fiEated on :is :a99lin9 =it: ord t:at :e :ad not done an3t:in9 to
de>elo< >ice <residential alternati>es to !us:1 and no= it =as too late?
T:e best indication t:at ord :ad been =or;in9 all alon9 as an a9ent of !us: =as <ro>ided
b3 ord :i8self to Ger8ond and *itco>er" Ford1 incidentiall31 told us after t:e election
t:at one of :is <ri8e obBecti>es at t:e con>ention :ad been 7to subtl3 :el< Geor9e !us: 9et
t:e G>ice-<residentialH no8ination?7F Gfn ''H
,re= Le=is :el<ed Rea9an 8a;e t:e call t:at :e found so distasteful? Rea9an ca8e on t:e
line" FHello1 Geor9e1 t:is is Ron Rea9an? I7d li;e to 9o o>er to t:e con>ention and announce
t:at 3ou7re 83 c:oice for >ice <reident???if t:at7s all ri9:t =it: 3ou?F
FI7d be :onored1 Go>ernor?F
Rea9an =as still reluctant? FGeor9e1 is t:ere an3t:in9 at all ???about t:e <latfor8 or an3t:in9
else???an3t:in9 t:at 8i9:t 8a;e 3ou unco8fortable do=n t:e roadDF F*:31 3es1 sir1F said
!us: FI t:in; 3ou can sa3 I su<<ort t:e <latfor8 --=:ole:eartedl3?F Rea9an no= <roceeded
to t:e con>ention floor1 =:ere :e =ould announce t:is c:oice of !us:? #no=in9 t:at t:is
decision =ould alienate 8an3 of Rea9an7s ideolo9ical bac;ers1 t:e Rea9an ca8<ai9n lea;ed
t:e ne=s t:at !us: :ad been c:osen to t:e 8edia1 so t:at it =ould @uic;l3 s<read to t:e
con>ention floor? T:e3 =ere see;in9 to cus:ion t:e blo=1 to a>oid 8ass eE<ressions of
dis9ust =:en !us:7s na8e =as announced? E>en as it =as1 t:ere =as 8uc: 9roanin9 and
booin9 a8on9 t:e Rea9an fait:ful?
In retros<ect1 t:e sucess of !us:7s 8ac:inations at t:e 12/5 con>ention can be seen to :a>e
:ad a >er3 sinister <recedent at t:e GO% con>ention :eld in %:iladel<:ia Bust ei9:t3 3ears
earlier? At t:at con>ention1 *illia8 Mc#inle31 one of t:e last of t:e Lincoln Re<ublicans1
=as no8inated for a second ter8?
T:e Ne= (or; ban;ers1 es<eciall3 t:e House of Mor9an1 =anted T:eodore Roose>elt for
>ice <resident1 but Mc#inle3 and :is c:ief <olitical all31 Senator Marc Hanna1 =ere
ada8ant t:at t:e3 =anted no <art of t:e infantile and 8e9alo8aniac Ne= (or; 9o>ernor? At
one <oint Hanna eEclai8ed to a 9rou< of sout:ern dele9ates1 F,on7t an3 of 3ou realiAe t:at
t:ere7s onl3 one life bet=een t:is 8ad8an and t:e *:ite HouseKF E>entuall3 Mc#inle37s
:and =as forced b3 a 9rou< of Ne= (or; dele9ates =:o =ere 8oti>ated <ri8aril3 b3 t:eir
desire to 9et t:e un<o<ular and erratic Roose>elt out of t:e state at an3 cost? T:e3 told
Hanna t:at unless Roose>elt =ere on t:e tic;et1 Mc#inle3 8i9:t loose t:e >ital Ne= (or;
electoral >otes? Mc#inle3 and Hanna ca<itulated1 and T:eodore Roose>elt Boined t:e tic;et?
Gfn ')H
*it:in one 3ear1 %resident Mc#inle3 =as assassinated at !uffalo1 and T:eodore Roose>elt
assu8ed <o=er in t:e na8e of t:e fanatical and i8becilic An9lo-SaEon i8<erial strate93 of
=orld do8ination =:ic: :el<ed to <reci<itate t:e irst *orld *ar?
,id !us:7s <rofessed ad8iration for T:eodore Roose>elt include a desire to seiAe t:e
<residenc3 >ia a si8ilar <at:D T:e e>ents of Marc:1 12/1 =ill 9i>e us cause to <onder?
As t:e ,etroit con>ention ca8 to a close1 t:e Rea9an and !us: ca8<ai9n staffs =ere
8er9ed1 =it: &a8es !a;er assu8in9 a <ro8inent <osition in t:e Case3-run Rea9an
ca8<ai9n? T:e Ra3 Cline1 Hal<er1 and Ga8bino o<erations =ere all continued? ro8 t:is
<oint on1 Rea9an7s entoura9e =ould be :ea>il3 infiltrated b3 !us:8en?
T:e Rea9an-!us: ca8<ai9n1 no= c:oc; full of !us:7s !ro=n !rot:ers1 Harri8anOS;ull
and !ones assets1 no= announced a ca8<ai9n of es<iona9e? T:is ca8<ai9n told re<orters
t:at it =as 9oin9 to s<3 on t:e Carter re9i8e?
!ac; in A<ril1 Carter :ad ta;en to li>e tele>ision at . AM one 8ornin9 to announce so8e
e<:e8eral <ro9ress in :is efforts to secure t:e release of State ,e<art8ent officials and
ot:ers fro8 t:e US E8bass3 in Te:eran t:at =ere bein9 :eld as :osta9es b3 t:e #:o8eini
forces in Iran? T:is announce8ent =as ti8ed to coincide =it: ,e8ocratic <ri8aries in
#ansas and *isconsin1 in =:ic: Carter =as able to o>er=:el8 c:allen9es fro8 Tedd3
#enned3 and &err3 !ro=n? A 8e8o fro8 Ric:ard *irt:lin to Case3 and Rea9an initiated a
discussion of :o= t:e Carter 9an9 8i9:t eE<loit t:e ad>anta9es of incu8benc3 in order to
influence t:e outco8e of t:e election1 <er:a<s b3 atte8<tin9 to sta8<ede t:e <ublic b3
so8e dra8atic e>ent at t:e last 8inute1 suc: as t:e freein9 of t:e :osta9es in Te:eran?
Case3 be9an to institute counter-8easures e>en before t:e ,etroit GO% con>ention?
,urin9 t:e con>ention1 at a &ul3 1) <ress conference1 Case3 told re<orters of :is concern
t:at Carter 8i9:t s<rin9 an FOctober sur<riseF in forei9n or do8estic <olic3 on t:e e>e of
t:e No>e8ber elections? He announced t:at :e :ad set u< =:at :e called an Fincu8benc3
=atc:F to 8onitor Carter7s acti>ities and decisions? Case3 eE<lained t:at an Fintelli9ence
o<erationF directed a9ainst t:e Carter *:ite House =as functionin9 Falread3 in 9er8inal
for8?F Ed Meese1 =:o =as =it: Case3 at t:is <ress conference1 added t:at t:e October
sur<rise Fcould be an3t:in9 fro8 a su88it conference on ener93F or de>elo<8ent in Latin
A8erica1 or <er:a<s t:e i8<osition of F=a9e and <rice controlsF on t:e do8estic econo83?
F*e7>e tal;ed about t:e October sur<rise and =:at t:e October sur<rise =ill be1F said
Case3? FI t:in; it7s i88oral and i8<ro<er?F
T:e <re>ious e>enin91 in a tele>ison a<<earance1 Rea9an :ad su99ested t:at Ft:e So>iet
Union is 9oin9 to t:ro= a fe= bones to Mr? Carter durin9 t:is co8in9 ca8<ai9n to :el< :i8
continue as <resident?F Gfn '+H
Alt:ou9: Case3 and Meese :ad defined a broad ran9e of <ossibilities for t:e October
sur<rise1 t:e 8ost <ro8inent of t:ese =as certainl3 t:e liberation of t:e A8erican :osta9es
in Iran? A <oll s:o=ed t:at if t:e :osta9es =ere to be released durin9 t:e <eriod bet=een
October 1/ and October $+1 Carter could recei>e a 15R increase in <o<ular >ote on election
T:e Fincu8benc3 =atc:F set u< b3 Case31 =ould 9o be3ond sur>eillance and beco8e a
dirt3 tric;s o<eration a9ainst Carter1 includin9 b3 atte8<tin9 to bloc; t:e liberation of t:e
:osta9es before t:e No>e8ber1 12/5 election?
*:at follo=s =as in essence a <itc:ed battle bet=een t=o fascist 9an9s1 t:e Carter *:ite
House and t:e !us:-Case3 forces? Out of t:is 12/5 9an9 =arfare1 t:e <ost-12/1 United
States re9i8e =ould e8er9e? In t:e e>ent t:e te8<le of A<ollo in Ne= Ha>en defeated t:e
te8<le of ,ion3sios in %lains1 Geor9ia?
Carter and !rAeAins;i :ad deliberatel3 to<<led t:e S:a:1 deliberatel3 installed #:o8eini in
<o=er? T:is =as an inte9ral <art of !rAeAins;i7s Farc of crisisF 9eo<olitical lunac31 anot:er
8ade-in-London artefact =:ic: called for t:e US to su<<ort t:e rise of #:o8eini1 and :is
<ersonal brand of fanaticis81 a 8ilitant :eres3 =it:in Isla8? US ar8s deli>eries =ere 8ade
to Iran durin9 t:e ti8e of t:e S:a:C durin9 t:e s:ort-li>ed !a;tiar 9o>ern8ent at t:e end of
t:e S:a:7s rei9nC and continuousl3 after t:e ad>ent of #:o8eini? T:ere are indications t:at
t:e Carter re9i8e conni>ed =it: #:o8eini to 9et t:e :osta9es ta;en in t:e first <laceC t:e
eEistence of t:e :osta9es =ould allo= Carter to continue ar8s deli>eries and ot:er >ital
for8s of su<<ort for #:o8eini under t:e <reteEt t:at :e =as doin9 it out of lo>e for
#:o8eini1 but in order to free t:e :osta9es? It =as1 in s:ort1 t:e sa8e c:arade t:at =as later
acted out under Rea9an?
A little-noted as<ect of t:e Carter ar8s ne9otiations =it: #:o8eini durin9 t:e :osta9e
crisis is t:e <ossible in>ol>e8ent of net=or;s friendl3 to !us:? On ,ece8ber .1 12.21 less
t:an t=o 8ont:s after t:e :osta9es =ere seiAed1 Assistant Secretar3 of State Harold
Saunders =as contacted b3 a certain C3rus Has:e8i1 an Iranian ar8s dealer and a9ent of
t:e Iranian SA6A# secret <olice? Has:e8i <ro<osed a deal to free t:e :osta9es1 and
sub8itted a 8e8orandu8 callin9 for t:e re8o>al of t:e ailin9 eE<atriate S:a: fro8 US
territor3C an a<olo93 b3 t:e US to t:e <eo<le of Iran for <ast US interferenceC t:e creation
of a United Nations Co88issionC and t:e unfreeAin9 of t:e Iranian financial assets seiAed
b3 Carter and ar8s and s<are <arts deli>eries b3 t:e US to Iran? All of t:is =as su88ed u<
in a 8e8orandu8 sub8itted to Secretar3 of State C3rus 6ance? Gfn '-H
T:e re8ar;able as<ect of t:is encounter =as t:at C3rus Has:e8i =as acco8<anied b3 :is
la=3er1 &o:n Stanle3 %ottin9er? T:e account of t:e 12.- Letelier case <ro>ided abo>e :as
establis:ed t:at %ottin9er =as a close !us: collaborator? %ottin9er1 it =ill be recalled1 :ad
ser>ed as Assistant Attorne3 General for Ci>il Ri9:ts in t:e NiEon and ord ad8inistrations
bet=een 12.' and 12.. after :a>in9 directed t:e US Office of Ci>il Ri9:ts in t:e &ustice
,e<art8ent bet=een 12.5 and 12.'? %ottin9er :ad also sta3ed on into t:e earl3 Carter
ad8inistration1 ser>in9 as s<ecial assistant to t:e Attorne3 General fro8 ebruar3 to A<ril1
12..? %ottin9er :ad t:en Boined t:e la= fir8 of Trac31 Malin1 and %ottin9er of *as:in9ton1
London1 and %aris?
T:is sa8e %ottin9er =as no= t:e la=3er for 9un-runner C3rus Has:e8i? Gi>en %ottin9er7s
<ro>en relation to !us:1 =e 8a3 =onder =:et:er !us: 8a3 :a>e been infor8ed of
Has:e8i7s <ro<osal and of t:e <ossible res<onses of t:e Carter ad8inistration? !us: 8a3
:a>e ;no=n1 for eEa8<le1 t:at durin9 t:e C:rist8as season of 12.2 one Ca<tain Sia>as:
Setoude:1 an Iranian na>al officer and t:e for8er Iranian 8ilitar3 attac:e before t:e
brea;in9 of di<lo8atic relations bet=een t:e United States and Iran1 =as arran9in9 ar8s
deli>eries to #:o8eini out of a <re8ises of t:e US Office of Na>al Researc: in Arlin9ton1
6ir9inia? If !us: :ad been in contact =it: %ottin9er1 :e 8i9:t :a>e ;no=n so8et:in9 about
t:e Carter offers for ar8s deli>eries?
Rele>ant e>idence t:at 8i9:t :el< us to deter8ine =:at !us: ;ne= and =:en :e ;ne= it is
still bein9 =it::eld b3 t:e !us: re9i8e ? T:e !I bu99ed C3rus Has:e8i7s <:one bet=een
October 12/5 and &anuar3 12/11 and 8an3 of t:e con>ersations t:at =ere recorded =ere
bet=een Has:e8i and !us:7s friend %ottin9er? T:e !I first clai8ed t:at t:ese ta<es =ere
Flost1F but no= ad8its t:at it ;no=s t:e location of so8e of t:e8? Are t:e3 bein9 =it::eld
to <rotect %ottin9erD Are t:e3 bein9 =it::eld to <rotect !us:D
Ot:er infor8ation on t:e intentions of t:e #:o8eini re9i8e 8a3 :a>e reac:ed !us: fro8
:is old friend and associate1 Mitc:ell Ro9o>in1 t:e for8er CIA General Counsel? ,urin9
12.-1 Ro9o>in :ad acco8<anied !us: on 8an3 tri<s to t:e Ca<itol to testif3 before
Con9ressional co88itteesC t:e t=o =ere ;no=n to be close? In t:e s<rin9 of 12/51 Ro9o>in
told t:e Carter ad8inistration t:at :e :ad been a<<roac:ed b3 t:e Iranian- A8erican ar8s
dealer Hous:an9 La>i =it: an offer to start ne9otiations for t:e release of t:e :osta9es?
La>i clai8ed to be an e8issar3 of Iranian <resident Abol Hassan !ani-SadrC Ro9o>in at t:is
ti8e =as =or;in9 as t:e la=3er for t:e &o:n Anderson GO% <residential ca8<ai9n?
!us:7s fa8il3 friend Case3 :ad also been in touc: =it: Iranian re<resentati>es? &a8s:id
Has:e8i1 t:e brot:er of C3rus Has:e8i 0=:o died under sus<icious circu8stances durin9
12/-41 :as told Gar3 Sic; t:at :e 8et =it: *illia8 Case3 at t:e Ma3flo=er Hotel in
*as:in9ton1 ,C in Marc: of 12/5 to tal; about t:e :osta9es? Accordin9 to &a8s:id
Has:e8i1 FCase3 @uic;l3 8ade clear t:at :e =anted to <re>ent &i883 Carter fro8 9ainin9
an3 <olitical ad>anta9e fro8 t:e :osta9e crisis? T:e Has:e8is a9reed to coo<erate =it:
Case3 =it:out t:e ;no=led9e of t:e Carter Ad8inistration?F Gfn '.H
Case37s Fintelli9ence o<erationF included t:e s<3in9 on t:e o<<osin9 candidate t:at :as
been routine in US <olitical ca8<ai9ns for decades1 but =ent far be3ond it? As Bournalists
li;e *itco>er and Ger8ond ;ne= durin9 t:e course of t:e ca8<ai9n1 and as t:e 12/)
Albosta co88ittee F,ebate9ateF in>esti9ation s:o=ed1 Case3 set u< at least t=o October
Sur<rise es<iona9e 9rou<s?
T:e first of t:ese =atc:ed t:e Carter *:ite House1 t:e *as:in9ton bureaucrac31 and
di<lo8atic and intelli9ence <osts o>erseas? T:is 9rou< =as :eaded b3 Rea9an7s <rinci<al
forei9n <olic3 ad>isor and later NSC c:air8an Ric:ard Allen? Allen =as assisted b3 red
Ic;le and &o:n Le:8an1 =:o later 9ot to< Bobs in t:e %enta9on1 and b3 Ad8iral T:o8as
Moorer? T:is 9rou< also included Robert Mcarlane? Allen =as in touc: =it: so8e 1$5
forei9n <olic3 and national securit3 eE<erts s38<at:etic to t:e Rea9an ca8<ai9n? Case3
:el<ed Allen to interface =it: t:e !us: ca8<ai9n net=or; of retired and acti>e dut3 assets
in t:e intelli9ence co88unit3? T:is net=or; reac:ed into t:e Carter NSC1 =:ere !us:
cron3 ,on Gre99 =or;ed as t:e CIA liaison 8an1 and into Carter7s to<-secret *:ite House
situation roo8?
,urin9 t:ese >er3 8ont:s t:ere =as a furt:er influE of retired intelli9ence officers into t:e
Rea9an-!us: 8ac:ine? Accordin9 to Colonel C:arlie !ec;=it:1 =:o :ad led t:e aborti>e
F,esert OneF atte8<t to rescue t:e :osta9es durin9 t:e s<rin9 of 12/51 FT:e Carter
Ad8inistration 8ade a serious 8ista;e? A lot of t:e old =:ores--9u3s =it: lots of street
s8arts and eE<erience--left t:e a9enc3?F Accordin9 to anot:er CIA 8an1 FStan Turner fired
t:e best CIA o<erati>es o>er t:e :osta9e crisis? T:e firees a9reed a8on9 t:e8sel>es t:at
t:e3 =ould re8ain in touc: =it: one anot:er and =it: t:eir contacts and continue to
o<erate 8ore or less as inde<endents?F Gfn '/H
Anot:er October Sur<rise 8onitorin9 9rou< =as :eaded b3 Ad8iral Robert Garric;1 =:o
=as assisted b3 Ste<:an Hal<er1 Ra3 Cline7s son in la=? T:e tas; of t:is 9rou< =as t:e
<:3sical sur>eillance of US 8ilitar3 bases b3 on-t:e-9round obser>ers1 often retired and
so8eti8es acti>e dut3 8ilitar3 officers? Loo;outs =ere <osted to =atc: Tin;er Air orce
!ase in O;la:o8a1 Andre=s Air orce !ase near *as:in9ton1 McGuire Air orce !ase in
Ne= &erse3 0=:ere =ea<ons alread3 bou9:t and <aid for b3 t:e S:a: =ere stoc;<iled41 and
Norton and Marc: Air orce bases in California?
Garric;1 Case31 Meese1 *irt:lin and ot:er ca8<ai9n offocials 8et eac: 8ornin9 in alls
C:urc:? 6ir9inia1 Bust outside of *as:in9ton1 to re>ie= intelli9ence 9at:ered? !us: =as
certainl3 infor8ed of t:ese 8eetin9s? ,id :e also attend t:e8D T:is 9rou< soon beca8e
o<erational? It =as clear t:at #:o8eini =as ;ee<in9 t:e :osta9es to sell t:e8 to t:e :i9:est
bidder? !us: and Case3 =ere not reticent about <uttin9 t:eir o=n offer on t:e table?
S:ortl3 after t:e GO% con>ention1 Case3 a<<ears to :a>e tra>elled to Euro<e for a 8eetin9
in Madrid in late &ul3 =it: Me:di #arrubi1 a leadin9 #:o8eini su<<orter1 no= t:e s<ea;er
of t:e Iranan %arlia8ent? &a8s:id Has:e8i said t:at :e and :is late brot:er C3rus =ere
<resent at t:is 8eetin9 and at anot:er one in Madrid durin9 Au9ust =:ic: t:e3 sa3 Case3
also attended? T:e <resent 9o>ern8ent of Iran :as declined to confir81 or den3 t:is contact1
sa3in9 t:at Ft:e Isla8ic Go>ern8ent of Iran sees no benefit to in>ol>e itself in t:e 8atter?F
Case37s =:ereabouts are officiall3 un;no=n bet=een &ul3 $--$. and &ul3 '5? *:at is
;no=n is t:at as soon as Case3 surfaced a9ain in *as:in9ton on &ul3 '51 :e re<orted bac;
to >ice <residential candidate Geor9e !us: in a dinner 8eetin9 :eld at t:e Alibi Club? It is
certain fro8 t:e e>idence t:at t:ere =ere ne9otiations =it: t:e Mulla:s b3 t:e Rea9an-
!us: ca8<1 and t:at !us: =as :ea>il3 in>ol>ed at e>er3 sta9e?
In earl3 Se<te8ber1 !us:7s brot:er %rescott !us: beca8e in>ol>ed =it: a letter to &a8es
!a;er in =:ic: :e described :is contacts =it: a certain Herbert Co:en1 a consultant to t:e
Carter Ad8inistration on Middle East 8atters? Co:en :ad <ro8ised to abort an3 <ossible
Carter 8o>es to F<oliticiAeF t:e :osta9e issue b3 o<enl3 denouncin9 an3 8ac:inations t:at
Carter 8i9:t atte8<t? %rescott offered !a;er a 8eetin9 =it: Co:en? *ere it not fot t:e
<o=er of t:e !ro=n !rot:ers1 Harri8anOS;ull and !ones net=or;s1 Geor9e7s brot:er
%rescott !us: 8i9:t :a>e beco8e so8et:in9 li;t t:e !ill3 Carter of t:e 12/57s?
In Se<te8ber-October 12/5 t:ere =as a 8eetin9 at t:e L7Enfant %laAa Hotel in *as:in9ton
a8on9 Ric:ard Allen1 !ud Mcarlane1 Laurence Silber8an of t:e Rea9an- !us: ca8<ai9n
and a 83sterious Iranian re<resentati>e1 t:ou9:t to be an e8issar3 of Iranian asset Has:e8i
RafsanBani1 an asset of US intelli9ence =:o =as beco8in9 one of t:e 8ost <o=erful
8ulla:s in #:o8eini7s entoura9e? T:e Iranian re<resentati>e offered a deal =:ereb3 F:e
could 9et t:e :osta9es released directl3 to our ca8<ai9n before t:e election1F Silber8an
recalls? Allen :as clai8ed t:at :e cut t:is 8eetin9 s:ort after t=ent3 8inutes? Allen1
Mcarlane1 and Silber8an 0later na8ed a federal Bud9e4 all failed to re<ort t:is a<<roac: to
t:e *:ite House1 t:e State ,e<art8ent1 or ot:er aut:orities?
On Se<te8ber $$1 Ira@ in>aded Iran1 startin9 a =ar t:at =ould last until t:e 8iddle of 12//
and =:ic: =ould clai8 8ore t:an a 8illion li>es? T:e US intelli9ence esti8ate :ad been
t:at #:o8eini and t:e 8ulla:s =ere in dan9er of losin9 <o=er b3 t:e end of 12/5 because
of t:eir inco8<etence1 corru<tion1 and beni9:ted stu<idit3? US and ot:er =estern
intelli9ence a9encies1 es<eciall3 t:e renc:1 t:ereu<on encoura9ed Ira@ to attac; Iran1
offerin9 t:e <ros<ect of an eas3 >ictor3? T:e eas3 >ictor3F anal3sis =as incor<orated into a
FsecretF CIA re<ort =:ic: =as deli>ered to t:e Saudi Arabian 9o>ern8ent =it: t:e
su99estion t:at it be lea;ed to Ira@? T:e real US esti8ate =as t:at a =ar =it: Ira@ =ould
stren9t:en #:o8eini a9ainst refor8ers =:o loo;ed to %resident !ani-Sadr1 and t:at t:e =ar
e8er9enc3 =ould assist in t:e i8<osition of a Fne= dar; a9esF re9i8e in Iran? An added
benefit =as t:at Iran and Ira@ as =arrin9 states =ould be forced >astl3 to increase t:eir oil
<roduction1 forcin9 do=n t:e oil <rice on t:e =orld 8ar;et and t:us <ro>idin9 t:e ban;ru<t
US dollar =it: an i8<ortant subsid3 in ter8s of t:e dollar7s abilit3 to co88and basic
co88odities in t:e real =orld? !ani-Sadr s<o;e in t:is connection of Fan oil crisis in
re>erseF as a result of t:e Iran-Ira@ =ar?
%resident !ani-Sadr1 =:o =as later de<osed in a cou< d7etat b3 #:o8eini1 RafsanBani1 and
!e:es:ti1 :as recalled t:at durin9 t:is <eriod #:o8eini decided to bet on Rea9an- !us:?
FSo =:at if Rea9an =ins1F said #:o8eini? FNot:in9 =ill reall3 c:an9e since :e and Carter
are bot: ene8ies of Isla8?F Gfn '2H
T:is =as t:e ti8e of t:e Rea9an-Carter <residential debates1 and Case37s o<eration :ad also
3ielded boot3 in t:is re9ard? !us: all3 and t:en Con9ress8an ,a>id Stoc;8an boasted in
Indiana in late October t:at :e :ad used a F<ilfered co<3F of Carter7s <ersonal briefin9 boo;
to coac: Rea9an <rior to a debate?
Man3 sources a9ree t:at a conclusi>e series of 8eetin9s bet=een Rea9an-!us: and t:e
#:o8eini forces too; <lace in %aris durin9 t:e October 1+-$5 <eriod1 and t:ere is little
doubt t:at *illia8 Case3 =as <resent for t:ese 8eetin9s? Accordin9 to t:e account
furnis:ed b3 Ric:ard !renne;e1 t:ere =as a 8eetin9 at t:e Hotel Ra<:ael in %aris at about
noon on October 121 attended b3 Geor9e !us:1 *illia8 Case31 ,on Gre991 Manuc:er
Gorbanifar and t=o unna8ed Iranian officials? !renne;e sa3s t:at t:ere =as a second
8eetin9 t:e sa8e afternoon1 =it: t:e sa8e cast of c:aracters1 8inus Geor9e !us:? T:en
t:ere =as a t:ird 8eetin9 at t:e Hotel lorida t:e neEt da31 October $51 t:is ti8e attended
b3 Case31 Gre991 Has:e8i1 Manuc:er Gorbanifar1 MaBor Robert !enes of t:e renc:
intelli9ence ser>ices1 and one or t=o ot:er <ersons?
Accordin9 to !ani-Sadr1 :is re<orts s:o= t:at t:e 8eetin9s too; <olace1 and =ere attended
b3 Rea9an-!us: re<resentati>es1 Iranians lo3al to !e:est:i and RafsanBani1 and ar8s
8erc:ants li;e C3rus Has:e8i1 Manuc:er G:orbanifar1 and Albert Ha;i8? !ani- Sadr7s
first re<orts fro8 8ilitar3 officials in Iran s<ecified t:at F!us: :ad 8et =it: a
re<resentati>e of !e:es:ti?F !ani-Sadr later elaborated t:at :is sources in Iran Finfor8 8e
t:at !us: =as in t:e discussions in %aris???t:at :is na8e :ad been on t:e docu8ent? I :a>e it
in =ritin9?F Gfn )5H
Accordin9 to Gar3 Sic;7s collation of fifteen sources clai8in9 ;no=led9e of t:e %aris
8eetin91 t:e Iranian side a9reed not to release t:e :osta9es before t:e No>e8ber ) US
election1 and t:e Rea9an-!us: side <ro8ised to deli>er s<are <arts for 8ilitar3 e@ui<8ent
t:rou9: Israel?
Heinric: Ru<<1 a <ilot =:o often =or;ed for Case31 sa3s t:at :e fle= a !AC-1-11 <ri>ate
Bet fro8 *as:in9ton National Air<ort >ia Gander1 Ne=foundland1 to Le !our9et air<ort in
%aris durin9 t:e ni9:t of october 1/-121 12/51 arri>in9 in %aris at 15 AM in t:e 8ornin9 of
October 121 local ti8e? He 8a3 also :a>e sto<<ed in one of t:e Ne= (or; air<orts? Ru<<
:as told Bournalists t:at alt:ou9: :e is not sure eEactl3 =:o fle= in :is <lane1 :e 7s F155R
certainF t:at :e sa= *illia8 Case3 on t:e tar8ac of Le !our9et after :is arri>al? Ru<< is
also F2/R certainF t:at :e also sa= Geor9e !us: at t:e sa8e ti8e and <lace? At ot:er ti8es
Ru<< :as been F22?2RF certain t:at :e sa= !us: at Le !our9et t:at da3?
Accordin9 to Gar3 Sic;1 Fat least fi>e of t:e sources =:o sa3 t:e3 =ere in %aris in
connection =it: t:ese 8eetin9s insist t:at Geor9e !us: =as <resent for at least one
8eetin9? T:ree of t:e sources sa3 t:at t:e3 sa= :i8 t:ere?F Gfn )1H
!us: :as :eatedl3 denied t:at :e =as in %aris at t:is ti8e1 and :as said t:at :e <ersonall3
did not ne9otiate =it: #:o8eini en>o3s? !ut :e :as 9enerall3 a>oided a blan;et denial t:at
t:e ca8<ai9n of =:ic: :e =as a <rinci<al en9a9ed in surre<titious dealin9s =it: t:e
#:o8eini 8ulla:s?
!us:7s alibi for October 1/-October 121 12/5 :as al=a3s a<<eared dubious? T:ere is in fact
a <eriod of $1 or $$ :ours in =:ic: :is =:ereabouts cannot be conclusi>el3 <ro>en?
Accordin9 to !us:7s ca8<ai9n records1 :e =as in %:iladel<:ia on October 1/1 and :is last
e>ent of t:e da3 =as a s<eec: at *idener Uni>ersit3 in ,ela=are Count3 t:at be9an at
about /")5 %M? After t:e s<eec:1 :e =as sc:eduled to fl3 to *as:in9tonC t:e neEt e>ent on
:is sc:edule =as an address to t:e Jionist Or9aniAation of A8erica at t:e Ca<ital Hilton
Hotel in do=nto=n *as:in9ton at . %M on October 12? In t:e 8eanti8e :e =ould rest at
:is ca8<ai9n residence at ))$2 Lo=ell Street in *as:in9ton?
!us: staffer %eter Hart :as clai8ed t:at !us: arri>ed at Andre=s Air orce !ase in t:e
Mar3land suburbs of *as:in9ton on t:e ni9:t of October 12 and t:en <roceeded to :is
ca8<ai9n residence? Secret Ser>ice records sa3 t:at !us: landed at *as:in9ton National
Air<ort in nort:ern 6ir9inia at 2"$+ %M? T:e Secret Ser>ice records are t:e8sel>es sus<ect
in t:at t:e3 =ere filed 1$ da3s later? 0One t:in;s of t:e undated co8bat re<ort of !us:7s
8ission fro8 t:e San &acinto?4 T:is is t:e sa8e air<ort and about t:e sa8e ti8e 8entioned
b3 Ru<< in :is account of :is de<arture for %aris?
T:ere is so8e indication t:at a !us: double 8a3 :a>e 8ade an a<<earance at t:e Ho=ard
&o:nson Motel in C:es:ire1 %enns3l>ania =:ere !us: =as sta3in9? Accordin9 to t:e 8otel
8ana9er1 !us: did not c:ec; out of :is establis:8ent until after 11 %M t:at ni9:t1 =:ic:
cointradicts bot: Hart and t:e Secret Ser>ice records?
T:ere are so8e Secret Ser>ice lo9s t:at indicate so8et:in9 about !us: >isitin9 C:e>3
C:ase Countr3 Club in suburban Mar3land bet=een 15"'5 AM and 11"+- AM on t:e
8ornin9 of October 121 but t:is e>idence is :i9:l3 sus<ect? T:e records in @uestion a<<ear
to :a>e been filled out b3 an ad>ance 8an fro8 !us:7s <olitical staff1 not a Secret Ser>ice
a9ent? T:e docu8ents are dated one =ee; after t:e e>ents in @uestion? %arts of t:e
docu8entation :a>e been :ea>il3 censored and Fredacted?F An in>esti9ati>e Bournalist =as
unable to find an3one a8on9 t:e <ersonnel of t:e countr3 club =:o could confir8 t:at
!us: :ad been t:ere1 and t:ere a<<ear to be no files or records at t:e countr3 club t:at
could <ro>e :is <resence?
,on Gre99 :as also atte8<ted to <ro>ide :is o=n alibi for October 1/-12? T:is ca8e in a
trial in %ortland1 Or9eon in A<ril-Ma31 1225 in =:ic: t:e !us: re9i8e :ad indicted Ric:ard
!renne;e for <erBur3 alle9edl3 co88itted in tellin9 t:e stor3 of t:e %aris 8eetin9 and
!us:7s <resence to a federal Bud9e in a Colorado trial in =:ic: Heinric: Ru<< :ad been
con>icted for ban; fraud in Se<te8ber1 12//? Gre997s stor3 =as t:at :e :ad been at t:e
beac: in ,ela=are =it: :is fa8il3 durin9 t:e <eriod in @uestion1 and :e <roduced so8e
<:oto9ra<:s :e said =ere 8ade durin9 t:ose da3s? EE<ert =itness !ob L3nott1 an
eE<erienced =eat:er8an1 refuted Gre997s testi8on3 b3 s:o=in9 t:at t:e =eat:er conditions
in ,ela=are t:at da3 did not 8atc: t:ose s:o=n b3 8eteorolo9ical records? Gre99 =as
discredited1 and !renne;e =as ac@uitted on t:e c:ar9e of <erBur3?
T:e !us:8en :a>e also brou9:t for=ard Gordon Cro>itA of t:e *all Street &ournal =it: a
lo9 of !us:7s acti>ities on October 12 t:at includes a lunc:eon =it: for8er US Su<re8e
Court &ustice %otter Ste=art of S;ull and !ones? !ut %otter Ste=art died in 12/+?
inall3 Secret Ser>ice lo9s s:o= t:at !us: arri>ed at t:e Ca<itol Hilton to s<ea; before t:e
Jionist Association of A8erica at eit:er . %M or /"1$ %M1 de<endin9 on =:ic: Secret
Ser>ice records are consulted? Gfn )$H
If !us: :ad flo=n to %aris b3 <ri>ate or 8ilitar3 Bet and returned t:e sa8e =a31 or if :e :ad
returned b3 t:e Concorde or so8e ot:er t3<e of co88ercial Betliner1 t:ere =ould :a>e been
a8<le ti8e for :i8 to <roceed to %aris and <artici<ate in t:e consultations described? T:ere
is anot:er intri9uin9 <ossibilit3" durin9 t:is sa8e <eriod of $) :ours1 Iranian %ri8e
Minister Ali RaBai1 an ad>ersar3 of !ani-Sadr and <u<<et of #:o8eini1 =as in Ne= (or;
<re<arin9 to de<art for Al9iers after consultations at t:e United Nations? RaBai :ad refused
all contact =it: t:e Carter1 Mus;ie and ot:er US officials1 but :e 8a3 :a>e been 8ore
interested in 8eetin9 !us: or one of :is re<resentati>es?
!et=een October $1 and October $'1 Israel des<atc:ed a <laneload of 8uc:-needed -)
%:anto8 Bet s<are <arts it Iran in >iolation of t:e US ar8s bo3cott? *:o in *as:in9ton :ad
sanctioned t:ese s:i<8entsD In Te:eran1 t:e US :osta9es =ere re<ortedl3 dis<ersed into a
8ultitude of locations on October $$? Also on October $$1 %ri8e Minister RaBai1 bac; fro8
Ne= (or; and Al9iers1 announced t:at Iran =anted neit:er A8erican s<are <arts nor
A8erican ar8s? T:e Iranian a<<roac: to t:e on9oin9 contacts =it: t:e Carter
Ad8inistration no= be9an to fa>or e>asi>e dela3in9 tactics? T:ere =ere 8ulti<le
indications t:at #:o8eini :ad decided t:at Rea9an-!us: =as a better bet t:an Carter1 and
t:at Rea9an-!us: :ad 8ade t:e 8ore 9enerous offer?
!arbara Hone99er1 t:en an official of t:e Rea9an-!us: ca8<ai9n recalls t:at Fon October
$)t: or $+t:1 an assistant to Ste<:an Hal<er7s 7October Sur<rise7 intelli9ence o<eration
ec:oed *illia8 Case37s ne=found confidence1 boastin9 to t:e aut:or in t:e o<erations
center =:ere GRea9an-!us: Iran =atc:er Mic:elH S8it: =or;ed t:at t:e ca8<ai9n no
lon9er needed to =orr3 about an 7October sur<rise7 because 7,ic; GAllenH cut a deal?F Gfn
)'H On October $.1 !us: ca8<ai9ned in %ittsbur9:1 =:ere :e addressed a 9at:erin9 of
labor leaders? His t:e8e t:at da3 =as Iranian atte8<t to F8ani<ulateF t:e outco8e of t:e
US election t:rou9: t:e eEertion of Flast-8inute le>era9eF in>ol>in9 t:e :osta9es? FIt7s no
secret t:at t:e Iranians do not =ant to see Ronald Rea9an elected %resident1F !us: lied?
FT:e3 =ant to <la3 a :and in t:e election-- =it: our +$ :osta9es as t:e +$ cards in t:eir
ne9otiatin9 dec;?F It =as a Fcool1 c3nical1 unconscionable <lo3F b3 t:e #:o8eini re9i8e?
!us: asserted t:at it =as Ffair to as; :o= co8e ri9:t no= t:ere7s tal; of releasin9 t:e8 Gt:e
:osta9esH after nearl3 a 3ear?F His i8<lication =as t:at Carter =as t:e one =it: t:e dirt3
deal? !us: concluded t:at :e =anted t:e :osta9es Fout as soon as <ossible???*e =ant t:e8
:o8e and =e7ll =orr3 about =:o to bla8e later?F Gfn ))H
,urin9 t:e first =ee; of ,ece8ber1 EEecuti>e Intelli9ence Re>ie= re<orted t:at Henr3
#issin9er F:eld a series of 8eetin9s durin9 t:e =ee; of No>e8ber 1$ in %aris =it:
re<resentati>es of A3atolla: !e:es:ti1 leader of t:e funda8entlist cler93 in Iran?F FTo< le>el
intelli9ence sources in Rea9an7s inner circle confir8ed #issin9er7s unre<orted tal;s =it: t:e
Iranian 8ulla:s1 but stressed t:at t:e #issin9er initiati>e =as totall3 unaut:oriAed b3 t:e
<resident-elect?F Accordin9 to EIR1 Fit a<<ears t:at t:e <attern of coo<eration bet=een t:e
#:o8eini <eo<le and circles no8inall3 in Rea9an7s ca8< be9an a<<roEi8atel3 siE to ei9:t
=ee;s a9o1 at t:e :ei9:t of %resident Carter7s efforts to secure an ar8s-for-:osta9es deal
=it: Te:eran? Carter7s failure to secure t:e deal1 =:ic: a nu8ber of obser>ers belie>e cost
:i8 t:e No>e8ber ) election1 a<<arentl3 resulted fro8 an inter>ention in Te:eran b3 <ro-
Rea9an !ritis: circles and t:e #issin9er faction?F Gfn )+H T:ese re>elations fro8 EIR are
t:e first 8ention in t:e <ublic record of t:e scandal =:ic: :as co8e o>er t:e 3ears to be
;no=n as t:e October sur<rise?
T:e :osta9es =ere not released before t:e No>e8ber election1 =:ic: Rea9an =on
con>incin9l3? T:at ni9:t1 accordin9 to Roland %err31 !us: said to Rea9an1 F(ou7re in li;e a
bur9lar?F #:o8eini ;e<t t:e :osta9es e8<risoned until &anuar3 $51 t:e da3 of t:e Rea9an-
!us: inau9uration1 and let t:e :osta9e <lane ta;e off Bust as Rea9an and !us: =ere ta;in9
t:eir oat:s of office?
*:et:er Geor9e !us: =as <ersonall3 <resent in %aris1 or at ot:er 8eetin9s =it: Iranian
re<resentati>es =:ere t:e :osta9e and ar8s @uestions =ere on t:e a9enda1 :as 3et to be
conclusi>el3 <ro>en? Here a t:orou9: and intrusi>e Con9ressional in>esti9ation of t:e
Carter and Rea9an 8ac:inations in t:is re9ard is lon9 o>erdue? Suc: a <robe 8i9:t also
s:ed li9:t on t:e ori9ins of t:e Iran-Ira@ =ar1 =:ic: set t:e sta9e for t:e 8ore recent Gulf
crisis? !ut1 @uite a<art fro8 @uestions re9ardin9 Geor9e !us:7s <resence at t:is or t:at
8eetin91 t:ere can be no doubt t:at bot: t:e Carter re9i8e and t:e Rea9an-!us: ca8<ai9n
=ere acti>el3 in>ol>ed in dealin9s =it: t:e #:o8eini re9i8e concernin9 t:e :osta9es and
concernin9 t:e ti8in9 of t:eir <ossible release? In t:e case of t:e Rea9an- !us: Iran
connection1 t:ere is reason to belie>e t:at federal cri8es under t:e Lo9an Act and ot:er
a<<licable la=s 8a3 :a>e ta;en <lace?
Geor9e !us: :ad no= 9ras<ed t:e interi8 <riAe t:at :ad eluded :i8 since 12-/" after 8ore
t:an a doAen 3ears of effort1 :e :ad no= beco8e t:e 6ice %resident of t:e United States?
1? !ob *ood=ard and *alter %incus1 FAt CIA1 a Rebuilder 7Goes *it: t:e lo=17F *as:in9ton %ost1
Au9ust 151 12//?
$? or !us:7s business dealin9s of 12..-.21 see !ob *ood=ard and *alter %incus1 F,oin9 *ell *it: Hel<
ro8 a8il31 riends1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust 111 12//?
'? *as:in9ton %ost1 A<ril -1 12./?
)? *as:in9ton %ost1 No>e8ber 1$1 12./?
+? Albert %i;e to Robert Too8bs1 Ma3 $51 1/-1 in T:e *ar of t:e Rebellion" A Co8<ilation of t:e Official
Records of t:e Union and Confederate Ar8ies 0*as:in9ton" US Go>ern8ent %rintin9 Office1 1//141 Series
I1 6olu8e III1 <<? +/5-1? See also &a8es ,a>id Carter1 Histor3 of t:e Su<re8e Council1 ''5 0Mot:er
Council of t:e *orld41 Ancient and Acce<ted Scottis: Rite of ree8asonr3 Sout:ern &urisdiction1 USA1
1/-1-1/21 0*as:in9ton" T:e Su<re8e Council1 ''51 12-.41 <<? +-$)1 and &a8es ,a>id Carter 0editor41 T:e
irst Centur3 of Scottis: Rite Masonr3 in TeEas" 1/-.-12-. 0TeEas Scottis: Rite !odies1 12-.41 <<? '$-''1
-? rederic;a Meiners1 0Houston" Rice Uni>ersit31 12/$4?
.? Ronald !ro=nstein and Nina Easton1 Rea9an7s Rulin9 Class 0Ne= (or;" %ant:eon !oo;s1 12/'41 <? -+5?
/? Ne= (or; Ti8es Ma9aAine1 Ma3 -1 12251 <<? ')-'.?
2? &oe Conason1 FCo8<an3 Man1F 6illa9e 6oice1 October 1 12//?
15? !ob Calla:an1 FA9ents for !us:1F Co>ert Action Infor8ation !ulletin1 Nu8ber '' 0*inter1 122541 <? +
11? &oe Conason1 FCo8<an3 Man1F 6illa9e 6oice1 October 1 12//?
1$? Harris *orcester1 FTra>els =it: !us: and Connall31F TeEas Obser>er1 Se<te8ber $$1 12./?
1'? Harr3 Hurt III1 FGeor9e !us:1 %luc;3 Lad1F TeEas Mont:l31 &une 12/'1 <? $5-?
1)? L? *olfe1 F#in9 Geor9e 6II Ca8<ai9ns in Ne= Ha8<s:ire1 Ne= Solidarit31 &anuar3 /1 12/5?
1+? &eff Greenfield1 T:e Real Ca8<ai9n 0Ne= (or;1 12/$41 <<? '--'.?
1-? or t:e &erusale8 Conference1 see" Ed=ard S? Her8an and Gerr3 O7Sulli>an1 T:e Terroris8 Industr3
0Ne= (or;1 %ant:eon41 <assi8C &onat:an Mars:all et al?1 T:e Iran Contra Connection 0!oston1 12/.4C !ob
Calla:an1 FA9ents for !us:1F Co>ert Action Infor8ation !ulletin1 Nu8ber '' 0*inter1 122541 <? -C Ed=ard
S? Her8an and ran; !rod:ead1 T:e Rise and all of t:e !ul9arian Connection1 <<? -/--2?
1.? See Greenfield1 T:e Real Ca8<ai9n1 <<? )5-)1?
12? Luoted in Greenfield1 <? ))?
$5? Manc:ester Union Leader1 ebruar3 $)1 12/5?
$1? Sidne3 !lu8ent:al1 T:e Rise of t:e Counter-establis:8ent 0Ne= (or;1 12//41 <<? /$-/'?
$$? Mar; !isno=1 ,iar3 of a ,ar; Horse" T:e 12/5 Anderson %residential Ca8<ai9n 0Sout:ern Illinois
Uni>ersit3 %ress1 12/'41 <? 1'-?
$'? or t:e Nas:ua Tele9ra<: ,ebate1 see" Greenfield1 T:e Real Ca8<ai9n1 <? )) ff?C Mar; !isno=1 ,iar3
of a ,ar; Horse1 <? 1') ff?C &ules *itco>er and &ac; Ger8ond1 !lue S8o;e and Mirrors 0Ne= (or;1 12/141
<? 11- ff?
$)? *as:in9ton %ost1 A<ril $21 12/5?
$+? TeEas Obser>er1 Ma3 $'1 12/5?
$-? ,a>id Lei9:1 T:e *ilson %lot1 <assi8?
$.? Letter fro8 Case3 to C:erne1 &ul3 151 12.'1 ord Librar31 Leo C:erne %a<ers1 !oE 1?
$/? Ger8ond and *itco>er1 !lue S8o;e and Mirrors1 <? 1-2?
$2? Ger8ond and *itco>er1 <? 1.5?
'5? Ger8ond and *itco>er1 <? 1.1?
'1? T:e best testi8on3 on t:is is Rea9an7s o=n res<onse to a @uestion fro8 *itco>er and Ger8ond? As;ed
if Fit =as true t:at :e =as tr3in9 to 9et %resident ord to run =it: :i81F Rea9an <ro8<tl3 res<onded1 FO:1
sure? T:at =ould be t:e best?F See Ger8ond and *itco>er1 <? 1./?
'$? Ger8ond and *itco>er1 <? 1/.?
''? Ger8ond and *itco>er1 <? 1//?
')? See Henr3 %rin9le1 T:eodore Roose>elt1 A !io9ra<:3 0Ne= (or;" Harcourt !race1 12'141 <? $$'?
'+? *as:in9ton Star1 &ul3 1+1 12/5?
'-? See EEecuti>e Intelli9ence Re>ie=1 %roBect ,e8ocrac3" T:e F%arallel Go>ern8entF !e:ind t:e Iran-
contra affair 0*as:in9ton1 12/.41 <<? //-151?
'.? Gar3 Sic;1 FT:e Election Stor3 of t:e ,ecade1F Ne= (or; Ti8es1 A<ril 1+1 1221?
'/? Abbie Hoff8an and &onat:an Sil>ers1 FAn Election Held Hosta9eF %la3bo31 October 12//?
'2? Abol Hassan !ani-Sadr1 M3 Turn to S<ea; 0Ne= (or;1 122141 <? ''?
)5? !arbara Hone99er1 October Sur<rise 1 <? +2?
)1? Gar3 Sic;1 Ne= (or; Ti8es1 A<ril 1+1 1221?
)$? or an eE:austi>e anal3sis of !us:7s alibi1 see !arbara Hone99er1 October Sur<rise 0Ne= (or;1
12/241 <? 2/ ff?
)'? !arbara Hone99er1 October Sur<rise1 <? +/?
))? *as:in9ton %ost1 October $/1 12/5?
)+? EEecuti>e Intelli9ence Re>ie=1 ,ece8ber $1 12/5?
Geor9e !us:" T:e Unaut:oriAed !io9ra<:3 --- b3 *ebster G? Tar<le3 N Anton
C:a<ter -M6II- T:e Atte8<ted Cou< ,7Etat of Marc:
'51 1221
F!iAarre :a<<enstance1 a =eird coincidenceF
--!us: s<o;es=o8an S:irle3 M? Green1 Marc: '11 12/1
cui <rodest scelus1 is fecit
--Seneca1 first centur3 A,
or !us:1 t:e >ice <residenc3 =as not an end in itself1 but 8erel3 anot:er sta9e in t:e
ascent to=ards t:e <innacle of t:e federal bureaucrac31 t:e *:ite House? *it: t:e :el< of
:is !ro=n !rot:ers1 Harri8anOS;ull and !ones net=or;1 !us: :ad no= reac:ed t:e <oint
=:ere but a sin9le :u8an life stood bet=een :i8 and t:e <residenc3?
Ronald Rea9an =as .5 3ears old =:en :e too; office1 t:e oldest 8an e>er to be inau9urated
as <resident? His 8ind =anderedC lon9 fits of slu8ber cre<t o>er :is co9niti>e faculties? On
so8e da3s :e 8a3 :a>e ;e<t ban;ers7 :ours =it: :is <a<ers and briefin9 boo;s and
8eetin9s in t:e O>al Office1 but :e needed a lon9 na< 8ost afternoons and beca8e
distrau9:t if :e could not :a>e one? His custo8 =as to dele9ate all ad8inistrati>e decisions
to t:e cabinet 8e8bers1 to t:e eEecuti>e de<art8ents and a9encies? %olic3 @uestions =ere
dele9ated to t:e *:ite House staff1 =:o <re<ared t:e o<tions and t:en 9uided Rea9an7s
decisions a8on9 t:e <re-defined o<tions? T:is =as t:e staff t:at co8<osed not Bust
Rea9an7s s<eec:es1 but t:e scri<t of :is entire life" for nor8all3 e>er3 =ord t:at Rea9an
s<o;e in 8eetin9s and conferences1 e>er3 line do=n to and includin9 FGood 8ornin91
Senator1F e>er3 =ord =as t3<ed on t:ree b3 fi>e file cards fro8 =:ic: t:e Rea9an =ould
orei9n leaders li;e t:e cunnin9 rancois Mitterrand <rofessed s:oc; o>er Rea9an7s refusal
to de<art fro8 t:e >a9uest 9eneralities in res<onse to i8<ro8<tu @uestionsC Mitterrand :ad
atte8<ted to in>ite Rea9an to a <ri>ate tete-a-tete1 but :e :ad been o>erruled b3 Rea9an7s
staff? renc: orei9n Minister C:e3sson la8ented t:at t:e eEc:an9es :ad been Fs:allo=?F
*:en as;ed for decisions in t:e National Securit3 Council1 Rea9an =ould often res<ond
=it: :is fa>orite stor3 about blac; =elfare 8ot:ers c:isellin9 t:e 9o>ern8ent out of
8one3C aides =ould t:en inter<ret t:at as a<<ro>al of t:e o<tions t:e3 =ere <uttin9
!ut so8eti8es Rea9an =as ca<able of lucudit31 and e>en of ins<ired 9reatness1 in t:e =a3
a t:understor8 can 8o8entaril3 illu8inate a dar;lin9 countr3sideC t:ese 8o8ents often
in>ol>ed direct <ersonal i8<ressions or feelin9s? Rea9an7s instincti>e conte8<t for !us:
after t:e Nas:ua Tele9ra<: debate =as one of :is better 8o8ents? Rea9an7s 9reatest
8o8ent of conce<tual clarit3 ca8e in :is tele>sion s<eec: of Marc: $'1 12/' on t:e
Strate9ic ,efense Initiati>e? T:e idea of defendin9 a9ainst nuclear 8issles1 of not acce<tin9
8utuall3 assured destruction1 and of usin9 suc: a <ro9ra8 as a science dri>er for ra<id
tec:nolo9ical rene=al =as so8et:in9 Rea9an <er8anentl3 9ras<ed and :eld onto e>en
under intense <ressure in Hofdie House in Re3;Ba>i; in October1 12/- durin9 t:e su88it
=it: Gorbac:o>? In addition1 durin9 t:e earl3 3ears of Rea9an7s first ter81 t:ere =ere
enou9: Rea9anite lo3alists1 t3<ified b3 *illia8 Clar;1 in t:e ad8inistration to cause 8uc:
trouble for t:e !us:8en? !ut as t:e 3ears =ent b31 t:e fe= 8en li;e Clar; t:at Rea9an :ad
brou9:t =it: :i8 fro8 California =ould be 9round u< b3 endless bureaucratic =arfare1 and
t:eir re<lace8ents1 li;e Mcarlane at t:e NSC1 =ould co8e 8ore and 8ore fro8 t:e ran;s
of t:e #issin9erians? Unfortunatel3 Rea9an ne>er de>elo<ed a <lan to 8a;e t:e S,I an
irre>ersible <olitical and bud9etar3 realit31 and t:is critical s:ortco8in9 9re= out of
Rea9an7s failed econo8ic <olicies1 =:ic: ne>er substantiall3 de<arted fro8 Carter7s?
!ut a<art fro8 rare 8o8ents li;e t:e S,I1 Rea9an tended to drift? ,on Re9an called it Ft:e
9uess=or; <residenc3CF for Al Hai91 frustrated in :is o=n lust for <o=er1 it =as 9o>ern8ent
b3 an all-<o=erful staff? *:o =ere t:e staffD At first it =as t:ou9:t t:at Rea9an =ould ta;e
8ost of :is ad>ice fro8 :is old friend Ed=in Meese1 :is close associate fro8 California
da3s1 lo3al and de>oted to Rea9an1 and s<ortin9 :is Ada8 S8it: tie? !ut it =as soon
e>ident t:at t:e *:ite House =as reall3 run b3 a troi;a" Meese1 Mic:ael ,ea>er1 and &a8es
!a;er III1 !us:7s 8an?
,ea>er7s s<ecialt3 =as de8a9o9ic i8a9e-8on9erin9? ,ea>er7s i8a9es =ere 8ade for
tele>isionC t:e3 =ere edif3in9 s38bols =it:out content1 and too; ad>anta9e of t:e fact t:at
Rea9an so <erfectl3 e8bodied t:e national ideolo93 of t:e A8ericans t:at 8ost of t:e8
could not :el< li;in9 :i8C :e =as t:e ideal fi9ure:ead? ,ea>er :ad anot:er i8<ortant Bob1
for Rea9an1 as e>er3bod3 ;no=s1 =as uEorious" Nanc3 Rea9an1 t:e narro=-8inded1 >ain1
<ett3 starlet =as t:e one t:e <resident called FMo883?F Nanc3 =as t:e 8a8ba of t:e
*:ite House1 t:e social-cli8bin9 arri>iste of ca<ital societ31 an e>il-ton9ued <resence on a
t:ousand tele<:ones a =ee; co8<lainin9 about t:e indi9nities s:e t:ou9:t s:e =as
subBected to1 al=a3s obsessed b3 <ublic o<inion and 8a;in9 Ronnie loo; 9ood in t:e 8ost
e<:e8eral s:ort ter8? ,ea>er =as li;e a eunuc: of t:e To<;a<i :are81 res<onsible for
8ana9in9 t:e :u8ors of t:e sultan7s leadin9 odalis@ue?
Nanc3 =as a <otential <roble8 for !us:C s:e did not li;e :i8C <er:a<s s:e sensed t:at :e
=as or9aniAin9 a <utsc: a9ainst Ronnie? FHe7s a nice 8an and >er3 ca<able? !ut :e7s no
Ronnie? He co8es across as a 7=i8<?7I don7t t:in; :e can 8a;e it? He7s a nice 8an1 but :is
i8a9e is a9ainst :i8? It isn7t 8ac:o enou9:?F Gfn 1H So s<o;e Nanc3 Rea9an to :er
astrolo9er1 &oan Lui9le31 in t:e *:ite House in A<ril1 12/+? T:at could :a>e been a >er3
serious <roble8 indeed1 and t:at =as =:ere &a8es !a;er ca8e in?
If ,ea>er <la3ed t:e eunuc: for Nanc31 !a;er =as to i8<ersonate :er s@uire and c:a8<ion?
In Nanc37s <ro>incial >ie=1 !a;er =as a sartoriall3 ele9ant1 old 8one3 aristocrat and
c:ar8eur? His assi9n8ent for t:e !us: 8ac:ine =as to in9ratiate :i8self =it: t:e
adolescent old lad3 =it: flatter3 and sc:8ooAe1 and Nanc3 a<<ears to :a>e been entranced
b3 !a;er7s %rinceton I>3 Club >eneer --t:ose tiesK T:ose suitsK
,ea>er 9ra>itated b3 instinct to=ards !a;erC ,ea>er tells us in :is 8e8oirs t:at :e =as a
su<<orter of !us: for >ice <resident at t:e ,etroit con>ention? T:is 8eant t:at !a;er-
,ea>er beca8e t:e do8inant force o>er Ron and o>er Nanc3C Geor9e !us:1 in ot:er =ords1
alread3 :ad an ed9e in t:e bureaucratic infi9:tin9?
T:us it =as t:at *:ite House <ress secretar3 &a8es !rad3 could sa3 in earl3 Marc:1 12/1"
F!us: is functionin9 8uc: li;e a co-<resident? Geor9e is in>ol>ed in all t:e national
securit3 stuff because of :is s<ecial bac;9round as CIA director? All t:e bud9et =or;in9
9rou<s :e =as t:ere1 t:e econo8ic =or;in9 9rou<s1 t:e Cabinet 8eetin9s? He is included in
al8ost all t:e 8eetin9s?F Gfn $H
E>en before t:e inau9uration1 &a8es !a;er :ad told a 9rou< of eE<erienced Re<ublican
<olitical o<erati>es in Houston t:at Rea9an =as onl3 interested in t:e <ublic and s38bolic
as<ects of t:e <residenc31 and t:at :e :ad as;ed t:e !us: <eo<le to co8e in and ta;e o>er
t:e actual runnin9 of da3 to da3 9o>ern8ent affairs? T:at =as1 of course1 t:e self-interested
>ie= of t:e !us:8en? T:ere =ere re<orts in t:e !us: ca8< t:at Rea9an =ould @uit after a
3ear or t=o and let !us: entrenc: :i8self as t:e incu8bent before t:e 12/) election? Later1
after 12/)1 t:ere =ere e>en 8ore fre@uent ru8ors t:at Rea9an =ould resi9n in fa>or of
!us:? It did not :a<<en1 s:o=in9 t:at Rea9an =as not t:e <us:o>er t:at t:e !us:8en li;ed
to <retend?
,urin9 t:e first 8ont:s of t:e Rea9an Ad8inistration1 !us: found :i8self loc;ed in a
<o=er stru99le =it: Gen? AleEander Hai91 =:o8 Rea9an :ad a<<ointed to be Secretar3 of
State? Hai9 =as a real t:reat to t:e !us:8en? Hai9 =as first of all a #issin9er clone =it:
credentials to ri>al !us:7s o=nC Hai9 :ad =or;ed on Henr37s staff durin9 t:e NiEon 3earsC
:e :ad been t:e *:ite House c:ief of staff =:o :ad eased NiEon out t:e door =it: no trial1
but =it: an i88inent <ardon? Hai97s 9ifts of intri9ue =ere considerable? And Hai9 =as Bust
as de>oted to t:e Jionist neoconser>ati>es as !us: =as1 =it: <o=erful ties in t:e direction
of t:e Anti-,efa8ation Lea9ue? It =as1 alt:o9et:er1 a c:allen9e not to be ta;en li9:tl3? Hai9
t:ou9:t t:at :e :ad been a ri>al to !us: for t:e >ice-<residenc3 at t:e ,etroit con>ention1
and <er:a<s :e :ad been?
IneEorabl31 t:e !ro=n !rot:ers1 Harri8anOS;ull and !ones net=or;s =ent into action
a9ainst Hai9? T:e idea =as to <aint :i8 as a <o=er-:un9r3 8e9alo8aniac bent on
do8inatin9 t:e ad8inistration of t:e =ea; fi9ure:ead Rea9an? T:is =ould t:en be
su<<le8ented b3 a >icious ca8<ai9n of lea;in9 b3 !a;er and ,ea>er desi9ned to <la3
Rea9an a9ainst Hai9 and >ice->ersa1 until t:e ri>al to !us: could be eli8inated?
T:e =rec;in9 o<eration a9ainst Hai9 started durin9 :is confir8ation :earin9s1 durin9
=:ic: :e :ad to ans=er 8ore @uestions about *ater9ate t:an !us: :ad faced in 12.+1 =:en
t:e facts =ere 8uc: 8ore recent? Senator Tson9as =as =ired in" Tson9as1 8oti>atin9 :is
ne9ati>e >ote a9ainst Hai97s confir8ation1 told t:e no8inee" F(ou are 9oin9 to do8inate
t:is ad8inistration1 if I 8a3 sa3 so? (ou are b3 far t:e stron9est <ersonalit3 t:at7s 9oin9 to
be in t:ere?F Gfn 'H
T:ree =ee;s into t:e ne= ad8inistration1 Hai9 concluded t:at Fso8eone in t:e *:ite
House staff =as atte8<tin9 to co88unicate =it: 8e t:rou9: t:e <ress1F b3 a <rocess of
constant lea;a9e1 includin9 lea;a9e of t:e contents of secret di<lo8atic <a<ers? Hai9
<rotested to Meese1 NSC c:ief Ric:ard Allen1 !a;er1 and !us:? S:ortl3 t:ereafter1 Hai9
noted t:at F!a;er7s 8essen9ers sent ru8ors of 83 i88inent de<arture or dis8issal
8ur8urin9 t:rou9: t:e <ress?F Soon F7a senior <residential aide7 =as @uoted in a s3ndicated
colu8n as sa3in91 7*e =ill 9et t:is 8an GHai9H under control?7F Gfn )H It too; a lon9 ti8e for
!a;er and !us: to dri>e Hai9 out of t:e ad8inistration? Ulti8atel3 it =as Hai97s atte8<ted
8ediation of t:e Mal>inas crisis in A<ril1 12/$ t:at =ea;ened Hai9 to t:e <oint t:at :e
could be finis:ed off? His fall =as s<ecificall3 deter8ined b3 :is action in 9i>in9 Ariel
S:aron a secret carte blanc:e for t:e Israeli 9o>ern8ent to in>ade Lebanon1 includin9 t:e
cit3 of !eirut? Rea9an =as Bustifiabl3 enra9ed? S:ortl3 before :is ouster1 Hai9 9ot a re<ort
of a *:ite House 8eetin9 durin9 =:ic: !a;er =as re<orted to :a>e said1 FHai9 is 9oin9 to
9o1 and @uic;l31 and =e are 9oin9 to 8a;e it :a<<en?F Gfn +H
Hai97s <rinci<al bureaucratic <lo3 durin9 t:e first =ee;s of t:e Rea9an ad8inistration =as
:is sub8ission to Rea9an on t:e da3 of :is inau9uration of a draft eEecuti>e order to
or9aniAe t:e National Securit3 Counbcil and intera9enc3 tas;s forces1 includin9 t:e crisis
staffs1 accordin9 to Hai97s =is:es? Hai9 refers to t:is docu8ent as National Securit3
,ecision ,irecti>e 1 0NS,, 141 and la8ents t:at it =as ne>er si9ned in its ori9inal for81
and t:at no co8<arable directi>e for structurin9 t:e NSC intera9enc3 9rou<s =as si9ned for
o>er a 3ear? Ulti8atel3 a docu8ent called NS,, $ =ould be si9ned1 for8aliAin9 t:e
establis:8ent of a S<ecial Situation Grou< 0SSG4 crisis 8ana9e8ent staff c:aired b3 !us:?
Hai97s draft =ould :a>e 8ade t:e Secretar3 of State t:e C:air8an of t:e SSG crisis staff in
confor8it3 =it: Hai97s de8and to be reco9niAed as Rea9an7s F>icar of forei9n <olic3?F T:is
=as unacce<table to !us:1 =:o 8ade sure =it: t:e :el< of !a;er and <robabl3 also ,ea>er
t:at Hai97s draft of NS,, 1 =ould ne>er be si9ned?
Hai9 =rites about t:is bureaucratic stru99le as t:e battle for t:e IG7s 0Intera9enc3 Grou<s4
and SIG7s 0S<ecial or Senior Intera9enc3 Grou<s41 9enerall3 <o<ulated b3 undersecretaries1
assistant secretaries1 and de<ut3 assistant secretaries =it:in t:e NSC fra8e=or;? As Hai9
<oints out1 t:ese #issin9erian structures are t:e locus of 8uc: real <o=er1 es<eciall3 under
a =ea; <resident li;e Rea9an? Hai9 notes t:at Fin or9aniAational ter8s1 t:e ;e3 to t:e
s3ste8 is t:e substructure of SIG7s and IG7s in =:ic: t:e funda8entals of <olic3 0do8estic
and forei9n4 are decided? On instructions fro8 t:e %resident1 t:e IG7s 0as I =ill call t:e
=:ole lot1 for t:e sa;e of con>enience41 can su88on u< all t:e :u8an and infor8ational
resources of t:e federal 9o>ern8ent1 stud3 s<ecific issues1 and de>elo< <olic3 o<tions and
reco88endations? G???H IG c:air8ans:i<s are <arceled out to State and ot:er de<art8ents
and a9encies accordin9 to t:eir interests and t:eir influence? As #issin9er1 t:at cann3
>eteran of 8arc:es and counter8arc:es in t:e facult3 of Har>ard Uni>ersit31 reco9niAed1 :e
=:o controls t:e ;e3 IG7s controls t:e flo= of o<tions to t:e %resident and1 t:erefore1 to a
de9ree1 controls <olic3?F Gfn -H
T:e stru99le bet=een Hai9 and !us: cul8inated to=ards t:e end of Rea9an7s first :undred
da3s in office? Hai9 =as c:afin9 because t:e *:ite House staff1 8eanin9 !a;er1 =as
den3in9 :i8 acess to t:e <resident? Hai97s NS,, 1 :ad still not been si9ned? T:e1 on
Sunda31 Marc: $$1 Hai97s attention =as called to an elaborate lea; to re<orter Martin
Sc:ra8 t:at :ad a<<eared t:at da3 in t:e *as:in9ton %ost under t:e :eadline F*HITE
HOUSE RE6AM%S TO% %OLIC( ROLESC !us: to Head Crisis Mana9e8ent?F Hai97s
attention =as dra=n to t:e follo=in9 <ara9ra<:s"
%artl3 in an effort to brin9 :ar8on3 to t:e Rea9an :i9: co88and1 it :as been decided t:at 6ice
%resident Geor9e !us: =ill be <laced in c:ar9e of a ne= structure for national securit3 crisis
8ana9e8ent1 accordin9 to senior <residential assistants? T:is assi9n8ent =ill a8ount to an
un<recedented role for a >ice <resident in 8odern ti8es? In t:e Carter ad8inistration1 t:e crisis
8ana9e8ent structure =as c:aired b3 Jbi9nie= !rAeAins;i1 t:e national securit3 ad>iser? G???H
On a broader1 <olic3-8a;in9 le>el1 senior *:ite House officials =ere un:a<<3 =it: =:at t:e3 felt
to be ill-ti8ed and ill-considered actions b3 Secretar3 of State AleEander M? Hai9 &r? t:at <laced
t:e bri9:test s<otli9:t on El Sal>ador at a ti8e =:en t:e ad8inistration =as tr3in9 to focus
8aEi8u8 attention on Rea9an7s econo8ic <ro<osals? G???H
!us:7s stature1 b3 >irtue of Bob title and eE<erience1 =as cited as t:e reason t:at :e =as c:osen to
c:air 8eetin9s in t:e Situation Roo8 in ti8e of crisis? %rinci<al officials in>ol>ed in crisis
8ana9e8ent =ill be t:e secretaries of state and defense1 t:e Central Intelli9ence A9enc3 director1
t:e national securit3 ad>iser1 Meese1 and !a;er1 officials said1 addin9 t:at t:e structure :as not
been full3 de>ised nor t:e <residential directi>e =ritten?
Rea9an officials e8<:asiAed t:at !us:1 a for8er director of t:e CIA and for8er United Nations
A8bassador1 =ould be able to <reser>e *:ite House control o>er crisis 8ana9e8ent =it:out
irritatin9 Hai91 =:o t:e3 stressed =as <robabl3 t:e 8ost eE<erienced and able of all ot:er officials
=:o could ser>e in t:at function?
FT:e reason for t:is Gc:oice of !us:H is t:at t:e secretar3 of state 8i9:t =is: :e =ere c:airin9
t:e crisis 8ana9e8ent structure1F said one Rea9an official1 Fbut it is <rett3 :ard to ar9ue =it: t:e
>ice <resident bein9 in c:ar9e?F Gfn .H
Lo=er do=n on t:e <a9e =as a s8aller article entitled FAnato83 of a *as:in9ton Ru8or1F
to =:ic: =e =ill return?
Hai9 sa3s t:at :e called Ed Meese at t:e *:ite House to c:ec; t:e trut: of t:is re<ort1 and
t:at Meese re<lied t:at t:ere =as no trut: to it? Hai9 =ent to see Rea9an at t:e *:ite
House? Rea9an =as concerned about t:e lea;1 and reassured Hai9" FI =ant 3ou to ;no= t:at
t:e stor3 in t:e %ost is a fabrication? It 8eans t:at Geor9e =ould sit in for 8e in t:e NSC in
83 absence1 and t:at7s all it 8eans? It doesn7t affect 3our aut:orit3 in an3 =a3?F Hai9 also
sa3s t:at :e recei>ed a furt:er call fro8 Rea9an assurin9 :i8 t:at :is aut:orit3 =as not to
be di8inis:ed in t:e sli9:test?
!ut later t:e sa8e afternoon1 *:ite House <ress secretar3 &a8es !rad3 read t:e follo=in9
state8ent to t:e <ress"
I a8 confir8in9 toda3 t:e %resident7s decision to :a>e t:e 6ice %resident c:air t:e
Ad8inistration7s Fcrisis 8ana9e8entF tea81 as a <art of t:e National Securit3 Council
s3ste8????%resident Rea9an7s c:oice of t:e 6ice %resident =as 9uided in lar9e 8easure b3 t:e fact
t:at 8ana9e8ent of crises :as traditionall3--and a<<ro<riatel3-- been done in t:e *:ite House? Gfn
Hai9 sa3s :e t:en dre= u< :is letter of resi9nation1 but :esitated to si9n it? He called !us:
to co8<lain" FT:e A8erican <eo<le can7t be ser>ed b3 t:is? It7s an i8<ossible situation for
3ou and 8e to be in? Of course1 3ou c:air t:e NSC in t:e %resident7s absence? *e didn7t
need to sa3 it? T:is is all 8isc:ief? *:3 t:e :ell did t:e3 do t:is =it:out discussin9 it =it:
8e?F Hai9 =ent on" FI :a>e been dealt =it: du<licitiousl31 Geor9e? T:e %resident :as been
used? I need a <ublic reaffir8ation of 83 role or I can7t sta3 :ere?F Can it be t:at Hai9 =as
so nai>e t:at :e did not realiAe t:at !us: =as :is rut:less ri>al and t:e source of 8an3 of
:is <roble8sD Hai9 undoubtedl3 ;ne=1 but c:ose not to sa3 so in 8e8oirs =ritten after :e
:ad been defeated? or Hai9 also ;ne= t:at !us: =as >indicti>e? Hai9 does note t:at :e
=as con>inced t:at Meese =as not <art of t:e cabal out to 9et :i8? Hai9 :ad furt:er
con>ersations =it: Rea9an durin9 t:ese da3s1 =:ic: often see8ed to :a>e cleared u< t:e
confusion1 but =:ic: in retros<ect =ere ne>er conclusi>e? In t:e 8eanti8e1 Geor9e !us:
:ad seiAed control of t:e S<ecial Situation Grou<1 =:ic: =ould ta;e control of t:e
EEecuti>e !ranc: in ti8e of crisis or national e8er9enc3? It =as a su<erb startin9 <oint for
a cou< d7etat?
T:e ot:er article in t:e *as:in9ton %ost of Sunda31 Marc: $$ =as also a :arbin9er of
t:in9s soon to co8e? T:is <iece =as entitled FAnato83 of a *as:in9ton Ru8or1F and t:e
ru8or it traced =as t:at F6ice %resident Geor9e !us: :ad been nic;ed b3 a bullet in a
<reda=n s:ootin9 outside a to=n:ouse so8e=:ere on Ca<itol Hill?F Accordin9 to t:is
stor31 t:e source of t:e ru8or in @uestion =as a 3oun9 =o8an artist li>in9 on Ca<itol Hill
=:o :ad rus:ed into t:e street on t:e e>enin9 of ebruar3 $$ =:en s:e :eard t:e sound of a
traffic accident near :er :o8e? T:ere s:e =as 8et a b3 a <olice officer =:o8 s:e :ad 8et
<re>iousl31 on t:e occasion of t:e 8urder a fe= =ee;s earlier of a 3oun9 Su<re8e Court
Librarian in t:e sa8e s<ot? Accordin9 to t:e =o8an artist1 t:e <olice8an told :er" FT:e
>ice <resident =as s:ot toda3?F *:en t:e =o8an artist tried to c:ec; on t:is stor3 =it: t:e
ne=s 8edia1 t:e article alle9ed1 t:e ru8or too; on a life of its o=n and beca8e an inc:oate
ne=s stor31 =it: &ac; Anderson and ot:ers tr3in9 to >erif3 it?
6ice %resident !us: =as re<ortedl3 >er3 an9r3 =:en :e =as told about t:e ru8or" F%eter
Teele31 t:e >ice <resident7s <ress secretar31 told !us: of t:e in@uiries? T:e >ice <resident
=as incredulous and =as as an9r3 as Teele3 :ad e>er seen :i8? 7&esus1 t:is is t:e craAiest
t:in9 I :a>e e>er :eard17 :e said? !us: t:ou9: t:e =:ole t:in9 =as sill3? 7(ou s:ould call
!arbara17 :e told Teele31 7 and let :er ;no= =:at t:is is all about?F *:3 =ould !us: be so
an9r3 about a s<urious re<ortD
As re<orters du9 dee<er into t:e alle9ed s:ootin91 one as;ed a Secret Ser>ice contact if
t:ere :ad been an3 recent s:ootin9 incidents 8onitored b3 :is a9enc3? FT:e ans=er ca8e
bac;? On Marc: /1 as a 8otorcade dro>e =est on Canal Road1 officers :ad :eard a 7<o<<in9
sound7 fro8 a 7stee<1 roc;3 cliff7 on t:e 6ir9inia side of t:e %oto8ac Ri>er? !ut it :ad been
%resident Rea9an7s 8otorcade1 not !us:7s? And t:e noises ne>er <ro>ed to be 9unfire?F Gfn
2H Had t:ere been an atte8<t to assassinate Rea9an1 or to inti8idate :i8D In an3 case
Senator Ho=ard !a;er1 t:e GO% 8aBorit3 leader at t:at ti8e1 =as o>er:eard 8a;in9 Bo;es
about t:e alle9edl3 discredited Ru8or at a =ee;end <art31 and t:is =as dul3 noted in t:e
*as:inton %ost of Marc: $+?
In t:e 8idst of t:e !us:-!a;er cabal7s relentless dri>e to seiAe control o>er t:e Rea9an
ad8inistration1 &o:n *arnoc; Hinc;le3 &r? carried out :is atte8<t to assassinate %resident
Rea9an on t:e afternoon of Marc: '51 12/1? Geor9e !us: =as >isitin9 TeEas t:at da3? !us:
=as fl3in9 fro8 ort *ort: to Austin in :is Air orce T=o !oein9 .5.? In ort *ort:1 !us:
:ad un>eiled a <la@ue at t:e H3att Re9enc3 Hotel1 t:e old Hotel TeEas1 desi9natin9 it as a
national :istoric site? T:is =as t:e :otel1 coincidentall31 in =:ic: &o:n ? #enned3 :ad
s<ent t:e last ni9:t of :is life1 before 9oin9 on to ,allas t:e neEt da31 No>e8ber $$1 12-'?
Here =as a sinister s38bolis8K
In Austin !us: =as sc:eduled to deli>er an address to a Boint session of t:e TeEas state
le9islature? It =as Al Hai9 =:o called !us: in t:e clear and told :i8 t:at t:e %resident :ad
been s:ot1 =:ile for=ardin9 t:e details of Rea9an7s condition1 insofar as t:e3 =ere ;no=n1
b3 scra8bler as a classified 8essa9e? Hai9 =as in touc: =it: &a8es !a;er III1 =:o =as
close to Rea9an at Geor9e *as:in9ton Uni>ersit3 :os<ital? !us:7s 8an in t:e *:ite House
situation roo8 =as Ad8iral ,an Mur<:31 =:o =as standin9 ri9:t neEt to Hai9? !us:
a9reed =it: Hai97s esti8ate t:at :e ou9:t to return to *as:in9ton at once? !ut first :is
<lane needed to be refueled1 so it landed at Cars=ell Air orce !ase near Austin?
Refuelin9 too; about fort3 8inutesC durin9 t:is ti8e !us: tal;ed on board t:e <lane =it:
TeEas Go>ernor *illia8 Cle8ents1 :is =ife1 Rita1 and TeEas Secretar3 of State Geor9e
Stra;e? TeEas Con9ress8an &i8 *ri9:t =as also tra>ellin9 on !us:7s <lane t:at da31 as
=ere Con9ress8en !ill Arc:er of Houston and &i8 Collins of ,allas? !us:7s to< aide C:ase
Unter8e3er =as also =it: t:e <art3 on Air orce T=o? Gfn 15H !us: sa3s t:at :is fli9:t
fro8 Cars=ell to Andre=s Air orce !ase near *as:in9ton too; about t=o and one :alf
:ours1 and t:at :e arri>ed at Andre=s at abouit -")5 %M? !us: sa3s :e =as told b3 Ed
Meese t:at t:e o<eration to re8o>e t:e bullet t:at :ad struc; Rea9an =as a success1 and
t:at t:e <resident =as li;el3 to sur>i>e? !us:7s custo8ar3 <rocedure =as to land at Andre=s
and t:en ta;e a :elico<ter to t:e >ice <residential residence1 t:e Na>al Obser>ator3 on
Massac:usetts A>enue? His aides Ed %ollard and &o:n Mat:en3 su99ested t:at :e =ould
sa>e ti8e b3 9oin9 b3 :elico<ter directl3 to t:e *:ite House sout: la=n1 =:ere :e could
arri>e in ti8e to be s:o=n on t:e . %M Eastern ti8e e>enin9 ne=s broadcasts? !us: 8a;es
8uc: oif t:e fact t:at :e refused to do t:is1 alle9eedl3 on t:e s38bolic 9rounds t:at FOnl3
t:e %resident lands on t:e sout: la=n?F
!ac; at t:e *:ite House1 t:e <rinci<al cabinet officers :ad asse8bled in t:e situation roo8
and :ad been runnin9 a crisis 8ana9e8ent co88ittee durin9 t:e afternoon? Hai9 sa3s :e
=as at first ada8ant t:at a cons<irac31 if disco>ered1 s:ould be rut:lessl3 eE<osed" FIt =as
essential t:at =e 9et t:e facts and <ublis: t:e8 @uic;l3? Ru8or 8ust not be allo=ed to
breed on t:is tra9ed3? Re8e8berin9 t:e after8at: of t:e #enned3 assassination1 I said to
*ood3 Goldber91 7No 8atter =:at t:e trut: is about t:is s:ootin91 t:e A8erican <eo<le
8ust ;no= it?F Gfn 11H !ut t:e trut: :as ne>er been establis:ed?
,efense Secretar3 Cas<ar *einber9er7s 8e8oir of t:at afternoon re8inds us of t=o :i9:l3
rele>ant facts? T:e first is t:at a FNORA, GNort: A8erican Air ,efense Co88andH
eEercise =it: a si8ulated inco8in9 8issle attac; :ad been <lanned for t:e neEt da3?F
*einber9er a9reed =it: General ,a>id &ones1 t:e c:iar8an of t:e &oint C:iefs of Staff1 t:at
t:is eEercise s:ould be cancelled? Gfn 1$H
*einber9er also recalls t:at t:e 9rou< in t:e Situation Roo8 =as infor8ed b3 &a8es !a;er
t:at Ft:ere :ad been a EMA Gederal E8er9enc3 Mana9e8ent Ad8inistrationH eEercise
sc:eduled for t:e neEt da3 on <residential succession1 =it: t:e 9eneral title 7Nine Li>es?7 !3
an i88ediate consensus1 it =as a9reed t:at eEercise s:ould also be cancelled?F Gfn 1'H
As *einber9er furt:er recalls1 Fat al8ost eEactl3 ."551 t:e 6ice %resident ca8e to t:e
Situation Roo8 and >er3 cal8l3 assu8ed t:e c:air at t:e :ead of t:e table?F Gfn 1)H
Accordin9 to *einber9er1 t:e first ite8 discussed =as t:e need for so8eon8e to si9n t:e
,air3 %rice Su<<ort !ill t:e neEt da3 so as to reassure t:e <ublic? !us: as;ed *einber9er
for a re<ort on t:e status of US forces1 =:ic: *einber9er furnis:ed?
Anot:er e3e=itness of t:ese transactions =as ,on Re9an1 =:o8 t:e To=er !oard later
8ade t:e fall-9u3 for !us:7s Iran-contra esca<ades? Re9an records t:at Ft:e 6ice %resident
arri>ed =it: Ed Meese1 =:o :ad 8et :i8 =:en :e landed to fill :i8 in on t:e details?
Geor9e as;ed for a condition re<ort" 14 on t:e %residentC $4 on t:e ot:er =oundedC '4 on t:e
assailantC )4 on t:e international scene? G???H After t:e re<orts =ere 9i>en and it =as
deter8ined t:at t:ere =ere no international co8<lications and no do8estic cons<irac31 it
=as decided t:at t:e US 9o>ern8ent =ould carr3 on business as usual? T:e 6ice %resident
=ould 9o on T6 fro8 t:e *:ite House to reassure t:e nation and to de8onstrate t:at :e
=as in c:ar9e?F Gfn 1+H As *einber9er recounts t:e sa8e 8o8ents" FGAttorne3 General !ill
renc: S8it:H t:en re<orted t:at all !I re<orts concurred =it: t:e infor8ation I :ad
recei>edC t:at t:e s:ootin9 =as a co8<letel3 isolated incident and t:at t:e assassin1 &o:n
Hinc;le31 =it: a <re>ious record in Nas:>ille1 see8ed to be a 7!re88er7 t3<e1 a reference
to t:e atte8<ted assassin of Geor9e *allace?F Gfn 1-H
T:ose =:o =ere not =atc:in9 carefull3 :ere 8a3 :a>e 8issed t:e fact t:at Bust a fe=
8inutes after Geor9e !us: :ad =al;ed into t:e roo81 :e :ad <resided o>er t:e s=ee<in9
under t:e ru9 of t:e decisi>e @uestion re9ardin9 Hinc;le3 and :is actions" =as Hinc;le3 a
<art of a cons<irac31 do8estic or internationalD Not 8ore t:an fi>e :ours after t:e atte8<t
to ;ill Rea9an1 on t:e basis of t:e 8ost fra98entar3 earl3 re<orts1 before Hinc;le3 :ad been
<ro<erl3 @uestioned1 and before a full in>esti9ation :ad been carried out1 a 9rou< of cabinet
officers c:aired b3 Geor9e !us: :ad ruled out a <riori an3 cons<irac3? Hai91 =:ose
8e8oirs tal; 8ost about t:e <ossibilit3 of a cons<irac31 does not see8 to :a>e obBected to
t:is incredible decision?
ro8 t:at 8o8ent on1 Fno cons<irac3F beca8e t:e official doctrine of t:e US re9i8e1 for
t:e 8o8ent a !us: re9i8e1 and t:e 8ost 8assi>e= efforts =ere underta;en to stifle an3
su99estion to t:e contrar3? T:e iron curtain ca8e do=n on t:e trut: about Hinc;le3?
*:at =as t:e trut: of t:e 8atterD T:e Ro8an co88on sense of Lucius Annaeus Seneca
0=:o :ad seen so 8an3 of Nero7s intri9ues1 and =:o =ould e>entuall3 fall >icti8 to one of
t:e84 =ould :a>e dictated t:at t:e <erson =:o =ould :a>e <rofited 8ost fro8 Rea9an7s
deat: be scrutiniAed as t:e <ri8e sus<ect? T:at =as ob>iousl3 !us:1 since !us: =ould :a>e
assu8ed t:e <residenc3 if Rea9an :ad succu8bed to :is =ounds? T:e sa8e idea =as
su88ed u< b3 an ei9:t: 9rade student at t:e Alice ,eal &unior Hi9: Sc:ool in *as:in9ton
,C =:o told teac:ers on Marc: '1" FIt is a <lot b3 6ice %resident !us: to 9et into <o=er? If
!us: beco8es %resident1 t:e CIA =ould be in c:ar9e of t:e countr3?F T:e <u<ils at t:is
sc:ool :ad been as;ed for t:eir >ie=s of t:e Hinc;le3 assassination atte8<t of t:e <re>ious
da3? Gfn 1.H
Curiousl3 enou9:1 <ress accounts e8er9in9 o>er t:e neEt fe= da3s <ro>ided a co8<ellin9
<ri8a facie case t:at t:ere :ad been a cons<irac3 around t:e Hinc;le3 attentat1 and t:at t:e
cons<irac3 :ad included 8e8bers of !us:7s i88ediate fa8il3? Most of t:e o>ert facts =ere
not dis<uted1 but =ere actuall3 confir8ed b3 !us: and :is son Neil?
On Tuesda31 Marc: '1 t:e Houston %ost <ublis:ed a co<3ri9:ted stor3 under t:e :eadline"
F!USH7S SON *AS TO ,INE *ITH SUS%ECT7S !ROTHER1 b3 Art:ur *iese and
Mar9arte ,o=nin9?F T:e lead <ara9ra<: read as follo=s"
Scott Hinc;le31 t:e brot:er of &o:n Hinc;le3 &r?1 =:o is c:ar9ed =it: s:ootin9 %resident Rea9an
and t:ree ot:ers1 =as to :a>e been a dinner 9uest Tuesda3 ni9:t at t:e :o8e of Neil !us:1 son of
6ice %resident Geor9e !us:1 T:e Houston %ost :as learned?
Accordin9 to t:e article1 Neil !us: :ad ad8itted on Monda31 Marc: '5 t:at :e =as
<ersonall3 ac@uainted =it: Scott Hinc;le31 :a>in9 8et =it: :i8 on one occasion in t:e
recent <ast? Neil !us: also stated t:at :e ;ne= t:e Hinc;le3 fa8il31 and referred to lar9e
8onetar3 contributions 8ade b3 t:e Hinc;le3s to t:e !us: 12/5 <residential ca8<ai9n?
Neil !us: and Scott Hinc;le3 bot: li>ed in ,en>er at t:is ti8e? Scott Hinc;le3 =as t:e >ice
<resident of 6anderbilt Ener93 Cor<oration1 and Neil !us: =as e8<lo3ed as a land 8an for
Standard Oil of Indiana? &o:n *? Hinc;le3 &r?1 t:e =ould-be assassin1 li>ed on and off =it:
:is <arents in E>er9reen1 Colorado1 not far fro8 ,en>er?
Neil !us: =as reac:ed for co88ent on Monda31 Marc: '51 and =as as;ed if1 in addition to
Scott Hinc;le31 :e also ;ne= &o:n *? Hinc;le3 &r?1 t:e =ould-be ;iller? FI :a>e no idea1F
said Neil !us:? FI don7t reco9niAe an3 <ictures of :i8? I Bust =is: I could see a better
<icture of :i8?F
S:aron !us:1 Neil7s =ife1 =as also as;ed about :er ac@uaintance =it: t:e Hinc;le3 fa8il3?
FI don7t e>en ;no= t:e brot:er1F s:e re<lied1 su99estin9 t:at Scott Hinc;le3 =as co8in9 to
dinner as t:e date of a =o8an =:o8 S:aron did ;no=? Fro8 =:at I ;no= and :a>e :eard1
t:e3 Gt:e Hinc;le3sH are a >er3 nice fa8il3???and :a>e 9i>en a lot of 8one3 to t:e !us:
ca8<ai9n? I understand :e G&o:n *? Hinc;le3 &r?H =as Bust t:e rene9ade brot:er in t:e
fa8il3? T:e3 8ust feel a=ful?F
It also <ro>ed necessar3 for !us:7s office to den3 t:at t:e >ice-<resident =as fa8iliar =it:
t:e FHinc;le3-!us: connection?F !us:7s <ress secretar31 t:e !ritis:-born %eter Teele31 said
=:en as;ed to co88ent" FI don7t ;no= a da8n t:in9 about it? I =as tal;in9 to so8eone
earlier toni9:t1 and I couldn7t e>en re8e8ber :is GHinc;le37sH na8e? All I ;no= is =:at
3ou7re tellin9 8e?F Teele3 denied t:at !us: :ad re>ealed t:at :e ;ne= Hinc;le3 or t:e
Hinc;le3 fa8il3 =:en :e first :eard t:e assassin7s na8eC t:e >ice <resident F8ade no
8ention of it =:atsoe>er?F !us:1 re<eated Teele31 Fcertainl3 didn7t indicate an3t:in9 li;e
C:ase Unter8e3er of !us:7s staff1 =:o :ad been =it: :i8 t:rou9:out t:e da31 <ut in t:at in
:is recollection !us: :ad not been told t:e assailant7s na8e t:rou9: t:e ti8e t:at !us:
reac:ed t:e Na>al Obser>ator3 in *as:in9ton on :is =a3 to t:e *:ite House?
On A<ril 11 12/11 t:e Roc;3 Mountain Ne=s of ,en>er carried an account of a <ress
conference 9i>en t:e <re>ious da3 in ,en>er b3 Neil !us:? ,urin9 8ost of t:e da3 on
Marc: '11 Neil !us: :ad refused to ans=er <:one calls fro8 t:e 8edia1 referrin9 t:e8 to
t:e >ice <residential <ress office in *as:in9ton? !ut t:en :e a<<eared in front of t:e A8oco
!uildin9 at East 1.t: A>enue and !raod=a3 in ,en>er1 sa3in9 t:at :e =as =illin9 to 8eet
t:e 8edia once1 but t:en =anted to Flea>e it at t:at?F As it turned out1 :is =is:es =ere to be
scru<ulousl3 res<ected1 at least until t:e Sil>erado Sa>in9s and Loan scandal 9ot out of
:and so8e 3ears later?
T:e Roc;3 Mountain Ne=s article si9ned b3 C:arles Roos carried Neil !us:7s
confir8ation t:at if t:e assassination :ad not :a<<ened1 Scott Hinc;le3 =ould :a>e been
<resent at a dinner <art3 at Neil !us:7s :o8e t:at >er3 sa8e ni9:t? Accordin9 to Neil1 Scott
Hinc;le3 :ad co8e to t:e :o8e of Neil and S:aron !us: on &anuar3 $'1 12/1 to be <resent
alon9 =it: about '5 ot:er 9uests at a sur<rise birt:da3 <art3 for Neil1 =:o :ad turned $-
one da3 earlier? Scott Hinc;le3 :ad co8e Ft:rou9: a close friend =:o brou9:t :i81F
accordin9 to t:is >ersion1 and t:is sa8e close fe8ale friend =as sc:eduled to co8e to
dinner alon9 =it: Scott Hinc;le3 on t:at last ni9:t of Marc:1 12/1?
FM3 =ife set u< a sur<rise <art3 for 8e1 and it trul3 =as a sur<rise1 and it =as an :onor for
8e at t:at ti8e to 8eet Scott Hinc;le31F said Neil !us: to re<orters? FHe is a 9ood and
decent 8an? I :a>e no re9rets =:atsoe>er in sa3in9 Scott Hinc;le3 can be considered a
friend of 8ine? To :a>e :ad one 8eetin9 doesn7t 8a;e t:e best of friends1 but I :a>e no
re9rets in sa3in9 I do ;no= :i8?F
Neil !us: told t:e re<orters t:at :e :ad ne>er 8et &o:n *? Hinc;le31 &r?1 t:e 9un8an1 nor
:is fat:er1 &o:n *? Hinc;le31 <resident and c:air8an of t:e board of 6anderbilt Ener93
Cor<oration of ,en>er? !ut Neil !us: also added t:at :e =ould be interested in 8eetin9 t:e
elder Hinc;le3" FI =ould li;e Gto 8eet :i8H? I78 tr3in9 to learn t:e oil business1 and :e7s in
t:e oil business? I <robabl3 could learn so8et:in9 fro8 Mr? Hinc;le3?
Neil !us: t:en announced t:at :e =anted to Fset strai9:tF certain inaccuracies t:at :ad
a<<eared t:e <re>ious da3 in t:e Houston %ost about t:e relations bet3=een t:e !us: and
Hinbc;le3 fa8ilies? T:e first =as :is o=n =ife S:aron7s reference to t:e lar9e contributions
fro8 t:e Hinc;le3s to t:e !us: ca8<ai9n? Neil asserted t:at t:e 12/5 !us: ca8<ai9n
records s:o=ed no 8one3 =:ate>er co8in9 in fro8 an3 of t:e Hinc;le3s? All t:at could be
found1 :e ar9ued1 =as a contribution to t:at F9reat Re<ublican1F &o:n Connall3?
T:e ot:er issue t:e Houston %ost :ad raised re9arded t:e 12./ <eriod1 =:en Geor9e *?
!us: of Midland1 TeEas1 Neil7s oldest brot:er1 :ad run for Con9ress in TeEas7 12t:
Con9ressional district? At t:at ti8e Neil !us: :ad =or;ed for Geor9e *? !us: as :is
ca8<ai9n 8ana9er1 and in t:is connection Neil :ad li>ed in Lubboc;1 TeEas durin9 8ost of
t:e 3ear? T:is raised t:e @uestion of =:et:er Neil 8i9:t :a>e been in touc: =it: 9un8an
&o:n *? Hinc;le3 durin9 t:at 3ear of 12./1 since 9un8an Hinc;le3 :ad li>ed in Lubboc;
fro8 12.) t:rou9: 12/51 =:en :e =as an inter8ittent student at TeEas Tec: Uni>ersit3
t:ere? Neil !us: ruled out an3 contact bet=een t:e !us: fa8il3 and 9un8an &o:n *?
Hinc;le3 in Lubboc; durin9 t:at ti8e?
T:e <re>ious da31 elder son Geor9e *? !us: :ad been far less cate9orical about ne>er
:a>in9 8et 9un8an Hinc;le3? He :ad stated to t:e <ress" FIt7s certainl3 concei>able t:at I
8et :i8 or 8i9:t :a>e been introduced to :i8?F FI don7t reco9niAe :is face fro8 t:e brief1
;ind of distorted t:in9 t:e3 :ad on T61 and t:e na8e doesn7t rin9 an3 bells? I ;no= :e
=asn7t on our staff? I could c:ec; our >olunteer rolls?F !ut no= Neil =as ada8ant" t:ere
:ad been no contact?
Neil =as a c:i< off t:e old bloc;1 and could not resist so8e :3<ocritical <osturin9 at t:e
end of t:e <ress conference" FLet 8e sa3 t:at 83 :eart 9oes out--as does t:e :eart of e>er3
A8erican--to t:e <eo<le sufferin9 in t:is tra9ed3?F He 8entioned Rea9an1 !rad31 t:e
=ounded Secret Ser>ice a9ent and ,istrict of Colu8bia <olice8an? FAnd t:e Hinc;le3
fa8il31 for t:e tre8endous <ain t:be3 8ust be sufferin9 no=?F And finall3" FI onl3 as; no=
t:at =e can tr3 to <ut t:is be:ind us and 8o>e for=ard in dealin9 =it: t:e <roble8s?F
Neil !us:7s confir8ation of :is relations =it: Scott Hinc;le3 =as 8atc:ed b3 a <arallel
confir8ation fro8 t:e EEecuti>e Office of t:e 6ice %resident? T:is a<<eared in T:e
Houston %ost1 A<ril 11 12/1 under t:e :eadline F6ICE %RESI,ENT CONIRMS HIS
SON *AS TO HA6E HOSTE, HINC#LE( !ROTHERF b3 %ost *as:in9ton !ureau
C:ief Art:ur *iese? Here t:e second-strin9 <ress secretar31 S:irle3 Green1 =as doin9 t:e
tal;in9? FI7>e s<o;en to Neil1F s:e said1 Fand :e sa3s t:e3 ne>er sa= GScottH Hinc;le3 a9ain
Gafter t:e birt:da3 <art3H? T:e3 ;e<t sa3in9 7=e7>e 9ot to 9et to9et:er17 but t:e3 ne>er 8ade
an3 <lans until toni9:t?F Contradictin9 Neil !us:7s re8ar;s1 Ms? Green asserted t:at Neil
!us: ;ne= Scott Hinc;le3 Fonl3 sli9:tl3?F
S:irle3 Green described t:e Tuesda3 ni9:t dinner a<<oint8ent as Fa biAarre :a<<enstance1
a =eird occurence?F
Later in t:e da3 !us: s<o;es8an %eter Teele3 surfaced to den3 an3 ca8<ai9n donations
fro8 t:e Hinc;le3 clan to t:e !us: ca8<ai9n? *:en as;ed =:3 S:aron !us: and Neil
!us: :ad 8ade reference to lar9e <olitical contributions fro8 t:e Hinc;le3s to t:e !us:
ca8<ai9n1 Teele3 res<onded1 FI don7t :a>e t:e >a9uest idea?F F*e7>e 9one t:rou9: our
files1F said Teele31 Fand =e :a>e absolutel3 no infor8ation t:at :e G&o:n *? Hinc;le3 Sr?H
or an3bod3 in t:e fa8il3 =ere contributors1 su<<orters1 an3t:in9?F
A su88ar3 of t:is 8aterial =as 8ade 9enerall3 a>ailable t:rou9: t:e Associated %ress1
=:ic: <ublis:ed t:e follo=in9 s:ort note on Marc: '1"
T:e fa8il3 of t:e 8an c:ar9ed =it: tr3in9 to assassinate %resident Rea9an is ac@uainted =it: t:e
fa8il3 of 6ice %resident Geor9e !us: and :ad 8ade lar9e contributions to :is <olitical
ca8<ai9n????Scott Hinc;le31 brot:er of &o:n *? Hinc;le3 &r? =:o alle9edl3 s:ot at Rea9an1 =as to
:a>e dined toni9:t in ,en>er at t:e :o8e of Neil !us:1 one of t:e 6ice %resident7s sons????T:e
Houston %ost said it =as unable to reac: Scott Hinc;le31 >ice <resident of :is fat:er7s ,en>er-
based fir81 6anderbilt Ener93 Cor<?1 for co88ent? Neil !us: li>es in ,en>er1 =:ere :e =or;s for
Standard Oil Co? of Indiana? In 12./1 Neil !us: ser>ed as ca8<ai9n 8ana9er for :is brot:er1
Geor9e *? !us:1 t:e 6ice %resident7s eldest son1 =:o 8ade an unsuccessful bid for Con9ress?
Neil li>ed in Lubboc;1 TeEas1 t:rou9:out 8uc: of 12./1 =:ere &o:n Hinc;le3 li>ed fro8 12.)
t:rou9: 12/5?
It is not ;no=n :o= 8an3 ne=s<a<ers c:ose to <rint t:is A% des<atc:C it =ould a<<ear t:at
t:e *as:in9ton %ost for one did not do so? T:e electronic 8edia also do not a<<ear to :a>e
de>oted 8uc: attention to t:is stor3? Once t:e cabinet :ad decided t:at t:ere :ad been no
cons<irac31 all suc: facts =ere irrele>ant an3=a3? T:ere is no record of Neil !us:1 Geor9e
*? !us:1 or 6ice %resident Geor9e H?*? !us: e>er :a>in9 been @uestioned b3 t:e !I in
re9ard to t:e contacts described? T:e3 ne>er a<<eared before a 9rand Bur3 or a
Con9ressional in>esti9atin9 co88ittee? No s<ecial <rosecutor =as e>er a<<ointed? *:ic:
is anot:er =a3 of sa3in9 t:at b3 Marc:1 12/11 t:e United States 9o>ern8ent :ad
de9enerated into total la=lessness1 =it: s<ecial eEe8<tions for t:e no= rulin9 !us: fa8il3?
Go>ern8ent b3 la=s :ad dissol>ed?
T:e 8edia =ere not interested in t:e dinner date of Neil !us: and Scott Hinc;le31 but t:e3
=ere >er3 interested indeed in t:e soa< o<era of =:at :ad 9one on in t:e Situation Roo8 in
t:e *:ite House durin9 t:e afternoon of Marc: '5? Since t:e 8edia :ad been loo;in9 for
=a3s to 9o after Hai9 for =ee;s1 t:e3 si8<l3 continued t:is line into t:eir co>era9e of t:e
*:ite House scene t:at afternoon? Hai9 :ad a<<eared before t:e tele>ision ca8eras to sa3"
Constitutionall31 9entle8en1 3ou :a>e t:e %resident1 t:e 6ice %resident1 and t:e Secretar3 of State1
in t:at order1 and s:ould t:e %resident decide t:at :e =ants to transfer t:e :el8 :e =ill do so? He
:as not done t:at? As of no=1 I a8 in control :ere1 in t:e *:ite House1 <endin9 t:e return of t:e
6ice %resident and in close touc: =it: :i8? If so8et:in9 ca8e u<1 I =ould c:ec; =it: :i81 of
T:is led to an i88ense :ue and cr31 8i9:til3 sto;ed b3 t:e !us: net=or;s1 on t:e t:e8e
t:at Hai9 =anted to usur< t:e <residential succession? More t:an t:is 9arbled state8ent b3
Hai91 !us: =as certain to :a>e been disturbed b3 Hai97s refusal a fe= seconds later to rule
out cons<irac3 a <riori "
L" An3 additional 8easures bein9 ta;en --=as t:is a cons<irac3 or =as t:is a????
Hai9" *e :a>e no indication of an3t:in9 li;e t:at no=1 and =e are not 9oin9 to sa3 a =ord on t:at
subBect until t:e situation clarifies itself? Gfn 1/ H
!ut =:en !us: returned1 t:e cabinet soon decided ot:er=ise?
T:e FI78 in control :ereF stor3 on Hai9 =as 8ade into t:e Leit8otif for :is sac;in91 =:ic:
=as still a 3ear in t:e future? Rea9an7s o=n 9:ost=ritten bio9ra<:3 <ublis:ed t:e 3ear after
:e left office 9i>es so8e idea =:at !a;er and ,ea>er fed t:e confused and =ounded
<resident about =:at :ad 9one durin9 :is absence"
On t:e da3 I =as s:ot1 Geor9e !us: =as out of to=n and Hai9 i88ediatel3 ca8e to t:e *:ite
House and clai8ed :e =as in c:ar9e of t:e countr3? E>en after t:e >ice-<resident =as bac; in
*as:in9ton1 I =as told :e 8aintained t:at :e1 not Geor9e1 s:ould be in c:ar9e? I didn7t ;no=
about t:is =:en it =as 9oin9 on? !ut I :eard later t:at t:e rest of t:e cabinet =as furious? T:e3
said :e acted as if :e t:ou9:t :e :ad t:e ri9:t to sit in t:e O>al office and belie>ed it =as :is
constitutional ri9:t to ta;e o>er-- a <osition =it:out an3 le9al basis? Gfn 12H
T:is fantastic account finds no su<<ort in t:e Re9an or *einber9er 8e8oirs1 but is a fair
sa8<le of t:e !us:8an line?
*:at did interest t:e 8edia >er3 8uc: =as t:e stor3 of &o:n *? Hinc;le3 &r?7s obsession
=it: t:e actress &odie oster1 =:o :ad <la3ed t:e role of a teena9e <rostitute in t:e 12.-
8o>ie TaEi ,ri>er? T:e <rostitute is befriended b3 a taEi dri>er1 Tra>is !ic;le1 =:o
t:reatens to ;ill a senator =:o is runnin9 for <resident in order to =in t:e lo>e of t:e 9irl?
(oun9 &o:n Hinc;le3 :ad i8itated t:e :abits and 8anneris8s of Tra>is !ic;le?
*:en &o:n Hinc;le3 &r? :ad left :is :otel roo8 in *as:in9ton ,C on :is =a3 to
s:oot Rea9an1 :e :ad left be:ind a letter to &odie oster" ,ear &odie1
T:ere is a definite <ossibilit3 t:at I =ill be ;illed in 83 atte8<t to 9et Rea9an? It is for t:is reason
t:at I a8 =ritin9 3ou t:is letter no=? As 3ou =ell ;no= b3 no=1 I lo>e 3ou >er3 8uc:? T:e <ast
se>en 8ont:s I :a>e left 3ou doAens of <oe8s1 letters1 and 8essa9es in t:e faint :o<e 3ou =ould
de>elo< an interest in 8e? G???H &odie1 I78 as;in9 3ou to <lease loo; into 3our :eart and at least 9i>e
8e t:e c:ance =it: t:is :istorical deed to 9ain 3our res<ect and lo>e?
I lo>e 3ou fore>er?
Gsi9nedH &o:n Hinc;le3 Gfn $5H
In 12/51 &odie oster =as enrolled at (ale Uni>ersit3 in Ne= Ha>en1 Connecticut1 as an
under9raduate? Hinc;le3 s<ent t:ree =ee;s in Se<te8ber1 12/5 in a Ne= Ha>en :otel1
accordin9 to t:e Ne= (or; ,ail3 Ne=s? In earl3 October :e s<ent se>eral da3s in Ne=
Ha>en1 t:is ti8e at t:e Colon3 Inn 8otel? T=o bartenders in a bar near t:e (ale ca8<us
recalled Hinc;le3 as :a>in9 bra99ed about :is relations:i< =it: &odie oster? Hinc;le3 :ad
been arrested b3 air<ort aut:orities in Nas:>ille1 Tennesse on October 21 12/5 for carr3in9
t:ree 9uns1 and =as @uic;l3 released? Rea9an :ad been in Nas:>ille on October .1 and
Carter arri>ed t:ere on October 2? T:e firear8s c:ar9e on t:e sa8e da3 t:at t:e %resident
=as co8in9 to to=n s:ould :a>e landed Hinc;le3 on t:e Secret Ser>ice =atc: list of
<otential <residential assassins1 but t:e !I a<<arentl3 ne9lected to trans8it t:e
infor8ation to t:e Secret Ser>ice?
In ebruar3 12/11 Hinc;le3 =as a9ain near t:e (ale ca8<us? ,urin9 t:is ti8e1 Hinc;le3
clai8ed t:at :e =as in contact =it: &odie oster b3 8ail and tele<:one? &odie oster :ad
indeed recei>ed a series of letters and notes fro8 Hinc;le31 =:ic: s:e :ad <assed on to :er
colle9e dean? T:e dean alle9edl3 9a>e t:e letters to t:e Ne= Ha>en <olice1 =:o su<<osedl3
9a>e t:e8 to t:e !I? Ne>ert:eless1 not:in9 =as done to restrain Hinc;le31 =:o :ad a
record of <s3c:iatric treat8ent? Hinc;le3 :ad been bu3in9 9uns in >arious locations across
t:e United States? *as Hinc;le3 a Manc:urian candidate1 brain=as:ed to carr3 out :is role
as an assassinD *as a net=or; o<eratin9 t:rou9: t:e >arious la= enforce8ent a9encies
res<onsible for t:e failure to restrain Hinc;le3 or to <ut :i8 under s<ecial sur>eillanceD
T:e !I soon officiall3 rubber-sta8<ed t:e order <ro8ul9ated b3 t:e cabinet t:at no
cons<irac3 be found" Ft:ere =as no cons<irac3 and Hinc;le3 acted alone1F said t:e bureau?
Hinc;le37s <arents7 8e8oir refers to so8e notes <enciled notes b3 Hinc;le3 =:ic: =ere
found durin9 a searc: of :is cell and =:ic: Fcould sound bad?F T:ese notes Fdescribed an
i8a9inar3 cons<irac3--eit:er =it: t:e <olitical left or t:e <olitical ri9:t G???H to assasinate t:e
%resident?F Hinc;le37s la=3ers fro8 Ed=ard !ennett *illia8s7s la= fir8 said t:at t:e notes
=ere too absurd to be ta;en seriousl31 and t:e3 :a>e been su<<ressed? Gfn $1H
In &ul3 12/+1 t:e !I =as co8<elled to release so8e details of its in>esti9ation of Hinc;le3
under t:e reedo8 of Infor8ation Act? No eE<lanation =as offered of :o= it =as
deter8ined t:at Hinc;le3 :ad acted alone1 and t:e na8es of all =itnesses =ere censored?
Accordin9 to a =ire ser>ice account1 Ft:e file 8ade no 8ention of <a<ers seiAed fro8
Hinc;le37s <rison cell at !utner1 Nort: Carolina1 =:ic: re<ortedl3 8ade reference to a
cons<irac3? T:ose =ritin9s =ere ruled inad8issible b3 t:e trial Bud9e and ne>er 8ade
<ublic?F Gfn $$H T:e !I :as refused to release $$ <a9es of docu8ents concernin9
Hinc;le37s Fassociates and or9aniAations1F $$ <a9es about :is <ersonal finances1 and '.
<a9es about :is <ersonalit3 and c:aracter? T:e *illia8s and Connoll3 defense tea8 ar9ued
t:at Hinc;le3 =as insane1 controlled b3 :is obsession =it: &odie oster? T:e Bur3 acce<ted
t:is >ersion1 and in &ul31 12/$1 Hinc;le3 =as found not 9uilt3 b3 reason of insanit3? He =as
re8anded to St? EliAabet:7s 8ental :os<ital =:ere :e re8ains to t:is da3 =it: no fiEed ter8
to ser>eC :is 8ental condition is <eriodicall3 re>ie=ed b3 :is doctors?
T:e ot:er as<ect of t:e case t:at =ould :a>e 8erited 8ore careful scrutin3 =as t:e relation
of &o:n *? Hinc;le3 Sr?1 t:e 9un8an7s fat:er1 to t:e US intelli9ence co88unit3? T:e line in
t:e <ress ri9:t after t:e assassination atte8<t =as t:at Ft:e fat:er of &o:n Hinc;le3 is a
de>out C:ristian =:o did =or; in Africa?F So8e <a<ers also included t:e fact t:at &o:n *?
Hinc;le3 Sr? :ad also =or;ed =it: *orld 6ision1 be9innin9 in 12.-? *orld 6ision
describes itself as t:e lar9est Finternational C:ristian relief and de>elo<8ent a9enc3F acti>e
in t:e t:ird =orld? It is officiall3 a Boint acti>it3 of t:e E<isco<al and %resb3terian c:urc:es?
F&ac;F Hinc;le31 as t:e 9un8an7s fat:er =as fre@uentl3 called1 durin9 t:e 12.57s beca8e a
close associate of Robert Ains=ort:1 t:e director of US Ministries for *orld 6ision1 Inc?
&ac; Hinc;le37s <rofile =as t:at of a born a9ain C:ristian? &ac; Hinc;le3 and Ains=ort:
tra>eled to9et:er to t:e Sa:el re9ion of Africa1 Ji8bab=e1 and Sout: Africa? E>en before
Boinin9 *orld 6ision1 &ac; Hinc;le3 :ad carried on Frelief =or;F in Guate8ala? F&ac; and I
beca8e >er3 close1F Ains=ort: said? F&ac; =as a successful business8an? On occasion :e
=ould as; us to <ra3 for :is son? It7s not t:at &ac; felt t:at &o:n =ould do so8et:in9 bad1
Bust t:at &o:n :ad no direction1 &o:n :ad not found :i8self?F
*orld 6ision is one of t:e notorious non-9o>ern8ental or9aniAations t:at function as a de
facto ar8 of US intelli9ence under current arran9e8ents? Robert Ains=ort:7s <edi9ree is
i8<ressi>e" :e =as a forei9n area anal3st for t:e US ,ea<rt8entC an ad>isor in 6ietna8
durin9 t:e =ar t:ereC and c:aired an international co88ittee in>ol>ed in t:e ne9otiation of
t:e C:e8ical and !acteriolo9ical *arfare Treat3 of 12.'?
T:e lar9est contributor to *orld 6ision is t:e US State ,e<art8ent A9enc3 for
International ,e>elo<8ent 0AI,41 =:ose <ro9ra8 is fran;l3 9enocide? %aE C:risti1 t:e
Cat:olic :u8an ri9:ts or9aniAation1 :as accused *orld 6ision of functionin9 as a FTroBan
:orse for US forei9n <olic3?F T:e entire 8ilieu is t:us redolent of t:e US intelli9ence
Rea9an =ent into a lon9 con>alescence1 first in t:e :os<ital and t:en at :is ranc: in
California? E>en =:en Rea9an =as <ronounced full3 reco>ered1 :e =as e>en 8ore
detac:ed t:an before1 e>en 8ore absent1 e>en 8ore de<endent on :is lon9 afternoon na<?
Nanc3 Rea9an1 craAed b3 fear and unable to co8<re:end t:e forces t:at :ad been at =or;
be:ind t:e assassination atte8<t1 >astl3 increased :er reliance on t:e astrolo9ical ad>ice of
:er resident clair>o3ant1 &oan Lui9le3? T:rou9: t:is c:annel1 t:e Occult !ureau of !ritis:
intelli9ence ac@uired an a=eso8e ca<abilit3 of 8ani<ulation o>er t:e Rea9an %residenc31
=:ic: could often be 8obiliAed in fa>or of !us:? T:is =as all t:e 8ore true since Nanc3
Rea9an7s obsession =as al=a3s :er i8a9e1 =:at t:e <ress =as sa3in9 about :er and :o=
s:e loo;ed in t:e 8edia? Nanc3 a<<ealed to :er astrolo9er to secure :er a better <ress
i8a9e? Since t:e controlled <ress could be calibrated fro8 da3 to da3 b3 t:e !us:
net=or;s1 Nanc3 Rea9an found :erself in t:e 9ri< of a 8an3-le>elled inside-outside
o<eration =:ose true nature s:e =as too s:allo= to sus<ect?
As Ms? Lui9le3 :as =ritten1 s:e =as as resident astrolo9er of Rea9an7s court of 8iracles
Fres<onsible for ti8in9 all <ress conferences1 8ost s<eec:es1 t:e State of t:e Union
addresses1 t:e ta;eoffs and landin9s of Air orce One? I <ic;ed t:e ti8e of Ronald Rea9an7s
debate =it: Carter and t:e t=o debates =it: *alter MondaleC all eEtended tri<s abroad as
=ell as t:e s:orter tri<s and one-da3 eEcursions1 t:e announce8ent t:at Rea9an =ould run
for a second ter81 briefin9s for all su88its eEce<t Mosco=1 alt:ou9: I selected t:e ti8e to
be9in t:e Mosco= tri<? G???H I re-created Nanc37s i8a9e1 defused !itbur91 erected a c:art for
t:e IN treat3? G???H I eE<osed t:e %resident as little as <ossible to t:e <ublic and t:e 8edia
fro8 &anuar3 to Au9ust 12/.1 to <rotect :i8 fro8 bot: t:e <:3sical and <olitical dan9ers I
foresa=? I =as :ea>il3 in>ol>ed in =:at :a<<ened in t:e relations bet=een t:e su<er<o=ers1
c:an9in9 Ronald Rea9an7s FE>il E8<ireF attitude1 so t:at :e =ent to Gene>a <re<ared to
8eet a different ;ind of Russian leader and one :e could con>ince of doin9 t:in9s our =a3?
I8<ro>ed relations1 9lasnost and <erestroi;a 8a31 in so8e s8all 8easure1 :a>e co8e out of
t:is?F Gfn $'H
!us: too; u< t:e duties of t:e <residenc31 all t:e =:ile elaboratel3 den3in91 in :is self-
de<recatin9 =a31 t:at :e :ad in fact ta;en control" FHe ca8<ai9ned as 7a %resident =e =on7t
need to train7 -- and for t=o =ee;s no=1 Geor9e !us: :as ste<<ed s8oot:l3 into :is li8ited
role as surro9ate <resident????T:e first stand-in 9reeted >isitin9 di9nitaries1 announced
Rea9an7s <ro<osed relaEation of auto e8ission standards1 8et =it: Con9ressional
leaders????His duties no= include an earl3 briefin9 =it: Rea9an aides Ed=in Meese1 &a8es
!a;er1 and Mic:ael ,ea>er1 a 8eetin9 =it: Con9ressional liaison MaE riedersdorf and a
full briefin9 fro8 national securit3 ad>iser Ric:ard Allen?F Gfn $)H ,urin9 t:e ti8e t:at
Rea9an =as con>alescin91 t:e <resident =as e>en less interested t:an usual in detailed
briefin9s about 9o>ern8ent o<erations? !us:7s >isits to t:e c:ief eEecuti>e =ere t:us
reduced to t:e 8erest courtes3 calls1 after =:ic: !us: =as free to do =:at :e =anted?
F!us: :as e>en li8ited :is >isits =it: Rea9an? 7I Bust sto< in for a 8inute or t=o17 !us:
sa3s? 7I t:in; it7s better not to o>erload t:e circuits?7F
!us:7s ;e3 8an =as &a8es !a;er III1 *:ite House c:ief of staff and t:e leadin9 court
fa>orite of Nanc3 Rea9an? ,urin9 t:is <eriod ,ea>er =as a =:oll3 controlled a<<enda9e of
!a;er and =ould re8ain one for as lon9 as :e =as useful to t:e desi9ns of t:e !us:8en?
A8on9 !a;er1 ,ea>er1 and t:e astrolo9er1 Nanc3 Rea9an could also be 8ani<ulated into
substantial subser>ience to !us:7s desi9ns?
And !a;er and ,ea>er =ere not t:e onl3 !us:8en in t:e *:ite House? T:ere =ere also
!us: ca8<ai9n >eterans ,a>id Ger9en and &a3 Moor:ead? In t:e cabinet1 one !us: lo3alist
=as Secretar3 of Co88erce Malcol8 !aldrid9e1 =:o =as flan;ed b3 :is Assistant
Secretar31 red !us: 0alle9edl3 not a 8e8ber of t:e !us: fa8il34? T:e !us:8en =ere
stron9 in t:e sub-cabinet" :ere =ere Assistant Secretar3 of State for East Asian and %acific
Affairs &o:n Holdrid9e1 =:o :ad ser>ed !us: on :is !eiBin9 8ission staff and durin9 t:e
12.+ %ol %ot ca<er in !eiBin9C and Assistant Secretar3 of State for Con9ressional Affairs
Ric:ard airban;sC =it: t:ese t=o in o993 !otto81 Hai97s da3s =ere nu8bered? At t:e
%enta9on =as Henr3 E? Catto1 t:e Assistant Secretar3 of ,efense for %ublic AffairsC Catto
=ould later b3 re=arded b3 !us: =it: an a<<oint8ent as US A8bassador to t:e Court of
St? &a8es in London1 t:e <ost t:at orei9n Ser>ice Officers s<end t:eir li>es stri>in9 to
attain? !us: =as also stron9 a8on9 t:e a9encies" :is <al *illia8 H? ,ra<er III1 scion of t:e
racist ,ra<er clan1 =as t:e c:air8an and <resident of t:e EE<ort-I8<ort !an;? Loret Miller
Ru<<e1 !us:7s ca8<ai9n c:air8an in Mic:i9an1 =as ,irector of t:e %eace Cor<s?
At t:e Treasur31 !us:7s cousin &o:n *al;er =ould be assistant secretar3 for enforce8ent?
*:en t:e !CCI scandal eE<loded in t:e 8edia durin9 12211 *illia8 >on Raab1 t:e for8er
director of t:e US Custo8s1 co8<lained loudl3 t:at1 durin9 Rea9an7s second ter81 :is
efforts to F9o afterF !CCI :ad been frustrated b3 reticence at t:e Treasur3 ,e<art8ent? !3
t:is ti8e &a8es !a;er III =as secretar3 of t:e Treasur31 and !us:7s ;issin9 cousin &o:n
*al;er =as an official =:o =ould :a>e :ad t:e <ri8ar3 res<onsibilit3 for t:e intensit3 of
suc: in>esti9ations?
At t:e %enta9on1 Cas<ar *einber9er7s ,e<ut3 Assistant Secretar3 for East Asia1 Ric:ard
Ar8ita9e1 =as no stran9er to t:e circles of S:ac;le3 and Clines? *einber9er :ad
eEtra>a9ant <raise in :is %enta9on 8e8oirs for FRic:F Ar8ita9e1 F=:o ser>ed t:e
,e<art8ent and 8e =it: eEtraordinar3 fidelit3 and s;ill and un<aralleled ;no=led9e and
9ood :u8or durin9 all t:e ti8e I =as in office?F Gfn $+H !us:7s staff nu8bered sli9:tl3 less
t:an siEt3 durin9 t:e earl3 s<rin9 of 12/1? He often o<erated out of a s8all office in t:e
*est *in9 of t:e *:ite House =:ere :e li;ed to s<end ti8e because it =as Fin t:e traffic
<attern1F but :is staff =as <rinci<all3 located in t:e Old EEecuti>e Office !uildin9? Here
!us: sat at a 8a88ot: 8a:o9an3 des; =:ic: :ad been used in 125' b3 :is lifeti8e e9o
ideal1 t:e arc:et3<al liberal Re<ublican eEtra>a9ant1 T:eodore Roose>elt? !us: also ;e<t an
office at t:e Senate? So8e of t:e leadin9 !us: o<erati>es =ere"
!us:7s c:ief of staff =as Ad8iral ,aniel &? Mur<:31 =:o :ad re<resented !us: in t:e
Situation Roo8 until t:e >ice <resident :ad returned fro8 TeEas? Mur<:3 :ad ser>ed
Mel>in Laird and Elliot Ric:ardson =:en t:e3 co88anded t:e %enta9on under NiEonC :e
:ad co88anded t:e SiEt: leet in t:e Mediterranean durin9 t:e 12.' Middle East *ar?
Mur<:3 :abituall3 acco8<anied !us: to attend Rea9an7s national securit3 briefin9 eac:
8ornin9 in t:e O>al Office1 a ritual t:at =as conducted b3 Ric:ard Allen as lon9 as :e
lasted1 and attended b3 !a;er and ,ea>er1 <lus Hai91 until :e too =as ousted?
T:e de<ut3 c:ief of staff =as Ric:ard N? !ond1 a 3oun9er <olitical o<erati>e =:o :ad
=or;ed in t:e offices of liberal Re<ublicans li;e *illia8 Green of Ne= (or; and Sen?
C:arles Mat:ias of Mar3land? He :ad 8ana9ed !us:7s =innin9 efforts in t:e Io=a
caucuses and in t:e Connecticut <ri8ar3?
!us:7s eEecuti>e assistant and s<ecial assi9n8ents 8an =as C:arles G? FC:aseF
Unter8e3er1 =:o :ad 9raduated fro8 Har>ard1 =or;ed as a ne=s<a<er re<orter and ser>ed
bet=een 12.. and 12/5 as a GO% 8e8ber of t:e TeEas House of Re<resentati>es for t:e
sil; stoc;in9 Re<ublican /'rd district in Houston1 =:ere &a8es !a;er1 &o:n Connoll31 and
Leon &a=ors;i o=n :o8es?
!us:7s 9eneral counsel =as C? !o3den Gra31 a Har>ard-educated la=3er =:o :ad =or;ed
as a <artner for t:e *as:in9ton <o=erbro;er la= fir8 of *il8er1 Cutler1 and %ic;erin91
=:ere :e =as s<ecialiAed in antitrust liti9ation and re<resentin9 business8en7s 9rou<s li;e
t:e !usiness Roundtable and t:e A8erican Minin9 Con9ress? Gra37s fa8il3 =ere <lutocrats
fro8 Nort: Carolina =:o :ad s<onsored t:e forced steriliAation <ro9ra8s described abo>e?
Gra37s fat:er1 Gordon Gra31 :ad ser>ed as c:ief of t:e National Securit3 Council durin9 t:e
Eisen:o=er ad8inistration1 and :ad aut:ored t:e o>erall docu8ent under =:ic: t:e >er3
eEtensi>e co>ert o<erations of t:e Eisen:o=er 3ears :ad been carried out? F!o3F Gra3 too;
an i8<ortant <art in !us:7s Tas; orce on Re9ulator3 Relief1 =:ic: =as billed as an effort
to Fcut federal red ta<e1F but =:ic: in realit3 furt:ered t:e :i9:l3 destructi>e <rocess of
dere9ulation in 8an3 critical areas of business and finance? !o3 Gra37s fa8il3 :ad <rofted
i88ensel3 fro8 t:e 8er9er of t:eir fa8il3 fir81 R?&? Re3nolds Tobacco1 =it: t:e National
!iscuit Co8<an3 to for8 R&R-Nabisco? T:e3 =ould <rofit astrono8icall3 fro8 t:e
le>era9ed bu3-out of R&R-Nabisco b3 t:e *all Street fir8 of #o:lber91 #ra>is1 Roberts1 a
s=indle t:at =as facilitated b3 t:e ne= re9ulator3 cli8ate t:at !o3 Gra3 :ad :i8self
:el<ed to create?
!us:7s assistant for do8estic affairs =as T:addeus Garrett1 &r?1 t:e :i9:est ran;in9 blac; on
!us:7s staff and an ordained 8inister of t:e African Met:odist E<isco<al C:urc:? Garrett
:ad ser>ed 6ice %resident Nelson Roc;efeller in t:e sa8e ca<acit3 in 12.+-.-1 and :ad
=or;ed as a Con9ressional aide to Re<s? *illia8 A3res 0R-O:io4 and S:irle3 C:is:ol8 0,-
!us:7s assistant for national securit3 affairs =as Nanc3 !ear9 ,3;e1 =:o :ad been
<rinci<al de<ut3 assistant secretar3 of t:e Air orce for 8an<o=er resources and 8ilitar3
ad8inistration in t:e Carter Ad8inistration? ,3;e =as a >eteran of t:e State ,e<art8ent1
t:e NSC1 t:e Senate Ar8ed Ser>ices Co88ittee staff1 and t:e Con9ressional !ud9et office?
!us:7s eEecuti>e assistant for Con9ressional relations =as Robert 6? T:o8<son1 =:o :ad
ser>ed as !us:7s assistant durin9 t:e <residential ca8<ai9n? T:o8<son =as fro8 t:e Tulsa
of t:e Liedt;e and #ra>is fa8ilies1 =:ere :e :ad founded t:ree co8<anies dealin9 =it:
co88odit3 s<eculation1 oil ri9s1 and refri9erator rentals?
!us:7s le9islati>e assistant =as Susan E? Al>arado1 for8er le9islati>e assistant to t:e t:en
Senate Minorit3 *:i< Ted Ste>ens 0R-Alas;a4?
!us:7s <ress secretar3 =as %eter Teele31 =:o :ad been born in Great !ritain and :ad later
li>ed in ,etroit? Teele3 :ad =or;ed for GO% Senators &a;e &a>its of Ne= (or; and Robert
Griffin of Mic:i9an1 and :e =as considered >er3 8uc: a liberal? Teele3 :ad also been
Co88unications ,irector for t:e Re<ublican National Co88ittee?
!us:7s de<ut3 <ress secretar3 =as S:irle3 M? Green1 =:o8 =e :a>e seen in action durin9
t:e Marc:1 12/1 atte8<ted cou< d7etat? Green :ad =or;ed at t:e TeEas GO% :ead@uarters in
Austin1 and :ad coordinated t:e !us: for %resident effort in TeEas and Ar;ansas?
!us:7s a<<oint8ents secretar3 =as t:e ine>itable &ennifer itA9erald1 =:o :ad been :is
eEecuti>e assistant durin9 t:e CIA da3s in Lan9le3? itA9erald :ad =or;ed as a s<ecial aide
of for8er (ale %resident #in98an !re=ster =:en :e =as US A8bassador to London? S:e
=as a >eteran of t:e *:ite House staffs of t:e NiEon and ord 3ears? &ennifer itA9erald
:as re8ained =it: !us: o>er t:e 3ears1 and :er <resence :as 9i>en rise to 8uc: 9ossi<?
!us:7s director of ad8inistration =as Susan Coc;rell1 =:o :ad =or;ed in >ice <residential
national securit3 and forei9n affairs staffs since 12.)1 ser>in9 Gerald ord1 Nelson
Roc;efeller1 and *alter Mondale before !us:?
!us:7s ad>ance 8an =as Mic:ael arle31 a for8er AriAona insurance a9ent and bro;er =:o
:ad =or;ed for ord in 12.- and for !us: durin9 t:e 12.2-/5 ca8<ai9n?
!us:7s tri< director =as &ose<: *? Ha9in1 a for8er o<erati>e for t:e !us: ca8<ai9n in
lorida and Io=a? After t:e ,etroit con>ention1 Ha9in tra>elled full ti8e =it: !us:? Gfn $-H
After Rea9an :ad reco>ered1 !us: custo8aril3 arri>ed at :is office in t:e Old EEecuti>e
Office !uildin9 at about ."'5 eac: 8ornin9 for :is o=n national securit3 briefin9 and a
staff 8eetin9? T:en !us: and Mur<:3 =ould 9o o>er to t:e O>al Office1 less t:an a
:undred 3ards a=a31 to sit in on Rea9an7s national securit3 briefin9? ,urin9 t:e rest of t:e
da31 de<endin9 on t:e re@uire8ents of intri9ue and 8ani<ulation1 !us: =as free to float
bet=een OEO! and *est *in91 often 9ra>itatin9 bac; to=ards :is o=n staff at t:e end of
t:e da3?
!us: :ad a standin9 in>itation to sit on all cabinet 8eetin9s and ot:er eEecuti>e acti>ities1
and !a;er =as al=a3s t:ere to 8a;e sure :e ;ne= =:at =as 9oin9 on? !us: =as a <art of
e>er3 sesssion of t:e National Securit3 Council? !us: also <ossessed 9uaranteed access to
Rea9an1 in case :e e>er needed t:at" eac: T:ursda3 Rea9an abnd !us: =ould :a>e lunc:
alone to9et:er in t:e O>al Office?
Eac: Tuesda31 !us: attended t:e =ee;l3 8eetin9 of GO% co88ittee c:air8en <resided
o>er b3 Senate MaBorit3 Leader Ho=ard !a;er at t:e Senate? T:en !us: =ould sta3 on t:e
Hill for t:e =ee;l3 lunc:eon of t:e Re<ublican %olic3 Co88ittee :osted b3 Sen? &o:n
To=er of TeEas? !efore and after t:ese =ee;l3 e>ents1 t:ere =as ti8e for 8eetin9s =it:
indi>idual senators? !us: also culti>ated :is older House net=or;s1 includin9 t:rou9:
<addleball =or;outs in t:e House 938nasiu8?
%rescott7s old friend *illia8 Case3 =as be9innin9 to =or; :is de>iltr3 at Lan9le31 and ;e<t
in close touc: =it: !us:? Re<orts of <ersonalit3 conflicts bet=een !us: and Case3 are t:e
8ost trans<arent disinfor8ation?
T:e result =as a 8ac:ine ca<able of steerin9 8an3 of t:e decisions of t:e Rea9an
Ad8inistration? At t:is <oint1 !us: =as not loo;in9 for a 9reat deal of <ublicit3C :e didn7t
need it? F!us: :i8self reacted =it: sensiti>it3 to t:e a8ount of <ublicit3 :e recei>ed =:ile
<erfor8in9 as a <residential surro9ate =:ile Rea9an =as reco>erin9 fro8 :is 9uns:ot
=ound? *:en t:e %resident returned to :is =or; sc:edule1 !us: as;ed :is staff to cut bac;
on sc:edulin9 :i8 for inter>ie=s? FHe t:ou9:t :e s:ould lo=er :is <rofile for a =:ile17 an
aide eE<lained?F
%roble8s 8i9:t :a>e co8e fro8 t:e o>ersi9:t functions of t:e Con9ress1 but t:e Con9ress
=as no= in t:e <rocess of bein9 destro3ed as a Constitutional force? Senator Harris
*illia8s of Ne= &erse3 =as no= on trial on c:ar9es resultin9 fro8 t:e !I7s ille9al
FAbsca8F entra<8ent o<erations? *illia8s7 forced resi9nation fro8 t:e Senate1 after a
nu8ber of Con9ress8en :ad been con>icted on t:e sa8e 8aufactured c:ar9es1 =ould
co8<lete t:e subordination of Con9ress to <olice state controls?
%roble8s 8i9:t :a>e co8e fro8 t:e ,irector of t:e National Securit3 Council1 but :ere t:e
Bob :ad been do=n9raded" Ric:ard Allen re<orted not to Rea9an1 but to Meese? Allen
=ould in an3 case soon be ousted fro8 office becase :e :ad acce<ted so8e =atc:es fro8
&a<anese >isitors? Allen =ould be follo=ed in @uic; succession b3 *illia8 Clar;1 !ud
Mcarlane1 &o:n %oindeEter1 ran; Carlucci1 and Colin %o=ell- a ne= NSC director a bit
8ore t:an once a 3ear? or !us:1 t:e dan9erous one :ad been Clar;C t:e rest =ere @uite
<re<ared to 9o =it: t:e #issin9er line? In an3 case1 t:is 8err3-9o-round at t:e NSC 8eant
t:at no serious c:allen9e could e8er9e a9ainst !us: fro8 t:is @uarter?
It too; 8ore t:an a 3ear to finis: off Al Hai9? T:e final o<<ortunit3 ca8e durin9 t:e
Mal>inas 0or al;lands4 =ar in t:e s<rin9 of 12/$? *:en T:atc:er 8ade clear t:at s:e =as
intent on =a9in9 =ar a9ainst Ar9entina1 Hai9 fle= to London and assured :er t:at t:ere
=ould be no ne= SueA1 t:at t:e US =ould bac; !ritain in t:e end? !ut Hai9 insisted on
<osin9 in <ublic as an :onest bro;er1 8ediatin9 bet=een !ritain and Ar9entina1 and 8ade
<ro<osals t:at in>ol>ed concessions =:ic: enra9ed T:atc:er? Hai9 also called Lord
Carrin9ton a Fdu<licitious bastard?F !us: and !a;er used t:e failure of Hai97s s:uttle
di<lo8ac3 in t:e Mal>inas crisis to <re<are t:e final bureaucratic cou< de 9race? Hai9 =as
re<laced b3 Geor9e S:ultA1 a !ec:tel eEecuti>e and NiEon cabinet retread?
T:e loudest s@ua=;in9 in <ublic about !us:7s for8idable be:ind t:e scenes <o=er durin9
t:e Rea9an 3ears ca8e fro8 t:e old FNe= Ri9:tF alu8ni of t:e (oun9 A8ericans for
reedo8 durin9 t:e Gold=ater era? One 9at:ers t:at t:ese <ersona9es =ere 8iffed at t:e
idea t:at Geor9e7s net=or;s =ere 9rabbin9 <lu8 Bobs =:ic: t:e old (Aers re9arded as
t:eir e8inent do8ain? One of t:ese =as Terr3 ,olan of t:e National Conser>ati>e %olitical
Action Co88ittee1 =:o s<o;e in 12/$ of t:e F!us:iAation of t:e Rea9an Ad8inistration?F
0,olan later died of AI,S?4 T:e ri9:t-=in9 direct 8ail fundraiser Ric:9ard 6i9uerie
asserted t:at Ft:is is a !us: ad8inistration1 not a Rea9an ad8inistration?F
T:e ri9:t-=in9 concern =as su88ed u< b3 *itco>er and Ger8ond" FGeor9e !us: is
<la3in9 <ossu81 actin9 t:e a8enable :el<8ate to Rea9an =:ile insidiousl3 <lantin9 :is
a9ents in ;e3 <ositions in t:e ad8inistration-- es<eciall3 in t:e *:ite House-- and1 8ore
recentl31 in t:e Re<ublican National Co88ittee?F Gfn $.H
T:ese circles <ointed to t:e ascendanc3 of &a8es !a;er in t:e *:ite House1 t:e influence
of ,a>id Ger9en as *:ite House director of co88unications1 t:e <osition of Ric:ard
,ar8an 0fro8 t:e Eliot Ric:ardson stable4 as !a;er7s de<ut31 and t:e do8inance of Ric:
!ond1 !us:7s c:ief of staff1 as de<ut3 c:air8an of t:e Re<ublican National Co88ittee?
So8e =ere also =orried about t:e <o=er of ,a>id Stoc;8an1 t:e austerit3 ideolo9ue of t:e
earl3 Rea9an Office of Mana9e8ent and !ud9et and close !us: all3? F!us: :as been 8ore
effecti>e in 9ettin9 :is <eo<le <laced in t:e ad8inistration t:an Rea9an :as1F co8<lained
%aul *e3ric: of t:e Co88ittee for t:e Sur>i>al of a ree Con9ress? FT:ere =as a
tre8endous <o=er >acuu8 and !a;er7s 8o>ed into it1 but !a;er :as used it to 9et !us:
<eo<le into ;e3 <laces???!us: :as an ideal situation? He 9oes around t:e countr3 collectin9
due bills b3 eE<ressin9 su<<ort of Rea9an1 8ean=:ile <uttin9 :is <eo<le in <lace?F T:ese
circles =ere >er3 concerned b3 t:e fre@uent ru8ors t:at Rea9an 8i9:t renounce a race for a
second ter8 in =:at 6i9uerie called an FL!& scenario1F =it: Rea9an dro<<in9 out durin9
t:e <ri8ar3 season? T:ese :o<es ne>er <anned out1 but t:e F!a;er-!us: connectionF
enra9ed t:e ri9:t =in9ers for 3ears?
In <ublic1 !us: =or;ed on :is Tas; orce for Re9ulator3 Relief1 a 9ood =a3 to curr3 fa>or
=it: t:e le9ions of 9reed in *all Street and !e>erl3 Hills =:o =ere loo;in9 for t:e Rea9an
ad8inistration to fulfill t:eir :o<es? After t:e renc: elections1 it =as !us: =:o =as
des<atc:ed to rance to 8eet t:e ne= renc: %resident rancois FTontonF Mitterrand of t:e
Grand Orient free8asonr3? !us: and Mitterrand :ad 8utual friends in t:e Sc:lu8ber9er
interests of &ean and Moni@ue de Menil of HoustonC !us: be9an buildin9 a s<ecial
relations:i< =it: Tonton Mitterrand t:at included >er3 cordial ranco- A8erican su88its
at #ennebun;<ort and St? Martin durin9 12/2? or Tonton1 close ties =it: !us: =ere
essential for undoin9 t:e :erita9e of General de Gaulle1 =:o :ad insisted on renc:
national inde<endence and so>erei9nt3? *it: t:e !us:-Mitterrand aEis1 t:ose forces =ere
stren9:ened =:o =anted rance to beco8e a9ain =:at s:e :ad been in t:e s:a8eful
ad>enture of SueA in 12+-" an auEiliar3 to t:e An9lo-A8ericans?
!us: also :ad a s<ecial interest in t:e Atlanta 8urders of blac; c:ildren1 =:ic: =ere
reac:in9 t:eir <ea; durin9 t:e first 8ont:s of 12/1? On ebruar3 /1 12/11 !us: announced
t:at t:e federal 9o>ern8ent =ould <ro>ide s<ecial assistance to t:e Atlanta %olice
,e<art8ent in in>esti9atin9 t:e 8urders? On ebruar3 $$1 a federal tas; force focussed on
Atlanta =as created1 and on Marc: 1+ Geor9e and !arbara Bourne3ed to Atlanta to 8eet
=it: t:e fa8ilies of so8e of t:e >icti8s? T:ese 8urders =ere clearl3 connected to satantic
cults o<eratin9 in t:e Atlanta area?
!us: beca8e :ea>il3 en9a9ed on t:is front? His office Fa99ressi>el3 and <ublicl3F <ursued
:is assi9n8ent of coordinatin9 federal asssistance to Atlanta? Ad8iral Mur<:3 and staffer
T:addeus Garrett :el<ed to arran9e a series of 9rants fro8 >arious a9encies and set u< a
tas; force on t:e 9round in Atlanta under t:e leaders:i< of C:arles Rin;e>ic:1 a re9ional
official of t:e &ustice ,e<art8ent? Garrett 9a>e :i8self credit for eE<editin9 I'?/ 8illion to
su<<ort t:e in>esti9ation of t:e Atlanta 8urders and to <ro>ide Fsu<<ort and <rotecti>e
su<er>isionF for t:e terror-stric;en residents of t:e area? Naturall3" an alu8nus of S;ull and
!ones ;ne= all about satanis8?
ort3-four da3s after t:e atte8<ted assassination of Rea9an1 t:ere follo=ed t:e atte8<t to
assassinate %o<e &o:n %aul II durin9 a 9eneral audience in St? %eter7s S@uare in Ro8e?
,urin9 t:ose )) da3s1 !us: :ad been runnin9 t:e US 9o>ern8ent? It =as as if a ne= and
8ali9nant e>il :ad eru<ted onto t:e =orld sta9e1 and =as assertin9 its <resence =it: an
un<recedented >iolence and terror? !us: =as certainl3 in>ol>ed in t:e atte8<t to co>er u<
t:e true aut:ors of t:e attentat of St? %eter7s S@uare? An accessor3 before t:e fact in t:e
atte8<t to sla3 t:e <ontiff a<<ears to :a>e been !us:7s old co:ort ran; Ter<il1 =:o :ad
been one of t:e instructors =:o :ad trained Me:8et Ali A9ca1 =:o :ad fired on t:e <o<e?
After a len9t:3 in>esti9ation1 t:e Italian in>esti9ati>e 8a9istrate Ilario Martella in
,ece8ber 12/$ issued se>en arrest =arrants in t:e case1 fi>e a9ainst Tur;s and t=o a9ainst
!ul9arians? Ulti8ate res<onsibilit3 for t:e atte8<t on t:e %o<e7s life belon9ed to (uri
Andro<o> of t:e So>iet #G!? On Marc: 11 12251 6i;tor I>ano>ic: S:e38o>1 a #G!
officer =:o :ad defected to t:e =est1 re>ealed at a <ress conference in *as:in9ton ,C t:at
as earl3 as 12.21 s:ortl3 after #arol *oit3la beca8e %o<e1 t:e #G! :ad been instructed
t:rou9: an order si9ned b3 (uri Andro<o> to 9at:er all <ossible infor8ation on :o= to 9et
F<:3sicall3 close to t:e %o<e? Gfn $/H
Accordin9 to one stud3 of t:ese e>ents1 durin9 t:e second =ee; of Au9ust1 12/51 =:en t:e
a9itation of t:e %olis: trade union Solidarnosc =as at its :ei9:t1 t:e %o<e :ad des<atc:ed a
s<ecial e8issar3 to Mosco= =it: a <ersonal letter for So>iet %resident Leonid !reA:ne>?
T:e %o<e7s 8essa9e =arned t:e So>iet dictator t:at if t:e Red Ar83 =ere to in>ade %oland1
as t:en see8ed i88inent1 t:e %o<e =ould fl3 to *arsa= and lead t:e resistance? It is >er3
li;el3 t:at s:ortl3 after t:is t:e So>iets 9a>e t:e order to eli8inate %o<e &o:n %aul II? Gfn
*it: t:e 6atican su<<ortin9 &ud9e Martella in :is ca8<ai9n to eE<ose t:e true bac;9round
of Ali A9ca7s assault1 it a<<eared t:at t:e !ul9arian connection1 and =it: it t:e Andro<o>-
#G! connection1 8i9:t soon be eE<osed? !ut in t:e 8eanti8e1 !reA:ne> :ad died1 and :ad
been succeeded b3 t:e sic; and elderl3 #onstantin C:ernen;o? !us: =as alread3 in t:e
F3ou die1 =e fl3F business1 re<resentin9 Rea9an at all i8<ortant state funerals1 and carr3in9
on t:e su88it di<lo8ac3 t:at belon9s to suc: occasions? !us: attended !reA:ne>7s funeral1
and conferred at len9t: =it: (uri Andro<o>? C:ernen;o =as a transitional fi9ure1 and t:e
An9lo-A8erican elites =ere loo;in9 to #G! boss Andro<o> as a desirable successor =it:
=:o8 a ne= series of condo8iniu8 deals at t:e eE<ense of <eo<les and nations all o>er t:e
<lanet 8i9:t be consu88ated? or t:e sa;e of t:e condo8iniu81 it =as i8<erati>e t:at t:e
:it a9ainst t:e %o<e not be <inned on Mosco=? T:ere =as also t:e scandal t:at =ould result
if it turned out t:at US assets :ad also been in>ol>ed =it:in t:e fra8e=or; of deri>ati>e
assassination net=or;s?
,urin9 t:e first da3s of 12/'1 !us: lod9ed an ur9ent re@uest =it: Monsi9nor %io La9:i1 t:e
a<ostolic <ro-nuncio in *as:in9ton1 in =:ic: !us: as;ed for an i88ediate <ri>ate
audience =it: t:e %o<e? !3 ebruar3 /1 !us: =as in Ro8e? Accordin9 to reliable re<orts1
durin9 t:e <ri>ate audience !us: Fsu99ested t:at &o:n %aul s:ould not <ursue @uite so
ener9eticall3 :is o=n interest in t:e <lot?F Gfn '5H
!us:7s <ersonal inter>ention :ad t:e effect of su<<le8entin9 and acceleratin9 a US
intelli9ence o<eration t:at =as alread3 in 8otion to sabota9e and discredit &ud9e Martella
and :is in>esti9ation? On Ma3 1'1 12/'1 t:e second anni>ersar3 of t:e atte8<t on t:e
%o<e7s life1 6assil3 ,i8itro>1 t:e first secretar3 of t:e !ul9arian E8bass3 in Ro8e1
eE<ressed :is 9ratitutde" FT:an;s to t:e CIA1 I feel as if I =ere born a9ainKF
!us: consistentl3 eE<ressed s;e<ticis8 on !ul9arian su<<ort for A9ca? On ,ece8ber $51
12/$1 res<ondin9 to t:e Martella indict8ents1 !us: told t:e C:ristian Science Monitor"
FMa3be I s<ea; defensi>el3 as a for8er :ead of t:e CIA1 but lea>e out t:e o<erational side
of t:e #G!-- t:e nau9:t3 t:in9s t:e3 alle9edl3 do" Here7s a 8an1 Andro<o>1 =:o :as :ad
access to a tre8endous a8ount of intelli9ence o>er t:e 3ears? In 83 Bud98ent1 :e =ould be
less a<t to 8isread t:e intentions of t:e USA? T:at offers <otential? And t:e ot:er side of
t:at is t:at :e7s tou9:1 and :e a<<ears to :a>e solidified :is leaders:i< <osition?F
Accordin9 to one stud31 t:e Ger8an forei9n intelli9ence ser>ice1 t:e
!undesnac:ric:tendienst1 belie>ed at t:is ti8e t:at Fa co88on lin; bet=een t:e CIA and
t:e !ul9ariansF eEisted? Gfn '1H
Martella =as con>inced t:at A9ca :ad been sent into action b3 Ser9ei Antono>1 a !ul9arian
=or;in9 in Ro8e? Accordin9 to aut:or Gordon T:o8as1 Martella =as a=are t:at t:e *:ite
House1 and !us: s<ecificall31 =ere deter8ined to sabota9e t:e eE<osure of t:is connection?
Martella brou9:t A9ca and Antono> to9et:er1 and A9ca identified Antono> in a line-u<?
A9ca also described t:e interior of Antono>7s a<art8ent in Ro8e? FLater1 Martella told :is
staff t:at t:e CIA or an3one else can s<read as 8uc: disinfor8ation as t:e3 li;eC :e is
satisfied t:at A9ca is tellin9 t:e trut: about ;no=in9 Antono>?F Gfn '$H Later US
intelli9ence net=or;s =ould redouble t:ese sabota9e efforts =it: so8e success? A9ca =as
8ade to a<<ear a lunatic1 and t=o ;e3 !u9larian =itnesses c:an9ed t:eir testi8on3? A
ca8<ai9n of lea;s =as also 8ounted? In a biAarre but si9nificant e<isode1 e>en Ne= (or;
Senator Al ,a8ato 9ot into t:e act? ,a8ato alle9ed t:at :e :ad :eard about t:e %o<e7s
letter =arnin9 !reA:ne> about in>adin9 %oland =:ile :e =as >isitin9 t:e 6atican durin9
earl3 12/1" as t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es re<orted on ebruar3 21 12/'1 F,a8ato sa3s :e
infor8ed t:e CIA about t:e letter and identified :is source in t:e 6atican =:en :e returned
to t:e US fro8 a 12/1 tri< to Ro8e?F Later1 ,a8ato =as told t:at t:e Ro8e CIA station
:ad ne>er :eard an3t:in9 fro8 Lan9le3 about :is re<ort of t:e %o<e7s letter? FI 9a>e t:e8
i8<ortant infor8ation and t:e3 clearl3 ne>er follo=ed it u<1F co8<lained ,a8ato to
In ebruar31 12/'1 ,a8ato >isited Ro8e once a9ain on a fact-findin9 8ission in
connection =it: t:e A9ca <lot? He as;ed t:e US E8bass3 in Ro8e to set u< a<<oint8ents
for :i8 =it: Italian <olitical leaders and la= enforce8ent officials1 but :is >isit =as
sabota9ed b3 US A8bassador MaE=ell Raab? T:e da3 before ,a8ato =as sc:eduled to
lea>e *as:in9ton1 :e found t:at :e :ad no 8eetin9s set u< in Ro8e? T:en an Italian-
s<ea;in9 8e8ber of t:e staff of t:e Senate Intelli9ence Co88ittee1 =:o =as fa8iliar =it:
t:e A9ca in>esti9ation and =:o =as sc:eduled to acco8<an3 ,a8ato to Ro8e1 infor8ed
t:e senator t:at :e =ould not 8a;e t:e tri<? ,a8ato told t:e <ress t:at t:is last-8inute
cancellation =as due to <ressure fro8 t:e CIA?
Muc: to ,a8ato7s irritation1 it turned out t:at Geor9e !us: <ersonall3 :ad been res<onsible
for a rat:er t:orou9: sabota9e of :is tri<? ,a8ato s:o=ed t:e Ro8e <ress Fa tele9ra8 fro8
t:e A8erican A8bassador in Ro8e ur9in9 :i8 to <ost<one t:e >isit because t:e e8bass3
=as <reoccu<ied =it: an o>erla<<in9 a<<earance b3 6ice %resident !us:1F as t:e Ne= (or;
Ti8nes re<orted? T:is =as !us:7s 8ission to =arn t:e %o<e not to <ursue t:e !ul9arian
connection? ,a8ato said :e =as s:oc;ed t:at no one on t:e CIA staff in Ro8e :ad been
assi9ned to trac; t:e A9ca in>esti9ation?
T:e CIA station c:ief in Ro8e durin9 t:e earl3 12/57s =as *illia8 Mulli9an1 a close
associate of for8er CIA de<ut3 assistant director for o<erations T:eodore S:ac;le3?
S:ac;le31 as =e :a>e seen1 =as a <art of t:e !us: for %resident ca8<ai9n of 12/5?
Me:8et Ali A9ca recei>ed trainin9 in t:e use of eE<losi>es1 firear8s1 and ot:er subBects
fro8 t:e Ffor8erF CIA a9ent ran; Ter<il? Ter<il =as ;no=n to A9ca as FMaBor ran;1F and
t:e trainin9 a<<ears to :a>e ta;en <lace in S3ria and in Lib3a?
A9ca7s identification of Ter<il :ad been >er3 <recise and detailed on MaBor ran; and on
t:e trainin9 <ro9ra8? Ter<il :i8self 9ranted a tele>ision inter>ie=1 =:ic: =as incor<orated
into a telecast on :is acti>ities and entitled FT:e Most ,an9erous Man in t:e *orld1F
durin9 =:ic: Ter<il described in so8e detail :o= :e :ad trained A9ca? S:ortl3 after t:is1
Ter<il left :is a<art8ent in !eirut1 acco<anied b3 t:ree unidentified 8en1 and disa<<eared?
Ter<il and Ed *ilson :ad 9one to Lib3a and be9un a <ro9ra8 of terrorist trainin9 at about
t:e ti8e t:at Geor9e !us: beca8e t:e CIA director? *ilson =as indicted for su<<l3in9
eE<losi>es to Lib3a1 for cons<irin9 to assassinate one of Laddafi7s o<<onents in E93<t1 and
for recruitin9 for8er US <ilots and Green !erets to =or; for Laddafi? *ilson =as later
lured bac; to t:e US and Bailed? Ter<il <resu8abl3 continues to o<erate1 if :e is still ali>e?
*as Ter<il actuall3 a tri<le a9entD
*:at furt:er relation 8i9:t Geor9e !us: :a>e :ad to t:e atte8<t to ta;e t:e life of t:e
%o<eD As =e :a>e seen1 t:e !us: fa8il3 :ad carried on an obsessi>e >endetta a9ainst t:e
6atican o>er decades? In t:e fa8il3 tradition1 it =as Cat:olic o<<onents of birt: control and
9enocide1 includin9 Ro8an Cat:olic <relates1 =:o =ere :eld res<onsible for t:e defeat of
%rescot !us: in t:e 12+5 election1 =:en :is in>ol>e8ent =it: t:e 9enocide lobb3 :ad
recei>ed effecti>e and ti8el3 eE<osure? *e :a>e seen :o= !us: <ersonall3 nursed t:is
9rud9e1 :3stericall3 recountin9 t:e stor3 to :is collea9ues in t:e House of Re<resentati>es?
*e :a>e seen !us:7s enra9ed res<onse to %o<e %aul 6I7s enc3clical Hu8anae 6itae1 =:ic:
attac;ed t:e racist :eart of t:e !us: fa8il3 creed? *e =ill later see !us: attac;in9 t:e
<olitical acti>ities of &esuits in central A8erica? *e =ill see !us: orderin9 >iolent
de8onstrators in %ana8a Cit3 to stor8 t:e %a<al nunAiatura? In all of t:is t:e free8ason
!us: s:ares t:e obsession of t:e An9lo-A8erican elite1 =:o are co88itted to destro3in9
t:e <a<ac3 as one of t:e fe= institutions in t:e =orld t:at :as dared to resist t:eir
Malt:usian <ro<osition t:at t:e central <roble8 of :u8anit3 is o>er<o<ulation?
ree8ason Geor9e !us: alle9edl3 <ossesses i8<ortant connections to so8e of t:e 8ore
sinister currents of continental Euro<ean 8asonr3? Unconfir8ed <ublis:ed re<orts :a>e
lin;ed Geor9e !us: to t:e %ro<a9anda ,ue or %-$ 8asonic lod9e of Ro8e1 Ital31 as =ell as
to t:e Co8ite Montecarlo? !arbara Hone99er1 in :er boo; October Sur<rise1 cites :er
83sterious infor8ant F(F1 =:o clai8s t:at t:e notorious Italian <olitical fiEer rancesco
%aAienAa told :i8 t:at Geor9e !us: =as e>en 8ade an :onorar3 8e8ber of t:e %-$ lod9e
b3 t:at lod9e7s >enerable 9rand 8aster1 t:e notorious Licio Gelli? Gelli is also re<orted b3
infor8ed sources to :a>e =or;ed ener9eticall3 to <ro8ote !us:7s 12/5 <residential
So8e see !us:7s alle9ed connections to Licio Gelli7s %-$ lod9e as rele>ant to t:e
assassination of S=edis: %ri8e Minister Olof %al8e on ebruar3 $/1 12/-? Accordin9 to
!arbara Hone99er7s 83sterious infor8ant F(F1 on ebruar3 $+1 12/-1 Bust a fe= da3s
before %al8e =as ;illed1 Licio Gelli1 =:o =as t:en in !raAil1 sent a 8essa9e to %:ili<
Guarino1 a for8er official of t:e Re<ublican National Co88ittee tellin9 :i8 t:at Ft:e
S=edis: tree =ill be felled1F alon9 =it: a re@uest to Ftell our 9ood friend !us:?F Gfn ''H
%al8e1 at t:e ti8e of :is deat:1 =as a=are of t:e <artici<ation of S=edis: ar8s co8<anies
in =ea<ons deli>eries to t:e #:o8eini re9i8e =it:in t:e fra8e=or; of =:at later beca8e
;no=n as Iran-contra?
On &ul3 $1 12251 t:e first <ro9ra8 0T9-14 of RAI Tele>ision1 t:e Italian 9o>ern8ent-
s<onsored net=or;1 broadcast an inter>ie= b3 Bournalist Ennio Re8ondino =it: Ibra:i8
RaAin and Ric:ard !rennec;e1 a for8er US intelli9ence a9ent =:o :as beco8e =ell ;no=n
in connection =it: :is alle9ations concernin9 t:e 12/5 October Sur<rise? Here RaAin
re<eated t:e account of t:e 8essa9e fro8 Gelli to Guarino and !us: Bust su88ariAed?
!rennec;e added t:at US intelli9ence a9encies <ro>ided t:e %-$ lod9e =it: fundin9 in t:e
a8ount of I15 8illion <er 8ont: for 9un-runnin91 dru9-runnin91 and destabiliAation? In t:e
=a;e of t:is telecast1 %resident rancesco Cossi9a1 t:e <s3c:olo9icall3 unstable Italian
c:ief of state1 de8anded t:at %ri8e Minister Giulio Andreotti in>esti9ate t:ese c:ar9es?
Cossi9a =as indi9nant t:at bot: t:e US 9o>ern8ent and Geor9e !us: :ad been accused of
t:ese :einous cri8es? Andreotti7s in>esti9ation =as a su<erficial one and certainl3 did not
dis<ro>e an3 of t:e c:ar9es1 lea>in9 t:e 8atter :an9in9? Gfn ')H
1? &oan Lui9le31 F*:at ,oes &oan Sa3F 0Ne= (or;1 122541 <? 11$?
$? Cla3 ? Ric:ards1 FGeor9e !us:" 7co-<resident7 in t:e Rea9an ad8inistrationF United %ress International1
Marc: 151 12/1?
'? AleEander Hai91 Ca>eat 0Ne= (or;1 12/)41 <? +)?
)? Hai91 Ca>eat1 <? 11+?
+? Hai91 Ca>eat1 <? '5$?
-? Hai91 Ca>eat1 <? -5?
.? *as:in9ton %ost1 Marc: $$1 12/1?
/? Hai91 Ca>eat1 <<? 1))-1)+?
2? *as:in9ton %ost1 Marc: $$1 12/1?
15? T:e ,ail3 TeEan1 Marc: '11 12/1?
11? Hai91 Ca>eat1 <? 1+1?
1$? Cas<ar *einber9er1 i9:tin9 for %eace 0Ne= (or;1 122541 <? 21?
1'? *einber9er1 i9:tin9 for %eace1 <? 2'?
1)? *einber9er1 i9:tin9 for %eace1 <? 2)?
1+? ,onald T? Re9an1 or t:e Record 0Ne= (or;1 12//41 <? 1-/?
1-? *einber9er1 i9:tin9 for %eace1 <? 2+?
1.? *as:in9ton %ost1 A<ril 11 12/1?
1/? Hai91 Ca>eat1 <? 1-5?
12? Ronald Rea9an1 An A8erican Life 0Ne= (or;1 122541 <? $.1?
$5? &ac; and &oAnn Hinc;le31 !rea;in9 %oints 0Grand Ra<ids1 Mic:i9an1 12/+41 <? 1-2?
$1? !rea;in9 %oints1 <? $1+?
$$? &ud3 Hasson1 United %ress International1 &ul3 '11 12/+?
$)? Ne=s=ee;1 A<ril $51 12/11 <? $2?
$+? *einber9er1 i9:tin9 for %eace1 <<? $'5-$'1?
$-? or !us:7s staff see FGeor9e !us:--#ee<in9 His %rofile Lo= So He Can #ee< His Influence
Hi9:1F National &ournal1 &une $51 12/11 <? 152- ff?C and Art:ur *iese1 FT:e !us: Tea81F Houston
%ost1 A<ril 11
$.? &ac; *? Ger8ond and &ules *itco>er1 F*:3 ,o Conser>ati>es Hate !us:DF1 T:e *as:in9tonian1 A<ril
$/? *as:in9ton %ost1 Marc: $1 1225?
$2? See Gordon T:o8as1 %ontiff 0Ne= (or;1 12/'4?
'5? Gordon T:o8as1 A>ertin9 Ar8a9eddon 0Ne= (or;1 12/)41 <? .)?
'1? A>ertin9 Ara89eddon1 <? $-/?
'$? A>ertin9 Ar8a9eddon1 <? .+?
''? !arbara Hone99er1 October Sur<rise 0Ne= (or;" Tudor %ublis:in91 12/241 <? $)5? Man3 are t:e
na8es t:at :a>e been attributed to infor8ant F(1F includin9 Ibra:i8 RaAin1 Racine1 Os=ald Le *inter1
Oscar Le*inter1 and Geor9e Ca>e1 =:o =as su<<osedl3 once a CIA e8<lo3ee s<ecialiAin9 in Iranian
')? See Corriere della Sera and La Sta8<a1 &ul3 $)1 1225?
Geor9e !us:" T:e Unaut:oriAed !io9ra<:3 --- b3 *ebster G? Tar<le3 N Anton
C:a<ter -M6III- Iran- Contra
F*:at <leases t:e <rince :as t:e force of la=?77 --Ro8an la= FAs lon9 as t:e <olice carries
out t:e =ill of t:e leaders:i<1 it is actin9 le9all3?77 -- Gesta<o officer *erner !est
*e cannot <ro>ide :ere a co8<lete o>er>ie= of t:e Iran-Contra affair? *e s:all atte8<t1
rat:er1 to 9i>e an account of Geor9e !us:7s decisi>e1 central role in t:ose e>ents1 =:ic:
occurred durin9 :is >ice-<residenc3 and s<illed o>er into :is <residenc3? T:e <rinci<al
ele8ents of scandal in Iran-Contra 8a3 be reduced to t:e follo=in9 <oints"
14 t:e secret ar8in9 of t:e #:o8eini re9i8e in Iran b3 t:e U?S? 9o>ern8ent1 durin9 an
official U?S?-decreed ar8s e8bar9o a9ainst Iran1 =:ile t:e U?S? <ublicl3 denounced t:e
reci<ients of its secret deli>eries as terrorists and ;idna<<ers--a <olic3 initiated under t:e
&i883 Carter <residenc3 and accelerated b3 t:e Rea9an-!us: ad8inistrationC
$4 t:e Rea9an-!us: ad8inistration7s secret ar8in9 of its F Contras 77 for =ar a9ainst t:e
Sandinista re9i8e in Nicara9ua1 =:ile suc: aid =as eE<licitl3 <ro:ibited under U?S? la=C
'4 t:e use of co88unist and terrorist ene8ies--often ar8ed directl3 b3 t:e An9lo-
A8ericans--to Bustif3 a <olice state and co>ert1 oli9arc:ical rule at :o8eC
)4 <a3in9 for and <rotectin9 t:e 9un-runnin9 <roBects =it: dru9- s8u99lin91 e8beAAle8ent1
t:eft b3 di>ersion fro8 aut:oriAed U?S? <ro9ra8s1 and t:e F silencin9 77 of bot: o<<onents
and ;no=led9eable <artici<ants in t:e sc:e8esC and
+4 t:e continual1 routine <erBur3 and dece<tion of t:e <ublic b3 9o>ern8ent officials
<retendin9 to :a>e no ;no=led9e of t:ese acti>itiesC and t:e routine ac@uiescence in t:at
dece<tion b3 Con9ress8en too fri9:tened to o<<ose it?
*:en t:e scandal bro;e1 in late 12/- and earl3 12/.1 Geor9e !us: 8aintained t:at :e ;ne=
not:in9 about t:ese ille9al acti>itiesC t:at ot:er 9o>ern8ent officials in>ol>ed in t:e8 :ad
;e<t :i8 in t:e dar;C t:at :e :ad attended no i8<ortant 8eetin9s =:ere t:ese subBects =ere
under discussion? Since t:at ti8e1 8an3 once- classified docu8ents :a>e co8e to li9:t1
=:ic: su99est t:at !us: or9aniAed and su<er>ised 8an31 or 8ost1 of t:e cri8inal as<ects of
t:e Iran-Contra ad>entures? T:e 8ost si9nificant e>ents rele>ant to Geor9e !us:7s role are
<resented :ere in t:e for8at of a c:ronolo93? At t:e end of t:e c:ronolo931 <arts of t:e
testi8on3 of Geor9e !us:7s lo3al assistant ,onald Gre99 =ill be <ro>ided1 to allo= for a
co8<arison of t:e docu8ented e>ents =it: t:e !us: ca8<7s account of t:in9s? O>er t:e
ti8e <eriod co>ered1 t:e reader =ill obser>e t:e e8er9ence of ne= structures in t:e U?S?
T:e F S<ecial Situation Grou<1 77 to9et:er =it: its subordinate F Standin9 Crisis %re-
%lannin9 Grou< 77 0Ma3 1)1 12/$4?
T:e F Crisis Mana9e8ent Center 77 0ebruar3 12/'4?
T:e F Terrorist Incident *or;in9 Grou< 77 0A<ril '1 12/)4?
T:e F Tas; orce on Co8battin9 Terroris8 77 0or si8<l3 Terroris8 Tas; orce4 0&ul3
T:e F O<erations Sub-Grou< 77 0&anuar3 $51 12/-4? T:ese =ere a8on9 t:e official1 secret
structures of t:e U?S? 9o>ern8ent created fro8 12/$ t:rou9: 12/-? Ot:er structures1 =:ose
eEistence :as not 3et co8e to li9:t1 8a3 also :a>e been created--or 8a3 :a>e <ersisted
fro8 an earlier ti8e? Not:in9 of t:is is to be found in t:e United States Constitution? All of
t:ese structures re>ol>ed around t:e secret co88and role of t:e t:en- 6ice %resident1
Geor9e !us:? T:e <ro<a9anda 9i>en out to Bustif3 t:ese c:an9es in 9o>ern8ent :as
stressed t:e need for secrec3 to carr3 out necessar3 co>ert acts a9ainst ene8ies of t:e
nation 0or of its leaders4? Certainl31 a 8ilitar3 co88and =ill act secretl3 in =ar1 and =ill
<rotect secrets of its >ulnerable ca<abilities? !ut t:e !us: a<<aratus1 =it:in and be:ind t:e
9o>ern8ent1 =as for8ed to carr3 out co>ert <olicies" to 8a;e =ar =:en t:e constitutional
9o>ern8ent :ad decided not to 8a;e =arC to su<<ort ene8ies of t:e nation 0terrorists and
dru9-runners4 =:o are t:e friends or a9ents of t:e secret 9o>ern8ent? In t:e <eriod of t:e
c:ronolo931 t:ere are a nu8ber of 8eetin9s of <ublic officials-- secret 8eetin9s? *:o reall3
8ade t:e <olicies1 =:ic: =ere t:en =ell or <oorl3 eEecuted b3 t:e co>ert action structureD
!3 loo;in9 at t:e scant infor8ation t:at :as co8e to li9:t on t:ese 8eetin9s1 =e 8a3 reac:
so8e conclusions about =:o ad>ocated certain <olic3 c:oicesC but =e :a>e not t:en
learned 8uc: about t:e actual ori9in of t:e <olicies t:at =ere bein9 carried out? T:is is t:e
rule of an oli9arc:3 =:ose 8e8bers are un;no=n to t:e <ublic1 an oli9arc:3 =:ic: is
bound b3 no ;no=n la=s?
&anuar3 $51 12/1"
Ronald Rea9an =as inau9urated as U?S? %resident?
Marc: $+1 12/1"
6ice %resident Geor9e !us: =as na8ed t:e leader of t:e United States F crisis 8ana9e8ent
77 staff1 F as a <art of t:e National Securit3 Council s3ste8? 77
Marc: '51 12/1"
T:e ne= %resident =as s:ot in an atte8<ted assassination? He sur>i>ed :is =ounds1 so 6ice
%resident !us: did not succeed to t:e <residenc3?
Ma3 1)1 12/$"
!us:7s <osition as c:ief of all co>ert action and de facto :ead of U?S? intelli9ence--in a
sense1 t:e actin9 %resident--=as for8aliAed in a secret 8e8orandu8? T:e 8e8o eE<lained
t:at F National Securit3 ,ecision ,irecti>e '1 Crisis Mana9e8ent1 establis:es t:e S<ecial
Situation Grou< 0SSG41 c:aired b3 t:e 6ice %resident? T:e SSG is c:ar9ed ??? =it:
for8ulatin9 <lans in antici<ation of crises? 77 It is 8ost astonis:in9 t:at1 in all of t:e re<orts1
articles and boo;s about t:e Iran-Contra co>ert actions1 t:e eEistence of !us:7s SSG :as
recei>ed no si9nificant attention? (et its i8<ortance in t:e 8ana9e8ent of t:ose co>ert
actions is ob>ious and un8ista;able1 as soon as an in>esti9ati>e li9:t is t:ro=n u<on it? T:e
8e8o in @uestion also announced t:e birt: of anot:er or9aniAation1 t:e Standin9 Crisis %re-
%lannin9 Grou< 0C%%G41 =:ic: =as to =or; as an intelli9ence- 9at:erin9 a9enc3 for !us:
and :is SSG? T:is ne= subordinate 9rou<1 consistin9 of re<resentati>es of 6ice %resident
!us:1 National Securit3 Council 0NSC4 staff 8e8bers1 t:e CIA1 t:e 8ilitar3 and t:e State
,e<art8ent1 =as to F 8eet <eriodicall3 in t:e *:ite House Situation Roo8???? 77 T:e3 =ere
to identif3 areas of <otential crisis and F G<Hresent ??? <lans and <olic3 o<tions to t:e SSG 77
under C:air8an !us:? And t:e3 =ere to <ro>ide to !us: and :is assistants1 F as crises
de>elo<1 alternati>e <lans1 77 F actionOo<tions 77 and F coordinated i8<le8entation <lans 77 to
resol>e t:e F crises? 77 inall31 t:e subordinate 9rou< =as to 9i>e to C:air8an !us: and :is
assistants F reco88ended securit31 co>er1 and 8edia <lans t:at =ill en:ance t:e li;eli:ood
of successful eEecution? 77 It =as announced t:at t:e C%%G =ould 8eet for t:e first ti8e on
Ma3 $51 12/$1 and t:at a9encies =ere to F <ro>ide t:e na8e of t:eir C%%G re<resentati>e
to Oli>er Nort:1 NSC staff???? 77 T:e 8e8o =as si9ned F for t:e %resident 77 b3 Rea9an7s
national securit3 ad>iser1 *illia8 %? Clar;? It =as declassified durin9 t:e con9ressional
Iran-Contra :earin9s?
Gre991 Rodri9ueA and Nort: &oin t:e !us: Tea8
Au9ust 12/$"
6ice %resident !us: :ired ,onald %? Gre99 as :is <rinci<al ad>iser on national securit3
affairs? Gre99 no= officiall3 retired fro8 t:e Central Intelli9ence A9enc3?
,onald Gre99 brou9:t alon9 into t:e 6ice %resident7s office :is old relations:i< =it: 8id-
le>el CIA assassinations 8ana9er eliE I? Rodri9ueA? Gre99 :ad been Rodri9ueA7s boss in
6ietna8? ,onald Gre99 =or;ed under !us: in *as:in9ton fro8 12.---=:en !us: =as
CIA ,irector--t:rou9: t:e later 12.5s1 =:en t:e !us: cli@ue =as at =ar =it: %resident
Carter and :is CIA ,irector1 Stansfield Turner? Gre99 =as detailed to =or; at t:e National
Securit3 Council bet=een 12.2 and 12/$? ro8 12.- ri9:t u< t:rou9: t:at NSC
assi9n8ent1 CIA officer Gre99 sa= CIA a9ent Rodri9ueA re9ularl3? !ot: 8en =ere
intensel3 lo3al to !us:? T:eir continuin9 collaboration =as crucial to 6ice %resident !us:7s
or9aniAation of co>ert action? Rodri9ueA =as no= to o<erate out of t:e 6ice %resident7s
,ece8ber $11 12/$"
T:e first F !oland A8end8ent 77 beca8e la=" F None of t:e funds <ro>ided in t:is Act Gt:e
,efense A<<ro<riations !illH 8a3 be used b3 t:e Central Intelli9ence A9enc3 or t:e
,e<art8ent of ,efense to furnis: 8ilitar3 e@ui<8ent1 8ilitar3 trainin9 or ad>ice1 or ot:er
su<<ort for 8ilitar3 acti>ities1 to an3 9rou< or indi>idual ??? for t:e <ur<ose of o>ert:ro=in9
t:e 9o>ern8ent of Nicara9ua? 77 F !oland I1 77 as it =as called1 re8ained in effect until Oct?
'1 12/)1 =:en it =as su<erseded b3 a stron9er <ro:ibition ;no=n as F !oland II? 77 ebruar3
a=n Hall Boined Oli>er Nort: as :is assistant? Ms? Hall re<orted t:at s:e =or;ed =it:
Nort: on t:e de>elo<8ent of a secret F Crisis Mana9e8ent Center? 77 Lt? Colonel Nort:1 an
e8<lo3ee of t:e National Securit3 Council1 is seen :ere 8ana9in9 a ne= structure =it:in
t:e !us:-directed SSGOC%%G arran9e8ents of 12/1- /$?
Marc: '1 12/'"
In t:e s<rin9 of 12/'1 t:e National Securit3 Council establis:ed an office of F %ublic
,i<lo8ac3 77 to <ro<a9andiAe in fa>or of and run co>er for t:e Iran-Contra o<erations1 and
to coordinate <ublis:ed attac;s on o<<onents of t:e <ro9ra8? or8er CIA ,irector of
%ro<a9anda *alter Ra38ond =as <ut in c:ar9e of t:e effort? T:e unit =as to =or; =it:
do8estic and international ne=s 8edia1 as =ell as <ri>ate foundations? T:e !us: fa8il3-
affiliated S8it: Ric:ardson oundation =as <art of a National Securit3 Council F <ri>ate
donors7 steerin9 co88ittee 77 c:ar9ed =it: coordinatin9 t:is <ro<a9anda effort? A Marc: '1
12/' 8e8orandu8 fro8 *alter Ra38ond to t:en-NSC ,irector *illia8 Clar;1 <ro>ided
details of t:e <ro9ra8" F
As 3ou =ill re8e8ber 3ou and I briefl3 8entioned to t:e %resident =:en =e briefed :i8 on
t:e NGationalH SGecurit3H ,GecisionH ,Girecti>eH on <ublic di<lo8ac3 t:at =e =ould li;e to 9et
to9et:er =it: so8e <otential donors at a later date????
FTo acco8<lis: t:ese obBecti>es C:arlie GUnited States Infor8ation A9enc3 ,irector C:arles J?
*ic;H :as :ad t=o len9t:3 8eetin9s =it: a 9rou< of <eo<le re<resentin9 t:e <ri>ate sector? T:is
9rou< :ad included <rinci<all3 <ro9ra8 directors rat:er t:an funders? T:e 9rou< =as lar9el3
<ulled to9et:er b3 ran; !arnett1 ,an McMic:ael 0,ic; GRic:ard MellonH Scaife7s 8an41 Mi;e
&o3ce 0Olin oundation41 Les Len;o=s;3 0S8it: Ric:ardson oundation4 <lus Leonard Suss8an
and Leo C:erne of reedo8 House? A nu8ber of ot:ers includin9 Ro3 Godson :a>e also
<artici<ated? 77 GE>er3t:in9 abo>e in <arent:eses is in t:e ori9inalH?
Else=:ere1 Ra38ond described C:erne and Godson as t:e coordinators of t:is 9rou<? ran;
!arnett =as t:e director of t:e !us: fa8il37s National Strate93 Infor8ation Center1 for
=:ic: Godson =as t:e *as:in9ton1 ,?C? director? !arnett :ad been t:e <roBect director of
t:e S8it: Ric:ardson oundation <rior to bein9 assi9ned to t:at <ost? T:e S8it:
Ric:ardson oundation :as sun; 8illions of dollars into t:e Iran-Contra <roBects? So8e
S8it: Ric:ardson 9rantees1 recei>in9 8one3 since t:e establis:8ent of t:e National
Securit3 Council7s F<ri>ate steerin9 co88ittee77 0accordin9 to t:e foundation7s annual
re<orts4 include t:e follo=in9"
reedo8 House? T:is =as for8ed b3 Leo C:erne1 business <artner of CIA ,irector
*illia8 Case3? C:erne o>ersa= *alter Ra38ond7s F<ri>ate donor7s co88ittee?77 National
Strate93 Infor8ation Center1 founded in 12-$ b3 Case31 C:erne and t:e !us: fa8il3 0see
C:a<ter )4? T:us1 =:en an ite8 a<<eared in a dail3 ne=s<a<er1 su<<ortin9 t:e Contras1 or
attac;in9 t:eir o<<onents--callin9 t:e8 FeEtre8ists177 etc?--it is li;el3 to :a>e been <lanted
b3 t:e U?S? 9o>ern8ent1 b3 t:e Geor9e !us:-NSC F<ri>ate donors777 a<<aratus?
Marc: 1.1 12/'" %rofessional assassinations 8ana9er eliE I? Rodri9ueA 8et =it: !us:
aide ,onald %? Gre991 officiall3 and secretl31 at t:e *:ite House? Gre99 t:en reco88ended
to National Securit3 Council ad>iser Robert F !ud 77 Mcarlane a <lan for El Sal>ador-
based 8ilitar3 attac;s on a tar9et area of Central A8erican nations includin9 Nicara9ua?
Gre997s Marc: 1.1 12/' 8e8o to Mcarlane said" F T:e attac:ed <lan1 =ritten in Marc: of
last 3ear1 9re= out of t=o eE<eriences" F--Anti-6ietcon9 o<erations run under 83 direction
in III Cor<s 6ietna8 fro8 12.5-12.$? T:ese o<erations Gsee belo=H1 based on ??? a s8all
elite force ??? <roduced >er3 fa>orable results? F--Rud3 Enders1 =:o is no= in c:ar9e of
=:at is left of t:e <ara-8ilitar3 ca<abilit3 of t:e CIA1 =ent to El Sal>ador in 12/1 to do a
sur>e3 and de>elo< <lans for effecti>e anti-9uerrilla o<erations? He ca8e bac; and
endorsed t:e attac:ed <lan? 0I s:ould add t:at Enders and eliE Rodri9ueA1 =:o =rote t:e
attac:ed <lan1 bot: =or;ed for 8e in 6ietna8 and carried out t:e actual o<erations outlined
abo>e?4 FT:is <lan encountered o<<osition and s;e<ticis8 fro8 t:e U?S? 8ilitar3???? FI
belie>e t:e <lan can =or; based on 83 eE<erience in 6ietna8????77 T:ree 3ears later1 !us:
a9ent Rodri9ueA =ould be <ublicl3 eE<osed as t:e su<er>isor of t:e co>ert Central
A8erican net=or; ille9all3 su<<l3in9 ar8s to t:e ContrasC t:at eE<osure of Rodri9ueA
=ould be9in t:e eE<losi>e <ublic <:ase of t:e FIran-Contra scandal?77 Rodri9ueA7s uncle :ad
been Cuba7s <ublic =or;s 8inister under ul9encio !atista1 and :is fa8il3 fled Castro7s
12+2 re>olution? eliE Rodri9ueA Boined t:e CIA1 and =as <osted to t:e CIA7s notorious
Mia8i Station in t:e earl3 12-5s? T:e Ted S:ac;le3-E? Ho=ard Hunt or9aniAation t:ere1
assisted b3 Me3er Lans;37s and Santos Trafficante7s 8afiosi1 trained Rodri9ueA and ot:er
Cubans in t:e arts of 8urder and sabota9e? Rodri9ueA and :is fello= CIA trainees too; <art
in nu8erous terror raids a9ainst Castro7s Cuba? eliE Rodri9ueA recounted :is earl3
ad>entures in 9un-runnin9 under false <reteEts in a 9:ost-=ritten boo;1 S:ado= *arrior"
&ust around t:e ti8e %resident #enned3 =as assassinated1 I left for Central A8erica? I s<ent
al8ost t=o 3ears in Nicara9ua1 runnin9 t:e co88unications net=or; for Gour enter<riseH???? GOHur
ar8s cac:e =as in Costa Rica? T:e fundin9 for t:e <roBect ca8e fro8 t:e CIA1 but t:e 8one37s
ori9in =as :idden t:rou9: t:e use of a co>er cor<oration1 a co8<an3 called Mariti8a !AM1
=:ic: =as GManuelH Arti87s initials s<elled bac;=ards? %eriodicall31 de<osits of :undreds of
t:ousands of dollars =ould be 8ade in Mariti8a !AM7s accounts1 and disbursed b3 Cuban
cor<oration officers? T:e U?S? 9o>ern8ent :ad t:e deniabilit3 it =antedC =e 9ot t:e 8one3 =e
needed???? In fact1 =:at =e did in Nicara9ua t=ent3-fi>e 3ears a9o :as so8e <rett3 close <arallels
to t:e Contra o<eration toda3?
Rodri9ueA follo=ed :is CIA boss Ted S:ac;le3 to Sout:east Asia in 12.5? S:ac;le3 and
,onald Gre99 <ut Rodri9ueA into t:e :u9e assassination and do<e business =:ic: S:ac;le3
and :is collea9ues ran durin9 t:e Indoc:ina =arC t:is bunc: beca8e t:e :eart of t:e
FEnter<rise77 t:at =ent into action 1+ to $5 3ears later in Iran- Contra? S:ac;le3 funded
o<iu8-9ro=in9 Meo tribes8en in 8urder1 and used t:e do<e <roceeds in turn to fund :is
:it s@uads? He for8ed t:e Militar3 Assistance Grou<-S<ecial O<erations Grou< 0MAG-
SOG4 <olitical 8urder unitC Gen? &o:n #? Sin9laub =as a co88ander of MAG- SOGC
Oli>er Nort: and Ric:ard Secord =ere officers of t:e unit? !3 12.11 t:e S:ac;le3 9rou<
:ad ;illed about 1551555 ci>ilians in Sout:east Asia as <art of t:e CIA7s O<eration %:oeniE?
After 6ietna81 eliE Rodri9ueA =ent bac; to Latin A8erican CIA o<erations1 =:ile ot:er
<arts of t:e S:ac;le3 or9aniAation =ent on to dru9- sellin9 and 9un-runnin9 in t:e Middle
East? !3 12/'1 bot: t:e Mideast S:ac;le3 9rou< and t:e self-st3led FS:ado= *arrior177
eliE Rodri9ueA1 =ere attac:ed to t:e s:ado= co88ander-in-c:ief1 Geor9e !us:?
Ma3 $+1 12/'"
Secretar3 of State Geor9e S:ultA =rote a 8e8orandu8 for %resident Rea9an1 tr3in9 to sto<
Geor9e !us: fro8 runnin9 Central A8erican o<erations for t:e U?S? 9o>ern8ent? S:ultA
included a draft National Securit3 ,ecision ,irecti>e for t:e %resident to si9n1 and an
or9aniAational c:art 0F %ro<osed Structure 774 s:o=in9 S:ultA7s <ro<osal for t:e line of
aut:orit3--fro8 t:e %resident and :is NSC1 t:rou9: Secretar3 of State S:ultA and :is
assistant secretar31 do=n to an intera9enc3 9rou<? T:e last line of t:e S:ultA 8e8o sa3s
bluntl3 =:at role is reser>ed for t:e !us:-su<er>ised C%%G" FT:e Crisis %re-%lannin9
Grou< is relie>ed of its assi9n8ents in t:is area?77 !ac; ca8e a 8e8orandu8 for T:e
Honorable Geor9e %? S:ultA1 on a *:ite House letter:ead but bearin9 no si9nature1 sa3in9
no to S:ultA" FT:e institutional arran9e8ents establis:ed in NS,,-$ are1 I belie>e1
a<<ro<riate to fulfill Gour national securit3 re@uire8ents in Central A8ericaH????77 *it: t:e
<ut-do=n is a c:art :eadlined FNS,,-$ Structure for Central A8erica?77 At t:e to< is t:e
%residentC Bust belo= is a co8<leE of !us:7s SSG and C%%G as 8ana9ers of t:e NSCC t:en
belo= t:at is t:e Secretar3 of State1 and belo= :i8 >arious a9encies and intera9enc3
&ul3 1$1 12/'"
#ennet: ,e Graffenreid1 ne= 8ana9er of t:e Intelli9ence ,irectorate of t:e National
Securit3 Council1 sent a secret 8e8o to Geor9e !us:7s aide1 Ad8iral ,aniel Mur<:3"
F ??? !ud Mcarlane :as as;ed t:at I 8eet =it: 3ou toda31 if <ossible1 to re>ie= <rocedures for
obtainin9 t:e 6ice %resident7s co88ents and concurrence on all NGationalH SGecurit3H CGouncilH
%Glannin9 GGrou<H co>ert action and MONs? 77
T:e !us: Re9enc3 in Action
October $51 12/'"
T:e U?S? in>asion of t:e Caribbean island-nation of Grenada =as decided u<on in a secret
8eetin9 of t:e 8eta9o>ern8ent--t:e National Securit3 State--under t:e leaders:i< of
Geor9e !us:? National Securit3 Council o<erati>e Constantine Men9es1 a stal=art
<artici<ant in t:ese e>ents1 described t:e action for <osterit3"
M3 Bob t:at afternoon =as to =rite t:e bac;9round 8e8orandu8 t:at =ould be used b3 t:e >ice
<resident1 =:o in :is role as Fcrisis 8ana9er77 =ould c:air t:is first NSC 8eetin9 on t:e GGrenadaH
issue???? GHortunatel3 I :ad :el< fro8 Oli>er Nort:1 =:o in :is nearl3 t:ree 3ears =it: NSC :ad
beco8e eE<ert in t:e 8e8o for8ats and for8al <rocedures? After t:e 8ornin9 C%%G 8eetin91
Nort: :ad be9un to 9et interested in Grenada???? S:ortl3 before -"55 %?M?1 t:e <artici<ants be9an to
arri>e" 6ice %resident !us:1 GSecretar3 of ,efense Cas<arH *einber9er1 GAttorne3 General Ed=inH
Meese1 &GointH CG:iefs ofH SGtaffH C:air8an General 6esse31 actin9 CIA ,irector McMa:on1
GState ,e<t? officer La=renceH Ea9lebur9er1 ??? Nort: and 83self? *e all =ent to t:e Situation
Roo8 in t:e *:ite House? %resident Rea9an =as tra>ellin91 as =ere GCIA ,irectorH !ill
Case3 and &eane #ir;<atric;???? 6ice %resident !us: sat in t:e <resident7s c:air?
Men9es continued" F??? A factual u<date =as t:e first order of business? T:en t:e discussion
8o>ed to t:e a>ailabilit3 of 8ilitar3 forces and :o= lon9 it =ould ta;e to read3 t:e8? T:e
obBecti>e1 ri9:t fro8 t:e be9innin91 =as to <lan a rescue Gof A8erican students detained on
GrenadaH t:at =ould 9uarantee @uic; success1 but =it: a 8ini8u8 of casualties????77 FT:e first
su99ested <residential decision =as to <re<are for <ossible 8ilitar3 action b3 s:iftin9 na>3 s:i<s1
=:ic: =ere ta;in9 a 8arine unit to rotate forces in Lebanon1 <lus ot:er na>al units1 to=ard
Grenada? FSecrec3 =as i8<erati>e???? As <art of t:is <lan1 t:ere =ould be no c:an9e in t:e
sc:edule of t:e to< 8an? %resident Rea9an ??? =ould tra>el to Au9usta1 Geor9ia1 for a 9olf
=ee;end? Secretar3 of State S:ultA =ould 9o too????77 *or; no= <roceeded on detailed action
<lans1 under t:e 9uidance of t:e 6ice %resident7s S<ecial Situation Grou<? FLate rida3 afternoon
GOct? $1H ??? t:e C%%G ??? G8etH in roo8 $5/???? No= t:e tone of our discussions :ad s:ifted fro8
=:et:er =e =ould act to :o= t:is could be acco8<lis:ed???? 77GT:eH 8ost secure 8eans G=ere toH
be used to order U?S? s:i<s to c:an9e course ??? to=ard Grenada? Ne>ert:eless1 A!C ne=s :ad
learned about t:is and =as broadcastin9 it?77
T:us1 t:e course of action decided u<on =it:out t:e %resident =as Flea;ed77 to t:e ne=s
8edia1 and beca8e a fait-acco8<li? Men9es7s 8e8o continues"
It <leased 8e to see t:at no= our 9o>ern8ent =as =or;in9 as a tea8???? T:at e>enin9 Ollie Nort:
and I =or;ed to9et:er ??? =ritin9 t:e bac;9round and decision 8e8oranda? Earl3 in t:e e>enin9
GNSC officer Ad8iral &o:nH %oindeEter re>ie=ed our first draft and 8ade a fe= 8inor re>isions?
T:en t:e Grenada 8e8oranda =ere sent to t:e %resident1 S:ultA and Mcarlane at t:e 9olf course
in Geor9ia???? S:ortl3 before 2"55 A?M? GOct? $$H1 8e8bers of t:e forei9n <olic3 cabinet GsicKH
be9an arri>in9 at t:e *:ite House--all out of si9:t of re<orters? T:e <artici<ants included
*einber9er1 6esse31 and red I;le fro8 ,efenseC Ea9lebur9er and Motle3 fro8 StateC McMa:on
and an o<erations officer fro8 CIAC and %oindeEter1 Nort: and 83self fro8 NSC? 6ice %resident
!us: c:aired t:e *as:in9ton 9rou<? All <artici<ants =ere escorted to roo8 $5/1 =:ic: 8an3 :ad
ne>er seen before? T:e >ice <resident sat at one end of t:e lon9 table and %oindeEter at t:e ot:er1
=it: s<ea;er <:ones <ositioned so t:at e>er3one could :ear %resident Rea9an1 S:ultA1 and
Mcarlane? T:e 8eetin9 be9an =it: an o>er>ie= and an u<date???? T:ere =ere ani8ated
discussions???? T:e conclusion =as t:at b3 earl3 Tuesda31 October $+1 t:e United States and allied
forces =ould be in a <osition to initiate 8ilitar3 action???? T:e onl3 le9al aut:orit3 on Grenada =as
t:e 9o>ernor 9eneral1 Sir %aul N? Scoon1 ??? a Grenadan citiAen a<<ointed b3 t:e !ritis: cro=n????
In9eniousl31 :e :ad s8u99led out a re@uest for eEternal :el< in restorin9 la= and order???? T:e
detailed :our-b3-:our <lan =as circulated to e>er3one at t:e 8eetin9? T:ere =as also a s:ort
discussion of t:e *ar %o=ers Resolution1 =:ic: re@uires t:e <resident to 9et a<<ro>al of Con9ress
if :e intends to de<lo3 U?S? troo<s in co8bat for 8ore t:an siEt3 da3s? T:ere =as little @uestion
t:at U?S? co8bat forces =ould be out before t:at ti8e???? T:e <resident :ad <artici<ated and as;ed
@uestions o>er t:e s<ea;er <:oneC :e 8ade :is decision? T:e U?S? =ould ans=er t:e call fro8 our
Caribbean nei9:bors? *e =ould assure t:e safet3 of our citiAens? @s 1
Clearl31 t:ere =as no <ercei>ed need to follo= t:e U?S? Constitution and lea>e t:e @uestion
of =:et:er to 8a;e =ar u< to t:e Con9ress? After all1 %resident Rea9an :ad concurred1
fro8 t:e 9olf course1 =it: Actin9 %resident !us:7s decision in t:e 8atter? And t:e !ritis:
no8inee in t:e tar9et countr3 :ad re@uested Mr? !us:7s :el<K
No>e8ber '1 12/'"
!us: aide ,onald Gre99 8et =it: eliE Rodri9ueA to discuss F t:e 9eneral situation in
Central A8erica? 77 ,ece8ber 12/'"
Oli>er Nort: acco8<anied 6ice %resident !us: to El Sal>ador as :is assistant? !us: 8et
=it: Sal>adoran ar83 co88anders? Nort: :el<ed !us: <re<are a s<eec:1 in =:ic: :e
<ublicl3 called u<on t:e8 to end t:eir su<<ort for t:e use of F deat: s@uads? 77 Nort: later
testified t:at !us:7s s<eec: F =as one of t:e bra>est t:in9s I7>e seen for an3bod3 GsicH?
Attac; fro8 &u<iter
&anuar3 1 t:rou9: Marc: 12/)"
T:e *all Street &ournal of Marc: -1 12/+ 9a>e a de- ro8anticiAed >ersion of certain a@uatic
ad>entures in Central A8erica"
Ar8ed s<eedboats and a :elico<ter launc:ed fro8 a Central Intelli9ence A9enc3 F 8ot:er s:i<77
attac;ed Nicara9ua7s %acific <ort1 %uerto Sandino on a 8oonless Ne= (ear7s ni9:t in 12/)? A
=ee; later t:e s<eedboats returned to 8ine t:e oil ter8inal? O>er t:e neEt t:ree 8ont:s1 t:e3 laid
8ore t:an '5 8ines in %uerto Sandino and also in t:e :arbors at Corinto and El !luff? In air and
sea raids on coastal <ositions1 A8ericans fle=--and fired fro8--an ar8ed :elico<ter t:at
acco8<anied t:e U?S?-financed Latino force1 =:ile a CIA <lane <ro>ided so<:isticated
reconaissance 9uidance for t:e ni9:tti8e attac;s? T:e o<eration1 outlined in a classified CIA
docu8ent1 8ar;ed t:e <ea; of U?S? in>ol>e8ent in t:e four-3ear 9uerrilla =ar in Nicara9ua? More
t:an an3 sin9le e>ent1 it solidified con9ressional o<<osition to t:e co>ert =ar1 and in t:e 3ear since
t:en1 no ne= 8one3 :as been a<<ro>ed be3ond t:e last CIA c:ec;s dra=n earl3 Gin t:eH su88er
Gof 12/)H???? CIA <ara8ilitar3 officers =ere u<set b3 t:e ineffecti>eness of t:e Contras???? As t:e
insur9enc3 force 9re= ??? durin9 12/' ??? t:e CIA be9an to use t:e 9uerrilla ar83 as a co>er for its
o=n s8all F Latino 77 force???? GT:eH 8ost celebrated attac;1 b3 ar8ed s<eedboats1 ca8e Oct? 111
12/'1 a9ainst oil facilities at Corinto? T:ree da3s later1 an under=ater <i<eline at %uerto Sandino
=as sabota9ed b3 Latino GsicH fro98en? T:e 8essa9e =asn7t lost on EEEon Cor<?7s Esso unit
Gfor8erl3 Standard Oil of Ne= &erse3H1 and t:e international 9iant infor8ed t:e Sandinista
9o>ern8ent t:at it =ould no lon9er <ro>ide tan;ers for trans<ortin9 oil to Nicara9ua? T:e CIA7s
success in scarin9 off a 8aBor s:i<<er fit =ell into its 8inin9 strate93???? T:e 8ot:er s:i< used in
t:e 8inin9 o<eration is described b3 sources as a <ri>ate c:artered >essel =it: a confi9uration
si8ilar to an oil-field ser>ice and to=in9 s:i< =it: a lon91 flat stern section =:ere :elico<ters
could land????
T:e reader 8a3 :a>e alread3 sur8ised t:at 6ice %resident !us: 0=it: :is bac;9round in F
oilfield ser>ice 77 and :is control of a F to<-le>el co88ittee of t:e National Securit3 Council
774 sat in :is *as:in9ton office and <lanned t:ese brilliant sc:e8es? !ut suc: a 9uess is
<robabl3 incorrect--it is off b3 about /55 8iles? On &u<iter Island1 lorida1 =:ere t:e !us:
fa8il3 :as :ad a seasonal residence for t:e <ast se>eral decades 0see C:a<ter )4 is t:e
:ead@uarters of Continental S:elf Associates1 Inc? 0CSA4?
T:is co8<an3 describes itself as F an en>iron8ental consultin9 fir8 s<ecialiAin9 in a<<lied
8arine science and tec:nolo93 ??? founded in 12.5???? T:e 8ain office ??? is located in
&u<iter1 lorida1 a<<roEi8atel3 .+ 8iles nort: of Mia8i? 77 CSA :as F Offs:ore and Ons:ore
di>isions? 77 It lists a8on9 its clients EEEon Co8<an31 U?S?A?C Militar3 Sealift Co88andC
%ennAoil Co8<an3C U?S? ,e<art8ent of ,efenseOAr83 Cor<s of En9ineersC and ot:er oil
co8<anies and 9o>ern8ent a9encies? CSA7s 8ain ad>ertised concern is =it: under=ater
en9ineerin91 often in>ol>in9 oil or nuclear facilities? It :as 8an3 F classified 77 <roBects? It
e8<lo3s t:e =orld7s 8ost so<:isticated subsurface >e:icles and 8onitorin9 e@ui<8ent? T:e
founder and c:ief eEecuti>e of CSA is Robert F Stretc: 77 Ste>ens? A for8er lieutenant
co88ander in na>al s<ecial o<erations1 Ste>ens :as been a close associate of CIA officer
T:eodore S:ac;le31 and of !us: a9ent eliE Rodri9ueA since t:e earl3 12-5s1 =:en
Ste>ens ser>ed as a boat ca<tain in t:e in>asion of Cuba at t:e !a3 of %i9s1 and t:rou9: t:e
6ietna8 *ar? ,urin9 t:e <eriod 12/$-/+1 CSA =as contracted b3 t:e U?S? intelli9ence
co88unit31 includin9 t:e CIA1 to carr3 out coastal and on-t:e-9round reconnaissance and
lo9istical su<<ort =or; in t:e eastern Mediterranean in su<<ort of t:e U?S? Marine
de<lo38ent into LebanonC and coastal 8a<<in9 and reconnaissance of t:e Caribbean island
of Grenada <rior to t:e October 12/' U?S? 8ilitar3 action? !e9innin9 in a<<roEi8atel3 t:e
autu8n of 12/'1 CSA =as e8<lo3ed to desi9n and eEecute a <ro9ra8 for t:e 8inin9 of
se>eral Nicara9uan :arbors? After t:e U?S? Senate restricted suc: acti>ities to non-U?S?
<ersonnel onl31 CSA trained F Latin A8erican nationals 77 at a facilit3 located on El !ra>o
Island off t:e eastern coast of Nicara9ua? Acta Non 6erba 0,eeds Not *ords4 is a F
subsidiar3 77 of CSA1 incor<orated in 12/- and located at t:e identical &u<iter address? Rud3
Enders1 t:e :ead of t:e CIA7s <ara8ilitar3 section--and de<lo3ed b3 Geor9e !us: aide
,onald Gre99--is a 8inorit3 o=ner of Acta Non 6erba 0AN64? AN67s o=n tou9:-tal;in9
<ro8otional literature sa3s t:at it concentrates on F counter-terrorist acti>ities in t:e
8ariti8e en>iron8ent? 77 A >er3 :i9:-le>el retired CIA officer1 =:ose <ri>ate inter>ie= =as
used in <re<aration for t:is boo;1 described t:is F is: ar8 77 in t:e follo=in9 8ore
realistic ter8s" F Assassination o<erations and trainin9 co8<an3 controlled b3 Ted
S:ac;le31 under t:e co>er of a <ri>ate cor<oration =it: a re9ular board of directors1
stoc;:olders1 etc?1 located in lorida? T:e3 co>ertl3 brin9 in Haitian and Sout:east Asian
boat <eo<le as recruits1 as =ell as #oreans1 Cubans1 and A8ericans? T:e3 :ire out
assassinations and intelli9ence ser>ices to 9o>ern8ents1 cor<orations1 and indi>iduals1 and
also use t:e8 for co>erin9 or i8<le8entin9 Pis: ar87 <roBectsOacti>ities? 77 T:e u<s:ot of
t:e attac; fro8 &u<iter--t:e 8inin9 of Nicara9ua7s :arbors--=as t:at t:e Con9ress 9ot an9r3
enou9: to <ass t:e F !oland II 77 a8end8ent1 re-ti9:tenin9 t:e la=s a9ainst t:is <ublic-
<ri>ate =arfare 0see entr3 for Oct? '1 12/)4?
A<ril '1 12/)"
Anot:er subco88ittee of t:e !us: terroris8 a<<aratus =as for8ed1 as %resident Rea9an
si9ned National Securit3 ,ecision ,irecti>e 1'/? T:e ne= F Terrorist Incident *or;in9
Grou< 77 re<orted to !us:7s S<ecial Situation Grou<? T:e TI*G 9eared u< 9o>ern8ent
a9encies to su<<ort 8ilitant counterterroris8 assaults1 on t:e Israeli 8odel?
F Ho= Can An3one ObBectD 77
&une $+1 12/)"
T:e National Securit3 %lannin9 Grou<1 includin9 Rea9an1 !us: and ot:er to< officials1 8et
secretl3 in t:e *:ite House situation roo8 at $"55 %?M? T:e3 discussed =:et:er to ris;
see;in9 F t:ird- countr3 aid 77 to t:e Contras1 to 9et around t:e con9ressional ban enacted
,ec? $11 12/$? Geor9e !us: s<o;e in fa>or1 accordin9 to 8inutes of t:e 8eetin9? !us:
said1 F Ho= can an3one obBect to t:e U?S? encoura9in9 t:ird <arties to <ro>ide :el< to t:e
anti- Sandinistas under t:e Gintelli9enceH findin9? T:e onl3 <roble8 t:at 8i9:t co8e u< is if
t:e United States =ere to <ro8ise to 9i>e t:ese t:ird <arties so8et:in9 in return so t:at
so8e <eo<le 8i9:t inter<ret t:is as so8e ;ind of an eEc:an9e 77 Ge8<:asis addedH? *arnin9
t:at t:is =ould be ille9al1 Secretar3 of State S:ultA said" F I =ould li;e to 9et 8one3 for t:e
contras also1 but anot:er la=3er Gt:en-Treasur3 Secretar3H &i8 !a;er said if =e 9o out and
tr3 to 9et 8one3 fro8 t:ird countries1 it is an i8<eac:able offense? 77 CIA ,irector Case3
re8inded S:ultA t:at F &i8 !a;er c:an9ed :is 8ind Gand no= su<<orted t:e
circu8>entionH???? 77 NSC ad>iser Robert Mcarlane cautioned1 F I <ro<ose t:at t:ere be no
aut:orit3 for an3one to see; t:ird <art3 su<<ort for t:e anti-Sandinistas until =e :a>e t:e
infor8ation =e need1 and I certainl3 :o<e none of t:is discussion =ill be 8ade <ublic in
an3 =a3? 77 %resident Ronald Rea9an t:en closed t:e 8eetin9 =it: a =arnin9 a9ainst an3one
lea;in9 t:e fact t:e3 =ere considerin9 :o= to circu8>ent t:e la=" F If suc: a stor3 9ets out1
=e7ll all be :an9in9 b3 our t:u8bs in front of t:e *:ite House until =e find out =:o did it?
77 In Marc: of t:e follo=in9 3ear1 !us: <ersonall3 arran9ed t:e transfer of funds to t:e
Contras b3 t:e Honduran 9o>ern8ent1 assurin9 t:e8 t:e3 =ould recei>e co8<ensatin9
U?S? aid? T:e 8inutes of t:is 8eetin91 ori9inall3 8ar;ed F secret1 77 =ere released fi>e 3ears
later1 at Oli>er Nort:7s trial in t:e s<rin9 of 12/2?
October '1 12/)"
Con9ress enacted a ne= >ersion of t:e earlier atte8<t to outla= t:e U?S? secret =ar in
Central A8erica? T:is F !oland II 77 a8end8ent =as desi9ned to <re>ent an3 concei>able
for8 of deceit b3 t:e co>ert action a<<aratus" F ,urin9 fiscal 3ear 12/+1 no funds a>ailable
to t:e Central Intelli9ence A9enc31 t:e ,e<art8ent of ,efense1 or an3 ot:er a9enc3 or
entit3 of t:e United States in>ol>ed in intelli9ence acti>ities 8a3 be obli9ated or eE<ended
for t:e <ur<ose or =:ic: =ould :a>e t:e effect of su<<ortin91 directl3 or indirectl31 8ilitar3
or <ara8ilitar3 o<erations in Nicara9ua b3 an3 nation1 9rou<1 or9aniAation1 8o>e8ent1 or
indi>idual? 77 T:is la= =as effecti>e fro8 October '1 12/)1 to ,ece8ber +1 12/+1 =:en it
=as su<erceded b3 >arious aid-li8itation la=s =:ic:1 ta;en to9et:er1 =ere referred to as F
!oland III? 77
No>e8ber 11 12/)"
eliE Rodri9ueA7s <artner1 Gerard Latc:inian1 =as arrested b3 t:e ederal !ureau of
In>esti9ation? Latc:inian =as t:en tried and con>icted of s8u99lin9 I15?' 8illion in
cocaine into t:e United States? T:e do<e =as to finance t:e 8urder and o>ert:ro= of t:e
%resident of Honduras1 Roberto SuaAo Cordo>a? Latc:inian =as sentenced to a '5-3ear
<rison ter8?
On No>? 151 12/'1 a 3ear before t:e arrest1 eliE Rodri9ueA :ad filed t:e annual re9istration
=it: lorida7s secretar3 of state on be:alf of Latc:inian7s and Rodri9ueA7s Boint enter<rise1 F
Giro A>iation Cor<? 77 ,ece8ber $11 12/)"
eliE Rodri9ueA 8et in t:e office of t:e 6ice %resident =it: !us: ad>iser ,onald Gre99?
I88ediatel3 after t:is 8eetin91 Rodri9ueA 8et =it: Oli>er Nort:1 su<<osedl3 for t:e first
ti8e in :is life? !ut !us:7s ad>iser strenuousl3 denied to in>esti9ators t:at :e F introduced 77
:is CIA e8<lo3ee to Nort:?
&anuar3 1/1 12/+ 0rida34"
eliE Rodri9ueA 8et =it: Ra8on Milian Rodri9ueA 0not ;no=n to be a relati>e of eliE41
accountant and 8one3 launderer1 =:o :ad 8o>ed I1?+ billion for t:e Medelli@aan cocaine
cartel? Milian testified before a Senate in>esti9ation of t:e Contras7 dru9- s8u99lin91 t:at
8ore t:an a 3ear earlier :e :ad 9ranted eliE7s re@uest and 9i>en I15 8illion fro8 t:e
cocaine cartel to eliE for t:e Contras?
Milian Rodri9ueA =as inter>ie=ed in :is <rison cell in !utner1 Nort: Carolina1 b3
in>esti9ati>e Bournalist Mart:a Hone3? He said eliE Rodri9ueA :ad offered t:at F in
eEc:an9e for 8one3 for t:e Contra cause :e =ould use :is influence in :i9: <laces to 9et
t:e GCocaineH cartel U?S? P9ood =ill7???? ran;l31 one of t:e sellin9 <oints =as t:at :e could
tal; directl3 to !us:? T:e issue of 9ood =ill =asn7t so8et:in9 t:at =as 9oin9 to 9o t:rou9:
$. bureaucratic :ands? It =as so8et:in9 t:at =as directl3 bet=een :i8 and !us:?
77 Ra8on Milian Rodri9ueA =as a Re<ublican contributor1 =:o :ad <artied b3 in>itation at
t:e 12/1 Rea9an-!us: inau9uration cere8onies? He :ad been arrested aboard a %ana8a-
bound <ri>ate Bet b3 federal a9ents in Ma3 12/'1 =:ile carr3in9 o>er I+ 8illion in cas:?
Accordin9 to eliE Rodri9ueA1 Milian =as see;in9 a =a3 out of t:e narcotics c:ar9es =:en
:e 8et =it: eliE on &anuar3 1/1 12/+? T:is 8eetin9 re8ained secret until t=o 3ears later1
=:en eliE Rodri9ueA :ad beco8e notorious in t:e Iran-Contra scandal? T:e Mia8i Herald
bro;e t:e stor3 on &une '51 12/.? eliE Rodri9ueA at first denied e>er 8eetin9 =it: Ra8on
Milian Rodri9ueA? !ut t:en a ne= stor3 =as =or;ed out =it: >arious a9encies? eliE F
re8e8bered 77 t:e &an? 1/1 12/+ 8eetin91 clai8ed :e :ad F said not:in9 77 durin9 it1 and F
re8e8bered 77 t:at :e :ad filed docu8ents =it: t:e !I and CIA tellin9 t:e8 about t:e
8eetin9 Bust after=ards?
&anuar3 $$1 12/+ 0Tuesda34"
Geor9e !us: 8et =it: eliE Rodri9ueA in t:e EEecuti>e Office !uildin9? T:e a9enda 8a3
:a>e included t:e results of t:e 8eetin9 fi>e da3s before =it: Medelli@aan cocaine cartel
re<resentati>e Milian Rodri9ueA?
eliE7s 9:ost =riter doesn7t tell us =:at =as said1 onl3 t:at eliE =as F able to s:o= G!us:H
so8e of t:e <:otos fro8 83 albu8? T:e :onor of bein9 =it: t:e 6ice %resident ??? =as
o>er=:el8in9? Mr? !us: =as eas3 to tal; to1 and :e =as interested in 83 stories?
Late &anuar31 12/+" Geor9e !us:7s office officiall3 or9aniAed contacts t:rou9: t:e State
,e<art8ent for eliE Rodri9ueA to o<erate in Central A8erica fro8 a base in El Sal>ador1
in a false F <ri>ate 77 ca<acit3? T:e U?S? a8bassador to El Sal>ador1 T:o8as %ic;erin91 t:en
cabled to Gen? %aul ? Gor8an1 co88ander of t:e U?S? Ar83 Sout:ern Co88and" F
Rodri9ueA :as :i9:-le>el contacts at t:e *:ite House1 ,OS GState ,e<tH and ,O,
G,efense ,e<art8entH1 so8e of =:o8 are stron9l3 su<<ortin9 :is use in El Sal>ador?
FIt =ould be in our best interests t:at Mr? Rodri9ueA confer =it: 3ou <ersonall3 <rior to
co8in9 to El Sal>ador? I :a>e so8e ob>ious concerns about t:is arran9e8ent???? 77 eliE
Rodri9ueA fle= to %ana8a to s<ea; to General Gor8an? T:e3 discussed :is co>ert aid to
t:e Contras Fsince t:e earl3 ei9:ties?77 Rodri9ueA1 b3 Geor9e !us:7s stor3 t:e <ri>ate1
>olunteer :el<er of t:e Contras1 fle= fro8 %ana8a to El Sal>ador on General Gor8an7s
<ersonal C-1$ air<lane? General Gor8an also sent a confidential cable to A8bassador
%ic;erin9 and Col? &a8es Steele1 U?S? 8ilitar3 liaison 8an =it: t:e Contra resu<<l3
o<eration in El Sal>ador" FI :a>e Bust 8et :ere =it: eliE Rodri9ueA1 Gdeleted1 <robabl3
FCIA77H <ensioner fro8 Mia8i? !orn in Cuba1 a >eteran of 9uerrilla o<erations Gse>eral lines
deletedH???? FHe is o<eratin9 as a <ri>ate citiAen1 but :is ac@uaintances:i< =it: t:e 6GiceH
%GresidentH is real enou9:1 9oin9 bac; to t:e latter7s da3s as ,Girector ofH CGentralH
IGntelli9enceH? FRodri9ueA7 <ri8ar3 co88it8ent to t:e re9ion is in GdeletedH =:ere :e
=ants to assist t:e ,N GContras 8ilitar3 forcesH? I told :i8 t:at t:e ,N deser>ed :is
<riorit3???? He =ill =ant to fl3 =it: t:e EGlH SGal>adorH AGirH GorceH to establis: :is
credibilit31 but t:at ??? see8s to 8e bot: unnecessar3 and un=ise????77
ebruar3 .1 12/+"
T:e Crisis %re-%lannin9 Grou< 0C%%G41 subordinate to C:air8an !us: of t:e S<ecial
Situation Grou< 0SSG41 8et to discuss 8eans to circu8>ent t:e !oland a8end8ent7s ban
on aid to t:e Contras? T:e3 a9reed on a F %residential letter 77 to be sent to %resident SuaAo
of Honduras1 Fto <ro>ide se>eral entice8ents to Honduras in eEc:an9e for its continued
su<<ort of t:e Nicara9uan Resistance? T:ese entice8ents included eE<edited deli>er3 of
8ilitar3 su<<lies ordered b3 Honduras1 a <:ased release of =it::eld econo8ic assistance
0ES4 funds1 and ot:er su<<ort?77 T:e <recedin9 =as t:e ad8ission of t:e United States
9o>ern8ent in t:e 12/2 Oli>er Nort: trial--nu8ber +1 in a series of Fsti<ulations77 t:at =as
9i>en to t:e court to a>oid :a>in9 to release classified docu8ents?
ebruar3 1$1 12/+"
T:e 9o>ern8ent ad8issions in t:e Nort: trial continued"
F ??? Nort: <ro<osed t:at Mcarlane send a 8e8o Gto to< officials onH t:e reco88endation
of t:e C%%G Gt:e !us:-su<er>ised bod31 often c:aired b3 !us: ad>iser ,on Gre99H???? T:e
8e8o stated t:at t:is <art of t:e 8essa9e Gto t:e Honduran <residentH s:ould not be
contained in a =ritten docu8ent but s:ould be deli>ered >erball3 b3 a discreet e8issar3? 77
GT:is =as to be Geor9e !us: :i8self- - see Marc: 1-1 12/+?H Honduras =ould be 9i>en
increased aid1 to be di>erted to t:e Contras1 so as to decei>e Con9ress and t:e A8erican
<o<ulation? ebruar3 1+1 12/+ 0rida34"
After Rodri9ueA :ad arri>ed in El Sal>ador and :ad be9un settin9 u< t:e central resu<<l3
de<ot for t:e Contras--at Ilo<an9o Airbase-- A8bassador T:o8as %ic;erin9 sent an F E3es
Onl3 77 cable to t:e State ,e<art8ent on :is con>ersation =it: Rodri9ueA? %ic;erin97s cable
bore t:e <ostscri<t1 F %lease brief ,on Gre99 in t:e 6?%?7s office for 8e? 77
ebruar3 121 12/+ 0Tuesda34"
eliE Rodri9ueA 8et =it: !us:7s staff in t:e >ice-<residential offices in t:e EEecuti>e
Office !uildin91 briefin9 t:e8 on t:e <ro9ress of :is 8ission?
O>er t:e neEt t=o 3ears1 Rodri9ueA 8et fre@uentl3 =it: !us: staff 8e8bers in *as:in9ton
and in Central A8erica1 often Bointl3 =it: CIA and ot:er officials1 and conferred =it:
!us:7s staff b3 tele<:one countless ti8es?
Marc: 1+-1-1 12/+ 0rida3 and Saturda34" Geor9e !us: and eliE Rodri9ueA =ere in
Central A8erica on t:eir co88on <roBect? On rida31 Rodri9ueA su<er>ised deli>er3 in
Honduras of 8ilitar3 su<<lies for t:e ,N Contras =:ose 8ain base =as t:ere in
On Saturda31 Geor9e !us: 8et =it: Honduran %resident Roberto SuaAo Cordo>a? !us:
told SuaAo t:at t:e Rea9an-!us: ad8inistration =as eE<editin9 deli>er3 of 8ore t:an I115
8illion in econo8ic and 8ilitar3 aid to SuaAo7s 9o>ern8ent? T:is =as t:e F @uid <ro @uo 77"
a bribe for SuaAo7s su<<ort for t:e U?S? 8ercenar3 force1 and a transfer t:rou9: Honduras
of t:e Contra 8ilitar3 su<<lies1 =:ic: :ad been directl3 <ro:ibited b3 t:e Con9ress?
Go>ern8ent as Counterterror
&une 1)1 12/+"
F S:iite Musli8 terrorists 77 :iBac;ed an At:ens-to-Ro8e airliner? One A8erican =as ;illed1
'2 A8ericans =ere :eld :osta9e and released &une '5?
&ul3 12/+"
6ice %resident Geor9e !us: =as desi9nated b3 %resident Rea9an to lead t:e Tas; orce on
Co8battin9 Terroris8 0or Terroris8 Tas; orce4? !us:7s tas; force =as a 8eans to s:ar<l3
concentrate t:e <o=ers of 9o>ern8ent into t:e :ands of t:e !us: cli@ue1 for suc: <olicies
as t:e Iran-Contra ar8a8ents sc:e8es? T:e Terroris8 Tas; orce :ad t:e follo=in9 cast of
c:aracters" GEORGE !USH1 U?S? 6ice %resident" CHAIRMAN
Ad8iral &a8es L? Hollo=a3 III" EEecuti>e assistant to C:air8an !us:
Crai9 Co3" !us:7s de<ut3 assistant under Hollo=a3
6ice Ad8iral &o:n %oindeEter"Senior NSC re<resentati>e to C:air8an !us:
Marine Cor<s Lt? Col? Oli>er Nort:" ,a3-to- da3 NSC re<resentati>e to Geor9e !us:
A8ira8 Nir" Counterterror ad>iser to Israeli %re8ier S:i8on %eres
Lt? Col? Robert Earl" Staff 8e8ber
Terr3 Arnold" %rinci<al consultant
C:arles E? Allen1 CIA officer" Senior Re>ie= Grou<
Robert Oa;le31 ,irector1 State ,e<t? Counter Terroris8 Office" Senior Re>ie= Grou<
Noel #oc:1 ,e<ut3 to Asst? Secretar3 of ,efense Ric:ard Ar8ita9e" Senior Re>ie= Grou<
Lt? Gen? &o:n Moellerin91 &oint C:iefs of Staff" Senior Re>ie= Grou<
Oli>er F !uc; 77 Re>ell1 !I eEecuti>e" Senior Re>ie= Grou<
T:is =as t:e first ;no=n official contact of t:e Israeli Nir =it: t:e U?S? 9o>ern8ent in t:e
Iran-Contra affair? In t:e future1 Nir =ould ser>e as t:e 8ain Israeli a9ent in t:e co>ert
ar8s-for- :osta9es ne9otiations =it: Iran1 alon9side suc: ot:er =ell-;no=n U?S?
<artici<ants as Oli>er Nort: and Robert Mcarlane? T:e Terroris8 Tas; orce or9aniAation1
as =e s:all see1 =as a <er8anent affair?
Au9ust /1 12/+"
Geor9e !us: 8et =it: t:e National Securit3 %lannin9 Grou< in t:e residence section of t:e
*:ite House? S<urrin9 on t:eir deliberations on t:e terroris8 <roble81 a car bo8b :ad
blo=n u< t:at da3 at a U?S? air base in Ger8an31 =it: $$ A8erican casualties?
T:e officials discussed s:i<8ent of U?S?-8ade ar8s to Iran t:rou9: Israel--to re<lenis:
Israeli stoc;s of TO* 8issiles and to <er8it Israel to sell ar8s to Iran?
Accordin9 to testi8on3 b3 Robert Mcarlane1 t:e transfer =as su<<orted b3 Geor9e !us:1
Case3 and ,onald Re9an1 and o<<osed b3 S:ultA and *einber9er? Au9ust 1/1 12/+"
Luis %osada Carriles esca<ed fro8 <rison in 6eneAuela1 =:ere :e =as bein9 :eld for t:e
terrorist 8urder of .' <ersons? Usin9 for9ed docu8ents falsel3 identif3in9 :i8 as a
6eneAuelan na8ed F Ra8on Medina1 77 %osada fle= to Central A8erica? *it:in a fe=
=ee;s1 eliE Rodri9ueA assi9ned :i8 to su<er>ise t:e !us: office7s Contra resu<<l3
o<erations bein9 run fro8 t:e El Sal>ador air base? %osada <ersonall3 ran t:e safe-:ouses
used for t:e CIA fli9:t cre=s? Rodri9ueA eE<lained t:e arran9e8ent in :is boo;" F !ecause
of 83 relations:i< =it: GEl Sal>ador Air orceH Gen? !ustillo1 I =as able to <a>e t:e =a3
for Gt:e o<erations attributed to Oli>erH Nort: to use t:e facilities at Ilo<an9o GEl Sal>ador
air force baseH???? I found so8eone to 8ana9e t:e Sal>adorian-based resu<<l3 o<eration on
a da3-to-da3 basis? T:e3 ;ne= t:at <erson as Ra8on Medina? I ;ne= :i8 b3 :is real na8e"
Luis %osada Carriles???? I first GsicKH 8et %osada in 12-' at ort !ennin91 Geor9ia1 =:ere =e
=ent t:rou9: basic trainin9 to9et:er ??? as U?S? Ar83 second lieutenants???? 77 Rodri9ueA
ne9lects to eE<lain t:at a9ent %osada Carilles =as ori9inall3 recruited and trained b3 t:e
sa8e CIA 8urder o<eration1 F &MO*A6E 77 in Mia8i1 as =as Rodri9ueA :i8self? eliE
continues" F In t:e siEties1 :e re<ortedl3 =ent to =or; for ,ISI%1 t:e 6eneAuelan
intelli9ence ser>ice1 and rose to considerable <o=er =it:in its ran;s? It =as ru8ored t:at :e
:eld one of t:e to< :alf- doAen Bobs in t:e or9aniAation???? After t:e 8idair bo8bin9 of a
Cubana airliner on October -1 12.-1 in =:ic: se>ent3- t:ree <eo<le =ere ;illed1 %osada =as
c:ar9ed =it: <lannin9 t:e attac; and =as t:ro=n in <rison???? %osada =as confined in <rison
for 8ore t:an nine 3ears???? 77
Se<te8ber 151 12/+"
Geor9e !us:7s national securit3 ad>iser1 ,onald Gre991 8et at )"'5 %?M? =it: Oli>er Nort:
and Col? &a8es Steele1 t:e U?S? 8ilitar3 official in El Sal>ador =:o o>ersa= fli9:ts of
car9o 9oin9 to t:e Contras fro8 >arious <oints in Central A8erica? T:e3 discussed
infor8ation 9i>en to one or 8ore of t:e8 b3 ar8s dealer Mario ,elA8ico1 su<<lier to t:e
Contras? Accordin9 to t:e entr3 in Oli>er Nort:7s noteboo;1 t:e3 discussed <articularities of
t:e su<<l3 fli9:ts1 and t:e o<erations of ,N co88ander Enri@ue !er8udeA?
Else=:ere in t:e diar3 <a9es for t:at da31 Colonel Nort: noted t:at ,elA8ico :ad <rocured
a certain 11555 8unitions ite8s for t:e Contras?
No>e8ber 12/+ 0ca? A8erican T:an;s9i>in9 ,a34"
Geor9e !us: sent Oli>er Nort: a note1 =it: t:an;s for F 3our dedication and tireless =or;
=it: t:e :osta9e t:in9 and =it: Central A8erica? 77
,ece8ber 12/+"
Con9ress <assed ne= la=s li8itin9 U?S? aid to t:e Contras? T:e CIA1 t:e ,efense
,e<art8ent1 and F an3 ot:er a9enc3 or entit3 of t:e United States in>ol>ed in intelli9ence
acti>ities 77 =ere <ro:ibited fro8 <ro>idin9 ar8a8ents to t:e Contras? T:e CIA =as
<er8itted to <ro>ide co88unications e@ui<8ent and trainin9? F Hu8anitarian 77 aid =as
allo=ed? T:ese la=s1 ;no=n to9et:er as F !oland III1 77 =ere in effect fro8 ,ece8ber )1
12/+ to October 1.1 12/-?
,ece8ber 1/1 12/+"
CIA official C:arles E? Allen1 a 8e8ber of Geor9e !us:7s Terroris8 Tas; orce1 =rote an
u<date on t:e ar8s-for-:osta9es dealin9s =it: Iran? Allen7s 8e8o =as a debriefin9 of an
unna8ed 8e8ber of t:e 9rou< of U?S? 9o>ern8ent officials <artici<atin9 in t:e ar8s
ne9otiations =it: t:e Iranians? T:e unna8ed U?S? official 0fro8 t:e conteEt1 <robabl3 NSC
terroris8 consultant Mic:ael Ledeen4 is referred to in Allen7s 8e8o as F SubBect 77? Allen
=rote" F GS<ea;er of t:e Iranian %arlia8ent Has:e8iH RafsanBani ??? belie>es 6ice %resident
Geor9e !us: is orc:estratin9 t:e U?S? initiati>e =it: Iran? In fact1 accordin9 to SubBect1
RafsanBani belie>es t:at !us: is t:e 8ost <o=erful 8an in t:e U?S? because in addition to
bein9 6ice %resident1 :e =as once ,irector of CIA? 77
,ece8ber 12/+-&anuar3 12/-"
Geor9e !us: co8<leted :is official stud3 of terroris8 in ,ece8ber 12/+? &o:n %oindeEter
no= directed Oli>er Nort: to 9o bac; to =or; =it: A8ira8 Nir? A8ira8 Nir ca8e to
*as:in9ton and 8et =it: Oli>er Nort:? He told U?S? officials t:at t:e Iranians :ad
<ro8ised to free all :osta9es in eEc:an9e for 8ore ar8s? Re<ortedl3 after t:is Nir >isit1 in
an at8os<:ere of constant terroris8 and ru8ors of terroris81 %resident Rea9an =as
<ersuaded of t:e necessit3 of re>>in9 u< t:e ar8s s:i<8ents to Iran?
,ece8ber $.1 12/+"
Terrorists bo8bed Ro8e and 6ienna air<orts1 ;illin9 $5 <eo<le1 includin9 fi>e A8ericans?
T:e Crisis %re-%lannin9 Grou< 0C%%G41 su<er>ised b3 !us:7s office and re<ortin9 to !us:1
bla8ed Lib3ans for t:e attac; and be9an <lannin9 for a 8ilitar3 stri;e on Lib3a? (et an
un<ublis:ed CIA anal3sis and t:e Israelis bot: ac;no=led9ed t:at t:e Abu Nidal 9rou< 0in
effect1 t:e Israeli Mossad a9enc34 carried out t:e attac;s?
!us:7s C%%G later or9aniAed t:e U?S? bo8bin9 of Lib3a1 =:ic: occurred in 8id-A<ril
,ece8ber '11 12/+ 0Tuesda34"
Iranian ar8s dealer C3rus Has:e8i told %aris-based CIA a9ent !ernard 6eillot t:at 6ice
%resident !us: =as bac;in9 ar8s sales to Iran1 and t:at official U?S? a<<ro>al for <ri>ate
sales to Iran1 a8ountin9 to I$ billion1 =as F 9oin9 to be si9ned b3 Mr? !us: and GU?S?
Marine Cor<s co88andantH Gen? G%aul M?H #elle3 on rida3? 77
Loudl3 and <ublicl3 eE<osed in t:e 8idst of Iran ar8s deals1 6eillot =as indicted b3 t:e
U?S? T:en t:e c:ar9es =ere @uietl3 dro<<ed1 and 6eillot =ent under9round? A fe= 8ont:s
later Has:e8i died suddenl3 of F leu;e8ia? 77 &anuar3 $1 12/- 0T:ursda34"
Israeli counterterroris8 c:ief A8ira8 Nir 8et =it: Nort: and %oindeEter in *as:in9ton?
T:e !us: re<ort on terroris8 :ad no= been issued =it:in t:e 9o>ern8ent but =as not 3et
<ublis:ed? !us:7s re<ort =as ur9in9 t:at a counterterroris8 coordinator be na8ed for t:e
entire U?S? 9o>ern8ent--and Oli>er Nort: =as t:e one 8an intended for t:at slot?
At t:is 8eetin91 Nir <ro<osed s<ecificall3 t:at <risoners :eld b3 Israeli-controlled
Lebanese1 and '1555 A8erican TO* 8issiles1 be eEc:an9ed for U?S? :osta9es :eld b3 Iran?
Ot:er discussions bet=een Nir and !us:7s no8inee in>ol>ed t:e su<<osedl3 ne= idea t:at
t:e Iranians be o>erc:ar9ed for t:e =ea<ons s:i<<ed to t:e81 and t:e sur<lus funds be
di>erted to t:e Contras?
&anuar3 -1 12/- 0Monda34"
%resident Rea9an 8et =it: Geor9e !us:1 ,onald Re9an1 Mcarlane and %oindeEter? T:e
%resident =as :anded a draft F %residential indin9 77 t:at called for s:i<<in9 ar8s to Iran
t:rou9: Israel? T:e %resident si9ned t:is docu8ent1 drafted follo=in9 t:e discussions =it:
A8ira8 Nir? T:e draft consciousl3 >iolated t:e National Securit3 Act =:ic: :ad
establis:ed t:e Central Intelli9ence A9enc31 re@uirin9 notification of Con9ress? !ut !us:
Boined in ur9in9 %resident Rea9an to si9n t:is F findin9 77" F I :ereb3 find t:at t:e follo=in9
o<eration in a forei9n countr3 ??? is i8<ortant to t:e national securit3 of t:e United States1
and due to its eEtre8e sensiti>it3 and securit3 ris;s1 I deter8ine it is essential to li8it <rior
notice1 and direct t:e ,irector of Central Intelli9ence to refrain fro8 re<ortin9 t:is findin9
to t:e Con9ress as <ro>ided in Section +51 of t:e National Securit3 Act of 12).1 as
a8ended1 until I ot:er=ise direct 77 Ge8<:asis addedH? F ??? T:e USGGo>ern8entH =ill act to
facilitate efforts b3 t:ird <arties and t:ird countries to establis: contacts =it: 8oderate
ele8ents =it:in and outside t:e Go>ern8ent of Iran b3 <ro>idin9 t:ese ele8ents =it: ar8s1
e@ui<8ent and related 8ateriel in order to en:ance t:e credibilit3 of t:ese ele8ents???? 77 Of
course1 !us:1 Case3 and t:eir Israeli allies :ad ne>er sou9:t to bolster F 8oderate ele8ents
77 in Iran1 but o>ert:re= t:e8 at e>er3 o<<ortunit3--be9innin9 =it: %resident Abol:assan
!ani- Sadr?
&anuar3 .1 12/-"
%resident Rea9an and 6ice %resident !us: 8et at t:e *:ite House =it: se>eral ot:er
ad8inistration officials? T:ere =as an ar9u8ent o>er ne= <ro<osals b3 A8ira8 Nir and
Iranian ar8s dealer Manuc:er G:orbanifar to s=a< ar8s for :osta9es?
Secretar3 of State Geor9e S:ultA later told t:e To=er Co88ission t:at Geor9e !us:
su<<orted t:e ar8s-for-:osta9es deal at t:is 8eetin91 as did %resident Rea9an1 Case31
Meese1 Re9an and %oindeEter? S:ultA re<orted t:at :e :i8self and Secretar3 of ,efense
Cas<ar *einber9er bot: o<<osed furt:er ar8s s:i<8ents?
&anuar3 21 12/-" Lt? Col? Oli>er Nort: co8<lained1 in :is noteboo;1 t:at F eliE
GRodri9ueAH 77 :as been F tal;in9 too 8uc: about t:e 6GiceH %GresidentH connection? 77
&anuar3 1+1 12/-"
CIA and Mossad e8<lo3ee Ric:ard !renne;e =rote a letter to 6ice %resident !us: 9i>in9
full details1 alertin9 !us: about :is o=n =or; on be:alf of t:e CIA in ille9al--but U?S?
9o>ern8ent-sanctioned-- sales of ar8s to Iran?
Mid-&anuar31 12/-"
Geor9e !us: and Oli>er Nort: =or;ed to9et:er on t:e ille9al <lan?
Later1 at Nort:7s trial1 t:e !us: ad8inistration--<ortra3in9 Colonel Nort: as t:e 8aster
strate9ist in t:e caseK--sti<ulated t:at Nort: F <re<ared tal;in9 <oints for a 8eetin9 bet=een
Ad8iral %oindeEter1 6ice-%resident !us:1 and Gt:e ne=H Honduran %resident G&ose Si8onH
AAcona? Nort: reco88ended t:at Ad8iral %oindeEter and 6ice-%resident !us: tell
%resident AAcona of t:e need for Honduras to =or; =it: t:e U?S? 9o>ern8ent on increasin9
re9ional in>ol>e8ent =it: and su<<ort for t:e Resistance? %oindeEter and !us: =ere also to
raise t:e subBect of better U?S? 9o>ern8ent su<<ort for t:e states borderin9 Nicara9ua? 77
T:at is1 Honduras1 =:ic: of course F borders on Nicara9ua1 77 =as to 9et 8ore U?S? aid and
=as to <ass so8e of it t:rou9: to t:e Contras? In <re<aration for t:e &anuar3 12/- !us:-
AAcona 8eetin91 t:e U?S? State ,e<art8ent sent to !us: ad>iser ,onald Gre99 a
8e8orandu81 =:ic: F alerted Gre99 t:at AAcona =ould insist on recei>in9 clear econo8ic
and social benefits fro8 its GHonduras7sH coo<eration =it: t:e United States? 77 T=o 8ont:s
after t:e &anuar3 !us:-AAcona 8eetin91 %resident Rea9an as;ed Con9ress for I$5 8illion
in e8er9enc3 aid to Honduras1 needed to re<el a cross-border raid b3 Nicara9uan forces
a9ainst Contra ca8<s? Con9ress >oted t:e F e8er9enc3 77 eE<enditure?
&anuar3 1.1 12/-"
Geor9e !us: 8et =it: %resident Rea9an1 &o:n %oindeEter1 ,onald Re9an1 and NSC staff
8e8ber ,onald ortier to re>ie= t:e final >ersion of t:e &anuar3 . ar8s-to-Iran draft? *it:
t:e encoura9e8ent of !us:1 and t:e absence of o<<onents to t:e sc:e8e1 %resident Rea9an
si9ned t:e aut:oriAation to ar8 t:e #:o8eini re9i8e =it: 8issiles1 and ;ee< t:e facts of
t:is sc:e8e fro8 con9ressional o>ersi9:t co88ittees? T:is =as t:e realit3 of t:e !us: F
counterstrate93 77 to terroris81 for =:ose i8<le8entation :is Terroris8 Tas; orce =as Bust
t:en creatin9 t:e co>ert 8ec:anis8? T:e official stor3 about t:is 8eetin9-- 9i>en in t:e
To=er Co88ission Re<ort--is as follo=s" F GTH:e <ro<osal to s:ift to direct U?S? ar8s sales
to Iran ??? =as considered b3 t:e <resident at a 8eetin9 on &anuar3 1. =:ic: onl3 t:e 6ice
%resident1 Mr? Re9an1 Mr? ortier1 and 6A,M %oindeEter attended? T:ereafter1 t:e onl3
senior-le>el re>ie= t:e Iran initiati>e recei>ed =as durin9 one or anot:er of t:e %resident7s
dail3 national securit3 briefin9s? T:ese =ere routinel3 attended onl3 b3 t:e %resident1 t:e
6ice %resident1 Mr? Re9an1 and 6A,M %oindeEter? T:ere =as no subse@uent collecti>e
consideration of t:e Iran initiati>e b3 t:e NSC <rinci<als before it beca8e <ublic 11 8ont:s
!ecause of t:e obsession =it: secrec31 intera9enc3 consideration of t:e initiati>e =as
li8ited to t:e cabinet le>el? *it: t:e eEce<tion of t:e NSC staff and1 after &anuar3 1.1
12/-1 a :andful of CIA officials1 t:e rest of t:e eEecuti>e de<art8ents and a9encies =ere
lar9el3 eEcluded?
FT:e National Securit3 Act also re@uires notification of Con9ress of co>ert intelli9ence
acti>ities? If not done in ad>ance1 notification 8ust be Pin ti8el3 fas:ion?7 T:e %residential
indin9 of &anuar3 1. directed t:at con9ressional notification be =it::eld1 and t:is decision
a<<ears to :a>e ne>er been reconsidered? 77
&anuar3 1/1 12/-"
,efense Secretar3 Cas<ar *einber9er =as directed to <re<are t:e transfer of )1555 TO*
anti-tan; 8issiles to t:e CIA1 =:ic: =as to s:i< t:e8 to #:o8eini7s Iran? !3<assin9
nor8al c:annels for co>ert s:i<8ents1 :e elected to :a>e :is senior 8ilitar3 assistant1 Lt?
Gen? Colin L? %o=ell1 :andle t:e arran9e8ents for t:e ar8s transfer?
&anuar3 12-$11 12/-"
Geor9e !us:7s de<ut3 national securit3 aide1 Col? Sa8uel *atson1 =or;ed =it: eliE
Rodri9ueA in El Sal>ador1 and 8et =it: Col? &a8es Steele1 t:e U?S? 8ilitar3 liaison officer
=it: t:e co>ert Contra resu<<l3 or9aniAation in El Sal>ador?
!us: Sets U< Nort: as Counterterroris8 !oss--and F all Gu377 &anuar3 $51 12/-"
ollo=in9 t:e reco88endations of an as 3et unofficial re<ort of t:e Geor9e !us: Terroris8
Tas; orce1 %resident Rea9an si9ned National Securit3 ,ecision ,irecti>e 0NS,,4 $5.?
T:e unofficial !us: re<ort1 t:e official !us: re<ort released in ebruar31 and t:e !us:-
or9aniAed NS,, $5.1 to9et:er <ut for=ard Oli>er Nort: as F Mr? Iran-Contra? 77 Nort:
beca8e t:e no8inal1 u<- front coordinator of t:e ad8inistration7s counterterroris8
<ro9ra81 :idin9 as best :e could !us:7s :and in t:ese 8atters? He =as 9i>en a secret office
and staff 0t:e Office to Co8bat Terroris841 se<arate fro8 re9ular NSC staff 8e8bers?
Geor9e !us: no= reassi9ned :is Terroris8 Tas; orce e8<lo3ees1 Crai9 Co3 and Robert
Earl1 to do t:e dail3 =or; of t:e Nort: secret office? T:e !us: 8en s<ent t:e neEt 3ear
=or;in9 on Iran ar8s sales" Earl de>oted one-@uarter to one- :alf of :is ti8e on Iran and
Contra su<<ort o<erationsC Co3 F;ne= e>er3t:in977 about %roBect ,e8ocrac3? Nort:
tra>eled 8uc: of t:e ti8e? Earl and Co3 =ere at t:is ti8e officiall3 attac:ed to t:e Crisis
Mana9e8ent Center1 =:ic: Nort: =or;ed on in 12/'? !I Assistant ,irector Re>ell1 often
Geor9e !us:7s F:it 8an77 a9ainst !us:7s do8estic o<<onents1 <artiall3 disclosed t:is s:ell
9a8e in a letter to Sen? ,a>id !oren 0,-O;?41 eE<lainin9 t:e !I7s contacts =it: Nort:" At
t:e ti8e GA<ril 12/-H1 Nort: =as t:e NSC official c:ar9ed b3 t:e %resident =it: t:e coordination of our
national counterterrorist <ro9ra8? He =as res<onsible for =or;in9 closel3 =it: desi9nated lead a9encies and
=as res<onsible for <artici<atin9 in all intera9enc3 9rou<s1 8aintainin9 t:e national <ro9ra88in9 docu8ents1
assistin9 in t:e coordination of researc: and de>elo<8ent in relation to counterterroris81 facilitatin9 t:e
de>elo<8ent of res<onse o<tions and o>erseein9 t:e i8<le8entation of t:e 6ice %resident7s Terroris8 Tas;
orce reco88endations? T:is descri<tion of Col? Nort:7s <osition is set fort: in t:e <ublic re<ort of t:e 6ice
%resident7s Tas; orce on Co8battin9 Terroris81 ebruar3 12/-? T:ere is an e>en 8ore detailed and
co8<re:ensi>e descri<tion of Col? Nort:7s <osition in t:e classified National Securit3 ,ecision ,irecti>e
W$5. issued b3 t:e %resident on &anuar3 $51 12/-?
T:e !us: Terroris8 Tas; orce1 :a>in9 co8<leted its official =or;1 :ad si8<l3 8ade itself
into a rena8ed1 <er8anent1 co>ert a9enc3? Its ne= na8e =as O<erations Sub-Grou< 0OSG4?
In t:is transfor8ation1 CIA Contra-:andler ,uane Clarrid9e :ad been added to t:e Tas;
orce to for8 t:e FOSG177 =:ic: included Nort:1 %oindeEter1 C:arles Allen1 Robert Oa;le31
Noel #oc:1 General Moellerin9 and F!uc;77 Re>ell? Accordin9 to t:e Oli>er Nort: diaries1
e>en before t:is final <:ase of t:e !us:-Nort: a<<aratus t:ere =ere at least 1) 8eetin9s
bet=een Nort: and t:e !us: Tas; orce7s senior 8e8bers Hollo=a31 Oa;le3 and Allen1 its
<rinci<al consultant Terr3 Arnold1 and its staff 8en Robert Earl and Crai9 Co3? T:e Nort:
diaries fro8 &ul3 12/+ t:rou9: &anuar3 12/-1 s:o= one 8eetin9 =it: %resident Rea9an1
and four 8eetin9s =it: 6ice %resident !us:" eit:er t:e t=o alone1 Nort: =it: !us: and
A8ira8 Nir1 or Nort: =it: !us: and ,onald Gre99? T:e !us: counterterroris8 a<<aratus
:ad its o=n co88unications c:annels1 and a 9lobal antiterrorist co8<uter net=or; called
las:board outside of all constitutional 9o>ern8ent arran9e8ents? T:ose o<<osed to t:e
ar8in9 of terrorists1 includin9 cabinet 8e8bers1 :ad no access to t:ese co88unications?
T:is a<<aratus :ad res<onsibilit3 for Iran ar8s salesC t:e <ri>ate fundin9 of t:e Contras1
fro8 contributions1 t:eft1 do<e-runnin9C t:e F<ublic di<lo8ac377 of %roBect ,e8ocrac3 to
bac; t:ese effortsC and counterintelli9ence a9ainst ot:er 9o>ern8ent a9encies and a9ainst
do8estic o<<onents of t:e <olic3?
&anuar3 $/1 12/-"
Geor9e !us: 8et =it: Oli>er Nort: and ,N Contra %olitical ,irector Adolfo Calero in
t:e Old EEecuti>e Office !uildin9? Nort: and Calero =ould =or; to9et:er to <rotect
Geor9e !us: =:en t:e Contra su<<l3 effort ble= a<art in October 12/-?
&anuar3 '11 12/-"
Iranian ar8s dealer C3rus Has:e8i =as told b3 a renc: ar8s a9ent t:at F GaHn assistant of
t:e >ice <resident7s 9oin9 to be in Ger8an3 ??? and t:e indication is >er3 clear t:at t:e
transaction can 9o for=ard 77 referrin9 to Geor9e !us:7s su<<osed a<<ro>al of t:e <ri>ate
ar8s sale to Iran?
ebruar3 -1 12/-"
Res<ondin9 to t:e &anuar3 1+ letter fro8 Ric:ard !renne;e1 !us: aide Lt? Col? E? ,ou9las
MenarcAi; =rote to !renne;e" F T:e U?S? 9o>ern8ent =ill not <er8it or <artici<ate in t:e
<ro>ision of =ar 8ateriel to Iran and =ill <rosecute an3 suc: efforts b3 U?S? citiAens to t:e
fullest eEtent of t:e la=? 177
ebruar3 .1 12/-" Sa8uel M? E>ans1 a re<resentati>e of Saudi and Israeli ar8s dealers1 told
C3rus Has:e8i t:at F GtH:e 9reen li9:t no= finall3 :as been 9i>en Gfor t:e <ri>ate sale of
ar8s to IranH1 t:at !us: is in fa>or1 S:ultA a9ainst1 but ne>ert:eless t:e3 are =illin9 to
<roceed? 77 ebruar3 $+1 12/-"
Ric:ard !renne;e =rote a9ain to !us:7s office1 to Lt? Col? MenarcAi;1 docu8entin9 a secret
<roBect for U?S? ar8s sales to Iran 9oin9 on since 12/)?
!renne;e later said <ublicl3 t:at earl3 in 12/-1 :e called MenarcAi; to =arn t:at :e :ad
learned t:at t:e U?S? <lanned to bu3 =ea<ons for t:e Contras =it: 8one3 fro8 Iran ar8s
sales? MenarcAi; re<ortedl3 said1 F *e =ill loo; into it? 77 MenarcAi; clai8ed not to :a>e F
an3 s<ecific recollection of tele<:one con>ersations =it: 77 !renne;e?
Late ebruar31 12/-"
6ice %resident Geor9e !us: issued t:e <ublic re<ort of :is Terroris8 Tas; orce? In :is
introduction to t:e re<ort1 !us: asserted" F Our Tas; orce =as briefed b3 8ore t:an $+
9o>ern8ent a9encies ??? tra>eled to e8bassies and 8ilitar3 co88ands t:rou9:out t:e
=orld???? Our conclusion" ??? *e fir8l3 o<<ose terroris8 in all for8s and =:ere>er it ta;es
<lace???? *e =ill 8a;e no concessions to terrorists? 77
Marc: 12/-"
Accordin9 to a s=orn state8ent of <ilot Mic:ael Tolli>er1 eliE Rodri9ueA :ad 8et :i8 in
&ul3 12/+? No= Rodri9ueA instructed Tolli>er to 9o to Mia8i International Air<ort? Tolli>er
<ic;ed u< a ,C-- aircraft and a cre=1 and fle= t:e <lane to a Contra base in Honduras?
T:ere Tolli>er =atc:ed t:e unloadin9 of 1) tons of 8ilitar3 su<<lies1 and t:e loadin9 of 1$
and $O' tons of 8ariBuana? ollo=in9 :is instructions fro8 Rodri9ueA1 Tolli>er fle= t:e
do<e to Ho8estead Air orce !ase in lorida? T:e neEt da3 Rodri9ueA <aid Tolli>er
Tolli>er sa3s t:at anot:er of t:e fli9:ts :e <erfor8ed for Rodri9ueA carried cocaine on t:e
return tri< to t:e U?S?A? He 8ade a series of ar8s deli>eries fro8 Mia8i into t:e air base at
A9ucate1 Honduras? He =as <aid in cas: b3 Rodri9ueA and :is old Mia8i CIA collea9ue1
Rafael F C:i C:i 77 Luintero? In anot:er circuit of fli9:ts1 Tolli>er and :is cre= fle=
bet=een Mia8i and El Sal>ador7s Ilo<an9o air base? Tolli>er said t:at Rodri9ueA and
Luintero F instructed 8e =:ere to 9o and =:o to see? 77 *:ile 8a;in9 t:ese fli9:ts1 :e F
could 9o b3 an3 route a>ailable =it:out an3 interference fro8 an3 a9enc3? *e didn7t need a
sta8< of a<<ro>al fro8 Custo8s or an3bod3???? 77 *it: reference to t:e co>ert ar8s
s:i<8ents out of Mia8i1 Geor9e !us:7s son &eb said" F Sure1 t:ere7s a <rett3 9ood c:ance
t:at ar8s =ere s:i<<ed1 but does t:at brea; an3 la=D I78 not sure it7s ille9al? T:e Neutralit3
Act is a co8<letel3 untested notion1 establis:ed in t:e 1/55s?
S8u99lin9 Missiles and Re<ortin9 to t:e !oss
Traffic;in9 in let:al =ea<ons =it:out 9o>ern8ent aut:oriAation is al=a3s a tric;3 business
for co>ert o<erators? !ut =:en t:e o<erati>es are s8u99lin9 =ea<ons in a <articular traffic
=:ic: t:e U?S? Con9ress :as eE<ressl3 <ro:ibited1 a 9ood deal of cri8inal eE<ertise and
certain crucial contacts are re@uired for success? And =:en t:e s8u99lers re<ort to t:e 6ice
%resident1 =:o =is:es :is role to re8ain concealed1 t:e =:ole t:in9 can beco8e >er3
stic;3--or e>en ludicrous to t:e <oint of lo= co8ed3?
Marc: $-1 12/-"
Oli>er Nort: sent a 8essa9e to Robert Mcarlane about :is efforts to <rocure 8issiles for
t:e Contras1 and to circu8>ent 8an3 U?S? la=s1 as =ell as t:e custo8s ser>ices and <olice
forces of se>eral nations? T:e 8ost i8<ortant co8<onent of suc: transactions1 aside fro8
t:e <urc:ase 8one31 =as a falsified docu8ent s:o=in9 t:e su<<osed reci<ient of t:e ar8s1
t:e end-user certificate 0EUC4? In t:e 8essa9e :e =rote1 Nort: said t:at F =e :a>e 77 an
EUCC t:at is1 a false docu8ent :as been ac@uired for t:is ar8s sale" F G*He are tr3in9 to
find a =a3 to 9et 15 !LO*%I%E launc:ers and $5 8issiles fro8 Ga Sout: A8erican
countr3H ??? t:ru t:e S:ort !ros? Re<???? S:ort !ros?1 t:e 8f9r? of t:e !LO*%I%E1 is =illin9
to arran9e t:e deal1 conduct t:e trainin9 and e>en send U?#?
Ptec:? re<s7 ??? if =e can close t:e arran9e8ent? ,ic; Secord :as alread3 <aid 15R do=n on
t:e deli>er3 and =e :a>e a Gcountr3 deletedH EUC =:ic: is acce<table to Gt:at Sout:
A8erican countr3H? 77 No=1 since t:is <articular ille9al sale so8e:o= ca8e to li9:t in t:e
Iran-Contra scandal1 anot:er <artici<ant in t:is one deal decided not to bot:er :idin9 :is
o=n <art in it? T:us1 =e are able to see :o= Colonel Nort: 9ot :is false certificate?
A<ril $51 12/-"
eliE Rodri9ueA 8et in San Sal>ador =it: Oli>er Nort: and Enri@ue !er8udeA1 t:e
Contras7 8ilitar3 co88ander? Rodri9ueA infor8s us of t:e follo=in9 in :is o=n1 9:ost-
=ritten boo;"
F S:ortl3 before t:at A<ril $5 8eetin91 Rafael Luintero :ad as;ed 8e to i8<ose u<on 83
9ood relations =it: t:e Sal>adoran 8ilitar3 to obtain Pend-user7 certificates 8ade out to
La;e Resources1 =:ic: :e told 8e =as a C:ilean co8<an3???? 77 T:e <lan =as to ac@uire
false end-user certificates fro8 :is contacts in t:e Sal>adoran ar8ed forces for !lo=<i<e
9round-to-air 8issiles su<<osedl3 bein9 s:i<<ed into El Sal>ador? T:e 8issiles =ould t:en
be ille9all3 di>erted to t:e Contras in Honduras and Nicara9ua? Rodri9ueA continues1 =it:
self-<uffer3" F T:e Sal>adorans co8<lied =it: 83 re@uest1 and in turn I su<<lied t:e
certificates1 :andin9 t:e8 o>er <ersonall3 to Ric:ard Secord at t:at A<ril $5 8eetin9? 77
*:ile arran9in9 t:e for9er3 for t:e 8unitions sale1 Rodri9ueA =as in touc: =it: t:e Geor9e
!us: staff bac; in :is :o8e office? On A<ril 1-1 four da3s before t:e Rodri9ueA-Nort:
8issile 8eetin91 !us: national securit3 ad>iser ,onald Gre99 as;ed :is staff to <ut a
8eetin9 =it: Rodri9ueA on Geor9e !us:7s calendar? Gre99 said t:e <ur<ose of t:e *:ite
House 8eetin9 =ould be F to brief t:e 6ice %resident on t:e =ar in El Sal>ador and
resu<<l3 of t:e Contras? 77 T:e 8eetin9 =as arran9ed for 11"'5 A?M? on Ma3 1? ,ue its
eE<licitl3 stated <ur<ose-- clandestine =ea<ons traffic;in9 in an undeclared =ar a9ainst t:e
ri9id con9ressional <ro:ibition--t:e <lanned 8eetin9 =as to beco8e one of t:e 8ost
notorious of t:e Iran- Contra scandal?
A<ril '51 12/- 0*ednesda34"
eliE Rodri9ueA 8et in *as:in9ton =it: !us: aide Col? Sa8 *atson? T:e follo=in9
re8inder 8essa9e =as sent to Geor9e !us:" !riefin9 Me8orandu8 for t:e 6ice %resident
E>ent" Meetin9 =it: eliE Rodri9ueA
,ate" T:ursda31 Ma3 11 12/-
Ti8e" 11"'5-11")+ a?8?--*est *in9
ro8" ,on Gre99
eliE Rodri9ueA1 a counterinsur9enc3 eE<ert =:o is >isitin9 fro8 El Sal>ador1 =ill <ro>ide a briefin9 on
t:e status of t:e =ar in El Sal>ador and resu<<l3 of t:e Contras?
T:e 6ice %resident eliE Rodri9ueA
Crai9 uller
,on Gre99
Sa8 *atson
Staff <:oto9ra<:er? Gi?e? internal-use <:oto9ra<:s1 no 8edia co>era9eH
Ma3 11 12/-"
6ice %resident !us: and :is staff 8et in t:e *:ite House =it: eliE Rodri9ueA1 Oli>er
Nort:1 financier Nic:olas !rad31 and t:e ne= U?S? a8bassador to El Sal>ador1 Ed=in Corr?
At t:is 8eetin9 it =as decided t:at F <ri>ate citiAen 77 eliE Rodri9ueA =ould continue :is
=or; in Central A8erica?
Ma3 1-1 12/-" Geor9e !us: 8et =it: %resident Rea9an1 and =it: cabinet 8e8bers and
ot:er officials in t:e full National Securit3 %lannin9 Grou<? T:e3 discussed t:e ur9ent need
to raise 8ore 8one3 for t:e Contras to continue t:e anti-Sandinista =ar?
T:e <artici<ants decided to see; su<<ort for t:e Contras fro8 nations 0F t:ird countries 774
=:ic: =ere not directl3 in>ol>ed in t:e Central A8erican conflict? As a result of t:is
initiati>e1 Geor9e !us:7s for8er business <artners1 t:e Sultan of !runei1 donated I15
8illion to t:e Contras? !ut after bein9 de<osited in secret S=iss ban; accounts1 t:e 8one3
=as F lost? 77
Ma3 $51 12/-"
Geor9e !us: 8et =it: eliE Rodri9ueA and El Sal>ador Air orce co88ander Gen? &uan
Rafael !ustillo at a lar9e rece<tion in Mia8i on Cuban inde<endence da3?
Ma3 $21 12/-"
Geor9e !us:1 %resident Rea9an1 ,onald Re9an and &o:n %oindeEter 8et to :ear fro8
Mcarlane and Nort: on t:eir latest ar8s-for- :osta9es ne9otiations =it: Iranian officials
and A8ira8 Nir in Te:eran1 Iran? T:e t=o re<orted t:eir arran9e8ent =it: t:e #:o8eini
re9i8e to establis: a secure co>ert co88unications net=or; bet=een t:e t=o F ene83 77
&ul3 151 12/-"
Eu9ene Hasenfus1 =:ose successful <arac:ute landin9 =ould eE<lode t:e Iran-Contra
scandal into =orld :eadlines t:ree 8ont:s later1 fle= fro8 Mia8i to El Sal>ador? He :ad
Bust been :ired to =or; for F Sout:ern Air Trans<ort1 77 a CIA front co8<an3 for =:ic:
Hasenfus =or;ed <re>iousl3 in t:e Indoc:ina *ar? *it:in a fe= da3s :e =as introduced to
F MaE Go8eA 77--t:e <seudon38 of eliE Rodri9ueA--as F one of t:e Cuban coordinators of
t:e co8<an3? 77 Rodri9ueA 0F Go8eA 774 too; :i8 to t:e Ilo<an9o air base securit3 office
=:ere :e and ot:ers :ired =it: :i8 =ere 9i>en identit3 cards? He no= be9an =or; as a
car9o :andler on fli9:ts carr3in9 8ilitar3 su<<lies to Contra soldiers inside Nicara9ua?
&ul3 $21 12/-"
Geor9e !us: 8et in &erusale8 =it: Terroris8 Tas; orce 8e8ber A8ira8 Nir1 t:e
8ana9er of Israel7s <artici<ation in t:e ar8s-for :osta9es sc:e8es? !us: did not =ant t:is
8eetin9 ;no=n about? T:e 6ice %resident told :is c:ief of staff1 Crai9 uller1 to send :is
notes of t:e 8eetin9 onl3 to Oli>er Nort:--not to %resident Rea9an1 or to an3one else?
Crai9 uller7s 8e8orandu8 said1 in <art"
1? SUMMAR(? Mr? Nir indicated t:at :e :ad briefed %ri8e Minister %eres and :ad been as;ed to
brief t:e 6GiceH %GresidentH b3 :is *:ite House contacts? He described t:e details of t:e efforts
fro8 last 3ear t:rou9: t:e current <eriod to 9ain t:e release of t:e U?S? :osta9es? He re>ie=ed
=:at :ad been learned =:ic: =as essentiall3 t:at t:e radical 9rou< =as t:e 9rou< t:at could
deli>er? He re>ie=ed t:e issues to be considered--na8el3 t:at t:ere needed to be ad GsicH decision
as to =:et:er t:e ite8s re@uested =ould be deli>ered in se<arate s:i<8ents or =:et:er =e =ould
continue to <ress for t:e release of t:e :osta9es <rior to deli>erin9 t:e ite8s in an a8ount a9reed
to <re>iousl3?
$? T:e 6%7s $+ 8inute 8eetin9 =as arran9ed after Mr? Nir called Crai9 uller and re@uested t:e
8eetin9 and after it =as discussed =it: t:e 6% b3 uller and Nort:????
1)? Nir described so8e of t:e lessons learned" P*e are dealin9 =it: t:e 8ost radical ele8ents????
T:e3 can deli>er ??? t:at7s for sure???? G*He7>e learned t:e3 can deli>er and t:e 8oderates can7t????
&ul3 '51 12/-"
T:e da3 after :is &erusale8 su88it =it: A8ira8 Nir1 6ice %resident !us: conferred =it:
Oli>er Nort:? T:is 8eetin9 =it: Nort: =as ne>er ac;no=led9ed b3 !us: until t:e Nort:
diaries =ere released in Ma3 1225?
Earl3 Se<te8ber1 12/-"
Retired Ar83 MaB? Gen? &o:n #? Sin9laub sent a 8e8o to Oli>er Nort: on t:e Contra
resu<<l3 effort under eliE Rodri9ueA? Sin9laub =arned Nort: t:at Rodri9ueA =as boastin9
about :a>in9 F dail3 contact 77 =it: Geor9e !us:7s office? Accordin9 to Sin9laub1 t:is could
F da8a9e %resident Rea9an and t:e Re<ublican %art3? 77
T:e Scandal !rea;s--On Geor9e !us:
October +1 12/-"
A C-1$'; car9o aircraft left El Sal>ador7s Ilo<an9o air base at 2"'5 A?M?1 carr3in9 F 151555
<ounds of s8all ar8s and a88unition1 consistin9 8ainl3 of A# rifles and A# a88unition1
:and 9renades1 Bun9le boots? 77 It =as sc:eduled to 8a;e air dro<s to Contra soldiers in
Nicara9ua? T:e fli9:t :ad been or9aniAed b3 ele8ents of t:e CIA1 t:e ,efense ,e<art8ent1
and t:e National Securit3 Council1 coordinated b3 t:e Office of 6ice %resident Geor9e
!us:? At t:at ti8e1 suc: ar8s resu<<l3 =as <ro:ibited under U?S? la=--<ro:ibited b3
le9islation =:ic: :ad been =ritten to <re>ent <recisel3 t:at t3<e of fli9:t? T:e aircraft
:eaded sout: alon9 t:e %acific coast of Nicara9ua1 turned east o>er Costa Rica1 t:en :eaded
u< nort: into Nicara9uan air s<ace? As it descended to=ard t:e <oint at =:ic: it =as to dro<
t:e car9o1 t:e <lane =as :it in t:e ri9:t en9ine and =in9 b3 a 9round-to-air 8issile? T:e
=in9 burst into fla8es and bro;e u<? Car9o :andler Eu9ene Hasenfus Bu8<ed out t:e left
car9o door and o<ened :is <arac:ute? T:e ot:er t:ree cre= 8e8bers died in t:e cras:?
Mean=:ile1 eliE Rodri9ueA 8ade a sin9le tele<:one call--to t:e office of 6ice %resident
Geor9e !us:? He told !us: aide Sa8uel *atson t:at t:e C-1$'; aircraft =as 8issin9 and
=as <ossibl3 do=n?
October -1 12/-" Eu9ene Hasenfus1 ar8ed onl3 =it: a <istol1 too; refu9e in a s8all :ut on
a Bun9le :illto< inside Nicara9ua? He =as soon surrounded b3 Sandinista soldiers and 9a>e
:i8self u<?
eliE Rodri9ueA called Geor9e !us:7s aide Sa8 *atson a9ain? *atson no= notified t:e
*:ite House Situation Roo8 and t:e National Securit3 Council staff about t:e 8issin9
Oli>er Nort: =as i88ediatel3 dis<atc:ed to El Sal>ador to <re>ent <ublicit3 o>er t:e
e>ent1 and to arran9e deat: benefits for t:e cre=?
After t:e s:oot-do=n1 se>eral elaborate atte8<ts =ere 8ade b3 9o>ern8ent a9encies to
<ro>ide false eE<lanations for t:e ori9in of t:e aircraft?
A later <ress account1 a<<earin9 on Ma3 1+1 12/21 after !us: =as safel3 installed as
%resident1 eE<osed one suc: atte8<ted co>eru<"
Official" Contras Lied to %rotect 6% !us:
!3 Alfonso C:ard31 #ni9:t-Ridder Ne=s<a<ers
*ASHINGTON-- Nicara9uan rebels falsel3 assu8ed res<onsibilit3 for an ar8s-laden <lane
do=ned o>er Nicara9ua in 12/- in an effort to s:ield t:en-6ice %resident Geor9e !us: fro8 t:e
contro>ers3 t:at soon blosso8ed into t:e Iran-Contra scandal1 a senior Contra official said in earl3
Ma3 12/2? Accordin9 to t:e Contra official1 =:o re@uested anon38it3 but :as direct ;no=led9e
of t:e e>ents1 a Contra s<o;es8an1 !osco Mata8oros Gofficial ,N re<resentati>e in *as:in9ton1
,?C?H1 =as ordered b3 G,N %olitical ,irectorH Adolfo Calero to clai8 o=ners:i< of t:e do=ned
aircraft1 e>en t:ou9: t:e <lane belon9ed to Oli>er Nort:7s secret Contra su<<l3 net=or;???? Calero
called 0Mata8oros4 and said1 F Ta;e res<onsibilit3 for t:e Hasenfus <lane because =e need to
ta;e t:e :eat off t:e >ice <resident1 77 t:e Contra source said???? T:e senior Contra official said t:at
s:ortl3 after Calero tal;ed to Mata8oros1 Mata8oros called a re<orter for t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es
F lea;ed 77 t:e bo9us clai8 of res<onsibilit3? T:e Ti8es ran a stor3 about t:e clai8 on its front
October .1 12/-"
Re<? Henr3 !? GonAaleA 0,-TE?4 called for a con9ressional in>esti9ation of t:e Nicara9uan
air cras:1 and t:e cras: of a Sout:ern Air Trans<ort <lane in TeEas1 to see if t:e3 =ere <art
of a co>ert CIA o<eration to o>ert:ro= t:e Nicara9uan 9o>ern8ent?
October 21 12/-"
At a ne=s conference in Nicara9ua1 ca<tured U?S? cre= 8e8ber Eu9ene Hasenfus eE<osed
eliE Rodri9ueA1 alias F MaE Go8eA1 77 as t:e :ead of an international su<<l3 s3ste8 for t:e
Contras? T:e eE<losi>e1 <ublic <:ase of t:e Iran-Contra scandal :ad be9un?
October 111 12/-" T:e *as:in9ton %ost ran t=o :eadlines side-b3-side" F Ca<tured
A8erican l3er to be Tried in Nicara9ua 77 and F !us: is Lin;ed to Head of Contra Aid
Net=or;? 77 T:e %ost re<orted"
Go8eA :as said t:at :e 8et =it: !us: t=ice and :as been o<eratin9 in Nicara9ua =it: t:e 6ice
%resident7s ;no=led9e and a<<ro>al1 t:e sources said????
As;ed about t:ese 8atters1 a s<o;es8an for !us:1 Marlin itA=ater1 said" F Neit:er t:e >ice
<resident nor an3one on :is staff is directin9 or coordinatin9 an o<eration in Central A8erica? 77 ???
T:e San rancisco EEa8iner1 =:ic: earlier t:is =ee; lin;ed G!us: ad>iser ,onaldH Gre99 to
Go8eA1 re<orted t:at Go8eA 8aintains dail3 contact =it: !us:7s office????
GMHe8bers of Con9ress said 3esterda3 t:e3 =anted to in>esti9ate t:e ad8inistration7s conduct
furt:er? And ??? se>eral said t:at t:eir focus :ad s:ifted fro8 t:e CIA to t:e *:ite House????
GTH:e Sunda3 cras: =ill be a8on9 e>ents co>ered b3 a GSenateH orei9n Relations Co88ittee
<robe into alle9ations t:at t:e contras 8a3 :a>e been in>ol>ed in dru9-runnin9 and abuse of U?S?
aid funds1 GSenator Ric:ard G?H Lu9ar said????
T:e Custo8s Ser>ice said 3esterda3 it is in>esti9atin9 =:et:er t:e do=ned <lane 8a3 :a>e carried
9uns out of Mia8i1 =:ic: =ould >iolate federal restrictions on ar8s eE<orts and ot:er la=s1
includin9 t:e Neutralit3 Act1 =:ic: bars U?S? citiAens fro8 =or;in9 to o>ert:ro= 9o>ern8ents not
at =ar =it: t:e United States????
Hasenfus told re<orters in Nicara9ua t:e <lane :ad flo=n out of Mia8i?
Geor9e !us:7s career =as no= on t:e line? Ne=s 8edia t:rou9:out t:e =orld bro;e t:e
stor3 of t:e Hasenfus ca<ture1 and of t:e cre=8an7s fin9erin9 of !us: and :is underlin9s
Rodri9ueA and %osada Carriles? !us: =as no= besie9ed b3 in@uiries fro8 around t:e
=orld1 as to :o= and =:3 :e =as directin9 t:e 9un-runnin9 into Latin A8erica? S<ea;in9
in C:arleston1 Sout: Carolina1 Geor9e !us: described MaE Go8eAORodri9ueA as F a
<atriot? 77 T:e 6ice %resident denied t:at :e :i8self =as directin9 t:e ille9al o<erations to
su<<l3 t:e Contras" F To sa3 I78 runnin9 t:e o<eration ??? it7s absolutel3 untrue? 77 !us: said
of Rodri9ueA" F I ;no= =:at :e =as doin9 in El Sal>ador1 and I stron9l3 su<<ort it1 as does
t:e <resident of El Sal>ador1 Mr? Na<oleon ,uarte1 and as does t:e c:ief of t:e ar8ed
forces in El Sal>ador1 because t:is 8an1 an eE<ert in counterinsur9enc31 =as do=n t:ere
:el<in9 t:e8 <ut do=n a co88unist- led re>olution Gi?e? in El Sal>ador1 not Nicara9uaH? 77
T=o da3s later1 Gen? Adolfo !lando@aan1 ar8ed forces c:ief of staff in El Sal>ador1
denied !us:7s contention t:at eliE Rodri9ueA =or;ed for :is countr37s 8ilitar3 forces" F
T:is intri9ues 8e? It =ould :a>e to be aut:oriAed Gb3 ourH Boint c:iefs of staff GandH t:e
9o>ern8ent? 77 He said suc: aut:oriAation :ad not been 9i>en?
October 1$1 12/-"
Eu9ene Hasenfus1 t:e U?S? air8an do=ned in Nicara9ua1 9a>e and si9ned an affida>it in
=:ic: it =as stated" F About MaE Go8eA GeliE Rodri9ueAH1 Hasenfus sa3s t:at :e =as t:e
:ead Cuban coordinator for t:e co8<an3 and t:at :e =or;s for t:e CIA and t:at :e is a >er3
close friend of t:e 6ice-%resident of t:e United States1 Geor9e !us:???? MaE Go8eA1 after
recei>in9 :is orders =as t:e one =:o :ad to ??? Gsa3H =:ere t:e air dro<s =ould be ta;in9
About Ra8on Medina Gesca<ed air<lane bo8ber Luis %osada CarrilesH1 Hasenfus sa3s t:at
:e =as also a CIA a9ent and t:at :e did t:e Ps8all =or;7 because MaE Go8eA =as t:e
Psenior 8an?7 He sa3s t:at Ra8on too; care of t:e rent of t:e :ouses1 t:e 8aids1 t:e food1
trans<ortation and dri>ers1 and also1 coordination of t:e fuel for t:e aircraft1 etc? 77
Ge8<:asis in t:e ori9inalH? His co>er bein9 blo=n1 and ;no=in9 :e =as still =anted in
6eneAuela for blo=in9 u< an airliner and ;illin9 .' <ersons1 %osada Carriles no= F
>anis:ed 77 and =ent under9round?
October 121 12/-"
Eu9ene Hasenfus1 inter>ie=ed in Nicara9ua b3 Mi;e *allace on t:e C!S tele>ision
<ro9ra8 F -5 Minutes1 77 said t:at 6ice %resident !us: =as =ell a=are of t:e co>ert ar8s
su<<l3 o<eration? He felt t:e Rea9an-!us: ad8inistration =as F bac;in9 t:is 155 <ercent? 77
*allace as;ed Hasenfus =:3 :e t:ou9:t t:at Go8eAORodri9ueA and t:e ot:er 8ana9ers of
t:e co>ert ar8s resu<<l3 F :ad t:e blessin9 of 6ice %resident !us:? 77 Hasenfus re<lied1 F
T:e3 :ad :is ;no=led9e t:at :e =as =or;in9 Gon itH and =:at =as :a<<enin91 and =:oe>er
controlled t:is =:ole or9aniAation--=:ic: I do not ;no=--Mr? Go8eA1 Mr? !us:1 I belie>e a
lot of t:ese ot:er <eo<le? T:e3 ;no= :o= t:is is bein9 run? I do not? 77
Iran-Contra C:aracters all In and Out
No>e8ber '1 12/-"
T:e Lebanese ne=s<a<er Al-S:iraa re>ealed t:at t:e U?S? 9o>ern8ent =as secretl3 dealin9
ar8s to t:e #:o8eini re9i8e? T:is =as t:ree =ee;s after t:e Eu9ene Hasenfus eE<ose@aa
of Geor9e !us: 8ade =orld :eadlines? (et t:e !us: ad8inistration and its retainers :a>e
since decided t:at t:e Iran-Contra affair F be9an 77 =it: t:e Al-S:iraa stor3K
No>e8ber $$1 12/-"
%resident Rea9an sent a 8essa9e1 t:rou9: 6ice %resident Geor9e !us:1 to Secretar3 of
State Geor9e S:ultA1 alon9 t:e lines of F Su<<ort 8e or 9et off 83 tea8? 77
,ece8ber 1/1 12/-"
CIA ,irector *illia8 Case31 a close all3 of Geor9e !us: =:o ;ne= e>er3t:in9 fro8 t:e
inside1 =as o<erated on for a F brain tu8or 77 and lost t:e <o=er of s<eec:? T:at sa8e da31
associates of 6ice %resident Geor9e !us: said t:at !us: belie>ed *:ite House C:ief of
Staff ,onald Re9an s:ould resi9n1 but clai8 !us: :ad not 3et broac:ed t:e issue =it: t:e
%resident? ,onald Re9an said t:at :e :ad no intention of @uittin9?
ebruar3 $1 12/."
CIA ,irector *illia8 Case3 resi9ned? He soon died1 literall3 =it:out e>er tal;in9?
ebruar3 21 12/."
or8er National Securit3 ,irector Robert Mcarlane1 a <rinci<al fi9ure in t:e Rea9an-
!us: ad8inistration7s co>ert o<erations1 atte8<ted suicide b3 ta;in9 an o>erdose of dru9s?
Mcarlane sur>i>ed?
ebruar3 $-1 12/. 0T:ursda34"
T:e %resident7s S<ecial Re>ie= !oard1 co88onl3 ;no=n as t:e To=er Co88ission1 issued
its re<ort? T:e co88ission :ea>il3 bla8ed *:ite House C:ief of Staff ,onald Re9an for
t:e F c:aos t:at descended u<on t:e *:ite House 77 in t:e Iran-Contra affair? T:e
Co88ission :ardl3 8entioned 6ice %resident Geor9e !us: eEce<t to <raise :i8 for :is F
>i9orous reaffir8ation of U?S? o<<osition to terroris8 in all for8s 77K T:e afternoon t:e
To=er Co88ission re<ort ca8e out1 Geor9e !us: su88oned ,onald Re9an to :is office?
!us: said t:e %resident =anted to ;no= =:at :is <lans =ere about resi9nin9? ,onald
Re9an blasted t:e %resident" F *:at7s t:e 8atter--isn7t :e 8an enou9: to as; 8e t:at
@uestionD 77 !us: eE<ressed s38<at:3? ,onald Re9an said :e =ould lea>e in four da3s?
ebruar3 $.1 12/. 0rida34"
Cable Ne=s Net=or; tele>ised a lea;ed re<ort t:at ,onald Re9an :ad alread3 been
re<laced as *:ite House c:ief of staff? After sub8ittin9 a one-sentence letter of
resi9nation1 ,onald Re9an said1 F T:ere7s been a deliberate lea;1 and it7s been done to
:u8iliate 8e? 77 Geor9e !us:1 =:en %resident1 re=arded t:e co88ission7s c:air8an1 TeEas
Senator &o:n To=er1 b3 a<<ointin9 :i8 U?S? Secretar3 of ,efense? To=er =as as;ed b3 a
re<orter at t:e National %ress Club1 =:et:er :is no8ination =as a F <a3off 77 for t:e F clean
bill of :ealt: 77 :e 9a>e !us:? To=er res<onded t:at F t:e co88ission =as 8ade u< of t:ree
<eo<le1 !rent Sco=croft and GSenatorH Ed Mus;ie in addition to 83self1 t:at =ould be sort
of i8<u9nin9 t:e inte9rit3 of !rent Sco=croft and Ed Mus;ie???? *e found not:in9 to
i8<licate t:e 6ice %resident???? I =onder =:at ;ind of <a3off t:e37re 9oin9 to 9etD 77
%resident !us: a<<ointed !rent Sco=croft :is c:ief national securit3 ad>iser? !ut t:e
Senate refused to confir8 To=er? To=er t:en =rote a boo; and be9an to tal; about t:e
inBustice done to :i8? He died A<ril +1 1221 in a <lane cras:?
Marc: /1 12/."
In li9:t of t:e Iran-Contra scandal1 %resident Rea9an called on Geor9e !us: to recon>ene
:is Terroris8 Tas; orce to e>aluate t:e current <ro9ra8K
&une $1 12/."
!us: su88ariAed :is findin9s in a <ress release" F GOHur current <olic3 as articulated in t:e
Tas; orce re<ort is sound1 effecti>e1 and full3 in accord =it: our de8ocratic <rinci<les1
and national ideals of freedo8? 77 No>e8ber 1'1 12/."
T:e desi9nated con9ressional co88ittees filed t:eir Boint re<ort on t:e Iran-Contra affair?
*3o8in9 Re<resentati>e Ric:ard C:ene31 t:e senior Re<ublican 8e8ber of t:e House
Select Co88ittee to In>esti9ate Co>ert Ar8s Transactions =it: Iran1 :el<ed steer t:e Boint
co88ittees to an i8<otent result? Geor9e !us: =as totall3 eEonerated1 and =as :ardl3
Geor9e !us:1 =:en %resident1 re=arded ,ic; C:ene3 b3 a<<ointin9 :i8 U?S? Secretar3 of
,efense1 after t:e Senate refused to confir8 &o:n To=er?
T:e Mortification of t:e U?S? Con9ress
&anuar3 $51 12/2"
Geor9e !us: =as inau9urated %resident of t:e United States?
Ma3 1$1 12/2"
%resident !us:7s no8ination of ,onald Gre99 to be U?S? a8bassador to #orea =as
considered in :earin9s b3 t:e Senate orei9n Relations Co88ittee?
Gre99 =as no= fa8ous in *as:in9ton as !us:7s da3-to-da3 controller of t:e cri8inal 9un-
runnin9 into Central A8erica? !efore t:e Gre99 :earin9s be9an1 bot: Re<ublican and
,e8ocratic Senators on t:e co88ittee tried to 9et %resident !us: to =it:dra= t:e Gre99
no8ination? T:is =as to sa>e t:e8 t:e e8barrass8ent of confir8in9 Gre991 ;no=in9 t:e3
=ere too inti8idated to sto< :i8?
*:at follo=s are eEcer<ts fro8 t:e t3<ed transcri<t of t:e Gre99 :earin9s? T:e transcri<t
:as ne>er been re<roduced1 it :as not been <rinted1 and it =ill not be <ublis:ed b3 t:e
Senate orei9n Relations Co88ittee1 =:ic: is e>identl3 e8barrassed b3 its contents?
Gre99" GAsH :is national securit3 ad>iser GforH siE and a :alf 3ears ??? I =or;ed closel3 =it: t:e
6ice %resident ;ee<in9 :i8 infor8ed as best I could on 8atters of forei9n <olic31 defense1 and
intelli9ence???? Tra>ellin9 =it: t:e 6ice %resident as I did ??? GinH a 9reat >ariet3 of 8issions to
8ore t:an -+ countries???? GAfter 6ietna8H I did not see GeliE Rodri9ueAH until t:e earl3 ei9:ties
=:ere :e =ould dro< into *as:in9ton s<oradicall3 ??? =e re8ained friends???? So1 so8e of t:ose
contacts =ould :a>e been G12.2-12/$H =:en I =as at t:e *:ite House at t:e NSC?
Sen? Sarbanes" And eliE =ould co8e to see 3ou t:ereD
Gre99" No1 at 83 :o8e???? GT:enH :e brou9:t 8e in 7/' t:e <lan =:ic: I :a>e alread3 discussed
=it: Senator Cranston???? GAt t:at <ointH I =as =or;in9 for t:e 6ice %resident ??? G=:ic: I be9an inH
Au9ust 12/$?
Sen? Sarbanes" In ,ece8ber of 12/) :e ca8e to see 3ou =it: t:e idea of 9oin9 to El Sal>ador?
(ou ??? cleared it =it: t:e 6ice %residentD
Gre99" ??? I Bust said1 F M3 friend eliE1 =:o =as a re8ar;able for8er a9enc3 e8<lo3ee ??? =ants
to 9o do=n and :el< =it: El Sal>ador? And I a8 9oin9 to introduce :i8 to GState ,e<art8ent
<ersonnelH and see if :e can sell :i8self to t:ose 8en1 77 and t:e 6ice %resident said fine?
Gre99" eliE =ent do=n t:ere about t:e first of Marc: G12/+H? !efore :e =ent ??? I introduced :i8
to t:e 6ice %resident ??? and t:e 6ice %resident =as struc; b3 :is c:aracter and =is:ed :i8 =ell in
El Sal>ador?
Sen? Sarbanes" So before :e =ent do=n1 3ou undertoo; to introduce :i8 to t:e 6ice %resident????
*:3 did 3ou do t:atD
Gre99" *ell1 t:e 6ice %resident :ad al=a3s s<o;en >er3 :i9:l3 and ent:usiasticall3 of :is career
GKH1 or :is one-3ear as ,CI G,irector of Central Intelli9enceH? I :ad 9one out =it: :i8 to t:e
a9enc3 Bust after I Boined :i8 in 7/$ and I sa= t:e tre8endous res<onse :e 9ot t:ere and :e 9ot
@uite c:o;ed u< about it and as =e dro>e bac; in t:e car :e said1 3ou ;no=1 t:at is t:e best Bob I
:a>e e>er :ad before I beca8e 6ice %resident? So :ere it =as1 as I said <robabl3 t:e 8ost
eEtraordinar3 CIA co8rade I :ad ;no=n1 =:o =as 9oin9 do=n to :el< in a countr3 t:at I ;ne=
t:at t:e 6ice %resident =as interested in???? T:e 6ice %resident =as interested in t:e <ro9ress of t:e
Contras? T:ere =ere t=o occasions on =:ic: :e as;ed 8e1 :o= are t:e3 doin9 and I1 on one
occasion =ent to a CIA officer =:o =as ;no=led9eable and 9ot a run-do=n on :o= t:e3 =ere
doin9 fro8 t:at and sent it to t:e 6ice %resident and :e sent it bac; =it: no co88ent? On anot:er
occasion1 :e as;ed 8e a9ain1 :o= are t:e3 doin91 and I =ent--I dre= a 8e8o u<1 I t:in; on t:e
basis of a con>ersation =it: Nort:? A9ain1 :e returned t:at =it: no co88ent? So :e =as interested
in t:e Contras as an instru8ent of <uttin9 <ressure on t:e Sandinistas? !ut =:at I said =e :ad
ne>er discussed =as t:e intricacies1 or =:o =as su<<l3in9 =:at to =:o8????
Sen? Si8on" Let 8e read anot:er section fro8 Senator Cranston7s state8ent? I belie>e t:e record
su99ests t:e follo=in9 :a<<ened" After !oland II =as si9ned in October 12/) Goutla=in9 all U?S?
aid to t:e ContrasH1 3ou and certain ot:ers in t:e *:ite House =ere encoura9ed to secure 8ilitar3
aid for t:e Contras t:rou9: unort:odoE c:annels? (our career trainin9 in establis:in9 secrec3 and
deniabilit3 for co>ert o<erations1 3our decades-old friends:i< for eliE Rodri9ueA1 a<<arentl3 led
3ou to belie>e 3ou could ser>e t:e national interest b3 s<onsorin9 a freelance co>ert o<eration out
of t:e 6ice %resident7s office? *:at is 3our res<onse to t:at state8entD
Gre99" *ell1 I t:in; it is a rat:er full-blo=n cons<irac3 t:eor3? T:at =as not =:at I =as doin9???? I
=as in>ol>ed in :el<in9 t:e 6ice %resident7s tas; force on antiterrorist 8easures =rite t:eir re<ort?
!ut nor8all3 I :ad no o<erational res<onsibilities????
Sen? Si8on" *:en did 3ou first find out t:e la= =as bein9 >iolatedD
Gre99" !3 t:e la=1 do 3ou 8ean t:e !oland a8end8entD
Sen? Si8on" T:at is correct?
Gre99" I 9uess 83 ;no=led9e of t:at sort of ca8e at 8e <iece8eal after Hasenfus :ad been s:ot
do=n GOct? +1 12/-H and t:ere =ere >arious re>elations t:at ca8e out????
Sen? Si8on" So =:at 3ou are tellin9 us1 3ou found out about t:e la= bein9 >iolated t:e sa8e ti8e
t:e rest of us found out t:e la= =as bein9 >iolatedD
Gre99" (es1 sir????
Sen? Cranston" ro8 ebruar3 12/+ to Au9ust 12/-1 3ou :a>e ac;no=led9ed t:at 3ou s<o;e to
Rodri9ueA 8an31 8an3 ti8es on t:e tele<:one? Let 8e @uote fro8 3our s=orn de<osition to t:e
Iran- Contra Co88ittee" F eliE called 8e @uite often and fre@uentl3 it =as =:at I =ould call sort
of co8bat cat:arsis? He used to do t:e sa8e t:in9 in 6ietna8? He =ould co8e bac; fro8 an
o<eration in =:ic: so8e <eo<le :ad been lost and :e =ould tell 8e about it? 77 No=1 is it still 3our
testi8on3 t:at Rodri9ueA ne>er 8entioned :is dee< in>ol>e8ent in Contra su<<l3 acti>ities durin9
an3 of t:ese <:one con>ersationsD
Gre99" T:at is 83 testi8on3?
Sen? Cranston" Is it still 3our testi8on3 t:at <rior to Au9? /t:1 12/-1 Rodri9ueA ne>er 8entioned
t:e status of :is Contra resu<<l3 efforts durin9 :is nu8erous face-to-face 8eetin9s =it: 3ou in
Gre99" Ne>er?
Sen? Cranston" Is it still 3our testi8on3 t:at Rodri9ueA did not 8ention t:e status of :is Contra
resu<<l3 efforts in t:e >er3 8eetin9s t:at =ere con>ened accordin9 to t=o 8e8os bearin9 3our
na8e1 for Rodri9ueA to F brief t:e 6ice %resident on t:e status of t:e =ar in El Sal>ador and
efforts to resu<<l3 t:e Contras 77D
Gre99" T:ere =as no intention to discuss resu<<l3 of t:e Contras and e>er3one at t:at 8eetin91
includin9 for8er Senator Nic; !rad3 :a>e testified t:at it =as not discussed?
Sen? Cranston" As 3ou ;no=1 it is difficult to reconcile t:ose state8ents about =:at :a<<ened in
t:e 8eetin9 =it: t:e state8ent and 8e8os fro8 3ou t:at t:e a9enda =as ??? t=o t:in9s1 one of
t:e8 bein9 efforts to resu<<l3 t:e Contras????
Gre99" T:ose 8e8os first surfaced to 83 attention in ,ece8ber of 12/-1 =:en =e undertoo; our
first docu8ent searc: of t:e 6ice %resident7s office? T:e3 :it 8e rat:er :ard because b3 t:at ti8e I
:ad <ut t:e <ieces to9et:er of =:at :ad been 9oin9 on and I realiAed t:e i8<lications of t:at
a9enda ite8? I did not s:red t:e docu8ents? I did not :ide it???? GTH:is is t:e =orst t:in9 I :a>e
found and :ere it is1 and I cannot reall3 eE<lain it???? I :a>e a s<eculati>e eE<lanation =:ic: I
=ould li;e to <ut for=ard if 3ou =ould be interested?
Sen? Cranston" ine?
Gre99" A9ain1 turnin9 to eliE GRodri9ueAH7s boo; ??? eliE 8a;es t:e follo=in9 @uote???? G!3 t:e
=a3 t:e boo;H is 9oin9 to be <ublis:ed in October of t:is 3ear? T:e teEt :as been cleared b3 CIA
and it is no= =it: t:e <ublis:ers? I =as 9i>en an ad>ance co<3???? T:is is t:e @uote1 sir" F ??? I :ad
no @ual8s about callin9 GSa8 *atsonH or ,on GGre99H =:en I t:ou9:t t:e3 could :el< run
interference =it: t:e %enta9on to s<eed u< deli>eries of s<are c:o<<er <arts? 77 T:at 8eans
:elico<ters? F I 8ust :a>e 8ade 8an3 suc: calls durin9 t:e s<rin9 of 12/-? *it:out o<eratin9
Hu9:es +55 :elico<ters it =as i8<ossible to carr3 out 83 strate93 a9ainst t:e GEl Sal>adoranH
insur9ents???? 77 GT:ere areH t:en docu8ented ste<s t:at Colonel *atson :ad ta;en =it: t:e
%enta9on to tr3 to 9et s<are <arts eE<edited for El Sal>ador???? So 83 construction is t:is1 sir? I
recall t:at in t:e 8eetin9 =it: t:e 6ice %resident t:e @uestion of s<are <arts for t:e :elico<ters in
El Sal>ador =as discussed and so t:at I t:in; =:at t:e a9enda ite8 on t:e t=o 8e8os is1 is a
9arbled reference to so8et:in9 li;e resu<<l3 of t:e co<ters1 instead of resu<<l3 of t:e Contras
Ge8<:asis addedH? GAt t:is <oint t:ere =as lau9:ter and =:istlin9 in t:e :earin9 roo8?
After=ards1 Gre99 told re<orters1 F I don7t ;no= :o= it =ent o>er1 but it =as t:e best I could do?
Sen? Sarbanes" Ho= did t:e sc:edulin9 <ro<osal of A<ril 1-1 12/- and t:e briefin9 8e8orandu8
of A<ril '5t: ta;e <laceD
Gre99" T:e3 =ere <re<ared b3 83 assistant1 Mrs? !3rne1 actin9 on ad>ice fro8 Colonel *atson?
S:e si9ned 83 initials1 but t:ose are not 83 initials? I did not see t:e docu8ents until ,ece8ber
12/-1 =:en I called t:e8 to t:e attention of t:e House Intelli9ence Co88ittee???? And if1 3ou
;no=1 if 3ou do not--if 83 s<eculation does not :old u<1 I :a>e to refer 3ou to a 8e8orandu8 t:at
I turned o>er to t:e Iran-Contra Co88ittee on t:e 1)t: of Ma3 12/.1 =:ic:--
Sen? Sarbanes" I a8 loo;in9 at t:at 8e8orandu8 no=?
Gre99" O;a3? T:at :as been 83 eE<lanation u< until no=?
Sen? Sarbanes" !ut 3ou are no= <ro>idin9 a different eE<lanationD
Gre99" It is t:e onl3 one--I :a>e been t:in;in9 about t:ese docu8ents for o>er t=o 3ears1 and it is
t:e onl3 t:in9 t:at I can co8e u< =it: t:at =ould co8e close to eE<lainin9 t:at a9enda ite8--
9i>en t:e fact t:at t:ere =as no intention of discussin9 resu<<l3 to t:e Contras? T:at resu<<l3 of
t:e Contras =as not discussed1 accordin9 to t:e testi8on3 of e>er3one =:o =as in t:e 8eetin9????77
Sen? #err3" ,ou9las MinarcAi; is =:oD
Gre99" He =as one of 83 assistants in 83 office res<onsible for Mid-East and African affairs????
Sen? #err3" And :e =as =or;in9 for 3ou in 12/+ and 12/-1 t:at <eriodD
Gre99" (es?
Sen? #err3" No=1 =:en I be9an first in>esti9atin9 alle9ations of t:e 9un-runnin9 t:at =as ta;in9
<lace out of Mia8i1 one of t:e >er3 first references t:at 83 staff1 fran;l31 fre@uentl3 :eard1 and I
t:in; 3ou and I :a>e tal;ed about t:is1 t:at Mia8i =as buAAin9 =it: t:e notion t:at t:e 6ice
%resident7s office =as so8e:o= in>ol>ed in 8onitorin9 t:at1 at least Ge8<:asis addedH? No=1
&esus Garcia =as a Mia8i corrections official =:o 9ot into trouble and =ound u< 9oin9 to Bail on
=ea<ons offenses? T:rou9: t:at connection1 =e ca8e across tele<:one records? And t:ose
tele<:one records de8onstrate calls fro8 Garcia7s :ouse to Contra ca8<s in Honduras1 to &o:n
Hull in Costa Rica1 and ,ou9las MinarcAi; in1 not necessaril3 in 3our office1 but directl3 to t:e
*:ite House? Ho=e>er1 t:ere is incontro>ertible e>idence t:at :e :ad in :is <ossession t:e na8e
of Mr? MinarcAi;1 a <iece of <a<er in our <ossession1 in Garcia7s :o8e in connection =it:
8onitorin9 t:ose <ara8ilitar3 o<erations1 in Au9ust of 12/+? No=1 :o= do 3ou account for t:e
fact t:at MinarcAi;7s--t:at t:e <eo<le in>ol>ed =it: t:e Contra su<<l3 o<erations out of Mia8i ???
:ad MinarcAi;7s na8e and tele<:one nu8ber1 and t:at t:ere is a record of calls to t:e *:ite House
at t:at ti8eD
Gre99" I cannot account for it? Could it :a>e an3t:in9 to do =it: our old friend Mr? !renic;e
GsicHD !ecause !renic;e did :a>e MinarcAi;7s <:one nu8ber????
Sen? #err3" ??? No? Totall3 se<arate?
Gre99" T:is is all ne=? I do not :a>e an eE<lanation1 sir????
Sen? #err3" ,o 3ou recall t:e do=nin9 of a Cuban airliner in G12.-H in =:ic: .$ <eo<le lost t:eir
li>es as a resultC do 3ou re8e8ber t:atD
Gre99" (es?
Sen? #err3" A terrorist bo8b? And a Cuban-A8erican na8ed Luis %osada GCarrilesH =as arrested
in 6eneAuela in connection =it: t:at? He t:en esca<ed in 12/+ =it: assistance fro8 eliE
Rodri9ueA-- I do not ;no= if t:is is 9oin9 to be in t:e GRodri9ueAH boo; or not???
-Gre99" It is?
Sen? #err3" O;a31 and :e brou9:t :i8 to Central A8erica to :el< t:e Contras under <seudon38 of
Ra8on Medina1 correctD Gre99" No=1 I ;no= t:atC 3es?
Sen? #err3" ??? GIsH it a<<ro<riate for a eliE Rodri9ueA to :el< a 8an indicted in a terrorist
bo8bin9 to esca<e fro8 <rison1 and t:en a<<ro<riate for :i8 to ta;e :i8 to beco8e in>ol>ed in
su<<l3 o<erations1 =:ic: =e are su<<ortin9D
Gre99" I cannot Bustif3 t:at1 sir? And I a8 not certain =:at role eliE <la3ed in 9ettin9 :i8 out???? I
t:ou9:t t:at Orlando !oc:e GsicH1 or so8eone of t:at nature1 :ad been res<onsible for t:at?
Sen? #err3" *:en did 3ou first learn t:at Gi?e? about %osada7s :irin9 for Contra resu<<l3H1 ,onD
Gre99" *:en I learned =:o t:e >arious aliases =ere1 =:ic: =as so8e ti8e in
No>e8berO,ece8ber G12/-H1 after t:e =:ole t:in9 ca8e out?
Sen? Cranston" !efore <roceedin9 in t:is 8atter1 I =ould li;e to state clearl3 for t:e record =:at
t:e central <ur<ose of t:is in>esti9ation is about and in 83 >ie= =:at it is not about? It is not about
=:o is for or a9ainst t:e Contras???? Si8ilarl31 t:is in>esti9ation is not about buildin9 u< or tearin9
do=n our ne= %resident G!us:H? *e :a>e tried t:rou9:out t:is <roceedin9 to a>oid <artisan
attac;s? Indeed1 Re<ublicans and ,e8ocrats ali;e :a>e sou9:t Mr? Gre997s =it:dra=al as one =a3
to a>oid castin9 as<ersions on t:e G!us:H *:ite House???? Ge8<:asis addedH?
Mr? Gre99 re8ains steadfast in :is lo3alt3 to :is boss1 t:en-6ice %resident !us:1 and to :is lon9-
ti8e friend1 eliE Rodri9ueA? Mr? Gre99 :as ser>ed :is countr3 in t:e forei9n <olic3 field for 8ore
t:an t:ree decades? !3 all accounts :e is a lo3al A8erican???? As Mr? Gre99 :i8self conceded last
8ont:1 t:ere are substantial reasons for senators to sus<ect :is >ersion of e>ents and to raise
@uestions about :is Bud9e8ent? It does not ta;e a sus<icious or <artisan 8ind to loo; at t:e
docu8entar3 e>idence1 t:e bac; c:annel cables1 t:e F e3es onl3 77 8e8os1 and t:en to conclude
t:at Mr? Gre99 :as not been strai9:t =it: us? Indeed1 I a8 infor8ed t:at 8ore t:an one
Re<ublican senator =:o :as loo;ed at t:e accu8ulated =ei9:t of t:e e>idence a9ainst Mr? Gre991
:as re8ained uncon>inced and :as sou9:t Mr? Gre997s =it:dra=al?
Mr? Gre991 t:is co88ittee :as a funda8ental dile88a? If =e are to <ro8ote a 8an =e belie>e to
:a>e 8isled us under oat:1 =e =ould 8a;e a 8oc;er3 of t:is institution? *e =ould in>ite
conte8<t for our en@uiries? *e =ould encoura9e frustration of our constitutional obli9ations? ???
GItH :as been establis:ed t:at =:en 3ou are confronted =it: =ritten e>idence under8inin9 3our
stor31 3ou <oint t:e fin9er of bla8e else=:ere? At our last :earin9 3ou said Gor8an7s cables =ere
=ron91 Nort:7s noteboo;s =ere =ron91 Steele7s 8e8or3 =as =ron91 Nort:7s s=orn testi8on3
Gt:at Gre99 introduced Rodri9ueA to :i8H =as =ron91 3ou concocted a t:eor3 t:at 3our aide1
*atson1 and 3our secretar3 erred b3 =ritin9 F Contras 77 instead of F :elico<ters 77 on t:ose
infa8ous briefin9 8e8os for t:e 6ice %resident? In su81 3ou :a>e told a tale of an elaborate <lan
in =:ic: 3our <rofessional collea9ues and lon9-ti8e friends cons<ired to ;ee< 3ou i9norant of
crucial facts t:rou9: da3s of 8eetin9s1 8ont:l3 <:one calls and nearl3 t=o 3ears7 =ort: of cables
and 8e8os?
Incredibl31 =:en senators confront 3ou =it: t:e docu8entar3 e>idence =:ic: under8ines
3our stor31 3ou accuse us of concoctin9 cons<irac3 t:eories and 3ou do so =it: a strai9:t
face? ??? I t:in; it is clear b3 no= t:at 8an3 i8<ortant @uestions 8a3 ne>er be ans=ered
es<eciall3 because =e :a>e been stone=alled b3 t:e ad8inistration? T:e National Securit3 A9enc3
:as reBected our le9iti8ate en@uiries out of :and? T:e Central Intelli9ence A9enc3 <ro>ided a
res<onse =it: access restrictions so se>ere ??? as to be lau9:able? T:e ,e<art8ent of ,efense :as
9i>en an unsatisfactor3 res<onse t=o da3s late? T:e State ,e<art8ent7s res<onse =as utterl3
unres<onsi>e? T:e3 ans=ered our letter after t:eir self-i8<osed deadline and failed to <roduce
s<ecific docu8ents =e re@uested and =:ic: =e ;no= eEist? T:is Co88ittee :as been stone=alled
b3 Oli>er Nort:1 too? He :as not co8<lied =it: t:e Co88ittee sub<oena for :is unredacted
noteboo;s? T:e redacted noteboo;s contain re<eated &anuar3 12/+ references to eliE Rodri9ueA
=:ic: su99ests Nort:7s in>ol>e8ent in Rodri9ueA7 briefin9s of t:e 6ice %resident? No 8e8ber of
t:e Senate can esca<e t:e conclusion t:at t:ese ad8inistration actions are conte8<tuous of t:is
Co88ittee? I find t:is :i9:l3 re9rettable1 =it: <otential lon9-ter8 ra8ifications1 but I reco9niAe t:e
=ill of t:e 8aBorit3 to co8e to a co88ittee >ote soon1 u< or do=n1 and to 8o>e on to ot:er
<ressin9 business Ge8<:asis addedH????
Sen? McConnell" ??? ,urin9 t:e <eriod of t:e !oland A8end8ent1 =ere 3ou e>er as;ed to infor8
t:e 6ice %resident7s office or lend :is na8e to <ri>ate1 non<rofit efforts to su<<ort t:e ContrasD
Gre99" (es? I recall one instance1 in <articular1 =:ere t:ere =as a re@uest--I 9uess it =as <robabl3
fro8 one as<ect of t:e S<itA C:annell or9aniAation1 =:ic: :ad a >ariet3 of t:in9s 9oin9 on in and
around Nicara9ua? *e 9ot1 on ,ece8ber $nd1 12/+1 a letter to t:e 6ice %resident1 as;in9 :i8 to
9et in>ol>ed in so8et:in9 called t:e riends of t:e A8ericas1 =:ic: =as aid to t:e Mes;ito
Indians ??? in Nicara9ua t:at :ad been badl3 8istreated b3 t:e Sandinistas???? And so I :a>e a
docu8ent :ere =:ic: s:o=s :o= =e dealt =it: it? I sent it to !o3den Gra31 t:e counsel of t:e
6ice %resident and said1 F !o3den1 t:is loo;s o;a3 as a c:arit3 issue1 but t:ere is t:e @uestion of
<recedent? %lease 9i>e 8e a le9al o<inion? T:an;s? 77 ??? !o3den Gra3 =rote bac; to 8e and said1 F
No1 s:ould not do? Raises @uestions about indirect circu8>ention of con9ressional fundin9 li8its
or restriction1 >is-a- >is Nicara9ua? 77 T:at is t:e onl3 ti8e I recall t:at =e :ad a s<ecific re@uest
li;e t:at1 and t:is is :o= =e dealt =it: it? GIn fact1 Geor9e !us: :ad a 8uc: 8ore interestin9
relations:i< to t:e affairs of Carl R? F S<itA 77 C:annell t:an Mr? Gre99 discusses :ere? C:annell
=or;ed =it: !us:7s co>ert action a<<aratus1 8o>in9 :is =ealt:3 contacts to=ard =:at :e ter8ed
F t:e total e8brace of t:e 6ice %resident? 77H
Sen? %ell GC:air8an of t:e Co88itteeH" ??? irst1 3ou sa3 t:at 3ou offered to resi9n t=ice1 I t:in;?
#no=in9 t:at 3ou are a >er3 lo3al ser>ant of =:at 3ou >ie= as t:e national interest1 and ;no=in9
t:e e8barrass8ent t:at t:is no8ination :as caused t:e ad8inistration1 I =as =onderin9 =:3 3ou
did not as; 3our na8e to be =it:dra=n ??? to <ull 3our na8e bac;???? G=H:ic: :as been
reco88ended b3 8an3 of us as bein9 a =a3 to resol>e t:is <roble8?
Gre99" *ell1 I :a>en7t because I t:in; I78 full3 @ualified to be A8bassador to Sout: #orea? And
so does t:e 6ice %resident GsicH? So I a8 :ere because :e :as as;ed 8e to ser>e????
Sen? Cranston" ??? Senators =ill recall t:at on Oct? +t: of 7/- a <lane bearin9 8ilitar3 su<<lies to
t:e Contras =as s:ot do=n o>er Nicara9ua? T:e sole sur>i>or1 Eu9ene Hasenfus1 s<o;e <ublicl3 of
t:e role of eliE Rodri9ueA1 alias MaE Go8eA1 in aidin9 8ilitar3 resu<<l3 and noted Go8eA7s ties
to t:e 6ice %resident7s office? Could 3ou <lease describe 3our understandin9 of =:3 it =as t:at t:e
first call to official *as:in9ton re9ardin9 t:e s:ootdo=n =as fro8 eliE Rodri9ueA to 3our aidGeH
in *as:in9tonD
Gre99" ??? GItH =as because on t:e $+t: of &une of t:at 3ear :e :ad co8e to *as:in9ton to confront
Nort: about =:at :e re9arded as corru<tion in t:e su<<l3 <rocess of t:e Contras???? GHHe bro;e
=it: Nort: on t:e $+t: of &une and :as not been on s<ea;in9 ter8s =it: t:e 8an since t:en???? GHHe
tried to 9et 8e--:e could not--:e reac:ed Colonel *atson????
Sen? Cranston" As 3ou recall1 t:e 6ice %resident =as besie9ed at t:at ti8e =it: in@uiries
re9ardin9 Rodri9ueA7s ties to t:e 6ice %resident7s office? *:at did 3ou tell G!us: <ress
s<o;es8anH Marlin itA=ater re9ardin9 t:at relations:i<D
Gre99" ??? T:e t:rust of t:e <ress in@uiries =as al=a3s t:at fro8 t:e outset I :ad :ad in 8ind t:at
Rodri9ueA s:ould <la3 so8e role in t:e Contra su<<ort o<eration1 and 83 co88ents to Marlin ???
=ere t:at t:at :ad not been in 83 8ind????
Sen? Cranston" Let 8e @uote a9ain fro8 t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es1 Geor9e !us: @uoted October 1'1
7/-? !us: said1 F To t:e best of 83 ;no=led9e1 t:is 8an1 eliE Rodri9ueA1 is not =or;in9 for t:e
United States 9o>ern8ent? 77 No= Mr? Gre991 3ou ;ne= t:at Rodri9ueA =as aidin9 t:e Contras and
recei>in9 8aterial assistance in t:e for8 of cars1 :ousin91 co88unications e@ui<8ent and
trans<ortation fro8 t:e U?S? 9o>ern8ent? ,id 3ou infor8 !us: of t:ose facts so t:at :e could
8a;e calculated 8isleadin9 state8ents in i9norance of :is staff7s acti>itiesD
Gre99" ??? At t:at <oint I :ad no idea t:at eliE--3ou said--3ou 8entioned co88unications
e@ui<8ent? I :ad no idea :e :ad been 9i>en b3 Nort: one of t:ose encr3<tion de>ices? I t:in; I
=as a=are t:at Colonel Steele :ad 9i>en :i8 access to a car1 and I ;ne= :e =as li>in9 in a !OL at
t:e air base? He =as not bein9 <aid an3 salar3? His 8ain source of inco8e =as1 as it is no=1 :is
retire8ent <ension fro8 CIA?
Sen? Cranston" ??? (ou told t:e Iran-Contra co88ittee t:at 3ou and !us: ne>er discussed t:e
Contras1 :ad no eE<ertise on t:e issue1 no res<onsibilit3 for it1 and t:e details of *ater9ate-siAed
scandal in>ol>in9 NSC staff and t:e GEd=inH *ilson 9an9 =as not 6ice %residential? (our
testi8on3 on t:at <oint I t:in; is de8onstrabl3 false? T:ere are at least siE 8e8os fro8 ,on
Gre99 to Geor9e !us: re9ardin9 detailed Contra issues????
Sen Cranston" A8 I correct in t:is1 t:at 3ou :a>e confir8ed ??? t:at senior U?S? 8ilitar31
di<lo8atic ??? and intelli9ence <ersonnel1 reall3 loo;ed =it: 9reat doubt u<on Rodri9ueA7s 8ission
and t:at t:e3 tolerated it onl3 because Rodri9ueA used :is contacts =it: t:e 6ice %resident and :is
staff as <art of t:e =a3 to bolster :is 8ission?
Gre99" ??? I =as not a=are of t:e di<lo8aticC I =as a=are of t:e 8ilitar3 and intelli9ence1 3es1 sir?
T:e co88ittee >oted in fa>or of confir8ation? Cranston >oted no? !ut t:ree ,e8ocrats--
C:arles Robb1 Terr3 Sanford and C:air8an Claiborne %ell--Boined t:e Re<ublicans?
Sanford confir8ed Cranston7s >ie=<oint1 sa3in9 t:at :e =as allo=in9 t:e no8ination to 9o
t:rou9: because :e =as afraid F t:e <at: =ould lead to !us:1 77 t:e ne= %resident? Sanford
said1 s:a8efacedl31 F If Gre99 =as l3in91 :e =as l3in9 to <rotect t:e %resident1 =:ic: is
different fro8 l3in9 to <rotect :i8self? 77GE8<:asis addedH
In Geor9e !us:7s 9o>ern8ent1 t:e one-<art3 state1 t:e ;ni>es soon ca8e out1 and t:e
<riAes a<<eared? T:e Senate Et:ics Co88ittee1 includin9 t:e s:a8efaced Terr3 Sanford1
be9an in No>e8ber 12/21 its attac; on t:e F #eatin9 i>e? 77 T:ese =ere U?S? Senators1
a8on9 t:e8 Senator Alan Cranston1 c:ar9ed =it: sa>in9s and loan corru<tion? T:e attac;
soon narro=ed do=n to one tar9et onl3--t:e Iran-Contrar3 Senator Cranston? On Au9? $1
12211 Senator Terr3 Sanford1 :a>in9 for9otten :is s:a8e1 too; o>er as t:e ne= c:air8an
of t:e Senate Et:ics Co88ittee?
1? *illia8 L? S:irer1 T:e Rise and all of t:e T:ird Reic:" A Histor3 of NaAi Ger8an3 0Ne= (or;" Si8on
and Sc:uster1 12-541 <? $.1?
$? Me8o1 Ma3 1)1 12/$1 t=o <<? bearin9 t:e nos? $2)-) and $2)-+? See also F NS,,-$ Structure for
Central A8erica1 77 bearin9 t:e no? $2))-1 a c:art s:o=in9 t:e SSG and its C%%G as a 9uidance a9enc3 for
t:e National Securit3 Council? %:otostats of t:ese docu8ents are re<roduced in t:e EIR S<ecial Re<ort" F
Iran9ate1 t:e Secret Go>ern8ent and t:e LaRouc:e Case1 77 0*iesbaden1 Ger8an3" EEecuti>e Intelli9ence
Re>ie= Nac:ric:tena9entur1 &une 12/241 <? 12?
'? Testi8on3 of ,onald %? Gre991 <<? .$-.' in Steno9ra<:ic Transcri<t of Hearin9s !efore t:e U?S? Senate
Co88ittee on orei9n Relations1 No8ination Hearin9 for ,onald %:inne3 Gre99 to be A8bassador to t:e
Re<ublic of #orea? *as:in9ton1 ,?C?1 Ma3 1$1 12/2 0:ereinafter identified as F Gre99 Hearin9s 774? T:is
transcri<t is a>ailable for readin9 at t:e office of t:e U?S? Senate orei9n Relations Co88ittee1 in t:e
Ca<itol1 *as:in9ton1 ,?C? See also eliE Rodri9ueA and &o:n *eis8an1 S:ado= *arrior 0Ne= (or;"
Si8on and Sc:uster1 12/241 <<? $1'-1)? T:e boo; =as 9:ost =ritten--and s<oo;-a<<ro>ed--b3 t:e CIA and
,onald Gre99 before <ublication?
)? Re<ort of t:e Con9ressional Co88ittees In>esti9atin9 t:e Iran Contra Affair 0:ereinafter identified as
t:e F Iran-Contra Re<ort 7741 <ublis:ed Bointl3 b3 t:e U?S? House of Re<resentati>es Select Co88ittee to
In>esti9ate Co>ert Ar8s Transactions =it: Iran1 and t:e U?S? Senate Select Co88ittee on Secret Militar3
Assistance to Iran and t:e Nicara9uan O<<osition1 No>? 1.1 12/.1 *as:in9ton1 ,?C?1 <<? '2+-2.? Note t:at
different sections of t:e Con9ressional Iran-Contra Re<ort =ere <ublis:ed on different dates?
+? Co>ertAction1 No? ''1 *inter 12251 <? 1$C dra=n fro8 %ublic Testi8on3 of a=n Hall1 Iran-Contra
Re<ort1 &une /1 12/.1 <? 1+?
-? Me8oranda and 8eetin9s of Marc: 12/'1 in t:e F National Securit3 Arc:i>e 77 Iran-Contra Collection on
8icrofic:e at t:e Librar3 of Con9ress1 Manuscri<t Readin9 Roo8 0:ereinafter identified as F Iran-Contra
Collection 774?
.? ,on Gre99 Me8orandu8 for !ud Mcarlane1 Marc: 1.1 12/'1 sta8<ed SECRET1 since declassified?
,ocu8ent no? .. in t:e Iran- Contra CollectionC on t:e 8e8o is a :and=ritten note fro8 F !ud 77
GMcarlaneH to F Ollie 77 GNort:H? See also Gre99 Hearin9s1 <<? +)- ++?
/? Rodri9ueA and *eis8an1 o<? cit?1 <? 112?
2? S:ultA Me8orandu81 Ma3 $+1 12/' and *:ite House re<l31 bot: sta8<ed SECRETOSENSITI6E?
,ocu8ents be9innin9 no? 5515. in t:e Iran- Contra Collection?
15? ,e Graffenreid Me8orandu8 for Ad8iral Mur<:31 &ul3 1$1 12/'1 since declassified1 bearin9 t:e no?
)'-.'? ,ocu8ent no? 551'. in t:e Iran-Contra Collection?
11? Constantine C? Men9es1 Inside t:e National Securit3 Council 0Ne= (or;" Si8on and Sc:uster1 12//41
<<? .5-./?
1$? C:ronolo93 su<<lied b3 t:e Office of t:e 6ice %resident1 cited in T:e %ro9ressi>e1 Ma3 1/1 12/.1
London1 En9land1 <? $5?
1'? Rodri9ueA and *eis8an1 o<? cit?1 <? $$1?C Co>ertAction1 No? ''1 *inter 12251 <? 1'1 citin9 Testi8on3
of Oli>er Nort:C Iran-Contra Re<ort 0&une /1 12/.41 <<? -)'1 .'$-''?
1)? T:is section is based on 14 literature su<<lied b3 CSA1 Inc? and its subsidiar3 AN61 and $4 an
eE:austi>e eEa8ination of CSAOAN6 in &u<iter and ot:er locations1 includin9 inter>ie=s =it: <ersonnel
e8<lo3ed b3 t:e co8<an31 and =it: 8ilitar3 and CIA <ersonnel =:o :a>e =or;ed =it: t:e co8<an3?
1+? Scott Ar8stron91 EEecuti>e Editor for T:e National Securit3 Arc:i>e1 T:e C:ronolo93" T:e
,ocu8ented ,a3-b3-,a3 Account of t:e Secret Militar3 Assistance to Iran and t:e Contras 0Ne= (or;"
*arner !oo;s1 12/.41 <? ++? &onat:an Mars:all1 %eter ,ale Scott and &ane Hunter1 T:e Iran-Contra
Connection" Secret Tea8s and Co>ert O<erations in t:e Rea9an Era 0!oston" Sout: End %ress1 12/.41 <<?
$12- $5?
1-? National Securit3 %lannin9 Grou< Meetin9 Minutes1 &une $+1 12/)1 <<? 1 and 1)1 <:otostats re<roduced
in EIR S<ecial Re<ort" F A8erican Le>iat:an" Ad8inistrati>e ascis8 under t:e !us: Re9i8e 77
0*iesbaden1 Ger8an3" EEecuti>e Intelli9ence Re>ie= Nac:ric:tena9entur1 A<ril 122541 <? 1+2?
1.? T:is is an eEcer<t fro8 Section /5-- of %ublic La= 2/-).'1 t:e Continuin9 A<<ro<riations Act for
iscal (ear 12/+C Iran-Contra Re<ort1 No>? 1'1 12/.1 <? '2/l?
1/? Ar8stron91 o<? cit?1 No>? 11 12/) entr31 <? .51 citin9 Mia8i Herald 11O$O/) and 11O'O/)1 *all Street
&ournal 11O$O/)1 *as:in9ton %ost /O1+O/+1 Ne= (or; Ti8es 1$O$'O/.? Ar8stron91 o<? cit?1 No>? 151 12/'
entr31 <? )$1 citin9 cor<orate records of t:e lorida secretar3 of state .O1)O/-1 Mia8i Herald 11O$O/)1 Ne=
(or; Ti8es 11O'O/)?
12? Rodri9ueA and *eis8an1 o<? cit?1 <<? $$5-$1C EIR S<ecial Re<ort" F A8erican Le>iat:an1 77 <<? 1+.-+/?
$5? Re<ort of t:e Subco88ittee on Terroris81 Narcotics and International O<erations of t:e Co88ittee on
orei9n Relations1 United States Senate1 ,ece8ber 12//1 <<? -1--$?
$1? Rodri9ueA and *eis8an1 o<? cit?1 <<? $$1-$$?
$$? Ibid?1 <<? $$)- $+?
$'? General Gor8an F e3es onl3 77 cable to %ic;erin9 and Steele1 eb? 1)1 12/+? %artiall3 declassified and
released on &ul3 '51 12/. b3 t:e National Securit3 Council1 bearin9 no? , $'1.2? ,ocu8ent no? 55/'' in
t:e Iran-Contra Collection? See also Rodri9ueA and *eis8an1 o<? cit?1 <<? $$+-$-?
$)? U?S? 9o>ern8ent sti<ulations in t:e trial of Oli>er Nort:1 re<roduced in EIR S<ecial Re<ort" F
Iran9ate???1 77 <<? $51 $$?
$+? Gre99 Hearin9s1 <? 22?
$-? Rodri9ueA and *eis8an1 o<? cit?1 <? $$.? Gre99 Hearin9s1 Ne= (or; Ti8es1 ,ec? 1'1 12/-?
$.? Co>ertAction1 No? ''1 *inter 12251 <<? 1'-1)? On A8ira8 Nir1 see Ar8stron91 o<? cit?1 <<? $$+-$-1
citin9 *all Street &ournal 1$O$$O/-1 Ne= (or; Ti8es 1O1$O/.? On %oindeEter and Nort:1 see Men9es1o<?
cit?1 <? $-)?
$/? Ar8stron91 o<? cit?1 <<? 1)5-)11 citin9 Senate Select Co88ittee on Intelli9ence1 F Re<ort on
%reli8inar3 In@uir31 77 &an? $21 12/.?
$2? Rodri9ueA and *eis8an1 o<? cit?1 <<? $'2-)1?
'5? Oli>er Nort:7s diar31 since edited and <artiall3 declassified1 entries for F 15 Se< /+? 77 ,ocu8ent no?
51+$. in t:e Iran-Contra Collection?
'1? *as:in9ton %ost1 &une 151 1225?
'$? C:arles E? Allen F Me8orandu8 for t:e Record1 77 ,ece8ber 1/1 12/+? %artiall3 declassifiedOreleased
0i?e? so8e <arts are still deleted4 b3 t:e National Securit3 Council on &anuar3 $-1 12//? ,ocu8ent no?
5$51) in t:e Iran-Contra Collection?
''? Ar8stron91 o<? cit?1 <<? $$--$.1 citin9 *all Street &ournal 1$O$$O/-1 Ne= (or; Ti8es 1$O$+O/- and
')? Ar8stron91 o<? cit?1 <? $'11 citin9 *as:in9ton %ost $O$5O/.1 Ne= (or; Ti8es $O$$O/.?
'+? Ibid?1 <? $'$1 citin9 Mia8i Herald 11O'5O/-? '-? Inter>ie= =it: Her8an Moll in EIR S<ecial Re<ort" F
Iran9ate???1 77 <<? /1-/'?
'.? Ar8stron91 o<? cit?1 <? $'+1 citin9 *as:in9ton %ost 1$O1-O/-1 1$O$.O/-1 1O15O/. and 1O1$O/.C Ibid?1 <?
$'/1 citin9 To=er Co88ission Re<ortC Men9es1 o<? cit?1 <? $.1?
'/? Ar8stron91 o<? cit?1 <<? $)5-)11 citin9 *as:in9ton %ost 1O15O/. and 1O1+O/.C Sen? &o:n To=er1
C:air8an1 T:e To=er Co88ission Re<ort" T:e ull TeEt of t:e %resident7s S<ecial Re>ie= !oard 0Ne=
(or;" !anta8 !oo;s1 12/.41 <? $1.?
'2? Ibid?1 <<? '.1 $$+?
)5? Nort: noteboo; entr3 &an? 21 12/-1 EE:ibits attac:ed to Gre99 ,e<osition in Ton3 A>ir9an and Mart:a
Hone3 >? &o:n Hull1 Rene Corbo1 eli<e 6idal et al?1 $2 A<ril 12//?
)1? Ar8stron91 o<? cit?1 <? $+/1 citin9 t:e !renne;e letter1 =:ic: =as 8ade a>ailable to t:e National
Securit3 Arc:i>e?
)$? U?S? 9o>ern8ent sti<ulations at t:e Nort: trial1 in EIR S<ecial Re<ort" F Iran9ate???1 77 <? $$?
)'? To=er Co88ission Re<ort1 <<? -.--/1 ./?
))? Ar8stron91 o<? cit?1 <? $--1 citin9 *as:in9ton %ost 1O15O/. and 1O1+O/.?
)+? C:ronolo93 su<<lied b3 Office of 6ice %resident !us:C Ar8stron91 o<? cit?1 <? $--1 citin9 *as:in9ton
%ost 1$O1-O/-?
)-? ,e<osition of Robert Earl1 Iran-Contra Re<ort1 Ma3 $1 12/.1 6ol? 21 <<? $$-$'C ,e<osition of Crai9
Co31 Iran-Contra Re<ort1 Marc: 1.1 12/.1 6ol? .1 <<? $)-$+" cited in Co>ertAction1 No? ''1 *inter 12251
<? 1'?
).? Oli>er Re>ell to Sen? ,a>id !oren1 c:air8an of Senate Select Co88ittee on Intelli9ence1 A<ril 1.1
12/.C *as:in9ton %ost eb? 1.1 $5 and $$1 12/.C *all Street &ournal eb? $51 12/." cited in Co>ertAction1
No? ''1 *inter 12251 <? 1'?
)/? Ne=s=ee;1 Oct? $11 12/+1 <? $-C Earl EE:ibit1 nos? '- /1 attac:ed to Earl ,e<osition1 o<? cit? cited in
Co>ertAction No? ''1 *inter 12251 <? 1+?
)2? Earl ,e<osition1 o<? cit?1 Ma3 '51 12/.1 <<? ''-'.C Ma3 1+1 12/.1 <<? 11.-$1 0C:annell and Miller4C
Ma3 1+1 12/.1 <<? 1'11 112 0<ri>ate contributors4?
+5? ,onald Gre99 !riefin9 Me8orandu8 for t:e 6ice %resident1 &an? $.1 12/-C released b3 t:e National
Securit3 Council Marc: $$1 12//? ,ocu8ent no? 5$$+) in Iran-Contra Collection?
+1? Ar8stron91 o<? cit?1 <? $.+1 citin9 Mia8i Herald 11O'5O/-?
+$? Ibid?1 <? $/51 citin9 t:e MenarcAi; letter to !renne;e =:ic: =as 8ade a>ailable to t:e National Securit3
+'? Ibid?1 citin9 Mia8i Herald 11O'5O/-?
+)? Ne= (or; Ti8es1 No>? '51 12/-1 ,ec? )1 12/-? See Gre99 testi8on3" !renne;e :ad M7s nu8ber?
++? Luoted in Men9es1 o<? cit?1 <? $.+?
+-? ,e<osition of Mic:ael Tolli>er in A>ir9an and Hone31 o<? cit?
+.? Allan Nairn1 F T:e !us: Connection1 77 in T:e %ro9ressi>e 0London" Ma3 1/1 12/.41 <<? $1-$$?
+/? Nairn1 o<? cit?1 <<? 121 $1-$'?
+2? To=er Co88ission Re<ort1 <? )-+
-5? Rodri9ueA and *eis8an1 o<? cit?1 <<? $))-)+?
-1? Ibid?
-$? F Sc:edule %ro<osal1 77 Office of t:e 6ice %resident1 A<ril 1-1 12/-1 eE:ibit attac:ed to Gre99
,e<osition in A>ir9an and Hone31 o<? cit?
-'? Office of t:e 6ice %resident Me8orandu81 A<ril '51 12/-1 released Au9? $/1 12/. b3 t:e National
Securit3 Council? ,ocu8ent no? 5$.'/ in t:e Iran-Contra Collection?
-)? Rodri9ueA and *eis8an1 o<? cit?1 <<? $)+-)-? See also Gre99 confir8ation :earin9s1 eEcer<ted infra1
and nu8erous ot:er sources?
-+? Ar8stron91 o<? cit?1 <<? '-/--21 citin9 Senate Select Intelli9ence Co88ittee Re<ort1 &an? $21 12/.? --?
Ibid?1 <? '.'1 citin9 *as:in9ton %ost 1$O1-O/-?
-.? Ibid?1 <? '//-/21 citin9 Mcarlane testi8on3 to t:e To=er Co88ission?
-/? Affida>it of Eu9ene Harr3 Hasenfus1 October 1$1 12/-1 <<? $- '? ,ocu8ent no? 5'+.+ in t:e Iran-
Contra Collection? -2? To=er Co88ission Re<ort1 <<? '/+-//?
.5? *as:in9ton %ost1 eb? $-1 12/.?
.1? Hasenfus Affida>it1 <<? --.? .$? Ibid?
.'? Hasenfus Affida>it1 <? .?
.)? Ar8stron91 o<? cit?1 <? +5/1 citin9 t:e c:ronolo93 <ro>ided b3 Geor9e !us:7s office1 *as:in9ton %ost
1$O1-O/-C Ne= (or; Ti8es 1$O1-O/-1 1$O1.O/- and 1$O$+O/-C *all Street &ournal 1$O12O/- and 1$O$)O/-?
.+? Laredo GTeEasH Mornin9 Ti8es1 Ma3 1+1 12/21 <? 1?
.-? *as:in9ton %ost1 Oct? 111 12/-?
..? *as:in9ton %ost1 Oct? 1$1 12/-1 Oct? 1)1 12/-?
./? *as:in9ton %ost1 Oct? 1)1 12/-?
.2? Hasenfus Affida>it1 <? '?
/5? Rodri9ueA and *eis8an1 o<? cit?1 <? $)1?
/1? *as:in9ton %ost1 No>? $51 12/-?
/$? *as:in9ton %ost1 eb? 1$1 12/.?
/'? *as:in9ton %ost1 ,ec? 1/1 12/-1 *all Street &ournal1 ,ec? 121 12/-?
/)? ,onald T? Re9an1 or t:e Record" ro8 *all Street to *as:in9ton 0Ne= (or;" Harcourt !race
&o>ano>itc:1 12//41 <<? '-/-.'?
/+? Ibid?
/-? Ne= (or; Ti8es1 Marc: $1 12/2?
/.? Co>ertAction1 No? ''1 *inter 12251 <? 1+?
//? Steno9ra<:ic Transcri<t of Hearin9s !efore t:e U?S? Senate Co88ittee on orei9n Relations1
No8ination Hearin9 for ,onald %:inne3 Gre99 to be A8bassador to t:e Re<ublic of #orea? *as:in9ton1
,?C?1 Ma3 1$ and &une 1+1 12/2? So8e 8iss<ellin9s in t:e transcri<t :a>e been corrected :ere?
/2? Mar3 McCror31 F T:e Trut: Accordin9 to Gre991 77 *as:in9ton %ost1 &une $$1 12/2?
25? NE%L contributions 12/+ <rintout1 cited in Ar8stron91 o<? cit?1 <? $$-?
C:a<ter -MM- T:e %:on3 *ar on ,ru9s
Tout le 8onde 8e <rend <our un :o88e de bienC Mais la >erite <ure est @ue Be ne >auE
Moliere1 Le Tartuffe An indis<ensable co8<onent of t:e 83t:ical 8edia <rofile =:ic:
Geor9e !us: :as built u< o>er t:e 3ears to buttress :is electoral as<irations :as been :is
role as an anti-dru9 fi9:ter? His first for8all3 sc:eduled <ri8e ti8e <residential tele>ision
address to t:e nation in Se<te8ber1 12/2 =as de>oted to announcin9 :is <lans for 8easures
to co8bat t:e ille9al narcotics t:at continued to inundate t:e sreets of t:e United States?
,urin9 :is 12// election ca8<ai9n1 !us: <ointed =it: astoundin9 co8<lacenc3 to :is
record as %resident Rea9an7s desi9nated <oint 8an in t:e ad8inistration7s =ar on dru9s?
In :is acce<tance s<eec: to t:e Re<ublican National Con>ention in 12//1 !us: stated" FI
=ant a dru9-free A8erica? Toni9:t1 I c:allen9e t:e 3oun9 <eo<le of our countr3 to s:ut
do=n t:e dru9 dealers around t:e =orld????M3 Ad8inistration =ill be tellin9 t:e dealers1
F*:ate>er =e :a>e to do1 =e7ll do1 but 3our da3 is o>er? (ou7re :istor3?7F
Indeed1 !us: :as an i8<ressi>e resu8e of bureaucratic titles to bac; u< :is clai8 to be
A8erica7s to< anti-dru9 fi9:ter? On &anuar3 $/1 12/$1 Rea9an created t:e Sout: lorida
Tas; orce under !us:7s :i9:-<rofile leaders:i< to coordinate t:e efforts of t:e >arious
federal a9encies to ste8 t:e tide of narcotics into !us:7s old fa8il3 baili=ic;? On Marc:
$'1 12/'1 !us: =as <laced in c:ar9e of t:e National Narcotics !order Interdiction S3ste81
=:ic: =as su<<osed to staunc: t:e dru9 flo= o>er all US borders? In Au9ust1 12/- US
officials <resented to t:eir MeEican counter<arts a sc:e8e called O<eration Alliance1 a ne=
border enforce8ent initiati>e t:at =as alle9edl3 to do for t:e US- MeEican border area
=:at t:e Sout: lorida Tas; orce :ad alle9edl3 alread3 done for t:e sout:eastern states?
Geor9e !us: =as a<<ointed c:ief of O<eration Alliance1 =:ic: in>ol>ed $5 federal
a9encies1 +55 additional federal officers1 and a bud9et of I$-- 8illion?
To cro=n all t:ese efforts1 !us: sou9:t to obtain a ca8eo role for a brief a<<earance on t:e
tele>ision series Mia8i 6ice? He =as <er:a<s ins<ired b3 :is 8entor1 #issin9er1 =:o :ad
=al;ed t:rou9: a ca8eo of :is o=n on ,3nast3? !ut !us: =as unable to acco8<lis: :is
T:e dru9 <la9ue is an area in =:ic: t:e national interest re@uires results? Ille9al narcotics
are one of t:e 8ost i8<ortant causes of t:e dissolution of A8erican societ3 at t:e <resent
ti8e? To interdict t:e dru9 flo=s and to <rosecute t:e dru9 8one3 launderers at t:e to< of
t:e ban;in9 co88unit3 =ould :a>e re<resented a real <ublic ser>ice? !ut !us: :ad no
intention of seriousl3 <ursuin9 suc: 9oals? or :i81 t:e =ar on dru9s =as a cruel :oaE1 a
c3nical eEercise in de8a9o9ic self-<ro8otion1 desi9ned in lar9e <art to ca8oufla9e
acti>ities b3 :i8self and :is net=or;s t:at <ro8oted dru9 traffic;in9? A furt:er s:oc;in9
e<isode t:at :as co8e to li9:t in t:is re9ard in>ol>es !us:7s 1)-3ear friends:i< =it: a
8e8ber of Me3er Lans;37s Mia8i circles =:o sold !us: :is <riAed tro<:31 t:e Ci9arette
boat idelit3?
!us:7s =ar on dru9s =as a r:etorical and <ublic relations success for a ti8e? On ebruar3
1-1 12/$1 in a s<eec: on :is o=n turf in Mia8i1 lorida1 !us: <ro8ised to use so<:isticated
8ilitar3 aircraft to trac; t:e air<lanes used b3 s8u99lers? Se>eral da3s later1 !us: ordered
t:e US Na>3 to send in its E$C sur>eillance aircraft for t:is <ur<ose? If t:ese =ere not
a>ailable in sufficient nu8bers1 said !us:1 :e =as deter8ined to brin9 in t:e lar9er and
8ore so<:isticated A*ACS earl3 =arnin9 aircraft to do t:e Bob? !ut !us:7s s;ills as an
intera9enc3 eE<editer left so8et:in9 to be desired" b3 Ma31 t=o of t:e four E$C aircraft
t:at ori9inall3 :ad been in lorida =ere transferred out of t:e state? !3 &une1 airborne
sur>eillance ti8e =as runnin9 a 8ere )5 :ours <er 8ont:1 not t:e '-5 :ours <ro8ised b3
!us:1 <ro8<tin9 Re<? Glenn En9lis: to call :earin9s on t:is to<ic? !3 October1 12/$ t:e
General Accountin9 Office issued an o<inion in =:ic: it found Fit is doubtful =:et:er t:e
Gsout: loridaH tas; force can :a>e an3 substantial lon9-ter8 i8<act on dru9 a>ailabilit3?F
!ut t:e :eadlines =ere 9rabbed b3 !us:1 =:o stated in 12/) t:at t:e efforts of :is tas;
force :ad eli8inated t:e 8ariBuana trade in sout: lorida? T:at =as an absurd clai81 but it
sounded >er3 9ood? *:en rancis Mullen? &r?1 t:e ad8inistrator of t:e ,ru9 Enforce8ent
A9enc3 0,EA4 criticiAed !us: for 8a;in9 t:is =ildl3 inaccurate state8ent1 :e =as soon
ousted fro8 :is <ost at t:e ,EA?
In 12//1 ,e8ocratic Con9ress8an Glenn En9lis: concluded t:at !us:7s F=ar on dru9sF
:ad been fou9:t =it: Flittle 8ore t:an li< ser>ice and <ress releases?F En9lis: =rote" FT:ere
:as been >er3 little substance be:ind t:e r:etoric1 and so8e of t:e 8aBor interdiction
<roble8s :a>e 3et to be resol>ed? T:e %resident assi9ned???!us: to coordinate and direct
federal antidru9-abuse <ro9ra8s a8on9 t:e >arious la= enforce8ent a9encies? Ho=e>er1
ei9:t 3ears later it is a<<arent t:at t:e tas; :as not been acco8<lis:ed?F Gfn 1H No obser>er
still stationed in realit3 could dis<ute t:is >er3 <essi8istic assess8ent?
!ut t:e =:ole trut: is 8uc: u9lier? *e :a>e docu8ented in detail :o= t:e Iran-contra dru9-
runnin9 and 9un-runnin9 o<erations run out of !us:7s o=n office <la3ed t:eir role in
increasin9 t:e :eroin1 crac;1 cocain1 and 8ariBuana brou9:t into t:is countr3? *e :a>e
re>ie=ed !us:7s relations =it: :is close su<<orters in t:e *all Street L!O 9an91 8uc: of
=:ose li@uidit3 is deri>ed fro8 narcotics <a38ents =:ic: t:e ban;in9 s3ste8 is ea9er to
rec3cle and launder? *e recall !us:7s 1225 8eetin9 =it: S3rian %resident HafeA Assad1
=:o is <ersonall3 one of t:e 8ost <rolific dru9 <us:ers on t:e <lanet1 and =:o8 !us:
e8braced as an all3 durin9 t:e Gulf crisis?
!us:7s Fsoft on dru9sF <rofile =ent furt:er? In t:e %a;istan-Af9:anistan t:eatre1 for
eEa8<le1 it =as a<<arent t:at certain <ro-#:o8eini for8ations a8on9 t:e Af9:an 9uerillas
=ere1 li;e t:e contras1 8ore interested in traffic;in9 in dru9s and 9uns t:an in fi9:tin9 t:e
So>iet-bac;ed re9i8e in #abul and t:e Red Ar83 forces t:at 8aintained it in <o=er? T:ere
=ere re<orts t:at suc: acti>ities on t:e <art of suc: 9uerilla 9rou<s =ere seconded b3 <arts
of t:e %a;istani secret intelli9ence ser>ices1 t:e Inter-Ser>ice Intelli9ence1 and t:e National
Lo9istics Cell? Accordin9 to t:ese re<orts1 !us:7s >isit to %a;istan7s %resident Gen? Jia ul-
Ha@ in Ma31 12/) =as conducted in full a=areness of t:ese <:eno8nena? Ne>ert:eless1
!us: c:ose to <raise t:e alle9ed successes of t:e Jia 9o>ern8ent7s anti-narcotics <ro9ra8
=:ic:1 !us: intoned1 =as a 8atter of 9reat F<ersonal interestF to :i8? A8on9 t:ose <resent
at t:e ban@uet =:ere !us: 8ade t:ese re8ar;s =ere1 re<ortedl31 se>eral of t:e officials
8ost res<onsible for t:e narcotics traffic;in9 in %a;istan? Gfn $H !ut t:ere is an e>en 8ore
fla9rant as<ect of !us:7s conduct =:ic: can be said to de8olis: once and for all t:e 83t:
of t:e F=ar on dru9sF and re<lace it =it: a realit3 so sinister t:at it 9oes be3ond t:e
i8a9ination of 8ost citiAens?
T:ose =:o follo= !us:7s frenetic s<orts acti>ities on tele>ision are doubtless fa8iliar =it:
!us:7s s<eedboat1 in =:ic: :e is accusto8ed to ca>ort in t:e =aters off :is estate at
*al;er7s %oint in #ennebun;<ort1 Maine? Gfn 'H T:e craft in @uestion is t:e idelit31 a
<o=erboat ca<able of o<eratin9 on t:e :i9: seas? idelit3 is a class of boat 8ar;eted under
t:e brand na8e of FCi9arette1F a :i9:-<riced s<eedboat dubbed Ft:e errari of t:e :i9:
seas?F T:is detail s:ould a=a;en our interest1 since !us:7s <rofile as an An9lo- SaEon
aristocrat =ould nor8all3 include a 9enteel <redeliction for sailin91 rat:er t:an a <reference
for a >ul9ar :otrod li;e idelit31 =:ic: e>o;es t:e et:os of ru8-runners and s8u99lers?
T:e Ci9arette boat idelit3 =as <urc:ased b3 Geor9e !us: fro8 a certain ,on Arono=?
!us: re<ortedl3 8et Arono= at a boat s:o= in 12.)1 and decided to bu3 one of t:e
Ci9arette boats Arono= 8anufactured? Arono= =as one of t:e 8ost celebrated and
successful <o=erboat racers of t:e 12-57s1 and :ad t:en turned :is :and to desi9nin9 and
buildin9 t:ese boats? !ut accordin9 to at least one <ublis:ed account1 t:ere is co8<ellin9
e>idence to conclude t:at Arono= =as a dru9 s8u99ler and sus<ected dru9-8one3
launderer lin;ed to t:e Geno>ese %ur<le Gan9 of Ne= (or; Cit3 =it:in t:e 8ore 9eneral
fra8e=or; of t:e Me3er Lans;3 or9aniAed cri8e s3ndicate? Arono=7s role in 8ariBuana
s8u99lin9 =as re<ortedl3 confir8ed b3 !ill Norris1 :ead of t:e MaBor Narcotics Unit at t:e
Mia8i US Attorne37s office and t:us t:e to< federal dru9 <rosecution official in sout:
lorida? Gfn )H
Arono= nu8bered a8on9 :is friends and ac@uaintances not Bust !us:1 but 8an3
international <ublic fi9ures and celebrities1 8an3 of =:o8 :ad <urc:ased t:e boats :e built?
Arono=7s =ife =as said to be a for8er 9irlfriend of #in9 Hussein of &ordan? Arono= =as in
touc: =it: #in9 &uan Carlos of S<ain1 Lord Lucan 0!ill3 S:and-#3dd1 a relati>e of
%rincess ,iana7s 8ot:er41 Sir MaE Ait;en 0t:e son of !ritis: <ress baron Lord
!ea>erbroo;41 %rince Rainier and %rincess Grace of Monaco1 Eastern Airlines c:air8an
and for8er astronaut ran; !or8ann1 #i8berl3-Clar; :eir &i8 #i8berle31 Al>in Malni;
0one of t:e re<uted :eirs to Me3er Lans;34 and C:arles #eatin91 later t:e <rota9onist of t:e
Lincoln Sa>in9s and Loan scandal? So8e of t:ese eEalted ac@uaintances are su99esti>e of
stron9 intelli9ence connections as =ell?
In Ma3 of 12/-1 Aron8o= recei>ed a letter fro8 Nicolas Ilio<oulos1 t:e ro3al boat ca<tain
to #in9 Hussein of &ordan eE<ressin9 on be:alf of t:e #in9 t:e latter7s satisfaction =it: a
<o=erboat <urc:ased fro8 Arono=1 and con>e3in9 t:e co8<li8ents of #in9 &uan Carlos of
S<ain and %resident Hosni Mubara; of E93<t1 =:o :ad recentl3 been t:e &ordanian
so>erei9n7s 9uests on board? Arono= sent a co<3 of t:is letter to !us:1 fro8 =:o8 :e
recei>ed a re<l3 dated &une -1 12/- in =:ic: !us: t:an;ed :i8 F=it: =ar8 re9ardsF for
for=ardin9 t:e ro3al note and added" FI can re<eat t:at 83 old Ci9arette1 t:e Fidelit3F is
runnin9 =ell too? I7>e :ad :er out a cou<le of =ee;ends and t:e en9ines :a>e been
:u88in9? I :o<e our <at:s cross soon1 83 friend?F Gfn +H Arono= =as re<ortedl3 a close
friend of Geor9e !us:? In :is boo;-len9t: account of t:e life and deat: of Arono= =:ic: is
t:e basis for t:e follo=in9 anal3sis1 T:o8as !urdic; @uotes an unna8ed &ustice
,e<art8ent official relatin9 t:e co88ents of one of :is friends on t:e !us:-Arono=
relation" FM3 friend said1 7I 9uarantee 3ou I ;no= =:at t:e connection =as bet=een :i8
and !us:? It7s t:e boats? T:e 9u3 lo>es fuc;in9 boats?F A Secret Ser>ice a9ent also referred
to !us: as a Fboat 9rou<ie?F Gfn -H !ut does t:is eE:aust t:e to<icD
O>er t:e 3ears1 !us: :ad a<<arentl3 consulted =it: Arono= concernin9 t:e ser>icin9 and
u<;ee< of :is Ci9arette boat? ,urin9 12/'1 !us: be9an to see; out Arono=7s co8<an3 for
fis:in9 tri<s? T:e ori9inal en9ines on !us:7s Ci9arette boat needed re<lace8ent1 and t:is
=as t:e ostensible occasion for rene=in9 contact =it: Arono=? Arono= told !us: of a ne=
8odel of boat t:at :e :ad desi9ned1 su<<osedl3 a :i9:-<erfor8ance cata8aran? !us:
<lanned to co8e to lorida durin9 t:e Ne= (ear7s :olida3 for a s:ort >acation durin9 =:ic:
:e =ould 9o bonefis:in9 =it: :is cron3 Nic; !rad3? ,urin9 t:is ti8e :e =ould also arran9e
to deli>er an antidru9 <e<-tal;?
On &anuar3 )1 12/)1 Geor9e !us: rendeA>oused =it: ,on Arono= at Isla8orada in t:e
lorida #e3s? Earlier in t:e da31 !us: :ad deli>ered one of :is F=ar on dru9sF s<eec:es at
t:e O8ni International Hotel in Mia8i? !us: and !rad3 t:en <roceeded b3 8otorcade to
Isla8orada1 =:ere Arono= =as =aitin9 =it: :is cata8aran? Acco8<anied b3 a flotilla of
Secret Ser>ice and Custo8s a9ents in Ci9arette boats t:at :ad been seiAed fro8 dru9
s8u99lers1 !us:1 !rad31 Arono=1 and one of t:e latter7s retainers1 t:e cata8aran <roceeded
t:rou9: 8oderate s=ells to Mia8i1 =it: *:ite House <:oto9ra<:ers eternaliAin9 t:e <:oto
o<<ortunit3 at e>er3 8o8ent? !us:1 =:o :ad donned desi9ner racin9 9o99les for t:e
occasion1 =as allo=ed to ta;e t:e =:eel of t:e cata8aran and see8ed >er3 t:rilled and >er3
:a<<3? Nic; !rad31 s<ortin9 :is o=n =ra<-around s:ades1 found t:e seas too rou9: for :is
After t:e tri< =as o>er1 !us: <ersonall3 t3<ed t:e follo=in9 letter to ,on Arono= on :is
>ice <residential staioner31 =:ic: :e sent acco8<anied b3 so8e <:oto9ra<:s of !us:1
Arono=1 !rad3 and t:e ot:ers on board t:e cata8aran"
&anuar3 1)1 12/)
,ear ,on1
Here are so8e <rett3 9ood s:ots =:ic: I :o<e =ill brin9 bac; so8e <rett3 9ood 8e8ories? I
included one si9ned s:ot in 3our <ac;et for GArono=7s <ilotH Rand3 GRi99sH? Also a8 enclosin9 a
set of <icture GsicH for *illie not :a>in9 :is address or ;no=in9 :o= :e s<ells M3ersD *ill 3ou
<lease 9i>e t:e8 to :i8 and t:an; :i8 for :is <art in our =onderful outin9? He is @uite a 9u3 and I
learned a lot fro8 :i8 on t:e =a3 u< to Mia8i fro8 t:e #e3s?
A9ain ,on t:is da3 =as one of t:e 9reatest of 83 life? I lo>e boats1 al=a3s :a>e? !ut e>er since
;no=in9 3ou t:at <ri>ate side of 83 life :as beco8e e>er 8ore eEcitin9 and fulfillin9?
Incidentall31 I didn7t 9et to tell 3ou but 83 reliable $/ footer Ci9arette t:at is1 still doin9 Bust
fine???no trouble at all and t:e ne= last 3ear en9ines?
All t:e best to 3ou and all 3our eEcitin9 >entures? Ma3 all 3our boats bee GsicH nu8ber one and 8a3 t:e
:osres GsicH be not far be:ind?
At t:e end of t:is 8essa9e1 before :is si9nature1 !us: =rote in b3 :and1 FM3 t3<in9
stin;s?F Gfn .H
As a result of t:is outin91 !us: is said to :a>e used :is influence to see to it t:at Arono=
recei>ed a lucrati>e contract to build t:e !lue T:under cata8arans at I1+51555 a<iece for
t:e US Custo8s Ser>ice? T:is contract =as announced =it: 9reat fanfare in Mia8i on
ebruar3 )1 12/+1 and =as celebrated a =ee; later in a <ublic cere8on3 in =:ic: lorida
Senator %aula Ha=;ins and US Custo8s Co88issioner *illia8 >on Raab 8u99ed for
<:oto9ra<:ers to9et:er =it: Arono=? T:e 9o>ern8ent <urc:ase =as :3<ed as t:e first ti8e
t:at t:e Custo8s =ould recei>e boats es<eciall3 desi9ned and built to interce<t dru9
runners on t:e :i9: seas1 a bi9 ste< for=ard in t:e =ar on dru9s?
T:is =as t:e sa8e Geor9e !us: =:o in Marc:1 12// :ad stated" FI =ill ne>er bar9ain =it:
dru9 dealers on US or forei9n soil?F
As one local resident recalled of t:at ti8e1 Fe>er3one in Mia8i ;ne= t:at if 3ou needed a
fa>or fro8 !us:1 3ou s<o;e to Arono=?F Gfn /H It =as <ro>erbial a8on9 lorida <ols and
<o=erbro;ers t:at Arono= :ad t:e >ice <resident7s ear?
T:e Custo8s soon found t:at t:e !lue T:under cata8arans =ere :i9:l3 unsea=ort:3 and
:i9:l3 unsuitable for t:e tas; of c:asin9 do=n ot:er s<eedboats1 includin9 abo>e all
Arono=7s earlier 8odel Ci9arette boats1 =:ic: =ere no= <roduced b3 a co8<an3 not
controlled b3 Arono=? !lue T:under =as relati>el3 slo= class1 ca<able of a to< s<eed of
onl3 +- 8iles <er :our1 des<ite t:e <resence of t=in ))5-:orse<o=er 8arine en9ines? T:e
desi9n of t:e cata8aran :ulls lac;ed an3 :3drod3na8ic ad>anta9es1 and t:e boats =ere too
:ea>3 to attain sufficient lift? T:e stern dri>es =ere too =ea; for t:e <o=erful en9ines1
leadin9 to t:e <roble8 of F9renadin9F " =:en t:e dri>e s:afts se>ered1 =:ic: =as often1 t:e
en9ines be9an to re> far be3ond t:eir red line1 leadin9 to t:e eE<losion or disinte9ration of
t:e en9ines and t:e s:ar<nel-li;e scatterin9 of red-:ot steel fra98ents t:rou9: t:e boat?
T:is 8eant t:at t:e boats :ad to be ;e<t =ell belo= t:eir 8aEi8u8 s<eed? Most !lue
T:unders s<ent 8ore ti8e under9oin9 re<airs t:an c:asin9 dru9 runners in t:e coastal
=aters of lorida? !lue T:under =as in boatin9 <arlance F=et1F a co8<lete le8on1 useful
onl3 for <:oto o<<ortunities and <ublicit3 s:ots?
,ocu8ents found b3 !urdic; in t:e ,ade Count3 land records office s:o= t:at USA
Racin91 t:e co8<an3 o<erated b3 Arono= =:ic: built t:e !lue T:under cata8arans for t:e
Custo8s ser>ice =as not o=ned b3 Arono=1 but rat:er b3 a one &ac; &? #ra8er in :is
ca<acit3 of <resident of Su<er C:ief Sout: Cor<oration? &ac; #ra8er :ad 8arried a niece
of Me3er Lans;3? &ac; #ra8er7s son !en #ra8er =as t:us t:e 9reat ne<:e= and one of t:e
<utati>e :eirs of t:e to< boss of t:e US cri8e s3ndicate1 Me3er Lans;3? !en #ra8er =as
also a notorious or9aniAed cri8e fi9ure in :is o=n ri9:t? On Marc: $/1 1225 &ac; #ra8er
and !en #ra8er =ere bot: found 9uilt3 of $' and $/ counts 0res<ecti>el34 of federal
8one3 launderin9 c:ar9es? In t:e <re>ious 3ear1 !en #ra8er :ad also been sentenced to
life i8<rison8ent =it:out <arole for :a>in9 i8<orted :alf a 8illion <ounds of 8ariBuana?
!us: :ad t:us 9i>en a <ri8e contract in =a9in9 t:e =ar on dru9s to one of t:e leadin9
dru9-s8u99lin9 and 8one3-launderin9 cri8e fa8ilies in t:e US?
,on Arono= =as 8urdered b3 Mafia-st3le <rofessional ;illers on ebruar3 '1 12/.? ,urin9
t:e last da3s of :is life1 Arono= is re<orted to :a>e 8ade nu8erous <ersonal tele<:one
calls to !us:? Arono= :ad been a=are t:at :is life =as in dan9er1 and :e :ad left a list of
instructions to tell :is =ife =:at to do if an3t:in9 s:ould :a<<en to :i8? T:e first <oint on
t:e list =as FW1? CALL GEORGE !USH?F Gfn 2H Lillian Arono= did call !us:1 =:o
re<ortedl3 res<onded b3 <lacin9 a <ersonal call to t:e Metro,ade %olice ,e<art8ent
:o8icide di>ision to eE<ress :is concern and to re@uest an eE<editious :andlin9 of t:e case?
!us: did not attend Arono=7s funeral1 but a 8ont: later :e sent a letter to Arono=7s son
Ga>in in =:ic: :e called t:e late ,on Arono= Fa :ero?F
*:en Lillian Arono= sus<ected t:at :er tele<:one =as bein9 ta<<ed1 s:e called !us:1 =:o
ur9ed :er to be cal8 and <ro8ised to order an in>esti9ation of t:e 8atter? S:ortl3 after t:at1
t:e sus<icious noises in Mrs? Arono=7s tele<:one ceased? *:en Lilian Arono= recei>ed
re<orts t:at :er :usband 8i9:t :a>e been 8urdered b3 ro9ue CIA o<erati>es or ot:er
=a3=ard federal a9ents and t:at s:e :erself and :er c:ildren =ere still in dan9er1 s:e s:ared
:er fears in a tele<:one call to !us:? !us: re<ortedl3 later called Mrs?
Arono= and1 as s:e recalled1 FHe said to 8e1 7Lillian1 3ou7re fine?7 He said t:at 7eE-CIA
<eo<le are reall3 off?7 T:at7s t:e trut:?F Gfn 15H Later1 Mrs? Arono= :eard t:at Gen? Norie9a
of %ana8a =as interested in bu3in9 so8e of :er boats1 and s:e be9an to <re<are a tri< to
%ana8a in t:e :o<e of 9eneratin9 so8e orders? !efore :er de<arture1 s:e sa3s s:e called
!us: =:o ad>ised :er a9ainst 8a;in9 t:e tri< because of Norei9a7s in>ol>e8ent in Fbad
t:in9s?F Mrs? Arono= cancelled :er reser>ations for %ana8a Cit3? !ut in t:e su88er of
12/.1 !us: snubbed Mrs? Arono= b3 <ointedl3 a>oidin9 :er at a Mia8i dinner <art3? !ut
durin9 t:is sa8e <eriod1 !us: fre@uentl3 =ent fis:in9 =it: for8er Arono= e8<lo3ee
*illie Me3ers1 =:o8 :e :ad 8entioned in t:e letter cited abo>e? Accordin9 to T:o8as
!urdic;7s sources1 *illie Me3ers =as also a friend of Secretar3 of State Geor9e S:ultA1 and
often eE<ressed concern about da8a9in9 <ublicit3 for !us: and S:ultA t:at 8i9:t deri>e
fro8 t:e Arono= case?
Accordin9 to T:o8as !urdic;1 Me3ers sa3s t:at !us: tal;ed to :i8 about :o= t:e >ice
<resident7s staff =as 8onitorin9 t:e Arono= in>esti9ation? !us: la8ented t:at :e did not
:a>e 9rounds to 9et federal a9encies in>ol>ed? FI Bust =is:1F said !us: to Me3ers1 Ft:at
t:ere =as so8e federal as<ect to t:e 8urder? If t:e ;illers crossed state lines? T:en I could
9et t:e !I in>ol>ed?F Gfn 11H T:e for8 of t:e ar9u8ent is re8iniscent of t:e >ie=s
eE<ressed b3 !us: and Ton3 La<:a8 durin9 t:e Letelier case?
In Ma3 or &une of 12/.1 se>eral 8ont:s after Arono= :ad been ;illed1 Mi;e !rittain1 =:o
o=ned a co8<an3 called Alu8inu8 Marine %roducts1 located on FT:underboat Alle3F in
t:e nort:ern <art of Mia8i 0t:e sa8e street =:ere Arono= :ad =or;ed41 =as a<<roac:ed b3
t=o !I s<ecial a9ents1 &ose<: Us:er and &o:n ,ono>an1 bot: of t:e Mia8i !I field
office? T:e3 =ere acco8<anied b3 a t:ird !I 8an1 =:o8 t:e3 <resented as a 8e8ber of
Geor9e !us:7s staff at t:e National ,ru9 Tas; orce in *as:in9ton ,C? T:e t:ird a9ent1
re<ortedl3 na8ed *illia8 Te8<le1 :ad1 accordin9 to t:e ot:er t=o1 co8e to Mia8i on a
s<ecial 8ission ordered b3 t:e 6ice %resident of t:e United States?
As !rittain told :is stor3 to !urdic;1 S<ecial A9ent Te8<le Fdidn7t as; about t:e 8urder or
an3t:in9 li;e t:at? All :e =anted to ;no= about =as t:e 8er9er?F Gfn 1$H T:e 8er9er in
@uestion =as t:e assu8<tion of control o>er Arono=7s co8<an31 USA Racin91 b3 t:e
#ra8ers7 Su<er C:ief Sout:1 =:ic: 8eant t:at a ;e3 contract in t:e !us: F=ar on dru9sF
:ad been a=arded to a co8<an3 controlled b3 <ersons =:o =ould later be con>icted for
8ariBuana s8u99lin9 and 8one3 launderin9? Man3 of t:e !I @uestions focussed on t:is
connection bet=een Arono= and #ra8er? Later1 after !us:7s >ictor3 in t:e 12//
<residential election1 t:e !I a9ain @uestioned !rittain1 and a9ain t:e central issue =as t:e
Arono=-#ra8er connection1 <lus additional @uestions of =:et:er !rittain :ad di>ul9ed an3
of :is ;no=led9e of t:ese 8atters to ot:er <ersons? A <ossible conclusion =as t:at a
da8a9e control o<eration in fa>or of !us: =as in <ro9ress?
To883 Tea9le1 an eE-con>ict inter>ie=ed b3 !urdic;1 said :e feared t:at Geor9e !us:
=ould :a>e :i8 ;illed because infor8ation in :is <ossession =ould i8<licate &eb !us: in
cocaine s8u99lin9? Tea9le7s stor3 =as t:at Arono= and &eb !us: :ad been <artners in
cocaine traffic;in9 and =ere I$?+ 8illion in debt to t:eir Colu8bian su<<liers? ,r? Robert
Ma9oon1 a friend of Arono=1 is @uoted in t:e sa8e location as :a>in9 :eard a si8ilar
re<ort? !ut Tea9le ra<idl3 c:an9ed :is stor3? Gfn 'H Ulti8atel31 an i8<risoned con>ict =as
indicted for t:e 8urder of Arono=?
!ut t:e circu8stances of t:e 8urder re8ain :i9:l3 sus<ect? Startin9 in 12/+1 and =it:
s<ecial intensit3 durin9 12/.-//1 8ore t:an t=o doAen <ersons in>ol>ed in >arious as<ects
of t:e Iran-contra 9un-runnin9 and dru9-runnin9 o<eration 8et t:eir deat:s? At t:e sa8e
ti8e1 ot:er <ersons ;no=led9eable about Iran-contra1 but one or 8ore ste<s re8o>ed fro8
e3e=itness ;no=led9e of t:ese o<erations1 :a>e been subBected to ca8<ai9ns of
discreditin9 and slander1 often associated =it: indict8ents on a >ariet3 of c:ar9es1 c:ar9es
=:ic: often ste88ed fro8 t:e Iran-contra o<erations t:e8sel>es? Abo>e and be3ond t:e
details of eac: <articular case1 t:e o>erall <attern of t:ese deat:s stron9l3 su99ests t:at t:e3
are co:erent =it: a da8a9e control o<eration b3 t:e net=or;s in>ol>ed1 a da8a9e control
o<eration t:at :as concentrated on li@uidatin9 t:ose indi>iduals =:ose testi8on3 8i9:t
<ro>e to be 8ost da8nin9 to t:e leadin9 <ersonalities of t:ese net=or;s? T:e deat: of ,on
Arono= occurred =it:in t:e ti8e fra8e of t:is 9eneral <rocess of a8<utation and
cauteriAation of t:e Iran-contra and related net=or;s? Man3 as<ects of Arono=7s life
su99est t:at :is assassination 8a3 :a>e been a <roduct of t:e sa8e Fda8a9e controlF lo9ic?
1? or !us:7s F=ar on dru9sF1 see &ac; Anderson and ,ale 6an Atta1 FHo= !us: Co88anded t:e *ar on
,ru9s1F *as:in9ton %ost1 &une $51 12//C La=rence Lifsc:ultA1 F!us:1 ,ru9s and %a;istan" Inside t:e
#in9do8 of Heroin1F T:e Nation1 No>e8ber 1)1 12//C F,ru9 CAars *e Ha>e #no=n1F T:e Nation1
ebruar3 $.1 12/2C and Robert A? %astor and &or9e Castaneda1 Li8its to riends:i<" T:e United States and
MeEico 0Ne= (or;1 12//41 <? $.1?
$? F!us:1 ,ru9s1 and %a;istan1F T:e Nation1 No>e8ber 1)1 12//?
'? See t:e co>er of Ne=s=ee;1 October 121 12/. Fi9:tin9 t:e 7*i8< actor17F =:ic: <ortra3s !us: at t:e
controls of idelit3? A si8ilar <:oto a<<ears facin9 <? $$' in Geor9e !us: and 6ic Gold1 Loo;in9 or=ard
0Ne= (or;1 12/.4?
)? See T:o8as !urdic; and C:arlene Mitc:ell1 !lue T:under 0Ne= (or;1 122541 <? $$2? T:e follo=in9
account of t:e relations bet=een !us: and Arono= relies u<on t:is re8ar;able stud3?
+? !lue T:under1 <? 1/$?
-? !lue T:under1 <? $'+?
.? !lue T:under1 <? 1/?
/? !lue T:under1 <? ')?
2? !lue T:under1 <? .1?
15? !lue T:under1 <? 2+?
11? !lue T:under1 <? 15'?
1$? !lue T:under1 <<? '$--'$.?
1'? !lue T:under1 <<? '+11 '+.?
C:a<ter -MMI- O8a:a
On t:e 8ornin9 of &une $21 12/21 <ande8oniu8 eru<ted in t:e corridors of <o=er in t:e
nation7s ca<ital? FHo8oseEual %rostitution %robe Ensnares Official of !us:1 Rea9an177
screa8ed t:e front-<a9e :eadline of t:e *as:in9ton Ti8es =it: t:e ;ic;er FCall !o3s Too;
Midni9:t Tour of *:ite House?77
T:e Ti8es re<orted1 FA :o8oseEual <rostitution rin9 is under in>esti9ation b3 federal and
,istrict aut:orities and includes a8on9 its clients ;e3 officials of t:e Rea9an and !us:
ad8inistrations1 8ilitar3 officers1 con9ressional aides and U?S? and forei9n business8en
=it: close ties to *as:in9ton7s <olitical elite?77
T:e eE<oseU centered on t:e role of one Crai9 S<ence1 a Re<ublican <o=erbro;er ;no=n
for :is la>is: F<o=er coc;tail77 <arties? S<ence =as =ell connected? He celebrated
Inde<endence ,a3 12// b3 conductin9 a 8idni9:t tour of t:e *:ite House in t:e co8<an3
of t=o teena9e 8ale <rostitutes a8on9 ot:ers in :is <art3?
Ru8ors circulated t:at a list eEisted of so8e $55 *as:in9ton <ro8inents =:o :ad used t:e
call bo3 ser>ice? T:e Nu8ber T=o in c:ar9e of <ersonnel affairs at t:e *:ite House1 =:o
=as res<onsible for fillin9 all t:e to< ci>il ser>ice <osts in t:e federal bureaucrac31 and
Secretar3 of Labor EliAabet: ,ole7s c:ief of staff1 =ere t=o indi>iduals <ublicl3 identified
as <atrons of t:e call bo3 rin9?
T=o of t:e rin97s call bo3s =ere alle9edl3 #G! o<erati>es1 accordin9 to a retired 9eneral
fro8 t:e ,efense Intelli9ence A9enc3 inter>ie=ed b3 t:e <ress? !ut t:e e>idence see8ed to
<oint to a CIA seEual blac;8ail o<eration1 instead? S<ence7s entire 8ansion =as co>ered
=it: :idden 8icro<:ones1 t=o-=a3 8irrors and >ideo ca8eras1 e>er read3 to ca<ture t:e
indiscretions of *as:in9ton7s :i9:1 8i9:t3 and <er>erse? T:e <olitical criteria for <ro<er
seEual co8<ort8ent :ad lon9 been establis:ed in *as:in9ton" An3 ;in;iness 9oes1 so lon9
as 3ou don7t 9et cau9:t? T:e <o<ular <ro>erb =as t:at t:e onl3 =a3 a <olitician could :urt
:is career =as if :e =ere Fcau9:t =it: a dead =o8an or a li>e bo377 in :is bed?
Mont:s after t:e scandal :ad died do=n1 and a fe= =ee;s before :e alle9edl3 co88itted
suicide1 S<ence =as as;ed =:o :ad 9i>en :i8 t:e F;e377 to t:e *:ite House? T:e
*as:in9ton Ti8es re<orted t:at FMr? S<ence :inted t:e tours =ere arran9ed b3 Pto< le>el7
<ersons1 includin9 ,onald Gre991 national securit3 ad>isor to 6ice %resident !us:77 and
later U?S? a8bassador to Sout: #orea?
*e :a>e alread3 :ad occasion to eEa8ine ,on Gre997s role in Iran-Contra1 and :a>e
obser>ed :is curious <erfor8ance =:en testif3in9 under oat: before con9ressional
co88ittees? Gre99 indi9nantl3 denied an3 connection to S<ence1 3et it is <ublic record t:at
S<ence :ad s<onsored a dinner in Gre997s :onor in t:e s<rin9 of 12/2 at *as:in9ton7s <os:
our Seasons Hotel in Geor9eto=n?
Geor9e !us: =as less t:an <leased =it: t:e 8edia co>era9e of t:e <rostitution c:ar9es and
;e<t abreast of t:e scandal as it 8us:roo8ed? T:e *as:in9ton Ti8es re<orted in an article
titled F*:ite House Mute on Call !o3 Scandal177 t:at F*:ite House sources confir8ed t:at
%resident !us: :as follo=ed t:e stor3 of t:e late ni9:t >isit and Mr? S<ence7s lin;s to a
:o8oseEual <rostitution rin9 under in>esti9ation b3 federal aut:orities since t:e3 =ere
disclosed &une $2 in t:e *as:in9ton Ti8es? !ut to< officials =ill not discuss t:e stor37s
substance1 re<ortedl3 e>en a8on9 t:e8sel>es?
F%ress officers :a>e rebuffed re<eated re@uests to obtain Mr? !us:7s reaction and decline to
discuss in>esti9ations or fall out fro8 t:e disclosures?77 !3 8idsu88er1 t:e scandal :ad
been buried? T:e %resident :ad 8ana9ed to a>oid 9i>in9 a sin9le <ress conference =:ere :e
=ould surel3 :a>e been as;ed to co88ent?
As t:e call bo3 rin9 affair do8inated t:e coc;tail 9ossi< circuit in *as:in9ton1 anot:er
scandal1 :alf=a3 across t:e countr3 in t:e state of Nebras;a1 <ea;ed? A9ain t:is scandal
;noc;ed on t:e %resident7s door?
A blac; Re<ublican =:o :ad been a leader in or9aniAin9 8inorit3 su<<ort for t:e
%resident7s 12// ca8<ai9n and =:o <roudl3 dis<la3ed a <:oto of :i8self and t:e %resident1
ar8 in ar81 in :is O8a:a :o8e1 =as at t:e center of a seE and 8one3 scandal t:at
continues to roc; t:e Corn:us;er state?
T:e scandal ori9inated =it: t:e colla<se of t:e 8inorit3-oriented ran;lin Co88unit3
Credit Union in O8a:a1 directed b3 La=rence E? #in91 &r?1 a nationall3 influential blac;
Re<ublican =:o san9 t:e national ant:e8 at bot: t:e 12/) and 12// Re<ublican
con>entions? #in9 beca8e t:e subBect of t:e Nebras;a Senate7s in>esti9ation conducted b3
t:e s<eciall3 created Fran;lin Co88ittee77 to <robe c:ar9es of e8beAAle8ent? In
No>e8ber 12//1 #in97s offices =ere raided b3 t:e !I and I)5 8illion =as disco>ered
8issin9? *it:in =ee;s1 t:e Nebras;a Senate1 =:ic: initiall3 o<ened t:e in@uir3 to find out
=:ere t:e 8one3 :ad 9one1 instead found itself @uestionin9 3oun9 adults and teena9ers
=:o said t:at t:e3 :ad been c:ild <rostitutes? Social =or;ers and state c:ild- care
ad8inistrators accused #in9 of runnin9 a c:ild <rostitution rin9? T:e c:ar9es 9re= =it: t:e
for8er <olice c:ief of O8a:a1 t:e <ublis:er of t:e state7s lar9est dail3 ne=s<a<er1 and
se>eral ot:er <olitical associates of #in91 findin9 t:e8sel>es accused of <atroniAin9 t:e
c:ild <rostitution rin9?
#in9 is no= ser>in9 a 1+-3ear federal <rison sentence for defraudin9 t:e O8a:a-based
credit union? !ut t:e 8a9aAines A>>eni8enti of Ital3 and %ronto of S<ain1 a8on9 ot:ers1
:a>e c:ar9ed t:at #in97s cri8es =ere 8ore serious" t:at :e ran a national c:ild <rostitution
rin9 t:at ser>iced t:e <olitical and business elite of bot: Re<ublican and ,e8ocratic
<arties? C:ild >icti8s of #in97s o<erations c:ar9ed :i8 =it: <artici<ation in at least one
satanic ritual 8urder of a c:ild se>eral 3ears a9o? T:e *as:in9ton %ost1 Ne= (or; Ti8es1
6illa9e 6oice and National La= &ournal co>ered t:e full ran9e of accusations after t:e stor3
bro;e in No>e8ber of 12//? #in97s 8one3 8ac:inations =ere also lin;ed to t:e Iran-
Contra affair1 and so8e sa3 t:at #in9 <ro>ided t:e CIA =it: infor8ation 9arnered fro8 :is
alle9ed acti>ities as a F<i8<77 for t:e :i9: and 8i9:t3?
%ronto1 t:e !arcelona-based1 lar9est circulation =ee;l3 in S<ain =it: )?+ 8illion readers1
re<orted t:at t:e La=rence E? #in9 c:ild <rostitution scandal Fa<<ears to directl3 i8<licate
<oliticos of t:e state of Nebras;a and *as:in9ton1 ,?C? =:o are >er3 close to t:e *:ite
House and Geor9e !us: :i8self?77
T:e =ee;l3 stated t:at Ro3 Ste<:ens1 a <ri>ate in>esti9ator =:o :as =or;ed on t:e case
and :eads t:e Missin9 (out: oundation1 Fsa3s t:ere is reason to belie>e t:at t:e CIA is
directl3 i8<licated177 and t:at t:e F!I refuses to :el< in t:e in>esti9ation and :as sabota9ed
an3 efforts77 to 9et to t:e botto8 of t:e stor3? Ste<:ens sa3s t:at F%aul !onnacci directl3
accused %resident !us: of bein9 i8<licated77 in t:e affair =:en :e testified before t:e
ran;lin Co88ittee? !onnacci1 =:o :ad been one of t:e c:ild <rostitutes1 is identified b3
leadin9 c:ild-abuse eE<erts as a =ell-infor8ed1 credible =itness?
La=rence #in9 =as no stran9er to %resident !us:? And La=rence #in9 =as no stran9er to
Crai9 S<ence? Se>eral of t:e O8a:a c:ild <rostitutes testified t:at t:e3 :ad tra>eled to
*as:in9ton1 ,?C? =it: #in9 in <ri>ate <lanes to attend <olitical e>ents =:ic: =ere
follo=ed b3 seE <arties? #in9 and S<ence :ad 8uc: in co88on? Not onl3 =ere t:e3 bot:
Re<ublican %art3 acti>ists but t:e3 :ad 9one into business to9et:er <rocurin9 <rostitutes for
*as:in9ton7s elite?
!us:7s na8e :ad re<eatedl3 surfaced in t:e Nebras;a scandal? !ut :is na8e =as first <ut
into <rint in &ul3 12/21 a little less t:an a 8ont: after t:e *as:in9ton call bo3 affair :ad
first 8ade :eadlines? O8a:a7s leadin9 dail3 ne=s<a<er re<orted1 FOne c:ild1 =:o :as been
under <s3c:iatric care1 is said to belie>e s:e sa= Geor9e !us: at one of #in97s <arties?77
A full t:ree 3ears after t:e scandal :ad first 8ade :eadlines1 !us:7s na8e a9ain a<<eared in
<rint? Gentle8an7s Luarterl3 0GL4 carried a len9t:3 article1 >ie=ed b3 8an3 <olitical
obser>ers in Nebras;a as an atte8<t to refute t:e c:ar9es =:ic: =ould not die1 des<ite t:e
ter8ination of all official in@uiries? T:e GL <iece dis<uted t:e alle9ations as a cons<irac3
t:eor3 t:at =ent out of control and resonated because of so8e 83stical sociolo9ical
<:eno8ena alle9edl3 uni@ue to Nebras;an rural fol; =:o =ill belie>e an3t:in9 and burn
F=it: t:e 8istrust of cit3 life t:at once infla8ed t:e <rairie =it: <o<ulist <assion?77
Nu8erous <olls o>er t:e last fe= 3ears :a>e recorded o>er 25R sa3in9 t:e3 belie>e t:ere
:as been a Fco>er u<77 of t:e trut:?
GL re<orted t:at 3es1 t:ere =as t:eft1 corru<tion and :o8oseEualit3 in t:is stor31 Fbut no
c:ildren =ere e>er in>ol>ed in t:is case?77 In fact1 Ft:e onl3 c:ild e>en 8entioned =as a 2-
3ear-old bo31 =:o8 t:e least reliable of Caradori7s =itnesses clai8ed to :a>e seen in t:e
co8<an3 of Geor9e !us: at one of Larr3 #in97s *as:in9ton <arties?77
Gar3 Caradori =as a retired state <olice in>esti9ator =:o :ad been :ired b3 t:e Nebras;a
Senate to in>esti9ate t:e case1 and =:o :ad died 83steriousl3 durin9 t:e course of :is
Sound craA3D Not to Ste>e !o=8an1 an O8a:a business8an =:o is co8<ilin9 a boo;
about t:e ran;lin 8one3 and seE scandal? F*e do :a>e so8e credible =itnesses =:o sa3
t:at P(es1 Geor9e !us: does :a>e a <roble8?7??? C:ild abuse :as beco8e one of t:e
e<ide8ics of t:e 1225s177 !o=8an told GL? Alle9edl31 one of !o=8an7s sources is a retired
<s3c:iatrist =:o =or;ed for t:e CIA? He added t:at cocaine traffic;in9 and <olitical
corru<tion =ere t:e ot:er <rinci<al t:e8es of :is boo;?
It didn7t sound craA3 to %eter Sa=3er eit:er? An Australian conser>ati>e acti>ist =:o
<ublis:es a contro>ersial ne=sletter1 Inside Ne=s1 =it: a circulation of $5515551 dedicated
:is No>e8ber 1221 issue entirel3 to t:e Nebras;a scandal1 focusin9 on %resident !us:7s
lin;s to t:e affair? In a section ca<tioned1 FT:e Ori9inal Alle9ations" !us: irst Na8ed in
12/+177 Sa=3er =rites1
FStories about c:ild seE and <orno9ra<:3 first beca8e <ublic ;no=led9e in 12/21 follo=in9
t:e colla<se of t:e ran;lin Credit Union? T:at is not =:en t:e alle9ations started1 :o=e>er?
Indeed1 9i>en t:e <olitical fla>or of t:e subse@uent in>esti9ations1 it =ould be eas3 to
dis8iss clai8s t:at Geor9e !us: :ad been in>ol>ed? He =as b3 t:en a >er3 <ublic
If t:e first alle9ations about a 8assi>e c:ild eE<loitation rin91 centered around Larr3 #in9
and leadin9 all t:e =a3 to t:e *:ite House1 :ad been 8ade in 12/21 and :ad all co8e fro8
t:e sa8e source1 so8e s:enani9ans and 8isc:ie>ous collusion could be sus<ected?
Ho=e>er1 t:e alle9ations arisin9 out of t:e ran;lin Credit Union colla<se =ere not t:e
*a3 bac; in 12/+1 a 3oun9 9irl1 Eulice 0Lisa4 *as:in9ton1 =as t:e center of an
in>esti9ation b3 Andrea L? Carener1 of t:e Nebras;a ,e<art8ent of Social Ser>ices? T:e
in>esti9ation =as insti9ated because Lisa and :er sister Trace3 continuall3 ran a=a3 fro8
t:eir foster <arents1 &arrett and !arbara *ebb? Initiall3 reluctant to disclose infor8ation for
fear of bein9 furt:er <unis:ed1 t:e t=o 9irls e>entuall3 recounted a re8ar;able stor31 later
bac;ed u< b3 ot:er c:ildren =:o :ad been fostered out to t:e *ebb7s GsicH?
T:ese debriefin9s =ere conducted b3 Mrs? &ulie *alters1 anot:er =elfare officer1 =:o
=or;ed for !o3s To=n at t:e ti8e1 and =:o :ad been called in because of t:e constant
reference b3 t:e *ebb c:ildren and ot:ers1 to t:at institution?
Lisa1 su<<orted b3 :er sister1 detailed a 8assi>e c:ild seE1 :o8oseEual1 and <orno9ra<:3
industr31 run in Nebras;a b3 Larr3 #in9? S:e described :o= s:e =as re9ularl3 ta;en to
*as:in9ton b3 <lane1 =it: ot:er 3out:s1 to attend <arties :osted b3 #in9 and in>ol>in9
8an3 <ro8inent <eo<le1 includin9 business8en and <oliticians? Lisa s<ecificall3 na8ed
Geor9e !us: as bein9 in attendance on at least t=o se<arate occasions? FRe8e8ber1 t:is
=as in 12/+177 e8<:asiAed t:e Australian ne=sletter?
T:e ne=sletter re<roduces se>eral docu8ents on Lisa7s case1 includin9 a Nebras;a State
%olice re<ort1 a State of Nebras;a oster Care Re>ie= !oard letter to t:e Attorne3 General1
an in>esti9ati>e re<ort <re<ared for t:e ran;lin Co88ittee of t:e Nebras;a Senate1 and a
<ortion of t:e :and=ritten debriefin9 b3 Mrs? &ulie *alters? %eter Sa=3er sa3s t:at :e
obtained t:e docu8ents fro8 s38<at:etic Australian la= enforce8ent officers =:o :ad
:el<ed Australian C:annel Ten <roduce an eE<oseU of a national c:ild <rostitution rin9
,o=n Under? T:e Australian co<s see8 to :a>e been in co88unication =it: A8erican la=
enforce8ent officers =:o a<<arentl3 a9reed t:at t:ere :ad been a co>eru< on t:e Nebras;a
scandal? Subse@uent in>esti9ations b3 t:e aut:ors establis:ed t:at all four docu8ents =ere
Mrs? &ulie *alters1 no= a :ouse=ife in t:e Mid=est1 confir8ed t:at in 12/- s:e :ad
inter>ie=ed t:e alle9ed c:ild <rostitute1 Lisa1 =:o told :er about Mr? !us:? Lisa and :er
sister Trace3 =ere te8<oraril3 li>in9 at t:e ti8e in t:e :o8e of #at:leen Sorenson1 anot:er
foster <arent? Mrs? *alters eE<lained t:at at first s:e =as >er3 sur<rised? !ut Lisa1 =:o
ca8e fro8 a >er3 under<ri>ile9ed bac;9round =it: no ;no=led9e of <olitical affairs1 9a>e
8inute details of :er attendance at <olitical 8eetin9s around t:e countr3?
ro8 &ulie *alters7 +5-<a9e :and=ritten re<ort" 'O$+O/-? Met =it: #at:leen GSorensonH and
Lisa for about $ :ours in !lair GNeb?H @uestionin9 Lisa for 8ore details about seEual
abuse???? Lisa ad8itted to bein9 used as a <rostitute b3 Larr3 #in9 =:en s:e =as on tri<s
=it: :is fa8il3? S:e started 9oin9 on tri<s =:en s:e =as in 15t: 9rade? !esides :erself and
Larr3 t:ere =as also Mrs? #in91 t:eir son1 %rince1 and $-' ot:er cou<les? T:e3 tra>eled in
Larr37s <ri>ate <lane1 Lisa said t:at at t:ese tri< <arties1 =:ic: Larr3 :osted1 s:e sat na;ed
Floo;in9 <rett3 and innocent77 and 9uests could en9a9e in an3 seEual acti>it3 t:e3 =anted
0but <enetration =as not allo=ed4 =it: :er???? Lisa said s:e first 8et 6?%? Geor9e !us: at t:e
Re<ublican Con>ention 0t:at Larr3 #in9 san9 t:e national ant:e8 at4 and sa= :i8 a9ain at
a *as:in9ton1 ,?C? <art3 t:at Larr3 :osted? At t:at <art31 Lisa sa= no =o8en 0F8a;e-u<
=as <erfect--3ou :ad to c:ec; t:eir le9s to 8a;e sure t:e3 =eren7t a =o8an774?
T:e <ol39ra<: test =:ic: Lisa too; onl3 centered around seEual abuse co88itted b3 &arrett
*ebb? At t:at ti8e1 s:e :ad said onl3 9eneral t:in9s about Larr37s tri<s 0i?e? =:ere t:e3
=ent1 etc?4? S:e onl3 be9an tal;in9 about :er in>ol>e8ent in <rostitution durin9 t:ose tri<s
on 'O$+O/-????
Lisa also acco8<anied Mr? and Mrs? #in9 and %rince on tri<s to C:ica9o1 N?(? and
*as:in9ton1 ,?C? be9innin9 =:en s:e =as 1+ 3ears old? S:e 8issed t=ent3-t=o da3s of
sc:ool al8ost totall3 due to t:ese tri<s? Lisa =as ta;en alon9 on t:e <retense of bein9
%rince7s bab3sitter? Last 3ear s:e 8et 6?%? Geor9e !us: and sa= :i8 a9ain at one of t:e
<arties Larr3 9a>e =:ile on a *as:in9ton1 ,?C? tri<? At so8e of t:e <arties t:ere are Bust
8en 0as =as t:e case at t:e <art3 Geor9e !us: attended4--older 8en and 3oun9er 8en in
t:eir earl3 t=enties? Lisa said s:e :as seen sodo83 co88itted at t:ose <arties????
At t:ese <arties1 Lisa said e>er3 9uest :ad a bod39uard and s:e sa= so8e of t:e 8en
=earin9 9uns? All 9uests :ad to <roduce a card =:ic: =as run t:rou9: a 8ac:ine to >erif3
=:o t:e 9uest =as1 in fact1 =:o t:e3 said t:e3 =ere? And t:en eac: 9uest =as fris;ed do=n
before enterin9 t:e <art3?
T:e details of t:e accusations a9ainst Mr? !us: are ;no=n to be in t:e :ands of t:e !I? A
ran;lin Co88ittee re<ort stated"
A<<arentl3 s:e GLisaH =as contacted on ,ece8ber 12 G12//H and >oluntaril3 ca8e to t:e
!I offices on ,ece8ber '51 12//? S:e =as inter>ie=ed b3 !rad31 Tuc;er and %:illi<s?
S:e indicates t:at in Se<te8ber or October 12/)1 =:en GLisaH *as:in9ton =as fourteen or
fifteen 3ears of a9e1 s:e =ent on a tri< to C:ica9o =it: Larr3 #in9 and fifteen to t=ent3
bo3s fro8 O8a:a? S:e fle= to C:ica9o on a <ri>ate <lane?
T:e <lane =as lar9e and :ad ro=s of t=o seats a<iece on eit:er side of t:e interior 8iddle
S:e indicates t:at #in9 9ot t:e bo3s fro8 !o3s To=n and t:e bo3s =or;ed for :i8? S:e
stated t:at Rod E>ans and t=o ot:er bo3s =it: t:e last na8e of E>ans =ere on t:e <lane?
Could not recall t:e na8es of t:e ot:er bo3s?
T:e bo3s =:o fle= to C:ica9o =it: *as:in9ton and #in9 =ere bet=een t:e a9es of fifteen
and ei9:teen? Most of t:e bo3s =ere blac; but so8e =ere =:ite? S:e =as s:o=n a color
<:oto9ra<: of a bo3 and identified t:at bo3 as bein9 one of t:e bo3s on t:e <lane? S:e
could not recall :is na8e?
S:e indicates t:at s:e =as coerced to 9oin9 on t:e tri< b3 !arbara *ebb?
S:e indicates t:at s:e attended a <art3 in C:ica9o =it: #in9 and t:e 8ale 3out:s? S:e
indicated Geor9e !us: =as <resent?
S:e indicates t:at s:e set GsicH at a table at t:e <art3 =:ile =earin9 not:in9 but a ne9li9ee?
S:e stated t:at Geor9e !us: sa= :er on t:e table? S:e stated s:e sa= Geor9e !us: <a3
#in9 8one31 and t:at !us: left t:e <art3 =it: a nineteen 3ear old blac; bo3 na8ed !rent?
Lisa said t:e <art3 Geor9e !us: attended =as in C:ica9o in Se<te8ber or October 12/)?
Accordin9 to t:e C:ica9o Tribune of October '11 12/)1 !us: =as in Illinois ca8<ai9nin9
for con9ressional candidates at t:e end of October?
Lisa added 8ore details on t:e C:ica9o tri<1 and told =:3 s:e =as sure it =as Geor9e !us:
s:e :ad seen? Accordin9 to a Ma3 /1 12/2 re<ort b3 in>esti9ator &err3 Lo=e1 FEulice GLisaH
indicated t:at s:e reco9niAed Geor9e !us: as co8in9 to t:e <art3 and t:at !us: :ad t=o
lar9e =:ite 8ales =it: :i8? Eulice indicated !us: ca8e to t:e <art3 a<<roEi8atel3 )+
8inutes after it started and t:at :e =as 9reeted b3 Larr3 #in9? Eulice indicated t:at s:e
;ne= Geor9e !us: due to t:e fact t:at :e :ad been in <olitical ca8<ai9ns and also s:e :ad
obser>ed a <icture of !us: =it: Larr3 #in9 at Larr3 #in97s :ouse in O8a:a?77
T:ere is no @uestion t:at Lisa and Trace3 *ebb =ere abused in t:e =a3 t:e3 clai8ed? !ut1
in ;ee<in9 =it: t:e alle9ed <attern of co>eru<1 a *as:in9ton Count31 Nebras;a Bud9e in
,ece8ber 1225 dis8issed all c:ar9es a9ainst t:eir abusers1 &arrett and !arbara *ebb? T:e
Bud9e i9nored <resented testi8on3 of t:e 12/- re<ort b3 !o3s To=n official &ulie *alters?
T:e re<ort stated" FLisa =as 9i>en four <ol39ra<: tests ad8inistered b3 a state troo<er at
t:e State %atrol office on Center Street in O8a:a? T:e state troo<er1 after Lisa7s testin9 =as
co8<leted1 told Ganot:er foster <arentH :e tried to Pbrea; Lisa do=n17 but :e =as con>inced
s:e =as tellin9 t:e trut:?77
urt:er8ore1 nu8bers of foster care officials and 3out: =or;ers debriefed t:e sisters? All of
t:e8 full3 belie>ed not onl3 t:eir 9eneral stor3 of abuse1 but s<ecificall3 t:eir account of
!us:7s in>ol>e8ent? T:e Marc: 12/- re<ort on !us: =as incor<orated into t:e oster Care
Re>ie= !oard7s official re<ort <resented to t:e Senate ran;lin Co88ittee and to la=
enforce8ent? As #at:leen Sorenson =rote in a re<ort dated Ma3 11 12/21 FT:is =as lon9
before :e G!us:H =as <resident? It see8s li;e t:ere =ere 8ore eEcitin9 <eo<le to Plie7 about
if t:at7s =:at t:e3 =ere doin9?77 T:e ru8ors about Mr? !us: =ere 9i>en ne= life =:en ,r?
Ronald Ros;ens1 t:e :ead of t:e A9enc3 for International ,e>elo<8ent 0AI,41 found
:i8self t:e obBect of contro>ers3? EEecuti>e Intelli9ence Re>ie= re<orted in t:e fall of
1221 t:at ,r? Ros;ens is t:e subBect of a scandal in =:ic: :e is bein9 c:ar9ed =it:
>iolatin9 federal la=s and et:ics codes1 accordin9 to t:e Oct? - *as:in9ton %ost? A re<ort
<re<ared b3 AI, Ins<ector General Herbert !ec;in9ton1 dated A<ril + and lea;ed to t:e
%ost1 c:ar9es Ros;ens =it: acce<tin9 t:ousands of dollars in <a38ents fro8 Fdifferent
or9aniAations in co8<ensation of :is and :is =ife7s tra>el eE<enses77 =:ile Ros;ens =as on
official 9o>ern8ent tra>el? He also too; 8one3 for a <ri>ate tri< fro8 a co8<an3 Ffro8
=:ic: Ros;ens :ad a9reed to di>est :i8self as a condition of :is <residential a<<oint8ent?77
T:e ins<ector 9eneral concluded t:at t:e 8one3 acce<ted b3 Ros;ens =as a clear conflict
of interest and >iolated federal la= a9ainst earnin9 non-9o>ern8ent inco8e? !ut on Se<t?
)1 after re>ie=in9 t:e c:ar9es1 t:e ,e<art8ent of &ustice ??? infor8ed !ec;in9ton t:at it :ad
decided not to <rosecute--9i>in9 no eE<lanation for its decision? T:e *:ite House is
re>ie=in9 t:e case?
Con9ressional in>esti9ators are alread3 loo;in9 into t:e alle9ations? S:ould t:e3 scratc:
belo= t:e surface1 t:e3 =ill find t:at t:is is not t:e first ti8e Ros;ens :as been touc:ed b3
scandal? Alt:ou9: %resident !us: <ro8ised t:at :e =ould not tolerate e>en t:e a<<earance
of i8<ro<riet3 in :is ad8inistration1 Con9ress s:ould not be sur<rised if t:e *:ite House
t:reatens to start Fbrea;in9 le9s77 in Ros;ens7s defense?
It is not Bust t:at Ros;ens is a <ersonal friend of t:e %resident--alt:ou9: :e is???? GAHn
uni8<eded in>esti9ation into Ros;ens could eE<ose t:e lin; bet=een !us:7s little
<ubliciAed birt: control 8ania--8uc: of =:ic: is carried out t:rou9: t:e State
,e<art8ent7s AI, in t:e T:ird *orld--and t:e seEual de<ra>it3 ra8<ant in U?S? <olitical
and intelli9ence elites? An3 suc: scandal could s:atter t:e illusions of !us:7s conser>ati>e
base1 8an3 of =:o8 still acce<t t:e %resident7s clai8s to bein9 F<ro-life177 Fanti-dru9177 and
an A8erican <atriot? It s:ould also 8a;e an3one =:o t:in;s of t:e <ro<a9anda about !us:
bein9 t:e Feducation %resident177 dee<l3 @ueas3?
Ros;ens left :is :o8e state of Nebras;a for t:e nation7s ca<ital in earl3 1225 en8ired in
contro>ers3? He :ad been fired suddenl3 as <resident of t:e Uni>ersit3 of Nebras;a1 in a
secret 8eetin9 of t:e state !oard of Re9ents in &ul3 12/2? No <ublic eE<lanation =as 9i>en
for :is re8o>al? (et1 =it:in =ee;s1 t:e *:ite House offered Ros;ens t:e :i9:- <rofile Bob
in *as:in9ton? T:e ad8inistration ;ne= about t:e contro>ers3 in Nebras;a1 but Ros;ens
<assed an !I bac;9round c:ec;1 and =as confir8ed to :ead AI,?
T:e !I a<<ears to :a>e o>erloo;ed a eb? 121 1225 in>esti9ati>e re<ort b3 t:e late Gar3
Caradori Gsee footnote + belo=H1 an in>esti9ator for t:e Fran;lin Co88ittee77 of t:e
Nebras;a Senate? He =rote1 FI =as infor8ed t:at Ros;ins GsicH =as ter8inated b3 t:e state
because of seEual acti>ities re<orted to t:e Re9ents and >erified b3 t:e8? Mr? Ros;ins GsicH
=as re<orted to :a>e :ad 3oun9 8en at :is residence for seEual encounters? As <art of t:e
se<aration fro8 t:e state1 :e :ad to 8o>e out of t:e state-o=ned :ouse because of t:e
liabilit3 to t:e state if so8e of :is seEual be:a>ior =as Pille9al?777 T:ere :as been no
inde<endent confir8ation of t:e accusation? As of late ,ece8ber 12211 a con9ressional
co88ittee =as loo;in9 into t:e c:ar9es?
Notes for C:a<ter -MM-
1? *as:in9ton Ti8es1 Au9? 21 12/2?
$? *as:in9ton Ti8es1 &ul3 .1 12/2?
'? %ronto 0!arcelona1 S<ain41 Au9? '1 1221 and Au9? 151 1221?
)? O8a:a *orld-Herald1 &ul3 $'1 12/2?
+? On &ul3 111 12251 durin9 t:e course of :is in>esti9ations1 Gar3 Caradori1 )11 died in t:e cras: of :is
s8all <lane1 to9et:er =it: :is /-3ear-old son1 after a 8id-air eE<losion =:ose cause :as not 3et been
disco>ered? A s;illed and cautious <ilot1 Caradori told friends re<eatedl3 in t:e =ee;s before :is deat:
t:at :e feared :is <lane =ould be sabota9ed?
-? Gentle8an7s Luarterl31 ,ece8ber 1221?
.? Re<ort1 =ritten on Marc: $+1 12/- b3 &ulie *alters and aut:enticated b3 :er in an inter>ie= in 1225?
/? Re<ort1 earl3 12/21 co8<iled b3 &err3 Lo=e1 t:e first in>esti9ator for t:e ran;lin Co88ittee of t:e
Nebras;a State Senate?
2? A boo; recentl3 <ublis:ed on t:e Nebras;a affair b3 a for8er Re<ublican state senator and
decorated 6ietna8 >eteran1 &o:n *? ,e Ca8<1 T:e ran;lin Co>er-U<" C:ild Abuse1 Satanis8 and
Murder in Nebras;a 0Lincoln1 Nebras;a" A*T1 Inc?1 122$4 tells t:e =:ole stor3?
15? EEecuti>e Intelli9ence Re>ie=1 Oct? 1/1 1221?
Geor9e !us:" T:e Unaut:oriAed !io9ra<:3 --- b3 *ebster G? Tar<le3 N Anton
C:a<ter -MMII- !us: Ta;es T:e %residenc3
Oderint du8 8etuant
0Let t:e8 :ate 8e1 <ro>ided t:at t:e3 fear 8e?4
Accius1 FAtreusF 0c? 1$+ !C41 attributed b3 Suetonius to Cali9ula?
Geor9e !us:7s @uest for t:e su88it of A8erican <olitical <o=er =as so sustained and so
unrelentin9 t:at it is i8<ossible to assi9n t:e be9innin9 of :is ca8<ai9n for <resident to an3
s<ecific date? It is 8ore accurate to re<ort t:at :is entire tenure as >ice <resident =as
consu8ed b3 t:e reno>ation and eE<ansion of :is <ersonal and fa8il3 net=or; for t:e
<ur<ose of seiAin9 t:e <residenc3 at so8e <oint in t:e future? ,urin9 t:is <:ase1 !us: =as
far 8ore concerned =it: or9aniAational and 8ac:ine-buildin9 8atters t:an =it: ideolo93 or
<ublic relations? or 8ost of t:e 12/57s1 it =as con>enient for !us: to culti>ate t:e <ublic
<rofile of a fait:ful and e>en obse@uious de<ut3 to Rea9an1 =:ile usin9 t:e office of t:e
>ice <resident to build a national-electoral and international- o>ertOco>ert <o=er cartel?
T:is arran9e8ent =or;ed >er3 =ell for !us:1 since it 9a>e t:e !us: ca8arilla considerable
<o=er in t:e inner councils of t:e second Rea9an ad8inistration? !ut as t:e 12/.-12//
<eriod a<<roac:ed? it also beca8e clear t:at !us:7s <ublic toad3in9 to t:e Rea9an 83sti@ue
:ad been so eEa99erated as to 9i>e rise to :is notorious F=i8<F <roble8? !us: could easil3
:a>e refuted t:ese c:ar9es b3 citin9 t:e lon9 series of brutal and blood3 co>ert and se8i-
co>ert inter>entions :e :ad directed in :is role as boss of t:e S<ecial Situation Grou<1 but
:e Bud9ed t:is i8<olitic?
!us: started =it: t:e ;no=led9e t:at :e =as a =ea; candidate? Rea9an :ad e8bodied t:e
<o<ular ideolo93 in suc: a fla=less =a3 as to re8ind e>er3one of t:eir fa>orite uncleC
=:ate>er t:e cri8es of :is ad8inistration1 =:ate>er t:e decline of t:eir li>in9 standards1
t:e 8asses could not :ate :i8C t:is =as =:3 Rea9an =as suc: an ideal facade for re9i8e
t:at ;e<t 9ettin9 nastier? Rea9an also :ad an ideolo9ical follo=in9 of <eo<le =:o =ould
su<<ort :i8 al8ost =it:out re9ard to =:at :e did" Rea9an =as t:e beneficiar3 of t:e full3
Bustified ideolo9ical bac;las: a9ainst t:e ,e8ocrats and Carter1 a9ainst t:e Roc;efeller-
ord liberal Re<ublicans?
!ut !us: :ad none of t:is? He :ad no re9ional constituenc3 in an3 of t:e :alf-doAen <laces
:e tried to call :o8eC :is fa>orite son a<<eal =as diluted all o>er t:e 8a<? He :ad no base
a8on9 labor1 blac;s1 or in t:e cities1 li;e t:e #enned3 a<<arat? !lueblood financiers
9ra>itated instincti>el3 to !us:1 and :is lifeline to t:e <ost-Me3er Lans;3 8ob =as robust
indeed1 and t:ese =ere i8<ortant factors1 alt:ou9: not enou9: b3 t:e8sel>es to =in an
election? !us:7s net=or;s could al=a3s tilt t:e 8edia in :is fa>or1 but t:e Rea9an
eE<erience :ad <ro>ided a <ainful lesson of :o= inade@uate t:is could be a9ainst a cle>er
<o<ulist ri>al? Ot:er=ise1 !us:7s base =as in t:e 9o>ern8ent1 =:ere ei9:t 3ears of <atient
=or; :ad <ac;ed t:e eEecuti>e branc:1 t:e Con9ress and its staffs1 and t:e Budiciar3 =it:
!us:8en? T:is =ould 9i>e !us:7s effort undoubted <o=er1 but also an aro8a of a 8odern
!ona<artis8 of a s<ecial ;ind1 of a re9i8e in =:ic: t:e 9o>ern8ent asserts t:e i8a9ined
interests of 9o>ern8ent itself a9ainst t:e <o<ulation1 a >indicti>e and t3rannical
9o>ern8ent set abo>e t:e <eo<le and in direct conflict =it: t:e8? T:at =ould =or; =ell as
lon9 as t:e <o<ulation =ere ato8iAed and <assi>e1 but 8i9:t bac;fire if t:e3 could find a
<oint of coalescence a9ainst t:eir tor8entors?
Nor =as it onl3 t:at !us: lac;ed a lo3al base of su<<ort? He also :ad >er3 :i9: ne9ati>es1
8eanin9 t:at t:ere =ere a lot of <eo<le =:o disli;ed :i8 intensel3? Suc: ani8osit3 =as
es<eciall3 stron9 a8on9 t:e ideolo9ical Rea9anite conser>ati>es1 =:o8 !us: :ad been
<ur9in9 fro8 t:e Rea9an Ad8inistration fro8 earl3 on? T:ere =ould <ro>e to be >er3 little
t:at !us: could do to lo=er :is ne9ati>e res<onse rate1 so t:e onl3 ans=er =ould be to raise
t:e ne9ati>es of all ri>al candidates on bot: sides of t:e <artiAan di>ide? T:is brutal
i8<erati>e for t:e !us: 8ac:ine :as contributed si9nificantl3 to t:e last :alf decade7s
increase in dero9ation and >illification in A8erican life? !us:7s discreditin9 ca8<ai9ns
=ould be subsu8ed =it:in t:e Fan3t:in9 9oesF a<<roac: ad>ocated b3 t:e late Lee
At=ater1 t:e or9aniAer of Rea9an7s 12/) ca8<ai9n =:o :ad si9ned on =it: !us: =ell in
ad>ance of 12//?
Ele8ents of Rea9an7s success <osed a >er3 real t:reat to !us:? T:ere =ere for eEa8<le t:e
Rea9an ,e8ocrats1 8an3 of t:e8 et:nic1 Cat:olic1 and blue collar =or;ers in t:e 8id=est
and Great La;es states =:o :ad turned t:eir bac;s on t:e ,e8ocrats in dis9ust o>er t:e
succession of McGo>ern1 Carter1 and Mondale and =ere no= su<<ortin9 Rea9an? T:ese
>oters =ere not li;el3 to s:o= u< in t:e Re<ublican <ri8aries1 but an3 t:at did so =ould
:ardl3 >ote for !us:? In t:e 9eneral election1 t:ere =as a real dan9er t:at t:e3 =ould be
re<elled b3 !us: and return to t:eir traditional ,e8ocratic :o8e1 as s@ualid as t:at :ad
beco8e? !us: =ould need :ea>3 ca8oufla9e to <ass 8uster =it: t:ese >oters? T:e
!us:8en recalled t:at before t:e3 :ad been Rea9an ,e8ocrats1 8an3 of t:ese intensel3
frustrated >oters :ad flirted =it: *allace in 12-/ and 12.$? T:e fla91 t:e deat: <enalt31 and
an a<<eal to racis8 8i9:t <ro>ide an ideolo9ical s8o;escreen for t:e <atrician !us:?
!us: could not 8odel :is effort on Rea9an7s ca8<ai9ns fro8 12-/ on? or :i81 t:e closest
8odel =as t:at of Gerald ord in 12.-1 a =ea; liberal Re<ublican =it: <o=erful net=or;
and 8asonic su<<ort1 but no issues1 no c:aris8a1 and no <o<ular a<<eal? ord7s defeat
:i9:li9:ted 8an3 of t:e <itfalls t:at !us: faced as :e <re<ared for 12//? ord and Carter
:ad been loc;ed in a >irtual dead :eat as t:e >oters =ent to t:e <olls? An :onest count
=ould :a>e 9i>en ord t:e election1 but ballot-boE stuffin9 b3 t:e ,e8ocratic 8ac:ines in
O:io and Ne= (or; Cit3 :ad 9i>en Carter t:e <al8? !us: t:erefore :ad to <a3 attention to
an3 8ar9inal factors t:at 8i9:t tilt a close race in :is fa>or? *as it a conincidence t:at1
durin9 12/+ and 12/-1 t:e ,e8ocratic 8ac:ines in O:io and Ne= (or; =ere deci8ated b3
scandals and indict8ents1 8uc: to t:e dis8a3 of O:io 8ob ban;er Mar>in *arner1 and
Stanle3 ried8an and t:e late ,onald Mannes1 t:e corru<t borou9: <residents of t:e !ronE
and of LueensD or !us:1 t:ese rec;onin9s =ere si8<l3 t:e 8ost ele8entar3 <recautions1
and a :arbin9er of =:at =ould befall ri>al candidates as t:e <ri8aries dre= nearer?
!us: also :ad to loo; bac; at :is <erfor8ance in t:e 12/) ca8<ai9n1 :ardl3 an e<ic effort?
!us: :ad 9otten in so8e trouble because :e :ad refused cate9oricall3 to rule out a taE
increase in ter8s as ada8antine as Rea9an7s? !us: tried to =i99le out of <ress onferences
=:ere t:is ca8e u<" FNo 8ore nit-<ic;in9? Ji<<it3 doo-da:? No= it7s off to t:e races1F =as
:is <artin9 s:ot as :e sou9:t to eEit one <ress conference =:ere :e =as bein9 9rilled?
Ot:er=ise !us: =as t:e ultra-ort:odoE Rea9an c:eerleader1 Bud9ed Ffa=nin9F b3 *itco>er
and Ger8ond" F:e :ad t:e re<utation of bein9 a bootlic;er1 and :is conduct in office did
not:in9 to di8inis: it?F Gfn 1H Colu8nist &ose<: #raft =rote of !us:" Ft:e <atrician :as
tried to be a <o<ulist? He co8es across1 in conse@uence1 as <uerile?F Gfn $H
!us:7s bi9 8o8ent =as :is >ice <residential debate =it: Geraldine erraro? ,urin9 t:e
debate1 !us: re8ar;ed t:at t:e 8arines =:o :ad been ;illed in t:e bo8bin9 of t:eir !eirut1
Lebanon barrac;s in October1 12/' :ad Fdied in s:a8e?F On t:e 8ornin9 after t:e debate1
!us: =ent to Elisabet:1 Ne= &erse3 for a rall3 =it: lon9s:ore8en? He said to a 8an in t:e
cro=d t:at F=e tried to ;ic; a little assF in t:e debate =it: erraro? T:en :e sa= t:at a
8icro<:one sus<ended fro8 a boo8 =as =it:in ears:ot? F*:oo<sK O:1 God1 :e :eard 8eK
Turn t:at t:in9 off1F said t:e tou9: 9u3 of t:e ro3al F=e?F !arbara !us: 9ot inot t:e act
=it: :er @ui< t:at erraro =as a Ffour 8illion dollar --- I can7t sa3 it but it r:38es =it:
ric:?F !ritis:er Teele3 added t:at erraro =as Ftoo bitc:3?F Gfn 'H In t:e 8ost stu<efied
election of 8odern ti8es1 t:ese slo9ans =ere t:e stuff of =:ic: 9reat issues =ere 8ade?
T:e *as:in9ton %ost =ent after !us: as Ft:e Cliff !arnes of A8erican <olitics1F a
reference to a c:aracter in t:e soa< o<era ,allas =:o8 t:e %ost found Fblusterin91
o<<ortunistic1 cra>en1 and :o<lessl3 ineffecti>e all at once?F Ot:ers1 fores:ado=in9 t:e
t:3roid re>elations of 12211 tal;ed about !us:7s F:3<er;inesis?F E>en t:e unsa>or3 Geor9e
*ill co88ented t:at Ft:e o<ti8istic state8ent 7Geor9e !us: is not as sill3 as :e fre@uentl3
see8s7 no= see8s co8<arable to Mar; T=ain7s state8ent t:at *a9ner7s 8usic is better t:an
it sounds?F Gfn )H
T:ere =as t:us >er3 little :o<e t:at !us: could :el< :i8self b3 ca8<ai9nin9 effecti>el3?
!ut did Geor9e :a>e an3 ne= ac:ie>e8ents in :is resu8e t:at :e could <oint toD
T:ere =ere fe= t:at :e =ould or could tal; about? In t:e conteEt of :is F3ou die1 =e fl3F
role as Rea9an7s official surro9ate at state funerals1 :e :ad 8et t:e ne= So>iet leader (uri
Andro<o> at !reA:ne>7s funeral for a Fs<oo; to s<oo;F con>ersation1 as !us: said? He :ad
t:en 8et Mic:ael Gorbac:o> at Andro<o>7s funeral in t:e s<rin9 of 12/+? !ut !us: =ould
not =ant to <la3 u< :is role in turnin9 t:e Fe>il e8<ireF Rea9an of t:e first ter8 into t:e
su88it-9oin9 Fuseful idiot of So>iet <ro<a9andaF of t:e second ter81 since t:is =ould stir
u< <roble8s alon9 !us:7s ri9:t flan;?
All !us: could tal; about =ere :is forei9n tri<s? *:en !reA:ne> died in No>e8ber1 12/$1
!us: :ad been in Africa1 =:ence :e di>erted to Mosco=? T:is =as a tri< to se>en blac;
African states1 includin9 Ni9eria and #en3a? *:en :e 9ot bac; to *as:in9ton :e tried to
ca<italiAe on t:e African Bun;et1 =:ic: =as underta;en in t:e s<irit of t:e Rea9an
Ad8inistration7s Fconstructi>e en9a9e8entF1 8eanin9 in <ractice offerin9 >arious re=ards
and induce8ents to t:e %retoria re9i8e =:ile 9entl3 <roddin9 t:e8 to =it:dra= fro8
Na8ibia? In bot: La9os and Nairobi1 !us: =as denounced for establis:in9 a US- s<onsored
lin;a9e bet=een t:e de<arture of Cuban forces fro8 An9ola and t:e ter8ination of t:e
Sout: African <rotectorate o>er Na8ibia? Gfn +H
In t:e su88er of 12/'1 !us: =ent to Scandina>ia1 acco8<anied b3 scores of Secret
Ser>ice a9ents and aides1 bullet<roof li8ousines1 and *:ite House co88unications
e@ui<8ent? !us:7s staff =ere tr3in9 to <lan <:oto o<<ortunities and tele>ision <ers<ecti>es
in t:e tradition of Mic:ael ,ea>er and ,r? Goebbels? ,urin9 a >isit to a 8e8orial to t:e
8onu8ent to ,en8ar;7s *orld *ar II resistance fi9:ters1 a US Na>3 officer on !us:7s staff
instructed t:e ,anis: <rotocol c:ief t:at ,anis: %ri8e Minister Sc:luter and ot:er ,anis:
offocials :ad to be F:erdedF to one side as !us: strode to=ard t:e 8o8u8ent" a booris:
insult1 to sa3 t:e least? 0!us:7s tra>ellin9 entoura9e :as 9otten <ro9ressi>el3 u9lier o>er t:e
3ears1 as =e are re8inded b3 t:e !us: <art37s clas: =it: S=iss securit3 officers at Gene>a
Air<ort durin9 !us:7s 8eetin9 =it: HafeA Assad in t:e fall of 1225? H3<ert:3roid at t:e to<
infects t:e <eo<le furt:er do=n t:e line?4
In Iceland1 !us: 9a>e a s<eec: so 9eneric t:at it =as not clear if :e :ad lost trac; of =:at
countr3 :e =as in? In Stoc;:ol81 :e clas:ed :eatedl3 =it: S=edis: %ri8e Minister Olof
%al8e o>er t:e US FcontraF co>ert action <ro9ra8s in Central A8erica? A fe= 3ears later
%al8e =as to be assassinated1 and 8an3 attribute :is deat: to :is >er3 detailed ;no=led9e
of t:e Euro<ean di8ension of Iran-contra? !ut for !us: t:e tri< =as a bi9 success" :e 9ot to
<la3 tennis doubles =it: !Born !or91 and =ent fis:in9 off Iceland? Gfn H
In Ma3 of 12/)1 !us: =as off to India and %a;istan? Indira Gand:i =as ri9:tl3 sus<icious
of !us:1 and :ad recentl3 co88ented about bad US-Indian relations" F*:at can be doneD
T:e <roble8 is t:e orientation of t:e GUSH ad8inistration?F Gfn .H T:e <olic3 =:ic: !us:
<resented to Mrs? Gand:i included s:ar< cutbac;s in residual US aid and US sabota9e of
loans to India b3 t:e international a9encies? In No>e8ber1 12/)1 Mrs? Gand:i =as
In Marc:1 12/+1 !us:7s :andlers sta9ed a 9lobetrottin9 <:oto o<<ortunit3 to be9in buildin9
u< t:eir 8an for 12//? !us: fle= to t:e Sudan1 to Ni9er1 and to Mali1 =:ere :e =as
o>erta;en b3 =ord of t:e deat: of #onstantin C:ernen;o1 t:e So>iet leader? !us:7s F3ou
die1 =e fl3F o<eration too; :i8 at once to Mosco=1 =:ere :e 8et =it: Gorbac:o>1
Na;asone of &a<an1 Hel8ut #o:l of Ger8an31 Mar9aret T:atc:er1 RaBi> Gand:i1 and Jia
ul-Ha@ of %a;istan? T:en it =as on to <ost-in>asion Grenada1 follo=ed b3 !us:7s
a<<earance at t:e inau9uration of t:e ne= ci>ilian 9o>ern8ent of !raAil? Here !us: dod9ed
,ann3 Orte9a1 t:e leader of t:e Nicara9uan Sandinista re9i8e1 =:o =anted to confront
!us: on US <olic3 in t:e re9ion? T:e nint: and last sto< on !us:7s Bun;et =as Honduras1
=:ere !us: >isited =it: %resident Roberto SuaAo Cordo>a1 a ;e3 <la3er in t:e =orld of
contra <olic3? Gfn /H
Naturall31 t:ere =as 8ore to eac: one of t:ese sto<s t:an 8et t:e e3e? T:e insi<id <latitudes
of !us:7s <ublic s<eec:es =ere 8atc:ed 8ore often t:an not =it: >icious co>ert acti>it3?
Often t:e >erbia9e =as at >ariance =it: t:e real <olic31 or soon =ould be? In 12/11 !us:
:ad been Rea9an7s en>o3 to an inau9uration of %resident Marcos of t:e %:ili<<ines? !us:7s
toast to Marcos1 F*e lo>e 3our ad:erence to de8ocratic <rinci<le and to t:e de8ocratic
<rocessF :ad been casti9ated b3 t:e liberal <ress 0t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es called it Fa real
clan9erF41 but =:en t:e line c:an9ed and it =as ti8e for t:e US 9o>ern8ent to o>ert:ro=
Marcos1 it =as t:e !us: a<<aratus t:at did it =it: t:e F<eo<le <o=erF of t:e US-9uided
enra9es of Manila?
One s8all =indo= on t:e real di8ensions of !us:7s >ice <residential tra>el a9enda is
<ro>ided b3 t:e >isit to t:e Sudan Bust 8entioned? ,urin9 t:is tri<1 !us: =as acco8<anied
b3 tele>an9elists %at Robertson and &err3 all=ell1 t=o El8er Gantries of t:e >ideo et:er1
eac: =it: stron9 intelli9ence connections? Robertson 8ade t:e tri< =it: !us:1 =:ile
al=ell =as alread3 in t:e countr3 on a 8ission of :is o=n in t:e fra8e=or; of t:e on9oin9
fa8ine in t:e Sa:el re9ion? Robertson brou9:t a ca8era cre= fro8 :is C!N net=or;1
=:ic: 9ot a de8a9o9ic s:ot of !us: and Robertson slo=l3 descendin9 fro8 Air orce T=o
in #:artou8 =:ile t:e band <la3ed FHail to t:e C:ief?F Robertson =as brin9in9 relief
su<<lies? On Marc: -1 12/+1 :e told C!N t:at :e =as =or;in9 =it: t:e 9enocidal US
A9enc3 for International ,e>elo<8ent on relief <roBects? Reliable Sudanese sources re<ort
t:at US AI, <olicies are desi9ned to eEacerbate 8ortalit3 in areas =:ere t:e3 are a<<lied?
!us:7s ur9ent <ur<ose =as to arran9e t:e o>ert:ro= of t:e %resident of t:e Sudan1 &aafar
Ni8ier31 =:o8 *all Street =anted de<osed? !us: see8s to :a>e so8e difficult3 in
<lannin9 and eEecutin9 a s=ift and effecti>e cou< d7etat? His res<onse to t:e Mosco=
<utsc: of Au9ust1 12211 FCou<s can fail1F reflected :is o=n bitter eE<erience1 in %ana8a in
October 1225 and in t:e case in <oint in t:e Sudan? T:e CIA =as bac;in9 a 9rou< of Bunior
officers =:o =anted to ta;e <o=er1 but t:e3 da=dled too lon9? T:e3 =aited until Ni8ier3
left t:e countr3 on a one-=ee; >isit to t:e United States? T:en1 instead of seiAin9 t:e
ob>ious nodal <oints1 t:e3 s<ent a full =ee; in orc:estratin9 a t3<ical CIA F<eo<le <o=erF
u<sur9e1 =it: de8onstrations in t:e streets of t:e ca<ital and a stri;e b3 151555 doctors1
teac:ers1 ban;ers1 and Bud9es? Ni8ier3 =as b3 no= fl3in9 bac; fro8 t:e US?
T:is inordinate dela3 allo=ed a 9rou< of senior officers =:o =ere not US <u<<ets <lent3 of
ti8e to de>elo< t:eir o=n <lan for a <re-e8<ti>e seiAure of <o=er? T:e senior 9rou<1 led b3
General Abdul Ra:8an S=aredda:ab1 acted decisi>el3 on A<ril -1 12/+1 catc:in9 !us:7s
Bunior officer cli@ue flat-footed? Gfn 2H T:e lustre =as 9one fro8 !us:7s re<utation as a
9ol<ista1 and it :as ne>er reall3 returned?
!us:7s tri< to #:artou8 =as also desi9ned to ser>e t:e Israeli Mossad? ,urin9 :is >isit1
!us: secured t:e consent of Ni8ier3 to an Israeli airlift ;no=n as FO<eration Moses1F
=:ic: transferred t:ousands of Et:io<ian &e=s fro8 t:e Sudan to Israel? T:e Israeli
<resence =as lin;ed to t:e <lan to to<<le Ni8ier3?
In &ul31 12/+1 !us: =as %resident for a ,a31 =:en Rea9an transferred :is <o=ers to t:e
>ice <resident before under9oin9 anest:esia in t:e course of an o<eration to re8o>e an
intestinal <ol3<? !us: :ad flo=n to #ennbun;<ort on &ul3 1$1 t:e sa8e da3 t:at Rea9an
=as ad8itted to !et:esda na>al :os<ital for an eEa8ination? *:en it =as found t:at
Rea9an =ould re@uire an o<eration t:e neEt da31 !us: fle= bac; fro8 #ennbun;<ort to 9et
:is :ands on t:e lon9-a=aited le>ers of <o=er? At 15"'$ AM1 Rea9an si9ned letters to
House S<ea;er Ti< O7Neill and Senate %resident %ro Te8<ore Stron T:ur8ond <assin9 t:e
:el8 to !us:? Rea9an7s o<eration be9an sli9:tl3 before noon1 and !us: =as actin9
<resident =:en :e arri>ed at Andre=s Air orce !ase about :alf an :our later? !us: 9ot to
:is :o8e at t:e Na>al Obser>ator3 and s<ent t:e rest of t:e da3 t:ere? His staff said t:at
not:in9 <residential :a<<ened before Rea9an a=o;e fro8 :is anest:esia at ."$$ %M and
si9ned a <a<er resu8in9 :is <o=ers?
Had not:in9 <residential reall3 :a<<enedD As &ac; Anderson =rote so8e 3ears later1 it =as
reall3 Fnot:in9???unless 3ou7re tal;in9 to for8er <resident Gerald R? ord1 t:e ;in9 of
<ratfalls?F It a<<ears t:at !us:1 doubtless o>erco8e b3 t:e eu<:oria of <o=er1 :ad sli<<ed
=:ile <la3in9 tennis and :it :is :ead rat:er seriousl3? Accordin9 to so8e :i9:- le>el *:ite
House officials <olled b3 t:e &ac; Anderson colu8n1 t:e 8anic !us: :ad actuall3 been
FunconsciousF for a ti8e1 but ne>er Finca<acitated?F FIt =asn7t serious enou9: to be
c:ec;ed1F accordin9 to a !us: aide1 and !us: Fsle<t it off?F Gfn 15H Not 8uc: :ere for a
ca8<ai9n s<eec: celebratin9 !us:7s eE<erience1 =:ic: no= included a brief encounter =it:
t:e diAA3 a<eE of <o=er itself?
or Rea9an7s State of t:e Union 8essa9e in &anuar31 12/-1 !us:7s :andlers =or;ed :ard to
<re>ent :i8 fro8 Fs@uir8in91 3a=nin91 slu8<in91 9aAin9 into s<ace and 8ostl3
loo;in9???bored b3 :is <resident?F !us: =as drilled into ra<t attention for t:e Great
Co88unicator7s =ords b3 >ie=in9 e8barrassin9 fil8 cli<s of :i8self <residin9 o>er earlier
Boint sessions of t:e Con9ress? Gfn 11H Ot:er=ise1 !us: :ad =on so8e notoriet3 for
c:an9in9 :is =atc:bands to 8atc: :is suit? Gfn 1$H
More t:an an3t:in91 !us: =anted an earl3 endorse8ent fro8 Rea9an in order to su<<ress
or at least undercut c:allen9es to :is <resu8<ti>e front-runner status fro8 GO% ri>als in t:e
<ri8ariesC it =as alread3 clear t:at Senator !ob ,ole 8i9:t be t:e 8ost for8idable of
t:ese? !us: feared ,ole7s c:allen9e1 and des<eratel3 =anted to be annointed as Rea9an7s
:eir-a<<arent as soon as <ossible before 12//? !ut Rea9an :ad a<<arentl3 not 9otten o>er
t:e anti<at:3 to !us: :e :ad concei>ed durin9 t:e Nas:ua Tele9ra<: debate of 12/5?
Accordin9 to a :i9:-le>el Rea9an Ad8inistration source s<ea;in9 in t:e su88er of 12/-1
F8ore t:an once t:e <resident Gtold !us:H1 7Ob>iousl31 I78 9oin9 to sta3 neutral until after
t:e con>ention1 and t:en I78 9oin9 to =or; for =:ic:e>er candidate co8es out on to<?F Gfn
1'H ,es<ite !us:7s Fsla>is: de>otion1F Rea9an =anted to ;ee< t:e door o<en to :is 9ood
friend1 Senator %aul LaEalt of Ne>ada1 =:o8 Rea9an a<<arentl3 t:ou9:t =as 9ettin9 read3
to run for <resident? One can i8a9ine !us:7s ra9e and c:a9rin?
As t:e 8ont:s =ent b31 it beca8e clear t:at t:ere =as no lo>e lost on !us: b3 Rea9an?
!us: =as runnin9 8uc: of t:e ad8inistration1 but :e =as not runnin9 Rea9an in certain
8atters1 and t:is see8ed to be one of t:e8? In t:e late su88er of 12/.1 Rea9an 9ranted a
8a9aAine inter>ie= in =:ic: :e see8ed to <raise !us:" FI don7t ;no= t:at t:ere :as e>er
been a >ice <resident =:o :as been 8ore co8<letel3 in>ol>ed in all t:at 9oes on t:an t:is
>ice <resident?F In t:e 8iddle of Iran-contra1 t:at 8i9:t not :a>e been eEactl3 =:at !us:
=anted? T:e Rea9an =as as;ed to cite eEa8<les? FI can7t ans=er in t:at conteEt1F re<lied
Rea9an? !us: :ad 9ro=n u< in t:e liberal GO% <aradise of t:e Eisen:o=er 3ears1 and :e
could not :el< re8e8berin9 old I;e7s dis<ara9in9 ans=er to a si8ilar @uestion t:at :ad
in>ited :i8 to na8e so8e decisions 6ice %resident NiEon :ad <artici<ated in? FIf 3ou 9i>e
8e a =ee;1 I 8i9:t t:in; of one1F @ui<<ed I;e? Gfn 1)H
Rea9an stubbornl3 refused to co8e out for !us: until t:e endorse8ent could no lon9er :el<
:i8 in t:e Re<ublican <ri8aries? Rea9an c:ose to =ait until Su<er Tuesda3 =as o>er and
t:e rest of t:e Re<ublican field :ad been 8at:e8aticall3 eli8inated? Rea9an actuall3
=aited until !ob ,ole1 t:e last of !us:7s ri>als1 :ad dro<<ed out? T:en Rea9an i9nored t:e
de8ands of !us:7s 8edia :andlers and <erce<tion-8on9ers and 9a>e :is endorse8ent in
t:e e>enin91 too late for t:e 8ain net=or; ne=s <ro9ra8s? T:e scene =as a <artisan e>ent1
a >er3 lar9e GO% Con9ressional fundraisin9 dinner? Rea9an =aited to t:e end of t:e s<eec:1
eE<lained t:at :e =as no= brea;in9 :is silence on t:e <residential contest1 and in a
<erfunctor3 =a3 said :e =ould su<<ort !us:? FI78 9oin9 to =or; as :ard as I can to 8a;e
6ice %resident Geor9e !us: t:e neEt <resident of t:e United States1F said old Ron? T:ere
=ere no accolades for !us:7s real or i8a9ined ac:ie>e8ents1 no stirrin9 ;udos? Seasoned
obser>ers found Rea9an7s state8ent F:alf:earted???al8ost 9rud9in9?F Gfn 1+H
So8e da3 =e 8a3 ;no= :o= 8uc: of t:e <ublic deni9ration of Rea9an in accounts bot:
true and in>ented1 includin9 studies s:o=in9 8ental i8<air8ent t:at surfaced in late 12/.
and earl3 12//1 =as due to t:e efforts of a !us: 8ac:ine deter8ined to create t:e
i8<ression t:at a <resident =:o refused ent:usiasticall3 to endorse !us: =as a 8ental
inco8<etent? Had t:e ,iscreditin9 Co88ittee been unleas:ed a9ainst t:e %resident of t:e
United StatesD It =ould not be t:e first ti8e?
Rea9an7s endless reticence 8eant t:at !us: :ad to =or; es<eciall3 :ard to <ander to t:e
ri9:t =in91 to t:ose <eo<le =:ic: :e des<ised but ne>ert:less needed to use? Here !us:
stoo<ed to boundless <ublic de9radation? In ,ece8ber1 12/+ !us: =ent to Canossa b3
acce<tin9 an in>itation to a dinner in Manc:ester1 Ne= Ha8<s:ire :eld in :onor of t:e late
*illia8 Loeb1 t:e for8er <ublis:er of t:e Manc:ester Union Leader? *e :a>e alread3
docu8ented t:at old 8an Loeb :ated !us: and =or;ed do99edl3 for :is defeat in 12/5?
Still1 !us: =as t:e Fsoul of :u8ilit31F and :e =as =illin9 to do an3t:in9 to be able to ta;e
<o=er in :is o=n na8e? !us: 9a>e a s<eec: full of =:at t:e *as:in9ton %ost c:ose to call
Fself-de<recatin9 :u8or1F but =:at ot:ers 8i9:t :a>e seen as 9ro>ellin9? !us: re9aled +55
Re<ublicans and ri9:tists =it: a fair3 tale about :a>in9 tried in 12/5 to =oo Loeb b3
offerin9 re=ards of colored =atc:bands1 LaCoste s:irts and To<sider s:oes to an3one =:o
could =in o>er !ill Loeb? T:e ite8s na8ed =ere <re<<3 <ara<:ernalia =:ic: Loeb and
8an3 ot:ers found re<u9nant?
!us: @uoted =:at Loeb :ad said about :i8" F:3<ocrite???double-standard 8oralit31
in>ol>ed u< to :is nec; in *ater9ate???unfit to be t:e Re<ublican no8inee???inco8<etentC
liberal 8as@ueradin9 as a conser>ati>eC a :3<ocrite???a s<oon-fed little ric: ;id =:o :as
been =et-nursed to success1F and so on fro8 t:e series of 12.2-12/5 editorials? !us: t:en
<raised t:e aut:or of t:ese =ords as a 8an of F<assionate con>iction and stron9 belief???In
ne>er 8incin9 :is =ords or <ullin9 :is <unc:es1 !ill Loeb =as <art of a 9reat tradition of
outs<o;en <ublis:ers?F So8e of t:e asse8bled ri9:t-=in9ers re<eated t:e line fro8 t:e
,oonesbur3 co8ic stri< accordin9 to =:ic: !us: F:ad <laced :is 8an:ood in a blind
trust?F Loeb7s =ido= Nac;e3 Scri<<s Loeb =as non-co88ital? F*e :a>e decided on a
candidate for 12//--=:oe>er best fi9:ts for t:e Rea9an a9enda1F s:e announced?
F*:et:er t:at <erson is :ere toni9:t re8ains to be seen1F s:e added? Gfn 1-H
La=full31 !us: :ad earned onl3 t:e conte8<t of t:ese Ne= Ha8s<:ire conser>ati>es? In
October1 12/.1 =:en t:e Ne= Ha8<s:ire <ri8ar3 season =as a9ain at :and1 Mrs? Loeb
re=arded !us: for :is 9ro>ellin9 =it: a blisterin9 attac; t:at featured re<rints of !ill
Loeb7s 12/5 barbs" Fa <re<<3 =i8<1 <art of t:e self-a<<ointed elite1F and so fort:? Mrs?
Loeb =rote1 FGeor9e !us: :as been !us: for -' 3ears? He :as been Ronald Rea9an7s
errand bo3 for Bust t:e last se>en? *it:out Ronald Rea9an :e =ill surel3 re>ert to t:e
ori9inal Geor9e !us:?F Mrs? Loeb re<eated :er late :usband7s 12/5 ad>ice" FRe<ublicans
s:ould flee t:e <residential candidac3 of Geor9e !us: as if it =ere t:e blac; <la9ue itself?F
Gfn 1.H
,is<la3s of t:is t3<e be9an to ins<ire a 8ore 9eneral <ublic conte8<t for !us: durin9
12/.? !us: =as co8in9 across as Fdeferential al8ost to t:e <oint of obse@uiousness1F Ftoo
=ea;1 too na8b3-<a8b3?F Geor9e *ill1 anEious to <ic; a =inner1 be9an to ridicule !us: as
a Fla<do9?F T:e F=i8< factorF =as be9innin9 to tor8ent !us:? Old !ill Loeb =as still
8a;in9 !us: s@uir8? T=o >eteran obser>ers <ointed out" FRea9an7s o=n <:3sical <resence
and self-confidence 8ade !us: in contrast see8 e>en =ea;er1 and !us:7s <enc:ant for t:e
<riss3 re8ar; at ti8es cast :i8 as t:e Little Lord auntlero3 of t:e ca8<ai9n trail??F !us:
said :e =as runnin9 a ne9ati>e ca8<ai9n so as not to lea>e t:e ,e8ocrats a 8ono<ol3 on
Ft:e nau9:t3 stuff?F Gfn 1/H
All of t:is cul8inated in t:e de>astatin9 Ne=s=ee; co>er stor3 of October 121 12/.1
Fi9:tin9 t:e 7*i8< actor?7F T:e article =as 8ore anal3tical t:an :ostile1 but did describe
t:e Fcri<<lin9 :andica<F of be9in seen as a F=i8<?F !us: :ad been a F>assal to #issin9erF
at t:e United Nations and in !eiBin91 t:e article found1 and no= e>en !us:7s second ter8
c:ief of staff said of !us:1 FHe7s e8asculated b3 t:e office of >ice <resident?F To a>oid
a<<earin9 as a tele>ision =i8<1 !us: :ad Ftried for t:e <ast 15 3ears to 8aster t:e 8ediu81
stud3in9 it as if it =ere a forei9n lan9ua9e? He :as consulted >oice and tele>ision coac:es?
He tried c:an9in9 :is 9lasses and e>en =earin9 contact lenses?
G???H !us:7s ti9:t1 t=an93 >oice is a co88on <roble8? Under stress1 eE<erts eE<lain1 t:e
>ocal cords ti9:ten and t:e >oice is :i9:er t:an nor8al and lac;s <o=er?F Accordin9 to
Ne=s=ee;1 +1R of A8ericans found t:at F=i8<F =as a Fseriousl3 <roble8F for !us:? T:e
8a9aAine offered >arious so<:o8oric <s3c:olo9ical eE<lanations of :o= !us: 9ot t:at
=a31 8ainl3 concentratin9 on :is fa8il3 u<brin9in9? Here !us: =as alle9edl3 tau9:t to
conceal :is socio<at:ic dri>es beneat: a >eneer of <ro<itiation and s:arin91 as in :is
c:ild:ood nic;na8e of FHa>e HalfF Geor9e?
T:e Ne=s=ee; F=i8<F co>er soon :ad !us: c:e=in9 t:e car<et at t:e Na>al Obser>ator3?
!us:7s ;nuc;le-dra99in9 son Geor9e *? !us: called t:e stor3 Fa c:ea< s:otF and added
8enacin9l3" F???I7d li;e to ta;e t:e 9u3 =:o =rote t:at :eadline out on t:at boat1F i?e?1 t:e
Arono=-built idelit3 in =:ic: !us: =as de<icted on t:e Ne=s=ee; co>er? *:ic: sounded
>er3 8uc: li;e a t:reat? Geor9e *? !us: also called Ne=s=ee; *as:in9ton bureau c:ief
E>an T:o8as to infor8 :i8 t:at t:e !us: ca8<ai9n :ad officiall3 cut off all contact =it:
Ne=s=ee; and its re<orters? T:e decision to <ut Ne=s=ee; out of business =as 8ade b3
candidate !us: <ersonall31 and aborted a <lan b3 Ne=s=ee; to <ublis: a boo; on t:e 12//
ca8<ai9n? T:e <ress 9ot t:e 8essa9e" <ortra3 !us: in a fa>orable li9:t or face >indicti>e
and discri8inator3 counter8easures?
!us: ca8<ai9ns :a>e al=a3s ad>anced on a cus:ion of 8one31 and t:e 12// effort =as to
<us: t:is c:aracteristic to un:eard-of eEtre8es? In ;ee<in9 =it: a tradition t:at :ad
stretc:ed o>er al8ost t:ree decades1 t:e !us: ca8<ai9n finance c:air8an =as Robert
Mosbac:er1 =:ose Mosbac:er Ener93 Cor<oration is one of t:e lar9est <ri>atel3 :eld
inde<endent oil co8<anies in TeEas? Mosbac:er7s net <ersonal =ort: is esti8ated at I$55
8illion? ,urin9 t:e 12// ca8<ai9n1 Mosbac:er raised I-5 8illion for t:e !us: ca8<ai9n
and I$+ 8illion for t:e Re<ublican National Co88ittee? It =as Mosbac:er =:o for8ed t:e
Tea8 155 cor<s d7elite of $+5 fatcats1 a8on9 =:o8 =e :a>e seen Henr3 #ra>is? T:e tric;
=as t:at 8an3 of t:ese I1551555 contributors =ere <ro8ised a8bassadorial <osts and ot:er
<resti9ious a<<oint8ents1 a <:eno8enon t:at =ould reac: scandalous <ro<ortions durin9
12/2? In 12/)1 Mosbac:er7s son Rob &r? ran a stron9 but losin9 race for t:e senate seat
>acated b3 &o:n To=er?
Mosbac:er b3 t:e 8id-12/57s :ad beco8e a director of t:e bi99est ban; in Houston1 and a
8e8ber of t:e 8ost eEclusi>e clubs in t:e cit3? He =as a central fi9ure of t:at cabal of
financiers and oil 8en =:ic: in t:e <ost=ar 3ears =as called Ft:e Suite / cro=d1F and
=:ic: :as since e>ol>ed into ne= for8s? Mosbac:er1 !a;er1 and !us: are no= at t:e center
of t:e business oli9arc:3 t:at runs t:e state of TeEas?
Mosbac:er =as also a celebrit3? *:en :e =as bet=een :is second and t:ird 8arria9es
durin9 t:e earl3 12/57s1 :e =as billed as Houston7s 8ost eli9ible bac:elor? His t:ird =ife
Geor9ette1 a cos8etics entre<reneur1 =as t:e star of t:e !us: inau9ural as far as t:e
<:oto9ra<:ers =ere concerned? T:e Mosbac:ers :abituall3 fle= around t:e countr3 in t:eir
o=n <ri>ate Bet1 and 8aintained :o8es in Ne= (or;1 *as:in9ton ,C1 and t:e eE<ensi>e
Ri>er Oa;s section of Houston?
,urin9 t:e 8id-12/57s1 Mosbac:er re<ortedl3 lined :is <oc;ets to t:e tune of I)5 to I+5
8illion t:rou9: a sca8 called t:e Houston Grand %ar;=a3? Mosbac:er7s 9ains deri>ed fro8
t:e TeEas Trans<ortation Cor<oration Act1 =:ic: <ro>ided for t:e de facto <ri>atiAation of
:i9:=a3 buildin9 in confor8it3 =it: t:e ideolo9ical tenets and fast-buc; 8entalit3 of t:e
Rea9an-!us: econo8ic cli8ate? Local lando=ners =ere e8<o=ered to set u<
Ftrans<ortation cor<orationsF =:ic: =ould solicit donations of t:e ri9:ts-of-=a3 of ne=
roads1 and =:ic: =ould fund t:e en9ineerin9 studies for t:e roads? If ri9:t-of-=a3 and
desi9n <lans =ere a<<ro>ed1 t:e state =ould <roceed to actuall3 build t:e roads?
In <ractice t:is beca8e a 9i9antic s<eculation at t:e center of =:ic: la3 Mosbac:er7s Cinco
Ranc:1 a <ro<ert3 :e :ad ac@uired for I+ 8illion in 12.5? One <ro>ision of t:e bill =as t:at
8an3 s8all lando=ners in t:e 9eneral area of t:e <ro<osed rods =ould be :it b3 s<ecial
road assess8ent taE le>ies of u< to ei9:t ti8es t:e >alue of t:eir <ro<ert3? Mosbac:er
cas:ed in b3 sellin9 off :is Cinco Ranc: for I/) 8illion1 t:e :i9:est <rice in Houston7s
:istor3? T:e lea< in t:e >alue of t:e land =as 8ade <ossible b3 t:e Grand %ar;=a3 <assin9
ri9:t t:rou9: t:e center of Mosbac:er7s ranc:1 a route t:at :ad been desi9ned b3 a
Mosbac:er old bo3 net=or; t:at reac:ed into t:e TeEas :i9:=a3 de<art8ent? Gfn 12H
Mosbac:er7s net=or; for t:e Houston Grand %ar;=a3 ca<er included Harris Count3
Co88issioner Robert (? F!i9 !obF Ec;els1 =:ose <ersonal friends:i< and close <olitical
ties =it: Geor9e !us: =ere =ell ;no=n? Gfn $5H Ec;els =as a lando=ner =:o stood to
benefit fro8 t:e ne= road-buildin9 <roBects <er8itted under t:e ne= la=? Ec;els =as also a
dedicated GO% acti>ist =:o 8ade t:e Harris Count3 9o>ern8ent into a de facto ar8 of t:e
Rea9an-!us: ca8<ai9n in 12/)? In 12/+1 Houston <ress re<orts s:o=ed t:at !i9 !ob
Ec;els :ad de<lo3ed count3 9o>ern8ent e8<lo3ees1 count3 9o>ern8ent tele<:ones1 and
count3 co8<uter e@ui<8ent to or9aniAe and ser>ice a 9rou< callin9 itself National
Conference of Re<ublican Count3 Officials =:ic:1 accordin9 to Roanoa;e Count31 6ir9inia
Treasurer red Anderson1 functioned as Fa =or;in9 ar8 for t:e *:ite House and t:e
national GRe<ublicanH <art3?F Gfn $1H Ec;els later ad8itted t:at :e :ad also s<ent at least
I$51555 of :is o=n funds for Fa =orldF of 8ailin9s for t:e Rea9an-!us: tic;et and :ad not
re<orted t:ese eE<enditures to t:e ederal Election Co88ission? Ec;els =as con>icted on
8isdea8enaor c:ar9es of acce<tin9 a 9ift fro8 a count3 contractor in t:e for8 of a road on
:is Austin Count3 tree far8? Ec;els :ad been indicted siE ti8es =:ile still in office1 on
>arious c:ar9es?
!3 &une1 12/21 Ec;els =as in se8i-retire8ent on :is tree far81 but =as tellin9 t:e <ress t:at
:e =as =or;in9 on :is autobio9ra<:3 =:ic: :e assured a re<orter =ould not be Bust a
F8uc;-ra;in9 deal?F Gfn $$H T:is boo; <roBect =as =idel3 >ie=ed in Houston as an atte8<t
b3 Ec;els to de>elo< a retaliator3 ca<abilit3 to =ard off <ossible furt:er attac;s b3 :is o=n
for8er <artners?
!i9 !ob Ec;els 8a3 :a>e been ser>in9 Geor9e !us: in ot:er =a3s as =ell? In t:e s<rin9 of
12/+1 Houston attorne3 ,ou9las Cadd3 sa3s :e =as told b3 Ric:ard !ro=n of t:e
International Intelli9ence Net=or; Cor<oration t:at Fa secret Rea9an-!us: ca8<ai9n fundF
=it: FI1?+ 8illion in itF :ad been unco>ered foll=in9 t:e 12/) <residential ca8<ai9n?
Cadd3 alle9ed t:at !ro=n told :i8 t:e fund =as Fcontrolled b3 Harris Count3
Co88issioner !ob Ec;els?F Accordin9 to Cadd31 !ro=n furt:er alle9ed t:at FIRS Cri8inal
Intelli9ence ;no=s about it?F Accordin9 to Cadd31 !ro=n =as a <erson =it: lin;s to bot:
t:e !I and t:e IRS? Cadd3 also asserts t:at a re<ort of t:e eEistence of t:e secret fund =as
also re<eated to :i8 b3 <ri>ate in>esti9ator Cl3de *ilson? Gfn $'H ,urin9 Ma3 12// and
&une 12/21 Cadd3 =rote to t:e !I and t:e EC on t:e 8atter? T:e EC declared t:e
alle9ations Matter Under Re>ie= 0MUR4 $2$+1 but later decided in ebruar3 12211 des<ite
Freason to belie>eF Cadd37s c:ar9es1 to ta;e no action? Gfn $)H ,urin9 12/21 Cadd3 =as :it
b3 an Internal Re>enue Ser>ice audit =:ic: led to an IRS assess8ent of :undreds of
t:ousands of dollars of <enalties a9ainst :i81 a lien on :is <ro<ert31 and ot:er 8easures? In
Cadd37s >ie=1 t:is audit =as a retaliation a9ainst :is :a>in9 raised t:e issue of t:e I1?+
8illion Rea9an-!us: ca8<ai9n fund?
urt:er in>esti9ation of t:is <otentiall3 e8barrassin9 co8<leE of alle9ations =as 9reatl3
:indered b3 t:e deat: of Robert (? Ec;els on ,ece8ber $)1 12/2?
!us:7s bi9 8one3 ca8<ai9nin9 =as es<eciall3 de<endent u<on TeEas oil8en1 =:ose
lar9esse :e re@uired to sto;e :is <olitical 8ac:ine? !us: =as runnin9 a <olitical action
co88ittee called t:e und for A8erica7s uture =:ic: raised I'?2 8illion in off-3ear 12/+1
a :eft3 su8? Of t:at ta;e1 about a fift: =as raised fro8 +5+ TeEas donors1 =it: TeEans
9i>in9 8ore t:an t:e residents of an3 ot:er state? I1'+152+ of !us:7s 8one3 :ar>est ca8e
fro8 <ersons =:o could be clearl3 identified as oil industr3 fi9ures1 and t:e ra;eoff :ere
=as <robabl3 8uc: 9reater? *:en t:e <rice of a barrel of oil fell durin9 t:is <eriod fro8
I'2 to I1$1 !us: :ad a bi9 <roble8? His donors be9an to s@ua=;?
O>erall1 t:e colla<se of t:e oil <rice1 itself a result of t:e =orld-=ide industrial de<ression1
=as a boon to t:e ban;ru<t US dollar? T:e insol>ent 9reenbac; =as s:ored u< b3 t:is ne=
subsid31 =:ic: restored a little of t:e currenc37s abilit3 to co88and so8e real co88odities
in t:e real =orld? !ut for !us:7s i88ediate cronies and 8one3-8inded <olitical base1 it
=as a disaster? F(ou7>e 9ot to fi9ure Geor9e =as 9ettin9 ban9ed around b3 all :is oil
friends1 <articularl3 t:e drillers1 =:o :a>e been :urt t:e 8ost1F a Con9ressional !us:8an
told t:e *as:in9ton %ost? Gfn $+H Sure enou9:1 !us:7s old <al !ill Liedt;e1 no= t:e
<resident of %OGO %roducin9 in Houston1 a drillin9 co8<an31 confir8ed t:at :is 8an =as
:i9:l3 attuned to t:e issue" FGeor9e understands >er3 =ell t:at 3ou7re 9oin9 to lose a
certain <ercenta9e of <roduction <er8anentl3 if t:e <rice 9oes too lo=? E>er since I :a>e
;no=n :i81 bac; to t:e Eisen:o=er era1 :e :as been >er3 sensiti>e to t:e connection
bet=een a stron9 GoilH industr3 and national securit3?F Gfn $-H Robert Mosbac:er1 !us:7s
8one3ba9s1 confir8ed t:is >ie= in s<ades" FI al=a3s find t:at =:en I tal; to Geor9e about
t:e oil and 9as business1 :e7s u< to s<eed? He :as t=o sons in t:e business1 and :e sta3s in
touc: t:rou9: t:e8?F
T:e colla<se of t:e oil <rice <osed a real <roble8 t:at s:ould :a>e been ans=ered b3
introducin9 an oil tariff =it: a tri99er <rice of I$+ <er barrel1 so t:at t:e do8estic <rice of
oil =ould ne>er fall belo= t:at fi9ure1 as =as <ro<osed at t:e ti8e b3 a fe= s<o;es8en for
t:e oil <atc:? T:at =ould :a>e been t:e e@ui>alent of settin9 u< a <arit3 <rice for oil1 and
=ould :a>e 9i>en do8estic <roducers solid certainties for lon9-ter8 de>elo<8ent and
<lannin9? !ut t:e Rea9an Ad8inistration in 9eneral =as still =edded to t:e <resident7s
irrational fetis:is8 of Ft:e 8a9ic of t:e 8ar;et<lace1F and =ould >iolentl3 o<<ose an3t:in9
s8ac;in9 of diri9is8 or re-re9ulation?
!us: =as not interested in a <arit3 <rice for oil? He rat:er too; ad>anta9e of a sc:eduled
tri< to t:e Middle East1 durin9 =:ic: :e =as su<<osed to be discussin9 re9ional securit3
8atters1 to tal; u< t:e <rice of oil =it: :is lon9-ti8e cron3 #in9 a:d of Saudi Arabia?
!us: eE<ressed :is concern about Ft:e free fallF of oil <rices and tal;ed =it: a:d about
F:o= Gt:e SaudisH feel t:ere can be so8e stabilit3 to a 8ar;et t:at certainl3 can7t be >er3
:a<<3 to t:e8?F He denied t:at :e :ad co8e to Saudi Arabia on a F<rice-fiEin9 8ission1F
but in>o;ed national securit3? !us: lectured Saudi Oil Minister Ja;i (a8ani about t:e
saturation of t:e =orld oil 8ar;et? T:e i8<lication =as clear" t:e Saudis =ere su<<osed to
cut bac; t:eir <roduction? Gfn $.H It =as a fe= =ee;s later t:at t:e US bo8bed Lib3a?
!us: sancti8oniousl3 clai8ed t:at :is re8ar;s :ad not:in9 to do =it: t:e @uest for
<olitical ad>anta9e? His <erfor8ance 8a3 :a>e <la3ed =ell in t:e oil <atc:1 but re>ie=s
else=:ere =ere not laudator3? A *:ite House official said t:at F<oor Geor9eF :ad
co88itted Fa 9affeF t:at =as sure to :urt :i8 in Ne= Ha8<s:ire? Rea9an =as still >er3
co88itted to free 8ar;et forces settin9 t:e <rice of oil1 =as t:e =ord in t:is @uarter? U< in
t:e rust bo=l1 t:e ,etroit Ne=s :eadlined" F!us: to Mic:i9an" ,ro< ,ead?F A ,ole
s<o;es8an 9loated t:at F9i>en !us:7s bac;9round1 t:e last t:in9 :e needs to be doin9 is
carr3in9 =ater for t:e oil industr3 and t:e international ban;s????It =as as if :is =:ole
resu8e =as tal;in9?F
Once a9ain1 as so fre@uentl3 in :is career1 <olitics =as <ro>in9 un;ind to t:e :o<es of
Geor9e !us:? !3 t:e s<rin9 of 12/.1 !us: =as Fcatc:in9 t:e dic;ensF out on t:e :ustin9s
for :is Iran-contra acti>ities? On t:e ,e8ocratic side1 Gar3 Hart1 t:e for8er senator fro8
Colorado =:o :ad run second to Mondale t:rou9: t:e 12/) <ri8aries1 =as e8er9in9 as a
clear front-runner? *it: :is o=n efforts founderin91 !us: :ad e>er3 reason to fear
succu8bin9 in a lon9 season of <:oto o<<ortunities in co8<etition =it: Hart? !ut if <olitics
=as fic;le1 t:ere =as al=a3s t:e bedroc; of co>ert action?
Gar3 Hart tal;ed about bein9 t:e candidate =it: ne= ideas1 but :e :ad an i88ense
>ulnerabilit3? He =as a :abitue of Turnberr3 Isle1 a $') acre eart:l3 <aradise located nort:
of Mia8i? %art of t:e co8<leE =as a $2 stor3 condo8iu8? Turnberr3 =as fre@uented b3
celebrities of t:e s<orts and entertain8ent =orld1 b3 <oliticians and b3 Mafiosi li;e &oe3
I<<olito1 a con>icted 8ariBuana ;in9<in? T:e de>elo<er and 8ana9er of Turnberr3 =as ,on
Soffer1 =:o =as also t:e o=ner of a 3ac:t na8ed t:e Mon;e3 !usiness? 0After t:e
ebruar31 12/. 8urder of ,on Arono=1 Soffer recei>ed a tele<:one call1 fro8 a <erson =:o
told :i81 F(ou7re neEt?F Soffer :ired eEtra bod39uards and =ent for a one-=ee; Atlantic
cruise on t:e Mon;e3 !usiness?4 Soffer =as a friend of ,on Arono=? !en #ra8er =as also
a fre@uent >isitor to Turnberr3 Isle? T:e establis:8ent e8<lo3ed a staff of :ostesses =:o
=ere ter8ed F,onnie7s 9irlsF or Ft:e <art3 9irlsF? Accordin9 to so8e1 t:ese :ostesses
doubled as luEur3 <rostitutes for t:e Turnberr3 clientele of =ealt:3 8ale <atrons?
A8on9 t:e e8<lo3ees of Turnberr3 =as t:e so8eti8e 8odel ,onna Rice? Anot:er =o8an1
L3nn Ar8andt1 =as in c:ar9e of t:e staff of <art3 9irls1 and also :ad retail s<ace for a bi;ini
bouti@ue in an u<scale and re8unerati>e Turnberr3 s:o<<in9 co8<leE? L3nn Ar8andt =as
t:e =ido= of a re<uted !en #ra8er associate1 a Mia8i dru9 dealer and under=orld fi9ure
=:o :ad disa<<eared and ne>er been found? T:e car of Ar8andt7s :usband =as e>entuall3
found1 riddled =it: 8ac:ine-9un slu9s and stained =it: blood? In t:e 9lo>e co8<art8ent1
in>esti9ators found t:e tele<:one nu8ber of !en #ra8er?
*:en federal a9ents raided !e8 #ra8er7s ort A<ac:e Marina on Au9ust $/1 12/.1 t:e3
eEa8ined t:e contents of #ra8er7s safe and found t:e ori9inal 8anuscri<ts of earl3 <ri8ar3
stu8< s<eec:es b3 Gar3 Hart? Gfn $/H
At /"'5 %M on t:e e>enin9 of Monda31 A<ril $.1 12/.1 Bournalist To8 iedler1 =:o :ad Bust
=ritten a stor3 on t:e ru8ors of seEual <ro8iscuit3 t:at :ad be9un to surface around t:e
Gar3 Hart ca8<ai9n1 recei>ed a tele<:one call at :is office? It =as Bust after Gart Hart :ad
told E?&? ,ionne of t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es1 Follo= 8e around? I don7t care? I78 serious? If
an3bod3 =ants to <ut a tail on 8e? 9o a:ead? T:e37d be >er3 bored?F An eEtensi>e and =ell-
or9aniAed net=or; in t:e 8edia =as :3<in9 t:e stor3 t:at Hart =as <ro8iscuous? T:e
tele<:one call recei>ed t:at da3 b3 iedler =as fro8 a =o8an =:o told :i81 FGar3 Hart is
:a>in9 an affair =it: a friend of 8ine? *e don7t need anot:er <resident =:o lies li;e t:at?F
T:e neEt 8ornin9 at 15"'5 AM t:e sa8e =o8an called bac; =it: t:e re<ort t:at :er fe8ale
friend =as li;el3 to acce<t an in>itation to s<end t:e =ee;end =it: Gar3 Hart at :is
*as:in9ton to=n:ouse1 and t:at t:e friend =as li;el3 to 8a;e t:e tri< b3 air rida3
e>enin9? %ublis:ed sources and unna8ed aides in t:e Gar3 Hart ca8<ai9n :a>e identified
L3nn Ar8andt as t:e =o8an =:o 8ade t:is call to To8 iedler of t:e Mia8i Herald1
alt:ou9: iedler denies t:is is true? Gfn $2H
T:ese tele<:one calls led to t:e sta;eout of Hart7s to=n:ouse b3 iedler and ot:er re<orters
of t:e Mia8i Herald =:o ca8e u<on Hart to9et:er =it: ,onna Rice1 detonatin9 t:e scandal
=:ic: destro3ed Hart7s candidac3?
T:e =o8an caller described :erself as a liberal ,e8ocrat but a foe of 8endacit3? S:e told
iedler t:at s:e and :er 9irlfriend :ad s<ent ti8e on a 3ac:t =it: Hart and an older 8an
na8ed !ill =:o =as su<<osedl3 Hart7s la=3er? T:is turned out to be a cruise b3 Hart1
,onna Rice1 L3nn Ar8andt and Hart7s la=3er *illia8 !road:urst <lus a cre= of fi>e on
board t:e Soffer-o=ned Fc:artered 3ac:tF Mon;e3 !usiness to !i8ini and bac; in t:e
s<rin9ti8e? ,onna Rice later confir8ed s:e :ad 8et Hart at Turnberr3?
*illia8 !road:urst or F!ill3 !?F =as a *as:in9ton la=3er and Hart bac;er =:o ser>ed t:e
candidate as an o<erati>e on t:e ca8<ai9n trail? !road:urst :ad a Ca<itol Hill to=n:ouse
near Hart7s? !road:urst later eE<lained t:at L3nn Ar8andt :ad co8e to *as:in9ton to
consider :is offer to be a social director for :is lobb3in9 and entertainin9 acti>ities in
*as:in9ton? !road:urst said t:at ,onna Rice :ad co8e alon9 =it: :er friend L3nn
Ar8andt1 and t:at bot: =o8en :ad sta3ed o>erni9:t at :is :ouse1 not at Hart7s? L3nn
Ar8andt soon left *as:in9ton after t:e stor3 :ad bro;en1 and t:e Hart ca8<ai9n <eo<le
said t:e3 ne>er :eard fro8 :er a9ain?
T:ere is no need to recount t:e ostracis8 and re>elations t:at follo=ed1 leadin9 to t:e
destruction of Gar3 Hart as a <olitical fi9ure? Nor is it our intention :ere to defend t:e lost
cause of t:e decidedl3 unsa>or3 for8er Senator Hart? !ut 9i>en t:e situation of t:e !us:
ca8<ai9n in A<ril-Ma31 12/.1 =e are re8inded b3 Seneca7s FCui <rodestF <ro<osition t:at
t:e !us:8en as <ri8e beneficiaries =ould necessaril3 @ualif3 as <ri8e sus<ects if an3
Fnau9:t3 stuffF =ere to o>erta;e Hart1 as it did? Our sus<icions can onl3 be :ei9:tened b3
t:e ob>ious de9ree to =:ic: !us:1 Arono=1 #ra8er1 Soffer1 Ar8andt1 and Rice 8ust be
seen >irtuall3 as one interrelated social a8al9a8 in t:e settin9 of Mia8i1 T:underboat
Alle31 Turnberr3 Isle1 and t:e Mon;e3 !usiness? %er:a<s an old score =as bein9 settled
:ere as =ell1 datin9 bac; to ,ece8ber1 12.+1 :earin9s in =:ic: Gar3 Hart :ad taunted
!us: about t:e Lied;te 8one3 launderin9 a<<aratus referenced in Ric:ard M? NiEon7s
Fs8o;in9 9unF ta<e?
&a8es !a;er =as t:e titular :ead of t:e !us: ca8<ai9n1 but t:e <erson res<onsible for t:e
o>erall conce<ts and s<ecific tactics of t:e !us: ca8<ai9n =as Lee At=ater1 a <olitical
<rote9e of Senator Stro8 T:ur8ond of Sout: Carolina? T:ur8ond :ad been a ,e8ocrat1
t:en a ,iEiecrat in 12)/1 t:en a ,e8ocrat a9ain1 and finall3 a Re<ublican? T:e eEe9encies
of 9ettin9 elected in Sout: Carolina on t:e GO% tic;et :ad tau9:t T:ur8ond to reac:
dee<l3 into t:at de8a9o9ue7s ba9 of tric;s called t:e =ed9e issues? Under T:ur8ond7s
tutela9e1 At=ater :ad beco8e =ell >ersed in t:e essentials of t:e Sout:ern Strate931 t:e ;e3
to t:at e8er9ent Re<ublican 8aBorit3 in <residential elections =:ic: #e>in %:illi<s :ad
=ritten about in 12-/? At=ater :ad also i8bibed <olitical doctrine fro8 t:e first <ractitioner
of t:e Sout:ern Strate931 t:e dar;-Bo=led Ric:ard M? NiEon :i8self? In &anuar3 12/'1 for
eEa8<le1 Lee At=ater1 at t:at ti8e de<ut3 director of t:e *:ite House office of <olitical
affairs 0and a creature of t:e !us:-!a;er connection41 8et =it: NiEon for t:ree and a :alf
:ours in Colu8bia1 Sout: Carolina? NiEon :eld fort: on t:ree <oints" t:e decisi>e <olitical
i8<ortance of t:e Sun !elt1 t:e nu8erical relations =it:in t:e Electoral Colle9e1 and t:e
>ast benefits of :a>in9 no <ri8ar3 co8<etition =:en see;in9 re-election? At=ater found
t:at NiEon ;ne= t:e Electoral Colle9e li;e t:e bac; of :is :and1 and ;ne= t:at t:e electoral
>otes of t:e sout:ern states =ere t:e ;e3 to t:e ball 9a8e as <resentl3 constituted? NiEon
:ad railed a9ainst t=o Con9ress8en1 %ete McClos;e3 of California and &o:n As:broo; of
O:io1 =:o :ad c:allen9ed :i8 fro8 t:e left and ri9:t =:en :e sou9:t re-election in 12.$?
FT:ose 9u3s =ere t=o 9nats on 83 ass1F co8<lained NiEon? Gfn '5H !us: :as ob>iousl3
attributed 9reat i8<ortance to NiEon7s ad>ice t:at all <ri8ar3 co8<etition be banned durin9
t:e @uest for a second ter8? NiEon7s ad>ice underlines t:e real <roble8s <osed for !us: b3
a candidac3 li;e t:at of tele>ision co88entator %at !uc:anan?
In 12// as =ell1 NiEon =as brou9:t in to be t:e s<iritus rector of t:e !us: ca8<ai9n?
,urin9 Marc: of 12//1 =:en it =as clear t:at !us: =as 9oin9 to =in t:e no8ination1
NiEon Fsli<<ed into to=nF to Boin Geor9e !us:1 !ar1 and Lee At=ater for dinner at t:e
Na>al Obser>ator3? T:is ti8e it =as !us: =:o recei>ed a one :our lecture fro8 Tric;3
,ic; on t:e need to cater to t:e Re<ublican ri9:t =in91 t:e i8<erati>e of a tou9: line on
cri8e in t:e streets and t:e So>iets 0a9ain to <ro<itiate t:e ri9:tists41 to construct an
inde<endent identit3 onl3 after t:e con>ention1 and to ur9e Rea9an to ca8<ai9n acti>el3?
And of course1 =:ere NiEon s:o=s u<1 #issin9er cannot be far a=a3?Gfn '1H
12// sa= anot:er lar9e-scale 8obiliAation of t:e intelli9ence co88unit3 in su<<ort of
!us:7s <residential a8bitions? T:e late Miles Co<eland1 a :i9:-le>el for8er CIA official
=:o o<erated out of London durin9 t:e 12/57s1 contributed a <iece fran;l3 titled FOld
S<oo;s for !us:F to t:e Marc: 1/1 12// issue of National Re>ie=? 0Since t:e 8a9aAine7s
editor1 *illia8 !uc;le31 =as a notorious S;ull and !ones cultist1 t:e allusion to Fs<oo;sF
assu8ed t:e c:aracter of an insider <un?4 Co<eland based :is endorse8ent of !us: on t:e
candidate7s anti-So>iet fir8ness1 a >ie=<oint t:at see8s odd in retros<ect? Co<eland
su99ested t:at !us: =ould 9o bac; to t:e <rocedures of staff =or; t:at :ad been standard
under Eisen:o=er" FRonald Rea9an is a<<arentl3 obli>ious of t:is si8<le 7Standard
O<eration <rocedure17 but =e ;no= fro8 eE<erience t:at !us: isn7t? T:is is =:3 83 old
friends and I are in Geor9e !us:7s corner in t:e <residential race" =e see :i8 not onl3 as
one =:o :as t:e =isdo81 discretion1 and abilit3 to 9ras< t:e facts of our situation on t:e
international 9a8eboard1 but as one =:o =ill a<<oint as :is ;e3 ad>isors real eE<erts in t:e
rele>ant fields -- unli;e t:e ineE<erienced 8en =it: =:o8 %resident Rea9an :as
surrounded :i8self? G???H It :a<<ens t:at =e are in a state of national crisis1 but1 due to t:e
So>iets7 success at deAinfor8atAia and to our <eculiar susce<tibilities1 it isn7t reco9niAable?
*e see !us: as t:e candidate =:o1 s<ea;in9 =it: a >oice of aut:orit31 can 8a;e it
reco9niAable?F T:is state8ent is doubl3 interestin9 because it is a clear <recursor of t:e
8ood of bureaucratic triu8<:alis8 t:at 8ar;ed t:e earl3 =ee;s of t:e !us:
Ad8inistration1 =:en t:e ne= tea8 launc:ed =:at =as billed as a F<olic3 re>ie=F on
So>iet relations to 9et bac; to :ard bar9ainin9 after t:e de<arture of t:e slobberin9
senti8entalist Rea9an?
!us: and At=ater feared all t:eir co8<etition? T:e3 feared for8er Go>? %ierre ,u%ont of
,ela=are because of :is a<<eal to liberal and blueblood Re<ublicans =:o 8i9:t ot:er=ise
auto8aticall3 9ra>itate to !us:? T:e3 feared Ne= (or; Con9ress8an &ac; #e8< because
of :is a<<eal to t:e GO% ri9:t =in91 to t:e blue-collar Rea9an ,e8ocrats1 and :is
disturbin9 :abit of tal;in9 about t:e Strate9ic ,efense Initiati>e and 8an3 ot:er issues?
T:e3 feared t:at Senator !ob ,ole of #ansas =it: :is Froot canal econo8ics1F ri9:t-=in9
<o<ulis81 and :is solid bac;in9 fro8 t:e international 9rain cartel 8i9:t a<<ear 8ore
credible to t:e *all Street ban;ers t:an !us: as an enforcer of austerit3 and sacrifices? !ut
at t:e sa8e ti8e1 t:e3 ;ne= t:at !us: :ad 8ore 8one3 to s<end and inco8<arabl3 8ore
state b3 state or9aniAation t:an an3 of :is GO% ri>als1 to sa3 not:in9 of t:e fabled !ro=n
!rot:ers1 Harri8an 8edia ed9e? !us: also ruled t:e Re<ublican National Co88ittee =it:
Stalin-li;e ferocit31 den3in9 t:ese assets to all of :is ri>als?
T:is allo=ed !us: to =:eel to=ards t:e ri9:t in 12/--/. to <lacate so8e of :is critics
t:ere1 and t:en 8o>e bac; to=ards t:e center b3 t:e ti8e of t:e <ri8aries? Indeed1 !us:7s
8an3 la3ers of 8one3 and <olitical a<<aratc:i;i 8ade it <ossible for :i8 to absorb e>en
stunnin9 defeats li;e t:e outco8e of t:e Io=a caucuses =it:out foldin9? 6ictor31 t:ou9:t
!us:1 =ould belon9 to t:e bi9 battalions?
!ut all t:e 8one3 and t:e or9aniAation could not 8as; t:e fact t:at !us: =as
funda8entall3 a =ea; candidate? T:is be9an to beco8e ob>ious to At=ater and :is tea8 of
<erce<tion 8on9ers as t:e Io=a caucuses be9an to s:a<e u<? T:ese =ere t:e caucuses t:at
!us: :ad so niftil3 =on in 12/51 i8<artin9 to :i8 t:e fic;le c:aris8a of t:e !i9 Mo? !3
12//1 !us:7s Io=a effort :ad beco8e co8<licated b3 realit31 in t:e for8 of a far8 crisis
t:at =as dri>in9 t:ousands of far8ers into ban;ru<tc3 e>er3 =ee;? ar8 >oters =ere no=
enra9ed a9ainst t:e a>uncular t:es<ian Ronald Rea9an and =ere loo;in9 for a =a3 to send
a 8essa9e to t:e <oint3-:eaded set in *as:in9ton ,C? Go>ernor !ranstad of Io=a
co8<lained as earl3 as ebruar31 12/-" FI don7t t:in; :is ad>isors are e>en ;ee<in9 G!us:H
infor8ed on t:e eEtent of t:e far8 crisis? *e7>e 9ot a crisis in a9riculture and no one is in
c:ar9e?F !us:7s Io=a ca8<ai9n =as dri<<in9 =it: lucre1 but t:is no= brou9:t fort:
resent8ent a8on9 t:e 9ri8 and 9re3-faced rural >oters?
In 8id-October1 12/.1 fi>e of t:e siE declared Re<ublican candidates attended a traditional
Io=a GO% rall3 in A8es1 Bust nort: of ,es Moines1 on t:e ca8<us of Io=a State Uni>ersit3?
Tele>an9elist %at Robertson sur<rised all t:e ot:ers b3 8obiliAin9 11'55 ent:usiastic
su<<orters for t:e Saturda3 e>ent? T:e cul8ination of t:is rall3 =as a <residential stra=
<oll1 =:ic: Robertson =on =it: 11$2' >otes to 2+/ for ,ole? !us: trailed badl3 =it: /-)?
T:is =as t:e occasion for !us:7s incredible eE<lanation of =:at :ad :a<<ened" FA lot of
<eo<le t:at su<<ort 8e1 t:e3 =ere off at t:e air s:o=1 t:e3 =ere at t:eir dau9:ters7 co8in9
out <arties1 or teein9 u< at t:e 9olf course for t:at all-i8<ortant last round?F Gfn '$H Man3
Io=ans1 includin9 Re<ublicans1 :ad to as; =:at a debutante cotillion =as1 and be9an to
8editate on t:e fact t:at t:e3 =ere not sociall3 acce<table?
!ut 8ost concluded t:at Geor9e !us: =as t:e i8<erial candidate fro8 anot:er <lanet1
bereft of t:e fo99iest notion of t:eir li>es and t:eir e>er3da3 <roble8s?
,urin9 t:e buildu< to t:e Io=a caucus1 !us: continued to dod9e @uestions on Iran- contra?
T:e fa8ous Ftension cit3F encounter =it: ,an Rat:er too; <lace durin9 t:is ti8e? Lee
At=ater considered t:at <erfor8ance !us:7s definin9 e>ent for t:e ca8<ai9n1 a dis<la3
=:ic: 8ade :i8 loo; li;e &o:n *a3ne1 Clint East=ood1 and Gar3 Coo<er1 es<eciall3 in t:e
sout:1 =:ere <eo<le li;e a <ol =:o Fcan ;ic; so8ebod37s assF and =:ere t:at =ould 8a;e a
bi9 difference on Su<er Tuesda3?
!ut !us:7s :andlers =ere ne>ert:eless s:oc;ed =:en ,ole =on t:e Io=a caucuses =it:
'.R of t:e >ote1 follo=ed b3 Robertson =it: $+R? !us: 8ana9ed onl3 a <oor s:o=1 =it:
12R1 a 8assi>e colla<se in co8<arison =it: 12/51 =:en :e :ad been far less ;no=n to t:e
!us: :ad ;no=n t:at defeat =as loo8in9 in Io=a1 and :e :ad scuttled out of t:e state and
9one to Ne= Ha8<s:ire before t:e results =ere ;no=n? !us: =as ne>ert:eless stunned b3
:is i9no8inious t:ird-<lace finis:1 and :e consulted =it: Nic; !rad31 Lee At=ater1 c:ief of
staff Crai9 uller and <ollster !ob Teeter? At=ater :ad boasted t:at :e :ad built a Ffire
=allF in t:e sout:ern Su<er Tuesda3 states t:at =ould <re>ent an3 ri>al fro8 seiAin9 t:e
no8ination out of !us:7s 9ras<1 but t:e !us: i8a9e-8on9ers =ere =ell a=are t:at a loss in
Ne= Ha8<s:ire 8i9:t =ell <ro>e a fatal blo= to t:eir entire effort1 t:e ad>anta9es of
8one31 net=or;s1 and or9aniAation not=it:standin9? At=ater accordin9l3 ordered a :u9:
8edia bu3 of 11/55 9ross ratin9 <oints1 enou9: to ensure t:at t:e t:eoretical Ne=
Ha8<s:ire tele>ision >ie=er =ould be eE<osed to a !us: attac; ad 1/ ti8es o>er t:e final
t:ree da3s before t:e election? T:e ad sin9led out !ob ,ole1 Bud9ed b3 t:e !us:8en as
t:eir 8ost dauntin9 Ne= Ha8<s:ire c:allen9er1 and sa>a9ed :i8 for Fstraddlin9F t:e
@uestion of =:et:er or not ne= taEes out to be i8<osed? T:e ad <roclai8ed t:at !us:
F=on7t raise taEes1F <eriod? !us: =as 9lorified as o<<osin9 an oil i8<ort taE1 and for :a>in9
su<<orted Rea9an7s IN treat3 on nuclear forces in Euro<e fro8 t:e >er3 be9innin9? It =as
durin9 t:is des<erate =ee; in Ne= Ha8<s:ire t:at !us: beca8e indissolubl3 =edded to :is
l3in9 and de8a9o9ic Fno ne= taEesF <led9e1 =:ic: :e re<udiated =it: considerable fanfare
durin9 t:e s<rin9 of 1225?
T:e !us: ca8<ai9n brou9:t in for8er !oston Red SoE star Ted *illia8s1 test <ilot C:uc;
(ea9er1 and finall3 e>en old !arr3 Gold=ater to :el< :u8aniAe Geor9e7s a<<earance on t:e
:ustin9s? Geor9e =or;ed a lon9 da31 <uttin9 in fi>e or siE radio inter>ie=s before ."'5 AM1
<roceedin9 to a sta9ed tele9enic ca8<ai9n e>ent for t:e local e>enin9 ne=s and t:en
ca8<ai9nin9 intensi>el3 at locations su99ested to :i8 b3 Ne= Ha8<s:ire Go>ernor &o:n
Sununu1 :is <rinci<al su<<orter in t:e state?
*:en !us: :ad arri>ed in Manc:ester t:e ni9:t of t:e disastrous Io=a result1 Sununu :ad
<ro8ised a nine <oint >ictor3 for !us: in :is state? Oddl3 enou9:1 t:at turned out to be
eEactl3 ri9:t? T:e final result =as '/R for !us:1 $2R for ,ole1 1'R for #e8<1 15R for
,u%ont1 and 2R for Robertson? *as Sununu a clair>o3antD %er:a<s :e =as1 but t:ose
fa8iliar =it: t:e inner =or;in9s of t:e Ne= Ha8<s:ire @uadrennials are a=are of a >er3
for8idable ballot-boE stuffin9 <otential asse8bled t:ere b3 t:e blueblood <olitical
establis:8ent? So8e obser>ers <ointed to <er>asi>e >ote fraud in t:e 12// Ne= Ha8<s:ire
<ri8aries1 and %at Robertson1 as =e s:all see1 also raised t:is <ossibilit3? T:e Sununu
8ac:ine deli>ered eEactl3 as <ro8ised1 securin9 t:e 9o>ernor t:e <ost of *:ite House
c:ief of staff? Sununu soon beca8e so self-i8<ortantl3 inebriated =it: t:e tra<<in9s of t:e
i8<erial <residenc3 as reflected in :is tra>el :abits t:at it =as su99ested t:at t:e state 8otto
a<<earin9 on Ne= Ha8<s:ire license <lates be c:an9ed fro8 FLi>e ree or ,ieF to Fl3
ree or ,ie?F In an3 case1 for !us: t:e :eartfelt FT:an; (ou1 Ne= Ha8<s:ireF :e intoned
after :is sur<risin9 >ictor3 si9nalled t:at :is 8ac:ine :ad =eat:ered its =orst crisis?
!us:7s real t:an; 3ou to Ne= Ha8<s:ire =ould co8e 9raduall31 in t:e for8 of an
accelerated econo8ic de<ression? Soon after t:e 12// >ote1 t:e botto8 fell out of t:e state7s
real estate boo81 ban;s be9an failin91 and t:e une8<lo38ent rate s<i;ed u<=ard? ,urin9
12211 food sta8< usa9e t:ere =ent u< +1R?-an obBect lesson of =:at :a<<ens to t:ose =:o
fail to resist Geor9e !us:?
In t:e Sout: Carolina <ri8ar31 t:e !us:8en =ere concerned about a <ossible t:reat fro8
tele>ision e>an9elist %at Robertson1 =:o :ad 8ounted :is 8aBor effort in t:e %al8etto
state? Robertson =as =idel3 ;no=n t:rou9: :is a<<earances on :is C:ristian !roadcastin9
Net=or;? S:ortl3 before t:e Sout: Carolina >ote1 a scandal beca8e <ublic =:ic: in>ol>ed
anot:er tele>ision e>an9elist1 &i883 S=a99art1 a close friend of Robertson and an acti>e
su<<orter of Robertson7s <residential ca8<ai9n? S=a99art ad8itted to consortin9 =it: a
<rostitute1 and t:is caused a se>ere crisis in :is 8inistr3? &i8 !a;er of t:e %TL tele>ision
8inistr3 :ad alread3 been tainted b3 a seE scandal?
Robertson accused t:e !us: ca8<ai9n of orc:estratin9 t:e S=a99art re>elations at a ti8e
t:at =ould be es<eciall3 ad>anta9eous to t:eir 8an? Tal;in9 to re<orters1 Robertson <ointed
to Ft:e e>idence t:at t=o =ee;s before t:e <ri8ar3???it suddenl3 co8es to li9:t?F Robertson
added t:at t:e !us: ca8<ai9n =as <rone to FsleaA3F tric;s1 and su99ested t:at :is o=n last-
<lace finis: in Ne= Ha8<s:ire =as F@uite <ossibl3F t:e result of Fdirt3 tric;sF b3 t:e !us:
ca8<ai9n? !us: res<onded b3 dis8issin9 Robertson7s c:ar9es as FcraA3F and Fabsurd?F
Robertson :ad been lin;in9 !us: to t:e Finternational ban;in9 co88unit3F in :is Sout:
Carolina ca8<ai9nin9? Gfn ''H True to :is Sout:ern Strate931 At=ater :ad Ffront-loadedF
!us:7s effort in t:e sout:ern states =it: 8one31 <olitical o<erati>es1 and tele>ision1
strainin9 t:e le9al li8it of =:at could be s<ent durin9 t:e <ri8ar3 season as =:ole? A fe=
da3s before Su<er Tuesda3 ca8e t:e Sout: Carolina <ri8ar3? Here !us: a<<eared before a
9rou< of t=o doAen e>an9elical funda8entalist 8inisters and declared =it: a strai9:t face"
F&esus C:rist is 83 <ersonal sa>ior?F T:e state7s 9o>ernor1 Carol Ca8<bell1 =as a for8er
custo8er of Lee At=ater7s? Stro8 T:ur8ond =as for ,ole1 but :is endorse8ent <ro>ed to
be >alueless? Here !us: 9ot all t:e state7s '. dele9ates b3 scorin9 )/R of t:e >ote to $1R
for ,ole1 12R for Robertson1 and 11R for #e8<?
On t:e =a3 to Su<er Tuesda31 !us: sto<<ed off in Mia8i to address a constituenc3 =it:
=:ic: :e :ad been closel3 associated for t:ree decades" t:e Mia8i Cubans? !us: =as
Boined b3 !arr3 Gold=ater and lorida Go>ernor !ob MartineA1 later c:osen as field
8ars:al of !us:7s <:on3 =ar on dru9s? T:ere =as a 9ood turnout of Re<ublican Cuban
A8ericans1 =:o lioniAed Geor9e and also :is son &eb !us:1 t:e for8er ,ade Count3 GO%
c:air =:o =as no= t:e lorida Secretar3 of Co88erce? Ob>iousl3 =it: so8e :el< fro8 t:e
fa8il3 net=or;1 &eb :ad been lobb3in9 t:e I88i9ration and NaturaliAation Ser>ice to
<rocure =or; <er8its for t:e =a>e of Nicara9uan e8i9res floodin9 into sout: lorida1 not a
fe= of =:o8 =ere <art of t:e contra dru9-runnin9 o<erations? T:e rall3 =as :eld at lorida
International Uni>ersit31 and before :is 8ain s<eec: !us: tal;ed to a class in international
relations1 =:ere :e =ore :is old obsessions on :is slee>e? Had t:ere been an3 si9n of a
c:an9e in idel Castro1 a student =anted to ;no=? FNo1F said !us:1 Fand our <olic3 =ill not
c:an9e to=ard idel Castro?F
!us: =as s:oc;ed =:en %rofessor Mar; Rosenber9 of t:e IU Latin A8erican Caribbean
Center introduced :i8 to t:e rall3 in ter8s t:at =ere so8e=:at s:ort of <ane93ric?
Rosenber9 noted t:at !us: :ad been <art of F@uestionable <olitical decision 8a;in9F in t:e
Iran-contrea scandal and also referred to t:e F:i9: sleaAe factorF of t:e Rea9an-!us:
re9i8e? F,oes G!us:H :a>e t:e =ill to clean u< t:e Rea9an econo8ic 8essD1F as;ed
Rosenber9? FTi8e =ill tell?F Rosenber9 =as 9rabbed b3 t:e s:oulders and :ustled off t:e
<latfor8 b3 IU %resident and <resu8ed !us:8an Modesto Madi@ue? !us: built :is
s<eec: around a <ro8ise t:at no Cuban-A8ericans =ould be de<orted to Cuba under a
!us: ad8inistration? FT:e3 are fleein9 o<<ressi>e MarEis8 under idel Castro and t:e3
=ill not be treated as t:ou9: t:e3 =ere co8in9 in :ere for so8e ot:er Gecono8icH <ur<ose1F
intoned !us:? T:ere =ere s:outs of FAribaKF fro8 a cro=d t:at contained ;nots of
8arielitos1 t:ose =:o ca8e durin9 Castro7s boat lift? It =as a <ro8ise t:at !us: =as to
>iolate in an3 case1 as so8e <rison riots later on =ould re8ind t:e <ublic? Gfn ')H
T:en1 in t:e Marc: / Su<er Tuesda3 <ollin91 !us: scored an across-t:e board triu8<:1
=innin9 in lorida1 TeEas1 Alaba8a1 Ar;ansas1 Geor9ia1 #entuc;31 Louisiana1 Mississi<<i1
Nort: Carolina1 O;la:o8a1 Tennesse1 6ir9inia1 Missouri1 and Mar3land1 <lus
Massac:usetts and R:ode Island outside of t:e re9ion? It =as better t:an one of Na<oleon
!ona<arte7s <lebiscites? *it: t:is1 !us: too; -55 of /5' dele9ates at sta;e t:at da3? )?+
8illion Re<ublicans :ad >oted1 t:e best turnout e>er in sout:ern GO% <ri8aries? Most of
t:e >otes =ere >otes for Rea9an in t:e <art of t:e countr3 t:at felt least disillusioned b3 t:e
Great Co88unictor1 but t:e3 =ere all scored as >otes for !us:? *:en !us: beat ,ole b3 a
t:ree to t=o 8ar9in in Illinois1 su<<osedl3 a <art of ,ole7s base1 it =as all o>er? !us:
<re<ared for t:e con>ention and t:e c:oice of a >ice <resident?
T:e !us: ca8<ai9n of 12// :ad no issues1 but onl3 de8a9o9ic t:e8es? T:ese =ere
basicall3 all on t:e table b3 &une1 =ell before t:e Re<ublican con>ention? T:e first =as t:e
<led9e of no ne= taEes1 later e8broidered =it: t:e Clint East=ood tou9:-9u3 o>ertones of
FRead M3 Li<s- No Ne= TaEes?F T:e ot:er t:e8es reflected At=ater7s studies of :o= to
dri>e u< t:e ne9ati>es of !us:7s ,e8ocratic o<<onent1 =:o =ould be Massac:usetts
Go>ernor ,u;a;is? 6er3 earl3 on1 !us: be9an to :ar< on ,u;a;is7s >eto of a bill re@uirin9
teac:ers to lead t:eir class eac: da3 in t:e <led9e of alle9iance?
S<ea;in9 in Oran9e Count31 California on &une .1 !us: said" FI7ll ne>er understand1 =:en it
ca8e to :is des;1 =:3 :e >etoed a bill t:at called for t:e <led9e of alle9iance to be said in
t:e ssc:ools of Massac:usetts? I7ll ne>er understand it? *e are one nation under God? Our
;ids s:ould sa3 t:e <led9e of alle9iance?F Gfn '+H
T:is t:e8e lent itself >er3 =ell to :i9:l3 cat:eEiAed >isual <ortra3al1 =it: fla9s and
buntin9? At=ater =as assisted in t:ese 8atters b3 Ro9er Ailes1 a tele>ision <rofessional
=:o :ad been t:e eEecuti>e <roducer of t:e Mi;e ,ou9las S:o= b3 t:e ti8e :e =as $.
3ears old? T:at =as in 12-.1 =:en :e =as :ired b3 Ric:ard NiEon and Leonard Gar8ent?
Ailes :ad been one of t:e 8ost c3nical desi9ners of t:e sellin9 of t:e <resident in 12-/1 and
:e :ad re8ained in t:e <olitical 8edia 9a8e e>er since? !et=een t:e81 At=ater and Ailes
=ould <roduce t:e 8odern A8erican tele>ision e@ui>alent of a 12'57s Nur8ebur9 <art3
At about t:is ti8e1 t:e !us: net=or; =e :a>e seen in o<eration at t:e Reader7s ,i9est since
t:e 12-) ca8<ai9n con>enientl3 <rinted an article about a certain *illie Horton1 a blac;
con>icted 8urderer =:o =as released fro8 a Massc:usetts Bail on a furlou9:1 and t:en
absconded to Mar3land1 =:ere :e ra<ed a =:ite =o8an and stabbed :er fiance? T:e
Massac:usetts furlou9: <ro9ra8 :ad been started b3 Re<ublican Go>ernor ran; Sar9ent1
but t:is 8eant not:in9? !us: =as to use *illie Horton in t:e sa8e =a3 t:at Hitler and t:e
NaAis eE<loited t:e 9risl3 cri8es of one Har8ann1 a serial ;iller in Ger8an3 of t:e earl3
12'57s1 in t:eir calls for la= and order? In Illinois in 8id-&une1 !us: be9an to tal; about
:o= ,u;a;is let F8urderers out on >acation to terroriAe innocent <eo<le?F F,e8ocrats can7t
find it in t:eir :earts to 9et tou9: on cri8inals1F !us: ranted? F*:at did t:e 9o>ernor of
Massac:usetts t:in; :e =as doin9 =:en :e let con>icted first- de9ree 8urderers out on
=ee;end <asses1 e>en after one of t:e8 cri8inall31 brutall3 ra<ed a =o8an and stabbed :er
fianceD *:3 didn7t :e ad8it :is 8ista;eD Ei9:t 8ont:s later1 :e =as still defendin9 :is
<ro9ra81 and onl3 =:en t:e Massac:usetts le9islature >oted b3 an o>er=:el8in9 8aBorit3
to abolis: t:is <ro9ra8 did :e finall3 9i>e in? I t:in; Go>ernor ,u;a;is o=es t:e A8erican
<eo<le an eE<lanation of =:3 :e su<<orts t:is outra9eous <ro9ra8?F
As <ac;a9ed b3 !us:7s :andlers1 it =as t:rou9:l3 racist =it:out bein9 no8inall3 so1 li;e
NiEon7s Fcri8e in t:e streetsF s:ort:and for racist bac;las: durin9 t:e 12-/ ca8<ai9n?
Later1 !us: =ould e8broider t:is t:e8e =it: :is de8and for t:e deat: <enalt31 :is o=n
inal Solution to t:e <roble8 of cri8inals li;e *illie Horton? T:ese t:e8es fit >er3 =ell
into t:e standard !us: ca8<ai9n e>ent1 =:ic: =as >er3 often !us: a<<earin9 before a local
<olice de<art8ent to recei>e t:eir endorse8ent? !us:7s abilit3 to or9aniAe t:ese e>ents in
<laces li;e !oston1 to t:e 9reat e8barrass8ent of ,u;a;is1 doubtless reflected stron9
su<<ort fro8 t:e CIA Office of Securit31 =:ic: =as t:e bureau t:at ;e<t in contact =it:
<olice de<art8ents all o>er t:e countr3 and1 ine>itabl31 infiltrated t:e8?
All of !us:7s t:e8es corres<onded to =ed9e issues1 t:e di>isi>e %a>lo>ian <lo3s t:e
sout:ern Re<ublicans :ad beco8e eE<ert in durin9 t:eir decades of batterin9 and
dis8antlin9 t:e classic ran;lin ,? Roose>elt coalition of labor1 t:e cities1 blac;s1 far8ers1
and intellectuals? T:e3 =ere desi9ned to <ro<itiate t:e >ilest <reBudices of a 8aBorit31 =:ile
offendin9 a 8inorit31 and studiousl3 a>oidin9 an3 real <olitics or econo8ics t:at 8i9:t be
deteri8ental to t:e i8<erati>es of *all Street or t:e *as:in9ton bureaucrac3?
To cro=n t:is de8a9o931 Geor9e H?*? !us: of S;ull and !ones <ortra3ed ,u;a;is as an
elitist insider" FGo>ernor ,u;a;is1 :is forei9n-<olic3 >ie=s born in Har>ard (ard7s
bouti@ue1 =ould cut t:e 8uscle of our defense?F !us:7s fre@uent litan3 of Fliberal
Massac:usetts 9o>ernorF =as s:a8eless in its 8ain <ur<ose of su99estin9 t:at !us:
:i8self =as NOT a liberal? Later1 in 12251 !arbara !us: =ould confess t:at bot: s:e and
Geor9e Fcared about <eo<leF and =ere t:us bot: liberals?
*:en !us: arri>ed in Ne= Orleans for t:e Re<ublican National Con>ention1 :e dis<la3ed
si9ns of bein9 unusuall3 race-conscious? T:e i8a9e-8on9ers :ad set u< a Rea9an-!us:
8eetin9 on t:e airbase taEi=a3C Rea9an =as de<artin9 t:e con>ention after a lon9
nostal9ic-<latitudinous fare=ell t:e da3 before? No= :e =ould <ass t:e 8antle to Geor9e1
=it: t:e a<<ro<riate ca8era an9les? After a fe= seconds of s8all tal; =it: Rea9an1 !us:
and !ar called o>er t:ree of t:eir 9randc:ildren1 all fro8 t:e fa8il3 of t:eir son &eb1 t:e
Mia8i GO% <art3 boss1 and :is Ibero-A8erican =ife Colu8ba? FT:at7s &ebbie7s ;ids fro8
lorida1F !us: said1 in a >oice t:at =as <ic;ed u< b3 t:e air<ort <ublic address s3ste8?
FT:e little bro=n ones? &ebbie7s t:e bi9 one in t:e 3ello= s:irt sa3in9 t:e <led9e of
alle9iance toni9:t?F FO:1 reall31F obser>ed Nanc3 Rea9an? S;in color :as al=a3s 8eant a
lot to !us:1 but :e reall3 :ad been born =it: a sil>er foot in :is 8out:? Gfn '-H
!us: no= re<aired to t:e ad8iral7s :ouse at t:e !elle C:ase Na>al Air Station =:ere t:is
scene :ad <la3ed? !us: =as acco8<anied b3 !a;er1 Teeter1 uller1 At=ater1 Ailes1 and
!a;er7s 9irl rida31 Mar9aret Tut=iler? U< to t:is <oint !us:7s staff :ad eE<ected :i8 to
9enerate a little sus<ense around t:e con>ention b3 =it::oldin9 t:e na8e of :is >ice
<residential c:oice until t:e 8ornin9 of t:e last da3 of t:e con>ention1 =:en !us: could
s:are :is 8o8entous secret =it: t:e TeEas caucus and t:en tell it to t:e =orld?
!us:7s >ettin9 of >ice <residents =as carried out bet=een !us: and Robert #i88itt1 t:e
*as:in9ton la=3er and !a;er cron3 =:o later Boined !a;er7s rulin9 cli@ue at t:e State
,e<art8ent before bein9 <ut u< for A8bassador to Ger8an3 =:en 6ernon *alters @uit in
t:e s<rin9 of 1221? United Ger8an3 can no= boast a US A8bassador =:ose 9reatest
ac:ie>e8ent =as to 9uide !us: to=ards t:e c:oice of &? ,anfort: Lua3le? !us: and
#i88itt re>ie=ed t:e ob>ious c:oices" #e8< =as out because :e lectured !us: on t:e S,I
and =as too concerned about issues? ,ole =as out because :e ;e<t sni<in9 at !us: =it: :is
<atented sardonic Ain9ers? EliAabet: ,ole =as a c:oice to be dee8ed i8<rudent? &o:n
,anfort:1 %ete ,o8enici1 Al Si8<son and so8e ot:ers =ere eli8inated? Man3 =ere t:e
<ossible c:oices =:o :ad to be ruled out not because of lac; of stature1 but because t:e3
8i9:t see8 to :a>e 8ore stature t:an !us: :i8self? Lua3le :ad s:o=n u< on lists <re<ared
b3 uller and Ailes? Ed Rollins1 attuned to t:e Rea9an ,e8ocrats1 could not belie>e t:at
Lua3le =as bein9 seriousl3 considered? !ut no=1 at !elle C:ase Na>al Air Station nort: of
Ne= Orleans1 !us: told :is staffs t:at :e :ad c:osen ,an Lua3le? Not onl3 =as it Lua3le1
but !us:7s t:3roid =as no= in o>erdri>e" :e =anted to announce :is selection =it:in :ours?
Lua3le =as contacted b3 tele<:one and instructed to 8eet !us: at t:e doc; in Ne= Orleans
=:en t:e <addle-=:eel stea8er Natc:eA brou9:t !us: do=n t:e Missisi<<i to t:at cit37s
S<anis: %laAa?
Lua3le turned u< at t:e doc; in a state of inebriated eu<:oria1 9rabbin9 !us:7s ar81
<rancin9 and ca<erin9 around !us:? !us: =as 8o8entaril3 ta;en abac;" :ad :e en9a9ed a
der>is:D As soon as t:e dossiers on Lua3le ca8e out1 a fe= @uestions =ere <osed? Had :is
senate office been a sta9in9 <oint for contra resu<<l3 effortsD One of t:e Iran-contra
fi9ures1 Rob O=en1 :ad indeed =or;ed for Lua3le1 but Lua3le denied e>er3t:in9? Had
Lua3le1 no= a :a=;1 been in 6ietna8D To8 !ro;a= as;ed Lua3le if :e :ad 9otten :el< in
Boinin9 t:e National Guard as a =a3 of duc;in9 t:e draftD Lua3le sta88ered t:at it :ad
been t=ent3 3ears earlier1 but 8a3be F<:one calls =ere 8ade?F T:en ,an Rat:er as;ed
Lua3le =:at :is =orst fear =as? F%aula %ar;inson1F =as t:e re<l3? T:is =as t:e =o8an
lobb3ist and %la3bo3 nude 8odel =:o :ad been <resent =it: Lua3le at a =ild =ee;end at a
lorida countr3 club bac; in 12/5? T:e !us: i8a9e-8on9ers :urriedl3 con>ened da8a9e
control sessions1 and Lua3le =as 9i>en t=o <rofessional :andlers1 Stuart S<encer and &oe
CanAeri? S<encer =as an eE<erienced GO% o<erati>e =:o :ad done <ublic relations and
consultin9 =or; =ort: I'+51555 for Gen? Norie9a of %ana8a durin9 t:e 8id-12/57s? Gfn
'.H After a cou<le of !us:-Lua3le Boint a<<earances before 9rou<s of =ar >eterans to
atte8<t to dissi<ate Lua3le7s National Guard issue1 Lua3le =as t:en s:unted into t:e
secondar3 8edia 8ar;ets under t:e iron control of :is ne= :andlers?
Alt:ou9: !us:7s i8<ulsi>e <rocla8ation of :is c:oice of Lua3le does indeed raise t:e
@uestion of t:e :3<ert:3roid sna< decision1 t:e c:oice of Lua3le =as not i8<usl>e1 but
rat:er <erfectl3 co:erent =it: !us:7s <rofile and <edi9ree? !us: told !a;er t:at Lua3le :ad
been F83 first and onl3 c:oice?F Gfn '/H !us:7s selection of <olitical a<<ointees is >er3
often t:e <roduct of !us:-*al;er fa8il3 alliances o>er 8ore t:an a 9eneration1 as in t:e
case of !a;er1 !rad31 !o3 Gra31 and Henr3 #ra>is1 or at least of a lon9 and often lucrati>e
business collaboration1 as in t:e case of Mosbac:er? T:e c:oice of Lua3le lies so8e=:ere
in bet=een1 and =as stren9t:ened b3 a dee< ideolo9ical affinit3 in t:e @uestion of racis8?
&? ,anfort: Lua3le7s 9randfat:er =as Eu9ene C? %ullia81 =:o built an i8<ortant <ress
e8<ire startin9 =it: :is <urc:ase of t:e Atc:ison 0#ansas4 C:a8<ion in 121$? T:e bul; of
t:ese <a<ers =ere in Indiana1 t:e :o8e state of t:e %ullia8 clan1 and in AriAona? FGeneF
%ullia8 :ad died in 12.+1 but :is ne=s<a<er c:ain =as =ort: an esti8ated I1?) b3 t:e ti8e
,an Lua3le beca8e a :ouse:old =ord? %ullia8 =as a self-<roclai8ed ideolo9ue" FIf I
=anted to 8a;e 8one31 I7d 9o into t:e bond business? I7>e ne>er been interested in t:e
8one3 I 8a;e but t:e influence =e :a>e?F Gfn '2H Gene %ullia8 =as one of t:e first <o=er
bro;ers to encoura9e t:e <olitical career of 3oun9 !arr3 Gold=ater in 12)2 t:rou9: t:e
su<<ort of t:e %ullia8 AriAona Re<ublic and GaAette of %:oeniE? *:en Gene %ullia8 died1
:is last =ord =as not FRosebudF but FGold=ater1F scratc:ed onto a <ad Bust before :e
Old Gene =as a fir8 o<<onent of racial inte9ration? *:en Martin Lut:er #in9 &r? =as
assassinated in 12-/1 Gene %ullia8 sent a note to t:e editors of :is <a<ers in Indiana<olis1
Indiana orderin9 t:e8 not to 9i>e t:e #in9 tra9ed3 F8uc: eE<osureF because :e considered
t:e ci>il ri9:ts leader a Frabble rouser?F He instructed t:at t:e ne=s of #in97s deat: be
su88ariAed in as fe= =ords as <ossible and rele9ated to t:e botto8 of t:e front <a9e?
T:e !us:-Lua3le alliance t:us re<osed first of all on a s:ared <re8iss of racis8? Old 8an
%ullia8 also :ad a >endetta a9ainst t:e #enned3 fa8il3? ,urin9 t:e 12-/ <ri8aries1 :e sent
a 8e8o to :is editors instructin9 t:e8" FGi>e Sen? GEu9eneH McCart:3 full co>era9e1 but
t:is does not a<<l3 to a 8an na8ed #enned3?F %ullia8 =as su<<ortin9 Tric;3 ,ic;? !obb3
#enned3 also :eld t:e %ullia8 c:ain in conte8<t? Once =:en :e ca8e to Indiana<olis :e
found t:at :e =as bein9 refused a <er8it to :old a rall3 do=nto=n? *:en =:en of :is
su<<orters ur9ed :i8 to 9o a:ead and :a>e t:e rall3 =it:out t:e <er8it1 #enned3 retorted
t:at :e couldn7t t:in; of a =orse fate t:an :a>in9 to s<end t:e ni9:t in t:e Marion Count3
&ail and :a>in9 not:in9 to read but t:e Indiana<olis Star1 t:e %ullia8 <a<er?
,an Lua3le :ad been a 8ediocre student at ,e%au= Uni>ersit31 =:ere :e 8ana9ed to
9raduate =it: a $?) 9rade <oint a>era9e? He =as a <art3 bo31 and recei>ed nu8erous ,s in
:is <olitical science 8aBor? Lua3le li>ed at t:e ,elta #a<<a E<silon fraternit3 0t:e sa8e
fraternit3 of =:ic: !us: :ad been a 8e8ber at (ale?4 ,urin9 t:e fall of 12-/1 t:e ,#E
:ouse1 accordin9 to one account1 Funleas:ed a <art3 =it:out a :ouse 8ot:er for t:e first
ti8e and s<onsored a frat <art3 ;no=n as 7T:e Tri<?7F Accordin9 to so8e1 t:is actuall3 =as
a <art3 at =:ic: t:e :allucin9oen LS, =as dis<ensed? Accordin9 to one <ublis:ed account1
a <:oto9ra<: of &? ,anfort: Lua3le t:at a<<ears in t:e ,e%au= Uni>ersit3 3earboo; :as a
ca<tion =:ic: reads" F7T:e Tri<7 is a colorful <s3c:edelic Bourne3 into t:e =ild si9:ts and
sounds <roduiced b3 LS,?F Gfn )5H
Lua3le is ;no=n to t:e >ast 8aBorit3 of t:e A8erican <ublic as a >irtual cretin? Lua3le is
t:e first re<resentati>e of t:e <ost-=ar !ab3 !oo8 to ad>ance to national electi>e office?
Unfortunatel31 :e see8s to eE:ibit so8e of t:e 8ental i8<air8ent t:at is ;no=n to
o>erta;e lon9-ter81 :abitual 8ariBuana users?
Lua3le =as ad8itted b3 t:e Uni>ersit3 of Indiana La= Sc:ool in >iolation of t:at sc:ool7s
usual <olic3 of reBectin9 all a<<licants =it: an acade8ic a>era9e of less t:an $?-? He
=anted to be a la=3er because :e :ad :eard t:at Fla=3ers 8a;e lots of 8one3 and do
little1F as :e told :is fraternit3 brot:ers at ,e %au=? As it turned out1 t:e dean of ad8issions
at t:e Uni>ersit3 of Indiana La= Sc:ool =as one G? #ent randsen1 =:o =as a Re<ublican
cit3 Bud9e in Lebanon1 Indiana1 a to=n =:ere t:e %ullia8 fa8il3 controls t:e local
ne=s<a<er? He :ad al=a3s been endorsed b3 t:e %ullia8 interests? T=o 3ears later1
randsen =ould officiate at t:e 8arria9e of &? ,anfort: Lua3le to Maril3n Tuc;er? Still
later randsen =ould ser>e as Lua3le7s ca8<ai9n 8ana9er in !oone Count3 durin9 t:e
12/- senate race? It =as t:us no sur<rise t:at randsen =as =illin9 to ad8it ,an Lua3le to
la= sc:ool as <art of a <ro9ra8 for disad>anta9ed students1 <ri8aril3 t:ose fro8 t:e blac;
After all t:is1 it 8a3 a<<ear as a 8ircale t:at ,an Lua3le =as e>er able to obtain a la=
de9ree? &? ,anfort:7s recei<t of t:at de9ree a<<ears to :a>e been 8i9:til3 facilitated b3 t:e
<lutocratic Lua3le fa8il31 =:o 8ade lar9e donations to t:e la= sc:ool eac: 3ear durin9
,an7s ti8e as a la= student?
*:at =ere Lua3le7s <assti8es durin9 :is la= sc:ool 3earsD Accordin9 to one account1 t:e3
included recreational dru9s? ,urin9 t:e su88er of 12//1 a Mr? !rett #i8berlin told ,ennis
!ernstein and a radio audience of *!AI in Ne= (or; t:at :e :ad first 8et &? ,anfort:
durin9 t:is <eriod at a fraternit3 <art3 at =:ic: 8ariBuana =as indeed bein9 consu8ed? FHe
found out t:at I :ad 8ariBuana a>ilable at t:e ti8e1F said #i8berlin? FIt =as 9ood @ualit31
and :e as;ed if I :ad an3 for sale????I t:ou9:t it =as ;ind of stran9e? He loo;ed ;ind of
strai9:t? I t:ou9:t :e 8i9:t be a narc G,EA a9entH at first? !ut =e tal;ed and I felt a little
8ore co8fortable1 and finall3 I 9a>e :i8 83 <:one nu8ber and said1 7He31 =ell1 9i>e 8e a
call?7 He called 8e a cou<le =ee;s later1 and said1 7He31 t:is is ,L? Can =e 9et to9et:erD7
and I said 7(es1 8eet 8e at t:e !ur9er C:ef restaurant?7 *e struc; u< a relations:i< t:at
lasted for 1/ 8ont:s? I sold :i8 s8all @uantities of 8ariBuana for :is <ersonal use about
once a 8ont: durin9 t:at <eriod? He =as a 9ood custo8er? He =as a friend of 8ine? *e :ad
a <rett3 9ood relations:i<? He al=a3s <aid cas:? G???H *:en :i8 and Maril3n 9ot 8arried in
12.$1 I 9a>e :i8 a =eddin9 <resent of so8e Af9:anistan :as:is: and so8e Aca<ulco
9old?F Gfn )1H
#i8berlin re<eated t:ese c:ar9es in a <re-election inter>ie= on N!C Ne=s on No>e8ber
)1 12//? #i8berlin =as a federal <risoner ser>in9 ti8e in Tennessee after con>iction on
c:ar9es of dru9 s8u99lin9 and eE<losi>es? Later t:at sa8e da3 #i8berlin =as sc:eduled to
address a ne=s conference b3 tele<:one conference call? !ut before #i8berlin could s<ea;
to t:e <ress1 :e =as <laced in solitar3 confine8ent1 and =as 8o>ed in and out of solitar3
confine8ent until =ell after t:e No>e8ber / <residential election? A second atte8<ted <ress
conference b3 tele<:one :oo;u< on t:e e>e of t:e election did not ta;e <lace because
#i8berlin =as still bein9 :eld inco88unicado? On Au9ust -1 12211 US ,istrict &ud9e
Harold H? Greene ruled t:at t:e alle9ations 8ade b3 #i8berlin a9ainst US !ureau of
%risons ,irector &? Mic:ael Luinlan =ere Ftan9ible and detailedF enou9: to Bustif3 a trail?
#i8berlin :ad accused Luinlan of orderin9 solitar3 confi8ent for :i8 =:en it beca8e
clear t:at :is abilit3 to furt:er infor8 t:e 8edia about Lua3le7s dru9 use =ould da8a9e t:e
!us:-Lua3le effort?
In Marc:1 12..1 Con9ress8an ,an Lua3le contributed an article to t:e ort *a3ne Indiana
Ne=s-Sentinel in =:ic: :e reco88ended t:at Con9ress ta;e a FseriousF loo; at 8ariBuana
decri8inaliAation? In A<ril1 12./1 Lua3le re<eated t:is <ro<osal1 s<ecif3in9 :e su<<orted
decri8inaliAation for first-ti8e users? Gfn )$H
As for Lua3le7s 8ilitar3 ser>ice1 :e :ad enlisted in t:e Indiana National Guard on Ma3 121
12-21 in t:e 8idst of a freeAe on furt:er recruitin9 =:ic: :ad been ordered because t:e
Indiana National Guard :ad eEceeded its le9all3 8andated full co8<le8ent of 8an<o=er?
Guard ser>ice =as <o<ular a8on9 t:ose t:reatened b3 t:e draft1 since it >irtuall3
9uaranteed t:at ser>ice in 6ietna8 could be a>oided? ,an Lua3le :ad been declared 1-A on
Ma3 $+1 12-21 =:en :e =as about to 9raduate fro8 ,e%au= Uni>ersit3? Lua3le-%ullia8
fa8il3 influence =as instru8ental in inducin9 National Guard MaBor General *endell
%:illi<<i to ad8it Lua3le and assi9n :i8 to a des; Bob? At t:is ti8e *endell %:illi<<i =as
also t:e 8ana9in9 editor of t:e Indiana<olis Ne=s1 a %ullia8 fa8il3 <ro<ert3? Gfn )'H ,an
Lua3le s<ent about one 3ear in t:e National Guard =or;in9 as a re<orter for t:e @uarterl3
<ublication1 Indiana National Guard1 a sinecure?
In contrast =it: all t:is1 Lua3le ca8<ai9ned as a F6ietna8-era >eteranF and a =ar8on9er
of a<ocal3<tic <ro<ortions? He once told a 9at:erin9 of funda8entalist <reac:ers t:at a
nuclear =ar F=ould :urr3 &esus7s second co8in9F Gfn ))H ,urin9 t:e Gulf crisis and t:e
Ira@ =ar of 1225-211 Lua3le =as t:e <rinci<al >oice in t:e !us: Ad8inistration t:reatenin9
t:e use of nuclear =ea<ons b3 t:e United States a9ainst !a9:dad? T:is <oints to Lua3le7s
i8<ortant role in ce8entin9 !us:7s o=n Ar8a9eddon connection to t:e a<ocal3<tic-
8illenarian strata a8on9 t:e %rotestant e>an9elical funda8entalists?
T:e <o=er be:ind ,an Lua3le is =idel3 ac;no=led9ed to be :is consort1 Maril3n Tuc;er
Lua3le? Mrs1 Lua3le :as been described as a F<rotot3<e of t:e ne=-a9e <olitical s<ouse" an
asset to :er :usband as a <olis:ed <rofessional1 not Bust a decorati>e surro9ate?F Gfn )+H
Mrs? Lua3le co8es fro8 an e>an9elical fa8il3C :er fat:er1 of Nine>e:1 Indiana1 belie>es
t:at Satan is tr3in9 to destro3 t:e =orld and a9rees =it: Ronald Rea9an t:at t:e best
<resident of :is lifeti8e =as FSilent CalF Coolid9e? Mrs? Lua3le ad>ocates t:e deat:
<enalt3 and sa3s s:e 9re= u< in a :o8e en>iron8ent in =:ic: dail3 !ible stud3 =as a dut3
for all? T:e Lua3le fa8il3 =as %resb3terian at first1 but later bro;e =it: t:is deno8ination
to 9ra>itate to=ards t:e teac:in9s of Houston1 TeEas s<iritual leader Colonel R?!? T:ie8e1
=:ose ta<ed 8essa9es =ere an institution in t:e Tuc;er :ouse:old?
Maril3n7s sister Nanc3 Tuc;er Nort:cott told a Bournalist t:at T:ie8e7s ta<ed ser8ons =ere
a constant bac;9round refrain in t:e Tuc;er :o8e? Mrs? Tuc;er F<la3ed t:e8 all da31 e>er3
da3?F T:is sister also <ointed out t:at Maril3n Fuses so8e of GT:ie8e7sH Sunda3 sc:ool
t:in9s?? in :er :o8e as a su<<le8ent for t:ir o=n c:urc:1F =:ic: latter is a branc: of t:e
%reb3terian C:urc: of A8erica? Maril3n Lua3le :erself endorsed R?!? T:ie8e7s de>otional
8aterials as F>er3 9ood?F !ut Lua3le and :is :andlers :a>e atte8<ted to distance t:e
fa8il3 fro8 T:ie8e?
Colonel R?!? T:ie8e is t:e <astor of t:e !erac:a: C:urc:1 an interdeno8inational-
funda8entalist institution located in t:e Galleria nei9:bor:ood of Houston1 TeEas? T:ie8e
is a <reac:er of decidedl3 8ilitar3 cast =:o so8eti8es =ears :is *orld *ar II US Ar83
Air orce unfor8 durin9 :is a<<earances in t:e <ul<it? T:e !ulletin and %ra3er List for t:e
!erac:a: C:urc: stresses t:e 8ilitar3 8otif1 =it: a @uarter of its s<ace bein9 de>oted to
<aris:ioners =:o are on acti>e dut3 =it: t:e US 8ilitar3? T:ie8e sees t:e =orld
a<<roac:in9 t:e end-ti8e1 and eE:orts :is con9re9ation to F<re<are for battle1F =:ile
F<re<arin9 for t:e ra<ture?F His ideal is one of FC:ristian ;ni9:ts1 soldiers 9oin9 to =ar for
&esus?F T:e official :38nal of t:e !erac:a: C:urc: contains FC:ristian Soldier1F =it:
rantin9 do99erel l3rics b3 T:ie8e set to t:e tune of FMen of Harlec:1F t:e traditional *els:
air" SSIN,ENT C:ristian solider =it: C:rist soarin9 ,o not fear t:e de>il7s roarin91 *a>e
on =a>e of Satan7s de8ons Clas: =it: 9roanin9 sound?
7Tis t:e t:rust of Satan7s da99er Sin and deat: to 8a;e 8en sta99er *it: t:eir unbelief in
dar;ness1 T:e3 s:all die in :ell?
Gos<el of a ne= sal>ation1 In C:rist a ne= creation T:e *ord of God no= 9oin9 fort: S:all
launc: its bolts of t:under?
C:ristian soldiers 3ou7re >ictorious1 Trustin9 C:rist t:e stron9 and 9lorious1 ait: =it: fait:
a 8i9:t3 >ictor3 Con@uers sin and deat:? SSEN,
In <olitics1 T:ie8e rails about t:e 8odern United States as a F8obocrac3F t:reatened b3
Fsatanic <ro<a9andaF and Fcree<in9 socialis8?F
T:e litur93 for T:ie8e7s lill3-=:ite con9re9ation is built around a lecture in =:ic: T:ie8e
dis<enses a stran9e and eclectic 8iEture of Hebre= and Gree; <:ilolo931 !iblical
no8inalis81 8odern <s3c:olo9ical Bar9on1 and <lain 9ibberis: =:ile :is audience sit in
=:at loo;s li;e a :i9: sc:ool auditoriu8 and busil3 ta;e notes and underline <assa9es in
t:eir !ibles? Sin nature control1 =e learn1 can lead to dissociation and 8ulti<le <ersonalit3
disorder? T:ere are ei9:t sta9es of re>ersionis8 t:rou9: =:ic: a <s3c:o- belie>er 8a3
descend to i8<losion and self-fra98entation? It is a blas<:e83 to 8a;e <ro8ises to God?
*e s:ould not be sorr3 for sins1 but =e s:ould turn our 8inds a=a3 fro8 sin? It is
blas<:e83 to sa3 t:at =e in>ite C:rist to co8e into our :eartsC rat:er1 C:rist in>ites us?
S<irituall3 brain dead belie>ers do not understand t:at t:e3 can be sa>ed b3 fait: alone and
b3 t:e s<irit 0<neu8ati;os4? T:ere are t:ose a8on9 t:e born a9ain =:o beco8e 8urderers1
and so fort: in eclectic and >indicti>e bre=?
R?!? T:ie8e :as been described as Fa cult fi9ureF b3 &a8es ,unn1 t:e eEecuti>e director of
t:e !a<tist &oint Co88ittee on %ublic Affairs in *as:in9ton? Contro>ersial t:rou9: :e 8a3
be e>en a8on9 funda8entalists1 T:ie8e is one of t:e Lua3le fa8il37s contact <oints =it:
t:e le9ions of Ar8a9eddon1 =:o <ro>ided a decisi>e base of su<<ort for t:e !us:-Lua3le
ad8inistration durin9 t:e Gulf =ar?
!us: :i8self :as a >er3 stron9 a<ocal3<tic strea;1 =:ic: :e :as 8ore often eE<ressed in
t:e doo8sda3 lan9ua9e of t:e RAN, Cor<oration t:an in t:e t:eolo9ical ter8inolo93 of an
R?!? T:i8e8e? !ut t:ere is a8<le con>er9ence1 as s:o=n in t:is inter>ie= =it: Robert
Sc:eer on t:e ca8<ai9n trail in earl3 12/5? Sc:eer started b3 as;in9 !us:1 FHo= do 3ou
=in in a nuclear eEc:an9eDF !us:7s res<onse"
!us:" (ou :a>e a sur>i>abilit3 of co88and in control1 sur>i>abilit3 of industrial <otential1
<rotection of a <ercenta9e of 3our citiAens1 and 3ou :a>e a ca<abilit3 t:at inflicts 8ore da8a9e on
t:e o<<osition t:an it can inflict u<on 3ou? T:at7s t:e =a3 3ou can :a>e a =inner1 and t:e So>iets7
<lannin9 is based on t:e u9l3 conce<t of a =inner in a nuclear eEc:an9e?
Sc:eer" ,o 3ou 8ean li;e fi>e <ercent =ould sur>i>eD T=o <ercentD
!us:" More t:an t:at-- if e>er3bod3 fired e>er3t:in9 :e :ad1 3ou7d :a>e 8ore t:an t:at sur>i>e?
Gfn )-H
!us:7s <residential ca8<ai9n offered not:in9 of >alue? In :is acce<tance s<eec: to t:e
Re<ublican national Con>ention on Au9ust 1/1 12//1 !us: <rofessed t:e Cal>inistic creed
of a 8an =:o sees life in ter8s of F8issionsFC t:e 8ission no=1 :e t:ou9:t1 =as to 8a;e
sure t:at t:e cru8blin9 FA8erican Centur3F of Col? Sti8son and :is *orld *ar II cabal
=:ic: Flit t:e =orld =it: our cultureF =ere follo=ed b3 Fanot:er A8erican centur3?F !us:
<ro8ised to a>oid =ar" F*e :a>e <eace1 and I a8 not 9oin9 to let an3one ta;e it a=a3 fro8
us?F !us: :ar<ed on :is t:e8e of >oluntaris8-boosteris8-cor<oratis8 =it: :is celebration
of Ft:e idea of co88unit3F and :is notorious Ft:ousand <oints of li9:tF as a reci<e to deal
=it: t:e :u8an =rec;a9e bein9 <iled u< b3 t:e unbridled free enter<rise :e :ad stood for
all :is life? T:e irre>erent soon transfor8ed t:at into Fa t:ousand <oints of bli9:t?F
Re8ar;abl31 !us: still :ad a fe= <ro8ises on t:e econo8ic front? He =ent on record once
a9ain =it: :is FRead 83 li<s" no ne= taEes?F He boasted t:at t:e Rea9an-!us: forces :ad
created 1. 8illion Bobs o>er t:e <re>ious fi>e 3ears of reco>er3? He <led9ed to create F'5 in
ei9:t1 '5 8illion Bobs in t:e neEt ei9:t 3ears?F 0Non-far8 <a3rolls =ere sli9:tl3 o>er 15.
8illion =:en !us: too; office1 and rose to sli9:tl3 8ore t:an 115 8illion b3 t:e 8iddle of
1225? T:en1 =it: la3offs a>era9in9 $1555 a da31 total une8<lo38ent sa99ed t:rou9: t:e
earl3 autu8n of 12211 =it: a net loss of about 1 1O$ 8illion Bobs? !us: is not on trac; to
filfill t:is <ro8ise1 =:ic: nobod3 :as :eard :i8 re<etain9 since t:e election? T:ere :as
been no F;inder1 9entler nation?F
T:e final sta9es of t:e ca8<ai9n =ere <la3ed out a8id 9reat <ublic indifference? So8e
interest =as 9enerated in t:e final =ee;s b3 a 8atter oif <rurient1 rat:er t:an <olic3 interest"
ru8ors =ere fl3in9 of a !us: seE scandal? T:is tal;1 fed b3 t:e old &ennifer itA9erald stor31
:ad surfaced durin9 12/. in t:e =a;e of t:e successful co>ert o<eration a9ainst Gar3 Hart?
T:e 9ossi< beca8e intense enou9: t:at Geor9e *? !us: as;ed :is fat:er if :e :ad been
9uilt3 of <:ilanderin9? T:e 3oun9 !us: re<orted bac; to t:e <ress t:at Ft:e ans=er to t:e
!i9 A Gadulter3H @uestion is N-O?F Lee At=ater accused ,a>id #eene of t:e ,ole ca8<ai9n
of :el<in9 to circulate t:e ru8or1 and #eene1 s<ea;in9 on a tele>ision tal; s:o=1 res<onded
t:at At=ater =as Fa liar?F S:ortl3 t:ereafter1 a FseE su88itF =as con>ened bet=een t:e
!us: and ,ole ca8<s for t:e <ur<ose of 8aintain9 correct GO% decoru8 e>en a8idst t:e
acri8on3 of t:e ca8<ai9n? Gfn ).H E>ans and No>a; o<ined t:at FAt=ater and t:e rest of
t:e !us: :i9: co88and1 con>inced t:at t:e ru8ors =ould soon be <ublis:ed1 reacted in a
=a3 t:at s<elled <anic to friend an8d foe ali;e?F On &une 1.1 12/.1 Mic:ael Sneed of t:e
C:ica9o Sun-Ti8es :ad =ritten t:at Fse>eral 8aBor ne=s<a<ers are siftin9 ???re<orted
dalliances of Mr? !orin9?F Gfn )/H !ut durin9 t:at su88er of 12//1 t:e !ro=n !rot:ers1
Harri8anOS;ull and !ones net=or;s =ere <o=erful enou9: to su<<ress t:e stor3 and s<are
!us: an3 e8barrass8ent?
,urin9 t:e =ee;s before t:e election1 t:e LA *ee;l31 an alternati>e <a<er in Los An9eles1
de>oted an entire issue to Ft:e dar; side of Geor9e !us:?F !ritis: ne=s<a<ers li;e t:e
tabloid London E>enin9 Standard re<eated so8e details1 but US ne=s or9aniAations =ere
8onolit:ic in refusin9 to re<ort an3t:in9C t:e !us: net=or;s =ere in total co88and?
T:en ru8ors be9an to fl3 t:at t:e *as:in9ton %ost =as <re<arin9 to <ublis: an account of
!us:7s seE <ecadillos? On *ednesda31 October 121 t:e Ne= (or; Stoc; EEc:an9e =as
s=e<t b3 re<orts t:at stories da8a9in9 to !us: =ere about to a<<ear1 and t:is =as cited as a
contributin9 factor in a )' <oint dro< in t:e ,o= &ones Industrial A>era9e? T:e *all Street
&ournal and USA Toda3 9in9erl3 <ic;ed u< t:e stor31 albeit in >er3 >a9ue ter8s? T:e *all
Street &ournal =rote t:at t:e *as:in9ton %ost =as <re<arin9 a stor3 t:at F!us: :ad carried
on an eEtra8arital affair1F =it: a Fre<ort t:at :e G!us:H :as :ad a 8istress for se>eral
3ears?F One of t:e alle9ations =as t:at !us: :ad :ad an eEtra8arital affair durin9 t:e 8id-
12.57s =it: a =o8an =:o =as no lon9er in :is entoura9e?
,onna !raAile of t:e ,u;a;is ca8<ai9n staff told re<orters in Ne= Ha>en1 Connecticut" FI
=asn7t on t:e stoc; 8ar;et 3esterda3 but I understood t:e3 9ot a little concerned t:at
Geor9e =as 9oin9 to t:e *:ite House =it: so8ebod3 ot:er t:an !arbara? I t:in; Geor9e
!us: o=es it to t:e A8erican <eo<le to 7fess u<????F FT:e A8erican <eo<le :a>e e>er3 ri9:t
to ;no= if !arbara !us: =ill s:are t:at bed =it: :i8 in t:e *:ite House? I78 tal;in9 about
!arbara !us: and so8eone =it: t:e initials &?? or =:ate>er t:e na8es are1F said Ms?
!raAile? *as t:is a reference to &ennifer itA9eraldD A fe= :ours later1 ,onna !raAile1 a
3oun9 blac; =o8an =:o :ad also accused t:e !us:8en of usin9 Fe>er3 code =ord and
racial s38bol to <ac;a9e t:eir little racist ca8<ai9n1F =as fired fro8 t:e ,u;a;is
ca8<ai9n? %aul !rountas1 one of ,u;a;is7s close ad>isers1 said t:at :e =ould not accuse t:e
!us: ca8<ai9n of bein9 racist? *it: t:e *illie Horton ads runnin9 full cli< e>er3=:ere1
8an3 could not belie>e t:eir ears? After an Associated %ress =ire sent out on T:ursda31
October $5 :ad offered anot:er su88ar3 of t:e ru8or1 !us:7s <ress aide S:eila Tate
dis8issed t:e entire stor3 as F=ar8ed o>er 9arba9e?F Gfn )2H !ut in t:e end1 t:e
*as:in9ton %ost <ublis:ed no stor31 and t:e entire issue =as stifled b3 t:e brutal <o=er of
t:e !us: 8edia net=or;s?
In t:e end1 t:e 9reatest tru8< card of !us:7s 12// ca8<ai9n =as !us:7s o<<onent Mic:ael
,u;a;is? T:ere is e>er3 reason to belie>e t:at ,u;a;is =as c:osen b3 !us: ,e8ocrat
<o=er bro;ers and t:e Eastern Establis:8ent ban;ers <ri8aril3 because :e =as so
8anifestl3 un=illin9 and unable seriousl3 to o<<ose !us:? Man3 are t:e indications t:at t:e
Massac:usetts 9o>ernor :ad been selected to ta;e a di>e? T:e 9ra>est sus<icions are in
order as to =:et:er t:ere e>er =as a ,u;a;is ca8<ai9n at all? Rea9an soon 8ade :is
celebrated @ui<1 FI78 not 9oin9 to <ic; on an in>alid1F focussin9 intense <ublic attention on
,u;a;is7s refusal to release :is 8edical records?
T:e colored 8a<s used b3 t:e tele>ision net=or;s on t:e ni9:t of No>e8ber / <resented a
!us: >ictor3 =:ic:1 alt:ou9: less con>incin9 t:an Rea9an7s t=o landslides1 ne>ert:eless
see8ed i8<ressi>e? A closer eEa8ination of t:e actual >ote totals re>eals a 8uc: different
lesson" e>en in co8<etition =it: t:e bu8blin9 and cra>en ,u;a;is ca8<ai9n1 !us:
re8ained a <itifull3 =ea; candidate =:o1 des<ite o>er=:el8in9 ad>anta9es of incu8benc31
8one31 or9aniAation1 3ears of ene8ies7 list o<erations1 a free ride fro8 t:e controlled
8edia1 and a <at:etic o<<onent1 Bust 8ana9ed to e;e out a :airsbreadt: 8ar9in?
!us: :ad =on +'R of t:e <o<ular >ote1 but if Bust +'+1555 >oters in ele>en states 0or
-551555 >oters in 2 states4 :ad s=itc:ed to ,u;a;is1 t:e latter =ould :a>e been t:e =inner?
T:e GO% :ad ruled t:e terrain =est of t:e Mississi<<i for 8an3 8oons1 but !us: :ad
8ana9ed to lose t:ree %acific states1 Ore9on1 *as:in9ton1 and Ha=aii? !us: =on
8e9astates li;e Illinois and %enns3l>ania b3 <a<er-t:in 8ar9ins of +1R1 and t:e all-
i8<ortant California >ote1 =:ic: =ent to !us: b3 Bust +$R1 :ad been too close for Geor9e7s
co8fort? Missouri :ad also been a +$R close call for Geor9e? In t:e far8 states1 t:e
de>astation of GO% free ente<rise caused bot: Io=a and *isconsin to Boin Minnesota in t:e
,e8ocratic colu8n? C:ronicall3 de<ressed *est 6ir9inia =as :a>in9 none of Geor9e? In
t:e oil <atc:1 t:e ,e8ocrats <osted <ercenta9e 9ains e>en t:ou9: !us: carried t:ese states"
in TeEas1 O;la:o8a1 and Louisiana t:e ,e8ocratic <residential >ote =as u< bet=een . and
11 <ercent co8<ared to t:e Mondale disaster of 12/)? In t:e Mid=est1 ,u;a;is 8ana9ed to
carr3 four doAen counties t:at :ad not 9one for a ,e8ocratic <residential contender since
12-)? All in all :alf of !us:7s electoral >otes ca8e fro8 states in =:ic: :e 9ot less t:an
++?+R of t:e t=o-<art3 >ote1 s:o=in9 t:at t:ere =as no runa=a3 !us: landslide?
EEit <olls s:o=ed t:at less t:an :alf of !us:7s >oters =ere stron9l3 co88itted to :i81
underlinin9 t:e fact t:at !us: :as ne>er succeeded in =innin9 t:e lo3alt3 of an3
identifiable 9rou<s in t:e <o<ulation1 eEce<t t:e s<oo;s and t:e bluebloods? At t:e ti8e of
t:e election1 t:e official statistics of t:e Rea9an re9i8e =ere alle9in9 a 3earl3 consu8er
inflation rate of +?$R and an une8<lo38ent fi9ure of )?1R? EEit <olls t:at +'R of all
>oters t:rou9: t:at t:e econo83 =as 9ettin9 better? As t:e econo8ic de<ression =orsens
into 122$1 all of t:ose fi9ures =ill belon9 to t:e 9ood old da3s? A co8<arison of !us:7s
>ictor3 in t:e Io=a caucuses of 12/5 =it: :is =retc:ed t:ird-<lace finis: t:ere in 12// is a
9ood indicator of :o= utterl3 su<<ort for !us: can colla<se as a result of a dra8atic
deterioration in econo8ic conditions1 9i>en once a9ain t:at !us: :as no lo3al base of
<olitical su<<ort?
T:e >oter turnout :it a ne= <ost=ar lo=1 =it: Bust )2?1R of eli9ible >oters s:o=in9 u< at
t:e <olls1 si9nificantl3 =orse t:an t:e Tru8an-,e=e3 8atc:u< of 12)/1 =:en Bust +1R :ad
dee8ed it =ort:=ile to >ote? T:is 8eans t:at !us: eE<ected to 9o>ern t:e countr3 =it: t:e
>otes of Bust $-?/R of t:e eli9ible >oters in :is <oc;et? !us: :ad =on a nu8ber of sout:ern
states b3 lo<-sided 8ar9ins of about $5R1 but t:is =as correlated in 8an3 cases =it: >er3
lo= o>erall >oter turnout1 =:ic: di<<ed belo= )5R in Geor9ia and Sout: Carolina? A bi9
<lus factor for Geor9e =as t:e >er3 lo= blac; >oter turnout in t:e sout:1 =:ere a si9nificant
blac; >ote :ad :el<ed t:e ,e8ocrats reta;e control of t:e Senate in 12/-? *it: ,u;a;is
ca<turin9 25R of t:e blac; >ote1 a bi99er blac; turnout =ould :a>e created so8e serious
<roble8s for Geor9e? !us: ;no=s t:at >ictor3 in 122$ =ill de<end on ;ee<in9 t:e blac;
turnout lo=1 and t:is is <art of t:e rationale be:ind :is F=ed9e issueF no8ination of t:e
blac; ri9:tist Clarence T:o8as to t:e Su<re8e Court1 =:ic: successfull3 s<lit national
blac; or9aniAations in suc: a =a3 t:at !us: :o<es :e =ill be able to i9nore t:e8 in 122$?
More 9enerall31 it =ould a<<ear t:at !us: =ould be >er3 :a<<3 to ;ee< across t:e board
>oter turnout at suc: de<ressed le>els1 since a lar9er >ote could onl3 t:reaten :is results?
,u;a;is =as able to attract onl3 about :alf of t:e Rea9an ,e8ocrats bac; to t:eir
traditional <art31 des<ite t:e <re<<3-blueblood aura of t:e !us: ca8<ai9n1 =:ic: t:ese
>oters =ould nor8all3 :a>e found :i9:l3 offensi>e? T:e !us: cause is t:erefore =ell
ser>ed b3 <ublic scandals and 8edia ca8<ai9ns t:at tend to elicit =ides<read dis9ust =it:
<olitics and 9o>ern8ent1 since t:ese increase t:e <robabilit3 t:at citiAens =ill sta3 :o8e on
election da31 lea>in9 Geor9e to do8inate t:e field? It is no sur<rise t:at <recisel3 suc:
scandals1 fro8 Con9ressional <a3 raises and t:e #eatin9 fi>e to t:e T:o8as no8ination
:earin9s :a>e <roliferated durin9 t:e 3ears of t:e !us: re9i8e?
A8on9 t:ose Re<ublicans =:o :ad succeeded in =innin9 t:e *:ite House in t=o-=a3
races 0eEcludin9 3ears li;e 12)/ or 12-/1 =:en t:e totals =ere i8<acted b3 Henr3 *allace
and Stro8 T:ur8ond7s ,iEiecrats1 or b3 Geor9e *allace41 !us:7s result =as t:e =ea;est
since fello= S;ull and !ones alu8nus *illia8 Ho=ard Taft in 125/? Gfn +5H T:ese <atterns
8i9:t also indicate t:at t:e do8inant role of t:e electoral >otes of t:e for8er Confederate
States of A8erica =it:in t:e Electoral Colle9e under t:e <ost-12-/ Sout:ern Strate93 of
t:e national Re<ublican %art3 8a3 be subBected to erosion in 122$1 es<eciall3 under t:e
i8<act of t:e !us: econo8ic de<ression?
It is also to be :o<ed t:at 12// =ill <ro>e in retros<ect to :a>e re<resented t:e :i9:-=ater
8ar; of :ired 9un 8edia and ca8<ai9n consultants in <residential elections? At=ater at one
ti8e boasted t:at :is staff contained at least $/ 8edia eE<erts and <olitical o<erati>es =:o
:ad =or;ed in at least t:ree <re>ious <residential elections1 8an3 of =:ic: =ere also
=innin9 efforts for t:e GO%? T:ese 8en =ere dra=n fro8 Ne= (or;7s Madison A>enue and
fro8 *as:in9ton7s Connecticut A>enue F%o=er Alle31F =:ere 8an3 of t:e best- connected
<olitical consultin9 fir8s :a>e t:eir offices? It is clear t:at 8en li;e At=ater1 Ailes1 S<encer1
,ea>er and ot:ers :a>e <erfor8ed a function in t:e consoldation of a 8odern A8erican
le>iat:an state t:at is eEactl3 anala9ous to t:e >ital ser>ices rendered to t:e T:ird Reic: b3
%ro<a9anda Minister ,r? &osef Goebbels bet=een 12'' and 12)+? T:ere is a cri8e of
8enticide =:ic: consists in t:e deliberate destruction of t:e co9niti>e <o=ers of anot:er
:u8an bein91 and t:e ca8<ai9ns or9aniAed b3 t:ese consultants :a>e re<resented 8enticide
on a 8ass scale? urt:er" if t:e international econo8ic <olicies inflicted on t:e =orld b3 t:e
Rea9an-!us: and !us: re9i8es :a>e eEacted a 3earl3 9lobal deat: toll of u<=ards of +5
8illion needless deat:s1 <ri8aril3 in t:e de>elo<in9 sector1 it :as been t:e i8a9e 8on9ers
and <ublic relations 8en =:o :a>e or9aniAed t:e US do8estic electoral consensus t:at :as
<er8itted t:ose 9enocidal <olicies to 9o for=ard? or all of t:ese reasons1 t:e 8edia and
ca8<ai9n consultants are fascists? T:e3 are >irulent fascists t3<ical of t:e A8erican
totalitarian state of t:e late t=entiet: centur31 and t:is is true e>en if t:ese consultants lac;
t:e bo8bastic tra<<in9s of t:e central Euro<ean fascists of 8ore t:an a :alf centur3 a9o?
Lee At=ater celebrated t:e !us: inau9uration b3 <la3in9 :is electric 9uitar at a r:3t:8 and
blues concert in =:ic: :is 93rations bordered on t:e outri9:t obscene? Alt:ou9: Lee
At=ater :ad 8aster8inded t:e 8ost racist <residential ca8<ai9n in 8odern :istor31 :e still
:ad t:e 9all durin9 t:e s<rin9 of 12/2 to be a candidate for a <ost on t:e !oard of Trustees
of Ho=ard Uni>ersit31 t:e :istoricall3 blac; institution of :i9:er learnin9 in *as:in9ton1
,C? At=ater =as forced to abandon t:is outra9eous candidac3 b3 a 8ass 8obiliAation of
t:e Ho=ard students?
So8e 8ont:s later1 At=ater =as found to be sufferin9 fro8 a 8ali9nant brain cancer? It is
ru8ored around *as:in9ton t:at At=ater in :is final da3s beca8e a con>ert to Ro8an
Cat:olicis8 and eE<ressed re<entance for 8an3 of t:e deeds :e <erfor8ed durin9 :is
<olitical career? It a<<ears certain t:at :e <ersonall3 a<olo9iAed to so8e of t:e candidates
=:o8 :e :ad >ilified durin9 t:e course of >arious <olitical ca8<ai9ns? *:en At=ater died
in A<ril1 1221 at t:e a9e of )51 it =as =idel3 ru8ored in *as:in9ton t:at :e :ad eE<ressed
t:e dee<est re8orse for :a>in9 contributed to t:e creation of t:e !us: ad8inistration?
1? &ac; *? Ger8ond and &ules *itco>er1 *a;e Us *:en It7s O>er" T:e %residential %olitics of 12/) 0Ne=
(or;1 12/+41 <? )/2?
$? &ose<: #raft1 FT:e Real Geor9e !us:1F *as:in9ton %ost1 October 1/1 12/)?
'? *a;e Us *:en It7s O>er1 <? +$$?
)? Geor9e *ill colu8n1 &anuar3 '51 12/-1 in *ill1 T:e Mornin9 After1 <? $+)?
+? %:ili< Ge3lin1 FMa;in9s of a Success in Africa1F *as:in9ton %ost1 ,ece8ber 151 12/$?
-? F!us: Ma;es e= *a>es at Ho8e1 Creates !i9 S<las: in Sandina>ia1F *as:in9ton %ost1 &ul3 1$1 12/'?
.? F!us: Ends Tri< to Subcontinent *it: US Ties Lar9el3 Unaltered1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Ma3 121 12/)?
/? FGlobe-S<annin9 Mission Stren9t:ens !us: for 7//1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Marc: $)1 12/+?
2? See Sara ,ia8ond1 S<iritual *arfare1 <<? .$ and $+)?
15? &ac; Anderson and ,ale 6an Atta1 F!us:7s ,a3 at t:e Hel81F *as:in9ton %ost1 &anuar3 $.1 12//?
11? F!us: is Counseled to Loo; S:ar< Tuesda31F *as:in9ton %ost1 &anuar3 $-1 12/-?
1$? MaEine C:es:ire1F6I%1F *as:in9ton %ost1 A<ril $+1 12/1?
1'? &ac; Anderson and ,ale 6an Atta1 F!us: *aits and Ho<es for Rea9an Nod1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust
1/1 12/-?
1)? FRea9an *on7t Cite Issues !us: Affected1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Se<te8ber 1$1 12/.?
1+? &ac; *? Ger8ond and &ules *itco>er1 *:ose !orad Stri<es and !ri9:t Stars" T:e Tri>ial %ursuit of t:e
%residenc31 12// 0Ne= (or;1 12/241 <? 1+-?
1-? F!us: %ro>es Successful in Tic;lis: A<<earance?F *as:in9ton %ost1 ,ece8ber 1$1 12/+?
1.? FNe= Ha8<s:ire C:ill1F *as:in9ton %ost1 October 111 12/.?
1/? *:ose !road Stri<es and !ri9:t Stars1 <<? .1-.$ and '--?
12? &oe Conason1 FRobert Mosbac:er7s Grand Sc:e8e1F TeEas Obser>er1 A<ril $/1 12/2?
$5? Ibid?1 <? 1$?
$1? FCount3 resources utiliAed b3 Ec;els to boost t:e GO%1F Houston %ost1 ebruar3 /1 12/+?
$$? Houston C:ronicle1 &une $1 12/2?
$'? ,ou9las Cadd31 letter to !I ,irector *illia8 Sessions1 Ma3 $1 12//?
$)? ederal Election Co88ission !ulletin1 6olune 1.1 Nu8ber $1 ebruar31 12211 <? 11?
$+? *as:in9ton %ost1 A<ril 21 12/-?
$-? *as:in9ton %ost1 A<ril 1)1 12/-?
$.? *as:in9ton %ost1 A<ril .1 12/-?
$/? See T:o8as !urdic; and C:arlene Mitc:ell1 !lue T:under 0Ne= (or;1 122541 <<? .'1 1-.1 and $25-
$2? !lue T:under1 <? 1-.C Ger8ond and *itco>er1 *:ose !road Stri<es and !ri9:t Stars1 <? 1/+1 @uote
unna8ed Hart ca8<ai9n aides =:o Fsaid later t:e3 =ere con>incedF t:at L3nn Ar8andt :ad called
Bournalist To8 iedler of t:e Mia8i Herald =it: a ti<-off t:at ,onna Rice =as 9oin9 to =as:in9ton to be
an o>erni9:t 9uest of Gar3 Hart? !ut iedler denies t:at Ar8andt =as t:e caller?
'5? &ac; *? Ger8ond and &ules *itco>er1 *a;e Us *:en It7s O>er 0Ne= (or;1 12/+41 <<? '$--'$.?
'1? or !us: in t:e 12// ca8<ai9n1 see Ger8ond and *itco>er1 *:ose !road Stri<es and !ri9:t Stars?
'$? *as:in9ton %ost1 October 1-1 12/.?
''? FRobertson Lin;s !us: to S=a99art Scandal1F *as:in9ton %ost1 ebruar3 $)1 12//?
')? FT:e Contra Countr3 Ca8<ai9n1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Marc: -1 12//?
'+? Ger8ond and *itco>er1 *:ose !road Stri<es and !ri9:t Stars1 <? 1-1?
'-? *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust 1.1 12//?
'.? ran; McNeil1 *ar and %eace in Central A8erica1 <? $..?
'/? *:ose !road Stri<es and !ri9:t Stars1 <? '/+?
'2? Eleanor Randol<:1 FG:ost of ,an Lua3le7s 9randfat:er laid to rest1F ,allas Ti8es-Herald1 Au9ust $'1
)5? AleEander Coc;burn1 F!eat t:e ,e>il" ,an Lua3le1 Acid rea;DF T:e Nation1 Se<te8ber $-1 12//1 <?
)1? &oel !leifuss1 FIn S:ort1F In T:ese Ti8es1 1--$$ No>e8ber1 12//1 <? +1 cited b3 Art:ur rederic; Ide1
!us:-Lua3le" T:e Rea9an Le9ac3 0Ir>in91 TeEas" Sc:olars !oo;s1 12/241 <<? ++-+-?
)'? Ide1 !us:-Lua3le1 <? 1)?
))? Ide1 !us:-Lua3le1 <? +?
)+? Elinor &? !rec:er1 FMaril3n Lua3le called 7<rotot3<e of t:e ne=-a9e <olitical s<ouse1F Louis>ille
Courier-&ournal1 Se<te8ber $+1 12//?
)-? F!urnin9 !us:1F T:e Nation1 Marc: /1 12/51 <? $-1?
).? *as:in9ton %ost1 &ul3 11 12/.?
)/? *as:in9ton %ost1 &une $-1 12/.?
)2? Eleanor Randol<:1 F!us: Ru8or Created ,ile88a for Media1F *as:in9ton %ost1 October $$1 12//?
+5? See #e>in %:illi<s1 T:e %olitics of Ric: and %oor1 0Ne= (or;1 122541 <? $1+C acts on ile11 No>e8ber
111 12//C and %aul R? Abra8son1 &o:n H? Aldric:1 and ,a>id *? Ro:de1 C:an9e and Continuit3 in t:e
12// Elections 0*as:in9ton ,C" Con9ressional Luarterl31 12214?
C:a<ter -MMIII- T:e End of Histor3
,er Staat ist als die *ir;lic:;eit des substantiellen *illens1 die er in de8 Au seiner
All9e8ein:eit er:obenen besonderen Selbstbe=usstse3n :at1 das an und fuer sic:
6ernuenfti9e? ,iese substantielle Ein:eit ist absoluter unbe=e9ter SelbstA=ec;1 in =elc:e8
die rei:eit Au i:re8 :oec:sten Rec:t ;o88t1 so =ie dieser EndA=ec; das :oec:ste Rec:t
9e9en die EinAelnen :at1 deren :oec:ste %flic:t es ist1 Mit9lieder des Staats Au se3n?
G?*?? He9el1 Grundlinien der %:iloso<:ie des Rec:ts?
Geor9e !us:7s inau9ural address of &anuar3 $11 12/21 =as on t:e =:ole an e8inentl3
colorless and for9ettable oration? T:e s<eec: =as for t:e 8ost <art a re:as: of t:e tired
de8a9o93 of !us:7s election ca8<ai9n1 =it: t:e ritual references to Fa t:ousand <oints of
li9:tF and t:e :ollo= <led9e t:at =:en it ca8e to t:e dru9 inundation =:ic: !us: :ad
su<<osedl3 been fi9:tin9 for 8ost of t:e decade1 FT:is scour9e =ill sto<?F !us: tal;ed of
Fste=ards:i<F bein9 <assed on fro8 one 9eneration to anot:er? T:ere =as al8ost not:in9
about t:e state of t:e US econo83? !us: =as <reoccu<ied =it: t:e Fdi>isi>enessF left o>er
fro8 t:e 6ietna8 era1 and t:is :e <led9ed to end in fa>or of a return to bi<artisan consensus
bet=een t:e <resident and t:e Con9ress1 since Ft:e statute of li8itations :as been reac:ed?
T:is is a fact" T:e final lesson of 6ietna8 is t:at no 9reat nation can lon9 afford to be
sundered b3 a 8e8or3?F T:ere is 9ood reason to belie>e t:at !us: =as alread3
conte8<latin9 t:e ne= round of forei9n 8ilitar3 ad>entures =:ic: =ere not lon9 in
One t:in9 is certain" !us:7s inau9ural address contained no <ro8ise to ;ee< t:e <eace of
t:e sort t:at :ad fi9ured in :is Ne= Orleans acce<tance s<eec: bac; in Au9ust?
T:e c:aracteristic note of !us:7s re8ar;s ca8e at t:e outset1 in t:e <assa9es in =:ic: :e
celebrated t:e triu8<: of t:e A8erican >ariant of t:e bureaucratic-aut:oritarian <olice
state1 based on usur31 =:ic: c:ooses to c:aracteriAe itself as Ffreedo8"F
*e ;no= =:at =or;s" reedo8 =or;s? *e ;no= =:at7s ri9:t" reedo8 is ri9:t? *e ;no= :o= to
secure a 8ore Bust and <ros<erous life for 8an on Eart:- t:rou9: free 8ar;ets1 free s<eec:1 free
elections1 and t:e eEercise of free =ill un:a8<ered b3 t:e state?
or t:e first ti8e in t:is centur31 for t:e first ti8e <er:a<s in all :istor31 8an does not :a>e to
in>ent a s3ste8 b3 =:ic: to li>e? *e don7t :a>e to tal; late into t:e ni9:t about =:ic: for8 of
9o>ern8ent is better? *e don7t :a>e to =rest Bustice fro8 t:e ;in9s? *e onl3 :a>e to su88on it
fro8 =it:in oursel>es? *e 8ust act on =:at =e ;no=? Gfn 1H
After t:e inau9uration cere8onies at t:e Ca<itol =ere co8<leted1 Geor9e and !arbara
!us: descended %enns3l>ania A>enue to=ards t:e *:ite House in a triu8<:ant <ro9ress1
9ettin9 out of t:eir li8ousine e>er3 bloc; or t=o to =al; a8on9 t:e cro=ds and sa>our t:e
o>ations? Geor9e !us:1 i8<erial ad8inistrator and bureaucrat1 :ad no= reac:ed t:e a<eE of
:is career1 t:e last station of t:e cursus :onoru8" t:e c:ief 8a9istrac3? !us: no= assu8ed
leaders:i< of a *as:in9ton bureaucrac3 t:at =as increasin9l3 focussed on itself and its o=n
as<irations1 con>inced of its o=n o8ni<otence and infallibilit31 of its o=n 8anifest destin3
to do8inate t:e =orld? It =as a :ead3 8o8ent1 full of t:e stuff of 8e9alo8aniac delusion?
I8<erial *as:in9ton =as no= a=are of t:e increasin9 s38to8s of colla<se in t:e So>iet
E8<ire? T:e feared ad>ersar3 of four decades of t:e cold =ar =as colla<sin9? Ger8an3 and
&a<an =ere for8idable econo8ic <o=ers1 but t:e3 =ere led b3 a 9eneration of <oliticians
=:o :ad been =ell sc:ooled in t:e necessit3 of follo=in9 An9lo-SaEon orders? rance :ad
abandoned :er traditional Gaullist <olic3 of inde<endence and so>erei9nt31 and :ad
returned to t:e sui>is8e of t:e old ourt: Re<ublic under !us:7s free8asonic confrere
rancois Mitterrand? O<<osition to *as:in9ton7s i8<erial desi9ns 8i9:t still co8e fro8
leadin9 states of t:e de>elo<in9 sector1 fro8 India1 !raAil1 Ira@ and Malasia1 but t:e
i8<erial ad8inistrators1 <uffed u< =it: t:eir Eeno<:obic conte8<t for t:e for8er colonials1
=ere confident t:at t:ese states could ne easil3 defeated1 and t:at t:e t:ird =orld =ould
8ee;l3 succu8b to t:e installation of An9lo-A8erican <u<<et re9i8es in t:e =a3 t:at t:e
%:ili<<ines and so 8an3 Latin A8erican countries :ad durin9 t:e 12/57s?
!us: could also sur>e3 t:e :o8e front =it: self-con9ratulator3 co8<lacenc3? He :ad =on a
Con9ressional election in :is desi9ner district in Houston1 but in 12-) and 12.5 8aBorities
at t:e <olls :ad <ro>en 8oc;in9l3 elusi>e? No=1 for Bust t:e second ti8e in :is life1 :e :ad
sol>ed t:e <roble8 of =innin9 a contested election1 and t:is ti8e it :ad been t:e bi9 one?
!us: :ad at one stro;e fulfilled :is 9reatest a8bition and sol>ed :is 8ost <ersistent
<roble81 t:at of 9ettin9 :i8self elected to <ublic office? He :ad dealt successfull3 =it: t:e
t:orn3 issue of 9o>ernance in t:e do8estic s<:ere1 foilin9 t:e BinE t:at :ad do99ed all
sittin9 >ice <residents see;in9 to 8o>e u< after Martin 6an !uren7s success in 1/'-?
!us: asse8bled a tea8 of :is fello= Malt:usian bureaucrats and ad8inistrators fro8
a8on9 t:ose officials =:o :ad staffed Re<ublican ad8inistrations 9oin9 bac; to 12-21 t:e
3ear t:at NiEon c:ose #issin9er for t:e National Securit3 Council? %ersons li;e Sco=croft1
!a;er1 Carla Hills1 and !us: :i8self :ad1 =it: fe= eEce<tions1 been in or around t:e
federal 9o>ern8ent and es<eciall3 t:e eEecuti>e branc: for 8ost of t=o decades1 =it: onl3
t:e brief :iatus of &i883 Carter to let t:e8 fill t:eir <oc;ets in <ri>ate sector influence
<eddlin9? !us:7s cabinet and staff =as con>inced it boasted t:e 8ost <o=erful batter3 of
resu8es1 t:e t:e 8ost consu88ate eE<erience1 t:e 8ost i8<eccable credentials1 of an3
8ana9e8ent tea8 in t:e :istor3 of t:e =orld? All t:e 9reat issues of <olic3 :ad been sol>ed
under NiEon1 ord1 and Rea9anC t:e 9eo<olitical situation =as bein9 brou9:t under controlC
all t:at re8ained =as to consolidate and <erfect t:e total ad8inistration of t:e =orld
accordin9 to t:e <olicies and <rocedures alread3 establis:ed1 =:ile deli>erin9 8ass
consensus t:rou9: t:e sa8e 8et:ods t:at :ad Bust <ro>en unbeatable in t:e <residential
ca8<ai9n? T:e !us: tea8 =as con>inced of its o=n in:erent su<eriorit3 to t:e Mandarin
C:inese1 t:e Ro8an and !3Aantine1 t:e Otto8an1 t:e Austrian1 t:e %russian1 t:e So>iet1 and
to all ot:er bureaucratic-aut:oritarian re9i8es t:at :ad e>er eEisted on t:e <lanet? Onl3 t:e
!ritis: East India Co8<an3 =as e>en in t:e sa8e lea9ue1 t:ou9:t t:e t:eorists of usur3 on
t:e !us: tea8? 0%ride 9oet: e>er before a fall? !3 late 12211 t:is sa8e tea8 :ad ac@uired
t:e deser>ed re<utation of a 9a99le of 8aladroit buffoons?4
T:ese triu8<:ant bureaucrats and abo>e all Geor9e !us: :i8self =ere not ;indl3 dis<osed
to old Ronald Rea9an1 in =:ose s:ado= t:e3 :ad labored for so lon9? Ho= 8an3 of t:e8
:ad been consu8ed =it: ra9e =:en <lu8 <osts :ad been 9i>en to Rea9an7s fast-buc;
California <ar>enu croniesK Ho= t:e3 :ad cursed Rea9an for a senti8ental <us:o>er =:en
:e 8ade concessions to Gorbac:o>K T:e bureaucrats =ould not Boin Rea9an in slobberin9
o>er Gorbac:o>1 at least not ri9:t a=a3C t:e3 =ere t:ere to dri>e a :ard bar9ain1 to 8a;e
sure t:e So>iet e8<ire colla<sed? T:e3 :ad acce<ted Rea9an as a useful facade1 a :ar8less
>aude>ille act to ;ee< t:e 9reat un=as:ed 8asses a8used =:ile t:e bureaucrats carried out
t:eir 8ac:inations? !ut t:e bureaucrats :ad a sa>a9e te8<er1 and t:e3 ne>er a<<reciated t:e
bu8blin9 antics of an3 fa>orite uncles? If scri<ted Rea9an :ad see8ed a necessar3 e>il as
lon9 as :e a<<eared indis<ensable to <rocure election >ictories and 8ass consensus1 :o=
intolerable :e see8ed no= t:at :e :ad been <ro>en unnecessar31 no= t:at i8<erial
functionar3 Geor9e !us: :ad =on election in :is o=n ri9:t1 =it:out Rea9an7s bobbin9
Rea9an-bas:in9 beca8e one of t:e rulin9 <assions of t:e ne= <atrician re9i8e? T:is =as a
8atter of Real<oliti; t:at =ent be3ond 8ere =ords" it =as t:e de8olition of an3 re8ainin9
Rea9anite <olitical 8ac:iner31 lest it <ro>ide a s<rin9board for a <olitical c:allen9e to t:e
<lutocrac3 of little Lord auntlero3? T:e ca8<ai9n =as so intense t:at it elicited a letter
fro8 Ric:ard NiEon to &o:n Sununu co8<lainin9 of a ne=s<a<er account of *:ite House
aides s<ea;in9 on bac;9round to de<ict Rea9an as a dunce1 8uc: inferior to :is successor?
NiEon ur9ed t:at F=:oe>er =as t:e source of t:is stor3 s:ould be fired as an eEa8<le to
ot:ers =:o 8i9:t be te8<ted to <la3 t:e sa8e ;ind of 9a8e?F NiEon denounced
Fanon38ous staffers =:o belie>e t:at t:e =a3 to build :i8 G!us:H u< is to tear Rea9an
do=n?F Sununu :urriedl3 tele<:oned Tric;3 ,ic; to reassure :i8 t:at :e =as also found t:e
deni9ration of Rea9an Fabsolutel3 intolerable1F but t:e tras:in9 of t:e old Rea9an 8ac:ine
onl3 accelerated? One assistant to !us: boasted t:at t:e ne= <resident =as Fin t:e business
of 9o>ernin91F =:ile <oor old Rea9an :ad been a <ro< for <:oto o<<ortunities? Gfn $H
Of course1 t:e i8<erial functionaries of t:e !us: tea8 :ad c:osen to i9nore certain 9ross
facts1 8ost i8<ortantl3 t:e de8onstrable ban;ru<tc3 and insol>enc3 of t:eir o=n leadin9
institutions of finance1 credit1 and 9o>ern8ent? T:eir abilit3 to co88and <roduction and
ot:er=ise to act u<on t:e 8aterial =orld =as in s:ar< decline? Ho= lon9 =ould t:e
A8erican <o<ulation re8ain in its state of stu<efied <assi>it3 in t:e face of deterioratin9
standards of li>in9 t:at =ere no= fallin9 8ore ra<idl3 t:an at an3 ti8e in t:e last t=ent3
3earsD And no=1 t:e s<eculati>e or93 of t:e 12/57s =ould :a>e to be <aid for? E>en t:eir
ad>anta9e o>er t:e cru8blin9 So>iet E8<ire =as ulti8atel3 onl3 a 8ar9inal1 relati>e1 and
te8<orar3 one1 due <ri8aril3 to a faster rate of colla<se on t:e So>iet sideC but t:e da3 of
rec;onin9 for t:e An9lo-A8ericans =as co8in91 too?
T:is =as t:e triu8<:alis8 t:at <er>aded t:e o<enin9 =ee;s of t:e !us: ad8inistration?
!us: 9a>e 8ore <ress conferences durin9 t:e transition <eriod t:an Rea9an :ad 9i>en
durin9 8ost of :is second ter8C :e re>elled in t:e accoutre8ents of :is ne= office1 and
9a>e t:e *:ite House <ress cor<s all t:e <:oto o<<ortunities and inter>ie=s t:e3 =anted to
butter t:e8 u< and 9et t:e8 in :is <oc;et?
T:ese fatuous delusions of 9randeur =ere dul3 <roBected u<on t:e <lane of t:e <:iloso<:3
of :istor3 b3 an official of t:e !us: Ad8inistration1 rancis u;u3a8a1 t:e ,e<ut3
,irector of t:e State ,e<art8ent %olic3 %lannin9 Staff1 t:e old :aunt of Harri8anites li;e
%aul NitAe and Geor9e #ennan? In t:e =inter of 12/21 durin9 !us:7s first :undred da3s in
office1 u;u3a8a deli>ered a lecture to t:e Olin oundation =:ic: =as later <ublis:ed in
T:e National Interest@uarterl3 under t:e title of FT:e End of Histor3DF I8<erial
ad8inistrator u;u3a8a :ad studied under t:e reactionar3 elitist Allan !loo81 and =as
con>ersant =it: t:e renc: neo-enli9:ten8ent se8iotic 0or se8i- idiotic4 sc:ool of ,errida1
oucault1 and Roland !art:es1 =:ose Aero de9ree of =ritin9 u;u3a8a 8a3 :a>e been
stri>in9 to attain? Abo>e all1 u;a3a8a =as a follo=er of He9el in t:e inter<etation of t:e
renc: <ost=ar neo-He9elian AleEandre #oBe>e?
u;u3a8a @ualifies as t:e official ideolo9ue of t:e !us: re9i8e? His startin9 <oint is t:e
Funabas:ed >ictor3 of econo8ic and social liberalis81F 8eanin9 b3 t:at t:e econo8ic and
<olitical s3ste8 reac:in9 its 8aturit3 under !us:-- =:at t:e State ,e<art8ent usuall3 calls
Fde8ocrac3?F FT:e triu8<: of t:e *est1 of t:e *estern idea1 is e>ident first of all in t:e
total eE:austion of >iable s3ste8atic alternati>es to *estern liberalis81F u;u3a8a =rote?
FT:e triu8<: of t:e *estern <olitical idea is co8<lete? Its ri>als :a>e been
routed????%olitical t:eor31 at least t:e <art concerned =it: definin9 t:e 9ood <olit31 is
finis:ed1F u;u3a8a o<ined? FT:e *estern idea of 9o>ernance :as <re>ailed?F F*:at =e
8a3 be =itnessin9 is not Bust t:e end of t:e Cold *ar1 or t:e <assin9 of a <articular <eriod
of <ost=ar :istor31 but t:e end of :istor3 as suc:" t:at is1 t:e end <oint of 8an;ind7s
ideolo9ical e>olution and t:e uni>ersaliAation of *estern liberal de8ocrac3 as t:e final
for8 of :u8an 9o>ern8ent?F Accordin9 to u;a3a8a1 co88unis8 as an alternati>e s3ste8
:ad bee t:orou9:l3 discredited in t:e USSR1 C:ina1 and t:e ot:er co88unist countries?
Since t:ere are no ot:er >isible 8odels contendin9 for t:e ri9:t to s:a<e t:e future1 :e
concludes t:at t:e 8odern A8erican state is t:e Ffinal1 rational for8 of societ3 and state?F
T:ere are of course lar9e areas of t:e =orld =:ere 9o>ern8ents and for8s of societ3
<re>ail =:ic: di>er9e radicall3 fro8 u;u3a8a7s =estern 8odel1 but :e ans=ers t:is
obBection b3 eE<lainin9 t:at bac;=ard1 still :istoric <arts of t:e =orld eEist and =ill
continue to eEist for so8e ti8e? It is Bust t:at t:e3 =ill ne>er be able to <resent t:eir for8s
of societ3 as a credible 8odel or alternati>e to Fliberalis8?F Since u;u3a8a <resu8abl3
;ne= so8et:in9 of =:at =as in t:e !us: ad8inistration <i<eline1 :e carefull3 ;e<t t:e door
o<en for ne= =ars and 8ilitar3 conflicts1 es<eciall3 a8on9 :istoric states1 or bet=een
:istoric and <ost-:istoric <o=ers? !ot: %ana8a and Ira@ =ould1 accordin9 to u;a3a87s
t3<olo931 fall into t:e F:istoricF cate9or3?
T:us1 in t:e >ie= of t:e earl3 !us: ad8inistration1 t:e <lanet =ould co8e to be do8inated
8ore and 8ore b3 t:e Funi>ersal :o8o9enous state1F a 8iEture of Fliberal de8ocrac3 in t:e
<olitical s<:ere co8bined =it: eas3 access to 6CRs and stereos in t:e econo8ic?F T:e arid
banalit3 of t:at definition is 8atc:ed b3 u;u3a8a7s daAAled tribute to Ft:e s<ectacular
abundance of ad>anced liberal econo8ies and t:e infintel3 di>erse consu8er culture?F
u;u3a8a1 it turns out1 is a resident of t:e <ri>ile9ed encla>e for i8<erial functionaries t:at
is nort:east 6ir9inia1 and so :as little understandin9 of t:e sco<e of US do8estic <o>ert3
and i88iseration" FT:is is not to sa3 t:at t:ere are not ric: <eo<le and <oor <eo<le in t:e
United States1 or t:at t:e 9a< bet=een t:e8 :as not 9ro=n in recent 3ears? !ut t:e root
causes of econo8ic ine@ualit3 :a>e less to do =it: t:e underl3in9 le9al and social
strcutures of our societ31 =:ic: re8ain funda8entall3 e9alitarian and 8oderatel3
redistributionist1 as =it: t:e cultural and social c:aracteristics of t:e 9rou<s t:at 8a;e it u<1
=:ic: are in turn t:e :istorical le9ac3 of <re8odern conditions? T:us blac; <o>ert3 in t:e
United States1 for eEa8<le1 is not t:e in:erent <roduct of liberalis81 but is rat:er t:e 7le9ac3
of sla>er3 and racis87 =:ic: <ersisted lon9 after t:e for8al abolition fo sla>er3?F or
u;u3a8a1 =ritin9 at a 8o8ent =:en A8erican class di>isions =ere 8ore <ronounced t:at
at an3 ti8e in :u8an 8e8or31 Ft:e e9alitarianis8 of 8odern A8erica re<resents t:e
essential ac:ie>e8ent of t:e classless societ3 en>isoned b3 MarE?F As a <ur>e3or of official
doctrine for t:e !us: re9i8e1 u;u3a8a is bound to i9nore t=ent3 3ears of increasin9
<o>ert3 and declinin9 standards of li>in9 for all A8ericans =:ic: :as caused an e>en
9reater retro9ression for t:e blac; <o<ulationC t:ere is no =a3 t:at t:is can be c:al;ed u< to
t:e :erita9e of sla>er3?
It is not far fro8 t:e End of Histor3 to !us:7s later slo9ans of t:e Ne= *orld Order and t:e
i8<erial %aE Uni>ersalis? It is ironic but la=ful t:at !us: s:ould :a>e c:osen a neo-
He9elian as a<olo9ist for :is re9i8e? He9el =as t:e arc:-obscurantist1 <:iloso<:ical
dictator1 and saboteur of t:e natural sciencesC :e =as t:e ideolo9ue of Metternic:7s Hol3
Alliance s3ste8 of <olice states in t:e <ost-1/1+ oli9arc:ic restoration in Euro<e i8<osed
b3 t:e Con9ress of 6ienna? *:en =e 8ention Metternic: =e :a>e at once brou9:t !us:7s
old <atron #issin9er into <la31 since Metternic: is =ell ;no=n as :is e9o ideal? He9el
deified t:e bureaucratic-aut:oritarian state 8ac:iner3 of =:ic: :e =as a <art as t:e final
e8bodi8ent of rationalit3 in :u8an affairs1 be3ond =:ic: it =as i8<ossible to 9o? He9el
told intellectuals to be reconciled =it: t:e =orld t:e3 found around t:e81 and <ronounced
<:iloso<:3 inca<able of <roducin9 ideas for t:e refor8 of t:e =orld? As He9el <ut it in t:e
fa8ous <reface to t:e %:iloso<:3 of Ri9:t" F*enn die %:iloso<:ie i:r Grau in Grau 8a:lt1
dann ist eine Gestalt des Lebens alt 9e=orden1 und 8it Grau in Grau laesst sie sic: nic:t
>erBuen9en1 sondern nur er;ennenC die Eule der Miner>a be9innt erst 8it der einbrec:enden
,ae88erun9 i:ren lu9?F References to He9el7s o=l of Miner>a :a>e been a sta<le of
*as:in9ton co;tail-<art3 c:atter durin9 t:e !us: 3ears? As u;u3a8a <ut it" FT:e end of
:istor3 =ill be a >er3 sad ti8e????T:ere =ill be neit:er art nor <:iloso<:31 Bust t:e <er<etual
careta;in9 of t:e 8useu8 of :u8an :istor3????%er:a<s t:is >er3 <ros<ect of centuries of
boredo8 at t:e end of :istor3 =ill ser>e to 9et :istor3 started o>er a9ain?F Gfn 'H
T:e !us: re9i8e t:us too; s:a<e as a bureaucratic-aut:oritarian ste=ards:i< of t:e
financial interests of *all Street and t:e Cit3 of London? Man3 sa= in t:e !us: tea8 t:e
<atrician financiers of t:e Roc;efeller Ad8inistration t:at ne>er =as? T:e 9rou<s in societ3
=ere to be ser>ed =ere so narro=l3 restricted t:at t:e !us: ad8inistration often loo;ed li;e
a 9o>ern8ent t:at :ad totall3 se<arated itself fro8 t:e underl3in9 societ3 and :ad
constituted itself to 9o>ern in t:e interests of t:e bureaucrac3 itself? Since !us: =as
irre>ocabl3 co88itted to carr3in9 for=ard t:e <olicies t:at :ad been consolidated and
institutionaliAed durin9 t:e <re>ious ei9:t 3ears1 t:e re9i8e beca8e 8ore and 8ore ri9id
and infleEible? Acti>e o<<osition1 or e>en t:e dislocations occasioned b3 ad8inistration
<olicies =ere t:erefore dealt =it: b3 t:e re<ressi>e 8eans of t:e <olice state? T:e !us:
re9i8e could not 9o>ern1 but it could indict1 and t:e ,iscreditin9 Co88ittee =as a=a3s
read3 to >ilif3? So8e obser>ers s<o;e of a ne= for8 of bona<artis8 sui 9eneris1 but t:e
8ost accurate descri<tion for t:e !us: co8bination =as t:e Fad8inistrati>e fascis8F?
!us:7s cabinet reflected se>eral sets of o<ti8iAin9 criteria?
T:e best =a3 to attain a to< cabinet <ost =as to belon9 to a fa8il3 t:at :ad been allied =it:
t:e !us:-*al;er clan o>er a <eriod of at least :alf a centur31 and to :a>e ser>ed as a
functionar3 or fund-raiser for t:e !us: ca8<ai9n? T:is a<<lied to Secretar3 of State &a8es
!a;er III1 Secretar3 of t:e Treasur3 Nic:olas !rad31 Secretar3 of Co88erce Robert
Mosbac:er1 and !us:7s *:ite House counsel and to< <olitical ad>iser1 C? !o3den Gra3?
A second ro3al road to :i9: office =as to :a>e been an officer of #issin9er Associates1 t:e
international consultin9 fir8 set u< b3 !us:7s lifelon9 <atron1 Henr3 #issin9er? In t:is
cate9or3 =e find Gen? !rent Sco=croft1 t:e for8er c:ief of t:e #iss Ass *as:in9ton office1
and La=rence Ea9lebur9er1 t:e dissi<ated =rec; =:o =as na8ed to t:e nu8ber t=o <ost in
t:e State ,e<art8ent1 Undersecretar3 of State? Ea9lebur9er :ad been t:e <resident of
#issin9er Associates? T:e a8bassadorial 0or <roconsul4 list =as also rife =it: #issin9erian
<edi9rees" a <ro8inent one =as &o:n Ne9ro<onte1 !us:7s a8bassador to MeEico?
O>erla<<in9 =it: t:is last 9rou< =ere t:e >eterans of t:e 12.)-.. ord Ad8inistration1 one
of t:e 8ost free8asonic in recent US :istor3? National Securit3 Council ,irector !rent
Sco=croft1 for eEa8<le1 =as si8<l3 returnin9 to t:e Bob t:at :e :ad :eld under ord as
#issin9er7s alter e9o inside t:e *:ite House? ,ic; C:ene31 =:o e>entuall3 beca8e
Secretar3 of ,efense1 :ad been ord7s *:ite House c:ief of staff? C:ene3 :ad been
EEecuti>e Assistant to t:e ,irector of NiEon7s Office of Econo8ic O<<ortunit3 =a3 bac; in
12-2? In 12.1 :e :ad Boined NiEon7s *:ite House staff as ,on Ru8sfeld7s de<ut3? ro8
12.1 to 12.'1 C:ene3 =as at t:e Cost of Li>in9 Council1 =or;in9 as an enforcer for t:e
infa8ous %:ase II =a9e freeAe in NiEon7s FEcono8ic StabiliAation %ro9ra8?F T:e c:ar8in9
Carla Hills1 =:o beca8e !us:7s Trade Re<resentati>e1 :ad been ord7s Secretar3 of
Housin9 and Urban ,e>elo<8ent? *illia8 Seid8an and &a8es !a;er 0and ederal Reser>e
!oard C:air8an Alan Greens<an1 a Rea9an :oldo>er =:o =as t:e c:air8an of ord7s
Council of Econo8ic Ad>isers4 :ad also been in t:e <icture under &err3 ord?
!us: also eEtended lar9esse to t:ose =:o :ad assisted :i8 in t:e election ca8<ai9n Bust
concluded? At t:e to< of t:is list =as Go>ernor &o:n Sununu of Ne= Ha8<s:ire1 =:o
=ould :a>e @ualified as t:e 8odern Nostrada8us for :is eEact <rediction of !us:7s 2R
8ar9in of >ictor3 o>er ,ole in t:e Ne= Ha8<s:ire <ri8ar3 --unless :e :ad :el<ed to
arran9e it =it: >ote fraud?
Anot:er =a3 to carr3 off a to< <lu8 in t:e !us: re9i8e =as to :a>e <artici<ated in t:e
co>eru< of t:e Iran-contra scandal? T:e leadin9 role in t:at co>eru< :ad been assu8ed b3
Rea9an7s o=n blue ribbon co88ission of notables1 t:e To=er !oard1 =:ic: carried out t:e
*:ite House7s o=n in-:ouse re>ie= of =:at :ad alle9edl3 9one =ron91 and :ad
sca<e9oated ,on Re9an for a series of 8isdeeds t:at actuall3 belon9ed at t:e doorste< of
Geor9e !us:? T:e 8e8bers of t:at board =ere for8er GO% Senator &o:n To=er of TeEas1
Gen? !rent Sco=croft1 and for8er Sen? Ed8und Mus;ie1 =:o :ad been Secretar3 of State
for Carter after t:e resi9nation of C3rus 6ance? Sco=croft1 =:o s:o=s u< under 8an3
:eadin9s1 =as ensconced at t:e NSC? !us:7s ori9inal candidate for Secretar3 of ,efense
=as &o:n To=er1 =:o :ad been t:e <oint 8an of t:e 12/--/. co>eru< of Iran- contra durin9
t:e 8ont:s before t:e Con9ressional in>esti9atin9 co88ittees for8all3 9ot into t:e act?
To=er7s no8ination =as reBected b3 t:e Senate after :e =as accused of bein9 drun;en and
<ro8iscuous b3 %aul *e3ric:1 a !uc;le3ite acti>ist1 and ot:ers? So8e obser>ers t:ou9:t
t:at t:e To=er no8ination :ad been deliberatel3 tor<edoed b3 !us:7s o=n discreditin9
co88ittee so as to a>oid t:e <resence of a to< cabinet officer =it: t:e abilit3 to blac;8ail
!us: b3 t:reatenin9 to brin9 :i8 do=n at an3 ti8e? %er:a<s To=er :ad o>er<la3ed :is
:and? In an3 case1 ,ic; C:ene31 a *3o8in9 Con9ress8an =it: stron9 intelli9ence
co88unit3 connections1 =as s<eedil3 no8inated and confir8ed after To=er :ad been s:ot
do=n1 <ro8<tin9 s<eculation t:at C:ene3 =as t:e one !us: :ad reall3 =anted all t:e ti8e?
Anot:er Iran-contra >eteran in line to 9et a re=ard =as !us:7s for8er national securit3
ad>iser1 ,on Gre991 =:o :ad ser>ed !us: since at least t:e ti8e of t:e 12.- #orea9ate
scandal? Gre991 as =e :a>e seen1 =as 8ore t:an =illin9 to co88it t:e 8ost 8aladroit and
blatant <erBur3 in order to sa>e :is boss fro8 t:e =ol>es? T:e <at:etic dra8a of Gre997s
senate confir8ation :earin9s1 =:ic: 8ar;ed a true de9radation for t:at bod31 :as alread3
been recounted? Later1 =:en *illia8 *ebster retired as ,irector of t:e CIA1 t:ere =ere
<ersistent ru8ors t:at t:e :3<ert:3roid !us: :ad ori9inall3 de8anded t:at ,on Gre99 be
no8inated to ta;e :is <lace? Accordin9 to t:ese re<orts1 it re@uired all t:e ener93 of !us:7s
:andlers to con>ince t:e <resident t:at Gre99 =as too dirt3 to <ass confir8ationC !us:
relented1 but t:en announced to :is dis8a3ed and eE:austed staff t:at :is second and non-
ne9otiable c:oice for Lan9le3 =as Robert Gates1 t:e for8er CIA de<ut3 director =:o :ad
been =or;in9 as Sco=croft7s nu8ber t=o at t:e National Securit3 Council? T:e <roble8
=as t:at Gates1 =:o :ad alread3 dro<<ed out of an earlier confir8ation battle for t:e CIA
director7s <ost1 =as about as t:orou9:l3 co8<ro8ised as ,on Gre99? !ut at t:at <oint1
!us:7s could not be bud9ed a second ti8e1 so t:e na8e of Gates =as sent to t:e senate1
brin9in9 t:e entire Iran-contra co8<leE into full <ublic >ie= once a9ain? As it turned out1
t:e !us: ,e8ocrats in t:e Senate <ro>ed 8ore t:an =illin9 to a<<ro>e Gates?
Still on t:e Iran-contra list =as Gen? Colin %o=ell1 =:o8 !us: a<<ointed as C:air8an of
t:e &oint C:iefs of Staff? After 6ice Ad8iral &o:n %oindeEter and Oli>er Nort: :ad
de<arted fro8 t:e Old EEecuti>e Office !uildin9 in No>e8ber1 12/-1 Rea9an :ad
a<<ointed ran; Carlucci to lead t:e NSC? Carlucci :ad brou9:t alon9 Gen? %o=ell? *it:
Colin %o=ell as :is de<ut31 Carlucci cleaned u< t:e stables of Au9eias of t:e OEO!- NSC
co8<leE in suc: a =a3 as to 8ini8iAe da8a9e to !us:? %o=ell =as ot:er=ise a <rote9e of
t:e >er3 An9lo<:ile Cas<ar *einber9er1 and of Carlucci1 a 8an =it: stron9 lin;s to
O<eration ,e8ocrac3 and to t:e Sears1 Roebuc; interests?
T:e State ,e<art8ent1 too1 :ad its Iran-contra co>eru< bri9ade? irst ca8e T:o8as R?
%ic;erin91 c:osen b3 !us: to ta;e o>er :is old <ost as US A8bassador to t:e United
Nations1 a Bob =it: cabinet ran;? *:en %ic;erin9 =as US A8bassador to El Sal>ador
durin9 t:e 12/)-/+ <eriod1 :e :el<ed arran9e s:i<8ent of 8ore t:an I1 8illion of 8ilitar3
e@ui<8ent to t:e contras1 all durin9 a ti8e =:en t:is =as forbidden b3 US la=1 accordin9
to :is o=n testi8on3 before t:e Con9ressional Iran-contra in>esti9atin9 co88ittees?
%ic;erin9 did not re<ort an3 of :is doin9s to t:e State ,e<art8ent1 but instead ;e<t in close
touc: =it: ,on Gre991 eliE Rodri9ueA1 and Oli>er Nort: of !us:7s retinue? %ic;erin91
=:en :e =as a8bassador to Israel in 12/+-/-1 =as also in on Israeli t:ird-countr3 ar8s
s:i<8ents to Iran t:at =ere su<<osed to secure t:e release of certain :osta9es :eld in
nearb3 Lebanon? Gfn )H T:is >ul9ar1 9un-runnin9 filibusterer is no= t:e arro9ant s<o;es8an
for !us:7s Ne= *orld Order a8on9 t:e fi>e <er8anent 8e8bers of t:e United Nations
Securit3 Council1 =:ere :e dis<enses i8<erial t:reats and <latitudes?
Still on t:e Iran-contra co>eru< :onors list =e find Re9inald !art:olo8e=1 !us:7s c:oice as
Undersecretar3 of State for securit3 affairs1 science1 and tec:nolo93? !art:olo8e= =as US
A8bassador in !eirut in Se<te8ber-No>e8ber 12/+1 =:en an Israeli s:i<8ent of +5/ US-
8ade TO* antitan; 8issles =as follo=ed b3 t:e release of Re>? !enBa8in *eir1 an
A8erican :osta9e :eld b3 t:e <ro-Iranian Isla8ic &i:ad? Accordin9 to t:e testi8on3 of t:en
Secretar3 of State Geor9e S:ultA to t:e To=er !oard1 !art:olo8e= =as =or;in9 closel3
=it: Oli>er Nort: on a sc:e8e to use ,elta orce co88andoes to free an3 :osta9es not
s<ontaneousl3 released b3 Isla8ic &i:ad? Accordin9 to S:ultA1 !art:olo8e= told :i8 on
Se<te8ber )1 12/+ t:at FNort: =as :andlin9 an o<eration t:at =ould lead to t:e release of
all se>en :osta9es?F Gfn +H
Ot:er c:oice a<<oint8ents =ent to lon9-ti8e 8e8bers of t:e !us: net=or;? T:ese
included Manuel LuBan1 =:o =as ta<<ed for t:e ,e<art8ent of t:e Interior1 and for8er
Re<? Ed ,er=ins;i1 =:o =as 9i>en t:e 6eterans7 Ad8inistration1 s:ortl3 to be u<9raded to
a cabinet <ost? A <ro8inent fi9ure of !us:7s first 3ear in office =as *illia8 Reill31 ta<<ed
to be ad8inistrator of t:e En>iron8ental %ortection A9enc31 t:e 9reen <olice of t:e re9i8e?
Reill3 :ad been closel3 associated =it: t:e oli9arc:ical financier Russell Train at t:e US
branc: of %rince %:illi<7s *orld *ildlife und and t:e Conser>ation oundation?
So 8an3 to< cabinet <osts =ere t:us assi9ned on t:e basis of direct <ersonal ser>ices
rendered to Geor9e !us: t:at t:e colle9ial <rinci<le of an3 oli9arc:ic s3ste8 =ould a<<ear
to :a>e been ne9lected? T:ere =ere relati>el3 fe= ;e3 <osts left o>er for distribution to
<olitical-financial factions =:o 8i9:t reasonabl3 eE<ect to be brou9:t on board b3 bein9
9i>en a seat at t:e cabinet table? Ric:ard T:ornbur9:1 a creature of t:e Mellon interests =:o
:ad been 9i>en :is Bob under Rea9an1 =as allo=ed to sta3 on1 but t:is led to a constant
9uerilla =ar bet=een T:ornbur9: and !a;er =it: t:e ob>ious issue bein9 t:e 122-
succession to !us:? Cla3ton (eutter =ent to t:e ,e<art8ent of A9riculture because t:at
=as =:at t:e international 9rain cartel =anted? T:e c:oice of &ac; #e8<1 a 12//
<residential candidate =it: a lo3al conser>ati>e-<o<ulist base1 for Housin9 and Urban
,e>elo<8ent a<<eared ins<ired 8ore b3 !us:7s desire to <re>ent a c:allen9e fro8
e8er9in9 on :is ri9:t in t:e GO% <ri8aries of 122$ t:an b3 t:e need to cater to an
identifiable financier faction? T:e ta<<in9 of Rea9an7s Secretar3 of Education1 *illia8
!ennett1 a leadin9 ri9:t =in9 ideolo9ue and <ossible <residential <ros<ect1 to be ,ru9 CAar1
is a furt:er eEa8<le of t:e sa8e t:in;in9? T:e selection of EliAabet: Hanford ,ole to be
Secretar3 of Labor =as dictated b3 si8ilar intra-GO% considerations1 na8el3 t:e need to
<lacate t:e an9r3 Re<ublican Minorit3 Leader1 Sen? !ob ,ole of #ansas1 a darlin9 of
,=a3ne Andreas of Arc:er-,aniels-Midland and t:e rest of t:e 9rain cartel?
Later res:ufflin9 of t:e !us: cabinet :as confor8ed to t:e needs of 9ettin9 an intrinsicall3
=ea; candidate re-elected1 es<eciall3 b3 accentuatin9 t:e sout:ern strate93" =:en Lauro
Ca>aAo left t:e ,e<art8ent of Education1 :e =as re<laced b3 for8er Tennessee Go>ernor
La8ar AleEander? *:en !ennett :ad to be re<laced as dru9 cAar1 t:e nod =ent to anot:er
Re<ublican for8er sout:ern 9o>ernor1 !ob MartineA of lorida? All of t:is =as to build t:e
sout:ern base for 122$? *:en T:ornbur9: @uit as Attorne3 General to run for t:e senate in
%enns3l>ania in t:e >ain :o<e of <ositionin9 :i8self for 122-1 !us: ta<<ed T:ornbur9:7s
for8er nu8ber t=o at &ustice1 *illia8 %? !arr1 =:o :ad been a CIA officer =:en !us: =as
CIA director in 12.-1 for t:is ;e3 <olice-state <ost?
!ut all in all1 t:is cabinet =as >er3 8uc: an i88ediate reflection of t:e <ersonal net=or;
and interests of Geor9e !us:1 and not re<resentati>e of t:e <rinci<al financier factions =:o
control t:e United States? *e see :ere once 8ore t:e >er3 stron9 sense of national
9o>ern8ent as <ersonal <ro<ert3 for <ri>ate eE<loitation =:ic: =as e>ident in !us:7s oil
<rice <lo3 of 12/-1 and =:ic: =ill soon c:aracteriAe :is c:oreo9ra<:3 of t:e Gulf crisis of
1225-21? T:is a<<roac: to cabinet a<<oint8ents could 9i>e rise to a sur<risin9 =ea;ness on
t:e <art of t:e !us: re9i8e1 s:ould t:e <rinci<al financier factions beco8e disaffected in
t:e =a;e of t:e ban;in9 and currenc3 <anic to=ards =:ic: !us:7s <olicies are steerin9 t:e
!us:7s s:a8eless eE<loitation of <olitical a<<oint8ents and <lu8 Bobs for blatant <ersonal
ad>anta9e beca8e a national scandal =:en :e be9an to assi9n certain a8bassadorial <osts?
It beca8e clear t:at t:ese Bobs of re<resentin9 t:e United States abroad :ad been >irtuall3
sold at auction1 =it: t:e 8ost fla9rant disre9ard for @ualifications and abilit31 in return for
cas: contributions to t:e !us: ca8<ai9n and t:e coffers of t:e Re<ublican %art3? T:ese
a<<oint8ents =ere carried out =it: !us:7s a<<ro>al b3 a transition tea8 of GO% <ollster
!ob Teeter1 !us:7s ca8<ai9n aide Crai9 uller1 =:o :ad lost out on :is bid to be *:ite
House c:ief of staff1 ca8<ai9n <ress secretar3 S:eila Tate1 and lon9-ti8e !us: staffer
C:ase Unter8e3er? Cal>in Ho=ard *il;ins &r?1 =:o :ad 9i>en o>er I1./1555 to t:e GO%
o>er a nu8ber of 3ears1 includin9 I2$1555 to t:e #ansas Re<ublican National State
Election Co88ittee on Se<te8ber -1 12//1 beca8e t:e ne= a8bassador to t:e Net:erlands?
%enne %erc3 #ort: =as !us:7s selection for a8bassador to MauritiusC Ms? #ort: =as a
crac; GO% fundraiser? ,ella M? Ne=8an1 ta<<ed for Ne= Jealand1 :ad been !us:7s
ca8<ai9n c:iar8an in *as:in9ton state? &o3 Sil>er8an1 !us:7s c:oice for !arbados1 :ad
contributed I1/51555? &ose<: !? Gilder:orn1 destined for S=itAerland1 :ad cou9:ed u<
I$551555? red !us:1 alle9edl3 not a relati>e but certainl3 a for8er aide and leadin9
fundraiser1 =as t:e ne= <resident7s ori9inal <ic; for LuEe8bur9? &ose<: Ja<<ala1 =:o 9a>e
I15515551 =as <ut u< for t:e Madrid e8bass3? Mel>in Se8bler1 anot:er 8e8ber of Tea8
1551 =as ta<<ed for Australia? red Jeder1 a !us: cron3 =:o :ad alread3 been t:e
a8bassador to Micronesia1 =as no8inated for t:e O>erseas %ri>ate In>est8ent
Cor<oration1 des<ite a con9ressional <robe of alle9ed corru<tion Gfn -H
As =it: an3 9rou< of ra<acious oli9arc:s1 t:e !us: cabinet =as <rone to outbrea;s of
intestine factional =arfare a8on9 >arious contendin9 cli@ues? ,urin9 t:e first da3s of t:e
ne= ad8inistration1 !us:7s *:ite House counsel !o3 Gra3 =as :it b3 re<orts t:at1 des<ite
:is :i9: 9o>ern8ent <ositions o>er t:e recent 3ears1 :e :ad retained a lucrati>e <ost as
c:air8an of t:e board of :is fa8il37s co88unications co8<an31 raisin9 t:e clear <roble8s
of conflicts of interest? Gra3 t:ereu<on @uit :is c:air8an7s <ost and1 follo=in9 !us:7s o=n
eEa8<le1 <ut :is stoc; into a blind trust? Gra3 t:en las:ed out a9ainst !a;er b3 lea;in9 t:e
fact t:at !a;er1 durin9 all :is 3ears as *:ite House c:ief of staff and Secretar3 of t:e
Treasur31 :ad ;e<t eEtensi>e :oldin9s of C:e8ical !an;in9 Cor<?1 a lendin9 institution t:at
:ad a direct interest in !a;er7s :andlin9 of debt ne9otiations =it: t:ird =orld debtor
countries =it:in t:e fra8e=or; of t:e infa8ous and failed F!a;er %lanF for international
debt-ser>ice 8aintenance? !o3 Gra3 also retaliated a9ainst !a;er b3 @uestionin9 t:e
constitutionalit3 of a deal ne9otiated b3 !a;er =it: t:e Con9ress for aid to t:e Nicara9uan
contras1 a deal =:ic: Ne=s=ee; classified as F!us:7s onl3 forei9n- <olic3 successF durin9
:is first t=o 8ont:s in office? Gfn .H !us: :ad atte8<ted to burnis: :is i8a9e b3 <ro8isin9
t:at :is ne= re9i8e =ould brea; =it: t:e sleaA3 Rea9an 3ears b3 <ro8otin9 ne= :i9:
standards of et:ical be:a>ior in =:ic: e>en t:e <erce<tion of corru<tion and conflict of
interest =ould be a>oided? T:ese :ollo= <led9es =ere <ro8<tl3 deflated b3 t:e realit3 of
8ore 9raft and 8ore :3<ocris3 t:an under Rea9an?
!us:7s first :undred da3s in office fulfilled u;u3a8a7s <ro<:ec3 t:at t:e End of Histor3
=ould be Fa >er3 sad ti8e?F If 7F<ost-:istor3F 8eant t:at >er3 little =as acco8<lis:ed1 !us:
filled t:e bill? T:ree =ee;s after :is inau9uration1 !us: addressed a Boint session of t:e
Con9ress on certain c:an9es t:at :e :ad <ro<osed in Rea9an7s last bud9et? T:e litan3 =as
:ollo= and <redictable" !us: =anted to be t:e Education %resident1 but =as =illin9 to
s<end less t:an a billion dollars of ne= 8one3 in order to do it? He froAe t:e US 8ilitar3
bud9et1 and announced a re>ie= of t:e <re>ious <olic3 to=ards t:e So>iet Union? T:is last
<oint 8eant t:at !us: =anted to =ait to see :o= fast t:e So>iets =ould in fact colla<se
before :e =ould e>en discuss trade nor8aliAation1 =:ic: :ad been t:e <ers<ecti>e :eld out
to Mosco= b3 Rea9an and ot:ers? !us: said :e =anted to Boin =it: ,ru9 CAar !ennett in
Fleadin9 t:e c:ar9eF in t:e =ar on dru9s?
!us: also =anted to be t:e En>iron8ental %resident? T:is =as a far 8ore serious
as<iration? S:ortl3 after t:e election1 !us: :ad attended t:e 9ala centennial a=ards dinner
of t:e >er3 oli9arc:ical National Geo9ra<:ic Societ31 for 8an3 3ears a <ersonal fiefdo8 of
t:e feudal-8inded Gros>enor fa8il3? !us: <ro8ised t:e audience t:at ni9:t t:at t:ere =as
Fone issue 83 ad8inistration is 9oin9 to address1 and I78 tal;in9 about t:e en>iron8ent?F
!us: confided t:at :e :ad been coordinatin9 :is <lans =it: !ritis: %ri8e Minister
Mar9aret T:atc:er1 and t:at :e :ad a9reed =it: :er on t:e necessit3 for Finternational
coo<erationF on 9reen issues? F*e =ill su<<ort 3ou1F intoned Gilbert Gros>enor1 a fello=
(ale alu8nus F???%lanet Eart: is at ris;?F A8on9 t:ose <resent durin9 t:at 9ala e>enin9 =as
Sir Ed8und Hillar31 =:o :ad <lanted t:e Union &ac; at t:e su88it of Mount E>erest? Gfn
In order to be t:e En>iron8ental %resident1 !us: =as =illin9 to <ro<ose a disastrous Clean
Air Act t:at =ould drain t:e econo83 of :undreds of billions of dollars o>er ti8e in t:e
na8e of fi9:tin9 acid rain? !us:7s first :undred da3s coincided =it: t:e notable
<:eno8enon of t:e F9reenin9F of Mar9aret T:atc:er1 =:o :ad <re>iousl3 denounced
en>iron8entalists as Ft:e ene83 =it:in1F and fello= tra>ellers of t:e !ritis: Labour %art3
and t:e loonie left? T:atc:er7s resident ideolo9ue1 Nic:olas Ridle31 :ad referred to t:e 9reen
8o>e8ent in !ritian as F<seudo-MarEists?F !ut in t:e earl3 8ont:s of 12/21 alle9edl3
under t:e 9uidance of Sir Cris<in Tic;ell1 t:e !ritis: A8bassador to t:e United Nations1
T:atc:er e8braced t:e ort:odoE3 t:at t:e erosion of t:e oAone la3er1 t:e 9reen:ouse effect1
and acid rain --e>er3 one of t:e8 a <seudo-scientific :oaE--=ere indeed at t:e to< of t:e list
of t:e ur9ent <roble8s of t:e :u8an s<ecies? T:atc:er7s acce<tance of t:e 9reen ort:odoE3
<er8itted t:e s=ift establis:8ent of a total en>iron8entalist-Malt:usian consensus in t:e
Euro<ean Co88unit31 t:e Grou< of .1 and ot:er ;e3 international foru8s?
C:aracteristicall31 !us: follo=ed T:atc:er7s lead1 as :e =ould on so 8an3 ot:er issues?
,urin9 t:e :undred da3s1 !us: called for t:e eli8ination of all c:lorofluorocarbons 0CCs4
b3 t:e end of t:e centur31 t:us acce<tin9 t:e <osition assu8ed b3 t:e Euro<ean Co88unit3
as a result of Mrs? T:atc:er7s turnin9 9reen? !us: told t:e National Acade83 of Sciences
t:at ne= Fscientific ad>ance8entsF :ad <er8itted t:e identification of a serious t:reat to t:e
oAone la3erC !us: stressed t:e need to Freduce CCs t:at de<lete our <recious u<<er
at8os<:eric resources?F A treat3 :ad been si9ned in Montreal in 12/. t:at called for cuttin9
t:e <roduction of CCs b3 one :alf =it:in a ten-3ear <eriod? F!ut recent studies indicate
t:at t:is +5 <ercent reduction 8a3 not be enou9:1F !us: no= o<ined? Senator Al Gore of
Tennessee =as callin9 for co8<lete eli8ination of CCs =it:in fi>e 3ears? Here a <attern
e8er9ed t:at =as to be re<eated fre@uentl3 durin9 t:e !us: 3ears" !us: =ould 8a;e
s=ee<in9 concessions to t:e en>iron8entalist Luddites1 but =ould t:en be denounced b3
t:e8 for 8easures t:at =ere insufficientl3 radical? T:is =ould be t:e case =:en !us:7s
Clean Air !ill =as 9oin9 t:rou9: t:e Con9ress durin9 t:e su88er of 1225?
After !us:7s a<<earance before t:e Con9ress =it: :is re>ised bud9et1 t:e ne= re9i8e
eE<loited t:e :one38oon to seal a s=eet:eart contract =it: t:e rubber-sta8< Con9ressional
,e8ocrats1 =:o under no circu8stances could be confused =it: an o<<osition? T:e de
facto one <art3 state =as ali>e and =ell1 <ersonified b3 8il@uetoast Senator Geor9e
Mitc:ell of Maine1 t:e ,e8ocrats7 MaBorit3 Leader? T:e collusion bet=een !us: and t:e
,e8ocratic leaders:i< in>ol>ed ne= slei9:t of :and in order to 8eet t:e defecit tar9ets
sti<ulated b3 t:e Gra88-Rud8an-Hollin9s la=? T:is in>ol>ed 8obiliAin9 8ore t:an I155
billion fro8 sur<luses in t:e Social Securit31 :i9:=a31 and ot:er s<ecial trust funds =:ic:
:ad not <re>iousl3 been counted? T:e ,e8ocrats also =ent alon9 =it: a I$/ billion
<ac;a9e of asset sales1 financin9 tric;s1 and uns<ecified ne= re>enues? T:e3 also bou9:t
!us:7s ros3 econo8ic forecast of :i9:er econo8ic 9ro=t: and lo=er interest rates? Senate
MaBorit3 Leader Mitc:ell1 acce<tin9 :is <at:etic rubber-sta8< role1 co88ented onl3 t:at
F8uc: sterner 8easures =ill be re@uired in t:e future?F Since t:e ,e8ocrats =ere inca<able
of <ro<osin9 an econo8ic reco>er3 <ro9ra8 in order to deal =it: t:e de<ression1 t:e3 =ere
conde8ned to 9i>e !us: =:at :e =anted? T:is <articular s=indle =ould co8e bac; to
:aunt all concerned1 but not before t:e s<ectacular bud9et debacle of October1 1225?
In t:e s<rin9 of 12251 accordin9 to an esti8ate b3 Sid Ta3lor of t:e National TaE<a3ers7
Union1 t:e total <otential liabilities of t:e US ederal 9o>ern8ent eEceeded I1) t:ousand
billion? At t:at <oint t:e national debt totalled I$?/ billion1 but t:is esti8ate included t:e
co88itt8ents of t:e ederal Sa>in9s and Loan Insurance Cor<oration1 t:e ederal ,e<osit
Insurance Cor<oration1 t:e %ension !enefit Guarantee Cor<oration1 and ot:er a9encies?
!us:7s inabilit3 to <ull :is re9i8e to9et:er for a serious round of do8estic austerit3 =as not
a<<reciated b3 t:e cro=d at t:e !an; for International Settle8ents in Gene>a? E>el3n
Rot:sc:ild7s London Econo8ist su88ed u< t:e international ban;in9 >ie= of Geor9e7s
te8<oriAin9 on t:is score =it: its :eadline1 F!us: !u8bles?F
A fe= =ee;s into t:e ne= ad8inistration1 it =as t:e colla<se of t:e SLIC1 studiousl3
i9nored b3 t:e =anin9 Rea9an Ad8inistration1 t:at reac:ed critical 8ass? On ebruar3 -1
12/21 !us: announced 8easures t:at :is i8a9e-8on9ers billed as t:e 8ost s=ee<in9 and
si9nificant <iece of financial le9islation since t:e creation of t:e ederal Reser>e !oard on
t:e e>e of *orld *ar I? T:is =as t:e sa>in9s and loan bailout1 a ne= or93 in t:e
8onetiAation of debt and a 9iant ste< to=ards t:e consolidation of a neo-fascist cor<orate
At t:e :eart of !us:7s <olic3 =as :is refusal to ac;no=led9e t:e eEistence of an econo8ic
crisis of collossal <ro<ortions =:ic: :ad a8on9 its s38<to8s t:e 9at:erin9 colla<se of t:e
real estate 8ar;et after t:e stoc; 8ar;et cras: of October1 12/.? T:e se@uence of a stoc;
8ar;et <anic follo=ed b3 a real estate and ban;in9 crisis closel3 follo=ed t:e se@uence of
t:e Great ,e<ression of t:e 12'57s? !ut !us: >iolentl3 reBected t:e eEistence of suc: a
crisis1 and =as 9ri8l3 deter8ined to <us: on =it: 8ore of t:e sa8e? T:is 8eant t:at
federal 9o>ern8ent =ould si8<l3 ta;e control of t:e sa>in9s ban;s1 t:e o>er=:el8in9
8aBorit3 of =:ic: =ere ban;ru<t or i88inentl3 ban;ru<t? T:e sa>in9s ban;s =ould t:en be
sold off? T:e de<ositors 8i9:t 9et t:eir 8one31 but t:e result =ould be t:e total debase8ent
of t:e currenc3 and a dee<enin9 de<ression all around? In t:e <rocess1 t:e US federal
9o>ern8ent =ould beco8e one of t:e 8ain o=ners of real estate1 buildin9s1 and t:e
=ort:less Bun; bonds t:at :ad been s<e=ed out b3 !us:7s friend Henr3 #ra>is and :is
<artner Mic:ael Mill;en durin9 t:e :ead3 da3s of t:e boo8?
T:e federal 9o>ern8ent =ould create a ne= =orld of bonded debt to <a3 for t:e sa>in9s
ban;s t:at =ould be seiAed? *:en !us: announced :is bailout t:at ebruar31 :e stated t:at
I)5 billion :ad alread3 been <oured into t:e SNL sin;:ole1 and t:at :e <ro<osed to issue an
additional I+5 billion in ne= bonds t:rou9: a financin9 cor<oration1 a subsidiar3 of t:e
ne= Resolution Trust Cor<oration? !3 Au9ust1 12/21 =:en !us:7s le9islation :ad been
<assed1 t:e esti8ated cost of t:e SNL bailout :ad increased to I1-) billion o>er a <eriod of
ten 3ears1 =it: I$5 billion of t:at sc:eduled to be s<ent b3 t:e end of Se<te8ber1 12/2?
*it:in a fe= 8ont:s1 !us: =as forced to increase :is esti8ates once a9ain? FIt7s a =:ale of
a 8ess1 and =e7ll see =:ere =e 9o1F !us: told a 9rou< of ne=s<a<er editorial =riters at t:e
*:ite House in 8id-,ece8ber? F*e7>e :ad t:is one refinancin9? I a8 told t:at t:at 8i9:t
not be enou9:?F !3 t:is ti8e1 acade8ic eE<erts =ere su99estin9 t:at t:e bailout 8i9:t
eEceed t:e ad8inistration7s I1-) billion b3 as 8uc: as I155 billion 8ore? E>er3 ne=
esti8ate =as s=iftl3 o>erta;en b3 t:e 9:astl3 s<ectacle of a real estate 8ar;et in free fall1
=it: no botto8 in si9:t? T:e 9ro=in9 <ublic a=areness of t:eis situation1 co8<ounded b3
t:e on9oin9 ban;ru<tc3 of t:e co88ercial ban;in9 s3ste8 as =ell1 =ould lead in &ul31
1225 to a >er3 u9l3 <ublic relations crisis for t:e !us: re9i8e around t:e role of t:e
<resident7s son 0and Scott Hinc;le37s old friend4 Neil !us: in t:e insol>enc3 of t:e
Sil>erado Sa>in9s and Loan of ,en>er1 Colorado? As =e =ill see1 one of t:e ob>ious
reasons for !us:7s ent:usiastic c:oice of =ar in t:e %ersian Gulf =as t:e need to 9et Neil
!us: off t:e front <a9e? !ut e>en t:e Gulf =ar bou9:t no res<ite in t:e colla<se of t:e real
estate 8ar;ets and t:e c:ain-reaction ban;ru<tcies of t:e sa>in9s ban;s" b3 t:e su88er of
12211 federal re9ulators =ere seiAin9 SNLs at t:e rate of Bust under one e>er3 business da31
and t:e esti8ates of t:e total <rice ta9 of t:e bailout :ad s;3roc;eted to o>er I+55 billion1
=it: e>er3 certaint3 t:at t:is fi9ure =ould also be sur<assed? Gfn 2H
T:e carna9e a8on9 t:e SNLs did not <re>ent !us: fro8 see;in9 an increase in t:e US
contribution to t:e International Monetar3 und1 t:e 8ain a9enc3 of a =orld austerit3 t:at
clai8s u<=ards of +5 8illion :u8an li>es eac: 3ear as t:e needless >icti8s of its
Malt:usian conditionalities? T:e 8e8bers of t:e IM :ad been debatin9 an increase in t:e
funds eac: 8e8ber 8ust <a3 into t:e IM 0=:ic: :as been ban;ru<t for 3ears as a 8atter
of realit341 =it: Mana9in9 ,irector Mic:el Ca8dessus <ro<osin9 a 155R increase1 and
!ritain and Saudi Arabia ar9uin9 for a 8uc: s8aller $+R :i;e? !us: atte8<ted to 8ediate
and resol>e t:e dis<ute =it: a <ro<osal for a '+R increase1 e@ual to an I/ billion additional
<a38ent b3 t:e US? T:is su8 =as e@ual to 8ore t:an t:ree ti8es t:e 3earl3 eE<enditure for
t:e :i9:l3 successful1 but tra9icall3 underfunded *o8en1 Infants and C:ildren 0*IC4
<ro9ra8 of t:e US ,e<art8ent of A9riculture1 =:ic: atte8<ted to <ro>ide a :i9:-<rotein
and balanced food su<<le8ent to 8ot:ers and t:eir offs<rin9? *IC under=ent sa>a9e cuts
durin9 t:e first 3ear of t:e !us: re9i8e1 causin9 8an3 need3 =o8en =:o sou9:t its
benefits to be turned a=a3 and denied e>en suc: 8odest @uantities of sur<lus c:eese1
<o=dered 8il;1 and oran9e Buice as t:e <ro9ra8 <ro>ides? Gfn 15H
As t:e de<ression dee<ened1 !us: :ad onl3 one idea" to reduce t:e ca<ital 9ains taE rate
fro8 $/R to 1+R? T:is =as a <ro<osal for a direct <ublic subsid3 to t:e >ulture le9ions of
#ra>is1 Liedt;e1 %ic;ens1 Mil;en1 !rad31 Mosbac:er1 and t:e rest of !us:7s a<ostles of
9reed? T:e !us:8en esti8ated t:at a ca<ital 9ains taE reduction in t:is 8a9nitude =ould
cost t:e Treasur3 so8e I$+ billion in lost recei<ts o>er - 3ears1 a crass underesti8ate?
T:ese funds1 ar9ued t:e !us:8en1 =ould t:en be in>ested :i9:-tec: <lant and e@ui<8ent1
creatin9 ne= Bobs and ne= <roduction? In realit31 t:e funds =ould :a>e flo=ed into bi99er
and better le>era9ed bu3outs1 =:ic: =ere still bein9 atte8<ted after t:e cras: of t:e Bun;
bond 8ar;et =it: t:e failure of t:e United Airlines bu3out in October1 12/2? !ut !us: :ad
no serious interest in1 or e>en a=arenss of1 co88odit3 <roduction? His <olicies :ad no=
brou9:t t:e countr3 to a brin; of a financial <anic in =:ic: .+R of t:e current <rices of all
stoc;s1 bonds1 debentures1 8ort9a9es1 and ot:er financial <a<er =ould be =i<ed out?
Not @uite :alf=a3 t:rou9: :is dis8al first :undred da3s1 !us: =as 8o>ed to defend
:i8nself a9ainst c:ar9es t:at :e =as <residin9 o>er a debacle? On da3 )+ of t:e ne=
re9i8e1 !us: told re<orters t:at :e :ad tal;ed on t:e <:one to a certain Robert *? !la;e1 an
oil8an of Lubboc;1 TeEas1 t:e cit3 =:ic: Neil !us: and &o:n Hinc;le3 :ad called :o8e
for a =:ile in t:e late 12.57s? !la;e :ad alle9edl3 told !us: t:at Fall t:e <eo<le in Lubboc;
t:in; t:in9s are 9oin9 9reat?F Ar8ed =it: t:is testi8onial1 !us: defended :is :andlin9 of
t:e <residenc3" FIt7s not adrift and t:ere isn7t 8alaise1F :e said1 ans=erin9 colu8nists =:o
:ad su99ested t:at t:e countr3 :ad fallen t:rou9: a ti8e =ar< bac; to t:e da3s of &i883
Carter? FSo I =ould si8<l3 resist t:e cla8or t:at not:in9 see8s to be bubblin9 around1 t:at
not:in9 is :a<<enin9? A lot is :a<<enin9? Not all of it 9ood1 but a lot is :a<<enin9?F !us:
described :is oil8an friend !la;e as Fa >er3 obBecti>e s<o;es8an1F and stated t:is :is
<ersonal rule =as Fne>er 9et all too u<ti9:t about stuff t:at :asn7t reac:ed Lubboc; 3et?F Gfn
If t:ere =as a constant note in !us:7s first 3ear in office1 it =as a callousl3 flaunted
conte8<t for t:e 8iser3 of t:e A8erican <eo<le? ,urin9 t:e s<rin9 of 12/21 t:e Con9ress
<assed a bill t:at =ould :a>e raised t:e 8ini8u8 =a9e in interstate co88erce fro8 I'?++
<er :our to I)?++ <er :our b3 a series of incre8ents o>er t:ree 3ears? T:is le9islation =ould
e>en :a>e <er8itted a sub8ini8u8 =a9e t:at could be <aid to certain ne=l3 :ired =or;ers
o>er a -5-da3 trainin9 <eriod? !us: >etoed t:is 8easure because t:e I)?++ 8ini8u8 =a9e
=as '5 cents an :our :i9:er t:an :e =anted1 and because :e de8anded a sub8ini8u8
=a9e for all ne= e8<lo3ees for t:e first siE 8ont:s on t:e Bob1 re9ardless of t:eir <re>ious
eE<erience or trainin9? On &une 1)1 12/21 t:e House of Re<resentati>es failed to o>erride
t:is >eto1 b3 a 8ar9in of '. >otes? 0Later1 !us: si9ned le9islation to raise t:e 8ini8u8
=a9e to I)?$+ <er :our o>er t=o 3ears1 =it: a sub8ini8u8 trainin9 =a9e a<<licable onl3
to teena9ers and onl3 durin9 t:e first 25 da3s of t:e teena9ers7 e8<lo38ent1 =it: t:e
<ossibilit3 of a second 25-da3 trainin9 =a9e stint if t:e3 8o>ed on to a different e8<lo3er?4
Gfn 1$H T:is =as t:e sa8e Geor9e !us: =:o :ad <ro<osed I1-) billion for ban;ru<t SNLs1
and I/ billion for t:e International Monetar3 und1 all =it:out battin9 an e3e?
!efore C:rist8as1 12//1 and durin9 ot:er :olida3 <eriods1 !us: custo8aril3 Boined :is
billionaire cron3 *illia8 Sta8<s arris: III at :is LaA3 Ranc: near !ee>ille1 TeEas1 for
t:e t=o 8en7s traditional :olida3 @uail :unt? T:is =as t:e sa8e *illia8 Sta8<s arris: III
=:ose 9randfat:er1 t:e <resident of Standard Oil of Ne= &erse31 :ad financed Heinric:
Hi88ler? *illia8 Sta8<s arris: III7s in>est8ent ban; in Houston1 *?S? arris: N Co? :ad
at one ti8e 8ana9ed t:e <ersonal blind trust into =:ic: !us: :ad <laced :is <ersonal
in>est8ent <ortfolio? arris: =as ric: enou9: to >aunt fi>e addresses" !ee>ille1 TeEasC
Lane7s End ar8 in t:e 6ersailles1 #entuc;3 blue9rassC lorida1 and t=o ot:ers? arris:7s
:obb3 for t:e <ast se>eral decades :ad been t:e creation of :is o=n to<- fli9:t far8 for t:e
raisin9 of t:orou9:bred :orses? T:is =as t:e '1555 acre LaA3 Ranc:1 =it: its ten :orse
barns1 four su8<tuous residences1 155 e8<lo3ees1 and ot:er i8<ro>e8ents? O>er t:e 3ears1
arris: :as saddled =inners in t:e 12.$ %rea;ness and t:e 12/. !el8ont Sta;es1 and bred
/5 sta;es =inners o>er t:e <ast decade? arris:1 =:o is 8arried to Sara: S:ar<1 t:e
dau9:ter of a ,u %ont :eiress1 :ad =or;ed =it: !us: as an aide durin9 t:e 12-) senate
arris: =as ric: enou9: to eEtend :is lar9esse e>en to Lueen EliAabet: II of t:e United
#in9do81 <robabl3 t:e ric:est indi>idual in t:e =orld? T:e Lueen :as >isited arris:7s
:orse far8 at least four ti8es o>er t:e <ast fe= 3ears1 tra>ellin9 b3 Ro3al Air orce Betliner
to t:e !lue Grass Air<ort in LeEin9ton1 #entuc;31 acco8<anied b3 8ares =:ic: Her
MaBest3 =is:es to breed =it: arris:7s 8illion-dollar <riAe stallions? arris:
8a9nani8ousl3 =ai>es t:e usual stud fees for t:e Lueen1 resultin9 in an esti8ated sa>in9s
to Her MaBest3 of so8e I/551555? arris:7s social circle is rounded out b3 suc: <lutocrats
as Clarence Sc:arbauer1 a fello= 8e8ber of t:e :orse3 set =:o also :a<<ens to o=n t:e
ban;1 t:e :otel1 t:e radio station1 oil =ells1 and an esti8ated one :alf of t:e cit3 of Midland1
TeEas1 t:e old !us: bastion in t:e %er8ian !asin?
arris: :as been described as t:e !us: re9i8e7s counter<art to !ebe ReboAo1 Ric:ard
NiEon7s sleaA3 cron3? Accordin9 to !us:1 =:en :e is =atc:in9 8o>ies1 :untin91 and
<la3in9 tennis =it: :is old friend arris:1 F=e tal; about issues? He7s >er3 u< on t:in9s1 but
it7s a co8fortable t:in91 not <robin9 be3ond =:at I =ant to sa3?F Mic:ael (or; of t:e
*as:in9ton %ost =rote t:at Faris: sa3s :e7ll al=a3s be one of !us:7s bi99est boosters1 and
:e7s read3 at a 8o8ent7s notice to 8a;e t:e resu8e ar9u8ent in fa>or of !us:7s bein9 t:e
best-<re<ared 8an e>er to beco8e <resident? It7s also clear t:at !us: re9ularl3 as;s aris:7s
ad>ice on t:e bud9et1 do8estic <olic31 and <olitics?F *it: a cabal of friends and ad>isers
li;e *illia8 Sta8<s aris: III and Henr3 #ra>is1 =e be9in to co8<re:end t:e =ells<rin9s
of !us:7s <olicies of <arasitical lootin9 of infrastructure and t:e =or; force? Gfn 1'H
or Geor9e !us:1 t:e eEercise of <o=er :as al=a3s been inse<arable fro8 t:e use of s8ear1
scandal1 and t:e final sanctions of <olice-state 8et:ods a9ainst <olitical ri>als and ot:er
branc:es of 9o>ern8ent? A classic eEa8<le =as t:e #orea9ate scandal of 12.-1 unleas:ed
=it: t:e :el< of !us:7s lon9-ti8e retainer1 ,on Gre99? It =ill be recalled t:at #ore9ate
included t:e to<<lin9 of ,e8ocratic S<ea;er of t:e House Carl Albert of O;la:o8a1 =:o
@uietl3 retired fro8 t:e House at t:e end of 12.-? T:at =as in t:e 3ear =:en !us: :ad
returned fro8 !eiBin9 to Lan9le3? *as it 8erel3 coincidence t:at in t:e first 3ear of !us:7s
tenure in t:e *:ite House not Bust t:e ,e8ocratic S<ea;er of t:e House1 but also t:e House
MaBorit3 *:i<1 =ere dri>en fro8 officeD
T:e ca8<ai9n a9ainst S<ea;er of t:e House &i8 *ri9:t =as s<ear:eaded b3 Geor9ia
Re<ublican Con9ress8an Ne=t Gin9ric:1 a t3<ical F=ed9e issueF ideolo9ue of t:e GO%7s
Sout:ern Strate93? ,urin9 12/.-//1 Gin9ric: :ad been bad-8out:in9 *ri9:t as t:e
FMussolini of t:e House?F Gin9ric:7s ca8<ai9n a9ainst *ri9:t could ne>er :a>e succeeded
=it:out s3ste8atic su<<ort fro8 t:e ne=s 8edia1 =:o re9ularl3 tru8<eted :is c:ar9es and
lent :i8 a =:oll3 undeser>ed i8<ortance? Gin9ric:7s <reteEt =as a stor3 about t:e
financin9 of a s8all boo; in =:ic: *ri9:t :ad collected so8e of :is old s<eec:es1 =:ic:
Gin9ric: clai8ed :ad been sold to lobb3ists in suc: a =a3 as to constitute an unre<orted
9ift in >iolation of t:e House rules? One of Gin9ric:7s first ste<s =:en :e launc:ed t:e
assault on *ri9:t durin9 12// =as to send letters to !us: and to Assistant Attore3 General
*illia8 *eld1 =:ose fa8il3 in>est8ent ban;1 *:ite *eld1 :ad <urc:ased Uncle Herbie
*al;er7s G?H? *al;er N Co? bro;era9e =:en !us:7s fa>orite uncle =as read3 to retire?
Gin9ric: =rote" FMa3 I su99est1 t:e neEt ti8e t:e ne=s 8edia as;s about corru<tion in t:e
*:ite House1 3ou as; t:e8 about corru<tion in t:e S<ea;er7s office?F A si8ilar letter =ent
out fro8 t:e FConser>ati>e Ca8<ai9n undF to all GO% House candidates =it: t:e
8essa9e" F*e =rite to encoura9e 3ou to 8a;e???House S<ea;er &i8 *ri9:t a 8aBor issue in
3our ca8<ai9n?F !us: <laced :i8self in t:e >an9uard of t:is ca8<ai9n?
*:en !us:1 in t:e 8idst of :is <residential ca8<ai9n1 =as as;ed b3 re<orters about t:e
in>esti9ation of Rea9an Attorne3 General Ed=in Meese 0no friend of !us:4 concernin9 :is
dealin9s =it: t:e *edtec: Cor<oration1 :e re<lied" F(ou tal; about Ed Meese? Ho= about
tal;in9 about =:at Co88on Cause raised a9ainst t:e S<ea;er t:e ot:er da3D Are t:e3
9oin9 to 9o for an inde<endent counsel so t:e nation =ill :a>e t:is full in>esti9ationD *:3
don7t <eo<le call out for t:atD I =ill ri9:t no=? I t:in; t:e3 ou9:t to?F Gfn 1)H Rea9an
follo=ed !us:7s lead in callin9 for *ri9:t to be in>esti9ated?
Accordin9 to <ublis:ed accounts1 *ri9:t =as dee<l3 offended b3 !us:7s role in t:e assault
t:at =as bein9 or9aniAed a9ainst :i81 since t:e t=o s:ared t:e bac;9round of bein9 TeEas
Con9ress8en and :ad often :ad dealin9s to9et:er? At a dinner :eld b3 Italian A8bassador
Rinaldo %etri9nani1 *ri9:t =ent out of :is =a3 to a>oid 8eetin9 !us:1 and :ad :is =ife
fei9n illness as an eEcuse to lea>e >er3 earl3? !us: in t:ose da3s fre@uented t:e House
938nasiu8 to <la3 rac;etball =it: :is old cron31 Mississi<<i ,e8ocrat Sonn3
Mont9o8er3? !us: attended t:e annual dinner of t:e House 938nasiu8 and :ere crossed
<at:s =it: *ri9:t?
*ri9:t told !us:" FGeor9e1 I78 not feelin9 ;indl3 to=ard 3ou? (ou too; a c:ea< s:ot at 8e?
And I :ad Bust been defendin9 3ou?F !us: fle= into a ra9e" F*:en did 3ou defend 8eD (ou
da8n =ell didn7t defend 8e at 3our con>ention?F F*ell1 Geor9e1 3ou don7t :a>e an3
co8<laint about =:at I said1F =as *ri9:t7s reBoinder? F(ou don7t find 8e attac;in9 3our
inte9rit3 or 3our :onor?F F(ou and I Bust see it differentl31F said !us: as :e stal;ed off in a
ra9e? Gfn 1+H
Later1 *ri9:t turned to Sonn3 Mont9o8er3 to use :is 9ood offices to resol>e t:e dis<ute
=it: !us:? *ri9:t called !us: and offered t:e oli>e branc:? FGeor9e1 if 3ou7re %resident
and I78 S<ea;er1 =e7>e 9ot to =or; to9et:er?F F&i81 I78 >er3 9lad 3ou called? I did not 8ean
to be <ersonall3 offensi>e?F !3 t:is <oint t:e reader ;no=s t:e real !us: =ell enou9: to
9i>e t:at assurance its <ro<er =ei9:t? !us: attenuated :is <ublic attac;s on *ri9:t in t:e
ca8<ai9n1 but t:e =itc:-:unt a9ainst *ri9:t =ent on? After !us: :ad =on t:e election1
!us: is re<orted to :a>e <ro8ised *ri9:t a truce? FI =ant 3ou to ;no= I res<ect 3ou and
t:e House as an institution? I =on7t :a>e an3 <art in an3t:in9 at all t:at i8<in9es on 3our
:onor or inte9rit31F !us: is said to :a>e reassured t:e S<ea;er? !efore !us: too; office1
*ri9:t =as bus3 =or;in9 on :is fa>orite <o<ulist t:e8es" t:e concentration of financial
<o=er1 :ousin91 education1 :ealt: care1 and taEes?
In &anuar3-ebruar31 12/21 t:e House too; under consideration a <a3 increase for 8e8bers?
!ot: Rea9an and !us: :ad endorsed suc: a <a3 increase1 but Lee At=ater1 no= installed at
t:e Re<ublican National Co88ittee1 launc:ed a series of 8ailin9s and <ublic state8ents to
8a;e t:e <a3 increase into a ne= =ed9e issue? It =as a brilliant success1 =it: t:e :el< of a
fe= old %rescott !us: strin9s <ulled on ;e3 tal; s:o= :osts across t:e countr3? !us:
acco8<lis:ed t:e cou< of t:orou9:l3 destabiliAin9 t:e Con9ress at t:e outset of :is tenure?
*ri9:t =as :ounded out of office and into retire8ent a fe= 8ont:s later1 follo=ed b3 Ton3
Coel:o1 t:e ,e8ocratic =:i<? *:at re8ained =as t:e 8ee; To8 ole31 a <liable rubber
sta8<1 and Ric:ard Geb:ardt1 =:o briefl3 9ot in trouble =it: !us: durin9 12/21 but =:o
found :is =a3 to a deal =it: !us: t:at allo=ed :i8 to rubber-sta8< !us:7s Ffast trac;F
for8ula for t:e free trade Aone =it: MeEico1 =:ic: effecti>el3 ;illed an3 :o<e of resistance
to t:at 8easure? T:e fall of *ri9:t =as a decisi>e ste< in t:e do8estication of t:e Con9ress
b3 t:e !us: re9i8e?
!us: =as also able to rel3 on an eEtensi>e s=a8< of F!us: ,e8ocratsF =:o =ould su<<ort
:is <ro<osals under >irtuall3 all circu8stances? T:e basis of t:is <:eno8enon =as t:e
ob>ious fact t:at t:e national leaders:i< of t:e ,e8ocratic %art3 :ad lon9 been a 9an9 of
Harri8anites? T:e !ro=n1 !rot:ers1 Harri8an 9ri< on t:e ,e8ocratic %art3 :ad been
re<resented b3 *? A>erell Harri8an until :is deat:1 and after t:at =as carried on b3 :is
=ido=1 %a8ela C:urc:ill Harri8an1 t:e for8er =ife of Sir *inston C:urc:ill7s alco:olic
son1 Randol<:? T:e >er3 eEtensi>e Me3er Lans;3OAnti-,efa8ation Lea9ue net=or;s
a8on9 t:e ,e8ocrats =ere oriented to=ards coo<eration =it: !us:1 so8eti8es directl31
and so8eti8es t:rou9: t:e orc:estration of 9an9 >s? counter9an9 c:arades for t:e
8ani<ulation of <ublic o<inion? A s<ecial source of !us: stren9t: a8on9 sout:ern
,e8ocrats is t:e coo<eration bet=een S;ull and !ones and sout:ern Burisdiction
free8asons in t:e tradition of t:e infa8ous Albert %i;e? T:ese sout:ern Burisdiction
free8asonic net=or;s :a>e been 8ost ob>iousl3 decisi>e in t:e senate1 =:ere a 9rou< of
sout:ern ,e8ocratic senators :a>e routinel3 Boined =it: !us: to bloc; o>errides of !us:7s
8an3 >etoes1 or to <ro>ide a <ro-!us: 8aBorit3 on ;e3 >otes li;e t:e Gulf =ar resolution?
!us:7s st3le in t:e O>al Office =as described durin9 t:is <eriod as FeEtre8el3 secreti>e?F
Man3 8e8bers of !us:7s staff felt t:at t:e <resident :ad :is o=n lon9-ter8 <lans1 but
refused to discuss t:e8 =it: :is o=n to< *:ite House <ersonnel? ,urin9 !us:7s first 3ear1
t:e *:ite House =as described as Fa to8b1F =it:out t:e usual dense barra9e of lea;s1
counter-lea;s1 trial balloons1 and si9nals =:ic: 9o>ern8ent insiders custo8aril3 e8<lo3 to
influence <ublic debate on <olic3 8atters? !us: is said to e8<lo3 a Fneed to ;no=F
a<<roac: e>en =it: :is closest *:ite House collaborators1 ;ee<in9 eac: one of t:e8 in t:e
dar; about =:at t:e ot:ers are doin9? Aides :a>e co8<lained of t:eir inabilit3 to ;ee< u<
=it: !us:7s <:one calls =:en :e 9oes into :is fa8ous Fs<eed-dialin9 8ode1F in =:ic: :e
can contact doAens of <oliticians1 ban;ers or =orld leaders =it:in a cou<le of :ours?
Unaut:oriAed <assa9es of infor8ation fro8 one office to anot:er inside t:e *:ite House
constitute lea;s in !us:7s o<inion1 and :e :as been at <ains to su<<ress t:e8? *:en
infor8ation =as 9i>en to t:e <ress about a <lanned 8eetin9 =it: Gorbac:o>1 !us:
t:reatened :is to<-le>el ad>isers" FIf =e cannot 8aintain <ro<er secrec3 =it: t:is 9rou<1 =e
=ill cut t:e circle do=n?F
!us: routinel3 :u8iliates and 8ortifies :is subordinates? T:is recalls :is st3le in dealin9
=it: t:e nu8erous :a<less ser>ants and do8estics =:o <o<ulated :is <atrician 3out:C it
8a3 also :a>e been re-enforced b3 t:e c:aracteristic st3le of Henr3 #issin9er? If ad>isers or
staff dare to 8anifest disa9ree8ent1 t:e t3<ical !us: retort is a =:inin9 FIf 3ou7re so
da8ned s8art1 =:3 are 3ou doin9 =:at 3ou7re doin9 and I78 t:e <resident of t:e United
StatesDF Gfn 1-H
In one sense1 !us:7s st3le reflects :is desire to see8 Fabsolute and autocraticF in t:e
tradition of t:e Ro8ano> tsars and ot:er !3Aantine rulers? He refuses to be ad>ised or
dissuaded on 8an3 issues1 rel3in9 on :is enra9ed1 :3<et:3roid intuitions? More <rofoundl31
!us:7s Fabsolute and autocraticF act =as a co>er for t:e fact t:at 8an3 of :is initiati>es1
ideas1 and <olicies ca8e fro8 outside of t:e United States 9o>ern8ent1 since t:e3
ori9inated in t:e rarified et:er of t:ose international finance circles =:ere na8es li;e
Harri8an1 #ra>is and Ga88ell =ere t:e coin of t:e real8? Indeed1 8an3 of !us:7s <olicies
ca8e fro8 outside of t:e United States alto9et:er1 and deri>ed fro8 t:e oli9arc:ical
financial circles of t:e Cit3 of London? T:e classic case =ill t:e t:e Gulf crisis of 1225-21?
*:en t:e docu8ents on t:e !us: Ad8inistration are finall3 t:ro=n o<en to t:e <ublic1 it is
s safe bet t:at so8e to< !ritis: financiers and orei9n Office t3<es =ill be found to :a>e
co8bined re8ar;able access and <o=er =it: a non-eEistent <ublic <rofile?
One of t:e definin9 8o8ents in t:e first 3ear of t:e !us:7s <residenc3 =as :is reaction to
t:e Tien An Men 8assacre of &une )1 12/2? No one can for9et t:e 8a9nificent 8o>e8ent of
t:e anti-totalitarian C:inese students =:o used t:e occasion of t:e funeral of Hu (aoban9
in t:e s<rin9 of 12/2 to launc: a 8o>e8ent of <rotest and refor8 a9ainst t:e 8onstrous
dictators:i< of ,en9 Miao-<in91 (an9 S:an;un1 and %ri8e Minister Li %en9? As t:e <ortrait
of t:e old butc:er Mao Tse-tun9 loo;ed do=n fro8 t:e for8er i8<erial <alace1 t:e students
erected a statue of libert3 and filled t:e s@uare =it: t:e Ode to &o3 fro8 !eet:o>en7s Nint:
S38<:on3? !3 t:e end of Ma3 it =as clear t:at t:e ,en9 re9i8e =as atte8<tin9 to <ull
itself to9et:er to atte8<t a con>ulsi>e 8assacre of its <olitical o<<osition? At t:is <oint1 it is
li;el3 t:at a <ointed and une@ui>ocal <ublic =arnin9 fro8 t:e United States 9o>ern8ent
8i9:t :a>e a>oided t:e loo8in9 blood3 crac;do=n a9ainst t:e students? E>en a =arnin9
t:rou9: secret di<lo8atic c:annels 8i9:t :a>e sufficed? !us: undertoo; neit:er1 and :e
8ust bear res<onsibilit3 for t:is blatant o8ission?
T:e non->iolent <rotest of t:e students =as t:en crus:ed b3 t:e 8artial la= troo<s of t:e
:ated and discredited co88unist re9i8e? Untold t:ousands of students =ere ;illed outri9:t1
and t:ousands 8ore died in t:e 8erciless deat: :unt a9ainst <olitical dissidents =:ic:
follo=ed? Man;ind =as :orrified? or !us:1 :o=e>er1 t:e 8ain considerations =ere t:at
,en9 Miao-<in9 =as <art of :is o=n <ersonal net=or;1 =it: =:o8 !us: :ad 8aintained
close contact since at least 12.+? !us:7s de>otion to t:e i88oral !ritis: doctrine of
F9eo<oliticsF furt:er dictated t:at unless and until t:e USSS :ad totall3 colla<sed as a
8ilitar3 <o=er1 t:e US alliance =it: C:ina as t:e second stron9est land <o=er 8ust be
8aintained at all costs? Additionall31 !us: =as acutel3 sensible to t:e >ie=s on C:ina
<olic3 :eld b3 :is 8entor1 Henr3 #issin9er1 =:ose <a=-<rints =ere still to be found all o>er
US relations =it: ,en9? In t:e =a;e of Tien An Men1 #issin9er 0=:o :ad lucrati>e
consultin9 contracts =it: t:e !eiBin9 re9i8e4 =as eEce<tionall3 >ocal in conde8nin9 an3
<ro<osed US counter8easures a9ainst ,en9? T:ese =ere t:e decisi>e factors in !us:7s
reactions to Tien An Men?
In t:e <re-1211 i8<erial court of C:ina1 t:e eti@uette of t:e orbidden Cit3 re@uired t:at a
<erson a<<roac:in9 t:e t:rone of t:e son of :ea>en 8ust <rostrate :i8self before t:at li>in9
deit31 touc:in9 bot: :ands and t:e fore:ead to t:e floor t:ree ti8es? T:is is t:e celebrated
F;o=-to=?F And it =as F;o=-to=F =:ic: s<ran9 to t:e li<s and <ens of co88entators all
o>er t:e =orld as t:e3 obser>ed !us:7s elaborate <ro<itiation of t:e ,en9 re9i8e? E>en
c3nics =ere astounded t:at !us: could be so deferential to a re9i8e t:at =as ob>iousl3 so
:ated b3 its o=n <o<ulation t:at it :ad to be considered as bein9 on its last le9sC t:e best
esti8ate =as t:at =:en octo9enarian ,en9 finall3 died1 t:e co88unist re9i8e =ould <ass
fro8 t:e scene =it: :i8?
In a <ress conference :eld on &une 21 in t:e i88ediate =a;e of t:e 8assacre1 !us:
astounded e>en t:e 8eretricious *:ite House <ress cor<s b3 :is 8ild and obse@uious tone
to=ards ,en9 and :is co:orts? !us: li8ited :is retaliation to a 8o8entar3 cutoff of so8e
8ilitar3 sales? T:at =ould be all" FI78 one =:o li>ed in C:inaC I understand t:e i8<ortance
of t:e relations:i< =it: t:e C:inese <eo<le and =it: t:e 9o>ern8ent? It is in t:e interest of
t:e United States to :a>e 9ood relations???F Gfn 1.H *ould !us: consider furt:er 8easures1
suc: as t:e 8inor ste< of te8<oraril3 recallin9 t:e US A8bassador1 !us:7s CIA cron3 and
fello= <atrician &a8es Lill3D
*ell1 so8e :a>e su99ested1 for eEa8<le1 to s:o= our forcefulness1 t:at I brin9 t:e A8erican
a8bassador bac;? I disa9ree =it: t:at 1/5 de9rees1 and =e7>e seen in t:e last fe= da3s a >er3 9ood
reason to :a>e :i8 t:ere? G???H
*:at I do =ant to do is ta;e =:ate>er ste<s are 8ost li;el3 to de8onstrate t:e concern t:at
A8erica feels? And I t:in; I7>e done t:at? I7ll be loo;in9 for ot:er =a3s to do it if =e <ossibl3 can?
T:is =as t:e =i8< =it: a >en9eance1 9ro>ellin9 and scra<in9 li;e C:a8berlain before t:e
dictators1 but t:ere =as 8ore to co8e? As <art of :is 8ee; and <at:etic res<onse1 !us: :ad
<led9ed to ter8inate all F:i9:-le>el eEc:an9esF =it: t:e ,en9 cro=d? *it: t:is <ublic
<ro8ise1 !us: :ad c3nicall3 lied to t:e A8erican <eo<le? S:ortl3 before !us:7s in>asion of
%ana8a in ,ece8ber1 it beca8e ;no=n t:at !us: :ad des<atc:ed t:e t=o 8ost <ro8inent
#issin9er clones in :is retinue1 NSC c:air8an !rent Sco=croft and Undersecretar3 of State
La=rence Ea9lebur9er1 on a secret 8ission to !eiBin9 o>er t:e &ul3 ) =ee;end1 less t:an a
8ont: after t:e 8assacre in Tien An Men? !us: re9arded t:is 8ission as so sensiti>e t:at
:e re<ortedl3 ;e<t it a secret e>en fro8 *:ite House c:ief of staff Sununu1 =:o onl3
learned of t:e tri< =:en t=o of :is aides stu8bled across t:e <a<er trail of t:e <lannin9?
T:e stor3 about Sco=croft and Ea9lebur9er1 bot: >eterans of #issin9er Associates1
s<endin9 t:e 9lorious ourt: toastin9 t:e butc:ers of !eiBin9 =as itself lea;ed in t:e =a;e
of a :i9:-<rofile <ublic 8ission to C:ina in>ol>in9 t:e sa8e #issin9erian duo t:at started
,ece8ber .1 12/2? !us:7s co>er stor3 for t:e second tri< =as t:at :e =anted to 9et a
briefin9 to ,en9 on t:e results of t:e !us:-Gorbac:o> Malta su88it1 =:ic: :ad Bust
concluded? T:e second tri< =as su<<osed to lead to t:e @uic; release of C:inese <:3sicist
and dissident an9 LiA:i1 =:o :ad ta;en refu9e in t:e US E8bass3 in !eiBin9 durin9 t:e
8assacreC t:is did not occur until so8e ti8e later?
,urin9 a <ress conference <ri8aril3 de>oted to t:e on9oin9 %ana8a in>asion1 !us:
<ro>ided an una8bi9uous si9nal t:at t:e ins<iration for :is C:ina <olic31 and indeed for :is
entire forei9n <olic31 =as #issin9er"
T:ere7s a lot of 9oin9 on t:at1 in t:e conduct of t:e forei9n <olic3 or a debate =it:in t:e US
9o>ern8ent1 :as to be sorted out =it:out t:e s<otli9:t of t:e ne=s? T:ere :as to be t:at =a3? T:e
=:ole o<enin9 to C:ina =ould ne>er :a>e :a<<ened???if #issin9er :adn7t underta;en t:at 8ission?
It =ould :a>e fallen a<art? So 3ou :a>e to use 3our o=n Bud98ent? Gfn 1/H
T:e ne=s of !us:7s secret di<lo8ac3 in fa>or of ,en9 caused a =ides<read =a>e of sincere
and :ealt:3 <ublic dis9ust =it: !us:1 but t:is =as s:ortl3 o>er=:el8ed b3 t:e Bin9oist
:3steria t:at acco8<anied !us:7s in>asion of %ana8a?
!us:7s :andlin9 of t:e issue of t:e i88i9ration status of t:e C:inese students =:o :ad
enrolled at US uni>ersities also illu8inated !us:7s c:aracter in t:e =a;e of Tien An Men?
In !us:7s <ronounce8ents in t:e i88ediate =a;e of t:e 8assacre1 :e absurdl3 asserted t:at
t:ere =ere no C:inese students =:o =anted <olitical as3lu8 :ere1 but also <ro8ised t:at
t:e >isas of t:ese students =ould be eEtended so t:at t:e3 =ould not be forced to return to
<olitical <ersecution and <ossible deat: in 8ainland C:ina? It later turned out t:at !us: :ad
ne9lected to <ro8ul9ate t:e eEecuti>e orders t:at =ould :a>e been necessar3? In res<onse
to !us:7s <re>arication =it: t:e li>es and =ell-bein9 of t:e C:inese students1 t:e Con9ress
subse@uentl3 <assed le9islation t:at =ould :a>e =ai>ed t:e re@uire8ent t:at :olders of &-
>isas1 t:e t3<e co88onl3 obtained b3 C:inese students1 be re@uired to return to t:eir :o8e
countr3 for t=o 3ears before bein9 able to a<<l3 for <er8anent residence in t:e US? !us:1
in an act of loat:so8e c3nicis81 >etoed t:is bill? T:e House >oted to o>erride b3 a 8aBorit3
of '25 to $+1 but !us: ,e8ocrats in t:e senate allo=ed !us:7s >eto to be sustained b3 a
>ote of -$ to '.? !us:1 s@uir8in9 under t:e broad <ublic oblo@u3 brou9:t on b3 :is
des<icable be:a>ior1 finall3 issued re9ulations t:at =ould te8<oraril3 =ai>e t:e
re@uire8ent of returnin9 :o8e for 8ost of t:e students?
!us: ca8e bac; fro8 :is su88er in #ennbun;<ort =it: a series of F<olic3 intitiati>esF t:at
turned out to be no 8ore t:an de8a9o9ic <:oto o<<ortunities? In earl3 Se<te8ber1 !us:
8ade :is first sc:eduled e>enin9 tele>ision address to t:e nation on t:e subBect of :is
alle9ed =ar on dru9s? T:e :i9:li9:t of t:is s<eec: =as t:e 8o8ent =:en !us: <roduced a
ba9 of crac; =:ic: :ad been sold in a transaction in Lafa3ette %ar;1 directl3 across t:e
street fro8 t:e *:ite House? T:e transaction :ad been sta9ed =it: t:e :el< of t:e ,ru9
Enforce8ent Ad8inistration? T:is =as Geor9e !us:1 t:e friend of eliE Rodri9ueA1 HafeA
Assad1 Has:e8i RafsanBani1 and ,on Arono=? T:e funds and t:e tar9ets set for !us:7s
<ro9ra8 =ere 8ini8al? A real =ar on dru9s re8ained a >ital necessit31 but it =as clear t:at
t:ere =ould be none under t:e !us: ad8inistration?
Later t:e sa8e 8ont:1 on Se<te8ber $.-$/1 !us: 8et =it: t:e 9o>ernors fro8 all +5 states
in C:arlottes>ille1 6ir9inia for =:at =as billed as an Feducation su88it?F T:is =as trul3 a
9lorified <:oto o<<ortunit31 since all discussions =ere ;e<t ri9orousl3 off t:e record1 and
e>er3t:in9 =as carefull3 c:oreo9ra<:ed b3 *:ite House i8a9e-8on9ers?
T:e conference issued a co88uni@ue t:at called for Fclear national <erfor8ance 9oals1F
and t:e substanti>e direction of !us:7s Feducation <residenc3F a<<eared to resol>e itself
into a nation=ide testin9 <ro9ra8 t:at could be used to Bustif3 t:e scalin9 do=n of colle9e
education and t:e eEclusion fro8 it of t:ose =:o8 !us: 8i9:t define as F8ental
defecti>es?F *ould t:e testin9 <ro9ra8 be used to fin9er and list t:e Ffeeble 8inded1F
<er:a<s o>er a 9eneration or t=oD *as t:ere a >eiled intent of Fcullin9F t:e :ereditar3
defecti>esD *it: !us:7s trac; record on t:e subBect1 not:in9 could be eEcluded?
One of t:e t:e8es of t:e Feducation su88itF =as t:at 8aterial resources :ad absolutel3
not:in9 to do =it: t:e <erfor8ance of an educational s3ste8? T:is =as co8in9 fro8
<re<<ie Geor9e !us:1 =:o :ad enBo3ed a <:3sical <lant1 librar31 s<orts facilities1 lo=
a>era9e class siAe and ot:er benefits at :is <os: Green=ic: Countr3 ,a3 Sc:ool and
eEclusi>e %:illi<s Acade83 in Ando>er =:ic: 8ost sc:oolteac:ers could onl3 drea8 of?
*:en1 durin9 t:e su88er of 12211 it =as found t:at national a>era9e scores for t:e
Sc:olastic A<titute Test :ad continued to fall1 !us: =as still ada8ant t:at increased
resources and t:e o>erall econo8ic condition of societ3 :ad not:in9 to do =it: t:e ans=er?
At t:at ti8e it also turned out t:at !us:7s res:uffled Secretar3 of Education1 for8er
Tennessee Go>ernor La8ar AleEander1 =as sendin9 :is c:ildren to an elite da3 sc:ool
associated =it: Geor9eto=n Uni>ersit31 =:ere t:e tuition eEceeded t:e 3earl3 inco8e of
8an3 <oor fa8ilies?
Man3 9o>ernors Boined &a8es !lanc:ard of Mic:i9an in co8<lainin9 t:at under
Rea9ano8ics1 t:e federal 9o>ern8ent :ad unloaded =:ole sectors of infrastructural
eE<enditure1 includin9 education1 on t:e states? F*e do not co8e to GC:arlottes>illeH to
rattle a tin cu<1F said !lanc:ard? F!ut =e cannot afford to :a>e our education re>enues
7bled7 b3 t:e federal 9o>ern8ent? O>er t:e <ast decade1 t:e federal co88itt8ent to
education :as declined fro8 $?+R of t:e federal bud9et to less t:an 1?/R? If education is to
beco8e a national <riorit31 3ou and t:e Con9ress s:ould re>erse t:at decline?F Gfn 12H
Ironicall31 t:e best <ers<ecti>e on !us:7s Feducation su88itF e3e=as: ca8e fro8 =it:in
:is o=n re9i8e? Ob>iousl3 <i@ued at t:e bad re>ie=s :is <re>ious <erfor8ance as Rea9an7s
Secretar3 of Education =as 9ettin91 !us: ,ru9 CAar *illia8 !ennett told re<orters t:at t:e
<roceedin9s in C:arlottes>ille =ere Fstandard ,e8ocratic and Re<ublican <a< --and
so8et:in9 t:at r:38es =it: <a<? Muc: of t:e discussion <roceeded in a total absence of
;no=led9e about =:at ta;es <lace in sc:ools?F
!3 t:e autu8n of 12/21 !us: =as facin9 a crisis of confidence in :is re9i8e? His
do8ination of Con9ress on all substanti>e 8atters =as co8<leteC at t:e sa8e ti8e :e :ad
not:in9 to <ro<ose eEce<t >ast <ublic subsidies to ban;ru<t financial and s<eculati>e
interests? EEce<t for eEertions to s:o>el :undreds of billion of dollars into *all Street1 t:e
entire 9o>ern8ent a<<eared as a<aral3Aed and adrift? T:is =as soon accentuated b3 colossal
u<:ea>als in C:ina1 eastern Euro<e1 and t:e USSR? On rida31 October 1'1 ti8ed
a<<roEi8atel3 =it: t:e second anni>ersar3 of t:e 9reat stoc; 8ar;et cras: of 12/.1 t:ere
=as a fall in t:e ,o= &ones Industrial a>era9e of 125?+/ <oints durin9 t:e last :our of
tradin9? T:is =as tri99ered b3 t:e failure of a labor-8ana9e8ent 9rou< to <rocure sufficient
financin9 to carr3 out t:e le>era9ed bu3out of United Airlines? T:e sta9e for t:is failure :ad
been set durin9 t:e <receedin9 =ee;s b3 t:e crisis of t:e :i9:l3-le>era9ed Ca8<eau retail
e8<ire1 =:ic: 8ade 8an3 Bun; bonds =:oll3 illi@uid for a ti8e? T:e autu8n =as full of
s38<to8s of a deflationar3 contraction of o>erall <roduction and e8<lo38ent? or a ti8e
!us: a<<eared to be a<<roac:in9 t:at delicate 8o8ent in =:ic: a <resident is faced =it:
t:e loss of :is 8andate to rule?
October :as been one of t:e cruellest 8ont:s for t:e !us: <residenc3" eac: ti8e t:e lea>es
fall1 eac: ti8e t:e critical t:ird-@uarter econo8ic statistics are <ublis:ed1 a crisis in <ublic
confidence in t:e <atrician re9i8e :as ensued? In t=o out of t:ree 3ears so far1 t:e reaction
of t:e !us:8en :as been to las: out =it: international >iolence and 8ass 8urder?
October1 12/2 =as full of anEiet3 and a<<re:ension about t:e econo8ic future1 and =orr3
about =:ere !us: =as leadin9 t:e countr3? Included in t:e 8an3 8ood <ieces =as an
e>ident desire of t:e Eastern Liberal Establis:8ent circles to s<ur !us: on to 8ore decisi>e
and a99ressi>e action in i8<osin9 austerit3 at :o8e1 and in increasin9 t:e rate of <ri8iti>e
accu8ulation in fa>or of t:e dollar abroad? A t3<ical sa8<le of t:ese October elucubrations
=as a =idel3-read essa3 b3 #e>in %:illi<s 0t:e traditional Re<ublican t:eoretician of et:nic
s<littin9 and t:e Sout:ern Strate934 entitled FGeor9e !us: and Con9ress--!rain-,ead
%olitics of 7/2?F %:illi<s faulted !us: for :is a<<arent decision Fto i8itate t:e lo=-;e31
centrist o<eratin9 8ode of %resident ,=i9:t ,? Eisen:o=er? !ut i8itatin9 I;e in t:e 1225s
8a;es as little sense as tr3in9 to i8itate Lueen 6ictoria in t:e 12'57s?F Gfn $5H %:illi<s
<ointed to t:e =a3 in =:ic: !us: =as restrained b3 :is e>ident co88itt8ent to continue
all of t:e essential <olicies of t:e Rea9an 3ears1 =:ile den3in9 t:e eEistence of an3 crisis"
!us: did Fnot see; to identif3 national <roble8s because in doin9 so1 G:eH =ould lar9el3 be
identif3in9 G:isH <art37s o=n failin9s?F FT:e Re<ublicans at least ;no= t:e3 :a>e a <roble8
on t:e 7>ision t:in917F %:illi<s noted1 =:ile t:e ,e8ocratic o<<osition Fcan7t e>en s<ell t:e
=ord?F All of t:is added u< to t:e Fcerebral atro<:3 of 9o>ern8ent?F %:illi<s catalo9ued t:e
absurd co8<lacenc3 of t:e !us:8en1 =it: !rad3 sa3in9 of t:e US econo83 t:at Fit
couldn7t 9et 8uc: better t:an it isF and !a;er res<ondin9 to ,e8ocratic criticis8s of !us:
forei9n <olic3 =it: t:e retort" F*:en t:e %resident is roc;in9 alon9 =it: a .5 <er cent
a<<ro>al ratin9 on :is :andlin9 of forei9n <olic31 if I =ere t:e leader of t:e o<<osition1 I
8i9:t :a>e so8et:in9 si8ilar to sa3?F %:illi<s7s basic t:esis =as t:at !us: and :is
ostensible o<<osition :ad Boined :ands si8<l3 to i9nore t:e eEistence of t:e leadin9
<roble8s t:reatenin9 US national life1 =:ile :idin9 be:ind an Firrele>ant consensusF for9ed
ten to t=ent3 3ears in t:e <ast1 and re8iniscent o>erall of t:e <re-1/-5 tacit understandin9
of ,e8ocrats and *:i9s to s=ee< sectionalis8 and sla>er3 under t:e ru9? One result of t:is
cons<irac3 of t:e incu8bents to i9nore t:e real =orld =as t:e Fun:a<<3 dualit3 t:at t:e
United States and Russia are bot: =ea;enin9 e8<ires in :a<:aAard retreat fro8 t:eir <ost-
12)+ bi<olar do8inance?F %:illi<s7s conclusion =as t:at =:ile realit3 8i9:t be9in to force a
c:an9e in t:e F<olitical a9endaF b3 12251 it =as 8ore li;el3 t:at a s:ift =ould occur in
122$ =:en an aroused electorate1 s8artin9 fro8 decades of decline in standards of li>in9
and econo8ic as<irations1 8i9:t F:and out sur<risin9 <olitical re=ards?F FHonest37s da3 is
co8in91F su88ed u< %:illi<s1 =it: t:e clear i8<lication t:at Geor9e !us: =ould not be a
beneficiar3 of t:e ne= da3?
Si8ilar t:e8es =ere de>elo<ed in t:e !ones8en7s o=n Ti8e Ma9aAine to=ards t:e end of
t:e 8ont: in co>era9e entitled FIs Go>ern8ent ,eadD1F =:ic: featured a co>er <icture of
Geor9e *as:in9ton s:eddin9 a bi9 tear and a blurb =arnin9 t:at FUn=illin9 to lead1
<oliticians are lettin9 A8erica sli< into <aral3sis?F Gfn $1H Inside1 t:e *as:in9ton re9i8e
=as sti98atiAed as Ft:e can7t do 9o>ern8ent1F =it: an anal3sis concludin9 t:at Fabroad and
at :o8e1 8ore and 8ore <roble8s and o<<ortunities are 9oin9 un8et? Under t:e s:ado= of
a 8assi>e federal defecit t:at neit:er <olitical <art3 is =illin9 to confront1 a ;ind of neurosis
of acce<ted li8its :as ta;en :old fro8 one end of %enns3l>ania A>enue to t:e ot:er?F Ti8e
disco>ered t:at !us: and t:e Con9ress =ere Fcons<irin9 to :ideF I2- billion of a I$5-
billion defecit t:rou9: >arious strate9e8s1 =:ile t:e bill for t:e SNL bailout :ad le>itated
u<=ards to I'55 billion? Ti8e :eld u< to ridicule t:e F<altr3 I11+ 8illionF !us: :ad
offered as econo8ic aide to %oland durin9 :is >isit t:ere durin9 t:e su88er? Gra>e
res<onsibilit3 for t:e 9ro=in9 8alaise =as assi9ned b3 Ti8e to !us:" FLeaders:i< is
9enerall3 left to t:e %resident? (et Geor9e !us: see8s to :a>e as 8uc: trouble as e>er =it:
t:e 7>ision t:in9?7 Handcuffed b3 :is si8<listic 7read 83 li<s7 ca8<ai9n r:etoric a9ainst a
taE increase as =ell as b3 :is cautious <ersonalit31 !us: too often a<<ears self-satisfied and
reacti>e?F Ti8e =ent on to indict !us: for 8alfeasance or nonfeasance in se>eral areas"
FHis lon9-ter8 9oals1 be3ond :o<in9 for a 7;inder1 9entler7 nation1 :a>e been lost in a
8ias8a of <ublic relations stunts? T:e %resident7s recent 7education su88it7 =it: t:e
nation7s Go>ernors <roduced so8e interestin9 ideas about national standards but little about
:o= to <a3 t:e costs of :el<in9 <ublic sc:ools 8eet t:e8? His 8uc: tru8<eted =ar on
dru9s =as 8ore an underfinanced s;ir8is:? !us: told >oters last 3ear t:at :e is an
en>iron8entalist1 but t:e 8ost si9nificant clean-air <ro<osals <ut fort: t:is 3ear--strin9ent
ne= standards on auto8obile e8issions-- =ere ada<ted fro8 California7s strict li8its for
t:e 12257s?F
FAbroad1 !us: tends to turn Tedd3 Roose>elt7s fa8ous dictu8 on its :ead b3 s<ea;in9
loudl3 and carr3in9 a s8all stic;1 F =as Ti8e7s un;indest cut of all for a <resident =:o :ad
<laced t:e racist Rou9: Rider7s <ortrait in t:e O>al Office1 re<lacin9 t:e li;eness of FSilent
CalF Coolid9e t:at :ad adorned t:e <re8ises durin9 t:e Rea9an 3ears? It =as a barb to
8a;e Geor9e =ince =:en :e read it?
!us:1 !a;er1 and !rad3 =ere t:us confronted =it: so8e clear si9nals of an u9l3 8ood of
discontent on t:e <art of ;e3 establis:8ent financier circles inside t:eir o=n traditional
base? T:ese 9rou<s =ere de8andin9 8ore austerit31 8ore <ri8iti>e accu8ulation a9ainst
t:e US <o<ulation t:an Geor9e :ad been able to deli>er? A furt:er in9redient in t:e
dan9erous dissatisfaction in *all Street and en>irons =as t:at !us: :ad botc:ed and
bun9led a US-s<onsored cou< d7etat a9ainst t:e %ana8anian 9o>ern8ent lo3al to Gen?
Manuel Antonio Norie9a? Norie9a7s sur>i>al and continued defiance of *as:in9ton see8ed
to certif31 in t:e e3es of t:e rulin9 financiers1 t:at !us: =as indeed a =i8< inca<able of
conductin9 t:eir international or do8estic business? !3 No>e8ber1 12/21 t:e ten-8ont: old
!us: re9i8e =as drifitin9 to=ards t:e Nia9ara of serious trouble? It =as under t:ese
circu8stances t:at t:e !us: net=or;s res<onded =it: t:eir in>asion of %ana8a?
On October '1 12/21 se>eral officers of t:e %ana8anian ,efense orces under t:e
leaders:i< of MaBor Moises Giroldi atte8<ted to oust General Norie9a and seiAe <o=er?
T:e <ro-9ol<e forces a<<ear to :a>e :ad Norie9a in t:eir <:3sical control for a certain
<eriod of ti8e1 and t:e3 =ere in contact =it: t:e US Sout:ern Co88and in %ana8a Cit3
t:rou9: >arious c:annels? !ut t:e3 neit:er eEecuted Norie9a nor turned :i8 o>er to t:e US
forces1 and Norie9a used t:e dela3 to rall3 t:e su<<ort of lo3al troo<s in ot:er <arts of
%ana8a? T:e US forces 8obiliAed1 and bloc;ed t=o roads leadin9 to=ards t:e %,
:ead@uarters1 Bust as t:e3 9ol<e leaders :ad re@uested? !ut t:e 9ol<istas also =anted US
co8bat air su<<ort and =ould :a>e re@uired US 9round forces to <ro>ide acti>e assistance?
!us: stalled on t:ese re@uests1 and t:e 9ol<e colla<sed before !us: could 8a;e u< :is
8ind =:at to do?
!us:7s crisis 8ana9e8ent st3le =as <ortra3ed as an autocratic one-8an s:o=1 =it: !us:
refusin9 to con>o;e t:e usual FeEco88F-st3le crisis co88ittee =it: re<resentati>es fro8
State1 ,efense1 NSA1 CIA1 and ot:er interested bureaucratic <arties? Instead1 !us:
re<ortedl3 insisted on bein9 furnis:ed =it: t:ree <arallel strea8s of re<orts fro8 State1
,efense1 and CIA? *:ile :e =as <uAAlin9 o>er t:e conflictin9 e>aluations1 :is cou< tea8
=as bein9 rounded u< and li@uidated? It =as =orse t:an :is blunderin9 8ana9e8ent of t:e
Sudan cou< in 12/+?
T:ere are si9ns t:at t:e =ide criticis8 of :is botc:ed :andlin9 of t:e cou<1 includin9 fro8
suc: close allies as S;ull and !ones Senator ,a>id !oren of O;la:o8a1 =as an
eEcruciatin9 <ersonal :u8iliation for !us:? As t:e feared for8er boss of Lan9le31 :e =as
su<<osedl3 a <ast 8aster in sub>ersion1 <utsc:es1 and t:e to<<lin9 of 9o>ern8ents
disobedient to *as:in9ton? His forei9n <olic3 credentials1 touted as t:e stron9 suit in :is
resu8e1 =ere no= fatall3 tarnis:ed? Accordin9 to so8e alle9ed insider accounts1 US forces
:ad not rus:ed to t:e aid of t:e rebels because of reluctance and 8istrust on t:e <art of US
officers1 startin9 =it: Gen? T:ur8an1 t:e US co88ander in %ana8a?
Con9ress8an ,a>e McCurd3 of O;la:o8a criticiAed !us:" F(esterda3 8a;es &i883
Carter loo; li;e a 8an of resol>e? T:ere7s a resur9ence of t:e =i8< factor?F Geor9e *ill
=rote a colu8n entitled FAn Unserious %residenc3?F
!us: :id fro8 t:e <ress for 11 da3s after t:e 9ol<e =as crus:ed1 but t:en :ad to face a
barra9e of :ostile @uestions an3=a3? Since :e :ad ur9ed t:e o>ert:ro= of Norie9a1 :e =as
as;ed1 =as it consistent not to bac; t:e rebels =it: US ar8ed forcesD !us: re<lied"
(es1 absolutel3 consistent? I =ant to see :i8 GNorie9aH out of t:ere and I =ant to see :i8 brou9:t
to Bustice? And t:at s:ould not i8<l3 t:at t:at auto8aticall3 8eans1 no 8atter =:at t:e <lan is1 or
no 8atter =:at t:e cou< atte8<t is1 di<lo8aticall3 and an3t:in9 else1 t:at =e 9i>e carte blanc:e
su<<ort to t:at?
I t:in; t:is rat:er so<:isticated ar9u8ent t:at if 3ou sa3 3ou7d li;e to see Norie9a out1 t:at i8<lies
a blan;et1 o<en carte blanc:e on t:e use of A8erican 8ilitar3 force???to 8e t:at7s a stu<id
ar9u8ent t:at so8e >er3 erudite <eo<le 8a;e?
!us: =as >er3 sarcastic about Finstant :a=;s a<<earin9 fro8 =:ere t:ere used to be
feat:ers of a do>e?F T:ere :ad been re<orts of se>ere te8<er tantru8s b3 !us: as critical
accounts of :is crisis leaders:i< :ad been lea;ed fro8 inside :is o=n ad8inistration? !ut
!us: denied t:at :e :ad been c:e=in9 t:e car<et" FI ne>er felt1 3ou ;no=1 an9er or blo=in9
u<? It7s absurd1F !us: stated disin9enuousl3? FI didn7t 9et an9r3? I didn7t 9et an9r3? *:at I
did sa3 is1 I don7t =ant to see an3 bla8e co8in9 out of t:e O>al Office or attributed to t:e
O>al Office in t:e face of criticis8? I78 not in t:e bla8e business? !la8e1 if t:ere7s so8e to
be assi9ned1 it co8es in t:ere? And t:at7s =:ere it belon9s?F !us: stressed t:at :e =as read3
to use force to oust Norie9a" FI =ouldn7t 8ind usin9 force no= if it could be done in a
<rudent 8anner? *e =ant to see Mr? Norie9a out?F T:e 8ortified for8er CIA director also
defended t:e @ualit3 of :is intelli9ence" FT:ere :as not been an intelli9ence 9a< t:at =ould
8a;e 8e act in a different =a3?F FI don7t see an3 serious disconnects at all?F Gfn $$H !us:7s
c:ief of staff1 Sununu1 :ad stated t:at one of t:e difficulties faced b3 t:e *:ite House in
reactin9 to t:e cou< :ad been t:e difficult3 of deter8inin9 t:e identit3 of t:e cou< leaders?
*:ile t:at =as <robabl3 disinfor8ation1 !us:7s disarra3 =as 8ost <oi9nant? It =as =:ile
s@uir8in9 and =:inin9 under of t:e o<<robriu8 of :is first failure in %ana8a t:at !us:
8atured t:e idea of a lar9e-scale 8ilitar3 in>asion to ca<ture Norie9a and occu<3 %ana8a
around C:rist8as1 12/2?
Geor9e !us:7s in>ol>e8ent =it: %ana8a 9oes bac; to o<erations conducted in Central
A8erican and t:e Caribbean conducted b3 Senator %rescott !us:7s &u<iter Island
Harri8anite cabal? *e recall !us:7s <u9nacious assertions of US so>erei9nt3 o>er t:e
%ana8a Canal durin9 :is 12-) electoral contest =it: Senator (arborou9:? or t:e !us:
clan1 t:e cat:eEis of %ana8a is >er3 dee<1 since it is bound u< =it: t:e eE<loits of T:eodore
Roose>elt1 t:e founder of t:e t=entiet:-centur3 US i8<erialis8 =:ic: t:e !us: fa8il3 is
deter8ined to defend to t:e fart:est corners of t:e <lanet? or it =as T:eodore Roose>elt
=:o :ad used t:e USS Nas:>ille and ot:er US na>al forces to <re>ent t:e Colo8bian
8ilitar3 fro8 re<ressin9 t:e US-fo8ented re>olt of %ana8anian soldiers in No>e8ber1
125'1 t:us settin9 t:e sta9e for t:e creation of an inde<endent %ana8a and for t:e si9nin9
of t:e Ha3-!unau-6arilla Treat3 =:ic: created a %ana8a Canal Jone under US control?
Roose>elt7s Fco=bo3 di<lo8ac3F :ad been eEcoriated in t:e US <ress of t:ose da3s as
F<irac3CF t:e S<rin9field Re<ublican :ad found t:e e<isode Ft:e 8ost discreditable in our
:istor31F but t:e !us: >ie= =as al=a3s <ro-i8<erialist? It =as t:e co8<arison =it:
T:eodore Roose>elt7s bucaneerin9 audacit3 t:at 8ade <oor Geor9e loo; bad?
T:eodore Roose>elt :ad in ,ece8ber1 125) eE<ounded :is so-called FRoose>elt
Corrollar3F to t:e Monroe ,octrine1 in realit3 a co8<lete re<udiation and <er>ersion of t:e
anti-colonial essense of &o:n Luinc3 Ada8s7s ori9inal =arnin9 to t:e !ritis: and ot:er
i8<erialists? T:e self-ri9:teous Tedd3 Roose>elt :ad stated t:at"
C:ronic =ron9doin9???8a3 in A8erica1 as else=:ere1 ulti8atel3 re@uire inter>ention b3 so8e
ci>iliAed nation1 and in t:e *estern He8is<:ere t:e ad:erence of t:e United States to t:e Monroe
,octrine 8a3 force t:e United States1 :o=e>er reluctantl31 in fla9rant cases of suc: =ron9doin9
or i8<otence1 to t:e eEercise of an international <olice <o=er? Gfn $'H
T:e old i8<erialist idea of T:eodore Roose>elt =as @uic;l3 re>i>ed b3 t:e !us:
Ad8inistration durin9 12/2? T:rou9: a series of actions b3 Attorne3 General Ric:ard
T:ornbur9:1 t:e US Su<re8e Court1 and CIA ,irector *illia8 *ebster1 t:e !us: re9i8e
arro9ated to itself a s=ee<in9 carte blanc:e for eEtraterritorial interference in t:e internal
affairs of so>erei9n states1 all in o<en defiance of t:e nor8s of international la=? T:ese
ille9al inno>ations can be su88ariAed under t:e :eadin9 of t:e FT:ornbur9: ,octrine?F
T:e ederal !ureau of In>esti9ation arro9ated to itself t:e Fri9:tF to searc: <re8ises
outside of US territor3 and to arrest and ;idna< forei9n citiAens outside of US Burisdiction1
all =it:out t:e concurrence of t:e Budicial <rocess of t:e ot:er countries =:ose territor3
=as t:us subBect to >iolation? US ar8ed forces =ere endo=ed =it: t:e Fri9:tF to ta;e <olice
8easures a9ainst ci>ilians? T:e CIA de8anded t:at an EEecuti>e Order <ro:ibitin9 t:e
<artici<ation of US 9o>ern8ent officials and 8ilitar3 <ersonnel in t:e assassination of
forei9n <olitical leaders1 =:ic: :ad been issued b3 %resident ord in October1 12.-1 be
rescinded? T:ere is e>er3 indication t:at t:is <residential ban on assassinations of forei9n
officials and <oliticians1 =:ic: :ad been <ro8ul9ated in res<onse to t:e C:urc: and %i;e
Co88ittee in>esti9ations of CIA abuses1 :as indeed been abro9ated? To round out t:is
la=less <ac;a9e1 an o<inion of t:e US Su<re8e Court issued on ebruar3 $/1 1225
<er8itted US officials abroad to arrest 0or ;idna<4 and searc: forei9n citiAens =it:out
re9ard to t:e la=s or <olic3 of t:e forei9n nation subBect to t:is interference? T:rou9: t:ese
actions1 t:e !us: re9i8e effecti>el3 sta;ed its clai8 to uni>ersal eEtraterritorial
Burisdiction1 t:e classic <osture of an e8<ire see;in9 to assert uni>ersal <olice <o=er? T:e
!us: re9i8e as<ired to t:e status of a =orld <o=er le9ibus solutus1 a su<er<o=er eEe8<ted
fro8 all le9al restrictions? Gfn $)H
!ac; in &anuar31 12.$1 at t:e eEtraordinar3 session of t:e United Nations Securit3 Council
in Addis Ababa1 t:e %ana8anian dele9ate1 A@uilino !o3d1 :ad deli>ered a scat:in9
conde8nation of t:e A8erican Foccu<ationF of t:e Canal Jone1 =:ic: 8ost %ana8anians
found increasin9l3 intolerable? At t:at ti8e A8bassador !us: :ad =or8ed :is =a3 out of a
tou9: situation b3 <leadin9 t:at !o3d =as out of order1 since %ana8a :ad not been <laced
on t:e a9enda for t:e 8eetin9? !o3d =as relentless in <ressin9 for a s<ecial session of t:e
Securit3 Council in %ana8a Cit3 at =:ic: :e could brin9 u< t:e issue of so>erei9nt3 o>er
t:e Canal Jone and t:e canal? Later1 in Marc:1 12.'1 !us:7s successor at t:e UN <ost1 &o:n
Scali1 =as forced to resort to a >eto in order to ;ill a resolution callin9 for t:e Ffull res<ect
for %ana8a7s effecti>e so>erei9nt3 o>er all its territor3?F T:is >eto :ad been a bi9 <olitical
e8barrass8ent1 since it =as cast in t:e face of >ociferous conde8nation fro8 t:e >isitors7
9aller31 =:ic: =as full of %ana8anian <atriots? To 8a;e 8atters =orse1 t:e US :ad been
totall3 isolated1 =it: 1' countries su<<ortin9 t:e resolution and one abstention? Gfn $+H
As =e :a>e seen1 direct <ersonal dealin9s bet=een !us: and Norie9a =ent bac; at least as
far as !us:7s 12.- CIA tenure? At t:at ti8e Norie9a1 =:o :ad been trained b3 t:e US at
ort Gulic;1 ort !ra991 and ot:er locations1 =as t:e c:ief of intelli9ence for t:e
%ana8anian nationalist leader1 Gen? O8ar TorriBos1 =it: =:o8 Carter si9ned t:e %ana8a
Canal Treat31 t:e ratification of =:ic: b3 t:e US Senate 8eant t:at t:e canal =ould re>ert
to %ana8a b3 t:e 3ear $555? ,urin9 t:e treat3 ne9otiations bet=een TorriBos and t:e Carter
Ad8inistration1 t:e US National Securit3 A9enc3 and t:e ,efense Intelli9ence A9enc3 are
alle9ed to :a>e conducted eletronic ea>esdro<<in9 a9ainst %ana8anian officials in>ol>ed in
t:e ne9otiations? T:is bu99in9 :ad re<ortedl3 been disco>ered b3 Norie9a1 =:o :ad
alle9edl3 <roceeded to bribe 8e8bers of t:e US Ar837s ).5t: Militar3 Intelli9ence Grou<1
=:o furnis:ed :i8 =it: ta<es of all t:e bu99ed con>ersations1 =:ic: Norie9a t:en
sub8itted to TorriBos? Accordin9 to <ublis:ed accounts1 t:e US Ar83 :ad in>esti9ated t:is
situation under a <robe code-na8ed O<eration Canton Son91 and identified a 9rou< of
Fsin9in9 ser9eantsF on Norie9a7s <a3roll? Le= Allen1 &r?1 t:e :ead of t:e NSA1 su<<osedl3
=anted a <ublic indict8ent of t:e ser9eants for treason and es<iona9e1 but !us: is alle9ed
to :a>e de8urred1 sa3in9 t:at t:e 8atter :ad to be left to t:e Ar831 =:ic: :ad decided to
co>er u< t:e 8atter? A <lausible <olitical co>er stor3 for !us:7s refusal to <rosecute =as :is
desire to a>oid scandals in t:e intelli9ence co88unit3 t:at could :urt Gerald ord in t:e
12.- election? Gfn $-H *:ate>er t:e trut: of all t:ese alle9ations1 t:ere see8s to be no doubt
t:at !us: 8et <ersonall3 =it: Norie9a durin9 :is 12.- CIA tenure? Accordin9 to one
account1 t:at !us:-Norie9a 8eetin9 =as a lunc:eon :eld in ,ece8ber1 12.- at t:e
residence of t:e %ana8anian A8bassador to *as:in9ton? As erderic; #e8<e notes1
F(ears later in 12//1 after Norie9a =as indicted on dru9 c:ar9es in lorida1 !us: =ould at
first den3 :a>in9 e>er 8et Norie9a? He t:ereafter recalled t:e 8eetin91 but none of its
details? His t:ree lunc: 9uests :a>e better 8e8ories and one of t:e8 insisted t:is =as t:e
t:ird 8eetin9 bet=een t:e t=o 8en?F Gfn $.H
,urin9 t:e <re<aration of :is 1221 trial in Mia8ai1 lorida1 Norie9a7s defense attorne3s
sub8itted a docu8ent to t:e United States ,istrict Court for t:e Sout:ern ,istrict of
lorida in =:ic: t:e3 s<ecified 8atters t:e3 intended to use in Norie9a7s defense =:ic:
8i9:t in>ol>e infor8ation considered claissified b3 t:e US 9o>ern8ent? !efore bein9
released to t:e <ublic1 t:is docu8ent =as :ea>il3 censored? No <art of t:is filin9 is 8ore
:ea>il3 censored1 :o=e>er1 t:an t:e section entitled FGeneral Norie9a7s Relations:i< =it:
Geor9e !us:1F =:ic: :as been =:ited out on a<<roEi8atel3 - of 1+ <a9es1 alle9edl3 to
<rotect US national securit31 but in realit3 to :ide 8aterial t:at is eE<losi>el3 co8<ro8isin9
to t:e <olitical re<utation of !us:? Norie9a7s <roffer confir8s a !us:- Norie9a 8eetin9 on
,ece8ber /1 12.- at t:e %ana8anian E8bass3 in *as:in9ton? F,urin9 t:is 8eetin9 t:ere
=ere discussions concernin9 t:e unrest in t:e canal Aone? !ut at no ti8e did Mr? !us:
su99est t:at t:e %ana8anian 9o>ern8ent =as in an3 =a3 res<onsible for t:e bo8bin9F t:at
:ad occured in t:e Canal Jone =:en ord1 =orried about attac;s fro8 Rea9an de8andin9
t:at t:e canal re8ain in US :ands1 :ad cut off t:e tal;s on t:e future of t:e canal? Norie9a7s
<roffer adds t:at F=:en !us: left office :e sent a letter to Norie9a t:an;in9 Norie9a for :is
assistance? !us: said t:at :e =as 9oin9 to infor8 :is successor of Norie9a7s coo<eration?F
Gfn $/H
,urin9 t:is <eriod1 t:e CIA =as alle9edl3 <a3in9 Norie9a a retainer of I1151555 <er 3ear1
su<<osedl3 in eEc:an9e for Norie9a7s intelli9ence on Cuban and ot:er acti>ities of interest
to t:e US? Ad8iral Stansfield Turner clai8s t:at =:en :e too; o>er t:e CIA1 :e ter8inated
t:e <a38ents to Norie9a1 and refused to 8eet =it: :i8? Turner confir8s se>eral details of
t:e !us:-Norie9a relations:i< of t:ose 3ears" F*e all ;no= t:at !us: 8et =it: Norie9a1
e>en t:ou9: :e =as t:ere onl3 11 8ont:s? And I =ill affir8 t:at !us: :ad :i8 on t:e
<a3roll1F said Turner in October1 12//? FI =as t:ere four 3ears1 and I ne>er sa= fit to see
:i8 GNorie9aH or :a>e :i8 on t:e <a3roll1F said Turner? Gfn $2H Turner =ent on to sa3 t:at
after t:e fall of Carter !us: re-enstated Norie9a as a US asset1 assertin9 t:at !us: F8et
=it: Norie9a and <ut :i8 bac; on t:e <a3rollF as a <ur>e3or of intelli9ence? Turner =ould
not s<ecif3 :is <roof1 but =as ne>ert:eless cate9orical" FI can tell 3ou I a8 >er3 confident
of t:at?F
,urin9 12211 re<orts surfaced of a Boint <roBect of t:e CIA and t:e Mossad in central
A8erica =:ic: included lar9e-scale s8u99lin9 of ille9al dru9s fro8 Colo8bia t:rou9:
%ana8a to t:e United States? T:is =as code-na8ed FO<eration *atc:to=er?F Accordin9 to
an affida>it si9ned b3 t:e late Colonel Ed=ard %? Cutolo1 a US Ar83 S<ecial orces
Co88ander =:o =as in c:ar9e of o<erations in Colo8bia subsu8ed under t:is <roBect1
Ft:e <ur<ose of O<eration *atc: To=er =as to establis: a series of t:ree electronic beacon
to=ers be9innin9 outside of !o9ota1 Colo8bia and runnin9 nort:east to t:e border of
%ana8a? Once t:e *atc: To=er tea8s =ere in <lace1 t:e beacon =as acti>ated to e8it a
si9nal t:at aircraft could fiE on and fl3 undetected fro8 !o9ota to %ana8a1 t:en land at
Albroo; Air Station?F Gfn '5H Accordin9 to Cutolo1 t:e fli9:ts =ere often 8et at Albroo; Air
Station b3 Norie9a1 ot:er %, officers1 CIA a9ents1 and an Israeli national belie>ed to be
,a>id #i8c:e of t:e Mossad? Anot:er Israeli in>ol>ed in t:e fli9:ts =as Mossad a9ent
Mic:ael Harari1 =:o 8aintained a close relation to Norie9a until t:e ti8e of t:e US
in>asion of ,ece8ber $51 12/2? Accordin9 to Cutolo7s affida>it1 FI =as told fro8 %enta9on
contacts1 off t:e record1 t:at CIA ,irector Stansfield Turner and for8er CIA ,irector
Geor9e !us: are a8on9 t:e 6I%s t:at s:ield Harari fro8 <ublic scrutin3?F Accordin9 to
Cutolo1 Ft:e car9o flo=n fro8 Colo8bia to %ana8a =as cocaine1F =:ic: ulti8atel3 ended
u< in t:e United States? T:e <rofits =ere alle9edl3 laundered t:rou9: a series of ban;s1
includin9 ban;s in %ana8a? Accordin9 to <ublis:ed re<orts1 Cutolo and a lon9 list of ot:er
US 8ilitar3 <ersonnel =:o ;ne= about O<eration *atc:to=er died under sus<icious
circu8stances durin9 t:e 12/57s1 one of t:e8 after :a>in9 >ainl3 atte8<ted to interest t:e
C!S Ne=s F-5 Minutes F staff in t:is 8atter? Mi;e Harari of t:e Mossad is re<ortedl3 a
<ri8e sus<ect in t:e deat: of one of t:ese US officers1 Ar83 Col? &a8es Ro=e1 =:o =as
;illed in t:e %:illi<ines on A<ril $11 12/2? *as O<eration *atc:to=er on t:e a9enda of t:e
!us:-Norie9a 8eetin9 of 12.-D Accordin9 to Norie9a7s CI%A <roffer1 Fanot:er contact
bet=een Norie9a and Geor9e !us: =as after Geor9e !us: beca8e 6ice-%resident? At t:is
ti8e Norie9a sent !us: a letter of con9ratulations and !us: sent bac; a res<onse? In t:is
letter1 dated ,ece8ber $'1 12/51 !us: sa3s 7t:an;s for t:e 9reat con9ratulator3 8essa9e?7
He also sa3s1 7I do recall 3our >isit in 12.- and I :o<e our <at:s =ill cross a9ain?7F Gfn '1H
T:ere can be no doubt t:at Norie9a7s dealin9s =it: t:e Rea9an-!us: ad8inistration =ere
>er3 intense? Accordin9 to %ana8anian turncoat &ose !landon1 Norie9a fre@uentl3 tra>elled
to *as:in9ton for secret <ri>ate 8eetin9s =it: CIA ,irector *illia8 Case3 durin9 12/$-/'
and t:e 3ear follo=in9? Norie9a also 8et so8e=:at later =it: !us:7s Iran-contra <oint 8an1
Oli>er Nort:? Gfn '$H Accordin9 to Norie9a7s CI%A sub8ission1 Norie9a =as introduced to
Nort: on a cruise do=n t:e %oto8ac b3 US General Sc:=eitAer1 t:e director of t:e Inter-
A8erican Boint 8ilitar3 9rou<? Accordin9 to Norie9a7s CI%A sub8ission1 Nort: :ad been
drin;in9 :ea>il3 and tal;ed in an ani8ated fas:ion about t:e <roble8s encountered b3 t:e
contras? FNort: =as <articularl3 concerned =it: alle9ations t:at :ad surfaced connectin9
t:e contras =it: narcotics traffic;in9?F FNort: ur9ed Norie9a to do =:ate>er :e could for
t:e contras? ,urin9 t:is 8eetin9 Nort: clai8ed t:at :e =as in c:ar9e of all o<erations in
central A8erica :a>in9 to do =it: t:e contras and t:at :e =as =or;in9 directl3 for Rea9an
and !us:? Alt:ou9: Nort: as;ed for :el< :e did not sa3 eEactl3 =:at :e =anted? Nort: did
tell Norie9a t:at if at an3 ti8e :e needed to tal; to Nort: t:at Norie9a could Bust call :i8 at
t:e *:ite House?F Gfn ''H
Accordin9 to Norie9a7s CI%A <roffer sub8itted in <re<aration for :is trial in Mia8i1 Ffro8
around Au9ust of 12/+ t:rou9: Se<te8ber of /- Norie9a re<eatedl3 recei>ed e8issaries
fro8 Oli>er Nort:? One =as Hu8berto Luinones? Luinones atte8<ted to in9ratiate :i8self
=it: Norie9a and re<eatedl3 used Rea9an7s and !us:7s na8es?
Luinones said t:at t:e contras are not fi9:tin9 >er3 =ell and re@uested t:at %ana8a co8e
to t:e aid of t:e contras?F
Later1 at t:e end of t:e su88er of 12/+1 Norie9a 8et =it: Nort: and Secord in London?
Nort: de8anded t:at Norie9a use %ana8anian co88andos to conduct o<erations a9ainst
t:e Sandinista re9i8e? FNorie9a Bust listenedF and did not a9ree to coo<erate? Gfn ')H
T:is =as all denied b3 t:e !us: ca8<ai9n t:rou9: s<o;es8an Ste>e Hart1 but a <:oto
eEists of !us: 8eetin9 =it: Norie9a in %ana8a Cit3 in ,ece8ber1 12/'? ,on Gre99 =as
also on t:e scene? T:is 8eetin9 =as also attended b3 E>erett !ri99s1 t:en t:e US
A8bassador to %ana8a? ,urin9 t:e <re>ious 8ont:s1 Norie9a :ad re<udiated t:e <olic3 of
su<<ortin9 t:e Nicara9uan contra rebels =:ic: t:e !us:8en :ad successfull3 sold to
Rea9an as :is leadin9 obsession? Norie9a :ad done t:is b3 declarin9 :is su<<ort fo t:e
Contadora 9rou<1 =:ic: t:us e8er9ed as an ali9n8ent of MeEico1 6eneAuela1 Colo8bia1
and %ana8a1 and =:ic: ad>ocated a <lan for <acification and t:e restoration of national
so>erei9nt3 in Central A8erica as a =:ole t:rou9: t:e interdiction of 9un-runnin91 <lus t:e
re8o>al of forei9n ad>isers and bases? Accordin9 to !ri99s1 !us: 8a3 :a>e sou9:t
Norie9a7s di<lo8atic su<<ort for t:e US <osition in t:e re9ion? !ut !ri99s denies t:at !us:
=as also loo;in9 for %ana8anian 8ilitar3 su<<ort a9ainst t:e Sandinistas?
Accordin9 to t:e !us:8en1 !us:7s <our<arler in %ana8a =as de>oted to a F<ri>ile9edF tal;
=it: t:e %resident of %ana8a1 Ricardo de la Es<riella1 =:o =as also <resent at t:e 8eetin9?
Gfn '+H !ut Norie9a =as clearl3 t:e do8inant fi9ure on t:e %ana8anian <olitical scene?
Later1 !us: :enc:8an ,on Gre99 =as obli9ed to testif3 under oat: about !us:7s relations
=it: Norie9a in t:e conteEt of t:e ci>il la=suit brou9:t b3 t:e C:ristic Institute of
*as:in9ton1 ,C a9ainst 8e8bers of t:e !us:-S:ac;le3-Clines Enter<rise? Gre99 s<ecified
t:at A8bassador !ri99s =as :i8self a friend of !us:? Gre99 said t:at at t:e ,ece8ber1
12/' 8eetin91 %ana8anian %resident Ricardo de la Es<riella :ad denied US <ress re<orts
alle9in9 %ana8anian 9o>ern8ent co8<licit3 in dru9 traffic;in9?
!ut =:ile Norie9a ;e<t close relations =it: t:e United States1 :e also dealt =it: Cuba and
ot:er countries in t:e re9ion? Norie9a =as increasin9l3 8oti>ated b3 %ana8anian
nationalis81 and a desire to <reser>e a 8ar9in of inde<endence for :is countr3? T:e :ostilit3
of t:e US 9o>ern8ent a9ainst Norie9a =as occasioned first of all b3 Norie9a7s refusal to be
subser>ient to t:e US <olic3 of =a9in9 =ar a9ainst t:e Sandinista re9i8e? T:is =as
eE<lained b3 Norie9a in an inter>ie= =it: C!S Bournalist Mi;e *allace on ebruar3 )1
12//1 in =:ic: Norie9a described t:e US ca8<ai9n a9ainst :i8 as a F<olitical cons<irac3
of t:e ,e<art8ent of &ustice?F Norie9a described a >isit to %ana8a on ,ece8ber 1.1 12/+
b3 Ad8iral &o:n %oindeEter1 t:en t:e c:ief of t:e US National Securit3 Council1 =:o
de8anded t:at Norie9a Boin in acts of =ar a9ainst Nicara9ua1 and t:en t:reatened %ana8a
=it: econo8ic =arfare and <olitical destabiliAation =:en Norie9a refused to 9o alon9 =it:
%oindeEter7s <lans"
Norie9a" %oindeEter said :e ca8e in t:e na8e of %resident Rea9an? He said t:at %ana8a and
MeEico =ere actin9 a9ainst US <olic3 in Central A8erica because =e =ere sa3in9 t:at t:e
Nicara9ua conflict 8ust be settled <eacefull3? And t:at =asn7t 9ood enou9: for t:e <lans of t:e
Rea9an ad8inistration? T:e sin9le t:in9 t:at =ill <rotect us fro8 bein9 econo8icall3 and
<oliticall3 attac;ed b3 t:e United States is t:at =e allo= t:e contras to be trained in %ana8a for
t:e fi9:t a9ainst Nicara9ua?
*allace" He told 3ou t:at 3ou =ould be econo8icall3 attac;ed if 3ou didn7t do t:atD
Norie9a" It =as stated1 %ana8a 8ust eE<ect econo8ic conse@uences? (our interest =as t:at =e
s:ould aid t:e contras1 and =e said 7no7 to t:at?
%oindeEter outlined <lans for a US in>asion of Nicara9ua t:at =ould re@uire t:e fi9-leaf of
<artici<ation of troo<s fro8 ot:er countries in t:e re9ion"
Norie9a" (es1 t:e3 =anted to attac; Nicara9ua and t:e onl3 reason it :adn7t alread3 :a<<ened =as
t:at %ana8a =as in t:e =a31 and all t:e3 =anted =as t:at %ana8a =ould o<en t:e =a3 and 8a;e
it <ossible for t:e8 to continue t:eir <lans?
Accordin9 to Norie9a7s ad>isor1 %ana8anian ,efense orces Ca<tain Cortiso1
FGt:e USH =anted t:at %ana8anian forces attac; first? T:en =e =ould recei>e su<<ort fro8 US
troo<s?F Gfn '-H
It =as in t:is sa8e ,ece8ber1 12/+ <eriod t:at !us: and ,on Gre99 8et =it: A8bassador
!ri99s to discuss t:e Norie9a7s refusal to follo= dictation fro8 *as:in9ton? Accordin9 to
Gre99 in :is de<osition in t:e C:ristic Institute la=suit1 FI t:in; =e Gi?e?1 !us: and Gre99H
ca8e a=a3 fro8 t:e 8eetin9 =it: A8bassador !r99s =it: t:e sense t:at Norie9a =as a
9ro=in9 <roble81 <oliticall31 8ilitaril31 and <ossibl3 in t:e dru9 area?F *:en <ressed to
co88ent about Norie9a7s alle9ed relations to dru9 traffic;in91 Gre99 could onl3 add" FIt
=ould :a>e been <art of t:e 9eneral <icture of Norie9a as a <olitical <roble81 corru<tion1
and a 9eneral <olic3 <roble8? (es?F Gfn '.H FI don7t recall an3 s<ecific discussion of
Norie9a7s in>ol>e8ent in dru9s1F Gre99 testified? In t:is case it is @uite <ossible t:at ,on
Gre99 is for once <ro>idin9 accurate testi8on3" t:e US 9o>ern8ent decision to be9in
interference in %ana8a7s internal affairs for t:e o>ert:ro= of Norie9a :ad not:in9 to do
=it: @uestions of dru9 traffic;in9? It =as <redicated on Norie9a7s reBection of %oindeEter7s
ulti8atu8 de8andin9 su<<ort for t:e Nicar9auan contras1 t:e8sel>es a notorious 9an9 of
dru9 <us:ers enBo3in9 t:e full su<<ort of !us: and t:e US 9o>ern8ent? Colonel Sa8uel &?
*atson III1 de<ut3 national securit3 ad>iser to !us: durin9 t:ose 3ears1 in>o;ed eEecuti>e
<ri>ile9e durin9 t:e course of :is C:ristic Institute de<osition on t:e ad>ice of :is la=3er in
order to a>oid ans=erin9 @uestions about !us:7s 12/+ 8eetin9 =it: !ri99s? Gfn '/H
In addition to t:e @uestion of contra aid1 anot:er rationale for official US ra9e a9ainst
Norie9a :ad e8er9ed durin9 12/+? %resident Nic;3 !arletta1 a darlin9 of t:e State
,e<art8ent and a for8er >ice <resident of t:e 9enocidal *orld !an;1 atte8<ted to i8<ose
a <ac;a9e of conditionalities and econo8ic adBust8ent 8easures dictated b3 t:e
International Monetar3 und? T:is =as a <ac;a9e of brutal austerit31 and riots soon eru<ted
in <rotest a9ainst !arletta? Norie9a refused to co8<l3 =it: !arletta7s re@uest to use t:e
%ana8anian 8ilitar3 forces to <ut do=n t:ese anti-austerit3 riots1 and t:e IM austerit3
<ac;a9e =as t:us co8<ro8ised? !arletta =as s:ortl3 forced out as <resident?
,urin9 12/--12/.1 Norie9a coo<erated =it: US la= enforce8ent officials in a nu8ber of
:i9:l3 effecti>e anti-dru9 o<erations? T:is successful Boint effort =as docu8ented b3
letters of co88endation sent to Norie9a b3 &o:n C? La=n1 at t:at ti8e :ead of t:e US
,ru9 Enforce8ent Ad8inistration? On ebruar3 1'1 12/.1 La=n =rote to Norie9a" F(our
lon9standin9 su<<ort of t:e ,ru9 Enforce8ent Ad8inistration is 9reatl3 a<<reciated?
International <olice coo<eration and >i9orous <ursuit of dru9 traffic;ers are our co88on
9oal?F Later in t:e sa8e 3ear1 La=n =rote to Norie9a to co88end t:e latter7s
contributions to O<eration %isces1 a Boint US-%ana8anian effort a9ainst dru9 s8u99lin9
and dru9 8one3 launderin9? %ana8anian <artici<ation =as facilitated b3 a tou9: ne= la=1
called La= $'1 =:ic: contained tou9: ne= <ro>isions a9ainst dru9 8one3 lauderin9?
La=n 7s letter to Norie9a of Ma3 $.1 12/. includes t:e follo=in9" SAs 3ou ;no=1 t:e recentl3
concluded O<eration %isces =as enor8ousl3 successful" 8an3 8illions of dollars and 8an3 t:ousands of
<ounds of dru9s :a>e been ta;en fro8 t:e dru9 traffic;ers and international 8one3 launderers????
A9ain1 t:e ,EA and officials of %ana8a :a>e to9et:er dealt an effecti>e blo= a9ainst dru9 dealers
and international 8one3 launderers? (our <ersonal co88itt8ent to O<eration %isces and t:e
co8<etent1 <rofessional1 and tireless efforts of ot:er officials in t:e Re<ublic of %ana8a =ere
essential to t:e final <ositi>e outco8e of t:is in>esti9ation? ,ru9s dealers t:rou9:out t:e =orld
no= ;no= t:at t:e <rofits of t:eir ille9al o<erations are not =elco8e in %ana8a? T:e o<eration of
Ma3 - led to t:e freeAin9 of 8illions of dollars in t:e ban; accounts of dru9 dealers?
Si8ultaneousl31 ban; <a<ers =ere confiscated t:at 9a>e officials i8<ortant insi9:ts into t:e dru9
trade and t:e launderin9 o<erations of t:e dru9 trade? T:e ,EA :as al=a3s >alued close
coo<eration1 and =e are <re<ared to <roceed to9et:er a9ainst international dru9 dealers =:ene>er
t:e o<<ortunit3 <resents itself? Gfn '2H
!3 a stri;in9 coincidence1 it =as in &une1 12/.1 Bust one 8ont: after t:is 9lo=in9 tribute
:ad been =ritten1 t:at t:e US 9o>ern8ent declared =ar a9ainst %ana8a1 initiatin9 a
ca8<ai9n to destabiliAe Norie9a on t:e <reteEts of lac; of de8ocrac3 and corru<tion? On
&une '51 12/.1 t:e US State ,e<art8ent de8anded t:e ouster of General Norie9a? Elliott
Abra8s1 t:e Assistant Secertar3 of State for Latin A8erican Affairs1 later indicted for
<erBur3 in 1221 for :is role in t:e Iran-contra scandal and co>eru<1 8ade t:e
announce8ent? Abra8s too; note of a resolution <assed on &une $' b3 t:e Senate orei9n
Relations Co88ittee de8andin9 t:e creation of a Fde8ocratic 9o>ern8entF in %ana8a1 and
officiall3 concurred1 t:us 8a;in9 t:e to<<lin9 of Norie9a t:e official US <olic3? Abra8s
also de8anded t:at t:e %ana8anian 8ilitar3 be freed of F<olitical corru<tion?F
T:ese =ere <recisel3 t:e destabiliAation 8easures =:ic: %oindeEter :ad t:reatened 1/
8ont:s earlier? T:e actual ti8in9 of t:e US de8and for t:e ouster of Norie9a a<<ears to
:a>e been dictated b3 resent8ent in t:e US financial co88unit3 o>er Norie9a7s a<<arent
>iolation of certain taboos in :is 8easures a9ainst dru9 8one3 launderin9? As t:e Ne=
(or; Ti8es co88ented in on Au9ust 151 12/." FT:e <olitical crisis follo=s closel3 =:at
ban;ers :ere sa= as a serious breac: of ban; secrec3 re9ulations? Earlier t:is 3ear1 as <art
of an A8erican ca8<ai9n a9ainst t:e launderin9 of dru9 8one31 t:e %ana8anian
9o>ern8ent froAe a fe= sus<ect accounts :ere in a 8anner t:at ban;ers and la=3ers
re9arded as arbitrar3?F T:ese =ere <recisel3 t:e actions lauded b3 La=n? Had Norie9a s:ut
do=n o<erations sanctioned b3 t:e US intelli9ence co88unit31 or confiscated assets of t:e
Ne= (or; ban;sD
In No>e8ber1 12/.1 Norie9a =as >isited b3 !us:7s for8er >ice <residential c:ief of staff1
Ad8iral ,aniel &? Mur<:3? Mur<:3 :ad left !us:7s office in 12/+ to 9o into t:e
international consultin9 business? Mur<:3 =as acco8<anied on :is tri< b3 Ton9sun %ar;1 a
<rota9onist of t:e 12.- #orea9ate scandal =:ic: :ad ser>ed !us: so =ell? Mur<:3 clai8ed
t:at %ar; =as <art of a 9rou< of international business8en =:o :ad sent :i8 to %ana8a to
deter8ine if Mur<:3 could :el< in Frestorin9 stabilit3 in %ana8aF as a re<resentati>e of t:e
business8en or of t:e %ana8anian 9o>ern8ent1 a sin9ular co>er stor3? FI =as reall3 t:ere
tr3in9 to find out =:et:er t:ere =as ne9otiatin9 roo8 bet=een :i8 and t:e o<<osition1F
Mur<:3 said in earl3 12//? T:ere =ere re<orts t:at Mur<:31 =:o :ad conferred =it: NSC
c:ief Colin %o=ell1 ,on Gre99 and Elliott Abra8s of t:e State ,e<art8ent before :e =ent
to %ana8a1 :ad told Norie9a t:at :e could sta3 in office t:rou9: earl3 12/2 if :e allo=ed
<olitical refor8s1 free elections1 and a free <ress1 but Mur<:3 denied :a>in9 done t:is? It is
still not ;no=n =it: <recision =:at 8ission Mur<:3 =as sent to %ana8a to <erfor8 for
!us:? Gfn )5H
On Au9ust 1$1 12/.1 Norie9a res<onded to t:e o<<osition ca8<ai9ns fo8ented b3 t:e US
inside %ana8a b3 declarin9 t:at t:e ai8 of *as:in9ton and its %ana8anian 8inions =as Fto
s8as: %ana8a as a free and inde<endent nation? It is a re<etition of =:at Tedd3 Roose>elt
did =:en :e 8ilitaril3 attac;ed follo=in9 t:e se<aration of %ana8a fro8 Colo8bia?F On
Au9ust 1'1 12/.1 t:e Los An9eles Ti8es re<orted t:at US Assistant Attorne3 General
Ste<:en Trott1 =:o :ad :eaded u< t:e ,e<art8ent of &ustice FGet Norie9aF Tas; orce for
8ore t:an a 3ear1 :ad sent out orders to F<ull to9et:er e>er3t:in9 t:at =e :a>e on :i8
GNorie9aH in order to see if :e is <rosecutable?F T:is classic Fene8ies7 listF o<eration =as
clearl3 ai8ed at fabricatin9 dru9 c:ar9es a9ainst Norie9a1 since t:at =as t:e <olitical s<in
=:ic: t:e US re9i8e =is:ed to i8<art to its attac; on %ana8a? In ebruar31 12//1 Norie9a
=as indicted on US dru9s c:ar9es1 des<ite a lac; of e>idence and an e>en 8ore co8<ellin9
lac; of Burisdiction? T:is indict8ent =as @uic;l3 follo=ed b3 econo8ic sanctions1 an
e8bar9o on trade1 and ot:er econo8ic =arfare 8easures t:at =ere in>o;ed b3 *as:in9ton
on Marc: $1 12//? All of t:ese 8easures =ere ti8ed to coincide =it: t:e FSu<er Tuesda3F
<residential <reference <ri8aries in t:e sout:ern states1 =:ere !us: =as able to benefit
fro8 t:e racist a<<eal of t:e assault on Norie9a1 =:o is of 8estiAo bac;9round and :as a
s=art:3 co8<leEion?
,urin9 t:e s<rin9 of 12//1 t:e Rea9an Ad8inistration conducted a ne9otiation =it:
Norie9a =it: t:e declared ai8 of con>incin9 :i8 to relin@uis: <o=er in eEc:an9e for
:a>in9 t:e dru9 c:ar9es a9ainst :i8 dro<<ed? In Ma31 Mic:ael G? #oAa;1 t:e de<ut3
assistant Secretar3 of State for Inter-A8erican affairs :ad been sent to %ana8a to 8eet =it:
Norie9a? !us: :ad co8e under attac; fro8 ot:er <residential candidates1 es<eciall3
,u;a;is1 for bein9 soft on Norie9a and see;in9 a <lea bar9ain =it: t:e %ana8anian leader?
!us: first too; t:e floor durin9 t:e course of an ad8inistration <olic38a;in9 8eetin9 to
ad>ocate an end of t:e bar9ainin9 =it: Norie9a? Accordin9 to <ress re<orts1 t:is <ro<osal
=as F:otl3 contested?F T:en1 in a s<eec: in Los An9eles1 !us: 8ade one of :is eEceedin9l3
rare de<artures fro8 t:e Rea9an line b3 announcin9 =it: a strai9:t face t:at a !us:
Ad8inistration =ould not Fbar9ain =it: dru9 dealersF at :o8e or abroad? Gfn )1H
!us:7s interest in Norie9a continued after :e :ad assu8ed t:e <residenc3? On A<ril -1 12/21
!us: for8all3 declared t:at t:e 9o>ern8ent of %ana8a re<resented an Funusual and
eEtraordinar3 t:reatF to US national securit3 and forei9n <olic3? He in>o;ed t:e National
E8er9encies Act and t:e International E8er9enc3 Act to declare a state of Fnational
e8er9enc3F in t:is countr3 to 8eet t:e 8enace alle9edl3 <osed b3 t:e nationalists of little
%ana8a? T:e Ma3 11 12/2 issue of US Ne=s and *orld Re<ort re>ealed t:at !us: :ad
aut:oriAed t:e eE<enditure of I15 8illion in CIA funds for o<erations a9ainst t:e
%ana8anian 9o>ern8ent? T:ese funds =ere ob>iousl3 to be e8<lo3ed to influence t:e
%ana8anian elections1 =:ic: =ere sc:eduled for earl3 Ma3? T:e 8one3 =as deli>ered to
%ana8a b3 CIA ba98an Carlos Eleta Al8aran1 =:o :ad Bust been arrested in Geor9ia in
A<ril1 12/2 on c:ar9es of dru9 traffic;in9? On Ma3 $1 =it: one e3e on t:ose elections1
!us: atte8<ted to refurbus: :is =i8< i8a9e =it: a blusterin9 tirade deli>ered to t:e
Roc;efeller-controlled Council of t:e A8ericas in =:ic: :e stated" FLet 8e sa3 one t:in9
clearl3? T:e USA =ill not acce<t t:e results of fraudulent elections t:at ser>e to ;ee< t:e
su<re8e co88ander of t:e %ana8anian ar8ed forces in <o=er?F T:is 8ade clear t:at !us:
intended to declare t:e elections unde8ocratic if t:e <ro- Norie9a candidates =ere not
In t:e elections of Ma3 .1 t:e CIA7s I15 8illion and ot:er 8onies =ere used to finance an
eEtensi>e co>ert o<eration =:ic: ai8ed at stealin9 t:e elections? T:e US-su<<orted Ci>ic
,e8ocratic Alliance1 =:ose candidate =as Guiller8o Endara1 <urc:ased >otes1 bribed t:e
election officials1 and finall3 <:3sicall3 absconded =it: t:e official >ote tallies? !ecause of
t:e 8assi>e <attern of fraud and irre9ularities1 t:e %ana8anian 9o>ern8ent annulled t:e
election? So8e=:ere alon9 t:e line t:e usual US-sta9ed F<eo<le <o=erF u<sur9e :ad failed
to 8aterialiAe? T:e inabilit3 of !us: to force t:rou9: a >ictor3 b3 t:e anti-Norie9a
o<<osition =as a first 8o8ent of :u8iliation for t:e =ould-be Rou9: Rider?
T:is =as t:e occasion for a ne= outburst of :3<ocritical breast-beatin9 fro8 !us:1 =:ose
>ote fraud o<eration :ad not =or;ed so =ell in %ana8a as it :ad in Ne= Ha8<s:ire?
S<ea;in9 at t:e co88ence8ent cere8onies of Mississi<<i State Uni>ersit3 in Star;>ille1
Mississi<<i1 !us: issued a for8al call to t:e citAens and soldiers of %ana8a to o>ert:ro=
Norie9a1 assertin9 t:at Ft:e3 ou9:t to do e>er3t:in9 t:e3 can to 9et Mr? Norie9a out of
t:ere?F As;ed =:et:er t:is =as a call for a 8ilitar3 cou< a9ainst Norie9a1 !us: re<lied" FI
=ould lo>e to see t:e8 9et :i8 out of t:ere? Not Bust t:e %,-- t:e =ill of t:e <eo<le of
%ana8a?F !us: elaborated t:at :is =as a call for Fa re>olution--t:e <eo<le rose u< and
s<o;e for-- in a de8ocratic election =it: a substantial - a tre8endous- turnout1 said =:at
t:e3 =anted? T:e =ill of t:e <eo<le s:ould not be t:=arted b3 t:is 8an and a :andful of
t:ese ,ober8an t:u9s?F FI t:in; t:e election 8ade so clear t:at t:e <eo<le =ant de8ocrac3
and 8ade so clear t:at de8ocrac3 is bein9 t:=arted b3 one 8an t:at t:at in itself =ould be
t:e catal3st for re8o>in9 Norie9a1F !us: added1 8a;in9 :is c:aracteristic e@uation of
Fde8ocrac3F =it: a re9i8e subser>ient to US =:i8? !us: <re>aricated on :is o=n
co88itt8ent to disbandin9 t:e %ana8anian ,efense orces1 sa3in9 t:at :e =anted to
F8a;e clear??? t:at t:ere7s no >endetta a9ainst t:e %ana8anian ,efense orces as an
institutionCF t:e US =as concerned onl3 =it: Norie9a7s Ft:u99er3F and F<aria:F status?
!us: see8ed also to in>ite t:e assassination of Norie9a b3 blurtin9 out1 FNo1 I =ould add
no =ords of cautionF on :o= to do an3 of t:is? He sl3l3 ;e<t an esca<e :atc: o<en in case a
cou< leader called on t:e US for su<<ort1 as in fact later :a<<ened" FIf t:e %, as;s for
su<<ort to 9et rid of Norie9a1 t:e3 =ouldn7t need su<<ort fro8 t:e United States in order to
9et rid of Norie9a? He7s one 8an1 and t:e3 :a>e a =ell-trained force?F !us: also see8ed to
encoura9e Norie9a to flee to a countr3 fro8 =:ic: :e could not be eEtradited bac; to t:e
US1 =:ic: sounded li;e a reci<e for a>oidin9 le9al <roceedin9s t:at could <ro>e :i9:l3
e8barrassin9 to !us: <ersonall3 and to t:e =:ole US 9o>ern8ent?
,urin9 t:is <eriod1 Ad8iral *illia8 Cro=e1 t:e c:air8an of t:e US &oint C:iefs of Staff1
atte8<ted to con>ince t:e US co88ander in %ana8a1 Gen? rederic; ? *oerner1 to acce<t
a bri9ade-siAed reinforce8ent of '1555 troo<s in addition to t:e 1$1555 8en alread3
stationed in %ana8a? *oerner declined t:e additional 8en1 =:ic: t:e %enta9on :ad
intended to des<atc: =it: 9reat fanfare in an atte8<t to inti8idate Norie9a and :is
triu8<:ant su<<orters? At t:is <oint t:e %enta9on acti>ated <re<arations for O<eration !lue
S<oon1 =:ic: included a conti9enc3 <lan to ;idna< Norie9a =it: t:e :el< of a ,elta force
unit? T:ere =ere discussions about =:et:er an atte8<t could be 8ade to abduct Norie9a
=it: an3 li;eli:ood of successC it =as concluded t:at Norie9a =as >er3 =il3 and
eEceedin9l3 difficult to trac;? It =as in t:e course of t:ese deliberations t:at ,efense
Secretar3 C:ene3 is re<orted to :a>e told Cro=e1 F7(ou ;no=1 t:e %resident :as 9ot a lon9
:istor3 of >indicti>e <olitical actions?77Cross !us: and 3ou <a317 :e said1 su<<l3in9 t:e
na8es of a fe= >icti8s and addin9" !us: re8e8bers and 3ou :a>e to be careful?F Gfn )$H
T:us inti8idated b3 !us:1 t:e 8ilitar3 co88anders concurred in !us:7s announce8ent of
a bri9ade-siAed reenforce8ent for *oerner1 <lus t:e secret des<atc: of ,elta forces and
Na>3 Seals? On &ul3 1.1 !us: a<<ro>ed a <lan to Fassert US treat3 ri9:tsF b3 underta;in9
de8onstrati>e 8ilitar3 <ro>ocations in >iolation of t:e treat3? *oerner =as soon re<laced
b3 General MaE=ell Reid FMad MaEF T:ur8an1 =:o =ould brin9 no @ual8s to :is
assi9n8ent of a99ression? T:ur8an too; o>er at t:e Sout:ern Co88and on Se<te8ber '5?
In t:e =a;e of t:is tirade1 t:e US forces in %ana8a be9an a s3ste8atic ca8<ai9n of 8ilitar3
<ro>ocations =:ic: continued all t:e =a3 to t:e ,ece8ber $5 in>asion? In &ul3 t:e US
forces be9an <racticin9 :o= to seiAe control of i8<ortant %ana8anian 8ilitar3 installations
and ci>ilian obBecti>es1 all in fla9rant >iolation of t:e %ana8a Canal Treat3? On &ul3 11 for
eEa8<le1 t:e to=n of Ga8boa =as seiAed and :eld for $) :ours b3 US troo<s1 tan;s1 and
:elico<ters? T:e 8a3or of t:e to=n and '5 ot:er <ersons =ere ille9all3 detained durin9 t:is
F8aneu>er?F In C:ilibre1 t:e US forces occu<ied t:e ;e3 =ater <urification <lant ser>in9
%ana8a Cit3 and Colon? On Au9ust 1+1 !us: escalated t:e r:etoric still furt:er b3
<roclai8in9 t:at :e :ad t:e obli9ation Fto ;idna< Norie9aF? T:en1 durin9 t:e first da3s of
October1 t:ere ca8e t:e aborti>e US-s<onsored cou< atte8<t1 follo=ed b3 t:e <ublic
:u8iliation of Geor9e !us:1 =:o :ad failed to 8easure u< to t:e standards of efficac3 set
b3 T:eodore Roose>elt?
All durin9 October and No>e8ber and into ,ece8ber1 t:e !us: Ad8inistration =or;ed to
<re<are t:e <lans for a lar9e-scale in>asion of %ana8a1 O<eration !lue S<oon? !3 8id-
,ece8ber1 t:ere =ere a total of $)1555 US troo<s in %ana8a1 arra3ed a9ainst t:e 1-1555 of
t:e %,1 of =:o8 onl3 about '1+55 =ere or9aniAed and e@ui<<ed for 8ilitar3 co8bat?
T:e US =as no= co88itted to a 8ilitar3 attac;? !e9innin9 on &anuar3 11 12251 accordin9
to t:e US-%ana8a treat31 t:e :ead of t:e canal ad8inistration =ould :a>e to be a
%ana8anian citiAen1 <ro<osed b3 %ana8a and a<<ro>ed b3 t:e US 9o>ern8ent? T:is =as a
transaction =:ic: !us: =is:ed to conduct =it: a <u<<et state1 and not =it: an inde<endent
9o>ern8ent? In t:e li9:t of trans<arent US <re<arations for a s:ort-ter8 in>asion or ot:er
ar8ed incursion1 t:e National Asse8bl3 of %ana8a <assed a resolution of ,ece8ber 1+ to
ta;e note of t:e state of affairs t:at :ad no= been forced u<on %ana8a b3 !us:? T:e
state8ent =as desi9ned to <er8it t:e assu8<tion of e8er9enc3 <o=ers b3 t:e %ana8anian
9o>ern8ent to 8eet t:e crisis1 and =as in no =a3 e@ui>alent to a declaration of =ar under
international la=1 no 8ore t:an !us:7s A<ril -1 12/2 declaration of a US state of e8er9enc3
o>er t:e %ana8anian situation :ad been? FT:e Re<ublic of %ana8a1F t:e state8ent read1
F:as for t:e last t=o 3ears suffered a cruel and constant :arrass8ent b3 t:e US 9o>ern8ent1
=:ose <resident :as 8ade use of t:e <o=ers of =ar???to tr3 to subBect t:e =ill of
%ana8anians????T:e Re<ublic of %ana8a is li>in9 under a 9enuine state of =ar1 under t:e
<er8anent :oundin9 of t:e US 9o>ern8ent1 =:ose soldiers not onl3 dail3 >iolate t:e
inte9rit3 of t:e TorriBos-Carter treaties??? but tra8<le our so>erei9n ri9:ts in o<en1 arro9ant1
and s:a8eless >iolation of t:e <acts and nor8s of international la=????T:erefore be it
resol>ed t:at t:e Re<ublic of %ana8a be declared in a state of =ar1 for as lon9 as t:e
a99ression unleas:ed a9ainst t:e %ana8anian <eo<le b3 t:e US 9o>ern8ent continues?F Gfn
)'H T:e first co88ent fro8 *:ite House s<o;es8an Marlin itA=ater =as to 8ini8iAe
t:is declaration" FI don7t t:in; an3bod3 :ere considers it i8<ortant enou9: in ter8s of
i8<act1F itA=ater told t:e *:ite House <ress cor<s? It =as onl3 after !us: :ad 9i>en t:e
final order to attac; t:at it =as disco>ered t:at t:is state8ent :ad been anot:er casus belli?
At t:is <oint1 t:e US <ro>ocation acti>it3 =as ste<<ed u<1 =it: s<ecial attention 9i>en to
t:e a<<roac:es to Norie9a7s :ead@uarters1 t:e Co88andancia? Here1 at t:e A>enue A %,
c:ec;<oint1 on t:e e>enin9 of Saturda31 ,ece8ber 1-1 Na>3 Lieutenant Ada8 &? Curtis and
:is =ife !onnie :ad been detained as t:e3 c:ose to ta;e an e>enin9 stroll in t:is >er3 tense
and :i9:l3 sensiti>e nei9:bor:ood? T:eir <resence could in no =a3 :a>e been inter<reted as
<urel3 casual? T:en1 =:ile Lieutenant and Mrs? Curtis =ere :a>in9 t:eir identit3 c:ec;ed
b3 t:e %,1 a car occu<ied b3 four ot:er Foff-dut3F A8erican officers in ci>ilian clot:es
dro>e u<? T:ese officers =ould later sa3 t:at t:e3 :ad ta;en a =ron9 turn to=ards Norie9a7s
Co88andancia1 =:ere t:e cat and 8ouse 9a8e of =ould- be ;idna<<ers and t:eir <re3 =as
;no=n to 9o on at all :ours? T:ese US officers alle9ed t:at t:e %, 9uards :ad ordered
t:e8 to 9et out of t:eir car at 9un<oint? !ut t:e US officers also ad8itted t:at t:e3
atte8<ted to de<art fro8 t:e area of t:e %, c:ec;<oint at :i9: s<eed1 and it is not clear in
=:ic: direction t:e3 =ere :eaded? T:e US officers7 car did succeed in de<artin9 t:e scene?
At t:is <oint1 accordin9 to t:e US account1 t:e %, 9uards o<ened fire and =ounded
Marine Lieutenant Robert %aA1 =:o is later re<orted to :a>e died of :is =ounds at t:e US
Gor9as Militar3 Hos<ital? Anot:er US officer in t:e car =as re<ortedl3 sli9:tl3 =ounded in
t:e le9?
*:en Lieutenant and Mrs? Curtis =ere released b3 t:e %, so8e four :ours later1 t:e3
alle9ed t:at Lieutenant Curtis :ad been beaten1 and Mrs? Curtis fondled and seEuall3
t:reatened b3 t:e %,? T:ese details1 =:ic: 8a3 :a>e been <urel3 in>ented1 =ere
obsessi>el3 seiAed u<on b3 !us: in :is <ublic Bustifications of t:e US in>asion? %ublis:ed
accounts indicate t:at t:e <ublic affairs officer of t:e US Sout:ern Co88and su99ested
t:at Lieut? Curtis be inter>ie=ed on tele>ision to recount :is stor31 but t:at t:is idea :ad
been @uic;l3 >etoed b3 ,efense Secretar3 C:ene31 su99estin9 t:at t:e US co88and
aut:orit3 :ad its doubts about Curtis7s abilit3 to tell a tale useful for t:e !us: re9i8e7s
<ro<a9anda 8ill? Gfn ))H
*it: t:e incidents at A>enue A1 t:e i8<osin9 F8ind =arF and F8ind controlF a<<aratus of
t:e US re9i8e =ent into action? Here !us: =as ta;in9 a leaf fro8 t:e boo; of :is fat:er7s
<rote9e1 Adolf Hitler? *:en Hitler :ad =is:ed to in>ade %oland1 :e first co8<leted :is
8ilitar3 <re<arations and t:en sta9ed t:e infa8ous <ro>ocation code- na8ed O<eration
Canned Meat at t:e Glei=itA radio station on t:e Ger8an side of t:e border =it: %oland?
T:e NaAis too; so8e Ger8an con>icts fro8 a Bail1 8urdered t:e81 and t:en dressed t:e8
in %olis: unifor8s? T:ese bodies =ere t:en <resented to t:e <ress as t:e result of a
8urderous %olis: raid across t:e border? *it:in :ours1 Hitler :ad issued an earl3-8ornin9
declaration of =ar? !us: s:o=ed t:at :is <edi9ree :ad been ac@uired in t:e sa8e sc:ool?
!us: 9a>e t:e final order for t:e attac; on Sunda31 ,ece8ber 1.? He 8ade a series of
ra>in9 state8ents about t:e alle9ed seEual 8olestation of Mrs? Curtis1 and it =as e>ident
t:at racist :3steria =as bein9 acti>el3 elicited? In :is s<eec: deli>ered at ."$5 AM on
,ece8ber $11 12/2 announcin9 t:e US in>asion1 !us: said" S
Man3 atte8<ts :a>e been 8ade to resol>e t:is crisis t:rou9: di<lo8ac3 and ne9otiations? All =ere
reBected b3 t:e dictator of %ana8a1 General Manuel Norie9a1 an indicted dru9 traffic;er?
Last rida31 Norie9a declared :is 8ilitar3 dictators:i< to be in a state of =ar =it: t:e United
States and <ublicl3 t:reatened t:e li>es of A8ericans in %ana8a? T:e >er3 neEt da3 forces under
:is co88and s:ot and ;illed an unar8ed A8erican ser>ice8an1 =ounded anot:er1 arrested and
brutall3 beat a t:ird A8erican ser>ice8an and t:en brutall3 interro9ated :is =ife1 t:reatenin9 :er
=it: seEual abuse? T:at =as enou9:? Gfn )+H
On ,ece8ber $$1 !us: =as as;ed =:at :ad 8ade :i8 decide to launc: t:e attac; no=? He
I t:in; =:at c:an9ed 83 8ind =as t:e e>ents t:at I cited in briefin9 t:e A8erican <eo<le on t:is
3esterda3" t:e deat: of t:e Marine1 t:e brutaliAin91 reall3 obscene torture of t:e Na>3 lieutenant1
and t:e t:reat of seEual abuse and t:e terror inflicted on t:at Na>3 lieutenant7s =ife???? Gfn )-H
Later in t:e sa8e <ress conference !us: obsessi>el3 returned to t:e sa8e to<ic1 t:is ti8e
ans=erin9 a @uestion about t:e So>iet reaction to t:e US 8o>e"
And I also need to let :i8 GGorbac:o>H ;no=-- loo;1 if an A8erican 8arine is ;illed1 if t:e3 ;ill
an A8erican Marine-- t:at7s real bad? And if t:e3 t:reaten and brutaliAe t:e =ife of an A8erican
citiAen1 seEuall3 t:reatenin9 t:e lieutenant7s =ife =:ile ;ic;in9 :i8 in t:e 9roin o>er and o>er
a9ain1 t:en1 Mr? Gorbac:o>1 <lease understand1 t:is <resident is 9oin9 to do so8et:in9 about it?F
!lac;s and 8estiAos 8a;e u< t:e >ast 8aBorit3 of t:e <o<ulation of %ana8a? T:e <rinci<al
ene83 i8a9e =as constructed around t:e fi9ure of Norie9a1 =:o =as ridiculed as Ft:e
<inea<<leF in t:e US 8edia lo3al to !us:? Norie9a =as not :o=e>er t:e onl3 tar9et"
rancisco Rodri9ueA1 t:e <ro-Norie9a %resident of %ana8a1 =as1 li;e Norie9a1 a 8estiAo1
=:ile t:e 8inister of 9o>ern8ent and Bustice1 t:e 8inister of t:e treasur31 and t:e 8inister
of labor =ere all blac;? T:e forei9n 8inister =as of C:inese bac;9round1 as =as t:e :ead
of t:e s8all air force? A nu8ber of Norie9a7s leadin9 %, collea9ues =ere blac;? !3
contrast1 Guiller8o Endara1 t:e ne= US <u<<et <resident =:o =as no= ad8iniustered :is
oat: of office b3 US 8ilitar3 officers on a US 8ilitar3 base1 =as =:ite1 and lil3-=:ite =as
:is retinue1 includin9 first >ice <resident Ricardo Arias Calderon and second >ice <resident
Guiller8o F!ill3F ord? T:ere =ould be onl3 one non-=:ite in t:e ne= Endara cabinet1 a
blac; =o8an =:o =as 8inister of education? T:e rest of t:e US assets belon9ed to t:e lil3-
=:ite oli9arc:3 of %ana8a1 t:e rabiblancos or Fcottontails1F =:o :ad ruled t:e countr3 =it:
su<re8e inco8<tence and 8aEi8u8 corru<tion until t:e ad>ent of t:e nationalist
re>olution of Gen? O8ar TorriBos1 Norie9a7s <atron1 in 12-/? Endara7s base =as a8on9 t:e
F!M* re>olutionariesF =:o :ad attended anti-Norie9a rallies onl3 in t:e confort of t:eir
air-conditioned li8ousines? T:ese =ere !us:7s ;ind of <eo<le? One of !us:7s soldatesca in
%ana8a1 General Marc Cisneros1 boasted t:at t:e %ana8anians Fneed to :a>e a little
infusion of An9lo >alues?F
T:e US 8ilitar3 o<erations1 =:ic: 9ot under =a3 Bust after 8idi9:t on Tuesda31 =ere
conducted =it: unusual ferocit3? T:e officers =ere obsessed =it: a>oidin9 a re<etition of
t:e fiasco of ,esert One on 12/51 or t:e fratricidal casualties of Grenada? Mad MaE
T:ur8an sent in t:e ne= Stealt: and A-. fi9:ter-bo8bers1 and AC-1' 9uns:i<s? T:e
nei9:bor:ood around Norie9a7s Co88andancia1 called El C:orillo1 =as bo8barded =it: a
>en9eance and >irtuall3 raAed1 as =as t:e =or;in9-class district of San Mi9uelito1 and lar9e
<arts of t:e cit3 of Colon? US co88anders :ad been instructed t:at !us: =is:ed to a>oid
US casualties at all costs1 and t:at an3 :ostile fire =as to be ans=ered b3 o>er=:el8in9 US
fire<o=er1 =it:out re9ard to t:e nu8ber of ci>ilian casualties t:at t:is 8i9:t <roduce
a8on9 t:e %ana8anians? Man3 of t:e %ana8anian ci>ilian dead =ere secretl3 buried in
un8ar;ed 8ass 9ra>es durin9 t:e dead of ni9:t b3 t:e US forcesC 8an3 ot:er bodies =ere
consu8ed in t:e :olocaust of fires t:at le>elled El C:orillo? T:e Institute of Seis8olo93
counted )1. bo8b bursts in %ana8a Cit3 alone durin9 t:e first 1) :ours of t:e US in>asion?
or 8an3 da3s t:ere =ere no US esti8ates of t:e ci>ilian dead 0or Fcollateral da8a9eF41
and e>entuall3 t:e !us: re9i8e set t:e deat: toll for %ana8anian non-co8battants at
sli9:tl3 o>er $55? In realit31 as EEecuti>e Intelli9ence Re>ie= and for8er US Attorne3
General Ra8sa3 Clar; <ointed out1 t:ere :ad been a<<roEi8atel3 +1555 innocent ci>ilian
>icti8s1 includin9 lar9e nu8bers of =o8en and c:ildren?
US forces rounded u< 151555 sus<ected <olitical o<<onents of Fde8ocrac3F and
incarcerated t:e8 in concentration ca8<s1 callin9 8an3 of t:e8 <risoners of =ar? Man3
<olitical <risoners =ere :eld for 8ont:s after t:e in>asion =it:out bein9 c:ar9ed =it: an3
s<ecific offense1 a clear >iolation of t:e nor8s of :abeas cor<us? T:e co8bined econo8ic
de>astation caused b3 '5 8ont:s of US sanctions and econo8ic =arfare1 <lus t:e results of
bo8bard8ents1 firefi9:ts1 and torc:in9s1 :ad ta;en an esti8ated I. billion out of t:e
%ana8anian econo831 in =:ic: se>ere <o>ert3 =as t:e lot of 8ost of t:e <o<ulation a<art
fro8 t:e rabiblanco ban;ers t:at =ere t:e 8ain su<<ort for !us:7s inter>ention? T:e
bo8bin9 left 1+1555 :o8eless? T:e Endara 9o>ern8ent <ur9ed se>eral t:ousand
9o>ern8ent officials and ci>il ser>ants under t:e <reteEt t:at t:e3 :ad been tainted b3 t:eir
association =it: Norie9a? Ironicall31 t:e ne= US <u<<et re9i8e could onl3 be described as
a con9eries of dru9 <us:ers and dru9 8one3 launderers? T:e 8ost succinct su88ar3 =as
<ro>ided b3 t:e International Herald Tribune on ebruar3 .1 12251 =:ic: re<orted" FT:e
nation7s ne= %resident Guiller8o Endara :as for 3ears been a director of one of t:e
%ana8anian ban;s used b3 Colo8bia7s dru9 traffic;ers? Guiller8o ord1 t:e second >ice
<resident and c:air8an of t:e ban;in9 co88ission1 is a <art o=ner of t:e ,adeland !an;
of lorida1 =:ic: =as na8ed in a court case t=o 3ears a9o as a central financial institution
for one of t:e bi99est Medellin 8one3-launderers1 GonAalo Mora? Ro9elio CruA1 t:e ne=
Attorne3 General1 :as been a director of t:e irst Intera8ericas !an;1 o=ned b3 Rodr9ueA
OreBuela1 one of t:e bosses of t:e Cali Cartel 9an9 in Colo8bia?F T:e <ortl3 Endara =as
also t:e business <artner and cor<orate attorne3 of Carlos Eleta Al8aran1 t:e CIA ba98an
alread3 8entioned? Eleta Al8aran1 t:e o=ner of t:e %ana8anian branc: of %:ili< Morris
tobacco =as arrai9ned in !ibb Count31 Geor9ia b3 ,EA officials =:o accused :i8 of
cons<irac3 to i8<ort -55 ;ilos of cocaine <er 8ont: into t:e US1 and to set u< du883
cor<orations to launder t:e esti8ated I'55 8illion in <rofits t:is <roBect =as eE<ected to
<roduce? Eleta =as first freed on I/ 8illion bailC after t:e FsuccessfulF US in>asion of
%ana8a1 all c:ar9es a9ainst :i8 =ere ordered dro<<ed b3 !us: and T:ornbur9:? !us:7s
:eart :ad 9one out in :is ,ece8ber $1 =ar s<eec: es<eciall3 to dru9 <us:er !ill3 ord"
F(ou re8e8ber t:ose :orrible <ictures of ne=l3 elected 6ice %resident ord co>ered :ead
to toe =it: blood1 beaten 8ercilessl3 b3 so-called 7di9nit3 battalions?7F !us:1 it =ould
a<<ear1 :as ne>er =anted to beat u< a dru9 <us:er?
As for Endara7s first >ice <resident1 Ricardo Arias Calderon1 :is brot:er1 &ai8e Arias
Calderon1 =as <resident of t:e irst Intera8ericas ban; =:en t:at ban; =as controlled b3
t:e Cali cartel? &ai8e Arias Calderon =as also t:e co-o=ner of t:e !anco Continental1
=:ic: laundered I)5 8illion in dru9 8one31 <art of =:ic: =as used to finance t:e acti>ities
of t:e anti-Norie9a o<<osition? T:us1 all of !us:7s 8ost i8<ortant ne=l3- installed <u<<ets
=ere i8<licated in dru9 dealin9?
T:e in>asion <resented so8e >er3 difficult 8o8ents for !us:? ro8 t:e be9innin9 of t:e
o<eration late on ,ece8ber $51 until C:rist8as e>e1 t:e i8<osin9 US 8artial a<<aratus :ad
<ro>en inca<able of locatin9 and ca<turin9 Norie9a? T:e US Sout:ern Co88and =as
terroriAed =:en a fe= Norie9a lo3alists launc:ed a sur<rise attac; on US :ead@uarters =it:
8ortars1 scatterin9 t:e 8edia <ersonnel =:o :ad been 9rindin9 out t:eir <ro<a9anda?
T:ere =as 9reat fear t:rou9: t:e US co88and t:at Norie9a :ad successfull3 i8<le8ented
a <lan for t:e %, to 8elt a=a3 to ar8s cas:es and secret bases in t:e %ana8anian Bun9le
for a <rolon9ed 9uerilla =arfare effort? As it turned out1 Norie9a :ad failed to 9i>e t:e order
to dis<erse? T:e reason for t:is is 8ost instructi>e" Norie9a :ad eE<ected a US 8o>e1 but
refused to credit t:e o>er=:el8in9 e>idence t:at t:e US =as launc:in9 a full-scale
in>asion for t:e <ur<ose of co8<letel3 dis8antlin9 t:e %, and occu<3in9 t:e totalit3 of
%ana8anian territor3? Norie9a re8ained con>inced until >er3 late in t:e da3 t:at US
a99ression =ould be li8ited to a co88ando raid de>oted <ri8aril3 to t:e ;idna<<in9 or
assassination of Norie9a and a fe= to< lieutenants? In t:is1 Norie9a Boins t:e co8<an3 of
t:e S:a: of Iran1 %resident Marcos of t:e %:ili<<ines1 and Sadda8 Hussein of Ira@1 all of
=:o8 =ere unable to fat:o8 t:e true eEtent of t:e US co88itt8ent to to<<le t:eir re9i8es
0or1 in t:e case of Ira@1 la3 =aste to 8uc: of t:e countr34? T:is is t:e <rinci<al reason =:3
t:e %, failed to eEecute its <lan to dis<erse and re9rou< in t:e Bun9le?
As C:rist8as e>e a<<roac:ed1 and Norie9a still :ad not been eli8inated1 a =:inin9 :3steria
increasin9l3 colored !us:7s <ublic <ronounce8ents? In :is <ress conference of ,ece8ber
$$1 !us: =as tre8endousl3 a9itated1 and o<ened t:e <roceedin9s b3 co8<lainin9" FI :a>e a
brief <ress state8ent1 to be follo=ed b3 a brief <ress conference because I :a>e a <ain in
t:e nec;? Seriousl3?F !us: refused to discuss t:e details of t:is <ain? *as it a s38<to8 of
t:e t:r3oid condition t:at =as dia9nosed in earl3 Ma3 of 1221D T:at is difficult to
deter8ine1 but t:ere =as no 8ista;in9 !us:7s :3<ert:3roid 8ood? His res<onse to t:e
ine>itable first @uestion about trac;in9 do=n t:e de8oniAed Norie9a"
I7>e been frustrated t:at :e7s been in <o=er t:is lon9-- eEtraordinaril3 frustrated? T:e 9ood ne=s"
:e7s out of <o=er? T:e bad ne=s" :e :as not 3et been brou9:t to Bustice? So I7d :a>e to sa31 t:ere is
a certain le>el of frustration on t:is account? T:e 9ood ne=s1 t:ou9:? is t:at t:e 9o>ern8ent7s
be9innin9 to function1 and t:e 8an controls no forces1 and :e7s out? !ut1 3es1 I =on7t be satisfied
until =e see :i8 co8e to Bustice?
Norie9a =as irrele>ant1 !us: tried to su99est1 since :is 9o>ern8ent and ar83 :ad bot:
ceased to eEist1 but !us: lac;ed con>iction? He feared a lon9 C:rist8as da3 s<ent b3 at
:o8e b3 /5 8illion fa8ilies1 =it: no ne=s eEce<t t:e football scores and t:e 8ortified
consternation of t:e US re9i8e Norie9a :ad 8ana9ed to elude? T:en1 on t:e e>enin9 of
,ece8ber $)1 it =as re<orted t:at Norie9a1 ar8ed =it: an UAi 8ac:ine 9un1 :ad 8ade :is
=a3 unc:allen9ed and undetected to t:e %a<al Nunciatura in %ana8a Cit3 =:ere :e :ad
as;ed for and obtained <olitical as3lu8? T:ere are no re<orts of :o= far Geor9e !us:
9na=ed into t:e *:ite House !i9elo=s u<on :earin9 t:at ne=s1 but it is clear t:at t:ere
=as i8<ortant da8a9e to t:e dee< <ile in t:e O>al Office?
T:e standoff t:at t:en de>elo<ed enca<sulated t:e :ereditar3 =ar of t:e !us: fa8il3 =it:
t:e Hol3 See and t:e Ro8an Cat:olic C:urc:? or ei9:t da3s1 US troo<s surrounded t:e
Nunciatura1 =:ic: t:e3 <roceeded to bo8bard =it: deafenin9 decibels of eE<licitl3 satanic
:ea>3 8etal and ot:er :ard roc; 8usic1 =:ic: accordin9 to so8e re<orts :ad been
<ersonall3 c:osen b3 8ad MaE T:ur8an in order to Funner>e Norie9a and t:e Nuncio1F
Monsi9nor La!oa? Norie9a =as re<uted to be an o<era lo>er?
At t:e sa8e ti8e1 !us: ordered t:e State ,e<art8ent to carr3 out real acts of t:u99er3 in
8a;in9 t:reatenin9 re<resentations to t:e Hol3 See? It beca8e clear t:at Ro8an Cat:olic
<riests1 nuns1 8on;s and <relates =ould soon be in dan9er in 8an3 countries of Ibero-
A8erica? Ne>ert:eless1 t:e 6atican declined to eE<el Norie9a fro8 t:e Nunciatura in
accordance =it: US de8ands? !us:7s forces in %ana8a :ad s:o=n t:e3 =ere read3 to <la3
fast and loose =it: di<lo8atic i88unit3? A nu8ber of forei9n e8bassies =ere bro;en into
b3 US troo<s =:ile t:e3 =ere franticall3 searc:in9 for Norie9a1 and t:e Cuban and
Nicara9uan E8bassies =ere rin9ed =it: tan;s and troo<s in a :a8-:anded 9esture of
inti8idation? It is clear t:at in t:is conteEt1 !us: conte8<lated t:e stor8in9 of t:e
Nunciatura b3 US forces? %er:a<s :e =as deterred b3 t:e =orld=ide <olitical conse@uences
:e =ould :a>e faced? *:en t:e Ger8an *e:r8ac:t occu<ied Ro8e durin9 t:e =ar 3ears
of 12)'-))1 Hitler :ad ne>er dared to order an incursion into t:e so>erei9n territor3 of t:e
6atican? Could !us: face t:e o<<robriu8 of :a>in9 ordered =:at Hitler :i8self :ad ruled
outD At t:is <oint1 !us:7s cri8inal ener93 failed :i81 and :e :ad to loo; for ot:er o<tions?
T:ese =ere difficult da3s for !us:? On ,ece8ber $.1 :e 9a>e anot:er <ress conference
durin9 =:ic: :e =as as;ed"
L" ,o 3ou fear t:at Mr? Norie9a 8i9:t disclose an3 CIA infor8ation t:at could e8barrass 3ou or
t:e 9o>ern8entD
L" Not:in9 =:atsoe>erD
!us:" I don7t t:in; so? I t:in; t:at7s :istor3 and I t:in; t:at t:e 8ain t:in9 is t:at :e s:ould be tried
and brou9:t to Bustice and =e are <ursuin9 t:at course =it: no fear of t:at? (ou ;no=1 =e 8a3 9et
into so8e release of certain confidential docu8ents1 t:at :e 8a3 tr3 to blind side t:e =:ole Bustice
<rocess1 but t:e s3ste8 =or;s1 so I =ouldn7t =orr3 about t:at?
L" *ould 3ou o<en u< an3 docu8ents t:at :e 8i9:t re@uest so t:at t:ere7d be no @uestion as t:ere
:as been in ot:er casesD
!us:" T:ere =ould be enou9: to see t:at :e7s 9i>en a totall3 fair trial?
Ne= (ear7s ,a3 =as eEcruciatin9 for !us:1 since t:is =as anot:er :olida3 s<ent at :o8e
=it: football scores 3eildin9 onl3 to s<eculation on :o= lon9 Norie9a =ould elude !us:7s
le9ions? T:e 8anifest refusal of t:e 6atican to eE<el Norie9a see8ed to de<ri>e !us:7s
a99ression of its entire 8oral Bustification" if Norie9a =as =:at !us: clai8ed1 =:3 did t:e
%o<e &o:n %aul II decline to :onor t:e i8<erati>e US de8and for custod3D *:ile !us:
s@uir8ed in a9on3 =aitin9 for t:e Rose !o=l to end1 :e be9an to t:in; once a9ain of
%eo<le %o=er?
In %ana8a Cit31 t:e Endara-ord-Arias Calderon forces 8obiliAed t:eir !M* base and
:ired :undreds of t:ose =:o :ad not:in9 to eat for 8ilitant de8onstrations outside of t:e
Nunciatura? T:ese =ere liberall3 seeded =it: US s<ecial forces and ot:er co88andos in
ci>ilian clot:es? As t:e de8onstrations 9re= 8ore 8enacin91 and t:e US troo<s and tan;s
8ade no 8o>e to restrain t:e81 it =as clear t:at t:e US forces =ere <re<arin9 to sta9e a
>iolent but Fs<ontaneousF assault b3 t:e 8asses on t:e Nunciatura t:at =ould include t:e
assassination of Norie9a and t:e s8all 9rou< of :is co-=or;ers =:o :ad acco8<anied :i8
into t:at buildin9? At about t:is ti8e Ms9r? Laboa =arned Norie9a1 F3ou could be l3nc:ed
li;e Mussolini?F Norie9a a<<ears to :a>e concluded t:at re8ainin9 in t:e Nunciatura 8eant
certain deat: for :i8self and :is subordinates at t:e :ands of t:e US co88andos o<eratin9
under t:e co>er of t:e 8ob? La!oa and t:e ot:er reli9ious on t:e staff of t:e Nunciatura
=ould also be in 9ra>e dan9er? On &anuar3 '1 12251 after t:an;in9 La!oa and 9i>in9 :i8 a
letter to t:e %o<e1 Norie9a1 dressed in :is 9eneral7s unifor81 left t:e Nunciatura and
surrendered to Gen? Cisneros?
In !us:7s s<eec: of ,ece8ber $5 :e :ad offered t:e follo=in9 Bustification for :is act of
=ar1 O<eration &ust Cause"
T:e 9oals of t:e United States :a>e been to safe9uard t:e li>es of A8ericans1 to defend
de8ocrac3 in %ana8a1 to co8bat dru9 traffic;in91 and to <rotect t:e inte9rit3 of t:e %ana8a Canal
If t:ese =ere t:e 9oals1 t:en !us:7s in>asion of %ana8a 8ust be counted not onl3 a cri8e1
but also a failure?
On A<ril +1 12211 ne=s<a<ers all o>er Latin A8erican carried details of a ne= re<ort b3
t:e US ,ru9 Enfocre8ent Ad8inistration confir8in9 t:at t:e US-installed <u<<et <resident
of %ana8a1 Guiller8o Endara1 :ad been an officer of at least siE co8<anies =:ic: :ad been
de8onstrabl3 i8<licated in launderin9 dru9 8one3? T:ese =ere t:e !anco General1 t:e
!anco de Colo8bia1 t:e Union !an; of S=itAerland1 t:e !anco Ale8an1 t:e %ri8er !anco
de A:orros1 Suda8eris1 !anaico1 and t:e !anco del Ist8o? T:e 8one3 laundered ca8e
fro8 a dru9 s8u99lin9 rin9 :eaded u< b3 Au9usto alcon and Sa:>ador Ma9luta of
Colo8bia1 =:o are re<orted to :a>e s8u99led an a>era9e of one ton of cocaine <er 8ont:
into lorida durin9 t:e decade 12..-/.1 includin9 8an3 of t:e 3ears durin9 =:ic: !us:7s
8uc:-touted Sout: lorida Tas; orce and related o<erations =ere in o<eration?
*it: t:e <u<<et <resident so :ea>il3 i8<licated in t:e acti>it3 of t:e international dru9
8afia1 it can be no sur<rise t:at t:e <la9ue of ille9al dru9s :as 8ar;edl3 =orsened in t:e
=a;e of !us:7s in>asion? Accordin9 to t:e London Inde<endent of Marc: +1 12211
Fstatistics no= indicate t:at since General Norie9a7s de<arture1 cocaine traffic;in9 :as1 in
fact1 <ros<eredF in t:e countr3? On Marc: 11 t:e State ,e<art8ent :ad conceded t:at t:e
turno>er of dru9 8one3 laundered in %ana8a :ad at least re9ained t:e le>els attained
before t:e 12/2 in>asion? Accordin9 to t:e Los An9eles Ti8es of A<ril $/1 12211 current
le>els of dru9 traffic;in9 in %ana8a Fin so8e cases eEceedF =:at eEisted before t:e
,ece8ber $5 in>asion1 and US officials Fsa3 t:e trend is s:ar<l3 u<=ard and includes
serious 8o>e8ents b3 t:e Colo8bian cartels into areas lar9el3 i9nored under Norie9a?F
T:is =as all real dru9 acti>it31 and not t:e corn8eal ta8ales =ra<<ed in banana lea>es t:at
!us:7s 8ind =ar eE<erts found in one of Norie9a7s residences and labelled as FcocaineF
durin9 t:e in>asion?
!us:7s in>asion of %ana8a :as done not:in9 to fi9:t t:e scour9e of ille9al narcotics?
Rat:er1 t:e fact t:at so 8an3 of !us:7s :and-<ic;ed <u<<ets can be s:o=n to be to< fi9ures
in t:e dru9 8afia su99ests t:at dru9 traffic;in9 t:rou9: %ana8a to=ards t:e United States
:as increased after t:e ouster of Norie9a? If dru9 s:i<8ents to t:e United States :a>e
increased1 t:is eE<oses !us:7s <led9e to F<rotect t:e li>es of A8ericansF as a lie?
As far as t:e <ro8ise of de8ocrac3 is concerned1 it 8ust be stressed t:at %ana8a :as
re8ained under direct US 8ilitar3 dictators:i< and >irtual 8artial la= until t:is =ritin9 in
t:e late autu8n of 12211 t=o 3ears after !us:7s ad>enture =as launc:ed? T:e con9ressional
and local elections t:at =ere conducted durin9 earl3 1221 =ere t:orou9:l3 orc:estrated b3
t:e US occu<ation forces? Ar83 intelli9ence units interro9ated <otential >oters1 and
8edical battalions :anded out >accines and 8edicines to urban and rural <o<ulations to
encoura9e t:e8 to >ote? E>er3 i8<ortant official in t:e %ana8anian 9o>ern8ent fro8
Endara on do=n :as US 8ilitar3 Fliasion officersF assi9ned on a <er8anent basis? T:ese
officers are fro8 t:e ,efense ,e<art8ent7s Ci>ic Action-Countr3 Area Tea8 0or CA-CAT41
a counterinsur9enc3 and Fnation buildin9F a<<aratus t:at <arallels t:e Fci>ic actionF tea8s
unleas:ed durin9 t:e 6ietna8 =ar? CA-CAT officers su<er>ise all 9o>ern8ent 8inistries
and e>en su<er>ise <olice <recincts in %ana8a Cit3? T:e %ana8anian ,efense orces :a>e
been dissol>ed1 and t:e CA-CAT officers are busil3 creatin9 a ne= constabular31 t:e uerAa
%ublica? ,urin9 ,ece8ber 1225 and &anuar3 12211 as t:e US-led coalition =as about to
launc: its attac;s into Ira@1 lar9e-scale 8ilitar3 de8onstrations =ere sta9ed b3 t:e US
forces in t:e <ro>inces of C:iri@ui1 !ocas del Toro1 %ana8a1 and Colon for t:e <ur<ose of
inti8idatin9 t:e lar9e Arab <o<ulations of t:ese areas1 =:ic: t:e US sus<ected of
s38<at:iAin9 =it: Ira@? Radio stations and ne=s<a<ers =:ic: s<o;e out a9ainst t:e US
in>asion or criticiAed t:e <u<<et re9i8e =ere Bailed or inti8idated1 as in t:e case of t:e
<ublis:er Escolastico Cal>o1 =:o =as :eld in concentration ca8<s and Bails for so8e
8ont:s after t:e in>asion =it:out an arrest =arrant and =it:out s<ecific c:ar9es? Trade
union ri9:ts are non-eEistent" after a de8onstration b3 1551555 <ersons in ,ece8ber1 1225
:ad <rotested 9ro=in9 une8<lo38ent and Endara7s <lans to F<ri>atiAeF t:e state sector b3
sellin9 it off for a son9 to t:e rabiblanco ban;ers1 all of t:e labor leaders =:o :ad or9aniAed
t:e 8arc: =ere fired fro8 t:eir Bobs1 and arrest =arrants =ere issued a9ainst 155 union
officials b3 t:e 9o>ern8ent? !ut e>en t:e <er>asi>e 8ilitar3 <resence :as not been
sufficient to re- establis: stabilit3 in %ana8a" on ,ece8ber +1 12251 :ea>il3 ar8ed US
forces =ere sent into t:e streets of %ana8a Cit3 to deter a cou< d7etat t:at =as alle9edl3
bein9 <re<ared b3 Eduardo Herrera1 t:e for8er c:ief of <olice? As t:e <o<ularit3 of F%or;3F
Endara =anes1 t:ere are si9ns t:at t:e !us: State ,e<art8ent is 9roo8in9 a <ossible
successor in Gabriel Le=is Galindo1 t:e o=ner of t:e !anco del Ist8o1 one of t:e ban;s
in>ol>ed in dru9 8one3 launderin9?
In t:e =a;e of !us:7s in>asion1 t:e econo83 of %ana8a :as not been rebuilt1 but :as rat:er
colla<sed furt:er into i88iseration? T:e !us: ad8inistration :as set as t:e first i8<erati>e
for t:e <u<<et re9i8e t:e 8aintenance of debt ser>ice on %ana8a7s I- billion in
international debt? ,ebt ser>ice <a38ents ta;e <recedence o>er s<endin9 on <ublic =or;s1
<ublic :ealt:1 and all ot:er cate9ories? !us: :ad <ro8ised %ana8a I$ billion for <ost-
in>asion reconstruction1 but :e later reduced t:is to I1 billion? *:at =as finall3
fort:co8in9 =as Bust I)-5 8illion1 8ost of =:ic: =as si8<l3 transferred to t:e *all Street
ban;s in order to defra3 t:e debt ser>ice o=ed b3 %ana8a? T:e fi9ure of I)-5 scarcel3
eEceeds t:e I)55 in %ana8anian :oldin9s t:at =ere su<<osedl3 froAen b3 t:e US durin9 t:e
<eriod of econo8ic =arfare a9ain8st Norie9a1 but =:ic: =ere t:en 9i>en to t:e Ne= (or;
ban;s1 also for debt ser>ice <a38ents?
As far as t:e inte9rit3 of t:e %ana8a Canal Treat3 si9ned b3 TorriBos and Carter1 and
ratified b3 t:e US Senate is concerned1 a resolution co-s<onsored b3 Re<ublican Senator
!ob ,ole of #ansas and GO% Con9ress8an %:il Crane of Illinois is currentl3 before t:e
Con9ress =:ic: calls on !us: to rene9otiate t:e treat3 so as to allo= US 8ilitar3 forces to
re8ain in %ana8a be3ond t:e current deadline of ,ece8ber '11 1222? Since no
%ana8anian 9o>ern8ent could re-o<en ne9otiations on t:e treat3 and sur>i>e1 t:is strate931
=:ic: a<<ears to enBo3 t:e su<<ort of t:e !us: *:ite House1 i8<lies a US 8ilitar3
occu<ation of not Bust t:e old Canal Jone1 but of all of %ana8a1 for t:e entire foreseeable
T:us1 on e>er3 <oint enu8erated b3 !us: as basic to :is <olic3-- t:e li>es of A8ericans1
%ana8anian de8ocrac31 anti-dru9 o<erations1 and t:e inte9rit3 of t:e treat3-- !us: :as
obtained a fiasco? !us:7s in>asion of %ana8a =ill stand as a c:a<ter of s:a8e and infa83
in t:e recent :istor3 of t:e United States?
As t:is boo; 9oes to <ress1 t:e <rosecution is <resentin9 its case in t:e trial of Gen? Norie9a
in Mia8i1 lorida? T:ese <roceedin9s :a>e been a s:oc;in9 de8onstration of t:e
<oliticall3-8oti>ated1 <olice-state fra8eu<s t:at are no= t:e rule in US courts? Norie9a =as
brou9:t into t:e United States t:rou9: a >iolent eEercise in international ;idna<<in9? In an3
case1 Norie9a7s undeniable status as a <risoner of =ar 8eans t:at under t:e Gene>a
Con>ention :e cannot be :eld cri8inall3 res<onsible in a United States court for actions
t:at antedate t:e o<enin9 of :ostilities bet=een t:e United States and %ana8a? T:ese
o>erarc:in9 considerations set t:e sta9e for a series of scandalous abuses =it:in t:e
fra8e=or; of t:e trial itself? As a result of t:e !us: re9i8e7s F8ind =arF conducted in
coo<eration =it: t:e controlled ne=s 8edia1 it is clear t:at Norie9a cannot recei>e a fair
trial an3=:ere in t:e United States1 because of t:e i8<ossibilit3 of findin9 an i8<artial
Bur3? ,urin9 t:e ti8e t:at Norie9a =as <re<arin9 :is defense1 t:e US ,e<art8ent of &ustice
and t:e !I >iolated t:e ri9:ts of t:e defendant under t:e SiEt: A8end8ent b3 ta<<in9 and
ta<in9 :is con>ersations =it: :is defense la=3ers? Attorne3 Ra38ond Ta;iff :ad been
retained b3 Norie9a as a la=3er at t:e sa8e ti8e t:at :e =as =or;in9 for t:e US
,e<art8ent of &ustice as a secret infor8ant in underco>er stin9 o<erations? In :is
outra9eousl3 <olitical <re-trial o<inions1 US ,istrict &ud9e *illia8 Hoe>eler barred all
references to Norie9a7s dealin9s =it: CIA ,irector and 6ice %resident Geor9e !us:1 rulin9
t:at t:e Norie9a-!us: relation =as irrele>ant to t:e US 9o>ern8ent7s c:ar9e t:at Norie9a
=as <art of dru9 s8u99lin9 into t:e United States? Hoe>eler7s <re-trial rulin9 a8ounts to a
ban on discussion of =ron9doin9 b3 t:e US 9o>ern8ent? T:is 9uts Norie9a7s defense1
=:ic: is t:at US a9encies1 and not Norie9a1 =ere res<onsible for t:e i8<ortation of ille9al
narcotics into t:e United States as an inte9ral <art of t:e US 9o>ern8ent7s <olic3 of
su<<ortin9 t:e Nicara9uan contras1 and t:at t:e US 9o>ern8ent fabricated t:e ebruar31
12// indict8ents a9ainst Norie9a as <art of a <olitical strate93 to o>ert:ro= :i8 because
:e refused to Boin t:e US in su<<ortin9 t:e contras?
T:e <arade of 9o>ern8ent =itnesses a9ainst Norie9a includes t:e usual ro9ue7s 9aller3 of
<rofessional <erBurers fro8 t:e ederal *itness %rotection %ro9ra8? T:ose testif3in9
a9ainst Norie9a are1 al8ost =it:out eEce<tion1 felons at t:e 8erc3 of t:e US 9o>ern8ent1
8an3 of =:o8 :a>e concluded <lea bar9ains =it: federal <rosecutors in =:ic: t:e3 :a>e
been treated 8ore lenientl3 in eEc:an9e for t:eir =illin9ness to testif3 a9ainst Norie9a?
T:ese <rofessional =itnesses constitute a <:alanE of CIA strin9ers and ot:er 8ercenaries of
t:e <erBur3 =ars =:o :a>e recei>ed total <a38ents of US taE<a3ers7 8one3 esti8ated
an3=:ere bet=een I1?+ 8illion and I- 8illion? T:e u<;ee< of t:is stable of =itnesses and
ot:er eEorbitant court costs are not bein9 defra3ed b3 t:e !us: <residential ca8<ai9n nor
b3 !us: <ersonall31 des<ite t:e fact t:at t:e 8ain <ur<ose of t:e <roceedin9s is to
retroacti>el3 >alidate !us:7s atrocit3 of ,ece8ber1 12/21 and to contribute to :is efforts at
self-9lorification for re-election in 122$? &ud9e Hoe>eler :as abro9ated t:e usual rules of
e>idence1 ad8ittin9 :earsa3 re<orts on Norie9a7s acti>ities fro8 celebrit3 felons li;e Carlos
Le:der =:o :a>e ne>er 8et nor s<o;en =it: Norie9a? ,es<ite t:is un<recedented
8obiliAation of t:e <olice state a<<aratus1 ne=s 8edia li;e US Ne=s and *orld Re<ort of
Se<te8ber $'1 1221 :a>e conceded t:at t:e &ustice ,e<art8ent case a9ainst Norie9a is
Fs:oc;in9l3 =ea;1F and le9al eE<erts not friendl3 to Norie9a :a>e asserted t:at t:e first
8ont: of t:e <rosecution case :ad utterl3 failed to <ro>ide con>incin9 e>idence of an3
>iolations of US la= b3 Norie9a?
!us:7s <erfor8ance durin9 t:e %ana8a crisis =as es<eciall3 o8inous because of t:e
<resident7s clearl3 e8er9in9 8ental i8balance? Se>eral outbursts durin9 t:e Norie9a <ress
conferences :ad rese8bled 9enuine <ublic fits? Racist and seEual obsessions =ere reac:in9
critical 8ass in !us:7s subconscious? T:ese 9ross <:eno8ena did not recei>e t:e attention
t:e3 =ould :a>e 8erited fro8 Bournalists1 tele>ision co88entators1 and <undits1 =:o rat:er
<referred studiousl3 to i9nore t:e8?
It =as durin9 t:ese =anin9 da3s of 12/2 t:at !us:7s 8ental disinte9ration beca8e
un8ista;eable1 fores:ado=in9 t:e 9reater furors 3et to co8e?
1? *as:in9ton %ost1 &anuar3 $11 1221?
$? E>ans and No>a;1 FA Note ro8 Saddle Ri>er1F *as:in9ton %ost1 A<ril 151 12/2?
'? or u;u3a8a7s FEnd of Histor31F see T:e National Interest1 Su88er1 12/21 and Henr3 Allen1 FT:e End?
Or Is ItDF1 *as:in9ton %ost1 Se<te8ber $.1 12/2?
)? *as:in9ton %ost1 ,ece8ber /1 12//
+? *as:in9ton %ost1 A<ril 1.1 12/2
-? See &ac; Anderson and ,ale 6an Atta1 FAnot:er Test of Lo3alt3 and Standards1F *as:in9ton %ost1 A<ril
$-1 12/2 and FO>erseas S<oils for GO% Lo3alists1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Se<te8ber $$1 12/2C and Ann
,e>ro31 F!us: A8bassadorial No8ination in Li8bo1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Se<te8ber 1$1 12/2?
.? FOff on t:e *ron9 oot" Gra3 ta;es on !a;er1F Ne=s=ee;1 A<ril 151 12/2?
/? F!us:7s Eart:l3 %ursuits1F *as:in9ton %ost1 No>e8ber 1/1 12//?
2? See t:e transcri<t of !us:7s state8ent and ne=s conference1 *as:in9ton %ost1 ebruar3 .1 12/2C F*it:
Si9ns and Cere8on31 SNL !ailout !e9ins1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust 151 12/2C and F!us:" SNLs Ma3
Need More Hel<1F *as:in9ton %ost1 ,ece8ber 1$1 12/2?
15? F!us: !ac;s Increase in IM unds1F *as:in9ton %ost1 No>e8ber $'1 12/2?
11? F%resident ,efends %ace of Ad8inistration1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Marc: /1 12/2?
1$? See House ,e8ocratic Stud3 Grou<1 S<ecial Re<ort No? 151-)+1 FLe9islation 6etoed b3 t:e %resident1F
<? /'?
1'? *as:in9ton %ost1 A<ril $21 12251 <? 1?
1)? &o:n M? !arr31 T:e A8bition and t:e %o=er1 0Ne= (or;" 6i;in9 %ress1 12/241 <<? -$1--$$?
1+? !arr31 T:e A8bition and t:e %o=er1 <? -)$?
1-? F!us:" T:e Secret %residenc31F Ne=s=ee;1 &anuar3 11 1225?
1.? FTranscri<t of %resident !us:7s %ress Conference1F *as:in9ton %ost1 &une 21 12/2?
1/? !us: <ress conference1 *as:in9ton %ost1 ,ece8ber $$1 12/2?
12? FManue>erin9 Mar;s E>e of 7Education Su88it7F1 *as:in9ton %ost1 Se<te8ber $.1 12/2?
$5? #e>in %:illi<s1 FGeor9e !us: and Con9ress-- !rain-,ead %olitics of 7/21F *as:in9ton %ost1 October 11
$1? Ti8e1 October $'1 12/2?
$$? F!us: Attac;s Critics of Res<onse to Cou<1F *as:in9ton %ost1 October 1)1 12/2?
$'? Con9ressional Record1 +/t: Con9ress1 'd session1 <? 12?
$)? See F%olice State and Global Gendar8e" T:e United States under t:e T:ornbur9: ,octrine1F A8erican
Le>iat:an1 <<? -1-15$?
$+? #ennet: &? &ones1 T:e Ene83 *it:in1 0Cali1 Colo8bia" Car>aBal1 122541 <? $$?
$-? rederic; #e8<e1 FT:e Norie9a iles1F Ne=s=ee;1 &anuar3 1+1 1225?
$.? #e8<e1 FT:e Norie9a iles1F <? 12?
$/? ran; A? Rubino Es@? and &on A? Ma31 Es@?1 Classified Infor8ation %rocedures Act Sub8ission in
United States of A8erica >s? General 8anuel A? Norie9a1 United States ,istrict Court1 Sout:ern ,istrict of
lorida1 Case No? /2-.2-CR-HOE6ELER1 Marc: 1/1 12211 :ereafter cited as Norie9a CI%A <roffer?
$2? F!us: Returned Norie9a to %a3roll1 Turner Sa3s1F *as:in9ton %ost1 October 11 12//?
'5? Mi;e !lair1 FMossad Silent %artner1F T:e S<otli9:t1 Ma3 1'1 1221?
'1? Norie9a CI%A <roffer1 <? /$?
'$? #e8<e1 FT:e Norie9a iles1F <? $'?
''? Norie9a CI%A <roffer1 <? +$?
')? Norie9a CI%A <roffer1 <? +)-++?
'+? FT:e !us:-Norie9a Relations:i<1F Ne=s=ee;1 &anuar3 1+1 12251 <<? 1--1.1 includin9 t:e <:oto of t:e
!us:-Norie9a 8eetin9?
'-? F%ana8a" Atrocities of t:e 7!i9 Stic;17F in A8erican Le>iat:an" Ad8inistrati>e ascis8 under t:e !us:
Re9i8e1 0*iesbaden" EIR Ne=s Ser>ice1 122541 <<? '2-)5?
'.? or Gre997s testi8on3 on !us:-Norie9a relations1 see FTesti8on3 on !us: Meetin9 *it: %ana8a
A8bassador1F Ne= (or; Ti8es1 Ma3 $11 12//?
'/? FF!us: Aide In>o;es EEecuti>e %ri>ile9e1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Ma3 $51 12//?
'2? A8erican Le>iat:an1 <<? )1-)$?
)5? FEE-!us: Aide Is Said to Ha>e Ad>ised Norie9a1F *as:in9ton %ost1 &anuar3 $$1 12/2?
)1? F!us: %resses to Cut Off Tal;s =it: Norie9a1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Ma3 $51 12//?
)$? !ob *ood=ard1 T:e Co88anders1 0Ne= (or;" Si8on and S:uster1 122141 <? /2?
)'? See Fact S:eet on t:e US In>asion of %ana8a1F A8erican Le>iat:an1 <? )-?
))? T:e Co88anders1 <? 1-1?
)+? TeEt of %resident !us:7s Address1 *as:in9ton %ost1 ,ece8ber $11 12/2?
)-? TeEt of !us: <ress conference1 *as:in9ton %ost1 ,ece8ber $$1 12/2?
C:a<ter -MMI6- T:e Ne= *orld Order
Ro8a ca<ut 8undi re9it orbis frena rotundi
0Ro8e1 t:e c:ief of t:e =orld1 :old t:e reins of t:is round orb?4 Inscri<tion on t:e i8<erial cro=n of
,urin9 late 12/2 and 12251 Geor9e !us: tra>ersed a decisi>e =aters:ed in :is <olitical
career and in :is o=n <ersonal 8ental life? U< until t:is transition1 !us: :ad atte8<ted to
secure ad>ance8ent t:rou9: an attitude of deference and <ro<itiation1 curr3in9 fa>or =it: a
series of <oliticians and <o=er bro;ers =:o8 :e des<ised as :is social inferiors1 and =:o8
:e ne>er :esitated to stab in t:e bac; once :e 9ot t:e c:ance to do so? T:is =as t:e old
du<licitious F:a>e :alfF <ersona of :is earl3 c:ild:ood? ,urin9 t:e lon9 3ears of !us:7s
@uest for t:e >ice <residenc31 and durin9 t:e ei9:t lon9 3ears of :is tenure in t:at office1 t:e
<ublic face of !us: =as t:at of do9-li;e fidelit3 and Rea9anite ort:odoE3? ,urin9 t:ese
3ears !us: eE:ibited t:e sa8e relati>e co9niti>e i8<air8ent =:ic: :e :ad eE:ibited since
:is Ando>er da3s? On t:e surface1 :e =as a to<-le>el bureuacratic functionar3 of t:e US
<olice state1 s:arin9 t:e 8oral insanit3 of t:e <olic3 co88itt8ents of t:e 9o>ern8ent
a<<aratus =:ic: :e re<resented?
Se>ere and debilitatin9 8ental strains :ad been e>ident in !us:7s <ersonalit3 fro8 :is
earliest 3ears? Suc: tensions =ere an ine>itable result of t:e in:u8an self-disci<line
de8anded b3 :is 8ot:er1 ,orot:3 *al;er !us:1 =:ose re9i8en co8bined t:e 8ost
rut:less <ursuit of <ersonal affir8ation for its o=n sa;e1 =it: t:e i8<erati>e t:at all t:is
sin9le-8inded stri>in9 be disse8bled be:ind t:e elaborate <ose of fairness and concern for
t:e ri9:ts of ot:ers? ,urin9 12/2 and 12251 t:e tensions con>er9in9 on !us:7s <ersonal
<s3c:olo9ical structures =ere 9reatl3 8a9nified not Bust b3 t:e %ana8a ad>enture and t:e
Gulf =ar1 but also b3 t:e crisis of t:e An9lo-A8erican financial interests1 b3 t:e t:reat
<osed to An9lo-A8erican <lans b3 Ger8an reunification1 b3 t:e t:orn3 <roble8s of
<re<arin9 :is o=n re-election1 and b3 t:e founderin9 of :is condo8iniu8 <artners in t:e
#re8lin? As a result of t:is surfeit of tensions1 !us:7s <ersonalit3 entered into a <rocess of
disinte9ration? T:e =:inin9 accents of t:e =i8<1 so fa8iliar to !us:-=atc:ers of 3ears
<ast1 =ere no= increasin9l3 su<<lanted b3 t:e :iss of frenetic s<leen?
T:e successor <ersonalit3 =:ic: e8er9ed fro8 t:is u<:ea>al differed in se>eral i8<ortant
res<ects fro8 t:e Geor9e !us: =:o :ad sou9:t and occu<ied t:e >ice- <residenc3? T:e
Geor9e !us: =:o e8er9ed in late 1225 after t:e dust :ad settled =as far less restrained
t:an t:e 8an =:o :ad lan9uis:ed in Rea9an7s s:ado=? T:e :3<ert:3roid F<residentialF
<ersona of !us: =as e@ui<<ed =it: little self-control1 and rat:er featured a series of
co8<ulsi>e1 @uasi-<s3c:otic e<isodes eE:ibited in t:e <ublic 9lare of t:e tele>ision li9:ts?
T:ese =ere t3<icall3 ra9e-induced outbursts of >erbal abuse and t:reats 8ade in t:e conteEt
of international crises1 first a9ainst Norie9a and later a9ainst Ira@i <resident Sadda8
So8e 8i9:t ar9ue t:at t:e <ublic ra9e fits t:at beca8e increasin9l3 fre@uent durin9 12/2-
25 =ere calculated and scri<ted <erfor8ances1 calibrated and sta9ed accordin9 to t:e
8et:ods of 8ind =ar for t:e eE<ress <ur<ose of inti8idatin9 forei9n ad>ersaries and1 not
least of all1 t:e A8erican <o<ulation itself? !us:7s a<<rentices:i< =it: #issin9er =ould
:a>e tau9:t :i8 t:e tec:ni@ues =e :a>e seen #issin9er e8<lo3 in :is secret
co88unications =it: Mosco= durin9 t:e Indo-%a;istani =ar of 12.5" #issin9er 8a;es
clear t:at an inte9ral <art of :is crisis 8ana9e8ent st3le is t:e studied atte8<t to con>ince
:is ad>ersar3 t:at t:e latter is dealin9 =it: a 8ad8an =:o =ill not s:un an3 eE<edient1 no
8atter :o= irrational1 in order to <re>ail? !ut =it: t:e !us: of 1225 =e are far be3ond suc:
calculatin9 :istrionics? T:ere =ere still traces of 8et:od in Geor9e !us:7s 8adness1 but t:e
central factor =as no= t:e 8adness itself?
T:e t:esis of t:is c:a<ter is t:at =:ile it is clear t:at t:e Gulf =ar =as a deliberate and
calculated <ro>ocation b3 t:e An9lo-A8erican oli9arc:ical and financier elite1 t:e 8ental
instabilit3 and <s3c:olo9ical disinte9ration of Geor9e !us: =as an indis<ensable in9redient
in i8<le8entin9 t:e actions =:ic: t:e oli9arc:s and ban;ers desired? *it:out a Geor9e
!us: =:o =as increasin9l3 non co8<os 8entis1 t:e i8<erialist 9rand desi9n for t:e
destruction of t:e leadin9 Arab state and t:e inti8idation of t:e t:ird =orld 8i9:t :a>e
re8ained on t:e s:elf? Es<eciall3 since t:e !a3 of %i9s and t:e 6ietna8 debacle1 A8erican
<residents :a>e seen eEcellent reasons to 8istrust t:eir ad>isers =:en t:e latter ca8e
bearin9 <lans for 8ilitar3 ad>entures o>erseas? T:e destruction of t:e once <o=erful
L3ndon !? &o:nson1 in <articular1 :as stood as an elo@uent =arnin9 to :is successors t:at a
<resident =:o =ants to :a>e a <olitical future 8ust be >er3 reticent before :e atte8<ts to
=rite a ne= <a9e in t:e 8artial eE<loits of i8<erialis8? Eisen:o=er7s re<udiation of t:e
An9lo-renc: SueA in>asion of 12+- can ser>e to re8ind us t:at e>en a relati>el3 =ea; US
<resident 8a3 find reasons not to lea< into t:e >an9uard of t:e latest :are-brained sc:e8e
to co8e out of t:e London clubs? T:e difficult3 of orc:estratin9 a Fs<lendid little =arF is all
t:e 8ore e>ident =:en t:e >arious bureaucratic1 8ilitar31 and financier factions of t:e US
establis:8ent are not at all con>inced t:at t:e <roBect is a =inner or e>en =ort:=:ile1 as t:e
<ro-sanctions1 =ait and see stance of 8an3 ,e8ocratic 8e8bers of t:e House and Senate
indicates? T:e subBecti>it3 of Geor9e !us: is t:erefore a >ital lin; in t:e c:ain of an3
eE<lanation of =:3 t:e =ar :a<<ened1 and t:at subBecti>it3 centers an increasin9l3
des<erate1 a99ra>ated1 infantile id1 tor8ented b3 t:e fires of a ra9in9 t:3roid stor8?
!us:7s ne= desire to strut and <osture as a 8ad8an on t:e =orld sta9e1 as contrasted =it:
:is earlier de>otion to secret1 be:ind-t:e-scenes ini@uit3 :as certain <arallels in Suetonius7s
<ortrait of t:e E8<eror Nero? !efore Nero :ad full3 consolidated :is :old on <o=er1 :e
culti>ated out=ard and <ublic dis<la3s of filial <iet31 and stro>e to 8anifest F9ood
intentions?F T:ese =ere t:e >eneer for 8onstrous cri8es t:at =ere at first carried out
co>ertl3" F???at first :is acts of =antonness1 lust1 eEtra>a9ance1 a>arice1 and cruelt3 =ere
9radual and secret????F !ut once Nero :ad fir8l3 establis:ed :is o=n re9i8e1 t:e 8onster
beca8e 8ore and 8ore o>ert" Flittle b3 little1 :o=e>er1 as :is >ices 9re= stron9er1 :e
dro<<ed Bestin9 and secrec3 and =it: no atte8<t at dis9uise o<enl3 bro;e out into =orse
cri8e?F Gfn 1H So8et:in9 si8ilar can be obser>ed in t:e case of Cali9ula1 =:o :ad a =i8<
<roble8 of sorts durin9 t:e ti8e t:at :e li>ed on t:e island of Ca<ri in t:e s:ado= of t:e
a9in9 e8<eror Tiberius1 in so8e=:at t:e sa8e =a3 t:at !us: :ad li>ed in t:e s:ad<= of
Rea9an1 as least as far as t:e <ublic =as concerned? In t:e case of Cali9ula1 Falt:ou9: at
Ca<ri e>er3 ;ind of =ile =as resorted to b3 t:ose =:o tried to lure :i8 or force :i8 to utter
co8<laints1 :e ne>er 9a>e t:e8 an3 satisfaction????F Cali9ula =as F???so obse@uious to=ards
:is 9randfat:er GTiberiusH and :is :ouse:old1 t:at it =as =ell said of :i8 t:at no one :ad
e>er been a better sla>e or a =orse 8aster?F Gfn $H Later1 =:en Cali9ula ca8e into :is o=n1
:e eEacted a terrible <rice fro8 t:e =orld for :is earlier :u8iliations?
T:e <rocess of 8ental and 8oral de9eneration1 t:e loss of <re>ious self-control obser>able
in !us: durin9 t:is <eriod is not 8erel3 an indi>idual 8atter? T:e 9ee; act in t:e *:ite
House =as t3<ical of t:e collecti>e 8ental and <olitical be:a>ior of t:e faction to =:ic:
!us: belon9s b3 birt: and <edi9ree1 t:e An9lo-A8erican financiers? ,urin9 12/2 and
12251 outbursts of 8e9alo8ania1 racis81 and 8anic fli9:t for=ard =ere co88on enou9:1
not Bust in *as:in9ton1 but in *all Street1 *:ite:all1 and t:e Cit3 of London as =ell? T:ese
8oods <ro>ided t:e <s3c:ic ra= 8aterial for t:e strate9ic construct =:ic: !us: =ould
<roclai8 durin9 t:e late su88er of 1225 as FT:e Ne= *orld Order?F
!3 t:e autu8n of 12/21 it =as e>ident t:at t:e So>iet E8<ire1 t:e cold-=ar anta9onist and
t:en t:e uneas3 <artner of t:e An9lo-A8ericans o>er 8ore t:an four decades1 =as fallin9
a<art? ,urin9 t:e 8iddle 12/57s1 t:e An9lo-A8ericans and t:eir counter<arts in t:e #re8lin
:ad arri>ed at t:e conclusion t:at1 since t:e3 could no lon9er do8inate t:e <lanet t:rou9:
t:eir ri>arl3 0t:e cold =ar41 t:e3 8ust no= atte8<t to do8inate it t:rou9: t:eir collusion?
T:e ne= detente of Rea9an7s second ter81 in =:ic: !us: :ad <la3ed a decisi>e role1 =as a
=orld=ide condo8iniu8 of t:e So>iets and An9lo-SaEons1 t:e t=o increasin9l3 feeble and
9utted e8<ires =:o no= leaned on eac: ot:er li;e t=o drun;s1 eac: one <ro<<in9 t:e ot:er
u<? T:at :ad been t:e condo8iniu81 incarnated in t:e fi9ure of Gorbac:o>?
!ot: e8<ires =ere colla<sin9 at an eEceedin9l3 ra<id <ace1 but durin9 t:e second :alf of
t:e 12/57s t:e rate of So>iet deca3 outstri<<ed t:at of t:e An9lo-A8ericans? T:at too;
so8e doin91 since bet=een 12/+ and 12251 t:e 9lobal edifice of An9lo-A8erican
s<eculation and usur3 :ad been s:a;en b3 t:e <anic of 12/.1 and b3 t:e deflationar3
contraction of 12/21 bot: s38<to8s of a let:al disorder? !ut t:e An9lo-A8ericans1 unli;e
t:e So>iets1 =ere insulated =it:in t:eir Nort: Atlantic 8etro<olis b3 t:e <ossession of a
9lobal1 as distinct fro8 a 8erel3 continental1 base of econo8ic ra<ine1 so t:e econo8ic and
<olitical 8anifestations of t:e So>iet colla<se =ere 8ore s<ectacular?
T:e da3 of rec;onin9 for t:e An9lo-A8ericans =as not far off1 but in t:e 8eanti8e t:e
breat:ta;in9 colla<se of t:e So>iets o<ened u< 8e9alo8aniac >istas to t:e custodians of t:e
I8<erial idea in London dra=in9 roo8s and En9lis: countr3 :ouses? T:e <ractitioners of
t:e Great Ga8e of 9eo<olitics =ere no= enticed b3 t:e <ers<ecti>e of t:e Sin9le E8<ire1 a
=orld=ide I8<eriu8 t:at =ould be a <urel3 An9lo-SaEon s:o=1 =it: t:e Russians and
C:inese forced to ;nuc;le under? Li;e t:e conte8<oraries of t:e ,u;e of *ellin9ton in
1/1+1 t:e i8becilic An9lo-A8erican t:in;-tan;ers and financiers conte8<lated t:e c:i8era
of a ne= centur3 of =orld do8ination1 not unli;e t:e !ritis: =orld su<re8ac3 t:at :ad
eEtended fro8 t:e Con9ress of 6ienna until t:e irst *orld *ar? T:e old S;ull and !ones
slo9an of Henr3 Luce7s FA8erican Centur3F of 12)+1 =:ic: :ad been robbed of its s<lendid
lustre b3 t:e Russians and t:e Cold *ar1 could no= ride a9ain?
True1 t:ere =ere still so8e obstacles? T:e Great Russian rout 8eant t:at Ger8an
reunification could not be a>oided1 =:ic: brou9:t =it: it t:e dan9er of a
*irtsc:afts=under reac:in9 fro8 t:e Atlantic to t:e Urals? T:at1 and t:e continued
econo8ic d3na8is8 of t:e &a<anese-oriented s<:ere in t:e ar East1 =ould be co8batted1
b3 econo8ic conflicts and trade =ars t:at =ould ta;e ad>anta9e of t:e An9lo- A8erican
control of ra= 8aterials and abo>e all oil1 =it: t:e An9lo-A8erican lease on t:e %ersian
Gulf to be >i9orousl3 reaffir8ed? E>en so1 t:e end of t:e <artition of Ger8an3 =as a real
trau8a for t:e An9lo-SaEons1 and =ould elicit a =a>e of true :3steria on t:e <art of Mrs?
T:atc:er1 Nic:olas Ridle31 and t:e rest of t:eir circle1 and a <arallel <ublic e<isode of
consternation and c:a9rin on t:e <art of !us:? T:e An9lo- A8ericans =ere 8o>ed to
s=ee<in9 counter8easures? A little furt:er do=n t:e line1 a =ar in t:e !al;ans could brin9
c:aos to t:e Ger8an econo8ic Hinterland? ro8 t:e stand<oint of !ritis: and #issin9erian
9eo<olitics1 t:e counter8easures =ere necessar3 to restore t:e balance of <o=er1 =:ic:
no= ris;ed s:iftin9 in fa>or of t:e ne= Ger8an3? Ger8an ascendanc3 =ould 8ean t:at
London =ould occu<3 t:e <lace to =:ic: T:atc:er7s econo8ics :ad entitled t:at =retc:ed
nation- a nic:e of i8<otence1 i8<o>eris:8ent1 isolation1 and irrele>ance? !ut t:e !ritis:
=ere deter8ined to be i8<ortant1 and =ar =as a =a3 to attain t:at 9oal?
T:ere =ere also 9o>ern8ents in t:e de>elo<in9 sector =:ose obedience to t:e An9lo-
SaEon su<er8en =as in doubt? T:e $+515551555 Arabs1 =:o =ere in turn t:e >an9uard of a
billion Mosle8s1 =ould al=a3s be intractable? T:e out-of-area de<lo38ents doctrine of t:e
Atlantic Alliance =ould no= be t:e fra8e=or; for t:e ritual i88olation of t:e leadin9
Arab state1 =:ic: :a<<ened to be Ira@? Later1 t:ere =ould be ti8e to crus: and dis8e8ber
India1 Mala3sia1 !raAil1 Indonesia and so8e ot:ers?
T:en t:ere =as t:e in:erent de8o9ra<:ic =ea;ness of t:e An9lo-SaEons1 es<eciall3 t:e
fallin9 birt: rate1 no= eEacerbated b3 Holl3=ood1 tele>ision1 and :ea>3 8etal? Ho= could
suc: a s8all 8aster race <re>ail a9ainst t:e blac;1 bro=n1 3ello=1 Mediterranean and Sla>ic
8assesD T:e ans=er to t:at could onl3 be 9enocide on a collossal scale1 =it: econo8ic
brea;do=n1 fa8ine1 e<ide8ics and <estilence co8<letin9 t:e Bob t:at =ar :ad be9un? If t:e
birt: rate of Ni9eria see8ed destined to cata<ult t:at countr3 into second <lace a8on9 t:e
=orld de8o9ra<:ic <o=ers1 t:e AI,S e<ide8ic in central Africa =as t:e re8ed3? General
,eat: =as t:e 8ain all3 of t:e An9lo-SaEons?
,es<ite t:ese <roble8s1 !us: and :is co-t:in;ers =ere confident t:at t:e3 could subBu9ate
t:e <lanet for a full centur3? !ut t:e3 :ad to :urr3? Unless t:e So>iets1 C:inese1 Ger8ans1
&a<anese1 and t:ird =orld <o=ers could be ra<idl3 dealt =it:1 t:e An9lo- A8ericans 8i9:t
be o>erta;en b3 t:eir o=n acceleratin9 econo8ic colla<se1 and t:e3 8i9:t soon find
t:e8sel>es too =ea; to eEtend t:eir 3o;e o>er t:e =orld? T:e 8ilitar3 8ac:ine t:at
attac;ed Ira@ =as in t:e <rocess of s:rin;in9 b3 8ore t:an $+R because of 9ro=in9
A8erican econo8ic =ea;ness1 so it =as i8<ortant to act fast?
T:e An9lo-A8erican s3ste8 de<ended on s@ueeAin9 enou9: =ealt: out of t:e =orld
econo83 to feed t:e insatiable de8ands of t:e debt and ca<ital structures in London and
Ne= (or;? ,urin9 t:e 12/57s1 t:ose ca<ital structures :ad s=elled li;e 8ali9nant tu8ors1
=:ile t:e de<leted =orld econo83 =as bled =:ite? No=1 craAed after t:eir October 12/.
and October 12/2 brus:es =it: botto8less financial and currenc3 <anic1 t:e 8asters of
usur3 in London and Ne= (or; de8anded t:at t:e rate of <ri8iti>e accu8ulation be
ste<<ed u< all o>er t:e =orld? T:e old So>iet s<:ere =ould <ass fro8 t:e fr3in9 <an of t:e
Co8econ to t:e fires of t:e IM? !3 t:e s<rin9 of 1221 !us: =ould issue :is calls for a free
trade Aone fro8 t:e nort: <ole to Tierra del ue9o1 and t:en for =orld =ide free trade?
!us:7s :andlin9 of t:e General A9ree8ent on Tariffs and Trade and t:e Nort: A8erican
ree Trade Jone soon con>inced t:e Euro<e 72$ cro=d in !russels t:at t:e An9lo-
A8ericans =ere :ell-bent on 9lobal trade =ar?
T:ese =ere t:e i8<usles and <ers<ecti>es =:ic: i8<in9ed on !us: fro8 =:at :e later
called Ft:e Mot:er Countr31F and =:ic: =ere >i9orousl3 i8<arted to :i8 in :is fre@uent
consultations =it: !ritis: %ri8e Minister Mar9aret T:atc:er1 =:o no= loo8ed >er3 lar9e
in t:e confi9uration of !us:7s <ersonal net=or;?
!us: :ad 8et Gorbac:o> in Marc:1 12/+1 =:en :is F3ou die1 =e fl3F ser>ices =ere
re@uired for t:e funeral of old #onstantin C:ernen;o1 t:e octo9enarian s38bol of t:e
i8<asse of t:e <ost-Andro<o> #re8lin =:o :ad ruled t:e USSR for Bust '25 da3s?
Gorbac:o> :ad co8e :i9:l3 reco88ended b3 Mar9aret T:atc:er1 =it: =:o8 :e :ad
beco8e ac@uainted t:e <re>ious 3ear? T:atc:er :ad Bud9ed t:e ne=-loo; Gorbac:o> a 8an
=it: =:o8 s:e could do business? !us: ca8e to Mosco= bearin9 an in>itation fro8
Rea9an for a <arle3 at t:e su88itC t:is =ould later beco8e t:e c:oreo9ra<:ed <irouette of
Gene>a t:at No>e8ber? !us: 9a>e Gorbac:o> a 9arbled and obli@ue endorse8ent" FIf e>er
t:ere =as a ti8e t:at =e can 8o>e for=ard =it: <ro9ress in t:e last fe= 3ears1 t:en I =ould
sa3 t:is is a 9ood ti8e for t:at1F sta88ered !us:? Gfn 'H After Gene>a t:ere =ould follo=
su88its in Iceland in 12/-1 *as:in9ton in 12/. to si9n t:e IN treat31 and t:en Rea9an7s
s=an son9 in Mosco= in t:e su88er of 12//1 a >aluable auEiliar3 to Geor9e7s o=n
electioneerin9? !ut1 as =e :a>e seen1 t:e !us: tea8 =as conte8<tuous of slobberin9
senti8ental old Rea9an1 a soft touc: =:o let t:e Russians ta;e :i8 to t:e cleaners1
es<eciall3 in ar8s control ne9otiations? !us: =anted to dri>e a :ard bar9ain1 and t:at 8eant
stallin9 until t:e So>iets beca8e trul3 des<erate for an3 deal? In addition1 =:en Rea9an and
!us: :ad 8et Gorbac:o> on Go>ernor7s Island in Ne= (or; :arbor in t:e 8idst of t:e
transition1 Gorbac:o> :ad been 9uilt3 of lese 8aBeste to=ards t:e :eir a<<arent and :ad
<i@ued !us:7s ire?
Accordin9 to one account of t:e Go>ernor7s Island 8eetin9 of ,ece8ber .1 12//1 after
so8e s8all tal; b3 Uncle Ron1 !us: =anted to ;no= fro8 Gorbac:o>1 F*:at assurance
can 3ou 9i>e 8e t:at I can <ass to A8erican business8en =:o =ant to in>est in t:e So>iet
Union t:at <erestroi;a and 9lasnost =ill succeedDF *as t:is t:e official business of t:e
United States1 or in>est8ent counsellin9 for #ra>is1 Lied;te1 Mossbac:er1 and %ic;ensD
Gorbac:o>7s re<l3 is recalled b3 <artici<ants as brus@ue to t:e <oint of rudeness" FNot e>en
&esus C:rist ;no=s t:e ans=er to t:at @uestion1F said :e1 a8idst t:e 9as<s of !us:7s staff? A
8inute later1 Gorbac:o> turned to !us: =it: a lecture" FLet 8e ta;e t:is o<<ortunit3 to tell
3ou so8et:in9? (our staff 8a3 :a>e told 3ou t:at =:at I78 doin9 is all a tric;? It7s not? I78
<la3in9 real <olitics? I :a>e a re>olution 9oin9 t:at I announced in 12/-? No=1 in 12//1 t:e
So>iet <eo<le don7t li;e it? ,on7t 8isread 8e1 Mr?
6ice %resident1 I :a>e to <la3 real <olitics?F Gfn )H After t:at1 t:e tele9enic Gorbac:o>
could loo; for :is <:oto o<<ortunities so8e=:ere else durin9 8ost of 12/2? T:ere =ould
ne no earl3 Most a>ored Nation trade status for Mosco=? In addition1 t:e si9nals fro8
London =ere to 9o slo=? T:e result =as !us:7s F<rudent re>ie=F of US-So>iet relations?
Gorbac:o> =as al=a3s :un9r3 for su88itr31 and durin9 an A<ril >isit to T:atc:er1 t:e
So>iet leader c:ided !us: for t:e US F:esitationF on ne= ar8s control deals? !us:
dis8issed t:is re8ar; =it: a :uff" F*e7re 8a;in9 a <rudent re>ie=1 and I =ill be read3 to
discuss t:at =it: t:e So>iets =:en =e are read3? *e7ll be read3 to react =:en =e feel li;e
reactin9?F Gfn +H Ministerial 8eetin9 bet=een !a;er and S:e>ardnadAe =ere <roceedin9? In
Ma31 t:e >oice of Rea9an =as :eard fro8 :is California retire8ent1 tellin9 :is friends t:at
:e =as Fincreasin9l3 concerned at =:at :e considers an eEcessi>el3 cautious a<<roac: to
nuclear ar8s reductions =it: t:e So>iets?F Rea9an t:ou9:t t:at !us: =as indeed too
:esitant1 and t:at Gorbac:o> =as seiAin9 t:e initiati>e =it: =estern Euro<e as a result? In
t:e >ie= attributed to Rea9an b3 t:ese unna8ed friends1 F!us: o<ted for t:e dela3in9 tactic
of a <olic3 re>ie=1 be:a>in9 t:e =a3 ne= <residents do =:en re<lacin9 so8eone fro8 t:e
o<<osin9 <art3 =it: different >ie=s?F Accordin9 to Bournalist Lou Cannon1 Fbot: in !onn
and in !e>erl3 Hills t:e3 are =onderin9 if !us:7s onl3 strate93 is to react to e>ents as t:e3
unfold?F Gfn -H T:ere =as t:e =i8< a9ain?
In Se<te8ber1 !us: =as in Helena1 Montana1 soundin9 t:e sa8e <rudent note =:ile
defendin9 :i8self fro8 Senate MaBorit3 Leader Mitc:ell1 =:o :ad been 8a;in9 so8e
debater7s <oints about !us:7s Fti8idit3F and Fstatus-@uoF t:in;in9? !us: re<eated t:at :e
=as in Fno rus:F for a su88it =it: Gorbac:o>? FI don7t t:in; t:ere7s an3 c:ance of a
disconnectF in Mosco=7s co8<re:ension t:at F=e =ant to see t:eir <erestroi;a succeed1F
said !us:? Gfn .H
*:at c:an9ed !us:7s 8ind =as t:e colla<se of t:e East Ger8an co88unist re9i8e1 =:ic:
:ad been 9at:erin9 s<eed durin9 t:e su88er of 12/2 =it: t:e t:ousands of East Ger8ans
de8andin9 ad8ittance to *est Ger8an e8bassies1 first in Hun9ar31 and t:en in
CAec:oslo>a;ia? T:en1 in one of t:e 8ost dra8atic de>elo<8ents in recent decades of
Euro<ean :istor31 t:e !erlin *all and t:e East Ger8an Fs:oot to ;illF order alon9 t:e line
of de8arcation in t:e 8iddle of Ger8an3 =ere tossed into t:e dustbin of :istor3? T:is =as
one of t:e 8ost <ositi>e e>ents t:at t:e 9enerations born after 12)+ :ad e>er =itnessed? !ut
for !us: and t:e An9lo-A8ericans1 it =as t:e occasion for <ublic tantru8s?
or !us: indi>iduall31 t:e breac:in9 of t:e !erlin *all of 12-1 =as t:e detonator of one of
:is 8ost se>ere e<isodes t:us far of <ublic e8otional disturbance? !us: :ad re<eated
Rea9an7s sure-fire for8ula of FMr? Gorbac:o>1 tear t:is =all do=n1F durin9 a >isit to
Hel8ut #o:l in MainA in late Ma3? FLet !erlin be neEt1F !us: :ad said t:en? T:e =all
F8ust co8e do=n?F !ut in t:e 8idst of !us:7s t:ro= a=a3 lines li;e FLet Euro<e be =:ole
and free1F t:ere =as no 8ention =:atsoe>er of Ger8an reunification1 =:ic: =as
ne>ert:eless in t:e air?
T:us1 =:en t:e =all ca8e do=n1 !us: could not a>oid a 9rou< of re<orters in t:e O>al
Office1 =:ere :e sat in a s=i>el c:air in t:e co8<an3 of &a8es !a;er? !us: told t:e
re<orters t:at :e =as FelatedF b3 t:e ne=s1 but :is 8ood =as at once funereal and test3? If
:e =as so elated1 =:3 =as :e so un:a<<3D *:3 t:e lon9 faceD FI78 Bust not an e8otional
;ind of 9u3?F T:e 8ain c:ord =as one of caution? FIt7s =a3 too earl3F to s<eculate about
Ger8an reunification1 alt:ou9: !us: =as forced to concede1 t:roui9: clenc:ed teet:1 t:at
t:e !erlin *all F=ill :a>e >er3 little rele>anceF fro8 no= on? E>er3t:in9 !us: said tended
to 8ute t:e dra8a of =:at :ad :a<<ened" FI don7t t:in; an3 sin9le e>ent is t:e end of =:at
3ou 8i9:t call t:e Iron Curtain? !ut clearl31 t:is is a lon9 =a3 fro8 t:e :ars: da3s of t:e
--t:e :ars:est Iron Curtain da3s-- a lon9 =a3 fro8 t:at?F F*e are not tr3in9 to 9i>e
an3bod3 a :ard ti8e1F !us: =ent on? F*e7re salutin9 t:ose =:o can 8o>e for=ard to
de8ocrac3? *e are encoura9in9 t:e conce<t of a Euro<e =:ole and free? And so =e Bust
=elco8e it?F T:e East Ger8an Fas<irations for freedo8 see8 to be a little furt:er do=n t:e
road no=?F !ut !us: =as not 9oin9 to Fdance on t:e =all1F t:at 8uc: =as clear? Gfn /H
After t:is enra9ed and ton9ue-tied 8onolo9ue =it: t:e re<orters1 !us: <ri>atel3 as;ed :is
staff" FHo= about if I 9i>e t:e8 one of t:eseDF T:en :e Bu8<ed in t:e air1 =a>ed :is :ands1
and 3elled F*:oooo<<<eeeKF at t:e to< of :is lun9s? Gfn 2H !us:7s s<in doctors =ent into
action1 eE<lainin9 t:at t:e <resident :ad been FrestrainedF because of :is desire to a>oid
9loatin9 or ot:er=ise offendin9 Gorbac:o> and t:e #re8lin?
!us:7s 9a99ed e8otional clutc: attracted a 9reat deal of attention in t:e <ress and 8edia?
F*:3 did t:e leader of t:e =estern =orld loo; as t:ou9: :e :ad lost :is last friend t:e da3
t:e3 brou9:t :i8 t:e ne=s of t:e fall of t:e !erlin *allDF1 as;ed Mar3 McGror3? FGeor9e
!us:7s stric;en eE<ression and la8e =ords about an e>ent t:at :ad t:e rest of 8an;ind
@uic;l3 sin9in9 :osannas =ere an a=ful letdo=n at a :i9: 8o8ent in :istor3?F Gfn 15H
In realit31 !us:7s su<<ressed ra9e =as anot:er real e<i<:an3 of :is c:aracter1 t:e sort of
foota9e =:ic: a serious ri>al <residential ca8<ai9n =ould <ut on tele>ision o>er and o>er
to s:o= >oters t:at Geor9e :as no use for :u8an freedo8? !us:7s fa8il3 tradition =as to
su<<ort totalitarian rule in Ger8an31 startin9 =it: dadd3 %rescott7s role in t:e Hitler <roBect1
and continuin9 =it: A>erell Harri8an7s 8ac:inations of 12)+1 =:ic: :el<ed to solidif3 a
co88unist dictators:i< for fort3 3ears in t:e eastern Aone after t:e NaAis :ad fallen? !ut
!us:7s reaction =as also illustrati>e of t:e An9lo-A8erican <erce<tion t:at t:e resur9ence
of Ger8an industrialis8 in central Euro<e =as a deadl3 t:reat?
O>er in London1 T:atc:er7s brain truster Nic:olas Ridle3 =as forced to @uit t:e cabinet
after :e foa8ed at t:e 8out: in obser>ations about Ger8an unit31 =:ic: :e e@uated =it: a
NaAi resur9ence see;in9 to ensla>e !ritain =it:in t:e coils of t:e EEC? Conor Cruise
O7!rien1 %ere9rine *ort:s:orne and >arious Tor3 <ro<a9andists coined t:e <:rase of an
e8er9ent Fourt: Reic:F =:ic: =ould no= t:reaten Euro<e and t:e =orld? T:e An9lo-
SaEon oli9arc:s =ere trul3 dis8a3ed1 and it is in t:is :3steria t:at =e 8ust see; t:e roots of
t:e Gulf crisis and t:e =ar a9ainst Ira@?
!ut in t:e 8eanti8e1 t:e colla<se of t:e old %an;o= re9i8e in East !erlin 8eant t:at !us:
:ad ur9ent issues to discuss =it: Gorbac:o>? T:e t=o a9reed to 8eet on s:i<s in Malta
durin9 t:e first =ee; of ,ece8ber?
!us: tal;ed about :is su88it <lans in a s<ecial tele>ised address before T:an;s9i>in91
12/2? He tried to clai8 credit for t:e ter8inal crisis of co88unis81 citin9 :is o=n
inau9ural address" FT:e da3 of t:e dictator is o>er?F !ut 8ainl3 :e sou9:t to reassure
Gorbac:o>" F???=e =ill 9i>e :i8 our assurance t:at A8erica =elco8es t:is refor8 not as an
ad>ersar3 see;in9 ad>anta9e but as a <eo<le offerin9 su<<ort?F F???I =ill assure :i8 t:at
t:ere is no 9reater ad>ocate of <erestroi;a t:an t:e <resident of t:e United States?F !us:
also :ad to <rotect :is flan; fro8 criticis8 fro8 Euro<eans and do8estic critics =:o :ad
=arned t:at t:e Malta 8eetin9 contained t:e t:reat of an atte8<ted ne= (alta of t:e
su<er<o=ers at t:e eE<ense of Euro<e? F*e are not 8eetin9 to deter8ine t:e future of
Euro<e1F !us: <ro8ised? Gfn 11H
It is re<orted t:at1 :ere a9ain1 !us: =as so secreti>e about t:is su88it until it =as
announced t:at :e did not consult =it: :is staffs? If :e :ad1 t:e nature of Mediterranean
=inter stor8s 8i9:t :a>e influenced a decision to 8eet else=:ere? T:e result =as t:e
fa8ous sea-sic; su88it1 durin9 =:ic: !us:1 =:ose self-i8a9e as a bold sea do9 in t:e
tradition of Sir rancis ,ra;e re@uired t:at :e s<end t:e ni9:t on a :ea>in9 US =ars:i<1
re@uired treat8ent for acute 8al de 8er? !us:7s >o8itin9 s3ndro8e1 =:ic: =as to beco8e
so dra8atic in &a<an1 =as be9innin9? He :ad <er:a<s not been so te8<est-tossed since :is
nautical outin9 =it: ,on Arono= bac; in 12/'?
At t:e Malta-(alta table1 !us: and Gorbac:o> :a99led o>er t:e Farc:itectureF of t:e ne=
Euro<e? Gorbac:o> =anted NATO to be dissol>ed as t:e *arsa= %act ceased to eEist1 but
t:is =as so8et:in9 !us: and t:e !ritis: refused to 9rant? !us: eE<lained t:at Ger8an3
=as best bound =it:in NATO in order to a>oid t:e <otential for inde<endent initiati>es t:at
neit:er Mosco= nor *as:in9ton =anted? A free :and for eac: e8<ire =it:in its res<ecti>e
s<:ere =as reaffir8ed1 as su99ested b3 t:e s388etr3 of !us:7s assault on %ana8a durin9
t:e Ro8anian crisis t:at li@uidated Ceausescu1 but left a neo- co88unist 9o>ern8ent of old
Co8intern t3<es li;e Iliescu and Ro8an in <o=er? !us: =ould also su<<ort t:e #re8lin
a9ainst bot: Ar8enia and AAerbaiBan =:en :ostilities and 8assacres bro;e out bet=een
t:ese re9ions durin9 t:e follo=in9 8ont:? !us:7s reci<rocal ser>ices to Gorbac:o> included
a 8onstrous di<lo8atic first" Bust as t:e co88unist re9i8e in East Ger8an3 =as in its
deat: a9on31 !us: des<atc:ed &a8es !a;er to %otsda8 to 8eet =it: t:e East Ger8an
Frefor8 co88unistF leader1 Modro=? No US Secretar3 of State :ad e>er set foot in t:e
,,R durin9 its entire :istor3 after 12)21 but no=1 in t:e last da3s of t:e %an;o=
co88unist re9i8e1 !a;er =ould 9o t:ere? His >isit =as an insult to t:ose East Ger8ans
=:o :ad 8arc:ed for freedo81 al=a3s :a>in9 to rec;on =it: t:e dan9er t:at Honec;er7s
tan;s =ould o<en fire? !a;er7s >isit =as desi9ned to dela31 sabota9e and stall Ger8an
reunification in =:ate>er =a3s =ere still <ossible1 =:ile s:orin9 u< t:e co88unist re9i8e?
!a;er 9a>e it :is best s:ot1 but :is sleaA3 deal8a;in9 s;ills =ere of no use in t:e face of an
aroused <o<ulace? Ne>ert:eless1 after Tien An Men and %otsda81 !us: =as ra<idl3
e8er9in9 as one of t:e fe= =orld leaders =:o could be counted on to su<<ort =orld
,urin9 t:e earl3 8ont:s of 12251 certain forces in Mosco=1 !onn1 and ot:er ca<itals
9ra>itated to=ards a ne= Ra<allo arran9e8ent in a <ositi>e ;e3" t:ere =as t:e <otential t:at
t:e in8ates of t:e <rison-:ouse of nations 8i9:t attain freedo8 and self- deter8ination1
=:ile Ger8an ca<ital in>est8ents in infrastructure and econo8ic 8oderniAation could
9uarantee t:at t:e e8er9in9 states =ould be econo8icall3 >iable1 a <rocess fro8 =:ic: t:e
entire =orld could benefit?
A rational <olic3 for t:e United States under t:ese circu8stances =ould :a>e entailed a
lar9e-scale co88itt8ent to ta;in9 <art in rebuildin9 t:e infrastructure of t:e for8er So>iet
s<:ere in trans<ortation1 co88unications1 ener931 education1 and :ealt: ser>ices1 co8bined
=it: ca<ital in>est8ents in industrial 8oderniAation? Suc: in>est8ent 8i9:t also :a>e
ser>ed as a 8eans to re-start t:e de<ressed US econo83? T:e <re-condition for econo8ic
coo<eration =ould :a>e been a reco9nition b3 t:e So>iet aut:orities t:at t:e as<irations of
t:eir subBect nationalities for self-deter8ination :ad to be :onored1 includin9 t:rou9: t:e
inde<endence of t:e for8er So>iet re<ublics in t:e !altic1 t:e Trans-caucasus1 central Asia1
t:e U;raine1 and else=:ere? As lon9 as lon9 as t:e So>iet 8ilitar3 <otential re8ained
for8idable1 ade@uate 8ilitar3 <re<aredness in t:e =est =as indis<ensable1 and s:ould :a>e
featured a si9nificant co88itt8ent to t:e Fne= <:3sical <rinci<lesF anti-8issle defenses
t:at :ad ins<ired t:e ori9inal Strate9ic ,efense Initiati>e of t:e 12/'? Ob>iousl31 none of
t:ese 8easures =ould :a>e been <ossible =it:out a decisi>e brea; =it: t:e econo8ic
<olic3 of t:e Rea9an-!us: 3ears1 in fa>or of an econo8ic reco>er3 <ro9ra8 focussed on
fosterin9 :i9:-tec:nolo93 9ro=t: in ca<ital- intensi>e industrial e8<lo38ent <roducin9
tan9ible1 <:3sical co88odities?
!us: ne>er 8ade a serious <ro<osal for t:e econo8ic reconstruction of t:e areas included
=it:in t:e old USSR1 and =as ni99ardl3 e>en in loans to let t:e Russians bu3 a9ricultural
co88odities? In No>e8ber1 12251 Gorbac:o> addressed a des<erate <lea to =orld
9o>ern8ents to alle>iate t:e USSR food s:orta9e1 and sent orei9n Minister S:e>ardnadAe
to *as:in9ton in t:e follo=in9 8ont: in :o<es of obtainin9 a si9nificant infusion of
outri9:t cas: 9rants for food <urc:ases fro8 US stoc;s? After <:oto o<<ortunities =it:
!a;er in TeEas and =it: !us: at t:e *:ite House1 all S:e>ardnadAe :ad to ta;e bac; to
Mosco= =as a <altr3 I1 billion and c:an9e? *it:in a =ee; of S:e>ardnadAe7s return1 :e
resi9ned :is <ost under fire fro8 critics1 referrin9 to sinister <lans for a cou< a9ainst
Gorabc:o>? T:e cou<1 of course1 ca8e t:e follo=in9 Au9ust? It s:ould :a>e been ob>ious
t:at !us:7s <olic3 =as 8aEi8iAin9 t:e <robabilit3 of u9l3 sur<rises furt:er do=n t:e road?
!us: did not de8and self-deter8ination for t:e subBect nationalities1 but sided =it: t:e
#re8lin a9ainst t:e re<ublics a9ain and a9ain1 i9norin9 t:e &anuar31 1221 bloodbat: in
Lit:uania1 or =innin9 :i8self t:e title of Fc:ic;en #ie>F durin9 a &ul31 1221 tri< to t:e
U;raine in =:ic: :e told t:at re<ublic7s Su<re8e So>iet to a>oid t:e <itfalls of FsuicidalF
nationalis8? E>en t:ou9: t:e So>iet 8issle <ar; =as lar9el3 intact1 !us: =as co8<elled b3
:is bud9et <enur3 to ta;e do=n si9nificant areas of US 8ilitar3 ca<acities? And finall31 :is
stubborn refusal to t:ro= t:e ban;ru<t <olicies of t:e Rea9an-!us: 3ears o>erboard
9uaranteed furt:er US econo8ic colla<se?
!ut !us: =as 8indful neit:er of =ar a>oidance nor econo8ic reco>er3? In t:e 8ont:s
after %ana8a1 :e bas;ed in t:e after9lo= of a dra8atic increase in :is <oularit31 as reflected
b3 t:e <ublic o<inion <olls? A full-scale state >isit b3 Gorbac:o> =as sc:eduled for late
Ma3? Ru8blin9s =ere bein9 :eard in t:e Middle East? !ut1 in earl3 A<ril1 !us:7s 8ind =as
focussed on ot:er 8atters? It =as no= t:at :e 8ade :is fa8ous re8ar;s on t:e subBect of
broccoli? T:e issue surfaced =:en t:e *:ite House decreed t:at :encefort:1 b3 order of t:e
<resident :i8self1 broccoli =ould no lon9er be ser>ed to !us:? Re<orters deter8ined to use
t:e neEt a>ailable <:oto o<<ortunit3 to as; =:at t:is =as all about?
!us:7s infantile anti-broccoli outburst ca8e in t:e conteEt of a *:ite House State ,inner
:eld in :onor of t:e >isitin9 %olis: %ri8e Minister1 TadeusA MaAo=iec;i? Alt:ou9: !us:
=as obsessed =it: broccoli1 :e did 8a;e so8e atte8<t to relate :is ne= obsession to t:e
social conteEt in =:ic: :e found :i8self"
&ust as %oland :ad a rebellion a9ainst totalitarianis81 I a8 rebellin9 a9ainst broccoli1 and I
refuse to 9i>e 9round? I do not li;e broccoli1 and I :a>en7t li;ed it since I =as a little ;id and
83 8ot:er 8ade 8e eat it? And I78 %resident of t:e United States1 and I78 not 9oin9 to eat
an3 8ore broccoli?
Out in California1 =:ere broccoli is bi9 business as a cas: cro<1 <roducers =ere aroused
sufficientl3 to des<atc: 15 tons of broccoli1 e@ui>alent to about /51555 ser>in9s1 to t:e
*:ite House? !us: =as still ada8ant"
!arbara lo>es broccoli? S:e7s tried to 8a;e 8e eat it? S:e eats it all t:e ti8e :erself? So s:e
can 9o out and 8eet t:e cara>an? Gfn 1$H
T:ese state8ents =ere an illu8ination in t:e8sel>es1 since t:e internal e>idence <ointed
conclusi>el3 to a c:oleric infantile tantru8 bein9 eE<erienced b3 t:e <resident? !ut =:at
could :a>e occasioned an outburst on broccoli1 of all t:in9sD Sli9:tl3 8ore t:an a 3ear
later1 =:en it beca8e ;no=n t:at !us: =as sufferin9 fro8 !asedo=7s disease1 so8e
obser>ers recalled t:e broccoli outburst? or it turns out t:at broccoli1 alon9 =it: cabba9e
and so8e ot:er >e9etables1 belon9s to a cate9or3 of foods called 9oitro9ens? So8e sc:ools
of 8edicine reco88end fre@uent ser>in9s of broccoli in order to :el< cool off an
o>eracti>e t:3roid? Gfn 1'H T:ere =as 8uc: s<eculation t:at !us:7s :3<ert:3roid s3ndro8e
:ad been dia9nosed b3 Marc:-A<ril1 or <er:a<s earlier1 and t:at broccoli :ad been
a<<earin9 8ore often on t:e *:ite House 8enu as <art of a t:era<3 to return !us:7s t:3roid
and 8etabolis8 to 8ore nor8al functionin9? *as t:e celebrated t:3roid outburst a case of
an irascible <resident1 in t:e 9ri< of <s3c:o<at:olo9ical s38<to8s :is <:3sicians =ere
atte8<tin9 to treat1 rebellin9 a9ainst :is doctors7 ordersD
At t:eir s<rin9 su88it1 !us: and Gorbac:o> continued to disa9ree about =:et:er united
Ger8an3 =ould be a 8e8ber of NATO? Muc: ti8e =as s<ent on strate9ic ar8s1 t:e 6ienna
con>entional ar8s reduction tal;s1 and t:e ot:er as<ects of t:e e8er9in9 Euro<ean
arc:itecture1 =:ere t:eir 8utual counter-re>olutionar3 co88itt8ents =ent >er3 dee<? !ot:
stressed t:at t:e3 :ad ta;en t:eir Malta consultations as t:eir <oint of de<arture? !us:7s
:ostilit3 to t:e cause of Lit:uania and t:e ot:er !altic re<ublics1 no= subBect to cri<<lin9
econo8ic bloc;ade b3 Mosco=1 =as =rit lar9e? T:e central eEc:an9es of t:is su88it =ere
doubtless t:ose =:ic: occurred in t:e bucolic isolation of Ca8< ,a>id a8on9 a s8all
s:irtslee>e 9rou< t:at co8<re:ended !us:1 Gorbac:o>1 S:e>ardnadAe1 !a;er1 and
Sco=croft? !us: =as unusuall3 closed-8out:ed1 but t:e >er3 lo@uacious Gorbac:o>
>olunteered t:at t:e3 :ad co8e to tal; about t:e F<lanet and its flas:-<ointsF and t:e
Fre9ional issues?F T:ere =as t:e distinct i8<ression t:at t:ese tal;s =ere s=ee<in9 and
futurolo9ical in t:eir sco<e? In :is <ress conference t:e neEt da31 Gorbac:o> :ad 9lo=in9
<raise for t:ese restricted secret tal;s" FI =ould li;e1 in <articular1 to e8<:asiAe t:e
i8<ortance of our dialo9ue at Ca8< ,a>id1 =:ere =e tal;ed durin9 t:e da3 3esterda3? And
t:is is a ne= <:ase in stren9t:enin9 8utual understandin9 and trust bet=een us? *e reall3
discussed all =orld <roble8s? *e co8<ared our <olitical <ers<ecti>es1 and =e did t:at in an
at8os<:ere of fran;ness1 constructi>e at8os<:ere1 an at8os<:ere of 9ro=in9 trust? *e
discussed s<ecificall3 suc: ur9ent international issues as t:e situation in t:e Middle East1
Af9:anistan1 sout:ern Africa1 Ca8bodia1 central A8erica? T:at is Bust so8e of =:at =e
discussed? I =ould not =ant to 9o into detail ri9:t no=? I t:in; 3ou =ill <robabl3 see; to 9et
clarification on t:is1 but an3=a3 I t:in; t:e Ca8< ,a>id dialo9ue =as >er3 i8<ortant?F Gfn
Gorbac:o> also :ad len9t:3 ans=ers about t:e discontent in t:e Arab =orld o>er t:e So>iet
<olic3 of 8ass e8i9rations of Russian &e=s =:o =ere obli9ed to settle in Israel? or t:e
Middle East =as indeed a<<roac:in9 crisis? In t:e =ords of one obser>er1 F!us: and
Gorbac:o> stirred t:e boilin9 <ot of Middle East tensions =it: t:eir <ress conference
re8ar;s1 for9ettin9 t:e da8a9e t:at see8in9l3 re8ote forces can do to t:e 9randest of East-
*est desi9ns?F Gfn 1+H ,id !us: and Gorbac:o> use t:eir Ca8< ,a>id afternoon to
coordinate t:eir res<ecti>e roles in t:e Gulf crisis1 =:ic: t:e An9lo-A8ericans =ere no=
about to <ro>o;eD It is >er3 li;el3 t:at t:e3 did?
!us:7s <olitical stoc; =as declinin9 durin9 t:e su88er of 1225? One indication =as
<ro>ided b3 t:e astoundin9l3 fran; re8ar;s of &ustice T:ur9ood Mars:all of t:e US
Su<re8e Court in an inter>ie= =it: Sa8 ,onaldson on t:e A!C Ne=s tele>ision <ro9ra8
F%ri8e Ti8e Li>e?F &ustice Mars:all1 t:e sole blac; Bustice on t:e Su<re8e Court1 =as
as;ed for :is reaction to !us:7s no8ination of t:e Fstealt: candidateF ,a>id Souter to fill
t:e <lace of t:e retirin9 &ustice *illia8 !rennan1 a friend of Mars:all7s? Souter =as a 8an
=it:out @ualities =:o a<<eared to :a>e no docu8entable o<inions on an3 subBect1 alt:ou9:
:e :ad a sinister loo;? FI Bust don7t understand =:at :e7s doin9? I Bust don7t understand it? I
8ean t:is last a<<oint8ent is??? t:e e<ito8e of =:at :e7s been doin9?F said Mars:all of
!us:? Mars:all didn7t :a>e Ft:e sli9:test ideaF of !us:7s 8oti>es in t:e Souter no8ination?
*ould Mars:all co88ent on !us:7s ci>il ri9:ts record1 as;ed corres<ondent Sa8
,onaldson? FLet 8e <ut it t:is =a3? It7s said t:at if 3ou can7t sa3 so8et:in9 9ood about a
dead <erson1 don7t sa3 it? *ell1 I consider :i8 dead?F *:o =as dead1 as;ed ,onaldson?
F!us:KF =as Mars:all7s re<l3? FHe7s dead fro8 t:e nec; u<?F
Mars:all added t:at :e re9arded !us:7s c:ief of staff1 &o:n Sununu of Ne= Ha8<s:ire1 t:e
state Souter =as fro81 as t:e one Fcallin9 t:e s:ots?F FIf :e ca8e u< for election1F said
Mars:all of !us:1 FI7d >ote a9ainst :i8? No @uestion about it? I don7t t:in; :e7s e>er
sto<<edF runnin9 for re-election since :e too; office? Mars:all and ,onaldson :ad t:e
follo=in9 eEc:an9e about Souter"
,onaldson" ,o 3ou ;no= &ud9e ,a>id SouterD Mars:all" No1 ne>er :eard of :i8?
,onaldson" He 8a3 be t:e 8an to re<lace !rennan?
Mars:all" I still ne>er :eard of :i8? *:en :is na8e ca8e do=n I listened to tele>ision? And
t:e first t:in91 I called 83 =ife? Ha>e I e>er :eard of t:is 8anD S:e said1 FNo1 I :a>en7t
eit:er? So I <ro8<tl3 called !rennan1 because it7s :is circuit Gt:e irst Circuit in !ostonH?
And :is =ife ans=ered t:e <:one1 and I told :er? S:e said" FHe7s ne>er :eard of :i8 eit:er?F
Mars:all and !rennan :ad often been at odds =it: t:e !us:7s ad8inistration7s <ro8otion of
t:e deat: <enalt3? In t:is connection1 Mars:all co88ented" FM3 ar9u8ent is t:at if 3ou
8a;e a 8ista;e in a trial and it7s corrected later on --3ou find out it =as an error-- 3ou
correct it? !ut if 3ou ;ill a 8an1 =:at do 3ou sa3D FOo<sDF FI78 sorr3DF F*ait a 8inuteDF
T:at7s t:e trouble =it: deat:? ,eat: is so lastin9?F
On t:is occasion1 Mars:all rene=ed :is <led9e t:at :e =ould ne>er resi9n1 but =ould die in
office" FI said before1 and I re<eat t:at1 I78 ser>in9 out 83 life ter8? I :a>e a deal =it: 83
=ife t:at =:en I be9in to s:o= si9ns of senilit31 s:e7ll tell 8e? And s:e =ill?F Gfn 1-H (et1
less t:an one 3ear later1 Mars:all announced :is retire8ent fro8 t:e benc:1 9i>in9 !us: t:e
c:ance to s<lit t:e or9aniAations of blac; A8erica =it: t:e Clarence T:o8as a<<oint8ent?
T:ose =:o sa= Mars:all7s fare=ell <ress conference =ould :a>e to a9ree t:at :e still
<ossessed one of t:e 8ost lucid and trenc:ant 8inds an3=:ere in t:e 9o>ern8ent? Had
!us:7s >indicti>eness eE<ressed itself once a9ain t:rou9: its ine>itable instru8ents of
secret blac;8ail and t:reatsD
,urin9 &une and &ul31 do8estic econo8ic issues ed9ed t:eir =a3 bac; to center sta9e of US
<olitics? As al=a3s1 t:at =as bad ne=s for !us:?
!us:7s bi99est <roble8 durin9 1225 =as t:e collision bet=een :is fa>orite bit of ca8<ai9n
de8a9o931 :is Fread 83 li<s1 no ne= taEesF 8antra of 12251 and t:e loo8in9 national
ban;ru<tc3 of t:e United States? !us: :ad sent :is bud9et to t:e Hill on &anuar3 $2 =:ere
t:e ,e8ocrats1 des<ite t:e after9lo= of %ana8a1 :ad <ro8<tl3 <ronounced it ,ead on
Arri>al? ,urin9 Marc: and A<ril1 t:ere =ere rounds of :a99lin9 bet=een t:e Con9ress and
!us:7s bud9et <oint8an1 Ric:ard ,ar8an of OM!? T:en1 on t:e sunn3 s<rin9 Sunda3
afternoon of Ma3 -1 !us: used t:e occasion of a *:ite House lecture on :is e9o ideal1
T:eodore Roose>elt1 to :old a discreet 8eetin9 =it: ,e8ocratric Con9ressional leaders for
t:e <ur<ose of @uietl3 dee<-siEin9 t:e no ne= taEes litan3? !us: =as eEtre8el3
surre<titious in t:e Bettisonin9 of :is fa>orite t:ro=-a=a3 line1 but t:e =ord lea;ed out in
Monda37s ne=s<a<ers t:at t:e *:ite House1 in t:e <erson of :atc:et-8an Sununu1 =as
=illin9 to 9o to a bud9et su88it =it: Fno <reconditions?F Res<ondin9 to @uestions on
Monda31 !us:7s <ublicit3 8an itA=ater eE<lained t:at !us: =anted bud9et ne9otiations
Funfettered =it: conclusions about <ositions ta;en in t:e <ast?F T:at sounded li;e ne=
!us: :ad been co8<elled to act b3 a risin9 c:orus of <anic;ed screa8in9 fro8 t:e Cit3 of
London and *all Street1 =:o :ad been de8andin9 a serious austerit3 ca8<ai9n e>er since
!us: :ad arri>ed at t:e *:ite House? After t:e failure of t:e I1' billion !an; of Ne=
En9land in &anuar31 *all Street cor<oratist financier eliE Ro:a3tn :ad co88ented" FI
:a>e ne>er been so uneas3 about t:e outloo; in )5 3ears? E>er3=:ere 3ou loo;1 3ou see red
li9:ts blin;in9? I see so8et:in9 be3ond recession1 but s:ort of de<ression?F Gfn 1.H At t:e
<oint t:at !us: beca8e a taE a<ostate1 esti8ates =ere t:at t:e bud9et defecit for fiscal 1225
=ould to< I$55 billion and after t:at disa<<ear into t:e =ild blue 3onder? T:e IM-!IS
ban;ers =anted !us: to eEtract 8ore of t:at =ealt: fro8 t:e blood and bones of t:e
A8erican <eo<le1 and Geor9e =ould no= 9o t:rou9: t:e 8otions of co8<liance?
T:e <olitical blo=bac; =as se>ere? Ed Rollins1 t:e co-c:air8an of t:e National Re<ublican
Con9ressional Co88ittee1 =as a Rea9an ,e8ocrat =:o :ad decided to stic; =it: t:e GO%1
and :e :ad de>elo<ed a <lan1 =:ic: turned out to be a c:i8era1 about :o= t:e Re<ublicans
could 9ain so8e 9round in t:e Con9ress? As a <rofessional <olitical o<erati>e1 Rollins =as
acutel3 sensiti>e to t:e fact t:at !us:7s betra3al of :is Fno ne= taEes <led9eF =ould re8o>e
t:e one t:in9 t:at Geor9e and :is <art3 su<<osedl3 stood for? FT:e bi99est difference
bet=een Re<ublicans and ,e8ocrats in t:e <ublic <erce<tion is t:at Re<ublicans don7t =ant
to raise taEes1F co8<lained Rollins? FOb>iousl31 t:is 8a;es t:at 9o ri9:t out t:e door?
%oliticall31 I t:in; it7s a disaster?F Gfn 1/H *it: t:at1 Rollins =as loc;ed in a feud =it: !us:
t:at =ould <la3 out all t:e =a3 to t:e end of t:e 3ear?
!ut ,e8ocrats =ere also un:a<<31 since Fno <reconditionsF =as an e>asi>e eu<:e8is81
and t:e3 =anted !us: to ta;e t:e full o<<robriu8 of callin9 for Fne= taEes?F T:e *:ite
House re8ained du<licitious and e>asi>e? In 8id-Ma31 <our<arlers =ere :eld in t:e *:ite
House on a co8<re:ensi>e defecit-reduction a9ree8ent? T:e ,e8ocrats de8anded t:at
!us: 9o on national tele>ision to 8oti>ate drastic1 8erciless austerit3 all alon9 t:e line1
=it: taE increases to be co8bined =it: t:e 9ou9in9 of do8estic and social <ro9ra8s? !us:
de8urred? All durin9 &une1 t:e :a99lin9 about =:o =ould ta;e t:e <ublic ra< =ent for=ard?
On &une $-1 durin9 a *:ite House brea;fast 8eetin9 =it: !us:1 Sununu1 ,ar8an1 and
Con9ressional leaders1 Con9ress8an ole3 t:reatened to =al; out of t:e tal;s unless !us:
=ent <ublic =it: a call for taE :i;es? or a 8o8ent1 t:e dollar1 t:e Treasur3 bill 8ar;et1 and
t:e entire insane :ouse of cards of An9lo-A8erican finance :un9 sus<ended b3 a t:read? If
t:e tal;s ble= u<1 a =orld=ide financial <anic 8i9:t ensue1 and t:e >oters =ould :old
Geor9e res<onsible for t:e conse@uences? !us:7s !3Aantine res<onse =as to issue a lo=-
<rofile *:ite House <ress state8ent?
It is clear to 8e t:at bot: t:e siAe of t:e defecit <roble8 and t:e need for a <ac;a9e t:at can
be enacted re@uire all of t:e follo=in9" entitle8ent and 8andator3 <ro9ra8 refor8C taE
re>enue increasesC 9ro=t: incenti>esC discretionar3 s<endin9 reductionsC orderl3 reductions
in defense eE<endituresC and bud9et <rocess refor8?
FTaE re>enue increasesF =as t:e bi9 one? &une $- is re8e8bered b3 t:e GO% ri9:t =in9 as
a ,a3 of Infa83C !us: cannot for9et it eit:er1 since it =as on t:at da3 t:at :is <oll ratin9s
be9an to fall1 and ;e<t fallin9 until late No>e8ber1 =:en =ar :3steria bailed :i8 out? Man3
Con9ressional Re<ublicans =:o for 3ears :ad :ad no ot:er tal;in9 <oint t:an taEes =ere on
a collision course =it: t:e no8inal :ead of t:eir <art3C a bac;-benc:ers7 re>olt =as in full
s=in9? itA=ater and a fe= ot:ers still ar9ued t:at FtaE re>enue increasesF did not 8ean
Fne= taEesF1 but t:is so<:istr3 =as recei>ed =it: scorn? itA=ater ar9ued in doublet:in;"
*e feel G!us:H said t:e ri9:t t:in9 t:en and :e7s sa3in9 t:e ri9:t t:in9 no=?????E>er3t:in9
=e said =as true t:en and it7s true no=? No re9rets1 no bac;in9 off?
NiEon7s s<o;es8an Ron Nessen :ad been 8ore candid =:en :e once announced1 FAll
<re>ious state8ents are ino<erati>e?F *:en itA=ater =as as;ed if :e =ould a9ree t:at
!us: :ad no= for8all3 bro;en :is no taE <led9e1 itA=ater re<lied" FNo? Are 3ou craA3DF
On &ul3 111 Con9ressional ,e8ocrats bloc;ed !us:7s fa>orite econo8ic <anacea1 t:e
reduction of t:e ca<ital 9ains taE rate1 b3 de8andin9 t:at an3 suc: cut be co8bined =it: an
o>erall increase of inco8e taE rates on t:e =ealt:3? T:is 3ielded a deadloc; =:ic: lasted
until t:e last da3s of Se<te8ber?
!us: :id out in t:e *:ite House for a fe= da3s1 but t:en :e :ad to face t:e <ress? T:ere
=ould be onl3 one to<ic" :is taE <led9e? !us: affected a breeA3 and ca>alier 8anner t:at
could not dis9uise :is seet:in9 internal ra9e at t:e t:ou9:t of bein9 nailed as a liar? T:e
internal tur8oil =as eE<ressed in t:e fre@uent inco:erence of >erbal eE<ression? !us:
started off =it: an e>asi>e and ra8blin9 introduction in =:ic: :e <ortra3ed :i8self as
fi9:tin9 to <re>ent t:e sufferin9 t:at an auto8atic se@uester under t:e Gra88-Rud8an-
Hollin9s la= =ould entail? T:e first @uestion" FI7d li;e to as; 3ou about 3our re>ersal on 7no
ne= taEes?7F occasioned 8ore e>asi>e >erbia9e? Ot:er @uestions =ere all on t:e sa8e <oint?
!us: atte8<ted to <ull :i8self to9et:er"
I7ll sa3 I ta;e a loo; at a ne= situation? I see an enor8ous defecit? I see a sa>in9s and loan
<roble8 out t:ere t:at :as to be resol>ed? And li;e Abra:a8 Lincoln said1 FI7ll t:in; ane=?F
I78 not -- but I78 not >iolatin9 or 9ettin9 a=a3 fro8 83 funda8ental con>iction on taEes or
an3t:in9 of t:at nature? Not in t:e least? !ut =:at I :a>e said is on t:e table1 and let7s see
=:ere =e 9o? !ut =e7>e 9ot a different-- =e7>e 9ot a >er3 i8<ortant national <roble81 and I
t:in; t:e <resident o=es t:e <eo<le :is --:is Bud98ent at t:e 8o8ent :e :as to address t:e
<roble8? And t:at7s eEactl3 =:at I78 tr3in9 to do?
And loo;1 I ;ne= I7d catc: so8e fla; on t:is decision????!ut I7>e 9ot to do =:at I t:in; is
ri9:t1 and t:en I7ll as; t:e <eo<le for su<<ort? !ut 8ore i8<ortant t:an <osturin9 no=1 or
e>en ne9otiatin91 is t:e result????
It =as a land8ar; of i8<udence and disse8blin9? One of !us:7s 8ain obBecti>es as :e Ai9-
Aa99ed t:rou9: t:e <ress conference =as to a>oid an3 tele>ision sound bites t:at =ould
s:o= :i8 endorsin9 ne= taEes? So all :is for8ulations =ere as diffuse as <ossible? *ere
taE re>enue increases t:e sa8e as taEesD
!us:" And I sa3 bud9et refor8s are re@uired1 and I sa3 s<endin9 cuts are re@uired1 and so
let7s see =:ere =e co8e out on t:at?
L" !ut is it taEesD !us:" Is =:at taEesD L"*:at 3ou7re sa3in9? Are 3ou sa3in9 taEes are
--:i9:er taEes are--
!us:" I7>e told 3ou =:at I7>e said1 and I can7t :el< 3ou an3 8ore? Nice tr3? L"(ou said =e
needed-- !us:"(ou 9ot it? (ou 9ot it1 and 3ou7>e 9ot a--3ou7>e seen t:e arro=s co8in9 83
=a3? And t:at7s fine1 but-- let <eo<le inter<ret it an3 =a3--
L" *ell1 I :a>e--
!us:" *ell1 I =ant to lea>e it t:e =a3 I said I =ould1 so t:e ne9otiators are free to discuss a
=ide arra3 of o<tions1 includin9 taE increases? ,oes t:at :el<D
A @uestioner cited a tabloid :eadline" FRead M3 Li<s" I Lied?F !us: :ad been <re<<ed b3
an :istorical re>ie= of :o= ot:er <residents :ad alle9edl3 c:an9ed t:eir 8inds or lied1
=:ic: :ad con>inced !us: t:at :e1 alt:ou9: a liar1 =as actuall3 in t:e sa8e class =it:
Lincoln? FI7>e been 8ore relaEed about it t:an I t:ou9:t I7d be1F @ui<<ed !us:? FI feel
co8fortable about t:at because I7>e 9one bac; and done a little researc: and seen t:ese
firestor8s co8e and 9o1 <eo<le =:o feel Bust as stron9l3 on one side or anot:er of an issue
as I do and :a>en7t 9otten t:eir =a3 eEactl3?F *:3 :ad :e said no ne= taEes durin9 t:e
ca8<ai9nD F*ell1 I don7t t:in; an3bod3 did suc: a <enetratin9 Bob of @uestionin9????F !us:7s
basic idea =as t:at :e could 9et a=a3 =it: it1 in t:e =a3 t:at Rea9an :ad 9otten a=a3 =it:
t:e 12/$ recession? !ut for 8an3 >oters1 and e>en for 8an3 Re<ublican lo3alists1 t:is :ad
been 3et anot:er e<i<:an3 of a scoundrel? Man3 =ere con>inced t:at !us: belie>ed in
absolutel3 not:in9 eEce<t :an9in9 on to <o=er?
It =as also in t:e earl3 su88er of 1225 t:at it 9raduall3 da=ned on 8an3 taE<a3ers t:at1
accordin9 to t:e ter8s of t:e Sa>in9s N Loan bailout c:a8<ioned b3 !us: durin9 t:e first
=ee;s of :is re9i8e1 t:e3 =ould be left :oldin9 t:e ba9 to t:e tune of at least I+55 billion?
T:eir future =as no= =ei9:ted =it: t:e crus:in9 burden of a defacto second 8ort9a9e1 in
addition to t:e astrono8ical national debt t:at Rea9an and !us: :ad rolled u<? T:is
un:a<<3 consciousness =as co8<ounded b3 t:e <ersonal carna9e of t:e continuin9
econo8ic contraction1 =:ic: :ad been accelerated b3 t:e s:oc;s of Se<te8ber-October1
12/2? An u9l3 8ood =as abroad1 =it: an9r3 <eo<le see;in9 a <oint of cat:eEis?
T:e3 found it in Neil !us:1 t:e <resident7s 8ar<lot cadet son1 t:e one =e sa= eE<lainin9
:is Marc: '11 12/1 dinner en9a9e8ent =it: Scott Hinc;le3? As e>en little c:ildren no=
;no=1 Neil !us: =as a 8e8ber of t:e board of directors of Sil>erado Sa>in9s and Loan of
,en>er1 Colorado1 =:ic: =ent ban;ru<t and :ad to be seiAed b3 federal re9ulators durin9
12//? %reli8inar3 esti8ates of t:e costs to t:e taE<a3ers =ere on t:e order of I1?- billion1
but t:is =as sure to 9o :i9:er? T:e <icture =as co8<licated b3 t:e fact t:at Neil !us: :ad
recei>ed a I1551555 <ersonal loan 0ne>er re<a3ed1 and for8all3 for9i>en4 and a I1?$+
8illion line of credit fro8 t=o local land s<eculators1 #ennet: Good and *illia8 *alters1
bot: also <ro8inent 8one3-ba9s for t:e Re<ublican %art3? In return for t:e fa>ors :e :ad
recei>ed1 Neil !us: certainl3 did not:in9 to <re>ent Sil>erado fro8 lendin9 I'+ 8illion to
Good for a real estate s<eculation t:at soon =ent into default? *alters recei>ed I$55
8illion in loans fro8 Sil>erado1 =:ic: =ere ne>er called in? T:is =as a <ri8a facie case of
>iolation of t:e conflict of interest re9ulations? !ut instead of ;ee<in9 @uiet1 Neil !us:
s:o=ed t:at t:e fa8il3 tradition of self-ri9:teous <osturin9 e>en =:en cau9:t =it: bot:
:ands in t:e coo;ie Bar =as =ell re<resented b3 :i8" :e launc:ed an a99ressi>e ca8<ai9n
of <roclai8in9 :is o=n innoncenceC it =as all <olitical1 t:ou9:t Neil1 and all because <eo<le
=anted to 9et at :is au9ust fat:er t:rou9: :i8?
SleaA3 Neil !us:7s <ontificatin9 did not <la3 =ellC Neil sounded Farro9ant and fli<F and t:e
result1 as %eo<le 8a9aAine co88ented at t:e end of t:e 3ear1 =as Fa <ublic relations
fiasco?F %osters =ent u< in *as:in9ton e8blaAoned =it: t:e call to F&ail Neil !us:1F =:ile
out in ,en>er1 t:e Colorado TaE<a3ers for &ustice 8arc:ed outside Neil7s do=nto=n office
0=:ere Neil :ad ans=ered @uestions about :is ties to t:e Hinc;le3 fa8il3 in on Marc: '11
12/14 carr3in9 <lacards and c:antin9 F(es1 Neil1 it7s =ron9 to stealKF and FGi>e it bac;1
NeilKF Gfn 12H Neil =as loo;in9 for=ard to <ublic :earin9s or9aniAed b3 t:e ederal
,e<osit Insurance Cor<oration to <robe :is 8alfeasanceC t:ere =as tal; of a cri8inal
indict8ent1 but t:is e>entuall3 d=indled into a I$55 8illion ci>il suit brou9:t a9ainst Neil
and 15 ot:er for8er Sil>erado officials for F9ross ne9li9enceF in t:eir runnin9 of t:e affairs
of t:e ban;?
!us:7s i88ediate reaction to t:e dense clouds 9at:erin9 o>er Neil7s :ead =as to ste< u< a
scandal :e sa= as a counter=ei9:t" t:is =as t:e F#eatin9 i>eF or FLincoln !ri9adeF affair1
=:ic: :it Senate ,e8ocrats Cranston1 Rie9le1 Glenn1 and ,eConcini1 <lus Re<ublican
McCain? So8e SNL loans s:o=ed FeEcesses1F !us: =as no= read3 to concede1 and so8e
=ere Ffoolis: and ill-ad>ised?F !ut1 :e @uic;l3 sti<ulated" FI don7t =ant to ar9ue in fa>or of
re-re9ulatin9 t:e industr3?F And !us: =as also on t:e defensi>e because1 =:ile :e
8andated I+55 billion for t:e SNLs1 :e =anted to >eto a 8easure <ro>idin9 for un<aid
<arental lea>e for =or;in9 8ot:ers1 des<ite a ca8<ai9n <ro8ise t:at F=e need to assure
t:at =o8en don7t :a>e to =orr3 about 9ettin9 t:eir Bobs bac; after :a>in9 a c:ild or carin9
for a c:ild durin9 serious illness?F !us: no= s<ecified t:at :e =as not endorsin9 F8andated
benefitsF fro8 9o>ern8ent1 but =as Bust su<<ortin9 collecti>e bar9ainin9 to allo= suc:
lea>e? *:at to do if e8<lo3ers refused to 9rant lea>eD F(ou7>e 9ot to ;ee< =or;in9 for
t:e8 until t:e3 do1F ans=ered !us: =it: t:e ancien re9i8e Flet 7e8 eat ca;eF lo9ic of a
Marie Antoinette? Gfn $5H
At a <ress conference in 8id-&ul31 !us: =as as;ed if :e a9reed =it: son Neil7s self- defense
ca8<ai9n1 =:ic: =as <re8issed on t:e idea t:at t:e attac; =as a <urel3 <olitical s8ear1 all
because t:e <oor bo37s na8e :a<<ened to be !us:? T:e issue =as focussin9 <ublic attention
on all t:e in:erent ra<acit3 of t:e <redator3 !us: fa8il3? Geor9e launc:ed into an enra9ed1
self-ri9:teous 8onolo9ue"
I a9ree t:at t:e <resident ou9:t to sta3 out of it1 and t:at t:e s3ste8 ou9:t to =or;? And I
:a>e 9reat confidence in t:e inte9rit3 and :onor of 83 son? And be3ond t:at1 I78 -- sa3 no
8ore? And if :e7s done so8et:in9 =ron91 t:e s3ste8 =ill --=ill-- =ill di9est t:at? I :a>e --
t:is is not eas3 for 8e1 as a fat:erC it7s eas3 for 8e as t:e <resident because t:e s3ste8 is
9oin9 to =or;1 and I =ill not inter>ene? I7>e not discussed t:is =it: an3 officials and
su99ested an3 outco8e?
Note t:at once a9ain t:e =ord Finte9rit3F co8es to t:e fore as soon as a <robe see8s to be
turnin9 u< a felon3? As for Fs3ste81F t:is refers in t:e <arlance of t:e #issin9er faction to
t:e rule of t:e interloc;in9 <o=er cartels of t:e Eastern An9lo<:ile liberal establis:8ent?
*:at !us: is reall3 sa3in9 is t:at t:e 8atter =ill be :us:ed u< b3 t:e da8a9e control of t:e
Fs3ste8?F !us: =ent on"
!ut =:at fat:er =ouldn7t eE<ress a certain confidence in t:e :onor of :is sonD And t:at7s
eEactl3 t:e =a3 I feel about it1 and I feel >er3 stron9l3 about it? And for t:ose =:o =ant to
c:allen9e it1 =:et:er t:e37re in Con9ress or else=:ere1 let t:e s3ste8 =or; and t:en =e can
all 8a;e a conclusion as to :is :onor and inte9rit3?
And it7s tou9: on <eo<le in <ublic life to so8e de9ree? And I7>e 9ot t:ree ot:er sons and
t:e3 all =ant to 9o to t:e barricades1 e>er3 one of t:e81 =:en t:e3 see so8e cartoon t:e3
don7t li;e1 <articularl3 t:ose t:at are factuall3 incorrect in total -- total de8eanin9 of t:e
:onor of t:eir brot:er? T:e3 =ant to -- t:e3 =ant to do =:at an3 ot:er-- an3 ot:er ;ids
=ould do? And I sa3" 3ou cal8 do=n no=1 =e7re in a different role no=C 3ou can7t react li;e
3ou =ould if 3our brot:er =as <ic;ed on in a street fi9:t-- t:at7s not t:e =a3 t:e s3ste8
=or;s? !ut =e :a>e 9reat e8otions t:at I s:are =it: !arbara1 I s:are =it: 83 sons and
dau9:ter t:at I =on7t s:are =it: 3ou1 eEce<t to sa3" One1 as a <resident I a8 deter8ined to
sta3 out of t:is and let it =or; and let it =or; fairl3? And secondl31 I :a>e confidence in t:e
:onor and inte9rit3 of 83 son1 and if t:e s3ste8 finds :e7s done so8et:in9 =ron9 :e =ill
be t:e first to ste< u< and do =:at7s ri9:t? Gfn $1H
!us:7s <artin9 s:ot see8ed to contain t:e o<ti8istic <re8iss t:at an3 sanctions a9ainst
3oun9 Neil =ould be ci>il1 and not cri8inal1 and t:at is >er3 li;el3 t:e si9nal t:at Geor9e
=as sendin9 out =it: t:ese re8ar;s? !ut t:e a>oidance of cri8inal c:ar9es =as not a
fore9one conclusion? A 9rou< of House ,e8ocrats :ad =ritten to Attorne3 General
T:ornbur9: to de8and a s<ecial <rosecutor for t:e :a<less Neil? T:e si9ners included %at
Sc:roeder1 #asten8eier of *isconsin1 ,on Ed=ards of California1 Con3ers of Mic:i9an1
Morrison of Connecticut1 Larr3 S8it: of lorida1 !ouc:er of 6ir9inia1 Sta99ers of *est
6ir9inia1 and !r3ant of TeEas? T:e 8easure =as full3 Bustified1 but it soon turned out t:at
t:e ole3 leaders:i< in t:e House1 8ore of a 8ars:8allo=-sta8< t:an a rubber sta8<1 :ad
been leanin9 on ,e8ocratic 8e8bers to s:un t:is initiati>e? T:is beca8e <ublic =:en
Con9ress8an ei9:an of O:io1 =:o :ad si9ned t:e letter1 retracted :is si9nature under t:e
<ressure of ole37s ,e8ocratic leaders:i<?
!ut t:ere =as no doubt t:at Neil !us: :ad been actin9 as an influence <eddler? ,ocu8ents
released b3 t:e Office of T:rift Su<er>ision =:ic: detailed t:e conflict of interest c:ar9es
a9ainst Neil con>e3ed a >er3 lo= >ie= of t:e d3sleEic 3oun9 8an7s business acu8en" t:e
re9ulators described :i8 as Fun@ualified and untrainedF to be a director of a financial
institution? An untutored s@uirt1 :is fat:er 8i9:t :a>e said? In t:e =ords of t:e OTS1
Fcertainl3 :e :ad no eE<erience in 8ana9in9 a lar9e cor<oration1 es<eciall3 a financial
institution =it: al8ost I$ billion in assets?F
T:e s=irlin9 contro>ers3 also en9ulfed !us:7s consort? *:en @uestioned b3 a Bournalist
se>eral da3s before t:e #u=ait crisis eru<ted1 !ar Fflus:es indi9nantl3 o>er t:e alle9ations
a9ainst son Neil????F FI78 not 9oin9 to tal; about it1F sna<<ed Mrs? !us:1 but s:e t:en did
re8ar; t:at it =as Foutra9eousF t:at suc: a F=onderful1 decent1 :onest 8anF =as bein9
deni9rated Bust because :is <arents Fc:ose to 9et into <olitical life?F As t:e inter>ie=er
noted1 Mrs? !us: Fs8iles =it: 8aternal <ride1 t:ou9:1 =:en s:e ac;no=led9es a ru8or t:at
son Mar>in1 ''1 nearl3 resorted to fisticuffs defendin9 Neil7s :onor and t:at brot:er &eb1 '.1
=as so read3 to Boin t:e fra3 t:at 7=e :ad to :old :i8 bac;?7F F*e Bust lo>e our c:ildren1
and t:e3 ;no= it1F 9us:ed Mrs? !us:? FSo8eone once said to 8e t:at t:e3 didn7t ;no=
anot:er fa8il3 =:ere all fi>e siblin9s lo>e eac: ot:er so 8uc:? And t:at7s true? If <us:
co8es to s:o>e1 t:e37re all t:ere for eac: ot:er?F Gfn $$H
As t:e end of &ul3 a<<roac:ed1 Neil !us: =as beco8in9 a se>ere <ublic relations <roble8
for :is fat:er Geor9e? To 8a;e 8atters =orse1 econo8ist ,an !ru8bau9:1 =:o enBo3ed a
certain notoriet3 as t:e Cassandra of t:e SNL debacle1 a<<eared on tele>ision to confir8
=:at t:e insiders alead3 ;ne=1 t:at not Bust t:e SNLs1 but t:e entire co88ercial ban;in9
s3ste8 of t:e United States1 fro8 t:e *all Street 9iants do=n t:rou9: t:e ot:er 8one3
center ban;s1 =as all ban;ru<t? Econo8ic realit31 !us:7s old ne8esis1 =as once a9ainst
t:reatenin9 :is a8bition to rule? T:en1 in t:e last da3s of &ul31 t:e *:ite House recei>ed
infor8ation t:at a national ne=s8a9aAine1 <robabl3 Ne=s=ee;1 =as <lannin9 a co>er stor3
on Neil !us:? Gfn $'H
Suc: =ere t:e e>ents in t:e <olitical and <ersonal life of Geor9e !us: t:at <ro>ided t:e
bac;dro< for !us:7s <reci<itous and c:oleric decision to 9o to =ar =it: Ira@? T:is is not to
sa3 t:at t:e decision to 9o to =ar =as caused b3 t:ese un<leasant de>elo<8entsC t:e causes
of t:e Gulf =ar are 8uc: 8ore co8<licated t:an t:at? !ut it is e@uall3 clear t:at !us:7s
bellicose ent:usias8 for t:e first =ar t:at ca8e alon9 =as notabl3 facilitated b3 t:e
co8<leE of <roble8s =:ic: :e =ould t:us s=ee< off t:e front <a9e?
T:ere is 8uc: e>idence t:at t:e !us: re9i8e =as co88itted to a ne=1 lar9e-scale =ar in
t:e Middle East fro8 t:e >er3 da3 of its inau9uration? T:e follo=in9 anal3sis =as filed on
%al8 Sunda31 Marc: 121 12/2 b3 one of t:e aut:ors of t:e <resent stud31 and =as <ublis:ed
in EEecuti>e Intelli9ence Re>ie= under t:e title FIs !us: courtin9 a Middle East =ar and a
ne= oil crisisDF"
Is t:e !us: ad8inistration <re<arin9 a 8ilitar3 attac; on Iran1 Lib3a1 S3ria1 or ot:er Middle
East nations in a fli9:t for=ard intended to cut off or destro3 a si9nificant <art of t:e
=orld7s oil su<<l3 and drasticall3 raise t:e dollar <rice of crude on t:e =orld 8ar;etsD A
=orld=ide <attern of e>ents 8onitored on %al8 Sunda3 b3 EEecuti>e Intelli9ence Re>ie=
su99ests t:at suc: a 8o>e 8a3 be in t:e =or;s? If t:e scri<t does indeed call for a Middle
East conflict and a ne= oil s:oc;1 it can be safel3 assu8ed t:at Henr3 #issin9er1 t:e
sc:e8er be:ind t:e 12.' (o8 #i<<ur =ar1 is in t:e t:ic; of t:in9s1 t:rou9: National
Securit3 Ad>iser !rent Sco=croft and t:e State ,e<art8ent7s nu8ber-t=o 8an La=rence
Ea9lebur9er? G???H
*:3 s:ould t:e !us: ad8inistration no= be a candidate to launc: an attac; on Lib3a and
Iran1 =it: lar9e-scale :ostilities li;el3 in t:e GulfD T:e basic ans=er is1 as <art of a 8anic
fli9:t-for=ard fit of FA8erican Centur3F 8e9alo8ania desi9ned to distract attention fro8
t:e fiasco of t:e ne= %resident7s first -5 da3s in office? Gfn $)H
,es<ite t:e nu8erous s:ortco8in9s in t:is account1 includin9 t:e failure to identif3 Ira@ as
t:e tar9et1 it did ca<ture t:e essential trut: t:at !us: =as <lannin9 a Gulf =ar? !3 Au9ust1
12// at t:e latest1 =:en Ira@ :ad e8er9ed as t:e decisi>e >ictor in t:e /-3ear lon9 Iran-Ira@
=ar1 !ritis: 9eo<olitical t:in;ers :ad identified Ira@ as t:e leadin9 Arab state1 and t:e
leadin9 t:reat to t:e Israeli-do8inated balance of <o=er in t:e Middle East? T:is esti8ate
=as seconded b3 t:ose Jionist obser>ers for =:o8 t:e definition of 8ini8al securit3 is t:e
ca<abilit3 of Israel to defeat t:e co8bined coalition of all Arab states? !3 Au9ust of 12//1
leadin9 circles in bot: !ritain and Israel =ere conte8<latin9 =a3s of <re>entin9 Ira@ fro8
rebuildin9 its <ost=ar econo831 and =ere eE<lorin9 o<tions for a ne= =ar to li@uidate t:e
undeniable econo8ic ac:ie>e8ents of t:e !aat: %art3? !us: =ould :a>e been a <art of
t:ese deliberations startin9 at a >er3 earl3 <:ase?
,urin9 &une and &ul31 t:is =arnin9 =as seconded b3 #in9 Hussein of &ordan1 (assir Arafat
of t:e %LO1 %rince Hassan of &ordan1 and Sadda8 Hussein :i8self?
T:e !us: re9i8e7s contributions to t:e orc:estration of t:e Gulf crisis of 1225-21 =ere
8an3 and indis<ensable? irst t:ere =as a ca8<ai9n of tou9: tal;in9 b3 !us: and !a;er1
desi9ned to 9oad t:e ne= Li;ud-centered coalition of S:a8ir 0in 8an3 res<ects t:e 8ost
belli9erent and confrontational re9i8e Israel :ad e>er ;no=n4 into <ostures of increased
bellicosit3? !us: <ersonall3 referred to Israel as one of t:e countries in t:e Middle East t:at
:eld :osta9es? In earl3 Marc:1 12251 !us: said t:at t:e US 9o>ern8ent <osition =as to
o<<ose Israeli settle8ents not onl3 on t:e *est !an; of t:e &ordan and t:e GaAa Stri<1 but
also in East &erusale8? A fe= da3s before t:at1 !a;er :ad su99ested t:at US su<<ort for a
I)55 8illion loan 9uarantee <ro9ra8 for settlin9 So>iet &e=s in Israel =ould be
fort:co8in9 onl3 if Israel sto<<ed settin9 u< ne= settle8ents in t:e occu<ied territories?
!us:7s 8ention of East &erusale8 :ad tou9:ened t:at line? Gfn $-H !a;er :ad added so8e
tou9: tal; of :is o=n =:en :e :ad told a Con9ressional co88ittee t:at if and =:en t:e
Israeli 9o>ern8ent =anted <eace1 t:e3 :ad onl3 to call t:e *:ite House s=itc:board1
=:ose nu8ber :e <roceeded to 9i>e? !ut on &une $51 !us: sus<ended t:e US dialo9ue =it:
t:e %LO =:ic: :e :ad caused to be started durin9 ,ece8ber1 12//? T:e <reteEt =as a
sta9ed terror incident at an Israeli beac:?
&ul31 1225 =as full of t:e :3<er;inetic tra>el and di<lo8ac3 =:ic: :as beco8e Geor9e7s
trade8ar;? O>er t:e &ul3 ourt: =ee;end1 !us: =ent to #ennebun;<ort to <re<are for t:e
London NATO su88it and t:e successi>e Houston su88it of t:e se>en leadin9 industrial
nations? T:ere is e>idence t:at :e =as alread3 in t:e full flus: of t:e 8anic <:ase1 and t:at
t:e Fread 83 li<sF <ress conference and t:e Neil !us: affair :ad <roduced 8assi>e <s3c:ic
carna9e? Accordin9 to a <ress account1 !us: <assed t:e ti8e in #ennebun;<ort
=it: :is usual brea;nec; round of t:ro=in9 :orses:oes1 castin9 fis:in9 lures1 bas:in9 9olf
balls1 and careenin9 across t:e =a>es in :is s<eedboat? Instead of arri>in9 in London a da3
before t:e 8eetin9 be9an1 Mr? !us: s@ueeAed in one 8ore 9olf 9a8e on *ednesda3
8ornin91 and left t:at ni9:t? !ut :ere1 it see8ed t:at t:e botto8less =ell of ener93 :ad a
botto8 after all? Mr? !us: 9ot off Air orce One loo;in9 tired1 e3es <uff3 and :is stride less
s<r3 t:an t:e Fs<rin9 coltF to =:ic: :e al=a3s co8<ares :i8self?
,urin9 t:e London su88it1 !us: a<<ears to :a>e been unusuall3 irritable? One s8all crisis
ca8e =:en :e found :i8self =aitin9 for :is li8ousine in front of Lancaster House =:ile
:is aides scra8bled to brin9 :is car around? !us: Fcraned :is nec; around1 <ursed :is li<s1
stuc; :is :ands in :is <oc;ets1 and 9lared at t:e nearest aide until :is car finall3 a<<eared?F
Gfn $.H
T:e secret a9enda at t:is su88it =as do8inated b3 t:e NATO out of area de<lo38ents1
transfor8in9 t:e alliance into t:e =:ite 8an7s >en9eful ;nout a9ainst t:e t:ird =orld?
Accordin9 to a senior NATO consultant1 t:e Lancaster House su88it focussed on
Fincreasin9 tension and re-ar8a8ent in a nu8ber of countries1 in Nort: Africa1 t:e Middle
East includin9 %alestine1 and Asia t:rou9:1 increasin9l31 to Sout:east Asia? T:ere are ne=
dan9ers fro8 ne= directions? *e are s:iftin9 fro8 an eEclusi>e focus on t:e east-=est
conflict1 to a situation of ris; co8in9 e>entuall3 or <otentiall3 fro8 all directions?F T:e tal;
in London in t:at &ul3 =as about a <ossible ne= Middle East =ar1 =:ic: F=ould tend to
escalate :oriAontall3 and >erticall3? A real conflict in t:e Le>ant =ould eEtend fro8 t:e
Tur;is: border to t:e SueA canal? It =ould in>ol>e t:e nei9:bors of t:e 8ain co8batants?
T:e =:ole t:in9 =ould be in a state of fluE1 because t:e 9reat <o=ers couldn7t afford Bust to
sit t:ere?F In order to a>oid <ublic relations <roble8s for t:e continental Euro<ean
9o>ern8ents1 =:o still :ad @ual8s about t:eir do8estic <ublic o<inion1 t:ese debates =ere
not featured in t:e final co88uni@ue1 =:ic: co8<lacentl3 <roclai8ed t:e end of t:e Cold
*ar and in>ited Gorbac:o> to co8e and >isit NATO :ead@uarters to 8a;e a s<eec:? Gfn $/H
After :ob-nobbin9 =it: T:atc:er1 Lueen EliAabet: II1 and ot:er 8e8bers of t:e ro3al
fa8il31 !us: fle= to Houston to assu8e t:e role of :ost of t:e Grou< of . 3earl3 econo8ic
su88it? At t:is su88it1 t:e An9lo-SaEon 8aster race as re<resented b3 !us: and T:atc:er
found itself in a :i9:l3 e8barrassin9 <osition? E>er3one ;ne= t:at t:e =orst econo8ic
<la9ue outside of t:e co88unist bloc =as t:e En9lis:-s<ea;in9 econo8ic de<ression1
=:ic: :eld not Bust t:e United States1 t:e United #in9do81 and Canada but also Australia1
Ne= Jealand1 and ot:er for8er i8<erial out<osts in its 9ri<? T:e continental Euro<eans
=ere interested in or9aniAin9 e8er9enc3 aid and in>est8ent <ac;a9es for t:e e8er9in9
countries of eastern Euro<e1 and t:e So>iet re<ublics1 but t:is t:e An9lo-SaEons ada8antl3
o<<osed? Rat:er1 !us: and T:atc:er =ere on a full trade- =ar line a9ainst t:e Euro<ean
Co88unit3 and &a<an =:en it ca8e to t:e General A9ree8ent on Tariffs and Trade and
ot:er 8atters of international econo8ics? !us:7s TeE-MeE 8enus and countr3 and =estern
entertain8ent <ro9ra8s =ere unable to :ide an at8os<:ere of 9ro=in9 ani8osit3?
In t:e follo=in9 =ee;1 t:e An9lo-SaEon su<er8en =ere once a9ain <lun9ed into 9loo8
=:en Gorbac:o> and #o:l1 8eetin9 on &ul3 1- in t:e sout: Russian to=n of Mineraln3
6od3 near Sta>ro<ol1 announced t:e So>iet ac@uiescence to t:e 8e8bers:i< of united
Ger8an3 in NATO? T:is =as an issue t:at !us: and T:atc:er :ad :o<ed =ould cause a
8uc: lon9er dela3 and 8uc: 9reater acri8on31 but no= t:ere =ere no 8ore barriers to t:e
successful co8<letion of t:e Ft=o <lus fourF tal;s on t:e future of Ger8an31 =:ic: 8eant
t:at Ger8an reunification before t:e end of t:e 3ear =as una>oidable?
On t:e sa8e da3 t:at #o:l and Gorbac:o> =ere 8eetin91 satellite <:oto9ra<:s 8onitored
in t:e %enta9on s:o=ed t:at Ira@7s crac; Ha88urabi di>ision1 t:e cor<s d7elite of t:e
Re<ublican Guard1 =as 8o>in9 sout: to=ards t:e border of #u=ait? !3 &ul3 1.1 %enta9on
anal3sts =ould be conte8<latin9 ne= satellite <:otos s:o=in9 t:e entire di>ision1 =it: '55
tan;s and o>er 151555 8en1 in <lace alon9 t:e Ira@-#u=ait border? A second di>ision1 t:e
Medina Lu8inous1 =as be9innin9 to arri>e alon9 t:e border1 and a t:ird di>ision =as
8arc:in9 sout:? Gfn $2H
T:e dis<utes bet=een Ira@ and #u=ait =ere =ell-;no=n1 and t:e An9lo-A8ericans :ad
done e>er3t:in9 <ossible to eEacerbate t:e8? Ira@ :ad defended #u=ait1 Saudi Arabia1 and
t:e ot:er Gulf Coo<eration Council countries a9ainst t:e fanatic le9ions of #:o8eini
durin9 t:e Iran-Ira@ =ar? Ira@ :ad e8er9ed fro8 t:e conflict >ictorious1 but burdened b3
I-+ billion in forei9n debt? Ira@ de8anded debt relief fro8 t:e ric: Gulf Arabs1 =:o :ad
not lifted a fin9er for t:eir o=n defense? As for #u=ait1 it :ad been a !ritis: <u<<et state
since 1/22? !ot: #u=ait and t:e United Arab E8irates =ere eac: ac;no=led9ed to be
eEceedin9 t:eir O%EC <roduction @uotas b3 so8e +551555 barrels <er da3? T:is =as <art of
a strate93 to ;ee< t:e <rice of oil artificiall3 lo=C t:e lo= <rice =as a boon to t:e dollar and
t:e US ban;in9 s3ste81 and it also <re>ented Ira@ fro8 ac@uirin9 t:e necessar3 funds for its
<ost=ar de8obiliAation and reconstruction? #u=ait =as also ;no=n to be stealin9 oil b3
o>er<u8<in9 t:e Ru8ailia oil field1 =:ic: la3 alon9 t:e Ira@-#u=ait border? T:e border
t:rou9: t:e Ru8aila oil field =as t:us a bone of contention bet=een Ira@ and #u=ait1 as
=as t:e o=ners:i< of !ubi3an and *arba islands1 =:ic: controlled t:e access to U88
Lasr1 Ira@7s c:ief <ort and na>al base as lon9 as t:e S:att-el-Arab =as dis<uted =it: Iran? It
later beca8e ;no=n t:at t:e E8ir of #u=ait =as <re<arin9 furt:er 8easures of econo8ic
=arfare a9ainst Ira@1 includin9 t:e <rintin9 of 8asses of counterfeit Ira@i currenc3 notes
=:ic: :e =as <re<arin9 to du8< on t:e 8ar;et in order to <roduce a crisis of :3<erinflation
in Ira@? Man3 of t:ese t:e8es =ere de>elo<ed b3 Sadda8 Hussein in a &ul3 1. address in
=:ic: :e accused t:e E8ir of #u=ait of <artici<ation in a US-Jionist cons<irac3 to ;ee<
t:e <rice of oil de<ressed?
T:e E8ir of #u=ait1 &aber el Saba1 =as a =idel3 :ated fi9ure a8on9 Arabs and Mosle8s?
He =as s3baritic de9enerate1 fabulousl3 =ealt:31 a co8<lete <arasite and ne<otist1 t:e
;ee<er of a :are81 and t:e o=ner of sla>es1 es<eciall3 blac; sla>es1 for do8estic use in :is
<alace? T:e Saba fa8il3 ran #u=ait as t:e <ri>ate <lantation of t:eir clan1 and Saba
officials =ere notoriousl3 cruel and stu<id? Ira@1 b3 contrast1 =as a 8odern secular state
=it: :i9: rates of econo8ic 9ro=t:1 and <ossessed one of t:e :i9:est standards of li>in9
and literac3 rates in t:e Arab =orld? T:e status of =o8en =as one of t:e 8ost ad>anced in
t:e re9ion1 and reli9ious freedo8 =as eEtended to all c:urc:es?
An9lo-A8erican strate93 =as t:us to use econo8ic =arfare 8easures1 includin9 e8bar9os
on ;e3 tec:nolo9ies1 to bac; Sadda8 Hussein into a corner? *:en t:e <osition of Ira@ =as
Bud9ed sufficientl3 des<erate1 secret feelers fro8 t:e An9lo-A8ericans offered Sadda8
Hussein encoura9e8ent to attac; #u=ait1 =it: secret 9uarantees t:at t:ere =ould be no
An9lo-A8erican reaction? Reliable re<orts fro8 t:e Middle East indicate t:at Sadda8
Hussein =as told before :e too; #u=ait t:at London and *as:in9ton =ould not 9o to =ar
a9ainst :i8? Sadda8 Hussein =as 9i>en furt:er assurances t:rou9: ,ece8ber and &anuar31
1221 t:at t:e 8ilitar3 <otential bein9 asse8bled in :is front =ould not be used a9ainst :i81
but =ould onl3 <er8anentl3 occu<3 Saudi Arabia? It is ob>ious t:at1 in order to be
belie>able on t:e <art of t:e Ira@i leaders:i<1 t:ese assurances :ad to co8e fro8 <ersons
;no=n to eEercise 9reat <o=er and influence in London and *as:in9ton-- <ersons1 let us
sa31 in t:e sa8e lea9ue =it: Henr3 #issin9er? One <ri8e sus<ect =:o =ould fill t:e bill is
Tin3 Ro=land1 a <ro<ert3 custodian of t:e !ritis: ro3al fa8il3 and ad8inistrator of !ritis:
<ost-colonial and neo- colonial interests in Africa and else=:ere? Tin3 Ro=land :ad been in
Ira@ in &ul31 s:ortl3 before t:e Ira@i 8ilitar3 8ade t:eir 8o>e?
It is i8<ortant to note t:at e>er3 as<ect of t:e <ublic conduct of t:e !us: re9i8e until after
t:e Ira@i in>asion of #u=ait :ad beco8e a fait acco8<li =as <erfectl3 co:erent =it: t:e
assurances Sadda8 Hussein =as recei>in91 na8el3 t:at t:ere =ould be no US 8ilitar3
retaliation a9ainst Ira@ for ta;in9 #u=ait?
T:e !ritis: 9eo<oliticians so 8uc: ad8ired b3 !us: are <ast 8asters of t:e intri9ue of t:e
in>itatio ad offerendu81 t:e suc;erin9 of anot:er <o=er into =ar? In>itatio ad offerendu8
8eans in effect Flet7s 3ou and :i8 fi9:t?F It is =ell ;no=n t:at US Secretar3 of State ,ean
Ac:eson1 a close associate of A>erell Harri8an1 :ad in &anuar31 12+5 officiall3 and
for8all3 cast Sout: #orea outside t:e <ale of A8erican <rotection1 <ro>idin9
encoura9e8ent to #i8 Il Sun9 to start t:e #orean =ar? T:ere is e>er3 indication t:at t:e
Nort: #orean attac; on Sout: #orea in 12+5 =as also secretl3 encoura9ed b3 t:e !ritis:?
Later1 t:e !ritis: secretl3 encoura9ed C:inese inter>ention into t:at sa8e =ar? T:e
Ar9entinian seiAure of t:e Mal>inas Islands durin9 12/$ =as e>identl3 <receeded b3
de8onstrations of let:ar9ic disinterest in t:e fate of t:ese islands b3 t:e !ritis: orei9n
Secretar31 Lord Carrin9ton? Sadda8 Hussein7s attac; on Iran in 12/5 :ad been encoura9ed
b3 US and !ritis: assurances t:at t:e Te:eran 9o>ern8ent =as colla<sin9 and inca<able of
As =e :a>e seen1 t:e %enta9on ;ne= of Ira@i troo<s 8assin9 on t:e border =it: #u=ait as
for &ul3 1--1.? T:ese troo< concentrations =ere announced in t:e US <ress onl3 on &ul3 $)1
=:en t:e *as:in9ton %ost re<orted t:at FIra@ :as 8o>ed nearl3 '51555 elite ar83 troo<s to
its border =it: #u=ait and t:e !us: ad8inistration <ut US =ars:i<s in t:e %ersian Gulf on
alert as a dis<ute bet=een t:e t=o 9ulf nations o>er oil <roduction @uotas intensified1 US
officials and Arab di<lo8ats said 3esterda3?F T:e Ira@is :ad in>ited a 9rou< of =estern
8ilitar3 attac:es to tra>el b3 road fro8 #u=ait Cit3 to !a9:dad1 durin9 =:ic: ti8e t:e
=estern officers counted so8e $1555 to '1555 >e:icles 8o>in9 sout: =it: a furt:er
reinforce8ent of t=o di>isions of t:e Re<ublican Guards? Gfn '5H
If #u=ait :ad been so >ital to t:e securit3 of t:e United States and t:e =est1 t:en it is clear
t:at at an3 ti8e bet=een &ul3 1. and Au9ust 1 --and t:at is to sa3 durin9 a <eriod of al8ost
t=o =ee;s-- !us: could :a>e issued a =arnin9 to Ira@ to sta3 out of #u=ait1 bac;in9 it u<
=it: so8e blood-curdlin9 t:reats and serious1 :i9:-<rofile 8ilitar3 de8onstrations? Instead1
!us: 8aintained a studied <ublic silence on t:e situation and allo=ed :is a8bassador to
con>e3 a 8essa9e to Sadda8 Hussein t:at =as =:oll3 8isleadin91 but =:oll3 co:erent
=it: t:e :3<ot:esis of a !ritis: <lan to suc;er Sadda8 into =ar?
On &ul3 $)1 <ress releases fro8 t:e *:ite House1 t:e State ,e<art8ent and t:e %enta9on
=ere balanced bet=een su<<ort for t:e F8oderateF #u=aitis and Saudis on t:e one :and1
and encoura9e8ent for an Arab-8ediated <eaceful settle8ent? Mar9aret Tut=iler at t:e
State ,e<art8ent stressed t:at t:e United States :ad no co88itt8ent to defend #u=ait"
*e do not :a>e an3 defense treaties =it: #u=ait and t:ere are no s<ecial defense or
securit3 co88itt8ents to #u=ait? *e also re8ain stron9l3 co88itted to su<<ortin9 t:e
indi>idual and collecti>e self-defense of our friends in t:e 9ulf1 =it: =:o8 =e :a>e dee<
and lon9-standin9 ties?
An anon38ous US 8ilitar3 official @uoted b3 t:e *as:in9ton %ost added t:at if Ira@ seiAed
a s8all a8ount of #u=aiti territor3 as a 8eans of 9ainin9 ne9otiatin9 le>era9e in O%EC1
Ft:e United States <robabl3 =ould not directl3 c:allen9e t:e 8o>e1 but =ould Boin =it: all
Arab 9o>ern8ents in denouncin9 it and <uttin9 <ressure on Ira@ to bac; do=n?F T=o US
#C-1'+ air tan;ers =ere about to carr3 out refuelin9 eEercises =it: t:e United Arab
E8irates Air orce1 it =as announced1 and t:e siE s:i<s of t:e US &oint Tas; orce Middle
East based in t:e %ersian Gulf =ere de<lo3ed Monda3 &ul3 $' for Fco88unications
su<<ortF for t:is air eEercise1 accordin9 to t:e %enta9on? T=o of t:ese US s:i<s =ere in t:e
nort:ern Gulf1 near t:e coasts of Ira@ and #u=ait? Gfn '1H !ut t:ere =as not:in9 blood-
curdlin9 about an3 of t:is1 and !us:7s <ersonal silence =as t:e 8ost elo@uent of all? In
addition1 t:e !us: ad8inistration =as lobb3in9 in Con9ress durin9 t:is =ee; in o<<osition
to a ne= round of Con9ressional trade sanctions a9ainst Ira@? Ira@i ca<abilities to ta;e
#u=ait =ere no= in <lace1 and t:e !us: re9i8e :ad not reacted?
On &ul3 $+1 US A8bassador A<ril Glas<ie 8et =it: Sadda8 Hussein1 and con>e3ed a
:i9:l3 8isleadin9 8essa9e about t:e US >ie= of t:e crisis? Glas<ie assured Sadda8
Hussein t:at s:e =as actin9 on direct instructions fro8 !us:1 and t:en deli>ered :er
celebrated line" F*e :a>e no o<inion on t:e Arab-Arab conflict1 li;e 3our border
disa9ree8ent =it: #u=ait?F T:ere is e>er3 indication t:at t:ese =ere indeed t:e
instructions t:at :ad been 9i>en directl3 b3 t:e c:ief a9ent <ro>ocateur in t:e *:ite House1
!us:? FI :a>e direct instructions fro8 t:e <resident to see; better relations =it: Ira@1F
Glas<ie told Sadda8? Accordin9 to t:e Ira@i transcri<t of t:is 8eetin91 Glas<ie stressed t:at
t:is :ad al=a3s been t:e US <osition" FI =as in t:e A8erican e8bass3 in #u=ait durin9 t:e
late 12-57s? T:e instruction =e :ad durin9 t:is <eriod =as t:at =e s:ould eE<ress no
o<inion on t:is issue and t:e issue is not associated =it: A8erica?F Gfn '$H Sadda8 Hussein
illustrated Ira@7s econo8ic 9rie>ances and need of econo8ic assistance for <ost=ar
reconstruction1 <oints for =:ic: Ms? Glas<ie eE<ressed full US official co8<re:ension?
S:ortl3 after t:is1 A<ril Glas<ie left #u=ait to ta;e :er su88er >acation1 anot:er si9nal of
elaborate US 9o>ern8ent disinterest in t:e #u=ait-Ira@ crisis?
Accordin9 to t:e *as:in9ton %ost of &ul3 $-1 Sadda8 Hussein used t:e 8eetin9 =it:
Glas<ie to send !us: a 8essa9e t:at F7not:in9 =ill :a<<en7 on t:e 8ilitar3 front =:ile t:is
=ee;end7s 8ediation efforts are ta;in9 <lace?F T:e 8ediation referred to an effort b3
E93<tian %resident Mubara; and t:e Saudi 9o>ern8ent to or9aniAe direct tal;s bet=een
Ira@ and #u=ait1 =:ic: =ere tentati>el3 set for t:e =ee;end of &ul3 $/-$2 in &edda:? O>er
t:at =ee;end1 !us: still :ad absolutel3 not:in9 to sa3 about t:e Gulf crisis? He refused to
co88ent on =:at T:ur9ood Mars:all :ad said about :i8 and :is 8an Souter" FI :a>e a
:i9: re9ard for t:e se<aration of <o=ers and for t:e Su<re8e Court1F =as !us:7s re<l3 to
re<orters? 0Attorne3 General T:ornbur9: said :e =as FsaddenedF b3 Mars:all7s co88ent?4
Accordin9 to t:e *as:in9ton %ost of &ul3 '51 t:e Saudi 9o>ern8ent announced on &ul3 $2
t:at t:e Ira@i-#u=aiti tal;s1 =:ic: :ad been <ost<oned1 =ould ta;e <lace in &edda: startin9
Tuesda31 &ul3 '1? T:e #u=aiti dele9ation abru<tl3 =al;ed out of t:ese tal;s1 a
9randstandin9 9esture ob>iousl3 calculated to incense t:e Ira@i leaders:i<? On t:e 8ornin9
of &ul3 '11 t:e *as:in9ton %ost re<orted t:at t:e Ira@i troo< buildu< :ad no= reac:ed
1551555 8en bet=een !asra and t:e #u=aiti border? At t:e %enata9on1 =:en s<o;es8an
%ete *illia8s =as <ressed to co88ent on t:is stor31 :e re<lied"
I7>e seen re<orts about t:e troo<s t:ere1 but =e7>e ne>er discussed :ere nu8bers or 8ade
an3 furt:er co88ents on t:at? I t:in; t:e State ,e<art8ent :as so8e lan9ua9e t:e37>e been
usin9 about ob>iousl3 bein9 concerned about an3 buildu< of forces in t:e area1 and can 9o
t:rou9:1 as =e7>e 9one t:rou9: :ere1 =:at our interests in t:e Gulf are1 but =e7>e ne>er
reall3 9otten into nu8bers li;e t:at or 9i>en t:at ;ind of infor8ation out? Gfn ''H
E>en t:e escalation of t:e Ira@i troo< buildu< :ad not disturbed t:e official US <osture of
blase7 indifference in t:e face of t:e crisis? It =as a deliberate and studied dece<tion
o<eration1 =:at t:e Russians call 8as;iro>;a?
!us: =ould :a>e ;no=n all about t:e additional Ira@i troo<s at least '- :ours earlier1
t:rou9: satellite <:otos and e8bass3 re<orts? !ut still !us: re8ained silent as a to8b? !us:
:ad <lent3 of o<<ortunit3 t:at da3 to sa3 so8et:in9 about t:e GulfC :e 8et =it: t:e GO%
Con9ressional leaders:i< for 8ore t:an an :our on t:e 8ornin9 of &ul3 '1 and1 accordin9 to
<artici<ants1 told t:e8 :e =as Fanno3edF at t:e <ace of t:e bud9et tal;s1 =:ic: re8ained
stale8ated? At t:is ti8e t:e *:ite House =as recei>in9 intelli9ence re<orts t:at 8ade an
Ira@i in>asion see8 8ore li;el31 and so8e officials =ere @uoted in t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es of
t:e neEt da3 as :a>in9 FeE<ressed 9ro=in9 concern t:at :ostilities could brea; out????F !ut
!us: said not:in91 did not:in9?
T:en1 in t:e afternoon1 !us: reluctantl3 recei>ed a Lat>ian dele9ation led b3 I>ars
God8anis? T:e Lat>ian re@uest for an audience :ad at first been rudel3 reBected b3 t:e
*:ite House1 but t:en acceded to under <ressure fro8 so8e influential senators? God8anis
=anted reco9nition and aid1 but !us: 8ade no co88itt8ents1 and li8ited :i8self to as;in9
se>eral F>er3 eEact @uestions?F
On *ednesda31 Au9ust 11 !us: =as undoubtedl3 not a8used b3 a Ne= (or; Ti8es account
s:o=in9 t:at one of :is for8er to< *:ite House aides1 Robert L? T:o8<son1 :ad abused
:is access to 9o>ern8ent infor8ation in order to :el< :is clients to 8a;e ad>anta9eous
deals for t:e8sel>es in bu3in9 SNLs? In t:e e>enin91 about 2 %M1 re<orts be9an to reac:
*as:in9ton t:at Ira@i forces :ad crossed t:e border into #u=ait in lar9e nu8bers? ro8 t:e
8o8ent t:e crisis :ad e8er9ed on &ul3 1--1. until t:e 8o8ent of t:e in>asion1 !us: :ad
<reser>ed a <osture of nonc:alant silence? !ut no= t:in9s be9an to :a<<en >er3 ra<idl3?
Sco=croft and !us: drafted a state8ent =:ic: =as released b3 11"$5 %M? T:is stron9l3
conde8ned t:e Ira@i in>asion and de8anded Ft:e i88ediate and unconditional =it:dra=al
of all Ira@i forces?F T:e Ne= (or; Ti8es of Au9ust $1 in re<ortin9 t:e Ira@i in>asion1
recorded t:e surface <osture of t:e !us: re9i8e"
,es<ite its efforts to deter an attac; on #u=ait1 t:e !us: Ad8inistration ne>er said
<recisel3 =:at t:e United States =ould do if Ira@ launc:ed a s8all scale or lar9e scale
attac; on #u=ait? T:e >a9ueness of t:e A8erican <ronounce8ents1 =:ic: esc:e=ed an3
eE<licit <ro8ise to co8e to #u=ait7s assistance1 disturbed so8e #u=aiti officials1 =:o
:o<ed for a fir8er state8ent of A8erican intentions t:at =ould be bac;ed u< b3 a 9reater
de8onstration of 8ilitar3 force?
On T:ursda31 !us: =as sc:eduled to fl3 to As<en Colorado for a 8eetin9 =it: Mar9aret
T:atc:er1 a <ersona9e of =:o8 !us: =as in a=e? T:atc:er1 =:ose rise to <o=er :ad
included a little :el< fro8 !us: in s=ee<in9 t:e Labour %art3 out of 9o>ern8ent in
accordance =it: t:e desi9ns of Lord 6ictor Rot:sc:ild1 :ad no= been in <o=er for o>er 11
3ears1 and :ad assured :er <lace in t:e <ant:eon of An9lo-SaEon =ort:ies? T:is dessicated
8u883 of !ritis: i8<erialis8 :ad been in>ited to As<en1 Colorado1 to :old fort: on t:e
future of t:e =est1 and !us: =as sc:eduled to confer =it: :er t:ere? At + AM1 !us: =as
a=a;ened b3 Sco=croft1 =:o :ad brou9:t :i8 t:e eEecuti>e orders freeAin9 all Ira@i and
#u=aiti assets in t:e US? At / AM t:e National Securit3 Council 9at:ered in t:e Cabinet
Roo8? At t:e o<enin9 of t:is session t:ere =as a <:oto o<<ortunit3 to let !us: <ut out t:e
<reli8inar3 line on Ira@ and #u=ait? !us: told t:e re<orters"
*e7re not discussin9 inter>ention?
L" (ou7re not conte8<latin9 an3 inter>ention or sendin9 troo<sD !us:" I78 not
conte8<latin9 suc: action1 and I1 a9ain1 =ould not discuss it if I =ere? Accordin9 to
<ublis:ed accounts1 durin9 t:e 8eetin9 t:at follo=ed t:e one <ros<ect t:at 9ot a rise out of
!us: =as t:e alle9ed Ira@i t:reat to Saudi Arabia? T:is1 as =e =ill see1 =as one of t:e 8ain
ar9u8ents used b3 T:atc:er later in t:e da3 to 9oad !us: to irre>ersible co88itt8ent to
8assi>e troo< de<lo38ent and to =ar? A <rofile of !us:7s reactions on t:is score could
easil3 :a>e been co88unicated to T:atc:er b3 Sco=croft or b3 ot:er <artici<ants in t:e /
AM 8eetin9? Sco=croft =as ot:er=ise t:e leadin9 :a=;1 ra>in9 t:at F*e don7t :a>e t:e
o<tion to a<<ear not be actin9?F Gfn ')H T:is 8eetin9 ne>ert:eless ended =it:out an3 fir8
decisions for furt:er 8easures be3ond t:e freeAin9 of assets alread3 decided1 and can t:us
be classified as inconclusi>e? ,urin9 !us:7s fli9:t to As<en1 Colorado1 !us: 9ot on t:e
tele<:one =it: se>eral Middle East leaders1 =:o :e said :ad ur9ed :i8 to forestall US
inter>ention and allo= a8<le ti8e for an FArab solution?F
!us:7s 8eetin9s =it: T:atc:er in As<en on T:ursda31 Au9ust $1 and on Monda31 Au9ust -
at t:e *:ite House are of t:e 8ost decisi>e i8<ortance in understandin9 t:e =a3 in =:ic:
t:e An9lo-A8ericans conni>ed to unleas: t:e Gulf =ar? !efore 8eetin9 =it: T:atc:er1
!us: =as clearl3 in an a9itated and disturbed 8ental state1 but :ad no bedroc;
co88itt8ent to act in t:e Gulf crisis? After t:e sessions =it: T:atc:er1 !us: =as ra<idl3
transfor8ed into a ra>in91 8ono8aniacal =ar8on9er and :a=;? T:e transition =as
acco8<anied b3 a 8ar;ed accentuation of !us:7s o>erall <s3c:olo9ical i8<air8ent1 =it: a
8uc: increased tendenc3 to=ards ra9e e<isodes?
T:e i8<act of !us:7s As<en 8eetin9 =it: T:atc:er =as t:us to brain=as: !us: to=ards a
9reater <s3c:olo9ical disinte9ration1 and to=ards a 9reater <liabilit3 and su99estibilit3 in
re9ard7s to London7s i8<erial <lans? One can s<eculate t:at t:e FIron Lad3F =as ar8ed =it:
a Ta>istoc; Institute <s3c:olo9ical <rofile of !us:1 <ossibl3 centerin9 on 3oun9 Geor9e7s
feelin9s of inade@uac3 =:en :e =as denied t:e lo>e of :is cold1 de8andin9 An9lo-SaEon
s<orts=o8an 8ot:er? %er:a<s T:atc:er7s underl3in9 <s3c:olo9ical 9a8e<lan in t:is 0and
<re>ious4 encounters =it: !us: =as to <lace :erself alon9 t:e line of e8otional cat:eEis
associated in !us:7s <s3c:e =it: t:e internaliAed i8a9e of :is 8ot:er ,orot:31 es<eciall3 in
:er de8andin9 and do8ineerin9 ca<acit3 as t:e 9re3 e8inence of t:e Ran;in9 Co88ittee?
Geor9e :ad to do so8et:in9 to sa>e t:e e8battled En9lis:-s<ea;in9 <eo<les1 T:atc:er
8i9:t :a>e :inted? Ot:er=ise1 :e =ould be lettin9 do=n t:e side in <recisel3 t:e =a3 =:ic:
:e :ad al=a3s feared =ould lose :i8 :is 8ot:er7s lo>e? !ut to do so8et:in9 for t:e An9lo-
SaEons in t:eir :our of need1 Geor9e =ould :a>e to be selfless and staunc: and not t:in; of
:i8self1 Bust as 8ot:er ,orot:3 :ad al=a3s de8anded" :e =ould :a>e to ris; :is entire
<olitical career b3 de<lo3in9 US forces in o>er=:el8in9 stren9t: to t:e Gulf? T:is 8i9:t
:a>e been t:e underl3in9 e8otional content of T:atc:er7s ar9u8ent?
On a 8ore eE<licit le>el1 T:atc:er also <ossessed an arra3 of <otent ar9u8ents? !ac; in
12/$1 s:e 8i9:t :a>e recalled1 s:e :ad fallen in t:e <olls and =as bein9 =ritten off for a
second ter8 as a result of :er dis8al econo8ic <erfor8ance? !ut t:en t:e Ar9entinians
seiAed t:e Mal>inas1 and s:e1 T:atc:er1 actin9 in defiance of :er entire cabinet and of 8uc:
of !ritis: <ublic o<inion1 :ad sent t:e fleet into t:e des<erate 9a8ble of t:e Mal>inas =ar?
T:e !ritis: :ad recon@uered t:e islands1 and t:e resultant =a>e of Bin9ois8 and racist
c:au>inis8 :ad <er8itted T:atc:er to consolidate :er re9i8e until t:e <resent da3?
T:atc:er ;ne= about t:e Fno ne= taEesF contro>ers3 and t:e Neil !us: affair1 but all of t:at
=ould be @uic;l3 su<<ressed and for9otten once t:e re9i8ents be9an to 8arc: off to t:e
Saudi front? or !us:1 t:is =ould :a>e been a co8<ellin9 <ac;a9e?
As far as Sadda8 Hussein =as concerned1 T:atc:er7s ar9u8ent is ;no=n to :a>e been built
around t:e o8inous =arnin91 FHe =on7t sto<KF Her 8essa9e =as t:at MI-- and t:e rest of
t:e fabled !ritis: intelli9ence a<<aratus :ad concluded t:at Sadda8 Hussein7s 9oal =ould
be an i88ediate 8ilitar3 in>asion and occu<ation of t:e i88ense #in9do8 of Saudi
Arabia1 =it: its sensiti>e Mosle8 :ol3 <laces1 its trac;less deserts and its =arli;e
!edouins? Since T:atc:er =as fa8ilar =it: !us:7s racist conte8<t for Arabs and ot:er
dar;-s;inned <eo<les1 =:ic: s:e e8<:aticall3 s:ared1 s:e =ould also :a>e laid 9reat stress
on t:e fi9ure of Sadda8 Hussein and t:e t:reat :e <osed to An9lo-SaEon interests? T:e
Ta>istoc; <rofile =ould :a>e included :o= t:reatened !us: felt in :is <s3c:o-seEual
i8<otence b3 tou9: custo8ers li;e Sadda81 =:o8 nobod3 :ad e>er referred to as little
Lord auntlero3?
At t:is 8o8ent in t:e Gulf crisis1 t:e onl3 co8<etent <olitical-8ilitar3 esti8ate of Ira@i
intentions =as t:at Sadda8 Hussein :ad no intent of 9oin9 be3ond #u=ait1 a territor3 to
=:ic: !a9:dad :ad a lon9-standin9 clai81 ar9uin9 t:at t:e !ritis: E8<ire :ad ille9all3
establis:ed its secret <rotectorate o>er t:e sout:ern <art of t:e Otto8an E8<ire7s <ro>ince
of !asra in 1/22? T:is esti8ate t:at Ira@ :ad no desire to beco8e e8broiled =it: Saudi
Arabia =as re<eated durin9 t:e first =ee; of t:e crisis b3 suc: @ualified eE<erts as for8er
US A8bassador to Saudi Arabia &a8es Ai;ens1 and b3 t:e <ro8inent renc: 8ilitar3 leader
Gen? LacaAe? E>en General Sc:=arA;o<f t:ou9: it :i9:l3 unli;el3 t:at Sadda8 =ould
8o>e a9ainst Saudi Arabia?
In :er <ublic re8ar;s in As<en1 T:atc:er be9an t:e ne= <:ase in t:e racist de8oniAation of
Sadda8 Hussein b3 callin9 :is actions FintolerableF in a =a3 t:at S3rian and Israeli
occu<ations of ot:er countries7 lands see8in9l3 =ere not? S:e asserted t:at Fa collecti>e
and effecti>e =ill of t:e nations belon9in9 to t:e UNF =ould be necessar3 to deal =it: t:e
crisis? T:atc:er7s tra>ellin9 entoura9e fro8 t:e orei9n Office :ad co8e e@ui<<ed =it: a
strate93 to <ress for 8andator3 econo8ic sanctions and <ossible 8andator3 8ilitar3 action
a9ainst Ira@ under t:e <ro>isions of C:a<ter 6II of t:e United Nations C:arter? Soon !us:7s
entoura9e :ad also <ic;ed u< t:is ne= fad?
!us: :ad no= c:an9ed :is tune 8ar;edl3? He :ad suddenl3 and <ublicl3 re-ac@uired :is
8ilitar3 o<tions? *:en as;ed about :is res<onse1 :e stated"
*e7re not rulin9 an3 o<tions in but =e7re not rulin9 an3 o<tions out?
!us: also re>ealed t:at :e :ad told t:e Arab leaders =it: =:o8 :e :ad been in contact
durin9 t:e 8ornin9 t:at t:e Gulf crisis F:ad 9one be3ond si8<l3 a re9ional dis<ute because
of t:e na;ed a99ression t:at >iolates t:e United Nations c:arter?F T:ese for8ulations =ere
I?,? for8at T:atc:er-s<ea;? !us: conde8ned Sadda8 for F:is intolerable be:a>ior1F a9ain
<arrottin9 T:atc:er7s line? !us: =as no= F>er3 8uc: concernedF about t:e safet3 of ot:er
s8all Gulf states? !us: also referred to t:e :osta9e @uestion1 sa3in9 t:at t:reats to
A8erican citiAens =ould Faffect t:e United States in a >er3 dra8atic =a3 because I >ie= a
funda8ental res<onsibilit3 of 83 <residenc3 Gas bein9H to <rotect A8erican citAens?F !us:
added t:at :e :ad tal;ed =it: T:atc:er about !ritis: <ro<osals to <ress for Fcollecti>e
effortsF b3 8e8bers of t:e United Nations a9ainst Ira@? T:e Ira@i in>asion =as a Ftotall3
unBustified act1F !us: =ent on? It =as no= i8<erati>e t:at t:e Finternational co88unit3 act
to9et:er to ensure t:at Ira@i forces lea>e #u=ait i88ediatel3? !us: re>ealed t:at :e and :is
ad>isors =ere no= eEa8in9 t:e FneEt ste<sF to end t:e crisis? !us: said :e =as Fso8e=:at
:eartenedF b3 :is tele<:one con>ersations =it: %resident Hosni Mubara; of E93<t1 #in9
Hussein of &ordan1 and Gen? Ali Abdalla: Salib of (e8en?
T:ere is e>er3 reason to belie>e t:at !us:7s decision to launc: US 8ilitar3 inter>ention and
=ar =as ta;en in As<en1 under t:e :3<notic influence of T:atc:er? An3 residual :esitanc3
dis<la3ed in secret councils =as 8erel3 disse8blin9 to <re>ent :is staffs fro8 o<<osin9
t:at decision? Ma;in9 a strate9ic decision of suc: collossal i8<lications on t:e basis of a
<s3c:o-8ani<ulati>e <e< tal; fro8 T:atc:er su99ests t:at !us:7s :3<ert:3roid condition
=as alread3 o<eratin9C t:e :3<ert:3roid <atient notoriousl3 tends to resol>e co8<licated
and far-reac:in9 alternati>es =it: @uic;1 sna< decisions? Se>eral <ublis:ed accounts :a>e
sou9:t to ar9ue t:at t:e decision for lar9e-scale inter>ention did not co8e until Saturda3 at
Ca8< ,a>id1 but t:ese accounts belon9 to t:e Fred Studeba;erF sc:ool of co>eru<? T:e
trut: is t:at !us: =ent to =ar as t:e racist tail on t:e !ritis: i8<erial ;ite1 c:eered on b3
t:e #issin9er cabal t:at <er8eated and do8inated :is ad8inistration? As t:e London ,ail3
Tele9ra<: 9loated1 Mrs? T:atc:er :ad Fstiffened G!us:7sH resol>e?F
!us: :ad been sc:eduled to sta3 o>erni9:t in As<en1 but :e no= de<arted i88ediatel3 for
*as:in9ton? Later1 t:e *:ite House said t:at !us: :ad been on t:e <:one =it: Saudi #in9
a:d1 =:o :ad a9reed t:at t:e Ira@i in>asion =as Fabsolutel3 unacce<table?F Gfn '+H On t:e
return tri< and t:rou9: t:e e>enin91 t:e #issin9erian o<erati>e Sco=croft continued to to
<ress for 8ilitar3 inter>ention1 <la3in9 do=n t:e difficulties =:ic: ot:er a>disers :ad been
citin9? Gi>en #issin9er7s lon9-standin9 relations:i< =it: London and t:e orei9n Office1 it
=as no sur<rise t:at Sco=croft =as full3 on t:e London line?
!efore t:e da3 =as out1 Ft:e orders started floodin9 out of t:e O>al Office? T:e <resident
:ad all of t:ese di<lo8atic <ieces in :is :ead? T:e UN <iece? T:e NATO <iece? T:e Middle
east <iece? He =as 8eticulous1 8et:odical1 and <ersonal1F accordin9 to one official? Gfn '-H
T:e neEt 8ornin9 =as rida31 Au9ust '1 and !us: called anot:er NSC 8eetin9 at t:e *:ite
House? T:e establis:8ent 8edia li;e t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es =ere full of accounts of :o=
Ira@ =as alle9edl3 8assin9 troo<s alon9 t:e sout:ern border of #u=ait1 about to <ounce on
Saudi Arabia? Sco=croft1 =it: !us:7s a<<ro>al1 blud9eoned t:e doubters into a discussion
of =ar o<tions? !us: ordered t:e CIA to <re<are a <lan to o>ert:ro= or assassinate Sadda8
Hussein1 and told C:ene31 %o=ell1 and Gen? Sc:=arA;o<f to <re<are 8ilitar3 o<tions for
t:e neEt da3? !us: =as o<enin9 t:e door to =ar slo=l31 so as to ;ee< all of :is ci>ilian and
8ilitar3 ad>isers on board? Later on rida31 %rince !andar1 t:e Saudi Arabian a8bassador
to *as:in9ton1 8et =it: !us:? Accordin9 to one >ersion1 !us: <led9ed :is =ord of :onor
to !andar t:at :e =ould Fsee t:is t:rou9: =it: 3ou?F !andar =as =idel3 re<uted to be
=or;in9 for t:e CIA and ot:er =estern intelli9ence a9encies? T:ere =ere also re<orts t:at
:e :ad Et:io<ian ser>ants in t:e Saudi e8bass3 in *as:in9ton1 near t:e #enned3 Center1
=:o =ere c:attel sla>es accordin9 to United Nations definitions?
*:en t:e ti8e ca8e in t:e afternoon to =al; to :is :elico<ter on t:e *:ite House sout:
la=n for t:e s:ort fli9:t to t:e Ca8< ,a>id retreat in t:e Catoctin Mountains of Mar3land1
!us: sto<<ed at t:e 8icro<:ones t:at =ere set u< t:ere1 a <rocedure t:at beca8e a :abit
durin9 t:e Gulf crisis? T:ere =as so8et:in9 about t:ese 8o8ents of enterin9 and lea>in9
t:e *:ite House t:at :ei9:tened !us:7s <s3c:olo9ical instabilit3C t:e lea>in9 and arri>in9
rituals =ould often be t:e 8o8ents of so8e of :is =orst <ublic tantru8s? At t:is <oint !us:
=as <s3c:in9 :i8self u< to=ards t:e fit t:at :e =ould act out on :is Sunda3 afternoon
return? !ut t:ere =as alread3 no doubt t:at !us:7s bellicosit3 =as risin9 b3 t:e :our? *it:
#u=ait under occu<ation1 :e said1 Ft:e status @uo is unacce<table and furt:er eE<ansionF b3
Ira@ F=ould be e>en 8ore unacce<table?F T:is for8ulation alread3 <ointed to an ad>ance
into #u=ait? He also stressed Saud Arabia" FIf t:e3 as; for s<ecific :el<-- it de<ends
ob>iousl3 on =:at it is-- I =ould be inclined to :el< in an3 =a3 =e <ossibl3 can?F Gfn '.H
On Saturda3 8ornin91 Au9ust )1 !us: 8et =it: :is entoura9e in Ca8< ,a>id1 <resent
Lua3le1 C:ene31 Sununu1 *illia8 *ebster1 *olfo=itA1 !a;er1 Sco=croft1 %o=ell1
Sc:=arA;o<f1 itA=ater1 and Ric:ard Haas of t:e NSC staff? Militar3 ad>isers1 es<eciall3
Colin %o=ell1 a<<ear to :a>e directed !us:7s attention to t:e 8an3 <roble8s associated
=it: 8ilitar3 inter>ention? Accordin9 to one >ersion1 Gen? Sc:=arA;o<f esti8ated t:at it
=ould ta;e 1. =ee;s to 8o>e a defensi>e1 deterrent force of $+51555 troo<s into t:e re9ion1
and bet=een / and 1$ 8ont:s to asse8ble a 9round force ca<able of dri>in9 t:e Ira@i ar83
out of #u=ait? or t:e duration of t:e crisis1 t:e Ar83 =ould re8ain t:e 8ost reluctant1
=:ile t:e Air orce1 includin9 Sco=croft1 =ould be t:e 8ost ea9er to o<en :ostilities? !us:
sensed t:at :e :ad to stress t:e defense of Saudi Arabia to ;ee< all of :is bureaucratic
<la3ers on board1 and to 9arner enou9: <ublic su<<ort to carr3 out t:e first <:ase of t:e
buildu<? T:en1 <er:a<s t:ree 8ont:s do=n t:e line1 <referabl3 after t:e No>e8ber
elections1 :e could un>eil t:e full offensi>e buildu< t:at =ould carr3 :i8 into =ar =it:
Ira@? FT:at7s =:3 our defense of Saudi Arabia :as to be our focus1F !us: is re<orted to :a>e
said at t:is 8eetin9? T:is re8ar; =as calculated to cater to t:e >ie=s of Gen? %o=ell1 =:o
=as t:in;in9 <ri8aril3 in t:ese defensi>e ter8s? Gfn '/H *:en t:e lar9er NSC 8eetin9
dis<ersed1 !us: 8et =it: a 8ore restricted 9rou< includin9 Lua3le1 Sununu1 !a;er1
Sco=croft1 C:ene31 %o=ell1 and *ebster? T:is session =as do8inated b3 t:e fear t:at t:e
Saudi Arabian 8onarc:31 =:ic: =ould :a>e to be coerced into a9reee8ent =it: <lans for a
US 8ilitar3 buildu< on its territor31 =ould <refer a co8<ro8ise solution ne9otiated a8on9
t:e Arabs to t:e An9lo-SaEon =ar :3steria? T:e Saudis =ere not all as staunc: as t:e
A8erican a9ent %rince !andarC t:e <resence of lar9e contin9ents of infidel 9round troo<s1
includin9 &e=s and =o8en1 =ould create suc: friction =it: Saudi societ3 as to <ose an
insoluble <olitical <roble8? T:ere =as 9reat racist >itu<eration of t:e Arabs in 9eneral" t:e3
could not be trusted1 t:e3 =ere eas3 to blac;8ail? T:is 8eetin9 <roduced a decision t:at
!us: =ould call Saudi #in9 a:d and de8and t:at :e acce<t a lar9e US 9round force
contin9ent in addition to aircraft?
As !us: feared1 a:d =as inclined to reBect t:e US 9round forces? T:ere =as a re<ort t:at
Ira@ :ad announced t:at its forces =ould lea>e #u=ait on Sunda31 and a:d =anted to see
if t:at :a<<ened? a:d :ad not 3et been =on o>er to t:e doctrine of =ar at an3 cost?
T:rou9: an intri9ue of %rince !andar1 =:o ;ne= t:at t:is difficult3 8i9:t arise1 #in9 a:d
=as <re>ailed u<on to recei>e a US Fbriefin9 tea8F to illustrate t:e t:reat to :i8 and
de8and t:at :e a<<ro>e t:e US buildu< on :is territor3? a:d t:ou9:t t:at all :e =as
9ettin9 =ere a fe= briefin9 officers? !ut !us: sa= t:is as a =ed9e for 9reater t:in9s? FI
=ant to do t:is? I =ant to do it bi9 ti8e1F !us: told Sco=croft? Gfn '2H !3 no= !us: :ad
launc:ed into :is Fs<eed-dialin9F 8ode1 callin9 :eads of state and 9o>ern8ent one after t:e
ot:er1 or9aniAin9 for an econo8ic e8bar9o and a 8ilitar3 confrontation =it: Ira@? One
i8<ortant call =as to S:ei;: &abir al A:8ed al Saba:1 t:e de9enerate E8ir of #u=ait1
re<resentati>e of a fa8il3 =:o :ad been !ritis: assets since 1/22 and !us:7s business
<artners since t:e da3s of Ja<ata Offs:ore in t:e late 12+57s? Ot:er calls =ent to Tur9ut
OeAal of Tur;e31 =:o8 !us: <ressed to cut off Ira@7s use of oil <i<elines across :is
territor3? Anot:er call =ent to Canadian %ri8e Minister Mulrone31 =:o =as also in dee<
do8estic <olitical trouble1 and =:o =as inclined to Boin t:e An9lo-SaEon 8obiliAation?
,urin9 t:e course of Saturda31 *:ite House officials be9an to s<read a dece<tion stor3 t:at
!us: :ad been Fsur<rised b3 t:e in>asion t:is =ee; and lar9el3 un<re<ared to res<ond
@uic;l31F as t:e neEt da37s Ne= (or; Ti8es alle9ed?
At / AM on Sunda3 8ornin91 t:ere =as anot:er 8eetin9 of t:e NSC at Ca8< ,a>id =it:
!us:1 !a;er1 C:ene31 Sco=croft1 %o=ell and >arious aides? T:is ti8e t:e tal; =as al8ost
eEclusi>el3 de>oted to 8ilitar3 o<tions? !us: desi9nated C:ene3 for t:e Saudi 8ission1 and
C:ene3 left *as:in9ton for Saudi Arabia in t:e 8iddle of Sunda3 afternoon?
!us: no= boarded a :elico<ter for t:e fli9:t fro8 Ca8< ,a>id bac; to t:e *:ite House
sout: la=n? U< to t:is <oint1 !us: =as fir8l3 co88itted to =ar in :is o=n 8ind1 and :ad
been actin9 on t:at decision in :is secret councils of re9i8e1 but :e :ad carefull3 a>oided
8a;in9 t:at decision clear in <ublic? *e are no= a<<roac:in9 t:e 8o8ent =:en :e =ould
do so? Let us conte8<late Geor9e !us:7s state of 8ind as :e rode in :is :elico<ter fro8
Ca8< ,a>id to=ards *as:in9ton on t:at earl3 Au9ust Sunda3 afternoon? Accordin9 to one
<ublis:ed account1 !us: =as Fin a 8ood t:at *:ite House officials describe >ariousl3 as
8ad1 test31 <ee>is:1 and1 to use a fa>orite bit of !us:-s<ea;1 s<leen- >entin9?F T:is
obser>er1 Maureen ,o=d of t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es1 co8<ared Rea9an7s relaEed or
so8niferous crisis st3le =it: !us:7s :3<er;inesis" Rea9an1 s:e recalled1 Fsle<t <eacefull3F
durin9 clas:es of US and Lib3an <lanes o>er t:e Mediterranean1 but FMr? !us:1 b3
contrast1 beco8es e>en 8ore of a der>is:F in suc: 8o8ents? Accordin9 to Ms? ,o=d1 Fb3
t:e ti8e t:e <resident ca8e :o8e fro8 Ca8< ,a>id on Sunda3 afternoon1 :e =as feelin9
frustrated and test3? He =as =orried t:at t:e situation in #u=ait =as deterioratin91 and
intelli9ence re<orts s:o=ed :i8 t:at t:e Ira@is =ere be9innin9 to 8ass at t:e #u=ait-Saudi
border? He =as also disa<<ointed in t:e international res<onse?F Gfn )5H As !us: =as
a<<roac:in9 *as:in9ton1 !us: called :is <ress secretar31 Marlin itA=ater1 to as; :i8 :is
o<inion about =:et:er to <ause at t:e 8icro<:ones on t:e sout: la=n before 9oin9 into t:e
*:ite House? itA=ater a<<ears to :a>e su<<orted t:e idea?
Accordin9 to Ms? ,o=d1 an e3e=itness1 !us: =as F>isibl3 furiousF =:en :e cli8bed out of
:is :elico<ter? As !us: =al;ed to=ards t:e 8icro<:ones1 :e =as accosted b3 Ric:ard Haas
of t:e NSC staff =:o t:rust a cable into !us:7s :ands? !us: read t:e cable1 sco=lin9?
Ho=e>er u9l3 :is 8ood :ad been before :e :ad seen t:e 8e8o1 readin9 it sent :i8 into an
a<o<lectic ra9e? Accordin9 to *:ite House officials1 t:is cable contained infor8ation about
t:e di8ensions of t:e Ira@i troo< buildu< and indicated t:at t:e Ira@i troo<s =ere 8o>in9
sout: to=ards t:e Saudi border1 and not lea>in9 #u=ait? Gfn )1H Accordin9 to Ms? ,o=d1
t:is =as t:e secret 8e8o t:at Fsee8ed to s<ar; t:e %resident7s irritation at :is ne=s
conference? In an3 case1 !us: no= launc:ed into a >iolent diatribe t:at left no doubt t:at as
far as :e =as considered1 t:e desired outco8e =as no= =ar?
In !us:7s o<enin9 state8ent1 :e su88ariAed t:e result of :is frenetic Fs<eed dialin9F
eEercise" OeAal1 #aifu1 Mulrone31 Mitterrand1 #o:l1 T:atc:er1 t:e E8ir of #u=ait :ad all
been reac:ed? T:e alle9ed result"
*:at7s e8er9in9 is nobod3 is -- see8s to be s:o=in9 u< as =illin9 to acce<t an3t:in9 less
t:an total =it:dra=al fro8 Ira@1 fro8 #u=ait of t:e Ira@i forces1 and no <u<<et re9i8e?
*e7>e been do=n t:at road1 and t:ere =ill be no <u<<et re9i8e t:at =ill be acce<ted b3 an3
countries t:at I78 fa8iliar =it:? And t:ere see8s to be a united front out t:ere t:at sa3s
Ira@1 :a>in9 co88itted brutal1 na;ed a99ression1 ou9:t to 9et out and t:at t:e-- t:is conce<t
of t:eir installin9 so8e <u<<et lea>in9 be:ind =ill not be acce<table? So1 =e7re <us:in9
for=ard on di<lo8ac3? *e7>e 9otten-- to8orro= I =ill 8eet :ere in *as:in9ton =it: t:e
Secretar3 General of t:e United Nations-- I 8ean1 t:e Secretar3 General of NATO-- and
Mar9aret T:atc:er =ill be co8in9 in :ere to8orro=1 and I =ill be continuin9 t:is
di<lo8atic effort?
*:at about t:e situation on t:e 9roundD Had Ira@ <ulled outD
Ira@ lied once a9ain? T:e3 said t:e3 =ere 9oin9 to start 8o>in9 out toda3 and =e :a>e no
e>idence t:at t:e37re 8o>in9 out?
A @uestion about t:e e8bassies in #u=ait Cit3 launc:ed !us: into :is enra9ed crescendo1
<unctuated b3 8enacin9 :istrionics" I78 not tr3in9 to c:aracteriAe t:reats? T:e t:reat is t:e
>icious a99ression a9ainst #u=ait? And t:at s<ea;s for itself? And an3t:in9 collaterall3 is
Bust si8<l3 8ore indication t:at t:ese are outla=s -- international outla=s and rene9ades?
And I =ant to see t:e United Nations 8o>e soon =it: C:a<ter . sanctions? And I =ant to
see t:e rest of t:e =orld Boin us1 as t:e3 are in o>er=:el8in9 nu8bers1 to isoltate Sadda8
*:en as;ed :o= a <u<<et re9i8e could be <re>ented1 !us: sna<<ed1 F&ust =ait? *atc: and
learn?F Since :e :ad 8ade so 8an3 calls1 :ad :e tried to 9et t:rou9: to Sadda8 HusseinD
FNo? No1 I :a>e not?F T:e <olic3 of refusin9 to ne9otiate =it: Ira@ =ould be 8aintained all
t:e =a3 to t:e end of t:e =ar? *:at about #in9 Hussein of &ordan1 =:o =as ;no=n to be
atte8<tin9 a 8ediationD FI tal;ed to :i8 once and t:at7s all1F :issed !us:? F!ut :e7s
e8braced Sadda8 Hussein? He =ent to !a9:dad and e8braced--F said one @uestioner?
F*:at7s 3our @uestionD I can read1F ra9ed !us:? *as !us: disa<<ointed =it: #in9
I =ant to see t:e Arab states Boin t:e rest of t:e =orld in conde8nin9 t:is outra9e and doin9
=:at t:e3 can to 9et Sadda8 Hussein out? No=? He =as tal;in9-- #in9 Hussein-- about an
Arab solution1 but I a8 disa<<ointed to find an3 co88ent b3 an3one t:at a<olo9iAes or
a<<ears to condone =:at7s ta;en <lace?
!us: elaborated a fe= seconds later t:at t:ere =as no <ossibilit3 of an Arab solution" *ell?
I =as told b3 one leader t:at I res<ect enor8ousl3-- I belie>e t:is =as bac; on rida3-- t:at
t:e3 needed )/ :ours to find =:at =as called an Arab solution? T:at ob>iousl3 :as failed?
And of course I78 disa<<ointed t:at t:e 8atter :asn7t been resol>ed before no=? T:is is a
>er3 serious 8atter? I7ll ta;e one 8ore and t:en I7>e 9ot to 9o to =or; o>er :ere?
T:e last @uestion =as about <ossible ste<s to <rotect A8erican citiAens1 a @uestion t:at t:e
ad8inistration =anted to <la3 do=n at t:e be9innin91 and <la3 u< later on? !us: concluded"
I a8 not 9oin9 to discuss =:at =e7re doin9 in ter8s of 8o>in9 of forces1 an3t:in9 of t:at
nature? !ut I >ie= it >er3 seriousl31 not Bust t:at1 but an3 t:reat to an3 ot:er countries as
=ell1 as I >ie= >er3 seriousl3 our deter8ination to re>erse t:is a99ression? And <lease
belie>e 8e1 t:ere are an a=ful lot of countries t:at are in total accord =it: =:at I7>e Bust
said? And I salute t:e8? T:e3 are staunc: friends and allies? And =e =ill be =or;in9 =it:
t:e8 all for collecti>e action? T:is =ill not stand? T:is =ill not stand1 t:is a99ression
a9ainst #u=ait? I7>e 9ot to 9o? I :a>e to 9o to =or;? I7>e 9ot to 9o to =or;? Gfn )$H
T:is =as t:e be9innin9 of t:e =ar <s3c:osis1 and t:ere is no doubt t:at t:e leadin9 =ar
<s3c:otic =as !us: :i8self?
A nu8ber of as<ects of t:is <erfor8ance 8erit underlinin9? T:e confusion of Manfred
*oerner =it: %ereA de Cuellar =ill be t:e first of a nu8ber of suc: 9affes co88itted b3
!us: o>er t:e neEt fe= da3s? FNa;ed a99ressionF is once a9ain T:atc:er7s ter8? T:atc:er is
8entioned t=ice in a =a3 t:at su99ests t:at !us: :ad been on t:e <:one =it: :er a9ain
after lea>in9 As<en? Indeed1 t:e code =ord Fstaunc:F to=ards t:e end1 =:ic: for !us: can
onl3 be associated =it: t:e !ritis:1 i8<lies t:at !us:7s entire e<isode :ad been coordinated
=it: T:atc:er in ad>ance? In re9ard to Sadda8 Hussein1 in addition to t:e direct contact
t:at =as ne>er atte8<ted =e :a>e :ere t:e be9innin9 of a cascade of >erbal abuse t:at
=ould continue t:rou9: t:e course of t:e buildu< and t:e =ar? Accordin9 to 8an3
obser>ers1 t:e <ur<ose of t:ese 9ratuitous insults =as to 8a;e a co8<ro8ise settle8ent
t:rou9: ne9otiations i8<ossible b3 castin9 as<ersions on Sadda8 Hussein7s :onor? T:is
8i9:t :a>e reflected ad>ice fro8 Arabists of t:e t3<e ;no=n to in:abit t:e !ritis: orei9n
Office? !us:7s res<onses concernin9 #in9 Hussein of &ordan =ere >er3 o8inous for t:e
Has:e8ite 8onarc:1 and left no doubt t:at !us: re9arded an3 Arab- s<onsored <eaceful
solution as an unfriendl3 act? Indeed1 !us: :ere declared t:e Arab solution dead? No 9reater
sabota9e of <eace efforts in t:e re9ion could be i8a9ined? !us:7s stress on #u=ait indicates
t:at :is subse@uent <resentation of :is troo< de<lo38ents as ser>in9 t:e defense of Saudi
Arabia =as disinfor8ation1 and t:at t:e US occu<ation of #u=ait =as :is 9oal all alon9?
inall31 t:e co8bination of t:e 8anic tone1 t:e confusion of t:e t=o Secretaries General1
and t:e obsessi>e FI7>e 9ot to 9o to =or;F re<eated t:ree ti8es at t:e end co8bine to
su99est a state of <s3c:olo9ical u<:ea>al1 =it: t:e t:3roid undoubtedl3 8a;in9 its
contribution to !us:7s fli9:t for=ard? !ut1 for t:e <ositi>e side of !us:7s led9er1 notice t:at
t:ere =ere no @uestions about ne= taEes or Neil !us:?
F*as !us:7s Sunda3 diatribe sta9edDF1 as;ed t:e *as:in9ton %ost so8e da3s later? *:ite
House officials denied it? FHe did it because :e felt t:at =a31F said one? FT:ere =as no
intention before:and to assu8e a <osture Bust for t:e i8<act?F Gfn )'H ,r? &osef Goebbels
=as fa8ous for :is abilit3 to deli>er a s<eec: as if it =ere a s<ontaneous e8otional
outburst1 and t:e after=ard c3nicall3 re>ie= it <oint b3 <oint and strata9e8 b3 strata9e8?
T:ere is 8uc: e>idence t:at !us: did not <ossess t:is de9ree of lucidit3 and internal
critical distance?
!us: =ent into t:e *:ite House for 3et anot:er 8eetin9 of t:e NSC? At t:is 8eetin91 it
=as alread3 a fore9one conclusion t:at t:ere =ould be a lar9e US 8ilitar3 de<lo38ent1
alt:ou9: t:at :ad ne>er been for8all3 deliberated b3 t:e NSC? It :ad been a solo decision
b3 !us:? T:ere =as no= onl3 t:e for8alit3 of Saudi assent?
Monda3 at t:e *:ite House =as do8inated b3 t:e <resence of Mar9aret T:atc:er at :er
staunc:est? T:atc:er7s t:e8e =as no= t:at t:e enforce8ent of t:e econo8ic sanctions
>oted b3 t:e UN =ould re@uire a na>al bloc;ade in =:ic: t:e An9lo-SaEon co8bined fleets
=ould <la3 t:e leadin9 role? T:atc:er7s first <riorit3 =as t:at t:e sanctions :ad to be 8ade
to =or;? !ut if *as:in9ton and London =ere to conclude t:at a na>al bloc;ade =ere
necessar3 for t:at end1 s:e =ent on1 F3ou =ould :a>e to consider suc: a 8o>e?F T:atc:er
carted out :er best C:urc:illian r:etoric to ad>ertiAe t:at !ritain alread3 :ad one =ars:i<
stationed in t:e %ersian Gulf1 and t:at t=o 8ore fri9ates1 one fro8 Mo8bassa and one fro8
Mala3sia1 =ere on t:eir =a3? FT:ose sanctions 8ust be enforceable1F ra>ed T:atc:er1 =:o
:ad ne>er acce<ted econo8ic sanctions a9ainst Sout: Africa? FI cannot re8e8ber a ti8e
=:en =e :ad t:e =orld so stron9l3 to9et:er a9ainst an action as no=?F
!us: i88ediatel3 too; T:atc:er7s cue" F*e need to discuss full and total i8<le8entation
of t:ese sanctions1 rulin9 out not:in9 at all? T:ese sanctions 8ust be enforced? I t:in; t:e
=ill of t:e nations around t:e =orld-- not Bust t:e NATO countries-- not Bust t:e EC1 not
Bust one area of t:e =orld-- t:e =ill of t:e nations around t:e =orld =ill be to enforce t:ese
sanctions? *e7ll lea>e t:e details of :o= =e i8<le8ent it to t:e future1 but =e7ll be9in
=or;in9 on t:at i88ediatel3? T:at7s :o= =e 9o about encoura9in9 ot:ers to do t:at and
=:at =e oursel>es s:ould be doin9?F Gfn ))H In t:e 8idst of t:ese <roceedin9s1 NATO
Secretar3 General Manfred *oerner s:o=ed u<1 and tried :is :and at bein9 staunc:1 but :e
could not co8e close to T:atc:er? All of a sudden1 t:e !ritis: =ere at t:e center of t:in9s
a9ain1 t:e 8ost i8<ortant countr31 all on t:e basis of t:e to;en forces t:e3 =ere de<lo3in9?
*it: T:atc:er t:ere1 !us: :ad t:e fi9-leaf of an instant international coalition to use as a
blud9eon a9ainst do8estic critics?
T:e breast-beatin9 about t:e enforce8ent of t:e sanctions si9nalled t:at t:e An9lo-
A8ericans =ere 9oin9 on a di<lo8atic offensi>e a9ainst countries li;e Ger8an31 &a<an1
and 8an3 in t:e t:ird =orld =:o 8i9:t :a>e assu8ed a neutral or <acifist <osition in t:e
crisis? !a;er :ad been tra>ellin9 in Siberia =it: S:e>ardnadAe =:en Ira@ :ad entered
#u=ait1 and So>iet conde8nation of Ira@ :ad been i88ediate? Man3 countries1 es<eciall3
in t:e t:ird =orld1 no= found t:at =it: t:e So>iets closin9 ran;s =it: t:e An9lo-
A8ericans1 t:e 8ar9in of 8aneu>er t:e3 :ad enBo3ed durin9 t:e cold =ar =as no= totall3
9one? Countries li;e &ordan1 t:e Sudan1 (e8en1 t:e %LO1 and ot:ers =:o eE<ressed
understandin9 for Ira@i 8oti>es =ent to t:e to< of t:e An9lo-A8erican :it list? !us:
assu8ed t:e role of to< co< :i8self1 =it: 9usto" accordin9 to itA=ater1 t:e Fs<eed dialin9
8odeF :ad <roduced $5 calls to 1$ different =orld leaders o>er sli9:tl3 8ore t:an t:ree
*:en C:ene3 arri>ed in Saudi Arabia1 t:e essence of :is 8ission =as to con>e3 to #in9
a:d and :is retinue t:at t:e first ele8ents of t:e /$nd Airborne ,i>ision =ould be landin9
=it:in an :our or t=o1 and t:at t:e Saudi 8onarc:3 =ould be =ell ad>ised to =elco8e
t:e8? In effect1 C:ene3 =as t:ere to tell t:e Saudis t:at t:e3 =ere an occu<ied countr31 and
t:at t:e United States =ould assu8e <:3sical <ossession of 8ost of t:e Arabian <eninsula1
=it: all of its fabulous oil =ealt:? ,id #in9 a:d t:in; of <rotestin9 t:e arro9ance of
C:ene37s ulti8atu8D If :e did1 :e :ad onl3 to t:in; of t:e fate of :is <redecessor1 #in9
eisal1 =:o :ad been 8urdered b3 t:e CIA in 12.+? !3 t:e ti8e #in9 a:d ac@uiesced1 t:e
first US units =ere alread3 on t:e 9round? C:ene3 =ent t:rou9: t:e c:arade of callin9 !us:
to tell :i8 t:at t:e dis<atc: of a US contin9ent for t:e defense of Saudi Arabia :ad been
a<<ro>ed b3 His MaBest31 and t:en for8all3 to as; !us:7s a<<ro>al for t:e transfer of t:e
troo<s? F(ou 9ot it? Go1F !us: is su<<osed to :a>e re<lied? !a:rein1 t:e United Arab
E8irates1 Latar1 O8an1 all t:e 8e8bers of t:e Gulf Coo<eration Council =ould soon be
subBect to t:e sa8e <rocess of 8ilitar3 occu<ation?
T:e US eE<editionar3 force in Saudi Arabia beca8e =idel3 ;no=n in *as:in9ton on
Tuesda31 Au9ust .1 as *:ite House officials :astened to s:are t:e ne=s =it: Bournalists?
!us: <ersonall3 =anted to sta3 out of t:e s<otli9:t? At a Cabinet 8eetin91 !us: told :is
ad>isers t:at :is re9i8e :ad =arned t:e Saudi 9o>ern8ent t:at t:e t:reat <osed b3 t:e Ira@i
8ilitar3 to Saudi Arabia =as also a t:reat to t:e national securit3 of t:e United States?
Accordin9 to itA=ater1 Sadda8 Hussein 8et =it: t:e US c:ar9e d7affaires in !a9:dad1
&ose<: *ilson1 to tell :i8 t:at F:e :ad no intention of lea>in9 #u=ait and e>er3 intention
of sta3in9 and clai8in9 it as :is o=n?F
On *ednesda3 8ornin91 !us: deli>ered a tele>ised address to t:e A8erican <eo<le fro8
t:e O>al Office? T:is =as still a for8at t:at :e disli;ed >er3 8uc:1 since it 8ade :i8 see8
8aladroit? !us: 9rinned incon9ruousl3 as :e read :is <re<ared teEt? He told t:e <ublic t:at
:is troo< de<lo38ents =ere Fto ta;e u< defensi>e <ositions in Saudi Arabia?F T:ese US
forces =ould F=or; to9et:er =it: t:ose of Saudi Arabia and ot:er nations to <reser>e t:e
inte9rit3 of Saudi Arabia and to deter furt:er Ira@i a99ression?F He inau9urated t:e An9lo-
A8erican !i9 Lie t:at t:e Ira@i actions :ad been F=it:out <ro>ocation1F =:ic: readers of
dail3 ne=s<a<ers ;ne= not to be true? He also 8inted t:e stor3 t:at Ira@ <ossessed F"t:e
fourt: lar9est 8ilitar3 in t:e =orld1F a =ild eEa99eration t:at =as re<eated 8an3 ti8es? T:e
Fne= HitlerF t:e8e =as alread3 <ro8inent" FA<<ease8ent does not =or;1F !us: asserted?
FAs =as t:e case in t:e 12'57s1 =e see in Sadda8 Hussein an a99ressi>e dictator
t:reatenin9 :is nei9:bors????His <ro8ises 8ean not:in9?F !us: su88ed u< t:e 9oals of :is
<olic3 as follo=s"
irst1 =e see; t:e i88ediate1 unconditional and co8<lete =it:dra=al of all Ira@i forces
fro8 #u=ait? Second1 #u=ait7s le9iti8ate 9o>ern8ent 8ust be restored to re<lace t:e
<u<<et re9i8e? And t:ird1 83 ad8inistration1 as :as been t:e case =it: e>er3 <resident
fro8 %resident Roose>elt to %resident Rea9an1 is co88itted to t:e securit3 and stabilit3 of
t:e %ersian Gulf? And fourt:1 I a8 deter8ined to <rotect t:e li>es of A8erican citiAens
abroad? Gfn )+H
None of t:is a<<eared to include offensi>e 8ilitar3 action? !us: atte8<ted to re-enforce
t:at false i8<ression in :is ne=s conference later t:e sa8e afternoon? It =as durin9 t:is
a<<earance t:at t:e eEtent of !us:7s 8ental disinte9ration and <s3c:ic dissociation beca8e
8ost e>ident? !ut first1 !us: =anted to stress :is Fdefensi>eF co>er stor3"
*ell1 as 3ou ;no=1 fro8 =:at I said1 t:e37re t:ere in a defensi>e 8ode ri9:t no=1 and
t:erefore t:at is not t:e 8ission1 to dri>e t:e Ira@is out of #u=ait? *e :a>e econo8ic
sanctions t:at I :o<e =ill be effecti>e to t:at end?
T:e <ur<ose1 :e stressed1 =as t:e Fdefense of t:e Saudis?F F*e7re not in a =ar1F !us:
added? After se>eral eEc:an9es1 :e =as as;ed =:at :ad ti<<ed :is :and in decidin9 to send
troo<s and aircraft into Saudi ArabiaD If t:is :ad been a <ol39ra<: test1 t:e needles =ould
:a>e Bu8<ed1 since t:is =ent to !us:7s collusion =it: T:atc:er lon9 before an3
annouce8ent :ad been 8ade? !us: re<lied"
T:ere =as no one sin9le t:in9 t:at I can t:in; of? !ut =:en #in9 a:d re@uested suc:
su<<ort =e =ere <ro8<t to res<ond? !ut I can7t t:in; of an indi>idual s<ecific t:in9? If t:ere
=as one it =ould <er:a<s be t:e Saudis 8o>in9 sout: =:en t:e3 said t:e3 =ere
T:e <ress cor<s stirred uneasil3 and one or t=o >oices could be :eard <ro8<tin9 !us: FT:e
Ira@is???t:e Ira@isF T:ere =as acute e8barrass8ent on t:e faces of Sununu and itA=aterC
t:is =as t:e classic 9affe of cold =ar <residents =:o confused Nort: #orea and Sout:
#orea1 or East Ger8an3 and *est Ger8an3? !us:7s forte =as su<<osedl3 international
affairsC :e :ad tra>elled to bot: Saudi Arabia and #u=ait as a 9o>ern8ent official and
before t:at as a business8an? So t:is 9affe <ointed to a disorder of t:e s3na<ses? !us:
realiAed =:at :e :ad done and tried to reco>er"
I 8ean t:e Ira@is1 t:an; 3ou >er3 8uc:? It7s been a lon9 ni9:t? T:e Ira@is 8o>in9 do=n to
t:e #u=ait-Saudi border1 =:en indeed t:e3 :a>e 9i>en t:eir =ord t:at t:e3 =ere
=it:dra=in9? T:at :ei9:tened our concern?
*:3 :ad it been a lon9 ni9:t for !us:D He :ad 8ade all of :is i8<ortant decisions on t:e
troo< 8o>e8ents durin9 t:e da3 on Tuesda3? *:at :ad robbed :i8 of :is slee< bet=een
Tuesda3 and *ednesda3D T:ose =:o :a>e read t:is far =ill ;no= t:at it =as not
conscience? A little later t:ere =as anot:er sensiti>e @uestion1 touc:in9 on t:e 8ission of
t:e troo<s and t:e <ossible future occu<ation of Saudi Arabia1 <ost=ar bases1 and t:e li;e"
FCould 3ou s:are =it: us t:e <recise 8ilitar3 obBecti>e of t:is 8issionD *ill t:e A8erican
troo<s re8ain t:ere onl3 until Sadda8 Hussein re8o>es :is troo<s fro8 t:e Saudi borderDF
!us:1 ob>iousl3 in dee< =ater1 ans=ered"
I can7t ans=er t:at because =e :a>e to-- =e :a>e a 8aBor obBecti>e =it: t:ose troo<s1 =:ic:
is t:e defense of t:e So>iet Union1 so I t:in; it be3ond a defense of Saudi Arabia? So I t:in;
it7s be3ond t:e-- I t:in; it7s be3ond Bust t:e @uestion of tan;s alon9 t:e border???
T:e defense of t:e So>iet UnionK !ut !us: <ressed on" FI78 not <re<arin9 for a lon9
9round =ar in t:e %ersian Gulf?F FM3 8ilitar3 obBecti>e is to see Saudi Arabia defended?F
,id :e feel t:at :e :ad been let do=n b3 :is intelli9enceD
No1 I don7t feel let do=n b3 t:e intelli9ence at all? *:en 3ou <lan a blitA;rie9-li;e attac;
t:at7s launc:ed at t=o o7cloc; in t:e 8ornin91 t:at7s <rett3 :ard to sto<1 <articularl3 =:en
3ou :a>e Bust been 9i>en t:e =ord of t:e <eo<le in>ol>ed t:at t:ere =on7t be an3 suc:
attac;? And I t:in; t:e intelli9ence co88unit3 deser>es certain credit for <ic;in9 u< =:at
=as a substantial bo3cott-- a substantial buildu<-- and t:en re<ortin9 it to us? So =:en t:is
infor8ation =as rela3ed1 <ro<erl31 to interested <arties1 t:at t:e 8o>e =as so s=ift t:at it
=as <rett3 :ard for t:e8 to sto< it? I reall3 can7t bla8e our intelli9ence in an3 =a31 fault
t:e81 on t:is <articular 9o-round?
Once a9ain1 t:e 9affe on bo3cottObuildu< occurs at a 8o8ent of 8aEi8u8 <re>arication?
!us:7s 9ibberis: is dictated b3 :is desire sa3 on t:e one :and t:at :e ;ne= about t:e Ira@i
troo< buildu< al8ost t=o =ee;s before t:e in>asion1 but on t:e ot:er t:at t:e in>asion ca8e
as a bolt fro8 t:e blue? T:ere =as no follo=-u< on t:is t:e8e?
T:e final <ortion of t:e <ress conference =as de>oted to t:e >er3 i8<ortant t:e8e of t:e
UN sanctions railroaded t:rou9: t:e Securit3 Council b3 t:e An9lo-A8ericans =it: t:e
:el< of t:eir =illin9 renc:1 So>iet and C:inese <artners? T:e sanctions =ere in t:e8sel>es
an act of 9enocide a9ainst Ira@ and t:e ot:er <o<ulations i8<acted in t:e re9ion? T:e
sanctions1 8aintained after t:e =ar :ad ceased =it: t:e <reteEt t:at Sadda8 Hussein =as
still in <o=er1 :a>e <ro>en 8ore lastin9 t:an t:e =ar itself1 and t:e3 8a3 3et <ro>e 8ore
let:al? T:e Con9ressional debate in &anuar3 =as fou9:t al8ost eEclusi>el3 bet=een t:e
stran9lers of t:e ,e8ocratic %art31 =:o =anted to F9i>e t:e sanctions 8ore ti8e to =or;1F
and t:e bo8bers of t:e !us: Ad8inistration and t:e Re<ublican %art3 =:o =anted to
initiate an air =ar? !ot: <ositions constituted :i9: cri8es a9ainst :u8anit3? !us: =anted to
ar9ue for t:e in>iolabilit3 of t:ese sanctions1 but :e did so in suc: a =a3 as to underline t:e
8onstrous and :3<ocritical double standard t:at =as bein9 a<<lied to Ira@"
???And t:at7s =:at :as been so >er3 i8<ortant about t:is concerted United Nations effort1
un<recedented1 3ou 8i9:t sa31 or certainl3 not enacted since-- =:at =as it1 $' 3ears a9oD
$' 3ears a9o? So I don7t t:in; =e can see clearl3 do=n t:at road?
*:at !us: :as in 8ind :ere1 but does not 8ention b3 na8e1 =ere t:e United Nations
sanctions a9ainst t:e racist Ian S8it: re9i8e in R:odesia? %er:a<s !us: =as reluctant to
8ention t:e R:odesian sanctions because t:e United States officiall3 >iolated t:ose
sanctions b3 an act of Con9ress1 and UN A8bassador Geor9e !us: as =e :a>e seen1 =as
one of t:e <rinci<al international a<olo9ists for t:e US <olic3 of i8<ortin9 strate9ic ra=
8aterials fro8 R:odesia because of an alle9edl3 <re-e8inent US national interest? !us:7s
final res<onse s:o=s t:at :e =as full3 a=are t:at t:e econo8ic sanctions desi9ned b3 t:e
State ,e<art8ent and t:e orei9n Office =ould 8ean 9enocide a9ainst Ira@i c:ildren1 since
t:e3 contained an un<recedented <ro:ibition of food i8<orts"
*ell1 I don7t ;no= =:at t:e3 o=e us for food1 but I ;no= t:at t:is e8bar9o1 to be
successful1 :as 9ot to enco8<ass e>er3t:in9? And if t:ere are-- 3ou ;no=1 if t:ere7s a
:u8anitarian concern1 <oc;ets of star>in9 c:ildren1 or so8et:in9 of t:is nature1 =:31 I
=ould ta;e a loo;? !ut ot:er t:an t:at t:is e8bar9o is 9oin9 to be all-enco8<assin91 and it
=ill include food1 and I don7t ;no= =:at Ira@ o=es us no= for food? Generall3 s<ea;in91 in
nor8al ti8es1 =e :a>e felt t:at food 8i9:t be se<arated out fro8-- 3ou ;no=1 9rain1 =:eat1
8i9:t be se<arated out fro8 ot:er econo8ic sanctions? !ut t:is one is all-enco8<assin9
and t:e lan9ua9e is <rett3 clear in t:e United Nations resolutions? Gfn )-H
As a final 9esture1 !us: ac;no=led9ed to t:e Bournalists t:at :e :ad Fsli<<ed u< a cou<le
ti8es :ere1F and t:an;ed t:e8 for :a>in9 corrected :i81 so t:at :is sli<s and 9affes =ould
not stand as a <art of t:e <er8anent record? !us: :ad no= done :is =or;C :e :ad set into
8otion t:e 8ilitar3 8ac:ine t:at =ould first stran9le1 and t:en bo8b Ira@? *it:in t=o da3s1
!us: =as on :is =a3 to *al;er7s %oint in #ennebun;<ort1 =:ere :is :andlers :o<ed t:at
t:e der>is: =ould <ull :i8self to9et:er?
,urin9 Au9ust1 !us: <ursued a :3<eracti>e round of s<orts acti>ities in #ennebun;<ort1
=:ile cartoonists co8<ared t:e Middle East to t:e sandtra<s t:at !us: so often landed in
durin9 :is frenetic dail3 round of 9olf? On Au9ust 1-1 #in9 Hussein of &ordan1 =:o =as
fi9:tin9 to sa>e :is nation fro8 bein9 dis8e8bered b3 t:e Israelis under t:e co>er of t:e
crisis1 ca8e to >isit !us:1 =:o =elco8ed :i8 =it: t:inl3 >eiled :atred? At t:is ti8e !us:
=as alread3 tal;in9 about 8obiliAin9 t:e reser>es? Sadda8 Hussein7s situation durin9 t:ese
=ee;s can be co8<ared =it: Norie9a7s on t:e e>e of t:e US in>asion of %ana8a? T:e US
=as as 3et >er3 =ea; on t:e 9round1 and a <re>enti>e offensi>e t:rust b3 t:e Ira@is into
Saudi Arabia to=ards ,a:ran =ould :a>e caused an indescribable c:aos in t:e US lo9istics?
!ut Sadda81 li;e Norie9a1 still belie>ed t:at :e =ould not be in>adedC t:e Ira@i 9o>ern8ent
9a>e 8ore credit to its secret assurances t:an to t:e 8ilitar3 force t:at =as slo=l3 bein9
asse8bled on its sout:ern border? Sadda8 t:erefore too; no <re- e8<ti>e 8ilitar3 actions to
interfere =it: t:e 8et:odical 8ars:allin9 of t:e force t:at =as later to de>astate :is
countr3? T:e ;e3 to t:e US buildu< =as t:e lo9istical infrastructure of NATO in Euro<eC
=it:out t:is t:e buildu< =ould :a>e lasted until t:e su88er of 1221 and be3ond?
It =as durin9 t:ese Au9ust da3s t:at Sco=croft coined t:e slo9an of !us:7s Gulf =ar? On
Au9ust $'1 Sco=croft told re<orters1 F*e belie>e =e are creatin9 t:e be9innin9 of a ne=
=orld order out of t:e colla<se of US-So>iet anta9onis8s?F Gfn ).H
!us: =as no= conductin9 a s3ste8atic F8ind =arF ca8<ai9n to coerce t:e A8erican
<eo<le into acce<tin9 t:e =ar :e :ad alread3 c:osen? On Au9ust $51 !us: introduced a ne=
r:etorical note1 no= callin9 t:e A8erican citiAens detained in Ira@ F:osta9es?F Under
international la=1 t:e i88inent t:reat of acts of =ar a9ainst a countr3 entitles t:at countr3
to intern ene83 aliens as a 8atter of self-defenseC t:is :ad been t:e rule in earlier =ars?
Hencefort:1 !us: =ould atte8<t to turn t:e :osta9e issue on and off accordin9 to :is
<ro<a9anda needs1 until Ira@ freed all t:e A8ericans in earl3 ,ece8ber?
On Au9ust $.1 !us: o<ined t:at FSadda8 Hussein :as been so resistant to co8<l3in9 =it:
international la= t:at I don7t 3et see fruitful ne9otiations?F Gfn )/H State8ents li;e t:ese
=ere 8ade to cloa; t:e fact t:at !us: =as ada8antl3 refusin9 to ne9otiate =it: Ira@1 and
<re>entin9 ot:er nations fro8 doin9 so? !us:7s di<lo8atic <osture =as in effect an
ulti8atu8 to Ira@ to 9et out of #u=ait1 =it: t:e Ira@i de<arture to co8e before an3
discussions? !us: called t:is a refusal to re=ard a99ressionC it =as in fact a refusal to
ne9otiate in 9ood fait:1 and 8ade clear t:at !us: =anted =ar? His <roble8 =as t:at t:e US
8ilitar3 buildu< =as ta;in9 lon9er t:an eE<ected1 =it: s:i< con>o3s forced to turn bac; in
t:e Atlantic because frei9:ters bro;e do=n and =ere left dead in t:e =ater? !us: stro>e to
fill t:e ti8e =it: ne= de8a9o9ic <ro<a9anda 9a8bits?
!us: returned to *as:in9ton at t:e end of Au9ust to address 8e8bers of Con9ress? In t:e
<ublic <art of t:is 8eetin91 !us: reiterated t:at :is 9oal =as to F<ersuade Ira@ to =it:dra=?F
T:ere follo=ed an eEecuti>e session be:ind closed doors? T:e neEt da3 !us: recorded a
broadcast to t:e US forces in t:e Gulf1 =:ic: =as bea8ed to Saudi Arabia b3 t:e Ar8ed
orces Radio? FSoldiers of <eace =ill al=a3s be 8ore t:an a 8atc: for a t3rant bent on
a99ression1F !us: told t:e troo<s? ,urin9 earl3 Se<te8ber1 it beca8e e>ident t:at t:at t:e
US and So>iet a<<roac:es to t:e Gulf crisis =ere be9innin9 to s:o= so8e si9ns of
di>er9ence? U< to t:is <oint1 orei9n Minister S:e>ardnadAe :ad bac;ed e>er3 ste< 8ade
b3 !us: and !a;er1 but t:e US Gulf inter>ention =as not <o<ular a8on9 Red Ar83
co88anders and a8on9 So>iet Mosle8s =:o =ere disturbed b3 t:e infidel occu<ation of
t:e :ol3 <laces? On Se<te8ber 21 !us: 8et =it: Gorbac:o> in Helsin;i1 innland in order
to discuss t:is and ot:er 8atters of interest to a condo8iniu8 in =:ic: t:e An9lo-SaEons
=ere no= 8ore t:an e>er t:e senior <artners? Gorbac:o> s<o;e u< for Fa <olitical solutionF
to t:e conflict1 but :is 9o>ern8ent =illin9l3 too; <art in e>er3 >ote of t:e UN Securit3
Council =:ic: o<ened t:e =a3 to t:e Gulf =ar? A fe= da3s later1 on Se<te8ber 1+1 !us:
recei>ed <recious su<<ort fro8 :is 8asonic brot:er rancois Mitterrand1 =:o eE<loited a
triflin9 incident in>ol>in9 renc: di<lo8atic <re8ises in #u=ait -- t:e sort of t:in9 t:at
!us: :ad done re<eatedl3 in %ana8a -- 8assi>el3 to escalate t:e renc: troo< <resence and
r:etoric in t:e Gulf? FC7est une a99ression1 et nous allons 3 re<ondre1F said t:e 8aster of t:e
Grand OrientC t:e s<irit of SueA 12+-1 t:e s<irit of t:e Al9erian =ar and of ,ienbien<:u
=ere ali>e and =ell in rance?
To =:ile a=a3 t:e =ee;s of t:e buildu<1 !us: busied :i8self =it: eEtortion? T:is =as
directed es<eciall3 a9ainst Ger8an3 and &a<an1 t=o countries t:at =ere tar9ets of t:e Gulf
=ar1 and =:o8 !us: no= called u<on to <a3 for it? T:e constitutions of t:ese countries
<re>ented t:e8 fro8 sendin9 8ilitar3 contin9ents1 and inter>ention =ould :a>e been
un<o<ular =it: do8estic <ublic o<inion in an3 case? &a<an =as assessed I) billion in
tribute1 and Ger8an3 a si8ilar su8? !3 t:e end of t:e crisis1 !us: and !a;er :ad or9aniAed
a I++ billion s:a;edo=n at t:e eE<ense of a series of countries? T:ese co8bined to <roduce
t:e first balance of <a38ents sur<lus for t:e United States in recent 8e8or3 durin9 t:e first
@uarter of 12211 obtainin9 a surcease for t:e dollar?
!ut e>en <rediscountin9 t:is eEtorted tribute1 t:e fiscal crisis of t:e US Treasur3 =as
beco8in9 o>er=:el8in9? On Se<te8ber 111 !us: =as to address t:e Con9ress on t:e need
for austerit3 8easures to reduce t:e deficit for t:e co8in9 fiscal 3ear? !ut !us: did not
=is: to a<<ear before t:e Con9ress as a si8<le ban;ru<tC :e =anted to strut before t:e8 as
a =arrior? T:e resultin9 s<eec: =as a curious :3brid1 first addressin9 t:e Gulf crisis1 and
onl3 t:en turnin9 to t:e dolorous balance s:eets of t:e re9i8e? It =as in t:is s<eec: t:at
!us: re<eated t:e Sco=croft slo9an t:at =ill acco8<an3 :is re9i8e into t:e dust bin of
:istor3" T:e Ne= *orld Order? After 9loatin9l3 @uotin9 Gorbac:o>7s conde8nation of
FIra@7s a99ression1F !us: ca8e to t:e rele>ant <assa9e"
Clearl31 no lon9er can a dictator count on East-*est confrontation to st38ie concerted
United Nations action a9ainst a99ression? A ne= <artners:i< of nations :as be9un1 and =e
stand toda3 at a uni@ue and eEtraordinar3 8o8ent? T:e crisis in t:e %ersian Gulf1 as 9ra>e
as it is1 also offers a rare o<<ortunit3 to 8o>e to=ard an :istoric <eriod of coo<eration? Out
of t:ese troubled ti8es1 our fift: obBecti>e --a ne= =orld order-- can e8er9e" A ne= era--
freer fro8 t:e t:reat of terror1 stron9er in t:e <ursuit of Bustice and 8ore secure in t:e @uest
for <eace? An era in =:ic: t:e nations of t:e =orld1 east and =est1 nort: and sout:1 can
<ro<ser and li>e in :ar8on3? Gfn )2H ,urin9 Au9ust and Se<te8ber1 !us:7s Gulf offensi>e
:ad allo=ed :i8 to do8inate t:e :eadlines and ne=s broadcasts =it: bellicose <osturin9
and saber-rattlin9 in t:e crisis =:ic: :e :ad assiduousl3 :el<ed to create? No=1 durin9
October1 t:e a=eso8e econo8ic de<ression <roduced b3 t:e bi<artisan econo8ic <olicies
of t:e Eastern Liberal Establis:8ent o>er a @uarter-centur3 re-asserted its <resence =it: all
t:e eE<losi>e force of realit3 lon9 denied?
All durin9 Au9ust and Se<te8ber1 t:e :a99lin9 :ad continued bet=een !us: and t:e
Con9ressional leaders:i< about :o= o<ti8all3 to inflict 8ore drastic austerit3 on t:e
A8erican <eo<le? T:e :a99lin9 :ad recessed in Au9ust1 but :ad resu8ed in 9reat secrec3
on Se<te8ber .1 =it: t:e elite 9rou< of <artici<ants se@uestered fro8 t:e =orld at a 8ilitar3
air base near *as:in9ton? T:e :a99lin9 <roceeded slo=l31 and ;e3 bud9et deadlines built
into t:e Gra88-Rud8an calendar be9an to sli< b3" Se<te8ber 151 Se<te8ber 1+1 and
Se<te8ber $+ =ere 8issed? It =as no= a<<arent t:at t:e final deadline <osed for t:e
be9innin9 of t:e fiscal 3ear on October 1 could not be 8etC t:ere =as a dan9er of a Gra88-
Rud8an Ftrain =rec;F or auto8atic1 across t:e board se@uester of bud9et s<endin9
aut:orit3? On Se<te8ber '51 !us: and t:e elite Con9ressional su88iteers a<<eared in a
Rose Garden cere8on3 to announce a fi>e-3ear1 I+55 billion deficit reduction <ac;a9e1
alle9edl3 featurin9 I)5 billion in deficit reduction durin9 t:e first 3ear1 to be sub8itted to
Con9ress for rubber-sta8<in9? T:is <lan contained :i9:er taEes on 9asoline1 ci9arettes1
li@uor1 luEur3 ite8s1 <lus sa>a9e cuts on defense1 Medicare for t:e elderl31 and far8
<a38ents? It =as uns=eetened b3 !us:7s fa>orite nostru8 for fatcats1 a cut in t:e ca<ital
9ains taE? TaE deductions =ere li8ited for t:e 8ost =ealt:3? Geor9e1 s@uir8in9 under
=arnin9s fro8 all sides1 but es<eciall3 t:e GO% ri9:t =in91 t:at t:is deal codified :is
infa8ous betra3al of &une $-1 tried to be a little contrite"
So8eti8es 3ou don7t 9et it t:e =a3 3ou =ant1 and t:is is suc: a ti8e for 8e? And I sus<ect
it7s suc: a ti8e for e>er3bod3 standin9 :ere? !ut it7s ti8e =e <ut t:e interests of t:e United
States of A8erica :ere and 9et t:is deficit under control?
!us: called t:e <ac;a9e FbalancedF and Ffair?F FNo= co8es t:e :ard <art1F said Mitc:ell1
referrin9 to t:e irritatin9 for8alit3 of Con9ressional <assa9e? !elie>in9 t:e assurances of
Mitc:ell and ole31 ,ole and Mic:el t:at t:e resultin9 deal could be <assed1 !us: si9ned a
continuin9 resolution to ;ee< t:e 9o>ern8ent 9oin9 fro8 October 1 until October +1 =:ile
also a>oidin9 t:e Gra88-Rud8an 9uillotine?
On October $1 at t:e ur9in9 of t:e Con9ressional leaders1 !us: 8ade one of :is rare
tele>ised addresses to t:e nation fro8 t:e O>al Office? Accordin9 to one obser>er1 F!us:7s
T6 address on t:e bud9et =as t:e 8ost listless <residential a<<eal since Carter7s 78alaise7
s<eec:?F Gfn +5H !us:7s tones :ad a <inc: of t:e a<ocal3<seF FIf =e fail to enact t:is
a9ree8ent1 our econo83 =ill falter1 8ar;ets 8a3 tu8ble1 and recession =ill follo=? Tell
3our con9ress8en and senators 3ou su<<ort t:is deficit-reduction a9ree8ent? If t:e3 are
Re<ublicans1 ur9e t:e8 to stand =it: t:e <resident? If t:e3 are ,e8ocrats1 ur9e t:e8 to
stand =it: t:eir Con9ressional leaders?F !us: :ad no= disco>ered t:at t:e deficit1 =:ic: :e
:ad i9nored in 12/21 =as a Fcancer 9na=in9 a=a3 at our nation7s :ealt:?F T:e <lan :e
reco88ended1 :e <ointed out =it: bat:os1 =as a <roduct of Fblood1 s=eat1 and fears-- fears
of t:e econo8ic c:aos t:at =ould follo= if =e fail to reduce t:e deficit?F Gfn +1H !us:7s
<lan =as su<<orted b3 Alan Greens<an of t:e ederal Reser>e1 t:e >oice of t:e
international central ban;ers?
S:e<:erdin9 suc: a =ei9:t3 affair of state t:rou9: t:e Con9ress =as considered a Bob for a
tea8 :eaded b3 none ot:er t:an ,an Lua3le? Lua3le @ui<<ed t:at :e =as li;e a friendl3
dentist a<<l3in9 a lot of no>ocain and :o<in9 for a fe= >otes? ,es<ite suc: bo3is: 9ood
s<irits1 it =as not to be? Re<ublicans =ere incensed t:at !us: :ad 9i>en a=a3 t:e Fcro=n
Be=elsF of t:eir <art3 Bust in order to 9et a deal? Ri9:t-=in9 Re<ublicans la8ented t:at t:e
<ac;a9e =as a Froad-8a< to recessionF and a Fca>e-in to t:e liberal ,e8ocrats?F FI
=ouldn7t >ote for it if it cured cancer1F said Con9ress8an Trafficant? ,e8ocrats =ere
an9ered b3 t:e ne= eEcise taE1 =:ic: =as re9ressi>e1 and b3 :i9:er inco8e taE rate
increases for lo=er inco8e 9rou<s? *:en t:e <lan ca8e u< for a >ote in t:e House on t:e
fateful da3 of October +1 =it: t:e sto<9a< le9islation about to run out1 8an3 ,e8ocrats
deferred >otin9 until t:e3 could see t:at a clear 8aBorit3 of t:e Re<ublicans =ere >otin9
a9ainst t:eir o=n <resident7s <lan? T:en t:e ,e8ocrats also cast ne9ati>e >otes? T:e deficit
<ac;a9e =as soundl3 defeated1 $+)-1.2? !us: =as :u8iliated" onl3 .1 Re<ublican stuc;
=it: t:eir <resident1 Boined b3 15/ ,e8ocrats? 15+ GO%ers :ad re>olted1 and Boined =it:
1)2 ,e8ocrats to sin; t:e accord !us: :ad <leaded for on tele>ision? E>en Re<? Ne=t
Gin9irc: of Geor9ia1 =:o as House GO% Minorit3 *:i< s:ould :a>e su<erintended efforts
to dra9oon >otes for !us:1 :ad Bu8<ed s:i< on October 11 encoura9in9 ot:er GO%
T:e Con9ress t:en @uic;l3 <assed and sent to !us: a furt:er continuin9 resolution to ;ee<
t:e 9o>ern8ent 9oin9C it =as no= t:e rida3 before t:e Colu8bus ,a3 =ee;end? !us: :ad
t:reatened to >eto an3 suc: le9islation1 and :e no= 8ade 9ood on :is t:reat1 intonin9 t:at
Ft:e :our of rec;onin9 is at :and?F T:e federal 9o>ern8ent t:ereu<on be9an to s:ut do=n1
eEce<t for ,esert S:ield and so8e ot:er o<erations t:e bureaucrac3 considered essential?
Tourists in *as:in9ton noticed t:at t:e toilets 8aintained b3 t:e National %ar; Ser>ice
=ere s:uttin9 do=n? !us:1 =antin9 to set a 9ood eEa8<le1 decided t:at Sunda3 t:at :e
=ould dri>e bac; fro8 Ca8< ,a>id b3 car" :e 9ot a rude taste of :o= t:e ot:er :alf li>es1
endin9 u< stalled in a t3<ical traffic Ba8 on t:e interstate?
T:e follo=in9 =ee; =as a ti8e of 9reat <olitical :e8orra9in9 for Geor9e !us:? His
<roble8s 9re= out of a clu8s3 series of trial baloons :e floated about =:at ;ind of taE
<ac;a9e :e =ould acce<t? !3 one count1 :e c:an9ed :is 8ind fi>e ti8es in t:ree da3s? irst
ca8e t:e 9o>ern8ent itself? An3 <resident1 and es<eciall3 an a<<aratc:i; li;e !us:1 :as a
:ealt:3 res<ect for =:at t:e *as:in9ton bureaucrac3 8i9:t do to :i8 if it1 li;e t:e
8ercenaries Mac:ia>elli =arned about1 =ere not <aid? !us: accordin9l3 relented and
si9ned a s:ort-ter8 continuin9 resolution to ;ee< t:e <a3c:ec;s flo=in9 and t:e
bureaucrac3 o<en? No= Con9ress8en of bot: <arties be9an to offer a8end8ents on t:e
I$$ billion taE bill t:at =as at t:e :eart of t:e ne= austerit3 <ac;a9e? irst !us: indicated
t:at :e =ould acce<t an increase in inco8e taE rates for t:e 8ost =ealt:3 in eEc:an9e for a
cut in t:e ca<ital 9ains taE? T:en :e indicated t:at :e =ould not? In a <ress conference1 :e
said suc: a deal =ould be Ffine?F T:en a 9rou< of Re<ublican Con9ress8en >isited :i8 to
ur9e :i8 to dro< t:e idea of an3 suc: dealC t:e3 ca8e out declarin9 t:at !us: =as no= in
a9ree8ent =it: t:e8? !ut t:en !us: drifted bac; to=ards t:e tradeoff? Ric:ard ,ar8an1
one of !us:7s bud9et enforcers1 =as as;ed =:at !us: t:ou9:t about t:e taE rates trade off?
FI :a>e no idea =:at *:ite House state8ent =as issued1F said t:e to< nu8ber crunc:er1
Fbut I stand be:ind it 155R?F !3 t:e =ee;end of October 1'-1)1 t:ere =ere at least t:ree
draft taE bills in circulation? E>en :ard-core !us:8en =ere unable to tell t:e le9islators
=:at t:e <resident =anted1 and =:at :e =ould >eto? T:e 8ost de9raded and re>ealin9
8o8ent ca8e =:en !us: =as out Bo99in91 and re<orters as;ed :i8 about :is <osition on
taEes? FRead 83 :i<sK1F s:outed !us:1 <ointin9 to=ards :is <osterior =it: bot: :ands? It
=as not clear =:o :ad scri<ted t:at one1 but t:e 8essa9e =as clear" t:e A8erican <eo<le
=ere in>ited to ;iss !us:7s ass?
It =as one of t:e 8ost astoundin9 9estures b3 a <resident in 8odern ti8es1 and <osed t:e
ine>itable @uestion" :ad !us: 9one totall3 <s3c:oticD
FT:e <ublic is not lau9:in91F co88ented a *:ite House official? Ne=sda31 t:e Ne= (or;
tabloid1 =ent =it: t:e :eadline REA, M( LI%S? T:e Ne= (or; Ti8es re>i>ed t:e label
t:at !us: resented 8ost" for t:e ne=s<a<er of record1 !us: =as Fa <olitical =i8<?F A
senior GO% <olitical consultant noted t:at Ft:e difference is t:at Rea9an :ad <rinci<les and
beliefs? T:is 9u3 :as no rudder?F In t:e o<inion of Ne=s=ee;1 F!us: too; no stand on
<rinci<le and didn7t see8 to ;no= =:at :e =anted????He 8ade inco8<re:ensible Bo;es?
He =as stran9el3 ea9er to <lease e>en t:ose =:o =ere fi9:tin9 :i81 and <o=erless to
<unis: defectors? As in t:e bad old da3s1 :e loo;ed 9oof3?F Gfn +$H
T:e :a99lin9 =ent on into t:e t:ird =ee; of October1 and t:en into t:e fourt:? *ould it last
to Hallo=een1 to <er8it a 8acabre ni9:t of t:e li>in9 dead on t:e Ca<itolD Ne=t Gin9ric:
told ,a>id !rin;le3 on FT:is *ee;F of October $1 t:at 8ost House Re<ublicans =ere
<re<ared to >ote a9ainst an3 <lan to increase taEes1 totall3 disre9ardin9 t:e =is:es of !us:?
Senator ,anfort: of Missouri co8<lained1 FI a8 concerned and a lot of Re<ublicans are
concerned t:at t:is is beco8in9 a <olitical rout?F At t:is <oint t:e ,e8ocrats =anted to
<lace a 1R surtaE on all inco8e o>er )1 8illion1 =:ile t:e GO% fa>ored reducin9 t:e
deductions for t:e ric:? In 3et anot:er fli<-flo<1 !us: :ad conceded on October $5 t:at :e
=ould acce<t an increase in t:e to< inco8e taE rate fro8 $/R to '1R? !3 October $)1 a
deal =as finall3 reac:ed =:ic: could be <assed1 and t:e neEt da3 !us: atte8<ted to <ut t:e
best <ossible face on t:in9s b3 asse8blin9 t:e bruised and bleedin9 Re<ublican
Con9ressional leaders:i<1 includin9 t:e rene9ade Gin9ric:1 for anot:er Rose Garden
T:e final bud9et <lan set t:e to< inco8e taE rate at '1R1 and increased taEes on 9asoline1
ci9arettes1 airline tic;ets1 increased Medicare <a3roll taEes and <re8iu8s1 =:ile cuttin9
Medicare benefit <a3outs and 9o>ern8ent <a38ents to far8ers? Anot:er <art of t:e
<ac;a9e re<laced t:e Gra88-Rud8an-Hollin9s once a 3ear se@uester t:reat =it: a Ftri<le1
rollin9 se@uesterF =it: ri9id s<endin9 ca<s for eac: of t:e t:ree cate9ories of defense1
forei9n aid1 and discretionar3 do8estic s<endin91 and no transfers <er8itted a8on9 t:ese?
T:e entire a<<aratus =ill re@uire su<er-8aBorities of -5 >otes to c:an9e in t:e future?
Naturall31 t:is <ac;a9e =as of no use =:ate>er in deficit reduction1 9i>en t:e eEistence of
an acceleratin9 econo8ic de<ression? In !us:7s fa8ous Ne= *orld Order s<eec: on
Se<te8ber 111 :e :ad fri9:tened t:e Con9ress =it: t:e <ros<ect of a deficit of I$'$ billion?
In October of 12211 it =as announced t:at t:e deficit for t:e fiscal 3ear endin9 Se<te8ber
'11 12211 t:e one t:at =as su<<osed to s:o= i8<ro>e8ent1 :ad co8e in at I$-/?. billion1
t:e =orst in all :istor3? %redictions for t:e deficit in t:e 3ear be9innin9 on October 11 1221
=ere in eEcess of I'+5 billion1 9uaranteein9 t:at t:e 1221 record =ould not stand lon9?
!us:7s tra>ail of October1 1225 :ad done not:in9 to i8<ro>e t:e <icture?
!us:7s <redica8ent =as t:at t:e Rea9ano8ics of t:e 12/57s 0=:ic: :ad been in force since
t:e <eriod after t:e #enned3 assassination4 :ad <roduced 8ore t:an a de<ression" t:e3 :ad
en9endered t:e national ban;ru<tc3 of t:e United States? T:at ban;ru<tc3 =as no=
la=full3 dis8e8berin9 t:e Rea9an coalition1 t:e coalition =:ic: !us: :ad still been able to
ride to <o=er in 12//? Since !us: refused to re<lace t:e suicidal1 <ost-industrial econo8ic
<olicies of t:e last @uarter centur31 :e =as obli9ed to atte8<t to s8ot:er irre<ressible
<olitical conflicts =it: <olice state 8et:ods1 and =it: =ar :3steria?
!ut in t:e inter>al before :e could start t:e =ar1 !us: =ould <a3 a :ea>3 <olitical <rice?
Accordin9 to t:e Ne=see; <oll1 !us:7s Bob a<<ro>al ratin9 :ad dro<<ed fro8 -.R durin9
t:e Gulf scare of Au9ust to )/R at t:e end of t:e October bud9et battles? T:e $5-<oint free
fall =as a re8inder t:at !us: <ossessed no solid base of su<<ort a8on9 an3 nu8ericall3
si9nificant 9rou< in t:e US electorate? No=1 t:e Carteres@ue !us: found t:at :is o=n <art3
=as turnin9 a9ainst :i8? A s<lit :ad o<ened u< in t:e GO% =:ic: t:reatened t:at <art3 =it:
t:e fate of t:e de9enerate ederalists?
In t:e 8idst of t:e bud9et u<:ea>al !us:1 e>er true to :is fa8il37s racist creed1 :ad
i8<udentl3 >etoed t:e Ci>il Ri9:ts Act of 1225? To 8a;e t:e s38bolis8 <erfect1 :e si9ned
t:e >eto after an a<<earance at t:e T:eodore Roose>elt Conser>ation A=ard cere8onies in
*as:in9ton? !us: =as <la3in9 t:e card of racis8 for 1225 and 122$? FI dee<l3 re9ret
:a>in9 to ta;e t:is action =it: a bill bearin9 suc: a title1F said !us:1 Fes<eciall3 since it
contains <ro>isions t:at I stron9l3 endorse?F !ut :e =as ada8ant t:at t:is bill Fe8<lo3s a
8aAe of :i9:l3 le9alistic lan9ua9e to introduce t:e destructi>e force of @uotas into our
national une8<lo38ent s3ste8?F !us: clai8ed t:at t:is =as a @uota bill1 and since e@ual
o<<ortunit3 =as t:=arted b3 @uotas1 Ft:e >er3 co88itt8ent to Bustice and e@ualit3 t:at is
offered as t:e reason =:3 t:is bill s:ould be si9ned re@uires 8e to >eto it?F An atte8<ted
o>erride fell s:ort b3 one >ote in t:e Senate1 ---')1 e>en t:ou9: Minnesota Re<ublican
Rud3 !osc:=itA1 =:o :ad been a9ainst t:e bill1 s=itc:ed sides to o<<ose !us:7s >eto?
!osc:=itA =as doo8ed to defeat in t:e No>e8ber election in an3 case?
A 8ost dra8atic si9n of t:e re<udiation of !us: e>en b3 t:e Re<ublican <art3 a<<aratus
=as t:e celebrated 8e8orandu8 issued on October 1+ b3 >eteran <olitical o<erati>e Ed
Rollins of t:e National Re<ublican Con9ressional Co88ittee? Rollins :ad been 9i>en a
four-3ear1 8illion dollar contract to :el< t:e GO% =in a 8aBorit3 on t:e Hill? He =as
dedicated to :el<in9 :is Con9ressional clients1 incu8bents and c:allen9ers ali;e1 to 9et
elected? *atc:in9 t:e <olls1 Rollins sa= t:at !us:7s &une $- bro;en <ro8ise =as sure to be
<oison at t:e <olls in earl3 No>e8ber? He sent out a 8e8o t:at 8ade t:e follo=in9 <oints"
T:e 8ood of t:e countr3 :as s:ifted dra8aticall3 in t:e <ast ten da3sC >oters :a>e beco8e
as <essi8istic about t:e direction of t:e countr3 as at an3 ti8e in recent :istor3?
T:e %resident7s a<<ro>alOdisa<<ro>al and Bob <erfor8ance ratin9s :a>e dro<<ed
<reci<itousl3? T:is is no doubt due to t:e lac; of a bud9et resolution and t:e lac; of a clear
Re<ublican <osition on taEes and s<endin9?
Understandin9 t:at se>eral 8e8bers :a>e ne>er ta;en a no taE <led9e1 83 best ad>ice
toda3 is to ur9e 3ou to o<<ose taEes1 s<ecificall3 9as and inco8e taEes? ,o not :esitate to
o<<ose eit:er t:e %resident or <ro<osals bein9 ad>anced in Con9ress? Gfn +'H
!us: a<<ears to :a>e learned of t:e Rollins 8e8o in an N!C ne=s broadcast on October
$)? Accordin9 to one source1 !us: t:en told a 9rou< of GO% Con9ressional leaders t:at
=:ile :e could not control all Re<ublican <olitical consultants1 :e Fdid control Rollins1F and
=anted :i8 fired i88ediatel3? Rollins7s i88ediate boss1 Re<? Gu3 6ander &a9t1 a
Re<ublican =:eel:orse fro8 Mic:i9an1 co8<lained t:at :e :ad co8e out of t:is 8eetin9
=it: !us: Fblac; and blueF fro8 t:e <resident7s <unis:8ent? Gfn +)H T:e ans=er fro8
Rollins =as1 FI don7t <lan to resi9n?F Incredibl31 !us: =as unable to secure t:e ouster of
Rollins1 =:o1 one 8ust conclude1 enBo3ed 8ore su<<ort fro8 ran; and file Re<ublican
Con9ress8en at t:is <oint t:an !us: :i8self? So8e consultants su99ested t:at !us: s:ould
si8<l3 bac; off" FIf t:e No>e8ber - results are as bad as t:e3 a<<ear1 t:e consensus =ill be
t:at Geor9e !us: ble= it1F said one? !us: Fis t:e Geor9e Steinbrenner of <olitics1F said
anot:er <erce<tion-8on9er? FHe Bust booted a=a3 t:e best franc:ise in t:e s<ort?F ,rea8s
of ta;in9 House seats =ere >anis:in9 =it: eac: ne= <ollC t:e GO% no= :o<ed for da8a9e
control 8easures to ;ee< t:e loss to ten seats if t:e3 could?
On t:e ca8<ai9n trail1 !us: =as finall3 recei>in9 treat8ent co88ensurate =it: :is 8erits?
October $' =as a da3 :e =ill ne>er for9et? Geor9e :ad 9otten u< before da=n to 8a;e a
da3 of it on t:e :ustin9s1 onl3 to find t:at :e =as bein9 s:unned as t:e ne= T3<:oid Mar3
of A8erican <olitics?
T:e first sto< =as an earl3-8ornin9 fund raiser in !urlin9ton1 6er8ont1 desi9ned to benefit
Re<? %eter S8it:1 a fres:8an Con9ress8an? S8it: =as su<<osed to 9i>e !us: a rousin9
introduction and t:en bas; in t:e =ar8t: of !us:7s su<<ort? !ut instead1 S8it: astounded
!us: and :is :andlers b3 launc:in9 into a tortured 8onolo9ue on all t:e <oints of
disa9ree8ent t:at di>ided :i8 fro8 !us:? S8it: told of :o= :e :ad been lo3al to !us: on
October +1 and of :o= :is constituents :ad t:en rebelled1 =it: t:e result t:at :e cau9:t
<olitical :ell for :is <ro-!us: >ote? S8it: de8anded t:at !us: no= raise taEes on t:e
=ealt:3? S8it: also 8en8tioned t:e ci>il ri9:ts bill" FM3 s<ecific disa9ree8ents =it: t:is
ad8inistration are a 8atter of record1F S8it: stressed? %oor S8it:" :is <ro-!us: >ote on
October + :ad doo8ed :i8 to defeat in :is close race =it: !ernie Sanders1 t:e for8er
socialist 8a3or of !urlin9ton?
!us: ste=ed1 ra9ed1 and s@uir8ed? He loo;ed around to see if an3one =ould co8e to :is
aid? Sittin9 neEt to !us: =as GO% Senator &a8es M? &effords1 =:o :ad >oted in fa>or of
t:e ci>il ri9:ts bill !us: :ad >etoed? He :ad 8ade an e8otional s<eec: in t:e Senate
la8bastin9 !us: for tr3in9 to <unc: 9iant Floo<:olesF in t:e ci>il ri9:ts of citiAens? &effords
sat starin9 strai9:t a:ead1 doin9 a fair i8itation of !us: at t:e Nas:ua Tele9ra<: debate?
*:en !us: 9ot u<1 :e =as dissociated and ton9ue-tied? He stu8bled t:rou9: :is s<eec:1
i8<ro>isin9 a fe= lines in =:ic: :e <raised t:e inde<endent-8indedness of 6er8onters li;e
S8it:1 but =:ined t:at :e =is:ed it =ould not co8e at :is eE<ense?
!us: t:en asserted t:at
=e :a>e a slu99is: econo83 out t:ere nationall3? T:at7s one of t:e reasons =:3 I fa>or t:is
deficit so 8uc:? Gfn ++H
T:e cro=d =as <uAAledC so8e of t:e8 =ere <er:a<s dri>en to tr3 t:e socialis8 of !ernie
Sanders o>er t:is? T:e 8ental disinte9ration of Geor9e !us: =ent on a<ace?
!us:7s second sto< of t:e da3 =as in Manc:ester1 Ne= Ha8<s:ire? Here :e =as 9reeted b3
:is old friend1 t:e Manc:ester Union Leader1 =it: a front <a9e cartoon of t:e 9ranite- faced
8an in t:e 8ountain sa3in9 FRead His Li<s1 Mr? %resident? Go Ho8e and Ta;e (our TaEes
=it: (ou?F Here t:ere =as no attac; on !us:7s econo8icsC t:e candidate :e =as su<<osed
to be :el<in91 Re<? Robert C? S8it:1 :ad ob>iousl3 concluded t:at an3 fil8 foota9e
s:o=in9 :i8 in t:e sa8e <icture =it: !us: =ould <ose t:e t:reat of disaster1 so :e :ad
si8<l3 sta3ed in *as:in9ton? T:e con9ress8an7s =ife =as t:ere to tell t:e audience t:at :er
:usband :ad sta3ed in *as:in9ton for House >otes :e could not 8issC an a<o<lectic !us:
ferociousl3 c:e=ed on an a<<le before :e rose for <erfunctor3 re8ar;s?
!us:7s t:ird sto< =as in *aterbur31 Connecticut1 =:ere t:e beneficiar3 of :is <resence =as
Gar3 ran;s1 a blac; Re<ublican =:o8 !us: needed as a fi9 leaf for :is >eto of t:e ci>il
ri9:ts bill? ran;s sol>ed t:e T3<:oid Mar3 <roble8 b3 barrin9 t:e ne=s 8edia fro8 t:e
ca8<ai9n e>ent1 so no sound bites associatin9 :i8 =it: !us: could be used a9ainst :i8 b3
:is o<<onent? Later t:ere =as a brief <:oto o<<ortunit3 =it: !us: and ran;s to9et:er?
Surel3 !us: :ad cut a ridiculous fi9ure? !ut :o= 8an3 Ira@is =ould die in &anuar31
ebruar3 and be3ond to assua9e !us:7s :u8iliations of t:is da3D
!us:7s last <re-election ca8<ai9n tri< =ould eli8inate sto<s in Ore9on1 Nebras;a1 Illinois1
and Nort: Carolina1 =:ere Re<ublicans teetered on t:e ed9e of defeat? !us: =as tr3in9 to
cut :is losses1 and :e =as not alone? ,urin9 t:e 8ont:s before t:e election1 !us: :ad s<ent
:ours s=eatin9 under tele>ision li9:ts to ta<e endorse8ent co88ercials for o>er /5 GO%
candidates? One Con9ress8an1 Re<? Alfred A? McCandless of California1 used <ieces of
!us:7s ta<e in a co88ercial desi9ned to :i9:li9:t :is differences =it: !us:? Man3 of t:e
ot:er ta<es =ere ne>er usedC 8an3 of t:ose endorsed <leaded as an eEcuse t:at t:eir
fundraisin9 :ad been ruined b3 !us:7s taE <olic31 so t:e3 ne>er :ad t:e 8one3 to <ut t:e8
on t:e air?
!us: atte8<ted to re9rou< b3 see;in9 ne= de8a9o9ic t:e8es? or t:ose stru99lin9 =it:
econo8ic de<ression :e offered???ter8 li8its for 8e8bers of Con9ress1 in t:e :ands of t:e
GO% a trans<arent atte8<t to flus: out ,e8ocratic incu8bents? Ter8 li8itation1 said !us:1
=as Fan idea =:ose ti8e :as co8e?F FA8erica doesn7t need a liberal House of Lords1F said
!us: in O;la:o8a Cit3? FA8erica needs a Re<ublican Con9ress?F T:e ,e8ocrats Ftrul3
belie>e t:e3 deser>e to be elected fro8 no= until ;in9do8 co8e1F said !us: in Los
An9eles? T:e res<onse =as less t:an o>er=:el8in9? T:en !us: tried to bla8e t:e
de<ression on t:e ,e8ocrats? T:e >enue c:osen =as a I1555 a <late fundraiser for Sen?
%ete *ilson1 =:o =anted to be 9o>ernor of California? T:e Fstron9 8edicineF of t:e defecit
<ac;a9e1 !us: clai8ed1 Fis re@uired because t:e ,e8ocraticall3 controlled Con9ress :as
been on an uncontrolled s<endin9 bin9e for 3ears?F In O;la:o8a Cit31 :e a>erred t:at t:e
,e8ocrats :ad Fc:o;ed t:e econo83F and brou9:t t:e countr3 to t:e >er9e of recession?
He accused Con9ressional liberals of s<e=in9 out t:e Fclass =arfare 9arba9eF t:e3 al=a3s
resurrect at election ti8e? !ut none of t:is :ad an3 bite? Gfn +-H On No>e8ber '1 !us:
reac:ed into :is tal; ba9 and <ulled out &i883 Carter1 t:reatenin9 >oters =it: a return to
t:e F8alaise da3s?F Accordin9 to Ne=see;1 !us: :ad reac@uired t:at FelectrocutedF loo;?
!us: =ent bac; to :is sta<le offerin9" :3sterical1 ra9e-dri>en =ar8on9erin91 =it: an eEtra
di>idend for so8e audiences co8in9 t:rou9: t:e clear racist o>ertones? Once Con9ress :ad
adBourned1 one obser>er noted1 F!us: =as able to s=itc: to :is fa>orite scri<t1 7,es<eratel3
See;in9 Sadda8?7F Gfn +.H !us: 9ri8aced and <outed a9ainst t:e Fbutc:er of !a9:dadF
tr3in9 to loo; li;e a 8ore 9enteel1 An9lo-SaEon Mussolini? Sadda8 =as no= FHitler
re>isited?F Later1 t:ere =ere esti8ates t:at !us:7s eEclusi>e concentration on t:e =ar t:e8e
:ad sa>ed one to t=o senate seats1 and <er:a<s :alf a doAen in t:e House?
!ut !us: ca8e dan9erousl3 close to o>erdoin9 it? In t:e last da3s of October1 :e :ad be9un
a de8a9o9ic effort to =:i< u< :3steria about t:e US citAens interned b3 Ira@? FI :a>e :ad
itF =it: t:e Ira@i :andlin9 of t:e internees1 =as no= !us:7s fa>orite line? *:en !us:
=ra<<ed :i8self in t:e fla91 :e eE<ected t:e ,e8ocrats to ;o=-to=1 but no= t:ere =as
so8e o<<osition? !us: 8et =it: so8e 1+ Con9ressional leaders acti>e in forei9n <olic31
and be9an ra>in9 about t:e F:orrible1 barbarousF conditions of t:e :osta9es? S:ar<
@uestions =ere i88ediatel3 <osed b3 ,e8ocrats1 8an3 of t:e8 facin9 re-election in a fe=
da3s? Accordin9 to one Con9ress8an1 FT:e3 =ere as;in91 in not so 8an3 =ords1 Is t:is
tru8<ed u<D If it isn7t1 :o= co8e =e Bust :a>e started :earin9 about it in t:e 8iddle of t:is
<olitical 8ess t:e <resident is inD It see8s to be co8in9 out of no=:ere? ,ante ascell said
t:e ,e8ocrats :ad told !us:1 FIf t:ere is additional <ro>ocation Gb3 Ira@H1 it better be real
and able to stand u< to <ress scrutin3?F Too bad t:e ,e8ocrats :ad not a<<lied t:at standard
to t:e =:ole tru8<ed-u< Gulf crisis? Gfn +/H
T:e result of t:e No>e8ber - election =as a dee< disa<<oint8ent to Re<ublicansC !us:7s
<art3 lost one senate seat1 2 House seats1 and one 9o>ernors:i<? Not all of t:ese 9ains =ent
to ,e8ocrats1 since dis9runtled >oters 9a>e t=o 9o>ernors:i<s and one House seat to
inde<endents outside of t:e t=o <art3 s3ste8? Most dra8atic =as t:e anti-incu8bent 8ood
a9ainst 9o>ernors1 =:ere econo8ic crisis and taE re>olt :ad been on t:e a9enda all 3ear"
t:e 9o>ernin9 <art31 =:et:er Re<ublican or ,e8ocrat1 =as ousted in 1) of t:e '- state
:ouses t:at =ere contested? or !us: t:ere =ere >er3 s<ecial disa<<oint8ents" :e :ad
ca8<ai9ned >er3 :ard for Cla3ton *illia8s in TeEas and for Go>ernor !ob MartineA in
lorida1 but !us:7s coattails <ro>ed non-eEistent to ne9ati>eC ,e8ocrats =on bot:
9o>ernors:i<s? T:e loss of TeEas and lorida =as a >er3 o8inous t:reat for !us:7s 122$ re-
election ca8<ai9n1 since t:ese =ere t:e t=o indis<ensable ;e3stones of t:e Sout:ern
Strate93? No=1 t:at GO% loc; on t:e Electoral Colle9e 8i9:t be dra=in9 to a close? !ut
unforunatel31 t:at =as for t:e future" !us:7s re<udiation at t:e <olls t:is ti8e around =as
not enou9: to reduce :i8 to an i8<otent la8e duc; =it: no 8andate to =a9e =ar? !us:
=as no= a =ounded beast =:o could1 and =ould1 las: out?
!us: e8er9ed 9ra>el3 da8a9ed" !usiness *ee; de>oted a co>er to a <:oto of !us: and t:e
le9end" FLosin9 Ground" GO% Losses in Con9ress1 state:ouse setbac;s1 and internal <art3
strife are erodin9 Geor9e !us:7s aut:orit3-- and :is abilit3 to lead t:e nation?F FA fe= 8ore
9ood da3s li;e t:at and Re<ublicans =ill 9o t:e =a3 of *:i9s1F =rote t:e 8a9aAine? T:e
>ote =as a F:u8blin9 rebu;e to a barnstor8in9 !us:?F G)2H In t:e =ords of an October '1
:eadline in t:e <ro-re9i8e *as:in9ton Ti8es1 F!us: in 2$D 7,ead Meat17 sa3 s;e<tics?F
#e>in %:illi<s noted t:at econo8ics could <ro>e fatal for !us:" FSince *orld *ar II t:e
GO%7s <attern :as been for econo8ic do=nturns durin9 8idter8 election 3ears" full-
fled9ed recessions in 12+)1 12+/1 12.51 12.)1 and 12/$1 and a se>ere far8-belt and oil-
<atc: slu8< in 12/-? Toda37s econo8ic t:underclouds1 :o=e>er1 are t:e first in 8e8or3 0at
least since t:e <ost-12$2 <eriod4 to <ortend t:eir stor8s for t:e t:ird 3ear of a GO%
<residenc3?F And for !us:1 t:e econo8ic bad ne=s =as to be found e>en in t:e Ne= (or;
Ti8es" F*:at RecessionD It7s a ,e<ression1F <roclai8ed one article? Leonard Sil; 8ade t:e
o<ti8istic case in t:e sa8e <a<er" F*:3 It7s Too Soon to %redict Anot:er Great
,e<ression1F =as :is title? Gfn +2H
!ut =ell before t:e dust :ad settled fro8 t:e election debacle1 !us: :ad resu8ed :is 8arc:
to=ards a :olocaust in t:e Middle East? On t:e da3 after t:e election1 !a;er1 s<ea;in9 in
Mosco=1 launc:ed !us:7s all-out <ress for a UN Securit3 Council resolution le9iti8iAin9
t:e use of ar8ed force a9ainst Ira@ o>er t:e #u=ait @uestion? !us: :ad to <us: :is =ar
t:rou9: bot: t:e US Con9ress and t:e UN <er8anent fi>eC :is esti8ate =as t:at t:e =orld
<o=ers =ould be easier to dra9oon1 and t:at t:e assent of t:e Securit3 Council could t:en
be used to blud9eon t:e Con9ress into ac@uiescence? Gfn -5H
It is i8<ortant to note t:at in s:iftin9 :is <olic3 to=ards a99ressi>e =ar1 !us: =as once
a9ain dancin9 to t:e tune bein9 <i<ed in fro8 London? On *ednesda31 No>e8ber .1 t:e
racist crone T:atc:er1 no= on :er =a3 out as %ri8e Minister1 issued :er 8ost
=ar8on9erin9 state8ent so far on t:e Gulf crisis"
Eit:er GSadda8 HusseinH 9ets out of #u=ait soon or =e and our allies =ill re8o>e :i8 b3
force and :e =ill 9o do=n to defeat =it: all t:e conse@uences? He :as been =arned? Gfn -1H
(et a9ain1 t:e United States =as to be dra=n into a useless and 9enocidal =ar as t:e tail on
t:e !ritis: i8<erial ;ite?
And so1 flauntin9 :is >icious conte8<t for t:e de8ocratic <rocess1 on T:ursda3 No>e8ber
/1 Bust t=o da3s after t:e election1 !us: 8ade =:at an3 serious1 intelli9ent <erson 8ust
:a>e reco9niAed as a declaration of <ree8<ti>e =ar in t:e Gulf"
After consultation =it: #in9 a:d and our ot:er allies I :a>e toda3 directed t:e secretar3 of
defense to increase t:e siAe of US forces co88itted to ,esert S:ield to ensure t:at t:e
coalition :as an ade@uate offensi>e 8ilitar3 o<tion s:ould t:at be necessar3 to ac:ie>e our
co88on 9oals? To=ards t:is end =e =ill continue to dicuss t:e <ossibilit3 of bot:
additional allied force contributions and a<<ro<riate United Nations actions? Ira@7s brutalit31
a99ression1 and >iolations of international la= cannot be allo=ed to succeed?
Gfn -$H
or t:ose =:o :ad e>er belie>ed !us:7s >erbal declarations1 :ere =as an entirel3 ne=
<olic31 ad>anced =it:out t:e sli9:test 8oti>ation? !us: ar9ued t:at t:e current US troo<
stre9nt: of $'51555 =as enou9: to defend Saudi Arabia1 but t:at =as no lon9er 9ood
enou9:? !us:7s onl3 ar9u8ent =as t:at 9radual stran9ulation b3 sanctions 8i9:t ta;e too
lon9? Re<orters <ointed out t:at T:atc:er :ad t:reatened to use 8ilitar3 force t:e da3
before? ,id !us: =ant =arD FI =ould lo>e to see a <eaceful resolution to t:is @uestion1 and
t:at7s =:at I =ant?F So8e of t:e 8ore lucid 8inds :ad no= fi9ured out t:at !us: =as
indeed a <at:olo9ical liar?
or t:e rest of t:e 8ont: of No>e8ber1 a 8odest =a>e of anti-=ar senti8ent =as obser>ed
in t:e United States1 so8e of it co8in9 fro8 ,e8ocrats of t:e stran9ler faction =:o :ad
ne>er =a>ered in t:eir de>otion to e>il? On Sunda31 No>e8ber 11 Sen? Sa8 Nunn
@uestioned !us:7s rus: to =ar? !ut Nunn did not call for a denial of funds to =a9e =ar on
t:e 8odel of t:e Hatfield-McGo>ern a8end8ent =:ic: :ad finall3 tied NiEon7s :ands in
6ietna8? Nunn =as a leader of t:e stran9ler 9rou<1 ur9in9 reliance on t:e sanctions? &a8es
Reston =rote in t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es1 t:at F!us:7s co8<arison of Hussein to Hitler1 a
8ad8an =it: su<erior 8ilitar3 forces in t:e center of industrial Euro<e1 is ridiculous?F
FSa3in9 7M3 %resident1 ri9:t or =ron917 in suc: circu8stances1 is a little li;e sa3in91 783
dri>er1 drun; or sober17 and not 8an3 <assen9ers li;e to 9o t:at far?F Gfn -'H T:e follo=in9
da31 under a :eadline readin9 FTide a9ainst =ar 9ro=s at :o8e1 abroad1F t:e *as:in9ton
Ti8es carried a =arnin9 fro8 Ne= (or; Senator Mo3ni:an" FIf Geor9e !us: =ants :is
<residenc3 to die in t:e Arabian desert1 :e7s 9oin9 at it >er3 steadil3 and as if it =ere a <lan?
He =ill =rec; our 8ilitar31 :e =ill =rec; :is ad8inistration1 and :e7ll s<oil t:e c:ance to
9et a collecti>e securit3 s3ste8 =or;in9? It brea;s t:e :eart?F Sen? #erre3 of O;la:o8a
declared :i8self Fnot con>inced t:is ad8inistration =ill do e>er3t:in9 in its <o=er to a>oid
=ar? And if e>er t:ere =as an a>oidable =ar1 it is t:is one?F
On No>e8ber 1+1 Sen? !ill !radle3 of Ne= &erse3 =arned !us: t:at Fto continue to :old
t:e su<<ort of Con9ress1 G!us:H 8ust sus<end t:e ne=l3 announced buildu< of offensi>e
forces a9ainst Ira@ until :e Bustifies =:3 :e :as do=n9raded t:e <ro8isin9 strate93 of
<atient <ressure? *it:out :earin9 a con>incin9 eE<lanation of t:at c:an9e1 and =it: t:e cost
of O<eration ,esert S:ield no= :eadin9 to=ard I'5 billion1 Con9ress s:ould aut:oriAe no
eE<enditures for an enlar9ed offensi>e o<tion to in>ade #u=ait or Ira@?F Gfn -)H !radle3
:ad to <a3 attention to <ublic o<inionC :e :ad al8ost lost :is seat earlier in t:e 8ont:? On
t:e follo=in9 da31 Gorbac:o>7s s<ecial en>o3 to t:e Middle East1 (e>9en3 %ri8a;o>1 called
for a dela3 in t:e resolution on t:e use of force a9ainst Ira@ to allo= Sadda8 Hussein a
Fface-sa>in9F =a3 out? One =ee; later1 in t:e conteEt of t:e %aris Conference on Securit3
and Coo<eration in Euro<e1 Gorbac:o> directed :is des<erate a<<eal to t:e =orld for food
s:i<8ents to t:e USSR? E>en if t:e #re8lin :ad =is:ed to resist !us:7s =ar dri>e1 t:eir
=ea;ness =as e>ident? T:e So>iet Union1 li;e C:ina1 =ould soon >ote for t:e resolution
t:at =ould Bustif3 !us:7s &anuar3 attac;?
!ut t:e :3<ert:3roid !us: =as un=illin9 to broo; criticis8? In best bull3in9 st3le1 :e ca8e
to a 8eetin9 =it: Con9ressional leaders on No>e8ber 1) =it: a s:eaf of articles fro8 Ira@i
ne=s<a<ers re<ortin91 a8on9 ot:er t:in9s1 Mo3ni:an7s s<eec: of a fe= da3s before? E>en
Re<ublican Ric:ard Lu9ar =as tar9etted b3 !us:7s ire? !us: =:ined t:at suc: state8ents
=ere 9i>in9 Sadda8 reasons to doubt US resol>e? On No>e8ber 1-1 t:e National Council
of C:urc:es conde8ned !us:7s Gulf <olic31 citin9 Frec;less r:etoric1F Fi8<rudent
be:a>ior1F and t:e <reci<itous 8ilitar3 buildu<?
&a8es !a;er1 9ro<in9 for reasons for t:e co8in9 =ar1 t:ou9:t :e :ad found one" FIf 3ou
=ant to su8 it u< in one =ord1 it7s Bobs? !ecause an econo8ic recession1 =orld=ide1 caused
b3 t:e control of one nation1 one dictator1 of t:e *est7s econo8ic lifeline =ill result in t:e
loss of Bobs on t:e <art of A8erican citiAens?F Gfn -+H Man3 citiAens =ere offended b3
!a;er7s <atroniAin9 condescension1 =:ic: =as coordinated =it: !us:7s re8ar;s of t:e sa8e
da3 in =:ic: :e ad8itted t:at t:e countr3 =as in a Fdo=nturn1F and :inted t:at t:e de<t: of
an3 recession =ould de<end on =:et:er or not t:e Gulf crisis turned into a <rolon9ed
standoff? If recession =ere to co8e1 said !us:1 Fit =ill not be dee< and =e =ill co8e out of
it relati>el3 soon- siE 8ont:s at 8ost?F Gfn --H Co88entin9 on =:at reall3 concerned :i81
!us: co88ented1 F:oldin9 <ublic o<inion fore>er is >er3 difficult to do?F !us: =as not
e>en succeedin9 in t:e s:ort ter8" %enns3l>ania ,e8ocratic C:air8an Larr3 (atc: told
re<orters t:at su<<ort for !us:7s Gulf <olic3 =as Fat t:e teeterin9 <oint-- t:e <eo<le are
reall3 beco8in9 s;e<tical?F His Louisiana counter<art1 &a8es &? !rad31 noted t:at !us: F
:as not 9i>en t:e8 ans=ers to t:eir @uestions?F F&obs are not t:e reason =e are t:ere1F :e
added? Gfn -.H
In t:e House of Re<resentati>es1 a 9rou< of )+ House ,e8ocrats =ent to federal court in a
>ain atte8<t to sto< !us: fro8 initatin9 :ostilities1 and Re<? GonAaleA of TeEas1 t:e
:onorable 8a>eric;1 offered a bill of i8<eac:8ent a9ainst !us:?
On No>e8ber 1-1 !us: left on a 8ulti-countr3 blitA of Euro<e and t:e Middle East =:ic:
=as intended to s:ore u< t:e anti-Ira@ coalition until t:e buildu< could be co8<leted and
t:e =ar unleas:ed? In %ra9ue1 !us: =as lioniAed b3 lar9e cro=dsC %resident Ha>el 9a>e
!us: a testi8onial of su<<ort about t:e lessons of Munic: 12'/ and a<<ease8ent t:at !us:
=ould =a>e around all t:rou9: t:e =ar? It =as unfortunate t:at freedo8 fro8 co88unist
t3rann3 for so8e <oliticians see8ed to 8ean t:e freedo8 to lic; !us:7s boots? In S<e3er1
Ger8an31 !us: :ad anot:er a<o<lectic 8o8ent =:en Cat:olic !is:o< Anton Sc:le8bac:
=is:ed !us: success Fbut =it:out =ar and bloods:ed?F !us: sat red- faced li;e a roasted
c:erub? Ger8ans =ere not :a<<3 about !us:7s eEtortion of t:eir countr3 =:en t:e3 needed
8one3 to rebuild t:e ne=l3 freed federal states in t:e eastC Ger8an3 =as no= reunified?
!us: :ad a strained 8eetin9 =it: #o:l1 and1 at t:e CSCE finale in %aris1 a cordial one =it:
Mitterrand1 =it: =:o8 :is ra<<ort =as eEcellent? Here our :ero <ressed Gorbac:o> for a
So>iet i8<ri8atur on :is =ar resolution1 but Gorbac:o> =as still stallin9?
On T:an;s9i>in9 ,a31 !us: and !ar =ere =it: t:e troo<s in Saudi Arabia? Man3 soldiers
told re<orters t:at t:e3 =ere not :a<<3 to be t:ere1 and =ere not in fa>or of =ar? One
troo<er as;ed !us:1 F*:3 not 8a;e a deal =it: Sadda8 Hussein1 Mr? %residentDF =:ile
!us: 9a99ed on :is c:ic;en a la ;in9 Meal Read3 to Eat 0MRE4? l3in9 =est=ard t:e neEt
da31 !us: sto<<ed in Gene>a for a 8eetin9 =it: HafeA Assad of S3ria1 a true >illain and
butc:er =:o :ad1 durin9 t:e 8ont: of October1 ta;en ad>anta9e of :is deal =it: !us: to
finis: off Gen? Aoun7s inde<endent Lebanese state? !us:7s 8eetin9 =it: Assad lasted for
t:ree :ours? Assad :ad <ro>ided .1+55 S3rian troo<s for t:e coalition attac; force in Saudi
Arabia1 =:ic: :e <ro8ised to increase to $51555? FMr? Assad is lined u< =it: us =it: a
co88itt8ent to force1F said !us:? FT:e3 are on t:e front line1 or =ill be1 standin9 u< to t:is
Manic :3steria at t:e to< of a bureaucratic a<<aratus =ill s=iftl3 infect t:e lo=er ec:elons
as =ell1 and t:is =as illustrated b3 t:e 8is:a<s of !us:7s tra>ellin9 entoura9e1 =:ic:
clas:ed =it: S=iss securit3 officers =:ile enterin9 and lea>in9 Gene>a Air<ort? A ne=
factor eEacerbatin9 !us:7s 8ental instabilit3 durin9 t:is tri< =as t:e i88inent fall of :is
An9lo-SaEon S>en9ali1 Mar9aret T:atc:er1 =:o =as about to be du8<ed as <ri8e 8inister1
<ri8aril3 because s:e :ad beco8e <ersona non 9rata a8on9 t:e leaders of =estern Euro<e
in an era in =:ic: !ritain7s future sur>i>al de<ended on <arasitiAin9 t:e =ealt: of t:e
continent? T:e S=iss :a>e so8e of t:e 8ost le>el-:eaded and eE<ert air<ort <rotocol
<ersonnel in t:e =orld1 but !us:7s retinue =as deter8ined to run a8o;? !us: and itA=ater
=anted t:e <ress cor< free to run around t:e air<ort to 9et t:e 8ost dra8atic s:ots and
sound bites of !us:7s e<ic entr3 into one of t:e centers of =orld di<lo8ac3? *:en !us:
landed1 t:e F<:oto do9sF =anted to 9at:er under t:e =in9 of !us:7s <lane1 but t:e S=iss
8o>ed t:e8 out of t:e area? At t:e de<arture1 t:e <ress cor<s =ent bon;ers1 and 8an3 of
t:e8 :ad to be <:3sicall3 restrained b3 t:e S=iss officers =:en t:e3 atte8<ted to brea;
t:rou9: a cro=d-control line? itA=ater co8<lained t:at State ,e<art8ent <rotocol c:ief
&ose<: 6? Reed 0t:e scion of t:e &u<iter Island 8a9nate4 :ad :ad a 8ac:ine 9un s:o>ed into
:is sto8ac:1 and t:at Sununu :ad been F>erball3 abusedF durin9 t:e altercation? !ut
itA=ater =as an acco8<lis:ed <re>aricator" FI 8ust sa3 I :a>e ne>er seen t:at ;ind of
brutal and >icious treat8ent b3 a securit3 force in t:e last 15 3ears? It7s stran9e? It7s
su<<osedl3 a <eace-lo>in9 nation but t:e3 9a>e us t:e 8ost >icious treat8ent I7>e e>er
seen?F T:ierr3 Ma9nin described t:e actions of so8e US re<orters as Fde<lorableF and
Finad8issable?F Ma9nin said t:ere :ad been Fa ro= and :eated =ords1 but t:is =as to
enforce securit3 8easures???ta;en in accord =it: t:e A8erican securit3 ser>ices?F He denied
t:at an3 sub8ac:ine 9un =as e>er <ointed at Reed? Gfn -/H Ma9nin said t:e Gene>a <olice
=ould not a<olo9iAe1 and later it =as indeed t:e US =:ic: bac;ed do=n?
On No>e8ber '51 UN Securit3 Council1 no= reduced to a discredited tool of t:e An9lo-
A8ericans1 >oted for a resolution aut:oriAin9 t:e use of force a9ainst Ira@? T:is <iece of
infa83 =as labelled resolution -)/ and <assed =it: t=el>e assentin9 >otes a9ainst t:e no
>otes of Cuba and (e8en1 =it: t:e %eo<le7s Re<ublic of C:ina abstainin9? 0International
Burists later <ointed out t:at accordin9 to t:e teEt of t:e UN C:arter1 =:ic: re@uires t:e
<ositi>e >otes of all fi>e <er8anent 8e8bers to a<<ro>e substanti>e resolutions1 t:e
resolution :ad not <assed1 and t:at in actin9 on it t:e UN :ad entered a <:ase of anarc:3
and la=lessness?4 Ira@ =as 9i>en ). da3s to lea>e #u=ait1 and t:is ulti8atu8 =as to eE<ire
on &anuar3 1+? !us: clearl3 :o<ed t:at t:is resolution could be used to silence :is
Con9ressional critics?
!ut in t:e 8eanti8e1 !us:7s <at: to =ar =as beset =it: troubles on t:e do8estic front? T:e
9:oulis: Sco=croft and ot:er !us: s<o;es8en :ad been atte8<tin9 to =:i< u< =ar
senti8ent =it: =ildl3 eEa99erated re<orts about Ira@7s nuclear <re<arationsC t:ese accounts1
li;e t:e later alle9ed findin9s of FUN ins<ectorF ,a>id #a31 failed to distin9uis: bet=een
<eaceful and 8ilitar3 uses of nuclear ener93C t:e na8e of t:is 9a8e =as tec:nolo9ical
a<art:eid? T:is ca8<ai9n :ad e>o;ed 8uc: s;e<ticis8" F!us:7s Ato8ic Red Herrin9F =as
t:e title of one o<-ed in t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es?
Anti-=ar senti8ent no= cr3stalliAed around t:e :earin9s bein9 :eld b3 Sa8 Nunn7s Senate
Ar8ed Ser>ices Co88ittee? T=o for8er c:air8en of t:e &oint C:iefs of Staff1 Ad8iral
*illia8 &? Cro=e and General ,a>id C? &ones1 ur9ed a <olic3 of continued reliance on t:e
sanctions? T:e3 =ere soon Boined b3 for8er Secretar3 of ,efense &a8es R? Sc:lesin9er1
Gen? *illia8 Odo81 and ot:er fi9ures of <ast re9i8es? !us:7s <rinci<al su<<ort ca8e fro8
t:e croa;in9 >oice of Henr3 #issin9er1 =:o =as for =ar as soon as <racticable? T:ese =ere
t:e da3s =:en #in9 a:d flirted briefl3 =it: t:e idea of a ne9otiated settle8ent1 before :e
=as re8inded b3 t:e State ,e<art8ent t:at :e ruled an occu<ied countr3? FOnce A9ain"
*:at7s t:e Rus:DF as;ed t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es of No>e8ber $2? !us: =anted t:e Con9ress
to <ass a resolution 9i>in9 :i8 a blan; c:ec; to =a9e =ar1 but :e :esitated to set off a
debate t:at 8i9:t 9o on all t:e =a3 to &anuar3 1+ and be3ond1 and in =:ic: :e ris;ed bein9
beaten? After all1 !us: =as still refusin9 to ne9otiate?
No=1 on rida31 No>e8ber '51 !us: eEecuted t:e c3nical tactic t:at =ould ulti8atel3
<aral3Ae :is cra>en do8estic o<<osition and clear t:e =a3 to =ar" :e 8ade a fa;e offer of
ne9otiations =it: Ira@"
Ho=e>er1 to 9o t:e eEtra 8ile for <eace1 I =ill issue an in>itation to orei9n Minister Tari@
AAiA to co8e to *as:in9ton at a 8utuall3 con>enient ti8e durin9 t:e latter <art of t:e =ee;
of ,ece8ber 15t: to 8eet =it: 8e? And I7ll in>ite a8bassadors of se>eral of our coalition
<artners in t:e 9ulf to Boin 8e in t:at 8eetin9?
In addition1 I a8 as;in9 Secretar3 &i8 !a;er to 9o to !a9:dad to see Sadda8 Hussein1 and
I =ill su99est to Ira@7s <resident t:at :e recei>e t:e secretar3 of state at a 8utuall3
con>enient ti8e bet=een ,ece8ber 1+ and &anuar3 1+ of neEt 3ear? Gfn .5H It =as all a
fiendis: lie1 e>en do=n to t:e offer of ti8es and >enues for t:e tal;s? *:en Ira@ res<onded
=it: <ro<osals for t:e sc:edule of 8eetin9s1 !us: =elc:ed and rene9ed? Ira@ released t:e
US internees1 but !us: still =anted =ar? F*e7>e 9ot to continue to ;ee< t:e <ressure on1F
=as :is reaction? T:en ca8e a full 8ont: of useless :a99lin91 =:ic: =as eEactl3 =:at !us:
=anted? As :is teEt :ad <ointed out1 :e =as not interested in real ne9otiation an3=a3C t:e
UN resolutions :ad alread3 resol>ed e>er3t:in9? T:e real <ur<ose of t:is 9a8bit =as to
su<<ress t:e do8estic o<<osition1 since ne9otiations =ere alle9edl3 no= on9oin9?
T:e 8ost i8<ortant o<<osition to a &anuar3 1+ =ar accordin9 to t:e deadline railroaded
t:rou9: t:e UN b3 !us: ca8e fro8 t:e US Ar831 t:e ser>ice least ent:ralled b3 t:e idea of
a needless =ar? ,urin9 a >isit b3 %o=ell and C:ene3 to Saudi Arabia1 Lieut? Gen? Cal>in A?
H? *aller1 t:e second in co88and of US forces in t:e Gulf1 re8ar;ed t:at t:ere =as a
Fdistinct <ossibilit3 t:at e>er3 unit =ill not be full3 co8bat-read3 until so8e ti8e after
ebruar3 11F or <er:a<s as late as 8id-ebruar3?F FIf t:e o=ner as;s 8e if I78 read3 to 9o1
I7d tell :i8 FNo1 I78 not read3 to do t:e Bob17F *aller told t:e <ress? It =as understood t:at
*aller =as actin9 as s<o;es8an for a broad stratu8 of senior officers? T:e !us: *:ite
House =as once a9ain infuriated? FT:is is not t:e 8essa9e =e =ere tr3in9 to send no=1F
said one to< !us:8an? Gfn .1H *aller and t:e ot:er acti>e dut3 officers =ould :encefort:
re8ain silent?
!us:7s buildu< =ent on ineEorabl3 t:rou9: t:e C:rist8as :olida3s? In t:e first =ee; of t:e
Ne= (ear1 !us: offered a 8eetin9 of !a;er and Tari@ AAiA1 t:e Ira@i forei9n 8inister1 in
Gene>a? His 9round rules 8ade t:e 8eetin9 <ointless e>en before it :a<<ened" FNo
ne9otiations1 no co8<ro8ises1 no atte8<ts at face-sa>in9 and no re=ards for a99ression?F
Gfn .$H !us: =as s:o=in9 8ore of :is :and no=C t:e buildu< =as a<<roac:in9 =:at :e1 if
not t:e 9enerals1 t:ou9:t enou9: to start bo8bin9 Ira@?
T:e Tari@ AAiA-!a;er tal;s in Gene>a =ent on for siE :ours on &anuar3 151 =it: no result?
!a;er =as an Al Ca<one in stri<ed <antsC Tari@ AAiA eE<ressed :i8self =it: 9reat di9nit3?
Tari@ AAiA :ad 8ade clear t:at since Israel =as in realit3 an inte9ral <art of !us:7s Gulf
coalition1 it could not be eEe8<t fro8 retaliation if Ira@ =ere to co8e under attac;? or
!us:1 =:en 8illions of li>es =ere at sta;e1 t:e issue of 9reatest 8o8ent =as a letter full of
t:reats =:ic: Tari@ AAiA :ad read1 but refused to acce<t1 and :ad left l3in9 on t:e table in
Gene>a? 0In t:is letter1 =:ic: =as later released1 !us: =as re>ealed as a 8e9alo8aniac =:o
=arned Sadda8 F=e stand toda3 at t:e brin; of =ar bet=een Ira@ and t:e =orld1F as if !us:
=ere t:e c:ief eEecuti>e of t:e entire <lanet?4 Here =as a ne= focus for !us:7s a<o<lectic
ra9e" :e :ad been insulted b3 t:is ArabK *:at about t:at letter1 t:e re<orters as;ed? A surfeit
of t:3roEin coursed t:rou9: !us:7s >eins"
Secretar3 !a;er also re<orted to 8e t:at t:e Ira@i forei9n 8inister reBected 83 letter to
Sadda8 Hussein1 refused to carr3 t:is letter and 9i>e it to t:e <resident of Ira@? T:e Ira@i
A8bassador :ere in *as:in9ton did t:e sa8e t:in9? T:is is but one 8ore eEa8<le t:at t:e
Ira@i 9o>ern8ent is not interested in direct co88unications desi9ned to settle t:e %ersian
Gulf situation?
!ut t:is =as a -t:is =as a - a total stiff-ar8? T:is is a total rebuff?
T:e letter =as not rudeC t:e letter =as direct? And t:e letter did eEactl3 =:at I t:in; is
necessar3 at t:is sta9e? !ut to refuse to e>en <ass a letter alon9 see8s to 8e to be Bust one
8ore 8anifestation of t:e stone=allin9 t:at :as ta;en <lace? Gfn .'H
T:e 9ods =ere lau9:in9?
T:e United Nations Securit3 Council resolution1 =it: its a<<roac:in9 artificial deadline
=:ic: !us: :ad de8anded1 <lus t:e failure of t:e !a;er-Tari@ AAiA 8eetin91 on &anuar3 2
beca8e t:e tools of t:e *:ite House in obtainin9 a Con9ressional resolution for =ar? !us:
=as careful to stress :is >ie= t:at :e could =a9e =ar =it:out t:e Con9ress1 but t:at :e =as
8a9nani8ousl3 lettin9 t:e8 eE<ress t:eir su<<ort for :i8 b3 a<<ro>in9 suc: a 8otion? On
t:is sa8e da31 t:e #re8lin des<atc:ed troo< contin9ents to se>en So>iet re<ublics =:ere
nationalist 8o>e8ents =ere 9ainin9 9round?
T:e Con9ressional debate <ro>ided 8an3 elo@uent <leas1 9enerall3 fro8 ,e8ocrats1 for
dela3in9 8ilitar3 action in order to sa>e A8ericans fro8 useless slau9:ter? !ut t:ese <leas
=ere al8ost al=a3s >itiated b3 a failure to reco9niAe t:e e@ual clai8 to :u8anit3 of t:e
Ira@i <o<ulationC t:e ,e8ocrats =:o ur9ed continued reliance on sanctions =ere in effect
callin9 for an e@ual or 9reater 9enocide <rolon9ed o>er ti8e? One eEce<tion =as Senator
Mar; Hatfield of Ore9on1 =:o >oted a9ainst t:e !us: =ar resolution and t:e ,e8ocrats7
sanctions resolution on t:e 9rounds t:at :e o<<osed t:e entire 8ilitar3 de<lo38ent in t:e
Middle EastC Hatfield ar9ued for a <eaceful settle8ent usin9 di<lo8ac3 alone? T:is
Re<ublican defection in t:e na8e of :i9: <rinci<le 8a3 :a>e attracted t:e darts of !us:7s
>indicti>enessC in Ma3 a re<ort on Hatfield7s <ersonal finances a<<earin9 in t:e Ca<itol Hill
=ee;l3 Roll Call alle9ed t:at a for8er Con9ress8an and a California business8an :ad
for9i>en I1''1555 in loans to Hatfield o>er an /-3ear <eriod? T:is infor8ation =as
so8e:o= lea;ed fro8 Senate records? Gfn .)H T:e ob>ious intent of t:is stor3 =as to 8a;e
it loo; as if t:e loan for9i>eness :ad been used to bu3 influence? Hatfield7s actions =ere not
in >iolation of senate rules at t:e ti8e t:ese loans =ere for9i>en?
!us:7s =ar resolution <assed t:e Senate b3 t:e narro= 8ar9in of +$-).C Sen? Cranston1 =:o
=as absent because of illness1 =ould :a>e co8e to t:e senate and >oted a9ainst t:e =ar if
t:is =ould :a>e c:an9ed t:e outco8e? T:is >ote reflects a dee< a8bi>alence in t:e rulin9
elite about !us:7s bellicose line1 =:ic: =as not as <o<ular in US rulin9 circles as it =as in
London? !us:7s 8ar9in of >ictor3 =as <ro>ided b3 a 9rou< of sout:ern !us: ,e8ocrats
0Gore1 Gra:a81 !reauE1 Robb1 S:elb34? In t:e House1 a si8ilar !us: =ar resolution <assed
b3 $+5 to 1/'? Man3 Con9ress8en fro8 blue-collar districts bein9 <ounded b3 t:e
econo8ic de<ression reflected t:e disillusion8ent of t:eir constituents b3 >otin9 a9ainst
!us: and t:e =ar? !ut t:e resistance =as not enou9:?
,es<ite t:e eEtre8el3 narro= 8andate :e :ad eEtorted fro8 t:e Con9ress1 !us: no=
a<<eared in a 9loatin9 <ress conference" :e :ad :is blan; c:ec; for =ar and 9enocide? No=
!us: =as careful to create <reteEts for attac;in9 Ira@1 e>en if Sadda8 =ere to order :is
forces out of #u=ait? !us: noted t:at Fit =ould be1 at t:is date1 I =ould sa3 i8<ossible to
co8<l3 full3 =it: t:e United Nations resolutions1F and :e F=ould still =orr3 about it1
because it 8i9:t not be in full co8<liance?F Gfn .+H UN resolution $)$1 callin9 for Israel to
=it:dra= fro8 t:e territories occu<ied in t:e 12-. =ar1 :ad been flouted for al8ost a
@uarter centur31 and t:e nation of Lebanon :ad Bust been snuffed out b3 !us:7s friend
Assad1 but all of t:is <aled into total irrele>ance in co8<arison to t:e need to destro3 Ira@?
T:e 8ad do9 of =ar =as no= unleas:ed on t:e =orld? Later1 in earl3 &une1 !us: =ould
edif3 t:e Sout:ern !a<tist Con>ention =it: a tearful and con>ulsi>e account of :is lon9
ni9:t in Ca8< ,a>id as :e <re<ared to 9i>e t:e order to attac;? !us:7s stor31 @uite fantastic
for a c:ief eEecuti>e =:o :ad <ursued :is Fs<lendid little =arF =it: 8ono8aniac fur3 since
Au9ust '1 is a reflection of t:e Goebbels-li;e c3nicis8 of t:e *:ite House =ords8it:s and
<ro<a9anda tec:nicians to =:o8 it 8a3 be safel3 attributed? For 8e1 <ra3er :as al=a3s
been i8<ortant but @uite <ersonal1F !us: told t:e !a<tists? F(ou ;no= us E<isco<alians?F
And1 li;e a lot of <eo<le1 I :a>e =orried a little but about s:eddin9 tears in <ublic1 or t:e
8ention of it? !ut as !arbara and I <ra3ed at Ca8< ,a>id before t:e air =ar be9an1 =e
=ere t:in;in9 about t:ose 3oun9 8en and =o8en o>erseas? And t:e tears started do=n t:e
c:ee;s1 and our 8inister s8iled bac;1 and I no lon9er =orried :o= it loo;ed to ot:ers? Gfn
In deli>erin9 t:is fanciful account1 !us: bro;e into tears once a9ain1 a be:a>ior =:ic:
s:o=ed 8ore about :is unresol>ed1 and b3 t:at ti8e <ublic1 t:r3oid difficulties1 t:an it did
about :is @ual8s in =a9in9 =ar? An interestin9 @uestion in>ol>es t:e identit3 of t:e
8inister 8entioned b3 !us:? In order to dra<e :is 9enocidal =ar <olic3 =it: t:e 8antle of
C:ristian 8oralit31 !us: =as at <ains to ;ee< <astors and clerics at :is side durin9 t:e
de>elo<8ent of t:e Gulf crisis? !ut a serious <roble8 e8er9ed in t:is re9ard =:en1 in late
October1 t:e <residin9 bis:o< of t:e E<isco<al C:urc:1 t:e Most Re>erend Ed8ond L?
!ro=nin91 raised <ublic @uestions about t:e 8oralit3 of 9oin9 to =ar =it: Ira@? Since !us:
re9arded t:e %rotestant funda8entalists of t:e !ible !elt as t:e indis<ensable constituenc3
for :is >indicti>e line1 :e and :is :andlers =ere con>inced t:at it =ould be foll3 to 9o on
t:e =ar<at: =it:out reli9ious co>er? T:is =as <ro>ided b3 callin9 in !ill3 Gra:a81 t:e
Met:odist e>an9elist based in Minnea<olis1 Minnesota?
,urin9 t:e NiEon Ad8inistration1 !ill3 Gra:a8 :ad beco8e t:e >irtual c:a<lain of t:e
re9i8e? NiEon li;ed to or9aniAe <ra3er ser>ices inside t:e *:ite House1 and !ill3 Gra:a8
=as often called in to officiate at t:ese? Gra:a8 =as also an old friend of t:e !us: fa8il3C
Bust after !us: :ad recei>ed t:e GO% >ice <residential no8ination in 12/51 Gra:a8 :ad
>isited =it: Geor9e and !arbara at #ennebun;<ort for a ca8<ai9n <:oto o<<ortunit3? Gfn
,urin9 t:e 12/57s1 Gra:a8 :ad run crusades in t:e So>iet bloc1 so8et:in9 t:at is :ard to do
=it:out intelli9ence connections? In Ma31 12/$1 :e :ad created a furore =it: re8ar;s t:at
:e :ad seen no e>idence of reli9ious re<ression in t:e USSR? FI a8 not a co88unist and
:a>e not Boined t:e Co88unist <art3 and =as ne>er as;ed to Boin t:e Co88unist %art31F
Gra:a8 :ad told re<orters u<on :is arri>al in Ne= (or;? Gfn ./H
No=1 durin9 t:e =ee; t:at !us: unleas:ed =ar and 9enocide1 Gra:a8 beca8e a fiEture in
t:e *:ite House1 =:ere :e =as !us:7s o>erni9:t :ouse9uest? FGeor9e !us: :as t:e :i9:est
8oral standards of al8ost an3one I ;no=1F Gra:a8 told re<orters? F!us: is t:e best friend I
:a>e in t:e =orld outside 83 i88ediate staff?F So8e noted t:at Gra:a8 :ad often
abounded =it: fulso8e <raise for <residents1 includin9 CarterC <o=er and 9odliness1 for
Gra:a81 =ent to9et:er? T:e line :e recited se>eral da3s later at t:e National %ra3er
!rea;fast =as standard !us: boiler <late" FT:ere co8e ti8es in :istor3 =:en nations :a>e
to stand a9ainst so8e 8onstrous e>il1 li;e NaAis8?F On &anuar3 $/1 !us: =ould <roclai8 a
>irtual crusade a9ainst Arab Ira@" accordin9 to !us:1 :is =ar :ad Fe>er3t:in9 to do =it:
=:at reli9ion e8bodies1 9ood >ersus e>il1 ri9:t >ersus =ron91 :u8an di9nit3 and freedo8
>ersus t3rann3 and o<<ression? *e =ill <re>ail because of t:e su<<ort of t:e A8erican
<eo<le1 ar8ed =it: a trust in God?F Gfn .2H
!ut surel3 all =as not s<iritual t:at =ee;end in Ca8< ,a>id? One si9n is t:at irst Lad3
!arbara !us: ca8e bac; =it: a bro;en le9? *:at :ad :a<<enedD A fe= =ee;s earlier1
Geor9e and !ar :ad 9ranted a Boint inter>ie= to t=o fa=nin9 and s3co<:antic re<orters
fro8 %eo<le =ee;l3? ,urin9 t:is inter>ie=1 !us: =as as;ed1 FMr? %resident1 t:is is an
understandabl3 tou9: <eriod? Ho= do 3ou deal =it: t:e stressDF !us: ans=ered" F*ell1 I
:a>e t:is do9 na8ed Ran9er and t:is =ife na8ed !arbara and a cou<le of 9randc:ildren?F
At t:is <oint1 !arbara !us: bro;e in to sa3 FT:ou9:t 3ou =ere 9onna sa31 7I ;ic; t:e do91
;ic; t:e =ife?7F Gfn /5H Had !arbara !us: suffered t:e fate of a battered =o8an durin9 t:at
<re-=ar =ee;end in Ca8< ,a>idD T:e official stor3 =as t:at s:e :ad slid do=n an ic3
slo<e on a saucer sled and :it a tree1 <roducin9 a Fnon-dis<laced fracture of t:e fibula bone
in t:e left le9?F Accordin9 to Mrs? !us:7s <ress secretar31 Anna %ereA1 Geor9e :ad 3elled
F!ail outK !ail outKF as Mrs? !us: accelerated to=ard t:e tree1 but s:e :ad not :eeded :is
ad>ice? T:e incident :ad alle9edl3 occurred durin9 a sleddin9 <art3 after c:urc: on Sunda31
&anuar3 1'1 in t:e <resence four of t:e !us:7s 9randc:ildren 0a9es -1)1)1 and 141 and !us:
lo3alist Arnold Sc:=arAene99er1 t:e c:air8an of t:e %resident7s Council on %:3scial
itness? !us:7s dau9:ter ,orot:3 Le!lond and :is dau9:ter in la= Mar9aret1 8a3 :a>e
been <resent or nearb31 as 8a3 Sc:=arAene99er7s =ife Maria S:ri>er of N!C1 and :er
infant dau9:ter? !ut onl3 t:e irst Lad37s <ress secretar3 s<o;e in <ublic of t:e incident1
=:ic: :as t:erefore re8ained so8e=:at obscure? *:en t:e <residential <art3 returned b3
:elico<ter to t:e *:ite House t:at e>enin91 Mrs? !us: =as carried indoors in a =:eelc:air?
Gfn /1H
On t:at sa8e da31 So>iet troo<s actin9 in t:e na8e of a self-st3led FNational Sal>ation
Co88itteeF 8assacred 8ore t:an a doAen Lit:uanian <atriots? !us:7s res<onse =as in t:e
8ildest and 8ost cra>en of ter8s1 sa3in9 t:at t:ere =as Fno Bustification for t:e use of
force1F but ta;in9 absolutel3 no ste<s to brin9 t:at 8essa9e :o8e to Mosco=C t:e Ne=
*orld Order =as eE<osed once a9ain as t:e la= of t:e stron9 o>er t:e =ea;?
Accordin9 to t:e official account1 !us: si9ned t:e National Securit3 ,irecti>e orderin9 t:e
attac; a9ainst Ira@ at in t:e *:ite House O>al Office at 15"'5 AM on Tuesda3 8ornin91
&anuar3 1+1 1221? On *ednesda3 8ornin9 in *as:in9ton1 =:en it =as earl3 e>enin9 in
!a9:dad1 !us: ordered Sco=croft to call C:ene3 =it: a furt:er instruction to i8<le8ent
t:e attac; <lan? T:e US air attac; on Ira@ accordin9l3 too; <lace bet=een - and . %M on
*ednesda31 &anuar3 1-? T:e bo8bs be9an to fall durin9 t:e first ni9:t in !a9:dad after t:e
eE<iration of !us:7s deadline? Gfn /$H *it:in $) :ours1 Ira@ retaliated =it: Scud 8issles
a9ainst Israel and a9ainst US bases in Saudi Arabia? One da3 after t:at1 !us: described t:e
Scud attac;s as F<urel3 an act of terror?F !us:7s 8ental :ealt: :ad not 9otten an3 better
durin9 t:e first da3s of t:e =arC :e s:o=ed si9ns of clinical :3steria1 t:e refusal to
reco9niAe ob>ious facts? ,urin9 t:is <ress conference1 :e =as as;ed"
L" *:3 is it t:at an3 8o>e1 or???8o>e for <eace is considered an end run at t:e *:ite
House t:ese da3sD
!us:" *ell1 3ou ob>iousl3???=:at =as t:e @uestionD End runD
L" (es? T:at is considered an end run1 t:at <eo<le t:at still =ant to find a <eaceful solution
see8 to be runnin9 into a bric; =all?
!us:" O:1 eEcuse 8e? T:e =orld is united1 I t:in;1 in seein9 t:at t:ese United Nations
resolutions are fulfilled G???H
!us: =as sensiti>e1 as :e al=a3s =as1 to an3 :int t:at t:e conflict =as =:at it see8ed to be1
a =ar of t:e =est a9ainst t:e Arabs? In a lon9 8onolo9ue1 :e clai8ed t:at F=e =ant to be
t:e :ealers1 =e =ant to do =:at =e can to facilitate =:at I 8i9:t o<ti8isticall3 call a ne=
=orld order? !ut t:e ne= =orld order s:ould1 s:ould :a>e a conciliator3 co8<onent to it?F
E>en &ordan1 =:ic: =as t:reatened =it: dis8e8ber8ent o>er t:e s:ort run 8i9:t
Fcontinue to be a tre8endousl3 i8<ortant countr3 in t:is ne= =orld order1F !us: clai8ed?
Gfn /'H !us: =as buo3ed b3 t:e <oll re<orts alle9in9 t:at :is =ar =as no= su<<orted b3
.-R of t:e US <o<ulation?
,a3 after da31 Ira@ 8ilitar3 and abo>e all ci>ilian tar9ets =ere subBected to a :ail of bo8bs?
T:e center<iece of !us:7s <ersonal self-Busitification re8ained t:e e@uation Sadda8XHitler?
F=as it 8oral for us in 12'2 to not sto< Hitler fro8 9oin9 into %olandDF !us: as;ed a 9rou<
of Re<ublican officials? One <art3 =or;er described !us: as Fa 8an obsessed and
<ossessed b3 :is 8issionF in t:e Gulf =ar? ,urin9 t:ose da3s1 !us: =as <re<arin9 :is State
of t:e Union address? At a <ress conference to introduce :is ne= secretar3 of a9riculture1
GO% Illinois Con9ress8an Ed=ard Madi9an1 !us: 8ade <u9nacious state8ents t:at :e
=as <roceedin9 =it: business as usual des<ite t:e =ar? F*e are not 9oin9 to screec:
e>er3t:in9 to a :alt in ter8s of our do8estic a9enda? *e7re not 9oin9 to screec: e>er3t:in9
to a :alt in ter8s of t:e recreational acti>ities???and I a8 not 9oin9 to screec: 83 life to a
:alt out of so8e fear about Sadda8 Hussein1F said !us:? After 8a;in9 t:ese re8ar;s1 :e
introduced Madi9an as :is ne= secretar3 of education? T:e re<orters loo;ed so <er<leEed
t:at !us: realiAed :is 9affe and corrected :i8selfC Madi9an =ould be :is ne= Fsecretar3 of
a9riculture1F :e said? Gfn /)H In *:ite House briefin9 sessions to <re<are t:e do8estic
<olic3 sections of t:e State of t:e Union address1 !us: =as described as Ffran;l31 boredCF
F3ou could al8ost see :is 8ind =anderin9 to t:e Gulf?F
T:ere are indications t:at after a =ee; to ten da3s of bo8bin91 !us: =as sur<rised and
disa<<ointed t:at all Ira@i resistance :ad not alread3 colla<sed? T:is is =:at so8e of :is
ad>isors =ere ru8ored in *as:in9ton to :a>e <ro8ised :i8?
T:e 1221 State of t:e Union =as su<<osed to be t:e a<ot:eosis of !us: as a =arrior
e8<eror? One of :is t:e8es =as t:e FneEt A8erican centur31F borro=ed fro8 Sti8son and
Luce? T:e a<ot:eosis =as so8e=:at di88ed b3 t:e econo8ic difficulties t:e Gulf =as :ad
done not:in9 to assua9e? !us: <ortra3ed t:ese <roble8s as a 8ere ri<<le in Ft:e lar9est
<eaceti8e econo8ic eE<ansion in :istor3?F F*e =ill soon 9et t:is recession be:ind us1F
!us: <ro8ised? He conBured u< Ft:e lon9-:eld <ro8ise of a ne= =orld order- - =:ere
brutalit3 =ill 9o unre=arded1 and a99ression =ill 8eet collecti>e resistance?F He ur9ed t:is
countr3 to ta;e u< Ft:e burden of leaders:i<?F or 8an31 t:e reference =as clear"
Ta;e u< t:e *:ite Man7s burden-- (e dare not stoo< to less Nor call too loud on reedo8
To clo;e 3our =eariness1
:ad =ritten Rud3ard #i<lin9 in 1/22 as <art of a !ritis: ca8<ai9n to con>ince t:e United
States to set u< a colonial ad8inistration in t:e %:illi<ines? 0As t:e O8a:a *orld Herald
:ad noted in t:at far-off ti8e1 FIn ot:er =ords1 Mr? #i<lin9 =ould :a>e Uncle Sa8 ta;e u<
&o:n !ull7s business?F T:e racist Bin9o do99erel of i8<erialis8 cau9:t !us:7s 8ood
After t:e =ar1 it =ould be s:o=n t:at t:e US bo8bers :ad concentrated t:eir fire on t:e
ci>ilian infrastructure of Ira@1 c:oosin9 tar9ets of no i88ediate 8ilitar3 rele>ance? T:e
bo8bin9 =as concentrated on s3ste8s <ro>idin9 <otable =ater to cities1 electrical
9eneratin9 facilities1 brid9es1 :i9:=a3s1 and ot:er trans<ortation infrastructure? T:is =as
c3nicall3 called t:e Fbo8b no=1 die laterF strate931 since t:e 9oal of t:e bo8bin9 =as to
destro3 ci>ilian infrastructure in order to lo=er t:e relati>e <otential <o<ulation densit3 of
t:e countr3 belo= t:e le>el of t:e Ira@i <o<ulation1 t:us <roducin9 an astrono8ical rise in
infant 8ortalit31 <la9ues1 and <estilence? It =as1 in s:ort1 a <o<ulation =ar? It =as a
co=ardl31 des<icable =a3 to fi9:t?
!us: :ad ordered all t:is1 but :e lied co8<ulsi>el3 about it? After ' =ee;s of bo8bin91 :e
told a <ress conference t:at :is bo8bers =ere 9oin9 to Fun<recedented len9t:s to a>oid
da8a9e to ci>lians and :ol3 <laces? *e do not see; Ira@7s destruction1 nor do =e see; to
<unis: t:e Ira@i <eo<le for t:e decisions and <olicies of t:eir leaders? In addition1 =e are
doin9 e>er3t:in9 <ossible and =it: 9reat success to 8ini8iAe collateral da8a9e????F Gfn /+H
T:e air =ar =as desi9ned to 9ut t:e econo8ic infrastructure of Ira@C an additional obBecti>e
=as to ;ill at least 1551555 8e8bers of t:e Ira@i ar8ed forces?
T:is could onl3 be acco8<lis:ed b3 stor8in9 t:e Ira@i <ositions of t:e 9round1 and t:is is
=:at !us: =as deter8ined to do? %ublis:ed accounts su99ested t:at t:e ori9inal eEecuti>e
order t:at started t:e =ar also contained instructions for a land battle to follo= eEtensi>e
bo8bin9? T:is 8eant t:at all <eace feelers 8ust be >i9orousl3 rebuffed1 on t:e 8odel of
=:at Ac:eson and Sti8son :ad done to &a<an durin9 &ul3 of 12)+?
In t:ose da3s1 anti-=ar <rotesters :ad ca8<ed out in Lafa3ette %ar;1 across %enns3l>ania
A>enue fro8 t:e *:ite House? T:e3 :ad been t:ere since ,ece8ber 1'? !us: :ad referred
once to Ft:ose da8ned dru8sF and :o= t:e3 =ere ;ee<in9 :i8 a=a;e at ni9:t? At :is <ress
conference of ebruar3 -1 !us: told re<orters t:at t:e dru88ers :ad been re8o>ed1 not
because :e :ad ordered it1 but because t:e3 =ere disturbin9 t:e 9uests at t:e <os: Ha3-
Ada8s Hotel on t:e ot:er side of t:e <ar;? T:ere =as a la= on decibels1 :e eE<lained"
And lo1 <eo<le =ent fort: =it: decibel count auditors? And t:e3 found t:e 8an 9ot u< to -
t:is dru88er1 incessant dru88ers1 9ot o>er -51 and t:e3 =ere 8o>ed out of t:ere1 and I
:o<e t:e3 sta3 out of t:ere because I don7t =ant t:e <eo<le in t:e :otel to not :a>e a 9ood
ni9:t7s slee<? T:e dru8s :a>e ceased1 oddl3 enou9:?
!ut Bust as !us: =as s<ea;in91 re<orters could :ear t:e t:u8<in9 resu8e in t:e <ar;
outside? T:e dru88ers1 8uc: to !us:7s c:a9rin1 =ere at it a9ain? Soon Lafa3ette %ar; =as
fenced in b3 t:e !us:8en?
On ebruar3 1+1 Radio !a9:dad offered ne9otiations leadin9 to t:e =it:dra=l of Ira@i
forces fro8 #u=ait? !us:1 in tande8 =it: t:e ne= !ritis: <ri8e Minister1 &o:n MaBor1
reBected t:is o>erture =it: <arellel r:etoric? or !us:1 Sadda87s <eace bid =as Fa cruel
:oaECF for MaBor1 it =as Fa bo9us s:a8?F T:e #re8lin1 see;in9 to sa>e face1 found t:e
<ro<osal Fencoura9in9?F Ira@ =as no= <ullin9 ;e3 8ilitar3 units out of #u=ait1 and !us:
Bud9ed t:at t:e 8o8ent =as ri<e to call for an insurrection and 8ilitar3 cou< a9ainst
Sadda8 Hussein and t:e !aat: %art3 9o>ern8ent? FT:ere7s anot:er =a3 for t:e bloods:ed
to sto<1 and t:at is for t:e Ira@i 8ilitar3 and t:e Ira@i <eo<le to ta;e 8atters into t:eir o=n
:ands1 to force Sadda8 Hussein1 t:e dictator1 to ste< aside?F Gfn /-H *it: t:is call1 !us:
tri99ered t:e si8ultaneous u<risin9s of t:e <ro-Iranian S:iites in Ira@7s sout:ern <ro>inces1
and of t:e #urds in t:e nort:1 8an3 of =:o8 no= foolis:l3 concluded t:at US 8ilitar3
assistance =ould be fort:co8in9? It =as a c3nical <lo31 since !us: can be seen in retros<ect
to :a>e :ad no intention =:ate>er of bac;in9 u< t:ese rebellions? ,urin9 t:e 8ont: of
Marc:1 tens of t:ousand of additional casualties and untold :u8an 8iser3 =ould be t:e
sole results of t:ese insurrections1 =:ic: led to t:e 8ass eEodus of t:e :a<less and
=retc:ed #urds into Iran and Tur;e3?
T:e So>iets =ere still see;in9 to sa>e :alf a face fro8 a 8assacre =:ic: t:e3 :ad aided and
abettedC di<lo8ac3 =ould also :el< ta;e t:e 8ind of t:e =orld off t:e !altic bloods:ed of
t:e So>iet s<ecial forces? ,urin9 t:e =ee; after Sadda8 Hussein7s trial balloon for a <ullout
fro8 #u=ait1 (e>9en3 %ri8a;o> atte8<ted to asse8ble a cease- fire? %ri8a;o>7s efforts
=ere brus:ed aside =it: sin9le-e8<ire arro9ance b3 !us:1 =:o s<o;e off t:e cuff at a
<:oto o<<ortunit3" F6er3 candidl3???=:ile eE<ressin9 a<<reciation for :is sendin9 it to us1 it
falls =ell s:ort of =:at =ould be re@uired? As far as I a8 concerned1 t:ere are no
ne9otiations? T:e 9oals :a>e been set out? T:ere =ill be no concessions?F %ri8a;o> :ad
issued a call t:at Ft:e slau9:ter 8ust be sto<<ed? I a8 not sa3in9 t:at t:e =ar =as Bustified
before1 but its continuation cannot no= be Bustified fro8 an3 <oint of >ie=? A <eo<le is
<eris:in9?F orei9n Minister !ess8ertn3;: co8<lained t:at Ft:e <lan =as addressed to t:e
Ira@i leaders:i<1 so G!us:H reBected t:e <lan =:ic: did not belon9 to :i8?F Gfn /.H
,i<lo8aticall31 t:e once 8i9:t3 So>iet Union :ad ceased to eEistC t:e colla<se of t:e
So>iet state :ad been accelerated b3 its secondin9 of t:e An9lo- A8erican desi9ns in t:e
Gulf1 and t:e o<inions of t:e #re8lin no= counted for not:in9?
%ri8a;o> and Tari@ AAiA t:en <roceeded to transfor8 t:e ori9inal So>iet /-<oint <lan into a
8ore de8andin9 --<oint <lan1 includin9 so8e of t:e de8ands of t:e An9lo- A8ericans on
t:e ti8etable of =it:dra=al and ot:er issues? !us:7s ans=er to t:at1 on t:e 8ornin9 of
rida31 ebruar3 $$1 =as a $)-:our ulti8atu8 to Ira@ to be9in an Fi88ediate and
unconditional =it:dra=al fro8 #u=aitF or face an i88ediate attac; b3 coalition land
forces? Man3 Ira@i units =ere no= alread3 in retreatC t:e essence of t:e US de8ands =as to
8a;e Ira@ acce<t a <ullout so ra<id t:at all e@ui<8ent and su<<lies 8ust be left be:ind? It is
clear t:at1 e>en if Ira@ :ad acce<ted !us:7s ter8s1 :e =ould :a>e found reasons to continue
t:e air bo8bard8ent? ,urin9 t:e follo=in9 da3s1 t:e <rinci<al acti>it3 of US <lanes =as to
bo8b colu8ns of Ira@i forces lea>in9 #u=ait and retreatin9 to=ards t:e nort:1 to=ards
Ira@1 in eEact co8<liance =it: t:e UN resolutions? !ut !us: no= =anted to fulfill :is @uota
of 1551555 dead Ira@i soldiers? ,urin9 t:e e>enin9 of Saturda31 ebruar3 $'1 !us: s<o;e
fro8 t:e *:ite House announcin9 an order to Gen? Sc:=arA;o<f to Fuse all forces1
includin9 9round forces1 to eBect t:e Ira@i ar83 fro8 #u=ait?F Gfn //H It e8er9ed in
retros<ect t:at 8an3 Ira@i 8ilitar3 units :ad left #u=ait =ee;s before t:e final land battle?
*ell-infor8ed obser>ers t:ou9:t t:at t:e Ira@i Re<ublican Guard :ad been reduced to less
t:an t:ree functionin9 co8bat di>isions b3 !us:7s air and 9round assaults1 but it s:ortl3
beca8e clear t:at t:ere =ere at least fi>e Re<ublican Guard di>isions in t:e field at
so8et:in9 a<<roac:in9 full stren9t:? inall31 on ebruar3 $.1 after )1 da3s of =ar1 !us:
ordered a cease-fire? FOur 8ilitar3 obBecti>es are 8et1F <roclai8ed !us:? Gfn /2H
!ecause all re<orts on O<eration ,esert S:ield and O<eration ,esert Stor8 =ere co>ered
b3 t:e strictest 8ilitar3 censors:i<1 and because 8ost ne=s or9aniAations of t:e US and t:e
ot:er coalition states =ere 8ore t:an =illin9 to o<erate under t:ese conditions1 8ost of t:e
details of t:ese o<erations are still in t:e real8 of An9lo-A8erican 8ind =ar?
T:e coalition air fleets :ad carried out so8e 1$51555 sorties a9ainst Ira@? If eac: sortie :ad
clai8ed but a sin9le Ira@i life1 t:en 1$51555 Ira@is :ad <eris:ed? In realit31 total Ira@i
casualties of ;illed1 =ounded1 and 8issin91 <lus t:e ci>ilian losses fro8 fa8ine1 disease1
and <estilence 8ust :a>e been in t:e nei9:bor:ood of +551555 b3 t:e end of 1221?
In earl3 Marc:1 !us: addressed a s<ecial session of t:e Con9ress on =:at :e c:ose to call
t:e end of t:e =ar? T:is ti8e it =as !us:7s <ersonal a<ot:eosisC :e =as fre@uentl3
interru<ted b3 8anic a<<lause? !us:7s 8ind =ar :ad succeeded? Resistance to t:e =ar :ad
been dri>en >irtuall3 under9roundC bloodt:irst3 racis8 ruled 8ost <ublic discourse for a
ti8e? It =as one of t:e 8ost =retc:ed 8o8ents of t:e A8erican s<irit? !us:1 =:o =as
consciousl3 <re<arin9 ne= =ars1 =as careful not to <ro8ise <eace" FE>en t:e ne= =orld
order cannot 9uarantee an era of <er<etual <eace?F !us: no= turned :is attention to Ft:e
do8estic front1F =:ere :e =as @uic; to 8a;e clear t:at t:e ne= =orld order be9ins at
:o8e" :is 8ain <ro<osal =as t:e ad8inistration7s o8nibus cri8e bill? One of t:e 8ain
features of t:is 8onstrous le9islation =as an un<recedented eE<ansion in t:e use of t:e
deat: <enalt3 for a lon9 list of federal cri8es? !us: :ad enBo3ed 9i>in9 international
ulti8ata so 8uc: t:at :e decided to tr3 one on t:e Con9ress" FIf our forces could =in t:e
9round =ar in 155 :ours1 t:en surel3 t:e Con9ress can <ass t:is le9islation in 155 da3s? Let
t:at be a <ro8ise =e 8a;e toni9:t to t:e A8erican <eo<le?F Gfn 25H !rin9 t:e ;illin9 bac;
:o8e1 said !us: in effect?
Man3 co88entators1 es<eciall3 !us:7s o=n allies in t:e neoconser>ati>e <ro-Jionist ca8<1
=ere 9reatl3 disa<<ointed t:at !us: =as ter8inatin9 t:e :ostilities =it:out li@uidatin9
Sadda8 Hussein1 and =it:out 9uaranteein9 t:e <artition of Ira@? !us: =as restrained b3 a
series of considerations? urt:er <enetration into Ira@ =ould :a>e necessitated t:e lon9-
ter8 occu<ation of lar9e cities1 eE<osin9 t:e occu<iers to t:e dan9ers t:at t:e US Marines
:ad faced in !eirut in 12/$? If !us: =ere deter8ined to =i<e out t:e 9o>ern8ent of Ira@1
t:en :e =ould :a>e to <ro>ide an occu<ation 9o>ern8ent1 or else let t:e countr3 colla<se
into ci>il =ar and <artition? One of t:e bi9 =inners in an3 <artition =ould surel3 be IranC
t:e 8ulla: re9i8e =ould use its S:iite or9aniAations in sout:ern Ira@ to car>e off a lar9e
<iece of Ira@i territor31 <lacin9 Iran in an eEcellent <osition to t:reaten bot: Saudi Arabia
and #u=ait earl3 in t:e <ost=ar <eriod? T:is =ould :a>e caused 8uc: dis8a3 in t:e Saudi
ro3al fa8il3? Arab <ublic o<inion =as infla8ed to suc: a de9ree t:at 8ost Arab
9o>ern8ents =ould not :a>e been able to <artici<ate in t:e destruction of t:e Ira@i !aat:
%art31 since t:is =as an obBecti>e t:at =as clearl3 not co>ered b3 t:e UN resolutions? !ased
on t:ese and ot:er considerations1 !us: a<<ears to :a>e 8ade a c:aracteristic sna< decision
to end t:e =ar? !us: ended t:e =ar =it: a clai8 t:at t:e US casualt3 list for t:e entire
o<eration stood at $$' ;illedC but1 in ;ee<in9 =it: t:e 8ind =ar censors:i< t:at :ad cloa;ed
all t:e <roceedin9s1 no casualt3 list =as e>er <ublis:ed? T:e true nu8ber of t:ose ;illed is
t:erefore not ;no=n1 and is li;el3 to be 8uc: :i9:er t:an t:at clai8ed b3 !us:?
A <art of sout:ern Ira@ =as occu<ied b3 t:e US and ot:er coalition forces? On Marc: 1)1
!us: 8et =it: Mitterrand on t:e renc: island of Martini@ue and t:ere =as so8e fallin9
out on @uestions of t:e future ne= =orld order Farc:itectureF in t:e Middle East? On Marc:
1-1 !us: 8et =it: !ritis: %ri8e Minister MaBor on !er8uda? !us:7s <ublic line =as t:at
t:ere could be no nor8aliAation of relations =it: Ira@ as lon9 as Sadda8 Hussein re8ained
in <o=er? Since t:e da3s of t:e Treat3 of Se>res at t:e end of *orld *ar I1 London :ad
been to3in9 =it: t:e idea of an inde<endent #urdis: state in eastern Anatolia? T:e !ritis:
=ere also anEious to use t:e after8at: of t:e =ar in order to establis: <recedents in
international la= to under8ine t:e so>erei9nt3 of inde<endent nations1 and to create et:nic
encla>es s:ort of a co8<lete <artition of Ira@? !ritis:1 Israeli1 and US assets :ad co8bined
to <ro>o;e a lar9e-scale #urdis: u<risin9 in nort:ern Ira@1 and t:is <roduced a ci>il =ar in
t:e countr3? !ut t:e Re<ublican Guard1 =:ic: :ad alle9edl3 been destro3ed b3 t:e
coalition1 and t:e Ira@i ar831 =ere still ca<able of defendin9 t:e !aat: %art3 9o>ern8ent
a9ainst t:ese c:allen9es1 a factor =:ic: doubtless also cooled !us:7s ent:usias8 for furt:er
,urin9 t:e latter :alf of Marc:1 calls =ere 8ade for t:e creation of a #urdis: encla>e in
nort:ern Ira@ under t:e <rotection of t:e coalition? On A<ril $1 t:e State ,e<art8ent
restated t:e !us: ad8inistration line of non-inter>ention and F:ands offF Ira@i internal
affairs1 and !us: :i8self re<eated t:is line on A<ril '? !ut !ritis: <ressure =as about to
create an eEtraordinar3 re>ersal1 =:ic: s:o=ed t:e =orld t:at e>en after t:e de<arture of
T:atc:er1 and =:ile :e =as alle9edl3 at t:e :ei9:t of :is 9lor31 !us: =as still ta;in9 orders
fro8 London? On A<ril +1 !us: 3ielded <artiall3 to t:e cla8or to inter>ene in fa>or of t:e
#urds1 =:o :ad no= been 8ilitaril3 defeated b3 t:e Ira@i ar83 and =ere see;in9 refu9e in
Iran and in t:e Tur;is: 8ountains of sout:east Anatolia? On A<ril .1 US <lanes be9an air
dro<s of su<<lies into t:ese Tur;is: and Ira@i areas? T:en1 on A<ril /1 MaBor re<eated :is
de8and for Fsafe AoneF encla>es for t:e #urds to be created and 9uaranteed b3 t:e coalition
in territor3 car>ed out of nort:ern Ira@? It =as a clear interference in Ira@i internal affairs1
and a clear >iolation of international la=1 but t:e !ritis: =ere bac;ed u< b3 t:e c:o<lo9ic
t:eoriAin9 of renc: orei9n Minister Roland ,u8as1 =:o ad>anced t:e t:eor3 of t:e
F:u8anitarian inter>entionF as a fi9-leaf for t:e s=ee<in9 <o=er of =ealt:3 i8<erialists to
tra8<le on t:e =ea; and t:e star>in9 in t:e future?
!us: =as :aunted b3 t:e s<ectre of 9ettin9 bo99ed do=n in endless 9uerilla =arfare in t:e
8ountains of nort:ern Ira@1 Bust as t:e So>iets :ad in Af9:anistan? On A<ril 1'1 !us: told
an audience of $1+55 at MaE=ell Air orce !ase *ar Colle9e in Mont9o8er31 Alaba8a"
Internal conflicts :a>e been ra9in9 in Ira@ for 8an3 3ears1 and =e7re :el<in9 out1 and =e7re
9oin9 to continue to :el< t:ese refu9ees? !ut I do not =ant one sin9le soldier or air8an
s:o>ed into a ci>il =ar in Ira@ t:at7s been 9oin9 on for a9es? And I78 not 9oin9 to :a>e t:at?
FSadda87s continued sa>a9er3 :as <laced :is re9i8e outside t:e international order1F said
!us:? !ut F=e =ill not interfere in Ira@7s ci>il =ar? T:e Ira@i <eo<le 8ust decide t:eir o=n
<olitical future?F Gfn 21H
!ut t:e !ritis: <ressure =as unrelentin9C t:is =as a c:ance to re=rite international la= and
to deal a crus:in9 blo= to <re>ious conce<ts of so>erei9nt3? !us: finall3 :ar;ened to :is
8aster7s >oice? On A<ril 1-1 :e announced t:e total re>ersal of :is o=n <olic3"
???I :a>e directed t:e US 8ilitar3 to be9in i88ediatel3 to establis: se>eral enca8<8ents in
nort:ern Ira@ =:ere relief su<<lies for t:ese refu9ees =ill be 8ade a>ailable in lar9e
@uantities and distributed in an orderl3 =a3?
A8on9 t:ose :e said :e :ad consulted1 !us: 8entioned MaBor? !ut =:at about !us:7s
<re>ious >e:e8ent <led9es ne>er to ta;e suc: a ste<D One ti8id >oice in t:e <ress
conference >entured to as;"
L" ,o 3ou feel certain enou9: of t:eir safet3 t:at 3ou feel t:is is not inconsistent =it: 3our
earlier state8ents about not <uttin9 one US soldier7s life on t:e lineD !us:" (es1 I do? I
t:in; t:is is entirel3 different1 and I t:in; it7s a-- I Bust feel it7s =:at7s needed in ter8s of
:el<in9 t:ese <eo<le? And so so8e 8a3 inter<ret it t:at =a3C I don7t? I t:in; it7s <urel3
:u8anitarian1 and I t:in; re<resentations :a>e been 8ade as recentl3 as toda3 t:at t:e37d
be-- 3ou ;no=1 t:at t:ese <eo<le =ould be safe? So I :o<e it <ro>es t:at =a3? Gfn 2$H
T:is decision created an An9lo-A8erican encla>e in nort:ern Ira@ t:at eE<anded durin9 a
<eriod of se>eral =ee;s before stabiliAin9? US forces left Ira@i territor3 b3 &ul3 1+1 but
so8e of t:e8 sta3ed be:ind as <art of a >er3 o8inous ra<id de<lo38ent force Bointl3
created b3 t:e US1 t:e U#1 rance1 Ital31 !el9iu81 and t:e Net:erlands and based in
sout:east Tur;e3? T:is =as called O<eration %oised Ha88er 0in !ritis: <arlance1 S=ord of
,a8ocles41 and =as alle9edl3 stationed to <rotect t:e #urds fro8 future attac;s b3
Sadda8? Man3 obser>ers noted t:at t:is force =as o<ti8all3 <ositioned to 9o nort: and east
as =ell as sout: and =est1 8eanin9 t:at t:e %oised Ha88er force :ad to be re9arded as <re-
<ositioned for a <ossible 8o>e into t:e sout:ern1 Isla8ic belt of t:e cru8blin9 So>iet
On A<ril 1- and A<ril $21 Ira@1 :a>in9 co8<lied =it: 8ost of t:e cease-fire conditions
i8<osed b3 !us: t:rou9: t:e UN Securit3 Council1 re@uested t:at t:e econo8ic e8bar9o
i8<osed in earl3 Au9ust1 1225 be finall3 lifted so as to <er8it t:e countr3 to bu3 food1
8edicine1 and ot:er basic 9oods on t:e =orld 8ar;et1 and to sell oil in order to <a3 for
t:e8? !ut !us:7s co88itt8ent to 9enocide =as trul3 i8<lacable? !us: first obstructed t:e
Ira@i re@uests =it: a debate on t:e conditions for t:e <a38ent of Ira@i re<arations and t:e
countr37s international financial debt1 and t:en stated on Ma3 $5" FAt t:is Buncture1 83
>ie= is =e don7t =ant to lift t:e sanctions as lon9 as GSadda8 HusseinH is in <o=er?F In t:e
Con9ress1 Re<? Ti8 %enn3 of Minneosta and Re<? Henr3 GonAaleA of TeEas offered
resolutions to relaE t:e sanctions or to end t:e8 entirel31 but t:e !us: 8ac:ine bloc;ed
e>er3 8o>e in t:at direction? Here !us: ris;ed isolation in t:e court of =orld <ublic
o<inion? On &ul3 1$1 t:e A9a #:an returned fro8 a >isit to Ira@ to <ro<ose t:at t:e
sanctions be lifted? T:e li>es of :undreds of t:ousands of Ira@i c:ildren =ere in dan9er
because of t:e lac; of clean =ater1 food1 8edicine1 and basic :ealt: ser>icesC durin9 t:e
su88er of 12211 infant 8ortalit3 in Ira@ rose al8ost )55R o>er t:e <re-=ar <eriod?
T:e s<rin9 of 1221 brou9:t a <olitical si9nal t:at =as >er3 o8inous for !us:7s future? T:is
bad o8en for Geor9e ca8e in t:e for8 of a Ne= (or; Ti8es o<-ed =ritten b3 *illia8 G?
H3land1 t:e =ell-;no=n #issin9er clone ser>in9 as editor for t:e 8a9aAine orei9n Affairs1
t:e @uarterl3 or9an of t:e Ne= (or; Council on orei9n Relations1 and one of t:e fla9s:i<
<ublications of t:e Eastern An9lo<:ile Liberal Establis:8ent? T:e article =as entitled
F,o=n9rade orei9n %olic31F and a<<eared on Ma3 $51 1221? H3land7s t:esis =as t:at FT:e
United States :as ne>er been less t:reatened b3 forei9n forces t:an it is toda3? !ut t:e
unfortunate corollar3 is t:at ne>er since t:e Great ,e<ression :as t:e t:reat to do8estic
=ell-bein9 been 9reater?F H3land de8anded t:at !us: <a3 8ore attention to do8estic
<olic31 and :is <ro<osals for US 8ilitar3 disen9a9e8ent abroad =ere radical enou9: to
raise t:e e3ebro=s of t:e London inancial Ti8es1C =:ic: called attention to H3land7s
catalo9ue of !us:7s Fdisastrous do8estic a9enda" cri8e1 dru9s1 education1 urban crisis1
federal bud9et deficits and a constant s@ueeAe on t:e 8iddle class1 t:e bac;bone of our
*:at H3land7s bac;ers :ad in 8ind as re8edies for t:ese <roble8s boiled do=n to 8odern
>ersions of t:e Mussolini fascist cor<orate state? H3land7s litan3 t:at !us: :ad to <a3 8ore
attention to do8estic crises and es<eciall3 t:e battered US econo83 soon beca8e t:e stoc;
r:etoric of ,e8ocratic <residential candidates de8andin9 a transition fro8 !us:7s
>oluntar3 cor<oratis8 0t:e Ft:ousand <oints of li9:tF4 to t:e co8<ulsor3 cor<oratis8 of
Gen? Hu9: &o:nson7s National Reco>er3 Ad8inistration1 =it: an econo83 or9aniAed into
obli9ator31 state-controlled cartels to reduce =a9es and cut <roduction? T:is =as t:e realit3
t:at lur;ed be:ind t:e edif3in9 r:etoric about <o>ert31 Boblessness1 and t:e decline of t:e
8iddle class <ur>e3ed b3 t:e official ,e8ocratic <residential contenders =:o finall3
e8er9ed b3 t:e end of 1221? !ut for !us:1 t:e H3land article =as a clear indication t:at
*all Street =as beco8in9 disenc:anted =it: :is <olicies?
On a nu8ber of occasions1 !us: t:reatened to rene= t:e air =ar a9ainst Ira@? One t:reat of
air stri;es ca8e bet=een &ul3 $+ and &ul3 $/1 usin9 t:e issue of alle9ed Ira@i conceal8ent
of nuclear <ro9ra8s? T:en1 in =:at a8ounted to an earl3 ca8<ai9n fora3 into a nu8ber of
=estern states1 !us: 8ade ne= t:reats bet=een Se<te8ber 1/ and Se<te8ber $51 includin9
an enra9ed 8onolo9ue at t:e Grand Can3on in t:e co8<an3 of t:e 9:oulis: Sco=croft?
!us: =as deter8ined to eE<loit t:e 8o8entu8 9ained durin9 t:e >iolence and eEtortion of
t:e Gulf crisis to furt:er t:e cause of An9lo-A8erican econo8ic =ar and trade =ar a9ainst
Ger8an31 &a<an1 t:e de>elo<in9 countries1 and t:e So>iet bloc? In 8id-ebruar31 in t:e
8idst of t:e Gulf =ar1 !us:7s resident :ar<ie at t:e Trade Re<resentati>e7s Office1 Carla
Hills1 :ad >irtuall3 declared =ar a9ainst t:e =estern Euro<ean Airbus consortiu81 accusin9
t:is 9rou< of fir8s of <rotectionis81 subsidies1 and >iolations of eEisitin9 GATT
re9ulations? On &une $.1 12251 !us: :ad announced :is FEnter<rise for t:e A8ericasF in
effect a <lan for a free trade Aone stretc:in9 fro8 t:e Nort: %ole to Tierra del ue9o1 all to
be subBected to unbridled lootin9 b3 t:e US dollar? At t:at ti8e !us: :ad stated t:at Ft:e
US stands read3 to enter into free trade a9ree8ents =it: ot:er 8ar;ets in Latin A8erica
and t:e Caribbean??? and t:e first ste< in t:is <rocess is a trade a9ree8ent =it: MeEico?F
,urin9 t:e Gulf buildu<1 !us: :ad 8et =it: MeEican %resident Carlos Salinas de Gortari in
Salinas7s :o8e to=n of A9uale9uas in nort:ern MeEico? T:e leadin9 ite8 on t:e a9enda
=as t:e *all Street de8and for a US-MeEico free trade a9ree8ent =:ic:1 to9et:er =it: t:e
eEisitin9 US-Canada free trade arran9e8ent1 =ould a8ount to a Nort: A8erican ree
Trade A9ree8ent 0NATA4? T:e ne9otiation of t:is deal =ould be9in durin9 1221? T:e
essence of NATA =as a =:oll3 dere9ulated free trade Aone in =:ic: re8ainin9 factories
and ot:er businesses in t:e United States =ould 8o>e t:eir o<erations to MeEico in order to
ta;e ad>anta9e of an a>era9e :ourl3 =a9e of 2/ cents an :our as a9ainst I11 an :our in US
8anufacturin9? T:e le9al 8ini8u8 =a9e in MeEico =as t:e e@ui>alent of +2 cents an :our?
It =as a <lan for runa=a3 s:o<s on an un<recedented scaleC t:e MeEican s=eat s:o<s or
F8a@uiladorasF =ere so brutal in t:eir eE<loitati>e <ractices as to constitute an FAusc:=itA
belo= t:e border?F Salinas >isited *as:in9ton on A<ril .1 12211 and !us: once a9ain called
for free trade =it: MeEico" FM3 ad8inistration is co88itted totall3 to t:e free trade
a9ree8ent =it: MeEico and Canada1F said !us:? FIt is <riorit3 for t:e United States1 t:e US
T:en t:ere =as t:e Uru9ua3 round of t:e General A9ree8ent on Tariffs and Trade? T:e
9oal of t:e !us:8en in in t:e GATT tal;s =as to <ress for=ard to=ards =:at !us: called
F9lobal free tradeCF all nations =ere to be coerced into 9i>in9 u< t:eir in:erent so>erei9n
ri9:ts to inter>ene in fa>or of t:eir o=n far8ers1 industrialists1 and ot:er <roducers? An
i8<ortant as<ect of t:is t:rust =as t:e An9lo-A8erican de8and t:at t:e Euro<ean
Co88unit3 dis8antle its s3ste8 of <a38ents to far8ers? In October1 at t:e UN1 !us:
=ould <ress for t:e co8<letion of GATT" FT:e Uru9ua3 Round offers :o<e to de>elo<in9
nations? I cannot stress enou9:???Histor3 s:o=s t:at <rotectionis8 can destro3 =ealt:
=it:in countries and <oison relations bet=een t:e8?
!us: de8anded fro8 t:e US Con9ress t:e abilit3 to ne9otiate bot: GATT and NATA on a
Ffast trac;F basis? T:is 8eant t:at !us: =anted to be able to ne9otiate >ital international
trade a9ree8ents1 and t:en sub8it t:e8 to Con9ress on an all-or-not:in91 ta;e-it-or-lea>e-it
basis? T:e Con9ress could 8a;e no a8end8ents nor add state8ents of clarificationC suc:
rubber-sta8<in9 =ould under8ine t:e ri9:t of t:e senate to <ro>ide ad>ice and consent in
treaties? T:ere =as considerable resistance in Con9ress to t:e fast trac; for NATA and
GATT1 and t:is =as bac;ed u< b3 t:e ran; and file of t:e AL- CIO trade unions1 =:o did
not =is: to see t:eir Bobs eE<orted? !ut t:e c:ances for sto<<in9 t:e fast trac; in t:e
su88er of 1221 =ere ruined b3 t:e defection of Missouri Con9ress8an Ric:ard Ge<:ardt1
=:ose ties to or9aniAed labor =ere stron91 but =:o ne>ert:less ca8e out in fa>or of t:e fast
trac; on Ma3 2? Ge<:ardt :ad clas:ed =it: !us: durin9 12/21 =:en !us: =as recorded in
t:e con9ressional <ress 9aller3 as co8<lainin9 FI tell 3ou1 I78 dis<leased =it: Ge<:ardt1 t:e
=a3 :e 8ade it so reall3 ;ind of <ersonal?F !ut durin9 12251 Ge<:ardt :ad settled into t:e
!us: ,e8ocrat 8ould1 eEce<t for so8e o<<osition to !us:7s =ar <olic3 in t:e Gulf? !3
12211 Ge<:ardt =as in !us:7s <oc;et? T:e fast trac; cleared Con9ress on Ma3 $'?
!us: sou9:t to eEtend t:e Aone of Ffree tradeF lootin9 e>er sout:=ard? In 8id-&une1 t:e
!raAilian %resident Collor de Mello ca8e to t:e *:ite House1 =:ere !us: 9reeted :i8 as
F83 ;ind of 9u3?F Collor1 li;e Salinas1 =as anEious to dissol>e national so>erei9nt3 into a
Ffree 8ar;et?F T:e discussion re>ol>ed around reducin9 trade barriers bet=een t:e future
NATA and t:e Sout:ern Co88on Mar;et of !raAil1 Ar9entina1 %ara9ua31 and Uru9ua3?
Collor also <led9ed to <reser>e t:e A8aAon rain forest1 a de8and t:at =as beco8in9 t:e
focus of t:e UN7s FEco 72$F conference set to ta;e <lace in !raAil? S:ortl3 after t:is1 !us:
=ould :old a Rose Garden cere8on3 to celebrate t:e triu8<:ant <ro9ress of :is Enter<rise
for t:e A8ericas free trade stea8roller since its ince<tion one 3ear before?
Continuin9 >iolence =as t:e sta<le of t:e Ne= *orld Order? Elections in India =ere
sc:eduled for late Ma31 and t:e li;el3 >ictor =as RaBi> Gand:i1 =:ose 8ot:er :ad been
assassinated b3 An9lo-A8erican intelli9ence in 12/)? RaBi> Gand:i1 durin9 :is ti8e in t:e
o<<osition1 :ad eE<erienced a re8ar;able <rocess of <ersonal 8aturation? ,urin9 t:e Gulf
crisis and t:e =ar a9ainst Ira@1 :e :ad used :is <osition as c:ief of t:e o<<osition to force
t:e =ea; C:andra S:a;ar 9o>ern8ent to reBect a US de8and for landin9 ri9:ts for US
8ilitar3 aircraft transferrin9 =ar 8aterial fro8 t:e %:ili<<ines to=ard Saudi Arabia? If re-
elected <ri8e 8inister of India1 RaBi> Gand:i =ould >er3 li;el3 :a>e assu8ed a <osition of
leaders:i< a8on9 =orld forces deter8ined to resist t:e An9lo-A8erican Ne= *orld OrderC
:e also =ould :a>e offered t:e best :o<e of frustratin9 London7s 9a8bit of a ne= Indo-
%a;istani =ar accordin9 to t:e 9a8e <lan in =:ic: !us: :ad <artici<ated bac; in 12.5? T:e
An9lo-A8erican 8edia did not conceal t:eir >eno8ous :atred of RaBi>? He =as
assassinated =:ile ca8<ai9nin9 on Ma3 $11 and :is deat: =as =idel3 attributed in India to
t:e CIA?
!us:7s a<<roac: to sabota9in9 and containin9 continental Euro<e includin9 doin9
e>er3t:in9 <ossible to create a ne= =ar on t:e !al;an flan; of t:at continent? T:is =as
done as o<enl3 as <ossible1 t:rou9: a >isit to !el9rade b3 &a8es !a;er? !a;er 8et =it: t:e
<residents of t:e t=o (u9osla> federal re<ublics =:ic: :ad been see;in9 eit:er a loose
confederation or else t:eir o=n outri9:t inde<endence1 Milan #ucan of Slo>enia and ranBo
TudB8an of Croatia? !a;er =arned bot: t:at t:e3 =ould 9et no US reco9nition and no US
econo8ic aid if t:e3 seceded fro8 t:e (u9osla> federation? F*e ca8e to (u9osla>ia
because of our concern about t:e crisis and about t:e dan9ers of a disinte9ration of t:is
countr3? T:e concerns t:at =e ca8e to (u9osla>ia =it: :a>e not been alla3ed b3 t:e
8eetin9s =e :ad toda3? *e t:in; t:at t:e situation is >er3 serious1F said !a;er? T:e brea;u<
of (u9osla>ia =ould :a>e F>er3 tra9ic conse@uences?F !a;er added a >er3 o8inousl3" F*e
=orr31 fran;l31 about :istor3 re<eatin9 itself?F !a;er =as tal;in9 about SaraBe>o and :o=
t:e conflict of Serbia =it: Austria-Hun9ar3 :ad detonated a 9eneral =ar and de>astated
Euro<e? !a;er :ad a s<ecial 8eetin9 =it: t:e Serbian fascist stron98an1 Slobodan
Milose>ic1 in =:ic: !a;er encoura9ed t:e Serbian 8ilitar3 to su<<ress an3 rebellion =it:
8ilitar3 8eans? T:e federal ar83 assaults on Slo>enia1 and t:en on Croatia1 can be dated
fro8 t:ese eEc:an9es1 =:ic: succeeded in creatin9 t:e first =ar and t:e first bo8bin9 of
ci>ilians in central Euro<e since 12)+? Inter>ie=s durin9 t:is sa8e ti8e fra8e b3
Undersecretar3 of State La=rence Ea9lebur9er1 t:e #issin9er Associates >eteran =:o :ad
been on t:e board of t:e US i8<orter of (u9o auto8obiles1 and on t:e board of a (u9osla>
ban; in>ol>ed in dru9 8one3 launderin91 left no doubt of US intent" in Ea9lebur9er7s
babblin91 e>er3 ot:er =ord =as Fci>il =ar?F
US bro;era9e :ouses =aEed elo@uent o>er :o= t:e inci<ient (u9osla> ci>il =ar =ould
<re>ent in>est8ent in 8ost countries of central Euro<e1 and =ould ruin t:e econo8ic
:interland of united Ger8an3? (u9osla>ia :ad been ra>a9ed b3 t:e conditionalities of t:e
IM durin9 t:e 12/57s1 and it =as t:is re9i8e t:at !us: =as i8<osin9 in %oland1 and =:ic:
:e =anted to eEtend to t:e rest of eastern Euro<e and t:e re<ublics e8er9in9 fro8 t:e
Gorbac:o> :ad been in>ited to t:e Grou< of Se>en su88it in London as a result of
<ressure fro8 t:e continental Euro<eans =:ic: !us: and MaBor :ad been unable to
=it:stand? !ut all t:at Gorbac:o> could brin9 :o8e fro8 t:is 8eetin9 =as t:e <ro8ise of
Ftec:nical assistanceF fro8 t:e IM1 8eanin9 t:e ad>ice of &effre3 Sac:s of Har>ard1 an
inco8<etent c:arlatan =:o :ad <resided o>er t:e ruin of %oland? On t:e last t=o da3s of
&ul31 !us: =ent to Mosco= for a su88it =it: Gorbac:o> t:at centered on t:e si9nin9 of a
treat3 on reducin9 strate9ic ar8a8ents? Erst=:ile condo8iniu8 <artners Gorbac:o> and
%ri8a;o> <ressed for econo8ic assistance and in>est8ents1 but all t:at !us: =as =illin9 to
offer =as a >a9ue co88itt8ent to for=ard to Con9ress t:e trade treat3 of 12251 =:ic:
=ould <ro>ide1 if a<<ro>ed1 for t:e eEtension of t:e Most a>ored Nation treat8ent to
Mosco=? So>iet blac; beret s<ecial forces units deliberatel3 8assacred siE Lit:uanian
border 9uards as !us: =as arri>in91 but !us: 8aintained a <ose of studied disinterest in t:e
freedo8 of t:e !altics? And not onl3 of t:e !altics" after t:e sessions =it: Gorbac:o> =ere
o>er1 !us: =ent to #ie>1 t:e ca<ital of t:e U;raine1 =:ere :e reBected a <ri>ate 8eetin9
=it: I>an ,rac:1 t:e leader of t:e Ru;:1 t:e 8ain o<<osition 8o>e8ent? In t:e U;rainian
ca<ital on Au9ust 11 FC:ic;en #ie>F !us: 8ade :is infa8ous s<eec: in =:ic: :e =arned
about t:e dan9ers in:erent in nationalis8?
!us:7s #ie> s<eec: stands out in retros<ect as co8<ellin9 e>idence of :is relentless
o<<osition to antico88unist and antiso>iet 8o>e8ents in t:e 8oribund So>iet e8<ire1 and
of :is relentless desire to do e>il? T3<icall31 !us: @uoted :is idol1 T:eodore Roose>elt" FTo
be <atroniAed is as offensi>e as to be insulted? No one of us cares <er8anentl3 to :a>e
so8eone else conscientiousl3 stri>in9 to do :i8 9ood? *:at- =e =ant to =or; =it: t:at
so8eone else for t:e 9ood of bot: of us?F T:en !us: 9ot to t:e :eart of t:e 8atter1 :is
die:ard su<<ort for Gorbac:o> and t:e i8<erial edifice erected b3 Lenin and Stalin" F So8e
<eo<le :a>e ur9ed t:e United States to c:oose bet=een su<<ortin9 %resident Gorbac:o>
and su<<ortin9 inde<endence-8inded leaders t:rou9:out t:e USSR? I consider t:is a false
c:oice?F And t:en1 t:e cro=nin9 insult to t:e U;rainians1 =:o :ad been denied t:eir
nation:ood for centuries" F???freedo8 is not t:e sa8e as inde<endence? A8ericans =ill not
su<<ort t:ose =:o see; in order to re<lace a far-off t3rann3 =it: a local des<otis8? T:e3
=ill not aid t:ose =:o <ro8ote a suicidal nationalis8 based u<on et:nic :atred?F Gfn 2'H It
=as an insult t:e U;rainians and ot:er freedo8 fi9:ters =ill not soon for9et1 and it :ad t:e
benefit of o<enin9 t:e e3es of 8ore t:an a fe= as to =:at ;ind of bird t:is !us: reall3 =as?
A9ain !us:7s <olic3 =as a reci<e for destabiliAation1 star>ation1 and =ar" :e encoura9ed t:e
#re8lin to crac; do=n1 but offered no econo8ic coo<eration1 insistin9 instead on IM
su<er-austerit3? ,urin9 t:e t:ird =ee; after !us: :ad left Mosco=1 t:e aborti>e <utsc: of
t:e Grou< of / too; <lace? In t:e =a;e of t:e failed <utsc:1 !us: =as one of t:e last =orld
leaders to announce t:e restoration of di<lo8atic relations =it: t:e !altic states t:rou9: t:e
sendin9 of an a8bassadorC !us: :ad dela3ed for t:ree additional da3s in res<onse to an
eE<licit re@uest fro8 Gorbac:o>? !3 t:e ti8e !us: :ad acce<ted !altic freedo81 it =as
Se<te8ber $? !us: clun9 to Gorbac:o> lon9 after t:e latter :ad in fact ceased to eEist?
Gorbac:o> =as 9one b3 t:e end of 12211 and t:e alternati>e reBected b3 !us: in #ie>
turned out to :a>e been t:e real one?
So>iet <olic3 led t:e a9enda =:en MaBor >isited !us: at #ennebun;<ort at t:e end of
Au9ust? T:e t=o An9lo-SaEon c:a8<ions <ro<osed to offer t:e for8er USSR re<ublics
F<ractical :el< in con>ertin9 t:eir econo83 into one t:at =or;s1F as MaBor <ut it? T:is
translated into acceleratin9 t:e Fs<ecial associationF of t:e So>iet Union 0andOor its
successor states4 =it: t:e IM1 F=it: a >ie= to full 8e8bers:i< in due course for t:ose
=:o @ualif3F b3 >irtue of t:eir ado<tion of t:e disastrous %olis: 8odel? !us: ur9ed
A8ericans to =ait Funtil t:e dust settlesF and until Ft:ere are 8ore cards on t:e table?F FI
9ot incidentall3 turned in for bein9 test31F co8<lained !us: about co88ent on :is <re>ious
re8ar;s stressin9 indifference to <ersonnel c:an9es in Mosco=? FAnd I78 =onderin9 =:at
=e7re 9oin9 to do for an encore neEt Au9ust1 &o:n1F added !us:1 Fbecause last 3ear1 as 3ou
;no=1 it =as t:e Gulf?F Gfn 2)H
!ut for Geor9e !us:1 t:e essence of t:e <ost=ar 8ont:s of 1221 =as a succession of
<ersonal triu8<:s1 a succession =:ic: :e :o<ed to eEtend all t:e =a3 to t:e 122$ election?
In 8id-Ma31 Lueen EliAabet: II >isited *as:in9ton in t:e conteEt of a tour of se>eral
A8erican cities? In an e>ent =:ic: 8ar;ed a ne= ste< in t:e 8oral de9enerac3 of t:e
United States1 EliAabet: Mountbatten-*indsor1 lineal descendant of t:e :ated Geor9e III of
Hanno>er1 beca8e t:e first 8onarc: of t:e United #in9do8 e>er to address a Boint session
of t:e Con9ress? EliAabet: s<o;e =it: t:e c3nical :3<ocris3 =:ic: is t:e :all8ar; of
An9lo-A8erican <ro<a9anda? S:e <ortra3ed !ritain and t:e United States as united b3 t:e
reBection of Mao7s old dictu8 t:at <olitical <o=er F9ro=s out of t:e barrel of a 9un?F S:e
alle9ed t:at t:e s<ontaneous reaction of bot: !ritain and t:e United States to t:e #u=ait
crisis =as t:e sa8e1 t:at it re<resented Fan outra9e to be re>ersed1 bot: for t:e <eo<le of
#u=ait and for t:e sa;e of t:e <rinci<le t:at na;ed a99ression s:ould not <re>ail?F FOur
>ie=s =ere identical and so =ere our res<onses1F said EliAabet:1 <a3in9 tribute to !us:?
S:e also see8ed to :int at o<en-ended co88itt8ents in t:e Gulf =it: :er line t:at
Funfortunatel31 eE<erience s:o=s t:at 9reat enter<rises seldo8 end =it: a tid3 and
satisfactor3 flouris:?F One =:o <reser>ed :is :onor b3 bo3cottin9 t:is session =as
Con9ress8an Gus Sa>a9e1 =:o called EliAabet: Ft:e Lueen of colonialis81F <residin9 o>er
an eE<loited e8<ire in t:e t:ird =orld? !us: bas;ed in t:e <raise directed to t:e leader of
t:e free =orld1 and for :is <art raised a fe= e3ebro=s b3 callin9 !ritain Ft:e 8ot:er
countr3?F !us:7s enBo38ent =as 8arred b3 t:e eE:austion brou9:t on b3 :is t:3roid
<roble8s? And not e>er3one a<<reciated EliAabet:" one *as:in9ton %ost =riter stirred u<
t:e An9lo<:iles b3 describin9 :er as Ft:is fust3 cartoon1 t:is u<:olstered relic in =:ite
9lo>es1 t:is cor9i-button defender of an ill-;e<t fait:?F Gfn 2+H
In earl3 &une1 t:ere =as t:e triu8<: accorded to General Sc:=arA;o<f for t:e Gulf =ar?
!us: >ie=ed t:e <arade and aircraft fl3o>er fro8 a re>ie=in9 stand set u< in front of t:e
*:ite House1 and 8et Sc:=arA;o<f <ersonall3 =:en :e arri>ed? In t:e =a;e of t:e =ar1
said !us:1 Ft:ere is a ne= and =onderful feelin9 in A8erica?F In t:e Ro8an triu8<:s1 t:e
>ictorious 9eneral =as cro=ned =it: ba3 lea>es1 and dressed in a <ur<le to9a e8bossed
=it: 9olden stars? He also recei>ed t:e ser>ices of a sla>e =:o <ersistentl3 re8inded :i8
t:at :e =as 8ortal1 and t:at all 9lor3 =as fleetin9? !us: =ould :a>e benefitted fro8 t:e
ser>ices of suc: a sla>e on t:at &une /? Gfn 2-H
T:e :i9: tide of !us:7s 8e9alo8ania as t:e e8<eror of t:e ne= =orld order =as <er:a<s
reac:ed at t:e United Nations in Se<te8ber? It =as an elaboration of t:e <re>ious 3ear7s
oration on t:e Ne= *orld Order? irst1 !us: 8ade clear =:at t:e de>elo<in9 sector could
eE<ect in t:e <ost=ar =orld" FT:e =orld :as learned t:at free 8ar;ets <ro>ide le>els of
<ros<erit31 9ro=t:1 and :a<<iness t:at centrall3 <lanned econo8ies can ne>er offer???Here
in t:e c:a8ber =e :ear about Nort:-Sout: <roble8s? !ut free and o<en trade1 includin9
unfettered access to 8ar;ets and credit1 offer de>elo<in9 countries t:e 8eans of self-
sufficienc3 and econo8ic di9nit3? If t:e Uru9ua3 round s:ould fail1 a ne= =a>e of
<rotectionis8 could destro3 our :o<es for a better future?F
!us: t:en clai8ed credit1 if not for t:e end of :istor31 t:en for a re>i>al of :istor3 in t:e
areas =:ic: :ad been do8inated b3 co88unis8? FCo88unis8 :eld :istor3 ca<ti>e for
3ears????T:is re>i>al of :istor3 us:ers in a ne= era tee8in9 =it: o<<ortunities and
<erils????Histor37s re>i>al enables <eo<le to <ursue t:eir natural instincts for enter<rise?
Co88unis8 froAe t:at <ro9ress until its failures beca8e too 8uc: for e>en its defenders to
!us: t:en turned to t:e =ar of t:e coalition a9ainst Ira@ =:ic: :e celebrated as a Ft:ird
:istorical brea;t:rou9:" international coo<eration1F a F8easured1 <rinci<led1 deliberate and
coura9eous res<onse to Sadda8 Hussein1F and1 8ost o8inousl31 Fa 8odel for t:e collecti>e
settle8ent of dis<utes?F FAnd it is t:e United States >ie= t:at =e 8ust ;ee< t:e United
Nations sanctions in <lace as lon9 as GSadda8 HusseinH re8ains in <o=er?F FT:is is not to
sa3-- and let 8e be clear on t:is one-- t:at =e s:ould <unis: t:e Ira@i <eo<le?F
!us: de8anded t:at t:e General Asse8bl3 ta;e bac; its resolution e@uatin9 Jionis8 =it:
racis8? !us:7s a<<roac: to Israel =as al=a3s balanced1 al=a3s =it:in t:e bounds of t:e
#nessetC t:is concession balanced :is <roddin9 of S:a8ir to co8e to a <eace conference
=:ic: !us: =anted to :old in late October?
!us:7s <eroration re>erted to t:e t:e8e of t:e Sin9le E8<ire1 t:e An9lo-SaEon Ne= *orld
inall31 3ou 8a3 =onder about A8erica7s role in t:e ne= =orld t:at I :a>e described? Let
8e assure 3ou1 t:e United States :as no intention of stri>in9 for a %aE A8ericana?
Ho=e>er1 =e =ill re8ain en9a9ed? *e =ill not retreat and <ull bac; into isolationis8? *e
=ill offer friends:i< and leaders:i<? And in s:ort1 =e see; a %aE Uni>ersalis built u<on
s:ared res<onsibilities and as<irations?F Gfn 2.H
T:e e8<eror of t:e ne= =orld order :ad s<o;enC no=1 =oe to t:e >an@uis:edK
1? Suetonius1 T:e Li>es of t:e T=el>e Casears 0Ne= (or;" Modern Librar31 12'141 <? $+/?
$? Suetonius1 <? 1.$?
'? F!us: is O<ti8istic After Tal;s =it: Gorbac:o>1F *as:in9ton %ost1Y Marc: 1)1 12/+?
)? !ob *ood=ard1 T:e Co88anders1 <? +)-++?
+? F!us: ,is8isses Gorbac:o> Co8<laint1F *as:in9ton %ost1 A<ril /1 12/2?
-? FRea9an Is Concerned About !us:7s Indecision1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Ma3 -1 12/2?
.? F!us: Rebu;es Critics of Ar8s %olic31F *as:in9ton %ost1 Se<te8ber 121 12/2?
/? F!us: Hails 7,ra8atic7 ,ecision1F *as:in9ton %ost1 No>e8ber 151 12/2?
2? F!us:" T:e Secret %residenc31F Ne=s=ee;1 &anuar3 11 1225?
15? F!erlin and !us:7s E8otional *all1F *as:in9ton %ost1 No>e8ber 1)1 12/2?
11? FTeEt of %resident !us:7s Address1F *as:in9ton %ost1 No>e8ber $'1 12/2?
1$? %eo<le1 A<ril 21 1225?
1'? See FTrac;in9 T:3roid %roble8s1F *as:in9ton Ti8es1 Ma3 $21 1221? T:is article1 anEious to <re>ent
t:e reader fro8 associatin9 t:e broccoli outburst =it: t:e 8ental and t:r3oid <roble8s of t:e s<rin9 of
12251 :astens to add" FT:ere is no e>idence t:at lac; of broccoli causes Gra>es disease?F Gra>es disease
=as t:e official *:ite House lable for !us:7s t:3roid 8alad31 =:ic: 8edical <rofessionals =it:out <olitical
aEes to 9rind :a>e tended to classif3 as !asedo=7s disease?
1)? FTranscri<t of !us:-Gorbac:o> Ne=s Conference1F *as:in9ton %ost1Y &une )1 1225?
1+? &i8 Hoa9land1 FT:e ,eal !e:ind t:e Su88it1F *as:in9ton %ost1 &une +1 1225?
1-? See FMars:all Sa3s He Ne>er Heard of !us:7s No8inee1F Ne= (or; Ti8es1 &ul3 $.1 1225C FMars:all
Sla8s Ga>el on Souter1F *as:in9ton Ti8es1 &ul3 $.1 1225? At about t:e sa8e ti8e t:at Mars:all @uit1 Re<?
*illia8 Gra3 of %:iladel<:ia1 t:e ,e8ocratic MaBorit3 *:i<1 announced :is resi9nation fro8 t:e House to
beco8e t:e <resident of t:e United Ne9ro Colle9e und? Gra3 :ad been under :ea>3 <olice state attac;
fro8 t:e !I1 and =as :ounded fro8 office? *it:in a fe= =ee;s1 !us: :ad dis<osed of t:e to<-ran;in9
blac; officials of bot: t:e le9islati>e and Budicial branc:es of 9o>ern8ent?
1.? Hobart Ro=en1 FA Near-,e<ression1F *as:in9ton %ost1 &anuar3 151 1221?
1/? F!us: O<ens ,oor to TaE-Hi;e Tal;s1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Ma3 /1 1225?
12? Alan ried8an1 FT:e Neil !us: !ailout1F 6anit3 air1 October1 1225?
$5? F!us: ,efends itA=ater in SNL in9er-%ointin91F *as:in9ton %ost1 &une $11 1225? !us: >etoed H?R?
..51 t:e a8il3 and Medical Lea>e !ill1 =:ic: =ould :a>e re@uired e8<lo3ers =it: +5 or 8ore e8<lo3ees
to <ro>ide t:eir =or;ers =it: u< to 1$ =ee;s of un<aidY1 Bob-<rotected lea>e eac: 3ear to care for a ne=
c:ild or a seriousl3 ill c:ild1 <arent1 or s<ouse1 or to use as F8edical lea>eF if an e<lo3ee is seriousl3 ill?
T:e 8easure onl3 re@uired t:e e8<lo3er to continue :ealt: benefits =:ile t:e e8<lo3ee =as on lea>e? T:e
House failed to o>erride t:e >eto b3 a $'$ to 12+ >ote on &ul3 $'1 1225?
$1? F%resident Tal;s About a a8il3 Matter1F Ne= (or; Ti8es1 &ul3 1$1 1225?
$$? FT:e Sil>er oE S<ea;s Her Mind1F %eo<le *ee;l31 Au9ust1 1225?
$'? At last re<ort1 Neil !us: =as at lar9e in Houston1 TeEas1 =:ere :e :ad ta;en a Bob as a Fne= business
directorF =it: TransMedia Co88unications? T:is co8<an3 is a subsidiar3 of %ri8e Net=or;1 a ,en>er-
based fir8 =:ic: is o=ned b3 !ill ,aniels1 a friend of t:e !us: fa8il3? Accordin9 to infor8ed sources1
Neil !us:7s ne= Bob =as secured =it: t:e :el< of &o:n McMullen1 a 8inorit3 s:are:older in %ri8e
Net=or; and o=ner of t:e Houston Astros baseball tea8? Neil =as lod9in9 at t:e Houstonian Hotel1
=:ic: is also fat:er Geor9e7s >otin9 address? Accordin9 to <ress accounts1 Neil !us: =as still :o<in9 to
sell :is :o8e in ,en>er for about I+551555? See t:e Houston C:ronicle1 &ul3 1.1 1221? To :el< defra3
Neil7s le9al
eE<enses1 a fund :as been establis:ed =it: t:e :el< of for8er O:io ,e8ocratic Con9ress8an and S;ull
and !ones 8e8ber T:o8as L? FLudF As:le31 <resident of t:e Association of !an; Holdin9 Co8<anies? a
lobb3in9 9rou<? In A<ril1 1221 federal re9ulators ended t:eir 1)-8ont: in@uir3 into Neil !us: b3 directin9
:i8 to refrain fro8 future conflicts of interest in :is in>ol>e8ent =it: federall3 insured financial
institutions? T:is =as t:e 8ildest sanction in t:e official arsenal? In Ma31 12211 t:e ,IC a9reed to settle
t:eir ne9li9ence suit =it: Neil !us: and t:e ot:er Sil>erado fi9ures for I)2?+ 8illion? See t:e Ne= (or;
Ti8es1 &une 21 1221?
$)? *ebster G? Tar<le31 FIs !us: Courtin9 a Middle East =ar and ne= oil crisisDF1 EEecuti>e Intelli9ence
Re>ie=1 Marc: '11 12/2? In earl3 Au9ust1 12/21 after t:e <ro-Iranian Or9aniAation of t:e O<<ressed of t:e
Eart: :ad announced t:e its eEecution of US Marine Lt? Col? *illia8 R? Hi99ins1 !us: did <ost a
battles:i< and a carrier to t:e eastern Mediterranean1 and a carrier in t:e nort:ern Arabian Sea1 t:us
t:reatenin9 bot: Iran and S3ria1 =:ose forces =ent on alert in t:e !e;aa 6alle3 and els=e:ere?
$+? FSto< !us:7s Rus: to *orld *ar III1F Ne= ederalist1 ebruar3 111 1221?
$-? FAd8inistration Atte8<ts to !lunt Israeli Criticis81F *as:in9ton %ost1 Marc: -1 1225?
$.? For !us:1 Life on t:e Run Catc:es U<1F Ne= (or; Ti8es1 &ul3 -1 1225?
$/? !us:7s Gulf Crisis" T:e !e9innin9 of *orld *ar IIID1 EIR S<ecial Re<ort 0*as:in9ton1 Se<te8ber
122541 <<? $.-$/?
$2? !on *ood=ard1 T:e Co88anders 0Ne= (or;1 122141 <? <? $5+-$5-?
'5? Nora !oustan3 and %atric; E? T3ler1 FIra@ Masses Troo<s at #u=ait !order1F *as:in9ton %ost1 &ul3 $)1
1225? See also Ne= (or; Ti8es1 &ul3 $)1 1225?
'1? FUS %ursues ,i<lo8atic Solution in %ersian Gulf Crisis1 *arns Ira@17 &ul3 $+1 1225?
'$? !us:7s Gulf Crisis" T:e !e9innin9 of *orld *ar III D 0*as:in9ton" EEecuti>e Intelli9ence Re>ie=1
122541 <<? $/-$2?
''? *ood=ard1 Co88anders1 <? $1/?
')? *ood=ard1 Co88anders1 <? $$)-$$2?
'+? *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust '1 1225?
'-? *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust 21 1225?
'.? Ne= (or; Ti8es1 Au9ust )1 1225?
'/? *ood=ard1 Co88anders1 <? $+'?
'2? *ood=ard1 Co88anders1 <? $+)?
)5? See Maureen ,o=d1 FT:e Guns of Au9ust Ma;e a ,er>is: !us: *:irl E>en aster1F Ne= (or; Ti8es1
Au9ust .1 12251 and FT:e Lon9est *ee;" Ho= %resident ,ecided to ,ra= t:e Line1F Ne= (or; Ti8es1
Au9ust 21 1225?
)1? F,ecision Ca8e Saturda3 at Ca8< ,a>id1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust 21 1225?
)$? FTranscri<t of Ne=s Conference Rea8ar;s b3 !us: on Ira@ Crisis1F Ne= (or; Ti8es1 Au9ust -1 1225?
)'? *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust 21 1225?
))? Ne= (or; Ti8es1 Au9ust .1 1225?
)+? Ne= (or; Ti8es1 Au9ust 21 1225?
)-? *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust 21 1225?
).? F!us:7s Tal; of a 7Ne= *orld Order"7 orei9n %olic3 Tool or Mere Slo9anDF1 *as:in9ton %ost1 Ma3
$-1 1221?
)/? *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust $/1 1225?
)2? F!us:" Out of T:ese Troubled Ti8es??? a Ne= *orld Order1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Se<te8ber 1$1 1225O
+5? Eleanor Clift1 FT:e 7CarteriAation7 of !us:1 Ne=s=ee;1 October $$1 1225?
+1? acts on ile1 12251 <<? .)5-.)1?
+$? See Ne=s=ee;1 October $$1 12251 <? $5 ff?
+'? *as:in9ton %ost1 October $+1 1225?
+)? F!us: See;s irin9 of %art3 Official1F *as:in9ton %ost1 October $-1 1225?
++? FCandidates S<urn !us:7s E8brace1F *as:in9ton %ost1 October $)1 1225?
+-? FOn *est Coast1 %resident Rails A9ainst ,e8ocrats1F and F!us: Sa3s ,e8ocrats 7C:o;ed t:e
Econo8317F *as:in9ton %ost1 October $. and October '51 1225?
+.? #e>in %:illi<s1 FT:e !us: !lue<rint !o8bs1F Ne=s=ee;1 No>e8ber 121 1225?
+/? F!us: is S:ar<l3 Luestioned !3 La=8a;ers on Gulf %olic31F *as:in9ton %ost1 October '11 1225?
+2? !usiness =ee;1 No>e8ber 121 12251
-5? Ne= (or; Ti8es1 No>e8ber $2 and No>e8ber 111 1225?
-1? *as:in9ton Ti8es1 No>e8ber /1 1225?
-$? *as:in9ton %ost1 No>e8ber 21 1225?
-'? &a8es Reston1 FToo Earl3 for !us: to ,ial 2111F Ne= (or; Ti8es1Y No>e8ber 1$1 1225?
-)? Ne= (or; Ti8es1 No>e8ber 1+1 1225?
-+? Ne= (or; Ti8es1 No>e8ber 1-1 1225?Y
--? *as:in9ton %ost1 No>e8ber 1-1 1225?
-.? FSu<<ort for Gulf %olic3 Seen 7At Teeterin9 %oint17F *as:in9ton %ost1 No>e8ber 121 1225?
-/? FCitin9 Gene>a Incidents1 US *ill %rotest to S=iss1F *as:in9ton %ost1 No>e8ber $+1 1225?
.5? *as:in9ton %ost1 ,ece8ber 11 1225?
.1? Ne= (or; Ti8es1 ,ece8ber $51 1225?
.$? *as:in9ton %ost1 &anuar3 )1 1221?
.'? *as:in9ton %ost1 &anuar3 151 1221?
.)? FLoans to Sen? Hatfield or9i>en1 Records S:o=1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Ma3 151 1221?
.+? *as:in9ton %ost1 &anuar3 1'1 1221?
.-? FS:eddin9s Tears1 !us: Tells !a<tists of %ra3in9 as Gulf *ar Neared1F Ne= (or; Ti8es &une -1 1221?
..? See <:oto1 *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust )1 12/5?
./? F!ill3 Gra:a8" 7I A8 Not a Co88unist17F *as:in9ton %ost1 Ma3 $51 12/$?
.2? F!us: and Sadda87s Hol3 *ar of *ords1F *as:in9ton %ost1 ebruar3 '1 1221?
/5? %eo<le1 ,ece8ber1 12251 <? +'?
/1? First Lad3 !rea;s Her Le9 *:ile Sleddin91F *as:in9ton %ost1 &anuar3 1)1 1221?
/$? Ne= (or; Ti8es1 &anuar3 1/1 1221?
/'? *as:in9ton %ost1 &anuar3 121 1221?
/)? F,escribin9 Moral ,ebate1 !us: S<ellbinds Audience1F *as:in9ton %ost1 &anuar3 $-1 1221?
/+? *as:in9ton %ost1 ebruar3 -1 1221?
/-? *as:in9ton %ost1 ebruar3 1-1 1221?
/.? *as:in9ton %ost1 ebruar3 $51 1221?
//? *as:in9ton %ost1 ebruar3 $)1 1221?
/2? *as:in9ton %ost1 ebruar3 $/1 1221?
25? Ne= (or; Ti8es1 Marc: .1 1221?
21? Ne= (or; Ti8es1 A<ril 1)1 1221?
2$? Ne= (or; Ti8es1 A<ril 1.1 1221?
2'? Ne= (or; Ti8es1 Au9ust $1 1221?
2)? *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust '51 1221?
2+? *as:in9ton %ost1 Ma3 1. and Ma3 $+1 1221?
2-? *as:in9ton %ost1 &une 21 1221?
2.? acts on ile1 Se<te8ber 1221?
C:a<ter -MM6- TH(ROI, STORM
Caesar non su<er 9ra88aticos
0T:e e8<eror cannot def3 t:e 9ra88arians?4
--Marcus %o8<onius Marcellus to Tiberius
*:en s<ea;in9 in :is ca<acit3 as an ideolo9ue1 Geor9e !us: :as al=a3s eE<ressed a 9reat
ad8iration for T:eodore Roose>elt? *:en !us: 8o>ed into t:e O>al Office1 :e re8o>ed
t:e <ortrait of Cal>in Coolid9e <laced t:ere b3 Rea9an and re<laced it =it: a li;eness of t:e
Rou9: Rider? !us:7s references to :is de>otion to T:eodore Roose>elt are stre=n across :is
<ublic career1 and es<eciall3 :is *:ite House 3ears? T:e3 ca8e t:ic; and fast durin9 t:e
<eriod of t:e %ana8a in>asion1 but =ere also <ro8inent durin9 t:e Gulf crisis? Here is one
fro8 late No>e8ber1 1225"
Certainl3 I 9et ins<iration fro8 Tedd3 Roose>elt? Actuall3 t:ere7s a <arallel1 not an eEact
<arallel ob>iousl31 bet=een San &uan Hill and #u=ait Cit3? I7>e Bust been readin9 an
interestin9 treatise on Tedd3 Roose>eltC :is con>iction and :is deter8ination and :is
leaders:i< ins<ire 8e? All of t:ose t:in9s ins<ire %residents1 I t:in;? Gfn 1H
!us:7s endorse8ent for Tedd3 Roose>elt is an endorse8ent for a =orld outloo; and for a
<olic3 orientation? Inse<arabl3 fro8 t:at1 it is also a state8ent of affinit3 for a certain for8
of <s3c:o<at:olo93 t:at is associated =it: Tedd3?
As one of t:e aut:ors :as s:o=n Gfn $H1 Roose>elt7s 8aternal uncle =as Ca<tain &a8es ,?
!ulloc:1 t:e :ead of t:e Confederate intelli9ence ser>ices in Euro<e and t:e outfitter of t:e
infa8ous Confederate raiders Alaba8a1 S:enandoa:1 and ot:ers? T:eodore Roose>elt7s
ele>ation to t:e <residenc3 re<resented a <ersonal union bet=een t:e Ne= (or;-!oston
<atrician financiers =it: t:e secessionist sla>e:olders? irst and fore8ost1 Tedd3 Roose>elt
=as a <olitical ste=ard of t:e Mor9an interests =:ic: do8inated *all Street? *e see t:at
Tedd3 Roose>elt7s net=or;s s:ared so8e essential features =it: t:ose of Geor9e !us:? In
8an3 =a3s1 t:ese are t:e sa8e net=or;s?
In outloo; and <olic31 T:eodore Roose>elt =as t:e <resident =:o ele>ated t:e solidarit3 of
t:e =:ite race1 and es<eciall3 of its alle9ed FAn9lo-SaEonF co8<onent1 abo>e t:e ideas of
t:e A8erican Re>olution? T:e ar9u8ent =as t:at s:ared Fblood1F lan9ua9e1 culture1 and t:e
ot:er bonds a8on9 t:e FEn9lis:- s<ea;in9 <eo<lesF =ere far 8ore i8<ortant t:an t:e
A8erican S3ste8 of ran;lin1 *as:in9ton1 Ha8ilton1 Henr3 Cla31 and Lincoln? Roose>elt
8ar;ed t:e end of t:e s:ar< ani8osit3 to=ards t:e !ritis: cro=n =:ic: :ad been left in
A8erican <ublic life in t:e =a;e of !ritis: su<<ort for t:e Confederac3 durin9 t:e Ci>il
*ar? Roose>elt directed a =a>e of race :atred a9ainst C:inese and ot:er 3ello=- s;inned
orientalsC a9ainst Latin A8ericans and <eo<les of Mediterranean ori9inC a9ainst Ger8ansC
and a9ainst blac; and bro=n s;inned <eo<le in 9eneral?
Tedd3 Roose>elt =as of course a 8ilitant i8<erialist and e8<ire- builder? T:e FRoose>elt
corollar3F to t:e Monroe ,octrine is no corollar31 but rat:er a total re>ersal of t:e ori9inal
anti- colonialist intent of Monroe and :is Secretar3 of State1 &o:n Luinc3 Ada8s? Tedd3
Roose>elt7s clai8 to eEercise international <olice <o=ers o>er debtor nations launc:ed a
ne= i8<erialis81 t:is ti8e based in t:e United States?
Tedd3 Roose>elt =as a dedicated Malt:usian =:o did e>er3t:in9 :e could to abort t:e
econo8ic de>elo<8ent of t:e United States =est of t:e Mississi<<i? T:is Malt:usian
en>iron8entalis8 li>es on in t:e ad8inistration of t:e Fen>iron8ental <resident?F In order
to enforce :is alien <olicies1 Tedd3 Roose>elt =as in t:e >an9uard of t:e creation of a US
do8estic <olice state? He 9ot :is start b3 leadin9 <olice-state attac;s on t:e Ne= (or;
Ta88an3 ,e8ocratic 8ac:ine as Ne= (or; Cit3 %olice Co88issioner1 and later carried
:is assault to ot:er constituenc3 9rou<in9s1 t:e ;ind !us: re>iles toda3 as s<ecial interests?
Roose>elt founded t:e center<iece of t:e US do8estic <olice state a<<aratus1 t:e ederal
!ureau of In>esti9ation1 and 8ade C:arles !ona<arte1 a relation of t:e renc: i8<erial
:ouse1 t:e first !I director? Roose>elt7s <ro9ra8 of Ftrust-bustin91F 0=:ic: =i<ed out
industrial forces o<<osed to t:e Mor9an interests4 and :is conser>ationis8 led to t:e
creation of a =:ole series of re9ulator3 a9encies1 =:ic: are busil3 stran9lin9 US econo8ic
acti>it3 toda3?
On a dee<er le>el" if London :ad not been able to count on t:e United States as a future
all31 it is doubtful t:at t:e !ritis: 9o>ern8ent =ould :a>e encoura9ed Russia and rance to
9o to =ar =it: Austria-Hun9ar3 and Ger8an3 in 121)? *it:out t:e s:ort-ter8 certaint3 of
US inter>ention on t:e !ritis: side1 t:e !ols:e>i; re>olution =ould :a>e been far less
li;el3? T:eodore Roose>elt7s role as t:e first o>ertl3 and eEtra>a9antl3 An9lo<:ile US
<resident after t:e Ci>il *ar t:us :el<ed to <a>e t:e =a3 for so8e of t:e 9reatest disasters
of t:e t=entiet: centur3?
Abo>e and be3ond all <olic3 and strate9ic issues1 !us: is attracted b3 t:e <s3c:olo9ical
Gestalt of T:eodore Roose>elt? Tedd3 Roose>elt suffered fro8 a >er3 li8ited attention
s<an? He =as >ain1 self-centered1 unstable and tended to=ards eE:ibitionis8? T:e 8ost
concise su88ar3 of Tedd37s <at:olo93 can be found in a letter b3 Sir Cecil S<rin9-Rice of
t:e !ritis: orei9n Office1 certainl3 one of t:e 8ost i8<ortant influences on Roose>elt7s
lifeC so8e =ould call :i8 Tedd37s !ritis: controller? *:en anot:er !ritis: di<lo8at1
6alentine C:irol1 co8<lained about Tedd37s =anderin9 focus and inter8ittent attention
s<an1 S<rin9-Rice re<lied"
If 3ou too; an i8<etuous s8all bo3 on to a beac: stre=n =it: a 9reat 8an3 eEcitin9
<ebbles1 3ou =ould not eE<ect :i8 to re8ain interested for lon9 in one <ebble? (ou 8ust
al=a3s re8e8ber t:at t:e %resident is about siE? Gfn 'H
T:is restless and distracted inabilit3 to concentrate1 t:is inca<acit3 for t:e <rolon9ed
conte8<lation and eEa8ination of issues and <roble8s1 is one of t:e factors t:at 8ade
Tedd3 Roose>elt t:e <s3c:olo9ical =rec; t:at :e =as? Tedd3 could not t:in;C t:e
<s3c:olo9ical bac;9round noise =as far too loud? Instead1 :e =as dri>en to underta;e :is
le9endar3 :untin9 eE<loits of ;illin9 >ast @uantities of birds and ani8als1 :is <rodi9ious
feats of <:3sical eEercise and1 later1 :is :ollo= 8artial <osturin9 as a FRou9: Rider?F
T:e <olar o<<osite to T:eodore Roose>elt on all of t:ese <oints of =orld outloo; and
literar3 eE<ression is Abra:a8 Lincoln? !us: =as often <aid li< ser>ice to Lincoln as a
9reat <resident1 and e>en or9aniAed a lecture in t:e *:ite House about t:e contributions of
t:e Ci>il *ar <resident? !ut t:ere :a>e also been a fe= un9uarded 8o8ents in =:ic: !us:
:as re>ealed :is instincti>e :atred for Lincoln? In 8id-12251 !us: attended a <erfor8ance
at ord7s T:eatre1 =:ic: is still used for dra8atic <roductions and ot:er e>ents in
do=nto=n *as:in9ton? At t:e end of t:e e>enin9 !us: =as as;ed b3 a corres<ondent if :e
:ad enBo3ed :is e>enin9? !us: re8ar;ed t:at =:ereas Lincoln :ad onl3 been able to enBo3
t:e first act of t:e <la3 :e :ad seen at ord7s :e1 !us:1 :ad been able to enBo3 t:e entire
e>enin9? T:is @ui< =as re<orted in t:e !ritis: <ress?
!us:7s affinit3 for Tedd3 Roose>elt is based 8ost <rofoundl3 on t:e s:ared co9niti>e
i8<air8ent of t:ese t=o <olitical fi9ures? In t:e case of !us:1 t:e inabilit3 to t:in; is
eE<ressed 8ost de8onstrabl3 in t:e inco:erence of >erbal eE<ression? T:an;s in <art to
,ana Car>e31 =:o :as so8e insi9:t into t:is side of !us:7s c:aracter1 t:e F!us:s<ea;F
issue :as been on t:e table at least since 12/.-//? !ut !us: :as been s<e=in9 out 9arbled
>erbia9e for a >er3 lon9 ti8e? T:e follo=in9 sa8<le =as recorded b3 EliAabet: ,re= in
ebruar31 12/51 durin9 a ride fro8 *orcester1 Massc:usetts to !oston? Ms? ,re=
co88ented t:at !us: see8ed to enBo3 ca8<ai9nin9? !us: re<lied in <art"
I do? Isn7t t:at a=fulD I reall3 enBo3 it1 and I sa3 7a=ful7 onl3 because I78 Bust be9innin9 to
=onder =:at t:e :ell7s :a<<enin9 to 8e1 3ou ;no=1 but I reall3 do enBo3 it? I lo>ed 9oin9
t:rou9: t:at cafeteria1 ;iddin9 =it: t:e8 and learnin9 stuff and sittin9 and c:attin9 and
tr3in9 to be res<onsi>e to t:e <erson and 3et :a>e a concern for =:at concerns t:e8? I
8ean it =:en I sa3 I78 better? I7ll be better1 8ore sensiti>e1 stron9er1 fro8 t:in9s li;e t:at?
And t:ere is t:e s8ell of t:e 9rease<aint and t:at ot:er cra<C t:ere7s so8e of t:at? I 8ean1
t:is is >er3 different toda3? T:ere =as a ti8e nobod37d stand out in e>en :ot =eat:er to see
8e? I =as all alone four 8ont:s a9o1 and :ere <eo<le are =aitin9? And t:ere7s a certain
for=ard adrenaline t:at eEists toda3? Ho<efull31 t:ere =ill be 8ore of t:e8? Ma3be not"
8a3be I7ll be lous3 and t:e37ll 9o a=a31 but t:at7s <art of t:e fun of it? %art of it is t:e
<rocess itself? It7s a 9ood <rocess? Gfn )H
T:e leadin9 feature of t:is sa8<le is !us:7s total lac; of ri9orC :is <ersonal idio8 is
inca<able of eE<ressin9 causalit3 or <recision? Alread3 t:e subBect-obBect relations are
blurred1 antecedents are a real8 of an3t:in9 9oes1 and >erbal action :as d=indled to
insi9nificance? Underneat: t:e a>id and ent:usiastic <ersona is a 8ind t:at is <etulant1
bored1 and blase7 about e>er3t:in9 t:at does not touc: t:e interests of t:e e9o? T:e result is
an i8<ression of o>er=:el8in91 undifferentiated banalit3? One is re8inded of a narrati>e
>oice li;e t:e follo=in9"
If 3ou reall3 =ant to :ear about it1 t:e first t:in9 3ou7ll <robabl3 =ant to ;no= is =:ere I
=as born1 and =:at 83 lous3 c:ild:ood =as li;e1 and :o= 83 <arents =ere occu<ied and
all before t:e3 :ad 8e1 and all t:at ,a>id Co<<erfield ;ind of cra<1 but I don7t feel li;e
9oin9 into it1 if 3ou =ant to ;no= t:e trut:? In t:e first <lace1 t:at stuff bores 8e1 and in t:e
second <lace1 83 <arents =ould :a>e about t=o :e8orr:a9es a<iece if I told an3t:in9
<ersonal about t:e8? T:e37re @uite touc:3 about an3t:in9 li;e t:at1 es<eciall3 83 fat:er? Gfn
T:e Holden Caulfield of &?,? Salin9er7s T:e Catc:er in t:e R3e in:abited t:e =orld t:at
also belon9ed to Geor9e !us:1 t:e =orld of t:e nort:east <re< sc:ools of t:e 12)57s? A<art
fro8 t:e ob>ious <arallels bet=een Geor9e and Holden1 t:ere is t:e interestin9 @uestion of
=:et:er !us: 8i9:t :a>e a closer relation to t:is literar3 <ersona9e? In t:e course of t:e
errant Holden Caulfield7s ti8e in Ne= (or; Cit31 :e ta;es a 9irlfriend to a 8atinee t:eatre
<erfor8anceC durin9 t:e inter8ission t:e 9irlfriend1 na8ed Sall31 s<ots Fso8e Ber; s:e
;ne= on t:e ot:er side of t:e lobb3? So8e 9u3 in one of t:ose >er3 dar; 9re3 flannel suits
and one of t:ose c:ec;ered >ests? Strictl3 I>3 Lea9ue? !i9 deal?F Holden recounts t:e later
con>ersation bet=een Sall3 and :er friend" F(ou s:ould7>e seen :i8 =:en old Sall3 as;ed
:i8 :o= :e li;ed t:e <la3? He =as t:e ;ind of a <:on3 t:at :a>e to 9i>e t:e8sel>es roo8
=:en t:e3 ans=er so8ebod37s @uestion? He ste<<ed bac;1 and ste<<ed ri9:t on t:e lad37s
foot be:ind :i8? He <robabl3 bro;e e>er3 toe in :er bod3? He said t:e <la3 itself =as no
8aster<iece1 but t:at t:e Lunts1 of course1 =ere absolute an9els? An9els? or C:rissa;e?
An9els? T:at ;illed 8e? T:en :e and Sall3 started tal;in9 about a lot of <eo<le t:e3 bot:
;ne=? It =as t:e <:oniest con>ersation 3ou e>er :eard in 3our life?F FT:e =orst <art =as1
t:e Ber; :ad one of t:ose >er3 <:on31 I>3 Lea9ue >oices1 one of t:ose >er3 tired1 snobb3
>oices? He sounded Bust li;e a 9irl? He didn7t :esitate to :orn in on 83 date1 t:e bastard? I
e>en t:ou9:t for a 8inute t:at :e =as 9oin9 to 9et in t:e 9odda8 cab =it: us =:en t:e
s:o= =as o>er1 because :e =al;ed about t=o bloc;s =it: us1 but :e said :e :ad to 8eet a
bunc: of <:onies for coc;tails1 :e said? I could see t:e8 all sittin9 around in so8e bar1 =it:
t:eir 9odda8 c:ec;ered >ests1 criticiAin9 s:o=s and boo;s and =o8en in t:ose tired1
snobb3 >oices? T:e3 ;ill 8e1 t:ose 9u3s?F
*:o =as Sall37s friendD FHis na8e =as Geor9e so8et:in9 - I don7t e>en re8e8ber- and :e
=ent to Ando>er? !i91 bi9 deal?F *:o =as t:e F<:on3 Ando>er bastardF =:o so
eEas<erated Holden CaulfieldD Can t:is be a >er3 earl3 ca8eo a<<earance of Geor9e
Herbert *al;er !us:D &?,? Salin9er is not ;no=n for 9i>in9 inter>ie=s1 but Geor9e !us:1
!i9 Man on t:e Ando>er ca8<us1 =ould :a>e been a fi9ure of so8e note under t:e cloc; in
t:e !ilt8ore durin9 t:e earl3 12)57s1 =:ic: see8s to be t:e e<oc: in =:ic: t:is e<isode is
!us:7s de>otion to racist 9enetic deter8inis8 recalls a sli9:tl3 earlier fi9ure of t:e Eastern
Liberal Establis:8ent in literatureC t:is is t:e A8or3 !laine of ? Scott itA9erald7s T:is
Side of %aradise? or t:e e9otist A8or3 !laine1 =:ose 8otto =as FI ;no= 83self1 but t:at
is all1F and =:o called out to an arc:- traitor and arc:->illain FGood-b31 Aaron !urr1 3ou
and I ;ne= stran9e corners of life1F =as also a belie>er in t:e su<eriorit3 of =:ites and
blondes? As A8or3 tells one of :is colle9e friends"
*e too; t:e 3ear-boo;s for t:e last ten 3ears and loo;ed at t:e <ictures of t:e senior
council? I ;no= 3ou don7t t:in; 8uc: of t:at au9ust bod31 but it does re<resent success :ere
in a 9eneral =a3? *ell1 I su<<ose onl3 about t:rit3-fi>e <er cent of e>er3 class :ere are
blonds1 are reall3 li9:t--3et t=o-t:irds of e>er3 senior council are li9:t? *e loo;ed at
<ictures of ten 3ears of t:e81 8ind 3ouC t:at 8eans t:at out of e>er3 fifteen li9:t-:aired
8en in t:e senior class one is on t:e senior council1 and of t:e dar;-:aired 8en it7s onl3 one
in fift3? Gfn -H
T:e ot:er fi9ure fro8 ? Scott itA9erald =:o s:ares traits =it: !us: is Nic; Carra=a31 t:e
recent (ale 9raduate =:o is t:e narrator of T:e Great Gatbs3? Nic; Carra=a3 =as
fascinated b3 &a3 Gatbs3 and ot:er deniAens of t:e de8i-8onde of or9aniAed cri8e1
recallin9 Geor9e !us:7s lon9 <ersonal friends:i< =it: ,on Arono= and ot:ers of t:e Me3er
Lans;3 8ilieu in lorida?
Ot:er as<ects of !us:7s outloo; and 8ode of eE<ression can be traced bac; to ,in; Sto>er
at (ale1 a series of bo37s no>els b3 O=en &o:nson =:ic: be9an co8in9 out after t:e irst
*orld *ar1 Bust after t:e Harri8an brot:ers1 %rescott !us:1 and Neil Mallon :ad 9raduated?
,in; Sto>er =as a <re<<3 fro8 La=rence>ille =:o tal;ed about de8ocrac3 and e@ualit3
durin9 :is first t:ree 3ears at (ale? He al=a3s :el<ed old ladies and did t:e ri9:t t:in9?
*:en Ta< ,a3 rolled around1 ,in; Sto>er =as ta<<ed b3 S;ull and !ones? #e3 ele8ents of
!us:7s <ublic 8as;1 or <ersona1 corres<ond to t:e co88unit3-ser>ice oriented do-9ooder
,in; Sto>er1 an earl3 addition to t:e t:ousand <oints of li9:t?
!us:7s lan9ua9e is t:e 8irror of :is <ersonalit31 and it 8erits 8ore t:an cursor3
eEa8ination? T:e 8ost outstandin9 @ualit3 of !us:s<ea; is first of all its 9arbled
inco:erence and lost s3ntaE? In one of :is debates =it: ,u;a;is on Se<te8ber $+1 12//1
!us: co88ented on t:e nu8ber of t:e :o8eless =:o are 8entall3 ill" !ut-- and I-- loo;1
8ental-- t:at =as a little o>erstated-- I7d sa3 about '5 <ercent? Gfn .H So8e 8a3 clai8 t:at
t:e 8ost dissociated utterances b3 !us: are not :is o=n res<onsibilit31 but result rat:er
fro8 !us:7s atte8<t to re9ur9itate t:e contents of >erbal briefin9s and briefin9 boo;s? T:is
assertion :as a s<ecious credibilit3? In :3<er-<re<ared a<<earances li;e t:e debate =it:
,u;a;is1 !us: does :a>e a tendenc3 to s<out lines t:at 8iE u< <:rases and one-liners t:at
:e :as drilled? In an ans=er on defense <olic3 durin9 t:e sa8e debate =it: ,u;a;is1 !us:
stated" F*e are 9oin9 to 8a;e so8e c:an9es and so8e tou9: c:oices before =e 9o to t:e
de<lo38ent on t:e Mid9et8an 8issle1 or on t:e Minute8an1 =:ate>er it is? *e7re 9oin9 to
:a>e to- - t:e MM? *e7re 9oin9 to :a>e to do t:at?F And t:en :e added" FIt7s C:rist8as?F
And t:en1 as t:e audience lau9:ed1 F*ouldn7t it be nice to be t:e ice8an so 3ou ne>er 8a;e
a 8ista;eDF T:e reference to C:rist8as =as intended to be self- ironicC on Se<te8ber .1
12//1 !us: :ad announced t:at it =as %earl Harbor ,a3C no=1 on Se<te8ber $+1 :e =as
announcin9 t:at it =as C:rist8as?
!ut 9arbled inco:erence is so 8uc: a sta<le of !us:7s s<o;en discourse t:at it cannot be
attributed solel3 to t:e <ressure of :is :andlersC it is a life-lon9 :abit =:ic: :as beco8e
8ore accentuated durin9 t:e 3ears of :is <residenc3? In ebruar3 12//1 !us: told
<ros<ecti>e >oters in t:e Ne= Ha8<s:ire <ri8ar3"
I :a>e a tendenc3 to a>oid on and on and on1 elo@uent <leas? I don7t tal; 8uc:1 but I
belie>e1 8a3be not articulate 8uc:1 but I feel? Gfn /H
*as !us: =orried about not bein9 an eEcitin9 candidateD FC:aris8a s:ortD Needin9 a
c:aris8a trans<lantD Not 8uc:1F =as :is reBoinder? A :i9: sc:ool student of #noE>ille1
Tennessee =anted to ;no= if :is <resident =ould see; ideas fro8 forei9n countries to
i8<ro>e education? !us:7s ri<oste"
*ell1 I78 9oin9 to ;ic; t:at one ri9:t into t:e end Aone of t:e Secretar3 of Education?
!ut1 3es1 =e :a>e all-- :e tra>els a 9ood deal1 9oes abroad? *e :a>e a lot of <eo<le in t:e
de<art8ent t:at does t:at? *e7re :a>in9 an international-- t:is is not as 8uc: education as
dealin9 =it: t:e en>iron8ent--a bi9 international conference co8in9 u<? And =e 9et it all
t:e ti8e--eEc:an9es of ideas? !ut I t:in; =e7>e 9ot-- =e set out t:ere-- and I =ant to 9i>e
credit to 3our Go>ernor Mc*:erter and to 3our for8er Go>ernor La8ar AleEander-- =e7>e
9otten 9reat ideas for a national 9oals <ro9ra8 fro8--in t:is countr3 -- fro8 t:e 9o>ernors
=:o =ere res<ondin9 to1 8a3be1 t:e <rinci<al of 3our :i9: sc:ool1 for :ea>en7s sa;e? Gfn 2H
In a s<eec: to 9raduatin9 colle9e seniors1 !us: described t:e >isit of t:e ne= CAec:oslo>a;
%resident1 6acla> Ha>el1 to t:e *:ite House in earl3 1225"
And t:e loo; on :is face1 as t:e 8an =:o =as in Bail an d3in91 or li>in9 -- =:ate>er-- for
freedo81 stood out t:ere1 :o<in9 a9ainst :o<e for freedo8? Gfn 15H
!us: once ad8itted t:at :e :ad difficult3 ;ee<in9 t:e 8ost ele8entar3 sense of direction in
:is 8ental lifeC :e told a 9rou< of sc:ool c:ildren1 FI read so 8uc: so8eti8es I start to read
bac;=ards1 =:ic: is not >er3 9ood?F Gfn 11H
!us: is a bureaucrat and ad8inistrator at :eart1 =it: all t:e sinister o>ertones t:ese :a>e
ri9:tl3 ac@uired durin9 t:e t=entiet: centur3? His discourse is :i9:l3 bureaucratic1 and is
fa8ous for bein9 so? !us:7s obsessions =it: Ft:in9sF1 as in t:e notorious F>ision t:in91F
reflects t:e essence of Aristotelian bureaucratic catalo9uin9? *e sa= t:e Fad>ersar3 t:in9F
bac; in 12.-C since t:en =e :a>e seen t:e FSu<er Tuesda3 t:in91F Ft:e >ice <residential
t:in91F and a nostal9ic 9lance at Ft:is drillin9 t:in91F in reference to !us:7s FeE<erience in
offs:ore drillin9?F Gfn 1$H *:en !us: tal;ed b3 tele<:one =it: t:e astronauts of t:e s<ace
s:uttle Atlantis1 :e as;ed1 FHo= =as t:e actual de<lo38ent t:in9DF So8eti8es t:is can
e>en occur in t:e <lural1 as in t:is reference to :is do9 Millie7s <u<<ies" F#ids Bust lo>e
t:ose little fuAA3 t:in9s?F !us:7s lan9ua9e is also <e<<ered =it: t:e acron38s of t:e inside-
t:e-belt=a3 *as:in9ton functionar3? FM3 allied collea9ues and I s:ould a9ree to ta;e u<
t:ese ideas at t:e C?S?C?E? su88it t:is fall1 to be :eld around t:e si9nin9 of t:e C??E?
treat31F !us: said on one occasion? T:ose =:o do not ;no= =:at GATT1 S%Rs1 G-.1 Start1
Coco81 OTS1 and C:a<ter 6II 8ean are 9oin9 to :a>e a :ard ti8e follo=in9 !us:s<ea;?
Gfn 1'H And li;e all bureaucrats1 !us: lo>es t:e <assi>e >oice? His stoc; re<l3 on Iran-
contra =as1 FMista;es =ere 8ade?F *:o 8ade t:e8D !us:7s ans=er1 =:ic: :e alle9es is
borro=ed fro8 (o9i !erra1 =as F,on7t 8a;e t:e =ron9 8ista;es?F
6er3 often !us:7s <ronounce8ents are desi9ned for self-defense a9ainst :is detractors? In
t:e s<rin9 of 12//1 !us: =as as;ed :is reaction to Garr3 Trudeau7s ,oonesbur3 co8ic
stri<1 and to t:e <olitical satire of ,ana Car>e3 of Saturda3 Ni9:t Li>e? !us: ans=ered"
I used to 9et tense about t:at? M3 8ot:er still does? S:e7s /.? S:e doesn7t li;e it =:en
<eo<le sa3 untrue and u9l3 t:in9s about :er little bo3? Ha>in9 said t:at1 it doesn7t bot:er 8e
an3 8ore? (ou ;no= =:31 because =e too; a tre8endous <oundin91 not Bust fro8 elitists
li;e ,oonesbur31 co8in9 out of t:e elite of t:e elite1 but untrue alle9ations1 and 3ou ;no= I
don7t =orr3 about it an38ore1 because t:e A8erican <eo<le don7t belie>e all t:is stuff? So
I78 sa3in91 =:3 s:ould I be all u<ti9:tD Gfn 1)H Alt:ou9: :e li;es to su99ests t:at it is :is
o<<onents =:o are t:e real elitist1 so8eti8es !us: :as to defend :is o=n <atrician social
bac;9round a9ainst criticis8? *:en !us: =as ca8<ai9nin9 in Ne= &erse3 before t:e 12//
<ri8ar31 :e =as as;ed if t:e <atrician 9o>ernor of t:at state1 To8 #ean1 :ad a bac;9round
so si8ilar to !us:7s t:at :e could not be considered as !us:7s >ice <residential runnin9
8ate? !us:7s re<l3"
,id t:e3 as; To8 #ean =:en :e =as a 9reat success in business1 a 9reat success in
9o>ern8ent1 did t:e3 as; =:ere :e =ent to sc:ool or =:at :is bac;9round =asD ,id t:e3
sa31 7To81 3ou can7t be a >er3 9ood 9o>ernor because 3ou =eren7t born in a lo9 cabin in t:e
8iddle of Ne=ar;7D No1 t:e3 didn7t as; t:at???? So I don7t =orr3 about fittin9 into so8e ;ind
of 8old? It7s =:at 3ou feel1 =:at 3ou belie>e1 =:at ;ind of eE<erience 3ou7>e :ad?F Gfn 1+H
Man3 ti8es t:e <ur<ose of !us:7s re8ar;s is to e>ade @uestions? He often refused to tal;
about :is role in Iran-contra" FI for9ot to tell 3ou1 I don7t tal; about =:at I told t:e
<resident1F =as a fa>orite line? *:o =ould be :is runnin9 8ateD FI for9ot to tell 3ou1 I78
not in t:e s<eculation business?F *ould :e <ur9e t:e Rea9anitesD FI for9ot to tell 3ou1 =e7re
9oin9 to :a>e =:olesale c:an9e?F Gfn 1-H
!us: :as called :i8self Fa restrained ;ind of 9u3?F He :as often denied :a>in9 Fa rancor in
t:ereF a9ainst :is o<<osition1 but :is ra9e states :a>e beco8e increasin9l3 difficult to
control o>er t:e 3ears? He =as unable to control :is te8<er =:en defendin9 :is ;o=-to= to
,en9 Miao-<in9 durin9 12/2C after a rantin9 defense of :is C:ina <olic3 :e t:an;ed t:e
<ress for t:eir @uestions1 sa3in9" FSo1 I78 9lad 3ou as;ed it because t:en I >ented a s<leen
:ere?F Gfn 1.H !us:7s ra9e e<isodes :a>e often been associated =it: <ublic criticis8?
Co88entin9 once a9ain on t:e ,oonesbur3 co8ic stri<1 !us: once confessed" Four 3ears
a9o I7d 9o ballistic =:en I read so8e of t:is stuff? !ut :e31 let :i8 do :is t:in91 and I7ll do
8ine?F F!allisticF for !us: refers to a ra9e fit =:ic: 8i9:t cause :i8 to c:e= on t:e *:ite
House car<etsC t:is is a not infre@uent e>ent? or lesser tantru8s !us: :as coined anot:er
eE<ression1 Fse8i-ballistic1F as in an off:and re8ar; durin9 t:e 12// ca8<ai9n about :is
feelin9s =:en 9i>en s<eec: drafts =:ic: :e finds unsuitable" FE>er3bod3 on t:is air<lane
=ill :a>e seen 8e se8i-ballistic =:en <eo<le :and 8e t:in9s t:at I78 si8<l3 not 9oin9 to
Anot:er feelin9 state =:ic:1 Bud9in9 fro8 t:e e>idence of :is state8ents1 is 8eanin9ful for
!us: is t:e state of bein9 Ffrantic?F ,urin9 t:e 12// ca8<ai9n1 !us: =as as;ed about :is
tendenc3 to assail ,u;a;is? !us: re<liedF
I don7t feel frantic? I don7t feel under an3 ti8e constraints? T:ere is a little bit of c:olesterol
rise1 t:e frustration le>el 9oin9 u<? So I78 9ettin9 a little bit 8ore co8bati>e? Gfn 1/H
,urin9 12/21 !us: still faced 9rillin9 about Iran-contra fro8 a re<orter? F(ou7re burnin9 u<
ti8e? T:e 8eter is runnin9 t:rou9: t:e sand on 3ou1 and I a8 no= filibusterin91F taunted
!us:? Gfn 12H !us:7s <attern of uncontrollable ra9e states beca8e =orse durin9 12251 in t:e
inter=ar <eriod bet=een %ana8a and Ira@? ,urin9 ebruar3 12251 !us: ca8e under fire for
du<licit31 l3in9 to t:e <ress1 and eEcessi>e secret di<lo8ac3? After a ni9:t7s slee< on Air
orce One on t:e =a3 to an anti-dru9 su88it in Colo8bia1 !us: ca8e out of :is @uarters
to confront t:e tra>ellin9 <ress cor<s in a =a3 t:at t:e *as:in9ton %ost corres<ondent
found Fbot: test3 and teasin9?F !us:1 >isibl3 furious1 announced Fa =:ole ne=
relations:i<F =it: re<orters? Fro8 no= on it7s 9onna be a little different? I t:in; =e :a>e
too 8an3 <ress conferences1F ranted !us:? FIt7s not 9ood? It7s o>ereE<osure to t:e t:in9?F
Had :e not sle<t =ellD1 as;ed one re<orter? !us: re<lied1
I can7t 9o into t:e details of t:at? !ecause so8eone =ill t:in; it7s too 8uc: slee<1 so8eone
=ill t:in; it7s too little? I7ll 9i>e 3ou a little insi9:t into t:at? I :ad a >er3 9ood ni9:t7s slee<?
And I7>e ne>er-- if I felt better it7d be a fra8e-u<? T:ere7s so8et:in9 3ou can use?
!us: =as incensed because :e :ad denied t:at t:ere =as about to be a four-<o=er
conference on t:e future of Ger8an31 and suc: a conference =as announced t:e neEt da3?
!us: :ad been 8isleadin9 about :is <lans for t:e Malta su88it =it: Gorbac:o>1 and :e
:ad ;e<t secret t:e 8ission of Sco=croft and Ea9lebur9er to !eiBin9 on &ul3 )1 12/2?
6arious <ress accounts :ad noted t:ese discre<ancies1 and !us: =as no= :a>in9 a fit?
*ould :e be si9nin9 a Boint co88uni@ue at t:e dru9 su88it =it: Colo8bia1 %eru and
I :ate to be secreti>e1 sa3 not:in9 of dece<ti>e? !ut I78 not 9oin9 to tell 3ou t:at? *ould :e
discuss <ossible US 8ilitar3 interdiction of dru9 traffic;in9D I78 not 9oin9 to discuss =:at
I78 9onna brin9 u<? *ould t:e dru9 su88it brin9 an3 sur<rise <ro<osalsD I78 not 9onna
discuss =:et:er t:ere are an3 sur<rises or not? T:is is a ne= t:in9? A ne= a<<roac:? E>en if
I don7t discuss it? I78 not 9oin9 to discuss it?
*ould t:e Colo8bian 9o>ern8ent no= abandon its <olic3 of eEtraditin9 dru9 traffic;ersD
!us:" I :a>e no co88ent =:atsoe>er on t:at? L" ,id 3ou ;no= about itD !us:" I :a>e no
co88ents on =:et:er I ;ne= about it? L" Is it trueD !us:" I can7t co88ent on =:et:er it7s
true or not?
L" ,id =e turn 3ou into t:isD
!us:" (es? *:en I told 3ou???t:at I didn7t t:in; t:ere =ould be a deal Gon t:e four-<o=er
conference on Ger8an3H1 and t:en t:e3 s:ortl3 8ade a deal1 and I78 :it for decie>in9 3ou?
So fro8 no= on it7s 9oin9 to be a little different?
*ould :e sc:edule a su88it =it: Gorbac:o> for &une1 1225D !us: a9ain refused to
ans=er1 F!ecause I78 not 9onna be burned for :oldin9 out or doin9 so8et:in9 dece<ti>e?F
Later t:e sa8e afternoon1 Marlin itA=ater1 t:e to< *:ite House s<in doctor1 atte8<ted to
inter<ret =:at :ad been an infantile fit of ra9e b3 assurin9 t:e re<orters" FHe =as Bust
;iddin9? He =as :a>in9 fun?F Gfn $5H In retros<ect1 it is also clear t:at !us:7s t:3roid =as
also on t:e =ar<at:?
Later t:e sa8e s<rin91 !us: =ent se8i-ballistic =:en re<orters declined to Boin :i8 for
Bo99in9 at ."1+ AM in Colu8bia1 Sout: Carolina? T:e *:ite House re<orters all 9ot a
=a;e-u< call at . AM callin9 on t:e8 to Boin !us: for Bo99in9 in 1+ 8inutesC usuall3 t:e
re<orters =atc: !us: fro8 t:e sidelines1 but t:is ti8e :e =as 8a9nani8ousl3 in>itin9 t:e8
to co8e runnin9 =it: :i8? T:ere =ere no >olunteers? !us: t:en bullied Rita !ea8is: of
Associated %ress into runnin9 =it: :i81 1' la<s around a football field for a total of $+
8inutes? !ut e>en after t:at eEertion1 !us: =as still full of fur3? He <roceeded to launc: a
diatribe at t:e <ress cor<s"
T:e rest of 3ou laA3 9u3s1 9et out t:ere and run? A fit A8erica is a fine A8erica? A fit
A8erica is a stron9 A8erica? A fit A8erica s:ould include <:oto do9s G!us:s<ea; for
<:oto9ra<:ersH as =ell as <rint re<orters =:o slo>enl3 sit bac; in t:e 9randstands =:ile
so8e of us are out runnin9?
!us: t:en attac;ed t:e Fboo8 8en1F =:o :old 8icro<:ones on lon9 <oles to <ic; u< !us:7s
re8ar;s? Not lon9 before1 a boo8 8an :ad accidentall3 dro<<ed a 8icro<:one on a table in
t:e O>al Office1 and !us: :ad a<o<lecticall3 co8<lained of ruined anti@uesC :ad it been t:e
T:eodore Roose>elt des;D !us: railed t:at if t:e boo8 8en eEercised 8ore1 t:e3 =ould
:a>e 8ore Fstren9t: in t:e forear8s to ;ee< t:ese 8icro<:ones u< in t:e air?F One re<orter
res<onded to t:e tirade" FI do not 9et <aid to <la3 =it: t:e <resident =:en :e feels li;e
<la3in9?F Gfn $1H
*:en on >acation1 !us: :as al=a3s 8aintained a frenetic1 :3<er;inetic <ace? After =innin9
t:e 12// election1 !us: re<aired to ,elra3 !eac:1 lorida1 to ca>ort =it: :is <lutocrat
friend *illia8 Sta8<s arris: III? ,es<ite t:e eE:austin9 ri9ors of t:e ca8<ai9n1 !us:
Fs<ent t:e bul; of :is da3 eEercisin9 and restin9" a @uarter-8ile s=i81 a $5-8inute run1 and
a na<?F He ca8e bac; fro8 a t=o-8ile run in an Fu<beat1 al8ost 9idd3 8ood?F Gfn $$H
!us:7s :3<er;inetic antics at #ennebun;<ort durin9 Se<te8ber1 12/2 =ere described as
follo=s b3 a first-:and obser>er"
It =as Bust an a>era9e da3 on %resident !us:7s >acation?
Hun9erin9 to catc: a bluefis:1 :e <ac;ed u< :is s<eedboat idelit3 and :eaded out to sea?
!ut =:en :e re8e8bered t:at :e :ad for9otten irst Lad3 !arbara !us:1 :e turned t:e boat
around and accidentall3 ran o>er a board1 =:ic: bro;e a <ro<eller?
Undeterred b3 :is disabled boat1 t:e <resident too; :is <art3 to t:e :orses:oe <it1 =:ere
t:e3 tossed se>eral 9a8es for about )+ 8inutes as Mr? !us: eEclai8ed1 FMr? S8oot: does
it a9ainF =it: eac: rin9er? !ut soon t:at 9ot old1 and it =as ti8e to :ead to t:e 9olf course
for 1/ :oles?
T:is is %resident !us:1 a 8an of nearl3 8anic 8o>e8ent? All durin9 :is >acation1 t:e last
t:in9 :e did =as relaE? He7s u< at t:e crac; of da=n for Bo99in91 out on t:e tennis courts1
teein9 off for 9olf1 <itc:in9 :orses:oes1 fis:in91 s=i88in91 entertainin9 friends?
!us:1 in su81 Fcan7t sit stillFC :e e>en acce<ted a dare fro8 :is 9randc:ildren and do>e off a
stone <ier into t:e Atlantic Ocean1 =:ic: is ;e<t cold alon9 t:e Maine coast b3 t:e fri9id
Labrador current? Gfn $'H
Geor9e Herbert *al;er :ad refor8ed t:e rules of 9olf1 eli8inatin9 t:e st38ieC Geor9e !us:
transfor8ed t:e 9a8e into a 8anic eEercise called Fs<eed 9olf1F =:ose obBect is to
co8<lete 1/ :oles in t:e briefest <ossible inter>al of ti8e? Accordin9 to one Bournalist =:o
atte8<ted to 8atc: !us:7s record of 1 :our '. 8inutes for a t:reeso8e1 as co8<ared =it:
al8ost four :ours for leisurel3 9olfers? S<eed 9olf 8a3 not be for e>er3one1
but it is %resident !us:7s 9a8e1 :o=e>er? He calls it cart <olo? !us: :as ta;en a leisurel3
9a8e and turned it into =:at one re<orter called a forced 8arc:-- on =:eels? FHe barel3
9ets out of t:e cart1 =:ac;s it1 and :e7s 9one1F sa3s S<i;e He8in=a31 !us:7s lon9ti8e
friend and fre@uent <la3in9 <artner? Ot:ers :a>e dubbed it aerobic 9olf1 or 9olf in t:e fast
lane? F,o 3ou ;no= =:o t:e =inner is in s<eed 9olfDF a %ortland1 Maine doctor as;ed 8e?
FT:e first one in t:e :ole?F Gfn $)H
,urin9 t:e su88er of 12/21 F!us: re>ealed :i8self to be a <la3ful 3et relentless
eE:ibitionist1F =rote anot:er co88entator? FHe =as fore>er restless and rarel3 alone?F Out
on t:e 9olf course1 :e called for silence" FAll ri9:t1 t:e cro=d is :us:ed? T:e3 sense t:at
Mr? S8oot: is bac;?F Later1 =:en it ca8e ti8e to <la3 tennis1 !us: ordered a <ress aide to
round u< t:e <:oto do9s and re<orters to Fco8e see =:at Mr? S8oot: is li;e on t:e courts?F
Gfn $+H or Ne=s=ee;1 !us:7s routine =as a F<entat:lon?F
!us:7s desire for frenetic 8o>e8ent1 see;in9 in s<ace =:at :as been lost in ti8e1 carries
o>er into :is notorious <enc:ant for forei9n tra>el? !3 &ul31 12211 :e :ad lo99ed ''21$+.
8iles on Air orce One1 and >isited '$ countries1 :a>in9 sur<assed in less t:an '5 8ont:s
t:e <re>ious record set b3 NiEon bet=een 12-2 and 12.)? Gfn $-H
!us: :as a :istor3 of <s3c:oso8atic illness? ,urin9 t:e 12+57s1 =:en :e =as in :is earl3
t:irties1 :e :ad been1 accordin9 to :is o=n account1 a Fc:ronic =orrier?F One 8ornin9
durin9 a F:ectic business tri< to LondonF !us: :ad fainted in :is :otel roo81 and =as
unable to 9et to :is feet? A :otel doctor t:ou9:t :e :ad food <oisonin9? !us: sa3s :e later
sou9:t treat8ent fro8 ,r? Lillo Crain at t:e TeEas Medical Center? ,r? Crain told !us: t:at
:e :ad a bleedin9 ulcer? FGeor9e1 3ou7re a classic ulcer t3<e1F !us: sa3s :e =as told b3 ,r?
Crain? FA 3oun9 business8an =it: onl3 one s<eed1 all-out? (ou tr3 to do too 8uc: and 3ou
=orr3 too 8uc:?F !us: sa3s :e eE<ressed doubt t:ere =as an3 c:ance :e could c:an9e :is
=a3s? T:e doctor re<lied1 FT:ere7d better be1 or 3ou =on7t be around in ten 3ears1 8a3be
fi>e?F ,r? Crain added" FIf 3ou =ant to ;ee< t:is fro8 :a<<enin9 a9ain1 it7s u< to 3ou?F Gfn
$.H !us: clai8s :e =or;ed at Fc:annelin9 83 ener9iesF1 and Fne>er suffered a rela<se?F
After !us:7s Ma3 151 12/2 *:ite House <:3sical eEa8ination1 a c3st =as found on t:e
t:ird fin9er of !us:7s ri9:t :andC t:is =as sur9icall3 re8o>ed in October1 12/21 and
<ronounced beni9n? T:is =as alle9edl3 !us:7s onl3 <roble8? On A<ril 1$1 12251 *:ite
House <:3sician ,r? !urton Lee announced t:at !us: Fis in trul3 eEcellent :ealt:?F FHe
continues to ;ee< eEtre8el3 fit t:rou9: >i9orous <:3sical acti>it3?F !us: =as dia9nosed
=it: Fearl3 9lauco8aF in :is left e3e1 a condition t:at =as treated =it: !eta9en e3e dro<s?
M-ra3s of !us:7s :i<s and bac; confir8ed t:e <resence of a F8ild de9enerati>e
osteoart:ritis1F =:ic: alle9edl3 :ad been disco>ered b3 <re>ious eEa8inations? Gfn $H On
Marc: $.1 12211 !us: =as 9i>en anot:er routine <:3sical1 and t:e *:ite House doctors
0and s<in doctors4 announced once a9ain t:at t:eir c:ar9e =as in FeEcellent :ealt:?F
On Ma3 )1 12211 !us: deli>ered an address at t:e co88ence8ent eEercises of t:e
Uni>ersit3 of Mic:i9an at Ann Arbor? T:is ca8<us :ad been t:e site of t:e first anti-=ar
teac: in of t:e 6ietna8 e<oc:1 in 12-+1 and t:e Ann Arbor ca8<us :ad been t:e scene of
si9nificant anti-=ar acti>it3 durin9 !us:7s Gulf ad>enture? Toda3 !ar =as also <resent? His
ne= s<eec: =riter Ton3 Sno=1 t:e for8er editorial <a9e editor of t:e Moonie *as:in9ton
Ti8es :ad contributed to a s<eec: attac;in9 t:e ca8<us in@uisition called F<olitical
correctness?F T:e scene =as t:e ca>ernous Mic:i9an Stadiu8 sout: of t:e 8ain ca8<us1 a
lar9er >ersion of t:e Circus MaEi8us in Ro8e? !us: =as loo;in9 for a =ed9e issue for t:e
122$ ca8<ai9n1 and t:e ca8<us dictators of t:e <oliticall3 correct =ere a bi9 tar9et? T:ere
=ere :ec;lers =it: si9ns denouncin9 !us:1 so :e launc:ed into :is teEt =it: >i9or"
Alt:ou9: t:e 8o>e8ent arises fro8 t:e laudable desire to s=ee< a=a3 t:e debris of racis8
and seEis8 and :atred1 it re<laces old <reBudice =it: ne= ones? It declares certain to<ics
off-li8its1 certain eE<ressions off-li8its1 e>en certain 9estures off- li8its???In t:eir o=n
Or=ellian =a31 crusades t:at de8and correct be:a>ior crus: di>ersit3 in t:e na8e of
At t:is <oint t:e :ec;lers ca8e to life =it: loud c:ants of F!us: lies?F Since t:e be9innin9
of t:e Gulf crisis1 !us: :ad been confronted b3 :ostile de8onstrators? *e ;no= fro8 :is
12-+ debate =it: Ronnie ,u99er :o= 8uc: :e =as u<set b3 suc: FeEtre8ists?F T:e c:ants
;e<t 9oin9 as t:e infuriated !us: stru99led to be :eard?
T:e <o=er to create also rests on ot:er freedo8s1 es<eciall3 t:e freedo8 -- and I t:in;
about t:at ri9:t no= -- to s<ea; one7s 8ind? I :ad t:is =ritten into t:e s<eec:1 and I didn7t
e>en ;no= if t:ese 9u3s =ere 9oin9 to be :ere?
T:e de8onstrators ;e<t u< t:e c:orus of F!us: lies?F !us:7s te8<erature =as risin9 fro8
se8i-ballistic to ballistic? He told t:e students to
???fi9:t bac; a9ainst t:e borin9 <olitics of di>ision and derision? Let7s trust our friends and
collea9ues to res<ond to reason????And I re8ind 83self a lot of t:is" *e 8ust con@uer t:e
te8<tation to assi9n bad 8oti>es to <eo<le =:o disa9ree =it: us? Gfn $2H
After t:is s<eec:1 !us: fle= to Andre=s Air orce base and t:ence b3 :elico<ter to Ca8<
,a>id? ,urin9 t:is <eriod1 !us:7s *:ite House c:ief of staff1 &o:n Sununu1 :ad beco8e t:e
tar9et of <ublic criticis8 because of :is fre@uent use of 8ilitar3 aircraft for =ee;end
>acations and s;iin9 tri<s? !o3 Gra3 :ad co8e for=ard as t:e enforcer of *:ite House
tra>el re9ulations a9ainst Sununu1 =:ose 8otto =as re<ortedl3 Ffl3 free or die?F T:ere =ere
also 8o>es afoot to re-o<en t:e 12/5 October sur<rise in>esti9ation1 al=a3s a <oint of
i88ense >ulnerabilit3 for !us:? He :ad been forced to den3 once a9ain on Ma3 ' t:at :e
:ad en9a9ed in secret dealin9s =it: t:e #:o8eini re9i8e to dela3 t:e release of t:e US
:osta9es in Te:eran?
Sli9:tl3 after '"'5 %M1 !us: 9at:ered :is retinue of Secret Ser>ice a9ents and announced
t:at it =as ti8e to 9o Bo99in9? After about '5 8inutes1 :e be9an co8<lainin9 of fati9ue and
s:ortness of breat:? He t:en <roceeded to t:e Ca8< ,a>id infir8ar31 =:ere Mic:ael Nas:1
one of :is resident tea8 of doctors1 deter8ined t:at !us: =as eE<eriencin9 atrial
fibrillation1 an irre9ularit3 of t:e :eartbeat? Nas: reco88ended t:at !us: 9o to !et:esda
Medical Center for treat8ent? !us: arri>ed at !et:esda at - %M?
T:e ne=s t:at !us: :ad entered t:e :os<ital at !et:esda =as flas:ed b3 =ire ser>ices
around t:e <lanet? !us: =as eE:ibitin9 a fast1 irre9ular :eart r:3t:8? T:e :eart =as
=or;in9 less efficientl31 <roducin9 a tendenc3 for s:ortness of breat:1 li9:t- :eadedness1
and e>en faintin9? So8eti8es atrial fibrillation is associated =it: a :eart attac;1 or =it:
da8a9e to a :eart >al>e? T:e first ste< in !us:7s treat8ent =as t:e atte8<t to slo= t:e :eart
rate and to restore t:e nor8al r:3t:8? After an :our of tests1 doctors 9a>e !us: di9oEin1 a
dru9 used to restore t:e usual :eart r:3t:8? *:en t:e di9oEin <ro>ed unable to do t:e Bob
alone1 !us:7s <:3sicians be9an to ad8inister anot:er :eart 8edication1 <rocaina8ide?
T:ou9: doctors clai8ed t:at !us: s:o=ed Fso8e indications of a <ositi>e res<onseF to t:is
t:era<31 !us:7s :eart irre9ularit3 =as resistant to t:e 8edicines and <ersisted t:rou9:
Sunda31 Ma3 +? ,octors also be9an to ad8inister an anticoa9ultant dru91 Cou8adin1 in
addition to as<irin? !us: =as t:us bein9 ;e<t 9oin9 =it: four different 8edications?
At t:is <oint1 !us:7s 8edical tea8 =as forced to conte8<late resortin9 to
electrocardio>ersion1 a <rocedure in =:ic: an electric s:oc; is ad8inistered to t:e :eart1
8o8entaril3 sto<<in9 t:e :eart and resettin9 its r:3t:8? T:is <ros<ect =as enou9: to create
a crisis of t:e entire re9i8e1 since electrocardio>ersion =ould :a>e re@uired !us: to
under9o 9eneral anest:esia1 =:ic: in turn =ould :a>e 8andated t:e transfer of <residential
<o=ers to 6ice %resident ,an Lua3le? !ac; in 12/+1 =e :a>e seen t:at !us: =as t:e
beneficiar3 of suc: a transfer =:en Rea9an under=ent sur9er3 for colon cancer?
T:e transfer =ould :a>e been acco8<lis:ed under Section III of t:e T=ent3-ift:
A8end8ent of t:e Constitution1 =:ic: states t:at
*:ene>er t:e %resident trans8its to t:e %resident <ro te8<ore of t:e Senate and t:e
S<ea;er of t:e House of Re<resentati>es :is =ritten declaration t:at :e is unable to
disc:ar9e t:e <o=ers and duties of :is office1 and until :e trans8its to t:e8 a =ritten
declaration to t:e contrar31 suc: <o=ers and duties s:all be disc:ar9ed b3 t:e 6ice
%resident as Actin9 %resident?
T:e s<ecter of Actin9 %resident ,an Lua3le brou9:t fort: a =a>e of <ublic eE<ressions of
consternation and dis8a3? Accordin9 to a *as:in9ton %ost-A!C <ublic o<inion <oll
<ublis:ed Ma3 .1 +.R of t:ose res<ondin9 said t:at in t:eir o<inion Lua3le =as not
@ualified to ta;e o>er as Actin9 %resident? In t:e ni9:t bet=een Sunda3 Ma3 + and Monda3
Ma3 -1 !us: =as still eE<eriencin9 s<oradic e<isodes of an irre9ular :eartbeat? !ut on t:e
8ornin9 of Monda31 Ma3 - :is doctors suddenl3 <ronounced :i8 fit to return to t:e O>al
Office1 =:ere :e =as seated at :is des; b3 2"'5 AM1 and resu8ed =:at =as described as
:is nor8al =or; sc:edule? T:e doctors conceded onl3 t:at t:e3 :ad as;ed !us: to curtail
:is usual frenetic sc:edule of recreational s<orts?
!us: returned to =or; =ired =it: a <ortable :eart 8onitor? T:is =as a de>ice about t:e siAe
of a tele<:one <a9er1 =it: =:ite =ires leadin9 to <atc:es on :is c:est =:ic: 8easured t:e
rate of :is :eartbeat? !us: stated t:at :e =as F!ac; to nor8al and t:e sa8e old 8e?F He
declined to s:o= off :is :eart 8onitor =it: t:e @ui< F,o 3ou t:in; I78 L3ndon &o:nsonDF
L!& :ad <ulled u< :is s:irt to s:o= re<orters a scar on :is sto8ac: after a 9all bladder
o<eration? Gfn '5H
On Ma3 .1 !us:7s c:ief attendin9 <:3sician1 ,r? !urton Lee1 9a>e a briefin9 at !et:esda in
=:ic: :e disclosed t:at !us:7s bout =it: atrial fibrillation :ad been caused b3 an o>eracti>e
t:3roid 9land? Lee assured t:e <ress t:at t:e <roble8 :ad been an o>eracti>e t:r3oid
secretin9 too 8uc: of t:e :or8ore t:3roEin1 =:ic: :el<s to re9ulate t:e bod37s 8etabolic
rate? T:is :or8one 9oes into t:e circulator3 s3ste81 and t:us can disturb t:e <ro<er
functionin9 of t:e :eart? Lo=er t:e rate of <roduction of t:3roid :or8one1 and e>er3t:in9
=ould return to nor8al1 =as t:e 8essa9e? Lee said t:at !us: =ould under9o a t:3roid scan
and ot:er tests to :el< deter8ine t:e a<<ro<riate treat8ent? Contradictin9 earlier state8ents
b3 itA=ater t:at t:ere :ad been no recent dan9er si9nals re9ardin9 !us:7s :ealt:1 Lee no=
re>ealed t:at !us: :ad eE<erienced a s8all =ei9:t loss and e<isodes of unusual fati9ue
durin9 Bo99in9 o>er t:e <re>ious fe= =ee;s? T:e =ei9:t loss :ad been of ei9:t or nine
<ounds durin9 t:e 8ont: before !us: =as :os<italiAed? !us: :ad been tired enou9: to
co8<lain1 FGee =:iA1 I 8ust be 9ettin9 old1F on earlier Bo99in9s runs? Gfn '1H So8e of
!us:7s s38<to8s a<<ear to :a>e e8er9ed in ebruar31 durin9 t:e ti8e of t:e Ira@ =ar? Lee
clai8ed t:at !us: :ad ne>er under9one tests of :is t:3roid functions because :e :ad s:o=n
no s38<to8s of t:3roid disturbance-- a <atent absurdit3? Accordin9 to !urton Lee1 t:e first
indication of a t:3roid disturbance ca8e on Monda3 8ornin91 =:en a blood test s:o=ed
t:at t:e le>el of t:3roid :or8one in !us:7s blood =as abo>e nor8al? T:ese results =ere
t:en confir8ed =it: re<eated blood tests?
T:e official *:ite House line =as t:at t:is =as 9ood ne=s1 since t:3roid disorders =ere
easil3 treated? itA=ater recounted t:at FT:e %resident =as o>erBo3ed? It 8eans t:e <roble8
=as not a <roble8 =it: :is :eart and t:at it is >irtuall3 155 <ercent treatable?F !urton Lee
c:i8ed in =it: :is o<inion t:at bioc:e8ical :3<ert:3roidis8 is Feasil3 treatable?F
On Ma3 21 !us:7s doctors announced t:at :e =as sufferin9 fro8 =:at t:e3 c:ose to call
Gra>es7 disease1 a condition in =:ic: t:e t:3roid 9land beco8es enlar9ed and <roduces
eEcessi>e le>els of :or8one in res<onse to Ffalse 8essa9esF fro8 ot:er <arts of t:e bod3
about :o= 8uc: of t:e :or8one is needed? Gra>es7 disease is a disorder of t:e i88une
s3ste8 in =:ic: t:e bod3 <roduces an antibod3 =:ic: F8i8icsF t:e :or8one t:at usuall3
tells t:e t:3roid :o= 8uc: t:3roEin to <roduce? One decisi>e test =as said to :a>e in>ol>ed
!us:7s s=allo=in9 of a s8all dose of radioacti>e iodine1 follo=ed b3 obser>ation =it: a
de>ice rese8blin9 a 9ei9er counter to obtain an i8a9e of t:e t:3roid? T:is t:3roid scan
re>ealed a 9land t:at =as enlar9ed1 and absorbin9 iodine at faster t:an t:e nor8al rate?
,urin9 t:is <ress conference1 !us:7s 8edical tea8 also conceded t:at !us: :ad
eE<erienced a rene=ed bout of atrial fibrillation in t:e for8 of a Frat:er brief e<isodeF
durin9 t:e ni9:t of Tuesda31 Ma3 /?
,urin9 t:is <ress conference1 !urton Lee once a9ain re<eated t:e stor3 t:at !us:7s t:3roid
:ad ne>er been tested durin9 :is <re>ious annual or ot:er c:ec;u<s? He offered t:e esti8ate
t:at !us:7s t:3roid condition :ad de>elo<ed after :is last 8edical c:ec;u<1 =:ic: :ad been
conducted on Marc: $.1 1221? Accordin9 to ,r? #ennet: !ur8an1a t:3roid s<ecialist at
*alter Reed Ar83 Medical Center =:o :ad been assi9ned to !us:7s case1 t:e issue of
=:et:er t:3roid tests s:ould be a <art of routine <:3sical eEa8ination =as contro>ersial?
!ur8an added t:at :is <ersonal o<inion =as t:at suc: tests =ere not cost-effecti>eK %ress
re<orts reflected sur<rise on t:e <art of outside eE<erts about t:is alle9ed ne9lect of t:3roid
testin9? Also Boinin9 in t:is <ress conference =as ,r? !ruce #? Llo3d1 t:e c:ief of
cardiolo93 at !et:esda Medical Center?
!us:7s doctors announced t:at :e :ad in9ested a dose of radioacti>e iodine on t:e 8ornin9
of Ma3 2? !us: dran; t:is iodine at !et:esda? One t:3roid eE<ert1 ,r? !ruce ,? *eintraub
of t:e National Institutes of Healt:1 told t:e *as:in9ton %ost t:at as a result of t:is t:3roid
coc;tail1 =:ic: =as desi9ned to destro3 a lar9e <art of !us:7s t:3roid1 t:e <ublic 8i9:t
:encefort: see Fa slo=er and less frenetic Geor9e !us:?F Gfn '$H As a result of t:e
radioacti>e coc;tail1 !us: =as F8ildl3 radioacti>eF for a fe= da3s1 and =as told to refrain
fro8 :u99in9 :is 9randc:ildren for t:eir <rotection?
So8e eE<erts called attention to t:e alle9edl3 biAarre ano8al3 t:at !arbara !us: :ad been
dia9nosed as sufferin9 fro8 Gra>es7 disease in &anuar31 12251 in t:e i88ediate =a;e of t:e
%ana8a crisis? One of t:e antibodies associated =it: Gra>es7 disease tri99ers abnor8al
de<osits of fat be:ind t:e e3es1 leadin9 to t:e bul9in9 e3es t:at are associated in t:e <o<ular
8ind =it: :3<ert:3roid disorders? or so8e ti8e after s:e =as dia9nosed1 Mrs? !us:
suffered fro8 disturbances in :er >ision? In addition1 durin9 t:e su88er of 12251 t:e fa8il3
do9 Millie1 a s<rin9er s<aniel1 =as found to :a>e contracted lu<us1 anot:er autoi88une
disease? Millie =as treated =it: t:e steroid dru9 <rednisone1 and a<<arentl3 reco>ered?
inall31 it turned out t:at !us:7s son Mar>in1 a resident of AleEandria1 6ir9inia1 =as also
afflicted b3 an autoi88une disorder1 t:is ti8e re9ional enteritis?
As =ill s:ortl3 beco8e clear1 t:ere =ould :a>e been 9ood reason to in>esti9ate !us:7s
fre@uent e<isodes of a<o<lectic ra9e as a causal factor in t:e autoi88une disorders of :is
i88ediate fa8il3 circle? T:e 8ost li;el3 eE<lanation for t:e afflictions of Millie and
!arbara is t:at t:e3 =ere bot: dri>en frantic b3 Geor9e7s obsessi>e and ra9e-filled outbursts
in t:e *:ite House fa8il3 @uarters? T:is 8a3 :a>e included >arious for8s of 8ental and
e>en <:3sical abuse? T:e e8otional trau8a of li>in9 =it: Geor9e =ould be 8ore t:an
enou9: to <roduce autoi88une <roble8s in t:ose around :i8? %er:a<s in an atte8<t to
distract attention fro8 t:is :i9:l3 <lausible <at: of in>esti9ation1 Maril3n Lua3le =as sent
for=ard to tell CNN of a <lan to test t:e =ater at t:e >ice <resident7s residence at t:e Na>al
Obser>ator31 =:ere Geor9e and !arbara :ad li>ed for ei9:t 3ears before 8o>in9 to t:e
*:ite House? Mrs? Lua3le told t:e 8edia t:at !us:7s *:ite House <:3sicians :ad Fordered
all sorts of testsF on t:e =ater in t:e >ice <resident7s residence1 =:ic: is o>er a centur3 old?
FOb>iousl3 t:ere is a little bit of concern1F said Mrs? Lua3le? FIt see8s a little bit 8uc: of a
coincidence? I don7t =orr3 o>er8uc: about it1 but I t:in; it7s so8et:in9 t:at does bear
loo;in9 into?F Mrs? Lua3le added t:at s:e :o<ed t:e results of t:e tests Frelie>e a lot of
<eo<le7s 8inds-- definitel31 I :o<e t:e3 relie>e 8ine?F
*:at Maril3n Lua3le =as referrin9 to =as <art of a <ro9ra8 to test t:e =ater at t:e *:ite
House1 t:e Na>al Obser>ator31 Ca8< ,a>id1 and #ennebun;<ort? Sanitar3 en9ineers =ere
said to be loo;in9 for concentrations of iodine and lit:iu81 t=o c:e8icals =:ic: :ad been
lin;ed to t:3roid disorders? !us:7s doctors later said t:at t:e3 :ad ordered t:e tests in t:e
:o<es of unco>erin9 clues to t:e re8ar;able coincidence of t:ree autoi88une disorders in
t:e !us: :ouse:old1 includin9 t:e do9 Millie? !us:7s <ose =as one of studied s;e<ticis8"
F(ou7re ;iddin91F :e told re<orters? FI78 not 9oin9 to lose confidence in t:e =ater at t:e
*:ite House until =e ;no= a little 8ore about t:is1F !us: said? In an3 case1 t:e =ater at
t:e *:ite House Ftasted fine to 8e?F Gfn ''H
,urin9 t:e >isit of Lueen EliAabet: II of t:e United #in9do81 !us: described :i8self as
Fdead tiredF on one occasion durin9 t:e >isit? ,urin9 a Ma3 $5 <ress conference =it:
C:ancellor Hel8ut #o:l of Ger8an31 !us: s<o;e =it: a ras<3 >oice1 and :is attention
see8ed to =ander? *:en as;ed about :is <oor <erfor8ance =it: #o:l1 !us: conceded t:at
:e :ad eE<erienced Fslo=in9 do=n on t:e 8ental <rocesses?F On 8ore t:an one occasion1
:e see8ed to lose :is train of t:ou9:t durin9 ans=ers to t:e @uestions of t:e Bournalists?
T:e ras<3 >oice =as still noticeable in a <ress conference on Ma3 $1? On t:at sa8e da31 t:e
*:ite House announced t:e results of =:at =as billed as !us:7s first co8<lete c:ec;u<
since t:e da3 :e s=allo=ed radioacti>e iodine? T:e *:ite House said t:at !us: :ad lost a
total of 1' <ounds since t:e onset of t:e crisis1 but :ad 8ana9ed to 9ain bac; a <ound and a
:alf? Tests s:o=ed t:at !us:7s t:3roid functions =ere no= in t:e lo=-nor8al ran9e1 it =as
furt:er alle9ed? ,octors tried to eE<lain a=a3 !us:7s fati9ue b3 sa3in9 t:at it reflected t:e
bod37s adBust8ent to a t:3roid 9land =:ic: =as o>eracti>e less t:an t=o =ee;s before1 but
:ad no= <ossibl3 beco8e underacti>e as a result of t:e radioacti>e iodine t:era<31 =:ic:
:ad destro3ed 8an3 t:3roEin-<roducin9 cells? !3 t:is <oint1 !us: =as still ta;in9 di9oEin1
<rocaina8ide1 Cou8adin1 as<irin1 and non- radioacti>e iodine dro<s? T:ese last1 it =as said1
=ere desi9ned to reduce t:e a8ounts of t:3roEin enterin9 t:e bloodstrea8? Gfn ')H
!us: =as in #ennebun;<ort for Me8orial ,a31 and t:e *:ite House <ro<a9anda 8ac:ine
=as c:urnin9 out t:e line =as t:at :e =as no= =ell on :is =a3 to co8<lete reco>er3? FI78
slee<in9 8uc: better and I reall3 do feel 9ood and I =is: I :ad about four 8ore da3s :ere1F
!us: told t:e <ress? F!een ta;in9 a little slee< after lunc: :ere1 =:ic: is 9ood? !een
slee<in9 >er3 =ell?F ,urin9 t:is =ee;end1 !us: tried fis:in9 at nine of :is fa>orite
locations? On Sunda31 Ma3 $-1 !us: <la3ed a total of $. :oles of 9olf? Re<orters found t:at
:e =as bac; to :is old =a3s as :e Fcircled t:e 9olf course li;e a 8an on a 8err3-9o-round?F
*:en :e F<assed t:e 1/t: :ole once a9ain on t:is >acation1 :e eEuberantl3 flun9 a 9olf club
at :is cart and loo;ed :orrified =:en it nearl3 :it one of :is Secret Ser>ice 9uards?F
Accordin9 to <ress re<orts1 !us: =as still sufferin9 fro8 dr3ness of 8out:? He :ad reduced
:is inta;e of caffeine1 and of alco:ol? On Monda31 Ma3 $.1 !us: tra>eled to Ne= Ha>en to
s<ea; at t:e (ale co88ence8ent1 and lost t:ree <ounds due to t:e ri9ors of t:e tri<? On
Tuesda31 after :e :ad returned to #ennebun;<ort1 :e told re<orters" F(esterda3 I 9ot a little
tired at t:e end of t:e da31 and toda3 I feel fine? (ou :a>e to <ace 3ourself a little?F Gfn '+H
!us:7s s<eec: at t:e (ale co88ence8ent =as de>oted to a <u9nacious defense of :is C:ina
<olic31 t:e <olic3 of t:e ;o=-to= to t:e butc:ers of !eiBin9? In t:e =ords of one obser>er"
FGeor9e !us:7s address to t:e (ale 9raduatin9 class =as 8ore li;e a tantru8 t:an a s<eec:?
In it1 :e =as defiant about rene=in9 8ost-fa>ored- nation tradin9 status for t:e C:inese1
and crus:in9l3 condescendin9 to t:e o<<osition :e faces? G???H T:e resolute co88ander-in-
c:ief sounded li;e t:e @uerulous candidate of 3esterda3? He can do =:at :e =ants1 tal; out
of bot: sides of :is 8out: and sta9e a <ree8<ti>e stri;e on critics =:o sa3 :is <osition is
i88oral?F Gfn '-H
On *ednesda31 Ma3 $21 !us: <ro<osed a freeAe on t:e <urc:ase and <roduction of surface-
to-surface 8issles in t:e Middle East? On t:is da3 !us: =as a9ain out on t:e 9olf course1
and @uestions about :is :ealt: =ere raised once a9ain b3 :is 9:astl3 <ersonal a<<earance1
=:ic: =as best con>e3ed b3 a <:oto9ra<: a<<earin9 on t:e front <a9e of t:e London
inancial Ti8es of T:ursda31 Ma3 '5?
After t:e be9innin9 of &une1 references to !us:7s atrial fibrillation and t:3roid crisis
beco8e eEceedin9l3 rare1 a tribute to t:e <o=er of t:e !ro=n !rot:ers1 Harri8anOS;ull and
!ones net=or;s? On Se<te8ber +1 !urton Lee announced t:at :e :ad :alted !us:7s dail3
doses of <rocaina8ide and di9oEin s:ortl3 after t:e 8iddle of Au9ust? !ut !us: continued
to ta;e dail3 doses of cou8adin to <re>ent blood clots1 8edication to re<lace lost t:3roid
:or8ore <roduction1 and as<irin e>er3 ot:er da31 also to <re>ent blood clots? T:is
announce8ent ca8e at t:e end of !us:7s $2 da3 >acation in #ennebun;<ort? T:e *:ite
House s<in =as t:at !us: Fa<<ears to :a>e o>erco8e =ei9:t loss and fati9ue associated
=it: t:e t:3roid condition1 called Gra>es7 disease1 and treat8ent for it?F Gfn '.H T:en1 in
8id-Se<te8ber1 !us: under=ent a t=o-:our 8edical eEa8ination desi9ned to <ro>ide a
F8edical sta8< of a<<ro>alF for !us:7s :ealt: as :e <re<ared to run for re- election in 122$?
FI 9otta <ro>e I78 =ell1F said !us: as :e =ent in for t:e c:ec;u<? Accordin9 to ,r? !ur8an1
Ft:e <resident :as been restored to :is nor8al >i9orous state of 9ood :ealt:?F Lee said t:at
all tests :ad s:o=ed !us:7s :eart functions to be nor8alC :e also clai8ed t:at t:ere :ad
been no recurrence of atrial fibrillation after Ma3? !us: :ad co88ented in Au9ust t:at t:e
onl3 t:in9 t:at could ;ee< :i8 fro8 runnin9 for a second ter8 =ould be a :ealt: <roble8?
He no= described :is o=n condition as F155 <ercent? %erfect bill of :ealt:?F Gfn '/H And
t:at1 as far as t:e re9i8e =as concerned1 =as t:at?
,es<ite t:e clai8s of ,r? Lee t:at <olitical considerations <la3ed no role in :is treat8ent1 it
is clear t:at all state8ents b3 *:ite House <:3sicians about !us:7s <:3sical and 8ental
:ealt: 8ust be re9arded =it: t:e 9reatest s;e<ticis8C suc: <ronounce8ents are li;el3 to be
as reliable as t:e censored =ar bulletins of O<eration ,esert Stor8? *as t:ere still a
<roble8 =it: !us:7s :ealt:1 includin9 :is 8ental :ealt:D T:e ans=er is an e8<:atic 3es1 a
3es buttressed b3 t:e obser>ation of continued <aroE3s8s of obsessi>e ra9e on t:e <art of
!us:1 =:o :as not cal8ed do=n at all? !us: re8ains on an e8otional roller-coaster1
co8<lete =it: t:e sna< decisions so t3<ical of t:e :3<ert:3roid <ersonalit3? In s:ort1 !us:7s
t:3roid and 8ental disorders :a>e t:e 8ost de>astatin9 i8<lications for :is abilit3 to
T:e first @uestion re9ards t:e nature and e>en t:e na8e of !us:7s 8alad3? Accordin9 to a
leadin9 !alti8ore <s3c:iatrist =:o could not be described as <oliticall3 :ostile to !us:1 it
is clear t:at t:e 8an in t:e *:ite House is sufferin9 fro8 t:e full-fled9ed s38<to8s of
!asedo=7s disease? T:e difference bet=een Gra>es7 disease and !asedo=7s is 8ore t:an a
tec:nical @uibble" t:e ter8 Gra>es7 disease as used in t:e En9lis:-s<ea;in9 =orld is
8isleadin9 in t:at it <la3s do=n t:e s38<to8s of 8ental disturbance =:ic: are 8ore
eE<licitl3 associated =it: !asedo=7s disease? Accordin9 to t:is s<ecialist1 it is <ointless to
test t:e =ater in t:e *:ite House1 t:e Na>al Obser>ator31 #ennebun;<ort1 and Ca8<
,a>id1 since it is =ell establis:ed t:at !asedo=7s disease is e8otionall3 tri99ered? An
e8otional u<:ea>al1 <s3c:ic s:oc;1 or ot:er 8ental trau8a sti8ulates t:e 8aster endocrine
9land of t:e bod31 t:e <ituitar3 9land1 into an o>er<roduction of its :or8one1 =:ic: in turn
<ro>o;es an o>eracti>it3 of t:e t:3roid1 s<eedin9 u< o>erall 8etabolis8 and furt:er
eEacerbatin9 t:e ner>ous and e8otional crisis? T:is <attern of o>ersti8ulation of t:e 8ind1
t:e <ituitar31 t:e t:3roid1 t:e 8ind1 and so fort: beco8es a >icious1 self- feedin9 c3cle1
=:ic: can be life t:reatenin9 if it is not effecti>el3 treated?
Accordin9 to t:is !alti8ore eE<ert1 t:e fact t:at !us: :as eE<erienced a <attern of atrial
fibrillation is cause for concern not so 8uc: because of =:at it <ortends for !us:7s :eart1
but rat:er because it s:o=s t:at !us:7s case of !asedo=7s disease is alread3 =ell ad>anced1
=it: a si9nificant eEcess of t:3roid :or8one? T:e o>er<roduction of t:3roid :or8one can
t:eoreticall3 be brou9:t under control t:rou9: t:e ad8inistration of radioacti>e iodine1 but
t:is does not 8ean t:at t:e disease itself is eas3 to treat or to brin9 under control =it: an3
finalit3? %recisel3 because !asedo=7s disease is e8otionall3 tri99ered1 a sudden increase in
e8otional stress can result in a rene=al of erratic be:a>ior?
T:e 9ood ne=s1 in t:e >ie= of t:is eE<ert1 is t:at <atients sufferin9 fro8 !asedo=7s disease
do not :a>e to be <laced into a 8ental institution? T:eir s38<to8s can be 8ana9ed1
alt:ou9: t:e3 =ill continue to :a>e t:eir u<s and do=ns? !ut suc: 8ana9e8ent re@uires a
stress-free en>iron8ent? T:e i8<lications for !us:7s furt:er tenure in t:e *:ite House are
ob>ious enou9:" t:e ederal Aeronautics Ad8inistration =ill not 9rant a <ilot7s license of
an3 ;ind to a <erson =:o :as been dia9nosed =it: !asedo=7s disease?
T:e !alti8ore s<ecialist also <ointed out t:at alt:ou9: sa8<les of !us:7s blood1 ta;en b3
:is *:ite House doctors and froAen o>er a <eriod of 8ont:s and 3ears1 8i9:t be tested for
t:3roid :or8one in order to ans=er t:e all-i8<ortant @uestion of =:en !us:7s case of
!asedo=7s disease actuall3 be9an1 t:ese findin9s 8i9:t be fra98entar3 because of t:e
si9nificant da3-to-da3 >ariations in t:e le>el of t:3roid :or8one? If a sa8<le :ad been
ta;en after !us: :eard t:e ne=s t:at Ira@i orei9n Minister Tari@ AAiA :ad declined to
acce<t !us:7s t:reatenin9 letter :anded to :i8 b3 Secretar3 of State !a;er1 !us:7s le>el of
t:3roid :or8one t:at da3 8i9:t :a>e been :i9: enou9: to =arrant i88ediate
In t:e o<inion of t:is eE<ert1 t:ese <oints all re<resent standard1 =ell-;no=n 8edical
doctrine =:ic: is not subBect to an3 contro>ers3 a8on9 <:3sicians and s<ecialists? !us:7s
*:ite House 8edical tea8 8ust t:erefore be ;eenl3 a=are of all of t:e8?
Accordin9 to a California <rofessor of radiolo931 :3<ert:3roidis8 is traditionall3
associated =it: <atients =:o are irritable1 restless1 o>eracti>e1 and e8otionall3 labile? T:e3
often lac; t:e abilit3 to concentrate1 and :a>e s38<to8s of anEiet3? T:e3 also eE:ibit
i8<ulsi>e be:a>ior? In addition1 t:ere are outri9:t <s3c:iatric disorders =:ic: are
associated =it: :3<ert:3roidis8? T:is <rofessor <ointed to !us:7s decision to initiate
:ostilities a9ainst Ira@1 in =:ic: :e reBected t:e ad>ice of ei9:t out of nine secretaries of
defense1 t:ree for8er c:air8en of t:e Boint c:iefs of staff1 and ot:er <ro8inent eE<erts in
order to =a9e =ar? Could t:is ;ind of decision-8a;in9 <rocess be associated =it: !us:7s
:3<ert:3roidis8D In t:is s<ecialist7s o<inion it is difficult to sa31 because of t:e difficult3 of
deter8inin9 =it: <recision =:en !us:7s :3<ert:3roid condition be9an? !us:7s c:oice of
,an Lua3le as a runnin9 8ate 8i9:t also fit into t:is t3<e of <attern?
T:is California <rofessor noted t:at t:ere eEists a literature on :3<ert:3roid <atients =:o
:a>e de>elo<ed sc:iAo<:renia? SiEt3 <er cent of <atients =it: :3<ert:3roidis8 s:o=
intellectual i8<air8ent of so8e de9ree? *:at =ill !us: be li;e if and =:en :e beco8es
eut:3roidD T:e California <rofessor re9arded t:is as a fascinatin9 @uestion to follo=?
Accordin9 to a 6eneAuelan endocrinolo9ist1 :3<ert:3roidis8 8ust be re9arded as a <s3c:o-
so8atic illness c:aracteriAed b3 obsessi>e states? *:en t:e <atient is unable to consu88ate
:is or :er obsession1 t:en cardiac arr:3t:8ia results? *:en t:is :a<<ens1 t:e condition of
t:e <atient deteriorates? T:is 8ec:anis8 stron9l3 su99ests t:at suc: t:3roid <atients be
dis@ualified for <osts t:at in>ol>e stress and =ei9:t3 res<onsibilities? Accordin9 to t:is
eE<ert1 it =ould be difficult for !us: to re8ain in office until &anuar31 122'1 and it =ould
be 8adness for :i8 to atte8<t a second ter8? T:is s<ecialist :as a bac;9round of researc:
in t:e <s3c:olo9ical causes of t:3roid disordersC one for8 of t:e etiolo93 of
:3<ert:3roidis8 :e :as studied in>ol>es t:e tendenc3 of 3oun9 c:ildren =:ose <arents
:a>e died to de>elo< t:3roid <roble8s as a result of 9rief and berea>e8ent?
T:e @uestion of t:e influence of !us:7s :3<ert:3roid condition on :is decison-8a;in91
es<eciall3 :is ra9eful and obsessi>e decisions to 9o to =ar in %ana8a and t:e Gulf1 could
not be a>oided e>en b3 t:e <ro-re9i8e <ress? A Ne= (or; Ti8es article b3 ,r? La=rence #?
Alt8an1 M,1 <osed t:e @uestion1 Fdoes an o>eracti>e t:3roid 9land affect 8ood and
Bud98entDF Accordin9 to t:is <iece1 eE<erts inter>ie=ed ad8itted t:at t:e3 :ad F=ondered
about a t:eoretical lin; bet=een G!us:7sH Gra>es7 disease and :is <residential decisions?
Most eE<erts belie>e t:at <eo<le =it: :3<ert:3roidis8 do not 8a;e decisions as =ell as
t:e3 =ould nor8all3?F FAn i8<ortant @uestion1F =rote Alt8an1 Fis =:en Mr?
!us:7s case of Gra>es7 disease be9an?F One =a3 to s:ed li9:t on t:is @uestion =ould be to
test stored blood sa8<les t:at !us:7s doctors =ould routinel3 ;ee<? !ut t:e Secret Ser>ice
:as a <olic3 of destro3in9 all suc: s<eci8ens for securit3 reasonsK Accordin9 to ,r? Andre
6an Herle of UCLA1 a8on9 <atients sufferin9 fro8 :3<ert:3roidis81 Fso8e are not
disturbed at allC ot:ers are bas;et cases?F Alt8an elaborates t:at
<eo<le =it: :3<ert:3roid conditions can eE:ibit unc:aracteristic be:a>ior li;e s:o=in9
s:ortened attention s<ans1 8a;in9 sna< decisions1 be:a>in9 freneticall31 and tirin9 8ore
easil3 t:an usual? %eo<le :a>e been ;no=n to ineE<licabl3 9et 8arried or di>orced =:en
suc: i8<ortant decisions are out of c:aracter? Students =it: o>eracti>e t:3roids 8a3 be so
Bitter3 t:at t:e3 cannot sit t:rou9: class or t:e3 do <oorl3 on eEa8inations?
T:e =orst for8 of :3<ert:3roidis81 ;no=n as t:3roid stor81 can be c:arctariAed b3 fe>er1
8ar;ed =ea;ness1 8uscle-=astin9 and <s3c:osis? Mr? !us:7s doctors :a>e described :is
case as 8ild1 and ne>er near t:3roid stor8?
Accordin9 to ,r? %eter C? *:3bro=1 :ead of t:e de<art8ent of <s3c:iatr3 at t:e Uni>ersit3
of %enns3l>ania1 8ild de<ression can be an initial s38<to8 of :3<ert:3roid disorder?
%eo<le =it: o>eracti>e t:3roid 9lands Fdon7t <erfor8 @uite so =ell1F in :is >ie=? FT:e3 feel1
for reasons t:e3 cannot eE<lain1 a little a9itated1 a little <reoccu<ied =it: t:e8sel>es1
Bu8<3? T:eir concentration is a little off?F Accordin9 to Alt8an1 Fso8e eE<erts :a>e raised
t:e <ossibilit3 t:at Mr? !us: could :a>e :ad a 8ildl3 o>eracti>e t:3roid in t:e 12//
%residential ca8<ai9n1 or e>en earlier?F An3 nor8al 8edical c:ec;u< ad8inistered b3 a
<ri>ate doctor =ould :a>e detected !us:7s t:3roid ail8ent t:rou9: a I$5 blood test t:at is
done auto8aticall3 unless it is s<ecificall3 ruled out b3 t:e <:3sician in ad>ance? Gfn '2H
T:ese >ie=s =ere su<<le8ented b3 a <iece in t:e *as:in9ton %ost b3 Abi9ail Trafford1 t:e
editor of t:at ne=s<a<er7s =ee;l3 :ealt: su<<le8ent1 =:o =as :erself a >icti8 of Gra>es7
disease? Ms? Trafford =arned :er readers of Ft:e bad ne=s" It is difficult to li>e =it: and
adBust to Gra>es7s disease? *:at7s 8issin9 in all t:e u<beat <ress releases fro8 t:e *:ite
House is t:e <o=erful e8otional i8<act t:e disease :as on 8an3 <atients and t:e effects of
:3<ert:3roidis8 on 8ood1 be:a>ior1 and Bud98ent? And =:ile Gra>es7 is1 indeed1 curable1 it
can ta;e 8ont:s1 so8eti8es 3ears1 for <eo<le to 9et t:eir t:3roid function bac; to nor8al?F
&os:ua L? Co:en1 assistant <rofessor of 8edicine at Geor9e *as:in9ton Uni>ersit31 told
Ms? Trafford t:at FGra>es7 disease stri;es on a <s3c:olo9ical basis and it stri;es a
<o<ulation t:at is not used to t:e conce<t of bein9 sic;?F Accordin9 to *as:in9ton
endocrinolo9ist &a8es N? Ra8e31 FT:ere7s no @uestion t:at t:e e8otions are se>erel3 out of
=:ac;?F Terr3 Ta3lor1 actin9 c:ief of endocrinolo93 at Geor9eto=n Uni>ersit3 Medical
Center described Gra>es7 <atients" FE8otionall31 t:e3 can be feelin9 >er3 9ood and t:en
>er3 bad? T:ere are a lot of u<s and do=ns????T:e3 cr3 at T6 ads?FFIt ta;es se>eral :alf-li>es
to 9et t:e t:3roid le>el in t:e blood do=n?F T:erefore so8e <atients ta;e t:ree 8ont:s to
feel li;e Ft:eir old sel>es1F and so8e ta;e a 3ear? Ms? Trafford recalls t:at on Au9ust 151
12251 durin9 t:e first =ee;1 of t:e Gulf crisis1 =:en !us: left for :is su88er >acation in
Maine1 :e =as :eard to sa3"
Life 9oes on? Gotta ;ee< 8o>in9? Can7t sta3 in one <lace all t:e ti8e? Gfn )5H
Accordin9 to t:e TeEtboo; of Medical-Sur9ical Nursin9 b3 Lillian S:oltis !runner and
,oris S8it: Suddart:1 :3<ert:3roidis8 F8a3 a<<ear after an e8otional s:oc;1 ner>ous
strain1 or an infection -- but t:e eEact si9nificance of t:ese relations:i<s is not understood?F
Accordin9 to t:ese aut:ors1 F<atients =it: =ell-de>elo<ed :3<ert:3roidis8 eE:ibit a
c:aracterstic 9rou< of s38<to8s and si9ns? T:eir <resentin9 s38<to8 is often ner>ousness?
T:e3 are e8otionall3 :3<ereEcitableC t:eir state of 8ind is a<t to be irritable and
a<<re:ensi>eC t:e3 cannot sit @uietl3C t:e3 suffer fro8 <al<itationC and t:eir <ulse is
abnor8all3 ra<id at rest as =ell as on eEertion?F T:e disease F8a3 <ro9ress relentlessl31 t:e
untreated <atient beco8in9 e8aciated1 intensel3 ner>ous1 delirious -- e>en disoriented --
and t:e :eart e>entuall3 7racin9 itself to deat:?7F T:ese aut:ors also <oint out t:at Fno
treat8ent for :3<ert:3roidis8 :as been disco>ered t:at co8bats its basic cause1F e>en
t:ou9: a nu8ber of for8s of treat8ent are a>ailable? *it:in t:e conteEt of treat8ent1 t:e
follo=in9 Fo>er>ie= of nursin9 8ana9e8entF is reco88ended"
T:e obBecti>es of nursin9 care are to assist t:e <atient in o>erco8in9 :is s38<to8s and to
:el< :i8 return to a eut:3roid condition? T:e nurse 8aintains a cal8 8anner and
understands t:at 8uc: of :is ner>ousness and anEiet3 is be3ond :is control? Acti>ities to
lessen t:e irritabilit3 of t:e ner>ous s3ste8 8a3 include t:e follo=in9" <rotectin9 t:e
<atient fro8 stressful eE<eriences1 suc: as u<settin9 >isitors or t:e <resence of anno3in9 or
>er3 ill <atientsC <ro>idin9 a cool and uncluttered en>iron8entC and encoura9in9 t:e <atient
to enBo3 <leasant 8usic1 li9:t tele>ision entertain8ent1 and interestin9 and relaEin9
:obbies? Gfn )1H
T:is is :ardl3 a descri<tion of t:e *:ite House situation roo8?
,urin9 t:e course of t:is debate1 ne=s<a<ers <rinted su88aries of substances =:ic: are
t:ou9:t to :a>e an influence on t:3roid acti>it3? T:ese included 9er8s suc: as 3ersinia
enterocolitica1 certain t3<es of retro>irus1 lit:iu81 iodine1 and t:e so-called 9oitro9ens? T:is
last cate9or3 includes c:e8icals found in >e9etables suc: as broccoli and cabba9e?
T:e Ne= (or; Ti8es of Ma3 12 carried t=o letters to t:e editor on t:is subBect? One1 fro8
%rofessor ran;lin M? Loe=1 ,ean of t:e Tufts Uni>ersit3 6eterinar3 Sc:ool1 recalled t:at
>e9etables of t:e brassica fa8il31 suc: as brussel s<routs1 ;ale1 and broccoli contain
substances t:at 8a3 :el< to <re>ent Gra>es7 disease? T:e ot:er letter re<orted t:at t:e
<o<ular 9uide1 %rescri<tion for Nutritional Healin91 reco88ends <lent3 of broccoli to
9uard a9ainst t:e dan9ers of t:e o>eracti>e t:3roid? All of t:is once a9ain <osed t:e
@uestion of !us:7s outbursts about broccoli1 =:ic: 8a3 :a>e been ur9ed on :is b3
<:3sicians see;in9 a =a3 to 8iti9ate so8e of :is s38<to8s?
*as O<eration ,esert Stor8 reall3 O<eration T:3roid Stor8D On Ma3 $51 one of t:e 8ost
fanatical su<<orters of =ar a9ainst Ira@ :ad atte8<ted to <re-e8<t t:e discussion of t:e role
of :3<ert:3roid 8ental instabilit3 in !us:7s 8ilitar3 decisions? T:is =as *illia8 Safire1
=:o =rote"
NeEt1 =it: 8ore sinister intent1 =e can eE<ect t:is @uestion" To =:at eEtent =as t:e
%resident7s unc:aracteristicall3 acti>ist 8indset after t:e Ira@i in>asion affected b3 a
:3<ert:3roid conditionD *as :e :3<er last Au9ust $D ,id t:e o>eracti>e 9land affect :is
decision to launc: t:e air =ar or t:e 9round =ar earl3 t:is 3earD Gfn )'H
!us: :i8self :ad been as;ed to co88ent about t:is <ossibilit3? He re<lied t:at an3 idea
t:at :is =ar8on9erin9 in t:e Gulf :ad been facilitated b3 :is t:r3oid disorder =as FBust
<lain1 old- fas:ioned 8alar;e3?F !efore lea>in9 on a >isit to St? %aul1 Minnesota1 !us:
<rotested t:at :is :ealt: =as fine? FI78 not =ar31 3ou ;no=1 =onderin9 =:at :a<<ens neEt1F
:e said? It 8a;es 8e :a<<3 e>er3t:in97s o;a3? T:e3 dia9nosed it ri9:t1 treated it ri9:t1 and
t:ere7s not:in9 8ore serious to it?F &ust after :e :ad boarded Air orce One at Andre=s Air
orce !ase for :is tri< to t:e T=in Cities1 !us: called re<orters to9et:er and declared" FI
Bust =ant to sa3 e>er3t:in97s fine?F As;ed about an3 side effects of t:e fi>e 8edicines :e
=as t:en ta;in91 !us: ans=ered t:at :is 8edication Faffects 83 tu883? !ut it doesn7t
affect 83 =illin9ness and ea9erness to 9et to t:e office?F In an a<<arent allusion to
Lincoln7s celebrated co88ent on t:e alle9ed alco:olis8 of Gen?
Grant1 !us: e>en su99ested t:at :is t:r3oid eEcess 8a3 :a>e been an ad>anta9e" FT:ere7s a
9reat 8an =:o su99ested1 7If t:at7s 3our <roble81 t:en 9et 8ore t:3roid <roble8s because it
=ent >er3 =ell1 indeed?7F Gfn ))H
,urin9 &une1 t:ere =ere :ints fro8 !us: and :is retinue t:at :e 8i9:t not run for <resident
a9ain in 122$? T:is =as lar9el3 a c3nical <ublic relations <lo31 atte8<tin9 to 9enerate a
stor3 =:en it =as clear t:at !us: =as 8ono8aniacall3 obsessed =it: :oldin9 onto <o=er
as lon9 :is :e could and b3 an3 8eans? On a >isit to Los An9eles1 !us: alluded to t:is
@uestion1 and tried to <ortra3 :i8self as a 8an =:ose sense of dut3 to t:e >oters =ould
onl3 allo= :i8 to consider re-election if :e =ere in <erfect condition? *ould :e run a9ainD
FI :a>en7t decided? It7s too earl3? ,on7t <us: 8e?F T:ere =as t:e test3 note a9ain? An3
reasons =:3 :e 8i9:t notD FCan7t reall3 t:in; of a reason eEce<t1 certainl31 :ealt:?F
I7d o=e it to t:e A8erican <eo<le to sa31 7He31 I78 u< for t:e Bob for four 8ore 3ears?7 I
t:in; G83H :ealt:7s in 9ood enou9: s:a<e to certif31 but I =ant to ta;e a loo; at it later on? I
can7t tell 3ou I feel <erfect 3et1 but I78 9ettin9 t:ere????I =ant to 9et off all t:is 8edicine? Gfn
)+H I78 absolutel3 con>inced on t:at one -- if 3ou :ad to as; 8e on t:at one toda3 -- I t:in;
:ealt:7s in 9ood enou9: s:a<e to certif31 7(ea:?7 !ut I =ant to ta;e a loo; at it later on? I
don7t ;no=? I7>e 9ot a stron9-=illed =ife? O:1 s:e7s stron9? T:e Sil>er oE1 bo3?
It =ouldn7t be decided runnin9 fro8 a battle? T:e fact if t:ere7s a battle1 and t:ere =ill be1
t:at =ould 8a;e 8e inclined to sa3 I78 9oin9 to be a candidate? Gfn )-H
As <art of t:is sa8e dece<tion nu8ber1 !arbara !us: also floated a trial balloon t:at
Geor9e 8i9:t renounce t:e second :alf of :is birt:ri9:t? S<ea;in9 of t:e <eriod 122'-
122.1 Mrs? !us: told a re<orter1 FI =ouldn7t 8ind if :e 9a>e Gt:ose 3earsH to 8e? I =ouldn7t
8ind if :e didn7t1 I =ould not be terribl3 disa<<ointed if :e didn7t run?F In t:e course of t:is
inter>ie=1 Mrs? !us: also re>ealed t:at Geor9e1 des<ite :is :3<ert:3roid treat8ent1 =as still
8anic enou9: to =ant to <la3 9olf at t:e crac; of da=n" FSo8eti8es :e sa3s to 8e at + in
t:e 8ornin91 FIf 3ou <la3ed 9olf =e could 9o out and <la3 ri9:t no=?7F Mrs? !us: ad8itted
t:at s:e =as no= ta;in9 9olf lessonsC FI =ant to be =it: Geor9e1F s:e eE<lained? Gfn ).H
!ut siE =ee;s later1 durin9 t:e course of t:e Mosco= su88it1 Mrs? !us: rose abo>e :er
<ersonal concerns to loo; :istorical necessit3 strai9:t in t:e e3e" FI reall3 t:in; :e :as to
run a9ain1 :onestl3?F And =:3 =as t:atD For t:e countr37s sa;e? I t:in; :e7s 9ot a lot left to
do1 and I t:in; :e :as to? No=1 I don7t =ant t:at to be a <ublic announce8ent?F Ho= about
lin9erin9 doubts on !us:7s <:3sical conditionD FHe is =ell? And 3ou ;no= 83t:s 9et
started1 and =e7>e 9ot to sto< it? T:e <resident is >er3 =ell? He Bo99ed on Sunda3 and
<la3ed 1/ :oles of 9olf? %lus =e :ad a lar9e 9rou< for dinner? T:e <resident is 9reat?F
Re<eatin9 t:is line for A!C and N!C tele>ision1 Mrs? !us: denied t:at s:e =ould tr3 to
tal; Geor9e out of a bid for a second ter8? S:e su99ested t:at suc: ideas =ere lar9el3 t:e
creation of t:e <ress1 a sli9:tl3 disin9enuous <osture? Gfn )/H
As for t:e burnin9 issue of ,an Lua3le7s <recious bodil3 fluids1 t:e tests ordered in Ma3
re>ealed t:at t:ere =as so8e lead in t:e old <i<es at t:e Na>al Obser>ator3? Maril3n
Lua3le s:ared t:is >ital intelli9ence =it: a 9rou< of Re<ublican fat cats at a fundraiser in
Orlando1 lorida? F*e7>e 9otten so8e re<orts bac; t:at =eren7t real :eartenin91F said
Maril3n? F*e :ad :i9:er lead Gle>elsH t:an =:at =as su<<osed to be t:ere in so8e of t:e
different s<i9ots1 but it =asn7t all o>er t:e :ouse? *e =ant to :a>e it redone because it didn7t
8a;e an3 sense?F !ut eE<erts 8aintained t:at t:ere is no connection bet=een lead and
Gra>es7 disease? Gfn )2H Of course1 lead-lined 9oblets and ot:er drin;in9 >essels used b3 t:e
=ealt:3 durin9 t:e Ro8an E8<ire :a>e so8eti8es been cited as a factor in t:e notable
8ental instabilit3 of 8an3 e8<erors?
In earl3 Au9ust1 !us: 8et =it: a 9rou< of <erce<tion <i8<s and ot:er <olitical ad>isers at
:is Ca8< ,a>id retreat? %ollster !ob Teeter =as t:ere1 alon9 =it: Robert Mosbac:er1 =:o
=as on t:e inside trac; to c:air t:e ca8<ai9n? Also <resent =ere !rad31 Lua3le1 Sununu1
*illia8 #ristol of Lua3le7s staff1 and 8edia eE<ert Ro9er Ailes? A fe= da3s earlier1 !us:
:ad stated t:at Fonl3 a :ealt: <roble8F 8i9:t 8a;e :i8 dro< out1 but FI don7t :a>e one
ri9:t no=? On t:e sa8e da31 !urton Lee :ad certified !us: as bein9 Fin eEcellent :ealt:?F
Gfn +5H !3 late October1 t:e !us:8en =ere alread3 :oldin9 I1555-a- <late fundraisin9
dinners1 co8<lete =it: !us:1 Lua3le1 Mosbac:er1 and ot:er :ea>ies of t:e re9i8e? !us:
=as runnin91 =it: a >en9eance?
Co8<arin9 t:e e>idence adduced :ere so far about t:e etiolo93 and s38<to8s of
!asedo=7s disease =it: !us:7s <attern of acti>it3 in 12//-12211 t:ree 9eneral conclusions
are su99ested"
1? Since 12/.-// at t:e latest1 Geor9e !us: :as eE:ibited a 8ar;ed tendenc3 to=ards
obsessi>e ra9e states1 often eE<ressed b3 co8<ulsi>e <ublic dis<la3s of eEtre8e an9er and
lac; of self- control? T:ese obsessi>e ra9e states and t:e @uasi-<s3c:otic i8<ulses be:ind
t:e8 8a3 be re9arded as t:e <robable <s3c:olo9ical tri99er for !asedo=7s disease1 a
<s3c:oso8atic1 autoi88une disorder?
$? T:ere is 8uc: e>idence t:at i8<ortant decisions1 includin9 8ost notabl3 !us:7s
decisions 8ilitaril3 to attac; %ana8a and Ira@1 =ere substantiall3 facilitated b3 t:ese
obsessi>e ra9e states?
'? T:ere are indications t:at !us:7s inabilit3 to ;ill or ca<ture Sadda8 Hussein1 co8bined
=it: :is inabilit3 to destro3 t:e !aat: <art3 9o>ern8ent of Ira@1 frustrated of one of !us:7s
obsessi>e co8<ulsions and 8a3 t:us :a>e contributed to a :3<ert:r3oid crisis and t:e
e8er9ence of atrial fibrillation in earl3 Ma3 of 1221? Alternati>el31 t:e accu8ulated
tensions of t:e Gulf crisis1 <ossibl3 in so8e co8bination =it: ot:er e>ents1 8a3 :a>e been
sufficient to <reci<itate !us:7s :os<italiAation?
T:e @uestion t:at re8ains to be considered is =:et:er !us: can be considered cured of t:e
8ental and <:3siolo9ical disorders in>ol>ed =it: :is :3<ert:3roid crisis? T:e ans=er is t:at
!us: de8onstrabl3 continues to eE:ibit t:ose s38<to8s of ra9e1 irritabilit31 uncontrollable
outbursts1 co8<ulsi>e and frenetic acti>it31 and i8<ulsi>e decisions =:ic: =e 8ust
conclude =ere <art of t:e tri99er for !asedo=7s disease in t:e first <lace? ,urin9 t:e first
siE 8ont:s after !us: dran; :is coc;tail of radioacti>e iodine1 and :e did not beco8e an3
8ore tran@uil? His a9enda :as re8ained <ac;ed1 and :is s<orts calendar frenetic? He still
tends to 8a;e un<redictable sna< decisions? He :ad often lost control of :is e8otions in
<ublic1 8ost often t:rou9: ra9e1 but also t:rou9: =ee<in9 and ot:er for8s of affecti>e
&une +" !us: addressed t:e annual 8eetin9 of t:e Sout:ern !a<tist Con>ention in Atlanta1
Geor9ia1 and recounted :is tearful Ca8< ,a>id decision to launc: =ar in t:e Gulf? FAnd
t:e tears started to roll do=n t:e c:ee;s1 and our 8inister s8iled bac;1 and I no lon9er
=orried :o= it loo;ed to ot:ers1F !us: told t:e !a<tists? As >ie=ed b3 Andre= Rosent:al
of t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es1 t:e scene <roceeded as follo=s"
At t:at 8o8ent1 Mr? !us:7s >oice bro;e1 and tears filled :is e3es? He brus:ed at t:e8 =it:
a fin9er? T:en :e turned to one of t:e ca8eras near t:e lectern1 flas:ed one of t:e
incon9ruous 9rins t:at often a<<ear in :is 8o8ents of e8otional disco8fort1 and <ointed to
:is c:ee;? FHere =e 9o1F :e said?
Mr? !us: confessed to re<orters after=ard t:at :e felt a little e8barrassed b3 :is dis<la3 of
e8otion before t:e dele9ates? FI do t:at in c:urc:1F :e said? FMa3be in <ublic it7s a ;ind of a
first1 or 8a3be a t:ird?F Gfn +1H Accordin9 to ot:er accounts1 !us:7s F>oice crac;ed1F and :e
F9re= :us;3 and c:o;ed?F &une 1-" !us: >isited Los An9eles to attend a <art3 t:ro=n b3
Malibu <roducer &err3 *eintraub1 =:o :as been res<onsible for suc: fil8s as FT:e #arate
#idF and FM3 Ste<8ot:er is an Alien?F !us: also <la3ed 9olf =it: Ronald Rea9an1
outdri>in9 and out<uttin9 t:e a9in9 for8er <resident? One <ress account su99ests t:at !us:
8aintained :is :3<er:t3roid <ace"
A<art fro8 <la3in9 9olf1 Mr? !us: continued :is usual 8ad das: of recreation? T:is
8ornin91 :e =as in suc: a :urr3 to 9et to a tennis 9a8e t:at :is 8otorcade roared off
=it:out :is <ersonal aide1 :is <ersonal <:3sician1 and1 8ore i8<ortant1 t:e 8ilitar3 officer
=:o carries codes for launc:in9 nuclear 8issles? Unner>ed b3 t:is o8ission1 *:ite House
aides :urriedl3 rounded u< trans<ortation and s<ed t:e officer to t:e tennis courts?
,urin9 t:is tri<1 !us: also eE<erienced a ra9e outburst set off b3 a re<orter7s reference to
t:e 12// Ne=s=ee; co>er t:at eE<lored Ft:e =i8< factor?F T:is set !us: off as follo=s"
(ou7re tal;in9 to t:e =i8<? (ou7re tal;in9 to t:e 9u3 t:at :ad a co>er of a national
8a9aAine t:at I7ll ne>er for9i>e1 <ut t:at label on 8e? Gfn +$H
&ul3 11-1$" On &ul3 111 !us: recei>ed a >isit fro8 &a<anese %ri8e Minister Tos:i;i #aifu
at #ennebun;<ort? He =as as;ed about senate :earin9s on :is no8ination of Robert Gates
to be :ead of t:e CIA? 0*it: an3t:in9 but a rubbersta8< Con9ress1 t:e Gates no8ination
=ould :a>e :ad to be seen as a 9ratuitous <ro>ocation? Gates :ad been u< to :is nec; in
Iran-contra and t:e co>eru< t:ereof1 and :ad =it:dra=n durin9 a <re>ious atte8<t to
occu<3 t:e sa8e office? No= !us: =as stirrin9 u< t:e Iran-contra affair once a9ain?
*as:in9ton ru8or :ad it t:at !us:7s first c:oice for t:e <ost :ad been ,on Gre991 and t:at
!us:7s :andlers :ad eEa:usted t:eir ener9ies in <ersuadin9 !us: to renounce t:is e>en
bi99er <ro>ocation? *:en !us: :ad been forced to dro< Gre991 :e :ad insisted on Gates?
Obsessions and :3<ert:3roidis8 :ad been at =or; in all t:is? No= !us: =as as;ed about
Gates" =as :is stor3 credible t:at :e ;ne= not:in9 of ille9al funds transfer =:en t:ose
abo>e and belo= :i8 in t:e c:ain of co88and ;ne= all about itD !us:7s first co88ent =as
8oderate in tone"
,oesn7t stretc: 83 credibilit3 because I belie>e fir8l3 in !ob Gates7s =ord? And :e7s a 8an
of total :onor1 and :e s:ould be confir8ed as ,irector of Central Intelli9ence? And =:en
3ou :a>e be:ind-doors1 closed-door alle9ations t:at nobod3 reall3 ;no=s an3t:in9 about1
I78 not sure =:ere t:e fairness ele8ent co8es in on t:at one1 &i8?
T:e neEt da31 &ul3 1$1 !us: en9a9ed in a @uestion and ans=er session =it: re<orters? !us:
=as dressed in s<ortin9 to9s1 but toda3 :e =as out of control? His first i8<ulse =as to
esca<e fro8 t:e re<orters"
He31 listen? I7>e 9ot to 9o no=? Hea>3 recreation co8in9 u< before =e 9o abroad1 so I7>e
9ot to ;ee< 9oin9?
He fou9:t off so8e @uestions about Clarence T:o8as alle9edl3 s8o;in9 8ariBuana1
co88entin9 t:at t:is =as not dis@ualif3in9? T:en1 t:ere =as a 8ention of Gates"
L" Has Gates told 3ou about-
T:at touc:ed !us:7s obsession of t:e da3? Gates :ad been accused of co8<licit3 in Iran-
contra 9un-runnin9 and dru9 runnin9C but !us: :i8self :ad once a9ain co8e under attac;
for :is role in t:e October sur<rise cons<irac3 to dela3 t:e release of US :osta9es :eld in
Te:eran? Se>eral da3s before1 t:e for8er director of Central A8erican affairs for t:e CIA1
Alan iers1 :ad ad8itted l3in9 to Con9ress? S<ecial <rosecutor La=rence *als: =as
continuin9 :is in>esti9ation1 and it =as no= clear t:at t:e Senate =ould not >ote on t:e
Gates no8ination until t:e autu8n? At t:is <oint !us: bro;e in1 and =it: a contorted face
launc:ed into an inter8inable enra9ed 8onolo9ue1 an9ril3 brus:in9 aside interru<tions?
T:e <assa9es are =ort: re<roducin9 :ere in detail because of t:e insi9:t t:e3 afford into t:e
=or;in9s of a tor8ented 8ind"
!us:" Let 8e sa3 so8et:in9 on t:e Gates 8atter? *:at are =e co8in9 to :ereD (ou7re
tal;in9 to so8ebod3 =:o :ad to <ro>e :is innocence --8e--on t:e basis of ru8or? It =as
alle9ed b3 <eo<le t:at =e =eren7t sure =:o t:e3 =ere1 t:at I =as in %aris at so8e deal to
;ee< A8ericans in ca<ti>it3? T:at7s =:at t:e alle9ation =as a9ainst 8e? And I78 sa3in9 to
83self1 =:o7s 8a;in9 t:ese alle9ationsD *:at7s t:e e>idenceD *:at :a>e =e co8e to
=:ere a 8an :as to <ro>e :is innocence a9ainst so8e fluid1 8o>able c:ar9eD
And no= I78 t:in;in9 about !ob Gates? And I78 sa3in9" *:at is t:is all aboutD Isn7t t:e
<eo<le t:at 8i9:t be accusin9 :i8 of so8et:in9 --s:ouldn7t it be t:eir res<onsibilit3 under
t:e A8erican s3ste8 of fair<la3D I :a>e full confidence in :i8? !ut =:at is t:is s3ste8
=:ere =e :ear so8e lea; in so8e ne=s<a<er t:at be:ind closed doors so8ebod3 :as said
so8et:in91 and t:us a lot of <eo<le run for co>erD
I :a>e confidence in Gates? And if so8ebod3 =ants to accuse :i8 of so8et:in91 t:e Senate
is absolutel3 ri9:t in 9ettin9 t:at deter8ination 8ade and as;in9 for t:e e>idence1 but t:e3
ou9:t not to :a>e it obscured b3 so8e testi8on3 t:at7s been 9oin9 on for four 3ears? T:e3
ou9:t not to acce<t a ru8or? T:e3 ou9:t not to <anic and run li;e a co>e3 of @uail because
so8ebod3 :as 8ade an alle9ation a9ainst a 8an =:ose =or; I trust and =:o1 as I
understand it1 :asn7t been fin9ered b3 =:at7s co8in9 out of t:is <rocess?
And so1 I78 9lad t:is :as co8e u< a9ain because I t:in; =:at =e7re entitled to in t:is
countr3 is fair<la31 innocence until 9uilt3? And 3es1 t:e Senate :as an obli9ation1 but let7s
call t:ese =itnesses t:at are su<<osed to ;no= so8et:in9 bad? Isn7t !ob Gates entitled to
t:atD I 8ean1 =:3 let t:e8 run for co>er and sa3 let7s :an9 it out all o>er neEt su88erD
No=1 if Gates =ants to do t:at1 t:at7s fine? !ut if so8ebod3 as;ed 8e about it1 I7d sa31 :e31
9et t:e 8en u< t:ere t:at are 8a;in9 t:ese --
L" *e don7t understand--
!us:" EEcuse 8e -- 9et t:e 8en u< t:ere t:at are 8a;in9 t:ese alle9ations? Isn7t t:at t:e
A8erican s3ste8 of BusticeD *:at is it =:en =e :ear so8et:in9 lea;ed to a ne=s<a<er and
=e all run for co>er because =e7re -- not 8e1 because I ;no= !ob Gates and I :a>e total
confidence in t:e 8an7s inte9rit3 and :onor? And if t:e Senate =ants -- and t:e Senate1 I
t:in;1 no= o=es it to :i8 to <ro8<tl3 call :is accusers or t:ose =:o t:e3 t:in; - - =:o =e
understand fro8 ne=s<a<er articles are su<<osedl3 8a;in9 accusations a9ainst :i8? And
don7t let t:e8 sta3 under co>er1 F=ell1 =e can7t do t:at because =e :a>e t:is ot:er on9oin9
testi8on3F or so8e be:ind- closed-doors1 =:at do t:e3 call t:ese -- indict8ent <roceedin9s
9oin9 on? T:at7s not t:e A8erican =a3?
*e sent t:is no8ination u< so8e ti8e a9o? And if e>er3bod37s 9oin9 to 9et flustered and
<anic because of so8e alle9ation b3 so8e -- =:ere =e don7t e>en ;no= t:at t:e <erson is
accusin9 :i8 of an3t:in9 -- all I78 sa3in9 is fair<la3? T:e A8erican --
L" ,o 3ou t:in;--
!us:" Ma3 I finis:D T:e A8erican <eo<le understand fair<la3? And I Bust :o<e t:e Senate
=ill ;ee< t:is in 8ind? I :a>e no ar9u8ent =it: Senator !oren1 Senator Mur;o=s;i
=antin9 to 9et to t:e botto8 of it? !ut t:is idea t:at it =ill be ser>ed b3 lea>in9 it out all
su88er -- 3ou ;no= and I ;no= t:ere =ill be @uestions e>er3 sin9le da3 -- =:at about t:is
alle9ationD *:at about t:atD All I78 sa3in9 is1 fro8 e>er3t:in9 I7>e seen1 3es1 let7s 9et to t:e
botto8 of it1 but lets7 brin9 for=ard t:ese <eo<le t:at are su<<osedl3 fin9erin9 :i8? Let7s
brin9 for=ard and let t:e8 stand t:ere under oat: before t:e Senate1 as I t:in; t:e Senate
intends to do? !ut =:3 =aitD *:3 not -- t:is no8ination :as been t:ere a lon9 ti8e1 and
no= =e7re :earin9 t:at t:ere7s so8e <rocess 9oin9 on be:ind-closed-doors so8e<lace b3
so8e =itness =:o :asn7t fin9ered Gates1 but t:at7s enou9: to :old t:is u<?
If !ob Gates =ants to :old it u<1 fine? If :e sa3s to 8e =e =ant to dela3 it1 fine? !ut ot:er
t:an t:at1 let t:e A8erican s3ste8 of fair<la3 =or;? Let innocence until <ro>en 9uilt3 be
t:e 9uideline :ere? And let <ro8<tness-- =e need a 9ood-- a ne= ,irector to follo= on an
eEcellent ,irector1 and =e need it soon1 to run t:is intelli9ence co88unit3?
So1 t:at7s 83 <osition? And I78 9lad1 &i81 t:at 3ou raised it a9ain because I reall3 feel
stron9l3 about t:is? I Bust don7t t:in; it7s t:e A8erican =a3 to brin9 a 9ood 8an do=n b3
ru8or and insinuation? T:at7s not t:e s3ste8?
After se>eral 8ore @uestions and ans=ers on Gates1 t:ere =as a @uestion on a 8o>e afoot
in t:e House to launc: t:e first for8al in>esti9ation of t:e October sur<rise affair1 includin9
!us:7s role? *as it a fis:in9 eE<editionD !us:" *ell1 I =ouldn7t accuse t:e S<ea;er of t:at?
T:e 8an --:e7s anot:er one t:at7s-- too 8uc: inte9rit3 to be in t:at 8ode? I t:in; :e7s in a
difficult <osition? !ut let7s see t:e e>idence1 brin9 it fort:? If t:e37re still c:ar9in9 t:at I =as
in %aris on october $5t:1 if it7s t:at ;ind of case1 fine? !ut t:e e>idence is --=:at :a<<ened--
3ou ;no=1 :ere7s a 9ood case? All t:is ru8or1 can7t @uite <in it do=n1 but as 6ice %resident1
t:e %resident -- no= %resident - - =as su<<osed to :a>e been in %aris in t:e 8ont: of
October1 s<ecificall3 on October $5t:? *:o7s accusin9 8eD *ell1 nobod37s reall3 accusin9
3ou of it1 but e>er3 <a<er7s 9ot it?
*e co8e fort: =it: e>idence =:ic: includes al8ost 8inute-b3- 8inute certification as to
=:ere I =as1 and t:en t:e3 sa31 =ell1 8a3be t:at7s laid to rest1 but so8ebod3 else is
su<<osed to :a>e been so8e<lace else? Ma3be t:e =a3 to la3 it to rest is t:rou9: =:at
ole37s tal;in9 about? And if :e decides t:at1 loo;1 :e7ll :a>e full coo<eration fro8 8e?
Ho= lon9 can 3ou ;ee< den3in9 3our ;no=led9e or in>ol>e8ent on so8et:in9 t:at didn7t
:a<<en1 as far as I ;no=D !ut 8a3be :e7s 9ot so8e ot:er e>idence? !ut it Bust see8s a little
=ierd t:at it ;ee<s 9oin9? (ou s:oot do=n one t:in91 and so8ebod3 else raises anot:er?
L" Are 3ou certain t:at Case3 :ad no dealin9s t:at could be inter<reted --
!us:" I :a>e no ;no=led9e of =:at Case3 can do1 or did do? T:e 8an7s dead? Let7s :a>e
so8e 8ore inter>ie=s =it: a dead 8an? (ou ;no= =:at I 8eanD Get itD 0Lau9:ter4?
L" I t:in; so? 0Lau9:ter4
L" Mr? %resident1 to clear --
!us:" He31 I7>e 9ot to 9o fis:in91 it7s 8uc: 8ore i8<ortant t:an doin9 t:is? (es1 HelenD No?
L" Mr? %resident1 to clear t:e air and 9et e>er3t:in9 out in t:e o<en1 could 3ou order t:e
release of t:e CIA tele<:one con>ersationsD
!us:" I78 lea>in9 all t:is in t:e :ands of t:e le9al aut:orities and I a8 not 9oin9 to
inter>ene in a court <roceedin9? I a8 not a la=3er? I don7t =ant to :a>e so8e $$-3ear old
<rosecutor Bu8< u< and sa3 t:at t:e %resident :as -- 0Lau9:ter4-- frustrated t:e <rocess
:ere? I don7t ;no= enou9: about t:at? (ou7>e 9ot 9ood la=3ers t:at do? I don7t ;no= enou9:
about sc:edulin9 or :o= e>idence before 9rand Buries =or;1 and I78 disinclined to learn?
!ut I do ;no= a little so8et:in9 about fair<la3? And all I78 tr3in9 to sa3 is1 let7s re>ert to
t:at standard? Let7s use t:at as t:e 9uide :ere and not 9et cau9:t u< in so8e ni99lin91 le9al
I78 seein9 a 8an7s c:aracter 9ettin9 da8a9ed1 Bust as I feel 8ine =as c:allen9ed =:en t:e3
said1 :e31 <ro>e 3our innocence? (ou7re 9uilt3 until innocent? %ro>e 3ou =eren7t in %aris on
-- =:ate>er t:e :ell it =as -- October $5t:? And :ere :e =ent to t:e front 3ard at 15"$$? He
=as at t:e so-and-so e8bass3 at 15"$.? He =as so and so? And finall31 =ell1 t:at one Bust
fades into t:e sunset and alon9 co8es a bunc: of ot:er alle9ations b3 unna8ed <eo<le t:at
3ou can7t find and can7t <ut 3our -- li;e reac:in9 out and touc:in9 a :andful of =:i<<ed
crea81 3ou can7t 9et a:old of it? I don7t =ant to --I7>e been t:rou9: a little bit-- but I don7t
=ant to see !ob Gates1 a 8an of :onor and inte9rit31 9o t:rou9: it an38ore? T:at7s all I78
tr3in9 to sa3?
T:an; 3ou? Ha>e a neat da3? Gfn +'H
&ul3 $5" !us: =as on a forei9n tri< t:at included a 8eetin9 =it: Mitterrand in Ra8bouillet1
near %aris1 t:e G-. 8eetin9 in London1 and a tri< to Tur;e3 and Greece? Accordin9 to <ress
accounts1 :e =as eEa8ined e>er3 da3 b3 !urton Lee? As one Bournalist tra>ellin9 =it:
!us:7s <art3 tells it1 FTo=ard t:e end of t:e tri<1 G!us:H loo;ed tired? Last Saturda3 G&ul3
$5H1 :e could not recall t:e details of a s<eec: :e =as to 9i>e in t=o da3s? 7It7s a s<eec: in
t:e Rose Garden to so8e s<ecial 9rou<17 :e told a ne=s conference? 7,on7t as; 8e an3
On Sunda31 ta;in9 @uestions fro8 re<orters =:ile <osin9 for <:oto9ra<:s =it: Sule38an
,e8irel1 leader of a Tur;is: o<<osition <art31 !us: testil3 obBected to t:e tone of an
A8erican radio re<orter7s @uestion? FNo=1 =ait a 8inute1F !us: said? (ou don7t as; in t:at
toneC Bust as; t:e @uestion?F Gfn +)H
&ul3 $'" At a *:ite House 8eetin9 =it: GO% leaders1 e>en t:e Ne= (or; Ti8es could not
i9nore !us:7s Fa<<arent irritationF on t:e Gates issue1 a leadin9 !us: obsession? !us: =as
still furious about Gates bein9 left to t=ist in t:e =ind all su88er? FI t:in; t:e 8an
deser>es to be confir8ed1 and I7>e seen not:in9 ot:er t:an innuendo and re<orts t:at :e
8ust :a>e ;no=n t:is or so8et:in9? I don7t =ant to 9et started? GUnderstandable1 after :is
<re>ious nonsto< ra9e 8onolo9ue?H I told t:e cabinet 3esterda3 :o= stron9l3 I feel about
t:is and so I =ill stand b3 t:is 8an?F Gfn +-H
Au9ust $" One da3 after returnin9 to *as:in9ton fro8 t:e Mosco= su88it1 !us: 9a>e a
ne=s conference in t:e Rose Garden t:at =as :ea>il3 colored b3 obsessi>e ra9e1 as can be
seen fro8 a front-<a9e <:oto9ra<: in t:e neEt da37s *as:in9ton %ost1 =:ic: s:o=s :i8
snarlin9 and 9esticulatin9? !us:7s 8ain t:e8e =as an attac; on t:e Con9ress1 Fa Con9ress
t:at is frustratin9l3 ne9ati>e on e>er3t:in9?F FI78 9ettin9 fired u< t:in;in9 about it1 !us:
said? He t:en launc:ed into a tirade"
*e7>e 9ot eEcellent <ro9ra8s1 and t:e onl3 =a3 =:en t:e ot:er <art3 controls t:e Con9ress
is to defeat so8e of t:eir lous3 ideas and t:en ;ee< sa3in9 to t:e A8erican <eo<le1 7Ha>e
3our con9ress8an tr3 t:e <resident7s ideas? *e need 8ore farsi9:ted <eo<le li;e 8e in
So <lease1 A8erican <eo<le1 -- let 8e loo; o>er t:is =a3 -- <lease1 do not listen to t:e
c:ar9es b3 frantic ,e8ocrats =:o are tr3in9 to sa3 =e don7t :a>e a do8estic <olic3 =:en
=e :a>e a 9ood one? Gi>e it a c:ance? Let t:e <resident7s <ro9ra8s co8e u<1 and let7s :a>e
so8e su<<ort for =:at :e =as elected to do?
Accordin9 to !us:1 t:e ,e8ocrats Fsee8 to :a>e a concerted <olic3???to tear do=n t:e
<resident?F As;ed about <ossible ,e8ocratic <residential candidates 8eetin9 =it: t:e
=ido= of :is fa8il3 benefactor1 !us: res<onded =it: 8uted an9er1 FT:ese fello=s =:o are
>er3 nice1 >er3 <leasant -- all 9o do=n to %a8ela Harri8an7s far8 do=n :ere1 t:e bastion of
de8ocrac31 and co8e bac; and tell 8e t:at =e don7t :a>e a do8estic <ro9ra8? C78on?
Li9:ten u< out t:ere?F After t:e lon9 diatribes1 it =as <er:a<s not sur<risin9 t:at so8eone
as;ed !us: :o= :e =as feelin9? FRi9:t no=1 I feel li;e a 8illion buc;s1F :e re<lied? !ut :e
=as ada8ant t:at it =as ti8e for :is >acation" FI78 :istor3???It7s 9oin9 to be a >acation? I
t:in; I7>e earned it1 li;e a lot of A8ericans1 and I78 loo;in9 for=ard to it? And it =ill not be
denied?F Gfn ++H
Au9ust 1)" !us:7s ra9e <rofile =as once 8ore on dis<la3 as :e called for an eEtension of
t:e federal deat: <enalt3 in a %ittsbur9: s<eec: t:at =as also full of racist o>ertones?
Addressin9 t:e National Con>ention of t:e raternal Order of %olice1 !us: ranted t:at Ft:e
ti8e :as co8e to s:o= less co8<assion for t:e arc:itects of cri8e and 8ore co8<assion
for its >icti8s? Our citiAens =ant and deser>e to feel safe?F F*e 8ust re8e8ber t:at t:e
first obli9ation of a <enal s3ste8 is to <unis: t:ose =:o brea; our la=s????(ou can7t turn bad
<eo<le into saints?F !us: =anted courts to be able to use e>idence t:at :ad been seiAed
ille9all3" FT:ere7s no reason -- none at all-- t:at 9ood <olice officers s:ould be <enaliAed
and cri8inals freed because a Bud9e or a la=3er bun9led a searc: =arrant?F &ournalists
noted t:at t:e s<eec: and t:e settin9 =ere t3<ical of t:e standard ca8<ai9n e>ent of 12//1
=:ic: =as often a <olice 9rou< endorsin9 !us:1 courtes3 of t:e CIA Office of Securit3? T:e
<:oto of !us: in t:e *as:in9ton %ost is eE<ressi>e of !us:7s an9er =:en 8a;in9 t:e
s<eec:? Gfn +.H
Au9ust $1" T:e So>iet <utsc: =as a tr3in9 ti8e for !us:1 =:o sta;ed a 9reat deal on :is
deal =it: Gorbac:o>? A re8ar;able flare- u< b3 !us: ca8e in res<onse to t:e o<inion
eE<ressed b3 J>iad Ga8sa;:urdia1 t:e <resident of t:e Re<ublic of Geor9ia1 t:at
Gorbac:o> =as <art of t:e cons<irac3 be:ind t:e cou<? !us:1 as;ed for a reaction1 =as
!us:" --sa3 to :i8 :e needs to 9et a little =or; done on t:e ;ind of state8ents :e7s 8a;in9?
I 8ean t:at7s ridiculous? T:ere7s a 8an =:o :as been also s=i88in9 a9ainst t:e tide1 it
see8s to 8e1 a little bit? And I don7t =ant to 9o o>erboard on t:is1 but :e ou9:t to 9et =it: it
and understand =:at7s :a<<enin9 around t:e =orld?
L" Are 3ou sa3in9 t:at--
!us:" To su99est t:at %resident Gorbac:o> =ould <lot to <ut t:e <eo<le of t:e So>iet
Union t:rou9: t:is ;ind of trau8a and t:e rest of t:e =orld t:rou9: it Bust 8a;es absolutel3
no sense at all? No=1 I :a>en7t :eard :i8 sa3 t:at1 so I =ant to :ed9e it? (ou7>e told 8e :e
said itC I :a>en7t :eard it? So1 I7>e 9ot to be >er3 careful I don7t react to so8et:in9 t:at 8a3
not be true? I learned t:at one a lon9 ti8e a9o?
Here =e can see t:at !us: <ulled :i8self to9et:er Bust enou9: to lea>e :i8self an esca<e
:atc: after :e :ad blo=n :is to<?
Se<te8ber 11" In a <:oto o<<ortunit3 =it: Con9ress8en in =:ic: :e =as as;ed about :is
de8and t:at t:e Con9ress <ost<one a >ote on loan 9uarantees for Israel until &anuar31 122$1
so as to <er8it a Middle East <eace conference to ta;e <lace in t:e 8eanti8e1 !us: s:o=ed
flareu<s of ra9e? !us:7s <lo3 =as =idel3 t:ou9:t to be <art of t:e <re<aration of an Israeli
Fbrea;a=a3 all3F scenario1 in =:ic: Israel1 def3in9 t:e =is:es of *as:in9ton1 =ould =a9e
=ar a9ainst &ordan1 8ass-de<ort t:e %alestinians1 and <ossibl3 attac; ot:er Arab states?
!us: :ad been accused of anti-se8itis8 b3 a 8inorit3 8e8ber of t:e Israeli cabinet? *as
:e 9oin9 to lose a confrontation =it: t:e for8idable Jionist lobb3D T:is issue =as !us:7s
obsession of t:e 8o8entC :is re<l3 =as test3 and full of >eiled t:reats" F*ell1 I don7t ;no=
=:at 3ou 8ean b3 lose on it? *:at I78 for is t:e <eace <rocess to be successful1 and =e7re
=or;in9 dili9entl3 for t:at? G???H And so1 =:at I78 su99estin9 is a si8<le dela3 :ere1 in 83
>ie= and in t:e >ie= of all of us in t:e ad8inistration1 is t:e best =a3 to set t:e <ro<er tone
for t:ese tal;s to start? And I feel >er3 stron9l3 about it?
So1 it7s not a @uestion of =innin9 or losin9 in 83 >ie=? Stron9-=illed <eo<le loo; at t:ese
8atters differentl3? M3 >ie= is t:at a dela3 is in t:e interest1 and I78 9oin9 to fi9:t for it?
And I t:in; t:e A8erican <eo<le =ill bac; 8e on it if =e ta;e t:e case to t:e <eo<le? !ut
=:at =e7re reall3 tr3in9 to do is =or; it out =it:out 9ettin9 into a lot of confrontation?F *as
a confrontation not alread3 ta;in9 <lace D !us: ans=ered1 =it: :is ra9e @uotient risin9" FI
can ta;e @uite a fe= <unc:es? *e7re tal;in9 about =or;in9 :ar8oniousl3 to9et:er in t:e
s<irit of coo<eration? And I7>e seen co88ents fro8 abroad t:at I didn7t <articularl3
a<<reciate? !ut =e7re t:e United States of A8erica1 and =e :a>e a leaders:i< role around
t:e =orld t:at :as to be fulfilled? And I78 callin9 t:e s:ots in t:is @uestion in t:e =a3 t:at I
t:in; is best? And I7>e 9ot so8e sellin9 to do =it: certain Me8bers of Con9ress1 and t:at7s
understandable to 8e? So1 =e7ll see :o= it co8es out? !ut I78 not a<<roac:in9 t:is in t:e
s<irit of confrontation if t:at7s t:e @uestion? (ou :a>en7t seen an3 real contro>ersial
state8ents co8in9 out of :ere u< till no=?F
Se<te8ber 1$" At a <ress conference1 t:e issue of t:e Israeli loan 9uarantee <ost<one8ent
=as once a9ain t:e central t:e8e? !us: =as in a controlled ra9e state durin9 :is o<enin9
state8ent1 and =ent ballistic durin9 t:e @uestionin9? A @uestioner noted t:at !us: sounded
F>er3 tou9:F on insistin9 on t:e dela3? !us:"
I Bust sound <rinci<led? I a8 con>inced t:at t:is debate =ould be counter<roducti>e to
<eace? And I o=e it to t:e Me8ber of Con9ress to sa3 it as forcefull3 as I can? I7>e =orn out
of t:e tele<:one in t:ere and one ear1 and I78 9oin9 to 8o>e to t:e ot:er ear and ;ee< on it?
!ecause t:is is1 <eace is >ital :ere1 and =e7>e =or;ed too :ard to :a>e t:at re@uest of 8ine
denied? And I t:in; t:e A8erican <eo<le =ill su<<ort 8e? T:e3 ;no= =e su<<ort Israel?
I7>e Bust detailed so8e of =:at =e7>e done? So1 t:ere s:ould be no @uestion about t:at? I a8
9i>in9 t:e Con9ress -- and I did it =it: t:e leaders toda31 :a>in9 an o<<ortunit3 :ere1 t:an;
3ou1 to do it :ere- - to 9i>e 83 best Bud98ent? And I78 u< a9ainst so8e <o=erful <olitical
forces1 but I o=e it to t:e A8erican <eo<le to tell t:e8 :o= stron9l3 I feel about t:e
L" Are t:ose <o=erful <olitical forces un9rateful for =:at 3ou7>e done so far on a <eace
<rocessD And =:3 doesn7t t:e <eace ar9u8ent sell =it: t:e8D !us:" I t:in; it =ill sell1 but
it7s ta;en a little ti8e? And =e7re u< a9ainst a >er3 stron9 and effecti>e1 so8eti8es1 9rou<s
t:at 9o u< to t:e Hill? I :eard toda3 t:ere =as so8et:in9 li;e a t:ousand lobb3ists on t:e
Hill =or;in9 t:e ot:er side of t:e @uestion? *e7>e 9ot one lonel3 little 9u3 do=n :ere doin9
it? Ho=e>er1 I li;e t:is foru8 better too?
T:is last <assa9e =as suffused =it: a<o<lectic fur3? In t:e neEt @uestion1 !us: =as as;ed if
a colu8nist =as ri9:t in co88entin9 on !us:7s stance1 FIt7s 3our obsession?F !us: denied
it1 but it =as clear to all t:at :e =as bot: enra9ed and obsessed? G+$ bisH
Later !us: and :is :andlers concluded t:at :e :ad o>erdone it1 es<eciall3 in :is attac; on
t:e 11555 Jionist lobb3ists1 and sent a letter to t:e :eads of se>eral &e=is: or9aniAations
re<eatin9 :is de8and for t:e dela31 but also sa3in9 t:at :e =as FconcernedF lest :is
Se<te8ber 15 co88ents 8i9:t :a>e Fcaused a<<re:ensionF in t:e &e=is: co88unit3C
!us: reassured t:e8 t:at :e Fne>er 8eant to be <eBorati>e in an3 sense?F In a ne=s anal3sis
<ublis:ed / da3s later1 a *as:in9ton %ost obser>er found t:at !us:7s Fardor is fueled b3 :is
an9er1F and @uoted an unna8ed official t:at for !us: t:e issue of &e=is: settle8ents in t:e
occu<ied territories =as Fa >isceral t:in9?F Gfn +/H
Se<te8ber 1/" In a de8a9o9ic <:oto o<<ortunit3 at t:e Grand Can3on1 !us: a9ain
t:reatened to rene= t:e bo8bin9 of Ira@? In re8ar;s t:at recalled :is <s3c:otic ra9es
a9ainst Sadda8 Hussein durin9 t:e Gulf crisis1 !us: ra>ed t:at :e =as Ffed u<F =it:
Sadda8? !us: said t:at Sadda8 F8a3 be testin9 and <robin9F :is resol>e1 Fbut :e ;no=s
better t:an to ta;e on t:e United States of A8erica?F FI t:in; t:e 8an =ill see t:at =e are
>er3 serious about t:is1 and :e =ill do =:at :e s:ould :a>e done in t:e first <lace" disclose
and co8<l3?F
October 11" Ho<in9 t:at <ublic attention =as fiEed on t:e Senate testi8on3 of Anita Hill1
!us: >etoed a bill to eEtend une8<lo38ent <a38ents to 8ore t:an $ 8illion A8ericans
=:ose Bobless benefits :ad run out? !us: :ad <re<ared t:is >eto =it: a furious outburst
a9ainst suc: an eEtension? At a I1555-a-<late Re<ublican fundraisin9 dinner in Ne=
!runs=ic;1 Ne= &erse31 !us: :ad las:ed out an9ril3 at a Con9ress =:ic: =as Fdoin9
not:in9 but 9ri<in9 -- refusin9 to consider t:e ne= ideas and sendin9 8e a bunc: of
9arba9e I =ill not si9n? I7ll continue to >eto t:e bad stuff until =e 9et 9ood bills?F !us:7s
ar9u8ent =as t:at t:e <rolon9ed une8<lo38ent benefits =ere not needed because t:e
recession =as o>er an3=a3? He stressed :is res<onsibilit3 not to brea; t:e October1 1225
bud9et a9ree8ent1 =:ic: b3 t:at ti8e =as <roducin9 a bud9et deficit officiall3 ad8itted to
be o>er I1 billion <er da3? Later1 as t:e eEistence of t:e de<ression be9an to <enetrate t:e
<ublic consciousness1 !us: :ad to bac;trac; on t:is tirade? Gfn -1H
October $)" Atte8<tin9 to focus <ublic an9er on Con9ress in t:e =a;e of t:e Clarence
T:o8as :earin9s1 !us: attac;ed t:e la=8a;ers as Fa <ri>ile9ed class of rulers?F F*:en
Con9ress eEe8<ts itself fro8 t:e >er3 la=s it =rites for ot:ers1 it stri;es at its o=n
re<utation and s:atters <ublic confidence in 9o>ern8ent1F :e said? T:is =as a trans<arent
bid to increase <olice-state attac;s on t:e Con9ress b3 subBectin9 t:e le9islati>e branc: to
t:e o>ersi9:t of la= enforce8ent a9encies =:ic: are <art of t:e eEecuti>e1 a fa>orite !us:
obsession? !us: de8anded a s<ecial <rosecutor to in>esti9ate t:e lea;s of !I infor8ation
durin9 t:e T:o8as :earin9s1 and said t:at !I re<orts =ould :encefort: onl3 be s:o=n1 not
9i>en to t:e Hill? As !us: read t:rou9: :is tirade1 :is face t=isted and ti9:tened into a
8as; of ra9e and :ate? At one <oint1 <er:a<s in res<onse to si9nals fro8 :is :andlers1 :e
<aused and a<olo9iAed to t:e audience for 9ettin9 so =or;ed u<1 but t:e issue 8eant a lot to
:i8? Gfn -$H
October '5" Co88entin9 on !us:7s sur<risin9 acce<tance of a co8<ro8ise ci>il ri9:ts bill1
E>ans and No>a; re<ort t:at F!us:7s ca<itulation on racial @uotas :as a9ain c:illed
conser>ati>e Re<ublicans still sufferin9 fro8 t:e 3ear-old =ound of :is taE retreat?F T:e
colu8nists @uote ,e8ocratic Re<? 6in *eber sa3in9 t:at FIt7s a si9n t:at t:eir reactions in
ti8es of crisis are not 9ood?F Gfn -'H or 8ont:s1 !us: :ad sou9:t to attac; t:is le9islation
as a @uota bill1 and it =as clear t:at :e =as <re<arin9 to use t:is as a =a3 to inBect racis8
into :is 122$ ca8<ai9n? Indeed1 t:e racis8O@uota issue =as =idel3 seen as one of t:e fe=
do8estic =ed9e issues !us: could use for :is ca8<ai9n" :is <lan =as to tell t:e =:ite
8iddle class t:at t:eir econo8ic deci8ation =as t:e fault of blac;s and ot:er 8inorities
benefittin9 fro8 affir8ati>e action <ro9ra8s? T:en1 in t:e =a;e of t:e T:o8as :earin9s1 :e
acce<ted a co8<ro8ise and lost t:e issue? *as t:is an i8<ulsi>e1 :3<ert:3roid decisionD
October '1" !us: :eld t:e first official e>ent of :is re-election ca8<ai9n on Hallo=eenC it
=as a I1555-a-<late fundraiser at t:e S:eraton Astrodo8e in Houston? !us: offered an irate
defense of :is tenure in t:e <residenc3? !ut t:e audience of /55 GO% fat cats 9a>e !us:
onl3 a te<id res<onse? In t:e =ords of EliAabet: Ra31 a local Re<ublican candidate for
district Bud9e1 FI t:ou9:t t:e dinner =as >er3 subdued? Half=a3 into G!us:7sH s<eec:1
<eo<le =ere still not cla<<in9 at so8e of t:e traditional ti8es1 and I t:ou9:t to 83self1 7T:is
is a >er3 odd cro=d?7F FIt =asn7t a <e< rall31F a9reed :er :usband1 a Houston business
consultant? T:e :eart of !us:7s :i9:l3 <i@ued <erfor8ance =as in t:ese lines"
An3one =:o sa3s =e s:ould retreat into an isolationistic cocoon is li>in9 in t:e last centur31
=:en =e s:ould be focused on t:e neEt centur3 and t:e li>es our c:ildren =ill lead? And
t:e3 s:ould ;no= A8erica7s destin3 :as al=a3s been to lead? And if I :a>e an3t:in9 to do
=it: it1 lead =e =ill???I78 not 9oin9 to let liberal ,e8ocratic car<in9 ;ee< 8e fro8 leadin9?
*:en !us: said Fcar<in91F :e see8ed to s<it and :iss at t:e sa8e ti8e? T:en1 =it: :is bile
and andrenaline buildin9 to a crescendo of ra9e1 !us: recalled t:e Gulf =ar and :o= far
Sc:=arA;o<f =ould :a>e 9otten if Con9ress :ad been in co88and? FT:an; God I didn7t
:a>e to listen to t:ese car<ers tellin9 8e :o= to run t:at =ar1F !us: eE<loded in a
<aroE3s8 of fur3? T:e i8<lication =as also clear" to c:ec;8ate Con9ress1 9o to =ar?
It =as durin9 t:is tri< to TeEas t:at !us: be9an s<outin9 :is fa>orite antic3clical line1 t:at it
=as a 9reat ti8e to bu3 a :ouse and to bu3 a car? Man3 <eo<le across A8erica t:ou9:t t:at
t:e3 =ere :a>in9 enou9: trouble bu3in9 9roceries?
!us:7s outburst t:is ti8e reflected t:e risin9 tide of <ublic a=areness of t:e econo8ic
de<ression1 and de8ands t:at :e c:an9e :is <olic3? Senator Mitc:ell :ad assailed !us: =it:
unusual ener931 notin9 t:at F%resident !us:7s record for econo8ic 9ro=t: and Bob creation
is =orse t:an for an3 ot:er <resident since Herbert Hoo>er? ,urin9 !us:7s <residenc31 our
countr3 :as 9ro=n at a slo=er rate1 =it: fe=er Bobs created t:an durin9 an3 ot:er
<residenc3 in t:e <ast -5 3ears?F T:at :urt? Secretar3 !rad3 =as later sent out to co8<lain
t:at :e could not Funderstand =:3 it is a function of leaders:i< to tr3 and re8ind t:e <eo<le
in t:is countr3 of t:e recession and Herbert Hoo>er?F Gfn -)H !rad3 =as afraid e>en of t:e
=ord1 Fde<ression?F Earlier t:e sa8e da3 !us: :ad ta;en <art in a F>irtual <olitical bra=lF
in t:e cabinet roo8 o>er t:e i8<act of t:e de<ression on <olitics1 =it: <redictions of t:e
defeat of !us:7s candidate1 ad8inistrati>e fascist Ric:ard T:ornbur9:1 in t:e all-i8<ortant
%enns3l>ania senate race? !us:7s res<onse :ad been <ri8aril3 one of recri8ination1 Bud9in9
fro8 <ublis:ed accounts" :e eEcoriated Re<ublican con9ressional leaders for not toein9 :is
line in t:e October1 1225 bud9et battles? !us: told t:ese leaders t:at :e did not t:in; :e
could de<end on Con9ressional Re<ublicans >otin9 =it: :i8 if an econo8ic <ac;a9e also
contained ne= taEes? T:e 8eetin9 :ad been tense and acri8onious? Gfn -+H
A co88ent in Ne=s=ee; noted t:at Fat a Houston fund-raisin9 ban@uet last =ee;1 t:e
<resident sounded do=nri9:t <etulant discussin9 t:e econo831 as if :e7d been forced to eat
broccoli for dinner?F Gfn --H
No>e8ber $" !us:7s <s3c:olo9ical stabilit3 =as furt:er i8<acted b3 t:e de>astation of :is
:o8e at *al;er7s %oint1 in #ennebun;<ort1 Maine1 b3 a se>ere Atlantic stor8? !ecause :e
=as under fire for re<resentin9 onl3 t:e =ealt:31 :e fle= to Maine on a s8all eEecuti>e Bet1
t:e 8ilitar3 e@ui>alent of a Gru88an Gulfstrea81 rat:er t:an usin9 Air orce One1 a
!oein9 .).? T:e furniture and so8e =alls on t:e 9round floor =ere destro3ed1 and t:ere
=as a considerable loss of fa8il3 8e8orabilia? !us: found a <:oto9ra<: of fat:er %rescott
in a s=a8<3 area se>eral :undred feet fro8 t:e :ouse? FIt7s de>astatin9?F FI can7t belie>e it1F
said !us:? FA lot of t:is G=asH stuff t:at 3ou =ould call dear1 not >aluable1 but t:in9s =e
bou9:t in C:ina or different tri<s? It7s <ersonal? (ou7ll see 7e8 floatin9 around out :ere?F
!us: also referred 83sticall3 to t:e i8<ortance of rebuildin9 and ;ee<in9 a :o8e b3 t:e
ocean" F*e7ll be :ere? It 8eans so8et:in9 to us?
It7s our fa8il3 stren9t:1 bein9 t:is close to t:e ocean? *e7ll fi9ure it out?F !us:=atc:ers
sensed t:at !us:7s 8ental instabilit3 could onl3 be eEacerbated b3 t:is trau8a? Gfn -.H !us:
once a9ain loo;ed 9:astl3 on t:is outin91 and about as old as #in9 Canute?
No>e8ber +" T:is =as election da31 and eEit <olls in t:e late afternoon s:o=ed a decisi>e
defeat of T:ornbur9: in %enns3l>ania1 reflectin9 risin9 <o<ular resent8ent of t:e !us:
re9i8e? T:e neEt da31 !us: =as sc:eduled to de<art for a NATO 8eetin9 and Ro8e and
t:en for a 8eetin9 =it: t:e leaders of t:e Euro<ean Co88unit3 in T:e Ha9ue? !ut1
abru<tl3 and in ti8e for t:e e>enin9 ne=s <ro9ra8s1 !us: announced t:at :e =as
cancellin9 a later 15-da3 tri< t:at =as sc:eduled to :a>e ta;en :i8 to &a<an1 Sout: #orea1
Sin9a<ore1 and Australia? T:e rationale offered for t:is re>ersal =as t:at !us: =anted to
sta3 in *as:in9ton until t:e end of No>e8ber and =or; on 9ettin9 :is Fdo8estic le9islati>e
<ac;a9eF t:rou9: Con9ress? T:is eE<lanation =as incon9ruous for at least t=o reasons"
first1 t:e Con9ressional leaders:i< clearl3 :o<ed to adBourn and 9o :o8e for T:an;s9i>in9
recess b3 t:e ti8e t:at !us:7s sc:eduled tri< to t:e Orient =as to :a>e be9un? Secondl31
!us: :ad no do8estic le9islati>e <ac;a9e?
So8e of !us:7s closest associates =ere dis8a3ed b3 :is ra<id colla<se under <ressure? FIt
8a;es it loo; li;e t:e ,e8ocrats :a>e us on t:e total run1F one senior ad8inistration
official told t:e *as:in9ton %ost? FT:is is ridiculous? *e loo; li;e =e7re runnin9 around
li;e c:ic;ens =it: our :eads cut off1F said a GO% official =it: close ties to t:e *:ite
House? T:e i8<ression =as t:at !us: :ad <anic;ed =:en :e beca8e a=are t:at t:e
,e8ocratic National Co88ittee :ad <roduced a t-s:irt celebratin9 !us:7s FAn3=:ere but
A8erica Tour1F listin9 tri<s co8<leted and <lanned durin9 1221? !us:1 =:o =as =atc:in9
:is o=n su<<ort and <o<ularit3 decline ineEorabl3 in t:e <olls1 :ad a<<arentl3 been
sta8<eded b3 t:e defeat of T:ornbur9: and =anted to <ro<itiate <ublic o<inion b3 sta3in9
:o8e? It loo;ed >er3 8uc: li;e a :3<ert:3roid decision?
T:is i8<ression =as 8a9nified b3 t:e c:aotic =a3 t:at !us:7s cancellation beca8e ;no=n?
Accordin9 to t:e *as:in9ton %ost Ft:e s:oc; of !us:7s decision =as intensified in
*as:in9ton and Asia b3 t:e 8anner of its re>elation? A *:ite House official in>ol>ed in
tri< <lannin9 said :e :eard of t:e <ost<one8ent late Tuesda3 after a :i9:-le>el 8eetin9 and
Bust 8inutes before learnin9 t:at N!C Ne=s :ad obtained t:e stor31 =:ic: =as broadcast
on its e>enin9 ne=s <ro9ra8? Se>eral Asian e8bassies in *as:in9ton :eard t:e ne=s fro8
t:e <ress re<orts before recei>in9 official =ord fro8 t:e *:ite House?F On t:e =a3 to
Ro8e t:e neEt da31 !us: =as :eard to co8<lain about =:at :e <er:a<s considered a lea;"
F(ou 9ot t:e 8essa9e ooAed out of t:e *:ite House before =e :ad a c:ance to <ro<erl3
notif3 t:e <arties1F :e berated t:e <ress on board Air orce One? F(ou 9u3s are too 9ood?F
Gfn -/H
So8eti8e durin9 October1 !us: :ad discussed =it: :is :andlers t:e <ossibilit3 of
cancellin9 t:e Asia tri< =:ile si8ultaneousl3 <ro<osin9 a set of 8easures alle9edl3
desi9ned to i8<ro>e econo8ic conditions1 and c:allen9in9 t:e Con9ress to sta3 in to=n
lon9 enou9: to <ass t:is <ac;a9e? !ut !us: :ad been unable to asse8ble an3 suc: set of
8easures? One GO% official co8<lained t:at !us:7s announce8ent late on election da31
1221 =as Fa cancellation =it:out a <ur<ose? T:is is nuts?F Gfn -2H T:is Asian tri<1 featurin9
a sto<o>er in &a<an1 =as later re-sc:eduled to start on ,ece8ber '5 and to eEtend t:rou9:
t:e first =ee; of t:e Ne= (ear? It =as durin9 t:is tri< t:at !us: >o8ited and colla<sed to
t:e floor durin9 a state dinner =it: &a<anese %ri8e Minister Mi3aAa=a?
No>e8ber -" On t:e 8ornin9 after t:e election1 !us: :ad announced a -")5 AM <ress
conference in order to <ut on a de8a9o9ic s:o= of concern for t:e <li9:t of t:ose born on
t:e =ron9 side of t:e trac;s before Bettin9 off to a NATO su88it in Ro8e? He ad8itted t:at
:e =as Fde<ressedF o>er t:e defeat of T:ornbur9: because t:e latter =as suc: a 9ood 8an?
He la8el3 tried to eE<lain :is decision to re8ain in *as:in9ton at t:e end of t:e 8ont: as
based on :is eE<erience t:at Fall ;inds of craA3 t:in9s can :a<<en =it: t:is cro=d t:at
controls t:e Senate and House?F !ut !us: :ad anot:er bi9 fli<-flo< to offer" alt:ou9: :e
still denied t:e eEistence of a Frecession1F :e =as no= concerned about F<eo<le t:at are
:urtin91F and for t:ese :e =as =illin9 to F9o t:e eEtra 8ile?F He =as no= see;in9 a
co8<ro8ise bill to eEtend une8<lo38ent benefits? *it:in a =ee;1 a co8<ro8ise :ad been
reac:ed =it: 8ost of t:e concessions co8in9 fro8 !us:1 on t:e 8odel of t:e ci>il ri9:ts
bill? *as it anot:er i8<usli>e1 :3<ert:3roid 8o8entD Gfn .5H
No>e8ber ." ,urin9 :is address to t:e NATO su88it of 1- :eads of state and :eads of
9o>ern8ent1 !us: de<arted fro8 :is <re<ared teEt and inserted t:e follo=in9 sentence off
t:e cuff into :is re8ar;s"
If1 83 friends1 3our ulti8ate ai8 is to <ro>ide inde<endentl3 for 3our o=n defense1 t:e ti8e
to tell us is toda3?
T:is =as in 8an3 res<ects t:e 8ost astoundin9 t:reat e>er 8ade b3 an A8erican <resident
to t:e leaders of t:e Nort: Atlantic Alliance1 =:ic: :ad al=a3s been considered1 since
12)21 as t:e cornerstone of US forei9n <olic3? !us: no= called t:e Atlantic %act into
@uestion1 a<<arentl3 in a fit of ra9e? %ress re<orts s<o;e of Fclouds of sus<icionF se<aratin9
!us: fro8 rance and Ger8an3C t:e State ,e<art8ent and t:e !ritis: =ere ;no=n to be
:3sterical about <lans to eE<and t:e eEisitin9 ranco-Ger8an bri9ade into a lar9er unit? US
officials told one re<orter t:at !us: :ad beco8e FeEas<eratedF b3 t:e !3Aantine tactics of
Tonton Mitterrand1 ;no=n in %aris as FLe lorentinF in a 8is9uided tribute to Mac:ia>elli?
T:ese frictions a<<arentl3 :ad contributed to !us:7s outburst? &a8es !a;er and ot:er s<in
doctors tried to <la3 do=n t:e i8<ortance of t:is s:oc;in9 e<isode? Gfn .1H
No>e8ber /" At a <ress conference in Ro8e1 !us: turned in 3et anot:er furious tantru8?
T:e basic issues =ere t:at :is tra>el obsession :ad been denied1 and t:at :e did not =ant to
broo; increasin9 criticis8? !us: Fco8<lained bitterl3F t:at :e :ad been forced to abandon
:is <riAed tri< to Asia o=in9 to Fso8e car<in9 b3 <eo<le t:at don7t understandF :is
a=eso8e res<onsibilities as =orld leader? !us: an9ril3 8aintained t:at to be Fdri>en a=a3F
fro8 an Asia tri< Fb3 <eo<le :oldin9 u< sill3 T-s:irts is ridiculous?F As one Bournalist sa=
t:e scene1 F!us:1 :is >oice risin9 and e3elids narro=in91 tal;ed at len9t: about a <resident7s
res<onsibilities in forei9n <olic3 and t:e i8<ortance of &a<an to A8erican Bobs? His
<assionate res<onse contained an undercurrent of re9ret t:at :e a<<ro>ed t:e cancellation
t:at so8e Re<ublicans said t:is =ee; =as <reci<itous and too reacti>e to t:e ,e8ocrats?F
Had callin9 off t:e tri< so8e:o= interfered =it: !us:7s <lans for unleas:in9 t:e neEt =arD
!us: re>erted to :is fa>orite t:e8e of :is =ar leaders:i<" FIf I :ad :ad to listen to ad>iceF
of Con9ressional ,e8ocrats Fto do so8et:in9 about t:e %ersian Gulf1 =e7d :a>e still been
sittin9 t:ere in t:e United States1 fat1 du8b1 and :a<<31 =it: Sadda8 Hussein 8a3be in
Saudi Arabia?F !us: also continued to den3 t:e de<ression" FI78 not <re<ared to sa3 =e7re
in recession?F or :i81 an alle9ed 9ro=t: rate of $?)R Fis not recession? It does not fit t:e
definition of recession?F Gfn .$H
No>e8ber 1$" !us:7s countenance =as once 8ore a 8as; of ra9e1 >eno81 and :atred as :e
stu8bled t:rou9: anot:er I1555-a-<late Re<ublican fundraisin9 dinner in Man:attan? He
a<<eared t:in and dra=n? T:e ta;e for !us:7s ca8<ai9n =as esti8ated at I$?$ 8illion1 but
<ress re<orts indicated t:at !us:7s enra9ed 8onolo9ue F<ro8<ted little a<<lause or
ent:usias8 as t:e <resident 8o>ed fro8 one to<ic to anot:er1 rarel3 de>otin9 8ore t:an a
fe= seconds to an3 t:e8e?F !us:7s deli>er3 =as :altin9 and confused1 =it: si9ns of e>ident
dissociation and a truncated attention s<an? T:e essence of t:e s<eec: =as a <aranoid1 self-
ri9:teous defense a9ainst critics na8ed and unna8ed? !us: labelled :is tor8entors as
Fta=dr31F F<:on31F and Fsecond- 9uessers?F He <ounded t:e lectern as :e ranted1 FI78 not
9oin9 to be t:e Ba>elin-catc:er for t:e liberals in Con9ress an38ore?F FI a8 not 9oin9 to
a<olo9iAe for one 8inute t:at I de>ote to ad>ancin9 our econo8ic <rinci<les aborad or
=or;in9 for =orld <eace1F <ostured t:e <resident of t=o =ars and countin9?
No>e8ber 1$" !us:1 s<ea;in9 in Ne= (or; and fu8blin9 for bits of de8a9o93 on t:e
econo8ic situation1 eE<ressed a >a9ue desire to see lo=er interest rates for credit card
:olders? Man3 obser>ers sa3 t:at t:e t=o sentences on t:is to<ic uttered b3 !us: t:at da3
:ad been inter<olated b3 c:ief of staff SununuC Sununu later accused !us: of :a>in9 ad-
libbed t:e <ronounce8ent on :is o=n initiati>e? One da3 later1 t:e Senate o>er=:el8in9l3
a<<ro>ed a bill to ca< credit card interest rates? *it: t:is1 t:e secondar3 8ar;et in credit
card debt colla<sed1 t:reatenin9 to blo= off t:e co>eru< of t:e ban;ru<tc3 of t:e lar9est US
ban;s? On rida31 No>e8ber 1+1 t:e ,o= &ones Industrial A>era9e lost )R of its >alue
=it:in a fe= :ours1 t:e bi99est colla<se since October 1'1 12/2? !us:1 runnin9 for co>er1
:astil3 des<atc:ed Treasur3 Secretar3 !rad3 to denounce t:e interest ca< as F=ac;3?F It
=as 3et anot:er i8<ulsi>e >olte-face b3 t:e erratic and unstable !us:?
No>e8ber $5" *it: !us: sc:eduled to si9n a ci>il ri9:ts bill containin9 <ro>isions =:ic:
!us: :ad sti98atiAed as @uotas and s=orn :e =ould resist to t:e deat:1 t:e *:ite House
circulated a directi>e to federal a9encies 8andatin9 t:e ter8ination of all :irin9 <olicies
desi9ned to fa>or 8inorit3 9rou<s or =o8en? !us: :ad not =anted an3 ci>il ri9:ts bill to
be <assed1 <referrin9 to ;ee< t:e race issue in :is @ui>er for t:e 122$ election1 but :e :ad
been inti8idated b3 t:e t:reat t:at Sen? ,anfort: and ot:er Re<ublicans =ould su<<ort a
,e8ocrat-s<onsored bill1 lea>in9 !us: <ainfull3 isolated? T:at :ad alread3 been an
i8<ulsi>e decision?
No= !us:7s atte8<ted slei9:t of :and1 si9nin9 a bill and si8ultaneousl3 re8o>in9 t:e
:irin9 <olicies1 caused a furore? FT:e <resident =ould :a>e to lose :is 8ind to 8a;e t:is
state8ent1F said #err3 Scanlon1 a la=3er for t:e NAAC% Le9al ,efense and Educational
und? *it:in :ours1 t:e offendin9 directi>e :ad been =it:dra=n1 and bla8ed eEclusi>el3
on !o3 Gra31 t:e *:ite House resident racist =:o :ad indeed drafted t:e directi>e1 but on
instructions fro8 !us:? It =as 3et anot:er eEa8<le of an i8<ulsi>e sna< decision 8ade b3
!us: under <ressure? Intri9uin9l31 No>e8ber $5 =as also t:e da3 t:at !us: <ersonall3
<ronounced t:e 8uc:-tabooed =ord" F,E%RESSION?F FI don7t =ant to e8<:asiAe Bust t:e
bad t:in9s1 to tal; us into a de<ression1F :e :ad told so8e tele>ision stations o=ned b3
N!C? It =as a land8ar;" <residents :ad 8ade t:at =ord taboo for 8an3 decades? Gfn .'H
To=ards t:e end of No>e8ber1 t:e <endulu8 of !us:7s un<redictabilit3 :ad s=in9 bac;"
t:e Asia tri< =as bein9 resc:eduled for about a 8ont: later t:an ori9inall3 <lanned? !3
no=1 t:e 8edia =ere :ar<in9 on t:e e>ident Fdisarra3F in t:e *:ite House1 but none
see8ed to recall t:e t:3roid e<isode of t:e s<rin9ti8e1 nor t:e <s3c:o<at:olo9ical tri99er
for t:e t:3roid condition?
So8eti8e durin9 No>e8ber1 Bust about t:e ti8e :is a<<ro>al ratin9s =ere about to 9o
belo= +5R1 !us: a<<arentl3 recei>ed ur9ent ad>ice to 8oderate :is F8ad do9F <ublic
<rofile in fa>or of a 8ore conciliator3 and affable <osture? T:is occurred durin9 t:e sa8e
8ont:? 5:ate>er t:e details t:at led to t:e reno>ation of :is i8a9e1 :e no= be9an to eE:ibit
concern for t:e >icti8s of t:e !us: de<ression =:o1 accordin9 to :is litan31 :e no=
understood =ere F:urtin9?F He be9an s8ilin9 8ore1 and :issin9 so8e=:at less? %:oto
o<<ortunities be9an to de<ict :i8 fraterniAin9 =it: t:e co88on <eo<le?
!ut t:at <ost<oned ar East tri< continued to loo8 as !us:7s ne8esis? !ecause of :is desire
to be seen doin9 so8et:in9 to i8<ro>e t:e lot of t:e co88an 8an1 !us:7s :andlers
re<ac;a9ed t:is tri< as a crusade to o<en forei9n 8ar;ets to US eE<orts1 t:us :el<in9 to
defend A8erican Bobs? !us: accordin9l3 too; alon9 t:e =idel3 discredited to< eEecuti>es
of GM1 ord1 and C:r3sler to s38boliAe :is co88itt8ent to t:e 8oribund US auto
industr3? T:ese fi9ures functioned li;e a Gree; c:orus of ne9ati>e s<in1 <ointin9 u< !us:7s
8isad>entures and failures? T:e 8ost outs<o;en of t:e !i9 T:ree bosses =as <redictabl3
C:r3sler7s Lee Iacocca1 of =:o8 one re<orter said t:at :e =ould <robabl3 co8<lain if t:e
sun ca8e u<?
!us: dis<la3ed decided 8ental instabilit3 durin9 t:is tri<? In Canberra1 Australia1 :e
flas:ed a =ell-;no=n obscene 9esture to a 9rou< of far8ers =:o =ere <rotestin9 :is Ffree
tradeF far8 <olicies? !us: told a lunc:eon cruise in S3dne3 :arbor1 FI78 a 8an t:at ;no=s
e>er3 :and 9esture 3ou7>e e>er seen-- and I :a>en7t learned a ne= one since I7>e been :ere?F
As t:e *as:in9ton %ost re<orted1 F,o=n :ere1 :oldin9 u< t:e first t=o fin9ers to for8 a
F6F =it: t:e bac; of t:e :and to=ard t:e subBect is t:e sa8e as :oldin9 u< t:e 8iddle
fin9er in t:e United States? And t:at7s Bust =:at !us: did fro8 :is li8ousine to a 9rou< of
<rotesters as :is 8otorcade <assed t:rou9: Canberra 3esterda31 a<<arentl3 not ;no=in9 its
si9nificance? Or 8a3be :e did?F Gfn .)H One is re8inded of Nelson Roc;efeller7s antics on
at least one occasion?
T:en ca8e !us:7s >isit to &a<an1 cro=ned b3 :is seiAure at a state dinner in t:e official
residence of %ri8e Minister Mi3aAa=a? !us: :ad >o8ited at least once before t:e dinner? FI
9ot a <re>ie= in t:e recei>in9 line? I turned to t:e <ri8e 8inister and said1 7*ould 3ou
<lease eEcuse 8e17 and I rus:ed into t:e 8en7s roo8 t:ere? And I t:ou9:t t:at :ad ta;en care
of it1 but bac; I ca8e? It :adn7t been :alted? It =as Bust t:e be9innin9?F Gfn .+H Accordin9 to
Treasur3 Secretar3 !rad31 !us: :ad been ur9ed to s;i< t:e state dinner alto9et:er b3 :is
<ersonal <:3sician1 ,r? !urton Lee1 but !us: :ad reBected t:is ad>ice out of :and1 sa3in9
t:at :is absence =ould Fdisru<tF t:e <roceedin9s? Gfn .-H After t:e >o8itin9 and faintin9
scene =as o>er1 !us: =as as;ed if :e intended to slo= do=n? FNo<e1F !us: retorted? It7s
Bust a $)-:our flu?F Gfn ..H T:e trut: about !us:7s colla<se in To;3o :as 3et to be toldC but
it =as clear t:at !us: :ad learned not:in91 and =as still deter8ined to i8<ose :is =ill on
t:e uni>erse? !us:7s first efforts at ca8<ai9n orator3 after :is return fro8 &a<an indicated
t:at ra9e =as once a9ain =innin9 t:e u<<er :and1 =:ic: =as not a 9ood si9n for !us:7s
abilit3 to function on t:e ca8<ai9n trail?
In t:e li9:t of t:e e>idence re>ie=ed :ere1 it is e>ident t:at !us:7s 8ar;ed tendenc3
to=ards ra9e e<isodes1 <ublic fits of an9er1 and obsessi>e fiEations :as not subsided?
Indeed1 !us:7s uncontrollable te8<er tantru8s :a>e been if an3t:in9 8ore se>ere durin9
October and No>e8ber1 12211 as :is <residenc3 be9an to buc;le under t:e strain of t:e
econo8ic de<ression !us: =as unable and un=illin9 to o>erco8e? *e 8ust t:erefore
conclude t:at t:e treat8ent recei>ed b3 !us: for :is t:3roid condition durin9 Ma31 1221
and t:e successi>e 8ont:s :as not re8edied t:e 8ental and co9niti>e disturbances =:ic:
=ere at t:e root of !us:7s <s3c:oso8atic affliction1 !asedo=7s disease? T:is 8eans t:at
!us:7s :ealt:1 and 8ost es<eciall3 :is 8ental :ealt:1 8ust be considered a decisi>e issue
for t:e 122$ <residential ca8<ai9n? CitiAens 8ust accordin9l3 set aside *:ite House
<ro<a9anda state8ents and carefull3 consider t:e ad>isabilit3 of returnin9 to t:e *:ite
House an indi>idual =:o :as de8onstrabl3 eE<erienced <s3c:otic e<isodes durin9 :is
tenure in t:e *:ite House1 and =:o :as <resented no con>incin9 e>idence of re8ission?
1? FTou9: and Tender Tal;1F %eo<le *ee;l31 ,ece8ber 1.1 12251 <? +$?
$? Anton C:ait;in1 Treason in A8erica1 0Ne= (or;1 12/+41 <? ).- ff?
'? Cited in C:ait;in1 <? )./?
)? EliAabet: ,re=1 %ortrait of an Election1 0Ne= (or;1 12/141 <? 15-?
+? &?,? Salin9er1 T:e Catc:er in t:e R3e1 0Ne= (or;" !anta81 12/-41 <? 1?
-? ? Scott itA9erald1 T:is Side of %aradise1 Ne= (or;" Scribners1 12-541 <? 1$/?
.? Mar3 McGror31 FT:e !abblin9 !us:1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Se<te8ber $21 12//?
/? Mar3 McGror31 loc? cit?
2? Maureen ,o=d1 FT:e Lan9ua9e T:in91F T:e Ne= (or; Ti8es Ma9aAine1 &ul3 $21 1225?
15? Maureen ,o=d1 loc? cit?
11? Maureen ,o=d1 loc? cit?
1$? ,a>id Hoff8an1 FReadin9 !us:7s Li<s1F *as:in9ton %ost1 ,ece8ber )1 12//?
1'? Maureen ,o=d1 o<? cit?
1)? ,a>id Hoff8an1 o<? cit?
1+? ,a>id Hoff8an1 loc? cit?
1-? ,a>id Hoff8an1 loc? cit?
1.? Maureen ,o=d1 o<? cit?
1/? ,a>id Hoff8an1 o<? cit?
12? Maureen ,o=d1 o<? cit?
$5? F!us: to Ne=s Media" Mu87s Goin9 to !e t:e *ord1F *as:in9ton %ost1Y ebruar3 1-1 1225?
$1? F!us: Tells 7Slo>enl37 %ress to S:a<e U<1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Ma3 1'1 1225?
$$? FTransitionin9 in lorida1F *as:in9ton %ost1 No>e8ber 1$1 12//?
$'? Gil #lein1 F!us: Not Man to Sit Still1F Media General Ne=s<a<ers for t:e S:er8an1 TeEas ,e8ocrat1
Se<te8ber .1 12/2?
$)? ,an !alA1 FT:e 1/-Hole ,ri>e to %la3 on %ar *it: t:e %resident1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Se<t? '1 1225?
$+? ,a>id Hoff8an1 FSee Ho= He %la3s1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Se<te8ber '1 12/2?
$-? F%eri<atetic !us: to !rea; NiEon Tra>el Record1F *as:in9ton %ost1Y &ul3 $.1 1221?
$.? Geor9e !us: and 6ic Gold1 Loo;in9 or=ard 0Ne= (or;" ,oubleda31 12/.41 <? 11-1$?
$/? F!us: Has 7Earl3 Glauco8a7 In Left E3e1 Tests ,isclose1F *as:in9ton %ost1 A<ril 1'1 1225?
$2? F%resident Assails Silencin9 of Un<o<ular 6ie=<oints1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Ma3 +1 1221?
'5? F!us: ,ia9nosis" T:3roid Ail8ent1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Ma3 /1 1221?
'1? FT:e %at: to ,ia9nosis of t:e %resident7s Ail8ent1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Ma3 111 1221?
'$? *as:in9ton %ost1 Ma3 151 1221?
''? Ne= (or; Ti8es1 Ma3 $21 1221?
')? Ne= (or; Ti8esY1 Ma3 $$1 1221?
'+? *as:in9ton Ti8es1 Ma3 $21 1221?
'-? Mar3 McGror31 FC:ina and an I8<erial %resident1F *as:in9ton %ost1Y Ma3 '51 1221?
'.? *as:in9ton %ost1 Se<te8ber -1 1221?
'/? F!us: Gets 7Medical Sta8< of A<<ro>al7 for 72$1F *as:in9ton %ost1Y Se<te8ber 1)1 1221?
'2? La=rence #? Alt8an1 M,1 F%resident7s T:3roid" Luestions of Mood1F Ne= (or; Ti8es1 Ma3 $11 1221?
)5? Abi9ail Trafford1 FMe1 !us: and Gra>es7 ,isease1F *as:in9ton %ost1Y Ma3 $11 1221?
)1? Lillian S:oltis !runner and ,oris S8it: Suddart:1 YTeEtboo; of Medical-Sur9ical Nursin9
0%:iladel<:ia" Li<<incott1 12-)41 <<? .2-1 .2/?
)'? *illia8 Safire1 FAfter t:e lutter1F Ne= (or; Ti8es1 Ma3 $51 1221?
))? F%resident is !ou3ant About Healt:1 *or;1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Ma3 $'1 1221?
)+? F!us: ,ro<s Hint He *on7t Run in 72$1F Ne= (or; %ost1 &une 1.1 1221?
)-? FA8on9 Notables1 !us: %la3s One Tou9: Roo81F Ne= (or; Ti8es1Y &une 1.1 1221?
).? ran; &? Murra31 First lad3 lon9s to :a>e :er :usband to :erself1F *as:in9ton Ti8es1 &une 1.1 1221?
)/? First Lad3" !us: Must Run A9ain1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust 11 1221?
)2? FLead ound in Lua3les7 *ater Su<<l31F *as:in9ton %ost1 &une $'1 1221?
+5? *as:in9ton %ost1 Au9ust )1 1221?
+1? Andre= Rosent:al1 FS:eddin9 Tears1 !us: Tells !a<tists of %ra3in9 as Gulf *ar Neared1F Ne= (or;
Ti8es1 &une .1 1221?
+$? Andre= Rosent:al1 FA8on9 Notables1 !us: %la3s One Tou9: Roo81F Ne= (or; Ti8es1 &une 1.1
+'? *ee;l3 Co8<ilation of %residential ,ocu8ents1 6ol? MM6II1 No? $/ 0&ul3 1+1 122141 <<? 2)11 2))-2).?
+)? F%eri<atetic !us: to !rea; Tra>el Record1F *as:in9ton %ost1 &ul3 $.1 1221?
++? F%resident Sounds T:e8es of Li;el3 72$ Ca8<ai9n1F *as:in9ton %ost1Y Au9ust '1 1221? %:otos of a
furious !us: are on <a9e A1 and <a9e A)?
+-? Ne= (or; Ti8es1 &ul3 $+1 1221?
+.? F!us: Anti-Cri8e S<eec: Ec:oes 12// Ca8<ai9n1F *as:in9ton %ost1Y Au9ust 1+1 1221?
+/? *ee;l3 Co8<ilation of %residential ,ocu8ents1 Se<te8ber 1$1 12211 <<? 1$)$1 1$+'-1$+)?
+2? F!us: Tries to Ease Loan Crisis1F *as:in9ton %ost1 Se<te8ber $51 1221?
-5? *as:in9ton %ost1 Se<te8ber 121 1221?
-1? F!us: 6etoes I-?) !illion !ill to EEtend &obless !enefits1F *as:in9ton %ost1 October 1$1 1221?
-$? F!us: Launc:es Stri;e at Con9ress1F *as:in9ton %ost1 October $+1 1221?
-'? E>ans and No>a;1 FIt =as a Surrender on Luotas1F October '51 1221?
-)? F!rad3 a>ors Additional Interest rate Reductions1F *as:in9ton %ost1 No>e8ber /1 1221?
-+? F%resident Hits !ac; at Critics1F *as:in9ton %ost1 No>e8ber 11 1221?
--? F,ra99in9 !us: Ho8e or !roccoli1F Ne=s=ee;1 No>e8ber 111 1221?
-.? For t:e irst a8il31 a Sense of Loss1F *as:in9ton %ost1 No>e8ber '1 1221?
-/? F,eferral of Tri< Raises %roble8s for US %olic31F *as:in9ton %ost1Y No>e8ber .1 1221?
-2? F!us: Cancels %acific Tri<1F *as:in9ton %ost1 No>e8ber -1 1221?
.5? *as:in9ton %ost1 No>e8ber .1 1221?
.1? F!us: C:allen9es Euro<eans To ,efine US NATO Role1F *as:in9ton %ost1Y No>e8ber /1 1221?
.$? F%resident ,efends orei9n %olic31 Attac;s Con9ressional ,e8ocrats1F *as:in9ton %ost1 No>e8ber 21
.'? *as:in9ton %ost1 No>e8ber $11 1221?
.)? *as:in9ton %ost1 &anuar3 '1 122$?
.+? *as:in9ton %ost1 &anuar3 21 122$?
.-? *as:in9ton %ost1 &anuar3 111 122$?
..? *as:in9ton %ost1 &anuar3 21 122$?

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