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A8 • THE METROPOLITAN • nOvember 6, 2008

“It was a hard loss, no question about it ... we showed
some great character coming back... it wasn’t enough,
but next time it hopefully will be.”


Into the wild
By Garrison Keillor distributed Uh ... Dick? Does that mean what I
think it means?
by Tribune Media Services.
Oct. 28, 2008

I was messing around in Tulsa

last week and got talking with a big

-mhaak! I’ll have to

burly man with a McCain/Palin
pin on his blue blazer who told me
he was descended from yellow-
dog Democrats who thought the
make some calls.
sun rose and set over FDR and Re-
publicans were people who wore
spats and top hats and sailed off
Newport. So I told him that my The numbers are in ...
Republican ancestors believed that
Barack Obama has been
only lazy people were unemployed
in the Thirties. He said, “So each declared the next ...
of us is heading back to where
the other one is coming from.” He
found that rather amusing. I said,
“If that’s so, I hope you’re ready to
be good and poor and endure some Illustrated by ANDREW HOWERTON,
hard Minnesota winters.” Written by ANDREW FLOHR-SPENCE,
“Poor, yes. Good, I’m not so
sure about. Winter, no. No way.”
…The country longs for a pres-
ident who can talk and think at THE POINT: The conservative era has come to an end
the same time. We’ve been locked

Strange pride in people’s symbolic power

up with the Current Occupant for
way too long and the thought of
replacing him with the Angry Old
Man of the Desert and Whoopee
the Ice Queen is miserable in the
extreme. This is going to be a difficult col- The live pictures of the distinc- empire that started with Dick Nixon,
Most of my Republican friends umn to write. Right now, the votes tion between the Biltmore Hotel in or perhaps more solidly with Ronald
are people who are not ashamed of are still being counted and many of Arizona and Grant Park in Chicago Reagan, has finally ended. The Demo-
having worked hard and done well the country’s polls are still open. I where John McCain and Barack crats — though, I would refrain from
in school, and their party’s frantic am writing without any impression Obama, respectively, are planning to openly considering them a lock, stock
appeal to anti-intellectualism is for how this thing will turn out, aside speak is profoundly representative of and barrel alternative — have taken
nothing they care to sign up for. from breaking news, my gut and the this election as a whole. At the Bilt- over.
Time to nip that sucker in the bud. predictions I have already made. But I more, there are people in suits – not And now breaking news: . . .
The party needs to reform itself have always relied heavily on my gut, a whole lot of them–gathered in front There it is. NBC has just projected
around some coherent philosophy and my predictions are no worse than of a typical-looking stage awaiting Barack Hussein Obama to be the
of governance and vision of the .500, so I have no doubt that I will be
JIMMIE BRALEY their politician and his predictable next president of the United States.
future and for that, it must take well served here. words. At Grant Park, a sea of people California, Oregon and Washington
a trip to the wilderness. They are It does seem appropriate, in a have gathered, 70,000 with tickets have all come in. The numbers keep
quietly supporting the skinny guy sense, that I write about this elec- ing worldwide. I feel distinctly privi- to get close and hundreds of thou- rising, and they are bluer and bluer
this time around. They might tell a tion as it is happening and before the leged to be watching this election as it sands more around the area and in by the moment. The man has done it.
pollster otherwise but that’s what pundits distort the moment from ret- happens, and, although I am hesitant the streets, to hear Barack Obama He has won, and it was not by means
they will do. Call it the Palin Effect. rospect, and before I forget what this to express my belief in it after what I speak on the most important election of anything more than the will of the
Even Mr. Burly of Tulsa ex- election really means. I am still in the have seen for the past eight years, de- we may ever see. Helicopter images American people.
pressed sorrow over McCain’s moment, as they say, where the out- mocracy is exciting and I am enjoy- of Grant Park depict a scene reminis- I have written a number of unsa-
campaign, the jerkiness and des- come is unclear and everything is still ing it tonight. cent of the civil rights gatherings of vory things about Barack Obama, and
peration of it, and admiration for up for grabs. My perspective is not yet This is the only time, Election the 1960s. It all looks something like I have meant every word. But I voted
Obama’s steadiness, his cool, his tainted with results, and even though Day and specifically election night, a rock concert, perhaps a Beatles re- for him, and I am more than proud of
straightforward articulation and the only hard numbers I have seen where it is clear to me exactly who is union. The general will of the people that. He has lifted the hopes of people
the old-fashioned story of his rise are from early exit polls, there is a in control of this country. Politicians is visible tonight. in this country in a way that nobody
in the world. sense that the Obamaic wave is final- and their parties aside, what matters Pat Buchanan said on national has ever seen before. The brilliance of
…In America, a man is not ly about to roll onto shore. Whether on this night are numbers. And those television that the “conservative his accomplishment and also that of
held responsible for choosing his it will flood the beach or recede back numbers are symbolic of people. era has passed.” That is perhaps the the American people is unmistakable.
parents, only for his own life and into the ocean of political history, They are, in fact, people. There are smartest thing I have ever heard him America will not sleep tonight. She is
conduct. (Obama) promises to take however, is still to be determined. no words, manipulations or bullshit say. Or maybe just the smartest thing rumbling, and she is proud.
us into a new era where we aren’t It was early in the 17th century of any kind Washington is capable of I have heard him say tonight. Despite I have a deadline to meet, and so
defined by our differences, Short when black slaves were first brought producing that can stem the down- the fact that I agree with almost noth- my words must necessarily be short.
vs. Tall, Pale vs. Freckled, and can to Jamestown, and now in the first pour of people coming out in mass ing that Pat Buchanan ever says, I But let it be said that nothing I have
take a deep breath and do what’s decade of the 21st century, a black to voice their will. A lot of politician’s respect him and listen when he talks. written here is worthy of describing
best for the country. man is on the verge of winning the jobs are on the line, and they are ner- He has personality and seems to what has happened in the United
presidency of the United States. This vous about it. Tonight, the people are have a respectable grasp on what he States on this night, Nov. 4, 2008. Let
is historic, and it has powerful mean- in command. is saying. The conservative political this moment live on forever.

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