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Computaflash 1000C
Fully automaticflash exposure control has been w th us for a very long time
in battery operated, camera mounted flash equpment.
l l ' e
oLJel ay Cornpura' . as' 1000C i . . l F
-. ' rai '
ope' a-ed nudo
flish wnh this farilitv
Theuni t i desrqnedi obeusedon t sown, ori nconi unct onwt hanumber
of otherComputaf ash 1000C units to
autonratic exposurecontrol
in thestudio. aombininqtheadvantaqes of aLrtomaticexposurewiththose
o bJi r l rooeri rq 6nps d-o. t he-d(rp. rc' es o' o df eseorr I gl ^t i ng
Fqrlp'rlert. P ovson s also -nooe o
The liqhtoutput of theComputaf ash is controlled bVthe camera mounted
sensoir Llqht ref ected from the subiect is measured and ihe fash output
quenched ai the levelwhich willqiie cofie{t exposure.
lheJe,s oro\6ton {orseleoi-o dDen_Je. fron a three _topro.qF o thdl
cort rol ' na/ oekeproverdepf i d Fl d l l ' era/ nJrat t o-n"t r: oi s"_
for each aperture is lndicated on the top plate ofthe sensot
With the Computaflash on iis stand and connected to the mains supply
)wit(r on .lp
no aro d1d lqht the rbiefl d( raq .rred fr rtre
)en, or 1. o na rn ara 50- sroe aro i l rq t 1e
nl o l e. ensorsod el
(4)ofthe Computaf ash. lf the accessbrylhoe ofthe camera snotofthe
hot shoe tl,pe, aonnect the shorl syndrfonlz ng lead supplied to the sockel
on the rensorfoor and ihe camera'X socket.
Switch ontheflash unt(1)and set the a uto/manual sw tch (3)toauto.The
ibl.o,l rop olihe cels6: 1d LaLe5 w'i( l'dper rr". car be.seo w.l^ llr
tron SO 7 io ISO 800.
Aswit h (10) onthe backof thesensorsele.tstheautomaticrange,oneof
rhe o oLo of the
l) wi iqh. lo ndicrte
hai 6eense ect eo. f orei dl p e, , vi l . l ' Fswi . . l nI _e(e1i ra
pot Li o1, . l "
mi ddl eLEDM/ i l bei l umi nat ed. Wi t hl sol 00f l ml oadedl nt hei ?mera, f gi s
the indicated apenure. The maximum llash to subiect dlstance at this
aoerture is 4.2m
The test button fi 4) mav be
to fire the flash; if the su biect is within
the altomatic ranqe. the
auto check LED
the back ofthe
sensor wil o ow f5r aoprdx matelv 3 seconds to indicate that the f ash
outnut has bieen ouenclied. This coif ffns that all is in order.5et the camera
to the lndicated aperture and nalt shootng.l
The Computaflash in use
Provided that the {lash to subiect distance is not extended bevond the
n d\ r i n ndcaf ed, a1V( t ; qe, ' l ' cdi . "r ' "wi b" aLt or d. l al l y
oI en.d Jot ,!i-l'oLi l^av nq Loihanqe
d'r"rt apelJre.
d flerer L
raoJir"d ro ch;nqe t1e dep.l o
t|le seeclor
, wi l ( l ' , . e|
l _Fcar "er at o- l _er - ew ndi ( o' 40apFr L e. Cf e. l t ' at he' . dsl _
rbjen di Lanre < w;th;_ the ne$ 'na.i'n""r bv lfe te.t b-tlon
procedure and carry on shootngl
Computaflash 1OOOC
14 15 10
ComDutaflash controls Sensorcontrols
r : Flash on/off swit.h Controls input
10 : seldor switd Provides a choice of
to the flsh cncuit This switdr should not be workino aoeftures and m.ximum distances.
s.-ed o" uitl $e rai^s p L9
on_"c"d ro
fl : rnd_i<aror lEDs
rFo t
no cdFi l-ar
- o( ' et ano
r - 0e_whn. o o_ onol
n. nu. l has oee- seeaeo t l vel or one,
to rero/-o rhe 1dr\ p-g r'orr'tewarr
i-dicdre wt i(r (o .nn ot ape. ir.\ hds oee-
2: Modelling lamp on/ofi switch,.onrcs
12: tso/apenu re tabie
me' r odel mg dl o nopopna
t 3: Aut o( hekl i oht ao. 1, 1s t t - dt a o- - . ch
3 : Autohanual swit(h
siona nas been oas;ed to the Lo.nourar ash
4: Snsor soct et
Dovi de. "
o r Fr o' d; d dr r - e\ Loi e. r \ r - eeo^ h r ' e
rhe Col putdfld\h
lhe se^.or )6-.1pd Td{ria d(tanL-
-hF q.e-
5 | Interlink eo.kt spec.lilte'i^l lao.d4 qor'o'dppron. dlel\ 3 s.o_dtdfte' I 'inq
. \ . o r o co- . eaa. - noer or Conp. d d. L hp dt
- ni t s
r or dut or dL. opz on. 14: Test but t on a' onvenF_r l d
- h, ng
5 : Char oe i ndi cat or
' - t . ",
o, onf r n bur i o u. 6dl o. haL hpwo l i g d- sF.
. dod. i r o: dFt uv' dr qFoa- df i aI r asni s 15: Hot r hoef i xi no
o' ovo".
l { od- d
' t uov' or ' i - q. i ei - di ( at or u
r l . on. , p
r o . n. hr on, zj Li on. o- r ; d
ou, sear er l hau i r , \ wi hhpdol a\ t Fe
15: svnch t adand $<ket
po. i de_
.(!,|l f
t^ capaoro5 r oprnur
c...lnian D6 not attnot to rcmove this
.harce bv sinuhaneouatu finna the fla+t and
switthintt off. vou coud dan;oe the switch.
7 : Tst Sutton Used to test ih-; rn t and for
8: Delav fuse {anti euroe) A soecialdelav
fuse is ftied to t6e un,t ani i spare r ncudad
9 : Brollv socket Acceots the bro lv shaft
wtr ch is ihen locked in
by the reta ning
Technical data
Marns Input 215/240Y 40/6OHz
(105/120V version available)
Modelling lamp 240V (110Vy1sow
Es Base type P3l4
Guide numbrwith 100ISO film
(manual) 27 33 (metres)
70'(3.6m dianreterclrcle at 3m)
Flash duration, manual 1/700 sec.
Flash duration, automatic 1/700 sec to 1/50,000 sec. approx
Maximum distance for automatic
operation 6 metres
Rey l."B li-na 3 se(s
Colou r temperature 5500"K
I on[ ore tio'r. is n use, ttre I'oht..rq e"e( 'nav b" 1o'leled by bo rnc nq
lhpl:6hr'oia ohoro brolv
fl.t ell&o sucn as rl^ecoLner"t
es1ado\,!s.oe-oI the\Lole-r\ i||qhtentl^esl^adoMA
A sFcond or rl^ird Comp"ta'a,l^ rrdy be ddded
-o produce a'rore
r'e enino liohl 1a ser Lb sr"olv
(orre.1 ll'e Lnls'oqelher v\, [h tl_e
orro-l a{asf .1'6irrl e;d.aranq?rhe iq'll ilq a 1d checl. as before Tl_e
rohtiho balance set
bv tFe-rrodefi,lo b'"ros vvrl oe accu?telv
r6p odrceo irthe'es..'lL, r.'e a lrl e( o.npur; llash,r.irs wi I be q ier(heo
.il lhe same s,onal from Lhe.on-rolino s'nsor. Connect from the ntedill.
socket of the lirst flash to the sbnsor aocket of the se<ond, a nd from the
interllnk socket of the second unit to the sensor socket of the third and so
Manual operati on
Whe1 rl^e Cor pLla as'r
.s to be used ir (oljur d on w:lh
dJLom"tL rnirs slch as the Solaflash 1000 or 10005 twilrh the aJro/
manual swich
to manual. The synchron zation funct on ls still operative
va the sensor cord but the outout \ /ill not varv from the maximum.
o- adiusteo bv tfie cane'a
ir lhe rc'-ralway
either ovG cJla tino $e aoenire from .he o"ide ro.o bvneasJri'rowrl_
sLrh is rh-" CoJnenav M44. vli-h the
su,irch of
anv of the 1000C unlts n use at tlie manual
pos tion, the red LED on the
A.dditional information
The sensoranole is 18". Whenthecamera to subiect distance is shorL sav
around ]m- th-e sensor wlll b measurino the central oalt of the subiect
wh l(l Jl o'eate'sLo;ecrtocamera d*L"rie,,m'aapswl'ena lorqer loca'
lenorh eis is,n Lse. t !^/il measLre rdtner niore tndn lhe sube{i.ll lhis
cas6. it w ll be aouaniaqeous ro arraroe tha
rl_e ba*qroJnd i. 6'mediun'
lore aro not too far 6acl f.orr tT e; rbiecl \o lhar iI doe( nol adversely
affect the reading.
\ hen more than one Comoutaflash ls in use, arranoe them to
I e.rsonabrv even liohtrno ratr6 oo no L have an over oorier ino bac(i6nr or
hai iqlr 6the.wiia the sersor wil n eas.-rre ttis and iLbseqieriv
ulde;exoose rhe f'ort o'r.he sLorect.
is oLih up ir t1e iormil
wav firsi tne kev lionl Lher L,le'rrll i-
varil.ecia or a secono
Coioutaflasn) aio irallv Lhe d, re'lr liqhl ol lhe oac/qound. o'or rhe
harr rif a oonrait suorect tne:at 5l"floribalate ofliahtr-noaclievedwitl
*.e mode liro lanoi wiloe dLtor dli.; lvdro correcilv reiroduced nlne
resu t. A hon6ycoro or
(onta saool on tle ha,4ight w llco, rro +e rght
so as not Lo flood l,h sub e.r with too or back liohr
l{ Lhe effeo requ,red catls iora $onq oacklight tr;m a seconoConpura-
{lasl'wfi (hwilldffefi lhereadilqobrainedbvthesensolawide'dpenJre
than that indicated on the sensor should bd set on the camera to rctain
de,l.ilv n lhe r ai'lpJlo'ihesub ecr.This isa s,TilarsiLJaL on.oan
buLdoor bacllit,ubiea mbasured bvthe TT. mererofan SLR cdmerd
SJ,nchronlzation Shockfree, ow voltage
(18\4 via
paralle 4 pin DIN sockets to sensor
hotshoe fttinq
(with short synch
lead for cameras with no hot shoe)
Unltfuse 20mm delay0.63 Amp
(08 Amp)
PlLq lLse 5
Ref ector diameter 210mm
Overal ength 33cm

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