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This Lease Termination Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into between

________________., an Ohio corporation ("Landlord") and _________________., an Ohio
corporation ("Tenant").
WHEREA, Landlord and Tenant!s predecessor in interest are parties to that certain
O""ice Lease dated #$ne %&, '((), and as amended b* a +irst Amendment to O""ice Lease dated
October %), '((, and a econd Amendment to O""ice Lease dated #$ne %%, %--. (as amended,
the /Lease0), "or certain space located at 1111111111111111111111111("2remises")3 and
WHEREA, the parties now desire to pro4ide "or the termination o" the Lease, and the
ret$rn o" the Leased 2remises to Landlord, prior to the c$rrent e5piration date o" the Lease.
6OW, THERE+ORE, in consideration o" m$t$al promises contained herein and "or other
good and 4al$able consideration, the receipt and s$""icienc* o" which is hereb* ac7nowledged, it
is agreed as "ollow8
'. Termination. The parties agree that in lie$ o" the original e5piration date o"
October .', %--,, the Lease shall terminate on 9arch ', %--) ("Termination :ate"). 2rior to the
Termination :ate, Tenant shall ;$it the 2remises and s$rrender and ret$rn the 2remises to
Landlord, /as is0 in broom clean condition.
%. Lease Termination Fee. <n consideration "or Tenant being relie4ed o" "$rther
obligations $nder the Lease a"ter the Termination :ate, Tenant and Landlord agree that Tenant
shall pa* a Lease Termination +ee o" e4ent* Tho$sand :ollars (=>-,---.--). This pa*ment
shall be made to Landlord b* 9arch ', %--).
.. Mutual Release. ?pon Tenant satis"*ing its obligations set "orth in this Agreement,
Landlord releases, discharges and wai4es an* claims 7nown or $n7nown, against Tenant, its
s$ccessor, assigns, o""icers or directors, arising o$t o" or in an* wa* connected with the Lease
thro$gh the date hereo", and Tenant releases, discharges and wai4es an* claims, 7nown or
$n7nown, against the Landlord, its s$ccessors, assigns, o""icers or directors, arising o$t o" or in
an*wa* connected with the Lease thro$gh the date hereo".
&. Binding upon Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be "or the bene"it o"
and be binding $pon, the parties hereto and their respecti4e s$ccessors and assigns.
@. Final Agreement. This Agreement shall constit$te the "inal agreement and
$nderstanding o" the parties on the s$bAect matter hereo". This Agreement ma* be modi"ied onl*
b* a "$rther writing signed b* the parties.
). Attorne Fees. <" an* legal action is commenced to en"orce or interpret the terms o"
this Lease Termination Agreement, the pre4ailing part* shall be entitled to reasonable attorne*Bs
"ees and costs in addition to an* other relie" to which the pre4ailing part* ma* be entitled.
>. O!io La"# Illegalit. This Agreement shall be go4erned b* the laws o" the tate o"
Ohio. <n case an* one or more o" the pro4isions contained herein shall "or an* reason be held to
be in4alid, illegal or $nen"orceable in an* respect, s$ch in4alidit*, illegalit* or $nen"orceabilit*
shall not a""ect an* other pro4ision o" this Agreement, b$t this Agreement shall be constr$ed as
i" s$ch in4alid, illegal or $nen"orceable pro4isions had not been contained herein.
,. $ounterparts. This Amendment ma* be e5ec$ted in an* n$mber o" co$nterparts,
each o" which shall be deemed to be an original, b$t all o" which together shall constit$te one
and the same instr$ment.
<6 W<T6E WHEREO+, the parties hereto ha4e ca$sed this Agreement to be e5ec$ted
b* their d$l* a$thoriCed o""icers as o" the 11111 da* o" 1111111111111, %--).
_____________________________ ______________________________
D*8111111111111111111111111111111 D*8111111111111111111111111111111
Title8 1111111111111111111111111111 Title811111111111111111111111111111

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