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Summary Behaalotecha Kamens 1


After instructing Aaron how to arrange and light the Menorah in the
taernacle! "od set out the order of #urification and sacrifice necessary
efore the Le$ites %in #lace of the first&orn' could emar( on their sacred
ser$ice in the sanctuary)
On the fourteenth day of the first month! a year after lea$ing Egy#t! the
*sraelites oser$ed the first +asso$er in the wilderness) Those who were
unale to do so at that time could celerate the second +asso$er a month
"od commanded Moses to ma(e two sil$er trum#ets! which were to e used
as a signal to march, to summon the congregation to the sanctuary, to sound
the alarm efore attle, and to #roclaim festi$als and new moons)
Ten months and nineteen days after arri$ing in Sinai! the -hildren of *srael
egan their .ourney towards Moa and the Holy Land) But soon they started
to com#lain and! in fury! "od caused a fire to de$our much of the cam#)
Then the *sraelites cried out for sum#tuous foods instead of their daily
manna! and Moses called out to the Lord to hel# him! saying that he could not
co#e with the #eo#le/s com#laints alone) "od told him to gather together
se$enty elders! who would hel# him to ear the urden of res#onsiility)
Summary Behaalotecha Kamens 0
These se$enty! less Eldad and Medad! who remained in the cam#! stood near
the sanctuary and! on that occasion alone! were sei1ed with the s#irit of "od
and were enaled to #ro#hesy) 2oshua urged Moses to restrain Eldad and
Medad! who were #ro#hesying while still in the cam#! ut Moses retorted!
34ould that all the Lord/s #eo#le were #ro#hets)3
To satisfy the #eo#le/s hunger! "od caused an aundance of 5uails to come in
from o$er the sea) *sraelites gathered and ate so many that they again
angered "od and were hit y a deadly #lague)
At Ha1erot! Miriam and Aaron s#o(e dis#aragingly of Moses ecause he had
married a -ushite woman) Moses remained silent! ut "od! a##earing in a
#illar of cloud! reu(ed the two for their conduct) 4hen the cloud dis#ersed
Miriam was found to ha$e le#rosy and Moses #leaded with "od to cure her)
Miriam was isolated for se$en days efore the #eo#le were ale to resume
their .ourney to the wilderness of +aran)

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