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[ACCUMULATING AND USING THE MANA SURCHARGE Inthe psyche-eligions, both ancient and modern (withthe ‘exception of Hana) shee is ftle to be sound that gaves Us a clear {ea of the POWER that tens the wheels of life or that moves the -achineny of praver CChastiamity there is vague reference tothe virtue that left Jesos wien the bem of bis robe was touched and a ealing esulted. In prayer the POMER was ascribed to God ("Thine be the Power), No conscious vee of vial force was clencly indicated 98 & part ofthe prayer-action. 3 the beliefs of India, much is said of prana (which may Ihave been sn idea dean from a sousce sims 10 that from whieh tuna was drawn) Prana was held up as a too of value m the early ‘Theosophical writs, bt Inter wae dened the devotee 00, the ground thet, o use it for healing prevented the "working out fof Kame debt through suifenag.” ‘The shiaing example of a Force of this kind was found in the legendary “sespeut force” ‘supposedly rising atthe base ofthe spine in response to certain uecises (performed by the pusfied iatiate). and rising in spirals ‘along the spine wal the top of the head was seached. There the force caused the "open consciousness" and one "saw God 11 ‘Much ne been added ra the alder idea of centers aon the ‘pine anda the head, so that ow the neve centers and glands have ‘Deen pointed out asthe parts uel in hts process of seek out orn the body as fom 9 window let sa heaven itself spent several ‘months eying to get proof of these mechanisms whea young and a rember ofthe TS. Talo red for some years 9 find any person sho gave evidence of ving learued to arouse a use this force ‘but without success, While one denies nothing. ore Cal 1 safely concn thatthe uso ofthe spacilzed fares secopnized sa Taian love shard tobe eapected byte average stent, The sale theory shat consciousness as Ceestive Fist Souce) cietes FORCE, and ro force (posal wen insted by tome space ts desved MATTER. Ous teh of scrence aze slowly ecg tat all ater 6 form of ere, and the move inthis nection confines the concsion wil probly be reacted ht forces a product of some form of consiowsess 1a Hana the very pectic! Kauss decided it would sem, dat cour mile consexousnets selfs seapable of derstand the igh forms of comeousness, so neds ast no ime ver anything bu the forces which ca be handled on the tower levels the ow ad smidle sibrtions or voltages of mana ‘To the kahuna, 13.£2 was consciousness ps mana plus ibe ak substance. When the thee were tnd aon & sing bod the neal ofthe body alse became 2120, 0 died ifthe conserousnesy-mana-aka was waa Mana alone was ot cousidesed fH vas only the FORE sed by tent Tne ees, of couse and so ee mangs), The awanan word fore ola Ths wale fo thesoot "0" ahd Tat "belonsine tothe lsh.” The word “elt” (os of he dete) symbolized human consciousness contrast wa the higher Liht of onseousncs syubeliing he High Seta is Jali aad Lava is ‘he Higher Tight tbe onary gaslauon being "Sac" As we $5 ints symbol at of the aacieat flan secret Ty is made up of consciousness and somthing ese that enesnze from i the vital fovea. la pessina, st may be Well fo ate tat thé Kahuna seemed {olive a woud for the father neglected matter of remmearantion Tike many other matters wte hey seemed to consider beyond cae abitity of tae conscious mind to oraap, ‘these symbol of che "pach" which vas che symbol of gEowch ‘Through she many levels of consciousness 26 sell a0 Of the 36a ‘head and the contact chrough 1c sloh the HIgH Sel "a T now undesseand 12.) ‘Bais soe 19 unique in tne payeno-reiiatons, as ff sre nade up cf the thoushi-foms of he prayesy and payer. (nace the woe 4 ‘the fe si n,n tet page 39S SSP Deemer cee oe mitcmon ee eterna, erat es re ee ts et ee oe oa eee ue eae fic ae ean sare Gent ie ees ris a Sat oes eee rae eae tree me reg omcmes paren hehe ncn done ag ih Sin ee 8 Totes mf pe calc sage ig eb natant nl abs creed a em bbe cy te hiesiea vin sreond Sereri ty beginner Dyeeteeleemt AGT meas ararel eeenrerbcttcer Dag Mtoe crc te aimee ieee copes irre eee rs Soe eee Sane weet ye nia peas ea sara mar ary saosin Satis Ue Ser i er SPN ee aetna cas aks ok Corian rap aia ae a A cae aes Sets ees es Scheme, ese ee fs mores ce ier os SS es Series = 5 wih the Hh Sal andthe hough Sams presented asthe dea bein the akon {so 3 we wl ccnsier length trom mf Leszne there a2 primary eau roasts cab kia, eden eee =e ‘THE ACCUMULATION OF A SURCHARGE OF MANA “This part fhe making of the prayet-action consis ot 4. Deen what you wi dow he surcharge In making a aye ‘o send wih fo of mana othe High Sal you use te xa sippy ‘mana a ferent way fhan when ou pace yourhands on sean and ive the he mana as a pat tow mage’ Melng ou pan only 9 bacice accumdeng a sucharge. youl pen tome esto see how ‘el you se caged or oumay be cnn fo dono mor than enjoy he ene of haung yeu normal sup of ial rc bough vf pot. above hat One RA cen practedaceunstng eta mana ee ne helooked a i of pane prmedon hs wal He lo rechayed en Avg, cach me he was hold upby ate igh. The res was the aby 0 werk ruch ge hous wh much ess fig hn before Tere ae alr Uses whch wl be dcuseed ter an connection wth ober pats fhe expen rk) Giving the cro he ose od the acta wor of soloing Be 3. Making useof some pial stimulus to gt the low se og to werk, or, possi top inte acamulan. (Exess or beatng ot posts, ot eval) Fertunaey. we oo nothave fo know js whale fo or subenscous et does men accumu! 6. lates vital force at our command On the othor hand, ‘unfortunately, we cannot be entirely sure thatthe low self has certied out oir orders, For this eason 4 series of tests has been ‘worked out to check up. The electronic machines used by some Zpulave pliysieians sill show on heat dials the diference btweon the uormal md the augmented charge. The use ofa simple pendulum 1s coming ito the fore Or the magnetic pull Aemtonstated so well by Baron Ferson provides a fest where ‘several people aze practicing asa er0up. ‘THE PENDULUM TEST ‘The Pendulum Tests perhaps the stuplest for the beginner A sound burton the eof sll masble mtv be spends from a thread six inches long and used. A small pottery marble may be flued toa thread. Or, one of the best Ihave found sn the home= fade line i constructed by taking apiece of sealing wax about 3/4 of an anch long and fastemng wo one end of ia prece of baht ‘soing on a bit ofheacythoeal. The sig Hs easily Fastened to the tnd ofthe piece of sealing wax. Heat one end of the wa gver 3 hme. taking ewe not set iton fire and whea it has softened, tse the ead of a match fo push the end of the stina or thread ‘sown ito the softened wax. Then with the fingers squeeze the ‘wax up around the sting to bold at firmly AS soon 3631 cool, ‘Your pendulum is ready to test your charge ‘Tie fist step is t9 determine your normal charge or charge cof the moment Hald the stag bervcea tims and faases ups bout tee saches fom the wax or button "bob Keep yous Mow agans ou if ea yop on ba ot ee baad pain upwasd, under che “bob” at 2 distance of about half an inc, you are ofthe usual sensiiity sa the matter of penduhus, your pendale will soon begin 2 to swing ina circle or back aud forth, according to your personal ‘vibration (supposedly) As soon asthe movement gets afar star begin to count Keep counnane the stings nl te penlan stops or almost stp Fifty gyrations above the hand before the sucharge is accumulated is «usual thing with many people. After the effort has been unde 1 acctmlate the surcharge, the number of swings may increase to Som eighty to oe hundred. My persoual average is about ity and whea charged for prayer wouk about ove hued city. Many theories have been advanced to account fo the fet that ppendahin wil swing in different ways to iadicate diferent things, bot the theodes are not maportant to te student a this point Hosveyet. itty be noted that the ancieat art of "dowsing" 0 find eater and for ‘asious purposes has a lage iterture of is ova and isin iselfa {ascinsting study, The low self may be responsible forthe swinging ‘of be pendolim aad it may leo be acroated in is wotk-by" {formation had dhrough the High Seif Dr. Oscar Brualer. who bas fuade long stidy of ach rants, Believes tha tis the High Self ‘har wks through the low to tll the dower ohere water to b2 ound thea the pendulum s stains over a snap to locate the exact place to dig” Theres iaereasing evidence that we ean tna te oat Self get information conceming the ateady set or crystallized future fom the High Self and 10 give us "Yes" and "No” answers to ‘our questions concerning the near future. HRA Eagar W. Block used this method in his expenitaentation and was able to predict correct the outcome of six consecutive basketball games, He also named the couect score of one game in advance, 1 bag 38 10 32 Ifyou ate unacqusinted with the pendulum work, and should you wish to iy your hand at asking questions and expecting the low Self to get the answers from the High Self (if relating to the fur). there ‘is nothing against doing so. Try asking questions, the ansser to ‘shih yow know, and observe what the pendulum does" Once yon Come to Know what st does for "Yes" au wis! for No I. you an Gepin practice that may eventually give you a Ge ool with ‘thie topo snto the secrets both low and High selves However take iy advice snd do nat bet onthe horses fie testing the scratch sheet withthe pendule, TE you have ever been ‘well convinced hat gambling is uot good, your low self wall probably do al in it power to prevent a win. (See SSAW. Chapter "Geting Acquainted with the Low Self" pp. 14-32) THE FERSON METHOD The method of accunmlating the "Universal Life Force.” ‘which was taught by Baron Eugene Ferson and which T have described ia SSEM. ie one that includes a physical santive and tm aftiemation as well ava selfcommaand. ft worke verv well for most people, whether we believe chat the force we call “mana Somes from the wWil-zstion of the food materials in ou own ‘ood siren, or i drawn from some cuteide reservoi of force inaaror ether. To wse the Ferson metiod of accumalaing a surcharge of force, stand with feet very wide apart and anus extended level wath the shoulder, palms augling slightly upward, if chat is an fasy and natural position for you (aot important). When this position i taken. Hold it and say aloud, “The universal life force (or just Mana) #6 flowing into me now’... 1 feel st” Repeat tis shout four umes, slowhr and rh a pause of about nveaty seconds between repetitions. Expect to accunmilae a surcharge fad expect to feel a pickling st the palms of your hands or i eur waists, 0 sadicate dhe Balding up oF the a charge It is surprising how quickly the Jow self leams to respond and collect a surcharge in aawer to bur desire, Hardly aayone fale to get sevsite. Some 9. ot amazing results almost froma the fist, and are so surcharged {har thew aims and hands seem stifened, or they may have & "sari sntating. (Gravy seems sonites overcome by sush a surcharge. Dr Hereward Cannpaton's experiments wih ie young mt santing on sales aad Gomng orn tefeises makes good feading’ There ae may other SPR reports on sila “levitations.") [See SSBM. Chapter IL. for eile exampley of such experiment Alb, vats of ie ‘Ferson method exe described in SSANW. 752) sae MAGNETIC PULL TEST “The magnetic pull est for a surcharge of mama is made in the following way 1. Accumulate as luge a surplus of mama as you can, 2 Have a fiend wha has aot a surcherze stand i foat of yo. back to you, hands hangsng at sides and relaxed. The distance betieca ‘yout should be such tha shen you lit your arm you ea lay your Jands hehtly on your fiends shoulders. 3 Lay your hands on yous fiends shoulders ghtly and then slowly withdeaw them, pulling them after you as you take avery slow Step backwards 4. Ifyou have a large surcharge aud your friend bas a smal, ‘pomal chaige. your fiend should Feel 2 distinct pall as of masact- like force, fom Your outstretched and slowly reteating baads. the polls great. may be necessary to catch the Friend to keep him som fll bacavards, There il be go fecliz of poll oa Your mands 00 smarter how sronaly they “pull Indvideals vary steal an thew ‘esponse ro tis puling test and you may find that in a aroup of dozen people, one ort wall be fiz moe sensitive than the others, and So. annch Defter fuse ia making the text Animals aay also be used as explained in SSBMintellmg of my tests in which small dog was pulled bcksvards 10. several times despite his efforts to sesist [BREATH AND MANA Bath aid its putin accumulating a suecharge isnot yet filly understned bot cemsetolare a se eae [Pecilie stonificancs My personal guess het the extra soa ss ‘anufscored by dhe lw self by burning foods stored the body for tha pupore. Sich oxidation is eoine on constantly. but whem Strenuounly. ne abays breatbe mote bealy sad we becom bot {rom he exoussre biming of blocd aaars Yo prodace te tal force that enables us todo the work of exercising (Nor: The "gues" was confirmed andi was ao found thar mana is breathad in ftom the atmonphore along with oxygen Cf the wotks of Will Raich on "orgone energy." BOW) In the sual couse of exerese or physical work. only small sup of maa is mude and whale very large amounts many be ade dnthe concre of fve maatos oF of seveval sreaious ours 3 USED UP seve go along. There ies the difrence Is necomsloing ‘surcharge without exstos, te supply held stead of beg sed up im muscular activity Ts, herefore. there and standing ‘ead fo han to be used the paver acon, oF Tam on ds to test somcoae whe ali ou Breathing nets form of exercise. eiavoles the use ofthe chest ences and especly the dpe, bt the [production of exacneray by forced deeper breathing i st of Prspertin to the addtional scalar excrese.Hzoan the Yous prt Else e have lenmed thr we can tas deep brent fora sun to and feel noch cetreshed and simulated. If we hold the Command ove the lot self to accumulate laze excess oF mn fad store itn the boy and te low abadowy body or ak) the fal ‘Benet wll acerve The act of Creatas dees, slow and evealy ‘wll serve asa pysical sumulns ‘0 impress the low self that something real is being deas (nt ust [nagined), and the addicional sate of air vill help the physical ‘process of manufacruniag mana. (See the excerpt concesaias ‘Physical stems on p.20 of this book. The imporzance ofthe’ pisiea! emule snmot be eniphasiced 200 much) Inusing the Baron Ferson method, [ave fond that I beein sosake desper breathe almost st once, The same hung ie tie whea [ "Snip remain as Thappen tobe, standing, walling or siting. when L Conmand my "George" to accumulate exta val force fora prayer action or other nse sch as in teleptiuc contact and telepaie leansfer of val force and healing thought forms ‘LET GEORGE DO IT" ‘un cenge dla! a Inughingly beea proposed asthe slogaa for Hoga Research Associates, aad t ges across the idea so Well ‘hat Iam constantly referring to the lowe self or spirit in us as "George" ‘The cousciows sad or middle sel-spist-soul (each ofthe thee selves isa "soul” as well asa spirit in Hona) isa strangely plese eur. Tteaanot contra the body except through control of “George” Itve a gnestin the louse and is uepsaded, ae it ere, Dberiveen the low and High selves, able to da lie for self. but blessed with ss owen form af reason and ao abla to do sts sare by Dossng dhe job of venga least onthe lower levels of We must constantly ep in mind the fact hatin Husa cvervhiag depends on eur ably te guide and command the lowe Sei once we have decided whats fo be done. In the simple fet, ‘that we must Lot George do 1" hes the secret of why our prayers have been answered so seldom. and wiay we get such, cant results in ou use of the move modern "affirmascns "| “tok the hough, Tor “decree " often the people who are simple and uneducated have auch Tener sucooss with prayers than the hahly educated Tass would seem 0 be Because the former are workang beter with thew low self Easy relaxation needs to be leamed if one isto get "George" to obey and to work smoothly and happily wth ws. We hhave to LET GO m ordet to LET GEORGE. This an sas0m of modem pevchology and t fits Hunn exactly Ifyou do not breve that you ave to give George” his head, jst ry forcing yourself 9 go 10 tleep wien you go to bed tonight. You will soon ge! the idea, All you fan dois to get youself ead. and then tun the job over to "George" and fold your hands If after you have tke all the steps and have fished prayer- action, you will remember that you lave dane ble more than set ‘pattem ofthe thing fo be done, and have commanded, George” to Jo {you wil be entiled toa silver star fo glue en your ona "Sunday School Attendance Card"! Ifyou drop eff ad take fort winks. aakening much sfveshed. you ars ented toa gold star I you keep Seeing at George” for feat be isnot dean his objet beeanse vou fansot sce orien hin at hi work-=it willbe ae bad ae digeine wp the seeds everyday in Yous garden tell them to arow. "Goorge' 5 ike !seed sn that respect Plot um ad Tet bn alone MAPPING THE FUTURE Ta begining your practice it is «good ting to decide what sou want built info vour fue, and vuite fe dora! Wraing tt down se a pysical sims of value. The waren word sampresse the lowselt. whereas tio i usually ignored Tyscuse st seems (0 be useslyist mage smaesnes. et day dame One maps the fue in hs way. Bu good a Us ‘best war in the weed to prevent often the people who are simple and uneducated have auch Tener sucooss with prayers than the hahly educated Tass would seem 0 be Because the former are workang beter with thew low self Easy relaxation needs to be leamed if one isto get "George" to obey and to work smoothly and happily wth ws. We hhave to LET GO m ordet to LET GEORGE. This an sas0m of modem pevchology and t fits Hunn exactly Ifyou do not breve that you ave to give George” his head, jst ry forcing yourself 9 go 10 tleep wien you go to bed tonight. You will soon ge! the idea, All you fan dois to get youself ead. and then tun the job over to "George" and fold your hands If after you have tke all the steps and have fished prayer- action, you will remember that you lave dane ble more than set ‘pattem ofthe thing fo be done, and have commanded, George” to Jo {you wil be entiled toa silver star fo glue en your ona "Sunday School Attendance Card"! Ifyou drop eff ad take fort winks. aakening much sfveshed. you ars ented toa gold star I you keep Seeing at George” for feat be isnot dean his objet beeanse vou fansot sce orien hin at hi work-=it willbe ae bad ae digeine wp the seeds everyday in Yous garden tell them to arow. "Goorge' 5 ike !seed sn that respect Plot um ad Tet bn alone MAPPING THE FUTURE Ta begining your practice it is «good ting to decide what sou want built info vour fue, and vuite fe dora! Wraing tt down se a pysical sims of value. The waren word sampresse the lowselt. whereas tio i usually ignored Tyscuse st seems (0 be useslyist mage smaesnes. et day dame One maps the fue in hs way. Bu good a Us ‘best war in the weed to prevent 4. Selves use these mold). we are confronted by the problem of keeping our thoughi-forms clear-cut and uncontaminated by doubts, fears. and the ende af other dese For instance ia the map seve, the work of ‘making a good cles mental picture ofthe eyes tested 10 normal ‘sion needs to be dane wsthour at th sae tee uy to cary beside it but well separted, the pict ofthe digestive organs functioning snonnaly. If ta addition the pictue ofthe nonnelized eyes and ‘ominch was made fo include the dovoled sacome, st wonld become a flight jumble. Add ce other ems aad the mature would be aaything btelaee “gualization ofthe thing desired (one tema at a time) should be ‘uadestalen long eacual before the actual praveracton fo give pleat bf prscice and plenty of tine fora good job (ae nny imagine ie in is ate (not neces defi ue), td begin aging bane asi ha par ofthe fe ad ‘wih the dered conditions flied the shove saps ne mgt {hel fr sever manos she fice’ One at boc wa bat an see nobly Oe PROJECTS oneself sto that bt of the Rte fn pend some une enya end usin the resteed ig Oa Looks {Migs close) oue tells Vning” ima how ace tf see Desestyagnin, The pits i nade se vvid and Geld se povible, $e stein te idea ofthe USE ofthe normal oes ‘We have all made the mistake of thinking that this vssnzation is something that can be done sronce and without practice Ava ater Of fck ithe tamed ou fa be av dliclt nak as temonzing ate ‘eres poet perhape more dient. Wi the posms som have thie Toruleem bofore you cna eel make posts “The Ming about the normal-sight visualization thar must be focgotten asa prchiminary isthe FAULTY SIGHT. We have found that stakes practice 1 and effort to step into a pictured firure and begin seeing normally ‘Welkeep dragging aloag the eye wovble instead of leaviag it behind ase step through ito the fare Ilps niaity to tale confidently, and alond, about the new condition which one is building inf the fore ia this work of ‘suling the thouaht-form mold. The talking is a payoscaz sas anid impresses the low self One holds conversations and Says to. imaginary calles, "Yes my sight has been perfect and normal naw for tome tne and Fimow that i will remain thar ay. 2 ‘am see as well as ever did. ean read fr hours. thank the Fgh Seif daily for this great blessing, and I thank the low selffor is part im obianaing i” DR BRUNLER'S meruop De Bnunler, mentioned in connection with the peaciahum, ses the following mathod of accumulating a surplus of stl force He ‘Stands freing the north and rakes dhe st with hs hands, ings wide ‘Spread, suf sing them to pick up vt force from the air (CY Baron Ferson’s method of enthering m "Universal Life Force"), The bands ae lifted above the head at te fll length ofthe amis, palms faeme forward. The arm are kept straight and the hands brougit down in sweeping circle with the fingers raking throwel the sir At the same tue the body is quickly beut far forward wo tat the hands ca

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