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Abercrombie & Fitch controversial
advertising, 68
Abu Ghraib prison scandal, 5, 6, 176, 335
Academy Awards, 286, 299, 353, 355
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and
Sciences, 286
Adams, Ansel, 260
and AIDS, 89
American Express, 106
California Milk Board, 106
Calvin Klein, 68
of cigarettes, 77, 86
commercial, 75
controversial tactics, 75
David Kirby in, 70, 71, 89, 90
death row inmates in, 71, 72
differentiated from news, 76
digital imaging technology, 78
gay and lesbian stereotypes, 101, 105
guidelines for, 76
hidden, 77, 78
impact of, 86
implying movie recreates actual events, 78, 79
Joe Camel, 77
Kelloggs, 106
models used in, 76
New York Times, 86
noncommercial, 68, 75
placement in movies and television pro-
grams, 77, 78
presenting positive societal messages, 106
in presidential campaign of 2004, 75, 76
and public relations, 82
in reality television shows, 77
in respected newspapers, 86
sexism in, 101, 102, 103, 104
shock, 68
and social issues, 69
soft porn, 68
subliminal, 77
tabloids sensationalism, 86
in USA Today, 86
virtual ads, 78
visual persuasion, 6791
on websites, 78
advertorials, 76
Afghanistan war, 176
African Americans, 315
stereotypes of, 97, 98, 99, 339
in advertising, 89, 90
in Benetton advertising, 67, 68, 70, 71
and David Kirby, 70, 71, 89, 90
and discrimination, 102
albinism, 18
Aldine Press, 136
Allen, Paul, 361
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 402
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 405
animated films, 213, 219
adult-oriented, 223
American, 221
California raisins, 228
cel animation, 221, 226
clay and foam latex characters, 227
combined with live action, 228
computer-generated, 226, 228
by DreamWorks, 224
early, 221
famous characters, 222, 223
Finding Nemo, 225
frame-by-frame animation, 220
full-length, 227
Gertie, the Trained Dinosaur, 221
history of, 213, 219
Japanese anime, 226, 227, 228
King Kong, 229
Les Triplettes de Belleview, 227
Little Nemo, 221
magic lanterns, 219, 220
at MGM, 223
object animation, 227
paper cutout, 228
Pixar collaboration with Disney, 224
Praxinoscope, 220
racial stereotypes, 229, 230
animated films (continued)
science fiction, 220
stop-motion technique, 227
Story of the Mosquito, 221
The PJs, 230
in theaters, 223
Theatre Optique, 220
on TV, 223
Walt Disney, 221
Warner Bros., 222
Apple Computers, 362
Apple I, 362
Apple II, 362
desktop publishing, 364
versus IBM, 363
iBook, 365
iMac, 364, 365, 366
influence on graphic design, 161
Lisa 2, 365
Mac OS, 366
Macintosh, 364, 365, 369
monitors, 372
mouse, 365
original logo, 363
Power Mac G5, 369
Power PC processors, 365
screens, 372
touch-sensitive screen, 372
voice-activated commands, 372
Arab American stereotypes, 340
Arbuckle, Roscoe, 284, 285
Archer, Frederick Scott, 245
Aristippus, 116
Aristotle, 242
Arnaz, Desi, 324, 325, 332, 333
AT&T divided into Baby Bells, 398, 399
Babbage, Charles, 356, 357
Ball, Lucille, 324, 325, 332, 333, 344
Barnardos advertising, 68
Barthes, Roland, 58
Bartletti, Don, 265, 266
Baskerville, John, 141
Bass, Saul, 151175, 193, 295
contributions to graphic design, 152
and The Man with the Golden Arm, 153,
154, 156
Bayeux Tapestry, 213
advertising, 67, 68
AIDS in advertising, 70, 71
death row ads, 71, 72
Oliviero Toscani ad campaigns, 68, 71, 72
racial issues, 69
religious issues, 70
shock advertising, 71, 72
social issues, 69
work with United Nations, 72
Bentham, Jeremy, 116
Bernays, Edward, 82
Berry, Halle, 299
book publishing, future of, 149
Books of the Dead, 133
Boyle, Robert, 242
Brady, Matthew, 244
brain, 1528
Alzheimers disease, 26
amygdala, 25
cells, 48
cerebrum, 24
color, form, depth, and movement seen by,
communication network, 24
cortex, 24, 25
hippocampus, 26
how pathway of, 25
memory, 26
myelin, 26
myelinization, 26
neurons, 24
occipital lobe, 24
reasons for studying, 27
recognition of dots, forms, lines, shapes, 37,
38, 39
synapses, 24
thalamus, 24
and trauma, 27
visual cortex, 17, 25
what pathway of, 25
Brando, Marlon, 291
Brin, Sergey, 383, 384, 385
Burnett, Mark, 315, 316, 317
Busch, Wilhelm, 214
Bush, Vannevar, 393
Calvin Klein advertising, 68
camera obscura, 44, 242
camera phone, 263
computer photo retouching software, 252
digital, 252, 371
electronic digital, 263
as eye, 16
handheld, 238, 295
high-priced, 252
history of, 242
inexpensive, 251
instamatic, 242
Kinetograph, 277
Kodak, 247
large-format, 252
moderately expensive, 251
press, 252
rangefinder, 252
single-lens reflex (SLR), 251, 252
television, 335
tripod-bound, large-format, 238
twin-lens reflex, 252
types of, 251
view, 252
Cameron, James, 352
anti-Christian, 207
antiportraits, 207
erotic, 206
grotesque, 206
history of, 206, 207
political, 207
visual history of, 206
Cartier-Bresson, Henry, 262
cartoons, 200235
action sequences, 226
assimilation, 225
balloons for dialogue, 225
on big screen, 219
characters, 225
characters of color, 229, 230, 231
Comics Code Authority, 231
controversial themes, 230
critical perspective on, 232
cultural perspective on, 232
Doonesbury, 230, 231
editorial, 203
emakimonos, 213
ethical perspective on, 228
First Amendment protection, 232
flipbook, 213
frame in, 224
future directions for, 234
graphic conventions, 224
historical perspective on, 206
marketing product tie-ins, 229
Maus, 219
Max and Moritz comic strip, 214
motion lines in, 225
multiframed, 213
ombre chinoises, 213
personal perspective on, 205
Santa Claus symbol, 210
setting in, 224
single-framed, 206
and six perspectives, 205
social issues, 232, 233
social satire, 201
stereotypes, 229
technical perspective on, 224
The Boondocks, 230, 231
typography, 225
on World Wide Web, 234
Caslon, William, 141
Caslon, William IV, 143
Caxton, William, 140, 141
chapbooks, 214
Chaplin, Charles, 284, 285
Child Online Protection Act, 402
Child Pornography Act, 378
cinematography, 274
deep focus, 274
pan-focus, 274
panning, 274
circles, 40
Citizen Kane, 268, 269
analysis of, 273
cinematography in, 274, 275
making of, 270
opening scenes, 273
Oscar nomination, 269
people who worked on, 269
clip art, 208
Colonna, Francesco, 136
color, 32
additive, 33
in ancient Egypt, 36
brightness, 33, 35
chroma, 35
comparative description of, 35
complementary, 33
constancy, 33
cool, 35
early theories of, 32
electromagnetic spectrum, 34
objective description of, 34
primary, 33
secondary, 33
sociological uses of, 35
subjective description of, 35
subtractive, 33
symbolism of, 36
temperature of, 34
value of, 35
warm, 35
wavelength of, 34
Columbia Pictures, 290, 293
comic books, 213, 217
adapted for screen, 218
Captain Marvel, 217
dialogue balloons, 217
Entertaining Comics, 219
Famous Funnies, 218
golden age of (1950s), 217
history of, 213, 217
influence on famous film directors, 219
Mad magazine, 218
Seduction of the Innocent, 218
Spider-Man, 217
Superman, 217, 218
underground, 230
comic strips, 213
adventure, 216
B.C., 216
Beetle Bailey, 216
Blondie, 216
Boondocks, 217
Buster Brown, 215
Doonesbury, 217
history of, 213
Hogans Alley, 214, 215
Krazy Kat, 216
Lil Abner, 216
Little Nemo in Slumberland, 215
Little Orphan Annie, 216
Mutt and Jeff, 215
in newspapers, 214
Opus, 217
Peanuts, 216, 217
Pogo, 216
Popeye, 216
reading of, 219
social messages, 216
in Sunday newspapers, 214, 215
The Katzenjammer Kids, 215
Communications Decency Act, 402
computer-generated images
games, 351
graphics, 351
history of, 351
movies, 351
Simulation of a Two-Giro-Gravity Attitude
Control System, 351
Sketchpad, 351
Tron, 352
computer-generated movies
Abyss, 352
Cast Away, 355
Contact, 355
Final Fantasy: The Spirit Within, 354, 355
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, 355
Jurassic Park, 354
Lord of the Rings, 355
Monsters, Inc., 354
Polar Express, 355
Star Wars, 353
Terminator, 353
Terminator 2, 352, 353
Terminator 3, 354
The Day After Tomorrow, 354
Titanic, 353
Van Helsing, 355
computers, 350382, 416
Altair 8800, 361
Analytical Engine, 356, 357
Athlon processor, 369
BASIC language, 359
baud rate, 373
Bell Telephone Laboratories, 360
binary numerical system, 358, 365
bit, 365
brief history of searching on, 386
bulletin boards, 356
bus, 370
byte, 365
cable modem, 374
carpal tunnel syndrome, 370, 375
cathode-ray tube (CRT), 358
CD-R discs, 367
CD-ROM, 367, 368
central processing unit (CPU), 368
charge-coupled devices (CCD), 371
COBOL language, 359
colorization, 379
computer languages, 359
computer nerd stereotype, 380
computer-digitized disc (CD), 368
computer-generated images, 350, 351
computerphiles, 381
computerphobia, 380
Computer-Tabulating-Recording Company
(CTR), 357
convergence, 381
Convergent Age, 356
Cray T3E-900, 368
Cray XMP supercomputers, 351
critical perspective on, 381
cultural perspective on, 380
databases, 356
decimal numerical system, 358
desktop publishing, 380
digital cameras, 371
Digital Equipment Corporation, 358
Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), 374
digitization, 371
dot-matrix printers, 373
dual-core processors, 369
DVD discs, 367
Eastman Kodaks Cinesite, 367
electrical calculator, 356, 357
e-mail, 373
ENAC, 358, 359
ergonomics, 375
ethical perspective on, 375
File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 387
Flash Drive, 367
flash memory (flash RAM), 366
floppy discs, 367
formatting, 367
FORTRAN language, 359
frame-grabbing devices, 374
future directions for, 381
Genuine Fractals, 372
gigahertz (GHz), 369
hard discs, 367
hardware, 375
HD-DVD, 368
Hewlett-Packard, 362
high-bandwidth information, 374
high-density discs, 367
historical perspective on, 356
image manipulation, 379
computers (continued)
incoming peripherals, 370
Information Age, 356
inkjet printers, 373
Intel Corporation, 369
interactive peripherals, 373
International Business Machines (IBM), 357
interpreter program, 361
JumpDrive, 367
keyboard, 370
laser printers, 373
in libraries, 387
Mark I, 358
media centers, 381
megahertz (MHz), 369
memory and storage, 365
Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry
Systems, 361
microchips, 366
microdensitometer scanners, 371
minicomputers, 361
modem, 373
monitor, 372
mouse, 370
National Cash Register Company, 357
optical character recognition (OCR), 371
optical disc, 368
outgoing peripherals, 372
Pascal language, 359
PDP-8, 361
Pentium processors, 369
peripherals, 370
personal perspective on, 356
physical concerns about, 375
pocket calculators, 361
portable, 356
preservation of motion pictures, 379
and presidential election of 1952, 359
printers, 372, 373
PX, 358
random access memory (RAM), 359, 366
read-only memory (ROM), 366
Remington Rand, 359
SAGE system, 360
scanners, 371
search engines, 383412
service bureau, 367
silicon chip, 361
Silicon Valley, 362
and six perspectives, 356
small computer systems interface (SCSI)
scuzzy connectors, 369, 370
software, 374
switching technology, 369, 374
technical perspective on, 365
trackball-style mouse, 375
transistors, 360, 361
types of, 368
Universal Serial Bus (USB), 370
vacuum tube, 361
VC-1, 368
video games, 362
virtual reality (VR), 375
Visual Age, 356
voice recognition software (VRS), 370
voice-activated, 370
website on, 401
Whirlwind, 359, 360
word processing, 356
World Wide Web, 356
zip discs, 367
Cray, Seymour, 368
Currier and Ives, 159
da Vinci, Leonardo, 16, 32, 207, 242
use of perspective by, 43, 44
Daguerre, Louis, 243, 244
De Forest, Lee, 286
depth, 40
artifacts, 42
binocular vision, 41
color, 42
eight cues for, 41
interposition in, 43
lighting, 42
perspective in, 41, 43
size, 42
space, 42
textural gradients, 42
time in, 43
volumetric forms of, 41
Dewey, Melvil, 387
Dewey Decimal Classification system, 387
Dickson, William, 276, 277, 278
Diesel, advertising at, 68
digital video recorders (DVRs), 77
discrimination, 107, 108
Disney, Roy, 222
Disney, Walt, 222
dissonance, 62, 63
Dolby, Ray, 288
Dream of Poliphilus, 136
DreamWorks, 234
Duchamp, Marcel, 168
Drer, Albrecht, 45
Eastman, George, 247, 276
Edison, Thomas, 247, 276, 279
editorial cartoons, 208
Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall, 209, 210
cultural perspective on, 232
early American, 208
by Paul Revere, 209
puckographs, 209
of Republican Party and elephant
symbol, 210
since World War II, 211, 212
symbols in, 225, 226
by Thomas Nast, 209, 210
William Randolph Hearsts influence on, 210
during World War I era, 211
during World War II era, 211
Eisenstein, Sergei, 168, 283
England, Lynndie, 266
Ert, 168
ethics of visual messages, 65109
expectation, 60, 63
eye, 1528
aqueous humor, 19
blind spot, 23
blinking, 17
color deficiencies, 22
cornea, 17
depth perception, 23
floaters, 19
flying gnats, 19
glaucoma, 19
iris, 18
Ishihara test, 22
lens, 16, 18
light drawings, 16
melanin, 18
optic chiasma, 23
optic nerve, 23
physiology of, 17
pupil, 18
reasons for studying, 27
sclera, 17
tears, 16
vitreous humor, 19
as window to soul, 15
Fairbanks, Douglas, 284
Filo, David, 387
Flaherty, Robert, 282
Franklin, Benjamin, 136, 208
Freedom of Information Act, 256
freedom of the press, 136
Funt, Allen, 313, 314
Gabor, Dennis, 248
Gance, Abel, 282
Garamond, Claude, 141
Garbo, Greta, 285
Gates, Bill, 361
gays and lesbians
AIDS affecting, 102
marriage rights, 102
stereotypes, 101, 105
television shows featuring, 102
Gilliam, Terry, 228
Glaser, Milton, 165
Goldfish, Samuel, 281
Google, 383412
analysis of, 390
controversy involving, 391
games and parodies, 384
Gmail, 392
history of, 385
home page, 384
killer app, 384
privacy issues, 392
Silicon Valley, 386
graphic design, 151175
art deco, 168
art moderne, 168
art nouveau, 167
artist license, 159
balance in, 162
bauhaus, 172
beatnik culture, 169
center of visual impact in, 162
color in, 162
contrast in, 161
critical perspective on, 173
cultural perspective on, 166
cyberspace, 174
dada movement in, 167
de stijl, 171
digital, 161
early influences on, 152
etching in, 159
ethical perspective on, 164
fair representation in, 165
free form style in, 166, 167
future directions for, 174
golden mean in, 164
golden ratio in, 157
golden rule in, 164
golden section of, 157, 158
at Google, 391
greeting cards, 159
grid approach to, 166, 171
Gutenberg, 158
halftone printing process, 159, 160
hedonism in, 164
hip-hop, 170
hippie culture, 169
historical perspective on, 157
industrial, 158
Japanese art and, 167
lithography, 158
of logos, 154, 155
in Man with the Golden Arm, 153
modular, 171
in movies, 152
MTV, 170
nautilus in, 158
neo-dada, 170
new wave, 170
of packaging, 154
personal perspective on, 156
photogram, 173
pop art, 169
postmodern, 170
pre-Gutenberg, 157
proportion in, 162
in Psycho, 154
punk, 170
reductionism, 152
rhythm in, 163
September 11, 2001, 164
sequencing in, 163
simplicity in, 164
situation comedies, 166
six perspectives on, 156
software, 374
sound in, 162
streamlining, 172
technical perspective on, 161
third effect in, 171
of title sequences, 152
transitions in, 162
unity in, 164
USA Today, 172
utilitarianism in, 164
for various media forms, 161
VH1, 170
virtual reality, 174
website, 401
white space in, 162
graphic novel, 219
graphic style
animated sitcom, 204
elementary, 203
minimalist, 203
informational, 176199
motion picture, 354
Great Depression, 236241
photography during, 262, 263
Griffith, D. W., 279, 280, 281
Groening, Matt, 200, 201
Gropius, Walter, 172
Gutenberg, Johannes
financial problems of, 126
history of, 123
statue of, 129
Gutenberg Bible, 127
abbey libraries, 126
alley, 122
analysis of, 128
calligraphy, 122
copies in existence, 123
early scribes, 122
forty-two-line, 122, 123
ligature symbols, 122
in Lilly Library, University of Indiana
Bloomington, 121, 122
printing press, 126
questions about, 128
and reading public, 128
textur typeface, 122
habituation, 61
Harryhausen, Ray, 227
Hasegawa, Machiko, 234
Hays, Will, 285
Hearst, William Randolph, 221
circulation war, 214
Citizen Kane based on, 271
Herschel, John, 244
Herschel, William, 34
Hine, Lewis, 237, 238, 262
Hirschfeld, Al, 207, 208
Hochberg, Julian, 53
Hoe, Richard, 159
Hollerith, Herman, 356, 357
House Un-American Activities Committee
(HUAC), 290, 324, 326
Hubel, David, 31, 32, 48
humanist movement, 128
humorous cartoons, 212
Huxley, Aldous, 6, 7, 413, 414
Hwang, Dennis, 391
ponzo, 45
railroad track, 45
image analysis
applying analytical perspectives to, 118
Aristotles golden mean in, 116
categorical perspective on, 115
critical perspective on, 118
cultural perspective on, 117
ethical perspective on, 115
ethical questions about, 117
golden rule in, 116
hedonism in, 116
historical perspective on, 115
and inner symbolism, 114
of newspaper photos, 119
omniphasism, 113
personal impact assessment, 114
personal perspective on, 113
perspectives on, 111, 112
primary and associative words in, 114
procedure for, 112
technical perspective on, 115
and utilitarianism, 116
veil of ignorance in, 117
indexical sign, 61
infomercials, 76
informational graphics (infographics), 176199
bar charts, 183
calendars, 193
charts, 186
courtroom drawings, 192, 193
critical perspective on, 196
cultural perspective on, 194
data maps, 188, 189, 197
diagrams, 192
early history of, 183
informational graphics (continued)
European history of, 183
fact boxes, 188
fever charts, 187
during first Gulf War, 186
flowcharts, 193
future directions for, 197
geographical maps, 190
graphics editors, 185
hedonistic approach to, 194
historical perspective on, 182
icons, 193
inaccurate charts, 194
infosigners, 187
Iraqi war of 2003, 186
line charts, 187
logos, 193
miscellaneous, 192
news graphics, 176
nondata maps, 190
nonstatistical, 188
overly decorative charts, 194
personal perspective on, 182
pictographs, 188
pie charts, 187
pioneers in, 183
relational charts, 187
September 11, 2001, 176
six perspectives on, 182
statistical elements, 186
steel rain report, 198
tables, 189, 190
technical perspective on, 186
television schedules, 193
time lines, 193
war maps, 186
on World Wide Web, 197
inks, history of, 125
International Business Machines (IBM)
versus Apple Computers, 363
history of, 364
logo for, 363
operating system, 366
PC, 364, 365, 366, 369
statistical analysis, 364
Thomas Watson, Jr., 357
Thomas Watson, Sr., 357, 358
word processing, 364
Iraqi war images, 5, 8
Ishihara, Shinobu, 22
Isotype (International System of Typographic
Picture Education), 194
Italian American stereotypes, 340
Iwerks, Ub, 222
Jeanneret, Charles-Edouard, 171
Jefferson,Thomas, 387
Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy Association
telethon, 92
Duchenne muscular dystrophy, 93
Lewiss remarks, 94
opening acts, 93
pity campaign criticized, 94
use of dancers, 94
use of wheelchairs, 94
Jobs, Steven, 362
American Council on Science and Health, 86
Bill ClintonMonica Lewinsky scandal
coverage, 88
cable broadcasting, 84
celebrity journalism, 87
celebrity manipulation of news stories, 89, 90
Challenger space shuttle explosion coverage,
controversial, 90
corporate influence in newsrooms, 86
coverage 24/7, 89
criticism of, 88
Dan Rathers 1993 speech, 88
decisive moment photojournalism, 71
Drudge Report, 88
Elian Gonzalez story, 88
embedded journalists, 255
Enron scandal, 85
events staged to attract media
attention, 83
expanded news releases, 84
Federal Communication
Commission, 89
fees for speeches by journalists, 85
infomercials, 84
media events, photo ops, and pseudo events,
New York Times, 87
news magazine programs, 87
newspaper editors using public
relations articles, 83
O.J. Simpson trial coverage, 88
President Kennedy assassination coverage, 89
and public relations, 83
sensational images used in, 89
September 11, 2001 attacks coverage, 89
soft news stories, 87
television guest appearances, 84
television news, 84
USA Today, 87
video news releases (VNRs), 84
visual persuasion in, 6791, 86
wars in Middle East coverage, 89
and World Wide Web, 88
yellow, 215
Kant, Immanuel, 115
Kazan, Elia, 299
Keaton, Buster, 285, 286
Kelvin scale, 34
Kepes, Gyorgy, 152, 173
Kepler, Johann, 242
keratitis punctata, 6
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 105
King, Rodney, 315, 334
Kirby, David, 70, 89, 90
Klee, Paul, 173
Koppel, Ted, 264
Ku Klux Klan, 280, 281
Land, Edwin, 33, 248
Lang, Fritz, 283
Lange, Dorothea, 236241
Lanston, Tolbert, 137
Le Corbusier, 171
Le Grotte Chauvet, 48
Lee, Ivy, 82
Lee, Spike, 299
Leonardo box, 45
library classification systems, 387
light, 914
bioluminescence, 12
chemiluminescence, 13
curious nature of, 12
electromagnetic energy, 11
electromagnetic spectrum, 12
fluorescence, 13
gamma rays, 12
Hertzian waves, 12
luminescence, 12
luminol, 13
as particle, 11
phosphorescence, 13
radio waves, 12
reasons for studying, 13
source of, 10
speed of, 10
ultraviolet radiation, 12
as wave, 11
X-rays, 12
lighting, 10
hair light, 42
lines, symbolism of, 38
Linnaeus, Carolus, 387
Lippmann, Walter, 73, 82, 86
Loew, Marcus, 281
logos, 53, 54
Lorant, Stefan, 171
Lumire brothers, 246, 247, 277, 278
Maddox, Richard, 246, 247, 276
Maiman, Theodore, 248
Man with the Golden Arm, analysis of, 156
manga, 219
Mankiewicz, Herman, 269, 271
Mankiewicz, Joseph, 298
Manutius, Aldus, 135, 136
explanatory, 190
Greenland problem, 192
locator, 190
Mercator, 192
Peters projection, 192
using computer technology, 191
on World Wide Web, 191
mass communication, 72, 73
Mayer, Louis, 281
McCarthy, Joseph, 291
actors with disabilities, 107
analyzing, 111420
Black Entertainment Television (BET), 107
cultural groups not in media eye, 96
images that injure, 92109
Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy Association
telethon, 92
pictorial stereotypes, 92109
and prejudicial thinking, 96
race relations, 107, 108
viewing patterns of various cultural groups,
Mlis, George, 279
memory, 60
Mercury Theater on the Air, 269, 270
mediated and nonmediated, 4
medium for, 4
print, 4
screen, 4
Mexican American stereotypes, 340
MGM studios, 290, 293
Microsoft Corporation
BASIC interpreter, 361
beginnings of, 361
in court, 396
European restrictions on, 397
and Google, 388
Internet Explorer, 397, 398
Netscape, 397
video games, 376
Windows interface interpreter, 361
Migrant Mother photograph, 237, 238, 239, 240
Mill, John Stuart, 116
Minard, Charles, 183, 184, 185
mnemonics, 60
Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo, 173
Mondrian, Piet, 171
Morse, Samuel, bringing daguerreotype to U.S.,
MotionPictureAssociationof America, 285
rating system of, 302
motion picture color, 288
Kinemacolor, 288
Technicolor Motion Picture Corporation,
three-color process, 288
motion picture directors, 282
African American, 299
innovative, 293, 294
linking myth and symbolism, 304
using computer-generated images, 351, 352,
353, 354
Motion Picture Rating System, 285
motion picture sound, 297
digital, 288
foley artist, 298
noise, 298
Phonofilm, 287, 288
problems with, 287
Vitaphone, 287
motion picture stars, 284
African American, 299
migrating from Europe, 285
women, 300, 301
motion pictures, 268311
action-adventure, 279
adaptation in, 275
after advent of television, 292
after World War II, 290
analysis of graphics for, 354
Annie Hall, 304
archetypes in, 303
aspect ratio, 288
attendance at, 307
audio considerations, 297
autochrome, 279
automated dialogue replacement (ADR), 298
available on Internet, 308
B movies, 292
Battleship Potemkin, 283, 284
Birth of a Nation, 280, 281
black and white film, 296
blacklisting against, 291
blockbuster mentality, 307, 308
Boyz N the Hood, 299
Casablanca, 290
celluloid film, 277
cinema, 278
cinema verit, 295
CinemaScope, 289
Cineon technology, 371
Cinerama, 289
color film, 296
colorization, 297
comedy, 303
and Communist Party, 290
computer special effects, 371
copyright infringement, 302
crane shot, 295
crime, 303
critical perspective on, 307
cultural perspective on, 303
3D, 292, 309, 311
depth of field, 294
direct cinema, 295
direct cut, 295
documentary, 295, 303
dollies, 295
double features, 292
drive-in movies, 292, 293
dynamic edit, 295
dynamic shot, 294
early movie marquees, 276
editing of, 295, 296
effect of television on, 290
epic, 303
ethical perspective on, 298
film choices, 296
film noir, 307
film speed, 278
first blockbuster, 279
Frankenstein, 303
Fred Otts Sneeze, 277
future directions for, 308
genres of, 303
Great Train Robbery, 280
hand-cranked Kinetograph, 277
historical perspective on, 275
Hollywood finds its voice, 286
Hollywoods golden age, 290
horror, 303
and HUAC, 290
IMAX, 289, 309
involvement in video games, 308
Jazz Singer, 287
Keystone Film Company, 282
Kinetophonograph, 277, 286
Kinetoscope viewer, 277
lasting legacy of silent films, 281
letterbox presentations, 290
many terms for, 275
35-mm film, 278
movie theaters, 275, 292
multiplex theaters, 292
musical, 303
musical scores, 298
newsreels, 287, 292
and the Oscar, 286
outside of Hollywood, 308
pan-and-scan techniques, 290
Panavision, 289
pans, 295
personal perspective on, 274
posters for, 152
powerful studio executives, 281
Psycho, 295, 296
racial stereotypes in, 280, 281
rack focus, 294
rear projection, 297
romance, 303
scandals of, 285
science fiction, 303
sexual themes in, 302
shot, 294
as sideshow amusement, 276
silent movies, 278
motion pictures (continued)
and six perspectives, 274
smoking in, 302
social impact, 303
Some Like It Hot, 297
sound in, 286
special effects, 279, 297, 309, 310
speech, 298
spreading computerphobia, 380
static edit, 295
static shot, 294
stereotypes in, 299
talking pictures, 286
technical perspective on, 293
text, 297
The Robe, 289
The Wild One, 291
thriller, 303
tilts, 295
tinting, 296
tracking shot, 295
Trip to the Moon, 279
triptych of functions, 275
trucks, 295
vacuum tube, 287
violence in, 301
visual considerations, 294
war, 304
western, 304
wide screen, 288
Workers Leaving the Lumire Factory, 278
during World War II, 290
Year of the Woman (1993), 300, 301
zoom and tracking shot, 293, 294
Motion Pictures Producers and Distributors of
America, 285
movement, 46
apparent, 47
graphic, 47
implied, 47
real, 46
Muller-Lyer illusion, 53
Murneau, F. W., 283
Murrow, Edward R., 291, 327
Muybridge, Eadweard, 247
Nast, Thomas, 159
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Association (NOAA), 180
Native Americans
in early newspapers, 103
in movies, 103
as sports mascots, 103, 104, 105, 106
stereotypes of, 102
Nazario, Sonia, 265, 266
graphic design used by, 171, 173
and motion pictures, 283
photo techniques used by, 168
Neuharth, Allen, 177, 180
Neuharth, Otto, 194
New Yorker
cartoons in, 212
editorial cartoons in, 213
issue following 9/11, 213
Newbery, John, 214
news, differentiated from advertising, 76
newspaper infosigners, 181
circulation war of, 214
computer technology, 185
graphics, 186
infographics, 184, 185
online, 408, 409
war maps, 185
Newton, Isaac, 23
Nipce, Isidore, 243, 244
Nipce, Joseph, 158, 242
inventing heliography, 243
Nobel Prize, 11
Online Public Access Catalog, 389
ophthalmoscope, 32
Outcault, Richard, 203, 214, 215
Page, Larry, 383, 384, 385
history of, 125
parchment, 126
substrate, 125
vellum, 126
parallelogram, 39
Paramount Pictures antitrust case, 290
Park, Nick, 228
Parks, Gordon, 299
Paul, Robert, 277
perceiving, 7
conceptual, 45
geometrical, 45
illusionary, 45
three forms of, 44
persuasion, 6791
difference from propaganda, 72
early theories of, 73
ethos, logos, and pathos in, 73
role of, 73
Peter and Paul goblet illusion, 54
as artist, 261
as landscape documentarian, 260
as painter, 259
as portraitist, 258
as social documentarian, 262
of coffins at Dover Air Force Base, 256, 258
controversial, 254, 255
credibility of, 257, 258
in Day in the Life of America, 257, 258
displayed on computer screen, 264
e-mail posting of, 258
Enriques Journey, 265, 266
fake, 258, 259
halftone process, 38
of Iraqi prisoners of war, 264, 265, 266
manipulation of, 257
negative print of, 244
negative reaction to, 241
positive print of, 244
of Princess Dianas death scene, 256
retouching of, 257
and right to privacy, 255, 256, 257
of Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, 255,
of violent scene, 254
of war in Iraq, 258, 264
in wartime Iraq, 255
on World Wide Web, 265
photography, 138, 236267
Agfa Company, 246
aperture, 249
on Arab television, 255
artificial lighting, 253
autochrome photographic plates, 246
backlighting, 253
calotype, 244
camera blur, 250
camera types, 251
during Civil War, 245
collodion, 245
color film, 251
color materials, 246
contrast, 253
critical perspective on, 262
Crystal Palace Exposition of 1851 in London,
cultural perspective on, 258
cut-and-paste techniques, 260
daguerreotype, 243
daylight color film, 251
decisive moment in, 262
defined, 244
depth of field, 249
digital, 249
digital camcorders, 264
digital computer technology, 249
dioramas, 243
Eastman Kodak Company, 249
electron microscope, 248
ethical perspective on, 253
Farm Security Administration, 237
film type, 250
fish-eye lens, 249
f-stop, 249
future directions for, 263
future of still photography, 264
gelatin-bromide dry plate process, 246, 247
glass negatives, 245
during Great Depression, 236241
heliography, 242, 243
historical perspective on, 242
holography, 248
instant, 248
international standard (ISO), 250
invention of laser, 248
in Iraqi war of 2003, 255
Kodak camera, 247
Kodak Research Laboratories, 246
lens opening, 249
lens type, 249
and light, 243, 244
lighting, 253
magazine, 262
Migrant Mother photograph, 236241
natural lighting, 253
normal lens, 249
personal perspective on, 241
photo compact disc, 249
Polachrome, 248
Polacolor, 248
print quality, 253
Resettlement Administration, 237
shutter speed, 250
and six perspectives, 241
straight, 260
talbotype, 244
technical perspective on, 249
telephoto lens, 249, 250
third effect, 261
tungsten color film, 251
of violence, 254, 255
website, 401
wet-collodian process, 244, 245
wide-angle lens, 249, 250
photojournalism, 238
decisive moment, 71
phototypesetting, 138
Picasso, Pablo, 46
Pickford, Mary, 284, 285
Pixar Studios, 234
collaboration with Disney, 224
Playfair, William, 183, 184
pointillism, 37, 38
Poitier, Sidney, 299
politics, and public relations, 82
Porter, Edwin Stratton, 279, 280
projection, 60
difference from persuasion, 72
government, 74
nonnegative origins of, 74
role of, 74
thought control as, 74
public relations
advertising and, 82
Committee on Public Information, 80
Council of Public Relations Firms, 83
criticism of, 85
early corporate, 82
Four-Minute Men, 80, 81
journalism and, 83
in lobbying, 83
opinion makers in, 80
politics and, 82
President Wilsons campaign during World
War I, 80
during presidential campaign of 2004, 83
Public Relations Society of America, 86
spin doctors in, 85
unethical people in, 80
visual persuasion in, 6791
during Watergate scandal, 83
public service announcements (PSAs), 75
Pulitzer, Joseph, 214
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, 107
World Conference Against Racism 2001, 107
Rand, Paul, 193
Rawls, John, 117
rectangles, 39
Reiniger, Lotte, 213, 222
religious icons, 207
retina, 1528
cones of, 22
foveal pit of, 20
light path to, 19
macula of, 19, 20
map of retinal image, 32
peripheral field of, 19, 20
photoreceptors of, 21
reasons for studying, 27
regions of, 19
rods of, 21
saccades of, 20
visual purple, 21
Riefenstahl, Leni, 283
Roach, Hal, 282
Rockefeller, John D., 272
Roman Catholic Church
advertising offensive to, 70
early expression of beliefs by, 74
and humanist movement, 128
Rorschach inkblot test, 60
Rosetta Stone, 132
Ross, Harold, 212
Rubin, Edgar, 52
Russell, Steve, 351
salience, 61
scale, 42
Schenck, Joseph, 281
Schulz, Charles, 216, 217
search engines, 384, 387, 388
early versions, 387
Gopher, 387, 388
Library of Congress, 389, 390
memex, 393
Mooter, 390
new types of, 388
Online Computer Library Center, 389
Yahoo, 388, 389
seeing, 1, 64
selecting, 6
selectivity, 60
Selznick, David O., 288
Sennett, Mack, 282, 284
sensing, 6
September 11, 2001, 4, 5
used in advertising, 75, 76
sexism, in advertising, 101, 102, 103, 104
Sherman Antitrust Act, 357, 397
Simpsons, The, 200, 201
analysis of, 203
ethical critique of, 204
Sinclair Broadcast Group, 264
Singleton, John, 299
Sivits, Jeremy, 265
Snow, John, 183, 184
soap operas, 214
special effects
chip speed (clock speed; clock rate), 369
Cray supercomputer, 369
RISC System 6000, 369
Silicon Graphics, 369
Sun Microsystems Sparc microchip, 369
Superserver 6400, 369
workstations, 369
Spiegelman, Art, 219
squares, 39
Stars and Stripes magazine, cartoons in, 212
stereoscope, 41
African American, 97, 98, 99, 299, 339
American Foundation for the Blind, 107
Arab American, 300, 340
Asian American, 300
becoming part of culture, 95
and Bill Cosby Show, 98
in Birth of a Nation, 299
Black Entertainment Television (BET), 98
Black Power movement and, 299
blackploitation, 299
computer nerd, 380
and dominant culture, 95
Hispanic, 300
Italian American, 340
in media, 92109
Mexican American, 340
NAACP comments on, 105
Native American, 102, 299
racist, 97, 98, 99
reinforcing with images, 94
of slaves, 97, 98, 99
specific examples, 97
on television, 339
of women, 99, 300
Stieglitz, Alfred, 261
Streisand, Barbra, 300
advertising in, 319
analysis of, 317
ethical issues, 319
musical score, 318
website for, 317, 319
Survivor All-Stars, 320
Sutherland, Ivan, 351
tarot cards, 60, 62
Telecommunications Act, 398
teleputers, 174, 322, 381, 398, 405, 410
television, 312349, 416
Academy standard screens, 337
action-adventure dramas, 328
actors and writers strike of 1988, 314
ad-lib dialog, 320
advertising on, 325
air transmissions, 335
American Meteorological Society, 179
An American Family, 314
analog broadcasts, 337
and attention deficit disorder, 338
audiometer, 339
big three networks, 339
broadcast, 335
cable, 328, 330, 346
Cable News Network (CNN), 330, 331
cameras, 335
Candid Camera, 313, 314
carrier waves, 336
cathode-ray tube (CRT), 323
channel grazing, 321
charge-coupled device (CCD), 335
Childrens Television Act, 330
closed caption, 337
coaxial cable, 328, 336
color, 38, 327
critical perspective on, 346
criticism of, 321
cultural perspective on, 342
cultural trends in, 320
current innovations, 338
digital HDTV, 373
digital versatile discs (DVDs), 330
direct broadcast satellites (DBSs), 336
earth transmissions, 336
edutainment, 338
ethical perspective on, 338
family hour, 330
Federal Communications Commission
(FCC), 323, 332
fiber-optic cable, 336
future directions for, 347
golden age of, 324
high-definition (HDTV), 337, 372
historical perspective on, 323
I Love Lucy, 324, 325, 332, 333, 344
iconoscope electronic scanning tube, 323
instant replay, 334
Joe Schmo Show, 313
large-screen, 373
liquid crystal display (LCD), 373
meteorology, 179
movie rentals, 334
movies on, 328
National Association for Broadcasters
(NAB), 330
networks, 346
news coverage, 329
Nielsen ratings, 339
online, 409
oscilloscope, 323
palmcorder, 334
personal perspective on, 321
potential of, 322
power lines, 336
power of, 346
presidential debate of 1960, 328, 329
presidential election of 2000, 320, 331
Public Broadcasting System (PBS), 339
quiz show scandal, 327
ratings on, 339
reality shows, 313
receivers, 337
reruns, 332
roots of, 323
in 1940s, 323
in 1950s, 324
in 1960s, 328
in 1970s, 330
in 1980s, 330
in 1990s, 330
in 2000s, 331
satellite, 329, 336, 348
Screen Actors Guild, 314
September 11, 2001, 331
set-top boxes, 341
sexual themes, 340
situation comedy, 324, 325
and six perspectives, 321
spinoff shows, 330
sports, 329
stereotypes on, 339
Survivor, 317
talk shows, 325, 344
technical perspective on, 335
Telecommunications Act, 341
transmission modes, 335
ultra high frequency (UHF), 324
v-chip technology, 341
very high frequency (VHF), 323
video-blanking interval (VBI), 337
videocassette recorder (VCR), 334
videotape, 327, 332, 333
violent themes, 340
Voter News Service (VNS), 331
voyeurism, 315
war coverage, 334
weather segments, 179
website for, 401
Wikipedia, 312, 313
Writers Guild of America, 314
Thompson, Florence, 236241
three-component theory, 32
Toland, Gregg, 269, 274, 275
trademark, 53
triangles, 40
trichromatic theory, 32
Trudeau, Gary, 230
Trumbo, Dalton, 291
type, movable, 126
alphabets of steel, 125
history of, 125
relief printing, 125
alley, 146
artistic, 148
attributes of, 144
banner newspaper headlines, 144
blackletter, 139
block type, 143
boldface, 142
color of type and color of background, 145
copyright laws protecting, 147
critical perspective on, 149
cultural perspective on, 147
deep shadow box, 146
digital, 149
display, 142
ethical perspective on, 146
families of, 139
font, 145
garbage fonts, 143, 146, 147
Gutenberg, 148
gutter, 146
industrial, 148
justification of, 145
kerning, 146
leading, 146
legibility, 139
miscellaneous, 142, 143, 149
modern, 142
newspaper headlines, 145
novelty, 142
oldstyle, 140, 141
picas in, 145
point size of, 144
pre-Gutenberg, 147
ragged right, 145
reverse type, 145
roman, 140
sans serif, 143, 144, 145
script, 142
size of, 144
square serif, 143
text block size, 145
transitional, 141
white space around, 146
typography, 121150
beginnings of, 127
cold type production, 138
computer technology, 138, 149
designers of, 139
desktop publishing, 138
digital typesetting, 138, 149
and drawing, 129
in early newspapers, 136
first pocket book, 136
future directions for, 149
halftone photoengraving screen, 137
hieroglyphic writing, 132
historical perspective on, 129
Hoe press, 137
hot type, 135, 137, 138
ideographs, 130
italic type, 136
Lascaux and Chauvet cave drawings, 129,
linotype automated typesetting machine,
lithography, 137
Monotype machine, 138
newspaper typesetting, 139
penny press, 137
personal perspective on, 129
pictographs, 130
platen, 136
printing press, 135
rotary printing press, 137
and six perspectives, 129
steam engine, 136
steam-powered printing press, 136
stereotyped plates, 137
stylus, 131
sumerian writing systems, 130, 131
technical perspective on, 139
teletypesetter, 138
typographic car wreck, 143
typographical car wreck, 148
web perfecting press, 137
website, 400
writing systems, 130
United Artists, 280, 281, 284, 285, 293
Universal Studios, 293
USA Today, 176, 186
analysis of infographics in, 180
criticism of, 181
informational graphics approach of, 176
as national satellite newspaper, 181
photos of Iraq war, 264
photos of US soldiers who have died, 265
Valentino, Rudolph, 285
veil of ignorance, 106
video, 312349
critical perspective on, 346
cultural perspective on, 342
ethical perspective on, 338
future directions for, 347
personal perspective on, 321
and six perspectives, 321
technical perspective on, 335
website for, 401
video games
ICFX, 378
Japanese, 376
Konami, 376, 377
Microsoft, 376
Nintendo, 376, 377
pornographic, 377
Sega, 376, 377
sexual themes in, 377
Sony, 376
teledildonics, 378
Ubi Soft, 376
U.S., 376
with violent themes, 375
video news release, 76
Vidor, King, 299
persistence of, 47
stages of, 6
visual communication, 1
analogical code in, 59
camouflage in, 52, 55
circle dance of, 7
codes in, 58
cognitive approach to, 59
common fate in, 52
condensed code in, 59
constructivism in, 47, 53
continuation in, 51, 53
displaced code in, 59
eye-fixation research in, 56
gestalt theory, 51, 53
iconic signs in, 57, 58
images in, 58
impossible objects in, 54
indexical signs in, 57, 59
metonymic code in, 58
negative and positive space in, 52
perceptual theories of, 5064, 54
perspectives for analyzing, 111420
in presidential election of 2000, 54, 56
proximity in, 51
semiotics in, 54, 55, 56
sensual theories of, 5064
signs in, 57
similarity in, 51
symbolic signs in, 57, 58
visual images
aerosol art, 416
critical perspective on, 112
cultural perspective on, 112
ethical perspective on, 112
historical perspective on, 111
learned before words, 414
light as link in, 418
living in picture-filled world, 415
personal perspective on, 111
technical perspective on, 111
visual journalism, 418
visual messages, 3, 4
deeply personal, 417
ethics of, 65109
of national tragedies, 417, 418
of World Trade Center site, 417, 419
visual perception
combined with words, 64
impact of culture, 63
mental activities affecting, 60
visual persuasion, 6791
in advertising, 75
in journalism, 86
in public relations, 79
visual process, 6
visual vibration, 48
von Helmholtz, Hermann, 32
von Stroheim, Erich, 282
Walt Disney studios, 234, 293
cartoon classics, 222
cel animation, 226
early animated cartoons, 222
marketing product tie-ins, 229
Mickey Mouse, 222
multiplane camera, 222
preplanned storyboards, 222
recent animated films by, 223
use of color, 288
during World War II, 222
War of the Worlds, 269, 271
Warner Bros. studios, 282, 290, 293
Washington, Denzel, 299
Watt, James, 136
Weather Channel, 180
weather maps, 178
Associated Press (AP), 178
color in, 182
in early newspapers, 178
history of, 178
impact of technology on, 180
infographics in, 181
National Weather Service, 179
in New York Times, 178
newspaper use of, 178
telegraph, 178
U.S. Weather Bureau, 178
U.S. Weather Service, 178
USA Today, 188
weather satellite, 178
Welles, Orson, 268, 269
early life of, 270
films after Citizen Kane, 272
and making of Citizen Kane, 270
Wells, H. G., 269, 271
Weston, Edward, 260
Wienz, Robert, 282
Wiesel, Torsten, 31, 32, 48
Williams, John, 298
during Industrial Revolution, 99
religious customs of, 100
rights of, 100
social progress of, 100
stereotyping of, 97, 98, 99
and voting reform, 99
World Wide Web, 383412, 403
access considerations, 404, 405
AOL Anywhere website, 407
blocking websites, 402
bookmarks, 407
bulletin boards, 396
CD-ROM, 394
cookies, 404
critical perspective on, 408
cultural perspective on, 406
cyberspace, 407
digital signature technology (DST), 403
and disabled people, 405, 406
domain name, 401
early history of, 396
electronic highway, 407
encyclopedias on, 395
ethical perspective on, 401
exploitation of privacy issues, 404
free speech versus censorship, 401
future directions for, 409
games on, 395
government interactive multimedia presen-
tations, 394
hate-speech website, 402, 403
historical perspectives on, 393
hotspots, 411
hypertext link, 396
HyperText Markup Language (HTML), 400
hypertext transfer protocol (http), 401
interactive multimedia (IM), 393
Jennifer Ringleys website, 404, 405
killer app, 396
mainframe computers, 393
media convergence, 398
networked interactive multimedia (NIM),
Nielsen NetRatings, 406
online newspapers, 408, 409
online television, 409
personal perspectives on, 392
Pew Research Center study, 408
pornographic website, 401
portals, 406
privacy concerns, 402
RAND Corporation, 393
rise and fall of dot coms, 399, 408
and six perspectives, 392
state educational opportunities, 408
and stock market, 399
technical perspective on, 400
TiVo, 403
Uniform Resource Locator (URL), 401
videotext systems, 395, 396
virtual reality (VR), 410
web browsers, 396
Web log (blog), 406, 407
website credibility, 400
website design, 400
website homepage, 401
wireless future, 411
Wozniak, Stephen, 362
aesthetic qualities of, 135
alphabet development, 134
calligraphy, 133
Chinese, 133
cuneiform, 134
demotic script, 132
Egyptian, 132
Greek, 134, 135
hieratic script, 132
hieroglyphic, 132
logograms, 133
Phoenician, 134
Roman, 135
on sarcophagus, 134
vowel sounds, 134
Yang, Jerry, 388
Yellow Kid, 203
Young, Thomas, 32
Young-Helmholtz theory, 32
Zajac, Ed, 351
Zanuck, Darryl, 281
zines, 149
Zukor, Adolph, 281

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