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Teachers in Action

Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
0521596890 - Teachers in Action: Tasks for In-Service Language Teacher Education and
Peter James
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Series Editors: Marion Williams and Tony Wright
This series is designed for all those involved in language teacher training and development:
teachers in training, trainers, directors of studies, advisers, teachers of in-service courses and
seminars. Its aim is to provide a comprehensive, organised and authoritative resource for
language teacher training development.
Teach English A training course for teachers
by Adrian Doff
Training Foreign Language Teachers A reflective approach
by Michael J. Wallace
Literature and Language Teaching A guide for teachers and trainers*
by Gillian Lazar
Classroom Observation Tasks A resource book for language teachers and trainers*
by Ruth Wajnryb
Tasks for Language Teachers A resource book for training and development*
by Martin Parrott
English for the Teacher A language development course*
by Mary Spratt
Teaching Children English A training course for teachers of English to children*
by David Vale with Anne Feunteun
A Course in Language Teaching Practice and theory
by Penny Ur
Looking at Language Classrooms A teacher development video package
About Language Tasks for teachers of English
by Scott Thornbury
Action Research for Language Teachers
by Michael J. Wallace
Mentor Courses A resource book for trainer-trainers
by Angi Malderez and Caroline Bodczky
Alive to Language Perspectives on language awareness for English language teachers
by Valerie Arndt, Paul Harvey and John Nuttall
Teachers in Action Tasks for in-service language teacher education and development
by Peter James
Advising and Supporting Teachers
* Original Series Editors: Ruth Gairns and Marion Williams
by Mick Randall with Barbara Thornton
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
0521596890 - Teachers in Action: Tasks for In-Service Language Teacher Education and
Peter James
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Teachers in Action
Tasks for in-service language teacher
education and development
Peter James
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
0521596890 - Teachers in Action: Tasks for In-Service Language Teacher Education and
Peter James
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Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, So Paulo
Cambridge University Press
The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK
Information on this title:
Cambridge University Press 2001
This publication is in copyright. It is normally necessary for written permission
for copying to be obtained in advance from a publisher. Because Teachers in
Action contains resource material, those pages which carry the wording
Cambridge University Press 2001 may be photocopied. The normal
requirement is waived here and it is not necessary to write to Cambridge
University Press for permission.
First published 2001
Reprinted 2001
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library
Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication data
James, Peter, 1954
Teachers in action: tasks for in-service language teacher education and
development/Peter James.
p. cm. -- (Cambridge teacher training and development)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-521-59313-1 -- ISBN 0-521-59689-0 (pbk.)
1. English language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers. 2. Language
and languages--Study and teaching (Primary)--Great Britain. 3. Language
and languages--Study and teaching (Secondary)--Great Britain. 4. English
language--Study and teaching--Great Britain. 5. Language teachers--In-service
training. 6. English teachers--In-service training. 7. Language teachers --
Training of. 8. English teachers--Training of. 9. Second language acquisition.
I. Title. II. Series.
PE1128.A2 J34 2001
428'.0071--dc21 2001025089
ISBN-13 978-0-521-59313-7 hardback
ISBN-10 0-521-59313-1 hardback
ISBN-13 978-0-521-59689-3 paperback
ISBN-10 0-521-59689-0 paperback
Transferred to digital printing 2005
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
0521596890 - Teachers in Action: Tasks for In-Service Language Teacher Education and
Peter James
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For my parents.
I would like to dedicate this book to the memory of John McDowell.
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
0521596890 - Teachers in Action: Tasks for In-Service Language Teacher Education and
Peter James
More information
Thanks x
Acknowledgements xi
Introduction 1
Who this book is for 1
General aims of Teachers in Action 2
Effective in-service teacher education: background issues 2
Specific aims of Teachers in Action 10
How this book is organised 13
Investigating 14
The tasks 19
The worksheets 22
General suggestions 25
Further reading 27
1 Exploring teachers knowledge 28
Introduction 28
1.1 Getting to know each other: What do we expect from the
training programme? 29
1.2 How do I learn? How can we learn together? 32
1.3 Investigating: an overview 33
1.4 Its quite obvious the gardeners a teacher: exploring
teachers metaphors 35
1.5 Mapping the whole: developing conceptual frameworks for
educating, teaching and learning 38
1.6 Why teach English? Reflecting on the goals of educating,
teaching and learning in the language classroom 40
1.7 Are we speaking the same language? Understanding general
terms related to educating, teaching and learning 43
1.8 Reflecting on the nature of change in education: What helps
us to change? 45
1.9 Innovation in our schools: How can we help to promote it? 47
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
0521596890 - Teachers in Action: Tasks for In-Service Language Teacher Education and
Peter James
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2 Identifying topics to investigate 50
Introduction 50
2.1 Examining critical incidents 52
2.2 Effective educating, teaching and learning in the language
classroom (1): What are our priorities? 54
2.3 Effective educating, teaching and learning in the language
classroom (2): What are my priorities? 57
2.4 Our current professional practice: strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and benefits 59
2.5 My best lesson / teaching idea 60
2.6 General reading survey: a class library, bibliography and open
forum 63
2.7 Keeping a classroom diary 67
2.8 Our experience of the training programme: discussion based on
diaries 70
2.9 We can do it! Self-esteem, us and our learners 72
3 Exploring a topic 75
Introduction 75
3.1 Why, why, why? Examining our assumptions and beliefs
about a topic 76
3.2 What do we understand by the topic x? (What? Why?
Who? etc.) 79
3.3 What do we already do in school or class regarding the
topic x? (Find someone who) 82
3.4 Do we agree that? 83
3.5 Writing about a topic: organising, developing and clarifying
my ideas 85
3.6 Workshop: experiencing teaching ideas as learners 89
3.7 Understanding key terms related to a topic 91
3.8 Targeted reading: key extracts 94
3.9 Debate: understanding the wider implications of a topic 97
4 Investigating in class 100
Introduction 100
4.1 The benefits of investigating in class: teachers perspectives 101
4.2 Which data collection method? 102
4.3 Our learners in action: using photographs of learners 105
4.4 Consulting our learners (1): using a simple questionnaire 110
4.5 Consulting our learners (2): What did you learn today? 113
4.6 Talking about real people: writing a learner profile 116
4.7 Informal interview with a learner 119
4.8 Experimenting in class 122
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
0521596890 - Teachers in Action: Tasks for In-Service Language Teacher Education and
Peter James
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5 Evaluating learning 125
Introduction 125
5.1 Has this task helped me/us to learn? 127
5.2 Which learning strategies are helping us? 128
5.3 What I/we most like about our training programme is... 130
5.4 Making sense: reviewing and finding connections 133
5.5 Applying our learning: looking back and looking ahead 135
5.6 Teacher portfolios 138
5.7 Sharing our learning (1): giving informal presentations 140
5.8 Sharing our learning (2): joining forces in the wider
educational community 144
6 Resources for the trainer 148
Introduction 148
List of resources for the trainer 149
Sections 6.16.39 151
Worksheets 223
List of worksheets 223
Worksheets 152 225
Bibliography 289
Index 293
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Cambridge University Press
0521596890 - Teachers in Action: Tasks for In-Service Language Teacher Education and
Peter James
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I wish to thank all my colleagues and all the teachers who I have worked
with and who have contributed knowingly or otherwise to this book.
Where possible and appropriate, I have mentioned names explicitly, but
I apologise to any whose names I have unintentionally omitted. I am
especially grateful to Beate, for her help and patience, Marga, for helping
me to understand teachers realities better, Franoise, for her insights, Anne
Lennon, for her contributions to Tasks 2.1 and 5.2, and to Jon Roberts and
Sarah Phillips, for commenting on an early draft. I am also indebted to the
staff at Cambridge University Press, including Jane Clifford, Alison Sharpe,
Frances Amrani and Julia Harding, and, last but not least, to the Series
Editors, Marion Williams and Tony Wright, for their initial and sustained
encouragement, as well as their patience and valuable advice throughout
the gestation period of this book.
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
0521596890 - Teachers in Action: Tasks for In-Service Language Teacher Education and
Peter James
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The authors and publishers are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce
copyright material. It has not been possible to identify the sources of all the material used
and in such cases the publishers would welcome information from copyright owners.
Critical Incidents in Teaching by D. Tripp, Routledge, 1993 on pp. 52 and 767;
Encouraged to tell tales by Carol Ward, Times Educational Supplement 15/11/96
Times Supplements Limited on p. 61; Process Writing by R. V. White and V. Arndt,
reprinted by permission of Pearson Education Limited Longman Group Ltd. on p. 86;
How Languages are Learned (Second Edition) by Patsy M. Lightbown and Nina Spada,
Oxford University Press Patsy M. Lightbown and Nina Spada, 1999 on pp. 923;
Teachers Education Factors Relating to Programme Design by Parrott, M., Modern
English Publications in association with the British Council, 1991 on pp. 1534;
A Teachers Guide to Classroom Research by D. Hopkins, Open University Press, 1985
on pp. 1556, 202, 2489 and 274; Effective in-service training: a learning resource
pack by Cline et al, University College London, 1990 on p. 161; Method: Approach,
Design and Procedure by J. C. Richards and T. Rogers, 1982. In TESOL Quarterly,
16(2). Copyright 1982 by Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc.:
Diagram 6.10.2 on p. 165 used with permission; Training Foreign Language Teachers:
A Reflective Approach by M. J. Wallace, Cambridge University Press, 1991: Diagram
6.10.3 on p. 165; The Cubic Curriculum by E. C. Wragg, Routledge, 1997: 6.11.1 on
p. 166; The School Curriculum: A Brief Guide, DfEE, 1995. Crown copyright is
reproduced with the permission of Her Majestys Stationery Office; 6.11.2 on pp. 1679;
Core Curriculum, Foreign Languages, Primary and Secondary Education, Ministry of
Science and Education, Madrid, 1995 Task 1.6 on p. 16970 and Worksheet 10 on
p. 236; Estudiantes compremetidos en un proyecto de igualdad by M. Gutierrez in
Comunidad Escolar 20/03/96: 6.14.2 on pp. 1724; In her element by Reva Klein and
Victoria Neumark, Times Educational Supplement 03/01/96 Reva Klein and Victoria
Neumark on pp. 1801; Its time we stood up for teacher by Tim Kahn, The Observer
28/11/93 The Observer on pp. 1889; Strategies to help you fight stress by Anne
Cockburn, Times Educational Supplement 09/02/96 on pp. 1901 Times Supplements
Limited; A. Pollard, with A. Filer, cited in Reflective Teaching in the Primary School A.
Pollard and S. Tann. 1993: 6.32.1 on p. 204; Effective presentations by J. Sallabank
(p. 219) and I. Brussaards (p. 220), IATEFL Newsletter, Issue 128 (August 1995)
reprinted by permission of IATEFL on pp. 210220; The ELT Curriculum by
R. V. White, Blackwell, 1988: Worksheet 16 on p. 243; Designing Questionnaires
by M.B. Youngman in Conducting small-scale Investigations in Educational Management
by Bell et al Paul Chapman Publishing in association with The Open University 1984:
Worksheet 36 on p. 2589.
Photograph on p. 61: Jacky Chapman; Photograph of schoolchildren using computers
on p. 105: Julie Houck/CORBIS; Photograph of girls on a field trip to Milan Castle on
p. 105: Ted Spiegel/CORBIS; Photograph of children seated in a circle for music on
p. 106: Bob Rowan; Progressive Image/CORBIS; Photograph of children in Chinese
school on p. 106: Keren Su/CORBIS; Photograph on p. 180: Christopher Jones;
Cartoon on p. 189: Brian Bagnall; Illustration on p. 191 Peter Kent.
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
0521596890 - Teachers in Action: Tasks for In-Service Language Teacher Education and
Peter James
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