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Reworked marine sandstone concretions: a

record of high-frequency shallow burial to

exhumation cycles

F. García-García, R. Marfil, G. A. De

Gea, A. Delgado, A. Kobstädt, A. Santos
& E. Mayoral

International Journal of Paleontology,
Sedimentology and Geology

ISSN 0172-9179
Volume 59
Number 4

Facies (2013) 59:843-861

DOI 10.1007/s10347-012-0335-z

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Author's personal copy
Facies (2013) 59:843–861
DOI 10.1007/s10347-012-0335-z


Reworked marine sandstone concretions: a record

of high-frequency shallow burial to exhumation cycles
F. Garcı́a-Garcı́a • R. Marfil • G. A. De Gea •

A. Delgado • A. Kobstädt • A. Santos •

E. Mayoral

Received: 3 July 2012 / Accepted: 5 October 2012 / Published online: 30 October 2012
Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012

Abstract Concretions, with abundant calcite-dolomite laminated micritic microbial crusts around the concretions,
cement-replacement textures originally hosted in shallow- and epilithobionts (oysters, barnacles and corals) on the
marine sandstones, were reworked into Lower Cretaceous concretion surface. Concretions also appear as erosional
fluvio-deltaic conglomerates and shoreface sandstones remnants on the floor of channels which were incised into
(External Zones, Betic Cordillera). A cycle of host sand the shoreline sandstone when sea-level fell. (4) The fluvio–
deposition, early diagenetic concretion formation and deltaic channels were filled with sediment during flooding
concretion reworking is documented: (1) Well-sorted in the late lowstand of sea-level. (5) The concretions are
shoreface sandstone deposited. (2) Spherical to ovoid, partly dolomitized, and the presence of siderite, pyrite and
non-ferroan calcite-cemented concretions formed below barite in the outer part of the concretions precipitated
flooding surfaces at shallow-burial depths during early before the dolomite, suggests that the latter formed during
eodiagenesis. Non-ferroan calcite cements were precipi- shallow burial.
tated from the bicarbonate derived from seawater and from
dissolution of marine bioclasts, as shown by isotope anal- Keywords Calcite-cemented concretions  Early
yses. (3) Concretions were reworked and exposed on the diagenesis  Hiatus concretions  Shoreface sandstones 
seafloor in a high-energy setting as indicated by the pres- Forced regressions  Sequence stratigraphy
ence of numerous bivalve borings (Entobia ichnofacies),


Concretions have attracted a long-term interest from

F. Garcı́a-Garcı́a (&)  G. A. De Gea
geologists, as well as gathering attention for an aesthetic
Dpt. de Geologı́a, Facultad de Ciencias Experimentales,
Universidad de Jaén, Campus Universitario, 23071 Jaén, Spain appreciation of their forms (Seilacher 2001). A variety of
e-mail: scientific data has been derived from their study and the
information provided has been fundamental in under-
R. Marfil  A. Kobstädt
standing the early stages of diagenesis based on their
Dpt. de Petrologı́a y Geoquı́mica, Facultad de Ciencias
Geológicas, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, Spain morphology and chemistry (trace elements and isotopes),
and the nature of the fluids involved and the petrophysical
A. Delgado properties of the original sediment (Bjorkum and
Laboratorio de Isótopos estables, Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias
Walderhaug 1990; Abdel-Wahab and McBride 2001; Kra-
de la Tierra (CSIC-UGR), 18100 Armilla, Granada, Spain
jewski and Luks 2003; McBride et al. 2003; Wanas 2008,
A. Kobstädt among others). The formation of concretions in marine
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Jena, Germany deposits has been linked to the petrophysical properties of
the original sediment and its ichnofossil content, as well as to
A. Santos  E. Mayoral
Dpt. de Geodinámica y Paleontologı́a, Facultad de Ciencias a typically low sedimentation rate, and, commonly, to a
Experimentales, Universidad de Huelva, 21071 Huelva, Spain connection with meteoric water associated with sea-level

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844 Facies (2013) 59:843–861

change. This has led to the linking of concretions to the Samples and methods
sequence stratigraphy of the succession (Taylor et al. 2000,
2004; Siggerud et al. 2000; Taylor and Gawthorpe 2003; The morphology, size, colour, grain-size, macro- and ichno-
Machent et al. 2007) and relating different cementation fossil content, sedimentary structures, and distribution of
stages in the concretions to sea-level fluctuations (Coniglio calcite-cemented concretions in the outcrop were recorded.
et al. 2000). Concretions may be reworked and colonized by For the present study, several boulders were randomly
organisms (‘hiatus concretions’: i.e., concretions formed by selected and their bioerosion structures identified, counted
early cementation in predominantly siliciclastic sediments and measured. The remains of bioeroding and encrusting
which were subsequently reworked on to the seafloor, sensu organisms were identified and counted. Bioerosional struc-
Voigt 1968). Palaeontological studies of concretions have tures were measured using digital calipers. Composition of
involved biostratigraphical, taphonomic, palaeoecological the ichnocoenosis was determined on the basis of these data.
and palaeoichnological data (Baird 1976; Hesselbo and Fresh, unweathered 15–20 cm long cores of sandstone host-
Palmer 1992; Doyle et al. 1998; Zaton 2010; Santos et al. rock and sandstone concretions (measured from the con-
2011). cretion centre to the edge) were collected using a hand-held
This paper provides a comprehensive study of concre- coring machine. Thin-sections were prepared and polished
tions from stratigraphic-sedimentological, palaeontological from 30 samples. The mineralogical composition of the
and petrological–geochemical points of view to extract selected sandstones was determined by modal analysis (400
information from these lithomarkers to reconstruct their points per thin-section). The thin-sections were examined
complex history. In addition to providing information on under plane and cross-polarised light using an Olympus
their diagenesis, they also yield important data on sequence BX51 microscope and an Olympus DP12 digital colour
stratigraphy, specifically on those stages with scarcely any camera. A semi-quantitative analysis of the mineralogical
sedimentary record, such as sequence boundaries. The composition was performed for all thin-sections in com-
concretions in this study from southern Spain record an parison with charts provided by Terry and Chilingar (1955).
evolutionary history from their genesis within Lower CL petrography was undertaken on four polished thin-sec-
Cretaceous shoreface sandstones and their reworking into tions with a CITL Cold Cathodoluminescence 8200 MK4
younger fluvio–deltaic sandstones, to their burial diagene- (with an accelerating voltage of 12.5 kV and an intensity
sis and later exposure on uplift. of 200–280 lA) operated under standard conditions with
an intensity of 300–350 lm, an accelerating voltage of
12–16 kV, and 0.2–0.1 torr vacuum. To distinguish calcite
Geological setting and sequence-stratigraphic and dolomite, whole-rock sandstone samples were analysed
framework in the standard fashion by X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD)
using a Philips PW 1720 diffractometer equipped with
The study section, located in the province of Jaén (southern Cu(Ka) radiation. The evaluation was processed with the
Spain), is within a Lower Cretaceous (Barremian to Early Philips APD program. Cement textures, especially carbon-
Aptian) succession 160 m thick in the External Zones of ate, were investigated on carbon-coated polished thin-sec-
the Betic Cordillera (Fig. 1a). The succession consists of tions by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and combined
six sharp-based forced-regressive shoreface sandstone qualitative chemical analyses (energy dispersive X-ray
wedges (5–15 m thick). The sandstone packages abruptly microanalyzer, EDX) in secondary and backscattered elec-
pinch out landwards into outer-ramp limestone and marl tron modes with a JEOL JSM 6400. Eight representative
(Los Villares Formation) (Fig. 1b–d). Sandstone tongues polished thin-sections were selected to determine quantita-
were interpreted as deposits of prograding wave-dominated tively the mineral chemistry of the carbonates (93 analyses)
shorefaces (LST—lowstand systems tract) distally evolv- using a JEOL JXA-8900 electron microprobe (EMPA)
ing to thin micro-hummocky cross-stratified sandstone (15 kV accelerating voltage, 20 nA beam current, 5 lm
beds alternating with marl deposited on a storm-wave beam diameter). The detection limits are calculated as 2 s
siliciclastic-dominated outer ramp (Fig. 1c) (Garcı́a-Garcı́a background signals and are approximately 100 ppm for Mg,
et al. 2011). A plankton-rich marl-dominated deposit 150 ppm for Ca, 250 ppm for Mn, and 300 ppm for Fe. The
overlying each sandstone package records the flooding of results were normalized to 100 mol% CaCO3, MgCO3,
these shoreface sandstones. FeCO3, SrO3, MnCO3. BSE images were recorded digitally
The tectonic structure of the study region is a large to visualize the zonation of carbonate cements.
anticlinal fold trending predominantly ENE–WSW and Eleven samples were chosen for carbon and oxygen
verging slightly NW, cut by subvertical strike-slip faults. stable isotope analysis. The measurements were carried out
The study section dips 55° north on the northwestern limb by using a Delta XP (Thermo-Finnigan) mass spectrometer.
of the fold structure. Samples containing mostly one dominant carbonate phase

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Facies (2013) 59:843–861 845

Fig. 1 a Location of the Betic Cordillera (grey) in the southern map b). d Photograph of outcrop showing the 45° northward-dipping
Iberian Peninsula. b Geological map of the study area showing the folded section consisting of sandstone packages (1–6) alternating with
five conglomerate and sandstone shoreface wedges (1–5) hosting the marl. Sandstone package bases are indicated. e Stratigraphic log 4
concretions (white arrows point to the wedge pinch-out) (modified showing the distribution of sandstone concretions in the section (SB
from Garcı́a-Garcı́a et al. 2011). c Correlation panel showing the 4th-order sequence boundary and linked, FRWST forced-regression
conglomerate and sandstone hosting the concretions. Note the incised wedge systems tract, LST lowstand systems tract, TST transgressive
channels (a, b) filled by the concretions (logs are located in the systems tract, HST highstand systems tract)

were preferentially selected. However, mixing of different for acid decomposition at 50 °C, 1.01057 for dolomite
cement phases could not be entirely avoided. Those samples (Rosenbaum and Sheppard 1986), and at 25 °C, 1.01044 for
containing both calcite and dolomite were treated according calcite (Kim and O’Neil 1987).
to the Al-Aasm et al. (1990) method, which essentially
consists of three steps: (1) obtaining CO2 from calcite after
a 2 h reaction with phosphoric acid at 25 °C; (2) elimina- Concretions in outcrop
tion of CO2 from residual calcite and, to a lesser extent,
from protodolomite-ankerite carbonates after reaction Two types of concretion were distinguished on the basis of
between the insoluble residue and phosphoric acid over two criteria: (1) whether they have colonized surfaces or not,
24 h (at 25 °C); and (3) obtaining CO2 from dolomite by and (2) the type of host rock where the concretions occur:
reaction with phosphoric acid at 50 °C (12 h). The values (a) in the sandstone where they formed or (b) in sandy marl or
are reported as a percentage relative to the standard V-PDB. conglomerate into which they were reworked and deposited.
Experimental error was less than 0.1 % for d 13C and d 18O.
All the samples were compared to a reference carbon Concretions in their host sandstone
dioxide obtained from a calcite standard prepared at the
same time. The in-house standards Carrara and EEZ-1, Description
which have been previously compared with NBS-18 and
NBS-19, were used. The oxygen isotope ratios for dolomite The sandstone lithofacies forms amalgamated thickening-
are calculated taking into account the fractionation factor upward, sharp-based units 5–15 m thick. Sandstone

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Fig. 2 Photo series from outcrop showing calcite-cemented concre- proximal area (to the right), where the host sandstone bed pinches out
tions in host sandstone (1st-sandstone package): a Spheroidal (hammer for scale). d A detail of (a) where clean, white, almost
coalesced concretions in the uppermost sandstone bed of a spherical coalesced concretions elongate along the bedding plane
thickening-upward shoreface sandstone-marl unit (Tu) (hammer for occur in a brown host sandstone bed (top to the left) interbedded with
scale), b spheroidal concretion 1 m in diameter. c Oval-shaped marl. Note the left concretion flattened at the bed top (hammer for
concretion elongate in the bedding plane; beds thins towards the scale)

packages abruptly pinch out landwards into outer-ramp concretions are semi-evenly spaced 1–3 m apart (centre to
limestones and marls (see Fig. 1b, c). The average sand- centre). A row of clustered concretions and the longest axes
stone-to-silt ratio in this facies ranges from 1:1 in the lower of elongate concretions are parallel to the bedding (see
part to 10:1 in the upper part of the package. Sandstones Fig. 2c, d). No continuously cemented concretionary beds
consist of low-angle cross-stratified or massive, medium- occur. There are no visible concentric internal structures in
grained well-sorted sands, which are friable. Sandstone the concretions and no notable differences in composition
beds are poorly fossiliferous, containing organic material are observed from the cores to the concretion margins.
such as coal and plant remains. The basal beds are nor- Some concretions preserve the original depositional low-
mally-graded bioclastic grainstone to sandstone (less than angle stratification, commonly marked by mud clasts. In
1 m thick). Mud clasts occur locally. The thickest and just one concretion was a 15 cm long mud clast found in
uppermost sandstone bed of a thickening-upward unit, the core; otherwise, there do not appear to be any nuclei.
below the overlying marl, commonly contains the calcite-
cemented concretions (see Fig. 2a). Interpretation
The concretions range from 25 to 150 cm in diameter,
depending on the thickness of the host sandstone bed, and The approximately spherical shapes of the concretions
they are roughly spherical (Fig. 2b) to horizontally elon- suggest that they formed at relatively shallow depth, where
gated (Fig. 2c). Globular and ovoid shapes are the most sedimentation was rapid and before any compaction of the
common, although some of the concretions are hemi- sediment had taken place (Seilacher 2001). Concretion
spherical. There are some clusters (Fig. 2d), but most morphologies are controlled by the petrophysics (especially

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permeability) of the host sediment so that in isotropic upper faces of the hemispherical concretions (not on the
sediments (sands and muds), concretions are normally lower planar surface) and around the lateral surface. Gas-
spherical if formed before compaction (see Fig. 2b); hori- trochaenolites is the only ichnotaxon present, and it is
zontally-elongated ellipsoidal concretions tend to form fairly evenly distributed over the surfaces at approximately
during compaction (permeability becomes reduced in the 320 individuals per square metre. All Gastrochaenolites
vertical direction) (see Fig. 2c), and concretions with flat- are perpendicular to the surface. The ichnospecies G. la-
tened lower or upper faces (bread-loaf concretions, see pidicus is the most common, whereas G. torpedo makes up
Fig. 2d) form when sedimentation rate was low and there about 20 % of the borings. The average cross-section of the
was a steep compactional gradient (Seilacher 2001). Con- circular structures is 1.3 cm. Where G. lapidicus is well
cretion size appears to be strongly controlled by sandstone preserved the length reaches 9 cm, the apertural width is
bed thickness. Flattening of the concretions parallel with 1.5 cm, the main chamber is 3.9 cm, and the neck is
bedding is a natural consequence of diffusion-controlled 3.6 cm long. G. torpedo has an aperture width between
growth in a system where bioclastic carbonate is concen- 1.2–2.1 cm and a length between 10.1–13.9 cm. Where the
trated in layers (Bjorkum and Walderhaug 1990). density of Gastrochaenolites is high, crossovers occur
either between G. torpedo and G. lapidicus (Fig. 4c) or just
between G. lapidicus (Fig. 4d). In almost all cases, the
Reworked concretions
upper parts of the borings have been truncated by marine
erosion (Fig. 4a), and it can be estimated that 80 % of the
total length of a boring has been eroded, implying a
reduction of 6–10 cm in relation to the original boring.
Two groups of reworked concretion are distinguished on
the basis of the host sediment: (1) fine-grained sediment The surfaces of some concretions are extensively cov-
and (2) conglomerate. The two types are laterally and ered by a red iron-oxide mineral coating several millime-
vertically related (see distribution in log of Fig. 1c). tres in thickness (Fig. 5a). This iron crust also coats the
insides of the borings. The encrusting epibiota on these
(1) Reworked concretions in conglomerate Channels up
reworked concretions, includes Ostrea sp., barnacles
to 8 m deep (see Fig. 3a) and from 100 to 500 m wide (see
(Balanus sp.) (Fig. 5b) and corals (Fig. 5c). The valves of
Fig. 2d) have been eroded into underlying sandstone and
Ostrea, both those cemented directly on the substrate and
filled with conglomerate. Clasts are well segregated in that
those found inside the borings, are always disarticulated
boulder- and cobble-sized clasts occur in the lower part of
and some are penetrated with borings produced by clionid
the bed, pebbles in the middle part, and granules in the
sponges (Entobia) (Fig. 5d).
upper part. Beds are characterized by normal grading and
Interpretation: The bioeroded surface of the reworked
the clasts are matrix-supported (locally clast-supported).
concretions with its rockground biota has an impoverished
Clasts mainly consist of limestone pebbles (1–50 cm in
ichno-assemblage of bioerosion structures composed
diameter) and spherical concretions (35–100 cm in diam-
exclusively of truncated Gastrochaenolites borings (Fig. 6a).
eter), minor quartzite, and chert. Spherical concretions
More delicate bioerosion structures, such as Caulostrepsis
chiefly occur in the lower part of the channel fill (Fig. 3a).
Clarke (1908) or Maeandropolydora Voigt (1968) (see
Some outsized angular sandstone clasts (2–4 m in diame-
e.g., Lee et al. 1997; de Gibert et al. 1998; Santos et al.
ter) are present (Fig. 3b). Bivalves occur in the pebbly
2011), are absent. This impoverished bioerosion ichno-
assemblage corresponds to the Entobia ichnofacies of
(2) Reworked concretions in fine-grained sediment This Bromley and Asgaard (1993), and is typical of hard, lithified
facies is composed of marl, several hundreds of metres in surfaces associated with rocky shores. Bivalve borings were
lateral extent, that contains a single layer of concretions. the first colonizers to develop after the concretions were
Concretions are highly spherical (Fig. 3c), although some reworked. The shallowness of most of the truncated Gas-
have a gently flattened downward face; they are spaced trochaenolites suggests that any other bioerosion structures
uniformly from 2 to 4 m apart. The most characteristic on the surface would have been eroded away by the strong
feature of these reworked concretions is that their surfaces marine corrasion (Santos et al. 2008). Cross-cutting rela-
are intensely bored by bivalves represented by three ich- tionships between Gastrochaenolites support the argument
nospecies of Gastrochaenolites: G. torpedo (Kelly and for the existence of at least two phases of colonization of the
Bromley, 1984), G. lapidicus (Kelly and Bromley, 1984) substrates (Fig. 6a, b). The distribution of borings all
and G. ornatus (Kelly and Bromley, 1984) (Fig. 4a–c). In around the spherical concretions indicates they were rotated
some concretions, at least 70 per cent of their exposed regularly. Borings only occurring around the convex-up
surface is bioeroded in this way. The borings appear on the surface of the hemispherical concretions (not on the lower

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Fig. 3 a Incised channel in shoreface sandstone filled by normal- conglomerate consisting of allochthonous Jurassic limestone clasts.
graded limestone pebbles (allochthonous clasts) and bored sandstone c Bored sandstone concretion isolated in pelagic marl
concretions. b Angular and partly bored outsized sandstone clast in

planar surface) indicate that flat concretions were not by crustaceans that excavated dwelling burrows within the
moved. The preservation of the Gastrochaenolites and the poorly cemented sands adjacent to the concretion edge
taphonomic characteristics of the epilithobiont fauna indi- (Hesselbo and Palmer 1992). The intense bioerosion of the
cate strong erosion under high-energy conditions (Fig. 6c). concretions indicates a lengthy time of exposure on the
After the boring activity, an important erosive event seafloor in a shallow-marine setting. There was probably
reduced the depth of the borings by up to 80 %. also a delay in the input of coarse sediment from local
The friable, poorly-cemented host sandstone between rivers. The limestone clasts in the conglomerate are rarely
the concretions was winnowed out by waves and currents. bioeroded or encrusted, suggesting rapid deposition and
The erosion of the concretions could have been facilitated burial compared to the reworked concretions.

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Fig. 4 Photo series from outcrop showing colonized calcite-cemented bivalve borings (Gastrochaenolites lapidicus). c Large-scale vertical
concretions weathered out of their host sandstone: a Dense Gastro- Gastrochaenolites torpedo boring crossed by G. lapidicus (white
chaenolites lapidicus borings on the concretion surface. Dashed line dashed lines). d Gastrochaenolites lapidicus borings crossing each
marks the boundary between the bored area (seafloor-exposed area) and other (white arrows)
non-bored area (buried sandstone) (hammer for scale). b Detail of

Sandstone petrography and geochemistry of cements zones, especially the concretion rims, have very red, oxi-
dized grains and particle relics that may possibly be
Concretions and host sandstones are remarkably similar in microbial (Fig. 7c, d). In all samples, a small amount of
petrographic and isotopic character. metamorphic rock fragments can be recognized. Most
clasts can be classified as low-grade metamorphic and
Sandstone petrography consist mostly of phyllite and metaquartzite. Accessory
detrital components comprise biotite and heavy minerals,
Detrital mineralogy mostly consisting of zircon and tourmaline. In addition,
bioclasts present include bivalves, brachiopods, ostracods,
The sandstone is mainly arkose and subarkose (Fig. 7a, b). foraminifera, ooids and peloids.
The dominant grain-type is monocrystalline quartz In general, the sandstone is medium- to fine-grained,
(55–65 %), followed by polycrystalline quartz (5–10 %) with the most common grain diameters ranging from 80 to
and chert (\5 %). K-feldspar ranges from 18 to 23 % and 125 lm. A minority of samples have a bimodal grain-size
plagioclase from 1 to 2 %. The intrabasinal carbonate distribution, in general where they are in contact with more
grains (micritic—microsparitic and fossiliferous grains) micritic zones of the concretions. Most sandstone is mod-
range from 5 to 10 % and muscovite from 1 to 2 %. Some erately to well sorted and shows angular to subangular

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Fig. 5 a Highly ferruginous concretion with a red iron-oxide cap a concretion (camera cap for scale). d Detail of an oyster showing
several millimetres in thickness (camera cap for scale). b Encrusting Entobia borings (black arrows) inside an eroded Gastrochaenolites
organisms on the concretion surface. Black arrows oysters, white lapidicus. Scale bar 1 cm
arrow barnacles. c A coral colony cemented to the exposed surface of

grains with low sphericity. On average, floating grains and phosphate, rare peloids of glauconite, illite and kaolinite.
isolated contacts are the most abundant grain contacts Illite appears as epimatrix replacing feldspars. K-feldspar
(Fig. 7a, b). Detrital quartz and feldspar grains are locally overgrowths are locally detected under CL (Fig. 7b).
corroded by carbonate cement. Textural evidence from CL Albitization of feldspars is also observed under CL
implies that detrital feldspars were partly affected by cal- (Fig. 7b). Quartz cement occurs rarely (1–3 %) and it
cite replacement, albitization and minor dissolution forms syntaxial overgrowths generally showing some
(Fig. 7a, b). The loss of porosity is mainly caused by cal- subrounded faces indicating a probable inherited origin.
cite cement-replacement and mechanical compaction, Euhedral prismatic crystals of quartz are rare. Fe-oxides are
principally of the micritic carbonate grains, whereas the commonly associated with dolomite, later affected by
siliciclastic grains are floating. Porosities derived from dedolomitization (Fig. 8a, b). The Fe-oxides are very
semi-quantitative determinations range from 1 to 2 %. scarce or absent in sandstone cemented only by poikilo-
Microfractures and microporosity in micritic material topic calcite. However, in most samples of the concretion
provide slightly higher porosity levels. rims, Fe-oxides appear as aggregate-like clusters in the
intergranular pore space of former carbonate cement, as
Authigenic mineralogy mineral coatings, along crystal edges inside dolomite
cement crystals, and replacing organic remains (Fig. 8a, b).
A range of authigenic minerals includes carbonates (calcite Fine, dispersed leaflets of Fe-oxide occur on a sub-lm
and dolomite), pyrite (Fig. 7e), Fe-oxides, barite (Fig. 7f), scale and reach 10 vol% in some instances. Barite is

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Fig. 6 Reconstructed sequence of events affecting sandstone con- event. 3 oysters, 4 corals, 5 barnacles. A red iron-oxide cap (brown
cretions exposed as boulders prior their final burial. a Bioerosion layer) was precipitated. e New erosion event. Disarticulation of
event: 1 Gastrochaenolites lapidicus; 2 Gastrochaenolites torpedo. oysters and removal of the barnacles’ plates. f Third erosion event.
b Second bioerosion event. G. lapidicus crossing previous bivalve Clionid sponges occupied the inside valves of oyster to develop
borings. c Physical erosion event. All Gastrochaenolites were Entobia borings (6)
strongly eroded and reduced to 80 % of their initial size. d Encrusting

locally found as rounded grains, but also as an authigenic most important and usually forms *90 % of all the calcite
phase (0.05–2 %); it is present as aggregates replacing cement. Floating grains are slightly deformed and cemen-
organic matter in the rims of concretions (Fig. 7f). Kao- ted by this type of calcite (Fig. 8e). However, a clear
linite is scarce and only found in a few samples as a trace separation between different generations of poikilotopic
constituent, usually enclosed in poikilotopic calcite calcite is not possible. Under CL, this calcite shows a dark
cement. It is faintly distinguished by SEM (Fig. 8c) and red to reddish-orange luminescence (Fig. 8e). The mi-
EMPA analyses. Kaolinite normally appears in secondary crosparitic calcite (type 2 calcite) commonly has slight
pore spaces, possibly replacing detrital feldspars, and orange-ish-yellow luminescence (Figs. 7b, 8a, b). Type (3)
crystal sizes reach no more than 5 lm. calcite cement replaces authigenic dolomite where regular
Authigenic carbonates are the dominant pore-filling zoning is visible under BSE microscopy; under CL it is
cement and include calcite and dolomite (Fig. 8a–c). Barite very dark (Fig. 9b) due to the low Mn and high Fe con-
cement is relatively common in the marginal zones of the tents, as the chemical analyses and the SEM images show
concretions. (Figs. 9c, d). In some samples, calcite cement type (4)
forms palisade-like or micro-sparitic patches in the last
Calcite cements Calcite is the most common authigenic cavities in an advanced phase of precipitation. Under CL,
mineral (20–40 vol%) (Table 1). Four calcite phases are this cement is zoned orange and yellow. In the centre of the
recognized: (1) poikilotopic cement (Fig. 8d); (2) micro- concretions, type (2) microsparite and subordinate patches
sparitization of former carbonate intraclasts (Figs. 7a, b, of poikilotopic calcite are the most widespread. However,
8d, e); (3) calcite replacement resulting from dedolomiti- calcite types (1) and (3) are most abundant near the mar-
zation of internal zones of dolomite (Fig. 8f); and (4) gins of the concretions. The average composition of pore-
calcite filling cavities. Type (1) calcite cement mostly filling calcites ranges from Ca0.98Mg0.01Fe0.01CO3 to
occludes the pore space with a poikilotopic texture forming Ca0.91Mg0.04Fe0.05CO3 (Table 1). Usually the manganese
crystals of 50–150 lm. This phase is volumetrically the and strontium contents are close to their detection limits

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852 Facies (2013) 59:843–861

Fig. 7 a, b Thin-section photomicrograph (crossed polars and sandstone and sandy marl showing oxidized microbial organic matter.
cathodoluminescent image of the same area showing early orange e BSE image of the concretion margin enclosing framboidal pyrite in
calcite cement replacement in an arkosic sandstone at the centre of the poikilotopic calcite cement. f BSE image of barite crystals replacing
concretions. Notice one of the K-feldspars showing dark overgrowths organic matter in the sandy marl of the concretion margin
under CL. c, d BSE images of the concretion margin between

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Fig. 8 a Thin-section photomicrograph (crossed polars) of dolomi- kaolinite fibres for the last calcite cement is visible in the bottom right
tized arkosic sandstone showing several rhombohedral crystals of the image. d, e Thin-section photomicrograph (crossed polars) and
including Fe-oxides on their growing edges. b Detail in BSE of the cathodoluminescent image of the central part of a concretion showing
zoned dolomite crystals, showing dolomite core and Fe-oxide poikilotopic calcite cement with orange luminescence (and some
included in the outer faces. c BSE image of dedolomitized grains yellow patches). f BSE image of the concretion border showing
showing faint zoned dolomite bands with low Mg contents. Detrital generalized calcite cores rich in Fe-oxides, one narrow zone of
tourmaline enclosed in the dedolomitized zone and the replacement of dolomite, and one last phase of calcite cement

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854 Facies (2013) 59:843–861

Table 1 Chemical composition of representative carbonate compo- The outer part or external rim is slightly depleted in mag-
nents of the concretions determined by microprobe analyses (in mole nesium and iron. Intraclasts replaced by calcite show a very
pure composition of CaCO3. There are no systematic dif-
Concretions CO3 ferences between analysed calcite samples from different
Ca Mg Fe Mn Sr locations within the concretions.

Calcite cement Dolomite cement-replacement Dolomitized zones in the

Poikilotopic concretions are located in the marginal areas and are
Average 97.6 1.1 1.1 \d.I. 0.2 related to remains of microbial organic matter. They have
Minimum 91.4 0.2 \d.I. \d.I. \d.I. significant Fe contents that were derived from original
Maximum 99.6 3.7 5.3 0.3 0.8 pyrite and siderite precipitates. Barite cement replace-
Zoned ments of organic matter and scarce phosphate are also
Average 96.5 3.0 0.3 0.1 0.1 present. The appearance of dolomite varies considerably,
Minimum 95.2 0.4 0.2 \d.I. 0.1 but where found this cement ranges from (5 to 15 vol%).
Maximum 99.1 4.4 5.3 0.2 0.2 Dolomite occurs as a pore-fill, composed of euhedral
Core crystals locally interspersed with opaque inclusions
Average 94.2 4.4 1.3 \d.I. 0.1 (Fig. 9a). Early dolomite has replaced carbonate and feld-
Minimum 87.4 2.5 0.2 \d.I. 0.1 spar grains. Dolomite post-dates mechanical compaction
Maximum 97.0 10.1 2.9 \d.I. 0.1 and predates the last calcite cement (type 4). The rhombo-
Rim hedral dolomite is clearly zoned, showing a calcite core and
Average 96.4 3.2 0.3 \d.I. 0.1 usually one dolomite zone including Fe-oxides on the
Minimum 95.7 2.4 0.2 \d.I. 0.1 growing edges. Under CL it is dark or non-luminescent
Maximum 97.3 3.9 0.3 \d.I. 0.1 (Fig. 9b) due to the low concentration in Mn (\25 ppm)
Replacive and the high or variable Fe content as the main quencher
Average 99.9 0.1 \d.I. \d.I. \d.I. (Budd et al. 2000). The dominant dark luminescence of
Minimum 99.8 0.1 \d.I. \d.I. \d.I. the dolomite cement-replacement (Fig. 9b), punctuated by
Maximum 99.9 0.1 \d.I. \d.I. \d.I. the hairline-thin brightness of faintly luminescent zones,
Components suggests very low concentrations of Mn. The chemical
Micritic composition of dolomite is (Mg0.40Fe0.03Ca0.56)CO3,
Average 98.8 0.8 0.3 \d.I. 0.1
generally has iron contents up to 5.3 mol% FeCO3 and an
Minimum 98.6 0.5 0.2 \d.I. \d.I.
average of 3.4 mol%. The magnesium contents range
Maximum 99.0 1.2 0.5 \d.I. 0.2
between 27.0 and 45.0 mol% MgCO3. Manganese and
strontium are below the detection limit. Figure 9d shows
growth zones which are separated by ferric iron layers.
Average 98.7 0.7 0.5 \d.I. 0.1
Semi-quantitative analyses of zoned dolomite, calcite
Minimum 98.7 0.7 0.4 \d.I. 0.1
core, and oxidized organic matter (hematite) are shown in
Maximum 98.8 0.7 0.5 \d.I. 0.1
Fig. 9e.
Dolomite cement
Diagenetic sequence
Average 56.4 40.1 3.4 \d.I. 0.1
Minimum 53.5 27.0 0.8 \d.I. 0.1
The sequence for the formation of concretions and asso-
Maximum 70.0 45.0 5.3 0.1 0.2
ciated authigenic minerals is as follows: (1) The poikilo-
\d.l. below detection limit topic calcite cement-replacement occurred in the first stage
of eodiagenesis at shallow burial and under suboxic geo-
chemical conditions (some grains of phosphatized and
(Table 1). Some samples show a trend towards increasing glauconitized fossils are present); (2) As a result of the
Mn (up to 0.3 mol% MnCO3) and Sr contents (up to presence of organic matter and microbial laminated crust,
0.8 mol% SrCO3) during crystal growth. Barium in the siderite and pyrite precipitation occurred, as the SEM
different phases of calcite cement is mostly below the images and BSE analyses show in the marginal zones of
EMPA detection limit. Calcite replacing former dolo- the concretions. This stage was probably in the sulphate-
mite rhombs has a variable composition. The core of these reduction zone of eodiagenesis; (3) The beginning of
rhombs has an obvious signature from the previous dolo- dolomitization of the concretions and formation of barite
mite and an average composition of Ca0.94Mg0.05Fe0.01CO3. cement occurred slightly later, but still during shallow

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Facies (2013) 59:843–861 855

Fig. 9 a, b Thin-section photomicrograph (crossed polars) and cathod- between the grains and intercalated in the dolomite growth lines. e BSE
oluminescent image of a dolomitized concretion border under CL image and semi-quantitative analyses of a zoned dolomite crystal
showing reddish-orange carbonate grains and dark dolomite cement showing the different composition of the calcite core (1B) with low
visible only from the idiomorphic rhomboidal edges. c, d BSE images of contents in Fe and Mg and other zones, close to the quartz grain (1C), very
the concretion border showing the abundant Fe-oxides deposited in pores rich in Fe-oxides. The dolomite zone (1A) is also rich in Fe-oxides

burial; (4) During the reworking of the concretions (telo- colour. The diagenetic sequence of the authigenic minerals
diagenesis stage) dedolomitization occurred. The calcite and also the geochemical conditions of formation are
precipitated then has a higher Fe-oxide content and a red shown in Table 3.

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856 Facies (2013) 59:843–861

Table 2 Stable carbon and oxygen isotopic data for calcite and dolomite cements in the concretions (and a concretion-attached oyster shell)
Sample Concretion type Calcite Dolomite
13 18
d C % (V-PDB) d O % (V-PDB) d13C % (V-PDB) d18O % (V-PDB)

1st sandstone package

SC-4 In situ (b) -1.70 -1.48 -2.62 -6.03
SC-1B In situ (b) -1.92 -2.17 -2.00 -3.89
CU11-4 In situ (b) -1.08 -2.32 0.52 -5.70
CU11-5 In situ (n) -1.55 0.66
CU11-6 In situ (m) -2.06 -3.53
CU11-7 In situ (b) -1.90 -3.63 -3.16 -4.49
Exhumed package
CU11-8 Recycled (b) -0.83 -6.47 -1.32 -7.65
CU11-5 Recycled (b) -1.55 -3.04 -1.70 -4.12
CU11-2 In situ (b) -1.03 -3.90 -0.86 -4.89
CU11-3 In situ (b) -1.34 -3.57 0.99 -5.15
SC-7C Oyster shell (b) -0.49 -0.24
Nucleus, middle and marginal samples represent different locations of samples in a 1 m-diameter spheroidal concretion
n nucleus of concretion, m middle part of concretion, b concretion border

Table 3 Interpretation of concretion history during a high-frequency (4th order) cycle related to sea-level fluctuations
Sample Pore
Concretion Key location Diagenetic water Fossils/
Host rock Morphology cement-replacement Geochemistry Sea-level Timing
type facies in stage cement ichnofossils
mineralogy texture
concretion origin
non- micro-
ferroan sparite, shallow burial
spherical centre High HCO 3- marine
calcite, poikilotopic (suboxic stage)
phosphate cement
crystals microbial
petrofacies and Fe2+, S sulphate
non- reduction zone
and framboids, reduction
exhumated sandstone flooding
horizontally- geochemical siderite

4th-order cycle (above 200 kyr)

elongated to facies
zoned, 2+
flattened dolomite Fe
side eodiagenesis
barite, To marine
margin ferroan mesodiagenesis
mosaic +2 +3
calcite Fe to Fe
exhumed sandstone or shell
attached oysters, falling sea
in situ sandy marl any shape biofacies calcite exhumation
concretion barnacles and

remnants lowest sea
reworked conglomerate mainly
within level to
concretion spherical
incised transgressive

Light grey concretion formation, white exhumation event, dark grey concretion reburial. Petrographic. geochemical and environmental factors of
each stage are shown

Carbon and oxygen isotopes data show relatively variable values for both calcite (0.66
to -6.47 % V-PDB) and dolomite (-0.69 to -7.65 %
The stable oxygen and carbon isotopes (d18O and d13C) of V-PDB), with the majority of values in the range of -3 to
calcite and dolomite were determined in cements of two -4 % (Table 2). Carbon values cluster around -1.5 %.
groups of concretions: (1) in situ concretions located in Isotopic values within a concretion (see n, m, and b values
the first sandstone package, and (2) reworked concretions in Fig. 10) display a trend of more negative d18O values
(in host marl or conglomerate) (Fig. 10). The d18O isotopic from the core to the margin. The d18O values of the

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Facies (2013) 59:843–861 857

Fig. 10 Cross-plot of d13C

versus d18O for calcite and
dolomite cements in the
concretions (n, m, b—nucleus,
middle part, and margin,
respectively, of a 1 m-diameter
in situ concretion from the 1st
sandstone package)

dolomite (-0.69 to -7.65 % vs. V-PDB) are variable with recognized in the complex history of the concretions: (1)
d13C values less dispersed (Table 2; Fig. 10). host sandstone sedimentation (Fig. 11a); (2) concretion
formation (Fig. 11b); (3) reworking of concretions; (4)
Interpretation concretion colonization by hard-substrate boring organisms
(Fig. 11c); and (5) encrustation, disarticulation and bioe-
d18O and d13C values from the concretion core cements are rosion prior to the final burial (Figs. 11d, e). The phases of
the most similar to the isotopic values obtained from sea- reworked concretion formation are described into a
water (represented by the oyster shell isotope signatures, sequence stratigraphy setting following nomenclature in
Fig. 10). The d18O data are similar to that of shallow burial Catuneanu et al. (2011).
calcite cement from slightly modified, marine-derived
pore-water of siliciclastic deposits (Wanas 2008). The Host sandstone sedimentation (forced regressive or 1st
isotopic values from the concretion core cement indicate falling stage parasequence—FSST) and concretion growth
that the concretions started to grow during early and (flooding stage)
shallow burial. The d13C data of calcite cements around
-1.5 % may indicate a calcite cement source from bicar- Although calcite-cemented sandstone concretions have
bonate supplied from seawater and dissolution of marine been reported in sediments from different depositional
bioclasts (Wanas 2008). There is agreement that nucleation systems, most concretions have been documented in shal-
occurs in shell-rich layers by diagenetic redistribution of low-marine progradational sandstone sequences with int-
calcareous fossils originally contained in marine sand- erbedded mudstones interpreted as shelf-margin deltas,
stones (Bjorkum and Walderhaug 1990; Abdel-Wahab and wave-dominated deltas, and shoreface wedges, as in this
McBride 2001). study (Fitzsimmons and Johnson 2000; Bhattacharya and
Willis 2001; McBride et al. 2003; Machent et al. 2007;
Garcı́a-Garcı́a et al. 2011). Only occasionally have they
Discussion: concretion history and sequence been documented in fluvial sandstones (McBride and
stratigraphy Milliken 2006). The sedimentological and petrographic
features of forced-regressive shoreface sands (falling-stage
Sequence stratigraphic setting of the concretions parasequence) favoured the formation of these diagenetic
concretions: clean and well-sorted (therefore presumably
The history of the calcite-cemented concretions in shallow- with high porosity and permeability) sandstones overlying
marine sandstones has been interpreted from a compre- mudstones (see McBride et al. 2003; Wanas 2008) with
hensive study of their facies context, petrographic and abundant carbonate bioclasts. Concretions mainly occur at
geochemical data, and microstratigraphy of the reworked the top of the thickening-upward sandstone units of
features on the concretion surfaces. Several phases can be shoreface wedges overlain by transgressive marls (Fig 11a,

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858 Facies (2013) 59:843–861

Fig. 11 Sketches showing the different stages of concretion history the layer of concretions that fell and rolled (mainly the spherical
and sequence stratigraphic implications: a Deposition of host sand- concretions) into incised channels from the channel wall. d Fluvial to
stones in shoreface settings during the lowstand sea-level stage. b Early deltaic currents transporting allochthonous clasts filled and overflowed
diagenetic concretions formed in shoreface sandstones below a flooding the incised channels during a new lowstand sea-level stage. e Burial of
surface. c Exhumation of concretions and formation of a coastal concretions and filled incised channels with overlying basinal marl
pavement of concretions bored by Lithophaga and cannibalization of deposited during the flooding stage

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Facies (2013) 59:843–861 859

b). Calcite cementation is promoted by long-term residence there are many unknown variables (Abdel-Wahab and
in shallow-burial anaerobic diagenetic zones, a condition McBride 2001; McBride et al. 2003). Therefore, the issue
met beneath flooding surfaces (Taylor et al. 2000) when the can only be addressed by indirect means. According to
sedimentation rate is generally low. Slow deposition also Berner (1968), the growth rate (k) for a concretion depends
provides time to dissolve marine shells and for the bicar- on the square of its radius (m) and the time of growth (Ma)
bonate to be precipitated as calcite cement (Taylor et al. (where k = t/r2). Available biostratigraphic data from
2000; McBride et al. 2003). In lower shoreface to offshore nannofossils and, locally, planktonic foraminifera and
transition successions, early cementation associated with ammonites from the section where these Cretaceous con-
flooding surfaces, followed by continued cementation cretions occur (see de Gea 2004; Garcı́a-Garcı́a et al. 2011
during burial, were the predominant cementation mecha- and log in Fig. 1 from this paper) allow an estimation of a
nisms (Machent et al. 2007). maximum of just over 1 Ma for deposition during the
Latest Barremian–Earliest Aptian interval (uppermost part
Sea-level fall and concretion exhumation: Boring of the Micrantholithus hoschulzii Zone and the earliest part
and encrustation of the Hayesites irregularis nannofossil Zone). If the sed-
imentation rate was uniform, layers of reworked concre-
The falling stage is represented by a surface of erosion tions (concretions resulting from a cycle of formation and
cutting into the upper part of the preceding falling-stage exhumation) in each sandstone package developed during
parasequence. Sea level was lowered below the top of the fourth-order fall-to-rise cycles of relative sea-level change
previous shoreface sandstone package (1st FSST). The in the 200 ky range (Garcı́a-Garcı́a et al. 2011). Therefore,
reworking occurred when sea level fell below the brink the constant growth rate (k) of 0.5–1 m diameter concre-
point or offlap break of the prograding shoreface sigmoids. tions is between 3.2 and 0.8, and this is in agreement with
The fully-cemented concretions at the top of the shoreface recently estimated growth rates (Abdel-Wahab and
sandstone package were reworked into a shoreline setting McBride 2001; McBride et al. 2003). Biostratigraphic data
and bored and encrusted on the seafloor (Fig. 11c, d). The confirm the close relationship between concretions and
exhumation of the concretions confirms that these struc- high-frequency sea-level fluctuations (Coniglio et al. 2000;
tures must have originated during early diagenesis at Taylor and Gawthorpe 2003).
shallow depth. Bored spherical concretions fell from the
channel walls on to the channel floor. The bored spherical
sandstone concretions come from the layers of concretions Conclusions
exhumed in the earlier stages of incision.
Allochthonous clasts of Jurassic limestone fill the incised Calcite-cemented concretions in marine sandstones can
channels. The channel-filling fluvio-deltaic conglomerates represent lithomarkers recording high-frequency (fourth-
laterally onlap layers of concretions not cannibalized by the order) shallow burial to exhumation cycles. Concretions
incision surface (granule sediment filling borings in the typically form during early diagenesis and, if reworked
concretions). The channel-fills represent the lowstand sys- during a subsequent sea-level fall, they can be used to
tems tract deposits (Fig. 11d), before the overlying trans- identify sequence boundaries (‘hiatus-concretions’).
gressive (TST) marls were deposited (Fig. 11e). An integrated analysis (stratigraphic, sedimentological,
Bored, encrusted and granule-attached isolated concre- palaeontological, petrographic and geochemical) of con-
tions embedded in marl represent the remains of the cretions is necessary to reconstruct their complex history.
sequence boundary discontinuity; they are the key to the The history of the reworked concretions described here
recognition of a ‘shale-on-shale’ erosion surface sensu involved the following stages: (1) concretion formation
Baird (1976). Thus, the recognition of layers of reworked within forced-regressive shoreface sandstones by calcite
concretions (‘hiatus concretions’) in the subsurface, and cement derived from marine pore seawater (no meteoric
their implications for the cementation history, can be used water isotopic signal was found in calcite cement) and
to evaluate the potential of shoreface sandstones as skeletal carbonates shortly after burial, encouraged by a
hydrocarbon reservoirs. low sedimentation rate during flooding, (2) reworking of
the concretions occurred when sea level fell below the top
Timing of the reworked concretion formation of shoreface sandstones, (3) incision by channels exposed
the concretions such that they accumulated on the floor of
In the study of concretions it is of interest to know the the channels, (4) colonization of the reworked concretions
duration and rate of growth (Wilkinson and Dampier by bioeroding (Entobia ichnofacies) and epilithobiont
1990). Theoretical models to determine the time for the organisms took place in a littoral to shallow-marine envi-
growth of large concretions are not easy to apply since ronment (5) lowstand fluvio-deltaic deposits passed

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860 Facies (2013) 59:843–861

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Acknowledgments This research was supported by the projects 172:113–140
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Ministry of Education and Science (MEC), the European Foundation Palaeomargin (Early Cretaceous, SE Spain). Sediment Geol
of Regional Development (FEDER), and Research Group RNM-200 236:197–210
and 316of the Junta de Andalucı́a. R. Marfil was supported by Project Hesselbo SP, Palmer TJ (1992) Reworked early diagenetic concre-
UCM-CAM CCG07-UCM-AMB 2299. Grupo 910404 ‘‘Petrologı́a tions and the bioerosional origin of a regional discontinuity
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