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Hitler a Christian?

All of these are quotes from Adolf Hitler:

1. National Socialism and religion cannot exist together.... The heaviest blow that ever struck
humanit was the coming of !hristianit. "olshevism is !hristianit#s illegitimate child. "oth are
inventions of the $ew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world b
!hristianit.... %et it not be said that !hristianit brought man the life of the soul& for that
evolution was in the natural order of things.
'. !hristianit is a rebellion against natural law& a (rotest against nature. Taken to its logical
extreme& !hristianit would mean the sstematic cultivation of the human failure.
). The best thing is to let !hristianit die a natural death.... *hen understanding of the universe has
become wides(read... !hristian doctrine will be convicted of absurdit.... !hristianit has reached
the (eak of absurdit.... And that#s wh someda its structure will colla(se.... ...the onl wa to get
rid of !hristianit is to allow it to die little b little.... !hristianit the liar.... *e#ll see to it that the
!hurches cannot s(read abroad teachings in conflict with the interests of the State.
+. The reason wh the ancient world was so (ure& light and serene was that it knew nothing of the two great
scourges: the (ox and !hristianit.
,. -riginall& !hristianit was merel an incarnation of "olshevism& the destroer.... The decisive falsification
of $esus# doctrine was the work of St. .aul. He gave himself to this work... for the (ur(oses of (ersonal
ex(loitation.... /idn#t the world see& carried on right into the 0iddle Ages& the same old sstem of martrs&
tortures& faggots1 -f old& it was in the name of !hristianit. Toda& it#s in the name of "olshevism.
2esterda the instigator was Saul: the instigator toda& 0ardochai. Saul was changed into St. .aul& and
0ardochai into 3arl 0arx. " exterminating this (est& we shall do humanit a service of which our soldiers
can have no idea.
4. !hristianit is an invention of sick brains: one could imagine nothing more senseless& nor an more indecent
wa of turning the idea of the 5odhead into a mocker.... .... *hen all is said& we have no reason to wish
that the 6talians and S(aniards should free themselves from the drug of !hristianit. %et#s be the onl (eo(le
who are immuni7ed against the disease.
8. 3errl& with noblest of intentions& wanted to attem(t a snthesis between National Socialism and !hristianit.
6 don#t believe the thing#s (ossible& and 6 see the obstacle in !hristianit itself.... .ure !hristianit99 the
!hristianit of the catacombs99 is concerned with translating !hristian doctrine into facts. 6t leads quite
sim(l to the annihilation of mankind. 6t is merel whole9hearted "olshevism& under a tinsel of meta(hsics.
:. There is something ver unhealth about !hristianit
;. 6t would alwas be disagreeable for me to go down to (osterit as a man who made concessions in this field.
6 reali7e that man& in his im(erfection& can commit innumerable errors99 but to devote mself deliberatel to
errors& that is something 6 cannot do. 6 shall never come (ersonall to terms with the !hristian lie. -ur
e(och <in the next '== ears will certainl see the end of the disease of !hristianit.... 0 regret will have
been that 6 couldn#t... behold .
And as Iceberg3k showed& "The Third Reich does not wish to reach a modus vivendi with the Catholic Church, but
to destroy it with lies and dishonor, and to create a German Church, that the Aryan race be glorifie." Hitler.
Again& 6 feel it a((ro(riate to list this cam(9side song sung b the Hitler outh:
*e are the ha(( Hitler 2outh>
*e have no need of !hristian virtue>
?or Adolf Hitler is our intercessor
And our redeemer.
No (riest& no evil one
!an kee( us
?rom feeling like Hitler@s children.
Not !hrist do we follow& but Horst *esselA
Awa with incense and hol water (ots.
Singing we follow Hitler@s banners>
-nl then are we worth of our ancestors.
6 am no !hristian and no !atholic.
6 go with the SA through thick and thin.
The !hurch can be stolen from me for all 6 care.
The swastika makes me ha(( here on earth.
Him will 6 follow in marching ste(>
"aldur Bon Schirach& take me along.
Hitler and His Symbols Occult Roots
0an of the Na7i emblems& such as the swastika& the double lightning bolt ! smbol& and even the inverted
triangle smbol used to identif classes of (risoners in the concentration cam(s& originated among homosexual
occultists in 5erman Csome& such as the swastika& are actuall quite ancient smbols which were merel revived b
these homosexual grou(sD. 6n 1;=8& $org %an7 Bon %iebenfels C%an7D& a former !istercian monk whom the church
excommunicated because of his homosexual activities CThe "a#is and the $ccult& (. 1;D& flew the swastika flag
above his castle in Austria CThe $ccult Roots of "a#ism% ecret Aryan Cults and their &nfluence on "a#i &deology& (.
1=;D. After his ex(ulsion from the church& %an7 founded the $rdo "ovi Tem'li C$rder of the "ew Tem'le!D which
merged occultism with violent anti9Semitism. A 1;,: stud of %an7 called& (er )ann der *itler die &deen gab
CThe )an +ho Gave *itler *is &deas!D& b Austrian (schologist *ilhelm /aim& called %an7 the true father! of
National Socialism.
%ist& a close associate of %an7& formed the 5uido Bon %ist Societ in Bienna in 1;=+. The 5uido Bon %ist Societ
was accused of (racticing a form of Hindu Tantrism& which featured sexual (erversions in its rituals Cthe swastika is
from 6ndiaD. This form of sexual (erversion was (o(ulari7ed in occult circles b a man named Aleister !rowle&
who& according to Hitler biogra(her $. Sdne $ones& enEoed 'laying with blac, magic and little boys! C*itler in
-ienna ./012./.3& (. 1')D. %ist was accused of being the Aleister Crowley of -ienna! Cibid.& (. 1')D. %ike %an7&
%ist was an occultist> he wrote several books on the magic (rinci(les of rune letters Cfrom which he chose the !
smbolD. 6n 1;=:& %ist was unmas,ed as the leader of a blood brotherhood which went in for se4ual 'erversion
and substituted the swasti,a for the cross! CThe "a#is and the $ccult& (. ')D. The Na7is borrowed heavil from
%is@s occult theories and research. %ist also formed an elitist occult (riesthood called the Armanen -rder& to which
Hitler himself ma have belonged CThe 5sycho'athic God Adolf *itler& (. ;1D.
The Na7i dream of an Aran su(er9race was ado(ted from an occult grou( called the Thule Societ& founded in 1;18
b followers of %an7 and %ist. The occult doctrine of the Thule Societ held that the survivors of an ancient and
highl develo(ed lost civili7ation could endow Thule initiates with esoteric (owers and wisdom. The initiates would
use these (owers to create a new race of Aran su(ermen who would eliminate all inferior! races. Hitler dedicated
his book& )ein 6am'f& to /ietrich Fckart& one of the Thule Societ@s inner circle and a former leading figure in the
5erman *orker@s .art Cwhen the met at the ga bar mentioned earlierD CThe 7n,nown *itler% *is 5rivate 8ife and
9ortune& (. 48D. The various occult grou(s mentioned above were outgrowths of the Theoso(hical Societ& whose
founder& Helen .etrovna "lavatsk& was a lesbian CThe $ccult 7nderground& (. ;+D& and whose bisho'! was a
notorious (ederast !harles %eadbeater.
-ne member had a quote from Hitler sating he was a !atholic& or !hristian& or something of the like. Hitler merel
used his !atholicism to infiltrate the (eo(le@s minds and hearts. This S" member seems to (ut weight in (eo(le@s
words and not their actions. ?or instance& let me cut and 'aste this comment from another discussion to make a
6magine the 0ormons@ reaction to the following statement:
&:m a )ormon but & don:t believe ;ose'h mith was a true 'ro'het of God. &:m a )ormon but &
don:t believe that God was once a man or that men can become gods. &:m a )ormon but & don:t
believe the )ormon Church is the only true church or that we need human 'ro'hets to guide the
church. &:m a )ormon but & don:t believe the <oo, of )ormon is the +ord of God. &:m a )ormon
but & don:t believe tem'les are necessary or that cou'les can be married for eternity.!
A knowledgeable %atter9da Saint would def that such a (erson was& in fact& a true 0ormon. wh1
"ecause this (erson who claims to be 0ormon denies the ver doctrines that make 0ormons what
the are.
%ikewise& a knowledgeable !hristian would def Hitler being a true !hristianA $ust because he sas so doesn@t
make it so. The following seems a((ro(riate to dis(la& as it is attributed to one of the smartest me the twentieth
centur has seen.
<eing a lover of freedom, when the ="a#i> revolution came, & loo,ed to the universities to defend
it, ,nowing that they had always boasted of their devotion to the cause of truth? but no, the
universities were immediately silenced. Then & loo,ed to the great editors of the news'a'ers,
whose flaming editorials in days gone had 'roclaimed their love of freedom? but they, li,e the
universities, were silenced in a few short wee,s...!
$nly the Church stood s@uarely across the 'ath of *itlerAs cam'aign for su''ressing the truth. &
never had any s'ecial interest in the Church before, but now & feel a great affection and
admiration for it because the Church alone has had the courage and 'ersistence to stand for
intellectual and moral freedom. & am forced to confess that what & once des'ised & now 'raise
~ Albert Einstein

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