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CurrenL as of AugusL 6, 2014

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We|come ............................................................................................................................................. 7
resenter 8|os ...................................................................................................................................... 9
1uesday, August 12, 2014 .................................................................................................................. 17
lull uay Sesslons: 9:00-4:00 .................................................................................................................... 19
Palf-uay Sesslons 9:00-12:00 .................................................................................................................. 22
8reak CuL Sesslons: 9:00-10:13 ............................................................................................................... 23
8reak CuL Sesslon: 10:30-11:43 .............................................................................................................. 23
Palf-uay Sesslons: 1:00-4:00 ................................................................................................................... 26
8reak CuL Sesslons: 1:00-2:13 ................................................................................................................. 28
8reak CuL Sesslons: 2:30-3:43 ................................................................................................................. 30
Wednesday, August 13, 2014 ............................................................................................................. 33
lull uay Sesslons: 9:00-4:00 .................................................................................................................... 33
Palf-uay Sesslons 9:00-12:00 .................................................................................................................. 37
8reak CuL Sesslons: 9:00-10:13 ............................................................................................................... 39
8reak CuL Sesslons: 10:30-11:43 ............................................................................................................. 40
Palf-uay Sesslons: 1:00-4:00 ................................................................................................................... 42
8reak CuL Sesslons: 1:00-2:13 ................................................................................................................. 43
8reak CuL Sesslons: 2:30-3:43 ................................................................................................................. 43
1hursday, August 14, 2014 ................................................................................................................. 47
lull uay Sesslons: 9:00-4:00 .................................................................................................................... 49
Palf-uay Sesslons: 1:00-4:00 ................................................................................................................... 31
8reak CuL Sesslons: 9:00-10:13 ............................................................................................................... 32
8reak CuL Sesslons: 10:30-11:43 ............................................................................................................. 33
Palf-uay Sesslons: 1:00-4:00 ................................................................................................................... 33
8reak CuL Sesslons: 1:00-2:13 ................................................................................................................. 36
8reak CuL Sesslons: 2:30-3:43 ................................................................................................................. 37
Sess|on |ann|ng Matr|x ..................................................................................................................... S9


Welcome to the Cuiiiculum Summei Institute 2u14 session offeiing catalog! This yeai's confeience
iepiesents a significant uepaituie anu impiovement ovei last yeai. At the heait of oui piofessional leaining
in Pitt County, anu as uemonstiateu at oui confeience, is the belief anu iecognition that we can anu uo leain
fiom each othei, often in ueep anu piofounu ways. In fact, we believe that oui teacheis have the capacity to
answei the vast majoiity of questions iegaiuing stuuent leaining that aie piesenteu, if only given the time to
collaboiate togethei.
As such, the majoiity of oui sessions this week will be facilitateu by teacheis fiom within Pitt County
Schools. -.%/ 01 ,%,,2'*, this yeai will be conuucteu by 3'4/ 5'$$%"64%, fiom within the uistiict, all
shaiing what they've uone in the classioom ovei this past yeai. You won't want to miss these sessions wheie
teacheis fiom oui own uistiict shaie theii stiuggles, challenges, anu successes! Anu, as always, we've still got
sessions on uistiict initiatives such as Thinking Naps, Piofessional Leaining Communities, Ciitical Thinking
Skills, anu Technology Integiation.
BB Conley Bigh School will once again host CSI this yeai on August 12-14. While this uocument
offeis an oveiview of all sessions scheuuleu as of the uate on the fiist page, as new sessions aie auueu anu
cuiient sessions upuateu the most cuiient veision of this uocument will be available at The most up-to-uate session infoimation can be founu by logging into
Ny Leaining Plan aftei Nay 27, 2u1S.
Foi those who uo not want to leave BB Conley Bigh School uuiing the uay a cateieu lunch will be
pioviueu foi paiticipants who want to eat on site; iegistiation foi lunch in NLP will be iequiieu. New this
yeai is that 2( 3'4 /%62,+%/ ('/ "* "$$78"3 ,%,,2'* 3'4 92$$ "4+':"+25"$$3 #% /%62,+%/%8 ('/ $4*5;<
Registiation foi all sessions will open on Tuesuay, Nay 27, 2u14 foi teacheis in Pitt County Schools.
Registiation foi teacheis outsiue of Pitt County Schools will open on Nonuay, }une 16, 2u14.
Attenuance at CSI 2u1S is voluntaiy; foi employees of Pitt County Schools, the $Su pei session
iegistiation fee will be waiveu; teacheis anu auministiatois outsiue Pitt County will be chaigeu $Su.uu =%/
,%,,2'*. Auuitionally, PCS schools will be chaigeu the iegistiation fee foi any no-shows. !' /%62,+%/ ('/
,%,,2'*, +%"5;%/, :4,+ 4,% >3 ?%"/*2*6 @$"*< An alteinative iegistiation foimat will be available foi new
teacheis to the county who uo not have NLP accounts anu foi anyone outsiue the county via by a link
publisheu on
Planning foi this yeai's institute began many months ago, anu the people listeu below each hau a pait
in the uevelopment of CSI 2u14; without theii suppoit this event coulu not take place.
Pieston Boweis,K-12 Social Stuuies Specialist
Connie Cheston, K-12 Nath Specialist
Thomas Fellei, Race to the Top Cooiuinatoi
Bill Fiaziei, Inteiim 9-12 Biiectoi
Naiie Lee, K-S ELA Specialist
Kim Lucas, 6-12 ELA Specialist
Sanuia Noiiis, Feueial Piogiams Biiectoi
Cheiyl 0lmsteu, Assistant Supeiintenuent foi EPS
Kaien Quick, K-12 Science Specialist
Lisa Tate, K-S Biiectoi
Chiis Wheelei, Auministiative Assistant to Cheiyl 0lmsteu
Shannon Wainiight, 6-8 Biiectoi
Robin Wiight, EC Biiectoi

A special thank-you to Bon Naii, the Piincipal at BB Conley Bigh School, anu his staff foi hosting us
again this yeai.

We look foiwaiu to seeing you in August!



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Mellssa 8lum
Jocotloool coosoltoot & vlce lteslJeot, west Moslc
Mellssa 8lum has over 23 years experlence Leachlng muslc aL Lhe
pre-k, elemenLary, mlddle school, and adulL levels. She ls a vlce resldenL
aL WesL Muslc, where she ls ulrecLor of naLlonal Sales and Servlce and an
LducaLlonal ConsulLanL for early chlldhood producLs and World Muslc
urummlng. She has parLlclpaLed ln Lhe World Muslc urummlng summer
workshops slnce 2004, compleLlng Levels 1, 2, and 3 mulLlple Llmes, and has
compleLed 8emo PealLh8P?1PMS faclllLaLor Lralnlng. She has been a member of Lhe World
Muslc urummlng laculLy slnce 2009, creaLlng and Leachlng Lhe urummlng up Lhe lun!
workshop, for Leachers of chlldren ages 3-8.
Mellssa has faclllLaLed World Muslc urummlng ensembles as a Leam-bulldlng exerclse aL
a varleLy of corporaLe and communlLy evenLs for chlldren and adulLs, and ls a cllnlclan for sLaLe
muslc conferences, Crff chapLer workshops, daycare/preschool provlders, and LCMM
educaLors on Lhe Loplc of lncorporaLlng developmenLally approprlaLe muslc acLlvlLles ln Lhe pre-
k- grade 2 classroom seLLlng. She was Lhe dlrecLor of Lhe early chlldhood muslc and movemenL
sLudlo aL WesL Muslc from 1999-2011, and conLlnues Lo wrlLe currlculum for Lhelr Slng & lay &
Learn 1oday classes.
Mellssa has a 8achelor of Muslc degree and k-12 Muslc LducaLlon CerLlflcaLlon from 1he
unlverslLy of lowa, and has compleLed graduaLe coursework ln Muslc LducaLlon and Ceneral

!ennlfer 8ass
ltofessloool uevelopmeot coosoltoot
!ennlfer 8ass llves ln LdenLon, nC wlLh her husband and Lhree daughLers.
She has a 8S ln LlemenLary LducaLlon, a MasLer's uegree ln School
AdmlnlsLraLlon, AlC cerLlflcaLlon and ls also a renewed naLlonal 8oard
CerLlfled 1eacher ln Larly Chlldhood. She has been ln educaLlon for 22 years,
servlng as an elemenLary Leacher, AlC Leacher, asslsLanL prlnclpal and lnsLrucLlonal
faclllLaLor. Mrs. 8ass currenLly serves as Lhe nCul 8eglon 1 rofesslonal uevelopmenL


kaLhy 8umgardner
A veLeran educaLor, wlLh more Lhan 30+ years, kaLhy 8umgardner ls a
passlonaLe presenLer who comblnes research based lnLeracLlve
lnsLrucLlonal besL pracLlces and poslLlve humor aL every opporLunlLy. WlLh
a Leachlng career of 30+ years spannlng a varleLy of grade levels, dlverse
classrooms, and llLeracy poslLlons ln norLh Carollna Schools, kaLhy fully
undersLands Lhe value of sharlng real world" Leachlng sLraLegles LhaL
really" worked for her ln her own classrooms, and Lhe overwhelmlng challenges LhaL Leachers
and educaLors face on a dally basls.
kaLhy sLrlves Lo brlng successful research-based pracLlces, as well as her own classroom
experlences, lnLo her presenLaLlons Lo promoLe and supporL hlgh quallLy Leachlng. Per
phllosophy for effecLlve and relevanL professlonal developmenL ls founded upon Lhe reallLy LhaL
lf parLlclpanLs can be lnLeracLlvely engaged and lnvolved ln professlonal developmenL, and also
have an opporLunlLy Lo add ln a Make lL and 1ake lL" sesslon, Lhen Lhey wlll be able Lo adapL
and beLLer susLaln valuable sLraLegles LhaL Lhey learn. She consLanLly sLrlves Lo boLh share
valuable sLraLegles and spark laughLer and moLlvaLlon ln all of her sesslons. 1ruly, Lhere ls rarely
a dull momenL ln kaLhy's sesslons.
kaLhy currenLly ls Lhe founder and lead llLeracy consulLanL and school lmprovemenL coach wlLh
SLraLegles unllmlLed, lnc. wlLh many documenLed successful resulLs ln lndlvldual schools and
dlsLrlcLs across Lhe counLry. ln Lhls role, she dlrecLly coaches and works wlLh schools, Leachers,
sLudenLs and admlnlsLraLors ln collaboraLlve efforLs Lo conslsLenLly ralse quallLy cognlLlve
opporLunlLles for sLudenLs ln and ln seLLlng goals for ralslng sLudenL achlevemenL.

8oberL L. 8urroughs, !r.
8oberL 8urrouhgs has been worked over 30 years experlence as a
classroom Leacher, school admlnlsLraLor, dlsLrlcL admlnlsLraLor, and
graduaLe-level lnsLrucLor ln mulLlple sLaLes. Pe has degrees from
8oberLs Wesleyn College, 1he unlverslLy of 1ampa, and Lhe unlverslLy of
SouLh llorlad. Pe currenLly serves as an assoclaLe for 8enalssance
Learnlng. 8oberL wlll presenL Lralnlngs on boLh AcceleraLed MaLh and
AcceleraLed 8eadlng durlng CSl.


aL Calfee
aL Calfee, reLlred k-3 elemenLary educaLor, presenLs engaglng
workshops LhaL are allgned wlLh Lhe Common Core SLandards. She ls an
educaLlonal consulLanL wlLh 30 years experlence as a Leacher, currlculum
coordlnaLor, and sLaff developer. 8efore reLlrlng from publlc educaLlon,
aL LaughL elemenLary school, worked ln Lhe ulvlslon of School
lmprovemenL aL nCul and served as Lhe k-3 Currlculum CoordlnaLor for
8eauforL CounLy Schools.
Anyone who knows aL wlll Lell you LhaL Leachlng ls ln her hearL. She has a passlon for helplng
Leachers aL all levels dlscover new and lnnovaLlve ways Lo dellver lnsLrucLlon. Per workshops
are packed wlLh hands-on learnlng and acLlve engagemenL sLraLegles.

8eLh Ldwards
ltofessloool uevelopmeot coosoltoot
8eLh ls a naLlonal 8oard CerLlfled Leacher who has been a norLh
Carollna LducaLor for 23 years. She currenLly serves as a 8eglonal
rofesslonal uevelopmenL ConsulLanL for Lhe norLh Carollna ueparLmenL
of ubllc lnsLrucLlon. ln Lhls role, she deslgns and lmplemenLs
professlonal developmenL for Leachers and admlnlsLraLors and asslsLs dlsLrlcL leaders wlLh Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon of local and sLaLe lnlLlaLlves. rlor Lo Lhls poslLlon, she served as Lhe nCul
naLlonal 8oard CerLlflcaLlon SLaLe CoordlnaLor, Lhe founder and leader of Lhe flrsL naLlonal
8oard for rofesslonal 1eachlng SLandards Caucus, a local and dlsLrlcL nCAL resldenL, an
ad[uncL lnsLrucLor for LasL Carollna unlverslLy, and mosL lmporLanLly, a speclal educaLor for lLL
CounLy Schools and MarLln CounLy Schools.
8eLh wlll be presenLlng Lralnlngs on Academlc vocabulary allgned Lo Lhe new sLandards,
creaLlng common formaLlve assessmenLs, and uslng daLa ln LCs.


Susan Ldwards
Mary Susan Ldwards has been a consulLanL for 1hlnklng Maps lnc.,
slnce 2003, afLer reLlrlng from Wayne CounLy ubllc schools as a
1eacher/Lead 1eacher for Lhe enLlre counLy. She has conducLed
numerous wrlLlng and readlng workshops aL Lhe school and dlsLrlcL level
ln Lhree sLaLes, predomlnanLly norLh Carollna. She conLlnues Lo LuLor aL-
rlsk sLudenLs because she recognlzes Lhe lmporLance of applylng
everyLhlng LhaL she Leaches Leachers, wlLh her sLudenLs. She has LaughL
LducaLlon classes aL Wesleyan College and supervlsed lnLerns Lhrough Lhe
LducaLlon ueparLmenL of LasL Carollna unlverslLy. She holds an
undergraduaLe degree from Creensboro College ln 4-9 Language ArLs, a Speclal LducaLlon
CerLlflcaLlon from LasL Carollna unlverslLy, as well as a MasLers ln ArLs of LducaLlon (8eadlng)
from LasL Carollna unlverslLy. She has conducLed workshops aL Lhe Mary Lols SLaLen
Conference and served on Lhe SLaLe ueparLmenL CommlLLee on SysLemaLlc honlcs. 5be ls
posslooote oboot sbotloq bet 40 yeots of teoJloq aoJ wtltloq losttoctloo wltb botb teocbets ooJ
stoJeots. CurrenL 1ralnlng Semlnars lnclude: Language for Learnlng, WrlLe lrom Lhe 8eglnnlng
and 8eyond - narraLlve/ LxposlLory, uraw, Show & Map ?our 1hlnklng, 8esponse Lo LlLeraLure
and Comprehenslon SLraLegles.

Melba !ohnson
Melba L. !ohnson, an experlenced hlgh school Lngllsh Leacher
of LhlrLy-Lhree years, ls an lnLernaLlonal llLeracy consulLanL for 1hlnklng
Maps, lnc. ln Cary, nC, as well as M. L. !ohnson ConsulLlng Servlces,
lnc. ln SunseL 8each, nC. uurlng her career ln norLh Carollna schools,
Melba was named Lhe norLh Carollna Lngllsh 1eacher of Lhe ?ear.
Melba ls co-auLhor of wtlte.fot tbe lotote, a mlddle
and hlgh school wrlLlng across Lhe currlculum program based on Lhe
use of vlsual Lools (1hlnklng Maps). She ls also co-auLhor of 1blokloq Mops. ctltlcol keoJloq
ooJ wtltloq lo l5A1, 5A1 l, ooJ Ac1, whlch are sLudenL consumable manuals. 1he
accompanylng losttoctots ColJe, along wlLh Lhe sLudenL manuals, lncorporaLes 1hlnklng Maps
for vocabulary, readlng, and wrlLlng sLraLegles.
She en[oys Lhe hobbles of readlng and Lravellng Lo new locaLlons, as well as
belng acLlvely lnvolved ln her church as a Leacher and organlsL/planlsL.


!ames 1homas Mader
Moslc Jocotot, letcossloolst, cllolcloo
!ames Mader recelved hls 8achelor's of llne ArLs
uegree ln muslc educaLlon from llorlda ALlanLlc unlverslLy ln
1989. Pe also holds a CerLlflcaLe ln ercusslon erformance
from Lhe 8erklee College of Muslc ln 8osLon, MA. !ames
began hls muslc educaLlon career ln 1990 aL ConnlsLon Mlddle
School ln alm 8each CounLy, where he was band dlrecLor and general muslc Leacher. Mr.
Mader Lransferred Lo Lhe 8roward CounLy School sysLem ln 1991. Pe LaughL chorus aL
SLanahan Plgh School ln 1991-92 and band aL Lauderdale Lakes Mlddle School ln 1992-1998.
Whlle aL Lauderdale Lakes Mlddle School, !ames was selecLed as one of LwenLy muslc Leachers
from Lhe unlLed SLaLes and Canada Lo plloL Wlll Schmld's WC8Lu MuSlC u8uMMlnC
Cu88lCuLuM. 1hls lnnovaLlve cross-culLural currlculum ls almed aL ralslng sLudenL's llfe skllls
(llsLenlng, respecL, cooperaLlon, Leamwork, and communlcaLlon) Lhrough Afrlcan, Carlbbean,
and LaLln drummlng, movemenL, and song. Pe sLudled wlLh Sowah Mensah, muslclan,
composer, and Chanalan MasLer urummer. 1hese sLudles conLlnue Lo presenL day. !ames was
recrulLed Lo arkway Mlddle School of Lhe ArLs, where he presenLly resldes as muslc
educaLor/dlrecLor of Lhe World Muslc urummlng Lnsembles. Pe Leaches 230+ aL rlsk"
sLudenLs ln seven classes a day, flve days a week uLlllzlng Lhe World Muslc urummlng
Currlculum Lo ralse sLudenL's academlcs and self-esLeem.
!ames Mader frequenLly serves as cllnlclan ln Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe World Muslc
urummlng Currlculum and ls ln parL responslble for Lhe success ln schools LhroughouL Lhe
unlLed SLaLes and Canada. Pe has conducLed or asslsLed ln cllnlcs and workshops ln llorlda,
Wlsconsln, norLh Carollna, SouLh Carollna, nevada, new ?ork, 1exas, Cregon, Loulslana,
kenLucky, Ceorgla, ennsylvanla, nebraska, vlrglnla, Callfornla, WashlngLon, ConnecLlcuL,
uelaware, 1ennessee, 1exas, SouLh uakoLa, Wyomlng and Maryland. !ames conducLs
workshops ln cooperaLlve Leamwork and mulLlculLurallsm Lhrough muslc and drummlng
LhroughouL SouLh llorlda.
!ames has composed and arranged numerous pleces of muslc whlch muslc educaLors
have found Lo be lnsLrumenLal ln Lhe developmenL of Lhelr muslc sLudenLs. !ames Mader
conLlnues hls Leachlng of Lhe World Muslc urummlng Currlculum for Lhe School 8oard of
8roward CounLy aL arkway Mlddle School of Lhe ArLs ln lL. Lauderdale, lL and ls a naLlonally
soughL afLer cllnlclan.


uuLchess Maye
ur. uuLchess Maye ls a former hlgh school Lngllsh Leacher and an
lnsLrucLlonal deslgner for Lhe norLh Carollna 1eacher Academy. ur. Maye ls
currenLly an ad[uncL AsslsLanL rofessor of LducaLlon aL Llon unlverslLy and
has spenL well over a decade researchlng, deslgnlng, dlfferenLlaLlng, and
dellverlng professlonal developmenL currlcula for Lhousands of k-12
Leachers. ur. Maye earned a 8achelor's degree from WlnsLon-Salem SLaLe unlverslLy, a MasLers
ln LducaLlon from LasL Carollna unlverslLy, and a docLoraLe ln Currlculum and lnsLrucLlon aL
1he unlverslLy of norLh Carollna aL Chapel Plll, focuslng her research on undersLandlng how
Leacher ldenLlLles lnfluence relaLlonshlps wlLh sLudenLs and lmpacL lnsLrucLlonal pracLlces such
as culLurally relevanL pedagogy. A Leacher advocaLe and cerLlfled lnsLrucLlonal speclallsL, ur.
Maye esLabllshed eduConsulLlng llrm Lo advance Lhe professlonal growLh of Leachers and Lhe
academlc achlevemenL of sLudenLs naLlonwlde. She conLlnues Lo conducL acLlon research,
sharlng Lhe resulLs of her work wlLh educaLlonal communlLy aL large.

Llsa Llewellyn MclnLosh
Llsa Llewellyn MclnLosh has been an educaLor for 32 years. She
has a 8achelor of ArLs degree from Llon unlverslLy ln Larly Chlldhood
LducaLlon and a MasLer's degree from unC-embroke ln School
AdmlnlsLraLlon and Currlculum & lnsLrucLlon. She has served as a
classroom Leacher, Leacher of Academlcally ClfLed sLudenLs, and a
Currlculum laclllLaLor. She has been a consulLanL aL Lhe norLh Carollna
ueparLmenL of ubllc lnsLrucLlon for Lhe pasL seven years and ls currenLly
worklng ln Lhe Lngllsh Language ArLs SecLlon of Currlculum & lnsLrucLlon.

ur. 8achel orLer
8achel orLer ls LxecuLlve ulrecLor of Lhe CenLers for CuallLy
1eachlng and Learnlng. Per experlence ln educaLlon lncludes Leachlng
4Lh and 3Lh grades, leadlng educaLlon programs for nC sLaLe parks, and
Len years of experlence as a sLaff developmenL speclallsL. 8achel holds a
8A ln elemenLary educaLlon from unCW, a MLd ln currlculum and a hu
ln educaLlon research and pollcy from nCSu.


ur. CalLlln 8yan
ur. CalLlln L. 8yan has spenL Lhe lasL four years as an asslsLanL
professor ln Lhe 8eadlng program aL LasL Carollna unlverslLy ln Lhe
ueparLmenL of LlLeracy SLudles, Lngllsh LducaLlon, and PlsLory
LducaLlon. She earned her MA and hu aL 1he Chlo SLaLe unlverslLy
ln Lhe Language, LlLeracy, and CulLure program. rlor Lo LhaL, she
LaughL readlng and ran k-3 llLeracy programs ln Lhe WashlngLon, uC
publlc schools. CenLral Lo her research and Leachlng ls a focus on
soclal [usLlce and a commlLmenL Lo maklng Lhe Leachlng of readlng meanlngful and engaglng for
every sLudenL. Per work has been publlshed ln a varleLy of llLeracy [ournals. She ls responslble
for LCu's course on Leachlng readlng ln grades 3-3, and she has led rofesslonal uevelopmenL
workshops for Lhe 1ar 8lver 8eadlng Councll, Lhe 1ar 8lver WrlLlng ro[ecL, Lhe Mary Lols SLaLon
Language ArLs conference, and Lhe naLlonal Councll of 1eachers of Lngllsh.


C'1.DB)< :'9'.# 5 3< 345 6

1uesday Sesslons 19

A4$$ B"3 C%,,2'*,D !4%,8"3 ED1170D11

Make It 1ake It L|teracy 1oo| Sess|on
1hls sesslon wlll lnvolve Lhe sharlng and modellng of my LLA llLeracy Lools LhaL can be used Lo
deepen and susLaln readlng comprehenslon and wrlLlng lnsLrucLlon successfully ln Lhe
classroom. arLlclpanLs wlll Lhen geL a chance Lo make a few of Lhese LhaL Lhey wlll be able Lo
learn abouL Loday and use lmmedlaLely ln Lhelr classrooms.

resenLer: kaLhy 8umgardner

Audlence: k-3 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

Creat|ng Cu|tura||y kespons|ve C|assrooms
1hls sesslon ls deslgned Lo equlp Leachers wlLh Lhe know-how and "wlLhlLness" Lo creaLe
learnlng envlronmenLs whlch appeal Lo culLurally and llngulsLlcally dlverse learners. 1eachers
wlll ldenLlfy ways Lo lncrease Lhelr own culLural compeLence and lncorporaLe Lhe culLural
caplLal of Lhelr sLudenLs lnLo Lhelr lnsLrucLlon. llndlng lncluslve ways Lo engage parenLs and
communlLy ln bulldlng funds of knowledge ls an essenLlal componenL of Lhls pracLlce.
AddlLlonally, Leachers wlll galn Lechnlques for engaglng sLudenLs ln crlLlcal quesLlonlng of Lhe

resenLer: ur. uuLchess Maye

Audlence: k-12 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

Language! kefresher
8efresher course for Language! ln order Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhls sesslon Leachers musL have
recelved Language! 1ralnlng ln Lhe pasL and be scheduled Lo Leach a sesslon of Language! Lhls
year. arLlclpaLlon requlres Lhe approval of Lhe bulldlng prlnclpal and LC ulrecLor.

Audlence: Mlddle School Language! 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

20 1uesday Sesslons

1ransMath In|t|a| 1ra|n|ng
rovldes Lralnlng for Leachers ln how Lo provlde lnsLrucLlon uslng Lhe 1ransMaLh program. 1hls
sesslon ls for Leachers who have noL compleLed 1ransMaLh Lralnlng prevlously. arLlclpaLlon
requlres Lhe approval of boLh Lhe bulldlng level prlnclpal and Lhe LC dlrecLor. 1hls ls a one-day

Audlence: 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

Vmath In|t|a| 1ra|n|ng
rovldes Lralnlng for Leachers ln how Lo provlde lnsLrucLlon uslng Lhe vmaLh program. 1hls
sesslon ls for Leachers who have noL compleLed vmaLh Lralnlng prevlously and who are
scheduled Lo use vmaLh durlng 2014-2013. arLlclpaLlon requlres Lhe approval of boLh Lhe
bulldlng level prlnclpal and Lhe LC dlrecLor. 1hls ls a one-day Lralnlng.
Audlence: 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

1h|nk|ng Maps 1ra|n|ng for New 6-8 1eachers
vlsuallzlng our Lhlnklng allows us Lo have a concreLe lmage of our absLracL LhoughLs. vlsual
represenLaLlons enhance Lhe braln's naLural ablllLy Lo deLecL and consLrucL meanlngful
paLLerns. 1hlnklng Maps reduce anxleLy by provldlng famlllar vlsual paLLerns for Lhlnklng and
worklng wlLh complex ldeas and slLuaLlons. 1hls sesslon, deslgned for new Leachers Lo CS, wlll
Lraln Lhem ln Lhe baslcs of uslng 1hlnklng Maps ln Lhelr classroom. 1hlnklng Maps Lralnlng ls
requlred for all new Leachers ln CS

Audlence: new 6-8 1eachers ln CS
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

Wr|te from the 8eg|nn|ng for 6-8 LLA 1eachers
Come parLlclpaLe ln Lhls Lwo-day Lralnlng Lo learn Lhe componenLs of an effecLlve wrlLlng lesson
- wlLh all maLerlals provlded. noLe LhaL Lhls ls a Lwo-day Lralnlng, wlLh day Lwo Lo be provlded
on CcLober 27, 2014. arLlclpanLs musL have Lralnlng ln 1hlnklng Maps before Laklng Lhls

Audlence: 6-8 LLA 1eachers ln CS
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

1uesday Sesslons 21

LC Adapt|ve Curr|cu|um: 8est ract|ces for Improv|ng Success of Students w|th
Sesslon wlll be focused on provldlng sLraLegles and resources relaLed Lo effecLlve programmlng
and lnsLrucLlon for sLudenLs wlLh auLlsm (k-12) who are followlng Lhe adapLlve currlculum.
1oplcs wlll relaLe Lo lmprovlng Lhe soclal, behavloral, and academlc success of Lhese sLudenLs.

Audlence: k-12 LC 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

LC Adapt|ve Curr|cu|um: 8est ract|ces for Improv|ng Success of Students w|th
Inte||ectua| D|sab|||t|es (Moderate and Severe)
Sesslon wlll focus on provldlng sLraLegles and resources relaLed Lo effecLlve programmlng and
lnsLrucLlon for sLudenLs wlLh moderaLe and severe lnLellecLual dlsablllLles (k-12 low-lncldence)
who are followlng Lhe adapLlve currlculum. 1oplcs wlll relaLe Lo lmprovlng Lhe soclal,
behavloral, funcLlonal, and academlc success of Lhese sLudenLs.

Audlence: k-12 LC 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

Math the Iun Way! 3-S
Cr.3-3 Leachers wlll recelve an overvlew of gulded maLh and maLh sLaLlons along wlLh hands-on
sLraLegles LhaL Lhey can use ln Lhelr classrooms Lo help sLudenLs develop maLh concepLual
undersLandlng. SLandards LhaL lnclude volume, area/perlmeLer, declmals and Lhe properLles of
geomeLrlc shapes are easler Lo learn wlLh Lhe use of manlpulaLlves and oLher hands-on
acLlvlLles. When sLudenLs are glven Lhe opporLunlLy Lo Louch and feel Lhe maLh.lL makes more
sense! 1eachers should be prepared Lo be engaged! 8esources wlll be shared.

resenLer: aL Calfee

Audlence: 3-3 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

22 1uesday Sesslons

F"$(7B"3 C%,,2'*,D !4%,8"3 ED117GHD11

Support|ng Wr|te from the 8eg|nn|ng as a r|nc|pa|
1hls sesslon wlll provlde k-3, k-8, and 6-8 prlnclpals and oLher admlnlsLraLors Lhe knowledge,
Lools, and skllls necessary Lo monlLor and supporL WrlLe from Lhe 8eglnnlng ln your school. All
k-3, k-8, and 6-8 prlnclpals are requlred Lo aLLend elLher Lhe AM or M sesslon of Lhls Lralnlng.
resenLer: Susan Ldwards, 1hlnklng Maps
Audlence: k-3, k-8, and 6-8 rlnclpals & AsslsLanL rlnclpal
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

kead L|ke a Detect|ve, Wr|te L|ke a keporter - Integrat|ng L|teracy Across the
1he College and Career 8eadlness SLandards LhaL anchor LLA for Lhe Common Core requlre
sLudenLs Lo develop skllls ln readlng, wrlLlng, speaklng and llsLenlng. 1he new sLandards call on
Leachers of !"" dlsclpllnes Lo weave Lhese skllls more deeply lnLo Lhelr lnsLrucLlon. 1hls sesslon
focuses on Lhe ways Leachers of maLh, sclence, soclal sLudles and Lhe arLs can develop Lhese
four llLeracy areas wlLhln Lhelr varlous conLenL and sub[ecL maLLer. arLlclpanLs wlll Lake on Lhe
role of sLudenLs Lo acLlvely engage ln conLenL-based llLeracy acLlvlLles LhaL requlre Lhem Lo read
llke deLecLlves, wrlLe llke reporLers, llsLen llke safe-crackers and speak llke Leachers. Llnked
acLlvlLles ln Lhe four domalns wlll model a mlnl-pro[ecL sLrucLure LhaL Lhey can use Lo lnLegraLe
llLeracy wlLhln Lhelr speclflc conLenL area(s).
resenLer: ur. 8achel orLer, 1he CenLer for CuallLy 1eachlng & Learnlng
Audlence: k-12 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

nIGn SCnCCL MA1n Course 1, 2,and 3
LxclLlng Llmes for hlgh school maLhemaLlcs! lLL CounLy Schools wlll be rolllng-ouL Lhe use of
LexLbooks and onllne resources for Lhe 2014-2013 school year! Come and see whaL Lhe
producLs have Lo offer and Lhe maLhemaLlcal pracLlces ln acLlons for your sLudenLs as you plan
for Lhe 2014-2013 school year!!!
resenLer: !udy orLer, earson
Audlence: 9-12 MaLh 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

1uesday Sesslons 23

1wenty-I|rst Century 1each|ng and Learn|ng: Lxp|or|ng the 4C's
Lxplorlng Lhe 4 Cs of CommunlcaLlon, CollaboraLlon, CrlLlcal 1hlnklng and CreaLlvlLy on Lhe web wlll
provlde educaLors wlLh Lhe opporLunlLy Lo maxlmlze Lhe lnLeracLlvlLy of Lhe lnLerneL Lo enhance
Leachlng and learnlng. 1hls sesslon wlll examlne a varleLy of resources wlLh poLenLlal for growlng
cenLury learnlng skllls ln sLudenLs by focuslng on a speclflc caLegory. arLlclpanLs wlll collaboraLlvely
explore resources and be glven Lhe opporLunlLy Lo share experlences and addlLlonal acLlvlLles relaLed Lo
Lhe 4 Cs. Sesslon parLlclpanLs should brlng a fully charged lapLop.
resenLer: !ennlfer 8ass & 8eLh Ldwards, ul
Audlence: k-12 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

L|sten|ng to Cur keader 8ra|ns: Comprehens|on Instruct|on for Intermed|ate
Students (3-S)
1hls half-day presenLaLlon wlll focus on helplng Leachers Lune lnLo our own reader bralns Lo beLLer
undersLand how comprehenslon works and whaL we wanL Lhelr sLudenLs Lo do Lo geL beLLer aL lL. We
wlll geL lnLo Lhe mlndseL of our sLudenLs by asklng whaL "comprehendlng" really means: how do we
know whaL comprehenslon ls? Pow do we know when lL happens? Pow do we puL Lhose
undersLandlngs lnLo words for sLudenLs so Lhey can undersLand and use Lhem ln Lhelr own
readlng? We'll use a wlde varleLy of LexLs Lo Lhlnk ln new and creaLlve ways abouL our own Lhlnklng and
Lo pracLlce Lhlnk-alouds LhaL model research-based comprehenslon sLraLegles Lo help sLudenLs learn
beLLer, deeper ways Lo process Lhe varlous LexLs Lhey read.
resenLer: ur. CalLlln 8yan
Audlence: 3-3 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

24 1uesday Sesslons

I/%"J -4+ C%,,2'*,D !4%,8"3 ED117G1DGK

Vocabu|ary, Vocabu|ary, Vocabu|ary
"vocabulary, vocabulary, vocabulary!" wlll lnLroduce a varleLy of vocabulary sLraLegles and
lncorporaLe Lhe use of Lechnology ln vocabulary lessons LhaL Leachers can use ln Lhelr
classroom. 1hls sesslon wlll beneflL Leachers from all grade levels and sub[ecL areas. 1he
vocabulary sLraLegles wlll lnclude uLlllzlng Lhlnklng maps along wlLh lncorporaLlng Lechnology.
Whlle uslng Lhese sLraLegles and Lechnology ln Lhe classroom, Leachers wlll see an lncrease ln
sLudenL engagemenL and achlevemenL.
resenLer: Ashley uavls, 8eLhel School & Amella WhlLe, CM Lppes Mlddle School
Audlence: k-3 and 6-8 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

Stock Market Game - Grades 4-8
1he SLock MarkeL Came ls a mulLl-dlsclpllnary program deslgned Lo enhance sLudenL learnlng ln
economlcs, personal flnance, buslness, Lechnology and maLh. 1he 10 week slmulaLlon has
sLudenLs worklng ln Leams and conducLlng research Lo declde how Lo lnvesL a hypoLheLlcal
$100,000 porLfollo. 1hey Lrack Lhelr lnvesLmenLs over a 10 week perlod. 1he program serves as
a compeLlLlon and sLudenLs compeLe wlLh Lhelr peers across Lhe sLaLe for porLfollo growLh. 1he
program ls proven Lo lmprove undersLandlng of personal flnance concepLs, economlcs concepLs
and ls proven Lo ralse scores on sLandardlzed maLh LesLs. A recenL sLudy showed LhaL sLudenLs
who parLlclpaLed ln grades 4-7 showed nearly a full year of growLh ln maLh skllls vs. Lhelr peers
who dld noL parLlclpaLe. ln grades 8-10 Lhere was almosL x a year growLh vs. peers who dld noL
parLlclpaLe. SLudenLs Lhlnk Lhey are playlng a game, buL Lhey are learnlng lessons for llfe! 1hls
sesslon wlll provlde lnLroducLory lessons, Llps on uLlllzlng Lhe program, and lnformaLlon on how
Lo parLlclpaLe aL no cosL.
resenLer: nC Councll for Lconomlc LducaLlon
Audlence: k-3 1eachers, 6-8 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

1uesday Sesslons 23

Ut|||z|ng Schoo| Net In our Instruct|on
Learn how Lo use School neL Lo generaLe LesL and pracLlce quesLlons LhaL are allgned Lo Lhe
new common core sLandards for maLh and language arLs. Learn how Lo lmporL Lhe daLa sLralghL
Lo power school.
resenLer: uonna SLeele, AC Cox
Audlence: 6-8 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

I/%"J -4+ C%,,2'*,D !4%,8"3 G1DL17GGD0K

1he S|x 1ra|ts of Wr|t|ng
CfLenLlmes, Leachers are greaL wrlLers Lhemselves buL flnd lL very dlfflculL Lo Leach Lhelr
sLudenLs how Lo do Lhe same Lhlng. 1eachlng wrlLlng doesn'L have Lo be a paln, and lL shouldn'L
be so dreaded and dlsmal. 1hls workshop ls deslgned Lo Leach mlddle school educaLors how"
Lo Leach wrlLlng Lo Lhelr sLudenLs and Lo show Lhem Lhe necessary sLeps lL Lakes Lo grow young
resenLer: klmberly Lucas, 6-8 LLA Currlculum Coach & 1enlsha Polloway-owell
Audlence: 6-8 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

Creat|ng a C|ass Webs|te us|ng Goog|e
ln Lhls sesslon you wlll learn how Lo use Coogle Lo creaLe a class webslLe LhaL ls boLh
lnformaLlve & engaglng for parenLs & sLudenLs. 1hls sesslon wlll show you how Lo creaLe a new
webslLe from scraLch or how Lo Lake your currenL webslLe Lo Lhe nexL level. Learn how Lo add
vldeos for learnlng, Coogle Calendars, lnformaLlon for sLudenLs & parenLs, how Lo llnk Lo
educaLlonal slLes & so much more! arLlclpanLs should brlng a lapLop.
resenLer: PeaLher LandreLh and Clna Locklear, WP 8oblnson
Audlence: k-3 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

26 1uesday Sesslons

Lcon Iocus: M|dd|e Schoo| Wor|d n|story
locus: Mlddle School World PlsLory provldes mlddle school hlsLory Leachers wlLh lessons,
downloadable vlsuals and acLlvlLles LhaL lncorporaLe economlcs lnLo a varleLy of world hlsLory
Loplcs. Lach Leacher aLLendlng Lhe sesslon wlll recelve a free copy of Lhe resource whlch
lncludes a companlon webslLe of downloadable maLerlals.
resenLer: NC Council for Economic Education
Audlence: 6-8 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30
?4*5; I/%"J GGDK17GD11
Locat|on: Cafeter|a
Lunch provlded on-slLe for Lhose who pre-reglsLer ln My Learnlng lan. Lunch |s on|y |nc|uded
|f you reg|ster for one of the fu||-day sess|ons, a|| others must reg|ster.
F"$(7B"3 C%,,2'*,D !4%,8"3 GD1170D11

Support|ng Wr|te from the 8eg|nn|ng as a r|nc|pa| (repeated sess|on)
1hls sesslon wlll provlde k-3, k-8, and 6-8 prlnclpals and oLher admlnlsLraLors Lhe knowledge,
Lools, and skllls necessary Lo monlLor and supporL WrlLe from Lhe 8eglnnlng ln your school. All
k-3, k-8, and 6-8 prlnclpals are requlred Lo aLLend elLher Lhe AM or M sesslon of Lhls Lralnlng.
resenLer: Susan Ldwards, 1hlnklng Maps
Audlence: k-3, k-8, and 6-8 rlnclpals & AsslsLanL rlnclpal
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

kesources and Strateg|es that promote ||teracy |n the 9-12 Lng||sh C|assroom
1hls sesslon wlll be deslgned Lo offer resources and sLraLegles Lo Lngllsh Leachers LhaL wlll
promoLe llLeracy ln Lhe classroom and fosLer sLudenL lnLeresL ln readlng wlLhln Lhe conLenL
resenLer: Amy Pllllard & MarLy 8aker, Ayden-CrlfLon PS
Audlence: 9-12 LLA 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

1uesday Sesslons 27

Deve|op|ng Vocabu|ary
1he Common Core SLandards sLaLe LhaL all College and Career 8eady SLudenLs should be
capable of acqulrlng and uLlllzlng a wlde-ranglng vocabulary. ln order for Lhls Lo become a
reallzaLlon, all Leachers musL Leach wlLh Lhe lnLenLlon of supporLlng Lhe acqulslLlon of a rlch
vocabulary ln every sLudenL. 1hls hands-on sesslon provldes Leachers wlLh opporLunlLles Lo
enhance vocabulary lnsLrucLlon ln any conLenL area, Lhrough Lhe modellng of lnsLrucLlonal
pracLlces and creaLlon of plans LhaL lnclude a varleLy of effecLlve sLraLegles. arLlclpanLs wlll
Lake away numerous sLraLegles and Lools LhaL wlll enhance Lhe way Lhey approach vocabulary
ln Lhelr classrooms.
resenLer: ur. 8achel orLer, 1he CenLer for CuallLy 1eachlng & Learnlng
Audlence: k-12 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

1hls sesslon wlll provlde lnslghL lnLo Lhe SchoolneL plece of Pome 8ase and Lhe feaLures and
funcLlonallLy of creaLlng assessmenLs as well as explorlng Lhe lnsLrucLlonal resources and lessons found
wlLhln Lhe sysLem. Sesslon parLlclpanLs should brlng a fully charged lapLop.
resenLer: !ennlfer 8ass & 8eLh Ldwards, ul
Audlence: k-12 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

28 1uesday Sesslons

8reak Cut Sess|ons: 1uesday 1:00-2:1S

1echno|ogy Integrat|on |n 9-12 LLA
navlgaLlng Lhe world of Web 2.0 Lools can be daunLlng for Lhe Lechnology novlce or even Lhe
Lechle. Cur own navlgaLlons have lead us Lo Lwo Lools LhaL you can easlly learn Loday and
lmplemenL Lomorrow Lo engage a sLruggllng sLudenL or challenge an already-successful
sLudenL. Come prepared Lo explore and creaLe ln an engaglng co-Leachlng sesslon where you
wlll work hands-on wlLh Lwo dlglLal Lools, 8lendspace (a user-frlendly Lool sLudenLs and
Leachers can use Lo collecL, organlze, and share dlglLal conLenL for purposes such as blogglng
abouL pre-arranged Loplcs, a lesson-plannlng or presenLaLlon plaLform, an assessmenL Lool, and
more), and Coogle Maps (whlch can be used by sLudenLs and Leachers Lo creaLe and share
cross-currlcular vlrLual Lrlps uslng llLeraLure and lnformaLlonal LexLs, and presenL personal
narraLlves and oLher creaLlve wrlLlng pleces). We hope you leave Lhls sesslon feellng more
equlpped Lo creaLlvely uLlllze Lhese Lwo dlglLal Lools Lo enhance your pre-exlsLlng lessons or
resenLer: Lauren Brittenham & Christy Sutton, Farmville Central High School
Audlence: 9-12 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

I'm Done, Now What? D|g|ta| Compact|ng for AIG Students |n the kegu|ar Ld
A focus of Lhe sLaLe-wlde AlC program ls Lo provlde our glfLed learners wlLh "AlC all day,
everyday," buL Lhls can presenL challenges ln classrooms wlLh a wlde range of learners and llLLle
Leacher knowledge as Lo Lhe needs of Lhe glfLed sLudenL. 1hls sesslon wlll provlde Leachers ln
grades 3-3 wlLh sLraLegles on how Lo do [usL LhaL. LducaLors wlll learn abouL uslng pre-LesLlng
and conferenclng Lo deLermlne whaL Lhe glfLed learner already knows conLenL wlse, and how Lo
use Lhls daLa Lo challenge and enrlch Lhese sLudenLs ln Lhe regular classroom. 1oplcs wlll
lnclude creaLlng dlglLal learnlng menus, compacLlng, fllpplng, and sLudenL-selecLed learnlng
pro[ecLs. 1eachers wlll vlew and be provlded wlLh examples used wlLh glfLed learners and be
glven Lhe opporLunlLy Lo neLwork wlLhln grade levels Lo begln creaLlng Lhelr own conLenL for
glfLed sLudenLs Lhey serve. 1eachers wlll also be provlded wlLh onllne and prlnL resources Lo
asslsL ln Lhelr plannlng for glfLed learners for Lhe upcomlng school year.
resenLer: Cabrlelle 8ohlnskl, Sam 8undy School
Audlence: k-3 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

1uesday Sesslons 29

"|cture 1h|s!" k-2
AL a recenL conference, Lhe presenLer made a profound sLaLemenL LhaL was an ah ha for me.
She sLaLed "SLudenLs have Lo learn Lo be crlLlcal Lhlnkers 8LlC8L Lhey can become crlLlcal
readers"! Pow Lrue Lhls ls, so why noL use plcLures and phoLographs Lo fosLer Lhls. uurlng Lhls
sesslon, parLlclpanLs wlll learn how Lo use real llfe examples and plcLures/phoLographs Lo
lnLroduce comprehenslon sLraLegles Lo learners. Some concreLe examples wlll come from 1anny
McCregor's book enLlLled Comprehenslon ConnecLlons and Lhen we wlll explore Lhe use of
plcLures Lo deepen sLudenLs' undersLandlng. 1hls sesslon ls especlally helpful for 1eachers who
Leach k-2, sLruggllng readers and LLL sLudenLs. 1hey say "A lcLure ls WorLh a 1housand Words"
so come check lL ouL!
resenLer: uenlse Cwens, CA8L 1eacher
Audlence: k-2 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

Lcon Us|ng Ch||dren's L|terature - Unc|e Ied's 8arbershop k-S
1eachers wlll learn how Lo use classlc chlldren's llLeraLure Lo Leacher economlcs and personal
flnance concepLs. 1hls sesslon wlll cover Lhe chlldren's book uncle !ed's 8arber Shop" and wlll
provlde sLraLegles for connecLlng economlcs and personal flnance lessons and concepLs Lhrough
lnLeracLlve acLlvlLles. 1eachers wlll recelve handouLs Lo use.
resenLer: nC Councll for Lconomlc LducaLlon
Audlence: k-3 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

30 1uesday Sesslons

I/%"J -4+ C%,,2'*,D !4%,8"3 HDL17LD0K
"|cture 1h|s!" Grades 3-S
AL a recenL conference, Lhe presenLer made a profound sLaLemenL LhaL was an ah ha for me.
She sLaLed "SLudenLs have Lo learn Lo be crlLlcal Lhlnkers 8LlC8L Lhey can become crlLlcal
readers"! Pow Lrue Lhls ls, so why noL use plcLures and phoLographs Lo fosLer Lhls. uurlng Lhls
sesslon, parLlclpanLs wlll learn how Lo use real llfe examples and plcLures/phoLographs Lo
lnLroduce comprehenslon sLraLegles Lo learners. Some concreLe examples wlll come from 1anny
McCregor's book enLlLled Comprehenslon ConnecLlons and Lhen we wlll explore Lhe use of
plcLures Lo deepen sLudenLs' undersLandlng. 1hls sesslon ls especlally helpful for 1eachers who
Leach k-2, sLruggllng readers and LLL sLudenLs. 1hey say "A lcLure ls WorLh a 1housand Words"
so come check lL ouL!
resenLer: uenlse Cwens, CA8L 1eacher
Audlence: 3-3 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

Stock Market Game - Grades 4-8 (kepeat Sess|on)
1he SLock MarkeL Came ls a mulLl-dlsclpllnary program deslgned Lo enhance sLudenL learnlng ln
economlcs, personal flnance, buslness, Lechnology and maLh. 1he 10 week slmulaLlon has
sLudenLs worklng ln Leams and conducLlng research Lo declde how Lo lnvesL a hypoLheLlcal
$100,000 porLfollo. 1hey Lrack Lhelr lnvesLmenLs over a 10 week perlod. 1he program serves as
a compeLlLlon and sLudenLs compeLe wlLh Lhelr peers across Lhe sLaLe for porLfollo growLh. 1he
program ls proven Lo lmprove undersLandlng of personal flnance concepLs, economlcs concepLs
and ls proven Lo ralse scores on sLandardlzed maLh LesLs. A recenL sLudy showed LhaL sLudenLs
who parLlclpaLed ln grades 4-7 showed nearly a full year of growLh ln maLh skllls vs. Lhelr peers
who dld noL parLlclpaLe. ln grades 8-10 Lhere was almosL x a year growLh vs. peers who dld noL
parLlclpaLe. SLudenLs Lhlnk Lhey are playlng a game, buL Lhey are learnlng lessons for llfe! 1hls
sesslon wlll provlde lnLroducLory lessons, Llps on uLlllzlng Lhe program, and lnformaLlon on how
Lo parLlclpaLe aL no cosL.
resenLer: nC Councll for Lconomlc LducaLlon
Audlence: k-3 1eachers, 6-8 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

1uesday Sesslons 31

Work Sess|on
1hls sesslon wlll allow Leachers Lo collaboraLe and neLwork Lo deslgn new lesson plans and/or
assessmenLs allgned wlLh Lhe new sLandards. 8eglsLraLlon ls nC1 requlred Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhls
sesslon and CLus wlll noL be awarded for parLlclpaLlon.

LocaLlon: Medla CenLer

Audlence: 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: unllmlLed

32 1uesday Sesslons

E1D(1.DB)< :'9'.# 5 F< 345 6

Wednesday Sesslons 33

A4$$ B"3 C%,,2'*,D M%8*%,8"3 ED1170D11

Deve|opment of Improv|sat|on |n the Genera| Mus|c C|assroom through Drum
and ky|ophone Lnsemb|es
ln Lhls hands on workshop parLlclpanLs wlll learn how Lo Leach drum and xylophone ensembles
whlle addresslng Lhe naLlonal sLandards of muslc, focuslng speclflcally on lmprovlsaLlon.
1hrough Lhe sLudy of Lhe ensembles presenLed Lhe parLlclpanL wlll develop an undersLandlng of
Lhe lnfluence of forelgn culLures Lo our undersLandlng of muslc and muslc educaLlon. 1hough
Lhere wlll be lnLegraLlon of oLher dlsclpllnes or academlc currlculum, Lhe parLlclpanL wlll be able
Lo deflne how Lhe sLudy of muslc for Lhe sake of learnlng muslc ls lnLegral ln Lhe developmenL
of Lhe whole chlld ln any school sysLem. 1he ensembles learned ln Lhls workshop are
exLenslons of Lhe process and concepLs LaughL and used ln Lhe World Muslc urummlng

resenLer: !ames 1homas Mader, arkway Mlddle School of Lhe ArLs, lL. Lauderdale, llorlda

Audlence: 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

Language! In|t|a| 1ra|n|ng
1eaches Language 1ralnlng Lo Leachers LhaL have noL been Lralned ln Language! arLlclpaLlon
requlres Lhe approval of boLh Lhe bulldlng-level prlnclpal and LC ulrecLor. 1hls ls a Lwo-day
Lralnlng (AugusL 14-13) and parLlclpanLs musL aLLend boLh days.
Audlence: 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

kead 3D: New 1eacher 1ra|n|ng
8equlred of all new k-3 Leachers Lo lLL CounLy Schools who are noL already Lralned ln 8ead3u.
Audlence: 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

36 Wednesday Sesslons

1h|nk|ng Maps 1ra|n|ng for New k-S 1eachers
vlsuallzlng our Lhlnklng allows us Lo have a concreLe lmage of our absLracL LhoughLs. vlsual
represenLaLlons enhance Lhe braln's naLural ablllLy Lo deLecL and consLrucL meanlngful
paLLerns. 1hlnklng Maps reduce anxleLy by provldlng famlllar vlsual paLLerns for Lhlnklng and
worklng wlLh complex ldeas and slLuaLlons. 1hls sesslon, deslgned for new Leachers Lo CS, wlll
Lraln Lhem ln Lhe baslcs of uslng 1hlnklng Maps ln Lhelr classroom. 1hlnklng Maps Lralnlng ls
requlred for all new Leachers ln CS

Audlence: new 1eachers ln CS
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

D|gg|ng Deeper |nto the Common Core: C|ose kead|ng, 1ext Dependent
uest|ons, and Academ|c Vocabu|ary
1hls full-day sesslon wlll help Leachers develop sLraLegles for close readlng, asklng LexL
dependenL quesLlons, and ldenLlfylng 1ler 2 words ln Lhelr classrooms.

resenLer: Llsa Llewellyn MclnLosh, ueparLmenL of ubllc lnsLrucLlon

Audlence: k-12 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

Vmath kefresher
rovldes refresher Lralnlng for Leachers ln how Lo provlde lnsLrucLlon uslng Lhe vmaLh program.
1hls one day sesslon ls for Leachers who have prevlously compleLed lnlLlal Lralnlng and are
scheduled Lo use vmaLh durlng 2014-2013. arLlclpaLlon requlres Lhe approval of Lhe bulldlng-
level prlnclpal and Lhe LC dlrecLor.

Audlence: k-12 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

Wr|te from the 8eg|nn|ng for k-2 1eachers
Come parLlclpaLe ln Lhls Lwo-day Lralnlng Lo learn Lhe componenLs of an effecLlve wrlLlng lesson
- wlLh all maLerlals provlded. noLe LhaL Lhls ls a Lwo-day Lralnlng, wlLh day Lwo Lo be provlded
on CcLober 27, 2014. arLlclpanLs musL have Lralnlng ln 1hlnklng Maps before Laklng Lhls

Audlence: new k-2 1eachers ln CS
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

Wednesday Sesslons 37

Math the Iun Way! k-2
k-2 Leachers wlll recelve an overvlew of gulded maLh and maLh sLaLlons along wlLh hands-on
sLraLegles LhaL Lhey can use ln Lhelr classrooms Lo help sLudenLs develop maLh concepLual
undersLandlng. SLraLegles LhaL provlde sLudenLs wlLh hands-on maLh experlence are Lhe key Lo
laylng a sLrong foundaLlon ln maLh. AcLlvlLles ln Lhls sesslon wlll lnclude Lhe use of doL cards, Len
frames, parL-parL-whole maLs, base Len blocks and oLher manlpulaLlve. 1eachers should be
prepared Lo be engaged! 8esources wlll be shared.

resenLer: aL Calfee

Audlence: k-2 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

Acce|erated Math
1eachers wlll learn Lhe skllls needed Lo effecLlvely lmplemenL AcceleraLed
MaLh ln Lhelr classrooms, lncludlng analysls of baslc daLa Lo monlLor sLudenL
progress and Lhe use of 8enalssance Learnlng resources Lo help sLudenLs who
are sLruggllng and drlve sLudenLs who are ready Lo advance.

resenLer: 8oberL 8urroughs

Audlence: k-3 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

Palf uay Sesslons: Wednesday 9:00-12:00
Mak|ng k|gorous Instruct|on a kea||ty
When educaLors dlscuss lncreaslng rlgor" ln classrooms, whaL do Lhey really mean?
undersLandlng Lhe lmpllcaLlons of new sLandards means looklng beyond Lhe buzzwords and
creaLlng deeper, more complex learnlng LhaL reveals sLudenLs' full poLenLlal. 1hls sesslon wlll
help Leachers lnLerpreL new sLandards ln Lerms of learnlng levels and complexlLy. Close
examlnaLlon of boLh Lhe 8evlsed 8loom's 1axonomy (881) and Webb's uepLh of knowledge
(uCk) wlll be palred wlLh analysls and appllcaLlon of Leachlng pracLlces besL maLched Lo Lhe
rlgor of new sLandards.
resenLer: ur 8achel orLer, 1he CenLer for CuallLy 1eachlng & Learnlng
Audlence: k-12 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

38 Wednesday Sesslons

kesources and Strateg|es that promote ||teracy |n the 9-12 Sc|ence C|assroom
1hls sesslon wlll be deslgned Lo offer resources and sLraLegles Lo Sclence Leachers LhaL wlll
promoLe llLeracy ln Lhe classroom and fosLer sLudenL lnLeresL ln readlng wlLhln Lhe conLenL
resenLer: Amy Pllllard & MarLy 8aker, Ayden-CrlfLon Plgh School
Audlence: 9-12 Sclence 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

8IG IDLAS M|dd|e Grades Common Core
1hls ls your opporLunlLy Lo dlscover and re-dlscover whaL your new LexLbook serles has Lo offer
and learn more abouL Lhe MaLhemaLlcal racLlces. AfLer year one of lmplemenLaLlon, Lhls wlll
glve you an opporLunlLy Lo lnvlgoraLe your plans for Lhe 2014-2013 school year!
resenLer: 8arb Weber
Audlence: 6-8 MaLh 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

Schoo|Net (kepeat sess|on)
1hls sesslon wlll provlde lnslghL lnLo Lhe SchoolneL plece of Pome 8ase and Lhe feaLures and
funcLlonallLy of creaLlng assessmenLs as well as explorlng Lhe lnsLrucLlonal resources and lessons found
wlLhln Lhe sysLem. Sesslon parLlclpanLs should brlng a fully charged lapLop.
resenLer: !ennlfer 8ass & 8eLh Ldwards, ul
Audlence: k-12 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

Wednesday Sesslons 39

L|terature C|rc|es w|th Intermed|ate Students: Cho|ce +
Construct|ve 1a|k = Comprehens|on!
When you flnlsh a good book, whaL do you do? Chances are you wanL Lo 1ALk
wlLh someone abouL lL, noL Lake a mulLlple-cholce qulz. 1he same ls Lrue for our
sLudenLs, Loo! 1hls half-day presenLaLlon wlll help Leachers undersLand Lhe many beneflLs of llLeraLure
clrcles for lnLermedlaLe readers. We'll Lalk abouL Lhe general sLrucLure and maln ldeas of llLeraLure
clrcles, Lhlnklng especlally abouL how research supporLs sLudenL cholce and consLrucLlve Lalk Lo deepen
sLudenLs' comprehenslon of Lhe LexLs Lhey read. We'll also waLch vldeos and geL Lo Lry some llLeraLure
clrcles of our own and see how our undersLandlng of Lhls acLlvlLy changes when we engage deeply as
readers wlLh hlgh-quallLy LexLs. Come ready Lo read, Lalk, Lhlnk, and en[oy books wlLh one anoLher.
resenLer: ur. CalLlln 8yan
Audlence: 3-3 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

8reak CuL Sesslons: Wednesday 9:00-10:13
llubaroo ls a free gradlng scrlpL uslng Coogle forms Lo qulckly and easlly collecL and analyze
sLudenL performance daLa, and lL ls especlally useful for LCs. Come experlence how Leachers
can creaLe forms, lnsLall flubaroo, and grade Lhelr assessmenLs elecLronlcally.
resenLer: !ullan CarLer, CM Lppes Mlddle School
Audlence: 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

1echno|ogy |n the Lng||sh Language Arts M|dd|e Schoo| C|assroom
llndlng lL dlfflculL Lo lncorporaLe Lechnology lnLo your Lngllsh Language ArLs classroom? lease
[oln us for a sesslon focused on lnLegraLlng varlous Lypes of Lechnology resources lnLo Lhe
Common Core LLA classroom such as LdModo, kahooL, 8eadworks, SAS Currlculum aLhways,
Symbaloo, ullgo, uellclous, and Museum 8ox. lncrease your Leachlng reperLolre by golng
ouLslde of Lhe LradlLlonal academlc approach ln order Lo make Lechnology a more naLural
process ln Lhe classroom. LducaLors aLLendlng Lhls sesslon are encouraged Lo brlng Lhelr own
Lechnologlcal devlces (lpads, LableLs, lapLops, smarL phones, eLc.).
resenLer: Polly LnLzmlnger & klm 8ussell, AC Cox Mlddle School
Audlence: 6-8 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

40 Wednesday Sesslons

8reak CuL Sesslons: Wednesday 10:30-11:43
Lngage, Connect and Mot|vate!
Two happy motivated teachers will show you all useful tools to engage, connect and motivate
your students. Come along and get your free ticket to this hair-raising ride!
resenLer: Carollna Perrera, n Plgh School, & ulana vargas, Ayden Mlddle School
Audlence: k-12 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

Access|ng Goog|e 1emp|ates
Learn how to Access Google templates, Integrate Google templates into Social Studies, and
implement creation based instruction.
resenLer: !ullan CarLer, CM Lppes Mlddle School
Audlence: 6-8 and 9-12 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

1each|ng 1h|nk|ng
1he Common Core SLandards are deslgned Lo make sLudenLs college and career ready, buL Lhe
challenge lles ln how" Leachers wlll address Lhese sLandards ln Lhe classroom. 1hls workshop
wlll address 7 key proflclencles for Leachlng Lhlnklng" wlLhln Lhe Common Core classroom. 1hls
sesslon wlll focus on crlLlcal Lhlnklng, creaLlve Lhlnklng, complex Lhlnklng, comprehenslve
Lhlnklng, collaboraLlve Lhlnklng, communlcaLlve Lhlnklng, and cognlLlve Lransfer.
resenLer: klm Lucas, CS 6-8 LLA Currlculum Coach, Sara alnLer, SlC lnsLrucLlonal Coach, and
1enlsha Polloway-owell
Audlence: 6-8 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

Wednesday Sesslons 41

1each|ng the Amer|can kevo|ut|on
Cuy Plgglns of Lhe Sons of Lhe Amerlcan 8evoluLlon wlll presenL Lo Leachers a model lesson of
whaL he can brlng Lo a school as a llvlng hlsLorlan. uressed ln colonlal gear and sharlng arLlfacLs
of Lhe age, Lhls ls a "fleld Lrlp comes Lo class" approach. 1he purpose of Lhe SA8 ls Lo promoLe
paLrloLlc, hlsLorlc, and educaLlonal hlghllghLs of Lhe sacrlflces made ln Lhe name of freedom
durlng Lhe Amerlcan 8evoluLlon. 1he Loplcs covered wlll mosL appeal Lo 4Lh, 3Lh & 8Lh grade
Soclal SLudles currlculum, buL ls open Lo all Leachers. 1eachers wlll recelve conLacL lnfo for
schedullng a vlslL Lo Lhelr school as well as oLher promoLlonal maLerlals for SA8 hlsLory conLesLs
LhaL sLudenLs can enLer.
resenLer: Cuy Plgglns, Sons of Lhe Amerlcan 8evoluLlon - Ceorge WashlngLon ChapLer
Audlence: k-3 & 6-8 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

8u||d|ng Common Core Lesson |ans w|th k|gor
1eachers wlll learn sLraLegles for lncreaslng sLudenL engagemenL by engaglng ln crlLlcal Lhlnklng
and 21
cenLury skllls. 1hese sLraLegles lnclude Lechnlques such as SocraLlc semlnars,
quesLlonlng Lechnlques, and Lhe CAMLS readlng sLraLegy.
resenLer: !esslca Cammell-8enneLL and Amy 8rlnkley, larmvllle CenLral Plgh School
Audlence: 9-12 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30
?4*5; I/%"J GGDK17GD11

Locat|on: Cafeter|a
Lunch provlded on-slLe for Lhose who pre-reglsLer ln My Learnlng lan. Lunch |s on|y |nc|uded
|f you reg|ster for one of the fu||-day sess|ons, a|| others must reg|ster.

42 Wednesday Sesslons

F"$(7B"3 C%,,2'*,D M%8*%,8"3 GD1170D11
Increas|ng Student Lngagement
21sL CenLury Learnlng Lechnologles have Lhe poLenLlal Lo capLlvaLe and engage sLudenLs.
Learnlng lLself ls a complex process. C1L's sLraLegles for engaglng sLudenLs represenL a
comprehenslve approach Lo lnsLrucLlon based on Lhe manner ln whlch Lhe braln learns mosL
efflclenLly and effecLlvely. 1hls sesslon models appllcaLlon of braln-based learnlng ln Lhe 21sL
CenLury Classroom and explores Lhe lmpacL on sLudenL engagemenL.
resenLer: ur. 8achel orLer, 1he CenLer for CuallLy 1eachlng & Learnlng
Audlence: k-12 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

kesources and Strateg|es that promote ||teracy |n the 9-12 Soc|a| Stud|es
1hls sesslon wlll be deslgned Lo offer resources and sLraLegles Lo Soclal SLudles Leachers LhaL
wlll promoLe llLeracy ln Lhe classroom and fosLer sLudenL lnLeresL ln readlng wlLhln Lhe conLenL
resenLer: Amy Pllllard & MarLy 8aker, Ayden-CrlfLon Plgh School
Audlence: 9-12 SS 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

Lng||sh II 1eachers & 1he|r Sp|n on the 1est
1hrough uemonsLraLlng how Lo Lrack sLudenL performance daLa by sLandard boLh ln whole class
and lndlvldual sLudenL formaLs, revlewlng formaLs for ClAs, and explalnlng how Lo use daLa ln
LC declslon maklng, Leachers wlll examlne Lhe sLrucLure, requlremenLs and formaL of Lhe
Lngllsh ll LCC.
resenLer: Amy 8rlnkley & !esslca Cammell-8enneLL, larmvllle CenLral Plgh School
Audlence: PS Lngllsh ll 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

Wednesday Sesslons 43

1hls sesslon wlll provlde lnslghL lnLo Lhe Cpen Class plece of Pome 8ase and Lhe feaLures and
funcLlonallLy of uslng Lhls collaboraLlon sulLe. arLlclpanLs wlll experlence Cpen Class from boLh a
sLudenL and Leacher perspecLlve and develop an undersLandlng of Lhe varlous componenLs and feaLures
of Cpen Class. Sesslon parLlclpanLs should brlng a fully charged lapLop.
resenLer: !ennlfer 8ass & 8eLh Ldwards, ul
Audlence: k-12 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

I/%"J -4+ C%,,2'*,D M%8*%,8"3 GD117HDGK

D|scover Nat|ona| 8oard's New Modu|es
naLlonal 8oard for rofesslonal 1eachlng SLandards rolled ouL lLs new formaL wlLh Lhe 2014
cycle. 1hls wlll be an lnformaLlonal sesslon for Leachers conslderlng naLlonal 8oard cerLlflcaLlon.
llnd ouL how Lhe new modules work, whaL Lhey cover, and how much Lhey cosL. CeL
lnformaLlon on ellglblllLy, cerLlflcaLlon areas, and Lhe loan process.
resenLer: uonna MaLLhews, n81S CoordlnaLor
Audlence: k-12 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

Mode||ng Instruct|on |n Sc|ence C|assrooms
Modellng lnsLrucLlon ls a pedagogy used ln sclence classrooms LhaL requlres sLudenLs Lo collecL
and use evldence Lo develop worklng models wlLh Lhelr sclence conLenL. SLudenLs Lhen deploy
Lhelr model Lo solve problems and revlse Lhe model as Lhey encounLer new conLenL.
lnsLrucLlonal sLraLegles lnclude collaboraLlve group work and whlLeboard meeLlngs durlng
whlch Llme Lhe Leacher becomes a faclllLaLor. Come LxL8lLnCL modellng lnsLrucLlon for
resenLer: LllzabeLh aLe & !ennlfer nesLer, SouLh CenLral Plgh School
Audlence: 6-8 & 9-12 Sclence 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

44 Wednesday Sesslons

Instruct|ona| Strateg|es for the k-S Math C|assroom
Learn Lo dlfferenLlaLe your maLh lnsLrucLlon by uslng Lhe same framework LhaL ls proven
successful ln llLeracy lnsLrucLlon. 8ased on Lhe prlnclpals of gulded maLh, use a daLa drlven,
dlfferenLlaLed approach Lo lnsLrucLlon LhaL allows Leachers Lhe opporLunlLy Lo LargeL skllls,
malnLaln rlgor, and lncrease sLudenL's confldence and ablllLy level. SLraLegles ln Lhls sesslon wlll
help you flll ln gaps, LargeL speclflc sLandards and lncrease your sLudenL's problem solvlng
resenLer: Mallory Paynes, Mlssl losLer, Alyssa Champlne, 8elvolr LlemenLary
Audlence: k-3 Sclence 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

Us|ng Goog|e Docs to Lngage, Crgan|ze, and rov|de Usefu| Ieedback
1he sesslon wlll dlscuss how Lo use Coogle uocs Lo engage sLudenLs, organlze asslgnmenLs, and provlde
useful feedback Lo sLudenLs. 1he examples wlll be 10Lh grade LLA, buL Lhey can easlly be adapLed Lo
oLher conLenL areas.

Lngaglng sLudenLs ls Lrlcky. Many Llmes sLudenLs dlsengage because of amblgulLy, lack of dlrecLlon, or a
bellef LhaL Lhe conLenL ls lrrelevanL. An example hlgh school LLA lessons wlll be shown focuslng on
AuLhor's SLyle. 1hls lesson wlll model uslng Coogle uocs Lo engage wlLh lnLeresLlng sources and engage
by provldlng clear lnsLrucLlons. Lesson aspecLs wlll lnclude Lwo poems, a non-flcLlon speech, and an
excerpL from a non-flcLlon slave narraLlve. lf aLLendees would llke, l wlll also show an example of a
lesson l Lrled LhaL had greaL resources buL poor dlrecLlons.

Crganlzlng lesson conLenL or sLudenL work ls easy uslng Coogle uocs. 1eachers wlll be shown how Lo
uLlllze folders and a ScrlpL called uocLopus LhaL allows Leachers Lo send, edlL, and lock asslgnmenLs uslng
Coogle uocs.

rovldlng feedback Lo sLudenLs uslng Coogle uocs could be accompllshed a varleLy of ways. 1hls sesslon
wlll show uslng commenLs and group edlLlng for formaLlve assessmenL and growLh, aLLendees wlll also
be shown how Lo use Coobrlc and Lhe embargo feaLure of uocLopus for summaLlve assessmenL. 10Lh
grade research papers wlll be used as examples.
resenLer: 8andy Melsenhelder, norLh lLL Plgh School
Audlence: 6-8 & 9-12 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

Wednesday Sesslons 43

1each|ng the Amer|can kevo|ut|on (kepeat Sess|on)
Cuy Plgglns of Lhe Sons of Lhe Amerlcan 8evoluLlon wlll presenL Lo Leachers a model lesson of
whaL he can brlng Lo a school as a llvlng hlsLorlan. uressed ln colonlal gear and sharlng arLlfacLs
of Lhe age, Lhls ls a "fleld Lrlp comes Lo class" approach. 1he purpose of Lhe SA8 ls Lo promoLe
paLrloLlc, hlsLorlc, and educaLlonal hlghllghLs of Lhe sacrlflces made ln Lhe name of freedom
durlng Lhe Amerlcan 8evoluLlon. 1he Loplcs covered wlll mosL appeal Lo 4Lh, 3Lh & 8Lh grade
Soclal SLudles currlculum, buL ls open Lo all Leachers. 1eachers wlll recelve conLacL lnfo for
schedullng a vlslL Lo Lhelr school as well as oLher promoLlonal maLerlals for SA8 hlsLory conLesLs
LhaL sLudenLs can enLer.
resenLer: Cuy Plgglns, Sons of Lhe Amerlcan 8evoluLlon - Ceorge WashlngLon ChapLer
Audlence: k-3 & 6-8 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

8reak CuL Sesslons: Wednesday 2:30-3:43
N8C1: kenewa| and kef|ect|on
naLlonal 8oard CerLlfled 1eachers ln Lhelr 8Lh or 9Lh year of lnlLlal cerLlflcaLlon needlng Lo seek
renewal wlll geL rofesslonal CrowLh Lxperlence lnformaLlon. We wlll revlew renewal
guldellnes and sLarL caLegorlzlng CLs. 8enewal candldaLes wlll leave Lhls sesslon ready Lo
resenLer: uonna MaLLhews, n81S CoordlnaLor
Audlence: k-12 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

A Mu|t|-Sensory Approach to 1each|ng
Learn abouL Lhe Whole 8raln 8esL 1eachlng racLlce proven Lo lncrease sLudenL reLenLlon and
engagemenL. 1he process helps flL Lhe needs of every learner ln your classroom whlle also
worklng as a powerful classroom managemenL Lool. 1hls Lechnlque can be adapLed Lo learners
of all ages and wlll empower your sLudenLs Lo become llfe long learners.
resenLer: Mallory Paynes and Mlssl losLer, 8elvolr LlemenLary School
Audlence: k-3 & 6-8 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

46 Wednesday Sesslons

Us|ng A Standards 8ased Grad|ng System
Come whaL SLandards 8ased Cradlng (S8C) ls and exacLly how Lo lmplemenL lL ln your
classroom! S8C ls a gradlng sysLem LhaL ls based solely on sLudenL masLery of small conLenL
ob[ecLlves. S8C rewards sLudenLs who work on conLenL beyond an lnlLlal assessmenL daLe and
does noL penallze sLudenLs who need addlLlonal Llme Lo show masLery of conLenL. lL also allows
Leachers Lo easlly ldenLlfy conLenL ob[ecLlves LhaL sLudenLs may be sLruggllng wlLh. S8C also
Leaches sLudenLs Lo Lake ownershlp of Lhelr learnlng.
resenLer: LllzabeLh aLe & !ennlfer nesLer, SouLh CenLral Plgh School
Audlence: 6-8 & 9-12 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

Work Sess|on
1hls sesslon wlll allow Leachers Lo collaboraLe and neLwork Lo deslgn new lesson plans and/or
assessmenLs allgned wlLh Lhe new sLandards. 8eglsLraLlon ls nC1 requlred Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhls
sesslon and CLus wlll noL be awarded for parLlclpaLlon.

LocaLlon: Medla CenLer

Audlence: 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: unllmlLed

C,'/.DB)< :'9'.# 5 6< 345 6

1hursday Sesslons 49

A4$$ B"3 C%,,2'*,D !;4/,8"3 ED1170D11

Drumm|ng Up the Iun! A Samp||ng of Wor|d Mus|c Drumm|ng |n k-2
urummlng's noL [usL for Lhe blg klds! uurlng Lhls day-long, hands-on workshop we wlll explore
adapLlng World Muslc urummlng ensembles Lo make Lhem accesslble for k-grade 2 wlLhouL
loslng Lhe groove! Modlfled ensembles wlll lncorporaLe Lhe LradlLlonal World Muslc urummlng
lnsLrumenLs as well as chlld-frlendly un-plLched percusslon, movemenL props, early chlldhood
songs, and more. We wlll explore Sound SLorles-ways Lo lllusLraLe chlldren's llLeraLure books
wlLh sound. uslng modlfled World Muslc urummlng ensembles, sound effecL lnsLrumenLs, small
percusslon, movemenL props and more, parLlclpanLs wlll brlng several chlldren's sLory books Lo
llfe, concepLs wlll lnclude problem-solvlng, llsLenlng cues, lmprovlsaLlon, and comblnlng muslc
and llLeraLure! Classroom acLlvlLles and program ldeas wlll be lncluded.

resenLer: Mellssa 8lum, WesL Muslc

Audlence: 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 60

1h|nk|ng Maps: Comprehens|on Sk|||s |n 9-12
ln Lhls workshop, Leachers wlll undersLand Lhe ma[or comprehenslon sLraLegles supporLed by
research and demonsLraLe how Lo connecL Lhese sLraLegles and acqulre ln-depLh knowledge of
Lhe speclflc comprehenslon sLraLegles: predlcLlon, vlsuallzaLlon, maklng connecLlons,
summarlzlng and synLheslzlng, quesLlonlng, and lnference. 1hey wlll also be able Lo couple
Lhese sLraLegles wlLh 1hlnklng Maps. 1hey wlll learn when and how Lo use each sLraLegy.

arLlclpanLs musL be 1hlnklng-Maps Lralned ln order Lo parLlclpaLe

resenLer: Melba !ohnson, 1hlnklng Maps

Audlence: 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 60

30 1hursday Sesslons

k-3 L|t Centers (Mean|ng Learn|ng Centers)
1hls sesslon wlll offer a menu of ldeas for classroom managemenL Lechnlques as well as many
sLraLegles and ldeas for meanlngful llLeracy acLlvlLles Lo exLend and susLaln whaL sLudenLs are
learnlng ln whole and small group lessons. CenLer ldeas wlll be allgned dlrecLly wlLh Common
Core LLA SLandards for rlgor and relevance.

resenLer: kaLhy 8umgardner

Audlence: k-3 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

1h|nk|ng Maps 1ra|n|ng for New 1eachers
vlsuallzlng our Lhlnklng allows us Lo have a concreLe lmage of our absLracL LhoughLs. vlsual
represenLaLlons enhance Lhe braln's naLural ablllLy Lo deLecL and consLrucL meanlngful
paLLerns. 1hlnklng Maps reduce anxleLy by provldlng famlllar vlsual paLLerns for Lhlnklng and
worklng wlLh complex ldeas and slLuaLlons. 1hls sesslon, deslgned for new Leachers Lo CS, wlll
Lraln Lhem ln Lhe baslcs of uslng 1hlnklng Maps ln Lhelr classroom. 1hlnklng Maps Lralnlng ls
requlred for all new Leachers ln CS

Audlence: new 1eachers ln CS
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

1ransMath kefresher 1ra|n|ng
8efresher Lralnlng for Lhose who wenL Lhrough Lhe lnlLlal Lralnlng prlor Lo Lhe 2012-2013 school
year. arLlclpaLlon requlres Lhe approval of boLh Lhe bulldlng prlnclpal and LC ulrecLor.
Audlence: 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

Wr|te from the 8eg|nn|ng for 3-S 1eachers
Come parLlclpaLe ln Lhls Lwo-day Lralnlng Lo learn Lhe componenLs of an effecLlve wrlLlng lesson
- wlLh all maLerlals provlded. noLe LhaL Lhls ls a Lwo-day Lralnlng, wlLh day Lwo Lo be provlded
on CcLober 27, 2014. arLlclpanLs musL have Lralnlng ln 1hlnklng Maps before Laklng Lhls

Audlence: new 3-3 1eachers ln CS
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

1hursday Sesslons 31

Acce|erated keader
1eachers wlll learn Lhe skllls needed Lo effecLlvely lmplemenL AcceleraLed
8eader ln Lhelr classrooms, lncludlng analysls of baslc daLa Lo monlLor sLudenL
progress and Lhe use of 8enalssance Learnlng resources Lo help sLudenLs who
are sLruggllng and drlve sLudenLs who are ready Lo advance.

resenLer: 8oberL 8urroughs

Audlence: k-3 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30
F"$(7B"3 C%,,2'*,D !;4/,8"3 ED117GHD11
Math |s Lverywhere - Integrat|ng Mathemat|ca| ract|ces Across the Curr|cu|um
1he Common Core MaLh SLandards lnclude 8 sLandards for maLhemaLlcal pracLlce LhaL noL only
span all grade levels, buL reach across many conLenL areas. 1hese pracLlce sLandards requlre
sLudenLs Lo develop skllls ln reasonlng, modellng, explalnlng and problem solvlng. 1he new
sLandards call on Leachers of !"" dlsclpllnes Lo weave Lhese skllls more deeply lnLo Lhelr
lnsLrucLlon. 1hls sesslon focuses on ways non-maLh Leachers can develop Lhese pracLlces and
lnLegraLe Lhe Common Core domalns wlLhln real world appllcaLlons. arLlclpanLs wlll Lake on
Lhe role of sLudenLs Lo acLlvely engage ln conLenL-based acLlvlLles LhaL requlre Lhem Lo reason
maLhemaLlcally. Llnked acLlvlLles ln Lhe varlous domalns wlll model sLraLegles LhaL Lhey can use
Lo lnLegraLe maLh wlLhln Lhelr speclflc conLenL areas.

resenLer: ur. 8achel orLer, 1he CenLer for CuallLy 1eachlng & Learnlng

Audlence: k-12 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

nIGn SCnCCL Advance Iunct|ons and Mode||ng! WCW, A kLSCUkCL for you!
lLL CounLy Schools ls rolllng-ouL LexLbooks for Lhe hlgh schools for Lhe 2014-2013 school year!
LxclLed abouL Lhe new book for Lhe Advance luncLlons and Modellng(AlM) course. Come and
see whaL all Lhe exclLemenL ls abouL and how Lo uLlllze all Lhe resources LhaL come wlLh Lhls
new producL! ?Cu wlll llke lL!

resenLer: kedrlck Lewls, McCraw-Plll

Audlence: 9-12 MaLh 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

32 1hursday Sesslons

kesources and Strateg|es that romote L|teracy |n the 9-12 Math C|assroom
1hls sesslon wlll be deslgned Lo offer resources and sLraLegles Lo maLh Leachers LhaL wlll
promoLe llLeracy ln Lhe classroom and fosLer sLudenL lnLeresL ln readlng wlLhln Lhe conLenL

resenLer: Amy Pllllard & MarLy 8aker, Ayden-CrlfLon Plgh School

Audlence: 9-12 MaLh 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30
D|gg|ng a L|tt|e Deeper: Integrat|ng C|osed kead|ng |nto the C|assroom
1hls sesslon wlll focus on how Lo lnLegraLe Closed readlng. We wlll be looklng aL Lhe baslcs of
Closed 8eadlng, how Lo use lL ln gulded readlng and conLenL area readlngs ln order Lo enhance
comprehenslon and hlgher order Lhlnklng skllls.

resenLer: 8rooke kays, Ashley SLanLon, & ChrlsLy Casklns, CrlfLon School

Audlence: k-3 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

I/%"J -4+ C%,,2'*,D !;4/,8"3 ED117G1DGK
nead|ng |n the aper-|ess D|rect|on
1ravel wlLh us Lhrough our LLA mlddle school classroom and explore paperless lnsLrucLlon. Cur
21sL cenLury learners Lhrlve on Lhe dlglLal learnlng we have lmplemenLed and had greaL
success. 1hls workshop wlll focus on lmplemenLlng Lhe dlglLal wrlLlng porLfollo, lncludlng how
Lo seL lL up, Llps/Lrlcks, and lesson acLlvlLy ldeas. Also, we wlll share our Courageous CharacLers
unlL deslgned Lo lnLegraLe leveled dlglLal books.

resenLer: Chuck 8ranch, klm 8ussell, ulana eplno, !ackle CayLon, Angela Chandler, AC Cox
Mlddle School

Audlence: 6-8 & 9-12 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

1hursday Sesslons 33

1each|ng w|th #Sc|encerobs
Why ls problem-based learnlng a greaL way Lo approach Leachlng Lhe mlddle school sclence
currlculum? lL seLs a sLandard of expecLaLlon of learnlng uslng open-ended quesLlons wlLh no
"rlghL/wrong" answer. lL allows sLudenLs Lo Lake conLrol of Lhelr learnlng and adds relevance Lo
conLenL oLherwlse "forelgn" Lo some sLudenLs. Pere ls an opporLunlLy Lo engage your sLudenLs!
We wlll uncover more of Lhe process for deslgnlng Leachlng unlLs wlLh a #Sclencerob ln mlnd
and also Lake Lhe Llme Lo look aL your sLandards Lo come up wlLh quesLlons Lo use! Pow you
can use Lhe age keeley robes Lo deslgn #Sclencerobs wlll also be shared.

resenLers: karen Culck, CrysLal Wllllams, !ennlfer SLalls, CM Lppes Mlddle School

Audlence: 6-8 Sclence1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30
I/%"J -4+ C%,,2'*,D !;4/,8"3 G1DL17GGD0K

LCs Got ou |n a |ck|e: ou'|| ke||sh these new Ideas
Cur workshop wlll focus on Lhe besL pracLlces our 6Lh grade LLA LC has lmplemenLed and
found successful for sLudenL growLh Lhls school year. 1he sesslon wlll lnclude how we conducL
our LC meeLlngs, wlLh sample agendas and scenarlos. We wlll also glve a sLep-by-sLep gulde
for how we go from Common Core sLandards all Lhe way Lhrough Lo remedlaLlon/enrlchmenL.
llnally we wlll model how we have lmplemenLed a dlglLal LC noLebook Lo organlze and house
all our daLa so LhaL sLudenL needs/deflclLs can be seen aL a glance.

resenLer: klm 8ussell, Chuck 8ranch, ulana eplno, !ackle CayLon, Angela Chandler, AC Cox
Mlddle School

Audlence: 6-8 & 9-12 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

34 1hursday Sesslons

kead|ng Comprehens|on |n M|dd|e Schoo| Sc|ence C|asses us|ng Nove|s

Close-readlng, clLlng LexLual evldence, domaln speclflc words, reasoned [udgmenL on research
flndlngs...1hese skllls have sclence Leachers looklng for ways Lo lncorporaLe Lhe anchor
sLandards whlle helplng sLudenLs wlLh Lhelr readlng comprehenslon skllls. uslng engaglng
novels Lo enhance your sclence lnsLrucLlon can be a greaL way Lo help sLudenLs wlLh moLlvaLlon,
llLeracy skllls and even be a sLarLlng polnL for sLudenLs Lo ask Lhelr own quesLlons and
conducLlng research Lo flnd answers! We wlll look aL Lwo parLlcular novels and classroom
acLlvlLles for lnLegraLlng Lhem lnLo weekly lnsLrucLlon. We wlll also revlew addlLlonal novels
recommended for mlddle school sclence classes Lo ldenLlfy Lhose LhaL flL parLlcular grade level
and sclence sLandards.

resenLer: karen Culck and CrysLal Wllllams, CM Lppes Mlddle School

Audlence: 6-8 Sclence 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

Comprehens|on and Co||aborat|on
uurlng Lhls sesslon, parLlclpanLs wlll be lnLroduced Lo a varleLy of comprehenslon and
collaboraLlon sLraLegles LhaL Lhey can use ln Lhelr classrooms when Leachlng lnformaLlonal
LexLs. As a bonus, Leachers wlll walk away wlLh some C8LA1 hlgh-lnLeresL arLlcles LhaL sLudenLs
wlll flnd enLerLalnlng and engaglng!

resenLer: klmberly Lucas, CS 6-8 LLA Currlculum Coach and Mallssa Lone

Audlence: 6-8
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

?4*5; I/%"J GGDK17GD11
Locat|on: Cafeter|a
Lunch provlded on-slLe for Lhose who pre-reglsLer ln My Learnlng lan. Lunch |s on|y |nc|uded
|f you reg|ster for one of the fu||-day sess|ons, a|| others must reg|ster.

1hursday Sesslons 33

F"$(7B"3 C%,,2'*,D !;4/,8"3 GD1170D11

LCs 1hat Work
lor many schools, Lhe framework for LCs ls ln place and Leachers have begun Lhe process of
collaboraLlon. now lL's Llme Lo flne Lune LhaL sLrucLure Lo more effecLlvely meeL sLudenLs'
needs. 1hls sesslon lllusLraLes how schools can relnvlgoraLe Lhelr LCs uslng locused
CollaboraLlve Cycles and Lhe prlnclples of acLlon research. 1he sesslon lllusLraLes Lhe process ln
Lerms of flve dlmenslons of successful LCs: (1) supporLlve and shared leadershlp, (2) shared
values and vlslon, (3) collecLlve learnlng and appllcaLlon of learnlng (4) supporLlve condlLlons,
and (3) shared personal pracLlce. AcLlvlLles lnclude small and whole group dlscusslons, modellng
of proLocols, and lnLerpreLaLlon of research uslng web 2.0 Lools. arLlclpanLs wlll galn pracLlcal
Llps for maklng LCs more producLlve ln Lhelr school or dlsLrlcL.

resenLer: ur. 8achel orLer, 1he CenLer for CuallLy 1eachlng & Learnlng

Audlence: k-12 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

kesources and Strateg|es Des|gned to romote L|teracy |n the nS C|assroom
1hls sesslon wlll be deslgned Lo offer resources and sLraLegles Lo hlgh school Leachers LhaL wlll
promoLe llLeracy ln Lhe classroom and fosLer sLudenL lnLeresL ln readlng wlLhln Lhe conLenL

resenLer: Amy Pllllard & MarLy 8aker, Ayden-CrlfLon Plgh School

Audlence: 9-12 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

36 1hursday Sesslons

n|gh Impact Instruct|on
!lm knlghL has ldenLlfled 14 lnsLrucLlonal pracLlces allgned Lo Lhe areas of plannlng, lnsLrucLlon,
and communlLy bulldlng, LhaL he has labeled hlgh-lmpacL". 1hls year lnsLrucLlonal coaches wlll
focus on bulldlng a deeper undersLandlng of each of Lhe 14 pracLlces, lncludlng ldenLlfylng
sLraLegles Lo help develop Lhelr use by Leachers ln Lhe classroom. 1hls 3-hour sesslon wlll serve
as Lhe flrsL sesslon revolvlng around Plgh lmpacL lnsLrucLlon, wlLh addlLlonal sesslons offered aL
lC meeLlngs LhroughouL Lhe year.

resenLer: 1homas leller, CS rofesslonal Learnlng SpeclallsL

Audlence: k-12 lnsLrucLlonal Coaches
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 43

I/%"J -4+ C%,,2'*,D !;4/,8"3 GD117HDGK

Us|ng Curr|cu|et |n the C|assroom
resenLaLlon wlll focus on how Lo use CurrlculeL ln Lhe classroom. CurrlculeL enables Leachers
Lo dellver cusLomlzed, Common Core allgned learnlng and dlglLally creaLe and share Lhelr
currlculum and lesson maLerlals. CurrlculeL also allows school dlsLrlcLs naLlonwlde Lo purchase
ebooks aL a lower cosL, expandlng Lhelr llbrary and enabllng Leachers Lo broaden Lhelr readlng
llsLs, maklng readlng more en[oyable for all sLudenLs.

resenLers: Allson kllly, CM Lppes Mlddle School & !oseph uowless

Audlence: 6-8 & 9-12 1eachers and AdmlnlsLraLors
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: unllmlLed

1hursday Sesslons 37

Camp Iocus: Lessons Learned About 1each|ng Sc|ence |n Camp and Why It can
be done |n Schoo|!

Camp locus ls a mlddle grades S1LM camp offered free Lo lLL CounLy SLudenLs. 1hanks Lo
sponsorshlp from uSM and LasLern APLC, our Leachers have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo engage
sLudenLs ln a hands and mlnds-on learnlng envlronmenL where curloslLy and lnqulry rule! Camp
Leachers wlll share Lhelr lnqulry-based lessons and how sLraLegles can overlap lnLo a LradlLlonal
classroom envlronmenL. 1hey wlll share speclflc lnsLrucLlonal sLraLegles for uslng lnqulry-based
lessons LhaL are useful ln engaglng sLudenLs. 1hey wlll also demonsLraLe some of Lhe lessons
LhaL are easy Lo seL up and plan for wlLh free lessons and maLerlals for all who aLLend! A
hlghllghL of Lhls summer's camp lnvolves a fleld Lrlp Lo A 1lme for Sclence (CrlfLon) and Carollna
Classlcs CaLflsh llsh PaLchery. Learn how Lo plan for your sLudenLs Lo conducL lnvesLlgaLlons
uslng Lhese local resources.

resenLers: Camp locus 1eachers

Audlence: 6-8 Sclence 1eachers

LnrollmenL Maxlmum: 30

I/%"J7-4+ C%,,2'*,D !;4/,8"3 HDL17LD0K

Work Sess|on
1hls sesslon wlll allow Leachers Lo collaboraLe and neLwork Lo deslgn new lesson plans and/or
assessmenLs allgned wlLh Lhe new sLandards. 8eglsLraLlon ls nC1 requlred Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhls
sesslon and CLus wlll noL be awarded for parLlclpaLlon.

LocaLlon: Medla CenLer

Audlence: 1eachers
LnrollmenL Maxlmum: unllmlLed

38 1hursday Sesslons


!"##$%& ()*&&$&+ ,*-.$/
use tbe mottlx below to ootlloe tbe sessloos fot wblcb yoo woot to teqlstet.
keqlsttotloo wlll opeo oo Moy 27 fot oll teocbets. xcept fot speclflc sessloos
oototeJ lo tbls qolJe, teqlsttotloo Joes oot tepolte tbe opptovol of ptloclpols ot
Jlsttlct-level oJmlolsttotots to pottlclpote.

1uesday, AugusL 12, 2014 Sesslon name
11:30-1:00 Lunch (requlres reglsLraLlon ln ML)

Wednesday, AugusL 13, 2014 Sesslon name
11:30-1:00 Lunch (requlres reglsLraLlon ln ML)

1hursday, AugusL 14, 2014 Sesslon name
11:30-1:00 Lunch (requlres reglsLraLlon ln ML)


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